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A04790 Two godlie and learned sermons appointed, and preached, before the Jesuites, seminaries, and other aduersaries to the gospell of Christ in the Tower of London. In which, were confuted to their faces, the moste principall and cheefe poincts of their Romish and vvhoarish religion: and all such articles as they defend, contrarie to the woord of Cod [sic], vvere layed open and ripped vp vnto them. In Maye. 7 and 21. Anno. 1581. By Iohn Keltridge, preacher of the vvorde of God, in London. Keltridge, John. 1581 (1581) STC 14921; ESTC S105451 120,903 140

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whether he did well or euill And Osorius did but the other day sende abroade his Cōnfections to poyson the young Frie of England who as he flaunteth it out in a leafe or two yet halteth he in many places and speaketh verie roughly and breaketh out euery where vnpleasauntly and then healeth vp the wound so rawly againe as that his gleaned and piked vp corne stolne words borrowed ware deceiptfull stile quauering Notes and slaunderous speeches against the trueth be wundered at and greatly pittied of all cunning woorkemen Moreouer the other day was the like seene for the Snowe hath not yet falne vpon the ground nor yet hath the Sickle beene put into the Corne sithence one to name Campion and an other to name Howlet haue caste out Rebellious Pamphlets and offered combate to all the learned in this Realme Now all these men for that they wanted credit and estimation where they liued before are cōtent like Maisterlesse men to goe abegging and aske for entertainement abroade Therefore haue they praesumed to enter the Courte gates and there to open their Pedlers Packes and to set out to sale their counterfeit Merchaundies supposing that because her Maiesties Subiects vpon hope of amendement haue in all clemencie beene borne with all to this day Therefore also they should looke for the same fauour and good woordes bothe of her Maiestie and your Honours handes as a rewarde giuen them for their slaunderous and Scismaticall Libelles May it please you therefore with the same eyes and like harte as you haue to this daye moste Honourably continued so also to turne back and looke vpō the learned with in this Realme It wil be knowne vnto you that God hath so blessed them in England with all kinde of furniture Timber Wood and Stone fine woorke wrought woorke and needell woorke golde siluer and all other kinde of Science Arte and knowledge bothe diuine and humaine as all theyr outlandish falshoods robbery pilfering and stealth with their foolish and mishapen Quiddities loose arguments broken reasons falsified Scriptures coloured and disguised Authors are neuer able to be compared or come neere vnto vs. For whye the Lorde is on our side and he rayseth vp bothe the eloquent and the good man As for those men what haue we to doo with them seeing they are bewitched with falsehood and lyes The Lorde our God is he that we must follow his voyce must we heere and as for those that bring not his woorde the Lorde shal be reuenged on them himselfe For my owne parte what I haue set downe against our aduersaries the Iesuites in this booke in the same I will not be my owne Iudge but I will referre that I haue spoken to the indifferent Reader and he all that I haue doone vnto the Scriptures The Lorde the true and righteous euermore the God of our fathers that hath alwayes beene with you kindle your noble and vertuous proceedings more and more that you maye bee a light and fartherer in the same to all those that looue and feare the Lorde And the Lorde graunt that his countenaunce may shine vpon vs that his word may be knowne rightly his lawes and commaundements obserued diligently the vertuous and godly men defended mightely the wicked and obstinate punished seuearely and his goodnes and mercie spreade abroade openly vpon vs all That her Maiestie may raigne long time ouer vs to see the iudgements of our God put in execution that her Grace may see an end of all vnquietnes dissention and strife and establish peace vnitie and concorde in the Church of God Amen Your Honours moste humble to commaund Iohn Keltridge From my Chamber in Holborne at London Iune 10. To the Readers and faithfull Christians health and peace in Christe Iesus THe great looue that the Lord our GOD hath borne to the Church neither is it neither can it be hid from any man and if we which haue nowe Itued in the same many yeeres be not either stuffed and choaked vp with his manifolde benefites or carelesse secure for that they haue béene so plentifull Then will euerie faithfull and good man say as I say that of all Nations and Countries vnder heauen we haue hitherto liued most happily For if Warres were looked for the Lord hath turned all to peace If conspiracies and Treasons were practised they haue béene reuealed from time to time If Insurrections were made they the authors haue béen suppressed immediatly If Forrainers and straungers haue determined any thing against vs their pretended deuises neuer tooke effect If at any time they haue purposed to spoyle vs the Lord hath deliuered them into our handes If the heauens haue portended any great thing or the earth hath shaken her pillers against man or the Elements in flaming manner cast foorth their sparkes of fyre yet haue all these moste straunge thinges to this day shewen their force declared their effectes and plainely manifested their angrie countenaun●●s against other Nations and straunge people not against vs of England So that I may say happy are we if we may continue happy and blessed be we aboue all other if we be still blessed of the Lord and most of all are we to praise our God if héereafter we shall be able to stande as hetherto we haue done which he onely knoweth not man Of this I am certaine and for the same I haue a good warrant that if our sinnes be not come vp vnto the brim if our iniquities be not ripe or our manifolde transgressions come vp before God then haue we not to feare any thing but whatsoeuer kinde of ●●●righting it be howsoeuer mens heartes doo fayle them or what rumors and signes of alterations the wicked doo forecast in their hearts all shall be turned to the best if we haue not prouoked the Lord. In verie déede it is true that the Lord is able to remooue our Candelstitke that the Lord is able to carrie vs into a straunge lande and he is of power to hang vp our Harpes vpon the willowe Trées and enforce vs to sing a song of Sion in Babell Yet let Israel be of good chéere and you the people of the Lord comforted for if you will feare the Lord and obey him all thinges shall goe well with you Deut. 28.2 all the blessinges of God shall be powred vppon you and you shall stande in feare and dread of none But and if you disobey the Lord your God and cleaue not vnto him all the plagues and curses set downe in his booke shall ouertake you Leui. 26.14 Lamen 2.17 I tell you of a trueth that if we looke not to our wayes and take héede to such thinges as the Lord our God hath forbidden vs without questiō he will bring such a thing to passe as all the eares of men that heare thereof shall tingle at it For my owne part I am perswaded that euen now God hath begun to becken his hand and shake his rod at vs and of the same I will
is giuen all onely vnto vs by the incarnation of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christe Isychius saith Lib. 1. in cap. 4. Lon. The onely worke and the effecte of the crosse of Christ is the remission of our sinnes Maximus saith verie well for this Christusommbus natus est sed fidelibus dat salutem i. Homil. 4. de Chr. Christe in deede was borne for all but hee giueth eternall life to them onely that beleeue And Prosper hath a proper verse where he speaketh of faith and of loue that man shoulde haue to God Quo fiat iustus sitque beatus home that is 〈…〉 By faith alone and loue of God we iust and happie seeme Then séeing we can neither finde in the scriptures nor in the fathers nor in the schoolemen that your masse is able to iustifie you for your partes must séeke some other way to helpe I for my part will leaue you to the Lorde whome I wishe you to séeke vnto more then you haue done But wee will examine this scripture God saith these wordes which I commaunde thee this day shall bee in thy heart It is apparant I am sure The worde of God is high yet comprehended it is larg● yet learned it is deepe yet attayned it is darke yet opened to the faithful it is a rule for al it is enough sufficient vnto all it is all in all and without this is ther nothing to deliuer or to aue any one mā that the Lorde God doeth comprebende in this remmandement all the lawes and commandements set downe by Moses For in the wordes of God which here generally are but touched onely bee all the wordes of the Lorde vnderstood Then if the law bee so straite the charge so great the ordinance so firme and the certaintie thereof so sure as may be none more strong more ample or higher or déper or larger or broader then is this I can not but maruell greatly howe in what manner by what meanes what color what shew what proofe you can haue for your damnable and grosse opinions which you holde contrarie to this prescript worde of God Among them all for sacriledge most offending for derogation to his maiestie most greiuing God is this which you hold of transubstantiation whereof you haue no grounde but you haue the shew and color of some foundation that is laide weakely by the men of your side And now it is straung to be considered Christ is the bread ergo hee is in it really ergo bodily it doth not followe read Ambrose de Sacra lib. 4. cap. 4. Ierom. in Isa cap. 62. Hilary de Trin. li. 8. and Athanas Apol 2. There is but one counterfeiting color with which you ouerlay that reason worke of yours It is this Christ saide take eate this is my bodie ergo say you Christ is really and bodily fleshe and bloode in the Sacrament The boye that learned Seton but the last wéeke will finde the falt of this argument but we will examine the wordes and let your childish toyes be as they bee Christ saith take eate this is my bodie c. Then sée se what you doe looke vnto it and examine your selues in the same For if that bread giuen was the verie naturall bodie and naturall blood of Christ you shal sée that you be neuer able to defende it wherefore consider those wordes spoken in the interrogations and circumstances which afforde them selues willingly to be pondered of all that shall reade them 1 First If the Iesuites say Christ is here really then these heresies do arise theron if they say Christ is in the bread spiritually they are against thēselues If that Christ is not there at all then are they Ophits and Nazarites that deny Christes institution If they say he is in the bread after a heauenly manner then is he not after 'a bodily manner who spake those wordes you say Christ and that two naturall bodies one at the table the other in the bread that was deliuered 2 Secondly when spake Christ these wordes at the meat eating now the bread say you was Christes substantiated body Then Christ did eate Christ Christ eate his owne naturall bodie 3 Thirdly to whome spake Christe those wordes To his disciples he spake them and saide take eate and that bread after the words of consecratiō was that very body of Christ Then also there were twelue Christes twelue naturall bodies and Christ him selfe sitting at the table made the thirteenth 4 Fourthly If they say he is there in his omnipotencie then also they haue ly ed Christ is not there in his humanitie therefore take heede that the Lorde iudge you not what time was this spoken before Christes death Christ spake the words take eat you inuert the words and say that the thing was done which yet was to bee done you take the time as past and gone which yet is not come you say his bodie was giuen which yet was not crucified you say his blood was shed and his side was not yet persed And you say the bread was his verie bodie the wine his bloode and Christe was not yet offered vp for man 5 Fifthly what be the wordes spoken These take eate this is my bodie Christ saith take this and eate it is my body You say take eate it is a conuerted bodie Christ saith it is my bodie you say it is a transubstantiated body Christ saith it is my body you say it is his naturall bodie Christ saith take eate in a remembrance of mee you say take eate I am very man you shall eate me Christ saith as oft as you shall do it remember my death til I come you say he is not to be remēbred but to be receiued not to be thought vpon looked vpon not to be absent but to be present not to be abut to bee way but to be there not to bee gone but to be knowne in the bread carnally and bodily fleshly and really as Christ was borne of his mother Marie The verie cause of all these your erronious and blasphemous opinions I take to be all only this Ignorance and want of reading the word aright are the causes of all here●●es That you are men ignorant brabblers and no readers of the scripture otherwise you could not be deceiued For read the wordes before read the wordes which follow and you shall find the the words of Christ are to be otherwise taken then you take them For they are spoken by a trope by a figure by a Metonymie As in the same Chapter Christ saith to his disciples Luke 22.8 Go and prepare me the Passouer The lambe is called the Passouer yet was it not the Passouer but a figure signe of the Passouer Luke 22.20 Also Christ saith This cup is that new Testament in my bloode which is shed for you First I note the Christ saith not this wine is my blood Or this cup is my blood But Christ saith this cup
feare due vnto the Lord and vnto none else dooth exclude and shut out all other feare and reuerence and homage giuen to any other whatsoeuer for God vvill not part stakes with any man For in the last and perticular diuision of all I noted that worshippe which toucheth and appertayned vnto Man thus O Israel the Lord thy God is Lord onely and thou shalt feare him c. Heere is a reuerence that man oweth to his God and to none other To God to the Lord to the Lord onely To none other I say to none No not to Marie no not to Peter no not to the Saintes What not your Letanie not your Orate pro nobis 1 Your generall Praiers made vnto the Saints Pray for vs be they not good I say they be not good they be dampnable I say no they be not good they derogate from the Maiestie of God I say no they be not good you aske helpe of Man not of the Lorde I saye and I affirme that you committe sacriledge and you doo that which is forbidden in the booke of God I finde it thus written by Dauid Psal 50.15 Inueca me in die tribulationis et eruam te et honorificabis me i Call vpon me in the day of trouble and I will delyuer thee and thou shalt honour mee I finde not any commaundement to pray to Peter or to Marie In the Hebrewes Hebr. 10. we are charged to drawe néere vnto Christe our highe Préest who béeing the highest of all hath not that I doo finde giuen his Ioel. 2. glorie vnto any other In Ioel the Prophete Ioell 2. this is written Who soeuer calleth on the name of the Lord shall be saued Wherein who séeth not that all other inuocation is excluded Vnlesse you will affirme that they the Saints to whome you pray be Lordes also and Gods of the earth What is plainer then an other Scripture 1. Iohn 2. If any man sinne we haue an aduocate to God Iesus Christe the righteous and he is the propitiation for our sinnes And againe Not for vs onely but for the sinnes of the whole world If Christe be sufficient then neede vve no other If Christ be a recōciler the helpe of others is nothing If Christ be our aduocat then vaine is the helpe of Saintes In which you cannot denie these sayinges 1. First that you are sinners 2. Secondlie you haue an aduocate to God 3. Thirdlie a person most righteous 4. Fourthlie that all only is named Iesus Christ such a one at maketh intercession and is a propitiation for vs. 5. Fiftlie not for vs only but for all euen the whole world Now then where is life but in Christe where haue you attana●ment but of Christe where shall you looke for propitation but by Christe Who maketh intercession but Iesus Christe who deliuereth vs and the whole world but all only Iesus Christe It is a strong reason and a greater can not be 〈◊〉 then is this Roma 8. There are not two Mediatours of heauen and earth but one onely Christe Iesus is the mediatour of heauen and earth and of vs Ergo None other neyther Marie neyther Peter nor any other Saint but Christe onelie mediatour for vs 〈◊〉 The Fathers of olde knewe no other neither called they on the name of any one but only of their God Seth Gene. 4.26 restoring Religion called on the name of God and Abraham soiourning Gene. 12.8 when he pitched his Tent and had on the one side Bethel on the other side Haie built there an Altar and called on the name of the Lord. I am assured that Isaack would haue worshipped the Lord with that kinde of worship and that seruice that was most acceptable to God yet can it not be found that Isaack Gene. 26.25 or any other the Prophetes vsed the helpe of any dead man but called on their God And so am I assured dyd Iacob Gene. 32. together with Moses Exod. 34. and also Sampson The old fathers taught thus Epiphanius in his booke against the Antidicomarianites Gregorius Na. in Ioh. Lib. 9. Cap. 42. and Cycill in Iohn 16. and Chrisostomus Hom. de Muliere Chanane● and Theophilactus ad Coloss and August vnto Honoratus are all against the inuocation of Saints when they liued and not one of them vsed the helpe of any their fellow Patriarkes departed or brethren the good men that were dead but all of them prayed to the Lord their God wherefore your prayers to those departed are vaine they doo you no good your prayers to them are gone are diuelish and whoorish they are forbidden by the Lord they are to no ende they cannot profyt you they are detestable they are condempned in the Scriptures they are superstitious for they derogate from God they are Idolatrous and pernitious they infect and hurte such as doo vse them they are moste filthy and abhominable for no homage is to be giuen to them but to the Lord. As for you your worship your adoration your prayers to them whence haue you them where finde you them what warrant haue you for them what authoritie what commaundement from the Lord as of all other your whorish abhominations so may I say of this You haue no Author no defence no Protection no colour of the same but onely from Rome from Pope from Cardinall from your owne inuentions your owne decrées your own decretalies or els from the olde and damnable Hereticks Contra. octo ginta Haer. Epiphanins that olde and grayheaded father Bishop of Cyprus reckoneth this among the Heresies of the Collyridinns who came out of Thracia in Arabia the vpper parts of Scythia for the they also superstitiously as you do offered to the Virgin Marie now once in a yeare was the day very solemply kept and they celebrated it with great honour and to say truthe they were women Priestes who gaue that so great homage vnto her as being the Mother Lady and Mistresse of all Woemen And vnl●sse that you tooke this custome from them the first inuentors of the same I know not what you are able to saye for the antiquitie of Praiers giuen to her or any other This I knowe this I am assured off and this I finde in your owne writers that till it was within these late yeares you haue not so much as any mention made of your praying vnto those that are departed but all onely the nations and such as knew not God haue vsed to praye to them that are gone or els some of your owne vaine and fantasticall Bishoppes haue brought in this custome who as euery man was giuen wickedly or bent frowardly disposed idlely or affectioned fylthely The Popes the Authors of all Idolatrie or inneighled diuellishly or drawne away superstitiously or bewitched heathnish like haue made constituted and ordained lawes for this kinde of praier and more I fynde not Lib. 2. Yom. pr. haeresi quinquagesi Therefore in Arabia the
his mother nor his auncestors nor his death are writtē of and such a one is the sonne of God to wit an euerlasting Priest As he is God most wonderfully without a mother be gotten before all worldes And as he is man without father wonderfully conceiued of the holy ghost Now as the comparison standeth thus so also is there no comparison at all of Christ with the sacrifising Priestes of Leuie but with the Priesthoode of Melchisedech wherevpon I conclude thus Melchisedech was a figure of such a priesthood in Christ as is not terrestriall but heauenly but Christ offered daily in your sacrifice of the Masse is not heauenly but terrestriall Ergo Christe is not and can not be daily offered vp for vs in your Masse being heauenly and with his father It followeth in the same place Heb. 7.25 that the priesthood of Christ is such a one as may not passe from one to an other Now yours passeth from priest to priest euery day wherfore yours is not like vnto Christes Moreouer he that is a high Priest for vs must haue these properties in him First such a one as of him self is able to saue Secondly such a one The things requited of the high priest are not found in yours Ergo yours are no priestes as by whom we may come to God Thirdly one that euer liueth and one that maketh intercession for vs. Then he must be holy then he must be harmlesse then he must be vndefiled then he must be separated from sinners last of al made higher than the heauens and that néedeth not daily to haue a sacrifice offered vp Now that I may conclude and shut vp this piece also I say that all these thinges are neither found in your Priestes nor in your sacrificers therefore all your sacrifices at your Masse and else where are not lawfull The fourth thing to be enquired of in your Masse is this That if it be no sacrifice yet whether or no it be a worke sufficient to iustifie or that a man may be saued by the same yea or no I answere that your Masse is no worke of iustification that is able to iustifie for so you vnderstand it I proue it thus and you if you will learne shall knowe it thus namely Actes 4.12 Actes 15.11 Ephe. 2.5 Heb. 7.25 Ioel 2.32 We haue not two wayes or two meanes vnto saluation but one only way and meane vnto saluation Nowe Christ is the way the dore and the life and by him only haue we a meane and passage to his father therfore by the worke of the Masse excluded and without Christ you can not haue any way or entrance vnto saluation This we knowe the if your Masse were sufficient to saluation then it was first a vaine thing for God the father to haue sent his sonne Grosse errours arising out of the Papistes doctrine séeing he also might haue found out a sacrifice of Masse here in the earth sufficiēt for vs Secondly what cause was there Christ should dye for our sinnes séeing the you haue found out another ordinary way vnto life Thirdly wherfore should Christ be made a sacrifice for vs if you your selues can make a sacrifice sufficient For which causes you teach as euery one may sée very damnable doctrine there is no standing for you against God Can this be or hath it euer bene Psal 5● or will it be proued which you affirme Why Psal 18.3 what saith the Scriptures The Scripture saith that saluation is of God Psal 27.1 of him onely of the Lord of the almightie of the highest Esa 27.3 of him that is aboue and of none other Ergo not of the Masse Esa 43.3 But you say you are iustified by the sacrifice of the Masse Iames 4.12 and not saued well then if so then I pray you aunswere the Lorde Rom. 3.24 in whose name and fears I reason thus We are iustified by grace in the redemption of Christe Ergo not by the Masse Rom. 4.6 and by the worke therein We are iustified by acceptation in the meere mercie of GOD Ergo not by your worke in the Masse And you are iustified if you will be iustified Esa 53.11 and helped if you will be helped and deliuered if you wil be deliuered in the righteousnesse of Christe who hath borne your iniquities Papistes confated Ergo not by any worke of yours in the Masse And I knowe and I am assured that euerie one that shall be saued Philip. 3.9 hath not righteousnesse by sacrifices which were for a time but onely by faith in Iesus Christ through God Ergo not in your beggerly oblations can there be any worke sufficient to saluation Augustine to Bonifacius saith thus Cerium habemus quia Christus resurgens ex mortuis tam non moritur mors ill● vltra non dominabitur c. i. We know for a trueth saith Augugustine that Christ being risen from the dead nowe dyeth no more death shall not reigne ouer him and in that place proueth he neither any sacrifice to be auaylable for vs but Christes and that he was made a sacrifice for vs but all only once for all In Heb. cap. 9. Theophilactus is of this opinion Sic Christus semel oblatus est A quonam ille oblatus est a seipso non a quouis alio hominum Qui etsi Pontifex sit hostia tamen ipse oblatio that is as saith Theophilact Goe to then Christe is once for all offered tell me of whome was he offered Of him selfe not of any other was he once offered And although Christ be a high Priest yet was he made an offering and an oblation for vs Ciryll vpon Iohn the Euangelist Lib. 5. cap. 17. saith thus Paule taketh not away the second or the thirde remission of offences of men But Paule denyeth that Iesus Christ which was a sacrifice and an oblation for vs shal nowe any more be offered vp vpon the Crosse For once was Christe offered and not for euer shall he be any more offered vp hereafter Now then what hope can you haue miserable creatures in your workes by the Masse in as much as Christe onely died for you Christe onely offered for you Christe onely sacrificed for you and your worke meritorious in the Masse was not so much as euer hearde of The Authour of our iustification is set downe by Saint Chrysostome thus The The second man came frō heauen Ser. 6. de prodito●● the second man came without finne The seconde man came all onely vnlike to vs in iniquitie The seconde man came that did owe nothing either to death or sinne The seconde man came to bee made free among those that were deade Lib. 3. in Com. lib. Reg. that death by death might bee conquered Eucherius saith thus Apertio regni coelestis per incarnationem Domini saluatoris nostri nobis donata est that is The way to the kingdome of heauen