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A73731 The institution of a Christen man conteynynge the exposytion or interpretation of the commune Crede, of the seuen Sacramentes, of the .x. commandementes, and of the Pater noster, and the Aue Maria, iustyfication [and] purgatory. Church of England. 1537 (1537) STC 5164; ESTC S107820 135,176 202

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darkenes and blyndenes to lyght from deathe to lyfe and from synne to Iustyce and he hath taken me into his protection and made me as his owne peculyar possessyon and he hath planted and grafted me into his owne bodye and made me a membre of the same and he hath communicated and made me partycypant of his iustyce his power his lyfe his felycytie and of all his goodes so that nowe I may boldly say and byleue as in dede I do perfytely byleue that by his passyon his dethe his blode and his conquerynge of dethe of synne and of the dyuel by his resurreccion and ascension he hath made a sufficient expiation or propiciation towardes god that is to say a suffycyente satisfaction and recompence as welle for my origynal synne as also for all the actuall synnes that euer I haue commytted and that I am so clerely rydde from all the guylte of my sayde offences from the euerlastynge payne due for the same that neyther synne nor deathe nor helle shall be able or haue any power to hurte me or to let me but that after this transytorye lyfe I shall ascende in to heuen there to raygne with my Sauyour Christ perpetually in glorye and felicytie All whiche thynges consydered I may worthyly call him my Ihesus that is to say my sauyour and my Christ that is to saye myne annoynted kynge and prieste and my lorde that is to saye my redemer and gouernour For he hathe doone and fulfylled the verye offyce bothe of a prieste and of a kynge and of a lorde Of a prieste in that he hath offered vp his blessed bodye and bloude in the Altare of the Crosse for the satysfaction of my synnes And of a kynge and lorde in that he hath lyke a moste myghty conquerour ouercome and vtterly oppressed his ennemyes whiche were also myne ennemyes and hath spoyled theym of the possessyon of mankynde whiche they wanne before by fraude and deceyte by lieng and blasphemy and hath brought vs nowe into his possession and dominion to reygne ouer vs in mercy and loue lyke a moste louynge lorde and gouernour Fynally I beleue assuredly also professe that this redemption and iustyfication of mankynde coulde not haue bene wrought / nor brought to passe by any other meanes in the worlde but by the meanes of this Iesu Christe goddis onely sonne and that neuer man coulde yet / nor neuer shal be hable to come vnto god the father or to beleue in hym or to attayn his fauour by his owne wytte or reason or by his owne scyence and lernynge or by any his owne workes or by what so euer maye be named in heuen or in erthe but by the faythe in the name and power of Iesu Chryste and by the gyftes and graces of his holy spyryte And therfore syth he is my Iesu Chryste and my lorde I woll put my hoole truste and confydence in hym and woll haue the selfe same faythe and affyaunce in hym in all poyntes which I haue in god the father And I woll knowledge hym for my onely lorde and woll obeye all his cōmaundemētes durynge my lyfe without any grutchynge And I am sure that whyle he is my lorde and gouernour I vnder his protection neyther synne neyther the dyuell nor yet deathe nor helle / can do me any hurte The sense and interpretation of the thyrde Artycle I Beleue in my harte assuredly and constantely do professe that whan the tyme was come in the which it was before ordeyned and appoynted by the decree of the hoole Trinitie that mankynde shulde be saued and redemed this Iesu Chryste the seconde person in Trinitie and veray god descended from heuen into erthe to take vppon hym the veray habyte forme and nature of man and in the same nature to worke to suffer and fulfyll all those thynges whiche were necessary for our redemption And I beleue also and professe that he so descendyng from heuen dyd lyght downe into the wombe of a most blessed virgin called Marie and that he dyd there take vppon hym our nature and was conceyued begotten and borne of her veray fleshe nature and substance and so dyd vnite and conioyne togyther the same nature of man with his Godheed in one persone with suche an indyssoluble and inseparable knotte and bonde that he beinge one persone Iesu Chryste was than and euer shall be in the same person veray persyte god and veray perfyte man And I beleue also and professe that this moste blessed virgine conceyued this her chylde Iesu Chryste without spotte or blotte of synne or carnall concupyscence and without any cōmixtion or coniunction had betwene her and any mortall man or any other creature in heuen or erthe And that the holy goost the thyrde person in trinitie descendynge also from heuen lighted downe in to this moste blessed virgin there of her fleshe substaūce wrought this ineffable incomprehensyble worke of the Incarnation of this chylde Iesu Chryste And I beleue also and professe that this worke and operation of the holy goost was all holy without any synne or impurite that it was done without any violation or detriment vnto the virginitie of that blessed virgin saynt Mary And I beleue also that this chylde Iesu Chryste was not onely thus conceyued without synne but also that he was borne in lyke maner of his sayde moste blessed mother and that she both in the conception and also in the byrth and natiuitie of this her chylde and euer after reteyned stil her virginitie pure and immaculate and as clere without blotte as she was at the tyme that she was fyrst borne And I beleue that this conception and Natiuitie of our sayde sauiour was ordeyned to be thus pure holy and vndefyled to thintent that al fylthines and malediction wherwith the conception and byrthe of me and of all other men that euer were sithe Adam or shal be and al the filthines and malyce of the synnes of the hole worlde as well origynal as actuall shulde therby be puryfyed purged and made cleane The sence and interpretation of the fourthe Artycle I Beleue assuredly in my harte and with my mouthe I do professe that this Christe very god and man after he was thus cōceyued and borne of his blessed mother waxed and lyued forthe here in the worlde vntyll he came vnto the age of .xxxii. yeres and aboue and that in all this tyme of his lyfe he suffered and endured for our sakes and for our welthe moche boiely afflyction moche laboure and trauaylle moche hungre thurste and pouertie moche iniurie and ignominie and many other the myseries and infirmities wherunto all mortall men be subiecte And I beleue that although this our sauyour Iesu Christ passed ouer all the hole course of his sayde lyfe euen from his Natyuitie vntyll his deathe in suche perfyte obedience vnto the lawes of god and man and in suche perfyte innocencie of lyuynge that neyther any man in the worlde nor the
depryued of all the ryghte clayme and interest whiche they myght haue pretended to haue had in me by thauctoritie of that sentence or by reason of any synne that euer I had or haue commytted be it originall or actuall And that the dyuel with all his power craft subtilitie and malice is now subdued and made captyue not onely vnto me but also vnto all thother faythfull people and right beleuers in Iesu Christe that euer was or shal be syth the tyme of Christis sayde descendynge in to hell And that our sauiour Iesu Christe hath also by this his passyon and this his descendynge in to hel payed my raunsome and hath merited and deserued that neither my soule neither the soules of any suche as be righte beleuers in Christe shall come therin or shall fynally be encombered with any tytle or accusation that the dyuell canne obiecte ageynst vs or laye vnto our charge And I beleue that this our sauyour Iesu Christe after he had thus in sowle conquered and spoyled the dyuell and hell of all theyr force power and tyranny and made them subiecte vnto me and all true christen men in lyke case as they were vnto Adam before his fall he returned agayne frome hell lyke a moste mighty kyng and conquerour in triumphe and glorie and came vnto the sepulchre where his blessed bodye laye buryed and so resumynge and takyng agayn the very same body vppon hym the thyrde daye after his sayde death he lyued agayne and so rose out of that sepulchre in his naturall and perfyte manhode that is to say in his soule and in the selfe same body whiche was borne of the virgin Mary and dyd hange vpon the crosse And I beleue also and professe that after he had so done he lyued in the world by the space of .xl. dayes in the whiche time he was conuersant dyd eate and drynke with his apostles and his disciples and preached vnto them auctorysed them to go forthe into the worlde to manyfest and declare that he was the very Christe the very Messias the veray god and man which was promysed in scripture to come and saue and to redeme all those that wolde beleue in hym And I beleue assuredly that by this descendynge of Christe into hell and this his resurrection agayne from deathe to lyfe Christe hathe meryted and deserued for me and all trewe and faythfull christen men not onely that our sowles shall neuer come into helle but also that we shall here in this lyfe be perfytely iustifyed in the syght and acceptation of god and shall haue suche grace myght and power gyuen vnto vs by hym that we shal be made able therby to subdue to mortyfie and to extinguysshe our olde Adam and all our carnall and fleshely concupiscences in suche sorte that synne shall neuer afterwarde reigne in our mortall bodyes but that we shall be holly delyuered from the kyngdome of synne and from spyrituall deathe and shall be resuscytated and regenerated into the newe lyfe of the spyryte and grace And where as I and all other chrysten men shuld haue ben the moste myserable of all other creatures in the worlde and shulde haue dyed lyke heathens and pagans without all hope of euerlastynge lyfe or ofrysynge agayne after our death yf Christe our heed and sauiour had not rysen agayne to lyfe after his deathe I beleue and truste nowe assuredly that by the vertue and efficacie of this desendynge of Christe in to helle and of his resurrection agayne from death to lyfe not onely our corporall dethe and all the afflictions whiche we maye susteine in this worlde shal not annoy vs but shall rather tourne vnto our profyte and be as entrees and occasyons of our greatter glorie but also that we shall after our corporall deathe be preserued from the captiuitie of hell and shall be made parttakers of Christis resurrection that is to say that we shall aryse and lyue ageyne in the selfe same bodyes and sowles that we nowe haue and so shall vtterly ouercome deathe in lyke maner as our heed and our sauiour Ihesu Christ hath done before vs and shal fynally lyue with hym immortally in ioye and felycitie The sence and interpretation of the .vi. Article I Beleue assuredly and constantly do professe that this our sauiour Iesu Christ after he had perfitely accomplished perfourmed the hole misterie of the redemption of mankynde by his incarnation his byrthe his passion his deathe his buriall his dyscendynge into hell and rysynge agayne from deathe to lyfe and after he had ben here in erthe conuersaunt with his Apostles and dyscyples by the space of xl dayes after his sayde resurrection the same fortieth day whan he was amonge his sayde Apostelles he in theyr syght ascended vp agayne in to heuen in the very same his naturall bodye whiche was borne of the blessyd virgin his mother and was crucified vppon the crosse And so dyd withdrawe his corporall presence from the syghte of his apostels and from the syght of all other creatures here in erthe to the intente they shulde frome thensforthe eleuate and lyfte vp theyr hole hartes theyr myndes theyr desyres and all theyr affections from erthely thynges and frome all carnall and worldely cures towardes heuen and heuenly thynges and so shulde prepare theyr hartes and make theym selfes mete and apte to receyue the holy gooste and his spirituall gyftes whiche he wolde sende downe in to the worlde sone after his sayd ascention And I beleue in lyke maner that this our sauiour Iesu Christe after he was retourned into heuen beinge very god and very man in one person all myghty god his father did constitute and sette hym vpon his ryghte hande Ephe. i. and that euer sythe that tyme he hath so sytte and so shal sytte eternally that is to say almyghty god his father dyd cōmunicate and gyue vnto hym glorie honour felicitie power and euerlastynge monarchie gouernaunce rule and dominion ouer all the pryncipates potestates powers dominations and ouer all creatures that can be named either in this worlde or in the worlde to come And soo ordeyned that he shulde be kynge of all kynges and lorde of al lordes and that all thynges in heuen and erthe shulde be caste vnder his feete and made subiecte vnto hym And that he shulde be thonly heed of the catholyque churche and that the same churche shulde be the body vnder that heed And lykewise as the heed alwaye excelleth al thother membres so Christe shulde excelle incomparably in honour and dignitie all the membres of his sayd body the churche and that he shulde be thonly perfectyon and consummation of the same And I beleue also and professe that this our sauiour Iesu Christe beinge thus constituted and set vpon the right hande of his father was and is also constituted to be not onely the eternall kynge the heed the lorde and gouernoure of his body the catholyque churche but also to be the onely eternall priest and byshop of
his sayde churche that is to saye to be the onely patrone and aduocate and thonely mediatour betwene god and mankynde and the onely intercessor for the synnes of all them that ryghtfully beleue in hym And I beleue that accordynge therunto our sauiour Iesu Christ is of his owne goodnes not onely more redy alwayes than any other creature in the worlde is to helpe me by his mediacyon and intercession but also that whan so euer I do inuocate and calle vpon hym in ryght fayth and hope with full intent and purpose to amende and retourne from my noughty lyfe he presenteth and exhibiteth vnto the sight of his father his moste blessed body as it was wounded crucified and offred vp in sacrifyce for the redemption of mankynde and so from tyme to tyme maketh continuall request and intercession vnto god his father for the remission of all my synnes and for my reconciliation vnto his fauour and finally doth obteyne that god so reconciled woll vouchsafe to sende downe his holy spyrite to dwell within my harte there to rule to gouerne and to sanctifie me with all my thoughtes and dedes and to comforte and strengthe me with all spirituall gyftes necessary to the attaynynge of euerlastynge lyfe And therfore sithe my heed and my sauiour Iesu Christ ascended vp into heuen and sytteth there vpon the ryght hand of his father and maketh there continuall intercession for me I shall neuer from hens forthe by the grace of god seke nor set my felicitie in any worldly thynge but shall alwayes vse the creatures and ordynaunces of this worlde and all worldly thynges as a passynger or a pylgrime vseth the commodities of a straunge countrey wherin he intendeth not to tary but to passe forthe vntyll he shall come vnto his owne dwellynge place And I shall conuerte my hole cure desyre and study from these erthely pleasures to the attaynynge of that heuenly and euerlastynge life whiche is prepared and ordeyned for me And beinge assured of so good so louynge and therwith so myghty a gouernour mediatour and aduocate in heuen as Chryst is I woll by the helpe of his grace from hens forth continue styll perseuer vnder his kyngedome his tuicion and his gouernaunce and so being I woll accompt my selfe safe and sure in all maner aduersities and agaynst all maner aduersaries and enmyes And I woll neuer by the helpe and grace of god seke other gouernour or mediatour nor all the displeasures iniuries or aduersities in the worlde nor all the malyce crafte and subtilitie of the dyuell nor all the multitude or burden of my sinnes shall cause me to distruste or dispayre of helpe at his handes nor yet shall make me afrayde to prosecute this my said desyre and purpose or cause me to desyst from the same The sence and interpretation of the seuenth Artycle I Beleue assuredly and constanly do professe that our sauiour Iesu Christ beyng thus ascended in to heuen sette there on the right hand of almighty god his father shall at the laste ende of the worlde whiche we call Domesday retourne ones ageyne and come from heuen and appere vnto all the people of the worlde both quicke and deed in his perfyte manhode and in the selfe same body wherin he ascended to the inestimable comforte and reioyce of the good and to the extreme terrour confusyon of the wycked And although our sauiour Iesu Christ at his fyrst aduent or commyng into the world which was whan he came to be incarnate appered in the habyte and fourme of a very lowe seruaunt and of an abiecte person in all humblenes pouertie affliction and myserie and suffred him selfe to be iniustly iudged and condempned to dethe by others and although he hath euer syth that tyme and euer shal vntyl Domesday vse his mercy and longe pacience and suffrance towardes the wretched synners of the worlde inuitinge alwayes and callynge them from tyme to tyme to repentance yet I beleue assuredly that at his seconde aduent or commynge he shall appere in the high and almighty power glorie and maiestie of his kyngedome and beinge accompanyed with all the orders of aungelles waytinge vpon hym as his ministres Matth. xxv Apoc. i. he shall sytte openly in the clowdes of the ayre and shall iudge all the worlde quicke and deed and that straitely accordynge to trouthe and iustice and accordynge as he hathe promysed and thretned to do by his holy worde expressed in scripture that is to say accordynge to euery mannes owne workes and dedes done by hym while he lyued in the world without sparyng or fauourynge or shewynge of mercy vnto any whiche haue not deserued the same in theyr lyfe tyme. And I beleue assuredly that at this day whan Christ shal thus sytte in the seate or throne of his iudgement all the people of the worlde quicke dead that is to saye aswell al those whiche shall be founde on lyfe in the worlde at the daye of this seconde aduent or commynge of Christ as also al those whiche euer sythe the creation of Adam lyued here in this worlde and dyed before that daye shall come and appere before the presence of Christe in theyr very bodyes and sowles And whan they shal be so gathered and assembled togyther our sauiour Iesu Christe shall pronounce the extreme or fynall sentence and iudgement of euerlastynge saluation vpon all those persones Ro. ii whiche in theyr lyfe tyme obeyed and conformed them selfe vnto the wylle of god and exercysed the workes of ryght belefe and charytie and so perseuerynge in well doynge soughte in theyr hartes and dedes the honoure and glorye of god and lyfe immortall And contrarye vppon all those whiche in theyr lyfetyme were contentious and dyd repugne agaynst the wyll of god and folowed iniustice and iniquitie rather than trouthe and vertue our sauyour Christe shall than and there pronounce the sentence of euerlastynge punyshement and dampnation And I beleue that our sauyour Iesu Christe shall also than and there calle a parte and make a perfyte separation or diuysyon betwene these two sortes of people that is to saye betwene the shepe and the gootes the corne and the chaffe the good and the bad the blessed and the cursed the membres of his bodye and the membres of the dyuell And so settynge the good and the blessed vppon his ryght hande he shall cleerely and perfytely rydde delyuer and redeme them for euer from the power and malyce of the wycked and from all paynes and euyll and so take them all vp with hym into heuen there to be crowned and rewarded in body and sowle with honour glorie and euerlastynge ioye and peace whiche was prepared for them from the begynnynge of the worlde And contrary he shall sette all the other whiche shall be iuged to euerlastynge peyne and death vpon his lefte hande and so shall sende them downe into hell there to be punysshed in body and soule eternally with fyre that neuer shall haue ende whiche was
prepared from the begynnynge of the worlde for the dyuell and his angelles and the cursed membres of his body The sence and interpretation of the eyght Artycle I Beleue assuredly in my harte and constantly do professe and knowledge that the holy gooste is the thyrde person in Trinitie that he is veray god lorde auctour and former of all thynges created and that he procedeth both from god the father and from god the sonne and is of the selfe same nature and substaunce and of the same euerlastynge essence or beynge whiche the father and the sonne be of and that he is equall vnto them bothe in almightynes of power in the worke of creation and all other thynges apperteynyng vnto the deitie or godheed and that he is to be honoured and gloryfyed equally with them both And I beleue that this holy spirite of god is of his nature all holy or rather holynesse it selfe that is to saye that he is the onely gooste or spirite whiche with the father and the sonne euer was and euer shall be the onely auctoure causer and worker of all holynes puretie and sanctimonie and of all the grace comforte and spirituall lyfe whiche is wrought and cometh into the hartes of all true christen men In so moche that neither it is possible that the dyuell or any of those euyll spirites whiche do possesse and reigne in suche persones as be subiecte vnto synne can be expelled or put out of theym but by the power of this fynger of god that is to saye of this holy spirite whiche is called in scripture the fynger of god neither it is possyble Mat. xii that the harte of any man beynge ones corrupted and made as prophane by synne can be purged purified sanctified or iustified without the speciall worke and operation of this holy spirite neyther it is possible for any man to come vnto the father by Christe that is to saye to be reconciled into the fauour of god and to be made and adopted into the nombre of his chyldren or to obteyne any parte of that incomparable treasure whiche our sauiour Iesu Christe by his natiuitie his passion his death his resurrection and his ascention hath merited for mankynde oneles this holye spirite shall fyrste illumyne and inspyre into his harte the ryghte knowledge and fayth of Christe with due contrition and penaunce for his synnes and shall also afterwarde instructe hym gouerne hym ayde hym directe hym and endewe hym with suche speciall gyftes and graces as shall be requysite and necessary to that ende and purpose And I beleue also assuredly that this holy spirite of god is of his owne nature full of all goodnes and benignitie or rather that he is goodnes it selfe Forasmoche as he is the onely goost or spirite whiche with the father by Christe instylleth and infoundeth into the hartes of mortall men after they be ones purified from synne by fayth and delyuered from the power of the deuyll dyuers and manyfolde moste noble and excellent gyftes and graces as the gyfte of holy feare and dread of god Timoris Sapien. Intellectꝰ Concilii Fortitudinis the gyfte of feruent loue and charitie towardes god and our neyghbour the gyfte of spirituall wysedome and vnderstandynge the gyfte of free wyll and desyre and also of very fortitude and strength to contempne this worlde to subdue and mortifie all carnall concupiscence and to walke in the wayes of god the gyfte of perseuerance to contynue in the same the gyfte of pitie and mercy Pietas Scientia of pacyence and benignitie of science and cunnynge of prophecienge of curynge and healynge and of all other vertues necessarie for christen men to haue either for the attaynynge of theyr owne saluation or for the edifyenge and profyte of theyr neighbours All and synguler whiche gyftes and graces I knowlege and professe that they procede from this holy spirite and that they be gyuen conferred and distributed vnto vs mortall men here in erthe at his owne godly wyll arbitre and dyspensation and that no man can purchase or obteyne ne yet receyue reteyne or vse any one of them without the specyall operation of this holy spiritie And although he geueth not nor dyspenseth the same equally and vnto euery man in lyke yet he gyueth alwayes some portion therof vnto all persones whiche be accepted in the syght of god and that not onely frely and without all theyr deseruinges but also in suche plentie and measure as vnto his godly knowlege is thoughte to be mooste benefyciall and expedient And I beleue that this holy spirite of god is of his owne nature autour of charitie and holy loue or rather that he is charitie it selfe Fyrst bycause that he is that ineffable and incomprehensyble loue or concord wherwith the father the sonne be conioyned inseparably the one with the other Seconde bycause he his the bonde and knotte wherwith our sauiour Iesu Christe and his most dere beloued espouse the churche which is also his very mystical body and al singuler the veray membres of the same churche and body be vnited knytte and conioyned to gyther in suche perfyte and euerlastynge loue and charitie that the same can not be dissolued or separated Thyrdely bycause he his also the verye bonde and knotte wherby all and euery one of the membres of Christis sayde churche and body be vnited coupled and conioyned the one of them with the other in perfite mut all loue and charitie For I beleue assuredly that lyke as the membres of our mortall bodyes be by the spirituall operation and vertue of our soules not onely preserued holly togyther in one body and be endewed with lyfe and power to exercyse suche naturall functions and offyces as be deputed vnto them but also be conteyned in mutuall affection and desyre eche to helpe and conserue thother Euen so the membres of this misticall bodye of Christe be by the onely and speciall operation and worke of this holy spyrite not onely congregated vnited and incorporated in to this one body of Christe and so do consist and endure holly and perfitely in the same body euery one in his owne peculiar function but also that they be knitted combined and conglutinated all together and euery one of them with other in perfytte and indyssoluble loue and in the cōmunion of all theyr gyftes and graces and of all other thynges wherwith the one of them may helpe succour or comforte the other And I bele e that this holy spirite of god is the spirite of trouth and the autour of all holye scripture conteyned in the hole canon of the Byble And that this spirite dydde not onely inspire and instruct all the holy patriarkes and prophetes with all the other membres of the catholyke churche that euer was from the begynynge of the worlde in all the trouthes and verities that euer they dyd knowe speake or write but also that the same holy spirite dyd ones descende downe from heuen in
the similitude and lykenes of firye tongues Act. ii and dyd ligthe downe vpon all thapostelles and dysciples of Christe and inspired them also with the knowlege of all trouthe and replenyshed them with all heuenly giftes and graces And that from that day vnto the worldes ende he hath ben and shall be continually present and also chiefe president in the catholyque churche of Christe that is to say that he hath and shall continually dwell in the hertes of all those people whiche shall be the very membres of the same churche and shall teache and reuele vnto them the secretes and mysteries of all trouthe whiche is necessarie for them to knowe and that he shall also contynually from time to tyme rule them directe them gouerne them sanctyfie them and gyue vnto them remission of theyr synnes and all spirituall comforte as well inwardly by fayth and other his secrete operations as also outwardely by the open ministration and efficacie of the worde of god and of his holy sacramentes and that he shall endewe them with all suche spirituall graces and gyftes as shall be necessarie for them to haue and so fynally shall rewarde them with the gyfte of euerlastynge lyfe and ioye in heuen The sence and interpretation of the nynthe Artycle I Beleue assuredly in my harte and with my mouthe I do professe and knowlege that there is and hath ben euer from the begynnyng of the world so shal endure and continue for euer one certayne nombre societie cōmunion or company of the electe and faythfull people of god of whiche nombre our sauioure Iesu Christe is the onely heed and gouernour and the membres of the same be all those holy saynctes whiche be now in heuen and also al the faithfull people of god whiche be nowe on lyue or that euer heretofore haue lyued or shall lyue here in this wordle from the begynnynge vnto the ende of the same and be ordeyned for theyr true fayth and obedience vnto the wyll of god to be saued and to enioye euerlastynge life in heuen And I beleue assuredly that this congregation accordyng as it is called in scripture Gala. iiii Cant vi Hire xiii Rom. viii i. Cor. iii. ii Cor. vi Ephe. v. so it is in very dede the Cyte of heuenly Hierusalem the mother of all thelecte people of god the onely doue and the onely beloued of god in perfite and euerlastynge charite the holy catholyque churche the temple or habytacle of god the pure and vndefyled espouse of Christ the veray mysticall body of Christe Al and synguler whiche names and appellations and certayn suche other rehersed in holy scripture I beleue and professe that they be mooste worthely attributed vnto this holy church or congregation And lyke as citizens assembled in one citie do lyue there vnder commune lawes and in commune societie and there do consult studie and labour eche man in his roume and office and accordynge vnto his callynge for theyr common welth and fynally be made participant or parttakers of all and syngular suche benefites and commodities as do aryse vnto them therby Euen so I beleue that the membres of this holy catholique churche or congregation be collected and gathered togyther within the same churche as within one citie or folde and that they be therin all vnyted and incorporated by the holy spirite of Christe into one body and that they do lyue there all in one faythe one hope one charitie and one perfyte vnitie consent and agrement not onely in the true doctrine of Christe but also in the ryghte vse and ministration of his sacramentes and so lyuynge in this perfytte vnytie swete harmony and concorde I beleue that they do labour contynually euery one in his vocation for the common welthe of this hole bodye and of euery parte and membre of the same And that all the prayers good workes and merites yea and all the gyftes graces and goodes whiche be conferred done or wrought in or vnto this hole body or any membre of the same shall be applyed vnto euery one of them and shall redounde communely vnto the benefytte of them all And I beleue that this hole congregation is all holy that is to saye that this churche and all the partes and membres of the same be so puryfied and mundified as well by Christis mooste precyouse bloude as also by the godly presence gouernaunce and assistence of his holy spirite whiche dwelleth and inhabiteth contynually within the sayde congregation and gouerneth and sanctifieth the same that neyther the lepry of heresie or false and peruerse doctryne neyther the fylthynes of synne neyther the gates of hell shal be hable fynally to preuayle agaynste them or to pull any of them out of the handes and possession of Christe And although god dothe oftymes suffre not onely synne errour and iniquitie so to abounde here in the worlde and the congregation of the wycked to exercyse suche tyranny crueltie and persecution ouer this holy churche and the membres of the same that it myght seme the sayde churche to be vtterly oppressed and extinguished but also suffreth many and sondry of the membres of the same holy churche to fall out from this body for a season and to cōmytte many greuouse and horryble offences and crymes for the whiche they deserue to be precyded and excluded for a season from the communion of this holy churche yet I beleue assuredly that god woll neuer vtterly abiecte this holy churche nor any of the membres therof but that the same dothe and shall perpetually contynue and endure here in this worlde and that god shall at all tymes yea whan persecution is greattest and moste feruent be present with his holy spirite in the same churche and preserue it all holy and vndefyled and shall kepe ratyfie and holde sure all his promyses made vnto the same churche or congregation And fynally that all suche membres as be fallen out from the same by synne shal at length ryse agayn by penaunce and shall be restored and vnyted agayne vnto the same holy body And I beleue assuredly that in this holy churche and with the membres of the same so longe as they be mylytant and lyuynge here in erthe there haue bene euer and yet be and euer shall be ioyned and myngled to gyther an infinite nombre of the euyll and wycked people Mat. xiii Mat. iii. Mat xiii Mat. xxv whiche all thoughe they be in dede the very membres of the congregation of the wicked and as the gospell calleth them very weedes and chaffe euyll fyshe and gootes and shall fynally be iudged to euerlastynge dampnation yet forasmoche as they do lyue in the commune societie or company of those whiche be the veray quycke and lyuynge membres of Christis mysticall bodye and outwardly do professe receyue and consent with them for a season in the doctryne of the gospell and in the ryghte vsynge of the sacramentes yea and ofte tymes be indewed with ryght excellent gyftes of
the holy gooste they be to be accompted and reputed here in this worlde to be in the nombre of the sayde veray membres of Christis mysticall bodye so longe as they be not by open sentence of excommunication precided and excluded from the same Not bycause they be suche membres in very dede but bycause the certayne iugement knowlege of that theyr state is by goddes ordynaunce hydden and kepte secrete from all mens knowlege and shall not be reueled vntyll the tyme that Christe hym selfe shall come at the worldes ende and there shall manyfest and declare his veray kyngedome and who be the veray true membres of his body and who be not And I beleue that this holy churche is catholyque that is to say that it can not be coarcted or restrayned within the limites or bondes of any one towne citie prouince region or countreye but that it is dispersed and spredde vnyuersally through out all the hole worlde In so moche that in what part soeuer of the worlde be it in Affrique Asia or Europe there may be founde any nombre of people of what sorte state or condicion so euer they be whiche do beleue in done god the father creatour of all thynges and in one lorde Iesu Christe his sonne and in one holy goost and do also professe and haue all one fayth one hope and one charitie accordynge as is prescribed in holy scripture and do all consent in the trewe interpretation of the same scripture and in the ryght vse of the sacramentes of Christe we maye boldly pronounce and saye that there is this holy churche the veray espouse and body of Christe the veray kyngdome of Christe and the veray temple of god And I beleue that these particular churches in what place of the worlde so euer they be congregated be the very partes porcions or membres of this catholyque and vnyuersall churche And that betwene them there is in dede no dyfference in superioritie preeminence or auctoritie neyther that any one of them is heed or soueraygne ouer the other but that they be all equall in power and dygnitie and be all grounded and buylded vpon one foundation and be all called vnto lyke and vnto the same puretie cleannes honour and glorie and be all subiecte vnto one god one lorde one heed Iesu Christe and be all gouerned with one holye spirite And therfore I do beleue that the churche of Rome is not The churche of Rome nor can not worthyly be called the catholyque churche but onely a partycular membre therof and can not chalenge or vendicate of ryghte and by the worde of god to be heed of this vnyuersall churche or to haue any superioritie ouer thother churches of Christ whiche be in England France Espayne or in any other realme but that they be all free from any subiection vnto the sayde churche of Rome or vnto the mynyster or byshop of the same And I beleue also that the sayde churche of Rome with all thother partycular churches in the worlde compacted and vnyted togyther do make and constitute but one catholyque churche or body And that lyke as our sauyour Christe is one persone and the onely heed of his mysticall body so this hole catholyke churche Christis misticall bodye is but one bodye vnder this one heed Christe The vnitie of Christis churche And that the vnytie of this one catholyque Churche is a mere spirituall vnitie consistynge in the poyntes before rehersed that is to saye in the vnitie of Christis fayth hope and charitie and in the vnitie of the ryght doctrine of Christe and in the vnitie and vnyforme vsynge of the sacramentes consonant vnto the same doctrine And therfore althoughe the sayde partycular churches and the membres of the same do moche dyfferre and be discrepant the one from the other not onely in the dyuersite of nations and countreys and in the dyuersitie dygnitie and excellencye of certayne suche gyftes of the holy goost as they be endewed with but also in the dyuers vsynge and obseruation of suche outwarde rytes ceremonies traditions and ordynaunces as be instituted by theyr gouernours and receyued and approued amonge them yet I beleue assuredly that the vnitie of this catholyque churche can not therfore or for that cause be any thynge hurted impeched or infrynged in any poynte but that all the sayde churches do and shall contynue styll in the vnytie of this catholyke churche not with standynge any suche dyuersytie nor that any of them ought to be reputed as a membre deuyded or precyded from the same for any suche cause of dyuersytie or dyfference vsed by them or any of them in the sayde poyntes And I beleue that al the particular churches in the world whiche be membres of this catholyque churche maye all be called apostolicall churches aswell as the churche of Rome or any other churche wherin the apostels them selfes were somtyme resydent Forasmoche as they haue receyued and be all founded vpon the same fayth and doctryne that the true apostels of Christe dyd teache and professe And I beleue and truste assuredly that I am one of the membres of this catholike churche and that god of his onely mercy hath not onely chosen and called me thervnto by his holy spirite and by thefficacie of his worde and sacramentes and hathe inserted and vnited me into this vnyuersall body or flocke and hath made me his sonne and inheritour of his kyngdome but also that he shall of his lyke goodnes and by the operation of the holy goost iustifie me here in this worlde and fynally glorifie me in heuen And therfore I proteste and knowlege that in my hart I abhorre and deteste all heresies and scismes wherby the true interpretation and sence of scripture is or maye be peruerted And do promyse by the helpe of god to endure vnto my lyfes ende in the ryght profession of the faythe and doctryne of the catholyque churche The sense and interpretation of the tenthe Artycle I Beleue assuredly in my harte and with my mouthe I professe that betwene and amonge all and synguler the saintes that is to say the quycke lyuinge membres of the catholyque churche of Christe whiche is his mistycall body there is a perfyte communion and particypation of all and syngular the graces of the holy goost and the spirituall goodes and treasure whiche do belonge vnto the sayde hole body or vnto any part or membre of the same And like as al the partes membres whiche be lyuynge in the natural body of a man do naturally communicate and mynister eche to other the vse commoditie and benefite of all theyr forces nutriment and perfection in somoche that it lyeth not in the power of any man to say that the meate whiche he putteth in at his owne mouthe shall nouryshe one particular membre of his body and not an other but that all and euery one particularly shall receyue of the sayde nutriment and of the vertue and benefite therof more
harte that god the father dyd resuscitate and raise vppe his sonne Christe from deathe to lyfe he shall be saued And in an other place he sayth that who soeuer beleueth not i. Cor. xv that Christe is rysen from deathe to lyfe it is not possible his synnes shulde be remytted It is also to be noted in this Article that the victory and conqueste whiche Christe hadde ouer deathe hell and the dyuell hym selfe with all theyr power and tyranny besyde that it proceded of the infinite mercy and goodnes of god towardes vs it was also founded vpon veray Iustyce For surely like as the sinne of man his disobedience was the only meane and cause wherfore god ordeyned and suffred that deth and the dyuel shuld haue and occupy suche dominion tyrranny ouer all mankynde as they had Euen so was it contrary to the wyll and ordynaunce of god that dethe hell or the dyuell shulde haue or exercyse any power or auctoritie where as no synne reygned In so moche that yf man had neuer synned he shulde neuer haue dyed but shulde haue ben immortall nor neuer shulde haue descended into helle but shulde euer haue had the superyoritie ouer the dyuell deathe and helle and shulde haue had theym alwayes subdewed vnto hym And therfore sythe the dyuell hym selfe dyd perfytely knowe that our sauyour Iesu Christe expressed in all his lyfe mooste exacte and mooste perfyte obedyence vnto the lawes and wyll of god and soo fulfylled and satysfyed the same in euerye poynte to the vttermost that there coulde neuer be founde vntrewthe or deceyte in his mouthe nor any spotte or blotte of fylthynesse or impuritie in any parte of all his lyuynge and yet that not withstandynge knowynge hym to be a veray naturalle manne laboured procured and caused the Iewes to kylle this innocente Christe and to put hym vnto mooste sharpe and bytter deathe contrarye to all equitie and Iustyce and all to the intente that he myghte after his sayde deathe haue Christe with hym downe into helle as one of his captyues and so there to exercyse his tyrannye vppon hym lyke as he hadde doone ouer all other men from the begynnynge of the worlde vntyll that tyme No doubte but the dyuelle in this doynge dydde extreme and manyfeste wronge and vtterly exceded the lymyttes of the power gyuen vnto hym And therfore god consyderynge this hyghe presumption and malyce of the dyuelle and this intollerable abuse of his sayde power dydde sende his onely begotten sonne downe into hell there to condempne the dyuell of this extreme iniquytie and to conquere to spoyle Ro. viii and depryue hym not onely of the possessyon of all the sowles of the ryghtuouse menne whyche by his crafte and subtylytie he had before reduced and brought vnder his domynyon but also restrayned hym of the power and auctorytie whiche he by deathe and helle hadde ouer mankynde All whiche thynges Chryste dydde not by the myght of his godlye power onely but for and vppon this iuste and reasonable cause gyuen vnto hym on the behalfe of the dyuel whiche for the causes aforesayde mooste worthyly deserued to be serued so The notes of the syxte Artycle ¶ In the .vi. Article thre thynges be speciallye to be noted and remembred Fyrste that in the person of Iesu Christe there was and is conioyned and vnited togyther inseparably bothe the nature of god and the nature of manne And that by reason of this indissoluble vnitie of these two natures holye scrypture vseth sometymes to attrybute and gyue vnto the same personne of Christe those thynges whiche doo apperteygne vnto his humanytie althoughe the same canne not be veryfyed in hym as towchynge his godheed And therfore althowghe Christe as towchynge his godheed was euer presente in heuen and was euer equall in glorye with his father Yet forasmoche as concernynge his manhode he was neuer in heuen nor dydde neuer sytte there endewed with suche power and glorye before this his ascenscyon therfore it is sayde trewely in this Crede that Christe ascended into heuen and that almyghtye god the father dydde at his sayde commynge thyther sette hym there vppon his ryght hande ¶ Secondely it is to be noted that this ascension of Christe into heuen was not onely veray necessarye but also moche profytable for all trewe christen men and that for many causes One is for that Christe declared therby veray manyfestely that he was nat onely manne but that he was also veray god And therfore hir foloweth in this Artycle He sytteth on the ryght hande of his father not as inferiour in godheed but as equall vnto hym An other is for that he hath ben euer syth that tyme our contynuall aduocate sollicitour vnto god his father accordynge to the sayinge of saynt Paule Hebr. iiii wrytynge vnto the Hebrues where he sayth in this maner Christe ascended into heuen to thintent he shuld euer appere euer be present in the syght of god as a mediator and intercessor for vs. And in an other place also he faythe Iesus the sonne of god dyd penetrate ascende aboue all the heuens to be our great byshop wherfore let vs fermely and stedfastely beleue that we haue a great byshoppe in heuen that is to saye a greate and a perpetuall medyatour and intercessour for vs. And that the same our byshoppe is not onely of suche infynyte myght and power that he is fully hable to saue all them that woll inuocate and byleue in god the father by hym but also that he hauyng perfyte knowlege of all the infyrmities of our fleshe and mortalitie and hauyng tasted by experience in his owne body all the tentacions of the same synne onely excepted he woll also gladly and wyllyngely haue pitie and compassion of vs and woll be alwayes redy to saue vs. Wherfore lette vs put our hole truste and confydence in hym And so let vs boldely goo by prayer and inuocation vnto the throne of grace that we maye obteyne mercy and fynde grace and fauour helpe succour and comfort in tyme of our nede and necessitie And Sayncte Iohn̄ the Apostle also wryteth conformely here vnto in his fyrste Epystle where he sayth I exhorte and praye you good christen people i. Ioan. ii flee from synne and synne no more Not withstandynge yf any of you shall fortune to commytte any deadely synne yet let hym consider and remembre that Iesu Christe whiche fulfylled al Iustice for vs and by the sacrifienge and offerynge vp of his preciouse bloude made due satisfaction and propiciation vnto god his father not onely for all our synnes but also for the synnes of all the worlde is nowe our continuall and perpetuall aduocate our patrone and defendour before the throne of his father and maketh contynuall intercession and prayer for the remyssyon of all our synnes An other cause is for that yf Christe had not ascended we shuld haue lacked all the graces and gyftes of the holy goost whiche
be necessary for the passynge of this transytorie lyfe to the pleasure of god and to thatteynynge of euerlastynge lyfe in an other worlde accordynge to the sayinge of Christe spekyng vnto his Apostles Ioan. vi in this maner I tel you trouth it is expediente and necessarie for you that I shall ascende vp into heuen For surely yf I shulde not ascende the holy goost shall neuer come vnto you and contrary yf I do ascende into heuen than woll I sende hym immedyately vnto you And whan the sayde holy gooste shall come than shall he reproue and condempne the worlde and the dyuel for their synne and iniquitie and he shall fully instructe and teache you all trouthe c. Thyrdely it is to be noted that all thoughe it be sayde in this Artycle that Christe is our onely mediatour and intercessour yet therby is not excluded the intercession of the holy sayntes whiche be nowe in heuen or hereafter shall be neyther yet the intercession of the mynysters of Christis churche or of any the holy membres of the same whiche be liuing here in this worlde But we muste knowe for certayne that all the membres of Christis churche whether they be departed this lyfe or yet lyuynge here in the worlde be all knytte and vnyted togyther in perfytte charitie and eche dothe care and pray for other contynually vnto almyghty god and that Christe beynge heed of the same body is aduocate and intercessour for theym all lyke as it is more at large declared in the tenthe Artycle of this Crede ¶ In the .vii. artycle it is to be noted that lyke as the worlde had ones a begynnyng so shall it ones also haue an endyng The notes of the vii Article And that vpon the same extreme or laste daye of the worlde Christe shall come with glorie as the supreme highest iuge and shall holde an vnyuersall or generall iugement in the whiche all the people of the worlde that euer was or euer shall be shall appere before hym there to receyue theyr fynall sentence and iugement some of euerlastynge saluation and some of perpetuall dampnation It is also to be noted that this artycle was for great consyderations added immedyately and conioyned vnto the former Artycles specyally to thintent that no man shulde in his lyfe tyme presume vpon the sayde benefytes of Christe or take occasyon of carnalle lybertie or securitie and soo lyue withoute hauynge any feare to transgresse or regarde to obserue the commaundementes of god but rather that euery good christen man shulde in euery parte of his lyfe haue a contynuall remembraunce and respecte vnto that laste daye of iudgement and so be in contynuall feare to commyt any thynge contrarye to the wyll of god for the whiche he myght deserue to haue the sentence of euerlastynge dampnation pronounced vpon hym For this is certaynely true that at that day euery man shal be called to make a strayt accompt of his lyfe and shall be than fynally iudged euen accordynge to his owne propre workes good or badde done in his lyfe tyme. That is to saye yf in his lyfe tyme he dyd beleue in his harte and professe with his mouthe the ryghte belefe and faythe of Christe and accordynge vnto the same fayth dyd expresse in his outwarde workes suche obedience vnto the lawes of god as he requireth he shall be iudged to haue euerlastynge lyfe for his rewarde And contrary yf in his lyfe tyme he hadde not this ryghte faythe and beliefe in Christe or hauynge oportunitie dyd not expresse this obedience but transgressed the lawes of god and so dyed without repentaunce althoughe he pretended and sayde that he beleued neuer so moche and trusted in Christis benefyttes neuer so moche yet shall he be iudged and condempned to the euerlastynge peynes of helle In this Article it is further to be noted that lyke as there is nothynge more certayne vnto vs than that we be all mortall and shall ones dye yet no man lyuynge knoweth the tyme whan he shall dye Euen so there is nothynge more certayne thanne that this daye of iudgemente shall ones come and yet the howre and the tyme whan it shall be is hydden and kepte secrete from the knowlege of all men and Angelles and is reseued to the onely knowlege of god whiche thynge procedeth of his onely goodnesse towardes vs and is done to thyntente we shulde alwayes here in our lyfe tyme fle from synne and employe al our hole study and endeuoure to walke in the wayes of god that is to saye in suche faythe hope and charytie as god requyreth of vs and so prepare our selfe and ordre our lyuynge towardes god that we maye be in a redynesse at all tymes whan so euer it shall please god to call and sommone vs to appere before hym in the sayde generall iudgemente there by his mercye and goodnesse to receyue the crowne and rewarde whiche he promysed vnto all them that do feare hym and loue hym and walke in his wayes It is also to be noted in this Artycle Ma xxiiii Mar. xiii Luc. xvii that lyke as the lyghtenynge commeth from heuen sodeynely vnloked fore and in one instaunte or momente casteth lyght ouer all euen so this seconde aduente or commynge of Chryste and his generall iudgement shall come sodeynly and at suche tyme as the greattest parte of the people of the worlde shall feare or loke for nothynge lesse than for that daye Trouthe it is that god shall sende many great and euydente sygnes and tokens before the sayde commynge of Christe to admonyshe and warne therby his electe people of his sayde aduente or commynge not withstandynge the same sygnes shall not be so euydent but that the greattest parte of the people of the worlde shall take and repute them for no suche sygnes But lyke as in the tyme of Noe that holy Patriarke Genes vii the people of the worlde whiche then were wolde not be induced to beleue or thynke that god wolde euer sende any suche generalle flodde to drowne vppe all the worlde as the sayde Patriarke shewed them of byfore and so vppon truste thereof contynued forthe styll after theyr olde accustomed maner and facyon lyuynge in all fylthynesse and abhomination vntyll the sayde floode came in dede and so oppressed them sodeynely whan they were in the myddes of all theyr bely ioye and drowned them all that euer was excepte onely the sayde Patriarke and seuen others whiche somewhat before the commynge of the sayde floude entered into the shyp made for that purpose and so saued theyr lyues Euen so at Domesdaye and longe before the greattest parte of the people of the worlde shall lyttell or nothynge regarde the sayde sygnes whiche god shall sende as tokens before domysdaye but shall rather mocke them and attribute them vnto other causes and so buyldynge theyr faythe and truste thervpon shall gyue them selfe holly vnto carnall and bodely lustes to couetousnes and fraude to vaynglory and ambicion and
to all other the workes of the flesshe and so shall contynue therin without repentaunce or thynkynge of the sayd last day vntyl the selfe same houre that Christ shall come hym selfe in person and call them sodeinly to come and appere before his presence to receyue theyr iudgement The notes of the viii Artycle In the .viii. Artycle it is specyally to be noted that not with standynge any thynge conteyned or mencyoned therin yet we muste constantely beleue in the seconde persone in Trinitie accordynge as it is declared in the former Artycles in all poyntes that is to say that our sauiour Iesu Christe hath meryted habundantly and at the full not onely cleane remyssyon of all our synnes but also our parfytte redemption and delyueraunce from all the captiuytie and thraldome of our spirituall ennemyes and also our perfyte reconciliation vnto the fauoure of god and our perfytte iustification and saluation and that his deathe and his bloude is thonely and suffycient price and valour and the iuste satisfaction for all the synnes of the worlde And that he is the onely meane and hyghe waye wherby Christen men do and muste come vnto the father and that he is our onely Aduocate and patrone in heuen by whom all the heuenly gyftes of the holy goost and what so euer els is or can be necessary or requisite to thatteynynge of euerlastynge lyfe is conferred and gyuen vnto vs. And therfore where as in this .viii. Artycle our sanctification our iustification our incorporation in to the body of Christe our gouernaunce and all the other gyftes and graces wherwith christen men be endued be attributed vnto the worke of this holy spirite it is to be vnderstanded Fyrst that lyke as Christ is the autour the meane the veray hygh way to come vnto god the father so is this holy spirite the veray conductour the guyde the dyrectoure and the gouernour to brynge vs into the same hyghe waye and to mynyster vnto vs not onely alacritie and strength to walke and runne therin but also perseuerance to contynue in the same vntyll we shall come vnto our iourneys ende ¶ Seconde that the peculiar offyce operation of this holy spirite is to reuele and teache vs the mysteryes of Christis bloude and his passion and howe he is our onely lorde our sauiour and redemer and so to bring vs into the right knowledge of all these benefites that Christe hath done for vs. For surely yf this holy spirite shulde not by his worke illumyne lyght our hartes with the knowlege of this trouth all the merites and benefites of Christe shulde be perpetually hydden from our knowledge and we shulde neuer beleue in Christe but shulde be lyke Iewes and Turkes whiche knowe not Christe and so we shulde neuer be made participant of Christis merites nor they shulde neuer be applied vnto vs. Thyrdely that it is also the peculiar function or offyce of this holy spirite after we be inspired and perfytely instructed in the sayde knowledge fyrste to purge and purifie our hartes by this faythe and knowledge from the malyce and fylthynes of synne and afterwarde to stirre inflame and rauyshe our hartes and to make vs able gladly and thankfully to embrace and receyue the sayde benefytes and so to kepe them to vse them and to dyspose theym to our owne welthe and to the edifienge and profite of our neyghbours And fynally to comforte vs and to be vnto vs in maner as acertayne pledge or an ernest peny to assure and warraunt vs by true and infalible tokens that we be in the fauour of god and his owne chyldren by grace and adoption and the ryght enheritours of heuen And for asmoche as this holy spirite beynge sent and procedynge from the father and the sonne to dwell and inhabyte in our hartes worketh in vs all these effectes holy scrypture doth worthyly attrybute vnto hym our sanctification our iustyfycation and all the other benefytes whiche Christe by his passyon hath meryted and deserued for vs. Whiche neuerthelesse be also the workes of the hole Trynytie and be not to be separated in any wyse al thoughe scrypture commonly dothe attrybute them vnto the holy gooste as it doth attrybute power vnto the father and wysdome vnto the sonne whiche neuer the lesse be commune vnto all thre The notes of the ix Article In the nynthe Artycle many thinges be to be noted First that this worde Church in scripture is taken sometyme generally for the hole congregation of them that be chrystened and professe Christis gospell And somtyme it is taken for the catholyque congregation or noumbre of theym onely whiche be chosen called and ordeyned to reygne with Christe in euerlastynge lyfe Seconde it is to be noted that the churche in the fyrste sygnyfycation is in scrypture compared sometyme vnto a felde full of good corne and noughty weedes myngled togyther Mat. xiii Act. xx Mat. xxv Math. iii Luke iii. and somtymes vnto a nette full of good fyshe and badde and somtymes vnto a flocke of shepe and gootes gathered togyther in one fold and somtymes vnto the threshyng flower of almyghty god ii Tim. ii wherin is conteyned corne and chaffe both togyther and sometymes vnto a great mannes house in the whiche be some vessels or instrumentes of golde some of syluer some of tree some of erth some to be had in honour and pryce and suche as woll neuer be corrupted and putrifyed and some to be had in contempt to serue only for vile vses Thyrdly it is to be noted that by these parables certayn suche other rehersed in scrypture is sygnyfied that amonge them which be chrystened do professe Christis gospell and lyue in the comune societie cōmunion of the sacramētes of the churche dyuers be in dede the very quycke lyuynge membres of Christis mystical body and shal reygne euerlastingly with hym in honour And that the congregation or societie of them is the very felde and they be the very good corne or seede whiche Christe hym selfe dyd sowe And dyuers be in dede chaffe or stynkynge and naughty weedes sowen by the dyuell noughty fyshes stynkyng and baren gootes vessels dyspysed or instrumentes prepared to euerlasting fyre that is to saye they be the veray membres of the synagoge of the dyuell not the lyuyng membres of Christis mystycall body By these parables also it is signyfied that in this present lyfe these two sortes of people good and badde be contynually myxted and myngled togyther in the churche as it is taken in the fyrst sygnyfication And that the sayd membres of the synagoge of the dyuell so longe as they growe in the same felde wherin the good corne groweth that is to saye so longe as they do in outwarde apparaunce professe the same fayth of Christ whiche the very membres of Christis churche do professe and do consent agree with them outwardly in the doctryne of the gospell and in all other
thynges apperteyning vnto Christis relygion they must be accepted and reputed here in the worlde for the verye membres of Christes misticall body and that they ought not ne can be desseuered from them vntyll the day of iudgement At whiche tyme the sheparde shall deuyde the shepe from the gootes and the mowers shall trye and clense the corne frome the weedes and chaffe so shall brynge the corne into the barne and cast the chaffe the weedes into the fyre there to burne perpetually Of the churche also in this fyrste maner of sygnyfycation scrypture meaneth where it sayth Dani. ix Matth. xxiiii that abhomynatyon shall sytte in the holy place and that there shall aryse in the churche horryble errours and false prophetes whiche shall worke suche wonders that the electe people of God shall be almooste seduced with theym For surely not onely the wycked people whiche be mingled with the good in the churche as it is taken in this fyrste maner of sygnyfcacyon doo and shall commytte infynite errours and impieties but also the good people and suche as be the very membres of Christe do and shall erre oftymes as men and oftetymes do and shall decline for a season from the ryght way Fourthely it is to be noted that of the churche as it is taken in the seconde maner of sygnyfycation Hebr. xii Apo. xii ii Cor vi i. Tim iii. Math. v. i. Petr. ii Ephe. ii Cant. vi Cant. iiii Gala. iiii Ephe. v. i. Tim iii. ii Tim. ii It is sayde in scripture that she is the heuenly Hierusalem the Cytie of god the temple or habitacle of god the house of god buylded vpon a stone the onely doue the onely beloued of god the gardeyn mured rounde about the fountayne enclosed the well of lyuely water the paradyse full of fruite our holy mother the gloryouse espouse of Christe full of all beautie with out spotte or wryncle the misticall body of Christe the seate or pyller of trouthe the golden vessell in the noble mannes house whiche shall neuer corrupte or putryfie All whiche sentences and dyuers suche other spoken in scripture of the churche be to be referred and veryfyed of the churche in the seconde sygnyfication And fynally in this sygnyfication also the .ix. Artycle of our Crede is to be vnderstanded For surely it is necessary for our saluation to beleue that that churche or congregation whiche conteyneth the very quycke and lyuynge membres of Chrystis mysticalle bodye and whiche shall reygne euerlastyngly with hym in heuen is all holy and catholyque and that lyke as it hath ben euer in the worlde and yet is so it shall contynue for euer and for euer is shall be vnto the worldes ende spyritually and inwardely renewed quyckened gouerned iustified and sanctified with the presence and spyrytuall assistence and gracis of the holy goost and inwardely shall be connected and vnyted together in one godly consent in charitie and in the true doctryne of Christe And for confyrmation hereof it is also further to be noted and consydered that it is not onely veray necessarye for all trewe christen men to lerne and knowe the certayne notes and markes wherby the veray true churche of Christe is dyscerned frome the churche or congregation of the wycked whiche god hateth and also what is the pryncypall cause wherby they be made to be the very quycke membres of the churche of Christe but it is also one of the greatest comfortes that any christen man can haue to beleue and truste for certayne that there is suche a congregation whiche conteyneth the veray lyuely membres of Christis mystycall body and that he is a membre of the same congregation Specyally consyderynge the great and excellent promyses whiche Christe hym selfe hathe made vnto the sayde congregation beinge his owne mystycall body and his owne mooste dere and tenderly beloued espouse And for these causes and consyderations and suche other it is no doubte to be thought that this .ix. artycle was added and put into this crede specyally and pryncypally to descriue and declare the churche as it is taken in the sayde seconde maner of sygnyfycation Fyftely it is to be noted that after the mynde of certayne interpretours of scrypture the quycke and lyuynge membres of the holy and catholyque churche or congregatyon be of two sortes wherof the one parte is al redy departed this lyfe in the state of grace and is called the churche tryumphant forasmoche as after theyr victorie they doo or shall tryumphe in ioy and felicitie in heuen The other is all those true christen people whiche doo and shall lyue here in this worlde dayly and contynually fyghtynge in Christis battayle and for Christis sake ageynst theyr spirituall ennemyes the worlde the dyuell and the fleshe and for that cause is called the mylitant or fyghtynge churche Syxtely it is to be noted that althouge the lyuely membres of this militaunt churche be subiecte to the infirmities of theyr fleshe and fall ofttymes in to errour and synne as was sayde before yet they alweyes in scripture be called holy as well bycause they be sanctified in the bloud of Christe and professynge in theyr baptysme to beleue in god and to forsake the dyuel and all his workes they be consecrated and dedycated vnto Chryste as also for that they be from tyme to tyme purged by the word of god by faith hope and charitie by the exercyse of other vertues and fynally shal be endewed with suche grace of the holy goost that they shall be clerely sanctified and puryfied from all fylthynes and shall be made the gloryouse Espouse of Christe shynynge in all cleannes without hauynge any spotte or wryncle or any other thynge worthy to be reprehended The notes of the .x. Article In the tenthe Artycle it is to be noted that dyuers interpretours of holy scrypture do dyuersely interpretate the fyrste parte therof that is to saye communyon of Saynctes For some of them do referre it vnto the .ix. Artycle and do take it as a clause added to declare and explane what to sygnified by these wordes the Catholyke Churche and so they do conioyne this clause with that that wente before in this sense I beleue that this catholyque Churche is the communyon that is to saye the multytude or the commynaltie or the commune welthe of Saynctes onely that is to saye of those whiche be vnder the kyngdome of Christe and be gouerned and sanctified with his holy spyryte and be prepared to come to euerlastynge lyfe And some interpretours do deuyde the sayde clause from the .ix. Artycle and do conioyne it with the Artycle that foloweth that is to say Remyssyon of synnes Nowe these doctours whiche be of this opinion do also dyuersely expounde the sayde clause of communyon of Saynctes For some of them do take it to sygnyfye the commune vtylytie and profytte whiche all the membres of Christis body do receyue by the commune merytes suffrages and prayers of
the people commytted vnto theyr spirituall charge that we abuse our englysshe whan we call the tēples churches or altars by the name of any saynct as the churche or altare of our lady the churche or altare of saynct Michaell of sainct Peter of sainct Paule or suche other For we ought to call them no otherwyse but the memories of our lady of saynct Michaell saynct Peter saynct Paule and so of other saynctes and the churches or temples of god onely in whiche be the memorials of those saynctes And lykewyse muste the altares be dedicated to our lorde onely thoughe it be for the memoryall of any saynct Not withstandynge it is not necessarie to alter the commune speche whiche is vsed nor there is any errour therin soo that the sentence or meanynge therof be well and truely vnderstanded that is to say that the sayde altares and churches be not dedicated to any sayncte but to god onely and of the saynctes but a memoriall to put vs in remembrance of them that we maye folowe theyr example and lyuynge And therfore if we meane as the wordes do importe whan we call them the churches or altares of saynctes we yelde the honour of god from hym to the saynctes and breake this commaundement And lyke wise if we honour them any otherwyse than as the frendes of god dwellynge with hym and establysshed nowe in his glorie euerlastynge and as examples whom we muste folowe in holy lyfe and conuersation or if we yelde vnto saynctes the adoration honoure whiche is due vnto god alone We do no doubt breke this commaundement and do wrong vnto our lorde god ¶ The exposition of the fourth commaundement AS touchynge the fourthe commaundement we thynke it conuenyent that all bysshoppes and preachers shall instructe and teache the people commytted vnto theyr spirituall charge Fyrste that this worde Sabbote is an hebrewe worde and signyfieth in englysshe reste So that the Sabbot daye is as moche to saye as the daye of reste and quyetnes And therfore there is a speciall notable difference betwene this commaundement and thother .ix. For as sainct Austen sayth All the other .ix. commaundementes be morall commandementes and belonged not onely to the Iewes and all the other people of the worlde in the tyme of the olde testament but also to all christen people in the newe testament But this precepte of Sabbot as concernynge reste from bodyly labour the seuenth daye perteyned onely vnto the iewes in the olde testament before the commynge of Christe and not vnto vs christen people in the newe testament Neuertheles as concernynge the spirituall rest whiche is figured and signified by this corporall reste that is to saye reste from carnall workes of the flesshe and all maner of synne this precepte remayneth styll and byndeth them that belonge to Christe and not for euery .vii. daye onely but for all dayes howres tymes For at all tymes we be bounde to rest from fulfyllynge of our owne carnall wyll and pleasure from all synnes and euyll desyres from pride disobedience ire hate couetousnes and all suche corrupt carnal appetites to cōmytte our selues holly to god that he maye worke in vs all thynges that be to his wyll and pleasure And this is the true Sabbotte or reste of vs that be chrystened when we reste from our owne carnall wylles and be not ledde therby but be guyded alwaye by god and his holy spirite And this is the thyng that we pray for in the Pater noster Whā we say Father let thy kyngedome come vnto vs Thy wyll be done in erthe as it is in heuen Reigne thou with vs Make thy wyll to be wrought in vs that from our owne corrupte wyll we maye reste and cesse And for this purpose god hath ordeyned that we shulde faste watche and labour to th ende that by these remedies we myght mortyfie and kyll the euyll and sensuall desyres of the flesshe and attayne this spyrytual reste and quietnes whiche is sygnyfied and fygured in this commaundement ¶ Seconde we thynke it conuenient that all bysshops and preachers shall instructe and teache the people commytted vnto theyr spyrytuall charge that besydes this spyrytuall reste whiche chiefely and pryncypally is requyred of vs we be bounde by this precepte at certayne tymes to ceasse from all bodyly labour and to gyue our myndes entyerly and holly vnto god to here and lerne his worde to knowledge our owne synfulnes vnto god and his great mercy and goodnes vnto vs. to gyue thankes vnto hym for all his benefytes to make publyque and common prayer for all thynges nedefull to receyue the sacramentes to visite the sycke to instructe euery man his chyldren and famylie in vertue and goodnes and suche other lyke workes Whiche thinges althoughe all christen people be bounde vnto by this commaundement yet the Sabbot daye whiche is called the Satturdaye is not nowe prescribed and apoynted therto as it was to the Iewes but in stede of the Sabbot daye succedeth the Sondaye and many other holy and feastefull dayes whiche the churche hathe ordeyned from tyme to tyme. Whiche be called holy dayes not bycause one daye is more acceptable to god than an other or of it selfe is more holy than an other but bycause the churche hath ordeyned that vpon those dayes we shulde gyue our selues holly without any impedyment vnto suche holy workes as be before expressed where as vpon other dayes we do applye our selfes to bodyly laboure and be therby moche letted from suche holy and spyrituall workes ¶ And to the entent the ignoraunt people maye be the more clerely instructed what holy spirituall workes they oughte to do vpon the holy day we thynke it cōuenyent that al bysshops and preachers shall exhorte and teache the people commytte to theyr spiritull charge to vse them selfe in this maner folowynge That is to say At their first entre or cōmyng into the churche lette them make accompte with them selfes howe they haue bestowed the weke paste remembryng what euyll myndes and purposis they haue had what wordes they haue spoken what thynges they haue done or left vndone to the dishonour or displeasure of god or to the hurt of their neyghboure or what example or occasyon of euyll they haue gyuen vnto other And when they haue thus recollected and consydered all these thynges in their myndes then lette them humbly knowlege their defautes vnto god and aske forgyuenes for the same with vnfeyned purpose in their hartes to conuerte and retourne from theyr noughty lyues and to amende the same And whan they haue so done than let them clerely and purely in their hartes remytte and forgyue all malyce and displeasure whiche they beate to any creature And after that then let them fall vnto prayer accordynge to the commaundement of Christe where he sayth Math. v. whan you begynne to praye forgyue what so euer displeasure you haue ageynst any man And when they be wery of prayer then let theym vse redynge
And therfore who soo euer presumethe to come to god with this prayer and to call hym Father and yet hath not full entente and purpose to vse hym selfe in all thynges lyke a kynde and an obedyente sonne he commeth to hym as Iudas came to Christe with a kysse pretendynge to be his frende and his seruaunt in callynge hym mayster and yet he was in dede a traytour to hym and a deadely ennemie And for this consyderation euery chrysten manne that entendeth to make this peayer ought inwardely and throughoutly to enserche and examyne hym selfe And if he fynde in hym selfe any notable cryme Luc. xv for the whiche he maye be ashamed to call god his father let hym accuse hym selfe therof to god and recognyse his vnworthynes sayinge as the prodygall sonne sayde Father I haue offended the I am not worthy to be called thy sonne And with intiere repentaunce and with ferme purpose and entente to amende his noughty lyfe let hym lyfte vp his harte vnto his celestiall father And let hym call for his grace of reconciliation and then lette hym boldely saye this Pater noster ¶ Fyftly that in these wordes Our father is signified that we ought to beleue not onely that almyghty god is the commune father of all chrysten people and equally and indyfferently regardeth the ryche and the poore the free the bonde the lorde and the subiecte but also that all christen people be Christis owne bretherne and the verye coenheritours and compartioners with hym in the kyngedome of heuen and fynally that al chrysten men be bretherne to gyther and haue all one father whiche is god almyghtye And that therfore we ought not onely to be of one spyryte towardes our sayde father Ephe iiii to employ and endeuour our selfes to the vttermoste to plese hym and to kepe his lawes and commaundementes but we ought also eche to consente with other in parfyte loue and charitie and eche to helpe and further other towardes our sayde inheritaunce in heuen and fynally in all our prayers to god eche to comprise other and to praye for other lyke as in this Pater noster we be taughte to say Oure father gyue vs our breade forgyue vs our synnes suffre vs not to falle in temptation and delyuer vs from yuell ¶ Sixtely by these wordes whiche arte in heuen we be taught that we ought to haue not onely an inwarde desyre and a great care and studie to come to that place where our heuenly father is but also an inwarde sorowe and griefe that we be so longe kepte frome the presence of oure heuenly father and be subiecte here vnto so manyfolde cures and thoughtes to so many troubles and miserie and to so many and so greuous perylles and daungers of the worlde of synne and of the dyuell For lyke as a louynge chylde is euer desyrous to be where his father is yf his father shall departe to any place he woll lamente and be sorye oneles he maye go with hym and in his absence he woll morne and at his retourne he woll be ioyfull euen so ought we desyre euer to be with oure heuenly father And to se that oure conuersation be all withdrawen frome the worlde the flesshe and the dyuell and be sette in heuen and heuenly thynges as sayncte Paule sayth Ephe. iiii philip iii And we ought contynually to wayle and lamente bycause we be not with our heuenly father saying with the prophete wofull am I Psal cix that my dwellynge vpon the erthe is so moche prolonged ¶ The sense and interpretation of the seconde petition O God almyghty our moost mercyfull father we thy wretched chyldren moost humbly beseche and pray the helpe vs by thy grace not onely that we maye attayne and come to thy kyngedome in heuen after this mortall lyfe but also that in this present lyfe we maye be delyuered frome the kyngedome and power of the dyuell and synne and that we may lyue vnder thy dominion and kyngdome whiche is the kyngedome of innocency and grace We confesse and knowlege our foly our blyndenes yea and our extreme vnkyndnes towardes the our moost mercyfull father in that we haue so wyllyngly and gladly forsaken the so myghty and so gracious a kynge and haue gyuen our selfes to serue the dyuell whiche hath euer hated vs and lyke a moost cruell and wycked tyranne hath euer vexed and troubled vs nor neuer goth aboute any other thyng but to dystroy vs where as thou our mercyfull father haste created and made vs whan we were nothynge haste redemed vs whan we were damned haste ordeyned euerlastynge lyfe for vs whan for oure synnes we shulde haue bene iudged to euerlastynge deathe And therfore consyderyng nowe this our owne madnes ingratitude and beyng wery of this myserable thraldome and bondage whiche we susteyne vnder this kyngdome of the dyuell synne helpe vs we pray the moost dere father that we may escape from out of this most wretched thraldome captiuite that we may be subiecte vnto thy kyngdome Gyue vs before all thynges true constant fayth in the and in thy sonne Iesu Christ in the holy gost Gyue vs pure loue charite towardes the al men Kepe vs from infidelitie desperation malyce whiche myght be the cause of our destruction delyuer vs from dissensions couetousnes lechery all yuell desyres and lustes of synne Make the vertue of thy kyngedome soo to come and to reygne within vs that al our harte mynde and wyttes with all our strength inwarde and outwarde maye suffre them selfe to be ruled by the to serue the to obserue thy cōmaundementes and thy wyll not them selfe the flesshe the worlde or the dyuell Make that thy kyngedome ones in vs begonne may be dayly encreased and go forwarde more and more Suffre not the subtile and secrete hate or slouth whiche we haue to goodnes to rule so in vs that it shall cause vs to loke backe agayne and to fall in to synne Gyue vs a stable purpose and strength not onely to begynne the lyfe of innocencye in thy kyngedome but also to procede ernestely in it and to performe it Lyghten oure eien Psal xii leste we slepe or be werye in good lyfe ones begonne and soo suffre oute ennemie to brynge vs agayne vnder his power Graunt that we may contynue in goodnes and that after this kyngedome whiche is begonne in this lyfe we maye come vnto thy heauenly kyngedome whiche indureth euer ¶ For the better vnderstandynge of this seconde petition we thynke it conuenyent that all bysshoppes and preachers shall instructe and teache the people commytted vnto theyr spirituall charge that this seconde peticion is veray necessarie For no doubte oure auncient ennemy the dyuell gothe aboute contynually by all crafte and meanes to deceyue vs and to brynge vs vnder his power and dominion And surely so longe as pryde or dysobedience reygneth in vs so longe as ire enuy wrathe or couetousnes
reygneth in vs so longe as slouthe glottony lechery or any kynde of synne reigneth in vs soo longe we be vnder the dominion and kyngedome of the dyuell For the dyuell vndoubtedly is kynge ouer all the chyldren of pryde that is to say ouer all them that be synners rebelles and disobedient vnto god And for asmoche as it is not in our powers to delyuer our selfes from vnder this tyranny of the dyuell Osee xiii but onely by goddis helpe for our perdicion and vndoynge is of oure selfes but oure helpe and saluation is onely of god as fayth the prophete Osee therfore it is very necessary for all true christen people to make this peticion incessantlye vnto our heuenly father and to beseche hym accordyng to this doctryne of Christe that by his grace and helpe we maye escape the dominion and power of the dyuell and that we maye be made subiecte vnto his heuenly kyngdome ¶ The sense and interpretation of the thyrde petition FAther graunte vs we beseche the that lyke as thy holy Angels and saynctes in heuen in whome thou reygnest perfytely and holy do neuer cesse ne shall cesse to gloryfy the and prayse the and to fulfyll thy wyll pleasure in all thynges and that moost redyly and gladly without any maner of grutchynge or resystynge therunto knowynge certaynely and clerely that thy wyll is alwaye beste Euen soo we thy chyldren here on erth may dayly and contynually prayse the by our holy conuersation in good workes and good lyfe i. Petr. i. and that we maye frome tyme to tyme so mortifie our owne carnall affections and yuell desyres and soo renounce and deny our owne corrupte and synfull appetite and wyll that we maye be euer redy lyke louynge chyldren humblye lowely and obedyently to approue allowe and accomplysshe thy wyl in all thynges and to submytte oure selfe with all oure harte vnto the same And to knowlege that what soo euer is thy wyll the same is moost parfyte moost iuste moost holy and most expedyent for the welthe and helthe of our soules Gyue vs true and stable pacience when our wyll is letten and broken Graunte vs that whan any man speketh or dothe any thynge contrary to oure wyll that therfore we be not out of pacience neyther curse or murmure Graunte that we seke not vengeaunce agaynst our aduersaries or theym whiche let our wyll but that we may say well of them and do good to them Endue vs with thy grace that we maye gladly suffre all dyseases pouertie dyspysynges persecutions and aduersities knowing that it is thy wyl that we shulde crucifie and mortifie our wyls Make vs that we impute not to the dyuell or yuell men when any aduersitie chaunceth vnto vs but that we maye attribute all to thy godly wyll and gyue the thankes therfore whiche doste ordeyne all suche thynges for oure weale and benefyte Gyue vs grace that when soo euer it shall please the to calle vs out of this transytorie lyfe we maye be wyllynge to dye and that for thy wyll we may take our deathe gladly so that by feare or infirmitie we be not made dysobedient vnto the. Make that al our membres eyes tongue harte hande and feete be not suffered to folowe theyr desyres but that all maye be vsed to thy wyll and pleasure Gyue vs grace that we malycyousely reioyse not in theyr troubles whiche haue resysted our wyll or haue hurted vs nor that we be enuyously sory when they prospere haue welfare And fynally that we maye be contented and pleased with all thynge that is thy wyll ¶ For the better vnderstandynge of this thyrde petition we thynke it conuenient that all bysshoppes and preachers shall instructe and teache the people commytted vnto theyr spyrytuall charge howe that by the occasyon and euer sythe the dysobedyence and synne of oure fyrste father Adam the wyll of man hath ben so corrupted with originall synne that we be all vtterly enclyned to dysobeye the wyll and preceptes of god and so to loue our selfes our owne wylles that without a specyal grace and a synguler inspiration of god we can not hertely loue neyther god nor man but in respecte to our selfes as we may haue benefytte and commoditie by them ¶ Item that we haue this corruption in our nature and this inordynate loue of our selfes from Adam as it were by enherytaunce and that it goethe from one to an other from the fathers and mothers vnto the chyldren as soone as they be conceaued within theyr mothers wombes For as the chyldren take of theyr parentes theyr originall and naturall qualities and conditions euen so they receyue with the same this orygynall corruption of nature whiche commeth by original synne And thoughe the parentes be neuer so cleane purged and pardoned of theyr originall synne by baptysme and by the grace and mercy of god and be drawen vp from the loue of theyr selfes and of these worldely thynges vnto the pure loue of god yet neuertheles the chyldren of them be gotten be conceaued and borne in originall synne and corruption louyng thē selfes better than god or man lyke as corne though it be neuer so cleane wynnowed and purged frome chaffe yet if it be sowen the yonge sede is full of chaffe ageyne vntyl it be wynnowed and made clene Euen so be the chyldren borne full of chaffe and corruption of originall synne vntyll that by baptisme in the blode of our sauyour Iesu Christe they be wasshed and purged as theyr parentes were Item that so longe as we be in this mortall lyfe we shall neuer be soo cleane purged frome this concupiscence and this inordinate loue of our selfe and of this worlde and of worldly thynges and pleasures but some rote woll euer remayne of this corrupte wede Whiche yf the grace of god helpe vs not and we also applie not al our forces to mortifie and ouercome the same no doubte woll soo ouergrowe the hoole gardeyne of our harte that there shall be lefte no good herbe therin but it shal be so ouergrowen with the loue of our selfe and of this worlde that the loue of god and our neyghbour shall contynually decay from tyme to tyme and at length it shal grow not onely to a neglygence and a small regardynge but also vnto an vttter contempte bothe of god and of our neighbour and than we shall appertayne holly vnto the citie of the dyuell For as saynct Augustine sayth There be in this worlde two cities the one buylded by god in the whiche he reygneth as a moost gracious lorde and kynge The other is buylded by the dyuel wherin the dyuel reigneth as a moost mercylesse and cruell tyranne The citie of god consisteth is inhabited of them which loue god so moche that for to accomplyshe his wyll and cōmaundementes they be content to refuse theyr owne wylles and pleasures The citie of the dyuell hath inhabytantes all suche as loue them selfes so moche that for to haue theyr owne wylles and pleasures