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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A12110 The shepardes kalender Here beginneth the kalender of shepardes newly augmented and corrected.; Compost et kalendrier des bergiers. English. Copland, Robert, fl. 1508-1547, attributed name. 1570 (1570) STC 22415; ESTC S107779 143,077 197

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sure neuer to lese it● thy wil be done in earth as it is in heauen as to loue al that thou loueste and to hate al that thou heatest and that we kepe euermore thy commaundementes oure dayly breade gyue vs to day that is to saye breade of doctrine breade of penaunce and breade for our bodely sustentacion and forgyue vs al our sinnes that we haue done agaynst thee agaynste our neyghbours a●d agaynste oure selfe semblably as we forgyue other that haue offended to vs by wordes on our bodyes or our goodes and suffre not that we be ouercome in temptaciō that is to say as by the deuyll the worlde and the fleshe but delyuer vs from all euyll workes redy done and also them for to come amen ¶ here foloweth the story of the pater noster our father which art in heauen halowed be thy name let thy kingdome come thy wyl be done aswell in earth as it is in heauen geue vs thys daye our dayly bread and forgeue vs our trespaces as we forgeue our trespacers and lead vs not into temptation but deliuer vs from euyll for thine is the kingdome and the power and the glory for euer amen in the storye here before sheweth to simple people how this holye prayer the pater noster shoulde be sayd to god the father to god the son the god to holi ghost and to none other the which praier conteyneth and taketh all that be rightfully asked of god and our lorde iesu christ made it there to the entent that we shulde 〈…〉 and deuocion and he made it on a tyme when he taught his apostles specyally to make orayson and then the disciples sayde lorde and mayster learne vs to pray then our lorde opened his holy mouth and sayde to his apostles when ye will make any prayers after this maner as here foloweth shall you begynne sayinge thus ¶ oure father whiche art in heauen halowed be thy name thy kyngedome come thy wyll be doone in yearthe as it is in heauen gyue vs this day oure dayly breade and forgyue vs our trespasses as we forgyue them that trespas agaynste vs and let vs not be let into temptacion but delyuer vs from euill amen ¶ here after foloweth the salutacyon that the aungell gabriell made to the gloryous virgin mary with the greeting of the holy woman s. elisabeth hayle mary full grace our lorde is with thee blessed be thou of all women and blessed be the fruite of thy wombe iesus secondely in the boke of iesus the salutacyon in suche hayle mary full of grace our lorde is with thee blessed be thou amonge all woman and blessed be the fruite of thy wombe iesus christ. amen the salutacion of the aungel gabriell in this salutacion is thre mysteries the first is the salutaciō that the angell gabriel made the seconde is the louinge commendaciō that s. elisabeth made mother to s. iohn baptyst the iii. is the supplication that our mother holy church maketh and they be the most fairest wordes that we can saye to oure ladye that is the aue maria wherin we salue her praise her praye her speke to her and therfore it is onely sayd to her and not to saynt kathrine nor to saint margarete nor to none other saynte and if thou demaunde how thou mayst then pray to other sayntes i saye to the thou muste praye as our mother holye church prayeth in sayinge to s. peter holy s. peter pray for vs s. thomas praye for vs that they may pray to god to giue vs grace and that he forgeue vs our sinnes and that he gyue vs grace to do hys wyll penaunce kepe his commaundementes and so we shal pray to the saintes in heauen after the necessity that we haue s. peter s. andrewe s. iames the greate saynt iohn s. thomas s. iames the lesse s. philyp s. bartylmewe s. mathewe s. symon s. iude and s. mathias thyrdly in the boke of iesus is salutary scyence and is the credo whych we ought to beleue on peyne of dampnation capitulo x. i beleue in god the father almyghty maker of heuen earth and in iesu christ his onely sonne our lorde whiche was conceaued of the holy ghoste and suffered passion vnder ponce pilate crucified buried went into hel the iii. daye rose from death ascended into heuen sitteth on the right hand of the father and after shall come to iudge the quick and the deade i beleue in the holy ghost the holye catholyke churche the communion of sainctes and remission of sinnes the rysynge of the flesh the euerlasting life amen saynte peter put the fyrst article and sayd i beleue in god the father almighty creatour of heauen and of earth saynte andrewe put to the ii and sayd i beliue in iesu christ his onelye sonne our lorde saint iames the greate put to the iii sayinge i beleue that he was conceaued of the holye ghost borne of the virgin mary saint iohn put to the iiii sayinge i beleue that he suffered passyon vnder ponce pylate was crusifyed deade and buryed saynte thomas put to the v. sayinge i beleue that he discended into hell and the thyrde daye arose from death to lyfe saynte iames the lesse put to the vi sayinge i beleue that he ascended into heauen and sytteth on the right hande of god the father omnipotent saynt phylip put to the vii sayinge i beleue that after he shall come to iudge the quicke and the deade saynte bartylemewe put to the .viii. sayinge i beleue in the holye ghoste saynte mathewe put too the ix sayinge i beleue in the holy churche catholyke saynt symon put to the x. sayinge i beleue the communion of sayntes and remission of sinnes saynt iude put to the .xi. sayinge i beleue the resurrec●ion of the fleshe saint mathias put to the xii saying i beleue the lyfe eternall amen ¶ here foloweth the crede as it ought to be sayde i beleue in god the father almighty creatour of heauen of earth and in iesu christe hys onely sonne oure lord. that was conceaued of the holy ghost borne of the virgin mary suffered passyon vnder ponce pylate crucyfyed dead and buryed descended into hell and the thyrde day arose from death ascended into heauen and sytteth on the right hande of god the father omnipotent and after shall come to iudge the quicke and the dead i beleue in the holy ghost the holy churche catholike the communion of sayntes remission of sinnes resurrection of the fleshe and the lyfe eternall amen thys crede was made composed by the xii apostels of our lord of the which euery apostle hath put to his article as is here aboue shewed in the sayde crede as much as one of one parte as of the other our faith catholike is conteyned in the sayd xii articles that is the beginninge of our helth without the which none may be sa●ed ne do nothinge that is agreable vnto god and faythe ought to be at
grace of god the seconde coniecture that sheweth in lykewyse to be in the grace of god is when we be more prompt and ready to good obseruinge and keeping the commaundementes of godde and doe all good workes that we shoulde haue accustomed the third coniecture is when we heare gladly the worde of god as sermons and good counsaylers for our saluation the fourth when we be sory and contrite at our hart to haue commysed and done any sinne the fifth is when with good purpose and wyll of our selues we perseuer to kepe vs from sinne in tyme to come these coniectures be they wherby shepherds and lay people know if they be in his grace or not as muche as in them is possible to knowe the .vi. thinge that euery man ought to knowe is god for all men ought to knowe god for to accomplyshe his wil and commaundement by the which he would be loued with all thy harte with all thy soule and wyth all the force that we haue whyche we may not do if we knowe hym not then who that would loue godde ought to knowe him and the more that they know him the more they loue him wherfore hereafter shall be sayde howe shepherds and simple people doth knowe hym shepherdes and simple people for to haue knowledge of god of theyr possibilitie consyderinge three thinges the firste is that they consyder the ryght great ryches of god his puissaunce his soueraygne dignitie hys soueraygne noblesse his soueraygne ioy and blysse the seconde is for they consyder the right noble ryght gre●t and marueylous operations and workes of our lord god and the thirde consideration is for they consider the innumerable benefites that they haue receued of god and that continually euery day they receaue of him and by these considerations they come to his cognysance and knowledge fyrst to know god shepherdes and lay people consydereth his great riches plenteous habundaunce of the goodnes that he hath for all the treasures and rychesse of heauen and of the earth be his and all goodnesse he hath made of the which he is fountayne creatour and mayster and distributeth them largely vnto euery creature and he hath no neede of any other wherefore it behoueth to say that he is right rich secondly he is right puissaunt for by his greate puissaunce he hath made heauen earth and the sea with all thinges conteyning vnto them and might vndo them if that it were his will vnto the which puissaunce all other be subiect and trembleth before him for his great excellency and who that woulde consider euery worke of god should finde inough to maruell on by the firste of these considerations god is knowen to be right rich by giftes that he geueth to his friendes and by the seconde he is knowen right puissaunt for to venge him on his enemies thirdly he is soueraignely worthy for all the thinges of heauen and of earth oweth him honoure and reuerence as to their creatour and hym that made them as we se children honour father and mother of whom they be discended by a generation and all thinges be discended of god by a creation to whome ought to be giuen great reuerence and he is so worthy fourthly he is soueraignely noble for who that is soueraignely rich puissaunt and worthy him behoueth to be soueraignely noble but none other but god hath riches puissaunce and dignitie as he hath wherefore of such nobles ought to be sayde that he is righte noble fifthly he hath soueraigne ioye for he that is riche puissaunte worthy and right noble is not withoute soueraigne ioye and this ioye is full of all goodnes and ought to be our felicitie to the which we hope to come that is to knowe and see god in his soueraigne ioy and gladnes for to haue with him eternal ioy that euer shal dure and this is the first consideration of god that shepherdes and other simple people ought to haue secondly for to know god considering his great noblesse and maruelous workes the bountie and the beauty of the things that he hath made for it is commonly sayd one may know the workman by his worke knowledge we then the worke of god and knowledge we that his beautie and bountie shineth in the operations that he hath made which if they be fayre and good the workman that hath made them must nedes be faire and good without comparison more then any thinge that he hath made be it considered of the heauens and the thinges therein set what noble and marueylous worke howe may one consider their excellence and bountie be it considered also as we may of the earth the right noble and marueylous workes of god the golde the siluer and all maner of metalles and precious stones in it the fruites that it beareth the trees the beastes that it susteyneth and of the bountie that it norisheth be it in likewise considered of the sea the riuers and the fishe nourished in them the wether the elementes the ayre the windes and the birdes that flyeth in them and all the vsage and seruyce of man and consider the workeman that of his puissaunce hath all made and by his sapience hath righte well ordered his workes and gouerneth them by his great bountie and by this maner we may knowe god as shepeherdes and simple folkes in consideringe his workes thirdely for to knowe god consider the great benefites that we receaue daily of him whiche may not be numbred for their greate multitude nor spoken of for their noblenesse and dignitie al be it in their hartes be vi principally noted for the which an other shepeherde geniuge praysing to god sayde in this maner lorde god i knowe that thou haste endued me with thy infinite benefites by thy great bountie first the benefite of my creation by the whiche thou made me a reasonable man vnto thy image and similytude geuynge me body and soule and rayment for to clothe me lorde thou haste geuen me my wittes of nature vnderstandinge for to gouerne my lyfe my health● my beauty my strength and my scyence for to get my lyuynge honestly i yelde to thee graces and greate thankes secondely lorde i knowe the goodnes of my redemption how by thy misericordious pitie thou bought me dearely by the affection of thy moste precious bloude peynes and torments that for me thou hast suffered and finally endured death thou hast geuen me thy bodye thy soule and thy lyfe for to kepe me from dampnation wherefore humbly i yelde to thee graces and great thankes thirdely lorde i know the goodnes of my vocation how of thy great grace thou hast called me againe for to enheryte thy eternall benediction and also thou haste geuen vnto me fayth and knowledge of thine owne selfe as baptisme and all the other sacramentes that none entendement may comprise their noblesse and dignitie and that so many times hath pardoned me of my sinnes lorde i knowe that this is to me a singuler gifte that thou hast not