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A66448 George Fox digg'd out of his burrowes, or, An offer of disputation on fourteen proposals made this last summer 1672 (so cal'd) unto G. Fox, then present on Rhode-Island in New England by R.W. : as also how (G. Fox slily departing) the disputation went on being managed three dayes at Newport on Rhode Island, and one day at Providence between John Stubs, John Burnet, and William Edmondson on the one part, and R.W. on the other : in which many quotations out of G. Fox and Edward Burrowes book ... are alleadged : with an appendix of some scores of G.F. his simple lame answers to his opposites in that book quoted and replyed to / by R.W. Williams, Roger, 1604?-1683. 1676 (1676) Wing W2764; ESTC R26378 307,504 516

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Hence the Word of God is the Word preached as Paul 2 Thess. 1. Not as the word of man but as it is indeed the Word of God Act. 19 which preaching of the Word growing of the word were not competent and proper expressions to be affirmed of the perfon of the Lord Iesus especially I told them I would use the words of the Lord Iesus when he fought with the Devil that famous Combate Math. 4. No other Weapon did he use against him but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 It is written and again It is written It is written here Christ Iesus quotes Dut 8. Man shall not live by bread only but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God where Moses and Christ Iesus affirm 34 that God hath many words contrary to what some Quakers hath affirmed to me saying that God hath no more words but one and Christ Iesus here affirmeth That every appearance and providence of God is a word proceeding out of the mouth of God as well as this holy Scripture he alleadged Though yet it is true that Christ Iesus is the Word or declared Mind of God incomparably above all his spoken or written or providentiall Words and Expressions He came out of the Bosome of the Eternal Father and brought the brightest Revelations of his eternal God-head Councels and therefore is most justly and eminently stiled the Word of God I urged that the Word or Words of God were Figurative Speeches for properly God had no Mouth nor Tongue nor Lips nor Heart nor Brains c. but as our Kings Majesty his Declaration touching Religion his royal Charters his Letters from Breda are often insisted on and urged by the Quakers as the word of a King though his writings contain many hundred words so it is with the King of Heaven his Scriptures and writings c. I had oft occasion to mention G. Fox and Ed. Burrowes their Book in Folio called The great Mystery c. upon which W Edmundson reproved me for speaking of G. Fox and E. Burrowes in scorn and derision so his words were I guest he took me as if I had scornfully intended G Fox in his Burrowes but I had openly purged my self protesting before the Lord that I had no such thought yet this Passage was the occasion of the Title of the Book For the finger of Gods most wise and holy Providence is often wonderfully seen in small unexpected inconsiderable Turns and Occasions In such poor shells oftimes may be found the Kernels of rich and usefull Observations Sure thought I Gods holy Finger is in it that G. Fox and Ed. Burrowes Men so qualified and named should so notorioufly conspire against the true Lord Iesus Christ in their dark and subtle hellish Contrivings and Imaginations It was also Gods overruling hand that VV. Edmundson should so upbraid me and first put the Conceit and thought of such a Consideration into me which I apprehended as Digitus Dei the finger of God directing and pointing me to so proper and pertinent an use and Application Thus the only Wise and Righteous King catcheth the craftiest Foxes in their own Burrowes and turns their proud Surmises Censures upon their own Pates This occasioneth me with Amaze 35 ment and Astonishment to cry out O God how deep are thy Being thy Attributes thy Providences thy Self and all thy wayes beyond our thoughts and finding out To proceed I had observed and prepared many Quotations out of G. Fox his Book but they desired not to hear them read as in the following dayes of Conference they were read by my continual importunate Urgings I say at first I could not get oportunity to insist upon some Particulars a Tast whereof I think now fit to present the Reader with In Page 155. of G. Foxes aforesaid Book he brings in one I Stallam their Opposite saying To say the Light in every man gave forth Scripture and will open Scripture to us is palpable Darkness and contradicts the Scripture G. Fox answers All be in utter Darkness and know not the Scripture untill they come to the Light that every man was in that gave forth Scripture for the Light lets them see to what it was spoken and Christ the end of them The english of that Answer is That every man that is all Mankind Men and Women if they will can give forth Scriptures or write holy Scriptures I know they call this Light God and Christ and Spirit the Covenant of God the Life Truth and Grace of God I asked them in publick Since this Light comes into this World in and with all Mankind whether it comes into them at the Conception or at the Birth or when else Whether it was in all Mankind before the coming and death of Christ Iesus or whether to those that are in the world since his coming or both Whether it be in the Understanding Will Memory Affections in any of them severally or lodgd in all of them jointly For it was a prodigious Fable to imagine such a Sun to shine in every Room of an house and yet none of the Inhabitants nor any that come into the house discern and see it Christ Iesus saith as the mouth is the heart is and before a true turning unto God we are in darkness we are darkness we hate the light of God and endure not to see it but wish there were no God no Father of Lights to discover and plague us for our dark Courses yet our Hearts are so cunning and cheating that they will tell us that we have Light and Christ and God within us and that we can speak and write holy Scripture not remembring that as Christ Iesus said of the Temple our hearts are Dens of Thieves and like painted Tombs full of dead mens bones and rottenness 36 untill a second Birth by the VVord and Spirit of Christ Iesus Again in the same Page G. Fox brings his Opposite saying And to say every mans Light is the true word of Prophecy is an old Fable no man shall be able to spell out a syllable of the Gospel by all that is written in a mans Heart This subtle Fox answers The Light that enlightens every man is Christ and the sure Word of Prophecy to him he shall find it In this Passage who can but see their horrible and simple profaning and wresting of plain Scripture Is it not clear as day to him that is not willingly blind that this word of prophecy in Peter is the Word which the Prophets spake and writ of Christ Iesus unto whome the spirit of God in Peter sends us as being a more sure and convincing word to us then that voice which Peter and Iohn affirmed that they heard from heaven in the Mount of Transfiguration But thus profanely and simply do others of them affirm this Light to be that Prophet which Moses wrote of Deut. 18. whereas the holy Spirit in Stephen Acts 7. applyes expresly that
that God hath shined in our Hearts but there the heart must be understood the Understanding the Minde which is properly and nextly the seat of the Light and Knowledge of God and this shining though Fox make it to be natural or born with every Man is said to be by Pauls Preaching as is there abundantly proved where it is as clear as the Noon day shining that God shined Christ shined and Paul shined before the Light or Notice of the glad news of a Saviour come to the heart or ears of poor Sinners and so thereby are turned from their natural hellish Darkness to a Supernatural Heavenly Light Who knows not with Ieremiah the heart of Man to be naturally dark deceitful desperately evil and wicked Gen. 6. the imaginations of the heart of all men to be only Evil and that continually and that it may be said of all men as it is said of the holy God in him is Light and no Darkness so in them is Darkness and no Light so that to hearken to to turn to to listen to any voice or motion within in heavenly things in matters of supor 84 natural light is as proper as in matters of law to go for Counsel to a cheating thief or rogue in matters of health to a known cheating Mountebank as to turn within to a mans heart which was the arrantest Iugler and Cheater in the world At this word W. Edmundson cryed out Blasphemy He speaks Blasphemy I conceived he meant I called their immediate holy spirit which they pretend to the arrantest Iugler Cheater in the world My heart was warm and my tongue breaking silence and longing to shew him his willing mistake and that I mentioned not nor thought of the Holy Spirit but every mans own deceitful heart though clearly I have thought and proved their holy Spirit is no other but Sathan himself and every Man 's own deceitful Heart but I was prevented for some of the Auditory spake aloud that he mistook me and amongst others our Deputy Governour Capt. Cranston openly said that W. Edmundson mistook me for I expresly said that the Heart of man was the arrantest Iugler Cheater in the world This did not satisfie W. Edmundson but he replyed let the words be read then by him that took them in short-hand so they cal'd upon one of theirs to read what he wrote now I knowing what short-hand could doe as well as most in England from my Childhood and that it is impossible for any to write Verbatim so fast as I then spake with vehemency I concluded he had not exactly my words yet I am confident in a faction and partiality he seemed to read some words favouring my calling their spirit the arrantest Iugler and Cheater in the word extreamly contary to my certain knowledg of my intentions and of what I uttered beside the s●dden and quick exception of our Deputy Governour and others but alas this was a small business but I was about to say as before I did say from the holy Scripture Pro. 28. He that trusteth to his own heart is a fool and till a spirit of Regeneration and Conversion change the heart of man there is no other Christ nor Spirit within but the spirit of Sathan which is the spirit by which the Quakers are acted and is the arrantest Iugler Cheater in the world This Iugler is so cunning that he out-jugles the Iuglers he catcheth the craftiest foxes that catch so many others he takes Captive and leads away in chains the Wise and Prudent the High and Mighty til the holy Spirit of Christ Iesus discover and break his snares and lead him Captive also 85 2. I was adding another Argument from Isai. 59. and I did mention the place where the great promise Grant or Charter is given by God the Father to Christ Iesus and his Posterity viz. that his word and his Spirit should be in Christs mouth and in the mouth of his Seed and in the mouth of his Seeds Seed from thenceforth and for ever I said that that blessed Son of God and Son of Man the man Christ Jesus lived and dyed a Batchelour he never had any natural Seed or Issue Believers are his Offspring his Seed his Children and Grand-Children and so downward to as many as the Lord shall call And that Fox should not say the Word and the Spirit are all one as commonly G. Fox doth and that the Father and the Son are one without Distinction as boldly and Babilonically he doth Here is most distinctly and exactly distinguishing 1 The Father promising 2. The Son the Mediator receiving this Promise 3. The Promise it self which is of a Word to the Son though that blessed Son is also called the Word viz. of the revealed Doctrine Will and Mind of God recorded from and by the holy Scriptures viz. that this Word should be in his mouth and in the mouth of all his Seed or Christian Children after him especially his Messengers and Preachers to the end and Consummation of all things I told them it was notoriously known how they slighted this holy Charter how they joyned not the holy Word and Spirit together but trod upon the Word of God under a cloak of advancing the Spirit c. But of this I shall speak in the next Position following I was also mentioning a third Argument against their spirit from the Irrationallity and Unruliness of it contrary to the Wisdome and Rationallity and Order and Holiness of the holy Spirit of God this is apparent from their bitter Reviling and often senceless and frantick Reviling in some of them Devil Devil Devil The devillish Inquisitors Monks and Fryers c. exceed them not in spattering out Diablo Diablo against such as dare to oppose them indeed they are both Possessed by one spirit of blasphemous Railing and Reviling against the Witnesses far from the holy Spirit of the Gospel who in Meekness instructeth those that oppose themselves Was there ever fouler Language given by any poor Oister-woman at Billingsgate than is given by M. F. 86 against Capt. Wiggan to be seen in print to the shame of the Quakers Spirit of all their womanhood What is all their notorious common censuring and cursing even of eminent and learned and holy persons for Cains Iudases serpent Pharises dumh Dogs Witches Blasphemers Reprobates Devils but a fruit of wicked and rotten flesh deny and defying the holy Spirit of God It is true the Holy Spirit of God in Scripture is pleased to use Censures Curses but not to every one nor in such a manner as this foul-mouth'd Spirit doth I mentioned before their Impudency which stinks up to Heaven and cries for vengeance in the stripping stark naked of their Women and discovering of themselves in the Assembly of Men and Youths under the Cloak and Cover of the Spirit of God as also the unnatural Preaching of their Women in publick Assemblies
and Congregations contrary to so many Reasons from Nature and Grace so positively expressed by the Holy Spirit in Scripture What Spirits are their Dumb Spirits in their Dumbe Meetings but those foul dumbe Spirits mentioned in that Gospel which the Lord Jesus will cast out and tumble down to Hell whence they came in his holy season What is their monstrous way of Singing and Toning and Humming many at once as they often do and notoriously did at Portsmouth on Rhode Island this last year when no man is edified nor understands what they say and it may be not themselves and this under colour of singing in the Spirit what is it I say but rendring their Tongues which should be their Glory and the Glory of God their scorn and shame and the holy Name of Gods holy Spirit contemptible also 4. I did also mention a fourth Reason against their Spirit and had prosecuted it but I knew that by reason of my Adversaries interposure I had exceeded my quarter of an hour It was taken from the Holy Spirit of God subjecting it self to be tried commanding all men to search the Records commending the Bereans for examining Pauls Preaching and Spirit by the Holy Scriptures and this is the true meaning of the Spirit of the Prophets are subject to the Prophets not that a true Prophet or Messenger of God can subject the truth of God which he believes so to be and will rather suffer many deaths then relinquish to be sentenced by all the Prophets in the Church to be false and he acquiess or rest in 87 or subject his Spirit and Conscience to that Sentence but that the true Prophets of God are willing to have their Teachings questioned examined and made clear by the holy Records to the Souls and Consciences of all men Hence it pleaseth God to give Rules for the trial and discerning between the true Spirit and the false 1 Iob. 3. 4. chapters On the contrary I would have shewed which indeed all men know that the thief endured not searching the galld Horse endures not rubbing the guilty Debtor endures not Reckoning the false and jugling Spirits escape in a Mist and by the help of dark Lanthorns and under the covert of the night who may not see this in G. Fox all along his Book running into the Thickets and Burroughs of Words of divers significations Scriptures notoriously wrested general and sometimes uncouth and barbarous Language which hath been the trade of the false and lying Murtherous Spirit in all ages and will be until that short time be finished wherein the Lord will tread him under the Saints feet and cast him into the Lake that burns with fire and brimstone How oft have I been visited by the Quakers crying Repent Repent hearken to the Light within thee c. And I never could perswade them to sit down and examine their sayings by the Holy Scriptures but when their Cuckoes note and song was over and their Fools Bolt shot then fell they to Cursing and pouring out the Thunder-bolts of Gods Iudgement and so be gone no less then Reve and Muggleton pretending to be Gods two last Prophets and Witnesses about twenty years since in London whose Cursings were notorious But to return while I was beginning to urge the tryal of the Spirits W. Edmundson said the Spirit of God was above the Scriptures and not to be tryed by them for it gave out the Scriptures c. And I said and say it is easie to boast of the Spirit but the true Spirit in a Sense and the holy Scriptures are one as the Father and Son are one and therefore can not but be willing to be examined by the holy Records as every man or author will stand to his own scripture work or writing for the Writers were but Pens of Heaven writing and used by the hand of the holy Spirit And I remember that I said to W. Edmundson Friend You yesterday in your long Sermon alleadged that holy Scripture viz Men will not come to the light least they should be reproved 88 because their deeds are evil This is the true cause of your quarrel against the Scriptures and of exalting the Spirit above them that is upon a true ballance your own Spirit yea the Spirit of Sathan to be God and Christ and Spirit and all After some few interchanges and altercations we descended to the fourth Position which they read out of the Paper as they did all the rest which was this viz. That the People called Quakers did not own the Holy Scriptures In one Copy it was written Really own viz. They did not really own the Holy Scriptures I said there was a twofold owning the Holy Scriptures or the Writings of God as there is a twofold owning the Scriptures or Writings of men the Proclamations and Declarations of Kings and Princes The one is verbal and literal viz. that such a writing or Declaration or Treatise is extant and that it proceeds from the Kings Authority and Command The second is real and actual when the Authority of it is in all humble obedience submitted to and obeyed when the Justice and Equity and the excellency and goodness as well as the royal Authority is embraced and magnified I said the Iews owned verbally and wonderfully that Writings of the Old Testament and the Papists owned both old and new but it is known that in many particulars they do in effect deny and damn them 1. They both set up their rotten Traditions their unwritten Verityes as they speak of equal authority with if not in cases above the holy Scripture 2. They set up the Papists by the authority of the Council of Trent a most defective Translation notoriously false in many places all over above the first Copyes of the Hebrew and Greek whence all Translations as Counterpanes and secondary Copyes or Duplicates ought to flow 3. The Papists set up the Pope as the only infallible Judg Interpreter in all Questions about the Scriptures and the Jews make their Rabbies as so many Popes also 4. Their Interpretations are so forraign and strange and many of them so absurd monstrous from the genuine proper Sence of the Scriptures and adulterated with Wresting and allegorizings c. that is truly said of them that they bring not their Doctrines Disciplines and Conversations to the Scriptures but force the 89 holy Scriptures of God to attend and wait upon their Abomination as a Negro Slave and Lacquey I said the Jews and Papists did not more disowne the holy Scriptures upon the account of their Popes and Traditions and Interpretations than the Quakers did upon the account of their Light and Spirit and Interpretations also Who knows not that in the beginning of their Profession they generally fell from the reading of them by themselves or in their Families or in their Publick Assemblyes only crying up the Light within the Spirit within
ground it comes from thy own Knowledge which is Earthly And Christ took upon him the seed of Abraham and David according to the slesh and this is Scripture-Language 151 I reply in the former part of this Narrative I have shewn how simple irrational G. F. his clamour is against that word Humane and that the bottome is their impious unchristian and hypocritical denying of Christ Jesus to be a man one individual person as every man is therefore Humph. Norton G. Fox his Corrival is more plain and down right saying is not Christ God and is not God a Spirit and chiding us for gazing after a man c. I ad to the former page 293. where G. Fox brings in one Fergison saying that Christ and the Father and the Spirit are not one but are distinct c. G. Fox answers this is a denying of Christs Doctrine who saith I and my Father are one and the Holy Ghost proceeds from the Father and the Son and he was conceived by the Holy Ghost and they are all one and not distinct but one in unity that which comes out from him leads the Saints into all Truth that ever was given them from the Spirit of truth and so up unto God the Father of truth and so goes back again from whence it came Again the same Author saith it is Blasphemy to say the Son is not distinct from the Father c. G. Fox Answers the Father and the Son are one the Father in the Son and the Son in the Father so that which is in him is not distinct from him and they Blaspheme which say the Son is not in the Father and deny Christs Doctrine I reply G. Fox all along his Book calls that blasphemy which the most holy and eternal Lord calls heavenly Truth He hath like some Witches and other notorious wretches so inur'd himself to poyson that it is all one to him to swallow down the most sensual and sensless Dreames even concerning the fearfull mysteryes of the Father Son and Holy Spirit when the holy Scripture tels us concerning these Mysteryes that in this life we know but in part as through a glass darkly c. 2. For his Proof it is the Childs song in the streets they are one and therfore not distinct I fear he knows but will not know the nature of several respects and accounts viz. that in one respect Christ Iesus saith I and my Father are one and in another respect my Father is greater then I thus in one sence a Father is one with his Children an Husband with his Wife a Captain with his Souldiers a Skipper with his Sea-men a King with his Subjects And yet in another respect the Son is not the Father the Wife is 152 not the Husband the Master is not his Servants the Captain is not his Souldiers the Master is not his Sea-men and the King is not his subjects And thus though GF and MF be one in mariage and one in a spirit of notorious railing yet she her self will not say but she is the Woman and he is the Man she the wife and he the husband and this Distinction God in Nature the Law of our Countrey and all Nations will force them will they nill they to acknowledge otherwise like the man possessed in the Gospel I fear no Chains of Humility nor Modesty would hold them from throwing off all Chains of Conscience and from flinging all upon heaps of confusion without all due respective respects and distinctions There are four great points of the Christian Belief 1. The Doctrine of the Father Son and Spirit and these they will not distinguish but make all one and all to be in man 2. The Doctrine of the Fall Redemption Justification Sanctification c. and these are all in man by their Tenents 3. The Doctrine of the Church the Officers Baptisme the Lords Supper and these say they are all invisible and within man 4. The Resurrect on eternal Judgement Eternal Life Heaven and Hell Angels Devils these their Professions and Printings proclaim to be in Man also yea so within him that they are only within him and that without there is no God no Christ no Heaven nor hell c. In Page 38. G. Fox brings in Tho. Collier saying The Kingdome is not come nor the refreshing from the Spirit of the Lord. G. F. Answers which shews they are unconverted gadding here and there And Christ tells them the Kingdome was in them And they that are not turned to the Light which comes from Christ the Refresher whereby refreshing might come and so are not come to Repentance yet Reply Who sees not that G. F. speaks not here of the Kingdome of Christ so often promised in the future and to come and the time of refreshing Act. 3. but that he cuts off all future hopes and expectations to come and appropriates aud confines and fixeth and stakes down all to the present moment of this vanishing life and to what is in this moment in the minds of Men and Women 153 The Holy Scripture tells us and Experience tells us that Hypocrites have no solid peace and joy here nor solid hope of joy or glory to come and yet to still the deen and clamour of Conscience abhorring the thought of a judgement and reckoning to come they foolishly and atheistically please themselves with a childish Dream of no Heaven nor refreshing no Hell nor torment but what is now within us Pag. 101 he brings in Iohn Clapham saying To witness Heaven and Hell and Resurrection within is the Mystery of iniquity G. Fox Answers which shews thou never knew Heaven in thy self nor hell there nor Christ the Resurrection and the Life which they are blessed that are made partakers of the first Resurrection on them the second Death shall have no power and the Scriptures do witness Heaven within and if Christ that was offered up the Resurrection and the life be not within thee thou art a Reprobate I Reply If G. Fox would speak of Heaven and Angels and Hell and Devils and of the Resurrection and Life to come by way of allusion and similitude or by way of first Fruits or Tast of them he might profitably do it but to speak of them in opposition to a rising again an Heaven an Hell c. to come what is it I say what is it but to proclaim their Revolt from and their Rebellion against all the Christian Faith and Religion and their wonderful hardening against whatever is yet to come either here or in the eternal State approaching Pag. 214. He brings in some nameless saying To say Heaven and Glory is in man which was before man was they are sottish and blinde He Answers There 's none have a Glory and a Heaven but within them which was before man had a Being Unto this I adde Thomas Pollard saying for a perfection of Glory to be attained to on
Night and Light from Darkness For it is known that I. Fox his Martyrs or Witnesses those blessed Souls under the Altar were slain for maintaining the Authority and Purity of the Holy Scriptures as the revealed word or will of the Eternal God against the Traditions and Inventions of men But G. Foxes Sufferers have generally suffered for their Childrens Baubles fantastical Traditions and Inventions for setting up a Dream of a Light and Christ within all Man kind above the holy Scriptures above the Son of God above all Earthly Dignityes and all their Betters endeavouring with the Pope to trample all souls and Bodyes under their proud feet 180 3. The carriage of these two Sorts of Sufferers differ as much as East from West and Heaven from Hell 1. The ground of Iohns Sufferers was that which Iohn so much writes of viz. love to the Heavenly Bridegroom without which Paul slights burning it self this appears in their wonderfull Love to the holy Scriptures the Love-Letters of Christ Iesus and unto all that loved Christ Iesus also The Quakers are known to be Fierce Heady Proud Self-conceited Stout Bold and driven on by an Audacious and Desperate Spirit which G. Fox and some subtle Foxes with him have of late bla●●ed in H. Norton c. No question but some of them have a notion of Wrath yet to come and therefore rather then to endure Hell Fire they will give up their lives to the Flames others of them fast 40 dayes and yet be far from true Virgin Love to the Son of God A Virgin that loves a man for Himself will not slight his Love-letters nor his Near Relations least of all abhor them and sink and burn them as these Foxians doe 2. The carriage of I. Foxes Witnesses though in respect of Gods holy Truth it was couragious and gallant yet their lowliness and humility did shine forth gloriously also 1. As to God being more sensible of their sins then of their sufferings con●essing with many tears that although God did turn their sufferings unto his Glory and although ungodly men like Foxes and Wolves hunted them like innocent Lambs and Chickins yet they had deserved and calld for this Storm by their unthankfulness for their former peace and liberties by their drowsiness and sleeping upon the Earthen bed of worldly Profits and Pleasures Contrarily it is known to all that although sometimes the Quakers will say we come in love to your Souls yet the Quakers are far from confessing their sins as having no more sin then God hath and according to their Principles and some of them say it they can no more sin against God then God can sin against them As to Men Christs sufferers were meek patient respective contented thankful But as the Quakers hearts have an insensible brawniness and hardness like frozen Rivers come over their hearts in matters of God so as to men 181 1. Was there ever a People Men and Women professing such an height of Christianity so fierce so heady so high-minded and though generally not hardned so censuring reviling cursing and damning and so savage and barbarous as in the stark nakedness of men and women c. 2. As to Revenge how patient and pitiful and praying for their Enemies were I. Foxes Martyrs or Witnesses and G. Foxes how spitting Fire Brimstone witness the second part of N. England judged by G. Bishop because Christ in them is come to judgement wherein he pronounceth Destruction to Bodies and Souls of N. England men saying in his Epistle that their judgement lingreth not nor doth their damnation slumber T is true some of their Predictions have and may come to pass as do many also of Conjurers Witches for the Devil knows the Complexion of persons and things and what is like to come to pass as in Sauls case and in other events and still the poor Quakers and other his Captive Slaves with such Bables as these I told you what weather it would be I told you where the Wind would blow I told you what would come to pass and yet as blessed Mr. I. Dod used to say though the Devil was up early God was still up before him for the Proverb is here true God hath sent curst Cows short Horns his infinite Wisdome Power and Goodness is pleased to put an Hook into the Jaws of Sathan he shews himself the pitisui sparer and preserver of men When the Devil is a Fisher longing for troubled and bloody waters yet God hath graciously proved many of the bloody prophesies of his waspish Prophets and Prophetesses as I can prove to be lying and false already We now descended to the thirteenth Proposal the sixth to be discus'd at Providence which was read by them and is this viz. These many Books and Writings are extreamly Poor Lame and Naked swelld up only with High Titles and Words of Boasting and Vapour I told them that I had not shun'd as in the presence of the most High to read any of their Books or Letters I could come at but the truth is I could never pick out any Wheat of solid rational and heavenly Truth out of their heaps of Chaffe and Dreams and Fancies of new Christs new Spirits c. It is true that W. Edmund said that the Word of the Lord 182 was a Fire and a Hammer c. But I said the word they meant was but a painted Fire and a painted Hammer and that never broke nor burned up sin as sin Let a man read the Works of the Papists Lutherans Arminians and amongst our selves the Episcopal and Presbyterian Writings a man shall have wherein to exercise his Judgement Memory c. he shall have Scripture proposed Arguments alleadged yea he shall read Answers and Replies whereby to satisfie a rational Soul and Understanding But in the Quakers Books Writings Peter Iude tells us what I have found clouds high of an imaginary Christ and Spirit high swelling words strange from the Holy Scripture Language and all sober and Christian Writers and Speakers Let Io. Chandlers Writings and the Writings of Theora Iohn that Monster of Delusion be viewed whose bodily Raptures and frantick Writings of the Quakers Principles and of the Iews in Hebrew Greek Latin Arminiack Writings which he confest he understood not and let the rest of their Writings be brought to the Touch-stone and see if an honest Goldsmith can find ought else but the Dross Dreams and Fancies in stead of the solid Gold of Heavenly Scripture I have read Nichols and Nailor and Howgel and Burrows and Parnel and Farnworth and Fox and Dewsbury and Pennington and Whitehead and Bishop c. And I could readily and abundantly prove my position out of all of them but my desire and intention was as by my Paper to G. Fox appears to have made it good to G. Fox himself and to all Christians how poor and lame and naked G. Fox his writings are who seems
Soul Summond to Death and Judgement looks to Relations c. they all Answer they are in the same Case c. It looks to Wordly Estate c they tell us they will go with us as far as the Grave and provide a Coffin and a Sheet and a Burial c. 3. The old friend is Conscience who will go with us but can be a thousand witnesses against us c. It follows then clearly that the young Prince is the true Lord Iesus Christ not vanished away into a Light in every dark dungeon in the World but Conscience saith he is litterally ascended up into Heaven and will as literally make his speedy Return again to Iudgement The third Instance G. Fox pag. 12. brings in the same Author saying the Light doth not shine in the Consciences of them that be lost The Answer But Iohn saith he Light shines in darkness but the darkness cannot comprehend it and there is that of God in the Children of Disobedience and Reprobates as in Rom. 1. and 2. Chapters I Reply G. Fox is here in his Burrough and takes not the word Light in the same Sense his Opposite doth the Common trick of Cheators His Opposite takes it not for the heavenly Lights Sun Moon nor Earthly Light of Fire Candles precious Stones nor the Metaphorical Light of mens minds differing them from Beasts Birds Fishes Nor the Light of peace joy and Prosperity call'd in Scripture Light c. Nor the Light and Evidence of witness or Reason in Cases depending Nor the Light of the holy Scriptures and the preaching and offering of a 5 Saviour to poor lost Sinners But for that awakening saving Light convincing all mens Condition to be miserable and damnable of Grace and mercy offered and applied to a Soul by the good News of a Saviour someway heard of and the holy Spirit the finger or power of God G. Fox saith this saving Light is in mankind only persons don't mind it and so Christ Iesus is Crucified and slain in them and God and Christ and Spirit and Light c. are all captived hindred from working yea altogether killed slain in them because a Soul doth not mind them and hearken to Christ in them Ah poor simple bruitish Imagination that ever it should enter into the thoughts of Men professing to be Christians c. or of men professing to know more than the Wolves and Foxes in the wilderness I have spoke to this before therefore a word only to G. Fox his proof Rom. 1. and 2. Chapt. From these two Chapters he proves that there is that of God in the Children of Disobedience and Reprobates who denies it For there is something of God that is from the power and wisdome of God in the Fallen Spirits the Devils themselves But I know by that of God G. Fox means God himself prest down as a Cart with sheaves the holy Seed Christ Iesus under the Clods the holy Spirit in prison for the Soul is a part of the Essence or Being of God himself But that there is here a word or title of Colour to any of this dirt and filth flung in the face of the Majestie of Heaven This Scripture speaks of the work or working of the Law written in their hearts but what is this to a second writing of the holy Scriptures or writing inspired into the heart by the most holy Spirit yea what is this to a third writing of their Names written in Heaven in the Lambs Book of Life yea what is this to fourth writing the writing of the new Covenant Consisting of Sin and a new heart a heart of flesh in which his Law is written as formerly in Tables of Stone and yet we poor men of Iabesh Gilead must leave the Testimony as Gilead imports and suffer Nahush the Serpent to put out our right eyes and believe that every man hath the new Covenant Christ Iesus and the Kingdom of God c. with the Pharisees in every mans heart and yet he never knows of it 4. Instance In the same pag. 12 he brings in the same Author saying It is a Counterfeiting of the new Birth for men to 6 follow the Light wherewith men coming into the world are inlightned G. Fox Answ. which none comes to the new Birth but who come to the Light which every man c. in which believing is a Child of the Light c. I Reply G. Fox runs round agian and again like the windmil Sails It is saith he no Counterfeiting of a new Birth why because it is no Counterfeiting none comes to the new Birth but who comes to the Light c. As to the words in Iohn 1. Hitchcock at Newport alleadged that it was not in his Bible enlightneeth every man but lighteth every man c. John Stubs lockt in his greek Testament and confest it was Photizes which is not inlightneth but Lighteth 2. As to the Light We know there are two Opinions how Christ lighteth every man c. First as God in the Creation 2. As God man and Mediatour and that the Greeks word Erchomenon doth not relate to the word anthropon the man or every man that cometh into the world but phoce Light and that it must be read in this Sense viz that Christ Iesus the true Light cometh into the world lighteth every man that is in the world freely that will receive him Even as many whomsoever look up to him as Iohn 3. the stung Israelites to the brazen Serpent and that Christ Iesus is the Light of the world John 8. and 12. to as many as receive him according to 1 Iohn 12. and that the meer phrase imports no more then a Light held forth to all in the world as the Sun in the Heavens and Christs Followers Math. 5. are called by Christ Iesus the Light of the World Thus the word all and every man as I hinted before is used not absolutely but Comparatively and is figuratively taken in many places and four time in that one ver 1 Col. 28. viz. warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdome that we may present every man perfect in Christ Iesus which literally cannot be true Now G. Fox runs into his Burrough of the many significations of the word Light and the word all and the word inlightneth willingly ignorant that Christ Iesus as Mediator of the new Covenant inlightens none but those whom his Father gives him unto whom he gives Repentance to whom he opens the door of Faith and gives them to believe and suffer c. So that G. Fox Confounds the Elect and the World together and brings in a Counterfeit new Birth a Counterfeit Christ and at last a Counterfeit Salvation 7 5. Instance G. Fox pag. 20. brings in Henock Howet saying It is a fancy to say the Covenant of God is to all men in the world and the grace of God hath appeared to all men c. He Answ.
very unhandsome Clout of a grievous Interruption so that sometimes I was forc't to play the Moderator and to protest that such practises were against the sober rules of Civillity and Humanity It pleased God to help me with such Patience to weather them that Iohn Stubs openly confest twice that though some others had given them some interruptions yet that I had not done it I took my Seat at the other end of the house opposite to them and began telling them that the most High was my witness that not out of any prejudice against or disrespect to the persons of the Quakers many of whome I knew and did love and honour nor any foolish Passion of pride or boldness for I desired to be sensible of my many decayes of my house of Clay and other wayes nor any earthly or worldly ends I had that occasioned this trouble to my self and them I was first commanded this work from Heaven Why should not this Argument be good for mee and for others as well as the Quakers they say their commands are immediate for Interpretations are immediate but I say they herein suffer Satan to cheat them for they say they pray they fast they wait they listen they judge of the motions that arise within them and so have I done The great maker and searcher of all hearts knowes that none but his holy Majesty was privy to the Conception of this business 1. My end was the vindicating his most holy Name which my Soul saw was trodden in the dirt by Sathan clothed with Samuels Mantle and the bright garment of an Angel of Light which once he was but pride deceived him 26 2. I had in mine eye the vindicating this Colony for receiving of such persons whome others would not we suffer for their sakes and are accounted their Abettors that therefore together with the improvemeut of our Libertyes which the God of Heaven and our Kings Majesty have graciously given us I might give a publick testimony against their Opinions in such a way and Exercise I judged it incumbent upon my Spirit and Conscience to doe it in some regards more than most in the Colony I may also truly say that 3. I had also in mine eye that this exercise might occasion some Soul Consideration in many I told them that we had a dolefull Alarum and instruction lately we were taught what Salvation and saving was in the late death and drowning of a person so known to us and all N. England Nicholas Davis I told them our case and the case of all mankind is his in Spirituall and Soul matters Oh a world for an Oar a Rope a Plank Only it must be to all of us our work to try whether our Saviour our Salvation be reall and not failing in so great a Straight Some of these blessed ends it hath pleased God to propagate by this occasion all this Colony over and all of us round about have put forth our selves in Disquisitions and Searchings after the true grounds of the Christian Religion and Worship I had many thoughts of beginning such an exercise with Prayer unto God for his Presence but I knew I could not joyn with them nor would they owne my Prayers I had thoughts as Eliah among the Baalites to have prayed in the singular number But some Considerations made my spirit content with this kind of Petition unto God For not only in my Closet and my heart but publickly before them all I said I doe humbly hope and beg of God the Father of Spirits so to order and direct our Spirits in these our Agitations that his holy name may receive glory and the Soules of all of us some Soul-profit and Advantage I began with the first Position which I think W. Edmunson also read out of the Paper viz. That the People called Quakers are not true Quakers according to the Scriptures 1. I said I knew they did not owne that name Quakers as imposed on them by God or taken up by themselves but given them in scorn and derision as G. Fox Ed. Burrowes and I had heard Iohn Stubs who joined with them declared and that 27 one Gervace Bennet a Iustice in Derby first so called them in the year 1650 And yet I had cause to judg that the name was given by Iustice Bennet and others to them from that strange and uncouth possessing of their bodyes with quaking and shaking of their Bodyes even in publick Assemblyes and Congregations which extraordinary motions I judged to come upon them not from the holy Spirit and Power of God but from the spirit and power of Sathan for diverse Reasons First Although they pretend that Moses and David and Habbacouck and Daniel were Quakers yet as to the Christian Profession and the dayes since our gallant fore-Fathers in Germany at Spiers protested against the whore of Rome and from that Prostestation by the Papists they were called in scorn and wrath the Protesters or Protestants about 150 years since unto this day I say as to the Protestant Professors and Confessors the Quakers are but a new upstart party or Faction risen up little above 20 yeares since in the northern parts of England Lancashire c. T is true t is probable they are the Offspring of the Grindletonians in the same Lancashire about two yeares before who held those two grand Points though many wicked paths of Doctrine aud Practice were amongst them viz. 1. That God doth all 2 They could not sin taking it according to the Letter These Grindletonians were the Offspring of the late Nicholaitans as all of them are in truth justly so called from Henery Nichols who put forth his Books of the same Poison in K. Iames his time which long since I read and were confuted by many and by Mr Ainsworth and Mr Robinson precious and powerfull Witnesses of Christ Jesus H. Nichols aud his Nicholaitans were the Litter of those Spirittualls and Libertines which spread in Germany and France in Calvin's dayes against whome that heavenly soul gave his powerfull and heavenly witness in his Book against the Libertines These Libertines Satan raised up about the Protestant Reformation from the ruines and rubbish of the old Manicheans and Gnosticks and other blind Guides who swarmed in the first third and fourth Christian Centuryes until the Pope swallowed up all the lesser Serpents and so became a Dragon with seven Heads and ten Horns forcing all with fire and Fagot to deny Christ Iesus and to martch under Anti-Christ the Anti-christ the man of sin his Colours Some of these Particulars I could not then express but think 28 fit here to remember the former dayes for Information of such as doe desire it These People came from Lancashire and other northern parts to the Southward of England and to London I spake with some of their Chief then in London I knew it was the old proud spirit which had appeared in so
many foul lyes in their former deceived and deceiving Leaders and I was the more confirmed in my thoughts when I saw their foul spirit so transport them not only in lying Doctrines but lying Quakings and Tremblings lying preaching through the Streets Repent Repent and lying and abominable Nakedness of men and women untill their ugly Child and Daughter Rantisme rose from their Bowels and practised Nakedness of men and women in the Streets and in their religious Meetings as Adamites when it is notorioufly known they fell into many uncleannesses and Adulteryes To my face and to the world in print they maintaind there were no sins in them Saying That the Saints could not sin and God did all and was all and they were as pure as Adam and God himself this is known by the Writings extant c. 2. Again I said unto my Antagonists that the manner of these quakings and shakings were not as of those quakings and tremblings of David Moses and the Corinths receiving Titus with Trembling or the working out Salvation with Fear and Trembling for that may many wayes be proved to be the Soul and Spirit out of a holy Aw and Dread of the Majesty of Heaven with whome we have to deal who only can pitty and help us in our deplorable and forlorn conditions Hee it is who worketh the Will and the Deed and therefore with deep impressions of Aw and Dread we ought to attend upon all his holy meanes appointed wherein as of old in the Tabernacle and Temple he hath promised to come to us Beside as it is naturall for the Body to tremble when the mind doth as we see in many Persons in the beginning of a Battle or going over a deep Water or going to suffer Death or looking over a high Clift into the sea c. So when the Bodies of those holy men or any now doe so tremble Experience proves it that it is no ordinary motion but extraordinary and upon extraordinary occasions and those holy and heavenly Occasions as may be instanced But the quaking and shaking motions of the Quakers as I shall prove they proceeded not from those holie Affections 29 proper to Gods Children so also they were horrid and monstrous casting their bodies into horrid and monstrous motions and Gestures which mine eyes have seen Besides the abundance of notorious Instances what strange horrid motions are those which Theora Iohn as he madly calls himself and Iohn Toldervy were tost and tumbled up and down with which cannot be imagined to proceed from the holy Spirit of God but from Sathan to delude and cheat poor sinners with To this purpose I told them at the first coming of this spirit to London and Westminster some Parliament men told me that themselves went to one of the Quakers Meetings about Charing Cross but were so affrighted with the shaking of their own bodies and of their Chairs and Stooles under them that they could never again be got into their Assemblyes I added that such Shakings Motions Extasies c. were known to be the frequent workings of Sathan upon his Servants in all ages Such were the furious motions of Baals Preists the motions of the Possessed mentioned in the Gospells and other Historyes and known to be amongst the Barbarians our Neighbours about this time Iohn Burnet and William Edmunson rose up and said that I had laid many deep and heavy Charges upon the people of the Lord which I should never be able to prove I had denied them to be Christians and so had wronged the good Spirit of God in them and their Profession of worshipping God in the Spirit Yea I had taken away their being as men out of the World as a dangerous People to Nations and Kingdomes Common-weales yea to Kings Princes and so not fit to live amongst men in the World These Speeches were often uttered and enlarged by one or other of them and that with Zeal and Passion in W. Edmunson I waited patiently till these Gusts of their angry Spirit was over and then I told them I had not wronged them in a tittle But by the help of the most High I would make all good against them toen leave it to every mans and womens Soul to judge at their own Perill About this time Iohn Stubs alleadged that of Paul Phil 2. Work out salvatson with fear and Trembling I replyed I in no way opposed the awfull and most serious impressions of Gods Majesty in all his appearances ordinances upon the Soules and Spirits yea and Bodyes of Gods Children 30 But I denied that those places to the Corinthians and Philippians concerned any such bodily shakings and quakings as we now debated Beside I said if Quaking and Trembling were a Command and an Ordinance and institution of God to be practised then was it constantly to be practised as the Iewes say of Cain that the Mark which God set upon him was a constant Trembling Or if not alwayes yet alwayes in Worship or if not alwayes in Worship yet at some certain times But the plain truth is the Devill will be Gods Ape in most things He subornes and substitutes a bastard Quaking and Trembling of the body in Imitation of David Moses c. on purpose to thrust out the true Fear and Trembling which ought to be constantly in us raising up all our Affections and all within us to a due sence of the Terror of the Lord the dreadfulness of our Danger and the wonder of our Deliverance which we can never make too sure from sin and wrath to come to all eternity I also declared that the most High and holy one was free as he pleased to cause the trembling of the Soules of his People to over flow with influence upon their Bodyes also asin Moses David Daniel Habakkuk Paul c. this is like to be in some extraordinary cases and Conversions or turnings to God as Paul's was and that especially in bringing of great Sinners or old Sinners unto himself c. There were some few Speeches some from the Governour and his Wife and some few others that spake some in favor of and some against the Quakers but neither did my Opposites nor I so far attend them as to engage with them excepting some Turnes that were between William Edmunson and William Hitchcock an Inhabitaut of Newport who as others did witnessed against their upbraiding me with my age Old man Old man c. as also for their Interruptions Mine own Brother Mr Robert Williams School-Master in Newport desired to speak nor he nor others dissenting from them could be permitted except they would set their hands to my Paper My Brother unknown to me put in a paper to them which he took the liberty to read desiring that two things might be answered by the Quakers 1. The matter of the true sence of Sin as Sin 2. Of the Materiallity of such a Person as the Lord Iesus
Christ and the materiallity of his 31 Bloudshedding This Paper they took but waved it W. Edmunson openly charged me with breach of Covenant viz. That if any would speak on my behalf they should set their hand to my Propositions T is true it was desired by one of them at my house at Providence that if any joined with me they should subscribe to my Paper But I answered that I was alone in the Business I had not consulted with any others but the God of heaven himself so that I denied vehemently that there was any such agreement or any colour for it Besides it was ridiculous to put either such a Bar and Limit upon any mans spirit and least of all upon Gods Spirit viz that no man should desire leave to object or querie c. except first he would subscribe my Proposalls But I took the boldness justly to charg them with palpable and gross Partiality viz. that W. Hitchcock and others opposing or dissenting might not speak but W. Harris W. Dyar or any favouring of them might speak without exception because all that speak for their ptetended light it must be supposed that they speak from the Spirit of God himself others out of Ignorance Malice and Envy this will appear more afterward However there were these few debates about the liberty of speech in the Auditory and By-standers and the Quakers deniall and enjoining of Subscription yet the most High Father of Spirits did so compose all spirits that it was wonderfull that such Opposites should goe through such a work and Conslict all day untill night without more Interruptions and Disturbances I was ready and waited to put forth my third Reason to prove they were not true Christian Quakers it was from Isai. 66. To this man will I look that is poor and contrite and trembleth at my Word I told them that G. Fox in his Book all along was so far from trembling at the Word of God in the holy Writings or Scriptures that he could not endure they should have that name or be once called the Word of God T is true I know his pretence that Christ Iesus is called the Word of God Rev. 19. But I know t is true also that he grants the Scriptures to be true and inspired from the holy Spirit of God and to be Gods words though not his Word Well to pass by the simplicity of the Distinction and let us take what he grants and is it not prodigious and monstrous Contempt that these holy Words this holy Book and Writing of God should be so undervalued and slighted yea vilified 32 and nullified if compar'd with their pretended new found Light within them which was say they before the Scriptures and gave forth the Scriptures and therefore was above the Scriptures and gave forth the Scriptures and therefore was above the Scriptures and therefore is not judged or tried by the Scriptures but they by it Yea and this light must be in every one of mankind in the whole World Hence it was that these holy Writings were so disused in their own private Readings in their Publick Worship and in their Families I told them God was little beholding to the Pope and the Quakers for their humble Reverence and great Affection to his holy Letters Declarations and Proclamations The Pope had his Infallibility as well as they his immediate Inspirations as well as they They both owned and yet did not owne the holy Scriptures the Pope and they only must interpret Scriptures they only give the Sence they only judge all Controversies yea they dispence with the Scriptures and if they were quite lost and burn'd and not a Copy of them left in the World yet there were no loss but a good Turn a good Riddance for then the Pope and the Quakers Infallible spirit and its immediate Inspirations would be more esteemed and set by I produced an Instance of one Thurston an Apostle of theirs who came to Providence with extraordinary long hair hanging over his shoulders It was so long that an aged Soul captivated for present amongst them the wife of C.S. demanded of him why he ware it so long since Nature it self did teach it to be a shame for a man to wear long Hair as the holy Scripture affirmed He would not say He car'd not what Nature or the holy Scriptures said but he said as much in effect as she told me her self and may with true fear and trembling still think on it viz. when that God that bid me wear it bids me cut it off the will I cut it off As if he would say what tell you us of the teachings of Nature as we see in that monstrous case of their womens Nakedness or what tell you me of Scripture I have a Light within me that made that Light was before it gave it forth is above it This mans hair was so offensive and odious that meeting of me and saying Fear the Lord God I could not but answer him in these words viz. What God dost thou mean a Ruffians God alluding to that of Paul to Titus They profess to know God but in their Works they deny him 33 I told them the rage of the Devill in all Ages had been most fierce against these heavenly Records in which the most gracious God and King out of the infinite depths of his Wisdome and Goodness had provided for the Ages and Generations to come the glorious Appearances of the eternall Invisible King in the former Generations of mankind from the Creation of the World as also the Wonders yet to be finished till time should be no more all which were in the holy Scriptures I remembred them of a profane bloudy Wretch in Ireland who in the late horrid Massacre hunting among other bloudie Wolves after the Goods and Lives of the Protestants found a Bible and with Indignation the same which I believe is in most Papists and Quakers he flung it into the Kennell and stampt upon it with his feet saying A Plague of God take this Book this hath caused all the Quarrels among us Whether I spake all these Particulars at one individuall time or Turn I cannot clearly remember only I am certain thus I spake and more My Opposites once and again had Turnes of Speech but still the only sum of all was that they owned the Scripture but yet the Spirit that gave it forth was above it withall they urged that I could not prove where in the Scripture the Scripture was called the Word of God I Answered That many things were infallibly so and true although not in so many Terms and Words mentioned But yet there were abundance of Scriptures wherin the Prophets did expresly say Thus saith the Lord The Word of the Lord came unto me and Hebr. 1. The Lord spake diverse wayes and at diverse times in the Prophets but now he hath spoken by his Son Sure his Speech is his Word
patiently suffered for the true Lord Iesus sake the murthering Stones to lay him down to sleep 42 THE second day of our Spiritual Contest Battle being come being the tenth of the sixth Moneth August so called I heartily wished that I might rather have kept my Bed then have gone forth to a whole dayes fresh Dispute with such reputed able and noted Champions Not that the most high Lord Iesus whose cause and Name I was that day to manage for the next point was about the true Lord Iesus Christ not that I say he faild me in my Resolution to march on against Men and Devils for his Name sake nor that he faild me in my cheerfull Confidence that he would carry me in the everlasting armes of his Power and Goodness through that dayes Conflict as he had done the day before but that he was pleased to try me with more than ordinary Weakness and mouldring of my house of Clay that so my strength might be in a great respect immediately from Heaven considering my great unfitness for this dayes Service for thus it was My continued loud Speech all the day before had left an impression of Hoarsness upon me and much rain falling that afternoon after the Eclipse I took some wet in my feet that evening so that my Hoarseness increased and all that day my Head was afflicted with pain and my voice with a painfull Hoarsnefs I lookt up to heaven and desired to wait as a Begger at the Gate and as a Dog under the table of Mercy and my Spirit was chearfully resolved not to give occasion of Reproaching the name of God to them who I knew waited and watched for it nor any Disappointment to such as were resolved to attend the Meeting This day I chose a middle Seat neerer to the Seat of my three Antagonists I. Stubs I. Burnet W. Edmondson that so I might be heard the better with less straining of my Voice and Breast I began and stood up and said the holy Scriptures by the Prophet Ieremiah told us of certain Bow-men some that bent their Tongues as Bowes for Lyes and complain'd that none were Valiant for the Truth I told my opposites that they and I were met as Bow men and I could heartily desire that all our Arrowes might fly one way to wit in the defence of the true Lord Iesus Christ against the false But since I had charged them in my second Position to have set up a false Christ in stead of the true Lord Iesus I should address my self to make probation of my second Position Yet before I enter upon it I pray the Readers Patience to be acquainted with some Particulars 43 First Though my head was ill and my voice speech hoarse and painfull yet the Lord graciously carried me through the the whole day with little hindrance in my self and little disadvantage to the understanding of the Auditors Secondly This dayes Discourse was but accidental and additional for they and I desired to have finished the the whole first seven Positions in one day at Newport only in my paper I added that if the whole seven were not finished in one day the Conference might continue some few hours the next day following on this second day therefore was a great Assembly the Governour Magistrates Inhabitants and strangers Men and Women c. And this dayes Contest also held unto the Evening Thirdly As I had beg'd of God a Spirit of Patience to bear all their Censures Reproachings Revilings Vapourings and Insultings so it pleased God to exercise me with one notorious though private That I was Drunk and could not speak that day as I had done the day before But my Daughter Hart at whose house I lodged and Iohn Trip sen. who lodged with me can testifie that I complained of Illness and eat but a few spoonfulls of milk with Mr. Trip at Breakfast and though my daughter kindly offered me a Dram for my Illness but I refused it knowing it might curdle the milk I had taken and so increase my cold and Obstruction this the most holy God knowes and these Witnesses know was all I took that morning which might conduce to that foul Slander of being so Drunk that I could not speak plainly that day Fourthly This day also I encountred with that Disadvantage of all the three aforesaid Disputants at once with all their might fighting for their Idolls and Images against me I spake of it and so did others again and again But W. Edmundson still bruitishly pleaded that it was mine own Offer to undertake all Comers I answered as before that I took them to be rational Men and by all Comers not to understand ten or twenty or an hundred confusedly at once but in a fair and equal way one after an other it was grievous often exprest by some of the Audience But as be●ore on the first day I resolved not to lose time or suffer a Breach and the Lord was pleased to make my Yoke easie and Burthen light Now to the proof of my second Position which was That their Christ was not the true Lord Iesus Christ. 44 Here I prayed their patience to suffer me to tell them that they were not Christians nor Professors of Christian Religion They might with Iewes Turks Papists profess one God yet Christians they could not be but as the true Lord Jesus told us many false Christ and false Prophets should come who like Mountebanks instead of true Physitians and false and counterfeit Money instead of true should with Satans power and policy pass up and down and deceive Peoples and Nations so I must affirm and declare that for their parts they had cut of the head of the Christian Religion the true Lord Iesus Christ and they had set up a false Christ a false King an Usurper in his stead they had like Michal put a wooden Image upon a pillow of goats hair in Davids bed but David himself was gone the true David the true Lord Jesus Christ was not to be found amongst them this I spake expresly and they did hear me awhile My proof was First Because the Description and Character which the holy Scripture gives to the true Lord Iesus no way agrees with the Image which they have set up I told them that it was known that the word Christ was a greek word signifiing anointed as the word Messiah in the Hebrew did I said this true Lord Iesus was one Person made up of two Natures God and Man united into one person I said one Individual person whatever S Fisher blasphemously utters against it That as to his humane Nature or being Man all the Figures and Ceremonyes al the Priests and Sacrifices pointed to him as the great Prophet the great anointed King and Governour c. 2. As to his humane Nature and being a man and One Man Moses and the Prophets wrote of
humble Soul may see how this subtle Traytor under the golden name of Christ and Christ within in the heart he stabs at the heart of the true Lord Iesus who suffered for poor Mankind in mans own nature at Ierusalem 2. I observe his virulent and venemous Mind and Pen stabbing damning and reprobating all that truly believe in the true Lord Iesus whome he confesseth to have been a real man dying at Ierusalem c. except they can believe that he is now no where to be found but in every mans heart that cometh into the world that is no where 53 In Page 246. He brings in Christopher Wade saying It is whimfical to say Christ God and Man Flesh and Spirit is in them He answers Contrary to the Apostles Doctrine who said they were of his flesh and of his bone and Christ in you and he would walk in them and he that hath not the Spirit of Christ is none of his and they are of his slesh and of his bone and Christ in you the hope of Glory In the same Page he brings in the same Author saying Flesh and bone cannot be a measure in one and a measure in an other He Answers wheras the Apostle saith we are of his Flesh and of his Bone here thou art contrary to the Apostle and that was more then one that had the Flesh of Christ and his Bone and his Spirit In Page 248. He brings in the same Author saying It is a false thing to say Christ Person is in man He Answers which is as much as to say none are of his Flesh nor of his Bone nor eat nor had not his Substance And Page 249 The Saints bodyes are not Christs body He Answers How are they Christs How dwels he in them and how are they of his Flesh and of his Bone then and how bruitish are you b●come in Knowledge hath he not bought them with a price and are they not his And in the same Page he brings in the same Author saying that neither Gods Essence nor Heaven nor Christs Person was in Peters holy body He answers but the Apostle said God will dwell with you and walk in you and again our conversation is in Heaven And once more in the same page There is not whole Christ God and man in men Answ. Then how must men grow in the measure of the fullness of the stature of Christ and Christ and God will dwel in man and walk in man God that made all things and Christ by whome all things were made I Reply this Author Christopher Wade I know not many of his opposites living and dead whome he here vapours to answer in his Book I know were worthy of Christian esteem and honour for the grace and Knowledge of Christ Jesus in them and for other worthy respects and whither this Opposite or any other whome he pretends to puffe at or Answer have thought this audacious Quacksalver worthy of any Reply I know not For certainly as he commonly concludes his Answer in his Book Thy many notorious Lyes and Slanders and Blasphemyes are not worth the mentioning however for the proof of my Position I am occasioned 54 to follow this Fox into his holes and Burrowes and to hale him out before God Angls and Men as a most greedy audacious Fox and Wolfe not sparing the Son and Lamb of God nor his precious Lambs and Sheep Now to all these last Quotations I say as the Opposites to Fox said that this Notion of Christ wit hin opposite to Christ without is a most Frantick and Whimsical Gross and Blockish Fancy For though he grant Christ Jesus to be a Man which died at Ierusalem yet making him only Spiritual and such a Christ as is whole Christ God and Man in every man in the World he makes Christ Jesus to be but Whimsical Christ and that Man that died at Ierusalem but a Babylonian Fancy In Pag. 221. He brings in the Author to a Book called Hosanna to the Son of David saying Christ is without the Saints in respect of his Bodily presence He Answereth They are of his Flesh and of his Bone and eat his Flesh and drink his Blood and how have the Saints his Mind and Spirit and he with them and they with him and sit with him in Heavenly places and he is the Head of the Church how then is he absent the poor Apostates from him who feel not Christ with you but he is with the Saints and they feel him I Reply I observe this Viperous Tongue saying to the unknown heavenly Author and Fox his other Oppositee Ye poor Apostates c. what is it but a heighth of Devilish Pride going before destruction and condemnation this proud swelling Bladder puft up with a Timpany of Wind and Vanity what a huge swelling shew he makes what a breadth of confident boldness and bruitish impudencie he carries before him what a gross Frantick Papist is he become that cannot will not distinguish between Christs Spiritual presence and his bodily that cannot will not consider the difference between Spirits and Bodies a Spirit that hath no Flesh nor Bones and a Body which hath both as Christ his Body had that cannot will not distinguish between their sinful Flesh and Bones and the sinless Flesh and Bones of that Man Christ Jesus that cannot will not distinguish between God manifested in the Flesh and Bones of that Man Christ Jesus and manifested in the Flesh and Bones of Believers in him O most Holy and Righteous are thy Judgements O thou most High Judge of the World who art a devouring fire and Justice it self who thus castest down the Proud and Self-conceited into the Dungeon of such Black and Hellish Ignorance 55 Pag. 217 Out of a Book mentioning the Quakers Cause saying To say Christ within is never to mention Christ without He Answers There is none knows Christ within but he knows him without the same yesterday and to day and for ever And there is none knows him but they know him within revealed of the Father which is beyond Flesh and Blood I Observe This foolish Fox for all his hiding Craft is here found out He professeth against his Will and Heart a Christ that died at Ierusalem and therefore is he forced to name a Christ without but when the Hole and Burrough is Digged the Fox is found For Examine what is this Christ without is he that litteral real and material Person the Son of Mary as all professing Christs Name generally agree Is this he whom the Quakers acknowledge to have lived and died at Ierusalem and do they intend a Material Crosse a literal Death a literal and real Ierusalem some of them will say yes but therein give the lye to others of themselves and also to the rest of their own story in acknowledging no other Christ but such as is in every man such a Christ as really and bodily died at Ierusalem they
Historians Geographers Rulers and Iudges c. It is true that Thomas Munster and Becold and Knipperdoling and Fifer pretending immediate Revelations and so have other Leaders of these Nicolaitans in France and England c. but none were so large and open hearted as to communicate so freely and bountifully to all their followers the immediate Inspirations of their pretended holy spirit as these 81 foolish and filthy Dreamers do for so saith Fox All the Quakers say or do is by the infallible and eternal Spirit but how horribly their Spirits Principles Divisions Miscarriages in many sinful practises and Apostacies amongst themselves give the lye and contradict this their infallibility is notoriously proclaimed on the house top and I may say something more to this Head afterward At present I return to my Antagonists who while I was Arguing against their immediate Spirit could not hold until my quarter of an hour and this Head about their Spirit was finished but brake silence and they said especially Iohn Stubs doth not the Scripture say if any man have not the Spirit of Christ he is none of his And as many as are led by the Spirit of God they are the Sons of God and ye have an unction and need not that any man teach you and you know all things I then answered that there was a leading of a Beast by an Halter or Bridle and there was a leading of a Man with a Reason when his understanding and judgement is satisfied and if so I presumed they intended that the leading of the Spirit did not lead them as Beasts but as Rational satisfying their Reasons and Judgements and if so Reason grants that there are false Spirits lying Prophets Seducers and Deceivers c. Reason therefore further saith that every Soul must be satisfied whether this Leading or Anointing or Teaching of the Spirit be by means of Praying Preaching Reading Meditating Conferring c. or immediate without the use of these if motions without the use of these be pretended Reasons tells us that a Rational Soul must be able to try whether the Spirit pretending to be true or lying Spirit and that it must have some Rule or Touch-stone to make their Tryal by that the Rule must be my own Reason or some Testimony of unquestionable Witnesses satisfying my Reason or some heavenly inspired Scripture or Writing which my Reason tells me came from God Reason also tells each rational creature that it is very suspicious to be a false lying and develish motion which slights the Holy Scripture and other holy means wherein the Holy Spirit Presence and Power of God hath appeared to Gods People formerly Reason tells me that if I finde my self weak as who doth not to fight against the Devil the roaring Lion and old Serpent and I am bound to seek out for help and what help more powerful 82 and proper then that of the eternal and all powerful Father of Spirits and that it is best to take Iames his Counsel if any Man wants wisdome let him ask of God who gives to all Men liberally and upbraideth not if so then Reason tells us that except we suffer our selves to be led as Beasts by Sathan as the poor Quakers are we must come to the use of Means or a mediate leading and teaching and then what is become of these hellish fancies of only immediate Teachings and Inspirations I told them that beside this Counsel and Command of God in Iames the Lord Jesus tells us by an admirable similie that the holy Spirit of God is given in the use of means Luk. 11. If you who are evil give good gifts unto your Children how much more shall your heavenly Father give the holy Spirit to them that ask him and that is Isa. 11. the Spirit of Wisdome the Spirit of Knowledge the fear of the Lord and all Graces of the holy Spirit It is clear that the Pen-men and holy Scribes of Gods will unto us in whom God did speak and by whom he wrote immediately and infallibly those blessed chosen pens of his were not infallibly guided by an immediate Spirit in all that they said and did about this Scripture as these poor Dreamers say of themselves and therefore must necessarily dash against the Holy Scriptures and all holy means formerly used by the first Christians yea and all rational means to pieces for all that they say or do is the immediate Spirit and Christ and God himself as Fox here affirmeth I answered further that if that Scripture alleadged by Iohn Stubs To know all things be to be expounded litterally and as G. Fox in this Book viz. that the Saints know all things as God then why are not the Quakers Omnipotent and Almighty as well as Omniscient yea as it is said of the Pope if he can deliver all Souls out of Purgatory if he please without Money surely he is very inhumane impious and cruel that he doth not so I said what impiety is it what cruelty and inhumanity is it in the Quakers said I so insallibly knowing all things as God not to reveal unto Men and especially in their publick Assemblies so many deep points of the Godhead of Creation of the Holy Three in Heaven and Earth which they confess and all the deep Mysteries and Prophecies in the Holy Scripture especially in Iohn and Daniel their Revelations c. the Most Holy Omniscient and Eternal Iehovah knows that the Pope and his Purgatory the Quakers and 83 their Omnisciency are but Childrens and Frantick Persons Dreams and Phantasies and that the Saints knowing all things is the same with their doing all things through Christ which strengtheneth them that is not all things litterally for that were ridiculous and blasphemous to affirm it but all things figuratively and Comparatively which his holy Wisdome thinks fit to require them to know and do in order to his Glory and their Salvation But Iohn Stubs insisted how they knew the Mystical number of 1260 dayes the 42 Months the Time and Times and half a Time and that the Woman was come and coming out of the Wilderness in them and that now they were Preaching the Everlasting Gospel to them that dwell upon the Earth I Replied it is notorious how many excellent men have been bewildred and missed in the opening of these Mysteries I said that if their infallible and their all-knowing Light could open all things and was now the Everlasting Gospel or Glad News the Word Eternal c. and that it was not only in the Quakers and their Saints but in all Mankind I desired to know what they meant by this Word within whether they meant in the understanding the eye of the Soul or in the Will or in the Memory or in the Affections or in all of these joyntly for Light is only seen with the Eye not with the Tongue nor Ear nor Hand it is true in the 2 Cor. 4. it is said
the Wolves covered only with the sheepskins they have other Words Letters Spirits 2 Thes. 2. whatever they prate of Scripture and speak brave swelling empty words as Iude speaketh T is true as G. Fox all along in his Book vapours that the Spirit was before Scripture and gave forth Scripture but I proved before that their Spirit their Light their Christ were but hellish Darkness the spirit of Sathan and a false lying Christ c. 2. The Dispensations of God were many and divers as before the Law and after but in this last and third dispensation he hath spoken that is his word mind and will whatever the Quakers as well childishly as Blasphemously prate to the contrary by his Son And as the Son himself the Lord Jesus in his own person when he personally maintained that famous combat with the Devil used no other weapon but Prayer and Fasting and the Holy Scripture so he left written this holy patern and example that we through Patience and Comfort of the Scriptures might have hope Rom. 14. Luther being demanded how he gain'd such knowledge and abilities in such blind Popish darkness he freely confessed that the holy Scripture was his first help the second Meditation the third earnest Prayer to God to vouchsafe his Spirit to bless the two former unto him The Lord Jesus therefore not only ordained his Messenger or Preachers of his glad Tydings to Iews and Gentiles but his Pen-men also Ioh. 20. for those two great ends as to us to wit 1. These things are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ to wit that that individual person and man called Jesus was the Christ the Messiah so long promised and expected contrary to the Blasphemous Fancies of the Quakers And 2. That Believing in him that individual person called Jesus and not in a Fancy within we might have Life and Blessedness It is no wonder therefore that the Devil the great Thief as he compasseth Sea and Land with the Pharisees Iesuites and Quakers to make Proselytes so wherever he comes he labours to blow out the Candle of the Holy Scripture It is the Spirit Breath or wind of the Devil in the lips of Atheists Iews Papists Quakers Ranters c. that puffs and blows 93 against this Holy Light more precious infinitely then the Sun in the Heaven it hath been most wonderfully to amazement preserved like the Sun in the Firmanent and shines most gloriously again and again after the blackest and longest storm and night of Apostacies and Persecution The Turkish Hystory tells us of a Woman appearing in the Heavens with a Book open in her hand some of their Mahumetan Priests dared to say for which one greatly suffered that the Woman was the Christian Church and the Book was their Bible or Scriptures which threatned ruine to their Mahomet and Alcoran Iohn was not commanded and in him the Protestant Witnesses to stand still and listen to a Light to a motion or voice within but to eat up the little Book open once again in the hands of Christ Jesus Rev. 10. and after this eaten up to prophesie to Peoples and Nations to Tongues and Kings Whether this Book be the Book of the Revelation or the Book of the whole Bible or Scripture it is apparent that during the 42 Months of the the Papal Reign and Darkness Christ Iesus hath given Authority and power to his Witnesses to search after the Holy Records in the Original Hebrew and Greek Copies and to bring them forth by Translating and Preaching the Doctrine of them c. for which they have suffered Death and Burning as Tindal and many other excellent men of God The Walls of Rome yea the Gates of Hell have shaken and felt the might of this Heavenly Artillery It lies therefore the Devil and all his Messengers in hand to break to pieces or to nail up their heavenly Ordinance It hath been observed that there never were any more than others famous for Christanity but they first were famous for an admirable Love kindled by God in their Hearts to the Holy Scriptures It is true the Iews to whom the Oracles of God were committed to wit in the Old Testament how studious have they been in it even to every Word and Letter they accounted it a crime for any Book to ly upon it but this alwayes to lye uppermost My self have seen the Old Testament of the Iews most curious writing whose price in way of trade was threescore pound which my Brother a Turkey-Merchant had and shewed me But I speak of an inward love a Soul-love c. It is wonderful what Luther relates of that blessed Duke of Saxony whom 94 God stir'd up to favour and cherish Luther c viz. that he caused his six Pages each of them to read to him daily everyone his hour in the Holy Scripture This was the affection in all the first Witnesses the Waldensians the Bohemians the English French Dutch Scotch c. who together with the Scriptures had mighty Affection to the study of the Hebrew and Greek in which golden Cups and Bowles the King of Kings was pleased to convey the Wine like Ahashuerosh of his Eternal Majesty and Goodness to us It is wonderful to consider how much the study of the Scriptures and of the Hebrew and Greek Tongues confounded and put to flight the Papists and forced them to study the Scriptures and the Tongues also both which the barbarous dark Spirit of the Quakers hate as darkness hates the Light It is no wonder this Spirit of Lying cries out so fiercely against the Schools of Learning in Old and New England it knows that the right and regular propagation of natural of civil and especially of Divine Knowledge scatters the thick Fogs of the Quakers affected hellish ignorance The blessed Martyrs and Witnesses of Jesus in all ages have been ravished with holy delights like David in the holy Scripture in Q Maries dayes that famous Ridley called Bishop of London he had got most of the holy Epistles in Greek by heart even before he left Pembrook Hall in Cambridge and as the fire of persecution grew hotter so did those blessed Witnesses like Jesus with Moses and Elias and Paul at Troas spend hours and nights in Prayer and holy Conference upon the Scriptures and those things which the Lord Jesus should and hath now accomplished according to the Scriptures It is true in print Iames Parnel spake like a Papist an Atheist and a Quaker of the holy Martyrs or Witnesses of Jesus Christ and of the book of Martyrs it self It is no wonder that the most Righteous and jealous Lord left him not to dye the common death of all Mankinde but to Murther himself by a proud presumptuous attempt of declaring himself to be Christ by fasting 40 dayes and 40 nights I believe this to be a Truth from the Testimonies I have seen of Parnels
as are the Papists Iews and Quakers Allegations to a Venemous and poysonous End He brings in Henoch Howet saying The Scripture to be the only Weapon whereby Christ overthrew the Devil He Answers who bruiseth his Head and was before Scripture was yet the Scripture is for Correction and Doctrine furnishing the man of God in his place and Christ the Seed was before the Scripture was And all them that hath Scripture and not Christ cannot overcome the Devil you and the Papists doing his work for they that overcome him that is with the Power and those have the Scriptures of Truth which the Devil is out of 101 I Reply How doth Christs bruising of Satans Head and being before Scripture was disprove Fox his Opposites saying viz. the only weapon whereby Christ Jesus overcome the Devil was the Scripture what is this to the point of the Compass may not half and Eye see what a simple Sophister this is to make such Yawes as not to come near the Ships Course and point in hand 2. Who sees not Fox in his Burrough of the divers Acceptation of the Word Christ For in the Sense of his Opposite that man Christ Jesus who fought the Devil and Fox Confesseth died at Ierusalem was not before the Scriptures But his Birth and Life and Death were Proppesied and declared by the Scripture long before he was born 3. As for this saying They that have the Scripture and not Christ can not overcome the Devil What News doth Fox tell the World which no Body denies and how doth this deny that Christ Jesus overcome the Devil by the Scripture 4. Is all Scripture or writing given by Inspiration of God and is profitable though Fox alleadgeth this Scripture by halves for Correction and Doctrine c. then it clearly follows that as Christ Jesus overcome the Devil by the Scripture so by the same Weapon this subtle Fox and all other of Satans Foxes must be Corrected Confuted Catcht and destroyed except they repent for ever But what is this Confession that the Scripture is profitable for Correction c. but a kind of grant to his Opposite that Christ did overcome the Devil by this Weapon for he Confesseth it profitable for Correction c. though yet all this running about in and out into his holes in this Answer is a whispering and yet loud enough to be heard viz. that Christ did not overcome the Devil by the Scripture 5. As for the Quakers Power here pretended in Opposition to the Scripture as being those that have Scripture within them and so overcome the Devil How doth the Devil deal as one that pretends to Fight with Children who lies down and Cries as if those poor Childish Souls had Overcome him Thus sometimes a Devil of Drunkenness of Swearing of Stealing runs away from the Sermons of the Quakers as a naughty Devil sometimes at the Chiding and Conjuring of a good Witch That he may get the faster hold by spiritual pride hypocrisie 102 self Conceit and Contradiction to the Scripture by will worship and Superstitious Inventions against the holy Institutions and Commands of the true Lord Jesus Christ. Pag. 289. He brings in Francis Duke saying When Christ told the Devil that man should not live by Bread alone but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God that was believing the Scripture And this Word of God in the Scripture was the Ground of Christs Faith and so to all that are his He Answers Many may have the Scripture and never hear the voice of God as the Jews in the fifth of Iohn and they said they believed the Scriptures though they were out of the true belief But receiving the Word from God is as they that gave forth the Scriptures which man lives by and not by bread alone and so knows him who was before Scripture was given forth And for saying that the Scripture was the Ground of Christs Faith he was afore the Scripture was writ and so fulfils their Words and is the Author and the Finisher of the Saints Faith which was before the Scripture was given forth him by whom the World was made and is the Author of the Saints Faith that bruised the Serpent under his feet which was before the Scripture was 1. I Reply How Notorious for Tautologies are these brutish Clamours Thrice in this small Answer have we of Christ which was before Scripture was who was before Scripture was c. shall we believe their Notorious Lyes viz. that the Light within them gave forth Scripture and that they speak and write as they are moved by the most holy and Infallible Spirit when their writings are so weak lame and Childish just like the talk of Aged doting Women and so full of Idle Repetitions 2. What Answer is this how brutish and Impious viz. that a man may have the Scripture and yet not be in the belief therefore the Word of God was not the Ground of Christs belief so again the Devil and wicked men may have the Scripture and yet believe not in them therefore Christ Jesus and his saints believe them not neither this Inference is clear you say Christ was before Scripture was c. I Reply He was and he was not But let Heaven and Earth Hear and abhor the Sophistry of these Deceivers they would fain 103 have no such Christ as man a Christ without an out-side Christ but a Spirit and God only and that in their Flesh yet again for shame of the world they are forct to Confess that there was such a man or person c. and yet to Cloak and Cover that Confession from Crossing their Principle they say that before Scripture was Christ bruised the Serpents Head that is Christ that made the World Christ the Light the Word But this again we say is false also for the Promise is Gen. 3. that the Seed of a Womau which was Christ in his Manhood born in the Fulness of Time Gal. 4. And let G. Fox or any of their Iuglers Answer If they speak honestly and bona fide if there was really such a man called Jesus at Ierusalem c. as there was such a man called G. Fox lately in New-England was there not such a man called Jesus after the Scripture was written or penn'd was dot this man forty dayes tempted of the Devil and did not this man called Jesus Christ Overcome the Devil by the Weapon of the writing or Scripture and was not the holy Scripture the Ground of his Faith as he makes the Will or Word of God declared in this holy Writing or Record the Ground of his saints Faith also He brings in Iohn Timson saying The Scripture is the Rule of Life He Answers Contrary to Christ who said the Spirit should lead them into all Truth And they that are the Sons of God are led by the Spirit of God and the Churches was to hear what the spirit said
though not so brief as I was forced to be in our publick probations I told them that the Papists and the Quakers were great Confederates in their Endeavours to raze the Records of Heaven and to rob the Saints and the world of this Inestimable Iewel and Treasure of the holy Scriptures 1 The Papists own it not to be all the word or will of God revealed but that there be unwritten Verities that is Gods mind revealed from Father to Son by Tradition The Quakers will not vouchsafe it the Name of the word of God out of a simple pretence because Christ is the word of God that is he isindeed the chief manifestation of all the Appearances of God 2. The Papists horribly abuse it calling it a Nose of wax a Leaden Rule a dead Letter c. and so do the Quakers triumphing over it with base Insultations as over a deed Letter a Carkass c. 3. The whole world of Papists assembled in eighteen Years Labours Chymical Laboratories at Trent at last thundred out their Anathamaes and Curses against all that should not prefer the Vulgar Latin Copies before the Hebrew Copies and the Greek in which it pleased the holy Spirit of God first to write his mind and will or word unto us And do not the Quakers as simply and bruitishly bind themselves to the bare Letter of the Common English Though they know the Hebrew and Greek Copies are the Foundation and Touchstone of all other though millions of Translations Though they know there be more English Translations then one Though the English Translations wonderfully 135 differ Though Ravius that Famous Oriental Hebrician c. proclaims above a Thousand Faults and some gross in our last Translation though some of them as Iohn Stubs boast of their humane Learning produced his Hebrew Bible in our Conference yet will these Ephesians cry out like Frantick mad great is our Latin Translation great is our English Translation Yea one of them boasted to my self that the Spirit of God would teach them Scripture without the Hebrew and the Greek or the English either 4. The Papists set up a Judge in Controversies above the holy Scriptures who can dispense with Scriptures and do all that God can do And say not the Quakers the same of their Spirit which is above the Scriptures for it gave forth the Scriptures and is in every man 5. The Papists though they will not deny to make the Scriptures the Rule and profess to be tried by it yet their Church and the head of it the Pope must Interpret And do not the Quakers herein the same concerning themselves though some think more bruitishly for they will allow no Interpretations nor meaning at all but you must take the words as the Translators have given them us right or wrong and you must not enquire either into the meaning of words or the meaning of mind of God in the place Oh what a black deaf and dumb Lazie Spirit hath possessed the Souls of these great pretenders too and Monopolizers of the holy Spirit of God both Papists and Quakers 6 The Papists generally use not nor have the holy Scripture no not in their Devotions in their own Tongue but in the Latine the Whores Tongue of Italy therefore no wonder they prize it not but even the Lights or Luminaries so pretending amongst them disuse it Care not for it read it not c. many have it not So that Luther tels us that in Thirteen years or more he saw not a Bible in his College at Erford until by Gods merciful providence he came to see one to his own the Comfott of Thousands Luther tels us that at one great Assembly of the Emperour and Princes the Protestants of Germany had Conveyed a Bible on the Table The Cardinal being first come he opened the Book and read here and there in it it is like he had not seen 132 it before in his Life In comes one of the Popish Princes and askt the Cardinals Eminency what Book he had there He Answerred I know not but I am sure it is agaiust us and it is laid here for that purpose Oh the Infinite mercies of God to us in our times and our Infinite Debt to his Infinite goodness and our Infinite guilt in neglect of it The Quakers at first took off themselves Families and Assemblies from any use of it Their Spirit they Crake that made the Scriptures supplies all c. The Papists and Quakers both have said and printed that if the Scripture were consumed quite taken out of the world there would be no Loss so long as they have the Spirit The Truth is I could by Arguments many make it appear that the Papists and Quakers love the holy Scriptures no better than Goliah loved Davids stone and sling nor no better then the Devil loved Christs Gegraptai It is written It is written for the Papists and the Quakers and the Devil knows that if the holy Scriptures be Exalted as the revealed will or word or Declaration of the mind of God down-falls their pretences of Traditions and Revelations whereby the Devil deceivs themselves and himself also 4. The Papists and Quakers shake hands in the most hellish Doctrine of Justification by what is within us by what Christ works within us in short by what is called Sanctification put for Justification and the forgiveness of sin in and for the merits of the Lord Jesus freely imputed and given to us The Papists use the word Inherent Righteousness but the Quakers bogle at the word not finding it in the English Bible yet they agree that by the works of Obedience yea and also by the Acts of their own Inventions and Superstitions they can make a pardon under a hedge to themselves and Crake that they have received a pardon and Justification sealed under the Broad Seal of Heaven to them but it is against the glory of the King of Heaven and against the glory of the Son of God and his glorious Sufferings and their own Salvation 5 The Quakers are Papists in that Spirit of Infallibility which they arrogate to themselves pretending that the holy Spirit shall lead them into all Truth speak Immediately in 133 them c. though herein they differ the Pope infallibly expounds Scripture but the Quakers speaks Scripture and his word is Gospel c. yea all men have this Spirit and need no Teacher and yet what an horrible Contradictious noise is there of the Quakers Apostles Messengers Ministers Preachers He and she sent into Old-England and New-England Scotland Ireland Turky Italy to bid people hearken to the Immediate Spirit within 6. The Quakers are Papists in that high lofty Conceit of their Perfection when Calvins time this Spirit came from Hell under the name of Spirituals and when of latter years in Lancashire under the Name of Grindletonians all their Religion turned chiefly upon these two Hinges 1.
beginning or ending and is not this infinite in it self and more than all the World I know I have had better Opinions and better Reasons from these poor Natives of America then this poor self conceited God and Christ. G. Fox expresseth concerning the Soul and Spirit of Man what is here but a bruitish notion of the Spirit of man and a bruitish notion of the Eternal Power and Godhead Among the six or seven Opinions of the Soul of man this is one and one of the grossest viz. that Mans Soul is an efflux efflation that is a flowing or breathing out of the Essence of eternal and infinite Godhead This worst and most Blasphemous Opinion of the rest the old Serpent hath taught these Foxians in so much that these bewitched Souls say and print that this World is God and the Godhead manifest no variety of appearances and returning all again into the center of the Godhead in which they shew horrible ignorance and Blockishness in heavenly or earthly matters for reason tells us that Finites be innumberable and yet numerable in time but Infinite is but one The Quakers and Manicheans are but one in many particulars Manicheus held two infinite powers or princes One infinitely good the other infinitely as bad which they say is the reason in some Disputes I have had with them why God nor the Devil good nor evil gets the final victory one over another in this World But this notion of two infinite or boundless Beings is soon found simple and bruitish for an infinite or boundless Being cannot possibly receive a Neighbour a Competitiour or second infinite or boundless for then the second would terminate and bound the first and it self also and so not one infinite at all be granted Beware of Dogs saith Paul the Holy Spirit saith Cant. 2. beware of Foxes take us the foxes sure it is we are to sly from bruitish fellowship with them in these bruitish Fancyes so also to fly from these their brutish Barkings and Blasphemings against the infinitely Glorious and inconceivable Excellencies of God and among the rest his incomprehensible patience which could not bear such horrible provocations were not his patience himself infinite and incomprehen 149 sible Alas poor lump of clay and dust and ashes poor finite vapours we are that are so far from being infinite that in a sence we are infinitely Blocks and Beasts and not able to give a guess at what Infinity and an infinite Majesty and Godhead is I quoted Pag. 67. where against Fr. Higinson he saith Again thou makest a great Puddir that one should witnes he is equall with God G. Fox answers that the English Divines in their Catechisme say that Holy Ghost and the Son are equall in Power and Glory with the Father yet if any one come to witness the Son of God revealed in him or come to witness the Holy Ghost in them as they that gave out Scriptures to witness the mind of Christ and witness that equality with the Father that equality which you speak of you Priests destroy that which you have put forth to the Nation and cry out horrible Blasphemie I Reply let these horrible Blasphemous lines be examined and when the black and hellish juyce is prest out of them will it not be this viz. The Quakers say that they are equal in power and Glory with God the Father Son and Holy Spirit Pag. 182. I will adde to this Pag. 282. where G. Fox brings in Daniel Gaudry saying surely they cannot be perfect here nor hereafter in equality but in quality G. F. answers Christ makes no distinction in his words but saith be ye perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect and be you Merciful as he is and as he is so are we in this world c. I Reply whether it be G. Fox his Ignorance of the difference between Quality and Equality or whether it be his flinty Impudence or both sure I am there is an horrible monstrous Brat of hellish Blasphemy hatcht amongst them viz. that poor dust and ashes may not only by infinite Grace be like the King of Glory in Holiness c. but he may be and the Quakers are cheek by joll with him as great a King Prince and Monarch as he equal in Power Wisdome Goodness Iustice Holiness Mercy and all these Eternal Infinite and Incomprehensible G. Fox would not endure this in his own stinking Dignity and Preheminence for although he suffer his Inferiour and petty Saints to be like him in his pretended Holiness Goodness c. yet he is so great a Diotrephes and so jealous of his Crown that Humph. Norton himself must not dare to touch that simple Bable but himself and blind followers must all adore the Godhead and 150 none must dare to be equal or Corrival with him Unto this I adde Pag. 248. where G. Fox brings in an unnamed Author saying To say that God is substantially in man and essentially one with him can be no other but the Man of Sin the Devil himself hath transformed himself into an Angel of Light and if it were possible would deceive the very Elect. G. Fox Answers That God will dwell in man and the Saints had unity with the Father and the Son c. In which Answer it is plain 1. That G. Fox maintains that the Godhead is essentially and substantially in man 2. That his Proof is only some Mystical and figurative Expression as viz. of Gods dwelling in Man and walking in man c. whence he impiously ignorantly confounds that relative union by believing in the Son of God into an Essential or Union of Beings with the eternal Creator himself a Union of finite and temporal shadowes with the most Infinite and Eternal Creator of visible and vanishing and foolish dust with the invisible immortal and only wise God which no truly humble Soul can but tremble to hear and think of It is clear in these Passages 1. That the Quakers make themselves Father Son and Holy Spirit 2. They make no other work of Redemption on Iustification c. but what is wrought in their spirits minds and fancyes called within them 3. They make no other state of Heaven Resurrection Iudgment or Life to come then is in them and their Bodyes at present Now concerning their bold and blasphemous ascending into the Throne of God we shall hear a little more in G. Fox making no Distinction between the Father and the Son with that known Heretick Sabellius and 2. In his making no distinction between Christ Jesus himself and his Saints or Believers in him In Pag. 246. He brings in Christopher Wade saying God the Father never took upon him humane Nature G F. answers God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself And art ignorant of the great mystery God manifest in the slesh and his name is called the everlasting Father As for the word Humane which is from the
a greater pride then the Quakers have exprest and would aspire unto although many truly humble Souls may be captivated amongst them I have here two mighty Fields to expatiate and walk in viz. The pride of Christ Iesus his pretended triple-crowned Vicar and the pride of the new Papists pretending to be Christ himself of which the holy Spirit speaketh There is a Generation oh how lofty are their eyes and their eye lids are lifted up In publick Discourse I knew I was but to take a short turn of a quarter of an hour I am now at more liberty of inserting what I intended but was forced to abbridge wlth all possible brevity at that time I told them there was a pride in outward and external things in Parentage in Person in Beauty Strength Wit Aparrel Houses Money Shipping Land Cattle Offices Relations c. this I now past by All these like Diogenes on Platoes carpets the Quakers say they tread on c. There was 2. the devils pride and the devils Condemnation a pride in Spiritual Knowledg spiritual Gifts spiritual Priviledges and Excellencies This was the Devils Break-neck and will be 163 of the Popes and Quakers and of all that aspire to the Eternal power and Godhead for God or they must fall to all eternity I named then diverse Parallels between the Popes and Quakers I will now name all I can remember I named and will name some more at this present First The Popes have exalted themselves above all that is called God above all Civill powers Kings and Princes riding upon their backs disposing of their Crowns making them lead their horses hold their stirrups kiss their toes yea lye down under their feet bodyes and souls and submit their neck to this abominable foot of pride as the Scripture calls it As to the Quakers they know it is not yet time to put on the Lions and the Eagles but the Sheeps and the Foxes Skin but no man need question that if God should please to let loose the Quakers spirit to the full length of its tedder as he hath done that of the Popes the spirit of the Quakers would scorn to come behind the pope For who sees not how at the first fledging and creeping out of the Shell how they boast and vapour of their numbers We said W. E. to me in publick at Newport are a great People many thousands in England many thousands in London besides Virginia Barbados N-England and other places what would they say and doe if they had the popes Universality and could boast of the many Waters Peoples Nations Tongues and Multitudes upon which the Whore sitteth Beside W. E. a man fit to make a Bonefacius or a Hildebrand Iohn Stubs also though of a more prudent and moderate spirit was up with the same boasting of their Numbers and all of them are ready to cry up their Diana whome all Asia and the world worshippeth But 2. In their first creeping like Hercules out of the Cradle how doth this Spirit dare the Spirits of Kings and Keyfars and Popes themselves under the pretence of Translations and acceptations of words to Thou and Thee to the faces of mighty Monarchs with what Brasen Faces have they addrest the Royal presence of our Gracious Dread Soveraign without either bowing the knee or baring the Head signs of English reverence and civility and this out of an horrible and lying pretence that Christs amity even in Civil things respecteth no mans person that they may trample as Gods on all man-kinde c. 164 3. I can say what mine eyes and ears have seen and heard viz. our Honoured and Aged Mr. Nicholas Easton Governour of this Colony under his Majesty offering to speak once and twice in our late Contests at Newport and no question would have spoke for the Quakers against me yet Pope Edmundson put forth his hand imperiously toward the Governour saying Whist Whist which whisting and silencing Language if they use to their Friends in Authority what will they say or Thunder to their Enemies if ever they get up into the Papal Chair 2. The Pope sits in the Temple of God as over the Churches and Consciences of the Christian Name and Worship giving Canons and Decretals to be observed by all Christian People on peril of loss of Earth and Heaven c. And do not their new Popes not regarding as the Apostles and Bereans the Holy Scripture lay on the common Quakers Consciences and Congregations their Decrees t is true G. Fox in his Book in Folio gives the immediate Spirit of Infallibility to all his Saints yet must they in a ridiculous contradiction sit still possest with a Dumb Devil except some He or She Apostle come amongst them who send word of their coming to call the Country in many dayes before and seem to have a Command of their Diabolical Spirit more then other Quakers have though they as I said before in a ridiculous Contradiction ascribe it unto all their Saints and Quakers Thus did Humphrey Norton a Pope in his day in these parts overtopping and rating W. Brand at Newport he confirmed the Decree for the weekly Meetings not only on the first dayes but on the week dayes at Newport and Providence he ordered their sitting and departing Dumb unless a He or She Apostle came amongst them he left in writing which I can produce an overthrow of all civil Order and Government except in the hands of his Saints entituling his Paper thus the Saints Law and the Sinners Law as G. Fox his decree under the title of the Law G. Fox succeeds as Pope Humph. Norton in these parts and being angry with his Predecessour as some Popes have been he lets loose the Dumb Devil and gives Liberty to all to speak as the Spirit gives them utterance this shews what a lying Spirit of Unity they boast of such an one was in Nailors business though they most proudly deny Unity to all but to themselves as 165 the Papists do G. Fox also gave forth his Decree of loosing them from that bruitish and doggid Behaviour which W. Brand and Humphrey Norton left them in and by Word and Example commanded them to be more sociable and manlike so that many of them will speak in Salutations and shew some reverence by bowing the Heads or uncovering it as Fox himself did after his Sermon at Providence uncovering his Head and bowing to the People and passing through the midst of them his Hat in his hand with much respect and civility And he blames those as I hear which violently and madly have flung themselves upon unnecessary temptations and dangers whence follows in the eyes of the whole World that either the latter or the former Spirit was not Gods and perfect and the Spirit of Unity of which they childishly so crake and vapour as the chiefest Flower in their Crown of Pride 3. The Pope lifts up himself as God over
as a Merit or Desert for the pardon of their sin for though they both Sophistically and Hypocritically mention the Blood of Christ yet they count the business of this Christ as the Pope said but a Fable and indeed and truth through the Pride of their high spirits they think God is beholding to them I have spoken to this already and of that devilish Pride of their being without sin yet in this Doctrine of perfection the Quakers exceed the Doctrine of the Papists for generally the popes attribute this purity but to some of their rare Saints And 2. Generally the Popes themselves confess themselves to be sinners 3. They give respect and civill honour to all estates although in Spirituals and Civills too they overtop them But the high and lofty Devill of the Quakers pride transcends all this G. Fox makes all his Saints born of God that literally expounded they cannot commit sin yea G. Fox tells us that the Saints that is his Foxians are as holy and perfect as God not only like to God in quality but in equality also They have the fulness of the Godhead in them bodily That the mystery of godlinefs is God manifest in their flesh Hence he saith there is no distinction between God and Christ and the Spirit and themselves Hence it follows that they are the Father Son and Holy Spirit which by Devilish Chymistry they can prove and that they are the Three that bare Record in Heaven and the Three that bare Record in Earth The Scripture is within them They made it and all that they say and do is Scripture what they say God saith what they advise God adviseth what they do God doth c. It is true this is not believed no not by some Novices among them but this and more many of their lying Foul mouths Books express which may make a Soul that is truly humble to quake and 169 rend his heart at such Blasphemy the first Perfectist in these parts was one H. B. who came from Boston to Providence who affirmed that what he spake God spake what counsel he gave God gave c. It pleased God to leave him though a subtle man to ridiculous Folly amognst us and at Barbadoes and London since to worse practices as commonly God punisheth such height of Pride even in this present life before Death seize upon them I remember while we were declaring their proud Disrespect to all men Iohn Stubs said That it was their practice to pay tribute to Caesar and to give Honour to whome Honour belonged And I answered to this effect that it was against their Principles and practices to shew respect to any mans Person in the World As for tribute they paid none but what necessity and policy forced them to and notoriously backward here But they knew that I and G. Fox knew and all the world might know out of Fox his Writings that the Quakers are the Higher powers the Dignityes the Most High God and ought to have all Honour and Tribute paid to them by all the whole Creation T is true there seems to be a Change and some relenting and Giving of the Weather in G. Fox his own practice of Courtesie and others from him but while they own what G. Fox hath written and that he writ it with a perfect spirit I say untill they do make some Recantation or Retractation or shew the Reasons why they doe not H. Norton who keeps more plainly to his Principles is to windward of them and the Foxians do but strip themselves naked to be more derided and scorned as the more notorious Iuglers and Dissemblers We came easily with their Good-will to the 4th Position of the latter seven which they read out of the Paper as willing to be out of ther pain viz The Religion of the Quakers is more obstructive and Destructive to the Conversion and Salvation of Soules of People than most of Religions that are at this day extant in the World I said for the proof of this it was requisite to take a short view of Religions and Worships in the world We knew that the Sons of Men were justly divided all the world over into two Sorts First The wild and Pagan whome God hath permitted to run about the world as wild Beasts all this great fourth Part of the World and in some of the other three 170 They acknowledge a great supream God and Deity Maker of all things yet they acknowledge as other famous Civilized Nations formerly have done that there be many other Petty-Gods and Deityes in Heaven and Earth yea within their own Bodies yea whatever is extraordinary excellent or strange to them they are presently apt to ascribe a Deity unto it though it be but Beast Fowle c. and say it is a God It is commonly known that as their garments hang loose about their Bodyes so hangs their Religion about their Souls So that to my knowledge they are so far from hindring any to come to God that when they have seen the grave and solemn Worship of the English they have often said of themselves and their own that they are all one Dogs in comparison of the English The second sort of men are the Civill brought to Cloaths to Lawes c. from Barbarisme these also the infinite Wisdome of God have pleased to leave to variety of wayes of Worshipping the Heavenly Majesty Amongst others we find four most known and eminent First The Iewish Worship famous from Gods own appointment by Moses c. 2. The Turkish famous for spreading from Mahomet to most of thirteen parts of thirty in the World 3. The Popish famous for spreading over Europe and other western parts of the world 4. The Protestant famous for so wonderfull a Revolt and Seperation from the Popish All these four profess one God and supream Deity but they differ in two things 1. In the Prophet or Meanes by whome God speaks to man the Iews cry up Moses the Turks Mahomet the Papists the Pope the Protestants Christ Iesus in the Scriptures The second great difference is in the Form of Worship which every one of these four great Partyes practice in various and different wayes as they are perswaded Our selves the Protestants are divided into two Partyes The first is entituled Episcopal and Presbyterian in Parochyal or Parishional Assemblyes The second is Seperate from those National and Parochyal Assemblyes some more some less and those are now known to be First the People called Independants 2. The people called Baptists We that pretend the Christian Name against the Iewes and the 171 Mahumetans we mainly differ 1. In matter of Doctrine as Repentance Faith c. 2. Of Worship Discipline c. And we generally agree that as the Mahumetan and Iewish Worship have little in them to tempt a Soul to turn into them compar'd with the Christian so those Christians that differ each from other in point
fit to be thought on as to pretence of the Christian Name and Religion 9. At the coming of the Lord Jesus there were two great Com 19 petitours for preaching First the Pharisees who by Laud and Sea sent abroad their Emissaries to make Converts to the God of the Jews and their own Traditions Secondly The Apostles or Messengers of Christ Jesus sent abroad with the glad news of a new Bargain or Covenant of God with the Sons of men viz. this second sort It pleased the God of Heaven not to be thrown out as this Fox frantickly barks but to go out wonderfully miraculously yea also with the private labours and preachings of private Christians scattered by Persecution as the holy Scripture recordeth 10. For the slighting of this inestimable Pearl of this glad News or Gospel published by God to the World by writing preaching professing Suffering c. It hath pleased his Infinite Justice to plough the World with Popery a Religion a bastard Christianity suited as the Quakers is to rotten nature and fit to carry the world after them as Mahomet and the Pope have done 11. In this day the two greatest wonders in the world pretending to be Christs Messengers or Apostles to the Nations are the Jesuits and the Quakers Their Faces look divers but they both carry Firebrands in their Tails to burn up the holy Scripture all truly holy Christians yet all the world before them Gods Infinite wisdome hath suffered them to be like Absolom beautiful and plausible and fit to play Soul Thieves and steal away the hearts of thousands and ten thousands from the true David the Lord Jesus Christ. Beside they are so fortified with the Faces of Men and hair of Women like the Locusts Rev. 9. such pretences such Illuminations and Appearances such Assurances and Confidences such feelings of Experiences that it is Gods Infinite Power and wisdome and goodness to preserve the holy Scripture a standing Record of what the first Messengers and first Churches and first Doctrine and Christians were or else the world would fall down and adore the Images which the Lord hath suffered the Devil in them to set up 12. I know the Counsels of the Father of Lights are very deep yea the Revelation needs a Revelation the Prophecies and Canticles and Daniel need Heavenly Messengers and the most holy Spirit or finger of God to untie such knots Sure it is that Millions 20 of Jews and Gentiles must yet enquire with tears of blood after the Blood of a Saviour Sure they shall not awake out of their pits of Rottenness without some means Messengers sent from Heaven to rouze and wak●n them Sure their shall be no other words in their Mouths then what were in the mouths of the first Messengers according to the Prayer of the Lord Jesus on his Death bed to his Father through whose Word all that have believed the report ever since have believed Ioh. 17 and with which blessed word the Spirit of God will be in the mouths of all true Christians Isai. 59. 20. c. Surely the true Messengers of Jesus will say no other word then what Moses and the Prophets foretold and wrought Act. 26. therefore Fox and his Foxians that tells us they have all by the Spirit and need no Record are Thieves and Robbers whom Moses and the Prophets and Paul and the Apostles abhor'd to think of A 11. Instance is in Pag. 40. where G. Fox brings in I. Deacon saying The enjoyment of Immortulity is not till they have put off the Body He Answers Contrary to the Apostles Doctrine who saith Immortality was brought to light through the Gospel this was when they were upon the Earth and the Word of God was in them which was Immortal 1. I Reply First G. Fox affirms an Immortality that is a not dying of the Soul and Body As for the Soul all true Protestants affirm that the Soul once raised up to Spiritual Life never dyes no more than Christ Jesus Rom. 6. as for the Body Papists and Protestants and the Quakers and all the World grants that all Flesh is as grass c. and the Sentence of Death by sickness Age or Casualty is impartially executed upon the Foxians as well as other C●ttel As to the Soul who of sober Papists or Protestants questions the Immortality of it and of the Body also in joy or Sorrow to Eternity As for the Body the Quakers say when the Soul is gone into God yea the Soul of Iudas as well as the Soul of Peter as some of them say and all of them by Argument will be forced to say the Body returns to Earth and Rottenness never more to be raised and no more then Bodies of the Beasts Birds and Fishes though we know who holds the Bodies of Beasts Birds and Fishes shall live again as the Soul mortalists do what is it then 21 that G. Fox sputters out for Immortality or a not dying in this Life If he speak of the Soul who denies it If of the Body he speaks a Beastly Contradiction to the doleful Sense of all mankind and their own also who die and rot as well as them 2. It is true 1 Tim. 6. God only hath Immortality dwelling in the Light which no man can approach unto what ever these Foxians bruitishly fancy of no distinction between God and themselves their Light and his It is true yet also that Iesus Christ 2 Tim● 1. hath brought Life and Immortality to Light through the Gospel But what is this but the joyful Condition of the Souls Bodies of the godly their Souls and Bodies raised up with Jesus to a Spiritual holy Life in this World their Souls going to Jesus and their Bodies sleeping in Iesus and the rising of their Bodies and uniting to their Spirits in a Life Eternal 3. As to this Immortality of G. Fox all that can be known of his mind is old H. Nichols and the Nicolaitans mad fictions and fancies of their becoming God and Christ. I hope charitably of many of them that run in their Simplicity Ignorance and weakness with a true Love to the true Lord Jesus as some did with Absalom who truly loved David but as for Absolom himself the Polititians the subtle Plotters and Ahitophels who love not the true Lord Jesus in sincerity I fear instead of their fancied Immortality before the Grave they will meet with a dreadful Mortality or death of Soul and Body to Eternity A 12. Instance is Pag. 47. where he brings in Ioseph Miller saying The wise heathen Philosophers had a greater Measure of Light in them which is the first Adam then I can think any man hath now G. Fox Answ. which shews that he knows nothing of Christ the second Adam the quickning Spirit He knows no New Creature for who are in Christ are new Creatures nor none of Christ the Covenant of God of Light
of Life of Peace who was glorified with the Father before the World began which is beyond the first Adam and hath shut himself forth not to be as high as his heathen Philosophers And many witness Christ in them in this Age as in the dayes of the Apostles which is above the heathen Philosophers I Reply 1. I know it pleased God in all Ages to stir up the Spirits of some Men as the Philosophers amongst the Greeks 22 Socrates Plato Aristotle to improve that excellent Light of Reason which he had given them as Men and in so great a measure above other men 2. This wily Fox he runs to his hole and Confounds this Common Light of Reason with Christ and God himself who also are called Light by Similies from the Creature 3. The Question then follows If this Light of Knowledge were Christ as God and King and Mediatour why is it that none of these excellent Men knew nothing of God nor Christ nor Spirit Name nor Thing but only of the first Creation Can such a Court be kept a Palace furnished and such Royal and heavenly Guests be entertaind and no Body know any thing of it nor themselves neither when Christ Jesus came into Ierusalem though but in a poor Contemptible way all Iorusalem was moved at his coming and shall this most glorious King now Infininitely more glorious make his Ingress into the Souls of such wise and Excellent Men and neither they nor others hear of it until just now twenty years since Some cheated Souls dream of it 4. The utmost of Reason in these Excellent Men it is known I say that the Activity of the highest Reason in this World falls short in two grand particulars 1. As to the Creatures For some of them must needs fall short when Plato granted a Creation and a kind of Father Son and Holy Spirit in the Creation of it Aristotle pretends to see further then his Mr. Plato and all his Arguments and asserts the World to have no Beginning nor Ending c. Some of them maintaind the Soul of man to be procreated by the Parents others as the Quakers that it was part of the Divine Essence others that it is created and infused by God c. Some that the Center of the World is the Terrestrial Globe and that the Sun and heavenly Bodies move about it others that the Ceuter of the world is the Sun and that this Terrestrial Globe moves about the Sun and many other such natural Mysteries 2. However that Paul tells us Rom 1. That by the Creation some come to know there is an Eternal Power and Godhead yet 1 Cor. 1. he tells us that the World by wisdome knew not God which must be expounded or else swallow a Contradiction as the Quakers guise is viz. that by the highth of their wisdome 23 they could not see God so as to make him alone their Summum bonum and Blessedness so as to glorify him as God So as the holy Scriptures and the most holy Son of God from his Bosome hath revealed him so that in the highth of Reasons Reasonings the Spirit of God concludes that the natural man can not reach or perceive the things of God and yet this foolish Man makes every mans heart in the World the Court of Heaven a thing which every Kingdom and all men may abhor to think of but men are vain in all their Reasonings and their foolish heart is darkned yea their wisdome is Enmity hating God himself as the Scripture concludes c. It is true We re read of Noah Ark of Moses his Tabernacle Solomon his Temple and we see many glorious Fabricks and Works of the Sons of men in his world which argue excellent Gifts of God to them both of wisdome Prudence Fortitude Patience Temperance c. but do they all amount in the Total to more then Natural parts good Education and Industrious diligence can reach too What are all these to the enlightning of my Soul with my natural undone and damned Condition to a sight of Sin as Sin to a sight of my utter Inability to pay or all the whole Creation for me one farthing to Gods Justice or to work my desire to have any thing to do with him What are these to the changing of and a total turning of my whole Soul unto God to an humble sight of my Infinite necessity of the alone Sufficiency and Excellency of the Lord Jesus the great and only Mediatour and of my becoming one with him in Loves Eternal Beside what a single Consequence doth this high Illuminiated Doctor give to his Opposite viz. that because I magnify the Gifts of God to many yea thousands of Excellent Men whom I nor G. Fox are worthy to hold the Candle to therefore I shut my self out from Christ and those wise men too It may be his Opposite had somewhat more in his Assertion but this is all this high wise man in his own eyes prints and Answers to Who knows not how full the World is of admirable Men and Women that are not Christians And yet what a base esteem hath this proud Spirit of all men yea of all Christians too that dance not after his foolish pipe c. A 13th Instance I mention though Instances are as Leprosie spread over his whole Book is in pag. 48. where he brings in the 24 same Ioseph Miller saying The Prophets are more certain then any other Revelation He Answers was not the Son of God revealed the end of the Prophets Did not God reveal him which came in the Volume of the Book to do the will of God And so the Prophets and the Law and Types and shadows which they that had the Law and Types and shadows knew not the Son of God that was revealed that was their End spoken of in the Prophets end Epistles who is now revealed I Reply G. Fox to pass by his un-English Nonsence obvious to any that understand publick writings I say G. Fox either ignorantly or willingly knows not that the Question is not here whether Christ be the End of the Law and the Prophets in a true sense or whether Christ was not more revealed at his coming in the Flesh then before in the Prophecies c. But whether the written word of the Prophets of which Peter speaks and I have spoke before be not a more sure word of Command and Comfort to us then any now to be expected yea then that Revelation which we have upon that holy Testimony of Peter and Iohn themselves As it is with an Anchor strong enough to ride a Ship in most weathers yet some are as the Seamen spake second and third Bowers and one the best and Sheet Anchor and as it is in Witnesses some speak the Truth and Substance of the matter and yet others speak more plainly and fully c. So speaks Gods Spirit in Peter of the Infinite Fulness of the
Prophecies of Scriptures or the written foretellings and utterings concerning Jesus Christ. Thus the God of Heaven most holy and only wise stoops to our weakness and calls his mind his word his works his word his Providences of mercy or Judgement his Word the Lord Jesus his only begotten his word his writings his Word and this in a way of Condescention to our Capacity seeing that all the World over Kings and Rulers Fathers Masters of Families of Ships c. give the word that is the manifestation of their mind and will and this as the Spring in Clocks and watches turn about all other wheels and motions Hence it is that if ancient Records and Deeds with Hands and Seals be produced at the Bar of Trial all mouths are stopt at such Evidences Thus the Word of God in the mouths of the Prophets written for after Generations is Comparatively beyond the Report of Peter 25 and Iohn themselves is in all Religions The Iews have their Talmud the Turks their Alcheron the Pope his Decretans and the Protestants the Written Word or Scriptures When therefore a Pardon is written and Sealed with the Board Seal of a King or State what a fancy is it for a condemned Wretch to hearken first to a Pardon revealed within to a voice within to a King within to a Writing within a Seal within and so slighting the true pardon in the Kings way to be conveyed from without to the Mind and Spirit within to lose his Pardon and Deliverance as thousands of such poor cheated Souls must do A 14 Instance G Fox brings in Pag. 49. his Opposite Ralph Hall saying It is against the Light of Nature for Women to Preach c. G. Fox Answers Contrary to the Apostles Doctrine and the mind of God and the Prophets who said God would pour out of his Spirit upon all Flesh and his Sons and Daughters should Prophesie So that he is a limiter of the Holy one a quencher of the Spirit and in the Darkness and this is above the Light of Nature I Reply First What is the Light of Nature but the Light in which every man comes into the World with as the Foxians speak a Light differing from that Light which Beasts wilde and tame and Birds and Fishes have And a Second Light differing from what is Supernatural as that Light revealed from Heaven in the Holy Scriptures and infused into the Souls of Men by the Holy Spirit or Power of God 2. What is the Light of Nature in Man but that Order which the most Glorious Former of all things hath set like Wheeles in Clocks or Watches a going in all his Creatures Some have observed that in the Insensible Creatures to which the most High hath only giving Beings that there may be observed a Male and Female amongst them This is more observable in Vegetables or growing Creatures as in Plants Trees Herbs Flowers c. More yet in Sensitives as Birds Beasts Fishes Most of all in Rationals Men and Women whom the most High hath so wonderfully distinguished It is true that in Religious and Christian Matters there is no 26 respect of persons with God as of Man before the Woman otherwise than to order Natural and Civil The Woman is Predestinated is Called is Justified is Glorified and wears that Golden Chain as well as the Wisest and Strongest of Mankinde And it is true the Wisdome of God perfers some Women before thousands of Men in their being born of Nobles in excellent parts as is observable in the Lady Iane and Queen Elizabeth c. in some special favour as Christ Jesus first appearing to Mary Magdalen and other Women and sending them to carry the first Tydings or Gospel of his Resurrection to his Apostles yea in effusions or powrings forth of an extraordinary measure of his Spirit before Christs coming as on Miriam Deborah Anna Huldah c. and at his coming according to Ioels Prophesie on his Daughters as well as his Sons so that as my opposites alledged to me in publick Philip the Evangelist had four Daughters thus extraordinarily end●wed yet this favour of God toward Women destroys not the order which the God of Order or Nature hath set in those Bounds and Limits and Distinctions between the Male and Female the Man and Woman though the Holy Scripture were silent yet Reason and Experience tell us that the Woman is the weaker Vessel that she is more fitted to keep and order the House and Children c. that the Lord hath given a covering of longer Hair to Women as a sign or teacher of covering Modesty and Bashfulness Silence and Retiredness and therefore not so fitted for Manly Actions and Employments Therefore because of Ioels Prophesie or because we must not limit or quench the Spirit as G. Fox saith there is no ground in Gods ordinary course of Nature to permit Women to pretend to be Apostles or Messengers to the Nation or Preachers and Teachers in the Publick Assemblies 1. Because we finde no such Commission given by Christ Jesus or any such Practice amongst the first Believers 2. The Lord hath set as Seamen speak a preventer to such an unnatural boldness by express Prohibitions with the Reasons and Grounds to the Corinthians and to Timothy and to answer those Scriptures with a flam viz. that Eve the Transgressor and Women that be Tatlers are forbidden and the Woman Iezebel 27 c. is all one to tell us that Paul was not a Man nor Timothy a Man nor the Teachers Men nor Corinth a City but all signifie Metaphorical and Mystical Business 3. Why may not Women much more be Lord Majors and Bailiffs and Sherriffs and Iustices and Constables Captains Colonels Generals and Commanders by Sea and Land 4. That Reason the Spirit gives to the Corinthians for the vailing of Women in publick Assemblies makes much more for their vailing and silence in matters of Prophesying Preaching and Praying viz. Because of the Angels I know not any fair and sober Exposition of this Scripture except as the blind Quakers who swallow down a fly Camel too but that of the Heavenly Angels and Spirits attending on and guarding the Assemblies of true Christians and rejoycing in the comliness order and beauty of their publick Administrations Some few years since there came to my House two Maries it is said they came from London they bid me Repent and Hearken to the Light within me I prayd them ●o sit down that we might quietly reason together they would not then standing I askt them the ground of their such Travel and Employment they alledged Ioels Prophesie I answered that was fulfilled that was not every dayes work besides their business was not Prophetical but Apostolical c. they regarded not my Answers nor Admonitions but powred the Curses and Judgements of God against me and hurried away to Barbadoes they went and being War
what G. Fox and his so often 39 Clamour that the Kingdome of God consists in or its Nature is in Righteousness and Peace and Ioy in the holy Spirit as opposite to the Kingdome in the Pharisees and all Hipocrites and prophane c. as Hell to Heaven 5. The thing is so notoriously childish and ridiculous c. that a King should affirm he was an actual King in his Enemies Country where the whole is up in Arms against him Or for a Lamb to say he was amongst the Wolves and held his Government in them Or that a man pretending Love to a Woman in way of marriage should boldly affirm though she abhord to hear of the motion yet that he was in her Heart and Affections as an Husband Lord c. It is true the motions of War and Love are made and offerd from the King warring and the man suing but that their motions and Commands that is Government and Kingdome should be in them is nothing but impious and impudent and childish prating The 20th Instance is in pag. 75. where G. Fox brings in Thomas Weld c. saying How clear the Scripture is that Faith comes by hearing and not by minding the Light within He Answers Doth any man know Christ but by the Light within And is not Christ the Word And can any see without Christ the Word Doth it not make ●anifest Nay doth it not give the Light of the knowledge of God in the face of Iesus Christ read 2 Cor. 4. 1. from whence Faith comes and so F●ith comes by minding the Light within Christ the Author of it and brings to look at him and hear him I Reply mine eyes have seen a poor distracted aged woman walking in State boasting of her Majesty Iewels and Crown with a Straw in her hand for her Scepter c. and thus doth this poor mad Soul walk even like Nebuchadnezzar upon his Babel All is Christ and he is Christ Christ is Faith and all c therefore 1. He slights this so known and unquestionable Record Faith comes by hearing and that heavenly Chain of Diamonds Rom. 10. concerning true Salvation true worshipping true praying true believing true preaching true sending which holy writing or Record Fox dares not seriously and impartially and in the fear of the most High consider as to the various means and wayes of Gods sending unto man 2. For all G. Fox his Scepter of Straw his mad fancy of a 40 Light that works Faith c. I ask what Faith is and if it be not First a believing the Gospel or Glad News to be true Secondly a receiviving of it and believing in it mine own particular As First that a pardon is certainly come Secondly that my Name is in it my deliverance and Salvation is wrapt up in it The great King of Heaven like Ahashuerosh his Ange● is ev●r now he hath thoughts of marriage Loves and Ioyes and Secondly I though a poor Captive Iew poor Esther I am she his Eye hath fixt on and his Soul delights in 3dly I askt what preaching is but the publishing or divulging telling or declaring what the Word or mind or will of the King Eternal is which he hath revealed or declared to the Patriarchs Moses and the rest of his Prophets or Messengers from the beginning of the World And what said the Apostles or Messengers of Christ Jesus declare but what Moses and the Prophets did say should come to pass Act. 26. which all was Scripture Was not this Proclamation of Good News or a pardon to be made over all the World and the first proclaiming of it to be at Ierusalem Luke 24. And was there not to be four sorts of Hearers of this glad News 4. That receive and believe with a false and overly and loose and sandy Belief A fourth only with a deep and rockie Belief closing and uniting to God Thus the men of Samaria told the woman that they did not believe because of her word that must be taken Comparatively for the Hearing from her this glad News was he first means of their believing but because they had heard Christ themselves 5. I know these poor Foxians do hear a kind of Motion within them but it is but as poor women that go with false Conceptions with Tympanies of wind and water or with the mola that will resemble the Motion of a true Child but after all their thoughts and fancies by day and night after all their seeming feellings perswasions Experiences and preparations this false Conception false Faith false Christ false Light shall vanish in shame and grief as did Queen Maries after the Thanksgivings and Ringings for her deliverance 6. For my self I dare these self Confidents to particularize any one Scripture where the Spirit of God directs any poor Soul to listen and hearken to a Light and voice within him affirming that 41 this is the Hearing by which Faith is wrought I dare them to clear Candidly and solidly this 10. to the Rom. wherein as in the 8th is the Golden Chain of Election c. so in this 10th Chap. the Golden Chain of the means of praying preaching c. 3. I ask for some sollid Instances where Souls have been truly Converted the whole Soul unto God by any such Notion and not by some External means and outward hearing of this glad News and Gospel 4. I ask if it be not a ridiculous Contradiction in them to fill the World with the sound of their new and only preachers He Apostles and she Apostles c. 5. I ask if this Light within without and opposite to the hearing without which is the question be the means of Faith how is it possible that so many serious Enquiring men in all Ages should not perceive a breath of this wind no not in their own bosomes and that famous Paul should be Conscientiously and fully perswaded that he ought to do many things against Christ Jesus c. If it be said Paul had not only the Light within him but he had heard of the Doctrine of Christ and of his Followers he heard Stephens Sermon and yet he believed not and therefore it is Grace doth all I Answer this is something but reacheth not home for if all the men in the world have this Light which is s●fficient without hearing why should not some especially the wise and Enquirours c. perceive it or something of it as Paul did not until he had heard something and because God had a purpose to make Extraordinary use of him an Extraordinary hand from Heaven humbling and preparing him to publish or preach unto the Nations The 21 Instance is in pag. 80. where G. Fox brings in Tho. Pollard saying To say the Officers of the Church are Invisible It is plain of their Father the Devil He Answers The Holy Ghost made the Officers of the Church Overseers and that made the Officers the
Overseers to be Invisible for they saw with an Invisible Eye and so they was in the Spirit which is Invisible and not in the Flesh else they could not be Overseers in the Church of God and you are the visible apostatiz'd from them I Reply This is one of the most impudent Fooleries that either Fox or as the Proverb is any Dog could be impudent in For First 42 1. He acknowledgeth a publick Assembly of Christians as well as of other pretending Worsh ppers Turks Iews c. Also he acknowledgeth the Ministers Officers and Overseers of their Assemblies 2. His Reason is notoriously silly and impudent viz. because the Church is in God and the Overseers are made by the holy Spirit For are the secret works of God alwayes secret and never revealed The Child in the Wombe the precious Stones and Minerals when brought forth are no more Invisible then the Sun in the Firmament 3. The Christian profe●●ion and professours however they were wrought and prepared and by divers means by Gods Spirits yet the Lord Jesus compares them to the most visible Conspicuous and glorious things and persons To the Sun and Moon in the Heavens and the Heavens and Stars also to Mountains and Cities on those Hills or Mountains To Kings To their houses and Palaces yea to Armes with Banners c. 4. Although the Lord Major of London and the several Officers of the City are not made and ordained in the public Streets nor Generals and other Officers appointed by his Majesty c. are they not therefore visible because their making and appointing was not Solemnized and performed in Cheapside c. 5. It is most true and most sweet that the Church is in God c. and is it not also true that in one Sense we live in God and move in God have our Being in God and yet the whole Creation is gloriously visible in another Sence the Saints their Assemblies and Officers are in God visible to the world abundantly though in an heavenly and spiritual Sence transcending the Being of the first Creation 6. G. Fox denies not but that although the first Churches were in God and the Officers of the Church and some of them were appointed immediately yet they were visible and audible by those with whom they Conversed 7. Yea G. Fox and his Foxians for all their being in God and some of their proud and silly Answerings in Courts that they live in God and dwell in God yet they disowne not their own visible Congregatings and Assemblings their visible Teachers Overseers or Bishops their visible and audible performances and Worships praying preaching singing c. and w●y then doth this 43 poor notoriously visible Cheatour thus prate of Invisibilities especially in times of peace and not in Elias Case The 22 Instance is in pag 84. where G. Fox brings in his opposite Magnus Byne saying The Scriptures may be understood by the help of Tongues He Answers All Scripture was given forth by Inspiration and so without the same Inspiration it is not understood again Pilate had the Tongues yet did not understand the Scripture nor Christ the Substance of it And this you have set up since the Apostacy your Tongues you Raveners from the Spirit I Reply First I make use of G. Fox his Confession viz. that all Scripture is inspired c. therefore say I he Consesseth that every word Syllable and Tittle in that Scripture or writing is the Word or immediate revealed will of God against his and his Foxians common Song hath God any more words but one 2. As to the Scriptures the understanding of them is threefold First Literal who understands not Thou shalt not kill Thou shalt not Steal c. The second is Metaphorical as I am the Dore I am the Bread c. The third is saving and Spiritual when it pleaseth God to set home the heavenly Commands Promis●s c. in particular Soul Application 3. I observe the End of G. Fox and especially of the old Serpent and Fox that acts him It is to destroy the coming of Gods holy Records and writings to poor lost men to their Salvation that he may foist and whisp in what his hellish malice pleaseth to their Damnation For if no knowledge of the Tongues in which the most wise and most holy Lord pend his Letters or writing to us then no preaching of the Doctrine in them to the world witout some new miraculous way then no translating and reading of them which is that the Devil in all Ages and at this day aims at with all his might 4. I therefore charge upon this proud Ignoramus and all his blind Disciples and Followers the horrible Crime of Unthankfulness and Ingratitude for were it not for Tindal burnt to ashes and other heavenly Spirits set on work from Heaven to dig out the knowledge of the Hebrew and the Greek and to turn it into French Dutch English and now praised be God into the very 44 Indian Language of this Country how would these Seraphical Doctors know whether there were such a Creation of Heavens and Earth or of man and his wife which we now so talk of I put this question once to a Soul in this Country who told me although they had no English Scripture Gods Spirit would teach them Greek and Hebrew but I can declare to any that ask me the dreadful End of that party 5. I Charge upon this Foxian party the horrible Crime of a proud Laziness for not studying the Original Languages themselves It is a shameful Trade and deceitful when persons have mony in their hands to take up all on trust I have known very Eminent Men and Women Independants and Baptists give themselves up to serious study of the Hebrew Language I never knew any of the Foxian Spirits so inclind but according to the Lazie fool under the Fig-Tree which I have seen in an Embleme almost threescore year since they lie down and cry Sweet Figs drop down in yielding w●se For Lazie will not let me rise 6. I Judge that G. Fox and his wild Spirit can not prove that Pilate had the Hebrew Greek and Latin for though he caused by an heavenly finger of God such a Title to be set up in the three then most known Languages Hebrew Greek and Latin yet he himself might have no knowledge of any more then the Latin which was his Mother Romane Tongue As a Book seller may deal in Books of Hebrew Greek Latin French Dutch Italian Spanish c. and yet understand no more then his Mother English 7. I know the Devil abounds with Tongues and can speak all Languages and I know and have seen his Inspirations and three thousands verses in sh●w very heavenly inspir'd by him in an English woman of this Country who had no such skill ex tempore They were taken and written from her mouth and I have read them and
mankind of many due respects and favorable glaunces of Gods care of order and prudent distinctions and differences amongst the Sons of men in Families Cities Nations Armies Navies c. 3. Sure he can not but remember and his own and all the Light in the Quakers if seriously minded will tell them that 54 in robbing all the world of their several due moderate and sober Titles and Respects they do but by a jugling Hocas pocas a back dore c. rob all others of their points Ribbons and Laces wherewithal only to adorn and trim and trick their foolish selves Just as the Popish party practice to cry up their Pope servus servorum Dei and yet be Domine fac totum your holiness c. and yet the Pope and Papists herein out shoot the Quakers for the Papists give all men their Civil and Courteous different Respects and Acknowledgements which the dogged and scornful Quakers are far from their Spirit being prouder then the Papists 4. G. Fox knows how others of his Adversaries have in print told him that the English word Master Answers to many words in the Greek Kathegerese Didarkalos c. and that these words Rahbi and Pateer all shew that the Lord Jesus only Condemned the Pharisaical Popish and Foxian Itch of being called Masters Fathers Leaders Teachers in Religion undervaluing and slighting others c. Thus amongst the Papists their Magister noster their Patres c. their Irrefragable Seraphical and Angelical Doctors thus among the Foxians Iames Naylor Hosanna c. and G. Fox at this Town of Providence called the Eternal Son of God Christ Iesus 5. Half a Humane and sober Eye may see that in all his Declamations against the Pharisaical or Popish or Foxian Rabbies the Lord Jesus I say comes not near in a Title the Civil and Natural Respects of Inferiours to Heads of Families Cities Kingdomes c. all of which the very nature of man being von politikon a sociable Creature and the holy Scripture is all over from end to end full of most frequent Examples yea Commands and practices 6. How Childishly doth Fox Answer his Opposite viz that although it be unlawful to call Master yet it is not unlawful to call Father for there is a Birth which his Opposite is ignorant of c. I ask if G. Fox mean not their Immediate Birth of Light which for a Cover they call Spirit and Christ c. in Opposition to that true Christian Regeneration and Change which it pleaseth God ordinarily to Effect by means as Paul said though you have ten thousand Teachers yet I have begotten you c Sure it is their Immediate denies the mediate 55 7. Where there no Ordinary means appointed by God for Natural or Spiritual procreation yet how simple is that Consequence that because God is an Extraordina●y Father therefore I may call men Fathers but not Masters when God is both Father and Master and both Titles are forbidden in a true Sense by one and the same heavenly Breath at the same time A 28 h. Instance is pag. 106. where G. Fox brings in W. Thomas saying Men are saved but not by Christ within us He Answers How is mans Salva●ion wrought out but by Christ within How is the Iustification fels but by Christ wit in And the Seeds we manifest that suffered without is made manifest within there is Redemption and Life He that hath the Son of God hath Life Redemption to God out of the first Adam and who feels Christ within feels Salvation and who doth not are Reprobates though they may talk of him I Reply This subtle Fox is in his Burrough Confounding under the Terms Christ the person of Christ and the Love and Spirit and Grace or Favour of Christ as if they were all one As if where the Name and Authority and writing of G. Fox comes there of necessity must G. Fox in person be Or to rise higher wherever the Name and Authority of a King General or Admiral is there must their persons also be This Popish Ubiquitary Fancy all sober Reasons have long since laught at and justly as being most Fancyfull and Frantick what 2. What is this but to make the Kings of men yea the King of Kings poor Mechanicks yea lower that can do nothing by any Means Servants Ministers Legates Embassadours c. except they be personaly present 3. The Spirit of God resolves the Question Ephes 3. He dwels in the Heart by Faith or believing in him and Gal. 2. I live by believing or Faith in the Son of God This Faith is given of God to some and not to others This Faith or Belief is wrought by Christ Jesus and ●in●shed by him and may with as good Sense be called Christ himself as a shoo which G. Fox hath begun and finished be called G Fox himself 4. With what Colour of Reason or Sense is it that if I believe King Charles the second to be the King of English Men and my King I must of necessity because of my belief which He by gracious 56 means hath wrought in me I believe that K. Charles is personally present Ubiquitarily present in person in all his Dominions and all the world over where ever his Loving Subjects have their Residence 5. I grant if we as some Quakers and Humphry Norton by Name resolve Christ only into a Spirit and God only he is Ubiquitary But as man why may not the General of an Army say to his whole Army and every Individual Souldier as Paul to the Corinthians though I am absent in Body yet am I present in Spirit Christ Jesus is in his Command and Courage and Example in every Regiment every Squadron every Band and Troop and every Souldier of the m●ny Millions that have and shall believe in him and that in a Sense both as God and man 6. The Hinge and pinch of the Difference lies in the Opposition which the Quakers make against the Manhood of Christ Jesus to be yet Extant many of them alleadging why stand you gazing Acts 1 c. as if it were but gazing after a Manhood and all now were Spirit and Light within 7. Who ever questiond but that the Spirit or power of Christ Jesus worketh in the Souls of his Elect the great saving change or regeneration gives Repentance opens the heart to Believe and makes the heart of this Believer a Palace for three Kings yet but one the Father the Son and the Spirit in Holiness Love Meekness Patience c. and all these Royal Attendants 8. Who questions but Christ Jesus as the Sun in these Heavens in●luenceth all parts of the World in several respects and nothing is hid from his heat He is felt in the bruised Reed and smoaking Flax in the poor in Spirit in the hungry and thirsty after Righteousness sometimes in the hope of Glory to come
yea in present joy unutterable and glorious Sometimes the Lambs Wife is visibly asleep though her heart wakes sometimes she is Alarmed by his knocking and is sluggishly unwilling to open to him sometimes she rises and opens but he is gone and she seeks for him by day and night and cannot find him 9. There is also a false feeling of Christ Jesus as I spake before of a false Conception in a Woman How many are bold to cry Lord Lord open for we have prophesied in thy Name c and yet I will not say as G. Fox here saith of his Feeling that all that have not my feeling or working of Christ are Reprobates yet 57 this I say as Solomon A Whore is Loud and Clamorous not so the Chaste and Sober and Modest Women and the Devil spake as Holy and Heavenly words as Angels could have spoken yet it was but the Divil in Samuels Mantle The 29th Instance is in pag. 117. where he brings in Giles Fermin saying Paul Swore after Christ and the Angels Swore I wonder Paul should so forget himself and sin so fearfully in Swearing so the Quakers Light that denies Swearing is of Satan and not the Light of Christ. He Answers Christ the Light which Satan is out of which is the Oath of God ends all Oathes Sworn by Prophets or Angels whatsoever and who Swares be fallen into the Condemnation of the Devil And it is no where said that the Apostle Swore but such as thou art matters not what thou speak so that Spirit that Preacheth for Swearing is not the Spirit of Christ but is the Spirit of Anti-Christ c. I Reply first G. Fox dares not deny but that the Angel and Paul Swore after Christ only he keeps his old Song viz That Christ put an end to Swearing and that it is not said that Paul Swore But 1. He waves that Sweareng of the Angel or Christ himself Rev. 10. for there he knows the very term of Swearing is used 2. As to Paul if the attestation of the Name of God be the formality of an Oath then if ever any Man Swore in this World Paul did saying to the Corinthians I call God to Record on my Soul that to spare you I came not as yet to Corinth c. Secondly It is true that all Nations have used to Swear by or Appeal to the Gods they owned and worshipped It is true also that they have used to put Creatures into the room of God and Swear by them as the Iews did and som write out of a Superstitious Reverence in forbearing the Name of God and indeed the Reasons Christ Jesus gives Mat. 5. look that way Thirdly It is true also that for abuse of Swearing by and Prophaning the Holy Name of God a whole Land may mourn as Ieremiah speaketh Fourthly There seems to be a very fair colour put on a universal Prohibition of Swearing by Christ Jesus and by his Apostle Iames Swear not c. 58 This Conjuror hath taken with many precious Servants of God former and latter even with many of those called the Fathers and with those Famous Protesters against the whore of Rome the Waldenses and with Famous Usher who doth more then seem to vindicate their not Swearing when Convented and Examined by the Popish Inqui●itors 5. Notwithstanding this and more which may be granted and though I should humbly motion to all higher Powers for Christian tenderness as to the holy Majesty of Heaven his Name and to the Souls of any making Scruple yet I must proclaim against G. Fox his lame and simple Return to the Objection of his Opposite concerning Paul and the Angel For why may not Paul and all the Apostles and Christ and all the Angels of Heaven and all the Saints of God upon the Earth in the words of Paul call God to Record upon their Souls that this or this was the Cause and Truth c. Considering 1. That neither the most holy God nor the Lord Jesus who I think is the Swearing Angel Rev. 10. nor the heavenly Spirits the Angels nor Paul nor any of Christs Apostles or Messe●gers would have practiced a Ceremony or a Shadow like Circumcision or the Passover at the time of the Day c. 2. Swearing or appealing unto God immediately in Oaths or Vows or Lots or Fastings though higher and above the practice of ordinary Invocations Supplications Thanksgivings c. were never accounted Ceremonies or Types of Substances to come but Real and Substantial Services and Addresses unto the most holy and most high Creatour written in the hearts of all mankind before ever Ceremony or Moses was born and therefore as the fear of God is put for the whole worship of God so also is swearing in the holy Scripture and we may as well deny all worship and Service visible and all External Acts of Homage and Devotion of the Body unto God yea and all the fear of God is there in the mind Soul and Spirit or in any External Obeysance or Reverence as this Service and worship of calling upon God and appealing to his holy Majesty as Witness and Iudge in some Cases c 3. Whereupon it follows that this high point of Gods worship is as real as moral as holy and perpetual as Prayer it self as preaching yea as Baptisme and the Lords Supper and no more Ceremonial though I know the Foxians make Baptisme and the 59 Lords Supper but Ceremonies for a time and ere long if they continue to hearken to Samuel within them they will account Prayer and Preaching whether Apostolical or Pastoral but Types and Shadows also 4. It is a most simple and un-Christian and Atheistical whimsie that Christ was the end of Oaths the end of the Prophets the end of the Scripture the end of Reghteousness in their Sense though as Mediatour he was the End or Perfection of and fulfilling of the Law of God which never Soul beside the Lord Jesus ever kept in thought word and deed what ever the proud Pharisees and Papists and Foxians prate c. 5. It is a gross Fancy to imagine that the Lord Jesus in the 5 of Math. gave new Commands or Contradicted the holy pleasure of his Father concerning Revenge Adultery Oaths Prayers Fastings but opened his Fathers Law in the purity and Spirituality of it against the rotten Expositions Traditions and practices of the Pharisees 6. In particular let all the Reasons be expended and carefully weighed which the Lord Jesus so wonderfully exactly gives why they should not swear by Ierusalem nor the Temple nor their Head nor any Oath to wit of such a Nature and half a sober eye may see that the Lord Jesus intends only to reduce them to an holy Swearing only by God in Gods way c. and in their Common Converse to use yea and nay c. 7. I have read a sober and man like Answer of F. H. called
brings in the same Authour saying Christ is distinct from every one of us and without us and our particular persons He Answers The Apostle saith Christ was in them except they were Reprobates and they were slesh of his slesh and of his Bone and eat his flesh and drank his Blood then it was within them and he is distinct from none but Reprobates who hate the Light I Reply 1. This and the former look face upon face as in a Glasse and yet G. Fox herein carries two faces under one hood A Face for God and a Face for the Devil one Face for Christ another for Antichrist For is it not known by all that there be divers wayes of eating Christs Flesh and drinking his Blood Although there be a Mystical and Spiritual feeding upon Christ Jesus his Love his Passions his Merits c. which we maintain against the bloody Transubstantiators of Rome and Hell yet can ought but Hellish Bewitching and Impudence conclude that litterally the Flesh profiteth nothing and therefore their Flesh is as good as the Flesh of Christ and their Blood as some of 63 the Quakers have Printed is of as much virtue as the Blood shed of the Man Christ Jesus Hence so many of them contend that Gods Blood Act. 20. and Gods Flesh Redeems us c. and their Blood and Sufferings are Gods Flesh and Blood Redeeming Saving c I know what one of their chief said He is a Fool that speaks all at once and I know also that in the Bottome which their Herods and Apostles know better then I these Foxians are God and Christ and Spirit and Resurrection and Life and Heaven c. 2. But for true Believers in Jesus it is enough for them to believe Ioh. 16. That for a little while he must leave them and after a little while he would come again to them even the same Man that left them that God man and the Man Christ Iesus 1. I know these poor Foxians say that he did come again to them and I know also that a Man may feel this Lye with a pair of Mittins For I know that the Comforter came not to them upon his Resurrection for then he was forty dayes with them but after his Assention 2. Who knows not that the Foxians maintain Christs second coming to be Spiritual and count all gazing Fools that look after a Man for he is come anto them in Spirit and in them he maintains his great Assizes and now passeth Judgement upon all the Children of Men by them 3. If these poor filthy Dreamers lived without Food and Evacuations without Physick which some of them cry down and no Physick but Faith without Procreation and bringing forth of Children without the filthiness and stinks of Nature yea without the many thousands of Holy Words and Thoughts and Actions omitted and the many thousand passionate impertinent unreasonable discontented Words and Actions c. then might we say as the men of Iconium touching Paul and Barnabas The Gods are come to us in the likeness of Men till then we must look upon the Foxians eating so Christ his flesh c. until they become Christ himself as Simple and Monstrous and Blasphemous as the Papists in their Foolish Monstrous and Bloody Transubstantiations 4. Alas these are old tricks plaid by the Manicheans in former times by Quintinus and Pocqueius c. in Luther and Calvins time Did not some thousands of this frantick spirit 64 then say is Christ in us how is he Distinct from us what need you ask me how I do can Christ be sick can Christ do but well speaking of themselves But I observe Gods strokes in the World most just wonderful upon three sorts of persons 1. Voluptuous 2. Oppressors and Tyrants 3. Ringleaders of Blasphemies Opinions Let every Soul consider I can give abundance of Instances of former and later times had I here time and season for it and were not all Hystories full c. The 32d Instance is in Pag. 186. where G. Fox brings in Samuel Hamond saying What warrant have you to go out to the Quakers shall a Man go hear the Iews and Popish Masse because Paul bids try all things No No. G. Fox Answers Paul bids us quench not the Spirit and where the Spirit is not quenched they may try Papists Iews Protestants who quench not the Spirit But who quench the Spirit and draws people from the Light within they draw from that they should see withal then you stuff them up with old Authors and lying stories as you permit abroad I Reply 1. And ask of G. Fox and all his Foxians Have the Papists the Iews or any Idolaters the Holy Spirit of God amongst them whom we may go to hear God speaking in his own holy Promise Ordinance and Appointment unto us 2. May I hear a Papist or Iew or any other False Worshippers or Idolaters to try them when I am convinced and satisfied already that they speak not by the Holy Spirit c. 3. May I go to Worship God with them who either as I believe Worship a False God or Worship the true and living God in Wayes and Worships of Mens Inventions and Appointments 4. May I hear a false Prophet or be present at any false worship but with actual reproving of them and labouring to reduce them to the true God and his most holy Institutions and Appointments Upon this Reason I went to the General Ass●mbly of the Quakers at Newport the last year I queried with them about the true Christ and the true Spirit but I was stopt by a sudden Spirit of Prayer in a Woman and the unseasonable Spirit of Prayer in a man which forced me to stop and occasioned me to take this 65 way of offering an appointed and solemn discourse and disputation with them 5. I ask may any Soul out of Curiosity go to hear a strange Preacher in whom I have not Faith that he is sent from God c. especially if there be not a free liberty for my Queries and Objections and searchings as the Bereans did 6. Are there not two great Cautions given us by the Spirit of God! Take heed whom you hear Take heed how you hear and both of these in reference to Gods worship and mine own Salvation 7. What do these Foxians mean by the Spirits quenching Can the Spirit of God be really quenched or put out any more then the Sun in the Heavens by all the water in the Ocean Is the Spirit of God Metaphorically quenched any other ways then by withdrawing the means or fuel which were to keep the Fire burning that came down from Heaven upon the Altar why then do these proud lazie Souls so horribly slight reading studying Books yea Gods Book as one of their chief said to me laying his hand upon the Bible of Iunius c. art not thou past these yet And why do they worship
of God For what man knows the things of a man save the Spirit of a man c. now we have not received the Spirit of the world but the Spirit which is of God that we may know the things which are freely given to us of God In ver 6. the Spirit of God speaks of a twofold wisdome first the wisdome of this world and the Principles of this world which come to nought Secondly the wisdome of God in a Mystery even the hidden wisdome which God ordained before the world unto our glory Again ver 12. God tells us of two Spirits The Spirit of the world Secondly The Spirit of God Now this woful Cheator finding the word Spirit Confounds as his Course is all together and because Gods Spirit regenerates the Corint●ians and opens to them a glimpse of the Godheads power and wisdom and Goodness by Pauls preaching and opens their hearts to it therefore he must also enlighten the world with the same Light whereas that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit and that of Flesh is Flesh This Change and renewing of the Spirit by the Holy Spirit I fear G. Fox and most of his Foxians never Experimened 74 though they enjoy in common a Light of Nature though God hath endowed him and many of them with excellent Natural Parts yea with a Light from the holy Scripture yea with a Light of Experience and common Motions from Gods holy Spirit and have been lifted up by their own thoughts and others as Capernaum up to the Heaven and therefore my Soul fears as to most of them that God will bring them down to Hell with the greater Condemnation The 38th Instance is in Pag. 222. where he brings in the same Author saying Salvation and Faith are the gifts of God distinct from Christ He Answers They are all of him and from him and with him And how is he the Author of Faith in whom it ends and from whence it comes I Reply as Potiphars wife cries out against Ioseph and pretends Chastity so doth this subtle Whoremonger pretending that all is pure Christ the Light is Christ their Hope is Christ their Faith their Spirit is Christ himself yea the Saints are Christ No distinction between Christ and them for they are all of him from him and with him In short I pray the Reader to mind with me the first Chapter to the Colossians where ver 1. The Spirit of God declares how Gods Children poor slaves at first in Sathans Clutches are Translated from the Kingdome of Darkness into the Kingdome of his dear Son In whom we have Redemption through his Blood even the Forgiveness of Sins I know the Foxians turn Christ yea his Blood also into a Spirit a God How admirably doth the holy Spirit of God declare the Godhead or Divinity of Christ Jesus and his Manhood or Humanity unto ver 21 out of both which I shall select two or three Attributes of the Lord Jesus 1. The State of Christianity amongst many other high Expressions in the Scripture is here called the Kingdome of Gods dear Son which argues a distinction from all other Kingdomes and a distinction from his Saints as a King is not his Subjects nor their Gifts and Honours and Estates and peace and Ioy though given by him to them and procured by his great wisdome and love for them Oh poor Ungrateful Monsters not content to be taken from 76 the Kingdome from the Dungeon of Darkness and Hell and that by the Ransome and price paid and Blood and Death of his only Beloved the Prince of Life but we must be the King of Heaven and Prince of Life our selves 2. I observe The Instrumental and purchasing Cause or price is said to be his Blood which argues the Infinite value of his Sufferings in which Respect only it is called the Blood of God I know the slight esteem that some of these Foxians have of the Blood of the Lord Iesus saying that wicked men the Souldiers shed it that it was spilt upon the ground that there was no difference between that Blood and the Blood of another Saint That by Gods blood is only meant godly and heavenly power and Spirit by which God applies Mercy and pardon Iustification Righteousness c. I have read the Blasphemous Discanting of the Iesuit concerning Maries white Milk and Christs Crimson Blood in the close his preferring the Milk of the Mother before the Sons Blood I have heard also the foolish Blasphemy of one of my own Neighbours saying That the Blood of the Quakers and by name of W. B. was Saving and Salvation to the World 3. But I pass on The Lord Jesus is here called the Image of the invisible God If this should respect the Godhead only which is invisible how could Christ be a visible Picture of Invisibility If the Manhood only is God a Man and Man his Image or Picture as the old Heretick and late in London Reeves and Mugleton fancied The Truth is as Christs Blood is but figuratively for an Antitipe and fulfilling of all the Figures foregoing him and for all his Sufferings and many Blood-sheddings both of Minde and Body so this Image or Picture this Blessed Lamb of God consisting of the Godhead wonderfully assuming such a none such Manhood both which the Papists and Quakers are forced to confess I say it is clear he was the brightest Image or Picture of God to the World that ever God appeared in and therefore called the Word of God the fullest and loudest of all the Words of God in which ever he spake c. 4. Many more I might insist on but I must abbreviate and only mention ver 18. where the Lord Jesus is made the Pallace of 77 the Godhead that in him as the Head of the Body his Church should all fulness dwell reconciling and making peace through the Blood of his Crosse c. Iohn tells us that of this fulness in him we receive all the World receives the Mercy and Patience of God by him all his Followers receive his Grace and Spirit Converting Sanctifying Comforting c. so that his most holy and glorious Manhood visible amongst us c. was as a fair and spacious beautiful Conduit into which the eternal and inconceivable Counsels of the eternal Power and Godhead flowed and from whom by all those blessed means and Ordinances as by so many Cocks turned and let loose flow and run into poor empty Souls as Pails and Tankards all sorts of mercies to the whole World and especially to the Elect and Chosen his Church and Body that believe in him what poor Children and Frantick Souls are we then that cry out poor Pots and Pails and Tankards that we are the Conduit it self yea we the Well-head Fountain and Spring and as this frantick Fox in his Book once and again affirms no distinction between God Christ his Saints yea
though he often acknowledge that Christ is the Author and Finisher of Faith So that the Gift of God the words of God which are his Tokens Love Tokens and Love Letters they are God and Christ themselves the heavenly Father and his Son the heavenly Bridegroom John the Baptist cried out to all such proud Souls I am not He I am not worthy to untie his Shoe Latchet He it is that Baptizeth with Fire He is the Lamb of God c. He even that man upon whom he saw the Spirit descending like a Dove c. and blessed Paul with Iob abhors himself and counts his Holy Life his Prayers his Fastings his Righteousness Dung and Dirt compared with that of Christ Iesus in Opposition to that of the Law c. In which mud still the most zealous Papists and Quakers stick and talk idly of their fulfilling of the Law now by Christs Righteousness Grace and Spirit in them which they will at last find to be no more but the first Bargain or Covenant let them pride themselves never so much in their filthy menstrous Clouts and Rags of Holiness that is their Christ within them The 39th Instance is in Pag. 223. where he brings in the same Author saying The Light which discovers Sin and Iniquity 77 in Mans Heart is not Christ the dore He Answers The first Adam was the Dore wh●reon all Sin and Transgression entred Christ the Light the second Adam which doth inlighten every man c. saith I am the Dore the Way and the Life which finish Sin and Transgression and brings in Everlasting Righteousness and the way of Dife out of Death which Light discovers Sin I Reply Edmund Burroughs in his large Epistle to G. Fox thi● h●s Book he tells us that this Light which they thus boast of shews mans threefold Estate before Transgression in Transgression and what he is by being saved out of Transgression It is true Christ Jesus doth this by many gracious means but not Immediately nor to every man that comes into the world For the World lies in wickedness and Darkness We are not only bleeding in our wounds but we are lost in the Wilderness We are stark dead in Sin and know no more that we are dead then a dead man knows of his Condition what do then these poor deluded Souls tell us of a Light and Christ within every man in the world discovering his pure Estate his foul Estate and his raised Estate which no man or woman in this world that I have read or heard of by Nature had any Spark or shine of such a Light no nor these proud Ignorants neither but they have read or heard of these things more or less from the holy Scriptures and Records 2. It is granted that Natures Light discovers a God some sins a Judgement as we see in Indians Education and preaching discovers more as in Saul Achitophel Iudas The Word and Afflictions makes Pharoah cry out I have sinned Miracles make Nebuchadnezzar and Darius cry out There is no God so great as Daniels and to make dreadful Laws against blasphemers of him though themselves continue in their old Idolatries yea doubtless Natures Light is able in self deceitfulness wonderfully to Counterfiet true heavenly Light and the Devil seem an Angel or Messenger of Light from Heaven 3. What is this to a saving Conviction which Gods Spirit worketh in those that shall be saved when they cry out as the wounded Iews what shall we do to be saved and as the Gaolour what shall I do to be saved until this saving Sense of my Condition and Gods Justice what is Christ a Physitian a Saviour a Redeemer Bread Water Wine and oil to me All is needless yea loathsome though an bony Comb to a full Soul what talk 78 you of a pardon to an honest man or if a Rope or Barr to save a secure Epicure in his downe Bed 4. Again how poor a plea is this Adam was the dore to sin therefore Christ is the dore to the discovery of sin For look upon Adam in his Fall 1. He saw his sin 2. He had horrour of Conscience 3. He run from God 4. He hides himself 5. He He fals to mincing end excusing his sin All this is revealed to us and not a word yet heard of Christ the promised Seed or a Light Christ Jesus to Convince him of sin That was another work a saving work which we may hope the Spirit of God wrought in him upon the preaching of Christ Jesus the Seed●nd ●nd Mediatour to come 5. I know the Song of the great deluder is Turn to the Light hearken to the Light thou seest it chides thee for thy Stealing for thy lying c. Is not this the Christ c. listen to him be still sink down obey him he will teach thee save thee c. But the Bottom is the English and meaning is hearken to Sathan the God of this world be ruled and taught and guided by him The Scripture is but a dead Letter the true Christ is within thee he will turn thee from these sins and make thee perfect as God is perfect c. Christ is come now in us the second Time without sin to Salvation He is come in us Ten thousand of his Saints to Judgement He within thee is the word of God the Christ of God the Light of God the Spirit of God God himself and He seeks Worshippers in Spirit and Truth for the visible things are temporal c 6. But what is there in all this but the noise of Fenny bitter in hollow Canes c What is here but that common Businesses may reach to 1. The Conscience of good and evil which every favage Indian in the world hath 2. The whisperings the bl●ndings and cheatings of the Devil in Samuels mantle pretending vowing and Swearing to be the word of the Lord to be Christ Jesus yea that to your feeling c. 7. But what are these to Christ Jesus a dore of Hope to poor wounded and damned sinners God by his Law and Justice by outward hearing or reading and inward Convictions of Natural Conscience hath passed Sentence of Eternal Death and Hell on them They feel it they cry out now the Gospel or glad news of a Saviour a Jesus is Hony in the mouth c. Now Luke 4. he 80 heals the broken heart he sets free the Prisoners ho gives Light to them that see themselves blind and Cry to him as the blind man did Christ medles not with sound persons who have no need of his Bloud Righteousness and Merits c. The 40 Instance is in Pag. 224. where G. Fox brings in Ellis Bradshaw saying There is more words then one He Answers God is the word and the Scriptures are the words which Christ fulfil I Reply 1. As the designe of the bloudy Pope and Iesuits are to kindle wars between the Protestants
this holy Spirit is to be praid for Luke 11. and is therefore powerfully present with Gods true Messengers while they Translate Expound Preach as Paul did Acts 26. No other things but what Moses and the Prophets wrote of The 44th Instance is in Pag. 253. where he quotes Henry Haggar saying You call all men dead and Carnal in the Serpents Nature in what Form soever if they differ from you G. Fox Answers All that be not in the Light that inlightneth every man that cometh into the world which is the way to the Father differeth from us such be dead such be Carnal in the Seepents Nature For none comes to the Life but who comes to the Light in what Form so ever they be And such as differ from us differ from Christ For none come from under the Serpents head and Nature but who comes to the Light I Reply 1. As David said of some whose Teeth were as Swords and Solomn saith there is a Generation c. of such whose Teeth are as Swords and if ever there were a Generation of such in the world the Papists and these Foxians are the Generations here intended For it is in vain to tell them of Christ the Foundation and of building Wood Hay Stubble c. If you come not roundly to the Pope with the Papists Or to the Light within c. nothing remains but Fire and Brimstone Damnation c. 2. It is true in some of their writings and in Edmund Burroughs himself there seems to be some charitable hopes of some having something of Sincerity in them and of breathing after the Lord but I observe they fall in with G. Fox again viz. except that those persons owne their Idols called Light within them 3. The Protestants overcome the Papists not only by Scripture and Argument but in Charity also for they profess to have Hope of many among the Papists as they do also of many amongst the Quakers But the Papist and Quaker like Fire-ships burn and blow up all that bow not down to theis Image c. 90 4. How far are these from the Spirit of Christ Jesus toward the poor Woman the Syrophenician who by her worship was a dog and he told her so yet believing in him and content to gather up Crumbs as a Dog under his Table he grants her Suit and magnifies her personal Excellency Thus dealt he with the Centurion and Cornelius and with every poor Reed if truly bruised for Sin and every Lock of smoaking Flax reaking in truth of Love to God and the Lord Jesus He proclaims the Kingdome of Heaven to the poor in Spirit who see themselves dead and lost and damned and seeing no help no Grace not a penny nor a patch of any good in them but waiting as Beggars at the gate the beautiful and glorious gate of mercy He proclaims Blessedness and Promises to the bleating Lambs as the fruitful Sheep to the Infants and new born Babes that hunger and thirst for the milk of Righteousness that by the Patience and Comfort held forth in the writings or Records they may have hope although yet they cannot be Consident of any work of God in them and are not so bold to Confess Christ Jesus openly and kiss him in the Streets but steal to him by night as Nicodemus and Ioseph until they saw him bleeding on the Gallows He bare with his Disciples though foolish and slow of Heart hard-hearted ignorant of his Death and Resurrection and loath to hear of such metters The 45th Instance is in Pag. 259. where he quotes Iohn Brown saying And them that bring people to look at the Light within them are as Korah Dathan and Abriam G. Fox Answers All that go from the Light within them are as Korah Dathan and Abiram amongst the Lords Prophets Exalting themselves and Persecuting 1. I Reply and Examine unto whom this Famous History may most properly be Applicable for sure it was a Type and word of God 1. Then that which the Spirit of God chargeth upon Korah is a rising up a Revolt and Rebellion against the Lord his Appointments and Ministers or Officers Moses and Aaron c. I know G. Fox chargeth this upon all that pretend to any Ministry and Ministration and have not the Immediate Spirit of 91 God as the Apostles had but as he speaks simply are Ravened from it and are still Apostates c. But I Answer the Protestant Religion is a Religion protesting against the abominations of that bloody man of Sin the Pope both in his Doctrines and Worships and Conversations These Protesters have been since the Waldenses in France and Germany and low Countries and England Scotland Denmark Swedland Polonia Transylvania Norway Ireland c. Conflicting Contending with their Tongues their pens and their Blood against the Bloody Whore and Church of Rome according to many passages in the Revelations most wonderfully and miraculously fulfilled upon them From these all their holy Doctrines and Endeavours after Gods pure worship are the Quakers Revolted and set up a Flag of Defiance against all but pretended Immediately Inspired persons Invisible Worships and Ministers and a sullen proud and dogged Conversation for the general of them 2. As Absoloms and Shebahs Conspiracies were notable and Signal against King David the Prophetical and Kingly Type of the Lord Jesus so was Korahs and his Conspirators very Considerable and Eminent against Moses and Aaron Types of the Prophetical Priestly and Kingly Office of the blessed Lord Iesus Christ It is said Numb 16. that Korah the Levite and Dathan and Abiram the Sons of Reuben and two hundred and fifty Princes and Notable Men of Fame in the Assembly thus kindled the Coals of this proud Conspiracy which had broke forth into devouring Flames except that the Sheepherd of Israel who never slumbers nor sleeps had most graciously and wonderfully watcht for the timeous and early Extinguishing of it As to the pretending Quakers it is known that they are not Sons of Obscurity as Bull and Farminton Reeves and Mugleton but for Estate and parts for Education and Learning some of them for pretences of Piety Conscience patience Zeal and Mortification yea and also for their Numbers all which they predicate in their Books and in my dispute with them with loud Trumpets they are known to be Considerable and as like to spread as did the Arrians Papists or Mahometans 3. Korah and Dathan c. they were by Gods righteous Judgement so fixed and setled and hardned in their Perswasion 92 and Confidence that they Contemned all Moses meekness and Answered stoutly We will not come up when he Cited them before the Lord yea say they wilt thou pluck out the Eyes of these men and they daringly and desperately brought their Censers to offer Incense and Worship to God as may be applied to these proud and Confident and desperate Foxians 4. Their Charge was
Pag. 326. where he brings in the same Author saying The manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man in the Church to profit withal and not to every man in the World G. Fox Answers The manifestation is given to every man to profit withal without distinction I will pour out of my Spirit upon all Flesh For the Spirit of Truth shall lead the Saints into all Truth And he shall reprove the World and that which doth reprove the World is manifest to the World I Reply I spake to this Text before in Answer to the Letter of my Neighbour I. T. as is to be seen in the Letters before our Disputes who declared himself satisfied with my Answers but G. Fox like a Cow with a Kettle on her head giving every one warning to stand clear he boldly slanders on and tumbles Heaven Earth and Hell together c. 1. This 1 Cor. 12. expresly declares three things 1. That it pleased God to appoint in his Christian Church and Worship the Ministry of Apostles Prophets Teachers c. according to Rom. 12 Ephes. 4 c. 2. He bestoweth several Gifts and Endowments on such persons whom he pleaseth to call unto such Ministrations 3. He vouchsafeth to give a gracious Concurrent Operation of his Spirit unto these his Gifts Ministrations what now is this gracious promise of the Father of Lights to the Garden of his Church Saints the howling Desart of the whole world from whence the Garden is taken in inclosed and separate Because a Queen is a Woman must therefore all the Honours and kindneffes of a glorions Prince due to his Royal Consort be dispensed in Common to all the Women in his Kingdome or Dominions The Garment in which the Queen is brought is a Garment of Needle work richly and most curiou●ly embroydered with the graces and Operations of the holy Spirit doth it therefore follow that those Heavenly Embroyderies c. belong to every nnclean and Lousie Begger 102 Yea but this prophane Mouth hath something to say for it self three things he saith full of Prophaneness and Simplicity 1. I will pour out my Spirit upon all Flesh. But 1. Was this as he speaks without all distinction done actually was it Universally so with all the Individuals of mankind in the world at that time 2. Was not there a wonderful Wall of separation between the Iews and all other Nations which the Lord promised by the Prophets to break down and at the coming of the Lord Jesus and ever since hath more and more broke down and abolished Is not Gideons Floor which was dry the poor Gentiles and we English among them now wet with the Dews of Heaven while the poor Iews which were only wet at first are dry and barren 3. What is that Extraordinary Promise of Gods Extraordinary pouring out of his Spirit in Fiery Tongues and Prophesyings fitting some to go unto all Nations to carry the glad News or Gospel had others and all Believers those Gifts least of all with any shew of Reason belong they to all the Men and Women in the world who have never seen and heard of any Glimpse of the Sun of Righteousness 4. Again I observe how vainly and wickedly this deluded and deluding Soul cheats himself and others with this Tearme All Flesh Every man All the World and so with the Terms Light Christ Spirit his proud Fancy playeth c. not dividing the Hoof by just and holy distinguishing a Crime that he often upbraids his Opposites most odiously with in his Book not dividing c. but is most notoriously guilty as ever was filthy Camel in this world or any of the unclean Beasts c. G. Fox his second Answer here is The Spirit of God shall lead the Saints into all Truth I observe here how like a Skittish Jade this wild Soul runs in and out and cannot keep to one steady Affirmation Before he brings in the Spirit of God poured out upon the Common of the World now he brings in the spirits leading the saints Gods Garden and Paradice Yet again in his next words he concludes every man in the World to have the spirit because saith he The spirit reproves the World and that which doth Reprove the World is manifest to the World I Answer The holy spirit testifies that he is the Comforter of the saints but a Reprover of the World that he Comforts the 103 Saints in the Promises Assurances c. that he Reproves the world in his Threatenings and Judgments That the world knows not sees not the Spirit but mocks at receives it not but banisheth imprisoneth murthereth such in whom the true Spirit of God appeareth Hence it is that because of this Spirit of God in any soul three are against two two must be against three in the same house the Parents against the Children and the Children betray their Parents unto Death yea two in a Bed and two in a Belly and yet he whom Gods Spirit chooseth shall be mockt and murthered by the other and yet this lying Peor tells us that all the world without distinction have the manifestation of the Spirit of God to prosit withal 5. There have been persons professing the Order of the holy Ghost yet far from the favour of the holy Spirit there hath been a great Ship in the world full of Sailors and Souldiers called the holy Ghost and yet scarce one man in it known to have any Acquaintance with Gods Spirit Alas what are the Babilonish Orders of these pretenders to the Holy Ghost or Spirit what are they but a poor Ship full of Resisters of Gods Spirit and Enemies to the greatest Enjoyers of him in the World the true Protestant Witnesses whom they professedly oppose under the Name of Professors I hope as I have often said that many of them are of the two hundred that followed Absolom in honesty and simplicity 6. But Oh what Reproofs of Gods Spirit hath G. Fox and others of their Leaders had in and by so many excellent Opposites and Scriptures and Arguments which G. Fox here proudly tramples under his prophane feet without any savour of the holy Spirit of God! It is true it pleaseth God as I said to strive with men by preachings by writings by their own Readings by publick Iudgments and private and also by publick mercies and private for Acts 14. every Drop of Rain is Gods voice word or witness c but what is this Common grace to that Regenerating and changing Spirit John 3. to the opening of Lidiahs and so of all saints hearts by his free and holy spirit or Finger what is this to the same Power that raised Christ Jesus from the Dead Ephes. 1. that raiseth any poor sinner unto a new and holy and spiritual Cond●tion 104 7. Excellent and most heavenly is that similitude Cant. 1. Because of the savour of thy good Ointments therefore do the
book if such had proved desirable These alterations will all be noted in this reprint and will be designated as Roger Williams ' Manuscript Annotations The secon● Position Concerning true false Christs Traitors Rebells against the King eterna● Murtherers of him The true Lord Iesus Christ His humane nature which G. Fox al● night long so barks against The Quakers Christ allegorical and meerly Fancy destroying the History Humphrey Norton deales plainly against the Person of Christ The Equivocation of the Foxians Eph 3. 10. The true Union that is ●etween Christ Iesus Believers The Quakers painted Christ. Christ winhin and Christ without Two Questions to Quakers G F●x his Book in Folio produced Page 3. The Papists Quakers destroy the Person of Christ. The being of Christ in the Heavens The Quakers endure not trying but are willingly ignorant Willing Ignorance Nehem 8 they gave the Sence The Quakers nonsensical Spirit Iohn Bunyan Christs twofold Presence The Quakers Conjure with Christs Body The Quakers endure not Sences or Meanings just as the Papists and yet talk all of light The old question of Christs Presence Fox Bonnet no difference The Quakers pretend to own● Christs Bloud yet in truth allow him no Bloud to shed Enoch Howet The divine and humane nature of the Lord Iesus Nicholas the Deacon and Nicholas Fathers of the old and new Nicholaitans 1 believe R. W. Ms. Ann. So Cristopher Houlder he boggles at the word Manhood The word Humane considered Used in the Scripture 1 Cor 10. Dan. Grudry Christ not seen as he is until the day of Iudgement The personal coming of the Lord Iesus A visible and in visible eye and object Christ ●ithin Christ without The Papists and Quakers Christ is no where Christoph Wade The Author whome G. Fox opposeth and in Pride and madness rageth against The Quakers Christ but a whimsical Christ Hosanna to the Son of David 1 Ye poor Apostates R. W. Ms. Ann. The Spirit of the Papists the Quakers but one The Quakers notoriously dissemble for they do own and not own the Christ that dyed at Ierusalem Humph. Norton more plain in words then other Quakers Christ yesterday and to day The Quakers endure not to be searched temer of false and thievish spirits 1 Interline be R. W. Ms. Ann. The Quakers Apolloes Oracles the same Iohn Burton If ever there Equivocating Iesuites in the world the Quakers are The Quakers wonderful jugling about the true Christ John Burton The Quakers Traitors Rebels against the true Lord Iesus I have known the poor Lobsters catch the Foxes The wonderful blindness and hardness of my Antagonists 1 the plain Evidences R. W. Ms. Ann. Frances Higginson The Quakers endure not the word Humane Acts 13. Opened of Christs Humanity Tho. Collier The second coming of the Lord Iesus The Everlasting Fath●r Christ I●su how The Quakers wonderfully changed yet but in Dissimulation as to learning the Scriptures W. Edmund leaves the Dispute is hurried into Preaching W. Edmund his story concerning Benefices And his vain extolling of their Idol Light John Stubs his sermon The Quakers unruly and rash interruptions A short Answer to 2 Sermons The motions of Gods spirit not those of the Quakers T●e Quakers not orderly nor patient The Offices of Christ Iesus The Kingly office of the Lord Iesus The visible Christian Church Ordinances Touching the several Churches extant Churches nearest to Christ Iesus This was and I hope is the principle of the N English Church The various appearances of Christ Iesus 1 their R. W. Ms. Ann. My offer in the end of the second dayes conference Lying pretenders to Gods service The Authors just Apologie agai●st the unjust clamors of the Quakers A mutual agreement for a third dayes conference A quarter of an hour much canvased The Quakers spirit policy The Quakers would not dispute on the first day and why The third dayes conference at New-port A Letter sent in to all of us The Letter refused to be opened by the Quakers The Sum of the Letter My self reproved in the Letter in 3 particulars The d●fference of the Quakers Sharpness sometimes a duty The Letter it self True librety infringed Quenching of the Spirit The insulting Spirit of the Quakers The true cause of our long discourse at Newport The modesty of this letter The third Position against the Quakers spirit Discussed The word spirit The quality of Spirits All spirits must be tried Gods Spirit given by Gods means The Spirit of God working by means The Quakers at Newport appealed too publickly Samuel Eaton Henoch Ho●vet G. Fox ignorant of the true spirit of God Tho. Moor. The use of means Fox and the Quakers above all Kings and Princes Popes Emperors Saints and Angels The Mahumetans Quakers considered and found one The Quakers Gods upon Earth all other Beasts Reprobates Devils The leading of the Spirits debated The tryal of Revelations Reason sanctified and rightly improved The Spirit gotten of prayer The Quakers Spirit The omnisciency of the Quakers Their in humanity● and cruelty Knowing and doing all things The Light within 2 Cor. 4 God hath shined in our hearts The darkness within An Evidence that the Quakers spirit and a deceitful Heart are one The testimony of the Deputy Governour C●pt Cranston and others against W. E. slanderous rashness The great Cheater who cheats all Cheaters The great Magna Charta xi I●a 59. The true Seed The railng spirit of the Quakers Their Cursing Mens and Womens Nakedness Their Womens Preaching Dumb Meetings The monstrous Singing of the Quakers The true Spirit willing to be examined by the Scripture and every mans Consceence The false and Iuglers endure not searching The Quakers cry is Light but they dare not come to it The two pretended Witnesses Reeve and Muggleton The Quakers would set the Spirit and Scripture at odds The 4th Position concerning the Scriptures A twofold owning of any scripture or Writing The Iews and Papists and Quakers all of them in effect deny the holy Scriptures The Quakers slighting the holy Scriptures in many horrible Particlars A dissembling Show of Quakers respecting the Scriptures An Irish Papist confessing the Truth The Scriptures miraculously preservd to be Gods standing outward Record witness The holy Scripture the only outward standing Rule Record like the Records in the Tower The Holp Scriptures are Gods Love-letters The admirable excellency of the Scripture Luthers Light Ioh 20. 2. considered A famous vision in Turkey The two Witnesses eat up the book of Script Tindal the first heavenly Translator burned 1 nail up this R. W. Ms. Ann. The Iews outward reverence to the Script The first Protestants aff●ction to the Scripture The Scriptures put both Papists Quakers to flight Christs Martyrs or Witnesses love to Scriptures Iames Parnel his horrible sin Iudgment How the Quakers own Scripture 2. King 17. the Samaritans feared the Lord and yet feared him not
Convictions of Nature one thing Conversion another Saving Convictions The State of Adam in his Fall Sathans Cunning with the Quakers Christs coming Two common Traps and Engines of Sathan in cheating the Foxians When Christ is welcome Ellis Bradshaw Two great designs of Sathan The Word and Words of God Whether God have any more wordsthen one Infinite millions of millions of Gods word The Voice of Gods works and Providences Gods Spirit in his word Christ the word of God The shameless wickedness of the Quakers against the Scriptures Christ himself The way of dealing with Indians They see infinite Reason in the holy Scriptures The preservation of the Scripture Tho. Weld As to Christen Names Names to Children The Foxians scornful pride Who are G. Fox his Heathen The Words Heathen 1 Insert R. W. Ms. Ann. Christ destroys not but beaufies Civility 1 Change for to but. R. W. Ms. Ann. The new Man and new Name The Popes flingi●g to the world their old Names G. Fox his great change 1 Place most of them in parenthesis R. W. Ms. Ann. Eccles. 11. 2 Place as the Pope and Cardinals and Iesuits do in parenthesis R. W. Ms. Ann. 243. Rich. and Sherlock The Teachings of God 1 Erase new R. W. Ms. Ann. 2 Change one to many R. W. Ms. Ann. Outward means Miracles 247. Christopher Wade 1 Place beside the Scripture in parenthesis R. W. Ms. Ann. The Sword of the Spirit 2 Insert from R. W. Ms. Ann. Not the Spirit himself The Immediate Inspiration of the Spirit The Scripture horribly abused 253. Henry Haggar The Papists and Quakers of a damning and damne Spirit 1 Erase s in Idols R. W. Ms. Ann. The true Protestants Charity The Quakers far from the Spirit of Christ Jesus The meek and merciful Spirit of Jesus The differeut state of Gods Children 259. John Brown Number 16. Korah Dathan and Abirams Revolt applied to the pretended Quakers The Protestant Religion Revolted from by the Quakers Conspirators agaiust the Priestly Prophetical and Kingly Office and Power of Christ Jesus The conspiracy of the Quakers 1 Place some of them in parenthesis R. W. Ms. Ann. Against Christ Jesus Korah and the Quakers Confidence fierceness And lying Charges Ingratitude Impatience The Wonderful Judgements of God upon the Korathites in this world 62 George Johnson Thoughts about America Now Christ a Light Covenant N Englands Plantaaion The Indians of N. England The Indians of New England The Quakers desire of perverting the Indians John Owen 263 Owens writings about the Scripture Excellently learned and Spiritual and Invincible 264 Samuel Palmer Mans threefold Condition in this Life The Devil too Crafty for the Foxians A great mistery The Quakers devilish pride 275. Ricard Meyo The Devils bloody Craft The Kings Declaration of mercy and Liberty The Devils two sorts of Souldiers Anti-Christianisme The Figures in Scripture A lively picture of the Gospel Why it is called Pauls Gospel How it is hid 282. Daniel Gawdry The Varity of Spirits Why it is said the Spirits made perfect The Devil would be rid of Scripture and all Learning 325 Timothy Trevis G. Fox destroys the working of the Father and the Son G. Fox and the Arminians one as to predestination Mans wisdome about his Earthly business The Mistery of the Quakers Seed The Foxians gross Ignorance of the Godhead 326 Timothy Trevis The manifestation of the Spirit discussed 1 Change slanders to blunders R. W. Ms. Ann. The Garden of Christs Church and the Wilderness c. of the World differ as Heaven and Earth The partition Wall between Jews and Gentiles G. Fox his not cleaving the Hoof though full of Scripture G. Fox his wonderful Confusion The Spirit of God and the world are extream Contraries Prophners of the holy Spirit G. Fox c. resisting and fighting against the holy Spirit The striving of Gods Spirit The free and powerful working of Gods spirit The whole world unprofitable 328 Hugh Archbal The manifold Light mentioned in the Holy Scripture The Common offers of mercy The true Illumination As the first Christians were called The twofold success of the Gospel 330. James Dorram The sight of sin as Sin The Sins of the Regenerate Whit the Combate between the Flesh and Spirit in Rom. 7. The Sin of the Regenerate as a wound and Captivity The Souls delight in God and Hatred to Sin Sincerity the Crown of the true Quakers 338 John Nasmith The Foxians are both Pharisees and Sadduces An Item to G. Fox The Nature of the Devils 345 Hen. Foreside Ezek. 18 Considered The Spirit of Falling from Grace The Papists Arminians and Foxians one in this point Whab Grace it is that Papists Arminians and Foxians Fall from Necessary Observations The Word Righteousness of many significations God's Covenant with the first man The Law given so many hundreth of years after mans Fall G. Fox making use of the Scripture to Curse his Opposites Their horrible Contempt of Scripture 456 A Book from Hollaed G. Fox his proud Ignorance An Impious unsavonry Spirit against the godly of all Nations The Pharisees Perfection 2 Pet. 22 The Saints Continual warfere Scriptural dangers and spiritual Watch. Christs Discipline with his Saints and Churches The Quakers doleful mistake 365. Robert Tuchin c. G Fox prouder and prouder wo se and worse to the End of his Book● The Fall of Angels Fall of Man Davids sin Sacrifice for Sins of Ignorance Great failing of Christs Disciples Paul John and Peter and all come short Peters great failings former and latter written for our Instruction 372. Thomas Hodges G Fox hath affirmed the Contrary to all the Heavenly Assertions of his Opposites which I have produced God sets forth to us in Scripture by Natural and Artificial things The great Question what God is The Devil Gods Ape in Inspirations The Subtlety of the Devil and his Agents in C●tching of men What G. Fox means by the ma●ner of the Spirit G. Fox his proud Simplicity The Monstrous Ridle of the Foxians Spirit Job a perfect man yet abhors himself for his filthiness The Authors humble desire for himself and G. Fox The Authors fear as to G. Fox his case
Prophesie to the person of the Lord Iesus that God-man in one person whome Moses and Stephen preached the great Messiah or Christ the anointed Prophet Priest and King unto all that receive or believe in him Now diverse observing and publickly expressing how unsuitable it was that three of the ablest Speakers amongst them should Consult openly and whisper and utter themselves one immediately after each other and somtimes all together as one man against me W. Edmondson answered and excused it saying that it was mine own Paper which he often produced which exprest my Offer to make good my Positions against all Comers But I replyed once and again That as God is a God of Order and doth all things in Number Weight and Measure in most admirable Order and Method so I had thought that according as I writ and spake to them they would have had so much Ingenuity to conceive that nor I nor any man was so simple as to offer to Dispute with to oppose and to answer twenty or thirty or one hundred at once But thus like subtle and impudent Foxes and Iesuites they pleaded and practised from the beginning of the Conference unto the end of the 4th day resolving to make use of and like dying men by drowning to catch at any ridiculous Advantage though unchristian and uncivill But the truth is this and many other Discouragements and Disadvantages and Difficultyes the Lord Iesus graciously and faithfully 37 For his name sake enabled me to cut through otherwise I saw the Debate would not have held on so many Hours as it did Dayes I knew they had as much mind to this work no nor any guilty Soul in the world as Bears to be tyed to a stake to be baited and I must humbly declare and predicate it to the praise of the Father of mercyes and for the incouragement of others to be Patient for Christ Iesus sake that an hand from heaven caried me through to the end of each day and to the end of the whole business Sometimes I offered to proceed to an other Point but all this first day was spent upon the first Point of true and false Quakers For though many upon a sudden spake as Mr. Coddington Mr. Easton then Governour who spake sharply VVilliam Dyer VVilliam Harris and others against me yet I minded closely what my Antagonists vented who were placed on high in their Desk against me Iohn Stubs and Iohn Burnet were more sober and manly but VV. Edmundson who was the junior of three would speak all like Solomons foolish woman loud and clamorous simple and knowing nothing being in truth nothing but a flash of wit a Face of Brass and a Tongue set on fire from the Hell of Lyes and Fury One Instance here fell out for when I urged that it was not what man had within him already and brought into the world with him that made a true Quaker but the Spirit of God accompanying and blessing the Reading and Hearing of the writings of God preached and opened I said the Heart of man was shut up lockt and barr'd up in willing Ignorance and darkness until the finger of God in the use of those and other blessed meanes pick open in a more gentle way or break open by great afflictions and and terrours the Soul and Spirit of man I said that Paul preached the word by the River side but the Lord opened the heart of Lydia and while I was saying that It was not Paul nor Pauls Preaching nor the word that he preached at this word VV. Edmondson clamour'd out He speakes Blasphemy But it pleased God to move the heart of our Deputy-Governour Capt. Cranston justly and seasonably to witness against this Interruption saying Let him have liberty to make out his mind So I proceeded and said it may be VV. Edmnndson is offended as thinking I spoke against the word Christ but Christ Iesus knowes that I had no such thought but of the words which Paul spake And I added that it was not Lydia nor all her Light within her nor Paul nor 38 his Preaching nor the word nor words that he uttered but the Finger of Gods Spirit according to Election that set the word or words of Paul home opening her heart and not every heart shewing what free grace is against the Popish and Arminian and Foxians exalting of Cursed Nature and then it was that she being by the Lord turned she turned to attend apply to her soul the words which were spoken by Paul as a poor Rams-horn made use of in the hand of God Toward the end of the day VV. Edmondson fell into a long Invective how I had falsly slandered the People of God not only in this place but the whole Body of the People of the Lord called Quakers in all parts For said he we are a great people many thousands in England many thousands in London besides in Virginia and Barbadoes and other places and N-England And he and they said hast thou any more to say to make out thy Lyes against them I Answered as at other times that the Papists the common Protestants the Iews and the Mahumitans and Pagans c. fited the world with their Numbers and yet we jointly opposed them in Religious matters notwithstanding their innumerable numbers And as for more proof that they were not True Quakers and so truly Feariug and Trembling before God I told them I would produce an Argument that they were so far from being Christians that they were a to be exploded and abhorred of all Mankind as being fallen beneath the common temper and nature of the Humanity of men and women yea of the Savage and Barbarous in the world viz. their stripping stark naked their Men and Women and Maidens and passing along in publick places and Streets unto the Assemblyes of Men and Youths and so were beheld and gazed upon by them and this under a pretence of being stirred up by God as a Service or Worship unto God as an act of Christian Religion proceeding from the immediate moving of the most holy Spirit of God most glorious in purity and purity and holiness it self At first W. Edmundson seemed to make strange of the matter as if it could not be proved that any of their women should so appear in the Assemblyes of People I told them the matter of fact was so notorious that it would be loss of time and Impudence to question it being so fouly and openly practised both in Old and New England 39 Also I added further that G. Bishop of Bristow one of themselves in the second part of the Persecutions of New-England relates in print the names of two women in N-England that did so practice and he complains of N-England Persecution because those women suffered Whipping for those actions by the Courts and Officers of N-England Iohn Burnet said that the People called Quakers were a People known to abhor all Impurity and Uncleanness and the
The word Effects The Papists and Quakers call the holy Script a dead Letter The power of Writing in all Affairs Josh. Miller The Quakers notorious Covenant-Breakers Means of Salvation A Union between the Meritorious Cause and means and the Instrumental and Efficient or worker Hosanna to the Son of David The more sure Word of Prophesie Gods speaking by his Prophets is his Word The madness of leaving the Scriptures and turning to a Spirit within The workings of Satan by Spirits and Inspirations in all Ages The Devil and the Quakers alleadging Scriptures No Light in the bold pretenders to so much the Quakers The pure Scripture filthily abused Pag 14 Henoch Howet By the Weapon of the Scripture only Christ Conquered the Devil The Scripture mosh fit and proper Weapon against the De. The Devil a Fox too Crafty for all the Foxians Francis Duke The Quakers Rieiculous for and in their Tautologies The Quakers mad Fancies as to Christ and the Scripture The Humanity of Christ. Pag 16. John Timson The holy Scriptures the Rule 〈◊〉 leading of the Spir it Gods Spirit given by means The fifth Position The danger of being deceived Depths of Hipocri●y 1 In the copy in possession of Brown his autograph across the outside edge of University Roger Williams has placed this page Lies in Hipocrisie Two sorts of Soul Deceivers The Quakers of late have Changed much of their Spirit or else more notoriously Equivocators The Jugling of the Quakers about Christ. About the Church and Ordinances Inward and outward Preachers As to the Scriptures G Fox his last Book Exalting the Heathen As to Magistrates Pag 170 John Stallam The Quakers Principles are for Persecution The Quakers Zealous Persecutors Yet will not own it The Quakers Perfection and yet in Measure Pag. 221. Hosanna to the Son nf David The Old Romans with their Dii Minores or lesser Gods and the Papists and Quakers all one The Perfection of the Godhead The Quakers Fallacious Perfection Hosanna to the Son of David G Fox his Falla-Presence of Christ Visible and Natural or Miraculous and Supernatural Eating of Christ. Christ Head of the Church His Bodily presence The Quakers Count all Gods Children Apostates G Fox his Juglings and dreams about the person of Christ An Apostrophe or Pe●tion to the Lord Jesus 259 James Brown Christs Kingdom in or among the Pharisees Horrible and hipocritical Chistianity A Monstrous King and Kingdome of the Quakers Abominable lyes in hipocrisie The Pharisees and Quakers hipocrisie wonderful The sixth Position The Heresie of the Quakers Heresy what The Quakers Hereticks against all the Christian Principles and more Heretical against the first Christian Religion then any Protestauts or Papists The Quakers Heresy in matter of Repeutance This 24th of Luke I earnekly Insisted on The Papists and Quakers Repentance The Quakers Converts The Protestants true Repentance The Quakets despiling And Revili others Their Covetousness A sowre Spirit is the Common Spirit of the Quakers The Quakers False Faith G Fox his horrible Confounding of Faith and all other Chistian Virtues and Graces together True Faiah what it is The Quakers Transubstatiarion worse then the Fantastick Tran●ubstantiation of the Pepists John Burnet his Sermon And my Answer The Quakers and the Papists general Faith and Repentance The Juglings of the Papists and Quakers The Hope peace and Joy of the Quakers Christ the Hope of Glory 1 Interline it is after world R. W. Ms. Ann. The Simplicity as well as Impiety of the Quakers Hope Humpry Norton his Hope The Quakers Hope of life to come The Quakers bait by which Satan takes them John Bunyan The new Birth of the Quakers The true and false new Birth 1 Interline is after preached R. W. Ms. Ann. The Quakers put out the Eyes of their own Experience Pag 44. George Willington The Quakers meer Jewish and Popish The doleful state of all men till mercy not justice pitty them Pag 47 Joseph Miller The Quakers Justificatson within us Fox his Babilonish tumbling of all in a Croud and Heap together Justification opened The Quakers Popish Justification by works The Papists and Quakers see no need of Christ. The Papists and Quakers know not the difference between the two Covenants Fox his playing with the word Justification The last of the seven Positions at Newport The Quaker Religion pieced up ● many old Heresies Of Natures its Impurity The Papists righter then the Quakers The power of Natu●e in Spirituals The way of Conversion both of the Papists and the Quakers The way of the tr●e Protestants Acts 17. Rom. 9. 2. Falling from Grace The true Protestants Doctrine as to Falling away The Papists and Quakers agree against the holy Scripture The Papists and Quakers Enmity against the Hebrew a●d Greek The Papists and Quakers Judge of Scripture Interpretation of Scripture The Papists and Quakers slighting holy Scripture The Papists and Quakers would be rid of the Scripture The Papists and Quakers unite against the Blood of the Lord Jesus The Infallibility of Papists and Quakers The Quakers Popish Perfection The Popish Revelations of the Quakers Popists and Quakers one in Ceremonies and Inventions The Quakers and Papists agree that that hge Pope is not Anti-Christ The Quakers not owning freely their Names The Quakers and Popish Monks and Munns all one The Papists and Q●akers Cursing The Persecuting Spirit of the Papists and Quakers The Quakers Tongue and hand The Quakers Oneness with the Arminians The Quakers and Socinians Oneness Christ Jesus but a Fancy with the Quakers The Sabellians and Quakers all one The Quakers Judaisme The Quakers Traditious and Ceremonies Dumb Worship Either none or Immodest Salutations The Quakers disrespect to a●l Superiours The Qukers against Musick Fantastical singing Carving painting Ornaments The Conclusion of the Conference at Newport The quickest and last turn about where Christ is An Unexpected yet Seasonable and true Testimony from Elizabeth Williams The Conference at Providence● Passages about Reading the former Recited Letter Thomas Olny About a strange Query put to my Autagonist by Captain Green A Moderator motioned The first of the Positions debated at Providence Alexander Ross G Fox his Non-Sen●e Quakers blasphemous opinion about Goa and the Sovl About Gods Breath The Quakers Gross conceit of soul body Their high blasphemyes Pag. 89. Magnus Bine About the fulness of the God head Unreasonable Reasoning The great temptation of knowing and holy People The Quakers make themselvs God and Christ. Magnus Bine The Soul of man infinite The Quakers are the old Manicheans 1 Change no to in R. W. Ms. Ann. Municheus his 2 Principles The infinite patience of God The Quakers obstinate in horrible fancies Blasphemies Daniel Caudry The Quakers challenge an equality with God The Quakess make themselves Fa●her Son Holy Spirit Christ. Wade H. Nortou more plain then G F. Fergison G F against the mystery of Father Son and Spirit The Quak blasphemyes as to the most holy Spirit Tee Quak●rs Chaos babel
The Quak. dig up the root of al Christianity in the 4 great Doctrines thereof 1 Interline man R. W. Ms. Ann. Tho Collier The Quak. hold no Heaven nor Hell to come John Clapham The Pollard The epicurian Philosophers the Quakers one Sect. 1 Change to err R. W. Ms. Ann. The 9th Position proved M● Perkins saying of the Papists and mine of the Quakers Neither Papists nor Quak skil ●ow to pay Gods justice The Character of a Quaker 1 Interline or R. W. Ms. Ann. What true turning to God is Iacobs Ladder of true Christianity The Quakers ●nd most mens Shipwrack The Quakers Min●sters and ●heir Plea A close fight as to Religion The easiness of the Quakers Religion One Devil changed for another yea sometimes one for seven The Quakers simple boast of numbers The carnal weapons The Quakers Spirit far from purity and Holiness The Spight og the Quakers Spirit The ignorance of the Quakers The abominable Spirit of the Quakers nakedness Quakers driven on by the old Spirit of the Adamites The rising of the Quakers Diverse Sorts suffered by God to fall into the Quak Ditch But especially for Male and Female Protestants The great distinguishing Character of true and false Pretenders The 3d Position debated at Providence Two great Competitors the Popes and Foxians Spiritual pride the devils pride The Popes Quakers pride compared The Quakers hoast of their number The audncious impious faecs of the Foxians Pope Edmond commanding silencing the Governour A second Paralel between the Pope Quakers 1 these R. W. Ms. Ann. The Pope and Quakers usurp over the Souls of all men Humph Norton G Fox compared G F. a subtler Fox then Hum. Norton A third parallel between the Pope Quak. Both Papists Qukers their Pride above the Scriptures The Pope aad Quakers horrible revilers Slanderours cursers of the Righteous The 5. parallel The infallibility of the Popes and Quakers Oracles The Holy Spirit in a Cloakbag at the Councel at Trent The Pope and Quak the two great pretenders and corrivals for the pretended Holy Ghost The Quak pretending to be Apostles F F his Counterfeit mirrcles 1 Interline and. R. W. Ms. Ann. A 6 Parallel between the Pope the Quak. A 7 parallel between the Pope and Quakers 8 Parallel as to the sinless condition of the Quakers G F his proud Blasphemy as to God himself H B the first Perf●ctist in these parts and most notorious for Imperfections The difference amongst the Quakers as to these things The 4th of the seven last Positions The Indians Religion A Deity or higher Power acknowledged by Indians The four chief Religions of the World The religious Diff●rences among the Protestants Fundamental Differences The Quakers easie Conversion and Churches not comparable to the way of N-England Flatterers of Kings The whorish Quakers and whore of Rome The Devil a roaring Lion The Quak pretences to outgo all pretending Preachers True Preachers or messengers The Earthly Heavenly Sword A great mystery amongst Papists and Protestants A word to the Protestants The mystical Farmers The 5th of the last 7 positions The suffrings of the Quakers Pauls and the Quak suffrings The Quak. sufferings in Hystory of G. Bishop recorded E. Burrowes his Epistle quoted The Quotation weighed What true Suffering is 1 Interline and R. W. Ms. Ann. True Scripture Language The wonderfull Sufferings of Hereticks Great failings of Gods Children in this life True and False Sufferers for the Name of Christ. The Quakers described 1 Interline a. R. W. Ms. Ann. I Fox G Fox their Martyrs the contrary causes of their Sufferings Heavenly love carried on G Foxes even felf God and Christ Spirit Virgin love to God c. The humility of Christs sufferers Devilish pride The predictions of the Quakers A blessed saying of blessed Mr. Dod. The 13 position discusd The Quakers and other Authors compared G. F. his Writing● poor and lam● G F his book in folio considered G F his ignorance of common English Horrible contradiction 1 Holy Spirit R. W. Ms. Ann. The excellent men Whom G F in his book in folio trampleth ●n as Dishclouts Dogs Devils A difference of Sinners G. Fox no true Goldsmith Fox his subtilty and yet simplicity in granting the Script to be the words of God The word Humane abominable above all words to the Quakers The simple tautologyes of the Quakers The inju●●ing wild imperiousness of G. Fox Hen. Haggar Bloudy and devillish Pride of the Foxians Fox his horrihle railing Fox his bruitish and ridiculous Song What Railing is Instances out of G. F. his Book Sam. Eaton 1 1. Tim. 6. R. W. Ms. Ann. Gods being out of our reach The nature of Spirits How God and Christ of is in us Sam. Eaton The Scripture the Rule The Holy Scripture a Lanthorn Try all things Sam Eaton Gods mediate teachings his word voice manifold and specified Pauls wonderful mediate and immediate conversion Immediate teachings Revelations considered in 7 particulars The great business of Revelations Sam Eaton What is the Gospel The horrible Cheat of the Foxians Why the Gospel is called the Power of God How it is called Pauls Gospel 1 by R. W. Ms. Ann. Three Foxes The Scripture the word or glad news from Heaven written Counterfeits destroy not true ●eirs and owners for ever A word to all Foxians Gods wonderful preservation of his word or wil to poor mankind John Bunian The great Position of Iustification Iustification what it is The proud Quakers affirm no distinction between God themselves 1 Drops R. W. Ms. Ann. Ioseph Kellet Our natural Alienation from God Few excellent men saved 1 Ye R. W. Ms. Ann. Our alienation from God Richard Baxter The matters of perfection Phil. 3. about perfection 1 Erase Brethren and. R. W. Ms. Ann. The estate of Gods Children upon Earth Richard Baxter The great consequence of a word Ellis Bradshaw The honor which the Quakers give to others Civil respect Thou Thee Incivilities ought to be moderately punisht The 14. Position debated W E. c standing upon coals Civility and Courtesie N. Eng. one work to civilize a Barbarous People The Quakers monstrous Incivility The Indians and Quakers of one Spirit The Quakers again maintain their womens Nakedness Signs and Figures discussed The Quakers spirit enraged The Quakers spirit tending to Arbetrary Government The Quakers have no need of Scripture much less of the written Laws of men The Quakers none else in the World fit for Gonrnment as they judge T A his Testimony The 3d. Branch Immediate impulses The Kings Grandfather H. 4. of France murthered upon pretence of a vision of Angels W. Edm. W. Harris their mallice towards me W Harris his character and practise W H the Q the higher powers as they simply affirm W Edm. his ignorant and impudent zeal and upbraidings The point of persecution So many Quak. so many Popes The pretended meekness of the Quakers