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A09595 A sommon to repentance Giuen vnto Christians for a loking glasse, wherin we may behold our owne deformities, and therein and thereby, we are not onely forewarned of our destructions, but we are learned to humble out selues in these dangerous dayes of wickednesse, before the throane of Gods mercy, that wee maye not be preserued from the lake of damnation, in the great and notable day of Christs comming to iudgemente. Published by J.P. student of Cambridge.; Summons for repentance Phillips, John, fl. 1570-1591. 1584 (1584) STC 19875; ESTC S105036 35,560 70

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fyrie flame wherein the godles shall be punished and tormented euerlastinglie But howe or by what meanes they trust not to their owne strengthes they put no confidence in man they stand not sturdie in their owne conceits neither yet builde they on their owne desarts no they stande not to reason with the Lorde as though they would iustifie themselues but they feeling the miserie of their languishing soules they flie vnto the Lord by a liuelie faith they are ashamed of themselues they are heartelie sorie for their sinnes they weepe and crie out bitterlie for their iniquities saing O father we are not woorthy to be called thy children ●…or we haue sinned against thee and are not worthy to be called thy children This humble submission of theirs this hartie sorrowe of theirs is not onely accepted but the Lorde himselfe appea●…ing his furie with the outstretched armes of his compassion and pittie receyueth them to his fauor and giueth vnto them the fat kidde Christ Iesus on whom by faith they féede and haue their fill to their excéeding io●…es and to the saluation of their soules This is the difference betwixt the faithfull and the vnbeléeuing This is an especial token howe and in what kinde the children of light are and may at all times easelie bée discearned from the children of darkenes This is an especiall note for vs to consider howe and in what manner the church millitant may easelie be disciphered from the church malignant for as the members of the true church of Christ continuallie trauell vnder the crosse are at warfare and their fight is endles against 〈◊〉 death hell the flesh this wicked worlde sathan and all the powers of hell So this malignant church this synagogue of the diuel this proud painted strumpet of Babylon 〈◊〉 in all 〈◊〉 glorieth in all vncleannes loueth this world pearcheth for promotion and princelie dignitie and that most 〈◊〉 pampereth it selfe in fleshly filthie lust most shamelesselie soyleth it selfe in all notorious sinnes and euils most abhominably and to conclude Lucipher the prince of pride 〈◊〉 y ● ringleder of this mischieuous church contrary the mihtent church hath learned of hir louing 〈◊〉 Christ Iesus to be hūble lowly meeke gentle patient readie to suffer affliction willing to 〈◊〉 vnder the baner of hir head to continue constant in time of their trial The children of this church are not ashamed of y ● truth of the Gospel The children of this church are readie at al times to giue a reckoning of their faith before princes The children of this church are redie to suffer imprisonment reuiling persecution and willinglie they agree to giue their liues for the testimonie of Christ. Contrary the church malignant most arrogantlie lifteth it 〈◊〉 against the Lorde against his 〈◊〉 and the true 〈◊〉 of his blessed name they resist the Lords armie of his saints they in their kinde as the 〈◊〉 members of the verie diuell himselfe doe all and that with one consent toile without ceasing to destroie the lords vineyard to batter downe the walles of Sion and to ouerthrowe the pillers of the Lords house but he most 〈◊〉 beeing the founder and builder of his church 〈◊〉 the same mainteineth his cause against the vngodlie and breaketh the iawe bones of the malicious a sunder Thus dealeth the Lord our God with his people and yet sundrie and oftentimes he suffereth the woolfe to crushe the tender lambes of his fould but the blood of the martirs that are persecuted for the truth of the Gospell is the seede of his church which bringeth foorth such increase that all the tirants of the worlde shall neuer bee able 〈◊〉 what 〈◊〉 they can to roote vp deface or irradicate his church That same God that spake vnto Saule when he had receaued letters of the high priests to persecute his saints at Damasco speaketh vnto them that make hauocke of the foulde of his inheritaunce and sheweth them that it shall be as hearde for them as it was 〈◊〉 Saule to kicke against the pricke it is all in vaine therefore for mortall men 〈◊〉 what condition soeuer they be to stande vp against the Lorde for he is the Lorde of all power the God of all wisedome and as the pot cannot controule nor check the potter no more can man that is but a clod of claie and the handie worke of his creator resist nor withstand that the Lord of hostes hath purposed to bring to effect Yet where sathan is the ringleader of this disordered 〈◊〉 and shameles rable hee in such sort pricketh them forwarde that they 〈◊〉 no small felicitie and delight to whet their tuskes to make sharp their 〈◊〉 to this very purpose that they may spoile and 〈◊〉 the Lords fould but he that is mightie often and sundrie times confoundeth them in the imaginations of their owne 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 vs therefore in time of our triall continue constant let vs in time of our affliction indeuour to beare the crosse with patience for the sharper that in this life our torments are or shal be for the testamony of a good conscience the greater shall be our glorie in time to come in the kingdome of heauen The more that we are reuiled ill spoken of 〈◊〉 for our Lord and 〈◊〉 Christ Iesus the more better shall we be accepted and well welcomed accounted of blessed and receaued of Christ our sauiour to his euerlasting kingdome If therfore we will be his disciples we must learne of him to follow his steps to walk in holinesse and righteousnesse of 〈◊〉 to dedicate our selues wholie vnto his seruice we must like good skilful schollers continue our studies in the nourserie of his eternall truth and craue of him that through the asistaunce of his holie and blessed spirit we may learne to vnderstād the blessed 〈◊〉 conteined in his holy law to walke continuallie in his sight as it becommeth godlie and faithfull sonnes adopted by grace to life euerlasting But as I haue saide before so saie I againe the loue of this worlde so 〈◊〉 in vs that the loue wee ought to beare vnto Christ is forgotten the desire we haue to 〈◊〉 and the continuance of our euils maketh vs ●…ned of God and beloued of the dyuell whose seruice we continue to the great dishonouring of the lambe Christ Iesus and to our vtter confusion euer lastinglie Let the auaritious minded 〈◊〉 forget his ●…lthy auaries learne to be contented with a meane let the proude man giue ouer his strange disguisings let ancient custom in appareling our bodies beat down our masquing robes let vs not be proude in our conseats but humble méeke in all our actions Let the beastly epicure that glorieth in excesse forget to make his belly his God Let the vsurer that eateth deu●…ureth vp yoong gentlemen poore artificers aliue learne with Zacheus to make restitutiō of their wrong gotten goods Let the whore●…onger and
from you the gnawing canker of you corruption and there shall no euill happen vnto you for I will deliuer you as adopted sonnes by grace a sacrifice of sweete smelling incense into the hands of my father and your God with whome you shalt after this your transttorie pilgrimage liue in continuall ioie perfect peace and lasting blessednesse But if we refuse the calling of our sauiour that came louinglie not to call the righteous but sinners to repentaunce we doe nothing but desceiue our selues incurre vnto our selues his heauie displeasure make our selues the seruants of sinne the slaues of death and the heires of eternall damnation God therefore who is the Lorde of time to whom al times are in subiectiō in this time tie vs to the time of our caling For delaye bringeth daunger and daunger in time bringeth death Nowe is the accptable time of repentaunce come therefore with a penitent hart and a contrite spirite to Christ and put it not off till to morrowe Nowe is grace offered thee and all wretched creatures prostrate thy selfe before the throne of gods mercie and by a liuely faith and earnest repentance receaue it with reuerence praise and thankesgi●…ing and sith thou nowe maiest be released freelie from the intollerable burthen of thy sinnes refuse thou not the inestimable grace and fauor of the Lorde Iesus who willinglie and gladlie goeth about to yoake and couple thee to himselfe for the greatnes of his mercies shal be a sufficient bulwark and a strong fortresse of defence for thee to stande safelie and surelie against all the assaultes of sathan Therefore sith thou art vncerteine of thy time continue not thy sinnes till to morrowe for he that offereth thee remission of all thy offences nowe may refuse and forsake thee to morrowe For the Lorde thy God will not be inio●…ed to ●…ary thy appointment therefore come now repent and amend ●…arken to the curteous call of 〈◊〉 redeemer worship and serue the Lord thy God this day with f●…are reuerence for thou knowest not whether thou shalt liue to ●…ee thy prescribed and appointed morrow ●…f thou die in thy sinnes and wickednes●…es thou in his exceding iustice as the s●…r ●…ant of si●…ne shalt be confounded and o●…er thrown And is this all No for after ●…his thy bod●…y deth the pains wherof in●…re but a while the worme of thyn●… 〈◊〉 conscience shall torment thee yea ●…hou shalt become subiect to the seconde ●…eath the torments wherof are endlesse ●…nd shall contine we for euer in the dun●…eon of hell whereas the fire remaineth 〈◊〉 and the flame neuer go●…th out Beware therefore that thou con●…emne not the riche graces of GOD ●…hen they are laied forth before thee for ●…o sinne wilfully and wittingly against ●…he Lord thy God in hope of his mercies ●…s a thing of all things most odible and ●…etested in the eies of his diuine maie●…tie But these things are nothing at all ●…onsidered among vs for generalli●… 〈◊〉 we be 〈◊〉 called home to the shéep●… folde of his aboundant grace y●… haue we hardened our hearts with o●… forefathers and murmur with the●… 〈◊〉 disobedient rebels against the Lorde o●… God We haue made deafe our ●…res 〈◊〉 this ende and purpose that we will n●… ther heare the●… swéete and gentle 〈◊〉 of vs home to himselfe in his Gospe●… nor yet enter into the déepe considerat●… on of his terrible threatnings and gr●… uous comminations pronounced again●… vs for the exercise of our manifold wi●… kednesses And is this all No we ha●… most 〈◊〉 blinded our wr●… ched eies with the vale of our own 〈◊〉 rity so that we stand sturdie in our ow●… conceits rather prouoking the Lord o●… God in his iustice to hasten our spéedi●… destruction then otherwise to moue hi●… maiesty by earnest repentance to stret●… out the s●…luered septer of his excéeding 〈◊〉 uour and loue towardes vs. O 〈◊〉 creatures that we are though we sée an●… heare that Christ our Sauiour is readi●… at all times to open and stretch forth th●… armes of his compassion ●…nd pittie t●… ●…rde vs and to imbrace vs louinglie yet will we not come neere him no wée runne farre off from him we are so in●…med with the loue of this wicked and wretched world We are earthlie affected We regard not heauenly felicity we ●…re grose carnally minded We are not ●…piritually inclined Wee are adicted to ●…orldly pleasures We weigh not y ● ioies ●…lestiall We striue here in this vaine ●…ansitory life for worldly promosiō We 〈◊〉 not whilst we haue time most mi●…erable wretches to be vessels of honour ●…ith Christ in the kingdome of heauen ●…ee seeke to accumelate gather and ●…eape vppe vnto our selues worldelie ●…iches which are vncertaine and in●…re but a while Wee haue no care ●…t all for the inestimable treasures of ●…he heauenlie kingdome Wee are well ●…leased to walke in the broad way of our ●…erdission but the narrow way that lea●…eth to life is to heard for vs to finde A ●…mentable case that we will not come ●…hen wee are called to Christ Iesus A grieuous thing it is to consider that we will not relent and fall downe 〈◊〉 fore the Lord our maker And a thing 〈◊〉 dangerous it is to consider that we 〈◊〉 ther can nor wil learne to serue and w●… ship the Lorde our God with 〈◊〉 and namelie in spirite and truth as 〈◊〉 hath commanded in his lawe Ala●… what sho●…ld I saie The guiltines of 〈◊〉 dam whose children we are hath poll●… ted our consciences The suggestions 〈◊〉 the enuious serpent stickes still in o●… hartes The flatteriss of deceitfull 〈◊〉 our grandmother in Adam hath vtter●… bewitched our vnderstanding And 〈◊〉 tast of the forbidden fruit remaineth 〈◊〉 in our mouthes Thus our contempt 〈◊〉 vertue is mightilie increased our d●… bedience greatly multiplied and in m●… ner all feare of God is banished our m●… mories Who indeuoreth to serue 〈◊〉 with innocent Abell Naie who 〈◊〉 cruell Cain couetteth not to hate 〈◊〉 the Lord and to bath their handes in 〈◊〉 blood of the faithfull Would the 〈◊〉 world be reformed by Noah to conue●… from their s●…s and wick●…nesses 〈◊〉 ●…itted against God no they hardened ●…eir harts in their iniquities And doth ●…ot this newe worlde the like yes veri●…e Was the olde world vtterlie destroi●… for the continuance of their euils and ●…ll not this newe worlde perish think●…●…e that surmounts the old worlde in all ●…omination and vncleannesse Yes ●…erily Could the preaching of Lot rouse 〈◊〉 the Sodomites and the Gomorians 〈◊〉 their 〈◊〉 filthines No. No ●…ore wil our great Cities and Townes 〈◊〉 conuerted by the Patriarks the Pro●…ets Iesus Christ himselfe nor his A●…stles Were the 〈◊〉 Citties destroted ●…om the heauen with fire and brimstone ●…r the contempt of Gods great graces thowsand thowsand of our Cities that ●…ound in all kind of euill shall likewise
adulterer learne to giue ouer his beastly whoredome filthy fornication Let the drunkard y ● glorieth in his corrup●…on forget giue ouer his vnresonable quaffing Let y ● gréedy landlord indeuor to forbeare the practise of pouling his poore tenant to conclude let vs all ingenerally frō the hiest to the lowest of vs come before y ● Lord our maker with humble contrite harts Let vs wéepe waile cry out morne biterly for our sins then the Lord our God in y ● fulnes of his mercies wil heale our offences cleanse vs frō our sins purge vs frō our iniquities and wash vs from our wickednesses in y ● blod of the lamb yea the Lord our God wll become vnto vs a shelter a shield against all our enimies yea he wil fight for vs against al those that maliciously seke to assaile vs he wil turne towards vs his gratious countenance continue our peace blesse our anointed Debora our virgin Quéene y ● handmaid of the lord continue hir highnes helth to our cōforts conuert or else vtterly confound the power of al hir enimies forren domestical blesse our land spare vs frō those plagues y ● we haue most righteously deserued at the last when it shal plese him to cal vs vnto an account reckoning of our bailiwéekes and stewardships before his tribunal thron we shall stand before him in innocencie holines of life here him pronounce to our endles comforts this hapie sentence Come you blessed of my father enter into y ● kingdome prepared for you from the beginning of the world To the which most gratious God louing father mercifully conduct vs for thy sonne Christ his sake to whom with thee the holie Ghost the spirit of all truth vnitie and concord thrée person one eternall and euerliuing God be rendred all laud glory honor praise power and dominion for euer Amen FINIS The 〈◊〉 of Godmigh●… s●…ir vs vp to 〈◊〉 and newn●…s of life The inn●…cent 〈◊〉 of Christ is the tood of the soule and his guitles blood the drinke spiritual that quencheth the thirst of the faithfull Onely by 〈◊〉 in Christ Jesus we are deliuered from the 〈◊〉 of hell and 〈◊〉 if we 〈◊〉 constantly Gods temporall blessings are giuen vs 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 without our 〈◊〉 for the nourishment of our carnall bodies 〈◊〉 w●… cont●…ne the spirituall foo●… of our soules so do●… we abuse these his tem porall bles●… heaping 〈◊〉 vnto our 〈◊〉 vengeance in the day of 〈◊〉 We are verie readie talkers of Christ and his gospell but we are ouer ●…ll and slow walkers after his wil. We haue forsaken Christ and giuen our consents to sathan as peo ple past grace and falsly forsworne neglecting our spirituall begetting to God through Christ. As we ●…orget the rich graces that our ●…ng God in Christ Iesus hath bestowed 〈◊〉 vs so for the most part of vs do we cast from our memories the spiritual conslict that he hath fought for vs. As we abuse his 〈◊〉 ●…races so 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 d●…spise we h●…s 〈◊〉 bene●…ts Mon●…rous sinnes r●…gning in co●…nterfait christian●… Charit●…e forg●…ten cr●…lty 〈◊〉 Hospit●…litie murthered by 〈◊〉 True friendship banished by ●…tion God by the exercise of our outragious sinnes is greatly dishonored Sinne pla●… vs by these our 〈◊〉 acti●…s vnto the bottomles take of perdition The Lord of the har●…st commeth ●…or wheat he wil not be pl●…sed w●…th the c●…kle of corruption Euery one o●… vs o●…ght to examine our selues dilige●…tlie whether we doe those things that God hath 〈◊〉 vs or whether we doe them not at al and when we finde our imperfections to be such that we canno●… doe that we shold let vs not cea●…e to cra●… assist●…nce of ●…ur 〈◊〉 father by 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The righteou●…nes 〈◊〉 our sa●…or Christ shal ●…ouer our imperfections if we beleeue and sin death and hel shal die in vs and wee shall liue for euer Note what thing God requireth of vs his cr●…tures The Lord our God is without beginning and ende If we will worship the Lorde our God we must walke before 〈◊〉 in inno●… The 〈◊〉 of the proude Phara●…cs ought not to receiued of godly affected c●…ristians 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 we m●…st d●…re of God for Christ ●…is sake to be made new●… do●…gh The holie Ghost is the director of the faithfull into all truth False teachers are the ministers of ●…than Christians ●…ust go for●…ard from vertue to vertue Christ will 〈◊〉 our 〈◊〉 heard and we shalbe the 〈◊〉 of his ●…sture Oc●…sions to ●…ue vs to the worship●…ing of God Note and consider ou●… frowardne●… against the Lorde our God The fruits of 〈◊〉 neglected 〈◊〉 are worshippers ●…f God with o●…r externall 〈◊〉 but our ●…rts are far from him 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 m●…n desir●… 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 innocent 〈◊〉 A comparison betwixt the flesh and the soule Bodie and soule through ●…nne detested in the cies o●… the Lord. All men haue erred and 〈◊〉 astraie in the sight of the ●…rd no good nesie among the sonnes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The cōming of Christ to iudgement from our memories The 〈◊〉 of the flesh 〈◊〉 and not subdued Who continueth the battel against the world the fleshe and sathan vnder the standerd of Christ Iesus The paines that Christ hath suffered on the crosse for our redemption can not pearce our flintie harts The seruants of sin continue their wickednes the seruants of christ are make and ●…umble 〈◊〉 broken and brused h●…t is 〈◊〉 sacrifice acceptable to God Repentance grounded on a 〈◊〉 saith is sathans 〈◊〉 and ouerthrow Christ calleth sinners to repentance The compas●…on and pitie that Christ extendeth to the vnfeined 〈◊〉 De●…y ●…eth 〈◊〉 deferring of r●…pentance br●…geth Gods indig●… The 〈◊〉 of christ Ie●…us Christ Iesus is the heauen lie 〈◊〉 and Phisician of our soul●… We are 〈◊〉 Samaritanes The great mercies of Christ set foorth ●… comfort and strengthen our ●…bicilities We are called now to coin to Christ put it not of til to morrow Christ g●…th about to couple and ioine v●…to himselfe the faithfull 〈◊〉 God the lord of time will not be tied to thy appointed morrowe come nowe therefore ●…ith thou art called We 〈◊〉 consider the ioies of heauen nor yet dread 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 torment●…s 〈◊〉 ●…ell 〈◊〉 We are di●… caled but we haue made deaf our 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 ●…ur ●…arts in such sort that woe will not heare nor conceaue the voice of the caller Neither can g●…ds merci●…s nor his com●…inations driue vs to amendment of our liues Though Christ be reddie to 〈◊〉 vs yet we wil not come to him We are erthly minded and not spirituallie affected Wordlie honor is more desired then heauenly glorie The treasures of this world are set by before the celestiall treaures of Chistes kingdome 〈◊〉 thing most dangerous to 〈◊〉 The 〈◊〉 of Adam hath polluted our consciences and the taste of the forbidden apple 〈◊〉 still 〈◊〉 o●… mouths ●…ll f●…re of God is ●…anished from our memories Noah