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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A73031 Certain godly and learned sermons, preached by that worthy seruant of Christ M. Ed. Philips in S. Sauiors in Southwarke: vpon the whole foure first chapters of Matthew, Luc. 11. vers. 24. 25. 26. Rom. 8. the whole, 1. Thess. 5. 19. Tit. 2. 11. 12. Iames 2. from the 20. to the 26. and 1. Ioh. 3. 9. 10. And were taken by the pen of H. Yeluerton of Grayes Inne Gentleman Philips, Edward.; Yelverton, Henry, Sir, 1566-1629. 1607 (1607) STC 19854; ESTC S114640 484,245 625

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by the Masse that most execrable idoll and say it is sworne out of the country Can a man thinke himselfe rich that is indebted to all the world and hath nothing wherewithall to pay them And can such men that bee very beasts and without sense before God esteeme themselues vertuous and religious because they are onely highly praised of men They see not their owne estate because they haue not examined themselues according to the former rule When a man hath swept his chamber he thinkes all is cleane but when the Sunne commeth it sheweth many a mote hee could not before spie out so if the spirit would once shine into these mens consciences they should see not onely motes but most deformed and enormous sinnes in their hearts And how friuolous is it to stand vpon mans witnesse without religion which pierceth and looketh into the soule For otherwise he that thinketh himselfe in best health carieth his deaths wound in his bosome The basest gold is better then the purest led and the greatest imperfections of Gods children better then the highest vertues of the wicked and neuer shall they bee exalted that haue not before beene humbled The law is a hammer not onely to bruise the conscience but to breake it into powder which if it be not done wee shall neuer haue the spirit of adoption to seize vpon vs. The law commands but giueth no power to obey and is as if we should say to a beggar Buy such a mannor when he hath neuer a penny to helpe himselfe nor yet we giue him any money to do it euen so purchase heauen with thy works saith the law and yet knowes we are spoiled of all abilitie and doth not enable vs to doe such workes all one as if we should say to one hold vp the heauens with thy finger and yet giue him no strength to do it or as if we should say to the blind see it is comfortable and to the deafe heare it is profitable and yet giue them no meanes whereby they should doe these So the law is but a dead letter and hath but a dolefull and dreadfull sound vntill the spirit come and arme vs with power and abilitie to performe what the law requireth Lastly where it is said Luk. 15.21 Ye haue not receiued the spirit of bondage againe obserue that all that are conuerted and with the lost sonne are come home againe haue beene once brought to a terrour and fright of conscience which hath beene after a diuers measure for the Lord keepes some longer in the schoole of the law then he doth others according as hee findeth their hearts and dispositions inclinable to stoope and to be humbled or else for example sake as seemeth best to the Lord. But yet euery one of Gods chidren must come to this that is Act. 2.37 being moued and pricked in conscience to say and crie out What shal I doe to be saued I see my debt where shall I get surety I perceiue my nakednesse where shall I be couered I am fallen how shall I be recouered And being touched in their hearts if they fall not into that exclamation then as it is said of Ely his sonnes 1. Sam. 2.25 they obeyed not because the Lord would slay them so for these men to be baked in their sinnes and to see their destruction and not to shunne it and by this meanes to despaire finally is the iust iudgement of God that he may be auenged of their great hypocrisie for mercy offered and refused or set light by doubleth the punishment Euen as in this nation by the blessed preaching of the Gospell Sathan is cast out in the generall profession of the Land if now he labour to creepe in againe by hypocrisie and make vs thinke religion to rest in shewes and consist in ceremonies growing more leane and ilfauoured after we haue deuoured so many yeeres of store and plentie in preaching the word we doe erre in our hearts and do arme our enemie against vs who at his reentrance will bring seuen spirits worse then he did before Luk. 11.25 and will so fortifie his habitation with hypocrisie and other great and monstrous sinnes as there shall be more profannesse in this nation then euer there was before But ye haue receiued the spirit of adoption In this the Apostle proueth that we are the Sonnes of God because we are so adopted in the euerlasting grace of his blessed Sonne And to proue we haue this spirit he doth it by the contrary thus we are deliuered from the spirit of feare and redeemed into such a Christian liberty as we now loue God not for feare but feare him for his loue In this there are two parts to be considered first what this spirit of adoption is secondly the inseparable effect that followeth it namely an assured confidence to come boldly before the Lord euen as children before their parents to craue pardon for our sinnes For the first this spirit is the holy Ghost assuring vs by the word of grace that is the Gospell that the Lord hath auowed vs for his children in that one and best beloued Sonne of his Christ Iesus so that no extremities of this life nor sorrowes of death nor sinne it selfe shall be able to ouer whelme vs. Therefore it is said in the Scriptures that the holy Ghost setteth a seale vpon the heart of his elect Ephes 1.13 and writeth a deed in their consciences which is but a draught of that originall deed which is in heauen in the booke of the Lords gouernment And this is sealed vnto vs by the finger of the spirit to free it from the forgery of Sathan and by this euidence we make our title to the kingdome of heauen ● Cor. 5.5 Also it is called an earnest penie because as in contracts by giuing a penie in earnest the partie is obliged and bound to pay the rest so this being as it were the first fruites of the spirit the Lord doth assure vs that as verily as we haue receiued thus much in hand in this vale of misery so this shall bee a pawne and pledge vnto vs that he will giue vs the rest in the fu●●e●●● 〈◊〉 is glory vnder which assurance we rest and lie down in hope with ioy vnspeakeable And as the first fruits in the law made the whole crop holy so this sparke of the Lords grace being kindled and set on fire in vs doth embolden vs to an expectation of the full enioying of our whole Lord Christ Iesus This testimony oft times is very weake especially when Sathan doth sift and winnow vs as he did Peter Luk. 17.5 so as we had need to pray with the disciples Lord encrease our faith Yet as a prisoner in a darke dungeon seeing but the Sunne at a little grate doth know and beleeue that the Sunne shineth vpon the whole earth so though we be shackled and imprisoned in this flesh as in a dungeon that we are not able to
they should be an astonishment and serue the king of Babel so many yeeres For the third which is the Lords mercy in their deliuerance they be the words of his owne mouth For thy sake O Israel I will not doe it for thou art filthy Ezec. 36.22 but for my owne sake I will that they may know I am able to doe it and for Dauid my seruants sake I will not vtterly put out the light of Israel Hence learne generally that there is no nation so free but the Lord may captiuate and if they decline and leaue their first loue the Lord may and will abandon them For if any people might haue presumed it was this who had the promises and a more peculiar presence of God then any nation vnder heauen yet were they vile and did stincke in his sight for abusing his kindenesse and setting at nought his Ministers Howbeit neuer were they more scorned then in these daies wherein either men make themselues deafe that they will not heare or heare but there is a noise of vanity higher and louder in their eares Heere then is the same cause of captiuity why should wee not feare the same iudgement We see it is our selues can doe vs the greatest hurt for when wee once giue our selues ouer to loosenesse of life and to distaste the word the Lord then disarmes vs both of policie and strength that euen a weake enemy may soone surprize vs. Let therefore euery man amend one albeit these times bee so mischieuous as it is to be feared lest many of vs be as willing to returne to Babylon for religion as euer were the Israelites to come foorth Secondly obserue the cursed and hard-harted disposition of the enemies of God that they thinke no torment nor cruelty too exquisite nor too sharpe for his people for Zedechia and Ahab did the King of Babel burne in the fire Ier. 29.22 and the rest were slaues to him and his sonnes 2. Chro. 36.20 With which malice the diuell hath poisoned and filled their hearts because they cannot be auenged of the Lord himselfe for euen at him doe the proud Nimrods of the world point their fingers Gen. 11.4 and against him doe they lay their siege to plucke him out of his seate for the Babylonians were more fierce to the Israelites then to any other whom they subdued onely because they were the chosen and beloued of the Lord. Lastly obserue in their deliuery the compassion of the Almighty that he will not be angry for euer and the truth of his promise that he will at the length visite his people in mercy when they thinke the clouds so thicke as they cannot be ouerblowne for now when Israel was euen rent to ragges he harboured Ier. 29.11 the thoughts of peace and not of trouble and gaue them an end of their fainting hope euen a mighty deliuerance by the hand of Cyrus king of Persia 2. Chro. 36.22 Where it is said Iechonias begat Salathiel obserue that Salathiel was not his naturall sonne but ouely succeeded him in the kingdome by legall succession as next heire for Iechonias had no sonnes but the house of Salomon ended with him as appeareth Ier. 22.30 Write this man that is Iechomas destitute of children So also Ezec. 21.26.27 the Lord speaking of Salomon I will ouerturne saith he repeating it thrice the diademe of this king and neuer shall any out of his loines weare it vntill he come whose right it is that is the Messias and I will giue it him To prooue also that Salomons line must cease and that Christ must not come of him lineally appeareth by the prophesie of Isaiah 2. King 20.18 that there should not one bee left of the house of Iehoiakim which could not be so vnlesse the line of Salomon were vtterly extinguished and for Salathiel he came of Nathan the second brother as Saint Luke setteth it downe chap. 3.31 which nothing disagreeth from this of Saint Matthew for he was but to shew the line of the Kings and not naturally of whom Christ came but whom hee should succeed in the kingdome Where note the wonderfull prouidence of God that Salomon who had so many wiues and children hath not now any left to sit vpon the throne to teach vs that Salomon was to bee punished for his many wiues so as the Lord would not haue Christ to come of him naturally but of his yonger brother Whereby all nobility may bee swallowed vp in the glory of the Lords progeny and generation that drowneth all nobility that since Salomon in all his glory wanteth naturall heires that they stand not vpon these outward shewes and dignities but seeke to continue their posterity by liuing in a cleane and holy course of life for the Lord will wash away the vnholy seede and serape out their names from vnder heauen that seeke to establish their house in filthinesse and to pollute the mariage bed Further in that Christ is said to come of Ioseph the poore Carpenter heerein are the ancient Prophecies fulfilled Esay 53.2 that Christ should come and no man regard him and that he should grow vp as a roote out of the drie ground without forme or beauty and as Esay 11.1 that the should come as a rod out of the stocke of Ishai the Yeoman 1. Sam. 16.3 whereby we obserue that when things are most desperate then the Lord recouereth them and now when the kingdome was come to a poore Carpenter then Christ was borne to teach vs that in the greatest exigents and extremities we must neuer distrust nor seeke to extricate our selues out of any sorrow the Lord hath brought vs to but still to waite vpon him for as Dauid saith Psalm 32.7 The Lord is our secret place that is he hath many priuie deliuerances wee know not of and as Psalm 4.3 will strengthen vs vpon the bed of sorrow as he did Dauid who when Saul with his armie was euen at his heeles and hee no doubt much anguished yet the Lord had his secret deliuerance for him and turned Saul on the sudden another way 1. Sam. 23.27 Euen so heere when it had beene night with the Israelites a long time and that their enimies thought they should neuer recouer their sight againe then ariseth Christ like they day-starre and restoreth the beauty of their kingdome to greater glory then before let vs therefore waite with Simeon for the saluation that shall come Now remaineth to shew the difference in the recital of Christs pedegree by Saint Matthew and that of Saint Luke chap. 3.23 and it standeth in three points first Mathew doeth descend from the first to the last from Abraham to Ioseph Luke ascendeth from the last to the first from Ioseph to Abraham Secondly Mathew was to fetch his pedegree so as he might proue him to be the Messias of the Iewes and to come directly from the feed of Abraham Luke deriueth him not onely from Abraham but from Adam that he might shew him to be
vs safe Heereupon it is that the Angels are called fierie in two respects First because they may stay vs in all our weakenesse and cherish vs in all infirmities to esteeme him as our rocke and the truth of his word as a most stable tower that cannot totter hauing this warrant from himselfe in this place to vrge him with his word and promise of deliuerance who as he faithfully performed it to Dauid so will he gratiously remember vs euen when we are most tossed in tribulation and in the least hope Feare not to take Mary to thy wife This is the first part of the message where the Iesuites obserue that Mary was Iosephs true wife yet he knew her not so as say they there may be true mariage where notwithstanding the parties vow to liue in continency We answer it was true in this example but this particular is not to be giuen in precept because though it be commanded in this singular person of Ioseph yet we finde no warrant for it in any generall place or commandement set downe in the Scripture Wee must therefore know that the Saints of God are not to bee followed in two things First in their infirmities as wee may not lie with Rahab Iosh 2.4 Gen. 26.7 c. Exod. 34.28 Mat. 14.29 2. King 1.10 nor dissemble with Rebecca Secondly in their personall and miraculous works as Moses in fasting forty daies Peter in walking on the Sea Eliah in calling fire from heauen nor Ioseph heere in a parpetuall separation from his wife for this example was altogether extraordinary and what flesh and blood durst touch that vessell the Lord by his spirit had taken vp for himselfe Otherwise that mariage cannot bee lawfull where the parties meane to separate themselues continually for as S. Paul saith 1. Cor. 7.5 man and wife may not defraud one another except it be first by consent secondly but for a time otherwise as 1. Pet. 3.7 they must dwell as heires together of the grace of life Secondly the Iesuites note this that where Christ vouchsased to be borne in mariage yet of a Virgin that in this he honoured both but principally Virginity We answer that mariagein it owne nature is better then virginity for God in the first creation Gen. 2.18 saw it was not good for man to be alone but euen in his innocency that he should haue the woman as a helpe before him And therefore Saint Paul 1. Cor. 7.26 is not to be vnderstood as enioyning virginity to any or as commending it before mariage but onely as perswading and praising it for the necessity of those times that were so troublesome as the Church of God could scarse finde rest in any place and therfore such as had no families were more free readier for the seruice of God otherwise continency is not better as a better ordinance of God but the betternesse of that came in by the disorder sinne hath brought in because mariage is clogged with so many cares as distracteth the minde much from religious exercises and men in their single estate be more emptied of cares and so more vacant for praier and other holy duties And where they say that virginity in mariage is better then society in mariage it is an accursed speech this example of Iosephs only excepted for it is a plant growing onely in this garden in respect the wombe of the Virgin was the bed of the Lord Iesus and yet if their owne speech bee true that virginity in mariage be better then virginity out of mariage it were good for their Priests and Nunnes to mary In that it is said Feare not obserue that all our security from feare standeth on the Lords word for flesh and blood auailed Ioseph nothing at all neither could his owne iudgement leade him to any stable comfort till the mouth of God had sent it Howbeit we see the blind boldnesse of the diuell who Gen. 3.4.5 would needes take vpon him to rid our first parents from all feare in their breach of Gods commandement but we haue found him a lier and the Lord true from the beginning let vs therefore qualifie our selues according to his prescript to tremble when he bids vs feare and to runne on reioycing when he saith Feare not for he hath alwaies the tempering of the cup. And in that there is a reason added why Ioseph should not feare we may beholde the tendernesse of the Lords compassion towards his children who will not onely haue them to stay vpon the maiesty of his commandement but in reliefe of their infirmities will giue them a reason of it that comprehending it in their iudgements they may the more safely lay hold on it Euen as our Sauiour Christ Luk. 12.32 comforteth his disciples and armeth them against the troubles to come saying Feare not Why for your Father will giue you a kingdome the power and yet the comfort of the commandement resting vpon the reason of it in this sort Those that haue a kingdome prepared for them neede not to feare but such are you therefore away with feare Out of the reason it selfe namely That which is conceiued of her is of the holy Ghost we note that his humanity was so sanctified that euen from the moment of Christs conception there was a setting apart of that nature from all vncleannesse so as Christ was borne the Sonne of God for Christ-man was neuer adopted to be the Sonne of God for adoption presupposeth wrath but his manhood was personally euen at the first vnited to the Godhead and was no person of it selfe as shall appeare afterward Now the third thing Ioseph was enformed of by the Angell was to name him Iesus with a reason of the name Wherein consider two points first from what he shall saue from sinnes Secondly whom he shall saue his people and these be very few as himselfe saith Luk. 12.32 Mine is a little flocke For the first in sinne consider these three things first the disobedience to the law secondly the originall corruption thirdly the condemnation for this corruption and disobedience The first of these is double either in breaking the law or not fulfilling it the second is the originall cause of this disobedience which is the euill inclinations of our heart and our corrupt affections and the third is the punishment of this disobedience namely hell fire These be three running sores satisfied and cured by three running streames in Christ for our rebellion to the law is satisfied in Christ who not onely paied for that wee had broken but actually fulfilled euery point of it For the second which is our originall corruption wee haue the holinesse and sanctification of his nature who was euer seperate from all vncleannesse so as in Christ wee are better then Adam was in his first estate for though hee was made good yet it was changeably good but wee in Christ are absolutely good and as the stoutest mountaines that cannot be stirred For the third wee haue Christ
begets beames from th●● Sunne and the beames proceeds light the beames cannot be●● without the Sunne nor the light without them both So fro● the spring riseth the well head yet is not the spring without th●● well head and the streame proceeds from them both These 〈◊〉 steps and traces as it were to conceiue somwhat of this myste●● of mysteries Lastly obserue as the whole Trinity was present at C●●●● baptisme the Father to iustifie his Sonne the Spirit to sa●● him and Christ to be sanctified so are they also present 〈◊〉 baptisme God the Father to receiue vs Christ to purcha●en for vs the holy Ghost to purge our consciences yea and the heauens are open that is we are as sure to come thither as we are sure Christ is there Therefore is the whole congregation bound to stay the setting on of this seale and to see the child receiued into the church since there is such a glorious presence at it and it ought to be meditated vpon when it is applied to others MATH chap. 4. vers 1 2 3 4. c. verse 1 Then was Iesus led aside of the spirit into the wildernesse to bee tempted of the diuell verse 2 And when he had fasted forty daies and forty nights he was afterward hungry verse 3 Then came to him the Tempter and said If thou be the Sonne of God command that these stones be made bread verse 4 But he answering said It is written man shal not liue by bread onely but by euery word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God verse 5 Then the diuell tooke him vp into the holy City and set him on a pinacle of the temple verse 6 And said vnto him If thou be the Sonne of God cast thy selfe downe for it is written that he will giue his Angels charge ouer thee and with their hands they shall lift thee vp lest at any time thou shouldest dash thy foot against a stone verse 7 Iesus said vnto him It is written againe Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God verse 8 Againe the diuell tooke him vp into an exceeding high mountaine and shewed him all the kingdomes of the world and the glory of them verse 9 And said vnto him All these will I giue th●● if thou wilt fall downe and worship me verse 10 Then Iesus said vnto him auoid Satan for it is written Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God him only shalt thou ser●● verse 11 Then the Diuell left him and behold the Angels came and ministred vnto him NOW the Euangelist further sheweth that because the time was neare when our Sauior Christ was to enter into his office to which hee was before consecrated that it was ordained by God and the holy Ghost immediatly before that he should submit himselfe to bee exercised in a hot conflict challenging Sathan hand to hand that ouercomming in this first and great combate hee himselfe might bee consumed and others might know that he came to destroy the works of the diuell And to the end that Sathan might haue the greater power and fuller blow at him hee was led into a solitary and desert place where the diuell might be in his ruffe and to such a place wherein men possessed were specially tormented and there Christ liued among wild beasts as Marke saith chap. 1.13 that Sathan might doe his vttermost And forasmuch as Moses in the deliuery of the Law Exod. 34.28 was taken vp into a mount to God and was taken from men where hee abstained from meate fourty daies and fourty nights that the excellency of his doctrine might receiue the greater grace and might further be authorised and forasmuch as Eliah 1. King 19.8 in the restoring of the Law defaced in the idolatrous raigne of Ahab did goe in the strength of one cake and a pot of water fourty daies and fourtie nights So heere before the doctrine of the Gospell was to bee published it was meet that Christ should doe no lesse lest there might be thought some disparagement done and lesse glory to haue beene in the Gospell that the law being written but in stone and to endure but a time should bee adorned and beautified with a greater miracle then the Gospell which should bee written in the liuing stones of mens hearts Howbeit in this Christ giueth vs no example of abstinence for hee fasted because hee had no manner of stomacke all that while which was to confirme vs that hee was a man meerely supernaturall being able to forbeare without a●● appetite forty daies During which time the Diuell set vpon him and he was not free from this encounter any while but after beginning to be hungry then the diuel more furiously assaulteth him hoping to worke and preuaile somewhat vpon this occasion of his infirmity whereupon follow three seuerall temptations which in their place shall be spoken of In the words are set downe three points first Saint Mathew diligently deliuereth all such circumstances as went before his temptation secondly what these temptations were both in number and in kinde after he grew hungrie from the third to the end of the tenth verse thirdly the euent and issue of this assault that when he had repulsed the rage and driuen backe the darts of his enemy the Angels came to doe him homage as to a great and mighty conquerour For the circumstances before the combat they be fiue first is noted the time then that is immediatly after he had receiued testimony from heauen that hee was the great Doctor of the church secondly the place where this was in the wildernesse a place most for the aduantage of Sathan thirdly by what motion he was caried thither by the direction of that spirit which before descended on him fourthly to what end he went namely to be tempted fifthly the occasion Sathan tooke more specially ta assault him which was his fasting and hunger For the first when he was solemnely pronounced to bee the Sonne of God and that he was full of the holy Ghost then the diuell setteth vpon him While he liued a priuate life and kept himselfe close and within his compasse hee assaied not to assault him but when he is to execute a matter and worke of his office concerning the saluation of mankind and that this is now to bee accomplished by the preaching of the Gospell and by miracles and that the power of the diuell is to be extinguished and that he is to be cast out of mens consciences now he begins to challenge him Where learne that the same which befell to the head the members be not exempted from especially such as be ordained to bee instruments for the setting vp of the Gospell When Moses liued priuate and shewed not himselfe to the world there was no cause of quarrell but when he saw one of his brethren suffer wrong and defended him and auenged his quarrell that had the harme done to him and smote the Egyptian Act. 7.25 then they began to disgrace him and he was
sinne proues there is a law which law being broken bringeth death for the wages of sinne is death Rom. 6.23 The second sort is of them who though they be called by the booke of heauen and earth as the Gentiles were Rom. 1.20 who do see the eternall power of God in the creation of the world and other his works and liuing to a more vnderstanding age are euen by the light of nature without all excuse yet are they not inuited by the voice of the Gospell to rise from the dead but die in their sinnes as the Canibales Barbarians and the Iewes since their Apostasie to whom there pertaineth nothing but a fearefull expectation of iudgement Heereof followeth and is to be obserued that it is contrary to the scripture to thinke that it was the will of God from eternity that all should be saued for then it was his will likewise that all should come to the knowledge of their saluation for whom he hath ordained to the end them hath hee also ordained to the meanes whereas to the reprobate the sound of the word if they doe heare it is but as the noise of bels confusedly iarring in their eares and yet many there be that neuer heard it Why but it is said 1. Tim. 2.4 that it is the will of God all should be saued True all men not euery singular particular man but of euery singular condition of men some not all of all kinds but of all kinds some according to that speech of the Euangelist Mat. 4.23 Christ healed euery disease in Iury that is euery kind of disease not euerie particular disease Now if all men come not to the knowledge of the truth of God either it is done by the wil of God or against his will to say that it is against his will were impious and blasphemous for this were to hold that something could offer violence to the will of God and as if he might not otherwise haue purposed which must be far from a Christian heart to imagine If then this be done with his will then it followeth that his will is changeable if hee once meant to saue them for wee see some euen like dogges readie to rend them in peeces that offer them the pearle of the word whom if the Lord had purposed to saue Mat. 7.6 they should not continue persecutors of the truth as Paul saith of himselfe 1. Timoth. 1.12.13 It pleased Christ Iesus to put me in his seruice being before a blasphemer a persecuter an oppressor and I was receiued to mercy And where it is said 1. Iohn 2.2 that Christ is the reconciliation for the sinnes of the whole world it is to be vnderstood for the sinnes of all sorts and degrees of men gathered out of all the parts of the world and this Christ himselfe interpreteth Ioh. 17.9 when he said Father I pray not for the world and vndoubtedly he will neuer saue them he neuer praied for for whom he excluded from his praier them he neuer meant should haue benefit by his death nay hee had beene bound in duty to haue praied for all if all had been elected to saluation Now if it be asked why men are damned the answer is easie It is for their sinne howbeit it was purposed in the Lords vncontrolable decree that they should be damned before they euer sinned and being corrupt in themselues the Lord hardneth them either by withdrawing the meanes or the power of the meanes the first by ignorance the second by denying them vnderstanding hearts So as if it be demanded why the Lord hardned any it is because he found him corrupt in Adam if why hee damneth any it is because he found him a sinner in himselfe Whom he calleth he iustifieth that is doth absolutely pardon him all his sinne and absolutely impute vnto him all his Sonnes righteousnesse that as Christ for vs was made sinne so wee in Christ might bee made righteous so as iustification is the translation and remouing of our sinne to Christ and the translation and remouing of his righteousnesse to vs. To our sinne hee opposeth his obedience to the punishment of our sinne hee opposeth his satisfaction otherwise he had not fully acquitted vs by fulfilling the law vnlesse he had satisfied his Fathers wrath for our breach of the law in our corrupt birth For if a man could now fulfill all the law of God yet should hee not bee saued because he was borne corrupt and could not possibly satisfie for that was past and in performing the law afterward he should doe nothing but his duty But this is our comfort that the Lord seeing our weaknesse hath in his loue passed by it and seeing our thoughts to bee alwaies euill taketh no account nor reckoning of vs but were sembling the image of his Sonne the Lord reckoneth with him and striketh off our debts in setting them on his score who hath paid the Lord his full due euen to the vtmost farthing being in his birth cleane in his life holy and in his death obedient Whom he iustifieth he glorifieth In this life the Lord doth onely call vs and iustifie vs so as no man need say as Rom. 10.7 Who shall ascend into heauen for that were to bring Christ from aboue or Who shall descend into the deepe for that were to raise Christ from the dead for so much vertue and power of Christ as is needfull for vs wee taste of heere but our glorifying is reserued and followeth in the life to come hauing it heere only in spe and not in re in hope but not in hand This glorifying heere spoken of is meant not that wee shall haue at the last day of our separation when the world shutteth her doores vpon vs but of that glory wee shall receiue at the day of iudgement which is plaine and euident by that went before vers 21. namely that wee waite for the restoring of the liberty of the sonnes of God and for the freedome from the bondage of corruption Howbeit in the glorie of our separation two things are to be obserued first Reu. 2● 4● that we shall be freed from all feares and teares and shall haue sinne abolished secondly we shall enter into our Lords rest but the glory of the last day is farre greater and resteth in three things first in the resurrection and a waking of the body when it shall be made conformable to the body of Christ when it shall not liue by the soule only nor be maintained by outward and externall instruments of bread such like but it shall liue as the body of Christ liueth and be glorious like the Sunne which shall then exceed it selfe in glory Isay 65.17 2. Pet. 3.13 Secondly there shall be a new heauen and a new earth and in this new heauen shall dwell the soules of the Saints of God and all things else shall bee restored to their first maiesty Thirdly which is the greatest of all we shall then haue
Coronation for then shall we haue not Reedes but Palmes in our hands to shew our triumph and bee crowned not with Thornes but with Glory euen the glory that Christ had from the beginning Now for life that cannot doe it for there is no temptation in this life neither excessiue pleasure nor abundant profit not magnificent state that a righteous soule will not forgoe rather then forsake the righteousnesse of C●●●● or their owne peace of conscience yea 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Moses ●●●●her then to lose the least light of the Lords conntenance we will refuse to be made glorious by our birth and chuse to suffer affliction with the children of God Heb. 11.24 and with Paul Phil. 3.8 to esteeme all things but as the excrement of a dog in comparison of the security and confidence we haue of the Lords loue towards vs so as we are Christs in our life also And though we doe desire to see the face and glory of the Lord yet as Saint Paul speaketh whether we be in our body at home absent Phil. 1.20 or abroad in our separation our soules still wait vpon the Lord for for this cause as Rom. 14.8.9 Christ died that whether we liue or die we might be the Lords Now for Angels Powers or Principalities by the names themselues may be vnderstood as well the good Angels as the bad wherof Paul speaketh 1. Cor. 6.3 Know ye not that we shall iudge the Angels that is the reprobate spirits for these be executioners of the Lords will though not by willing and loyall obedience as well as the other and though both these being seuerall haue in the scripture the same titles giuen them as the good are called Eph. 1.21 Powers and Principalities and so are the bad called by the same name Colos 2.15 where Christ is said to spoile and to traduce Principalities Powers to open shame and Eph. 6.12 We must fight against Principalities and Powers yet in this place by Angels are to bee taken the good and by Powers and Principalities the diuels The reason is because heere the Apostle maketh an opposition betweene contraries and also because in other places of the scripture where these same words are vsed to expresse the good Angels there is alwaies more added to their stile as Eph. 1.20 Thrones and Dominations are mentioned besides the other But it may be said will the Angels that are the messengers of God attempt any such thing as to part God and vs No it is impossible howsoeuer the Apostle speaketh excessiuely from the exultation ioy of his spirit for he reasons ab impossibili as if he should say if Angels which be the most excellent and most powerfull creatures could attempt to separate vs from the loue of God yet they could not for Christ which is the head of Angels hath ioyned vs to his Father and therefore much lesse any inferiour thing can doe it After this maner this Apostle speaketh Galat. 1.8 If an Angel from heauen should preach any other doctrine which is impossible let him be accursed So Rom. 9.3 Paul wisheth himselfe accursed to redeeme the Iewes and Moses praied to be rased out of the booke of life rather than the Israelites should perish which was not possible that the decree of God should bee frustrate But such was the vehemencie of their affection if the Lord would be intreated at their praiers And it was necessary for the Apostle heere to name Angels because they be the mightiest creatures and if they cannot part the Lord and vs much lesse can diuels for the worst they can doe is but to buffet vs whereby our infirmities shall be healed and as Christ said to Peter Satan desireth to winnow thee like wheat Mat. 22.31 but I haue praied that thy faith may not faile This also appeareth by that in the Reuelation 12.4 that the red Dragon cannot doe it though with his taile hee can draw starres from heauen that is discouer the hypocrisy of some great professors for first he waited vpon the woman as she was with child secondly in her deliuerie thirdly when the child was brought foorth to see first if he could haue destroied the Church of the Iewes and if not the Church of the Gentiles and if not the head of the Church the Lord Iesus or if not the whole bodie of the faithfull or if not some one of the faithfull but he was cast downe saith the text that is he was abased in his pride and sought to aduance and lift vp himselfe againe to heauen by destroying the woman and her seede that is by withstanding the saluation of the elect This Dragon hath especially two instruments first the great Beast that is the Romane Empire where was a name of blasphemie written in his fore-head which though it could with Eliah call fire from heauen yet could it neuer consume the faith of Gods chosen 2. King 1.10 nor euer draw one soule from Christ The second is the Romane Hierarchie raised out of the ruines of the former which though it could make the heauens brasse that it should not raine or the earth iron that it should yeeld no fruit yet could it neuer touch any that was written in the booke of the Lambe Reuel 5.3 for where hee sealeth none can open and where he openeth none can shut and as it is said in the former place They which are bought from the earth sing in great troupes a new song with the Lord Iesus For the other Neither things present that may be knowen nor things to come which may seeme to be doubtfull can make any separation of God from vs for the elect are sure the Lords grace shall assist them to the end neither height of heauen as Paul that was carried vp on high did not yet presume nor the depth of hell 2. Cor. 12.5 Ionah 2.1 as Ionas being in the belly of the Whale did not yet dispaire but had his praiers passing to heauen thorow the fishes mouth Iob. 13.15 Iob in the patiēce resolution of his spirit could say O Lord though thou kill me yet will I loue thee for hope which is the sure anchor of the soule maketh vs to enter with considēce within the lists of the Lords presence and there staieth vs for the Lord doth know vs for his owne in his beloued Sonne Hence learne that a man may be assured he shall be saued for this place is without exception Yet some say this was a speciall reuelation Paul had of his owne saluation which is most iniurious to the whole text for though he saith I am perswaded as speaking of himselfe yet in the matter of the perswasion he ioyneth all the faithfull as that nothing can separate vs speaking generally of all which is proued also by many things and speeches before as verse 23. Wee grone for the redemption of our body Did Paul onely grone And verse 35. Who shall separate vs from the loue of God Was Paul only
him in spirit and in truth Now if any be so audacious and bold to aske why God was so sharp in smiting his creatures for the sinne of man Answere first with S. Paul Rom. 9.20 O man who art thou darest plead with God and call him to an account for his doings his secrets are too high for thee and his wayes past finding our Secondly if the creatures had not been punished with man and that he by his particular sin had not procured a generall curse then could not man in his weaknesse haue made any vse of the creatures in their innocencie vnlesse they had fallen with him for they had not been subiect to vanitie to haue been slaine and deuoured of men if in themselues they had not been accursed Thirdly God did not punish them in respect of themselues but in respect of vs for we know the children are punished for the reason of their parents not for any fault committed in their persons but for that the parents haue so highly transgressed the Princes lawes for by this he hath forfeited to the King what should haue descended to his children and this we thinke no hard part in an earthly Prince vnlesse it be in the case of Ahab who tooke the eschete of Naboths vineyard by a false plotted accusation of a supposed blasphemie against God and the King 1. Kings 21.13 then must we needs thinke that the King of heauen who cannot but giue righteous iudgement hath not dealt hardly in punishing and subduing the creatures to this subiection Adam hauing in his creation the rule giuen vnto him ouer them as a father hath ouer his child howbeit the Lord in this gaue no principall or set blow to them but only stroke them as it were through the sides of man that after that fall we might be punished euen oft times in the vse of them If any aske againe why God should thus proceed in making our wound the wider by punishing vs in his creatures since before the curse pronounced on them Gen. 3.15 the Lord had pardoned the guiltinesse of the sinne by the promised seed of the woman Answere This was the wisedome of the Lord in two respects first in respect of his elect secondly in respect of the reprobate for in regard of the elect they are not punishments for sinne the bloud of the womans feed hauing by vertue of Gods promise washed away the guilt of it but because there is yet a remnant of corruption there being much filth Iohn 13.10 hanging on our feet therefore they are as chastisements to increase the measure of our sanctification and the labour in purging and keeping our selues cleane by repentance and a holy life but now to the reprobate they are tokens and forerunners of Gods iustice and of the sword of vengeance which they shall feele heereafter among the damned so that when wee see the heauens made brasse aboue vs and the earth yron beneath vs the one withholding the raine the other not yeelding her fruits but suffring it to die in her wombe this is to vs but a chastisement for some passions vnsubdued or for some sinnes vnrepented of but it is a scourge and reuenge vpon the reprobate mingling his reioycing with repining and his store with grudging that the want of that he seekes may be as a fretting canker in his soule to fill vp the greater measure of his sinne verifying those speeches of Iob Chap. 8.14 His trust shall be as the house of the spider and Chap. 11.20 his hope shall be sorrow of mind For as for them that loue the Lord he vseth foure speciall remedies to make them fit for heauen first his spirit to guide them secondly his word to instruct them thirdly his chastisements to reclaime them fourthly death it selfe to end them and therefore when he correcteth vs in his creatures it is to see whether he can recouer vs as it were by the sight of another beaten before vs making them vnfruitfull that we might remember the want of our owne works mustering oft times the clouds together as if raine should fall yet staying it in the brest of the aire to put vs in mind of the hardnesse of our hearts and of the drinesse of our eyes that doe not weepe sufficientlie for our owne sinnes nor abundantly for the sinnes and abominations of the land it being as wee read Ezech. 9.4 an vndoubted marke of election set by the finger of God in the fore heads of his Saints to mourne and crie for the corruption and crueltie that is in a citie Againe we hauing formerly noted the seueritie of Gods iustice against sinne that we might auoid it so on the contrary we are to obserue his exceeding rich mercy both to the elect and to the reprobate that heereby we may be prouoked to follow him 〈◊〉 to what straites soeuer he shall cast vs his mercy to his chosen 〈◊〉 ●●eth in this that though he hath laid such a curse vpon his 〈◊〉 ●atures whereas they may lay the curse on vs as the cause and 〈◊〉 they knew their owne strength would deuour vs the Lord in ●oue to vs and in power to them hiding it from them yet doth he force them to serue vs the vse of them all being sanctified and restored to vs in Christ and we being through him made owners and possessors of them for as Adam after his fall being secluded from the tree of life was thereby excluded from all the meanes that might maintaine life so Christ hauing by our vnion with him brought vs againe into the paradise of God where that rree groweth we are thereby endowed and inriched with all the creatures both in heauen and earth these being for his sake waiters and artendants on vs yea the very little ones that be elect as Christ saith Matth. 18.10 haue their Angels in heauen to defend them and as Dauid faith Psal 34.8 The Angell of the Lord pitcheth round about them that feare him Now his mercy to the reprobate is manifested in this that hee by his especiall hand and Commandement doth binde and restraine the creatures from rebelling against them for the heauens would fall vpon the whoremonger if God by his power did not chaine them vp the Sunne that shineth would scorch and burne the Vsurer if his force were not bridled by the finger of God the waters from aboue would fall like a sea vpon the blasphemer if they were not shut in by the patience of God yea all lewd profane and wicked persons should be melted by the heat stifled by the aire swallowed by the earth deuoured by the beasts choaked by their bread and euery creature would be auenged on them for the subiection brought vpon them if God by his prouidence did not restraine them for if they might haue their own wil they would surely do it Who is it saith God Ioh. 38.8 that hath shut vp the sea with doores that her proud waues cannot passe oner but I It is the Lord Iob. 39.12
to her wallowing in the ruire Some will say True it is the spirit may bee quenched in 〈◊〉 hypocrite but neuer in the elect as 1. Iohn 3.9 Hee that is borne of God sinneth not And whom God loued once hee loueth alwaies This is true but then looke that thou stand vpon good and sound euidence when Sathan troubles thee for thou knowest how the burning lampes went out how the seed in the blade came to nothing and it is certaine that a man illuminate may sinne against the holy Ghost and therefore see that thou hast good title and groundest vpon good interest when thou shalt bee vexed with temptations For Rom. 8.13 if wee liue after the flesh wee shall die and as many as are led by the spirit of God they are the sonnes of God and who hath this spirit looke 1. Iohn 3.14 We are translated from death to life because we loue the brethren for hee that hath a soule must needes breath and he that hath the spirit must needs fulfill the fruits of the spirit Secondly albeit the elect haue receiued an euerlasting spirit whereof the Lord can neuer repent and which can neuer vtterly be quenched yet let vs feare and tremble for in the elect it may so bee obscured and ouerwhelmed that some of the graces of Gods spirit nay most of the graces yea the chiefest of the most nay all almost of Gods graces may in them be quenched as Dauid praieth Psal 51. Lord create in me a new spirit and yet he had it in him for in the same place he saith Lord take not thy spirit from me So as this exhortation not to quench the ●●●rit hath a double fruit in the hypocrite to make him vnexcusable in the elect to make them more circumspect and carefull in their conuersation for we must not be secure in as much as albeit the spirit of God in those that be his cannot bee absolutely quenched and wholly put out yet there may bee a great abatement of the spirit as not to be recouered without great touch and terror of conscience For first while a man feeles the presence of this spirit there is giuen him such ioy and with that a singular peace in the inward man and such securitie of his saluation that he feeles the loue of God spiritually to do him as much good as his meat and vpon this assurance he doth as it were behold the heauens open for the Lord to embrace him liuing or dying and he knoweth himselfe to be sealed vp in the blood of Christ vnto eternall life Now if this spirit be gone absenteth it selfe in spirituall operation together with this is our former ioy abated and the foundation of our hope begins to be shaken and being weake of our selues we are surprised with many feares and suspecting our selues to bee cast from the feare of God and our sinnes arising and flying vp like smoake in our eies we almost are brought to the case of Cain Gen. 4.12 to thinke that whosoeuer meeteth vs will slay vs. Secondly as vpon the enioying presence of the Lords spirit there springs an vnspeakable ioy and comfort in our hearts and we find that the Lords loue breedeth in vs an heauenly assurance of eternall peace and filleth our hearts with a mutuall and reciprocall loue of God our loue streaming and flowing from the well head of the Lords loue then it followeth that the lesse we feele the Lords loue toward vs the lesse we loue him againe and then we droope and languish in our selues our praiers be faint our meditations cold and when we should watch we with the Disciples fall asleepe and we feeling not the life of the spirit Mat. 26.43 we are greatly abated in our loue of holy and Christian exercises and we then only keepe a generall course in our profession and performe euery good thing as it were tedious vnto vs like Eutychus Act. 20.9.10 who came to heere Pauls sermon but was ouercome with sleepe Thirdly when the spirit is abated by the diminishing of the Lords loue towards vs and the withdrawing of our loue from him then because we haue grieued the spirit the Lord suffereth vs to fall into fearefull and presumptuous sinne as hee did suffer Dauid to fall into the sinne of whoredome with Bathsheba aggrauated with the murder of Vriah wherein hee lay frozen by Satans subtilty nine monthes at the least before he confessed it to God for it appeareth 2. Sam. 11.27 that the child was borne before Nathan the Prophet came to him and howsoeuer no doubt he could no more escape the pricke of conscience then he could stay the panting of his heart yet before that time not a word to God of any serious humiliation for his adultery So as neuer any of Gods children sinned more grieuously then he Mat. 26.70 except Peter who was not so much kindled at the fire of the high Priest as he was cold in his soule for first he lied in that he said hee knew not Christ secondly burst foorth into swearing and thirdly gaue himselfe to the diuell if it were he that was with Christ which the Lord most iustly suffered to befall him as a great chastisement since he neglected the louing forewarning of his master and though hee was neuer so much elect yet would the spirit neuer comfort him till he had with drawne himselfe to bewaile his sinne bitte●● All which is liuely expressed Cant. 3.1 In my bed by night saith the church I sought him that my soule loued I sought h●●●●●t I found him not I went and rose and walked about the citie and by the stree●s and by open places I sought him but found him not thereby to declare that when the Lord once withdraweth his face from vs how hardly we shall win his fauour againe Fourthly when the Lord hath suffered vs to fall thus farre as we shall euen seeme to be swallowed vp of hell already though in the end he will restore thee yet first he will suffer thee to beare the shame of thy sinne in this life Gen. 9.23 1. Sam. 15.14 as Noah for his drunkennesse to be a scorne to his owne children and Dauid for his adultery to bee thrust out of his kingdome by his owne sonne which was such a griefe to him as all the ioy of his sonnes life did not so much comfort him as the sorrow of his death did wound him he mourning for Absolon 2. Sam. 19.33 as if he had doubted of his saluation But happy is hee that hath the thornes in his sides in this life and that is afflicted heere for though the Lord will neeuer take his louing kindnes from thee yet he will scourge thee not for any satisfaction of his iustice for Christ hath paied all but onely for a chastisement Lastly besides all this when the spirit is gone and abated it shall be such a terror to thy conscience such smart and vexation to thy whole minde as thou wert better bee almost
in hell then feele this great want and sustaine this great torment of recouering it againe For first when thou considerest the losse of thy former paines which thou spentest in the mortifying of thy flesh that secondly when the spirit is abated Mark 9.18 the power of Satan is increased and that he cannot be dispossessed without great violence and euen rending thee in peeces as appeareth by the dumbe man in the Gospell Thirdly that if thou die at this time as Ezech. 18.24 all thy former righteousnesse shall not be remembred but thou shalt die in thy present sinne and fourthly that as a man dangerously sicke and somewhat recouered and after by misgouernment falling into a relapse it doth exasperate and increase the disease and as a wound halfe healed to come to a new incision cannot be without greater paine then before and for a man halfe in his iourney to returne backe againe when hee must needes goe thorow cannot bee but a great discontentment So when thou remembrest the great conflicts thou hadst at first when thou didst enter thy name into the schoole of Christ and considerest that now thou must abide greater it shall be halfe a hell to thee to be brought seriously without guile of spirit from the detestation of thy sinne as we may see Psal 32.4 before Dauid could be brought to confesse his sinne of filthinesse and of murther hee saith that very care had eaten his bones not but that in his priuate chamber hee had confessed it to the Lord but before he could come to taske his conscience and to set it as it were vpon the racke to bee rent in peeces by his confession of it before men and to abide patiently the shame of the world for it hee seemed to bee plunged into the deepe of deepes as himselfe saith Out of the deepes O Lord haue I cried vnto thee Euen so when the spirit of the Lord is abated in thee thou shalt finde it will not bee regained by some sleight worke and ssubbring vp a short praier as Lord haue mercy vpon me but thou must come to the case of Dauid euen to pine and wast away and to haue the moisture dried vp within thee yea consider his tedious trauell before he could repent suddenly And if he was beaten thus farre of the Lord with Scorpions of whom the Lord had protested that he was a man after his owne heart shalt thou thinke by a pang of deuotion and superficiall praier to recouer that sweet comfort thou hast lost in the Lords spirit Nay know that if thou temptest the Lord so farre as to withdraw his spirit from thee it shall cost the deere before thou canst inioy it againe and if thou breake foorth into sighes and grones which fill the heauens euen in this doth the Lords mercy greatly appeere for hee might giue thee vp into hardnesse of heart and neuer trouble himselfe to restore his spirit againe vnto thee But thy sorrow must be so great thy praiers so feruent and thy sighes so many as to crie out with Dauid Psal 51.8 Heale the bones O Lord which thou hast broken Let vs beware then how we distemper our selues spiritually for feare the arrow-head of the Lords wrath should rankle in our sides and let vs take heed with the Apostle how we greeue this spirit for if Adam might haue had the whole spirit taken from him in respect of his Apostasie who was perfect in his creation how much more may wee that haue receiued but the earnest of the spirit and the first fruits thereof in Christ Iesus Howbeit as the euill spirit in an hypocrite may be cast out and yet hee may returne to his vomite againe 2. Pet. 2.22 and his casting out was but in regard of his enlightening for the time and he was not gone out indeed so in the elect the spirit and the working of the spirit may be interrupted for a season but it cannot cleane be taken away Againe consider where it is said Quench not the spirit that all Scripture commandeth alwaies the contrary to that it forbiddeth as 2. Tim. 1.6 the contrary vertue to this heere spoken of is commanded I charge thee saith Paul to Timothy that thou stirre vp the graces of God which bee in thee the word in Greeke signifieth To keepe the fire burning giuing vs to vnderstand that this spirit is a flame kindled by the holy Ghost which Satan the flesh and the world labour to blow out so much the more carefull therefore must wee bee to foster it and maintaine it that it neuer go out Heere then must be considered the sleights of Satan-to blow it out and alwaies by the cleane contrary wee must labour to keepe it in for as the flesh lusteth against the spirit so must the spirit likewise against the flesh The first motion therefore Satan stirreth vp in vs to quench the spirit is to lust after euill not to lust after nothing which temptation he threw into the eies of Dauid as hee walked vpon the roofe of the Kings palace 2. Sam. 11.2.3 to lust after Bathsheba Vriabs wife As earnestly then as the flesh lusteth after euill so earnestly and more must the spirit lust after good things as to say with the Prophet Dauid I am ready vpon euery occasion to do thy will O God neither yet must we not deceiue our selues for euery lusting after good things is not of the spirit for it is easie to doe many good things wherein thy affections are not strained and to abstaine from many euill things to which thou art not tempted but thou shalt know whether the spirit do fight against the lusts of the flesh by this if any thing do directly oppugne the affections of the flesh if thou take part with the spirit and crosse thy affections in this thou maintainest and dost cherish the spirit As Dauid 1. Sam. 25.13 vpon a churlish answer giuen by Nabal in a passion of anger was resolued to kill him but vpon the intreatie of Abigail Nabals wife hee was pacified and entred into consideration of the greatnesse of the sinne of murther and blessed the God of Israel and the counsell of Abigail that had kept him from shed ding of blood Secondly if Satan cannot get vs lust for euill he will striue to get vs either doe nothing or else to spend our time in trifles and in pastimes to driue away dumps with vaine delights which may sometimes bee vsed for recreations to make vs more fit to walke in our callings but if we play to play that is suffer our hearts to be stollen away and snared in the pleasures of this life then the Lord will iudge vs as vnthrifty seruants that haue not gained by our talents Our labour therefore must be on the contrary since euery man hath his taske set him and God is our ouerseer though presently not our reuenger that wee fall not asleepe with new wine but according to the Apostles rule Ephe. 5.16.18 that we redeeme
CERTAIN GODLY AND LEARNED Sermons Preached by that worthy seruant of Christ M. Ed. Philips in S. Sauiors in Southwarke Vpon the whole foure first Chapters of Matthew Luc. 11. vers 24.25.26 Rom. 8. the whole 1. Thess 5.19 Tit. 2.11.12 Iames 2. from the 20. to the 26. and 1. Ioh. 3.9.10 And were taken by the pen of H. YELVERTON of Grayes Inne Gentleman So runne that ye may obtaine heare that ye may learne practise that ye may liue for euer LO●●ON Printed by 〈…〉 widow and are to be sold at her sho● 〈…〉 Church yard at the signe of the 〈◊〉 TO THE RIGHT WORSHIPFVLL SIR CHRISTOPHER YELVERTON Knight one of the Iudges of the Kings Bench and the Ladie his wife H. Y. wisheth to your present prosperities the addition of many daies in the fruitfull feare of the Lord Iesus c. RIght Worshipfull it is inspired to man by grace to fetch the compasse of this life within the reach of a spanne Psal 39 and it is suggested to him by nature to spin out his web in many daies though it bee with manie dangers Howbeit if the wings of pride did not transport vs to the height of worldlinesse and the weight of opinion did not beguile vs in the taste of happinesse we might discerne in varietie of delights but superfluitie of desires Eccl. 2 in increase of riches but excesse of sorrowes in length of yeeres but strength of cares and in the choisest footing that we take but a changeable fleeting of our estate For if our affections might alwaies feed on Manna we would loath it Num. 1 if our inheritance did stretch to the plaines of Iordan wee would enlarge it and if our preheminence 〈…〉 to heauen yet would we raise vp our heads higher These were the itching humors of Euah lineally descended to vs who thought not Paradise spacious enough for her habitation nor the dainties of Eden sweet enough for her taste nor that presence of God good enough for her companie But where the superscription of Holinesse to the Lord is engrauen on the head and the perswasion of godlinesse to be gaine is engrafted in the heart there the lust of the world and the dust of the world shal be shuffled together as paires and pearles of equall account and continuance For let the glorie of a Christian be neuer so eminent it is not greater then Salomons nor yet Salomons so great as the Lillies let the arme of the wicked be neuer so mightie it is not stronger then Pharaohs and yet Pharaohs inferior to the course of waters let the power of his command be neuer so absolute it is not larger then Nabuchadnezzars yet stifned in pride he was streightned for 7. years within the walks of wild asses yea let the apparell he puts on be neuer so royall the place where he sits neuer so iudiciall the phrase of his speech neuer so plausible and the praise of his voice neuer so popular yet can he not be lifted vp aboue Herod nor Herod by these defended from the wormes Whether then we peruse the steps of the Saints or the state of vnrepentant sinners wee see their liues equally bound vp with the cords of corruption though vnequally matched in the ioy at their separation the one falling away like a flower transplanted to a better soile the other rushing vpon the rocke of Gods wrath either shamefully deiected with the terror of iudgement while they liue or else fearefully entangled with the sense of torme●● when they die It is not therefore amisse since an enterlude is as it were appointed to be plaied on this earth wee abound couetousnesse creepeth in so closely as it grudgeth the comfort of society if we be scanted impatiency breaketh out so fiercely as it despiseth the law of propertie if we be prouoked wrath roareth out so bitterlie for reuenge as it is no manhood to sheath vp iniuries if we bee pleased flatterie followeth on so shamefully for reward as it is no masterie to obtaine victories if we be weake we blame the worke of nature that we were not made of a firmer mettall if we be strong Iob 6.12 we blaze the art of nature as if wee were steele that could not turne the edge if we be sicke 2. Chr. 16.12 we plant our faith in the Physitian to cure vs yet being sound wee shake off temperance that might preserue vs Iob 32.4 when our leaues bee greene and our wits fresh because wee want the reuerence of the aged we crie that hoary haires might quickly couer vs and being arriued at age the doore of death wee wish that slipper youth might againe beguile vs euer peruerting the times and preuenting the meanes that God hath prefixed and wearying and wasting our selues soonest in possessing that we would enioy longest For though it be the pleasure of the Almightie that wee should cherish this lampe of life yet ought wee not to consume the oyle in prizing our delights at too high a rate Iames 4.3 nor in spending on our lusts in too large a measure And though like warie shipmen wee prouide for this crazie barke which is the bodie Mat. 6.25 yet must wee not permit immoderate care like a mercilesse canker to eate through our bones But the way to ballance our selues euen and not to stray beyond our tether is to captiuate our thoughts thus farre as to recken the world but as a cradle wherein we are rocked till we aspire to some age and growth in Christ our desires but as dreames wherewith we are deluded till we attaine to some taste of Gods loue in Christ this life but as a race wherein we are wearied and perplexed till wee can recouer some sight of Christ and this body but as a prison wherein our soules lie shakled vnder the hope of being blessed in the death of Christ To which affection and perfection wee shall then ascend when being taught by his word which is truth and led by his spirit which is life we can shake off selfe-will that runneth on so fast to destruction and sway downe selfe-loue that swelleth vp so high to presumption and can walke in humilitie as in the sight of God contenting our selues with the portion assigned vs as his gift and with the affliction sent vs as his triall crucifying the flesh as an enemy to the quickning of the soule and trampling on this earth as an insnarer of our feete in vanitie weighing sickenesse but as the fore-runner of sleepe and welcoming death but as the sickle of the Lords haruest beholding the graue as the faithfull treasury of our bodies and looking vp to heauen as the vndoubted Paradise of our soules Now there being but two impediments to this perswasion and tranquillitie of spirit 〈◊〉 9.35 either the corruption that resteth within vs or the sorrowes brought vpon vs while we breath heere the first cleauing and clasping so close about our loynes sinne being like a leprosie that hath couered
encouraged to presse within the border of the mount when the horne of saluation shall be blowen For it is a miserie and madnesse to imagine the labour of a Christian to be mued vp within the wales of the ministerie or that men are so straitned in their vocations as that they may not looke aside to a sermon or that because the theese was saued on the gallowes Luk. 23.43 therefore heauen may bee wonne with a wet finger or that since the workers for an houre Mat. 20.9 had the penny with them that bore the paine and heate of the day therefore it shall suffice to come as Nicodemus did to Christ by night Ioh. 3.2 Nay we must know that as the promise of mercie is equall to all so the prayer and practise for mercie must be the same in all that we are no longer within the compasse of the Lords protection Psal 91 11. then wee walke in feare within the bounds of his direction that if religion be not the commander in our callings scarcitie or discontent will bee as mothes in our blessings and that if presumption misleade vs to pledge only a pang of deuotion for a sacrifice when the pleasure of our daies be past iudgement shall but requite vs if either death do strangle vs before we speake or the wrath of God rebound vpon vs when wee haue wept our fill For it standeth not with the Lords honour to be shaken off so oft when he would lodge with vs Ier. 32.33 nor with our duties to runne away so fast when wee should turne to him but that at length iustice must arise to preserue the maiestie of his mercy so much abased and so long abused which we haue sensibly felt the stripes being yet seene in our streets and may feare heereafter to bee more fierce 2. Sam. 24.14 by how much the sword of the enemie sharpened to destruction doth exceed the correcting hand of God tempered with compassion The Lord graunt this short setting of his face against vs may haste vs to haue peace with him that hath the ends of the world subiect to his power and the plagues of the world restrainable at his will so shall wee bee preserued from the venime and ransomed from the violence of them that seeke our soules and either still praise him in the land of the liuing Psal 56.13 or eternally dwell with him in the habitation of his Saints which God grant may bee your portions and the inheritance of your posterity Amen Yours in all dutie H. Yeluerton TO THE READER THinke not gentle Reader that the turning backe from the world is any looking backe from the plough Luk. 9.62 but by example iudge it safer to bend thine eie toward Zoar a place of rest then to wrest thy sight toward Sodome the citie of wrath Gen. 19.22 And since the earth was cursed for thy sinne in Adam Gen. 3.17 Gal. 2.16 Rom. 3.22 Matt. 6 20. Phil. 3.20 1. Ioh. 5 6. and thy selfe art saued by thy faith in Christ let the direction of thy thoughts to him be the messenger to thy heart that thou art in heauen for thou art not placed that thou shouldest be planted here but being bought from this earth by bloud cleanse thy selfe in this earth by water that since some inferior affections must needs be foule Ioh. 13.8 the dust may onely cleaue to thy feet thy head and thy hands be lift vp to God For if in the pride of thy flesh thou dost build thy nest neere him or in the profanenes of thy heart doest striue to be rich without him Esay 14.15 Gen. 11.7 Luk. 12.20 the least breath of his mouth shal batter thy seat to be seene no more scatter thy wealth as before the wind Yea the Lord hath choked thy fields with thistles Gen. 3.18 Iam. 5.3 wrapped vp thy treasure in rust that seeing the ground whereon thou standest to be out of Paradise and the staffe whereon thou leanest to bee but wood of the woorst sort thou mightest pray to haue the sword put vp that stops thee from the tree of life Gen. 3.24 and those boughes cut off that shadow thee from beholding thy sinnes borne in Christs body 1. Pet. 2.24 Now the humour that hindreth thy sight is the Crystall shew of brittle honor that sets thine eies on fire to follow after it for if Adam may be as God Gen. 3 5. there is no commandement can hedge him Gen. 33. ●● if Esau may haue a traine of men at his heeles hee will soone digest the losse of his birth-right 2. Tim. 4.10 if Demas may but win the world he will haste to shake hands with the Saints of God But remember how with the fruite thy father swallowed wrath Ier. 31.29 which to this day hath set thy teeth on edge M● ● 3 Mat 4.10 that the ioy the reprobate hath in his flesh is ioined with the hatred of God vpon his soule and that if the sonnes of men shall take the diuell at his word as the Sonne of God did not it is but a bitter recompence for the losse of the better part Mat. 16.26 when themselues are compassed with confusion Take the counters into thine owne hand and see what reckoning thou canst make of life what is past frighteth thee with the remembrance of it because so much of thy light is spent what is present burdeneth thee with the weight of it because in sweate and sorrow thou doest waste thy time what is to come troubleth thee with the incertainty of it lest the graue do swallow thee before thou see it yea make thy account as thou ought and thou shalt find it swifter then the weauers shittle Iob 7.6 Iob 9.25 and speedier then a Post caried vpon the wings of the wind for if the Lord steppe not betweene thee and death before thou canst lay one thy breath is gone What booteth it then so vnseasonably to ripen thy cares for the tares of this life for if thou heape vp siluer as the sand and prepare raiment as the clay yet building thy house as the moth not in thine owne but in anothers garment when thou shalt make thy bed in the darke Iob ●8 13 Io● 16. ●● and the first borne of death shall consume thy strength where then be the strings of thy hope thy horne being thus abased to the dust Of thy selfe thou art but a tree turned vpward hauing no sap from the earth and if thou beest not moistened with the deaw from heauen though by the sent of water thou maiest bud yet shalt thou perish in the blade because thou hast no spirit at the roote Therefore if thou expect in thy labour blessing in thy peace continuance in affliction comfort in thy death triumph thou must respect in thy calling honesty in thy pleasures iudgement Eccles 11.9 Tit. 2.12 in thy sorrowes mercy in thy life
Secondly from hence note the riches of the Lords mercy who to shew the power and vertue that was in this Sauiour begins to draw them and to open their hearts who had run furthest from him and giuen themselues most ouer to the diuell for such were these Wise-men who consulted with Sathan and practised the most detestable art of coniuring and witchcraft which by the iudiciall law of God was death yet at the doores of these men doth his spirit knocke From whence euery man may draw this particular comfort to himselfe that whatsoeuer his former conuersation hath beene though most irreligious towards God and vnrighteous to men yet there may a power bee giuen him from aboue to trauell toward that heauenly Ierusalem the Citie of God where he shall not now see Christ in his basenesse as these Wise-men did but in his absolute and perfect glory For if wee haue but faith to beleeue Gods promises and shall so far proceed in the worke of repentance as being called to the light to walke in the light and not to thinke much of our paines though we go farre to worship Christ but can walke on cheerefully after the example of these Wise-men we shall be sure with them to haue our ioyes more increased at our iourneys end than they were a first Now where they shew they were directed by a starre first vnderstand that the Natiuity of Christ depended not vpon the starre but the starre vpon his Natiuity Secondly we must not thinke that the Wise-men had this power to diuine by the starre that Christ was borne for first the starre was not naturall for it kept not a set course but as we may see in the text it did appeare and not appeare neither could this diuine light speake that such a Messias was borne though it might portend the birth of some great Monarch but this light was purposely created by God in heauen for vers 2. it is called Christ his starre and there was a secret impulsion by Gods spirit in the harts of these men on earth otherwise they would not haue tolde so dangerous a matter to Herod a king so cruell and an enemy to the king of Persia whence they came and though perhaps their Art might tell them somewhat and that they had the prophesie of Balaam the coniurer Num. 24.17 There shall come a starre of Iacob and a scepter shall rise of Israel and though they had the prophesie of Daniel chap. 9.24 of the 70. weekes in which this great king should come yet by all this they gathered it not but by Gods owne opening it vnto them Out of which we learne that when we haue any thing reueled to vs from God or that wee haue a commandement to doe a thing that we cast off all doubts and shake off all feare euen of the greatest tyrants for let Herod be neuer so much perplexed at the name of the true and new-borne King of the Iewes yet must the Wise-men aske the question and not depart from his Court till they be resolued And let Pharaoh be neuer so cruell and Exod. 10.28 threaten Moses if he doe but see him to kill him yet must he runne on in his duty and pronounce the death of the first borne euen the first born that sitteth on the throne of Pharaoh But the more speciall doctrine from hence is that God in wisdome doth so strangely qualifie the basenesse of Christ his birth that howsoeuer hee might seeme to the eies of men a vile abiect as Esay prophesied chap. 53.3 void of outward dignity yet God beautified him alwaies in his greatest vilenesse with some certaine marke of his Diuinity that it might be discerned that he that was in that flesh was more then a man as euen at this time that hee hauing but an oxe stall on earth for his cloth of estate should haue a starre in heauen to set foorth his glorie and that when there was no more thinking of Christ than of the man in the Moone among Herods Courtiers then he prouides that some Magicall practisers should humble themselues before him when the high Priests did despise him Thus did the Lord Luk. 2.8 reueale him first to shepheards the basest of ten thousand but to testifie his maiesty at the same time an host of Angels and a multitude of heauenly souldiers sang glory to him So was he Mat. 4.1.11 led into the wildernesse among wild beasts but the Angels waited on him as his pensioners and ministred to him in his wants So Mat. 17.25.27 he must pay tribute a token of subiection and yet the kings sonne ought to pay none but as this shewed him to be a man and a subiect so he told Peter his thought saying I will pay it but go to the sea and take it out of the fishes mouth so as to shew his diuinity he commanded the sea to pay it Againe he was maintained eleemozinarily hauing no garment but what was giuen him and the good women kept him by their contributions yet to magnifie himselfe againe he oftentimes fed many thousands with a little So Mark. 11.12.13 he comes hungry to the fig-tree wherein appeareth his basenesse but in the same action springeth foorth his maiesty as when he said Neuer fruit grow on thee heereafter and it was presently dried vp So God had appointed he should die and before his death to be whipped Mat. 26.67 to shew his humility but see how he exalted himselfe againe Mark 11.15 he whipped out the exchangers out of the temple and none durst so much as looke or make resistance against him Againe he must be hanged betweene two theeues but Luk. 23.42 he so qualifieth the basenesse and shame of his crosse as he worketh faith in the heart of one of them to call on him as a Sauiour and him he saueth And though at last he died to declare his manhood yet that hee was more then a man was expressed by the breaking of the veile of the Temple and by the strange eclipse of the Moone which was in plenilunio when it was full Moone For the second generall circumstance which is the effect of their inquiry what feare it wrought For the word Feare it signifieth such a troubling of the water as that mud ariseth shewing that this kind of feare seized on Herod and his Court howbeit their feare arose vpon seuerall respects Herod feared because he was somewhat acquainted with the prophesies which foretold that one should come to deliuer his people out of seruitude and he knew that all would worship the Sunne rising rather then the Sunne setting And that he was strangely affraid is noted by this that hee called vnto him the Wise-men and would haue learned of them somewhat whereas if he had beene prouident hee would haue sent some of his Courtiers on the iourney with them in colour of doing them courtesie that so they might haue gone to the very place to haue seene the child and by them the King might haue beene
take● from mercy And 1. Cor. 6.15 Your bodies are the temples 〈◊〉 the holy Ghost and yee are bought with a price therefore doe not prostitute them to vncleannesse but let the loue of God constraine vs to loue him againe Yet may wee not heereupon imagine that we make the law of God of no effect through faith nay as S. Paul saith Rom. 3.31 by this we rather establish the Law and that two waies first in the absolute obedience of Christ inherent in himselfe and imputed vnto vs secondly by the spirit of sanctification abiding in vs for the same righteousnesse the law commands the very same doth faith apprehend for we doe challenge the promise of God to saue vs by this that Christ in our person hath absolutely performed it so as there is no difference in respect of the substance but only in the maner of conueiance wherby we apply it vnto our soules So doth the Gospel command the same works that the law exacteth though there be a threefold difference between them for first the law commands works to gaine saluation by them the Gospell because saluation is already gained by the bloud of Christ for as S. Paul saith 1. Cor. 6 2● we are bought with a price therefore we are debtors secondly the law giueth no power to worke that it commandeth for Moses that was the giuer of it could not frame his owne heart to do it therfore it is called a dead letter written in stones 2. Cor. 3 6● which prefigured the harts of men but the Gospel in the elect neuer cōmandeth but first giueth grace and power to performe as the Lord neuer pardoneth any mans sin but he first writeth his law in his heart as S. Iohn saith 1. Ioh. 3.8 God sent his son to destroy the works of the diuel in vs and this is the argument of S. Paul Rom. 6.14 Let not saith he sin raigne in your mortal bodies that is haue dominion ouer you for yee are not vnder the law but vnder grace that giueth power to amend Thirdly the law commands works absolutely and admits of no repentance but the Gospel neuer excludes repentance the father euer waiting for the returne of his lost son so as it is true no whoremonger shal be saued continuing such a one but alwaies vnderstand repentance comming between staieth the iudgement for though our sins be of a purple or skarlet die yet if we turne to God the bloud of Christ hath this vertue 1. Ioh. 5.6 that it can make them white as snow so as the summe of al this is bloud water Ioh. 13.8 must go together faith in Iesus and the spirit of the Lord Iesus remission of sins and reformation of life must neuer be disioined Now for that the Papists say the expectation of a reward would make vs worke that in vaine should the worke be if there were no merit Wee answer that if a man freely shall gratifie his bondman with libertie and he shall after preserue his masters life by this hee hath not deserued his freedome for if he had remained still bond he had beene bound to haue done it and all hee can doe after is not to recompence his freedome but to testifie his thankfulnesse So whatsoeuer we can do or deserue we are bound to it by a double bond first of our creation secondly and much more by our redemption and after our saluation promised and purchased to doe well is nothing but dutie for we were bound to doe it before we were saued So as this is the order of exhortation in the Scripture All that haue hope 2. Cor. 7.1 must cleanse themselues not to clense themselues that they may hope but they haue hope therfore they must doe it Mat. 25.34 And not because we releeue the poore therefore wee shall be saued but because in mercy a kingdome is prepared for vs therfore as members of one bodie we releeue the poore And Abraham did not therefore offer vp his sonne that he might be iustified Gen. 22.8 but because he was iustified before Gen. 15.6 therefore he thought nothing too deare to gratifie the Lord with though it were with the sonne of the promise So heere we doe not therefore repent that the kingdome of heauen may come but wee must amend our liues and change our minds because the Messias is already come that will saue our soules Againe obserue he saith it is at hand noting a neere manifestation of him which was more then any of the Prophets could say whereupon Christ saith that there was neuer any Prophet so great as Iohn Baptist Mat. 11.11 yet the least in the kingdome of heauen is greater then he not comparing their persons for there were diuers of the Prophets as excellently qualified as Iohn nor that a Minister of the Gospell now should be greater then hee but that the ministery of Iohn was plainer then that of the Prophets they but foretelling indefinitely that Christ should come Iohn pointing at him with his finger that he was now comming and the ministery now being more excellent then Iohns because he preached but of the Messias at hand wheras we haue seene the fingers of this hand Christ to haue come with power to haue died with triumph and to haue ascended with glorie therefore let him that hath an eare heare and hee that hath hope let him arise for the kingdome is now come not at hand Iohn 14.12 Againe note the excellent Harmonie betweene Iohn the fore-runner and Christ the after-commer for Matt. 4.17 Christ vseth the very same words to perswade to amendement of life because the kingdome of heauen is at hand Which sheweth the agreement ought to be among Ministers and how wee may discerne whether they be of God or no for then as they all worke vpon one foundation so shall they all speake by one spirit and the voice of the herbinger agree with Christ and Christ with him pressing no other doctrine then that Iohn preached before For the fourth circumstance which is the warrant whereby Iohn was authorized to preach wee note that all callings in the Church of God must bee warranted expresly in the booke of God For if any were to bee exempted it was this of Iohns being extraordinarie but he is enforced to prooue it as if hee should say Though I am not Christ nor Elias in person howbeit in power of spirit I am yet looke in Esay 40.3 my authoritie recorded for the place of a Minister is not like the power of the Magistrate which though it be Gods ordinance in generall yet is it not in particular as that there should be this or that Magistrate as an Emperour Duke Chancellor and such like for this is humane and God hath giuen man this freedome by the remnant and portion of reason abiding in him to deuise what may be safest for the state And these offices as they be by man erected so may they be by him abolished But
Neither is this contrary to that God willeth not the death of a sinner for the difference is this God willeth not the confusion simply of any man as a thing wherein he delighteth but he willeth it as it is his iustice and what greater or better iustice can there be then to bee glorified in the condemnation of some that haue deserued it and he must be no more vnwillingly iust then vnwillingly mercifull Further learne that euen in this life the godly are gathered to heauen and so of the wicked that though they liue yet they are in hell So S. Iohn saith he that beleeueth is already passed to life Iohn 5.24 and Heb. 12.22 we are gathered already to the Patriarks and to the soules of iust and perfect men through hope and wee are as sure to haue that we hope for as we are of this we haue already namely the pledge of Gods spirit and Ephes 2. vs he hath gathered to the celesticall places vnder hope speaking as if it were already done though the reall gathering shal be at the latter day On the other side of the wicked it is said by the same spirit He that beleueth not is already damned the words are fearefull but it is so set downe to expresse the certainty of it not but that hee that is not beloued Ose 2.23 may be beloued and he that is not vnder mercy 1. Pet. 2.10 may obtaine mercy But looke in what state a man is in the Church in the same shall hee be after this life for whatsoeuer is bound on earth is bound in heauen and they that bee not bound heere being priuy hypocrites are notwithstanding bound in heauen and shall be so in hell also For the last which is vnquenchable fire thereby is meant the condemnation prepared for the reprobate not that wee must imagine there is any naturall fire there for first this fire can not pierce the soules of men nor the spirits of diuels and the paine must extend both to soule and body Secondly it is no more naturall fire then it is a bodily worme spoken of in the Gospell which shall gnaw the hearts and consciences of the damned Mark 9.44 Thirdly in Esay 30.33 it is said there was a great lake prepared for Kings with fire of much wood and it is absurd to thinke there is any wood there and a riuer of brimstone burning by the breath of the Lord which is not to bee intended of materiall brimstone but it is set out by such termes to expresse the vnspeakable torment of it not to be comprehended much lesse to be endured for the torment of fire and brimstone euen to flesh and bloud are strange and terrible therefore these speeches are vsed to conuey to our vnderstanding what we could not before conceiue So it is said in the Gospell that they shall bee bound hand and foot not that there be any bonds or chaines there Mat. 22.13 but the meaning only is that they are the prisoners of the Lord for euer neuer to be released but to be restrained from all libertie wherby they might in any sort be eased Againe hell fire is called Gehenna or Topheth which was a litle place where the Israelites did sacrifice their children in fire to the Diuels this being taken for the torment of the reprobate Now this torment is expressed two waies first in the extremitie of it secondly in the permanencie of it The first two waies First by that they shall feele both in soule and body secondly by that they shall lose both of them expressed 2. Thess 1.9 they shall be separated from the power of his presence and bound in chaines in euerlasting darknesse The greatnesse of this torment is expressed two waies first it shall be vniuersall in all parts and it is most fearfull in this life to be pained in euery part of the body at one time Secondly the particular torment th● euery one in hell shall feele as that Princes shall be tormented like Princes euery one according to the sinnes that he wrought in his body Mat. 10.15 as it is said in the Gospell It shall bee easier for Sodome then for them and yet they be in hell already for the damnation of Belzebub shall be the greatest and then of them that sinned against the holy Ghost and none of these shall haue so much as a drop of water to coole their toongues but they shall continually bee blaspheming of God for the which they shall continually be tormented And though this shall be great and grieuous such as they cannot yet they must abide yet shall it be a farre greater hell vnto them to thinke they haue lost heauen seeing Gods children to reioice that their persecutors be now plagued and that God is so auenged of them for their sakes For the second which is the endlesnesse of this torment it is a fire that shall neuer go out nor the flames wherof can neuer be●bated If there were but as many yeeres to endure it as there be grasse piles on earth or starres in heauen the conscience might somewhat through hope bee eased because at length it should cease but the end thereof cannot be imagined and this word neuer is fearefull Let this therefore teach vs rightly to embrace the Gospell that we may be wheate in this earthly floore of the Lord to the end we may be gathered into his heauenly garner MATH Chap. 3. vers 13 14 15 16 17. verse 13 Then cam Iesus from Galile to Iordan vnto Iohn to he baptized of him verse 14 But Iohn earnestly put him backe saying I haue neede to be baptized of thee and comest thou to me verse 15 Then Iesus answering said to him Let be now for thus it becommeth vs to fulfill all righteousnesse so hee suffered him verse 16 And Iesus when he was baptized came straite out of the water and lo the heauens were opened vnto him and Iohn saw the Spirit of God descending like a Diue and lighting on him verse 17 And lo a voice came from heauen saying This is my beloloued Sonne in whom I am well pleased NOW the Euangelist proceedeth to shew now Iohn exercised part of his Ministery euen toward the Messias himselfe and setteth downe how after Christ had liued long in Nazareth containing himselfe in Iosephs house till his heauenly father should consecrate him and call him forth to the great worke of the Ministery and of maiestie hee being now of thirty yeeres of age commeth to Iohn and requireth to be baptized in as much as he appearing in the flesh of man was to ioyne himselfe to them that confessed their sinnes Iohn by reuelation perceiuing that he was the Lord for they neuer met before this being in wise dome prouided of the Lord lest it might haue seemed a compact betweene them two to cosen the world refuseth to do it and put him backe earnestly acknowledging Christs excellency and his owne vnworthinesse In this bewraying the error of his
iudgement that hee knew not all that pertained to his calling and ministery yet addeth a reason why he did this I can giue but water but thou canst giue the spirit to purge the conscience Christ seeing his modesty bids him leaue off to intreate of his excellency and his owne basenesse that he was as the Sonne and Iohn but as the day starre Let this goe saith Christ for thou and I both must labour to doe that God hath appoi●ted it is thy calling to baptize and mine to require it professing himselfe to bee in the number of repentants Iohn seeing that Christ shewed this actiō to be a part of that righteousnesse should be fulfilled did receiue him whereupon after Christ had been● drenched in the water a miracle was seene the heauens to open the holy Ghost to descend a voice from his Father that this Sonne was principally beloued and for his sake all others should be beloued So as the Sauiour of the world was first baptized and then miraculously consecrated to be that great monarch of heaven and earth In the words there are two generall parts to bee considered first that Christ was baptized from vers 13. to the latter end of vers 15. secondly what-testimony was giuen from heauen for his consecration to the Mediatorship In the first there be these circumstances set downe first that Christ tooke paines himselfe to come secondly that Iohn at first refused him giuing a reason why he did so thirdly Christ replying vpon him with a reason added why he required it and why Iohn may not deny it For the first of these consider two circumstances first at what time Christ came secondly whence he came then the word shewes a continuance of the story then when Iohn had prepared a people by his ministery to receiue Christ and when the fulnesse of time was come and the time of his present prinate life expired Heere generally consider that God determineth the times and seasons of mens priuate and publike callings Moses was forty yeeres of age before God told him he should bee the delinerer of his people and after hee had discontinued and walked priuatly forty yeeres more then hee was called of God to that office Act. 7.23 Exo. 3.10 So Iohn was thirty yeeres old before hee began to execute his ministery So for Christ it might seeme tedious to his parents that hee should so long containe himselfe in their priuate house and albeit he was destinated and ordained from the wombe to this great office and worke yet he must expect his fathers pleasure before hee offer himselfe to goe forth of Galile It is true of all men which Ieremy speakes of himselfe ch 1.5 God called me saith he and sanctified me to be a Prophet from the wombe yea before I was fashoined So Paul Gal. 1.15 saith he was separate from his mothers wombe to preach the gospell yet they must both wait and attend for a reall calling The vse that is hence to be gathered is that as Christ contented and satisfied himselfe with a priuate life when by comming abroade he might haue come to great renowne in the world so much more are we to satisfie our selues with that place wee haue and leaue it to Gods wisedome who in fulnesse of time will call if he haue any imploiment for vs so as no man may beg or buy a calling or thinke all his graces buried if he enter not presently into the broade way of worldly fame for God will in time if he haue set him apart for his husbandry prouide him a place and meanes for his lawfull entrance and such an admittance as may secure his conscience For the second whence he came from Galile where may be demanded why Iohn went not to him he being but the seruant● the reason is first because Iohns ministery was appointed to be exercised in the wildernesse secondly it was to set forth the maiesty and to preserue the dignity and worthinesse of the ministery for in as much as Christ was to be baptized hee was to come thither as one that was to partake of some fruit of his office Which example and prefident shewes that no man ought to thinke himselfe too good to come to Iohn that is to the Minister of God in whose mouthes heehath put the words of reconciliation and in whose hands are the distribution of his seales And this condemneth all those that seeke to bring the Temple into their house or wait that the Arke should come to them Dauid we see though a King of high glory and renowne Psal 84 2.3 complaineth and mourneth that he could not haue accesse to the church of God and thought the birds happier the● he that sate and sung within the Temple And if the King of heauen the Lord Iesus did humble himselfe to goe to Iohn much more ought flesh and bloud to striue to ioyne themselues to the publike place where the ministery is exercised The second circumstance is Iohns forbidding of Christ to come to his baptisme Out of which place appeareth that Iohn acknowledged him to be the Messias though he was cloathed with sinfull flesh for he saith he had need to receiue the holy Ghost of him which none can giue but Christ Now how knew he this for by the wisedome of God it was wrought that they neuer saw nor met before therefore hee must needs know it miraculously euen as miraculously Luke 1.41 hee leapt in his mothers wombe when she first heard of Christs conception And if the signe to know him be the Doue as some would haue it how knew he him before It must be answered that God gaue him a secret reuelation to himselfe to discerne that this was the person in whom dwelt the God-head bodily Coloss 2.9 and after for further confirmation which was a signe a posteriori there was this exhibition of that token a Doue descending on him According as Exod. 3.12 Moses was told he should bee a deliuerer of the people of Israel and this was his signe that when he had done it he should sacrifice to God in the mount that is it should further confirme him for he knew it before when he went forth of Egypt with the people Where we may learne that if we walke simply as in the sight of God and make a conscience of our calling wee shall haue if need require an extraordinary presence and help of God to instruct vs and we shall be taught of him the secrets and wonders of the Lord. Further learne in this refusall of Iohn to baptise Christ that although a man may be an excellent Minister yet hee may erre concerning some chiefe point of his office and this to bee no disparagement to him euen as Iohn failed in this duty So as we draw out of this particular example this generall instruction against such as except against Ministers being of another iudgement then others be for if he be faithfull in the greatest duty of his calling and his end be
word in the ordinance of God should goe before the seale and in this respect it is necessary yet is it a Sacrament though there be no preaching and the want of the word doth not abolish the nature of the action So we must labour that all thing that sauour of corruption may be remoued yet not to seuer our selues from the Church by reason of some abuses And heere those are confuted that will submit themselues to some commandements and not to others We thinke no man can be saued without Baptisme if hee contemne it and why doest th●● not aswell labour to haue thy child nurtured vp in faith and religion No man will come to the Sacrament without examination for if he do we account it damnable or who is he that taking the bread in the Supper would be found asleepe yet we thrust our selues into the temple to heare the Lord speake vnto vs not communing with our hearts before we come and suffering o●● selues to be caught with sleepe when we are come And whence proceedeth this but that we doe not esteeme it as righteous as ordinance of God to come to the doctrine with preparation as to the Sacrament Certaine it is many may bee saued without Bptisme but being baptized and despising preaching if hee may haue it he is sure to be damned for what is the seale vnlesse there be a graunt precedent But we are almost like vnto the Pharisees that thought it no sinne to sweare by the altar but to sweare by the oblation on the altar was an hainous matter so to sweare by the Temple it was nothing Math. 23.18 but otherwise to sweare by the gold in the Temple which is most strange since the gold is nothing vnlesse it bee sanctified by the Temple So the Word doth separate and sanctifie the water and the bread and not they the Word for it hath life without them and who taught them to distinguish thus For if we will all go to Iohn to be baptized of him so must wee also to heare him preach Let vs beware therefore how wee leape at a Gnat and swallow a Camell Ioh. 13.8 Peter would as faine be cleansed as the rest of the Apostles then must he not be so nice as to deny this mercy to himselfe to haue Christ wash his feet But as we must measure euery thing by the commandement so must we likewise esteeme them according to the dignity and order that God hath commanded for this shall bee the best fulfilling of righteousnesse And Iesus when he was baptised c. Heere the Euangelist setteth downe what followed immediatly after Christs baptising namely the ordaining of him by an heauenly Oracle to be the great Doctor of the Church There were many glorious sights and apparitions whereby was testified to Iohn and the people that this was an extraordinary man By opening the heauens must bee vnderstood that they were as it were cut asunder that thereby they might know that this man was not to be considered as in the infirmitie of man but as one come from heauen Further Iohn and the people saw with their bodily eyes the bodily shape of a doue by which was represented Sacramentally an extraordinary presence of the holy Ghost which though it be euery where and so cannot be lim●ted any where yet was it neuer so much present any where as in this place whereby was signified the perfusing and powring of all gifts and graces vpon the humane nature of the Lord Iesus And after their sight had beene thus confirmed yet was there a more excellent signe a voice from the liuing God that this man and this person that stood before them aggreuating and gathering himselfe among the company of sinners this poore man appearing but in the basenesse of this flesh was the very naturall Sonne of God begot by an incomprehensible generation in whom his soule delighted So as the summe is this There are testimonies giuen from heauen to Iohn and the people by sight and by hearing that this man that was but newly baptized was the onely and alone peace-maker of the Church The testimonies be three first the opening of the heauens secondly the descending of the doue thirdly the voice from heauen and the matter of the voice For the first vnderstand that albeit Christ had the heauens opened in part for the confirmation of his owne soule that hee was appointed to bee the great ruler of the Church who in his humanity had need of such a confirmation and that in part they were opened to giue him security to vndergoe this great office yet it was done especially for the confirming of Iohn and the people as Ioh. 12. A voice came from heauen saying I haue glorified him which came saith Christ vers 30. not for me but for your sakes So as heereby generally obserue in that the heauens are opened to authorize him to be the great Teacher that our duty is to heare him and the greater shall our condemnation be if we doe it not For though others speake by commission from God as Iohn and the Prophets yet this is true spoken of in the Hebrewes that if they went not vnpunished that despised them that spake from the earth that is being but men much lesse shall they escape that despise him who speaketh from heauen And since the Prophets Luk. 16.29 are to be heard and Iohn speaking in the authority of God much more are we to take heede that we neglect not the words of this great Teacher that speakes from heauen being God in flesh For the second testimony first may be demanded whether Iesus was destitute of this spirit before And if not why it is said now to light on him Colos 2 9. It is certaine as the Apostle teacheth that the God head dwelt bodily in his flesh and neuer any creature had so much as hee from the first moment of his conception And in that it seemes now to descend vpon him vnderstand that before hee led a priuate life and the time of his manifestation was not come at this time hee abstained from shewing any worke of his mediatorship and in this priuat course of life he had such a portion of the spirit as was meete but now when he was to exercise his office he hath his soule endued with a more excellent measure of grace Hereupon it is said Esa 61.1 The spirit of the Lord came vpon me to preach good tidings c. comming then in a speciall manner vpon him where we learne that as Christ in the lineaments and proportion of his bodie grew and increased so did he also in the graces of his soule and inward vertues as Luk. 2.52 hee increased in wisedome and in stature and in fauour both with God and men And howsoeuer hee had by right appertaining to him all grace yet it was powred downe by degrees and the greatest measure of all was at the time of his ascension The grace hee hath receiued is farre aboue
that of Angels euen that which hee had in his humane soule yet were they created and finite and it is no vitious or blame-worthy ignorance not to know that as a man which commeth not within the compasse of his humanity as the certainty of the latter day is not reuealed as himselfe saith to the sonne of man Mark 13.32 Further in that the spirit doth now annoint him learne that whosoeuer shall challenge any calling from God must shew himselfe to be qualified in some sort more then he was in his priuate life for that which is true in Christ as the head is also in the inferiour members And as it is intolerable in a man to vsurpe any place in the Church without authority from men so is i● high presumption to take it vpon him except with the outward calling he can shew the inward seale of the holy Ghost for without this the approbation of men is but as a seale set vpon water and if he pretend the allowance of the holy Ghost let him shew some competent sufficiency to discharge it Secondly is to bee considered why he descended in the shape of a doue Where note first that wee vnderstand not the shape spoken of as if the done appeared but as in a shape for it had a reall and a bodily being and substance and the word shape is to bee referred to the holy Ghost which is in all places as God and so not visible in himselfe but truely represented in the doue all signes being as they must bee proportionable to the representing of that is to bee signified In Acts 2.2 the spirit appeareth like the rushing winde to shew the power and feruency of the Gospell secondly like a clouen tongue which should speake and be as it were diuided to all thirdly like a fiery tongue to purge vs and to wast mens filthinesse And heere like a doue to testifie Christs kingdome to be in all lowlinesse and harmlesnesse to be a preacher of peace of such a doue like simplicity Esa 42.2 Mat. 12.20 that as is spoken by the Prophet he should not lift vp his voice in the streets and of so compassionate a heart as not to breake the bruised reede Heere further consider the difference between the manifestation of the Law and of the Gospell in the deliuery of the Law blowes the sound of a trumper appeares fearefull lightning a●● dreadfull thundring Exod. 19.16 so as the people could not abide to heare it and Moses himselfe being astonished and said I feare and quake Heb. 12.21 But when the Gospell is giuen there is nothing commeth foorth that is fearefull to testifie that Christ would not terrifie with thundring threates but by a mild and a still and a familiar voice would call men how long soeuer they haue continued in their sinnes and how many soeuer they be yea if they be distressed in their hearts and anguished in their soules as a milde doue he allureth them and promiseth to saue them Whereupon if any man doe bleed that he hath wounded the Lord by his offences and do grone with sighes vnspekeable and be confounded with his owne sin and ashamed of himselfe let him not feare to goe to Christ who is yet euen to this day a doue The least grone of a repentant heart the Lord will not refuse for it is his nature to be mercifull and his glory and ioy to saue and if there be but a litle worke begun in vs the Lord Iesus will quicken and cherish it which may comfort vs to powre foorth our soules before him for hee lieth in waite for our returne with the lost Sonne Luk. 15.20 and hath not deposed not laid aside his compassion Now if neither the voice of Moses 〈◊〉 terrifie Luk. 1.32 nor the voice of Christ allure vs if piping will not make vs dance nor weeping will make vs repent then this is our condemnation that this meeke doue is not embraced and that wee beleeue not the Gospell whereby we may haue accesse to Christ and so be saued Thirdly heere is to be considered how Iohn could call the doue the holy Ghost since the essence of this spirit is not discernable nor the power infused into Christ to be seene Againe he that is euery where and in no place circumscribed cannot be discerned how is it said then that Iohn saw him Wee most vnderstand they are both figuratiue and borrowed speeches hee saw not the Essence of the holy Ghost nor the power infused into Christ is not to be discerned for this was to be seene onely with the eye of the soule but the sight of the doue perswaded him the spirit was there after a speciall manner singualr and extraordinary Againe hee saw not the spirit descend but the doue which did really signifie that as verily and truly the spirit was light vpon him But is the holy Ghost that Doue as Ioh. 1.32 I beheld that spirit come downe from heauen like a Doue and it abode on him This is to be vnderstood not that the holy Ghost was inclosed in the Doue or personally vnited to the Doue but it is a sacramentall speech whereby that which is proper to the signe is giuen and attributed to the thing signified as we say the bread is the body of Christ but if substantially the holy Ghost be present in the Doue then so is the body of Christ in the Supper Not like for the holy Ghost is euery where because he is a spirit but the body of Christ is circumscribed and bounded in a place certaine and so they be not of the same nature Againe we do not say the Doue was a type of the substantiall presence of the holy Ghost for it was then euery where and it was not there present as in essence but it was a type to signifie that he was so there as in no place so much and it must be intended of a sacramentall and of no essentiall presence as if he were no where else but of the presence of his essence in a speciall maner Againe it is absurd to aske how there can be a true giuing of the thing vnlesse the thing be there as that Christ cannot be giuen by the bread vnlesse he be in or with or vnder the bread for it is not the locall presence or absence that makes the truth of giuing it but if the verity of the thing be there it is enough for God can giue man leaue to eate his flesh being in heauen The fathers did eate it otherwise they could not haue beene saued Iohn 6.31 and then Christ was not onely not present but not at all as touching his humanity so as Christ began not onely to be flesh when he was manifested but they did eate Manna and in that by faith they did eate Christ So in the water the conscience is washed and yet is there no bloud transfused with the water but it is as truly there as this Doue did testifie Christ to be filled with
made more plain● Paul Rom. 7.18 said hee knew no good thing dwelling in his flesh and heere he saith he is freed from the law of sinne and of death so as it may be thought these two places and speeches doe not agree The answer is Paul was carnall sold vnder sinne and thereby made a slaue to Sathan euen as a slaue that is sold in the market is to his master but this was onely in respect of the spirit of life which was in himselfe but now he speaketh of the spirit of life which is in Christ and applied vnto him by the vnion betwene Christ and him and so may boldly say hee is now no flesh but all spirit and doth the good he would To make it plainer 1. Ioh. 5.6 it is said that Christ came by bloud and water signifying thereby that as his bloud washeth away the guiltinesse of our sinnes so his water washeth away the filthinesse of our sinnes and that as his bloud doth iustifie vs in heauen so his water doth sanctifie vs heere on earth with which water of his because it answereth to the spirit of life which is in vs we had neede daily to be washed for as the skinne cleaueth fast to the flesh and the flesh to the bones so doth sin to our corrupt nature that we haue need continually to be cleansed by the holy Ghost which is the spirit of life of Christ in vs. And this is that water spoken of Ioh. 3.5 Except a man be borne of water and of the spirit he cannot be saued meaning thereby our regeneration and so Ioh. 13.10 where Christ alluding to them that comming out of Bathes had neede wash their lower parts because the filthinesse descendeth to the feet perswadeth vs thereby to a daily increase in a sanctified course because some corruption will hang at least at our singers end according to that Iob 9.30.31 If I wash my selfe with snow water and make my hands most cleane yet my owne clothes shall make me filthy so as though wee haue the spirit of God in vs yet our best actions are sinfull for as it is said Esa 64.6 our righteousnes is as filthy clouts the originall signifieth such clouts as come from children newly borne or such as Surgians vse to make cleane vlcers or such as beggers finde vpon dung hils to patch their ragged cloakes withall or such as are not once to be named as the Ancient writers of the Iewes doe make mention to whom this was chiefely spoken the Prophet in that place alluding to the manner of purifying in the ceremoniall law For we reade Leuit. 15.19 that vncleane things were separated both from the seruice of God and from the vse of man which being then but ceremoniall both in bodie and soule and thereby vnfit for Gods seruice and is really and morally in vs for we are vile and polluted not worthy the society one of another for feare of infecting each other and yet these are our best actions as Esay speaketh meaning thereby both the greatnesse of the number of them and the greatnesse of the excellency of them for they are all accursed before God I meane in respect of the spirit of Christ which is in vs not that the spirit causeth this vncleanenesse but through the lust sensuality and corruption of our natures euen as faire water from a cleere fountain is made filthy by running thorow vnclean channels the cause wherof is that concupiscence which through the serpents temptation entred into our first parents when they transgressed this being the first sinne that liueth and the last sinne that dieth euen as the heart is in the body of a man and this lust causeth and forceth vs to commit the euil we would not and to omit the good wee would and if it cannot preuaile this way with vs then it will entice vs partly to commit the euill and partly to omit the good by the consent of the heart onely and if it ●●●le in this it will cause such a crossing and corrupt thought to come in the way to poison the good we do that though we do it yet it deserueth death because wee are commanded to loue God with all our thoughts which if any one be ranging we doe not This is vrged the more that we may see and acknowledge how far our best actions which are in highest price and estimation with vs and which runne from the cleerest part of the wel-head are from deseruing any thing which we may yet see as in a glasse more plainely Gen. 6.5 where it is said concerning the naturall man that the mould of the desires of the thoughts of a mans heart are euill only euill and euill euery day and for euer 〈◊〉 may bee spoken of the best childe of God leaning out but this word onely For the spirit of Christ which is in vs begetteth some good thoughts and bringeth forth some good fruits that they are not onely euill though in respect of our corruption and that they taste of the vnsauory saltnes of our nature they may be said to be nothing but euill for in the choisest child of God there is the seed of the sin against the holy Ghost of apostasie of all sins but that by the working of the spirit they are so choked and weakened as they are not able to breake foorth hobeit by the remainder of sin abiding in vs all our actions are so infected poisoned as they are lothsome in the sight of God which must teach vs to humble our selues before him to craue pardon euen for our praiers which are polluted with many by-thoughts then wil he as Mal. 3.17 spare vs as a man spareth his sonne that serueth him for the Lord regardeth rather the good affection than the good action the holy fountaine from whence it procedeth rather then the effects of the fountain that it runneth thorow some corrupt veine of this earth and flesh of ours and this is in respect the spirit of life of Christ is in vs. But now if we speake of the spirit of life which is in Christ himselfe then we may boldly say we are all spirit and not flesh that Christ by his satisfaction hath taken away the accusation can come against vs for any sinne and the imperfection can be laide against vs for any action for all we doe is accepted of God in him and we can be charged with nothing for Christ maketh intercession for vs and as Eph. 2.1 God in Christ hath quickned vs that were dead in sinnes and as Heb. 2.9 Christ hath tasted death for all men So as if we speak of the spirit of life which is in Christs person we may well conclude wee are freed from the law of sin and of death Secondly obserue hence that they that will take comfort by the life of Christ must be able to apply the power of his death to the crucifying not onely in generall but euen of euery particular sinne in them as the
sinnefull flesh wherein we are to beleeue that Christ is the naturall sonne of God and the sonne of Dauid but not naturall for he was not begotten of man his seed being vncleane but he was conceaued of the holy ghost and so became man like vnto vs sinne excepted therefore it is heere said in the similitude of sinnefull flesh not in sinnefull flesh and in this similitude he was both in the sight of men and of God in the sight of men for all the while he was on earth he was seene to be subiect to the miseries of sinnefull flesh both in his life and death to hunger for he was oft so to pouerty for he had not whereon to lay his head to persecution for he fled and withdrew himselfe from much violence intended against him to griefe for he wept and sighed for the death of Lazarus and the destruction of Hierusalem to slanders for they vpbraided him that he wrought by the power of the diuel to temptations for he was carried by the Spirit into the desert for that purpose to accusation by false witnesses to colour the sentence of death against him to scourgings to scoffings to reuilings to the crosse to death it selfe all which was seene to men by some that grieued at it by most that iested and reioyced at it He was also seene in this similitude by God himselfe for though he was deliuered and tossed as it were from pillar to post from Annas to Caiaphas from Caiaphas to Pilate from Pilate to the Souldiers from the Souldiers to the Citie from the city to the Iudgement seat from thence to the inferiour officers to be beaten with reeds from thence to the gibbet though all cried by the perswasion of the high priests Crucifie him doubling it in the aire with a most damnable echo yet was all this done as Peter saith Act. 2.23 by the determinate counsell of God the heauens hauing decreed that the earth should open as it were to swallow him because he represented our persons more liuelie then Iacob did the person of Efau Gen. 27.21 so as for the time he was heauily crushed with the weight of Gods indignation which appeared by the conflict he had with the wrath of God sweating droppes of blood by the basenesse deiection he felt in himselfe crying out that hee was forsaken an 〈…〉 doth proue he was in the similitude of sinnefull flesh in the sight of his father and that it was necessary it should be so being man to satisfie for man and God to get the conquest of death hell and condemnation For the fourth which is the purpose he was sent for It was to abolish sinne and to condemne sinne in the flesh speaking metaphorically or in a borrowed speech meaning heereby that there was great pleading in heauen before the seat of God betweene Christ and the diuell the seed of the woman and the serpent the diuell challenging of vs to be his first because in our first parents we gaue more faith credit to him then to God for when God had wrapt vp condemnation in the forbidden fruit we thought it to be the hidden treasure of diuine knowledge when he had sweetned his inhibition of this one tree with the free vse and liberty of all the rest as if we should starue for meat our appetite must be enflamed to this aboue the rest and when he had enioyned a law vpon our fingers as not to touch it then doe we through the strength of suggestion prefix our eies on no other marke then to gaze on it thereby to insnare our hands to snatch at it Secondly whereas Adam had his birth and creation in innocency which was but a particular allegation for him yet we that are his posterity haue our beginning from corruption as if in our generation we vowed a course of vncleanenesse and doe performe this vow by plunging the whole man into the lake as it were of impiety and therefore in our liues resembling his likenesse by walking in the workes of darkenesse he impudently would haue faced out the matter as if heauen had beene but the hall of iustice fit for the maiesty of God to sit there and not for vs to abide there longer then while sentence is in giuing But when Christ against this had truly alleaged the eternity of his generation in respect of his God-head the cleannesse of his conception in respect of his man-hood how in this person of ours he was euer sanctified in this flesh of ours had vanquished the fierce temptations of the diuell and how we in our owne persons by the water of the holy ghost are daily washed when by this hard pleading of Christ on our side we were by the sentence of God vnshakled as prisoners vniustly detained and had our absolution written in our foreheads that the damned might see it to their discomfort then the sonne of God hauing by this his trauell o●ened the insearchable riches of his fathers mercy toward vs he condemned sinne in this flesh and purged as it were euery veine of the hidden filthinesse lay in it and made vs members of his body So as from hence learne to measure the benefit thou hast by Christ that he is no further sent to thee then he hath destroied sinne in thee for if thou settest vp a seat for profanenesse in thy heart sowing thy fruit to the flesh and liuing to thy selfe then as 2. Cor. 5.15 Christ died not for thee and he was sent to die that by his death thou mightest liue to him beware therefore thou doest not examine thy selfe too slightly in this matter for it was easier for the Lord to create a new heauen and a new earth then to raise thee from the dead and to abolish sinne in thee which kept thee vnder the dominion of death hee hauing no resistance in the one and in the other hauing the rebellion of thy nature to hinder him so as thou must not measure the death of sinne in thee by the auoiding of grosse sinnes which the sunne hates to shine vpon but euen by thy practise and delight in smaller sinnes for if these doe keepe their course in running priuatly through thy life as the bloud doth in runnig secretly through thy veins it keepes out the spirit which should raise thee from the old Adam to the new from rebellion to obedience from darknesse to light from hell to heauen Striue therefore as in thy ignorance to please the flesh so by thy knowledge to content the spirit that as pride pleased the flesh so humblenesse of heart may please the spirit and that for the assurance of Christ to be thine thou maist doe euery thing contrary to that thou didest before after the example of Domitian the Emperour who was answered if hee would gouerne vprightly he must doe contrary to that the gouernours had done before who ruled with crueltie and tyrannie ROM chap. 8. vers 4. verse 4 That that righteousnesse of the law might
the obedience of the law in some measure and stirre vp our affections to a delight in it Thirdly we are dead to the power of prouocation which was in the law to vrge vs to sin because our sins being taken away in the passion of Christ the law bringing vs as it were vpon the scaffold and shewing vs hell gates and heauen a farre off not able of our selues to make passage to it teacheth vs to auoid all sinnefull occasions whereby our feete might be found slipping and to lay the better hold vpon the bridge the Lord Iesus by whom the conscience is so pacified as wee are euer directed in the right way so as we are dead to it in the curse of it and aliue to it as it is the rule of our direction we are dead to it in the bondage of it and aliue to it in the obedience of it Gods spirit directing our hearts to doe that willingly which the law requireth Since then there is this necessity laid vpon vs to be dead vnto sinne for which sinne the curse of the law is due and to be liuing to newnesse of life though wee see this rich benefit of hauing the righteosnesse of the law fulfilled to bee performed by Christ onely and that for vs we must beware we fall not either into profane security or else into presumptuous hypocrisie the one thinking the fauour of God not greatly requisite the other that it is easily obtained the one running on still to sinne the other couering their nakednesse with fig-leaues which are not broad enough to couer all nor thicke enough to hide them from his eies that pierceth into the deepest darknesse for these may haue a knowledge of the law and subscribe vnto it a glimmering sight of Christ in the Gospell and reioice at it and yet not haue sinne condemned in their flesh but their flesh damned for their sinne whereas if we straitly trie our selues by the law and see our sinnes as sores runnig full of corruption and damnation to bee awaiting vpon the least sinne then is the commandement come vnto vs and then sinne being reuiued we know to what Physitian to goe and what eie salue to craue for we cannot looke into the bottome of our hearts vnlesse we looke into the bottome of the law and if we faile in this wee shall know no sinnes and so consequently no Sauiour for sinnes for God being a fearefull Iudge and a consuming fire we cannot stand before him without peace of conscience nor haue this peace without grace from Christ nor partake of this grace without acknowledgment of misery nor come to this acknowledgment without a through sight of our sinnes nor attaine to this sight without a sight of damnation due for them nor see this damnation without a triall of our selues by the commandement so as Christ hath not by his vertue abated but aduanced the power and excellency of the law in the right vse of it for which it was ordained namely to set our hearts on God and our waies in the trade of his commandements and therefore let vs by all meanes shun two extremities First a restlesse desire to performe the law so precisely as to seeke life in it which is harder for vs to doe then to remoue mountaines or to clime vp to heauen to see the seat of God Secondly rechlesse impiety to liue profanely because we cannot liue so precisely as we ought for the law is the goale wee must time at and the perfection we must striue to and though in our best workes we are vnprofitable yet must we worke lest wee be abominable Now for the second part namely for whom Christ tooke this paines to establish and fulfill the righteousnesse of the law it was for such as walke not after the flesh but after the spirit which teacheth vs to know a child of God from a reprobate the life of the one being like the darkenesse of Egypt grosse and palpable the other like the Sunne-shine cleere and comfortable And this life in the elect may be discerned by two markes First by a spirituall inuisible internall testimony secondly by a reall externall and visible The first is discouered two waies first by the spirit of adoption whereby we cry in confidence to the Lord as to a father secondly by the spirit of sanctification whereby we liue in obedience and subiection as to a Lord. The outward euidence of a Christian is likewise knowen two waies first by an outward profession secondly by walking in that profession Now lest we be deceaued in the inward signes first through pride in our selues and the policy of sathan to make vs thinke we haue them when we want them as Matth. 7.23 Many by doing great things in the name of Christ will entitle themselues to heauen which is a purchase for the elect only but he will professe he neuer knew them secondly through the secrecie of them they being knowen onely to God as 1. Cor. 2.10 The spirit searcheth all things and no man knowes the heart but he that made it therfore an inuisible faith must be discerned by visible fruits and who can tell that the powers of his soule be reformed if it breake not forth into his life for which cause the badge of a renued Christian is first a proclamation as it were whose he is and vnder whom he serues secondly a blamelesse course in conuersation the first of these is communicable to hypocrites who will seeme to carry a weapon for the Lord but with weake hands and false hearts making a flourish as if hee would defie the diuell yet secretly and couertly feeding on him and defending him in his desires and therefore he that is truely elect must be measured by his life and we must not looke into the spirit which is in him but into the fruites of the spirit which hang about him not to his inuisible faith but to his visible workes of faith not to his outward profession but to his walking according to his profession as Gal. 5.25 If we liue in the spirit wee must also walke in the spirit so as men are not to bee iudged by their tongues but by their steps and since we must iudge them this way if we see one liue inordinately sweare outragiously blaspheme mightily oppresse cruelly haunt wicked company and such like we may well say he is wicked and if he reply iudge not thou maiest answer thou maiest safely iudge the roote by the tree and the tree by the fruit a fountaine by the streames and the streames by their cleerenesse a sicke man by his weakenesse and the danger of his weakenesse by the nature of the disease and what is in the heart by that commeth out of the heart Mat. 15.19 for how could such a sea of sinnes swell ouer their bankes if thou wert stable minded those hauty lookes could neuer so transforme thy countenance if pride did not possesse thee nor thy vsury and oppression so rage and some out in thy
the time we may faile of his promotion there being but one particular flower of that kind in the whole garden of God besides he had no such meanes of faith offered him till he was vpon the gallowes wheras we haue had and doe still enioy great store both for our present vse and for to lay vp against a dearth heereafter againe by this our deferring and shufling off the time of saluation we sinne three waies against God against the saints of God and against our owne soules against God because we dally with him and abuse his patience putting that day far off which may come at the least to thee in an instant if the Lord withdrawe thy breath but a while from thee against the Saints of God because thou depriuest them of that company comfort and profit thou mightest haue each of other for heerein standeth the communion of Saints in a fellow-feeling one of anothers miseries comforting them in their griefes strengthening them in their infirmities supplying them in their wantes and encouraging them in the faith and power of grace which they haue receiued lastly against themselues in thus hazarding their soules for it is not enough to say Lord haue mercy on thee when thou art on thy death bed when rather sense of thy paine then feeling of thy sinne doth driue thee to that extremity but thou must seeke for mercy before thou art thrust into those straites else may thy conscience then flie in thy face and the remembrance of thy former negligence stop thy mouth as a iust reuenge for thy sinne of delay which was before committed Againe heere all lithernesse and lazinesse is remoued from them that are ready to finde excuse for not walking so cheerefully boldly and constantly in the right way as they should for assure thy selfe there is no crosse can fall vpon thee of that force as to crosse the working of Gods spirit in thee if thou thy selfe be not a meanes to quench it for if thou wilt hide thy talent it is true it can turne thee to no aduantage and if thou doest not stirre vp the graces in thee and varnish them as it were with a continuall vse of them no maruell though they decay and thou too for the kingdome of heauen is taken onely by the violent that striue and sweat and labour euen as he that is famished doth for meat so that if thou entertaine the spirit with diligence in praier in hearing in meditation and such like holy duties it will awake thee from thy sleep and remoue all impediments that may either turne backe thine eies from beholding thine anointed Christ Iesus or with draw thy heart from buying that hidden treasure that is sealed vp for thee in the booke of the promises of God Lastly obserue the maner of the Apostles speech beginning with the negatiue We must not walke after the flesh as a matter of greatest weight before hee commeth to the affirmatiue to walke after the spirit for where there is the absence of good there must needs be euil but where there is the absence of euill it followeth not that there is good therefore we must not onely not doe euill but we must doe good as Dauid saith Cease from euill and doe good so as the flesh must first be shaken off before we can shape our actions or affections after the spirit and to this purpose Esay saith cap. 1.16.17 Cease to doe euill learne to doe well and Paul Rom. 13.12 Cast away the workes of darkenesse and put on the armour of light and Ephe. 4.22.23 Cast off the old man which is corrupt and be renued in the spirit of your minde and as Tit. 2.12 we must not onely deny vngodlinesse but we must liue religiously and 1. Pet. 4.1 There must be in vs a signe not onely of Christs suffering but also of his resurrection to liue not after the lusts of men but after the will of God and as Rom. 7.4 Wee must not onely bee diuorced from our first husband the flesh but we must be married to our second husband which is the spirit so as for thesound cure of our corruption the rotten flesh must first be pared away that the right plaister may bee applied and when thou art healed thou must sinne no more lest a worse thing come vnto thee but as hauing the sore running on thee the Lord dispensed with thy vntowardnesse for that time so now hauing the wound stopt and thine eies opened by a second laying of Christs hands vpon thee thou must performe such actions of life onely as are deriued from the spirit of God working in thee The vsurer therefore must not onely leaue his vsury but he must lend freely the oppressor must not onely cease from grinding the faces of the poore but hee must releeue them liberally the proud man must not onely forget to wrinkle his face by looking austerely but with meekenesse and humility he must embrace his brethren the profane man must not onely forsake his iesting and scoffing at religion but hee must set himselfe in the same ranke to be railed at for the name of Christ knowing that by this meanes as 1. Pet. 4.14 The spirit on his part is glorified And this may serue to stop their mouthes that thinke him an honest man that doth no harme whereas the not doing hurt is but as a tingling and pricking in the flesh after a great benumnednesse but it must be the action of good that must shew the life of Christ to bee in thee else maiest thou as well thinke it a causelesse curse vpon the figge-tree that hauing but leaues wherewith she did no harme was yet dried vp because she bare no fruit ROM chap. 8. vers 5.6 verse 5 For they that are after the flesh sauour the things of the flesh but they that are after the spirit the things of the spirit verse 6 For the wisedome of the flesh is death but the wisdome of the spirit is life and peace HEnce the Apostle proceedeth to proue who those bee who are ingrafted into Christ and who are not but continue in the wrath of God and this hee doth by following the opposition first made between the flesh and the spirit shewing in these verses what the seuerall natures and dispositions of them both are And secondly what are their seuerall ends they that are after the flesh thinke nothing sauoury but what comes from the flesh but their fruit and end is death that is damnation but they that are guided by the spirit taste nothing but what is spirituall and the fruit and end of them tendeth to a double comfort for their soules first bringing peace of conscience which is a continual feast in this life secondly eternal felicity in the life to come so as in summe his meaning is to shew that as many as are not in Christ shall be damned and as many as build vpon Christ shall be saued Then we must first know what is meant by flesh and what is
5.25 then how many are there among vs worse then they that neuer heare it but thinke that which is in truth the onely food to preserue them the only poison to destroy them And if shee be dead that sauoureth so much of the flesh as to liue in pleasure 1. Tim. 5.6 then how many are there in the world as euill as shee that would neuer haue the Sunne to set vpon their delights but would haue their life without limitation that they might follow their sports And if he be dead that fals asleepe in his sins Eph. 5.14 then how many of this kinde are with vs that neuer tooke but one nap since their birth making the end of one sinne the beginning of another And if they be dead that walke according to the course of the world Eph. 2.1.2 then alas how few are liuing among vs many great starres falling from heauen to the earth daily that is many great professors being either ashamed or wearied of their precisenesse in religion falling away daiely renouncing that their faith wherwith they were once comforted embracing the world like Demas who shooke off Paul as if he had beene as pestilent as the viper that Paul himselfe shooke off Act. 28.5 And if he be dead that followeth not his calling faithfully Mat. 8.22 then how many such are there among vs that either through idlenesse neglect or through fraud and deceit peruert those means that God hath appointed for their increase And if he be dead which strengtheneth not himself in the things which remaine in him Reuel 3.1.2 then how doe we abound with such as want this zeale of supporting their faith suffering it daily to decrease and smothering and pressing it downe with the sent sauor of fleshly ease and preferment And if they be dead that haue not part in the first resurrection Reue. 20.5 then how many of this brood haue we that haue not yet receiued Christin true faith at all nor are awaked to any better life then they brought from their mothers wombe thinking too wel of themselues and for want of knowing themselues being not able to know Christ aright wanting this knowledge of him they are ignorant what benefit they may receiue by Christ and being ignorant of this it is impossible for them to partake of any benefits Christ bringeth they finding no better taste nor sweetnesse in them then there is sauour in the whit of an egge as Iob saith cap. 6.6 Therefore let wickednesse come form the wicked and let it be a bird onely of their hatching let them fill themselues with the bitter morsels of the flesh which turne to gall in their stomackes for God at length shall draw it out of their bellies Iob. 20.15 and shall cause his wrath to raine vpon them burier●● that call vpon the name of the Lord depart from iniquity and being borne of the spirit let vs distast euery thing that is not spirituall for in this opposition of contraries of the flesh and of the spirit we must cleaue as close to the blood of Christ and the water of a holy life as the fleshly men doe to the diuell and to the course of their corruption This rule then which the Apostle heere giueth to be guided and conducted by the spirit condemneth and conuinceth all them that haue such froth in their words and some out of their monthes that men are too full of the spirit and too vehement in the spirit taking vpon them like Schoole-masters to reach the holy Ghost how to speake but since the spirit taketh it vp as a phrase fit for him let not vs be ashamed to vse it as a garment fit for vs for the world hath beene full of scoffing from the beginning and though it ingendred in the flesh of Abraham yet came it from the bastard brood of Hagar Ismael being the first Gen. 21.9 that mocked Isaac And what was Elisha the worse 2. Kin. 2.23 for being mocked of the children or the Prophets the worse for being mocked of the people or Christ the worse for being railed on in the open Synagogue and mocked at in the iudgement hall and vpon the Crosse Mat. 26.41 Or Paul the worse for being called by Tertullus that flattering oratour Act. 24.5 a pestilent fellow and a mouer of sedition Hath not this beene the lot of the righteous since the beginning and the true badge of a Christian since Christs ascension For Isaack had the blessing both vpon his soule and vpon his seed notwithstanding the curse of his brother the Prophets went on in their calling giuing as Esay speaketh their backe to the smiters and their face to the nippers they were not dismaied and Paul continued worshipping the God of his fathers after the way which was called Heresie Act. 24.14 notwithstanding the rage malice of the vnbeleeuing Iewes And therefore shrinke not thou in thy head a whit nor let not thy zeale be cooled for the quips and tants of peruerse persons for either thou must be a sheepe or a goate and better be laughed at of men for thy sheepish simplicitie then destroied by God for thy goat-like qualities since there are but two orders rankes of men in the world the one fleshly the other spiritual we know he that was borne after the flesh euer persecuted him that was borne after the spirit euen so is it now which can nothing hurt thee because the spirit doth defend thee nay it toucheth not thee at all for they scoffe at God which dwelleth in thee and he at length will laugh at their destruction Besides it is but the reuiling of Sathan which possesseth their flesh and who will esteeme of the diuels frumps since he doth it onely in enuy at thy saluation and in malice against the God of heauen Heere againe are conuinced all such who of their owne drowsinesse frame and pretend excuses for not doing as they say they should but this is but one of the deceits of sin to wind thee further into her snares for the spirit cannot be idle but is like the miller alwaies grinding an● mouing thee forward to some good duty for when the stronger entreth he driueth him out that was there before therefore examine thy selfe whether thou be as earnest in praier as at thy pleasure whether as diligent in counting thy sinnes as casting thy accounts at home as desirous to heare the word as a stage-play as earnest in repenting as in cōmitting of offences as hungring after the foode of thy soule as after the nourishment of thy body for if thou be not thou art so far from fauouring spiritual things as the spirit hath set no footing in thee at all for we read of Dauid in the whole volume of his Psalmes how greatly he delighted in the law of God how he longed after it as the Hart after the riuer brookes how he valued it better then thousands of gold or siluer how in his estimation one day was better in the
he thrust his sickle into the haruest Howbeit this order of proceeding against knowne and infamous sinners as to thrust snarling dogs out of the Church to cast the acornes among swine is not to be done by euery priuate man but by the church and congregation and if they admit any such the fault lieth in them not in those that ioyne with them for the children may take their appointed foode though some snarling and snatching curres and bastards stand by And where it is said in another place by this Apostle Eate not with him it is not meant of the Communion at the Lords table but that wee must haue no familiaritie with him not take delight in his companie Further out of the reason giuen why they were not in the flesh namely because the spirit of God was in them we gather that a man may be sure of his saluation and this is the whole drift of S. Paul in this Chapter to secure the elect of the euerlasting loue of God in his Sonne sensiblie felt in themselues for hee beginneth with this generall ground of their comfort That there is no condemnation to them that are in Christ then must they needs be saued But now all the question is who they be that are ingrafted into Christ for proofe hereof he descendeth to examine the particular course of their life which is visibly seene to all but particularly and best knowne to ones selfe this is if they walke in the spirit by a religious kinde of conuersation and their way in this is discerned by their life in the spirit that is by their ioy and comfort in godlinesse and this spirituall life is seene by not gratifying the flesh in the lustes and desires thereof and this crossing and correcting of the flesh in the pride of her lusts is seene by crucifying and killing of it with the affections thereof that is not onely beating and pressing it downe but stifling and braining of it altogether and this violence to the flesh is performed by them that haue suffered with Christ in the flesh that is that haue not listened or giuen eare to the pleasures of sinne but haue Heb. 12.1 cast away that presseth downe and the corruption that hangeth so fast on and this is done by them 1. Pet. 4.1 that cease from sinne that is that slip into it vnawares as a bird into a snare and such bee they as bestow the rest of their time after the will of God and his will being our worke we cannot but please him pleasing him it is his pleasure Lu. 12 32. to giue vs a kingdome Besides we may know whether we haue the spirit of God in vs or no as appeareth 1. Cor. 2.11.12 No man knoweth the things of man saue the spirit of a man euen so the things of God knoweth no man but the spirit of God which we haue receaued that we might know the things are giuen to vs of God which proueth that as we know our owne thoughts or words so the spirit of God in vs maketh knowen the wil of God to vs as far as is needful to be reuealed if we then know the will of God we may assure our selues we know his spirit to be in vs for his wil is not known without his spirit this spirit teaching truth but the spirit of the world broching error And 1. Io. 4.13 hereby know we that we dwel in Christ and he in vs because he hath giuen vs of his spirit which prooueth that though we know not what maner of thing the spirit is because it is inuisible and secret yet we may know we haue it by the fruits of a sanctified life after this maner speaketh Paul 2. Corint 13.5 Know yee not that Christ is in you except you be reprobates And yet the Papists would haue all reprobates counting it presumption to say we haue the spirit It is true if any presume he hath it when his life is not answerable to it he is deceaued and abused by presumption but if wee walke and trade in the spirit by a holy conuersation we may be sure we haue it for that is the argument of the Apostle that our sanctification is an vndoubted testimonie and an assured certaintie that Christ dwelleth in vs for there being but two spirits that rule in the hearts of all men the one the spirit of the world the other the spirit of God why should not our course be as prophane as others and our carriage runne after the flesh aswell as theirs if the mightier and stronger that is the spirit of Christ did not possesse our soules Yet say they No man can secure himselfe he shall be saued But as we may be sure of the spirit so may we likewise be of the riches that it bringeth which is saluation for it cannot hide so great a treasure from vs it being as an earnest pennie giuen vs that perfecteth the purchase of our inheritance in heauen for as we may trace a Hare in the snow by her footeing and come to the forme where shee sits euen so by those holy steppes that wee tread and by those spirituall bounds wherein we keepe our thoughts and our affections we may well and certainely perceaue that the spirit leades vs to the seate of God Besides this spirit of God within vs keepeth not his fruit and comfort secret to himselfe but discouereth it to vs and beareth witnesse to our spirits that we are the chosen of God and the spirit of man knowes what is in man whether his heart be filled with hypocrisie or with sinceritie with humilitie or with pride with true zeale or with counterfait that howsoeuer wee may bleare the sight of men by our dissembling yet we carrie our owne eies downe to our heart that see by what false waights we measure our fruits to God that is our religion and our righteousnesse to men that is our conuersation so as we haue a double euidence of our saluation the one backing and strengthening the other which is set foorth 1. Ioh. 5.8 There be three which beare record in earth the spirit and the water and the bloud and these three agree in one and where water is there hath bloud gone before for these two goe together as they came foorth of Christs side together Ioh. 19.34 repentance being the leader and remission of sinnes following after bloud washing away our guiltinesse and water the vncleannesse of our liues and the spirit of Christ sealing vp these things in our hearts that as by the sealing of the conueiance the purchase in law is made perfect so by the setling of our consciences in an vpright course toward God our saluation in Christ is made perfect and sure euen to vs. Yet say they wee cannot assure our selues wee shall thus continue for we haue examples of many that haue begun in the spirit and haue ended in the flesh that haue seemed fruitfull for a while and haue beene barren euer after that
of the life of God and such a man hath his soule and body taken vp and dressed and dedicated to entertaine the holy Ghost and the holy Ghost abideth in him and Iohn 14.23 Christ saith If any man loue me he will keepe my word and my Father will loue him and we will come vnto him and dwell with him so as the whole blessed Trinity abideth in such a man which is a most princely prerogatiue and royall dignity which the faithfull haue that the King of heauen will stoope so low as to abide in the soule of a poore Christian Further obserue in that the spirit dwels in vs that as Christ before he tooke vpon him and assumed our flesh sent his herbenger before him to seele that house and sanctifie that wombe wherein himselfe would lie Mat. 1.18 that the virgine by that meanes was full of the holy Ghost euen so he still sendeth forth his spirit to take vp his lodging for him in the heart of euery Christian and to sanctifie them in some measure 2. Cor. 13.4.5 though not in that fulnesse he did the virgine And as God in no place on the earth was said to be more then he was in the Arke so is he in no creature so much as in the elect 1. Sam. 4.7 Psal yea all the creatures by this meanes are made seruiceable to the elect Now when the spirit commeth vnto vs it findeth our hearts very ruinous like an old house yet such an habitation as by some ancient monuments shewes what stately building it was at first by creation then it falles a tempering and building it vp againe by the loue of God ingrafted in our hearts and it doth sift vs and cleanse vs and wherea●●t findeth nothing but bare walles that is a departure of all the graces of God and a depriuation of them it filleth vs and infuseth vnto vs all heauenly vertues And as the Lord was in the Temple and yet not shut in and in●●uded there but in that he was there it was necessary it should 〈◊〉 kept cleane as appeareth 2. Chron. 23.19 that for this purpose porters were set at the gates of the house of the Lord that none that was vncleane in any thing should enter in so we that are Christians being a type of that Temple that should be built of liuing stones whereof Christ must be the chiefe and corner stone and wherein we must beleeue that God dwelleth farre more spiritually and effectually then he did in the other we I say must be kept far more cleanely then the other Temple was In this respect also that this Temple wherein the Lord now dwelleth is our soules and bodies the Priest our selues to offer vp our selues the sacrifice our selues to be sacrificed in our soules and bodies vpon the altar which is our hearts but yet so as we are still acceptable onely in the sacrifice of Christ and in his priesthood Now this spirit that thus dwelleth in vs is called the spirit of sanctification in respect of the foure properties wherin it resembleth the materiall Temple For first as the Temple might not serue for a dwelling house but was onely consecrated to abide and continue there while they serued God so the temples of our bodies must not be taken vp of the lusts of the world to dwell there but bee dedicated onely to entertaine the spirit of Christ and secondly as the holy garments were onely worne in the Temple so ought wee to looke that wee attire our selues onely as becommeth Christians that stand alwaies in the presence of God thirdly as the holy meate was onely eaten in the Temple and fourthly the vessels onely there to be drunke in so this shewes that our bodies and all the powers affections and actions both of soule and bodie as well in the heart within as in all the vse of Gods blessings without 1 Iohn 2.17 must be separated from all earthly things to be by them estranged from the worship of God and be reserued only to holy vses that God and his glory may be the chiefest end of our life for so the Hebrew word to sanctifie signifieth to be set apart and not prostitute to any profane vse Hereupon it is that if in the Temples of Christians we see idols erected we are grieued and offended and that iustly because we see a great part of Gods seruice shall bee spent in bodily adoration which ought not to be for though it be true that God requireth to be worshipped of euery bone in the body yet principally in this sacrifice of praier and other religious exercises hee looketh at the heart and sets his eye on our affections to be worshipped in spirit and in truth Now if it be vnlawfull to erect and set vp an idoll in any Christian Temple Iohn 4.24 for so much doth the Scripture in expresse words testifie in many places as Pull downe their altars breake their images and burne them in the fire Deut. 7.2 12.3 Iudg. 2.2 with many such like places and speeches how fearefull a thing then is it that wee that are Christians should set vp idols in our soules the most beautified place that God hath on earth as the idols of couetousnesse hypocrisie filthinesse pride and such like which be inuisible and therefore worse then the other and which do secretly like a theefe steale away our hearts from the loue of God and as a moth doe euen feed vpon vs and consume vs till we suddenly fall into the wrath and displeasure of God Heere let vs further consider but how we vse our owne houses wherein we dwell in the tabernacle of this life and which ought to be but as tents to be carried at our backes Gen. 18.1 to put vs in minde of our pilgrimage for if the matter of the Church cannot affect vs nor touch vs at the quicke yet shall it set foorth our wickednesse and enlarge our condemnation that we esteeme more of our owne dwelling places wherein we sleepe to night and to morrow are cast into the graue then of that place wherein the Prince of heauen and earth taketh vp his abode how curious we are in scouring of our pots in sweeping of our parlots in plaiting of our garments and tricking vp our selues nicely and garishly yea no seruants can please vs but such as weare out their knees in rubbing our houses and how fearefull and shamefull a thing it is that we make no account nor reckening of that place where the whole Trinitie should abide that our houses shall be cleane where onely our dirty feet doe treade and out selues the vncleanest part of it and that through our wretchednesse and negligence in purging of our selues and cleansing of our soules we are rather dens fit for the damned spirits then temples meet for the holy Ghost to abide in for if our hearts be once ouergrowne with the weeds of profanenesse idlenesse couetousnesse and such like we may assuredly know that
Saints of God and put religion on their faces as a maske to hide the foule deformitie hypocrisie of their hearts Therfore vpon the question demanded Whether more in number shall be saued or damned Christ resolueth it Luk. 13.25 shewing that some shall haue bestowed such paines and walked so farre in the course of Christianity as euen to knocke at heauen gates and to challenge the Lord to let them in and yet he shall not know them that whatsoeuer profession they haue made in the face of the world as to come before the Lord as a p●●ple yet because they haue not liued as a people he will not acknowledge them So as true it is that none shall enioy the presence of the Almighty but they that haue their lampes burning at the houre of their death Mat. 25.10 none but they that haue their foundation setled vpon the rockes Mat. 7.25 as not to be shaken with the blast of any persecution none but they who like faithfull seruants by spirituall trafficke haue employed their talents to their Lords aduantage Luk. 19.24 none but they that are able to testifie by the fruites of the spirit that they haue the spirit But vpon demand how we shall be saued our answer is Onely by the blood of Christ as the cause and effectuall meanes thereof for heauen is giuen operantibus non operibus to workers not to works as 2. Cor. 5.10 The Lord shall giue to euery man according as he hath wrought not for that he hath wrought Heb. 13.21 none shall see God without a pure conuersation but not because of his pure conuersation for though we must be perfect in workes yet this working must bee wrought in vs by God as the Apostle there speaketh So likewise none but the obedient child shall be heire not because he is obedient but because he is heire and yet only the obedient child shall receiue the inheritance And euen as we adore and worship Iesus Christ man but not his humanity Hominem non humanitatem so holinesse of life speaking in the abstract quality doth not saue but holy men shall be saued so faith and workes in the person iustified must concurre but in the matter of iustification faith onely and alone hath the place If therefore it be demanded whether workes be necessary to iustification we answer yea as absolutely necessary in their place as faith for wee can not assure our selues of faith but by the visible fruite of workes so as they be not Concausae causes concurring and iumping together but they are Consectaria consectaries and consequents of faith Vers 14. For as many as are led by the spirit of God they are the sonnes of God This is a confirmation of the reason before going on both parts for as many as mortifie the flesh by the sprit are the sonnes of God and they that doe not so are the sonnes of the diuell So the force of the argument is they that are Gods sonnes are led to mortifie the flesh and being his sons they are inheritors of heauen and this the Apostle assumeth and taketh as granted that the sons of God must needs haue eternall life Whereupon the contrary proposition is true he that liues after the flesh is not the son of God for if he were he would liue after the spirit but hee that doth not mortifie the flesh hath not the spirit therefore he is not the son of God Hereupon followeth if they be sons and not Gods they are as Christ speaketh Iohn 8.44 the children of the diuell Wherein we learne that if we be asked by what title and interest we can challenge or lay claime to heauen it is by none but by this that we are the sonnes of God and we are his sons onely by adoption and wee are adopted to it onely in the naturall heire and son of God Christ Iesus by whose blood we are iustified and sanctified by his spirit Being then adopted to this inheritance as heires we are not borne to it for adoptiō excludeth birth being not borne to it it is purchased for vs in the obedience of Christ wee must learne then to resemble Christ in being obedient to the will of God as he was and shew foorth and expresse our obedience by keeping his commandements Mat. 26.42 and keepe them by leauing of grosse sins and walking according to his will with a full purpose of our hearts to performe it alwaies excepting our infirmities and inborne weaknesse which cleaue so fast to vs as we cannot shake them off nor be deliuered of them till we ouercome all in death Hauing then no title to heauen but by inheritance nor no title to this inheritance but by Christ there is excluded all merits to deserue it and only because we are to be saued we must do well for it is giuen vs as the inheritance of children and not as any stipendary wages of a mercenary man Herupon we must wisely vnderstand that when Christ saith Mat. 25.35 Come ye blessed c. for ye haue releeued the poore c. that this releeuing of the poore and such other workes of faith and loue there mentioned are not set downe as causes of blessednesse for these speeches for and because do not alwaies inferre and bring in a cause but they are such words and particles as sometime ioine the cause with the effect and sometime the effect with the cause as when wee say it is spring time for it blossoms not that the blossoms are the cause of the spring but an effect and euidence that the spring is come So when we say he hath a soule because he breatheth and yet the soul is the cause of breath and breathing but an effect of the soule euen so when Christ saith come and receiue a kingdome for ye haue done such and such particular works of loue it is onely a knitting of the effect with the cause for God hauing preelected or chosen vs before all worlds to this saluation giueth vs this his spirit by whose power and vertue wee worke these good things And in this kinde and phrase of speech the cause is ioyned with the effect as if it should be said Come you that haue releeued the poore that haue comforted the distressed that haue sorrowed with the afflicted receiue the kingdome for it is your inheritance So as the speech of Christ hath this meaning in it You haue done good workes to testifie my kingdome to be yours come take the inheritance prepared for you in the preelection of God for you are the inheritors of heauen because of these fruites and effects which you haue shewed in comforting the aflicted members of Christ We may not take it then that heauen which is the inheritance of the saints is giuen for any desert for when we haue attained to the highest degree of mortification and haue done all that we can we are as Christ saith but vnprofitable seruants Luk. 17.10 True say the Papists vnprofitable
to God but not to our selues A miserable euasion of a sottish distinctio●●● for the scope of Christ is in that place to proue from the lesse to the greater negatiuely that if such seruants whose life and death were in their masters hands as bond-men were in those times doing their duties and seruice neuer so well cannot deserue so much as thankes at their masters hands much lesse that they should emancipate and set themselues free and much lesse to be their masters heires then much lesse since there is no comparison betweene God in heauen and man on earth can we deserue at the hands of God lying in the vncleannesse of our first birth and ouergrowne with sinnes as we haue growne in yeeres to be sanctified by his spirit in this life and glorified by himselfe in the life to come for there is no bond-man so inthralled to his master as we are to God euen in respect of our first creation when we caried the glory of his image in our face and had as it were the crowne of innocency set vpon our heads and yet we wilfully ran from him to our shame till he returned vs againe in his loue so as now all that we doe is duty and not desert and why should he receiue thanks that doth but what we ought Yea say the Papists but yet we deserue something because we are not vnprofitable to our selues Absurd for what master will thinke himselfe beholden to that seruant who by his seruice only inricheth himselfe and bringeth no commodity to his master And yet by the meaning of the Papists because we get something vnder God and by his seruice God must be indebted to vs. But heereupon we say that true it is we are not vnprofitable to our selues for in Christ not onely the person but the worke also is accepted and the person onely in respect he is adopted and this adoption is onely in Christ but yet so as we neuer haue God beholden to vs. Therefore when he saith Come good seruant and faithfull Mat. 25.21 enter into thy masters ioy it is true that the Lord doth recompence the vsing of our talents well but this is so farre as we are iustified and are his sons so as first he loueth the person and then the worke and if he did not accept the iustification of the person he would disauow the worke but being his chldren though we are farre from doing that we ought yet as a kind and louing father he accepteth it pleasingly ROM chap. 8. vers 15. verse 15 For ye haue not receiued the spirit of bondage to feare againe but ye haue receiued the spirit of adoption whereby we crie Abba Father IN this verse and that which followeth the Apostle doth confirme that hee set downe before namely that wee are intitled to eternall life by inheritance and to confirme and ratifie that vnto vs wee haue this priuiledge to bee Gods sonnes and so heires of heauen The arguments he vseth be two first ye haue receiued that spirit whereby God doth witnesse that he doth accept you as his children in his naturall Sonne Christ Iesus And to proue we haue this spirit of a doption he doth it by the contrary for saith he like bond-slaues ye do not now feare the ghastly looks of the tormenter nor yee haue not now that hellish horrour and fearefull apprehension of Gods iudgements wherby Sathan vseth to whip mens consciences nor ye haue not that loud alarme of the killing law sounding in your eares and seizing vpon your soules to affright you Secondly in the verse following he proueth it by a double testimony first of Gods spirit which witnesseth this vnto vs and which were blasphemy to thinke it could suggest false things and secondly by our owne spirit which may assure our selues of it by our godly and holy conuersation By the spirit of bondage in this place is meant the holy Ghost who by the instrument of the killing letter that is the law doth propose and set downe such a condition of obedience to which we are obliged and bound by our creation and yet are now vtterly disabled by our corruption to performe it so as it is impossible to be kept and yet ought to be kept and laieth such a burthen vpon vs as neither wee nor our first parents were euer able to beare since they declined from the estate wherein they were at first created Whereupon this spirit of God by this meanes setting the law before vs as a glasse wherein wee may behold our selues conumceth the conscience of the good not done and of the euill that is done thereby shewing that no flesh can by this be iustified before God and sheweth and setteth before our eies not only the sinne but the vengeance which the sinne drawes after it so as our conscience can not bee but grieuously wounded with that hellish horrour wee haue voluntarily made our selues subiect vnto Now on the contrary the spirit of adoption is that worke of the holy Ghost whereby the incomprehensible loue of God in his Sonne is powred into our hearts that hee doth auow and know vs for his children so farre as we are not now bond-men to feare the performance of that impossible condition proposed by the law but we are heereby assured that what the law commandeth this spirit will either enable vs to performe or dispence and beare with our imperfections in not doing it with that perfection it requireth and so by consequent we ascertaine our selues that wee are the sonnes of God The parts heerein to be obserued are two there being set downe an opposing of a double spirit of contrarie natures working contrarie effects according to their natures The effect of the first being a dreadfull and fearefull expectation of endlesse and hellish torments the effect of the other being a comfortable securitie and breeding a heauenly hope that wee shall bee blessed of the Lord out of which as out of a root springeth and ariseth chearefull obedience to God our Father the other inforcing vs only through feare to loue God as bondslaues Herein is questionable whether by this spirit of bondage here spoken of is meant the spirit of Sathan or the holy Ghost that should thus terrify and affright vs. But note it must be vnderstood of Gods spirit which is the author of working holy despaire and by consequent of terror and is an occasion of despaire in the wicked and this is as proper for the spirit of God as to offer the sweet comfort of Christs bitter passion vnto vs. For by this meanes and maner of terrifying it bringeth both the elect and the reprobate to despaire but to a diuers end For the elect in this sort that shewing it impossible and past our power to performe the law euen as impossible as to build a tower to the heauens or to remooue a promontorie with our finger it bringeth vs to a holy despaire in our selus in respect of our own deserts thereby driuing vs to seeke
to couer our nakednes with the robes of our elder brother Christ Iesus and to remedie and cure our vnrighteousnesse in the righteousnesse of the blood of Christ So as with the hearers of Peter Act. 2.37 the law ●●ging and pricking our consciences wee shall crie out in a holy distrust of our selues What shall we do And this kind of despaire pr●pareth vs to saluation for the spirit sheweth vs our pouerty and where to buy gold that shall cost vs nothing it sheweth vs our wretchednesse that haue nothing but rags to put on and withall the wardrobe of Christs righteousnesse where wee shall haue garments fit for the Saints of God it sheweth our Apostasie how we haue fallen and by our fall haue euen broken and cut as it were our owne throats and sendeth vs to the Physitian Christ who is onely good at such a desperate disease it sheweth our blindnesse and withall the eie-salue of the holy Ghost to cleare vs 1. Ioh. 2.20 it sheweth vs our debt and the sergeant the diuell ready to arrest vs and then sends vs to the God of heauen in whose hands is all treasure to discharge what we owe it sheweth vs how we stand vpon the scaffold ready for the hatchet and then out of this astonishment sendeth vs an absolute pardon from heauen sealed with the blood of Christ and subscribed with Gods owne hand So as it teacheth vs onely to mistrust and despaire in our selues and to seeke to be releeued and refreshed with that water of life whereof hauing once drunke wee shall neuer thirst againe Iohn 4.34 Howbeit on the contrary this same spirit bringeth the wicked into a sense and feeling of this same horror and leaueth them in the astonishment of their conscience so as Sathan continually hath their sinnes to scourge them with and their corruptions wherewithall to vpbraide them And the cause why they bee left in this hellish plight and suffered to be thus perplexed and tormented of themselues is their owne infidelity that they haue stopped their eares against that comfortable sound of the Lords mercy and so poisoned their hearts with sinne that the power of the word could not worke vpon them and so the Lord most iustly hath hardened them in their irkesome and tedious hypocrisie that the sinnes they commit should be the punishments of sinnes past and the deserts of punishments that are to come And as to that that the holy Ghost working this same feare and terror in the hearts and consciences both of the elect and of the wicked and should leaue the reprobate euen when they are brought to the depth of despaire it were blasphemy to say or thinke that he doth it for and to the same end tha●●● than doth for Sathan doth it to prooue God a liar as that being in that case it were not possible for God to saue them whereas the mercy of the Lord is aboue all his workes But the spirit of God doth this that God may be iustified in the iust hardening of that mans heart whom hee found sinfull and whom hee was not bound to saue and so his end is to take vengeance of his hypocrisie for the Lord is as iealous of his iustice as he is of his mercie Sathan promiseth saluation to whom God pronounceth damnation and lulleth them in security whom he findeth carelesse to watch ouer their steps neuer greatly troubling or mouing any of his owne till they come to such a deepe exigent and to such a narrow pinch euen to hels mouth that they cannot goe from him then they taste euen of hell fire in this life and feele a fearefull beginning of that shall neuer haue end Now God threatneth damnation to all to his elect that they may seeke and hasten to be shrouded vnder the shadow of Christs wings and to feele the vertue of the hemme of his garment to the reprobate that they may bee the more hardened Mat. 14.36 because it is in the corruption of their owne hearts that they heaue refused the acceptable time of grace and reiected the pearle which they might haue bought It will be said But why should the holy Ghost leaue them in this despaire He is not properly the author of despaire but if the reprobate being brought to this be not recouered it cometh of his owne wickednesse As for example a man sheweth vnto a triator his indignity and hauing done this with great and vehement passions hee sheweth him the detestation and vglinesse of his offence and leaueth him with some doubt and scruple of conscience as amazed at his owne wickednesse if the traitor vpon this make himselfe away by violence as Iudas did hee that thus laid the quality and nature of his offence open before him Mat. 27.5 is not the cause of this his desperate end hee was the cause and meanes of making him to bee affraid and angry with himselfe onely and that was lawfull so the holy Ghost by laying open the riches of Gods mercy at the first thine owne wilfull rebellion to forsake him Rom. 7.12.23 his giuing of thee a law to bridle thee and the h●● and feruencie of thy corruption to breake through all lawes worketh this terror in thy heart that art a reprobate and sheweth as it were before thee the smart and execution of thy sinne If now thou despairest and restest there the cause is in thy selfe for thou sawest light and louedst it not and heardest the sound of retrait and yet weatest on to thine owne destruction Further this spirit of God is not the author of despaire as it is despaire for a man should neuer despaire of Gods mercy as God was not the cause of the lie in the false Prophets as it was a lie 1. Kin. 22.7 but he shewed his iudgement on them by giuing them thus ouer to this sinne So despaire in the reprobate wrought by the wickednesse of their hearts is after this sort reuenged by the spirit in giuing them ouer to the extremity of this sin so as it commeth from the spirit not as an euil author but as a iust reuenger of their former sinnes Now the instruments the spirit of God vseth to bring and perswade the conscience to feare damnation are two first the law naturall for in the nature of euery man something is ingrafted and written of euery sinne that howsoeuer it bee acted and performed with pleasure yet euen in nature it endeth and is left with remorse which doeth shew that there is a God to punish it This was that which made the heathen to haue an apprehension and vnderstanding of infernall furies as that for some sinnes they should bee so exagitated and tormented with them as they could haue no rest For this cause they tearmed them by speciall names as the fury of Nemesis that should plague the proud man Eumenides because shee was implacable and would not bee intreated Alecto because it was a torment that neuer ceased Alasto that should pursue
recouered the vse of all the creatures wee lost in Adams fall so as wee haue interest in them all how euer the Lord in wisedome hath seuered and distinguished them in a property yea we haue such interest in them as the world should not stand not the Sunne shine but for the elects sake And all the wicked in the last day shall answer for euery crumme of bread that they haue eaten for they doe but vsurpe vpon the Lords creatures in as much as being excluded from the tree of life they are thereby excluded from all things that should maintaine life and though now the Lord permit them to abound in these earthly treasures yet they shall haue double torment for their single ioy for they are neuer in their owne house but when they are in hell as it was said of Iudas Mat. 27. 5. Act. 1.25 when he hanged himselfe that he went to his owne place The second priuiledge wee haue is this that being heires with Christ these is nothing but shall be made by God to further our saluation euen as Saint Paul being rauished as it were with the constant hope of this inheritance in the conclusion of this chapter giuing the challenge in this spirituall conflict to see if there be any thing can bee able to separate him from the loue of God for we are Lords of all the creatures sauing of Angels and our fellow heire Christ Iesus is head of Angels and they ●●e but ministers for our good As for the wicked they shall be as well able to saue themselues without God as to hurt vs hauing God and the worst they can do is but to send vs to God And as for Sathan his darts hee casteth at vs they are turned aside in the armour of Christ and the floods he casteth foorth to deuoure vs shall neuer come neare vs Reu. 12.15 2. Cor. 12.8 and his buffettings are preseruatiues against presumption as Paul witnesseth of himselfe If wee suffer with him This is a transition or passing ouer of the Apostle to perswade vs to affliction for wee would haue the head crowned with thornes and the members clad with veluer but it may not be so for there must bee a conformity and resemblance with the head and the members Now this is the second reason the Apostle vseth to make vs sure of this heauenly ●●keritance namely that wee must first be afflicted The cause why this is brought in is this Paul vers 1. had giuen the greatest comfort to a Christian that could be when he said There is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Iesus Now there are two things that make the very elect to demurre and stay vpon this whether there be any condemnation to them or no first the apprehension of their many sinfull infirmities as if they should say Is it possible the life of God should be in mee that I should be shapen after Gods image that Christ should bee my sanctification and yet that I should be subiect to so many grieuous infirmities To this the Apostle answereth True it is there bee in them many things graciously qualified by the prefence of the Lords spirit yet during this our seafare and pilgrimage in this life there must bee a combat and a strife betweene the deceit of sinne and the strength of grace howbeit by patience and perseuerance we shall ouercome not some part of the world but euen the whole world and our owne concupiscence 1. Ioh. 5.4 which is stronger then death not but that there shall be left some fragments and reliques of corruption in vs for Paul heere doth not say There is no matter of condemnation left within vs but that vncleannesse is so washed away in Christ and we are so sanctified by his spirit as there remaineth for vs no condemnation God being satisfied in his Sonne Sath an being vanquished and the powers of our sinful flesh being tamed and subdued The se●● 〈◊〉 thing that maketh vs to doubt whether condemnation 〈◊〉 not due to vs is the apprehension of our many afflictions wherewith we are tossed and encumbred in this life as when wee shall consider that we are made blessed by Christs curse and healed by his stripes then we breake foorth into this And is it possible that I am one of these and yet am so miserably intreated in this life Hath Christ ●●●●e through the sorrowes and agonies of this life Hath he booke in sunder the bands of death and all to make me way to that glorie wherein he now sitteth and shall l●et be so burdened and so sore oppressed with anguish of spirit and griese of bodie This cogitation and thought worketh and ingendreth a feare in the weake soule lest God should be angry and much displeased with them because he feedeth them with the water of sorrow and bread of affliction and maketh them as the spirit speaketh passe through fire and water that is through many miseries diuers in kind and extreme in measure But thus the holy Ghost to proue the first verse of this chapter true sheweth this to be the high and beaten way to heauen and that there is no way but that which Christ hath gone before vs for somewhat for godlinesse we must be persecured Ioh. 5.17 Heb. 12.6 and being chastised of the Lord it is certaine we are no bastards So as the bearing of this crosse must and ought to be another seale to assure vs of the inheritance which we shall haue and not to be dismaied though it goe hard with vs in this life for we must thinke it no disgrace nor disparagement to be of the honour of the same order our elder brother Christ was of that is appointed and set foorth daily for the slaughter laid open to the viperous tongs of many glorious and proud Pharisees but as Christ had his crosse as it were his ladder to lift him and carry him vp aboue the heauens as the Greeke translation is so must we looke by the same rounds to ascend to the same place Out of this therfore ariseth to all the godly double comfort first that we shall be no otherwise vsed of the Lord then Christ his naturall sonne was vpon whom the very sea of his fierce wrath did fall secondly that as we haue Christ a fellow and companion in our sufferings so Christ hath vs companions and partakers of his glorie If we suffer with him Heere are two things to be considered first the precise necessity and as it were a fatall kind of destiny whereunto God hath made all those subiect that shall be saued namely that they must taste of the cup of affliction and drink of the dregs therof expresly set downe in these words We are heires if we suffer The second is the double fruite and benefit we reape by this affliction first that Christ hath tasted more deepely of tribulation then we shall secondly that in recompe●●ce of our sufferings we shall heereafter bee partners with him in ●●●●state
God is dishonored and therfore thou must not slightly wish or earnestly pray for though this be well done a change of this corruption and a restitution both of the creatures and of man their head into the state of blessednesse and incorruption but thou must euen in a corner by thy selfe breake foorth as it were into a passion of affection with sighes and grones euen such as may fill the heauens to wait after and to thirst for that day wherein God shall triumph in the fulnesse and perfection of all glory and wherein man shall stand and continue in an incomprehensible degreee of happinesse But alas we are so intangled with the baites and nets of this vaine world that our affections sway vs to a cleane contrary course thinking our feete are neuer sure enough nor haue hold enough on the earth so pleasant doe wee esteeme our habitation here that we would thinke our selues most happie though heauen were neuer our inheritance if we might alway liue heere compassed about and enuironed with these false delights Which doth too much bewray our want and defect in meditation on heauen and heauenly things and sheweth what a scantling we keepe in Christianity outwardly onely to professe it and neuer to enter into the chamber of our hearts to see whether it be furnished with such holy Christian and religious sighs and grones as set forth commend the affection of such a Christian as vpon the comparison of these short troubles with that eternall weight of glory which shall come hath already planted his heart in heauen Lastly obserue hence that it is not possible for the reprobate but it is proper and peculiar to the elect onely to lift vp their heads in hope and expectation of this redemption which is signified by the Apostle in two phrases and speeches heere vsed namely that such sigh as first haue receiued the first fruites of the spirit secondly such as wait for adoption neither of which doe euer befall the reprobate for they may spring vp and flourish for a time but they haue no roote nor take no sap from the spirit and happily they may be weary of the world Gen. 4.13 as Cain was of his punishment by they haue no anchor of any other hope vnlesse they ioy to goe to hell which ought to moue vs with all heedfulnesse to looke to our waies and to labour our ingrafting into Christ for the world passeth Heb. 1.11 and both it and wee are folded vp as a garment and to dust we must and yet out of dust we must arise And if while we be in the body wee can be burdened and sigh that mortality might bee swallowed vp of life then are we most happy and happy in that alone but if thou findest thy selfe empty of such affections that thou canst not sigh for thy redemption which sheweth thou dost not hope for thy saluation then art thou of all men the most miserable and the estate of the beasts is better then thine for they sigh for the liberty of Gods sons and they shall haue part in this blessednes and thou shalt see it and then shalt mone thy selfe thou wantest it Iob 10.18.19 for if the earth might be thy graue and thou mightest perish in the dust thou mightst yet conceiue happinesse in senslesnesse after this life ended For wee are saued by hope In this the Apostle proceedeth to proue that as it is necessary for a Christian to grone so is it also to wait for the day of redemption which hee doeth after this sort We are saued by hope that is all our saluation standeth and consisteth in hope for hope apprehendeth and laieth hold on things absent and inuisible Heb. 11.1 Ephe. 3.9 Pro. 13.12 according to that speech Our life is hid in Christ that is so hid as it will be found though as yet it be not seene now hope that is deferred must needs as Salomon saith bee the fainting of the heart and therefore for feare of this fainting the Apostle releeueth our hope with patience Where we learne that it is the duty of euery Minister to salue vp all breaches and to resolue all doubts that any way may perplex the heart and soule of a weake Christian after the example of the Apostle heere who to releeue the infirmities of the faithfull against the storme of affliction setteth before them the crowne of glory which they haue wonne in the field by their fighting And because this glory was not present but followeth the battell and when the combat is ended then commeth in victory he sheweth though this glory and reward bee not subiect to the sight yet Christians haue an affection in them which is hope that nourisheth and staieth their expectation for a time the heart in the meane time leaping and being established through hope that it will come and yet that they may not bee discouraged in their hope though this glory come not so soone as it is looked for hee giueth them the plaister of patience which shall sustaine and support their hope for he is certaine that hath promised but not to bee prescribed a time by vs but hee must take his owne time and our patience must preuent all distrust Euen so must the feeders of the flocke deale with their people in all cases of doubt and wanering in matters of faith and religion so to compasse and beset the soule with reasons and arguments as it may rest secure and haue the food of comfort ministred vnto them against all doubts and perils that may arise For such ought Ministers to be Mat. 13 52. as are able to bring foorth of their treasure both new and old cures and remedies both against the auncient wilinesse and the fresh and new subtilties and temptations of that old serpent Further obserue we must not vnderstand this speech We are saued by hope as we doe this We are saued by faith For nothing doth concurre in the matter of iustification with God aboue but faith so as the meaning and sense heere is that our saluation consists in those things that we hope for and it were better tranflated We are saued in hope than we are saued by hope Heb. 11.1 for faith is the ground and foundation of hope for what can we hope for vnlesse we beleeue it As the ground of faith is the word and promise for why should we beleeue but in respect of God his promise Faith telleth vs we beate not the aire hope biddeth vs hold on our race finish the course fight the cumbat and then expect the crowne of glory Yea faith is sustained by hope that it doe not wauer and contained by hope that it doe not hasten but waite the time and it is confirmed by hope that we may hold on the faith Mat. 15.22 Example of this we see and haue in the Canaanitish woman who suffered three denials at Christ his hands each of them doubled with seuerall reproches and yet fainted
heauen and a new earth for the first heauen and the first earth were passed away which agreeth with that 2. Pet. 3.10 The heauens shall passe away with a noise and the elements shall melt with heate and the earth with the works therein shall be burnt vp and howsoeure to our dimme and vnstable sight the heauen with the furniture thereof seemeth very glorious and beautifull yet euery day they decay and diminish by little and little and are alreadie as an old worne and rotten garment readie to be cast off and folded vp by the Lord. Hauing thus seene the threefold subiection of the creatures first vnto diminution of their first estate secondly vnto profanation and pollution thirdly vnto dissolution it now followeth to speake of the second thing pointed at before namely by whom the creatures are made thus subiect and this is set downe in the end of Vers 20. Not of their owne will but by reason of him that is God which hath subdued it vnder hope that they might heerein obey the Creators commaundement who was pleased to signifie by their wauering and transitorie estate what the weight of his displeasure was for the sinne of man yet was his mercie such as he would not subdue the world euer lastinglie vnder his curse but gaue it hope that it should be restored Where learne the great seueritie of Gods iustice and vengeance for the rebellion of our first parents which bounded not it selfe within the body of man who was the sole offender but extended it selfe as a cloud ouer all the inferior works of God which were made for man as his seruants And this sheweth the offence to be very high that it drew so heinous a plague after it for we must not in our vaine and peruerse thoughts against the wisedome of God lessen the sinne of Adam as being but the eating of an apple which was a small matter since he eat so temperately as but to ●●ste of it and did neither spoile nor digge vp any of the trees of the garden making God as a hard and niggardlie master that will take so exact an account and strict reckning of his Steward for euery particular fruit committed to his charge and heereupon will dare challenge God as if his hand had beene too heauie vpon him O beware of these damnable and hellish conceits For first know thou it is the marke of a reprobate to thinke with Cain Gen. 4.13 thy punishment greater then thy offence for herein though it be but in secret doeth he secretly charge God with crueltie who as Abraham saith Gen. 18.25 being Iudge of all the world cannot but doe right Againe the libertie that Adam had to fill himselfe of all the other trees this one excepted sheweth the admirable bountie of the Lord that of all sorts of fruit he kept but one for himself as of all the daies of the weeke he hath reserued but one in a speciall sort for his own vse being herein more sparing to himself then to Adam or to vs yet do we profane that most because it is none of ours as Adam did thirst after that tree most because by speciall commaundement it was forbidden by God wherein his rebellion was much increased that could not be thankefull for the store he had but as if he should starue if he wanted this that was forbidden must set the edge of his appetite vpon this which was so forbidden threfore hath God measured foorth an euen plague of perfection equall with his sinne of presumption being punished not only in himselfe but in his whole posteritie with sorrow not only vpon his body but with anguish and horror vpon his soule also and not only with trouble and vexation in the beginning and entrance into this life being naked and not able to clothe himselfe hungrie and wanting strength to feede himselfe weake and not of power to arme himselfe but also being followed and pursued of this vexation both in the continuance and in the end of his life feeding sowerly vpon his labour and dying lothsomely if the curse were not remoued in Christ and languishinglie vpon his bed his paines heere being but the forerunners and remembrancers of weightier that are to come in the life to come Nay the Lord hath made his iustice like a hooke to runne thorough the nostrels of all his creatures they being all accursed for our sakes for as Iob saith Chap. 5.6 Misery commeth not forth of the dust neither doth affliction spring out of the earth meaning originally of it selfe but by reason of the sinne of man this being prefigured out vnto vs Leuit. 15. vnder the law for when one had the Leprosy the bed he lay on the stoole he sat on the basen he washt in was vncleane the companie he kept yea he that laid his fingers on that the leper had touched was vncleane also which setteth forth the spirituall leprosy of our soules through sinne and that all the creatures whereon man laid his hand or where on he slept yea or whereon hee lookt were polluted and defiled through his vncleanenesse so as whether wee looke aboue vs or about vs to heauen or to earth on the right hand or on the left before vs or behind vs or round about vs we can not but behold Gods great but yet his iust seueritie and vengeance for our transgression in Adam who would not exempt the poore creatures from his stroke which as we may say were in themselues harmelesse and innocent and this well weighed should make vs sigh and grone and mourne and cry for our sinnes that caused then so heauie a curse as hath euer since caused the world to weare as it were her mourning apparell the earth euen for the sinnes committed in our flesh hauing oft times her fruit ready ripened in her wombe and yet wanteth strength to be deliuered being ei●●●r blasted in the blade or not full eared for lacke of the latter raine so that if our meditations were sanctified as they ought as oft as we see a sheepe led to the slaughter so oft should we thinke and acknowledge that we haue deserued death better then the silly beast we being only in the sinne and the creature subiect to this vanitie but through our corruption And this must make vs take heed how we giue the raines to our affections which will soone ouerrunne and corrupt our religion for if God was so deeply displeased with sinne when it came alone into the world how doe wee vrge and prouoke him to wrath in these dayes that bring foorth so many new inuented sinnes that the dragon draweth not now with his taile the third part as he did Reuel 12.4 but euen all the starres of heauen after him there scarce being any sound professor to be found that either poisoneth not his religion with an opinion of indifferencie or mingleth it not with so much feare of man as he is farre short of that zeale that the Lord requireth of them that be worshippers of
that bindeth the Vnicorne with his band to labour in the furrow else would he not serue vs nor tarrie by the cribbe The strong horse whose neying is fearefull and swalloweth the ground for fiercenesse would quickly turne his heele vpon the reprobate if the Lord held him not by the hoofe for wee see how euen the smallest creatures are armed to annoy them when God letteth the raines loose but a little Pharaoh that entrenched himselfe and waged battaile against God brauing it as if he had the host of heauen to command was Exod. 8.17 and 24. by lice and fleas the most weake and contemptible creatures so confounded the earth being corrupt by their swarmes that he calles for sacrifice to that God whom before he despised Korah and his company Num. 16.32 for their rebellion against Moses the lieutenant of God we see went downe quicke into the pit the earth taking vpon her the reuenge of the Lords cause and cleauing a sunder did swallow them vp The waters seeing the earth filled with crueltie and all flesh to haue corrupted his way ceased not til her waues Genes 7.18 waxed so strong as it bore downe all but the family of Noah into the vniuersall floud The fire seeing the sinne of Sodom to be exceeding grieuous and the inhabitants thereof to be puffed vp with fulnesse of bread and idlenesse could not stay it selfe but fell from the clouds like raine till it had ouerthrowne and burnt vp both the men and all that grew vpon the earth Genes 19.25 Lot his wife two daughters vers 15.17 onely excepted The lions Dan. 6.22.24 that were so reconciled to Daniel through his faith in God that he had no hurt found vpon him being left to themselues and not hauing their mouthes shut by the Angell were so enraged against his accusers that they brake all their bones in peeces before they came to the ground of the denne The Beares 2. King 2.24 when they heard but children that might excuse themselues by ignorance or otherwise by speaking as they were taught mocking Elisha the Lords Prophet could hold no longer within the wood but rushing foorth of the forrest tore in peeces two and fortie of them heereby to teach euen babes to vse their toongs better The wormes that otherwise are the weakest and basest and most scorned of men yet clustered themselues together and flew vpon the face of a vaine glorious king and eat vp Herod in all his brauerie Acts 12.23 as disdaining to heare a wretch take that glorie to him which was proper onely to God after this sort would all the creatures rise vp against the vngodly and spit their poison on them for bringing such a curse vpon them if the Lord did not bridle and restraine their willes wherein he magnifieth his mercie greatly that he will suffer the Sunne to shine vpon the vniust and maketh his patience famous through the earth that he will suffer them so long that prouoke him so much all which is done to bring them if it were possible to repentance Another thing wee note heere is how long these creatures shall be in this subiection and that is vntill the sonnes of God shall be reuealed or taken vp to heauen which vers 21. is called a glorious libertie Out of which obserue that all these inferior creatures shall be restored to their first perfection wherein they were made at the end and consummation of all things when God shall be all in all for as we 1 Ioh. 3.3 when Christ shall be made manifest shall be like him and see him as he is which now we behold but as in a glasse 1. Corinth 13.12 so is it certaine there shall be a new heauen and a new earth after vs and a restitution of the creatures to their auncie testate as is said Reuel 2.1.5 I make all things new and 2. Pet 3.10 The earth with the works that are therein shall be burnt vp out of which some gather that this is not ment of materiall fire but spoken figuratiuely and in a borrowed phrase of a consumption by fire that is not blowen as Iob calleth it that is by the immediate breath and power of God But I take it it is meant of materiall fire because the Apostle spake before of the drowning of the old world which was by materiall water Howeuer it be this is the meaning of the holy Ghost in that place that as the gold is cast into the fire not to be consumed and burnt but to be purified and refined so as the substance remains and nothing lost but the drosse euen so shall it be with the heauen the earth and the creatures they shall not vtterly bee consumed and wasted with fire but made the finer because all corruption which was wrapped about them by the curse shall be burnt out for as the substance of our bodies shal remaine and the change shal be onely to fire out the sin that hangeth on vs these base bodies being then to be made glorious so the substance of al the creatures shal continue onely this they shall be changed and turned into incorruption and libertie and after they are thus refined there is no question but they shall endure for as their presence is requisite for the more glorious triumph at the marriage of the lambe Reuel 21.9 so shall it be likewise for the continuall praise and thankesgiuing that is to made and had for the aduancement of the bride through the loue of that Lambe Christ Iesus But now if any will aske in the pride of his conceit why all these creatures shall then remaine and how long and to what vse we say these are endlesse questions which breed strife and contentions rather then as S. Paul saith 1. Timot. 1.4 godly edifying which is by faith such as that wherewith the Epicure troubled himselfe to know what God did before he made the earth which one well answereth That he made hell for them that are so inquisitiue and curious for as Peter saith 2. Pet. 3.16 these are places of Scripture which they that are vnstable and vnlearned peruert to their owne destruction Let it suffice the Lord hath opened the fountaine so wide to vs that we know Ioh. 6.51 we feeding on Christ shall liue for euer Therefore leauing these speculations and schoole points let vs resort to the vse and profit S. Peter maketh of this generall dissolution that since these things must perish what maner persons ought we to be in holy conuersation and godlinesse for what other treasure soeuer we take to it shall be consumed with our selues holinesse and the feare of God hauing only the wings to flie thorow all fires and to carrie vs to that heauen where dwelleth righteousnes which Reuel 21. is described to be of that beautie and statelinesse and of that worth and comelinesse as if the prince of the aire Ephes 2.2 had not too much blinded the eyes of worldlings that they esteeme of faith but as of a fable
would haue beene glad if his purpose might haue beene confirmed by the Lords mouth And as it fareth with the sicke patient who affecting some meate hurtfull asketh the Physitian whether he may eate it or no who hauing the regiment of their bodies and knowing their disease telleth them no in no wise yet so strong is their appetite that they wil take it and onely would haue bene glad if the Physitian would haue approoued it So men will come to know the nature of sinne which being described to be vgly in it selfe yet seeming beautifull and gainefull in their affection they will stil embrace it shewing themselues to haue descended of that young man spoken of Matth. 19.16 who would needs bee questioning with Christ how he might goe to heauen and when he touched him in his wealth which he made his god as that he must fell all it is said hee went away sorrowfull for hee had great possessions Secondly obserue heere the order the spirit vseth placing iust dealing after sober liuing as if it were impossible to looke for true dealing where sobrietie went not before and therefore we hauing gone beyond the proportion of our old fathers and exceeding that sobrietie which was the auncient renowmed vertue of this age and nation iustice and iust dealing cannot haue her due course but the cloth must needs be stretched to maintaine our superfluities so as that of Ioel 1.4 fitteth for this What the Canker-worme hath left the Grashopper hath deuoured what the Grashopper hath left the Catterpiller hath deuoured c. So wee by the same proportion may saie in these daies That which purchasing which enlargeth it selfe like hel hath left that sumptuous building hath deuoured what this hath left magnificent furniture hath deuoured what this hath left pride of life hath deuoured and what this hath left ambition hath wasted for great men must be bribed and then poore men must needes be racked And therefore it is certaine if reformation beginne not at our selues that wee can pull downe whatsoeuer exalteth it selfe aboue the compasse of modestie comelinesse and sobrietie wee shall expect little trueth and iustice to others Thirdly obserue what this is commandeth vs to deale iustly it is not the law in terrour of death but the Gospell euen because the Lord doth purpose to saue vs by this grace so as it is a suite commended vnto vs by such a speciall token of the price of saluation as wee cannot chuse but performe it with great care vnlesse we will shew our selues greatly vnthankfull and prooue our hearts to be more then flintie Ieremie conuinceth Ierem. 35.14 the obstinacie of the Iewes by the example of the Rechabites who refused to drinke wine offred and set before them because their father Ionadab had so commanded them Heereupon saith the Lord Iuda I haue warned thee often but thou wouldst not incline thine eare nor obey me Of which example we must make this vse Rechah spake to his children but once the Lord hath spoken to vs often to liue religiously he was but the father of the flesh God is the father of our spirits his commandement was hard and his yoke heauy to forbeare the vse of lawfull things and necessarie as not onely to forbeare wine but they must neither sow nor plant and yet they kept it the Lords commaundement is that wee surfeit not with the cares of this life and that wee deale honestly with our brethren Rechah promised them but to liue long on earth our Father for our obedience hath promised vs eternall life so as both hee that commaundeth is higher and the reward that is giuen is greater Now followeth the third thing that is to be embraced and that is a godly life for it were absurd to be precise toward men and to deale wickedly with God and all is abominable if our religion toward God exceed not our righteousnes toward men To know what godlinesse is shall bee best discerned by the contrarie and vngodlinesse is three-fold first the worship of a false God secondly the worship of a true God falsly as the Iewes that executed the Lord Iesus and Paul that persecuted the Church of Iesus they did thinke they did God great good seruice thirdly such as worship the true God in a true seruice outwardly but with an vnzealous heart like Iudas that followed Christ and yet betraied him 2. Tim. 4.10 and like Domas that forsooke Paul and embraced the world yet did hee not returne to his idols againe and in truth there is no difference betweene these two last for it is all one to serue him fantastically as did the Pharisees as to serue him coldly as did the Laodiceans but now godlinesse is opposite to all these and is a true seruice of a true God in a true religion with a true heart And this is soone discerned by our affections for if we can tremble at the word preached and be possessed with the spirit of feare at the least offence and sinne which we can commit because we know that the maiestie of God is displeased and the spirit of God grieued and if from this feare doth spring sorow and from this sorow care of recouering our fall againe and when wee are cured can resolue and strengthen our selues in patience to goe vnder the yoke of afflictions and vnder the wheele of death for the truths sake we may assure our selues our paths are straight and that in our iourney toward God our feet be shod with the preparation of the Gospell of peace not any way to be distracted with cares nor distrustfull with the troubles of this life Hence obserue that none are to be commended for their sobrietie and honestie vnlesse also they be religions which is proued thus None are honest but they that be cleane in heart no mans heart is cleane that is not purified in conscience and none are purified in conscience without faith and none haue faith that are not zealous and religious toward God for faith striueth by praier with God Thou wilt say loue is the fulfilling of the law but this loue toward our brethren implieth and of necessitie presupposeth a loue of God which constraineth vs to loue man for no more then a man can loue God and hate his brother no more can he hate God and loue his brother and if he loue God in this is euer included a loue and zeale toward his glorie Againe if we take the loue of our brethren to be that Paul speaketh of 1. Tim. 1.5 it is then agreed for then it is loue from a pure heart a good conscience and a faith vnfained which being grounded on Christ is the foundation roote and well head of all honestie and iust dealing Lastly obserue hence that the godlinesse here spoken of must haue two properties for first it must not be hidden in the heart but fruitfull and visible to the eie that the world may see it secondly we may not deferre our godlinesse but it must be
and prostrateth it selfe before God in Christ vpon confession that the soule is Satans due and deserueth to bee bound hand and foote and to bee cast into prison as vnable to pay the debt it intreateth that this obligation may bee taken from Satan it wrastleth with death and damnation and terror of conscience Coloss 2.14 and craueth a pardon bringing nothing but the very heart blood of Christ And euen as the very looking vpon the Serpent healed them in the wildernesse Num. 21.9 and nothing else could appease the tempest Ion●h 1.15 but the very casting of Ionah into the sea and the sinnes of the people Leuit. 16.22 were laid onely vpon the Goate so faith in this petition of forgiuenesse brings nothing but commeth emptie and laieth all vpon the shoulders of Christ But now betweene men and men on earth faith worketh by loue so as if we bring nothing to men but faith it is certaine wee neuer brought faith from God for since thy heart is not discernable and the spirit and piety of the heart is vnsearchable in respect of men and good to God wee cannot doe our faith vpon earth must be as busie before men in workes as it is before God in the blood of Christ And as Martha and Mary Luk. 10.39 dwelled in one house one onely to heare Christ the other working and labouring to entertaine Christ euen so our faith with Mary must onely kneele at Gods feet to heare that comfortable voice of the pardon and absolution of our sinnes in the blood of Christ but our faith on earth must labour with Martha by loue and good works to entertaine and helpe our brethren Besides wee must consider that things may worke together but not together in the same worke Euen as Christ in the worke of mediation must haue two natures a diuine humanity and an humane diuinity and we say not that Christ as God onely nor as man onely is Mediator but by these two concurring together and as wee saie that Christ is not Mediator without flesh and as truely we saie that hee raised not vp his flesh by his humanitie but suffered in the flesh and was raised vp by the power of his diuinitie onely and that his diuinitie died not but his flesh onely and in this they worked seuerally in the flesh to be ouercome of death and in the spirit onely to ouercome death yet these two in the worke of our saluation doe worke together Euen so faith worketh with loue in bringing foorth sanctification and a holy life but in the verie apprehending of Christ his bloud this power to iustifie is of faith onely Like as the roote of it selfe giues life but the roote with the branches bring foorth fruite And as the fire maketh warme by heate and light and yet the heate of the fire warmeth alone but light is inseparable from it so no faith can worke well without workes but yet there are none iustified by the power of workes but by faith onely Now where it it said Faith wrought with his workes and through the workes the faith made perfect obserue that this is meant onely of a declaration to men for we are perfectly iustified in the sight of God by the bloud of Christ And though the hand be leprous yet it can receiue sound meate so though our faith be imperfect yet our iustification is perfect For there is but one pardon in heauen through that one death and passion of Christ and before a man be perfectly iustified he cannot do a good worke for we must first be in Christ before wee haue faith and must haue faith before wee can worke for these are fruits of faith And as a Toade is not therefore a Toade because it poisons but therefore poisons because it is a Toade nor a Serpent is not therefore a Serpent because it stings but stings because it is a Serpent so we are not ingrafted into Christ because we are good but being ingrafted into Christ wee are made good Lastly obserue in the wordes that wee are not iustified because wee worke but because wee shall be saued therefore wee worke Zaccheus Luke 19.8 had not saluation because hee restored foure-fold and gaue halfe his goods to the poore but because the Lord was come into his house and had taken possession of his heart therefore hee wrought these works of faith Neither was the poore man in the Gospell healed because he should sinne no more Iohn 5.14 but Christ faith Thou art healed therefore in signe of thankfulnesse for thy health looke to thy life that thou sinne no more for heauen shall not be giuen to workes but to workers and promise of eternall life is made to the workes of the iust as they are iustified Gal. 3.11.12 and they are iustified onely in Christ for in euery worke there is imperfection not but that the spirit could worke perfectly but that euery thing is receiued according to the measure of that that doth receiue it and wee in this life are able onely to receiue the first fruites and not the fulnesse of the spirit for the spirit is like the Sea that is able to fill any vessell but no vessell is able to containe it Now in the 23. verse two parts are to be considered first the purpose of the Apostle in alledging this Scripture secondly the sense of the matter deliuered For the first if Saint Iames cited this place to proue that Abraham was imputed righteous in the sight of God by this work of sacrificing his sonne hee must needes haue wrested this Scripture which were blasphemy to say being written by the singer of God for Abraham had this imputation of righteousnesse through his beleefe giuen him and pronounced by God himselfe Genes 15.6 before either Ismael or Isaak were borne so as then the meaning of the Apostle in alledging this scripture is onely to shew that that testimony which God gaue Abraham of the excellency of his faith was declared and approued to bee true by the performance and execution of this speciall worke Now for the second point concerning the sense of the place cited namely that Abraham beleeued God and it was imputed to him for righteousnesse here we see that it is agreeable to the scripture that the obedience of the sonne which stood in two parts first in fulfilling the law secondly in satisfying for our sins is onely inherent in the sonne and was in him euen from the moment of his conception to the moment of his ascension and that wee haue onely his obedience allowed vnto vs and through the imputation thereof we are made iust not that it abideth in our selues for we are no better then Abraham but we haue it by imputation as Abraham had And this is a doctrine of great comfort and necessitie to be beleeued that wee haue it by imputation and not of our selues for now wee are sure it shall neuer faile vs nor wee shall neuer lose it as Adam at first lost