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A05311 The sanctuarie of saluation, helmet of health, and mirrour of modestie and good maners wherein is contained an exhortation vnto the institution of Christian, vertuous, honest, and laudable life, very behoouefull, holsome and fruitfull both to highest and lowest degrees of men ... / written in Latin verie learnedly and elegantlie by Leuinus Lemnius of Zirizaa, physitian, and Englished by H.K. for the common commoditie and comfort of them which understand not the Latine tongue ... Lemnius, Levinus, 1505-1568.; Kinder, Hugh. 1592 (1592) STC 15454.5; ESTC S3877 132,793 266

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vseth a like Metaphor deriued of diligence in husbandry and industry of building For priuie hatred variaunce and strife being repressed abolished wherewith the Corinthians were at discord among themselues and were puffed vp and swelled one against another in the behalfe of their Doctors and Teachers as we see men do oftentimes euen now in these our daies he admonisheth and warneth euery one of them that if they haue gotten any holesom learning they doe not attibute it to the Ministers but ascribe it vnto GOD the author of all good thinges The Apostles are Gods ministers Wee sayeth he are helpers and as it were hired workemen Wee doe Gods businesse to him doe wee approue our industry for him do we take all this paines Ye are Gods husbandrie and as it were his ground soile or land which we til and make more apt for fruit with sowing the seed of holesome doctrine Yee are Gods building and workemanship which ariseth and is erected vppe vnto his glory But as concerning the great highnesse honour and Maiesty of God nothing can be inuented or deuised nothing can be thought mused or conceiued in the mind so high so magnificke so renowmed so excellent so glorious God is the perfect paterne and absolute ensample of vertue so surpassing faire and goodly finally so perfect in euery respect and in al kinde of vertues but the same ought worthyly to be referred and attributed vnto the essency or substaunce of God or applied and ascribed vnto him The wisedome of God Psal His wisedome being the ruler and gouernour of all things wherewith he preserueth supporteth and sustayneth the whole vniuersal world by his counsaile prouidence is incomprehensible inexplicable vnspeakeable and infinite so that the order and orderly continuance of all thinges from time to time so wonderfully doth draw all men into admiration and loue of the Creator inflaming and prouoking them to extoll and magnifie him for his excellent and marueylous workes The strēgth and might of God The power of God Psal 18 27. 62. He might strength and power wherewith hee casteth down and ouerthroweth his enemies and wherewith he helpeth and maintayneth the godly is inexpugnable and inuincible cannot be resisted For there is nothing which doth not giue place vnto his strength Esai 25. Prouerb 8. Luc. 2. No castles no towres no fortifications no defences no fortresses or bulwarkes how strong soeuer they be can withstād his puissance The righteousnes of God His Iudgement and Iustice wherwith he distributeth to euery man that which is due conuenient and requisite for him and adiudgeth and rendreth rewardes to euery man according to his worthinesse and desertes Psal 18.48.85 is right lawful holy sincere pure Psal 22.145 laudable and of excellent equity so that no man vnlesse hee bee of depraued iudgement hath any cause to complain of the same The mercy of God is a sure refuge to sinners His mercy compassion pitty clemency and mildnesse which euery one of the Prophets doe greatly commend and highly extol is exceeding and excelleth and surpasseth all his vertuous For all men which feare his Iustice flee vnto his Mercy as vnto a sure sanctuarie and doe humbly desire his helpe and succour This taketh away despaire and distrust out of mens fearefull hartes and consciences With this the holy Spirit the Comforter doth comfort strengthen Psal 32.57 Colos 2. and raise vp them that suddainly fall and grafting and fixing in their harts assured hope and trust to obtaine saluation maketh thē come boldly vnto the throne of grace to obtaine mercy and receiue remission of sinnes Hebr. 4. so that there is nothing which may be imputed vnto them there is none that can accuse appeach or condemne them to be guiltie of death Saint Paul hauing good proofe and experience of this mercy of God and being of a persecuter chosen and admitted to be an Apostle doth support stay comfort and strengthen the doubtfull and wauering mindes of men and prouoketh and allureth them vnto the mercy of God euen by his owne notable and excellent example with these wordes Whereas before sayeth he 1. Tim. 1. I was a persecuter a blaspemer a violent tyranne I obtayned mercy because I did it ignorauntly through vnbeleefe That is to say voyd of faith and not knowing the counsaile purpose and determination of God For he supposed when he persecuted the Christians that hee did God good seruice And further to the end that all men may haue good consideration and carefull regard of their saluation and that euery mā may assuredly know that his sinnes are purged and cleansed away by the bloud of Christ 1. Ioh. 1.6 Saint Paul with assured protestation and affirmance pronounceth these wordes to them that trust in him Saint Paul praiseth extolleth the mercy of God This is a sure saying and by all meanes worthy to bee receiued that Iesus Christ came into the world to saue sinners of whē I am chiefe Saint Paul prouoketh all men to committe themselues to the mercy of God But for this cause I obtayned mercy that in me he might first shewe all clemency to declare an ensample vnto them which should beleeue on him vnto euerlasting life that is to say with hope and constant expectation of the kingdome of heauen And because this benefite ought wholly to be ascribed vnto our heauenly Father and that he ought not to be robbed of his due prayse not defrauded of the testification and percelebration of his infinite goodnesse hee immediatly annexeth these wordes Vnto the immortall King of Worlde vnto the inuisible and onely wise God be honour prayse and glory for euer Amen Saint Peter also for the mystery of our redemption attributeth the like prayse 1. Pet. 1. Saint Peter extolleth the mercy of God exceedingly Vnto God and the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ who according to his aboundant mercy regenerated vs vnto a liuely hope by this that Iesus Christ rose again from the dead to an inheritance immortall vndefiled and that cannot fade nor perish laid vp in heauen towardes vs that is to say for the loue of vs and for our sakes Tit. 3. For after that the kindenesse and loue and humanity of God our Sauiour towards man appeared not for any of our deserts nor for the workes of righteousnesse which wee wrought but according to his mercy he saued vs by the fountaine of regeneration and renewing of the holy Spirite which hee hath shed foorth richly by Iesus Christ our Sauiour that wee being iustified by his grace might be made heires according to the hope of euerlasting life which saying is certaine true and vndoubted and to bee infixed and surely kept by all meanes in euery mans minde Seeing therefore that the loue ready kindnesse of God is so great his fauor charity his fatherly deare and tender affection towardes mankinde is such that hee hath not
as it were the hope thereof in my hands when I consider your courtesie affabilitie and bountie towards all men but specially towards them in whome some signification and token of Godlie zeale vertue and industrie not coloured with hipocrisie doth appeare So that if your christiā modesty would suffer your praises to be emblazed to your face your bountifulnes in the propagatiō of the gospell of Iesus Christ the preferment of good learning you being a benigne patrone of them both deserueth to be more highly cōdecorated thē this my barbarous epistle can possibile reach vnto Wherfore your worshipp vouchsafing to graunt this my humble sute in the chearful acceptaūce of this my trauaile I shall thinke my selfe most bound to your benignity shal haue great cause during life to pray to God the father for his son Christ Iesus sake to increase in you great plēty of his good gracious giftes and to lift vp his merciful and louing countenance vpon you all the daies of your long life led in holinesse righteousnes acceptable vnto him to accumulate blesse you with worship renowne prosperity felicitie And whē our bodies shall be restored to a far better state of life and ioyned togither to their soules to giue you the most happie fruition and possession of eternitie immortalitie and most blessed life that shall neuer in euerlasting continuaunce of time be chaunged Amen Your worships most humble Henry kinder The Preface to the Reader THe whole sum and effect of all diuine and humane philosophie wherein all kinde of excellent and exquisite knowledge consisteth tendeth chiefly vnto this scope and may be comprehended brieflie in these two cardinall and principall precepts namely To know God and To know a mans selfe For these two exceeding great and large branches of wisedome reaching by faith but not by curiositie euen to the throne of the Maiestie of God aboue al heauens Ephes 4. and spreading and stretching forth themselues ouer all the workes of God in nature are not only verie necessarie vnto vertuous life and godly conuersation but also verie expedient behouefull vnto euerlasting life and saluation These be the two readie steps by which we must ascend vp vnto the onely perfect and true doore of eternall life euen Iesus Christ the Authour Captaine and finisher of our faith by whom whosoeuer entreth he shall be saued and shall go in and our and finde pasture that is Iohn 10. shall enioy the gift of grace the treasure of truth the food of immortalitie The knowledge of God is acquired by two maner of studies or meditatiōs First by the contemplation and consideration of his glorious excellent and wonderfull workes for the inuisible things of him that is to say his eternal power and Godhead Rom. 1. are seene by the creation of the worlde being considered in his workes Secondly God is knowen by his word and he will be found of them which seeke him therein diligently and desirously Prou. 8. For so sayth the wisedome of God by Salomon I loue them that loue me and they that seeke me early shall find me Vnto thē therefore which studiously meditate in the holy Scriptures and attentiuely heare the Gospel preached God doth reueale and make knowne the richer of his glorious mysteries which riches is Christ m●… the hope of glorie For by the sincere preaching of him euery man is admonished Coloss 1. euery man is taught in all wisdome that euery man may be presented perfect in Christ Iesus The knowledge of a mans selfe is attained likewise by two intentiue cogitations and diligent considerations which do both proceed from the most pure fountaine of the infallible worde of God The one is if a man ponder and consider well the excellencie of his creation Gen. 1. Coloss 3. 1 Cor. 11. Iam. 1. The other is if a ma● beholde himselfe in the worde of God and looke i● the perfect lawe of libertie and continue therein For Gods worde is a glasse wherein we must behold our selues and become like vnto him And therin he shall see Eccles 17. that as the wise man sayth God hath created man of the earth and turned him vnto it againe He hath giuen him the number of daies and certaine times and power of the thinges that are vpon ●arth He clothed thē with strength as they had need and made them according to his image Hee filled them with knowledge of vnderstanding and shewed them good and euill He set his eie vpon their hearts declaring vnto them his noble workes And gaue them occasion to reioice perpetually in his miracles th●… they should prudently declare his workes and tha● the elect should praise his holie name together The Philosophers hauing some taste and feeling of this knowledge euen by the lawe and instinct of nature although they were destitute of the law of the holy spirite and of grace that commeth by the faith of Iesus Christ called this studious meditation a contemplatiue life or speculatiue science wherin whosoeuer doth employ his trauaile and diligence industriously and giue his heart to search and finde out wisedom by all things that are done vnder the heauen Eccl. 1. that is to say of all the workes of God in the wonderfull workmanship and creation of the world so far forth and so much as the lord God the giuer of wisedome and of all good giftes doth distribute and deuide to euerie man in such maner as it pleaseth him such measure as he knoweth euery man hath neede of he shall surely find and vndoubtedly proue yea euen by experience that in this life ther is no felicitie Genes 47. Hebr. 11. 1. Ioh. 5. Iob. 14. Galat. 5. Eccles 2. that this world is nothing els but a perillous pilgrimage a maze of miserie a surging sea of sorowes and troubles a continual conflict a wretched warfare a gulfe of greefes a huge heape of iniquities and a wast wildernes full of vanities and vexation of the spirite that there is no profite vnder the sun For thus hath it pleased the lord the Creatour and conseruatour of all things by his excellent wisedome Eccles 1. to humble the heart of man in this sore trauaile that he hath giuen to the sonnes of men in the consideration of mans fraile state and miserable condition and to eleuate extoll and lift vp his mind in looking and aspiring vnto heauēly things to the end that he should Cic. 4. Acad quest in Somn. Scip. as Cicero saieth with an high noble and inuincible heart contemne these humaine visible corruptible earthly mortal caducal traunsitory momentanythings as the Apostle saieth Philipp 3. follow hard toward the marke for the prise of the high calling of God in Christ Iesus sighing desiring to be cloathed with our house which is from heauen 2. Cor. 5. And seeke those things which are aboue set our affections on heauenly things Coloss 3.
not one things which are on the earth and direct erect al our cares studies cogitations desires and delights vnto Christ Iesus which sitteth at the right hand of God that our conuersation may be in heauē with him And for him that true incorruptible and vnspeakable treasure to iudge all these things to bee but dung Philipp 3. And for the winning of him to thinke and count al these things but losse that we may be found in him that is not hauing our owne righteousnes which is of the lawe but that which is through the faith of Christ euen the righteousnes whiche is of God through faith 2. Cor. 4. And that wee should not looke on the things which are seene but on the thinges which are not seene Mat. 6. And that like the foules of the heauen and the lilies of the field which liue and growe without care and toile of this life wee should not weary our selues in labouring for the meate which perisheth but labour for the meat which endureth vnto euerlasting life Ioh. 6. which the sonne of man shall giue vnto vs. For as the Israelites walked iourneyed and wandered in the great wildernes fourtie yeares Psal 66 107. and passed through manie probations tribulations before they did goe in and possesse that good land that flowed with milke and honie which the lord had promised and sworne vnto their fathers to giue them Euen so the same our good God which so conducted his peculier people and proued them with many miseries afflictions before he brought them to that plentifull land doth in like maner by his fatherly prouidence and fauourable protection leade vs his adopted children Galat. 4. Ephes 1. whom he hath receiued by grace through the great wide wildernesse of this wicked wretched world In which our iourney towardes that happie and heauenly countrey that continuing citie to come Heb. 11. 12. he trieth vs with manie kind of troubles and calamities Psal 66. 78. Ioh. 14. and causeth vs as the Psalmist saieth to go through fire water before he bring vs forth to that welthie place that pleasaunt land that celestiall habitation those eternall mansions that supernall Ierusalem the mother of vs all Galat. 4. Coloss 1. Act. 14. the euerlasting kingdome of his deare sonne Iesus Christ vnto which we must enter through many tribulations This is that precept which our Sauiour doth inculcate into the eares and hearts of all them which will folow him and become his true disciples Luc. 9. namely to forsake and denie themselues take their crosse paciently that is to say to suffer constantly all tribulations that the lord laieth vpon them Hebr. 12. 1. Cor. 9. And to cast awaie euery thing that presseth downe as riches cares and voluptuousnes And so abstaine that they may get the maisterie and finally so runne that in Christ Iesus they may obtaine victoriously and be crowned with him triumphantlie Vnto this continuall bickering and warfare wherein the church of Christ militant here on earth is continually exercised he himselfe being our most mightie and puissant Capitaine doth animate and encourage vs most comfortably with these wordes Ioh. 16. Be of good comfort saieth he I haue overcome the world For he hath conquered the Deuil the world sin damnation death and hell for vs and hath loosed all our sorowes Therefore this holy heauenly diuine contemplation raiseth lifteth vp our harts our cogitations our studies our sences desires and loue from vaine pleasures vnto the true and euerlasting treasures according to that effectual and pithy praier of Dauid O turne awaie mine eyes least they behold vanitie For indeede all things are vaine Psal 119. Wis 13. except the knowledge of God and most miserable are they that are destitute thereof Now as concerning the Knowledge of a mans selfe wherewith euery Christian ought to be instructed endued there is almost no naturall mortall and earthly man no not commonly among the heathē much lesse among true Christians but that by the vse of reason and quicknes of wit infused by nature he vnderstandeth and perceiueth himselfe to be created and ordeined of God to a far better happier and more excellent end purpose then all other creatures voide of reason wit iudgment ouer whiche creatures God the creator hath made and constituted man lord ruler gouernour Psal 8. And in the creation of him which as Dauid saith is wonderfull and fearefull he hath made the fashion Psal 139. forme shape of his body straight vpright towards heauen wherby he is admonished to lift vp his heart vnto heauen set his loue on heauenly things and not to fix and cast down his cogitations vpon earthly things only but to haue mind continually on that diuine Genes 1. spirituall and immortall substaunce whereof his soule is a likenes and image And to cōsider that in this his meruailous creation hee excelleth all other liuing creatures whose bodily shape is in forme prone and groueling downe towardes the earth being created and ordained vnto corruption Rom. 8. and subiect vnto vanitie and destinated to perish with the earth whereas contrariwise man is appointed and assigned thorowe faith in Christ Iesus vnto immortalitie and eternall felicitie in heauen This certaine persuasion and true opinion the poet vndoubtedly seemed to haue fixed and stablished in his mind declaring the same in these elegant verses Ouid. in 1. lib. Metamorph Os homini sublime dedit coelumque videre Iussit erectos ad sydera tollere vultus which may be englished thus God gaue to man a face on high And heauen to behold And visage straight lift vp toth ' starres Commanded him he should But whosoeuer will knowe him selfe rightly and perfectly must cōsider that mā consisteth of two parts namely the bodie and kthe soule whereof the one is subiect to corruption the other is incoruptible the one perceiued sensible thother inuisible the one subiect to death the other immortall the one a deuine spirituall and heauenly substaunce the other a grosse and fraile lumpe of earth which turneth into earth againe In euery faithfull vertuous and godly Christian the soule which is the highest or chiefe●… part of the mind or spirite or power intellectiue being led by the Spirite of God ought to rule the body and the lustes appetites and desires therof And the bodie as a seruaunt or minister vnto his lord maister ought alwaies to be obedient to the good and godly motions of the Spirite as the Apostle teacheth saying If ye mortifie the deeds of the body by the Spirite ye shall liue And a little after he saieth Rom. 8. The same Spirite beareth witnes with our spirite that wee are the children of God So that wee haue two witnesses that is to say Gods spirite and ours which is certified by the Spirite of God which must haue domination ouer the affections lustes
miserable Mat. 24. and sorrowfull dayes for so he prouideth for his children in the middest of their troubles Yet a verie little while Hebr. 10. and he that shall come will come and will not carie as he himselfe promiseth saying Reuel 22. Behold I come shortly and my reward is with me to giue euery man according as his worke shall be Therefore he will come shortly to comfort vs which haue the 〈◊〉 fruits of his Spirit Rom. 8. which mourne in our selues and looke and waite for the adoption euen the deliuerance of our bodie Philipp 3. 1. Thess 4. And he will come to change o●… vile bodies and make them like vnto his glorious bodie to receiue vs vp in glorie that we may euer be with him Bur we must beware that we esteeme not the length nor shortnesse of the Lords comming by our owne imaginations but with all pacience ●… be constant and reioyce in all our tribulations 2. Pet. 3. for the Lord is not slacke concerning his promise O how ioyfull shall his comming bee to all them that looke for the same paciently and faithfully O how terrible and dreadfull shall the fight of him bee to them the pierced him Zach. 12. Phis 3. 2. Tim. 3. Heb. 6. Luke 16. 17. Marke 16. Luke 16. 20. Ioh. 12. Rom. 9. Rom. 2. Mat. 25. 2. Cor. 5. to the enemies of his crosse to them that resist the truth to them that crucifie him afre● to the hypocrites and vnbeleeuers to them that ●…stifie themselues and haue not attained the righteousnesse of faith Vpon them shall that elect and precious stone fall and all to grind them to powder Vpon them shall come indignation and wrath tribulation and anguish vpon the soule of euery man that doth euill When the sonne of man commeth in his glorie and all the holy Angels with him then shall he sit vpon the throne of his glorie and before hi● shall be gathered all nations Therefore remembring and considering that we must all appeare before the iudgement seate of Christ that euery man may receiue the things that are done in his bodie according to that he hath don whether it be good as euill It behooueth vs as the Psalmist saith to number our dayes Psal 90. that wee may applie our hearts v●… wisdome The daies of our pilgrimage as Iacob saith are few and euill Gen. 47. which when they are past wee can not call againe as the Poet hereunto alludeth V●… irreuocabile tempus Let vs therefore follow the admonition of the Apostle Ephes 5. and redeeme the time because the dayes are euill and recompence the race of lewde life that we haue runne with godly conuersation all the residue of our age And forasmuch as wee commonly consume and lose the most and best part of our age and life time especially youth in vanities and friuolous delights wee must beware Luke 21. least our hearts be oppressed and ouercome with cares with sensualitie with intemperance with concupiscence and voluptuousnes and so death come hastily vpon vs and preuent vs Eccles 12 before we remember our creator now in the dayes of our youth wealth and prosperitie 1. Thess 5. and least the day of the Lord comming as vncertainly and suddenly as a theefe in the night take vs vnwares and finde vs vnprepared and prouided But let vs watch diligently and continually for the defence and safegard of our houses that is to say of these our earthly and transitorie tabernacles Mat. 24. our fraile bodies and let vs not suffer them to be broken vp and digged through and the treasures of our soules dearely bought Hebr. 9. and our consciences purged with the bloud of Iesus Christ to be spoyled and caried away vnto perdition by the vncleane spirite which neuer resteth vntill he returne vnto the place from whence he came out Mat. 12. if he can find ingresse and regresse possibly and maketh the end of his captiue farre worse and more miserable then the beginning And let vs through assured faith in Christ Iesus Mat. 6. lay vp for our soules incorruptible and vnmoueable treasures in heauen and whilest we are in these tabernacles let vs keepe surely and safely the same treasures of the grace of Christ Iesus in these our earthen vessels 2. Cor. 4. Happie are they that haue their loynes girded about and waite for their master with their lights or lamps burning in their hāds Luke 12. the light whereof shineth to the glorie and praise of God and to the good example of men and edification of the Church of Christ whose godly vertuous and honest conuersation euen the Gentile superstitious idolatrous people beholding 1. Pet. 2. are moued and induced thereby to extoll and magnifie the name of god in the day when God dooth mollifie open and illuminate their blind and hard harts by the light of the Gospel of Iesus Christ If we would consider howe short momentanie miserable our life is we should neuer bee drawne with any earthly pleasures and worldly delights which indeed are nothing else but miseries from the most comfortable contemplation cogitation and desire of that life to come which so farre excedeth this as no heart is able to conceiue nor tongue expresse For as the Apostle sayeth The thinges which eie hath not seene neither eare hath heard 1. Cor. 2. neyther came into mans hart are which God hath prepared for them that loue him Esai 64. So that no mortall man can thinke Gods prouidence towards his The eternitie of which incomprehensible and inexplicable felicitie may be perceyued by these wordes Eccles 18. lyke as drops of rayne are vnto the sea and as a grauell stone is vnto the sand euen so is a thousand yeares vnto the daies euerlasting But as for our life what is it els but a vapour Iam. 4. that appeareth for a little tyme and then vanisheth awaie Dauid very aptly likeneth and resembleth the life of man somtyme to a spanne Psal 39. Psal 90. somtime to a shadowe somtime to sleepe sometime to a wind that passeth ouer and cōmeth not agayne sometime to a dreame somtime to a tale that is told Psal 49 62 102 103 73. 78. the remembrance whereof is soone and suddainly gone sometime to vanitie sometime to a flower to hay to grasse to beasts that perish And therefore he oftentimes complaineth of the shortnesse of his age and life time Full well in deed may our life be likened to a dreame the delights pleasures therof do so soone vanish away euen as cōmonly it cōmeth to passe in a dreame when one awaketh For a man dreameth that he hath great plētie of delicious meates and banketting cheare when he awaketh he feeleth nothing but hunger Againe in sleepe a man weeneth that he hath abundance of riches golde and siluer and worldly wealth and being awaked findeth nothing but pouertie
in Christ Iesus our Lord. The confidence of Paul quickneth al mē So S. Paule doth constantly shewe that he which is graft in GOD the father by Christ doth valiantly fearing nothing stand and abide agaynst all manner terrours how or whence soeuer they happen agaynst the inuasions furious rage and raging noyse of enemies agaynst the horrour of death Psal 46. which either enemies or foes doe threaten or which sicknesse accelerateth or the lawe of nature bringeth What taketh away feare of death Seeing therefore that there is nothing more effectuall to deliuer mens minds from the feare and great dread of death then sure and stedfast trust in GOD through Christ our leader guide and Captaine whereby we conceiue most sure and vndoubted hope of resurrection and most assured expectation of euerlasting life vnto this most sure refuge let all men make all speede possible and bend all their endeuour let euery one of vs embrace accept loue and imprint in his heart this holesome and heauenly doctrine herewith let all men comfort stay and strengthen themselues in all daungers distresse and imminent extremities herewith let them appease and quiet their conscience and with the meditation hereof let them put away all sorowe of heart and shake off heauinesse and mourning which they conceiue when they are depriued either of parents or of children Hereunto belongeth that liuely consolation of the Apostle wherewith he comforteth the Thessalonians with cōstant expectation of the resurrection sure hope of eternall life and willeth them to refraine from weeping and not to mourne and make lamentation for their friends departed and taken away from amongst the liuing as the Ethnickes or heathen vse to doe I would not brethren saith he 2. Thess 4. that yee should bee ignorant concerning them which are fallen a sleepe being brought to rest as it were with sleepe and not with death The dead must not be mourned for after the maner of the heathen that yee sorrowe not nor take griefe as other doe which haue no hope of returning to life againe Death is a sleepe For if wee beleeue that Iesus dyed and liued againe euen so them also which are fallen a sleepe by Iesus God will b●ing with him And againe when he withdraweth the Philippians from worldly things and reduceth them to thinges sure incorruptible and perfect hee saith Philip. 3. Our conuersation is in heauen out of the which wee looke for the Lord Iesus Christ who will transfigure our base bodie and make it in fashion like vnto his glorious bodie according to the mightie working whereby he is able to subdue all things to himselfe By what things and meanes the feare of death is to be put away In which wordes Saint Paule admonisheth them to comfort strengthen and fortifie themselues in all their afflictions with the loue and longing desire of eternitie and in the conflict of this life to bee afrayd of nothing that may withdrawe or call vs away from that farre better life to the which Christ hath opened vs the way by the power of his resurrection Comfort in Christ Wherfore whē we come to the last day of our life and when death is euen hard at hand which euery man feareth vnlesse he consolate and corroborate himselfe in Christ or when any meditation hereof commeth into the minds of them that be sound and well in health or if pouertie or sicknesse or miserie or any other daungers and perills of this life doe oppresse and afflict vs let vs then and at all times Our eyes must be fastened and fixed on Christ referre all our petitions hope and desires vnto Christ Iesus who by his death hath payed the penaltie and suffered the punishment that was due to vs Coloss 3. who hath forgiuen vs all our sinnes who is the propitiation for our offences who is our aduocate as Saint Iohn saith 1. Ioh. 2. our intercessor and spokesman vnto GOD the father who is the reconciler of GOD and man and who as Saint Paule saith 1. Tim. 2. Esai 50. hath giuen and offered vp himselfe a redemption raunsome offering and sacrifice for all men In him onely consisteth our saluation life and resurrection Ephes 2. By him wee haue accesse and entraunce in one spirit vnto the father Coloss 1. Ioh. 1. By his bloud shed wee haue obtayned redemption and remission of si●… Because it well pleased the father that in him should all fulnesse dwell and by him to reconcile vnto himselfe all things being pacified by his bloud Seeing therefore that wee haue such a great such a worthie and such an excellent high Priest as saith the author to the Hebrewes Hebr. 4. who hath pierced the heauens euen Iesus the sonne of God who being tempted by all me 〈◊〉 without sinne feeleth and hath compassion on our infirmities Christ is the peace-maker between God and man Let vs come with trustie boldnesse vnto the throne of grace that wee may obtaine mercie to helpe in time of our neede For wee being succoured with the defence and protection and stronglie enuironed and fenced with the garde of such a renowmed Captaine doe valiantly withstand and constantly abide against all monstrous mischiefes of diuels How the mind and conscience is to be strengthened when death approcheth which forthwith vanish away assoone as the light of the trueth ariseth agaynst sinne death and hell and so wee are brought out of the daungerous watch and watchfull warfare of this life vnto that desired and happie hauen and most blessed habitation in heauen Wherefore if any dammage detriment in conuenience misfortune or miserie shall come to a man in the swift running course of this life In Christ is the comfort of all calamities if any man happen to be cast or brought into any daunger of his life to bee pinched with pouertie to bee afflicted with sicknesse to bee vexed of enemies if desolation and calamitie fall vpon him if his wickednesses and iniquities abound if the innocent and giltlesse be oppressed and killed if sounde and holesome doctrine bee contemned if heresies and pernicious sects and opinions growe vp if peruerse errours bee sowne abroad on euery side in all this so great confusion and troublous tumult of worldlie affayres Christ is the sacred and sure anchor in al tempests of this troublous world let euerie man betake and committe himselfe vnto Christ and seeke the assurance of saluation at and of him onelie rest and trust whollie in him and vpon him staye and strengthen himselfe on him as on the sacred anchor and finally eftsoones meditate and ruminate in his minde that constant profession of Dauid Psal 16. I will set the Lord alwayes in my sight for hee is on my right hand so that I shall not bee mooued nor troubled In which wordes hee sheweth that hee hath his eyes still continually fixed on GOD and that he trusteth in his defence and that by
whē the Di●el had driuen to desperation and mistrust ●hen with tediousnes wearines of his life he ●ompelled him to hang himselfe and so de●…med his body with the publique reproche 〈◊〉 ignominy of such an horrible mischieuous and most wicked fact Mat. 8. But although Sathan ●eing a most enuious and malignant enemy of mankinde hath and vseth a thousand wiles ●nd sleights to deceiue and hurt vs yet neuerthelesse he is put to flight and to the foile with this one thing only which is very effectuall and a soueraigne helpe The diuell is driuen away by trust in God and present remedy namely with sound and sure faith and constant and stedfast trust in GOD the Father by Christ With which fortification the Apostle Saint Peter admonisheth vs to fight against the crafty laying in waite fallacies fraudulent attemptes deceiptes slilinesse subtilties rage and fiercenesse of that pestiferous tyranne that is to witte with sobriety and watchfulnesse fortified and fenced with Faith For hee dooth as it were plucke by the eare awake stirre vp and quicken secure negligent and rechlesse persons with these wordes 1. Pet. 5. Saint Peter armeth vs against the Diuell Bee yee sober and watch ●or your aduersary the Diuell goeth about as a roaring Lion seeking whome hee may deuour whome resist yee being stedfast in Faith For as Saint Iohn sayth 1. Ioh. 5. This is the victory which hath ouercome the worlde euen our Faith For the trust which we haue surely reposed in Christ and wherewith we commit our selues wholly vnto such a valiaunt defender Diuels must be driuen away by trust in Christ against the Diuels and Princes of this world doth winne and get vs the victory so triumphantly that wee bring home rich and goodly spoiles taken from the enemy thus conquered and ouerthrown Therefore whensoeuer wee determine and goe about to worke some thing against the aduersary and to withstand his enchauntments and resist his bewitching sorceries or driue euill spirites out of mens mindes all the same must bee wrought and brought to passe by assured trust and confidence in Christ Iesus reiecting and abandoning all olde wiues superstition and vanity of the Ethnickes or Heathen and other execrable blasphemies and detestable cursinges done by Magicke For GOD by his Sonne who is the brightnesse of his glory Heb. 1. and the expresse Image of his substaunce worketh all thinges in all men and ruleth euery thing with the word of his power All attributed to Christ And this prerogatiue deserued hee to haue for his singular obedience humility and modestie towardes his Father Philipp 2. For when hee was in the forme of GOD that is to say like match and equall vnto him Christ equall to God he thought it no robberie to bee equall vnto GOD but hee abased himselfe taking on him the shape of a seruaunt and humbled himselfe and became obedient euen to the ignominious and detestable death of the Crosse The greatnes and highnes of the name of Iesus Wherefore God hath exalted him vnto the chiefest and most excellent highnesse and hath honoured and illustrated him with a name which excelleth euerie name that in the name of IESVS euery knee should bowe both of thinges in Heauen and thinges in earth and thinges vnder the earth and that all tongues should confesse and acknowledge that Iesus Christ is the Lord vnto the glory of God the Father Vnto whome all the glory of the son redoundeth and is referred and contrariwise al glorie of the Father vnto the Son Great and hard things are done by the name of Christ Therfore if any man purpose to attempt any such thing if hee goe about to ease and helpe afflicted mindes if hee labour to driue Diuels out of mens bodies let him take in hand to perform the same by calling on God the Father with vndoubted trust and confidence of and in the name of Iesus Christ for so shall hee obtayne all those thinges and shall not bee frustrate of his desire For by the efficacy vertue and power of this marueylous wonderfull high honorable and excellent name so that a man doo not doubt nor mistrust the promises of God sickenesse is asswaged maladies bee mittigated affections passions and perturbations of the mind be quieted tempests stormes and tempestuous seas become calme Deuils flye away as Christ immediately before his ascension into heauen promised poisoned potions lose their strength Mar. 16. All kynd of euils are ouercome expelled by confidence in Christ serpents cannot sting nor hurt the darkenesse of the minde is dispersed the terror feare and horrour of death is driuen away hurtfull and noisome thoughtes are expelled and vanishe away the minde conceiueth tranquillity and a quiet and peaceable conscience so that whatsoeuer commeth or falleth vppon vs and wheresoeuer it chance nothing in the world can make vs afraide because God the Father comforteth strengtheneth and stablisheth vs with his spirite by Iesus Christ Therefore thy minde must be lifted vp vnto the liuing God by his sonne being our guide and leader and remember that al things which thou purposest to take in hand must be accomplished by the power of the wonderful name of Iesus Mat. 28. Mar. 16. Act. 2. For all power in heauen and earth is giuen to him Neither is there any other name vnder the sunne wherin consisteth saluation Which name is terrible to the vngodly dreadfull to Diuels so that it maketh them to tremble but to them which beleeue and trust in him it is power wisedome saluation life and resurrection For he is ordayned of God to be iudge of the quicke and the dead I meane Iesus Christ the faithfull witnesse Act. 4. 1. Cor. 1. Apoc. 1. the Prince of the Kings of the earth which loued vs and washed vs from our sinnes by his owne bloud In Christ is forgiuenes of sinnes To him as Saint Peter saieth in the Actes of the Apostles Act. 10. all the Prophetes giue witnesse that whosoeuer beleeueth in him shall by his name receiue forgiuenesse of sinnes This is euerlasting life which testimony Christ exhibiteth to the Father Ioh. 17. to knowe thee the onely true God and Iesus Christ whom thou hast sent vnto whom the whole efficacie and vertue of the Godhead and whatsoeuer power and wisedome may bee ascribed vnto GOD is referred attributed and deriued Seeing therefore that this name is so glorious so noble so renowmed so honourable so holy so inuiolable and of so great Maiesty and power we must diligently take heed and studiously beware that it bee not vsed vainly and vnreuerently Act. 19. as those derided coniurers did who when they attempted and tooke vppon them with certaine rites and wordes purposely conceiued for their gaine and for an ostentation to driue away the hurtfull spirite abusing the name of Iesus by the power of which name Paul did worke miracles they brought themselues into great daunger and their
disproueable not colde The doctrine of Christ excelleth all wisedome not without authority and power but liuelye wholesome effectuall diuine and godly and bringeth beatitude and felicity vnto man which onely must be acquired and obtayned of Christ who is the fountaine of all wisedome and goodnesse Colos 2. And in whome dwelleth all the fulnesse of GOD bodily by whome wee are complete By him as Saint Paul sayth Colos 1. God the Father hath deliuered vs from the power of darkenesse and translated vs into the kingdom of his beloued sonne by whome wee haue redemption in his bloud euen the forgiuenesse of sins God hath poured all things on Christ most aboundantly Who is the Image of the inuisible God the first begotten of all creatures because that by him all things are created which are in heauen earth visible inuisible thrones dominations principalities powers Al things are created by him for him and hee is before all things and by him all things haue their being And he is the head of the body of the Church the beginning first begottē of the dead that in al things he might haue the preeminence and obtayne the principalitie For it pleased the Father that the fulnesse of all thinges should dwell in him and by him to reconcile toward himselfe all things being pacified appeased by the bloud of his Crosse Seeing therefore that God the Father hath giuen and bestowed hath shed and poured on Christ all thinges so liberally plentifully and aboundantly let vs labour and striue to come with all speede possible vnto this most plenteous neuer-wasting and euer-lasting fountaine and let vs be bolde with must assured trust and effectuall confidence to aske hope and expect euery thing of him let vs enterprise and take in hand to bring any thing to passe by him The force of faith If thou intend to driue away Diuels to heale diseases to deliuer and rid thy selfe out of daungers to destroy venemous beastes to expell the pernicious power of poison and abolish the hurt thereof to moue mountaines out of their place remember that all these thinges must be atchieued and accomplished by the strength and power of Iesus Christ and by vndoubted affiance in him For Christ promiseth that all thinges shal be plain manifest open and easie vnto him that beleeueth and trusteth in him Which most comfortable promise it pleased him to confirme vnto his Apostles in his last Sermon before he was taken vp into heauen When he saieth Mar. 16. Goe yee into all the whole world and preach the Gospell to euery creature Hee that shall beleeue and bee baptised shall be saued but hee that will not beleeue shall be condemned And these signes shall follow them which beleeue In my name they shal cast out diuels they shall speak with new tongues they shall driue away and destroy Serpentes and if they drinke any deadly thing it shall not hurte them they shall lay their handes on the sicke and they shall be well that is to say at the touching of them they shall waxe healthfull and bee hole and sound Al these things shal be alwaies prest and ready when the fruite and profite of the Gospell shal require a miracle But indeed these things are alwaies wrought and performed in the hearts of men by the ministers of the profession of the Gospell Miracles wrought in mens harts and minds when as they driue and pluck filthy vices and abhominable sinne out of mens mindes when as they heale the sicknesses and diseases of the minde with the effectuall power of the spirite and with holesome doctrine when as they doe deliuer and set the heart at liberty from coueteousnesse hatred wrath euill concupiscence crafty false and malicious surmises and accusations backebiting and slaundering and other renemous affections and doe adorne the minde with diuine holy and godly giftes Whether herbes and precious stones be of any power or auaileable efficacy in driuing away Diuels and expelling other hurtfull things CHAP. 58. ALthough herbes haue such peculiar vse and commodity and such speciall force and strength naturally by the wonderful work of the Creatour of nature that they be meete conueniently vsed and necessarily applyed for the sustenaunce and medecine of mens bodies Herbes effectuall vnto many things yet notwithstanding some herbes are nobly commended of old and auncient writers because they bee good helpes against mischieuous hurtes and doe driue away and expell all kinde of enchauntments witchcraft and sorcery These are called remedies against all ill and mischiefes or preseruatiues against poyson and sorcerie because they put away and expulse whatsoeuer thinges are hurtfull Pearles indued with secret efficacie noyous and grieuous to man And this vertue is attributed not onely to herbes but also to pearles and precious stones which efficacy they haue not of their first fourme and qualities that is to say of the temperature of heate of coldnesse of drinesse and moystnesse but by a peculiar power specially pertaining to their kinde and by a secret effect and hidden propertie the cause whereof can not bee declared Lodestone Amber or Aumber Ieate Saphire So the Lodestone by rubbing of it draweth iron to it The Ieate stone and Aumbre that Beades were made of draweth chaffe and little strawes The Saphire which is of the colour of the skie light watchet or bluncket preserueth chastity Iacint Chrysolit The Iacint and Chrysolite being worn in a ring on the finger resisteth the pestilence Emeraude The Emeraud and Prasine stone which are green stones doe make the heart merry Turquoyse The Turquoyse saueth and preserueth from slipping falling and rushing against any thing or if any such thing doe happen it keepeth the body safe from hurt Corall Corall put on the necke driueth away troublous and terrible dreames and mittigateth the feare that children haue in the night Carbuncle Sardine The Carbuncle and Sardine stone commonly called Corneol so named of the redde berye of the Cornelier Tree the fruit whereof is like to heppes prouoketh mirth and gladnesse and maketh a man cherefull and causeth him to haue a goodly faire fresh florishing colour by reason that the bloude hath ready passage and course throughout the body So other precious stones haue power do excel in other vertues some in one some in another do chase driue away hobgoblins or night spirits fairees or elses that do bewitch infantes the night mares or hegges and euil spirites of the aire if we may giue credence to the monuments and workes of auncient wryters So amongest herbes there bee some which preuaile against those diseases and horrible maladies which are much like vnto the malicious vexations grieuous afflictions and horrible tormentes of Diuels Of which sort be these Horr●ble diseases are are driuen out by the helpe of herbes melancholy frensie madnesse falling sickenesse or foule euill and most grieuous and cruell diseases which come to maides