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A09181 A frutefull booke of the comon places of all S. Pauls Epistles right necessarye for all sortes of people, but especially for those of the ministerye dyligentelye sette foorthe by Thomas Paniell. Anno. 1562; Bible. N.T. Epistles. English. Selections. Paynell, Thomas. 1562 (1562) STC 19492; ESTC S114192 128,237 388

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A FRVTEfull booke of the comon places of all S. Pauls Epistles right necessarye for all sortes of people but especially for those of the ministerye dyligentelye sette foorthe by Thomas Paniell Anno. 1562. ¶ To the right worshipfull master Thomas Argall Thomas Paynel wisheth all prosperitye and health YOure gentlenesse ryghte worshipfull master Argall to me at all times and in al places most gently manifested and declared And your sincere and vnfayned loue to the word of God most holy and to those that trulye professe the same wyth youre lyberall and dailye helpinge hande to the maintetenaunce and encrease of the vnfained professoures and studiantes there of hathe prouoked and inforced mee to wryte thys boke of Sayncte Paules Epi●tles thus in common places digested vnto you a louer a diligente reader and a continuall ensuer and folower of the same For in what other thing should a purely mynded Christiane solace him selfe or delyte in than in the precious worde of God and in the cleare doctryne of hys moste noble and moste excellente Apostle Paul Whose doctryne is frome heauen heauenly replenished with all spyrytuall wysedome and ghostlye consolation the whiche thinges to you most gentle master Argall and to all other of lyke conuersation and pure myn●e is no doubte most precious mooste beautyfull and mos●e amyable Let this doctrine then bee grauen in youre harte moste stedfastlye Take sure holde vppon thys Godlye learninge that is vppon Iesus Christ. Let thys doctrine bee wrytten wych spirituall yncke throughe your Godlye admo●i●ions in the hearte as I doubte not but it is of youre most chaste and vert●ous wife well nurtured and obedyen●e chyldren and famelye mooste tractable and Godlye For th●● is the l●arninge that shall conducte and bringe them too the kingedome of God and hys eternall fruytio● Thys is it that shall learne them to feare and to loue God and to folow the fotesteppes of hys Godlye conuersation aboue all things Thys is it that shall instructe them to contemp●e the world● wyth the caduke and frayle pleasures honoures ryches● pompe and pryde therof This is it that shall inflame them too be the true followeres of Christes gospell and the faithful champyons and protectors of the same This is it that shal instructe them too put theyr whole and onely trust and affiaunce in the merytes of Christ oure Sauyoure and not in theyr onelye deedes withoute fayeth and merytes Thys is it that shall exalte and eleuate theyr earthly myndes and desyres to be wyth Christe Iesu oure sauioure Drawing their affections and gredye myndes frome this worldlye trumpery and slydynge bagage Nowe then if thys be so as in verye bede it is receaue this my gift as a thinge moste precious and pleasaunte And laye it vppe in the treasurye and store house of your hart as a thing in time of nede mooste excellente and coumfortable For as vntoo a fayethfull and a true Christian there ●houlde be nothinge delitius and more acceptable then the delicate and swete word of God so there is nothinge to a Chrysten reader more sweete and sauerye than the Epis●les of Goddes electe vessell and dearelye beloued Apostle saint Paule Reade them therefore wyth all deuotion and syncere iudgement and if ye intend as I doubte not but that ye do intende to be blessed folowe the doctryne● and precepts of them most carefully and as a prec●us margarite and pearle Whan ye haue perused and rede them moste tenderlye and dearly obserue and kepe them For it is not the onely he●rer or ●eader of Pauls Epistles and of scripture that shall be iustified but the reuerent and feruent practi●er of the same Thus oure Lorde to whom be all honour and glorye for euer kepe you and your deuout and faithfull yoke felow and most chaste wyfe nowe and euer ¶ The common places of all Saynt Paules Epistles The forme of saluation Ca. 1. PAule the seruaunt of Iesus Chris●e called to be an Apostle not of men nether by mā but by Iesus Christ by God the father By the commaund●ment of god our sa●iour and Lord Iesus Christe by the wyll of God after the promes of life which is in Christ Iesu. And after the fayth of Gods electe and the knowledge of the truth● whiche is after godlines vpon the hope of eternall life whiche life god that can not lye hath p●omised before the worlde beganne but hath openned his word at the time appoynted through preachinge which preachinge is committed vnto me by the commaundement of God oure sauioure put a parte t● preache the gospell of God whiche he promised afore by his prophetes in the holye scryptures that make mension of his sonne the which was begotten of the s●de of Dauid as pertayninge to the fleshe and predestynate to be the sonne of god with power of the holy ghost that sanctifieth sence the time that Iesus Christe our Lorde rose agayne fr●me deathe by whome we haue receaued grace and Apo●●leshippe● to bringe all manner ●eathen people v●too the obedyence of the ●ayeth that is in his name To them that are sanctifyed in Christe Iesu called Saynctes wyth all that call on the name of oure Lorde Iesus Christe in euery place bothe of theirs and of oures And too all them whiche beleeue Grace be with you and peace frome oure father and frome our Lord Iesus Christ ¶ The thanks geuing of Paul the Apos●ell For the gyftes of grace geuen of God to the fay●thfull Capitu. 2. FYrst verely I thanke my God thorowe Iesus Christe for you all because your fayeth is published throughout all the worlde I thanke my God alwaies in your behalfe for the grace of God which is geuen you by Iesus Christe that in all thinges ye are made riche by hym in all learnynge and in all knowledge euen as the testimonye of Iesus Christe was confyrmed in you so that ye are behinde in no gift and wayte for the appearinge of our Lorde Iesus Christe whiche shall strengthe you vntoo the ende that ye maye be blamelesse in the daye of of our Lord Iesus Christ Thankes be vnto God for his vnspeakeable gyfte Wherefore euen I after that I hearde of the fayeth ye haue in the Lord Iesu and loue vnto his saintes ceasse not too geue thankes ●or you makinge mention of you in my praiers We geue thankes to God the father of oure Lorde Iesus Christe alwayes prayinge for you sence wee hearde of your fayeth which ye haue in Christe Iesu and of the loue whiche ye beare to all Sayn●tes for the hopes sake which is layed vp in s●ore for you in heauen Callinge to remembraunce your woorcke in the ●ayeth and laboure in loue and perseueraunce in the hope of our Lord Iesus Christ in the sighte of God our father We are bounde too thanke God alwaye for you breethren as it is meete because that y●●re ●ayeth groweth exceadingelye and euerye one of you swimmeth in
loue toward an other Therfore we are bounde to geue thankes alwaye to God for you brethren beloued of the Lorde● For because that God hath from the beginninge chosen you too saluation thorowe sanctifyinge of the sprite and thorowe beleuynge the truth where vnto he called you by our gospell to obtayne the glory that cometh of our Lorde Iesu Christ. ¶ Of Pauls orations and praiers for his discyples Capitu. 3. GOd is my witnes whō I serue wyth my spirite in the gospell of hys sonne that wythoute ceasinge I make mention of you alwayes in my prayers beseching that at one tyme or other a prosperous iourney by the wyll of God myght fortune me to come vnto you For I longe to see you that I myghte bestowe among● you some spirytuall gy●te to strength you wyth all that is that I mighte haue consolation together wyth you throughe the cōmon fayeth whiche bothe ye and I haue to haue some frute amonge you as I haue amonge other of the gentyles I desyre before God that ye d●o none euyll not that we should seme commendable but that ye shoulde do that whiche is honeste and let vs be counted as lewde personnes We wyshe also that ye were perfecte The grace of oure Lord Iesus Christ and the loue of God and the felowshippe of the holye ghost be with you all Amen The God of oure Lorde Iesus Christe and the father of glorye myghte geue vntoo you the spirite of wysedome and open to you the knowledge of hym selfe and lyghten the eyes of youre mindes that ye might knowe what that hope is wher vnto he hathe called you and what the riches of his glorious inheritaunce is vpon the saintes and what is the ex●●adinge greatenes of his power to vs warde which beleue according to the workinge of that his mightye power whiche he wrought in Christ when he raysed him from the dead For this cause I bowe my knees vnto the father of oure Lorde Iesus Christe whyche is father ouer all that is caled father in heauen and in earthe that he woulde graunte you acordinge to the riches of his glorye that ye maye be strengthened wyth mighte by hys spiryte in the inner manne that Christe maye dwell in youre heartes by fayeth that ye beinge rooted and grounded in loue mighte be able to comprehende with all sayntes what is that bredth and length depth● and heyth and too knowe what is the loue of Christe whiche loue passeth knowledge that ye might be fulfylled with all maner of fulnes of God In all my prayers for you I praye wyth gladnesse because of the feloweshyppe whyche ye haue in the Gospell frome the fyrste daye vntoo nowe And thys I praye that your loue maye encrease more and more in knoweledge and in all fealynge that ye mighte accepte thynges most excellente that ye mighte be pure and suche as shoulde hurte no mans conscience vntyll the daye of Christ fylled wyth the frutes of righteousenesse whiche frutes come by Iesus Christe vnto the glorye and laude of God Therefore we haue not ceassed prayinge for you and desiringe that ye might be fulfylled wyth the knowledge of hys wyll in all wysedome spiritual vnderstandynge that ye myghte walke worthye of the Lorde in all good workes and increasinge in the knowledge of God strengthed wyth all myghte wyth ioyfulnesse geuinge thankes vntoo God the father My God fulfyl al your desyres tho●rowe hys gloryous ryches in I●su Christ. And the peace of God which passeth al vnders●andinge kepe your hartes and myndes in Christe Iesu. God hym selfe oure father and oure Lorde Iesus Christe guyde our iorney vnto you and the Lorde increase you and make you flowe ouer in loue one towarde an other and towarde all menne euen as we doe towarde you to make your heartes stable and vnblam●able in holines before God oure father at the comminge of oure Lorde Iesus Christe wyth all his sayntes The verye God of peace sanctifye you thorow oute that youre whole sprit soule and body be fautelesse vnto the comminge of our Lorde Iesus Christ. We praye alwayes for you that oure God make you worthye of the callynge and fulfyll the delectation of goodnesse and the worke of faith wyth power that the name of oure Lorde Iesus Christe maye be gloryfyed in you and ye in him thorowe the grace of oure God and of oure Lorde Iesus Christ. Our Lorde Iesu Christe him selfe and God our father which hath loued vs and hath geuen vs euerlastinge consolation and good hope thorow grace comfor●e youre heartes and stablishe you in all doctrine and good doynge And gyde your hearts to the loue of God and pacience of Christ. The Lorde geue mercye vntoo the house of Onesiphoros for he ofte refre●hed me and was not ashamed of my chayne but when he was come to Rome he soughte me oute verye diligentelye and founde me And in how many thinges he ministred vnto me at Ephesus thou knowest very well The Lorde graunt him that he maye fynde mercye wyth the Lorde at that daye The God of peace y ● brought again from death our Lord Iesus the great shepeherde of the shepe through the bloud of the euerlastinge Testament make you perfecte in all good workes to do his wyll workinge in you that whyche is plesaunte in hys syghte throughe Iesus Christe too whome be prayse for euer whyle the worlde endureth Amen ¶ Of fayethe Capitu. 4. I Am not a shamed of the Gospell of Christe because it is the power of God to al that beleue namelye to the I●we and also too the gentyle For by it the ryghteousenesse whyche commethe of God is opened from fayeth to fay●h As it is written The iuste shall lyue by fayeth As Abraham beleued God and it was coumpted ●nto hym for righteousenesse whyche Abraham contrarye to hope beleued in hope that he shoulde be the father of manye nations accordinge to that Whiche was spoken vnto him So shall thy ●eede be as the starres in heauen and the sande of the sea And he fainted not in the fayeth nor yet consydered hys owne bodye whyche was nowe deadde euen when he was almooste an hundred yeare olde neyther yet that Sara was past chyldeberynge He stack●red not at th● promesse of God thorowe vnbeliefe but was made stronge in the fayeth and gaue honoure to God full certifyed that what he hadde promysed he was able too make good And therefore was it reckened to him for righteousnesse It is not written for him onelye that it was reckened to him for righteousenesse but also for vs to whome it shall be coumpted for righteousn●sse so we beleue on him that raysed vp Iesus oure Lorde from death We therefore beynge iustified by fayth are at peace with God thorow our Lorde Iesus Christ by whom● we haue a waye in thorowe fayeth vnto the grace of God wherein we stande What shall we saye then we say that the gentiles which
faythfull menne whych are apte to teache othe● Consider what I saye The Lorde geue the vnderstandinge in all ●hinges But the euyll menne and disceauers shall waxe worsse and worsse whyle they deceaue and are deceaued them selues But continue thou i● the thinges whiche thou haste learned whiche also were commytted vnto● thee seynge thou knowest of whome thou hast learned them And for as muche as thou haste knowen holye scripture of a chylde whych is able to make the wise vnto saluation thorowe the faith which is in Christ Iesu. Wherefore holy brethren partakers of the celestiall callynge co●●ider the embasidoure and the prieste of oure profession Christ Iesus whiche was faiethfull to him that made hym euen as was M●ses in all by ● house Take heede brethren that there be in none of you an euyll hart in vnbeliefe that he shoulde departe frome the liuinge God but exhorte one an other dailye while it is called to daye least anye of you ware hard harted thorowe the deceytfulnesse of synne Let no man deceaue you with vain wordes Prouydinge afore hande thynges honest not onelye in the syghte of God but also in the syghte of all menne ¶ Of wisedome and of the fau●e of foolishenesse Capitu. 13. THe inuisyble thinges of God are vnderstande and seene by the workes frome the creation of the worlde So that when they coumpted them selues wyse they became fooles I woulde haue you wise vnto that which is good and to be innocent as concerninge euyll For Christe sente me not to baptise but to preache the gospell not with wisedome of wordes leaste the crosse of Christ shoulde haue be made of none effecte For the preachinge of the crosse is to them that peryshe foolishenes but vnto vs whiche are saued it is the power of God For it is written I wyll destroye the wisedome of the wyse and wil cast away the vnderstandinge of the prudente Where is the wyse Where is the Scribe Where is the searcher of the world Hath not God made the wisdome of this worlde foolishnes For when the worlde through wisedome knewe not God in the wisedome of God it pleased God through foolish●es of preachinge to saue them that beleeue For the Iewes require a signe and the Grekes seke after wisdome But we preache Christ crucified vnto the Iewes an occasion of fallinge and vnto the Grekes folishnesse but vnto them which are called bothe of the Iewes and Greekes we preach Christ the power of God and the wisedome of God For the fooli●hnes of God is wiser then men and the weakenes of God is stronger then men And vnto hym pertaine ye in Christ Iesu which of God is made vnto vs wisedome and also righteousenesse and sanctifyinge and redemption That accordinge as it is written he whiche reioyseth should reioyce in the Lorde That we speake of is wisedome amonge them that are perfecte not the wisedome of this worlde neither of the rulers of this worlde whiche go to nought but we speake the wisdome of God which is in secrete and lyeth hydde whiche God ordayned before the worlde vnto oure glory whiche wisedome none of the rulers of the worlde knowe For had they knowen it they would not haue crucified the Lorde of glorye But God hath opened it vnto vs by his spirite For the spirite searcheth all thinges yea the bottome of Gods secretes For what manne knoweth the thinges of a manne saue the spirit of a manne whiche is with in him Euen so the thinges of God knoweth no manne but the spirite of God Nor we haue not receaued the spirite of the worlde but the spirite whiche commeth of God for to knowe the things that are geuē vs of God whiche things also we speake not in the common woordes of mannes wysedome but with the common woordes of the holy ghost makinge spirituall compari●ons of spirituall thinges for who knoweth the mind of the Lord other who shall informe him But wee vnderstande the mynde of Christe If anye man seme wyse amonge you let him be a foole in this world that he maye be wyse For the wisedome of this worlde is fool●shenesse wi●h God For it is writ●en he com●passeth the wise in their craftinesse And agayne Godde knowethe the thoughtes of the wyse that they bee vayn● Yf anye man be ignoraunte let him be ignoraunte But we all behold the glory of the Lorde with hys face open and are chaunged vnto the same symili●ude from glory to glorye euen of the spirite of the Lord. For it is God that commaunded the lighte to shyne oute of darkennesse whiche hathe shyned in oure hartes for to geue the lighte of the knowledge of the glorye of God in the face of Iesus Christe We haue this treasure in earthen vesselles that the excellente power of it might appeare to be of God and not of vs. Wherefore we are not wearyed but thoughe oure outewarde manne peryshe yet the inwarde manne is renewed daye by daye whyle wee looke not on the thynges whyche are sene but on the things which are not sene For thinges whiche are seene are temporall but things which are not seene are eternall Wherfore hence foorth know we no man after the fleshe In so much thoughe we haue knowen Christ after the flesh now hence foorth know we him so no more For whye the grace of God is ●hed on vs abundantelye in all wisedome and perceueraunce And hath opened vnto vs the misterye of his wyll accordinge to his pleasure and purposed the same in him selfe to haue it declared when the time were full come that all thinges bothe the thinges which are in heauen and also the thinges whyche are in earthe shoulde be gathered together euen in Christ. For this cause I Paule am in the bonds of I●sus Christ for your sakes which are heathen if ye haue hearde of y ● ministration of the grace of god which is geuen me to you ward For by reuelati●n shewed ●e this mistery vnto me as ye readinge maye know myne vnderstanding in the misterye of Christe Which misterye to other generations was not opened as it is now declared vnto his holy Apostels and prophetes by the spirit that the gentyles should be inheritours also and of the same body and partakers of his promesse that is in Christe by the meanes of the gospell where of I am made a minister by the gyfte of the grace of God geuen vnto me through the working of his power Unto me the leas●e of all sayntes this grace is geuen that I shoulde preach amonge the gentiles the unsercheable ryches of Christ and to make all men see what the felowshippe of the mistery is whiche frome the beginninge of the worlde had bene hydde in God which made all thinges thorowe Iesus Christe to the intente that nowe vntoo the rulers and powers in heauen mighte be knowen by the congregation the manyfolde wisedome of God accordinge to the eternall purpose which he
iusti●ye●he who then shal condemne It is Chr●●t wh●●h is dead ye rather which is ri●en again which is also on the right hand of God and maketh intercession for vs. I ●peake not these things asthough the woorde of God hadde take non● effecte For they are not all Israelites whiche came of Israell ●either are they all children because they ar● the seede of Abraham But in ●saac shall thy sede be called that is to say they whiche are the children of the fleshe are not the chyldren of God But the children of promes are coūted the seede For thys is a woorde of promesse aboute thys time wyll I come and Sara shall haue a childe Neither was it so with her only but also when Rebecca was with c●ylde by one I meane by oure father Isaac yet the children wer borne when they had neither done good neyther badde that the purpose of God whiche is by election mig●te stande it was sayde vntoo her not by the reason of woorkes but by grace of the caller t●e elder shall serue the yonger As it is written Iacob ●e loued but Esau be hated What shall we saye then Is there anye vnrighteousenesse with God God forbydde For ●e sayeth to Moses I wyll shew mercy to whom I shewe mercye and wyll haue compassion on whome I haue compassion So lyeth it not thē in a mans wyll or conninge but in the mercye of God For the scripture sayeth vnto Pharao Euen for thys same purpose haue I styrred the vp to shewe my power on the and that my name myght be declared thorow out all the worlde So hath he mercye on whome he wyll and whome ●e wyll he maketh hearde harted Thou wylte say then vnto me Why then blamethe he vs yet For who can resist his wyll But o man what art thou which disputeth with God Shall the work say to the workman why hast y u made me on this fashion Hath not the potter power ouer the claye euen of the same lompe too make one vessell vnto honoure and an other vnto dishonoure Euen so god wylling to shew his wrath and to make his power knowen suffered with longe pacience the vesselles of wrath ordayned to damnation that he mighte declare the riches of hys glory on the vessels of mercy which he had prepared vnto gorye O the depenes of the aboundante wisedome and knowledge of God how vnsercheable are his iudgementes and his wayes past finding out for who hath knowē the minde of the lord Or who was his counseller Ether who hath geuen vnto him first that he might be recompensed again For of him and thorowe him and for him ar● all th●●g●s To him be honoure and glorye for euer Amen Bre●hren looke on your callinge howe that not manye wise men aft●r the flesh not many mighti not many of hye degr●e are called but god hath chosen the folish things of the world to con●ounde the wise And God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound things which are mightye And vile thinges of the worlde and thinges which are despised● hath God chosen ye and thing●s of no reputation for to bringe to nough●e thinges of reputation that no fleshe shoulde reioyce in his presente For God is fayethfull by whome ye are called vntoo the f●lowshippe of hys sonne Iesus Chri●t God hathe chosen vs in Ch●iste before the foundation of the worlde was lay●d that we should be saynts and wythoute blame before him thorowe loue And ordayn●d vs before through Iesus Christe to be heires vntoo hym selfe accordinge to the pleasure of his wyll too the praise of the glorye of hys grace wherewith he hathe m●de vs accepted In whome we are called and p●edestynate according to the purpose of him which worketh all thinges after the purpose of his owne wyll that wee whyche beleeued before in Christe shoulde be vntoo the prayse of hys glorye For we are his workemanshippe created in Christe I●su vntoo good workes vnto the which god ordained vs before that we shoulde walke in them For it is God whiche worketh in you both the wyl and also the dede of good wyll Notwithstanding in a great house are not onelye vessels of golde and of syluer but also o● wood and earthe s●me for honour and some vnto dyshonoure But if a man pourge him selfe from suche felowes he shall be a vess●l sanctified vnto honour mete for the Lorde and prepared vnto all good workes ¶ Of the iustice of God and of the rigoure of the diuine iustice agaynst synners Capitu 45. THe wrathe of God appeareth frome heauen againste all vngodl●nesse and vnrighteousnes of m●n whiche with holde the truth of god in v●righteousnes seing what maye be knowen of God that same is manif●st amonge them For God did shewe it vnto them For God wyll rewarde euery man accordinge to his deedes that is to saye prayse honoure and immortality to them which continue in good doinge and seeke eternall lyfe But vnto them that are rbellious and disobey the truth and folowe iniquity shall come indignation and wrathe tribulation and anguishe vpon the soule of euery man that doth euyll of the Iewe first and also of the gentile For there is no parcialitye with God But who soeuer hathe synned without the lawe shall perish without lawe And as many as haue sinnes vnder the lawe shall be iudged by the law For before God they are not righteous which heare th● lawe but the doers of the lawe shall be iustifyed For if the gentiles whiche haue no law do of nature the things contayned in the lawe then they hauinge no lawe are lawe vnto them selues whiche shewe the dede of the lawe written in their hartes whyle their consci●nce beareth witnes vnto them and also their thoughtes accusinge one on other or excusinge at the day when God shall iudge the secretes of men by Iesus Christ accordinge to my gosp●ll God is true and all men lyars as it is written That thou mightest be iustified in thy sayinge and shouldest ●uercome when thou art iudged Yf our vnrighteousenes make the righteousenesse of God more excellente what shal we saye is God vnrighteouse whiche take the vengeaunce I speake after the maner of men God forbydde For howe then shall God iudge the worlde Yf the veritye of God appeare more ●xcellent thorow my lyfe vnto his prayse whye am I hence foorth iudged a si●ner And say not rather as men speake euyl of vs let vs do euyll that good maye come thereof Whose dampnation is iust What saye we then Are we better then they No in no wise For we haue alreadye proued c. Euery manne shall receaue his rewarde accordinge to his laboure ●s a wyse builder haue I layd the foundation let euerye manne take h●de howe hee buyldethe vppon For other ●oundation canne no man laye then that which is laid which is Iesus Christ. Yf any manne builde on this foundation golde syluer
one mediator betw●ne God and mā which is the man Christ Iesu which gaue him self a raunsome for all men that it shuld be testified at his time wher vnto I am or●ayn●d a preacher and an Apostle I tell the truth in Christ and lye not beinge the teacher of the gentyles in faith and veritye ¶ Of diuers misteries of Christ that is of his incarnation na●●ui●y humility pouerty● passion resurrection apparition ascention and glorification And also of the effectes of his salu●iferous passion Capitu. 47. BUt hym that was made lesse then the Aungels we see that it was Iesus which is crouned with glory● and honoure for the sufferinge of death that he by the grace of God shoulde taste o● deathe for all men For it became him for whome are all thinges after that he hadde broughte manye sonnes vnto glory that he should make the Lord of their saluation perfecte thorowe o●fering For he that sanctif●eth and thei whiche sanctified are al of one For whiche causes sake he is not a shamed to call them brethren sayinge I wyll declare thy name vnto my brethren and in the myds of the congregation wil I praise the. And againe I wyll put my truste in him And againe behold hear am I and the children whiche god hath geuen me For as much then as the children were partakers of fleshe and bloude he also him selfe likewise toke part with them For to put doun thorow death him that had Lordeship ouer death that is to say the deuil and that he mighte deliuer them which thorowe feare of death were all theyr lyfe tyme in daunger of bondage For he in no place ●aketh on hym the Aungels but the ●eede of Abraham taketh he on him Wherefore in all thinges it became him to be made lyke vntoo his breethren that he mighte be mercyfull and a faithfull hye prieste in thinges concerninge God for to pourge the peoples sinnes But Christe beinge an hye prieste of good thinges too come came by a greater a more perfecte tabernacle not made with hands y ● is to say not of this maner building nether by the bloud of gotes and calues but by his owne bloudde he entred in ones for all in to the holye place and founde etternall redēption For if the bloud of oxen and of goetes and the ashes of an heyfer when it was sprincled purified the vncleane as touchynge the purifying● of the flesh how much more shall the bloude of Christ whithorowe the eternall spirite offered him self without spot to god pourge your consciences from deade workes for to serue the lyuing God And for this cause is he the mediator of the new T●stamente that thorow death whiche chaunced for the redemption of those transgr●ssour●s that were in the firste Testamente they whiche were called might receaue the promes of eternall inheritaunce For whersoeuer is a Testamēt ther must be also the death o● him that maketh y e Testament for the testamēt taketh auctoritye when men are deade For it is of no value as longe as he that made it is alyue For which cause also neither that firste Testamente was ordayned withoute bloude For when all the commaundements wer redde of Moses to all the people he toke the bloud of calues and of gotes with water and purple wull and ysope and sprinckeled both the boke and al the people sayinge this is the bloud of the Testament whyche God hathe appoynte● vnto you Moreouer he sprinckled the tabernacle with bloude also and all the ministringe ●essels And also almost all thinges are by the lawe pourged with bloud ●nd withoute sheddinge of bloude is no remission It is then neede that the similitudes of heauenlye thinges be purifyed with suche thinges but the he●u●nly thing●s them selues are pury●ied with be●ter sacri●yces then are those For Ch●iste is not entred in to the holye places that are made with handes whiche are but simi●●●udes of true thinges but is ent●red in to verye heauen fo● too appeare now● in the sighte of God for vs not to offer him ●el●e often as the ●ygh prie●● entreth in to the ●olye place eu●rye year with ●traunge bloud fo● then mu●te bee haue o●ten suffered sence the world● began But nowe in the ende of the worlde hath ●e appeared once to put ly●ne to ●lighte by the offeringe v● of him selfe And as it is appoin●ed vnto men that the● shall once dye and then commeth the iudgemente euen so Christe was ones offered to take away the sinnes of manye and vnto them that looke for him shall ●e appear again withoute synne vnto saluation There is then no dampnation too them which are in Christ Iesu whiche walke not after the ●leshe For God ●●nte his sonne in the simylitude of syn●ull fle●he and by synne dampned synne in the ●●●he c. I deliu●red vnto you t●at which I reaceaued howe that Christe dyed for our sinnes agree●ge to the scriptures And that he was ●uri●d and that he rose agayne the thyr●●ay accordinge too the ●criptures and that he was seene of Cephas then of the twelue After that he was s●ene of more then fyue hundred bre●thren at once of whiche manye remayne vnto this daye and manye are fallen a sle●pe After tha● he appeared too Iames then to all the Apostels And laste of all he was seene of me as of one that was borne out of due ●yme There●ore remember that ●esus Christe beinge of the seede of Da●id rose agayne frome deathe accordinge to my gospell wherein I suff●r trouble as an euyl doar but the wo●d of God is not bounde But when the ●●me was f●ll come God sent his son borne of a woman and made bond vn●o the law that to redeme thē which were vnder y e law that we thorowe election mighte receaue the in●erytaunce that belongeth vnto the naturall sonnes Ye know the liberality of our Lord Iesus Christ which though he were rich yet for your sakes became poore that ye thorow his pouer●ye might be made riche Whether the f●re runner is for vs entred in I mean Iesus that is made an hye priest for euer after the order of Melchisede●h That he ascended what meaneth it but that he also d●s●ended first in too the lowest par●●es of the earthe He that descended is euen the same also that ascended vppe euen aboue all heauens to fulfyll all things The whiche beinge in the shape of God thoughte it no robberye to be equall wyth God Neuerthelesse he made him selfe of no reputation and toke on him the shape of a seruaunt and became like vnto men and was founde in his apparell as a man He humbled him selfe and became obedient vnto the deathe euen the death of the crosse Wherfore God hath ●xalted him and geuen him a name aboue all names that in the name of Iesus shoulde euery knee ●owe both of thinges in heauen and thinges in earth and thinges vnder the earth and that all tonges shoulde confesse that Iesus
Christ is the Lorde vnto the prayse of God the father And wythoute naye greate is that misterye of Godlynesse God was shewed in the flesh was iustified in the spirite was seene of Aungels was preached vnto the gentiles was beleued on in the earth and receiued vp in glorye ¶ That Christ is the head not onely of the churche militant but also of the triumphante And of the mysticall vntitye of the churche And of the excellency and la●d of Christ. Capitu. 48. I Saye to euerye man among● you that no man esteme of him selfe more then it becommeth hym to esteeme but accordynge as God hathe dealte ●o euerye man the measure of fayeth For as we haue many m●●b●rs in one body and all members haue not one office so we beynge manye are one bodye in Christe and eu●rye manne amonge oure selues one an others members For as the bodye is one and hathe manye members c. vt supra Capi. 41. Nowe is there no Iewe neyther gentyle there is neither bonde nor ●ree there is n●ither man nor woman But ye are all one thinge in Christe Whome God sette on hys ryghte hand in heauenly ●hinges aboue all rule power and myghte and domination and aboue all names that are named not in thys worlde onelye but also in the worlde to come and hathe put all thynges vnder hys ●eete and hath made hym aboue all thinges the headde of the congregation which is hi● bodye and the fulnesse of him that ●ylleth all in all thinges Whiche is the heade that is to say Christe in whome all ●he bod●e is coupled and knit together in euerye ioynte wherewith one mini●●ret●e to an other accordynge too the operation as euery parte hath his measure and increaseth the bodye vnto the edifyinge of it selfe in loue For Christ is the heade o● the congregation and the same is the sauioure of the bodye Which is the ymage o● the inuisyble God firste begotten of all creatures For by him were all thinges created thinges ●hat are in heauen and thynges that are in the earthe things visyble and thi●gs inuisible whether thei be maiesty or lordship either rule or power All thinges are created by him and in hym and he is before all thinges and in him all thinges haue their beginninge And he is the heade of the bodye that is to wytte of the congregation he is the beginninge and first begotten of the dead that in all things he might haue the preheminence For in him dwelleth all the fulnes of the Godheadde bodilye and ye are complete in him whiche is the heade of all rule and power He hath not vnto the Aungels put in ●ubiectyon the worlde too come wherof we speake But one in a certayn place wytnesseth sayinge what is man that thou art so myndefull of h●m and the sonne of manne that thou visitest hym After that thou haddest for a season made him low●r then the Aungels thou crounest him with ho●oure and glorye and hast● set him aboue the workes of thy handes Thou hast put all thinge in subiection vnder his fete In that he put all thinges vnder him he lefte nothing that is not put vnder him Neuerthelesse we yet se not all thinges to be subdued vn●o him Whiche was faythfull to him that made him euen as was Moses in al his house And yet was this manne counted worthy of more glorye th●n Moses In as muche as he whiche hathe prepared ●he honse hath most honour in the house Euery house is prepared of some man But he ●hat ordayned at things is God And Moses berelye was ●aythfull in all hys house as a minyster to beare wytnesse of the thinges which shoulde be spoken afterwardes But Christe as a sonne hath rule ouer the house whose house are we so that we holde faste the confi●ence and the r●ioysynge of that hope vnto the ende ¶ Of the dyuinitye and emynence of the onelye begotten sonne of God Capi●u 49. GOd hathe spoken vntoo vs by his sonne whome hee hathe made heiere of all thinges by whom also he made the world which ●onne beinge the brightenesse of his glorye and verye ymage of his substaunce bearinge vp all thinges with the worde of his power hath in his owne person pourged oure synnes and is sytten on the ryghte hande of his maiestye on ●ye and is more e●cellen●e then the Aungelles in as much as he hath by inheritaunce obtayned an e●ellen●er name then they haue For vnto which of the Aungels sayed he at anye tyme. Thou art my sonne this daye begat I th●e And and agayn I wyll be his father and he shall be my sonne And agayne when he bringeth in the first begottē son in to the world he sayth And all the Aungels of God shall worshippe him And of the Aungels he saith He maketh his Aungels spiri●s and hys ministers ●lames of fyre But vntoo the son he saith God thy seate shalbe for euer and euer The cepter of thy kingdome is a righte cepter Thou hast loued righteousenesse and ha●ed iniquity Wherfore god which is thy god hathe anointed the with the oyle of gladnesse a●ou●●hy f●lowes And thou Lord in the beginnyng hast laid the foundation of the earth And the heauens are the w●rk●s Th●● shall perishe but thou shal● endur● ●h●● all shal ware old as doth a ga●ment and as a ●estur● shal●● t●ou chaunge ●hem and they shalbe chaunged But thou art alwayes and ●hy yea●s ●●al not ●ayle Unto wh●che of the Aungels sayde he at anye ●●me Sy●●n my ryghte ha●de tyll I make h●ne enemies thy fo●● s●●l● ●r● they not all ministringe sp●●●●s sente to ●inister for theyr sakes whic●● s●●ll be ●e●ers of salua●ion For the word of god is qu●cke and m●ghtye in opera●●●n and s●arp●r then anye 〈…〉 and enfreth through euē vnto the diu●di●ge a sonder of the soule and the spirite and of the ●oyntes and the mar●● and iudgethe the thoughtes and ●he intentes of the heart neither is ther any creature inuisible in the sight of it For all thynges are naked and bare vnto the eyes of him of whom we speaek For Iesus Christe yesterdaye and to daye and the same continueth for euer Whiche is God ouer all thinges blessed for euer Whiche beinge in the shape of god thoughte it not robberye to be equall with God c. ¶ Of the nisufficiencye feblenesse of the law of Moses too saue manne withoute fayth and grace Capi. +tu 50. BY the deedes of the lawe shall no flesh be iustifyed in the sight of God For by the lawe commeth the knowledge of sinne Nowe verelye is the ryghteousenesse that commeth of God declared withoute the fulfyllinge of the lawe hauinge witnes yet of the law and of the prophetes The righteousnes no doubt which is good before God commeth by the fayth of Iesus Christ vnto all ●nd vppon all that beleeue There is no difference for all h●ue sinned and lacke
though she were shauen Yf the woman be no● couered let her also be shorne If it be a shame for a woman to be shorne or shauen let her couer her heade A man ought not to couer his heade For as much as he is the image and glory of God The woman is the glory of the man For the man is not of the woman but the w●man of the man Neyther was the mā creat●d for the womans sake but the woman for the mannes sake For this cause ought the womā to haue a vayle on her h●adde for the Aungels sakes Neuertheles●e neyther is the man without the woman nether the woman without the man in the Lord. For as the woman is of the man euen so is the mā by the woman but al is of god Iudge in youre selues whether it be comely y ● a woman pray vnto god bare headed O● tis doeth not na●ure teach you that it is ●●hame for a man if he haue long heare and a praise to a woman if she haue a longe heare For her heare is geu●n her to couer her with all Let wemen kepe silence in the congregations For it is not permytted vnto them too speake but let them be vnder obedience as saith the law Yf they wyll learne anye thynge let them aske theyr husbandes at home For it is a shame for wemenne too speake in the congregation Sprong the worde of God frome you Ether came it vnto you onely Yf any man thinke him selfe a prophet either sp●rituall let hym vnderstande what thynges I wryte vntoo you For they are commaundementes of the Lorde Lykewise that the wemen araye them selues in comely apparell with shamfastnes and discrete behauiour not with broided heare other gold or pearles or costly aray but with such as becommeth wemen that professe the woorshippinge of God thorowe good workes Let the woman learne in silence with al subiection I suffer not a woman to teache neyther to● haue autority ouer the man but for to be in silence For Adam was first formed then ●ue Also Adam was not deceaued but the woman wa● deceaued and was in transgression Notwithstanding● thorowe bearing of children they shall be saued so th●y continue in fayth loue and holynes with discretion Honoure widowes which are true wydowes Yf any wydow haue childr●n or nephes let thē learne first to rule theyr owne houses Godlye and to recompence their elders For that is good exceptable before god She that is a very widowe and frendlesse putteth her trust in god and continueth in supplication and prayer night and day But she that liueth in pleasure is deadde euen yet alyue And theese thinges commaunde that they maye be withoute faute Let no widow be chosen ●nder three score year old and such a one as was the wife of one mā and w●ll reported of in good workes if ●he haue nourished chyldren yf she haue bene liberall too straungers if she haue washed the saynctes fete if she haue mini●stred vnto them which were in aduersity if she were continuallye geuen vnto all maner good workes The yonger widowes refuse For when thei haue begonne to we●e wanton to the dishonoure of Christe then wyll they marye hauinge damnation because they haue broken ●h●ir first faieth I wyll therefore that the yonger women marye and beare children and ●u●d their ho●ses a●d geue none occasion to the aduersarye to speake euyll For manye of them are already turned back● and are gone a●ter Sathan And if anye manne or woman that beleuethe haue wydowes let them minister vnto them and let not the congregation be charged that ye maye haue s●ffici●nte for them that are widowes in dede ¶ How parents oughte to vse them selues vntoo theyr children And masters to theyr seruaunts And contrarye wyse howe children and seruauntes must vse them selues to their parents and maysters Capit. 60. Children obey youre fathers and mothers in the Lord. For so it is right Honour thi father and mother that is the first commaundemente that hathe anye promes that thou maist be in good estate and liue longe on the earthe And ye fathers moue not your children to wrath but bring them vp with the nurture and information of the Lorde Children obey youre fathers and mothers in all thinges For that is well pleasinge vntoo the Lord. Fathers rate not youre children least they be of a desperate minde The children oughte not to laye vp for the fathers and mothers but the fathers and mothers for the chyldren Seruauntes be obedyente vntoo youre carnall maysters wyth feare and tremblynge in synglenesse of youre heartes as vnto Christe not wyth seruyce in the eye syghte as menne pleasers but as the seruauntes of Christe dooinge the wyll of God frome the hearte wyth good wyll seruynge the Lorde and not menne And remember that whatsoeuer good thynge any manne doth that shall bee receaue agayne of the Lorde whether he be bonde or free And ye masters doe euen the same thynges vnto them puttinge awaye threatenynges and remember that euen youre master also is in heauen neyther is there anye respecte of person with him Seruaunts be obediēt vnto your boddily masters in all thīgs in singlenes of heart fearinge God And what so euer ye do do it hartely for as much as ye know that of the Lorde ye shal receaue the rewarde of inheritaunce Ye masters do vnto your seruaunts that which is iust and equall seynge ye knowe that ye also haue a master in heauen Let as manye serua●ntes as are vnder y●ke counte their maysters worthy of all honour that the name of God and his doctrine be not ●uyll spoken of See that they which haue beleuing masters despise them not because they are breethren but so muche the rather do seruice For as muche as they are beleueinge and beloued and partakers of the benefyte The seruauntes e●horte to be ●b●diente vnto theyr owne masters and to please in all thinges not aunsweringe agayne neyther be pyckers but that they shew all good ●ayth●ulnes that they maye do worshyppe to the doctryne of our sauiour God in all things ¶ How superiours shoulde vse them selues to theyr subiectes and contrarye wyse And of certaine documentes partayninge vnto prelates And how they shuld diuersly instruct dyuers Capit 61. WE beseeche you breethren that ye knowe them which laboure amonge you and haue the ouer sight of you in the lord and geeue you exhortacyon that ye haue them the more in loue for their woorkes sake and be at peace wyth them He therfore that despiseth this despiseth nat man but God The priestes and elders that rule well are worthy of double honour most specially they which labour in the word and in teaching Remember them which haue the ouersight of you which haue declared vnto you the word of God the ende of whose conuersation se that ye loke vpon and folow theyr fayeth Obey them that haue the ouersight of you and submit your selues
in the worde of the Lord that we whiche lyue and are remayninge in the comminge of the Lord shal not come yerre they which slepe For the Lord him selfe shall descend frome heauen with a shute and the voice of Archaungell and trompe of God And the dead in Christ shall aris● first then shall we which lyue and remayne be caughte vppe with them also in the cloudes too mete the Lorde in the ayer And so shall we euer be with the Lorde Wherefore comforte youre selues one an other with these wordes ¶ Of fayethfull probation and and diuersity of the resurrection that is to come and of the giftes of the glorified bodies Capitu. 65. YF Christ be preached how that he rose from the dead How say some that are among you that there is no resurrec●ion of the dead Yf there be no risinge againe then is Christe not risen Yf Christe be not risen then is our preachinge vaine and your faith also in vayne Ye and we are found false witnesses of God For we haue testifyed of god how that he raised vp Christ whom he rays●d not vpp● if it be so that the ●eade ryse not again For if the dead rise not againe then is Christe not risen againe Y● it be so that Christ rose not then is your fayeth in vain and yet are ye in youre synnes And therto they whiche are fallen a slepe in Christe are pearished if in this life onelye we beleue in Christ then are we of all men the miserabliest But nowe is Christe risen frome the deade and is become the first frutes of them that slepte For by a manne came deathe and by a manne came the resurrection of the deadde For as by Adam all dye euen so by Christ shall all be made a lyue and euerye man in his owne order The first is Christe then they that are Christs at his comminge Then commeth the ende when he hath deliuered vp the kingdome to god the father when he hath put down al rule a●ctority and power For he must raign til he haue put all hys enemies vnder his feete The last enemy that shal be destroied is death For he hath put al thi●ges vnder his fete But when he saieth all thinges are put vnder him it is manifest that he is excepted whiche did put all things vnder him When all thynges are subdued vntoo him then shall the sonne also him selfe b● subiecte vnto him that put all things vnder him that God maye be all in all thinges Either els what do they which are baptised ouer the deade if the dead rise not at all Why are they then baptised ouer the dead yea and whye stande we in ieopardye euerye houre By our reioysinge whiche I haue in Christ Iesu our Lorde I dye daylye That I haue foughte wyth beastes at Ephesus after the maner of men what a●auntageth it me if the dead rise not again Let vs eate dryncke to morow we shall dye Be not deceaued malycius speakynge corrupte good manners Awake ye iuste and synne not For some haue not the knowledge of God I speake thys to youre rebuke But some man wyll saye howe aryse the deadde wyth what bodyes come they in● Thou ●ole that which thou sowest is not quickened except it ●y And what sowest thou Thou sowest not that bodye that shall be but bare corne I meane ether of wheate or of some other and God geueth it a bodye at his pleasure to euerye seede a seuerall body All fleshe is not one maner of fleshe but there is one maner of fleshe of men an other manner of fleshe of beastes an other manner of flesh of fyshes and an other of byrds There are celes●iall bodyes and ther are bodyes terrestriall● But the glorye of the cele●●yall is one and the glory● of the terestryall is an other There is one manner glo●ye of the sun and an other glorye of the mone and an other glory of the starres for one starre differeth from an other in glorye So is the resurrection of the deade It is sowen in corruption and riseth in incorruption It is sowen in dishonoure it riseth in honoure It is sowen in weakenes and riseth in power It is sowen a naturall bodye and rysethe a spirytuall bodye There is a naturall bodye and there is a spirituall body As it is written The first man Adam was made a lyuinge soule and the last Adam was made a quickening● spirite How be it that is not firste which is spirituall but that which is naturall and then that whiche is spirituall Beholde I shewe you a misterye We shal not all sleepe but we shall be all chaunged and that in a momente and in a twinckling of an eye at the sounde of the laste trompe For the trompe shall blowe and the deadde shall rise in corruptible and we shall bee chaunged For this corruptible must put on incorruptibilitye this mortall muste put on immortalitye When this corruptible hathe put on incorruptibility this mortall hath put on immortalitye then shall be brought to passe the saying y ● is written Death is consumed in to victory Death wher is thy stynge Hel wher is thy victorye The stinge of death is synne and the strength of synne is the lawe But thankes be vnto God which hath geuen vs victory thorow our Lord Iesus Christ. ¶ Of the feruente charitye of saynte Paul the Apostell Capitu. 66. I Haue wyshed my selfe too becursed frome Christe for my br●ethren and my kynsmen as partaininge to the flesh My hartes desire and praier to god for Israell is that they mighte be saued For though I be free from all men yet haue I made my selfe seruaunte vnto all men that I mighte wynne the moo Unto the Iewes I became as a Iewe too wynne the Iewes To them that were vnder the lawe was I made as though I hadde bene vnder the lawe to wynne them that were vnder the lawe To them that were wythoute lawe became I as though I had ben w tout law when I was not without law as pertaining to God but vnder a lawe as concerninge Christe too wynne them that were without lawe To the weake became I as weake too wynne the weake In all things I fashoned my selfe to all men to saue at the leaste waye some And this I doe for the gospels sake that I mighte haue my parte therof And in this confidence was I minded the other time to haue come too you that ye might haue had yet one pleasure more and to haue passed by you in to Macedonia and too haue come agayne out of Macedonia vnto you and to haue bene lead foorth to Iewry ward of you When I was come to Troada for Christes Gospells sake and a great dore was opened vnto me of the lord I had no rest in my spirite because I founde not Titus my brother but toke my leaue of them and went awaye in to Macedonia For in great affliction and anguish of hart I
aboue that we aske ca. eod God wyl haue all men saued ca. eo Gods kindnes ledeth to repentaunce capitu 22● Gods woorde was committed to the Iewe ca. 37 Gods house is the cōgregation ca. 38 Gods husbandrye ca. 39. Goddes iudgemente is accordinge to truthe ca. 2● Godly liuers suffer persecutiōs ca. 10 Godlynes hath promises of the lyfe that is nowe and to come ca. 15 Godli sorow causeth repentaūce ca. 31 Godlynes is great ryches ca. 19 Godly edifyinge is by faith ca. 28 Go forewarde in good workes ca. 10 Go not too lawe one wyth an other capitu 22 Glorify god in body spirit ca. 23.41 Glory in infirmyties ca. 27 Grace is more plentuous then synne capitu 30 Grace is no grace where workes auayle ca. 37 H. Handle the word of truth iustly ca. 11 Halte not out of the way ca. eod Hate that is euyll ca● 41 Haue no felowship with deuils ca. 34 Haue peace with all men ca. 41 Haue them in honoure that haue the ouersig●te of you cap. 60 Heauen hath an enduring substance capitu 10. He that suffreth tribulation is counted worthye of the kingedome of god capitu 10 He that prouideth not for his household is worse then an infidele cap. 11 He that resisteth power resisteth god capitu 14 He that praiseth him selfe is not alowed ca. 27 He that wyll not worke shoulde not eate ca. 28 Heretikes are to be auoided● ca. 11 Heresies must ned●● be ca. 21 Helpe those that by any chaunce are fallen in to any ●aute ca. 15 His seruaunt thou art to whom thou obey●● cap. 14 Hynder not the gospell ca. 20 Holde fast the worde of god ca. 36 Hope is layed vppe for vs in ●●ore in heauen ca 2 Hope putteth no man to shame● ca 6 Hope saueth a man ca eodē Hope that is sene is no hope ca. eo How the ministers of god should behaue them selues ca. 10 Honour true widowes ca. 59 the Husband is the wiues head ca. 58 Husbandes loue youre wyu●s ca. eo Husbandes be not bytter vnto youre wyues ca. eodē I. Iesus the greate shepehearde ca. 3 Iesus the a●ctour and finisher of our faieth ca. 4 Iesus the mediatour of the new Te●tament cap. 38 Iesus suffered without the gate ca 43 Iesus continueth for euer ca. 49 If thou mayst be free vse it cap. 11 If thou stande take heede thou faule not capi● 12 If thou be y ● son thou art heire● ca. 43. If the rote be holy the braunches are holy ca. 40 If god be on our syde who canne be agaynst vs. ca. 44. I desire to be wyth Christe cap. 33 In mā dwelleth no good thing ca. 30 In man are two lawes cap. eodem In a great mannes house are vessels of golde and wood capit 44 In the latter dayes some shall geeue hede to deuilyshe doctrine ca. 25 In Christe dwelleth all the fulnes of the godheade capi 48 In two and three witnesses all thinges doo stande cap. 68 Inobedience brought condempnation on all menne ca. 14 It becommeth a preacher too speake freelye ca. 70 It became Christ to be made like vnto hys breethren capi 47 It is appoynted that men shall once dye ca. eod It is good for a man not to touche a woman capitu 57 It is better to marye then to burne capitu 58 It is dampnable to breake the firste sayeth ca. 59 Iudge not hastly● capi 14 Iudge not one an other ca. 22 Iudge nothinge vntyll the lord come capitu eodem Iustification cometh not by the dedes of the lawe but by fayth ca. 53 K. Kepe holye daye with purenesse and truth cap. 29 the Kingedome of god is not in wordes but in power ca. 9.28 Kingedome of god is not meate and dryncke but righteousnes ca. 20 Knowledge maketh a man too swell capitu 7.9 Know not Christ after the flesh ca. 13 Know ye not that a lyttle l●uen sowreth the whole l●mpe of dow ca. 17 L. Labour with thy hands cap 15 Lay from you that old man capi 16 Lay hand on eternall lyfe ca 32 Lay sodenly hands on no man ca. 61 Lawes are geuē to the vnrighteous capitu 35. the Law made nothing perfect ca. 51 the Lawe hathe but the shadowe of good thinges to come cap. 52 the Lawe is good if it be vsed lawefullye cap. 53. Learne to be content in what so euer estate ye ●e ca. 15. Let youre woordes be well sauoured with salte capitu 12 Let not sinne raigne in your mortall bodyes ca●●7 Let not sinne haue power ouer you capitu 35. Let vs do euyll that good maye come thereof capi 45 Let euerye man haue hys wyfe to auoyde fornication ca. 58 Let vs eate and drinke tomorow we shal dye ca. 65. Lye not one to an other ca. 35. the Let●er killeth ca. 39 Leaue father and mother and contynue with thy wyfe capi 38 Liue after the flesh and die ca. 16.17 the Loue of Christ passeth knowledge capitu ● Loue fulfylleth the lawe ca. 7 Loue thy neighbour as thy self ca● 7 Loue hurteth not ca. ●od Loue without diss●mulation ca. eodē Loue god he wil know the. ca. eodē Loue edifieth ca. eo Loue falleth neuer away ca. eodē Loue and his properties ca eodē ●he Lord knoweth them that are his capitu 13 Luste not after euil things ca. 35. Lust had not ben knowen but by the lawe co● 50. M. ●ake your bodyes a quicke sacrifice vnto god cap. 16 Make not prouision for y e flesh ca. eo Manne doeth not what he would but what he woulde not ca. 30 Man is iustified by fayth ca. 50. Man when he prayeth muste be bare ●eade capitu 59. Man is the ymage of god ca. eodem Man neuer sawe god ca. 73 Mans conscyence accuseth or excuseth capi 45. Masters threaten not your seruaunts ●api 60. Malitius and euyll speaking corrup●eth good maners capi 65. Meate maketh vs not acceptable to god cap. ●0 Meate is to be receiued with thanks geuinge capitu 51. a Mediator is not a mediator of one capitu 53. Medle with your own busines ca. 36 Mens sinnes go to iudgement before hande cap. 45 Men seeke theyr owne and not that whic●e is Iesus Christes cap. 66 Melchisedech kinge of Salem ca. 55 Minysters of the altare are partakers of the alter ca. ●● Mortif●e the deedes of the fleshe and lyue cap. 16.17 Mortifye your members which● are on the earth ca. 16 Moses was a proper childe ca. 5 Moses estemed the rebuke of Christe greater ryches then the treasure of Egypte cap. eode Mounte Syna ca. ●4 N. Naturall men perceaue not the thinges of the spirit ca. 12. Noe throughe the arke condempned the worlde ca. 7 No man knoweth anye thinge as he oughte to know ca. 9 No man that is geuen to God entangleth him selfe with worldly busines capitu 11. No manne speakinge in the spirit of God defyeth Iesus ca 34 No man hateth his owne flesh ca. 38 No man despiseth an alowed
to them For they watch for your soules euen as they that muste geue accomptes for youre soules that they maye doo it with ioye and not wyth grefe for that is a profytable thing for you And receaue suche a one with honour and all gladnesse Tyll I come geue attendaunce to readinge to exhortation too doctryne Despise not that gifte that is in thee whiche was geuen the thorowe prophesye and with the layinge on of handes of an elder Take hede vnto thy self and vnto learning and contynue ●herein For if thou shalt so do thou shalt saue thy selfe and them that hear the. Laye handes sodenlye on no man Nether be partaker of other mennes synnes Watch thou in all things and suffer aduersitye and do the woorke of an euangelist fulfyll thyne office vnto the vttermost Be sober Of theese thinges put them in remembraunce and testifye before the Lorde For thou haste sene the experience of my doctrince fashion of liuinge purpose fayth● longe sufferinge loue paciene persecutions afflictions which happened vntoo me at Antyoche at Iconium and at Lystra Whyche persecutions I suffered pacientlye And from them al the lord deliuered me Preache the worde be feruent be it in season or out of season improue rebuke exhorte Be vnto them that beleue an ensample in worde in conuersation in loue in spirit in charity An elder exhort as a father yong mē as brethren the elder women as mothers y ● yōger as sisters in al chastity But speake thou that which becōmeth wholsome learning y ● the elder men be sober honest discrete sound in the fayeth in lo●e and in pacyence And the elder women likewyse that they be in suche raiment as becommeth holynes not false accusers not geuen to much drynckinge but teachers of honest thinges to make the yonge wemenne sober mynded to loue theyr husbands to loue theyr chyldren to be discrete chast huswy●●ye good and obedient vntoo theyr own husbands that the word of God be not euill spoken of Yf thou shalt put the breethren in remembraunce of these things thou shalte be a good minyster of Iesus Christ which hast bene nourished vp in the wordes of fayth and good doctrine which doctrine thou hast continually folowed ¶ Of the spirituall generation of baptime And why that from hence foorth we ought to depart from sinne Cap●u 62. WHere abundaunce of syn●e was there was more plentuousenesse of grace c. vt ●upr● What shall we say then Shal we continue in sin that ther may abundaunce of grace God forbydde How shall we that are deade as touchynge synne lyue any longer therein Remember ye not that al we which are baptised in the name of Iesus Christ are baptysed to dye wyth him We are buryed with hym by baptysme for too dye that likewyse as Christ was raysed vppe from death by the glorye of the fa●her euen so we also should walke in a newe lyfe For i● we graffe in death like vnto him euē so muste we be in the resurrection This we must remember that our olde man is crucifyed with him also that the bodye of sinne might vtterly be destroyed that hence foorthe we should not be seruaunts of sinne For he that is dead is ●ustified from sin Wherfore if we be dead with Christ we beleue that we shall lyue wyth him remembringe that Christ once rayseh from death dyeth no more Death hath no more power ouer him for as touching that he dyed he dyed concerning synne once And as touchinge that he liueth he liueth vnto God Likewise imagine ye also● that ye are dead concerninge synne but are ali●e vnto God thorowe Iesus Christ our Lorde For al ye that are baptised in Christ Iesu haue put on Christ. In whom ye are circumcised with circumcision made withoute handes by puttinge of the sinfull body of the fleshe throughe the circumcision that is in Christe in that ye are buryed with him through baptime in whom ye are also rysen agayne throughe faith y ● is wroughte by the operation of God which raised him from death ¶ Of the comming of the most wicked and most falsest Antichrist and of the day of iudgement Capitu. 6● BE not sodēly moued a●though the day of Christ were at hand Let no man deceiue you by any m●anes For the Lorde commeth not excepte there come a departinge first and that the sinfull man ●e opened the sonne of perdition whiche is an aduersarye and is exalted aboue all that is called God or that is woorshipped so that he shall sytte as God in the temple of God and shewe him selfe as God Remember ye not that whan I was yet with you I told● you theese thynges And nowe ye knowe what wythholdethe euen that ●e mighte ●ee vttered at hy● tyme. For the mysterye of the iniquytye doeth alreadye woorke tyll he whiche nowe onely letteth be ta●en oute of the waye And then shall that wicked be vttered whō the lorde shall consume with the spirite of hys mouth and shall destroye it with appearaunce of his cominge euen him whose cominge is by the working of Satan with al lying power signes wonders and in al d●ceiueablenes of vnrightuousenes amonge them that perish because they receaued not the loue of y e truth that they might haue bene saued And therefore God shall ●end them strong delusion that they shuld beleue ly●s that all they might be dampned whyth beleued not the truth but had pleasure in vnrighte●usnes Of the times and ceasons brethren ye haue no nede that I write vntoo you for ye your selues knowe parfectly that the daye of the Lord shall co●e ●uen as a thee●e in the nighte When they shall saye peace and no d●unger then commeth on thē soden destruction as the trauaylinge of a woman with chylde and they shall not scape But ye brethern are not in darkenes that that daye should come on you as it were a the●e ¶ Of the generall resurrection that is too come Capitu. 64 YF so be that any man haue not the spirit of Christ the same is none of his But if the spirit of him that raysed vp Iesus from ●●athe dwell in you euen he that ●aysed vp Christe from deathe shall ●uycken youre mortall bodyes because that his spirit dwelleth in you God hath raysed vp the Lorde and shall rayse vs vp by his pwer For we knowe that he which raysed vp the Lorde Iesus shall rayse vp v● also by the meanes of Iesus and shall set vs with you Christe amonge you is not weake but is mightye in you For thoughe it came of weakenes that he was crucified yet liueth he thorow the power of God And we no doubte are weake in him but we shall lyue with him by the might of God amonge you If we beleue that Iesus dyed and and rose agayne euen so them also which slepe by Iesus wyl God bring agayne with him And this saye we vnto you