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A17128 An embassage from heauen Wherein our Lord Sauiour Christ Iesus giueth to understand his iust indignation against al such, as being Catholikely minded, dare yeelde their presence to the rites and publike praier, of the malignant church, by Ralphe Buckham priest ... Buckland, Ralph, 1564-1611. 1611 (1611) STC 4007; ESTC S115956 47,408 131

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AN EMBASSAGE FROM HEAVEN Wherein Our Lord and Sauiour Christ Iesus giueth to vnderstand his iust indignation against al such as being Catholike minded dare yeelde their presence to the rites and publike praier of the malignant Church By Raphe Buckland Priest Po●●●t in nobis D●●●●●●●en ●●●●ciliationis pro Christo i●●●ue Legatiorie 〈◊〉 tanquam Deo exhorta●te per nos 〈…〉 Christo ●●●ciliamin● Deo 2. Cor. 5. vers 〈◊〉 God hath pl●●ed 〈…〉 conciliation we be therof 〈…〉 God as it were exhorting by 〈…〉 for Chris●● sake be 〈…〉 Published with License AN EPISTLE TO AL Schismatikes TO you oh you miserable who straying from the pathes of peace runne as confidently forwards in darke and slippery wales as if ye traced the steppes of truth and righteousnesse neither wandred one jot from the high way to saluation The Preface to the Reader WHo hath eares to heare let him heare a courteous and a friendly admonition gentle reader of that most mighty and most humble Prince who sendeth this Embassage to prepare the harts of hi● disloyal subiects to more perfect obseruance of his lawes which many inconsiderately because they feare to heare them doe violate and feare to heare truly expounded least they should vnderstand them and vnderstanding them a-right should powerfully be moued to obey them with losse of their reputation life and goodes Which inconueniences for so they esteeme them least they might incurre they stoppe their eares and wil not listen to the voice of the wise enchaunter telling them that the Kingdome of heauen is without comparison of more value then al the● worldly pelfe and that the troubles of these times are not to be waighed in regard of the future glory which shal be reuelled in them euen in this life through the testimony of a good conscience but chiefly in the next and euerlasting life by the perfect enioying of almighty God and seing him there face to face as be is to which beautifying vision by seruing God with a pure hart for such only shal see him thou art earnestly intreated by this booke Godly reader what euer thou art that hast a soule to saue rich or poore learned or vnlearned luke-warme Schismatike or cold Catholike for this worke concerneth you both though with indifferency in the perusing whereof the more attention and heede thou doest bestow the better thou wilt accept ●f the authours pious and charitable indeauours and reape vnto thy selfe great fruit to saluation which whiles it is ripining in thee shew thy selfe I pray thee no lesse grateful to the religious authour hereof by praying for ●is soule then to his yet suruiuing friend at whose earnest suite this so necessary and profitable a message is deliuered vnto thee not without approbation and counsaile after a careful view and examination of the same Fare-wel AN EMBASSAGE FROM HEAVEN HEarken ye erring soules 1. The dangerous estate of Schismatikes who wil not enter the Arke ordained for the safety of my Elect yet hope to escape the vniuersal floode of my wrath who refuse to leaue Sodome yet feare not fire and brimstone who forsake not the Tabernacles of Chore yet dread not to be swallowed of the earth neglect to flie from Babylon yet expect nothing lesse then to be oppressed with the ruines thereof Oh ye lost sheepe who hauing receiued my marke enter another sold yet wil needes be tearmed of my flocke runne with the Theefe and wil be holden innocent partake in iniquity yet wil be accompted righteous Ye broken branches ignorant of your owne decay Ye that rent my vnseamed coate not acknowledging a fault teare my body without sence of sinne breake the vnity of my Church vvithout scruple of Schisme Come forth before me and justifie your selues if ye can cal together your wits search the depth of your harts ponder the reasons of your frailty and the circumstances of your defence in equity I wil argue your offence and contending by just judgement I stand against you to your face my Majesty shal not prejudice to alleage what you can I wil neither oppresse you with authority nor ouer-rule without reason but your owne guiltinesse shal appale you the clearenes of your crime shal make you dumbe Laying a-side the person of a Iudge I the Creatour of al referre the cause to the censure of al my creatures To al both Angels and Men I appeale to Catholikes and Heretikes to Christians and not Christians to your owne consciences if ye haue any 2. Schismatikes no true seruāts of God I haue tried you and found you faithlesse I haue giuen occasion of manifesting your fidelity and found you a disloyal generation I haue prouided for you a plentiful haruest of glorious and eternal merits I proffer the purchase of the Kingdome of heauen but I perceiue you set at naught my wisdome and bounty contemning the treasures of my Kingdome as not worthy the vile price of temporal detriment I haue proued you at the touch-stone and discerned you to be b●se I haue weighed you and found you to light Oh seede of Samaria and not of Iuda I hate your dissimulation I detest your cowardize and abhorre your blindnesse my soule loatheth your halting harts Great is my indignation against you and digest your frowardnesse I cannot If any man with-hold your right 3. Vngratitude of Schismatikes and their injurious dealing towards God an action is ready he is serued with processe and exclaimed against for vnconscionable dealing How long shal I demaunde the interest vvhich I haue in your soules and you giue no eare to my claime You disdaine to be contemned at your seruants handes you brooke not disobedience in your children In case the fields and orchyeardes yeeld not their fruits ye storme and rage But where is your owne duty the honour of your Maker the loue of your Redeemer the awe of your God where are the fruits which my care haue deserued Long haue I trauailed in manuring your barraine soules I haue sent my labourers who imploy their diligence I haue by many occasions sollicited your harts and with sweet inspirations I haue at al times endeauoured to mollisie your obstinate mindes VVhat is that I should doe to you and haue not done it yet reape I nought but contempt nor finde you other then stiffe and vntractable vnprofitable and voide of al towardnesse Whatsoeuer you haue is of my beneuolence your very life and being is of my bounty neither dependeth your continual preseruation vpon any other assurance then the protection of my right hand If al this be too little I am ready to doe more and greater matters I wil in your behoofe performe then your selues would either haue expected or desired and the good that I purpose toward you in case you make your selues vvorthy thereof cannot by mortal hart be conceiued For which then of al my benefits doe you thus injury my patience wherein hath my gratious goodnesse deserued the contumely and reproch vvhere-with your iniquity doth
while others shal euen then haue their hartes hardened in some other sinne as now in Schisme 52. An inuitation to returne from sinne Repent therefore repent and turne to the Sheepe-heard of your soules O ye my sheepe turne vnto your Lord God O ye children why set ye your soules to sale for vanity and sel your selues to the Deuil for a vile price Why suffer ye creatures to draw you from your Creatour Adhere no more to gold siluer and possessions vvhere-with I often cloy my slaues and smile at your childishnesse Let not drossy mucke nor dirty farmes seperate you any longer from my church Wed not your selues so straightly to the world which passeth in a moment and al that is therein no otherwise then a cloude before the Sunne The riches that ye haue others had before and some must haue after you Aske your Mannours and Landes how many owners th●y haue had and they vvil reckon vp vnto you a long Catalogue none of whom could euer yet by wit strength or power either retaine them stil himselfe or assure them to his posterity ye shal finde them bought sold changed reexchanged giuen inherited purchased let out morgaged forfeited vsurped conquered lost recouered by right by wrong by might by law with a thousand other alterations If the sundry liues and demeanure of such seueral possessors and what these goodes did cause vnto them were recorded Ye should see substance and possessions to be nothing else but the pray of extortioners the object of rauenours the eie-sore of great personages the ready pray of a Tyrant the nourse of vnthriftinesse the wracke of youth the carke of age the source of al vice the shipwracke of al soules A but then which oppresseth al that vndertake it a gate out of which enuy cannot be shut forth a thorny bush which choaked al goodnesse and grace Regard them not therefore but haue pitty on your soules spare your selues and sinne no more Eccles 30. Returne O my prodigal children and I wil receiue you How many h●relings haue their fil in my house while ye in a forraigne land deuour huskes with swine Returne and I wil cladde you with a new stole and cast your sinnes into the bottome of the Sea Let euery one of you hasten to saue himselfe as being in a daungerous tempest to him which doth perish al the world perisheth Why die you and liue not Why spend you your talents and not in purchasing heauen Circumcise your hartes that ye may vnderstand pul your tailes out of your eares and stoppe not reason with sensuality ye are not beasts but men vse the dignity of soules of reason of conscience of free-wil Follow me in simplicity of hart and proue me if I shew not my selfe a good God vnto you and whether I wil forsake you or yet suffer you to be tempted aboue your power or any further then is necessary for your good you shal see that nothing is better then to feare me and nothing sweeter then my law yea Eccles 23. Eccles 1. I wil prouide for you by such meanes as you would least expect So shal ye be sure to tast happinesse at last and to be blessed at your end Eccles 2. Eccles 24. No man euer trusted in me and was deluded Be not ashamed to defend truth and professe it For this confusion wil bring you to glory Eccles 4. Be not a-fraide to striue euen vnto death for righteousnesse I am your reward incomprehensible Eccles 17. Passe to the part of the holy flocke and liue with them which liue and praise my name Eccles 21. The Synagogue of sinners is as a heape of stubble and their end is a flame What reward is it to be Catholikes when times are Catholike Eccles 18. now in the time of impiety and infidelity shew a good conuersation With-draw your selues from those whom malice and sinne hath blinded depart from their pollution touch not their filthinesse away from it away from it come not neare it on paine of your soules Looke backe to the rocks from which ye haue fallen for blessing is vpon Syon and curse vpon Hebal my spirit ouer Hierusalem and my sword ouer Babylon Become ye fellow Citizens of the Saints enrole your selues in my family be reconciled to me and I wil be reconciled vnto you My Messengers and Legates I haue sent into al quarters to preach my peace vnto you and offer you pardon Consider and see this is al that I your Lord God require at your handes that ye leaue dissimulation that ye loue me and feare me aboue al walking before me in a perfect and vpright hart Doe this and liue for euer ye shal be my children and I wil be your Father SHal this Embassage be of no regard Sent from a God and from a man besides Who for thy sake in loue he hath not spard His head his armes his legs his sacred sides But al haue beene embrued in dearest blood To saue thy soule and worke thy greatest good Bond-slaue thou wast to hel and to damnation No worldly meanes from thēce could set thee fre No price on earth to ransome thy saluation But what alone must be performd by me I spared not what treasure heauen did hold To gaine for heauen what to hel was sold I tooke mans flesh descending for thy sake I past to hel to free thy soule from thence What to requite me darst thou vndertake At what Tribunal pleade in my defence The world doth tēpt thou yeldest deuils thretē Betwixt them both thy Sauiour is forgotten Thou louest the world therefore loath to lose it Thou fearest the power of hellish damned crue Thy soule is mine and thou durst not dispose it Little remembring what thou hast to rue Wilt thou refuse me now the time is thine And then presume when that the day is mine Thy time is now thou fightest for● crowne I first beganne the conflict and the fight I wan the field and put the Deuils downe I shewd lesse way how thou might gaine thy right Mercy is 〈◊〉 whilst th● life doth last Iustice do●● follow when this date is past Let loue 〈◊〉 flame thee first for thy creation Thou a● not able to content me truly Then what thou owest for thy wrought saluation Is not in●●ce to make requital duly Yeeld loue for loue let not thy loue be plast Where loue turnes hate when that this lif is past What loue what terrour al the world may yeeld Al are but shadowes glaunsing on a wal Or like the winde stowping the corne in field They haue short ti●e of no regard at al. The loue of heauen the dreadful judgemēt da● These these are they whose end●s c●not decay Choose now of whether thou wilt haue thy share Of that which endeth in a moments blast Or of those treasures which I doe prepare For my 〈…〉 which shal euer last The world is go●●●hy Sauiour shal rem●ine Stand la●● to hi● and heauen is thy gaine