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A94157 The door of salvation opened by the key of regeneration: or A treatise containing the nature, necessity, marks and means of regeneration; as also the duty of the regenerate. / By George Swinnocke, M.A. and pastor of Rickmersworth in Hertfordshire. Swinnock, George, 1627-1673. 1661 (1661) Wing S6272; Thomason E1817_1; ESTC R209823 254,830 512

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thee for these ends Thou wilt disrelish all spiritual prayers and conference especially when they discover and condemne thy unsanctifyed carnal state And thou wilt secretly or openly have a malignant distaste or opposition against the Regenerate that live by that renewing sanctifying Spirit to which thou art a stranger and wilt look on them as a people that condemne thee by their lives unless thou canst cheat thy self into a perswasion that they are but a company of singular proud selfconceited people and really no otherwise regenerate then thy self And all the Religion and wisdome and good ●arriage which thou hast without this spiritual change may easily be thy delusion but will never serve for thy Salvation yea heaven it self would be to thee no heaven if it were set open to thee and thou hadst not the heavenly nature to suit to the heavenly employment and felicity This is the business of a converting and confirming Ministery and of the spirit and grace that works by them and this is the business that above other business lyeth upon thee in this present world even to work now in thy soul that holy love to the most blessed God who is love it self which may cause thee here to thirst after his presence and to seek his favour and to do his will and may fit thee delightfully for ever to enjoy him and everlastingly to be solaced in the beholding of his glory in the feeling of his love and in his heavenly praises and the fulfilling of his will An unregenerate unholy soul is as unfit for this as thy mortal enemy to lye in thy bosome or as toads and serpents to be the familiar companions of men or as thy Ox or Ass is to feed with thee at thy table and lye with thee in thy bed Employments and Enjoyments must have a suitable nature if the Spirit fit thee not here for heaven in this life which is given thee purposely for that end its pernitious folly to hope for a heaven for which thy unsanctifyed nature is unfit and to promise thy self a felicity of which thou art uncapable and which indeed thy very heart doth hate Thou lovest not holiness here nor the very imperfect Saints that have it how much less couldst thou love the infinite holiness of God who hateth thy sins ten thousand times more then the most severe and sharp reprover hates them If thy eyes cannot look upon the smallest candle without offence how then would they endure to look upon the Sun and that in the nearest access unto its glory And if here thy enmity to the holy will of God be such that thou pleasest not him and he and his waies are displeasing unto thee how uncapable art thou of Heaven which is a state of mutual full delight where the Saints do perfectly please the Lord and are perfectly pleased in him and his pleasure Rom. 8.5 6 7 8. They that are after the flesh do mind or savour the things of the flesh but they that are after the spirit the things of the spirit To be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace Because the carnal mind is enmity against God for it is not subject to the Law of God neither indeed can be So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God And that which is born of the flesh is but flesh As that which is born of the spirit is spirit Joh. 3.6 It is therefore undenyable that till you are born of the spirit and so made spiritual all your Religion and civility leaveth you but enemies to God and in a state of Rebellion against his will and consequently in a state of death Baptism which is the Sacrament of Regeneration doth signifie this change and containe your profession and engagement to the Lord. But if you have not the Regeneration of the Spirit as well as of the water and the answer of a good conscience as well as the washing of the flesh you differ from Heathens and Infidels but as covenant-breakers differ from them that never entered into covenant with Christ at all But I must not stand too long instructing you at the door when my business is to call you in and to tell you that here is a Message to you from the Lord A Treatise of Regeneration the most necessary Subject in a stile so clean and close in words so pertinent plain powerful and pressing that undoubtedly by a serious impartial perusal joyned with sober consideration and prayer thy soul may receive unspeakable commodity Though I know not the Author I am so far acquainted with the spirit appearing in this Discourse that I dare assure thee he had very much help from heaven and dare encourage thee to study this savoury Treatise as that which containeth most certain sound and necessary doctrine directly tending to the saving of thy soul without any tendency to Heresie Schism or uncharitable cenforiousness A Doctrine necessary for the learned or unlearned the rich and the poor the honorable and the base and for men of all degrees and ranks which if it had been more heartily studied and inculcated in publick and in private by all Preachers of the Gospel instead of the humane inventions and Canons and Opinions and interests of their several Sects the Church and the consciences of the Pastors and their Flocks had been now much wholer and sounder then they are Believe it whatever thou art thou shalt never be saved for being a Lord or a Knight a Gentleman or a rich man a learned man or a well-spoken eloquent man nor yet for being a Calvinist or a Lutheran an Arminian an Anabaptist a Prelatist a Presbyterian an Independent or a Protestant formally and meerly as such much less for being a Papist or of any such grosly deluded Sect but as a Regenerate Christian it is that thou must be saved or thou canst have no hope If once this renewing Spirit have taken possession of thy soul and thou art made partaker of the Divine and Heavenly nature and art become a living Member of Christ thou shalt be saved though thou know not whether Diocesan Bishops Metropolitans Primates and Patriarks or onely Parochial Bishops be most agreeable to the minde of God and though thou know not whether any other Book than the Bible should contain the Liturgy of the Church and though thou know not in a hundred controversies of the times about Orders and Forms and Ceremonies and smaller points of doctrine which party it is that is in the right Holiness will save thee without the formalities of this party or of that but formalities will not save thee without holiness To you that are Regenerate I shall say but this keep very honourable and thankful thoughts of your spiritual birth Live now as the sons of the Eternal God and as the heirs of everlasting life Set your faces now towards Heaven as those that see the grave at hand and the vanities of this world all vanishing into
well-head and therefore needest not fear the least want Thine appetite there would be ever fresh after God and thy satisfaction ever ful in God God would be to thee any thing every thing all things which thy heart could possibly desire God is so sweet and satisfying a good to his people on earth that they have found the loss of other things abundantly made up in his favour and love Hab. 3.16 17. 1 Sam. 30.6 though he communicated himself but in small drops by slow degrees unto them O then what would God be to thee in heaven when he would give of himself abundantly and continually unto thy soul If all the delightful objects and pleasures which the whole creation here below affordeth were united into one and bestowed upon thee and thou wert to live a thousand years in the enjoyment of it this were not worth one day in Gods courts in this world much less one hour or one moments enjoying him in the other world In his presence is fullness of joy and at his right hand are pleasures for evermore Psalm 16. ult Though all words are too weak to utter the Saints happiness there yet David speaks much in this verse For quality there is joy there is pleasure What canst thou wish which is not contained in those two words hope of future joy made the man of sorrows contented under his shameful and bloody cross how comfortable wilt thou be when thou shalt have it in hand For quantity fulness of joy or a torrent of which thou shouldst drink full draughts without interruption or intermission Thy joy would be pure without mixture and perfect without measure The Masters joy or the joy of thy Lord In his presence the fruition of God is the fairest flower in the Garland of Honor and that alone which gives compleat satisfaction to the soul He is the Heaven of Heaven and other things are but accessary to this Principal yet other things there would afford comfort through the God of consolation The sights there would please thine eyes for thou shouldst behold not onely perfect Saints but the pearless Saviour thine eyes should see the King in his glory there is a great difference between seeing a King in his ordinary attire and on his throne with his robes and all his signs of Majesty The sight of the Saints would much delight thee to see those heirs in the possession of their inheritances When Cyneas the Ambassador of Pyrrhus had beheld the state and magnificence of the Roman Senators and People he was so exceedingly taken with it that at his return from that City of Rome being asked how he liked it and what he thought of that state he answered That he saw as many Emperors as Senators and that it was a Commonwealth of Kings Such would Heaven be to thine eyes a Common-wealth of Emperors and Kings wherein every Saint would have a robe of honour a scepter of power a throne of majesty and crown of glory Surely such sights would fill thee with wonder and joy to behold all the children in their Fathers house so richly clad so daintily feasted and so highly advanced as they shall be there But O the joy which will possess thee at the sight of the Lord Jesus who as the Sun will shine gloriously indeed in the midst of those Stars and as a Judge be known by his robes from all the Justices on the Bench. If it were so good to behold him here in his estate of humiliation and in his mourning weeds what will it be to behold him in his estate of exaltation and in his bright sparkling and glorious robes Truly that light will be sweet and it will be pleasant to behold that Sun As the sights there would please thine eyes so the sounds there will please thine ears I have read of a Divine that when he heard rare musick on Earth he was much taken with it presently cried out O the ravishing musick which is in Heaven How will thy spirit be taken when thou shalt hear the new song the song of the Lamb sung by the pleasant voices and play'd upon the harps of the thousand thousands that are before the throne of God who rest not day or night but say and sing Holy holy holy Lord God Almighty which was and is and is to come Thou art worthy O Lord to receive glory and honour and power For thou hast created all things and for thy pleasure they are and were created Rev. 4 8. and ult O how much might I expatiate here and shew thee that whatever is requisite to happiness would be enjoyed by thee there If honor could make thee happy thou shouldst there have an eternal weight of glory such a weight that if thou wert not upheld by the power of God would press thee down If pleasures can make thee happy thou shouldst drink of the rivers of pleasures which flow from the blessed God for ever such pleasures as thine eyes never saw thine ears never heard and thine heart can never conceive If a gallant glorious seat could make thee happy thou shouldst be happy Thou shouldst dwell in a City Rev. 21.19 20. whose Builder and Maker is God its gates are of pearl and its pavement of pure gold The house which thou shouldst live in is the Fathers house that house which the mighty Possessor of Heaven and Earth hath erected with his own hands to be the place wherein he will shew all his riches magnificence grace goodness and glory If rest could make thee happy thou shouldst rest from all thy labours enjoy an eternal Sabbath There the spiritual oppressors cease from troubling there the weary are at rest If good company could make thee happy thou shouldst have the society of all the Saints sit down with Abraham Isaac and Jacob the Prophets Apostles and all the children of God in the Kingdom of Heaven thou shouldst enjoy the many millions of holy Angels the dearest Jesus and the ever blessed God If food can make thee happy thou shouldst eat of the hidden manna of the bread which came down from Heaven of the tree of life which groweth in Paradice and drink of the water of life Rev. 22.1 2. which is clear as Crystal proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. If life can make thee happy thou shouldst have that eternal life which is from God in God and with God In a word whatever were needful for thee or could be joyful to thee or desired by thee in order to thy happiness thou shouldst have it Thirdly Thou shouldst know the vertue and preciousness of the blood of Christ the Apostle doth not without cause when he compares the blood of Christ with silver and gold infinitely prefers it before them and call it precious blood 1 Pet. 1.19 Indeed 't is that which as the diamond to the ring addeth worth and value to what ever 't is joyned The two Testaments are precious because they are both sprinkled with the
such the second death hath no power This is that we are most nearly concernd in O that all the disputes of the times about Pedo baptism and Church-membership might at last be reduced to this How shall I do to be regenerate how shall I get a better heart how shall I procure evidences for heaven these questions will help to make Converts whereas others wake only Scepticks and Opinionists The temper of most men in our age is to have hot braines and cold hearts their religion evaporates into fume and froth and may be likened to those eares which run onely into straw but I shalt need say the losse the doctrine of Regeneration being so amply and accurately handled in the following Treatise For the author of this work though I have not had much knowledg of him yet by that little converse had with him I judge him to be a man of a serious and gracious spirit t is excellent when the vessels of Gods house retain in them a rellish and savour of that Good wine which they poure out to others This piece I hope may be very profitable and may serve with the blessing of God to be an alarum to awaken drowsie consciences that they sleep not the sleep of death which that it may is the prayer of him who is Thy Friend and Servant in the Lord. Thomas Watson From my study at Stephen Walbrook Ian. 26. 1659. THere is extant likewise of the Authors of this Treatise an excellent Book entituled Heaven and Hell Epitomized The true Christian Characterized As also an Exhortation with Motives Means and Directions to be speedy and serious about the work of Conversion An Exposition on the whole Book of Salomons Song commonly called the Canticles Wherein the Text is explained and useful Observations raised thereupon By John Robotham Preacher of the Gospel Both sold by Tho. Parkhurst at the lower end of Cheapside AN EPISTLE TO THE READER READER IN how happy a time dost thou live when God sendeth so many and so powerfull Messengers to call thee from the ways of sin and death And how miserable and unexcusable wilt thou prove if thou be after all this a stranger to the life of faith of holiness If nature had made thee a spiritual person a child of God and an heir of heaven this Doctrine of Regeneration might then be received as strangely as it was by Nicodemus and as neglectfully as it is by careless worldlings and as disdainfully as it is by unbelieving and malignant enemies of the Holy Ghost But sooner may you hope to find a new way into the world or a state of nature besides the way of humane birth then to find another way into the state of grace and the Kingdom of Heaven beside the New birth by the Spirit Nature proclaimeth its own vitiosity to every diligent observer He that is so carnall as not to observe it in the crosseness and rebellion of his soul against God and the worlds captivity to self and flesh one would think should yet be so rational as to observe it in the confusion and inordinate behaviour of men to one another While self is exalted against the good of friends and Neighbours yea and against the common good and that so uncurably as the wars and calamities of the Nations do signifie For whence come wars and fightings among men come they not hence even of their lusts that war in their members Jam. 4.1 But the corrupted soul is so conforme to the worlds corrupted state that it is no wonder if he perceive no need of a Restorer and so be in heart an Infidel upon that account As a man born blind may think the world hath no great need of the Sun because his eyes are so conform to a state of darkness that the night seemeth to him as good as the day As all the creatures which we daily see condemne the Atheist that denieth their Creator So all the spots and blemishes of the creatures especially the universal pravity of mankind condemneth the Infidel that seeing not Original sin and misery denieth the necessity of a redeemer And the holiness of renewed souls about him doth further condemne him that doth not acknowledge the sanctifier who is the Cause The Reparation of vitiated nature is a mysterious but glorious work of God which Angels desire to pry into and all the Regenerate rejoyce in and admire as having themselves been made partakers of so sweet and excellent a share The Kingdome of darkness is a confederacy of wicked Angels and men that are all ruled by one malicious principal Governour Matth. 12.24 to 30. and 25 41. c. whose work is to marr the work of God that nature may not attaine its primitive and proper end And the Kingdome of Christ is the holy society headed by him that hath made it his undertaken work to be the repairer of depraved nature and to destroy the works of the Divel and to remove impediments and conquer opposition and carry on his healing work that nature may yet attaine its ends in despight of sin and death and Hell As ever you would not be guilty of contemning this wonderful work of Natures Reparation Elevation and Perfection see now that you over-look not the great necessity of it in your selves where one would think as it doth most neerly concern you so it should be most easy to you to perceive it No part of nature is so deploratly vitiated as the soul of man except the Divels This was thy case that readest these words as well as mine and all mens els and if thou art not Restored by renewing grace it is thy case still it is Satans business to keep thee from observing it lest the knowledge of thy misery should waken thee to accept and mind the cure If he can make thee forget it or deceive thee by flatterers and by a seeming formal outside religiousness and quiet thee in thy misery till there be no remedy but time is past and mercy gone then is he the conquerour and hath the prey he aimed at and thou art lost for ever Thy salvation or damnation lieth on thy escaping this deceit and the presumption security and impenitencie that are its consequents For this end thou hast the plain directions of Gods word the frequent warnings the close convictions the fervent exhortations of his Ministers If the Spirit set in and these prevaile and thou give up thy self unreservedly to the Lord thou art a happy man and hath received the beginning of life eternall Regeneration must give thee a new nature suitable to the heavenly Doctrines and duties propounded in the holy Scriptures or else they will seem strange and toilsome things and thou wilt savour them no more then thy food when thou art sick Till thou art Regenerate and hast a new heart and Spirit thou wilt still disrellish those saving truths that call thee higher and put the upon selfdenyal and a holy life especially when they are closely applyed to
separated for the service of the Lord they are born of the Spirit brought up in the Spirit and they walk after the Spirit The tast therefore which I now set thee is to try whether thou are one of these whether thou art born again without which thou canst not see the Kingdom of God Now though the commandment of God be argument and reason enough to a Christian why he should examine himself whether he be in the faith or no 2 Cor. 135. for a true subject dares not deny any coyn which hath the image and stamp of his Sovereign upon it yet I shall give thee two or three thoughts to stir thee up to the tryal of thy self First Consider that thy All hangs on this hinge of regeneration All that thou art worth for thine unchangeable estate in the other world dependeth on this This is the foundation of that hope that building which reacheth to heaven now t is dangerous to err in fundamentals the stability of the building depends on the strength of the foundation For a man to go out of his way at the first setting out is saddest of all Regeneration is the beginning of Christianity in thee nay thy interest in all the unsearchable riches in Christ standeth on this if regenerated then thy sins are pardoned thy person accepted God is thy Father Jesus Christ thy Husband and Saviour the Spirit thy Comforter the Promises are thy portion Heaven thy home but if thou art not adorned with the pious fruits of Christs Spirit thou art not interested in the precious fruits of his merits therefore make sure here God will deal with thee to eternity according to thy having or wanting this Now doth it not concern thee to beware of cozening thy self here when a mistake in this will make thee miserable for ever if ever any tresses had need be strong then surely they which draw such a weight as thine endless welfare Where men intend to dwell long thy build strong Soldiers use tents which have no foundation because they intend but a short stay in them thou lookest for a City which hath a foundation Friend hath thy expectation of it any foundation wouldst thou build sleightly for a dwelling of eternity Zeuxes being asked why he was so exact in painting answered Because he painted for eternity Lines which concern eternity had need be exactly drawn and deeds and marks and all things indeed which concern eternity had need to be exquisitely done If a Merchant venture all his estate in one vessel and where there is much hazard in the voyage how full of fear and care will he be lest the ship should miscarry himself and his family be ruined many a sad thought will he have in the day as sowr sawce to his food and possibly many an aking heart in the night to keep him waking He is even like to be beside himself so much is he perplexed and ask him the reason he will tell you I think I have cause All that I am worth is ventured in that bottom should it be lost and perish we are all lost my wife self and children must all perish Thus the man lives in little ease both day and night till at last he considereth with himself of what concernment the safety of that vessel is to him he resolveth and accordingly goeth to the Ensurers Office and ensureth his whole estate and then he is satisfied those fears which like weights hung on the clock of his heart and would not suffer it to rest are now taken off and he eats his bread with chearfulness and drinks his wine with a merry heart he can in all conditions be contented because his All is ensured Thus Reader Regeneration is the vessell in which all that thou art worth not for this present perishing but for the other everlasting world is ventured if that be sound thine endless welfare is safe if that be feigned and lame thou art lost for ever How caust thou take any comfort in the abundance of fading creatures whilst thy All thine Eternity is in danger O go to the Ensuring Office bring thy riches thy silver to the ballance of the Sanctuary and thereby try whether it hath its full weight Man what sayst thou to this reason for self examination is it not of unspeakable weight and I shall shew thee that t is of unquestionable truth Doth not the living God tell thee that except thou art born again thou shall not see his Kingdom Doth he not say expresly that without are dogs Rev. 22.15 The fathers house is onely for children Dogs must be without doors Pharaohs court admitted of vermine but I can assure that Gods will not Into it can in no wise enter any thing that is defiled or unclean Rev. 21. ult Impure persons can never get into the most holy place Heaven must be in thee before thou canst be in heaven It was a good inscription which a bad man wrot on the door of his house Per me nihil intret mali Let no evil passe through me whereupon said Diogenes Quomodo ingredietur dominus How then shall the Master get into his own house That inscription without question agreeth with the celestiall habitation There is nothing there but what is holy The Creatour is essentially infinitely and eternally holy the father is holy John 17.11 the holy child Jesus Acts 14.27 the holy Ghost Acts 21.11 the creatures there are holy the holy angels Mark 8.38 the saints or holy men and women Heb. 12.23 The work and eternall imployment there is holyness the servants wait on their Master without sinning as well as without ceasing the song there is Holy Holy Holy Lord God Almighty Rev. 4.8 canst thou therefore think without holiness to get thither Secondly Consider that God will try thee He knoweth now what thou art whether dross or gold and he will shortly bring thee to the fire and make thee known both to thy self and others Though the waters of thy corruptions may run for a time under ground and be hidden from the eyes of men yet they will at length appear Thou art at present all Chrystal to God he needeth not as Momus would have a window into thy breast for he seeth thee throughly he seeth thy inwards more perfectly then thou and others can see thy outward parts The fining pot is for silver the furnance for gold but the Lord tryeth the heart Prov. 17.3 He hath a thread which leadeth him unerringly through the labyrinth of thy heart He needeth no serious inquisition about thee for he knoweth thee by immediate intuition He walks through the road of thy heart every hour therefore it concerneth thee not to balke it He will try thee probably in life but certainly at death and judgment and shouldest not thou then try thy self God may trie thee in life by prosperity he may give thee strong meat and thereby examine thy stomach whether it be good or bad he may let the world flow in upon thee
Elijah with a still small voice 2 Kings 19.12 The Spirit falls down on some as on the Apostles like a mighty rushing winde or like fire shaking and scorching them Acts 2.2 3. on others as on Jesus Christ in the shape of a Dove dealing mildly and meekly with them The Jaylor is brought home by an earthquake and an heartquake Acts 16.29 when the door of Lydia's heart is opened softly and Jesus Christ entereth in without any noise Acts 16.14 Some in a sown are revived onely by pouring a little hot water down their throats whereas others must be rub'd hard and beaten sore before they will come to themselves again Cant. 6.12 Ere I was aware my soul made me like the charints of Aminadab Some have been infamous for pleasure in sin and such are usually made more apprehensive of the pain due to sinners God bringeth all home by weeping cross but them especially that have been most wicked The Physician is forced to give strong physick to such sturdy strong patients otherwise it will not work A man that is an old finner is like one that hath had a bone long out of joynt and its festered this man must feel much pain before it be brought into its right place Sometimes God intendeth to list a soul high with spiritual consolations and to prepare it for them he layeth it low with legal humiliation We throw the ball hard against the ground when we intend that it shall bound high Paul was forcibly cast to the earth before he was favorably caught up to the third heaven Some are designed to be high in holiness eminent patterns of piety to others and such are often filled with sorrow and do more then others feel the smart of sin When the workman will make his building high and exact he layeth the foundation deep and low God is not limited he dealeth with men as he seeth good it is his will and that is reason enough that all his children should not be brought forth with the same pain He hath several medicines whereof some are more sweet others more sowre for the cure of their spiritual maladies and he applieth them as it pleaseth him Now when the Spirit of God worketh most forcibly then the man perceiveth it most sensibly Besides some men and women have had inclinations towards God and godliness ever since they came to any knowledge they suckt the milk of grace betimes from the breasts of their parents I mean their religious education Obadiah feared the Lord from his youth 1 Kings 18.12 Timothy from a childe knew the holy Scriptures The dews of grace were dropt from Heaven upon their souls early in the morning of their age and in such cases conversion as to the time and manner of it is under a cloud For as he that is lock'd up in some dark dungeon may easily discover the moment of time when either the least beam of the Sun or glimmering of day-light did break in upon him whereas he that is always in the open air is sensible that the day is broke that the Sun is risen but cannot tell you precisely when the day sprang or the Sun rose so some that have been betimes put out apprentices to the devil by their parents been taught that hellish trade of sin and nurtured in obstinacy and Ignorance being lock'd up and fettered in the Dungeon of darkness as Peter in prison these men may easily remember the time when the day-star from on high did visit them when the Angel of the Covenant came upon them and caused a light to shine about them and raised them up and caused their fetters to fall off the prison door to flye open and commanded them to arise and follow him but those that were ever in the open air brought up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord like vessels when new seasoned with holiness those cannot tell you the day when salvation came to their souls they can tell you that day is broke but when they know not one thing they know that where as they were blind now they see but how they came by their sight they cannot certifie you they can tell you that they are sanctified but the season of it they cannot tell Reader though the time and manner of this work makes the knowledge of it more easie and sensible to some then to others yet to all 't is possible Gods precepts speak it possible God requireth of his people such things as would be to no purpose if they could not be assured of their grace and purity He commandeth to examine themselves whether they are in the faith or no 2 Cor. 13.5 Now to what purpose or end should the Law of God be produced the persons heart and life compared with it witnesses be examined the man thus arreigned in the Court of Conscience if the matter in debate could not be brought to an issue if it could not be known whether he be sanctified or not God bids us make our callings and elections sure 2 Pet. 1.10 therefore they may be ensured We are enjoyned to pray with confidence and to call God Father Heb. 10.22 Matth. 6.9 which certainly none can do if none can know that they are his children The Apostle tells us that we must rejoyce in the Lord Phil. 3.1 and that alwayes 1 Thes 5.16 even in tribulation Matth. 5.10 which who can do if he know not whether God be his friend or enemy Besides the promises of God shew it possible John 14.21 I will love him that keepeth my commandments and manifest my self unto him saith Christ Isa 60.16 Psal 50. ult and 85.8 9. now what Gods mercy promiseth his truth performeth The helps likewise which God affords us speak this feasible The scripture setteth down the signs of the men and women which are sanctified and which shall be saved And hereby we know that we know him if we keep his commandments To know that we know him is to be assured that we know him 1 Ioh. 5.13 These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the son of God that ye may know that ye have eternall life Mark they did believe before yet St. John writes that they might believe they had before the faith of adherence John writes to them that they might have the faith of assurance The Sacraments are also given as broad seals and the Spirit as the privy seal of heaven to ensure salvation Rom. 4.11 Eph. 1.30 In a word the patterns and experiences of the Saints speak this possible that which others have acquired is not impossible to us The children of God have been assured of their adoption that God was their father Isa 63.16 1 John 3.2 Though Abraham be ignorant of us and Israel acknowledge us not doubtless thou art our father thou O Lord art our father and our redeemer They have been assured of their justification Job 13.18 Psalm 45.24 perseverance in grace 1 Thes 5.25 Rom. 8.35 to the end Of
the soul that this New creature is conceived and brought forth godliness is not natural but adventitious to man not by propagation but by donation Man cannot generate himself naturally much less regenerate himself spiritually they which are born of the flesh contribute nothing to their own beings neither do they which are born of the Spirit bring any thing to their new beings unless it be a passive receptiveness as they are reasonable creatures Some read the Text and not unfitly for the original will fully bear it Except a man be born 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 from above or from heaven and therefore in the fifth verse of this third Chapter of John Christ telleth us Except a man be born of the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God and in Tit. 3.5 it is called a renewing of the holy Ghost so 1 Joh. 12.13 Jer. 31.18 19.2 Cor. 3.5 1 Pet 1.1 2 3. Ephes 2.10 1 Pet. 2.9 10. This work is somtimes called a transplanting out of the natural wilde olive-tree and ingraffing it contrary to nature into a true good Olive-tree Rom. 11.24 out of the first into the second Adam now the Cions cannot transplant or ingraff it self It is termed a new creation 2 Cor. 5.17 To create or bring something out of nothing is beyond the power of the strongest creature it is above the strength of all men and Angels to create the least pile of grass God challengeth this as his prerogative royal Isa 40 26. As the old heaven and earth were the work of his hands Gen. 1.1 so are the new heavens and new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness Isa 65.17 Austin said truly To convert the little world Man is more then to create the great world It is further stiled a Resurrection from the dead Ephes 5.14 and 2.5 It is a great work to recover a dying body a far greater to restore one that is dead to life but the greatest of all to enliven a dead soul in the former there is no opposition in this there is much In spight of man and devils to pull down the ugly rotten frame of sin and set up the lovely lasting Fabrick of sanctity requireth no less strength then Omnipotency The Almighty God putteth forth the exceeding greatness of his power in forming the New creature Ephes 1.19 20. nay the same power which he did in raising up Iesus Christ from the dead who had beside the watch of Romans and the malice of hell such an heavy weight as the sins of the world to keep him down Repentance and Faith are the two chief ingredients in this rare composition and neither of them are such drugs as grow in Natures Garden no they are fetched from far It is God that giveth to the Gentiles repentance unto life Acts 11.18 2 Tim 2.25 The stones will as soon weep as mans heart of stone unless he that smote the rock force water out of it by turning it into a heart of flesh for Faith also it is the gift of God Ephes 2.8 Phil. 1.29 None come to the Son but such as are drawn by the Father Joh. 6.44 He alone that caused iron to swim 2 King 6.6 can keep the humbled sinner that is pressed down with the burden of innumerable iniquities from sinking in the gulf of desperation To part a man from his dearest carnal self and to make him diligently seek the destruction of what before he sought the preservation to make him cut off his right hand and pluck out his right eye hate father mother wife childe name house land u● do all he had done go backward every step he had gone see things with a new light understand things with another heart and in the whole course of his life to swim against the stream and tide of nature and winds of example to bring a soul to this I say which is all done and much more in conversion requireth the infinite God's operation Flesh and blood can neither reveal these things to a man nor work these things in a man but the Father which is in heaven The Minister like the Prophets servant Instrumentum non movet nisi moveatur may lay his staff on the dead childe but he cannot raise it to life till the Master cometh Paul may plant and Apollo water but God only can give the increase Cor. 3.6 Without him we can do nothing John 15.3 We may preach out our hearts unless God affords his help our people will never be holy As Protogenes when he saw a picture in a shop curiously drawn cryed out None but Apelles could do this So when thou seest the beautiful image of the blessed God lively portrayed on the soul thou mayst say This is the finger of God None but a God could do this Secondly I say Whereby God out of his meer good pleasure here is the impulsive or moving cause of Regeneration Of his own will begat he us again by the word of truth Jam. 1.18 Gods good will is the highest moving cause of this gracious work 't was not any fore-sight of Faith or good works not any thing without him that turned the scale of his thoughts for thy purity and peace but only his own good pleasure and pity Ezek. 36.21 22. therefore he is said to give a new heart verse 26 27. because he bestoweth it freely not for mans merit but from his own mercy The gift of grace is meerly of grace For we our selves saith the Apostle were sometimes disobedient foolish serving divers lusts and pleasures But after that the kindness and love of God our Saviour toward man appeared Not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to his mercy he saved us by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the holy Ghost Titus 3.3 4 5. so Ephes 2.1 to 6. verse If you would know the grand reason why some are taken by the net of the Word let down in the sea of the world when others are left why some like wax are melted before this fire of Scripture when others like clay are hardned why some have the light side of this glorious pillar towards them when others have the dark side of it why the same path of the red sea is salvation to some when it is destruction to others why the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven are revealed to babes when they are hid from the wise and prudent I must give you the same reason which Christ himself doth Even so Father because it seemeth good in thy sight Matth. 11.27 his will and mercy are the cause of all our felicity Rom 9.18 1 Pet 1.3 Deut 7.7 8. Grace chuseth thee Rom 11.5 There is a remnant according to the election of Grace so Ephes 1.5 Grace calleth 2 Tim 1.9 Who hath called us according to his purpose and grace which was given us in Christ before the world began so Gal 1.15 Grace distinguisheth and differenceth thee from others By the grace of God I am what I am 1
now as two friends will and nill the same thing Psal 40.6 7. As the Will is a servant it is now chearfully subject to its Master in heaven its voice is Lord what wilt thou have me to do Acts 9.6 And speak Lord for thy servant heareth 1 Sam. 3. do but shew it your commission from the King of Kings for what you require and it presently doth obey not dispute your commands As a Master for 't is a Centurion in authority which hath many at its command it saith to one faculty go and it goeth to another come and it cometh to a third do this and it doth it it ruleth now according to Divine Writ and gives Laws to all under it according to the Orders which it receiveth from God its Commander in chief were the Christians power but answerable and equal to his will he would be as holy on earth as he shall be in heaven Psal 119.5 Rom. 7.15 18 19. The iron gate indeed of mans Will is far from opening of its own accord the Will is hardest won of any Faculty it is like the strong fort of Zion in Ierusalem which Joshua himself could not surprise the Son of David alone can do it But the Spirit of God doth powerfully though sweetly incline it to chuse God and for God The Understanding discovering to the Conscience the necessity excellency and benefit of proclaiming and prosecuting an open and eternal war against all sin and of accepting and embracing an everlasting covenant with God in Christ and of submitting to the guidance and government of the Spirit conscience doth in the name of God whose Officer it is charge the will to close with these things the will the spirit striking in yieldeth contentedly and resolveth accordingly God perswades this Japhet to dwell in the tents of Shem. 4 The Affections are likewise renewed The Understanding and Will the superiour Officers being won these like faithfull private Souldiers readily follow their leaders or as dutifull handmaids they obey the commands of their Master and Mistris They are called by some the shapings or formings of the will in severall motions according to the object presented so that the will like the Sun moving heavenward these like Sun-flowers must necessarily follow its motion Before these affections were in severall regards full of corruption but now they are purified for the Masters use Before they were carried out towards wrong objects hatred was set upon God Rom. 1 30. his word Prov. 1.29 Psalm 50.17 and people John 15.19 Love was bestowed on sensual delights Psalm 4.3 Jer. 5.31 2 Tim. 3.2 and 4. and sin Micah 3.2 Prov. 1.22 But now the man loaths what formerly he loved and loves what formerly he loathed though sin were the luscious meat which did so exceedingly please his pallat that his teeth were alwayes watering after it and he roll'd it as a sweet morsel under his tongue yet now he serves it as Amnon did Tamar the hatred wherewith he hates it is far greater then the love wherewith he loved it Psalm 119.104 Rom. 7.15 he cannot see this knife with which he had cut the throat of his precious soul and dearest Saviour but his eye affects his heart with sorrow and anger O 't is a killing look which he now gives his most beloved lust he cannot meet this brat of hell this ugly guest in any room of the house but his heart riseth against it And as hatefull as God was to him before Psalm 14.2 Rom. 8.5 7. yet now he alone is the savoury meat which his soul loveth Psal 18.1 and 73.25 If this dish stand on his table though all others be removed he hath that dish which he loveth best His joy before in the creatures is now in Christ Amos 6.13 Prov. 2.14 Rom. 5.2 3 4. Phil. 4.4 his sorrow was before for sufferings but 't is now for sin 2 Cor. 7.9 10 11. His fear was before lest he should lose his flocks or his friends or outward mercies but now 't is lest by sin he should lose Gods favour Psalm 4 6. Isa 8.12 13. His desire was before enlarged after go'd as hell but now 't is after grace as heaven Hos 7.14 Psalm 42.1 Matth. 5 6. Psal 63.1 The desire of our soul is thy name and to the remembrance of thee Isa 26.8 Before the affections were also carried out inordinately after objects that were lawfull The man was like to be drown'd in the shallows of lawfull enjoyments when he joyed in the creatures he would over-joy and turn thereby his mirth into madnesse when he loved his relations he would over-love them and change thereby his love to them into self or soul-hatred so for his anger Eph. 4.26 it would exceed its limits even where it was lawful For these passions of the mind are like the water of the sea usefull and profitable if kept within their bounds but if they overflow the banks they are very hurtfull and threaten a Deluge but the regenerate person doth moderate and rectifie these affections Col. 3.1 1 John 2.15 1 Cor. 7.29.30 He keepeth his fire so watchfully that it doth not burn his house Besides the affections were corrupt before in regard of the contrariety which is in them They did torture and tear the child of disobedience one drawing him one way another plucking him the contrary way but grace composeth the affections which could never agree one with another before Conversion hope and fear joy and grief humility and resolution were repugnant each to other but regeneration makes them good friends when the new creatures heart leaps with hope of heaven he is then fullest of fear lest he should displease God when he is mourning for sin he can rejoice in his Saviour as the heavens can shine and shown at the same time he can be meek and fiery as Moses Numb 12. humble and resolute as Paul and yet not like Rebeckah have two contrary Nations struggling within him The understanding will and conscience are the chief strings in the soul to which all the rest are tuned now they being by the spirit set up to their due height and holinesse the affections are wound up accordingly and so make a compleat harmony of the whole and yields a gratefull sound in the ears of God 5. The Memory is renewed This master of the Rolls or keeper of the antient Records was formerly as a grate suffering the pure and clear water to go through retaining only the mud and filth but now it is like a fan casting away the chaff and keeping the good corn it was before as a sive letting the fine flower go through and holding still the bran but now it is like the Ark wherein the two Tables are safely laid up The sanctified mans memory is a spirituall Treasury he layeth up the things of God as Mary in his heart Luke 2.19 and as occasion serveth bringeth them forth and layeth them out in his life he remembreth the commandments of God to do them Exod
their fraught The other end of Regeneration namely The salvation of the Elect is purposely omitted here because it will be fully spoken to in the next Head the first Reason of the Doctine So much for the description of Regeneration In the next place I shall speak to the Reasons why there is a necessity of Regeneration in every man that would obtain Salvation FIrst Because every man must be prepared for before he can be admitted into that holy place We say in Philosophy Nature doth nothing per saltum the ground is prepared for an harvest by being dunged ploughed and sowed it is as true in this point of Divinity the god of Nature will not save a man per saltum not remove a swine out of a Stie immediately into a Dining-room not take a sinner reeking in his lusts and presenly invest him with a Crown of life no the man must be prepared by Regeneration or holiness in part for salvation or holiness which is perfect The heathen King would not admit Virgins to his bed till they had been purified Esther 2.12 and surely the King of Kings will not receive any into his nearest and dearest embraces till they are cleansed from all pollutions both of flesh and spirit Every man by his first birth is polluted meer darkness not receiving the things of God Eph. 5.8 meer hardness as unable as a stone to move in the wayes of God Ezek. 36.26 wholly captivated under the dominion of sin and Satan Eph. 2.1 2 3. and hereby is unprepared for that holy place The most godly father begetteth an ungodly child Adam begat a son after his own not Gods image Gen. 5.3 The white Halegens hatch black young ones Though the Wheat be threshed fanned and parted from the straw and chaff yet when sowed it bringeth forth Wheat both with stalk and husk That which is born of the flesh is flesh John 3.5 now flesh and blood especially in this depraved sense cannot inherit the Kingdom of heaven 1 Cor. 15. A raker in Privies is not fit for a Kings presence but Regeneration prepareth the soul by purifying it for heaven it maketh the creature meet for the inheritance of the Saints in light Col. 1.12 We scald and season vessels with hot water and thereby fit and prepare them to hold wine or some precious liquour so God seasoneth the soul with grace and thereby prepareth it for glory Grace and glory differ not specifically but gradually grace is aetas infantilis gloriae as learned Davenant calleth it the infancy of glory Glory is the maturity or full growth of grace the same state is an higher stature grace is glory inchoate glory is grace consummate therefore as cloaths by lighter colours are fitted to receive a deep scarlet die so Christians by grace or Regeneration are prepared for glory and salvation The Grammar teacheth the Scholar to construe and pierce and that fitteth him in time for the Vniversity Regeneration teacheth the Christian what mediate Communion with God meaneth and that fitteth for immediate Communion Regeneration makes us capable of the beatifical vision Matth. 5.8 not as a meer condition but as a necessary disposition in the agent towards its object as the sensitive faculties are required to the act of sensation as well as sensible objects And indeed heaven would not be heaven that is a place of happiness to them which are not fitted for it by holiness We say of men brought up in the Countrey that they would not delight in the honours and pleasures of a Court because such things would neither suit their education or dispositions so men who know no other heaven then to eat and drink and sleep and roar and revel and like swine to wallow in the mire of sensual lusts would never delight in that place of Spiritual and Angelical pleasures for it would suit neither their sinful breeding nor sensual natures If their sore eyes which are continually running with a thume of corruption cannot without pain behold the star-light of holiness in the Saints how can they with any delight see God face to face and behold that blessed Sun in his eternal noontide of purity and glory Therefore as they that are to live in another Countrey are fitted for it by learning the Language Customes and Carriage of people in that Countrey So God will have them who are to live in the heavenly Countrey learn before hand the work of the Citizens there namely how to please praise glorifie and enjoy his Majesty Secondly Every man must be regenerated or he cannot be saved because all that attain heaven must be interested in the purchaser of heaven Those that go to that place must be united to and have a part in him that laid down the price though man may be a possessour of heaven yet Christ alone was the purchaser of it We have boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus Heb. 10 19. Acts 4.12 1 John 2. ult He alone is the Jacobs ladder reaching from earth to heaven by the help of which the Christian may ascend thither all other deeds of conveyance will be found forged and all claims made to the undefiled inheritance which are not under him are false therefore heaven is called the purchased possession Eph. 1.14 because bought with the precious blood of Christ for till a mans person be justified it can never be glorified the guilt of sin must be removed or the sinner cannot be saved the soul must be reconciled to God and accepted as righteous in his Son or it can never dwell with God and be made glorious as his Son There are two changes indispensably requisite in all that would be saved The one is the change of a mans state or a moral change when of a bondman to sin and Satan he is made a freeman John 8.36 when of a slave to the Devil he is made the Son of God when he is brought from under the covenant of works to be under the covenant of grace when of an enemy to God he is reconciled to him by the death of his Son when though he were far off he is made nigh though he was not beloved yet now is beloved though he was a child of wrath is now a vessel of mercy John 1.12 Rom. 5.10 Eph. 2.3 Rom. 9.23 1 Pet. 2.9 10. The other is the change of a mans nature or a Physical change when the whole man is renewed after the image of God The former is relative this is real the former is the change of his condition this of his disposition the former change is wrought in Justification this in Regeneration now the change of a mans nature is absolutely necessary because till this be wrought there is no change of a mans state the person is unjustified while the nature's unsanctified For though Christ be the purchaser of the pardon of sin of peace with God of perseverance in grace of an inheritance in glory yet it is only for those that are
the commanding power of sin Tit. 2.14 He gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity and purifie unto himself a peculiar people zealous of good works so Luk. 1.71 72 74 75. Ephes 5.25 26. He gave himself for his Church observe the end that he might sanctifie and cleanse it He died for sin that all his might dye to sin Joh. 17.19 he poured out his heart blood that God might power down his holy Spirit His name is called Jesus because he saveth his people from their sins Matth. 1.21 not only from the punishment but also from the power of their sins Now canst thou think O Atheist to make Christ an half Saviour as the Papists do a Purchaser of pardon but not of purity then questionless thou canst be but half saved and have the greatest part of thy misery still upon thee to wit thy slavery to sin But surely thou canst not think that when Justification and Sanctification are joyn'd together in the purpose of the Father and the purchase of the Son it shall be in thy power to part them asunder A third gate through which all must go that get to heaven is the gate of Scripture The Promises are the gracious deeds and evidences which Saints have to shew for their right to that glorious inheritance And it is cursed presumption to expect heaven without a promise Now God hath in many places excluded thee but in no place promised heaven to thee Look from the beginning to the end of the Bible and thou shalt not finde one good word spoken to thee there are woes and curses threatnings and judgements which thou mayst challenge as thy part and portion but no promise or saving blessing All the promises of salvation are conditional Matth. 5.8 11.28 John 3.16 yea including and expressing this very condition of conversion He that believeth shall be saved saith God Mark 16.16 And repent that your sins may be blotted out Act. 3.19 the body and soul do specifically constitute the whole new man and upon those two hinges of Faith and Repentance do all the saving promises in the Bible hang therefore thy expectance of the benefit of the promise without the performance of the condition is soul-damning delusion Thou mayest like a dog snatch at the children bread the Promises but assure thy self thou hast no part nor lot in these matters This Reader is the difference betwixt presuming and believing he that believeth finding in his own soul the conditions mentioned in the promises of eternal life as namely that he walks after the spirit mortifieth the deeds of the flesh hath his conversation in Heaven Rom. 8.1 Phil. 3.19 and the like relieth on Christ for pardon and life upon the warrant and security of his word and promise Psal 119.114.145 He that presumeth looketh that God should perform his part of the promise in giving salvation but never mindeth whether he perform his part of the promise in observing the condition Let thy conscience be judge whether thou art not such a presumtuous person and therefore doest in vain look for the fruit of the promise 4. All that get to heaven must go through the gate of mediate communion heaven must be nigh thee before thou canst be in heaven it is fellowship with God in this world which fitteth for fellowship with God in the other world without holiness none shall see God Heb. 12.14 because without holiness none can see God an unholy mind cannot behold him an unholy will cannot enjoy him unholy affections cannot delight in him an unholy man in heaven could not finde it a place of happiness for 't is not a Turkish Paradice but a place of holy pleasures 't is mediate communion which doth capacitate the soul for immediate communion and as the weaker eyes may behold the Sun in its beams then in its glorious body at the highest in a clear day so a smaller degree of holiness will enable the soul to see God in the glass of his ordinances then to see him face to face Now thou canst not enjoy him in this imperfect degree much less in a state of perfection If thou sayest that thou hast fellowship with him and walkest in darkness thou liest 1 Joh. 1.6 Mark If thou sayest that thou enjoyest fellowship with God and leadest a sinfull life thou tellest a broad lye all that enjoy the Ordinances of God do not enjoy the God of Ordinances all that go to Church do not meet with Christ What cummunion hath light with darkness or Christ with Belial truly no more hath God with thy soul Princes are not so prodigal of their intimate friendship and favour as to throw them away upon their foes Thy carnal minde is emnity against God God is a profest enemy to thee and therefore can they ever walk together till they be agreed now there is a necessity of walking with him before thou canst be translated to him Gen. 5.21 or else thou hast found out a nearer way to heaven then the children of God went in Besides the Scripture speaketh plainly that he who hath a true hope of heaven doth purifie himself as God is pure 1 John 3.3 True hope begetteth and increaseth holiness now doth thy hope cause thee to purifie thy self when like an infant thou pollutest thy self liest contentedly in thy filth and never mindest cleansing Now tell me Reader whether thou doest not sadly cozen thy self in dreaming of salvation without regeneration when God predestinated all to be conformable to the image of his Son in purity whom he predestinated to be conformable to the image of his Son in glory Rom. 8.29 when Jesus Christ suffered not onely to procure pardon but for all his freedom from the power of sin when the promises of the Gospel do express regeneration as the indispensable qualification of all that shall be saved Acts 3.19 and when thou art so far from being capable of immediate communion hereafter that it is impossible that thou shouldest in thy carnal estate have mediate communion with him here canst thou continue in thy thoughts that heaven shall be open to thee when the hand of Almighty God hath shut it against thee and blocked up every way which leads to it to keep the out and how deceitfull and desperately wicked is thy heart to promise thee if thou wilt serve sin and the world the beautifull Rachel of heaven when after all thy slavery to thy lusts thou shalt be put off with the blear-eyed Leah of Hell Believe not O Reader The wicked one if thou lovest the life of thy soul he may by his lying spirit in thy heart as sometimes in the mouth of Ahabs false prophets perswade thee to go on in thy sinfull courses and promise thee as he did Ahab that thou shalt prosper but if thou doest not perish if thou followest such counsel the Lord hath not spoken in his Word I tell thee man God hath no birthrights for such prophane Esaus nor inheritances for such
was a pious plot laid before onely put off till a convenient day asketh the head of some lust in a charger the King sendeth presently commandeth execution to be done accordingly The new creature doth now with a joyful heart look up to Heaven and saith Blessed be the Lord God of Israel who hath this day avenged me of mine enemy would to God that all the enemies of my Lord the King and all that rise up within me against thy Laws were as that one Lust He also withdraweth those things which have fed his spiritual diseases he takes away the fuel that he may put out the fire he hates the very cup out of which he formerly drank his loathsom physick he cuts off those pipes which have supplied his Adversaries he avoideth the occasions of evil he knoweth that his corrupt heart is gunpowder and therefore wheresoever he goeth he is fearful of the least spark He hateth the garment spotted with the flesh Jude 19. He endeavoreth that his raiment may not onely be preserved from burning but as the three childrens from sienging He is a true Dove that doth not only flye from the Hawk from sin but will not so much as smell of a feather which falleth from the Hawke he abstaineth from appearances of evil he dares not come near the brow of the hill so far is he from falling to the bottom Thus the sanctified man useth all means for the murdering of his sins Now Reader consider how is it with thee hast thou applied these several particulars to thy self What sayst thou Is it thy endeavor by every providence and thy end in every ordinance to mortifiethy corruptions to bring those Traytors to execution Is it thy design to cover sin or to kill sin do'st thou pray against sin as Austin confest he did before his conversion as one afraid that God should hear thee and grant the request not of thy heart but of thy lips or is the death of thy sins the very desire of thy soul an unconverted man may put up many prayers but no desires against sin An unregenerate person fighteth against sin Livy as the Athenians against Philip of Macedon with words rather then with swords Or as some that openly prosecute the Law against a Malefactor and yet favor him underhand so this man makes a shew of pursuing sin unto the death accusing arraigning it witnessing against it in prayer and desiring judgement but inwardly he so minceth the matter taketh off the edge of the evidence against it as one resolved that it shall live His expressions cry out of sin as the Jews of Christ Away with it away with it 't is not worthy to live Let it be crucified but his affections call with much more ardency as Pilate Why should it die what evil hath it done we finde no fault in it or at lest as Austins heart Not yet Lord not yet A little longer he would willingly laze upon the bed of lust A little more slumber a little more steep saith this spiritual sluggard Truly all this shew of warring against sin is but false fire which you know can do no execution Fencers at a prize sometimes ply one another so home and strike so hard that they seem to be in earnest when they are all the while but in jest their intentions are to please the people and thereby to advance their profit by getting a little money but not at all to wound one another at lest not dangerously a slight wound possibly may happen Thus unsanctified men combat with sin they seem by their praying reading hearing to aim at its death to be in earnest when indeed their intentions are to carry on their own interest and their resolutions that however they may raze sin slightly for their own ends not to wound it deeply Friend I know not but God knoweth whether it be thus with thee or no Dost thou by civility by the performance of duties by attendance on ordinances tell the world that thou wouldst crucifie thy corruptions when such a thing is not in thy retired thoughts as Caligula with banners displayed battel ranged trumpets sounding set his souldiers to gather cockles Or doest thou enter the list against thy lust as David against Goliah reckoning to kill or be killed resolving through the help of heaven the ruine of the uncircumcised Philistine Is the fight between thy judgment thy wil between thine inlightned conscience and thy affections or btween the spirit and flesth the law in thy mind and the law in thy members the regenerate and the unregenerate part Dost thou hate and fight against sin as sin 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Arist Rhet. and so against every sin for all true hatred is against the whole kind Dost thou loath it as much when it riseth in thy heart as when it rageth in thy life in thy dearest friends as in thy bitterest enemies It was said of Anthony that he hated a Tyrant not tyranny dost thou abhor the disease or the patient canst thou say as David I hate every false way Psal 119.104 Universality in this is a sure sign of sincerity Herod spits out some sins when he rolls others as sweet morsels in his mouth An hypocrite ever leaves the Devil some nest-egg to sit upon though he take many away Some men will not buy some commodities because they cannot have them at their own price but they lay out the same money on others so hypocrites forbear some sins yea are displeased at them because they cannot have them without disgrace or diseases or some other disadvantage but they lay out the same love upon other sins which will suit better with their designs Some affirm what the Sea loseth in one place it gaineth in another so what ground the corruption of the unconverted loseth on way it gaineth another There is in him some one lust especially which is his favorite some King-sin like Agag which must be spared when others are destroyed In this the Lord be merciful to thy servant saith Naomi But now the regenerate laboreth to cleanse himself from all pollutions both of flesh spirit 2 Cor. 7.1 Grace is like Caesar who would admit of no superior nay like oyl t will allow of no mixture Sin may be in the Saint as rawness and illness in water but the fire of Grace worketh it out by degrees sending it forth in the scum The least drop of water is contrary to and opposed by fire as well as the full vessel so the least sin is contraty to and opposed by Grace is well as the greatest The shepherds dog forceth the whole flock to flie but hath a special eye to one sheep to which he is directed by the staff or a stone from the shepherd Or as the hounds saith a Divine drive the whole herd of Deer before them yet have a special eye to one Deer which is singled out by the dart of the Huntsman that however others may scape yet that shall
he kindleth others All good is diffusive of it self and the more of goodness in any the more of diffusiveness If Peter be converted he will strengthen his brethren if David be reduced he will teach sinners Gods ways None are more desirous of children then they who have God for their Father The true Christian that hath tasted God to be gracious and found good entertainment at his table cannot but commend his hous-keeping to others and advise them to accept of the same chear As the sun refresheth many with his warm rays especially them that are near it so doth the Saint benefit many by his fervent prayers for them occasional counsels and constant pattern to them but especially those that are of his own family There indeed are his most cherishing beams and enlivening influences O how diligent is he that the King of Saints may have his throne in every heart within his house Like the Bee he goeth to the flower of this duty and to the flower of that Ordinance sucking some honey some soul-sweetness and then carrieth all home to his hive to his family He will study and strive that his cottage may become a Church his house Gods lesser heaven 'T is a mercy to be his Wife he will labor that Christ may be her Husband 'T is an happiness to be his children he will endeavour that God may be their Father 'T is a priviledge to be his servant he will do his utmost that such may be heirs of salvation His house is an healthful air for the souls of others to breathe in Grace like fire cannot be hid you may as soon conceal musk in your hand as grace in your heart The turning of a sinner from evil to good is like the turning of a bell from one side to another which reporteth its own motion The Convert is resolved as Elijah to shew himself and in this among the rest in bringing more customers to that shop where he had such cheap and kind usage The Devil was no sooner fallen but he laboured to draw man to the same wickedness and wretchedness with himself the dead in sin are no sooner raised to spiritual life but they endeavour to draw others to the same holiness and happiness with themselves These things I write unto you that ye may have fellowship with us and truly our fellowship which is the only good fellowship is with the Father and Jesus Christ his Son 1 Joh. 1.3 The childe of God cateth not his morsel alone but loveth company he is very covetous to make Proselites unto Christ We have a saying That he was unworthy to be born by whom another is not born Sure I am he may question whether he were ever born again that doth not labour that others may be so also Reader Try thy self by this touchstone art thou an heavenly Merchant to ingross spiritual commodities to thy self or art thou desirous that others should share with thee Is the voyce of thy heart like Cains Am I my brothers keeper or like Moses Would God that all the Lords people were Prophets and that the Lord would put his Spirit upon them Canst thou stand ●y and see others lose their God and Christ and souls for ever and not be at all troubled so thy stakes are saved Dan. 6.14 or dost thou with Darius labour hard to keep poor creatures from the roaring lion and with Abraham pray heartily that poor Sodomites may be preserved from fire and brimstone Is it all one to thee whether thy neighbors and relations sink or swim be sinners or Saints be saved or damned truly then its a sign thou art not born of God for wert thou his son thou wouldst endeavour by thy prayers pattern and precepts to raise up seed to thine elder brother Jesus Christ Reader Credo Domine vera fide etsi languida fide Oecolampad It is far from my thoughts to disown or discourage the least degree of grace I know that the Embryo in the womb is reckoned towards a childe the break of day a part of the day A palsie shaking hand is a true hand and may receive a jewel as surely though not so steadily as another hand A weak hand of Faith is a true faith and may receive the pearl of price as certainly though not so chearfully as a strong Faith If thy desires after these particulars be sincere and accompanied with suitable endeavours it will speak much for thee I am not bringing thy graces to the ballance to weigh them that I may know their quantity and degrees and how rich thou art but to the touchstone to try them that thou mightest know their quality and truth whether thou art poor in spirituals or poor in spirit whether thou art worth any thing or nothing for thine endless estate in the other world To sum up this Use I would request thee to be so great a friend to thy precious soul as to be impartial and faithful in its search and trial Look much at the constant bent and inclination of thy heart One act will not speak an habit nor a few good or bad motions an holy or evil heart Thou mayst have some cogitations of heaven when thy conversation is not in heaven The air is light yet not a lightsom body because it 's lighted by the presence of another when that is removed its dark as in the night So if thy light of holiness in any of the forementioned particulars be only like a flash of lightning for a fit it is a sign the root of the matter is not in thee On the other side thou mayst have flesh in thee and yet thou not be in the flesh Thou mayst be in the right way to heaven though thou art sometimes stopt and hindered in thy journey A stream or vent of a river may be to go downward yet the River may be dammed up for a while but 't will rise higher and higher and at length beat down and overcome that which hindereth it so if the tendency of thine inward man its ordinary frame and temper be but towards God and the Divine nature be not discouraged though there may be the mud of corruption to stop the stream for this living water of grace will be so beating upon it that t will over-power it and ride triumphantly over it But be sure that thou bring the matter in debate to an issue by no means desist till thou bringest it to some result If Satan can but perswade thee either to daub about it for his his speech will be like that of Peter to Christ Master pity thy self or to leave the question still in doubt he knoweth that he shall spoil the working of all this Physick be it never so good I know that thine heart will be as hard to be kept to it as an eel in thine hands therefore serve thine heart as the Judge serveth the Jurors at an Assize First they are sworn to be true and faithful in deciding and determining
shall inherit the earth Matth. 5.5 If heaven can make thee blessed thou shouldst be blessed Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven Matth. 5.3 If all things could make thee blessed thou shouldst be blessed Whether Paul or Apollo or Cephas or the world or life or death or things present or things to come all are yours and ye are Christs and Christ is Gods 1 Cor. 3. two last verses Reader I shall do my utmost so to set forth the felicity of the regenerate which no pen can fully that thou mayst admire it How goodly are thy tents O. Jacob and thy tabernacles O Israel Numb 24.5 and not only as Balaam desire their deaths Let me die the death of the righteous and let my latter end be like his Numb 23 10. but also endeavour to live their lives and to have thy conversation like theirs While thou continuest in this world thou shouldst be a blessed soul and when thou entrest into the other world thou shouldst be a glorions Saint In this world thou shouldst be a blessed soul in every condition into which thou couldst come in every relation in which thou dost stand at all times and in all places whatsoever All the Providences of God should be profitable to thee If Gods hand were enlarged in mercy thy heart should be enlarged in duty If God should prosper thee in temporals the streams of his bounty should lead thee as the water course either upward to the spring or downward to the ocean to the source and fountain of all thy happiness Thy heart would still be in heaven where thy best things were even then when thy body were busied among earthly good things 1 Cor. 7 29 30 Phil. 3.19 Some observe of the seed called Henbane that it killeth all birds save sparrows and to them it is nourishing food and they give this reason because their veines are so narrow that the fumes of the seed cannot passe through them to their hearts truly thus t would be with thee though thou sands of others are poisond with their worldly portions because the fumes thereof penetrate into their vitals but if riches increase thou shouldst not set thine heart upon them nay thou shouldst get nourishment from them As Jehosaphat the more honour and wealth thou hadst the more thy heart would be lifted up in the ways of God 2 Chro. 17.5 6. If thine estate were but little yet t would be perfumed with love and that lump of sugar in thy cup would make the liquor sweet be it never so small As the waters which flow from the hils of some of the Islands of Molacca taste of the Cinamon and Cloves which grow there so should thy guift though it were but water taste of the good will and special grace of the giver Thy little with the fear of the Lord would be better then the riches of many wicked men Psal 37 15. As a little ring with a very costly Diamond in it is far more worth then many great ones without it so thy estate though it were but a penny should be joyned with the pretious jewel of that love which is better then life and enjoyed by special promise and thereby be infinitely more worth then the thousands and millions of others bestowed meerly from common bounty and enjoyed onely by a generall providence If the black frost of adversity overtake thee thou shouldst as Conies thrive the better thy soul being hail thou wouldst become thereby the more healthy By affliction thou shouldst be partaker of Gods holiness Heb. 12.10 The waters of affliction should wash out the diri of thy corruption and the more they increased they would raise thee as the flood the Arke higher above the earth and mount thee nearer to heaven Torches burn the better for beating Spices smell the sweeter for pounding Vines bear the more for bleeding and the more thy soul were kept down by those weights like the Palm-tree the more thou shouldst grow That scouring and rubbing which fretteth others should make thee shine the brighter Psal 94.12 Divine corrections should make thee learn thy sacred lessons It is said of the Lacedemonians that when all other people were undone by war they onely grew rich Truly thus when ungodly ones are the worse for outward miseryes and wants like Ahaz in their distress they sin more against the Lord thou shouldst thrive the better grow the richer in grace and good works The diminution of thy temporal should be an addition to thy spiritual estate Job 36.9 10. As spring-water smoaketh when other waters are dried up because that is living and these are dead nay t is observed waters arising from deep springs are hotter in winter then in summer the outward cold keeping in and doul ●●g the inward heat So the waters of thy graces should not onely continue having a living principle when the Sun of calamity scorcheth and drieth up the dead ponds of unregenerate professors Mat. 13.21 but also increase in spiritual heat Job 17.8 9. Philip. 1.14 If the Devil assaulted thee with temptations they should never be for thy perdition but probation Rev. 2.10 The Captain of thy Salvation would so strengthen thy soul with the Shield of Faith and Sword of the Spirit that thou shouldst not onely defend thy soul from all deadly wounds but offend thine Enemy and be more then a Conqueror over Principalities and Powers through him that loveth thee It would possibly be grievous and terrible to thee to be tempted but if God did not see it needful he would not suffer it nay if he could not make it useful he would not send it by those thorns of the flesh he would prick the vein and let out the ranck blood of thy spirit It is said of Telephus that he had his impostume opened by the dart of an Enemy which intended his hurt Truly so God would make to thee the fiery darts of the Devil though they were intentionally mortal to be eventually medicinal 1 John 5.18 The evil one should not touch thee that is with a mortal or deadly touch As a sound tree shaken with the winde thou shouldest not fall but root thy self the ●●●ter thou shouldest like Sampson fetch meat out of the Eater and out of the Strong sweetness thou shouldst get honey even out of this roaring Lion thy Regeneration like Pollium would be a special preservative against the poyson of that croocked Serpent Nay when thou shouldest fall into the evil of sin even that should turn to thy good God no thanks to thee like the skilful Apothecary would make wholsom treacle of such poisonus drugs If thy corruption should at any time get the mastery and break out in thy life thou shouldst be so well purged by the Physician of souls with the bitter Aloes of Repentance that as those who have had ill humors of their bodies getting head and breaking out in the small-pox and do well thou shouldst be the healthier in thy soul
wanting but it may be made up by this blessing If thou dost hearken unto the voyce of the Lord thy God blessed shalt thou be in the city and in the field blessed shall be the fruit of thy body and the fruit of thy ground and the fruit of thy cattel Blessed shall be thy basket and thy store blessed shalt thou be when thou goest out and blessed shalt thou be when thou comest in Deut. 28.1 to 14. verse Thou wouldst be a blessing to thy neighbours as a conduite yield clear water for others comfort If they were prophane they might be brought to mind piety by thy precepts and pattern If they were good they would rejoyce at thy conversion to God and like Abraham make a feast at the weaning of thee a child of the promise from the breasts of the creatures Thou shouldst be blessed in thy name The memory of the just is blessed Prov. 10.7 Thy name would be heir to thy life as soon as ever thy nature were religious thy name would be reverend and when thou diest thou wouldst go out of this world like some sweet perfume leaving a fragrant savour behind thee O Reader how many sheets might I write in relating thy felicity How honourable shouldst thou be having blood royal running in thy veins and being heir apparent to a Kingdom of glory How rich having a key to Gods treasury and being interested in the covenant of grace which hath more wealth in it then heaven and earth How comfortable having the promises for thy cordials and being garrisond within with that peace of God which passeth all understanding How beautiful having the robes of the righteousness of God to adorn thee which is infinitely more comly then the unspotted innocency either of Adam or Angels The infinite God would be thy God blessed Angels thy guardians beautiful Saints thy companions durable riches thy portion the flesh of Christ thy food his own robes thy raiment and his own mansion house thine everlasting home Thou couldst not cast an eye but it would see matter of mirth nor send forth a thought but it would return with a report of mercy Whether thou lookest up to thy father in heaven and his glorious attendants there or lookest down to his creatures on earth and the signs of his manifold wisdom and mighty power here or whether thou lookest into conscience or Scriptures every thing all things would yeild thee cause of comfort and give thee occasion of inward exaltation In all conditions be they never so sad thy soul would be safe and thine everlasting estate secure The vails are incertain but the standing wages are certain What ballast is to a ship that regeneration would be to thy spirit If the vessel be sound and well ballasted though it may be tossed and rocked with windes and waves yet it shall not be ruined So if thine heart were stablished with grace thou shouldst be steady in the greatest storm nay though thou wert naked in deep waters in the mighty Sea yet Christ thine head being ever above water thou couldst not possibly sink When thou shouldst come to die and to throw thy last cast for Eternity thou mightest walk in the valley of the shadow of death and fear none ill for God would be with thee Psal 23. When pale-faced death knocks at the door of thine house of clay by the hand of some mortal sickness thou needst not be daunted at his grim looks but mightest boldly open to him and bid that Messenger heartily welcom as knowing that he comes from a God in Covenant to give thee a passage into fulness of joy and everlasting pleasures It s reported of Godfry Duke of Bulloign in his expedition to the Holy-Land that when his Army came within view of Jerusalem beholding the high Turrets and fair Fronts which were the skelitons of far more glorious bodies they were so transported with joy that they gave such a shout that the very earth was said to ring again How might thine heart leap with joy when thou upon thy death-bed shouldst with the eye of faith behold the stately Turrets and pearly gates of the New and Eternal Jerusalem Thou mightest contentedly leave thine earthly habitation for the Fathers house and joyfully bid adieu to thy corruptible silver and airy honors for an enduring substance and an eternal weight of glory How cheerfully mightest thou forsake thy meat and drink and all thy carnal comforts to eat bread in the Kingdom of Heaven and to bathe thy soul in angelical delights With what courage mightest thou bid farewel to thy stately dwelling dearest wife most lovely children all thy kindred and acquaintance to go to mount Sion and to the City of the living God the heavenly Jerusalem and to an innumerable company of Angels to the general Assembly and Church of the first-born which are written in Heaven and to God the Judge of all and to the spirits of just men made perfect to Jesus the Mediator of the new Covenant Hebr. 12.22 23 24. Thou shouldst comfortably think of thy bodies being laid in the grave to sleep there till the morning of the Resurrection for that bed would be sweet to thee being perfumed with the precious body of thy Saviour for thee And with what joy mightest thou think of the day of Judgement when thy body should be awaken out of its sleep united to thy soul fashioned like unto the glorious body of Christ and both soul and body made perfectly blessed in the full enjoyment of God to all eternity O the felicity of the regenerate How blessed are they whom God chooseth and causeth by Regeneration to approach unto him Friend Friend Can the world do half this for thee Why then dost thou spend thy strength for what is not bread and thy labour for what will not satisfie Will not God do all this and much much more for thee Why then dost thou forsake the fountain of living waters and hew unto thy self broken cisterns that can hold no waters Ah didst thou but know the gift of God and who it is that offereth these things to thee thou wouldest ask of him and he would give thee living waters John 4.10 Reader what sayest thou to these things Is there not infinite reason why thou shouldst speedily give a Bill of divorce to thy most beloved lusts and strike an hearty Covenant with the Lord Jesus Art not thou fully convinced of the matchless gain of godliness Let conscience speak one would think such powerful arguments could not be denied that so many and such costly Loadstones should draw thee towards Heaven though thine heart were as hard as iron or steel If thou art for profit man here is profit indeed and to purpose Thus whilst thou continuest in this world thou shouldst be a blessed soul The Felicity of the Regenerate in the other World THough in what I have already offered in the Name of the blessed God I have unspeakably out-bid Devil World and Flesh yet to manifest
things exceedingly injure thee Is not God a hard Master to desire such things of thee Ah didst thou but know the worth of them hadst thou ever beheld their excellency or tasted the comforts which is in them thou wouldst scorn this lower world with all its pomp and pride and pleasures for them and befool thy self to purpose for ever refusing or neglecting them I shall endeavour in some few particulars to shew thee the worth and excellency of that to which thou art so unwilling and possibly thou mayest thereby be convinced of thy madness and folly in sticking at that which would be thine honour and felicity Pliny saith that an exact face can never be drawn but with much disadvantage Without doubt Regeneration or the new Creation can neither be admired nor declared by any no nor by all the Saints on earth according to its worth It is the beauty glory and wonder of Saints and Angels in Heaven First Regeneration is the image of God who is an infinite and most perfect good Vide p. 36 37. Here friend at first flight I soar high One would think if I should speak no more in commendation of it here is enough to ravish thine heart with admiring it for ever it is the picture of Gods own perfections Put on the new man which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness Eph 4.24 As it is the same light that shineth forth in the morning which shineth in the body of the Sun in its Meridian so it s the same holiness that shineth in its degrees in the Christian which shineth in perfection in God Regeneration would make thee pure as God is pure Gods will is the rule and his nature the pattern of the Saints holiness Heb. 1.3 Rom. 8. The coin hath the image and impressions of the King Christ is the express image of his fathers person and the Saints are conformable to the image of his Son The Church is Christ unfolded Christ is not a monster Mr Ball of faith p. 285. the head and members are homogeneal like to each other By Reason man excelleth beasts by holiness he excelleth himself inferiour onely to the Angels in degree and made like unto the Lord as far as a creature may be to his creatour Now how excellent is the image of God! the picture of a King is esteemed and valued at an high rate but what is the picture of a God! Some say that the naked body of man was so glorious in his estate of innocency that all the beasts of the field admired it and thereupon did homage to him O how beautiful and glorious is his soul become by Regeneration the image of God that both Saints Angels and Jesus Christ are taken with it and wonder at it He that would not hear when the disciples were speaking and wondring at the buildings of the material temple but contemned it did both hear see and admire at one piece of this spiritual temple when Jesus heard the Centurions words he marvelled and said to them that followed him I have not found so great faith no not in Israel Mat. 8.10 15 and 28. Nay Christ is so taken with it that his heart is ravished and lost with it he he is behearted with it Cant. 4.9 10. It is observable that the blessed God after every days work in the creation of the world Gen. 1. takes a view of what he had made he saw it was good but when he had made man the sixth day after his own image and then took a review of his works and saw every thing that he had made behold it was very good or extream good So good that it caused delight and complacency in God and called for wonder and contemplation from man Behold it was very good no doubt but the making of man so noble and holy did above all the visible creatures so affect the heart of God that he liked the house much the better because of so rare an inhabitant which he had made to dwell in it Therefore when he had made man he made no more man being so fair a peice such curious workmanship that the infinite God resolved to rest and delight in him So when he createth a soul in Christ Jesus unto good works Eph. 2.10 he rejoyceth over his new workmanship with exceeding joy and resteth in his love Eph. 3.17 But when he shall finish his new creation for he will print mans holiness in the second edition in a larger letter and fairer character then it was at first and bring it forth in the other world t will infinitely surpass the stately fabrick of heaven and earth And O how how will it take not onely perfect spirits but even the God of the spirits of all flesh Friend can that be less then eminently excellent which doth thus ravish the heart of God himself with admiration at it and affection to it Would this tend to thy dishonour or disadvantage to be made like unto him who is the foundation and ocean of all excellencies and perfections Secondly Contraria ●uxta se p●sita magis cluces cunt Regeneration is the destruction of sin the greatest evil therefore it must needs be excellent Contraries put together will illustrate one another the baseness and loathsomness of sin will be a good foil to set off the beauty and loveliness of Grace For which cause I shall speak the more to the filthiness of sin For as the better any good is the more excellent it is to be full of it So the worse any evil is the more excellent it is to be free from it Besides dying to sin being one essential part of Regeneration I shall not at all digress Now Sin is the greatest evil in the world there was none like it before it nor ever shall be after it This Brat of the Devil is so vile and abominable that it is very hard to finde out a name futable to its ugly nature Those terms by which it is called of leprofie spot plague vomit mire scum ulcers issues dead carkass exhalation from a grave the vessel into which nature emptieth it self filthiness superfluity of naughtiness the pollution of a new born Infant and many more these all come far short of shewing the poysonous evil which is in sin Therefore the Apostle when he christens this child of disobedience calls it by its sirname That sin by the commandment might appear exceeding sinful Rom. 7.13 The Apostle there doth discharge the Law and charge all upon his own lust which by the commandment takes occasion as water at a bridge that stops and hinders it to rage the more or possibly as a foul face by a glass so sin by the commandment appeared to be exceeding sinful Mark the Apostle doth not say that sin by the glass of the Law appeared to be exceeding foul and filthy or exceeding deformed and ugly or exceeding hellish or devilish but exceeding sinful this includes all them and much more
pleasant ●rov 3.17 Regeneration brings the soul to its centre in which it must needs rest The very work of serving God is a reward in it self in the keeping of them meaning Gods commandments there is great reward Observe P●● 9 1● in keeping of them The service of God affords such satisfaction that Gods servants would not leave it for all this world though they were to receive no recompence in the other world The Precepts of God are sweeter then the honey how sweet then are his Promises Is life excellent This is the true life Eternal life saith Augustine is the true life This is the seed the beginning of eternal life Joh. 17.3 All unregenerate men are dead are but walking ghosts or moving carcasses their souls are but like salt to keep their bodies from putrifaction for a season The Heathen said of a vicious man that lived to be old Multum jactatus est no●multum n●vi gavit S●n ad Panlin alluding to Mariners He was much tossed ●p and down but sailed not at all All the time of thy natural life till thou art converted is lost Paul dates his life from his regeneration We count not a tree living for standing in a garden if it bring not forth fruit Is honor excellent Holiness is honorable Holiness becometh thy house O Lord of Hosts Psal 93.5 It 's more honor to be a Member of Christ then to be Monarch of Christendom Godliness is the honorable livery which Christ purchased for and bestowed on the society of Christians He gave himself for his Church that he might present it to himself a GLORIOVS CHVRCH without spot or wrinkle Ephes 5.25 27. In a word holiness is the honor and excellency of God himself Exod. 15.11 He is said to be glorious in holiness he is called rich in mercy Ephes 2.3 but glorious in holiness his Mercy is his treasure but his Holiness is his honor He sweareth by his holiness Psal 89.35 Once have I sworn by my holiness that I will not lie unto David Great persons though sinfully will swear by their titles by their honors by that which they glory most inthese are their oathes that are most binding with them The great God in whom is no iniquity sweareth by his holiness as his crown glory his great excellency He is above thirty times called The Holy one of Israel This is the excellency which Angels and perfect spirits in heaven and Saints on earth do so much admire him for Is 6.3 Rev. 4.8 Nay as gold Exod 24. ●0 ●5 ●●v 6. ●● 〈◊〉 16 23. Ps 105.42 Isz 5● 10 Pr. 1●5 17 because 't is the most excellent mettal is laid not only over p●uter and brass but also over silver it self so because holiness is the excellency the perfection of God it s laid not onely over his Servants his Sanctuary his Services his Word his Works his Sabbath his Temple and every thing that belongs to him but also over all his other choyce Attributes his Power is holy power his Mercy is holy mercy his Wisdom is holy wisdom Holiness is the perfection of all his excellent Attributes For were it possible which is high blasphemy for any to imagine for those Attributes to be separated from his holiness they would degenerate his Wisdom into craft Gurn. Ar. par 2. p. 2.9 his Justice into cruelty his Mercy into foolish pity and his Soveraignty into tyranny t is the Holiness of God which poiseth every one O the excellency the excellency of holiness who knoweth its worth Reader what dost thou think of this third subject of consideration The excellency of regeneration and holiness which God requireth of thee for the avoiding of hell and attaining of heaven Tell me doth God require any thing to thy wrong If God required of thee to live a thousand years on earth and to spend all that time in hunger cold nakedness disgrace paines and imprisonment or otherwise thou shouldst not escape unquenchable burnings and enjoy eternal life thou wert worse then mad if thou didst not accept of and obey such a command How hearty and thankful then should thy acceptance be of Jesus Christ to be thy Lord and Savionr of dying to sin and living to and delighting thy self in his blessed Majesty which is all he desireth of thee O do not refuse when thou art so well offered Is it possible that thou canst read so much of the excellency of regeneration how t is the image of the glorious God the destruction of the evil of evils the fruit of the death of Jesus Christ the end which infinite wisdome propounds in his workings the special workmanship of Gods own hands the high honour and perfection of the mighty possessour of heaven and earth and thy soul not be in love with it nor breath after it O that I were regenerated O that my soul had those true treasures those spiritual pleasures that wisdom that life that honour that beauty that excellency which no tongue can commend sufficiently O that the pure image of God were imprinted on me O that Christ might see the travail of his soul upon me and be satisfied I have read that when Zeuxis the famous painter had drawn his masterpeece the picture of Helena Nicostratus the Athemian painter beholding it stood amazed at its rareness and admired the exquisiteness of it There stands by a rich ignorant wretch who would needs know what Nicostratus discovered in it worthy of so much wonder O Friend saith he hadst thou my eyes thou wouldst not ask such a question but rather admire it as I do It may be Reader when thou seest the Saints admiring the beauty of holiness ravished with the excellency of Gods image so extreamly taken with it that they read hear watch fast pray mourn weep suffer any thing all things to enjoy more of it thou art ready to wonder what they see in holiness worthy of such admiration and such diligent endeavours but I tell thee Hadst thou their eyes instead of wondring at them thou wouldst wonder with them I and work with them too and that hard for holiness The fourth Subject of consideration The necessity of Regeneration FOurthly Consider the absolute necessity of Regeneration if it were not so excellent yet it is a thing of absolute necessity and therefore must not be neglected It is not a work of indifferency which may be done or may not be done but a worke of indispensable necessity which must be done or thou art undone for ever Reader here is an argument which neither the flesh nor world nor devil can answer and therefore it must not be denied It is indeed so fruitful a blessing that if thou hast this thou needst no more every thing that is worth ought is in the womb of it but it is so needful that if thou hast not this thou hast nothing the whole world cannot make up the want of this There are many things about which possibly thou spendest much
then they needed to do of his justifying himself in his transgressions and taking part with Satan against his own soul he crieth Guilty Guilty when such Bills of indictment are read against him but every word in them is a deep wound to him the wolf in the brest and worms in the belly do not cause half that pain which his wickedness doth by gnawing in his conscience Tell him of the Gospel how infinitely merciful God is and how inconceivably meritorious Christ is and how freely the glad tidings of the Gospel are offered to all O this toucheth him to the quick the sword of the Gospel cuts him more to the heart then the sword of the Law O saith he This this is my death were it not for this I should have some hopes of life but alas I have abused mercy which is the only friend I have left I have despised Christ and neglected the great salvation which was tendred to me in the Gospel Vile creature that I am Mercy Love and Grace came many a time woing me how did Jesus Christ himself with pardon and life come beseeching me begging of me to open my heart and let him in and yet cursed wretch that I was I denied him when the world could lie warm in my bosom all night and sin get a good room in my soul yet my Saviour must stand without and not be thought worthy to be let in I have most unworthily spurned against his bowels of compassion scorned his sweetest and most affectionate perswasions most desperately refused the only means of my recovery and therefore I what shall I do whether shall I go If one man sin against another the judge shall judge him 1 Sam. 2.25 but if a man sin against the Lord who shall entreat for him If I had sinned only against my Creator my Redeemer might have satisfied for me but I wretched I have sinned against my Redeemer and therefore who shall intreat for me O the frights and fears the horrors and terrors which this poor creature suffereth under the sight and sence of his sins and guilt but the fore-thoughts of an everlasting miscarriage in the other world sinks him quite down that he is able to hold up no longer Thus the Spirit first plougheth up the fallow-ground of the heart before he casteth into it the seed of grace he first captivates the sinner and brings him into a spiritual dungeon under chains of guilt and horror that the very irons enter into his soul before he proclaimeth liberty to the captive Isa 61.1 2. and the opening of the prison to them that are bound Some indeed are brought lower then others with legal terror but surely not a few have sailed to Heaven by the very gates of Hell God is resolved that men shall feel sin either here or hereafter Thirdly The Spirit convinceth him of the impotency and weakness of all the things in the world to help him that in the whole garden of Nature there is never an herb which can make a salve to heal his wounded conscience Now the sinner is scorched with the heat of Gods wrath he is like a man in a burning feaver full of pain and he tumbleth and tosseth from one side of the bed to the other trying and hoping for ease he goeth to this carnal comfort or that humane help to have his pain abated and his sores cured but none of them will do as fast as he claps on those carnal plaisters the Spirit causeth his conscience to rub them off It may be first the man useth forreign drugs he being troubled in conscience goeth with Cain to the building of Cities to earthly imployments that the noise of the hammers might drown the voice of conscience that his minde and body being occupied about other things conscience might have no time nor leasure to proceed in preaching its cutting Lectures or else like Saul he runneth to his musick to carnal contentments to merry meetings jovial companions his preferment or pleasures in the world or some carnal diversion if it be possible to turn the water of his thoughts into another channel and so to keep that mill from going which makes such a clacking dreadful noise in his ears and threatneth to grind him to powder Thus sinfully foolish is man as soon as ever a fire is kindled in his soul which would aspire to heaven he runneth with his buckets to earthly springs and fetcheth water thence to quench it the throws of the new birth do no sooner come upon him but he like some simple women takes cooling things which cause his labour to go back again But the Holy Ghost for I am now speaking of one in whom the Spirit goeth through with the work makes all these things empty to him the vertue of those poor cordials is soon spent and now the man is as sick as before Conscience for all these interruptions still followeth him with its Hue and Cry by a warrant from Heaven for the breach of Gods Statutes that the sinner can house nowhere in any of these worldly comforts but conscience is at his heels raising the Town upon him and giveth him no rest the man finds this physick but like hot water to one in a cold fit of an ague which warms a little at present but makes his hot fit the more violent When the sinner findes that his exotical drugs will not cure him he will try in the next place Kitchin physick he will be his own both Doctor and Apothecary he hopeth that his praying and grieving and trouble of minde and resolution to be better will satisfie Gods justice and pacifie his own conscience and heal it throughly O how the man endeavors to lick himself whole man is a proud creature unwilling to beg or borrow of his neighbors very solicitous rather to make a poor shift with what he hath of his own The Mariners will row hard in a storm to get to shore by their own power before they will awake Jesus with Save us Master or we perish But the Spirit convinceth him of the insufficiency of all his prayers and tears and duties to appease God or satisfie his Law the Spirit sheweth him the narrowness and shortness of all his rags how they cannot possibly cover his nakedness conscience telleth him that by his very duties he is so far from paying his old score that he runneth further in debt Alas saith Conscience thy very duties may damn thee He who is of purer eyes then to behold iniquity seeth a thousand holes in thy best coat the holy God seeth sins enough in them to send thee into Hell for them Canst thou poor begger with thy counterfeit farthings think to pay an infinite sum Can thy poor finite performances satisfie infinite Justice for the violation of his righteous precepts And for thy resolutions of better obedience canst thou think that future obedience can satisfie for former disobedience No though thou couldst offer thousands of rams and ten
never fountain sent forth water more freely then this sinner doth godly sorrow when he considereth what he hath done how he hath sinned what a God he hath greived sorrow and grief overwhelm his spirit The fifth step is implantation into Christ the Spirit now leadeth the childe by the band unto Christ nay grafteth him into Christ The soul being convinced of the necessity it stands in of Christ of the endless misery which it must undergo without Christ of the al-sufficiency that is in Christ how willing how able he is to binde up the broken heart and to save the sinful soul doth by the help of the Holy Ghost venture its self and its everlasting estate up-Jesus Christ resolving to stand or fall live or die at his feet The sinner is now between hope and fear not knowing how he shall fare As the four Lepers that were shut out of the City in the famine of Samaria considered with themselves If we enter into the City the famine is in the City and we die there Kings 7.3 and if we sit still here we die also Now therefore come and let us fall into the Host of the Syrians if they save us alive we shall live and if they kill us we shall but die and accordingly they went to the Syrians camp found food there and lived So the sinner pondereth in his heart If I go to the world and the lying vanities thereof I perish vanity of vanities is written upon all its enjoyments the famine is there there is nothing that is bread its whole shop cannot afford a plaister which can heal my wounded conscience if I sit still in this condition under the weight of mine iniquities I perish they will unquestionable sink me into Hell now therefore I will fall into the hands of the Lord Jesus If he save my soul I shall live if he deny to receive such an unworthy wretch as I am I shall but die I can but perish I will therefore venture and accordingly the soul goeth to him and findeth life in him I have sometime thought that when the sinner is come thus far he carrieth himself much like Esther When the King had made an irrevocable decree for the destruction of her self and people what doth she do she fasteth and prayeth and sendeth word to Mordecai I will go in unto the King which is not according to the Law and if I perish I perish Esth 4. ult Thus the poor broken-hearted sinner perceiving that the King of Kings hath made a Decree That the soul that sinneth shall die eternally and he is a grievous sinner he fasteth he mourneth he prayeth and at last resolveth Well I will go in unto the King though it be not according to the Law which shutteth me up under guilt and wrath If I perish I perish possibly he may hold out the golden Scepter of Grace and I may live in his sight thus the poor creature goeth maketh supplication believingly and prevaileth The Devil now layeth all the blocks he can possibly in the souls way to hinder its journey to Christ As when the woman talked to her husband of going to the Prophet for the enlivening of her dead childe he presently endeavoureth to disswade her that 't would be to no purpose Why wilt thou go 't is neither new moon nor Sabbath but yet she went and had her childe restored to life Thus To what purpose shouldst thou go to Christ saith the Devil to the penitent sinner Canst thou think that so holy and righteous a God will have the least respect for such a wicked notorious hell-hound as thou art I tell thee he hath sent thousands that never sinned as thou hast done into Hell and canst thou have any thoughts of Heaven Thou hast done my work all thy dayes and now lookest for a reward from God No no I le pay thee thy wages in blackness of darkness for ever if thou hadst intended for life thou shouldst have minded it sooner thou hast dayes without number broken the Law and many a time rejected the Gospel and now 't is too late God called and thou wouldst not hear now thou mayst call long enough for he will not hear thee he tells thee as much with his own mouth Prov. 1.25 to 32. Therefore thou mayst spare thy pains and prayers for all will be to no purpose Surely thou hast a impudent face and a brazen forehead to expect such choice blessings as pardon and life from that Christ whom thou hast persecuted in his people rejected in his Laws preferring the world and thy flesh before him and daring him to his very face Thus he that was the sinners tempter to those sins turns his tormentor for them and he that when the soul was posting to Hell bid it not doubt of Heaven doth now the creature is creeping towards eternal life perswade him that 't is impossible to escape eternal death But notwithstanding these discouragements the sinner will go to the great Prophet of the Church for the life of his dead soul He thinks 'T is true I am a grievous sinner but I know that he is a gracious Saviour I see nothing but misery and hell in me but I see mercy and heaven in him for my warrant Mat. 11.28 I have ●his precept Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy-laden for my encouragement I have his promise I will give you rest Ioh 6.33 him that cometh unto me I will in no wise cast out I will therefore go what ever come of it and lay my self at his feet if he condemn me and spurn me into Hell I le justifie him peradventure he may lend me his hand and raise me up with hope of Heaven others have gone to him and he hath bid them welcom O the rings and robes the kisses and embraces which many returning Prodigals have had of him who knoweth but he may be gracious to me if he had not been willing that poor sinners should live he would not have dyed if he had been unwilling that I should come why doth he call me Well what ever come of it I will go it may be I may be hid in the day of the Lords wrath Thus Faith at first standeth but on one weak foot I suppose that when the sinner is in this condition the very command of God enjoyning him to believe in the name of his Son is a special instrument in the hand of the Spirit to draw him unto Christ like Abraham he being called of God obeyed not knowing whither he went he being called of God to cast himself on Jesus Christ obeyeth not knowing how he shall speed The Disciples when they hear Christ speaking to them in the morning Cast on the other side of the ship and ye shall finde answer him We have fished all night and caught nothing nevertheless at thy command we will let down the net So the penitent man having tried this and that means and found no water no meat
her and how he shall deal with her or else she will not have him but now Christ by his spirit hath prevailed with the soul and 't is heartily willing to take him for better for worse to resign up all to Christ to part with all for Christ to take all from Christ to be disposed in all by Christ in a word it promiseth with the whole heart to be a loving faithful and obedient wife and now the match is made nay the Saviour and the soul are actually married together And O what an happy joyful day is this If Aaron when he met Moses was glad at his heart how glad is this poor soul now he meets with the Messias The Father accepts him for his child the Son accepts him for his spouse the Spirit hath given earnest already to have the Christians heart for his everlasting habitation the Devils in hell are vexing the Angels in heaven are singing the Saints on earth are shouting for it is meet that they should be merry for this son was dead and is alive was lost and is found was a cursed sinner and is become a blessed Saint So I have dispatched the first branch of this second help to regeneration namely an observation of those several steps whereby the wandring sheep is brought home I come now to the second branch of this help which is a pliable submission to the workings and motions of the Spirit when the Spirit at any time maketh his addresses to thy soul Reader I must earnestly beseech thee if thou hast the least spark of love to thy soul and endless good in the other world that thou be more tender of the motions of the Spirit then of the apple of thine eye When the Holy Ghost cometh to thy soul by its motions to good thy kinde entertainment of it may be as much as thine eternal happiness is worth and probably invite the Spirit to stay with thee perfect the work and abide in thee for ever whereas if thou shouldst grieve or quench the Spirit and affront this Ambassador which is sent to treat with thee about terms of peace between God and thy soul he may be called home and thou never hear of him more We read in Genesis 2.2 Incubabat aquis Iun. Gen. That the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters Several read the words The Spirit of God was sitting or hatching upon the waters It is a Metaphor taken from birds or hens they sit and move upon their eggs to hatch them and bring them forth and when they are hatched they still sit and move upon them to cherish and bring them to perfection So the Spirit of God sat or moved upon that face of the deep that by his motion or incubation he might hatch and bring forth out of that vast Chaos the several kindes of creatures Thus the Spirit moveth upon thy heart he sitteth upon he broodeth on thee that he may hatch and bring thee forth a new creature Therefore consider what thou dost and how thou carriest thy self towards him fowls when they have been much disturbed have left their eggs and never hatched them they have come to nothing shouldst thou resist the Spirit in his operations or quench him in his motions when he is brooding on thy soul he may take its eternal flight from thee When the Spirit cometh to thy soul by its motions disswading thee from sin or stirring thee up to holiness Jesus Christ then knocks at the door of thy heart every motion is a knock from the hand of Christ if thou hearkenest and openest he will come in and sup with thee but if notwithstanding his knocking thou wilt not hear though he cometh upon an errand so infinitely for thine advantage he will depart away in a distast as neighbors when they are so uncivilly used and thou mayst never hear of him more Thou art apt to complain that thou wantest help to turn from sin and to turn unto God I tell thee when the Spirit moveth and worketh within thee to minde thy soul and thine eternal estate he offereth thee his help and assistance and if thou hearkenest to and obeyest his motions thou shalt have his help As he was teaching the power of God was present to heal them Luke 5.17 Whilst the Son of man was teaching at that ni●k of time the power of God was present to heal mens bodies so when the Spirit is moving at that very time the power of God is present to help thy soul now if thou takest that time thou mayst be an happy man for ever If when the windes blow fairly for mens voyage they then hoise up their sails and be going they may through the help of the winde be at their Haven in convenient time but if they neglect the opportunity and will not lanch out whilst the winde offereth its help they may be dead before they have another winde and so never go that voyage Thus if when the gales of the Spirit blow and offer thee their assistance for Regeneration and Salvation thou then presently lanchest out and compliest with its motions through its help thou shouldst be seasonably and safely landed in Christ and at the Haven of Heaven but if thou then liest still and neglectest this oportunity God knoweth but thou mayst be dead before the Spirit blow so favorably for thee again Solomon telleth us that there is a time for every purpose under Heaven and a time to be born Eccles 3.1 2. There is time for every purpose that is an opportunity when the work may be done best and with most advantage yea when it must be done or shall not be done at all now such a time such an opportunity there is for the new birth there is an accepted time 2 Co● 6● Psal 3.6 and 55.6 a time when God may be found when he is near a day of Salvation this is when the Spirit moveth and stirreth and offereth thee his help if thou passest by that time and dost not then strike in thou mayst come as Esau too late for the blessing thou mayst as some idle persons that are tippling and drinking in an Ale-house when they should be in the market let slip thy opportunity and finde it too late to buy the wine and milk in the Gospel It is one great misery of men and women that they observe not neither improve their opportunities The turtle and the stork Ier. 8.7 and the crane and the swallow they all know their opportunity and their time but the generation of mankinde neglect theirs O that thou hadst known in this thy day the things which concern thy peace Opportunity is a transient thing it is quickly gone but it bringeth a lasting treasure along with it which if neglected can never be recovered time is all the while a man liveth on earth but opportunity is onely when the Spirit moveth Me ye have not alwayes saith Christ Friend thou wilt make hay while the Sun shineth
I mean improve opportunities for the good of thine outward estate when the heavens offer thee their help then thou wilt cut thy corn or hay and make it and carry it in For thy soul sake do not neglect the Spirit when he offereth thee his help for a spiritual harvest when the Holy Ghost moveth like the Angel upon the waters then at that nick of time if thou steppest down art pliable to its motions thou mayst be healed The Spirit of God is a tender thing saith one grieve it once and you may drive it away for ever Grieve not the Spirit Ephes 4.30 much less quench it least of all resist it Masters of a calling will not be check'd 1 Thes 5.19 Acts 7.51 The Client by losing a term hath lost his Suit Saul by losing his opportunity lost a Kingdom 1 Sam. 10.9 13. Reader the way to lose the Kingdom of Heaven is to neglect and slight the motions of the Spirit the onely opportunity for thy Salvation For thine help herein I shall direct thee how to demean thy self towards the Spirit when he maketh his addresses unto thy soul for thy regeneration and quickening in which I shall take thee as indeed thou art in thine unregenerate estate for a patient dangerously sick yea unto death eternal though thou thinkest thy self whole and the Spirit of God as he is for a skilful able and compassionate Physitian First I supose that this tender Physitian beholding thee very sick notwithstanding thy conceit that thou art well enough and daily increasing thy distemper doth come to thee and acquaint thee that thou art a diseased person and that unless thou forbearest such and such sins such and such things which feed thy disease thou wilt make thy condition which is already dangerous to be desperate and incurable I mean the Holy Ghost enlighteneth thy mind to lee and convinceth thy conscience of thy sins and misery that whereas before thou thoughtst that thou wast rich and increased with goods and hadst need of nothing yet now thou seest that thou art wretched Rev. 3 1● and miserable and poor and blind and naked and that such and such courses which thou takest will unavoidably tend to thy ruine Possibly thou art one accustomed to wicked company to the Ale-house to deal unrighteously in thy particular calling to lay aside praying hearing reading and the like duties now the Spirit of God in thy conscience moveth thee to lay down these ungodly customs which thou hast taken up and to take up these duties and performances which thou hast laid down and convinceth thee by the word that this is the will of God O now Friend look to thy self that thou dost not sin against this light nor play by that candle which the Spirit of God sets up for thee to work by If thou hadst a guest of any quality in thine house and shouldst burn things of an ill savour in his chamber which thou knewest he hated or shouldst fill the room wherein he lodgeth with filth and uncleanness wouldst thou not provoke him to speed away in a distast and to resolve against ever coming at thine house again I must tell thee that shouldst thou go on in the commission of those iniquities and neglect of those duties which the Spirit convinceth thee of it would be far more distastful to the Spirit of God then all the forementioned uncivil usage could be to an Emperour The Holy Ghost is compared to fire Act. 2. as the word quenching implyeth Now how is fire quenched and put out both by throwing water on it and by taking away the wood from it Shouldst thou notwithstanding its checks and convictions continue in any way of open wickedness thou throwest water upon it and shouldst thou omit those holy duties thou withdrawest fuel from it and therefore be confident the fire will be quencht and go out By sinning against these convictions and light thou art a profest defier and darer of him and maist confidently expect that he should give thee up to judiciary inward darkness which is but the forerunner of utter darkness Rom. 1.20 21 22. Jam. 3. ult Pro. 5.11 12 13. John 9.41 If thou improvest that little stock of help which the Holy Ghost affordeth thee well thou may hope that thy master will trust thee with more every act of obedience fitteth for greater obedience but if thou squanderest that away prodigally by sinning against it thou mayst look for no more Dear friend be tender of the first motions of the Spirit thou sittest cold and frozen in thy natural estate now as ever thou wouldst have a good fire to melt thee kindly to thaw thee throughly to warm thy heart eternally make much of those sparks As thou desirest a spiritual flame which may ascend to heaven take heed lest by presumptuous sins thou blowest out those sparks As the best way to quench the fiery darts of the Devil that evil spirit is to reject them to disobey them in the first motions when the Devil first kindleth them then throw water on them then detest them and that fire of Hell will be quencht So the readiest way to quench the fiery darts of the good spirit is to slight the first motions of it if thou strive against these first motions of him he may never strive with thee more Gen 6.3 It may be thou art a drunken wretch an unclean person a scoffer at godliness a swearer a lyar a cheater by false weights or measures or the like and the Spirit of God whispereth thee in the eare Man dost thou know what thou dost thou art in a lost estate in a damnable condition Turn at my reproof saith God and I will pour my Spirit upon thee Pro. 1.23 Forbear such sins and I will assist thee for the recovery of thy soul O now look to thy self venture by no means upon the forbidden fruit I have read of one that being troubled with sore eyes asked a Physitians advice The Physitian told him that if he did not forbear his drunken intemperate courses he would lose his sight Vale lumen ami●um He makes no more of it but presently crieth out Farwell sweet sight farwell sweet sight He was resolved to lose his sight rather then leave his sin Thou art diseased the tender Physitian cometh to thee without sending for and giveth thee his blessed counsel without asking and t is this that thou must forbear thy lewd sinful ways or else thou wilt lose thy soul thy Saviour thy God thine happiness for ever Now wilt thou by continuing in such courses and rejecting his first counsel say Farewel pretious soul Farwel dearest Saviour Farwel blessed God Farwel glorious Angels Farwel perfect Spirits Farwel fulness of joy Rivers of pleasures Farwel to you all I and farwel for ever Take heed what thou dost with these first motions of the Spirit lest he take of thee his last leave and bid thee farwel for ever When a noble person should come to
thy dying soul What more weighty busines hast thou to do then to set upon those things whereby thou mayst avoid unquenchable burnings and arive at fulness of joy and pleasures for evermore Is thy ploughing or sowing thy buying or selling nay thine eating and drinking half so necessary as the Regeneration of thy soul without which the everliving God hath told thee over and over that thou shalt not be saved O that thou didst but believe what it is to be in heaven or hell for ever ever ever I have read of a woman that when her house was on fire she was very busie and wrought hard in carrying out her goods but at last bethought her self of her onely child which she never minded before for eagerness about her goods but had left it burning in the flames and then when it was too late she cryeth and roareth out sadly O my child Ah my poor child Truly thou art in danger thine everlasting estate is every moment in jeopardy if thou now busiest thy self wholly in scraping and carking and caring for thy body forgetting thy poor soul leaving that to the fire that shall never go out consider there is a time I would say an eternity coming when thou wilt think of it though then t will be too late and then O then how sadly how sorrowfully wilt thou sigh and sob howl and roare and screech out O my soul Ah my poor soul how wretchedly have I forgot my precious soul It is an unconceivable mercy that yet thou hast a day of grace wherein thou mayst think of and indeavour the good of thy soul For thy souls sake for the Lords sake O dear friend mind it speedily hear God now he calleth or then though thou callest loud and long he will never never hear thee When the mother of Thales urged him to marry Diog. Laert. he told her that t was too soon she continuing still importuning him he told her afterwards that t was too late Regeneration is thine espousal unto Jesus Christ the father of eternity calleth upon thee wooeth beseecheth commandeth thee now while it is called to day to accept of his own Son for thy Lord and husband do not O do not say T is too soon I will do it hereafter I assure thee before to morrow night God may say T is too late and then thou art lost for ever Hear counsel and receive instruction that thou mayst be wise in thy latter end lest thou mourn at last when thy flesh and thy body are consumed when thy soul is in hell tormented and say How have I hated instruction and my heart despised reproof And have not obeyed the voice of my teachers nor inclined mine care to them that instructed me Pro. 19 20. Pro. 5.11 12 13. An Exhortation to the Regenerate First to give God the glory of that good work which is wrought in them Secondly to do what good they can to the souls of others especially of their relations I Come in the last place to a word of exhortation to the regenerate If without Regeneration none can attain salvation then O new born creature it highly concerneth thee to be thankeful to God and to be faithful to men First be thou thankful to God What wilt thou render to the Lord for this great inestimable benefit Is not thine heart ravished in the consideration of that good wil which took such notice of thee a poor worm Praise saith the Psalmist waiteth for thee in Sion Psal 65.1 and well it may for of Sion it may be said This and that man was born in her Psa 87.5 6. An heathen had three reasons for which he blessed God One of them was that he had made him a man a rationall creature I am sure thou hast more cause to blesse God that he hath made thee not onely a man but a Christian not onely a rational but a new creature They that are new born in Sion have infinite reason to honour God with the songs of Sion If David praised God Psa 139.14 15. because he was wonderfully made in regard of the frame of his body what cause hast thou to praise him for the curious workmanship of grace in thy soul Thou canst never give too great thanks for whom God hath wrought such great things Do thou say The Lord hath done great things for me whereof I am glad Ps 125.3 What joy is there at the birth of a great heir or a prince What ringing of bels and discharging of guns and making of bon-fires when those infants are born to many crosses as well as to crowns nay and their Scepters wither and crowns moulder away O the joy which thou mayst have in God who art born a child of God an heir of heaven of a kingdom which can never be shaken Do wicked men keep the day of their natural births with so much pleasure and delight when they were therein born in sin and brought forth in iniquity when by reason of those births they are obnoxious to eternal death and wilt thou not keep the day of thy spiritual birth with joy whereby thou art purified from thy natural pollution and assured of entrance into the purchased possession where thou shalt be perfectly purified It was the speech of Jonadab to Ammon Why art thou lean from day to day being the Kings son so say I to thee Why art thou sad who art Gods son Rejoyce O Christian thy name is written in the book of life thy soul hath the infalliable token of special and eternal love It was matter of great joy that Christ was born at Bethlehem Behold I bring you good tidings of great joy For to you is born this day in the City of David a Saviour which is Christ the Lord Luk. 2.10 11. but I tell thee it may be matter of greater joy to thee that Christ is born in thine heart For notwithstanding the birth of Christ in Bethlehem thousands and millions go to hell but Christ was never formed in any ones heart but that man went to heaven It is reported of Annello who lately made an insurrection at Naples that considering how mean he was before and to what greatness he was raised he was so transported that he could not sleep O how shouldst thou be transported with the thoughts of that infinite happiness of which thou art an heir Serve the Lord with gladness come before his presence with singing for it is he that hath new made us and not we our selves enter into his gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise be thankeful unto him and bless his name Psalm 100. per tot Give thanks to God in thine heart by an humble admiration and in thy life by an holy conversation First Give thanks to God in thine heart by an humble admiration of his bottomless mercy If David when he considered the glorious heavens which God had made for man cryeth out so affectionately What is man that thou art mindful of