Selected quad for the lemma: heaven_n

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heaven_n jesus_n lord_n saviour_n 5,163 5 6.4700 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A15443 A true discourse of the assault committed vpon the person of the most noble prince, William Prince of Orange, Countie of Nassau, Marquesse de la Vere &c. by Iohn Iauregui Spaniarde With the true copies of the writings, examinations, depositions, and letters of sundrie offenders in that vile and diuelish atempte. Faithfullye translated out of the Frenche copie printed at Antwerp by Christopher Plantin. Anno 1582. Jáuregui y Aguilar, Juan de, 1583-1641. 1582 (1582) STC 25713; ESTC S101858 36,486 96

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que yo dexe aqui esta miserable vida soy muy contento se a assi y siempre como vos Sen̄or Dios Dios fueredes seruido Y assi os suplico de todo coraçon todo poderoso Sen̄or Dios Iesu Christo por a quella vuestra preciosissima passion seays seruido concederme constancia y paciencia paraque yo misero muy infelice peccador pueda sobrelleuar y suffrir qualquier genero de pena que me dieren que a todo como soy obligado prestare muy humilde cora on siendo vos todo poderoso Redemptor y Saluador del mundo Criador del cielo y de la tierra seruido IESVS MARIA TO thée Redéemer and Sauiour of the worlde creator of heauen and earth Lord God Iesus Christe If it please thée to graunte this victorie vnto me moste miserable wretched sinner and thy seruaunt for the loue of thy fiue most pretious woundes thy moste pretious crowne of thorns and thy most pretious greuous labours anguishes torments stripes and iniuries and the gall and vineger which besides all thys thou diddest drinke euen thou the almightie Lorde God Iesus Christe the redéemer and sauiour of the world the creator of heauen and earth and al to saue the sinners of this world and among the rest me the most vnhappie sinner and as suche a one I doe moste humbly beséeche thée that it maye please thée to grant me this victory against this heathen defiler of thy holy Temple and subuerter of thy holy catholik Romane religion who is the cause of so many disquiets throughout thy Christendome and suche a pestilence as is busied onely in vpholding wickednesse villanies and desolations O most mightie Lorde God Iesus Christ redéemer and sauiour of the world creator of heauen and earth I do most humbly beséech thée that it maye please thée no longer to suffer this wretche to worke farther desolations Farther that thou wilte graunte vnto me an vnworthye sinner suche fauour courage and valiancie as by thy moste pretious handes I maye accomplishe this thing in such wise as none of those that doe belong to him whom with thy helpe Lorde God Iesus Christe redéemer and sauiour of the worlde creator of heauen and earth I purpose to ouercome may haue any power against me Howbeit in as much as thou arte the Supreme Lord God Iesus Christe redéemer and sauiour of the world creator of heauen and earth if it please thee that I leaue this miserable life I am well content that it be so and euer Lorde God thy will be done Thus most mightie Lord God Iesus Christ I beséech thée with my whole hart for the loue of thy most pretious passiō that it may please thée to graunte me constancie and patience that I most miserable sinner may beare and endure whatsoeuer kinde of tormentes maye be laide vpon me wherevnto I wil haue as I ought a most humble heart if so it séeme good vnto thée O most mighty redéemer and sauiour of the world creator of heauen and earth AVos Sen̄or Dios Iesu Christo Redemptor y Saluador del mundo Criador del Cielo y de la tierra os offrezco siendo os seruido librarme con vida despues de hauer effectuado mi desseo vn velo muy rico y a vos Nuestra Sen̄ora de Regona vna corona vna ropa vna lampara y a vos Nuestra Sen̄ora de Arenzasu vna corona y a vos Nuestra Sen̄ora de Guadalupe vna Corona a vos Sen̄or Dios Iesu Christo. Nuestra Sen̄ora de Monserrate al sancto Crucifixo de Burgos nuestra Sen̄ora del pilar de aragoça TO thée Lorde God Iesus Christ Redéemer and Sauiour of the worlde creator of heauen and earth if it please thee to deliuer mée with life I doe promise after the finishing of my pretence a verye rich vaile Also to thee our Lady of Regona a crowne a gowne and a Lampe To thée our Lady of Arancazu one crown to thée our Lady of Guadalupe one crowne and to thée our Lord God Iesus Christe Also to our Lady of Montferrat to the holy Crucifixe of Burges to our Lady of the Piller of Saragosse AVos Sen̄or Dios Iesu Christo Redemptor y Saluador del mundo os offrezco siendo seruido librarme con vida d'este effecto qua traygo entre manos vna ropa muy rica y a vos Nuestra Senora de Vegonbaan vna corona y vna ropa y vna lampara y a vos Nuestra Sēnora de Aranzacu vna corona y a vos Nuestra Sēnora de Guadalupe vna corona y a vos Sēnor Dios Iesu Christo del Crucifixo de Burgos cabal offrezco vna rica ropa y offrezco yr en Roma a vna semana continuando The Copy of that which was written in the sixth seuenth pages of Iohn Iaureguyes writing Tables TO the Lorde God Iesus Christe redéemer and sauiour of the world I do promise if it please thée to deliuer me with life out of this enterprise whiche I haue takē in hand one very rich gowne To thée our Lady of Vegondaan one crown one gowne and one lampe to thée our Lady of Arancazu one crowne and to thée our Lady of Guadalupa one crowne and to thée Lord God Iesus Christe of the Crucifixe of Burges I doe vowe one gowne richly furnished and doe farther vowe to goe to Rome within one wéeke AL Angel san Gabriel me encomiendo con todo mi spiritu y coracon paraque agora y siēpre me sea mi intercessor a nuestro Sen̄or Iesu Christo y a su hijo preciosissimo y a la Virgen sancta Maria y a todos los Sanctos y Sanctas de la corte del cielo de guardarme y encaminarme y tenerme de su bēdita mano sin que yo sea muerto subitamente y me de gracia paraque pueda conseguyr el buen zelo que tengo de salir con aquel effecto Yen memoria desto prometo de ayunar toda vna semana entera despues de ver me libre desto a pan y agua y de rezar c. In the tenth Page I Do with my whole minde and hearte commende me to the Aungell Sainct Gabriel to the ende that nowe and euer he may be my mediatour to our Lorde Iesus Christ and to his most pretious sonne and to the Virgin Mary and to all he Saincts and she Saincts of the heauenly Court that he will kéepe and conduct me and with his blessed hand vphold me from sodaine death and to graunt me grace to attaine to the effect of my good zeale In remembraunce whereof I doe promise that if I escape frée from this déede I will for one whole wéek fast breade and water and pray DE ayunar todos los Viernes a intercession de la passion de nuestro Sēnor Iesu Christo y todos los Sabados a inuocation de nuestra Senora la Virgen Maria paraque yo sea guardado