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A06476 The Christian against the Iesuite Wherein the secrete or namelesse writer of a pernitious booke, intituled A discouerie of I. Nicols minister &c. priuily printed, couertly cast abrod, and secretely solde, is not only iustly reprooued: but also a booke, dedicated to the Queenes Maiestie, called A persuasion from papistrie, therein derided and falsified, is defended by Thomas Lupton the authour thereof. Reade with aduisement, and iudge vprightly: and be affectioned only to truth. Seene and allowed. Lupton, Thomas. 1582 (1582) STC 16946; ESTC S107762 169,674 220

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him In this sort you haue dealt with thee because I am named and knowne and you namelesse and therfore in this respect vnknowne And also hereby M. Nicols I and other are in greater daunger then is before mentioned for wee may be in doubt by you 〈◊〉 some of your sect to bee priuilie stabde in with a daggar dispatche with a dagge or otherwise priuily killed or murthered for they that will not 〈◊〉 to kill 〈◊〉 verie friendes and of their owne religion yea and that in prison from whence they coulde not 〈◊〉 as Sherwood did of late a stout souldiar of the Popes it is not like they will 〈◊〉 to kill the professours of Gods word whom they mortally hate and that know them not being at libertie whereby they vnknowne may hope to escape But if you shoulde goe about thus to vse vs yet wee doubt not but that God would as well preserue vs as the Diuell shoulde procure you If you had perused my booke as circumspectly and indifferently as you read it disdainfully and contemptuously and if you had been as much addicted to truth as you were bent to error you would rather haue thankt me than taunted me esteemed me than enuied mee not to haue charged me with lyes that haue vttered the truth If my booke be so vaine as you vaunte and so vntrue as you terme it then belike this your booke cleane repugnant to it is the Lanterne of learning the touche stone of truth and the welspring of wit But vntill I bee better resolued that mine is so false as you feyne and yours so true as you troue I will be so bold though somthing sleightly to write in the defence of my doings And though to my reproch you haue written to other to your discredite I haue written to your selfe Being very sory that you haue vrged me vnto 〈◊〉 and also it pitieth mee that you imploy your wit so vainely and your cunning in suche a cause Great learning and wit will hardly defende a 〈◊〉 But small 〈◊〉 with wisedome will easily maintaine a truth And now for that you haue written your said booke chiefly against matter Nicols I will leaue all that which you haue discouered to his 〈◊〉 discreadite for him selfe to answere who is best able to approue his owne sayings to vnburthen himselfe of suche vntruthes as it seemeth you charge him withall Meaning briefly in order frō the beginning of your boke to repugne such of your sayings as I am able 〈◊〉 reproue also to defend mine owne booke which you so maliciously haue staundered The title of your booke is as is before saide A discouerie of I. Nicols Minister c. I thinke by this your discouerie you will bee discouered to your further discredit You haue named him minister a name of reproche with many of your sect but a Minister of Gods worde and of the holy Sacraments haue beene and will bee esteemed with the godly aboue Papisticall Priestes maintainers and mumblers of the Masse that is most iniurious to the death of Christ. If Christe had thought it had beene a name of reproche hee woulde not haue saide these wordes to his Disciples It shall not bee so among you but whosoeuer will bee great among you let him bee your Minister c. The Angels of God were ministers for they ministred to Christe in the wildernesse Also Christe himselfe came to minister for thus he saith for euen the sonne of man came not to bee ministred vnto but to minister c. Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Iames did minister vnto Christe It is no euill or hatefull name to bee the minister of Christe vnlesse it bee euill to bee where Christe is For Christe saieth If any man minister vnto moe let him followe mee and where I am there shall also my minister bee The Apostles office and function was great and holy and yet Peter counted it a ministration The Apostles called the preaching of the 〈◊〉 of God y t ministration of Gods word seying we will giue our selues continually to 〈◊〉 and to the ministration of the woorde Here the Apostles disdeyned not to call themselues ministers of Gods woord If a minister were such a reprochfull name as you and your sectaries woulde make it Saint Marke woulde not haue taken that name vpon him for hee was minister to Paul and Barnabas for thus saith the text And they had Iohn to their minister which was Marke the Euangelist The holyest priest of the Pope was neuer made Priest in such order as S. Paul was made a minister for if the Pope haue made any yet hee made them priestes on the earth but Iesus Christ him selfe made S. Paule a minister yea and that out of heauen which S. Paule reporteth him selfe saying I saw in the way a light from heauen aboue the bright nesse of the sunne shine round about me and them which iourneyd with mee when wee were all fallen to the earth I heard a voyce speaking vnto mee and saying in the Hebrewe tongue Saul Saul why persecutest thou mee it is harde for thee to kicke against the pricke And I sayde who art thou Lorde And he said I am Iesus whom thou persecutest but rise and stande vpon thy feete For I haue appeared to thee for this purpose to make thee a minister and a witnesse of those thinges which thou hast seene Thus it is manifest that Iesus Christ him selfe out of heauen made S. Paule a minister When you can showe mee that any of your priestes haue been made priestes by a better man and in a better place then S. Paul was made a minister then I will esteeme your priestes aboue our ministers but vntill that time I will reuerence and esteeme our ministers of gods word aboue your papisticall and Idolatrous priestes And as it is manifest that minister was a comendable name and that it was 〈◊〉 in Christes and the Apostles time so it appeareth that there were ministers in Chrysostomes time and that it was 〈◊〉 thought to be a name of contempt for S Iohn 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 thus Stat minister communis minister alta vose 〈◊〉 c. The minister and the common minister standeth vp and crieth out with a loude voyce saying keepe silence and giue eare after that the reader beginneth the prophesie of Esaie Therefore if you weigh well the words before written concerning ministers you haue no great occasion to dispise the name of a minister Misreported you say a lesuit as though you thinke him farre vnwoorthie of that name if you do thinke him not worthie to be a Iesuite no more doe I. for I take him to be the childe of God and therefore not meete to be a Iesuite And now for that it seemeth you are a Iesutte because you would not haue Maister Nycols to bee of the Iesuites societie which you take beelike to bee the best of all other I trust you will not be
dispuleased that I name my selfe a Christian wherewith I am right well contente Assured that the true 〈◊〉 of a christian which was instituted by Christ almost Sextien hundreth yeres since shall alwaies be able to counterueyle the Superstition of a Iesuite of which religion and societie one Ignatius Layola a Spaniarde of Biskay was the first founder beginner and captaine not fiftie yeeres since And though you holde by the first name of our high friende and redeemer which is Iesus yet wee holde by his seconde name which is Christ much musing what Spirite should incense you to leaue the auncient name of a Christiā which many thousandes of martyres and other Godly and learned men haue most defirously embraced and gladlie reteined whom God hath euer since Christes time preserued prospered and blessed amonges which I neuer hearde nor readde that any of them were called Iesuites Whereof you may see a manifest proofe if you will by the prosperitie of our prince her godly gouernment her peaceable raigne and her woonderfull Successe who is the chiefe defendresse of vs and this our Christian religion vnder God for reade all the Cronicles with the conference of tunes and you shall not finde that euer any prince or kingedome haue been more blessed Which prosperitie and blessinges God doth not commonly bestowe vpon heretikes as you doe terme vs for on his enemies and Heretyltes I muste not saie Iesuites hee sendeth commonlye his Curses plagues warres dearth scarcitie and trouble with all kinde of euill successe By which tokens markes you may knowe your selues and howe that God doeth not fauour neither you nor your doinges For what successe haue your practises your deuises are dayly reuealed your conspiraces are preuented your treasons are bewrayed your power diminished your Souldiers against her highnesse in Irelande discomfited and killed your captaines and crewe discouered and all your other doinges turne to your owne distruction And that the same may more plainelie appeare by the prosperouse successe of the true Christians on the one side and the euill successe of Gods Enemies on the other side I haue by infallible argumentes and examples plainelie prooued in my saide booke called A persuasion from papistrie that wee haue the true religion and you the wronge euerie indifferent reader whereof cannot choose but confesse But I thinke I vnderstand wherefore you haue chosen rather the name of Iesus than the name of Christ that is this as I take it For as much as your papisticall or Iesuiticall religion doth teach that you may be your owne Sauiours by your good workes masses the Popes pardons and other such trumperie yea and by whipping of your selues as shall appeare heereafter I thinke therefore you haue chosen to bee called Iesuites of Iesus which signifeth a Sauiour the firste name of our redeemer Christe importing thereby to bee your owne Sauiours So that you shall not neede that he shalbe your Sauiour but your sesues according as your Romish doctrine doth allowe But we because wee are most sure that none can be our Sauiour but Iesus Christ therefore we are content to yeeld ouer y t name of Iesus to him selfe thinkinge our selues far vnworthie to be named thereby and are most glad to be intitled by his second name Christ which signifieth vnctus that is annointed and so to bee called Christians Knowing that we can doe no good thing vnlesse wee bee spirituallye annoynted comforted and learned or inspired by the holy spirite of God the holy ghost And yet it may be that you name your selues Iesuites of Iesus the Sonne of Siracke or of some other Iesus of your owne allowing which may be the Pope who by his owne lawes hath all power in heauen and earth and by the sayings of Simon Begnius is your sauiour for he said to Pope Leo Beholde the Lion is come of the tribe of Iuda the roote of Dauid c. O most blessed Leo we haue looked for thee to be our Sauiour Whereby if it be so but you are woorse then madde if you beleue so he may be your Iesus so you his Iesuits as you are in deed Or rather I thinke you name your selues 〈◊〉 of your Iesus of bread that is of your owne making which you say sweare is the very body soule and 〈◊〉 of Iesus Christ our sauiour But because my sayde booke hath manifestly prooued that your Iesus of breade is but a plaine cake whereby you are most falsely 〈◊〉 therefore you deride and discommend it y t it should not be read Perhaps you will say y t you are no Iesuite and therefore I misname you in deede you haue not named your selfe to bee a Iesuite wherefore I can not much blame you for you that are loth to vtter your first Christian name and the olde ancient name of your progenitors and auncetors it is no maruell though you hide your last name Iesuite which is but lately sprung vp and counterfeite But by all coniectures you are a Iesuite partly for that you so mightily write in their defence and against him that hath reprooued them and partly for that you haue florished your booke in the first front thereof with the name of Iesus howesoeuer it is furnished with his worde which maketh a great showe outwardly howesoeuer it is inwardly Which name of Iesus is so enuironed with fierie and clouen tongues as it shoulde seeme that he hath a very harde heart that will not beleeue that euery Iesuite when he speaketh hath the holy ghost vpon him in the liknesse of fierie and clouen tongues as the Apostles had soone after Christes ascention Truely this your papisticall and Iesuitical religion consisteth onely in name and outwarde vaine 〈◊〉 which are bables to bring babes a bedde but farre in sufficient to intise the wise to your wayes You knowe that all they that say Lord Lord shall not enter into the kingdome of heauen but they that do the will of God There will some say to Christe did not we worke myracles and cast out diuels in thy name but Christ will say vnto them away yee workers of iniquitie for I knowe you not If Christ will vse them thus that cast out diuels out of men in the name of Iesus what will he doe to you that fill men full of diuels vnder the name of Iesus Bee no more blinde but see it is not the naming of your selues by the name of Iesus that wil make you blessed but the embracing and following the doctrine of Iesus Therefore esteeme not the crosse more then Christ nor traditions more than trueth lest Iesus Christ say vnto you away ye workers of iniquitie for I knowe you not You and wee haue profest in our Baptisine to forsake the diuell and all his woorkes and to be true Christians the souldiers and seruāts of christ which we promised to performe but you if you be a 〈◊〉 the rest of that sect haue broken the same in that you are become Iesuices and haue
shalbe plainely proued to be none of Christes Church but to bee the Synagogue of Sathan And as you haue gone about to discredite my sayde booke by this your discouery so I will God willing therein disproue your said othe and you by some paricular partes of my said book by you slandred as it shall appeare manifestly to the indifferent reader And 〈◊〉 that I haue discouered your detestable and horrible 〈◊〉 whereby the meaning of this your discouerie may 〈◊〉 be 〈◊〉 I will proceede God willing to repugne some particular 〈◊〉 of your booke and to defende mine 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the rest for M. 〈◊〉 to 〈◊〉 as I saide before who chiefly knoweth his owne cause and 〈◊〉 best able 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The seconde part TO the intente you woulde haue your simple Reader thinke that you haue the name of Jesus in great reuerence though you dispise his doctrine you haue on the one side of your florished Jesus placed these words of Saint Paule God hath exalted him and giuen him a name which is aboue all names If you thinké that S. Paule ment these wordes on Jesus Christ as most certainly he did thē why should you not 〈◊〉 y t his doctrin is aboue all doctrines It is a strange matter that you shoulde reuerence the name of Jesus and detest and forsweare the doctrine of Jesus Surely if a man detest a mans deedes or doctrine I cannot thinke that hee doth loue or fauour his name for hee that hateth a mans doings or doctrine will haue no great lust to heare of his name Nay the hearing of his name will make him straight way to speake euill of his person Therefore if you loue the name of Jesus you will not sweare to renounce the doctrine of Jesus but because you haue sworne to forsake the doctrine of Jesus therfore say what you will you cannot loue the name of Jesus Wherfore vnlesse you receiue the doctrine of Jesus and beleeue only to bee saued by him at your last gaspe hee wil say to you at the last day though you tell him thē y t you are Jesuites and holde of his name away yee workes of iniquitie for I know you not The thirde parte ON the other side of this your florished name of Jesus you haue set these wordes of Saint 〈◊〉 in the Actes of the 〈◊〉 whereby you would 〈◊〉 the people thinke that all you doe is by the 〈◊〉 of God when God knoweth you 〈◊〉 all thing 〈◊〉 quite 〈◊〉 to the same and sweares for state of 〈◊〉 that you will withstand the same vntill your last 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 are the wordes There is no other name vnder heauen giuen vnto men wherein wee must bee saued Saint Peter by these wordes sheweth him selfe to bee no good Procter for the Pope though the Pope taketh him for his chiefe piller and Patron Except Peter ment nothing by these wordes or that they must haue none other sense then the Church of Rome will allow for the scriptures by the saying of Cardinall Cusanus hath no right sense nor meaning but that the Church of Rome doth allowe and also by your meaning or els you woulde not sweare so deepely to admit the holy Scripture according to that sense which your holy mother the Church hath and doth holde And so you may make the sense and meaning thereof to fall out thus There is none other name vnder heauen giuen vnto men wherby we must bee saued that is to say There is no saluation without the Churche of Rome or that none can bee saued without the catholike faith of the Church of Rome If this were Peters meaning or that the giuing of the sense thereof is referd to the Church of Rome whereby to expound them thus or which way they list Then it is like this name of Jesus will doe you Jesuites great pleasure or els if Saint Peter ment thus by the same wordes or that the Church of Rome hath power to expounde them thus There is none other name vnder heauen giuen vnto men 〈◊〉 in wee must bee saued that is to say if wee carry or weare vpon vs the name of Jesus either printed written grauen sowed or embroidered or otherwise 〈◊〉 then I will not say but that the bare name of Jesus woulde saue both Jesuits and Jewes for then Jesuits Jewes Turkes Sarrizins Heathen Infidels and all other be they neuer so wicked may haue the name of Jesus sowed or set on their garments and then they shoulde bee safe so saued by the name of Jesus Or els if Peters or the Popes meaning bee that the naming of Jesus without any other thing wil saue vs then I will not say but that the only naming of Jesus will saue both Jesuites Jewes Gentiles yea and Diuels also for the Diuels that possessed the two men to whom Christe gaue leaue to goe into the heerde of Swine did name Jesus saying O Iesu thou sonne of God c. And therefore if naming of Jesus will serue the turne then Diuels and all may be saued But it is not the setting of the name of Jesus florished as it were with fierie tongues in your bookes nor the textes of scripture magnifying the name of Jesus nor the wearing on you the name of Jesus in your Agnus deis or your gospels or other such like nor y e fayned naming of Jesus but the following of the doctrine of 〈◊〉 and beleeuing only in Jesus For so did the Pharisees and the Saduces bragge and boast of Abraham as you doe of Jesus yet for all that holy John Baptist coulde not abide them but called them generation of vipers saying O generation of vipers who hath taught you to flee the vengeaunce to come as though they coulde not flee from it because they were not taught by Christe or that they thought to flee from it by the traditions of men not by the worde of God Doe therefore saith hee the fruites of repentance and thinke not in your selues wee haue Abraham to our father c. Therefore boast not nor bragge too much of the name of Jesus as the Pharisees and Saduces did of Abraham neither follow the traditions of the Churche of Rome as they did y e traditions of their elders But follow the doctrine of Jesus and beleeue only in Jesus For according to Christes wordes Not all they that say Jesus Jesus shall enter into the kingdome of heauen but they that doe the will of Jesus which is in heauen Whose will can neuer bee doone vnlesse wee heare or reade the last will of Jesus which is the holy Gospell The fourth part AND vnder the name of Jesus you haue placed these wordes of the 〈◊〉 of Salomō A lying witnes shall haue an euil end As though your Jesuitical 〈◊〉 were nothing but truth y t professors therof did neuer make lie and as though our religion were altogether false and in the professours thereof were nothing but falsehood But if euill endes are
allowed for a sufficient authour against you who affirmeth that their damnation is iust that doe euill that good may come thereof Nowe if by Saint Paules wordes we may not doe a small euill whereof great goodnesse may followe Then the pope may not suffer shamefull Stewes for whoredome which is a haynous sinne whereof great mischiefes doe come And if their damnation be iust that permit a small euill whereof goodnesse may grow Then their 〈◊〉 must needs 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that doe or permit many abhominable sinnes y t bring great mischiefes withall 〈◊〉 it appeareth that you haue a deepe consideration of the corruption and lewde inclination of men but to correct such corruption Saint Paul teacheth vs saying To auoid fornication let euery man haue his wife But you that haue a deeper sight herein then S. Paule think it is better if mē bee full of corruption lewdly inclined to haue Stewes set vp and suffred that euery man may haue his harlot I would haue thought that a wicked thing a fault had beene so nigh a kinne y t a wicked thing coulde not haue byn tollerated or suffered without a faulte But now because you say so I must change my minde thinke that one may sinne or suffer a wicked thing without fault Doubtlesse you Iesuites haue a merueilous deepe learning you haue heere loosed such a knot and vnioyned such a ioynt that neither Iesus Christ himself nor all his Apostles did euer vndoe A wicked thing may sometimes be necessarie with Iesuites because idolatrie blaspemie is counted most holy with thē alwayes but a wicked thing cannot be 〈◊〉 meete with true Christians at any time Surely you haue waded very deepe for maintaining of the Popes stewes his suffering of y t same yea you proued very learnedly before that if the Curtezans payed money to y t 〈◊〉 yet it were a punishmēt not an allowance of their life But if one may be punished with paying of a noble for stealing xx pound I thinke that punishment would not make him leaue stealing The 28. part AND then you followe with these wordes It appeareth plainely by Saint Paule who saith that 〈◊〉 of necessitie must needes be and by Christ who affirmeth that scandales that is slanders must needs come yet neither Christe allowed of scandals nor Saint Paule of heresies If y t pope allowed no more of whoredome then Christe did of staunders nor Saint Paul did of heresies his Stewes at Rome woulde not haue beene so long vp nor the curtezans there so long suffered Mark how you goe about to beguile your simple Reader as though these wordes of Christe or Saint Paule woulde excuse the popes Stewes or the Pope for suffering them and as though the Pope in suffering the Stewes did not allowe the Stewes Christe nor Saint Paule did speake of slaunders or of heresies of any particuler Towne or Citie where they had temporall or worldly power to suppresse the same for they had no suche gouernment as the Pope hath at Rome For if they had they would not haue taken money of the scandalers or heretikes as a due punishment therfore as the Pope doth for whoredome at Rome which you excuse as a punishment for their euil life For though Christ had no worldelie authoritie for that his kingdome was not of this worlde yet hee aduentured without any worldly commissiō to beat out the buyers and sellers out of the temple so much he did detest their violating of the house of God But if Christe shoulde haue taken money of the saide chaungers of money and so haue gone his wayes and let them alone woulde it not haue beene thought that hee had allowed their doings therein for money Yes I beleeue Euen so whatsoeuer you say the Pope doth allowe the whoores of Rome because hee taketh yeerely 〈◊〉 of them therefore yea and is partaker with them in their sinnes and whoredome For if hee did not allowe the Stewes and their whoredome hee woulde whip the whoores out of Rome as Christe did the money changers out of the temple and woulde either pluck downe the houses of the Stewes or els put honest and vertuous women in them Thus though you woulde haue Christe and Saint Paul to defende and boulster the Pope for suffering the stewes and Curtezans in Rome yet neither Christe nor Saint Paule will serue your turne therein Christe and Saint Paule are much beholden to you that bringeth them foorth as witnesses for the vpholding of Stewes and whoredome you that are a Iesuit and maketh as though none 〈◊〉 Iesus more than you should haue produced Iesus in an honester cause then this whatsoeuer you had done by S. Paul but you are so farre in loue with the Pope that to make him seeme honest you sticke not to aduenture to make Iesus Christe vnhonest and to couer the Popes shame you would defame Christe Surely when Christ was heere on earth and vnglorified hee spake against whooredome and doe you think that hee being nowe in heauen and glorified will bee a boulsterer of whoredome Christe saide when hee was heere Whosoeuer looketh on a woman lusting after her hath committed aduowtrie with her alreadie in his heart and do you thinke now that he can suffer whoredome it self If you loue Iesus then bringe not Iesus forth to mainteine your Popes Stewes and the whoordome in Rome The 29. part AND further to allowe the Pope in permitting the Stewes and whoredome you bring this reason saying I might aske why the protestants in England doe permit vsurie by their lawes that is doth not punish men for taking vnder ten of the hundreth I perceiue you Iesuites haue rype wits to defende the Popes Stewes and to approue his taking of money of y t curtezans for their whoredome to bee lawfull It is a strange matter that you can learne by our positiue lawes to mainteine y e popes stewes and to allowe whoredome but by our diuine lawe the Gospell you cannot learne to put downe the stewes and to reprooue the Pope for suffering of whooredome What our Princes lawes doe heerein permit I haue not to dispute with you but this I will say where can you approoue that any streetes with vs are appointed for vsurers to dwel in as you haue for whores in Rome Or that they haue any special houses to commit vsurie in for paying therefore a yeerely tribute to our Prince as your Curtezans haue to commit whoredome for paying a yeerely tribute to the pope or it commonly knowne of vs where to borowe money vpon vsurie as euery one great and small doe may knowe at Rome where the Curtezans doe dwell where any may play the whooremonger for money that liste no I am sure If wee haue any vsurers our Prince doth not know where they dwell but you haue allowed Curtezans in Rome and the Pope knoweth where they remaine And moreouer they y t lend money in this sort
before Christ himselfe was whipt For by your saying they whip them selues on maūday thursday and Christ was whipt as the next day after which commonly is called good Friday Therefore as wee Christians may count that for our good Friday because as then Christ was whipt and shedde his blood for our sinnes so you Iesuites and Romanes may counte maunday Thursday for your good Thursday because you whip your selues and shed your blood then for your offences But though you Iesuites or Romanes are ashamed in whipping and shedding your owne blood for your owne sinnes as it seemeth for that you couer your faces that you woulde not be knowen yet Iesus Christ the sonne of God was not ashamed to bee whipt scourged for other and not for him selfe and to shed his heartblood for the sinnes of all faithfull Christians because his face was vncouered that euery one might see him and knowe him It appeareth that your holy and vertuous Romanes that whippe themselues and shedde their owne blood for their owne sinnes neither regarde Christes whippinges nor stande neede of his blood to washe away their sinnes But wee that are faithfull Christians doe whollye cleaue and sticke to Christes whippinges and the shedding of his innocent blood for the putting away of our sinnes and offences I woulde fayne knowe who taught you to whip and scourge your selues and to shedde your owne blood for your offences where haue you redde it In what Scriptures can you finde it what Apostle hath preache it or what godly Doctor hath declared it if our owne whippinges might pardon our offences or shedding of our owne blood coulde washe away our sinnes Then what neede Christe the sonne of God haue come out of his heauenly and ioyfull kingdome to this earthly and sorowfull prison and of a God to become man and to be whipt and shedde his blood Can Christ haue any greater enemies than you that thus blotte out his blood and painefull death which did it onely for sauing vs out of hell and applie that to your owne whipping and blieding that is onely due to Christ and that none can 〈◊〉 but he This I will tell you whether you be 〈◊〉 or what euer you be you that thus whip your selues yea though you whippe al the blood out of your bodyes for the putting away of your offences neyther Christes whipping nor his blood will doe you any pleasure vnlesse you leaue this whipping of your selues and trust onely to his whippings and to the shedding of his blood You that thus whippe your selues for your owne offences you make your selues your owne Christes And they that are their owne Christes shall neuer dwell in heauen with Christ. The mother of Christe was as able to bee her owne Sauiour as you and yet shee neuer whipt her selfe nor shedde her owne blood but trusted in God to bee her 〈◊〉 saying My soule doth magnifie the Lorde and my spirite doeth reioyce in GOD my Sauiour Here you may well perceiue that shee trusted not to saue her selfe by whipping of her selfe but shee trusted to Iesus Christe that was whipped for her to bee her Sauiour yea though he were her owne sonne You haue written on the firste side of your booke 〈◊〉 woordes whereof before I haue entreated something There is none other name vnder heauen giuen vnto 〈◊〉 wherein wee must bee saued And that is the name of Iesus Nowe vnlesse you that thus whippe or punishe your selues are called by the name of Iesus then howe can your whippinges saue you or put away your offences for I am sure that fewe or none of your holy Romanes that thus whippe them selues are so called then howe can 〈◊〉 owne whippinges saue you or put away your offences for that hee must needes bee called Iesus that can and must 〈◊〉 vs. Marke howe you are wounded with your 〈◊〉 weapon and strucken downe with your owne staffe Thus though you seeme to fauour the name of Iesus yet with your doinges you altogether derogate and dishonour Iesus I do muse that you that haue redde the scriptures and count your selfe to be so learned in y e same y t you can once thinke 〈◊〉 these whippers of thēselues though the whip 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 from the and the fleshe from the bones can thereby put away their offences Nay therby they encrease their offences offending God thereby most heynously Truely I can not but maruell that you were not ashamed to put it into your booke cōmending thereby the Romanes pietie and deuotion Considering the Christian reader must needs thinke that thereby they procure their vtter destruction by going about to put away their sinnes by their whipping and shedding of their owne blood whiche onely Christ can doe and none els Saint Paul was scourged three times with roddes but he neyther whipt him selfe as your deuoute Romanes doe neither did hee say that his 〈◊〉 or sinnes was put away by the whipping of his body though your Romanes by your owne sayinges doe whip them selues verie grieuously in the weeke before Easter for their offences past But these your holy Romanes after Easter and all the yeere after may sinne as freshly as euer they did for what need they care seeing one dayes whipping of them selues will put away a hole yeeres offences Eyther your doctrine is verye false or you are very fooles for if you can whip away your sinnes then what neede you feare the popes perillous 〈◊〉 And if you may put awaye your offences by your whippinges while your are aliue what neede you pay money for masses when 〈◊〉 are 〈◊〉 And if you haue whipt away your sinnes before your death then what sinnes haue you for the masse to release after your 〈◊〉 you thought by this your whipping 〈◊〉 to extoll your Romanes for their 〈◊〉 but thereby you haue blased abroade their follie and madnesse You say to see onely this spectacle were a matter to moue any man whatsoeuer In deede this spectacle mooueth mee though I see it not to bewaile the 〈◊〉 foolish and bewitched Ramanes that with their 〈◊〉 driue them selues such a pace to the diuell that hee may whippe 〈◊〉 them in the endelesse paynes of helt for the ofter they thus whippe themselues the faster and speedilier they driue themselues to the diuel if this their whipping woulde helpe them to heauen the Diuell woulde make them more slowe in whipping them selues Therefore howe madde are your romanes that take suche paines to goe vnto hell where the tormentes are endelesse and the paines neuer cease I pray God they may leaue whipping of them selues and trust only to the whippings of Christ And to cease to shedde their owne blood for their offences to put their whole trust in Christ that was whipt and shedde his precious blood for the sinues of all them that euer shall be saued This is your holy religion that you and your Seminaries seeke dayly to sette vp heere in Englande by your priuie practises and secrete sedition to the destruction of your prince