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A10250 Propositions and principles of diuinitie propounded and disputed in the vniuersitie of Geneua, by certaine students of diuinitie there, vnder M. Theod. Beza, and M. Anthonie Faius ... Wherein is contained a methodicall summarie, or epitome of the common places of diuinitie. Translated out of Latine into English, to the end that the causes, both of the present dangers of that Church, and also of the troubles of those that are hardlie dealt vvith els-vvhere, may appeare in the English tongue.; Theses theologicae. English Bèze, Théodore de, 1519-1605.; La Faye, Antoine de, 1540-1615. aut; Penry, John, 1559-1593. 1591 (1591) STC 2053; ESTC S101754 189,778 296

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punishment of the wicked 11 The especiall ende for the which eternall life is bestowed vpon vs is this namly that acknowledging the immeasurable and infinit mercy of God wee may attribute vnto him eternall praises as it is meete 12 We shall at the time when God hath appointed be put in full posession of that life at which time the number of those that are to bee saued being fulfilled Iesus Christ shall be seene of vs who looke for him to our saluation to come as a redemer from Heauen 13 Seeing the Lord hath put this day in his own power to be inquisitiue when the same shal be is a point of extreame madnes We do therefore condemne those both olde and new writers who breaking into the secrets of God do think that they can set downe when that day shall be whereas the knowledge heereof is not giuen no not to the Angels themselues 14 It is our dutie therefore rather to be watchful least being drowned with the delightes of the worlde and the flesh and as it were overwhelmed in a dead sleepe that last day do come vpon vs being vnprepared at vnawares 15 Now although the full perfection of that life which wee hope for be referred vnto the very last day yet notwithstanding it taketh certaine beginnings in our mindes even while we are heere when as the holy Ghost dooth by the preaching of the worde dispell the darcknes of our minde and indue the same with the true knowledge of God whence afterwarde doth proceed a willing minde to obey his commandements and that hope which cannot deceaue them that beleeue 16 Vnto this eternall life which shall bring vnspeakable felicitie vnto the elect death eternall is oposed which shall bring vnto the wicked that destruction which neuer shall haue an end 17 Even as that most happie felicitie cannot nowe be comprehended of vs so also that miserie of the damned is altogether incomprehensible 18 This most horrible state is called the second death not because that either the soul is thereby seperated from the bodie or that the soule or the body of the damned do suffer death but because that as by the first death the body and the soul of the wicked is dissolued the one of them hastning vnto putrefaction the other going to haue a tast of the eternall paines even so by this second punishment both the soule and the body are not only wholie excluded for euer from Gods fauor but also adjudged vnto his most fearefull and neuer ending curse 19 For the like cause is this death called eternall fier because that fier is a most sharp vehement punishment but wee are not here curiouslie to dispute touching the paines of Hell lest that wee thereby run into poeticall fables 20 Yet do these verie fables teach vs that the doctrine concerning the eternall punishment which the wicked are to vnder goe euen after this life did alwaies sound in the worlde The Epicures therefore and such as deny the immortallitie of the soule are confuted not onely by the word of God but also by common sense 21 That these punishments are eternall whereunto eternall life is oposed it is manifest by the expresse●●ord of God and also by the infinit nature of Gods majestie who is offended The Church therfore justly condemned the Origenists whoe dreamed that the wicked and the Diuells themselues hauing fulfilled those punishments should at the length be deliuered 22 Yet dooth our Sauiour Christ manifestlie witnes MAT. 10.13 that the state of the damned in respect of the measure of their punishments shall not be alike Defended by IAMES TREMVLAEVS of Geneua FINIS THE TABLE AND ORDER OF THE PRINCIPLES CONTAINED in this Treatise 1 PRinciples concerning God pag 1. 2 Of the holy and vnsearchable Trinitie 3. 3 Of God the Father and the Sonne 5. 4 Of the holy Ghost 9. 5 Of the attributes of God in general 10. 6 Of the omnipotencie of God 12 7 Of the knowledge that is in God 13. 8 Of the will of God 15. 9 Of the goodnes grace loue and mercie of God 16. 10 Of Gods prouidence 17. 11 Of Gods eternall Praedestination 19 12 Of the creation of all things and their diuision 23. 13 Of good and euill Angels 26. 14 Of man 30. 15 Of the faculties of the soule of man 33. 16 Of Free-will 35. 17 Of Sinne. 37. 18 Of the diuision of Sinne. 39. 19 Of the restoring of man-kind 41 20 Of the personall vnion of the two natures in Christ 43. 21 Of the office of Christ 25. 22 Of Faith 47. 23 Of the causes and effects of faith 49. 24 Of mans justification in the sight of God 52. 25 Of Sanctification 54. 26 Of the justification of sinfull man in the sight of God 56. 27 Of good works 60. 28 Of the Law of God 63. 29 Vpon the preface of Gods Law and the first Commandement 66. 30 Vpon the second Commandement 68 31 Vpon the third Commandement 72. 32 Concerning vowes 75. 33 Vpon the fourth Commandement 78. 34 Vpon the fift Commandement 82. 35 Vpon the sixt Commandement 86. 36 Vpon the seuenth commandement 89 37 Vpon the eight Commandement 92. 38 Vpon the ninth Commandement 94. 39 Vpon the tenth Commandement 97. 40 Concerning Repentance 100. 41 Of the conception of Iesus Christ 104 42 Of the natiuitie circumcision and baptisme of Christ 108. 43 Of the Passion and death of our Lord Iesus 111. 44 Of his buriall and descention into hel 115. 45 Of his Resurrection 121. 46 Of his ascension into heauen 125 47 Of his sitting at the right hand of the Father 128. 48 Of his comming againe to judge the quicke and the dead 131. 49 Of faith in the holie Ghost 136. 50 Vpon the Article I beleeue that there is an holie Catholicke Church 139. 51 Vpon the Article I beleeue that there is a Communion of Saints 144. 52 Of the word of God 147. 53 Of Traditions 151. 54 Of Councels and Fathers 153 55 of the Sacraments 160. 56 Of the agreement and difference betweene the Sacraments of the olde and new testament 167. 57 Of the numbers of the Sacraments of the new Testament 169. 58 of Baptisme being the first Sacrament of the new Testament 172. 59 The second sort of principles concerning Baptisme 177. 60 Of the Lords Supper 180. 61 of the popish masse 185. 62 of Consubstantiation 189. 63 Of prayer or the inuocation of Gods name 193 64 Vpon the preface of the Lords praier 197. 65 Touching the Petitions of the Lordes praier in general and particularly touching the first of them 202. 66 Of the second petition 208. 67 of the third petition 208. 68 Of the fourth petition 212. 69 of the fift petition 216 70 of the sixt petition 219 71 Vpon the conclusion of the Lordes prayer 222. 72 of the sacred ministerie of the Church where the doctrine of the Law and the Gospell are compared together 274 73 of the ministers of Gods worde vnder the Gospel 281. 74 of the false ministerie of the Gospell 233 75 of the Ecclesiasticall functions that ar depraued and retained onely in name in the counterfait Romish church 238 76 of the power and authoritie of the Church 242. 77 of Ecclesiasticall censures and excommunication 251. 78 of the magistracie 258. 79 of remission of sinnes and the sinne against the holie Ghost 263. 80 of the resurrection of the fleshe 266. 81 of Eternall life 272. FINIS Beare good Reader with the false pointing in some places of the booke correct the nomber of the Principles according vnto the Table and mend these faultes with thy Pen. Pag. 10. lin 5. by for be Pa 16. lin 33. beget for begotten Pag. 19. lin 33. vvhich for of Pag. 20. lin 31. Read The Lord then vvas so far from bereauing c. Pag. 34. lin 2. adde grovving lin 23. ad in Pa. 35. ad subiect vnto none the supreame gouernour of himselfe Pa. 43. lin 23. seemeth for serueth Pag. 44. lin 34. This for the. Pa. 48. lin 29. as for for Pa. 49. lin 25. lost for left Pa. 52. lin 24. adde that hee pag. 62. lin 21. adde revvard of and 24. ad or Pa. 72. lin 5. derogate for degenerate Pa. 79. lin 35. signifiing for signified Pa. 83. lin 25. dele honor and 26. ad honor Pa. 93. lin 9. dele as Pag 103. lin 6. read 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Pag. 114. lin 3. Read and although he vvas at the first pronounced innocent by Pilate c. Pa. 117. lin 5. Read for vs into c. Pag. 129. lin 30. Read tvvo sittinges Pa. 132. lin 20. Read those things vvhich Pag. 148. lin 7. olde for nevve Pa. 153. lin 3. councelles for counsellers Pag. 154. line 13 Read or primacie Pag. 168. line 38. in for into Pag. 207. line 16. summe for some Pag. 209. line 1. are for or Pag. 209. line 18. fift for first Pag. 221. line 5. in Pag. 223. line 29. Being for Seeing Pa. 227. line 17. either for ever Pag. 232. line 28. by the for of Pag. 135. line 1. for for from line 19. this for thus and 23. that vvhen c. 37. cyties for rites Pag. 246. line 3. it is c. Pag. 251. line vlt. rulers for rules Pag. 259. line 2. better for more Pag. 262. for for that
15 Vnbrideled contumacie is almost the most hainous sinne against the Church whether it bee that hee who is called refuseth to appeare or that beeing lawfullie admonished and conuicted he denie to confesse his fault as it deserueth 16 After the lawfull triall of the cause both the whole fact togeather with the circumstances are carefullie to bee considered and also great regarde is to bee had of the sinner himselfe brieflie all things are to bee referred vnto this end namelie that regard be had both to the cōscience of the sinner and also to the aedification of the Church in preuenting offences 17 For the end of these Censures is of two sorts the one that a timelie and a conuenient remedie may bee applied to the sinner who is neither to bee left in his sinne nor swallowed vp with heauinesse The other ende is both that the Church may bee purged from offences and infected by no contagion and also that euerie man may bee instructed and taught by the example of others 18 There is also a difference to bee made betweene those who doe confesse their faultes and those who doe professe their repentaunce least that a fained confession bee rashlie beleeued or that whilst some one is borne with by vntimelie le●itie a sufficient care should not bee had for the publick aedification of the Church as the example shewed by the Lorde himselfe vpon MARIE MOSES sister dooth declare Touching which point a perpetuall rule neither can nor ought to bee set downe by reason of the varietie and diuersitie of the circumstances Wherefore with reuerence of the Fathers bee it spoken wee doe not allowe of the too great seueritie of manie of the auncient Cannons in appointing the space of repentance from the which necessitie compelled them to depart by bringing in their indulgences 19 The sortes of these Ecclesiasticall Censures are Admonition Suspension from the Supper of the Lord which they call the lesser Excommunication publick Excommunication vnto the time that repentance bee testified as it is manifest that the Hebrewes also had a three-folde Excommunication Yet as touching perpetuall ANATHEMA or Excommunication to death the Fathers of the soundest judgement justlie disliked the same 20 We are to abstain from the companie of those that are publicklie excommunicated to the end as the Apostle witnesseth that they may be ashamed yet so as we are to performe towards them all those things which appertain to admonish them of their dutie and to call them to the right way 21 This Excommunication is altogeather a spirituall chastisment and dooth directlie belong vnto the amendement of the conscience Wherefore they are ouerthrowne both by the word of God by the testimonies of the whole Ecclesiastical storie who do attribute the authoritie of the Eldership in binding and loosing vnto the Magistrate though Christian much more they who leaue no place vnto those Ecclesiasticall judgements where there is a Christian Magistrate seeing on the contrarie side they can be no where more practised than vnder his wings whē as his authoritie who is the maintainer and defender of this whole diuine ordinaunce is vsed against the disobedient neither was there anie other course taken in the auncient Church euen vnder the most religious Emperours They doe also greeuouslie erre who as it is vsuall amongst the Papists drawe meere Ciuill causes vnto this Ecclesiasticall Court. For Christ did not onelie distinguish but also most manifestlie seuer the office of the Magistrat from the ecclesiastical functions although he hath commanded all those who execute the Ecclesiasticall functions aswel as al the rest of the subjects to submit them selues vnto the power of the Magistrates in those thinges which are properlie belonging to his office And againe hee will haue Kings and Emperours themselues to be subject vnto the authoritie of the Ecclesiasticall Ministerie and to the commandement of his word Nowe of this diuine order wee do acknowledge that the Magistrats are ordained the maintainers and defenders 22 The contract of Mariage seeing in part it is manifest and properlie diuine namelie in the consideration of the verie bond and couenaunt of the mariage and in part meerelie Ciuill as far as it belongeth vnto the common soeietie of men in that diuers ciuil conditions belonging to the things of this life are adjoyned thervnto wherefore Matrimonial controuersies are in some sort to be referred vnto the determination of the Eldership as shall bee spoken more fullie God willing in the proper place thereof 23 They who haue authoritie to binde the sinner the cause beeing lawfullie tried haue also authoritie to loose and to restore him to the Church when hee hath approoued his repentance 24 This confession that is this profession of repentāce whether it be done before the Eldership or publickly in the congregation of the Church is to go before his absolution and reconciliation with the church in such sort as the neglecting hereof is to be takē for vndoubted contumacie They are therefore deceaued who thinke that those who are bound in the Consistorie of the Eldership are to be left vnto their owne judgement and triall And they offend no lesse who as they haue abolished the Eldership so also haue they cōmanded this confession which is onelie proper vnto those that are tied by the judgement of the Eldership as a law common to al Christians and haue turned it vnto auricular confession which is to bee done eyther vnto the Masse-priest or vnto the Confessor as they commonlie call him 25 Seeing this confession though most acceptable vnto God is not therefore ordained that it should bee a satisfaction for sinne in the presence of God but onelie that the Church may be assured of the repentance and restoring of the sinner it is onelie thus farre necessarie as he who hath not performed the same before his death the fault not beeing his is yet justlie accounted as absolued if he hath repented in his hart Detestable therefore is their opinion who will haue the punishment which they call Satisfactorie the Canons tearmed 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to be meritorious satisfactory in the presence of God and vnder that pretence haue for the most part made that purgatorie fire of theirs and brought into the Church their Indulgences which they sell for money being so manie blasphemies against that one oblation of the Sonne of God 26 The Eldership dooth properlie neither binde nor loose for this is the proper right of Christ alone but it doth onelie apply the word of God after the lawfull triall of the cause vnto the sinner either for his retaining or releasing vpon earth and it pronounceth vpon earth in the name of God and of Iesus Christ that either contumacie had bound or repentāce had loosed the conscience of the sinner before the Lord in heauē neither is it to be doubted but that which is thus done vpō earth is ratified in heauen Friuolous therefore is that objection of some who to the end they might
infinite and immeasurable or vncircumscribed in a place or that it can bee in many places at once or euery where or yet any where indeed any otherwaies then as in a place 6 Yet as they are joyned togeather that is in respect of the whole wholie considered the word is trulie said to be this man and this man to bee the worde not that the one nature is transfused or turned into the other but because these two natures are one only subsisting person which the Schoole-men call the grace of vnion or vniting grace 7 In like manner although the essentiall properties of the one nature be not transfused into the other yet is the word said to be crucified and dead not in it self but in the nature that was assumed In like sort this man is saide to be Eternall Infinite Immeasurable and God himselfe not in it selfe but in the assuming nature or the nature that tooke flesh 8 The maner of speaking is called the communicating of properties the which in respect of Christ wholie considered is Reall or both in name and in deed but in consideration of the natures seuerallie considered it is verball or onely in name 9 The Deitie of Christ borroweth nothing of the humanitie which it assumed Whereas on the other side the humanitie subsisting in the Deitie is perfected by it 10 Nowe the humanitie of Christ is fullie indued with so great store of all qualities most excellent those onelie excepted which are so essentiall in God as they can be in no wise communicated with any creature and by the powring whereof the humaine nature should be swallowed vp and become the Godhead as in dignitie and glorie hee doth farre surmount all Creatures as being inferiour vnto the Deitie onelie The which fulnes of gifts the Schoolmen call grace habituall or fullie possessed 11 Now this exceeding vertue and power was powred by degrees vpon the flesh that was assumed not at the very moment of the vniting togeather of both natures In as much as it behooued Christ to take vpon him such flesh as was in deede subject to all our infirmities sinne excepted vntill that hee hauing fulfilled whatsoeuer was necessarie vnto our saluation had obtained a name aboue al names the Godhead onelie excepted Wee doe abhorre then both the NESTORIANS who deuide the person and the EVTYCHIANS who either confoūd the natures or mingle their essentiall proprieties 12 The glorifiyng of the humanitie of Christ which is ment in the Christian beleife by ascending into Heauen and sitting at the right hand of God hath neither abolished the essence nor the essentiall properties of a true body Defended by STEPHEN BLOIVS of Angiers PRINCIPLES CONCERNING THE OFFICE OF CHRIST XXI SEING THAT WE HAVE DONE ALREAdie with the person of Christ it followeth now that we deale with his office For these two are to be considered in him 1 MAnkinde by reason of sinne whereunto it wilfullie fell was altogeather loste in such sort as it could in no wise by it owne strength escape aeternal damnation 2 But God to the end that hee might affoorde a moste cleare testimonie of his mercie did appoint in his aeternal counsell to deliuer men from this miserie and calamitye And to the end that this might bee done without anie impeachment of his justice he appointed a Mediatour who should performe all these things that were required 3 Therfore seeing to auoide the curse of the lawe the lawe it selfe must bee fulfilled by men and this can by no meanes be performed by them it behooued the Mediator to effect this worke and not to ouerpasse the very least title of Gods Law The opinion of the PAPISTS therefore is very wicked in attributing anie other merite vnto any man saue onely the merite of Christs alone obedience 4 Furthermore seeing it behoued God which is moste just to punishe the sinnes of men that by this meanes his justice might be fulfilled and men could not vndergo the weight of Gods anger but they should bee euerlastinglie swallowed vp thereby It was the office of the Mediatour seeing he bare the person of all men to pay all their debts and to suffer punishment for them all They are againe most wicked who bring in any other Mediatour of satisfaction in the presence of God saue onlie this one 5 And as Christ was vnder the law represented by Prophets Kings and Priests so beeing exhibited in his time hee was annointed to bee a King Priest and Prophet In which three callings his whole office is contained 6 The Propheticall office of Christ is to teach men the will of God and clearelie to lay open vnto them his decree concerning the saluation of mankinde and so to put an end vnto al prophesies that is to fulfill all those things that were fore-tolde of him It is execrable wickednes therefore to burden the conscience of man with new commandements added vnto the worde or to impose anie lawe vpon the conscience and much more to adjoine vnto the Gospell new supplies of saluation 7 The Kingdome of Christ consisteth heerein namely that al his enemies beeing subdued vnder him as Sathan sinne and death he onelie may beare rule ouer his church defend the same and bestowe all thinges needfull therevpon 8 This Kingdome is not like vnto other Kingdomes that are earthlie but it is spirituall And therefore the Iewes are worthelie condemned with all others that thinke this kingdome to consist in a kinde of outward pompe majestie and magnificence And they are much more impudent then the Iewes themselues who will haue the tyrannie of the Romane Praelate to bee a visible representation of Christs kingdome 9 The office of Christs Preist-hood was by some acceptable Sacrifice to pacifie God being offended with vs And because no other Sacrifice could bee found meet and no other Priest worthie for this worke hee who was without all spot became both the Sacrifice and the Preist now also making intercession for vs in heauen Therefore the Papisticall Sacrifizing Preists are most grosse seducers who saye that in the Sacrifice of their Masse they offer Christ really both for the quick and the dead Defended by BERNARD CASANOVA of Bearne PRINCIPLES CONCERNING FAITH XXII HAVING DECLARED THESE THINGS which appertaine vnto the person of Christ it remaineth that we speak by what meanes Christ with all his benefites is applied vnto vs. 1 CHristian faith is that onelie hand whereby wee take hold or apply vnto our selues Christ being offered vnto vs with all his benefites that are necessarie vnto our saluation 2 This Faith wee doe first of all distinguish from that meere agreement of the vnderstanding whereby it commeth to passe that we beleeue all these things to bee true which are contained in the holie Scriptures the which agreement or assent wee affirme that it may arise from the light of nature also and the arguments that may be compassed by humane reason without anie peculier lightning of the holie Spirite seeing the verie vncleane Spirits themselues do
are a sleepe vntill the last day of judgement Defended by BENIAMIN CRESSONIVS of Burgundie PRINCIPLES CONCERNING CHRIST HIS ASCENSION INTO HEAVEN XLVI SEING THE ARTICLE OF CRISTS REsurrection hath bene alreadie opened it now followeth that we deale with his ascension into heauen 1 AS the Scripture dooth teach that the death resurrection and buriall of Christ were true and not fained so the same doth testifie that his Ascension into heauen was not onely visible but also locall 2 For although the word ASCENDING is sometimes Figuratiuely spoken concerning God yet in this Article of the Faith it is taken in his proper and naturall signification in such sort that by it is expressed a passage from a lower place vnto a higher which is pointed out by the name of Heauen 3 Whereas in the Scripture there is mention made of a three-folde Heauen wee affirme that the highest of all is heere to bee vnderstood wherein is the seat and aeternall habitation of the soules of the faithfull and where also Christ is exalted aboue all Creatures 4 And although he be trulie ascended into Heauen yet doth it not follow thence that he is no more present here with his Church for the gouernment thereof seeing that the said Ascention dooth onely appertaine vnto that nature which is finite and contained in a place that is vnto his humanitie and not to his Diuinitie which is euery where alwais present and can be contained in no certaine place seeing it containeth all things For as AVGVSTINE hath spoken very notablie the body wherein Christ rose must bee in one place where as his trueth is euery where spread abroad 5 Hence we gather that hee is not now vpon earth in respect of his Manhood seeing he hath once ascended into that place whence the Scripture dooth testifie that hee will not depart vntill the restitution of all thinges and in no other manner neither then he did ascend 6 Yet wee say that God and man did ascend because that his humaine bodie was taken vp by the power of the Deity which was vnseparably joyned with the humain nature and nowe remaineth there after a manner vnknowen vnto vs. They are deceiued therefore who holde that Christ according vnto his humaine nature can be at the same time both in heauen and in earth And those also who auouch that his fleshe is euery where and all those in a word who bereaue his body of the essential and as DAMASCEN speaketh of the Caracteristical properties therof that is such as are markes of a true bodie 7 Now where as Christ after his Ascention was seen of PAVL and STEPHEN that vision was extraordinary and a peculier reuelation So that from thence it cannot bee gathered that Christ was not in that place wherevnto hee ascended 8 This Ascention furthermore was as it were a certain triumph after the victory gottē ouer the enemies of mankind which he ouercame 9 The end of this triumph is diuers and manifold First of all it testifieth that the woorke of our Redemption was finished vpon earth the which he would seale by this magnificall and royall triumph which for this cause is called by AVGVSTINE a confirmation of the Catholicall faith For by this meanes Christ hath gotten vnto the immortal and incorruptible life not an earthly but an incorruptible and aeternall mansion 10 Secondly that there should be extant a most cleare testimonie of the Diuinitie of Christ by the which his humanitie was taken vppon high whence also it appeareth that he consisteth of two natures 11 Thirdlie that hauing ouercome death hee should enjoy that glorye which was prepared and ordained for him before the foundation of the world was laid not according to his Deitie but according to his humanitie the glory wherof appeared then when a new ghuest as it were entered into heauen to wit the man GOD the which thing the Angels had neuer seene before 12 And although the man Christ was glorified by his Resurrection in such sort as there was nothing wanting vnto him yet this Ascention was a more certaine ample possession of that glory 13 Fourthly and lastly that he might prepare a dwelling for vs in Heauen and not onely prepare it but also allure vs thither that wee might follow him by an ardent desire and affection while we are in this life and here vpon earth seeke those things that are aboue 14 Nowe euen as Christ was borne for our cause dead for our cause c. So hee ascended into Heauen for our cause 15 The fruit and profite therefore which ariseth to the faithfull out of this Ascention is manifolde For first wee are thereby vndoubtedly assured that we shall once namelie at the last day ascend also into Heauen For where the head is there the members also ought to be the Ascention of the members shall bee such as the Ascention of the head was saue that he ascended by his own power where as we shall ascend not by our owne but by his vertue For our bodies ought to bee fashioned like vnto his glorious body as the members vnto the head 16 Secondly after this Ascention was the holy Ghost giuen vnto the Apostles Next were other gifts from heauen bestowed vppon men and the Church furnished with things needfull for the same 17 Thirdlye heereby a way is opened for vs vnto our heauenly countrey from whence we fell by the meanes of ADAM 18 Fourthly and lastlie his Resurrection confirmeth our faith For hereby we are assured that our soules separated from our bodies euen before the Resurrection shall passe to no other place then where Christ is that they may liue for euer in blessednes with him Defended by WILLIAM QVERCINVS Tarbiensis PRINCIPLES CONCERNING THE SITTING AT THE RIGHT HAND OF THE FATHER ALMIGHTIE XLVII 1 SEeing whole Christ that is Christ personally considered or in respect that he is one subsisting person is said to sit and that the action of sitting can not in the proper signification thereof agree vnto the Deitie in it self we must needs conclude that sitting properlie taken can in no wise agree vnto the Deitie 2 And although it may be properlie applied vnto that other nature of Christ which is corporall in that sense that sitting is opposed vnto the standing or the moouing of the bodie yet wee must not thinke that that glorious bodie of his though it be truly circumscribed and contained in a place doth either continually stand sit or moue For all these things are grosse and curious matters neither are they so particulerly to bee applied to the estate of that life 3 That which is added concerning the right hand of God is much more to bee taken Figuratiuelie as whereby those thinges are attributed vnto God which are proper vnto man seeing that God who is without a bodie hath neither right side nor left as beeing altogeather immeasurable and infinite 4 By this kinde of speach therefore being taken from the custome of Kings and Princes who are wont to make a
signified The signes are water and the sacramentall rites which are a dipping into the water and a taking out of the same againe whence washing doth follow The thing signified is the blood of Christ vnto the remission of our sinnes and that spirituall and deuine force whereby wee are regenerated which regeneration consisteth partlye in the abolishing of the olde man which decaieth by little little and partlie in the creating of the new which is to be perfected by degrees 6 The formall cause of Baptisme consisteth in the lawfull vse of the institution the especiall part whereof is the inuocation of the name of the Father of the Sonne and of the holie Ghost together with the rite either of dipping into the water or of the sprinckling of the same 7 For it is not greatlie materiall whether the person that is to be baptised be whollie dipt vnder the water or whether the water bee onelie sprinkled either vppon his head or his face Vaine therefore and void is that washing where either Baptisme is not done into the name of the Father the Sonne and the holie Ghost or water is not vsed 8 Those vaine questions that haue risen from that false absolute necessitie of Baptisme as whether it be lawfull to baptize with distilled water with vrin or stale or with sand where naturall water cannot be gotten wee reject as absurd and ridiculous neither thinke we that any contention ought to be made whether the water is to bee once or thrise applied 9 It is not lawfull no not for any Angell in heauen to ordaine any Sacramentall rites seeing the signification of them doeth respect the promise of grace For it is in the power of GOD alone both to promise what hee thinketh good and also to establishe his promises by what signes it pleaseth him 10 They did greatly offend therefore who not contented with the simplicitie of the Lordes institution thought that they could adorne Baptisme by adding curious rites thervnto where as of the contrarieside the Lord will haue the Sacraments of the newe couenant which are opposed vnto the olde to be therefore most few and simple to the end that wee should so much the more readilie be drawen from these corporall and sensible things to the consideration of spirituall and heauenly matters I Those innumerable added trifles therefore which haue presentlie growen into manifest superstition and wherof some were added by the Papists as chrisme spittle Tapers wee haue justlie abollished though they be of antiquitie as being will-worship II Now as touching Exorcisme if by that name be vnderstood not the solemne couenant of Christianitie but the conjuring of Sathan and Spirites wee altogeather refuse the same as being rashly and foolishly drawen from those that were possessed with Diuels to be applied vnto men that were in their right wits and to the infants of Christians III Yet did not these spots though filthie and loathsom and therefore to be carefully abollished anihilate Baptisme as long as the essentiall forme thereof remained 11 The first that the Lorde appointed to publishe this action was IOHN therefore called the Baptist but the Author hereof is properly Christ who onely hath this authority in the house of his Father 12 Nowe the outward administration of this Sacrament as also the simple preaching of the worde hee hath committed vnto Pastors lawfully called Their error therefore is very greeuous who commit this office vnto priuate men and much more greeuous who giue women leaue to intermeddle in this action in the cause of necessitie as they call it 13 ALTHOVGH they are not to be accounted to haue a lawfull calling who haue inuaded the places of true Pastors either by a common error or by long permission yet are they to be DISTINGVISHED from meere priuat mē Therefore Baptisme administred by them according to the forme appointed by Christ is to stand Yet are not they to be excused who now that the holy Ministerie is in some sort reformed doe as farre as in them lyeth confirme the false calling of these men by giuing their children to be Baptized of them 14 To the end in the mean time that all these things may bee lawfully done they are to be so performed in the Church as it may be vnderstood what is done therfore a certaine forme togeather with meet conuenient praiers is to be vsed in the vulgar tongue which may declare the originall vse and end of Baptisme Therefore also Baptisme is profaned by them who either administer the same without any exposition or depraue the administration thereof by some false worshippe or administer it in a straunge and an vnknowen tongue Although it be true Baptisme as long as that remaineth which is the chiefe thing therein namelie the signe and the right inuocation of the Father the Son and the holy Ghost for Baptisme doth neither depend vppon the faith nor yet is defiled by the sinnes of him that administreth it but is grounded onely vppon the ordinance of the Sonne of God 15 The Analogie furthermore of the signes and the things signified is manifest For the element of water vsed for the washing of the outwarde filthines doth most fitlie represent that blood which was shead for the taking away of the sinnes of the world and applied to purifie vs Briefelie that either dipping into or sprinckling of the water though it bee but done in a short space doth yet clearelie represent the first part of our regeneration that is the sealing of our inward and spirituall ingraffing into Christ his death and buriall whereby our olde man togeather with all our sinnes being by little and little brought to decay is altogeather buried Last of all in that hee who is baptized whether hee bee dipt vnder the water or sprinckled with the same doth yet rise again it laieth open as it were before our eies the remission of our sinnes and the rising againe of our new man 16 The proper end of Baptisme is that by this solemne and holy action wee might bee knowen by the testimony of men and Angels to bee in the number of the visible Church also that by meanes of this action the adoption of the elect might to their full assurance bee more more sealed by the holy Ghost in their hearts 17 The principall efficient cause heereof is the holie Ghost who in his good time doth inwardly performe that which by the word of promise accompanied with outward signes is declared vnto the mind Whence also may be gathered what are the effects of Baptisme 18 Now the instrumental cause of the efficacie of baptisme is the very same that maketh the worde alone to bee powerfull namly faith wrought by the holy Ghost throgh the hearing of the word in those that are of age I Their error therefore is intollerable who dreame that there is any diuine power either in the water or in the rites of Baptisme seeing that whole efficacie is solie the worke of the holie Ghost which can