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A09950 The breast-plate of faith and love. A treatise, wherein the ground and exercise of faith and love, as they are set upon Christ their object, and as they are expressed in good workes, is explained. / Delivered in 18 sermons upon three severall texts, by the late faithfull and worthy minister of Iesus Christ, Iohn Preston, Dr. in Divinity, chaplaine in ordinary to his Maiesty, Master of Emmanuel Colledge in Cambridge, and sometimes preacher of Lincolnes Inne. Preston, John, 1587-1628.; Sibbes, Richard, 1577-1635, ed.; Davenport, John, 1597-1670, ed. 1630 (1630) STC 20208; ESTC S105956 328,230 606

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neeedes be a greater sinne than the neglecting of that Now you see how strictly God layeth a charge upon them that no man should omit the Passeover unlesse sicknesse or a journey hindred him Now consider this you that have beene negligent in comming to this holy Sacrament for it is a great sinne and provokes God to anger when he shall see that this ordinance which himselfe hath instituted and which he hath laid such a charge upon you to doe is neglected Besides doe you thinke it is a sinne to neglect comming to the word and is it not as much to neglect this ordinance Besides doe we not neede all helpes of grace and is not this among the maine helpes Againe as you ought not to omit it so to come negligently to it to come without examination to come without a more solemne and extraordinary renewing of your repentance is to receive the Sacrament unworthily to eate and drinke judgement and damnation to your selves Now there are two sorts that receive the Sacrament unworthily First those that are not yet in Christ. Secondly those that are within the covenant but yet come remissely and negligently and take not that care they should in examining their hearts for though you ought to renew your repentance every day yet in a more especiall manner you ought to doe it upon such an occasion As women doe in scowring their vessells they make them cleane every day but yet there are some certaine times wherein they scowre them more so we should scoure our hearts in a more speciall manner upon this occasion Now because this is the businesse that wee haue to doe this day we will therefore handle that more fully that we touched lightly before which is this examination whether we love the Lord Iesus or no for if you love not the Lord Iesus you are not in him for whatsoever you doe availeth not if you haue not faith and love Therefore if you finde that you have not this love to Christ that you are not rooted and grounded in love you haue nothing to doe with Christ and if you have nothing to doe with him you have nothing to doe with the Sacrament And therefore we will shew you what properties of love we finde in the holy Scriptures This is one property of love set downe in 1 Cor. 13. Love is bountifull and seeketh not its owne things that is it is the nature of love to bestow readily and freely any thing a man hath to the party whom he loveth We see Ioseph that loved Benjamin as his love was more to him than to all the rest of his brethren so he gave him a greater portion than the rest It is the nature of love to be bountifull what a man loveth hee cares not what he parts with to obtaine it Herod cared not to have parted with halfe his kingdome to please that inordinate affection of his The Converts in the Apostles time how bountifull were they laying all their goods at the Apostles feete Zaccheus when hee was converted and his heart was inflamed with love to Christ he would give halfe his goods to the poore But in generall it is a thing that you all know that love is of a bountifull disposition If you would know then whether you have this love to the Lord Iesus or no consider whether you be ready to bestow any thing upon him whether you be ready to part with any thing for his sake David when hee abounded with love to the Lord you see how he expressed it in his provision for the Temple you see how he exceeded in it An hundred thousand shekels of golde and a thousand thousand talents of silver this saith he I have done according to my poverty As if he had said if I had beene able to doe more I would have done more but this was as much as I could reach unto herein hee shewed the greatnesse of his love to God in the greatnes of his bounty Take it in the love which we have one to another where a man loveth he denieth nothing Sampson when he loved the harlot he denied her nothing that she asked of him If you love the Lord Iesus examine your selves by this are you ready to bestow any thing for his advantage are you ready to take all opportunities to doe somewhat for his glory consider how many opportunities you have had and might have had wherein you might have expressed and manifested this love to the Lord Iesus Might you not have done much to the setting of a powerfull Minister here and there have you not had ability to doe it would it not much advantage the glory of Iesus Christ to make bridges as it were for men to goe to heaven by and to make the high way that leadeth thither A greater worke of mercy than these externall workes that appeare so glorious in the eyes of men to have blessed opportunities and not to use them because wee have straight hands and narrow hearts is a signe we want love to Christ. In the passages of your life there is many a case that if you were of a bountifull disposition you might doe much good in You know what Paul saith which was a great testimony of his love Acts 20.24 My life saith he is not deare unto me so I may doe any thing for Iesus Christ so I may fulfill the course of my Ministery So examine your selves whether you can say thus upon any occasion so that I may doe any good so that I may help forward any good cause that may tend to the glory of God my life is not deare unto mee my liberty is not deare my estate is not deare my friends are not deare to me You that have to doe in government many cases there are wherein if you will doe any speciall good you must part with something of your owne God lookes to you and sees what you doe and how your hearts stand affected in all these passages aske your selves now whether these things be not deare to you if there were love in you it will cause you to doe more than you doe It was Davids great wisedome when water was brought to him that was purchased at so deare a rate when so high a price was set upon it hee would not drinke it himselfe but powred it forth to the Lord and therein hee shewed the greatnesse of his love that he was willing to part with that which he so exceedingly longed for which was bought at such a rate The like he did when he bought the threshing floore of Araunah the Iebusite hee might have had it given him for nothing No saith he I will not offer to the Lord of that which cost me nothing As if hee had said I shall shew no love to the Lord then and if I shew no love to him what is my sacrifice worth For David knew well enough that God observed what hee did hee observed what it cost him The Lord observeth
banishment where hee lived well enough and enjoyed all things hee wanted nothing but had as much as hee could desire yet saith he what doth all this availe me so long as I may not see the Kings face It was but his craftinesse Yet thus much we may observe out of it that this is the property of love that till a man see the face of God that is till he enjoy a neare and close communion with God untill he can have the love of God witnessed to his soule hee cares for nothing in the world besides As you have it in 2 Chron. 7.14 you have that condition put in If my people saith he when they are in distresse shall humble themselves and seeke my face then I will doe thus and thus As if he should say it may be they may seeke libertie when they are in captivitie it may be they may seeke health when they are in sicknesse it may be they may seeke deliverance from enemies under whom they are enthralled but that is not the condition that I put them upon but if they humble themselves and seeke my face then I will heare in heaven c. So I say now if you will trie whether you love the Lord Iesus or no consider whether you seeke his face that is whether you seeke grace or no whether nothing in the world can content you but his favour For it is the property of one that is truly sanctified mercie alone will not content him but hee will have grace as well as mercy Another man that loveth not the Lord it is true it may be hee is pinched with the sense of his sinnes but let him have mercy it is enough hee thinkes but now take a man that hath his heart right towards God except he have grace it contents him not for that is the property and nature of true love that it careth for no wages all that it desires is the love of the party that what it doth may be acknowledged and accepted and there is a great difference in that You know a nurse doth much unto the childe as well as the mother and it may be more but notwithstanding the nurse never doth it but when she is hired but the mother doth it for nothing and she doth it more abundantly because she doth it out of love and it is wages enough to her that she hath done it because shee loves her childe So I say if you love the Lord Iesus it is not wages that you seeke but if you may have the light of his countenance to shine on you if you may have his favour if you may have opportunitie to doe him service in your place it is enough for you you care not for the present wages nor for future Therefore herein you may know the nature of your love the rightnesse and ingenuity of it if it be so that all that you doe is out of love to the Lord and if you can content your selves with love againe from God it is a signe that you love the Lord Iesus Againe to proceed if you love the Lord Iesus you will also love his appearance as you have it in 2 Tim. 4.8 A crowne of righteousnesse is laid up for me and as many as love the appearance of Iesus Christ and in Heb. 9. ult Hee was offered for the sinnes of many and shall appeare the second time to such as looke for him c. For whom was he offered and to whom shall he appeare To as many as looke for his comming againe So in 2 Pet. 3.13 What manner of men saith the Apostle ought we to be in all godlinesse holy conversation looking for and hasting to the appearance of Christ c. So that it is certaine every man that loveth the Lord Iesus hee loves his appearance hee hasteneth to the comming of the Lord he lookes for his comming againe and it must needes be so in reason For if you love any you know you must needes love their presence will you professe that you are louing to any that when you heare of their comming towards you there is no newes more unacceptable to you If a woman had a husband in the East Indies and report of his comming home should be the worst newes that shee could heare shall wee thinke that such a woman loues her husband So if you did loue the Lord Iesus you would be glad to haue his appearance And Beloved seeing the Apostle hath chosen out this note why should not we presse it in our examination of our selues whereby wee may know whether wee loue the Lord Iesus or no whether wee desire to be with the Lord whether we can say as the Apostle Paul Wee desire to be at home and to be with the Lord If we examine the loue of men by this rule wee shall finde that there is exceeding little loue to the Lord Iesus men are so exceeding backward in desiring to be at home and to be with him and we may know that by our backwardnesse to be in the Lords presence upon earth Shall wee thinke that men are desirous to be in his presence in heauen and yet are so unwilling to draw neare to him upon earth But you will object Many of those that loue the Lord that are men truly sanctified yet are afraid of death and the newes of death is terrible to them and therefore surely this is a rare signe euen in those that haue faith and loue to desire the appearance of Iesus Christ I answer it is true there may be a backwardnesse even in the Saints but you must know upon what ground it is A spouse that is to marrie a husband no question but shee would be glad to be handsome and to be prepared for his comming and though shee may desire his companie exceedingly yet because things are not so readie as she would have them or for feare that he may finde that which may divert and turne away his eyes from delighting in her perhaps shee desires not his comming at that time There is a certaine negligence and unpreparednesse in mens hearts which breedes an unwillingnesse in them sometimes and makes them afraid of seeing the Lord and yet there may be a true and inward love after him Besides you know there is flesh as well as spirit and the spirituall part desires as Paul did to be at home and to be with the Lord and to enjoy his presence but that flesh that is in us is alwayes backward to it Therefore in Revel 14.13 Blessed are those that die in the Lord so saith the Spirit but so saith not the flesh the voice of the flesh is contrary to it but it is the voice of the spirit and the regenerate part that is in us So that this I may boldly say to you that every man that hath this faith and love wrought in him by the Spirit of God hee hath that in him which doth earnestly desire communion with
learne to know the Lord for the more you know him the more you will love him What is the reason that the Angels in heaven so love him Because they know him What is the reason that we shall love him more in heaven than wee doe now but because we shall know him more Therefore when you reade the Scriptures and observe the works of Gods providence in every particular learne by this to know God as you know a man by his actions and carriage learne to have such an Idea of God as he hath described himselfe in his word that hee is true of his word that hee is full of goodnesse that he is abundant in long-suffering and patience that hee is exceeding mercifull beyond measure c. labour to see his wisdome his goodnesse and his mercie labour to know God for when you come to know him aright by that we come to love him Why doe wee love one man more than another but because wee conceive him under such a notion wee conceive his heart to be of such and such a frame wee thinke him to be a man of such and such a condition when we thus conceive the Lord it will teach us to love him more Therefore this you must know that for you onely to looke upon things that are beneficiall to you as forgivenesse of sins and adoption and an inheritance in heaven that is not love to the Lord. It is true you should doe all this but that which you are principally to doe is to looke to the essence of God to see such excellencies in him that thereby you may be led home to him and therefore that you may know him the better you must be taught of him Againe you must not onely know him but you must likewise have assurance of his love to you for when you know the excellencies of the Lord unlesse you have assurance of his love to you it is not sufficient Take a man of the highest place and of the most excellent quality if thou conceive that he hath a hollow heart towards thee thou canst not possibly love him thou must be perswaded of the love of the Lord to thee Therefore in the Text it is said to be faith which worketh by love The increase of the assurance of Gods love therefore is the meanes to increase thy love to him So much for this time FINIS THE FIFTH SERMON GALAT. 5.6 For in Iesus Christ neither circumcision availeth any thing nor uncircumcision but Faith which worketh by Love THE last thing wee did was to give you the properties of love to the Lord Iesus Now that which remaines to doe at this time is to apply that which hath beene said that is to bring your hearts and the rule together and to exhort you that what you have heard in this it may not passe like airy notions and never be brought home to your particular practise For my beloved the word that we deliuer to you should be like nailes driven home to the head fastened by the masters of the assemblie as the Wiseman speakes that they may sticke and abide in the soule as forked arrowes doe in the bodie that they may not easily fall out againe Therefore the maine businesse that wee have to doe in preaching the word is to fasten these words thus upon your hearts That which we will doe therefore at this time shall be to exhort you to question your owne hearts and to examine them upon your beds whether these characters and properties of love which have beene delivered doe agree to you or no. For as the Apostle saith Vnlesse you be in Christ that is unlesse you be knit to Christ in love you are reprobates it concernes every man therefore that heares me at this time to examine this strictly with himselfe We will expostulate the matter a while with you at this time and you must expostulate the matter betweene God and your owne consciences whether this love be in you or no. And although indeede this needeth not any distinct dividing into branches yet that wee may helpe your memories wee will put it into a number And first we will make this expostulation you that professe you love the Lord as who will not be ready to doe that to say he loveth Christ but yet as the Apostle Iohn speaketh of love to the brethren that men love them in shew and not in truth so it is with most men they love the Lord in word and in profession but they love him not in deed and in truth therefore first let me aske you this You that professe you love the Lord doe you not grieve him and vexe him from day to day and provoke him by your words and by your workes If this be your case it is certaine you love him not indeede Some there are that professe much love to the Lord Iesus but yet spend their time idly are diligent in no calling but waste their precious opportunities in sports in idle visitations in gaming in doing nothing that is profitable either to themselves or others but eate and drinke and rise up to play It is the case of many of our young Gentlemen a shamefull thing before men and abominable in the sight of God that men should live like beasts make their soules like the soules of swine serving for nothing but to keepe their bodies from putrifaction doing so much the lesse worke because they have the more wages burying so many precious talents whereof their time is the chiefe because it helpeth to improove all the rest of which they shall give an exact account at that day When God shall judge the secrets of mens hearts according to our Gospell Doe you professe that you love the Lord Iesus and doe you neglect him thus Besides this mocking of the Lord and dissembling with him you deale most foolishly with your selves for all the comfort that you shall ever finde in this life it will be from working from being serviceable to God and profitable to men empty lives cause but empty joy Therefore if any man shall finde this to be his case examine it it is but a false profession of love And as I speake to those that are young that spend their time Nihil agendo so I may say the same to those that are of more yeares that waste their lives in doing something indeede but it is not that which they should doe or in doing it in another manner than they ought those that are so drowned in businesse so overwhelmed with imployment so occupied with outward things abroad that they have no vacancie to feede their soules within to cloathe them with graces For you must know my brethren that your soules have neede to be trimmed every morning as well as the body they have neede of breakfast and dinner and exercise as well as the body and as you faile in giving this due respect to the soule daily so you shall finde that proportionably in that degree the
you come to know your selves too you will never love him you will never desire him you will never long after him for both these must goe together the knowledge of God and the knowledge of our selves to teach you to love him The knowledge of God without the knowledge of your selves is a fruitlesse speculation And againe the knowledge of your selves and your owne miserie without the knowledge of him and his mercy is a miserable vexation The knowledge of God without knowledge of your selves is as if a man should know a medicine but should not know what defect it were fit to supply And to know your selves and your owne case without him is to have the disease discovered and not to know how to helpe it And therefore learne to know both God and your selves If you will love him then you must learne to studie those two We say schollers studie bookes and Politicians studie men but a Christian should studie God and himselfe to learne to know God and himselfe better by this meanes he comes to know the Lord as wheresoever you finde any love to the Lord expressed you shall finde these two going together as David oft Psal. 18. and Psal. 116. I love the Lord c. Why For I was in distresse I was in griefe the grave overtooke mee and I was compassed about with death and I cried to the Lord and he healed me and set mee at libertie hee is my fortresse c. That is when David saw himselfe to stand in neede he saw his weaknesse and looked on God againe as one that would helpe him and heale him as one that could set him at liberty this caused him to say I love the Lord dearely So Paul when he saw these two I was a blasphemer I was a persecuter and looked on Christ who had beene mercifull to him with faith this was that which caused Paul so to abound in love towards Christ. And so Mary Luke 1. My soule doth magnifie the Lord And why For he had respect to the low estate of his handmaid I was poore and meane and loe hee hath raised mee to a high degree This sutablenesse this knowledge of God and of our selves is that which breedes in us a love of him But is this enough now to know God and our selves This is a faire step to beget in you this love of him for as you heard before love is an inclination of the heart to some good thing agreeable to us But yet you must have a third or else this will not doe that is assurance of the Lords love to you for if you long after him never so much if you thinke him worthy to be desired on the other side yet if for all this you are not perswaded of the Lords love to you you cannot be affected towards him Wee cannot love any man whom we conceive to be ill affected to us And therefore you shall see in the course of the Scriptures love proceedes from faith faith must beget love that is the assurance of Gods love must goe in This is the third ingredient to make it up You will say to mee wee doubt not of this but if wee be perswaded of Gods love wee shall love him but how shall wee come to this perswasion how shall wee assure our selves of his love Those to whom I should speake now are of two sorts either such as are out of the Covenant or such as are already within it For you that are without to you I say you may if you will consider it come to the assurance of his love towards you For first the Lord hath made knowne his owne willingnesse to take you to marriage There are but two that are to give their consent the Father to give his Sonne and the Sonne to give his owne consent The Father you know hath given his consent Isay 9.6 A Sonne is given He so loved the world that he gave his Sonne Therefore certainely you have the Fathers consent he hath given Christ as a father gives his sonne in marriage But now whether we have the Sonnes consent or no of that wee make question saith the Apostle Hee loved us and gave himselfe to us and for us yea hee not onely gives his consent for his part but he hath purchased his wife with his owne blood And therefore you cannot doubt but that hee is willing to marrie with you to take you and to receive you if you will come in Why then what is required now Nothing at all but thy consent if thou give thy consent to the Lord thou needest not to question his favour thou maist assure thy selfe of his unchangeable love in Iesus Christ for he hath revealed it on his part in his word you have his sure word for that heaven and earth shall passe rather than that word This is the sound consolation that will not faile you when you come to examination and thinke with your selves upon what ground am I assured of Gods affection towards mee that hee loves mee I have his word for it he hath said it and he cannot recall it yea he hath added his oath that by two immutable witnesses you might have strong consolation that is that you might have the greatest degree of assurance that can be Why now why doest not thou give thy consent why doest thou no more rest on it You will say alas I am willing to giue my consent if that would doe it But first I am unfit to marry the Lord I am not prepared for such a match as that is my heart is too bad and my life hath beene too sinfull to thinke of such preferment and advancement Take thou no care for that the Lord knew thy unfitnesse when he made that promise to thee when hee gave his Son and the Sonne gave himselfe to thee he was well enough acquainted with thee and with thy nature he had an intention to marry a blackmoore he justifieth the wicked he knowes thou art so and yet he will doe it he will put a fairenesse he will put a beautie upon thee when thou art his wife therefore let not that hinder thy unfitnesse You will say againe it may belong to such and such it doth not belong to me my case is such I have provoked him in this manner my sinnes are of such a nature This shall not shut thee out neither For why shouldst thou make exceptions where the Lord makes none Goe Preach the Gospell to every creature under heaven What is the meaning of that That is goe tell every man without exception whatsoever his sinnes be whatsoever his rebellions be go tell him this glad tidings that is to preach the Gospell to him that if he will come in I will accept him he shall be saved his sinnes shall bee forgiven him if he doe no more but come in and take me and receive me Therefore to conclude this doubt not thou that that shall be a
in a faire course their consciences are not wounded with the sense of their sinnes they neuer had afflictions wherein they tasted the wrath of GOD alas such men may come to put their hand to the Plow but when they come to see what worke they haue in hand they goe backe they are not fit for the Kingdome of Heauen Till a man bee weary and heauie laden with the burthen of Satan till hee see Satans yoake to bee intolerable hee will neuer continue vnder the yoake of CHRIST therefore let vs consider whether wee be fitted or no this fitnesse is first required So againe we may take example from the Prodigall sonne he was in his Fathers house but he would not continue there when hee was there at the first and liued as the other sonne did because hee had not beene abroad in the World to finde the misery of being away from his Father hee was neuer pinched with affliction with want of meate till hee was from his Father hee neuer knew what it was to be at his Fathers finding till hee had his stocke in his owne hand hee was not fit and wee see hee continued not there So take a man that is brought vp in his Fathers House as it were that hath tasted nothing but the sweetnesse of the promises and all is well with him hee hath drunke in the truth of the Gospell with his education you shall finde that this will not vsually hold out because hee hath not found what misery it is to bee out of his Fathers House therefore hee prizeth it not such a one is not fit to continue hee is vnfit for the Kingdome of GOD. Therefore the first thing that is required to make faith effectuall wherein the effectualnesse of faith consists by way of preparation to make way for it is when a man is soundly humbled and prepared when it is such as will make them continue you haue a phrase vsed Reu. 2.25 Hold fast till I come that which thou hast already As if he should say Many haue hold of the Truth they haue hold of CHRIST they haue hold of the promises but they hold them not fast they hold them a while but they hold them not fast till I come To him that ouercometh c. and him that continueth to the end will I make ruler ouer the Nations c. So I say till a man be thus made fit he may take hold for a while but hee shall not hold fast till CHRIST come but he will let goe his hold because he is not prepared with humility This is that which is required in that place I formerly named Matth. 10.6 If there be any worthy saith he let your peace come vpon them That is if there bee any when you come to preach the Gospell that are so farre broken and humbled if there be any that are so farre conuinced of their sinnes that they prize mee indeede so that they hold mee and will not let mee goe for any thing but they are content to let all goe rather then mee such a man is worthie of me such a man prizeth and esteemeth mee and your peace shall come vpon him That is it shall come effectually vpon him it shall abide with him and saue his soule for euer So I say when there is so much humiliation wrought in the heart when the Spirit so farre convinceth a man of sinne that hee comes thus to prize CHRIST this is the first thing wherein effectuall faith consists for though it bee not the very thing wherein beleeuing consists yet it is that preparation without which faith can neuer be found sound and effectuall Secondly when this is done this is not all when there is such a preparation made that a man is willing to take CHRIST vpon any conditions yet now if hee shall not bee well built if hee see not iust ground to take him if his vnderstanding shall not see the truth of the promise so clearely that he can build on it that hee can rest on it that all the arguments in the World cannot draw him from it againe his faith will not be effectuall Therefore the second thing wherein the effectualnesse of faith consists is to haue it well built in the minde and vnderstanding of a man when he cleerely seeth the truth of the promise that he can build vpon it infallibly For your better vnderstanding of this you must know that then a man is said to bee well built to bee rooted and grounded in faith when he hath the first ground right that so hee proceeds from one to another that it is not a confused superficiall knowledge to assent to the truth and promises that are deliuered in the Word but when hee hath a sure ground the first ground and the next and so he proceeds along As for example the first thing that a man must doe is to beleeue the Scriptures to know that they are true and infallible that they are the sure Word of GOD when a man can say this I know and this I build vpon And besides that then wee looke vpon the promises which the Scriptures containe wherein CHRIST and forgiuenesse of sinnes is offered Now if the first ground faile you that is the bottome vpon which the promises stands therefore haue that sure when that is sure you must haue the promises sure that is you must consider the promises and examine them and see if this be the sense of the Scriptures If there be so much light in you as to say I finde it so I finde the Scriptures true I beleeue them I finde these promises in the Scriptures I finde CHRIST offered to euery creature vnder heauen I finde that I haue a warrant to take him when a man out of himselfe out of an inward principle out of his owne proper iudgement seeth this and is conuinced of the truth of this that the promises are so and that they belong vnto him that he may justly vpon good ground appropriate them to himselfe so that when hee lookes round about him and considers all the objections that may be made yet he can answer all arguments when he fals downe and is fully conuinced and perfectly perswaded in his own mind when a man thus apprehends the promises when his vnderstanding is rooted and grounded in the faith that is the second thing wherein the effectualnesse of faith consists And we see that described Ephes. 2. Saith the Apostle there You are no longer strangers and forraigners but Saints of the household of God and are built vpon the foundation of the Prophets and Apostles Iesus Christ being the chiefe corner stone Marke saith he you are built vpon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets that is you that are Saints must consider what ground you haue to take that name to your selues Saith he you are built vpon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets that is you are not built vpon
himselfe put not his hand to the worke no man is able to beleeue You may thinke when you see such generall propositions as these that Christ is offered to euery creature vnder heauen and that whosoeuer beleeueth shall be saued you may thinke I say that it is easie to bring this home in particular to say Surely this pardon belongs to mee My Brethren it is another thing for a man indeed to beleeue for him to take CHRIST so as to deny himselfe for him to take him so as to mortifie his lusts so as to take vp his crosse so as to obey CHRIST to follow him in all things this is a thing that no man is able to doe vnlesse GOD enable him to it with his almighty power For the heart of euery man by nature is so shut vp against CHRIST that it will giue no entrance to him he may stand and knocke long enough vnlesse GOD himselfe shake off the bolts and open the gates and breake open these euerlasting doores that the King of Glory may come in we will not admit him but keepe him out Euery man naturally hath a hard heart that cannot repent that cannot turne from sinne he will bee content perhaps to take Christ for a Sauiour but to take him so as to obey him and feare him so as to loue him this no man will doe or can doe vnlesse the Holy Ghost enable him But you will aske How doth the Holy Ghost doe it The Holy Ghost doth it by these three acts First by putting an efficacie into the Law and making that powerfull to worke on the heart to make a man poore in spirit that so he may be fit to receiue the Gospell For the Law though it be fit to humble a man yet it is no worke of sanctification If a man were able to doe any thing he were able to see the righteousnesse the Law requires and how far he is from it and to discerne the curse vpon the not doing of it and yet this he is not able to doe without the spirit of bondage the spirit of bondage must make the Law effectuall as well as the spirit of Adoption doth the Gospell That is except the LORD himselfe presse the Law on our hearts so as to cause it to make sinne appeare to vs wee that are the Ministers of GOD may discouer your sinnes we may shew you the rectitude required in the Law we may shew you the danger yet all will be to no purpose vnlesse God awaken you if he will set sinne vpon the conscience to worry a man to plucke him downe when GOD shall charge sinne on him that he shall feele the weight and burthen of it when he shall sharpen sinne and cause it to vse its sting this makes a man fit to receiue CHRIST otherwise if the sonnes of Thunder should speake to men if we should come in the spirit and power of Eliah nay if GOD himselfe should thunder from heauen all would not moue the heart of a man all would not awaken him to see his sinnes till God himselfe shake the heart To conuert the Ga●ler in Acts 16. the foundation of the Prison was shaken which was a resemblance of the shaking of his heart wee may as well shake the Earth as strike the heart of a sinner without the worke of GOD. For though the Law be a sword yet vnlesse GOD take that sword into his hand and strike therewithall himselfe it shall not be able to wound a sinner Therefore the first worke of the Holy Ghost is to awaken a sinner to set sinne vpon him that he may be fit to receiue CHRIST Secondly when this is done that the heart is thus prepared by the Spirit then the Holy Ghost shewes vs what we haue by CHRIST he shewes the vnsearchable riches of CHRIST what is the hope of our calling and the glorious inheritance prepared for the Saints and what is the exceeding greatnesse of his power in them that beleeue I say we neede the Spirit to shew these things But you will say a man may see these things without the helpe of the Spirit It is true in some manner you may but not in such a manner as shall affect you For there is a manner of seeing proper onely to the Saints and that is the proper worke of the Spirit in them when wee shall so see them as to be affected with them Otherwise you may reade the Scriptures a thousand times ouer you may vnderstand them yet you shall not bee affected with them till the Holy Ghost shew them vnto you This is the secret of GOD that he reuealeth to those whom he meaneth to saue that is when hee presents these spirituall things prepared for vs in Christ in such a manner as that we shall loue them and embrace them when we shall not only see the truth of them but the goodnesse of them when GOD shall not onely shew vs the aduantages we haue by Christ but the excellency of Christ so that we shall be in loue with his person as well as to be ready to receiue the priuiledges with him Now this is done by the Spirit 1. Cor. 2.12 Wee haue receiued the Spirit of GOD by which wee know the things that are giuen vs of GOD and they are reuealed to vs by the Spirit They are two or three times repeated in that Chapter as if he should haue said If you saw them no more then other men doe then naturall men doe you would bee no more affected with them then they are but when you haue the Spirit of GOD to shew you the things that are giuen you of GOD that is the thing that workes vpon you and affects you And so in Ioh. 14.21 saith CHRIST I will come to him and shew my selfe to him When CHRIST sheweth himselfe to a man it is another thing then when the Ministers shall shew him or the Scriptures nakedly read doe shew him for when Christ shall shew himselfe by his Spirit that shewing draweth a mans heart to long after him otherwise we may preach long enough and shew you that these spirituall things these priuiledges are prepared for you in Christ but it is the Holy Ghost that must write them in your hearts we can but write them in your heads Therefore the Lord taketh that as peculiar to himselfe I will write my Law in your hearts That is I will make you affected with the things that I shew you and this is the teaching of GOD. There is a teaching by men and a teaching by GOD that is when God shall enable a man to see things in good earnest otherwise it will be but as a man that sees a thing when his minde is vpon another matter so wee shall see and not see but when the Holy Ghost shall shew you these things you shall see indeed till then you may heare oft enough of these things but your hearts
convinced of sinne if a man know in good earnest throughly what the danger is that he must perish if he haue not this Pardon Now I say if thou haue such a testimony build vpon it For it is true that GOD before hee comes in the soft voice he sends a Wind before that rends the Rockes downe that brings downe the Mountaines there so much as makes the way plaine before hee can come within the soft voice I say if the Mountaines be broken downe after what manner soeuer it be that is enough doe not stand on that Be sure of this that if there come a soft voice thou hast reason to beleeue that whatsoeuer preparations were before which are diuers for GOD workes sometimes after one manner sometimes after another But now what is this soft voice that I may a little further come to explaine that for certainely if he come in the soft voice that is the voice of the Gospel you are sure But what is it I take it to be this One thing is when there is a clearing of the promise for the voice is the very Gospell it selfe Now when wee preach the Gospell to men and open the promises of saluation and of life if God doe not joyne with vs now and cleare them to you by kindling a light within that you see the meaning of them except he I say doe thus joyne with vs you shall not be able to build vpon these promises Therefore that is one thing that God must doe For though it bee true the Word is neere you that you neede not goe vp to heauen nor downe to hell to fetch it for saith Moses the Word is neere you the promises are neere in your mouthes in the midst of you yet except God doe shew them as cleare as they be you cānot see them As when Iesus stood by Mary Magdalene he was neere enough but till her eyes were opened she saw him not So Hagar the Well was neere enough to her but till her eies were opened she could not see it So when wee preach these promises when we lay them open as neere as we can as neere as may be yet it must be the worke of the Spirit to see the promises to see them so as to beleeue them and to rest on them Therefore that is one part of this soft voice to open the Gospell vnto you There is another which is the immediate testimony of the Spirit spoken of in Rom. 8. This Spirit beareth witnesse with our spirits when God comes and by a secret testimony of the Spirit worketh such a perswasion in the heart that he is a Father that he is a friend that he is reconciled to vs. But you will say this may be a delusion Therefore you must haue both together know that they are neuer disjoyned GOD neuer giues the secret witnesse of his Spirit he neuer workes such a perswasion such an immediate testimony but it hath alwaies the testimony of the Word going with it bee sure to joyne them be sure thou doe not seuer them one from the other So that if you would know now whether you haue faith or no consider whether euer GOD hath spoken this to you or no whether euer hee hath wrought this worke in you For faith you must know is wrought in this manner The Spirit comes and shewes CHRIST to you and not onely shewes you his merits not only tels you that he will be a Sauiour not only tels you of a Kingdome that you shall haue by him but shewes you the beauty and excellencie of CHRIST it shewes you what grace is and makes you loue it and then hee shewes you mercy Out of this you come to long after CHRIST and to say I would I had him a man comes to loue him as the Spouse loues her Husband Now to this worke hee addes a second CHRIST comes and tels a man I will haue thee he comes and shewes himselfe he discouers himselfe to a man and speakes plainly as in that place wee haue often mentioned Iohn 19. and saith to him I am willing to marry thee When this is done on the Holy Ghosts part and we on our part come to resolue to take him now the match is made betweene vs and this is faith indeede when this worke is done a man may truely say This day is saluation come to mee Now thou art sure that all thy sinnes are forgiuen now faith is wrought in thy heart Therefore if thou wouldest know whether thou haue faith or no looke backe reflect vpon thine owne heart consider what actions haue passed thorow there for that is the next way to know what faith is to looke what actions haue passed thorow a mans heart a man may know what the actions of his soule are for that is the benefit of a reasonable soule that it is able to returne vpon it selfe to see what it hath done which the soule of a beast cannot doe Now let a man consider whether such a thing haue passed or no that is marke it whether on Christs part there hath beene such a cleering of the promise that thou art so built that if an Angell from Heauen should come and preach another Gospell if Paul himselfe should be liuing on the earth and should preach the contrary thou wouldest not beleeue him Dost thou see the Word so cleerely art thou so set vpon the Rocke as it were that thou canst say in good earnest as the Apostle said in Rom. 8. I know that neither principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor any thing in the world shall euer seperate me from the loue of God in Christ and that because I haue his sure Word Againe when thou hast such a secret impression of assurance from his Spirit which will not faile thee when thou findest this on GODS part and againe when thou findest this act on thy owne part when thou sayest I haue resolued to take him for a man may know what he hath done I haue resolued to take him for my husband I haue resolued to prefer him before all things in the world to be diuorsed from all things in the world and to cleaue to him This I know these acts haue passed on Gods part and this I haue done on my part when thou findest this wrought in thy selfe be assured there is faith wrought in thee when the Law hath beene a Schoolemaster to thee and when CHRIST hath spoken peace and when thou art built vpon him againe consider if this hath beene wrought This is the first meanes to try thy faith but because this may bee an ambiguous meanes a man may be deceiued in it therefore faith doth shew it selfe by many other effects And therefore we will adde to this which is the very thing wherein faith consists other signes and they are fiue in number First a man must know that there
vs and are visibly seene Therefore except thou loue the Saints which thou seest holinesse in except thou seest thy heart inwardly to loue them with a naturall affection as it were that thou louest them whether thou wilt or no thou doest but pretend Againe Doest thou loue CHRIST Art thou willing to part with any thing for his sake Loue is bountifull Thou sayest thou louest GOD What if he will haue some of thy wealth What if he will haue thy credit What if he will haue thy liberty for his sake If thou loue him thou wilt be content to doe it Therefore consider if faith haue begotten such a loue in thee so that thou canst truly say though thou hast not seene him yet thou louest him The second concomitant of Faith is Hope If thou hast Faith thou hast Hope And this distinguisheth a Christians faith from the faith of Reprobates from the faith of Deuils from the temporary faith that others are capable of you know the Deuils beleeue and tremble He saith not The Deuils beleeue and hope for that they doe not Hope is a property of Faith where there is Faith there is Hope Now you must know that a man hath neuer faith to beleeue but hee hath hope which makes him expect what he beleeues If a man haue a promise of so much money which he needes he hopes for the performance of it and quiets himselfe when he casts his thoughts vpon it hee is at rest when a man beleeues it hee hopes for it Take an Heyre that hath such possessions which is yet a Ward and is yong he hath not the Land in possession but marke what hope he hath it is not a vaine hope but such a hope as puts other conceits in him then other men haue puts another fashion vpon his actions it makes him neglect many good things he would doe he will not be of such a calling he will not be diligent for hee hopes he makes account of it See how such things worke vpon a man which he is not to haue in 7 or 8 yeeres after perhaps So thou hopest for Heauen it is not a vaine hope but it is a hope that will ma●e thee carry thy selfe after another fashion it will make thee so minded that thou wilt haue an eye to it and euery man that lookes on ●hee may see that thou hast an eye to it So that faith is accompanied by Hope But now you must not say that if a man hope therefore there is no feare mingled with it for you must know that a man may haue Hope that is true and good and yet may haue feare mingled with it For this you must know that if there be nothing but hope it is a signe that that Hope is not good And therefore thou hast so little reason to be discouraged because thou hast some feare mingled with thy hope that thou hast the more cause to hope and to thinke that thy hope is good because there is feare mingled with it for know that there is a certaine sort of men that haue neither faith hope nor feare as Atheists that haue some hope but no feare as Deuils and desperate men that haue some feare but no hope as presumptuous men which haue but a shaddow of faith But those that haue hope and feare mingled with it that is those may rather hope that that hope which they haue they may be so much the more confirmed in it because they haue some feare mingled with it Therefore consider whether thou haue hope or no Consider in what manner it is joyned with faith When thou beleeuest that CHRIST is thine that Heauen is thine that thy sinnes are forgiuen and that thou art a sonne of GOD but these things thou hast not yet thou art as any other man there is no difference betweene thee and them thou hast no more in possession then other men that walke with thee now comes in Hope and that expecteth that which is to come that holds vp thy head as it were that though you haue nothing at all for the present yet that Hope will comfort you that though you haue troubles and crosses and a thousand things more to obscure and blot your faith and the waues goe ouer your head that you are ready to be drowned this hope holds you aboue the water and makes you expect with comfort that which is to come and not so onely but I say it is a liuely hope a hope that sets a man aworke a hope that purgeth him For you know that that a man hopes for he will endeuour to bring it to passe it is such a hope as will not faile you but will continue as well as Faith it selfe Thirdly the third concomitant of Faith is Joy Romanes 15.13 The GOD of hope fill you with joy through beleeuing If you haue beleeued you haue Joy So in the first of Peter chap. 1. vers 8. In whom you haue beleeued saith hee Whom though you haue not seene yet you beleeue in him and ioy with ioy vnspeakable and glorious As if hee should say If you beleeue in him you shall know it by this Whether doe you reioyce in him or no Consider that where there is Faith there is Joy And it must needes be so As you know he that had the Pearle went away reioycing and the Kingdome of GOD consisteth in Joy and Peace and Righteousnesse And therefore where there is Faith there certainely is Joy And therefore consider and examine thine owne case Hast thou this reioycing in CHRIST this reioycing in the Doctrine of Justification and forgiuenesse of sins If we should examine mens faith by this we should finde that there is but a little Faith in the World Examine your selues you that now heare mee that heare this Doctrine of Faith it may bee it hath been burthensome vnto you it may be it is a thing you care not for To heare of Iustification and forgiuenesse of sinnes they are things at the least that it may be you take no great paines for you doe not study them you doe not prize them much but if you were forgiuen indeed you would prefer it before all other ioy it would comfort you aboue any thing If you would say what you would heare aboue all things else you would heare of matter of forgiuenesse A man now that hath knowne the bitternesse of sinne and afterwards comes to the assurance of forgiuenesse that is to haue Faith indeed I say he will reioyce in it aboue all things else all worldly ioy would be nothing to it Therefore consider whether thou haue such a Faith or no if thou haue not certainely thou hast not Faith and it is a sure signe that will not deceiue you There is no man that hath it that hath not Faith and wheresoeuer there is Faith indeede there is extraordinary great reioycing in CHRIST But you will say Many a man may haue Ioy the second ground receiued the Word with
as if he vsed it not he would not care for losses crosses he would not grieue for them as one that is not able to beare them Thus we should learne to set faith on worke in beleeuing these priuiledges that we may be able to walke with God as Henoch did and as Paul and Moses did to walke with him in the vpper Region aboue the stormes There is much variety of weather when a man is below here now it is faire and then it is foule if a man were aboue these there is a continuall serenity So a man that hath his heart in Heauen a man that walkes with GOD that hath his heart raised aboue others if you would doe this if you would vse Faith if thou wouldest consider this it would set thee aloft aboue these things thou wouldest soare aloft as the Eagle thou wouldest care no more for these things then the Eagle cares for the chirping of Sparrowes they are trifles thou wouldest ouerlooke them all If we did consider this seriously how would it alter our course It would worke another disposition another affection in vs. A man would consider that if GOD be sure what matter is it if a friend die If I haue GOD what is the losse of any creature And so if a man suffer wrong in his name what is it if he haue praise of GOD If thou beleeue and see GOD in his greatnes to haue praise of such a one as he will make thee to contemne the rest And so for wealth What is pouerty What account did Paul make of it It is nothing to one that hath Treasure in Heauen to one that beleeues indeede to one that seeth hee hath all GODS Treasures opened to him Thou shouldest learne to doe this in good earnest If a man would set this Faith aworke to beleeue it his heart would be fixed hee would bee afraid of no euill tydings hee would say with himselfe if there bee no ill tydings from heauen it is no matter from whence they come on earth If a man would build through faith vpon the promise and consider it really This is the vse of Faith thus a mans heart should be filled with ioy a man would be able to goe through ill report and good report through want and through abundance without being much troubled with either the one would not much puffe him vp nor the other would not deject him but he would goe as a Gyant and march thorow the variety of conditions he would passe through them that neither the one hand nor the other the good successe nor the ill successe should worke vpon him much This is a strong man and this Faith will make thee able to doe if thou vse Faith and set it aworke But I am sorry the time hath cut me off this is but an entrance I giue you but a little taste There are many things wherein Faith stands vs in much stead wherin if wee did vse Faith how much seruice would it doe vs But for that which remains in this Doctrine of Faith I had thought to haue shut it vp at this time to shew you how to vse it how to make it effectuall how to set it aworke how to walke by it how to husband and improue this Talent for Gods aduantage and your owne But I cannot stand on it So much for this time FINIS OF EFFECTVALL FAITH The fifth Sermon 1. THESS 1.3 Remembring your effectuall Faith c. THE first thing wherein thou shouldest vse Faith is to comfort thy selfe by it Therefore consider you that doubt of this you that make question I speake to those that haue the work wrought whom the Holy Ghost hath made to desire Christ aboue all things I say remember that God iustifieth the vngodly and that you haue nothing to doe but to take him 2. Remember that CHRIST is made righteousnesse to vs that no flesh might reioyce in his sight but he that reioyceth might reioyce in the Lord. 3. Remember that the pardon is generall Looke to the promises of the Gospell you shall finde them without all exception To vs a Sauiour is borne to take away the sinnes of his people he came to take away sinnes of all sorts Now when GOD hath made no exception why should we make any 4. Consider that wee haue to doe with a GOD who delights to shew mercie it is a thing that he is not weary of it is naturall to him And therefore as the eye is not wearie of seeing nor the eare of hearing because it is naturall to them no more is GOD weary of shewing mercie Nay he delights in it Mic. 7.8 Who is a God like vnto thee taking away iniquities delighting to shew mercie c. Why so Because mercy pleaseth him That is there is no worke that he is so much pleased in as in shewing mercy 5. Consider thou that art in such a case consider that his mercy is as large as any other attribute Euery man thinkes that this is no newes what need you tell vs that GOD is infinite in mercy I say this is a thing that thou dost not consider if thou diddest thou wouldest not sticke vpon it as thou doest If thou diddest beleeue that GOD were as mercifull as he is but we scant GOD according to our measure we square Gods mercy according to our own thoughts Euery man measures Gods mercy according to that which he can conceiue He thinkes with himselfe if a man commit one sinne it might be forgiuen but when his sinnes exceede when they grow out of measure sinfull when they are sinnes so circumstantiated as we say that they are out of measure sinfull here a man stands at a stay What is the reason of this Because we draw a scantling of Gods mercy according to our owne conceits Whereas if we considered that his mercie were as large as any other attribute then we would consider that it hath no limits and if it haue no limits then whatsoeuer thy sinnes are it is all one 6. Dost thou thinke that Christ came from heauen and tooke flesh and suffered death to forgiue small sinnes No it was to forgiue the greatest the worke is large enough to match with the greatest sinnes These and such like reasons thou shouldest labour to bring to heart that thou mayest beleeue perfectly and throughly and giue not ouer till thou haue done it Let not thy faith trust in Christ by halues but trust throughly Thou shouldest come to this disjunction If I bee out of the Couenant why doe I beleeue at all why doe I receiue any comfort If I bee in the Couenant why doe I not beleeue perfectly I say giue not ouer till thou haue brought thy heart to a full assurance Thus a man should doe that yet doubts whether his estate be good whether CHRIST bee his when he is his For when a man is once in the Couenant that the match is made betweene him and thee why doest thou doubt If thou
spoiling of his goods with joy because he beleeues God that hee hath in heauen a more induring substance There is no Christian no good man but he would be content to gaine as well as thou what is the reason hee takes it not He beleues that by forsaking that he shall haue a more enduring substance in Heauen There is no man would forsake any thing but for the better and that is the reason wee beleeue and thou dost not And so come to matter of safety and danger and there you shall see what difference faith makes between men how it turnes their course when they come to such an exigent See it in Saul you know he was commanded not to offer Sacrifice till Samuel came GOD did put him to the tryall The Philistims were vpon him the day of Battell drew neere hee saw the people shrinke away Saul was put to it now whether he would trust GOD for his safety or no If Saul had had faith now and had thought with himselfe If I keepe the Commandement is not GOD able to helpe me what though the people shrinke away cannot GOD doe as much with a few as with many If he had beleeued hee would haue done otherwise But he did not beleeue and therefore you see which way he turned The like we see in Ioram Ier. 42. This was his case hee was the Captaine of t●ose that were left behinde in Captiuity If hee had stayed in Ierusalem he had had nothing to defend him there was pouerty and want of all things if hee went downe into Egypt that was a safe Countrey as farre as any one could see it lay farre from all danger of War there was plenty of all things and he was a strong King able to defend him There comes Commandement from GOD that he should keepe himselfe still in Ierusalem and should not goe downe into Egypt It is a place worth the reading Ier. 42 43. Ioram in this case beleeued not that God would keepe him safe where he saw no meanes of ●afety Therefore in that turning you see what choice he made which was his vtter vndoing he went downe into Egypt and there the Sword and the Famine followed him that GOD might make him know that it was not any outward condition that could keepe him safe and that he was able to keepe him safe in another place where there seemed to be more danger On the other side take those that trust in God in any such case when they are brought to any such difficulty they are willing to venter to put themselues vpon GOD to goe any whither as Luther went to Wormes they care not for any danger before them But some will say it is true if I had a Prophet sent to me to tell me in such a case that I should be safe I should trust on him Certainely if thou hast not yet if the cause be good if it be a thing that GOD sets thee aworke on if thou goe by a right rule know that in this case thou hast as true a promise of safety that God will deale well with thee as if thou haddest a Prophet sent immediately from God Therfore I say to thee in such a case as Luther said to Melancton which was a good reason when Melancton began to faint Luther being afarre off wrote a Letter vnto him and tels him saith he if the Cause be not GODS why doe not we giue ouer why doe we not shrinke why doe wee doe any thing And If it be Gods Cause why doe we shrinke why go we not thorow He needed no more but to know that it was Gods Cause and after that see how hee exposed himselfe from time to time and as no man was bolder then hee so no man had more comfort It is with vs in this case as it was with Ieremiah Ier. 26. GOD bids him goe and speake his Word to the people all his words and tels him that the people would be ready to put him to death and so they were they said he should die but yet he obeyed God because the Lord sent him and see what was the issue of it GOD turned the matter and saued him This is faith when a man comes in that case to set his faith aworke that it may set him the right way that he is to goe in which way he is to turne And so put the case that GOD brings thee to such a case that thou art in danger of prison in danger of death in danger of the greatest crosse of the greatest persecution and trouble now one man consults with flesh the other consults with the spirit he sets faith awork to worke his worke for him you see what Stephen did in such a case and the reason of it Acts 6. He was a man full of faith and therfore he feared not what they could doe to him See what Paul did in such a case you see what danger he was exposed vnto but he consulted not with flesh and blood but what did he He set faith on worke that it might guide him in all the way that he went in all the turnings of his life And so on the other side for pleasure there are two men that haue pleasures propounded the holiest man hath the same nature that others haue they would take the same delight that others doe as farre as they are naturall What is the reason then they doe not why doe such men turne from all sinfull delights and runne another course It is nothing but faith that enableth them to doe it By faith Moses left Pharoahs Court and the pleasures of sinne for a season and chose aduersity with the people of GOD that is as if hee should say If you would know why Moses did this it was faith that enabled him that is he beleeued that if hee had enioyed those pleasures of sinne he should haue beene a loser by them hee should haue fared the worse for them Againe he beleeued that by his suffering aduersity with the people of God he should gaine it was onely faith that made him doe this If thou haddest faith thou wouldest forsake thy pleasures and liue a more strict life as the Saints doe So that still you must keepe that conclusion that you must set faith aworke in all the conclusions and passages of your life for that is it that guides you in the right way Againe Take two men that haue both children to prouide for they haue posterity to care for the one man he reasons thus with himselfe If I leaue them not as good a stock as I would yet I shall leaue them Gods blessing which is able to make them prosper and though I should leaue them abundance yet all that without Gods blessing will not be able to doe it Therefore such a man will be indifferent for matter of estate he will leaue a conueniency for them if he can but he takes no
great care hee had rather lay vp faithfull prayers in heauen he had rather see them brought vp in the feare of GOD for hee trust GOD and he thinkes that his blessing can do● it without meanes and he knows that great meanes without Gods blessing cannot doe it But when another man is in this case hee lookes to that which is represented to his eyes and therefore he will not haue done till he haue prouided such a portion for such a childe till he haue built him houses till he haue made them firme on euery side till he haue added house to house this is out of want of faith he beleeues not hence it is that these two runne a different course So againe one man lookes to his businesse he will not spend time to examine his heart he will not spend time in prayer from day to day he saith my businesse will goe at sixe and seuens my businesse will not be done when as another man that hath chosen Maries portion is content to lose somewhat hee is content that many things should goe amisse he is content to lose somewhat of his estate he is content to let his businesse lye vndone or not to be so well done because he thinkes to be busie in good workes in prayer and to haue the fauour of GOD is greater aduantage he thinkes hee hath chosen the better part Now it is faith that workes this difference What should I doe Why should I name any more Instances You may name more to your selues as you haue faith so it will guide you it will turne you this way and that way in the turnings and passages of your life But now because I am farre in the poynt and I see the time runnes fast away before I leaue I would not only shew you what faith is able to doe but I would worke you to this a little You will say then What is it to trust in GOD For that is the reason of all the difference you see Therefore saith Paul 1 Tim. 4.10 We labour and suffer rebuke what is the reason If you would know the cause why we leade such a life why we runne another course then others why wee liue a painefull life in labour from day to day but if a man had good wages he might well doe that we labour and suffer and are rebuked and haue nothing but persecution for our paines but saith he we doe it because we trust in the liuing God therefore we labour and suffer and are rebuked because wee trust in the liuing GOD. I say doe this and thou shalt be able to doe the same that Moses did thou shalt be able to doe the same that Paul did the same that all the Saints haue done If I could but perswade you now to trust in God to set your faith aworke thus farre There is no man that heares me this day that is in any other course then in the wayes of Religion and godlinesse but he would turne his course and therefore I will labour in this a little You will aske me then what it is to trust GOD I will shew you a little what it is because euery man is ready to say I trust in GOD but I am not able to doe this that you say when I come to such a hard turning Deceiue not thy selfe this is to trust in God namely to be vnbottomed of thy selfe and of euery creature and so to leane vpon GOD that if hee faile thee thou sinkest There is many a man that pretends he trusts in GOD but hee so trusts GOD that withall hee will prouide for himselfe such a man saith GODS blessing is a good addition but to haue that for all hee will not he will be sure he will be strong he will make his Mountaine strong about him and he will haue the blessings of GOD too for faith in the promises hee makes them good notions but for things to trust to to rest on it is a thing he will not be perswaded to Now this is not to trust in GOD. But this is to trust in him when thou doest so cast thy selfe on him that if he should faile thee thou wert vndone by it To exemplifie it to you There was an action that Alexander the Great did I vse it onely to expresse what I meane by trusting in GOD When hee was sicke there comes a friend that was alwaies close with him that was a Physician and he prepared him a Potion but before the same came to him there was a Letter deliuered to him to signifie to him that that very Potion was poyson when his friend came with his Potion in his hand he takes the Letter that was sent to giue him notice of the Treason and drinkes off the Cup with one hand and reaches the Letter with the other so he dranke off the Cup before he shewed the Letter Here Alexander trusted him if he had failed him he had lost his life he did not first shew the Letter and then heare his excuse for himselfe but hee shewed that he trusted him In such a case if thou be able to trust GOD if thou canst put thy selfe vpon him if he faile the thou art vndone in such a case this is to trust in GOD. To vse another expression that you may know what it is There was a King of this Land that sent his seruant a Generall of his Army to spare a Citie he had command vnder the Broad Seale from the Councell and from the Kings owne hand to doe it and to disobey this Warrant was death But withall the King sent him a secret message that he should destroy the Citie and to trust him to saue his life The party did so The Broad-Seale and Commission was to spare the City to sorbeare it The secret charge was to destroy it This he did and trusted the King for his life if hee had fayled him he had been destroyed These similitudes shew what it is to trust in GOD If thou be brought to such an exigent if thou wilt trust GOD in such a case as wherin if he faile thee thou art vndone This is to trust GOD not to seeke his blessing so as to make that an addition but to put all vpon him Therefore that you may know that this is to trust in GOD know that except thou doe it thus GOD is not ready to answer thee Therfore commonly he puts not forth his strength to deliuer men or to bestow vpon them any great blessing but when hee hath brought men to such an exigent And because men will not trust in him commonly while other props are taken away For wee should trust in GOD in the middest of prosperity and happinesse but because men will not doe it till then hee strips them of all that they may doe it he brings a man to such a case that he shall haue nothing else to trust vnto What is the reason that Paul saith 2 Cor. 1.
looke upon the Lord as upon a judge whether you doe not all that you doe to him as one that lookes upon a judge If you feare the Lord in this manner it is certaine you hate him for those whom you thus feare you hate and that you shall finde in 1 Ioh. 4. If you feare saith hee you love not for perfect love casts out feare when you look upon God as upon a strict judge and that is it that puts you on to doe all that you doe that is it that makes you keepe a good conscience in secret for this you may doe and yet looke upon God as a judge to feare with this kinde of feare is a signe you hate the Lord for whom you feare you hate Besides this Doe you not looke upon God and upon his wayes as contrary to your hearts that your hearts and the wayes of God are in an opposition your hearts and sanctifying the Sabboth will not agree the Lord would have your speeches to be good and holy he would have you not onely abstaine from evill but to hate it to have your hearts rise up against it Are not these commandements contrary to you Consider but that holinesse that is expressed in the booke of God and that is expressed also in the lives of the Saints who carry his Image stamped on them and is there not a kinde of contrariety betweene your wayes and theirs betweene your hearts and them If there be it is a certaine signe of hatred for wheresoever there is contrariety there is hatred Examine your selves by this and see whether you doe not hate the Lord. And yet to come to one more if you love pleasures more than God and wealth more than God you hate God For so you have it Mat. 6. No man can serve two Masters but either hee must hate the one and love the other c. That is when you love other things though you thinke you doe not hate the Lord yet I say in that you love pleasures and love the world and the things of the world in that you love your lusts and the objects of them in doing this you hate the Lord. Now if this be your case if upon these expostulations that I have propounded if upon these rules of examining your selves you finde that you doe not love the Lord if this be your condition as it is your wisedome to deale strictly with your selves for hence it is brethren that the soules of men perish because they will not see and search into their estates they will not come to this examination of themselves it is a painfull thing to them men are backward to examine themselves in private what is the reason of that phrase in the Psalme Examine your selves upon your beds but because examination should be when a man is most retired I say if you finde it to be so as it is the case of many then it should open a window to you to see what you have deserved at the Lords hands how just it were that the Lord should cast you off For when you are enemies to the Lord can you thinke much at it My brethren what a condition is that man in that hath the great God of heaven and earth to be his enemie And besides this have you not reason to justifie God in his just judgements upon others when you shall see God sharply plaguing them It may seeme to you that it is a hard thing that men should be so punished but when wee consider that they are haters of God that they are enemies to him you may justifie God in that hee doth But to conclude you ought to humble your selves if upon these tryalls you finde your selves to be lovers of the world and not lovers of God And you that are young and put off repentance it should move you to come in betimes For if this be required of you to love the Lord and you shall not be exempted from death when it comes though you be never so able and never so strong and lustly what condition doe you thinke you will be in if you die enemies to God and haters of him as you needes must be if you love him not And if you thinke you have time enough hereafter to settle your affections Consider is it in your owne power though you have warning before death to have this affection of love You may doe many good duties you may be sorry and repent for your sinnes but though you doe this and a thousand times more yet if you have not this love-wrought in you by God if it come not from heaven if it be not the fruite of his owne Spirit all your repentance and all your forsaking of sinne all your doing of duties the change of your courses is nothing the Lord regards it not unlesse you have this naturalnesse of love I have stood therefore the longer upon it and upon this part concerning examination because it is a matter of great moment Wee should have come to the next part concerning exhortation which wee would not disjoyne because it is very usefull and profitable but we cannot doe it now but reserve it for the afternoone FINIS THE SIXTH SERMON GALAT. 5.6 For in Iesus Christ neither circumcision availeth any thing nor uncircumcision but Faith which worketh by Love AND before we leave this poynt one thing I must add For what reason doe we put you vpon this disposition vpon this examination whether the love of God be in your hearts or no The reason is not that you should be discouraged that you should be put off from comming to God that you should be greived with the sight of the want of your love but the end of it is to stirre you up to gett it if you want it You know we have formerly delivered some meanes of getting it onely there is one which we will commend unto you which we gave a little touch on but could not handle it and it consists of these Three branches if you would love the Lord First you must know him for otherwise you cannot love him As it is in naturall loue that is bred between man and man you say love ariseth from sight they must see before they can love so you must know the Lord there must be a sight of God by faith before you can love him And every man that sees him and knowes him as he is will love him he cannot chuse for that is the Lords worke to all the Saints Ierem. 31 You shall he taught of me and you shall know mee from the greatest to the least It may be in some manner they knew God before but although a man have never so exact knowledge of him yet till he be a regenerate man he never knowes him indeede it is an other kind of knowledge that hee hath when a man is regenerate whē God teaches him to know him he lookes on God with an other eye every thing is presented to him