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A65285 A body of practical divinity consisting of above one hundred seventy six sermons on the lesser catechism composed by the reverend assembly of divines at Westminster : with a supplement of some sermons on several texts of Scripture / by Thomas Watson ... Watson, Thomas, d. 1686. 1692 (1692) Wing W1109; ESTC R32148 1,021,388 604

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and Majesty yet chiefly he will have the worship of the Soul 1 Cor. 6.20 Glorifie God in your body and in your spirit Spirit-worship God prizeth because it comes so near to his own Nature who is a Spirit Quest. What is it to Worship God in the Spirit Resp. 1. To worship him without Ceremonies The Ceremonies of the Law which God himself ordained are now abrogated and out of date Christ the Substance being come the Shadows flie away and therefore the Apostle calls the Legal Ceremonies Carnal Rites Heb. 9.10 and if not use those Iewish Ceremonies which God did once appoint then not those which he did never appoint Resp. 2. To worship God in Spirit is to worship him 1. With Faith in the Bloud of the Messiah Heb. 11.9 And 2. to worship him with the utmost Zeal and Intensness of Soul Acts 26.7 Our twelve tribes instantly serving God day and night 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 with Intensness of Spirit not only constantly but instantly This is to worship God in the Spirit The more Spiritual any Service is the nearer it comes to God who is a Spirit and the more excellent it is the spiritual part of Duty is the Fat of the Sacrifice it is the Soul and Quintessence of Religion The richest Cordials are made of Spirits and the best Duties are such as are of a Spiritual Nature God is a Spirit and will be worshipped in Spirit It is not Pomp of Worship but Purity which God accepts Repentance is not in the outward Severities used to the Body Pennance Fasting and Chastising the Body but it consists in the Sacrifice of a broken Heart Thanksgiving doth not stand in Church-Musick the Melody of an Organ but rather making Melody in the Heart to the Lord Eph. 5.19 Prayer is not the Tuning of the Voice into an heartless Confession or telling over a few Beads but it consists in Sighs and Groans Rom. 8.26 When the Fire of Fervency is put to the Incense of Prayer now it ascends as a sweet Odour that is the true Holy Water not which the Pope sprinkles but what is distilled from the Limbeck of a Penitent Eye Spirit-worship best pleaseth that God who is a Spirit Ioh. 4.23 The Father seeks such to worship him to shew the great acceptance of such and how God is delighted with Spiritual-worship This is the savoury Meat God loves How few mind this worshipping him who is a Spirit in the Spirit they give him more Dreggs then Spirits they think it enough to bring their Duties but not their Hearts which hath made God disclaim those very Services he himself appointed Isa. 1.12 Ezek. 33.31 Let us then give God Spirit-worship this best suits with his Nature a Soveraign Elixar full of Vertue may be given in a few drops a little Prayer if it be with the Heart and Spirit may have much Vertue and Efficacy in it The Publican made but a short Prayer God be merciful to me a sinner Luke 18.13 but it was full of life and spirit it came from the Heart therefore was accepted Use 2. of Exhortation Pray to God that as he is a Spirit so he will give us of his Spirit The Essence of God is incommunicable but the Motions the Presence and Influences of his Spirit When the Sun shines in a Room not the Body of the Sun is there but the Light Heat and Influence of the Sun God hath made a Promise of his Spirit Ezek. 36.27 I will put my Spirit within you Turn Promises into Prayers O Lord thou who art a Spirit give me of thy Spirit I Flesh beg thy Spirit thy enlightning ●anctifying quickning Spirit Melancthon's Prayer Domine accende animam meam Spiritu tuo Lord inflame my Soul with thy Holy Spirit How needful is his Spirit we cannot do any Duty without it in a lively manner when this Wind blows upon our Sails then we move swiftly towards Heaven Pray therefore that God will give us of the Residue of his Spirit Mal. 2.15 that we may move more vigorously in the Sphere of Religion Use 3. of Comfort As God is a Spirit so the Reward that he gives is Spiritual that is the Excellency of it as the chief Blessings he gives us in this Life are Spiritual Blessings Eph. 1.3 not Gold and Silver he gives Christ his Love he fills us with Grace so the main Rewards he gives after this Life are Spiritual a Crown of Glory that fades not away 1 Pet. 5.4 Earthly Crowns fade but the Believer's Crown being Spiritual is Immortal a never-fading Crown It is impossible saith Iulius Scaliger for that which is Spiritual to be subject to Change or Corruption This may comfort a Christian in all his Labours and Sufferings he lays out himself for God and hath little or no Reward here but remember God who is a Spirit will give Spiritual Rewards a sight of his Face in Heaven white Robes a weight of Glory Be not then weary of God's Service think of the Spiritual Reward a Crown of Glory which fadeth not away GOD is INFINITE Quest. WHat kind of Spirit is God Resp. He is Infinite so he differs from all created Beings which are Finite Though Infinite may be applied to all God's Attributes he is infinitely Merciful infinitely Wise infinitely Holy yet if we take Infiniteness properly so implies 1. God's Omnipresency the Greek word for Infinite 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 from 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifies without Bounds or Limits God is not confined to any place he is Infinite and so is present in all places at once His Centre is every-where Divina essentia nusquam inclusa aut exclusa Aug. 1 Kings 8.27 Behold the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain thee This the Turks have a Notion of they build their Temples open on the top to show that God cannot be confined to their Temples or circumscribed but is in all places by his Presence God's Essence is not limited either to the Regions above or to the Terrestrial Globe but his whole Essence is every-where This is to be Infinite As Philosophers say of the Soul it is Tota in toto tota in qualibet parte The Soul is in every part of the Body in the Eye Heart Foot so we may say of God he is Ubique his Essence is every-where his Circuit is in Heaven and Earth and Sea and he is in all places of his Circuit at once This is to be Infinite God who bounds every thing else is himself without Bounds He sets Bounds to the Sea Huc usque Hitherto shalt thou come and no further He sets Bounds to the Angels they like the Cherubims move and stand at his appointment Ezek. 10.16 but he is Infinite without Bounds He who can span the Heavens and weigh the Earth in a pair of Scales must needs be Infinite Isa. 40.12 Object Vorstius That God is in all places at once but not in regard of his Essence but Virtute potentia by his Vertue and
make a Will and settles his Estate upon such Persons as he names in the Will none else but they can lay claim to the Will so God makes a Will and Testament but it is restrained and limited to such as are sanctified and it is high presumption for any else to lay claim to the Will 4. There is no going to Heaven without Sanctification Hebr. 12.14 Without holiness no man shall see the Lord. God is an holy God and he will suffer no unholy Creature to come near him A King will not suffer a Man with Plague-sores to approach into his Presence Heaven is not like Noah's Ark where the clean Beasts and the unclean entred no unclean Beast comes into the Heavenly Ark. Though God suffer the Wicked to live a while on the Earth he will never suffer Heaven to be pestered with such Vermin Are they fit to see God who wallow in wickedness will God ever lay such Vipers in his bosom Without holiness no man shall see the Lord. It must be a clear Eye that sees a bright Object only an holy Heart can see God in his Glory Sinners may see God as an Enemy not as a Friend may have an affrighting Vision of God but not a beatifical Vision They may see the flameing Sword but not the Mercy Seat O then what need is there of Sanctification 5. Without Sanctification all our holy things are defiled 1 Tit. 1.15 Unto them that are defiled is nothing pure Under the Law if a Man who was Unclean by a dead Body had carried a piece of holy Flesh in his Skirt the holy Flesh had not cleansed him but he had polluted that Hag. 1.12 13. An Emblem of a Sinners polluting his holy Offering A foul Stomack turns the best Food into ill Humours An unsanctified Heart pollutes Prayers Alms Sacraments this evinceth the necessity of Sanctification Sanctification makes our holy things accepted an holy Heart is the Altar which sanctifies the Offering his Duties tho' they are not to Satisfaction yet to Acceptation 6. Without Sanctification we can show no sign of our Election 2 Thes. 2.13 Election is the cause of our Salvation Sanctification is our Evidence Sanctification is the Ear-mark of Christ's Elect Sheep Quest. What are the Signs of Sanctification Resp. 1. Such as are sanctified can remember a time when they were unsanctified Tit. 3.3 We were in our Bloud and then God wash'd us with Water and anointed us with Oyl Ezek. 16.9 Those Trees of Righteousness that blossom and bear Almonds can remember when they were like Aaron's dry Rod not one Blossom of Holiness growing A sanctified Soul can remember when he was estranged from God thro' Ignorance and Vanity and then Free-grace planted this Flower of Holiness in him Second Sign of Sanctification is the in-dwelling of the Spirit 2 Tim. 1.14 The Holy Ghost which dwelleth in us As the Unclean Spirit dwells in the Wicked and carries them to Pride Lust Revenge the Devil hath entred into these Swine Acts 5.3 So the Spirit of God dwells in the Elect as their Guide and Comforter The Spirit possesseth the Saints God's Spirit sanctifies the Fancy causing it to mint holy Thoughts it sanctifies the Will putting a new Byass upon it whereby it is inclin'd to Good He who is sanctified hath the Influence of the Spirit tho' not the Essence Third Sign of Sanctification is an Antipathy against Sin Ps. 119.104 An Hypocrite may leave Sin yet love it as a Serpent casts its Coat but keeps its Sting but a sanctified Person can say he not only leaves Sin but loaths it As there are Antipathies in Nature between the Vine and Laurel so in a sanctified Soul there is an holy Antipathy against Sin and Antipathies can never be reconciled Because he hath an Antipathy against Sin he cannot but oppose it and seek the Destruction of it Fourth Sign of Sanctification is the Spiritual Performance of Duties viz. with the Heart and from a Principle of Love The sanctified Soul prays out of love to Prayer he calls the Sabbath a Delight Isa. 58.13 A Man may have Gifts to Admiration he may speak as an Angel drop'd out of Heaven yet may be carnal in spiritual things his Services do not come from a renewed Principle nor is he carried upon the Wings of Delight in Duty A sanctified Soul worships God in the Spirit 1 Pet. 2.5 God doth not judge of our Duties by the length but by the love Fifth Sign A well-order'd Life 1 Pet. 1.15 Be ye holy in all manner of conversation Where the Heart is sanctified the Life will be so too the Temple had Gold without as well as within As in a Piece of Coyn there 's not only the King's Image within the Ring but his Superscription too without So where there is Sanctification there is not only God's Image in the Heart but a Superscription of Holiness written in the Life Some say they have good Hearts but their Lives are Vitious Prov. 30.12 There is a generation that are pure in their own eyes yet is not washed from their filthiness If the Water be foul in the Bucket it cannot be clean in the Well Psal. 45.13 The king's daughter is all glorious within There is Holiness of Heart her Garments are wrought of wrought Gold Holiness of Life Grace is most beautiful when its Light doth so shine that others may see it this adorns Religion and makes Proselites to the Faith Sixth Sign Stedfast Resolution he is resolved never to part with his Holines let others reproach it he loves it the more let Water be sprinkled on the Fire it burns the more He saith as David when Micol reproach'd him for Dancing before the Ark 2 Sam. 6.22 If this be to be vile I will yet be more vile Let others persecute him for his Holiness he saith as Paul Acts 20.24 None of these things move me He prefers Sanctity before Safety and had rather keep his Conscience pure than his Skin whole He saith as Iob My integrity I will hold fast and not let it go Cap. 27.6 He will rather part with his Life then his Conscience Use 1. See what is the main thing a Christian should look after viz. Sanctification this is the Unum necessarium Sanctification is our purest Complexion it makes us as the Heaven bespangled with Stars it is our Nobility by it we are born of God and partake of the Divine Nature it is our Riches therefore compar'd to rows of Jewels and Chains of Gold Cant. 1.10 It is our best Certificate for Heaven what Evidence have we else to show have we Knowledge so hath the Devil Do we profess Religion Satan oft appears in Samuel's Mantle and transforms himself into an Angel of Light But here is our Certificat to show for Heaven Sanctification Sanctification is the first Fruits of the Spirit the only Coyn will pass currant in the other World Sanctification is the Evidence of God's Love we cannot guess at God's Love by giving us
into his image 1 Iohn 3.2 We shall be like him If when Moses was with God on the Mount and had but some imperfect sight of his Glory Moses face shined Exod. 34.33 How shall the Saints glorified shine being always in God's Presence and having some beams of his Glory put upon them We shall be like him One that is deformed may look on Beauty and not be made Beautiful But the Saints that so see God as that sight shall transform them into his Likeness Psal. 17.15 When I awake I shall be satisfied with thy likeness Not that the Saints shall partake of God's Essence for as the Iron in the Fire is made Fiery yet remains Iron still so the Saints by beholding God's Majesty shall be made Glorious Creatures but yet Creatures still 4. Our seeing of God in Heaven will be unweariable Let a Man see the rarest Sight that is he will be soon cloyed when he comes into a Garden and sees delicious Walks fair Arbours Pleasant Flowers within a little while he grows weary But it is not so in Heaven there is no Surfeit Ibi nec Fames nec Fastidium Bern. The Saints will never be weary of their Prospect viz. of seeing God for God being infinite there shall be every Moment new and fresh Delights springing from God into the Souls of the Glorified II. The Second thing implied in our enjoying God is our Loving of God 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 it is a Saints grief that his Heart is like the Frozen Ocean that he can melt no more in Love to God but in Heaven the Saints shall be like Seraphims burning in Divine Love Love is a pleasing Affection Fear hath Torment in it 1 Iohn 4.18 Love hath Joy in it To love Beauty is delightful God's amazing Beauty will attract the Saints Love and it will be their Heaven to Love him III. The Third thing implyed in enjoying God is Gods Loving us Were there Glory in God yet if there were not Love it would much eclipse the Joys of Heaven but God is Love 1 Iohn 4.16 The Saints glorified cannot love so much as they are loved What is their Love to God's What is their Star to this Sun God doth love his People on Earth when they are black as well as comely they have their 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Imperfections O how intirely will he Love them when they are without Spot or Wrinkle Eph. 5.27 1. This is the Felicity of Heaven to be in the sweet Embraces of God's Love To be the Hephsibah the delight of the King of Glory To be Sunning our selves in the Light of Gods Countenance Then the Saints shall know that Love of Christ which passeth Knowledge Eph. 3.19 From this glorious manifestation of God's Love will flow infinite Joy into the Souls of the Blessed Therefore Heaven is call'd entring into the joy of our Lord Mat. 25.21 The Seeing of God the Loving of God and being Beloved of God will cause a Jubilation of Spirit and create such Holy Raptures of Joy in the Saints as is unspeakable and full of Glory 1 Pet. 1.8 In Deo quadam dulcedine delectatur anima imo rapitur Aug. Now the Saints spend their Years with Sighing they weep over their Sins and Afflictions then their Water shall be turned into Wine then the Vessels of Mercy shall be fill'd and run over with Joy they shall have their Palm-Branches and Harps in their Hand Rev. 14.2 in token of their Triumphs and Rejoycing 2. The Second thing comprehended in Glory is the good Society there There are the Angels every Star adds to the Light Those Blessed Cherubims will welcome us into Paradise If the Angels rejoyced so at the Conversion of the Elect First How will they rejoyce at their Coronation Secondly There is the Company of the Saints Heb. 12.23 The Spirits of Iust Men made Perfect Quest. Whether shall the Saints in Glory know each other Resp. Certainly they shall for our Knowledge in Heaven shall not be diminished but increased We shall not only know our Friends and Godly Relations but those glorified Saints which we never saw before It must be so for Society without Acquaintance is not comfortable And of this Opinion were St. Austin Anselm Luther And indeed the Scripture seems to hint so much to us For if Peter in the Transfiguration knew Moses and Elias whom he never saw before Mat. 17.4 then surely in Heaven the Saints shall know one another and be infinitely delighted in each others Company 3. The Third thing comprehended in Glory is Perfection in Holiness Holiness is the Beauty of God and Angels it makes Heaven What is Happiness but the quintessence of Holiness Here a Christians Grace is imperfect he cannot write a Copy of Holiness without blotting He is said to receive but Primitas Spiritus the first Fruits of the Spirit Grace in Fieri Rom. 8.23 But at Death Believers shall arrive at Perfection of Grace Then this Sun shall be in its Meridian Splendour then they shall not need to pray for Encrease of Grace for they shall be as the Angels 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 their Light shall be clear as well as their Joy full 4. The Fourth thing in Glory is Dignity and Honour they shall reign as Kings Therefore the Saints glorified are said to have their insignia Regalia their Ensigns of Royalty their white Robes and their Crown 2 Tim. 4.7 Caesar after his Victories in token of Honour had a Chair of Ivory set for him in the Senate and a Throne in the Theatre the Saints having obtained their Victories over Sin and Satan shall be inthroned with Christ in the Empirean Heaven To sit with Christ denotes Safety to set on the Throne Dignity Rev. 3.21 This Honour have all the Saints 5. The Fifth thing in Glory is the Harmony and Union among the Heavenly Inhabitants The Devil cannot get his Cloven Foot into Heaven He cannot conjure up any Storms of Contention there there shall be perfect Union There Calvin and Luther are agreed there 's no jarring String in the Heavenly Musick there is nothing to make any difference no Pride or Envy there Though one Star may differ from another one may have a greater degree of Glory yet every Vessel shall be full There shall the Saints and Angels fit as Olive-Plants round about their Fathers Table in Love and Unity Then shall they joyn together in consort then shall the loud Anthems of Praise be sung in the Heavenly Quire 6. The Sixth thing in Glory is a blessed Rest Heb. 4.9 There remains a Rest Foelix transitus à labore ad requiem here we can have no rest tossed and turn'd as a Ball on Racket 2 Cor. 4.8 We are 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 troubled on every side How can a Ship rest in a Storm But after Death the Saints get into their Haven Every thing is quiet in the Center God is centrum quietativum animae as the Schoolmen The Center where the Soul doth sweetly acquiesce
is capable of Communion with God of being Christ's Spouse 2 Cor. 11.2 That I might espouse you Virgin-Souls to Christ. It is capable of being Crown'd with Glory for ever O then carrying such precious Souls about you created with the Breath of God redeemed with the Blood of God what Endeavours should you use for the Saving of these Souls Let not the Devil have your Souls Heliogabalus fed his Lions with Pheasant The Devil is call'd a Roaring Lion feed him not with your Souls Besides the Excellency of the Soul which may make you labour to get it saved consider how sad it will be not to have the Soul saved It is such a Loss as there is none like it Because in losing the Soul you lose a great many things with it A Merchant in losing his Ship loseth many things with it He loseth Money Jewels Spices So he that loseth his Soul loseth Christ the company of Angels Heaven It is an infinite Loss and it is an irreparable Loss it can never be made up again Two Eyes but one Soul Chrys. O what Care should be taken about the Immortal Soul I would request but this of you that you would but take as much Care for the saving your Souls as you do for the getting an Estate Nay I will say this Do but take as much Care for the saving your Souls as the Devil doth for destroying them O how industrious is Satan to damn Souls How doth he play the Serpent in his subtile laying of Snares to catch Souls How doth he shoot Fiery Darts The Devil is never idle The Devil is a busie Bishop in his Diocess he walks up and down seeking whom he may devour 1 Pet. 5.8 Now is not this a Reasonable Request to take but as much Care for the saving of your Souls as the Devil doth for the destroying them Quest. How shall we do to get our Souls saved Resp. By having them sanctified Only the pure in Heart shall see God Get your Souls in-laid and enamel'd with Holiness 1 Pet. 1.16 It is not enough that we cease to do Evil which is all the Evidence some have to show this is to lose Heaven by short shooting but we must be inwardly sanctify'd Not only the unclean Spirit must go out but we must be filled with the Holy Ghost Eph. 5.18 This Holiness must needs be if you consider God is to dwell with you here and you are to dwell with him hereafter First God is to dwell with you here God takes up the Soul for his own Lodgings Eph. 3.17 That Christ may dwell in your Heart Therefore the Soul must be Consecrated A King's Palace must be kept clean especially his Presence-Chamber The Body is the Temple of the Holy Ghost 1 Cor. 6.19 then the Soul is the Sanctum Sanctorum how Holy ought that to be Secondly You are to dwell with God Heaven is an Holy Place 1 Pet. 1.4 An Inheritance undefiled And how can you dwell with God till you are sanctified We do not put Wine into a musty Vessel God will not put the New Wine of Glory into a sinful Heart O then as you love your Souls and would have them sav'd Eternally endeavour after Holiness by this means you will have an Idoneity and Fitness for the Kingdom of Heaven and your Souls will be saved in the Day of the Lord Jesus EXOD. XX. 14 Thou shalt not commit Adultery God is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a pure holy Spirit and hath an infinite Antipathy against all Uncleanness In this Commandment he hath entred his Caution against it Non maechaberis Thou shalt not commit Adultery The Sum of this Commandment is The Preservation of Corporal Purity We must take heed of running on the Rock of Uncleanness and so making Shipwrack of our Chastity In this Commandment there is something tacitly implyed and something tacitly forbidden 1. Something tacitly Implyed viz. That the Ordinance of Marriage should be observed 2. Something expresly Forbidden viz. The infecting our selves with Bodily Pollution Thou shalt not commit Adultery 1. Something Implyed That the Ordinance of Marriage should be observed 1 Cor. 7.2 Let every Man have his own Wife and every Woman have her own Husband Marriage is honourable and the Bed undefiled Heb. 13.4 God did institute Marriage in Paradise he brought the Woman to the Man Gen. 2.22 He did as it were give them in Marriage And Jesus Christ did honour Marriage with his Presence Iohn 2.2 The first Miracle he wrought was at a Marriage when he turned the Water into Wine Marriage is a Type and Resemblance of the Mystical Union between Christ and his Church Eph. 5.32 Concerning Marriage 1. There are General Duties 1. The General Duty of the Husband is to Rule Eph. 5.23 The Husband is the Head of the Wife The Head is the Seat of Rule and Government but he must rule with Discretion He is Head therefore must not rule without Reason 2. The General Duty on the Wife's part is Submission Eph. 5.22 Wives submit your selves unto your own Husbands as unto the Lord. It is observable the Holy Ghost passeth by Sarah's Failings he doth not mention her Unbelief but he takes notice of that which was good in her her Reverence and Obedience to her Husband 1 Pet. 3.6 Sarah obey'd Abraham calling him Lord. 2. Special Duties belonging to Marriage are Love and Fidelity 1. Love Eph. 5.25 Love is the Marriage of the Affections There is as it were but one Heart in two Bodies Love lines the Yoak and makes it easie Love perfumes the Marriage-Relation without which it is not Conjugium but Conjurgium it is like two Poysons in one Stomach one is ever sick of the other 2. Fidelity In Marriage there is a mutual Promise of living together Faithfully according to God's Holy Ordinance Among the Romans on the Day of Marriage the Woman presented to her Husband Fire and Water Fire refines Metal Water cleanseth Hereby signifying that she would live with her Husband in Chastity and Sincerity This is the First thing in the Commandment implied that the Ordinance of Marriage should be purely observed 2. The thing Forbidden in the Commandment i. e. Infecting our selves with Bodily Pollution and Uncleanness Thou shalt not commit Adultery The Fountain of this Sin is Lust. Since the Fall Holy Love is degenerated into Lust. Lust is the Fever of the Soul There is a two-fold Adultery 1. Mental Matth. 5.28 Whosoever looketh on a Woman to lust after her hath committed Adultery already with her in his Heart As a Man may die of an inward Bleeding so he may be damn'd for the inward boylings of Lust if they be not mortify'd 2. Corporal Adultery when Sin hath conceiv'd and brought forth in the Act. This is expresly forbidden under a Sub poena Thou shalt not commit Adultery This Commandment is set as an Hedge to keep out Uncleanness and they that break this Hedge a Serpent shall bite them Iob calls Adultery an heinous Crime
had put all the Creatures in a Limbeck and stilled out the Quintessence and behold All was Vanity Eccles. 2.11 Covetousness is a dry Dropsie the more a Man hath the more he thirsts Quo plus sunt potae plus sitiuntur aquae 3. Worldly things cannot remove Trouble of mind King Saul being perplexed in Conscience all his Crown-Jewels could not administer Comfort to him 1 Sam. 28.15 The things of the World will no more ease a troubled Spirit than a Gold Cap will cure the Head-ach 4. The things of the World if you had more of them cannot continue with you 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Isocr The Creature hath a little Honey in its Mouth but it hath Wings to fly away Glass Mettal These things either go from us or we from them What poor things are these to covet 2. Second Consideration The Frame and Contexture of the Body God hath made the Face to look upwards towards Heaven Os Homini sublime dedit coelumque tueri Iussit Ovid. Anatomists observe that whereas other Creatures have but Four Muscles to their Eyes Man hath a Fifth Muscle by which he is able to look up to Heaven And as for the Heart it is made like a Glass Viol narrow and contracted downwards but wide and broad upwards And as the Frame and Contexture of the Body teacheth us to look to things Above so especially the Soul is planted in the Body as a Divine Sparkle to ascend upwards Can it be imagined that God gave us intellectual Immortal Souls to covet only Earthly things What wise Man would fish for Gudgeons with Golden Hooks Did God give us Glorious Souls only to fish for the World Sure our Souls are made for an higher End to aspire after the enjoyment of God in Glory 3. Third Consideration The Examples of those who have been Contemners and Despisers of the World The Primitive Christians as Clemens Alexandrinus observes were sequestred from the World and where wholly taken up in Converse with God they lived in the World above the World Like the Birds of Paradise who soar above in the Air and seldom or never touch with their Feet upon Earth Luther saith That he was never tempted to this Sin of Covetousness The Saints of old tho they did live in the World they did trade in Heaven Phil. 3.20 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Our Conversation is in Heaven The Greek Word signifies our Commerce or Traffick or Burghership is in Heaven Enoch walked with God Gen. 5.24 His Affections were sublimated he did take a turn in Heaven every Day The Righteous are compared to a Palm-Tree Psal. 92.12 Philo observes That whereas all other Trees have their Sap in their Root the Sap of the Palm-tree is towards the Top. The Emblem of the Saints whose Hearts are above in Heaven where their Treasure is 3. The Third Remedy Covet Spiritual things more and you will Covet earthly things less Covet Grace Grace is the best Blessing it is the Seed of God 1 Iohn 3.9 The Angels Glory covet Heaven Heaven is the Region of Happiness 't is the most pleasant Climate Did we covet Heaven more we should covet Earth less They that stand on the top of the Alps the great Cities of Campania seem but as small Villages in their Eye If we could have our Hearts more fixed upon the Ierusalem above how would all Worldly things disappear and be as nothing in our Eye We read of an Angel coming down from Heaven who did tread with his right Foot on the Sea and with his left Foot on the Earth Rev. 10.2 Had we but once been in Heaven and viewed the Superlative Glory of it how might we in an holy Scorn trample with one Foot upon the Earth and with the other Foot upon the Sea Oh covet after Heavenly things There is the Tree of Life the Mountains of Spices the Rivers of Pleasure the Honey-comb of God's Love dropping the Delights of Angels the Flower of Joy fully ripe and blown There is the pure Air to breath in no Fogs nor Vapors of Sin arise to infect that Air but the Sun of Righteousness enlightens that Horizon continually with its glorious Beams O let your Thoughts and Delights be always taken up about the City of Pearl the Paradise of God Did we covet Heavenly things more we should covet earthly things less It is reported after Lazarus was raised from the Grave he was never seen to smile or be delighted with the World after Were our Hearts rais'd by the Power of the Holy Ghost up to Heaven we should not be much taken with Earthly things 4. The Fourth Remedy Pray for an Heavenly Mind Lord let the Loadstone of thy Spirit draw my Heart upward Lord dig the Earth out of my Heart teach me how to possess the World and not love it how to hold it in my hand and not let it get into my Heart So much for the Commandment in General Thou shalt not cover 2. I shall speak of it more Particularly Thou shalt not covet thy Neighbours House thou shalt not covet thy Neighbours Wife c. Observe here the Holiness and Perfection of God's Law It forbids the Motus primo primi the First Motions and Risings of Sin in the Heart Thou shalt not covet The Laws of Men take hold of the Actions but the Law of God goes further it forbids not only the Actions but the Affections Thou shalt not covet thy Neighbours House It is not said Thou shalt not take away his House But Thou shalt not covet it These Lustings and Desires after the Forbidden Fruit are sinful Rom. 7.7 The Law hath said Thou shalt not covet Tho the Tree bears no bad Fruit it may be faulty at the Root Tho a Man doth not commit Gross Sin yet who can say his Heart is pure There may be a Faultiness at the Root there may be sinful Covetings and Lustings in the Soul Vse Let us be humbled for the Sin of our Nature the Risings of Evil Thoughts coveting that which we ought not Our Nature is a Seed-Plot of Iniquity it is like Charcoal that is ever sparkling The Sparkles of Pride Envy Covetousness arise in the Mind How should this humble us If there be not sinful Actings there are sinful Covetings Let us pray for mortifying Grace which may be like the Water of Jealousie to make the Thigh of Sin to rot But to come to the Words more nearly Thou shalt not covet thy Neighbours House nor thy Neighbours Wife c. Quest. Why is the House put before the Wife In Deuteronomy the Wife is put first Deut. 5.21 Neither shalt thou desire thy Neighbours Wife neither shalt thou covet thy Neighbours House Here the House is put first Resp. In Deuteronomy the Wife is set down first in respect of her Value She if a good Wife is of far greater Value and Estimate than the House Prov. 31.10 Her Price is far above Rubies She is the Furniture of the House and this Furniture
replyed Dilexi dilexi I have loved I have loved and strait-way he was by a convoy of Angels translated to Glory Love is a sacred Fire kindled in the breast in the flames of this Fire the devout Soul ascends to Heaven 10. If we would obtain this Heavenly Kingdom let us labour for Sincerity Prov. 28.18 Whosoever walketh uprightly shall be saved The sincere Christian may fall short of some degrees of Grace but he never falls short of the Kingdom God will pass by many failings where the heart is right Numb 23.21 True Gold though it be light hath grains of allowance Psal. 51.6 Thou desirest truth in the inward parts Sincerity is the sauce which seasons all our Actions and makes them savoury it is the ingredient into every Grace It is called Faith unfeigned 2 Tim. 1.5 and Love 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in sincerity Eph. 6.24 Coyn will not go currant that wants the Kings stamp Grace is not currant if it be not stamped with Sincerity Glorious Duties sowred with Hypocrisie are rejected when great Infirmities sweetned with Sincerity are accepted If any thing in the World bring us to Heaven it is Sincerity Sincerity signifies plainness of heart Psal. 32.2 In whose Spirit there is no guile The plainer the Diamond is the richer 1. Sincerity is when we serve God with our heart we do not only worship him but love him Cain brought his Sacrifice but not his Heart This is Gods delight a Sacrifice flaming upon the Altar of the Heart A sincere Christian though he hath a double principle in him Flesh and Spirit yet he hath not a double heart his heart is for God 2. Sincerity is when we aim purely at God in all we do The Glory of God is more worth than the Salvation of all Mens Souls A sincere Christian though he comes short in Duty yet he takes a right aim As the herb Heliotropium turns about according to the motion of the Sun so a Godly Mans actions do all move towards the Glory of God 11. If we would obtain the Heavenly Kingdom let us keep up fervency in Duty What is a dead form without the power Rev. 3.16 Because thou art luke-warm neither hot nor cold I will spue thee out of my mouth Fervency puts life into Duty Rom. 12.11 Fervent in Spirit serving God 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Boyling over Christ prayed 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 yet more earnestly Luke 22.44 When the Fire on the Golden Censer was ready to go out Aaron was to put more Coals to the Incense Praying with Devotion is putting more Coals to the Incense 't is not Formality but Fervency will bring us to Heaven The Formalist is like Ephraim a Cake not turned hot on one side and dough on the other In the external part of Gods Worship he seems to be hot but as for the Spiritual part of Gods Worship he is cold Oh if you would have the Kingdom of Heaven keep up heat and fervour in Duty Eliah was carried up to Heaven in a fiery Chariot if you would go to Heaven you must be carried thither in a fiery Chariot of Zeal 'T is violence takes the Kingdom of Heaven 12. If we would arrive at the Heavenly Kingdom let us cherish the motions of Gods Spirit in our hearts The Marriner may spread his Sails but the Ship cannot get to the Haven without a gale of Wind so we may spread the sails of our endeavour but we cannot get to the Haven of Glory without the North and South-wind of Gods Spirit blow how nearly therefore doth it concern us to make much of the motions of Gods Spirit motions to Prayer motions to Repentance 2 Sam. 5.24 When thou hearest the sound of a going in the tops of the mulberry-trees that then thou shalt bestir thy self for then shall the Lord go out before thee So when we hear as it were a voice within us a secret inspiration stirring us up to good Duties we should then bestir our selves while the Spirit works in us we should work with the Spirit Many Men have Gods Spirit striving with them he puts good motions in their hearts and holy purposes but they neglecting to prosecute these good motions the Spirit is thereby grieved and being grieved withdraws its assistance and that assistance being gone there is no getting to Heaven Oh make much of the motions of the Spirit it is as much as your Salvation is worth The Spirit of God is compared to fire Acts 2.2 if we are careful to blow this spark we may have fire to inflame our affections and to light our feet into the way of peace If we quench the Spirit by our neglecting and resisting its motions we cut our selves off from Salvation The Spirit of God hath a drawing-power Cant. 1.4 The Blessed Spirit draws by attraction as the Loadstone the Iron In the preaching of the Word the Spirit draws the heart up to Heaven in holy longings and ejaculations Now when the Spirit is about thus to draw us let us take heed of drawing back left it be to perdition Heb. 10. We should do as Noah when the Dove came flying to the Ark he put forth his hand and took it into the Ark so when this sweet Dove of Gods Spirit comes flying to our hearts and brings a gracious impulse as an Olive-branch of Peace in its mouth O take this Dove into the Ark entertain the Spirit in your hearts and it will bring you to Heaven Quest. But how shall we know the motions of the Spirit from a delusion Answ. The motions of the Spirit are alwayes agreeable to the Word If the Word be for Holiness so is the Spirit The Spirit perswades to nothing but what the Word directs which way the tyde of the Word runs that way the Wind of the Spirit blows 13. We obtain the Kingdom of Heaven by uniform and chearful Obedience Obedience is the Road through which we travail to Heaven many say they love God but refuse to obey him doth he love the Princes Person who slights his Commands 1. Obedience must be uniform Psal. 119.6 Then shall I not be ashamed Lo Eboth I shall not blush when I have respect to all thy Commandments as the Son goes through all the signs of the Zodiack so must we through all the duties of Religion If a Man be to go an hundred Miles and he goes ninety nine Miles and there stops he comes short of the Place he is to travel to if with Herod we do many things that God commands yet if we lye in the total neglect of any duty we come short of the Kingdom of Heaven for Instance If a Man seem to make Conscience of duties of the first Table and not the duties of the second if he seem to be religious but is not just he is a Transgressor and is in danger to lose Heaven a good heart is like the Needle which points that way which the Loadstone draws so he moves that way which the Word
draws 2. Obedience must be chearful I delight to do thy Will O my God yea thy Law is within my heart Psal. 40.8 That is the sweetest Obedience which is chearful as that is the sweetest Honey which drops from the Comb freely God doth sometimes accept of willingness without the work but never of the Work without willingness Zach. 5 9. There came out two Women and the wind was in their wings Wings are swift but wind in the Wings denotes great swiftness an Emblem of the swiftness and chearfulness which should be in Obedience we go to Heaven in the way of Obedience 14. If we would obtain this Kingdom be much in the Communion of Saints one Coal of Juniper will warm and inflame another when the heart is dead and frozen the Communion of Saints will help to warm it Mal. 3.16 They that feared the Lord spake often one to another Christians should never meet saith Mr. Bolton but speak of their meeting together in Heaven One Christian may be very helpful by Prayer and Conference to another and give him a lift towards Heaven Old Latimer was much strengthened and comforted by hearing Mr. Bilnyes Confession of Faith We read that when Moses his hands were heavy and he was ready to let them fall Aaron and Hur staid up his hands Exod. 17.12 A Christian who is ready to faint under Tentation and le ts down the hands of his Faith by conversing with other Christians he is strengthened and his hands are held up a great benefit of holy Conference is Counsel and Advise If a Man saith Chrysostom who hath but one head to advise him could make that head an hundred heads to advise him he would be very wise A single Christian hath this benefit by the Communion of Saints they are as so many heads to advise him what to do in such a case or exigence By Christian conference the Saints can say Did not our heart burn within us Communion of Saints we have in our Creed but 't is too little in our practise Men usually travel fastest in Company we travel fastest to Heaven in the Communion of Saints 15. If we would attain to this Kingdom of Heaven let us be willing to come up to Christs terms many will be cheapening and bid something for the Kingdom of Heaven they will avoid gross sin and will come to Church and say their Prayers and yet all this while they are not willing to come up to Gods Price that is they will not renounce the Idol of self Righteousness flying only to Christ as to the Horns of the Altar they will not sacrifice their bosom-sin they will not give God Spirit-worship serving him with zeal and intenseness of Soul Iohn 4.24 they will not forgive their Enemies they will not part with their carnal profits for Christ they would have the Kingdom of Heaven but they will not come up to the Price If you would have this Kingdom do not article and indent with Christ but accept of his Terms say Lord I am willing to have the Kingdom of Heaven whatever it cost me I am willing to pluck out my right eye to part with all for the Kingdom here is a blank paper I put into thy hand Lord write thy own Articles I will subscribe to them 16. If we would obtain the Heavenly Kingdom let us attend to the holy Ordinances thus God brings Souls to heaven Act. 27.31 Except ye abide in the Ship ye cannot be saved Some People would leap out of the Ship of Ordinances and then God knows whether they leap but except ye abide in the Ship of Ordinances ye cannot be saved especially if you would get to Heaven attend to the VVord preached It was by the Ear by our first Parents listening to the Serpent that we lost Paradise and it is by the Ear by the hearing of the word that we get Heaven Isa. 55.3 Hear and your Soul shall live God sometimes in the preaching of the word drops in that holy Oyl into the Ear which softens and sanctifies the heart The word preached is called the Ministry of the Spirit 2 Cor. 3.8 because the Spirit of God makes use of this Engine to convert Souls If the word preached doth not work upon Men nothing will not Judgment or Miracles no nor though one should arise from the Dead Luke 16.31 If a glorified Saint should come out of Heaven and assume a Body and tell you of all the glory of Heaven and the joys of the blessed and perswade you to believe if the preaching of the word will not bring you to Heaven neither would his Rhetorique do it who rose from the dead In Heaven there will be no need of Ordinances but there is while we live here The Lamp needs Oyl but the Star needs none While the Saints have their Lamp of Grace burning here they need the Oyl of Ordinances to be continually dropping upon them but there will be no need of this Oyl when they are Stars in Heaven If you intend to get to Heaven be swift to hear for faith comes by hearing Rom. 10.14 17. Peter let down the Net of his Ministry and at one draught catch'd three thousand Souls If you would have Heavens Door opened to you wait at the Posts of Wisdoms Door 17. If you would arrive at Heaven have this Kingdom ever in your eye Our blessed Lord looked to the Joy which was set before him and Moses had an eye to the Recompence of Reward Heb. 11.26 Let the Kingdom be much in our thoughts Meditation is a means to help us to Heaven Quest. How doth it help Answ. 1. As it is a means to prevent sin no Sword like this to cut asunder the Sinews of Tentation it is almost inpossible to sin presumptuously with the lively thoughts and hopes of Heaven It was when Moses was out of Sight that Israel set up a Calf and worshipped it so it is when the Kingdom of Heaven is out of sight I mean out of Mens thoughts that they set up their Lusts and idolize them the Meditation of Heaven banisheth sin he who thinks of the weight of Glory throws away the weights of sin 2. The 〈◊〉 on the Kingdom of Heaven would excite and quicken Obedience we should think we could never pray enough never love God enough who hath prepared such a Kingdom for us immensum Gloria calcar habet Saint Paul had Heaven in his eye he was once caught up thither and how active was he for God 1 Cor. 15.10 This would oyl the Wheels of Obedience 3. It would make us strive after Holiness because none but such are admitted into this Kingdom only the pure in heart shall see God Mat. 5. Holiness is the Language of Heaven it is the only coin will pass currant in Heaven this considered would make us cleanse our selves from all filthiness of Flesh and Spirit perfecting Holiness in the fear of God 2 Cor. 7.1 Thus you see how the Meditation of Heaven would be
It will not be long before the silver cord be loosed and the golden bowl broken Eccles. 12. The skin wherein the Brains are inclosed as in a bowl this golden bowl will soon be broken Our Soul is in our Body as the Bird is in the Shell which soon breaks and the Bird flyes out the Shell of the Body breaking the Soul flyes into Eternity We know not whether we shall live to another Sabbath Before we hear another Sermon-bell go our Passing-bell may go Our Life runs as a swift stream into the ocean of Eternity Brethren if our Time be so minute and transient if the taper of Life be so soon wasted or perhaps blown out by violent death how should we put to all our strength and call in help from Heaven that we may obtain the Kingdom of Glory If time be so short why do we wast it about things of less moment and neglect the one thing needful which is the Kingdom of Heaven A Man that hath a great work to be done and but one day for the doing of it had need work hard We have a great work to do we are striving for a Kingdom and alas we are not certain of one day to work in therefore what need have we to bestir our selves and what we do for Heaven to do it with all our might 5. To excite our diligence let us consider how inexcusable we shall be if we miss of the Kingdom of Heaven who have had such helps for Heaven as we have had Indians who have Mines of Gold have not such advantages for Glory as we they have the light of the Sun Moon and Stars and the light of R●ason but this is not enough to light them to Heaven But we have had the light of the Gospel shining in our Horizon we have been lifted up to Heaven with Ordinances we have had the Word in season and out of season The Ordinances are the pipes of the Sanctuary which empty the golden Oyl of Grace into the Soul they are scala ParAdisi the Ladder by which we ascend to the Kingdom of Heaven Deut. 4 7. What nation is there so great who hath God so nigh unto them as the Lord our God is in all things that we call upon him for We have had Heaven and Hell set before us we have had Counsels of Friends Warnings Examples the Motions and Inspirations of the Holy Ghost how should all these spurs quicken us in our pace to Heaven Should not that Ship sail apace to the Haven which hath Wind and Tide to carry it The Tide of Ordinances and the Wind of the Spirit Surely if we through negligence miss of the Kingdom of Heaven we shall have nothing to say for our selves we shall be as far from excuse as from happiness 6. You cannot do too much for the Kingdom of Heaven you cannot pray too much sanctifie the Sabbath too much love God too much you cannot over-do In secular things a Man may labour too hard he may kill himself with working but there is no fear of working too hard for Heaven In virtute non est verendum ne quid nimium sit Seneca The World is apt to censure the Godly as if they were too zealous and did over-strain themselves in Religion Indeed a Man may follow the World too much he may make too much hast to be rich The Ferry-man may take in too many Passengers into his Boat to the sinking of his Boat so a Man may heap up so much Gold and Silver as to sink himself in Perdition 1 Tim. 6.9 but one cannot be too earnest and zealous for the Kingdom of Heaven there is no fear of excess here when we do all we can for Heaven we come short of the Golden Rule set us and of Christs Golden Pattern when our Faith is highest like the Sun in the Meridian yet still 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 there is something lacking in our Faith 1 Thess. 3.1 so that all our labour for the Kingdom is little enough When a Christian hath done his best yet still he hath sins and wants to bewail 7 By this you may judge of the state of your Souls whether you have Grace or no by your earnest pursuit after the Heavenly Kingdom Grace infuseth a Spirit of activity into a person Grace doth not lye dormant in the Soul 't is not a sleepy habit but it makes a Christian like a Seraphim swift and winged in his Heavenly motion Grace is like fire it makes one burn in love to God and the more he loves him the more he presseth forward to Heaven where he may fully enjoy him Hope is an active Grace 't is called a lively hope 1 Pet. 1.3 hope is like the spring in the Watch it sets all the wheels of the Soul a running Hope of a Crop makes the Husbandman sow his seed hope of Victory makes the Souldier fight and a true hope of Glory makes a Christian vigorously pursue Glory Here is a Spiritual Touchstone to try our Grace by If we have the anointing of the Spirit it will oyl the wheels of our endeavour and make us lively in our pursuit after the Heavenly Kingdom No sooner had Paul Grace infused but presently Behold he prayes Acts 9.11 The Affections are by Divines called the Feet of the Soul if these Feet move not towards Heaven it is because there is no Life 8. Your labour for Heaven is not lost Perhaps you may think it is in vain that you have served God but know that your pains is not lost The Seed is cast into the Earth and it dyes yet at last it brings forth a plentiful Crop so your labours seem to be fruitless but at last they bring you to a Kingdom Who would not work hard for one hour when for that hours work he sh●uld be a King as long as he lived And let me tell you the more labour you have put forth for the Kingdom of Heaven the more degrees of Glory you shall have As there are degrees of Torment in Hell Matth. 23.14 so of Glory in Heaven As one Star differs from another in Glory so shall one Saint 1 Cor. 15.41 Though every Vessel of Mercy shall be full yet one Vessel may hold mor● than another Such as have done more work for God shall have more Glory in the Heavenly Kingdom Could we hear th● Saints departed speaking to us from Heaven sure they would speak after this manner Were we to leave Heaven a while and live on the Earth again we would do God a thousand times more service than ever we did we would pray with more Life act with more Zeal for now we see the more hath been our labour the greater is our reward in Heaven 9. While we are labouring for the Kingdom God will help us Ezek. 36.27 I will put my Spirit within you and cause you to walk in my statutes The Promise encourageth us and Gods Spirit inableth us A Master gives his Servant work to
Thomas Watson sometimes Minister of St. Stephens Walbrooke LONDON A Body of Practical Divinity Consisting of above One Hundred Seventy Six SERMONS ON THE Lesser CATECHISM Composed by The Reverend Assembly OF Divines at Westminster WITH A SUPPLEMENT OF SOME SERMONS on several Texts of SCRIPTURE By THOMAS WATSON Formerly Minister at St. Stephen's Walbrook London Printed from his own Hand-Writing Recommended by several Ministers to Masters of Families and others Heb. XI iv He being dead yet speaketh LONDON Printed for Thomas Parkhurst at the Bible and Three Crowns in Cheapside near Mercers-Chappel 1692. To the READER THESE Catechetical Lectures of the late Reverend Mr. Tho. Watson all but one written with his own hand I have read over together with some Sermons annexed to them and since my Testimony is desired concerning them I do hereby declare That tho' I will not undertake to justifie every Expression or Sentence in them or in any Humane Writing yet I find them in the main agreeable unto the Doctrinal Articles of the Church of England and unto the Westminster Assembly's Confession of Faith and Catechisms And I believe that through the Blessing of God they may be profitable unto the Edification of all that read them with an honest desire to know and do the Will of God for certainly there are many excellent things in them which if they meet with a well-disposed serious Mind are very apt to have a good Effect upon it and if it prove otherwise with any that happen to read this Book it will be their own Fault more than the Books Most Writers have different Stiles and it is well known that Mr. Watson had one peculiar to himself which yet has found good Acceptance with and has been useful unto serious People and I hope this by reason of the great Variety of excellent Matter may be more generally Vseful than any other thing that ever he wrote I little doubt but every sober Christian will be of this mind after he hath read his Lectures on God's Attributes the Ten Commandments Lord's Prayer c. I sincerely profess I have no other End in giving this Testimony of this Book but thereby to serve the Common Good of Christ's Church and not the Private Interest of any Person or Party in the World if my Conscience did not bear me witness that this Book may be Vseful to that excellent End no Man should ever have prevailed with me thus to prefix my Testimony and Name to it Moreover I do not doubt but every Intelligent and Candid Reader will consider that this is a Posthumous Work and on that account will make some Allowance for any small Fault that may be in it as also for the Errours of the Press That it may answer the main End for which it was first written by the Author whom I always took to be a grave serious modest good Man and for which I hope it is now published to wit The Edification of the Church of Christ in Faith Holiness and Comfort is the hearty Desire of one of the meanest Servants of our most Blessed LORD IESVS WILL. LORIMER WE whose Names are subscribed having seen the Testimony of our Worthy Brother Mr. William Lorimer after his Perusal of this Book doubt not but it may be of use to many as the former Writings of Mr. Thomas Watson have been and with that Desire and Hope we Recommend it to Masters of Families and others William Bates Matth. Barker Iohn Howe Matth. Mead Edw. Lawrance Samuel Slater Richard Mayo Richard Adams Richard Steel Samuel Stancliff Iohn Raynolds Nath. Vincent Iohn Hughes Matth. Sylvester Ioseph Read Dan. Burges Abraham Hume Ioseph Cawthorne Rich. Stretton Daniel Williams Richard Wavel Iohn Shower Timothy Cruso Francis Glascock Timothy Rogers Nath. Oldfield ADVERTISEMENT THere are many single Sermons on Variety of Occasions as at Fasts Thanksgivings Sacrament Discourses besides several Subjects handled in many Sermons on each Text of Scripture left under Mr. Thomas Watson's one Hand-writing if these find Acceptance in due time after their being perused by some Learned Divine may be published Tho. Parkhurst Aug. 28th 1692. A Catalogue of what Books Mr. Thomas Watson published THree Treatises 1. The Christian's Charter shewing the Priviledges of a Believer 2. The Art of Divine Contentment 3. A Discourse of Meditation To which is added several Sermons preached Occasionally Quarto The Beatitudes or a Discourse upon part of Christ's famous Sermon on the Mount Whereunto is added Christ's various Fulness The Preciousness of the Soul The Soul's Malady and Cure The Beauty of Grace The Spiritual Watch The Heavenly Race The Sacred Anchor The Trees of Righteousness The Perfume of Love The good Practitioner The Godly Man's Character A Word of Comfort to the Church of God in a Sermon Quarto The Crown of Righteousness at the Funeral of Mr. Hoges Merchant Quarto A Sermon preached July 2 at the Funeral of Mr. John Wells late Pastor of Olave-Jury London By Thomas Watson Quarto The Fight of Faith Crowned or a Sermon preached at the Funeral of the eminently Holy Man Mr. Henry Stubs By Thomas Watson The Doctrine of Repentance Useful for these Times Religion our true Interest or Practical Notes upon the third Chapter of Malachy the sixteen seventeen and eighteen Verses The Mischief of Sin it brings a Person Low A Divine Cordial or the Transcendent Priviledge of Those that Love God and are savingly Called The Holy Eucharist or the Mystery of the Lord's Supper briefly explained A Plea for the Godly Wherein is shown the Excellency of a Righteous Person The Duty of Self-denial briefly Opened and Urged Heaven taken by Storm A Preliminary Discourse TO CATECHISING COL I. xxiii If ye continue in the faith grounded and setled INtending the next Lord's Day to enter upon the Work of Catechising it will not be amiss to give you this Preliminary Discourse as preparative to it shewing you how needful it is for Christians to be well instructed in the Grounds of Religion If ye continue in the faith grounded and setled Two Propositions First It is the Duty of Christians to be setled in the Doctrine of Faith Second The best way for Christians to be setled is to be well grounded Doct. 1. That it is the Duty of Christians to be setled in the Doctrine of Faith It is the Apostle's Prayer 1 Pet. 5.10 The God of all grace stablish strengthen settle you That they might not be Meteors in the Air but fixed Stars The Apostle Iude speaks of wandring Stars Verse 13. They are called wandring Stars because as Aristotle saith they do saltare leap up and down and wander into several parts of the Heaven and being but dry Exhalations not made of that pure Coelestial Matter as the fixed Stars are they often fall to the Earth Now such as are not setled in Religion will at one time or other prove wandring Stars they will lose their former Strictness and wander from one Opinion to another Such as are
faces fills them with shame and horrour When the Sinner sees an Hand-writing on the Wall of Conscience his Countenance is changed Many have hanged themselves to quiet their Conscience Tiberius the Emperour a bloody Man felt the Lashes of his Conscience he was so haunted with that Fury that he told the Senate he suffered Death daily And what is it should put a Man's Conscience into such an Agony but the Impression of a Deity and the Thoughts of coming before God's Tribunal Those who are above all Humane Laws yet are subject to the Checks of their own Conscience And it is observable the nearer the Wicked approach to Death the more they are terrified and Conscience gives a louder Alarm to them And whence is this but from the apprehension of Judgment approaching The Soul being sensible of its Immortal Nature trembles at him who never ceaseth to Live and therefore will never cease to Punish 3. That there is a God appears by the Consent of Nations by the Universal Vote and Suffrage of all Nulla gens tam barbara cui non insideat haec persuasio Deum esset Tully No Nation so barbarous saith Tully as not to believe there is a God Though the Heathen did mistake in their Devotion they did not worship the true God yet they worshipped a God They set up an Altar 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to the unknown God Acts 17.22 They knew a God should be worshipped though they knew not the God whom they worshipped Some did worship Iupiter some Neptune some Mars rather than not worship something they would worship any thing 4. That there is a God appears by his Prediction of Future Things He who can foretel things which shall surely come to pass is the True God God foretold that a Virgin should conceive he prefixed the time when the Messias should be cut off Dan. 9.76 he foretold the Captivity of the Iews in Babylon and who should be their Deliverer Isa. 45.1 This is such a strong Argument to prove a Deity as God himself useth it to prove he is the True God and that all the Gods of the Heathens were Fictions and Nullities Isa. 41.22 Testimonium Divinitatis est Veritas Divinationis Tertul. To foretel Things contingent and which depend upon no natural Causes is proper to a Deity 5. That there is a God appears by God's unlimited Power and Soveraignty He who can work and none hinder him is the True God but God can do so Isa. 43.13 I will work and who shall let it Nothing can hinder Action but some Superiour Power but there is no Power above God all Power that is is by him therefore all Power is under him he hath a mighty Arm Psal. 89.13 He sees the Designs Men drive on against him and plucks off their Chariot Wheels he maketh Diviners mad Isa. 44.25 he cutteth off the Spirit of Princes He bridleth the Sea gives check to the Leviathan binds the Devils in Cains he acts pro arbitrio he doth what he will I will work and who shall let it 6. There are Devils therefore there is a God Atheists cannot deny but there are Devils and then they must grant there is a God We read of divers possessed with the Devil The Devils are called in Scripture Cashegnirini Hairy ones because they oft appeared in the form of Goats or Satyrs Gerson in his Book De probatione Spirituum tells us how Satan on a time appeared to an holy Man in a most glorious manner professing himself to be Christ the old Man answered I desire not to see my Saviour here in this Desart it shall suffice me to see him in Heaven Now if there be a Devil then there is a God Socrates an Heathen when he was accused at his Death confessed that as he thought there was a malus genius an Evil Spirit so he thought there was a Good Use 1. Seeing there is a God this reproves such Atheistical Fools as deny it Epicurus denied that there was a Providence saying That all things fell out by Chance Diagoras He that saith there is no God is the wickedest Creature that is he is worse then a Thief who doth but take away our Goods from us but the Atheist would take away our God from us Joh. 20. They have taken away my Lord. So we may say of Atheists they would take away our God from us in whom all our Hope and Comfort is laid up Psal. 14.1 The fool hath said in his heart There is no God He durst not speak it with his Tongue but said it in his Heart he wished it Sure none can be Speculative Atheists The devils believe and tremble Jam. 2. I have read of one Arthur a professed Atheist who when he came to die cried out he was damned But though there are few found who say There is no God yet many deny him in their Practices Tit. 1.16 In works they deny him Cicero said of Epicurus Verbis reliquit Deos resustulit The World is full of Practical Atheism most People live as if they did not believe there was a God Durst they lie defraud be unclean if they believed there were a God who would call them to account If an Indian who never heard of a God should come among us and have no other means to convince him of a Deity but the Lives of Men in our Age sure he would be of Protagoras his mind who did hang in a doubtful suspence and did question Whether there were a God Utrum Dii sint non ausim affirmare Use 2. Seeing there is a God he will deal righteously and give just Rewards to Men. Things seem to be carried in the World very unequally The wicked flourish Psal. 73. they who tempt God are delivered Mal. 3.15 The ripe Clusters of Grapes are squeezed into their Cup and in the mean while the godly who wept for sin and served God are afflicted Psal. 102.9 I have eaten Ashes like Bread and mingled my drink with weeping Evil Men enjoy all the Good and Good Men endure all the Evil. But seeing there is a God he will deal righteously with Men Gen. 18.25 Shall not the Iudge of all the World do right Offenders must come to punishment The Sinners Deaths-day and Dooms-day is a coming Psal. 37.13 The Lord seeth that his day is coming While there is an Hell the wicked shall be scourged enough and while there is Eternity they shall lye there long enough and God will abundantly compensate the faithful Service of his People They shall have their white Robes and Crown Psal. 58.11 Verily there is a Reward for the Righteous verily he is a God that judgeth in the Earth Because God is God therefore he will give forth glorious Rewards to his People Use 3. Seeing there is a God woe to all such as engage this God against them he lives for ever to be avenged upon them Ezek. 22.14 Can thine heart endure or can thine hands be strong in the day that I shall
The Lion of the Tribe of Iudah he hath broken the Serpent's head upon the Cross. Satan is a chained Enemy and a conquered Enemy Michael is stronger then the Dragon 3. Comfort in case of Weakness of Grace and Fear of falling Away I pray but I cannot send out strong Cries I believe but the hand of my Faith doth shake and tremble Cannot God strengthen weak Grace 2 Cor. 12.9 My strength is made perfect in weakness Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities that the power of Christ may rest upon me I fear I shall not hold out Christian Dost thou believe the Power of God Hath not God preserved thy Grace thus far Maist not thou set up thy Eben-ezer God hath kept thy Grace hitherto as a Spark in the main Ocean and is not he able still to keep thy Grace 1 Pet. 1.5 We are kept by the power of God c. God's Mercy pardons us but his Power preserves us He who by his Power keeps the Stars that they do not fall out of their Orb keeps our Grace that it doth not fail or annihilate 4. Comfort in case of the Deficiency in thy Estate God can multiply the Oil in the Cruise miraculously he can raise up Supplies God that provides for the Birds of the Air cannot he provide for his Children He that cloaths the Lilies cannot he cloath his Lambs 5. Comfort in regard of the Resurrection This seems difficult to believe that the Bodies of Men when eaten up by Worms devour'd by Beasts and Fishes or consum'd to Ashes should be rais'd the same Numerical Bodies but if we believe the Power of God it is no great Wonder Which is hardest to create or raise the Dead He that can make a Body of nothing can restore it to its parts when mingled and confounded with other Substances Matth. 19.26 With God all things are possible If we believe the first Article of the Creed That God is Almighty we may quickly believe the other Article The Resurrection of the Body God can raise the Dead because of his Power and he cannot but raise them because of his Truth 6. It is Comfort in reference to the Church of God He can save and deliver it when it is brought low The Enemies have power in their hand but the remainder of Wrath God will restrain Psal. 76.10 God can either confine the Enemies Power or confound it If God be for us who can be against us God can create Ierusalem a praise Isa. 65.18 The Church in Ezekiel was compar'd to dry Bones but God made breath to enter into them and they lived Ezek. 37.10 The Ship of the Church may be toss'd because Sin is in it but it shall not be overwhelm'd because Christ is in it Psal. 46.5 Deus in medio All the Churches Pangs shall help forward her Deliverance Of the Holiness of GOD. THE next Attribute is God's Holiness Exod. 15.11 Glorious in holiness Nedar Bakkodesh Holiness is the most sparkling Jewel of his Crown it 's the Name by which God is known Psal. 111.9 Holy and reverend is his name He is the holy one Job 6.10 Seraphims cry Holy holy holy is the Lord of hosts the whole earth is full of his glory Isa. 6.3 His Power makes him Mighty his Holiness makes him Glorious God's Holiness consists in his perfect loving of Righteousness and abhorrency of Evil Hab. 1.13 Of purer eyes then to behold evil and canst not look on iniquity 1 st God is holy intrinsically 1. He is holy in his Nature his very Being is made up of Holiness as Light is of the Essence of the Sun 2. He his holy in his Word the Word bears a Stamp of his Holiness upon it as the Wax bears an Impression of the Seal Psal. 119 140. Thy word is very pure it is compared to Silver refined seven times Psal. 12.6 Every Line of the Word breaths Sanctity it encourageth nothing but Holiness 3. God is holy in his Operations all God doth is holy He cannot act but like himself he can no more do an Unrighteous Action then the Sun can darken Psal. 145.17 The Lord is holy in all his works 2 dly God is holy primarily He is the Original and Pattern of Holiness Holiness began at him who is the Ancient of Days 3 dly God is holy efficiently He is the Cause of all that Holiness in others Iam. 1.17 Every good and perfect gift comes from above He made the Angels holy he infus'd all that Holiness into Christ's Humane Nature All the Holiness we have is but a Chrystal Stream from this Fountain We borrow all our Holiness from God as the Lights of the Sanctuary were lighted from the middle Lamp so all the Holiness of others is a Lamp lighted from Heaven Lev. 20.8 I am the Lord which sanctifie you God is not only a Pattern of Holiness but he is a Principle of Holiness His Spring feeds all our Cisterns he drops his holy Oyl of Grace upon us 4 hly God is holy transcendantly 1 Sam. 2.2 There is none holy as the Lord No Angel in Heaven can take the just Dimensions of God's Holiness The highest Seraphim is too low of Stature to measure these Pyramids the Holiness in God is far above the Holiness in the Saints or Angels 1. It is above the Holiness in the Saints 1. It is a purer Holiness The Saints Holiness is like Gold in the Oar imperfect their Humility is stained with Pride he that hath most Faith had need pray Lord help my unbelief But the Holiness of God is pure like Wine from the Grape it hath not the least dash or tincture of Impurity mix'd with it 2. A more unchangeable Holiness The Saints though they cannot lose the habit of Holiness for the Seed of God remains yet they may lose some degrees of their Holiness Rev. 2.4 Thou hast left thy first love Grace cannot dye yet the Flaim of it may go out Holiness in the Saints is subject to Ebbing but Holiness in God is Unchangeable he never lost a drop of his Holiness As he cannot have more Holiness because he is perfectly Holy so he cannot have less Holiness because he is unchangeably Holy 2. The Holiness in God is above the Holiness in the Angels Holiness in the Angels is only a Quality which may be lost as we see in the fallen Angels but Holiness in God is his Essence he is all over Holy and he can as well lose his God-head as his Holiness Object But is not he privy to all the Sins of Men he behods their Impurities how can this be and he not be defiled Resp. God sees all the Sins of Men but is no more defiled with them then the Sun is defiled with the Vapours that arise out of the Earth God sees Sin not as a Patron to approve it but as a Judge to punish it Use 1. Is God so infinitely Holy then see how unlike to God Sin is Sin is an unclean thing it is
have the knowledge of the true God is more then if we had Mines of Gold Rocks of Diamonds Islands of Spices especially if God hath savingly revealed himself to us if he hath given us eyes to see the light if we so know God as to be known of him as to love him and believe in him Matth. 11.25 We can never be enough thankful to God that he hath hid the knowledge of himself from the wise and prudent of the World and hath revealed it unto us The TRINITY Quest. VI. HOw many Persons are there in the Godhead Resp. Three Persons yet but one God 1 John 5.7 There are three that bear Record in Heaven the Father the Word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one God is but One yet there are three distinct Persons subsisting in one God-head This is a sacred Mystery which the Light within could never have discovered As the two Natures in Christ yet but one Person is a wonder so three Persons yet but one God-head I am in a great deep the Father God the Son God the Holy Ghost God yet not three Gods but one God The three Persons in the blessed Trinity are distinguished but not divided three Subsistances but one Essence This is a Divine Riddle where one makes three and three make but one Our narrow Thoughts can no more comprehend the Trinity in Unity then a little Nutshel will hold all the Water in the Sea Let me shadow it out by this similitude In the Body of the Sun there is the Substance of the Sun the Beams and the Heat the Beams are begotten of the Sun the Heat proceeds both from the Sun and the Beams but these three though different are not divided they all three make but one Sun So in the blessed Trinity the Son is begotten of the Father the Holy Ghost proceeds from both yet though they are three distinct Persons yet but one God First let me speak of the Unity in Trinity then of the Trinity in Unity 1. Of the Unity in Trinity The Unity of the Persons in the Godhead consists in two things 1. The identity of Essence In the Trinity there is an Oneness of Essence the three Persons are of the same Divine Nature and Substance so that in Deo non est magis minus there are no degrees in the Godhead one Person is not God more then another 2. The Unity of the Persons in the Godhead consists in the mutual in-being of them or their being in one another The three Persons are so united that one Person is in another and with another Iohn 17.21 Thou Father art in me and I in thee 2. Let me speak of the Trinity in Unity 1. The first Person in the Trinity is God the Father H● is call'd the first Person in respect of Order not Dignity for God the Father hath no essential Perfection which the other Persons have not He is not more wise more holy more powerful then the other Persons are a Priority not Superiority 2. The second Person in the Trinity is Iesus Christ who is begotten of the Father before all Time Prov. 8.23 24 25. I was set up from everlasting from the beginning or ever the earth was When there were no depths I was brought fortth when there were no fountains abounding with water Before the mountains were set led before the hills was I brought forth Which Scripture declares the Eternal Generation of the the Son of God This second Person in the Trinity who is Jehovah is become our Jesus The Scripture calls him the Branch of David Jer. 23.5 and I may call him the Flower of the Virgin having assum'd our Nature By him all that believe are justified Acts 13.39 3. The third Person in the Trinity is the Holy Ghost who proceeds from the Father and the Son His work it is to illuminate the Mind and inkindle sacred Motions The Essence of the Spirit is in Heaven and every where but the Influence of it is in the Hearts of Believers This is that blessed Spirit who gives us the holy Unction 1 Iohn 2.20 Though Christ merits Grace for us it is the Holy Ghost works it in us Though Christ makes the Purchase it is the Holy Ghost makes the Assurance and Seals us up to the Day of Redemption Thus I have spoken of all the three Persons The Trinity of Persons may be proved out of Matth. 3.16 Iesus when he was baptized went up straitway out of the water and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a Dove and lighting upon him and lo a voice from Heaven saying This is my beloved Son Here are three Names given to the three Persons He who spake with a Voice from Heaven was God the Father He who was baptized in Iordan was God the Son He who descended in the likeness of a Dove was God the Holy Ghost Thus I have shewn you the Unity of Essence and the Trinity of Persons Use 1. It confutes the Jews and the Turks who believe only the first Person in the Godhead this cuts assunder the Sinews of our Comfort Take away the distinction of the Persons in the Trinity and you overthrow Man's Redemption for God the Father being offended with Man for sin how shall he be pacified without a Mediator This Mediator is Christ he makes our Peace and Christ having died and shed his Blood how shall this Blood be applied but by the Holy Ghost Therefore if there be not three Persons in the Godhead Man's Salvation cannot be wrought out If there be no second Person in the Trinity then there is no Redeemer If no third Person then there is no Comforter And so the Plank is taken away by which we should get to Heaven 2. It confutes the execrable Opinion of the Socinians who deny the Divinity of the Lord Jesus they make him only to be a Creature of an higher Rank As the Papists blot out the Second Commandment so the Socinians would the Second Person in the Trinity If to oppose Christ's Members be such a sin what is it to oppose Christ himself 1. Jesus Christ is coequal with God the Father Phil. 2.6 He thought it no robbery to be equal with God 2. He is coeternal with God the Father Prov. 8.23 I was from the beginning for else there was a time when God was without a Son and so he should be no Father nay else there was a time when God was without his glory for Christ is the brightness of his Fathers glory Hebr. 1.3 3. He is coessential with God the Father The Godhead subsists in Christ Col. 2.9 In whom dwells all the fulness of the Godhead bodily 'T is said not only Christ was with God before the beginning but he was God John 1.1 and 1 Tim. 3.16 God manifest in the flesh The Title of Lord so often given to Christ in the New Testament doth answer to the Title of Jehovah in the Old Testament Deut. 6.5 Matth. 22.37 so that Christ hath a
Request for them in Heaven Quest. What are the Fruits of Christ's Intercession Resp. 1. Iustification In Justification there is two things 1. Guilt is remitted 2. Righteousness is imputed Ier. 23.6 The Lord our Righteousness We are reputed not only Righteous as the Angels but as Christ having his Robes put upon us 2 Cor. 5.21 But whence is it that we are justified 'T is from Christ's Intercession Rom. 8.33 34. Lord saith Christ these are the Persons I have died for look upon them as if they had not sinned and repute them Righteous 2 d Fruit. The Unction of the Spirit 1 Iohn 2.20 Ye have an Unction from the holy one This Unction or Anointing is nothing else but the Work of Sanctification in the heart whereby the Spirit makes us partake of the Divine Nature 2 Pet. 1.4 Such as speak of the Philosophers Stone suppose it to have such a Property that when it toucheth the Mettal it turns it into Gold such a Property hath the Spirit of God upon the Soul when it toucheth the Soul it puts into it a Divine Nature it makes it to be holy and to resemble God This sanctifying work of the Spirit is the fruit of Christ's Intercession Iohn 7.39 The Holy Ghost was not yet given because Iesus was not yet glorified Christ being glorified and in Heaven now he prays the Father and the Father sends the Spirit who pours out the holy Anointing upon the Elect. 3 d Fruit. The Purification of our holy Things It is Christ's work in Heaven not only to present his own Prayers to his Father but he prays over our Prayers again Rev. 8.3 Another Angel came having a golden Censer and there was given to him much Incense that he should offer it with the Prayers of all Saints upon the golden Altar This Angel was Christ he takes the golden Censer of his Merits and puts our Prayers into this Censer and with the Incense of his Intercession makes our Prayers go up as a sweet perfume in Heaven It is observable Lev. 16.16 Aaron shall make Atonement for the holy Place this was Typical to shew that our holy Duties need to have Atonement made for them Our best Services as they come from us are mixed with Corruption as Wine that tasts of the Cask Isa. 64.6 they are filthy rags But Christ purifies and sweetens these Services mixing the sweet odours of his Intercession with them and now God accepts and Crowns them What would become of our Duties without an High Priest Christ's Intercession doth to our Prayers as the Fan to the Chaff it winnows it from the Corn so Christ winnows out the Chaff which intermixeth with our Prayers 4 th Fruit. Access with boldness unto the Throne of Grace Hebr. 4.16 We have a great High Priest that is passed into the Heavens let us go Come boldly to the Throne of Grace we have a Friend at Court that speaks a good word for us and is following our Cause in Heaven therefore let this animate and encourage us in Prayer We think it too much boldness what such Sinners as we to come for pardon we shall be denied this is a sinful modesty Did we indeed come in our own Name in Prayer it were presumption but Christ intercedes for us in the forc● and efficacy of his Blood now to be afraid to come to God in Prayer is a dishonour to Christ's Intercession 5 th Fruit. The sending the Comforter Iohn 14.16 I will pray the Father and ●e will give you another Comforter The Comfort of the Spirit is distinct from the Anointing this Comfort is very sweet sweeter than the Honey drops from the Comb it is the Manna in the Golden Pot it is Vinum in pectore a drop of this heavenly Comfort is enough to sweeten a Sea of worldly Sorrow It is called arrhabo the earnest of the Spirit 2 Cor. 1.22 an Earnest assures one of the whole Sum. The Spirit gives an Earnest of Heaven in our Hand whence is this comforting work of the Spirit Thank Christ's Intercession for it I will pray the Father and he shall send the Comforter 6 th Fruit. Perseverance in Grace Iohn 17.11 Keep through thy own Name those which thou hast given me It is not our prayer or watchfulness or grace that keeps us but it is God's care and manu-tenancy he holds us that we do not fall away and whence is it God preserves us it is from Christ's Intercession Father keep them That Prayer of Christ for Peter is the Copy of his Prayer now in Heaven Luke 22.32 I have prayed for thee that thy faith fail not Peter's Faith did fail in some degree when he denied Christ but Christ prayed that it might not totally fail The Saints persevere in believing because Christ perseveres in praying 7 th Fruit. Absolution at the Day of Judgment Christ shall judge the World Iohn 5.22 God hath committed all Iudgment to the Son Now sure those that Christ hath so prayed for he will Absolve when he sits upon the Bench of Judicature Will Christ condemn those he prays for Believers are his Spouse will he condemn his Spouse Use 1. Branch 1. See here the Constancy of Christ's Love to the Elect. He did not only die for them but intercedes for them in Heaven when Christ hath done dying he hath not done loving he is now at work in Heaven for the Saints he carries their names on his breast and will never leave praying till that Prayer be granted Iohn 17.24 Father I will that those whom thou hast given me be with me where I am Branch 2. See whence it is that the Prayers of the Saints are so powerful with God Iacob as an Angel prevailed with God Moses's Prayer tied God's hands Precibus suis tanquam vinculis ligatum tenuit Deum Let me alone Exod. 32.10 Whence is this It is Christ's Prayer in Heaven makes the Saints Prayers so available Christ's Divine Nature is the Altar on which he offers up our Prayers and so they prevail Prayer as it comes from the Saints is but weak and languid but when the Arrow of a Saint's Prayer is put into the Bow of Christ's Intercession now it pierceth the Throne of Grace Branch 3. It shows where a Christian must chiefly fix his Eye when he comes to prayer viz. on Christ's Intercession We are to look up to the Mercy-seat but to hope for Mercy through Christ's Intercession We read Levit. 6. That Aaron made the Atonement as well by the Incense as the Bloud We must look to the Cloud of Incense viz. the Intercession of Christ. Christian Look up to thy Advocate one that God can deny nothing to A word from Christ's Mouth is more then if all the Angels in Heaven were interceding for thee If a Man had a Suit depending in the Court of Chancery and had a skilful Lawyer to plead this would much encourage him Christ is now at the Court appearing for us Heb. 9.24 and he hath great Potency in Heaven
Desertion and are cast down for want of Assurance Resp. 1. Want of Assurance shall not hinder the Success of the Saints Prayers Sin lived in doth ponere obicem put a Bar to our Prayer but want of Assurance doth not hinder Prayer we may go to God still in an humble fiducial manner A Christian perhaps may think because he doth not see Gods smiling Face therefore God will not hear him This is a mistake Psal. 31.22 I said in my hast I am cut off from before thine eyes nevertheless thou heardest the voice of my Supplication If we pour out Sighs to Heaven God hears every Groan though he doth not shew us his Face he may lend us his Ear. 2. Faith may be strongest when Assurance is weakest the Woman of Canaan had no Assurance but a Glorious Faith O Woman Great is thy Faith Mat. 15.28 Rachel was more Fair but Leah was more Fruitful Assurance is more fair and lovely to look upon but a fruitful Faith God sees is better for us Iohn 20.28 Blessed are they that Believe and feel not 3. When God is out of sight yet he is not out of Covenant Psalm 89.28 My Covenant shall stand fast Though a Wife doth not see her Husbands Face in many Years yet the Marriage Relation holds and he will come again to her after a long Voyage God may be gone from the Soul in Desertion but the Covenant stands fast Isa. 54.10 The Covenant of my Peace shall not be removed Quer. But this Promise was made to the Jews and doth not belong to us Yes Verse 17. This is the Heritage of the Servants of the Lord. This is made to all the Servants of God them that are now living as well as those who lived in the time of the Jews Quest. 8. What should we do to get Assurance Resp. 1. Keep a pure Conscience let no Guilt lie upon the Conscience unrepented of God Seals no Pardons before Repentance God will not pour in the Wine of Assurance into a foul Vessel Heb. 10.22 Let us draw near in full Assurance of Faith having our Hearts sprinkled from an evil Conscience Guilt clips the Wings of Comfort he who is conscious to himself of Secret Sins cannot draw near to God in full Assurance he cannot call God Father but Judge keep Conscience as clear as your Eye that no dust of sin fall into it 2. If you would have Assurance be much in the Actings of Grace 1 Tim. 4.7 Exercise thy self unto Godliness Men grow rich by Trading by Trading in Grace we grow rich in Assurance 2 Pet. 1.10 Make your Election sure How Add to your Faith Vertue and to Vertue Knowledge Keep Grace upon the Wing it is the lively Faith flourisheth into Assurance no Man will set up a great Sail in a small Boat but in a large Vessel God sets up the Sail of Assurance in an Heart enlarged in Grace 3. If you would have Assurance cherish the Holy Spirit of God When David would have Assurance he Prays Take not away thy Spirit from me Psal. 51.11 He knew it was the Spirit only that could make him hear the Voice of Joy The Spirit is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Comforter he seals up Assurance 2 Cor. 1.22 therefore make much of the Spirit do not grieve it As Noah opened the Ark to receive the Dove so should we open our Hearts to receive the Spirit This is the Blessed Dove which brings an Olive branch of Assurance in its Mouth 4. Let us lye at the Pool of the Ordinances frequent the Word and Sacrament Cant. 2. He brought me to the Banqueting House and his Banner over me was Love The blessed Ordinances are the Banqueting House where God displays the Banner of Assurance The Sacrament is a Sealing Ordinance Christ made himself known to his Disciples in the breaking of Bread So in the Holy Supper in the breaking of Bread God makes himself known to us to be our God and Portion Quest. 9. How should they carry themselves who have Assurance Resp. 1. If you have Assurance of your Justification do not abuse Assurance 1. 'T is an abusing of Assurance when we grow more remiss in Duty as the Musician having Mony thrown him leaves off playing By Remisness or intermitting the Exercises of Religion we grieve the Spirit and that is the way to have an Imbargo laid upon our Spiritual Comforts 2. We abuse Assurance when we grow Presumptuous and less fearful of sin What because a Father gives his Son an Assurance of his Love and tells him he will entail his Land upon him shall the Son therefore be Wanton and Dissolute This were the way to lose his Fathers Affection and make him cut off the Entail it was an Aggravation of Solomon's Sin His Heart was turned away from the Lord after he had appeared to him twice 1 Kings 11.9 'T is bad to sin when one wants Assurance but it is worse to sin when one hath it Hath the Lord seal'd his Love with a Kiss Hath he left a Pawn of Heaven in your Hands and do you thus requite the Lord Will you sin with Manna in your Mouth Doth God give you the sweet Clusters of Assurance to feed on and will you return him wild Grapes It much pleaseth Satan either to see us want Assurance or abuse it This is to abuse Assurance when the Pulse of our Soul beats faster in Sin and slower in Duty 2. If you have Assurance admire this stupendious Mercy You deserv'd that God should give you Gaul and Vinegar to drink and hath he made the Hony-Comb of his Love to drop upon you O fall down and adore his Goodness say Lord How is it that thou shouldest manifest thy self to me and not to other Believers Those whom thou lovest as the Apple of thine Eye yet thou holdest them in Suspence and givest them no Assurance of thy Love though thou hast given them the new Name yet not the White stone though they have the Seed of Grace yet not the Oyl of Gladness though they have the Holy Ghost the Sanctifier yet not the Holy Ghost the Comforter Lord whence is it that thou shouldest manifest thy self to me and make thy Golden Beams of Assurance shine upon my Soul O admire God! this will be the Work of Heaven 3. Let your Hearts be endeared in Love to God If God gives his People Correction they must love him much more when he gives them Assurance Psal. 31.23 O love the Lord ye his Saints Hath God brought you to the Borders of Canaan given you a Bunch of Grapes crown'd you with loving Kindness confirm'd your Pardon under the Broad Seal of Heaven How can you be frozen at such a Fire How can you choose but be turn'd into Seraphins Burning in Divine Love Say as St. Austin Animam meam odio Haberem I would hate my own Soul if I did not find it loving God Give God the Cream and Quintessence of your Love and shew your Love by
him to pieces The German History relates of a Youth who was given to Swearing and did use to invent new Oaths the Lord sent a Canker into his Mouth which did eat out his Tongue whereupon he died 2. Blasphemy He who did Blaspheme God the Lord caused him to be stoned to death Lev. 24.11 23. The Israelitish womans Son blasphemed the name of the Lord and cursed And Moses spake to the People of Israel that they should bring forth him that had cursed and stone him with stones Olympias an Arian Bishop Reproached and Blasphemed the Sacred Trinity whereupon he was suddenly stricken with three Flashes of Lightning which burned him to Death Felix an Officer of Iulian seeing the Holy Vessels which were used in the Sacrament said in Scorn of Christ See what precious Vessels the Son of Mary is served withall Soon after he was taken with a Vomiting of Blood out of his Blasphemous Mouth whereof he died 2. Or if God should not execute Judgment on the Profaners of his Name in this Life yet their Doom is to come God will not remit their Guilt but deliver them to Satan the Goaler to torment them for ever If God justifie a Man who shall condemn him but if God condemn him who shall justifie him If God lay a Man in Prison where shall he get Bail or Main-prize God will take his full blow at the Sinner in Hell Heb. 10.31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God EXOD. XX. 8 Remember the Sabbath-Day to keep it Holy Six Days shalt thou labour and do all thy Work But the Seventh Day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God in it thou shalt not do any Work thou nor thy Son nor thy Daughter thy Man-Servant nor thy Maid-servant nor thy Cattel nor thy Stranger that is within thy Gates For in Six Days the Lord made Heaven and Earth the Sea and all that in them is and rested the Seventh Day Wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath-Day and hallowed it This Commandment was engraven in Stone by God's own Finger and it will be our Comfort to have it engraven in our Hearts The Sabbath-Day is set apart for God's Solemn Worship it is God's Enclosure and it must not be alienated to common Uses The Lord hath set a Preface before this Commandment he hath put a Memento to it Remember to keep the Sabbath-Day holy This Word Remember shows that we are apt to forget Sabbath-Holiness therefore we need a Memorandum to put us in mind of sanctifying this Day I shall explain the Words I. Here is a Solemn Command Remember the Sabbath-Day to keep it holy II. Many Cogent Arguments to induce us to observe the Command I. In the Command 1. The Matter of it viz. The sanctifying of the Sabbath which Sabbath-Sanctification consists in two things First In resting from our own Works Secondly In a Conscientious Discharge of our Religious Duties 2. The Persons to whom the Command of sanctifying the Sabbath is given 1. Either Superiours and they are 1 st More Private as Parents and Masters Or 2 ly More Publique as Magistrates Or 2. Inferiours First Natives as Children and Servants Thy Son and thy Daughter thy Man-Servant and thy Maid Servant Secondly Foreigners The Stranger that is within thy Gates II. The Cogent Arguments to obey this Command of keeping Holy the Sabbath 1. From the Rationality of it Six Days shalt thou labour and do all thy Work As if God had said I am not an hard Master I do not grutch thee time to look after thy Calling and to get an Estate I have given thee Six Days Six to do all thy Work in and have taken but one Day for my self I might have reserved Six Days for my self and allowed thee but one but I have given thee Six Days for the Works of thy Calling and have taken but One Day for my own Service therefore it is equal and rational that thou shouldst set this Day in a special manner apart for my Worship 2. The Second Argument is taken from 2 ly The Iustice of it The Seventh Day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God As if God had said The Sabbath-Day is my Due I challenge a special Right in it and none hath any thing to do to lay claim to it He who robs me of THIS DAY and puts it to common Uses is a Sacrilegious Person he steals from the Crown of Heaven and I will in no wise hold him guiltless 3. The Third Argument for sanctifying the Sabbath is taken from God's own Pattern he rested the Seventh Day As if the Lord should say Will not you follow my Pattern Having finished all my Works of Creation I rested the Seventh Day So you having done all your Secular Work on the Six Days you should now cease from the Labour of your Calling and Dedicate the Seventh Day to the Lord as a Day of Holy Rest. 4. The Fourth Argument for Sabbath-Sanctification is taken ab Vtili from the Benefit which redounds from a Religious Observation of the Sabbath The Lord blessed the Seventh-Day and hallowed it It is not only a Day of God's Benediction God did not only appoint the Seventh-Day but he blessed the Seventh Day The Sabbath-Day is not only a Day of Honour to God but a Day of Blessing to us it is not only a Day wherein we give God Worship but a Day wherein he gives us Grace on this Day a Blessing drops down from Heaven This is a great Argument for the keeping the Sabbath-Day Holy God is not benefited by it we cannot add one Cubit to his Essential Glory but we our selves are advantaged The Sabbath-Day religiously observed entails a Blessing upon our Souls our Estate our Posterity As the not keeping this Day Holy brings a Curse Ier. 17.27 God curseth a Man's Blessings Mal. 2.2 The Bread which he eats is poysoned with a Curse So the Conscientious Observation of the Sabbath brings all manner of Blessings with it These are the Arguments to induce Sabbath-Sanctification And so I have divided the Commandment into its several Parts and explained the Sence of it The thing I would have you observe is That this Commandment about keeping the Sabbath was not abrogated with the Ceremonial Law but it is purely Moral and the Observation of the Sabbath is to be continued to the end of the World Where can we show that God hath given us a Discharge from keeping one Day in seven So that I say this fourth Commandment is Moral and obligeth Christians to the perpetual Commemoration and Sanctification of the Sabbath Quest. Why God hath appointed a Sabbath Ans. 1. In respect of Himself it is requisite that God should reserve one Day in Seven for his own immediate Service that hereby he might be acknowledged to be the great Plenipotentiary or Sovereign Lord who hath Power over us both to command Worship and appoint the Time when he will be worshipped 2. In respect of Vs. The Sabbath-day
Rivers of Oyl but Sparks of Love that Christ values And sure as David said While I was musing the Fire burned Psal. 39.3 So while we are musing of Christ's Love in redeeming us the Fire of our Love would burn towards Christ and then is a Christian in a Blessed Sabbath-Frame when he is like a Seraphim burning in Love to Christ. 4. On a Sabbath-morning meditate on the Glory of Heaven Heaven is the Extract and Quintessence of Happiness It is called a Kingdom Mat. 25.34 A Kingdom for it's Riches and Magnificence It is set out by Precious Stones Gates of Pearl Rev. 21. There is all that is truly Glorious transparent Light perfect Love unstained Honour unmixed Joy and that which crowns the Joy of the Celestial Paradise is Eternity Suppose Earthly Kingdoms were more glorious than they are their Foundations of Gold their Walls of Pearl their Windows of Saphire yet they are corruptible But the Kingdom of Heaven is Eternal those Rivers of Pleasure run for evermore Psalm 16.11 And that wherein the Essence of Glory consists and makes Heaven to be Heaven is the immediate Sight and Fruition of the Blessed God Psal. 17.15 When I awake I shall he satisfied with thy likeness O think of this Ierusalem above This is proper for a Sabbath 1. The meditation of Heaven would raise our Hearts above the World O how would these things disappear and shrink into nothing if our Minds were mounted above the Visible Orbs and we had a Prospect of Glory 2. How would the Meditation of Heaven make us Heavenly in our Sabbath-Exercises It would quicken Affection it would add Wings to Devotion it would make us to be in the Spirit on the Lord's Day Rev. 1.10 How vigorously doth he serve God who hath a Crown of Glory always in his Eye III. We dress our Souls on a Sabbath-Morning by Prayer Mat. 6.6 When thou Prayest enter into thy Closet c. Prayer sanctifies a Sabbath 1. The things we should pray for on the Morning of a Sabbath 1. Beg a Blessing upon the Word which is to be Preached that it may be a Savour of Life to us that by it our Minds may be more Illuminated our Corruptions more weakned our Stock of Grace more encreased Pray that God's special Presence may be with us that our Hearts may burn within us while God speaks Pray that we may receive the Word into meek humble Hearts James 1.22 That we may submit to it and bring forth the Fruits of it Nor should we only Pray for our selves but for others First For him who dispenseth the Word that his Tongue may be touched with a Coal from God's Altar That God would warm his Heart who is to help to warm others Your Prayers may be a means to quicken the Minister Some complain they find not that Benefit by the Word Preached Perhaps they did not Pray for their Minister as they should Prayer is like the whetting and sharpening of an Instrument which makes it cut the better Secondly Pray with and for your Family Yea Pray for all the Congregations that meet this Day in the Fear of the Lord that the Dew of the Spirit may fall with the Manna of the Word that some Souls may be converted and others strengthened and that Gospel-Ordinances may be continued and have no Restraint put upon them These are the things we should pray for The Tree of Mercy will not drop its Fruit unless it be shaken by the Hand of Prayer 2. The Manner of our Prayer It is not enough to say a Prayer to pray in a dull cold manner which teacheth God to deny but we must Pray with Reverence Humility Hope in God's Mercy Fervency Luke 22.44 Christ Pray'd 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 more earnestly And that we may pray with more Fervency we must Pray with a Sense of our Wants He who is pinched with Want will be earnest in craving an Alms. He Prays most Fervently who Prays most Feelingly This is to sanctifie the Morning of a Sabbath and it is a good Preparatory for the Word Preached When the Ground is broken up by the Plough now it is fit to receive the Seed When the Heart hath been broken by Prayer now it is fit to receive the Seed of the Word Preached Thus you see how to dress your Souls on a Sabbath-morning There are other Duties remaining EXOD. XX. 10 IV. Having thus dressed your Souls in a Morning for the further Sanctification of the Sabbath address your selves to the Hearing of the Word Preached 1. And when you are set down in your Seat 1. Lift up your Eyes to Heaven for a Blessing upon the Word to be dispensed For you must know the Word Preach'd doth not work as Physick by its own inherent Vertue but by a Vertue from Heaven and the Co-operation of the Holy Ghost Therefore put up a short Ejaculatory Prayer for a Blessing upon the Word that it may be made effectual to you 2. The Word being begun to be Preach'd set your selves in a right manner 1. With Reverence and Holy Attention Acts 16.14 A certain Woman named Lydia attended unto the things that were spoken of Paul Constantine the Emperor was noted for his Reverend Attention to the Word Luke 19.48 Christ taught daily in the Temple And all the People were attentive to hear him 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in the Greek They hung upon his Lip Could we tell Men of a Rich Purchase they would diligently attend And shall they not much more when the Gospel of Grace is Preaching to them Now that we may sanctifie and hallow the Sabbath by attentive Hearing take heed of two things I. Distraction in Hearing II. Drowsiness in Hearing I. Distraction 1 Cor. 7.35 That ye may attend upon the Lord without Distraction It is said of St. Bernard That when he came to the Church-Door he would say Stay here all my Earthly Thoughtt So should we say to our selves when we are at the Door of God's House Stay here all my worldly Cares and wandring Cogitations I am now going to hearken what the Lord will say to me Distraction hinders Devotion Distraction in Hearing is when the Mind is tossed with vain Thoughts and diverted from the Business in hand 'T is hard to make the Quicksilver Heart fix St. Hierom complained of himself Some times saith he when I am about God's Service per Porticus deambulo I am walking in the Galleries and sometimes casting up Accounts So oft in hearing of the Word the Thoughts dance up and down and when our Eye is upon the Minister our Mind is upon other things Distracted Hearing is far from sanctifying the Sabbath It must needs be very hainous to give way to vain Thoughts at this time because when we are hearing the Word we are now in God's Special Presence To do any Treasonable Action in the King's Presence is high Impudence Ier. 23.11 Yea in my House have I found their Wickedness So may the Lord say In my House
Residence Eph. 3.17 A King's Palace must be kept clean especially his Presence-Chamber If the Body of the Temple the Soul is the Holy of Holies this must be consecrated We must not only keep our Bodies from Carnal Pollution but our Souls from Envy and Malice Quest. How shall we know our Souls are pure Resp. 1. If our Souls are pure then we fly from the appearance of evil 1 Thess. 5.22 We will not do that which looks like sin When Ioseph's Mistress did court and tempt him he left his Garment in her hand and fled Gen. 39.12 'T was suspicious to be near her Polycarp would not be seen in Company with Marcion the Heretick because it would not be of good Report 2. If our Souls are pure this Light of Purity will shine forth Aaron had Holiness to the Lord written upon his Golden Plate Where there is Sanctity in the Soul there Holiness to the Lord is engraven upon our Life we are adorn'd with Patience Humility good Works and shine as Lights in the World Phil. 2.15 carry Christ's Picture in our Conversations 1 Iohn 2.6 O let us labour for this Soul-Purity without it there 's no seeing of God Heb. 12.14 What Communion hath Light with Darkness And that we may keep our Souls pure 1. Have Recourse to the Blood of Christ This is the Fountain set open for Sin and Vncleanness Zech. 13.1 A Soul steep'd in the Brinish Tears of Repentance and bathed in the Blood of Christ is made pure 2. Pray much for Pureness of Soul Psal. 51.10 Create in me a clean Heart O God Some pray for Children others for Riches but pray for Soul-purity Say Lord tho my Body is kept pure yet Lord my Soul is defiled I pollute all I touch O purge me with Hyssop Let Christ's Blood sprinkle me let the Holy Ghost come upon me and anoynt me O make me Evangelically pure that I may be translated to Heaven and placed among the Cherubims where I shall be as holy as thou wouldst have me to be and as happy as I can desire to be EXOD. XX. 15 Thou shalt not Steal As the Holiness of God sets him against Vncleanness Thou shalt not commit Adultery so the Justice of God sets him against Rapine and Robbery Thou shalt not steal The thing forbidden in the Commandment is medling with another Man's Propriety Thou shalt not steal The Civil Lawyers define Furtum Stealth or Theft to be the laying Hands unjustly on that which is anothers The invading anothers Right Quest. 1. Whence doth Theft arise Resp. 1. The Internal Causes are 1. Vnbelief A Man hath an high Distrust of God's Providence Can God prepare a Table in the Wilderness Psalm 78.19 So saith the Unbeliever Can God spread a Table for me No he cannot Therefore he is resolved he will spread a Table for himself but it shall be of other Mens Cost and both first and second Course shall be served in with stollen Goods 2. Covetousness The Greek Word for Covetousness 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifies an immoderate Deisre of Getting This is the Root of Theft A Man covets more than his own and this Itch of Covetousness makes him scratch what he can from another Achan's covetous Humour made him steal the Wedge of Gold which Wedge did cleave asunder his Soul from God Iosh. 7.21 2. The External Cause of Theft is Satan's Sollicitation Iudas was a Thief Iohn 12.6 How came he to be a Thief Satan entred into him John 13.27 The Devil is the great Master-Thief he robbed us of our Coat of Innocency and he perswades Men to take up his Trade He tells Men how bravely they shall live by Thieving and how they may catch an Estate And as Eve listned to the Serpents Voice so do they and as Birds of Prey live upon Spoil and Rapine Quest. 2. How many sorts of Theft are there Res. I. There is a stealing from God and so they are Thieves who rob any part of God's Day from him Remember to keep holy the Sabbath-day Not a pa●t of the Day only but the Whole Day must be dedicated to God And lest any should forget this the Lord hath prefixed a Memento Remember Therefore to cut God short and after Morning Sacrifice to spend the other part of the Sabbath in Vanity and Pleasure this is Spiritual Thievery 't is to rob God of his Due and the very Heathens will rise up in Judgment against such Christians For the Heathens as Macrobius notes did observe a whole Day to their False Gods II. There is a stealing from Others 1. A stealing away their Souls and so Hereticks are Thieves By robbing Men of the Truth they rob them of their Souls 2. A stealing away their Money and Goods from them And under this Head of stealing away others Money there may be several arraigned for Thieves 1. The High-way Thief who takes a Purse contrary to the Letter of this Commandment Lev. 19.13 Thou shalt not rob thy Neighbour Mark 10.19 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Do not steal This is not the Violence which takes the Kingdom of Heaven Matth. 11.12 2. The House-Thief who purloyns and filcheth out of his Masters Cash or steals his Wares and Drugs The Apostle saith Some have entertained Angels into their Houses unawares Heb. 13.2 But many Masters have entertained Thieves into their Houses unawares The House-Thief is an Hypocrite as well as a Thief he hath demure Looks and pretends he is helping his Master when he only helps to rob him 3. The Thief that shrowds himseif under Law as the unjust Attorney or Lawyer who prevaricates and deals falsly with his Client This is to steal from the Client By Deceit and Prevarication the Lawyer robs the Client of his Land and may be the means to ruine his Family He is no better than a Thief in God's Account 4. The Church-Thief or Plura●st who holds several Benifices but seldom or never preacheth to the People He gets the Golden Fleece but lets his Flock starve Ezek. 34.2 Wo be to the Shepherds of Israel Ver. 8. They feed themselves and feed not my Flock These Ministers will be indited for Thieves at God's Bar. 5. The Shop-Thief he steals in selling 1. Who useth False Weights and Measures and so steals from others what is their due Amos 5.8 Who make the Ephah small The Ephah was a Measure the Jews used in Selling they made the Ephah small gave scant measure which was plain stealing Hos. 12.7 The Ballances of Deceit are in his Hand Men by making their Weights lighter make their Accounts heavier 2. He steals in selling who puts excessive Prices on his Commodities He takes thrice as much for a Commodity as it cost him or as it is worth To over-reach others in selling is to steal Mens Money from them Lev. 19.13 Thou shalt not defraud thy Neighbour neither rob him To defraud him is to rob him This over-reaching others in selling which is a cunning way of stealing is both against Law
sin be sober in your attire savoury in your speeches grave in your deportment obey your Fathers voice Open to God as the Flower opens to the Sun As you expect your Fathers Blessing obey him in whatever he commands First and Second Table Duties A Lutenist that he may make sweet Musick toucheth upon every String of the Lute The Ten Commandments are like a ten stringed Instrument touch upon every String obey every Command or you cannot make sweet Melody in Religion Obey your Heavenly Father though he commands things contrary to Flesh and blood 1. When he commands to mortifie Sin that Sin which hath been dear to you Pluck out this right eye that you may see the better to go to Heaven 2. When he commands you to suffer for him be ready to obey Acts 21.13 every good Christian hath a Spirit of Martyrdom in him and is ready rather to suffer for the Truth than the Truth should suffer Luther said he had rather be a Martyr than a Monarch Peter was Crucified with his Head downwards as Eusebius Ignatius called his Chains his Spiritual Pearls and did wear his Fetters as a Bracelet of Diamonds This is to carry it as Gods Children when we obey his voice and count not our lives dear so that we may show our love to our Heavenly Father Rev. 12.11 They loved not their lives to the death 6. If God be your Father show it by your chearful looks that you are the Children of such a Father Too much drooping and despondency disparageth the Relation you stand in to God What though you meet with hard usage in the World you are now in a strange Land far from home it will be shortly better with you when you are in your own Country and your Father hath you in his Armes Doth not the Heir rejoyce in hope Shall the Sons of a King walk dejected 2 Sam. 13.4 Why art thou being the Kings Son lean Is God an unkind Father are his Commands grievous Hath he no Land to give to his Heirs Why then do Gods Children walk so sad Never had Children such Priviledges as they who are of the Seed-Royal of Heaven and have God for their Father they should rejoyce therefore who are within a few hours to be crowned with Glory 7. If God be our Father let us honour him by walking very holily 1 Pet. 1.16 Be ye holy for I am holy A young Prince asking a Philosopher how he should behave himself the Philosopher said Memento te filium esse Regis Remember thou art a Kings Son do nothing but what becomes the Son of a King So remember you are the adopted Sons and Daughters of the high God do nothing unworthy of such a Relation A debauched Child is the disgrace of his Father Is this thy Sons Coat said they to Iacob when they brought it home dip'd in blood Gen. 37.32 so when we see a person defiled with Malice Passion Drunkenness we may say is this the Coat of Gods adopted Son Doth he look as an Heir of Glory 'T is a blaspheming the Name of God to call him Father yet live in Sin Such as profess God is their Father yet live unholily they will slander and defraud these are as bad to God as Heathens Amos 9.7 Are ye not as children of the Ethiopians to me O children of Israel saith the Lord The Ethiopians were uncircumcised a base ill-bred People when Israel grew wicked they were no better to God than Ethiopians Loose scandalous livers under the Gospel are no better in Gods esteem than Pagans and Americans nay they shall have an hotter place in Hell O let all who profess God to be their Father honour him by their unspotted lives Scipio abhorred the embraces of an Harlot because he was the General of an Army Abstain from all Sin because you are born of God and have God for your Father 1 Thess. 5.22 Abstain from all appearance of evil 'T was a saying of Augustus An Emperor should not only be free from Crimes but from the suspicion of them by an holy Life you would bring Glory to your Heavenly Father and cause others to become his Children Est pellax virtutis odor Causinus in his Hieroglyphicks speaks of a Dove whose Wings being perfum'd with sweet Oyntments did draw the other Doves after her The holy Lives of Gods Children is a sweet perfume to draw others to Religion and make them to be of the Family of God Iustin Martyr saith that which converted him to Christianity was the beholding the blameless Lives of the Christians 8. If God be our Father let us love all that are his Children Psal. 133.1 How pleasant is it for brethren to dwell together in unity 'T is compared to Oyntment ver 2. for the sweet fragrancy of it 1 Pet. 2.17 Love the brotherhood Idem est motus animae in imaginem rem The Saints are the walking pictures of God if God be our Father we love to see his picture of Holiness in Believers we pity them for their Infirmities but love them for their Graces we prize their Company above others Psal. 119.63 it may justly be suspected that God is not their Father who love not Gods Children though they retain the Communion of Saints in their Creed yet they banish the Communion of Saints out of their Company 9. If God be our Father let us show Heavenly mindedness They who are born of God do 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 set their Affections on things that are above Col. 3.2 O ye Children of the high God do not disgrace your high birth by sordid Covetousness What a Son of God and a slave to the World What spring from Heaven and buried in the Earth For a Christian who pretends to derive his pedigree from Heaven yet wholly to mind Earthly things is to debase himself as if a King should leave his Throne to follow the Plough Ier. 45.5 Seekest thou great things for thy self As if the Lord had said what thou Baruck thou who art born of God akin to Angels and by thy Office a Levite dost thou debase thy self and spot the silver wings of thy Grace by beliming them with earth Seekest thou great things seek them not The Earth choaks the Fire Earthliness choaks the Fire of good Affections 10. Vlt. If God be our Father let us own our Heavenly Father in the worst times stand up in his cause defend his Truths Athanasius owned God when most of the World turned Arrians If Sufferings come do not deny God He is a bad Son who denyes his Father Such as are ashamed of God in times of danger God will be ashamed to own them for his Children Mark 8.38 Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous generation of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed when he comes in the glory of his Father with his holy Angels So I have done with the First Part of the Preface Our Father II. The Second Part of the
of his people he gives them more than they ask as Hannah asked a Son and God gave her not only a Son but a Prophet Solomon asked Wisdom and God gave him not only Wisdom but Riches and Honour besides Iacob prayed that God would but give him Food and Rayment and the Lord encreased his Pilgrims staff into two ●ands Gen. 32.10 God is oft better to us than our Prayers as when Gehazi asked but one Talent Naaman would needs force two upon him 2 Kings 5.23 We ask one Talent of Mercy and God gives two Talents The Woman of Canaan asked but a crumb namely to have the life of her Child and Christ gave her more he sent her home with the life of her Soul 7. The great success the Prayer of Faith hath found like Ionathans bow it hath not returned empty Vocula pater dicta in corde saith Luther This little word Father pronounced in Faith hath overcome God Gen. 32.11 Deliver me I pray thee and this was mixed with Faith in the promise ver 12. Thou sai●st I will surely do thee good and this Prayer had power with God and prevailed Hos. 12.4 the Prayer of Faith hath opened prison doors stop'd the chariot of the Sun lock'd and unlock'd Heaven Iam. 5.17 the Prayer of Faith hath strangled the plots of enemies in the birth it hath routed their forces Moses Prayer against Amalek did more than Ioshuas sword and may not this hearten and corroborate Faith in Prayer 8. If all this will not prevail consider how heartless and comfortless it is to pray and not in Faith The heart misgives secretly God doth not hear nor will he grant Faithless praying must needs be comfortless for there is no promise made to unbelieving Prayer 'T is sad sailing where there is no anchoring and sad praying where there is no promise to anchor upon Iam. 1.7 The Disciples toyl'd all night and caught nothing the Unbeliever toyls in Prayer and catcheth nothing he receives not any Spiritual Blessings pardon of Sin or Grace As for the Temporal Mercies the Unbeliever hath he cannot look upon them as the fruit of Prayer but as the over-flowings and spillings of Gods bounty Oh therefore labour to exert and put forth Faith in Prayer Object But there is so much sin cleaves to my Prayer that I fear it is not the Prayer of Faith and God will not hear it Resp. If thou mournest for this it hinders not but that thy Prayer may be in Faith and God may hear it Weakness in Prayer shall not make void the Saints Prayers Psal. 31.22 I said in my hast I am cut off There was much unbelief in this Prayer I said in my hast 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in my trembling Davids Faith did tremble and faint yet God heard his prayer The Saints passions do not hinder the Saints prayers Iam. 5.17 therefore be not discouraged though sin will cleave to thy holy offering yet these two things may comfort thou mayest pray with Faith though with weakness and God sees the sincerity and will pass by the infirmity Quest. How shall we do to pray in Faith Answ. Implore the Spirit of God We cannot say Our Father but by the Holy Ghost Gods Spirit helps us not only to pray with sighs and groans but with Faith The Spirit carries us to God not only as to a Creator but a Father Gal. 4.6 He hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts crying Abba Father Crying there the Spirit causeth us to pray with fervency Abba Father there the Spirit helps us to pray with Faith Prayer is the key of Heaven the Spirit helps Faith to turn this key and then it unlocks Heaven MATTH vi 9 Hallowed be thy Name HAving spoken of the Introduction to the Lords Prayer After this manner pray ye and the Preface Our Father which art in Heaven I come now Thirdly to the Prayer it self which consists of seven Petitions A short body of Divinity is contained in them I begin with the first Petition I. Hallowed be thy Name In the Latin it is sanctificetur nomen tuum sanctified be thy Name In this Petition Hallowed be thy Name we pray that Gods Name may shine forth gloriously and that it may be honoured and sanctified by us in the whole course and tenour of our Lives It was the Angels song Glory be to God in the highest that i● let his name be glorified and hallowed This Petition Hallowed be thy Name is set in the fore front to show that the hallowing of Gods Name is to be preferred before all other things 1. It is to be preferred before Life we pray Hallowed be thy Name before we pray Give us this day our daily bread 2. It is to be preferred before Salvation Rom. 9.1 Gods Glory is more worth than the Salvation of all Mens Souls As Christ said of love Matth. 22.37 This is the first and great Commandment so I may say of this Petition Hallowed be thy Name it is the first and great Petition it contains the most weighty thing in Religion Gods Glory When some of the other Petitions shall be useless and out of date we shall not need pray in Heaven Give us our daily bread because there shall be no hunger nor Forgive us our trespasses because there shall be no sin nor Lead us not into temptation because the Old Serpent is not there to tempt Yet the hallowing of Gods Name shall be in great use and request in Heaven we shall be ever singing Hallelujahs which is nothing else but the hallowing of Gods Name Every Person in the Blessed Trinity God the Father Son and Holy Ghost must have this honour to be Hallowed their Glory being equal and their Majesty co-eternal Hallowed be thy Name To admire Gods Name is not enough we may admire a Conquerour but when we say Hallowed be thy Name we set Gods Name above every Name and not only admire him but adore him and this is proper only to the Deity For the further explication I shall propound Three Questions 1. What is meant by Gods Name 2. What is meant by hallowing Gods Name 3. When may we be said to hallow or sanctifie Gods Name Quest. 1. What is meant by Gods Name Resp. 1. By Gods Name is meant his Essence Psal. 20.1 The name of the God of Iacob defend thee that is the God of Iacob defend thee 2. By Gods Name is meant any thing by which God may be known as a Man is known by his Name Gods Name is his Attributes Wisdom Power Holiness Goodness by these God is known as by his Name Quest. 2. What is meant by hallowing of Gods Name Resp. To hallow is a communi separare to set apart a thing from the common use to some sacred end As the Vessels of the Sanctuary were said to be hallowed so to hallow Gods Name is to set it apart from all abuses and to use it holily and reverendly In particular Hallowing of Gods Name is to
〈◊〉 to depart and be with Christ from this Connexion departing and being with Christ we see clearly that there is a subitus transitus speedy passage from death to Glory No sooner is the Soul of a Believer divorced from the Body but it presently goes to Christ 2 Cor. 5.8 absent from the Body present with the Lord it were better for Believers to stay here if immediately after death they were not with Christ in Glory for here the Saints are daily encreasing their Grace here they have many praelibamina sweet tasts of Gods love so that it were better to stay here if their Soul should sleep in their body and they should not have a speedy sight of God in Glory But this is the Consolation of Believers they shall not stay long for their kingdom 't is but winking and they shall see God it will be a blessed change to a Believer from a Desert to a Paradise from a bloody battle to a victorious Crown and a sudden Change no sooner did Lazarus dye but he had a Convoy of Angels to conduct his Soul to the kingdom of Glory You who now are full of bodily Diseases scarce a well day Psal. 31.10 My Life is spent with Grief be of good Comfort you may be happy before you are aware before another Week or Month be over you may be in the kingdom of Glory and then all tears shall be wiped away 2. The Glory in the kingdom of Heaven will be fully perfected at the Resurrection and general day of Judgment then the Bodies and Souls of Believers will be re-united what Joy will there be at the Re-union and meeting together of the Soul and Body of a Saint O what a welcome will the Soul give to the Body O my dear Body thou didst oft joyn with me in Prayer and now thou shalt joyn with me in Praise thou wert willing to suffer with me and now thou shalt reign with me thou wert sown a vile Body but now thou art made like Christs Glorious Body we were once for a time divorc'd but now we are married and Crowned together in a kingdom and shall mutually congratulate each others Felicity 5. Quest. Wherein appears the Certainty and infallibility of this Kingdom of Glory Resp. That this blessed kingdom shall be bestowed on the Saints is beyond all Dispute 1. God hath promised it Luke 12.32 It is your Fathers good pleasure to give you a Kingdom Luke 22.29 I appoint unto you a Kingdom Gr. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 I bequeath it as my last Will and Testament Hath God promised a kingdom and will he not make it good Gods promise is better then any Bond Tit. 1.2 In hope of eternal Life which God that cannot lye hath promised The whole Earth hangs upon the Word of Gods Power and cannot our Faith hang upon the Word of his Promise 2. There is a Price laid down for this kingdom Heaven is not only a kingdom which God hath promised but which Christ hath purchased 'T is called a purchased Possession Eph. 1.14 Though this kingdom is given us freely yet Christ bought it with the Price of his blood Christs blood is an Heaven-procuring blood Heb. 10.19 Having boldness to enter into the Holiest i. e. into Heaven by the blood of Iesus Crux Christi Clavis Paradisi Christs blood is the key that opens the Gates of Heaven to us should not the Saints have this kingdom then Christ would lose his Purchase Christ on the Cross was in hard Travail Isa. 13.11 he travailed to bring forth Salvation to the Elect should not they possess the kingdom when they dye Christ should lose his Travail all his Pangs and Agonies of Soul upon the Cross should be in vain 3. Christ prays that the Saints may have this kingdom settled upon them Iohn 17.24 Father I will that they also whom thou hast given me be with me where I am i. e. in Heaven This is Christs Prayer that the Saints may be with him in his kingdom and be bespangled with some of the Beams of his Glory now if they should not go into this heavenly kingdom then Christs Prayer would be frustrated but that cannot be for he is Gods Favourite Iohn 11.42 I know thou hearest me alwaies and besides what Christ prays for he hath power to give Observe the manner of Christs Prayer Father I will Father there he prays as Man I will there he gives as God 4. The Saints must have this blessed kingdom by vertue of Christs Ascension Iohn 20.17 I ascend to my Father and your Father to my God and to your God Where lies the comfort of this here it lies Jesus Christ ascended to take Possession of heaven for all Believers as an Husband takes up Land in another Country in the behalf of his Wife so Christ went to take possession of heaven in the behalf of all Believers Iohn 14.2 I go to prepare a place for you My Ascension is to make all things ready against your coming I go to prepare the heavenly Mansions for you The Flesh that Christ hath taken into heaven is a sure Pledge that all our Flesh and Bodies shall be where he is ere long Christ did not ascend to heaven as a private Person but as a publick Person for the good of all Believers his Ascension was a certain Fore-runner of the Saints ascending into heaven 5. The Elect must have this blessed kingdom in regard of the previous Works of the Spirit in their hearts they have the beginning of the kingdom of heaven in them here Grace is heaven begun in the Soul besides God gives them primitias spiritus the first Fruits of the Spirit Rom. 8.23 These First-fruits are the Comforts of the Spirit the First-fruits under the Law were a certain sign to the Jews of the full Crop or Vintage which they should after receive The First-fruits of the Spirit consisting in Joy and Peace do assure the Saints of the full Vintage of Glory they shall be ever reaping in the kingdom of God and the Saints in this Life are said to have the earnest of the Spirit in their hearts 2 Cor. 5.5 as an earnest is part of Payment and an assurance of Payment in full to be made in due Time So Gods Spirit in the hearts of Believers giving them his Comforts bestows on them an earnest or tast of Glory which doth further assure them of that full Reward which they shall have in the kingdom of heaven 1 Pet. 1.8 believing ye rejoyce there is the earnest of heaven Verse 9. receiving the end of your Faith Salvation there is the full Payment 6. The Elect must have this blessed Kingdom by virtue of their Coalition and Vnion with Jesus Christ. They are Members of Christ therefore they must be where their Head is Indeed the Arminians hold that a justified person may fall from Grace and so his Union with Christ may be dissolved and the Kingdom lost but I would demand of them can Christ lose a
did not beseech but knock as if they did not doubt to be let into Heaven yet to these Christ saith I know you not whence you are Depart from me ye workers of iniquity Therefore fear and tremble least any of us miss of this Kingdom of Heaven Secondly This fear is necessary if we consider what a loss it is to lose the Heavenly Kingdom All the tears of Hell are not sufficient to lament the loss of Heaven They who lose the Heavenly Kingdom lose Gods sweet Presence the ravishing viewes and smiles of Gods Glorious Face Gods Presence is the Diamond in the Ring of Glory Psal. 16.11 In his presence is fulness of joy If God be the Fountain of all Bliss then to be separated from him is the Fountain of all Misery They who lose the Heavenly Kingdom lose the Society of Angels and what sweeter Musick than to hear them praise God in Consort they lose all their Treasure their white Robes their sparkling Crowns they lose their hopes Iob 8.14 Whose hope shall be cut off Their hope is not an Anchor but a Spiders Web If hope deferred makes the heart sick Prov. 13.12 what then is hope disappointed They lose the end of their being Why were they Created but to be enthron●d in Glory Now to lose this is to lose the end of their being As if an Angel should be turned to a worm There are many aggravations of the loss of this Heavenly Kingdom 1. The eyes of the Wicked shall be opened to see their loss now they care not for the loss of Gods Favour because they know not the worth of it A Man that loseth a rich Diamond and took it but for an ordinary Stone is not much troubled at the loss of it but when he comes to know what a Jewel he lost then he laments He whose Heart would never break at the sight of his sins shall now break at the sight of his loss Phinehas his Daughter when she heard the Ark was lost cryed out The Glory is departed 1 Sam. 4.21 When the Sinner sees what he hath lost he hath lost the Beatifical Vision he hath lost the Kingdom of Heaven now he will cry out in horrour and despair The Glory the everlasting Glory is departed 2. A second aggravation of the loss of this Kingdom will be that Sinners shall be upbraided by their own Conscience This is the worm that never dyes Mark 9.44 viz. a self-accusing Mind When Sinners shall consider they were in a fair way to the Kingdom they had a possibility of Salvation though the door of Heaven were strait yet it was open they had the means of Grace the jubilee of the Gospel was proclaimed in their ears God called but they refused Jesus Christ offered them a plaister of his own Blood to heal them but they trampled it under foot the Holy Spirit stood at the door of their heart knocking and crying to them to receive Christ and Heaven but they repulsed the Spirit and sent away this Dove and now they have through their own folly and wilfulness lost the Kingdom of Heaven This self-accusing Conscience will be terrible like a venomous Worm gnawing at the Heart 3. A third aggravation of the loss of Heaven will be to look upon others that have gained the Kingdom the happiness of the Blessed will be an eye-sore Luke 13.28 There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth when ye shall see Abraham and Isaac and Iacob and all the Prophets in the kingdom of God and you your selves thrust out When the Wicked shall see those whom they hated and scorned to be exalted to a Kingdom and shine with Robes of Glory and they themselves miss of the Kingdom this will be a dagger at the heart and make them gnash their teeth for envy 4. A fourth aggravation is this loss of the Kingdom of Heaven is accompanied with the punishment of Sense He who leaps short of the Bank falls into the River such as come short of Heaven fall into the River of Fire and Brimstone Psal 9.17 The wicked shall be turned into hell And how dreadful is that If when but a spark of Gods Anger lights into the Conscience here it is so torturing what will it be to have mountains of Gods Wrath thrown upon the Soul Psal. 90.11 Who knoweth the power of thy anger The Angel never poured out his Vial but some woe followed Rev. 16.3 when the bitter Vials of Gods Wrath are poured out Damnation follows Dives cryes out O I am tormented in this flame Luke 16.24 In Hell there 's not a drop of Mercy There was no Oyl or Frankincense used in the Sacrifice of Jealousie Numb 5.15 in Hell no Oyl of Mercy to lenifie the Sufferings of the Damned nor Incense of Prayer to appease Gods Wrath. 5. A fifth aggravation of the loss of this Kingdom will be to consider on what easie and reasonable terms Men might have had this Kingdom If indeed God had commanded impossibles to have satisfied his Justice in their own Persons it had been another matter but what God did demand was reasonable only to do that which was for their good to accept of Christ for their Lord and Husband only to part with that which would damn them if they kept their Sins these were the fair terms on which they might have enjoyed the Heavenly Kingdom Now to lose Heaven which might have been had upon such easie terms will be a cutting aggravation it will rend a Sinners Heart with rage and grief to think how easily he might have prevented the loss of the Heavenly Kingdom 6. It will be an aggravation of the loss of Heaven for Sinners to think how active they were in doing that which lost them the Kingdom they were felo de se. What pains did they take to resist the Spirit to stifle Conscience they sinned while they were out of breath Ier. 9.5 They weary themselves to commit iniquity What difficulties did Men go through what did they endure for their Sins how much shame and pain how sick was the Drunkard with his cups how sore in his Body was the Adulterer and what marks of his sin did he carry about him What dangers did Men adventure upon for their Lusts they adventured Gods Wrath and adventured the Laws of the Land O how will this aggravate the loss of Heaven how will this make Men curse themselves to think how much pains they were at to lose happiness How will this sting Mens Consciences to think had they taken but as much pains for Heaven as they did for Hell they had not lost it 7. Aggravation of the loss of this Kingdom it will be an eternal irreparable loss Heaven once lost can never be recovered Worldly losses may be made up again if a Man lose his Health he may have it repaired by Physick if a Man be driven out of his Kingdom he may be restored to it again as King Nebuchadnezzar was Dan. 4.36 My honour returned to me and I
hate him as he is the holy One 2. Men are prejudiced at the Truths of Christ. 1. Self-denyal A man must deny his Righteousness Phil. 3.9 his Duties and Moralities he would graft the hope of Salvation upon the stock of his own Righteousness 2. He must deny his Unrighteousness The Scripture seals no patents to Sin it teacheth us to deny all ungodliness and worldly lusts Tit. 2.11 We must divorce those Sins which bring in Pleasure and Profit 3. Forgiving of injuries Mark 11.25 These Truths Men are prejudiced at they can rather want forgiveness from God than they can forgive others 3. Men are prejudiced at the Followers of Christ. 1. Their paucity there are but few in comparison that embrace Christ but why should this offend Men are not offended at Pearls and precious Stones because they are but few 2. Their Poverty many that wear Christs livery are low in the World but why should this give offence 1. Christ hath better things than these to bestow upon his Followers the holy Anointing the white Stones the hidden Manna the Crown of Glory 2. All Christs Followers are not humbled with Poverty Abraham was rich in Gold and Silver as well as rich in Faith Though not many Noble are called yet some Noble Acts 17.12 Honourable women which were Greeks believed Constantine and Theodosius were Godly Emperours so that this stumbling block is removed 3. Their Scandals Some of Christs Followers under a mask of Piety commit sin this begets a prejudice against Religion but doth Christ or his Gospel teach any such thing The Rules he prescribes are holy Why should the Master be thought the worse of because some of his Servants prove bad 4. Men are prejudiced at the Wayes of Christ they expose them to Sufferings Matth. 16.24 Let him take up his cross and follow me many stumble at the Cross. There are as Tertullian delicaetuli silken Christians who love their ease they will follow Christ to Mount Oliver to see him transfigured but not to Mount Golgotha to suffer with him But alas what is Affliction to the Glory that follows The weight of Glory makes Affliction light Adimant Caput non Coronam O take heed of prejudice this hath been a stumbling stone in Mens way to Heaven and hath made them fall short of the Kingdom 6. If you would not miss of the Kingdom of Heaven take heed of Presumption Men presume all is well and take it as a principle not to be disputed that they shall go to Heaven The Devil hath given them Opium to cast them into a deep sleep of security The presumptuous Sinner is like the Leviathan made without fear He lives as bad as the worst yet hopes he shall be saved as well as the best He blesseth himself and saith he shall have peace though he goes on in sin Deut. 29.19 As if a Man should drink Poyson yet not fear but he should have his health But whence doth this presumptuous hope arise Surely from a conceit that God is made up all of Mercy 'T is true God is merciful but withal he is just too Exod. 34.6 7. Keeping mercy for thousands and that will by no means clear the guilty If a King did proclaim that only those should be pardoned who came in and submitted should any still persisting in Rebellion claim the benefit of that Pardon Dost thou hope for Mercy who wilt not lay down thy Weapons but stand out in Rebellion against Heaven None might touch the Ark but the Priests none may touch this Ark of Gods Mercy but holy consecrated Persons Presumption is heluo Animarum the great devourer of Souls A thousand have missed of Heaven by putting on the broad spectacles of Presumption 7. If you would not miss of the Heavenly Kingdom take heed of the delights and pleasures of the Flesh soft pleasures harden the heart Many people cannot endure a serious Thought but are for Comedies and Romances they play away their Salvation Homines capiuntur voluptate ut pisces hamo Cicero Pleasure is the sugred bait Men bite at but there is an hook under Iob 21.12 They take the timbrel and harp and rejoyce at the sound of the organ And a parallel Scripture Amos 6.4 That lye upon beds of ivory that chant to the sound of the viol that drink wine in bowls and anoint themselves with the chief oyntments The pleasures of the World do keep many from the pleasures of Paradise What a shame is it that the Soul that princely thing which swayes the sceptre of Reason and is akin to Angels should be enslaved to sinful pleasure Beard in his Theatre speaks of one who had a Room richly hung with fair Pictures he had most delicious Musick he had the rarest Beauties he had all the Candies and curious Preserves of the Confectioner thus did he gratifie his Senses with Pleasure and swore he would live one week like a God though he were sure to be damned in Hell the next day Diodorus Siculus observes that the Dogs of Sicily while they are hunting among the sweet Flowers lose the scent of the Hare so many while they are hunting after the sweet pleasures of the World lose the Kingdom of Heaven 'T is saith Theophylact one of the worst sights to see a Sinner go laughing to Heaven 8 If you would not fall short of the Kingdom of Heaven take heed of Worldlimindedness a covetous Spirit is a dunghil Spirit it choaks good Affections as the earth puts out the fire The World hindred the young Man from following Christ abiit tristis he went away sorrowful Luke 18.23 which extorted those words from our Saviour Verse 24. How hardly shall they that have Riches enter into the Kingdom of God Divitiae saeculi sunt laquei Diaboli Bern. Riches are golden Snares If a Man were to climb up a steepy Rock and had Weights tied to his Legs it would hinder him from his ascent Too many Golden Weights will hinder us from climbing that steepy Rock which leads to Heaven Exod. 14.3 They are entangled in the Land the Wilderness hath shut them in So it may be said of many they are entangled in earthly Affairs the World hath shut them in The World is no Friend to Grace the more the Child sucks the weaker the Nurse is and the more the World sucks and draws from us the weaker our Grace is 1 Iohn 2.15 Love not the world Had a Man a Monopoly of all the wealth of the World were he able to empty the Western Parts of Gold and the Eastern of Spices could he heap up Riches to the Starry heaven yet his heart would not be filled Covetousness is a dry dropsy Ioshua who could stop the course of the Sun could not stop Achan in his covetous pursuit of the Wedge of Gold he whose heart is lockt up in his Chest will be lockt out of heaven Some Ships that have escaped the Rocks have been cast away upon the Sands Many who have escaped gross Sins
do but he cannot give him strength to work but God as he cuts us out work so he gives us strength Psal. 86.16 Give thy strength unto thy servant God not only gives us a Crown when we have done running but gives us legs to run he gives exciting assisting Grace Lex jubet Gratia juvat The Spirit helping us in our work for Heaven makes it easie If the Loadstone draw the Iron it is not hard for the Iron to move If God Spirit drawes the heart now it moves towards Heaven with facility and alacrity 10. The more pains we have taken for Heaven the sweeter Heaven will be when we come there As when an Husbandman hath been grafting Trees or setting Flowers in his Garden it is pleasant to review and look over his labours so when in Heaven we shall remember our former zeal and earnestness for the Kingdom it will sweeten Heaven and add to the joy of it For a Christian to think such a day I spent in examining my heart such a day I was weeping for Sin when others were at their sport I was at Prayer and now have I lost any thing by my Devotion My Tea●s are wiped away and the Wine of Paradise chears my heart I now enjoy him whom my Soul loves I am possessed of a Kingdom my labour is over but my joy remains 11. If you do not take pains for the Kingdom of Heaven now there will be nothing to be done for your Souls after death This is the only fit season for working and if this season be lost the Kingdom is forfeited Eccles. 9.10 Whatever thy hand findeth to do do it with thy might for there is no work nor device nor wisdom in the grave whither thou goest It was a Saying of Charles the Fifth I have spent my Treasure but that I may recover again I have lost my Health but that I may have again but I have lost a great many brave Souldiers but them I can never have again So other Temporal things may be lost and recovered again but if the term of Life wherein you should work for Heaven be once lost it is past all recovery you can never have another season again for your Souls 12. There is nothing else but this Kingdom of Heaven we can make sure of We cannot make sure of Life Quis scit an adjiciant hodiernae crastina Vitae tempora dii superi Hor. When our Breath goes out we know not whether we shall draw it in again how many are taken away suddenly We cannot make Riches sure it is uncertain whether we shall get them The World is like a Lottery every one is not sure to draw a Prize Or if we get Riches we are not sure to keep them Prov. 23 5. Riches make themselves wings and fly Experience seals to the truth of this Many who have had plentiful Estates yet by Fire or losses at Sea they have been squeezed as spunges and all their Estates exhausted but if Men should keep their Estates a while yet Death strips them of all When Deaths gun goes off away flyes the Estate 1 Tim. 6.7 It is certain we can carry nothing out of the World So that there is no making sure any thing here below but we may make sure of the Kingdom of Heaven Prov. 11.18 To him that worketh righteousness is a sure reward He who hath Grace is sure of Heaven for he hath Heaven begun in him A Believer hath an evidence of Heaven Heb. 11.1 Faith is the evidence of things not seen he hath an earnest of Glory 2 Cor. 1.22 Who hath also given us the earnest of his Spirit an earnest is part of the whole summe he hath a sure hope Heb. 6.19 Which hope we have as an anchor this anchor is cast upon Gods promise Titus 1.2 In hope of eternal life which God that cannot lye hath promised So that here is great encouragement to take pains for Heaven we may make sure of this Kingdom 13. The Kingdom of Heaven cannot be obtained without labour Non est ad astra mollis e terris vi● A boat may as well get to land without oars as we to Heaven without labour We cannot have the World without labour and do we think to have Heaven If a Man digs for Gravel much more for Gold Phil. 3.14 I press toward the mark Heaven Gate is not like that ●●on-gate which opened to Peter of its own accord Acts 12.10 Heaven is not like those ripe figs which fall into the mouth of the eater Nahum 3.12 No there must be taking pains Two things are requisite for a Christian a watchful eye and a working hand We must as Hannibal force a way to the Heavenly Kingdom through difficulties We must win the garland of Glory by labour before we wear it with triumph God hath enacted this Law That no man shall eat of the Tree of Paradise but in the sweat of his browes how then dare any censure Christian diligence how dare they say you take more pains for Heaven than needs God saith 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 strive as in an agony fight the good sight of Faith and these say you are too strict But who shall we believe an holy God that bids us strive or a prophane Atheist that saith we strive too much 14. Much of our time being already mispent we had need work the harder for the Kingdom of Heaven He who hath lost his time at School and often played truant had need ply it the harder that he may gain a stock of Learning he who hath slept and loytered in the beginning of his journey had need ride the faster in the evening least he fall short of the place he is travelling to Some here present are in their Youth others in the flower of their Age others have gray hairs the Almond tree blossoms and perhaps they have been very regardless of their Souls or Heaven Time spent unprofitably is not time lived but time lost if there be any such here who have mis-spent their golden hours they have not only been sloathful but wastful Servants how had you need now redeem the time and press forward with might and main to the Heavenly Kingdom 1 Pet 4.3 The time past of our life may suffice us to have wrought the will of the Gentiles It may suffice us that we have lost so much time already let us now work the harder Such as have crept as Snails had need now fly as Eagles to the Paradise of God if in the former part of your Life you have been as Willows barren in goodness in the latter part be as an Orchard of Pomegranats with pleasant fruits Cant. 4.13 Recompence former remisness with future diligence 15. How uncomely and sordid a sloathful temper of Soul is Zeph. 1.12 I will punish the men who are settled on their lees Hebr. Hakkophim Coagulatos curdled on their lees Settling on the lees is an emblem of a dull unactive Soul The Snail by reason of its slow
on the Morning of the Marriage day he puts on his Vesture and wedding Robes in which he shall be married to his Bride so in all the Duties of Religion we are putting on those wedding Robes in which we shall be married to Christ in Glory O what solace and inward Peace is there in close walking with God Isa. 32.17 The Work of Righteousness shall be Peace Serving of God is like gathering of Spices or Flowers wherein there is some labour but the labour is recompenced with delight Working for Heaven is like digging in a Gold Mine the digging is labour but getting the Gold is pleasure O then let us bestir our selves for the Kingdom of Heaven it is a labour full of Pleasure a Christian would not part with his Joy for the most delicious Musick he would not exchange his Anchor of Hope for a Crown of Gold Well might David say in keeping thy Precepts there is great Reward Psal. 19.11 not only after keeping thy Precepts but in keeping them a Christian hath both the Spring Flowers and the Crop inward delight in serving God there is the Spring Flowers and the Kingdom of Glory at last there is the full Crop 22. How industrious have the Saints in former Ages been they thought they could never do enough for Heaven they could never serve God enough love him enough minus te amavi Domine Austin Lord I have loved thee too little What Pains did Saint Paul take for the Heavenly Kingdom Phil. 3.13 Reaching forth unto those things which are before 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Greek Word to reach forth signifies to stretch out the neck a Metaphor from Racers who strain every Limb and reach forward to lay hold on the Prize Anna the Prophetess Luke 2.37 departed not from the Temple but served God with Fastings and Prayers night and day Basil the Great by much labour and watching exhausted his bodily strength Let Racks Pullies and all torments come upon me said Ignatius so I may win Christ. The Industry and Courage of former Saints who are now crowned with Glory should provoke our diligence that so at last we may sit down with them in the Kingdom of Heaven 23. The more pains we take for Heaven the more welcome will Death be to us What is it makes Men so loath to dye they are like a Tenant that will not out of the House till the Sergeant pull him out they love not to hear of Death why so because their Conscience accuseth them that they have taken little or no pains for Heaven they have been sleeping when they should have been working and now they are afraid least Death should carry them Prisoners to Hell Whereas he who hath spent his time in serving of God he can look Death in the Face with comfort he was wholly taken up about Heaven and now he shall be taken up to Heaven he traded before in Heaven and now he shall go to live there Phil. 1.23 Cupio dissolvi I desire to be dissolved and be with Christ Paul had wholly laid out himself for God 1 Cor. 15.10 and now he knew there was a Crown laid up for him and he longed to take Possession Thus I have given you twenty three Perswasives or Arguments to exert and put forth your utmost diligence for the obtaining the Kingdom of Heaven O that these Arguments were written in all your Hearts as with the Point of a Diamond and because delaies in these Cases are dangerous let me desire you to set upon this Work for Heaven presently Psal. 119.60 I made hast and delayed not to keep thy Commandments Many People are convinced of the necessity of looking after the Kingdom of Glory but they say as those Hagg. 1.2 The time is not yet come They adjourn and put off till their time is slip'd away and so they lose the Kingdom of Heaven beware of this fallacy delay strengthens sin hardens the heart and gives the Devil fuller possession of a Man 1 Sam. 21.8 The Kings business requires hast so the business of Salvation requires hast do not put off an hour longer volat ambiguis mobilis alis hora what assurance have you that you shall live another day have you any lease of life granted why then do you not presently arise out of the Bed of Sloath and put forth all your strength and Spirits that you may be possessed of the Kingdom of Glory should not things of the highest importance be done first setling a Mans Estate and clearing the Title to his Land is not delayed but done in the first place what is there of such grand importance as this the saving of your Souls and the gaining of a Kingdom therefore to day hear Gods Voice now mind Eternity now get your Title to Heaven cleared before the Decree of Death bring forth what imprudence is it to lay the heaviest Load upon the weakest Horse so to lay the heavy Load of Repentance on thy self when thou art infeebled by sickness the Hands shake the Lips quiver the Heart faints O be wise in time now prepare for the Kingdom He who never begins his Voyage to Heaven but in the storm of Death it is a thousand to one if he doth not suffer an Eternal Shipwrack VSE VI. Of Exhortation 1. Branch If there be such a glorious Kingdom a coming then you who have any good hope through Grace that you are the Heirs of this Kingdom let me exhort you to six things 1. Often take a Prospect of this heavenly Kingdom climb up the Caelestial Mount take a turn as it were in Heaven every day by holy Meditation Psal. 48.12 13. Walk about Sion tell the Towers thereof mark well her Bulwarks See what a glorious Kingdom Heaven is go-tell the Towers view the Palaces of the Heavenly Ierusalem Christian show thy Heart the Gates of Pearl the Bed of Spices the Clusters of Grapes which grow in the Paradise of God say O my Soul all this Glory is thine it is thy Fathers good pleasure to give thee this Kingdom The Thoughts of Heaven are very delightful and ravishing can Men of the World so delight in viewing their Bags of Gold and Fields of Corn and shall not the Heirs of Promise take more delight in contemplating the Caelestial Kingdom The serious Meditation of the Kingdom of Glory would work these three effects 1. It would put a damp and slur upon all worldly Glory Those who stand upon the top of the Alps the great Cities of Campania seem but small in their eye Could we look through the Perspective Glass of Faith and take a view of Heavens Glory how small and minute would all other things appear Moses slighted the Honours of Pharaohs Court having an eye to the Recompence of Reward Heb. 11.26 St. Paul who had a Vision of Glory and Saint Iohn who was carried away in the Spirit and saw the holy Ierusalem descending out of Heaven having the Glory of God in it Rev. 21.11 how did the world
their chrystal streams the Sun inlightens others with its golden beams the more a Christian is enobled with Grace the more he besiegeth Heaven with his Prayers for others If we are Members of the Body Mystical we cannot but have a sympathy with others in their wants and this sympathy sets us a praying for them David had a publick Spirit in Prayer Psal. 125.4 Do good O Lord unto those that be good Though he begins the Psalm with Prayer for himself Psal. 51.1 Have Mercy upon me O God yet he ends the Psalm with Prayer for others ver 18. Do good in thy good pleasure unto Sion VSE III. It is matter of Comfort to the Godly who are but low in the World yet they have the Prayers of Gods people for them they pray not only for the increase of their Faith but their Food that God will give them Daily Bread He is like to be rich who hath several stocks going so are they in a likely way to thrive who have the Prayers of the Saints going for them in several parts of the World So much for this second word in the Petition Give us Thirdly The thi●● word in the Petition is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 This day We pray not give us Bread for a month or a year but a day Give us this day Quest. Is it not lawful to lay up for afterwards Doth not the Apostle say He who provides not for his Family is worse than an Infidel 1 Tim. 5.8 Answ. 'T is true it is lawful to lay up for Posterity but our Saviour hath taught us to pray Give us this day our bread for two Reasons 1. That we should not have carking care for the future We should not set our Wits upon the tenter or torment our selves how to lay up great Estates if we do vivere in diem if we have but enough to supply for the present it may suffice Give us this day Take no thought for to morrow Matth. 6.34 God fed Israel with Manna in the wilderness and he fed them from hand to mouth sometimes all their Manna was spent and if any one had asked them where they would have their break-fast next morning they would have said our care is only for this day God will rain down what Manna we need If we have Bread this day do not distrust Gods Providence for the future 2. Our Saviour will have us pray Give us bread this day to teach us to live every day as if it were our last We are not to pray give us Bread to morrow because we do not know whether we shall live while to morrow but Lord give us this day it may be our last day we shall live and then we shall need no more VSE If we pray for Bread only for a day Give us this day then you who have great Estates have cause to be thankful you have more than you pray for you pray but for Bread for one day and God hath given you enough to suffice you all your life What a bountiful God do you serve Two things may make rich Men thankful 1. God gives them more than they deserve 2. God gives them more than they pray for Fourthly The fourth thing in the Petition is Our bread Quest. Why is it called our Bread when it is not ours but Gods Answ. 1. We must understand it in a qualified sense it is our Bread being gotten by honest industry There are two sorts of Bread that cannot properly be called our Bread 1. The Bread of Idleness 2. The Bread of Violence 1. The Bread of Idleness Prov. 31.27 She eateth not the bread of idleness An idle Person doth vivere aliena quadra he lives at another bodies cost and is at their finding Prov. 1.25 His hands refuse to labour We must not be as the Drones which eat the honey that other Bees have brought into the hive If we eat the bread of Idleness this is not our own bread 2 Thess. 3.11 12. There are some that walk disorderly working not at all such we command that they work and eat their own bread The Apostle gives us this hint that such as live idly do not eat their own Bread 2. The Bread of Violence We cannot call this our Bread for it is taken away from others That which is gotten by stealth or fraud or any manner of extortion is not our Bread it belongs to another He who is a bird of prey who takes away the Bread of the Widow and Fatherless he eats that Bread which is none of his nor can he pray for a Blessing upon it Can he pray God to bless that which he hath gotten unjustly 2. It is called our Bread by vertue of our Title to it There is a twofold title to Bread 1. A Spiritual Title In and by Christ we have a right to the Creature and may call it our Bread As we are Believers we have the best Title to Earthly things we hold all in capite 1 Cor. 3.22 All things are yours by what Title Ye are Christs 2. A Civil Title which the Law confers on us To deny Men a Civil Right to their Possessions and make all common it opens the door to Anarchy and Confusion VSE See the priviledge of Believers they have both a Spiritual and a Civil Right to what they possess They who can say Our Father can say our Bread Wicked Men tho' they have a Legal right to what they possess yet not a Covenant right they have it by Providence not by Promise with Gods leave not with his Love Wicked Men are in Gods eye no better than usurpers all they have their Money and Land is like Cloth taken up at the Drapers which is not paid for but this is the sweet priviledge of Believers they can say our Bread Christ being theirs all is theirs O how sweet is every bit of Bread dip'd in Christs Blood How well doth that Meat relish which is a pledge and earnest of more The Meal in the barrel is an earnest of our Angels food in Paradise Here is the priviledge of Saints they have a right to Earth and Heaven Fifthly The fifth and last thing in this Petition is the thing we pray for Daily Bread Quest. What is meant by Bread Answ. Bread here by a Synechdoche speciei pro genere is put for all the Temporal Blessings of this Life Food Fuel Clothing Quicquid nobis conducit ad bene esse Aust. whatever may serve for Necessity or sober Delight VSE Learn to be contented with that allowance God gives us If we have Bread a competency of these outward things let us rest satisfied We pray but for Bread Give us our daily Bread we do not pray for superfluities not for Quails or Venison but for Bread that which may support Life Tho' we have not so much as others so full a Crop so rich an Estate yet if we have the staff of Bread to shore us up from falling let us be content most people are
and abused and to put it up will be a stain to my reputation Answ. 1. To pass by an injury without revenge is no eclipsing ones credit the Scripture saith Prov. 19.11 It is the glory of a man to pass over a transgression 'T is more honour to bury an injury than revenge it wrathfulness denotes weakness a noble Heroick Spirit overlooks a petty offence 2. Suppose a Mans Credit should be impaired with those whose censure is not to be valued yet consider the folly of challenging another to a Duel 't is little Wisdom for a Man to redeem his Credit by losing his Life and to run into Hell to be counted valorous Object 2. But the wrong he hath done me is great Answ. But thy not forgiving him is a greater wrong he in injuring thee hath offended against a Man but thou in not forgiving him offendest against God Object 3. But if I forgive one injury I shall occasion more Answ. If the more injuries thou forgivest the more thou meetest with this will make thy Grace shine the more often forgiving will add more to the weight of his sin and to the weight of thy glory If any shall say I strive to excel in other Graces but as for this of forgiving I cannot do it I desire in this to be excused What dost thou talk of other Graces the Graces are inter se connexae link'd and chain'd together where there is one there is all he that cannot Forgive his Grace is Counterfeit his Faith is Fancy his Devotion is Hypocrisie Quest. 3. But suppose another hath wronged me in my Estate may not I go to Law for my Debt Answ. Yes else what use were there of Law Courts God hath set judges to decide cases in Law and to give every one his right It is with going to Law as it is with going to War when the just rights of a Nation are Invaded here i● is lawful to go to War So when a Mans Estate is trespass'd upon by another he may go to law to recover it But the Law must be used in the last place when no entreaties or arbitrations will prevail then the Chancery must decide it Yet this is no revenge it is not so much to injure another as to right ones self this may be yet one may live in Charity USE 1. Here is a Bill of inditement against such as study revenge and cannot put up the least discourtesie They would have God forgive them but they will not forgive others they will Pray come to Church give Alms but as Christ said Mark 10.21 Yet lackest thou One Thing they lack a forgiving Spirit they will rather want forgiveness from God than they will forgive their Brother How sad is it that for every slight wrong or disgraceful word men should let malice boil in their Hearts Would there be so many Duels Arrests Murders if Men had the art of forgiving Revenge is the proper sin of the Devil he is no Drunkard or Adulterer but this old Serpent is full of the Poison of Malice and what shall we say to them who make profession of Religion yet instead of forgiving pursue others despightfully it was Prophesied the Wolf should dw●ll with the Lamb Isa. 11.6 but what shall we say when such as profess to be Lambs become Wolves These open the mouths of the prophane against Religion they will say these are as full of rancour as any O whither is Love and Mercy fled if the Son of Man did come should he find Charity on the Earth I fear but a little Such as cherish Anger and Malice in their Hearts and will not Forgive how can they pray Forgive us as we forgive others either they must omit this Petition as Chrysostom saith some did in his Time or else they pray against themselves Vse 2. Let it persuade us all as ever we hope for Salvation to pass by petty injuries and discourtesies and labour to be of forgiving Spirits Col. 3.13 Forbearing one another and forgiving one another 1. Herein we resemble God He is ready to forgive Psal. 86.5 He befriends His Enemies He opens his Hands to relieve them who open their Mouths against Him 'T was Adams Pride to go to resemble God in omnisciency But here it is lawful to resemble God in Forgiving Enemies This is a God-like disposition and what is Godliness but God-likeness 2. To forgive is one of the highest evidences of Grace When Grace comes into the Heart it makes a man as Caleb of another Spirit Numb 14.24 It makes a great Metamorphosis it sweetens the Heart and fills it with Love and Candour When a Siene is grafted into a Stock it partakes of the Nature and Sap of the Tree and brings forth the same fruit Take a Crab graft it into a Pepin it brings forth the same fruit as the Pepin So he who was once of a sour crabby disposition given to revenge when he is once ingrafted into Christ he partakes of the Sap of this Heavenly Olive and bears sweet and generous fruit he is Full of Love to his Enemies and requites Good for Evil. As the Sun draws up many thick noxious Vapours from the Earth and returns them in sweet showers so a gracious Heart returns the unkindnesses of others with the sweet influences of love and mercifulness Psal. 35.13 They rewarded me Evil for Good but as for me when they were sick my clothing was Sackcloth I humbled my Soul with Fasting This is a good Certificate to shew for Heaven 3. The blessed example of our Lord Jesus He was of a Forgiving Spirit His Enemies reviled him but he did pitty them Their words were more bitter than the Gall and Vinegar they gave him but Christs words were smoother than Oil. They spat upon him Peirced him with the Spear and Nails but he prayed for them Father forgive them he wept over his Enemies he shed tears for them that shed his Blood never such a pattern of amazing kindness Christ bids us learn of him Mat. 11.29 he doth not bid us learn of him to work Miracles but he would have us learn of him to forgive our Enemies If we do not imitate Christs Life we cannot be saved by his Death 4. The danger of an implacable unforgiving Spirit It hinders the efficacy of Ordinances It is like an obstruction in the Body which keeps it from thriving A revengeful Spirit poisons our Sacrifice our prayers are turned into sin will God receive prayer mingled with this strange Fire Our coming to the Sacrament is sin We come not in charity so that ordinances are turn'd into sin It were sad if all the Meat one did eat should turn to Poison Malice poisons the Sacramental Cup men Eat and Drink their own Damnation Iudas came to the Passover in malice and after the Sop Satan entred Iohn 13.27 5. God hath tyed his Mercy to this condition if we do not forgive neither will he forgive us Mat 6.15 If ye forgive not men their Trespasses neither
nor Vncircumcision but a new Creature We are for new Things we love new Fashions and why not new Hearts But People are full of Prejudices against the new Creature Object 1. If we are new creatures there must be so much strictness in Religion so much praying and watching as discourageth Answ. 1. Is there any thing excellent to be obtained without Labour What pains is taken in searching for a Vein of Silver or seeking for Pearl Men cannot have the world without labour and would they have Salvation so 2. The Labour in Religion bears no proportion with the Reward What are a few tears shed to a weight of Glory The Soldier is content to wrestle with difficulties and undergo a bloody Fight for a glorious Victory In all Labour for Heaven there is Profit 'T is like a Man that digs in a Gold-Mine and carries away all the Gold 3. Men take more pains to go to Hell What pains doth an ambitious man take to climb to the Pinacle of Honour Tullia rid over the dead Body of her Father to be made Queen How doth the covetous man tire himself break his sleep and his peace to get the World Thus some Men take more pains in the Service of sin than others do in the pursuit of holiness Men talk of pains in Religion when God's Spirit comes into one it turns Labour into Delight 'T was Paul's Heaven to serve God Rom. 7.22 The ways of Wisdom are pleasantness Prov. 3.17 'T is like walking among Beds of Spices which cast forth a sweet Perfume Object 2. But if we leave our old company and become new creatures we shall be exposed to many Reproaches Answ. Who are they that speak evil of Religion but such as are evil Male de me loquuntur sed mali said Seneca Besides is it not better that Men reproach us for being good than that God damn us for being wicked Mat. 5.11 Blessed are ye when men shall revile you Stars are nevertheless glorious though they have ugly Names given them as the Bear and the Dragon A Saint's Reproachs are like a Soldier 's Scars honourable 1 Pet. 4.14 If ye are reproached for the Name of Christ a Spirit of God and of Glory rests upon you While Men clip your Credit to make it weigh lighter they make your Crown heavier Having answered these Objections I come now to re-assume the Exhortation Above all things labour to be New Creatures MOTIVES 1. In this true Christianity doth consist it is not Baptism makes a Christian Many are no better than baptized Heathens The essential part of Religion lies in the new creature Rom. 2.29 Circumcision is that of the Heart Every thing hath a Name from the better part we call a Man a Reasonable Creature because of his Soul which is the more noble part so one is called a Christian because he acts from a Principle of the new creature which the carnal man doth not 2. It is the new creature fits us for Communion with God We cannot converse with God till then Birds cannot converse with men unless they had a Rational Nature put into them nor can Men converse with God unless being made new creatures they partake of the Divine Nature Communion with God is a Mystery to most Every one that hangs about the Court doth not speak with the King All that meddle with holy Duties and as it were hang about the Court of Heaven have not communion with God 'T is only the new creature enjoys God's Presence in Ordinances and sweetly converses with him as a Child with a Father 3. The necessity of being new creatures 1. Till then we are odious to God Zech. 11.8 My Soul loathed them A Sinner is to God worse than a Toad a Toad hath no Poyson but what God hath put into it but a Sinner hath that which the Devil hath put into him Acts 5.3 Why hath Satan filled thy heart to lye A wicked Man is possessed with an evil Spirit One man is possessed with the Devil of Pride another with the Devil of Malice This must needs make Persons odious to God to be possessed with the Devil Thus it is till we become new creatures 2. Till we are new creatures our Duties are not accepted with God they are but wild Grapes 1. Because God accepts no man but where he sees his Image The new creature is call'd the renewing of God's Image Eph. 4.24 When they br●●ght Tamerlane a Pot of Gold he asked what stamp it had on it And when he saw the Roman stamp on it he refused it So if God doth not see his own Stamp and Image on the Soul he rejects the most specious Services 2. Duties of Religion are not accepted without the new Creature because there is that wanting which should make them a sweet Savour to God The holy Oil for the Tabernacle was to be made of several Spices and Ingredients Exod. 30.23 Now if any of these Spices had been left out it had not been pleasing The unregenerate Man leaves out the chief Spice in his Duties and that is Faith And Heb. 11.6 Without Faith it is impossible to please God Faith lays hold on Christ and so is accepted 3. Such as are not new creatures but grow upon the Stock of old Adam get no benefit by Ordinances They are to them as Diascordium in a dead Man's Mouth they lose their virtue Nay not only Ordinances do them no good but hurt It were sad if all a man did eat should turn to poison The Word Preached is a Savour of Death 't is not healing but hardning Nay Christ himself is accidentally a Rock of offence 1 Pet. 2.7 The Wicked stumble at a Saviour and suck death from the Tree of Life 4. Without being new creatures we cannot arrive at Heaven Rev. 21.27 There shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth Heaven is not like Noah's Ark that received clean and unclean A Sinner is compared to Swine 2 Pet. 2.22 And shall a Swinish Creature tread upon the Golden Pavement of Heaven Indeed the Frogs came into King Pharoah's Court but in Heaven there is no entertainment for such Vermin 'T is only the new creature qualifies us for Glory This consecrates the Heart and only the pure in heart shall see God The new creature elevates the Soul as the Loadstone elevates the Iron A Soul renewed by Grace is fit to ascend to the heavenly Glory 4. The Excellency of the new Creature 1. the Nobility 2. The Immortality I. The Nobility The new Creature fetcheth its Pedigree from Heaven 't is born of God God counts none else of the Blood Royal it enobles a man's Spirit he aspires after the Favour of God and looks no lower than a Crown The new creature raiseth one to honour he excells the Princes of the Earth Psal. 89.27 and is Fellow-Commoner with Angels II. The Immortality The new creature is begotten of the incorruptible Seed of the Word and never dies It lasts as long as
Relations lie in our way to Heaven we must either leap over them or tread upon them A Child must unchild himself and forget he is a Child he must know neither Father nor Mother in God's Cause Deut. 33.9 Who said unto his father and his mother I have not seen him neither did he acknowledge his Brethren This is to aim at God's Glory 2. Then we aim at God's Glory when we can be content that God's Will should take place though it cross ours Lord I am content to be a Looser if thou a Gainer to have less Health if I may have more Grace and thou more Glory whether it be Food or bitter Physick thou givest me Lord I desire that which may be most for thy Glory Thus our Blessed Saviour Not as I will but as thou wilt Matth. 26.39 So God might have more Glory by his Sufferings he was content to suffer Joh. 12.28 Father glorifie thy name 3. Then we aim at God's Glory when we can be content to be out-shined by others in Gifts and Esteem so God's Glory may be encreased A Man that hath God in his Heart and God's Glory in his Eye desires that God should be exalted and if this be effected let who will be the Instrument he rejoyceth Phil. 1.15 Some preach Christ of Envy notwithstanding Christ is preached and I therein do rejoyce and will rejoyce they preached Christ of Envy they envyed Paul that Concourse of People and they preached that they might out-shine him in Gifts and get away some of his Hearers Well saith Paul Christ is preached and God is like to have Glory therefore I rejoyce let my Candle go out if the Sun of Righteousness may but shine 2. We Glorifie God by an ingenuous Confession of Sin The Thief of the Cross had dishonour'd God in his Life but at his Death he brings Glory to God by Confession of Sin Luke 23.41 We indeed suffer justly He acknowledged he deserved not only Crucifixion but Damnation Josh. 7.19 My son give I pray thee glory to God and make confession unto him An humble Confession exalts God how is God's Free-grace magnified in crowning those who deserve to be condemn'd as the excusing and mincing of Sin doth cast a Reproach upon God Adam denies not he did tast the forbidden Fruit but instead of a full Confession he taxes God Inscripser● Deos sceleri Gen. 3.12 The woman whom thou gavest me she gave me of the tree and I did eat It is long of thee if thou hadst not given me the Woman to be a Tempter I had not sinned So Confession glorifies God it clears it acknowledgeth he is Holy and Righteous whatever he doth Nehemiah vindicates God's Righteousness Chap. 9.33 Thou art just in all that is brought upon us And Confession then is ingenuous when it is free not forc'd Luke 15.18 I have sinn'd against heaven and before thee he chargeth himself with Sin before ever his Father chargeth him with it 3. We glorifie God by Believing Rom. 4.20 Abraham was strong in faith giving glory to God Unbelief affronts God it gives him the Lye He that believeth not maketh God a lyer 1 Joh. 5.10 So Faith brings Glory to God it sets to its Seal that God is true Ioh. 3.33 he that believes flies to God's Mercy and Truth as to an Altar of Refuge he doth Ingarrison himself in the Promises he trusts all he hath with God Psal. 31.5 Into thy hands I commit my spirit this is a great way of bringing Glory to God therefore God honours Faith because Faith honours God It is a great Honour we do to a Man when we trust him with all we have we put our Lives and Estates into his hand a sign we have a good Opinion of him The three Children glorified God by believing The God whom we serve is able to deliver us and will deliver us Dan. 3.17 Faith knows there are no Impossibles with God and will trust him where it cannot trace him 4. We glorifie God by being tender of God's Glory God's Glory is dear to him as the apple of his Eye now when we are tender of his Glory by laying to heart his Dishonours this is a glorifying of him An ingenuous Child weeps to see a Disgrace done to his Father Psal. 69.9 The reproaches of them that reproach thee are fallen upon me When we hear God reproached it is as if we were reproached when God's Glory suffers 't is as if we suffered This is to be tender of God's Glory 5. We glorifie God by Fruitfulness Joh. 15.8 Hereby is my Father glorified if ye bring forth much fruit As 't is a Dishonour to God to be barren so Fruitfulness doth honour him Phil. 1.11 Filled with the fruits of righteousness which are to the praise of his glory We must not be like the Fig-tree in the Gospel which had nothing but Leaves but like the Pomocitron that is continually either mellowing or blossoming it is never without Fruit. 'T is not Profession but Fruit glorifies God God expects to have his Glory from us this way 1 Cor. 9.7 Who plants a vineyard and eats not of the fruit of it Trees in the Forrest may be barren but Trees in the Garden are fruitful We must bring forth the Fruits of Love and Good Works Matth. 5.16 Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorifie your Father which is in heaven Faith doth sanctifie our Works and Works do testifie our Faith To be doing good to others to be Eyes to the Blind Feet to the Lame doth much glorifie God And thus Christ did glorifie his Father He went about doing good Acts 10.38 By being fruitful we are fair in God's Eyes Jer. 11.16 The Lord called thy name a green olive-tree fair and of goodly fruit And we must bear much Fruit it is Muchness of Fruit glorifies God if ye bear much Fruit. The Spouse's Breasts are compared to Clusters of Grapes Cant. 7.7 to shew how fertile she was Tho' the lowest degree of Grace may bring Salvation to you yet not so much Glory to God it was not a spark of Love Christ commended in Mary but much love 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 she loved much Luke 7.47 6. We glorifie God by being contented in that State where his Providence hath set us we give God the Glory of his Wisdom in that we rest satisfied with what he carves out to us Thus did holy Paul glorifie God the Lord had cast him into as great variety of Condition as any Man in Prisons more frequent in Deaths oft 2 Cor. 11.23 yet he had learned to be content St. Paul could sail either in a Storm or a Calm he could be any thing that God would have him he could either want or abound Phil. 4.13 A good Christian argues thus It is God hath put me in this Condition he could have raised me higher if he pleas'd but that might have been a Snare to me God hath done it
Book against Wrath Anger Et ipse mihi irascitur yet he falls into a Passion of Anger with me So this Minister preacheth against Drunkenness yet he will be drunk he preacheth against Swearing yet he will swear this reproacheth God and makes the Offering of the Lord to be abhorred 3. Masters of Families do you glorifie God season your Children and Servants with the Knowledge of the Lord your Houses should be little Churches Gen. 18.19 I know that Abraham will command his children that they keep the way of the Lord. You that are Masters know you have a Charge of Souls under you for want of the Bridle of Family-discipline Youth runs wild Well let me lay down some Motives to glorifie God 1 Motive It will be a great Comfort in a dying hour to think we have glorified God in our Lives it was Christ's Comfort before his Death Ioh. 17.3 I have glorified thee on earth At the hour of Death all your earthly Comforts will vanish if you think how Rich you have been what Pleasures you have had on Earth this will be so far from comforting you that it will but torment you the more What is one the better for an Estate that is spent But now to have Conscience telling you that you have glorified God on Earth what sweet Comfort and Peace will this let into your Soul how will this make you long for Death The Servant that hath been all day working in the Vineyard longs till Evening comes when he shall receive his Pay They who have lived and brought no Glory to God how can they think of dying with Comfort they cannot expect an Harvest that never sowed any Seed How can they expect Glory from God that never brought any Glory to him O in what Horrour will they be at Death the Worm of Conscience will gnaw their Souls before the Worms are gnawing their Bodies 2 Mot. If we glorifie God he will glorifie our Souls for ever by raising God's Glory we encrease our own by glorifying of God we come at last to the blessed Enjoying of Him and that brings me to the second The Enjoying of God Secondly Man's chief End is to Enjoy God for ever Psal. 73.25 Whom have I in heaven but thee Quasi What is there in Heaven I desire to enjoy but thee Ibi Angeli musculus There is a twofold Fruition or enjoying of God the one is in this Life the other in the Life to come 1st An enjoying of God here in this Life The enjoying of God's Presence it is a great matter to enjoy God's Ordinances a Mercy that some do envy us but to enjoy God's Presence in the Ordinances is that which a gracious Heart aspires after Psal. 63.2 To see thy glory so as I have seen thee in the sanctuary This sweet enjoying of God is when we feel his Spirit co-operating with the Ordinance and distilling Grace upon our Hearts 1. When in word the Spirit doth quicken and raise the Affections Luke 24.32 Did not our hearts burn within us 2. When the Spirit doth transform the Heart leaving an impress of Holiness upon it 2 Cor. 3.8 We are changed into the same Image from glory to glory 3. When the Spirit doth receive the Heart with Comfort it comes not only with its Anointing but its Seal it sheds God's Love abroad in the Heart Rom. 5.5 this is to enjoy God in an Ordinance 1 Joh. 1.3 Our fellowship is with the Father and his son Iesus In the Word we hear God's Voice and in the Sacrament we have his Kiss this is enjoying of God And what infinite Content doth a gracious Soul find in this The Heart being warm'd and inflamed in a Duty this is God's answering by Fire When a Christian hath the sweet Illapses of God's Spirit these are the first Fruits of Glory when God comes down to the Soul in an Ordinance Now Christ hath pull'd off his Veil and showed his smiling Face now he hath led a Believer into the Banqueting-house and given him of the spiced Wine of his Love to drink he hath put in his Finger at the hole of the Door he hath touch'd the Heart and made it leap for Joy Oh how sweet is it thus to enjoy God! The Godly have in the use of the Ordinances had such Divine Raptures of Joy and Soul-transfigurations that they have been carried above the World and despised all things here below Use 1. Is the enjoying God in this Life so sweet how prodigiously wicked are they that prefer the enjoying their Lusts before the enjoying of God 2 Pet. 3.3 The lust of the flesh the lust of the eye the pride of life is the Trinity they worship Lust is an inordinate Desire or Impulse provoking the Soul to that which is evil there is the revengeful Lust and the wanton Lust Lust is like a feaverish Heat it puts the Soul into a Flame Aristotle calls sensual Lusts bruitish because when any Lust is violent Reason or Conscience cannot be heard the Beast rides the Man These Lusts when they are enjoyed do besot and dispirit Persons Hos. 4.11 Whoredom and wine take away the heart They have no heart for any thing that is good how many make it their chief end not to enjoy God but to enjoy their Lusts As that Cardinal said Let him but keep his Cardinalship of Paris and he was content to loose his part in Paradise Lust first bewitcheth with Pleasure and then comes the fatal Dart Prov. 7.23 Till a dart strike through his liver This should be as a flaming Sword to stop Men in the way of their carnal Delights who would for a Drop of Pleasure drink a Sea of Wrath Use 2. Let it be our great Care to enjoy God's sweet Presence here which is the Beauty and Comfort of the Ordinance Enjoying spiritual Communion with God is a Riddle and Mystery to most People every one that hangs about the Court doth not speak with the King We may approach to God in Ordinances and as it were hang about the Court of Heaven yet not enjoy Communion with God we may have the Letter without Spirit the visible Sign without the invisible Grace it is the enjoying of God in a Duty we should chiefly look at Psal. 42.2 My soul thirsteth for God for the living God Alas what are all our worldly Enjoyments without the enjoying of God What is it to enjoy a great deal of Health a brave Estate and not to enjoy God Job 30.28 I went mourning without the sun So maist thou say in the Enjoyment of all Creatures without God I went mourning without the sun I have the Star-light of outward Enjoyments but I cannot enjoy God I want the Sun of Righteousness I went mourning without the sun This should be our great Design not only to have the Ordinances of God but the God of the Ordinances The enjoying God's sweet Presence with us here is the most contented Life he is an Hive of Sweetness a Magazine of Riches
not carnal but sacred Delights As our Employments shall be spiritual it will consist in Adoring and Praising of God so our Enjoyment shall be spiritual it shall consist in the having the Perfection of Holiness in seeing the pure Face of Christ in feeling the Love of God in conversing with Heavenly Spirits these Delights will be more adequate and proper for the Soul and infinitely exceed all carnal voluptuous Delights 2. We shall have a Lively Sence of this glorious Estate A Man in a Lethargy though he be alive yet he is as good as dead because he is not sensible nor doth he take any pleasure in his Life we shall have a quick and lively sence of the infinite Pleasure which ariseth from Enjoyment of God we shall know our selves to be happy we shall reflect with joy upon our Dignity and Felicity we shall taste every Crumb of that Sweetness every Drop of that Pleasure which flows from God We shall be made able to bear a sight of that Glory We could not now bear that Glory it would overwhelm us sensibile fortè destruit sensum as a weak Eye cannot behold the Sun but God will capacitate us for Glory our Souls shall be so heavenly and perfected with holiness that they may be able to enjoy the blessed Vision of God Moses in a Clift of the Rock saw the Glory of God passing by Exod. 33.22 Through that blessed Rock Christ we shall behold the Beatifical sight of God 4. This Enjoyment of God shall be more then a bare Contemplation of him Some of the Learned move the Question Whether the Enjoyment of God shall be only by way of Contemplation Answ. That is something but it is but one half of Heaven there shall be a Loving of God an Acquiescence in him a Tasting his Sweetness not only Inspection but Possession Joh. 17.24 That they may behold my Glory there is Inspection Vers. 22. And the Glory thou hast given me I have given them there 's Possession Glory shall be revealed in us Rom. 8.18 not only revealed to us but in us To behold God's Glory there is Glory revealed to us but to partake of his Glory there is Glory revealed in us As the Spunge sucks in the Wine so we shall suck in Glory 5. There 's no Intermission in this State of Glory We shall not only have God's glorious Presence at certain special Seasons but we shall be continually in his Presence continually under Divine Raptures of Joy There shall not be one Minute in Heaven wherein a glorified Soul may say I do not enjoy Happiness The Streams of Glory are not like the Water of a Conduit often stopped that we cannot have one drop of Water but those heavenly Streams of Joy are continually running O how should we despise this Valley of Tears where we now are for the Mount of Transfiguration How should we long for the full Enjoyment of God in Paradise Had we a sight of that Land of Promise we should need Patience to be content to live here any longer 2. Let this be a Spur to Duty How diligent and zealous should we be in glorifying God that we come at last to enjoy him If Tully Demosthenes Plato who had but the dim Watch-light of Reason to see by and did but fancy an Elizium and Happiness after this Life did take such Herculean Pains to enjoy it O then how should Christians who have the Light of Scripture to see by bestir themselves that they may arrive at the Eternal Fruition of God and Glory If any thing may make us rise off our Bed of Sloth and serve God with all our might it should be this the hope of our full Enjoyment of God for ever What made Paul so active in the Sphere of Religion 1 Cor. 15.10 I laboured 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 more abdundantly then they all His Obedience did not move slow as the Sun on the Dial but swift as the Sun in the Firmament Why was he so zealous in glorifying God but that he might at last center and terminate in him 1 Thess. 4.17 Then shall we be ever with the Lord. 3. Use of Consolation Let this comfort the Godly in all the present Miseries they feel Thou complainest Christian thou dost not enjoy thy self Fears disquiet thee Wants perplex thee in the Day thou canst not enjoy Ease in the Night thou canst not enjoy Sleep Thou dost not enjoy the Comforts of thy Life let this revive thee that shortly thou shalt enjoy God and then thou shalt have more then thou canst ask or think Thou shalt have Angels Joy Glory without Intermission and Expiration We shall never enjoy our selves fully till we enjoy God Eternally Of the SCRIPTVRES Quest. II. WHat Rule hath God given to direct us how we may glorifie and enioy him Answ. The Word of God which is contained in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament is the only Rule to direct us how we may glorifie and enjoy him 2 Tim. 3.16 All Scripture is given by Inspiration of God c. By Scripture is understood the Sacred Book of God It is given by Divine Inspiration that is the Scripture is not the Contrivance of Man's Brain but of a Divine Original The Image of Diana was had in Veneration by the Ephesians because they did suppose it fell from Iupiter Acts 19.35 This Book then of the Holy Scripture is to be highly reverenced and esteemed because we are sure it came from Heaven 2 Pet. 1.21 The two Testaments are the two Lips by which God hath spoken to us Quest. How doth it appear that the Scriptures have a Jus Divinum a Divine Authority stamped upon them Answ. Because the Old and New Testament are the Foundation of all Religion If their Divinity cannot be proved the Foundation is gone on which we build our Faith I shall therefore endeavour to evince this great Truth That the Scriptures are the very Word of God I wonder whence the Scripture should come if not from God 1. Bad Men could not be the Authors of Scripture would their Minds be imployed in indighting such holy Lines would they declare so fiercely against Sin 2. Good Men could not be the Authors of Scripture Could they write in such a strain or could it stand with their Grace to Counterfeit God's Name and put Thus saith the Lord to a Book of their own devising 3. Nor could any Angel in Heaven be the Author of Scripture Because 1. the Angels pry and search into the Abyss of Gospel Mysteries 1 Pet. 1.12 which implies their nescience of some parts of Scripture and sure they cannot be Authors of that Book which themselves do not fully understand besides 2. what Angel in Heaven durst be so Arrogant as to Personate God and say I create Isa. 65.17 and I the Lord have said it Numb 14.35 So that it is evident The Pedigree of Scripture is Sacred and it could come from none but God himself Not to speak of the
Harmonious Consent of all the Parts of Scripture there are Seven cogent Arguments may Evince it to be the Word of God 1. By its Antiquity It is of ancient standing The gray Hairs of Scripture make it Venerable No Humane Histories extant reach further then since Noah's Flood but the Holy Scripture relates Matters of Fact that have been from the beginning of the World it writes of things before Time Now that is a sure Rule of Tertullian That which is of the greatest Antiquity is to be received as most Sacred and Authentick 2. We may know the Scripture to be the Word of God by the Miraculous Preservation of it in all Ages The Holy Scriptures are the richest Jewel that Christ hath left and the Church of God hath kept these Publick Records of Heaven that they have not been lost The Word of God hath never wanted Enemies to oppose and if possible to extirpate it They have given out a Law concerning Scripture as Pharaoh did the Midwives concerning the Hebrew Womens Children to strangle it in the Birth yet God hath preserved this blessed Book inviolable to this Day The Devil and his Agents have been blowing at Scripture-Light but could never prevail to blow it out a clear sign that it was lighted from Heaven Nor hath the Church of God in all Revolutions and Changes only kept the Scripture that it should not be lost but that it should not be depraved The Letter of Scripture hath been preserved without any Corruption in the Original Tongue The Scriptures were not corrupted before Christ's Time for then Christ would never have sent the Jews to the Scriptures but he sends them to the Scriptures Iohn 5.39 Search the Scriptures Christ knew these Sacred Springs were not muddied with Humane Fancies 3. The Scripture appears to be the Word of God by the Matter contained in it 1. By its Profundity The Mystery of Scripture is so abstruse and profound that no Man or Angel could have known it had it not been Divinely revealed That Eternity should be born that he who Thunders in the Heavens should cry in the Cradle that he who Rules the Stars should Suck the Breasts That the Prince of Life should die that the Lord of Glory should be put to shame that Sin should be punished to the full yet pardoned to the full who could ever have conceived of such a Mystery had not the Scripture been the Oracle to reveal it to us So for the Doctrine of the Resurrection That the same Body which is crumbled into a thousand pieces should rise idem numero the same individual Body for else it were a Creation not a Resurrection how could such a Sacred Riddle above all Humane disquisition be known had not the Scripture made a Discovery of it 2. By its Purity It is for the Matter of it so full of Goodness Justice and Sanctity that it could be breathed from none but God The Holiness of it shows it to be of God it bears his very Image The Scripture is compared to Silver refined seven times Psal. 12.6 This Book of God hath no Errata's in it It is a Beam of the Sun of Righteousness a Chrystal Stream flowing from the Fountain of Life All Laws and Edicts of Men have had their Corruptions but the Word of God hath not the least Tincture it is of a Meridian Splendour Psal. 119.140 Thy Word is very pure like wine that comes from the grape which is not mixed or adulterated It is so pure that it purifies every thing else Iohn 17.17 Sanctifie them through thy truth The Scripture presseth Holiness so as never any Book did It bids us live soberly righteously godly Titus 2.12 Soberly in Acts of Temperance Righteously in Acts of Justice Godly in Acts of Zeal and Devotion It commends to us whatever is just lovely of good report Phil. 4.8 This Sword of the Spirit Eph. 6.17 cuts down Vice Out of this Tower of Scripture is thrown down a Milstone upon the Head of Sin The Scripture is the Royal Law which commands not only the Actions but Affections it binds the Heart to its good Behaviour Where is there such Holiness to be found as is dig'd out of this Sacred Mine Who could be the Author of such a Book but God himself 4. That the Scripture is the Word of God is evident by its Predictions it Prophesieth of things to come This shows the Voice of God speaking in it it was foretold by the Prophet A Virgin shall conceive Isa. 7.14 and the Messiah shall be cut off Dan. 9.26 The Scripture foretels things that should fall out many Ages and Centuries after as how long Israel should serve in the Iron Furnace and the very day of their Deliverance Exod. 12.41 At the end of the four hundred and thirty years even the self same day it came to pass the Hoasts of the Lord went out of Egypt This Prediction of Future Things meerly contingent and not depending upon Natural Causes is a clear Demonstration of its Divine Original 5. The Impartiality of those Men of God who wrote the Scriptures they do not spare to set down their own Failings What Man that writes an History would black his own face viz. record those things of himself that might stain his Reputation Moses records his own Impatience when he struck the Rock and tells us therefore he could not enter into the Land of Promise David writes of his own Adultery and Bloodshed which stands as a Blot in his Scutchion to succeeding Ages Peter relates his own Pusillanimity in denying Christ. Ionah sets down his own Passions I do well to be angry to the death Surely had not their Pen been guided by God's own Hand they would never have written that which did reflect dishonour upon themselves Men do usually rather hide their Blemishes then publish them to the World But these Pen-men of Holy Scripture eclipse their own Name they take away all the Glory from themselves and give the Glory to God 6 Arg. The mighty power and efficacy the Word hath had upon the Souls and Consciences of Men. 1. It hath changed their heart 1. Some by reading of Scripture have been turned into other Men they have been made holy and gracious By reading other Books the Heart may be warmed but by reading this Book it is transformed 2 Cor. 3.3 Ye are manifestly declared to be the Epistle of Christ written not with Ink but with the Spirit of the living God The Word was copied out into their Hearts and they were become Christ's Epistle so that others might read Christ in them If you should set a Seal upon Marble and it should make an Impression upon the Marble and leave a Print behind there were a strange Virtue in that Seal So when the Seal of the Word leaves an heavenly print of Grace upon the Heart there must needs be a Power going along with that Word no less than Divine 2. It hath comforted their Heart When
hath made it intelligible and hath stamped upon it his Likeness not his Essence Quest. But is it not said That we are made Partakers of the Divine Nature Resp. By Divine Nature there is meant Divine Qualities 2 Pet. 1.4 We are made Partakers of the Divine Nature not by Identity or Union with the Divine Essence but by a transformation into the Divine Likeness Thus you see how God differs from other Spirits Angels and Souls of Men. He is a Spirit of transcendent Excellency the Father of Spirits Object Against this Vorstius and the Anthropomorthites object That in Scripture an Humane Shape and Figure is given to God he is said to have Eyes and Hands Resp. It is contrary to the Nature of a Spirit to have a Corporeal Substance Luke 24. ●9 Handle me and see me for a Spirit hath not Flesh and Bones as ye see me have Bodily Members are ascribed to God not properly but metaphorically and in a borrowed sence he is only set out to our Capacity By the right Hand of the Lord is meant his Power by the Eyes of the Lord are meant his Wisdom Now that God is a Spirit and is not capable of Bodily Shape or Substance probatur 1. A Body is visible but God is invisible Therefore he is a Spirit 1 Tim. 6.16 whom no man hath seen nor can see not by an Eye of sence 2. A Body is terminated can be but in one place at once but God is ubique in all places at once Therefore he is a Spirit Psal. 139.7 8. God's Center is every where and his Circumference is no where 3. A Body being compounded of integral Parts may be dissolved Quicquid divisibile est corruptibile but the God-head is not capable of dissolution he can have no End from whom all things have their Beginning So that it clearly appears God is a Spirit which adds to the Perfection of his Nature Use 1. If God be a Spirit then he is impassible he is not capable of being hurt Wicked Men may set up their Banners and bend their Forces against God they are said 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to fight against God Acts 5.39 But what will this fighting avail what hurt can they do to the Deity God is a Spirit and therefore cannot receive any hurtful impression wicked Men may imagine Evil against the Lord Nahum 1.9 What do ye imagine against the Lord But God being a Spirit is impenetrable The wicked may Eclipse his Glory but cannot touch his Essence God can hurt his Enemies but they cannot hurt him Iulian might throw up his Dagger into the Air against Heaven but could not touch the Deity God is a Spirit invisible how can the Wicked with all their Forces hurt him when they cannot see him Hence all the Attempts of the Wicked against God are foolish and prove Abortive Psal. 2.3 4. The Kings of the Earth set themselves against the Lord and against his Anointed He that sits in the Heavens shall laugh He is a Spirit he can wound them but they cannot touch him Use 2. If God be a Spirit then it shows the folly of the Papists who worship him by Pictures and Images Being a Spirit we cannot make any Image to represent him by Deut. 4.12 The Lord spake to you out of the midst of the fire ye heard the voice of the words but saw no similitude 1. God being a Spirit is imperceptible cannot be discerned how then can there be any Resemblance made of him Isa. 40.18 To whom then will ye liken God or what likeness will ye compare unto him How can you paint the Deity can we make an Image of that which we never saw Ye saw no similitude God is a Spirit It were a folly to go to make the Picture of the Soul because it is a Spiritual Thing or to Paint the Angels because they are Spirits Object Are not the Angels in Scripture represented by the Cherubims Resp. There is Imago Personae Officii there is the Image of the Person and the Image that represents the Office The Cherubims did not represent the Persons of the Angels but their Office The Cherubims were made with Wings to show the swiftness of the Angels in discharge of their Office and if we cannot Picture the Soul nor the Persons of the Angels because they are Spirits much less can we make an Image or Picture of God who is Infinite and the Father of Spirits 2. God being a Spirit is Omnipresent he is present in all places Ier. 23.24 Do not I fill Heaven and Earth saith the Lord Therefore being every where present it is absurd to worship him by an Image Were it not a foolish thing to bow down to the King's Picture when the King is present So to go to worship God's Image when God himself is present Quest. But how then shall we conceive of God being a Spirit if we may make no Image or Resemblance of him Resp. We must conceive of him Spiritually viz. 1. In his Attributes his Holiness Justice Goodness which are the Beams by which his Divine Nature shines forth 2. We must conceive of him as he is in Christ Christ is the Image of the invisible God Col. 1.15 Set the Eyes of your Faith on Christ God-man In Christ we see some Sparklings of the Divine Glory in him there is the exact Resemblance of all his Fathers Excellencies The Wisdom Love and Holiness of God the Father shine forth in Christ Iohn 14.9 He that hath seen me hath seen the Father 3. Infer If God be a Spirit it shows us that the more spiritual we grow the more we grow like to God To be earthly is to be unlike God How do Earth and Spirit agree Phil. 3.19 Earthly ones may give for their Crest the Mole or Tortoise that live in the Earth What Resemblance is there between an Earthly Heart and him who is a Spirit The more Spiritual any one is the more like God Quest. What is it to be Spiritual Resp. To be Refined and Sublimated to have the Heart still in Heaven to be thinking of God and Glory and to be carried up in a fiery Chariot of Love to God this is to be Spiritual Psal. 73.25 Whom have I in Heaven but thee on which Beza paraphraseth thus Apage Terra utinam tecum in Coelo essem O that I were in Heaven with thee A Christian who is taken off from these Earthly Things as the Spirits are taken off from the Lees hath a noble Spiritual Soul and doth most resemble him who is a Spirit 4 Infer It shows us what that Worship is God requires of us and is most acceptable to him viz. such a Worship as is suitable to his Nature Spiritual Worship John 4.24 They which worship him must worship him in Spirit and Truth Spiritual worship is the Virgin-worship Though God will have the Service of our Bodies our Eyes and Hands lifted up to testifie to others that Reverence we have of God's Glory
Influence as the Body of the Sun is in Heaven it only sends forth its Beams and Influences to the Earth or as a King who is in all places of his Kingdom Authoritative by his Power and Authority but he is personally in his Throne Resp. But to answer God who is Infinite is in all places at once not only by his Influence but his Essence for if his Essence fills all places then he must needs be there in Person But Ergo Minor in Ier. 23.24 Do not I fill heaven and earth Object But doth not God say Heaven is his Throne Isa. 66.1 Resp. It is also said that an humble Heart is his Throne Isa. 57.15 The humble Heart is his Throne in regard of his gracious Presence and Heaven is his Throne in regard of his glorious Presence and yet neither of these Thrones will hold him for the Heaven of Heavens cannot contain him Object But if God be Infinite in all places then he is in places impure and he mingles with that Impurity Resp. Though God be in all places in the Heart of a Sinner by his Inspection and in Hell by his Justice yet he doth not mingle with that Impurity or receive the least tincture of Evil Divina natura non est immista rebus aut sordibus inquinata Aug. No more then the Sun shining on a Dunghil is defiled or its Beauty spotted or then Christ going among Sinners was defiled his Godhead was a sufficient Antidote against Infection Reason why God must needs be Infinite in all places at once not only in regard of the Simplicity and Purity of his Nature but in regard of his Power which being so glorious who can set him Bounds or prescribe him a Circuit to walk in 'T is as if the Drop should go to limit the Ocean or the Star to set the Sun its Bounds Use 1. It condemns the Papists who would make more things Infinite then the Godhead they hold that Christ's Body is in many places at once that it is in Heaven and in the Bread and Wine in the Sacrament Though Christ as he is God is Infinite and in all places at once yet as Man he is not Christ when he was on Earth his Manhood was not in Heaven though his Godhead was and now he is in Heaven his Manhood is not on Earth though his Godhead be Heb. 10.5 't is spoken of Christ A body hast thou prepared me This Body cannot be in all places at once for then it is no more a Body but a Spirit Christ's Body in Heaven though it be Glorified it is not Deified it is not Infinite for so it must be if it be both in Heaven and in the Bread and Wine by Transubstantiation If God be Infinite present in all places at once then it is certain he governs all things in his own Person he needs no Proxies or Deputies to help him carry on his Government He is in all places at an instant and manageth all Affairs both in the World and Heaven A King cannot be in all places of his Kingdom in his own Person therefore he is fain to govern by Deputies and Vicegerents and they often pervert Justice but God being Infinite needs no Deputies he is present in all places he sees all with his own Eyes and hears all with his own Ears he is every-where in his own Person therefore is fit to be the Judge of the World he will do every one Right If God be Infinite by his Omnipresency then see the Greatness and Immensness of the Divine Majesty What a Great God do we serve 1 Chr. 29.11 Thine O Lord is the greatness and the glory and the majesty and thou art exalted as head above all Well may the Scripture display the Greatness of his Glory who is Infinite in all places He transcends our weak Conceptions how can our finite Understanding comprehend him who is Infinite He is infinitely above all our Praises Neh. 9.5 Blessed be thy glorious name which is exalted above all blessing and praise O what a poor Nothing is Man when we think of God's Infiniteness as the Stars disappear at the rising of the Sun O how doth Man shrink into nothing when Infinite Majesty shines forth in his Glory Isa. 40.15 The nations are as a drop of the bucket or the small dust of the ballance O what a little of that Drop are we The Heathens thought they had sufficiently praised Iupiter when they called him Great Iupiter Of what Immense Majesty is God who fills all places at once his is excellent Greatness Psal. 150.2 If God be Infinite filling Heaven and Earth see what a full Portion the Saints have they have him for their Portion who is Infinite His Fulness is an Infinite Fulness and he is infinitely sweet as well as infinitely full If a Conduit be fill'd with Wine here is a sweet Fulness but still it is Finite but God's is a sweet Fulness and it is an Infinite He is infinitely full of Beauty of Love his Riches are call'd unsearchable Eph. 3.8 because they are Infinite Stretch your Thoughts as much as you can there 's that in God exceeds it is an Infinite Fulness He is said to do abundantly for us above all that we can ask Ephes. 3.20 What cannot an ambitious Spirit ask he can ask Crowns and Kingdoms Millions of Worlds but God can give more then we can ask because he is Infinite nay or think We can think what if all the Dust were turn'd to Silver if every Flower were a Ruby every Sand in the Sea a Diamond yet God can give more then we can think because he is Infinite O how rich are they who have the Infinite God for their Portion Well might David say The Lord is the portion of my inheritance the lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places and I have a goodly heritage Ps. 16.5 We may go with the Bee from Flower to Flower but we shall never have full Satisfaction till we come to the Infinite God Iacob said I have enough in Hebrew Li col I have all Gen. 33.11 because he had the Infinite God for his Portion God being an Infinite Fulness there is no fear of Want for any of the Heirs of Heaven though there be Millions of Saints and Angels which have a share in God's Riches yet he hath enough for them all because he is Infinite Though a thousand Men behold the Sun there is Light enough in the Sun for them all Put never so many Buckets into the Sea there 's Water enough in the Sea to fill them Though an innumerable Company of Saints and Angels are to be filled out of God's Fulness yet God being Infinite he hath abundantly enough to satisfie them God hath Land enough to give to all his Heirs there can be no want in that which is Infinite If God be Infinite he fills all places is every-where present this is sad to the Wicked God is their Enemy and they cannot escape him
they cast their Crowns before the Throne they lay all their Honour at his Feet Thus they shew humble Adoration to the Eteral Essence Study God's Eternity it will make us adore where we cannot Fathom 2. Think of the Soul's Eternity As God is Eternal so he hath made us Eternal We are never-dying Creatures we are shortly entring upon an Eternal State either of Happiness or Misery Have serious thoughts of this Say O my Soul which of these two Eternities is like to be thy Portion I must shortly depart hence and whither then shall I go to which of these Eternities either of Glory or Misery The serious Meditation of the Eternal State we are to pass into would work strongly with us 1. Thoughts of Eternal Torment a good Antidote against Sin Sin tempts with its Pleasure but when we think of Eternity it may cool the intemperate Heat of Lust Shall I for the Pleasure of Sin for a Season endure eternal Pain Sin like those Locusts Rev. 9.7 seems to have on its Head a Crown like Gold but it hath in it a Tail like a Scorpion Verse 10. And a Sting in its Tail and this Sting can never be plucked out Shall I venture eternal Wrath is Sin committed so sweet as lying in Hell for ever is bitter This would make us flye from Sin as Moses from the Serpent 2. The serious Thoughts of Eternal Happiness would very much take us off from these Worldly Things we should not esteem much of them What are these Sublunary Things to Eternity they are quickly gone they salute us and take their Farewel But I am to enter upon an Everlasting Estate I hope to live with Him who is Eternal what is the World to me They who stand upon the top of the Alps the great Cities of Campania seem as small things in their eyes so he who hath his Thoughts fixed on his Eternal Estate after this Life all these things seem as nothing in his eye What is the Glory of this World how poor and contemptible compar'd with an Eternal Weight of Glory Aeternis inhianti in fastidio suns transito Bern. 3. To conclude The serious Thoughts of an Eternal Estate either of Happiness or Misery would have a powerful Influence upon whatsoever we take in hand Every Work we do promotes either a blessed or cursed Eternity every good Action sets us a step nearer to an Eternity of Happiness every bad Action sets us a step nearer to an Eternity of Misery O what Influence would the Thoughts of Eternity have upon our Religious Duties it would make us do them with all our Might A Duty well performed lifts a Christian higher towards Heaven and sets a Christian a step nearer to a blessed Eternity GOD's Vnchangeableness THE next Attribute is God's Unchangeableness Mal. 3.6 I am Iehovah I change not 1. God is unchangeable in his Nature 2. In his Decree 1st Unchangeable in his Nature 1. There is no Eclipse of his Brightness 2. No Period put to his Being 1. No Eclipse of his Brightness His Essence shines with a fixed Lustre Iam. 1.17 With whom is no variableness neither shadow of turning Psal. 102.27 Thou art the same All created Things are full of Vicissitude 1. Princes and Emperours are subject to Mutation Sehostris an Aegyptian Prince having subdued divers Kings in War made them draw like Horses in his Chariot as if he intended to turn them to Grass as God did King Nebuchadnezzar The Crown hath many Successors 2. Kingdoms have their Ecclipses and Convulsions What is become of the Glory of Athens the Pomp of Troy Iam seges est ubi Troja fuit Kingdoms tho' they have a Head of Gold yet Feet of Clay 3. The Heavens change Psal. 102.25 26. As a vesture shalt thou change them and they shall be changed The Matter of the Elements as it is more pure so more firm and sollid the Heavens are the most ancient Records where God hath written his Glory with a Sun-beam yet these shall change though I do not think they shall be destroyed as to their substance yet they shall be changed as to their qualities They shall me●t with fervent heat 2 Pet. 3.12 and so be more refin'd and purifi'd Thus the Heavens shall be changed but not He who dwells in Heaven With him is no Variableness or Shadow of Turning 4. The best Saints have their Eclipses and Changes look upon a Christian in his Spiritual Estate and he is full of Variation though the Seed of Grace doth not dye yet the Beauty and Activity of it doth often wither A Christian hath his Aguish Fits in Religion sometimes his Faith is at an high Tide sometime● low Eb● somtimes his Love flames and at another time like Fire hid in the Embers and he hath lost his first Love How strong was David's Grace at one time 2 Sam. 22.3 The God of my rock in him will I trust At another time I shall one day perish by the hand of Saul What Christian can say he doth not find a Change in his Graces that the Bow of his Faith doth never unbend the Strings of his Viol do never slacken Sure we shall never meet with such Christians till we meet them in Heaven But God is without any Shadow of Turning 5. The Angels were subject to Change they were created Holy but Mutable Jud. 6. The angels which kept not their first estate Those Morning-stars of Heaven were falling Stars But God's Glory shines with a fixed Brightness In God there is nothing looks like a Change no better or worse no better in him because then he were not perfect nor worse in him for then he should cease to be perfect He is immutably Holy immutably Good There is no Shadow of Change in him Object Christ who is God assumed the Humane Nature here was a Change Resp. If indeed the Divine Nature had been converted into the Humane or the Humane into the Divine here had been a Change but not so The Humane Nature was distinct from the Divine therefore there was no Change As suppose a Cloud cover the Sun this makes no Change in the Body of the Sun so though the Divine Nature be covered with the Humane this makes no Change in the Divine Nature 2d There is no Period put to his Being 1 Tim. 1.16 Who only hath immortality The Godhead cannot die 1. An Infinite Essence cannot be changed into a Finite but God is Infinite 2. He is Eternal Ergo he is not Mortal to be Eternal and Mortal is a Contradiction Use 1. See here the Excellency of the Divine Nature in its Immutability this is the Glory of Godhead Mutableness denotes Weakness it is not so in God he is the same Yesterday and to Day and for ever Heb. 13.8 Men are fickle and mutable like Ruében Unstable as water Gen. 49.4 They go in changeable Colours 1. They are changeable in their Principles sometimes Protestant sometimes Papist if their Faces altered as fast as their Opinions
stamp'd his lively Image Light sparkled in his Understanding he was like an Earthly Angel his Will and Affections were full of order tuning harmoniously to the Will of God Adam was 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a perfect Pattern of Sanctity 3. Adam had intimacy of Communion with God and conversed with him as a Favourite with his Prince Adam knew God's Mind and had his Heart He not only enjoyed the Light of the Sun in Paradise but the Light of God's Countenance This Condition was Adam in when God entred into Covenant with him But this did not long continue Man being in honour abideth not Psal. 49. ult lodged not for a night his Teeth watered at the Apple and ever since it hath made our Eyes water 3. Learn from Adam's Fall how unable we are to stand in our own strength If Adam in the state of Integrity did not stand how unable are we now when the Lock of our original Righteousness is cut If purified Nature did not stand how then shall corrupt Nature we need more strength to uphold us then our own 4. See in what a sad Condition all Unbelievers and Impenitent Persons are so long as they continue in their sins they continue under the Curse of the first Covenant Faith intitles us to the Mercy of the second Covenant but while Men are under the power of their sins they are under the Curse of the first Covenant and if they die in this Condition they are damned to Eternity 5. See the wonderful goodness of God who was pleased when we had forfeited the first Covenant to enter into a new Covenant with us Well may it be called Foedus Gratiae a Covenant of Grace it is bespangled with Promises as the Heaven with Stars When the Angels those glorious Spirits fell God did not enter into a new Covenant with them to be their God but let those golden Vessels lie broken but hath entred into a second Covenant with us better then the first Hebr. 8.6 It is better because it is surer it is made in Christ and cannot be reversed Christ hath engaged his strength to keep every Believer In the first Covenant we had à posse stare a power of standing in the second we have à non posse cadere an impossibility of Falling finally 1 Pet. 1.5 6. Whoever they are that look for Righteousness and Salvation by the power of their Free-will or the inherent goodness of their Nature or by Virtue of their Merit as the Socinians and Papists these are all under the Covenant of Works they do not submit to the Righteousness of Faith therefore they are bound to keep the whole Law and in case of failure they are condemned The Covenant of Grace is like a Court of Chancery to relieve the Sinner and help him who is Cast by the first Covenant It saith Believe in the Lord Jesus and be saved but such as will stand upon their own inherent Righteousness Free-will and Merit they fall under the first Covenant of Works and are in a perishing Estate Use 2. Let us labour by Faith to get into the second Covenant of Grace and then the Curse of the first Covenant is taken away by Christ. If once we get to be Heirs of the Covenant of Grace we are in a better state than before Adam stood on his own Legs therefore fell we stand in the strength of Christ. Under the first Covenant the Justice of God as an Avenger of Blood pursues you but if ye get into the second Covenant you are got into the City of Refuge you are safe and the Justice of God is pacified towards you Concerning SIN Quest. X. What is Sin Answ. Sin is any want of conformity unto or transgression of the Law of God 1 John 3.4 Sin is a Transgression of the Law Of Sin in general 1. Sin is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Violation or Transgression The Latin word transgredior to transgress signifies to go beyond ones Bounds The Moral Law is to keep us within the bounds of our Duty Sin is a going beyond our bounds 2. The Law of God it is not the Law of an Inferiour Prince is broken but of Iehovah who gives Laws as well to Angels as Men it is a Law that is just and holy and good Rom. 7.12 It is just there is nothing in it unequal holy nothing in it impure good nothing in it prejudicial So that there is no reason to break this Law no more than for a Beast that is in a fat Pasture to break over the Hedge to leap into a barren Heath or Quagmire I shall shew what an heinous and execrable thing Sin is It is malorum colluvies the complication of all Evil it is the Spirits of Mischief distil'd The Scripture calls it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the accursed thing Josh. 7.13 it is compared to the venome of Serpents the stench of Sepulchres The Apostle useth this expression of sin out of measure sinful Rom. 7.13 or as in the Greek 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 hyperbolically sinful The Devil would paint over sin with the Vermilion colour of Pleasure and Profit that he may make it look fair But I shall pull off the Paint from Sin that you may see the ugly face of it We are apt to have slight thoughts of Sin and to say of it as Lot of Zoar Gen. 19.20 Is it not a little one But that you may see how great an Evil Sin is consider these four things I. The Original of Sin whence it comes It fetcheth its Pedigree from Hell Sin is of the Devil 1 Iohn 3.8 He that committeth sin is of the Devil Satan was the first Actor of sin and the first Tempter to sin Sin is the Devils First-born II. Sin is evil in the Nature of it 1. It is a defiling thing Sin is not only a Defection but a Pollution It is to the Soul as Rust is to Gold as a Stain is to Beauty It makes the Soul red with guilt and black with filth Sin in Scripture is compared to a menstruous cloath Isa. 30.22 to a plague sore 1 Kings 8.38 Ioshua's filthy Garments in which he stood before the Angel Zach. 3.3 were nothing but a Type and Hieroglyphick of Sin Sin hath blotted God's Image and stained the orient brightness of the Soul Sin makes God loath a sinner Zach. 11.8 and when a sinner sees his sin he loaths himself Ezek. 20.42 Sin drops poison on our holy things it infects our Prayers The High Priest was to make Atonement for sin on the Altar Exod. 29.36 to typifie that our holiest Services need Christ to make Atonement for them Duties of Religion in themselves are good but sin corrupts them as the purest Water is polluted running through muddy ground The Leper under the Law if he had touched the Altar the Altar had not cleansed him but he had defiled the Altar The Apostle calls Sin 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 filthiness of flesh and spirit 2 Cor. 7.1 Sin stamps the
and Drunkenness in Noah and Cursing in Iob If God leave a Man to himself how suddenly and scandalously may Original sin break forth in the holiest Men alive 5. Original sin doth mix and incorporate it self with our Duties and Graces 1. With out Duties as the hand which is paralitical or palsy cannot move without shaking as wanting some inward strength so we cannot do any holy action without sinning as wanting a Principle of Original Righteousness As the Leper whatever he touched became unclen if he touched the Altar the Altar did not sanctifie him but he polluted the Altar such a Leprosy is Original sin it defiles our Prayers and Tears we cannot write without blotting Though I do not say that the holy Duties and good Works of the Regenerate are sins for that were to reproach the Spirit of Christ by which they are wrought yet this I say that the best works of the godly have sin cleaving to them only Christ's Blood makes atonement for our holy things 2. With our Graces There is some Unbelief mixed with Faith Lukewarmness with Zeal Pride with Humility As bad Lungs cause an Astmah or shortness of breath so Original Corruption having infected our heart our Greaces breath now very faintly 6. Original sin is a vigorous active Principle within us it doth not lye still but is ever exciting and stirring us up to evil it is an Inmate very unquiet Rom. 7.15 What I hate that do I. How came Paul to do so Original sin did irritate and stir him up to it Original sin is like Quicksilver always in motion when we are asleep sin is awake in the Fancy Original sin sets the Head a plotting evil and the Hands a working it it hath in it principium motus not quiet is it is like the Pulse ever beating 7. Original sin is the cause of all Actual it is fomes peccati it is the Womb in which all actual sins are conceived Hence come Murders Adulteries Rapines it is the Trojan Horse out of which a whole Army of Impieties come Though Actual sins may be more scandalous yet Original sin is more heinous the Cause is more then the Effect 8. It is not perfectly cured in this Life Grace though it doth subdue sin yet not wholly remove it Though we are like Christ having the first fruits of the Spirit yet we are unlike him having the remainders of the Flesh. There are two Nations in the Womb. Original sin is like that Tree Dan. 4.23 though the Branches of it were hewen down and the main body of it yet the stumps and root of the Tree were left Though the Spirit be still weakning and hewing down sin in the godly yet the stump of Original sin is still left it is a Sea that will not in this Life be dried up Quest. But why doth God leave Original Corruption in us after Regeneration he could quite free us from it if he pleased Resp. 1. He doth it to shew the power of his Grace in the weakest Believer Grace shall prevail against a Torrent of Corruption Whence is this the Corrupion is ours but the Grace is Gods 2. God leaves Original Corruption to make us long after Heaven when there shall be no Sin to defile no Devil to tempt When Elias was taken up to Heaven his Mantle dropped off so when the Angels shall carry us up to Heaven this Mantle of sin shall drop off we shall never complain more of an aking head or an unbelieving heart Use 1. If Original sin be propagated to us and will be inherent in us while we live here then it Confutes the Libertines and Quakers who say they are 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 without sin they hold Perfection they shew much Pride and Ignorance 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but we see the Seeds of Original sin remain in the best Eccles. 7.20 There is not a just man lives and sins not And St. Paul complained of a body of death Rom. 7.24 Grace though it doth purifie Nature it doth not perfect it Object But doth not the Apostle say of Believers that their old man is crucified Rom. 6.6 and they are dead to sin Rom. 7.11 Resp. They are dead 1. Spiritually they are dead as to the Reatus the guilt of it and as to the Regnum the power of it the love of sin is crucified 2. They are dead to sin Legally as a Man that is Sentenced to Death is dead in Law so they are legally dead to Sin there is a Sentence of Death gone out against sin it shall die and drop into the Crave but at the present sin hath its Life lengthened out nothing but Death of the Body can quite free us from the Body of Death Use 2. Let us lay to heart Original sin and be deeply humbled for it it cleaves to us as a Disease it is an active Principle in us stirring us up to Evil. Original sin is worse then all Actual sin the Fountain is more then the Stream Some think as long as they are civil they are well enough I but thy Nature is poisoned thou hast a proud lustful envious Nature a River may have fair Streams but Vermin at bottom Thou carriest an Hell about thee thou canst do nothing but thou defilest it thy Heart like muddy ground defiles the purest Water that runs thorow it Nay though thou art Regenerate there is much of the Old Man in the New Man O how should Original sin humble us This is one reason God hath left Original sin in us because he would have it as a Thorn in our side to humble us as the Bishop of Alexandria after the People had embraced Cristianity destroyed all their Idols but one that the sight of that Idol might make them loath themselves for their former Idolatry So God leaves Original sin to pull down the Plumes of Pride Under our silver Wings of Grace are black feet 2. Let the sence of this make us daily look up to Heaven for help beg Christ's Blood to wash away the guilt of sin and his Spirit to mortifie the power of it beg further degrees of Grace Gratiam Christi eò obnixiùs ambiamus though Grace cannot make sin to be yet not to reign though Grace cannot expel sin it can repel it and for our Comfort where Grace makes a Combat with sin Death shall make a Conquest 3. Let Original sin make us walk with continual Iealousie and Watchfulness over our Hearts The Sin of our Nature is like a sleeping Lion the least thing that awakens it makes it rage The Sin of our Nature though it seem quiet and lies as Fire hid under the Embers yet if it be a little stirr'd and blown up by a Temptation how quickly may it flame forth into scandalous Evils therefore we had need always walk watchfully Mark 13.37 I say to you all watch A wandring heart needs a watchful Eye MAN's Misery by the FALL Quest. XIII WHat is the Misery of that Estate whereinto Man fell
the Gospel the Wonder of Angels the Joy and Triumph of Saints The Name of Christ is sweet it is as Musick in the Ear Honey in the Mouth and a Cordial at the Heart I shall wave the Context and only speak of that which concerns our present Purpose Having discours'd of the Covenant of Grace I shall speak now of the Mediator of the Covenant and the Restorer of lapsed Sinners IESUS the Mediator of the Covenant There are several Names and Titles in Scripture given to Christ as the Great Restorer of Mankind 1. Sometimes he is called a Saviour Matth. 1.21 His name shall be called Iesus The Hebrew word for Jesus Ioshuang signifies a Saviour and whom he saves from Hell he saves from Sin where Christ is a Saviour he is a Sanctifier Matth. 1.21 He shall save his people from their sins There is no other Saviour Acts 4.12 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Neither is there salvation in any other As there was but one Ark to save the World from drowning so there is but one Jesus to save Sinners from damning As Naomi said to her Daughters-in-law Ruth 1.11 Are there yet any more sons in my womb So hath God any other Sons in the Womb of his Eternal Decree to be Saviours to us besides Christ Job 28.13 Where shall wisdom be found the deep saith it is not in me and the sea saith it is not with me Let me allude Where shall Salvation be found The Angel saith it is not in me Morality saith it is not in me the Ordinance saith it is not in me Christ alone is the Well-spring of Life the Ordinance is the Conduit-pipe that conveys Salvation but Christ is the Spring that feeds it Neither is there salvation in any other 2. Sometimes Christ is called a Redeemer Isa. 59.20 The redeemer shall come to Sion Some understand it of Cyrus others of an Angel but the most ancient Iewish Doctors understand it of Christ the Redeemer of the Elect Job 19.25 My redeemer liveth The Hebrew word for Redeemer Goel signifies such an one as is near a Kin and hath Right to redeem a Mortgage So Christ is near a kin to us being our Elder Brother therefore hath the best right to redeem us 3. Christ is called a Mediator in the Text Iesus the mediator of the new covenant The Greek word for Mediator 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifies a middle Person one that doth make up the breach between two disagreeing Parties God and we were at Variance by Sin now Christ doth Mediate and Umpire between us he reconciles us to God through his Bloud therefore is call'd the Mediator of the New Covenant There is no way of Communion and Intercourse between God and Man but in and through a Mediator Christ takes away the Enmity in us and the Wrath in God and so makes Peace nor is Christ only a Mediator of Reconciliation but Intercession Heb. 9.24 Christ is entred not into the holy place made with hands but into heaven itself now to appear in the presence of God for us The Priest when he had slain the Sacrifice was to go with the Bloud before the Altar and Mercy-seat and show it to the Lord. Now in Christ our Blessed Mediator consider two things 1. His Person 2. His Graces 1. His Person His Person is amiable he is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 all made up of Love and Beauty He is the Effigies of his Father Heb. 1.3 The express image of his person Consider 1. Christ's Person in two Natures 2. His two Natures in one Person 1. Christ's Person in two Natures 1. Look upon his Humane Nature as Incarnate The Valentinians deny his Humane Nature but Joh. 1.14 The Word was made Flesh 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 'T is spoken of Christ the promised Messiah Christ took our Flesh that the same Nature which sinned might suffer and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The word made flesh that through the Glass of his Humane Nature we might look upon God Quest. Why is Christ called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Word Resp. Because as a Word is the Interpreter of the Mind and reveals what is in a Man's breast so Jesus Christ reveals his Father's Mind to us concerning the great Matters of our Salvation Iohn 1.18 Were it not for CHRIST's Manhood the sight of the Godhead would be formidable to us but through Christ's Flesh we may look upon God without Terrour And Christ took our Flesh that he might know how to pity us he knows what it is to be faint sorrowful tempted Psal. 103.14 He knows our frame And he took our Flesh that he might as Austin saith Ennoble our Humane Nature with Honour Christ having married our Flesh hath exalted it above the Angelical Nature 2. Look upon Christ's Divine Nature Christ may fitly be compared to Iacob's Ladder Gen. 28.12 which reached from Earth to Heaven Christ's Humane Nature was the foot of the Ladder which stood upon Earth his Divine Nature the top of the Ladder which reached to Heaven This being a grand Article of our Faith I shall amplifie I know the Arians Socinians Ebionites would rob Christ of the best Jewel of his Crown his Godhead but the Apostolical Nicene Athanasian Creed affirm Christ's Deity to this the Churches of Helvetia Bohemia Wittembergh Transylvania c. give their full Consent and the Scripture is clear for it He is call'd the Mighty God Isa. 9.6 El Gibber and in him dwells the fulness of the Godhead Col. 2.9 He is not only 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of the same Nature and Essence with the Father So Athanasius Basil Chrysostom 1. Is God the Father call'd Almighty so is Christ Rev. 1.8 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Almighty 2. Is God the Father the Heart-searcher so is Christ Ioh. 2.25 He knew their thoughts 3. Is God the Father Omnipresent so is Christ Joh. 3.13 The Son of man which is in heaven Christ as God was then in Heaven when as Man he was upon the Earth Quest. Is God Eternal Resp. Christ is the Everlasting Father Isa. 9.6 which Scripture may be urged against the Cerinthian Hereticks who deny'd the Pre-existency of Christ's Godhead and held that Christ had no being till he derived it from the Virgin Mary 4. Doth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Divine Worship belong to the first Person in the Trinity so it doth to Christ Ioh. 5.23 Heb. 1.6 Let all the angels of God worship him 5. Is Creation proper to the Deity This is a Flower of Christ's Crown Col. 1.16 By him were all things created 6. Is Invocation proper to the Deity This is given to Christ Acts 7. Lord Iesus receive my spirit 7. Is Recumbency and Trust peculiar to God the Father This is given to Christ Joh. 14.1 Ye believe in God believe also in me Christ must needs be God not only that the Divine Nature might support the Humane from sinking under God's Wrath but also to give Value and Weight to his
and could we have shed Rivers of Tears offered up Millions of Holocausts and Burnt-Offerings we could never have pacified an angry Deity therefore Christ must dye that God's Justice might be satisfied It is hotly debated among Divines Whether God could not have forgiven Sin freely without a Sacrifice Not to dispute what God could have done but when we consider God was resolved to have the Law satisfied and to have Man in a way of Justice as well as Mercy then I say it was necessary that Christ should lay down his Life as a Sacrifice 1. To fulfil the Predictions of Scripture Luke 24.46 Thus it behoved Christ to suffer 2. To bring us into Favour with God 'T is one thing for a Traytor to be pardoned and another thing to be made a Favourite Christ's Bloud is not only called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Sacrifice whereby God is appeased but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Propitiation whereby God becomes gracious and friendly to us Christ is our Mercy-seat from which God gives Answers of Peace to us 3. Christ dyed that he might make good his last Will and Testament with his Bloud There were many Legacies which Christ bequeathed to Believers which had been all null and void had not he dyed and by his Death confirm'd the Will Heb. 9.17 A Testament is in force after Men are dead The Mission of Spirit the Promises those Legacies were not in force till Christ's Death but Christ by his Bloud hath sealed them and Believers may lay claim to them 4. He died that he might purchase for us Glorious Mansions Therefore Heaven is called not only a promised but a purchased Possession Eph. 1.14 Christ dyed for our Preferment He suffered that we might reign he hung upon the Cross that we might fit upon the Throne Heaven was shut c. Crux Christi clavis Paradisi The Cross of Christ is the Ladder by which we ascend to Heaven His Crucifixion is our Coronation Use 1. In the Bloudy Sacrifice of Christ see the horrid Nature of Sin Sin it is true is odious as it banish'd Adam out of Paradise and threw the Angels into Hell but that which doth most of all make it appear Horrid is this it made Christ vail his Glory and loose his Bloud We should look upon Sin with Indignation and pursue it with an Holy Malice and shed the Bloud of those Sins shed Christ's Bloud The sight of Caesar's Bloudy Robe incensed the Romans against them that slew him The sight of Christ's bleeding Body should incense us against Sin let us not parly with it let not that be our Joy which made Christ a Man of Sorrow Use 2. Is Christ our Priest sacrific'd see God's Mercy and Iustice displayed I may say as the Apostle Rom. 11.27 Behold the goodness and severity of God 1. The Goodness of God in providing a Sacrifice Had not Christ suffered on the Cross we must have lain in Hell for ever satisfying God's Justice 2. The Severity of God Though it were his own Son the Son of his Love and our Sins were but imputed to him yet God did not spare him Rom. 8.32 but his Wrath did flame against him And if God were thus severe to his own Son how dreadful will he be one day to his Enemies Such as dye in wilful Impenitency must feel the same Wrath as Christ did and because they cannot bear it at once therefore they must be enduring it for ever Use 3. Is Christ our Priest who was sacrificed for us then see the endeared Affection of Christ to us Sinners The Cross saith Austin was a Pulpit in which Christ preached his Love to the World That Christ should dye was more then if all the Angels had been turned to Dust And that Christ should dye as a Malefactor having the weight of all Mens Sins laid upon him That he should dye for his Enemies Rom. 5.10 The Balm-tree weeps out its precious Balm to heal those that cut and mangle it Christ shed his Bloud to heal those that crucified him And that he should dye freely it is call'd the Offering of the Body of Jesus Heb. 10.10 And though his Sufferings were so great that they made him sigh and weep and bleed yet they could not make him Repent Isa. 53.11 He shall see of the travel of his soul and be satisfied Christ had hard travel upon the Cross yet he doth not repent of it but thinks his Sweat and Bloud well bestowed because he sees Redemption brought forth to the World O infinite amazing Love of Christ a Love that passeth Knowledge Eph. 3.19 That neither Man or Angel can paralel How should we be affected with this Love if Saul was so affected with David's Kindness in sparing his Life How should we be affected with Christ's Kindness in parting with his Life for us At Christ's Death and Passion the very Stones did cleave asunder Matth. 27.5 The rocks rent Not to be affected with Christ's Love in dying is to have Hearts harder then the Rocks Use 4. Is Christ our Sacrifice then see the Excellency of this Sacrifice 1. It is perfect Heb. 10.14 By one offering he hath perfected them that are sanctified Therefore how impious are the Papists in joyning their Merits and the Prayers of Saints with Christ's Sacrifice They offer him up daily in the Mass as if Christ's Sacrifice on the Cross were imperfect this is a Blasphemy against Christ's Priestly Office 2. Christ's Sacrifice is meritorious he not only died for our Example but to merit Salvation The Person who suffered being God as well as Man did put Vertue into his Sufferings and now our sins are expiated and God appeased No sooner did the Messengers say Uriah is dead but David's Anger was pacified 2 Sam. 11.21 No sooner did Christ dye but God's Anger is pacified 3. This Sacrifice is beneficial out of the dead Lyon Sampson had Honey it procures Justification of our Persons Acceptance of our Services Access to God with Boldness Entrance into the Holy Place of Heaven Heb. 10.19 Per latus Christi pa●escit nobis in coelum Israel passed through the Red Sea to Canaan so through the Red Sea of Christ's Bloud we enter into the Heavenly Canaan 2. Use of Exhortation Branch 1. Let us fiducially apply this Bloud of Christ All the Vertue of a Medicine is in the applying though the Medicine be made of the Bloud of God it will not heal unless by Faith applyed As Fire is to the Chymist so is Faith to a Christian the Chymist can do nothing without Fire so there is nothing done without Faith Faith makes Christ's Sacrifice ours Phil. 3.8 Christ Iesus my Lord. It is not Gold in the Mine enricheth but Gold in the Hand Faith is the Hand receives Christ's Golden Merits It is not a Cordial in the Glass refresheth the Spirits but a Cordial drunk down Per fidem Christi sanguinem sugimus Cypr. Faith opens the Orifice of Christ's Wound● and drinks the precious Cordial of
his Bloud Without Faith Christ himself will not avail us Branch 2. Let us love a Bleeding Saviour and let us show our Love to Christ by being ready to suffer for him Many rejoyce at Christ's Suffering for them but dream not of their Suffering for him Ioseph dreamed of his Preferment but not of his Imprisonment Was Christ a Sacrifice Did he bear God's Wrath for us we should bear Man's Wrath for him Christ's Death was voluntary Psal. 40.7 Lo I come to do thy will O God Luke 12.50 I have a baptism to be baptized with and how am I straitned till it be accomplished Christ calls his Sufferings a Baptism he was to be as it were baptized in his own Bloud And how did he thirst for that time How am I straitned Oh then let us be willing to suffer for Christ Christ hath taken away the Venom and Sting of the Saint's Sufferings there is no Wrath in their Cup. Our Sufferings Christ can make sweet As there was Oyl mix'd in the Peace-Offering So God can mix the Oyl of Gladness with our Sufferings The ringing of my Chain is sweet Musick in my Ears Landgrave of Hesse Life must be parted with shortly what is it to part with it a little sooner as a Sacrifice to Christ as a Seal of our Sincerity and a Pledge of Thankfulness 3. Use of Consolation This Sacrifice of Christ's Bloud may infinitely comfort us This is the Bloud of Atonement Christ's Cross is Cardo salutis Calv. The Hing and Foundation of our Comfort 1. This Bloud comforts in case of Guilt O saith the Soul my sins trouble me why Christ's Bloud was shed for the Remission of Sin Mat. 26.28 Let us see our sins laid on Christ and then they are no more ours but his 2. In case of Pollution Christ's Bloud is an healing and cleansing Bloud 1. It is healing Isa. 53.5 With his stripes we are healed It is the best Weapon-Salve it heals at a distance though Christ be in Heaven we may feel the Vertue of his Bloud healing our bloudy Issue 2. And it is cleansing 'T is therefore compar'd to Fountain-water Zec. 13.1 The Word is a Glass to show us our Spots and Christ's Bloud is a Fountain to wash them away it turns Leprosy into Purity 1 Joh. 1.7 The bloud of Iesus cleanseth us from all our sin There is indeed one Spot so black that Christ's Bloud doth not wash away viz. The Sin against the Holy Ghost Not but that there is Vertue enough in Christ's Bloud to wash it away but he who hath sinned that Sin will not be washed he contemns Christ's Bloud and tramples it under foot Heb. 10.29 Thus we see what a strong Cordial Christ's Bloud is it is the Anchor-hold of our Faith the Spring of our Joy the Crown of our Desires and the only Support both in Life and Death In all our Fears let us comfort our selves with the Propitiatory Sacrifice of Christ's Bloud Christ dyed both as a Purchaser and as a Conquerour 1. As a Purchaser in regard of God having by his Bloud obtained our Salvation 2. And as a Conqueror in regard of Satan the Cross being his Triumphant Chariot whe●ein he hath led Hell and Death captive Use ult Bless God for this precious Sacrifice of Christ's Death Psal. 103.1 Bless the Lord O my soul. And for what doth David bless him Who redeemeth thy life from destruction Christ gave himself a Sin-offering for us let us give ourselves a Thank-offering to him If a Man redeem another out of Debt will not he be grateful How deeply do we stand obliged to Christ who hath redeemed us from Hell and Damnation Rev. 5.9 And they sung a new Song saying Thou art worthy to take the Book and open the Seals for thou wast slain and hast redeemed us to God by thy Blood Let our Hearts and Tongues join in consort to bless God and let us shew our Thankfulness to Christ by Fruitfulness let us bring forth as Spice-Trees the Fruits of Humility Zeal Good-works This is to live unto him who hath died for us 2 Cor. 5.15 The Wise-men did not only worship Christ but presented him with Gifts Gold and Frankincense and Myrrhe Matth. 2.11 Let us present Christ with the Fruits of Righteousness which are unto the Glory and Praise of God CHRIST's Intercession ROM 8.34 Who also maketh Intercession for us WHen Aaron entred into the Holy Place his Bells gave a Sound so Christ having entred into Heaven his Intercession makes a melodious sound in the Ears of God Christ though he be exalted to Glory hath not laid aside his Bowels of Compassion but is still mindful of his Body Mystical as Ioseph was mindful of his Father and Brethren when he was exalted to the Court Who also maketh Intercession for us To Intercede is to make Request in the behalf of another Christ is the great Master of Requests in Heaven Christus est Catholicus Patris Sacerdos Tertul. Quest. What are the Qualifications of our Intercessor Resp. 1. He is holy Hebr. 7.26 For such an High Priest became us who is holy undefiled separate from sinners Christ knew no sin 2 Cor. 5.21 he knew sin in the weight not in the act It was requisite that he who was to do away the sins of others should himself be without sin Holiness is one of the precious Stones which shines on the Breast-Plate of our High Priest 2. He is faithful Hebr. 2.17 It behoved him to be like unto his brethren that he might be a faithful High Priest Moses was faithful as a Servant Christ as a Son Hebr. 3.5 he doth not forget any Cause he hath to plead nor doth he use any deceit in pleading An ordinary Attorney may either leave out some word which might make for the Client or put in a word against him having receiv'd a Fee on both sides but Christ is true to the Cause he pleads we may leave our Matters with him we may trust our Lives and Souls in his hand 3. He never dies The Priests under the Law while their Office lived they themselves died Hebr. 7.23 They were not suffered to continue by reason of death but Christ ever lives to make Intercession Hebr. 7.25 He hath no Succession in his Priesthood Quest. Who Christ intercedes for Resp. Not for all promiscuously Iohn 17.9 but for the Elect. The efficacy of Christ's Prayer reacheth no further then the efficacy of his Blood but his Blood was shed only for the Elect therefore his Prayers only reach them The High Priest went into the Sanctuary with the Names only of the Twelve Tribes upon his Breast so Christ goes into Heaven only with the Names of the Elect upon his Breast Christ interceeds for the weakest Believers Iohn 17.20 and for all the sins of Believers In the Law there were some sins the High Priest was neither to offer Sacrifice for nor yet to offer Prayer Numb 15.30 The Soul that doth ought presumptuously shall be cut off The
this should much encourage us to look up to him and hope for Audience in Prayer We might indeed be afraid to present our Petitions if we had not Christ to deliver them Branch 4. The sad Condition of an Unbeliever he hath none in Heaven to speak a word for him Joh. 17.9 I pray not for the world As good be shut out of Heaven as be shut out of Christ's Prayer Christ pleads for the Saints as Queen Esther did for the Iews when they should have been destroyed Let my people be given me at my request Esth. 7.3 When the Devil shows the Blackness of their Sins Christ shows the Redness of his Wounds But how sad is the Condition of that Man Christ will not pray for Nay that he will pray against As Queen Esther petitioned against Haman and then his Face was covered Esth. 7.6 and he was led away to Execution 'T is sad when the Law shall be against the Sinner and Conscience and Judge and no Friend to speak a word for him There 's no way then but Jaylor take the Prisoner Branch 5. If Christ makes Intercession then we have nothing to do with other Intercessors The Church of Rome distinguisheth between Mediators of Redemption and Intercession and say The Angels do not redeem us but intercede for us and pray to them But Christ only can intercede for us Ex Officio God hath consecrated him an High-Priest Heb. 5.6 Thou art a priest for ever Christ intercedes Vi pretii in the Vertue of his Bloud he pleads his Merits to his Father the Angels have no Merits to bring to God therefore can be no Intercessors for us Whoever is our Advocate must be our Propitiation to pacifie God 1 Joh. 2.1 We have an advocate with the Father Verse 2. And he is our propitiation The Angels cannot be our Propitiation ergo not our Advocates 2. Use of Tryal How shall we know that Christ intercedes for us They have little ground to think Christ prays for them who never pray for themselves Well but how shall we know Resp. 1. If Christ be praying for us then his Spirit is praying in us Gal. 4.6 He hath sent forth his spirit into your heart crying Abba Father And Rom. 8.26 the Spirit helps us with Sighs and Groans not only with Gifts but Groans We need not climb up into the Firmament to see if the Sun be there we may see the Beauty of it upon the Earth so we need not go up into Heaven to see if Christ be there interceding for us let us look into our Hearts if they are quickned and inflamed in Prayer and we can cry Abba Father by this interceding of the Spirit within us we may know Christ is interceding above for us Resp. 2. If we are given to Christ then he intercedes for us Joh. 17.9 I pray for them whom thou hast given me 'T is one thing for Christ to be given to us another for us to be given to Christ. Quest. How know you that Resp. 3. If thou art a Believer then thou art one given to Christ and he prays for thee Faith is an Act of Recumbency we do 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 rest on Christ as the Stones in the Building rest upon the Corner-stone Faith throws itself into Christ's Arms it saith Christ is my Priest his Bloud is my Sacrifice his Divine Nature is my Altar and here I rest This Faith is seen by the Effects of it a refining Work and a resigning Work it purifies the Heart there is the refining Work it makes a Deed of Gift to Christ it gives up its Use its Love to him 1 Cor. 6.19 There is the resigning Work of Faith These that believe are given to Christ and have a part in his Prayer Joh. 17.20 Nor do I pray for these alone but for all them that shall believe on me 3. Use of Exhortation Branch 1. It stirs us up to several Duties 1. If Christ appears for us in Heaven then we must appear for him upon Earth Christ is not ashamed to carry our Names on his Breast and shall we be ashamed of his Truth Doth he plead our Cause and shall not we stand up in his Cause What a mighty Argument is this to stand up for the Honour of Christ in Times of Apostacy Christ is interceding for us Doth he present our Names in Heaven and shall not we profess his Name on Earth Branch 2. If Christ lays out all his Interest for us at the Throne of Grace we must lay out all our Interest for him Phil. 1.20 That Christ may be magnified Trade your Talents for Christ's Glory there 's no Man but hath some Talent to trade one parts another Estate Oh trade for Christ's Glory spend and be spent for him Let your Head study for Christ your Hands work for Christ your Tongue speak for him If Christ be an Advocate for us in Heaven we must be Factors for him on Earth every one in his Sphere must act vigorously for Christ. Branch 3. Believe in this glorious Intercession of Christ that he now intercedes for us and that for his sake God will accept us In the Text Who maketh Intercession for us If we believe not we dishonour Christ's Intercession If a poor Sinner may not go to Christ as his High-Priest believing in his Intercession then are we Christians in a worse Condition under the Gospel then the Iews were under the Law they when they had sinn'd had their High-Priest to make Atonement and shall not we have our High-Priest Is not Christ our Aaron who presents his Bloud and Incense before the Mercy-seat O look up by Faith to Christ's Intercession Christ did not only pray for his Disciples and Apostles but for the weakest Believer Branch 4. Love your Intercessor 1 Cor. 16.22 If any man love not the Lord Iesus Christ let him be Anathama Kindness invites Love had you a Friend at Court who when you were questioned for Delinquency or Debt should plead with the Judge for you and bring you off your Troubles would not you love that Friend So it is here how oft doth Satan put in his Bills against us in the Court now Christ is at the Judge's hand he sits at his Father's right hand ever to plead for us and to make our Peace with God O how should our Hearts be fired with Love to Christ Love him with a sincere and superlative Love above Estate Relations Bern. Plusquam tua tuos and our Fire of Love should be as the Fire on the Altar never to go out Lev. 6.13 4. Use of Comfort to Believers Christ is at work for you in Heaven he makes Intercession for you Oh but I am afraid Christ doth not intercede for me Quest. I am a Sinner who doth Christ intercede for Resp. Isa. 53.12 He made intercession for the transgressors Did Christ open his sides for thee and will he not open his mouth to plead for thee Quest. But I have offended my High-Priest by distrusting
one with God our Nature is enobled above the Angelical Nature Christ taking our flesh hath made us nearer to himself than the Angels The Angels are his Friends Believers are flesh of his flesh his Members Eph. 5.30 and cap. 1.23 And the same Glory which is put upon Christ's Humane Nature shall be put upon Believers CHRIST's EXALTATION Phil. 2.9 Wherefore GOD also hath highly exalted him and given him a Name above every name c. BEfore we have spoken of Christ's Humiliation now of his Exaltation Before you saw the Sun of Righteousness in the Eclipse now you shall see it coming out of the Eclipse and shining in its full Splendour and Glory Wherefore God hath highly exalted him 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Super-exaltavit Ambr. Above all Exaltation Quest. XVIII Wherein consists Christ's Exaltation Resp. In his rising from the Dead his ascending into Heaven and sitting at the right Hand of God the Father c. Quest. In what sence God hath exalted Christ Resp. Not in respect of Christ's Godhead for that cannot be exalted higher then it is as in Christ's Humiliation the Godhead was not lower so in his Exaltation the Godhead is not higher But Christ is exalted as a Mediator his Humane Nature is exalted Quest. How many ways is Christ exalted Resp. Five ways God hath exalted Christ 1. In his Titles 2. In his Office 3. In his Ascension 4. In his Session at God's right Hand 5. In constituting him Judge of the World First Title 1. God hath exalted Christ in his Titles 1. He is exalted to be a Lord Act. 19.17 The name of the Lord Iesus was magnified He is a Lord in respect of his Soveraignty he is Lord over Angels and Men Matth. 28.18 All power is given to him Christ hath three Keys in his Hand the Key of the Grave to open the Graves of Men at the Resurrection the Key of Heaven to open the Kingdom of Heaven to whom he will the Key of Hell Rev. 1.18 to lock up the Damned in that fiery Prison To this LORD all Knees must bow Phil. 2.10 That at the name of Iesus every knee should bow Name is put here for Person To that holy thing JESUS to the Scepter of that Divine Person every knee shall bow Bowing is put for Subjection all must be subdued to him as Sons or Captives submit to him as to their Lord or Judge Kiss the Son Psal. 2.12 With a Kiss of Love and Loyalty We must not only cast ourselves into Christ's Arms to be saved by him but we must cast ourselves at his Feet to serve him Second Title Christ is exalted to be a Prince Dan. 12.1 There shall stand up Michael the great prince Some think it was a created Angel but it was Angelus Foederis Christ the Angel of the Covenant He is a great Prince Rev. 1.5 The prince of the kings of the earth They hold their Crowns by immediate Tenure from him His Throne is above the Stars he hath Angels and Archangels for his Attendance Thus he is exalted in his Titles of Honour 2. God hath exalted Christ in his Office He hath honoured him to be Salvator Mundi The Saviour of the World Act. 5.31 Him hath God exalted with his right hand to be a prince and a saviour It was a great Honour to Moses to be a Temporal Saviour but what is it to be the Saviour of Souls Christ is call'd the Horn of Salvation Luke 1.69 He saves from sin Matth. 1.21 From Wrath 1 Thess. 1.10 To save is a Flower belongs only to his Crown Acts 4.12 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Neither is there salvation in any other What an Honour is this to Christ How doth this make Heaven ring of the Saints Praises they sing Halelujahs to Christ their Saviour Rev. 5.9 They sung a new song saying Thou art worthy to take the book and to open the seals for thou wast slain and hast redeemed us to God by thy bloud 3. God hath exalted Christ in his Ascention If he be ascended then he is exalted Austin saith Some were of Opinion that Christ's Body ascended into the Orb and Circle of the Sun So the Hermians But the Scripture is plain he ascended into Heaven Luke 24.51 And Eph. 4.10 Far above all heavens Ergo above the Firmament He is ascended into the highest part of the Empyraean Heaven which Paul calls the third Heaven Concerning Christ's Ascension two things 1. The manner of Christ's Ascension 1. Christ being to ascend blessed his Disciples Luke 24.50 He lift up his hands and blessed them and while he blessed them he was parted from them and carried up into heaven Christ did not leave his Disciples Houses and Lands but he left them his Blessing 2. Christ ascended as a Conqueror in a way of Triumph Psal. 68.18 Thou hast led captivity captive c. He triumph'd over Sin Hell and Death and Christ's Triumph is a Believer's Triumph Christ hath conquered Sin and Hell for every Believer 3. The Fruit of Christ's Ascension Christ's Ascension to Heaven causeth the Descention of the Holy Spirit into our Hearts Eph. 4.8 When he ascended up on high he gave gifts to men Christ having ascended up in the Clouds as his Triumphant Chariot gives the Gift of his Spirit to us As a King at his Coronation bestows Gifts liberally to his Favourites 4. God hath exalted Christ in his Session at God's right hand Mark 16.19 After the Lord had spoken to them he was received up into heaven and sat on the right hand of God Eph. 1.20 He raised him from the dead and set him at his own right hand far above all principality and power and every name that is named Quest. What is meant by Christ's sitting at God's right hand Resp. To speak properly God hath no right Hand or left for being a Spirit he is void of all bodily parts but it is a borrowed Speech a Metaphor taken from the manner of Kings who were wont to advance their Favourites next to their own Persons and set them at their right Hand Solomon caused a Seat to be set for the Queen his Mother and placed her at his right hand 2 Kin. 2.19 So for Christ to sit at the right Hand of God is to be in the next place to God the Father in Dignity and Honour The Humane Nature of Christ being personally united to the Divine is now set down in a Royal Throne in Heaven and adored even of Angels By Vertue of the Personal Union of Christ's Humane Nature with the Divine there is a Communication of all that Glory from the Deity to Christ as his Humane Nature is capable of Not that the Manhood of Christ is advanced to an Equality with the Godhead but the Divine Nature being joyned with the Humane the Humane Nature is wonderfully Glorified though not Deified Christ as Mediator is filled with all Majesty and Honour beyond the Comprehension of the highest Order of Angels Descendit Christus quo inferius non
the Law which he hath transgressed the other from the Gospel which he hath despised But Christ hath redeemed a Believer from this Malediction he hath set him out of the Power of Hell and Damnation Quest. To what hath Christ redeemed us Resp. He hath redeemed us to a glorious Inheritance 1 Pet. 1.4 To an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that fadeth not away reserved in heaven for you 1. To an Inheritance Christ hath not only redeemed us out of Prison but he hath redeemed us to a State of Happiness to an Inheritance Heaven is not a Lease which soon expires but an Inheritance and a glorious Inheritance Col. 1.12 An Inheritance 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in Light Lumen actuat colores Light adorns and gilds the World What were the World without Light but a Prison The Heavenly Inheritance is irradiated with Light Christ as a continual Sun enlightens it with his Beams Rev. 21.23 2. To an Inheritance incorruptible It doth not moulder away or suffer Dissolution Earthly Comforts are shadowed out by the Tabernacle which was transient but Heaven is set out by the Temple which was fixed and permanent built with Stone overlaid with Gold This is the Glory of the Coelestial Inheritance it is incorruptible 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c. Chrysost. Eternity is written upon the Frontis-piece of it 3. Undefiled The Greek word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for Undefiled alludes to a precious Stone called Amiantus which cannot be blemished Such a Place is Heaven undefiled nothing can stain it there 's no Sin there to Eclipse its Purity For the Holiness and Undefiledness of it it is compar'd to pure Gold and to the Saphir and Emerald Rev. 21. The Saphir hath a Vertue saith Pliny to preserve Chastness the Emerald to expel Poyson These are the lively Emblems of Heaven to show the Sanctity of it no Feaver of Lust no Venom of Malice there are none but pure Virgin spirits inhabit 4. It fadeth not away The Greek word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is the name of a Flower Amarantus which keeps a long time fresh and green as Clem. Alexandrinus writes Such is the Heavenly Inheritance it doth not lose its Orient Colour but keeps its Freshness and Greenness to Eternity the Beauty of it fadeth not away To this glorious Inherit●nce hath Christ redeemed the Saints an Inheritance which cannot be fully described or set forth by all the Lights of Heaven though every Star were a Sun and that which is the Diamond in the Ring the Glory of this Inheritance is the Eternal Sight and Fruition of the blessed God the sight of God will be most alluring heart-ravishing Object Kings Presence makes the Court Ioh. 3.2 We shall see him as he is It is comfortable to see God showing himself through the Lettuce of an Ordinance to see him in the Word and Sacrament The Martyrs thought it comfortable to see him in a Prison O then what will it be to see him in Glory shining ten thousand times brighter then the Sun and not only see him but enjoy him for ever Proemium quod fide non attingitur Aug. Faith itself is not able fully to comprehend this Reward And all this Blessedness hath Christ purchased through the Redemption of his Bloud Use 1. Branch 1. See into what a wretched deplorable Condition we had brought ourselves by sin we had sinned ourselves into Slavery Slavery so that we needed Christ to purchase our Redemption Nihil durius servitute Cicero Slavery is the worst Condition Such as are now Prisoners in Algiers think so But by Sin we were in a worse Slavery Slaves to Satan a Merciless Tyrant who sports in the Damnation of Souls In this Condition were we when Christ came to redeem us Branch 2. See in this as in a transparent Glass the Love of Christ to the Elect he came to redeem them these he dyed Intentionally for Were it not great Love for a King's Son to pay a great Sum of Money to redeem a Captive but that he should be content to be a Prisoner in his stead and dye for his Ransom this were Matter of Wonder Jesus Christ hath done all this he hath written his Love in Characters of Bloud It had been much for Christ to speak a good word to his Father for us but he knew that was not enough to redeem us Though a Word speaking made a World yet it would not redeem a Sinner Heb. 9.22 Without shedding of bloud is no remission 2. Use of Tryal If Christ came to purchase our Redemption then let us try whether we are the Persons whom Christ hath redeemed from the Guilt and Curse due to Sin This is a needful Tryal for let me tell you there is but a certain Number whom Christ hath redeemed O say Sinners Christ is a Redeemer and we shall be saved by him Beloved Christ came not to redeem all then we overthrow the Decrees of God Redemption is not as large as Creation I grant there is a Sufficiency of Merit in Christ's Bloud to save all but there 's difference between Sufficiency and Efficiency Christ's Bloud is a sufficient Price for all but it is effectual only to them that believe A Plaister may have a soveraign Vertue in it to heal any Wound but it doth not heal unless applyed to the Wound And if it be so that all have not the Benefit of Christ's Redemption only some then it is a necessary Question to ask our Souls Whether we are in the Number of them that are redeemed by Christ or no Quest. How shall we know that Resp. Such as are redeemed are reconciled to God the Enmity is taken away their Judgments approve their Wills incline ad bonum Col. 1.21 Are they redeemed that are unreconciled to God who hate God and his People as the Vine and Laurel have an Antipathy who do all they can to disparage Holiness are these redeemed who are unreconciled Christ hath purchased a Reprieval for these but a Sinner may have a Reprieve and yet go to Hell Ioh. 5.6 2. Such as are redeemed by Christ are redeemed from the World Gal. 1.4 Who gave himself for our sins that he might deliver or redeem us from this present evil world Such as are redeemed by Christ are risen with Christ Col. 3.1 As the Birds though they light upon the Ground to pick up a little Seed yet immediately they take their Wings and flye up to Heaven again so the Redeemed of the Lord though they use the World and take the lawful Comforts of it yet their Hearts are presently off these things and they ascend to Heaven live here trade above Such as Christ hath dyed for are dead to the World Gal. 6.14 I am crucified to the world to the Honours Profits and Preferments of it What shall we think of them who say they are the Redeemed of the Lord yet are Lovers of the World like the Tribes who desired to have their Portion on this side Canaan Phil. 3.19
Calls Satan calls by a Temptation Lust calls evil company calls But as the Adder stops its Ear against the Voice of the Charmer so he who is effectually called stops his Ear against all the Charms of Flesh and Devil Use 3. Of Comfort to them who are the called of God This Call evidenceth Election Rom. 8.30 Whom he predestinated them he also called Election is the cause of our Vocation and Vocation is the sign of our Election Election is the first Link of the golden Chain of Salvation Vocation is the second he who hath the second Link of the Chain is sure of the first Link As by the Stream we are led to the Fountain so by Vocation we ascend to Election Calling is an earnest and pledge of Glory 2 Thess. 2.13 God hath chosen you to salvation through sanctification We may read God's predestinating love in the work of Grace in our heart Branch 2. To such as are called to be thankful to God for this unspeakable Blessing be thankful to all the Persons in the Trinity to the Father's Mercy to the Son's Merit to the Spirit 's Efficacy To make you thankful consider when you had offended God that he should call you that when God needed you not he had Millions of glorified Saints and Angels to praise him yet he called you Again consider what you were before God called you you were in your sins when God called Paul he found him persecuting when he called Matthew he found him at the Receipt of Custom when he called Zacheus he found him using Extorsion When God calls a Man by his Grace he finds him seeking after his Lusts as when Saul was called to the Kingdom he was seeking the Asses That God should call thee when thou wert in the hot pursuit of sin admire God's Love exalt his Praise Again that God should call you and pass by others what Mercy is this Matth. 11.26 Even so Father for so it seemed good in thy sight That God should pass by the wise and noble Persons of sweeter disposition acuter parts guilty of less Vice and that the Lot of Free-grace should fall on you O astonishing Love of God It was a great favour of God to Samuel that God call'd to him and revealed his Mind to him and passed by Eli though a Priest and a Judge in Israel 1 Sam. 3.9 so that God should call to thee a flagitious sinner and pass by others of higher birth and better morals here is that calls aloud for Praise As God so governs the Clouds that he makes them rain upon one place and not upon another so doth he dispence his Grace it shall drop its sweet dew upon one and not another Two at a Sermon one his heart the Lord opens the other is no more affected with it than a deaf Man with the sound of Musick Here is the Banner of Free-grace display'd and here should be the Trophies of Praise erected Eliah and Elisha were walking together on a sudden there came a Chariot of Fire and carried Eliah up to Heaven but left Elisha behind so when two are walking together Husband and Wife Father and Child that God should call one by his Grace but leave the other carry one up in a triumphant Chariot to Heaven but let the other perish eternally O infinite rich Grace how should they that are call'd be affected with God's discriminating Love how should the Vessels of Mercy run over with Thankfulness how should they stand upon Mount Gerizim blessing and praising God O begin the work of Heaven here Such as are Patterns of Mercy should be Trumpets of Praise Thus S. Paul being call'd of God and seeing what a Debtor he was to Free-grace breaks forth into Admiration and Gratulation 1 Tim. 1.13 Use 4. To the Called walk worthy of your high Calling Eph. 4.1 I beseech you that you walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called in two things 1. Walk compassionately pity such as are yet uncalled Hast thou a Child that God hath not yet called a Wife a Servant Weep over their dying Souls They are in their Bloud under the Power of Satan O pity them Let their sins more trouble you then your own Sufferings If you pity an Ox or Ass going astray will you not pity a Soul going astray Show your Piety by your Pity 2. Walk holily yours is an holy Calling 2 Tim. 1.9 You are called to be Saints Rom. 1.7 Show your Vocation by a Bible-conversation Shall not Flowers smell sweeter than Weeds Shall not they who are ennobled with Grace have more Fragrancy in their Lives than Sinners 1 Pet. 1.15 As he who hath called you is holy so be ye holy in all manner of conversation O dishonour not your high Calling by any sordid Carriage When Antigonus going to defile himself with Women one told him He was a King's Son O remember your Dignity Called of God! of the Bloud-Royal of Heaven do nothing unworthy of your Honourable Calling Scipio refused the Embraces of an Harlot because he was General of an Army Abhor all Motions to sin because of your high Calling 'T is not fit for them who are the Called of God to do as others tho' others of the Iews did drink Wine it was not fit for the Nazarite because he had a Vow of Separation upon him and had promised Abstinence Though Pagans and loose Christians take liberty to sin yet it is not fit for them who are called out of the World and have the Mark of Election upon them to do so You are consecrated Persons your Bodies are the Temples of the Holy Ghost and your Souls must be a Sacrary or Holy of Holies OF IVSTIFICATION Rom. 3.24 Being justified freely by his grace Quest. XXI WHat is Iustification Resp. It is an Act of God's Free-grace whereby he pardoneth all our sins and accepts us as righteous in his sight only for the Righteousness of CHRIST imputed to us and received by Faith Iustification is the very Hinge and Pillar of CHRISTIANITY and an Errour about Iustification is dangerous like a Crack in the Foundation or an Errour in the first Concoction Iustification by Christ is a Spring of the Water of Life and to have the Poison of corrupt Doctrine cast into this Spring is damnable It was a Saying of Luther That after his Death the Doctrine of Iustification would be corrupted As it hath been in these latter Times the Arminians and Socinians have cast a dead Fly into this Box of precious Oyntment I shall endeavour to follow the Star of Scripture to light me through this Mysterious Point Quest. What is meant by Iustification Resp. It is verbum forense a word borrowed from Law-courts wherein a Person arraigned is pronounced Righteous and is openly absolved in the Court Thus God in justifying a Person pronounceth him to be Righteous and looks upon him as if he had not sinned Quest. What is the Ground of Iustification Resp. The Causa 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the
the adoption and the glory But now in the time of Gospel the Chartar is enlarged and the believing Gentiles are within the Line of Communication and have a Right to the Priviledge of Adoption as well as the Iews Acts 10.35 In every nation he that feareth God and worketh righteousness is accepted with him Position 2. Adoption takes in both Sexes Females as well as Males 2 Cor. 6.18 I will be a Father unto you and ye shall be my sons and daughters I have read in some Countries Females are excluded from the Supream Dignity as by the Salique Law in France no Woman can inherit a Crown But if we speak of Spiritual Priviledges Females are as capable as Males Every gracious Soul of whatever Sex lays claim to Adoption and hath an Interest in God as a Father Ye shall be my sons and daughters saith the Lord Almighty Position 3. Adoption is an Act of pure Grace Eph. 1.5 Having predestinated us to the adoption of children according to the good pleasure of his will Adoption is a Mercy spun out of the Bowels of Free-grace all by Nature are Strangers therefore have no Right to Sonship only God is pleased to adopt one and not another to make one a Vessel of Glory another a Vessel of Wrath. The adopted Heir may cry out Lord how is it thou wilt show thyself to me and not unto the World Quest. What this 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 this Filiation or Adoption is Resp. Adoption is the taking a Stranger into the Relation of a Son and Heir So Moses was the adopted Son of King Pharoah's Daughter Exod. 2.10 And Esther was the adopted Child of her Cousin Mordecai Esth. 2.7 Thus God adopts us into the Family of Heaven and God in adopting us doth two things 1. He Ennobles us with his Name he who is adopted bears his Name who adopts him Rev. 3.12 I will write on him the name of my God 2. God consecrates us with his Spirit Whom he Adopts he Anoints whom he makes Sons he makes Saints When a Man adopts another for his Son and Heir he may put his Name upon him but he cannot put his Disposition into him if he be of a morose rugged Nature he cannot alter it But whom God adopts he sanctifies He doth not only give them a new Name but a new Nature 2 Pet. 1.4 God turns the Wolf into a Lamb he makes the Heart humble and gracious he works such a Change as if another Soul did dwell in the same Body Quest. From what State doth God take us when he adopts us Resp. From a State of Sin and Misery King Pharoah's Daughter took Moses out of the Ark of Bulrushes in the Water and adopted him for her Son God did not take us out of the Water but out of our Bloud and adopted us Ezek. 16. God adopted us from Slavery It is a Mercy to redeem a Slave but it is more to adopt him Quest. To what God adopts us Resp. He adopts us to a State of Excellency it were much for God to take a Clod of Dust and make it a Star it is more for God to take a Piece of Clay and Sin and adopt it for his Heir 1. God adopts us to a State of Liberty Adoption is a State of Freedom A Slave being adopted is made a free Man Gal. 4.7 Thou art no more a servant but a son Quest. How is an adopted Son free Resp. 1. Not to do what he list he is freed from the Dominion of Sin the Tyranny of Satan the Curse of the Law 2. He is free in the manner of Worship he hath God's free Spirit which makes him free and chearful in his Service of God he is joyful in the house of prayer Isa. 56.7 2. God adopts us to a State of Dignity God makes us Heirs of Promise God Instals us into Honour Isa. 43.4 Since thou wast precious in my sight thou hast been honourable The Adopted are God's Treasure Exod. 19.5 His Jewels Mal. 3.17 His first Born Heb. 12.23 They have Angels for their Life-guard Heb. 1.14 They are of the Bloud-Royal of Heaven 1 Iob. 3.9 The Scripture hath set forth their Spiritual Heraldry they have their Escutcheon or Coat-armour Sometimes they give the Lyon for their Courage Prov. 28.1 Sometimes the Dove for their Meekness Cant. 2.14 Sometimes the Eagle for their Sublimeness Isa. 40.31 Thus you see their Coat of Arms display'd but what is Honour without Inheritance God adopts all his Sons to an Inheritance Luke 12.32 It is your Father's good pleasure to give you a kingdom 'T is no Disparagment to be the Sons of God To reproach the Saints is as if Shimei had reproached David when he was going to be made King Adoption ends in Coronation The Kingdom God gives his adopted Sons and Heirs excels all Earthly Monarchies 1. In Riches Rev. 21.21 the Gates of Pearl and the Streets of pure Gold and as it were transparent Glass 2. In Tranquility it is peaceable the white Lily of Peace is the best Flower of a Prince's Crown Pax una triumphis innumeris melior No Divisions at Home or Invasions Abroad no more the Noise of the Drum or Canon but the Voice of Harpers harping the Hieroglyphick of Peace Rev. 14.2 3. In Stability other Kingdoms are corruptible though they have Heads of Gold yet Feet of Clay but this Kingdom into which the Saints are adopted runs parallel with Eternity 't is a Kingdom that cannot be shaken Heb. 12.28 The Heirs of Heaven reign for ever and ever Rev. 22.5 Quest. What is the Organical or Instrumental Cause of Adoption Resp. Faith interests us in the Priviledge of Adoption Gal. 3.26 Ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Iesus Before Faith be wrought we are Spiritually Illegitimate we have no relation to God as a Father an Unbeliever may call God Iudge but not Father Faith is the filiating Grace it confers upon us the Title of Sonship and gives us right to inherit Quest. Why Faith is the Instrument of Adoption more then any other Grace Resp. 1. Faith is a quickning Grace it is the Vital Artery of the Soul Hab. 2.4 The just shall live by faith Life makes us capable of Adoption dead Children are never adopted 2. Faith makes us CHRIST's Brethren and so GOD comes to be our Father Use 1. Branch 1. See the amazing Love of God in making us his Sons Plato gave God Thanks that he had made him a Man and not only a Man but a Philosopher but it is infinitely more that he should invest us with the Prerogative of Sons It is Love in God to feed us but more to adopt us 1 Joh. 3.1 Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God! It is an Ecce Admirantis a Behold of Wonder The Wonder of God's Love in adopting us will appear the more if we consider these six things 1. That God should adopt us when he
justified then he is but he may be more sanctified than he is Sanctification is still encreasing like the Morning Sun which grows brighter to the full Meridian Knowledge is said to encrease Col. 1.10 and Faith to encrease 2 Cor. 10.15 a Christian is continually adding a Cubit to his spiritual Stature It is not with us as it was with Christ who received the Spirit without measure Christ would not be more holy then he was But we have the Spirit only in measure and may be still augmenting our Grace as Appelles when he had drawn a Picture he would be still mending it with his Pencil The Image of God is drawn but imperfectly in us therefore we must be still mending it and drawing it in more lively Colours Sanctification is progressive if it doth not grow it is because it doth not live Thus you see the Nature of Sanctification Quest. What are the Counterfeits of Sanctification Resp. There is something looks like Sanctification which is not 1. The first Counterfeit of Sanctification is Moral Vertue To be just temperate to be of a fair deportment not having ones Scocheon blotted with ignominious scandal this is good but not enough this is not Sanctification A field flower differs from a garden flower 1. Heathens have attain'd to Morality Cato Socrates Aristides Civility is but Nature refined there 's nothing of Christ there the heart may be foul and impure under these fair Leaves of Civility the worm of Unbelief may be hid 2. A Moral Person hath a secret antipathy against Grace he hates Vice and he hates Grace as much as Vice The Snake hath a fine colour but a sting A Person adorned and cultivated with Moral Vertue hath a secret spleen against Sanctity Those Stoicks which were the chief of the moralized Heathens were the bitterest Enemies St. Paul had Acts 17.18 2. The second Counterfeit of Sanctification is superstitious Devotion this abounds in Popery Adorations Images Altars Vestments Holy Water which I look upon as a religious frenzy This is far from Sanctification 1. It doth not put any intrinsical goodness into a Man it doth not make a Man better If the legal Purifications and Washings which were of God's own appointing did not make them that used them more holy the Priests who wore holy Garments and had holy Oil poured on them were never the more holy without the anointing of the Spirit then surely those superstitious Innovations in Religion which God never appointed cannot contribute any holiness to Men. 2. A superstitious Holiness costs no great labour there is nothing of the Heart in it If to tell over a few Beads or bow to an Image to sprinkle themselves with Holy-water if this were Sanctification and were all that were required of them that should be saved then Hell would be empty none would come there 3. The third Counterfeit of Sanctification is Hypocrisie when men make a pretence of that Holiness which they have not A Cemet may shine like a Star such a Lustre shines from their Profession as dazleth the eyes of the beholders 2 Tim. 3.5 Having a form of godliness but denying the power These are Lamps without Oil whited Sepulchres like the Egyptian Temples which had fair Out-sides but within Spiders and Apes The Apostle speaks of true holiness Eph. 4.24 implying there is an Holiness which is spurious and feigned Rev. 3.1 Thou hast a name to live but art dead like Pictures and Statutes which are destitute of a vital principle Iude 12. Clouds without water They pretend to be full of the Spirit but empty Clouds This shew of Sanctification when it is nothing else is Self-delusion He who takes Copper instead of Gold wrongs himself most the Counterfeit Saint deceives others while he lives but deceives himself when he dies To pretend Holiness when there is none is a vain thing What were the foolish Virgins better for their blazing Lamps when they wanted Oil What is the Lamp of Profession without the Oil of Saving Grace what Comfort will a shew of Holiness yield at last will painted Gold enrich painted Wine refresh him that is thirsty will painted Holiness be a Cordial at the hour of Death A pretence of Sanctification is not to be rested in Many Ships that have had the name of the Hope the Safe-guard the Triumph yet have been cast away upon the Rocks so many who have had the name of Saintship have been cast into Hell 4. The fourth Counterfeit of Sanctification is restraining Grace When Men forbear Vice though they do not hate it This may be the sinners Motto Fain I would but I dare not The Dog hath a mind to the Bone but is afraid of the Cudgel Men have a mind to Lust but Conscience stands as the Angel with a flaming Sword and affrights They have a mind to Revenge but the fear of Hell is a Curb-bit to check them Here is no change of heart sin is curbed but not cured a Lion may be in Chains but is a Lion still 5. The fifth Counterfeit of Sanctification is common Grace which is a slight transient work of the Spirit but doth not amount to Conversion There is some light in the Judgment but it is not humbling some Checks in the Conscience but they are not awakening This looks like Sanctification but is not Men have Convictions wrought in them but they break loose from them again like the Deer which being shot shakes out the Arrow After Conviction Men go into the House of Mirth take the Harp to drive away the Spirit of Sadness and so all dies and comes to nothing Quest. Wherein appears the necessity of Sanctification Resp. In six things 1. God hath called us to it 2 Pet. 1.4 Who hath called us to glory and vertue to Vertue as well as Glory God hath not called us unto uncleanness but unto holiness 1 Thess. 4.7 We have no call to sin we may have a temptation but no call no call to be proud or unclean but we have a call to be holy 2. The necessity appears in this without Sanctification there is no evidencing our Justification Justification and Sanctification go together 1 Cor. 6.11 But ye are sanctified but ye are justified Mic. 7.18 Pardoning iniquity there is Justification ver 19. He will subdue our iniquities there is Sanctification Out of Christs sides came water and blood 1 Joh. 5.6 Blood viz. Justification Water viz. Sanctification Such as have not the Water out of Christ's sides to cleanse them shall never have the Blood out of his sides to save them 3. Without Sanctification we have no title to the New Covenant The Covenant of Grace is our Charter for Heaven The Tenure of the Covenant is that God will be our God the crowning Blessing But who are interessed in the Covenant and may plead the benefit of it only sanctified Persons Ezek. 36.26 A new heart will I give you and I will put my spirit within you and I will be your God If a Man
Health Riches Success but by drawing his Image of Sanctification on us by the Pensil of the Holy Ghost Branch 2. It shows the Misery of such as are destitute of a Principle of Sanctification they are spiritually dead Eph. 2.1 Though they breathe yet they do not live The greatest part of the World remain Unsanctified 1. Ioh. 5.19 The World lies in Wickedness that is the major Part of the World Many call themselves Christians yet blot out the word Saints you may as well call him a Man who wants Reason as him a Christian who wants Grace Nay which is worse some are boy'd up to such an height of Wickedness that they hate and deride Sanctification 1. They hate it 't is bad to want it it is worse to hate it they embrace the Form of Religion but hate the Power The Vulter hates sweet smells so do they the Perfume of Holiness 2. Deride it these are your Holy Ones To deride Sanctification argues an high Degree of Atheism and is a black Brand of Reprobation Scoffing Ishmael was cast out of Abraham's Family Gen. 21.9 Such as scoff at Holiness shall be cast out of Heaven 2. Use of Exhortation Above all things pursue after Sanctification seek Grace more then Gold Prov. 4.13 Keep her for she is thy life Quest. What are the chief Inducements to Sanctification Resp. First it is the Will of God that we should be Holy In the Text This is the will of God your sanctification As God's Word must be the Rule so his Will the Reason of our Actions This is the Will of God our Sanctification Perhaps it is not the Will of God we should be rich but it is his Will that we should be holy God's Will is our Warrant 2. Jesus Christ hath died for our Sanctification Christ shed his blood to wash off our impurity The Cross was both an Altar and a Lavor Tit. 2.14 Who gave himself for us to redeem us from all iniquity If we could be saved without holiness Christ needed not have died Christ died not only to save us from wrath but from sin 3. Sanctification makes us resemble God It was Adam's sin that he aspired to be like God in Omnisciency but we must endeavour to be like him in Sanctity It is only a clear Glass in which you can see a face it is only an holy Heart in which something of God can be seen there is nothing of God to be seen in an unsanctified Man you may see Satan's Picture in him Envy is the Devil's Eye Hypocrisie his cloven Foot but nothing of God's Image can be seen in him You can see no more of God in him then you can see a Man's face in a Glass that is dusty and foul 4. Sanctification is that God bears a great love to Not any outward Ornaments high blood or worldly grandure draws God's love but an heart embellished with holiness Christ never admired any thing but the beauty of holiness he slighted the glorious buildings of the Temple but admired the Womans Faith O woman great is thy faith Amor fundatur similitudine A King delights to see his Image upon a piece of Coin where God sees his likeness there he gives his love The Lord hath two Heavens he dwells in and the holy Heart is one of them 5. Sanctification is the only thing doth difference us from the wicked God's People have his Seal upon them 2 Tim. 2.19 The foundation of God standeth sure having this Seal the Lord knoweth them that are his and let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity The Godly are sealed with a double Seal 1. a Seal of Election The Lord knoweth who are his 2. a Seal of Sanctification Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity This is the name by which God's People are known Isa. 63.18 Gnam Kodsheca the people of thy holiness As Chastity distinguisheth a vertuous Woman from an Harlot so Sanctification distinguisheth God's People from others 1 Ioh. 2.27 Ye have received an unction from the holy one 6. It is a shame to have the Name of a Christian yet want Sanctity as to have the Name of a Steward yet want Fidelity the Name of a Virgin yet want Chastity It exposeth Religion to reproach to be baptized into the Name of Christ yet unholy to have Eyes full of Tears on a Sabbath and on a Week-day Eyes full of Adultery 2 Pet. 2.14 To be so devout at the Lord's Table as if Men were stepping into Heaven and so prophane the Week after as if they came out of Hell To have the Name of Christians yet unholy is a Scandal to Religion and make the ways of God evil spoken of 7. Sanctification fits for Heaven 2 Pet. 1.3 Who hath called us to glory and vertue Glory is the Throne and Sanctification is the Step by which we ascend to it First you cleanse the Vessel and then you pour in the Wine First God cleanseth us by Sanctification and then pours in the Wine of Glory Solomon was first anointed with Oil and then he was King 1 Kings 1.39 First God anoints us with the holy Oil of his Spirit and then he sets the Crown of Happiness upon our Head Pureness of Heart and seeing God are link'd together Matth. 5.8 Quest. How may Sanctification be attained to Resp. 1. Be conversant in the Word of God Iohn 17.17 Sanctifie them through thy truth The Word is both a Glass to shew us the Spots of our Soul and a Lavor to wash them away the Word hath a transforming vertue in it it irradiates the mind and consecrates the heart 2. Get Faith in Christ's Blood Acts 15.9 Having purified their hearts by faith She in the Gospel that touched the hem of Christ's Garment was healed a touch of Faith purifies nothing can have a greater force upon the heart to sanctifie it then Faith If I believe Christ and his Merits are mine how can I sin against him Justifying Faith doth that in a Spiritual sense which miraculous Faith doth it removes Mountains the Mountain of Pride Lust Envy Faith and the love of sin are inconsistent 3. Breathe after the Spirit it is called the sanctification of the Spirit 2 Thess. 2.13 The Spirit sanctifies the Heart as Lightning purifies the Air as Fire refines Metals Omne agens generat sibi simile The Spirit stamps the impress of its own Sanctity upon the Heart as the Seal prints its Effigies and Likeness upon the Wax The Spirit of God in a Man perfumes him with Holiness and makes his Heart a Map of Heaven 4. Associate with sanctified Persons They may by their Counsel Prayers holy Example be a means to make you holy As the communion of Saints is in our Creed so it should be in our Company Prov. 13.20 He that walketh with the wise shall be wise Association begets Assimilation 5. Pray for Sanctification Iob propounds a Question Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean
Job 15.14 God can do it Out of an unholy Heart he can produce Grace O! make David's Prayer Psal. 51.10 Create in me a clean heart O God Lay thy Heart before the Lord and say Lord my unsanctified Heart pollutes all it toucheth I am not fit to live with such an Heart for I cannot honour thee nor to die with such an Heart for I cannot see thee O create in me a clean heart Lord consecrate my heart and make it thy Temple and thy Praises shall be sung there for ever Use 3. of Thankfulness Hath God brought a clean thing out of an unclean hath he sanctified you wear this Jewel of Sanctification with thankfulness Col. 1.12 Giving thanks to the Father 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 who hath made us meet for the Inheritance c. Christian Thou could'st defile thy self but not sanctifie thy self But God hath done it he hath not only chain'd up sin but chang'd thy Nature and made thee as a King's Daughter all glorious within He hath put upon thee the Breast-place of Holiness which though it may be shot at can never be shot thorow Are there any here that are sanctified God hath done more for you then millions They may be illuminated but not sanctified He hath done more for you then if he had made you the Sons of Princes and caused you to ride upon the high places of the Earth Are you sanctified Heaven is begun in you Happiness is nothing but the quintissence of Holiness O how thankful should you be to God Do as that blind Man in the Gospel after he had received his sight He followed Christ glorifying God Luke 18.43 Make Heaven ring of God's Praises Of ASSVRANCE Quest. WHat are the Benefits flow from Sanctification Resp. Assurance of God's Love Peace of Conscience Ioy in the Holy Ghost Encrease of Grace and Perseverance therein to the end 1. Benefit flowing from Sanctification is assurance of God's Love 2 Pet. 1.10 Give Diligence to make your Calling and Election sure Sanctification is the Seed Assurance is the Flower which grows out of it Assurance is a consequent of Sanctification the Saints of old had it 1 Iohn 2.3 We know that we know him 2 Tim. 1.12 I know whom I have believed here was Sensus Fidei the reflex act of Faith and Gal. 2.20 Christ hath loved me Here was Faith flourishing into Assurance Aecolampadias when he was Sick pointed to his Heart Hic sat Lucis Here I have Light enough meaning Comfort and Assurance Quest. 1. Have all Sanctified Persons Assurance Resp. They have a right to it and I do incline to believe that all have it in some degree before their last expiring though their Comfort may be so strong and their Vital Spirits so weak that they cannot express what they feel But I dare not positively affirm that all have Assurance in the first moment of their Sanctification A Letter may be written when it is not Sealed so Grace may be written in the heart yet the Spirit may not set the Seal of Assurance to it God is a free Agent and may give or suspend Assurance pro libito as he please Where there is the Sanctifying work of the Spirit he may withhold the Sealing work partly to keep the Soul Humble partly to punish our careless walking We neglect our Spiritual watch grow remiss in duty and then walk under a Cloud We quench the Graces of the Spirit and God withholds the Comforts and partly to put a difference between Earth and Heaven This I the rather speak to bear up the Hearts of Gods People who are dejected because they have not Assurance You may have the Water of the Spirit poured on you in Sanctification though not the Oyl of Gladness in Assurance there may be Faith of Adherence and not of Evidence there may be Life in the Root when there is no Fruit in the Branches to be seen so Faith in the Heart when no Fruit of Assurance Quest 2. What is Assurance Resp. It is not Vocal any audible Voice or brought to us by the help of an Angel or Revelation Assurance consists of a Practical Sylogism where the Word of God makes the major Conscience the minor the Spirit of God the Conclusion The Word saith He that fears and loves God is loved of God there is the major Proposition then Conscience makes the minor but I fear and love God then the Spirit makes the Conclusion therefore thou art loved of God And this is that which the Apostle calls The Witnessing of the Spirit with our Spirits that we are his Children Rom. 8.16 Quest. 3. Whether hath a Sanctified Soul such an Assurance as excludes all doubting Resp. He hath that which bears up his Heart from sinking he hath such an Earnest of the Spirit that he would not part with for the Richest Prize but his Assurance though it be infallible it is not perfect There will be sometimes a Trepidation or Trembling he is safe yet not without fears and doubts as a Ship lies safe at Anchor yet may be a little shaken by the Wind. If a Christian had no Doubtings there should be no unbelief in him had he no Doubtings there would be no difference between Grace Militant and Triumphant Had not David his Ebbings sometimes as well as his Flowings like the Mariner who sometimes cries out Stellam Video I see a Star sometimes the Star is out of Sight Sometimes we hear David say Thy Loving Kindness is before mine Eyes Psal. 26.3 But at another time he was at a loss Psal. 89.49 Lord where are thy former Loving Kindnesses And there may fall out an Eclipse in a Christians Assurance to put him upon longing after Heaven Then there shall not be the least doubting then the Banner of Gods Love shall be always display'd upon the Soul then the light of God's Face shall be without Clouds and have no Sun-setting then the Saints shall have an uninterrupted Assurance and be ever with the Lord. Quest. 4. What are the differences between true Assurance and Presumption Resp. 1. They differ in the method or manner of working Divine Assurance flows from Humiliation for Sin I speak not of the measure of Humiliation but the Truth There are in Palermo Reeds growing in which there is a Sugred Juice A Soul humbled for Sin is the Bruised Reed in which grows this sweet Assurance God's Spirit is a Spirit of Bondage before it be a Spirit of Adoption but Presumption ariseth without any humbling work of the Spirit How camest thou by thy Venison so soon The Plow goes before the Seed be sown the Heart must be plowed up by Humiliation and Repentance before God sows the Seed of Assurance 2. He who hath a real Assurance will take heed of that which will weaken and darken his Assurance he is fearful of the Forbidden Fruit he knows though he cannot sin away his Soul yet he may sin away his Assurance But he who hath the Ignis Fatuus of
Presumption doth not fear defiling his Garments he is bold in sin Ier. 3.4 5. Wilt thou not cry unto me my Father behold thou hast done evil things as thou couldest Balaam said My God yet a Sorcerer A Sign he hath no Mony about him who fears not to Travel all Hours in the Night a sign he hath not the Jewel of Assurance who fears not the works of Darkness 3. True Assurance is built upon a Scripture-basis the Word saith The effect of Righteousness shall be Quietness and Assurance for ever Isa. 32.17 A Christians Assurance is built upon this Scripture God hath sown the Seed of Righteousness in his Soul and this Seed hath brought forth the Harvest of Assurance But Presumption is a spurious thing it hath no Scripture to shew for its Warrant it is like a Will without Seal and Witnesses which is null and void in Law Presumption wants both the Witness of the Word and the Seal of the Spirit 4. Assurance flowing from Sanctification always keeps the Heart in a lowly posture Lord saith the Soul what am I that passing by so many the Golden Beams of thy Love should shine upon me St. Paul had Assurance is he proud of this Jewel No. Ephes. 3.8 To me who am less than the least of all Saints The more love a Christian receives from God the more he sees himself a Debtor to free Grace and the sense of his Debt keeps his Heart Humble but Presumption is bred of Pride He who Presumes Disdains he think himself better than others Luke 18.11 God I thank thee I am not as other Men are nor as this Publican Feathers fly up but Gold descends he who hath this Golden Assurance his Heart descends in Humility Quest. 5. What is it may excite us to look after Assurance Resp. To consider how sweet it is and the noble and excellent effects it produceth Effect 1. How sweet it is This is the Manna in the Golden Pot the white Stone the Wine of Paradise which chears the Heart How comfortable is God's Smile The Sun is more refreshing when it shineth out that when it is hid in a Cloud it is a praelibation and fore-tast of Glory it puts a Man in Heaven before his time none can know how delicious and ravishing it is but such as have felt it as none can know how sweet Hony is but they who have tasted it 2. The noble and excellent Effects it produceth 1. Assurance will make us love God and Praise him 1. Love him Love is the Soul of Religion the Fat of the Sacrifice and who can love God so as he who hath Assurance The Sun reflecting its Beams on a burning Glass makes the Glass burn that that is near to it So Assurance which is the reflection of Gods love upon the Soul makes it burn in love to God St. Paul was assured of Christ's love to him Gal. 2.20 who hath loved me and how was his Heart fired with love he valued and admired nothing but Christ Phil. 3.8 as Christ was fastned to the Cross so he was fastned to Paul's Heart 2. Praise him Praise is the Quit-rent we pay to the Crown of Heaven who but he who hath Assurance of his Justification Man in a Swoon or Apoplexy Praise God that he is alive Can a Christian staggering with Fears about his Spiritual Condition praise God that he is elected and justified No The living the living he shall praise thee Isa. 38.19 Such as are enliven'd with Assurance they are the fittest Persons to sound forth Gods Praise Effect 2. Assurance would drop Sweetness into all our Creature-Enjoyments it would be as Sugar to Wine an earnest of more it gives a Blessing with the Venison As Guilt imbitters our Comforts it is like drinking out of a Wormwood Cup So Assurance would indulcorate and sweeten all Health and the Assurance of Gods Love are sweet Riches with the Assurance of a Kingdom are delectable Nay a Dinner of Green Herbs with the Assurance of Gods Love is Princely Fare Effect 3. Assurance would make us Active and Lively in Gods Service it would excite Prayer quicken Obedience as Diligence begets Assurance so Assurance begets Diligence Assurance will not as the Papists say breed Security in the Soul but Industry Doubting does discourage us in Gods Service but the Assurance of his Favour breeds Joy And the Ioy of the Lord is our strength Nehem. 8.10 Assurance makes us mount up to Heaven as Eagles in Holy Duties it is like the Spirit in Ezekiel's Wheels that moved them and lifted them up Faith would make us Walk but Assurance would make us Run We should never think we could do enough for God Assurance would be as Wings to the Bird as Weights to the Clock to set all the Wheels of Obedience a running Effect 4. Assurance would be a Golden Shield to beat back Temptation Assurance Triumphs over Temptation There are two sorts of Temptation Satan useth 1. He tempts to draw us to Sin Now the being assured of our Justification would make this Temptation vanish What Satan shall I Sin against him who hath loved me and washed me in his Blood Shall I return to Folly after God hath spoken Peace Shall I weaken my Assurance wound my Conscience grieve my Comforter Avoid Satan Tempt no more 2. Satan would make us question our Interest in God he tells us we are Hypocrites and God doth not love us Now there is no such Shield against this Temptation as Assurance What Satan have I a real Work of Grace in my Heart and the Seal of the Spirit to witness it and dost thou tell me God doth not love me Now I know thou art an Impostor who goest about to disprove what I sensibly feel If Faith resists the Devil Assurance would put him to flight Effect 5. Assurance would make us contented though we have but a little in the World He who hath Enough is Content He who hath Sun-light is Content though he wants Torch-light A Man that hath Assurance hath enough In uno salvatore omnes florent gemmae ad salutem He hath the Riches of Christs Merit of his Love an Earnest of his Glory he is fill'd with the Fulness of God here is enough and having enough he is Content Psal. 16.5 The Lord is the portion of my Inheritance The Lanes are fallen unto me in a pleasant place and I have a goodly Heritage Assurance will rock the Heart quiet the reason of Discontent is either because Men have no Interest in God or do not know their Interest St. Paul I know whom I have believed 2 Tim. 1.12 There was the Assurance of his Interest and 2 Cor. 6.10 As sorrowful yet always rejoycing c. There was his Contentment Get but Assurance and you will be out of the weekly Bill of Murmurers you will be discontented no more What can come amiss to him that hath Assurance God is his Hath he lost a Friend His Father lives Hath he lost his only Child
being willing to lose all for his Sake 4. If you have Assurance improve it for Gods Glory several ways 1. By encouraging such as are yet unconverted Tell them how sweet this hidden Manna is Tell them what a good Master you serve what Vails you have had Tell them God hath carried you to the Hill of Myrrhe to the Mountains of Spices He hath given you not only a Prospect of Heaven but an Earnest O perswade Sinners by all the Love and Mercy of God that they would enroll their Names in his Family and cast themselves upon him for Salvation Tell them God hath met with you and unlock'd the Secrets of Free Grace and assured you of a Land flowing with those infinite Delights which Eye hath not seen Thus by telling others what God hath done for your Soul you may make them in love with the ways of God and cause them to turn Proselytes to Religion 2. Improve Assurance by comforting such as want it Be as the good Samaritan pour Wine and Oyl into their Wounds You ●ho have Assurance are gotten as it were to the Haven you are sure of your Happiness but do you not see others who are struggling with the Waves of Temptation and Desertion and are ready to sink O now Sympathize with them and do what you can to comfort them when they are in this deep Ocean 2 Cor. 1.6 Whether we be comforted it is for your Consolation The comfortable experience of one Christian being communicated to another doth much revive and bear up his fainting Heart Our Comfort saith the Apostle is for your Consolation 3. Improve Assurance by walking more Heavenly you should Scorn these things below you who have an Earnest of Heaven should not be too Earnest for the Earth You have Angels Food and it becomes not you with the Serpent to lick the Dust. The Wicked are all for Corn Wine and Oyl but you have that which is better God hath lifted up the Light of his Countenance Will you hanker after the World when you have been feeding upon the Grapes and Pomegranates of the Holy Land Do you now Lust after the Garlick and Onions of Egypt when you are Cloathed with the Sun will you set the Moon and Stars above you O let them scramble for the World who have nothing else but Husks to feed on Have you assurance of Heaven and is not that enough Will not a Kingdom satisfie you Such as are high in Assurance should be in the Altitudes live above the World 4. Improve Assurance by a Chearful Walking It is for Condemn'd Persons to go hanging down their Head but hast thou thy Absolution Doth thy God smile on thee Chear up 2 Sam. 13.4 Why art thou being the King's Son Lean Art thou the King's Son hath God assured thee of thy Adoption and art thou ●ad Assurance should be an Antidote against all Trouble What though the World hate thee yet thou art assur'd that thou art one of Gods Favourites What though there is but little Oyl in the Cruse and thou art low in the World yet thou art high in Assurance O then rejoyce How Musical is the Bird How doth it chirp and sing that knows not where to pick up the next Crumb And shall they be sad and discontented who have God's Bond to assure them of their daily Bread and his Love to assure them of Heaven But certainly those who have Assurance cannot but be of a Sanguine Complexion 5. If you have an Assurance of Salvation let this make you long after a Glorified State He who hath an Earnest in his Hand desires the whole Sum to be paid That Soul who hath tasted how sweet the Lord is should long for a fuller enjoyment of him in Heaven Hath Christ put this Ring of Assurance on thy Hand and so espoused thee to himself how shouldst thou long for the Marriage Supper of the Lamb Rev. 19.9 O Christian think with thy self if a glimpse of Heaven a smile of God's Face be so sweet what will it be to be ever sunning thy self in the Light of God's Countenance Certainly you who have an Assurance of your Title to Heaven cannot but desire Possession Be content to Live but willing to Dye 6. If you have Assurance be careful you do no not lose it keep it for it is your Life viz. the comfort of your Life Keep Assurance 1 st by Prayer Psal. 36.10 O continue thy Loving Kindness Lord continue Assurance do not take away this Privy Seal from me 2 dly Keep Assurance by Humility Pride estrangeth God from the Soul when you are high in Assurance be low in Humility St. Paul had Assurance and he Baptizeth himself with this Name Chief of Sinners 1 Tim. 1.15 The Jewel of Assurance is best kept in the Cabinet of an Humble Heart Of PEACE 1 Pet. 1.2 Grace unto you and Peace be multiplied HAving spoken of the first Fruit of Sanctification Assurance I proceed to the Second viz. Peace Peace be Multiplied Quest. What are the several species or kinds of Peace Resp. Peace in Scripture is compar'd to a River Isa. 66.12 this River parts it self into Two Silver Streams 1. There is an External Peace and that is either 1. Aeconomical Peace in a Family 2. Political Peace in the State Peace is the Nurse of Plenty Psal. 147.14 He maketh Peace in thy Borders and filleth thee with the finest of the Wheat How pleasant is it when the Waters of Blood begin to asswage and we can see the Windows of our Ark open and the Dove returning with an Olive-branch of Peace 3. Ecclesiastical Peace Peace in the Church It s Unity in Trinity is the greatest Mystery in Heaven and Unity in Verity the greatest Mercy on Earth Peace Ecclesiastical stands in opposition to Schism and Persecution 2. A Spiritual Peace which is Two-fold Peace above us or Peace with God and Peace within us or Peace with Conscience This is Superlative other Peace may be lasting this is everlasting Quest. 2. Whence comes this Peace Resp. This Peace hath the whole Trinity for its Author 1. God the Father is the God of Peace 1 Thes. 5.23 2. God the Son is the Prince of Peace Isa. 9.6 3. Peace is said to be the fruit of the Spirit Gal. 5.22 1. God the Father is the God of Peace As he is the God of Order 1 Cor. 14.33 so the God of Peace Phil. 4.9 This was the form of the Priests blessing the People Numb 6.26 The Lord give thee Peace 2. God the Son is the Purchaser of Peace He hath made Peace by his Blood Col. 1.20 Having made Peace by the Blood of his Cross. The Attonement Aaron made for the People when he entred into the Holy of Holies with Blood was a Type of Christ our High Priest who hath by his Sacrifice pacified his angry Father and made Attonement for us Christ purchased our Peace upon hard terms his Soul was in an Agony while he was travailing to bring forth
to meddle again with that Sin which will breed the Worm of Conscience Secondly Make up your Spiritual Accounts daily See how Matters stand between God and your Souls Psal. 77.6 I commune with my own Heart Often Reckonings keep God and Conscience Friends do with your Hearts as you do with your Watches wind them up every Morning by Prayer and at Night examine whether your Hearts have gone true all the day whether the Wheels of your Affections have moved swiftly towards Heaven Oh call your selves often to account keep your Reckonings even and that is the way to keep your Peace Of IOY Gal. 5.22 The Fruit of the Spirit is Ioy. THE third Fruit of Justification Adoption and Sanctification is Joy in the Holy Ghost Joy is the setting the Soul upon the Top of a Pinacle 't is the Cream of the sincere Milk of the Word Quest. 1. What is this Ioy Resp. Spiritual Joy is a sweet and delightful Passion arising from the Apprehension and Feeling of some Good whereby the Soul is supported under present Troubles and fenced against future Fear 1. It is a Delightful Passion So it is contrary to Sorrow which is a Perturbation of Mind whereby the Heart is perplexed and cast down Joy is a sweet and pleasant Affection which easeth the Mind Exhilarates and Comforts the Spirits 2. It ariseth from the Feeling of some Good Joy is not a Fancy or bred of Conceit but is Rational and ariseth from the feeling of some Good viz. The Sense of Gods Love and Favour Joy is so Real a thing that it makes a sudden Change in a Person it turns Mourning into Melody As in Spring time when the Sun comes to our Horizon it makes a sudden Alteration in the Face of the Universe the Birds sing the Flowers appear the Fig-tree puts forth forth her green Figs every thing seems to rejoyce and put off its Mourning as being revived with the sweet Influence of the Sun so when the Sun of Righteousness ariseth on the Soul it makes a sudden Alteration and the Soul is infinitely rejoyced with the Golden Beams of Gods Love 3. By it the Soul is supported under present Troubles Joy stupifies and swallows up Troubles it carries the Heart above them as the Oyl swims above the Water 4. The Heart is fenced against future Fear Joy is both a Cordial and an Antidote it is a Cordial which gives present Relief to the Spirits when they are Sad and an Antidote it fenceth off Fear of approaching Danger Psal. 23.4 I will fear no Evil for thou art with me thy Rod and thy Staff comfort me Quest. 2. How is this Ioy wrought Resp. 1. It ariseth partly from the Promise As the Bee lyes at the Breast of the Flower and sucks out the Sweetness of it so Faith lyes at the Breast of a Promise and sucks out the Quintessence of Joy Psal. 94.19 Thy Comforts delight my Soul that is the Comforts which distill from the Limbeck of the Promises 2. The Spirit of God who is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Comforter John 14.26 doth sometimes drop in this Golden Oyl of Joy into the Soul the Spirit whispers to a Believer the Remission of his Sin and sheds Gods Love abroad into the Heart Rom. 5.5 whence flows infinite Joy and Delight Quest. 3. What are the Seasons when God doth usually give his People these Divine Ioys Resp. Five Seasons 1. Sometimes at the Blessed Supper the Soul oft comes Weeping after Christ in the Sacrament and God sends it away Weeping for Joy The Iews had a Custom at their Feasts they pour'd Oyntment on their Guests and kissed them In the Eucharist God often pours the Oyl of Gladness on the Saints and Kisseth them with the Kisses of his Lips There are two grand Ends of the Sacrament the strengthening of Faith and the flourishing of Joy Here in this Ordinance God displays the Banner of his Love Here Believers taste not only Sacramental Bread but hidden Manna Caution Not that God always meets the Soul with Joy He may give Increase of Grace when not Increase of Joy but oftentimes he pours in the Oyl of Gladness and gives the Soul a Privy Seal of his Love as Christ made himself known in the breaking of Bread 2 Season Before God calls his People to Suffering Acts 23.11 Be of good Cheer Paul When God was about to give Paul a Cup of Blood to drink he spiced it with Joy 2 Cor. 1.5 As the Sufferings of Christ abound in us so our Consolation also aboundeth This made the Martyrs Flames Beds of Roses when Stephen was Stoning he saw Heaven open and the Sun of Righteousness shined in his Face God Candies our Wormwood with Sugar 3 Season After sore Conflicts with Satan Satan is the Red Dragon who troubleth the Waters he puts the Soul into Frights makes it believe that it hath no Grace and that God doth not love it Though Satan cannot blot out a Christians Evidence yet he may cast such a Mist before his Eyes that he cannot read it Now when the Soul hath been bruised with Temptation God will Comfort this bruised Reed He now gives Joy Ad corroborandum Titulum to confirm a Christians Title to Heaven After Satans Fiery Darts comes the White Stone no better Balm to heal a Tempted Soul than the Oyl of Gladness As after Christ was Tempted then came an Angel to Comfort him 4 Season After Desertion Desertion is a poysoned Arrow shoots to the Heart Iob 6.4 God is call'd a Fire and a Light the deserted Soul feels the Fire but doth not see the Light it cries out as Asaph Psal. 77.8 Is his Mercy clean gone Now when the Soul is in this case and ready to faint away in Despair God shines upon the Soul and gives it some Apprehension of his Favour and turns the shadow of Death into the light of the Morning God keeps his Cordials for a time of Fainting Joy after Desertion is like a Resurrection from the Dead 5 Season At the hour of Death such as have had no Joy in their Life-time God puts in this Sugar in the bottom of the Cup to make their Death sweet Now at the last hour when all other Comforts are gone God sends the Comforter and when their Appetite to Meat fails God feeds them with hidden Manna Sure as the Wicked before they dye have some Apprehensions of Hell and Wrath in their Conscience so the Godly have some Fore-tasts of Gods Everlasting Favour though sometimes their Disease may be such and their Animal Spirits may be so oppressed that they cannot express what they feel Iacob laid himself to sleep on a stone where he saw a Vision a Ladder and the Angels ascending and descending so when the Saints lay themselves down to sleep the sleep of Death they have often a Vision they see the Light of Gods Face and have the Evidences of his Love sealed up to them for ever Quest. 4. What are the Differences between Worldly
come to thee that they may have my Ioy fulfilled in themselves And this Prayer he now Prays over in Heaven he knows we never love him so as when we feel his Love which may encourage us to seek after this Joy we Pray for that which Christ himself is Praying for that his Joy may be fulfilled in us Quest. 6. What shall we do to obtain this Spiritual Ioy Resp. Walk accurately and heavenly God gives it after a long and close walking with him 1. Observe your hours set time every day apart for God 2. Mourn for Sin Mourning is the Seed as Basil saith out of which the Flower of Spiritual Joy Grows Isa. 57.18 I 'll restore Comfort to my Mourners 3. Keep the Book of Conscience fair written do not by Presumptuous Sins blur your Evidences A good Conscience is the Ark where God puts the hidden Manna 4. Be often upon your Knees Pray with Life and Fervency The same Spirit that fills the Heart with Sighs fills it with Joys the same Spirit that indites the Prayer Seals it When Hannah had pray'd her Countenance was no more sad 1 Sam. 1.18 Praying Christians have much Intercourse with God and none are so like to have the Secrets of his Love imparted as those who hold Correspondence with him By a close walking with God we get these Bunches of Grapes by the way which are an Earnest of future Happiness Quest. 7. How shall we Comfort them who want this Ioy Resp. Such as walk in close Communion with God have more than others 1. Initial Joy Joy in Semine in the Seed Psal. 97.11 Light a Metaphor for Joy is sown for the Righteous Grace in the Heart is a Seed of Ioy. Though a Christian wants the Sun he hath a Day-star in his Heart 2. A Believer hath Real though not Royal Comforts he hath as Aquinas saith Gaudium in Deo though not à Deo Joy in God though not from God Joy in God is the Delight and Complacency the Soul takes in God Psal. 104.34 My Soul shall be glad in the Lord. He that is truly gracious is so far joyful as to take Comfort in God though he cannot say God rejoyceth in him yet he can say he rejoyceth in God 3. He hath Supporting though not Transporting Comforts he hath so much that keeps him from sinking Psal. 138.3 Thou strengthenedst me with strength in my Soul If a Christian hath not Gods Arm to embrace him yet to uphold him Thus a Christian who walks with God hath something that bears up his Heart from sinking and it is but waiting a while and he is sure of those Joys which are unspeakable and full of Glory Use 1. Then see that Religion is no Melancholy thing it brings Joy the Fruit of the Spirit is Joy Mutatur non tollitur a poor Christian that feeds on Bread and Water may have purer Joy than the greatest Monarch though he fares hard he feeds high he hath a Table spread from Heaven Angels Food hidden Manna he hath sometimes those sweet Raptures of Joy as cause a Jubilation of Spirit 2 Cor. 12.3 he hath that which is better felt than can be expressed Use 2. If God gives his People such Joy in this Life Oh! then what glorious Joy will he give them in Heaven Matt. 25.21 Enter thou into the Ioy of thy Lord here Joy begins to enter into us there we shall enter into Joy God keeps his best Wine till last Heliogabalus bathed himself in sweet perfum'd Waters What Joy when the Soul shall for ever bath it self in the pure and pleasant Fountain of Gods Love what joy to see the Orient Brightness of Christ's Face and have the Kisses of those Lips which drop sweet smelling Myrrhe Laetabitur sponsa in amplexibus Domini Aug. Oh! if a cluster of Grapes here be so sweet what will the full Vintage be How may this set us all a longing for that place where Sorrow cannot Live and where Joy cannot Dye Growth of GRACE 2 Pet. 3.18 But grow in Grace Fruit 4. GRowth of Grace True Grace is progressive of a spreading growing Nature 't is with Grace as with the Light first there is the Crepusculum or day-break then it shines brighter to the full Meridian A good Christian is like the Crocodil Quam diu vivit crescit he hath never done growing The Saints are not only compared to Stars for their light but Trees for their growth Isa. 61.3 Hos. 14.5 A good Christian is not like Hezekiah's Sun that went backward nor Ioshua's Sun that stood still but is always advancing in Holiness and increasing with the Increase of God Col. 2.19 Now to amplifie and illustrate this Quest. 1. How many ways may a Christian be said to grow in Grace Resp. 1. He grows Vigore in the Exercise of Grace his Lamps are burning and shining therefore we read of a lively hope 1 Pet. 1.3 here is the Activity of Grace the Church prays for the blowing of the Spirit that her Spices might flow forth Cant. 4.16 2. A Christian grows Gradu in the degree of Grace he goes from strength to strength Psal. 84.7 viz. from one degree of Grace to another A Saint goes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 from Faith to Faith Rom. 1.17 and his Love abounds 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 more and more Phil. 1.9 here is growing in the degree Quest. 2. What is the right manner of a Christians growth Resp. 1. The right manner of growth is to grow less in ones own Eyes Psal. 22.6 I am a worm and no Man The sight of Corruption and Ignorance makes a Christian grow into a dislike of himself he doth vanish in his own Eyes Iob abhor'd himself in the Dust cap. 42.6 This is good to grow out of conceit of ones self 2. The right manner of growth is to grow proportionably when a Christian grows in one Grace as well as another 2 Pet. 1.5 to grow in Knowledge but not in Meekness brotherly Love good Works this is not the right growth a thing may swell and not grow a Man may be swell'd with Knowledge yet have no spiritual Growth the right manner of growth is uniform growing in one Grace as well as another As the Beauty of the Body is when there is a Symmetry of Parts not only the Head grows but the Arm and Breast so spiritual Growth is most Beautiful when there is a Symmmetry and Proportion every Grace thrives 3. The right manner of growth is when a Christian hath Grace suitable to his several Employments and Occasions when Corruptions are strong and he hath Grace able to give check to them Burdens are heavy and he hath Patience able to bear them Temptations fierce and he hath Faith able to resist them here is Grace growing in the right manner Quest. 3. Whence is it that true Grace cannot but grow Resp. 1. It is proper for Grace to grow 't is semen manens the Seed of God 1 Iohn 3.9 'T is the Nature of Seed to
Lenocinium the Load-stone to entice and draw the Love to God Ignoti nulla Cupido Such as know not God cannot love him If the Sun be set in the Understanding there must needs be night in the Affections Quest. 3. Wherein doth the formal Nature of Love consist Resp. The Nature of Love is in delighting in the Object Complacentia amantis in amato Aquin. This is our loving God our taking delight in him Psal. 37.4 Delight thy self in the Lord As a Bride delights in her Jewels Grace changeth a Christians Aims and Delights Quest. 4. How must our Love to God be qualified Resp. 1. If it be a sincere Love we must love God with all our Heart In the Text Thou shalt love the Lord thy God Becol Leuauca with all thy Heart God will have the whole Heart we must not divide our Love between God and Sin The true Mother would not have the Child divided Nor will God have the Heart divided it must be the whole Heart 2. We must love God propter se for himself for his own intrinsick Excellencies We must love him for his Loveliness Meretricius est amor plus annulum quam sponsum amare It is an Harlots Love to love the Portion more than the Person Hypocrites love God because he gives them Corn and Wine We must love God for himself for those shining Perfections which are in him Gold is loved for it self 3. We must love God with all our might In the Hebrew Text our Vehemency We must love God quoad posse as much as we are able Christians should be like Seraphins burning in Holy Love We can never love God so much as he deserves The Angels in Heaven cannot love God so much as he deserves 4. Love to God must be Active in its Sphere Love is an Industrious Affection it sets the Head a studying for God Hands a working Feet a running in the ways of his Commandements it is called the Labour of Love 1 Thess. 1.3 Mary Magdalen loved Christ and poured her Oyntments on him We think we can never do enough for the Person whom we love 5. Love to God must be Superlative God is the Quintessence of Beauty a whole Paradise of Delight and he must have a Priority in our Love Our Love to God must be above all things besides as the Oyl swims above the Water We must love God above Estate Relations great is the Love to Relations There is a Story in the French Academy of a Daughter who when her Father was condemned to dye by Famine gave him suck with her own Breasts But our Love to God must be above Father and Mother Matt. 10.37 We may give the Creature the Milk of our Love God must have the Cream The Spouse keeps the Juice of her Pomgranate for Christ Cant. 8.2 6. Our Love to God must be constant like the Fire the vestal Virgins kept in Rome which did not go out Love must be like the motion of the Pulse it beats as long as there is Life Cant. 8.7 Many Waters cannot quench Love not the Waters of Persecution Eph. 3.17 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 rooted in love A Branch withers that doth not grow on a Root That Love may not dye it must be well rooted Quest. 5. What are the visible Signs of our Love to God Resp. 1. If we love God then our Desire is after him Isa. 26.8 The desire of our Soul is to thy Name He who loves God breaths after Communion with him Psal. 42.2 My Soul thirsts for the living God Persons in Love desire to be oft conferring together He who loves God desires to be much in his Presence He loves the Ordinances they are the Glass where the Glory of God is resplendent In the Ordinances we meet with him whom our Soul loves We have Gods Smiles and Whispers and some Fore-tasts of Heaven Such as have no desire after Ordinances have no love to God 2. The second Visible Sign He who loves God cannot take Contentment in any thing without him An Hypocrite who pretends to love God give him but Corn and Wine and he can be content without God But a Soul fired with love to God cannot be without him Lovers faint away if they have not a sight of the Object loved A gracious Soul can want Health but not want God who is the Health of his Countenance Psal. 43.5 If God should say to a Soul that intirely loves him Take thy Ease swim in Pleasure solace thy self in the Delights of the World but thou shalt not enjoy my Presence this would not content the Soul Nay if God should say I will let thee be taken up to Heaven but I will retire into a withdrawing Room and thou shalt not see my Face This would not content the Soul it is an Hell to want God The Philosopher saith There can be no Gold without the Influence of the Sun There can be no golden Joy in the Soul without Gods sweet Presence and Influence 3. The third visible Sign He who loves God hates that which would separate between him and God and that is Sin Sin makes God hide his Face it is like an Incendiary which parts chief Friends Therefore the Keneness of a Christians Hatred is set against Sin Psal. 119.128 I hate every false way Antipathies can never be reconciled one cannot love Health but he must hate Poyson So we cannot love God but we must hate Sin which would destroy our Communion with him 4. The fourth visible Sign is Sympathy Friends that love do grieve for the Evils which befall each other Homer describing Agamemnon's Grief when he was forced to Sacrifice his Daughter brings in all his Friends weeping with him and accompanying him to the Sacrifice in Mourning Lovers grieve together If we have true Love in our Heart to God we cannot but grieve for those things which grieve him We shall lay to Heart his Dishonours The Luxury Drunkenness Contempt of God and Religion Psal. 119.136 Rivers of Tears run down mine eyes c. Some speak of the Sins of others and make a laughing at them sure they have no love to God who can laugh at that which grieves his Spirit Doth he love his Father who can laugh to hear him Reproached 5. The Fifth Visible Sign He who loves God labours to render him Lovely to others he not only admires God but speaks in his Praises that he may allure and draw others to be in love with God She that is in Love will commend her Lover The Love-sick Spouse extols Christ she makes a Panegyrical Oration of his worth that she might perswade others to be in love with him Cant. 5.11 His Head is as the most Fine Gold True love to God cannot be silent it will be elegant in setting forth God's Renown no better sign of loving God than by making him appear Lovely and so drawing Proselytes to him 6. The Sixth Visible Sign He who loves God weeps bitterly for his Absence Mary comes weeping they
our strength lay But in a true Gospel Sense we may so obey the Moral Law as to find Acceptance Which Gospel-Obedience consists in a Real Endeavour to observe the whole Moral Law Psal. 119.166 I have done thy Commandments Not I have done all I should do but I have done all I am able to do and wherein our Obedience comes short we look up to the perfect Righteousness and Obedience of Christ and hope for Pardon through his Blood This is Evangelically to obey the Moral Law which though it be not to Satisfaction yet it is to Acceptation Thus I have done with the first The Preface to the Preface God spake all these words I should now come to the second the Preface it self to the Commandments I am the Lord thy God c. Of the Commandments Exod. 20.2 I am the Lord thy God c. 2. THE Preface it self which consists of three parts 1. I am the Lord thy God 2. Which have brought thee out of the Land of Egypt 3. Out of the House of Bondage 1. I am the Lord thy God Where we have a Description of God 1. By his Essential Greatness I am the Lord 2. By his relative Goodness Thy God 1. By his essential greatness I am the Lord or as in the Hebrew Iehovah This name of God sets forth his Majesty Sanctius habitum fuit saith Buxtorf the name Iohavah was had in more Reverence among the Jews than any other name of God it signifies Gods Self-sufficiency Eternity Independency Immutability Mal. 3.6 Use 1. If God be Iehovah the Fountain of being who can do what he will let us fear this great Lord Deut. 28.58 That thou maist fear Hashem Hanicbad Jehovah this glorious and fearful name Jehovah Use 2. If God be Iehovah the supream Lord then it condemns the Blasphemous Papists who speak after this manner Our Lord God the Pope Is it a Wonder the Pope lifts his Tripple Crown above the Heads of Kings and Emperors when he Usurps Gods Title Shewing himself that he is God 2 Thess. 2.4 The Pope goes to make himself Lord of Heaven for he will Canonize Saints there Lord of Earth for with his Keys he doth bind and loose whom he pleaseth Lord of Hell for he can free Men out of Purgatory But God will pull down these Plumes of Pride He will consume this Man of sin with the breath of his mouth and the brightness of his coming 2 Thess. 2.8 Use 3. God is described by his relative goodness Eloeka Thy God Had God only called himself Iehovah it might have terrified us and made us fly from him but when he saith Thy God this may allure and draw us to him This though a Preface to Law is pure Gospel This word Eloeka Thy God is so sweet that we can never suck out all the Hony in it I am thy God not only by Creation but by Election This word Thy God though it was spoken to Israel yet it is a Charter belongs to all the Saints For the further Explication here are three Questions Quest. 1. How God comes to be our God Resp. Through Jesus Christ Christ is a middle Person in the Trinity He is Emanuel God with us He brings two differing Parties together He makes our Nature lovely to God and Gods Nature lovely to us He by his Death causeth Friendship yea Union He brings us within the Verge of the Covenant and so God becomes our God Quest. 2. What doth this imply God being our God Resp. It is comprehensive of all good things God is our strong Tower our Fountain of living Water our Salvation More particularly God being our God implies the sweetest Relation 1. The Relation of a Father 2 Cor. 6.18 I will be a Father unto you A Father is full of tender care for his Child Who doth he settle the Inheritance upon but his Child God being our God will be a Father to us a Father of Mercy 2 Cor. 1.3 the everlasting Father Psal. 9.7 If God be our God we have a Father in Heaven that never dies 2. It imports the Relation of an Husband Isa. 54.5 Thy Maker is thy Husband If God be our Husband he esteems us precious to him as the Apple of his Eye Zech. 2.8 He imparts his Secrets to us Psal. 25.14 He bestows a Kingdom upon us for our Dowry Luke 12.32 Quest. 3. How may we come to know this Covenant-Union That God is our God Resp. 1. By having his Graces planted in us Kings Children are known by their costly Jewels It is not having common Gifts which shews we belong to God many have the Gifts of God without God but it is Grace gives us a true genuine Title to God In particular Faith is Vinculum Unionis the Grace of Union By this we may spell out our Interest in God Faith doth not as the Mariner cast its Anchor downwards but upwards it trusts in the Mercy and Blood of God and trusting in God engageth him to be our God Other Graces make us like God Faith makes us one with him 2. We may know God is our God by having the Earnest of his Spirit in our Hearts 2 Cor. 1.22 God often gives the Purse to the Wicked but the Spirit only to such as he intends to make his Heirs 1. Have we had the Consecration of the Spirit If we have not had the Sealing work of the Spirit have we had the Healing work 1 Iohn 2.20 Ye have an Unction from the Holy One. The Spirit where it is stamps the Impress of its own Holiness upon the Heart It embroiders and bespangles the Soul and makes it all glorious within 2. Have we had the Attraction of the Spirit Cant. 1.4 Draw me we will run after thee Hath the Spirit by its magnetick Vertue drawn our Hearts to God Can we say as Cant. 1.7 O thou whom my Soul loveth Is God our Paradise of Delight Our Segullah or chief Treasure Are our Hearts so chained to God that no other Object can inchant us or draw us away from him 3. Have we had the Elevation of the Spirit Hath it raised our Hearts above the World Ezek. 3.14 The Spirit lifted me up Hath the Spirit made us superna anhelare seek the things above where Christ is Though our Flesh is on Earth is our Heart in Heaven Though live here trade above Hath the Spirit thus lifted us up By this we may come to know that God is our God Where God gives his Spirit for an Earnest there he gives himself for a Portion 3. We may know God is our God if he hath given us the Hearts of Children Have we obediential Hearts Psal. 27.8 Do we subscribe to Gods Commands when his Commands cross our Will A true Saint is like the Flower of the Sun it opens and shuts with the Sun He opens to God and shuts to Sin If we have the Hearts of Children then God is our Father 4. We may know God is ours and we have an Interest in
Grave and the Holy Ghosts descending upon the Earth This Day is perfum'd with the sweet Odour of Prayer which goes up to Heaven as Incense This Day the Manna falls that Angels Food this is the Soul's Festival Day on this Day all the Graces act their Part The other Days of the Week are most employed about Earth this Day about Heaven Then you gather Straw now Pearl Now Christ takes the Soul up into the Mount and gives it transfiguring Sights of Glory Now Christ leads his Spouse into the Wine-Cellar and displays the Banner of his Love now he gives her his Spiced Wine and the Iuice of the Pomegranate Cant. 8.2 The Lord doth usually reveal himself more to the Soul on this Day The Apostle Iohn was in the Spirit on the Lord's Day Revel 1.10 He was carried up in Divine Raptures towards Heaven This Day a Christian is in the Altitudes he walks with God and takes as it were a turn with him in Heaven 1 Ioh. 1.3 On this Day holy Affections are quickened The Stock of Grace is improved Corruptions are weakened On this Day Satan falls like Lightning before the Majesty of the Word Christ wrought most of his Miracles upon the Sabbath So he doth now The dead Soul is raised the Heart of Stone is made Flesh. How should this Day be highly esteemed and had in Reverence This Day is more precious than Rubies God hath anoynted this Day with the Oyl of Gladness above its Fellows On the Sabbath we are doing Angels Work our Tongues are tuned to God's Praises This Sabbath on Earth is a Shadow and Type of that Glorious Rest and Eternal Sabbath we hope for in Heaven when God shall be the Temple and the Lamb shall be the Light of it Rev. 21.22 23. EXOD. XX. 9 10. Six Days shalt thou labour and do all thy Work but the Seventh Day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God in it thou shalt do no manner of Work c. Six Days shalt thou labour God would not have any live out of a Calling Religion seals no Warrant for Idleness 'T is as well a Duty to labour Six Days as to keep Holy Rest on the Seventh Day Six Days shalt thou labour 2 Thess. 3.11 We hear there are some among you walking Disorderly 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 working not at all Now them that are such we command and exhort by our Lord Iesus that with Quietness they work and eat their own Bread A Christian must not only mind Heaven but his Calling While the Pilot hath his Eye to the Star he hath his Hand to the Stern Without labour the Pillars of a Common-wealth will dissolve and the Earth will be like the Sluggards Field over-run with Briars Prov. 24.31 Adam in Innocency tho he was the Monarch of the World yet God would not have him idle but he must dress and till the Ground Gen. 2.15 Piety doth not exclude Industry Six Days shalt thou labour Standing Water putrifies The Inanimate Creatures are in Motion The Sun goes its Circuit the Fountain runs the Fire sparkles And Animate Creatures Solomon sends us to the Ant and Pismire to learn Labour Prov. 6.6 Chap. 30.35 The Bee is the Emblem of Industry some of the Bees trim the Honey others work the Wax others frame the Comb others lie Sentinel at the Door of the Hive to keep out the Drone And shall not Man much more inure himself to labour That Law in Paradise was never yet repealed In the Sweat of thy Brows shalt thou eat Bread Gen. 3.19 Such Professors are to to be disliked who talk of living by Faith but live out of a Calling They are like the Lillies which toil not neither do they spin Mat. 6.28 'T is a Speech of Holy and Learned Mr. Perkins Let a Man be endued with excellent Gifts and hear the Word with Reverence and receive the Sacrament yet if he practise not the Duties of his Calling all is but Hypocrisie What is an idle Person good for What benefit is there of a Ship that lies always on the shore Or of Armour that hangs up and rusts To live out of a Calling exposeth a Person to Temptation Melancton calls Idleness Balneum Diaboli the Devil's Bath because he bathes himself with delight in an idle Soul We do not use to sow Seed in ground when it lies fallow but Satan sows most of his Seed of Temptation in such Persons as lie fallow and are out of a Calling Idleness is the Nurse of Vice Seneca an Heathen could say Nullus mihi per Otium Dies exit No Day passeth me without some labour An idle Person stands for a Cypher in the World and God writes down no Cyphers in the Book of Life We read in Scripture of eating the Bread of Idleness Prov. 31.27 and drinking the Wine of Violence Prov. 4.17 It is as well a sin to eat the Bread of Idleness as to drink the Wine of Violence An idle Person can give no account of his Time Time is a Talent to trade with both in our Particular and General Calling The slothful Person hides his Talent in the Earth he doth no good his Time is not lived but lost An idle Person lives unprofitably he cumbers the ground God calls the slothful Servant wicked Mat. 25.26 Thou wicked and slothful Servant Draco whose Laws were written in Blood deprived them of their Life who would not work for their Living In Hetruria they caused such Persons to be banished Idle Persons live in the Breach of this Commandment Six Days shalt thou labour Let them take heed they be not banished Heaven A Man may as well go to Hell for not working in his Calling as for not Believing So I pass to the next But The Seventh Day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God in it thou shalt do no manner of work Having spoken already of the Reasons of sanctifying the Sabbath I come now to that Question Quest. In what manner we are to sanctifie the Sabbath Resp. 1. Negatively we must do no Work in it that is expressed in the Commandment In it thou shalt do no manner of Work God hath enclosed this Day for himself therefore we are not to lay it common by doing any Civil Work As Abraham when he went to sacrifice left his Servant and the Ass at the bottom of the Hill Gen. 22.5 So when we are to Worship God this Day we must leave all worldly business behind leave the Ass at the Bottom of the Hill And as Ioseph when he would speak with his Brethren thrust out the Egyptians so when we would converse with God this Day we must thrust out all earthly Employments The Lord's Day is a Day of Holy Rest all secular Works must be forborn and suspended it is a prophaning the Day N●hem 13.15 In these days saw I in Iudah some treading Wine-presses on the Sabbath and bringing in Sheaves as also Wine-Grapes and Figs and all manner of Burdens which they brought into Ierusalem on
we love we fix our Minds upon He that loves his Pleasures and Recreations his Mind is fixed on them and he can follow them without Distraction Were our Love more set upon the Word Preached our Minds would be more fixed upon it And surely there is enough to make us love the Word Preached for it is the Word of Life the Inlet to Knowledge the Antidote against Sin the Quickner of Holy Affections It is the True Manna which hath all sorts of sweet Tasts in it It is the Pool of Bethesda in which the Rivers of Life spring forth to heal the broken in Heart It is a Soveveraign Elixir or Cordial to revive the sorrowful Spirit Get Love to the Word Preached and you will not be so distracted in hearing What the Heart delights in the Thoughts dwell upon II. If you would sanctifie the Sabbath by deligent attentive hearing take heed of Drowsiness in Hearing Drowsiness shows much Irreverence How lively are many when they are about the World but in the Worship of God how drowsie as if the Devil had given them some Opium to make them sleep A Drowsie Temper is now very absurd and sinful Are not you in Prayer asking Pardon of sin Will the Prisoner fall asleep when he is begging his Pardon In the Preaching of the Word is not the Bread of Life breaking to you and will a Man fall asleep at his Food Which is worse to stay from a Sermon or sleep at a Sermon While you sleep perhaps that Truth was delivered which might have converted your Souls Besides sleeping is very offensive in these Holy Assemblies It is not only a grieving the Spirit of God but a making the Hearts of the Righteous sad Ezek. 13.22 It troubles them to see any show such a Contempt of God and his Worship to see Men busie in the Shop but drowsie in the Temple Therefore as Christ said Mat. 26.40 Could ye not watch one Hour So can ye not wake one Hour I deny not but a Child of God may sometimes through Weakness and Indisposition of Body drop asleep at a Sermon but it is not voluntary or ordinary The Sun may be in an Eclipse but not often If sleeping be customary and allowed it is a very bad sign and is a profaning of the Ordinance A good Remedy against Drowsiness is to use a Spare Diet upon this Day Such as indulge their Appetite too much on a Sabbath are fitter to sleep on a Couch than pray in the Temple Now that you may throw off Distracting Thoughts and Drowsiness on the Lord's Day and may hear the Word with reverend Attention consider 1. It is God that speaks to us in his Word therefore the Preaching of the Word is called the Breath of his Lips Isa. 11.4 And Christ is said now to speak to us from Heaven Heb. 12.25 as a King speaks in his Ambassador Ministers are but as the Pipes and Organs it is the Spirit of the Living God breathes in them When we come to the Word we should think thus with our selves God speaks in this Preacher The Thessalonians heard the Word Paul Preached as if God himself had spoken to them 1 Thess. 2.13 When ye received the Word of God which ye heard of us ye receiv'd it not as the Word of Men but as it is in truth the Word of God When Samuel knew it was the Lord that spake to him he lent his Ear 1 Sam. 3.10 If we do not regard God when he speaks to us he will not regard us when we pray to him 2. Consider how serious and weighty the matters delivered to us are As Moses said Deut. 30.19 I call Heaven and Earth ●o record this day that I have set before you Life and Death Can Men be regardless of the Word or drowsie when the weighty matters of Eternity are set before them We Preach of Faith and Holiness of Life and the Day of Judgment and the Eternal Recompences here is Life and Death set before you and doth not all this call for serious Attention If a Letter were read to one of special business wherein his Life and Estate were concern'd would not he be very serious in listning to that Letter In the Preaching of the Word your Salvation is concerned and if ever you will attend it should be now Deut. 32.47 It is not a vain thing for you because it is your Life 3. To give way to Vain Thoughts and Drowsiness in hearing doth much gratifie Satan He knows that not to mind a Duty is all one as not to do a Duty Quicquid cor non facit non sit in Religion What the Heart doth not do is not done Therefore Christ saith of some Hearing they hear not Mat. 13.13 How could that be Because tho' the Word sounded in their Ear yet they minded not what was said to them their Thoughts were upon other things therefore it was all one as if they did not ●ear Hearing they hear not And doth not this please Satan to see Men come to the Word and as good stay away They are haunted with vain Thoughts they are taken off the Duty while they are in it their Body is in the Assembly their Heart in their Shop Hearing they hear not 4. It may be the last Sabbath that ever we shall keep We may go from the place of Hearing to the place of Judging and shall not we give Reverend Attention to the Word Did we think thus when we come into God's House Perhaps this will be the last time that ever God will counsel us about our Souls before another Sermon Death's Alarum will sound in our Ears With what Attention and Devotion should we come hither and our Affections would be all on Fire in hearing 5. You must give an Account for every Sermon you hear Luke 16.2 Redde rationem Give an account of thy Stewardship So will God say Give an Account of thy Hearing Hast thou been affected with the Word Hast thou profited by it And how can we give an Account if we have been distracted in hearing and have not taken notice what hath been said to us The Judge to whom we must give an Account is God Were one to give an Account to Man he might falsifie his Accounts but we must give an Account to God Nec donis corrumpitur nec blanditiis fallitur He is so Iust a God that he cannot be bribed and so Wise that he cannot be deceived Therefore being to give an Account to such an impartial Judge how should we observe every Word Preached remembring the Account Let all this make us shake off Distraction and Drowsiness in Hearing and have our Ears chain'd to the Word EXOD. XX. 8 Remember the Sabbath-day to keep it holy c. II. If you would hear the Word aright lay aside those things which may render the Word Preached ineffectual As 1. Curiosity Some come to the Word Preached not so much to get Grace as to enrich themselves with Notions Itching Ears
Wife for himself Thirdly Faithfulness in a Servant is seen in standing up for the Honour of his Master When he hears him spoken against he must vindicate him As the Master is careful of the Servant's Body so the Servant should be careful of the Master's Name When the Master is unjustly reproached the Servant cannot be excused if he be possessed with a dumb Devil Fourthly Faithfulness is when a Servant is true to his Word He dares not tell a Lie but will speak the Truth tho it be against himself A Lie doubles the sin Psal. 101.7 He that telleth Lies shall not tarry in my sight A Liar is of near a-kin to the Devil Ioh. 8.44 And who would let any of the Devil's Kindred live with him The Lie that Gehazi told his Master Elisha entailed a Leprosie on Gehazi and his Seed for ever 2 Kings 5.22 A Faithful Servant his Tongue is the true Index of his Heart Fifthly Faithfulness is when a Servant is against Impropriation He dares not convert his Masters Goods to his own Use. Tit. 2.10 Not purloyning Ne aliquid haereat in digitis What a Servant filcheth from his Master is damnable Gain The Servant who enricheth himself by stealing from his Master stuffs his Pillow with Thorns and his Head will lie very uneasie when he comes to die Sixthly Faithfulness is in preserving the Masters Person if unjustly in Danger Banister who betrayed his Master the Duke of Buckingham in King Richard the Third's Reign it is remarkable how the Judgments of God befell that Traiterous Servant His eldest Son ran mad his Daughter of a singular Beauty was suddenly struck with Leprosie his younger Son was drowned and he himself arraigned and had been executed had he not been saved by his Clergy That Servant who is not true to his Master will never be true to God or his own Soul 4. The Servant is to honour his Master by serving him as with Love for Willingness is more than the Work so with Silence That is without repining and without replying Titus 2.9 Exhort Servants to be obedient to their Masters not answering again Greek 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Not giving cross Answers Some Servants are quick of Speech tho slow at Work and instead of being sorry for a Fault they provoke by unbeseeming Language Were the Heart more humble the Tongue would be more silent They are the Apostles Words not answering again And to those Servants who do thus honour their Masters or Family-Fathers by Submission Diligence Faithfulness Love and humble Silence for their encouragement let them take that Col. 3.24 Servants obey in all things your Masters according to the Flesh not with eye-service knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the Reward of the Inheritance for ye serve the Lord Christ. In serving your Masters ye serve Christ and he will not let you lose your Labour ye shall receive the Reward of the Inheritance From serving on Earth you shall be taken up to Reign in Heaven and shall sit with Christ upon his Throne Rev. 3.21 EXOD. XX. 12 Honour thy Father and thy Mother c. If we are not just we cannot be holy Having shown you how Servants are to honour their Masters the Fathers of Families I shall next show how Masters are to carry it towards their Servants that they may gain Honour from them 1. In General Masters must remember that they have a Master in Heaven who will call them to Account Eph. 6.9 Knowing that your Master is also in Heaven 2. More Particularly 1. Masters must have a care to provide for their Servants As they cut them out Work so they must give them their Meat in due season Luke 17.7 And the Food should be wholsom and sufficing It is an unworthy thing in some Governors of Families to lay out so much upon their own Backs as to pinch their Servants Bellies 2. Masters should encourage their Servants in their Work by commending them when they do well Tho a Master is to tell a Servant of his Faults yet he is not always to beat upon one string but sometimes take notice of that which is praise-worthy This makes a Servant more chearful in his Work and gains the Master Love from his Servant 3. Masters must not over-burden their Servants but proportion their Work to their Strength If you lay too much load on a Servant he will faint under it Christianity teacheth Compassion 4. Masters must endeavour the Spiritual Good of their Servants they must be Seraphims to kindle their Love to Religion They must be Monitors to put them in mind of their Souls They must bring them to the Pool of the Sanctuary waiting till the Angel stir the Waters Iohn 5.4 They must seek God for them that their Servants may be his Servants They must allow them Time convenient for secret Devotion Some Masters are cruel to the Souls of their Servants they look that they do the Work about the House but abridge them of Time they should employ in working out Salvation 5. Masters should use mild gentle Behaviour towards Servants Eph. 6.9 Forbearing Threatning Lev. 25.43 Thou shalt not rule over him with rigour but fear thy God It requires Wisdom in a Master to know how to keep up his Authority yet lay down his Austerity We have a good Copy to write after Our Master in Heaven is slow to Anger and of great Mercy Psal. 145.8 Some Masters are so harsh and implacable that they are enough to spoil a good Servant 6. Be very exact and punctual in the Compacts and Agreements you make with your Servants Do not prevaricate keep not back any of their Wages nor deal deceitfully with them as Laban did with Iacob changing his Wages Gen. 31.7 Falseness in Promise is as as bad as False Weights 7. Be careful of your Servants not only in Health but in Sickness They have got their Sickness in your Service use what means you can for their Recovery Be not like the Amalekite who forsook his Servant when he was sick 1 Sam. 30.13 but be as the good Centurion who kept his sick Servant and sought to Christ for a Cure Mat. 8.6 If you have a Beast that falls sick you will not turn it off but have it look'd to and pay for its Cure Will you be kinder to your Horses than your Servants Thus should Masters the Fathers of the Family carry themselves prudently and piously that they may gain Honour from their Servants and may give up their Accounts to God with Joy Fifthly The Natural Father The Father of the Flesh Heb. 12.9 Honour thy Natural Father This is so necessary a Duty that Philo the Jew placed the Fifth Commandment in the First Table as tho' we had not perform'd our whole Duty to God till we had paid this Debt of Honour to our Natural Parents Children are the Vineyard of the Parents planting and Honour done to the Parent is some of the Fruit of the Vineyard Quest. Wherein are
Resp. Seek to God for it It is his Promise to give an Heart of Flesh Ezek. 36. and to pour on us a Spirit of Mourning Zech. 12.10 Beg God's Holy Spirit Psal. 147.18 He causeth his Wind to blow and the Waters flow When the Wind of God's Spirit blows upon us then the Waters of Repentant Tears will flow from us III. The Third way to escape the Wrath and Curse of God and obtain the Benefit of Redemption by Christ is The diligent Vse of Ordinances In particular the Word Sacraments and Prayer 1. I begin with the First of these Ordinances I. The Word 1 Thess. 2.13 which effectually worketh in you that believe Quest. 1. What is meant by 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Words working effectually Resp. The Word of God is said to work effectually when it hath that good effect upon us for which it was appointed of God namely when the Word works powerful Illumination and thorough Reformation Acts 26.18 To open their Eyes and turn them from the power of Satan to God The opening their Eyes denotes Illumination And turning them from Satan to God denotes Reformation Quest. 2. How is the Word to be read and heard that it may become effectual to Salvation This Question consists of Two Branches 1. How may the Word be read Effectually 2. How may it be heard Effectually 1. I shall begin with the First Branch of the Question How is the Word to be read that it may be effectual to our Salvation Answ. That we may so read the Word that it may conduce effectually to our Salvation 1. Let us have a Reverend Esteem of every part of Canonical Scripture Psal. 19.10 More are they to be desired than Gold Value this Book of God above all other Books It is a Golden Epistle endited by the Holy Ghost sent to us from Heaven more particularly to raise our Esteem 1. The Scripture is a Spiritual Glass to dress our Souls by it shows us more than we can see by the Light of a Natural Conscience that may discover gross Sins but the Glass of the Word sh●ws us Heart-Sins Vain Thoughts Unbelief c. And it not only shows us our Spots but washeth them away 2. The Scripture is a Sacred Magazine out of which we may fetch our Spiritual Artillery to fight against Satan When the Devil tempted our Saviour he fetch'd Armour and Weapons from Scripture It is written Matth. 4.4 7. 3. The Holy Scripture is a Panacea or Universal Medicine for the Soul it gives a Receipt to cure Deadness of Heart Psal. 119.50 Pride 1 Pet. 5.5 Infideli●y Iohn 3.36 It is a Physick-Garden where we may gather any Herb or Antidote to expell the Poyson of sin The Leaves of Scripture like the Leaves of the Tree of Life are for the healing of the Nations Rev. 22.2 And may not this cause a reverend Esteem of the Word 2. If we would have the Word written effectual to our Souls let us peruse it with Intenseness of Mind Iohn 5.39 Search the Scriptures The Greek Word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifies to search as for a Vein of Silver The Bereans Acts 17. searched the 〈…〉 daily The Word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifies to make a curious and critical Search And 〈◊〉 was mighty in the Scriptures Acts 18.24 Some gallop over a Chapter 〈…〉 and get no good by it If we would have the Word effectual and saving we must mind and observe every Passage of Scripture And that we may be di●igent in the perusal of Scripture Consider First The Word written is Norma Cultus the Rule and Platform by which we are to square our Lives it contains in it all things needful to Salvation Psal. 19.7 What Duties we are to do what Sins we are to avoid God gave Moses a Pattern how he would have the Tabernacle made and he was to go exactly according to the Pattern Exod. 25.9 The Word is the Pattern God hath given us in Writing for modelling our Lives therefore how careful should we be in the pursuing and looking over this Pattern Secondly The Written Word as it is our Pattern so it will be our Iudge Iohn 12.48 The Word that I have spoken the same shall judge him at the last Day We read of the opening of the Books Rev. 20.12 This is one Book God will open the Book of Scripture and will judge Men out of it He will say Have you lived according to the Rule of this Word The Word hath a double Work to Teach and to Iudge 3. If we would have the Word written effectual we must bring Faith to the reading of it Believe it to be the Word of the Eternal Iehovah The Word written comes with Authority it shews its Commission from Heaven Thus saith the Lord It is of Divine Inspiration 2 Tim. 3.16 The Oracles of Scripture must be surer to us than a Voice from Heaven 1 Pet. 1.18 Unbelief enervates the Vertue of Scripture and renders it ineffectual First Men question the Truth of the Scripture and then fall away from it 4. If we would have the Word written effectual to Salvation we must delight in it as our Spiritual Cordial Ier. 15.16 Thy Words were found and I did eat them and they were the joy and rejoycing of my Heart All true solid Comfort is fetch'd out of the Word The Word as Chrysostom saith is a Spiritual Garden and the Promises are the Fragrant Flowers or Spices in this Garden How should we delight to walk among these Beds of Spices Is it not a Comfort in all dubious perplext Cases to have a Counsellor to advise us Psal. 119.24 Thy Testimonies are my Counsellors Is it not a Comfort to find our Evidences for Heaven and where should we find them but in the Word 1 Thess. 1.4 5. The Word written is a Sovereign Elixir or Comfort in an hour of Distress Psal. 119.50 This is my Comfort in Afflictions for thy Word hath quickned me It can turn all our Water into Wine How should we take a great Complacency and Delight in the Word They only who come to the Word with Delight go from it with Success 5. If we would have the Scripture effectual and saving we must be sure when we have read the Word to hide it in our Hearts Psal. 119.11 Thy Word have I hid in my Heart The Word locked up in the Heart is a Preservative against sin Why did David hide the Word in his Heart In the next Words That I might not sin against thee As one would carry an Antidote about him when he comes near a place infected so David carried the Word in his Heart as a Sacred Antidote to preserve him from the Infection of Sin When the Sap is hid in the Root it makes the Branches fruitful When the Seed is hid in the Ground then the Corn springs up So when the Word is hid in the Heart then it brings forth good Fruit. 6. If we would have the Word written effectual let us labour
it there can be no good Crop Some have Memories like leaking Vessels the Sermons they hear are presently gone and then there is no good done If Meat doth not stay and concoct in the Stomach it will not nourish Satan labours to steal the Word out of our Mind Mark 4.15 When they have heard Satan cometh immediately and taketh away the Word that was sown Our Memories should be like the Chest of the Ark wherein the Law was put 7. Reduce your Hearing to Practice Live the Sermons your hear Psal. 119.166 I have done thy Commandments Rachel was not content that she was Beautiful but her Desire was to be Fruitful What is a knowing Head without a fruitful Heart Phil. 1.11 Fill'd with the Fruits of Righteousness It is Obedience crowns Hearing That Hearing will never save the Soul which doth not reform the Life 8. Beg of God that he will accompany his Word with his Presence and Blessing The Spirit must make all effectual Ministers may prescribe Physick but it is God's Spirit must make it work Cathedram habet in Coelo qui corda docet in terra Aug. He hath his Pulpit in Heaven that converts Souls Acts 10.44 While Peter was speaking the Holy Ghost fell upon all them that heard It is said the Alchimist can draw Oyl out of Iron God's Spirit can produce Grace in the most obdurate Heart 9. ult If you would have the VVord work effectually to your Salvation make it Familiar to you discourse of the VVord you have heard when you come home Psal. 119.172 My Tongue shall speak of thy Word That may be one reason why some People get no more good by what they hear because they never speak one to another of what they have heard As if Sermons were such Secrets that they must not be spoken of again or as if it were a Shame to speak of matters of Salvation Mal. 3.16 They that feared the Lord spake often one to another and a Book of Remembrance was written Vse Caution Take heed as you love your Souls that the VVord become not ineffectual to you There are some to whom the Word preached is ineffectual 1. Such as Censure the Word in stead of judging themselves judge the Word 2. Such as live in contradiction to the Word Isa. 30.8 3. Such as are more hardened by the Word Zech. 7.11 They made their Heart as an Adamant And when Men harden their Hearts wilfully God hardens them judicially Isa. 6.8 Make their Ears heavy The Word to these is ineffectual Were it not sad if a Man's Meat should not nourish nay if it should turn to Poyson Oh! Take heed that the Word Preach'd be not ineffectual and to no purpose Consider Three things 1. If the Word Preached doth us no good there is no other way by which we can be saved This is God's Institution and the main Engin he useth to convert Souls Luke 16.31 If they hear not Moses and the Prophets neither will they be perswaded tho' one arose from the Dead If an Angel should come to you out of Heaven and preach of the Excellency of the glorified Estate and the Joys of Heaven and that in the most Pathetical manner if the Word preached doth not perswade neither would you be wrought upon by such an Oration from Heaven If a damned Spirit should come from Hell and preach to you in Flames and tell you what a place Hell is and roar out the Torments of the Damned it might make you tremble but it would not convert if the Preaching of the Word would not do it 2. To come to the Word and not be savingly wrought upon is that which the Devil is pleas'd with He cares not tho' you hear frequently if it be not effectually He is not an Enemy to Hearing but Profiting Tho' the Minister holds out the Breast of the Ordinance to you he cares not as long as you do not suck the sincere Milk of the VVord The Devil cares not how many Sermon-Pills you take so long as they do not work upon your Conscience 3. If the VVord preached be not effectual to Men's Conversion it will be effectual to their Condemnation The VVord will be effectual one way or other if it doth not make your Hearts better it will make your Chains heavier VVe pity them who have not the Word preached but it will be worse with them who are not sanctified by it Dreadful is their Case who go loaden to Hell with Sermons But I will conclude with the Apostle Heb. 6.9 I am perswaded better things of you and things that accompany Salvation Matth. XXVIII 19 Go ye therefore and teach all Nations Baptizing them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost Teaching them We are still upon that Question in the Catechism Quest. What are the Outward Means whereby Christ communicates to us the Benefits of Redemption Answ. They are his Ordinances especially the Word Sacraments and Prayers I have spoken to the First The Word Read and Preached I now proceed to the Second II. The Way whereby Christ communicates to us the Benefits of Redemption is in the Vse of the Sacraments Quest. 1. What are Sacraments in general Resp. They are Visible Signs of Invisible Grace Quest. 2. Is not the Word of God sufficient to Salvation What need then is there of Sacraments Resp. We must not be wise above what is written This may satisfie it is God's Will that his Church should have Sacraments And it is God's Goodness thus by Sacraments to condescend to our weak Capacities Iohn 4.48 Except ye see Signs ye will not believe God to strengthen our Faith confirms the Covenant of Grace not only by Promises but by Sacramental Signs Quest. 3. What are the Sacraments of the New Testament Resp. Two Baptism and the Lord's Supper Quest. 4. But are there no more The Papists tell us of Five more viz. Confirmation Penance Matrimony Orders and the Extream Unction Resp. 1. There were but Two Sacraments under the Law therefore there are no more now 1 Cor. 10.2 3 4. 2. These two Sacraments are sufficient The one signifying our Entrance into Christ and the other our Growth and Perseverance in him 1. I begin with the First Sacrament Baptism Go ye therefore and Teach all Nations Baptizing them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost Teaching them Go teach all Nations The Greek VVord is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Make Disciples of all Nations If it be asked How should we make them Disciples It follows Baptizing them and teaching them In an Heathen Nation first Teach them and then Baptize them but in a Christian Church first Baptize them and then Teach them Quest. 5. What is Baptism Resp. In General it is a Matriculation or Visible Admission of Children into the Congregation of Christ's Flock More particularly Baptism is a Sacrament wherein the washing or sprinkling with Water in the Name of the Father Son and
Christ doth not cast these Pearl before Swine Whether Iudas were present at the Supper is controverted I rather incline to think he was not For Christ said to the Disciples This is my Blood which is shed for you Luke 22.20 Christ knew his Blood was never shed effectually and intentionally for Iudas In eating the Passover Christ gave Iudas a Sop which was a Bit of Unleavened Bread dipt in a Sauce made with bitter Herbs Iudas having received the Sop went immediately out John 13. But suppose Iudas were there tho he receiv'd the Element yet not the Blessing 7. Take Eat This Expression of Eating denotes Four things 1. The near mystical Vnion between Christ and his Saints As the Meat which is eaten incorporates with the Body and becomes one with it so by eating Christ's Flesh and drinking his Blood Spiritually we partake of Christ's Merits and Graces and are mystically one with him Iohn 17.23 I in them 2. Take eat Eating shows the infinite Delight the believing Soul hath in Christ. Eating is grateful and pleasing to the Pallat So feeding on Christ by a lively Faith is delicious Nullus animae suavior cibus Lactantius No such sweet feeding as on Christ crucifyed This is a Feast of Fat things and Wine on Lees w●ll refined 3. Take eat Eating denotes Nourishment Meat as it is delicious to the Pallat so it is nourishing to the Body So eating Christ's Flesh and drinking his Blood is nutritive to the Soul The new Creature is nourished at the Table of the Lord to everlasting Life Iohn 6.54 Whoso eateth my Flesh and drinketh my Blood hath eternal Life 4. Take eat shows the Wisdom of God who restores us by the same means by which we fell We fell by Taking and Eating the Forbidden Fruit and we are recovered again by Taking and Eating of Christ's Flesh. We died by eating the Tree of Knowledge and we live by eating the Tree of Life 8. This is my Body These Words Hoc est Corpus meum have been much controverted between us and the Papists This is my Body that is by a Metonymy It is a Sign and Figure of my Body The Papists hold Transubstantiation that the Bread is after Consecration turn'd into the very Substance of Christ's Body We say we receive Christ's Body Spiritually they say they receive Christ's Body Carnally which is contrary to Scripture The Scripture affirms that the Heavens must receive Christ's Body until the times of the restitution of all things Acts 3.21 Christ's Body cannot be at the same time in Heaven and in the Host. Aquinas saith It is not possible by any Miracle that a Body should be locally in two places at once Besides it is absurd to imagine that the Bread in the Sacrament should be turned into Christ's Flesh and that his Body which was hung before should be made again of Bread So that This is my Body is as if Christ had said This is a Sign and Representation of my Body 9. And he took the Cup. The Cup is put by a Metonymy of the Subject for the Adjunct for the Wine in the Cup it signifies the Blood of Christ shed for our Sins The taking of the Cup denotes the Redundancy of Merit in Christ and the Fulness of our Redemption by him He not only took the Bread but the Cup. 10. And when he had given Thanks 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Christ gave Thanks that God had given these Elements of Bread and Wine to be Signs and Seals of Man's Redemption by Christ. Christ's giving of Thanks shows his Philanthropy or Love to Mankind who did so rejoyce and bless God that Lost Man was now in a way of Recovery and that he should be rais'd higher in Christ than ever he was in Innocency 11. He gave the Cup to them Why then dare any with-hold the Cup This is to pollute and curtail the Ordinance and alter it from its Primitive Institution Christ and his Apostles administred the Sacrament in both Kinds the Bread and the Cup 1 Cor. 11.24 25. And the Cup was receiv'd in the ancient Church for the space of 1400 Years as is confess'd by Two Popish Councils Christ saith expresly Drink ye all of this He doth not say Eat ye all of this But Drink ye all as foreseeing the Sacrilegious Impiety of the Church of Rome in keeping back the Cup from the People The Popish Council of Constance speaks plainly but impudently That altho' Christ instituted and administred the Sacrament in both Kinds the Bread and the Wine yet the Authority of the Holy Canons and the Custom of the Mother Church think good to deny the Cup to the Laity Thus as the Popish Priests make Christ but half a Saviour so they administer to the People but half a Sacrament The Sacrament is Christ's Last Will and Testament in the Text This is my Blood of the New Testament Now to alter or take away any thing from a Man's Will and Testament is a great Impiety What is it then to alter and mangle Christ's Last Will and Testament Sure 't is an high Affront to Christ. Quest. 3. What are the Ends of the Lord's Supper Resp. 1. It is an Ordinance appointed to confirm our Faith Iohn 4.48 Except ye see Signs ye will not believe Christ sets the Elements before us that by these Signs our Faith may be strengthened As Faith cometh by hearing so it is confirmed by seeing Christ crucify'd The Sacrament is not only a Sign to represent Christ but a Seal to confirm our Interest in him Object But it is the Spirit confirms Faith therefore not the Sacrament Answ. This is no good Logick The Spirit confirms Faith therefore not the Sacrament is as if one should say God feeds our Bodies therefore Bread doth not feed us whereas God feeds us by Bread So the Spirit confirms our Faith by the Use of the Sacrament 2. The End of the Sacrament is to keep up the Memory of Christ's Death 1 Cor. 11.25 This do ye 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in remembrance of me If a Friend give us a Ring at his Death we wear it to keep up the Memory of our Friend Much more then ought we to keep up the Memorial of Christ's Death in the Sacrament Christ's Death lays a Foundation for all the magnificent Blessings which we receive from Christ. The Covenant of Grace was agreed on in Heaven but sealed upon the Cross. Christ hath sealed all the Articles of Peace in his Blood Remission of Sin flows from Christ's Death Matth. 26.28 This is my Blood of the New Testament shed for many for the Remission of Sins Consecration or making us Holy is the Fruit of Christ's Death Heb. 9.14 How much more shall the Blood of Christ purge your Conscience Christ's Intercession is made available to us by Vertue of his Death Christ could not have been admitted an Advocate if he had not been first a Sacrifice Our entring into Heaven is the Fruit of Christ's Blood Heb. 10.19
Christ could not have prepared Mansions for us if he had not first purchased them by his Death So that we have a great deal of cause to commemorate Christ's Death in the Sacrament Quest. In what Manner are we to remember the Lord's Death in the Sacrament Answ. It is not only an Historical Remembrance of Christ's Death and Passion Thus Iudas remembers Christ's Death and how he betray'd him And Pilate remembers Christ ' Death and how he crucify'd him But our remembring Christ's Death in the Sacrament must be 1. A Mournful Remembrance We must not be able to look on Christ crucified with dry Eyes Zech. 12.10 They shall look on him whom they have pierced and mourn over him O Christian when thou lookest on Christ in the Sacrament remember how oft thou hast crucifyed him The Jews did it but once thou often Every Oath is a Nail with which thou piercest his Hands Every unjust sinful Action is a Spear with which thou woundest his Heart O remember Christ with Sorrow to think thou shouldst make his Wounds bleed afresh Mark XIV 22 23 24. Iesus took Bread c. 2. It must be a Ioyful Remembrance Iohn 8.56 Abraham saw my Day and rejoyced When a Christian sees a Sacrament Day approach he should rejoyce This Ordinance of the Supper is an Earnest of Heaven 't is the Glass in which we see him whom our Souls love It is the Chariot by which we are carried up to Christ. When Iacob saw the Waggons and Chariots which were to carry him to his Son Ioseph his Spirit revived Gen. 45.27 God hath appointed the Sac●●ment on purpose to chear and revive a sad Heart When we look on our Sins ●e have cause to mourn but when we see Christ's Blood shed for our Sins this may make us rejoyce In the Sacrament our Wants are supplyed our Strength is renewed Here we meet with Christ and doth not this call for Joy A Woman that hath been long debarred from the Society of her Husband how glad is she of his Presence At the Sacrament the believing Spouse meets with Christ He saith to her All I have is thine My Love is thine to pity thee my Mercy is thine to save thee How can we think in the Sacrament on Christ's Blood shed and not rejoyce Sanguis Christi clavis Paradisi Christ's Blood is the Key which opens Heaven else we had been all shut out 3. End of the Sacrament is to work in us an endeared Love to Christ. When Christ bleeds over us well may we say Behold how he loved us Who can see Christ die and not be Sick of Love That is an Heart of stone whom Christ's Love will not melt 4. End of the Sacrament the mortifying of Corruption To see Christ crucified for us is a means to crucify sin in us Christ's Death like the Water of Jealousie makes the Thigh of Sin to rot Numb 5.27 How can a Wife endure to see that Spear which killed her Husband How can we endure those sins which made Christ vail his Glory and lose his Blood When the People of Rome saw Caesar's bloody Robe they were incensed against them that slew him Sin hath rent the White Robe of Christ's Flesh and died it of a crimson Colour The Thoughts of this will make us seek to be avenged on our sins 5. End the Augmentation and Encrease of all the Graces Hope Zeal Patience The Word Preached begets Grace the Lord's Supper nourisheth it The Body by feeding encreaseth Strength so doth the Soul by feeding on Christ Sacramentally Cum defecerit virtus mea calicem salutarem accipiam Bern. When my spiritual strength begins to fail I know a Remedy saith Bernard I will go the Table of the Lord there I will drink and recover my decayed strength There is difference between Dead Stones and Living Plants The Wicked who are Stones receive no spiritual Encrease but the Godly who are Plants of Righteousness being watered with Christ's Blood grow more fruitful in Grace Quest. 4. Why are we to receive this Holy Supper Answ. Because it is a Duty incumbent Take Eat And observe it is a Command of Love If Christ had commanded us some great matter would not we have done it 2 Kings 5.13 If the Prophet had bid thee do some great thing wouldst thou not have done it If Christ had enjoyned us to have given him a Thousand of Rams or to have parted with the Fruit of our Bodies would we not have done it Much more when he only saith Take and Eat Let my broken Body feed you let my Blood poured out save you Take and Eat This is a Command of Love and shall we not readily obey 2. We are to celebrate the Lord's Supper because it is a provoking to Christ to stay away Prov. 9.2 Wisdom hath furnished her Table So Christ hath furnished his Table set Bread and Wine representing his Body and Blood before his Guests and they wilfully turn their Backs upon the Ordinance Christ looks upon it as a slighting of his Love and that makes the Fury rise up in his Face Luke 14.24 For I say unto you that none of those that were bidden shall taste of my Supper I will shut them out of my Kingdom I will provide them a black Banquet where weeping shall be the first Course and gnashing of Teeth the Second Quest. 5. Whether the Lord's Supper be oft to be Administred Resp. Yes 1 Cor. 11.26 As oft as ye eat of this Bread The Ordinance is not to be celebrated once in a Year or once in our Lives but often A Christians own Necessities may make him come often hither His Corruptions are strong therefore he had need come often hither for an Antidote to expell the Poyson of Sin and his Graces are weak Grace is like a Lamp if it be not often fed with Oyl it is apt to go out How therefore do they sin against God who come but very seldom to this Ordinance Can they thrive who for a long time forbear their Food And others there are who do wholly forbear This is a great Contempt offered to Christ's Ordinance Men do as it were tacitly say Let Christ keep his Feast to himself What a cross-grain'd piece is Man he will Eat when he should not and he will not eat when he should When God said Eat not of this forbidden Fruit then he will be sure to eat When God saith Eat of this Bread and Drink of this Cup then he refuseth to eat Quest. 6. Are all to come promiscuously to this Holy Ordinance Resp. No that were to make the Lord's Table an Ordinary Christ forbids to cast Pearls before Swine The Sacramental Bread is Children's Bread and it is not to be cast to the Profane As at the giving of the Law God set Bounds about the Mount that none might touch it So God's Table should be guarded that the Profane should not come near In the Primitive Times after Sermon done and they were going to
Blood of a deeper Colour and can wash away Sin If Satan strikes us with his Darts of Temptation here is a precious Balm comes out of Christ's Wounds to heal us Isa. 53.5 What tho we feed upon the Bread of Affliction as long as in the Sacrament we feed upon the Bread of Life So that Christ received aright Sacramentally is an universal Medicine for the healing and an universal Cordial for the cheering of our distressed Souls III. The Benefits of our Redemption are applyed to us by Prayer Psalm 109.4 But I give my self to Prayer I shall not expatiate upon Prayer at large being to speak more fully to it in the Lords Prayer But to the words I give my self to Prayer It is one thing to Pray and another thing to be given to Prayer He who prays frequently is said to be given to Prayer as he who often distributes Almes is said to be given to Charity Prayer is a glorious Ordinance it is the Souls trading with Heaven God comes down to us by his Spirit and we go up to him by Prayer Quest. 1. What Prayer is Answ. It is an offering up of our desires to God for things agreeable to his Will in the Name of Christ. 1. Prayer is an offering up of our Desires Therefore it is called a making known of our Requests Phil. 4.6 In Prayer we come as humble Petitioners begging to have our Suit granted 2. 'T is offering up our Desires to God Prayer is not to be made to any but God The Papists pray to Saints and Angels but they know not our grievances Isa. 63.16 Abraham is ignorant of us And all Angel-worship is forbidden Col. 2.18 19. We must not pray to any but whom we may believe in Rom. 10.14 How shall they call upon him in whom they have not believed But we cannot believe in an Angel therefore we must not pray to him Quest. Why must Prayer be made only to God Resp 1. Because he only hears Prayer Psal. 65.2 O thou that hearest Prayer Hereby God is known to be the true God in that he hears Prayer 1 Kin. 18.37 Hear me O Lord hear me that the people may know that thou art the Lord God 2. Because God only can help We may look to second Causes and cry as the Woman did 2 Kings 6.26 Help my lord O king And he said if the Lord do not help thee whence shall I help thee If we are in outward distress God must send from Heaven and save if we are in inward agonies he only can pour in the Oyl of Joy therefore Prayer is to be made to him only 3. For things agreeable to his Will When we pray for outward things for Riches or Children perhaps God sees these things are not good for us our Prayers must comport with Gods Will. We may pray absolutely for Grace For this is the will of God our Sanctification 1 Thess. 4.3 There might be no strange incense offered Exod. 30 9. When we pray for things which are not agreeable to Gods Will it is offering strange Incense 4. In the Name of Christ. To pray in the Name of Christ is not only to mention Christs Name in Prayer but to pray in the hope and confidence of Christs Merit 1 Sam. 7.9 Samuel took a sucking Lamb and offered it c. We must carry the Lamb Christ in the arms of our Faith and so we prevail in Prayer When Vzziah would offer Incense without a Priest God was angry and struck him with Leprosie 2 Chron. 26.16 When we do not pray in Christs Name in the hope of his Mediation we offer up Incense without a Priest and what can we expect but to meet with rebukes and to have God answer us by terrible things Quest. 2. What are the parts of Prayer Answ. 1. There is the Confessory part which is the acknowledging of Sin 2. The Supplicatory part when we either deprecate and pray against some evil or request the obtaining of some good 3. The Gratulatory part when we give thanks for Mercies received which is the most excellent part of Prayer In Petition we act like Men in giving of Thanks we act like Angels Quest. 3. What are the several sorts of Prayer Resp. 1. There is Mental Prayer in the Mind 1 Sam. 1.13 2. Vocal Psalm 77.1 3. Ejaculatory which is a sudden and short elevation of the heart to God Neh. 2.4 So I prayed to the God of Heaven 4. Conceiv'd Prayer when we pray for those things which God puts into our heart Rom. 8.26 The Spirit helps us with sighs and groans Both the expressions of the tongue so far as they are right and the impressions of the heart are from the Spirit 5. Prescribed Prayer Our Saviour hath set us a pattern of Prayer God prescribed a set Form of Blessing for the Priests Numb 6.23 6. Publick Prayer when we pray in the audience of others Prayer is more powerful when many joyn and unite their forces Vis uni●a fortior Matth. 18.19 7. Private Prayer when we pray by our selves Mat. 6.6 Enter into thy closet Quest. 4. What is that Prayer which is most like to prevail with God Resp. When Prayer is rightly qualified That is a good Medicine which hath the right ingredients That Prayer is good and is most like to prevail with God which hath these seven ingredients in it 1. Prayer must be mixed with Faith Iam. 1.6 But let him pray in faith Believe God hears and will in his due time grant Believe Gods Love and Truth Believe that he is Love therefore will not deny you believe that he is Truth therefore will not deny himself Faith sets God a work Faith is to Prayer as the Feather is to the Arrow Faith feathers the arrow of Prayer and makes it fly swifter and pierce the Throne of Grace Prayer that is faithless is fruitless 2. A melting Prayer Psal. 51.17 The sacrifices of God are a broken heart The incense was to be beaten to typifie the breaking of the heart in prayer O saith a Christian I cannot pray with such gifts and elocution as others as Moses said I am not eloquent But canst thou weep Doth thy Heart melt in Prayer Weeping prayer prevails Tears drop as pearls from the eye Iacob wept and made supplication and had power over the Angel Hos. 12.4 3. Prayer must be fired with zeal and fervency Iam. 5.16 Effectual fervent Prayer prevails much Cold Prayers like cold Suitors never speed Prayer without fervency is like a Sacrifice without Fire Prayer is called a pouring out of the Soul 1 Sam. 1.15 to signifie vehemency Formality starves prayer Prayer is compared to Incense Psal. 141.2 Let my prayer be set forth as incense Hot Coals were to be put to the Incense to make it odoriferous and fragrant fervency of Affection is like Coals put to the Incense it makes prayer ascend as a sweet perfume Christ prayed with strong cryes Heb. 5.7 Clamor iste penetrat nubes Luther Fervent prayer like
capacity Clearness is the grace of Speech 3. It s Compleatness This prayer contains in it the chief things that we have to ask or God hath to bestow VSE Let us have a great esteem of the Lords prayer let it be the model and pattern of all our prayers There is a double benefit ariseth from framing our petitions suitable to the Lords prayer 1. Hereby Error in prayer is prevented 'T is not easie to write wrong Copy we cannot easily err having our pattern before us 2. Hereby Mercies requested are obtained for the Apostle assures us God will hear us when we pray according to his Will 1 Iohn 5.14 and sure we pray according to his Will when we pray according to his pattern he hath set us So much for the Introduction to the Lords prayer After this manner pray ye II. The Prayer it self which consists of three parts 1. A Preface 2. Petitions 3. The Conclusion 1. The Preface to the prayer 1. Our Father 2. Which art in Heaven To begin with the first words of the Preface 1. Our Father Father is sometimes taken personally Iohn 14.28 My Father is greater than I But Father in the Text is taken essentially for the whole Deity This Title Father teacheth us to whom we must address our selves in prayer to God alone Here is no such thing in the Lords prayer as O ye Saints or Angels that are in Heaven hear us but our Father which art in Heaven Quest. In what order must we direct our Prayers to God Here is only the Father named may not we direct our Prayers to the Son and Holy Ghost Answ. Though the Father only be named in the Lords prayer yet the other two persons are not hereby excluded The Father is mentioned because he is first in order but the Son and Holy Ghost are included because they are the same in Essence As all the three persons subsist in one Godhead so in our prayers though we name but one ●●rson we must pray to all To come then more closely to the first words of the Preface Our Father Princes on Earth give themselves Titles expressing their Greatness as High and Mighty God might have done so and expressed himself thus Our King of Glory Our Iudge but he gives himself another Title Our Father an expression of Love and Condescension God that he might encourage us to pray to him represents himself under this sweet notion of a Father Our Father Dulce nomen Patris The Name Iehovah carries Majesty in it the Name Father carries Mercy in it Quest. 1. In what sense is God a Father Resp. 1. By Creation it is he that hath made us Acts 17.28 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 we are his Off-spring Mal. 2.10 Have we not all one Father Hath not one God Created us But there is little comfort in this for so God is Father to the Devils by Creation but he that made them will not save them 2. God is a Father by Election having chosen a certain number to be his Children whom he will entail Heaven upon Eph. 1.4 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 He hath chosen us in him 3. God is a Father by special Grace he consecrates the elect by his Spirit and infuseth a supernatural principle of Holiness therefore they are said to be born of God 1 Iohn 3.9 Such only as are sanctified can say Our Father which art in Heaven Quest. 2. What is the difference between God being the Father of Christ and the Father of the Elect Resp. God is the Father of Christ in a more glorious transcendent manner Christ hath the primo-geniture he is the eldest Son a Son by eternal generation Prov. 8.23 I was set up from everlasting from the beginning or ever the earth was Isa. 53.8 Who shall declare his generation Christ is a Son to the Father yet so as he is of the same Nature with the Father having all the incommunicable properties of the Godhead belonging to him But we are Sons of God by Adoption and Grace Gal. 4.5 That we might receive the adoption of Sons Quest. 3. What is that which makes God our Father Resp. Faith Gal. 3.26 Ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Iesus An Unbeliever may call God his Creator and his Judge but not his Father Faith doth legitimate us and make us of the Blood-Royal of Heaven Ye are the children of God by faith Baptism makes us Church-Members but Faith makes us Children Without Faith the Devil can show as good a Coat of Arms as we Quest. 4. How doth Faith make God to be our Father Resp. As Faith is an uniting Grace by Faith we have Coalition and Union with Christ and so the Kindred comes in being united to Christ the Natural Son we become Adopted Sons God is the Father of Christ Faith makes us Christs Brethren Heb. 2.11 and so God comes to be our Father Quest. 5. Wherein doth it appear that God is the best Father Resp. 1. In that he is most Antient Dan. 7.9 The antient of dayes did sit A figurative representation of God who was before all time This may cause Veneration 2. God is the best Father because he is perfect Matth. 5.48 Your Father which is in Heaven is perfect He is perfectly good Earthly Fathers are subject to infirmities Elias though a Prophet was a man of like passions Iam. 5.17 but God is perfectly good All the perfection we can arrive at in this Life is sincerity we may a little resemble God but not equal him He is infinitely perfect 3. God is the best Father in respect of Wisdom 1 Tim. 1.17 The only wise God He hath a perfect Idea of Wisdom in himself He knows the fittest Mediums to bring about his own designs the Angels light at his Lamp In particular this is one branch of his Wisdom that he knows what is best for us An Earthly Parent knows not in some intricate cases how to advise his Child or what may be best for him to do but God is a most wise Father he knows what is best for us he knows when Comfort is best for us he keeps his Cordials for fainting 2 Cor. 7.6 God who comforteth them that are cast down He knows when affliction is best for us and when it is fit to give a bitter potion 1 Pet. 1.6 If need be ye are in heaviness He is the only wise God he knows how to make evil things work for good to his Children Rom. 8 28. he can make a soveraign treacle of poyson Thus he is the best Father for Wisdom 4. He is the best Father because most loving 1 Iohn 4.16 God is love He who causeth bowels of affection in others must needs have more bowels himself quod efficit tale The Affections in Parents are but Marble and Adamant in comparison of Gods Love to his Children he gives them the cream of his Love electing Love saving Love Zeph. 3.17 He will rejoyce over thee with joy he will rest in his love
dead Saints but persecute living I may say of these as the Apostle Heb. 12.8 They are bastards not sons 4. Effect of love if we love our Heavenly Father then we will be Advocates for him and stand up in the defence of his Truth He who loves his Father will plead for him when he is traduced and wronged He hath no Child-like heart no love to God who can hear Gods name dishonoured and be silent Doth Christ appear for us in Heaven and are we afraid to appear for him on Earth Such as dare not own God and Religion in times of danger God will be ashamed to be called their God it would be a reproach to him to have such Children as will not own him 2. A Child-like love to God is known as by the Effects so by the Degree it is a superiour love We love our Father in Heaven above all other things above Estate or Relations as Oyl runs above the Water Psal. 73.25 A Child of God seeing a super eminency of Goodness and a constellation of all Beauties in God he is carried out in love to him in the highest measure As God gives his Children such a love as he doth not bestow upon the wicked electing love so Gods Children give God such a love as they bestow upon none else adoring love they give him the flower and spirits of their love they love him with a love joyned with worship this spiced Wine they keep only for their Father to drink of Cant. 8.2 4. A Child-like disposition is seen in honouring our Heavenly Father Mal. 1.6 A Son honoureth his Father Quest. How 〈◊〉 show our honour to our Father in Heaven Resp. 1. By having a reverential awe of God upon us Lev. 25.17 Thou shalt fear thy God This reverential fear of God is when we dare do nothing that he hath forbidden in his Word Gen. 39.9 How can I do this great wickedness and sin against God It is the part of the honour a Son gives to his Father he fears to displease him 2. We show our honour to our Heavenly Father by doing all we can to exalt God and make his Excellencies shine forth though we cannot lift up God higher in Heaven yet we may lift him higher in our hearts and in the esteem of others When we speak well of God set forth his renown display the trophies of his goodness when we ascribe the glory of all we do to God when we are the trumpeters of Gods praise this is an honouring our Father in Heaven and a certain sign of a Child-like heart Psal. 50.23 Whoso offereth praise glorifieth me 2. We may know God is our Father by our resembling of him The Child is his Fathers Picture Iudg. 8.18 Each one resembled the children of a King Every Child of God resembles the King of Heaven herein Gods adopting Children and Mans differ A Man adopts one for his Son and Heir that doth not at all resemble him but whosoever God adopts for his Child is like him he not only bears his Heavenly Fathers Name but Image Col. 3.10 And have put on the new man which is renewed 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 after the image of him that created him He who hath God for his Father resembles God in Holiness Holiness is the glory of the Godhead Exod. 15.11 The Holiness of God is the intrinsick Purity of his Essence He who hath God for his Father partakes of the Divine Nature though not of the Divine Essence yet of the Divine Likeness As the Seal sets its print and likeness upon the Wax so he who hath God for his Father hath the print and effigies of his Holiness stamped upon him Psal. 106.16 Aaron the Saint of the Lord. Wicked Men desire to be like God hereafter in glory but do not affect to be like him here in grace they give it out to the World that God is their Father yet have nothing of God to be seen in them they are unclean they not only want his Image but hate it 3. We may know God is our Father by having his Spirit in us 1. By having the intercession of the Spirit 'T is a Spirit of Prayer Gal. 4.6 Because ye are Sons God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts crying Abba Father Prayer is the Souls breathing it self into the bosom of its Heavenly Father None of Gods Children are born dumb implet Spiritus sanctus organum suum tanquam Pila chordarum tangit Spiritus Dei corda sanctorum Prosper Acts 9.11 Behold he prayeth But it is not every Prayer evidenceth Gods Spirit in us Such as have no grace may excel in gifts and affect the hearts of others in Prayer when their own hearts are not affected As the Lute makes a sweet sound in the ears of others but it self is not sensible how therefore shall we know our Prayers are indited by Gods Spirit and so he is our Father Resp. 1. When they are not only Vocal but Mental when there are not only gifts but groans Rom. 8.26 The best Musick is in consort the best Prayer is when the heart and tongue joyn together in consort 2. When they are zealous and fervent Iam. 5.16 The effectual fervent Prayer of a righteous man availeth much The eyes melt in Prayer the heart burns Fervency is to Prayer as Fire to the Incense it makes it ascend to Heaven as a sweet perfume 3. When Prayer hath Faith sprinkled in it Prayer is the Key of Heaven and Faith is the hand that turns it Rom. 8.15 We cry Abba Father We cry there is fervency in Prayer Abba Father there is Faith Those Prayers suffer shipwrack which dash upon the rock of unbelief Thus we may know God is our Father by having his Spirit praying in us As Christ intercedes above so the Spirit intercedes within 2. By having the renewing of the Spirit which is nothing else but Regeneration which is called a being born of the Spirit Iohn 3.5 This regenerating work of the Spirit is a transformation or change of Nature Rom. 12.2 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind He who is born of God hath a new heart New not for substance but for qualities The strings of a Viol may be the same but the Tune is altered Before this Regeneration there are Spiritual Pangs much heart-breaking for Sin Regeneration is called a circumcising of the heart Col. 2.11 In Circumcising there was pain in the flesh so in this Spiritual Circumcision there is pain in the heart there is much sorrow arising from the sense of guilt and wrath The Jaylors trembling Acts 16.30 was a pang in the new birth Gods Spirit is a Spirit of Bondage before it be a Spirit of Adoption This blessed work of Regeneration spreads over the whole Soul it irradiates the Mind it consecrates the Heart and reforms the Life Though Regeneration be but in part it is in every part 1 Thess. 5.23 Regeneration is the signature
and engraving of the Holy Ghost upon the Soul The new born Christian is bespangled with the Jewels of the 〈◊〉 which are the Angels glory Regeneration is the spring of all true joy At our first birth we come weeping into the World but at our new birth there 's cause of rejoycing for now God is our Father and we are begotten to a lively hope of glory 1 Pet. 1.3 We may try by this our relation to God Hath a regenerating work of Gods Spirit passed upon our Souls Are we made of another Spirit Humble and Heavenly This is a good sign of Son-ship and we may say Our Father which art in Heaven 3. By having the conduct of the Spirit We are led by the Spirit Rom. 8.14 As many as are led by the Spirit of God they are the Sons of God Gods Spirit doth not only quicken us in our Regeneration but leads us on till we come to the end of our Faith Salvation It is not enough the Child have Life but he must be led every step by the Nurse Hos. 11.3 I taught Ephraim to go taking them by their armes Their Armes as the Israelites had the Cloud and Pillar of Fire to go before them and be a guide to them so Gods Spirit is a guide to go before us and lead us into all truth and counsel us in all our doubts and influence us in all our actions Psalm 73.24 Thou shalt guide me by thy counsels None can call God Father but such as have the conduct of his Spirit Try then what Spirit you are led by Such as are led by a Spirit of Envy Lust Avarice these are not led by the Spirit of God it were blasphemy for them to call God Father These are led by the Spirit of Satan and may say Our Father which art in Hell 4. By having the Witness of the Spirit Rom. 8.16 The Spirit it self beareth witness with our Spirit that we are the Children of God This Witness of the Spirit suggesting that God is our Father is not a Vocal Witness or Voice from Heaven The Spirit in the Word witnesseth The Spirit in the Word saith he who is so qualified who is an hater of Sin and a lover of Holiness is a Child of God and God is his Father if I can find such qualifications wrought here is the Spirit witnessing with my Spirit that I am a Child of God Besides we may carry it higher the Spirit of God witnesseth to our Spirit by making more than ordinary impressions upon our hearts and giving some secret hints and whispers that God hath purposes of Love to us Here is a concurrent witness of the Spirit with Conscience that we are Heirs of Heaven and God is our Father This Witness is better felt than expressed this Witness scatters doubts and fears silenceth temptations but what shall one do that hath not this Witness of the Spirit If we w●●t the Witness of the Spirit let us labour to find the Work of the Spirit if we have not the Spirit testifying labour to have it sanctifying and that will be a support to us 4. If God be our Father we are of Peaceable Spirits Matth. 5.9 Blessed are the peace-makers they shall be called the children of God Grace infuseth a sweet amicable disposition it files off the ruggedness of Mens Spirits it turns the Lion-like fierceness into a Lamb-like gentleness Isa. 11.7 They who have God to be their Father follow Peace as well as Holiness God the Father is called the God of Peace Heb. 13.20 God the Son the Prince of Peace Isa. 9.6 God the Holy Ghost is a Spirit of Peace It is called the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace Eph. 4.3 The more peaceable the more like God It is a bad sign God is not their Father 1. Who are fierce and cruel as if with Romulus they had sucked the Milk of a Wolf Rom. 3.17 The way of peace have they not known they sport in mischief these are they who are of a persecuting Spirit as Maximinus Dioclesian Antiochus who as Eusebius took more tedious journeys and run more hazards in vexing and persecuting the Iewes than any of his Predecessors had done in getting of Victories These Furies cannot call God Father if they do they will have as little comfort in saying Father as Dives had in Hell when he said Father Abraham Luke 16.24 2. Who are makers of division Rom. 16.17 Mark them which cause divisions and avoid them Such as are born of God are makers of Peace what shall we think of such as are makers of Division will God Father these The Devil made the first division in Heaven they may call the Devil Father they may give the Cloven Foot in their Coat of Armes their sweetest Musick is in Discord they unite to divide Sampsons Fox-tails were tyed together only to set the Philistians Corn on fire Iudg. 15 4. Papists unite only to set the Churches Peace on fire· Satans Kingdom goes up by Divisions St. Chrysostome observes of the Church of Corinth when many Converts were brought in Satan knew no better way to dam up the current of Religion than to throw in an Apple of Strife and divide them into Parties one was for Paul and another for Apollos but few for Christ. Would not Christ have his Coat rent and can he endure to have his Body rent Sure God will never Father them who are not Sons of Peace Of all them who God hates he is named for one who is a sower of discord among brethren Prov. 6.19 5. If God be our Father then we love to be near God and have converse with him An ingenuous Child delights to approach near to his Father and go into his presence David envyed the Birds that they built their Nests so near Gods Altars when he was debarred his Fathers house Psal. 84.3 True Saints love to get as near to God as they can In the Word they draw near to his Holy Oracle in the Sacrament they draw near to his Table a Child of God delights to be in his Fathers presence he cannot stay away long from God he sees a Sabbath day approaching and rejoyceth his heart hath been often melted and quickened in a Ordinance he hath tasted the Lord is good therefore he loves to be in his Fathers presence he cannot keep away long from God Such as care not for Ordinances cannot say Our Father which art in Heaven Is God their Father who cannot endure to be in his presence VSE I. Of Instruction See the amazing goodness of God that is pleased to enter into this sweet relation of a Father God needed not to adopt us he did not want a Son God did not want a Son but we did a Father God showed Power in being our Maker but Mercy in being our Father When we were enemies and our hearts stood out as garrisons against God that he should conquer our stubbornness and of enemies make us children and write his
his Son Doth God command Parents to instruct their Children Leut. 4.10 and will not he instruct his Isa. 48.17 I am the Lord thy God which teacheth thee to profit Psal. 71.17 O God thou hast taught me from my youth If God be our Father he will give us the teachings of his Spirit The natural man receives not the things of God neither can he know them 1 Cor. 2.14 The Natural Man may have excellent notions in Divinity but God must teach us to know the Mysteries of the Gospel after a Spiritual manner A Man may see the figures upon a Dyal but he cannot tell how the day goes unless the Sun shine We may read many Truths in the Bible but we cannot know them savingly till God by his Spirit shine upon our Soul God teacheth not only our Ear but our Heart he not only informs our Mind but inclines our Will we never learn till God teach us If God be our Father he will teach us how to order our affairs with discretion Psalm 112.5 how to carry our selves wisely 1 Sam. 18.5 David behaved himself wisely he will teach us what to answer when we are brought before Governours he will put words into our mouths Matth. 10.18 19 20. Ye shall be brought before Governours and Kings for my sake but take no thought how or what ye shall speak For it is not ye that speak but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you 2. If God be our Father then he hath Bowels of Affection towards us If it be so unnatural for a Father not to love his Child can we think God will be defective in his Love All the affections of Parents come from God but a spark from his flame He is the Father of Mercies 2 Cor. 1.3 he begets all the Mercies and Bowels in the Creature His Love to his Children is a Love which passeth knowledge Eph. 3.19 it exceeds all dimensions it is higher than Heaven it is broader than the Sea That you may see Gods Fatherly Love to his Children 1. Consider God makes a precious valuation of them Isa. 43.4 Since thou wast precious in my sight A Father prizeth his Child above his Jewels their names are precious for they have Gods own name written upon them Rev. 3.12 I will write upon him the name of my God Their Prayers are a precious perfume their Tears God bottles Psal. 56.8 God esteems his Children as a Crown of glory in his hand Isa. 62.3 2. God loves the places they were born in the better for their sakes Psal. 87.6 Of Sion it shall be said this man was born there this and that Believer was born there God loves the ground his Children tread upon Hence Iudea the seat of Gods Children and Chosen God calls a delightsome Land Mal. 3.12 It was not only pleasant for Scituation and Fruitfulness but because Gods Children who were his Hephsibab or Delight lived there 3. He chargeth the great ones of the World not to prejudice his Children their Persons are sacred Psal. 105.14 He suffered no man to do them wrong yea he reproved Kings for their sakes saying Touch not mine anointed By Anointed is meant the Children of the High God who have the Unction of the Spirit and are set apart for God 4. God delights in their company he loves to see their Countenance and hear their Voice Cant. 2.14 he cannot refrain long from their company Let but two or three of his Children meet and pray together he will be sure to be among them Matth. 18.20 Where two or three are gathered together in my name I am in the midst of them 5. God bears his Children in his Bosom as a nursing Father doth the sucking Child Numb 11.12 Isa. 46.4 To be carried in Gods Bosom shows how near his Children lye to his Heart 6. God is full of sollicitous care for them 1 Pet. 5.7 He careth for you His eye is still upon them they are never out of his thoughts A Father cannot always take care for his Child he sometimes is asleep but God is a Father that never sleeps Psal. 121.4 He neither slumbereth nor sleepeth 7. He thinks nothing too good to part with to his Children He gives them the Kidneys of the Wheat and Honey out of the Rock and Wine on the Lees well refined Isa. 25.6 He gives them three Jewels more worth than Heaven the Blood of his Son the Grace of his Spirit the Light of his Countenance Never was there such an indulgent affectionate Father 8. If God hath one Love better than other he bestows it upon them they have the cream and quintessence of his Love He will rejoyce over thee he will rest in his love Zeph. 3.17 God loves his Children with such a love as he loves Christ Iohn 17.26 it is the same love for the unchangeableness of it God will no more cease to love his Adopted Sons then he will to love his Natural Son 3. If God be our Father he will be full of sympathy Psal. 103.13 As a Father pityeth his Children so the Lord pityeth them that fear him Ier. 31.20 Is Ephraim my dear Son my bowels are troubled for him God pityes his Children in Two Cases 1. In Case of Infirmities 2. Injuries 1. In Case of Infirmities If the Child be deformed or hath any ●odily distemper the Father pityes it If God be our Father he pityes our weaknesses and he so pityes them as to heal them Isa. 57.18 I have seen his wayes and will heal him As God hath Bowels to pity so he hath Balsam to heal 2. In Case of Injuries Every blow of the Child goes to the Fathers heart when the Saints suffer God doth sympathize Isa. 63.9 In all their afflictions he was afflicted He did as it were bleed in their Wounds Saul Saul why persecutest thou me When the foot was trod on the head cryed out Iudg. 10.16 Gods Soul was grieved for the children of Israel As when one string in a Lute is touched all the rest of the strings sound When Gods Children are stricken his Bowels sound Zach. 2.8 He that toucheth you toucheth the apple of my eye 4. If God be our Father he will take notice of the least good he sees in us if there be but a sigh for Sin God hears it Psal. 38.9 My groaning is not hid from thee if there be but a penitential tear comes out of our eye God sees it Isa. 38.5 I have seen thy tears If there be but a good intention God takes notice 1 Kings 8.18 Whereas it was in thy heart to build an house to my name thou didst well that it was in thine heart God punisheth intentional wickedness and crowns intentional goodness Thou didst well that it was in thy heart God takes notice of the least scintilla the least spark of grace in his Children 1 Pet. 3.6 Sarah obeyed Abraham calling him Lord. The Holy Ghost doth not mention Sarahs unbelief or laughing at the Promise he puts a finger upon
the scar winks at her failing and only takes notice of the good that was in her her Obedience to her Husband She obeyed Abraham calling him Lord nay that good which the Saints scarce take notice of in themselves God in a special manner observes Matth. 25.35 I was an hungred and ye gave me meat I was thirsty and ye gave me drink Then shall the Righteous say Lord when saw we thee an hungred and fed thee They did as it were over-look and disclaim their own Works of Charity yet Christ doth take notice I was an hungred and ye fed me What a Comfort is this God spyes the least good in his Children he can see a grain of Corn hid under Chaff Grace hid under Corruption 5. If God be our Father he will take all we do in good part Those Duties we our selves censure God will crown When a Child of God looks over his best Duties he sees so much Sin cleaving to them that he is even confounded Lord saith he there is more Sulphur than Incense in my Prayers but for your comfort if God be your Father he will crown those Duties which you your selves censure God sees there is sincerity in the hearts of his Children and this gold though light shall have grains of allowance Though there may be defects in the services of Gods Children yet God will not cast away their offering 2 Chron. 30.20 The Lord healed the people The Tribes of Israel being straitned in time wanted some Legal Purifications yet because their Hearts were upright God healed them he pardoned them God accepts of the good Will 2 Cor. 8.12 A Father takes a Letter from his Son kindly though there are blots or bad English in it What blottings are there in our holy things yet our Father in Heaven accepts Saith God it is my Child and he would do better I will look upon him through Christ with a merciful eye 6. If God be our Father then he will correct us in measure Ier. 30.11 I will correct thee in measure and that two ways 1. It shall be in measure for the kind God will not lay upon us more than we are able to bear 1 Cor. 10.13 he know our frame Psal. 103.14 he knows we are not Steel or Marble therefore will deal gently he will not over-afflict As the Physician that knows the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and temper of the Body will not give Physick too strong for the Body nor will he give one dram or scruple too much God hath not only the Title of a Father but the Bowels of a Father he will not lay too heavy burthens on his Children least their spirits fail before him 2. He will correct in measure for the duration he will not let the affliction lye on too long Psal. 125.3 The rod of the wicked shall not rest upon the lot of the righteous It may be there and not rest Isa. 57.16 I will not contend for ever Our Heavenly Father will love for ever but he will not contend for ever The torments of the damned are for ever Rev. 14.11 The smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever The wicked shall drink a Sea of Wrath but Gods Children only taste of the Cup of Affliction and their Heavenly Father will say transeat calix let this cup pass away from them Isa. 35.10 A sting a wing 7. If God be our Father he will intermix Mercy with all our Afflictions If he give us Wormwood to drink he will mix it with Honey In the Ark the Rod was laid up and Manna With our Fathers Rod there is alwayes some Manna Ashers shooes were iron and brass but his foot was dip'd in oyl Gen. 33.24 Affliction is the shooe of brass that pincheth but there is mercy in the affliction there is the foot dipped in oyl When God afflicts the Body he gives Peace of Conscience there is Mercy in the Affliction An Affliction comes to prevent falling into Sin there is Mercy in the Affliction Iacob had his Thigh hurt in wrestling there was the Affliction but then he saw Gods face and received a Blessing from the Angel Gen. 32.30 there was Mercy in the Affliction In every Cloud a Child of God may see a Rainbow of Mercy shining As the Limner mixeth dark shadows and bright colours together so our Heavenly Father mingles the dark and the bright together Crosses and Blessings and is not this a great happiness for God thus to checker his Providences and mingle goodness with severity 8. If God be our Father the evil one shall not prevail against us Satan is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the evil one emphatically He is the grand enemy of the Saints and that both in a Military sense as he fights against them with his temptations and in a Forensical or Law-sense as he is an accuser and pleads against them yet neither way shall he prevail against Gods Children as for his shooting his fiery darts God will bruise Satan shortly under the Saints feet Rom. 16.20 As for his accusing Christ is Advocate for the Saints and answers all bills of inditement brought in against them God will make all Satans temptations promote the good of his ●hildren 1. As they set them more a praying 2 Cor. 12.8 Temptation is a medicine for security 2. As they are a means to humble them 2 Cor. 12.7 Least I should be exalted above measure there was given me a thorn in the flesh The thorn in the flesh was a temptation this thorn was to prick the bladder of pride 3. As they establish them more in Grace A Tree shaken by the Wind is more settled and rooted the blowing of a temptation doth but settle a Child of God more in Grace Thus the evil one Satan shall not prevail against the Children of God 9. If God be our Father no real evil shall befal us Psal. 91.10 There shall no evil befal thee 'T is not said no trouble but no evil Gods Children are priviledged persons they are priviledged from the hurt of every thing Luke 10.19 Nothing shall by any means hurt you 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Chrys. The hurt and malignity of the affliction is taken away Affliction to a wicked Man hath evil in it it makes him worse Rev. 16.9 Men were scorched with great heat and blasphemed the name of God But no evil befalls a Child of God he is bettered by affliction Heb. 12.10 That ye may be made partakers of his holiness What hurt doth the Furnace to the Gold it only makes it purer What hurt doth Affliction to Grace only refine and purifie it What a great priviledge is this to be freed though not from the stroke of Affliction yet the sting No evil shall touch a Saint When the Dragon hath poysoned the water they say the Unicorn with his horn doth draw out the poyson Christ hath drawn out the poyson of every Affliction that it cannot prejudice a Child of God Again no evil befalls a Child
of God because no condemnation Rom. 8.1 No condemnation to them in Christ Iesus God doth not condemn them nor Conscience doth not condemn them Both Jury and Judge acquit them then no evil befalls them for nothing is really an evil but that which damns 10. If God be our Father this may make us go with chearfulness to the Throne of Grace Were a Man to petition his enemy there were little hope but when a Child petitions his Father he may come with confidence to speed The word Father works upon God it toucheth his very Bowels What can a Father deny his Child If a Son ask bread will he give him a stone Matth. 7.9 This may embolden us to go to God for pardon of Sin and further degrees of Sanctity We pray to a Father of Mercy setting upon a Throne of Grace Luke 11.13 If ye then being evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more shall your heavenly Father give his Spirit to them that ask him This did quicken the Church and add wings to Prayer Isa. 63.15 Look down from heaven ver 16. Doubtless thou art our Father Who doth God keep his Mercies for but his Children Three things may cause boldness in Prayer We have a Father to pray to and the Spirit to help us to pray and an Advocate to present our Prayers Gods Children should in all their troubles run to their Heavenly Father as that sick Child 2 Kin. 4.19 He said unto his Father My head my head So pour out thy complaint to God in Prayer Father my heart my heart My dead heart quicken it my hard heart soften it in Christs Blood Father my heart my heart Sure God that hears the cry of the Ravens will hear the cry of his Children 11. If God be our Father he will stand between us and danger A Father will keep off danger from his Child God calls himself scutum a shield A shield defends the Head guards the Vitals God shields off dangers from his Children Acts 18.10 I am with thee and none shall set on thee to hurt thee God is an hiding place Psalm 27.5 God preserved Athanasius strangely he put it into his mind to depart out of the house he was in the night before the enemies came to search for him As God hath a Breast to feed so he hath Wings to cover his Children Psal. 91.4 He shall cover thee with his feathers and under his wings shalt thou trust God appoints his holy Angels to be a Life-guard about his Children Heb. 1.14 never was any Prince so well guarded as a Believer The Angels 1. are a numerous guard 2 Kings 6.17 The mountain was full of horses of fire round about Elisha The Horses and Chariots of fire were the Angels of God to defend the Prophet Elisha 2. A strong guard One Angel in a night slew an hundred and fourscore and five thousand 2 Kin. 19.32 if one Angel slew so many what would an Army of Angels have done 3. The Angels are a swift guard they are ready in an instant to help Gods Children therefore they are described with wings to show their swiftness they fly to our help Dan. 9.21 23. At the beginning of thy supplication the commandment came forth and I am come to thee Here was a swift motion for the Angel to come from Heaven to Earth between the beginning and ending of Daniels Prayer 4. The Angels are a watchful guard not like Sauls guard asleep when their Lord was in danger 1 Sam. 26.12 The Angels are a vigilant guard they watch over Gods Children to defend them Psal. 34.7 The Angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him There is an invisible guardianship of Angels about Gods Children 12. If God be our Father we shall not want any thing that he sees is good for us Psal. 34.10 They that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing God is pleased sometimes to keep his Children to hard commons but it is good for them Sheep thrive best on short pasture God sees too much may not be good plenty breeds surfeit Luxuriant animi rebus secundis God sees it good sometimes to dyet his Children and keep them short that they may run the Heavenly Race the better it was good for Iacob there was a Famine in the Land it was a means to bring him to his Son Ioseph so it is that Gods Children sometimes see the Worlds emptiness that they may acquaint themselves more with Christs fulness if God see it be good for them to have more of the World they shall have it God will not let them want any good thing 13. If God be our Father all the Promises of the Bible belong to us Gods Children are called Heirs of the promise Heb. 6.17 A wicked Man can lay claim to nothing in the Bible but the Curses he hath no more to do absolutely with the Promises than a Ploughman hath to do with the City Charter the Promises are Childrens Bread the Promises are mulctralia Evangelii the Breasts of the Gospel milking out Consolation and who are to suck of these Breasts but Gods Children The promise of Pardon is for them Ier. 33.8 I will pardon all their iniquity whereby they have sinned against me The promise of Healing is for them Isa. 57.18 the promise of Salvation Ier. 23.6 the Promises are supports of Faith they are Gods sealed Deed they are a Christians Cordial O the Heavenly Comforts which are distilled from the Lembick of the Promises St. Chrysostome compares the Scripture to a Garden the Promises are the Fruit-Trees that grow in this Garden A Child of God may go to any Promise in the Bible and pluck Comfort from it He is an Heir of the Promise 14. God makes all his Children Conquerours They are born of God and are conquerours 1. They conquer themselves Fortior est qui se quam qui fortissima vincit maenia The Saints conquer their own Lusts they bind these princes in fetters of iron Psal. 149.8 Though the Children of God may sometimes be foiled and lose a single battle yet not the victory 2. They conquer the World The World holds forth her two Breasts of Pleasure and Profit and many are overcome by it but the Children of God have a World-conquering Faith 1 Iohn 5.4 This is the victory over the world even your faith 3. They conquer their Enemies How can that be when they oft take away their Lives 1. They conquer by not complying with them The three Children would not fall down to the Golden Image Dan. 3.18 they would rather burn than bow here they were Conquerours He who complyes with anothers Lust is a Captive he who refuseth to comply is a Conquerour 2. Gods Children conquer their enemies by heroick Patience A patient Christian like the anvil bears all strokes invincibly Thus the Martyrs overcame their enemies by Patience nay Gods Children are more than conquerours Rom. 8.37 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 We
How glad are Children when they are going home This was Christs comfort at Death he was going to his Father Ioh. 16.28 I leave the world and go to the Father and Iohn 20.17 I ascend to my Father If God be our Father we may with comfort at the day of death resign our Souls into his hands So did Christ Luke 23.46 Father into thy hands I commend my Spirit If a Child hath any Jewel he will in time of danger put it into his Fathers hands where he thinks it will be kept most safe Our Soul is our richest Jewel we may at Death resign our Souls into Gods hands where they will be safer than in our own keeping Father into thy hands I commend my Spirit What a comfort is this Death carries a Believer to his Fathers house where are delights unspeakable and full of glory How glad was Old Iacob when he saw the Waggons and Chariots to carry him to his Son Ioseph the Text saith His Spirit revived Gen. 45.27 Death is a triumphant Chariot to carry every Child of God to his Fathers Mansion house 20. If God be our Father he will not disinherit his Children God may for a time desert them but not disinherit them The Sons of Kings have been sometimes disinherited by the cruelty of Usurpers as Alexander the Great his Son was put by his just Right by the violence and ambition of his Fathers Captains but what Power on Earth shall hinder the Heirs of the Promise from their Inheritance Men cannot and God will not cut off the entail The Arminians hold falling away from Grace and so a Child of God may be defeated of his Inheritance but I shall show you that Gods Children can never be degraded or disinherited their Heavenly Father will not cast them off from being Children 1. It is evident Gods Children cannot be finally disinherited by vertue of the Eternal Decree of Heaven Gods Decree is the very Pillar and Basis on which the Saints perseverance depends Gods Decree tyes the knot of Adoption so fast that neither Sin Death or Hell can break it asunder Rom. 8.30 Whom he did predestinate them he also called c. Predestination is nothing else but Gods decreeing a certain number to be Heirs of Glory on whom he will settle the Crown whom he predestinates he glorifies what shall hinder Gods electing Love or make his Decree null and void 2. Besides Gods Decree he hath engaged himself by Promise that the Heirs of Heaven shall never be put by their Inheritance Gods Promises are not like blanks in a Lottery but as a sealed Deed which cannot be reversed The Promises are the Saints Royal Charter and this is one Promise that their Heavenly Father will not disinherit them Ier. 32.40 I will make an everlasting covenant with them that I will not turn away from them but I will put my fear in their hearts that they shall not depart from me Gods Fidelity which is the richest Pearl of his Crown is engaged in this Promise for his Childrens perseverance I will not turn away from them A Child of God cannot fall away while he is held fast in these two Armes of God his Love and his Faithfulness 3. Jesus Christ undertakes that all Gods Children by Adoption shall be preserved in a state of Grace till they inherit Glory As the Heathens feigned of Atlas that he did bear up the Heavens from falling Jesus Christ is that blessed Atlas that bears up the Saints from falling away Quest. How doth Christ preserve the Saints Graces till they come to Heaven Resp. 1. Influxu Spiritus Christ carries on Grace in the Souls of the Elect by the influence and co-operation of his Spirit Christ doth Spiritu continually excite and quicken Grace in the Godly his Spirit doth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 blow up the sparks of Grace into an holy flame Spiritus est Vicarius Christi The Spirit is Christs Vicar on Earth his Proxy his Executor to see that all that Christ hath purchased for the Saints be made good Christ hath obtained an Inheritance incorruptible for them 1 Pet. 1.4 and the Spirit of Christ is his Executor to see that this Inheritance be settled upon them 2. Christ carries on Grace perseveringly in the Souls of the Elect vi orationis by the prevalency of his intercession Heb. 7.25 He ever lives to make intercession for them Christ prayes that every Saint may hold out in Grace till he comes to Heaven Can the Children of such Prayers perish If the Heirs of Heaven should be disinherited and fall short of Glory then Gods Decree must be reversed his Promise broken Christs Prayer frustrated which were Blasphemy to imagine 4. That Gods Children cannot be disinherited or put by their Right to the Crown of Heaven is evident from their Mystical Union with Christ. Believers are incorporated into Christ they are knit to Christ as the Members to the Head by the Nerves and Ligaments of Faith so that they cannot be broken off Eph. 1.22 23. The Church which is his Body What was once said of Christs Natural Body is as true of his Mystical A bone of it shall not be broken As it is impossible to sever the leaven and the dough when they are once mingled and kneaded together so it is impossible when Christ and Believers are once united that they should ever by the power of Death or Hell be separated Christ and his Spiritual Members make one Christ now is it possible that any part of Christ should perish How can Christ want any Member of his Body Mystical and be perfect Every Member is an Ornament to the Body and adds to the honour of it How can Christ part with any Mystical Member and not part with some of his Glory too So that by all this it is evident that Gods Children must needs persevere in Grace and cannot be disinherited If they could be disinherited then the Scripture could not be fulfilled which tells us of Glorious Rewards for the Heirs of Promise Psal. 58.11 Doubtless there is a reward for the righteous Now if Gods Adopted Children should fall finally from Grace and miss of Heaven what Reward were there for the Righteous And Moses did indiscreetly to look to the recompence of reward and so there would be a door opened to despair Object This Doctrine of Gods Children persevering and having the Heavenly Inheritance settled on them may cause carnal security and make them less circumspect in their walking Resp. Corrupt Nature may as the Spider suck poyson from this Flower but a sober Christian who hath felt the efficacy of Grace upon his Heart dares not abuse this Doctrine He knows perseverance is attained in the use of means therefore he walks holily that so in the use of means he may arrive at perseverance St. Paul knew that he should not be disinherited and that nothing could separate him from the love of Christ but who more holy and watchful than he 1 Cor. 9.27 I
Glory upon our Bodies We shall be 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as the Angels not for substance but quality our Bodies shall be agile and nimble now our Bodies are as a weight then they shall be as a wing moving swiftly from place to place our Bodies shall be full of clarity and brightness like Christs glorious Body Phil. 3.21 The Bodies of the Saints shall be as Cloth dyed into a Scarlet colour made more illustrious they shall be so clear and transparent that the Soul shall sparkle through them as the Wine through the Glass 2. God will put Glory upon our Souls If the Cabinet of the Body shall be so illustrious of what orient brightness shall the Jewel be Then will be the great Coronation-day when the Saints shall wear the Robe of Immortality and the Crown of Righteousness which fades not away O how glorious will that Garland be which is made of the Flowers of Paradise Who then would not hallow and glorifie Gods Name and spread his renown in the World who will put such immortal Honour upon his People as eye hath not seen nor ear heard nor can it enter into the heart of man to conceive 7. Vlt. Such as do not hallow Gods Name but profane and dishonour it God will pour contempt upon them though they be never so great and though cloathed in Purple and Scarlet yet they are abhorred of God and their name shall rot Though the name of Iudas be in the Bible and the name of Pontius Pilate be in the Creed yet their names stand there for Infamy as being Traytors to the Crown of Heaven Nahum 1.14 I will make thy grave for thou art vile It is spoken of Antiochus Epiphanes he was a King and his name signifie● Illustrious yet God esteemed him a vile Person to show how base the wicked are in Gods esteem he compares them to things most vile to chaff Psal. 1.4 to dross Psal. 119.118 and the filth that fomes out of the Sea Isa. 57.20 and as God doth thus vilely esteem of such as do not hallow his Name so he sends them to a vile place at last Vagrants are sent to the House of Correction Hell is the House of Correction which the Wicked are sent to when they dye Let all this prevail with us to hallow and sanctifie Gods Name Quest. What may we do to honour and sanctifie Gods Name Answ. Let us get 1. A sound Knowledge of God 2. A sincere Love to God 1. A sound Knowledge of God Take a view of his superlative Excellencies his Holiness his incomprehensible Goodness The Angels know God better than we therefore they sanctifie his Name and sing Hallelujahs to him and let us labour to know him to be our God Psal. 48.14 This God is our God We may dread God as a Judge but we cannot honour him as a Father till we know he is our God 2. Get a sincere Love to God A Love of Appretiation and a Love of Complacency to delight in him Iohn 21.15 Lord thou knowest I love thee He can never honour his Master who doth not love him The reason Gods Name is no more hallowed is because his name is no more loved So much for the First Petition MATTH vi 10 Thy Kingdom come A Soul truly devoted to God joyns heartily in this Petition Adveniat Regnum tuum Thy Kingdom come In which words this great Truth is implyed that God is a King he who hath a Kingdom can be no less than a King Ps. 47.7 God is King of all the earth And he is a King upon his Throne Psal. 47.8 God sitteth upon the throne of his holiness 1. He hath a Regal Title High and Mighty Isa. 57.15 Thus saith the high and lofty one 2. He hath the Ensigns of Royalty his Sword Deut. 32.41 If I whet my glittering sword He hath his Scepter Heb. 1.8 A scepter of Righteousness is the scepter of thy Kingdom 3. He hath his Crown Royal Rev. 19.12 On his head were many crowns he hath his Iura Regalia his Kingly Prerogatives he hath power to make Lawes to seal Pardons which are the Flowers and Jewels belonging to his Crown Thus the Lord is King And 2. He is a great King Psal. 95.3 A great King above all Gods He is great in and of himself and not like other Kings who are made great by their Subjects That he is so great a King appears 1. By the immenseness of his Being Ier. 23.24 Do not I fill heaven and earth saith the Lord. His center is every where he is no where included yet no where excluded he is so immensly great That the heaven of heavens cannot contain him 1 Kings 8.27 2. His greatness appears by the effects of his Power He made heaven and earth Psal. 124.8 and can unmake it God can with a Breath crumble us to dust with a Word he can unpin the World and break the Axle-Tree of it in pieces He pours contempt upon the mighty Iob 12.21 He cuts off the spirit of Princes Psal. 76.12 He is Lord Paramount who doth whatever he will Psal. 115.2 He weigheth the mountains in scales and the hills in a ballance Isa. 40.12 3. God is a Glorious King Psal. 24.10 Who is this King of Glory the Lord of Hosts he is the King of Glory He hath internal Glory Psal. 93.1 The Lord reigneth he is cloathed with majesty Other Kings have Royal and Sumptuous Apparel to make them appear glorious to the beholders but all their Glory and Magnificence is borrowed but God is cloathed with Majesty his own Glorious Essence is instead of Royal Robes and he hath girded himself with strength Kings have their guard about them to defend their Persons because they are not able to defend themselves but God needs no guard or assistance from others He hath girded himself with strength His own Power is his Life-guard Psal. 89.6 Who in the heaven can be compared unto the Lord who among the Sons of the mighty can be likened unto the Lord God hath a prehiminence above all other Kings for Majesty Rev. 19.16 He hath on his vesture a name written Rex Regum King of Kings He hath the highest Throne the richest Crown the largest Dominions and the longest Possession Psal. 29.10 The Lord sitteth King for ever Though God hath many Heirs yet no Successors He sets up his Throne where no other King doth he rules the Will and Affections his Power binds the Conscience Angels serve him all the Kings of the Earth hold their Crowns and Diadems by immediate tenure from this great King Prov. 8.15 By me Kings reign and to this Lord Iehovah all Kings must give account and from Gods Tribunal there is no appeal VSE I. Br. 1. If God be so great a King and sits King for ever then it is no disparagement for us to serve him Deo servire est regnare It is an Honour to serve a King If the Angels fly swiftly upon the King of Heavens message Dan.
had betrayed Christ and hanged himself Thus Satan is the worst Tyrant when Men have served him to their utmost strength he will welcome them to Hell with Fire and Brimstone VSE Let us pray that Satans Kingdom set up in the World may be thrown down 'T is sad to think that though the Devils Kingdom be so bad yet that it should have so many to support it Satan hath more to stand up for his Kingdom than Christ hath for his What a large harvest of Souls hath Satan and God only a few gleanings The Pope and the Turk give their power to Satan If in Gods visible Church the Devil hath so many Loyal Subjects that serve him with their Lives and Souls then how do his Subjects swarm in places of Idolatry and Paganism where there is none to oppose him but all vote on the Devils side Men are willingly slaves to Satan they will fight and dye for him therefore Satan is not only called the Prince of this world Iohn 14.30 but the God of this world 2 Cor. 4.4 to show what power Satan hath over Mens Souls O let us pray that God will break the Scepter of the Devils Kingdom that Michael may destroy the Dragon that by the help of a Religious Magistracy and Ministry the Hellish Kingdom of the Prince of Darkness may be beaten down Satans Kingdom must be thrown down before Christs Kingdom can flourish in its Power and Majesty 2. When we pray Thy Kingdom come here is something positively intended 1. We pray that the Kingdom of Grace may be set up in our hearts and encreased 2. That the Kingdom of Glory may hasten and that we may in Gods due time be translated into it I begin with the First The Kingdom of Grace When we pray Thy Kingdom come we pray 1. That the Kingdom of Grace may come into our hearts This is Regnum Dei 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Gods lesser Kingdom Rom. 14.17 The Kingdom of God is righteousness Luke 17.21 The kingdom of God is within you Quest. 1. Why is Grace called a Kingdom Answ. Because where Grace comes there is a Kingly Government set up in the Soul Grace rules the Will and Affections and brings the whole Man in subjection to Christ. Grace doth king it in the Soul it swayes the Scepter it subdues mutinous Lusts and keeps the Soul in a Spiritual Decorum Quest. 2. Why is there such need that we should pray that this Kingdom of Grace come into our hearts Resp. 1. Because till the Kingdom of Grace come we have no right to the Covenant of Grace The Covenant of Grace is sweetned with Love bespangled with Promises the Covenant of Grace is our Magna Charta by vertue of which God passeth himself over to us to be our God But who are Heirs of the Covenant of Grace only such as have the kingdom of Grace in their hearts Ezek. 36.26 A new heart will I give you and a new spirit will I put within you there is the kingdom of Grace set up in the Soul then it followes ver 28. I will be your God The Covenant of Grace is to an ungracious Person a sealed Fountain it is kept as Paradise with a Flaming Sword that the Sinner may not touch it without Grace you have no more right to it than a Farmer to the City Charter 2. Unless the Kingdom of Grace be set up in our hearts our purest Offerings are defiled they may be good as to the matter but not as to the manner they want that which should meliorate and sweeten them under the Law If a Man who was unclean by a dead body did carry a piece of holy flesh in his skirt the holy flesh could not cleanse him but he polluted that Hag. 2.12 Till the kingdom of Grace be in our hearts Ordinances do not purifie us but we pollute them the Prayer of an ungracious person becomes sin Prov. 15.8 In what a sad condition is a Man before Gods kingdom of Grace be set up in his heart whether he comes or comes not to the Ordinance he sins If he doth not come to the Ordinance he is a contemner of it if he doth come he is a polluter of it A Sinners works are opera mortua dead works Heb. 1.6 and those works which are dead cannot please God a dead Flower hath no sweetness 3. We had need pray that the kingdom of Grace may come because till this kingdom come into our hearts we are loathsome in Gods eyes Zech. 11.8 My soul loathed them Quanta est faeditas vitiosae mentis Tully An heart void of Grace looks blacker than Hell Sin transforms one into a Devil Iohn 6.70 Have not I chosen twelve and one of you is a devil Envy is the Devils eye hypocrisie is his cloven-foot thus it is before the kingdom of Grace come So deformed is a Graceless person that when once he sees his own filth and leprosie the first thing he doth is to loath himself Ezek. 20.43 Ye shall loath your selves in your own sight for all your evils I have read of a Woman who alwayes used flattering glasses by chance seeing her Face in a true glass in insaniam delapsa est she ran mad Such as now dress themselves by the flattering glass of presumption when once God gives them a sight of their filthiness they will abhor themselves Ye shall loath your selves in your own sight for all your evils 4. Before the kingdom of Grace comes into us we are Spiritually illegitimate of the Bastard brood of the Old Serpent Iohn 8.44 To be illegitimate is the greatest infamy Deut. 23.2 A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord to the tenth generation He was to be kept out of the holy Assemblies of Israel as an infamous Creature A Bastard by the Law cannot inherit before the kingdom of Grace come into the heart a person is to God as one illegitimate and so continuing he cannot enter into the Congregation of Heaven 5. Before the kingdom of Grace be set up in Mens hearts the kingdom of Satan is set up in them They are said to be under the power of Satan Acts 26.18 Satan commands the Will though he cannot force the Will he can by his subtle temptations draw it The Devil is said to take men captive at his will 2 Tim. 2.26 the Greek word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifies to take them alive as the Fowler doth the bird in the snare The sinners heart is the Devils Mansion-house Matth. 12.44 I will go to my house It is officina Diaboli Satans shop where he works Eph. 2.2 The prince of the air now worketh in the children of disobedience The members of the Body are the tools which Satan works with Satan possesseth Men. In Christs time many had their Bodies possessed but it is far worse to have their Souls possessed One is possessed with an unclean Devil another with a revengeful Devil No wonder the Ship goes full sail when the
2. That it may encrease and flourish 3. That the Kingdom of Glory may hasten and that God would in his due time translate us into it 1. What this Kingdom of Glory is 2. What are the Properties of it 3. Wherein it exceeds all other Kingdoms 4. When this Kingdome comes 5. Wherein appears the Certainty of it 6. Why we should pray for its coming 1. What this Kingdom of Glory is Answ. By this Kingdom is meant that glorious Estate which the Saints shall enjoy when they shall reign with God and Angels for ever If a Man stand upon the Sea-shore he cannot see all the Dimensions of the Sea the length breadth and depth of it yet he may see it is of a vast Extension So though the Kingdom of Heaven be of that incomparable Excellency that neither Tongue of Man or Angels can express yet we may conceive of it to be an exceeding glorious thing such as eye hath not seen Concerning the Kingdom of Heaven I shall show What 1. It Implies 2. It imports 1. What it implies Answ. It implies A blessed Freedom from all Evil. 2. What it imports Answ. It Imports glorious Fruition of all good 1. What the Kingdom of Heaven implies Resp. It implies a blessed freedom from all evil 1. A freedom from the Necessities of Nature We are in this Life subject to many Necessities We need Food to nourish us Cloathes to cover us Armour to defend us Sleep to refresh us But in the Kingdom of Heaven there is no need of these things and it is better not to need them then to have them as it is better not to need Crutches then to have Crutches What need will there be of Food when our Bodies shall be made spiritual 1 Cor. 15.44 Though not spiritual for substance yet for qualities What need will there be of Clothing when our Bodies shall be like Christs glorious Body what need will there be of Armour when there is no Enemy what need will there be of Sleep when there is no Night Rev. 22.5 The Saints shall be freed in the Heavenly Kingdom from those Necessities of Nature to which now they lye exposed 2 In the Kingdom of Heaven we shall be freed from the Imperfections of Nature Since the Fall our Knowledge hath suffered an Eclipse 1. Our Natural Knowledge is imperfect it is checkered with Ignorance There are many 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 hard Knots in Nature which we cannot easily unty Why the Sea should be higher then the Earth yet not drown it What way the Light is parted Iob 38.24 What is the reason of all the occult Qualities Sympathies and Antipa●●●es He who sees clearest hath a Mist before his Eyes Socrates said on his Death-bed there were many things he had yet to learn Our Ignorance is more then our Knowledge 2. Our Divine Knowledge is imperfect we know but in part said Paul 1 Cor. 13.9 though he had many Revelations and was wrapt up into the third Heaven We have but dark Conceptions of the Trinity Iob 11.7 Canst thou by searching find out God our narrow Capacities will no more contain the Trinity then a little Glass-Vial will hold all the Water in the Sea we cannot unriddle the Mistery of the Incarnation the Humane Nature assumed into the Person of the Son of God the Humane Nature not God yet united with God We see now in aenigmate in a Glass darkly but in the Kingdom of Heaven the Vail shall be taken off all Imperfections of Nature shall be done away When the Sun-light of Glory shall begin to shine in the Heavenly Horizon all dark shadows of Ignorance shall flye away our Lamp of Knowledge shall burn bright we shall have a full knowledge of God though not know him fully 3. In the Kingdom of Heaven we shall be freed from the toylsome Labours of this Life God enacted a Law in Paradise In the sweat of thy Brows thou shalt eat Bread Gen. 3.9 There is the Labour of the Hand in Manufacture and the Labour of the Mind in Study Eccl. 1.8 All things are full of Labour but in the Kingdom of Heaven we shall be freed from our Labours 1. There needs no Labour when a Man hath got to the Haven he hath no more need of failing In Heaven there needs no Labour because the Saints shall have that Glory which they laboured for 2. There shall be no Labour Rev. 14.13 They rest from their Labours As God when he had finished the Work of Creation rested from his Labours Gen. 2.2 So when the Saints have finished the Work of Sanctification they rest from their Labours Where should there be rest but in the Heavenly Center Not that this sweet rest in the Kingdom of Heaven excludes all Motion for Spirits cannot be idle but the Saints Glorified shall rest from all wearisome Imployment it shall be a labour full of ease a Motion full of Delight The Saints in Heaven shall love God and what labour is that Is it any Labour to love Beauty They shall praise God and that sure is delightful When the Bird sings it is not so much a Labour as a pleasure 4. In the Kingdom of Heaven we shall be freed from Original Corruption This is causa causati the root of all Actual Sin There would be no Actual Sin if there were no Original there would be no Water in the Stream if there were none in the Fountain Original Sin is incorporated into our Nature 't is as if the whole mass of Blood were corrupted This makes a Christian weary of his Life he offends that God whom he loves What would a Christian give to have his Chains taken off to be rid of vain thoughts How did Paul that bird of Paradise bemoan himself for his Sins Rom. 7.24 we cannot act either our Duties or Graces without Sin The Soul that is most refined and clarified by Grace is not without some dregs of Corruption but in the Kingdom of Heaven the Fountain of Original Sin shall be quite dryed up 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 What a blessed time will that be never to grieve Gods Spirit more In Heaven are Virgin Souls there is Beauty which is not stained with Lust nothing enters there that defiles Rev. 21.27 5. In the Kingdom of Heaven we shall be freed from all sorrows Rev. 21.4 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 There shall be no more sorrow Our Life here is interlarded with trouble Psal. 31.10 either Losses grieve or Law-suits vex or Unkindness breaks the heart We may as well separate moisture from Air or weight from Lead as Troubles from Mans Life Quid est diu vivere nisi diu torqueri Aug. but in the Kingdom of Heaven sorrow and sighing shall fly away Here the Saints sit by the Rivers weeping but one smile from Christs Face will make them forget all their Sufferings their Water then shall be turned into Wine their Mourning into Musick 6. We shall in the Kingdom of Heaven be freed from the immodesty of
temptation Satan is not yet fully east into Prison but is like a Prisoner that goes under bail he walks about tempting he labours to trappan us into sin he is either laying of snares or shooting of darts Stat in procinctu Diabolus He laid a train of temptation to blow up the castle of Iobs Faith This is a great grief to a Believer to be followed with temptations to sin as it is for a Virgin to have her Chastity assaulted but in the Kingdom of Heaven the Saints shall be freed from the Red Dragon he is cast out of Paradise and shall be for ever lock'd up in Chains Iude 6 7. In the Kingdom of Heaven we shall be freed from all vexing cares The Greek word for care 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 comes from a Primitive that signifies to cut the heart in pieces Care discruciates the Mind it wasts the Spirits it eats out the comfort of Life Care is an evil spirit that haunts us Care to prevent future dangers and preserve present co 〈…〉 all care is full of fear and fear is full of torment 1 Iohn 4.18 God threatens it as a Judgment Ezek. 12.19 They shall eat their bread with carefulness Every Comfort hath its Care as every Rose its Prickle but in the Kingdom of Heaven we shall shake off this viper of Care What needs a Saint glorified to take any Care who hath all things provided to his hand There is the Tree of Life bearing all sorts of Fruit. When the Heart shall be freed from Sin the Head shall be freed from Care 8. We shall in the Kingdom of Heaven be freed from all Doubts and Scruples In this Life the best Saint hath his doubtings as the brightest Star its twinkling If there were no doubtings there would be no unbelief Assurance it self doth not exclude all doubting Psal. 26.3 Thy loving kindness is before mine eyes but at another time Psal. 89.49 Lord where are thy former loving kindnesses A Christian is like a Ship at Anchor which though it be safe yet it may sometimes be tossed upon the Water Sometimes a Christian questions his interest in Christ and his title to the Promise and these doubtings as they eclipse a Christians Comfort so they are a bearing false witness against the Spirit But when the Saints shall come into the Kingdom of Heaven there shall be no more doubtings then a Christian shall say as Peter Now I know of a surety that the Lord hath sent his Angel and delivered me Acts 12.11 So now I know that I am passed from Death to Life now I am got beyond all Rocks I have shot the gulph now I am in my Saviours embraces for ever 9. We shall in the Kingdom of Heaven be freed from all society with the Wicked Here we are forced sometime to be in their company Psal. 120.5 Wo is me that I dwell in Mesech and sojourn in the tents of Kedar Kedar was Ishmaels Son whose Children dwelt in Arabia a profane barbarous People Here the Wicked are still raising Persecutions against the Godly and crucifying their eares with their Oaths and Curses Christs Lilly is among Thorns but in the Heavenly Kingdom there shall be no more any pricking bryar Matth. 13.41 The Son of man shall send forth his Angels and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend As Moses said Exod. 14.13 Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord for the Egyptians whom ye have seen to day ye shall see them again no more for ever So will God say Stand still and see the Salvation of God these your enemies that vex and molest you you shall see them again no more for ever At that day God will separate the precious from the vile then Christ will throughly purge his Floor he will gather the Wheat into the Garner and the Wicked which are the Chaff shall be blown into Hell 10. We shall in the Kingdom of Heaven be freed from all signs of Gods displeasure Here God may be angry with his People Though he hath the heart of a Father he may have the look of an enemy this is sad As when the Sun is gone the Dew falls when the Light of Gods Face is gone Tears drop from the Saints Eyes but in the Kingdom of Heaven there shall be no spiritual eclipses there shall never appear any tokens of Gods displeasure the Saints shall have a constant aspect of Love from God they shall never complain any more as Cant. 5.6 My beloved hath withdrawn himself 11. We shall in the Kingdom of Heaven be freed from all Divisions That which is the saddest thing in the World is to see divisions among them that are good 'T is sad that such as have one Faith yet should not be of one Heart Ephraim envies Iudah and Iudah vexeth Ephraim 'T is matter of tears to see those who are united to Christ to be divided one from another The Soldiers spear pierced Christs side but the divisions of Saints wound his heart but in the Kingdom of Heaven there shall be no vilifying one another or censuring Those who before could hardly pray together shall praise God together there shall not be one jarring string in the Saints Musick 12. We shall in the Kingdom of Heaven be freed from Vanity and Dissatisfaction What Solomon saith of Wisdom Iob 28.14 The depth saith it is not in me and the sea saith it is not with me The same may I say concerning satisfaction every Creature faith It is not in me Take things most pleasing and which we promise our selves most content from still out the Spirits and purest Quintessence of them and we shall say as he did Eccles. 2.11 And behold all was vanity God never did or will put a satisfying vertue into any Creature In the sweetest musick the World makes either there is some string wanting or out of tune Who would have thought that Haman who was so great in the Kings favour He set his seat above all the princes of the provinces Esther 3.1 yet for want of the bowing of a knee he was dissatisfied but in the Kingdom of Heaven we shall be freed from these dissatisfactions The World is like a Landskip you may see Gardens and Fruit-trees curiously drawn in the Landskip but you cannot enter into them but you may enter into the Joyes of Heaven Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord the Soul shall be satisfied while it bathes in those rivers of pleasure at Gods Right-hand I shall be satisfied when I awake with thy likeness Psal. 17.15 Thus you see what the Kingdom of Glory implyes Namely A Blessed Freedom from all Evil. 13. We shall in the Kingdom of Heaven be freed from the Torments of Hell 1 Thess. 1.10 Iesus which delivered us from the wrath to come 1. The multiplicity of these Torments In this Life the Body is usually exercised but with one pain the Stone or Head-ache but in Hell there is a diversity of Torments there is Darkness
increased It is the Judgment of Luther and Anselm and many other Divines that we shall know one another yea the Saints of all Ages whose Faces we never saw and when we shall see the Saints in Glory without their spots viz. their infirmities Pride and Passion this will be a glorious sight We see how Peter was transported when he saw but two Prophets in the Transfiguration Matth. 17.3 but what a blessed sight will it be when we shall see such a Glorious Company of Prophets and Martyrs and Holy Men of God How sweet will the Musick be when they shall all sing together in consort in the Heavenly Quire And tho' in this great Assembly of Saints and Angels one Star may differ from another in Glory yet no such weed as Envy shall ever grow in the Paradise of God then there shall be perfect Love which as it casts out Fear so also Envy though one Vessel of Glory may hold more than another yet every Vessel shall be full 5. In the Kingdom of Heaven there shall be incomprehensible Joy Aristotle saith Ioy proceeds from Vnion When the Saints Union with Christ is perfected in Heaven then their Joy shall be full all the birds of the Heavenly Paradise sing for Joy What Joy when the Saints shall see the great gulph shut and know that they are passed from Death to Life what Joy when they are as holy as they would be and as God would have them to be what Joy to hear the Musick of Angels to see the golden banner of Christs Love displayed over the Soul to be drinking that Water of Life which is quintessential and is sweeter than all Nectar and Ambrosia what Joy when the Saints shall see Christ clothed in their Flesh sitting in Glory above the Angels then they shall enter into the joy of their Lord Matth. 25.21 Here Joy enters into the Saints in Heaven they enter into joy O thou Saint of God who now hangest thy harp upon the Willows and minglest thy drink with weeping in the Kingdom of Heaven thy Water shall be turned into Wine you shall have so much felicity that your Souls cannot wish for more The Sea is not so full of Water as the Heart of a Glorified Saint is of Joy there can be no more Sorrow in Heaven than there is Joy in Hell 6. In Heaven there is honour and dignity put upon the Saints A Kingdom imports honour All that come into Heaven are Kings they have 1. a Crown Rev. 2.10 dabo tibi the Crown of Life Corona est insigne regiae potestatis This Crown is not lined with Thorns but hung with Jewels it is a never-fading Crown 1 Pet. 5.4 2. The Saints in Heaven have their Robes they exchange their Sackcloth for white Robes Rev. 7.9 I beheld a great multitude which no man could number clothed in white robes Robes signifie their Glory White their Sanctity And 3. They sit with Christ upon the Throne Rev. 3.21 We read 1 Kings 6.33 the doors of the Holy of Holies were made of Palm-trees and open Flowers covered with Gold an emblem of that victory and that garland of Glory which the Saints shall wear in the Kingdom of Heaven When all the Titles and Ensigns of Worldly honour shall lye in the dust the Mace the Silver Star the Garter then shall the Saints honour remain 7. We shall in the Kingdom of Heaven have a blessed Rest. Rest is the end of motion Heaven is Centrum quietativum animae the blessed Centre where the Soul doth acquiesce and rest In this Life we are subject to unquiet motions and fluctuations 2 Cor. 7.5 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 We are troubled on every side like a Ship on the Sea having the waves beating on both sides but in the Kingdom of Heaven there is Rest Heb. 4.9 How welcome is Rest to a weary Traveller When Death cuts asunder the string of the Body the Soul as a Dove flyes away and is at Rest. This Rest is when the Saints shall lye on Christs bosom that hive of sweetness that bed of perfume 8. The Saints shall in the Kingdom of Heaven have their Bodies richly bespangled with Glory they shall be full of Clarity and Brightness as Moses Face shined that Israel were not able to behold the Glory Exod. 34 30. The Bodies of the Saints shall shine seven times brighter than the Sun saith Chrysostome they shall have such a resplendency of Beauty on them that the Angels shall fall in love with them and no wonder for they shall be made like Christs glorious body Phil. 3.21 The Bodies of Saints glorified need no Jewels when they shall shine like Christs Body 9. In the Heavenly Kingdom is Eternity 't is an eternal fruition they shall never be put out of the Throne Rev. 22.5 They shall reign for ever and ever It is called the everlasting kingdom 2 Pet. 1.11 and an eternal weight of Glory 2 Cor. 4.17 The Flowers of Paradise of which the Saints Garland is made never wither If there could be a cessation of Heavens Glory or the Saints had but the least fear or suspicion of losing their Felicity it would infinitely abate and cool their Joy but their Kingdom is for ever the Rivers of Paradise cannot be dryed up Psal. 16.11 At thy right hand are pleasures for evermore The Kingdom of Heaven was typified by the Temple which was built with Stone covered with Cedar over-laid with Gold to show the fixed permanent state of Glory that Kingdom abides for ever Well may we pray Thy Kingdom come Having spoken of the Kingdom of Grace and how we may know that Kingdom is set up in our Hearts I am next speaking of the Kingdom of Glory or Heaven 1. What is meant by the Kingdom of Heaven 2. What are the Properties of this Kingdom 3. Wherein this Heavenly Kingdom excels all the Kingdoms upon Earth 4. When this Kingdom shall be bestowed 5. Wherein appears the Certainty and Infallibility of it 6. VVhy we should pray for the coming of this Kingdom 1. Quest. What is meant by the Kingdom of Heaven Resp. 1. It imports a blessed freedom from all evil 2. It implies a glorious fruition of all good 1. Immediate communion with God who is the inexhausted Sea of all Happiness 2. A visible beholding the glorified Body of Jesus Christ. 3. A glorious Vision of Saints and Angels 4. Dignity and Honour the Crown and white Robes 5. A blessed Rest. Quest. 2. What are the Properties or Qualifications of the Kingdom of Heaven Resp. 1. The Glory of this Kingdom is solid and substantial the Hebrew word for Glory 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifies a VVeight to show how solid and weighty the Glory of the Caelestial Kingdom is The Glory of the worldly Kingdom is Aery and imaginary like a blazing Comet or Fancy Act. 25.23 Agrippa and Bernice came with a great Pomp 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 with a great Fancy Iob. 26.7 The Earth hangs like a Ball in the Air
to the Life drew her Face covered with a Vail So when we speak of the Kingdom of Heaven we must draw a Vail we cannot set it forth in all its Orient Beauty and Magnificence Gold and Pearl do but faintly shadow it out Rev. 21. the Glory of this Kingdom is better felt than expressed 1. They who inherit this Kingdom are amicti stolis alhis cloathed with white robes Rev. 7.9 White Robes denote three things 1. Their Dignity the Persians were arayed in white in token of honour 2. Their Purity the Magistrates among the Romans were clothed in white ergo called candidati to show their integrity Thus the Queen the Lambs Wife is arayed in fine linnen pure and white which is the righteousness of the Saints Rev. 19.8 3. Their Joy White is an emblem of Joy Eccl. 9.7 Eat thy bread with joy let thy garments be alwayes white 2. The dwellers in this Kingdom have Palms in their hands Rev. 7.9 in token of Victory They are Conquerours over the World and being Victors they now have Palm-branches 3. They sit upon the Throne with Christ Rev. 3.21 When Caesar returned from conquering his Enemies there was set for him a Chair of State in the Senate and a Throne in the Theatre Thus the Saints in Glory after their Heroick Victories shall sit upon a Throne with Christ. Here is Royal Bounty in God to bestow such an illustrious Kingdom upon the Saints 'T is a Mercy to be Pardoned but what is it to be Crowned 'T is a Mercy to be delivered from Wrath to come but what is it to be invested into a Kingdom Behold what manner of love is this Earthly Princes may bestow great gifts and donatives upon their Subjects but they keep the Kingdom to themselves Though King Pharaoh advanced Ioseph to Honour and took the Ring off his Finger and gave him yet he would keep the Kingdom to himself Gen. 41.40 but God inthrones the Saints in a Kingdom God thinks nothing too good for his Children We are ready to think much of a Tear a Prayer or to sacrifice a Sin for him but he doth not think much to bestow a Kingdom upon us 3. Br. See hence that Religion is no ignominious disgraceful thing Satan labours to cast all the odium and reproach upon it that he can that it is a devout Frenzy Folly in grain Acts 28.22 As for this sect we know that it is every where spoken against but wise Men measure things by the end What is the end of a Religious Life It ends in a Kingdom Would a Prince regard the slightings of a few franticks when he is going to be Crowned You who are beginners bind their reproaches as a Crown about your Head despise their Censures as much as their Praise a Kingdom is a coming 4. Br. See what contrary wayes the Godly and the Wicked go at Death the Godly go to a Kingdom the Wicked to a Prison The Devil is the Jaylor and they are bound with the chains of darkness Iude 6. but what are these Chains Not Iron Chains but worse the Chain of Gods Decree decreeing them to torment and the Chain of Gods Power whereby he binds them fast under Wrath This is the deplorable condition of impenitent Sinners they do not go to a Kingdom when they dye but to a Prison O think what horrour and despair will possess the Wicked when they see themselves ingulphed in misery and their condition hopeless helpless endless they are in a fiery Prison and no possibility of getting out A Servant under the Law who had an hard Master yet every seventh year was a year of release when he might go free but in Hell there is no year of release when the damned shall go free the Fire the Worm the Prison are eternal If the whole World from Earth to Heaven were filled with grains of Sand and once in a Thousand Years an Angel should come and fetch away one grain of Sand how many Millions of Ages would pass before that vast heap of Sand would be quite spent yet if after all this time the Sinner might come out of Hell there were some hope but this word ever breaks the Heart with despair 5. Br. See then that which may make us in love with holy Duties Every Duty Spiritually performed brings us a step nearer to the Kingdom Finis dat amabilitatem mediis He whose Heart is set on Riches counts Trading pleasant because it brings in Riches if our Hearts are set upon Heaven we shall love Duty because it brings us by degrees to the Kingdom we are going to Heaven in the way of Duty Holy Duties increase Grace and as Grace ripens so Glory hastens the Duties of Religion are irksome to Flesh and Blood but we should look upon them as Spiritual Chariots to carry us apace to the Heavenly Kingdom The Protestants in France called their Church Paradise and well they might because the Ordinances did lead them to the Paradise of God As every Flower hath its sweetness so would every Duty if we could look upon it as giving us a lift nearer Heaven 6. Br. It shows us what little cause the Children of God have to envy the prosperity of the wicked Quis aerario quis plenis loculis indiget Sen. the wicked have the waters of a full cup wrung out to them Psal. 73.10 as if they had a monopoly of happiness they have all they can desire nay they have more than heart can wish Psal. 73.7 They steep themselves in pleasure Iob 21.12 They take the timbrel and harp and rejoyce at the sound of the organ The wicked are high when Gods People are low in the World the Goats clamber up the Mountains of Preferment when Christs Sheep are below in the Valley of Tears the Wicked are clothed in Purple while the Godly are in Sackcloth the prosperity of the wicked is a great stumbling block This made Averroes deny a Providence and made Asaph say Surely I have cleansed my heart in vain Psal. 73.12 but there is no cause of envy at their prosperity if we consider two things 1. This is all they must have Luke 16.25 Son remember that thou in thy life time receivedst thy good things thou hadst all thy Heaven here Luther calls the Turkish Empire a bone which God casts to dogs 2. That God hath laid up better things for his Children he hath prepared a Kingdom of Glory for them they shall have the Beatifical Vision they shall hear the Angels sing in Consort they shall be Crowned with the Pleasures of Paradise for ever O then envy not the flourishing prosperity of the Wicked they go through fair way to Execution and the Godly go through foul way to Coronation 7. Br. Is there a Kingdom of Glory a coming Then see how happy all the Saints are at Death they go to a Kingdom they shall see Gods Face which shines ten thousand times brighter than the Sun in its Meridian Glory The Godly at Death
the Earth and with the other Foot upon the Sea There are Rivers of Pleasure Gates of Pearl sparkling Crowns white Robes may not this make our hearts heavenly it is an heavenly kingdom and only such go into it as are heavenly VSE IV. Of Exhortation To all in General 1. Branch If there be such a glorious Kingdom to come believe this great Truth Socinians deny it The Rabbins say the great dispute between Cain and A●●l was about the world to come Abel affirmed it Cain denied it this should be engraven upon our hearts as with the point of a Diamond there is a blessed Kingdom in reversion Psal. 58.11 Doubtless there is a Reward for the Righteous Let us not haesitate through unbelief doubting of Principles is the next way to denying them Unbelief as Sampson would pull down the Pillars of Religion be confirmed in this there is a Kingdom of Glory to come whosoever denies this cuts a sunder the main Article of the Creed Life Everlasting 2. Branch If there be such a blessed Kingdom of Glory to come let us take heed least we miss of this Kingdom let us fear least we lose Heaven by short shooting trembling in the Body a Malady in the Soul a Grace this fear is not a fear of Diffidence or Distrust such a fear as discourageth the Soul for such a fear frights from Religion it cuts the Sinews of Endeavour but this holy fear least we miss of the Kingdom of Heaven is a fear of diligence it quickens us in the use of means and puts us forward that we may not fail of our hope Heb. 11.6 Noah being moved with fear prepared an Ark Fear is a watch Bell to awaken sleepy Christians it guards against security it is a spur to a sluggish heart He who fears he shall come short of his Journey rides the faster And indeed this Exhortation to fear least we miss of this Kingdom is most necessary if we consider two things First There are many who have gone many steps in the way to Heaven yet have fallen short of it Mark 12.34 Thou art not far from the Kingdom of God yet he was not near enough Quest. How many steps may a Man take in the way to the Kingdom yet miss of it Resp. 1. He may be adorned with Civility he may be morally righteous he may be prudent just temperate he may be free from paenal Statutes this is good but not enough to bring a Man to Heaven 2. He may hang out the Flag of a glorious Profession yet fall short of the Kingdom the Scribes and Pharisees went far they sate in Moses Chair were Expounders of the Law they pray'd gave Alms were strict in the observation of the Sabbath if one had got a Thorn in his Foot they would not pull it out on the Sabbath day for fear of breaking the Sabbath they were so externally devout in Gods worship that the Iews thought that if but two in the all World went to Heaven the one should be a Scribe and the other a Pharisee but the Mantle of their Profession was not lined with Sincerity they did all for the applause of Men therefore they missed of Heaven Mat. 5.20 Except your Righteousness exceed the Righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees ye shall in no case enter into the Kingdom of God 3. A Man may be a Frequenter of Ordinances and yet miss of the Kingdom 't is a good sight to see People flock as Doves to the Windows of Gods House 't is good to lye in the way where Christ passeth by yet be not offended if I say one may be an Hearer of the word and fall short of Glory Herod heard Iohn Baptist gladly yet beheaded Iohn instead of beheading his sin the Prohpet Ezekiel's Hearers did come with as much delight to his Preaching as one would do to a fit of Musick Ezek. 33.32 Thou art to them as a lovely Song of one that hath a pleasant Voice and can play well on an Instrument they hear thy Words but they do them not What is it to hear ones Duty and not do it As if a Phisician prescribe a good Receipt but the Patient doth not take it 4. A Man may have some trouble for sin and weep for it yet miss of the Heavenly Kingdom Quest. Whence is this Answ. 1. A Sinners tears are forced by Gods Judgments as water which comes out of a Still is forced by the fire 2. Trouble for sin is transient it is quickly over again as some that go to Sea are Sea-sick but when they come to Land they are well again So Hypocrites may be Sermon-sick but this trouble doth not last the sick fit is soon over 3. A Sinner weeps but goes on in sin his sins are not drowned in his tears 5. A Man may have good desires yet miss of the Kingdom Numb 23.10 O that I might dye the death of the righteous Quest. Wherein do these desires come short Answ. 1. They are sluggish A Man would have Heaven but will take no pains As if one should say he desires water but will not let down the bucket into the well Prov. 21.25 The desire of the slothful kills him his hands refuse to labour 2. The Sinner desires Mercy but not Grace he desires Christ as a Saviour but not as he is the ●oly One he desires Christ only as a bridge to lead him over to Heaven Such desires as these may be found among the damned 6. A Man may forsake his Sins Oaths Drunkenness Uncleanness yet come short of the Kingdom Quest. Whence is this Answ. 1. He may forsake gross sins yet he hath no reluctancy against heart sins Pride Unbelief and the first risings of Malice and Concupiscence Though he dams up the Stream yet he lets alone the Fountain though he lop and prune the Branches yet he doth not strike at the Root of it 2. Though he leaves Sin for fear of Hell or because it brings shame and penury yet he still loves Sin as if a Snake should cast her Coat yet keep her Poyson Hos. 4.8 They set their heart on their iniquity 3. 'T is but a partial forsaking of Sin though he leave one Sin he lives in some other Herod reformed very much Mark 6.20 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 He did many things but he lived in Incest Some leave Drunkenness and live in Covetousness they forbear Swearing and live in Slandering It is but a partial reformation and so they miss of the Kingdom of Glory Thus you see there are some who have gone many steps in the way to Heaven yet have come short Some have gone so far in Profession that they have been confident their estate hath been good and they should go to the Kingdom of Heaven yet have missed it Luke 13.25 When once the master of the house is risen up and hath shut to the door and ye begin to stand without and to knock saying Lord Lord open to us How confident were these of Salvation they
was established in my Kingdom King Henry VI. was deposed from his Throne yet restored again to it but they who once lose Heaven can never be restored to it again After millions of years they are as far from obtaining Glory as at first Thus you see how needful this Exhortation is that we should fear least we fall short of this Kingdom of Heaven Quest What shall we do that we may not miss of this Kingdom of Glory Resp. 1. Take heed of those things which will make you miss of Heaven 1. Take heed of Spiritual Sloath. Many Christians are settled upon their lees they are loath to put themselves to too much pains It is said of Israel They despised the pleasant land Psal. 106.24 Canaan was a Paradise of Delight a Type of Heaven I but some of the Iews thought it would cost them a great deal of trouble and hazard in the getting and they would rather go without it They despised the pleasant land I have read of certain Spaniards that live where there is great store of Fish yet are so lazy that they will not be at the pains to catch them but buy of their Neighbours such a sinful sloath is upon the most that though the Kingdom of Heaven be offered to them yet they will not put themselves to any labour for it They have some faint velleities and desires O that I had this Kingdom like a Man that wisheth for Venison but will not hunt for it Prov. 13.4 The soul of the sluggard wisheth and hath nothing Men could be content to have the Kingdom of Heaven if it would drop as a ripe Fig into their mouth but they are loath to fight for it O take heed of Spiritual Sloath God never made Heaven to be an hive for drones We cannot have the World without labour and do we think to have the Kingdom of Heaven Heathens will rise up in Judgment against many Christians what pains did they take in their Olympick Races when they ran but for a Crown of Olive or Myrtle intermixed with Gold and do we stand still when we are running for a Kingdom Prov. 19.15 Sloathfulness casts into a deep sleep Sloath is the Souls sleep Adam lost his Rib when he was asleep Many a Man loseth the Kingdom of Heaven when he is in this deep sleep of sloath 2. Take heed of Unbelief Unbelief kept Israel out of Canaan Heb. 3.19 So we see they could not enter in because of unbelief and it keeps many out of Heaven Unbelief is an enemy to Salvation 't is a damning sin it whispers thus to what purpose is all this pains for the Heavenly Kingdom I had as good sit still I may come near to Heaven yet come short of Heaven Ier. 18.12 And they said there is no hope Unbelief destroyes hope and if you once cut this sinew a Christian goes but lamely in Religion if he goes at all Unbelief raiseth jealous thoughts of God it represents him as a severe Judge this discourageth many a Soul and takes it off from Duty Beware of unbelief believe the Promises Lam. 3.25 God is good to the Soul that seeks him seek him earnestly and he will open both his Heart and Heaven to you Deus volentibus non deest do what you are able and God will help you While you spread the sails of your endeavour Gods Spirit will blow upon these sails and carry you swiftly to the Kingdom of Glory 3. If you would not miss of the Heavenly Kingdom take heed of mistake imagining the way to the Kingdom of Heaven to be easier than it is 't is but a sigh or Lord have Mercy There 's no going to Heaven per saltum one cannot leap out of Dalilahs lap into Abrahams bosom The Sinner is dead in trespasses Eph. 2.1 is it easie for a dead Man to restore himself to life Is Regeneration easie Are there no pangs in the new birth Doth not the Scripture call Christianity a warfare and a race And do you fancy this easie The way to the Kingdom is not easie but the mistake about the way is easie 4. If you would not miss of the Heavenly Kingdom take heed of delayes and procrastinations Mora trahit periculum It is an usual delusion I will mind the Kingdom of Heaven but not yet when I have gotten an Estate and am grown old then I will look after Heaven and on a sudden Death surprizeth Men and they fall short of Heaven Delay strengthens sin hardens the heart and gives the Devil fuller possession of a Man Take heed of adjourning and putting off seeking the Kingdom of Heaven till it be too late Caesar deferring to read a Letter put into his hand was killed in the Senate-house Consider how short your Life is 't is a Taper soon blown out Animantis cujusque vita in fuga est The Body is like a Vessel tun'd with breath Sickness broacheth it Death draws it out delay not the business of Salvation a day longer sometimes Death strikes and gives no warning 5. If you would not come short of the Kingdom of Heaven take heed of prejudice Many take a prejudice at Religion and on this Rock dash their Souls they are prejudiced at Christs Person his Truths his Followers his Wayes 1. They are prejudiced at his Person Matth. 13.57 And they were offended in him what is there in Christ that Men should be offended at him He is the pearl of price Matth. 13.46 are Men offended at Pearls and Diamonds Christ is the wonder of Beauty Psal. 45.2 Fairer than the children of men is there any thing in Beauty to offend Christ is a mirrour of Mercy Heb. 2.17 why should Mercy offend any Christ is a Redeemer why should a captive slave be offended at him who comes with a summe of Money to ransom him The prejudice Men take at Christ is from the inbred pravity of their hearts The eye that is sore cannot endure the light of the Sun the fault is not in the Sun but in the sore eye There are two things in Christ Men are prejudiced at 1. His Means The Iewes expected a Monarch for their Messiah but Christ came not with outward Pomp and Splendor His Kingdom was not of this World The Stars which are seated in the lightest Orbs are least seen Christ who was the bright Morning Star was not much seen his Divinity was hid in the dark Lanthorne of his humanity all who saw the Man did not see the Messiah this the Jews stumbled at the Means of his Person 2. Men are prejudiced at Christs strictness they look upon Christ as austere and his Lawes too severe Psal. 2.3 Let us break their bands and cast away their cords from us Though to a Saint Christs Laws are no more burdensome than Wings are to a Bird yet to the Wicked Christs Laws are a yoke and they love not to come under restraint hence it is they hate Christ. Though they pretend to love him as a Saviour yet they
Ballances of deceit are in his hand Can they be holy which are not just Mic. 6.11 Shall I count them pure with the wicked Balances Is his heart sincere who hath false Weights This hath made many they could not reach heaven because of their over reaching 13. If you would not miss of the Kingdom of Heaven take heed of evil Company there is a necessary Commerce with Men in buying and selling else as the Apostle saith We must go out of the World 1 Cor. 5.10 But do not voluntarily choose the Company of the wicked 1 Cor. 5.11 I have written to you not to keep Company Do not incorporate into the Society of the wicked or be too much familiar with them The wicked are 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 God haters and 2 Chron. 19.2 Shouldst thou joyn with them that hate the Lord A Christian is bound by vertue of his Oath of Allegiance to God in Baptism not to have intimate converse with such as are Gods sworn Enemies 't is a thing of bad report What doth Christs Dove among Birds of Prey What do Virgins among Harlots The Company of the wicked is very defiling 't is like going among them that have the Plague Prov. 6.27 He that toucheth Pitch shall be defiled Psal. 106 35. They were mingled among the heathen and learned their Works If you mingle bright Armour with rusty the bright Armour will not brighten the rusty but the rusty Armour will spoil the bright Such as have had religious Education and have some inclinations to good yet by mixing among the wicked they will be apt to receive hurt the bad will sooner corrupt the good then the good will convert the bad Pharaoh learned Ioseph to swear but Ioseph did not learn Pharaoh to pray There is a strange attractive power in ill company to corrupt and poison the best dispositions they damp good Affections Throw a Fire-ball into the Snow and it is soon quenched Among the wicked you lose your heat of zealous affections by holding familiar correspondence with the wicked one shall hear them disswading him from strict Godliness that it will debar him of his Liberty and Pleasure Act. 28.2 This Sect is every where spoken against Hereupon he who before did look towards Heaven begins to be discouraged and gradually declines from goodness 1. There steals upon him a dislike of his former religious course of Life that he was righteous over-much stricter then needed 2. There is instilled into his Heart a secret delight of evil he begins to like foolish scurrilous discourse he can hear Religion spoken against and be silent nay well pleased he loves Vanity and makes a sport of sin 3. He is by degrees so Matamorphosed and made like the Company he converseth with that he now grows into a disgust and hatred of his former sober ways he is ill-affected towards good Men he is transformed into scoffing Ishmael a breathing devil and becomes at last as much the Child of Hell as any of that graceless damned Crew he conversed with and what is the end of all a blot in the Name a Moth in the Estate a Worm in the Conscience O if you would not miss of the kingdom of Heaven beware of ●vil Company Bad Company is the Bane and Poison of the Youth of this Age Such as were once soberly inclined yet by coming among the Prophane they grow familiar till at last they keep one another Company in Hell 14. If you would not miss of the Kingdom of Heaven take heed of parlying with the Fleshy part the Flesh is a Bosom Traitor When an Enemy is gotten within the Walls of a Castle it is in great danger to be taken The Flesh is an Enemy within the Flesh is a bad Counsellour the Flesh saith there is a Lion in the Way it discourageth from a religious strictness the Flesh saith as Peter did to Christ Spare thy self the Flesh saith as Iudas What needs all this wast what needs this praying why do you wast your strength and Spirits in Religion What needs all this wast the Flesh cries out for ease and pleasure How many by consulting with the Flesh have lost the Kingdom of Heaven 15. If you would not fall short of Heaven take heed of Carn●l Relations Our Carnal Friends are often Bars and Blocks in our way to Heaven they will say Religion is preciseness and singularity a Wife in the bosom may be a Tempter Iob's Wife was so Iob 2.9 Dost thou still retain thy Integrity curse God and dye What still pray What dost thou get by serving God Iob where are thy Earnings what canst thou show thou hast had in Gods Service but Boyles and Ulcers and dost thou still retain thy integrity throw off Gods Livery renounce Religion Here was a tentation handed over to him by his Wife The Woman was made of the Rib the Devil turned this Rib into an Arrow and would have shot Iob to the heart but his Faith quenched this fiery Dart. Beware of Carnal Relations We read that some of Christs kindred laid hold on him and would have hindred him when he was going to Preach Mark 3.21 They said he is beside himself Our kindred sometimes would stand in our way to Heaven and judging all zeal rashness would hinder us from being saved Such Carnal Relations Spira had for advising with them whether he should remain constant in his Orthodox Opinion they perswaded him to recant and so abjuring his former Faith he fell into horrour and dispondency of Mind Galeacius Marquess of Vico found his Carnal Relations a great Block in his way and what ado had he to break through their Tentations Take heed of a snare in your Bosom 'T is a brave saying of Ierom Si Mater mihi ubera ostendat c. If my Parent should perswade me to deny Christ if my Mother should show me her breast that gave me suck if my Wife should go to charm me with her Embraces I would forsake all and fly to Christ. 16. If you would not fall short of the Kingdom of Heaven take heed of falling off beware of Apostacy he misseth of the Prize who doth not hold out in the Race he who makes shipwrack of the Faith cannot come to the haven of Glory We live in the fall of the Leaf Men fall from that goodness they seemed to have some are turned to Error others to Vice some to drinking and dicing others to whoring the very Mantle of their Profession is fallen off 'T is dreadful for Men to fall off from hopeful beginnings The Apostate saith Tertullian seems to put God and Satan in the Ballance and having weighed both their Services prefers the Devils Service and proclaims him to be the best Master in which respect the Apostate is said to put Christ to open shame Heb. 6.6 This is sad at last Heb. 10.38 If you would not miss of Glory take heed of Apostacy those who fall away must needs fall short of the Kingdom 1. If we
a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a thing by the by he doth not much mind If ever we would have Heaven we must look upon it as our main concern Other things do but concern our livelyhood this concerns our Salvation then we make Religion our business when we wholly devote our selves to Gods service Psal. 139.18 we count those the best hours which are spent with God we give God the cream of our affections the flower of our time and strength we traffique in Heaven every day we are Merchants for the Pearl of price He will never get an Estate who doth not mind his Trade he will never get heaven who doth not make Religion his 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 his main business 6. If you would obtain the Kingdom of Heaven bind your hearts to God by sacred Vowes Vow to the Lord that by his Grace you will be more intent upon heaven than ever Psal. 56.12 Thy vowes are upon me O God A Vow binds the Votary to Duty he looks upon himself as obliged by his Vow to cleave to God Bees when they fly in a great Wind ballast themselves with little stones that they may not be carried away with the Wind so we must fortifie our selves with strong Vowes that we may not be carried away from God with the violent wind of temptation No question a Christian may make such a Vow because the ground of it is Morally good he vowes nothing but what he is bound to do by vertue of his Baptismal Vow namely to walk with God more closely and to pursue heaven more vigorously 7. If you would obtain the Kingdom embrace all seasons and opportunities for your Souls Eph. 5.15 Redeeming the time Opportunity is the cream of time the improving the seasons of Grace is as much as our Salvation is worth The Marriner by taking the present season while the Wind blowes gets to the haven by taking the season while we have the means of Grace and the wind of the Spirit blowes we may arrive at the Kingdom of heaven We know not how long we shall enjoy the Gospel the seasons of Grace like Noahs Dove come with an Olive-branch in their mouth but they soon take Wings and fly Though they are sweet yet swift God may remove the Golden Candlestick from us as he did from the Churches of Asia We have many sad symptoms Gray hairs are here and there upon us Hos. 7.9 therefore let us lay hold upon the present season they that sleep in Seed-time will beg in Harvest 8. If you would go to the Kingdom of Heaven you must excubias agere keep a daily Watch Mark 13.37 I say unto all watch Many have lost Heaven for want of watchfulness Our hearts are ready to decoy us into sin and the Devil lyes in ambush by his temptations we must every day set a spy and keep centinel in our Souls Hab. 2.1 I will stand upon my watch 1. We must watch our Eyes Iob 31.1 I made a covenant with my eyes Much Sin comes in by the eye When Eve saw the tree was good for food and pleasant to the eyes then she took Gen. 3.6 First she looked and then she lusted the eye by beholding an impure Object sets the heart on fire the Devil oft creeps in at the window of the eye Watch your eyes 2. Watch your Ear. Much Poyson is conveyed through the ear Let your ear be open to God and shut to Sin 3. Watch your Hearts We watch suspicious persons The heart is deceitful Ier. 17.9 Watch your heart 1. When you are about holy things it will be stealing out to vanity When I am at Prayer saith S. Hierom Aut per porticum deambulo aut de foenore computo either I am walking through Galleries or casting up Accompts 2. Watch your heart when you are in Company The Basilisk poysons the herbs he breaths on the breath of the wicked is infectious Nay watch your hearts when you are in good Company such as have some good in them yet may be some grains too light they may have much levity of Discourse and if no scum boils up yet too much froth The Devil is subtle and he can as well creep into the Dove as he did once into the Serpent Satan tempted Christ by an Apostle 3. Watch your hearts in Prosperity now you are in danger of Pride The higher the Water of the Thames riseth the higher the Boat is lifted up the higher that Mens Estates rise the higher their Hearts are lifted up in Pride In Prosperity you are in danger not only to forget God but to lift up the heel against him Deut. 32.15 Iesurun waxed fat and kicked It is hard to carry a full Cup without spilling and to carry a full prosperous Estate without sinning Turpi fregerunt saecula luxu divitiae molles Sen. Trag. Sampson fell asleep in Dalilahs lap many have fallen so fast asleep in the lap of Prosperity that they have never awaked till they have been in Hell 4. Watch your hearts after holy Duties When Christ had been Praying and Fasting then the Devil tempted him Mat. 4.23 After our combating with Satan in Prayer we are apt to grow secure and put our Spiritual Armour off and then the Devil falls on and wounds us O if you would get Heaven be alwayes upon your Watch-tower set a spy keep close centinel in your Souls Who would not watch when it is for a Kingdom 9. If you would arrive at the Heavenly Kingdom get those three Graces which will undoubtedly bring you thither 1. Divine Knowledge There 's no going to Heaven blindfold In the Creation Light was the first thing which was made so 't is in the new Creation Knowledge is the Pillar of Fire which goes before us and lights us into the Heavenly Kingdom 'T is light must bring us to the inheritance in light Col. 1.12 2 Faith Faith ends in Salvation 1 Pet. 1.9 Receiving the end of your faith Salvation He who believes is as sure to go to Heaven as if he were in Heaven already Acts 16.31 Faith toucheth Christ and can he miss of Heaven who toucheth Christ Faith unites to Christ and shall not the Members be where the Head is All have not the same degree of Faith we must distinguish between the direct act of Faith and the reflex act Affiance and Assurance yet the least seed and spark of Faith gives an undoubted title to the Heavenly Kingdom I am justified because I believe not because I know I believe 3. Love to God Heaven is prepared for those that love God 1 Cor. 2.9 Love is the Soul of Obedience the Touchstone of Sincerity By our loving God we may know he loves us 1 Iohn 4.19 and those whom God loves he will lay in his bosom Ambrose in his Funeral Oration for Theodosius brings in the Angels hovering about his departing Soul and being ready to carry it to Heaven asked him What that Grace was he had practised most upon Earth Theodosius
motion was reckoned among the unclean Lev. 11.30 A slothful man hideth his hand in his bosom Prov. 19.24 he is loath to pull it out though it be to lay hold on a Crown Non capit porta illa Caelestis torpore languidos Brugens The Devil himself cannot be charged with idleness 1 Pet. 5.8 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 He walketh about An idle Soul stands in the World for a cypher and God writes down no cyphers in the Book of Life Heaven is no hive for Drones an idle person is fit for a temptation When the Bird sits still upon the bough then it is in danger of the gun one sits still in sloath then the Devil shoots him with a temptation standing water putrifies Heathens will rise up in Judgment against supine Christians What pains did they take in the Olympick Games they ran but for a Garland of Flowers or Olive 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 saith Chrys●stom and do we sit still who run for a Kingdom How can he expect a Reward that never works or a Crown that never fights Inertia animae somnus sloath is the Souls sleep Adam when he was asleep lost his Rib and when a person is in the deep sleep of sloath he loseth Salvation 16. Holy activity and industry doth enoble a Christian Labor splendore decoratur Cicero The more excellent any thing is the more active The Sun is a glorious Creature it is ever in motion going its circuit Fire is the purest Element and the most active 't is ever sparkling and flaming The Angels are the most Noble Creatures they are represented by the Cherubims with Wings displayed The more active for Heaven the more illustrious and the more do we resemble the Angels The Phenix flyes with a Coronet on its head the industrious Soul hath his Coronet his labour is his ensign of honour 17. It is Mercy that there is a possibility of Happiness and that upon our pains taking we may have a Kingdom by our Fall in Adam we forfeited Heaven why might not God have dealt with us as with the lapsed Angels they had no sooner sinned but were expell'd Heaven never to come thither more we may say as the Apostle Rom. 11.22 Behold the Goodness and severity of God To the Apostate Angels behold the severity of God that he should throw them down to Hell for ever to us behold the goodness of God that he hath put us into a possibility of Mercy and if we do but take pains there is a Kingdom stands ready for us how may this whet and sharpen our Industry that we are in a Capacity of Salvation and if we do but what we are able we shall receive an eternal weight of Glory 18. Our labour for the Kingdom of Heaven is minute and transient it is not to last long our labour expires with our life 't is but a while and we shall leave off working for a little labour an eternal Rest Who would think much to wade through a little water that were sure to be crowned as soon as he came at shore Christians let this encourage you you have but a little more pains to take a few Tears more shed a few more Sabbaths kept and behold an Eternal Recompence of Reward what are a few Tears to a Crown a few Minutes of time to an Eternity of Glory 19. What striving is there for earthly Kingdoms which are corruptible and subject to change With what Vigour and Alacrity did Hannibal's Soldiers continue their March over the Alps and craggy Rocks and Caesars Soldiers fight with Hunger and Cold. Men will break through Laws and Oaths they will swim to the Crown in Blood will they venture thus for earthly Promotions and shall not we strive more for an Heavenly Kingdom 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Chrysost. This is a Kingdom which cannot be shaken Heb. 12.28 A Kingdom where there is unparallel'd Beauty unstained Honour unmixed joy a Kingdom where there shall be nothing present which we could wish were removed nor nothing absent which we could wish were enjoyed Sure if there be any Spark of Grace or true Generosity in our Breasts we will not suffer our selves to be out-striven by others we will not let them take more pains for earthly Honours then we do for that excellent Glory which will crown all our desires 20. How much pains do some Men take to go to Hell and shall not we take more pains to go to Heaven Ier. 9.5 They weary themselves to commit Iniquity Sinners hackny themselves out in the Devils Service What Pains do some Men take to satisfy their unclean Lusts they wast their Estates wear the shameful marks of their sin about them they will visit the Harlots house though it stands the next door to hell Prov. 7.27 Her house is the way to Hell What pains do others take in persecuting Holiness is the white they shoot at 'T is said of Antiochus Epiphanes he undertook more tedious Journies and went upon greater hazards to vex and oppose the Iews then any of his Predecessors had done in getting of Victories The Devil blows the horn and Men ride Pos● to hell as if they feared hell would be full ere they could get thither When Satan had entred into Iudas how active was Iudas he goes to the High Priests from them to the Band of Soldiers and with them back again to the Garden and never left till he had betrayed Christ How industrious were the idolatrous Iews so fiercely were they bent upon their sin that they would sacrifice their Sons and Daughters to their Idol Gods Ier. 32.35 Do Men take all this Pains for hell and shall not we take pains for the Kingdom of Heaven The wicked have nothing to encourage them in their Sins they have all the threatenings of God as a flaming Sword against them O let it never be said that the Devils Servants are more active then Christs that they serve him better who rewards them only with Fire and Brimstone then we do God who rewards us with a Kingdom 21. The labour we take for Heaven is a labour full of pleasure Prov. 3.17 A Man sweats at his Recreation tires himself with hunting but there is a delight he takes in it which sweetens it Rom. 7.22 I delight in the Law of God in the inner Man Gr. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 I take pleasure Not only is the Kingdom of Heaven delightful but the way thither What delight hath a gracious Soul in Prayer Isa. 56.7 I will make them joyful in my house of Prayer While a Christian weeps there is joy drops with Tears while he is musing on God he hath such illapses of the Spirit and as it were such Transfigurations of Soul that he thinks himself half in Heaven Psal. 63.5 6. My Soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness and my Mouth shall praise thee with joyful Lips when I remember thee upon my Bed c. A Christians work for Heaven is like a Bridegrooms work
after appear in an Eclipse to them 2. The Meditation of the heavenly Kingdom would much promote holiness in us Heaven is an holy place 1 Pet. 1.4 an Inheritance undefiled 't is described by Transparent Glass to denote its Purity Rev. 21.21 The contemplating heaven would put us upon the study of holiness because none but such are admitted into that kingdom Heaven is not like Noah's Ark into which came clean Beasts and unclean only the pure in heart shall see God Mat. 5.8 3. The Meditation of the heavenly Kingdom would be a Spur to diligence immensum Gloria Calcar habet 1 Cor. 15.58 alwaies abounding in the work of the Lord knowing that your Labour shall not be in vain in the Lord. When the Mariner sees the haven he plies it harder with his Oars when we have a sight and prospect of Glory it would make us much in Prayer alms watching it would add wings to duty and make the Lamp of our Devotion burn brighter 2. If you have hopes of this Kingdom be content though you have but a little of the World Contentment is a rare thing 't is a Jewel that but few Christians wear but if you have a grounded hope of heaven it may work your heart to Contentation what though you have but little in Possession you have a Kingdom in Reversion Were you to take an estimate of a Mans Estate how would you value it by what he hath in his house or by his Land perhaps he hath little Money or Jewels in his house but he is a Landed Man there lies his Estate A Believer hath but little Oyl in the Cruse and Meal in the Barrel but he is a landed Man he hath a Title to a Kingdom and may not this satisfy him If a Man who lived here in England had a great Estate befallen him beyond the Seas and perhaps had no more Money at present but just to pay for his Voyage he is content he knows when he comes to his Estate he shall have Money enough Thou who art a Believer hast a Kingdom befallen thee though thou hast but little in thy Purse yet if thou hast enough to pay for thy Voyage enough to bear thy Charges to heaven it is sufficient God hath given thee Grace which is the Fore Crop and will give thee Glory which is the After-Crop and may not this make thee content 3. Branch If you have hope of this blessed Kingdom pray often for the coming of this glorious Kingdom Thy Kingdom come Only Believers can pray heartily for the hastening of the Kingdom of Glory 1. They cannot pray that Christs kingdom of Glory may come who never had the kingdom of Grace set up in their Hearts Can the guilty Prisoner pray that the Assis●s may come 2. They cannot pray heartily that Christs kingdom of Glory may come who are Lovers of the World they have found Paradise they are in their kingdom already this is their heaven and they desire to hear of no other they are of his mind who said if he might keep his Cardinalship in Paris he would lose his part in Paradise 3. They cannot pray heartily that Christs kingdom of Glory may come who o●●ose Christs kingdom of Grace who break his Laws which are the Scepter of his kingdom who shoot at those who bear Christs Name and carry his Colours sure these cannot pray that Christs kingdom of Glory may come for then Christ will judge them and if they say this Prayer they are Hypocrites they mean not as they speak But you who have the kingdom of Grace set up in your hearts pray much that the kingdom of Glory may hasten Thy Kingdom come when this kingdom comes then you shall behold Christ in all his embroidered Robes of Glory shining ten thousand times brighter then the Sun in all it's Meridian Splendor When Christs kingdom comes the Bodies of the Saints that slept in the dust shall be raised in honour and made like Christs Glorious Body then shall your Souls like Diamonds sparkle with Holiness you shall never have a sinful thought more you shall be as holy as the Angels you shall be as holy as you would be and as holy as God would have you to be then you shall be in a better state than in Innocency Adam was Created a Glorious Creature but mutable a bright Star but a falling Star but in the Kingdom of Heaven is a fixation of Happiness When Christs Kingdom of Glory comes you shall be rid of all your enemies As Moses said Exod. 14.13 The Egyptians whom you have seen to day you shall see them no more for ever so those enemies who have plough'd on the backs of Gods people and made deep their surrows when Christ shall come in his Glory you shall see these enemies no more All Christs enemies shall be put under his feet 1 Cor. 15.25 and before the wicked be destroyed the Saints shall judge them 1 Cor. 6.2 Know ye not that the Saints shall judge the World This will cut the wicked to the heart that those whom they have formerly scorned and scourged shall sit as Judges upon them and vote with Christ in his judicial proceedings O then well may you pray for the hastening of the Kingdom of Glory Thy Kingdom come 4. Branch If you have any good hope of this blessed Kingdom let this make the colour come in your Faces be of a sanguine chearful temper have you a Title to a Kingdom and sad Rom. 5.2 We rejoyce in the hope of the glory of God Christians the Trumpet is ready to sound an eternal Jubilee is at hand when a freedom from Sin shall be proclaimed your Coronation day is a coming it is but putting off your clothes and laying your head upon a pillow of dust and you shall be inthroned in a Kingdom and invested with the embroidered Robes of Glory Doth not all this call for a chearful Spirit Chearfulness adorns Religion it is a temper of Soul Christ loves Iohn 14.28 If ye loved me ye would rejoyce It makes many suspect Heaven is not so pleasant when they see those that walk thither so sad How doth the heir rejoyce in hope of the Inheritance Who should rejoyce if not a Believer who is heir of the Kingdom and such a Kingdom as eye hath not seen When the Flesh begins to droop let Faith lift up its head and cause an holy jubilation and rejoycing in the Soul 5. Let the Saints long to be in this blessed Kingdom A Prince that travels in Foreign parts doth he not long to be in his own Nation that he may be Crowned The Bride desires the Marriage day Rev. 22.17 The Spirit and the bride say Come Even so come Lord Iesus Sure our unwillingness to go hence shows either the weakness of our Faith in the belief of the Heavenly Kingdom or the strength of our doubtings whether we have an interest in it Were our Title to Heaven more cleared we should need Patience to be
delight in duty he doth it rather out of fear of Hell then Love to God when he doth do Gods will yet it is against his will Virtus nolentium nulla est Cain brought his Sacrifice but grudgingly his worship was rather a Task then an Offering rather Pennance then Sacrifice he did Gods will but against his will we must be carried upon the wings of Delight in every Duty Israel were to blow the Trumpets when they offered Burnt-Offerings Numb 10.10 blowing the Trumpets was to show their Joy and Chearfulness in serving God we must read and hear the word with Delight Ier. 15.16 Thy Word was found and I did eat it and it was unto me the Ioy and Rejoycing of my heart A pious Soul goes to the word as to a Feast or as one would go with delight to hear Musick Sleidan reports that the Protestants in France had a Church they called Paradise because when they were in the House of God they thought themselves in Paradise The Saints flock as Doves to the windows of Gods House Isa. 60.8 who are these that flock as Doves to the windows not that a truly regenerate Person is always in the same chearful temper of Obedience he may sometimes find an indisposition and weariness of Soul but his weariness is his burden he is weary of his weariness he prays weeps useth all means to regain that alacrity and freedom in Gods Service that he was wont to have This is to do Gods will acceptably when we do it willingly 't is this crowns all our Services delight in duty is better then duty the Musician is not commended for playing long but well 't is not how much we do but how much we love Psal. 119.97 O how love I thy Law Love is as Musk among Linnen that perfumes it Love perfumes Obedience and makes it go up to Heaven as Incense this is doing Gods will as the Angels in Heaven do it they are ravished with delight while they are praising God therefore the Angels are said to have Harps in their Hands Rev. 15.2 as a sign of their chearfulness in Gods Service 4. VVe do Gods will as the Angels in Heaven when we do Gods VVill fervently sine remissione Rom. 12.11 Fervent in spirit serving God 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Metaphor from vvater when it seeths and boils over so our Affections should boil over in zeal 〈◊〉 fervency the Angels serve God vvith fervour and intenseness the Angels are called Seraphims from an Hebrew word vvhich signifies to burn to shovv hovv the Angels are all on fire Psal. 104.4 they burn in Love and Zeal in doing Gods will Grace turns a Saint into a Seraphim Aaron must put burning Coals to the Incense Exod. 16.12 Incense was a Type of Prayer burning Coals of Zeal to show that the fire of zeal must be put to the Incense of prayer Formality starves Duty when we serve God dully and coldly is this like the Angels Duty without fervency is as a Sacrifice without fire we should ascend to Heaven in a fiery Chariot of Devotion 5. VVe do Gods VVill as the Angels in Heaven when we give God the best in every Service Numb 18.29 Out of all your Gifts ye shall offer of all the best thereof Numb 28.7 In the holy place shalt thou cause the strong Wine to be poured unto the Lord for a drink-Offering The Jews might not offer to the Lord wine that vvas small or mixed but the strong wine to imply that we must offer to God the best the strongest of our affections if the Spouse had a Cup more juicy and spiced Christ should drink of that Cant. 8.2 I would cause thee to drink of spiced Wine of the juice of my Pomgranate Thus the Angels in Heaven do Gods Will they serve him in the best manner they give him their Seraphick high stringed Praises he who loves God gives him the Cream of his Obedience God challenged the fat of all the Sacrifice as his due Lev. 3.16 Hypocrites care not what Services they bring to God they think to put him off with any thing they put no Cost in their Duties Gen. 4.3 Cain brought of the fruit of the Ground The Holy Ghost took notice of Abel's Offering that it was costly he brought of the Firstlings of his Flock and of the Fat thereof Gen. 4.4 b●t when he speaks of Cain's Offering he only saith he brought of the Fruit of the Ground Then we do Gods VVill aright when we do offer Pinguia we dedicate to him the best Domitian would not have his Image carved in VVood or Iron but in Gold God will have the best we have golden Services 6. VVe do Gods VVill as the Angels in Heaven when we do it readily and swiftly the Angels do not dispute or reason the Case but assoon as they have their Charge and Commission from God they immediately obey and to show how ready they are to execute Gods VVill the Cherubims representing the Angels are described with VVings to show how swift and forward they are in their Obedience it is as if they had wings Dan. 9.21 The Man Gabriel that was an Angel being caused to fly swiftly Thus should we do Gods VVill as the Angels assoon as ever God speaks the VVord vve should be ambitious to obey alas how long is it sometimes e●e we can get leave of our hearts to go to a Duty Christ went more readily ád Crucem then we to the Throne of Grace how many disputes and excuses have we is this to do Gods VVill as the Angels in Heaven do it O let us shake off this backwardness to Duty as Paul shook of the Viper nescit tarda molimina Spiritus sancti gratia Zeck 5.9 I saw two Women and the wind was in their wings VVings are swift but wind in the wings great swiftness such readiness should be in our Obedience as Peter assoon as ever Christ commanded him to let down his Net at Christs VVord he presently let down the Net and you know what success he had Luke 5.4 It vvas prophesied of such as vvere brought home to Christ Psal. 18.44 Assoon as they hear of me they shall obey me 7. We do Gods VVill as the Angels in Heaven when we do it constantly the Angels are never weary of doing Gods VVill they serve God day and night Rev. 7.17 thus must we imitate the Angels Psal. 106.3 Blessed is he that doth Righteousness at all times Constancy crowns Obedience non cepisse sed perfecisse virtutis est Cypr. our Obedience must be like the Fire of the Altar which was continually kept burning Lev. 6.13 Hypocrites soon give over doing Gods Will like the Chrisolite which is of a golden Colour in the Morning it is very bright to look on but towards Evening it grows dull and hath lost its splendor VVe should continue in doing Gods VVill because of that great loss that will befal us if we give over doing Gods VVill. 1. A loss of Honour Rev. 3.11
that no man take thy Crown implying if the Church of Philadelphia left off her Obedience she would lose her Crown viz. her Honour and Reputation Apostacy creates Infamy Iudas from an Apostle to be a Traytor it was a Dishonour 2. If we give over our Obedience it is a loss of all that hath been already done as if one should work in silver and then pick out all the stitches all a Mans Prayers are lost all the Sabbaths he hath kept are lost he doth unravel all his good works Ezek. 18.24 all his Righteousness that he hath done shall not be mentioned he undoes all he hath done As if one draw a curious Picture with the Pensil and then come with his Spunge and wipe out all again 3. A loss of the Soul and Happiness We were in a fair way for Heaven but by leaving off d●ing Gods VVill we miss of the excellent Glory and are plunged deeper in Damnation 2 Pet. 2.21 It had been better not to have known the way of Righteousness then after they have known it to turn from the Holy Commandment Therefore let us continue in doing Gods VVill Constancy sets the Crown upon the head of Obedience Thus you see how we are to do Gods VVill acceptably VSE I. Branch 1. See hence our Impotency we have no innate power to do Gods VVill VVhat need pray Thy Will be done if we have power of our selves to do it I wonder Free-willers pray this Petition 2. Branch If we are to do Gods Will on Earth as it is done by the Angels in Heaven see then the Folly of those who go by a wrong Pattern they do as the most of their Neighbours do if they talk vain on the Sabbath they do but as their Neighbours do if now and then they swear an Oath it is the Custom of their Neighbours to do so but we are to do Gods Will as the Angels in Heaven do the Angels do such things we must make the Angels our Patterns and not our Neighbours if our Neighbours do the Devils will shall we do so too If our Neighbours go to Hell shall we go thither too for Company 3. Branch See here that which may make us long to be in Heaven then we shall do Gods Will perfectly as the Angels do alas how defective are we in our Obedience here how far do we fall short we cannot write a Copy of Holiness without blotting our holy things are blemished like the Moon which when it shines brightest hath a dark spot in it But in Heaven we shall do Gods will perfectly as the Angels in Glory VSE II. Of Reproof 1. Branch It reproves such as do not Gods Will they have the knowledge of Gods will Knowledge they count an Ornament but though they know Gods Will yet they do it not 1. They know what God would have them avoid they know they should not swear Mat. 5.34 Swear not at all For this sin the Land mourns Ier. 23.10 Yet though they pray Hallowed be thy Name they profane it by shooting Oathes like Chain-Bullets against Heaven they know they should abstain from Fornication and Uncleanness yet they cannot but bite at the Devils Hook if he bait it with Flesh Iude 7. 2. They know what God would have them practise but they leave undone those things which they ought to have done they know it is the will of God they should be true in their Promises just in their Dealings good in their Relations but they do not the Will of God they know they should read the Scriptures consult with Gods Oracle but the Bible like rusty Armour is hung up and seldom used they look oftner upon a Pair of Cards then a Bible they know their Houses should be Palestrae Pietatis Nurseries of Piety yet have no Face of Religion in them they do not perfume their Houses with Prayer what Hypocrites are these to kneel down in the Church and lift up their Eyes to Heaven and say Thy Will be done yet have no care at all to do Gods Will what is this but to hang out a Flag of Defiance against Heaven and Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft 2. Branch It reproves those who do not Gods Will in a right acceptable manner 1. They do not Gods VVill intirely all Gods VVill they will obey God in some things but not in other as if a Servant should do some of your work you set him about but not the rest Iehu destroyed the Idolatry of Baal but let the golden Calves of Ieroboam stand 2 Kings 10.30 Some will observe the Duties of the Second Table but not the first Others make an high Profession as if their Tongues had been touch'd with a Coal from Gods Altar but live idly and out of a Calling these the Apostle complains of 2 Thess. 3.11 We hear there are some which walk among you disorderly working not at all Living by Faith and living in a Calling must go together This is an evil thing not to do all Gods VVill. 2. They do not Gods will ardently they do not put Coals to the Incense nor chearfully they bring their Sacrifice but not their heart this is far from doing Gods VVill as the Angels this loseth the Reward how can God like this to serve him as if we served him not how can God mind our Duties when we our selves scarce mind them VSE III. Of Examination Let us examine all our Actions whether they are according to Gods will The will of God is the Rule and Standard 't is the Sun-dial by which we must set all our Actions he is no good workman that doth not work by Rule he can be no good Christian who goes not according to the Rule of Gods will let us examine our Actions whether they do quadrare agree to the will of God Are our speeches according to Gods will Are our words savoury being seasoned with Grace Is our Apparel according to Gods will 1 Tim. 2.9 In like manner that women adorn themselves in modest Apparel not wanton and garish to invite Comers Our Diet is it according to Gods will Do we hold the golden Bridle of Temperance and only take so much as may rather satisfy Nature then surfeit it too much Oyl choaks the Lamp Is our whole carriage and behaviour according to Gods will Are we patterns of Prudence and Piety Do we keep up the Credit of Religion and shine as Lights in the world We pray Thy Will be done as it is in Heaven are we like our Pattern would the Angels do thus if they were on Earth would Jesus Christ do this thus is to Christianize this is to be Saints of degrees when we live our Prayer and our Actions are the Counter-pane of Gods will VSE IV. Of Exhortation Let us be doers of the Will of God Thy Will be done 1. It is our Wisdom to do Gods Will Deut. 4.6 Keep and do these statutes for this is your wisdom 2. It is our Safety Hath not Misery alwayes
hearts to submission Lord if thou usest so much gentleness and correctest in measure Thy Will be done 12. There is kindness in Affliction in that God often sweetens it with divine Consolation 2 Cor. 1.4 Who comforteth us in all our Tribulation After a bitter Potion a lump of Sugar God comforts in Affliction 1. Partly by his Word Psal. 119.50 This is my Comfort in my Affliction for thy Word hath quickened me The Promises of the word are a shop of Cordials 2. God comforts by his Spirit Philip Landtgrave of Hesse said that in his troubles se divinas Martyrum consolationes sensisse he felt the divine Consolations of the Martyrs David had his Pilgrimage-Songs Psal. 119.54 and St. Paul his Prison-Songs Act. 16.25 Thus God candies our Wormwood with Sugar and makes us gather Grapes of Thorns Some of the Saints have had such ravishing Joys in Affliction that they had rather endure their Sufferings then want their Comforts O how much kindness is in the Cross In the Belly of this Lyon is an Honey-Comb may not this make us chearfully submit to Gods Will when God lines the Yoak with Comfort and gives us honey at the end of the Rod 13. There is kindness in Affliction in that God doth curtail and shorten it he will not let it lye on too long Isa. 57.16 I will not contend for ever least the Spirit should fail before me God will give his People a Writ of Ease and proclaim a Year of Jubilee the wicked may plow upon the backs of the Saints but God will cut their Traces Psal. 129.4 The Goldsmith will not let his gold lye any longer in the Furnace then till it is purified The Wicked must drink a Sea of Wrath but the Godly have only a Cup of Affliction Isa. 51.17 and God will say Let this Cup pass away Affliction may be compared to Frost it will break and Spring Flowers will come on Isa. 35. Sorrow and sighing shall fly away Affliction hath a Sting but withal a Wing sorrow shall fly away this Land Flood shall be dryed up if then there be so much kindness in the Cross God will cause a Cessation of trouble say then Fiat Voluntas tua Thy Will be done 14. Vlt. There is kindness in Affliction in that it is a means to make us happy Iob 5.17 Behold happy is the Man whom God correcteth This seems strange to flesh and blood that Affliction should make one happy when Moses saw the bush burning and not consumed I will s●ith he turn aside and see this strange sight Exod. 3.3 So here is a strange sight a Man afflicted yet happy The World counts them happy who can escape Affliction but happy is the Man whom God correcteth Quest. But how do Afflictions contribute to our happiness Resp. 1. As they are a means to bring us nearer to God the Loadstone of Prosperity doth not draw us so near to God as the Cords of Affliction VVhen the Prodigal was pinch'd with want then saith he I will arise and go to my Father Luke 15.18 The Deluge brought the Dove to the Ark The Floods of Sorrow make us hasten to Christ. 2. Afflictions make us happy as they are Manuductions to Glory The Storm drives the Ship into the harbour Happy is that Storm which drives the Soul into the Heavenly harbour is it not better to go through affliction to glory then through pleasure to misery not that afflictions merit glory no cross ever merited but that which Christ endured but they do disponere fit and prepare us for glory Think O Christian what Affliction leads to it leads to Paradise where are Rivers of Pleasure always running may not this make us chearfully submit to Gods VVill and say Lord if there be so much kindness in Affliction if all thou dost is to make us happy Thy Will be done 7. Consideration It is Gods ordinary course to keep his People to a bitter Diet-Drink and exercise them with great Trials Affliction is the beaten Road all the Saints have gone in The lively Stones in the Spiritual building have been all hewn and polished Christs Lilly hath grown among the Thorns 2 Tim. 3.12 All that will live Godly in Christ Iesus shall suffer persecution 'T is too much for a Christian to have two Heavens that is more than Christ had It hath been ever the lot of the Saints to encounter with sore tryals Both of the Prophets Iam. 5.10 Take my brethren the Prophets for an example of suffering affliction And of the Apostles Peter was Crucified with his Head downward Iames beheaded by Herod Iohn banished into the Isle of Patmos the Apostle Thomas thrust thorow with a spear who was chosen Apostle in Iudas room Matthias stoned to death Luke the Evangelist hanged on an Olive-tree Those Saints of whom the World was not worthy did pass under the Rod Hebr. 11.36 Christs Kingdom is Regnum Crucis this is the way God hath alwayes gone in such as God intends to save from Hell yet he doth not save from the Cross the consideration of this should quiet our Minds in Affliction and make us say Thy Will be done Do we think God will alter his course of Providence for us Why should we look for exemption from trouble more than others Why should we think to tread only upon Roses and Violets when Prophets and Apostles have marched through the Bryars to Heaven 8. Consideration God hath done that for thee Christian which may make thee content to suffer any thing at his hand and say Thy Will be done 1. He hath adopted thee for his Child David thought it no small Honour to be the Kings Son in Law 1 Sam. 18.18 what an Honour is it to derive thy pedigree from Heaven to be born of God why then art thou troubled and murmurest at every slight cross As Ionadab said to Amnon 2 Sam. 13.4 Why art thou being the Kings Son lean So why art thou who art Son or Daughter to the King of Heaven troubled at these petty things What the Kings Son and look lean This may quiet thy Spirit and bring thy Will to Gods he hath dignified thee with Honour he made thee his Son and Heir and will entail a Kingdom on thee 2. God hath given thee Christ. Christ is communis thesaurus a Magazine and Storehouse of all Heavenly Treasure a Pearl of Price to enrich a Tree of Life to quicken He is the quintessence of all Blessings why then art thou discontented at thy Worldly Crosses They cannot be so bitter as Christ is sweet as Seneca said once to Polybius Why dost thou complain of hard Fortune salvo Caesare is not Caesar thy Friend So is not Christ thy Friend He can never be poor who hath a Mine of Gold in his Field nor he who hath the unsearchable Riches of Christ Say then Lord Thy Will be done though I have my Cross yet I have Christ with it The Cross may make me weep but Christ wipes off all
when he was to dye he said O that I had never been King O that I had lived a private solitary Life here is all the fruit of my Kingdom it hath made my accounts heavier So then may not this quiet our Hearts in a low adverse condition and make us say Lord Thy Will be done as thou hast given me a less portion of Worldly things so I have a less burden of Care and a less burden of Account 2. A prosperous condition hath plus periculi more danger in it Such as are on the top of the pinacle of Honour are in more danger of falling they are subject to many temptations their Table is oft a snare Heliogabalus made Ponds of sweet Water to bathe in Millions are drowned in the sweet Waters of Pleasure A great Sail over-turns the Vessel how many by having too great Sails of Prosperity have had their Souls over-turn'd 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Theophil It must be a strong Head that bears heady Wine he had need have much Wisdom and Grace that knows how to bear an high condition It is hard to carry a full Cup without spilling and a full Estate without sinning Agar feared if he were full he should deny God and say Who is the Lord Prov. 30.9 Prosperity breeds 1. Pride The Children of Kohath were in an higher Estate than the rest of the Levites they were imployed in the Tabernacle about the most holy things of all Numb 4.4 they had the first lot Iosh. 21.10 but as they were lifted up above others of the Levites in Honour so in Pride Numb 16.3 In the Thames when the Tyde riseth higher the Boat riseth higher so when the Tyde of an Estate riseth higher many Mens Hearts rise higher in Pride 2. Prosperity breeds security Sampson fell asleep in Delilahs lap so do Men in the lap of Ease and Plenty The Worlds golden sands are quick-sands How hard is it for a rich Man to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven Luke 18.24 the consideration of this should make us submit to God in adversity and say Thy Will be done God sees what is best for us if we have less Estate we are in less danger if we want the Honours of others so we want their Temptations 12. Consideration The having of our Wills melted into Gods is a good sign that the present Affliction is sanctified Then an Affliction is sanctified when it attains the end for which it was sent The end why God sends Affliction is to calm the Spirit to subdue the Will and bring it to Gods Will when this is done Affliction hath attained the end for which it came it is sanctified and it will not be long ere it be removed When the sore is healed the smarting Plaister is taken off 13. Consideration How unworthy it is of a Christian to be froward and unsubmissive and not bring his Will to God 1. It is below the Spirit of a Christian. The Spirit of a Christian is Dove-like 't is meek and sedate willing to be at Gods dispose Not my will but thy will be done Luke 22.42 A Christian Spirit is not fretful but humble not craving but contented See the picture of a Christian Spirit in St Paul Phil. 4.12 I know 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 how to be abased and how to abound Paul could be either higher or lower as God saw good he could sail with any Wind of Providence either a prosperous or a boisterous gale his Will was melted into Gods Will now to be of a cross Spirit that cannot submit to God is unworthy of the Spirit of a Christian 't is like the Bird that because 't is pent up in the Cage and cannot fly in the open Air beats it self against the Cage 2. A froward unsubmissive frame that cannot submit to Gods Will is unworthy of a Christians Profession He professeth to live by Faith yet repines at his condition Faith lives not by bread alone it feeds on Promises it makes future Glory present Faith sees all in God When the fig-tree doth not blossom Faith can joy in the God of its salvation Hab. 3.17 Now to be troubled at the present Estate because low and mean where is Faith Sure that is a weak Faith or no Faith which must have crutches to support it O be ashamed to call thy self Believer if thou canst not trust God and acquiesce in his Will in the deficiency of outward Comforts 3. To be of a froward unsubmissive Spirit that cannot surrender its Will to God is unworthy of the high Dignities God hath put upon a Christian. 1. He is a rich Heir he is exalted above all Creatures that ever God made except the Angels yea in some sense as his Nature is joyned in an Hypostatical Union to the Divine Nature so he is above the Angels O then how is it below his dignity for want of a few earthly Comforts to be froward and ready to quarrel with the Deity Is it not unworthy for a Kings Son because he may not pluck such a Flower to be discontented and rebel against his Royal Father 2. A Christian is espoused to Jesus Christ what to be married to Christ yet froward and unsubmissive Hast not thou enough in him As Elkanah said to Hannah 1 Sam. 1.8 Am not I better than ten Sons Is not Christ better than a thousand Worldly Comforts Omnia bona in summo bono 'T is a disparagement to Christ that his Spouse should be froward when she is matched into the Crown of Heaven 4. To be of a froward unsubmissive Spirit is unsuitable to the Prayers of a Christian he prayes Thy Will be done it is the Will of God he should meet with such troubles whether Sickness loss of Estate crosses in Children God hath decreed and ordered it why then is there not submission Why are we discontented at that which we pray for It is a saying of Latimer speaking of Peter who denyed his Master Peter saith he forgot his Prayer for that was Hallowed be thy Name So oft we forget our Prayers nay contradict them for we pray Thy Will be done Now if unsubmissiveness to God be so unworthy of a Christian should not we labour to bring our Wills to Gods and say Lord let me not disparage Religion let me do nothing unworthy of a Christian. 14. Consideration Frowardness and unsubmissiveness of Will to God is very sinful 1. It is sinful in its Nature to murmur when God crosseth us in our Will showes much ungodliness The Apostle Iude speaks of ungodly ones ver 15. and that we may better know who these are he sets a mark upon them ver 16. These are murmurers Some think they are not so ungodly as others because they do not swear or are drunk but you may be ungodly in murmuring there are not only ungodly Drunkards but ungodly Murmurers nay this is the height of ungodliness namely Rebellion Korah and his Company murmured against God and see how the Lord interprets this Numb 17.10 Bring
with us as we do with froward Children while we fret and quarrel God will give us nothing but when we are submissive and say Thy Will be done now God carves out Mercy to us The way to have our Will is to submit it David brought his Will to God 2 Sam. 15.26 Here am I Let him do to me as seems good to him And after he resigned his Will he had his Will God brought him back to the Ark and setled him again in his Throne 2 Sam. 19. Many a Parent that hath had a dear Child sick when he could bring his Will to God to part with it God hath given him the life of his Child There 's nothing lost by referring our Will to God the Lord takes it kindly from us and it is the only way to have our Will 27. and Vlt. Consideration We may the more chearfully surrender our Souls to God when we dye when we have surrendred our Wills to God while we live Our blessed Saviour had all along submitted his VVill to God there was but one VVill between God the Father and Christ now Christ having in his life time given up his Will to his Father at death he chearfully gives up his Soul to him Luke 23.46 Father into thy hands I commend my Spirit You that resign up your VVills to God may at the hour of death comfortably bequeath your Souls to him II. The second Means to bring our VVill to God in Affliction is Study the Will of God 1. It is a Sovereign Will he hath a supream right and Dominion over his Creatures to dispose of them as he pleaseth A Man may do with his own as he list Mat. 20.15 Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with my own A Man may cut his own Timber as he will Gods Sovereignty may cause submission he may do with us as he sees good God is not accountable to any Creature for what he doth Iob 33.13 He giveth not account of any of his matters VVho shall call God to account VVho is higher then the Highest Eccl. 5.8 VVhat Man or Angel dare summon God to his Bar He giveth not account of any of his Matters God will take an account of our Carriage towards him but he will give no account of his Carriage towards us God hath an absolute Jurisdiction over us the remembrance of this Gods Will is a sovereign Will to do with us what he please may silence all discontents and charm down all unruly Passions we are not to dispute but submit 2. Gods Will is a wise Will he knows what is conducing to the good of his People therefore submit Isa. 30.18 The Lord is a God of Iudgment that is he is able to judge what is best for us therefore rest in his VVisdom and acquiesce in his VVill VVe rest in the wisdom of a Physician we are content he should scarify and let us blood because he is judicious and knows what is most conducible to our health If the Pilot be skilful the Passenger saith let him alone he knows how best to steer the Ship and shall we not rest in Gods VVisdom Did we but study how wisely God steers all Occurrences and how he often brings us to Heaven by a cross wind it would much quiet our Spirits and make us say Thy Will be done Gods VVill is guided by VVisdom should God sometimes let us have our VVill we would undo our selves did he let us carve for our selves we should choose the worst piece Lot chose Sodom because well watered and was as the Garden of the Lord Gen. 13.10 but God rained fire upon it out of Heaven Gen. 19.24 3. Gods VVill is a just VVill Gen. 18.25 Shall not the Iudge of all the Earth do right Gods VVill is Regula Mensura it is the Rule of Justice the VVills of Men are corrupt therefore unfit to give Law but Gods VVill is an holy unerring VVill which may cause submission Psal. 97.2 God may cross us but he cannot wrong us severe he may be not unjust therefore we must strike Sail and say Thy Will be done 4. Gods VVill is a good and gracious VVill it promotes our Interest if it be Gods VVill to afflict us he will make us say at last it was good for us that we were afflicted Gods Flail shall only thresh off our Husks That which is against our VVill shall not be against our profit Study what a good VVill Gods is and we will say Fiat Voluntas let thy Will be done 5. Gods VVill is an irresistible VVill we may oppose it but we cannot hinder it The rising of the VVave cannot stop the Ship when it is in full sail so the rising up of our Will against God cannot stop the execution of his Will Rom. 9.19 Who hath resisted his Will Who can stay the Chariot of the Sun in its full Career Who can hinder the Progress of Gods Will Therefore it is in vain to contest with God his Will shall take place there 's no way to overcome God but by lying at his Feet 3. Means to submission to God in Affliction is Get a gracious heart all the Rules and Helps in the World will do but little good till Grace be infused the Boul must have a good Byas or it will not run according to our desire so till God puts a new Byas of Grace into the Soul which inclines the Will it will never submit to God Grace renews the Will and it must be renewed before it be subdued Grace teacheth self denyal and we can never submit our Will till we deny it 4. Means Let us labour to have our Covenant-Interest cleared to know that God is our God Psal. 48.14 This God is our God he whose Faith doth flourish into assurance that can say God is his will say Thy VVill be done A wicked man may say God hath laid this Affliction upon me and I cannot help it but a Believer saith My God hath done it and I will submit to it He who can call God his knows God loves him as he loves Christ and designs his Salvation therefore he will with Saint Paul take pleasure in Reproaches 2 Cor. 12.10 and in every adverse Providence yeild to God as the Wax to the impression of the Seal 5. Means to submission to God in Affliction get an humble Spirit A proud Man will never stoop to God he will rather break then bend but when the Heart is humble the Will is pliable What a vast difference was there between Pharaoh and Eli Pharaeoh cries out VVho is the Lord that I should obey his Voice Exod. 5.2 but Eli saith It is the Lord let him do what seems good in his sight 1 Sam. 3.18 See the difference between an Heart that is swell'd with Pride and that is ballasted with Humility Pharaoh saith VVho is the Lord Eli It is the Lord. An humble Soul hath a deep sence of sin he sees how he hath provoked God he wonders he
owe God themselves to pay it in part and do not look to have it all forgiven But why did Christ teach us to pray forgive us our sins if we can of our selves satisfie God for the wrong we have done him This Doctrine robs God of his Glory Christ of his Merit and the Soul of Salvation Alas is not the lock cut where our Strength lay are not all our Works fly-blown with sin and can sin satisfie for sin this Doctrine makes men their own Saviours it is most absurd to hold for can the Obedience of a finite Creature satisfie for an infinite Offence Sin being forgiven clearly implies we cannot satisfie for it 2. From this word Vs forgive us we learn that pardon is chiefly to be sought for our selves For tho' we are to pray for the pardon of others Iam. 6.16 Pray one for another yet in the first place we are to beg pardon for our selves What will anothers pardon do us good every one is to endeavour to have his own name in the pardon A Son may be made free by his Fathers Copy but he cannot be pardoned by his Fathers pardon he must have a pardon for himself In this sence selfi●hness is lawful every one must be for himself and get a pardon for his own sins Forgive Vs. 3. From this word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 OVR Our sins we learn how just God is in punishing us the Text saith Our Sins we are not punished for other mens sins but our own Nemo habet de proprio nisi peccatum Augustine There 's nothing we can call so properly ours as sin Our daily bread we have from God our daily sins we have from our selves Sin is our own Act a web of our own spinning How righteous therefore is God in punishing of us we sow the seed and God only makes us reap what we sow Ier. 17.10 I give every man the fruit of his own doings When we are punished we do but tast the fruit of our own grafting 4. From this word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Sins see from hence the multitude of sins we stand guilty of we pray not forgive us our Sin as if it were only a single debt but sins in the plural so vast is the Catalogue of our sins that David cries out Who can understand his Errors Ps. 19.12 Our sins are like the drops in the Sea like the atoms in the Sun they exceed all Arithmetick Our debts we owe to God we can no more number than we can satisfie Which as it should humble us to consider how full of black Spots our Souls are so it should put us upon seeking after the pardon of our sins and this brings to the second Vse Exhort To labour to have the forgiveness of sin sealed up to us How can we eat or drink or sleep without it 'T is sad dying without a pardon This is to fall into the Labyrinth of Despair of this the next time Vse 2. Let us labour for the forgiveness of sin If ever this was needful then now when the Times ring Changes and Dangers seem to be marching towards us Labour I say for the Forgiveness of sin this is a main Branch of the Charter or Covenant of Grace Heb. 10.12 I will be merciful to your Unrighteousness and your Sins and Iniquities I will remember no more It is Mercy to feed us but it is rich Mercy to pardon us this is spun and woven out of the Bowels of Free-grace Earthly things are no signs of God's love he may give the Venison but not the Blessing but when God seals up Forgiveness he gives his Love and Heaven with it Psal. 21.3 Thou settest a Crown of pure Gold on his head A Crown of Gold was a Mercy but if you look into 103. Psalm you shall find a greater Mercy v. 3 4. Who forgiveth all thine Iniquities who crowneth thee with loving-kindness To be crowned with Forgiveness and Loving kindness is a far greater Mercy than to have a Crown of pure Gold set upon the Head it was a Mercy when Christ cured the palsy man but when Christ said to him Thy sins are forgiven Mar. 2.5 this was more than to have his palsy healed forgiveness of Sin is the Chief thing to be sought after and sure if conscience be once touched with a sence of Sin there 's nothing a man will thirst after more than forgiveness Ps. 51.3 My Sin is ever before me this made David so earnest for pardon Ps. 51.1 Have Mercy upon me O God blot out my Transgressions If one should have come to David and asked him David where is thy pain what is it troubles thee is it the fear of shame which shall come upon thee in thy Wives is it the fear of the Sword which God hath threatned shall not depart from thy House he would have said No it is only my sin pains me My Sin is ever before me Were but this removed by forgiveness tho' the Sword did ride in circuit in my Family I should be well enough content When the Arrow of Guilt sticks in the Conscience nothing is so desirable as to have this Arrow plucked out by forgiveness Oh therefore seek after the Forgiveness of Sin can you make a shift to live without it but how will you do to die without it will not death have a sting to an unpardoned Sinner how do you think to get to Heaven without forgiveness as at some solemn Festivals there 's no being admitted unless you bring a Ticket so unless you have this Ticket to shew Forgiveness of Sin there 's no being admitted into the Holy Place of Heaven Will God ever Crown those that he will not forgive O be ambitious of pardoning Grace When God had made Abraham great and large Promises Abraham replies Lord what is all seeing I go Childless Gen. 15.2 so when God hath given thee Riches and all thy heart can wish say to him Lord what is all this seeing I want Forgiveness let my pardon be sealed in Christ's Blood A Prisoner in the Tower is in an ill Case notwithstanding his brave Diet great Attendance soft Bed to lie on because being Impeach'd he looks every day for his Arraignment and is afraid of the Sentence of Death In such a Case and worse is He that swims in the Pleasures of the World but his sins are not forgiven A guilty Conscience doth impeach him and he is in fear of being Arraign'd and Condemn'd at God's Judgment-Seat Give not then sleep to your Eyes or slumber to your Eye lids till you have gotten some well-grounded hope that your sins are blotted out Before I come to press the Exhortation to seek after forgiveness of Sin I shall propound one question Quest. If pardon of Sin be so absolutely necessary without it no Salvation what is the Reason that so few in the world seek after it If they want health they repair to the Physitian if they want Riches they take a Voyage to the Indies
under her Gen. 31.34 He knows God sees him which is more than if Men and Angels did behold him He avoids Complexion-sins Psal. 18.23 I was also upright before him and kept my self from my iniquity As in the Hive there is a Mas●er-Bee so in the Heart there is a Master-Sin An heart without guile takes the Sacrificing-knife of Mortification and runs it through his Beloved-Sin 3. An heart without guile desires to know the whole mind and will of God An unsound heart is afraid of the Light lucifuga he is not willing to know his Duty A sincere Soul saith as Job 34.32 What I know not teach thou me Lord shew me what is my Duty and wherein I offend let me not sin for want of light what I know not teach thou me 4. An heart without guile is uniform in Religion He hath an equal eye at all God's Commands 1. He makes Conscience of private Duties he worships God in his Closet as well as in the Temple Iacob when he was alone wrestled with the Angel Gen. 32.3 4. So a Christian when he is alone wrestles with God in Prayer and will not let him go till he hath blessed him 2. He performs difficu●t duties wherein the heart and spirit of Religion lie and which do cross flesh and blood His is much in self-humbling and self-examining Vtitur spec●lis magis quam perspicillis Sen. He rather useth the Looking-glass of the Word to look into his own heart than the broad Spectacles of Censure to spy the faults of others 5. An heart without Guile is true to God's interest 1. He grieves to see it go ill with the Church N●h●miah though the King's Cup-bearer and Wine so near yet was sad when Sion's Glory was Eclipsed Nehem. 2.3 Like the Tree I have read of if any of the Leaves are cut the rest of the Leaves begin to shrink up themselves and for a time to hang down the head So a sincere Soul when God's Church suffers feels himself as it were touched in his own Person 2. He Rejoyceth to see the Cause of God get Ground To see Truth Triumph Pie●y lift up its head and the Flowers of Christ's Crown flourish This is an Heart without Guile it 's loyal and true to God's interest 6. An heart without Guile is Iust in his dealings As he is upright in his Words so he is upright in his Weights He makes Conscience of the Second Table as well as the First He is for Equity as well as Piety 1 Thessal 4.6 That no Man go beyond and defraud his Brother in any matter A sincere heart thinks he may as well Rob as Defraud His Rule is to do to others what he would have them do to him Matt. 7.12 7. An heart without Guile is True in his Promises His Word is as good as his Bond If he hath made a Promise though it be to his prejudice and doth intrench upon his Profit he will not go back The Hypocrite plays fast and loose flies from his word there 's no more binding him with Oaths and Promises than Sampson could be bound with green Wit hs Iudg. 16.7 A sincere Soul saith as Iephtha Judg. 11.3 5. I have opened my mouth to the Lord and I cannot go back 8. An Heart without Guile is faithful in his Friendship He is what he pretends his Heart goes along with his Tongue as a well-made Dial goes with the Sun He cannot Flatter and Hate Commend and Censure Counterfeiting of Love is Hypocrisie 'T is too usual to betray with a Kiss 2 Sam. 20.9 Ioab took Abner by the beard to kiss him and smote him in the fifth rib that he died Many deceive with Sugar Words Physicians use to judge of the Health of the Body by the Tongue if that look well the Body is in Health but we cannot judge of Friendship by the Tongue the Words may be full of Honey when the Heart hath the Gall of Malice Sure his heart is not true to God who is Treacherous to his Friend Thus you see what an Heart without guile is now to have such an Heart is a Sign sin is pardoned God will not impute Sin to him in whose Spirit is no Guile What a blessed thing is this not to have Sin imputed If our Sins be not imputed 't is as if we had no Sin Sins remitted are as if they had not been committed this is the blessing belongs to a sincere Soul God imputes not Iniquity to him in whose Spirit is no Guile 9. He whose sins are forgiven is willing to forgive others who have offended him Ephes. 4.32 Forgiving one another even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you An Hypocrite will Read come to Church give Alms build Hospitals but cannot forgive Wrongs He will rather want Forgiveness from God than he will forgive his Enemies A Pardon'd Soul argues thus Hath God been so good to me to forgive me my sins and shall not I imitate him in this Hath he forgiven me Pounds and shall not I forgive Pence 'T is noted of Cranmer Nihil oblivisci solet praeter injurias Cicero He was of a forgiving Spirit and would do Offices of Love to them that had injur'd him Like the Sun which having drawn up black Vapours from the Earth returns them back in sweet Showers By this Touchstone we may try whether our sins are pardoned we need not climb up into Heaven to see whether our sins be forgiven but let us look into our hearts Are we of Forgiving Spirits Can we bury Injuries requite Good for Evil a good sign we are forgiven of God If we can find all these things wrought in our Souls they are happy signs that our sins are pardoned and are good Letters Testimonials to shew for Heaven Vse 3. Consolation I shall open a Box of Cordials and shew you some of the Glorious Priviledges of a pardoned condition This is a peculiar favour 't is a Spring shut up broched for none but the Elect. The Wicked may have Forbearing Mercy but onely an Elect Person hath Forgiving Mercy Forgiveness of sin makes way for solid joy Isa. 40.1 Comfort ye comfort ye my People saith your God speak ye comfortably to Ierusalem or as in the Hebrew Dabberu Gnal le● speak to her heart What was this must chear her heart tell her that her iniquity is pardoned If any thing would comfort her the Lord knew it was this When Christ would chear the Palsie Man Matt. 9.2 Son be of good chear thy sins be forgiven thee It was a greater comfort to have his sins forgiven than to have his Palsie healed This made David put on his best clothes and anoint himself 2 Sam. 12.20 It was strange his Child was newly dead and God had told him the sword should not depart from his house yet now he spruceth up himself he puts on his best Clothes and Anoints himself Whence was this David had heard good News God sent him his Pardon by Nathan the Prophet 2 Sam.
Temptation strikes at some Grace more than other As in tempting he aims at some Persons more than others so he aims at some Grace more than other and if he can prevail in this he knows what an advantage it will be to him If you ask what Grace it is that Satan in his Temptations doth most strike at I Answer it is the Grace of Faith He lays the Train of his Temptation to blow up the Fort of our Faith Fidei scutum percutit Why did Christ pray more for Peter's Faith than any other Grace Luk. 22.32 Because Christ saw that his Faith was most in danger the Devil was striking at this Grace Satan in Tempting Eve did labour to weaken her Faith Gen. 3.1 Yea hath God said ye shall not eat of every Tree of the Garden The Devil would perswade her that God had not spoken Truth and when he had once wrought her to distrust then she took of the Tree 'T is called Scutum fidei the Shield of Faith Ephes. 6.16 Satan in Tempting strikes most at our Shield he assaults our Faith True Faith though it cannot be wholly lost yet it may suffer a great Eclipse Though the Devil cannot by Temptation take away the Life of Faith yet he may the lively acting He cannot Gratiam diruere but he may debilitare Quest. But why doth Satan in Tempting chiefly set upon our Faith A. 1 King 22.31 Fight neither with small nor great save onely with the King So Faith is as it were the King of the Graces it is a Royal Princely Grace and puts forth the most Majestick and noble Acts therefore Satan fights chiefly with this Kingly Grace I shall shew you the Devils Policy in assaulting Faith most First Because this is the Grace doth Satan most Mischief it makes the most resistance against him 1 Pet. 5.9 Whom resist stedfast in Faith No Grace doth more bruise the Serpents Head than Faith Faith is both a Shield and a Sword defensive and offensive 1. It is a Shield A shield guards the Head defends the Vitals the shield of Faith causeth that the fiery darts of Temptation do not pierce us thorough 2. Faith is a Sword it wounds the Red Dragon Quest. How comes Faith to be so strong that it can resist Satan and put him to flight Answ. 1. Because Faith brings the strength of Christ into the Soul Sampson's strength lay in his Hair ours lies in Christ If a Child be assaulted it runs and calls to its Father for help So when Faith is assaulted it runs and calls Christ and in his Strength overcomes 2. Faith furnisheth it self with store of Promises the Promises are Faith's Weapons to fight with Now as David by Five Stones in his Sling wounded Goliah 2 Sam. 17.40 So Faith puts the Promises as Stones into its Sling I will never leave thee nor forsake thee Heb. 13.5 He will not break the bruised reed Matt. 12.20 He will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able 1 Cor. 10.13 The Lord will shortly bruise Satan under your feet Rom. 16.20 None shall pluck you out of my Fathers hands Joh. 10.29 Here are Five Promises like five Stones put in the Sling of Faith and with these a Believer wounds the Red Dragon Now Faith being such a Grace that doth so resist and wound Satan he will watch his opportunity that he may batter our shield though he cannot break it 2. Satan strikes most at our Faith and would weaken and destroy it because Faith hath a great influence upon all the other Graces Faith sets all the Graces a-work Like some rich Clothier that gives out a stock of Wool to the Poor and sets them all a Spinning So Faith gives out a stock to all the other Graces and sets them a working Faith sets Love a-work 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Gal. 5.6 Faith which worketh by love When once the Soul believes God's Love this kindles Love to God The believing Martyrs burned hotter in Love than in Fire Faith sets Repentance a-work When the Soul believes there is Mercy to be had and that this mercy is for him this sets the eyes a Weeping O saith the Soul that ever I should offend so gracious a God Repenting tears drop from the eye of Faith Mark 9.24 The Father of the Child cried out with tears Lord I believe Faith set his eyes abroach with Tears therefore the Devil hath most spight at Faith and by his Temptations would undermine it because it is such an Operative Grace it sets all the other Graces on work If the Devil cannot destroy our Faith yet if he can disturb it if he can hinder and stop the actings of Faith he knows all the other Graces will be lame and unactive If the Spring in a Watch be stopp'd it will hinder the motion of the Wheels If Faith be down all the other Graces are at a stand 21. Subtilty of Satan in Tempting is In broaching those Doctrines that are Flesh-pleasing Satan knows the Flesh loves to be gratified it cries out for ease and liberty it will not endure any yoke unless it be lined and made soft The Devil will be sure so to lay his bait of Temptation as to please and humour the flesh The Word saith 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Strive as in an Agony to enter into Glory Crucifie the Flesh Take the Kingdom of Heaven by holy Violence Now Satan to enervate and weaken these Scriptures comes with Temptations and flatters the Flesh. He tells Men there needs no such Strictness Why so much zeal and violence a softlier pace will serve sure there is an easier way to Heaven There needs no breaking the heart for Sin do but confess to a Priest or tell over a few Beads or say some Ave Maries and this will procure you a Pardon and give you admission into Paradise Or the Devil can go another way to work if he sees Men startle at Popery then he stirs up the Flattering Antinomian and he comes in another Disguise and saith What needs all this cost What needs Repenting Tears These are legal VVhat need you be so strict in your Obedience Christ hath done all for you you may make use of your Christian Liberty This Temptation draws away many it takes them off from strictness of life He who sells cheapest shall have most Customers The Devil knows this is a cheap easie Doctrine which will please the flesh and he doth not doubt but he shall have Customers enough 22. Subtilty of Satan in Tempting is in Reference to Holy Duties His policy is either to hinder from duty or discourage in duty or put Men on too far in duty I. To hinder from Duty as 1 Thes. 2.18 I would have come once and again but Satan hindred me So many Duties of Religion had been performed but Satan hindered The hand of Ioab is in this There are Three Duties which the Devil is an enemy to and labours to keep us from 1. Meditation He will let Men
Profess or Pray and Hear in a formal manner This doth him no hurt nor them no good but he doth oppose Meditation as being a means to compose the heart and make it serious Satan can stand your small shot so you do not put in this Bullet He cares not how much you Hear nor how little you Meditate Meditation is a chewing of the cud it makes the VVord digest and turn to nourishment Meditation is the Bellows of the Affections The Devil is an enemy to this When Christ was alone in the Wilderness giving himself to Divine Contemplations then the Devil comes and tempts him to hinder him He will thrust in Worldly Business something or other to keep Men off from Holy Meditation 2. Duty which Satan by his tempting would keep us from is Mortification This is as needful as Heaven Col. 3.5 Mortifie your Members which are upon the Earth uncleanness inordinate affection Satan will let Men be angry with sin exchange sin restrain sin which is keeping sin Prisoner that it doth not break out but when it comes to the taking away the Life of Sin Satan labours to stop the Warrant and hinder the Execution When Sin is Mortifying Satan is Crucifying 3. Self-examination 2 Cor. 13.5 Examine your selves 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Metaphor from Metal that is pierced thorow to see if it be Gold within Self-examination is a Spiritual Inquisition set up in ones Soul a Man must search his heart for sin as one would search an house for a Traitor or as Israel sought for Leaven to burn it Satan if it be possible will by his Temptations keep Men from this Duty He useth a great deal of subtilty 1. Here First he tells them Their Estate is good and what need they put themselves to the trouble of Examination Though Men will not take their Money on Trust but will examine it by the Touchstone yet Satan perswades them to take their Grace on trust The Devil perswaded the Foolish Virgins they had Oyl in their Lamps 2. Satan hath another Policy he will shew Men the Faults of others to keep them from searching their own See what a Proud Covetous Man goes there He will allow them Spectacles to see what is amiss in others but not a Looking-glass to behold their own Faces and see what is amiss in themselves II. Satan's Policy is to discourage us in Duty When one hath been about the performing of Holy Duties then the Devil stands up and tells him He hath play'd the Hypocrite he hath served God for a Livery he hath had sinister ends His Duties have been full of distraction they have been Fly-blown with Pride He hath Offered the blind and lame and can he expect a reward from God Satan tells a Christian He hath encreased his sin by Prayer and by this Temptation he would make a Child of God quite out of conceit with his Duties he knows not whether he had best Pray or no. III. Or Thirdly if this Plot will not take Satan labours by Temptation to put a Christian on too far in duty If he cannot keep a Child of God from duty he will run him on too far in it For instance humiliation and mourning for sin is a duty but Satan will put one on too far in it Thou art not saith he humbled enough And indeed Satan never thinks a Man is humbled enough till he despairs He would make a Christian wade so far in the Waters of Repentance that he should wade beyond his depth and be drown'd in the Gulph of Despair Satan comes thus to the Soul Thy sins have been great and thy sorrow should be proportionable to your sin But is it so Canst thou say thou hast been as great a Mourner as thou hast been a Sinner Thou didst for many years drive no other Trade but sin And is a drop of Sorrow enough for a Sea of Sin No thy Soul must be more humbled and lie steeping longer in the brinish waters of Repentance Satan would have a Christian weep himself blind and in a desperate mood throw away the Anchor of Hope Now lest any here be troubled with this Temptation let me say this This is a meer Fallacy of Satan for sorrow proportionable to sin is not attainable in this Life nor doth God expect it It is sufficient for thee Christian if thou hast a Gospel-sorrow if thou grievest so far as to see Sin hateful and Christ precious If thou grievest so as to break off Iniquity if thy Remorse end in Divorce this is to be humbled enough Then the Gold hath lain long enough in the fire when the Dross is purged out then a Christian hath lain long enough in Humiliation when the Love of Sin is purged out This is to be humbled enough to Divine Acceptation God for Christ's sake will accept of this Sorrow for Sin therefore let not Satans Temptations drive to despair You see how subtil an Enemy he is to hinder from Duty or discourage in Duty or put Men on too far in Duty that he may run them upon the Rock of Despair Had we not then need having such a subtil Enemy Pray Lord lead us not into temptation As the Serpent beguiled Eve let us not be beguiled by this Hellish Machiavel 23. Subtilty of Satan in Tempting to the act of sin is the hopes of returning out of it by speedy Repentance But this is a fallacy it is easie for the Bird to fly into the Snare but it is not so easie to get out of the Snare Is it so facile a thing to Repent Are there no pangs in the New Birth Is it easie to leap out of Dalilah's Lap into Abraham's Bosom How many hath Satan flattered into Hell by this policy that if they sin they may recover themselves by Repentance Alas Is Repentance in our Power A Spring lock can shut of it self but it cannot open without a Key We can shut of our selves to God but we cannot open by Repentance till God open our heart who hath the Key of David in his hand 24. Subtilty of Satan in Tempting is to put us upon doing that which is good unseasonably 1. To Mourn for sin is a duty The Sacrifices of God are a broken heart Psal. 51.17 but yet there is a time when it may not be so seasonable After some eminent Deliverance which calls for Rejoycing now to have the Spirits dyed of a Sad Colour and to sit Weeping is not seasonable There was a Special Time at the Feast of Tabernacles when God call'd his People to Chearfulness Deut. 16.15 Seven days shalt thou keep a Solemn Feast to the Lord thy God and thou shalt surely rejoyce Now if at this time the Israelites had hung their Harps upon the Willows and been Disconsolate it had been very unseasonable like Mourning at a Wedding When God by his Providence calls us to Thanksgiving and we sit Drooping and with Rachel refuse to be comforted this is very evil and savours of Ingratitude
of the Army will pity him and bind up his Wounds But if he be wilfully foil'd and proves treacherous he must expect no Favour So if a Christian fight it out with Satan but is foil'd for want of Strength as it was with Peter God will pity him and do him good by his being foil'd But if he be foil'd wilfully and runs into a Temptation as it was with Iudas God will shew him no Favour but will execute Martial Law upon him The Vses Remain Vse 1. See in what continual Danger we are Satan is an exquisite Artist a deep Headpiece he lies in Ambush to ensnare he is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Tempter it is his Delight to make the Saints sin and he is subtil in tempting he hath 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ways and Methods to deceive First He brings a Saint into sin by making him Confide in his habitual Graces Satan makes him believe he hath such a stock of Grace as will Antidote him against all Temptations Thus Satan deceiv'd Peter he made him trust in his Grace he had such a Cable of Faith and strong Tacklings that tho' the Winds of Temptation did blow never so fierce he could weather the Point Tho all men forsake thee yet I will not as if he had more Grace than all the Apostles thus he was led into Temptation and fell in the Battle a man may make an Idol of Grace Habitual Grace is not sufficient without Auxiliary The Boat needs not only Oars but a Gale of Wind to carry it against Tide so we need not only habitual Grace but the blowing of the Spirit to carry us against a strong Temptation Secondly Satan tempts to sin by the Baits and Allurements of the World Foenus Pecuniae funus Animae one of Christ's own Apostles was caught with a silver Bait. Such as the Devil cannot debauch with Vice he will corrupt with Money All this will I give thee was his last Temptation Mat. 4.9 Achan was deluded by a Wedge of Gold Silvester the Second did sell his Soul to the Devil for a Popedom Thirdly Satan tempts to sin sub specie boni under a mask and shew of good his Temptations seem gracious Motions 1. He tempts Men to Duties of Religion you will think this strange that Satan should tempt to duty but it is so 1. he tempts Men to duty out of sinister Ends. Thus he tempted the Pharisees to Pray and give Alms That they might be seen of men Mat. 6.5 Prayer is a Duty but to look a squint in Prayer to do it for Vain-glory this Prayer is turn'd into sin 2. He tempts to duty when it is not in season Numb 28.2 My Offering and my Bread for my Sacrifices shall ye offer unto me in their due season Satan tempts to duty when it is out of season He tempts to read the Word at home when we should be hearing the Word He will so tempt to one duty as it may hinder another 3. He tempts some to duty out of design that it may be a Cloak for sin He tempts them to frequency in duty that they may sin and be less suspected He tempted the Pharisees to make long Prayers That they might devour widows houses under this pretence Mat. 23.14 Who would suspect him of false Weights that so oft holds a Bible in his hand Thus cunning is Satan he tempts to duty 2. He tempts men to sin out of a shew of Love to Christ. You will think this strange but there 's truth in it Many a good Heart may think what he doth is in love to Christ and all this while he may be under a Temptation Christ told Peter he must suffer at Ierusalem Peter took him and rebuked him Be it far from thee Lord Mat. 16.21 as if he had said to Christ Lord thou hast deserved no such shameful death and this shall not be unto thee Peter as he thought did this out of love to Christ but Peter was all this while under a Temptation What had become of us if Christ had hearkened to Peter and had not suffered So when Christ wash'd his Disciples Feet Peter was so mannerly that he would not let Christ wash his Feet Ioh. 13.8 Thou shalt never wash my Feet This Peter did as he thought out of Love and Respect to Christ Peter thought Christ was too good to wash his Feet and therefore would have put Christ off but this was a Temptation the Devil put Peter upon this sinful Modesty he struck at Peters Salvation insomuch that Christ saith If I wash thee not thou hast no part in me So again when the Samaritans would not receive Christ the Disciples Iames and Iohn said Lord wilt thou that we command fire from Heaven to consume them Luke 9.54 They did this as they thought out of Love to Christ they would wish for fire to consume his Enemies But they were under a Temptation it was not Zeal but the Wild-fire of their own Passion Ye know not saith Christ what spirits ye are of Fourthly Satan tempts to that sin which a mans Heart is naturally most inclinable to he will not tempt a civil Man to Gross sin this is abhorring to the light of Nature Satan never sets a dish before men that they do not love but he will tempt a civil man to Pride and to trust in his own Righteousness and to make a Saviour of his Civility The Spider weaves a Web out of her own Bowels the civil Man would weave a Web of Salvation out of his own Righteousness See then in what danger we are when Satan is continually lying in Ambush with his Temptations Inference 2. See mans Inability of himself to resist a Temptation Could he stand of himself against a Temptation this Prayer were needless Lead us not into Temptation no man hath Power of himself to resist a Temptation further than God gives him Strength Ier. 10.23 O Lord I know that the way of man is not in himself If Peter who had True Grace and Adam who had Perfect Grace could not stand against Temptation much less can any stand by the Power of Nature which Confutes the Doctrine of Free-will what freedom of Will hath man when he cannot resist the least Temptation Infer 3. Here is Matter of Humiliation that there is in us such an Aptitude and proneness to yield to Temptation Nitimur in vetitum we are as ready to swallow a Temptation as the fish to swallow the Bait. If the Devil tempt to Pride Lust Envy Revenge how do we symbolize with Satan and embrace his snares Like a Woman that hath a Suitor come to her and she doth not need much wooing she presently gives her Consent Satan comes a wooing by Temptation and we soon yield he strikes fire and we are as dry Tinder that catcheth the first spark He knocks by temptation and it is sad to think how soon we open the door to the Devil which is as if one should open the door to a
in sin it is only to the Body the bruitish Part the Soul is not at all gratified by the Pleasure Luk. 12.19 Soul take thy Ease He might more properly have said Body take thy Ease The Soul cannot feed on sensual Objects 4. In short that Pleasure men talk of in sin is their Disease some take pleasure in eating Chalk or Coals this is from their Disease So when men talk of Pleasure in eating the Forbidden Fruit it is from the Sickness and Disease of their Souls they put bitter for sweet Isa. 5.20 O what folly is it for a Cup of Pleasure to drink a Sea of Wrath Sin will be bitter in the end Prov. 23.31 32. Look not on the Wine when it is red when it gives his Colour in the Cup at last it bites like a Serpent Sin will prove like Ezekiels Rowl sweet in the Mouth but bitter in the Belly Mel in Ore Fel in Corde ask Cain now how he likes his Murder Achan how he likes his golden Wedge O remember that saying of Austin Momentaneum est quod delectat aeternum quod Cruciat The Pleasure of sin is soon gone but the sting remains IX Branch If Sin be so great an Evil then what Wisdom is it to depart from Evil Iob 28.28 To depart from Evil is Vnderstanding To sin is to do foolishly therefore to depart from sin is to do wisely Solomon saith Prov. 29.6 In every Transgression there is a Snare Is it not Wisdom to avoid a Snare Sin is a Deceiver it cheated our first Parents instead of being as Gods they became like the Beasts that perish Psal. 49.20 Sin hath cheated all that have medled with it is it not Wisdom to shun such a Cheater Sin hath many fair pleas and tells you how it will gratifie all the Senses with Pleasure But saith a gracious Soul Christ's Love is sweeter Peace of Conscience is sweeter what are the Pleasures of Sin to the Pleasures of Paradise Well may the Saints be call'd Wise Virgins because they spie the Deceits that are in sin and avoid the Snares The Fear of the Lord that is Wisdom and to depart from Evil is Understanding X. Branch If Sin be so great an Evil then how justifiable and commendable are all those Means which are used to keep Men from sin How justifiable are a Ministers Admonitions and Reproofs Titus 1.13 Rebuke them sharply 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Cuttingly a Metaphor from a Chirurgeon that searches a Wound and cuts out the Proud Flesh that the Patient may be sound So God's Minister comes with a cutting Reproof but it is to keep you from sin and to save your Souls Si Meritò objur gaverit te aliquis scito quia profuit Sen. Esteem them your best Friends who would keep you from sinning against God If a man were going to poison or drown himself were not he his Friend who would hinder him from doing it All a Ministers Reproofs are but to keep you from sin and hinder you from Self-Murder all is in Love 2 Cor. 5.11 Knowing the Terror of the Lord we perswade men 'T is the Passion of most to be angry with them that would reclaim them from sin Amos 5.10 They hate him that rebuketh in the Gate Who is angry with the Physician for prescribing a bitter Potion seeing it is to purge out the peccant Humour 'T is Mercy to Mens Souls to tell them of their sins And surely those are Priests for the Devil 2 Chr. 11.15 who see men go on in sin and ready to drop into Hell yet never pull them back by a Reproof nay perhaps flatter them in their sins God never made Ministers as false Glasses to make bad Faces look Fair. Such make themselves guilty of other mens Sins 11. Inference If sin be so great an evil the evil of evils then see what a bad choice they make who choose sin to avoid affliction As if to save the Coat from being rent one should suffer his Flesh to be rent It was a false charge that Elihu brought against Iob Chap. 36.21 Thou hast chosen iniquity rather than affliction This is a bad choice Affliction hath a Promise made to it 2 Sam. 22.28 but sin hath no Promise made to it Affliction is for our good but Sin is not for our good it would intail Hell and Damnation upon us Spira chose iniquity rather than affliction but it cost him dear He at last repented of his choice He who commits sin to avoid suffering is like one that runs into a Lions Den to avoid the stinging of a Gnat. 12. Inference If sin be so great an evil see then what should be a Christians great care in this life to keep from sin Deliver us from evil Some make it all their care to keep out of trouble they had rather keep their Skin whole than their Conscience pure But our care should be chiefly to keep from sin How careful are we to forbear such a Dish as the Phisician tells us is hurtful for us it will bring the Stone or Gout Much more should we be careful that we eat not the forbidden fruit which will bring Divine Vengeance 1 Tim. 5. 22. Keep thy self pure It hath been always the study of the Saints to keep aloof off from sin Gen. 39.9 How can I do this great wickedness and sin against God Psal. 19.13 Keep back thy Servant from presumptuous sins It was a saying of Anselm If Sin were on one side and Hell on the other I would rather leap into Hell than willingly sin against my God O what a Mercy is it to be kept from sin We count it a great Mercy to be kept from the Plague and Fire But what is it to be kept from sin 13. Inference Is sin so great an evil see then that which may make us long for Heaven when we shall be perfectly freed from sin not onely from the outward Acts of sin but from the in-being of sin In Heaven we shall not need to pray this Prayer Deliver us from evil What a blessed time will it be when we shall never have a Vain Thought more Then Christ's Spouse shall be sine macula ruga without spot or wrincle Ephes. 5.27 Now there 's a Dead Man tied to the Living we cannot do any Holy Duty but we mix Sin we cannot Pray without Wandring we cannot Believe without Doubting But then our Virgin-Souls shall not be capable of the least tincture of Sin but we shall all be as the Angels of God In Heaven we shall have no Temptation to sin The Old Serpent is cast out of Paradise and his fiery ●arts shall never come near to touch us 2. Vse of Exhort And it hath Two distinct Branches 1. Branch To all in General If Sin be so great and prodigious an evil Then as you love your Souls Take heed of sin If you tast of the Forbidden Fruit it will cost you dear it will cost you Bitter Tears it may cost you lying in Hell
God for power Alass if David and Peter who had an Habit of Grace fell for want of a fresh gale of the Spirit to hold them up much more will they be in danger of falling who have onely the power of Free will to hold them Let us therefore sue to God for strength to keep us from sinning Pray that Prayer of David Psal. 119.117 Hold thou me up and I shall be safe and that other Prayer Psal. 17.5 Hold up my goings in thy paths that my footsteps slip not Lord keep me from dishonouring thee keep me from the defiling sins of the Age that I may not be worse for the Times nor the Times the worse for me Keep back thy servant from presumptuous sins Lord whatever I suffer keep me from sin The Child is safe in the Nurses arms and we are onely safe from falling into Sin while we are held up in the Arms of Christ and Free-Grace 2. Branch Of the Exhortation hath an aspect to God's Children you that are Professors and carry Christ's Colours I beseech you above all others to take heed of sin beware of any action that is scandalous and unbecoming the Gospel You have heard what a prodigious hyperbolical evil sin is Come not near the forbidden fruit Hos. 4.15 Though Israel play the harlot yet let not Iudah offend So though wicked Men run into sin yet let not the Spouse of Christ defile the breasts of her Virginity Sin doth ill become any but it doth worse become Professors Dung is unhandsome in the Street but to see it in the Temple How offensive is it Leprosie in the Foot doth ill but to see a leprous sore in the Face is much worse To see sin break forth in them who have a Face of Religion is most to be abominated The sins of the wicked are not so much wondered at Dan. 12.10 The wicked shall do wickedly It is no wonder to see a Toad spit Poison it was not so much wondered to see Cain or Ahab sin but to see Lot's Incest to see David's hands stained with blood this was strange When the Sun is Eclipsed every one stands and looks upon it So when a Child of light is Eclipsed by scandalous sin all stand and gaze at this Eclipse The Sins of God's People do in some sense more provoke God than the sins of the Wicked We read of the provoking of his Sons and Daughters Deut. 32.19 The sins of the Wicked Anger God but the sins of his People Grieve him The sins of God's People have a more malignant aspect and are of a blacker dye than others There are those aggravations in the sins of God's People as are not to be found in the sins of the Unregenerate in Eight Particulars For First The Godly have something which may ponere obicem Restrain them from sin Wicked Men when they sin have no Principle to restrain them they have Wind and Tide to carry them but have nothing to pull them back from sin but a Child of God hath a Principle of Grace to give check to sin He hath the impulses of God's Spirit disswading him from evil therefore for him to commit sin is far worse than for others This is to sin more desperately it is as if a Woman should go about to kill the Child in her Womb. Christian this thou art going to do when thou sinnest Presumptuously thou doest what in thee lies to kill the Babe of Grace in thy Soul Secondly The sins of God's People are greater than others because they sin against more Mercy This is like a Weight put in the Scale it makes sin weigh heavier God hath given Christ to a Believer he hath cut him off from the wild stock of Nature and grafted him into the True Olive and for him to abuse all this Mercy it is to out-do the Wicked and to sin with an higher aggravation because it is to sin against greater love How was Peter's sin inhaunced and accented that when Christ had done more for him than others he had dropped some of the Holy Oil upon him He had taken him into the number of the Apostles he had carried him up into the Mount of Transfiguration and shewn him the Glory of Heaven in a Vision now that Peter should deny Christ after all this Mercy this was heinous and could not be forgiven but by a Prodigy and Miracle of Love Thirdly The Sins of the Godly are worse and have this aggravation in them that they Sin against more clear illuminations than the Wicked Iob 24.13 They are of those that rebel against the Light Light is there taken figuratively for knowledge It can't be deny'd but the Wicked Sin knowingly but the Godly have a light beyond them such a divine penetrating light as no Hypocrite can attain unto They have better eyes to see Sin than others and for them to meddle with Sin and embrace this Dunghil How must this needs provoke God and make the Fury rise up in his Face Oh therefore you that are the People of God fly from Sin your Sins are more inhanc'd and have worse aggravations in them than the Sins of the Unregenerate Fourthly The Sins of the Godly are worse than the Sins of the Unregenerate for when they Sin it is against Greater Experiences They have felt the bitterness of Sin in the pangs of the New-birth and afterwards God hath spoken peace and they have had an experimental tast how Sweet the Lord is and yet after these Experiences that they should touch the Forbidden Fruit venture upon a Presumptuous Sin How doth this inhance and aggravate their Guilt and is like putting a weight more in the Scale to make their Sin weigh heavier The Wicked when they Sin never tasted the sweetness of an Heavenly Life they never knew what it was to have any Smiles from God they never tasted any thing sweeter than Corn and Wine therefore no wonder if they Sin But for a Child of God who hath had such Love-Tokens from Heaven and Signal experiences for him to Gratifie a Lust How horrid is this It was an aggravation of Solomon's Sin that his heart was turned from the Lord which had appeared to him Twice 1 King 11.9 Fifthly The Sins of the Godly are greater than others because they Sin against their Sonship When Wicked Men Sin they Sin against the Command but when the Godly Sin they Sin against a Priviledge they abuse their Sonship The Godly are adopted into the Family of Heaven they have a New Name Is it a light thing said David to be Son-in-Law to a King So to be called the Sons of God to be Heirs of the Promises is no small honour Now for such to run into any open offence it is a Sinning against their Adoption they hereby make themselves Vile as if a King's Son should be tumbling in the Mire or lie among Swine Sixthly The Sins of the Godly are worse than others because they are committed against more Vows and Engagements
5.17 Quest. But may not a natural man oppose Sin Answ. Yes but there is a great difference between his opposing Sin and the new Creature 's opposing it I. There is a difference in the Manner of Opposition 1. The Natural Man opposeth Sin only for the Shame of it as it eclipseth his Credit But the new Creature opposeth Sin for the Filth of it it is the Spirit of Mischief 'T is like Rust to Gold or as a Stain to Beauty 2. The Natural Man doth not oppose all Sin 1. He doth not oppose inward Sins he fights against such sins as are against the light of a natural Conscience but not against Heart-sins the first risings of vain Thoughts the stirrings of Anger and Concupiscence the venom and impurity of his Nature 2. He doth not oppose Gospel-sins Pride Unbelief Hardness of Heart spiritual Barrenness he is not troubled that he can love God no more 3. He opposeth not Complexion-sins such as the Byass of his Heart carries him more strongly to as Lust or Avarice He saith of his Constitution-sin as Naaman 2 Kings 5.18 In this thing the Lord pardon thy Servant But the new Creature opposeth all kind of sin Odium circa speciem As he that hates a Serpent hates all kind of Serpents Psal. 119.104 I hate every false way II. There is difference between the Natural Man's opposing Sin and the New Creature 's opposing it in regard of the Motives A Natural Man opposeth sin from carnal Motives to stop the Mouth of Conscience and to prevent Hell But the new Creature opposeth sin upon more noble Motives out of love to God and fear of dishonouring the Gospel 4. In the new Creature there is mortifying old corrupt Lusts. Gal. 5.24 They that are Christ's have crucified the Flesh. The new Creature is said to be dead to Sin Rom. 6.11 He is dead as to the love of sin that it doth not bewitch and as to the power of it that it doth not command The new Creature is continually crucifying Sin Some Limb of the old Adam every day drops off though Sin doth not die perfectly it dies daily A gracious Soul thinks he can never kill sin enough He deals with sin as Ioab with Absalom 2 Sam. 18.14 He took three darts in his hand and thrust them through the heart of Absalom So with the three Darts of Faith Prayer and Repentance a Christian thrusts through the Body of Sin he never thinks this Absalom is enough dead Try then if we have this first Sign of the new Creature Old things are passed away There is a grieving for sin a detesting it an opposing it a mortifying it This is the passing away of old things though not in a legal sence yet in an Evangelical and though it be not to Satisfaction yet it is to Acceptation The second Trial of the New Creature is All things are become new The new Creature is new all over Grace though it be but in part yet is in every part By nature every branch of the Soul is defiled with sin as every part of Wormwood is bitter so in Regeneration every part of the Soul is replenished with Grace Therefore Grace is call'd The new Man Eph. 4.24 Not a new Eye or a new Tongue but a new Man There are new Dispositions new Principles new Aims all things are become new I. In the new Creature there is a new Understanding Eph. 4.23 Be renewed in the Spirit of your Mind The first thing a Limner draws in a Picture is the Eye When God newly limns us and makes us new Creatures the first thing he draws in our Souls is a new Eye The new Creature is enlightned to see that which he never saw before 1. He knows Christ after another manner An unconverted Man by the Light of common Grace may believe Christ to be the Son of God but the new Creature knows Christ after another-guise manner so as to esteem him above all to adore him to touch him by Faith to fetch an healing virtue from him 2. The new Creature knows himself better than he did When the Sun shines into a Room it discovers all the Dust and Cobwebs in it so when the Light of the Spirit shines into the Heart it discovers that Corruption which before lay hid it shews a man his own vileness and Nothingness Iob 40.4 Behold I am vile A wicked man blinded with Self-Love admires himself like Narcissus that seeing his own shadow upon the Water fell in love with it Saving Knowledge works self-abasement Lord thou art Heaven and I am Hell said a Martyr Hath this Day-Star of Knowledge shined in our Mind II. The new Creature is renewed in his Conscience The Conscience of a Natural Man is either blind or dumb or seared But Conscience in the new Creature is renewed Let us examine Doth Conscience check for sin The least Hair makes the Eye weep and the least sin makes Conscience smite How did David's Heart smite him for cutting off the Lap of Saul's Garment A good Conscience is a Star to guide a Register to record a Judge to determine a Witness to accuse or excuse if Conscience doth all these Offices right then it is a renewed Conscience and speaks peace III. In the new Creature the Will is renewed An old Bowl may have a new Byass put into it The Will having a new Byass of Grace put into it is strongly carried to Good The Will of a Natural man opposeth God When the Wind goes one way and the Tide another then there is a Storm so it is when God's Will goes one way and ours another But when our Will goes with God's as the Wind with the Tide then there 's a sweet Calm of Peace in the Soul The sanctified Will answers to God's Will as the Echo to the Voice Psal. 27.8 When thou saidst Seek ye my face my Heart said unto thee Thy Face Lord will I seek and the Will being renewed like the primum Mobile it carries all the Affections along with it IV. The new Creature hath a new Conversation Grace alters a man's walk Before he walked proudly now humbly before loosly now holily He makes the Word his Rule and Christ's Life his Patern Phil. 3.20 Our Conversation is in Heaven As a Ship that is sailing Eastward there comes a Gale of wind and blows it Westward So before a man did sail Hell-ward and on a sudden the Spirit of God comes upon him and blows him Heaven-ward here is a new Conversation It was a Speech of Oecolampadius I would not speak or do any thing that I thought Iesus Christ would not approve of if he were here corporally present Where there is circumcision of heart there is circumspection of Life If we find it thus that all things are become n●w then we are new Creatures and shall go to the new Ierusalem when we die Vse 3. Exhortation Labour to be new creatures Nothing else will avail us Gal. 6.15 Neither Circumcision availeth any thing
we have not yet finished the Faith The Servant doth not receive his pay till his Work be done Even Christ's reward was deferred till he had done his Work when he had compleated our Redemption and said upon the Cross it is finished then he entred into Glory God doth not think it meet we should have our pay beforehand 2. God defers the reward to make Heaven more welcome to us Quo longius defertur eò suavius laetatur After all our Praying Weeping Suffering how sweet will the Wine of Paradise taste Nay the longer the reward is deferred the greater will it be the longest Voyages have the greatest Returns 4. That which is apt to occasion weariness in well-doing is the difficulty of a Christians Work Superas evadere ad auras hic labor hoc opus est A Christian hath no time to lie Fallow he hath many Precepts to obey Promises to believe Temptations to resist his whole Life is a Race he must Watch and Pray he must put forth not only Diligence but Violence for Heaven But why should this make us weary Difficulty whets a generous Mind The Soldiers Life hath its difficulties but they raise his Spirits the more he loves to encounter hardship and will endure a Bloody Fight for a Golden Harvest Besides where there is the least Principle of Grace it renders the way of Religion easie and pleasant When the Load-stone draws it is easie for the Iron to move When God's Spirit draws we move in the way of Religion with facility and delight Spiritu Sancto accenditur renatorum voluntas Aug. Christ's Service is freedom Psal. 119.45 I will walk at Liberty to serve God to love God to enjoy God is the sweetest Liberty in the World besides while we serve God we gratifie our selves As he who digs in a Mine while he sweats he gets Gold while we glorifie God we promote our own Glory II. The Second thing expressed is that we should not grow weary in a Christian course we should not tire in our Race Let us not be weary in well-doing The Greek Word to be weary 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifies to shrink back as Cowards in War Let it not be thus with us let us not shrink back from Christ's Colours Heb. 4.14 Let us hold fast our profession We must not only hold forth our profession but hold fast our profession Our zeal in Religion should be as the Fire on the Altar which never went out Lev. 6.13 Non pugnanti sed vincenti dabitur Corona Aug. The Crown is not given to him that Fights but to him that overcomes 1 Vse R●dargution It reproves such as are weary of well-doing There are Falling Stars 2 Tim. 4.10 Demas forsook God and afterwards became a Priest in an Idol Temple Dorotheus Hos. 8.3 Israel hath cast off the thing that is good Many have thrown off Christ's Livery they have left off an Holy course of Life they have turned to Worldliness or Wantonness Gal. 5.7 Ye did run well who hindred you Why did you tire in your Race It is sad to see those who formerly seemed to be eminent Saints Stars of the first magnitude yet now are fallen away and are ready to embrace either the Mass or the Alcoran that which begins in Hypocrisie ends in Apostacy 2 Pet. 2.21 It had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness than after they have known it to turn from the Holy Commandment 2 Vse Exhortation Let us not be weary in well-doing Consider 1. The Way of Religion is of Good Report Heb. 11.2 By Faith the Elders obtained a Good Report Shall we be weary of that which is our Credit If indeed the Christian Religion were a thing that would bring shame or loss as the Ways of Sin do then we had cause to desert it and grow weary of it but it brings Honour Prov. 4.9 He shall give to thy Head an Ornament of Grace Besides the Credit an Holy course of Life brings inward Ioy and Delight Prov. 3.17 All her ways are pleasantness What sweet Musick doth the Bird of Conscience make in the Breast Act. 9.31 Walking in the fear of the Lord and in the Comforts of the Holy Ghost Why then should we be weary of well-doing 2. The Beauty of a Christian is to hold on in Piety without being weary Act. 21.16 Mnason of Cyprus an old Disciple 'T is a beautiful sight to see Silver Hairs crowned with Golden Vertues The Beauty of a thing is when it comes to be finished The Beauty of a Picture is when it is drawn out in its full Lineaments and laid in its Orient Colours The Beauty of a Christian is when he hath finished his Faith 2 Tim. 4.7 It was the Glory of the Church of Thyatira she kept her best Wine till last Rev. 2.19 I know thy Works and the last to be more than the first 3. Such as are weary of well-doing it is a sign they never acted in Religion from a right Principle Things that proceed from a Principle of Life do not cease as the beating of the Pulse But things that move from an artificial Spring are soon at an end as the Motion of a Watch. Unsound Hearts move only from the external Spring of Applause or Preferment and when these fail their seeming Goodness ceaseth Naturalists observe of the Chelydonian Stone that it retains its Virtue no longer than it is inclosed in Gold take it out of the Gold and it loseth its Virtue False Hearts retain their Goodness no longer than they are inclosed in Golden Preferments take them out of the Gold and they lose all their seeming Piety Such as are weary of well-doing never served God out of choice or from a Principle of Faith If the Water in a Cistern fail it is because it is not fed from a Fountain If Men's Religion fails it is because it wants that Fountain-Grace of Faith to feed it 4. God is never weary of doing us Good therefore we should not be weary of serving him The Honey-comb of Mercy is continually dropping upon us God sends us in fresh Provisions every Day he gives us the finest of the Wheat he is not weary of watching over us but keeps a continual Guard about us Psal. 21.3 God is not weary of detecting and defeating the Plots of our Enemies And shall we be weary of engaging in his Service A King that is continually obliging his Subject by Gifts and Gratituites that Subject hath no cause to be weary of serving his Prince 5. If we grow weary and throw off Religion we make all we have done null and void Ezek. 18.24 When the Righteous turneth away from his righteousness all his righteousness that he hath done shall not be mentioned He who hath been serving God and doing Angel's Work if once he grows weary and desists he unravels all his Work and misseth of the recompence of reward He that runs half a Race and then tires loseth the Garland O what folly
is it to do well a while and then by Apostasie to unravel all As if a Limner should with his Pencil draw a fair Picture and then come with his Spunge and wipe it out again 6. Consider the Examples of such as have continued their Progress unweariably in a Christian course The Apostle sets before our Eyes a Cloud of Witnesses Heb. 12.1 Being compassed about with so great a Cloud of Witnesses let us run the Race that is set before us let us run it with celerity and constancy How many Noble Martyrs and Confessors of old have walked in the ways of God though they have been strew'd with Thorns they scorned Preferments laughed at imprisonments and their love to Christ burned hotter than the Fire Polycarp when he came before the Proconsul and he bad him deny Christ he replyed Octoginta fexannos illi inservii c. I have served Christ these 86 years and he hath not once hurt me and shall I deny him now Tertullian saith such was the constancy of the Primitive Saints that the Persecutors cryed out Quae miseria est haec What a Misery is this that we are more weary in tormenting than they are in enduring Torment Let us tread in their steps who through Faith and Patience inherit the Promises 7. It will be our Comfort on our Death-bed to review a well-spent Life It was Augustus's wish that he might have an 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a quiet easie Death If any thing make our Pillow easie at Death it will be this that we have been unweariable in God's Work This will be a Death-bed Cordial Did you ever know any repent at Death that they have been too Holy Many have repented that they have followed the World too much not that they have prayed too much that they have repented too much What hath made Death sweet but that they have finished their Course and kept the Faith 8. Think of the Great Reward we shall have if we do not give over or grow weary and that is Glory and Immortality 1. This Glory is ponderous 't is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Weight of Glory 2 Cor. 4.17 The Weight adds to the Worth the weightier a Crown of Gold is the more it is worth 2. It is satisfying Psal. 17.15 I shall be satisfied when I awake with thy likeness This Glory will abundantly recompense all our Labours and Sufferings The Joy of Harvest makes amends for all the Labour in sowing O what an Harvest shall the Saints reap It will be always reaping time in Heaven and this reaping will be in the due season So the Apostle saith in the Text we shall reap 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in due Season The Husband-man doth not desire to reap till the Season he will not reap his Corn while it is green but when it is ripe So we shall reap the Reward of Glory in due Season When our Work is done when our Sins are purged out when our Graces are come to their full growth then is the Season of reaping Therefore let us not be weary of well-doing but hold on in Prayer Reading and all the Exercises of Religion we shall reap in due season if we faint not To keep us from fainting know that the Reward promised is very near Rom. 13.11 Our Salvation is nearer than when we believed We are but within a few Days March of the Heavenly Canaan It is but a few more Prayers and Tears shed and we shall be perfected in Glory as that Martyr Dr. Taylor said I have but one Style more to go over and I shall be at my Father's House Stay but a while Christians and your Troubles will be over and your Coronation-Day shall come Christ who is the Oracle of Truth hath said Behold I come quickly Rev. 22.20 And yet Death 's coming is sooner than Christ's Personal coming and then begins the Saints Blessed Iubile Quest. What Means shall we use that we may not wax weary in a Christian course Answ. 1. Let us otium excutere shake off Spiritual Sloath. Sloath saith there is a Lyon in the way He who is sloathful will soon grow weary he is fitter to lie on his Couch than to run a Race It is a strange Sight to see a busie Devil and an idle Christian. Answ. 2. If we would not grow weary let us pray for persevering Grace It was David's Prayer Psal. 119.117 Hold thou me up and I shall be safe And it was Beza's Prayer Domine quod Coepisti perfice c. Lord perfect what thou hast begun in me that I may not suffer Shipwrack within sight of the Haven That we may hold on a Christian Course let us labour for Three persevering Graces 1. Faith Faith keeps from Fainting Faith gives a Substance to Things not seen and makes them to be as it were present Heb. 11.1 As a Perspective-Glass makes those things which are at a distance near to the Eye so to Faith Heaven and Glory seem near A Christian will not be weary of Service that hath the Crown in his Eye 2. The Second persevering Grace is Hope Credula vitam spes fovet Hope animates the Spirits it is to the Soul as the Cork to the Net which keeps it from sinking Hope breeds Patience and Patience breeds Perseverance Hope is compared to an Anchor Heb. 6.19 The Christian never sinks but when he casts away his Anchor 3. Persevering Grace is Love Love makes a Man that he is never weary Love may be compared to the Rod of Mirtle in the Traveller's Hand which refresheth him and keeps him from being weary in his Journey He who loves the World is never weary of following the World he who loves God will not be weary of serving him That is the Reason why the Saints and Angels in Heaven are never weary of Praising and Worshiping God because their Love to God is perfect and Love turns Service into Delight Get the Love of God in your Hearts and you will run in his Ways and not be weary Of knowing to do Good and not to do it James 4.17 To him that knoweth to do good and doth it not to him it is Sin THE Apostle in the former Verses had met with a Sin common in those days a sinful Boasting among Men. Ver. 13. Go to now ye that say to day or to morrow we will go into such a City and buy and sell and get gain whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow you may be in your Graves before to morrow for what is your Life it is even a Vapour A Vapour being an Exhalation it cannot continue long as it is raised by the Sun so it is dispersed by the Wind Such is your Life a Vapour a short Breath a flying Shadow it appears 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for a little time and then vanisheth Well might they say what need we be taught such a plain Lesson who knows not all this that Life is a Vapour and that we ought not to
Preface which I shall but briefly touch on is which art in Heaven 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 God is said to be in Heaven not that he is so included there that he is no where else for the Heaven of Heavens cannot contain him ● Kings 8.27 but the meaning is God is chiefly resident in the Empyrean Heaven which the Apostle calls the third Heaven 2 Cor. 12.2 there God doth most give forth his Glory to his Saints and Angels Quest. What may we learn from this that God is in Heaven Answ. 1. Hence we learn that we are to raise our Minds in Prayer above the Earth God is no where to be spoken with but in Heaven God never denyed that Soul his suit who went as far as Heaven to ask it 2. We learn from Gods being in Heaven his Soveraign Power Hoc vocabulo intelligitur omnia subesse ejus imperio Calvin Psal. 115.3 Our God is in the heavens he hath done whatever he pleased God being in Heaven governs the Universe and orders all Occurrences here below for the good of his Children When the Saints are in straits and dangers and see no way of relief he can send from Heaven and help them Psal. 57.3 He shall send from heaven and save me 3. We learn Gods Glory and Majesty He is in Heaven therefore he is covered with light Psal. 104.2 cloathed with honour Psal. 104.1 and is as far above all Worldly Princes as Heaven is above Earth 4. We learn from Gods being in Heaven his Omnisciency All things are naked and unmasked to his eye Heb. 4.13 Men plot and contrive against the Church but God is in Heaven and they do nothing but what our Father sees If a Man were on the top of an high Tower or Theatre he might thence see all the People below God is in Heaven as in an Tower or Theatre and he sees all the transactions of Men. The Wicked make wounds in the backs of the Righteous and then pour in Vinegar God writes down their cruelty Exod. 3.7 I have seen the afflictions of my people God is in Heaven and he can thunder out of Heaven upon his enemies Psal. 18.13 The Lord thundered in the heavens yea he sent out arrows and scattered them and he shot out lightnings and discomfited them 5. We learn from Gods being in Heaven Comfort for the Children of God when they pray to their Father the way to Heaven cannot be blocked up One may have a Father living in Foreign parts but the way both the Sea and by Land may be so blocked up that there is no coming to him but thou Saint of God when thou prayest to thy Father he is in Heaven and though thou art never so confined thou mayest have access to him A Prison cannot keep thee from thy God the way to Heaven can never be blocked up So I have done with the word Father I shall speak next of the Pronoun 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Our Father In the first there is an Appellation Father in the second an Appropriation Our Father Christ by this word Our would teach us thus much That in all our Prayers to God we should act Faith Our Father Father denotes Reverence Our Father denotes Faith In all our Prayers to God we should exercise Faith Our Father Faith is that which baptizeth Prayer and gives it a name it is called the Prayer of Faith Iam. 5.15 without Faith it is speaking not praying Faith is the breath of Prayer Prayer is dead unless Faith breathe in it Faith is a necessary requisite in Prayer The Oyl of the Sanctuary was made up of several sweet Spices pure Myrrhe Cassia Cinamon Exod. 30.23 Faith is the chief spice or ingredient into Prayer which makes it go up to the Lord as sweet Incense Iam. 1.6 Let him ask in faith Mat. 21.22 Whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer believing ye shall receive Invoco te Domine quanquam languida imbecilla fide tamen fide Lord said Cruciger I pray though with a weak Faith yet with Faith Prayer is the Gun we shoot with Fervency is the Fire that dischargeth it and Faith is the Bullet which pierceth the Throne of Grace Prayer is the Key of Heaven Faith is the Hand that turns it Pray in faith Our Father Faith must take Prayer by the hand or there is no coming nigh to God Prayer without Faith is unsuccessful If a poor Handicrafts-man that lives by his labour hath spoiled his tools that he cannot work how shall he subsist Prayer is the tool we work with which procures all good for us but unbelief spoils and blunts our Prayers and then we can get no Blessing from God A Prayer that is Faithless is Fruitless As Ioseph said You shall not see my face unless you bring your brother Benjamin with you Gen. 43.3 so Prayer cannot see Gods face unless it bring its brother Faith with it What is said of Israel They could not enter in because of unbelief Heb. 3.19 is as true of Prayer it cannot enter into Heaven because of unbelief This makes Prayer often suffer shipwrack because it dasheth upon the rock of Unbelief O sprinkle Faith in Prayer We must say Our Father Quest. 1. What doth praying in Faith imply Resp. Praying in Faith implyes the having of Faith the act implyes the habit To walk implyes a principle of Life so to pray in Faith implyes an habit of Grace None can pray in Faith but Believers Quest. 2. What is it to pray in Faith Answ. 1. To pray in Faith is to pray for that which God hath promised where there is no promise we cannot pray in Faith 2. To pray in Faith is to pray in Christs meritorious Name Iohn 14.13 Whatsoever ye shall ask in my name that will I do To pray in Christs Name is to pray in the hope and confidence of Christs Merit When we present Christ to God in Prayer when we carry the Lamb slain in our Armes when we say Lord we are Sinners but here is our Surety for Christs sake be propitious this is coming to God in Christs Name and this is to pray in Faith 3. To pray in Faith is in Prayer to fix our Faith on Gods faithfulness believing that he doth hear and will help this is a taking hold of God Isa. 64.7 By Prayer we draw nigh to God by Faith we take hold of him 2 Chron. 13.14 The children of Iudah cryed unto the Lord and this was the crying of Faith ver 18. They prevailed because they relyed on the Lord God of their Fathers Making supplication to God and staying the Soul on God is praying in Faith To pray and not rely on God for the granting our Petitions irrisio Dei est saith Pelican it is to abuse and put a scorn upon God By praying we seem to honour God by not believing we affront him In Prayer we say Almighty Merciful Father by not believing we blot out all his Titles again Quest. 3. How may we know