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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A23100 The sinners glasse containing Augustines Ladder to paradise : with diuers meditations and prayers, both for morning and euening / collected out of Saint Augustine and other ancient fathers. Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo.; Pimm, Timo. 1609 (1609) STC 953.5; ESTC S1048 46,819 293

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faire and honourable before all the sonnes of men graunt mee that I maye desire thee that I maye loue thee so much as I will and as much as I ought Thou art exceeding great and exceedingly thou oughtest to bee beloued chiefly of vs whome thou hast so loued so saued for whome thou hast done so many things O loue which euer burnest and art neuer quenched Sweete Christ méeke loue Iesu my God inflame mee wholy with thy loue with thy light with thy delight with thy desire with thy gladnesse and reioycing with thy affection and swéete kindenesse with thy pleasure and desire which is holy and excellent which is chaste and cleare that being altogether full with the swéetnesse of thy loue altogether pleasured with the feruencie of thy loue I may loue thée my Lord most sweete and beautifull with all my heart with all my soule with all my power and all my diligence with great contrition of hart and a fountaine of tears with great reuerence and feare and hauing thee in heart in mouth and before mine eyes alwaies and euery where so that no place in mee appeare open to false and counterfeite loues Amen Prayers of the Soule thirsting to see Iesus MY soule thirsteth for thée my L. God my flesh also longeth alter thee My soule thirsteth for God the liuing fountaine when shal I come and appeare before the face of the Lord When wilt thou come my comforter whō I waite for O when shal I see my ioy I looke for O then I shall bee satisfied when my glory will appeare whom I hunger for O then shal● I bee drunken of the aboundance of his house which I sigh for O that thou will soake me with the flowing streame of the pleasures In the meane time O Lord let my teares be to me bread day and night vntil it be saide to mee beholde thy God vntill my soule may there looke vpon the Bridegroome Féede mée in the meane time with my sobbes refresh me with my sorrowes it may bee that my redéemer will come because he is louing and will not tarry because he is merfull To him be all honor for euer and euer Amen Another of the same STrike Lord strike I beséech thée this my most hard heart with the godly and strong point of thy deare loue and pierce déeper to the very bottome with thy mighty power And so bring forth passing much water from my head and a true fountaine of teares from my eyes aboundantly flowing through the excéeding affection and desire of the sight of thy beautie that I may mourne day and nighte receiuing no comfort in this present life vntill I may bee worthie to see thee my beloued Lorde and God in the celestiall bride chamber that there beholding thy glorious admirable most beautifull face full with all pleasure and sweetnesse I may humblie adore and worshipp thy maiestie with those whome thou hast chosen and there at the last replenished with the vnspeakeable ioy of eternal reioysing I may cry out with them that loue thée saying Beholde now I sée that I haue desired now I hold that I haue hoped for now I haue that I haue longed for I am ioyned to him in heauen whom sēt vpon the earth I haue with al my power loued with all loue imbraced to whom with all loue I haue cleaued him I extoll praise and honour who liueth and raigneth God without end Amen A Prayer for the feare of the great Iudge LLord God of gods forceable and mighty vpon all wickednes I know certainely that thou wilt come I know thou wilt not euer be si●ent when in thy sight the lightening waxeth violent and in thy course the great tempest shall suddenly come whē thou shalt call heauen from aboue and the earth to iudge thy people Then loe before so many thousands of people all mine iniquities shall be reuealed before so many armies of Angels all my abhominations shall he open not of my déedes onely but of my thoughts and words Thou righteous Iudge marking sinnes hast kept all my wayes as in a Sachell and hast numbred my steppes togither thou hast held thy peace thou hast béene silent thou hast béen long suffering But wo is me at last thou speakest as though sore trauailing with child c. A Prayer where the Father is called vpon through the Sonne O Father I beseech thee for the loue of thy almighty Son bring my soule out of prison to praise thy holy name I instantly desire thee through thine onely son coeternall with thee deliuer me frō the bonds of sinne and thou most highest beeing appeased through the intercession of thy Sonne sitting at thy right hand restore me to life whose owne merits threaten to mée deadly and eternall doome For what other intercessor I should bring to thee I know not but the same which is the onely sacrifice for our sinnes which sitteth at thy right hande intreating for vs. Behold my aduocate with thee God the Father beholde the chiefe Bishop who néedeth not to make an attonement with others bloud because he appeareth glorious imbrued with the blood of his own woundes Beholde the holy sacrifice well pleasing and perfect offered vp and accepted into the sauour of swéetnesse Behold the lambe without spot who before the shéerers of him became as dumbe who beaten with buffetes beraied with spittle and rayled vpon opened not his mouth Beholde him that hath done no sins hath borne our sinnes land healed our infirmities with his owne bloud Amen A prayer of the penitent CReator of heauen and earth king of kings and Lord of al that rule which hast made me of nothing to thy Image and likenes and hast redeemed mee with thy precious blood whome I wretched sinner am not worthy to name neither to call vpon or meditate of in heart I bese●ch thee kneeling on my knees and humbly intreating thee that thou wilt pitifully regarde mee thy euill seruant and to haue mercy on me who hadst compassion on the woman of Canaan and of Marie Magdelen who forgauest the Publicane and théefe hanging on the Crosse In thee most mercifull Father I confesse my sinnes which to conceale from thée O Lord I cannot if I would Pardon mee O Christ whome I haue greatly offended both in thought word and deed and by all the meanes in which I wicked fraile man might offend Therfore O Lord I beseech thy clemency who descendedst from heauen for my safety who rearedst Dauid from the fall of sinne pardon mee O Lord pardon mee O Christ who forgauest Peter denying thee Thou art my Creator and redeemer my Lord and my sauiour my king and my God thou art my hope and my trust I beseech and intreate thee helpe me and I shal be safe gouerne and defend mee strengthen me and comfort me confirm me and make mee glad ' inlighten and visite mee ' reare me that am dead because I am of thy making and thy worke Lord dispise mee not because I am thy seruant
of thy commandements that I may bee able to come to him in spirit which hath not feared to bee couered with my flesh Merciful father dost thou not beholde the head bowing downe of toy most beloued Sonne resolued to most pretious death Regarde O most fauourable Creator the humanity of thy dearely beloued sonne and haue mercie on the weakenesse of brittle clay Look on O glorious Father the torn lims of thy most acceptable sonne and graciously remember of what I am made See the paines of God and man and release the miserie of mortall man Beholde the punishment of the Redeemer and forgiue the offence of the redeemed My Lord it is hee whome for the sinnes of thy people thou hast stroken although he bee the dearely beloued in whome thou art well pleased the same is hee the innocent in whome no guile is found and yet ●s reputed amongst the wicked Another WHAT hast thou committed most swéet Sonne of God that thou shouldest so be adiudged what hast thou offended most louing Lord that in such sort thou shouldest bee handled What is thy wickednesse what is thy fault what is the cause of thy death what is the occasion of thy cōdemnation Doubtlesse I am the wounde of thy griefe the blame of the slaughter done on thee I am the deseruing of thy death the heynous offence of thy punishmēt I am the print and signe of thy passion the worker of thy torment O marueylous manner of iudgement and vnspeakeable miserie The wicked sinneth and the iust is punished the gui●tie offendeth and the innocent is beaten the vngodly doth amisse and the godly is condemned What the euil deserueth the good suffereth what the seruant trespasseth the master dischargeth what man committeth God beareth c. Behold my vnrighteousnes and thy righteousnes is manifest My King and my God what shall I render againe to thee for all that thou hast done for me That the remembrance of the woundes of Christ is a Preuayling remedie against all aduersities I haue committed a grieuous sinne and am guilty of maay offences neither therfore doe I despaire because where sinne hath abounded also grace hath much more abounded He that despaireth of pardon of his sinnes denyeth God to be mercifull Hee doth great wrong to God that is mistrustfull of his mercy for so much as in him is he denieth God to haue loue truth and power in which thinges all my hope consisteth which is in the loue of his adoption in the truth of his promise and in the power of his redemption Now let my foolish imagination murmure how much it will saying What art thou and how great is that glory or with what mer●is hopest thou to obtaine the same I aswell wil faithfully answere I knowe whome I h●ue trusted because in excéeding loue he hath adopted me for a sonne because he is true in his promise able in the performance thereof and hath power to doe what hee will I cannot bee terrified with the great multitude of sins if the death of the Lorde come into my minde because my sinnes cannot ouercome him The nayles and Speare call vnto me that I am truly reconciled vnto Christ if I will loue him Longius opened to mee the side of Christ with his Speare and I haue entred and there safely doe I rest Hee stretcheth out his armes on the crosse and spreadeth out his hands ready for the imbracement of sinners Betweene the armes of my Sauiour both will I liue and desire to die There safe and sure will I sing vnto him high praises I will praise thee O Lord because thou hast receyued mee neyther wouldest thou suffer mine enemies to triumph ouer me Our sauiour in his death bowed downe his head that he might kisse his dearely beloued So often doe we kisse God as often as wee are pricked in heart with the loue of him Prayers before the receyuing the Communion MErciful lord Iesu Christ I sinful soul nothing presuming of mine own merits but only trusting in thy mercy and goodnes am afraid tremble to draw neare to the table of thy most sweete and comfortable feast for I haue a heart and bodie polluted with many grieuous crimes and a minde and a tongue very euilly gouerned Therefore O gracious Deitie O dreadfull Maiesty I miserable wretch apprehended and taken betweene the troubles and griefes of mind and spirit returne to thee the fountaine of mercie I make haste to thee to be healed I flie vnder thy protection And thee whō I cannot endure to bee my Iudge I hope to haue my sauiour to thee Lord I shew my woūds to thee I vncouer my shame I know my sins to bee many and great for the which I am afrayed yet I trust in thy mercies of which there is no number Lord Iesu Christ eternall King God and man crucified for man look on me with the eyes of thy mercie heare mee putting my trust in thee haue mercy on mee full of miseries and sins thou which euer makest the fountaine of thy compassions to spring Remember Lord thy creature whō with thy pretious blood thou hast redeemed I am sorie that I haue sinned I desire amendment of thy gracious fauour help me take frō me most mercifull Father al my sinnes and iniquities that being cleansed in mind and bodie I may through thee deserue worthily to taste the holy thing of all holiest and graunt that the holy and spirituall receiuing of thy body bloud which I vnworthie intende bee a ful remission of all my sinnes and a perfect purging of all my transgressions a banishing of all euill thoughts and a getting againe of good senses also a most strong defence against all the deceits of the worlde the flesh and the diuell Amen Another ALmighty euerlasting god behold I come to the Sacrament of thine onely Sonne our Lorde Iesus Christ I come as one sicke to the Phisition of life foule to the fountain of mercie blinde to the light of eternall brightnesse poore and needy to the Lord of heauen and earth Therefore I beg of the aboundance of thy exceeding bounty to that end thou wouldst vouchsafe to heale my infirmitie to wash away mine vncleannesse to lighten my blindnesse to enrich my pouertie to cloath my nakednes that I may receiue the bread of Angels the King of Kings the Lord of Lords with so much reuerence and meekenes with so much contrition and deuotion with so much purity and faith with such purpose and intention as is expedient to the health of my soule Graunt mee O Lord I beseech thee not only to take the Sacrament of the body and bloud of the Lord but also the effect and vertue of the Sacrament O most fauourable God grant mee so spiritually to receiue the bodie of thy onelie Sonne our Lord Iesus Christ that I may be worthy to be incorporated in his mysticall bodie and to bee numbred amongest the members of him O louing father grant to me thy dearly beloued Son whom