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A42158 Light from the sun of righteousness discovering and expelling darkness, or, The doctrine and some of the corrupt principles of the people called Quakers briefly and plainly laid open and refuted ... / by H.G. G. H. 1672 (1672) Wing G2022; ESTC R31734 42,467 95

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that has suffered shame and reproach for Christ shall Reign with Christ For we must all appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ that every one may receive the things done in his body according to that which he hath done whether it be good or bad 2 Cor. 5. 10. But to leave this and proceed to prove that which is also denyed viz. That Jesus Christ is ascended up into Heaven with the same body he had after he rose from the dead consider these Scriptures Luke 24. 45 46. He opened their understandings that they might understand the Scriptures and said unto them Thus it is written and thus it behoved Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead c. vers 50 51. And he led them as far as Bethany and he lift up his hands and blessed them and it came to pass whilst he blessed them he was departed from them and was carried up into Heaven The same He that suffered on the Cross and arose from the dead and appeared to his Disciples and shewed them his hands and his feet was carried up into Heaven This He cannot intend the Spirit or Power that was in him because that was not neither could it be put to death neither can the Heaven here spoke of intend the hearts of his Disciples as it is by some imagined because 't is said when he ascended he was departed from them It is expedient for you saith our dear Lord that I go away for if I go not away the Comforter will not come unto you but if I depart I will send him Joh. 16. 7. Observe from hence by the way that the Spirit or blessed Comforter which the Saints alone do receive cannot be the Saviour and Mediator the one is the giver and the other is the gift the one is present when the other is absent But further To prove our Lord Jesus is ascended into Heaven and hath an absolute real outward existence in glory above at the Father's right hand see Acts. 1. 9 10 11. Moreover when the Lord Jesus appeared to Paul at the time of his convertion saying Saul Saul Why persecutest thou me Saul replyed Who art thou Lord The Answer is I am Jesus of Nazareth 'T is evident this was after the Ascension of our Saviour May we not conclude all such to be liars that do affirm and testifie That the true Jesus is only Light and Spirit within and hath no outward glorified being or existence in the Kingdom of his Father or glory above I am said he Jesus of Nazareth he is the same he was Jesus of Nazareth we know was that holy and blessed Man that was born of the Virgin This Man saith the Author to the Hebrews after he had offered one Sacrifice for Sin for ever sate down on the right hand of God Heb. 10. 12. If Jesus Christ continues a Man for ever then he hath a body of flesh and bone for ever unless it can be proved That Man can exist and have a being without flesh and bone which I suppose all will conclude is impossible See Heb. 7. 24. But this man because he continueth for ever hath an unchangeable Priesthood And Heb. 9. 24. Christ is not entered into the holy place made with hands but into Heaven it self now to appear in the presence of God for us And vers 28. And unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto Salvation He that shall come will come and will not tarry Rom. 10. 37. Even so Come Lord Jesus Come quickly Rev. 22. 20. In the next place You bid me beware lest at any time I open my mouth agaiust the trite Light which lighteth every man that cometh into the World for it is the pure Principle that is owned by the scorned called Quakers and ought to be owned by me also Answ The Word considered as Creator by whom all things were made is the true Light which lighteth every man that cometh into the World and God forbid that ever I should open my mouth against him But He the Word considered as made Flesh or the true Emanuel I am sure you have too much opened your mouth against I do understand the Principle of the Quakers concerning the Light within very well the impurity and vileness of which Principle I have briefly and may yet further make appear They do affirm The Light which is in every man is Christ and that it is a Saving Light There is a great difference between the Effence or body of the Sun and its Beams for though the created Sun by its Rayes and glorious Beams doth give Light to all save those who are blind yet is not the Essence or body of the Sun in them So and in like manner though the Word considered as aforesaid be the true Light which lighteth every man that cometh into the World yet is he not essentially in their hearts You must learn better to distinguish between an essence and an influence or the body and beam of Light which floweth from the body for want of a right distinction upon this account the understanding of the weak is confounded Now I do own and readily grant That every man that cometh into the World is lighted by the Word or glorious Creator as I have shewed yet is it not a saving Light or a light flowing from the Word considered as Mediator because it doth not teach or reveal unto Heathens who have no other help or Light but that any thing of a crucified Saviour And the Apostle clearly sheweth That the Mystery of the Gospel was hid from the Gentiles until the fulness of time came that Christ suffered and the Gospel was published But again Unbelievers and Worldly-men cannot receive the Spirit of Jesus Christ which is the Comforter our Lord Jesus himself doth assert it Joh. 14. 17. he doth not dwell in the hearts of Reprobates The Apostle to the Corinthians 2 Cor. 13. 5. sheweth evidently if any man have not the Spirit of Christ the same is none of his see Rom. 8. 9. And that there be many who are not his or such who belong not to Christ I think none will deny But again as touching the Principle of the Quakers concerning the Light within they do not only say it is a Light of Christ but that this Light which is in all is the Christ as I could make appear from their own mouths and Pens not only an operation of his Spirit but really he viz. the Operator Saviour and Redeemer and that it will not only teach and reveal unto man without the help and teachings of the holy Scriptures the Lord Jesus Christ who once on the Cross died and was Crucified to atone and make peace and appease the wrath of God for poor Sinners but that this Light within is the Saviour and Redeemer which in his People doth spiritually atone make peace and satisfie the Justice of God and that we are redeemed cleansed from all sin justified and
Testimony if they speak not according to this Word it is because there is no light in them Isa 8. 20. But why dare you say That the practice of Bread Wine and Water was to be held no longer than till Christ came By his coming you intend his coming in Spirit That this is false and contrary to holy Scripture I shall evidently make appear And first I shall begin with the Ordinance of the Lord's Supper which you call Bread and Wine and that the practice of this continues and remains in full force and virtue to the end of the World or until the Second coming or Appearance of Christ in Person and that he is not so come the second time I shall also prove to thee before I have done That the practice of breaking Bread and drinking Wine in remembrance of Christ's Death remains after the coming of Christ in Spirit I prove by these Arguments following First Because the Apostle Paul did receive this from our Saviour as a glorious Appointment and Institution of the Lord Jesus a considerable time after the coming of Christ in Spirit The Promise of the Comforter or Christ's coming in Spirit was performed and fulfilled to the Sainrs some days after his Ascention as may be seen in the second of the Acts and it was some time after this before Paul was converted unto Christ For Paul after the coming of the Spirit according to the Promise of the Father and our Lord Jesus remained in darkness and was a Persecutor of the Saints and yet see I beseech ye what he affirms to the Church of the Corinthians 1 Cor. 11. 23. For I received of the Lord that which I also delivered unto you that the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took Bread and when he had given thanks he brake it and said Take eat this is my Body which is broken for you this do in remembrance of me and after the same manner also he took the Cup c. Now if Paul received this after that coming of Christ which you speak of as an Institution and Divine Appointment of the Lord Jesus as it appears plainly he did then that which you affirm is utterly false and to be rejected But Secondly The Apostle did not only receive this from Christ after the coming of Christ in Spirit but also did deliver it as Christ's Appointment to the Saints That which I received of the Lord saith he I also delivered unto yon Thirdly I argue further That this Ordinance doth remain in force and the practice of it to be held up after the coming of Christ in Spirit because the Primitive Saints did abide in the practice of it after the pouring forth of the Spirit according to Christ's Promise as appears Acts 2. 42. They continued in the Apostles Doctrine in breaking of Bread and Prayer compare this with Acts 20. 7 11. also 1 Cor. 11. 20. to the end Fourthly Consider The end of this Ordinance doth remain notwithstanding the pourings forth of the Spirit and therefore the Ordinance must needs remain which is to confirm our Faith in the true Saviour and to keep up our Love to him who gave his Body to be broken and his Blood to be shed for our sakes This is to be done to shew forth his Death until he come And these things considered which hath been said 't is plain it cannot intend his Spiritual Coming or the giving forth the holy Spirit the Comforter according to his promise And that he is not come the Second time without sin to Salvation as you seem to affirm doth appear First Because his coming that day shall be visible Every eye shall see him Rev. 1. 7. Secondly Because his feet shall stand in that day upon the Mount of Olives Zech. 14. 4. and he shall come in the same manner as he went up to Heaven Acts. 1. 11. Thirdly Because the Saints which had the highest attainments of the Spirit or to whom Christ was Spiritually come as gloriously as ever he came to any of the Saints did notwithstanding that still expect look and wait for his coming from Heaven See 1 Cor. 1. vers 4 5 6 7. I thank my God alwayes on your behalf for the Grace of God which is given to you by Jesus Christ tht in every thing ye are inriched by him in all utterance and all knowledge even as the Testimony of Christ was confirmed in you mark that So that ye come behind in no gift waiting for his Son from Heaven If Christ was not spiritually come to these who was he come to and yet they waited for his coming The Saints at Thessalonica are said to turn from Idols to serve the true God and to wait for his Son from Heaven 1 Thess 1. 9 10. and unto those that look for him saith the Apostle He shall appear the Second time without sin unto Salvation Heb. 9. 28. The beloved Apostle who injoyed so much of the Spiritual Presence of Christ yet desired and looked for his coming Which clearly shews that his Second coming is another manner of coming than that which you speak of for when he comes he comes with all his Saints and holy Angels with him and when he comes the Graves shall be opened and the Dead shall be raised yea the dead Bodies of Men and Women 1 Thess 4. 16. You say that you are risen from the dead already and Christ is come the Second time but be assured of this you will find another Resurrection Coming and Judgment ere long than this I could wish it were so indeed that thou hadst part in the true work of Regeneration that so in that day thou mightest have part in the first Resurrection for the dead in Christ shall rise first 1 Thess 4. which cannot intend any other save the dead bodies of the Saints who are fallen asleep or gone to the dust But because I have somewhat to say in the Vindication of Baptism which you call Water I shall proceed to that for as you and other Quakers deny the continuance of the Lord's Supper so also you affirm that the practise of Water-Baptism was to continue but till Christ came in Spirit Now how false this is may appear First from the Commission Matth. 28. 19 20. where Christ gave forth this blessed Ordinance All Power is given to me in Heaven and Earth Go therefore teach all Nations Baptizing them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy Spirit teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded yon and lo I am with you alwayes to the end of the world Now that the Baptism here spoken of is that of Water is evident because the Disciples are commanded or injoyned to be the Administraters or Dispensers of it To baptize with the holy Spirit is the alone Work Prerogative and Office of Jesus Christ and it never was in the power of any Apostle or Disciple of Christ to do it though the Spirit was
which was and which is to come the Almighty Also vers 17. And when I saw him saith John I fell at his feet and he laid his right hand upon me saying pray observe it I am the first and the last But may be some will say Who is this Was this Jesus of Nazareth that was crucified for that you are to prove c. Read the very next words and you may see who it is I am HE that liveth and was dead and behold I am alive for evermore Let such fear and be troubled when they reade this and such like Scriptures who deny the God head of the Lord Jesus or do affirm that Person or Man was not the Christ and Son of the Highest who was slain upon the Cross for what doth more clearly prove the marvellous and mysterious Union of the Humane and the Divine Nature in one Person than these Scriptures and Arguments which have been mentioned 7. I argue again yet further he is the most high God unto whom spiritual Worship or Divine Adoration doth appertain or belong and that this belongs unto the Lord Jesus Christ see Matth. 8. 2. chap. 28. 17. Luk. 24. 52. Joh. 9. 38. Nay further 't is said Heb. 1. 6. And again when he bringeth in his first begotten into the World he saith And let all the Angels of God Worship him At the Name of JESUS saith the Apostle Phil. 2. 10. every knee shall bow of things in heaven and things in earth and things under the earth and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is LORD to the glory of God the Father 8. He who hath power to forgive sins or to pardon all iniquity which may be forgiven unto men is God but that Jesus Christ hath such power is evident Matth. 9. 1 2 3 4 5 6. And Jesus knowing their thoughts said Wherefore think ye evil in your hearts vers 4. For whether is easier to say Thy sins are forgiven thee or to say Arise and walk vers 5. But that ye may know the Son of Man hath power on earth to forgive sins c. compare this with Mark 2. 5 6 7. Luk. 5. 21. 9. He to whom the Saints ought to pray is the most High God but that the Saints do and ought to pray and call on the name of the Lord Jesus it is very clear Acts 9. 14. Rom. 10. 9 10 11 12. 1 Cor. 1. 2. 10. He that hath power to give the holy Spirit and the saving Graces thereof is God but that Jesus Christ hath power to baptize with the Spirit or to give the holy Spirit and all the heavenly Gifts and Graces thereof See these Scriptures Matth. 3. 11. Mark 1. 4. Ephes 4. 8 9 10 11. 11. He that was in the form of God and thought it no robbery to be equal with God and whom the Scriptures call God's fellow must needs be the Eternal God now that this is said of Jesus Christ is evident Phil. 2. 6 7. Zech. 13. 7. 12. But yet once again He who had power to lay down his life and also to raise it up again must needs be God but that Jesus Christ doth so affirm see Joh. 2. 19. Joh. 10. 18. 13. He who is the Object Author and Finisher of the true Believers Faith is God Eternal blessed for ever Amen but that Jesus Christ is the Object Author and Finisher of the Believers Faith see Joh. 14. 1. Ye believe in God believe also in me Joh. 9. 35. Heb. 12. 2. 14. He who can by his own Name proper Power and Authority give power unto others to become the Sons of God must needs be God himself but that Christ doth and can do this is evident Joh. 1. 11. He came unto his own and his own received him not but as many as received him to them gave HE power to become the Sons of God even to them which believe in his Name vers 12. He doth Adopt Regenerate or make others the Children of God by the effectual workings of His blessed Spirit in their hearts by which they are interested into all the Priviledges Promises and Blessings of the Covenant of Grace which none can do save God alone I might urge many other Scriptures and Arguments for the further proof and confirmation of this glorious Truth viz. He is our life Col. 3. 4. See Deut. 30. 20. Moreover he is said to be present alwayes with his People and dwelleth in their hearts by his Spirit c. It was by and through his Name that all those mighty Miracles were wrought he confirmed his Doctrine by Signs and Wonders by vertue of his own Power he raises and quickens whomsoever he will he as it appears to me lay claim to that glorious Title or Name by which God made known himself unto his People of old Exod. 3. 14. I am that I am this is my Name saith JEHOVAH and this is my Memorial to all Generations vers 15. And much after the same manner doth our Lord Jesus speak Joh. 8. 58. Before Abraham was I am As much as if he had said I have my being from none but have it of and from my self and am from Eternity according to that saying Prov. 8. I was set up from everlasting or from the beginning or ever the earth was when there was no depths I was brought forth vers 23. c. Again He is the Almighty the Omnipotent and the blessed and only Potentate Revel 1. 8. 1 Tim. 6. 16. Finally He was own'd and acknowledged of all to be no less than the Son of God The Father from Heaven doth testifie that he was his only begotten Son in whom he was well pleased He is declared to be the Son of God by the holy Spirit Rom. 1. And The Angels positively affirm the same concerning him yea and the holy Apostles I have shewed you have born witness to the same truth Nay those who had a hand in putting of him to death when they saw the Earth-quake and the vail of the Temple was rent they feared greatly and said Truly this man was the Son of GOD. Nay 6. I might add further The Devil himself is forced to acknowledge this thing See Mark 5. 7. And cryed out with a loud voice and said What have I to do with thee Jesus thou Son of the most High c. And now from all that hath been said it may appear to the weakest capacity That Jesus of Nazareth who was born of the Virgin was in very deed a MAN and did partake of the same flesh and blood WHICH THE CHILDREN partake of That he was made of a Woman and of the Seed of David according to the flesh being really man finite weak subject to passion and sufferings as we are and in all things made like unto his brethren sin only excepted and yet also the very eternal God and omnipotent Creator of the same essence or substance with the Father and the holy Spirit and that he had a personal existence or subsistence before he did assume our Nature and that He the Word or second Person of the glorious Trinity as so considered viz. respecting subsistence was incarnate that the Divine and Humane Nature being in a mysterious and wonderful manner united together is that same one Lord Jesus Christ perfect God and perfect Man in one Person subsisting in two real distinct Natures each Nature retaining notwithstanding this glorious Union it s own natural Propertties and Attributes I might now come to Answer and remove those Objections that are brought against what I have said concerning this glorious Truth but because I have been larger already than indeed I intended or thought I should have been when first I entered upon this work I must forbear and leave the Objections to some other season And now Reader if thou hast received any spiritual benefit from what hath thus occasionally been written by a poor worm weakling and nothing Creature see thou dost not forget to return the praise to JEHOVAH who alone deserves it and labour for soundness in judgement and stability lest thou also beest carried away with these divers new and strange Doctrines Remember the Apostles counsel Heb. 13. 9. The times you see are difficult and perilous and ye knowing these things before 2 Pet. 3. 17 18. Beware lest ye also being led away with the error of the wicked fall from your own Steadfastness but grow in Grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ To him be glory both now and for ever Amen FINIS