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A01628 A speciall treatise of Gods prouidence and of comforts against all kinde of crosses and calamities to be drawne from the same With an exposition of the 107. Psalme. Heerunto is added an appendix of certaine sermons & questions, (conteining sweet & comfortable doctrine) as they were vttered and disputed ad clerum in Cambridge. By P. Baro D. in Diui. Englished by I.L. vicar of Wethers-fielde. Hyperius, Andreas, 1511-1564.; Baro, Peter, 1534-1599, attrib. name. aut; Ludham, John, d. 1613. 1588 (1588) STC 11760; ESTC S120495 239,789 550

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endued with such a singuler sanctimonie but that if wée beleeue the Scripture as dout lesse wée must beleeue it hée dooth not only fall once but also seuen nay infinit times in a day yea and now then also hee committeth moste greeuous enormities at least wise in minde and will which onely and alone maketh men guiltie before God and is reputed and taken for the deed doon further there is no sinne so light woorthy of pardon to mans thinking which yet were not to be recompenced with most horrible and eternall paines if so be God would straightly examine euery thing and sist it after the rule of his most seuere iudgement For we are all by nature the children of wrath Ephes 2. All haue sinned and are destitute of the glory of God Rom. 3. And Psal 130. If thou Lord wilt marke our iniquities who shal be able to stand Howsoeuer therfore it falleth out vnto those that are accounted in the number of the godly it behoueth them certes to be perswaded yea euen whilest they are distressed with strange and innumerable perplexities that they are yet louinglye and fauourablye delt withall The Lord euen thē when he striketh is pitifull and forgetteth not his mercy Thirdly If in cace thou hast experience dayly of the Lordes liberalitie why shouldest thou not somtimes also feele his rodde This thing no man will iudge to be vnequall which at least would not incurre the reproache of ingratitude or take vpon him to controll Gods iustice So Iob willingly confessed that he was iustly afflicted with mi●●●es and stricken of the Lord who before had had the vse of most large and ample benefites Shall we receiu● good at the hand of God saith he and not receiue euill Fourthly What shal we say to this that it is meet and conuenient that parents should somtimes correct their Sonnes whome they would haue to become good men And except they doo this they shal be thought to haue small care or regarde of their childrens welfare After the same maner God also the common Father of vs all dooth most iustlye in that he euer and anon somewhat seuerelye chastiseth the godly whom he accounteth vndoubtedlye as his owne Children least they should by ouermuch cockering become careles and secure and being corrupted through long prosperitie fall to sinning with the wicked who haue all thinges for the most parte according to their desire Hitherto belong that saying of the wise man Pro. 3. Whom the Lord loueth him he chasteneth Apoca. 3. Whomsoeuer I loue I rebuke and chasten Fiftly Why shouldst thou think much to be afflicted héere for a while if after thou be gone from hence thou knowest assuredly that eternall life is prepared for thée and that thou shalt be blessed with ioyes euerlasting Nay it is iust and to be wished that thou shouldest suffer héer and be molested that thou mightest héereafter enioy perpetuall rest and felicitie For why it cannot be that all thinges should fall out alike after thy desire both heere and there For God hath so ordained 2. Thes 1. It is a righteous thing with God to render vnto you that are troubled rest with vs when the Lord Iesus shall shewe him felfe from heauen And Luk. 16. Abraham saith to the rich man Sonne remember that thou in thy life time receiuedst thy pleasures and likewise Lazarus paines but now is he comforted and thou art tormented c. 1. Corinth 11. When we are iudged we are chastened of the Lord because we should not de condemned with the world Séeing therfore the afflictions that are sent doo commend Gods iustice vnto vs we are to be perswaded that they come not from God without cause And héereby shall all aduersities become the more easie to be borne in that we vnderstand them to be iustly layde vpon vs and that none so gréeuous can befall vs but that we haue deserued far more greeuous if so be God should weigh the greatnes of our sinnes according to his iustice ¶ Touching the fourth reason to speak in few woords namely that God by the calamities which he sendeth vnto men taketh occasion to illustrate and set forth his owne power and glory that becommeth manifest by the woordes of the Lord. Exod. 9. where a reason is rendred why Pharaoh was so excéedinglye hardened and so oftentimes most gréeuouslye scourged with his people the Egiptians for so saith the Lord by Moses vnto Pharaoh Let my people goe that they may serue me Otherwise I will at this time send all my plagues vpon thine hart and vpon thy seruants and vpon thy people that thou maist know that there is none like me in all the earth And a little after And in deed for this cause haue I appointed thee to shewe my power in thee and to declare my name in all the world Which woordes we see to be repeated Rom. 9. But wilt thou haue me tell thee more plainely how the glorye of the Lord was aduanced by the afflictions of the Egiptians Then consider with thy selfe whither this thing dooth not make greatlye to the celebrating of the name power of the Lord that he shooke so mighty a people so quicklye and by strange meanes that were neuer heard the like and at the length togither with their King and his whole armies vtterly destroyed them almost in a moment Who would not heere honour and reuerence the wonderfull power of God and acknowledge him to be the onlye God almightye reigning in heauen and in earth But much more on the other side dooth the power of God shewe foorth it selfe in that so sodaine and vnlooked for deliuerance of the people of Israell which were so greatly deiected and cast downe by reason whereof the Lord also would afterward alwaies challenge to him selfe most soueraigne praise repeating this oftetimes to Moses and other of the Fathers I am the Lord which haue brought you out of the land of Egipt In like maner if now also the Lord dooth one while erect and an other while deiect Kinges and Kingdomes or if so be he draweth thee at the last who art in respect of thy body in very good health and increased with large possessions and honors into sicknes or spoyleth thée of thy goods and dignitie thou oughtest to iudge that all this is doone to this end and purpose that the Lord hath appointed in thée to set forth to the world his power to be séene which againe he will make to appéere more glorious whē al things being now past hope of recouery and all doo vtterly dispaire of any helpe he shall restore thée againe to thy former health riches and dignitie to the incredible admiration of all men So in Iob so in many others would the Lord haue his power to be séen and dayly still dooth he procure the like examples to be set before our eyes that it might alwaies be found true which the blessed Virgin sang The Lord hath shewed strength with his arme he hath scattered the
aforecime are written for our learning that through pacience and comfort of the Scriptures we might haue hope For so doth God seeme for this cause especially to haue sent into the world at sundry times his Prophets and Apostles to be witnesses of his good will toward vs and further to haue put in writing their Sermons and dooinges to the end that men of all ages might haue amongst thēselues euerlasting monumentes out of which they might prouide plentifull matter of consolation against all euentes and occasions and certainly learne that they should neuer vtterly be forsaken of God And who I pray you could either better or more effectually heale our maladies then God him self by his woord who as he is the only searcher of the hartes so he soone percetueth where our sore gréeueth vs and as by his determinate purpose though vnknowen vnto vs he oftentimes sendeth calamities for some speciall benefite of ours so he onely and alone knoweth after what sorte and how long it is méet and conuenient for vs to be afflicted Wherfore I béeing desirous at this time wherin all thinges are full of most gréeuo●● and rare dangers for in what histories readett thou that euer at any one tune there haue béene such bitter iarres and dissentions in the cause of religion so many monstrous heresies so cruell persecutions of the godly such horrible warres without ceassing in all the prouinces of Europe so many tumultes and vprores captiuities and eriles of most mighty kinges and Princes such ouerflowinges of the Seas and waters so many sodaine and vnlooked for fiers wherof some is supposed to haue fallen from heauen other some to haue brast out of the earth such cruell hunger and scarcitie so vniuersall a plague pestilence so many strange kindes of diseases farre surmounting the skill and cunning of the phisitions as in our time and that of late yeeres to speake off we haue seen alas poore wretches that we are with our eyes I béeing desirous I say to gather some furnitures of comfort and consolation and that as well for the behoofe of all men in generall to whome wee are bound in the band of Christian Religion and mutuall charitie as also in especiall for the godlyes sake whome we now sée as gazing stocks and of-scourings of the worlde to be laide open to the iniuries of all men as by tirants to be spoyled of their goods to be condemned most vniustly to wander heere and there in exile and bannishment and therby to taste of warres famine pestilence and other innumerable discommodities Verily I supposed that I could not more conuemently drawe them from any other place then out of the most plentifull store-house of the holy and sacred bookes And that for sooth not onely because there can no kinde of daunger be deuised against which there be not extant in those bookes many remedies prouided but also for because that whatsoeuer thinges are brought from else where we knowe assuredly they shall neuer obtaine so great weight and credit with the Godly neither yet so spéedily nor effectually preuaile and goe for payement For why look how much diuine things excell humane and so much also is it necessary that we preferre diuine comfortes before all Philosophicall consolations But for as much as in the holy Scripture many thinges are sundrilye euery where set foorth which may very much auaile to the comfort of afflicted mindes for some where are found places teaching the vanitie contempt of all earthly things some-where are rehearsed most large and ample promises touching the dignitie of heauenly benefites to be looked for after this life some where are recounted the examples of holy men who after they had beene exercised with great and continuall conflictes of trialls temptations at the length were wonderfully deliuered out of all their distresses some where is Christe him self in the bookes of the Prophets and Apostles painted foorth humbled and cast down but afterward againe lifted vp and exalted some-where are the common calamities of the Church at all times hanging ouer it fore-tolde and declared and promises added as touching deliuerance neuer to be wanting some-where are sprinckled exhortations to the pacient bearing of the Crosse after the example of Christe and the holye Fathers we least we should confusedly and vnorderly heap togither many matters haue chosen one place especiallye which in my iudgement is notable aboue the rest and very fitte to minister plentifull matter of all fortes of consolations to the which also as a fountaine and wel spring all the other places before specified may be referred This same is the place Of Gods prouidence which whosoeuer shall with some diligence peruse consider vnto him verilye we suppose nothing can be wanting that belongeth to the matter of comfort and consolation This place therefore we haue thought good for the cause aforesaide so much as shall be conuenient for our purpose to stand vpon and handle And to the intent we may reape the more plentifull crop of consolations I suppose it will be for our behoofe if we vnfolde it some-what the more at large Béeing about therfore to speake of Gods prouidence we déeme these principall pointes following as most requisite to be handled First that we open and declare what is to be vnderstood by the name of Prouidence adding ther-unto the testimonies of Scripture wherby it may appéere plainly both that there is a Prouidence and that also such a one as wée haue defined it to bée Then will wée deale against those men that being mooued with certain considerations dare be so bolde as to deny it Secondly wherein it differeth from Gods predestination foreknowledge and wisdome and that the Prouidence of God is not only vniuersall but also particuler dispatching some thinges which are woont to be alleadged to the contrary Thirdly wée will prooue that neither chance nor fortune nor destinie nor haphazard can rightlye bee mainteined where there is due knowledge of Gods Prouidence and the same woorthily estéemed Fourthly wée wil bréefly discusse whether Gods Prouidence imposeth necessitie vppon thinges prouided or no. Fiftly wée will diligently declare how out of all those thinges that haue béene spoken of Gods Prouidence godlye mindes ought to fetch matter of consolation and so to reape most ample frute by the knowledge of diuine Prouidence Sirtly to the intent we may the more largely and ordinately teach that against all sorts of daungers there are certaine remedies also appointed by Gods prouidence wée will interprete and expounde the 107. Psalme which is altogether spent in the praising and setting forth of Gods prouidence All which thinges being thus declared we will adde a few woordes touching the generall commēdation of the knowledge of Gods prouidence and the right vse of Diuine consolations and so wil we make an end of our present discourse ¶ What Prouidence is and testimonies of Scripture wherby is prooued that it is and likewise also the definition therof more fully opened Then against those
Life or Spirit of faith It is euen that as appéereth by Iames without the which the saide knowledge of God in vs is dead seeing that beside the bare knowledge of God there is nothing which may carry vs to loue God more then our selues and all other thinges coueting to be like his diuine nature which we know to be best most blessed fleeing from sinne because it is contrarye to the nature of God desiring to doo good vnto all men that we might be perfect like our heauenly Father saith Christ himselfe the maister of all pietie And therefore it seemeth to be that same vertue of which Peter speaketh 2 Epist 1. And you saith he giue all diligence that you may ioyne with your faith vertue Or that which of Paule 1. Corinth 13. is called agape commonly translated Loue but in Latin it is rather pietie towards God and towards men For there Paule saith plainlye that without this vertue our faith whatsoeuer we beléeue yea though we vnderstoode all secrets and prophesies shal be vain and vnprofitable And this vertue hath wonderfull effects For albeit that former part of faith which consisteth in the knowledge of God and in the contemplation of heauenlye misteries hath alwaies béene highly accounted off yet is it not to be compared with this that is a vertue only of the minde but this is a vertue also of the will that of knowledge but this of practise or experience For so haue the ancient Philosophers distinguished Vertue Faith then endued with this heauenly and diuine Vertue produceth and bringeth foorth marueilous effectes in vs euen to the reforming and changing of vs. For when it hath once fullye entred and possessed our will and minde both then staying as it were vpon these two pillers it maketh vs new men or as Scriptures speak New creatures For why there groweth in vs so feruent a heate and loue and so burning a desire of the knowen good that we cannot now lye still or kéepe at a stay any longer Insomuch that detesting our former wicked life we desire and endeuer to liue a godly life that we might be like him whom we excéedingly loue And therfore we deny our selues as Christ willeth vs the teacher and author of this life so that we seeme not now to liue any longer but Christ in vs as Paule saith and we in him For he dooth then through faith verily dwell in our hartes so as we are indeed and not in woord only the temples of the Holy-ghost dwelling in vs and directing vs after his will contrary to our owne will so that now we will not our selues but he willeth speaketh and woorketh in vs. For so dooth Christ himselfe teach vs to praye and to craue that not our will but Gods will may be doone in vs as it is in heauen Thus beeing moued and affected we doo not now only know God the father to be almighty maker of heauen and earth but also hauing throughly seen his great goodnes we loue him hartilye and rest in him as in our Father so that as infantes and children take no care for the things pertaining to this life nor doo not enquir what they shall eate or wherewith they shal be clothed but cast all such care vpon their parents whom they know and are sure they will prouide for them and therefore doo receiue with thankes giuing the things prouided for them by their parents euen so also ought we to be if we haue a true and liuelye faith in God the Father almighty Cast all thy care saith Dauid vpon God and he will bring to passe that which shal be for thy commoditie Christ teacheth the selfesame thing What good saith he shall your cark and careful thought do you For why though yee take neuer so muche care for the matter yet can ye not adde one cubit to your stature no nor make one of your haires either white or black Why are ye then carefull for this life and for your body saying what shall we eate or what shal we drink or wherwith shall we be clothed For all these thinges are aboundantly ministred of God to them that are endued with a true faith Firste therefore saith he seeke the kingdome of God and all these thinges shal be giuen vnto you Beholde saith he the Fowles of the aier they sowe not neither doo they reape and yet God doth most commodiously seede them Consider the lilies of the feelde how preciously they are apparelled but God hath a farre greater care of you then of birdes or then of lilies To be short if God hath giuen you the body it self how should he not giue therunto both life and clothing For he hath giuen you the greater and therfore also wil giue you the lesser as though he should say Onlye this I require that ye put your trust in me that ye depend vpon me that ye loue me with all your hart and that ye thank me for my benefites receiued and woorship me and then I for my part wil not faile in my dutie I will easilye minister all thinges vnto you They then that are endued with a true and liuely faith in God the Father are thus affected As for other worldlye men they are inquisitiue about these matters and are carefull What shall we eate what shall we drink wherwith shall we be clothed How shall we prouide for our selues and our children and therfore giue themselues wholy to gather and heape vp riches neither doo they make any end or keepe any measure howsoeuer they heare Paule say that those that wil be rich fall into temptation and snares and into lustes which doo drowne men in perdition For the loue of money saith he is the roote of all euill and the cause why a great number doo wander from the true faith and thrust through themselues with many sorrowes If so be then the Gentiles doo these things as Christ saith that is to saye men that are estranged from the faith héereby we maye gather how few there be at this day euen amongst vs that doo truely beleeue in God the Father seeing they honour him not as their Father resting as were meet and conuenient in him Therefore the saying of Christ séemeth to be most true that Faith wil be very rare in the world when he shal come to iudge the quick and the dead But what shall wee saye of the faith in Christ may the same be verified of that also Yea euen the very same Many there are indéed euery where at this daye which will not stick to say that they beléeue in Christ crucified for the sinnes of men and they are of that minde but they are greatly deceiued Which that it may be vnderstood let vs heare Christ himselfe speaking of this matter in the end of the Gospell after Mark Go saith he preache the Gospell to all creatures He that beleeueth and is baptised shal be saued he that beleueth not shal be condemned And these signes shall follow them that