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A10206 The life of the holy and venerable mother Suor Maria Maddalena De Patsi a Florentine lady, & religious of the Order of the Carmelites. Written in Italian by the Reuerend Priest Sigr. Vincentio Puccini, who was sometymes her ghostly father. And now translated into English.; Vita di Santa Maria Maddalena de Pazzi. English Puccini, Vincenzio.; Matthew, Tobie, Sir, 1577-1655. 1619 (1619) STC 20483; ESTC S101534 127,169 365

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as thou wert when thy Mother lost thee in the Temple and lastly as thou wert when thou wert prepared for thy Passion She had no sooner spoke these wordes but this suit of hers was graunted and Iesus shewed himselfe to her punctually as she desired in the tyme of his infancy So as full of ioy turning her eyes towardes him she began to speake in this manner O heer behould my little one in the age of three or foure yeares O admirable thing thou art so very little and yet thou art God but thy littlenes makes me know thy greatnes O greatnes and littlenes of my God I shall neuer be satisfyed in behoulding thee O little and great God so beautifull and attractiue She then saw the same Iesus in the state of riper childhood and being then surprized with greater ioy she sayd O behould my spouse who before shewed himselfe to me so very little and now I see him in the age of twelue yeares with a countenance so delightfull admirable wherein there shineth such a graue sweetnes O my God so louely gracious to such as tast thee After this she went to the Oratory where prostrating her selfe on earth before the Altar of the B. Virgin with full zeale she prayed that the liuely flames of diuine loue might dilate themselues in the hart of euery Religious in that Monastery And these prayers were well made for she vnderstood soone after that God granted singular graces to that Monastery so she being all comforted returned shortly out of the Rapt As soone as she had strengthned her selfe by a little food she was againe abstracted from her senses and she laboured with much desire to see the great Son of God in the third manner as she had demanded Her Iesus then appearing to her in that forme and she looking on him with attentiue eyes sayd O my Iesus I will behould thee in this flourshing age of thyne sometimes working sometimes praising thee sometymes labouring for thee I will see thee I say in this so beautifull and gracious age of thyne when thou dost leaue thy selfe to vs by enduring the most sacred Passion I will take extreme delight to behould thee as now the● shewest thy selfe namely sitting vpon that fountaine where thou wast interrogating and illuminating Many other discourses she had with her beloued Lord whilest she saw him in those three aforesayd formes besides that in these three dayes of the Holy Ghost whereof she consumed the greatest part in Extasis there were cōmunicated to her many celestiall secrets and she spake so highly of the greatnesses that are in God as doth exceed all humane thought But I passe on for greate● breuity By her Prayers she obteyneth from God space of life for the Confessarius of the Monastery CHAP. 42. IN the yeare 1590. the Confessarius of the Monastery being grieuously sicke and neere to death hauing already beene an●ealed this seruant of God both w●th sighes and teares disposed her selfe to pray our Lord so earnestly that for the spirituall benefit of her Monastery he would prolonge his life that the sayd Confessarius being aged of 77. yeares in ●hort tyme recouered his forces so well ●hat he left his bed and at the solemnity of the Corpus Domini which was at hand he confessed and communicated the Re●igious to their great comfort And by ●his prolonging of his life came much ●pirituall profit to the Monastery To ●his miracle all the Religious doe giue ●laine testimony who yet liue were ●resent at the working thereof She seeth the soule of her Mother ascend vp to heauen and she also seeth a good Priest who enioyeth eternall happines CHAP. 43. IN the Month of September of the same yeare 1590. our Lord Iesus was pleased to refresh his beloued Spouse with an extreme consolation for the agonyes which were so patiently endured by her in the time of her Probation For she being in rapt he shewed her the soule of her mother who 15. dayes before was departed out of this life and so being enuironed by eternall splendours she went vp to heauen accompanyed by her Patron-Saints There were giuen her by her Mother three aduices which by holy Obedience she was enioyned to declare First that to the vttermost of her power she should endeauour to profit in holy humility Secondly that she should be a true obseruer of Obedience and thirdly that in all thinges she should striue to exercise Prudence Hauing giuen these holy counsels her happy Mother tooke her selfe out of sight and went to enioy supreme happynes Soone after also she saw the soule of a venerable Priest who for the loue of God had laboured much in spirituall exercises and he went to inhabit his celestiall Countrey being rich in glory By these meanes she went still profiting in holy vertue and was kindled more and more towards the purchase of true felicity Of the manner of her life from the tyme that she entred into her Probation vntill her death CHAP. 44. THIS couragious warriour of Iesus being to encounter with diuers tentations lead a life wholy illuminated by God and full of mortification and pennance For in the fiue yeares of her Pro●ation Note she susteyned not her body otherwise in effect then by bread and water By the space of three yeares she being admonished by aduice from heauē went bare footed and consequently being of delicate complexiō she could not without extreme paine endure those bitter coldes of winter So much the more because for her greater mortification she imployed her selfe as hath been sayd already in those painefull exercises of drawing water and doing of other inferiour things and neither making any account of the raine or snow she went vp and down sometymes in the garden and sometyms in other places of the Monastery so that through the most bitter season of the yeare her flesh would break and open in such sort as to shed bloud in great quantity and that would make most painefull sores Therefore out of compassion the Religious would sometymes swath her legs but she caring for no such complements with a cheerefull countenance would say Giue me leaue to suffer for my sinnes She wore only one Coate which was old and patcht as well in the sharp seasons of the yeare as ●t other tymes so as now and then ●hrough the extreme could she trembled ●n such sort as she could hardly speake Moreouer the vsuall tyme of feeding or sleeping she did ordinarily spend in continuall prayer or in excesses of mind And yet euen when she would dispose her selfe to take any rest she slept in her cloathes and almo t euer vpon a hard sacke of straw or els vpon the bare ground Her sleep was extremly short for that mind which was accustomed in those Nocturnal houres to transforme it selfe often into God by diuine contemplation could hardly induce it selfe to giue long repose to the body though it were much weakned with affliction And yet more to exercise her self in
degree and condition inferiour to them all and although by others she were held a Saint yet she gaue little satisfaction to her selfe but was vsually her own accuser of idlenes and other defectes in the presence of euery one of them Moreouer she shewed her selfe compassionate in supporting the defects of others and withall sweetnes vsed to accommodate her selfe to their wills In countenance she was euer discharged and cheerefull nor could she be troubled through any accident by meanes of the gift she had of prayer whereby she had already acquired so great vnion with God that she had continuall fruition of his presence in her soule By the attractiue manner of her speach whereof yet she was most sparing she kindled in the harts of others an vnspeakable desire of seruing God Much labour she vsed in the mortification of her will and in the hiding of her vertue carrying alwayes her eye vpon the execution of such Orders as were common to all the Nouices vpon the doing of whatsoeuer might bring to her most humility and mortification By these vertues she walked on towards greater perfection hauing extreme desire to be vnited with her heauenly Spouse by the knot of holy Profession Now the tyme being come when seauen Nouices were to be veyled and professed and her tyme not being come that she might also make the same oblation of her selfe to the eternall God she was afflicted with much griefe though she were somewhat recomforted with a promise which was made her by the chiefe of the Religious that towardes the end of the yeare her desire should be g●aunted The yeare being ended and she againe making instance with great affection to be knit to God by the free vow of solemne Profession it was answered that she must expect till some other Nouices might ioyne with her To this she instantly replyed thus with great humility I shall not make my Profession with others but you will be constrayned by a necessity which will go much against your will to permit that I be profest alone It punctually came to passe as she fortould for hardly there had past a moneth but that she being assayled by a sharp burning feuer and a vehement cough accompanyed with extreme paine grew into such danger of her life that foure of the chiefe Phisitians in the Towne confessed ioyntly that they could not penetrate her disease And Iacopo Tronconi one of the foure by whome she was most often visited affirmed many tymes that by all the study that he had imployed he was neuer able to discouer either the occasion or the quality of that sicknes and that it must be left to God for of mans help there was little hope Yet fayled she not to vse conuenient remedyes but all in vaine since euery day more and more her life was found to be in danger She did euer almost sit vpright not being able to lye at length in her bed for the perpetuall cough that afflicted her in such sort as it allowed her very little tyme to restore her weake body either with food or rest But euen then did her spirituall parts receaue strength whē being asked sometims by her sisters what she thought vpon in the midst of her cruell paynes she instantly pointing to a Crucifixe which was neere her bed made this answere I contemplate the great sufferings which that cordiall and incomprehensible loue indured for my saluation he seeth my weaknes and with that sight of his I am comforted Note since all the paynes and griefes which all the chosen children of God haue endured did passe through that most holy Humanity of Christ where they grew to be sweet and to be desired by vs his members Thus was the spouse of Iesus afflicted indeed in body but in her soule so cheerefull serene that she sayd she thought her selfe after a sort to ●e feeding vpon the ioyes of heauen Her health being thus despayred of by the Phisitians it was resolued by the Religious that she should make her Profession which she had so much desired The Confessarius therefore was conducted to her for he would not suffer her to ryse whom he foūd to be so much afflicted by that sicknes Yet she confiding in God prayed her Sisters after leaue obteyned that they would carry her before an Altar of the B. Virgin where there was a little bed set vp for the performance of that holy ceremony Which being put in execution on the 27. of May 1584. which was the morning of the most holy Trinity she made in the hands of the Father Confessarius in presence of all the Religious her holy Profession with greater deuotion and feruour then we can imagine After this she was carryed by force of armes into the Infirmary the Infirmarian was intreated by her that the curtaines of the bed being drawne they would depart out of the chamber for she was desiro● to take a little rest All this was done a whole houre being past when they had heard no noyse in her chamber no so much as the Cough which vsed so continually to importune her the Infirmarian was all in a wonder at it whe● with others entred in and opening th● curtaines found that she reposed well in God for being alienated from her senses she was rapt into heauenly contemplations Her face was growne beautifull and delightfull to the astonishmen● of such as lookt vpon her her flesh was growne liuely coloured and euen inflamed her eyes were fastned so stedfastly behoulding a Crucifixe that vpon the whole matter she seemed no more to be that pale and leane Suor Maria Maddalena but euen a very Angell of heauen In the meane tyme this accident was made knowne to the Mother Prioresse wherupon she with the rest of all the other Mothers and Sisters did suddainly go by one and one into the chamber where they all saw the wonder which God had wrought in his deuout seruant And this was the first time that she had been seen in Rapte wherein she continued for the space of two hours It was not matter of lesse amazement to them which happened in the fourty dayes which followed next for euery day in the morning as soone as she had receaued the food of Angells the same wonder was seene she remayning abstracted from her senses and immersed in diuine contemplations which shal briefly be pointed at in the first Chapter of the second part And so it pleased our Lord after these Extasies to restore the health of her body in miraculous manner since without applying any further remedy her disease so ceased as that she was wholy free our Lord vouchsafing to preserue her to the end that others by her example might be much more inflamed to loue him When she had recouered her health she returned to the Nouiciate and considering the many Rapts which were graunted to her by her Lord she was constreyned by Obedience to relate to two of the Mothers such thinges as were communicated to her
prayers of Suor Maria Maddalena but she one day in the yeare 1589. going to visit this sicke person was so inflamed with Charity as that with her tongue she began to licke her handes and armes in those places where the pestiferous euill did most afflict her and hauing told the sicke person that she must haue confidence in God Note and in the B. Virgin because she should be cured away she went And it was admirable how within few dayes she was wholy cleere of that sicknes and in such sort as it seemed not that in her flesh there had beene euer any infirmity At the same time there was in the Monastery a lay Sister called Suor Pace Colombini This woman had lost all sense in one whole side of her body through the excessiue torment that she had felt in so much as her flesh being depriued of sense might haue beene cut off without any payne to the patient So as she despayring wholy of humane help prayed the Mother Suor Maria Maddalena that for the loue of Iesus she would make the signe of the Crosse vpon her The good Mother in her great humility made som resistance but finally being more vrged by ardent Charity Note three tymes she signed her with the signe of the Crosse It is incredible to tell how immediatly therupon the sicke person was freed and so freed that instantly she went about the busines of the Monastery And she her selfe is yet liuing and giues cleere testimony to this miracle She seeth the soule of one Religious ascend into heauen and of another who was suffering in Purgatory in a particuler manner CHAP. 39. THE same yeare on the fift of Iune a Religious of that Monastery passed from this to a better life to whome Suor Maria Maddalena had performed great offices of charity during the whole tyme of her sicknes Her body was yet in the Church vnburyed when she with the rest of her Sisters being imployed about their vsuall exercises and being moued by God she went towardes the grate of the Chapter-house from whēce she might see the body of her dead Sister She was scarcely arriued thither when being rapt in Extasis she saw her soule fly happily vp into the ioyes of heauen Whereupon she brake out into these wordes Farewell my Sister farewell happy soule Thou art going vp to heauen like purest Doue leauing all vs heer below O how glorious art thou and how faire and who shall be able to describe thy beauty How small a tyme hast thou remayned in those flames Thy body is not yet buryed and thy soule is flying vp into eternall glory Now dost thou see cleerly that which I was wont to tell thee whilest yet thou wast on earth that thy sufferings heere would seeme nothing to thee in respect of the glory which Iesus had layd vp for thee in Heauen In the meane tyme it was declared to her by our Lord how that soule because she had suffered extremely in this life and for the deuotion which she had to holy Indulgences as imparting the merits of Christ Iesus she had stayed in Purgatory only fifteen houres In the meane tyme the body was buryed and she returned from her Rapt saying Whilest buriall is giuing to the body in earth the soule is placed for all eternity in heauen About the same tyme making prayers before the B. Sacrament there was represented to the eyes of her mind the Soule of another Religious of that Monastery which had also passed to a better life and it was suffering in Purgatory for the defects thereof and as she related she saw it apparelled with a garment of fire and a white vest vnderneath adore the food of the Angells with great reuerence She vnderstood afterwardes how that flame which incompassed her and the obligation to stand an houre in the day to honour the B. Sacrament in the Church of that Monastery was imposed by God in punishment for her hauing negligently omitted diuers tymes to receaue the holy Communion But that white Vest which gaue her great consolation was graunted in reward of her virginity purity which she had still manteyned Afterwards in the same yeare 1589. she saw it flye fayre and purifyed into eternall Rest After the fiue yeares of Probation she is taken out of the lake of Lyons by her Patron-Saints that is she is freed from the assaults of Diuells rewarded by God with infinite graces CHAP. 40. THE fiue yeares were passed wherein Suor Maria Maddalena had beene so furiously assaulted by the tentations of infernall enemyes when at length her Iesus was pleased to make an end of those afflictions and as a Conqueresse to reward her euen in this life with graces of imcomparable valew So as vpon the night of that admirable solemnity of the Holy Ghost on the 10. of Iune in the year 1590. being in the Quire with the other Religious in celebration of the sacred Office at the singing of that Canticle Te Deum laudamus c. she was estranged from her senses and in such sort remayned without speach till Mattins were at an end Then became her countenance to be of admirable beauty by the wordes which she vttered it was cleerly known that she then conceaued in her selfe celestiall ardours of the Holy Ghost by the strength whereof the powers of her mind were all purifyed and she vtter● many sentences of the holy Scripture with admirable deuotion At these things were present her Patron-Saints who immediatly before had drawne her out of the Lake of Lyons that is they freed her from those afflictions wherein as in a lake she had been as already hath beene sayd fiue continued yeares for her Probation they intierly tooke from the Diuels all power of afflicting her in future time wherupō all fullfilled with heauenly delights she sayd Eripuit me de manibus inimicorum ipsi confusi sunt Et transiui perignem aquā eduxisti me in refrigerium These most cruell beasts she spake heere of the Diuells haue certaine wayes to fright vs wherby they thought to returne to their great Diuell to giue him account of some rich gaine that they had made but my Patron-Saints do take them ●d ruine them because now euery thing is ●rifyed in the bloud of my God and that ●herin they thought to haue gotten the vpper ●nd euen by that they are the more tormen●ed since they returne without victory And ●ho shall be able to conceaue O my Lord how ●hat which to me seemed affliction is no affli●tion but triumph and glory to my soule She ●ad no sooner ended these wordes but ●he turned her selfe being still in Extasis ●owardes the Prioresse to her Mistres who were neere her and wringing them with her handes she sayd with an inestimable ioy of hart It is come and it is past she speakes of the tyme of her Probation do you therefore help me to thanke and glorify my God After this she returned from the
in all simplicity for so you shall arriue to great perfection In summe she did so instruct her Subiects in holy exercises of a true Religious life as they who are yet liuing do co●fesse that then it was that they layed the true foundation of the spirit Her only countenance caused griefe for sinne in the minds of others CHAP. 67. IT was a strang and curious accident that chanced in the yeare 1599. when Suor Maria Maddalena was Mistres of the Nouices It happened that one of her Nouices was called to the grate to speak with a brother of hers who led not any of the best liues And so hauing giuen her leaue to speake with him she also as Superiour went in her company according to the custome of the Monastery Being both come to the grate the yong gentlemen had scarce saluted his Sister when instantly he went away in a fury without vsing any further speach or so much as taking his leaue The Nouice wondered and grieued to see the so hasty vnciuil departure of her brother but her owne Mother shortly after comming to visite her she asked her sayd Mother whether he had yet acquainted her therewith to which she answered that his departure grew from his not being able to remain in the presence of the Religious woman who was in her company Note and that she hauing cast an eye vpon him he found himselfe instantly and interiourly to be filled with so great confusion shame as that being surprized with an extraordinary inquietude he was not able to remaine in her presence but was forced to take himselfe out of sight From that time forwards he changed his course of life and hath ever since giuen good example to others And surely this Suor Maria Maddalena had that vertue in her most pure aspect imparted by Almighty God for in particuler those Religious do testify who are now liuing formerly were vnder her charge that they should easily passe ouer any affliction be wholy appeased in their mind by seeing in her eyes somwhat as if it had been diuine and on the other side being admonished or reproued by her they would from her very countenance take reason euen of trembling and vnspeakable sorrow for their faults And because with her only countenance she penetrated the mindes of others so far to the quike and cleerely saw the state wherein they were when she was called to the Grate she found that she spake to some with great repugnāce and to others with great consolation so that only by her aspect indeed Angelical one might come to the knowledg of her angelicall life She sheweth in many thinges her Propheticall spirit CHAP. 68. IN the yeare 1600. being one day according to her custome in Extasis she saw the Reuerend Father Rectour of the College of the Society of Iesus who at that tyme was Virgilio Cepari as he was speaking to some of the Fathers of his College about an houre and halfe after Sunset But that which was strang is that as she told instantly after by Obedience she distinctly heard all the speach that past betweene them This was verifyed to the full the next day following when the sayd Father Rectour went to confesse those Religious as sometymes vpon extraordinary occasions he did For the good Mother doubting least perhaps she might haue beene deceaued by the Diuell related to him the whole processe and found it to be punctually true And this is cleerly testifyed by the sayd Father who yet liueth She foresaw at diuers tymes many virgins who were to be Religious in that Monastery besides that she saw the deuotions which they should performe cōferring with the Religious she would say That God prouided trees for that garden which should fructify Once particulerly about that tyme she was asked by them if a certaine Virgin who was then in the Monastery would become in the end Religious She answered that she knew for certaine that she would and that God had reuealed it to her She had indeed many difficulties afterwardes but yet in fine ouercame them al and tooke the habit of Religion in that Monastery She foretold very often the death of many but in particuler of a Religious woman of her Monastery who was sick at the same tyme. Speaking one day with Mother Prioresse about her she sayd these words Note You shall vnderstand Mother that this Sister will dye shortly The Prioresse was amazed at these wordes that Religious being then in good health but eight dayes were not passed before she grew very sicke and seauen dayes after that she dyed She also fortold her owne death in one of her grieuous sicknesses vnderstanding that her recouery was despaired of by the Phisitians she sayd often to Mother Prioresse Assure your selfe Mother that I shal not dye yet Moreouer a year before her death when the Phisitians coūsailled her to take the Extreme vnction without delay she resolutly sayd though with profound humility That the tyme was not yet come and a few dayes before she dyed indeed she foretould that one of the Religious would shortly follow her And being desired by the Religious to pray for the recouery of her who was already sicke she answered how the will of God was that she should dye and so the sixt day after the death of Suor Maria Maddalena that other Religious also passed on to a better life Many other things also did she forsee concerning the good estate of that Monastery but they are passed ouer to auoyd tediousnes She seeth in Rapt B. Luigi Gonzaga of the Society of Iesus amongst the Saints of Heauen CHAP. 69. ON the fourth of Aprill in the same yeare being rapt in spirit as she was often it was graunted to her that she might see in heauen the glory of B. Luigi Gonzaga of the Society of Iesus and being surprised by the sight of so glorious an obiect she began to speake thus with great pawses interposing a space between one and another as the lines doe afterward declare O what glory hath Luigi the sonne of Ignatius I should neuer haue beleeued it to haue beene so much if my Iesus hid not shewed it me Me thinkes there should hardly be so much glory in all heauen as I see that Luigi doth enioy I say that Luigi is a great Saint We haue Saints in the Church who I doe not thinke haue so much glory She speaketh heere of the Reliques Bones of Saints which were kept in the Reliquaries of that Church Faine would I go throughout the whole world and say that Luigi the sonne of Ignatius is a great Saint and I wish I could shew to euery one his glory to the end that God might be glorifyed He hath so great glory because he operated interiourly Who can euer expresse the valew and vertue of internall workes there is no comparison between the internall and the externall Luigi whilest he was on earth held his mouth open towards the countenance of the Word
Camillo the sonne of Geri de Patsi and of Maria the daughter of Lorenzo Buondelmonti two familyes most illustrious for antiquity and greatnes Her ●ame was Catharina which afterward ●as thought not to be without mystery 〈◊〉 like she was to Saint Catharina of Ste●a to whome she was particulerly de●oted Her Mother affirmed that she had ●euer when she was with child of her ●elt either any indisposition or weight ●f the burthen nor in the infancy ten●er age of the child had she any of those ●combrances which children do vsual● bring to such as gouerne them but she ●uer receaued comfort by her partly ●hrough the grace of her countenance ●nd partly through the promptitude of ●er obedience She had no pleasure in childish pa●imes or playes but notwithstanding ●at she was affable in her conuersatiō ●e tooke withall Note extreme contentment 〈◊〉 heare spirituall things spoken of and ●ith discretion diuerted all discourses of ●orldly matters And when she chaun●d vpon deuout persons she would be ●king them of such things as appertai●ed to saluation of the soule and particulerly of the mistery of the most Holy Trinity An admirable thing whereof she was so incredibly inamoured as that the Creed of S. Athanasius cōming once into her handes she not only read it with greedines but carryed it to her mother with extreme contentment as a thing of rare estimation By which actions wrought in so tender yeares it might be inferred what kind of creature she was to shew her selfe with the help of God in a more mature and perfect age Of her Charity towards poore folkes and the Mentall Prayer which she vsed CHAP. 2. BEING come to the seauenth yeare of her age she began to make shew of her holy inclination For part of her meat such as is vsually giuen to childrē either for breakefast or collation when they are taught to worke or read Note she would already be distributing to Prisoners and other poore people and she was delighted extraordinarily whensoeuer she had oportunity of teaching other children the Pater Noster the Aue Maria and such like prayers In which holy exercise she might spend much time in their house in the Countrey instructing withall kind of patience and charity the poore Countrey-maydes and neighbours children And to this she went with so great passion as that once being to returne towards the Citty she began to weep bitterly for this only reason as she confest that she should be disabled to teach a daughter of a husbandmans belonging to the house which daughter for the recomforting of our little one must needs be also conducted with her to Florence It seemeth a wonderfull thing that in so tender yeares she could take so great care as she had for the preseruing of her hart in purity and to cast such a bridle vpon her thoughts as to keep them euer addressed to the seruice and glory of Almighty God And withall that when she was but newly come to the vse of reason she could exalt her vnderstanding and intertaine it in mentall prayer to which she was much giuen hauing already beene instructed by her ghostly Father the Father Andreas Rossi of the Society of Iesus For a preparation thereunto she vsed to read in a little book of Father Gaspari Loarte of the same Society and then with a liuely feeling of heauenly thinges hauing prostrated her selfe on earth and with deuotion sayd the Hymne Veni sancte Spiritus and the Consiteor she raysed her mind to most diuine thoughts and not incombred with earthly cares she only considered within her selfe how she might come to a religious state So great was the delight she tooke in prayer as that the halfe houre which was assigned to that effect by her ghostly Father Note did often passe a whole one When sometymes she was alone retyring her selfe into the most secret parts of the house she gaue liberty vnto her soule to discharge those amorous desires which were kindled in it towards the obteyning of heauen Whereupon they of the house seeking her vp and downe with diligence would find her behind some bed so plunged into heauenly cōtemplation and so as it were transformed in God that she could neither heare nor see any obiect She was often interiourly stirred vp by the presence of God to the true purchase of Euangelical perfection Whereupon through the light of those celestiall graces which by his Maiesty were communicated to her whensoeuer she heard any such wordes spoken as became not the mouth of Christians or that they resulted not to the honour of his diuine Maiesty Note she conceaued so bitter griefe as that one night particulerly she spent all in teares and sighes vpon that occasion excusing neuertheles the defects of others with aboundant charity Of the great desire which she had to receaue the B. Sacrament and of the pennances which she vsed CHAP. 2. BESIDES this she was so desirous to receaue our Lord Iesus being veyled vnder the shew of bread that when she saw her mother or other deuout persons communicate she procured to come close to them and being extremely in appetite to receaue the odour of that most sacred food she could hardly part from such as she knew had receaued it Afterward being entred into the tenth yeare of her age she began with the leaue of her Ghostly father to communicate sometymes and she receaued so much delight therby as forced from her the teares of ioy And on the other side she did so afflict her selfe when by any occasion she was hindred that in nothing she could find comfort Once vpon Holy Thursday being in contemplation of the soueraigne loue which our Lord Iesus shewed in leauing himselfe vnto vs in the Blessed Sacrament no lesse attentiuely considering what she might render by way of gratitude for so great loue she did with admirable deuotion dedicate her selfe to Christ Iesus by a vow of Virginity when she was arriued but to the eleuenth yeare of her age By that tyme she delighted in nothing but discoursing of heauenly things nor did she looke after any other obiect but how she might be wholy answerable to the example of her heauenly Spouse Therefore did she refuse soft beds Note and slept often vpon straw and in the most secret places of the house she wold be disciplining of her selfe And for her greater mortification she tooke secretly certaine ong stalkes of Orange trees which were full of prickles and binding them hard about her head she past a whole night in excessiue payne only for the imitation of Iesus who was crowned with piercing thornes And because where the diuine loue hath dominion there is euer kindled a desire of doing pennance more and more therefore did this deuout child exercise her selfe in other acts of mortification as sometims in her meate not taking any more then what was meerely necessary and scarcely that sometymes in making her selfe obedient to the vnworthiest and basest person
in the house and in many other holy actions altogeather repugnant to Sense seeking euer new meanes whereby she might become more acceptable to our soueraigne Lord. How she was left in the Monastery of S. Giouannino and of the inspirations which she had to become Religious in the Monastery of S. Maria de li Angeli CHAP. 4. BEING aged now of fourten years and her Father being to go in publique imployment to Cortona her parents determined by the aduice of the Reuerend Father Pietro Blanca Rector of the College of the Society of Iesus to leaue her placed for a yeare in the Monastery of S. Giouannino of Florence Which Father because he well knew the perfection singuler spirit of this child as also the ardent desire she had to frequent the Blessed Sacrament resolued to place her there vnder condition that vpon euery Sunday and Holy-day she might communicate at her owne deuotion This being then promised very willingly by those Reuerend Mothers she entred into the sayd Monastery and passed the yeare with great increase of vertue and no lesse satisfaction of the sayd Religious for the liuely example which euery one of them tooke from her true deuotion Neuertheles there wanted not in that tyme some occasions to disturbe so great a frequence of the Sacraments but she kindling her selfe more and more in so holy a desire did not at all release the ardent purpose she had to get ground in the seruice of God With excessiue feruour she followed the exercise of Mentall Prayer Note and did very often for the space of foure continued houres enioy celestiall thoughts And on the day of the most holy Ascension of Iesus into heauen whilest in a most retyred part of the Monastery she was deuoutly praying the Giuer of all good things imparted to her so liuely a knowledge of his diuine Bounty that with much difficulty she was able to conteyne the ioy triumph that in her soule she felt Those Reuerend Mothers were moued by her vertue to haue extraordinary desire that she would take their habit and with particuler instance aduised her to it letting her see the good which thereby would redound to the Monastery Whereupon she earnestly prayed the illuminatour of all harts to make her choose that place which should be most for the seruice honour of his diuine Maiesty In the meane tyme her Father Mother being returned from Cortona tooke her home into the house and forbare not by many wayes to disturbe her holy purpose being vrged by the affection of flesh and bloud which is the vsuall author of such inconueniencies and they did so the rather because she was their only daughter But she hauing by help from heauen ouercome all difficultyes and being more desirous then euer to imitate the Incarnate Word in the state of holy Religion sayd resolutly vnto them that she would rather suffer her head to be strocken from her shoulders Note then consent not to be Religious Her parents hearing this remitted all to her Ghostly Father who wisely counsayled her to choose some Monastery where both deuotion and a perfect obseruant life did flourish in the Religious to which her selfe was much inclined There being then propounded to her the Monastery of S. Maria de li Angioli neere S. Friano of the order of the Carmelites and that other venerable Monastery of the Crocetto of the order of S. Dominicke to which later she had some inclination because the Religious of that place are neuer seene yet at last hearing the former so highly paysed especially for the frequent receauing of the B. Sacrament which there is vsed euery day she determined to go into the sayd Monastery for fifteene dayes And hauing obteyned licence on the Vigill of the Assumption of the B. Virgin she entred full of ioy and in the tyme of her stay there gaue an excellent example of life Hauing diligently then considered the seuerall Orders of Religion she was wholy satisfyed that this was the place to which our Lord had called her Therefore it grieued her to go thence at all but being forced by her parents she must needs returne home where with a great deale of grief for the space of three monthes she remayned But finally being more and more moued by Almighty God to take the habit of Religion on the Saturday precedent to the first Sunday of Aduent in the yeare 1582. she entred into the Monastery to consecrate her selfe for euer to the seruice of God And hauing obteyned their acceptation she was on the eight of December in the same yeare being the day of the Conception of the B. Virgin receaued with great ioy and satisfaction by all the Religious Afterward vpon the thirtith of Ianuary next following with ardent desire of heauenly graces extreme contempt of earthly cares she tooke the habit of the Carmelits order in the sayd monastery at the hands of the Confessour thereof Agostino Campi of Pontremoli a Priest of great vertue and exemplar life And in the instant when he put the crucifixe into her hand the Religious singing those words of S. Paul Mihi absit gloriari nisi in cruce Domini nostri Iesu Christi c. Note it is a wonder to tell how she felt interiourly so great an vnion with our Lord Iesus and such a spirituall sweetnes that in all her life as she sayd she remembred not to haue found the like Whereupon hauing placed in eternall obliuion all the commodityes of this life and hauing confirmed her selfe more resolutely in her holy purpose she protested at that tyme to her heauenly Spouse that she would neuer thirst after any thing but him crucifyed nor aspire to any thing but that her soule might to the vttermost of her possibility be instructed and deuoted to do him seruice After she was clad with the sacred habit she did with profound humility giue her selfe for dead to the Mother who was Mistresse of the Nouices Note and did ardently beg that she would euer humble her and mortify her and at all tyme contradict her will and direct her in all her actions A liuely and fit example for all such as thirst after an increase of Religious vertue for without this resignation there is no profit to be expected in a spirituall life In the yeare of her Nouiship she makes great proof of many vertues of the much desire she had to be Professed which was accorded by her Superiours by reason of her great sicknes from which she was freed in miraculous manner CHAP. 5. HAVING at last obteyned that which so long she had desired to be clothed with the Religious Habit Note with great deuotion and feruour she submitted her selfe to the easy yoke of the Holy Obedience of the Mistresse of the Nouices with such humility as that in the perfection of that kind of life she seemed not a Nouice but a Religious woman of many years In conuersing with her Sisters she esteemed her selfe in
by Almighty God CHAP. 6. GREAT was the contentment which the Nouiciate yea all the Monastery receaued through the health miraculously recouered by this beloued child of Iesus And the Superiours discouering that she was guided by Almighty God in a particuler manner and that euery day more then other she profited in the obteyning of vertue they deliberated about drawing her out of the Nouiciate although she had beene but lately profest and to put her in some seuerall place where she might with better opportunity serue our Lord. But when this resolution was come to her ears she was much afflicted as being an enemy to all singularity went suddainly to beseech the Superiours with great instance that they would not seuer her from the other Nouices or withdraw her from the obedience of her Mistresse accusing her selfe to be the most imperfect of thē al that she had more need then others to be directed by her in the way of vertue When her Superiours obserued this singular humility of hers they were cōtent to graunt her holy suite whereupon being confirmed vnder the care of the Mistresse it cannot be exprest with how much spirit she gaue her selfe to the contemplation of heauenly Misteryes And if in the first yeare of her Nouiciate she had made particuler proofe of her sanctity she grew in doing of it afterward not imploying her forces vpon any other thing then the procuring of those graces which make soules acceptable in the eyes of God She went euer thinking how she might inflame others towards diuine loue exhorting her Sisters to performe the seruice of God with humility and purity of mind From her mouth there came none but holy words She would excuse the defects of others Note and interprete euery thing to a good end She would neuer speake much vnles she were vrged by questions that which she sayd would be full of mildnes and charity In this meane tyme being yet more kindled to holy actions she was often rapt in spirit and was come to such a degree of perfection that no worldly thing could disorder the vnion which she had with the diuine Maiesty When it pleased God to restore her to her senses she would immediatly returne to her fellow Nouices and she proceeded towards them with so great humility and suauity that it seemed not to be she who so lately had beene seene to participate of so high and heauenly Misteryes as one who valued not much such gifts as those but attended only to solid vertue and the contempt of her selfe Now her Superiour obseruing the wonders that God wrought by meanes of this his true seruant since euery day after the holy Communion they had seene her in excesse of mind raysed vp to the vnderstanding of so high things they appointed her in vertue of holy obedience to preuent the loosing of so great heauenly treasures by communicating whatsoeuer God should manifest vnto her with the Reuerend Mother Suor Vangelista del Giocundo her Mistresse and Suor Maria Maddalena Mori Of these two Mothers the first who is yet liuing a Religious woman of great prudence of no lesse vertue and sanctity of life hath witnessed in particuler by oaths and writings vnder her hand that she hath with her owne eyes seene that which is recounted in this Story of Suor Maria Maddalena besides many other Religious who in like manner haue affirmed and do affirme the very same So as now Suor Maria Maddalena did relate to the sayd Mothers the fauours and intelligences which were cōmunicated to her by Almighty God in those Extasies And although she extremly desired to maintaine her self abiect vile in the sight of others yet neuertheles she alwayes preferred holy Obedience before any inclination of her own and the rather she did it in this case to be the better assured thereby whether or no there were any mixture of diabolicall fraud but in this point she was satisfyed by her Ghostly Father And for the better testifying of the truth the Right Reuerend Man Francesco Benuenuti Gouernour and Confessarius of the Monastery Penitentiarius of the Cathedrall Church of Florence subscribed with his owne hand to foure bookes written by the Religious which conteine many deuout and high intelligences By him they were deliuered to be reuiewed by the Fathers of the Society of Iesus who gaue this testimony that there was nothing to be found in them contrary to the Catholique fayth but on the other side many things of perfection worthy to be vnderstood by all to bring thē more in loue with God She seeth the soule of Madre Suor Maria Bagnese a Florentine rich with the glory of Heauen CHAP. 7. SVOR Maria Maddalena was wont to visit often the body of the venerable Mother Suor Maria Bagnese a Florentine who is buried in a case of stone within the Chapter-house of that Monastery and there did see exhibite earnest prayers to that holy soule to which she was most deuoted Whereupon she obteyned to see her in heauen many tymes but particulerly vpon the eleauenth of Iuly 1584. she saw her in a most excellent manner and being commanded in vertue of holy Obedience she related the Vision in these very words I haue seene in heauen a most beautifull Throne of incomprehensible light wherein did sit the Blessed Mother Suor Maria Bagnese all resplendent and full of wonderfull Maiesty And I vnderstood that this Throne was her virginity and purity which gaue her an extreme ornament I saw also that the sayd Throne was all set with precious stones these were all those souls which her example had brought to the seruice of God which compassing her in round about after the manner of a crown did giue her greater grace and beauty This was the relation which Suor Maria Maddalena made of that particuler But of how great sanctity the sayd Madre Suor Maria Bagnese was whosoeuer will may see in her life which is written by the Father Alessandro Capocchi a Dominican a man of great holynes as also by the Father Abbot Don Siluano Razzi of Camaldoli in the second part of Tuscan Saintes and by the Father Fra Serafino his brother a Dominican both who were men for their learning and vertue very much to be esteemed Three times our Lord made her know his will was that she should liue vpon bread and water Triall was taken of that motion by her Superiours and with their permission she began to execute the will of God CHAP. 8. ON the 21. of May 1585. this blessed Creature being then imployed about the exercises of the Monastery finding her selfe to be moued by God she went into the dormitory of the Nouiciate where at the instant that she arriued she was cast downe to the earth with great violence and remayning so a good while as if she had been dead she afterwards vttered these wordes O my Lord and what is it which thou demandest of me Is it perhaps the exteriour by the interiour
In this meane tyme she vnderstood from the Eternall Father as afterwards in vertue of holy Obedience she told the Religious that in her diet his pleasure was she should lead a particuler life susteyning her selfe only by bread and water excepting on the Sabbaoth dayes and then she was to vse the meats of Lent and this to be done in satisfaction of the offences which are committed against God by his creaturs Afterwards she saw the reward which is giuen to such as for the loue of God depriue themselues of earthly comforts Whereupon she sayd thus O how sweet and pleasant is that place but great are the workes which they must performe who aspire thither But if this were sufficient o my God for the helping of thy creatures I would liue a thousand yeares in this manner and should hold my selfe to be glorious thereby Thy Word made me aske to do some pennance for thy creatures art thou content with this then is it wellcome Thou art Mighty o my God yet if thou hadst not called me and cast me downe to the ground I had not answered thee but thy will be euer done and I rather desire to dye then to offend the high Purity I am resolued to remit my selfe wholy vnto thee for being vnited to thee nothing can be able to trouble me Graunt me therefore this grace O my Iesus that I may euer be resigned to thy holy will Vpon the Thursday following saying her Office with one of the Sisters she was in the same manner cast downe to the ground being suddainly rapt in spirit with her eyes fixed vpon heauen she sayd Adsum adsum adsum Note heere I am and then in the person of the Eternall Father she replyed I call thee that thou mayst answere my vocation and petition as already I haue shewed thee She instantly answered O it is thou who art great and powerfull She remayned in that cōtemplation more then halfe an houre in which time it was euident that she did extremely suffer and so ended the Rapt But the day following whilest after her manner she was with the Nouices she was forcibly cast downe to the ground with great violence where hauing lyen a while without speach she sayd afterwards in the person of the Eternall Father Crastino die nihil gustabis nisi panem aquam si hoc non facies retraham abs te oculos meos To morrow thou shalt eat nothing but bread and water and if thou performe not this I will withdraw myne eyes from thee But if thou wilt do that which I require and fullfill my will and the will of my Word who with so much loue hath giuen himselfe and doth giue himselfe to thee I will take pleasure in thee as hitherto I haue done And if thou haue a desire that thy worke should be gratefull to me see that it be voluntary This exteriour operation which I require of thee shall be a glasse for thy mind to looke in and feare not that which the aduersary will procure to do against thee for I will not suffer him to preuayle I will giue Angels to thy soule that they may guard it The Mother of my only begotten Sonne shall be thy keeper that thou loose not the impression of the Passion of the Word which I haue grauen in thy hart Be free from feare for thy desires shall not be knowne to thyne enemy the Diuell but I will fullfill them all After this she remained a while in silence but then in her owne person all resigned to the will of God she sayd Non moriar sed adimplebo opera tua I will not dye but I will performe thy workes vpon which wordes she returned from the Rapt She considered then with her selfe that which the Eternal Father had commanded Note and finding that she could not otherwise lead that singular manner of life appointed by God she resolued instantly to informe her Superiours of the whole affaire Which she did with singular humility she was answered by them out of the great feare they had least in this there might be some mixture of the Diuells craft that she should performe Obedience vnto them and as for her food she should vse no other but such as was common to all the rest and that they would not permit any one to be particuler in her manner of life Nor did they this without mature deliberation but determined among themselues to attend the issue as knowing well that if it were the will of our Lord it would be more cleerely and apparant to them And indeed it proued as they conceaued for the day following the houre of dinner being arriued there being set before this seruant of God such diet as was prepared for the other Sisters she being commanded by holy Obedience which vertue she had euer in particuler recommendation beyond the rest wold needs begin to eate thereof but it was not possible for her to swallow a bit for all that which she chewed and procured to put downe was instantly and forcibly cast out by vomite Many and many tymes did the Superiours trye her but neuer would there succeed other effect Whereupon the Ghostly Father of the house with Mother Prioresse gaue her full liberty to lead that life which the supreme God imposed vpon her for now they knew that such was his will and that the craft or deceit of the Diuell had no part therein So as vpon the day of S. Zanobius Bishop of Florence on the 25. of May in the yeare 1585. she began in the name of our Lord to eat bread drink water only excepting on Sundays when she was to feed vpon the meats of Lent as our Lord had commanded her And although she felt great repugnance thus to lead a particuler life against the common vse yet neuertheles did she go through with it as knowing that the will of her God was such The Eternall Father putteth her in mind of some spirituall exercises that she was to performe he foretelleth the probation that he would make of her for fiue yeares promising first to infuse the holy Ghost into her soule CHAP. 9. AT this tyme on the 26. of the same month and yeare she was rapt according to her custome to celestiall contemplations and remayned in them two houres without any speach at all Being returned to her senses she was commanded by the vsuall Obedience to reporte that which in that tyme she had vnderstood of our Lord. Wherupon with profound humility much griefe of mind she told them How the Eternall Father had giuen her a rule of life which she was to hold Note confirming the food only of bread and water That she was not to exceed fiue hours of sleep that ordinarily she should take it on a sacke of straw yet not denying but that sometymes she might repose vpon a matteresse that her words should be of meeknes of truth and of Iustice That her vnderstanding was to be dead
suffered death for the saluation of mankind Other amorous Excesses towardes Christ Iesus whereof she discharged her hart CHAP. 12. THE celestiall fire of loue did dayly more and more increase in this deer Spouse of Iesus in so much that for the excessiue inward heate that she felt she could not oftentims in the very middest of winter keep on her wollen bodyes It was further necessary for her to haue her other garmēts extraordinarily loose about her to the end that her inflamed affections might be able to passe more freely and oftentymes she was forced to drinke cold water in great quantity Into the very water she would also thrust her armes and bath her face and cast part thereof into her bosome affirming that she found her selfe not only to burne but euen to consume Then turning her selfe vp to heauen with inamoured countenance she often repeated these words I can no longer indure so great a flame And certainly if she had not byn succoured by supernatural help impossible it had beene that she could haue liued Besides these ardent affects one other that was very strang may be recoūted which she shewed on the day of the Inuention or Finding of the Holy Crosse when hauing first communicated she stood for the space of an houre like a strong immoueable Tower and spake at large of the excellency and nobility of the Crosse of Iesus with most ardent affection of mind And after insisting vpon the contemplation of the Incarnate VVord which was nayled theron she began thus to exclaime O loue O loue how ●ttle art thou knowne and beloued Note If thou ●anst not find a place wherein to rest come O ●ue come all into me for I shall not faile to ●eceaue thee O you soules created by loue ●hy do you not loue this Loue And what ●hing is loue but only God Deus Charitas est 〈◊〉 loue thou makest me euen melt consume Thou makest me dye and yet I liue and I ●eele payne by thy making me know how little ●hou art beloued and knowne In the meane tyme she vsed such ●eere and pious gestures as kindled in the beholders an vnspeakable deuotion sometymes she would spread her armes abroad sometymes she would clap her handes togeather and neuer cease from saying O come you soules to loue my loue come loue your God But how hoat this fire of loue was which burned her most pure hart might well be knowne by her face which was euen like to fire it selfe And so with her cloaths and the veyles of her head she was forced sometimes to fanne her selfe for the mitigating of the extreme heat wherein she was and yet in the very midst of it she would often runne with great speed sometymes through the Couent and sometymes throughout the whole garden affirming that she went vp and downe seeking of soules which might know and loue this Loue. When she happened to meet some one of her Sisters in the way she would take her by the hand and wringing her very hard would say O thou soule doest thou loue this loue what shift dost thou make to liue doest thou not feele thy self consume and euen dye for loue And when for a good while she had walked thus vp and downe she would take into her handes the ropes of the bells and ringing them exclaime with a loud voyce O you soules come loue come loue this loue by whome you are so much beloued With these affects of her spirit it would not be credible to tell how the mindes of the Religious there present were inflamed to deuotion and withall to wonder But among all her amorous excesses which were so many one of them was admirable which in one of her Raptes she expressed She had passed a whol day in heauenly contemplations spoken with so much feruour of soule of the diuine loue that she seemed some Angelicall spirit which might haue beene descended from heauen to expresse the excellency thereof By meanes of this labour she was growne exceedingly weary and voyd of strength and being desirous to refresh and restore her self she tooke a Crucifixe into her hand and applying her mouth to the wound thereof she was seene by the Religious to swallow in the same very sort as men vse to do when they feed vpon som delightful meat And moreouer she deliuered such words as whereby it might cleerely be vnderstood that she was then deliciously fed through the wounds of Iesus And she returned from her Rapt with such sweetnes of spirit and so ouer-flowed with ioy as wel might shew that she had beene nourished with celestiall Manna Of an Examination of her conscience that she made in Rapt whereby the great purity of her soule may be seene CHAP. 13. HOvv diligent she was in the examination of her conscience and how she fixed the eye of her mind vpon euery little moare that might pretend to defile her hart may be considered by the inquiry that she made vpon her selfe of what she had done that day she made it in a Rapt whilest she was in the presence of God She began therefore lying halfe prostrate with her knees vpon the ground to recite those Psalmes Domine quid multiplicati sunt c. Qui habitat in adiuto●io c. Which as soone as she had ended thus she sayd O my Iesus what was the first thought which I had to day I grieue that it was not of thee Note but I was fearefull least it had beene too late to call thy Spouses to prayse thee nor was my thought to offer my selfe to thee nor to honour thee Afterwards O my Iesus I went to offer my selfe to thee in the Quire but I d●d not resigne my selfe intierly and absolutly to thy will O most bountifull God and what grace may I hope to receaue of thee I who did not resigne my selfe wholy vnto thee haue mercy vpon me O Lord although I deserue it not but do rather d●serue a thousand hells Againe when I went to sing prayses vnto thee I was troubled more to see that some of my Sisters were wanting in performance of the ceremony●s and Religious actions then I tooke care to honour thee and to offer vp my prayses in vnion of such as are presented by the heauēly spirits I may well beg thy mercy O thou great God when euen in that which immediatly apperteines to thee and to thy prayse I haue committed so many imperfections When I came to receaue thy body and bloud which I ought to haue done with all possible deuotiō I accuse my selfe that I made no intention to do it in memory of thy Passion as thou hast directed I should do neither yet did I thinke of vniting my soule to thee but I considered what course I might take for the quieting of my hart I did first heare the diuine Word but I thought more whether it was true that we were such as thou didst cause vs to be told by thy Christ then
Host so did she r●ise by little little with admirable reuerence that sacred Image towards the Eternal Father saying in the first of these places Offero tibi sancte Pater Fi●ium tuum quem ab aeterno genuisti mihi in terram misisti Holy Father I offer thy Sonne to thee whome thou hast begotten before all eternity and whome thou hast sent into this world Going towardes the second place she added this in the way Viuo ●go iam non ego viuit verò in me Christus Dilectus meus candidus rubicundus I liue yet not I but Christ in me My beloued is white and red And being now where she desired to be she performed the same action as before she had done in the first place saying Offero tibi aeterne Pater Filium tuum quem ab aeterno in sinu tenuisti in sapientia tua generasti propter miseriam meam misericordiam tuam in terram misisti O Eternall Father I offer thy Sonne to thee whome from all eternity thou didst keep in thy bosome whom in thy wisedome thou didst beget and whome in thy mercy thou didst send into the world for the relief of our misery Afterwards in the third place vsing the selfe same ceremony she also sayd Offero tibi Filium tuum aeterne Pater quem post resurrectionem eius ad te attraxisti ad dexteram tuam collocasti O Eternall Father to thee I offer thy Sonne whome after his resurrection thou didst draw vp to thee and didst place him at thy right hand When she had finished these Oblations she returned into the Quire and ascending vp to the Altar of the B. Virgin she gaue the little child Iesus to be kissed by all the Religious who were come in to that deuout spectacle reaching towards one the head of that sacred Image ●o another the breast to some the hands and to others the feet according as the spirit of God did guide her With these pious feruours she did so kindle the minds of her Sisters both towardes deuotion and wonder that there was not any one to be found who accompanyed not her actions with teares At last she returned from her Rapt wherein she had continued for three houres She vnderstood from God how his pleasure was that she should go barefoot and basely clad she performeth it all and in the bosome of an image of the B. Virgin she promiseth to obserue it she is proued by her Superiours CHAP. 21. ON the 5. day of Iuly in the yeare 1587. after she had serued the Religious at the table as she went towards the dormitory of the Nouices vnto the gouernement of whose Mistres she was at that tyme subiect she was rapt in spirit And hauing deliuered a few words suddainly she raised her selfe on foot with such grauity and cleernes of countenance that she seemed to be some Angelicall spirit And hauing taken of her hose and shooes and going into her cell she remoued euery thing without exception from of the little Altar of her Oratory sauing only a Crucifixe nor did she leaue any thing vpon her bed but the mattresse the sackes of straw and a board at the head insteed of a bolster Afterwardes being come to the Presse where the Sisters cloaths are kept and taking thence the poorest most patcht coate that she could find she retyred into a priuate roome and apparelled her selfe therewith And when she saw her selfe so vilely clad she fell suddainly prostrate vpon the ground and yet fixing her eyes vpon heauen with incredible deuotion she recyted Te Deum c. Besides making vp her former cloathes into a bundle being still in Rapt she carryed them to the Prioresse and then passing into the Quire went vp to the Altar of the B. Virgin and there in the bosome of her image with the pen incke and paper that she had brought thither for that purpose she wrote these wordes I Suor Maria Maddalena make profession and do promise to God and to his most pure Mother the Virgin Mary to S. Catharine of Siena and to the Seraphicall Francis togeather with all the celestiall Court Obedience Chastity and Pouerty in such sort as God at this instant doth make me vnderstand and know it with firme purpose that I will neuer leaue it vnles I shall haue true light that his pleasure is otherwise as now I vnderstand that it is truely he who is pleased that I shall obserue this kind of Pouerty And therefore confiding in his help and mercy I make this Profession in manu Puritatis Mariae in the hand of the Purity of Mary And in making of this profession she euer held her left hand in the handes of the Image of the B. Virgin She further spake with so much spirit of holy Pouerty that she kindled an ardent desire thereof in the hart of whosoeuer heard her and turning then againe towardes the B. Virgin with words of incredible tendernes she prayed her to keep her in continual protection and that she would help her to execute whatsoeuer our Lord had required of her This being sayd she departed and returning thither where she was taken into this Rapt she spake these wordes Agimus tibi Deo gratias c. We thank thee O God c. Then going to Mother Prioresse she begged of her with great feruour of spirit after she had prostrated her selfe at her feet that she would not hinder her from that kind of life which by God had beene prescribed to her The Superiour answered discreetly that the Confessarius was first to be acquainted with it and that she should gouerne her selfe according to his aduice Now as soon as he had notice of it he called the Spouse of Christ to him and to trye her commanded her by Obedi●nce that instantly she should apparell her selfe as formerly she had beene vsed to doe Vpon the hearing of these wordes she readily and without delay obeyed and though she brake forth into bitter tears fearing least formerly she had been deluded as not finding the Will of her Ghostly Father to be agreable to that which she thought to be the wil of God yet neuertheles she quieted her selfe Note and being retyred into a priuate roome she performed that which was imposed by Obedience But on the morning next following our Lord did comforte her aboundantly in the holy Communion letting her know that her Ghostly Father did it to trye her spirit he sayd that her so ready Obedience was gratefull to him Whereupon she being vrged by a new feruour of spirit returned to the old cloathes and taking the worst of them she was putting them on and looking vp towardes heauen remayning all this while in Rapt she sayd VVell yet O my Iesus now that I am with thee I will obey thee when I shall be there below I will obey them She was seene by Mother Prioresse to take the sayd old cloaths and she had hardly pronounced these very wordes Suor Maria
perswade her Note that she should not adore the B. Sacrament that God was not there Nay many tyms she found extreme difficulty to receaue it for drawing neere to the little window to communicate she remayned as it were depriued of all sense and to her seeming the Diuell would stand there being resolued to kill her Besides he cast it into her thought as if there were no other life but this and therefore there was no cause why she should labour and indure so much Sometyms she came to so great aridity of spirit that she was scarce able to looke vpon the sacred Images and pictures Oftentimes the Diuel tempted her to blaspheme God and the Saints and chiefly when with the rest of her Sisters she was singing the diuine Office in the Quire at that time she heard such blasphemyes pronounced in her eares and such horrible outcryes of Diuells that seeming to her by great odds to exceed the voyces of her Sisters she had much difficulty to comply with her obligations Whereupon weeping often for grief in great aboundance she turned to her Sisters saying Pray to Iesus for me that in steed of praying him I blaspheme him not and the Religious were moued to much compassion by seeing this blessed soule so afflicted in the spirit of deuotion For this reason the Ghostly Father was often forced to communicate her alone that more easily she might ouercome those tentations But hardly was she fortifyed sufficiently euen by that heauenly food for the tentations would occure againe with greater fury the Diuell indeauouring to perswade her that she had lost the diuine grace and therefore that the custome of communicating did her no good but rather that the Iustice of God was prouoked so much the more to her punishment And thus she became byond all conceit full of dolour only thought how she might carry her selfe in those fierce assaults In the midst of these cogitations it came once into her mind to vse a remedy which against tentations she had learned of the B. Virgin And it was that going to Mother Prioresse she prayed her with great instance to command her by holy Obedience that she should not forbeare the holy Communion and the exercises of the Monastery and that she should punctually obserue that manner of life which had beene prescribed to her by God Now Mother Prioresse to content her commanded her to do all by holy Obedience And it cannot be exprest with how great deuotion and humility she answered to euery particle of that which was imposed in these words Benedictus Deus adding further I will indeauour with the help of Iesus to do all that you haue imposed This solemne sacrifice of her will was so gratefull to God that afterwards he raysed her to many Rapts and her hart became in the midst of so many temptations to be full of tranquility ioy The Diuell affl●ct●th her with impure temptations The remedyes which she vsed against them The B. Virgin couereth her with a white veile so as she was no more troubled The Diuell procureth to delude her in the forme of a Religious woman CHAP. 26. ON the eight of September in the same yeare 1587. she was assaulted by a continuall sight of Diuells and by entising tentations of sense her Chastity was fiercely set vpon but she remembring that which S. Bennet had done vpon a like occasion going into a roome where the wood was kept and there hauing first bolted the doore she gathered togeather rugged sticks and thornes she tumbled therein so long stark naked Note that the paine serued to quench that diuellish fire Sometimes she would afflict her with disciplines of iron and girde her selfe about with a most terrible girdle which in coursest canuas she had imbrodered with piercing nayls in such sort that in truth the only sight thereof maketh them shrinke and euen tremble who looke vpon it But this being found by the Mistres she was commanded not to vse either that or any other so rigorous mortifications without expresse licence which she punctually obserued from that tyme forward In exchange thereof she had recourse by ardent prayers to the most diuine assistance par●iculerly confiding in the intercession of the B. Virgi● to whom praying one day with abundant tears that she would inable her to ouercome all impure tentations without any spot to her virginity the Queene of Heauen appeared to her al enuironed about with eternall glory told her that in those so sharp battailes she had neuer offended his diuine Maiesty nay that with hauing fought so valiantly she had euer obteyned glorious victory And then she couered her all ouer with a most pure white veyle wherewith she found her selfe interiourly to be as it were restrayned bound in token that from thēceforth she should neuer more be assaulted with tentations of Sense as in deed it happened for in all the course of her life she was neuer troubled more in that kind nor euer felt in her mind so much as any one impure imagination On the same day she was surprised by a burning feuer with payne in her head and backe which afflicted her for twenty dayes Notwithstanding this she neuer forbare the exercise of the Monastery but was much more kindled towards the vse of holy prayer to which now she gaue her selfe in extraordinary manner Whereupon being rapt in excesse of mind she vnderstood from her Iesus that her sicknes proceeded not from naturall causes but was otherwise permitted by the will of God for her greater glory and probation The Diuell in the meane tyme enuying her so great good and being enraged that he could not ouercome her made her fall sometims down the stairs sometimes in the Quire and sometimes in other places but the seruant of God supporting all for the loue of Iesus was not at all hurt by it but taking courage to her selfe she rose vp fitter for new battailes Besides this in the midst of those feruent prayers which oftentimes he sent vp to heauen she found her selfe to be much bitten as by venemous serpents it seemed vnto her that the parts of her body were cut off by inches and being forced by these accidents she fell downe to the ground where it was necessary for her to stay a good while with much payne not being able to moue any way and partly by her continuall feuer and partly because she susteyned her self with only bread water she was weakned in such sort that it seemed she must ●nstantly faint and sowne For this cause by Obedience which was imposed vpon her by her Superiours she was cōmanded for three weeks togeather to take towards the recouery of her strength all kind of nutriment excepting flesh Which being done and she hauing recouered a little force she instantly returned to her former life But the Diuells forgot not to afflict her with new tentations that so they might discourage her from austerity by putting thus great doubtes into her
Diuells with strait chaines Thus continued she by the space of three years continually fighting and by Humility obteyning victory ouer Pride For hauing ouercome the tentations of leauing her Religious habit she was by Iesus apparelled interiourly with the same habit and by him she was communicated CHAP. 31. HAVING by heauenly help ouercome the tentations of leauing her Religious habit she was much inflamed with a desire to be interiourly apparelled therewith And heereupon powring forth earnest prayers to our Lord vpon the fifth of August and reading the life of S. Diego to whome she was deuoted she grew to be alienated from her senses and by her wordes it was knowne that the Saint aforesayd did shew her a white and faire habit which came forth of the side of the Sonne of God So as now she doubled her prayers to her heauenly Spouse that he would be pleased to grant it to her She also inuocated all her Patron Saints beseeching our Lord againe that vpon that day which was the Feast of S. An Aduocate of interssiō not of Redemption Albertus her Aduocate he would cloath her all interiourly to the end that she might imitate the same Saint with greater feruour of spirit Her desirs were graunted for turning her eyes towards Christ Iesus crucifyed she saw issuing out of his side a most precious Coate out of his right hand a Scapulary out of his left hand a Girdle from his thorny head a White veile and from the wound of his necke which was made when he bare the Crosse a Mantle bright and shining beyond all possibility of imagination Then moued by diuine spirit she ascended vp to the little Altar where the Crucifixe was and whilest she fastned her eyes vpon it the Religious found plainly by her postures and motions that interiourly she was apparelled with the holy Coate Afterwards with great feruour of loue she kist the wound of his side from whence the Vest issued afterwardes receaued from euery other wound of the Crucifixe all those seueral things aforesayd The Garland the Light and the Crucifixe which is giuen by the Priest to such as are vested with a Religious habit she receaued from the Queen of heauen Whereof by the words which then she vttered cleare proof was giuen as also by her kissing an Image of the B. Virgin in the same manner as she had done that of the Crucifixe And it was very remarkable that she omitted not euen the least ceremony which is vsed when the habit of Religion is taken only she vttered not the verses which then are vsually sung but for as much as was to be conceaued they were sung in her hearing by the Angells of heauen for she sayd O yea you sing well indeed these are other manner of musickes then are made heere below on earth After this she was communicated by her Iesus not being able that morning to receaue him with the Religious by reason of her continuall Rapts She sayd the Confiteor and Domine non sum dignus c and the Religious that were present saw that she opened her mouth and made all those other demonstrations which are vsuall with such as receaue the Sacrament Then being richly full of ioy she sayd with incredible spirit of deuotion these wordes Dilectus meus candidus rubicundus Speciosus forma prae filijs hominum Diffusa est gratia in labijs tuis Collocauit se in anima mea Dilata cor meum vt inducat omnem creaturam ad communicationem corporis sanguinis tui Quàm bonus Israël Deus And taking the Crucifixe she gaue it to be kissed by all the Religious there present and hauing afterward recommended to our Lord the saluation of his creatures and withall giuing him thankes for so many graces she returned out of the Rapt wherein for the space of three houres she had remayned She bringeth backe a But of wine which was vtterly spoyled to the perfection which before it had by making a signe of the Crosse vpon it and one of the Religious who was then sicke by drinking thereof was cured CHAP. 32. IN the same yeare and about the end of the sayd Month a But of wine being vtterly spoyled in the Monastery the Religious being poore and ill prouided of money it fell out to be very incommodious to them But Suor Maria Maddalena being called was commanded in vertue of Obedience by Mother Prioresse being Suor Vangelista del Giocondo to pray that the wine might returne to his goodnes and so the Monastery be freed from want The Seruant of God did instantly put her selfe into prayer and being rapt in spirit out of her senses she went speedily where the But of wine was and as soone as euer she made the signe of the Crosse vpon it the wine returned to the former state and so the Monastery was serued At that very tyme one of the Religious called Suor Maria Angela Santucci was sicke so afflicted with a grieuous fluxe that the Phisitians doubted greatly of her recouery But hearing speach of the sayd miracle she demanded a little of that wine which as soone as euer she had drunke with great Fayth she sensibly felt her disease to lessen and soone after she grew intierly well to the great wonder of all the Religious And she her selfe who yet liueth giueth testimony to this miracle She seeth the soule of one of the Religious of that Monastery depart out of Purgatory into Heauen CHAP. 33. ON the third of February in the same yeare 1588. she being rapt in spirit it was graunted her by God to see the soule of one of the Religious of that Monastery which after it had remayned 16. dayes in Purgatory all enuironed with eternall glory went vp to heauen And she vnderstood that vpon three particuler occasions she had remayned during that tyme in Purgatory First because vpon holy dayes hauing an extraordinary curious hand with the needle she had wrought some thinges without necessity Secondly because being an ancient Mother in that Religion she had failed sometymes for certaine humane respects to aduertise the Superiours of the inspirations which God had giuen her for the good state of that Monastery And thirdly because she was too great a louer of her kinred Three vertues also were discouered to her for which the others paine had beene abbreuiated The first was the studious care which she euer had to conserue the purity simplicity of her Order The second the great Charity which she had shewed towards al the Religious The third because she still endeauoured to interprete all thinges to a good end She saw then that this blessed soule went rich in merit to enioy that incomprehensible felicity in the midst of her good Angell and S. Miniatus the Martyr to whome in that yeare she had beene particulerly deuoted And now by the sight of so noble an obiect as this was she did euen triumph with ioy and seemed vnable to conteyne her selfe from aspyring to
they still remayned in ●he darcknes of sinne Sometymes she would say Thou ●●est O Lord the need which there is of these ●oules for if they who are the light of the ●orld remaine in darknes how much more ●●all other creatures remaine there And if ●hey who are the salt of the earth be vnsauou●y and insipide how shall they be able to sea●on others O my Iesus and how shall they be ●ble to lead others on in the way to thee if ●hemselues go on in that way which is con●rary to thee She offered her selfe afterwards to our Lord to indure all the pe●altyes which these soules deserued so ●hat he would deliuer them from com●itting of sinne And she would say with ●dmirable zeale Infuse O my Iesus infuse ●●y bloud into them and for my part if I ●ight indure all the paynes of Purgatory so as ●ithall they might be saued I should be con●ent Lay punishment I beseech thee vpon me ●nd giue me payne interiour and exteriour as 〈◊〉 all best please thee For I cannot endure ●hat there should be so great ignorance where there is so great aboundance O miserable and wretched creature that I am why am not I able to take vpon me and to beare all payne Punish thou vpon me O Word their so great ingratitude so great blindnes and ignorance At last finding that she had obteined the conuersion of those sinners she sayd with excesse of ioy Then let them returne vnto thee like so many wandring sheep for all the happy soules of heauen are expecting their approach with ioy With these feruours of Charity she endlesly prayed the diuine Maiesty for the saluation of others reaped the desired fruit of her labours for she often saw how these soules being illuminated by God with his diuine grace did returne to him with repentant harts by the meanes of her prayers Of the Charity which she vsed towardes her Neighbours CHAP. 52. AS her zeale was such towardes the saluation of others soules so her Charity was no lesse which she imployed towards them in all their other necessityes whether they were spiritual or corporall She euer aspired earnestly to be labouring about them and then did she giue particuler demonstration thereof when any one was sicke in the Monastery So as she would be often saying to the Infirmarian That she had nothing to do Note that she had no disposition to pray nor could keep her mind retyred inwardly vpon God and she would secretly inferre by these words that they might giue her much contentment if they would serue themselues of her in the gouernement of such as were sicke Whensoeuer she was satisfyed in this holy desire of hers she would vse supreme diligence about them and when at any tyme the sicknes grew great the good Mother would sometims by holding them vp in her armes and sometimes feeding them performe all the good offices which are imaginable Among many others this one deserues to be remembred There was a lay Sister who had long been sicke and hauing a veyne broken in her breast was afflicted with much infirmity and griefe Suor Maria Maddalena hauing obserued this tooke her into her care and continuing so about a yeare the sayd Sister dyed In that last passage it cānot be exprest what paines she tooke for she watched with her ten nights without taking in effect any rest at all It happened not long after that another lay Sister fell sicke of an incurable soare and it was offensiue in sauour beyond measure Suor Maria Maddalena desired to haue the charge of attending her and when she had obteyned it she would needs with her own hands dresse the soare and when there grew any vermine as sometymes there did she vsed al diligence in remouing it and sometimes would apply her mouth vnto it as if she were tasting of some curious and delicious liquor She fayled not also with deer wordes to exhort the sicke person to endure all with patience assuring her that in heauen she should find a most liberall remuneration When these two were passed in their seuerall tymes to a better life she performed to their bodyes all the accustomed dutyes before they were buryed and to that she added continuall prayers for their soules and by night without taking in a manner any rest she exhibited her feruent desires to God that they might hasten to the fruition of eternall glory And she procured with great diligence that all the Religious would multiply their prayers she offered her selfe willingly to receaue the punishment of their faults and she prayed to God earnestly that she might doe so who graunting her request made her very often feele grieuous paines for many dayes togeather by meanes whereof they being endured by her with singular patience he shewed her those soules when they went towards the enioying of eternall happynes She seeth the soules of two sinners condemned to Hell at their death CHAP. 53. ON the 22. of December in the yeare 1594. being in excesse of mind she saw the soule of a sinner who at that instant departed out of this life and was condemned to those euerlasting paynes She vnderstood afterwardes how that wretched man besides that he had lead a most wicked life was particulerly sentenced to those endled flames for not hauing in account the spirituall treasures of the Church but despising both Indulgences and all other graces which she tenderly powreth vpon her faythfull children About the same tyme she saw in like manner another soule shut vp on all sides into vnquenchable fire and cōdemned by the Iustice of God to the torments of Hell Whereupon she grew to be of an afflicted countenance pale beyond all imagination and with tears and sighes turning her selfe to the soule she sayd Thou art now become a firebrand of hell and soone are thy pleasures and pastimes conuerted into bitter and eternall paynes and then looking vp to heauen she sayd O eternall God the men of this world do not consider and penetrate these thinges But vpon this occasion so great was the griefe affliction of her hart that she wanted little of sowning by it And these visions as she related afterwards by her vsuall Obedience were shewed her by God to the end that both her selfe and the other Religious of that Monastery should inflame themselues more vehemently towards the zeale of the saluation of soules offering vp for them both prayers and pennances to the diuine Iustice She was chosen Mistresse of the yong Religious whome she did admirably help forward in the way of spirit CHAP. 54. IN the yeare 1595. she was by common consent of all the Religious elected Mistresse of the yong Religious It would be heard to deliuer fully with how much zeale she addressed them towards Religious perfection and by the vertue which shined in her they went forwards with great facility towards the procuring of euangelicall perfection In this gouernement of hers she euer prescribed seasonable remedyes and gaue wise
wont to say with humi●●ty If God should withdraw his hand from ●e there were not a sinne so odious and so e●ormous which I should not commit When she heard of the grieuous sins ●f men she would examine her owne de●●cts though they were neuer so small ●●d then make a comparison betweene ●●e two esteeming hers to be much greater through the continuall grace which she receaued from God Therfore would she retyre into the most hidden places of the Monastery there with bitter tear● and seuere disciplines afflict herselfe Being asked vpon a tyme in discree● manner by one of the Religious if so many graces as she had receaued from God had neuer giuen her occasion of taking pleasure in her selfe Do you not know say● she that none are to take the glory of tha● which is none of their owne how then can 〈◊〉 take pleasure in my selfe for the fauours granted me by God they being all of God And with these holy cogitations she gre● greatly in humility How in a Rapt she wrought with the needle and made pictures and other things without the help of any light CHAP. 57. SO great was the vnion which this deuout Mother had with Iesus that wh● she was doing the ordinary exercises o● the Monastery it happened very often ●hat she was abstracted from her senses ●nd fastning her eyes vpon heauen her ●ace would remaine extaticall so as whē●he fowed or was cutting of gould or ●aking in paper any Images of deuotiō 〈◊〉 by hauing her mind so accustomed to ●hose diuine contemplations she would ●emaine in Rapt euen when she was per●orming the thinges aforesayd and yet withall she would proceed in sowing ●utting and painting so would con●inue very many houres togeather Wher●pon the Religious seeing these strang ●uents made often triall whether she ●erued her selfe of her owne sight or no ●nd sometymes they shut the windowes ●nd at other tymes they bound her eyes ●bout with a cloath But she being trans●ormed in God These rochets and pictures many of our Nation haue seene proceeded to sow and to ●ake most rare workes and almost all ●hey which she wrought were made in ●apt And they were 3. Rochets which ●e so curious as whosoeuer sees them ●ay wonder at them In like manner ●●d she make many deuout Images and cut gold without imploying any sight a● all thereunto And it happened once whilest she exercised her selfe in the cōmon labour● of the Monastery that she was making the bread of the community and when her hands were all full of past she heard the signe giuen of going to receaue the holy Communion Heereby she wa● raysed into Extasis and being inflame● with a desire to vnite her selfe to God i● the B. Sacrament instantly as she wa● with her sleeues thrust vp towardes th● elbow and with her hands full of past she presents her selfe at the place to receaue that diuine food with the rest o● the Religious without euer obseruing that her handes had beene imployed i● that busines In like manner it happened to he● although she was then in the Refector● with the other Religious to take he● food that she hearing the signe giuen o● going to the Confessarius being alienate● from her senses ran euen with the fork● in her hand the meate vpon it whic● she was to take without euer reflecting thereupon and yet dispatched with the Confessarius that which she desired All the Religious were filled thereby with amazement and all they who were then present and do yet liue affirme all these thinges vpon their oath Of the great purity of her Intention and Mind CHAP. 58. HOvv great the purity of her mind was most euident signs were giuen throughout the whole course of her life for she neuer desired any thing more then to make her selfe gratefull to God by this vertue And when any occasion was offered she inflamed the Religious by liuely speach to the purchase of this heauenly Iewell and she sayd That they were to respect it in all occasions for it had power to make our very defects become vertues acceptable in the eyes of God and she would thus expresse her selfe Note O Purity how great wonders wilt thou discouer to vs in the other life which are wholy vnknowne to creatures but yet not to such as seeke thee For then will there be found persons who were much esteemed of to haue beene yet so much inferiour in this world to many others as to haue compared them togeather would haue giuen occasion for men to laugh at them but because they were rich with this precious treasure and those others poore our Lord will exalt these and abase those Often she vsed to say with aboundance of sighes and teares According to the weight of our Purity our Lord will reward vs in the next life And for the great estimation wherein she had this vertue O admirable spirit she affirmed many tymes If I thought that with the saying of one word for any other end then for the loue of God although it were without offence of him I might becom an ardent Seraphim I would neuer say it If it happened at any tyme that she had begun any action for humane respects she would instanly giue it ouer vnperfect nor would she euer haue accomplisht it till first she had reduced it to a pure and perfect end And sometymes she wondred that there could be a gesture a motion a stirring of an eye of such soules as are consecrated to God which is not ordeyned to that high diuine Purity Againe being with her sisters she would say We fayle of working with Purity because we want the loue of God And once being demanded by one of her Sisters how she might do to get that vertue If in all things answered she you will endeauour not to execute your owne will Note but rather choose the way of suffering then enioying you will find in the end that you haue wrought purely because indeed therein we haue no interest of our owne therfore the way of suffering is a safe way and very deere to his diuine Maiesty Many other noble aduices did she giue vnto her sisters concerning this vertue whereby much more she manifested her owne mind to be most pure She was euer desirous to accomplish the will of God and whilest she heard speach therof was often abstracted from her senses CHAP. 59. SHE had euer a meruailous desire to performe the will of God And the first grace which she demanded of our Lord most instantly was as her selfe cōfessed To haue punctually fullfilled the diuin will whē she should be come to the last point of her life And casting her eyes often vp to heauen she sayd these wordes O my Lord thou well knowest that euen from my infancy I haue desired to please thee and if now I thought thy will were that I should suffer eternally in hell I would of my selfe precipitate my selfe into those flames to accomplish
of Obedience was imposed by her Superiours Note She neuer considered that person which commanded her but acknowledged therin Christ our Lord nor as she often sayd was the Obedience performed by her from tyme to tyme for any reason but only because she esteemed her selfe commanded therein by diuine authority Euen her eating or resting and all the other actions of her life though neuer so necessary she would not accōplish at any tyme but as it were by actuall Obedience so very much resigned was she to the will of her Superiours that she would not haue begunne any little vnasuall action vnles by them she were moued to it She held that day to be as it were lost wherin she had not submitted her wil to some one of her sisters and not to omit such occasions she made her selfe ready with extraordinary humility to obey euen her inferiours And once she sayd conferring thereabouts with one of her Sisters If at once you desire secretly to enrich your selfe in short tyme with much vertue giue not ouer this good and profitable exercise for towardes the giuing of death to the outward man and life to the inward man I hold it to be fall of efficacy With how great diligence she obserued the holy vow of Pouerty CHAP. 62. OF holy Pouerty she was extraordinary zealous and euen before she was Religious she would often say I hold all earthly things to be dust and durt so that I may gaine Christ Iesus Being afterwardes conducted to a Religious state where this vertue flourisheth it cannot be exprest with wordes how she adorned her selfe therewith She condoled with her selfe very oftrn that euen in her necessityes she was prouided for by the Monastery nay she would weep bitterly saying I shall euen dye without hauing obserued holy Pouerty according to my desire Therefore also it was that she euer thought her selfe to possesse more then the other Religious and her Superiours seeing this inflamed desire of hers they reteyned themselues often from doing her certain ●ittle curtesies not to giue her giefe therby she reioyced very much when she wanted any thing Once it happened whilest she was at table by the forgetfulnes of her that serued there was no bread ●●t before her this was so grateful to her ●hat full of contentment she rose afterwardes without demanding it And be●ng nioyned by the Prioresse for Obedience ●o declare the cause of her mirth she answered with profound humility that she had neuer receaued a greater contentment then in the want of that bread On the other side it afflicted her extremely when she saw any of the Religious keep any thing by her which was superfluous and she would say that the vow of Pouerty would in no sort agree with a particuler superfluity Often would she go into her cell and with supreme diligence consider if any thing were there more then needed It happened once that her Superiour hauing giuen her a little peece of Say wherwith to mend her Habit and seeing afterwards that she needed it not she had scruple of this act as of a sinne carrying speedily the Say back to the Prioresse she accused her selfe therof with teares giuing thankes vnto our Lord that he had preserued her so long in life as that she might do pennance for it Sometymes being more kindled with the desire of this vertue she would say looking vp to heauen O my God why dost thou moue me in my desire to be so poore for thee and yet thou seest that I am not suffered to go begging my bread from doore to doore wherein I should take so much pleasure ●ay among all contentmens that I could haue in this life this were the greatest that thou wouldst O my Iesus affoard me this grace that I might dy naked vpon a Crosse as for me thou didst And to her Sisters Note she would say sometymes Tell me I pray you what would you giue that our Lord would grant vs this most singuler benefit that when we were desirous to eate nothing might be giuen vs when we were desirous to rest we might haue no bed when we should haue need of cloaths they might be wanting to vs I for my part sayd she assure you that whosoeuer would do me such a fauour I would hold my selfe bound to present him with my very bloud O then for Gods sake let vs procure well to penetrate this noble vertue For whosoeuer possesseth it hath God in recompence Another tyme she retyred into the poorest parts or the Monastery with a Crucifixe in her hand and being on her knees vpon the naked ground with her eyes turned vp to our Lord with teares and sighes she cast out these words O me happy creature if all that which this body had need of were wanting to it nay insteed of being relieued if it suffered insolency misery for loue of thee O my Iesus then indeed I might is some part hold my selfe poore for loue of thee By this zeale towards holy Pouerty she did euidently increase in the celestiall fire of loue towards Christ Iesus crucifyed How she admirably kept the vow of Chastity CHAP. 63. SO great was the candour of her Chastity that in this point she was no● as one apparelled with flesh and bloud but rather like an Angelicall spirit For this she had many gifts from God amongst which that one was singuler which in the tyme of her Probation a● hath already beene exprest the Queene of heauen bestowed vpon her when appearing to her she couered her all with a most pure veile and told her that in th● rest of her whole life she neuer more should feele any motion of sense Heereof euident signes were seene when being arryued to the last dayes of her life with serene countenance she sayd How she thanked God that she had neuer known what belonged to any thing against Chastity and how she did not remember that euer she had taken delight but in Almighty God and that she felt nothing at that time which brought to her greater quietnes Sometyms she would also say in the very midst of her grieuous pains Thou knowest well O my Lord that my soule hath neuer desired any thing but thee She esteemed it for a notable defect to be talking of kinred or worldly matters it seeming as she sayd that it was in no sort fit for a Religious woman consecrated to God by a solemne vow of Chastity to admit into her hart any little little thought or to speake words which in any sort might be disagreeable to their state Therefore would she interrupt the discourses of earthly things and draw them to matter of spirit but yet this she did in so excellent manner that she neuer either interrupted others or shewed to be troubled in her selfe She was seene sometymes to kisse the walls of the Monastery with extrem affection and being demanded why she did it Do you thinke perhaps sayd she that I haue not reason O my Sisters
when these walls do separate me from the vnhappy world and make sure vnto me the most precious treasure that I possesse by meanes wherof my soule is kindled to loue Iesus and to enioy him perfectly in my countrey Other while she would say If worldly men did comprehend how great the delights are which they may expect in the other life who liue in virginity vntill their death like Hartes who are ready to dye for lacke of water they would run into the most seuere Religious Orders to shut themselus vp that so they might be kept vntoucht and pure for how much the more a vineyard is hedged in with thorns the more safe it is And although of this vertue she had receaued great light from God that by him she had beene often assured that for euer she should remaine entiere yet neuertheles she was still in extreme apprehension least she might loose so rich a treasure Out of this reason she did auoyd as much as was possible all going to the grates of the Monastery so much as to speake with secular persons though they were neuer so good or holy she would aduise the Sisters concerning that matter saying Remember that you are consecrated to God a Religious shall neuer come from the grate but she will be fayne to spend much tyme ere she can returne to the inward peace which formerly she had for secular discourses doe sometymes cast dust or shaddow vpon the faire lilly of Chastity When she saw any one of the Sisters go with a cheerefull countenance towards the grate Note she wold say in pleasant manner I perceaue you are not yet become altogether one of ours for the property of the Religious of Sancta Maria of the Angells is rather to be sorry then to be glad when they are called for to the grates And contrarywise when in the sisters she discouered a kind of horrour that way she would take extreme contentment in it and noted it to be a particuler fruit of the B. Sacrament and she would say That she wold gladly be to passe as many hours in Purgatory as she was to consume in conu●rsation with secular persons The hatred which she carryed to the Parlatory was so great that sometymes not being able but to passe therby she vsed to say From this place the spouses of Christ draw no profit at all for insteed of quietnes we haue trouble insteed of freeing our selues from tentations they are augmented to our handes And all this grew from the great affectiō wherwith she held holy Virginity in high honour She seeth the glory which a Religious woman of that Monastery enioyed in heauen CHAP. 64. ON the 29. of October in the yeare 1598. a Religious woman of that Monastery who left a great odour of sanctity being passed to the other life the deuout Mother who was present at her death saw a multitude of Angels making as it were a faire garland round about her and expecting to conduct her soule to heauen After her death the vsuall prayers being made for her the seruant of God saw her in celestiall glory enioying the supreme God and apparelled with a golden mantle which she had receaued in reward of her ardent charity Besides for hauing euer conuersed proceeded towards her neighbour with all meeknes and sweetnes she saw that in reward thereof she receaued a most delicious liquor which distilling from the mouth of Christ Iesus was infused into hers and so she had the tast of an excessiue sweetnes Suor Marta Maddalena did much reioyce in this so agreable sight both because she had beene very familiar with that Religious because she saw her in so great height of glory that it exceeded as she sayd the felicity of any other Religious of that Monastery Besides this she vnderstood that she had beene in Purgatory by the only space of fiue houres for a very light defect which she had fallen into and it was That she afflicted her selfe too much when she saw that others by her occasion were disgusted But she full of ioy began to discourse of her glory as if she would haue melted in excesse of loue And so hauing with great confidence recommended her selfe and the other Rel●gious vnto her she returned from the Rapt She was chosen Mother of the Nouices The directions which she gaue them CHAP. 65. IN the yeare 1598. she was by commō consent made Mistresse of the Nouices and in October she began to execute that office with great vigilancy of care She endeauoured that they who came to Religion should haue a desire thereunto more then ordinary Therfore would she be often trying them and if she found that they had any liuely feeling of that state she would then shew them the Rules of the Monastery saying further Obserue well O my children that whosoeuer will be Religious in our Conuent must neuer performe their owne wills but the contrary of that which they desire She would also trye them with such kind of mortifications as might touch them in the point of estimation And once she made two of them being of 18. or 20. yeares a peece pronoūce publiquely the Christ Crosse row which children vse to read and to see whether they made any account of themselues she would say also in publique manner These are they whom the world esteems to come with so great desire of seruing God O how much are they deceaued Besides this with making them aske pardon of all the Nouices she would also mortify them Sometyms she would call one of them towardes her and say This child cōceaueth that we haue had a great good fortune by hauing her in our number These then and other were the meanes wherby she made trial of such as came to serue God When afterwards they were accepted she would with singular affection receaue them and with so gracious a māner inflame them towards the seruice of God that within few dayes they would become most obseruant of the Religious Rules And when she saw them setled resolued she drew them with admirable sweetnes of words to the desire of mortifying despising themselues making also earnest prayers to the eternall God for that purpose Sometymes she would call them to her Note saying My children let God only be sufficient for you Take no more care about your kinred or any other earthly thing for I assure you that you shall find in him all true happines and the entire satisfaction of all your iust desires Againe she would tell them that she would endure any defect of theirs except it were speaking ill of others She exhorted them neuer to be discoursing either in priuate or publike of the world but often to examine their owne faults and sometymes she would say to them as at vnawares That hart of yours where is it at this instant What is it that you thinke vpon And according to the answere she would giue excellent aduices beseeching them earnestly afterwardes
She meaneth heere that this blessed soule loued the internall inspirations which the Word sent to his hart and he did execute them the best he could Luigi was an vnknowne Martyr because he that loueth thee O my God knoweth thee to be so great and so infinitly amiable that it is a great Martyrdome for him to find that he cannot loue thee as he desires and much more to find that thou art not beloued by thy creatures but offended He made himselfe also of himselfe a Martyr O how much did he loue on earth and therefore now he enioyeth God in heauen in a greatfullnes of loue The Word shot through his hart as with a dart when he was mortall and now that he is in heauen those darts do repose in his hart because these communications whichhe deserued by the acts of loue and the vnion which he made which were the darts now he vnderstandeth and enioyeth She saw then that this Saint prayed earnestly for those who in earth had giuen him any spirituall help whereupon she sayd And I also will endeauour to help soules that if any of them go to heauen it may pray for me as Luigi doth for such as gaue him help on earth The Reuerend Fathers of the Society of Iesus hauing afterwardes vnderstood that Suor Maria Maddalena had in Rapt receaued so great a proofe of the sanctity of this their Beato desired of the Monastery wich great instance a Copy of as much as hath been heere deliuered And because the sayd Fathers haue euer giuen great help to this Monastery in spirituall matters their desires were easily satisfyed And to the end that this matter might remaine more authentical they procured that it might be examined and confirmed by witnes of credit therfore at the request of the sayd Fathers the Lord Archbishop of Florence did vpon the 15. of Aprill in the yeare 1606 enter into the Monastery to the good Mother who for the sicknes wherein she was could not rise out of her bed He examined her particulerly about the whol matter in the presence of the Gouernour of the Monastery and of two other Priests who accompanyed him togeather with Niccolo Rogetti a publique Notary of the Rota of Rome and the good Mother euer with profound humility and reuerence answered to all their demands affirming that to be true which it was sayd that she ●ad seene in Rapt concerning the glory of B. Ludouicus of Gonzaga But then what affliction of hart she felt for she expected nothing lesse then ●o be examined about such thinges cannot by any meanes be exprest Note Nor was ●he to be recomforted so much she did ●bhorre that her prayses should be publi●hed she sayd being much grieued ●s it possible that a vile Creature such a one as ● am should be noted and written downe in ●ookes and mentioned by the monthes of men Finally for the quieting of her in some measure it was needfull that the Confessarius should tell her that this happened ●y the will of his diuine Maiesty to the ●nd that his glory might the more appeare in that of his Beato She reduceth a Butt of wine which was spoyled to the former goodnes She freeth one of the Religious from the paynes of the Stone two others from other dangerous sicknesses CHAP. 70. IN the yeare 1602. there happened an accident like another whereof there was speach before For a Butt of wine being spoyled in the Monastery the Religious had recourse to Suor Maria Maddalena and she one morning after being communicated went thither where th● Butt was and hauing made some shor● prayer the Wine returned miraculously to the former goodnes and the Religious who yet liue do testify this Miracle vpon oath In the same yeare Suor Catharin● Ginori a Religious Profest who had bee● afflicted tormented with the paine o● the Stone for the space of three years wa● once amongst other tymes more vexe● without taking any rest at all for the space of six whole dayes nights she came in fine to those te●ms that she could not support the rage of her torment But being visited by Suor Maria Maddalena looking towardes her she sayd O my Mother I b●seech you Note pray vnto our Lord to mi●igate my paynes that with patience I may beare them for I doubt much that they may cast me vpon despaire As soone as the blessed Mother heard that word she instantly put her selfe into prayer and presently the sicke person fell a sleep and awaking she found her selfe intierely tree and whole by the earnest prayers of the seruant of God as she her selfe now liuing testifyeth vpon her oath It happened another tyme that Suor Maria Maddalena Mori being troubled extrem ly with the Sciatica which had kept her for the space of 18. moneths without being able to rise out of her bed and Suor Maria Maddalena being in Extasis vpon good Fri●ay in Meditation of the Misteryes of the holy Passion the sicke person found her selfe toucht and told interiourly that if she were placed in the others presence she should be freed of her paine Therefore she was brought by the Religious into the presence of the deuout Mother being in Rapt and the sicke person being set vpon her knees before her that side of her was toutcht where she felt the paine and presently she found her selfe deliuered thereof and free from the infirmity whereof she had no tast in all the rest of her life which is testifyed by many of the Religious yet liuing In like manner it came to passe that Suor Maria Catharina Chel●s had been two yeares in the hands of Phisitians Surgeons by occasion of a horrible soare in her right arme which had made three holes and by one of them a bone went out One day being extraordinarily opprest with paine she had recourse to the Mother Suor Vangelista del Giocondo that she would help her who answered by the inspiration of God that she should go for help to Suor Maria Maddalena which instantly was put in execution Now she vnswathing the sicke Arme drew forth the tents by which only act the paine ceased and in short tyme she recouered her wonted health to the wonder of those Phisitians who held her incure This Religious who is yet liuing with many others doe auow this Miracle Many other graces besides these did this Monastery obteine by her merits but for breuityes sake they are omitted It may suffice that there was no one in the monastery who receaued not singuler benefits of God by her prayers And they who at the present liue haue all of them testifyed vpon oath and do continually auow the meruailous things which our Lord did worke by this deere Spouse of his Being grieuously si●ke she did not at the first excuse her selfe from her rigorous manner of life but growing to spit bloud in great quantity she attended to the recou ry of her health Being after cur●d she returned to her office