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A02919 The faith of the church militant moste effectualie described in this exposition of the 84. Psalme, by that reuerend pastor, and publike professor of Gods word, in the famous vniuersitie of Hassine in Denmarke, Nicholas Hemmingius. A treatise written as to the instruction of the ignorant in the groundes of religion, so to the confutation of the Iewes, the Turkes, atheists, Papists, heretiks, and al other aduersaries of the trueth whatsoeuer. Translated out of Latine into English, &c. by Thomas Rogers. Hemmingsen, Niels, 1513-1600.; Rogers, Thomas, d. 1616. 1581 (1581) STC 13059; ESTC S118432 286,633 582

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and allowe mixed Venerie which the lawes of Mahomet doe The fourth It is impossible that that religion is of God which placeth the chiefest happines in the pleasures of meate drinke Venerie which Mahomet doeth euidentlie The fift That is the true religion which sheweth the meanes whereby à man may attaine vnto felicitie wherby à man becommeth as it were one thing with God y e image of God wherevnto he was made being repared in him which the lawe of Mahomet doth not The sixt whatsoeuer springeth of fraud is defended by force and crueltie and tendeth vnto the destruction of mankinde is not wrought by God and what else I beseech you maie be found in Mahomet The seuenth That is the most auncient and best religion which hath the consent of al times and the testimonies of Moses of the Prophetes of Christ and of the Apostles But with this y e pestilence of Mahomet sprūgvp 900. yeares sithence spred abroad by blodie warre is at extreme variance Therefore there is no doubt but the auctor of the same is he which slielie deceaued our first parentes and brought mankinde into these miseries from whence it can not escape vnlesse it apprehende Christ by the hande that is vnlesse by faith it rest-vppon Iesus Christ the onelie mediator Last of al it is good to think-vpon comfortes against the rage of Mahomet power of the Turkes The first whereof may be taken out of the Prophecie which Daniel subioineth to y e prophecies of the Empire of the Turkes The Kingdome saith he and dominion and the greatnesse of the kingdome vnder the whole heauen shal be giuen to the holie people of the most high whose kingdome is an euerlasting kingdome and al powers shal serue and obey him God by this prophecie doeth signifie howe the sainctes after the troubles of this life shal enioie an euerlasting and heauenly kingdome so that al things shal be in subiection to them And then shal it fal-out that euerie knee both of things in heauen and things in earth things vnder the earth shal bow to Iesus and that either willinglie as children or perforce as seruants For al thinges must confesse that Iesus Christ is the soueraigne Lord. Nowe forsomuch as we see the euent to haue answered to other prophecies of Daniel we maie not doubt of the euent of this prophecie which as-yet is loked for touching the glorie of the Church The second consolation may be fetcht frō●ie doctrine of the Gospel which declareth howe the Church in this life is euermore subiect to the crosse according to these wordes Iudgement must begin at the house of God For the children of God in this life through the prouidence of God are chastised and that for manie causes which afterward wee wil declare The third consolation may be taken from the example of Christ who so long as he liued in this worlde was diuerslie afflicted notwithstanding he ouercame thē al through death found life Hitherto the examples of the sainctes are to be referred The fourth consolation maie be fetcht from the vse of persecution and from the necessitie of the crosse but of these thinges wee shal haue occasion to speake more in the opening of the sixt verse CHAP. 9. Against the superstitious Muscouites THE Muscouites although they beleeue Iesus the sonne of the virgin Marie to be the verie Messiah and acknowledge the Patriarch of Constantinople and thinke more rightlie of some pointes than Papistes do for they charge the Bishop of Rome with defection from the seuen first synodes yet haue they lost the puritie of the doctrine of the Gospel and are ignorant of the true seruing of God For they cal-vpon sainctes and chieflie vpon one Nicholas they haue manie monasteries of Nunnes and Monkes they tie the remissiō of their sinnes to certaine folish ceremonies they fal-downe superstitiouslie before idoles and images and haue manie lawes contrarie to the law of nature of the ten-commandementes And albeit they minister baptisme without salt and spittle yet for al that more superstitiously than either Iewes or Ethnikes they vse diuerse washings as baptisme at certaine times of the yeare Likewise they disalowe not the horrible mixture with beast So that if there be any Church among them it lurketh in bannishment as it were Merchantes report how the Bible is trāslated newelie into their language and howe such as embrace the Augustane confession are suffered to be among them Whereby there is some hope that by little and little their doctrine may be purged and their manners amended especialie seeing euen they them selues doe take longer nauigations than in times passed they haue done and manie strangers come vnto them for traffique sake So that we may hope that in time they maie be brought to Christ through godlie merchantes by whome the Lorde in these later daies hath begunne marueilouslie to spead-abroad the Gospel CHAP. 10. Against the idolatrous Papistes FOrsomuch as afterwarde by occasion of the third verse we shal entreat of the threfolde state of the Church in this life namelie à quiet troubled and bannished also of the outwarde markes and inwarde properties of the true Church I wil put-of this disputation against the Papistes till I come vnto that place where I wil shewe how the forme of the Papistical gouernement is cleane contrarie to the forme of the kingdom of Christ howe the doctrine of the law of the Gospel and of the seruice of God is foulie corrupted in the Popedome howe the sacramentes are partlie mangled partly defiled with humaine traditions and augmented contrarie vnto the worde of God how many foolish and ridiculous ceremonies are not receaued onely but preferred also before the holie scripture how the discipline both of the cleargie and of the Church is vtterlie decaied finalie howe al thinges are ful of abhominable superstitions and idolatrous worshippinges that no man with à cleare conscience maie ioine himselfe to their companie CHAP. 11. Against voluptuous worldlinges Epicures or Atheistes The Epicures secretlie to themselues deride al religion whose hearts the God of this world by his craft and subtletie hath bewitched They saie that nations are gouerned by the shewe of religion euen as horses are by the bridle and spurres and that religion serues to that ende and for nothing else But this weakeneth not the power and nature of religion but rather confirmeth the same For it sheweth howe God himselfe hath ingraffed à care of religion within the heartes of men that euen by the shewe of religion men may be guided as by the face of virtue and arte of wisedome Nowe if any doe saie without wisedome assemblies of men cannot be gouerned and maintained what may ensue Therefore that wisedome is nothing at al who can so gather of the same yea rather y t wisedome is à great force light and power of mans wit So that man is
church who parteth a sunder y e vnitie of the Church by the manifolde orders of Friers who winketh at the monstrous impuritie of Clergie men by vsing no discipline who is an example himselfe to al the worlde of wickednes and vnholie conuersation Furthermore by the name of Tabernacles we are put in mind of the Churches peregrination and wandering from one place vnto another vntil she come vnto her true countrie For as tabernacles or tentes of war be remoued hether and thether so the Churche of GOD in this life hath no sure and quiet abode but often is compelled to change her seate This pilgrimage wherebie in deede euerie man as Augustine doth saie is à pilgrime in this world doth admonish vs of sin which is the cause of this peregrination For because of sin we are cast with our first parents out of Paradise into the land wherein we soiorne So y t we are remoued from Ierusalem y t is from the sight and fruition of peace into Babylon that is into cónfusion exile wherin we wander-about far wide And although we are al pilgrimes yet the condition of al men is not like For some are quite out of the waie into their coūtrie some are in y e readie way For whoso beleueth not is neither in his countrie nor in y e waie there-vnto And he that soiourneth and walketh by faith is not yet in his countrie but for al y t is in the right waie This was it which the Apostle saith We haue not here à continuing citie but we seeke one to come As therefore they who often are enforced to change their seate in iorneieng must suffer manie troubles and quietlie put them vp so the Church of God in this worlde shal neuer be free from trappes and troubles both of men and diuels so long as it wandereth in the darke vales of this life Therefore we are to walke warilie in this pilgrimage and to beware of the snares of false doctrine of prophanes of cōuersation of wondering at nouelties leaste beeing taken with the inticements of this worlde we forget our countrie and reiect the same in respect of our exile as manie of them did who being carried-awaie into the captiuitie of Babylon refused to returne thence into their natiue countrie In al hardnes and aduersitie let vs comfort our selues with hope to returne one daie into our countrie againe and although we are in bodie absent yet in minde let vs be present in heauen with our capitane and as Paule admonisheth Let our conuersation be in heauen from whence also we looke for the Sauiour euen the Lorde Iesus Christe finalie let vs beare in mind how y e Church in this pilgrimage is gouerned by the prouidence of God who wil see y t no rage either of Satan or of anie limme of his shal vtterlie destroy the same For as God was alwaies in the tabernacles of his people in the wildernesse and miraculouslie did foster and defende them So Christe our capitaine wil neuer be from his Church according as he hath promised I am with you vntil the ende of the worlde Finalie seeing the Church is in à strang cōtrie and tendeth home-warde that is to the heauenlie Ierusalem it standes her-vppon in this hard pilgrimage to followe her capitaine rightlie that by his direction she maie at the length happily attaine vnto her desired home For as the capitaine of the people of God Moses conducted the Israeltes out of Egypt through the red sea and after him Ioshua brought them into the promised lande So Iesus Christe and none else shal bring his Church into the celestial countrie according as he testifieth of himselfe saying I am the waie the trueth and the life And albeit Augustine doth featelie interprete that saying of Christ when he saith He was the waie not erring the trueth not deceiuing the life not failing the waie in example the trueth in promise the life in rewarde yet for somuch as this asseueration containeth manie good lessons comfortes I wil expounde the same somewhat more plainelie at large These three thinges are diligentlie to be distinguished The waie truth life Whereby first of al generalie is signified howe Christe alone is the beginning middle and consummation of our saluation and happinesse and therefore that workes neither going before faith nor conioined with faith nor yet folowing faith doe merite saluation and happines Then particularlie the manner would be gathered out of the scriptures how Christ is the waie how the truth and how the life Howe therefore is Christ the way He is the way both by doctrine and by merite and by example By doctrine in teaching vs those thinges which tend vnto our saluation according to that of Iohn No man hath seene God at anie time the onelie begotten sonne of God which is in the bosome of the father he hath declared him and Paul saith Iesus Christ of God is made vnto vs wisedom For this eternal sonne of God hath alwaies beene present with his Church and by his spirit instructed the Prophetes touching himselfe as witnesseth Peter And therefore whoso abideth in the doctrine of Christ abideth in the waie of saluation but he that wandereth from the doctrin of Christ runneth headlong into the way of perdition So then let our onely care be to imbrace and defend the synceritie of the Gospel setting-apart al danger either of life or goods And let vs know y t he was true of his word which said He that loaseth his life for my sake shal saue it How is Christ the waie by merit Because he alone by the obedience of the crosse hath clensed vs from sinne and imputeth to vs his obedience whereby he hath fulfilled y e lawe that we may be coūted righteous before God as though we our selues had fulfilled the same And this is it which Paul saith Christ is the end of the law for righteousnes vnto euerie one that beleueth that is Euerie one that beleueth hath as much as the law requireth namelie righteousnes performed by Christe but through grace imputed vnto him which thing the Apostle at large expresseth by à comparison where he containeth the summe of his meaning in these words As by one mans disobedience many became sinners so by the obedience of one many are made righteous And Augustine to the same effect doth saie Our sinnes he hath made his sinnes that he might make his righteousnes to be ours Of this merit of Christ they truelie doe participate who confesse and bewaile their offences and by vnfained repentance do flie vnto the mercie of God offered without respect of persons to so many as beleeue For the beleeuer is clensed from sin by y e virtue of y e sacrifice of Christ is endued with Christ his righteousnes receaued gratis vnto euerlasting life y t is in one word is iustified For iustification is
and for euer Amen The vse of this Psalme If thou wouldst scape aie woful death And endelesse blisse in heauen obtaine Cleaue fast to Christ while thou hast breath In God his feare se thou remaine A general forme of praier O ALMIGHTIE eternal and most true God Father of our Lord and sauiour Christ maker of heauen and earth together with thy Sonne Iesus Christ and the holie Ghost From the bottom of our heartes wee doe yeelde thee thankes for that of thine infinite mercie thou both hast reueiled thy selfe vnto vs by sending thie Sonne Iesus Christ and by making the hidden and wonderful decree cōcerning the redemption of mankinde kowne vnto y e world also by the ministerie of the Gospel and the holie Ghost thou dost gather to thie selfe an eternal Church and being gathered giuest both rest to the same and al necessarie thinges for the sustentation of life These and other benifites we confesse vndoutedlie are thie giftes and to be giuen and kept to vs of thee for thie sonnes sake Againe we acknowledge that diuerslie we are polluted with manifolde sinnes and with true and burning sorow we do bewaile that euer we haue sinned against the rule of thie iustice and therefore we humblie beseech thee turne vs vnto thee and forgiue vs al our sins euen for thie beloued sonne Iesus Christe his sake kindle within vs by thine holie Spirit true faith and true obedience yea gouerne vs that as earnestlie we purpose so trulie we maie by thine helpe amend our life and obeie thee Moreouer our request is euen in the name of thie beloued sonne Christ our Sauiour that it would please thee among vs in this coūtrie to gather from time to time à Church therein maintaine the puritie of true doctrine that we maie with true praier serue thee obeie thee praise thee and loue thee for euer euer And for the better accomplishing hereof giue vnto thie Church faithful teachers pastors who both by true doctrine by example of good liuing maie illustrate thie glorie and benefite the Church Furthermore for thie beloued sonne our Sauiour Christ his sake we beseech thee giue to this Realme godlie profitable quiet magistrates defend our Queene Elizabeth with her Counsellers al the Gouernours of this land guide them with thine holie Spirit that their whole gouernment maie tend both vnto the aduancement of thie glorie and the quietnes and welfare of this Common-weale Confirme also al godlie Kings Princes and Noble men in their purposes to maintaine thie glorie true doctrine and honest discipline Besides we praie thee chearish and blesse whatsoeuer springeth-out of the ground the which thou impartest vpon vs that mankind maie haue both wherewithal to be relieued and to serue thee and of thie goodnes giue vs dailie bread And forsomuch as our great frailtie is knowen to thee thou hast promised with mercie to mitigate the greatnes of thie wrath against sinne and that in respect of the intercession of thie beloued sonne we humblie beseech thee mercifullie to mitigate the punishment which deseruedlie we sustaine and with thie holie Spirit comfort al the godlie in their troubles that theie maie both abide constant in true faith and praier and also commende thie mercie for euermore Amen A praier vnto Christ. O Most louing Lord Iesu Christ Sonne of God without thie grace our minde is ouershadowed with most grosse darkenesse al our affections caried into the flames of concupiscence the wil of y e minde is borne-awaie with raging affections and finallie al our actions not onelie inward but outward doe goe farre astraie from the rule of thie wil. Wherefore we humblie beseech thee ô most sweete Christ our sauiour expel-awaie the darkenes of our vnderstanding by the light of thie worde quench of thie goodnes the flames of concupiscence with the fountaines of thie grace replenish the wil being purged by thine hande with thine holie spirite that both the wil maie cheerefullie commaund and al the powers both of the minde and of bodie obeieng the gouernance of the wil carefullie bring to passe whatsoeuer both the illuminated mind rightly doth shew and the newe affections of the heart godlie doe counsaile For thou alone art our propitiator our King our strength and vertue our onelie hope onelie saluation onelie waie and the eternal life O most sweete Iesu I beseech thee assiste vs least that being either seduced by false Prophets or enticed by our owne flesh or perswaded by Sathan or caried-awaie by the wicked behauiour and examples of men or else offended by stumbling-blocks we fal-againe into former darkenes and wander awaie from thee the waie of eternal life Leade vs ô Sonne of God we praie thee in the light of thie countenance vpholde thou vs which art the right hand of God the father that we fal not downe direct vs that at the length thou being our guide we maie ●●taine vnto the immortal glorie which thou hast promised to such as trust in thee sweete Christ. To thee be praise thankes and glorie for euer and euer Amen A forme of praier to be saide of anie man by and for himselfe O Most sweete Christ Iesus Christ vnto thee doe I cal For thou art my light thou art my life thou art my saluation thou art my liuing God mine holie Father my merciful God my liuing master my good shepheard my best helper Thee doe I praie vnto thee doe I sue vnto thee do I beseech y t through thee I maie walk vnto thee I maie come in thee I maie rest Grant that by thine helpe I maie leade an holie godlie and righteous life Expel-awaie the darkenes of mine vnderstanding restraine the wicked cogitations of mine heart quench the flames of euil affections represse my froward wil by thie power illustrat mine vnderstāding with thie light minister godlie cogitations kindle virtuous affections and conuert my wil vnto thee that those thinges which thou wouldest I maie wil also Furthermore seeing my bodie is the house of my soule grant I beseech thee that by thine helpe I maie keepe the same chast and cleane that à pure mind maie dwel in à cleane bodie and that I maie be sound both in soule spirite and bodie and so both in bodie and soule I glorifie thee without ceassing To thee my shepheard and onelie God together with the father and the holie spirit be blessing and glorie and wisedome and thanks honor and power and strength for euer and euer Amen Amen So be it So be it A forme of praier for à familie FOrsomuch as none can stande without thou ô Lord Iesu Christ dost vpholde the same I humblie beseech thee vouchsafe with thie protection to preserue mine houshould my wife children and familie Grant I beseech thee that both I my selfe and my wife children and al mine houshold maie doe our dueties each of vs according to thie wil. For when thou doste feede vs wee want naught when thou rulest vs we are safe
of which Isaiah in his 50. Chapter I gaue my backe vnto the smiters and my cheekes to the nippers I hid not my face from shame and spitting After that he was hanged on wood or vpon the crosse For manie times among the Fathers saluation hath come by woode The image and prophecie of this wood was in the arch of Noah and in the wood which Moses threwe into the most bitter waters wherebie they became most pleasant By this figure the virtue of y e crosse of Christ is notablie depainted For as the most bitter waters by the wood throwen there-into were made most sweete and pleasaunt so nothing is there but wil be most comfortable to vs if the wood of Christ his crosse namelie faith on Christ crucified be added as à sause But à more excellent figure is in the wood wheron the brazen serpent was hanged For as Moses at the cōmandement of God in y e wildernes set-vp on high to y e view of al the Israelites the brazen serpent which hong vpon wood y t such as were wounded to the death of serpents might be healed therby So Christ was lifted vp vpon the wood and shewen as it were to al nations that as manie as were wounded vnto the death by the old serpent the diuel might be saued looking and trusting on him So then Christ hong on the crosse and was made à cursse for vs to redeeme vs from the cursse of the serpent which he through sinne brought vpon mankind Therefore it is written Curssed is euerie one that hangeth on tree After this manner Paul vnto the Galathians applieth the type to y e truth Here y e humanitie of Christ seemed most vile worser than the basest sort of men in so much as his verie friendes and familiars did flie awaie being dismaied and abashed Whereof it was prophecied in à psalme But I am à worme and not à man à shame of men and the contempt of the people And in the 88. psal Thou hast put-awaie mine acquaintance far fro me and made me to be abhorred of thē Yea at that time he which was the fairest among men so lost al grace of beautie that it was à verie hard thing to know him according to the prophecie of Isaiah Beholde my seruant shal prosper he shal be exalted and extolled and be verie hie As manie were astonied at thee his visage was so deformed of men and his forme of the sonnes of men so shal he sprincle manie nations the Kings shal shut their mouthes at him for that which had not bene tolde them shal they see and that which they had not heard shal they vnderstande And afterward He hath neither forme nor beautie whē we shal see him there shal be no forme that we shoulde desire him Hee is despised and reiected of men he is à man ful of sorowes and hath experience of infirmities wee hid as it were our faces from him and was despised and we esteemed him not Lo howe playnlie the Prophet hath fore-tolde how it should come to passe that the Iewes in respect of his vile punishment whereof themselues were the autors shoulde contemne the Messiah The high Priestes and the princes of the people spake il and rayled of him nodding their heades at Iesus fastened to the crosse as the Prophet Hosea prophecied I haue redeemed them yet they haue spoken lies against me And Psalme 22. They gape vpon me with their mouthes as à ramping and roaring Lion Againe Doges haue compassed me and the assemblie of the wicked haue inclosed me And again Psalme 35. They had me in derision and gnashed their teeth at mee Zecharie also prophecied of his handes side that were pearced Chapter 12. They shal looke vpon him whome they haue peirced And Psal. 22. They peirced mine hands and my feete In his extreeme tormentes he cried My God my God whie hast thou forsaken me Which thing long afore was fore-told by Dauid in y e 22. Psalme which Psalme is as it were à certain Epitome of y e passion of Christ. When he was about to yeld vp y e Ghost he vsed y e words of Dauid who carried à type of Christ himselfe Into thine hands Lord I commend my spirit as it is in the 31. Psalme His hanging betweene theeues was also foreshewed by the Prophet Isaiah in his 53. chapter where he saith He was counted with the transgressors How Christ praied for his crucifiers Isaiah in the same chapter fore-telleth He bare the sinne of manie and praied for the trespassers As Iesus was vpon dieng there was darkenes ouer al the lande as though the sunne would haue lost his light when as notwithstanding the Moone was at the ful The earth also terriblie did quake according to the prophecie of Ioël The Sunne and Moone shal be darkened and the starres shal with-drawe their light The Lord also shal roare out of Zion and vtter his voice from Ierusalem and the heauens and the earth shal shake And Amos in his 8. chapter doth say And in that daie saith the Lord God I wil euen cause the sunne to go downe at noone and I wil darken the earth in the cleere day The Lord was crucified without the gate euen as the sacrifice that was brought without the campe for the purgation and sanctifiing of the people by the whole multitude of the sonnes of Israël as may appeare Num. 19. For the red kowe in the sight of all was killed and of the blood thereof and of the ashes and water purgations were made Vnto the speedinesse of the Lords punishment who was taken about night and led vnto the hie Priestes the next morning earlie carried vnto the iudgement hal of the president and at noone crucified belongeth the figure of the paschal lambe wherof Christ also is oftentimes called à lambe But that it maie the better appeare howe the bodie aunswereth to the shadowe and the trueth to the figure let vs compare one thing with an other For that paschal lambe doth much resemble our Sauiour Christ yet as the shadowe the bodie and the type the truth 1 As therefore that Iewish lambe was à male of à yeere old and that without spot so Christ à full and perfect man was without sinne 2 As the houses which were sprinckled with the blood of the paschal lambe preserued the inhabitor from destruction so they whose consciences are sprinckled with the bloode of Christe the immaculate lambe shal bee free from the punishment of sinne which is damnation 3 As nothing of the paschal lambe might be eaten that was either rawe or boiled or sodden in water but that which was rosted with fire So there was no part of the Lords bodie but was rosted with great flames of sorowe 4 As the children of Israel
we stand Fourthlie it is to be noted that the praiers of Saintes are therfore acceptable in the sight of God because they depend vpon the intercession of Christ the highe Priest For when we make intercession for others we praie not trusting in our owne merites or price which we haue paide for redemption but in the merite of Christ his righteousnes and in the ransome which he hath Therefore saith Christe Whatsoeuer ye shal aske the Father in my Name that is depending vpon my merite and intercession he will giue it you Hitherto pertaineth that compellation in the Lordes praier O our Father For as the name of a Father putteth vs in minde of Christ in whom through faith we are the sonnes of God and he is our father So the pronoune Our doth admonish vs of faith that through confidence in the sonne wee should cal vpon the father not trusting in anie worthines or merites of our owne For which cause the Apostle saith Let vs approch vnto God through him For he euer liueth to make intercession for vs. As often therefore as wee would praie let vs consider the cause whie we saie Our Father that we maie both thoroughlie be persuaded that for his sonnes sake we please God and without al doubting also beleeue that for the intercession of the sonne whose members we be through faith we are heard Wherefore theie which bring not this faith do but waste winde when they praie For theie haue none accesse vnto y e father Let such then looke what they do who contrarie to the word of God do depend vpon other patrons Fiftlie forsomuch as the sonne of God is the perpetual priest which maketh intercession for the Church whensoeuer it doth amisse we maie not flie vnto other patrons but vnto Christ alone as the onelie patron and most trustie anchor of safetie Therfore the Apostle Iohn doth saie If anie man sinne we haue an aduocate with the father Iesus Christ the iust And he is the reconciliation for our sinnes But then do we rightlie approch vnto this Aduocate for the attainment of the remission of sinnes whē we are sorie for our wickednes cōmitted when we rest our selues with à faith vnfained vpon Iesus Christ the propitiator and intercessor when we purpose afterward through God his grace to leade à pure life and finalie when we cast from our heartes à purpose to sinne Vnlesse these be ioined-together in vaine doest thou boast y t Christ is thie patron Some there be who think theie be pure if once theie haue poured their sinnes into the bosome of some pastor some pastors too do thinke that by their magical absolutions theie can vnburden sinners but both sortes doe most filthilie erre out of y e waie For both Christ alone is y e purger of sins in whō if thou repose not a liuelie faith which hath those foure cōditions which we haue recited in vaine dost thou vnburden thie self in the bosome of y e priest Christ alone it is y t absolueth from sins vnto whom if y u aproch not through faith y u sahlt die in thy sins But the absolution of à priest is then profitable when the confession is tempered with true repentance turning from sin And this absolution of the priest is nothing else than à testimonie of the absolution which is giuen in heauē by our hie priest Iesus Christ. And therfore saith y e Lord Whatsoeuer you loose on earth shalbe loosed in heauen So that the absolution which is pronounced by the minister of the Gospel dependeth vpon his faith which requireth absolution not of the merite either of confession or of pronouncing any wordes whatsoeuer This place would craue a confutation of them who chose other aduocates beside Christ but because this madnes is alreadie mentioned aboue where we dealt with Popish sacrifices I wil not with moe wordes refute them in this place And thus much of y e three parts of Christ his priest-hoode to wit of doctrine of sacrifice and of intercession The other pointe contained in the definition of the priesthoode touching the preseruation of the church the remission of sins the gift of the holie Ghoste and euerlasting life be rather most pleasant fruites than partes of Christ his Priesthoode CHAP. 38. 1. Of the couenant which Christ our hie Priest hath entred into 2. The special pointes to bee considered therein 3. Of the olde and newe couenant or Testament wherein theie doe differ 4. The difference betweene the newe Testament and the Gospel 5. Whether with the olde Testament the tenne commandements be abrogated or no. FOrsomuch as euerie priest as y e Epistle to y e Hebrues doth testifie is a suretie of some couenant for it is behoueful that some certaine couenant be set according to which the mediator betweene the parties at controuersie maie determine that sure peace and friendship maie be established betweene God and men Christ our Priest hath à certaine couenant For as the Leuitical priest had his priesthood and à certaine couenant annexed to the priesthood So Christ our Priest to whome the Leuitical priestes with their sacrifice and couenant gaue place hath his priesthood and certaine couenants annexed to the priesthod For the priesthood being changed as the Epistle vnto the Hebrues doth saie of necessitie there must be a change of the law Againe for this cause is he the mediator of the newe Testament that through death which was for the redemption of the transgressions that were in the former Testament they which were called might receaue the promise of eternal inheritance For where a Testament is there must be the death of him that made the Testament For the Testament is confirmed when men are dead for it is yet of no force as long as he that made it is aliue Wherefore neither was the first ordained without bloud For when Moses had spoken euerie precept to the people according to the lawe he tooke the bloud of calues and of goats with water and purple wool and hyssope and sprinkled both the booke and al the people Saieng This is the bloud of the Testament which God hath appointed vnto you And although by these words of the Apostle it is euident that as the former that is the olde Testament is a couenant annexed to the priesthood of Aaron confirmed by the bloud of brutish creatures whereby GOD did binde himselfe to the Iewes for to giue them the lande of Canaan to their possession if so be for their partes theie obserued the condition which was the fulfilling of the lawe so the newe Testament should be a couenant annexed to the Priesthood of Christe confirmed with the bloud of Christ whereby God doth binde himselfe to forgiue sinnes and to giue a celestial and euerlasting inheritance in heauen but with a condition of faith whose true and right fruite is perfect obedience toward GOD.
whereof à wonderful ioie of hearte doth insue that with Dauid we maie saie Mine heart and my fleshe doe reioice in the liuing God The seuenth The commaundement of the Lord is pure This is to be opposed to the Papists who by certaine diuelish subtilties doe entangle the worde of God therebie to terrifie men from the reading of the same They say the letter that is as they falselie expound it the literal or grāmatical sense whereas for al that it is most true doth kil and the spirite that is the allegorical interpretation approued of the Pope doth quicken But the holie Ghost here by Dauid doth affirme the contrarie while it pronoūceth the word of God to be cleere bright and pure which indeede is verie true as touching those things belonging vnto the foundation of Christianitie be altogether necessarie vnto saluation The eight It giueth light vnto the eies This decareth how mās nature without the word of God inlightning is altogether blind as that which carrieth-about with it darkenes to wit doubting of God carnal securitie distrust false praier of the mind doubting and flieng from the Lord with infinite other motiōs swaruing from the law of God But the world perceiueth not this blindnes but rather hath it in admiration and price for the smale shadowe of outward discipline whereas the Church admonished by the voice of God his word doth acknowledg and bewaile her offences and beggeth of God newe light righteousnesse and life In this praier and meditation of the Gospel the eies of the minde be more and more inlightened so that the Sonne of righteousnesse it selfe euen Christe doth gloriouslie arise in their heartes by whose brightnesse we are ledde from endelesse miserie vnto eternal life and blesseenesse Dauid casting an eye vnto this most comfortable fruite of God his worde not without good cause cried-out in this verie Psalme on this wise More to bee desired is the Lawe of God than golde yea than much fine golde Sweeter also than honie and the honie combe And in an other Psalme I haue had as great delight in the waie of thie testimonies as in al riches Here he runneth feeling the burden of his sinnes that he may be vnloaden of them as it is in à certaine Psalme Out of the deepe place haue I called vnto thee ô Lorde c. Herevnto in his troubles he betaketh himselfe according vnto this sentence In mine affliction it is my comfort that this worde doth quicken me In prosperitie also he flieth here vnto I wil runne saith he the waie of thie commandements when thou shalt inlarge mine hearte At his neede it counsaileth him as in these wordes Thie testimonies are my delight and my counsailers In matters of great importance with Kinges and mightie men of the world it ministreth wisedome vnto him so saith Dauid I wil speake of thie testimonies before Kinges and wil not be ashamed Aainst the stumbling blocke of the crosse it strengtheneth him from falling when he considereth the prosperitie of the vngodlie My feete were almost gone my steppes had welneere slipte For I freated at the foolish when I sawe the prosperitie of y e wicked c. Then thought I to know this but it was too paineful for me vntil I wēt into the Sanctuarie of God then vnderstood I their end Surelie thou hast set them in slipperie places and castest them downe into desolation At the point of death he seeketh life from thence as witnesse these wordes I wil neuer forget thie preceptes for by them thou haste quickened me O Lorde thīe worde endureth for euer in heauen Because life and happines promised by the worde shal endure for euer To be briefe out of this worde Dauid learneth the manner both howe to escape euerlasting miserie and also to obteine the eternal felicitie blessednesse wherevnto man at the first was created and afterwarde redeemed by Christ. Seeing nowe the puritie the necessitie the cōmoditie the glorie and the fruite of God his word is so great and so sweete that it can ioine vs to God the soueraigne good thing in whom we shal euerlastinglie be blessed at what time as we haue atteined the ende of our condition doubtlesse theie highlie are to be commended which bestow à portion of their goods and riches to the maintenance and propagation of Gods word in the Church For theie doe wel consider that this ende to al and euerie man according to his condition and state is proposed namelie to aduance the glorie of God Which thing theie before others doe best accomplish who studie to vpholde the ministerie of the worde in schooles and temples Now what diligence you noble Sir haue bestowed on this behalfe manie doe knowe and theie confesse whome at this daie you liberallie bring-vp both in this Vniuersitie and also in other forreigne schooles to the ende that in these Churches of Denmarke there maie be fit ministers frō time to time which maie sounde-foorth the pure doctrine of the Gospel And assuredlie this is trulie to loue our countrie not onelie while we liue to adorne the same but after we are dead also to leaue it the better to our posteritie Wise mē do greatly cōmend the Attike oath in which these words among other were I wil fight both for religious for prophane causes and that alone and with others and wil leaue my countrie not the worser but the better and more ample to the posteritie How much more are we bounde so to doe that are coūted the Citizens of the Church of Christe the most noble countrie of the righteous whose honour is more glorious than was that of Athens which the Turkes now possesse And therefore à farre greater glorie it is to leaue this most worthie coūtrie I meane the Church of God not the worser but the better and amplified to posterities which theie doe who by their wealth doe mainteine and promote the studies of true doctrin of good arts Such an indeuor was in Dauid when in à song he saide howe he loued his countrie because of the Church that was therin Because of the howse of the Lord saith he I wil procure thy welth This howse which is the Church of God he preferred before the most glorious Palaties of earthlie Princes when he saide A daie in thie courtes is better then à thousand other-where I had rather be à doore-keeper in the House of my God than to dwel in the Tabernacles of wickednesse Which Psalme whereout these words are taken because it conteineth à notable commendatiō of God his Church stirreth-vp vnto the loue of the worde laieth before our eies the benifites depainteth the glorie of the Church and sheweth the scope proponed therevnto which is eternal blessednesse I thought good the last yeare publiquelie in our schoole to expounde the same therebie to inuite the youth vnto the loue reading and meditating of the heauenlie worde which is as à burning torch to guide vs in
ther-vnto through the approbation of their faith who required them that men might vse to beleeue God and them but wise-men the ministers of Sathan either seeke profite or vaine pleasure or either to moue foolishe men to laughter delectation and admiration or to terrifie them The sixt note is the ende Christ at no time wrought any corporal miracle but it had manie spiritual significations whereof the bookes of diuines intreate at large but the illusions of the diuel are comprised within the bounds of vaine ostentation These thinges I thought good briefelie to touch concerning the markes of true and false miracles that al the worlde might see howe greate the vanitie of the Iewes is that blush not by il wordes against their owne conscience to impaire the credite of Christe his miracles CHAP. 7. Howe it was fore-tolde by the Prophetes that the Iewes should set themselues against the Messiah AND that the Iewes of olde looking-for the Messiah shoulde take offence at his person and so stumble thereat that they shoulde not acknowledge him no not when he was present before their eies it was long afore also fore-tolde by the Prophetes that when we see the euent to answere to the prophecies we might fence our mindes against y e slaunders of the cursed Iewes and vtterlie abhorre their detestable contumacie When Isaiah saide Though the number of the children of Israel were as the sande of the sea yet shal but à remnant be saued shewed he not in plaine words that the Iewes should reuolt from the Messiah or more trulie should not acknowledge him in whome alone saluation doth consist When the same Prophet in his 5. Chapter doeth saie My beloued had à vine-yarde in à verie fruiteful hil and he hedged it and gathered out the stones of it and he planted it with the best plantes and he built à tower in the middest thereof and made à wine presse therein Nowe therefore ô inhabitantes of Ierusalem and men of Iudah iudge I pray you betweene me and my vine-yarde doe not these wordes of the Prophet manifestlie set-foorth both the goodnes of God towarde the Iewes and also the contumacie of the Iewes towardes God By both which places it maie be gathered howe their election and state was conditionarie as that which might not depende vpon the prerogatiue of the flesh but of the condition of faith Againe when the same Prophet in his 8. chapter doeth saie Sanctifie the Lord of hostes and let him be your feare and let him be your dread and he shalbe as à sanctuarie but as à stumbling stone and as à rocke to fal vppon to both the howses of Israël and as à snare and as à net to the inhabitants of Ierusalem And manie among them shal stumble and shal fal and shalbe broken shal be snared and shalbe taken doth not the euent answere also to this foresaying And when he addeth Binde vp the testimonie seale vp the lawe among my disciples doth he not expreslie speake of the disciples of the Lorde whome afterward he saith should be as signes and wonders in Israel And again when he saith To the law and to the testimonie if they spake not according to this worde it is because there is no light in them doeth not the Prophet here propose the condition of getting saluation the which al the Prophets do testifie most of the Iewes should neglect But wherefore comes this about Surelie not of the counsel of God sending the Messiah and by him inuiting al men vnto saluation but through the malice of them who offended at the person of the Messiah haue refused to accept him because he was not such à one as theie are to wit couetous ambitions giuen vnto voluptuousnes for euermore vices are enimies to vertues and the best men are enuied of the wicked that he glittered not in his silkes veluet gold siluer iewels y t he had not his garde and gentlemen attending vpon him that he promised not pleasure and bodilie delightes that by force of armes he vanquished not their neighbors about them that he made none of them Dukes and presidents of the nations of the worlde finalie because they acknowledged not the spiritual glorie of his spiritual kingdome Thus hitherto we haue sufficientlie proued the vanitie of the Iewes who giuen to worldlie pleasure acknowledge not the true Messiah enen Iesus Christ the sonne of Marie the virgin therfore falsely name themselues the people of GOD and chalenge the title of the Church Wherfore let vs seeing that we are compassed about with so greate à cloude of witnesses cast awaie euerie thing that presseth downe and the sinne that hangeth so fast on let vs runne with patience the race that is set before vs loking vnto Iesus the auctor and finisher of our faith From heauen let vs looke for him who wil iudge the quick and the dead and change our vile bodie that it maie be fashioned like vnto his glorious bodie according to the working whereby he is able euen to subdue al thinges vnto himselfe To this onely Messiah y e sonne of God together with the father and the holie spirite be honor might and glorie worlds without end and for euer more amen CHAP. 8. Against Mahomet or the Turkes who take vpon them to be the true Church and yet are not ALthough the madnes of the Turkes doth sufficientlie proue the auctor of their sect to be the diuel yet both because more and more daylie their sect doeth increase and godlinesse decrease in manie who had rather be counted than be godlie indeed and also because Epicures fondlie doe reason of religion I thinke it good to admonish the yonger sort concerning the Turkish sect y t vnderstanding what it is they maie abhorre it the more and shun the same euen as they would the diuel himselfe And that the more distinctlie we maie entrete hereof I thinke it not amisse to examine these pointes 1. What prophecies haue gone-before of this sect 2 What was the occasion thereof 3 Who was the auctor 4 What companions he had 5 Howe it increased was confirmed 6 What lawes it hath 7 what fables are mixed to their guile deceitfulnes 8 What maner of Paradise it promiseth to y e fauorers 9 By what arguments the impietie of Mahomet may be refuted 10 And finalie how the mindes of men may be comforted against the rage of satan ranging so in y e world And although diuers Prophets haue foretold of the wickednes tyrannie of y e Turks yet in this place we wil onelie recite the prophecie of Daniel which he hath in his 7. chapter the which is verie notable and agreeth especialie vnto the tyme when this impietie tyrannie did begin After this saith Daniel I saw in the visions by night and beholde the fourth beaste was fearful and terrible and verie strong It had great iron teeth it
them either quicke or deade This champion of the Lord for sooth first à theefe afterward à seditious souldier then a runne-agate after that à capitane of à rebellious hoste perswadeth light heads enimies to the true religion howe he is the messenger of God wherebie we maie gather howe greate the power of Satan is in them whiche imbrace not the trueth Whereof it is that at this daie that aduersarie of God defendeth his blasphemies against God by Turkishe and Mahometical force according to the prophecie of Daniel It foloweth that we speake of the lawes of Mahomet which are partlie political partlie ceremonial or of seruice but of these I wil touche verie fewe wherebie it wil be easie to iudge of the rest First of al to his Arabians that is to poore men accustomed to liue vpon the spoile he aloweth theft and setteth à lawe of reuengement Hurt him saith he which hurt you He saith also He that either killeth his enemie or is killed by his enemie entreth into Paradise He permitteth men to haue manie wiues He aloweth diuorcement for a trifeling cause and receauing againe vpon smal occasion Nowe I praie you what is more against nature than such lawes if theie maie be caled lawes which peruert the lawe of nature that is common to all men On the otherside he hath giuen some lawes which make to the increase of loue and goodwil among men He commandeth almes to be giuen and promiseth paradise to such as giue liberalie if so be theie haue couragiouslie foughten against the enemies He willeth punishment to be giuen to the poore for their offences But to the good law he annexeth impietie namelie how therebie theie doe merite remission of sinnes He hath ceremonies washings circumcisiō fiue times in à daie he compelleth his to praie in the temple But that hypocrisie helpeth no whit seeing theie are voide of the propiciatorie without which there is none accesse vnto GOD. He willeth to absteine from swines fleshe Hetherto of the lawes The fables which he intermixeth as diuine mysteries be verie ridiculous and foolish of which I wil recite foure y t by them the rest as the Lion by his talantes maie be iudged This stout souldior of the Lord Mahomet by name telleth how by the conduction of Gabriel the Angel he ascended into heauen to talke with God Where first of al meeteth with him an Angel ten thousand times huger than the whole worlde for whome he got à pardon of God whom he had offended beeing requested to make intercession vnto God for him Which done God put his hand vppon Mahomet whereby he was stroken with so extreme à colde that it pearced vnto the verie marrowe of his backe He saide that God was carried in à chaire by eight Angels whose head he vainelie reporteth is of such à bignes that the swiftest birde that is in a thousand yeeres can-not flie from one part thereof vnto an other The second fable like the same where-vppon the prohibition of wine is builded is this There was saith he two Angels of God namelie Horroth and Marroth sent from God on à time from heauen into the world appointed to gouerne and to instruct mankinde with these commandementes that theie should neither kil nor iudge vniustlie nor drinke wine So à long time theie were so taken and knowen to be iudges ouer the whole worlde Vpon à certaine daie à woman of al other the fairest came vnto them hauing à matter against her husband who to make the iudges like her cause inuited them vpon à certaine daie vnto dinner And beeing at their good cheere she herselfe bringeth fine meates furnisheth the table with boules of wine yea she serueth and seeth that theie lack nothing biddeth thē to eate to drinke spare naught What needs many words her faire words ouercame them and drunke with wine theie burned after their faire hostesse see the chastitie of Mahomets Angels being ouercome theie desired her companie she promiseth vpon à condition if one of them would tel her howe theie vse to ascend into heauen and the other howe she might descend The condition they like When she had learned the same suddenlie she was lifted-aloft and ascended into heauen Which when GOD sawe and had sifted the cause he made her the daie star as beautiful among the Starres as euer she was among women To the Angels called before his iudgement seate he appointed that theie should choose either the paines of this life or of the world to come who chose the paines of this life Wherefore theie are hanged vpon iron chaines with their heades downewarde in the pit Behil vntil the daie of iudgement For which cause the vse of wine is forbidden to the folowers of Mahomet least theie fal into the like peril Such like stuffe is the fable touching the prohibition of swines fleshe When al liuing creatures saith he were in the Arch of Noah the Elephant caste-backewarde whereof sprang an hogge who with his snoute turned vp dongue whereof sprang à mouse the which gnawed the hempe wherewithal the boordes of the ship were ioined Hence Noah was stroken with à maruelous terror and constrained to aske counsel of the Lorde who for remedie at that pinch willed Noah to strike à lion vpon the fore-head from the nostrels of which Lion being moued lepped-out à cat which hunted the mouse and deliuered mankinde from so greate daunger This was the greeuous cause forsooth whie the fleshe of swine is forbidden to bee eaten of the Saracens Here-vnto let vs adde the fable concerning y e last iudgement Of this he saith God shal giue the Angel of death in charge that he kil euerie creature which doth breath aswel al the Angels as al the diuels and all men sheepe fishes beastes and cattel that al maie be dead except God himselfe This done he wil cal the Angel of death saieng O Adriel is anie thing yet remaining of al my creatures And he shal aunswere Nothing Lorde but I thie weake and feeble seruant Then shal the Lorde saie vnto him seeing thou hast killed al my creatures goe thou thie waies betweene Paradise and hel and afterwarde kil thie selfe and die So the vnhappie wretch departed and in that prescribed middle-place lieng on the ground wrapped in his winges he choaked him-selfe with such an horrible roaring as had the celestial spirites and earthlie creatures bin aliue theie could not choose but haue died thereat After which time the world shal stande voide 40. yeeres together Which expired the Lorde holding heauen and earth in his fiste shal saie as foloweth Where be nowe the Kinges Princes Potentates of this worlde Whose is the Kingdome the Dominion and the power Speake if ye haue anie truth in your words And these wordes thrice repeated he wil raise-vp Seraphuel and saie to him Take this trumpet and descend into Ierusalem and sounde there Then Seraphuel hauing receaued the trumpet which is as long as à
of righteousnes and of life from which we are fallen by sin it was needful y t he should both take vpon himselfe the curse of the law with the cause that is our sinnes being made accursed and subiect to death for our sake For so saith Paul Christe hath redeemed vs from the curse of the lawe when hee was made à curse for vs and also restore the blessing of the lawe to vs which he hath deserued for vs by his perfect obedience towarde the lawe vnder which he was made not for his owne sake but for ours And this doeth Paul meane where he saith Christ is the ende of the lawe for righteousnes vnto euerie one that beleeueth And because the resurrection of Christ is à most euident testimonie of this fulfilling the lawe Paul affirmeth howe he is risen againe for our iustification By the merite of his praiers and intercession he hath made an entrance for vs vnto the father as Paul saith vnto the Romans Who shal laie anie thing vnto the charge of Gods chosen c. It is Christ that maketh intercession for vs. Therefore when Christ is said to offer his merites to the father the general sacrifice of Christ containing thistriple merit namelie of his obedience to the law of his passion and of his praiers must be vnderstoode Otherwhile y e sacrifice of Christ is morespecialie taken for his death passion which death passiō is the only propitiatorie sacrifice The figures wherof were y e sacrifices of the Iewes by à singular forme of speech was caled propitiatorie because it was à shadow of this eternal propitiatorie sacrifice euē Iesus Christ. But because aboue where we shewed the vanitie of the Iewes who as yet do looke for the messiah we haue spoken of shadowes in this place we wil speake onlie of the sacrifice of Christe which the scripture calleth expiatorie or propitiatorie from the effect thereof which sacrifice may rightly be defined on this wise The passion of our Lord Iesus Christ the eternal Priest is the propitiatorie sacrifice wherein the eternal sonne of God made man and of the father appointed an eternal Priest by obeieng the father in suffering euen vnto the death of the crosse offered himselfe through the eternal spirite to the eternal father vppon the altar of the crosse sustaining the curse of the law truelie to the end that by this one and most perfect oblation he might satisfie the iustice of God for the offence and punishment of mākinde pacifie the iust displeasure of God and by this onelie sacrifice merit for al which from the creation of the world either haue beleeued or til the ende of the same shal beleeue euen eternal sanctification that is deliuerance from the cursse of the lawe grace benediction life and euerlasting saluation that so being cōformable to Christ theie maie praise and glorifie God for euer and euer This large definition Christe in verie fewe wordes doth comprehend Iohn 17 where he saith For their sakes sanctifie I my selfe that theie also maie be sanctified through the truth But the holie spirit in the Epistle vnto the Hebrewes doth verie copiouslie entreate of this matter and that which scatteringlie is spoken to this purpose in that Epistle I haue gathered together as it were into one bodie that at one sight as it were we maie behold this wonderful worke and after a sort esteeme the greatnes of the benefite and be thankeful to God for this infinite mercie shewed to vs in Christe Augustine saith howe in euerie sacrifice there be foure thinges to be considered namelie who is y e offere● to whō it is offered what is offered and for whō it is offered which foure things are both expreslie distinctlie contained in this our definition For y e sonne of God made man of God the father himselfe ordained an eternal priest is y e offerer For this priest as he alone is holy righteous and hier than the heauens so could he alone offer à perfect sacrifice for euermore Because in that he was à iust man hee might lawfulie take vppon him the cause of vs al especialie seeing one man had brought the rest of the posteritie into the state of damnation with himselfe and in that hee was hier than the heauens to wit verie God hee was of power to offer such a sacrifice as was perfect and effectual for euermore againe in that he was one person al the deedes of his manhood are most pure and of an infinite price To whome doeth this priest offer Euen to God himselfe For to him alone the sacrifice was due that his iustice might be satisfied whome our first parentes and we in them offended that the sentence of condemnation for our transgressing the lawe being vtterlie abolished we might be made partakers of eternal blessednes through his merit What doeth this priest offer to God The sonne of God the eternal priest hath offered himselfe to the father vppon the altar of the crosse taking our cause that is our sinne and punishment vpon himselfe For the Epistle vnto the Hebrewes doeth witnesse that the sonne of God was made partaker of our flesh and bloode that he might haue that which he might offer And Augustine doeth saie What was more meete to bee taken of men for their oblation than the fleshe of man And what so apt for this sacrifice as mortal fleshe And what so cleane for the sinnes of the worlde as without al contagion flesh borne in the wombe out of the wombe of à virgin And what so gratefulie could be either offered or receaued as the flesh of our sacrifice the made bodie of our Prieste Furthermore seeing euerie sacrifice in the olde lawe ought first to be separated from other things of the same kinde secondlie to be applied to the altar the hande of the Priest laide there-vpon thirdlie to be offered vpon the altar fourthlie being done rightlie according to the lawe it was à sacrifice accepted of God let vs see howe these foure thinges do aggree to our sacrifice First therefore Christe this our sacrifice was segregated from other men not by nature whereby he was to be ioined to them but by puritie innocencie and excellencie wherin he surpassed al other men Secondlie he was applied to the altar being consecrated to God through his wonderful obedience For he was offered euen because he woulde Thirdlie hee was offered vppon the altar hanged on the woode of the crosse bearing vppon his owne heade our cause that is both sinne and the punishment of sinne namelie the wrath and curse of God Which thing was in olde time figured in the goate vpon whose heade Aaron hauing confessed first his owne sinnes and the sinnes of the people of Israel laide his owne sinnes and al the sinnes of the sonnes of Israel and sent him awaie by the hande of a man appointed into the wildernes The truth of
publiquelie yet is it necessarie that all Christians do both knowe and confesse too the doctrine of Christ. The third and there is none iniquitie founde in his lips that is he shunneth false and forged doctrine yea and abhorreth as the pestilence whatsoeuer commeth not from the mouth of the Lorde And therefore Christe saith to all Beware of false Prophetes The fourth He walked in peace and equitie that is he studied to order his life according to the rule of my iustice by keeping peace and equitie with his neighbours And this parte of the couenant Christ also and the Apostles doe applie to all Christians The fifte He turned manie awaie from iniquitie to wit both by word by deede by example this euerie man wil grant al Christians ought to do To conclude as God promiseth life and peace so we are bounde againe to him through faith and obedience Moreouer with the priesthood of Christians manie thinges are ioined which make much for the knowledge of the dignitie and excellencie thereof But the special thinges are which Peter numbreth-vp to wit that Christians are à spiritual house à holie and à roial Priesthood à chosen generation an holie nation à peculiar people and that which passeth al that theie are and be called the children of the liuing God Of this excellent dignitie of Christians Iohn speaketh when he saith To them that beleeue in his name he gaue power to be the sonnes of God Which sentence is both truelie and elegantlie brought into these Verses by Nonnus 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 That is to expresse them in à maner word for worde One happie state of heauenlie blisse to al gaue hee That sonnes of euerlasting God theie might cald bee This honour which none sufficientlie can commend ought both to reclaime vs from al filthinesse vnseemelie for the temple of God vnseemelie for roial priestes vnseemelie for à chosen generation for an holie nation vnseemelie vnseemelie for the peculiar people and sonnes of God and to prouoke vs also vnto the seruice of God continualie to offer acceptable sacrifice to God throgh Iesus Christ. For of right our consecration into the priesthoode of Christ doth require the same Because we are priestes to offer sacrifices not propitiatorie which belonged onelie to Iesus Christ the hie priest but Eucharistical and those perpetual Wherefore as the Leuites at certaine daies appointed houres did offer according vnto the Lawe of Moses and after waited vntil their turne came after the Ecclesiastical ordinance of Dauid So are not Christian priestes to intermitte sacrifice but continualie and without ceassing theie must haue ful handes and offer continual sacrifice vnto the Lorde What is Eucharistical sacrifice The Eucharistical sacrifice of Christians is euerie action and passion commanded of God separated from the prophane actions and passions of the world through saith wherewithall as seasoned with salt it is inflamed and sanctified by the holie Ghoste as by fire from heauen and through the merite of Christe is accepted of God into glorie through y e same Iesus Christ. And this is called an Eucharistical sacrifice from the proper end thereof because it is an oblation of our thankfulnes For being reconciled to God through the propitiatorie sacrifice of Christ we offer to him our obedience we honor praise him and continualie giue him thankes For Christ being apprehended by faith giueth the holie Ghost which createth à newe heart within vs and à willing minde wherebie we offer this our gratefulnes to God Nowe it is necessarie that we consider why our obedience is called à sacrifice For the opening of this phraze wil notablie stir vs vp vnto the studie of obedience So then the workes of Christians are called sacrifices by à certaine relation vnto the sacrifices of the olde Iewes For as theie were commanded from heauen to the Priestes were chosen applied sanctified and accepted so in our sacrifices it is necessarie that there be à commandement à choise an application a sanctificatiō and that they be accepted of God In y e old law it was not lawful to offer à sow or anie vnclean beast by the law but onlie such as were cleane according to the lawe So the workes that Christians should offer must not be vncleane that is either forbidden by the worde of God or hypocritical or superstitious but such as GOD commandeth Therefore the Lorde saith by the Prophet Walke in my statutes Secondlie as the cleane lambe which should be offered was separated from the rest of the flocke So by faith our workes are to be separated from the like workes of prophane people The Pharisee gaue almes so did Cornelius the Courtier yet was the Pharisees almes vncleane the courtiers cleane because through faith it was separated from the almes of the Pharisee Thirdlie as the ceremonial sacrifice was applied to the altar by the hand of the priest beeing laide there-vpon so our workes shal be applied to the altar through Christ by whose handling they are sanctified Fourthlie as those olde sacrifices were consumed with fire from heauen and sanctified and so accepted so our sacrifices through the merite of Christ inflamed by the holie Ghost are sanctified with fire from heauen and are accepted through Christe as Peter saith For seeing al our own obedience is vnperfect in euerie work we offend partlie by omitting somewhat partlie by doing more than we ought for at no time our obedience is perfect and ful it cannot be that our sacrifices of them-selues should please God Wherefore as through the merite of Christ theie are sanctified so also through Christ as Peter saith theie are acceptable For Christ maketh our obedience grateful and deserueth that our obedience both in the crosse also in the lawe of sacrifice is commended So y t our sacrifices please not in respect of any excellencie of merit but throgh Christ in whō God waieth our works y t he maie accept them as most worthie sacrifices For as the faultie sacrifice of the olde people which came to the altar through error touched y e altar was not chāged for a better but was taken as purged and holie by reason it had touched the holie place so our workes albeit theie are verie faultie yet become theie cleane and apte for holie sacrifice and acceptable to GOD through touching our altar Christ who through faith is touched And although the summe of the doctrine of the Christians sacrifices maie be vnderstoode by that wich is spoken yet to make it the more euident we wil more particularlie entreate of them that it maie appeare howe theie agree together and folowe each of other Among the sacrifices of Christians in the first place is the offering of our selues which is done in Baptisme and answereth to the washing which was vsed at the consecration of Leuitical Priestes For through baptisme we are visiblie and sacramentalie seuered from the prophane world
pure in heart blessed are the merciful Which formes of speech containe not as the Papistes do gesse the causes of blessednes but theie describe the qualities and studies of such men as are alreadie become the heires of the kingdome of God For the nature of faith is such that it stirreth vs in whome it dwelleth to shewe obedience vnto the Lord or as Paule saith to serue God through righteousnesse after such time as the burden of sinne is remoued-awaie from vs and we are made righteous through the righteousnesse of Christ Who is the end of the lawe for righteousnesse vnto euerie one that beleeueth So that the Papistes doe verie il when theie doe not rightlie with Paule distinguish betweene the proper benefite of Christe and our due obedience For so Paule vnto the Ephesians doth write By grace are ye saued thorough faith and that not of your selues it is the gift of God not of workes least anie man should boast himselfe This doth Paule speake of the proper benefite of Christe afterward that followeth which doth concerne our due obedience and the cause thereof For we are his workemanship created in Christ Iesus vnto good workes which God hath ordained that we should walke in them What thing I praie you could be spoken more plainlie The third step is when necessitie requireth to keepe on the right waie through the valeie of teares For as in the Actes of the Apostles it is saide We must through manie afflictions enter into the kingdome of God And Paul Al that wil liue godlie in Christ Iesus shal suffer persecution It can not therefore be otherwise but that the godlie going on to heauen ward must be enforced to suffer sundrie and diuers troubles This Iob doth meane when he saith Blessed is the man whome the Lorde correcteth therefore refuse not thou the chastising of the Almightie For he maketh the wound and bindeth it vp he smiteth and his handes make whole For as Paul saith When we are iudged we are chastened of the Lord because we should not be condemned with the world And Christ Blessed are then which suffer persecution for righteousnesse sake Blessed are yee when men reuile you He addeth the reason for theirs is the kingdome of heauen toward which theie goe while patientlie bearing the crosse theie folowe Christ which crosse is not the cause of raigning but onelie the waie vnto the kingdome through Christ. The fourth step is to runne the course of this life in the feare of God euen vnto the last gaspe of life Hereof spake the Lorde when he saide He that endureth to the ende he shalbe saued And in the Reuelation Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord and theie die in the Lord that departe out of this world in faith and calling-vpon God The ende of which faith as Peter saith is the saluation of soules Wherebie it is apparent that blessednes is ascribed to the aboue mentioned degrees with á condition of perseuerance euen to the ende Therefore saith Paule If you be not moued awaie from the hope of the Gospel And Christ If you abide in me and my wordes abide in you And vnto the Hebrues We are made partakers of Christ if we keepe sure vnto the end the beginning wherewith we are vpholden These are the steppes vnto life and euerlasting blessednesse because theie keepe vs in the waie vnto Christe who is the onelie waie vnto happinesse Wherfore he y t entereth into the right waie proceedeth in the right waie and keepeth à right course by night and by daie in aduersitie and prosperitie toward the happinesse before his eies is called happie because of the euent for that he goeth the right waie vnto felicitie Moreouer the bodies being dead the soules of the righteous vntill the last iudgement by the ministerie of Angels be receaued into Paradise there to enioie blessednesse with Christ according to the promise To daie shalt thou be with me in Paradise Hereof sprang that wish of Paul I desire to be loosed and to be with Christ and that voice in the Reuelation Blessed are the dead which die in the Lorde Euen so saith the spirite for theie rest from their labors their workes followe them And although this blessednesse of the soules be vnspeakeable yet it is not absolute Because perfect blessednesse is of the whole natures not of à part of man as alreadie we haue shewed as at the last daie shal come to passe the bodies being raised For which purpose there is à certaine last iudgement appointed of God in which this ful and absolute felicitie shal be conferred vpon the Saintes So that the Saintes whose bodies doe sleepe in the duste haue receaued alreadie single robes but shal not be endued with double vntil we al meete together The first robe is the verie felicitie it selfe the rest of soules in Christ. But the seconde shal be y e immortalitie and glorie of y e bodies which shal be fashioned like vnto the glorious bodie of Christ for euer and euer And so at y e length we shal perfectlie be blessed ioined to God the soueraigne blisse with perfect loue the image of God after which we at the first were made and afterwarde redeemed being reformed in vs. In this image perfecte righteousnes perfect holinesse perfect libertie perfect wisedome perfect cleerenes and glorie shall shine Dauid had respect herevnto when he saide When I awak I shal be satisfied with thine image For in this world there shal be no satietie Which thing Salomon also doeth witnesse when he saide The eye is not satisfied with seeing nor the eare with hearing By which saying Salomon doth signifie that nothing sufficeth man before he come vnto God enioie God and blessedlie to rest in him For God hath ingraffed such à desire in the heart of man that no good thing can suffice him besides the soueraigne happinesse which hauing once attained hee resteth therein all blessed So that the most perfect state of man shal be eternal felicitie the which we begin here in this life and in the life to come shall perfectlie enioie the same Hitherto belongeth that saying of Prosper The life to come is thought to be blessedlie euerlasting and euerlastinglie blessed where certaine securitie is secure quietnes and quiet ioifulnes happie eternitie eternal happines where perfest loue is no feare at all This happie state was offered in à vision to Iohn in the Reuelation For he sawe the holie citie newe Ierusalem come downe from heauen prepared as à bride trimmed for her husbande Wherein neither sorowe neither crying neither death shal bee but ioie peace quietnes and euerlasting life the walles whereof are of Iasper and the citie it selfe pure golde The temple whereof was God almightie and the Lambe the glorie of God did lighten it and the lambe is the light of
Augustine doeth answere That hauing made earnest prayer vnto God they are by lot to chuse who shal flee and who shal tarie For in so doing both good regard is had for the present state of the Church and also it is wel prouided that when the teachers of the Church be once killed it shall want no ministers for all that to instructe them Sophisters and Sycophantes being puffed-vp with the wisedome of this worlde they subtillie laie snares to entrappe the preachers The scope of whome is that the fountanes of Israel beeing either stopped or troubled that is that the heauenlie doctrine being either vtterlie abolished or depraued with humane or diuelishe deuises the Church whose life is the puritie of Gods worde maie be oppressed Their sophistical arte is fitlie compared to à brawling woman Whome who so hideth hideth the winde and shee is as the oile in his right hande that vttereth it selfe as Salomon saith For the slightes thereof are infinite Whereof it is that hee which would refute al Sophismes doeth like him which woulde take the windes in à net Then what is to bee done Howe are Sophisters to be resisted The Pastors of the Church aboue al thinges must keepe in memorie the strong and euident testimonies cōcerning euerie principal pointe of doctrine from which they must not suffer themselues to be with-drawen by anie sophistrie of man which they shall notablie withstande if they haue ben wel instructed in true Logique Secōdlie by ardent praier they must beg of God that by his word hee would strengthen them against y e subtile reasons of man least the truth bee wound in by the serpent and so choaked that is that by sophistrie it be neither vtterly ouerthrowen nor at the least depraued Thirdlie they are to eschewe all vnproper kindes of phrases and vnusual of the Church and to content themselues with the simplicitie of speech which the trueth doeth loue Finalie if so instructed they are not yet able quickelie to aunswere vnto all Sophismes let them be contented with the simplenes of doctrine which is euidentlie expressed proued with manifolde testimonies of the scripture agreing-together And the ministers of the Gospel being thus armed they shall easilie beare-awaie the bel from al their aduersaries notwithstanding the subtiltie of the slipperie serpent A notable example hereof I will adde taken-out of the Ecclesiastical historie following the vsual translation What force saith he the simplicitie of faith hath wee doe knowe by those thinges which bee reported to be done there For when for the care of the religious Emperor the Priestes from all partes of the worlde had assembled-together verie noble and rich Philosophers also came thither too mooued through an opinion they had among whome à certaine notable Logician daie by daie woulde mooue great conflictes of disputation to our Bishops men not vnprobablie learned in Logique And great concourse of learned and lettered men there was to heare yet coulde the Philosopher by no meanes bee either brought vnto à blancke or caught from flieng of anie man For by his art of Logique hee so mette with the questions obiected that when hee seemed most of al to be taken as à slipperie Eele hee slidawaie But because God woulde showe that his kingdome consisteth not in worde but in power among the confessors of the trueth à certaine Bishop of à most simple nature which knewe nothing beside Iesus Christ and him crucified was present Who seing the Philosopher to insult ouer those whiche toke our parts bosting himself of his craft●nes through the art of disputation craueth of al mē rome faith he would speak à few words with the Philosopher But they on our sid which knew wel enough the simplicitie blunt speech of this man began to blush somewhat to feare least peraduēture his holy simplicitie should be made à laughing game amōg subtile felows yet would not this father desist frō his purpose but thus began his speech In the name of Iesus Christ faith he harken ô Philosopher vnto the truth There is one God who made both heauen and earth and which gauè life to man whome hee had framed out of the lime of the earth hee hath created all thinges both visible and inuisible by the power of his worde and established them by the sanctification of his spirit This worde and wisedome whom we call the sonne taking pittie vppon the errors of mankinde was borne of à virgine and hath through the passion of his death deliuered vs from euerlasting damnation and by his resurrection hath giuen vs euerlasting life whom also wee trust shall come to iudge all things which we go about Dost thou beleeue this to be true ô Philosopher But hee the Philosopher as though he had neuer learned anie art to gainsay was so astonished throgh the power of the words that he had nothing to saie but only this that he did thinke so that there was none other thing true besid that which he had said Then the old man If thou beleeuest these things to be so said he arise and folow me vnto Demonicus receaue the signe of this faith And the Philosopher turning about vnto his disciples vnto them which came to heare harkē saith he ô learned men while I was delt withal with words I to words opposedwords by the art of speech did ouerthrow whatsoeuer was said but when for words power proceeded from the mouth of the speaker words could not resist power nor man preuaile against God And therfore if any amōg you can of those things which haue ben spokē perceaue the things which I do let him giue credite to Christ folow this old man in whō God hath spokē This storie notablie doth teach by what weapons victorie may be atchiued against Sophisters namely by a certain persuasion or demonstratiō of y e ground of religiō by simplicitie of spech by ardent praier y t God maie giue strēgth to his word as though himself did vtter the same by his owne most holy mouth As y e hypocrits I meane stage plaiers are not taken for them which they be but do put-on and represent à strange person or as Augustin saith they hid y t which they are vnder à personage boast in à personage y t which they are not So the scripture by à Metaphor calleth such hypocrites as by external gestures and deedes boaste themselues for sainctes when for al that their minde is prophane and wicked that is when the outwarde man appeareth meeke as à sheepe when the inwarde is rauening like à woulfe For by this image Christ depainted hypocrites Hereof hypocrisie is saide to bee an outwarde faigning of godlines vnder à prophane and wicked mind So that à double sinne is in hypocrisie to wit impietie and lying For which cause their damnation is doubled for they are condemned both as wicked against God and as liers before men Therefore the saying of Aristotle against
spiritual but I am carnal soulde vnder sinne By which saieng he doth signifie that the carnal man as carnall can not yeelde spirituall obedience to the Lawe He calleth him carnal which in another place he calleth à natural man who hath not the spirite as Iude doth interpret the same that is which is not borne anewe by the holie Ghost Thirdlie the Law it selfe requireth à perfect pure and constant loue both of GOD and our neighbour which loue vndoubtedlie is not an external and outward worke but an inwarde and spiritual exacting the puritie of affections which are not to be founde in men that are not regenerated Last of al the interpretation of Christ which he himselfe opposeth against the Pharisees doth sufficientlie confute this dreame of the Papistes Moreouer hauing thus laide open the errors of Pelagius and of the Papistes I wil gather foure demonstrations out of Paul wherewith I wil confirme the minor of our demonstration which is that no mortal man can yeelde no perfect obedience to the lawe of God The first is taken from the common corruption of mans nature For al men from their birth are vncleane and guiltie nowe seeing from an vnpure and stinking fountaine there cannot chuse but issue foule and filthie water it cannot be that an vncleane man can yeelde pure and cleane obedience For so saith Salomon Surelie there is no man iust in the earth that doth good and sinneth not And Iob Who can bring à cleane thing out of filthinesse there is not one For al the sorte of vs do proceede from à sinneful masse For the effecte cannot be better than the cause So that this argumēt is strong Theie which are vncleane cannot yeelde pure obedience Al men by nature are vncleane Christ alone excepted who was exempted from the cōmon law of such as are borne Therfore none can yeelde pure obedience to the lawe of God The second is taken from the general experience or punishment of guiltines in al mē Whosoeuer be subiect to death which is the punishment for violating Gods law theie are breakers of God his Lawe otherwise God should be an vniust iudge for punishing the innocent but now Paul confesseth that the iudgement of God is according to trueth But al men are subiect to death as the to punishmēt for violating Gods lawe which thing the miserable experience of al men from time to time doth testifie Therefore al men are breakers of God his lawe How then can theie be righteous by the lawe The thirde is taken from the testimonies of Scripture which are the verie voice of God both in the Psalmes in Moses the Prophets Euangelistes and writinges of the Apostles In Moses it is written The Lorde sawe that the wickednesse of man was greate in the earth and al the imaginations of the thoughtes of his heart were onelie euil continualie Beholde the fountaine of man his righteousnes Iob saith I know verilie that it is so for howe should man compared vnto God be iustified If he woulde dispute with him he could not answeare him one thing of à thousand The same Iob saith againe If I would iustifie my selfe mine owne mouth shal condemne me And in à certaine Psalme Theie haue corrupted and done an abhominable worke there is none that doth good The Lorde looked downe from heauen vpon the children of men to see if there were anie that woulde vnderstand and seeke God Al are gone out of the waie theie are al corrupt there is none that doth good no not one Againe Who can vnderstand his faultes And againe If thou ô Lorde straitlie markest iniquities ô Lord who shal stand Therfore Dauid praieth on this wise Enter not into iudgement with thie seruant for in thie iudgement shal none that liueth be iustified Salomon also Pro. 20. hath these wordes Who can sate I haue made mine heart cleane I am cleane frō my sin And y e Prophet Isai We haue al bin as an vncleane thing al our righteousnes is as filthie cloutes we al do fade like à leafe our iniquities like the winde haue taken vs awaie The preaching of repentance in the Gospel is à witnesse of the guilt of al mankind And the Lord saith That which is borne of the flesh is flesh From y e Epistles of y e Apostles I wil alleage onlie on testimonie out of Paul who vnto the Romanes writeth after this wise We haue alredie proued saith he that al both Iewes and Gentiles are vnder sinne As it is written there is none righteous no not one There is none that vnderstandeth there is none that seeketh God Theie haue al gone out of the waie theie haue beene made altogether vnprofitable there is none that doth good no not one Their throte is an open sepulchre theie haue vsed their tongues to deceite the poison of aspes is vnder their lippes Whose mouth is ful of cursing and bitternes their feete are swifte to shed bloud Destruction and calamitie are in their waies and the waie of peace theie haue not knowne The feare of God is not before their eies Of these such like testimonies our proposition is proued which is that no man perfectlie can fulfil the lawe of God The fourth is taken from the necessitie and ende of the mediator giuen betwene God and men For if man by his natural strength could haue fulfilled the lawe of God he had not needed à mediator For he had beene righteous by the workes of the lawe and had by the couenant of GOD obteined eternal life For it is the couenant of God If à man doe my commaundementes he shal liue in them But nowe seeing man hath neede of à mediator and reconciler doubtlesse he breaketh the lawe and is guiltie vnrighteous and accursed Therefore the scripture which conteineth either the promise or the exhibition of y e Messiah doth accuse mankinde of sinne and sendeth vnto the mediator pacifier and intercessor Hence Paul fetcheth an argumēt in his second chapter vnto the Galathians when he saith If righteousnesse be by the Lawe then Christ died without à cause that is the Sonne of God in mans nature in vaine did humble himselfe euen vnto the death of the crosse if man by the lawe maie be iustified whereas the Sonne of God tooke the nature of man vpon him that he might abolishe sinne bring euerlasting righteousnesse and therein cause vs to be adopted into the sonnes of God Let the Papistes take the lawe in this place for what part it pleaseth them yet the same conclusion must follow For whether righteousnesse be by the lawe moral or by the iudicial or by the ceremonial or by altogether the same absurditie doth follow namelie that Christ died without à cause If he died in vaine he was also borne in vaine al his benefitie are in vaine By these foure inuincible argumentes the iudgement of the Church which
3 5. 6. Rom. 8 34. Heb. 7 24. 25. Heb. 10 14. 1. Iohn 2 1. Fiue things to be considered in Christe his intercession 1. Christe is to be praied vnto in two respects Rom 4 10. Heb 5 6. Euseb. Lib. 10. Eccles. Hist. 2. In what respect Christ is an intercessor Magist. Sent. Lib. 3. Distinst 19. 3. When Chrih is an intercessour for vs. Rom. 5 10. 2. 4. When God doeth accept the praiers of the faithful Iohn 15 16. Math. 6 9. Heb. 7 25. 5. We are to make none our mediator saue Christe onelie 1. Iohn 2 1. 2 Properties of à liuelie faith Against a●ricular confession and absolution True absolution what Of this point somewhat more is spoken aboue Chap. 17. Mat. 18 18. * Chap. 24. in the 3. reason whie the masse is abhominabe Heb. 7 12. Heb. 9 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. The old couenāt what The new coueant what The ancient fathers before Christ partakers of the newe couenant The newe couenant was in al ages The partes of the couenant betweene God and man Gen. 17 7. 4. 1. The matter or foundation of the couenant 2. Cor. 5 19. Isai 54 10. 2. The wonderful loue of God to vs ward in making this couenant 3. The perpetuitie of God his couenant Heb. 6 13. 14. 17. 18. 4. The largenes of the couenant Seede of Abrahā what 5. God bestoweth immortalitie vpon his confederats How we doe couenant with God for our partes Gen. 17 1. Gen. 22 4. 5. c. The couenant of God fulfilled and confirmed by the bloud of Christ. Baptisme and the L. Supper seales that God hath fulfilled his couenant 1. Cor. 11 25 The couenant beweene God and man how i● is defined Iere. 31 31. 32. 33. 34. Gal. 4 24. 25. 26. c. The old Testament what Signe of the old couenā● Ende of the old couenāt Time of the couenāt promised Heb. 9 17. Reuel 13 8. Luk. 1 76. 77. 78. Eze. 36 26. Ezek. 36 26 Difference betweene the new Testament and the Gospel Aug. Lib. 2. Retract Aug. ad Bonif Lib. 3. Whether the ten-commandements be abrogated or no Heb. 8 13. Exo. 19 16. 17. c. Mat. 19 17. Gal. 3 24. Rom. 10 4. 2. Cor. 3 13. 14. c. 1. How the sacrifice of Christ is applied to vs by the word The necessitie of preaching Mar. 16 15. Psal 1 2. Fruite of meditating vpon the worde of God Psal. 1 2. 3. Psal. 2 12. Punishmēt of the contemners of Gods word Psal 14 1. Psal. 53 1. Psal. 14 1. Psal 53 1 ● Thess 3 10. 11. Warres of the Turke are token● of God his displeasure for contēpt of his word 2. Howe the sacrifice of Christ is applied to man by faith Euerie man saued by his own faith Faith what Faith whervpon grounded Rom. 4 7. 8. Psa. 32 1. 2. Matth. 9 2. Mark 5 36. Luk. 8 48. Mat. 18. 21. 22. c. Luk. 7 41. 42. Luk. 15 11. 12. c. 1. Grace Rom. 5 16. 19. Iustification what Against the righteousnes of workes Phil. 3 7. 8. 9. Rom. 10 4. Rom. 3 28. Gal. 2 21. Ephes. 2 8. 9. Rom. 10 4. Rom. 1 16. 17. Against the righteousnes of faith and workes together Rom. 10 3. Gal. 3 11. 12. The arguments of the aduersaries against the doctrine of iustification The true sense of S. Iames touching works Mat. 19 17. Rom. 10 4. Rom. 3 31. Gifte Luk. 1 74. 75. 3. How by the sacraments we maie applie the sacrifice of Christ to our selues Two no ●●oe sacraments Baptisme whie but once ministred to mā what i● signifieth The L. Supper what is signifieth whie often receaued The conscience healed by the sacrifice of Christ. Mar. 2. 17. Phil 3 20. 21. Heb. 13 18. Esai 64 6. Heb. 9 14. Rom. 5 1. Gal. 3 17. Psal. 51 7. Psal. 119 112. 1. Tim. 1 18. 19. 2. Tim. 2 12 1. Pet. 2 21. The minde of à godlie wise man in prosperitie 1. Pet. 5 6. Luk 14 11. 1. Cor. 1 26. Col. 2 3. Iohn 8 52. Reue. 14 13 Psa. 116 15 Exod. 19 5. 9 Ephes. 2 3. How Christians are made priests Ephes. 5 26. Reuel 1 5. 6. Rom. 6 3. Gal. 3 27. Psal. 132 9. 2. Cor. 1 21. 22. 1. Pet. 2 9. The couenant betweene God and Christians Priests Mal. 2 5. 6. 7. Paries of the couenāt betweene God and Christian Priestes Psa. 111. 10. Matt. 7 15. 1. Pet. 2 5. 9. Rom. 9 26. Iohn 1 12. Eucharisticall sacrifice what The workes of Christians whie called a sacrifice Kindes of Eucharistical sacrifices 1. We offer sacrifice as Baptisme 2. Christians do offer sacrifice when theie dailie crucifie their wicked affections Rom. 13 1. Rom. 12 2. Rom. 6 10. 11. Luk. 9 23. Rom. 12 1. Luk. 9 23. 3. Christiā● do offer sacrifice when theie praise God Psal. 50 23 14. Hos. 14 3. Confession of the faith in the time of persecution whie necessarie Rom. 10 10. 4. Christians doe sacrifice when theie praie Psal. 14 2. Reuel 5 8. Mich. 6 6. 8. 5. Christians doe offer sacrifice to God when theie repent vnfainedlie Psal. 51 17. Isai. 57 15. Isai. 66 2 Iere. 23 29. 6. Christians do sacrifice when theie suffer affliction patientlie Iob. 19 25. 7. The seauenth sacrifice of Christians righteousnes in conuersatiō Psal. 4 5. Hos 6 6. Heb 13 16. The 8. sacrifice of Christians Rom. 15 15 16. The ministers of the Gospel how and when priestes 1. Pet. 5 3. Psal. 50 16 17 1 Dan. 12. 3. The summe of this verse Who trulie happie God principalie and through himselfe happie End of man what Fal of man 1. Iohn 3 ● An obiectiō Matth. 5 4. 10. 2. Tim. 2 12 2. Tim. 2 1● Psal. 119 1. The first step vnto heauen Isai. 5 Luk. 11 28. Psal. 1 1 2. Psal. 119 2. Excellencie of God his worde Worldlie wisedome Rom. 10 18 1. Tim. 2 4. Mat. 21 43 What is to be learned by seeing manie nations at this daie without the Gospel of Christe Mat. 21 33 Howe the word bringeth saluation 2. Cor. 2 16. Iohn 17 3. Luk. 11 28. Rom. 4 7. The 2. step vnto heauē Psal. 112 1. Psa. 119 1. Matth. 5 5. Rom. 10 4. Ephes. 2 8 9. 10. The 3. step vnto heauē Act. 14 22. 2. Tim. 3 12 Iob 5 17. 18. 1. Cor. 11 32 Matt. 5 10. 11. The 4. step vnto heauē Mat. 10 22. Reue. 14 13 1. Pet. 1 9. Coloss. 1 23. Iohn 15 7. Heb. 3 14. Where the soules of the righteous are vntil the daie of iudgement Luk. 23 43. Phil. 1 23. Reue. 14 13. Phil. 3 21. Psal. 17 15. Ecclesi 1 8. Reuel 21. 2. 4. 18. 22. 23. Reuel 22 5. 4. 1. Cor. 2 9. 1. Cor. 13 12 Rom. 1 17. Gal. 5 16. Coloss. 3 1. Heb. 11 13. Heb. 13 14. Phil 3. 13. 14. Against the vaine opinions of the Philosophers concerning true happines Against the Epicures Prou. 5 3. 4. Antisthenes Critolaus Architas
either vnto the vnregenerate or vnto the regenerate If it be applied vnto the vnregenerate which are without Christ by the principle which we haue set downe it must needes folow that it is neither ratified nor performable wherefore it is referred vnto the first order of testimonies For it proponeth the iudgement of the lawe concerning the rewardes of good workes But forsomuch as an impossible condition namely if a man do my commaundements he shal liue in them is annexed it cannot be but that the vnregenerate are subiect vnto this damnatorie sentence of y e law Curssed is euery man that continueth not in al things which be written in the booke of the law to do them But if such a promise be referred vnto the regenerate in Christ the promise is firme and perfourmed in whom al promises are yea and Amen But moe thinges in order be to be noted in this place Firste how in the regenerate the rigor of the lawe is taken away which rigor consisteth in three thinges that is to say that none obedience liketh God vnlesse it be perfect that life is not promised but to them which fulfil the lawe that the cursse is denounced to al which offend yea in the least thing Secondly we are to thinke that a man nowe beleeuing pleaseth God as beloued in the beloued and as an heire of eternal life for Christ his righteousnes imputed to him which is the waie of life and saluation according to these wordes of Paul Christ is the end of the lawe for righteousnesse to euerie one that beleeueth Thirdlie it is to be considered that of the beleeuing man whom for Christ his sake he accepteth God requireth obedience and that as à moste louing father he promiseth à rewarde to him not of det for anie goodnes or price of the work but of meere grace through fatherlie kindenes wherbie he imbraceth the beleeuing man in Christ Iesus Fourthlie we must haue in minde that workes so done through faith be testimonies of religion euen as proper effectes be vndoubted arguments of the cause from which theie proceede And therefore is the Lorde saide to rewarde euerie one according to his workes as when Paul saith God wil rewarde euerie man according to his workes which workes be tokens of faith and most vndoubted arguments of the feare of God Of these workes mention shalbe made at the last daie that al creatures maie acknowledg the iustice of God in iudging But if à special promise be made in à certaine thing as when Tobiah doth saie Almes doth deliuer from death doth purge al sin and maketh men to finde life and Daniel Breake off thine iniquities by mercie towarde the poore for that shalbe à salue for thine error this rule which dependeth vpon the principle which we haue aboue set-downe is to be remembred Touching à particular fact we must iudge according to the qualitie either of the deede or of the person that doth it If we iudge by the qualitie of the deede it is moste true that no deedes of man be theie manie or fewe can satisfie the lawe of God as aboue in the firste order of testimonies we haue declared and therefore he cannot merit either righteousnes or life But if according to the qualitie of the person we doe iudge the iudgemēt wil be diuers as the persons be For the person that worketh either hath faith or he hath not If the person which worketh hath faith his worke done according to the lawe doth please and is imputed to him for righteousnes that is it is thought to be righteous for so much as it pleaseth God in respect of the person But if the person that worketh hath no faith it is impossible that the worke should please while this rule shal holde whatsoeuer is not done of faith is sinne And therefore diligentlie it would be considered what good workes be of themselues and of what account in respect of the workers Of themselues theie are of no valure neither doe theie merit anie whit because theie are not the fulfilling of the lawe Before the righteousnes of faith theie are 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 euen y e vilest doung as Paul speaketh and abominable but after that righteousnes is cōfirmed theie are to be estemed not according to their owne desert but according to the goodnes of God which accepteth them for the persons sake y t pleaseth him in which respect these are imputed vnto righteousnes that is are taken for good workes as it is written of the zeale of Phinees which thrust throw the fornicators theie merit reward as Paul saith both in this life a●d in the world to come Now returne we vnto the saying of Tobias touching which I do saie first y t in the old trāslation which à little before I cited the words be verie corruptlie red For according to the Greek theie should be thus red Almes or liberalitie doth deliuer frō death and doth purge al sin Those which exercise almes righteousnes shalbe filled with life This sentēce cānot be applied to the Pharisee or to anie man y t is not regenerat For as the almes here cōmended is à particular work so in the vnregenerat it is manie waies polluted So that it is to be referred vnto y e regenerat But theie haue remissiō of sins frely for Christ his sake by whose bloud theie are clēsed frō al iniquitie But the last particle in y e saying of Tobias namlie Theie shalbe filled with life that is theie shal enioie à long life doth shew how Tobias speaketh not of purging of sin before God but in this life only before mē who cōmend those for good righteous men which are merciful liberal toward y e needy The like iudgement is to be giuē touching y e place of Daniel which in y e hebrue is thus red Redeeme thy sins by righteousnes thy iniquities by mercie towarde the poore lo so thie peace y t is prosperitie felicitie in thie kingdome shalbe lengthened prolonged Here Daniel of necessitie must meane y e fruites of repentāce which are most vndouted argumēts of faith of the feare of God merit the mitigatiō of punishments à prosperous successe of affaires both priuate and publike which thing Daniel doth signifie in these wordes Lo so shal thie peace be lengthned prolōged To be short al y e sentēces whersoeuer they be redin y e holy scripture cōcerning good works are to be vnderstood according to their circūstances and as the matter doth require are to be applied to these foure orders of testimonies But theie which confound these orders theie peruert y e scripture and trample vpon y e blood of the son of God with their feete whē they indeuor to ascribe that to works which belongeth properlie to y e son of God our mediator Iesus Christ to whome with the father and the holie ghost be honor praise and glorie now