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A10581 The sermon, which Christ made on the way to Emaus to those two sorowfull disciples, set downe in a dialogue by D. Vrbane Regius, wherein he hath gathered and expounded the chiefe prophecies of the old Testament concerning Christ; Dialogus von der schönen predigt die Christus Luc. 24. von Jerusalem bis gen Emaus den zweien jüngeren am Ostertag, aus Mose und allen prophete gethan hat. English Rhegius, Urbanus, 1489-1541.; Hilton, W. (William), fl. 1578. 1578 (1578) STC 20850; ESTC S115783 385,014 486

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Which thing he did on Easter day when by his owne proper power and might he rose from the dead This is the worke of God and he attributeth and taketh it to himself For he saith I haue power c. We also shall rise againe but we haue no power to rayse vp our selues as Christ raiseth himself but he through his owne proper strength and vertue doth rayse vs vp Christ also is omnipotent but none but God is omnipotent therfore Christ is god Paul proueth his almighty power to the Phil. where he sayth Christ shall chaunge our vile body that it may be fashioned lyke vnto his glorious body according to the working wherby he is able euen to subdue all thinges to himselfe Therefore must he nedes be almighty so of necessity true god God saith in Zachary I wil poure vpon the house of Dauid and vpon the inhabitantes of Ierusalem the spirite of grace and of compassion and they shal loke vpon me whō they haue perced Here God speaketh For to giue the holy ghost is the very office of god And the same onely Lord God saith He was nailed on the crosse and pierced through the side And did not the very same happen vnto Christ hanging vpon the crosse Iohn saith One of the souldiers with a speare pierced his side forthwith came there out bloud and water Seyng that God and man is one person in Christ therefore doth the Scripture because of the vnitie of person vse this phrase or maner of speaking as Paule sayth to the Corinthiās They would not haue crucified Christ the Lorde of glory For the person of Christ is not to bee deuided or sundered Wee must not say man Christ suffered for vs man Christ was slayne for vs but God and man that one person the Lord of glory and maiesty was crucified and dyed for vs. The Godhead or deuinitie of Christ is euery foote in the new Testament proued and confirmed out of the ground of the olde Testament Paule in the Actes sayth Take heede therefore vnto your selues and to al the flocke whereof the holy ghost hath made you ouerseers to feed the church of God which he hath purchased with his owne bloud Bede sayth in his Commentaries on these wordes Paule is not afrayde to call it the bloud of God for the vnitie which is in the two natures of our Lord Iesus Christ Wherefore he is called also the sonne of man which is in heauen Let therefore that Nestorian heretike cease to seperate the sonne of man from the sonne of god and let him not make to hymselfe two Christes Iohn Baptist sayth thus concerning Christ I saw and bare recorde that he is the sonne of God. Let vs note here that which Cyrill noteth vpon Iohn to wit that the Greeke article doth declare the person Christ to be the very sonne of God after a peculiar sorte We are the children of God adopted by grace but Christ is the onely true and naturall sonne of God begotten of the substaunce of the father who was prefigured and set downe in the types of Moyses lawe who also was prophesied of by the Prophetes God so loued the worlde that he hath giuen his onely begotten son that whosoeuer beleueth in him should not perishe but haue euerlasting lyfe Saint Cyril sayth vpon these wordes He giueth forth in these wordes that he is true God by nature For it must needes be that the onely begotten sonne of God beyng like to the father must also be God who hath not onely the externall honour of childhoode as we haue but is in deede the very same which he is sayd to bee Christ also in Ioh. sayd vnto the Iewes None is able to take thē my shepe out of my fathers handes I and my father are one for which saying the Iewes being about to stone him sayde Thou being a man makest thy self a God. Here the Iewes plainly vnderstood that when Christ called God his father and when he said I the father are one that then he called himself true God and the naturall sonne of God who is like to his father as s Augustine sayth vpon these words And Thomas simply calleth Christ God saying Thou art my lord and my God. Here again s. Cyril admonisheth vs to note these wordes well as they were writtē in the Greke tong in which the new testament was writtē The Greke is thus 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Both the wordes lord and God haue their proper articles Wherupon it may easily be gathered vnderstood that Christ is not called lord or God as the angels and men in office authority are called gods but after another proper peculiar sort for he is the true and natural god But it would be long to repeate all that is in Iohn concerning this matter And this I tel you that all the gospel of Iohn almost euery chap and verse is nothing els but a testimony of Christes Godhed Wherfore my councel is that you highly esteme Ioh. gospell that you hartily loue it and that with all diligence you read it and read it again Paul saith that god had promised his gospel afore by his prophets in the holy scriptures concerning his sonne Iesus Christ our lord And here after a peculiar sort he calleth Christ the sonne of God euen his natural sonne And he sayth that Christ concerning the flesh came of the ancient fathers who is God ouer all blessed for euer Amen We looke for that blessed hope appearing of the glory of the mighty God and of our sauiour Iesus Christ And to the Phil. he saith Christ being in the forme of God thought it no robbery to be equal with god but he made himselfe of no reputation toke vnto him the forme of a seruant and was made like vnto men and was found in shape as a mā And to the Col. In Christ dwelleth the fulnes of the godhead bodely That is as Theophilact expoūdeth it substantially or essentially so that God and man are one persō and not two sonnes of god but one sonne of God one Christ And Ioh. saith We are in him that is true that is in his sonne Iesus Christ This same is very God eternal lyfe There are many mo testimonies of Christes true godhead But seing it would be great trouble and also aske long tyme to speake of them al I pray you at this tyme be content with these ¶ Anna. You haue alledged sufficient testimonies concerning Christes diuinity I haue oftentymes heard you in many and long sermons thorowly ground and proue it but you haue neuer done you make no end if you once beginne and haue occasion and opportunity to speake of this doctrine and article ☞ Vrb. Some mē litle conuersant in heauēly things perhaps wil thinke that I haue spoken many needles wordes laboured long about a little But take you good hede my wife that
this child had not bene borne for vs we had all vtterly perished for he was borne for the helpe helth and deliuerance of vs all Wherefore most swete Iesu Christ our child most comfortable which for our sakes humbled thy selfe vouchsafed to be made man we beseech thee to deliuer and defend vs from the tiranny of the deuill This is the meaning of this Germains song which I here recite because it containeth expresseth the effect of this prophesie in ful graue and plaine words because it sheweth the piety of our forefathers and their true faith in Christ First here the holy church saith that a child was borne for a special comfort for all mortal mē And furthermore it saith that for vs and for our sakes he was borne For he had no neede neither was there any cause why he should be born for himself For what nede standeth god of any creature Secondly the church here declareth setteth forth the fruit vse of Christes natiuity to wit our saluation For vnles this child had bene borne for vs we had abidden still in our sinnes neither could we haue deliuered our selues but had all died eternally Thirdly the church confesseth that this sauior or saluation happened to all which thing Simeon confesseth in Luke saying Mine eyes haue seene thy saluation which thou hast prepared before the face of all people to be a light to lightē the Gentils to be the glory of thy people Israel And Paul saith Christ Iesus gaue himselfe 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a ransome for all men Fourthly the church speaking of the kingdom and power of Christ confesseth the true manhood and godhead of the child Iesus beseching him and desiring him for his names sake which is Iesus that is our sauiour or deliuerer that he would preserue and kepe vs from eternal deth By which song the church confesseth this childe to be king and most mighty lord ouer sinne death and hell Which seing it is true it must needes follow that he is true God and that our health and saluation is in his hand and power and that he onely can and will saue deliuer vs from hell fire ¶ Anna. What meaneth this which this prophet Esay sayth his gouernement or kingdome is on his shoulders ☞ Vrb. Did you neuer see the image of the child Iesus painted as if he went downe from heauen vnto Mary bearing the crosse vpon his shoulders ¶ Anna. I haue seene it often but that signifieth his passion What other thing did he beare in his crosse but vs miserable and wretched sinners the heuy burthen of our sinnes Iohn saith This is the lambe of God which taketh away the sinnes of the world He is the good shepeherd which sought the lost and wandring shepe and hauing found it caried it home vpō his shoulders We also are the kingdom or principalitie of Christ For Peter calleth vs a royal priesthood 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is a people redemed or peculiar vnto Christ Christ is that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the chiefe corner stone or to be placed in the chiefe corner vpon whom all the other stones the spirituall building to wit the whole church standeth leaneth For the church is builded on Christ as on a most soūd and sure rocke The Calde text is in this place of Esay thus Hee that is this child shall take vpon him the law that he may fulfill and kepe it This text out of doubt hath in it notable comfort For our corrupt and sinfull nature could not with all her strength keepe the law of god For it is a law that cōmaundeth such high great things as homo 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the natural man cannot perform And therfore God sent his derely beloued sonne Christ Iesus that he might fulfil the law be the fulfilling thereof to all that truly beleue in him who although they should be most miserable sinners yet for Christes sake should they be accounted as righteous before God as if they themselues by their own righteousnes had fulfilled it and that he might deserue for vs and geue vs the holy ghost which might heale reforme restore our wounded decaied and corrupted nature so that euen our nature also might by the spirit of Christ keep the law without which it could neuer haue done it Now followeth vi most notable worthy names or titles of the child Iesus vsed in this prophesie First he is called Pele that is admirable wōderfull merueilous or doing merueilous things he is in deed marueilous in hys person merueilous in hys doyngs and his kingdom is merueilous and he defendeth and gouerneth it merueilously His person is meruelous because he is true man and yet neuertheles holy euerlasting God borne after a strange maner to wit of that virgin without mans seed all hys works are merueilous for being a child of xij yeres old he disputed with the learned and great doctors in the temple at Ierusalem But after when he came to mans state he wrought such wonders strange things as no other man could euer do as Nichodemus witnesseth in the iij. of Iohn Hee gaue sight to the blind and made the deafe to heare he droue wicked spirits out of the possessed he clensed the leprous he healed all maner of sicknes and diseases he raised the dead to lyfe he fed many thousandes with a few loues hee commaunded the sea to be quiet and straight way it waxed calm he forgaue sins he restored men both body and soule to lyfe and health and whē of his own free will he had for our sakes suffered death he by his own power rose agayn from death But look I pray you by how strāge a way it pleased hym to deliuer vs from Sathan and to bring vs into hys kingdom When he would deliuer man from death geue hym euerlasting lyfe he became man hymselfe he yelded himself to death and was buried and taryed in the graue vnto the third day Was not this a very marueilous thing what can bee more marueilous it is hee thorough whom we shall haue euerlasting life whereunto the Prophetes and the Gospell beare witnesse And Paule calleth the Gospell the promise of lyfe in Christ Now consider with your selfe how wonderfull all things be whether it is merueilous or no that our King about to erect hys kingdome redeme hys seruants deliuer vs from all euill casteth hymselfe into extreme misery yeldeth himself to be crossed afflicted reuiled and opprobriously killed He becommeth poore to enrich vs he becommeth shamefull ignominious and suffreth vpon the crosse to exalt vs to honor glory And he promiseth to giue vs power and strength against our enemies where he himselfe vsed no power nor force against his foes but was of thē taken bound whipped crouned with thornes crucified and killed To be briefe he promised to helpe vs when he himself vpon the crosse
is to come hath made al thinges subiect vnder his feet hath appointed him ouer all thinges to be the head to the church which is hys body euen the fulnes of him that filleth al in al things Many mysteries of our faith are contained in this Psalm to wit Christes passion resurrection and dominion which he hath ouer al creatures both in heauen earth and what the fruite of Christes workes to wit of his passiō is For he was by his passion to deserue and giue vs infinite benefits that all which beleue the gospel might be deliuered frō Satans kingdom haue place with God in heauē and be ruled and saued by Christ for euer But yet here in this world by faith vnder the crosse but after this fraile and miserable life opēly in glory The kings of this world do get gouerne kepe establish their kingdomes by the sword force of armes ouercomming vanquishing their enemies but this king after a new strāge proper and cleane contrary maner beginneth gouerneth and fortifieth his kingdom to wit by suffering dying on the crosse For in that he was killed he killeth ouercommeth his enemies This passing and exceeding great submission and lowly humbling of himselfe euen to the death of the crosse doth preuayleth more then the force sufferings strength might of all creatures could haue done For it ouercame Satan it swalowed vp death obtayned worthy honor glory As Paul saith to the Phil. Christ humbled himselfe and became obedient vnto death euen the death of the crosse wherfore God hath also highly exalted him giuen him a name aboue euery name that at the name of Iesus shold euery knee bow both of things in heauen and thinges in earth and things vnder earth and that euery tong should confesse that Iesus Christ is the lord vnto the glory of god the father ¶ Anna. Seyng the scriptures set down so many mysteries of our faith briefly and in one place for now I heare in this 8. Psal. the passion resurrection ascension and kingdom of Christ all in one the selfe same place comprehended and fully touched I would haue you expound and teach the vse of the death and resurrection of Christ what his kingdome is briefly And thus in reciting the prophesies concerning these articles as they offer themselues you shal find an indifferent easy way so that you need not ouer labor and wery yourselfe as of late you haue done ☞ Vrb. The fruit and commoditie of this most precious death and glorious resurrection of Christ is the redemption of mankind from al euils and calamities and mans victory ouer death the deuil damnation So that now by Christes infinite and great merites by his deserts and not by ours we obtayne forgiuenes of our sinnes grace peace with God perfect holines the holy ghost with his giftes and that blessed adoption by which we are the children of god and he our father and that after this short life we looke for the resurrection of our flesh in which we shall receiue both in body and soule and immortal incorruptible inheritance an inheritance that shal not fade euen life euerlastyng and the eternall kingdom of Christ which was promised vs in the law and prophets But al this we receiue onely in Iesus Christ the seede of Abraham and Dauid according to the flesh who purchased and deserued all these things for vs This is daily preached to vs in the gospel and all mē are called vnto this grace none is excluded none refused The Euangelists and Apostles as the true expounders of the Prophets do worthely in all places of the new testament preach and declare out of the prophets this fruit of Christes passion Paul to the Rom. sayth Christ was deliuered to death for our sinnes and is risen agayne for our iustification And agayne in the same epistle God setteth out his loue toward vs seing that while we were yet sinners Christ died for vs Much more then being now iustified by his bloud we shall bee saued from wrath thorough him For if whē we were his enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his sonne much more being reconciled we shal be saued by his life And to the Cor. he sayth Christ is made of God vnto vs wisdom and righteousnes and sanctification and redemption In these few wordes he openeth and declareth all those things which Moses and the prophets wrote before of the offerings sacrifices oblations which were offred for the peoples sinnes and offences These sacrifices oblations could reconcile none vnto GOD neyther clense any man from sinne but were onely figures of that most precious sacrifice the bloud of Christ It was he that should recōcile his father to vs and by his precious bloud clense vs from all our sinnes Paule to the Corrinthians sayeth Christ dyed for all that they which liue should not henceforth lyue vnto themselues but vnto him which died for them and rose agayn God made hym which knew no sinne to be sinne for vs that we might bee made the righteousnesse of God in him And to the Gallathians he sayth Christ Iesus our Lorde gaue himself for our sinnes that he might deliuer vs from this present euill world according to the will of God euen our father to whom be glory for euer and euer Amen And agayne Christ hath redeemed vs from the curse of the law while he was made a curse for vs for it is written Cursed is euery one that hangeth on tree And to the Ephesians he sayeth By Christ we haue redemption thorough his bloud euen the forgiuenesse of sinnes according to his rich grace And agayne he sayth But now in Christ Iesus ye which once were farre of are made nere by the bloud of Christ for he is our peace which reconciled both vnto god in one body by his crosse And agayne Christ hath loued vs and hath giuen himself for vs to be an offring and a sacrifice of a sweete smellyng sauour to God. And to the Collos he sayth God by Christ reconcileth al things to himselfe and setteth at peace through the bloud of his crosse both the thinges in heauen and the things in earth And agayne God raysed Christ from the dead and you which were dead in sinnes and in the vncircumcision of your flesh hath he quickened together with him forgiuing vs all our trespasses and putting out the hand writing of ordinaunces that was against vs which was contrary to vs he euen tooke it out of the way and fastened it vppon the crosse triumphing in himselfe ouer all principalities and powers in the same crosse And to the Thessal he sayth I would not brethren haue you ignorant concernyng them which are a sleepe that ye sorrow not euen as they which haue no hope For if we beleue that Iesus is dead and risen agayne euen so them which
wherin the prophesies of the old Testament concerning Christ are godly and plainly expounded Vrbanus WHy are you sadder wife Ann then you were wont to be and specially on this Easter day when all Creatures ought infinitely to reioyce and triumph with Christ raysed again to life What trobleth your mind Why doe you sigh so often Do you not know that Iesus Sirach willeth vs to pluck vp our harts in holines and to driue al heuynes away from vs Sorrow saith he hath slain many and there is no profit therin Do you not know that S. Paul also biddeth vs alway reioyce in the Lord ¶ Anna. I know it wel but sorrow and sadnes are not both of one kind neither be our mindes alwayes pensiue vpon one and the same occasion Doth not the same Paul also say that there is a godly sorow or heuines which causeth repentance vnto saluation not to be repented of cōtrarily a worldly sorrow which causeth death ☞ Vrbanus You say well in deed But what is the matter I pray you that you are so full of heuines What is it that trobleth you thus ¶ Anna. What was it that trobled and vexed those two Disciples Cleophas and his companyon as they went to Emaus Vrbanus O they had very great causes to be sad For as thē their harts were al blinded with the darknes of ignorance and their faith was litle and slender and they had not a sufficient and perfect knowledge of Christ although they had now a long time professed themselues to be his Disciples ¶ Anna. And the same thing also is the cause of this my heuynes For in asmuch as I am baptized into Christes death and am adorned with that most glorious and sacred name of Christ and am called a Christian It greeueth me that I find not my hart furnished and indued with such plentiful and sound knowledge of Christ my Lord as it ought to be ☞ Vrb. There be more then you that in this behalf bewayle their infirmity you are not alone sick of this sore you haue a good many partakers in this grief which tast with you of this cup. True it is there is much and often mention made of Christ and he is diligently preached and many famous things are honorably and truely spoken of him and yet there be very many which neuertheles haue not yet perfectly and playnly known him as they ought ¶ Anna. But seeing I haue so great cause of grief I cannot cease sorrowing before my eyes be opened as the eyes of those two disciples were which went to Emaus that I may haue the true and ful knowledge of Christ For I remēber I haue heard you many times say that there is no arte no knowledge nor no wisdome more excellent necessary nor heauenly then the knowledge of Christ because that knowledge bringeth with it euerlasting righteousnes and saluation ☞ Vrb. I confes I haue alwaies taught so and so say I stil and the same also wil I both say teach while I liue and my profession is so to teach and no otherwise But there be some fantastical and giddy heades which set aside Christs humanity and wil be aloft and so climing into the very heauens busely indeuour thēselues to search and try out what the euerlasting infinite vnmeasurable incomprehensible Deity of God is occupyed about And marueylously and busely they beat their braines by sharpnes of wit to attaine to those things which in the Scriptures are set down of the essence or being of God of the persons of God of the vnderstanding and knowledge of God and of predestination and other like Where it is much more necessary and meet that we geue our selues wholly ouer to learn to finde out and to know what Christ is and who he is For seeing that most high and infinite maiesty hath abased it self so extremely low as that he vouchsafed to descend into the lowest parts of the earth to vs and tooke our flesh vpon him and became man that he might delyuer mankind which was in bondage and thraldome of euerlasting death and hauing deliuered it bring it to heauen to the glory of the immortall and euerlasting life Seeing I say thus standeth the case it is not meet that euery mā should make and appoint for him selfe his own ladder whereby to mount vp to God to the glory of his maiesty but it becommeth vs to vse that ladder those steps which God the father him self hath ordayned and appointed for that ascention and we must goe in by that path and way which God the father him self hath shewed by which he would haue the passage to heauen lye Truly our Sauiour Christ in Iohn sayd grauely and for great causes I am the way and the truth and the life No man commeth vnto the Father but by me If there had ben another and shorter way if there had been an easyer or redyer ascētion to heauē God had neuer in vayn sent his only begottē sonne into the world neither wold he haue suffered him to take our miserable frayle nature vpō him for this end only that he should being made man after death raysed to life ascend to heauen and cary vs men with him to his father The holy Scriptures call Christ a Peacemaker a Mediator a Priest an Aduocate a Shepheard a Way a Candle a Lanthorn a Light a Maister a King a Head a Redeemer a Iustifyer and Lyfe itself With all these names and epithetons doth the holy Scriptures adorn Christ And why I pray you Verely because we can neither come to God the Father be reconcyled to him or haue any thing to do with him by any other meanes or way but only by Christ very God and very man To be short God cannot will not nor suffereth not him self to be apprehended or found of vs without a Medyator If you wil come to God if you desire to see the face of his diuine maiesty if nearly truly and thorowly you long to know God then you must needs first wel and perfectly know Christ our Mediator if you set light by the knowledge of Christ you shall neuer find God. Esay sayth that God hath set Christes humanitye before vs and displaid it as it were a certain and glorious ensigne or streamer wherwith he might cal cōgregate and gather together his Children out of the world to him self And S. Paul saith that In Christ doth the fulnes of all Deity dwel bodely Yea Christ him self saith a. All things are geuen me of my Father and no man knoweth the Sonne but the Father neither knoweth any man the Father but the Sonne and he to whom the Son wil reueale him And immediatly after these words he allureth vs to come to him saying Come vnto me all ye that are wery and laden and I wil ease you Wherefore I haue alway both sayd and taught that we must both learn and know Christ And I would to God
by what meanes it pleased God to redeeme the captiue worlde and to reconcile it to him by Messias his only begotten sonne We read in the booke of Numbers which is the 4. booke of Moses that Moses by the commaundement of God erected in the wildernes a brasen serpent which when the children of Israel should behold they should be restored to their former health although they were stinged with the deadly woundes of the firy serpentes and should not die of the poyson and stinges And so was it meete that the sonne of man as Christ sayth should be lifted vp that all they which beleue in him should not die but haue euerlasting life In this figure of the serpent the crosse and wholesome deth of Christ together with the fruit and vse of the same that is to say our deliuerance from death is very well and fruitfully prefigured ¶ Anna. By this figure also Cleophas and his felow might haue coniectured and seen that Messias should die and afterward rise agayne to euerlasting lyfe ☞ Vrb. They needed not in deede haue bin so pensife neither yet haue wauered doubted or bin so offended about Messias as they wer if thei had wel known Gods purpose and predestinated ministery of Christ Neuertheles they had plainer and liuelier prophesies of Christ in the Prophets then these out of which they might more certainly and euidently haue gathered the death and resurrection of Christ ¶ Anna I pray you go through and explicate to me the rest of the prophecies which Moses hath of Christ ☞ Vrbane Saint Peter in the third of the Actes reciteth out of Deuteronomie 18. a famous prophesie of Christ and worthy to be remembred where Moses sayth thus to the people The Lord thy God wil raise vp vnto thee a Prophet like vnto me from among you euē of thy brethren vnto him shall you harken and who so euer will not hearken vnto my woordes which hee shall speake in my name I will require it of him sayth the lord It is euident and certaine that in this text Christ is that prophet of whō Moses here maketh mentiō For the holy ghost himself doth apply it to Christ speaking by S. Peter And the multitude which was refreshed with meate speaketh after this sorte of that excellent prophet in Iohn where the Greeke text is thus 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 That is to say This verily and without all doubt is the selfe same prophet which is to come into the world according to the prophesies of the prophets Luke also saith A great prophet is raysed vp amongst vs and God hath visited his people And here is to be noted that Christ should first be a true man and consequently be partaker of death And then he saith A Prophet like to me of your bretheren Secondly ye see that Christ also should be a doctor should bring into the world the word of God his Father the word of life the holy sauing Gospell Here you see he speaketh spiritually of the kingdō of Christ And thirdly is to be noted that he which doth disdayn to heare this word of life and wil not beleeue it shall bring vpon him self the iudgement and wrath of God And that God for that mans vnbeleef will visite him in his indignation and will plague him with horrible punishments Of this is Paul a witnes to the Thessalonians where he saith When the Lord Iesus shall shew himselfe from heauen with his mighty Angels in flaming fire rendring vengeance vnto them that do not know God and which obey not the gospel of our Lord Iesus Christ which shal be punished with euerlasting perdition from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power when he shal come to be glorified in his saints and to be made maruelous to all thē that beleue And Peter also in the Acts when he hath recited the wordes of the prophesie addeth these wordes It shall be that euery persō which shall not heare that prophet shal be destroyed out from the people The Latine translation in Deut. sayth it thus If any man will refuse to heare the wordes of this prophet God will be reuenged of him By which wordes we see that there must be a Iudgemēt By all which it followeth that Christ should not remayne in death but rise agayne to lyfe ¶ Anna. What is there written of Christ in the other prophets as in Samuel Dauid Esay Ieremy and Ezechiel c. ☜ Vrb. They prophesie sufficiently of all thinges which is nedeful for vs to know As of the genealogy or stocke of Christ according to the flesh Of the city where he should be borne Of the pure virgin Mary his blessed mother Of the manner and circumstances of his conception and natiuitie Of his name which should be giuen him Of his firster and poore comming into the world Of his condicion and lowly lyfe which should be void of all worldly ostentation and when that commyng of his should be Of his double birth wherof one was Eternall of his Father and of his true Godhead the other temporall of the vndefiled Virgine Mary which neuer knew man. Of his flight into Egypt Of his office that is to say that he should be our King. Priest Doctor Reconciler Mediator Shepeherd Redemer Deliuerer and Iudge of the world Of his miracles Of his shamefull and reprochfull but vnto vs most wholsome and happy death Of his descending into hell Of his glorious resurrectiō and of the causes and vnspeakable commodities therof Of his passion and resurrection that is to say of his maruelous victory wherin he ouercame destroied therfore Mathew calleth Christ the sonne of Dauid the sonne of Abraham Heare you see that Christ came of the tribe of Iuda and Mathew reckeneth vp some of Christes ancetors or progenitors from Abraham to Ioseph which was Maries husband and of the house and line of Dauid So that we may plainly see that God stood to his promise and very faithfully performed that which he had promised to Abraham and Dauid in sending that blessed seed Christ ¶ Anna. I know that Mathew wrighteth a Cataloge of Christ was not the sonne of Ioseph but seeyng Christ was not the sonne of Ioseph but onely of Mary the pure virgin which neuer knew man being conceaued by the operation and vertue of the holy Ghost without mans seede not after the cōmon and naturall order of mans conception as the text in playn words doth testifie saying of whom that is of the which Mary was borne Iesus I do not yet vnderstand how Christ can come of the stocke and linage of Abraham and so of Dauid For what I pray you doth Iosephs kinne or family make to Christs byrth seing Christ was not the sonne of Ioseph In deede if S. Mathew had recited Maries ancetors and progenitors from Abraham to Marye so it might haue appeared very euidently and playnely that the promise had ben fulfilled
Psalme the holy ghost very sweetly and comfortably setteth forth Christes ascension glorification and ample kingdome saying thus All people clap your handes sing loud vnto God with a ioyful voice for the lord is high and terrible a great king ouer all the earth God is gone vp with triumph euen the Lord with the soundes of the trumpet Sing prayses to God sing praises sing praises to our king sing praises For god is the king of all the earth Sing prayses euery one that hath vnderstāding God raigneth ouer the heathen God sitteth vpō his holy throne In this Psalme all nations are stirred vp to laud and prayse the Lord who in Christ raigneth now ouer all the world If then all these thinges ought to be accomplished through the whole earth it could not be that Christ should continue in death especially seing it was prophesied that Christ should deliuer the world out of the bandes of death himself be exalted placed in the highest type of honor glory The prophet Dauid also speaketh of the battail victory of Christ in the 68. psal telling how he ouercame death and Satan and by his mighty deuine power deliuered al thē from Satans tiranny which were his captiues ascended into heauen And this psal Paul citeth to the Ephes saying He ascended vp on high he led captiuity captiue S. Augustine here vnderstandeth by captiuity captiue euen death it selfe which held al the children of Adam as sinners in captiuity and mightily ruled ouer them yea euen ouer good christiās which lay bound and captiue vnder the yoke and captiuity of Satan but by Christs death and resurrection are deliuered and redemed Dauid saith The lord raigneth and is clothed with maiesty the lord is clothed and girded with power The world also shal be established that it cānot be moued Thy throne is established of old thou art from euerlasting the floudes haue lifted vp O lord the flouds haue lifted vp their voice the floods haue lifted vp their waues The waues of the sea are maruelous through the noise of many waters yet the lord on hie is more mighty Thy testimonies are very sure holines becommeth thy house O lord for euer Here God the holy ghost prophecieth of the kingdome of Christ to wit how Christ the king of all glory so wonderfully kepeth surely establisheth strōgly fortifieth his kingdom that it cannot fall and be ouerthrown although the sea of this world by violence and huge stormes inuade it set vpon it and seke cleane to subuert it The Iewes did all they could vpō good Friday quite to extinguish this king And now that he is risen again from the dead both Iewes Gentiles Turkes heretikes and false christians with the world and Satan al their power resist him and his kingdom They forge most impudēt and shameful lies against him they lay snares by subtleties to intrap him they fill all places with slaughter of him they assay euery way to hurt him and they doe the worst they can both by force and cunning agaynst him But though they try euery thing they shall preuayle nothing Al their deuises shal be frustrate al their trauaile shal not preuaile yea all their power shall not profite them for he died once and henceforth dieth no more Now he sitteth at the right hand of God aboue the heauens and is the euerlasting and eternall God himselfe whose throne is builded and standeth on so sure a foundation and ground worke that it cannot be moued or ouerthrown Yea the very gates of hell cannot preuail against the poore church in as much it only dependeth vpon this head Christ that glorious kyng of heauen that most sure and vnmouable rocke He which falleth on this stone shal be broken but on whomsoeuer it shall fall it will grind him to pouder Seing then the habitatiō of this king shal endure for euer it must nedes follow that he shal both liue for euer and also giue euerlasting lyfe vnto vs. Againe Dauid saith The lord raigneth let the people tremble he sitteth betwene the Cherubins let the earth be moued The Lord is great in Sion and he is high aboue all people They shall prayse thy great and fearefull name for it is holy and the kings power that loueth iudgement for thou hast prepared equitie thou hast executed iudgement and iustice in Iacob exalt the lord our God and fall downe before his footestoole for he is holy This king is Christ who ruleth the church which is the spirituall Sion thorough the whole world He hath placed his throne in a high place euen in the very heauens and all the earth is his footestoole and he ruleth for euer But Sathan and the world beyng set on euill cannot abide this And when they are not able to throwe downe Christ from the seat of his maiesty they fret and fume agaynst the godly and cruelly persecute them But for all that they cannot take away their saluation although they indeuour it neuer so much For where this king is there shall all those be also which beleue in him Therefore the vngodly cannot hurt the righteous so as may truely bee called hurting For when they kill them and take their lyues from them which to the world seemeth the greatest hurt that can be then do they most profite them For death is vnto them the gate and redy way to lyfe but the enemies of Christ and his church shal in the end be thrown vnder foote troden downe and be more vile and filthy then any rubbish dirt or dung And agayne Dauid sayth Thou wilt arise and haue mercy vpon Sion for the tyme to haue mercy theron for the appoynted tyme is come For thy seruantes delight in the stones therof and haue pity on the dust thereof Then the heathen shall feare the name of the Lord and all the kinges of the earth thy glory when the Lord shall builde vp Sion and shall appeare in his glory and shall turne vnto the prayer of the desolate and not despise their prayer This shall be written for the generation to come and the people which shal be created shall prayse the Lord for he hath looked downe from the height of his sanctuary out of the heauen did the lord behold the earth that he might heare the mourning of the prisoner and deliuer the children of death In this Psalme we see how earnestly the godly Christians which were before Christes natiuitie did in feruency of prayers looke for his kingdome wherin onely or els not sinnes are pardoned and death is vanquished These true Christians desire and praye that Zion that is the church may be builded euery where and the glory of Christ seene and propagated through all the world as did Dauid Samuel and the rest of the Prophetes who with spirituall eyes saw long before that Messias should first be debased but afterward exalted and glorified through the whole world Neither were they offended at
the humility passion of Christ which of his owne free will he would suffer because they vnderstood the purpose of Gods workes to wit that he would make Christ the Lord and head of the church and that he would with great admiratiō build vp Sion the holy church through all the world They desired to see such a king and his great kingdome reuealed vnto them by the spirite yea to see hym euen with theyr corporal eyes as Christ witnesseth in Luke where he sayth Blessed are those eyes which see that ye see For I tell you that many Prophets and Kinges haue desired to see those thinges which ye see and haue not sene thē and to heare those things which ye heare and haue not heard them And agayne Dauid sayth The Lorde sayde vnto my Lord sitte thou at my right hande vntill I make thine enemies thy footestoole The Lorde shall sende the rod of thy power out of Sion thou ruler in the midst of thine enemies He shall drinke of the brooke in the way therfore shall he lift vp his head In this Psalme is a most comfortable prophesie of Christ howe hee must be placed at Gods right hande that is that he shall be exalted vnto most high glory honor dignity power But yet so that before he must drinke of that brooke that is of the cup of his passiō so by it passe into his glory Wife looke you haue this psalme in great price loue it derely for it setteth forth vnto vs two special things wherin true and sound consolation al our saluation doth consist to wit the euerlasting kingdom deuine power of Iesus Christ He sitteth at the right hande of God that is he hath all power he is most mighty all things are in his handes he is and that euen according to his blessed glorified humanity lord king of all things both in heauen and earth all things are in his subiection Therfore it well followeth that he is able to deliuer vs from all necessities calamities both temporal and eternall neither can any creature do vs harme if we bee in the kingdome of Christ by true faith Moreouer God the father assuredly promised by an othe that he would giue vs Christ to be an eternall priest Here is Christ vpon Gods othe appointed to be our priest and he is touched with the feling of our calamities no lesse then if they were his own He hath purged and taken away our sins by his owne sacrifice vpon the crosse and hath reconciled vs vnto the father yea he doth still make intercession for vs with his father 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 without ceasing and he teacheth geueth vs by his worde and holy spirit all things which are necessary for the obtaining of euerlasting helth and saluation Wherfore although Christ according to his humanity was the sonne of Dauid that is his sonne by flesh bloud yet neuerthelesse Dauid saith that Christ is his lord not only according to his deuine nature as he is the creator and lord of al things but also as saint Augustine sayth according to that his humaine nature glorified in which he sitteth at the right hand of god For he is the euerlasting king of Israel which truly erected and for euer established and confirmed the kingdome of Dauid Moreouer he is a true priest the true Melchisedech who only could and ought to giue that euerlasting blessing for that he is that blessed seed of Abraham in which onely we are blessed that is we are deliuered from sinne death and are iustified saued Christ in Math. putteth forth this questiō to the Pharises which were puft vp with an opiniō of their own learning saying Why did Dauid call Christ his Lord who was his sonne that is to say of his stock But althogh they semed learned vnto themselues although they swelled with the pride of their owne knowledge yet they were ignorant of this which they ought especially to haue known Again Dauid saith The lord hath prepared his throne in heauen and his kingdom ruleth ouer all And again Thy lord shal raigne for euer O Sion Thy God endureth from generation to generation Hee saith Thy lord O Sion shal rule for euer He speaketh not here of any earthly kingdom in earthly Sion but of that euerlasting Ierusalem And in the 103. Psalme he witnesseth the same where he sayth thus The lord hath prepared his throne not in Canaan but in heauen And againe All thy workes prayse thee O Lord thy saintes blesse thee they shew the glory of thy kingdom speake of thy power to cause his power to be known to the sons of mē the glorious renoume of his kingdom Thy kingdom is an euerlasting kingdom thy dominion endureth throughout all ages All these things are spokē of Christ his kingdom In the 89. Psal. the kingdom of Christ is called an heauēly kingdom where the prophet speaketh of the promise made by God vnto king Dauid in the 2. of the kinges where God promiseth that he will giue a sonne to Dauid which shal be a peculiar notable worthy excellent king a king of all kings whose kingdom shal neuer decay and wherin is forgiuenesse of sins euerlasting mercy and therfore both lyfe and helth For where sins are forgiuen there is the tiranny of death quite abolished destroied And here we haue true helth promised for this kings sake borne of the seed of Dauid according to the flesh in whom that eternall couenant of grace is made established The words of the Psalm be these I wil sing the mercies of the Lorde for euer with my mouth wil I declare thy truth from generation to generation For I sayd thy mercy shall be set vp for euer thy truth shalt thou establish in the very heauens I haue made a couenant with my chosen I haue sworne to Dauid my seruant Thy seede wil I establish for euer set vp thy throne from generation to generation Selah Righteousnesse and equity are the stablishment of thy throne mercy truth goeth before thy face blessed are the people that can reioyce in thee they shall walk in the light of thy countenance O Lord they shall reioyce continually in thy name and in thy righteousnes shall they exalt them selues for thou art the glory of their strength and by thy fauour our hornes shal be exalted For our shield appertaineth to the Lorde and our King to the holy one of Israell I haue found Dauid my seruaunt with my holy oyle haue I annointed him Therefore my hand shall be established with him and my arme shall strengthen him The enemy shall not oppresse him neither shall the wicked hurt him But I will destroy his foes before his face and plage them that hate him My truth also and my mercy shall bee with him and in my name shall his horne be exalted
I had so shrill loud and strong a voyce and so many tongues and mouthes that I might sound out and fil the wholl world with this doctrine God also sayth By his knowledge shal my righteous seruant iustifie many that is to say in the knowledge of him or when he shal be knowen To know and vnderstand Christ is the most marueilous and chiefest knowledge and vnderstanding of all knowledge for this knowledge alone clenseth vs iustifieth vs and maketh vs free from al sinne and therfore the Apostles in all places preach this knowledge and vnderstanding of Christ to all congregations and they speak of it and beat it stil into the peoples eares as the principall point and chiefest article of the wholl Scripture And Paul of purpose doth often vse this word in all his Epistles as in the second to the Collossians I woul ye knew what great fightings I haue for your sakes and for them of Laodicea and for as many as haue not seene my person in the flesh That their harts might be comforted and they knit together in loue and in all riches of the full assurance of vnderstanding to know the mistery of God euen the Father and of Christ in whom are hid al the treasures of wisdome and knowledge And the same Paul to the Corinthians who were puft vp with worldly wisdome and knowledge braggeth of no other skil and knowledge then that he knew Christ crucified He therefore which knoweth this Christ well is passing well learned and hath the knowledge of high great things He which knoweth him not is rude and ignoraunt of that knowledge which may wel and truely be tearmed knowledge He which knoweth Christ the same knoweth God the father and is delyuered from the horrible tiranny raging might and cruel violence of Sathan and is freeed from sinne from death and from euerlasting damnation He which knoweth not Christ knoweth neither him self nor God he is bewitched and blinded he is an Ethnick and Turk he is inwraped in the bands of Sathan and subiect to his Tiranny yea he dwelleth and abydeth in his sinnes in death and in euerlasting damnation What more horrible torment what more greeuous los and what greter misery can there be then to be in the thraldome and power of Sathan and to be all together geuen ouer both in body and soule his bondeslaue for euer Wherefore not without great cause are they heauy and sad which know not Christ because they being ouerwhelmed drowned in al calamities haue not any that can either help them or saue them They also want that great and excellent knowledge which with true ioyes filleth both heauen and earth and is our onely saluation of body and soule As Christ saith in Iohn This is life eternal that they know thee to be the onely very God and whom thou hast sent Iesus Christ for Christ crucified is to the Iewes a stumbling block to the Gentils folishes but to the chosē that is to the true godly and faithfull he is the power and wisedome of God. ¶ Anna By the grace and goodnes of God I beleeue these things which you say but my faith is slender and weak and my knowledge in the marucilous and great misteries of God is not so great as it ought to be And great darknes as yet so couereth the eyes of my soule that me thinks I can but hardly see them as it were a far of dimly and through a darck cloud and therfore I haue good cause to be sad and I hartely desire of God that he would lighten my hart with such knowledge that the true light may shine in my mind that Christ also would so feed me that I may hartely reioyce in the Lord as those two discyples did when Christ had instructed them taught them and geuen the bread vnto them Vrb. If you aske that hartely and earnestly Christ will not forsake you nor reiect your prayers he hath commaunded that we should aske al good and necesssary thinges of him and he hath mercifully promised that he will heare vs But first of all he teacheth vs to seeke the kingdome of heauen and the righteousnes therof and he crieth saying If any man thirst let him come to me and drink ¶ Anna. It is no maruell then that those two Disciples were glad seeing that Christ the foūtain of life was then present with them and made so wonderful and excellent a Sermon to them wherby they knew him and were filled with ioy and frendly told it and communicated it with the other Disciples saying Verely the Lord is rysen again Would to God I might heare such a Sermon surely there is nothing in the world I had rather heare then that Sermon which he made out of all the Prophets and in which he manifested him self out of the hid treasures of the Sacred Scriptures to his Disciples that they might perfectly know him and be partakers of all perfect and true ioy That Sermon I say that most excellent Sermon without all controuersie was of al other most comfortable and ful of power If we knew those thinges or if those thinges had been kept to the posterities which Christ then spake no precious Iewel nor Treasure were comparable to them and if that Treasure were hid at the vttermost end of the earth or beyond we ought to indeuor and procure with al speed possible that it might be transported and brought to vs. ☞ Vrb. The danger is past I vnderstand that you earnestly desire to learn Christ and to know what the holy Ghost in the holy Scriptures did forespeake of him and peraduenture you think that it cannot be known what Christ spake then and happely you think the catholick Church lacketh that most comfortable Sermon and that none haue knowne what the sermon was but those two disciples which heard it in the way to Emaus Anna. I thought so in deed and how could I think otherwise seing it was nether left in writing by them that heard it to the posteritie nor deliuered to vs as it were by hand Vrb. You are deceiued Christ had greater care ouer his church thought more carefully of the safety therof then that he would defraude and depriue it of so excellent a sermō For for that cause most especially was Christ sent of the Father into the earth that he might teach this sermon to all the Children of god You see not now Christ face to face but you heare his wordes and voyce by his Euangelists and in these same writers of his gospel you heare that sermō which he made then to those two his Disciples What haue we not that incomparable great treasure of his sacred word Prophets besides this we see in the acts of the Apostles how the Discyples vnderstoode the Testimonies and writings of the Prophets concerning Christ and how they prophesied by the inspiration and motion of the Spirit of truth which was promysed them before the death of
of the priests asked Peter and Iohn in the Actes by what power and in what name they helped the lame man Peter answered by the name of Iesus Christ of Nazareth For in deede there is none other name vnder heauen giuen vnto men in which we can or must be saued ¶ Anna. Is not the high priest in Zachary also called Iesus how commeth that to passe or how can this so deuine and glorious a name be giuen to him ☞ Vrb. The high priest in that place is only a figure of Christ and therefore hath he this name giuen him For Iosua the sonne of Nun is called Iosua because he was a figure of Iehoscuah Iesus And although God gaue the people of Iuda many benefites and commodities and increased them maruelously by these mens meanes yet were they all but only temporall and terrestriall giftes which they receyued of God by theyr handes and very trifles in deed in comparison of the great giftes and benefits helth and helpe which God through Iesus Christ hath now giuen not to one people only but to all the world For Christ deliuereth vs from eternall misery from sinne from death and from euerlasting damnatiō and giueth vs innocency helth lyfe and eternall saluation This name therfore filleth heauen and earth with vnspeakeable ioy because by this name commeth true and present helpe in all troubles and certain saluation from all calamities As Peter sayth in the Acts. To him giue all the Prophets witnesse that through his name all that beleue shall receyue remission of sinnes To conclude this in deede is true helpe true lyfe and true liberty What I pray you is the ayde helpe of all the world and worldly creatures in comparison of this can they deliuer a mā frō any sinne can they giue any mā eternall lyfe can they saue ones lyfe or rayse one frō deth or deliuer one from the deuill a fig they can But our Christ only is he that can helpe the world neither can he only but also will doth that which he can Wherfore he only and none other is that true Iesus which both in body and soule and in lyfe and death helpeth aydeth deliuereth and with eternall lyfe blesseth all that beleue in him This true helpe and helth and this holy name full of all comfort consolation was oftentimes foretold of by the prophets As in Iere. the 7. where Israel confesseth that there is no helpe any where but with god And there amongst other he sayth Truely in the Lord our God is the health of Israel In the holy tongue it is Theschath that is thy sauiour helpe or health Thus haue you heard that life is promised to the worlde in no other but only in Iesus Christ as Peter saith in the Acts. Wherfore it may be supposed that where so euer mention is made in the Scriptures after this sort of the ayde helpe or saluation of God that there Christ is to be vnderstood Christ also in Esay comforteth his church and promiseth her the seruice and ministery of the Gentiles and kings and amongst other he hath these wordes Thou shalt sucke the milke of the Gentiles and shalt sucke the brestes of Kings thou shalt know that I the lord am thy sauiour and thy redemer the mighty one of Iacob What other redemer doe we here vnderstand but Iesus Christ whō al the godly know and beleue to be promised giuen of God to redeme and deliuer the world Also in the 43. of Esay it is said I am the Lord thy God the holy one of Israel thy sauiour In both these places the name of Christ Meschiah is vsed which commeth of the Hebrue word Iascha that is saued And in the 45. of Esay it is said Israel shal be saued in the Lord with an euerlasting saluation you shal not be ashamed nor confounded world without ende And here the word Thescuah in Hebrue is vsed And that which is sayd here is in deed fulfilled in the true and spirituall Israel that is in the Catholike church of Christ which findeth euerlasting lyfe health helpe in Christ Iesu Wheresoeuer also we finde in the Psalmes Ieschuath cha which signifieth thy sauior or saluation there Augustine alwayes vnderstandeth Christ our alone sauiour as in the Psalm 119. and in many other which for multitude I cannot recite For we see thē euery where Rabbi Ishak Nathan hath gathered a great many of them together in his Perusch Aleph and Beth which you may read if you will. But here I would not haue you ignorant that some men thinke Iehoschuah and Iesus not to bee both one For they say that Iesus is deriued of the Hebrue word Iesch which as Capnio interpreteth it signifieth is or els of the true and proper name of God Iehouah which signifieth such a one as hath not or borroweth not his beyng of any other but is of himselfe as Christ saith to the stubborne Iewes in Iohn Before Abraham was I am Wherby is proued that Christ is truly and properly so called and els no man For God calleth himselfe I am that I am where telling Moses what is his name he sayth I am that I am Thus shalt thou say to the childrē of Israel I am hath sent me vnto you Hereupō some suppose this name Iesus to be the very name of God Tetragrammaton which in the holy tonge is written with foure letters namely Iod hoe uof hoe In stead of which name the Iewes for religion and reuerence sake vse this word Edonai Now if we put in this letter schin with these fower letters they wil make the word Ieheschu or Iesu which properly signifieth God himself or the deuine essence For God promised in his prophets that he himselfe would come and saue vs And we in our true and vndoubted Catholike faith beleue that Christ is true and natural God which both made and preserueth all things c. Wherefore this holy and royall name Iesus is giuen only to him By which the Angel Gabriel said he should be called whē as yet he was not conceiued by the holy ghost This most holy name was giuen him openly when he was circumcised neither hath it ought it or iustly can it be giuen to any other but onely to our true Messias For the scripture witnesseth that he is very God in mans nature Paul to the Phil. sayth f. Christ had a name aboue all names And what name can that be but onely the name of God and thus much of his former name Iesus Now the other of the two names which in the scriptures be commonly giuen to Christ is Messias which word signifieth annointed and belōgeth to a king For in the law the kings were annointed as well as priests Yet was not Christ annointed after the maner of other kings but after a strange and peculiar maner so that he is a Messias peerlesse to whom there is not an
Rom. 8.19 Our hope 1. Tim. 1.1 Our brother Psal 22.22 Hebr. 2.12 Mat. 28. 10. Our shepeherd Ezech. 34.23 Iohn 10.11 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the chiefe shepeheard 1. Pet. 5.4 The dore of the sheepe Iohn 10.7 The bread of lyfe Iohn 6.48 Our rocke Math. 16.18 Our peace Ephe. 2.14 The stone that hath seuen eyes vpon it Zach. 3.9 The stone which was cut out of the mountain without handes which became great and filled the whole earth Dan. 2.34 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the ende of the law the perfection and fulfilling of the law Rom 10.4 The head of the church Ephes 22. 5.23 The true vine Iohn 15.1 The stone which is become the head stone in the corner Psal. 118.22 and Act. 4.11 The righteous branche or branche of righteousnesse Iere. 23.5 The Lord of lyfe Acts. 3.15 The Lord of all Acts. 10.36 The king of glory Psal. 24.7 The righteous one Rom. 3.26 and 5.7 Esay 51 6.7 Acts. 3.14 and 7.52 1. Iohn 2.1 Mat. 25. The hope of glory Col. 1.27 The heyre of all Heb. 1.2 The prince of the kings of the earth Apoc. 1.5 The word of lyfe 1. Iohn 6. Immanuel God with vs Esay 7.14 Mat. 1.23 The euerlasting word of the father Iohn 1.1 The wisdome of God. 1. Cor. 1.24 The power of God. 1. Cor. 1.1 The image of the inuisible god Col. 1.15 The first borne of all creatures Col. 1.15 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the brightnesse of the glory of god Hebr. 1.3 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the expresse image of the substance of God the father Heb. 1.3 True God and eternall lyfe Iohn 5.20 The Lord of Zebaoth that is of hostes The seuenty Translators interpreted it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is almighty as Hierome noteth vpon Zach. 2.8 The angell of the Testament Mal. 3.1 Wonderfull Esay 9.6 The geuer of counsaile Esay 9.6 The mighty god Esay 9.6 The euerlasting father Esay 9.6 The prince of peace Esay 9.6 The sonne of righteousnesse Mal. 4.2 The iudge of the quicke and the dead Actes 10.42 Christ hath these and many moe most sweete epithites and goodly figuratiue names giuen him in the Scriptures which would be both long to recite and here not much nedefull ¶ Anna. It is vncredible to beleue what light what vnderstanding what comfort and what consolation I haue receyued euen of this bare and briefe recitall and catalogue of these epithites and names of Christ But what vnspeakeable ioy what maruelous profound knowledge and what plentifull and aboundant consolation would then follow euen as out of a ful fountaine to vs if these Heroycall titles were thorowly opened and euery one particularly in his place expounded ☞ Vrb. These epithites in deede plainly and euidently declare though not fully both the qualitie and quantitie of Iesus Christ our Lord as what kinde of one and how great he is and they tell vs what comfort and helpe we may hope to haue at his hands But it were a very tedious trauel at this tyme to handle euery name at large according to his dignity they shal be expounded God willing more commodiously and fitly together in an other place in the openyng of the Prophets ¶ Anna. You promised also to say some thing of the former comming of Christ into the worlde If your leisure serue I would see you performe that your promise ❧ Of the former commyng of Christ into this world and of his humble conuersation and being here on the earth and also of the tyme of his comming Vrbane THis article in deede is worthy to be diligently expounded and well vnderstood If the Iewes had well vnderstood this article and beleued it they had neuer fallen so horribly or if they would yet either vnderstād it or beleue it they would not be so greatly offended at Christ as they are neither would they so obstinately persist thus long in their blyndnes as they doe Before Christes comming and in Christes tyme they of all men in the world gloriously vaunted themselues of their great knowledge and vnderstanding of the holy scriptures as a thing in which they excelled al men and yet were they vtterly ignorant of this especiall chiefe point and article of scripture to wit of Iesu Christ how after what sort for what cause he should come They in their carnal vnderstāding dreamed that Messias should come into the world as a mighty Monarch with a puissant and huge army of men and that in worldly pompe power brauery and dignitie he should exceede all other kings of the earth and with dint of sword subdue Goym that is all nations and bring them in subiection to the Iewes and that he should establish his princely throne at Ierusalem in the land of Canaan and giue the Iewes al welth riches dignity ease and plenty of all worldly pleasure These thinges did they in their doltish iudgement grofly looke for at the hand of Christ so vtterly ignorant were they of the heauenly and spirituall blessings promised in Christ Wherefore carnally construing all the prophecies of Christ they promised themselues in him onely the externall momentany fraile brickle and transitory riches of this short lyfe At this day also the Iewes retayne these and much more doltish dreames and fantasies of Messias For oftentymes at Ratisbone and other places I haue disputed with them of Messias and his kingdome But I could neuer here any thing of them but mere doltish dreames carnall imaginations and ridiculous foolish fables S. Hierome writeth much of the errors of the Iewes how they looked for an earthly kingdome in Christ and many other grosse and foolish fantasticall fansies which I would neuer haue beleeued if afterward I my selfe had not heard them with my eares But it is no maruell to see them which are thus wrapped in darkenes bewitched with all madnesse fowly and foolishly erre seing they neither be nor can abide to be in the catholike church of Christ in which onely and els not the holy ghost doth reueale vnto mē the vnderstanding and true meaning of the scriptures And this is the cause that they vnderstand no parte of diuinitie neither haue any sound iudgement at all in their Bible bookes For where gods holy spirit is not there must needes the mysteries of the holy scriptures lye hid The Iewes deuise and dreame onely of the earthly land of promise But the Scripture speaketh of much more excellent high and glorious things then is any Iudea or Ierusalem though it were of Iemmes or beaten gold The Prophets with their spirituall eyes looked farre aboue this world vp into heauen where we shall need neither perle gold meat nor other necessaries of this mortall lyfe but inherite euerlasting life with celestiall ioy and felicitie As S. Peter sayth the Prophets speake of our saluation But let vs see what the holy ghost sayeth of Christes comming and humilitie in Zachary where he writeth thus Reioice greatly O daughter Sion shoute for ioy O
most plentifull and perfite comfort and singular hope seyng the true and naturall sonne of God nothing neding our helpe would so humble and debase himselfe that beyng our lorde he did vouchsafe to become our seruant and tooke vpon him and bare our heauy lode and burden of sinne and put himselfe in our place and suffred death for vs and payd our dets which we our selues should haue payd If at this his comming he had shewed himself lordlyke and had come in the mighty power and greatnes of his godhead and had vsed and shewed his might maiesty where should we poore wretches miserable sinners haue appeared whither should we haue fled or with what face could we now approch come so often into his sight seyng we so oftentymes offended him and know so much euill by our selues but now seing he commeth in such humility like a seruant and sheweth such humblenes modesty and gentlenes in his person may not we hope to receue of him grace and forgiuenes of our sinnes yea although we were drowned in a most deepe whirle poole of sinne and though we were guilty of neuer so much wickednesse Truly this seruice of Christ is to God a most delectable acceptable and precious seruice which he greatly estemeth and deliteth most to haue offred vnto him And this order Paul kepeth in preaching Christ De doth not first extoll magnify and set forth the great wonderful power and maiesty of Christ but he first preacheth that crucified Christ and telleth vs that of his owne free will he became weake for vs and humbled himselfe most lowly for vs and was despised and abased for vs And when he hath well beaten these things into his auditors eares then he sheweth into what power deuine dignity he was exalted through his humility As we may reade for example in the 2. chap to the Philip. It followeth I will stay vpon him The Hebrue word Asmech doth signify to put vnder to vnder proppe to lay ones hand on a thing to leane to or stay on a thing so that the substance and stay of the humaine nature in Christ may very well be here vnderstood to wit that his humanity is vnited to his deuinity in vnity of person according to S. Paules saying to the Col. In him dwelleth all the fulnes of the godhead bodily Let him therfore which seketh God seke him in no other place but in this chosen seruant nay rather in our only lord Iesus Christ and in him he shall not seeke God in vayne but shall finde him most fruitfully In him only shall he feele the fatherly loue of God toward vs. It followeth My elected Christ is the true elected and dearely beloued sonne of God whom God so tenderly dearly and ardently loueth that for this his beloued elected and only begotten sonnes sake He hath through Christ Iesus beloued chosen and predestinated vs that he might adopt vs to be his children which were worthy nothing els but heauy wrath and sharpe punishment It followeth In whom I am well pleased The father frō heauen spake these very same wordes in Mathew and can we then doubt any thing hereafter of the grace of God in Christ If God the father be well pleased in Christ surely he will be well pleased in all them which are his sonnes which do beleue in his sonne Christ as the gospell euery where teacheth vs. I haue put my spirit vpon him and so it is sayd in Iohn The Lord hath not giuē him his spirit by measure For he was annoynted with the oyle of gladnes aboue his fellowes And Iohn sayth The spirit discended from heauen like a doue and it abode vpon him And Esay sayth The spirit of the Lord God is vpon me therefore hath the Lord annoynted me c. He shall bring forth iudgement vnto the Gentils Here Esay setteth forth the person of Christ in very pleasant and louing wordes saying He commeth vnto vs not as a prince swelling in pride or hautines of hart bragging himselfe of his regal power and desiring and neding the prayse and helpe of men but he commeth as a gentle milde and courteous teacher who deliteth to instruct vs and to bestowe and poure foorth vppon vs all his dignities benefits and gracious goodnesse And here he speaketh of Christes doctrine that is of the gospell saying that it should not onely be preached amongst the Iewes but through the whole world euen amongst the Gentils also And he calleth the gospel or the doctrine of Christ his iudgement because the holy ghost by the Gospell rebuketh the sinnes of the world reiecteth condemneth the righteousnes of the whole world and al the strength merites of this our sinfull and corrupted nature and teacheth vs that they are all folish and of none effect to the deseruing of the grace of God euerlasting life and that they deserue not the name of that righteousnesse which is allowed before God and which may be set against his seuere iudgemēt And in this gospel he setteth forth offreth vnto vs the righteousnes of Christ which is the alone onely most true perfit righteousnes which is able to coūteruail the wrath of god And he biddeth vs trust in Christ which thing alone doth iustify make vs acceptable before god There be many sayings testimonies like to these cōcerning the calling of the Gentils to the gospell plentifully set forth in the scriptures in euery place as Psal. 116. Esai Iere. 3. 16. Hosea 1.2 Mich. 4.5 Zeph. 2.3 Zach. 2.8.9 Math. 2.21 28. Luk. 2.23 Ioh. 10. Acts. Rom. Eph. 2.3 Col. 1. 1. Thes 2. 1. Pet. 2. It followeth in the Prophet He shall not cry nor lift vp his voyce That is Christ shall not come after the maner of a mighty Prince swelling in pride neyther lyke a tyrant vaunting of his power and might which maketh all men feare and dread him but he shall come like a most louing and comfortable teacher and as one which wil rule and gouerne his kingdome with all humility facilitie curtesie and gentlenesse And therfore his voyce shall not be fearefull fierce rough seuere or cruel but sweete louing comfortable pleasant ioyfull and amiable He shall haue none of that stately high mynded disdainful and hauty behauiour which the princes of this worlde shew and vse Who if they go a progresse or trauaile any where are mightily garded and haue about them great troupes of horsemen footemen timbrels trumpets shawmes hornes and cornets so that euery man must needes quake and be afraid to heare and see such a stirre there shall no such a doe and hurly burly be sene in or about Christ he shall not cry he shall not turne any man away with bitter hawry and cruell wordes neyther shall he disdaine terrifie and driue men away with his hye proud and great lookes but he
and inuisible things after an vnknown secret sort Danyel prophesyeth that Christ shall be a Prince and haue his peculyar people But he prophesyeth in the same place that the Iewes should deny him kil him Ioel caleth Christ the Rayne or Doctor of righteousnes as one sent for the same purpose to teach vs the true righteousnes of God. Malachy calleth Christ the Angel or Messenger of the testament Or as the seuenty Interpretors translated it the Angel of righteousnes Many such sayings as these are in the Prophets by which nothing els is set forth vnto vs but the redy will of Christ to help saue vs with his lowlynes gentlenes hūblenes mercifulnes in his former cōming And here I could recite all the prophesies which are written of his passion how he humbled himselfe to the death euen to the death of the cros and many other things which the Prophets foretold of the spirituall kingdome of Christ and how he now gouerneth vs But these prophesies will offer themselues more fitly in another place where God willing they shal be expounded ¶ Anna. All the prophesyes of Christes passyon affirme that humble conuersation of Christ in which for our sakes he walked in this earth And therfore let vs proceed and search whē this former cōming of Christ should be ☞ Vrb. First I will speake of that sweet prophesy of Dan. which plainly sheweth the time wherin Christ would come Seuenty weekes are determined vpon thy people and vpon thine holy City to finish the wickednes and to seale vp the sinnes and to reconcile the iniquity and to bring in euerlasting righteousnes and to seale vp the vision and prophesye and to annoint the most holy Know therefore and vnderstand that from the going forth of the cōmandement to bring again the people to build Ierusalē vnto Messiah the Prince shal be 7. weekes and threescore and two weekes and the Streete shal be built agayne and the vale in a troublous time And after threescore and two weekes shall Messiah be slayn and shal haue nothing and the people of the Prince that shall come shall destroy the Citie and the Sanctuary and the end thereof shal be with a floud and vnto the end of the battaile it shall be destroyed by desolations and he shal confirme the couenant with many for one weeke and in the middest of the weeke he shall cause the Sacrifice of the oblation to cease and there shall be in the Temple abhomination and desolation Or on the winges or at the winges shall stand abhomination of desolation and that desolation shall continue vnto the end or consummation of all thinges Or it is decreed that desolation shall contynue vnto the end This Prophesie is something darke and it is vnderstood and expoūded diuersly both of the Iewes and Christians And therfore must we in intreating and expounding of it bestow the more tyme And worthy it is dilygently to be handled For it is one of the chefest and notablest Prophesies that we haue of Christ So great misteryes of our God Christ Iesu doth it open vnto vs I will therefore set downe the same in certayn Articles First of all must be noted that the Prophet Danyell prophesyed this in the captiuitye of Babylon when Nabuchodonizor the king of Babylon had led away the Tribe of Iuda into Chaldaea and the Iewes were captiues seuenty yeares of which Ieremy prophesyed In this captiuity the Iewes were much vexed and troubled For this was their greatest and heauyest crosse that being amongst the wicked Goim the Gentils they were commaunded to lay away the true worship of God which is set down in his word As appeareth in the Psalmes where the Iewes complain and witnes their heauynes saying g. By the Ryuers of Babylon we sate and there we wept when we remembred Syon We hanged our harps vpon the willowes in the middes therof Then they that led vs Captiues required of vs songs and mirth when we had hanged vp our harps saying Sing vs one of the songes of Syon How shal we sing sayd we a song of the Lord in a strange land In these afflictions miseries Daniel began to cōfes his owne sinnes and the sinnes of his people and to pray hartily euery day to God for his captiues that for his mercy sake he would vouchsafe to pardon thē their offences for which they were led away captiues and that he would helpe them that being come into theyr own land they might restore the true worship of god which had bene so lōg neglected Daniel praying thus is heard and the Archangell Gabriel is sent vnto him who shewed the tyme appointed or fulnesse of tyme as Paul calleth it to wit the tyme of Messias in which Christ should come and bring with him all ioy true happines He told also the number of yeares to wit how long it should be to the former comming of Messias in which he should come into the world and happily begin his euerlasting kingdom Secondly here is to be noted that the former comming of Christ was two wayes reuealed vnto Daniel First a farre of and something darkely to wit vnder what Monarchy of the world Christ should come Afterward more nigh and plainely and so perfectly that he might wel know the very yere in which Christ should begin his kingdome For Daniel by the reuelation of the holy ghost expoundeth to the king Nabuchodonizer a wonderfull and maruelous dreame of the foure Monarchies or kingdomes of the world to wit of the golden siluer brasen and iron kingdome But that you may the better vnderstand these things know you that God told Daniel that there should be foure kingdomes or Monarchies in the earth which should continue vnto the ende of the world to wit that all earthly power ouer Kings Princes Dukes Barons and other magistrates should foure tymes be changed and giuen to sundry nations These are those foure Monarchies or kingdoms The first is the Assyrian and Babyloniā Monarch in Assyria and Chaldea The second the Persians and Medes in Persia and Media The third the Grecians or Macedonians in Grecia The fourth and last in which Christ should come the world should haue his end be the Romans These foure Empires or Monarchies are also reueled in the 7. chap. of Daniel by foure beasts of the which the first is a Lion the next a Beare the third a Leopard the fourth a terrible beast without name hauing irō teeth Thus sayth Daniel in his 2. chap. And in the dayes of these kings shal the God of heauē set vp a kingdom which shall neuer be destroyed and this kingdome shall not bee giuen to an other people but it shall breake and destroy all these kingdomes and it shall stand for euer Where as thou sawest that the stone was cut of the mountaine without hands and that it brake in pieces the iron the brasse the clay the siluer and the golde so the great
created that God by the sonne made the world Whereupon the Hebrew tonge called him Amon because he was and wrought with his father as a most witty and excellent workeman in framing the heauens and earth and by this eternall wisdom the father created all things But this wisdome was neither made nor created because it is not a creature but the creator himselfe and yet begotten of the father from euerlasting And he greatly delighteth to be with mē Which thing he plainely declared in that great worke of his sauyng and holy humanitie which he tooke vpon him for vs This wonderfull great grace and saluation S. Paule calleth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Loue towardes man because the sonne of God although he stoode no neede of vs loueth vs with such an ardent zeale that for our sake he vouchsafed to become man and was like to vs in all things except sinne from which he was pure He truly tooke vpon him our nature that he might be in vs and we haue euerlasting lyfe in him But I need not bring many proofes and testimonies for the confirming of the euerlasting natiuitie of Christ For where so euer the Scripture intreateth of Christes true Godhead there doth it also firmely and without questiō proue his natiuitie to haue bene without beginning For if he be God and yet not the father as the scriptures do plainly notablely and distinctly make difference of the persons by their properties in Diety then is he another person and not God the father and yet no new nor strange god For seeing that there is but one eternall God it cannot be sayd that God the Sonne is yonger then God the Father as naturally it is amongst creatures that the begetter should bee before the thing begotten God cannot be comprehended in time but is euerlasting and immutable and therfore the sonne in eternity must be like the father So that it cānot be sayd there was a time in which the sonne lyued not and was afterward made It may be thus said of creatures but not of the eternall word which was before all beginning and was with God and the same word was God and all things were made by it Therfore Christ is the only begotten sonne of God as God begotten before all time the naturall sonne of God because he hath the same nature which the father hath who begot him as Hilary saith We may make similies not agreeing in deed in euery point to so great a mistery yet such as wherby we may after a sort vnderstand these great mysteries as far forth as mans mynde can conceiue of them Well then to make a simile to expresse Christes eternitie with the father If this visible and corporall sunne in the firmament had bene without beginning then the bright and beautifull light of the sunne or the sunne beame which commeth and issueth out of the sunne into the whole world had likewise also bene without beginnyng as wel as the sunne and yet the sunne should not procede from the beame but the beame from the sunne and the sunne neuer the more should not haue bene before the beame but both together at one instant and from euerlasting ¶ Anna. I pray you geue me some testimonies out of the Scriptures for the godhead of Christ ☞ Vrb. When Moses that worthy prophet by the holy spirit beginneth his book and speaketh of the creation of all thinges he maketh mention of the sonne of God and calleth him the word In the beginning saith he God created heauē and earth And God sayd let there be light and there was light and God saw the light that it was good In these wordes we may first see the person of the father where Moyses sayth God created God spake And afterward we may also see the person of the sonne For he is not onely God but he speaketh the word which worde was with God in the beginnyng and is the second person in the godhead And seing that God by that speaking or worde created all thinges it followeth necessarily that the worde which he spoke was before all creatures that it was also god And the word could not be a creature seeing God by the word in the beginning made and created all things In asmuch then as the word was not a creature and seeing it was with God the father before all time and al creatures when as yet there was no creature made it followeth of necessity that the word is eternall and true god For what thing so euer is neither creature nor contayned in time nor hath beginning that must needes be true God seeing that between God the creator and the creature there is no mean but what so euer hath any beeing is ether vncreated or created either the creator or creature If therfore the word which God spake be no creature for by the word al creatures were made so the word was the maker of all things made it followeth that this word must needes be true and eternall God. And this word is the sonne of God which in tyme became man as Iohn sayth The worde was made flesh that is true and naturall man And the euangelist Iohn beginneth his gospell which this text of Moses where he saith thus of the blessed dietie of Iesus Christ In the beginning was the worde and the worde was with God and that worde was god The same was in the beginning with God all thinges were made by it and without it was made nothing that was made This testimony proueth euidently and strongly that Christ is true and natural God for that word is very Christ which in tyme was made flesh ¶ Anna. I pray you husband do so much as expoūd these wordes more plainly for they farre exceede my simple wit and capacitie ☞ Vrb. Nay not this article only but all the articles of our christian fayth farre passe and exceede mans wit and reason But if you can subdue your reason to fayth you shall easily perceiue and vnderstand them all For it is not in this respect in spirituall things as in worldly matters we first perceiue know a thing in our owne reason before we beleue it But in the mysteries of the sacred worde the vnderstanding of these articles proceede of faith we must beleue before we see the reason According to that of Esay If ye beleeue not surely ye shall not be established But let vs interprete and expound these wordes In the beginning that is when the creatures which before were nothing tooke their beginning to be something For before that beginning of the creatures there was no beginning For as then there was nothing but god alone who had no beginning but was from euerlasting The word was in the beginning Do thou marke He saith not the worde begun in the beginning but he saith when all things did begin the word was alredy before with god The substance or essence of the word tooke
liuely word where Christ is called a father for euer so depely and thorowly sinke into our harts and because we do not meditate so of it do not so wel vnderstand it nor so stedfastly beleue it as Paul did For our harts would not so faile vs as they do if we beleued and certainly knew what a God what a King what a lyfe and what a father Christ is vnto all those that faithfully beleue The name is Sarscholam that is a prince of peace Christ hath a kingdom wherin is peace security safety freedome from death Satan and all other dangers But here is all the labor and trauel to come vnto to attaine to dwel in that euerlasting kingdom If we be once there then are we safe without gunshot then are we sure then are we in a most happy state If sinne pricke vs in our consciences Christ is by by at hand defendeth vs He toke our sinnes vpon him and satisfied for them and became our righteousnes He put out as Paule saith the hand writing of ordinances that was against vs which was contrary to vs he euen tooke it out of the way and fastened it vpon the crosse Of this true heauenly peace the scripture speaketh in many places As to the Rom. where Paule sayth We haue peace toward God through our lord Iesus Christ Sinne had made vs the enemies of God as Paul calleth vs in the same place But Christ himself wiped away our sinnes and reconciled vs vnto God so that now he is not an enemy or iudge vnto vs but a welbeloued father For if when we were his enemies we were reconciled vnto God by the death of his sonne much more being reconciled we shal be saued by his lyfe And not onely so but also reioycing in god through our lord Iesus Christ by whom we haue receiued the atonement And nowe in Christ Iesus we which once were farre of are made neere by the bloud of Christ for he is our peace This therefore is true peace when we haue peace with God through our mediator peacemaker Christ For what would the peace and friendship of all the world and worldly creatures auaile profit vs if God were our enemy and angry with vs but if God who taketh more care for vs and loueth vs better then any father doth hys children fight for vs if we be at one with him if he wish vs wel and if he profit vs what can now hurt vs how can the earth with all the creatures therein euen once touch vs Thus you heare that when we beleue in Christ we haue this peace with God thorough Christ so that we may now say If God be on our side who can be against vs and he that kepeth Israel will neither slumber nor slepe Wherefore although we haue affliction in this world yet haue we perfect peace in Christ our peace-maker 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 our Sarscholam that is the prince of peace or peacemaker He obtained merited peace for vs with God the father giueth vs his spirite the spirit of peace that we may also haue peace with our neighbour He wisheth vs this peace saying Peace I leaue with you my peace I giue you not as the world giueth it c. He also preserueth vs that we be not hurt of our enemies that we may be safe from all dangers By these epithetons names of Christ many mysteries are to be noted as that he is true God that he shold die because he was borne a mā but that he should not abide in deth because he was to raign eternally Wherby is plainly truly proued that both Christ we shal rise againe For we which beleue in Christ both are his members enheritance and kingdom shal be for euer The sonne hath prayed for vs his praiers are heard The father hath giuen vs his sonne with him shall we dwel for euer Our mansion house our lodging our abiding place is already prepared And Christ saith in Ioh. Father I will that they which thou hast giuen me be with me euen where I am In the wordes following the prophet Esay prophecieth of the euerlasting kyngdome of Christ how it should be great seyng he was to be king not only of the Iewes but euen of the Gentils also dispersed through the whole world how he should daily increase and inlarge his dominion euen to the last day and how he should execute confirme establish and for euer preserue and gouerne the same by iustice and iudgement but of this part of the prophesie I will speake more by Gods grace in the title of the kingdome of Christ You haue heard before where I expoūded the 5. of Micheas and the 2. of Luke where and how the child Christ should be borne Well then Christ was borne at Bethelem Iuda in December in the midst of Winter and was swadled layd in a manger For Ioseph and Mary could not be lodged in any Inne for there was no roume for them The holy prophet foretold this sacred and blessed birth of Christ as you haue heard And the angels from heauen afterward did declare it vnto the shepeheardes in Luke where the angel saith Be not afraid for behold I bring you tidings of great ioy that shal be to all the people that is that vnto you is borne this day a sauiour in the city of Dauid which is Christ the lord And straight way ther was with the Aungell a multitude of heauenly souldiours praysing God and saying glory be to God in the heauens and peace in earth towards men good wil. The shepeherdes which saw this birth of Christ published and shewed it abroade The starre also in the East and the wisemen which came thēce vnto Bethelem were witnesses of the birth of Christ Simeon also Anna in the temple saw this childe who was the promised author of our saluation and they bare witnes that Messias was present And this doth the whole church of Christ beleue confesse preach and declare through all the world and the name of God is preached and praised in euery place And these glad tidings to wit that Iesus Christ our saluation is borne in Bethelem is preached in euery place And Ierusalem that is the catholike church doth reioyce and skippe for ioy for this natiuity bringeth vnto vs all felicity saluation and consolation ❧ Of Christes flying into Egypt ¶ Anna. WHat say the Prophetes of Christes flying into Egypt ☞ Vrb. Mathew saith in his 2. chap. when the wise men of the East returned from India they returned into their own country an other way and went not to Herode After their departure the angel of the lord appeared vnto Ioseph in a dreame saying arise and take the babe his mother flie into Egypt there lie vntil I bring thee word for Herod wil seke
bringeth vs vnto God reconcileth vs vnto God as a Mediator maketh intercession for vs vnto God that we may with a sure trust ioy of hart make our prayers vnto the father in the name of our eternall high priest Christ As Paul sayth For there is one God one mediator betwene God man which is the man Christ Iesus who gaue himselfe a raunsome for all men And Iohn saith My babes these things write I vnto you that you sin not if any man sinne we haue an aduocate with the father Iesus Christ the iust he is the reconciliation for our sins not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world And Paul saith Through Christ we both haue an entrāce to the father by one spirit And again by whō we haue boldnes enterance with confidēce by fayth in him Christ also saith Verily verily I say vnto you whatsoeuer you shal aske the father in my name he will giue it you So Paule maketh his prayer through Christ as our high priest by whom for whom only we our praiers are acceptable vnto God the father As it is said to the Hebr. By Iesus Christ we offer the sacrifice of prayse alwais to God that is the fruit of the lips which confesse his name Furthermore it is worthy marking that where the prophets do promise to the people of God deliuerāce from sin death al other euils that there Iesus Christ is promised For we see this is the purpose of God that he wil not helpe any deliuer any nor be gracious to any but only for Iesus Christes sake As Peter sayth in the Acts. We haue saluatiō in none but in Iesus Christ For among men there is giuē none other name vnder heauen wherby we must be saued Now looke on the prophesie For both the name worke of Christ is liuely described in it He is called Iehoschua or Ieschua that is a sauiour who must deliuer helpe saue Which worde we find written in the prophets sometime with moe sometyme with fewer letters but yet significatiuely plainly set downe Dauid saith All the endes of the earth haue haue sene Iescuah the saluation or sauiour of our god And in the 119. he calleth him often Teschuatecha that is a deliuerer or a sauiour It followeth My soule fainteth for thy saluation In all these places the prophet sheweth how hartily he desireth Christ how earnestly he loketh for Christes cōming as S. Augustine saith vpon this Psal. And here you see that Christ the onely sauior was euer euen from the beginning of the world the only hope trust as well of the fathers elected in Christ in the old testament as he is now our god our hope our comfort in the new testament For no man can attaine saluation vnlesse he beleue in Christ and be a christian Esa. saith My righteous one or my righteousnes is nere my saluation goeth forth My saluation shall be for euer my righteousnesse shal not be abolished Here this name Ieschua or Iesus is often repeated for the prophet speaketh in this text of Christ And againe he saith The lord hath made bare his holy arme in the sight of all the Gentils all the ends of the earth shall see the saluation of our god And again I euē I am the lord beside me there is no moschia that is sauiour There be many such testimonies as these in Esay 33.46.66 in many other places He is called in the 54. of Esa. a redemer For he that made thee is thine husband or he shal rule ouer thee which was thy maker His name is the lord of hostes or Iehouah Zebaoth And thy redeemer the holy one of Israel shall be called God of the whole earth Here this word Goel is vsed which signifieth a sauior or deliuerer which epitheton in the scriptures is alwais attributed vnto Christ And Es saith The redemer shal come vnto Sion vnto thē that turne frō iniquity in Iacob saith the Lord. S. Paul to the Rom. citeth this text of Christ our only deliuerer in Sion And therfore Ose saith thus I wil redeme them frō the power of the graue I wil deliuer them frō death O death I wil be thy death O graue I wil be thy destruction Death where is thy sting hell where is thy victory But we wil speake more hereof in another place And yet mark here by the way that this word Goel or redemer in the prophets signifieth not only man but also very god And therfore is he much more mighty then sinne death and hel and he both wil can saue deliuer vs And thus vpō such a sure and sound foundatiō as you see is our catholike faith grounded Now note the doctrine of the Apostles grounded and stayed vpon these testimonies of scripture in the new testament Paul saith Christ is our redemption Christ gaue himselfe for our sinnes that he might deliuer vs from this present euil world We haue redemption by the bloud of Christ Christ deliuereth vs frō the wrath to come We loke for that blessed hope appearing of the glory of the mighty god of our sauior Iesus Christ Vnto you is born this day in the city of Dauid a sauiour which is Christ the lord The new testamēt is ful of such sentences Againe the Psalmist witnesseth that Christ is our shepeherd that we be his shepe that he carefully kepeth preserueth vs fedeth vs in his pleasaunt pastures vnto euerlasting life And he speakes only of Christ saieng Come let vs worship and fall downe and kneele before the lord our maker For he is our God we are the people of hys pasture the sheep of his hād And the 100. Psa saith thus Know ye that euē the lord is god he hath made vs and not we our selues we are his people and shepe of his pasture Esa. saith He shal feed his flock like a sheepeherd he shal gather the lambes with his arme and cary them in his bosome shal guide thē with yong And Christ in Ioh. calleth himself that good shepeheard which giueth his life for the sheepe he promiseth them eternal life saying No man shall plucke them out of my hand And Luke saith He is a faithful shepeheard which seketh the lost shepe when he findeth it he laieth it on his shoulders with ioy bringeth it home Iere. saith He that scattered Israel wil gather him will kepe him as a shepeheard doth his flocke For the lord hath redemed Iacob and ransomed him from the hand of him that is stronger then he This is not to be vnderstood of the carnal but euen of the spirituall Israell whether they be Iewes or Gentiles And Zach. sayth Arise O sword vpō my shepeherd vpon the man that is my felow
slepe in Iesus will God bring with him And to Tim. he sayth Christ came into this worlde to saue sinners And againe There is one God and one mediator betwene GOD and man which is the man Iesus Christ who gaue himselfe for a ransome for all men And againe God saued vs and called vs with an holy callyng not according to our workes but according to his owne purpose and grace which was giuen vs through Christ Iesus before the world was but is now made manifest by the appearing of our sauiour Iesus Christ who hath abolished death and hath brought life and immortality vnto lyght through the gospel And to Titus he saith For the grace of God that bringeth saluation vnto all men hath appeared and teacheth vs that we should deny vngodlinesse worldly lustes that we should liue soberly and righteously and godly in this present world loking for the blessed hope and appearing of the glory of the mighty God of our sauiour Iesus Christ who gaue himselfe for vs that he might redeme vs from all iniquity and purge vs to be a peculiar people vnto himselfe zelous of good works And to the Hebr. he sayeth Forasmuch then as the children were partakers of flesh and bloud he also himself likewise tooke part with thē that he might destroy through death him that had the power of death that is the deuil and that he might deliuer all them which for feare of death were all their life tyme subiect to bondage For he in no sort tooke the angels but he tooke the seed of Abraham Wherfore in all things it became him to be made like vnto his brethren that he might be mercifull and a faythfull high priest in things concerning God that he might make reconciliation for the sinnes of the people For in that he suffred and was tempted he is able to succour all them that be tempted In the same place the Apostle sayth that Christ by the grace of God tasted of death for all men Read the whole epistle to the Hebr. but especially the 5. 7. 8. 9. 10. chap. concerning Christes priesthood and sacrifice for it is in deede a most worthy and precious treasure Peter sayth Blessed be God euen the father of our lord Iesus Christ which according to his aboundaunt mercy hath begotten vs agayne vnto a liuely hope by the resurrection of Iesus Christ from the dead And it followeth You are not redemed with corruptible things as with siluer and gold from your vayne conuersation receiued by the traditions of the fathers but with the precious bloud of Christ as of a lambe vndefiled and without spot which was lord before the foundation of the world but was declared in the last tymes for your sakes which by his meanes doe beleue in God that raysed him from the dead and gaue him glory that your faith hope might be in God. And agayne Christ himselfe bare our sinnes in his body on the tree that we being deliuered from sinne should liue in righteousnesse Christ also hath once suffred for sins the iust for the vniust that he might bring vs to god And Ioh. saith The bloud of Iesus Christ the sonne of God clenseth vs from all sinne And againe We haue an aduocate with the father Iesus Christ the iust and he is the reconciliatiō for our sinnes ▪ and not for ours onely but also for the sinnes of the whole world It followeth Your sinnes are forgiuen you for his names sake And againe For this purpose appeared the sonne of God that he might loose the workes of the deuill And again In this appeared the loue of God toward vs because God sent his only begotten sonne into the world that we might liue through him Herein is loue not that we loued God but that he loued vs and sent his sonne to be a recōciliation for our sinnes To be briefe this is the pithe of all the Apostles preaching And this is the summe of their doctrine that we obtaine forgiuenesse of all our sinnes and euerlasting lyfe by none other but only by Iesus Christ and by no other worke but by his most precious death and victorious resurrection Therfore Peter with great boldnes instructing the Iewes concerning Christ comprehendeth all the whole matter briefly in few wordes in the 4. chap. of the Acts where he sayth You haue crucified Christ whom God raysed frō the dead This is the stone which was cast aside of you builders which is become the head of the corner neither is there saluation in any other For among men there is giuen none other name vnder heauen wherby we must be saued And Paul to the Cor. saith Christ died for our sinnes according to the scripture and was buried and rose agayne the third day according to the scriptures And if Christ be not raised agayne then is our preaching vayne and your fayth vayne Ye are yet in your sinnes and so they which are a sleepe in Christ are perished If in this life onely we haue hope in Christ we are of all men the most miserable But now is Christ risen from the dead and was made the first fruits of them that slept For since by man came death by man came also the resurrection of the dead For as in Adam all die euen so in Christ shall all be made alyue S. Augustine hath a learned and worthy saying namely that one resurrection of Iesus Christ saith he hath giuen vs two resurrections to wit one spiritual from our sinnes and the other corporal For when as Christ rayseth vs vp from the spirituall death of sinne by his holy Gospell and lighteneth our hartes with the knowledge of Gods grace and our sinnes When he pardoneth our sinnes and whē he giueth vs the holy ghost then do we rise from our wickednesse and are counted righteous in the sight of god This resurrection is here in earth by fayth in Christ which we receyue whē we heare his word in the holy gospell As Christ sayth in Iohn Verily verily I say vnto you the houre shal come and now is when the deade shall heare the voyce of the sonne of God and they that heare shal liue Which words are spoken of the rising from our sinnes as S. Augustine expoundeth them The other resurrection which Christ hath deserued wrought or obtayned for vs by his resurrection is that resurrection of the body which shal be in the last day Of which Iohn sayth thus The houre shall come in the which all that are in the graues shall heare his voyce And they shall come forth that haue done good vnto the resurrection of lyfe but they that haue done euill vnto the resurrection of condemnation And Paul saith to the Thes If we beleue that Iesus is dead is risen euen so them which slepe in Iesus will God bring with hym For this say we vnto you by the worde of the Lord that we which
lyue and are remaining in the comming of the Lord shal not preuent them which sleepe For the Lord himselfe shal descend from heauen with a shout and with the voice of the Archangel with the trump of God the dead in Christ shal rise first Thē shal we which liue and remain be caught vp with them al in the clouds to mete the Lord in the ayre and so shall we euer be with the Lord wherfore comfort your selues one another with these wordes An. I haue oftentimes bene tēpted about our resurrectiō these cogitatiōs greuously vexe me Christ did rise in his owne power strength as true God but how shal we poore wretches rise which cannot remooue or driue away from vs euen the lest sicknes that hapneth to vs wherfore I besech you tell me how Christes resurrection maketh vs to rise Vrb. Whose sinnes were they which Christ did beare An. It is manifest certain that he bare our sinnes Vrb. What maner of nature was it which Christ tooke vpon him An. It was our nature For we beleue that he toke vpon him our very humaine nature Vrb. Wherfore did the son of God take vpon hym our nature in the vniō of his deuine euerlasting person why did he take vpon him our sinnes An. He became true man for our sakes toke vpō him our sins that he might be a true oblation and sacrifice for them on the crosse and wipe them away and reconcile God the father vnto vs. Vrb. I heare you say that our sinnes were the cause of Christes death but what hurt did sinne vnto vs men An. It brought vpon vs an horrible destruction decay of al mans strength as wel of body as soule together with euerlasting death and condemnation Vrb. Seyng then that Christ by his death satisfied for our sinnes and suffered death for them that he might put them away it is not to be doubted but that he also abolished and destroyed death which had rule dominion ouer vs But if he destroyed death in vs as I say he did it followeth well that we shall rise agayne to lyfe For he did not these most worthy workes to wit that he suffred that he dyed that he rose again for himself or for his own cause for he is innocent free frō all sin so that he had no nede to do any of al these for himself nay there was no cause why he should do these things in respect of himself or in his owne behalfe but for vs Yea whatsoeuer he did or suffred he did it suffred it al for our sakes profit he gaue vs that his victory ouer deth This therfore is a good consequēt Christ died for our sins rose again for our iustificatiō Therfore shal we also rise in our flesh otherwise should we deny the vertue operation of Christs passion resurrection in our nature and be worse and more wicked thē Turks or Ethnikes which deny Christ An. Now you bring into my remembrance the 15. cha of the first to the Corrinthians which you do so highly and often commend vnto me wherin you say that Paule hath so coupled and ioyned Christes and our resurrection together that they can in no wise be seperated ☞ Vrb. That chap. hath such and so much sweete and sound comfort in it that I wish all christians in the worlde would wel faithfully remember it Paul in that cha reasoneth thus Christ is risen from the dead therefore shal we also rise againe from the dead because he dyed and rose againe only for our sakes for our saluation If we should stil abide in death then the death and resurrection of Christ had nothing profited vs neyther had they wrought any alteration in our nature but we had still bene should so haue continued in death euen as in our earthly father Adam we were borne to die But god forbid it were so our hope is sure For as it is certaine that Christ rose from death sitteth at the right hand of God so certain is it that we shal rise again because Christ is our head our bridegrome our redeemer our life And therfore wheresoeuer Christ remaineth and is there must nedes we also be abide for euer There is no cause why you should dout left Christ our head should leaue vs his beloued members spirituall body here behynde him in earth Marke what Paul teacheth vs in the 5. to the Eph. Note how he bindeth vs tieth vs to Christ We are saith he the members of his body of his flesh and of his bones ¶ Anna. Blessed be God our louing fauorable and heauenly father for euer euer for these infinite riches of his grace These wordes of Paul do greatly comfort ioy vs for if we be the members of Christ of his flesh surely there is no doubt but as Christ did rise again in his owne body euen so shal we also rise agayne in our bodies vnto euerlasting life by the power of the glorious resurrection of Christ Vrb. This is as certaine as you see now your selfe and heare your selfe speake ¶ Anna. But the condicion state of our bodies shal not then be such as they be now for now our bodies eate drinke slepe are subiect to wearines We eate disgest and waxe hungry and they that do not eate and drink must nedes decay and die But though we do eate and drinke yet can not these earthly meates or drinkes maintayne our lyfe here for euer For when we be olde and sickly and when our stomacks leese their naturall heate and disgesture then can neither meat nor drinke help preserue or prolong our life But when the natural helth strength is gone we end our dayes and die It must nedes therfore be a strange kinde of meate which we shal eate in the world to come which maketh vs liue for euer And the condicion and state of our body which shal be then must nedes be far differing from this and much better more excellent happy and blessed thē either hart can thinke or we desire ☞ Vrb. Paul hath taught this euidently plainly manifestly in his epistle to the Phil. where he saith Christ in the last day shal change our vile body that it may be fashioned like vnto his glorious bodye according to the working wherby he is able euen to subdue al things vnto himself Lo both in this place to the Cor. he saith the our bodies in the last resurrection shal be pure cleare and vnspotted like the stars of the firmament and lyke the sunne moone And among other things he saith that this body of ours is as a graine of corne sowen in the earth in corruption and is raised in incorruption it is sowne in dishonour and raysed in glory it is sowen in weaknes and is raised in power it is sowen a natural body is raised a spiritual body that is to say
the light of the Lord. ¶ Anna. The prophets vse a straunge kinde of speakyng when they prophesie of Christes kingdome for they speake of some temporall or politike kingdom here in this earth For Esay saith that the whole world shall run together to the hill Sion in Ierusalem and there shall all the world heare the worde of God and there shal be no more warre in the earth but true perfect and euerlasting peace amongst all men yet this is impossible and vncredible ☞ Vrbanus The prophets haue their 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and peculiar maner of speaking but when they prophesie of the kingdome of Christ thē especially they vse strāge and figuratiue wordes and rare speches which are full of figures and similitudes as if they should speake of corporall kingdoms on earth and of the great mighty potentates of this world But I told you in the beginning of this our talke out of the first of Peter that the Prophets speake of a much more excellent thing then at the first sight their wordes seeme to import vnto men which are not well seene in scriptures to wit they speake of eternall saluation and of Iesus Christ the sonne of God how he should come into the world and be borne of the virgin Mary true man of the stocke of Abraham and Dauid and how he should beare the sinnes of the world and by his death take away our death with all our iniquities and sinnes and how he should rise agayne from death and receiue all power in heauen and on earth and giue vnto all faithful christiās his eternall kingdom with life euerlasting which kingdome of his shall containe such glory as eies haue not sene eares haue not heard neither hath entred into the hart of man as Esay saith In so much that all maiesty might magnificence brightnesse beauty power riches glory dignitye honours worshippes pleasures ioy peace tranquillitie comforte fortitude strength and vigour yea life in this worlde And to be short what pleasure or happinesse so euer this visible and frayle worlde contayneth are not all so much as a shadowe in comparison of the glorye to come in the kingdome of Christ Wherfore seyng the Prophets speake of such great and meruailous thinges promised vs in Christ as farre passe all our vnderstanding and capacitie and are so wonderfull that euen the Angels in heauen are glad and reioyce at them they are constrayned to vse similitudes and comparisons and to speak as if they spake of corporal states and earthly things of worldly kingdomes and of corporall honour peace glory and such other that by the visible temporall known things which are set forth to our eyes and senses they might moue and draw vs to consider and with harty praiers to desire those spirituall inuisible and eternall things for the possession and enioying of which we together with the angels are ordained For we must wander here a tyme as strangers or pilgrimes in this visible world but at the last we shall be made lyke to the angels and be placed in the spiritual and heauenly kingdom of Christ in the fellowship of Angels And here if we well consider the prophesies of the Prophetes we may easily vnderstand and iudge by the circumstances of these writings that they speake of the spirituall and heauenly kingdome For they attribute such great thinges vnto the kingdome of Christ as are not to be found in any earthly kingdome As in that they say that the king of this kingdome shall be poore and contemned in this worlde and shall teache suffer dye and be buried and yet for all that by this meanes become a great and victorious prince ouer sinne death and Sathan and raigne a king for euer But what a happy thing is it that we haue the newe testament the writings of the Apostles and Euangelistes which are the most sure and true interpreters of the Prophetes But now when we heare in the new Testament that the kingdome of Christ is not of this world but spirituall heauenly and eternall we must needes vnderstand the Prophets according to the exposition thereof which if we do we can neuer erre nor be deceyued ¶ Anna. I pray you tell me what Esay meaneth by these his figuratiue wordes what is that of which he speaketh which is that house of God whether run the Gentils ☞ Vrb. I neede not expound it for Paule expoundeth it to the Hebrues where he sayeth You are come to the mount Sion and to the city of the liuing GOD the celestiall Ierusalem and to the company of innumerable Angels and to the congregation of the first borne which are written in heauen Here we see that the earthly mount Sion the house of Dauid and the earthly Ierusalem is nothyng els but a figure of the spirituall mount Sion and the heauenly Ierusalem that is of the catholike church of all the elect Into this mount and to this true Ierusalem which is the house of the liuyng God all nations come on heapes The holy ghost was sent from heauen in mās sight manifestly into this earthly Sion and Ierusalem In it also was the gospell preached by Christ and his Apostles There also began the church by the reuelation of the new testament so the doctrine of Christ went out of Sion and taried not only there but was published through all the whole world that the heauenly Ierusalem beyng spred through all nations myght be builded agayn as Christ witnesseth in Luke where he sayth It behoueth Christ to suffer and to rise again from the dead the third day and that repentaunce and remission of sinnes should be preached in his name among all nations This should begin first at Ierusalem whether all nations come on heapes to heare the gospell preached How far and wide did euē Paul himselfe by preaching spred the Gospell how many people leauing the erronious and idolatrous race of their vngodly lyfe run then into the mount of the lord that they might learne his law and gospell For the lord iudged among the nations when by the spirit and gospell he reprehended the world of sinne that they might acknowlege their wickednes and repent and desire the grace of Christ and so be made faithfull christians by faith haue inwarde peace with god Swordes among christians are turned into shares when they enioy through the gospell celestiall peace when their hartes conceiue true perfect peace with God and when they liue peaceably with their neighbors and alway study peace Christes kingdome is thus at peace Mē are humble and submit thēselues one to another they do not braule and striue bitterly enuiously about trifles but are merciful towards their neighbors oppressed with calamity and they shew thē selues gentle pitifull lowly and humble vnto al men and redy to maintaine iustice equity and vpright dealing they know not how to faine or dissemble but are plaine simple and mercifull dealers with all men c. And to be
deadly sicknes of sinne and ouercome the power of darknes thorough the might and power of this signe Christ crucified But it is especially to be marked that the prophet saith All nations shal seke vnto him The 70. translaters haue interpreted these wordes thus Which shall rise again to be the king of the Gentiles that is of all people in the earth in him shal the Gentils trust Like as the patriarke Iacob said according to the exposition of the 70. translaters in these wordes Siloh shall be the hope or expectation of the Gentils Here haue we a plaine euident testimony of the calling of the Gentiles to the grace of the gospell For they shal enquire after Christ or seeke him as their only sauiour put all their hope trust in him What els is this but that they shall acknowledge Christ to bee true GOD and true man of the stocke of Dauid For hope in the first commaundement is the honour due onely and soly vnto the true and liuing god And thus the kingdome of Christ according to this prophesy shall be as wide and large as the whole worlde so that the Iewes shall bee the least and smallest parte of Christes kingdome And euen all the Iewes vnderstande this chapter of Messias who should recouer and restore the kingdome of Israel And where as the Prophet sayth His rest shall be glorious that is his death and buriall shall be glorious for his body is neither corrupt nor rotten He died an innocent whose death brought all vs the childrē of Adam out of eternall death and shame into euerlasting honour and glory For Christ by this his most holy and sacred death entred into his glorious and euerlasting kingdome and so after his death began his raigne in lyfe And when as the Iewes supposed that hee was dead in deede and quite extinguished al those things which he had promised and spoken to be vaine and of none effect as Cleophas also and his companions supposed then beeing risen from death to life came forth and ouercame and quite destroyed and killed death and became glorious and was made kyng both of the Iewes and Gentiles and raigneth for euer throwyng downe his enemies with euerlastyng shame First therfore in these wordes is contained the deth of Christ for the prophet sayth his rest And afterward is noted his glorious victorious resurrection For the prophet saith that his rest shal be glorious but his rest or death could not haue bene glory or glorious or honorable if he had abiden still in death wrought done nothing by it In Exodus it is written that the lord stretched out his hande and by his great miracles declared his power that he might deliuer his captiue afflicted and oppressed people out of Egypt and bring them vnto the promised land of Canaan And here the Prophet doth agayne promise such a deliueraunce but a much more glorious and meruailous deliueraunce then that was when hee drowned Pharao with all his hoste in the red sea and brought his people out of all danger into the land of promise without hurt and harme The deliuerance out of Egypt was but onely a figure of this deliueraunce of which the prophet speaketh here For God wil deliuer the remnant of the Iewes and Gentiles out of the eternall captiuity of Satan by Iesus Christ and gather them all together into the kingdom of heauen where they shall neuer suffer eyther damage detriment or losse And he calleth all nations throughout all the whole worlde For saluation hath extended it selfe to all the world that the dispersed and wandring children of god might be gathered together out of all quarters of the earth as Christ himselfe saith in Iohn And I if I were lift vp from the earth will draw all men vnto me And agayne Christ should dye for the nations not for the nations onely but that he should gather together in one the children of God which were scattred abroade The prophet Esay singeth a notable Psalme of this great and inexplicable benefite of the true and spirituall redemption in Christ wherby we be deliuered from euerlasting damnation And in that Psalme he meruailously setteth forth the goodnes of god in Christ saying Behold God is my saluation I will trust and wil not feare for the lord God is my strength and song he also is become my saluation If Cleophas and his companion had known him to be the sauiour and deliuerer of Israel as well as Esay did they had neuer bene in harte so heauy as they were It followeth in the prophet Esay Therefore with ioye shall ye drawe waters out of the welles of saluation And yee shall say in that daye prayse the Lorde call vppon his name declare his workes among the people make mention of them For hys name is exalted Syng vnto the Lorde for he hath done excellent thinges This is known in all the world Cry out and shoute O inhabitant of Sion for great is the holy one of Israel in the midst of thee Note here how greatly and aboundantly the prophet reioiceth in spirit or the bountiful grace of god offred in Christ our only sauiour and deliuerer When the gospel of God is taught vnto vs then is the holy ghost with all his graces giuen vnto vs to wit remission of sinnes peace of conscience true ioy He is the true fountain spring of the liuing water of which Christ speaketh in Iohn saying The water that I shall giue him shall be in him a well of water springing vp into euerlasting life And againe Christ sayth If any mā thirst let him come to me drinke he that beleueth in me as saith the scripture out of his belly shal flow riuers of water of life He spake this of the spirit which they that beleue in him should receiue For he obtained this holy ghost by his deth for vs and he mightily shewed forth to vs how that by his death the victory of his resurrection he ouercame sinne death and Satan The true Sion that is the catholike church of the faithfull doth in dede and not without good occasion reioice shout for ioy yea she may well and worthily glory For she hath gotten forgiuenes of sinnes righteousnes the holy ghost peace of conscience and euerlasting saluation For Paul sayth to the Corinthiās That God hath giuen vs a glorious victory triumph ouer the law sin death hel through our lord Iesus Christ Esay prophesieth in like maner in his 25. chapter of the victory of Christ saying God Messias will destroy death for euer and the Lord God will wipe away the teares from all faces and the rebuke of his people wil he take away out of all the earth For the lord hath spoken it Now then if Christ hath swallowed vp death then are we surely deliuered from it For death neither hath nor euer had power ouer Christ because he was
The prophet also confirmeth that cōfortable promise of Christ signifying that although to the carnall eye the Church seemeth very small and litle and as though God had forsaken it and that it were as a forlorn perished thing yet it should be great For god shal be her spouse Feare not for thou shalt not be ashamed neither shalt thou be cōfoūded for thou shalt not be put to shame yea thou shalt forget the shame of thy youth and shalt not remember the reproch of thy widdowhead any more for he that made thee is thine husband whose name is the Lord of hostes and thy redeemer the holy one of Israell shall be called the God of the whole world this is a spirituall mariage and we may haue great comfort in it S. Paule doth famously paint out and amplify this comfort in the epistle to the Ephesians And he calleth it a great mistery that God him selfe would in mans nature bespouse vs to him selfe and ioyne vs with him in the bond of mariage wherby now we learne that whatsoeuer is Gods is ours and what is ours the same doth God take away and lay them all vpon him selfe as they were his owne We haue sinnes and death with the euerlasting curse and damnatiō Christ hath righteousnes lyfe and saluation So then those euill hurtfull deadly thinges of ours doth he ouercome destroy and take from vs in stead thereof he freely geueth vs all these other good treasures of his Is not this I pray you an amiable and sweete mariage So then as an honest wife doth promise her selfe all happines of her husbands head whome she hath euer found faythfull and loyall and as of the other side the good husband entirely loueth cherisheth and delighteth in such a wife so standeth the case betweene God and vs. We may therfore be of good courage and reioyce alwayes in the Lord and not be dismaide in any extremitye either when sinne troubleth our consciences or when death terrifieth vs For we shall not be confounded we shall not be ashamed For he that defendeth vs both can and will redeeme vs from all euils And note in this place that he sayth our redeemer to wit Christe shall be called the God of the whole world or God in all the earth Heare we see the diuinitie of Christ and that men should acknowledge and worship Christ through the whole world as true and onely God. And note this also that the Church looketh lyke a forsaken and mourning woman whereupon we gather that her exceeding great ioy is here in hope but after this life her glory shall be made manifest If then she must be sorowful heare in the earth Christes kingdome is not a corporall or earthly kingdome for he sayth But for all this the Lord hath called thee being as a woman forsaken afflicted in spirit as a yong wife when thou wast refused sayth thy God. But for all this there is no daūger she shall not be vtterly forsakē The world counteth the church a forsaken and miserable people but God sayth in mine anger I hid my face from thee for a litle seasō but with euerlasting mercy haue I had compassiō on thee sayth the Lord thy redeemer Note how frendly and fayre the Lord speaketh to the Church comforting her and promising that her crosse and sorrow should not continue alwayes but her ioy and fame shall neuer haue end And so doth Paule comfort vs to the Romaines and Corinthians Esay addeth also a similitude wherin he sayth that God would shew his mercy vpon vs and how he would doe it As he promised grace vnto Noe saying that he would neuer after drowne the world with water and he gaue him the rainebow for a signe So also will he firmely constantly performe to vs his promised grace these be the prophets wordes For it is vnto me as the waters of Noe for as I haue sworn that the waters of Noe should no more goe ouer the earth so haue I sworne that I would not be angry with thee nor rebuke thee for the mountaines shall remoue and the hills shall fall downe but my mercy shall not depart from thee neither shall the couenaunt of my peace fall away sayth the Lord that hath compassion on thee Which is thus much to say Although thy aduersaries be strong yet shall they not be able to hurt or destroy thee They shall feare fall and vanish away but my grace and health shall not be remoued but remain for euer For I haue made a couenaunt of grace with thee O this is a comfortable worde that the Lord saith he will not be our Iudge but our mercifull Father And yet the afflictions of the church shall not onely be short but they shall serue to this end to increase and multiply the faythful The more the church is afflicted the more fruitfully it increaseth For the Lord doth with it as the quarriers or rough masons doe with the rough stones of bricke which they chop and hewe with their mallet now on this side thē of that striking of the knobbs that they may make them square and fit for the building so doth the crosse hew and cut the old man with his lusts and concupiscence and this is the cause that god suffereth his Church to be afflicted crossed persecuted to make it by crossing it a goodly fayre kingdome all of precious stones to wit Christians which are taught of God. For the Christian mans art and science is the gospell which reason hath not found nay it cannot conceaue it For the Gospel is not naturally ingrafted in our reason it is not borne with vs as the lawe is but the holy ghost by whome it is sent from heauen vnto the earth must teach vs by the preaching or ministery of the word In this kingdome shall be true peace with God through fayth in Christ that the Church in all kindes of afflictions may haue wherein to comforte her selfe and to pacify her conscience seeing God him selfe is her forgeuer And true godly workes of righteousnes in deede follow this peace as the wordes following doe import O thou afflicted tossed with tempests that hast no comfort behold I will lay thy stones with the carbunckle and lay thy foundations with Safires I will make thy windows of Emerauds and thy gates shining stones and all thy borders of pleasaūt stones and all thy Childrē shall be tought of the Lord and much peace shall be to thy Children In righteousnes shalt thou be established and be far from oppression For thou shalt not feare it and from feare for it shall not come neare thee Behold the enemy shall gather him selfe but without me whosoeuer shal gather him selfe in thee agaynst thee shall fall All these thinges are spiritually wrought in the harts and consciences of the godly and shall at last be fulfilled in the day of redemption The Iewes looke for a Ierusalem that should be builded
the blinded Iewes and foolish Cheliasts the prophet saith in the words following that this corporall and visible sun shal not make the gates and walles of this Citie visibly to be seen with bodely eyes in the brightnes and light of the sonne There must be a much cleerer light for the beholding of this Citie God himselfe shal shine in this citie as the visible sun and shall lighten our harts with the gospel And by this light may we see all those great things and excellent benefits which God hath promysed to his church Hereby also know we that the catholick church and the kingdome of Christ is not a visible kingdome For these worldly kingdomes dominions or politik powers may be beholden in all their regal pomp with corporall eyes But the church and the beuty thereof cannot be seene but with spirituall eyes for an other kind of sun must shine in it then doth in this world But now mark what excellent and comfortable promyses we haue in Christ The sun of Christes kingdome shal not goe down This visible sun on the day time hauing runne his course doth euery day goe down and bydes himself til the next morning But our sun and our moone tary with vs for euer For Christ the sun of righteousnes ryseth and shineth to vs by his gospel and shall neuer goe down from his elected For though neuer so great a cloud of temtation darken this sun yet shall it not vtterly goe from vs but at the last day of redemption it shal apeare and shine vnto vs most cleere where neither cloud of affliction ignorance or incredulity can couer hinder or blemish his brightnes Then at the last shall be seen the fulfulling of the great promises of the peace helth and ioy of the church Whē Christ our euerlasting light shal be made many fest then shall we see him face to face then shall our afflictions end and then shall the day of eternall glory appeare to the children of God. Note also here that in the church or kingdome of Christ there shall be none but iust men Here in the world godly vngodly dwel and are mixt together but in the true church the congregation of Christians in the spirit is such that there is not one vngodly person For in the last day the vngodly faithles shall be euen corporally seperated for euer from the godly The fantasticall and mad rable of Anabaptists suppose that they can gather together all the godly into some one erthly city and that they should so corporally fulfil this promise But their conate shall be frustrate they shall labour in vaine it cannot be so in this earth while this life lasteth At the last day the Tares shall be seperated from the Wheate But here in this church the vngodly as theeues and robbers in a kingdome which abuse all Creatures and with violence and iniurye possesse and cease all things into their hands are mixed with the godly vntil the last day But the godly shall raign with Christ in heauen and earth God shall excellently and brauely burnish the earth and visible creature and shall geue it a new shape and marueilously beutefy it that the childrē of God may inioy it And thus shall the godly inherite and posses a new heauen and a new earth in which righteousnes shal dwell as Peter saith But how shall they come to so great a glory And why shal they haue it Euen therfore shal they haue it as Esay sayth because they are the bud or bowes or young plant which the lord himself hath planted with his own hand because he hath renued in vs the Image of God by his word and his spirite and hath made vs new men and a new creature in Christ In the end of this chap. Esay promyseth it shall come to passe that though the church be small and rare yet shall it so increase that an innumerable and infinite number of people shall receaue the faith of Christ And least when we see the true godly persecuted and slayn on heapes and the world swarme with a great multitude of vngodly and worldlings and the church in comparyson of the world but litle and straight wee should something doubt how this should come to pas In his conclusion he saith that it is not mannes deed thus gloryously to exalt the kingdome of Christ but God himself shal doe it in his due time For to see the gospel taught men beleue such hidden misteries beleeuers of Gods promyses to relinquish and contemne this world and valyantly by death to confes Christ passeth al mannes reson wisdome and worldly power These must nedes be the works of the mighty God which by his power and spirit doth work them preserue them and increase them in vs. Agayn you may gather out of this prophecy that the kingdome of Christ is spirituall and eternall and that it behoued him to rise again from death if he shold be the sonne and euerlasting light of the godly that we also shal rise again that we may in the life to come receue and for euer enioy al these great promises made in the prophets Whosoeuer beleeueth this sorroweth not as did Cleophas his cōpanion For he knoweth that Christ shal come to delyuer Israel and aduaunce it to glory But this glory is not seen in this frail life it is here but in hope but after this life we shall see and haue it in eternall and perfect possession Now shall you heare what Esay prophesyeth of the church of vs christians and of Christ the Sauyour of the church how that he shall come in Syon and iustify the gentils How euen the very gentils shall receiue Messias how he shal geue this church faithful bishops and pastors and how he shall gloriously beutefy it and diligently cōserue it as his only beloued spouse Wherby all men may plainly see that though the church be here crossed to the end it may be made like her Lord king yet is she not forsaken of God. And thus he sayth in the 62. chapiter For Sions sake I will not hold my tongue and for Hierusalems sake I will not rest vntill the righteousnes thereof breake forth as the light and the saluation therof as a burning lampe And the gentiles shall see thy righteousnes and all kinges thy glory and thou shalt be cald by a new name which the mouth of the Lord shall name Thou shalt also be a croun of glory in the hand of the Lord and a roiall diadē in the hand of thy god It shall no more be sayd vnto thee forsaken neither shall it be sayd any more to thy land desolat But thou shalt be called Hephzibah That is to say my delight in her and thy land Beulah That is to say inhabited For the Lord delighteth in thee and thy land shall haue a husband For as a young man marieth a virgine so shall thy sons mary thee and as a bridgrome is
herbe and the hand of the Lord shall be knowne among his seruauntes and his indignation against his enimies You heare in this prophesy that Ierusalem grones vnder her crosse because she is so miserably and hotly persecuted and troubled here in the earth But God promiseth that there shall be such plentifull comfort in the heauenly Ierusalem that the faythfull beleeuers shall not remember their former griefes He vseth a figuratiue speach saying lyke as a hungry sucking infant greedely draweth his mothers brestes with pleasure and thinketh nothing sweeter then his mothers milke so shall there be brests of all comfort in the church by which the faythfull shall take most pleasaunt repast and pleasure For the Church in this lyfe hath the most pleasaunt and hony sweete milke of Gods promises which the children of God suck and with which they are nourished and battned in fayth and by which they are vnspeakeably and vncredibly comforted in the spirite which doth inwardly illuminate and teach them the misteries of the gospell And though the Churche here vpon earth be afflicted tormented and tossed with troubles and hath no resting place yet doth god promise it great plenteous and eternall peace which as a flowing riuer whose course is neuer stayed shall neuer be dried For the kingdome of Christ is a kingdome of eternall peace whiche wee haue with God through Christ And as the tender mothers nourishe and beare their young infantes in their laps armes so do the pastors in the kingdome of Christ beare the faythfull Christians and they faythfully minister and truely breake to them the pure and sound foode of the word of God and geue to euery one as well weake as strong according to their neede Neither was there euer yet vpon this earth any parents though they were most pampering and fond of their children that could so sweetly intreate so delicatly nursse or so derely loue so faythfully carefully watchfully looke to their childrē as God doth to vs And therfore though the Church of the faythfull lye opē to euery crosse calamity after her christs exāple yet is the force of these heauēly promises such in the middest of these troubles that doubtedly all the ioyes pleasures cōsolatiōs of this world are nothing in respect of them For as Paule witnesseth to the Cor. As the sufferinges of Christ abound in vs so our consolation aboūdeth through Christ In the psalmes also it is written in the multitude of my thoughtes in my hart thy comforts haue reioysed my soule and Christ tould his desciples vs before hand that they should wepe and morne in this world but the world should laugh and reioyce But immediatly after he greatly comforteth them and vs with a comfortable promise of eternall ioy saying your sorrowe shall be turned into ioy which no man shall be able to take from you for euer Hath not a godly man passing surmounting ioy here vpon earth when hee remembreth this heauenly Ierusalem and beholdeth with spirituall eyes this glorious city of God and when he remembreth that all Gods deere childrē in all the wide world which are innumerable shall haue one father one king one teacher one fayth one minde one hope and one euerlasting inheritaunce together with them that are allready departed in the Lord and which we shall see at the last day in a gloryfied body with these eyes O what an exceeding ioy will it be to behold that Christ the head of all Saints and holy Mary the blessed mother of God with all the Patriarches prophets Apostles virgins martyrs infāts angels in heauē Verely mans hart in this mortall flesh can not thinke or with sence conceaue any part or parcell of this so great excessiue euerlasting treasures and ioyes For it far very far passeth our capacitie as Paule witnesseth out of Esay saying Eye hath not seen neither eare hath hard neither came into mans hart the thinges which god hath prepared in his heauenly Ierusalem for them that loue him Besides this our bones shall florish and bud This is not to be vnderstood onely of the recreation refection and ioy that we haue here by the word of God but as the Church hath hetherto euer expounded it of that glorious resurrection of our bodies in the laste day when our dry bones be they neuer so ill fauored broken and parched wheresoeuer they be either by water or by lande shall bud and florish that is shall be restored and repared at the sound of the archangell and the bodye it selfe shall be indewed with eternall helth and prosperitye by this meanes our bones may bud for euer seing our bodyes though now they be weake feble and fraile shall contrary to Porpherye lyue also for euer For the Lord hath said it Thus then in that heauenly Ierusalem after domes day shal be no sicknes no old age no death but continuall health of body and alwayes a fresh mery flowrishing and liuely youth To be short as Saint Augustine sayth There shal be an euerlasting perpetuity of a most happy blessed merye and ioyfull life The children of God here in their lyfe tyme be but weake feeble dispised and subiect to the mockes and persecutions of the vngodly who kyll them and butcher them euen as Sheepe prepared for the shambles Contrarylye the world florisheth in power honor pleasure and prosperity and florisheth so in all dayntye delicates that there seemes to be no such calamities and miserable man as the true godly beleuer in Christ but at the last day when this heauenly Ierusalem shall be builded for altogether then shall Gods hand or power be knowen with which he will deliuer his seruants the true godly those that beleue in Christ Then shall they not be either weake feble miserable or contemptuous but they shall be strong bewtifull and sit on christes right hand in gloryfied bodyes lyke to Christ and being in hye and infinite glorye and adorned with inestimable ornaments and deliuered frō death and all misery They shall for ioy sing and triumph thē shal they sit in their maiesty and mock and point with the finger at death and Sathan saying death where is now thy sting hell where is now thy victory death is for euer swallowed vp in the victory of Christ And though the children of this world whiche would not beleue the gospell for a tyme here vpon earth haue had some wealth and wallowed in pleasure as if god had most fauored and loued them yet at the last day they shall well finde that they were Gods enemies and thē shall they to their smart feele how hote heuy and horrible the wrath of God is against them that be now agaynst Christ For then shall God without mercy and pitye throw them with Sathan and all his ministers hedlong downe to hell there to be damned for euer Esay in the end of his prophecy foretelleth of the calling of the Gentils to the gospel
which are the elect in Christ the children of promise the children of the new testament without respect For here the carnall natiuitie ganealogie kindred or seed and ofspring of Abraham Isaac and Iacob is not regarded at all but the spiritual natiuitie and inward circūcision of the hart Of such Iewes and true Israelites Iohn Baptist speaketh in Luke saying Say not with your selues we haue Abraham to our father for God is able of these stones to rayse vp childrē vnto Abraham And Paul to the Romanes saith wel and bouldly All they are not Israelites which are of Israell neither are they all children because they are the seed of Abraham but in Isaac shall the seede be called saith the Lord. That is they which are the children of the flesh are not the children of God but the children of the promise accounted for the seed Do you not heare see that God at the first chose his ministers and children out of Iudaisme when the gentils were without Christ and were alienate from the common wealth of Israell and were strangers from the couenants of promise and had no hope and were without God in the world But God alwayes reueiled in the prophets the mistery of our communion in Christ to wit how the Gentiles also should be coheires with Israell of the heauenly kingdome to come and be partakers of one body and promise in Christ Iesus But marke I pray you wherefore the scripture setteth forth the chief patriarchs as Abraham and Iacob so gloriously It doth not commend and set forth vnto vs Abraham only born of flesh and bloud but Abraham beleeuing in Christ Iesus regenerated by faith and born a new and made a new man as Paul plainly teacheth saying They which are of faith the same are children of Abraham For the Scripture foreseeing that God by faith would iustifie the Gentils preached before the gospel vnto Abraham saying In thee shall all the gentils be blessed So then they which be of faith are blessed with faithfull Abraham who is the father vnto all them which beleeue in Christ whether they be Iewes or Gentils And in lyke sort doth the scripture set forth vnto vs Iacob not simple Iacob but that Iacob which wrastled with the Lord and ouercommed by fayth in Christ and thereupon obtained he the glorious name to be called Israell that is a man of great might with God who by the Christian fayth in God is with God and through god the Lord of all thinges And these are the patriarkes vnto whom as vnto good Christifidelians the spirituall promises were made and not for their corporall circumsition or for the law for the law of Moyses was geuen long after that promise Note here what the true Israell is what is the true Iuda and who be the right children of the patriarkes and then the promises that were made vnto Israell shall be more plain and easy to be vnderstood and you shall better perceaue who they are which shall enioye the kingdome of heauen For Esay sayth For though thy people O Israell be as the sand of the Sea yet shall the remnant of them returne Here you see that the promises are not vnderstode of all the Iewes or Israelites in Israell according to the flesh but that a certain onely in the house of Iacob shall be deliuered by Messias from death to wit those which haue beleued the promises which Abraham Iacob did beleue so are become the true children of Abraham and Israell through fayth But least any for this great defect and incredulitye of the most part in Iudaisme should thinke that the eternall couenaunt of grace made with Israell is broken the prophets do wonderfully agaynst this doubt cōfort the people And they looke as Hosye doth here with spirituall eyes into this great wide world the spirituall Ierusalem which consisteth of the Iewes and gentiles for by and by after those wordes that I recited he sayth Yet the number of the Children of Israell shall be as the sand of the Sea which can not be measured nor tould and in the place where it was sayd vnto thē you are not my people it shall be sayd vnto them ye are the sonnes of the liuing god then shall the children of Iuda and the children of Israell be gathered together and appoint them selues one head Thou must vnderstand the prophet thus God in deed made a couenant with Abraham his seed wherin he promiseth that he will be their god and multiply them as the sād of the sea and not reiect them And he did well and magnifically performe this in the beginning amongest the Iewes whom the Lord by wōderfull miracles multiplied and preserued neuer vtterly leauing them vntill Iesus Christ the true seed of Abraham came into this earth in whome all nations were blessed For when Christ came and was preached by the gospel through the hole world then was the couenant of Gods grace which he had made with Abraham and his seede first published and it began truly to be fulfilled when an innumerable multitude of Abrams children not onely of the Iewes but euen of the Gentiles through out all the world sprong vp by the gospell by which Abraham also himselfe was made the child of God. This therefore is the prophets meaning Although the Lord cast of the outward Israell neuer minding to bring him agayne into the land of Canaan yet neuerthelesse the great worthy promises of the Lord made vnto Israell shall be fulfilled and the children of Israell shall neuer the later be in number as the sand of the sea and Messias shall build and erect a great famous and princely kingdome but this shall so be performed that he will not raise vp children to Abraham of the Iewes onely but euen of the Gentiles through out the whole world and they shall be the true children of Abraham and Israell which through fayth receaue that blessed seede of Abraham Iesus Christ the true and euerlasting king of Israell This is the notable and worthy multiplying of Abrahams seede and the children of Israell which thing is wrought by the gospell in fayth through the whole world and shall be in working till the last day vntill all be come into the kingdome of Christ which shall come and are elected thereunto This also is to be marked that the kingdome of Israell before the natiuitye of Christ was deuided and 2. tribes onely Iuda and Beniamin taryed with the house of Dauid the other tribes chose for thēselues a king and the greatest part of thē became Idolaters but it shall not be so sayth Hoseas in the dayes of Iesus Christ the true king of Israell For Iuda Israell that is the children of promise shall be gathered together in one fayth and spirite both out of all these tribes and out of all nations vnder the true king Iesus Christ And there shall dayly more and more christians spring out of all nations for the kingdome of
with God true peace securitye euerlasting ioy true life and eternall saluatiō For if the sin of the Gentiles should not be taken away then in deede should neither death nor Sathans tyranny and kingdome be taken away neither could they haue any cōfort or hope But seing that Christ is their hope and comfort and that no vaine comfort for God himselfe speaketh it then surely must all heuines calamities and misery be taken away from the gentiles also which is nothing els but sin euill conscience death and euerlasting damnation And therfore must they also of necessitie rise from death and liue for euer with Abraham Isaac and Iacob in the kingdome of heauen You see by the Epistle of S. Peter that the prophets haue respect vnto the health of the soules and therfore their whole indeuor is to preach true comfort seing the prophecie of Christ who brought vs from sin to righteousnes and innocencye and from death to life euerlasting as we finde he doth in deed Moreouer he hath deserued for vs the comforter the holy Ghost by whome he helpeth and comforteth vs vnder the crosse vntill we be called out of this fraile and miserable life and receaue the promised crowne of glory which in deede we posses in this earth though it be but yet in fayth and hope ¶ Anna. You alwayes haue sayd that Zachary is a prophet full of notable comforts Let vs therfore here what comfort he geueth vs by his promises ☞ Vrba He is in deede a comfortable prophet and the dayes wherein he liued required the same For he prophecied when the Iewes were euen at the point of returning out of the captiuitie of Babilon and when the Citie with the temple should be builded agayne The people at that time were yet faint harted fearefull and doubted that they should not be safe from their enemies and therfore he comforteth them and setteth Christ before their eyes as a louing Sauiour that so they might be of good cheare saying that Christ should spedely come and helpe his seruantes and spread his kingdome through the whole world and therfore was it needefull that Iuda and Ierusalem should be builded againe to the end they might receaue their owne king And the prophet speaketh as followeth Ierusalem shall be inhabited without the walles for the multitude of men and cattell therein For I sayth the Lord will be vnto her a wall of fire round about and will be the glory in the midest of her Here he prophesieth of the spirituall Ierusalem to wit the church of Christ for the earthly Ierusalem had hir boundes and walles but the heauenly Ierusalem shal be so wide and large that it can not be compassed with any walles yea it shall be as wide as the world For it is the kingdome of Christ which by little and little without ceasing shall be increased vnto the last day and the true children of Abraham are as the God of Abraham promised euen as the sand of the sea and the starre in the firmament and the promised blessing shall come vpon all nations through the whole world that Christ maye be knowen and worshipped euery where for the true Lord god By the cattell vnderstand weakelinges and such as are ignoraunt in the knowledge of the scriptures and fayth these are led and fed in the pastures of Christ by those which are more strong and firme in fayth But he is a merueilous wall which is all fiery truly the Church of Christ in this place hath so great and comfortable a promise of Gods helpe as you shall scarsely finde in any other place of the scriptures For I wil be saith the Lord a wall of fire round about hir the Church of Christ You see that he speaketh here of the heauenly Citye wherein God himselfe will be the watchman keper wall defēder if their God be thus present with vs we haue iust cause to reioyce in the Lord seeing that wheresoeuer God himselfe watcheth defendeth and fighteth for vs there are we safe out of daunger of this world and Sathan and neede not feare them To be breefe the great humilititie of Christ Iesus in that he vouchsafed to become man being the true son of God and the sending of the holy ghost the true teacher of holsome doctrine in the Church of God whereby the church is still houlden and preserued in truth that it may stedfastly cleaue to God where as otherwise the whole world is blinded with errors caried away with lyes and miserably deceaueth it selfe these I say do sufficiētly declare how gloriously the Lord hath shewted himselfe in this spirituall Ierusalem Sathan the world and heretickes do not cease nor sleepe but bend themselues in all they may yea they striue with hand and foote to destroy Christ his church But although according to the flesh it be weake yet neuerthelesse it standeth and getteth the victory ouer all hir enemies So plentifully doth the Lord declare his glory in his spirituall citye the Church In the wordes following he setteth forth the helpe and comfort which we shall haue in Christ his kingdome saying He which toucheth you toucheth the apple of mine eye How I pray you could a most louing and tender father speak more louingly or sweetely euen to his darling and derely beloued son if the Lord looke carefully to vs as men vse to looke to the apple of their eyes then surely can no hurt happen vnto vs in the kingdome of Christe neither neede we to feare any daunger A little after Zachary comforteth such Christiās as are vnder the crosse and by reason of the weakenes of the flesh are in feare and trouble euen as the Iewes were at that time saying Reioyce and be glad O daughter Sion for I come and will dwell in the middest of thee sayth the Lord and many nations shall be ioyned to the Lord in that day and shall be my people and I will dwell in the middest of thee and thou shalt know the Lord of hostes hath sent me vnto the. And the Lord shall inherit Iuda his portiō in the holy land and shall chuse Ierusalem agayne Let all flesh be still before the Lord for he is raised vp out of his holy place That is to say O Sion although thou be afflicted here in the earth yet be of good chere because thou shalt cōtinew For I my selfe do come and abide with thee Was not this fulfilled when god became man and at this day wheresoeuer Gods word is receaued there doth God dwell and that is the true Sion as Christ sayth in Iohn He that loueth mee keepeth my commaundementes and my Father will loue him and we will come vnto him and will dwell with him Surely this is the spirituall kingdome wherein god dwelleth with vs by the gospel and by fayth which the holy ghost worketh in vs as S. Paul sayth to the Ephe Christ dwelleth in our hartes by fayth And Esay telleth vs where God
dwelleth to wit in faythfull and humble hartes indewed with the feare of God and not in earthly temples mad with handes Zachary also telleth vs that the kingdome of Christ shall be large and wide and that the gentils shall become Christifidelians and so by fayth in Christ shal also become the people of God. All these thinges are dayly fulfilled that we by experience may know these thinges to be most true which they haue prophecied and thy are sure by great miracles but no man doth earnestly and diligently consider them as in deede they ought to do if they will be accounted true Christians But how shall Iuda be the inheritaunce of God and Ierusalem chosē againe Euē then when the Lord shall cast downe the partitiō wall betwixt the Iewes and Gentiles and by the Gospell make of two peoples one holy nation then I say shall the true Iuda that is the congregation of such as confesse the Lord be made Gods inheritaunce one Ierusalem and one elected citie but this shall not be onely in Canaan but through all the whole world Afterward followeth an exhortation vnto the whole world where he sayth let all flesh be still or silent Here we may learne that he speaketh in this place of spirituall Iuda and Ierusalē which appertaineth to the whole world otherwise he would haue commaunded onely the Iewes alone to haue bin still and silent if the Iewes alone and none els should haue bin his kingdome This therfore is the sence God wil dwell both with the Iewes Gentils in all places through the whole world Wherfore let all the earth be silent let euery man suffer the Lord to worke raygn and haue power in him he will do all thinges well and wisely let no man be wise in his owne conceite let no man brag of his owne holines let no man attribute any thing vnto himfelfe but let all men humble and submit thēselues For here is now wrought a strange thing when the Lord commeth and ruleth men when God commeth let all flesh be silent and acknowledge themselues condemned sinners and then will the Lord deliuer them for how shall sin or miserye haue any abiding there where the Lord is king and gouerner In the 3. Chapiter he sayth Here now O Iehosua the hye priest thou and thy fellowes that sit before thee for they are monsterous persons But behold I will bring forth the branche my seruant for loe the stone that I haue layed before Iehosua vpon one stone shall be 7. eyes behold I wil cut out the grauing therof sayth the Lord of hostes and I will take away the iniquitie of this land in one day in that day sayth the Lord of hostes shall ye call euery man his neighbour vnder the vine and vnder the figge tree The prophet speaketh plainely here of Christ of his passion and of his kingdome First the Lorde talketh with the hye priest Iehosua who was a figure of christ and therefore hath the same name and is called Iehosua or Iesus as the 70. interpretors call him here in their translation And wheras he speaketh onely to the hye priest and his frendes he teacheth vs that the promises of Christ and his kingdome shall not profit all men and that euery man shall not be partaker therof And the cause is onely for that all do not beleue in Christ for that promise belongeth onely to the faythfull Christians who together with Iehosua hath all one fayth and spirite and he calleth them monsterous persons or great marueils For there is no more marueilous thinge in the world then a godly man who will leaue all thinges in this earth and follow Christ looking for forgeuenes of sinnes and euerlasting lyfe onely by him and by nothing els The world wondereth that faythfull Christians can so dispise euen in this life this world with all the plesures thereof for Christes sake who himselfe dispised all the honor of this world and vtterly reiected the pomp and vaine glory therof And for this cause Christians in this world are counted fooles Behold I pray you how euen Cleophas and his companion at the first were offended at Christ although they were his disciples Therefore sayth Paule very well Christ is vnto the Iewes a stumbling block and vnto the Gretians or Gètiles foolishnes Furthermore God doth promise his seruant Christ Christ in the scriptures is often called the seruaunt of god for his seruice which here he hath don in the earth to wit because he taught his flock because he suffered for sinners and because he was obedient vnto his Father in fulfilling his commaundement euen to death the death of the crosse of which his worke and seruice wrought for vs all these other seruauntes of god haue prophecied but none of them all either ought or could do and execute that office But he calleth Christ Zemah that is a braunch because he doth dayly florish and grow hier and hier as a young spire or young braunche Christ is also adorned in their places by the same name as in the 13. of Hieri the 4. of Esay c. For lyke as the bud groweth vntill it commeth vnto the naturall length and greatnes euen so doth Christ increase and grow by the gospell in the hartes of men And looke how much longer and further he is knowen and preached so much more plainly is he knowen and preached The kingdome of Christ waxeth dayly greater and greater and groweth euen vnto the last day that all the elect may be borne called and iustified ¶ Anna. Can the Iewes be perswaded that this text doth prophecye of Christ ☞ Vrba Ionathā in the Caldy bible doth so expoūd this prophecie and by this seruaunt Zemath he vnderstādeth Christ For thus is his translatiō in this place Loe I bring my seruaunt Messiah and he shall be made manifest ¶ Anna. But what are those 7. eyes in one stone ☞ Vrba The prophet had spoken many thinges before of that earthly temple and building but because they were all but figures of Christ and his kingdome the propheteth immediatlye mixe in the prophecies of that spirituall prophesie of the liuely temple of the Church The stone is Christ as Esay and Peter calleth it saying behold I put in Sion a chiefe corner stone elect and pretious But the 7. eyes doth betoken the knowledge of Christ because he is seene knowen by the eyes of fayth to be the onely iustifier and sauiour of all beleuers The kingdome of Christ doth stand in the fayth and knowledge of Christ as the prophets and Apostles with one consent do teach He which knoweth Christ hath bright eyes for he is illuminated to see the secrets of God which are hidden vnto the world and ouer which the Angels in heauen reioyce Many do heare the gospell onely with their eares but they neither know nor see Christ with the eyes of their hart They onely acknowledge him which do beleue in him And
nor the holy ghost nor forgeuenes of sinnes but shall die in their sinnes Because without this spiritual Ierusalē there is no forgeuenes of sins And least any man should thinke that the kingdome of Christ should be an earthly kingdome throughout all the world Zach. sayth that in the heauenly Ierusalem of the Church of Christ the feast of tabernacle shall alwayes be celebrated This is the pilgrimage of the godly that in this world they shall be as pilgrims and strangers which loke for their true eternal and heauēly countrey for the Iewes dwelt not alwayes in their tabernacles but onely taryed there 8. dayes and then returned home Seeing that I haue now troubled you long enough and you haue taken very great paynes in explicating the prophets I pray you tell me but euen briefely what Malachy prophecieth of Christ and his kingdome ☞ Vrba He prophecieth in his first chap. of the holy and sacred kingdome of Christ through the world saying that it should come to passe that christ should be acknowledged to be the true Lord and God of the whole earth and that he should be honored openly as God that all men should confesse him to be God by which he signifieth that at the last the kingdome of grace should not onlye be amongest the Iewes but euen through the whol world among the gentiles also Whereby it is vnderstood that the earthly king of the Iewes and their figuratiue priesthood should cease in the time of Messias and that another kingdome and priesthood which is spirtuall should begin And therefore Cleophas and his companion loked in vaine for an earthly deliueraunce at the handes of Messias For Mala. prophecieth of the spirituall kingdome and pristhood saying I will not accept an offering at your hand for from the rising of the sunne vnto the going downe of the same my name is great among the Gentiles in euery place incense shall be offered vnto my name and a pure offring for my name is great among the heathen sayth the Lord of hosts This last prophet Mala. whome Ionathas the Caldean and Rabiaben suppose to be Esra prophecieth that the name of God shall be great to wit that the name of God should be glorified preached praysed through the whole world This was fulfilled when the gospell was published and waxed famous and brought forth fruite through the whole world For by the gospell Messias was made knowen vnto the world and the grace of God which he promised and gaue vs in Christ was openly published vnto all creatures The Lord in times past was knowen in Iuda by his word and his name was great in Israel but when the apostles and their successors had spread abroad the Gospell of Gods grace through the whole world then was song a new song as it is in the Psal. The Lordes name is praysed frō the rising of the sonne vnto the going downe of the same For wher so euer the gospell is apostolically and sincerely taught that is where so euer repentance and forgeuenes of sins is preached in the name of Iesus Christ there men become humble and contrite of hart and confesse their sins and acknowledge and praise the rich mercy of god in Christ And straight way after they seeke to mortify their old man and by fayth geue their bodies vp vnto God a liuely sacrifice holy and acceptable vnto god which is their reasonable seruing of god And they beare tribulatiō patiently for Gods sake and geue thankes to God for all his blessinges in Christ they praye and call vpon the Lord in all necessitie and they liue a pure and innocent life All these to wit a true fayth in Christ a denying of our selues a consecrating of vs totally to the will of God the preaching of the gospell the incomprehensible riches of Christ which he geueth vs a professing and praysing of Iesus Christ a prayer proceeding of fayth and a thankes geuing for the great treasure of the gospell and for the precious death and victorious resurrection of Christ Iesus and for all the other benefits of the Lord which we haue through Christ Iesus these I say are the true sacrifices by which the name of Christ is made glorious and famous amongest the gentiles and thus doth Thargū also vnderstand this prophecye saying My name is sanctified through you and your prayer is as a pure sacrifice before me Yf therfore it was conuenient and must needes be that Christ should be made glorious among the gentiles through the whole world and that he shall be the true Lord of all nations whome they should worship and acknowledge to be the true and onely Lord who should deliuer them from all trouble and so his kingdome be in euery place it was needfull that he should rise againe from the dead and that he should prouide for all nations and that he should illuminate them by his gospell that he should receaue them into his kingdome and that he should defend cherish and preserue them for euer Mala. in his 3. chap. ioyneth the Maister and his seruaunt together to wit christiā Iohn Baptist and christ saying that Iohn should come before Christ and make ready the way that Christ should straightway follow after Iohn his forerunner these be his wordes Behold I will send my messenger and he shall prepare the way before me and the Lord whome ye seeke shall speedely come to his temple euen the messenger of the couenaunt whome ye desire Behold he shall come sayth the Lord of hostes but who may abide the daye of his cōming who shall indure when he appeareth For he is lyke a purging fire and lyke fullers sope he shal sit downe to trie fine the siluer he shall euen fine the sonnes of Leui and purifie them as gould and siluer that they may bring offerings vnto the Lord in righteousnes then shall the offering of Iuda and Ierusalem be acceptable vnto the Lord as in ould time and in the yeares a fore This prophecy doth Christ himselfe expound in Mathew where he calleth Iohn Baptist the Messenger and he wonderfully setteth him out and maketh him more worthy then all the prophets For he shewed not Christ a farre of but pointed at him with his finger saying Behold the lambe of God which taketh away the sinnes of the world Iohn baptised with the baptisme of repentance in the desert preached vnto the people him which should come after to wit Christ Iesus that they might beleue in him Iohns wordes be these Repent for the kingdome of God or heauē is at hand I baptise you with water to amendemēt of lyfe but he that commeth after me is greater thē I whose showes I am not worthy to beare He will baptise you with the holy ghost and with fire which hath his fan in his hand and will make cleane his flowre and gather his wheate into his garner but will burne vp the chaffe with vnquenchable