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A77022 The churches glory, or, The becoming ornament being a seasonable word, tending to the provoking, encouraging, and perfecting of holiness in believers ... : whereunto is added, A glasse for the unconverted ... as also, several articles of faith briefly laid down for the further establishment and confirming of the faithful / by Josias Bonham, sen. of Byfield in Northamptonshire. Bonham, Josias. 1674 (1674) Wing B3592; ESTC R42680 146,195 373

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house which do most Adorn the same to make it comely and delightful unto the Lord. And that is Holiness Holiness becometh thine House O Lord. Fourthly we have here set forth unto us the duration of this Ornament Holiness how long its comeliness is acceptable in the sight of God and that is here said to be for Ever Holines● becometh Thine House O Lord for Ever Secondly By way of Explication We have several particulars very considerable First who this Lord is tha● claimeth propriety in this house Secondly what the House is and how considered Thirdly what Holiness is And Fourthly how far the term Ever doth Extend Of these particulars Briefly And First who this Lord is that claimeth proprie●● in this House Now among the multitude of Scriptur● Testimonies which do unfold this Quest●on that of Jeremiah is very full and clear where the Lord by the Prophet doth discover himself in these words But the Lord is the true God He is the living God and an everlasting King at whose wrath the Earth shall tremble and the Nations shall not be able to abide his Indignation Jer. 10.10 To this may be added Hebrews 3.4 the Words whereof are these For every House is builded by some Man but he that built all things is God who is a Spirit * J h. 4.24 or spiritual Essence pure † Hebr. 1.13 perfect * Psal 18.30 eternal † Deut. 32.4 incomprehensible * Deut. 33.27 having his Being of and from himself and giving Being to all Creatures of which he is the supream Governour Orderer and Disposer by his Omnipotency Providentiality Omnipresency and Omnisciency according to his Infinite Wisdom and Divine Will Jer. 13.23 24. Heb. 4 13 See Psal 22.28 Rev. 19.6 Ps 65.9 Ro. 13.1 Ephes 1.11 Thus much to the first particular Who it is that claimeth Propriety in the House The Second Question concerns the House it self under what Consideration it may be taken The term House doth signifie a Dwelling-place a place of Abode Habitation or of Rest Now it is not to be conceived that any one particular place can comprehend an Incomprehensible and Infinite God Do not I fill Heaven and Earth saith the Lord Jerem. 23.24 If I ascend up into Heaven thou art there saith the Psalmist If I make my Bed in Hell behold thou art there If I take the wings of the Morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the Sea even there shall thy Hand lead me and thy right hand shall hold me Psal 139.7 8 9 10 11 12. So that God dwells in Heaven by his glorious essential Presence in Hell by his Wrath and just Judgments in the World by his common Mercies and in his Saints by his Spirit whereby they are regenerated sanctified assisted and assured o● his Favour in the use of all his Ordinances And under this last Consideration i● my ensuing Discourse I shall consider th● House of God That a Believing people in whom the Covenant of Grace is confirmed by the in-dwellings of the Spirit o● Grace in its Operations and powerful Influences whereby they are drawn forth to walk with the Lord Christ in the Faith and Practice of his Truth according to his Revealed Will contained in his Word such a People upon a Scripture-account may be called the Lords-House The Apostle Peter writing to the Saints scattered abroad considering them as People in Covenant with Christ and Partakers of the Spirit unto Sanctification and Obedience putteth them under this Denomination Ye also as lively Stones saith he 1 Pet. 2.5 are built up a spiritual House an holy Priesthood to offer up spiritual Sacrifice acceptable to God by Jesus Christ So Hebr. 3.6 Christ as a Son over his own House whose House are we if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoycing of the Hope firm into the end The Believing Ephesians likewise being in Christ by Faith and Christ in them by his Spirit operating and working them up to Sanctification and Obedience and sealing the Promises unto them The Apostle considering their near Relation unto God which they were hereby brought ●nto hath these Expressions concerning them Now therefore saith he Eph 2 1 20 21 22 ye are no more Strangers and Forreigners but Fellow-Citizens with the Saints and of the Houshold ●f God and are built upon the Foundation ●f the Apostles and Prophets Jesus Christ ●imself being the chief Corner Stone in whom all the Building fitly framed together ●roweth unto an holy Temple in the Lord ●n whom ye also are builded together for an Habitation of God through the Spirit Thus Gods People are his Habitation as God hath said I will dwell in them and walk in them and I will be their God and they shall be my People 2 Cor. 6.16 The Prophet Isaiah doth bear testimony to this truth Isai 66.1 2. Thus saith the Lord The Heaven is my Throne the Earth is my Footstool where is the House that ye build unto me saith the Lord and where is the place of my Rest for all those things hath my hand made and all those things have been saith the Lord but to this man will I look even to him that is poor and of a contrite Spirit and trembleth at my Word Two things briefly we may note in these words First the Question propounded Where is the House that ye build unto me saith the Lord and where is the place of m● Rest Secondly the Lords Answer to hi● own Question But to this man will I look even to him that is poor and of a contrit● Spirit and trembleth at my Word Now how will the Lord look to this man surely to make his abode with him to tak● up his residence and dwelling with him and in him by his Spirit of Grace quickning reviving comforting and replenishing the Soul with assurances of his Favou● in Christ endowing them with suc● Gifts and Qualifications of Grace whereby they are enabled to offer up spiritual Sacrifices of Prayers and Praises acceptable to God by Jesus Christ I dwell in the high and holy place Is 57.15 saith the Lord with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit to revive the spirit of the humble and to revive the heart of the contrite ones Judas one of Christs Disciples but not Iscariot putting forth this Question to his Lord Lord faith he how is it that thou wilt manifest thy self unto us and not unto the World Jesus answered and said unto him If any man love me he will keep my words Joh. ●4 23 and my Father will love him and we will come unto him and make our abode with him Gods Work in the S●ul by his in ●● dwelling there Now how will the Father and the Son come to such a Soul to take up their abode surely by that illuminating and quickning spirit of Truth proceeding from the Father and the Son enlightening the Understanding informing the Judgment rectifying the Will subduing Corruption and
must expect the greater Judgments from the Lord There is in a day of Prosperity more danger of a peoples growing into Carnal Security and forgetting of their God than in a day of affliction if we take not heed as the Lord said to Israel of old When ye shall come into the good Land and have Houses builded and Vineyards and Olives planted and your Cattel multiplyed and ye have eaten and are full then beware that thou forget not the Lord thy God in not keeping his Commandements and Judgments and Statutes which I Command thee this day that then thou forget not the Lord thy God that brought thee out of the Land of Egypt out of the House of Bondage Deut. 6.12 Whence note that God's People that have had great experiences of God are in times of peace and plenty very apt to forget the Lord and to turn aside from a due observation of his ways and thereby defile themselves with the sins of ingratitude and great disobedience under eminent mercies highly provoking the Lord would we be a holy people unto the Lord Let Israels and others sins and punishments for the same make us timely to beware lest we stain our chiefest Ornaments thereby and watch and pray against such ingratitude the neglect whereof may cause God to neglect us of those supplyes of grace necessary to uphold us and in all our approaches to the Lord we are also to take heed and be careful that our end be right that we might glorify God in our act of Prayer and our end of asking any thing of God may be for our better glorifying of his Name the end many times crowns the action as the words of Saint James doth imply Ye have not because ye ask not and ye ask and have not because ye ask amiss that ye may consume it upon your Lusts Jam. 4.2 3. Wherefore would we have God to supply and support us let us not omit our duty in seeking to him would we have him answer us in our seeking to him then let us take heed that we omit not a right end in what we seek unto him for The omission of one thing more I would present to mind that we take heed of lest it should become sin unto us and that is of omitting the ministring of our temporal things unto such as perform the Office of ministring unto us in spiritual things especially if it be by the Minister required for as much as the Lord hath so required and ordained that they that Preach the Gospel should live of the Gospel The Apostle Paul would have the Churches know their duty in this point and the Ministers power to require it although he voluntarily would rather work with his hands then to be chargable to the Churches But as for me as I have not been chargable hitherto in that nature for what hath by me been done upon that account so do I not desire to make the Gospel chargable to any except the greater necessity yet as Paul would so would I have Christians know their concernment in this point as well as other points of Christianity and to take heed lest Omission here do not become a sin of deep pollution since it is doubtless the requirement of God see 1 Cor. cap. 9. Gal. 6.6 And let the Minister on the other hand take heed and beware that he make not temporal means and honour the chiefest end and master-wheel of his motion in the work of the Ministry and it become a pollution of the Ornaments of holiness unto him Also take heed and beware of omitting actions of charity towards the poor and it become our sin For as much saith Christ as ye have not done it to one of the least of these my Brethren ye have not done it unto me go ye therefore into everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his Angels but he that giveth to the Poor lendeth to the Lord and he will repay it Blessed is the man that considereth the Poor the Lord will deliver him in the time of trouble And so I shall conclude this Use by way of Caution with those words of Deut. 4.9 Only take heed to thy self and keep thy Soul diligently lest thou forget the things that thine eyes have seen and lest they depart from thy heart all the days of thy life but teach them thy Sons and thy Sons Sons CHAP. XI Containing a Use of Encouragement unto Believers to Press after the attainment of Holiness and to Persevere therein THe first consideration I shall propound for Encouragement in the prosecution of this design for an Estate of Holiness is the warrantableness of the design it is highly approved of God insomuch that God doth command the prosecution of this design Be ye holy for I the Lord your God am holy Persons prosecuting this design for holiness in God's way out of which there is no attainment they do hereby answer God's Will and a good Conscience the which is a good encouragement in the prosecution of a design a good issue and success thereof may be expected But Secondly A second ground of encouragement in the prosecution of this design may arise upon the consideration of the promise of assistance in the management of this design for holiness made to the prosecutors of the said design A man having a design for his advancement in this world either for the obtaining some great Estate of Land or place of Honour and Dignity and having the word of a King for his assistance by his Countenance his Court and Counsel his Laws and Authority for the accomplishment thereof how doth this raise up and enlarge the heart of this man with encouragement in the prosecution of his design and confirm his hope of attaining his end therein How much more may the Christian-Soul be raised up with confidence and his heart enlarged with incouragements in his design for holiness and hope of attaining unto the perfection thereof Considering he hath not only the command but also the promise of him who is the King of Kings the Omnipotent Immortal and Omni-present Majesty of Heaven and Earth with all his Heavenly Court and Counsel Laws and holy Appointments to protect and assist us in the management of this great design for our attainments unto holiness without which no man shall see the Lord. O what an assistance is this for a poor Soul to have the whole Court of Heaven to assist him in his design and management thereof where God the Father by his holy appointment doth ordain his holy Word and Counsel therein to inform us his holy Spirit to enable us his holy Angels to encamp about us to minister security to us in the said design and his holy Son Jesus Christ to Crown us with the perfection of Holiness in himself considering also that he is faithful that hath promised who also will do it O what great encouragement is this that the Lord hath laid before us What rich grace is this that God doth
Daughters of men unto whom he tenders Holiness in the Gospel as John the Evangelist teaches He came unto his own and his own received him not but as many as received him to them gave he power to become the Sons of God even to them that believe on his Name Joh 1.11 12. And hence it is that God hath chosen his people in Christ that they should be holy even because the perfection of Holiness is inherently in Christ with sufficiency of the Spirit of Grace to effect Holiness in his people through believing If then thou wouldst press after Holiness so as to attain such a degree thereof that thou mayst have the comfortable sight of God and be enabled to stand before him with joy then observe these ensuing particulars The Eye fixed on Christ by Faith is a great help towards the attainment of Holiness 1. In all thy undertakings look unto Jesus have an eye of faith fixed on him he is the Center where Holiness is centered if we look short of the Center we are like to fall-short of our purpose let us therefore take the counsel of the Apostle Let us run with patience the Race set before us looking unto Jesus the Authour and Finisher of our Faith who for the Joy that was set before him endured the Cross despising the shame and is set down at the right hand of the Throne of God Heb. 2.1 2. Yea whether we read the Word pray or perform any other Christian Duty whatsoever let us still look to Jesus with desire that we may have more Knowledg of him more Faith in him and more Love and Obedience to him let us look unto Jesus with an Eye of Faith fixed on him and behold his performances on our behalf let us behold his humility who was very God and yet assuming the human Nature became also Man and taking upon him the form of a Servant became obedient not only to the divine Precepts of his Fathers Law but also unto Death even the most shameful Death of the Cross O let us look unto Jesus and behold him in his Sufferings and in the Cause and End of his Sufferings The Cause of his Sufferings was our Sins the End of his Sufferings was to free us from Divine Wrath due to us for Sin and to obtain Eternal Salvation for us To look unto Jesus and with an Eye of Faith to behold him as aforesaid Gods way is a sure and a safe way is to take Gods way to hearken to his Call and to observe his counsel for our better attainments unto Holiness and Heavens Happiness as saith the Lord by the Prophet Isaiah Behold my Servant whom I uphold mine Elect in whom my Soul delighteth I have put my Spirit upon him he shall bring forth Judgment to the Gentiles Isai 42. I said behold me behold me unto a Nation that was not called by my Name Isai 65.1 Secondly let us not only look unto Jesus and behold him but also consider him this is a piece of Divine Counsel A due Consideration of Christs sufferings a great help towards the attainment of Holiness also consider the Apostle and High-priest of our Profession Christ Jesus Heb. 3.1 O let us consider the Greatness of his Burthen in his Sufferings of Death wherein he did not only suffer a natural Death but also did bear the burthen and weight of Divine Wrath due to Mankind for Transgression the which being set home upon his precious Soul by the hand of Divine Justice forced him into that Agony that his Sweat was as if it were great Drops of Blood falling down to the ground and to cry out Luk. 22.41 Matt. 27.46 O my God my God why hast thou forsaken me as if the sense of Divine Wrath had so overwhelmed his precious Soul that all the appehensions of his Fathers Love had been ecclipsed from him One sin set home to the Soul by the hand of Divine Justice is a heavy burthen how great then is the weight which Christ underwent for us Surely saith the Prophet he hath born our Griefs and carried our Sorrows yet we did esteem him stricken smitten of God and afflicted but he was wounded for our Transgressions he was bruised for our Iniquities the Chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his Stripes we are healed All we like Sheep have gone astray we have turned every one to his own way and the Lord hath laid on him the Iniquities of us all Isa 53.4 5 6. Certainly if the Sons and Daughters of Men did but look through all their outward transitory and fading Felicities unto Jesus Christ with a serious consideration of those hard things he hath undergone to procure Redemption for their poor sinful Souls it would more draw up and endear their Affections to the Lord and produce in them a delightful endeavour to honour him in the way of Holiness Thirdly as we should look unto Jesus and consider him in his great Undertakings for us so ought we to consider his Faithfulness towards his Father in respect of the Trust he reposed in him and towards Man also in the prosecution of poor fallen Mans Redemption Had he shrunk back in those great and hard Undertakings how had the Father lost his Glory and Man his true Felicity but he like a faithful and valiant Souldier set his Face like a Flint * Isai 50.6 7. against all the oppositions the World and Devils could raise against him until he had faithfully compleated his Undertakings to the Glory of his Father so that he could boldly make up his accounts saying Father I have glorified thee on Earth I have finished the Work which thou gavest me to do And now O Father glorifie thou me with thine own self with the Glory which I had with thee before the World was Joh. 17.4 5. O let us look unto Jesus with a serious consideration of his Faithfulness to our Cause and it will both quicken and direct in the way to Holiness and we being faithful after his example shall have boldness in the day of account Consider Christs Love which is strong of great power Fourthly let us look unto Jesus and consider with a due consideration his tender affectionate Love and yerning bowels of Compassion towards Mankind manifested in his great Undertakings for us Surely if ever that Saying of Solomon in his Song of Songs be made good in any it was abundantly manifested in Christs Love to Man his Love indeed was strong as Death Cant. 8.6 the many Waters of Affliction nor Flouds of the Ungodly nor Death the King of Terrors could not be able to quench the Flames thereof greater Love hath no man than this that a man lay down his Life for his Friend but so great was the Love of Christ to poor worthless Creatures that while we were ungodly and enemies to him he died for us Rom. 5.6 8 10. so that Redemption Justification Sanctification and Glorification are the effects of
to inform us by his Spirit to enable us his Angels to secure us and by his Son to Crown our weak performances with his own perfections to his gracious acceptation He hath made us accepted in the beloved Eph. 1.6 Thus having briefly presented three general grounds comprehending many particulars for encouragement to the Christian soul that in love and loyalty to the Lord entereth a design for holy attainments As first The warrantableness of the design God manifesting his approbation of it by his command thereunto Seconddly God's promise of assistance Thirdly His faithfulness in performing of his Promise I shall only present a fourth ground of encouragement which is as followeth A fourth ground of encouragement in this design is The sure reward that is annexed by promise unto those souls that in the way of God do manage a design for the attainment of a holy state unto such souls there is a sure reward as saith the Spirit of God by Solomon The Wicked worketh a deceitful work but to him that soweth Righteousness is a sure reward Prov. 11.18 This Reward is sometimes in Scripture called the Reward of Inheritance as in Col. 3.24 Whatsoever ye do do it heartily as to the Lord and not to men knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the Reward of Inheritance for ye serve the Lord Christ also this Inheritance is said to be an Eternal Inheritance Heb. 9.15 and an Inheritance incorruptible 1 Pet. 1.4 Sometimes it is called a Kingdom as in Matth. 25.34 and in Luk. 12.32 Fear not little Flock it is your Fathers good pleasure to give you the Kingdom a Kingdom that cannot be moved Heb. 12.28 Sometimes in Scripture this Inheritance or Kingdom is called Eternal Life as in Joh. 10.28 My Sheep hear my Voyce and they follow me and I give unto them Eternal life and they shall never perish neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand See further Matth. 25.46 Rom. 6.23 Quest But where is this Inheritance or Kingdom saith the enquiring soul that I may behold it Answ The Apostle Peter tells us It is reserved in the Heavens for you that are kept by the power of God through faith unto Salvation 1 Pet. 1.4 5. Note it s by the power of God that ye are kept thereunto the power of God in the operation of his Word and efficacy of his Spirit working in and by the Word therefore love the Word delight therein hold it fast it s the power of God unto Salvation unto every one that believeth Rom. 1.16 Note also it s through faith therefore look well to your faith make not shiprack of faith but keep up faith in its due exercise for ye are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation The Servants of God of old did behold the promised Inheritance by faith to their great comfort and encouragement as saith the Authour to the Hebrews chap. 11. These all dyed in faith not having received the Promises but having seen them afar off and were perswaded of them and embraced them and confessed that they were Strangers and Pilgrims on the Earth Moses by faith beheld this recompence of reward and in respect thereunto he chose rather to suffer afflictions with the people of God then to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season for he had respect to the Recompence of Reward Quest But when will it be that this promised Inheritance and Reward shall be possessed by the Believer pressing after holiness many have been in the expectation of such a thing indeed but since the Fathers fell asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning of the Creation 2 Pet. 3.4 Answ The Apostle Peter affirmeth That the Lord is not slack as some men count slackness but is long suffering to us● ward not willing that any should perish but that all should come to Repentance 2 Pet. 3.9 It may be that God hath some people yet to Convert and to add unto his Church that his coming is prolonged But the day of the Lord will come as a Thief in the Night in the which the Heavens shall pass away with a great noyse and the Elements shall melt with fervent heat the Earth also and the works that are therein shall be burnt up Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy Conversation and Godliness Nevertheless we according to his promise look for new Heavens and a new Earth wherein dwelleth Righteousness It is enough for us that we have the word of promise made out and confirmed to us by the Eternal and Infinite God to exercise our faith and hope upon and it is our duty to wait upon him in faith and patience for the performance of the same unto us in his time It is his own free gift not our deserts and that he will at last accomplish it to any soul it is infinite mercy to be admired The spirit of God hath signified unto us that it will be performed at the second coming of Christ personally as in Col. 3.4 When Christ who is our life shall appear then shall we also appear with him in Glory whereunto agreeth the words of Paul to the Thessalonians chap. 4.16 17 18. which words are these For the Lord himself shall descend from Heaven with a shout with the voyce of the Arch-angel and with the Trump of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the Clouds to meet the Lord in the Ayr and so shall we ever be with the Lord wherefore comfort one another with these words and in chap. 5. Comfort your selves together and edifie one another even as also ye do vers 11. Whence Note by the way that it is the duty of Christians and the property of souls espoused to Christ so to apply and improve the promise of Christ's second personal coming as to make it a ground of comfort and encouragement one to another of edification in and the observation of all his holy appointments perseveringly Our Saviour Jesus Christ a little before his sufferings being conversant with his Disciples and fore-seeing the sorrow and trouble that would attend them after his departure he for their better support encouragement and comfort under the same leaveth them this Cordial to feed upon Let not your hearts be troubled saith he ye believe in God believe also in me in my Fathers House are many Mansions if it were not so I would have told you I go to prepare a place for you and if I go and prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you to my self that where I am ye may be also Joh. 14.1 2 3. The Lord hath furnished the holy Scriptures with plenty of provision of this nature as if his faithful Servants were likely to have great need of encouragements support and comfort after his departure by reason of the many
the edification and comfort of Gods people according to the measure of the gift given And to this Saint Peter witnesseth 1 Pet. 4.10 11. As every man hath received the gift even so minister the same one to another as good Stewards of the manifold graces of God If any man speak let him speak as the Oracles of God if any man minister let him do it as of the ability that God giveth that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ to whom be praise and cominion for ever and ever Amen The like mind also was in Paul who exhorteth the Corinthians to covet earnestly the best gifts follow after Charity saith he and desire spiritual gifts but rather that ye may Prophesie Because he that Prophesies speaketh unto men to Edification and Exhortation and Comfort 1 Cor. 14.3 So likewise Moses when his Servant would have had him forbid Eldad and Medad of Prophesying in the Camp he answered him thus Envyest thou for my sake would to God all the Lords people were Prophets and the Lord would put his Spirit upon them And although there be now no Prophesying by extraordinary Revelation but only that which is ordinarily wrought in the soul through the operative power of the spirit in the exercise of the mind and meditations in the word of God yet the day of small things is not to be despised for God will accomplish his work not by might nor by power but by his own spirit and although these ensuing considerations be not adorned with variety of tongues nor such eloquence as humane Wisdom teatheth yet now in love they are tendered to thy consideration If they bear an harmonious sound to the wisdom of God and thou receive any Edification or Comfort thereby let God have the glory and me thy prayers for my further growth and increase in the grace of God and of Jesus Christ our Lord to whom I desire to be an obedient Subject and faithful Servant although unworthy of so high a calling and remain thine in all Christian Office Josias Bonham And now my Friend art thou for Heaven design'd And to the way of Holiness inclin'd Lend me thine eye thine ear thy heart and hand These lines with me to read and understand Would we an holy state and glory win Le ts search our hearts and there the work begin By application of Gods word thereto Preventing evils that from thence ensue The heart is naturally Corruptions seat Whence flows great sins that do us often cheat Obstructions great from thence doth often rise Like filthy Rubbish in our way it lyes The which in wisdom must removed be If we an holy state and Heaven would see Therefore with diligence let 's fall to work To search what Vermin in our hearts do lurk Unanimous let 's be go hand in hand Corruptions Laws and Power to withstand That we from slavery may be set free To serve the Lord in holy Sanctity Thine in the Lord J. B. AN EPISTLE TO THE READER Of this Ensuing Treatise IT is mans misery since the Fall having lost his God and therewith his Happiness that he knows not the way to return to Happiness again Indeed every man in the world aims to make himself happy but is at a loss where or in what to place his happiness not considering the first make of mans noble Soul which was like God which can never be happy or content without something Infinite and Eternal Hence it is that man placeth happiness in Goods not in Goodness crying Who will shew us any Good any good serves turn though but a shew of good in the mean time the one thing needful is neglected they see no need of this one thing needful he is concerned with trifles and trifles with his great concernment And as he is to seek where or in what to place his happiness to the way by which happiness is to be obtained forgetting that irrevokable decree of the Almighty viz. That without Holiness no man shall see the Lord. This way of Holiness thou hast here discovered in this Book now this tho● mayst assure thy self that of all those things disputable this is without al● dispute on all hands that holiness is th● great thing designed by God hi● threatnings are that we should be Holy his promises are that we should efect Holiness all his Afflictions ●●●t we should be partakers of his Holi●●ss Christ prays that we should be Holy ●●d pleads that we should be Holy the ●●d of all Preaching and of all the Or●●●ances is that we should be Holy ●ver did any perish but for want of ●●liness God glorys in this that he is Holy God He is glorious in Holi●●ss Christ is the Holy Child Jesus ●s a Holy Saviour he had his Name ●●sus that he might save us from our 〈◊〉 Wouldest thou go in that way to●●rds Heaven as not to miss as many ●ost Christians and foolish Virgins ●●ve done why Holiness is this way ●●e wayfaring man though a Fool ●ll not err therein Esa 35.8 Let me therefore intreat thee who●●er thou art that may be the Reader of ●t Book to consider the great thing ●●igned herein viz. which is to shew ●●t what is the only becomeing Orna●●et viz Holiness as for all other ●●raments they may perish but this becomes thee for ever Possibly ● may say if I be Holy I must ●● with many frowns from an unw●● world matter it not there 's ● in Gods love than the worlds ha●● frowns and smiles from the world not long one smile from Christ ● dying Bed will make amends for Therefore fear not what will becom● thee study what becomes thee as Wise man once said Yet I kno● shall be well with them that fear G●● but it shall not be well with the Wic●●● Therefore I beseech you consider near you walk on the brink of Eter●●● what provision is made for the world Vessels of glory are afore pared for glory and be sure of that though you may own your se● and others may own you yet God never own you if you be not 〈◊〉 Now art thou one that saist as the ●●●ciple once to Christ Rabbi w●● dwellest thou and he answ●●● Come and see So say I wo●●● thou know the Excellency the Ne●●● Beauty the Glory of Holiness come ●●d see read this Treatise pray that 〈◊〉 eyes may be anointed with eye-●●ve and that he which is Truth may ●●d thee into all Truth who is sancti●●tion that he would sanctifie thee ●o shed his precious blood to wash us ●t we might be Holy who before the ●●●ndation of the world hath chosen us ●●t we should be Holy and that he ●●ld bless all means leading thereto ●●t his blessing may go along with the ●●ours of that his Servant the Au●●ur of this Eook is the unfained de●●● of him who is an unworthy Servant Jesus Christ and thy Friend Jo. Norcott TO THE READER IN Commendation of this Book Reader TWo things are chiefly treated of
active in the things of God which concern its own salvation and the Edification Comfort 1 Thes 5.9 10 11. and Assurance of others and that not upon the account of merit or desert on the Creatures part but to glorifie God that hath freely given forth both means and merit in his Son whom God the Father hath ordained supream Head King and Governour to his Church and People that men might honour the Son by obedience to his Laws as they honour the Father Joh. 5.22 23. unto which obedience through Faith in the merits of Christ God the Father hath annexed the promise of Salvation of his own free Love and rich Mercy Heb. 5 9. so that Salvation is on God's part an act of Mercy on Christ's part an act of Merit on man's part it is undeserved in his best obedience for It is not of him that willeth nor of him that runneth but of God that sheweth Mercy Rom. 9.16 A second Use which the afore-mentioned considerations may direct us unto The second Vse is of Admiration is a use of Admiration It may raise up our Souls to behold with Admiration God's great Love All the Works of God are to be Admired of his Saints Especially his g●ace in Christ to effect holiness in his people and happiness thereupon and rich Mercy manifested in all his proceedings in and by Jesus Christ towards man a sinful and undeserving Creature who by sin had dishonoured God defaced his Image of Righteousness and true Holiness wherein he was at first Created and deprived himself of the Paradice of God and made himself an object of his displeasure according to due desert Now that God should look upon the Creature in its lost condition and corrupted state from which he was no way able to recover himself with such an eye of pity and bowels of compassion as to lay help upon one that is mighty even Jesus Christ his only Son both God and Man to take satisfaction in him that sinned not for the world of Sinners And by his grace to accept those unto the adoption of Sons that by Faith receive Jesus Christ as in the Gospel he is tendred Joh. 1.12 and to repair the decayes of Nature and to restore that Image of holiness which by sin was defaced to pardon the sin of Sinners and to impute Righteousness unto them without the deeds of the Law to behold the Creature in the Righteousness of his Son and to bestow upon him Heavenly felicity and eternal life is admirable Mercy and he is to be admired in all them that believe it 2 Thes 1.10 They may say with the Psalmist What is man that thou art mindful of him or the Son of man that thou visitest him Psal 8.4 And with the Apostle O the depth of the Riches both of the Wisdom and Knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his Judgments and his ways past finding out For who hath known the mind of the Lord or who hath been his Counseller or who hath first given to him and it shall be recompenced unto him again for of him and through him and to him are all things to whom be glory for ever Amen Rom. 11.33 34 35 36. Thirdly Is it so The third Vse is of Examination Self Examination of our hearts and ways is a Christians duty and of great concernment that holiness ever becometh the people of God and to be found adorned therewith is matter of great concernment it may then put us upon a third Use by way of Examination to move us to examine our own hearts and wayes how far we have attained to the Ornament of holiness which so becometh the people of God And in the prosecution of this Duty two things are to be considered First Our hearts or inward man Secondly Our wayes or outward walkings We may know our holiness by our Heavenliness Hath the Lord through the illuminations of his Spirit and the operations thereof manifested to thy Soul the great sufferings of Christ to procure the pardon of thy sins together with the priviledges of Adoption Justification and Salvation hath he shewed thee the dignity of Christ in respect of his Offices King Priest and Prophet hath he sealed the benefits and priviledges thereof to thy Soul with the signet of his Love through the demonstrations of his holy Spirit to thy great Consolation in the enjoyments thereof so that thy mind and affections are thereby raised up from Earthly and Carnal objects and seated on God with so earnest a desire and delight in him that thou canst truly say with the Psalmest Whom have I in Heaven but thee and there is none opon Earth that I desire besides thee Psal 73.25 Thy Testimonies have I taken as an heritage for ever for they are the rejoycing of my heart Psal 119.111 When thou canst experience by a supernatural work of grace that thy affections are so fixed on the Lord that thou canst sincerely love him for his own sake and in love to him bear an affectionate esteem to and delight in his Testimonies Statutes Ordinances and Commands so as to make them thy choyce Psal 119.30 or chosen Subjects of thy meditations and rule of observations when thou canst experience thy will by grace made free to stand in the will of God so as in love to him submit and wait upon him in all his dispensations serve worship and obey him in all his institutions When thou canst experience thy desires drawn forth towards him with holy longings thirstings and pantings after more enjoyments of him and supplications to him for further strength and power of grace to assist thee support and uphold thee against those corruptions and temptations that attend thee lest thou shouldest thereby be overcome to sin against God to the dishonour of his Name the grief of his Spirits and stain the profession of his Truth When thou canst experience this end in thy desires and supplications for his assisting grace as aforesaid The Saints end in their desires and supplications to God for grace A right end Crowns the action not only that thou mightest not dishonour God by sin but also that thou mightest honour him by such motions and actions as may answer his will in his commands to the experiencing of self-ends self-righteousness self-merits and carnal delights and the vain pleasures of this world in a dying or dead condition in thee and thee dead to them so as not to have any motion or action thereunto approved by thee when thou canst experience such a Love to the Lord as that for his sake thou canst perform Offices of Love towards all men as opportunity serveth thee Gal. 6.10 and that as they are his Workmanship by Creation but especially to his Saints as they bare his Image by Regeneration for every one that loveth him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him 1 Joh. 5.1 So when thou canst experience such a supernatural work of grace in thee every
which was in Christ Jesus c. See here is a Unity of Qualifications required between Christ and his People the same Mind the same affectionate Love the same bowels of Compassion and Mercies the same Humility the same Patience in the Quality though we cannot reach the Quantity To this purpose is that Divine Exhortation Coloss 3.12 Put on therefore as the Elect of God holy and beloved bowels of Mercies Kindness humbleness of Mind long-suffering forbearing one another and forgiving one another even as Christ forgave you so also do ye and above all things put on Charity which is the Bond of Perfectness as if he had said And above all things put on a real Love unto the Lord and unto one another for the Lords sake and let all your Actions flow from that Original and be therewith compounded This is my Commandment saith Christ to his Disciples that ye love one another as I have loved you Joh. 15.12 O see Christ and Christians Oneness in the matter of Qualifications according to what Christians do or ought to press after in order to the Attainment of Holiness Those Souls that would attain to Holiness must put on Christ in his Offices also in his Qualifications Thirdly as it is the great concernment of Souls to put on Christ in his Qualifications and Offices in order to Holiness so also in example of walking sutable to those Qualifications It is not enough to receive Grace and to have the Qualifications of Grace wrought in us but there must be a bringing forth the Fruits thereof by a visible motion and action in all those ways wherein the Glory of God and the Benefit of his People is concerned after the example of Christ according to our measure received Jesus Christ in the days of his Humiliation was active to administer Grace unto poor Sinners for their Conversion Edification and Salvation according to what he had received of the Father so Divine Counsel doth require every man as he hath received the Gift so to administer the same one to another as good Stewards of the manifold Graces of God 1 Pet. 4.10 Edifie one another as also ye do 1 Thess 5.11 building up your selves on your most holy Faith Jude 20. exhort one another Heb. 3.13 admonish one another Col. 3.16 forewarn and reprove in the case of Sin These are some of the footsteps of Christ that he had his motion and walking in these are some of the footsteps of the Flock of Christ wherein they are by Divine appointment to follow Christ in and he that saith he abideth in Christ ought so to walk even as he walked 1 Joh. 2.6 It was commendable in the believing Romans that they so improved the Word of Christ to an increase of Grace and Knowledg to an ability to admonish one another Rom. 15.14 The Thessalonians were under Commendations for their edifying and comforting one another in things of God while the Hebrews lay under Reproof in that they for the time that they had received the Gospel ought to have been Teachers of others they were become such as had need to be taught again the first Principles of the Oracles of God Heb. 5.12 The Corinthians were commended for keeping the Ordinances to them delivered but at the same time reproved for not observing of them in manner and form according to the order of the first Institution or Delivery therefore he that saith he abideth in Christ ought so to walk even as he walked To this agreeth those words of Paul to the Corinthians Be ye Followers of me even as I also am of Christ 1 Cor. 11.1 even so not otherwise Christ must be the Pattern for Matter Manner and Form Christ walked in the observation of all the Laws and Ordinances in Matter Manner and Form wherein his Fathers Will his Worship and Service was concerned he that saith he abideth in him ought so to walk even as he walked Should I by the way give one instance of Christs Observation in that holy Ordinance of Divine Institution unto a holy Use and End that in these days is by most people laid aside and by many violently opposed and abused calling it a low carnal empty thing a Shadow without a Substance and a Shell without a Kernel and the like or worse and the Observers of it had in gteat reproach the which Ordinance is that Baptism where a Gospel-Minister is the Administrator and the Subject a Believer demonstrating Faith in Christ and much Water the Matter and both going down into the Water the Administrator dipping or overwhelming the Subject in the Water in the Name of the Father Son and holy Ghost the Manner and Form This Baptism as low as some would lay it is from Heaven appointed by God the Father as a Branch of his Mind and VVill. To this Ordinance of Baptism in VVater did Christ the Son of God and Head of his Church submit unto in obedience to his Fathers VVill as an act of Righteousness thereby confirming it as the VVill of God and an act of Righteousness unto his People for to observe and do in obedience to the will of God the which Ordinance Christ hath ratified and confirmed unto his Church and every Soul exercising Faith in him by his Authority and Command as a standing Ordinance to be observed in its place and to its Ends Uses for and during the time of the Gospel-Administration the which is like to be until time shall be no longer Revel 10.6 or the great and terrible day of the Lord come in which the Lord will judg all men and those living under the Dispensation of the Gospel according to their embracing or rejecting of his Counsel contained in the Gospel as it is written The Lord Jesus shall be revealed from Heaven with his mighty Angels in flaming Fire taking vengeance on them that know not God and that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ who shall be punished with everlasting Destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the Glory of his Power 2 Thessalon 1.7 8. Therefore seeing the afore-recited Baptism was by God the Father instituted as a Branch of his VVill and an Act of Righteousness for Believers to observe and do and Christ his Son hath confirmed it unto us by his personal Act therein and also by his word of Command and Counsel thereunto He that saith he abideth in Christ ought so to walk so to observe the same it being by Divine Authority made one of the footsteps of the Flock of God But here is one thing liable to the Inquisition of the enquiring Soul unto which I would say something before I pass this particular Quest What is the End and Vse of Baptism Ans Baptism is an Appointment of God to stand as a visible sign or token of his Covenant of Grace made in Christ for the Remission of Sins and Acceptation of Persons that through a supernatural Illumination do see themselves siinners loft by sin
stand in their Unregenerate state demonstrated by these four Reasons First They bare her Name Secondly They bare her nature Thirdly By their subjection to her Law Fourthly by their Conjunction with the world and self-renouncing God and his Covenant as not having any true love or desire thereunto and that by the influence of Corruption whereby they are brought forth into that Estate The Inference drawn from the words thus considered is briefly thus That Corruption hath brought forth a separation of the Creatures affections from God and joyned them in a Conjunction with Self and the World in which Estate the Creatures affections are very insatiable and greedy after Self and the Worlds interest by which conjunction God is dishonoured and every faculty and member of soul and body enslaved in such servil motions and actions as may promote the said interest in order to the satisfying of these greedy Worms until by their continual instigations of Give Give they have drained out of the poor soul all its spiritual blood or life of God and power of Godliness to its eternal ruine except a supernatural means be timely applyed and effectually improved for the reducing the said affections unto their first Estate Now for proof of this inference here asserted I think there needeth no further Testimony then what is contained in the explication of the words especially if Doctor Woful experience his evidence may be heard and credited by you yet for order-sake and lest I should be thought wanting in the case of evidence I would produce some further evidences that will give in their Testimonies to the separation and conjunction aforesaid as first Those many Testimonies of God in Scripture whereby God calls to the Sons of men to return unto him O Israel return to the Lord thy God for thou hast fallen by thy Iniquity Hos 14.1 Secondly Gods Expostulation with man about his Apostacy thus saith the Lord What Iniquity have your Fathers found in me that they are gone far from me and have walked after Vanity Jer. 2.5 See Ezek. 18.23 32. Thirdly Those many Exhortations the Lord hath laid before us in his word Set your affections on things that are above not on things on Earth Col. 3.2 Love not the World if any man love the world the love of the Father is not in him 1 Joh. 2.15 Yea the Lord calls for self-denyal and crucifying of the world to mortifie every member of the body of sin and to set our love and delight in him and that with all our hearts and soul and strength all which do imply and hold forth their evidences in witness of the aforesaid Conjunction Fourthly I would add one Testimony more among many that might be produced and that is the multiplication of that Succession or natural Generation that is conceived and brought forth by vertue of the aforesaid Conjunction of those Horse-leach Daughters corrupt affections in affinity with Self and the World as the off-springs thereof And for brevity sake I shall only name some few of this off-spring and leave the rest to Doctor Woful's experience his evidence to evince one part of the generation conceiv'd and brought forth by the said Conjunction is Pride Envy Mallice Hypocrisie Infidelity and Sloth in God's Service and Voluptuousness These as a part of that Brood and Generation of the Horseleach and her Daughters in affinity with Self and the World are by their influence conceived and nourished up in the heart of Unregenerate man where the said conjunction hath dominion These do evidently demonstrate themselves to be of that race by their natural qualities and language insatiable greedy Worms alaways crying Give Give as for Pride that is an insatiable greedy Worm of an aspiring nature insatiable and greedy after self-honour and the worlds applause It looks high and lofty as if it was one by whose influence that generation was steered by which Agur speaketh of Prov. 30.13 There is a generation saith Agur O how lofty are their Eyes and their eye-lids are lifted up Agur here seemeth as not able to express the Latitude of the aspiring nature of Pride and those whose course is steered thereby but stands in admiration at it as if by the influence of Pride those Creatures in whose heart it is predominant were carryed up into that airy Region with that Prince spoken of Ephes 2.2 as Retainers to his Court. But into the third Heavens where Christ sitteth at the Right Hand of God they have no inspection for saith the Spirit of God by the Prophet David The Wicked through the Pride of his Countenance will not seek after God God is not in all his thoughts Psal 10.4 Whence Note that Pride by its influence doth work the thoughts of God and his ways out of the minds of those in whose hearts it is predominant Yea This Brat bred and nourished in the heart of Unregenerate man by those Horseleach Daughters Unsanctified love and Carnal desire through their affinity with Self and the World doth not only plunder a soul of its thoughts of God but also of the qualifications of Humility Penitency Charity and all the peaceable habits of true Humanity as considered in its first estate Yea like a greedy heart-Worm it devours and eateth up the very bowels of tender Pitty and Compassion and Commiseration and yet like one of Pharoahs lean Kine is never the better This Brat is still crying Give Give always moving the Creature to satisfie its greedy Appetite in order whereunto the Creature must improve its Time and Opportunities Pains Labours and Meditations Considerations Moneys Lands Livings Lordships yea all must be improved and dedicated to the satisfying of this Brat in beautifying the Face powdering the Hair new fashions in Apparel sumptious Buildings delicious Fair places of Honour and worldly Preferments and honourable Greetings and to be called Rabbi Rabbi Mean while God and the power of Godliness and the souls happiness is little considered Yea where Pride is predominant in the heart and unsanctified love and carnal desire joyning therewith produceth very sad and dangerous effects to the Creature for it maketh Angels to become Devils and Men to become Slaves to their Lusts Enemies to God Persecutors of the Godly and themselves Subjects of Perdition The Wicked in his Pride doth Persecute the Poor Psal 10.2 It seems this greedy heart-Worm of the Horseleach brood is a great mover to and stirrer up of Contention so saith Solomon Only by Pride cometh Contention Prov. 13.10 Another greedy heart-Worm of the Horseleach-race and her Daughters is called Envy this is a bloody Brat as greedy after blood as the Horseleach and her Daughters by whose influence it is in mans heart conceived This Envy seems to be of a nature cruel and blood-thirsty of Countenance fierce and grim yea this Brat looks as if it would devour all the interest of God and Godliness with the Profession and Professors thereof Those persons whose course is steered by the influence of Envy through