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A93702 Rome ruin'd by VVhite Hall, or, The papall crown demolisht: containing a confutation of the three degrees of popery, viz. papacy, prelacy, and presbitery; answerable to the triple crowne of the three-headed Cerberus the Pope, with his three fold hierarchies aforesaid. With a dispelling of all other dispersed clouds of errour, which doth interpose the clear sun-shine of the Gospel in our horrizon. Wherein the chiefe arguments each of them have, for the vindication of their erronious tenents are incerted, and refuted; with a description of such whem [sic] the true Church of Christ doth consist of: as also how, and by whom, they may be gathered, and governed, according to the will, and appointment of Jesus Christ, and his apostles, in the primative purity thereof. / By Iohn Spittlehouse, assistant to the Marshall Generall of the Army, under the command of his Excellency, the Lord Generall Fairfax. Imprimated by Theod. Jennings, and entred in the Stationers Hall. Spittlehouse, John. 1649 (1649) Wing S5013; Thomason E586_2; ESTC R203633 304,213 396

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know ' Gainst which two Wolves which would devoure this Land This Treatice like a cumbatant doth stand For preservation of it therefore all That doth desire to see those Meters fall Out of their Ayrie Orbs Read and comply And you are freed from all such tiranny To the Supreame power of the Nation The Commons assembled in Parliament with the Counsell of State c. Right Honourable IT is acknowledged that like Martha you are cumbred about much businesse 〈◊〉 regard of the loud clamors of the men of the world whose chiefe affections are taken up with civill affaires as in a flourishing State with the appurtenances thereunto belonging as in a free trade c. But there is an Vnum necessarium which is farr from their thoughts and I feare not very neare yours viz. the flourishing of the Kingdome or Church of Christ which ought to be your chiefe object to adorne in that the other would fall in of course as our Saviour affirmeth Mat. 6. 33. c. A chapter worthy of your most serious meditations in your now present imployments For doubtles providence doth as well extend it self● over whole Nations as over a particular Person or a Sparrow but such is the fraile condition of our Natures that we dare not trust God with our temporals the best of us are ready with Jacob to capitulate with our Maker and to indent with him viz. that if God would grant him food rayment protection c. then he would build God an house Gen. 28. 20 21 22 c. So we if God will but first build us seeled Houses make us great and eminent men in the world put us into a gallant state capacity c. O then we will promise to doe great matters for God As in a reformation of Religion which shall be Jure divino or agreeable to the will and appointment of Jesus Christ but we will doe nothing for him before unlesse with Jacob to poure a little oyle upon the stone where we intend to erect our promised Fabrick Right Honourable you have with Jacob made large promises touching a full perfect and thorow Reformation viz. to pluck up Antichrist root and branch and that without respect of persons and the Lord Christ having performed your request on his part doth now expect a performance also on your part to him as he did from Jacob but so backwards are you in matters of Divine concernment as that he is also constrained to invite you to it as he did Jacob Gen. 35. 1. Therefore in Christs stead I desire you to imitate Jacob by your free assent who immediatly upon the reminding him o● his promise did instantly as a preparative to the worke stirre up his Family to put away the strange gods which was then amongst them and to be cleane and wash their Garments as also to arise and goe with him to Be●●● where he would erect an Altar unto God who had answered him in the day of his destresse and had been with him in the way which he went Now how neare that his relation did and doth agree with your past and now condition I appeale to your selves O that you had now also hearts to doe the like to your Family of the Common-wealth whereof under God you are Keepers as also that your Houshold of the Nation would as willingly relenquish their Heresies and Schisms as the other did their Idols and eare-rings which that they may doe with more freedome of spirit I hav● by Divine assistance attempted a discovery of them to the end neither you nor they may be mistaken in them viz. Neither they in their Voluntarie delivering them unto you or you in the buriall of them I am bold also in Christs name to minde you of something further to this purpose as in relation to your duty in this present designe of Christ which I presume you are not ignorant of or if you be that you will not continue so having your understanding illuminated At the present it is visibly apparent both to you and all Professors that the Reformation in point of Religion is at a full stand which is by meanes of two distinct Parties viz. the Presbiterian and the Independant the one pulling one way and the other another by which meanes it is betwixt them even almost pulled in pieces the Presbiterian Party being such as would dwell upon a forme and the other being contrary to all forme running themselves into a Chaos of confusions their distempered spirits being utterly voyd of all order or decency so that it is as impossible for these two extreames to unite into one as Hell and Heaven I have therefore by Divine assistance attained to the discovery of the Golden Meane by which they may not only be reconciled together but also brought to practise Jure Divino according to the will and appointment of Jesus Christ in his Word which thing is the now grand designe of Christ therefore it behooves you to stirre up these two parties to comply with this revealed insuing Truth which though it be as yet despicable yet i● will prove most honourable It is confest you have by Divine providence acted very much in relation to a Reformation viz. you have passed over the Red Sea of Prelacy in which Pharaoh and his Hoast were drown'd but all that Spirituall Egypt is not destroyed many of them uncircumcised ones have marched with us into the wildernesse we are now in There be yet thousands of Cavalier Priests amongst us besides you are to know that before you can enter into the promised Land you are also to beare the Arke of God over the River Jordan viz. that of Presbitery it being also an obstacle in the way albeit not so seemeing dangerous as the other Right Honourable the Cloud doth now remove and you are by providence brought even to the brinke of that River through which you must passe or you will never enter the Holy Land take courage therefore right Worthies by considering what the Lord hath done for you and how he hath to that very purpose purged you both from the Episcopall and Presbiterian drosse which were amongst you and how he hath made you and your Government as that new Heaven and new Earth from and unto which the new Jerusalem is to descend the Lord being pleased to make this Nation the Theatre on which he will begin to act his present Designe I shall further presume to minde you that as you have so you are yet to swallow up such waters as the Dragon of Prelacie with his Presbiterian Tayle shall belch out against the Woman you being the earth appointed for that very purpose untill you have dryed up their Sea and River which you by providence have almost accomplisht but till you have thorowly drained them dry you obstruct the descending of the new Jerusalem or the Marriage of the Lambe which is immediatly to insue Therefore I beseech you to delay not time but with a Christian courage resolve to act
c. I am whatsoever was is or is to come It is also reported of a Heathen that being asked what God was said Quod semper est neque principium habens neque finem That which alwayes is having neither beginning nor ending It is also reported that upon the Temple of Apollo were written Tues intimating that such things as are mutable and changeable may rather be said not to be then be There is also the name Jehovah given unto God which signifieth the same with Eheje being added as more usuall and better knowne and it betokeneth two things principally viz. The Eternity Of his name Jehovah and alwayes being of God and his cause of being to all other things as the efficient cause from whom the formall cause through whom and the finall cause for whom all things are 2. It betokeneth Gods power in his goodnesse and truth the first in being able the second in being gracious and willing and third in being constant to fulfill his promise Fourthly this name Jehovah is also incommunicable to all other El●him which signifieth God is sometimes given to Angels sometimes to Judges c. but Jehovah is peculiar unto God so that of all names that are given unto God none doth more fully expresse what God is then the name Jehovah CHAP. II. Treateth of the opinion of the Anti-trenitarians and the confutation thereof THe opinion of the Anti-trenitarians is either to deny the Divinity of Christ or that he is not equall with the Father and the Holy Ghost That there is a God I have proved and it cannot be denyed by any who beleeve the Scriptures or are Rationall Now that Christ is God is also sufficiently confirmed That Christ is God by the Apostle Paul Col. 2. 9. In him dwelleth the fulnesse of the God-head bodily As also the testimony of John Chap. 1. 1 2 3. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God the same was in the beginning with God all things were made by him and without him was nothing made that was made In him was life and that life was the light of men c. with Col. 1. 16 17. For by him were all things created that are in heaven and earth visible or invisible whether they be thrones or dominions or principallities or powers all things were created by him and for him and he is before all things and by him all things consist as also Ioh. 5. 10. Phil. 2. 6. SECT 2. That the Holy Ghost is God THat the Holy Ghost is God is also proved by divers places of Scriptures as in Gen. 1. 2. where it is said that the Spirit of God moved upon the waters by which the creatures were fostered and formed as Job 26. 13. His Spirit hath garnished the heavens 2. Againe as God only created the world so likewise the renovation of the heart is only the work of God because it is a new creation as the Prophet termeth it Psal 51. 10. where he saith Create in me a new heart but this is also the work of the Spirit as it followes take not thy holy Spirit from me and againe in the 12. vers Hold me up with thy free Spirit intimating that without the aide and assistance of the blessed Spirit no divine work viz. as the creating of a new heart can be wrought or effected 3. It is Gods work to teach us his will and to bring us to eternall life but this is wrought by the Spirit as the Psalmist confesseth Psal 143. 10. in these words Teach me to doe thy will for thou art my God let thy good Spirit lead me into the land of righteousnesse in which place the Prophet confesseth that he could not doe the will of God without the assistance of the Spirit of God 4. The Holy Ghost is excellently proved to be God from that passage concerning Sampson where it is said The Spirit of the Lord came upon him Judg. 14. 5. but after his locks were polled it is also said that he knew not that the Lord was departed from him Judg. 16. 20. from whence we may gather that he that came upon him before was the same that departed from him then there called the Spirit of the Lord and so it is evident that the same that is called the Spirit of the Lord is also called the Lord. 5. It is also proved from Act. 5. where Peter reproving Annanias for his dissemulation saith Why hath Satan filled thy heart to lye to the Holy Ghost and to keep back part of the price of the Land c. Why hast thou conceived this thing in thy heart thou hast not lyed unto men but unto God Where comparing the fourth verse with the third it is evident that the lye which Annanias made to the Holy Ghost was made unto God as also Mat. 12. 31 32. 6. Our Saviour also testifieth as much Joh. 14. 15 16 17. I will pray the Father and he shall give you another Comforter How the Holy Ghost dwelt with the Apostles and not in them even the Spirit of truth I will not leave you comfortlesse I will come unto you by which words it is evident that the Comforter he spake of was himselfe for saith he he dwelleth with you and shall be in you As if he had said as I have formerly declared my selfe the first Person in creating of you and now the second Person in redeeming of you so when I am ascended into Heaven I will then shew my selfe the third Person in sanctifying of you I will not leave you comfortlesse I will come unto you He did then acknowledge himselfe to be the Comforter which he would send them SECT 3. Of the Vnity of the Trinity HAving thus procured the Trinity of Persons in the next place I will treat of the Vnity of them which is sufficiently proved by one Text of Scripture 1 Joh. 5. 7. There be three that beare record in heaven the Father the Word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one It is also confirmed by our Saviours answer to Philip Joh. 14. 8. 10 11. where desiring to see the Father is answered by Christ in these words Have I been so long with you and yet hast thou not knowne me Philip he that Christ equall with the Father hath seene me hath seene the Father how sayest thou then shew me the Father beleeve me that I am in the Father and the Father in me the words that I speake I speake not of my selfe but the Father that dwelleth in me he doth the workes beleeve me that I am in the Father and the Father in me Joh. 17. 21. I and The Holy Ghost one with the Father my Father am one Joh. 10. 30. And that the Holy Ghost is one with the Father and the Son we have also the testimony of our Saviour John 16. 1● where he promising the Holy Ghost to his Disciples saith He shall glorifie me for he shall
THe Sacrament then of the Body and blood of Christ is given The Body and blood of Christ only eaten and drunk by faith taken and eaten only after a spirituall manner by the mouth of faith and it is a token of love which Christians ought to have amongst themselves and for which it is called the Lords Table 1 Cor. 10. 11. the Lords Supper 1 Cor. 11. 10. a communion of the body of Christ and they that partake thereof though they be many yet are but one bread and one body 1 Cor. 10. 16 17. Now the same faith shall save us which saved the Fathers before Christs Incarnation who did eate his body and drink his blood spiritually through faith and therefore as the Manna which came down from Heaven and the water which issued out of the Rock was the same to the Israelites as the bread and wine in the Sacrament is to us and in regard as many as did apprehend Christ in the Manna and water of the Rock are said to eate the same spirituall meat and to drink the same spirituall drink which we doe and albeit the figures are changed and altered yet faith abideth one and the same And thus the Fathers did eate Christ before the Manna and after the Manna was ceased Having shewed the manner of eating Christ in the Manna and seeing the like may be spoken of the Pascall Lambe which was not to be eaten raw Exod. 12. 9. that is carnally substantially and visibly with what face can these blockish people think to eate with their mouth and teeth the very body and bones of Christ And who may better be said to eate Christ raw then they which come not with a true and a lively faith but with such an erronious perswasion therefore as raw flesh is offensive to the stomack and such an one as eateth it may to said to eate his owne death so they that eate and drink in the Sacrament unworthily are said by the Apostle to eate and drink their owne damnation 1 Cor. 5. 7. SECT 10. By whom the Sacrament is truly eaten 3. AS none were admitted to eate of the Lambe of Consecration Exod. 29. 33. but such as were of Abrahams Family so none but those that are of Christs Family indeed and doe beleeve in him can be partakers of his body and blood for whosoever saith Christ eateth of my body and drinketh of my blood hath eternall life Joh. 6. 54. so then those men are grosly mistaken and deceived that think that the wicked and unbeleevers doe eate the very flesh and drink the very blood of Christ in the Sacrament for then it would follow upon our blessed Saviours words that they shall have eternall life Further as the Pascall Lambe was not to be eaten by uncircumcised persons or such as were strangers from the faith of Israel Exod. 12. 33. so neither are those Mysteries or Sacraments of Religion to be given to Infidels or profaine persons for our Saviour would not have us give holy things to doggs or cast pearls amongst swine Mat. 7. 2. This shall seeme to be spoken in confutation of the Papists detestable and damnable opinion of Transubstantiation as also that the Sacrament of the Altar giveth life Ex eperè operato by the thing done and being present at though there be never a good thought thereunto by him that is present and a receiver thereof as also that the true and naturall body of Jesus Christ is in with and under the Bread and Wine and may be eaten chewed and digested even of Turkes and Infidels as also that the same true and reall body of Jesus Christ may be devoured of Doggs Hoggs Cats Rats and so consequently these creatures receive and injoy by vertue of the same eternall life which is blasphemy in the highest degree SECT 11. Whether the corporall presence of Christ can be in more places then one at one time Obj. THe Papists verifie it may their reason is because Christs Man-hood say they is so annexed to his God-head as fire in Iron which cannot be separated and therefore must be in all places with the God-head Ans That assertion is false as may evidently appeare by The body of Christ not in two places at one time these Scriptures as Luk. 24. 6. when the woman sought Christ at the Sepulchre where the Angels told them that he was not there for he was risen but if his body had been in every place the Angel had lyed As also at the raising of Lazarus Christ saith to his Disciples I am glad for your sakes that I was not there Joh. 11. 15. and so Christ should not have spoken truly if that he had been there as he was Man Moreover Christ saith The poore you shall alwayes have with you but me you shall not have alwayes Joh 12. 8. Again it followeth not that every thing that is in God should be in every place as God is for the Scripture saith That in him we live move and have our being Act. 17. 28. and yet we are not in every place as he is God for so he is in all places but as he is man he sitteth at his Fathers right hand and if we should grant Christ to be in all places as he is Man we should take away the truth of his body for though his Man-hood be in God and God in his Man-hood yet is followeth not that it should be in all places as his Diety is for as touching his Manhood he was on earth not in heaven when he said No man ascendeth into heaven but he that descended from heaven Joh. 3. 13. And further to confirme this point Christ saith to his Disciples I ascend to my Father and yours my God and yours Joh. 20. 17. Again the being of one body in divers places or in two places at once is against nature and Scripture cannot allow of it One writing to his friend to resolve him touching that passage of Christ to the Thiefe on the Crosse where he saith This day shalt thou be with me in paradise Luk. 23. 43. whether our Saviour meant he should be with his Soule or his Body or his God-head in paradise to which question his friend returned this answer Touching Christs corporall Body that day it was in the Sepulchre and that was not in paradise although in a garden and as touching his Soule it was that day in Hel and none will say that paradise was there therefore that text saith he must needs he understood to be spoken of his God-head and therefore Christs Man-hood was neither that day in heaven or on earth but in the Sepulchre SECT 12. Of Christs preaching to the Spirits in prison Object IN that reply is confirmed that the wicked of the old world were not so condemned but that they might be redeemed from them by the descension of Christ who is said by Saint Peter to be quickned in the Spirit by the which he preached to the spirits in prison which
proved and therefore being so adored here on earth is Idolatry and Superstition CHAP. VIII The eighth Chapter treateth of their Limbus Patrum or their Purgatory SECT 1. Objection THeir opinion of Purgatory or Limbus Patrum where they say all the ancient Fathers were before Christ they ground upon such Texts of Scripture as these viz. In that it is said that Abraham was gathered to his people Gen. 25. 8. c. which Purgatory say they is not for the purging of Mortall but Veniall sinnes and therefore the sinnes of the Fathers were purged there But that Abraham went to no such place is evident Luke 16. Against these grosse opinion of Purgatory or Limbus Patrum 15. where the place to which he went is called Abrahams bosome which certainly cannot be a member of Hell as they make Limbus the Apostle also sheweth to what place the faithfull are gathered unto Heb. 6. 12. where he exhorteth to be followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises as also Heb. 12. 22 23. where the Author termeth the place to which they are gathered The City of the living God the heavenly Jerusalem the place of an innumerable company of Angels the generall Assembly and Church of the first borne which are written ïn Heaven to God the Judge of all and to the spirits of just men made perfect so that where the spirits of just men were there the Angels were for so we read Luk. 16. 22. that Lazarus's Soule was carried by Angels into Abrahams bosome but Angels are not in Limbus Patrum ergo not the soules of Saints departed Again Henock is said to be of that people to whom Abraham was gathered but Henock was not in Limbus for he was taken up into heaven Gen. 5. 24. 2. Abraham went to his fathers in ●race Gen 25. 8. that is with joy and comfort but what joy and comfort is there in Limbus a Lake and dungeon of darknesse 3. To be joyned to his people is not to be joyned to the Angels for Abraham is said to goe to his Fathers but the Angels were not his Fathers neither is the phrase alone as to say he slept with his Fathers or went the way of all flesh or changed his life for Ishmael is also said to goe to his people Gen. 25. 17. SECT 2. Of Abrahams and Ishmaels people NOw Abraham and Ishmael had not the same people to goe unto the faithfull cannot be said to be Ishmaels people nor the prophane sort to be Abrahams people but if the meaning of the phrase were no more then that they were joyned to the state of the dead the faithfull and prophane should all goe to one people wherefore this phrase must needs imply a speciall disposition of the Soules of the faithfull after this life in being associated to the company of the just and laying up their bodies in an assured hope of the resurrection The Apostle also sheweth what it is for the righteous to be gathered to their people Heb. 12. 22 23. to which we are joyned by faith whilst we live and really when we are dead as one saith now quo ad spem in hope but then quo ad rem indeed Again the Spirit of the Lord pronounceth a blessing to them that dye in the Lord Rev. 14. 13. which are three Arguments against Purgatory 1. In that they which dye in the faith of Christ are blessed but they which are in Hells torments for Purgatory they say is a part of Hell are not blessed 2. They are said to rest from their labours but they which are in Purgatory are in labour and paine 3. Their works are said to follow them for their reward but they which are tormented and punished are not rewarded Therefore we acknowledge no other Purgatory but in this life No other Purgatory but in this life a perfect purgation of our sins in Christ and an imperfect which is by a fiery probation of affliction as the Apostle termeth it 1 Pet. 4. 12. where he willeth the Jewes not to think strange concerning the fiery triall which was amongst them to prove them Job also sheweth that our Purgatory fire is in the affliction and sorrow of this life where he saith Ex ibo aurum I shall come forth like Gold Job 23. 10. As also the Prophet Isaiah saith That the Lords fire i● in Sion and his furnace at Jerusalem Isa 35. 9. it is not then in Hell or Purgatory SECT 3. The Papists leave many things uncertain and undiscussed touching Purgatory AGain the most learned of them shewing the difference betwixt the ministry of the Angels in this life and in the next leaveth it as uncertain and undiscussed whether the good Angels or the bad are the Ministers of the torments in Purgatory as for the bad Angels that they should be the Ministers of the Torments in Purgatory or that they should exercise power over them that in their life time did conquer the Devill they hold not neither yet will they have them to be the good Angels for it is not meet say they that they which shall shortly come to be fellowes and partakers with the blessed Angels in Heaven should be punished by such Angels Now let any reasonable man judge whether Purgatory be a meere fantasie yea or no where there is supposed to be torments and yet no tormentors viz. neither good or bad Angels and if not they who then not Christ I am certain for he hath redeemed them neither God himself for the Apostle saith Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods elect it is God that justifieth who shall condemne Rom. 8. 33 34. God then having justified them by faith in Jesus Christ there is nothing further to be laid to their charge if then there be no tormentor in Purgatory there is no torment in Purgatory and so the fire of Purgatory is quite extinguished and put out SECT 4. Other circumstances not agreed on c. AGain besides the uncertainty who should be the tormenters there be other maine points not yet resolved amongst them concerning Purgatory as 1. Of the place where it is 2. Of the fire what it is whether it be Corporall or Spirituall 3. Of the time how long it shall last whether for hundreds of yeares or thousands 4. Concerning the greatnesse of the paine whether it exceed all the torments and punishments in this life all which Articles are not yet defined and determined amongst them we will therefore leave them to their uncertainties and as they make question of the circumstances of Purgatory so let all Christians not only make question of Purgatory it self but also assure themselves Purgatory and Absolution invented only to get money that it is meerely an invention of their owne as that of Absolution which they invented for no other end then to advance themselves in wealth and dignity For otherwise what rationall man can think that it is in the power of any man to forgive the
shall profit you nothing Gal. 5. 2. for when the body is come the shadow must be abolished but the Ceremonials were shadowes the body is Christ Col. 2. 17. their Temple signified the Church of God their holy place Heaven their Sacrifices the Passion of Christ their expiations the remission of sins these things then being fully exhibited and fulfilled in Christ have now no more place in the Church Again the Ceremonials served only for that carnall people To what end Ceremonies served which were as children kept in bondage under the rudiments of the world Gal. 4. 3. but now we are no longer under tutors and governours the time appointed by the Father being expired but are set free and redeemed by Christ Another reason for the abolishing of them is in respect of that people to whom they were prescribed as a marke and cognizance to discerne them from all other Nations but now this distinction being taken away and the wall of partition being broden downe both Jewes and Gentiles being made all one in Christ that also is abolished which discerneth them from other people for the causes being changed for the which the Law was made there must needs also follow an alteration of the Law it self As Of the juditiall Law for the Judicials they are neither abolished nor yet with such necessity to be injoyned the equity of them bindeth but not the strict severity they doe not hold affirmatively that we are tyed to the same severity of punishment now as was inflicted then but negatively they doe hold that now the punishment of death should not be adjudged where sentence of death is not given by Moses Christian Magistrates living now under Christ the prince of peace Isa 9. 6. that is of clemency and mercy may abate of the severity of Moses Lawes and mittigate the punishment The severity of the judicial Law to be abated of death but they cannot adde unto it to make the burthen more heavie To shew more rigor then Moses becommeth not the Gospel to extend more favour is not unbeseeming of which two assertions these are the reasons 1. The first is urged from Lukes Gospel where our Saviour Example reproveth his Disciples because they would have had fire to have come downe from Heaven upon the Samaritans by which we are shewed that vengeance is not alwaies to be taken on them that offend because oftentimes clemency is more profitable both for patience in the offended and amendment in the offend●r and that by the example of our Saviour Luk. 9. 54. The Son of man is not come to destroy mens lives but to save them 2. In that example of Christ who suffered the woman taken Example in Adultery to escape without punishment of death Joh. 8. 11. from which may be inferred that the Adultresse now is not to be put to death but to live rather to be reconciled to her Husband or to come to repentance in which instance our Saviour doth not abrogate the Law against Adultery but refuseth only to meddle with the Magistrates office And albeit Christ did not exercise the Magistrates office in his owne person giving unto Caesar the things that was Caesars according to his owne direction yet in this case it had not been impertinent to have given directions to have had her before the Civill Magistrate as in another case he did send the Leaper to the Priest Mat. 8. 4. if it had pleased him to impose still the severity of the Law yea our Saviour sheweth by this answer Let him that is amongst you without sinne cast the first stone at her Joh 8. 7. so that he would not have them such straight executors of the rigour of the Law of Moses upon others but rather be severe Judges of themselves and with charitable affections to support the frugality of others to which they themselves were subject unto SECT 3. THe difference betwixt the time of the Law and the Gospel The difference of time to be considered must be considered then they received the spirit of bondage to feare but now the spirit of adoption Rom. 8. 15. Then they which came neare the Mount where the Morall Law was given were stoned or strucken through with a Dart whether man or beast Heb. 12. 20. but it is not so now then the blood of Abel called for vengeance but the blood of Christ now calleth for mercy and so speaketh better things then that of Abel ver 24. therefore to mittigate the severity of Moses Law in some cases yet not leaving sin unpunished nor by connivance cherished it is more sutable to the profession of the Gospel of peace and mercy 4. The continuall practice of the Church sheweth as much The practice of succeeding Churches decline th●m to b● mitigated that the rigour of Moses Judicials is mittigated the Apostle only willing the infectious man to be excommunicated 1 Cor. 5. 5. by which it seemeth there was no Law in force to put such to death neither therefore was the Law cruell then neither now doth the Gospel seeme to be desolate but in them both the benignity of God appeared yet by a divers dispensation Then by the death of the body the people was rather parged from their sins then cond●mned but unto us sin is not purged by corporall punishment but by repentance The death of the body then served a● an expiation of their sins prefiguring the death of Christ Gal. 3. 13. but now the expiation of sins is by repentance and remission of sins in Christ Now a greater punishment abideth the contemners of the Gospel even eternall in the next world and therefore corporall death is not so much inflicted now As to the continuance of the Morall Law it is yet in force The Morall Law yet in force and is not abrogated in respect of obedience which thereunto is still required under the Gospel but in respect of the curse and ●alidictio● which Christ hath taken away so that it is most true which our Saviour saith He came not to dissolve the Law but to fulfill it Mat. 5. 17. he hath fulfilled it in his owne person in keeping it ● In paying the punishment which was due by the Law to the transgressors thereof 3. By inabling us by his grace to walk in obedience to the Law SECT 4. Obj. THe Morall Law only prescribeth duties concerning God and our Neighbour and speaketh nothing of man toward himself 2. It forbiddeth perjury whereas blasphemy and heresie was ●s needfull to be forbidden 3. The precepts of the Sabbath is only expressed whereas there were divers other Feasts as of the Passeover P●ntic●ast and others which the Israelites were bound to keep 4. The duty of Parents is commanded but not the the love of Parents againe unto their children 5 The inward act of Murder is not forbidden as the inward act of Adultery namely concupisence therefore there is not a sufficient enumeration in the M●rall Law of all Morall
to exclude all prayer in the Spirit alone that is without words or distinct voyce which is lawfull and oftentimes used by the people of God as we may read Exo. 14. 25. Neh. 2. 4. 1 Sam. 1. 13. Rom. 8. 26 27. Again the heads of that prayer is generall so that no man can apply them aright without some speciall relation or application to his or their particular estate and condition Christ therefore prescribed that forme of prayer that it should be a rule and patterne to make our prayers and supplications by and hath not commanded to use or promiseth to accept of such Prayers as are framed by mans invention but only such as proceed from the Spirit Now in regard the Booke of Common Prayer hath been the The Common Prayer-book the chief cause of the difference betwixt us chiefe cause of the difference betwixt them who terme themselves Protestants or rather Prelatticants and us who terme our selves Christians I am the more induced to treat of it at large hoping that the Lord wil so eluminate their understanding that they wil duly and seriously consider of their opinions and renounce their errours which the Lord in mercy grant SECT 3. IN the first place I wil shew them what Prayer is the holy The deffinition of Prayer men of God doe define Prayer to be the interpreter of the minde Non vox sed votum as one saith the wings wherewith our Soules doe fly to heaven as swife as Cannot Shot out of a Camon the Key of the Gates of heaven that which either early or late findeth admittance that which forceth an audience and unlocketh the ●ares of God himselfe It is also defined to be a calling upon God by celestiall cogitations of which there be Two sorts of prayer mental and vocall two sorts 1. Mentall or that which is not uttered by the tongue but by the minde and this sort of Prayer is called ejaculatory prayer by which the people of God dart up their requests through silence of speech the second sort is vocall or that which is expressed by speech or words For the first of these we have many examples in Scripture as in Of mentall P●ayer Moses Exo. 14. 15. where the Lord saith unto him Why cryest thou unto me c. whereas Moses is not said to utter any voyce but sighed unto God and cryed in his heart whereupon one saith Egit vocis silentia ut corde clamarit he in the silence of his voyce so wrought that he cryed in his heart We have another example in Hannah 1 Sam. 1. 13. in these words Now Hannah she spake in her heart only her lips moved but her voyce was not heard We have also another example in Jehoshaphat who when he was compassed with the Assyrians is said to cry out unto the● Lord which probably was not vocally but mentally 2 Cor. 18. 31. so that the lifting up of the voyce is not the most necessary part of Prayer but the sorrow and contrition of the heart and therefore the Lord saith by his Prophets Before they call I will answer to their secret requests and enward grievances of their heart And this is most probable for God being a Spirit wil especially be invocated by the spirituall part of man Joh. 4. 24. and contrariwise abhorreth those that come neare unto him with their lips their hearts being farre from him Mat. 15. 7 8. now with such as have the Spirit of God this sort of Prayer is much used for by it we may pray upon all occasions unknown unto the world by lifting up pure hearts unto the Lord in reference to which commeth this saying Pii ●rat tassatie good men pray in silence SECT 4. THe other manner of Prayer is vocall that is when the O● Prayer tongue expresseth and uttereth the desires of the heart either of which being produced from a true and a lively faith in Christ is so prevalent with God that they procure our wished desires so farre as the Lord knoweth it needfull for us according to the promise of our Saviour Aske and ye shall receive as also the Lord by the Prophet Call upon me in the time of trouble and I will heare thee Now as there be two sorts of Prayer viz. a Naturall man and Two sorts of men v●z a. naturall man and a spirituall man a Spirituall man of which two sorts of people the world doth consist and they are utterly opposite the one to the other as light and darknesse Heaven and Hell Christ and Beliall As for the Naturall man in regard he would not absolutely declare himselfe to be an Athiest in respect he seeth so many in the world that doe acknowledge that there is a God therefore for fashion sake he wil also have a way and rule to worship God by which shall suite with his condition and to this purpose he doth furnish himselfe with all materials Cap a pea as may conduce to his humour viz. He wil have a Church but they shall consist of his owne fraternity who shall scorne the very name of a Saint ye hate him more then a Devil 2. They wil have a place to meet in as others but it must be The naturall mans humour decked adorned and beautified with whatsoever seemeth delectable and pleasant to the sence for being sensuall themselves and having no other understanding therefore they place their delight meerly in sensuall things as the Apostle testifieth at large Rom. 8. 5. so that if they preach or heare a Sermond it must be if possible the quintesence of Eloquence If they pray it must be in a studied set speech in choyce Oratory their Priests being attired like Havest Dames c. and thus in all their worship doe they expresse themselves to be carnall-minded men and such as the Apostle declareth to be at enmity with God which doth fully appeare by their Serpentine like hate to all such as goe about to disswade them from their folly and madnesse and this they doe in regard they would seeme somewhat religious cannot perform it in another way it being contrary to their game SECT 5. Obj. VVHy doe you endeavour to reclaime them if you can have no other Ans They can doe no other during the time they are in their carnall condition but I hope the Lord hath many amongst them The d●spera●e resolutions of some Cavaliers who belong unto him albeit under that vaile of ignorance whom my desire is to disswade from their errours for otherwise I am confident that it is no more possible for a Camell to passe through the eye of a Needle or to make Hell Heaven then to reclaime the other whose desperate resolutions are so apparently manifest Now contrary to this Naturall man there is a Spirituall man The Spiritual mans humour in point of Prayer who is of a quite contrary minde and opinion for whereas the carnall mans judgement is that Prayer although invented by another
4. Obj. THe Apostle exhorteth them that are taught to communicate to him that teacheth in all good things which cannot be effected but by way of Tithes Ans Such gratuities may be effected and not by way of Tithes Ti●hes no●●f necessity for if I give a Crown or an Angel out of my estate to a Minister may he not be said to participate of all my estate certainly it cannot be denied Obj. If Ministers should stand to the reward of what men shall freely give them they are like to be poorely recompensed for their paines Ans Farre better then the Apostles were for they did not only want the benefit of Tithes but they also suffered impri●onment and persecutions as the Scriptures doth plentifully witnesse the Apostle Paul could say that bonds and afflictions waited upon him where ever he went such was the condition of the Apostles and Disciples of Christ which now to suffer by these fine todd Priests would prove a very hard taske for the most zealous of them to take out Obj. Three parts of the Kingdome will give nothing to a godly painfull Minister Ans Three parts of the Common-wealth and a third part There will be a sutablenesse betwix● the f●●ck of Christ and the true Pastors of it of the fourth wil not be found sit materials for the building of the new Jerusalem or Church of Christ and therefore as there wil be but a little flock of sheep so wil they stand in need of the sewer Shepheards and doubtlesse God hath so ordered it that they should be alike suitable to the flocke for I am verily perswaded that three parts of the Clergy of this Nation and a third part of the fourth wil not be found fit Pastors for the flock of Christ Obj. You seeme to be of a very strange opinion doe you ever thinke to see such things come to passe as the cashering of so many of the Clergy as you speake of Ans Truly until all such of them as I have named viz. the Cavalier Priests be outed of that Function or calling they have so arrogantly usurped viz. as Successors of the Apostles of Christ being as meere Antagonists to them as light and darknesse Heaven and Hell there can be no true Reformation yea until the best of their grime have disclaimed that Antichristian Calling by which they claime their Office it being as they very wel know or may know quite contrary to the election of Pastors in the primative times who was neither so initiated into their office or maintained by any such donation as that of Tithes which the greatest part of the best of them plead for Therefore to conclude our Discourse concerning Tithes whether belonging to Parsonages or Viccaredges as of Corne or Hay Piggs Geese egges c. I am confident that the Pope Cardinals Jesuits Monkes Fryers Abhots with all the rest of that Hierarchy of Rome as also the late Arch-Bishops Bishops Deanes Deanes and Chapters Arch Deacons c. may as justly claime their former Stipends or Church dues as they call them which they once enjoyed amongst us as the present Priests their Parsonages or Viccareges they having no more right to them from the Word then the other before mentioned Obj. Them you formerly mentioned had their Revenues taken from them by the Civill Magistrate but so have not these yet therefore they may justly claime them Ans It is yet to prove that the Civill Magistrate hath a power to dispose of the Common-wealths Estates in a Spirituall cognizance their office being meerly Civill as I have shewed especially towards the maintenance of the grand enemies to Christ and the Common-wealth as they very wel know as also in that they have no warrant for any such maintenance albeit for the best of their Tribe as I have proved at large and therefore for the Civill Magistrate to dispose of mens Goods to the maintenance of Antichristians is more then they ought to doe or can justifie from the Scriptures that of Presbitery being a Hierarchy as the other and therefore to be ab●lished in each particular as the other and that without respect of persons as the Covenant injoynes Obj. They of the Presbitery have been s●ch as have stood up with you in defence of Religion as also by wh●s● meanes you have provailed against the common enemy viz. the Hierarchy of Bishops c. and will you now contemne them Ans The Bishops by th● same rule might have pleaded the like priviledge for they also did well in their time by opposing the Popes grand Hierarchy in this Nation but yet notwithstanding being pressing forwards towards a fuller Reform●tion the Civill Magistrate hath abolished them being the ne● subordinate Hierarchy c. now this of Presbitery being 〈◊〉 a whelpe of the same Litter as I have and shall pro●e they are also as much ingaged to suppresse it notwithstanding 〈◊〉 can be said in vindication of them Yea it is worthy the observation of all Christians how the Grand●es of that 〈◊〉 have also through the just judgement of God 〈◊〉 the very 〈◊〉 course to that end as have the rest of the Hie●●rchies 〈◊〉 viz. by the cruelty that they would have imposed upon 〈◊〉 as would not imitate them in their wayes the first with 〈◊〉 and Fagg●● the second by Banishment c. and these by the imp●isonment c. they had obtained for their opposits by an Ordinance of Parliament which aforesaid Cruelties hath been and is like to be the ruine of themselves whereas otherwise if they had been more modest in all probability they might have been continued to this present time in pompe sufficient for such opposers of the truth as the other were and this of Presbitery now is And therefore Jack as thou didst imitate So thou must likewise suffer 't is thy fate It cannot be avoyded thou must be Deprived also of thy Hierarchy The fourth part of Rom●s ruine by W●ite-Hall c. Treateth how the Church of Christ may be restored to its Primat●v● pur●y in its Gatherers Members Discipline and Government and that Jure Divino or according to the will and appointment of Jesus Christ ANd I John saw the holy City the new Jerusalem comming downe from God out of Heaven prepared as a Bride adorned for her Husband and I heard a 〈◊〉 ort of Heaven saying the The Pieface Tabernacle of God is with men and he will dwel● with them and they shall be his people and God himselfe shall be with them and be their God and God shall wipe away all teares from their eyes and there shall be no more death neither sorrow nor crying neither shall there be any more paine for the former things are passed away and he that sate upon the Throne said behold I make all things new And be said unto me write for these words are true and faithfull and he said unto me it is done I am Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end I will give unto him