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A02613 The ensamples of vertue and vice, gathered oute of holye scripture. By Nicolas Hanape patriarch of Ierusalem. Very necessarye for all christen men and women to loke vpon. And Englyshed by Thomas Paynell; Exempla Sacrae Scriptae ex utroque Testamento collecta. English Hannapes, Nicolas de, patriarch of Jerusalem, 1225-1291?; Paynell, Thomas.; Peraldus, Guilelmus, 13th cent. 1561 (1561) STC 12742; ESTC S103820 271,342 814

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man sitting vpon him When ther should haue bene a vehemente bataile betwene Tymothe and Iudas Machabeus 2. Mach. 1● there appeared v. men vpon horsbacks garnished wyth brydles of golde leadynge the Iewes and two of them hauing Machabeus betwixt them that kepte him safe on euery side with their weapōs The Iewes goynge to battaile againste 2. Mach. 1●● the greate and myghtye hoste of Lisias Machabeus beyng theyr capitaine there appeared before theym vppon horsbacke a man in white clothynge wyth harnesse of golde shaking his speare We do read that the angel of God appeared thrise vnto Ioseph Mat. 1.2 first our lord being in his mothers womb Secondarely when he was come forthe of his mothers wombe And thyrdlye when he was in Egipt When Iesus was baptised the spirit of god was sene vpon him in a bodely shape like a doue Mat. 3. Luke 4. and the fathers voyce was hard sayinge Thys is my well be loued sonne Also in our lordes transfyguratyon ther apeared Moses and Helias speaking Mat. 17. wyth our Lord. And there came a voyce from heauen Luke 9. When our Lord Iesus arose from death to life Mat. 27. manye bodies of sainctes which slept arose and comming oute of the graues came into the holy city and appeared vnto manye When Iesus was rysen earlye the fyrst day after the saboth Mar. 16. he appeared first to Mary Magdalen After this he appeared to two dysciples goyng by the way Luke 24. and laste of all he appeared vnto the eleuen as they sate at meate Mar. 16. and caste in theyr teethe theyr vnbelefe and hardnesse of heart Our Lord Iesus shewed hym selfe alyue after hys passyon Act. 1. and that by manye argumentes and tokens appearing vnto them xl daies and speakinge of the kingdome of God Then ther followeth And while they loked stedfastly vp toward heauen behold two men stode by them in whyte apparell When the fiftye dayes were come to an end Act. 2. they wer al with one accord together in one place And ther apeared vnto them clouen tongues like as they had bene of fyre Stephen beynge full of the holye ghoste Act. 7. loked vp into heauen he sawe the glory of God and sayd Beholde I se the heauens open and the sonne of man standynge on the right hande of God And the Aungell of God was there presente and a lyghte shyned in the habitacion of the prysonne Actes 12. And he smote Peter whyche was bound with chaynes on the syde and stered hym vp saying aryse vp quickely And when Paule was come nye to Damasco to take those that were christened Act. 10. sodenly there shined round aboute hym a lyghte frome heauen And he hearde oure Lorde Iesus of Nazareth sayinge vnto hym Saull why persecutest thou me And afterwardes he appeared to Ananias Cornelius the capitayne a deuout man Act. 9. and one that feared God sawe euydentelye aboute the nynth houre of the daye an angell of God sayinge vnto him Corneli send men to Ioppa and call for one Simon whose syrname is Peter he shal tell thee what thou oughtest to dooe Peter beynge in hys prayers and a hungerd fell into a traunce sawe Heauen opened Act. 10. and a certaine vessell came downe to hym as it had bene a greate shete knytte at the foure corners and was let downe to the earth wherin were all maner of fourefoted beastes of the earth and vermen and wormes and foules of the ayre When Paule and Barnabas had gone throughe Misia they came to Troada Act. 16. And a vision appeared too Paule in the nyghte There stode a man of Macedonia and prayed him sayinge Act. 17. Come into Macedonia and helpe vs our Lorde sayd vnto Paule by a vision in the nyghte feare not speake and holde not thy peace On a certain night god standing by Paule said vnto him be constant and of good chere Paule Act. 23. for as thou haste testified of me in Ierusalem so muste thou beare witnes also at Rome Paule purposing to comforte and cheere his fellowes in the time of the tempest Act. 27. persuaded them to be of good cheere saying There stode by me this night thangel of God said fear not Paule thou muste be brought before Ceaser and lo God hath geuen the al them that sayle with the. Blessed Iohan the Apostle Euangelist exiled into the I le of Pathmos Apoca. 1. sawe Christe in the myddes of seuen golden candelstyckes Ye all the boke is full of such visions ¶ Of good angelles Capi. xxxi ANgelles appeared vnto Abrahā wer very familier with him Gen. 18. Angels wer loged with Loth folowing in a maner his gētle violēce deliuered him frō all perel danger Gen. 19. The angel of god called vnto Abraham forbode him to sacrifice or to offre vp his sonne Gen. 22. and promised him great thinges for his obedience Iacob fleyng frō his brother Esau Gen. 28. sawe the Angelles ascendynge and descending vpon the ladder Iacob returned from Labans seruyce to Isaac his father Gen. 31. The angels came to mete him and to defend him And the angell of God which went before the hooste of Israell when the people came oute of Egypte Exo. 14. stode betwyxte the hooste of the Egypcians and the hooste of Israell For it is wrytten Exo. 23. beholde I sende my angell before thee to keepe thee in the way and to bring thee into the place which I haue prepared Nume 22. The angell of god stode in the way against Balaam riding vpō his Asse The angell of oure Lorde rebuked the chyldren of Israell Iudi. 2. because they hadde sworne and made a peace with the Cananites puttynge them in remembraunce of Gods benefites done and shewde vnto them The angell of oure Lorde appearynge vnto Gedeon dyd comfort him Iudi. 6. and holded him to deliuer the people The Angell appeared to Manues wyfe that was barren Iudi. 13. declarynge vnto her that she shoulde conceaue and that she should kepe abstinence After that the people at Daudis cōmaundement wer nombred our lorde sent a pestilence into Israel 2. regu 24. And whē the angel stretched out his hand vpon Ierusalem to destroy it Dauid seyng the angell that smote the people said Lo it is I that haue done wyckedly Our Lordes aungell dyd comforte Helias ●●eynge the tiranny of Iezabel and refreshed hym wyth sober meat 3. regu 19. And the angel opened vnto Helias 4. regu 1. what he should answer vnto Ochozias messengers There were mo good angels with Elizeus to defend hym 4. regu 6. then ther wer euil menne wyth hys aduersaryes to hurt hym The aungell of oure Lorde came 4. regu 19. and smote in one nyght of the Assiryans an hundred foure score and fyue thousand The aungell Raphaell that was Tobias guid Tobi. 5.6 deliuered him from the
and euery one gaue him a shepe and an earing of gold The Image whyche Nabuchodonozor sawe Dani. 2. was smitten of a stone hewen oute of a mountaine and was broken to poulder doth sufficientlye declare worldly prosperity to be nothing The Children of Zambry made a great marriage 1. macha 9. And the Iewes wyth Ionathas slue manye of them Thus the marriage was tourned to mourning and the noyse of their melodye into lamentation King Ptolomy of Egipt after that Alexander the kinge of Siria was ouercumd 1. Mach. 11. dryuen into Araby was exalted and his honor increased Gadiel the Arabian smote of Alexanders head and sent it to Ptolomy but the third daye after died kinge Ptolomy him self The yong manne that inquyred of Christ mat● 19. how he mighte haue eternall life had many and great possessions and therefore when oure Lorde gaue him the counsel of perfection he wēt his wayes sory Peter denyed our Lord in the high priestes palace math 26. The Iewes receiued our Lord into Ierusalem solempnlye math 21. but after hee had wel beheld them towardes euen he went to Bethany For he founde not one that woulde receiue him into hys house and lodge him The example that our Lord dothe vse Luc. 12. and put by the riche man whose ground brought forth plētiful frutes doth greatly serue vs to despise the aboundance of temporall thinges For when he most diligently thoughte to breake down and destroy his barnes and build greater God said vnto him Thou fole this night will the deuils fetch away thy soul from thee Then whose shall those thinges be whyche thou hast prouided The biers of the farme and Oxen and he that maried a wife were calde to our Lordes supper Luc. 14. and they as being busy about other thinges excused them selues but the poore and the feble were brought in Our Lorde beholdinge the citye of Ierusalem Luc. 19. being in temporal peace and ignoraunte of the miseryes that were to come wept on it sayinge If thou haddest knowne thou woulde wepe When the people gaue a shout He rode hauinge on his royall apparell sitting in his seat and makyng an oration vnto them Act. 12. they said It is the voyce of a God and not of a manne And immediatly the aungell of oure lord smote hym because he gaue not GOD the honoure and he was eaten of Wormes and gaue vppe the Ghoste ¶ Of worldly curiosity Capi. Cxxii THe occasyon of the fyrst transgression semeth to haue hadde hys beginnynge of thys Gen. 3. that Eue did lysten curiously vnto the serpent and did curiously behold the tre forbode Dina the doughter of Lia wēt out to se wemen of the land Gen. 34. Ther foloweth that she was sene rauyshed and forced Our lorde commaunded Moses to saye vnto the people Exo. 19. beware ye goe not vp into the mount or touche the border of it Who so euer toucheth the mount shall surely dye And after a few wordes Charge the people that they prease not vp to see our lorde and so manye of them pearyshe Our lord sayd vnto Moses that Aaron and hys sonnes only should enter into the holy tabernacle Nume 4. And that other by no curiosity shoulde see what thinges were in the sanctuary vntyl they were folden vp least they dye Ozias the king of Iuda went into the temple of our Lord 2. Para. 16. toke the Censar and woulde haue burnte insence vpon the aultar of insence The whiche thing pertaind not to hys office but to the priestes and by and by the leprosy sprange in his forehead When the Iewes sawe that oure Lord did manifest and profitable miracles Luc. 11. they would not so but sought for a signe from heauen When Herode the Tetrarch sawe Iesus Luc. 23. he was exceading glad not of any deuotion but of a curiosity for he trusted to se some miracle don by him so that the syght of oure LORDE did litle profyte hym but hurte hym rather Act. 1. Our Lord refraind the curiosity of his Disciples whiche woulde haue known the time of his second aduent and comminge sayinge It is not for you to know the tymes or the seasōs whyche the father hathe putte in hys owne power Act. 8. It semeth to haue bene of a curiosity that Simon Magus woulde haue bene baptised in as much as he sawe the sygnes and miracles which Phillip did Act. 17. The Atheniens and straungers cald Paule for no nother thynge but to tell to see or to heare some newe thyng When Paule preached in the city of Ephesus Act. 19. many of them which vsed curious craftes brought their bokes and burned them before all men The Apostle Paul doth reprehend and reproue certayne Thessalonians which walcked vnquietly 2. Thes. 3. and vnordinatly working not at all but being busy bodies The Apostle monisheth to auoyde yong widowes and he dothe often reproue those whiche vage abrode 1. Timo. 5. are idle and curious and warneth vs to exchue them that learne to goe from house to house that wander aboute and that shewe and sell them selues speaking thinges which are not comly and when they haue liued luxuryously they wil marry ¶ Of the greate faithe of wemen Capi. Cxxiii THe Apostle commendeth the faith of Raab Hebr. 11. whyche pearished not wyth them that were disobedient Iosu. 2. when she had receiued the spyes to lodging peaceably Ruth remayned wyth her mother in law Noemy Ruth 1.2 sayinge Thy people shall be my people and thy God my God And Booz afterwardes said vnto her Our Lorde quite thy woorke and a ful reward be geuen the of our Lorde vnto whome thou arte come and vnder whose wynges thou arte come to abide 3. regu 17. A widow woman of Sarepta beleued Elias the prophets woordes althoughe he commaunded her to doe a thing very hard to be done 2. Mach. 7. That wonderfull and maruelous mother the whiche sawe the vii brethren her sonnes tormented in one day and did strōgly animate them to die for the law of God dyd very well confesse the creation of the worlde the resurrection of the dead As touchinge the misterye of oure Lordes incarnation Luc. 1. wemen were more prompt and readye to beleue it then men For Zachry was reproued by the aungel of incredulity because thou beleuest not my wordes c. But we reade that Elizabeth was not reprehensible but commendable the which euen assone as Mary was com cried out blessed art thou among wemen and blessed is the frute of thy wombe In like manner the blessed virgyn is to be commended Luc. 1. the which gaue creadit vnto the angell sayinge vnto her that she should conceiue of the holy ghoste And Anna the widow prophetesse spake vnto all men Luc. 1. that loked for the redempcion of Israel of a childe that was borne Our Lord said vnto Mary Magdalen Thy faith
Hebrues 2. Cor. 11. Heb. 1. ¶ Of vndiscrete zele Capit. lii WHen Iosue Moses seruant saw two menne in the hooste that Prophesyed Nume 11. he sayde mayster Moses forbyd them And Moses saide vnto hym what enuyest thou for my sake Abisai the sonne of Seruia was willing to haue cut of Semeis head 2. regu 19. because he cursed Dauid that suffred Absolons persecutiō but Dauid wold not suffer that he shoulde haue anye harme or dammage The children of the Prophets constrayned Elizeus to sende menne to seeke hys mayster 4. regu 2 leaste happely the spirit of our Lord had taken him vp and cast him vpon some mountain or into some valey Ionas fled from the face and sight of God when hee commaunded him to preach to the Niniuites And afterwardes he was sorye and discontent Ionas 1.4 that the city pearyshed not as he had preached When oure LORD had shewed hys Disciples howe that he shoulde suffer manye thinges of the hye priestes and elders of the Iewes Mat. 16. and bee killed Peter began to rebuke hym sayinge Mayster fauor thy selfe this shal not happen vnto the. The Pharises did greatly contend for the obseruation of the Sabbothe Mar. 2. when they saw oure Lorde heale the sycke LuKe. 6. and hys disciples pluck the cares of the corne and rubbe them in theyr handes on that day The Pharises contended more for the traditions of man Mat. 15. than for the cōmaundementes of God And the people contēded more for the gould of the Temple Mat. 23. then for the temple and for the giftes of the aultare then for the aultare They brought children to our Lord that he should laye his handes vppon them Mar. 10. and pray And his disciples rebuked those that brought them But Iesus said suffer the children to come vnto me for bid them not for of suche is the kingdome of God When Mary had poured the pretious oyntment vpon the Lordes hed some of the disciples disdained Mar. 14. wer not content with her for the wast and losse of the oyntment Ihon forbade a certain mā that casted out deuils in our Lorde Iesus name Luke 9. because he folowed not them with other Disciples And Iesus saide vnto him forbid him not for he that is not against vs is with vs. LuKe. 9. When Iames and Ihon hard that the Samaritans wold not receiue the messengers of our Lorde they sayde Lord wilt thou that we commaunde fire to come downe from heauen and consume them Iesus turned about rebuked them sayinge ye wotte not what manner sprite ye are of Luke 22. Our Lord reproued Peter because he had stroken of the eare of the high prestes seruaunt For it was not christes time then to shew his power but his patience It appeareth that Ihon the Baptist Disciples bare no great good zeale towardes oure Lorde Iohn 3. when they sayde vnto Ihon their master Rabby he that was wyth thee beyonde Iordan the same baptiseth and all men come to him Ihon answered them rightwel and said a man can receiue nothyng except it be geuen him from heauen When that many sick folkes were brought out of the city Act. 5. and wer healed of Peter the chefe priest rose vp and all they that were with him wer ful of indignation Paule was a great folower of hys fathers traditions againste manye of his owne felowes when he made hauocke of the congregation Act. 8.9 entrynge into euery house and drawynge oute both men and women and thrustyng them into prison Likewise he obtayned letters of the hie Priest to the sinagog● that was at Damasco that he if he found any ther that cald vpō the name of Christ might bringe thē bound vnto Ierusalem Act. 13. The Iewes perceiuing that almost the whole city came together to hear the worde of GOD that Paule and Barnabas dyd preache they wer ful of zeale and indignation and spake rayling wordes against those things which were spoken of Paule When Paule was come to Ierusalem the brethren saide vnto hym Act. 21. how manye thousandes of Iewes be there that beleue and are earnest folowers of the law And of such speaketh Paule Roma 10. sayinge I bare them record that they haue a zeale and a feruent minde to Godwarde but not according to knowledge ¶ Of prudency and discretion Capitulo .liii. ABraham comming into Egipt dyd wysely and warely Gen. 12.20 as touchynge hys wyfe for he cloked the truthe and yet affirmed no falshode saying She is my sister He did the like when he came to Abimelech And Abraham did prudently seperate hym self from Lot Gen. 13. because theyr herd menne shoulde not stryue together Abraham discretelye while he yet liued Gen. 25. did deuide and geue euery child hys portion least that they after hys deathe shoulde stryue and hee at debate Rebecca did wiselye enstructe her sonne Iacob Gen. 27. how he should obtayne and come by his fathers blessing and prudently she caused hym to departe from those partyes vntyll hys brothers fearsnesse wer swaged Iacob by crafte dyd euen very wel begyle Labans craftinesse Gen. 30. when Laban denyed to geue hym competente wages for hys seruyce Iacob dyd prudently that he whē he shoulde meete wyth hys brother Gen. 32. sente hym Presentes and when hee deuyded hys Substaunce leaste that hee euen at one brounte shoulde lose al and put such thinges as he loued best in daunger Gen. 41. Ioseph spake prudētly before Pharao expounding the dreame vnto him and geuing him counsell againste the famine that was to come Gen. 44. Ioseph did warely and wiselye deprehend and accuse his brethren and put them in feare Iethro gaue Moses good counsaile saying Exo. 18. prouide thy selfe men of power and such as feare God true men such as hate couetousnesse Or euer Moses inuaded the land of promise Nume 13. he sent spies thither to consider the state and condition therof The spies that Iosue sente lurked and wisely kept them selues close Iosu. 1. vntil they that sought for them were returned to theyr owne agayn Iosue vsed greate policye and wisdome when he laide awaite vnto the towne of Hai Iosu. 8. and afterwards made as though he had fled his way The Gabaonites thinking by craft and subtlety to beguile Iosue by hys discretion were broughte into seruytude and bondage Iosu. 9. Phinees and other messengers that were sent to the children of Ruben Iosu. 22. spake discreately vnto theym and wyth wyse communication appeased them Ahud bringinge a present vnto Eglon kyng of Moab Iudi. 3. craftely deceyued hym Gedeon did smite and destroye the hoost of his enemies Iudi. 8. the whiche beinge wythoute care dyd cast no peryls Iephthe like a wyse man dyd signifye Iudi. 11. by messengers vnto the kynge of the chyldren of Ammon that he dyd wrong to warre agaynst him but
Hebrues The children of Israell sufferynge penurye and scarsnes in the deseart Exo. 16. sayed that in Egypt they sat by the fleshe pottes but they made no mention of the greauous and cruell bondage that they wer troubled and vexed with all The people in the deseart sayed we remembre the fyshe whyche we dyd eate in Egypte for naughte And yet they wer ouerprest with greuous seruitude and bōdage And now beyng at liberty and in fredome they were norished wyth angels fode Nume 11. that is with most sauery meats geuen thē from heauen wythout any labor When the spies and searchers did declare and open the condityons and goodnesse of the lande of promise Nu. 13.14 the people contrary to Gods wyll would haue retourned into Egipte and by no meanes go no further And euen shortly after againste the wil of oure Lord they woulde haue made but to great hast When Moses had called Dathan Abiron Nume 16. they saide we will not come vp Is it a small thyng that thou hast brought vs out of a land that floweth with milk and hony to kil vs in the wildernes and to raign ouer vs also Moses desyred of kinge Edom saying We pray thee that we maye goe now thorow thy country Nume 20. we wil not goe by the Fieldes nor Uyneyardes neyther wyll wee dryncke of the water of the Fountaines we wyll goe by the kinges hie way Edom answered him Thou shalt not goe by mee least I come out against thee with the sweard The like thing chaunced of Seon the kyng of the Amorytes But in as much as he woulde not graunte that was litle Nume 21. he lost that was much Balaam would not curse the people whome he beleued to haue Gods benediction But there are manye which speake more euill of the good then of the naughtye Nume 24. And maruell it was that he which would not cursse them woulde harme them For notwythstandynge that oure Lorde had shewed hym that the people of Israel were blessed yet finally he gaue euyll counsaile by the whiche women deceiued him The children of Israel hearing our Lordes commaundementes Iudi. 2. dyd all thinges cleane contrary Iephthe desired the men of Ephraim to goe to battaile with him And they wold not But after that he had wonne the victory Iudi. 12. and was come agayne they as thoughe he hadde not cald vpon them began to quarel and to chide with him Dauid plaide before Saule beinge vexed with the deuel 1. reg 18.19 and serued him profytably and yet Saule wold haue naild Dauid to the wal wyth a iauelyng the which he held in his hande Saule would haue slayn hys sonne Ionathas 1. regu 10. because he excused Dauyd the innocent Saule sayd that hys seruants had conspired againste him 1. regu 22. and that Dauid lay await for him Whose death he soughte for but he coulde neyther fynde hym nor take hym The king of the children of Amnō perceiuing that he had done iniurye vnto Dauid 2. reg 10. would fyght wyth hym when that he should rather haue gon about to haue pleased hym Amnon Dauids sonne caused Thamar his sister 2. regu 13. whome he had forced to be expeld and put from him Absolon Dauids sonne moued him self malitiouslye againste his father and went in vnto his fathers concubines in the sighte of all Israell 2. reg 15.16 And would haue depryued his father both of hys lyfe and of his kingdome When our Lord had exalted Ieroboam vpon ten tribes of Israell by by he cōuerted and turned the people from worshipping of God 3. reg 12.13 and monished by the Prophet he commaunded hym to be taken Achab king of Iuda toke away our Lordes aultare and caused a nother to be made lyke vnto that whyche he had sene in Damasco and commaunded burnt offerynges to bee offred vp vpon it The Idolatry sorcery murther other diuers crimes cōmytted by Manasses are sufficientlye declared .iiii. Reg. xxi 2. Para. 33. After that Amasias had ouercomde and slain the Edomites and the men of Seir 2. Para. 25. and had brought away theyr Gods he worshypped them and burned incense vnto them Wherfore our Lord was wroth and rebuked him by his prophet sayinge vnto him whye hast thou worshipped those Goddes which were not able to deliuer theyr owne people out of thy hand Achaz king of Iuda offred sacrifices vnto the Gods of them of Damasco which bet hym and sayd The Gods of the kynges of Siria helpte them 2. Para. 28. therefore wyll I appease them wyth Sacrifices for then wyll they healpe me also But contrariously they were his destruction and the destruction of al Israel Because that Mardocheus only dyd not worshippe proud Aman Esth. 3. he procured with the king of the Assirians that all the Iewes should be putte to death When Ieremy rebuked the people because thei did sacrifice vnto straūge Gods Iere. 44. they answered sence we lefte of to do sacrifyce vnto the Quene of heauen we haue had scarcenesse of al thynges and pearysh wyth sweard hunger The lordes great estates of Darius the king of Persia did accuse Daniel Dani. 6. because that thre times a day he made hys prayers vnto hys God The two old priestes that saw Susan to be of a constant chastity should haue loued her Dani. 13. greatlye haue praised her But contrarilye they slaundred her and went about to condemn her to death but our Lorde dyd moste wonderfully deliuer her by an abstinent and a chast childe The wycked Alchinus whiche oughte to haue loued Iudas and his brethren 1. Mach. 7. with other vngodly men went to king Demetrius sayinge Iudas hys brethren haue slaine thy frendes and dryuen vs oute of oure owne lande ● Mach. 9. When Antiochus was mineded to robbe the city of Pentapolis he whē the people ranne together to theyr weapons was faine to flie the which iniury he thoughte to aduenge vpon the Iewes They of Ioppa committed a verye cruell and a shamefull deede 2. Mach. 12. for they prayed CC. Iewes to enter and go in to the shyppes with them but when they were gone forth into the deape they drowned them Nether the austere and sharpe lyfe of Ihon Mat. 11. nor yet the temperate comly eating of our sauior coulde please the Iewes When the Pharises saw that our Lorde caste oute deuels Mat. 12. and that the people were amased they blasphemed saying Thys felow dryueth the deuels no otherwyse oute but by the healpe of Belzebub the chief of the deuils There was to much peruersitye in Iudas Mat. 26. that solde hys master for xxx syluer pence ¶ Of the wickednesse of tirauntes Ca. Cix PHarao inuented dyuers wyckednesses to extinguyshe Exo. 1. or to reduce the chyldren of Israell to a smaller nomber Fyrste of all he commaunded to punysh theym wyth harde laboure Secondarelye he
I may proue them whether they wyl walk in my law or no. And whan oure LORDE spake wyth Moses Exo. 20. all the people hard their voyces and the sounde of the trompe and sawe the Lampes the Lyghteninge and the mountaine smokinge And beinge afraid they said vnto Moses Talk thou with vs. c. Moses said feare not for GOD is come to proue you and that his feare may be in you that ye sinne not Oure LORDE dyd not put all the people cleane away from the land of promission Iudi. 2. that through them Israel might proue whether they wold kepe his commaundementes Our Lord lefte Ezechias to be proued that all suche thinges as was in hys heart and minde 4. reg 20. at the comming of the king of Babilons messengers might be knowen It is written that God after that Toby was made blinde Tobi. 2. suffered that temptation to happen vnto him that they whiche came after myghte haue an example of his pacience Iudith speakinge of the children of Israell Iudi. 8. the whyche Holofernes thoughte to destroye sayd that they shuld call to remembraunce how theyr fathers in times paste were tempted that they in like māner might be proued whether they worshypped theyr God a right or no. Iob for the great tribulations that he suffred Iob. 23. said of him selfe He hathe proued and tride me as the golde in the fyre Dauid desyred of our Lorde sayinge Examen me O Lord psal 25. psal 138. and proue me O Lord thou hast proued me c. Our Lord Iesus walkynge on the sea commaunded Peter to come vnto him Mat 14. But when he saw a myghty winde he was afraid Oure Lorde saide vnto Phillippe whence shall we by bread Iohn 6. that these maye eate Thys he sayde to proue hym Peter said maruail not that ye are proued as golde by fire 1. pet 4. which thyng is to try you ¶ That man should not tempt God ¶ The .xiiii. Chapter ABraham going towards Egipt did wiselye that he confessed not that Sara was his wife Gen. 12● 20. for if if he had so said he might haue brought both him self and her into daunger And Isaac did in like manner For if he had done so Gen. 26. he in a manner as saithe s. Augustine had tempted oure Lord. The children of Israel tēpted oure Lord very often in wildernes Nume 14. When the children of Israell were ouerthrowne in battaile by the Philistines 1. regu 4. they brought the Arke of our Lord with them into the battail it was taken and they were smitten with a great plage Dauid knewe that he was anoynted kinge 1. reg 22.23 and that he shoulde raigne after Saul as Samuel had promised and yet he wold not put him self in any ieopardy but did to kepe him selfe that he might possible When that an horrible great fishe inuaded Toby Tob. 6. he taried not that thangel shuld deliuer him that which thyng he might easely quickly haue done but he toke the fishe by the gil drue him to the dry land Ozias had promised and appoynted with the people Iudi. 8. that he if there came no healpe after fiue daies were paste would geue vp them selues and the city to Holofernes Iudith said vnto the elders of the city what are ye that ye do tempt our Lord Thys deuice or woordes optaineth no mercye Our Lorde was tempted by the deuil that he shuld cast hym self downe headlyng from the pinacle of the temple Mat. 4. But he saide to him Luke 4. Thou shalt not tempt the LORDE thy God For he mighte haue descended other waies The Pharises wyllynge to tangle Iesus in his wordes Mat. 22. caused to be demaunded of him whether it wer lawful to geue Cesar tribute or no. Iesus perceiuinge their wickednesse saide why tempt ye me ye hipocrites When he had caste out the Deuel the dombe spake certaine there were that tēpted him Luke 11. and requyred of hym a signe from heauen Peter rebuking Saphira Ananias wife verye sharplye Act. 5. saide wherefore haue ye conspired together to lie and to tempt the holy ghoste Paule in that thinge that by humaine industrye he could do him self Act. 9. loked for no miracle or healpe And therfore whan the Iewes laid watch for him at Damasco he caused hym selfe to be let downe through the wal in a basket And whan they hadde hym bounde with thonges Act. 22. and that the Tribune would haue punished Paule he saide that he was a Citezen of Rome Act. 23. And againe he saide that he was a Pharisey and that to make dissention amonge the Iewes Act. 25. And whan he had an vnrighteous iudge he appealed vnto Cesar. Of vowes Ca. xv Iacob goinge vnto his vncle Labans house Gen. 18. after the vision that was shewed him vowed a vow saying If God will be with me c. King Arad the Cananite fought againste Israell Nume 21. and hauing the vpper hand and victory ouer them He toke some of them prisonners But Israel vowed a vow vnto our Lord and afterwardes ouercame them Iepte foughte against the chyldren of Ammon Iudi. 11. vowed a vowe vnto oure Lord sayinge If thou wilte delyuer the chyldren of Amon into my handes c. Anna praide vnto oure lorde and sore weping vowed a vow 1. regu 1. and saide O lorde of hostes if thou wylte geue me a man childe I wyl geue him vnto our lord Absalon willing to rebel agaynst his father king Dauid 2. regu 15 said vnto him I wil go nowe to Hebron and paye my vowe whiche I haue vowed vnto oure lorde For thy seruaunt vowed a vow when he was in Gesur in the lande of Siria saying If oure lorde shall brynge me again to Ierusalem I wil do sacrifice vnto our lord Asa the kinge of Iuda offered vp 2. Para. 15. those thinges in the house of our lord that his father had vowed and dedycated vnto our Lord euen siluer gold and diuers other vessel And the people reioysed when they were so willinge to make theyr vowes 1 para 19. for wyth all theyr heartes they offered theyr goodes vnto our Lorde And Dauid the kinge reioysed wyth great gladnesse And the children of Israel and Iuda brought in and offred their tithes 2. para 31. which they had vowed and consecrated vnto our Lord. King Artarerzes commaunded Esd●as and the people 1. Esd. 7. that they shoulde brynge giftes vnto our Lorde God of Israel the which they had vowed and promised our Lord. All the people after the victorye came to Ierusalem to praise and geue thankes vnto our Lord Iudi. 16. and they all offered burnt offeringes their vowes and promises The men that were in the shyppe where Ionas the Prophet was Ionas 1. feared exceadingly doing sacrifices and making vowes vnto our Lord. 2. Mach. 3. Heliodorus purposing to spoile
my self alone Esa. 63. and of al people ther is not one with me My louers and frendes hast thou put awaye fro me Psal. 87. And on the crosse he lacked seruauntes his Dyscyples left hym Psal. 87. and went from hym And I am made as a man wythout helpe Act. 10. When Peter came into Cesaria Cornelius met hym and fel downe and worshypped hym But Peter taking him vp said I my self also am a man Paule and Barnabas hearing that they of the city of Listra said that they wer Gods Act. 14. and wold haue done sacrifyce vnto them rent theyr clothes ran amonge the people saying Syrs why do ye thys we are mortall men lyke vnto you c. And yet scarse refrained they the people that they had not done sacrifyce vnto them Paule the Apostle labourde wyth hys owne handes to get that was necessary for hym self and hys felowes Act. 18. and therefore he drue to Aquila and Priscilla the whyche were tent makers as he hym selfe was And in an nother place hee saithe These handes haue mynystred vnto my necessityes Act. 20. and to them that wer wyth me And Paule dyd iudge and think of hym self 2 Cor. 1. but meanely and lowly the whiche trusted to the prayers of hys brethren saying by the helpe of your prayer for vs. He desired very diligently the praiers of other men Roma 15. sayinge I beseeche you brethren for oure Lorde Iesus Christes sake and for the loue of the holye sprite that ye healpe me wyth your prayers And Paule dothe inwardlye wyth hys owne wordes declare true humilitye when he saith I am the leaste of the Apostles 1. Cor. 14 which am not worthye to be called an Apostle Thes. 3. And agayne he saithe 1. Cor. 15. Iesus came into the worlde to saue sinners 1. Timo. 1. of whom I am chefe Yea he exhorteth men most diligentlye to humilitye sayinge Be not hye mineded Roma 12. but make your selues equal to them of the lower sort And again in mekenesse of minde Philip. 2. let euery man esteme another better then him selfe ¶ Of Pryde Cap. xcviii EUe for the appetite and desyre that she had to excell Gen. 3. after she hadde hard ye shal be euen as Gods did eat of the tree which she was forbidden to eat of It was geuen graunted to man to eat fish Gen. i. foule and other beastes ye shall haue rule of the fish of the sea foule of the aire and cattell c. And the fear and dread of you shal be vpon al the beastes of the earth Gene. 9. Theyr pride which wolde buylde a tower vnto heauen Gen. 11. was condemned by the confusion of languages When Agar saw that she had conceyued Gen. 16. she despised her mastresse Againste those that glorifye them selues that they are first born Gen. 4.15 is that Cain was borne before Abell Esau before Iacob Gen. 29. And Iudas was that forth amonge the children of Israell And Manasses Iosephes sonne was borne before Ephraim Gen. 48. and yet he obtained the benediction and blessynge of the right hand 1. Re. 16. And Dauid was the least and yongest of all his brethren 2. Re. 3. And Adonias was born before Salomon And so forth of many other Pharao answered to proudly Exodi 5. whē he said I know not the Lord nether wil I let Israel go The rebellion that Chore other made against Moses came of pride Nume 16. for Moses said vnto thē ye are very haut make much to do ye childrē of Leui. Abimel●ch beyng smytten of a woman called vnto hys harnesse bearer and sayed vnto hym Iudi. 9. Slaye me that menne saye not of me a woman slue him Saule desired Samuel to honoure hym before the elders of the people 1. regu 15 before Israell The sinne of elatiō and pryde was greuouslye punyshed 2. regu 24. when Dauyd caused hys subiectes and people to be numbred The pleasure and luste that kynge Ieroboam had to beare a rule 3. regu 12. fearing that the people wold reuert and tourne to the house of Dauyd caused him to inuente golden calues and to make the people to worship them for he desired that they should rather depart and go from theyr God then frō theyr Lord. After that the victorye was obtayned agaynste Arphaxat the kynge of Iewes Iudith 1. then was the kyngdome of Nabuchodonozor the kynge of the Assirians exalted and hys harte was lyft vp Nabuchodonozor commaunded Holofernesse that he should rote oute all the Gods of the land Iudith 3. to thintent that he onlye myghte bee called and taken for the God of the nations whyche Holofernes wyth his power brought vnder hym When proude Aman sawe that Mardocheus woulde not worship him Esther 3. he counsayled the kynge to destroye all the Iewes That most proudest Aman woulde that men should bow their knees vnto him Esth. 3. and of men he would be worshipped But it is to be noted that the selfe same pride was the cause of so much euil in it self that he beyng angry disdaynful estemed al other thinges which he possessed as nothinge Oure Lorde by the prophet Esaye doth detest the signes and tokens of pride Esa. 3. saying Because the daughters of Sion are become so proude and haue waulked with stretched out neckes and with vayne wanton eies c. That sayinge of Esay Esa. 14. I wil clime vp into heauen c. and wyll be like the highest of all Is vnderstanded literaly of Nabuchodonozor Of Moab it is thus written We haue hard of the pride of Moab Esa. 16. he is very proude his pride his arrogancy and hys indignation is muche more then is his strength Because Nabuchodonozor kinge of Babilōs hart was proude his sprite or stomake set so fast to wilfulnes Dani. 5. he was desposed from his trone and his glory maiesty was taken from him Balthazar Nabuchodonozor the king of Babilons sonne Dani. 5. did not submit his hart but was eleuated againste oure Lord of heauen And therfore he was slayne and Darius the Mede succeded him in his kyngdome Antiochus came vp to Ierusalem wyth a mightye people 1. mach 1. and enterd proudely into the Sanctuarye and tooke awaye the golden aulter the candelsticke and all the ornamentes thereof c. They that Iudas Machabeus sente to kepe and defende the lande sayed when they shoulde go to fyghte i. Mach. v. Let vs get vs a name go fyght against the heathen that are rounde aboute vs. Alchimus that woulde haue bene made the hye priest 1. Mac. 7 and certain other wicked men went to kinge Demetrius and accused Iudas and the people of Israell When Nicanor harde of the burnte sacrifices that were offerd of the Iewes for the king i. macha vii he laughinge them to scorne mocked
to be noted that when Paule at diuers times to auoyde the deceitfulnesse of the Iewes dyd flye from Citye to Citye that he dyd it not for anye feare of deathe but that he auoidinge the furiousnesse of the euel might reserue hym selfe for the profite of many Of sepultures and burials Ca. cxxxii Gene. 23. ABraham wyth greate diligence bought a field wherin he buryed hys wyfe Sara Iacob woulde not be buried in Egypt among the euil Ge. 47.49 But caused Ioseph to sweare that he shoulde carye hym beynge deade to the sepulture and graue of hys fore fathers He repeated the same at the houre of hys death after he hadde blessed hys chyldren The which thing Ioseph accomplyshed most carefully Moses going out of Egipt toke the bones of Ioseph with him Exo. 13 Dauid muche commended the men of Iabes Galaad that so reuerentlye dyd burye the bodyes of Saule and hys chyldren 1. re 31. 2. re 2. The punishment of the manne of God 3. re 13 the whyche contrary to the commaundement of God dyd eate breade in the house of the euel and false prophet was only thys that he was not buryed in the sepulchre and graue of hys elders Iehu the kyng of Israell that caused Iezabell to be slayne 4. re 9. wylled her to be buryed because she was a kynges doughter Tobias is much commended that he wyth the danger of hys own life Tob. 2 toke the dead coarses and moste dilygently did bury them The fyrste of all those holsome admonitions wherwith Tobias instructed hys sōne Tob. 4 was of the diligent buriyng of him self and hys mother The Iewes which accused wycked Menelaus 2. Mach. 4 were by an vnryghtfull iudge condempned Wherfore they of Tyrus toke indignation and buryed them honourably wyth great liberality After the battayle was foughten againste Gorgias Iudas Machabeus came to take vp the bodies of them that were slaine 2. Mach. 12 and to bury thē in theyr fathers graues Whan Ihon the Baptist disciples hearde that Herod had beheaded him they came mar 6. and toke vp his body and laid it in a graue It appeareth that our Lord Iesus had a carefulnesse for hys burial Iohn 12. and that by the answer he made vnto Iudas murmuringe for the oyntment the whyche after hys mynde shoulde haue bene solde Let her alone saythe oure LORDE agaynste the daye of my burying hath she kept this Luc. 23. Ioseph and Nicodemus dyd burye oure Lord and laid him in a new sepulchre that was hewen in stoane where in neuer manne before was layed Certayn good and deuout Iewes dressed Steuen which was stoned Act. 8. and made great lamentation ouer hym ¶ Of the horrible death of wicked and euyll men Capitu. Cxxxiii CAin whiche flew his owne brother was slayne by Lamech Gen. 4. The Lord raigned vpon Sodome and Gomor brymstone and fire from heauen Gen. 19. and ouerthrew .v. cytyes most stinkinge in sinne and most detestable Sichem Emors sonne whiche forced Dyna Iacobs doughter Gen. 34. was slayne by Iacobs sonnes and all the people and inhabytoures of the cytye The waters of the redde sea couered the charettes Exo. 14. and the horsemen and all the hooste of Pharao so that there remayned not one of them And that euen iustelye ynoughe that hys bodye whose harte coulde not bee mollyfyed myghte be drowned in water Nadab and Abihu the sonnes of Aaron offerynge straunge fyre before the LORDE Leui. 10. were deuoured and consumed with the Lordes fire and they dyed The children of Israel by the lords commaundement broughte forth the blasphemer and cursed speaker wyth oute the host Leui. 24. and stonde him Chore Dathan and Abiron and theyr companions Nume 16 rebelling against Moses keuered wyth earthe wente downe a lyue vnto hell And other lykewise murmuringe and commyttynge dyuers crymes peryshed with dyuers deathes in the wyldernesse Nume 1. so that of syr hundred thousande fyghtynge menne there enterd but two into the lande of promyse And because Acham tooke bestelthe of the excommunicate thinges of Ierico Iosu. 7. al Israel stoned him with stones and consumed all that euer he hadde with fyre Iahell Abners wyfe tooke a nayle of the tent and fastened it into Sisaras braynes Iudi. 4. the whyche beynge in a deedlye slombre and werye faynted and so he dyed If zebee and Salmana hadde saued Gedeons brethren Iudi. 8. he hadde spared them But inasmuche as they kylde them he in lyke maner slewe them The chyldren of Israell tooke Adonibezeche Iudi. 1. and cuttynge of the vtter partes of hys thombes and greate toes for euen so he hadde serued .70 kinges brought hym to Ierusalem and there he dyed A certayne woman caste a pece of a mylstone vppon Abimeleches head Iudi. 9. and all to brake his brayne panne And hee called hys harnesse bearer and commaunded hym to slea hym And so our Lorde quyted him the euil that he hadde don when he flew .70 of hys brethren When Hely hearde saye that the Lordes arke was taken he fell from hys stole backwarde vppon the threshold of the dore 1. regu 4. and his necke brake and he dyed Dauid a chylde vnarmed nor hauynge the vse of harnesse 1. Reg. 17. slewe the proud and blasphemus Goliath euen with his owne swerd 1. regu 31. Saule moued with a certayne vnius●e enuye persecuted and folowed after Dauid But in processe of time he toke his swearde and fell vpon it and dyed Dauids eldest sonne opprest his syster Thamar 2 regu 31. and wythin a whyle after hee beynge at dynner with Absolon at Absolons commaundement was slayne 2. regu 18. Absolon throughe a lust to rule afflicted and vexed his father Dauid verye sore But or euer he came to his purpose and intente he was hangde betwene heauen and earthe 2. regu 17. When Achitophel sawe that his counsell whyche he gaue againste Dauid was not accepted nor folowed he gat him whome to his owne house and hanged him selfe and dyed 2. regu 20. Siba the sonne of Bochry moued the people against Dauid and sleyng to Abell where he thoughte to haue had refuge and healpe there he was beheaded Dauid cōmaunded the yonge man which saide that he had kylled Saul 2. regu 1. to be slain notwithstāding he thought that he had brought prosperous tidings The like thinge chaunced vnto the two theues 2. regu 4. which brought vnto Dauid Isboseth king Sauls sōnes head Albeit that Ioab had bene a faythfull and a worthy man of warre 3. reg 2. yet forasmuche as he slew two men proditoriouslye Salomon commaunded him to be put to death Zambrye rebelled againste Hela that wicked kinge of Israel his Lord and slew him 3. regu 16. But zambry after .7 dayes when he saw that the citye of Thirza must nedes be taken wente into the kynges Palace and burnt hym selfe and the kynges