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A04901 A confutation of monstrous and horrible heresies, taught by H.N. and embraced of a number, who call themselues the Familie of Loue by I. Knewstub. Seene and allowed, according to the Queenes Maiesties iniunctions. Knewstubs, John, 1544-1624. 1579 (1579) STC 15040; ESTC S108097 192,800 286

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as one ouercome by reason of so long lack of comforte might say at the hearing of this ioyfull message of H.N. as the wife of Phinehes did when it was tolde for her consolation that shee had borne a sonne The glorie saith she is allredy gone from Israel and therfore let the childe haue his name accordingly and be called Ichauod Now if this were the true worde of GOD and Gospell of Iesus Christ which neuer had seene the light before but by H.N. had beene the firste digged out of darkenesse what ignoraunce is it to confounde the Gospell with the holie Ghoste as if the holie Ghost were no other thinge then the doctrine it self For that place is plainely and expresly mente of the spirite of God and not of any doctrine that he should haue in purpose to send them from Heauen That which hee speaketh further of his office that it is to expresse How that Christ is come againe according to his promise to beget vs anew to iudge vs with his righteousnesse That we might presently enter into the true rest which God hath prepared from the beginning and inherite the euetlasting life is nothing else but a very sinke of absurde doctrine For first howe absurde is this to say That Christ his comming againe shall be to beget vs a new out of the doctrine of his seruice when as the Apostle playnely saith His comming shall bee to render vengeaunce vnto all them tha● are no at that time already borne anewe by obedience vnto the Gospell It is a righteous thing with God to recompenc tribulation vnto them that trouble you to you which are troubled rest when the Lord Iesus shal shew him selfe from Heauen with his mightie Angels in flaming fire rendering vengeance vnto them that doe not knowe GOD and obey not vnto the Gospel of our Lord Iesus Christ It will then be to late to learne when the bridegrome is once come It wil be to late then to seek Oyle for their Lampes Their Lampes shall then be burning that shall bee admitted to enter in with the Bridegrome And therefore he commeth not againe now to beget vs a new but to render vengeance vnto so many as shal not be founde at his comming borne againe and already begotten a newe Besides what a match is that to haue the first cōming of Christ to ioyne in time with the second for that out of the Prophet Esaie is plainely spoken of his first comming in the flesh which notwithstanding is heere ioined with the comming of the Lord vnto iudgement and bringing of the elect into that rest which hath beene prepared from the beginning euen the inheritaunce of euerlasting life Nowe H.N. saith that they bothe take effect at the publishing of this his doctrin Moreouer of this doctrine it doth followe that regeneration is the ioyes of heauen and that when a man doth reforme his life by the word he is presentlie entred into those ioyes which haue beene prepared from the beginning for the elect It doth plainely make the comforts of euerlasting life to be no other then those that are felte of the godlie in this life It bindeth also those ioyes of heauen and euerlasting life vnto this life and vnto the imbracing of H.N. his doctrine that in the receiuing thereof a man should enter the possession of the ioyes of heauen For the place of Matthew is so plaine for the day of Iudgement and for the possessing of such euerlasting ioyes as in this worlde are not enioyed as no thing can be more These be the wordes Then shall the king say vnto them on his right hand Come yee blessed of my father inherite the kingdome prepared for you from the foundations of the world For I was an hungred and ye gaue me meate I thirsted and you gaue me drinke c these were men regenerate and borne againe for he reciteth their fruites of newe life and the workes of regeneration which they had done and these men which had shewed foorth these fruites he then putteth in possession of the kingdom prepared for them from the beginning of the world saying Come ye blessed of my father inherite the kingdome prepared for you If they be then called out to inherite a kingdome which haue practised the fruites of Christianitie before then is there an other kingdome abyding for the Children of God beside that which they are possessed of presently vpon the newnesse and reformatiō of their life For mē are not wont to be called out to take the possession of that which they are alredy entred vpon And how could they haue brought foorth such fruites as the Lord doth crowne vnlesse there had beene newnesse of life before The Apostle Paule affirmeth our estate which trust in Christ to be the moste miserable of all other if so be that we haue no other hope but in this life only For heere the estate of the godly is subiect to so great affliction and persecution that sometimes men that feared God haue beene greatly tempted to followe the wayes of the wicked while they did see them to flourish in all worldly prosperitie inioying as it were a heauen heere vppon Earth and the seruants of GOD almoste continually liuing such a life as that death it selfe might seeme iustly to bee wished before it Dauid professeth that him selfe fretted at the wicked when he did se the prosperitie of them and that his steppes had wel neere s●pt and his feet were almost gone For they are not in trouble saith he like the other sort and therefore pride is as a chaine vnto them The grace of God saith the Apostle which bringeth saluation hath appeared and teacheth vs to deny vngodlinesse and worldlie lustes and to liue temperatlie iustly and godly in this present worlde wayting for that blessed hope and appearing of the glorie of the mightie God and of our Sauiour Iesus Christe If in a sober iust and godly course of life we haue to waite for that blessed hope and glorie which shal appeare with the comming of Iesus Christe then is not that sober iust and godly course of life the blessed hope and glory it selfe For men doe not waite for that which they doe enioy already Wee giue thanks saith the Apostle vnto God since we heare of your faith in Christ of your loue towards all Saints for the hopes sake which is layd vp for you in Heauen If they did abounde in faith towardes Christ and in loue towards the Saincts for the hopes sake which was laide vp for them in heauen Then was not their Heauen hope contained within the limites of this life and much lesse was that fruite of faith loue the hope and heauen it self And lest any man might imagine that I haue taken the aduantage of this one place vnaduisedly penned by the Author let him reade his Bookes and he shall finde it to bee a doctrine often and with great deliberation set downe and
testifieth shoulde be perfourmed of our Lorde Iesus Christe in his comming to iudgement And forasmuch as they cannot bryng one title to prooue those things vnlesse it be amongst men starke mad and deceiued with the enchauntment of false libertie For none can lay anye other fundatiō then that is laide which is Iesus Christ and these things not being proued all their dreames must fall it followeth then that the doctrine of Christ muste bee holden as perfect that it is a meere blasphemie and deceipt of the deuill whatsoeuer they vnaduisedly or vainely boast of a greater perfection of their doctrine then the doctrine of Christ whatsoeuer they promise of the libertie of Ecclesiasticall congregations Now in that they obiect that the holy Ghost was promised which should lead them into al trueth it helpeth thē nothing at all for the scripture which testifieth the holy ghost to be promised the same also testifieth that the promise is fulfilled in the disciples of christ If one part of the scripture is to be beleued it is meete that the other also be receiued That therfore which was perfourmed of Christ Iesus in the disciples 1500 yeeres agoe and more they vaynely dreame to be differred vnto their time The Apostles were led by the holy Ghost into all truth asmuche as was necessarie for mans saluation and the same spirite doeth yet seale confirme the same trueth in the hartes of the faithfull And the same scripture also testifieth that the holy Ghost wyl deliuer nothyng differing from the mind and doctrine of Christe but altogeather the same Soo Christ said to his disciples That Spirite of trueth which proceedeth from the father that beareth witnesse of me And agayn It shal teach you al things which I haue tolde you Also He shall glorifie me for hee shall receiue of mine and shewe it vnto you So the Apostle Peter calleth the holy Ghoste whiche GOD hath geuen the witnesse of Christ And Paule agreeing in the same saith None speaking by the spirite of GOD calleth Iesus Execrable And no man can say that Iesus is the Lorde but by the holy Ghost As though he should say here by a man may knowe whether any be led by the spirite of God or no to wit yf hee loue Christ and his doctrine and studie to promote it In vayne therefore vnder the pretence of the holy ghost is any other doctrine then of the Lord Iesus Christ hoped for seeing that it is the office of the holy Ghost to beare witnesse of Christ to glorifie him to teache his woordes and to declare those thinges which he hath receiued of him But if the aduersaries wil yet further saie that there is mention made in the Scripture of an imperfect and perfect doctrine and an imperfect one to be deliuered to the Apostles which at the length shoulde giue place to a more perfect according to that For we know in part we prophesy in part but when that which is perfect is come then that which is in part shal be abolished Also Nowe we see through a glasse darkly c. We answere that the Apostle conferreth not the doctrine or Apostolicall knowledge with any other which euer shoulde bee reuealed in this worlde For in these last dayes God hath spoken vnto vs by his sonne that not without cause the time of Christ might be called the last houre the vttermost and very last time the ende of the world to wit because that by him the last declaration of the wil of God shoulde be made but hee respecteth the worlde to come after the resurrection in heauen where mortalitie being put of that which is in part shal be abolished And in the same place the scripture speaking of that perfection of man calleth vs backe to the comming of Iesus Christ vnto vs from heauen So the Euangelist Iohn When Christ sayth he shall appeare we shall be like vnto him for because wee shall see him as he is And Paule to the Philippians vseth these words We looke for from heauen the Sauiour euen our Lord Iesus Christ who shal chaunge our vile bodies that they may be fashioned like vnto his glorious bodie Also to the Coloss When Christ which is our life shall appeare then shal you also appeare with him in glorie And in the Epistle to the Corinthians disputing of the glorie of the faithfull he willeth them to looke vnto the comming of Christ And least that any shoulde thinke that the apostle spake of any other time then of the last resurrection they write that they also shall come to the perfect knowledge sight of god Then saith the Apostle I shall see face to face now I know in part but thē I shal know euen as I am knowen Also he shall change our bodies We shal see him as he is c. But if the Apostles had respected that time which our aduersaries will haue they had bereft themselues of perfect knowledge Our aduersaries therefore are deceiued who after the manner of impacient men wil haue that time of perfection to come before the season and woulde drawe it vnto this worlde But this perfection of knowledge which Paul speaketh of differeth not by nature and of it selfe from that vnperfect doctrine and knowledge but onely it differeth in manner as well in enioying as also in vnderstanding it For now we haue neede of sundrie helpes to atteine to the knowledge of God and to this knowledge may alwayes in this life some thing be added but in the life to come the same knowlege which here is had of him out of his worde shal not bee changed into any other but shal be made perfect by a newe meanes and shall bee had by the onely beholding of god Onely therefore the meanes of obtayning this knowledge shal be diuers and the reuealing more full Because God shal be all in all And that which the Apostle writeth to the Hebrues Therefore leauing the doctrine of the beginning of Christ let vs be led forwarde vnto perfection not laying agayne the foundation of repentaunce from dead workes and of faith toward God of the doctrine of baptisme in laying on of hands of the resurrection from the dead of eternal iudgement He declareth not that there shal at length come a time in this worlde in which there shal be reuealed a more perfect doctrine then that of Christ the Apostles But he calleth the doctrine of the generall mystery of the priesthood of Christ a certayne perfect doctrine in comparison to the first principles of the Catechisme As are the profession of amendement of life of faith in God the doctrine of baptisme and the laying on of hands the article of the resurrection of the dead of the iudgement to come which are as it were the chiefe principles of religion which generally ought to be knowen and vnderstood euen of children when as al do not so perceiue the
same For when he cannot abide that they should anie longer enioy so much credite by his word as the shew bare professiō would yeeld vnto them which is al that they would require ▪ but that he wil haue thē turned out of their clouts and laid naked in their shame doth he not from heauē by such iudgements preach declare the maiestie and might of his word Is not that the great seale sent from heauen into the earth to be set vnto the worde for the authorizing thereof For seeing they would not reuerence it brought vnto thē vnder the Lords owne hand and seale of signes miracles they haue forced him by bringing these heauie iudgements vppon them for the further confirming of it to set his seale the second time vnto it Should not all men nowe feare to prophane it when there is here among vs a mark of such maiestie set vpon it Should not euerie man now examine what rereuerence he doth beare vnto it when he seeth for the freeing of it from contempt so great plaine a print of authoritie to be ioyned vnto it Let people now take heed how they cherish that humor within themselues which cannot beare any other teaching of the woord then that which is so interteyned of the eare that it can not bee hired so much as once to vewe and visite the heart Let those feare who cannot digest the word vnlesse with eloquence and wit curious questions prophane hystories and fables the power and strenght of it bee so allayed as nowe there is no more any maiestie in it And seeing we haue such sensible iudgement among vs against them who like not the simplicitie of the worde but will feed of speculations and mysticall matters let them who minister the worde take heede they feede not that affection in them by laying on such painting and colours as may rather make them wonder at the workemanship then take any profite by the worke Let them teach and exhort with wholsome doctrine not onely planting knowledge in them but earnestly calling vpon them to keepe their knowledge in a good conscience and so much the rather because wee see before our eyes what a daungerous shipwracke they haue made euen of knowledge who haue gone vnto the sea with it in the riuen vessell of a corrupt conscience Let them styrre them vppe to haue their reckoning in a readinesse seeing the Lorde hath alreadie begonne to visite the contempt of his woorde Let them vrge them likewise to seeke for iudgement in the word whereby to discerne spirites that seeing nowe we bee sought and sifted that way by Sathan we may be found sufficiently armed likewise on that side against him lest wilful ignorance should bee punished in vs with obstinate errour Let vs prouide that those may be ioyned togither which the Lord cannot abide to put a sunder that zeale for lacke of knowledge doe not degenerate either into some daungerous schisme or superstition neither yet knowledge for want of zeale affection either into vnprofitable curiosity or els into some horrible heresie Touching those who be of opiniō that these heresies will vanish away of thēselues because the matter is so grosse the men be so vtterly vnlearned and therfore would neither haue sword nor pen pulled out against them They are to be required that they woulde vouchsafe to haue their iudgemēt waied by the word so should they find it lighter then the wind For doth not the Apostle tell vs that want of affection and loue towards the truth pulleth the eyes of our knowledge out of our heads procureth belief credit vnto manifest lies vntruthes insomuch that where this iudgmēt of god entreth the greatest vntruthes shal not be receiued waueringly in opinion but cōstantly in beliefe strong perswasiō now with what affection the gospel is receiued of many among vs whether with so good an affection as will warrant vs that way I think in this behalfe a good confession is much better then an euill defence And touching the want of learning in the patrons of these heresies who knoweth not that Alexander the Copper-smith wrought more woe vnto the Apostle S. Paule by hindering the course of the gospel then any either eloquent Orator or subtile Philosopher For when simple men such as be artificers thrust forth themselues with as much boldnes as blindnesse to be guides for others vnto God forthwith that is fathered by the multitude vpon the miraculous extraordinarie worke of God and therefore they will haue all of them who haue atteined vnto knowledge by ordinarie meanes of necessitie yeelde and giue place to their better superiour My purpose was at the beginning to haue dealt onely with his booke intituled Euangelium Regni but finding it stand often vpon one thing as what order can confusion affoord vnto vs I thought I should better prouide for the Reader if I should examine his iudgement vpon euerie seueral article of our beliefe which he hath set downe in his first exhortation and withall for the better vnderstanding thereof should cite these places out of his Euangelie where hee handleth the same matter and that so largely as it may easily appeare vnto all men that neither I haue missed of his meaning nor yet dealt vnfaythfully by suppressing any trueth in my allegations Where he doth vsually pester his margent with plenty of authorities as if nothing but scripture might at any time be heard out of his mouth It is a bayte layde for the simple who either cannot or will not examen the matter For falshoode wil as wel guard the trueth as those authorities defend the cause he hath in hande I haue perused them one by one which are alleaged to warrant his calling where I am sure hee bringeth foorth the best euidences that hee hath because it toucheth his freehold let them be viewed that is the treatise which I first deal withal and as they deserue so let the rest be beleued Wherin vnlesse I should ouermuch abase H.N. I can no better match him then with S. George as the papistes doe describe him For as S. George loueth to bee alwayes on horsbacke albeit he neuer ride So H.N. hath great liking to be moūting in the margent vpon the autorities of the sacred worde albeit they neuer step forth with him to speake so much as one woorde for him I haue added next vnto that before I enter to examine the articles of the beliefe his iudgement of originall sinne taken out of the 5. Chapter of his Euangelie because those only were the matters which that booke had more and besides that doctrine which is handled in his exposition vpon the Creede His words be wrapped in such darknesse and obscuritie as doe geue euident testimony of his minde that he meaneth to deceiue As for the parts of his arguments they be at such variance with in thē selues that the cōsequens can by no right be denied the good abearing against his antecedent
made and accomplished all his woorke and that hee namely the sonne of God Iesus Christ for that cause beareth also all thinges with the woorde of his power and maketh the purging of our sinnes throwe him selfe Answeare I Haue sufficiently before declared that Christians are taught to beleeue in Iesus Christ that it is not enough for them to confesse that there is a Christe or that Christ is the sonne of the liuing god And yet notwithstanding H. N. vsually in explaning the articles of our beliefe shunneth as rockes all words of faith and beliefe and embraseth in steede thereof woordes of confessing whereof he hath as it seemeth conceiued some better liking but the cause thereof he is content to keepe secrete to him selfe Where he professeth that Iesus Christ is the very like being of the liuing GOD his father and that GOD the father through him hath made and accomplished all his woorkes that he beareth all things with the worde of his power and hath made the purging of our sinnes throwe himselfe It shall God willing appeare hereafter in my answeare vnto this reason that he meaneth nothing lesse touching Christ then that his woordes seeme at the first sight to giue out of him As for his reason which is that because GOD the father hath made and accomplished all his woorkes by Iesus Christ in the creation of the worlde therefore hee shoulde make the purging of our sinnes through him selfe alone if it were good and sufficient the holie Ghoste might aswell haue the name of the mediatour and redeemer as Iesus Christ For GOD the father accomplished not that woorke without him Moreouer howe absurde is it that his dealing in the creation shoulde charge him with the woorke of our redemption When did H. N. euer see the obligation whereby at his entring vppon the Creation hee stoode bounde to perfourme the woorke of redemption The Scripture telleth vs hee laide downe his life frankly and freely of his owne accord not to discharge any dutie or debt of his owne growing vpon any former couenant hee had made for him selfe to perfourme but that it was to acquite vs thereby from euerlasting death and destruction which otherwise was in iustice to fall vppon vs And for that cause hath he geuen him this name Iesus as we reade in the Gospel after S. Matthewe Thou shalt call his name Iesus for he shal saue his people from their sinnes He came not then to rid him selfe from the daunger that any former couenant tharge or duetie of his owne had laide vpon him or bound him vnto but to deliuer his people from their sinnes which had laide holde vpon them and as an heauie burden did presse them downe vnto death So that the reason rendred in the scriptures why he had to name Iesus doth sufficiētly declare that it was no priuate cōmoditie of his owne but the saluation of his people that was sought for and accomplished by him And that wee shoulde not doubt of his authoritie or abilitie to goe through with so great a matter as is the worke of our saluation therefore commeth he from God the father with speciall authoritie and graces in all abundance annointed and enabled therevnto And thereuppon hath this name Christ accordingly ▪ which in our tongue signifieth annointed that our faith might not roaue vncertainely about our saluation but directly looke at one both sufficiently authorized and also fully furnished for that woorke where wee might particularly and cleerely see the grounde of al this good will betweene GOD the father and vs For from hence had this league the beginning and here is the hope and assurance that wee haue for the continuaunce of it Wherein the Lord his dealing is in all mercy towards vs that we should haue such specialtie geuen vs as might put out of doubt and point foorth particularly the occasion of our saluation For the scripture which is our euidence doeth not barely mention this matter of our saluation but telleth vs at large by whom at what time it was purchased for vs what price was paid for it what enimies stoode against it and howe great a woorke it was after the beginning to goe thorowe with it and that Christe Iesus did execute both the office of a Priest and also of a Prophet in the accōplishing therof not onely praying for vs in that he was a Priest as appeareth in the Gospel after S. Iohn so declaring himselfe to be our mediatour of prayer and intercession but also offering vppe him selfe once for all a sufficient sacrifice for al the sinnes of his seruauntes and so became in like maner the Mediatour of our redemption In which two pointes of offering praier sacrifice to God for the people did the Priest his office consist Wherein the comfort of a Christian is exceeding great for that he hath so singular a person the force efficacie of whose prayer and sacrifice is dayly in God his sight for him as it is written to the Hebrues Christ is not entred into the holy places made with handes but into very heauen to appeare nowe in the sight of God for vs. And seeing as the Prophet speaketh The Lorde hath sworne and will not repent that he is a Priest for euer it followeth necessarily that there shoulde ▪ 〈…〉 euerlasting vse and fruite of that Priesthoode towards the faithful He did also execute the office of a Prophet towards vs had special cōmission likewise for that fūctiō as appeareth in the Prophesie of Esay The spirite of the Lorde God is vpon me therfore hath the Lord annointed me he hath sent me to preache good tidinges to the poore c. VVhich speache our sauiour Christ in Luke affirmeth to be verified in him selfe being of all other moste sufficient too make true report of the will and pleasure of the father and to deliuer vs from all feare of not atteyning vnto so high and secrete a thing because as saint Iohn sayth he dwelleth in his bosome and is his onely begotten sonne and therefore not onely of all other most deare vnto him but also most priuie vnto his greatest secretes For which cause hee is called by the Prophet Counsellour And in as much as his kingdome wherin should dwel holines and righteousnesse was to be gouerned by the scepter of his worde and preaching of the Gospel he hath promised his presence euen to the ende of the worlde vnto that office and function Goe therefore and teache all nations to obserue what so euer I haue commaunded you and loe I am with you vnto the end of the worlde For by vertue of this function he hath not onely barely and nakedly to set downe a trueth vnto vs but also to woorke effectually with it to transfourme vs into the same that we might geue credite to the promises and be humbled vnto the dueties commaunded The comfort that commeth vnto a christian for that Christ is made our
his is ascended into heauen sitting at the right hand of God his almightie father but with this cautiō that it is like as the scripture mencioneth therof that is as his owne head shall imagine the Scripture to speake when it is transformed from the true and naturall sence into allegories and mysteries of his owne making And therefore after his woonted manner louing to make his Commentarie darker then the Text which hee hath taken in hande to open and explane hee saith That his Iesus hath taken in the heauen raigneth ruleth essentiallie in the heauenlie being that is that beeing free from sin the knowledge of the worde after the letter he is now become altogether heauenly spiritual inspired with knowledge immediatly frō God himself For his Christ after the spirit is him selfe and all that his number who are by obedience vnto his doctrine growen to such perfection that now they sinne no more beeing replenished with the fulnesse of the holie spirit of Christ as himself speaketh And that he meaneth no other ascending into heauen ▪ neither any other taking in of the heauen is euidently proued out of his Euangelie chapter 26. and 10 Section Beholde when as now the law of Moses was in such wise as is said fulfilled or accomplished and had no longer seruice with the death of the sinne and with the beleuers of Christ which through the lawe were dead vnto the law but the spirit of Christ which made the diseassed beleeuers of Christ aliue againe in righteousnesse out of the death of Christ so had then also the Priesthoode in his Images figures and shadowes after the manner of Aaron no more ministration with the liuing in Iesu Christ neither yet gaue it any clerenes more with them because the heauenly clearnesse of Christ and his vpright beeing of loue wherein the disciples of Christ were comprehended excelled farre away all cleerenesse of the figuratiue seruices for that cause the priesthood of Aaron chaunged also with the Disciples of Christ and ceassed by them for with them there was a spirituall heauenly priesthood appeared in vpright righteosnesse and euen so was the same with his seruice established on Christ after the spirit the true light which is an high Prieste that bideth for euer at the right hand of God in the heauenlye beeing whose seruice of the spitituall heauenlie ministration commeth not to passe in the letter nor in the figures but in the verie true beeing Beholde euen so was Christ after the spirit in his office or seruice a minister of the very true and heauenly goods among his disciples and beleeuers and hath when hee had taken in the Heauen multiplied him selfe through his seede of the holie Ghost out of the heauenly beeing to the increasing of his generation the vpright seede of Abraham according to the promises and euen so became Christ fruitfull vpon earth in many thousandes of his Saintes all which he through his death made free or iustified frō the sinne made them aliue through his holy Ghost taking them vp from the earth and assembling them vnto him at the right hande of God his father in the heauenly beeing He affirmeth as you heare in the 10. Section that when the lawe of Moses was accomplished by the death of sinne and had resigned vnto the spirit of Christ which made the deceassed beleuers aliue again in righteousnes thē had the priesthood after the manner of Aaron no more ministration with these liuing neither gaue it any more clearnes vnto them this is his reason because the heauenly cleerenesse of Christ wherein the disciples of Christ were comprehended excelled farre away all cleerenesse of the figuratiue seruices The same reason hee rendreth in the next Section saying that the priesthood of Aaron ceassed with the disciples of Christ for that vnto them there had a spirituall heauenly priesthood appeared who was with his seruice established on Christ after the spirit which is an high Priest that bideth for euer at the right hand of God in the heauenly being In the 12. Section continuing his speach of those to whome nowe the heauenly Priesthood had appeared hee calleth them Christ after the spirite and affirmeth that when he had taken in the heauen he multiplyed himselfe thorowe his doctrine which he calleth his seede of the holie Ghost for beeing perfect they may publiquely teache and professe to the increasing of his generation the vpright seede of Abraham according to the promises and so became Christ fruitfull vppon the earth and assembled many vnto him at the right hand of God his father in the heauenly beeing This is the taking in of the the heauen or the ascending into Heauen of H.N. his Christ and the sitting at the right hand of God his father euen to become heauenly minded and inspired from aboue in all fulnesse with this knowledge and obedience which H.N. requireth in this his seruice of loue Heere is neither hope nor comfort for vs in any other man beside our selues neither is any consolation opened either from the ascencion of Christ either else for that he sitteth at the right hande of God his father only this is confessed that the number of his perfect ones are become inclosers and haue taken in the heauen so that there is no portion of heauen and other true happinesse to be hired or otherwise had vnlesse a man renounce the knowledge of the worde after the letter become voyde of all sinne and perfectly illuminated with thefull cleerenes of H.N. his doctrine The greatest comfort that I see a man who would willingly become a disciple can haue by H. N. his doctrine is that though his religion be very highe and mysticall yet his Heauen is very lowe euen heere vppon Earth among vs For this ascention of his Christe and sitting at the right hande of his father is performed in this life when the disciples become once comprehended of this his heauenly cleerenesse and of his vpright beeing of the loue When shall we once come to the bottom of this dungeon of darkenesse How hard is it when once a man hath giuen way to heresie to finde that stoppe which shall make him stay and recouer himselfe Howe great is the goodnesse of our God that hath armed vs with cleere and plaine doctrine out of his woorde against these and the like daungers and hath left vnto vs the knowledge of his Christ to our exceeding great comfort and consolation insomuch that euery article of our beliefe addeth something to the consolation of a christian For albeit our hope be great in that we heare of him who went downe into the graue in our sinnes that hee is risen againe and so acquite of that danger and iudgement which he lay vnder for the same yet is it much more when we vnderstand that the Lord hath not so left him and caste him of who was the whole dealer doer for vs but hath receiued him into heauen his owne
seate habitation Neither haue the arguments tokens of his loue here had their end but he hath set him on his right hand that is hath cōmitted the whole gouernment administratiō of his kingdome heervpon earth into his hands How can it goe harde with vs when our mediatour and he that hath had all these dealings for vs is become so great with our God as to bee made the head of his church to haue receiued the gouernmēt charge ouer his chosen May we not with the Apostle triumph say Who shal lay any thing to the charge of Gods chosen it is Christ which is dead or rather which is risen again nay which is at the right hād of God making intercession for vs If his death brought vs from such danger what benefite wil this his life bring vnto vs and against how many and how great dangers shal it be able to defend vs If when we were enimyes we were reconciled vnto God by the death of his sonne much more beeing reconciled we shall be saued by his life For both the instrument hath now more power and strength to performe and the matter is the fitter to be wrought vpon Christ is not entred into the holie places that are made with hands which are similitudes of the true sanctuary but is entred into very heauen to appeare now in the sight of God for vs Seeing then we haue an high Priest whiche is ouer the house of GOD let vs draw neare him with a true heart in assuraunce of faith sprinkling in our heartes from an euil conscience and washed in our bodyes with pure water abhorring from our heartes this cursed and comfortlesse Christ which H.N. hath brought out not meaning to comforte feede but to pyne famish his familie withall We haue not onely comforte by our Christ touching his priesthood for that he appeareth nowe in the sight of our God for vs and that the sacrifice is continually before his eyes whereby we stand discharged against sinne and made acceptable and in good fauour and grace with our God neither yet for that he beeing ascended on high and leading captiuitie captiue doth giue giftes to his Church generallie and to the seuerall members therof particularly in gouerning them by his spirite and worde beeing forcible by the working thereof to promote his glory in them but also touching his kingdome because he is our Christ to whome is giuen all power both in heauen and earth and of whome it is written The Lorde saide vnto my Lorde sitte thou at my right hand vntil I make thine enemyes thy footestoole Be thou ruler in the middest of thine enemyes without whose licence and leaue euen in his humilitie lowest estate the deuils themselues durst not to deale no not against Hogges and swine And therefore beeing now exalted into such glory how dare they be bolde to attempt any thing against the least of his seruantes without speciall licence from himselfe The Familie can finde no such comforte in their counterfaite Christe who setteth and breedeth onely in their braine hatching his reuelations and coyning these such like mysteries ruling ouer no other enemyes neither beeing carefull to kepe of other aduersaries besides the true naturall meaning of the worde of god Thus as you haue hearde hath H.N. stopped the heads of all the wel springs of life taking from vs all the seuerall comfortes which by these Articles of our beliefe we are lawfully intituled vnto sending vs to dig pittes in our selues and there to seeke for this spring of life where by the worde of God wee are well assured it can neuer be founde H.N. The seuenth Article We beleeue that Iesus Christ shal come from thence namely from the right hand of God his father out of heauen to iudge the liuing and the dead Wee confesse that he wil euen so in his cōming shewforth his great power and maiestie and make manifest with him the glorious Lordlines of the many thousands of his holy ones in their garnishing possesse his inheritance with God his father and with al his saintes in triumph and perpetual ioy euerlastingly And iudge euē so with all his holy ones as a righteous Iudge the worlde and all nations generations and languages according to the trueth with righteousnesse Answeare This cōming of Christ to iudge the quicke the dead is by the doctrine of H.N. in this life yea it is euen now in this time whē H.N. and his doctrine are manifested and brought to light Now saith H.N. shal the glorious lordlynesse of the many thousand of his holie ones in their garnishing be made manifest now shal Christ possesse his inheritaunce in triumphe perpetuall ioy euerlastingly and iudge euen so all nations and languages according to the trueth with righteousnesse In his title I haue sufficiprooued that the day of iudgement is in this life if we wil beleeue his doctrine and that it is no other thing then the publishing of this his doctrine Yet because I woulde not haue any sent away vnsatisfied herein I will adde one or two testimonies vnto the former In his Euangelie cap. 34. thus he speaketh of that matter Behold and consider my beloued how wonderfully god worketh in his holie ones and how that now in this day or light of the loue the iudgement seate of Christ is reuealed and declared vnto vs out of heauen to a righteous iudgement vpon earth from the right hand of God how that on the same iudgement seate of Christ that the Scripture might be fulfilled there sitteth one nowe in truth in the habitation of Dauid which iudgeth vprightly thinketh vppon equitie and requireth righteousnesse Through him God will now in this day which he him selfe hath appointed or ordained thereunto iudge the compasse of the earth with righteousnes In which this same day or last time namely in the perfection of the woorkes of God and in his righteous iudgement the God of heauen hath now declared him selfe and his Christ togeather with al his Saints vnto vs his elect also made a dwelling with vs and brought euen so vnto vs out of his holy beeing the most holy of his true tabernacle with the fulnesse of his garishing and spirituall heauenly riches to an euerlasting fast standing Ierusalem and house for Gods dwelling according to the Scripture the which is the very true vndisturbable kingdome ful of all godly power ioy and of al heauēly beautifulnesse wherein the laude of the Lorde with fulnes of eternal life and louely sweetnesse is song from euerlasting to euerlasting and wherein al mindes of pure hartes doe dwell liue and walke with freedom and christian triumphe in al loue He professeth heere that the iudgement seat of Christ is now reuealed in this day of loue that God wil now in this same day through him whom hee hath appointed that is him selfe for this same place and authoritie out of the 17. of the Actes hee hath
the like practise of counterfaiting Papists who make shew of religion hauing sworne hearts to the Pope whose dispensation either they haue or trust in some reconciling reliques and ceremonyes from Rome for these causes I thought it some danger to lay open suche blasphemyes such escapes of an euill and erronious conscience which beginning long agoe in the ancient heretiques the Priscillanistes Montanists Pelagians Anabaptists and Catharists c. and hauing been long time buried in the botome of Hell are not thence to be raked any more Also I thought it almost impossible to meet with such an inconstant and slippery serpent that hath so obscure wordes now to hide and now to conuay her poyson thereby to auoyde the wholesome remedy by the worde and iust punishment by the magistrate But my good brother these my doubts grew from the eye I had to their will and way finding the Serpent so subtile to charme others yet him selfe to shut his care so against the trueth that he will not heare the voyce of the charmer charme hee neuer so wisely and that it is as hard to finde out his way as the way of a Ship that hath sayled through the sea For afterwarde considering that Antichrist did bring as he thought to perfection the mystery of iniquitie in the working force of Satan in all powers and signes and lying woonders and in all deceit of vnrighteousnesse as S. Paul prophesied we in these last ages haue clerely seene and that notwithstanding God hath already almost altogither consumed that man of sin with the spirit of his mouth which is his word preached in the Gospel I acknowledge with praise to God the father in Iesus Christ for that sword of the spirit that two edged swoord that it is able either to heale or to wounde to death all aduersary power be it either in al impietie of heresie or in all corruption of maners Yea if H.N. were freed from all his sinne and washed from all corruption If he in deede were as he is in the fancie of his familie an angell from heauen or by an other transubstantiation more then an archangell or that which they affirme and I dare not write yet teaching otherwise then we haue receiued from the holy Prophets and Apostles he is to be holden accurssed and his Gospell of the kingdom with all other his doctrine to be had in abhomination They that pray are thus to pray against such heresies they that write are so vpon occasion to write and Magistrates are in a zeale of Gods house to put on that minde that the holy trueth may bee exalted and all heresies rooted out to the glory of GOD and the preseruation of his Churche from those damnable waies wherein many not esteeming nor seeking the trueth are sooner destroyed then they can feare destruction Therfore you haue doone wel in the Lord drawing out that sworde of the worde of God to make a separation betweene thought and thought betweene practise and practise betweene secret open paths of errour and contempt betwene ioynts and marrow betwene soule and spirit that all the outgoings escapes and dennes wherein these heresies either lye in waite and worke against the trueth or hide themselues from discouery may be discouered and the bright face of the trueth appeare to the great glory of God ouerthrowing of al error cōuerting those of that family of Loue whom he hath loued and in mercie will conuert deliuering their eyes from blindenesse and feete frō falling and to stay those that might for want of the voice of the trumpet sodenly fal into the enemies hand to be caried away into the miserable captiuitie of those heresies and to the second death that followeth thē as their iust reward Also the Magistrate by such a manifest discouery of those blasphemies against God against his Christ against his worde shall more more see into the great danger of their horrible sect and find necessary cause to ioyne with the worde to cut it off lest in the end they with their brethrē the Anabaptists exalt themselues asmuch against the holy and necessary authoritte of magistrates as they doe already against God and his word by whome Princes raigne receiue their blessed peace and safetie Against which Magistrates this practise they haue vsed and still doe vse abusing their holy place of Iustice they recant in woordes without recantation in heart as I noted before holding it for a rule that they ought not to destroy the Temple of GOD whiche is say they in a grosse and absurde interpretation our body and therefore we will not be brought to persecution and death Making a rule against the rule of Christ and against the most wonderfull practise thereof in him selfe and his holy Martyres who loosing their life heere haue found it in heauen and hauing their bodies burnt to ashes in hope they looke for the ioyful resurrection of the same bodyes at the comming of Iesus Christ Therfore my very good brother I thanke God for your labours praying his maiestie to blesse them that the offenders may see and repent their offence that others yet free may remaine by such instruction free for euer from those and such heresies and may be more more armed against error with the trueth and comforted therein to their saluation Praying also that God would continue with increase that spirit of zeale and wisdome in the heart of our most excellent soueraine the Queene other in authoritie vnder her to represse those fantasticall and erronious spirits being indeed the true succession of those ancient Catharists Puritans who thought themselues not to sinne but actually to bee possessed with absolute holinesse and purenesse For so those thinke of themselues and plainly affirme it of their illuminate elders But howsoeuer they seduce some goodly and zealous men women of honest and godly conuersation placing them at the porch of their Synagogue to make a shewe of holinesse and to stand there as baites and stalles to deceiue others yet alas who can without blushing vtter the shame that is committed in the inwarde roomes and as it were in the heart of that Synagogue of Satan These are the things I haue thought touching the booke and a testimonie of my greate ioy touching the same And besides the good I haue already noted this confutation shal testifie to all ages at large that the blessed gouernment of our gratious soueraigne the Queenes maiestie suffereth neither Papists nor other heretiques to goe vncōfuted or vnpunished howsoeuer first in great abundance of singular clemencie it pleaseth her to seeke their saluation draw on their effectuall conuersation Which blessed fruite of that singular clemencie the Lord God graunt in Christ Iesus and a perfect peace to this Church for euer Amen Yours assuredly in the Lorde W. C. ¶ A Confutation of monstrous and horrible heresies taught by H. N. and imbraced of a number who call them selues the Familie of Loue. ¶ The Title
he take something for their standing other benefit he hath none by them This true essence and being of God which H. N calleth his loue is not according to his doctrine any thing that the Almightie hath proper and peculiar vnto himselfe in that he is God but that which all the faythfull are possessed of and that not in some little measure but so as there dwel liue or rule no other thing in all there spirite thoughtes mind and soule but alone this true godhead with his louely being of the vpright loue For these are his owne words in his first exhortation Chap. 15. and Section 26. The true freedome verily is this that the mā through the ministratiō of the gracious word is wholy released purged or purified frō all wicked nature which hath raigned ouer him that there dwel liue nor rule any other thing in him namely in al his spirit thoughts mind soule but alone the true godhed with his louely being of the vpright loue yea to be so wholy replenished with all vertues of God that there flow nothing in him but the spirituall heauenly and liuing waters And because H.N. his doctrine tendeth to establish a kinde of loue which in his opinion is the true beeing diuinitie and deitie of God therefore he calleth also his counsell and instruction this true being For thus he speaketh in his first exhortation Chapiter 12. Section 54. If yee stand minded to feare the Lorde to bee obedient to his lawe that passeth foorth presently out of the true Sion his word that passeth forth presently out of the heauēly Ierusalem giue ouer your selues after my counsaile and instruction according to it al as the Lord hath reuealed the true being vnto me out of Sion and Ierusalem wholy and altogither so will I then in like maner euen out of the heartie loue stand seruiseable so much as I may in the Lorde vnto you dayly and at all times thervnto to the end you should feare the highest God and might learne to knowe his righteousnesse For his righteousnesse is the loue the true being and the euerlasting life Speaking as you heare of his doctrine and exhorting them to the imbracing thereof hee calleth it the true being when hee sayeth according as the Lorde hath reuealed the true being vnto mee And in the ende he concludeth that the righteousnesse which he teacheth is the loue the true beeing and the euerlasting life So that the Deitie and beeing which H. N. giueth vnto GOD is no other then that which mortall men attaine vnto For the righteousnesse which they perfourme by his doctrine is as he sayeth the loue the true being and euerlasting life And forasmuch as this true being is no other thing with him then that loue which by his doctrine manie are made partakers off therefore in the beginning of his Euangelie H.N. affirmeth himselfe to be godded with God in the spirite of his loue and likewise sayeth that he was the true light of the perfect being And in his first exhortation Chapter 17. Section 5. The Childe confesseth of the Father and eldest Elder that the moste highest hath reuealed the possession of his moste excellent Maiestie in him and that with the same being of the perfect Godhead he hath made a godly dwelling with him This doctrine doeth vtterly ouerthrow the true diuinitie deitie of God it robbeth him of his true essence and beeing and couereth him with no other essence nature or being then is found in man it setteth the creator among the creatures and it matcheth the the creature with the creator The Lord if it be his good wil open their eyes that they may see it giue them harts that may blush and be ashamed of such blasphemie that e●that they may receiued in true repentance or otherwise if they will still harden their hearts that wee may see them laid downe in their confusion and couered with their owne shame H.N. In which name of the father wee are plucked Section 3 thorowe the seruice of his holie and gratious word vnder the obedience of the law of the Lorde of the beliefe of Iesu Christ and of the loue of the holie ghost by the father to the loue of his onely sonne Iesu or Sauiour the very like beinge or substaunce of his Godhed and euen so baptised or washed in the same name of the father Which plucking of the father and baptising in Section 4 the fathers name hath the foregoing by vs in the administration of the holie word vnder the obedience of the loue with the Law or ordinaunce of the Lorde And with his correction or discipline wherewithall we euen so as in an enmitie against the sinne beecome preuented and infourmed to an incorporating in the godlie righteousnesse For euen so in the becomming baptised in the name Section 5 of the father doth the Lord chastise or nurtur with his lawe euery man which hee plucketh or receiueth vnto him where through it becommeth than all made manifest in the man whatsoeuer becommeth chastised by the light or through the light Section 6 Through which fatherlie discipline in the becomming manifest of the sinne we are in seeing perceiuing in the light all the horriblenes of the sinne togither with Deuils and the fleshes lying craftie deceitful or false nature and Gods indignation and wrath ouer the same ouer all such as are of one minde therwith Section 7 When we nowe finde our selues guiltie in al and become in such sorte chastised by Gods grace through his light of the fatherlie loue so beare wee at that time greife sorrowe and anguish or affliction for the sinnes cause and confessing the same sinnes with humble heartes in the seruice of the holie word vnder the obedience of the loue of the father wee become wholy inclined and goodwilling to hate to leaue and to lay away or to mortifie the sinnes and all what is vngodly and to that effect we doe as than wholly giue ouer our selues in the counsaile of the holie worde and of the elders in the seruice of the loue To the ende that God the fathers name according to the requiring of the seruice of his loue might become hallowed and magnified in vs. Section 8 And euen so in the familie or communalty of the Loue wee obtaine grace and fauour before God the father and his sonne Iesu Christ become through the seruice of the holy woorde and of the fatherlie correction kepte and led foorth euen vnto Iesus Christ the sonne of GOD the father For to become iustified released or made free through the name of the sonne vnto whom God the father hath giuen all power both in heauen earth from the sinne ▪ and from her kingdom of the death of the Deuill and of all wicked spirites namely to our preseruation in the godlinesse in the
and minde with the vpright righteousnesse and holinesse For this is the right procreation to the renewing of the spirit and minde of the beleeuers and is also the true newe Testament which God hath promised to errect with his people which new Testament is the very true that God himself witnesseth in his people which are obedient vnto him out of faith in the seruice of his worde and bringeth euen so vnto them in the spirite of their minde the true God seruice of the spirituall and heauenly goodes and writeth according to his godly and heauenly trueth his lawe institutions and rites in the beeing of their inwarde minde In such sorte worketh the Lorde the holie one in Israel and bringeth forth euen so his children sonnes daughters seruants and handmaidens vpon which he in these last dayes poureth forth his spirit and remembreth no more their sinnes for they are a reconciled people vnto him which doe in all his wil. Beholde and consider such is the newe testament with his children for that same newe Testament is in his children the heauen the seate of the most hyest also spirit and life for that cause it is with his children heauenly spirituall and liuingly minded which children of the new testament loue not the worlde nor that which is in the worlde in asmuch as that the newe testament is wholy and altogether of God also the loue the life and the vpright beeing of the holie Ghost it selfe The state of his young scholers which he calleth the beliefe inasmuch as they hope for the perfection becommeth as hee saith with childe through the holy Ghoste and bringeth foorth a new creature according to the very like beeing of the heauenly Godhead and illuminateth the beleuers in their spirit and minde with the vpright righteousnesse and holinesse He calleth his doctrine likewise The true new testament all those vpon whom the spirit is powred forth in this sorte now in these last dayes he affirmeth of them that the Lord remembreth their sinnes no more rendring this reason because they are a reconciled people vnto him which doin all his wil. He affirmeth heere in like maner that these his children of the new testament loue not the worlde nor the things in the world and will haue this to be the cause and occasion thereof for that the new testament is wholy and altogither of God the loue the life the vpright being of the holie Ghost it selfe of such vertue operation that so sone as a man hath had a few receites therof all his worldly humours are forthwith voided thereby and he as cleare purged of them as if hee neuer had beene infected with them and which is yet more he sayth that this new testament is in his children the heauen the seate of the most highest also spirit and life for they be his owne words euen in this place You see then according to the doctrine of H.N. that our obedience whervnto we be brought by it beareth our sinnes in vs because when in all things wee doe his will wee stande as a people fully reconciled vnto our God and therefore wholy and altogether discharged of all daunger for our former sinnes For according to this doctrine when once we haue ceased to sinne sinne likewise ceaseth to lay anie thing to our charge and thus this obedience beareth our sinnes in vs This doctrine is confirmed by the Prophet Esay in his 53. Chapter if we will beleeue H.N. for that place is alledged by him for it Wherin he plainly bewrayeth vnto al the worlde that the spirite of darkenesse euen palpable blindnesse doth possesse him For if a man should come prepared to speake agaynst that poynt of hauing our sinnes answered and borne in our selues it were not possible to speake more plainly and more effectually against it then doeth the Prophet in that place For is it possible to adde anie thing plainer then this speach We like sheepe haue gone astray we haue turned euery one to his owne way and the Lord hath layd vpon him the iniquitie of vs all he was wounded for our transgressions he was broken for our iniquitie the chastisement of our peace was vpon him and with his stripes wee are healed Such grosse blindnesse is a iust punishment from God vpon thē which are offended and stumble at the cleare light that nowe shineth in the Gospel and so blinde guides are meete Scholemaisters for so manie as loue darkenesse more then light Could H.N. the seede of Satan iustifie our sinnes to be borne in our selues as from the Prophet euen in that place where he in plaine wordes sayeth that the iniquitie of vs all are laide vppon another if the Prince of darkenesse had not bereft him of al iudgement and pulled cleane out of his heade the eyes of vnderstanding We did iudge him to haue beene plagued of God saith the Prophet but it is cleare and out of all doubt he hath borne our infirmities and caried our sorrowes Neither is the Prophet more plaine in this case then is the Apostle Paule in the Epistle to the Romaines where he setteth the righteosnesse of one man for the making of many righteous against the disobedience of one vnto the making of manie sinners Can the righteousnesse of one man make manie righteous if this doctrine of H.N. be true that our sinnes are borne in our selues and our righteousnesse not layde vp in another for vs but resteth in our owne breastes within vs In the second Epistle to the Corinthes the Apostle doeth yet more plainly declare himselfe to haue a contrarie spirite to H.N. in that hee is flatte contrarie in speach For he affirmeth Christ to be a sinner in vs and vs to be righteous in him our sinnes to be imputed vnto him and his righteousnesse to be reckoned ours our sinnes to be borne in him and so he to be made sinne for vs and we righteousnesse in him For he made him to bee sinne for vs sayth the Apostle which knewe no sinne that we should be made the righteousnesse of God in him If he be made sinne for vs then are not our sinnes borne in vs if we be righteous before God or the righteousnes of God in him then not in vs but in him are our transgressions both borne and buried and our righteousnesse wholie and altogither purchased If the Sacrifices for sinne appointed to make reconciliation had beene eaten as were other then H N. and other heretikes shoulde haue had some colour to bleare the eyes of their Disciples withall touching this doctrine to haue their sinnes borne in them and their righteousnesse wrought by themselues but the sacrifices for sinne whose blood was brought into the tabernacle of the Congregation to make reconciliation in the holie place beeing figures of that alone Sacrifice by Christe by expresse woordes were forbidden to bee eaten and receyued into men Wherein the holie Ghost no doubt made a special Prouiso against this daungerous doctrine
with him that the Scripture might be fulfilled which sayeth he was counted among the wicked they parted his apparell among them by lottes that it might bee fulfilled likewise whiche was spoken by the Prophete They parted my garments among them and vpon my vesture did they cast lottes So that it is euident hee was that true Christe in whom the Scriptures became accomplished and beside him there is none to be looked for but false Prophets and false Christes H. N. And that he likewise vnder the obediēce of the loue of his father is gone before vs therein for that wee shoulde in like manner follow after him vnder the obedience of his loue in his death of the crosse to the safemakinge of vs from our sinnes become incorporated to hym with his like death and baptized or washed vnder the obedience of the beliefe in his name or safemaking and bury euen so through the beliefe the old man which is destroying through the lustes of errour to the forgeuing and releasing of our sinnes through his name or safemaking to the end that we might euen so through Iesus Christ obteyne the renuing of our spirit and mind in an vpright life and the resurrection from the dead with Christ in the appearing of his maiestie for when as we in suche sort become incorporated as fellowe members of Christ into the bodie of Christ so is Christ then in like maner a Sauiour of his bodie or of his people from their sinnes according to the Scripture And this is the vpright christian Baptisme in the name of the Sonne and is the true forgeuenesse and purging of our sinnes through Iesus Christ Answeare THis following of Christ in his death of the Crosse which H N. requireth of vs to the safemaking of vs from our sinnes declareth that hee is as ignorant of true fruite and effect of Christ his death as before he hath bewrayed himselfe to bee of the trueth and true maner of his suffering For the death of Christ vppon the Crosse was a sacrifice for our sinne of that excellencie that it coulde not be imitated of any man and of that sufficiencie that it needed not by imitation to be reiterated According as we reade in the Epistle to the Hebrues in these words Such an high Priest it became vs to haue which is holy harmelesse vndefiled seperate from sinners and made higher thē the heauēs who needed not daily as those high Priestes to offer vppe sacrifice first for his owne sinnes and then for the peoples for that did he once when he offered vp himselfe Before hee doeth declare touching Christ the true high priest that his once offering of himself was sufficiēt for the sins of his people that he needed not as the Priestes vnder the law to offer often he telleth vs of his excellencie that he was separate frō sinners made higher then the heauens that we should cease to make any questiō seyng the person was of that dignitie why the once offering vp of himselfe shoulde be of suche force and efficacie to wipe away the sinnes of so manie This doctrine is H.N. and his family vtterly ignoraunt of they see no reason why the sacrifice and obedience of one man shoulde discharge and aunsweare for the sinnes of an other and therefore saith H.N. in this place that we likewise shoulde followe Christe in the death of his Crosse to the safemaking of vs from our sinnes when notwithstanding in playne woordes it is written that wee are sanctified by the once offering of the bodie of Iesus Christ Where it is playnely prooued that the sacrifices vnder the law were therefore conuict of imperfection and made vnable to satisfie for sinne because they were reiterated and yeare by yeare offered For as it is written in that Chapter If the sacrifices vnder the lawe had sanctified the cōmers therunto they woulde then haue ceassed to haue bene offered for where remission is of sinne there is no more offering for sinne they being once purged shoulde haue had no more conscience of sinnes So that by the reason of the holy Ghost in this place there is no remission of sinne to bee looked for by the suffering and death of H. N. his Christ because it is often renewed and continually reiterated For euery one of that familie is to suffer with Christ the like death of the Crosse And as the true sacrifice for sinne was but one to declare the sufficiencie and perfection thereof so the true Sacrificer for sinne to argue his abilitie had none to take his place after him in that worke in respect whereof Christ hath the prerogatiue aboue the Priests vnder the lawe who because they could not liue alwayes had others to succeede them in that function Wheras he enduring for euer hath the office for euer remaining to himself alone according as it is written to the Hebrues And among them speaking of the Priestes vnder the law many were made Priestes because they were not suffered to endure by reason of death But this mā because he endudureth euer hath a Priesthood which cānot passe from one vnto another Whereby it appeareth playnely that the true Christ can haue none to follow him eyther in the office or in the offering for sinne And therfore this doctrine of H. N. which telleth vs that we are to follow Christ in his like death of the Crosse to the safemaking of vs from our sins disagreeth no lesse with the trueth thē doth light with darkenes It is at open warre with the doctrine of iustification which is left vnto vs in the worde of God for the Apostle prooueth that we are righteous by fauour freely geuen vs from God and not by any dutie or desert that is comming vnto vs in the right of our workes grounding his reason vppon the phrase and fourme of Speache which the Scripture vseth in this matter when the righteousnesse euen of Abraham and Dauid men who of all other were best stored of good woorkes is of purpose discussed touching this point Where because hee findeth it written of Abraham that hee beleeued and that was imputed or reckoned vnto him for righteousnes And that Dauid describing a blessed man sayth Hee is blessed to whom the Lord imputeth not sinne Hee pronounceth plainely that our righteousnesse commeth of fauour and not of duetie because wee doe not vse this woorde imputing or accepting when it is duety in the man answering but onely when it is a free gratifiyng For the wages that are growing vnto vs for our woorkes are called due debt and claymed in equitie by iust title and when they shall truely pay them yet is that no more but duetie which proceedeth from them But fauour and and friendship ruled in the matter when Abraham was iustified because the scripture saith he was accepted or reckoned righteous bringing nothing with him beside faith that is a resting in the gracious good will
resurrection and inherite euerlasting life Answere All the comfort that H. N. doeth assure his familie of by the resurrection of their Christ is that such as shall become obedient vnto his doctrine which thing he expresseth in these woordes such as indeuour themselues in the beliefe vnder the obedience of the loue of Iesus Christ to become implanted into Christ the gracious woorde of the Lord for Christ as you haue heard before signifieth somtimes nothing else with H. N. but this worde and doctrine which he hath brought into the worlde shall by this their slaying and burying of sinne in the flesh become renued in the spirite of their minde obteyne and inioy the resurrection or as he speaketh the making aliue from the deade and inherite the euerlasting life But wee haue not thus learned Christ so manie as haue beene taught out of the woorde of God the truth of him and the true fruite of his resurrection For as Christ Iesus died in our sinnes and went downe into the graue in our iniquities inasmuch as it was our sinnes and no offence of his owne that drewe him vnto death so his resurrection was the perfect absolution and clearing of the faithfull from al their transgressions For had one sinne of his seruants bene vnsatisfied for neither woulde death haue resigned hir right who had arested him as suretie for sinne neither would the righteous Lord by raising him from the dead bringing him out of the danger that he lay vnder for our sinnes haue giuen sentence on his side so iustified vs in him Which thing the apostle cōfirmeth triumphing ouer condēnation not onely because we haue discharged it by his death but also because we haue our Quietus est acquittance to shew for the same euen his resurrectiō Who shal lay any thing to the charge of god his chose It is God that iustifieth who shal cōdēne it is Christ that is dead yea or rather which is risē againe And likewise the same apostle in his epistle to the Corin. affirmeth plainly that if Christ be not risen from the dead we haue nothing to shewe for our discharge against sinne but do remaine yet vnder the danger thereof And in the Epistle to the Romanes he declareth also that wee are by his resurrection cleared from our sinnes and they nowe no longer imputed vnto vs And therefore when he had before declared that not only Abraham his faith was imputed vnto him for righteousnesse but also that ours shal be imputed vnto vs hee telleth vs more particularly how this commeth to passe to wit because Christe who was deliuered to death for our sinnes is risen againe for our iustification For as God the father in deliuering Christ vnto death did cast all our sinnes vpon him and condemned our sinnes in him so in raysing him frō the dead he iustified and absolued him vs in him inasmuch as but for vs neither sinne nor death could haue any thing to doe with him from all our sinnes and trāsgressions whatsoeuer Now if the Lorde had let him make an escape who was in holde for our sinnes inasmuch as he had once taken vpon hym to satisfie for the same or wrougt his deliuerance and set him at libertie before a ful sufficient satisfaction had bene made then coulde not himselfe haue bene cleared of iniurye offred vnto vs nor his Iustice haue bene vnspotted euen before vs which if once wee suffer to enter but into our thoughtes it maketh vs giltye of high treason against our god This doctrine therefore of H. N. who will haue our dying vnto synne not onelie to preuent but also to procure our rising vnto righteousnesse not mencioning any other benefite that wee haue from Christ his resurrectiō beside the example that is set before vs for our imitation and following after him in the same is at defiance and vtter enmitie with the trueth which is taught in the word of god For Christ his resurrection which H. N. maketh so small an accounpt of not onelie is our iustification from the giltinesse and daunger of sinne but also the head and wel spring of al that righteousnes holinesse and newenes of life that is to be founde ni the conuersation of his seruāts And therfore the Apostle in the 2. to the Ephe. doth fetch our rising vnto righteousnesse frō Christ his resurrection and ioyning them togither speaketh thus God which is rich in mercie euen when we were deade by sinnes hath quickened vs togither in Christ and hath raysed vs vp togither And accordingly to the Collosians draweth his exhortation vnto newnesse of life from the resurrection of Christ as from the fountaine from the which floweth the reformation of our life If ye thē be risen with Christ saith the Apostle seeke those thinges which are aboue where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God set your affection on things that are aboue and not on thinges which are on the earth Which thing is also confirmed out of the Ephesians where we doe reade that the large and liberall distribution of his graces did followe his resurrection and ascention when that notable victorie and conquest ouer sinne death was fully accomplished The resurrection therfore of Christ according to the trueth of his worde is not onely our discharge against sinne but the fountaine and spring also of all that chaūge of life and conuersation which is to be seene in his seruants But according to this doctrine of H.N. it is neither our discharge against sinne nor yet the beginning of our good life therfore without mention either of iustification from sinne by it or viuification and quickening in the wayes of righteousnesse we are sent to make warre with our affections according to the rules of his doctrine that so wee may obteine the resurrection from the deade and the renewing of our spirit and minde So that we haue nothing in H.N. his Creed to be beleeued but many things in our conuersation to be practised nothing to leaue vnto that was once doone by him but al that we may trust to must proceede from our selfe Touching this poynt Whether our dying vnto sin doe both preuent and purchase the renewing of our minde it hath beene answeared in the article immediatly going before H. N. The sixt Article We beleeue that this same Iesus like as the Scripture mencioneth thereof is ascended into Heauen sitting at the right hand of God his almightie Father We confesse that he hath taken in the heauen and reigneth and ruleth essentially in the heauenly beeing with his father vntill that all his enemyes be layde vnder his fete and that he in like maner shall in euery behalfe take in the kingdome and all dominion and power and render it all ouer vnto his father that God may euen so be all in all according to the promises Answeare This confessor H. N. acknowledgeth and confesseth that this same Iesus of
of the heauenly goods which are administred and brought thorow the seruice of loue to an euerlasting perfection vnto the vpright of heart and wherin al vnperfect or childish things Images figures and shadowes do ceasse becommeth nowe in this present day O ye louers of the truth euangelized and declared vnto you all and thereto also yee all so well as we were created for to liue therein and are called and bidden vnto the same out of the grace and mercie of God by me H. N. in whom God hath sealed the dwelling of his glorie and his holie name Wee are taught out of the worde of God to beleeue and assuredly to looke for the resurrection of this our flesh which by death is taken downe and layde into the dust For by that league and couenant wherein the Lord standeth bound vnto vs to become our God he hath not onely taken our soule but our fleshe and bodie also into his fatherly protection and that not for the time of this life alone but in like maner for the life to come And therefore our Sauiour Christ Iesus by these words of the couenant proueth that the dead shal rise againe yea that Abraham who had bene alreadie partaker of rising from sinne in truth the shadow whereof H.N. vrgeth for the rising againe of the flesh should haue yet an other resurrection which is to rise vp in flesh and bone to inherite euerlasting comfort as well in bodie as in soule For as the godly doe glorifie GOD here vpon earth both in bodie and soule so shall they likewise be glorified of him in both in the life to come And this is an article of our beliefe and especiall comfort left vnto Christians But how can it be that H.N. should be priuie vnto these such like comfortes who is vtterly ignoraunt of Christ the procurer of thē The Apostle Paule whose conuersation was in heauen and therefore already possessed of the rising from sinne looked notwithstanding for this resurrection of the bodie when it should be chaunged and made like vnto the glorious bodie of Iesus Christ as it is written in the Epistle to the Philippians But our cōuersation is in heauen from whence also wee looke for the sauiour euen the Lord Iesus Christ who shall chaunge our vile bodies that it may be fashioned like vnto his glorious bodie according to the working whereby hee is able euen to subdue all things vnto himselfe It is manifest then by this which hath bene spoken that the resurrectiō of the bodie cannot be drowned as H.N. his doctrine doeth teach vs in the rising from sinne and wickednesse And beside in this short abstract of the principal points of our faith is it possible to perswade any man that one and the same thing shoulde bee the matter and argument of sundrie articles Now by the doctrine of H.N. this article is the same in effect with those of Christ his rising the third day frō the dead his ascending into heauē his sitting at the right hand of God his father yea it is the same in meaning with those of the holy ghost the holy catholike Church the cōmunion of Saints the forgiuenes of sinnes For all these be nothing else besides that estate of life which his doctrine doeth describe to bee the louely being and that estate of perfection which his illuminate elders bee possessed of What cause haue all true hearted Christians to crie out agaynst this doctrine which shrinketh vp so manie and speciall comfortes so proper and peculiar vnto them H. N. The .xij. Article And we beleeue one euerlasting life Amen We confesse that the same euerlasting life is a true light of men and that God hath made and chosen him the man hereto that hee shoulde liue in the same light euerlastingly it is verie true Answere This euerlasting life which H. N. speaketh of is no other thing then that doctrine which he professeth And therfore he calleth it a true light of men according as we haue heard before in his title that in respect of this doctrine he chalengeth vnto him selfe to bee called the true light of the perfect being alledging the same place that here is cited for proofe thereof But least some might say that this place is not plaine inough to warrant this to be their opinion let vs heare himself open his owne meaning more at large These are his owne wordes in the 34. Chapter of his Euangelie Section 4. In this same day or last time namely in the perfection of the workes of God in his righteous iudgement the God of heauē hath now declared himself his christ together with al his saints to vs his elect also made a dwelling with vs brought euen so vnto vs out of his holy being the most holie of his true tabernacle with the fulnes of his garnishing and spiritual heauenly riches to an euerlasting fast standing Ierusalem and house for Gods dwelling according to the Scripture the which is the verie true vndisturbable kingdome full of all godly power ioy and of all heauenly beautifulnesse wherin the land of the lord with fulnesse of eternall life and louely sweetenesse is sung from euerlasting to euerlasting and wherein all mindes of pure heartes doe dwell liue and walke with freedome and Christian triumph in all loue This day of loue is with him as you heare the last time and therefore nowe doeth God make his dwelling with vs and bringeth the fulnesse of his spiritual riches And this kingdome as he sayeth here is the verie true vndisturbable kingdome full of all godly ioy and heauenly beautifulnes wherein is the fulnesse of eternall life He calleth it the eternall life because this doctrine must reigne on earth for euer and therefore in his exposition vpon this Article he doeth not affirme that anie one man shall liue in the same light euerlastingly but speaking indefinitely sayeth the man shall liue in it euerlastingly because there shall bee from hencefoorth in all times hereafter men founde that shall walke in perfecte obedience vnto this Doctrine It appeareth likewise out of his Euangelie that he professeth euerlasting life to be nothing else but his doctrine So that to liue in perfect obedience vnto that is no other thing then to liue in the life euerlasting in that light that shineth therein And it is therefore called euerlasting because it shal be professed for euer and no religion preuaile against it These bee his owne woordes Euangelie 37.13 Therefore also is this day or light of the loue with his seruice in the most holie the last day and the perfection or conclusion of all the workes of God in the which God himselfe with his Christ and with all the thousandes of his Saintes as in the moste holy of his true tabernacle appeareth and commeth vnto the beleeuers and obedient ones to the requiring of his worde to an eternall rest of his holy ones and to a godly consolation for all afflicted
there is no lewdenes nor frowardnesse in them they are al plaine to him that wil vnderstand streight to him that would finde knowlege Which thing also is confirmed in the last verse of the Prophet O sea wherevnto accordeth Augustine Diuinitus visum est vt sacra oracula simplici perspicuo exararentur dictionis genere ne praetendere quisquā possit nihil a se in illis intelligi It was thought good vnto almighty God that the Scriptures shoulde be penned in a simple and plaine kinde of speache least any man might pretende that hee coulde vnderstande nothing in them And in the same place hee speaketh yet more playnely vnto the same ende in these woordes Modus ipse dicendi quo sacra Scriptura contexitur ea quae aperta sunt quasi amicus Familiaris sine fuco ad cor loquitur indoctorum atque doctorum ea vero quae in mysteriis occultat nec ipse eloquio superbo eregit quo non audeat accedere mens tardiuscula inerudita quasi paupet ad diuitem sed inuitat omnes humili sermone quos non solum manifesta pascat sed etiam secreta exerceat veritate hoc in promptis quod in reconditis habens sed ne apertè fastiderentur eadem rursus operta desiderantur desiderata quodāmomodo renouantur renouata suauiter intimantur Augustine affirmeth in these woordes that the fourme of speaking with the Scripture vseth euen in the parables and darkest places thereof creepeth so lowe vppon the grounde that not onely an vnlearned man but euen a dull heade may reache vnto it And touching the matter conteyned in those parables and darke speaches hee affirmeth it to be no other then that which is in plaine wordes deliuered elsewhere in the Scripture neither hath the holie Ghost any other meaning in speaking that darkely and in parables which before was deliuered in plaine speache as hee saith but to keepe contempt from the woorde which through our corruption continuall plainnesse and familiaritie casteth vppon it and that we might so bring a newe and fresh desire and appetite vnto the same thing which in an other forme commeth as it were a newe and freshe vnto vs. Now as for H N. hee is farre from this lowe stile that creepeth in the most difficult matters vpon the grounde for when hee is the lowest most neere vnto vs he is at the least soaring in the middle region of the ayre and verie often a man shall not meete with him no not if hee were rapte into the thirde heauen so mysticall is his meaning Whereby we may easily see and perceiue that H.N. is not guided and conducted with that spirite who hath penned the Scriptures in so playne and simple a stile as inuiteth euen the simplest sort to resort thither As H.N. doth imitate ancient Heretiks in Allegories so doeth he likewise in his darke and straunge forme of spelaking Marcitae a kinde of Heretikes whō Augustine maketh mencion of in his booke of heresies who affirmed themselues to be perfect and wherein H. N. is a faithfull follower of them denied the resurrection of the bodie did with a darke and straunge stile so astonie the simple people that woondering at the matter because it was aboue their capacitie they yeelded vnto it as vnto an oracle lately come from heauen Touching the stile which the first Authour thereof one Marcus vsed thus I finde it written Obscurissime quibusdam verborum tanquā mysteriorum inuolucris vtens loquebatur de Deo vt stuperent audientes homines potius quam intelligerent Hebreae quoque linguae fuit peritus itaque vocabulis Hebraeis Graecis hominibus exoticis deliria sua tegebat He did speake darkely and vsed such a wrapping kinde of woordes that the hearers were rather astonied with the strangenes of the words then edified with any vnderstanding they had of the meaning therof and his heresies and doating dreames he couered with Hebrue Greeke words among thē who were ignorāt of of these tongues Who seeth not here the playne picture of H. N. both in the darkenesse of his writing and in the making of al his misteries w are coyned by a certain foolish doting deriuation of names from the Hebrues The Libertines likewise had a picked kinde of speache which one thing that worthie instrument in Christ his Church Master Caluine did so mislike of as being an infallible note of iugling and craftie conueying that hee willeth al men to cut them of here at the first eyther to haue them leaue their pedlars Frenche speaking playnely and simply as the Scripture doeth or else to let them talke vnto themselues as men not meete to haue any audience among those schollers who haue bene trayned vp in the playne and simple teaching of the Scriptures FINIS A Confutation of the doctrine of Dauid George and H. N. the father of the Familie of loue By M. Martyn Micronius Minister of the woorde in the Dutche Churche at London vnder Edward the vi of blessed memory King of England taken out of his booke concerning holy assemblies whiche hee wrote in Latine a litle before his death at Nord in East Freeslande which also afterwards M. Nicholas Carinaeus set foorth publiquely in printe certaine thinges being added vnto it translated woorde for woorde into Englishe IT is not fayth but a certaine faithlesse and arrogant falling awaye from GOD and a meere deceipt of the Deuil to faine that Idolatrie superstition and outwarde vices are free and pure vnto them which vnder the pretence of a certaine fayth and inwarde puritie boast that they knowe no sinne in the heart Into which gulfe of execrable errour are fallen not onely those which are commonly called Libertines and those that follow Dauid George who reiecting Iesus Christ foolishly fained vnto him selfe a certaine immortalitie in this earth which he hoped to purchase with the sword for those that were his but in vaine they beeing already dead buried but also those euyll Chickens which are hatched of that euyll egge who this daye deceiue the worlde vnder the amiable title of a certaine peace gloriyng that they haue founde the house and region of loue in which all differences of good euil being taken away al things besides loue are free Out of which house of peace they feine it lawfull for theirs to goe into the regions of the worlde and as they say safely to goe through them which is that they may colourably and dissemblingly applie thēselues to the manners wordes and deedes of al other men which yet belong not to that house of peace Heereof it commeth that they mocke in their minds and contemne all separation from the impure sacrifices and ceremonies of the Romish Churche and so consequently all waightie profession of any religion and outwardly ioyne them selues to all religious and wicked factes vnlesse they bee witheld from thence through the feare of daunger or some hope of commoditie But howe execrable this errour is