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A30739 An enquiry whether the Lord Jesus Christ made the world, and be Jehovah, and gave the moral law? and whether the fourth command be repealed or altered? by Tho. Bampfield. Bampfield, Thomas, 1623?-1693. 1692 (1692) Wing B629; ESTC R10575 118,081 148

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Objections and without him was not any thing made that was made Which word by him John 1. 3. 10 and Col. 1. 16. as I take it explains the word Bereshith Gen. 1. 1. He was in the World and the World was made by him and the World knew him not John 1. 10. who came forth from the Father and came into the World John 16. 28. And the Worlds were made by him the Heavens and the Earth were made by him and the World knew him not the men of the World did not know him acknowledge him believe in him or obey him the Heathen knew him not and but few of the Israelites John 1. 26. although the World was made by him Joh. 1. 10 which Gospel of John doth much assert the Divinity of Christ and here in this first Chapter v. 1 2 3 10 the Creation of the World by Christ for if all things were made by Christ and without him was not any thing made that was made as v. 3 and if the World was made by him as v. 10 then the World was made by the Lord Jesus Christ and we ought to believe it Which is the second Proof I bring to prove that Proposition That the World was made by Christ 3dly The third Proof I take from Heb. 1. God who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in times past unto the Fathers by the Prophets v. 1 hath in these last days spoken to us by his Son whom he hath appointed Heir of all things by whom also he made the Worlds Heb. 1. 2. And speaking of Christ the Son the Author of that Epistle saith And thou Lord in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the Earth and the Heavens are the works of thine hands v. 8 9 10 11 12. with which if you compare Psal 102. 21 22 25 26 27. you may see that spoken of Jehovah-Christ who made the Earth and See Charnock's Attrib pag. 473 474 475. the Heavens Gen. 2. 4. Psal 95. hath a special reference to the Messiah and his days and is so understood by Heb. 3. 7 8 9 compared with Psal 95. 3 5 6 7 8 9. where he is called Jehovah our Maker the Sea is his and his hands formed the dry Land and so the Lord Jesus Christ the Son is he by whom the Father made the Worlds and he who in the beginning laid the foundation of the Earth and the Heavens are the work of his hands Heb. 1. 2 10. And that the World which consisteth of Heaven and Earth was made by Christ see Charnock's Attributes f. 229 472 476. And he that built all things is God Heb. 3. 4. 4thly The Fourth Proof I take from the Epistle to the Ephesians Paul had clear knowledge in the Mystery which in other Ages was not made known as it is now revealed by the Spirit which from the beginning of the World hath been hid in God who created all things by Jesus Christ Eph. 3. 9. The Mystery which was revealed to Paul v. 3 4 5 6 8. that the Gentiles should be called was foretold and known but not so known as after the coming of Christ nor was Christ after his coming so clearly and fully known as He by whom the Father created all things At the Creation and some Ages after there was no such difference as Jews and Gentiles which difference was by Christ taken away and the whole World of Believers reconciled to God by Jesus Christ Luke 2. 32 which was not then nor is yet understood by the Jews or Heathen Gentiles but by Revelation was made known to Paul v. 3. This in other Ages was not made known to the Sons of Men as it is now revealed by the Holy Spirit v. 5 that the Gentiles should be fellow-heirs with the Jews v. 6 of which Doctrine Paul was made a Minister v. 7 to make all men see what is the Fellowship of the Mystery which from the beginning of the World had been hid in God v. 9. Christ's coming in the Flesh was prophesied The seed of the Woman shall break the Serpents head Gen. 3. 15. And God's purpose of justifying the Heathen through Faith was preached before unto Abraham In thee shall all Nations be blessed Gal. 3. 8 Gen. 12. 3. And so this Doctrine was known to Abraham who saw it in the Promises and in the Type of Isaac's being offered Gen. 22. 18 Heb. 11. 19 which Mystery was hid in God who created all things by Jesus Christ Eph. 3. 9. Either of which four quoted Scriptures I think sufficient to prove That the World was made by the Lord Jesus Christ And for an human Authority I quote the late Assemblys Confession of Faith chap. 4 of Creation It pleased God the Father Son and Holy Spirit to create the World of nothing Which Confession is a great Summary of the Christian Faith And the Elders and Messengers of the Congregational Churches who met at the Savoy anno 1658 in their Declaration of their Faith and Order say the like and so do the Antipaedo-Baptists in their Confession of Faith printed in the year 1677. The Second Proposition That the Lord Jesus Christ is Jehovah is the Foundation of Christianity and other foundation can no man lay than that is laid which is Jesus Christ 1 Cor. 3. 11. Eph. 2. 20. Which Foundation is cleared by many and in particular by Zanchy in his Tract on this Subject of the three Aelohim i. e. Mightys God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Spirit one and the same Jehovah written about an hundred years since who cites Justin in his second Apology to Anthony he cites also Irenaeus Tertullian Moses and the greater and the lesser Prophets compared with passages in the N. Testament to prove that Christ is God to which Book being in Latin I refer the learned Reader and shall offer a few Scriptures of many which have confirmed me and I hope may satisfie others that Christ is Jehovah I take the first from Gen. 2. 4. These are the generations of the Heavens and the Earth when they were created in the day that Jehovah Aelohim made the Earth and the Heavens The word Jehovah is a Name proper to God and incommunicable to any other according to Psal 81. 18. That men may know that hou whose name alone is Jehovah art the most High over all the Earth Isa 45. 5. I am Jehovah and none else there is no God beside me So Deut. 5. 35 39. Isa 42. 8. Which Name Jehovah signifies God's Self-Existence or Absolute Being from Eternity to Eternity To this effect Buxtorf in his Hebrew Lexicon explains this Name as well as other Hebricians which explication is genuine and comports well with the Root 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 from whence this great name is thought to be derived And the word Aelohim Scholars know is of the plural number which word signifies Strongs Potents Mightys The Hebrew word Bara render'd created is of the singular number and signifies
he created Now from Gen. 2. 4. I reason thus He that made the Heavens and the Earth was and is Jehovah The Lord Jesus Christ made the Heavens and the Earth and therefore the Lord Jesus Christ is Jehovah That he that made the Heavens and the Earth is Jehovah is proved from that Gen. 2. 4. That the Lord Jesus Christ made the Heavens and the Earth is proved before from John 1. 1 3 10. from Col. 1. 12 13 14 15 16. from Heb. 1. 1 2 10. and from Eph. 3. 9. And if that be so then it follows that the Lord Jesus Christ is Jehovah Which great Truth that Christ is Jehovah and that these Three the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit are one Jehovah as God has graciously opened it to us by the help and light of the Old and New Testament compared may now be somewhat perceived throughout the Scriptures In the beginning or by the Head Aelohim i. e. the Mightys Father Son and Holy Spirit he created the Heavens and the Earth Gen. 1. 1. and the Spirit of God Heb. Aelohim the Mightys he moved upon the face of the waters Gen. 1. 2. and Aelohim the Mightys he said Let there be Light Gen. 1. 3. And Aelohim the Mightys he said Let there be a Firmament Gen. 1. 6. So also Gen. 1. 9 14 20 24. And Aelohim the Mightys he said Let us make Man Gen. 1. 26. So also Aelohim the Mightys he created Man in his own image Gen. 1. 27. And Aelohim the Mightys he blessed them v. 28. And Aelohim the Mightys he said v. 29. And Aelohim the Mightys he saw that every thing he had made was very good Gen. 1. 31. And Aelohim the Mightys he ended his Work which he had created And Aelohim the Mightys he rested from all his work which he had created Gen. 2. 2 3. And then it is said that Jehovah Aelohim the Mightys he made the Earth and the Heavens Gen. 2. 4. And the same Jehovah Aelohim the Mightys who made the Earth and the Heavens be formed Man Gen. 2. 7. And he took Man and he put him into the garden v. 15. And Jehovah Aelohim the Mightys he drove Man out of Eden Gen. 3. 23 24. And Jehovah Aelohim the Mightys he said behold the man is become as one of us Gen. 3. 22. And Jehovah he said Gen. 11. 6 Let us go down and there let us confound their language Gen. 11. 7 So Abraham to Abimelech God Heb. Aelohim They caused me to wander So Jacob Gen. 35. 7 built an Altar and there Aelohim they appeared to him Which with other like Expressions do somewhat open the Mystery of the Trinity and their Oneness throughout the Old Testament which place Gen. 2. 4. compared as before does prove the Lord Jesus Christ to be Jehovah who made the Heavens and the Earth And here I pretermit many passages in Genesis as Gen. 18. 1 where Jehovah he was seen by Abraham And Jehovah he said to Abraham v. 13 17. And Jehovah he went away when he had left communing with Abraham v. 33. Which Jehovah I think was the Lord Jesus Christ who here appeared in the shape of a man Gen. 18. 2 the two others who were with Jehovah Gen. 18. 2 seem to be the two Angels who went to Sodom Gen. 19. 1. Which appearing of Jehovah to Man as Man gave Man a kind of foresight of his after-intended Incarnation See the like in the Garden of Eden Gen. 3. 8 22. The word of Jehovah or the word Jehovah came before to Abram in a vision Gen. 15. 1 4. and made him a great personal and family Promise v. 1 5. and he believed in Jehovah and he imputed it to him for Righteousness Gen. 15. 6. Which Jehovah seems to be Christ and the Righteousness imputed to Abram to be the Righteousness of Christ imputed to him by Faith and Abram's believing in Jehovah seems to be believing in Christ Rom. 4. 5 8 9 18 22. I pretermit also that in Gen. 19. 24 where Jehovah he made it to rain upon Sodom and Gomorrah Brimstone and Fire from Jehovah out of Heaven which I think was Jehovah the Son from Jehovah the Father And that in Gen. 32. 24 28 29 30. a man wrestled with Jacob and Jacob as a Prince had power with God and prevailed and was blessed and Jacob called the place Peniel for I have seen God face to face I think was Christ I pass by also that of Jehovah appearing to Moses in a flame of Fire out of the midst of a Bush Exod. 3. 2. called Jehovah v. 4 the God of Abraham of Isaac and of Jacob v. 6 and Jehovah he said I have seen the affliction of my people v. 7. This Jehovah is called the Angel of Jehovah or the Angel Jehovah Exod. 3. 2 which I think was Christ by whose Hands the Father sent Moses Acts 7. 30 31 32 35 whom Stephen there preached and to whom he prayed Lord Jesus receive my spirit v. 59. which Prayer of Stephen to Christ proves also the Deity of Christ Who often spake to Moses Exod. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14. Chapters Jehovah who called to Moses out of the Mount and to whom Moses went up Ex. 19. 3. These places I offer as intimating Jehovah mentioned in them to be eminently Christ although I do acknowledge and think there was an unconceivable presence of Jehovah the Father Son and Holy Spirit in the Creation and through out the Scriptures But Gen. 2. 4 compared with John 1. 1 3 10 Col. 1. 12 to 15 Heb. 1. 1 2 10. and Eph. 3. 9 I rely upon as Proofs that Christ made the World and that Christ is Jehovah 2. A second Proof that Christ is Jehovah I offer from Christ's giving of the Law Exod. 20. 1 2. And God Heb. Aelohim He spake all these words saying I the Lord thy God Heb Jehovah Aeloheka i. e. the Lord thy Mightys It has been said that Aelohim comprehends the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit and then if Aelohim spake the Commands then Christ the Son spake them And if Aelohim He spake all these words saying I Jehovah thy God i. e. thy Mightys then Christ who spake all these words is Jehovah Which Jehovah our Aelohim is one Jehovah Deut. 6. 4 which Jehovah is one and his Name one Zech. 14. 9. Although Jehovah One. Jehovah be the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit yet they are one Jehovah Zanchy's Title is Of the Three Aelohim the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit one and the same Jehovah which he rightly calls the Orthodox Doctrine of that Mystery Which as I take it is the professed Judgment also of the most Learned since the Reformation So that if Christ made the World then he is Jehovah and if he be Jehovah then he gave the Law for Jehovah gave the Law and Jehovah Aelohim the Mightys are one Jehovah Aelohim said
Christ is Jehovah Jehovah our Righteousness I pass by that in Zechar●ah Zech. 11. 11 12 13 where the Price Jehovah was prized at was thirty pieces of silver cast to the Potter compared with Mat. 26. 14 15 27. 6 7 10 Mark 14. 10 11. And Zech. 9. 1 9 compared with Luke 19. 30 33 35. And Zech. 12. 10 compared with John 19. 7. I pass by also that in Malachy Behold I will send my Messenger and he shall prepare the way before me and Jehovah whom ye seek shall suddenly come to his Temple Mal. 3. 1 and Es 40. 3 where Christ is expresly named Jehovah compared with Mat. 3. 1 3 and Mat. 11. 13 Mark 1. 3 Luke 1. 17 3. 4 John 1. 23. before whom John was the Messenger Behold I will send you Elljah the Prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of Jehovah Mal. 4. 5 6. Elijah was John the Baptist Mat. 11. 7 9 11 13 14 and Mat. 17. 11 12 13 which John was to prepare the way of Jehovah Es 40. 3 compared with Luke 1. 6 7 11 76. Luke 2. 9 11 13 14. Which places in Zechariah and Malachi compared as above do also prove Christ to be Jehovah 6. The last Proof of the Deity of Christ I take from the New Testament which is very full of that great Doctrine of the Mystery of the Trinity and the Deity of Christ in special According to the Promise of the righteous Branch whom Jehovah the Father would raise unto David who should be called Jehovah our Righteousness Jer. 23. 5 6. We have Jesus Christ the Son of David Mat. 1. 1. Behold a Virgin shall be with Child and shall bring forth a Son and they shall call his name Emmanrel which being interpreted is God with us Mat. 1. 23. Which was promised as I think by Jehovah the Father Behold a Virgin shall conceive and bear a Son and shall call his name Emmanuel Es 7. 14. Now if the name of Christ be God then He is God for He is what his Name is and if he be God then he ought to be so acknowledged and his Name Jesus from his saving his People from their sins Mat. 1. 21 I think proves his Godhead also for none else but God can save ●s from Sin into whose Name Christians are baptized in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Mat. 28. 19. Which is one name into which those in Samaria were baptized i. e. the Name of the Lord Acts 10. 48. as before And what is called the Gospel of Jesus Christ Mark 1. 1 is called the Gospel of God Rom. 1. 1 and called the Gospel of Christ Rom. 1. 16. To you is born a Saviour Christ the Lord Luke 2. 11. I I Jehovah and beside me there is no Saviour Es 43. 10 11. Jesus is a Saviour by which name he is often named in the Psalms Isaiah and other Prophets and whom at his Ascension the Disciples worshipped Luke 24. 52 which they ought not to have done if he had not been God The Glory which Esaias saw was Christ's Glory John 12. 41 the King Jehovah of Hosts Es 6. 1 2 3 5. And here I shall pass by the many Miracles wrought by Jesus Christ whereof the four Evangelists are full whereof some were done before Thousands of Witnesses which Miracles every one of them are Proofs of his Deity And I pass by after the giving the Holy Spirit the Miracles wrought by the Apostles in his Name and in particular the conversion of Thousands by a Sermon which turning Men from Darkness to Light and from the power of Satan unto God Acts 26. 18 and John 3. 3 I think is still a standing Miracle in the World and will so continue to the end of it whereof whilest some men find nothing in their private Conversation nor in the effects of their publick Ministry no wonder if they proclaim their Infidelity by speaking and writing against Christ's Deity Which Conversion and new Birth was and is and must needs be a Mystery to Unbelievers And Christ is exalted to give Repentance which none can give but he that is God Such a change from Contraries are frequent in some Christian Assemblies and cannot be brought about but by Jehovah the Father's giving such to Christ Jehovah the Son's purchasing and redeeming them and Jehovah the Holy Spirit 's converting and sanctifying them whereof we have also much in the Epistles which I pass by and shall offer a Case After the Resurrection of our Lord he had appeared unto the rest of the Apostles but Thomas was not with them when Jesus came and the other Disciples told Thomas that they had seen the Lord but he said Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails and put my finger into the print of the nails and thrust my hand into his side I will not believe Afterwards the Disciples being within and Thomas with them the doors shut Jesus came and stood in the midst and saith to Thomas Reach hither thy finger and thy hand c. and be not faithless but believing And Thomas said unto him My Lord and my God John 20. 24 25 26 27 28. Which case plainly intimates that the rest of the Apostles there did believe the same Truth before which Confession of Thomas Christ approves with Blessed are they who have not seen as Thomas did and yet have believed that Christ is our Lord and our God Whom after our Lord's Ascension and after they were all filled with the Holy Spirit Peter preaches to be Jehovah Acts 2. 4 14 22 24 25. And David v. 25 speaking concerning Jesus of Nazareth I foresaw the Lord alwaies before my face which is quoted out of Psalm 16. 8 where He whom Peter names the Lord David names Jehovah by which Sermon about Three thousand were converted Acts 2. 41. So that Peter preached Christ to be Jehovah Jesus Christ which before was preached unto you whom the Heavens must receive until the time of restitution of all things which God hath spoken by the mouth of his holy Prophets since the World began Acts 3. 20 21 26. whereof you may before see a small collection By the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth doth this man stand here before you whole neither is there salvation in any other for there is no other name under Heaven given among men whereby we must be saved Acts 4. 10 12. And if this be so then Christ is God The Church of God which he i. e. God hath purchased with his own blood i. e. with the Blood of Christ Acts 20. 28. Out of the Israelites as concerning the flesh Christ came who is over all God blessed for ever Amen Rom. 9. 4 5. Which is also plain and positive that Christ is God Christ the Lord of the dead and living we shall all stand before his Judgment-seat for it is written As I live saith the Lord every knee shall
bow to me Rom. 14. 9 10 11. Which is taken from Isa 45. 21 22 23 where Christ is named Jehovah a Just God and a Saviour Heb. and the Messiah or Christ Look unto me and be ye saved for I am God Isa 45. 22 23. Phil. 2. 9 10 11. Which is to the Glory of God the Father v. 11. And you have Father Son and Holy Spirit 2 Cor. 13. 14 and in many other places which I had collected but omit And no man can say that Jesus is the Lord but by the Holy Spirit of God 1 Cor. 12. 3. He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself he that believeth not God hath made him a liar because he believeth not the record that God gave of his Son 1 John 5. 10. The Witness i. e. the Holy Spirit Some have preached and printed another Jesus and another Spirit and another Gospel 2 Cor. 11. 4. and not Jesus the Lord 1 Cor. 12. 3. and Phil. 2. 11. And have preached another Spirit not the Lord the Spirit 2 Cor. 3. 17 18. And another Gospel not the true Gospel by the Grace of Christ Gal. 1. 6. Some pervert the Gospel and are under that Curse and Anathema Gal. 1. 7 8 9. Christ Jesus the Lord was that Christ whom Paul preached 2 Cor. 4. 5. Paul an Apostle not by man but by Jesus Christ Gal. 1. 1 2. Christ Jesus is said to be equal with God Phil. 2. 5 6 11. Christ is our life and is all in all Col. 3. 4 11. And whoso denieth the Son hath not the Father 1 John 2. 23. Let those who deny the Son consider well that word Christ Jesus the Lord in whom dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily Col. 2. 2 3 6 9. a very full expression of his Godhead God our Saviour 1 Tim. 2. 3. God manifest in the flesh 1 Tim. 3. 16. The living God the Saviour of them that believe 1 Tim. 4. 10. God our Saviour Tit. 1. 3. 2. 10. Looking for the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ who gave himself for us Tit. 2. 13 14. Jesus Christ our Saviour Tit. 3. 6. Some false Teachers there were then who privily brought in Damnable Heresies denying the Lord that bought them and some will follow them 2 Pet. 2. 1 2. Deceivers who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh such have not God and if any come to you and bring not this Doctrine receive him not into your house nor bid him God-speed 2 John 3. 7 9 10. Gr. Chairein to rejoice There is no ground that I know to desire Joy to such There are certain men crept in corrupt Worshippers denying the Only God and Master our Lord Jesus Christ Jude 4. To the only wise God our Saviour be glory and majesty dominion and power v. 25. The Son is the brightness of the Father's Glory of whom God saith And let all the Angels of God worship him Heb. 1. 1 3 6 13. And we are to worship God not Angels Rev. 19. 10. 22. 8 9. Unto the Son the Father saith thy Throne O God for ever and ever Heb. 1. 8. His Son Jesus Christ he is the true God and eternal life 1 John 5. 20. The first and the last who was dead and is alive Rev. 2. 8. The son of God who searcheth the reins and heart and who will give to every one according to his works Rev. 2. 18 23. And to conclude this point in the close of the Scriptures the Prayer of John unto Christ Come Lord Jesus and for his Grace Rev. 22. 20 21. do also prove the Deity of Christ which is my present point Some defend this Truth from the Opinion of ancient Doctors and learned Fathers whereof I have seen a great collection for whom I have due reverence yet satisfaction to the Conscience coming in ordinarily by the Word of God I have rather chosen this familiar way by the Scriptures Q. 3. The third Question proposed is Whether after the Creation the Lord rested on the seventh day and whether The Seventh-day Sabbath instituted by Christ the seventh-day Sabbath was sanctified and so instituted by him and was observed by him who made the World Answ 1. He that made the World rested on the seventh day for which we have these full Authorities Thus the Heavens and the Earth were finished and all the Host of them Gen. 2. 1. And on the seventh day God Heb. Aelohim the Mightys he ended his work which he had made and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made Gen. 2. 2. For in six days Jehovah he made Heaven and Earth the Sea and all that in them is and he rested the seventh day Exod. 20. 11. My Sabbaths ye shall keep for it is a sign between me and you A sign whereby his People were distinguished from the rest of the World It is holy unto you a perpetual Covenant For in six days Jehovah made Heaven and Earth and on the seventh day he rested and was refreshed Exod. 31. 13 14 15 16 17. And God did rest the seventh day from all his works Heb. 4. 4. Which is also a farther confirmation of the Deity of Christ Answ 2. He that made the World sanctified or made holy the seventh-day Sabbath After God Heb. Aelohim ended his work it is said expresly and God Heb. Aelohim he blessed the seventh day and he sanctified it Gen. 2. 1 3 4. Wherefore Jehovah he blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it Exod. 20. 11. Blessed and sanctified it and so instituted it In the first Question it appears that the Lord Jesus Christ made the World and in the second that Christ is Jehovah Ans 3. And Jehovah who made the Earth and the Heaven● he rested on the seventh day and he blessed it and he sanctified it So we have here the Lord Jesus Christ who made the World resting on the seventh day that is observing it and blessing and sanctifying of it i. e. giving the institution of it and this to Adam and in Adam to Jews and Gentiles to all Mankind without distinction who then were all in Adam's Lo●●s and that before the Sin and Fall of Adam So this part of the Moral Law was in Adam given to him and to all his Posterity And this recorded for the Glory of the Lord Jesus Christ which some pretend to greaten by dedicating another day to him which he never blessed sanctified or observed that I can find nor has any where in the Scriptures either blessed sanctified or commanded Comparing this with what was before offered That the Lord Jesus Christ made the World and that he is Jehovah I think this one Authority in Gen. 2. 1 2 3 4 sufficient to prove that he rested on the seventh day that he blessed the seventh day and sanctified and so instituted it and no other day of the week And to this Institution I think
of him because we keep his Commands 1 John 3. 21. which we are strictly required to walk after 2 John 6. The Eighth of the 39 Articles of the Church of England says No Christian man whatsoever is free from the Obedience of the Commandments which are called Moral Assemb Conf. chap. 19. of the Law of God says God gave to Adam a Law Par. I. This Law after his Fall continued to be a perfect Rule of Righteousness and as such was delivered by God upon Mount Sinai in Ten Commandments Par. II. This Law commonly called Moral doth for ever bind all as well justified persons as others neither doth Christ in the Gospel any way dissolve but much strengthen this Obligation Par. III V. Although true Believers be not under the Law as a Covenant of Works to be thereby justified or condemned Par. VI. So ●ar that great Assembly about the Ten Commands The Declaration of the Faith c. of the Congregational Chur●hes before cited says the same things in the same words Ch. 19. Art 1 2 3 5 6. And so doth the Confession of Faith of the Antipoedobaptists ●efore mentioned Ch. 19. Art 1 2 3 5 6. And blessed are they who do his Commandments Rev. 22. 14. Now how can any man perswade himself or others that Christ ●r his Apostles do not intend by the above cited Scriptures the Ten Commands And if he do mean them whence comes this alte●ation and Why do men open their Mouths so far against his Tabernacle Rev. 13. 6. i. e. his Law which Tabernacle of the Testimony will be opened again in the Churches and some have already gotten the Victory over the Beast in this also Rev. 15. 2 5. And the Tabernacle of God will be again with men when the new Heaven and the new Earth come Rev. 21. 1 3. And 't is remarkable that the Remnant of the Seed of the Woman are such as keep the Commandments of God with whom the Dragon makes War Rev. 12. 17 and Rev. 14. 12. Here is the patience of the Saints here are they that keep the Commandments of God and the Faith of Jesus And all this and much more there is without one word of Exception against the Seventh day Q. 7. Whether the weekly Seventh day Sabbath and no other day was observ'd by the Lord Jesus Christ after his Incarnation and that constantly Answ No Christian man that I know has ever pretended that the Lord did not keep the Seventh-day Sabbath perfectly or that he kept the First day or any other day as a weekly Sabbath nor is there any Scripture for such Pretences And that he kept the Seventh-day Sabbath I think is prove● by the Scriptures which in general express his being a Lam● without blemish 1 Pet. 1. 19 which he had not been if there h● been any defect in his Obedience nor had his Righteousne● been perfect if he had not fulfilled all the Law i. e. all Righteousness More particularly it appears besides his course of Education under Joseph and Mary that he observed the Sabbath for upo● his setting about his Ministry he with Simon Andrew Jam● and John at Capernaum entered into the Synagogue on the Sa●bath day and taught Mark 1. 21. 6. 1 2 on the Sabbat● days Luke 4. 31. On the Sabbath day he went into the Synagog● Mat. 12. 1 9 and John 5. 9. The Synagogues seem● Synagogues be Houses somewhat of the nature of our Parish-Ch●ches for Prayer and for weekly reading the Law and Prophe● and sanctifying the Sabbath to which our Lord when he w● in the Country did resort And the Sabbath day which Christ observed was the Je● Seventh-day Sabbath as is agreed by all and appears plainly b● that Mat. 12 and John 5 by the Jews Exceptions against Chri● as breaking their Sabbath as they apprehended but were mistaken And it farther appears that Christ constantly observed the Seventh-day Sabbath for when he came to Nazareth where he had been brought up as his custom was he went into the Synagogue on the Sabbath day and stood up for to read Luke 4. 16 to 21. and then and there preached the Gospel and expounded the Scriptures Which shews it was his Custom i. e. his constant Course from his Childhood at Nazareth where he had been brought up to keep the weekly Sabbath days of which Custom I find little said in some Books the Greek Expression for as his Custom was I take to be very full That it was Christ's usual constant Course And as at Nazareth so at Capernaum Christ taught them on the Sabbath days v. 31. And I shall hereafter shew that what is said here Luke 4. 16 31. of Christ is after the Death Resurrection and Ascension of Christ said of Paul that it was Paul's Custom also to keep the Sabbath Acts 17. 2. so that Paul did not alter the Sabbath which may also stay the mistaken Cavils about some Expressions in his Epistles as if Paul writ one thing and did another which Custom of Paul and other Believers who attended the Apostle's Ministry I think was a good Custom in the general which held from the beginning of the World till the Ascension of Christ and long af●er that as I hope to shew more fully hereafter which was ●bove four thousand years a Custom which one long day in Jo●hua's and another in Hezekiah's time or the variety of the time of the Sun 's setting in different Climates does no way disturb for ●hat a day longer or shorter than another by some hours is still ● day and but a day and so could not alter or disorder the num●er of seven days to a week and so did not alter the seventh day ●ut would puzzle those to answer who make the Objection ●gainst themselves who finding the plainness of the Commandment against them have now invented instead of the Seventh ●ay commanded a new seventh part of time which seventh part ●f time from the Creation to this day by those two long days ● utterly impossible to be ascertain'd but however is a meer Fan●y there being no other Command but for the Seventh-day ●hich Christ and afterward Paul usually observed So as I may ●y this was a long undeniable and uninterrupted Custom time ●ut of Mind though 't is true the Sabbath had been somewhat ●rophaned in Nehemiah's time and by him reformed which ●ore confirms the Custom whereof more afterwards And I think all the Advocates for the First day as well as all the Reformed Christians in the World do agree that Christ has fulfilled all Righteousness and that he perfectly kept the Ten Commands whereof the Fourth was and is certainly one and the Seventh day certainly part thereof and that every true Believer has a part in Christ's perfect Obedience and consequently in his perfect keeping of the Seventh-day Sabbath Which I think sufficient for proving this point that the Seventh-day Sabbath and no other was constantly observed by him Q. 8. After the Lord Jesus had so far perfected the Work of Redemption as to say it is finished and after his giving up his Spirit if he rested in Heaven and
Olivet but a Sabbath days Journey from Jerusalem and from the two Angels prophesie That that same Jesus should so come in like manner as they saw him go into Heaven and that this was when Christ and his Apostles were assembled and come together and Christ preached to them and promised to them the Holy Spirit Acts 1. 4 5 6 11 12. it is somewhat probable to me that his Ascension might be and that his Coming may be upon the Seventh-day Sabbath though some from the number of Forty days wherein he was seen by the Apostles Acts 1. 3 make some doubt thereof But by no Account I can make can I assign the Ascension on the First day nor can I see why that is so expresly said that Mount Olivet where Christ ascended and whence the Disciples returned to Jerusalem was but a Sabbath-days Journey Acts 1. 12. but because it was the Sabbath day And yet in this also I may not be positive because it is not positively written when it was otherwise than as above that Christ and his Disciples were then assembled and Christ preached and that Mountain was but a Sabbath days Journey from Jerusalem Acts 1. 12 which was as great a length of way by the Law of Exod. 16. 29 and Josh 3. 4 as was commonly thought by the Hebrews they might travel upon a Sabbath day which is held by divers to be about two miles for which I know no certain Scripture Some say Mount Olivet was but about a mile from Jerusalem but be the Sabbath-days Journey more or less 't is recorded here to be but a Sabbath-days Journey from Jerusalem and if this was the Sabbath day it may be thus expressed to answer an Objection As if our Lord by this Walk and his Disciples by accompanying him and by their return to Jerusalem had after his death broken the Sabbath for we find the Jews during his life watching him and his Disciples for some Pretence to charge him and them with breaking the Sabbath as we find Mat. 12. 1 2. Mark 2. 24. Luke 6. 2. And so might also be at the same wrangling and objecting work upon his Ascension But however that were for the main point which is the Sabbath does dot depend thereon it is undeniably certain that after the Ascension of the Lord Jesus into Heaven Acts 1. 9 and after the giving the Holy Spirit Acts 2. 1 2 3 4 Barnabas and Paul who were sent forth by the Holy Spirit Acts 13. 4 and their Company went into the Synagogue on the Sabbath day and after the reading of the Law and the Prophets which were then read every Sabbath day Acts 13. 27. upon the desire of the Rulers of the Synagogue of the Jews Paul stands up and preaches Christ at large Acts 13. 13 to 41. and when the Jews were gone out of the Synagogue the Gentiles besought that these words might be preached to them not the next morning upon the First day of the week but the next Sabbath This Authority in Acts 13. 14 42 44 is full where both the Jews and Gentiles hear the Word upon the Sabbath day which no man can deny and is granted by all to be the Seventh-day Sabbath Acts 13. 42. And the next Sabbath day came together almost the whole City to hear the Word of God Acts 13. 44. So that Barnabas and Paul and his Company and the Jews and Gentiles at Antioch observed the Seventh-day Sabbath after the Resurrection and Ascension of Christ and Paul preached Forgiveness of Sin and Justification of all Believers by Christ to the Jews and upon the particular request of the Gentiles to the Gentiles also not upon the First day of the week which had been more grateful to the Gentiles who generally dedicated the First day to the adoration of the Sun whence we still corruptly call it Sunday whereof more afterwards if that had been grateful to the Apostles but upon the seventh-day Sabbath whereupon the Jews contradict and blaspheme Acts 13. 45 but many Gentiles believed Acts 13. 47 48. so that here were also many converted to Christ upon the seventh-day Sabbath and this in a time after the Holy Spirit was promised to come and promised to guide the Apostles into all Truth John 16. 7 13 and after that Promise performed in the actual giving of the Holy Spirit Acts 2. 4 which taught them all things 1 John 2. 27 by which Holy Spirit Barnabas and Saul were sent forth and which Holy Spirit as I humbly think plainly led them to this Work and into this Truth and this affirmed by the Holy Spirit in the Word of Truth as the Word is called John 17. 17. and this after Christ's Resurrection and Ascension and all this as it seems to me a plain Matter of Fact affirmed by the Holy Spirit in the Scriptures with which Holy Spirit the Apostles were now filled Acts 2. 4. 4. 31. 6. 3 5. 7. 55. 8. 17. 10. 44. 11. 15. 13. 52 and which sent them forth Acts 13. 2 4 9. Which Testimony of the Holy Spirit and the Writer or Writers of this Book of the Acts that the Seventh day was still the Sabbath day by whose Inspiration this Book as the other Scriptures 2 Tim. 3. 16 whereunto give heed 1 Pet. 1. 19 was undeniably written I insist upon as that which no man ought to deny And for any to pretend that Barnabas and Paul did herein Judaize and only humour the Jews for a season I take it to be a meer groundless Surmize to say no worse of it without any word from the Scriptures for such Conceit But this is not all the same Holy Spirit doth further witness that Paul did not only keep the seventh-day Sabbath once or twice or now and then after Christ's death but continually for at Thessalonica where was a Synagogue of the Jews Paul as his Manner was went in unto them and three Sabbath days reasoned with them Acts 17. 2 3. or preached to them being the same Greek word with that much as I think distorted place Acts 20. 7 where the same word is rendered preached to them It was Paul's constant Use Manner and Custom to preach Christ upon the seventh-day Sabbath And this also is a Matter of Fact which no Christian man can deny and 't is remarkable that we have the same certain Evidence that it was the Custom of Paul Acts 17. 2. and this also after Christ's Resurrection and Ascension as before that we have of Christ's keeping the Sabbath Luke 4. 16 there being in those two Scriptures the like Greek Phrase for both and he that denies Paul in his measure his continual keeping of the Sabbath after the Resurrection and Ascension of Christ and after his being declared the Son of God with Power and after the solemn giving of the Holy Spirit and the whole Work of Man's Redemption by Christ absolutely finished must deny this express Scripture which is hard for any Christian
Ans After the Birth of our Lord Jesus Christ Emmanuel i. e. God with us Mat. 1. 18. 23. we find in that famous Sermon of his in the Mountain Mat. 5. 17 18 19. which was about the beginning of his publick Ministry Christ does prevent an Objection of his Hearers who in regard his manner of preaching was different from their Teachers might suspect that he intended to abrogate the Moral Law or to alter it or some part thereof and to bring in another Law and warns them not to imagine that he came to destroy dissolve or loosen the Law but to fulfill it viz. by his perfect Obedience exactly to observe it and by his Word to establish it a standing Rule of Obedience to his Churches and People to the end of the World Till Heaven and Earth pass one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the Law Mat. 5. 17 18 19. So that all the Commands have the same Character of the same Divine Authority and do all without excepting one jot or tittle equally bind man Mat. 5. 19. And that this place in Matthew referrs to the Ten Commands I take to be generally agreed by Expositors and by Writers for the First day the first Table whereof contains the method prescribed by Christ how to express our Love to God a part of which first Table is to keep holy the seventh day And the second Table contains our Love to Man Mat. 22. 37 38 39. And agreeable to Mat. 5. 17 18 19. is that of Luke It is easier for Heaven and Earth to pass than one tittle of the Law to fail Luke 16. 14 17. where our Saviour shews the scoffing Pharisees that he taught no new Doctrine contrary to the Law but that Heaven and Earth should pass away before one tittle of the Law should pass The Interpretations of the Law by the Jews were mistaken but the Law shall remain as a sound and certain Rule to his People until the World should have an end Where I take it also as agreed that Christ spake of the Ten Commands As he does also when the Lawyer asked him which was the Great Commandment in the Law Christ answers Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy Heart And the second is like unto it Love thy Neighbour as thy self Upon which two hang all the Law and the Prophets Mat. 22. 35 to 40. And Mark 12. 28 29 30 31. where Christ confirms the Ten Commands and both Tables thereof whereof the Law for the seventh day is a part which seventh day those who set up and substitute the first day so far lay aside The Romanists leave out the second Command against Images and a late learned Protestant Writer excepts against a word or two in the second Command and what he meant thereby I cannot say certainly but if he think it lawful to make such Pictures as of a Glorious Light from which occasion may be taken of good Thoughts of God he seems to me under the specious colour of that good Intention to break in directly upon those words in the second Command Lo tagneseh leka temunati asher bashamajim Thou shalt not make to thee any likeness that is in Heaven above and to go very near the borders of Idolatry that God is Light 1 John 1. 5. is true but we may make no Image or Picture thereof for any such purpose Light is as I take it one of the words opening the Essence of God and to make any Likeness of his Essence seems to be of the Likeness of God which I think is forbidden in the second Command To say nothing of the word As in the Parenthesis which seems something a kin to an c. nor can this be excused by the good intention before of taking up thence good Thoughts of God which surely must be from making and looking upon that pictured Light to the end above so dangerous it is to sit loose in Principles from the Obligation of the Moral Law or any part thereof And to this looseness from the Commands and to the not observing of them I think I may assign the great Transgressions of this Age against all the rest of the Commands but I forbear And how much farther such Great Learned and Worthy men may go unless God convince them or restrain them I know not who by his Word and therein by Promises of his Holy Spirit hath furnished all Believers with sufficient matter for Good Thoughts of God And those take away these words out of the fourth Command the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God which has not only many Iotaes and Tittles i. e. Letters and Vowels but Words and is a whole Paragraph but I think will not so pass away Conformity to which Commands is the Perfection of the Nature of Man Consider also how very much is said in the New Testament against Anomie that is Lowlesness Acts 2. 22 23. Mat. 13. 40 41. Mat. 23. 28. Mat. 24. 12. Rom. 6. 19. The Mystery of Anomie did work in the Apostle's time 2 Thes 2. 7. Until he that letteth be taken out of the way and then that lawless one that anomous one shall be revealed whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth v. 8. Looking for our Saviour Jesus Christ who gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all Anomie Tit. 2. 11 to 14. which Anomie the Lord Jesus Christ hates Thou hast loved Righteousness and hated Anomie Heb. 1. 8 9 10. One great Article of the new Covenant is I will put my Laws into their minds and write them in their hearts which includes the whole Moral Law And another Article is Their Anomies I will remember no more Heb. 8. 10 12. Heb. 10. 16 17. And of old the Lord commanded That whatsoever he commanded his People they should observe to do it Thou shalt not add thereto nor dimish from it Deut. 12. 29 30 31 32. This Law is framed for the good of all and if all the Laws of all the Kingdoms of the World were lost the Ten Commands rightly understood in their true Extent and Latitude as explained in the Old and New Testament would revive and preserve the Duties men owe to God and due Bounds between Kings and their Subjects Ministers and People Husbands and Wives Masters and Servants Parents and Children and all Superiors Infe●iors and Equals whatsoever Which Law the Lord will magnifie ●nd make honourable Isa 42. 21. And the Ten Commands as ●hey are opened in the Scriptures do in general or particular Rules with great Justice and Equality resolve Cases as far beyond ●he Laws of Men as the Treasures of Wisdom in Christ are be●ond the depraved Wit of fallen Man And here I had thought to have inserted That See Charnock's Attrib fol. 612. ●he true Law of Nature in Adam is the Ten Com●andments A Preface to which Ten Commands commemorating and cele●rating the wonderful and famous Deliverance of the