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A58046 Practical discourses concerning death and Heaven discovering the great necessity of a speedy preparation for death : with the danger of neglecting or delaying such preparations : also the excellency, glory, and happiness of Heaven opened and explained as the portion of all true believers after death / by Nathanael Ranew. Ranew, Nathanael, 1602?-1678. 1694 (1694) Wing R247; ESTC R26914 143,487 222

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of his Son much more being reconciled shall we be saved by his Life For certainly he is able to save unto the utmost all that come unto God by him seeing he ever lives to make intercession for them Christ hath not lost his Love and Affection to his People by his Advancement Harbour not therefore O Believing Soul any suspicious thoughts in thy Heart concerning him as if by his Exaltation into Heaven he were now become forgetful of any of his Members here below groaning under Sin or Misery for though the days of his Passion are ended yet so are not the days of his Compassion He retains the same Temper and Disposition of Soul now he is in Glory his Heart is not changed though his Condition be but he still bears the same Respect to his People now that he did when he was on Earth for indeed he there Lives and Acts upon the account of Believers so says the Apostle He appears in the presence of God for us Heb. 9.24 Doth God O Believing Soul by Diseases and Distempers upon thy outward Man cause thy Beauty and Comeliness to consume and wither hath long and tedious Sicknesses almost wasted and destroyed thy Body and by all art thou brought so low that thou despairest of Life Doth Death seem to be written upon all thy helps to Life And do all the means that are used for thy Recovery seem rather to further thy Dissolution than any way to hinder it Why yet fear not Death but Remember as God hath Glorified and highly Exalted Jesus Christ whose Form and Visage as the Prophet speaks was marr'd more than any Mans so he will Exalt thee also not to an Equality of Glory with Christ for in Heaven he shall be the Light and the Glory of it but yet there shall be some likeness and Conformity in all the Members of Christ unto him who is their Head Fear not therefore O Christian the worst that Death or the Grave can do unto thee for assure thy self as because he lives Believers shall live also so where he lives there Believers shall live also Thirdly Another Consideration for the removal of the fear of Death is frequent Meditation of the Happiness of the Soul in Death and of the Resurrection of the Body after Death As for the Happiness of the Souls of Believers in death it is exceeding great the Body at present suffers loss for though once it was an excellent Fabrick the Workmanship of God's hands yet being forsaken by the Soul it is become loathsome and turns to Corruption and rottenness so says the Wise Man The Body returns to the dust from whence it was taken there to consume and moulder away this is the State of Man's Body in Death procured by Sin and inflicted by God But now for the Soul that returns to God that gave it either to partake of Eternal Blessedness or to receive Eternal Punishments Now that the Happiness of Believers in their Souls is great at Death will appear if we consider either the Evils they are freed from or the Blessedness they attain unto as for the Evils that accompany our present State in this Life Death frees Believers from them all at once during this Mortal Life indeed Sufferings are annexed to the State of a Christian as a necessary Appendix to his very Being for such is our condition while we are here that Afflictions are almost become as needful for the Soul as Food and Raiment is for the Body therefore saith the Apostle if need be you are in heaviness through manifold Tribulations 1 Pet. 1.6 God sees it needful that Afflictions should be and in his Wisdom and Mercy he proportions the Afflictions of his People to their necessities This Life is a Life of Suffering unto the People of God it is their appointed Path and Way through which they must walk to Heaven therefore says the Apostle We must through many Tribulations enter into the Kingdom of God It is appointed for us so to do And indeed as Job speaks Man is born to trouble as the sparks flyupward he comes into the World crying and all the rest of his time between the Cradle and the Grave he is not much Happier for his Life is made up of Sin and Suffering the Evil of Sin and the Evil of Suffering there is a kind of a continual Chaining or Linking together of one Misery or Affliction to another a mixture of Pain and Sorrow or Succession of Evils and Troubles that runs through all his days as one Wave falls upon the neck of another so one Evil is no sooner gone but another comes in its room One depth as the Psalmist speaks calls upon another Floods and Storms of Miseries and Afflictions daily pass over our heads And if Troubles and Afflictions come not of themselves nor are caused by others we can Mint and Coin them our selves by our Sins Our Lord tells us That sufficient to the day that is to every day are the Evils and Troubles thereof but as if they were not enough we can create Troubles to our selves before hand and Anticipate in our Fancies and Apprehensions for our greater Vexation and Trouble Evils that are to come though we know not whether we our selves shall live till they come And herein we are more cruel to our selves than the Devil is to himself for that Evil Spirit cares not to be Tormented before his time whereas we antidate and bring Evils that are at a distance from us nearer to us by unquiet Apprehensions and sinful distracting Vexations entertained in our minds and so the fears of Miseries to come make us far more miserable than when those miseries are come upon us and by the Apprehension of an imaginary Evil we make it become a real Affliction and an unfeigned Torment to us in our resentment of it Thus Sin and Sorrow Afflictions and Temptations divide our days and time while we are here until Death comes for a Believers relief and then there shall be an end put to all his Sorrows and Sufferings because there shall be an end of Sinning After Death there shall be no Cries nor Tears under any Miseries or Afflictions no fears of future Evils nor no grief for past sins the causes of them no Poverty or Distress shall come near that Holy place the Habitation of Holy Souls all the Inhabitants there are become Kings possessed of Riches and Glory without value Fear not therefore O dying Believer whose Soul by Death is getting free from thy Body for thou art but removing from Earth to Heaven where thou shalt instantly be with thy dear Lord and Saviour thou art but going to thy God and Father and the Father of Spirits to visit those Mansions of Glory that are there prepared for thee Chearfully therefore take thy leave of thy Body and let it know that thou art taking thy flight to Heaven during the time that it shall sleep in the dust of the Grave until the morning of the
in the Things of this World should be unwilling to die that the Thoughts of Death which parts them and their Happiness should be bitter and unpleasant This now is naturally the Temper of all Men till God opens their Eyes and discovers to them more excellent Things even Things of a spiritual and divine Nature which as they are more suitable to their Souls so are they more durable and satisfying and having once tasted what present Sweetness Peace and Joy there is in God and in ways of Holiness besides what is laid up for them hereafter in Heaven their Hearts and Affections are now become dead to the World and all worldly Things so that they have no relish and savour of these Things upon their Spirits But as St. Paul saith of himself so it may be said of them they are now crucified unto the World and the World is crucified unto them The World sees no Glory or Beauty in them and they see as little in the World How easily now can such take their leaves of it when God by Death calls them to it The Apostle tells us for his part he did die daily 1 Cor. 15. and 31. And did we die daily in our Desires and Affections unto the World and the Things thereof it would not be so hard for us to die when we come to it in good earnest When Death comes to a Man whose natural strength and vigour hath been wasting and consuming a long time by lingring Sicknesses and Distempers his Death is not so hard and strong as that Man's Death is whom a few day's Sickness cuts off in the midst of his strength and Vigour Nature being strong in him to make resistance against it whereas in the other the strength of Nature is wasted and consumed and so Death to him is more easie So is it here the Christian whose Love and Affection to the World and the Contentments of this present Life hath for many years been consuming and dying will more freely and readily part with them at Death than he whose Love and Affections are strongly and eagerly bent upon them such a one must be rent and torn from them by force and violence in the hour of Death When our heart 's set loose from all things that are desirable under the Sun and there is nothing upon Earth that insnares and intangles our Affections towards it one Difficulty yea and a great one too in our way of dying is then removed Death will rend and tear that heart that is glued in love to any thing in this World Therefore O Christian as to all thy worldly Enjoyments possess them as if thou possessed'st them not rejoice in them as if thou rejoicedst not and use the World as not abusing of it for the Fashion of the world passeth away How dreadful will Death be to one who as the Apostle saith minds earthly Things and how easie will Death be to one whose Mind and Conversation is in Heaven It is good therefore for us to consider that we are but Strangers and Pilgrims here Heaven is the proper Place and Dwelling for holy Souls Make provision therefore by a holy weanedness of Heart and Affections for your departure bence send your best things to Heaven before-hand that is your Heart your Love your Delight and then you your selves will the more readily and willingly follow after them Fifthly Would you be prepared for Death live every day then as if it were your last doing nothing therein but what you would be willing to be found doing at Death and Judgment He that shall every day seriously consider with himself for ought I know this may be my last day The shadows of Death may stretch themselves over my Life before the shadows of the Evening overtake me I have no Assurance of my Life here no not for a moment How is it therefore with thee O my Soul as to Eternity what is thy daily Work and Employment Is it that wherein if I should meet with Death at the end of it I can comfortably give an Account thereof unto the Great God If I knew this to be my last Day would I be thus employed as I now am If not why do I venture upon the doing of that which I would be loath Death should find me a doing since I know not but Death may overtake me before I have finished what I am about Reader whoever thou art possibly thou mayest be guilty of no very great mistake if thou shouldst think with thy self as healthful and as strong as now I am yet there may be some secret invisible Hand of Death stretched out towards me possibly this very day I may feel some Symptoms and some Fore-runners of it some mortal incurable Disease may seize upon me before Night and cast me upon a sick Bed which to me may prove a Death bed Supposing now that this were thy very Case and that thou hadst received the Sentence of Death though not as Hezekiah did by a Messenger sent immediately by God unto him as he had but by the Violence of some Distemper accompanied with those Signs and Tokens that usually are and have been presages of Death unto others How then wouldst thou spend those few small Moments of Time that thou hast yet left thee on this side Eternity How would thy Thoughts work What would thy Words and Discourses then be Surely thou wouldst not be so abominable stupid and secure so wretchedly careless and negligent of thy Soul and of thy eternal Interest and Concerns when thy Soul is as it were sitting upon thy Lips and looking over into Eternity being ready to take its sudden flight thither as to be plodding and contriving in thy Thoughts how to enjoy the Pleasures Profits and Delights of the World which you now find to be nothing but Vanity and Vexation of Spirit nor yet would you be so desperately mad and bold as to send then for your vain and wicked Companions with whom you have consumed so many Days and Years in Sin and Wickedness that you and they might now laugh and waste away your last Hours together also No certainly there is no relish and savour now in any of these Things unless it be that which is bitter yea surely the Remembrance thereof will then be more bitter to the Soul than Gall and Wormwood Oh now the Consideration of the Wants and Exigences of the Soul begin to thrust and force themselves into the Mind and Thoughts of a Sinner O the sight of a righteous and a severe Judge of a strict Account and of a dreadful Tribunal Oh the bitter Vpbraidings and Terrors of an accusing Conscience the fearful Reflections upon past Sins and the Expectations of future Torments the Fears and Thoughts of these Things do now fill the Mind and perplex the Soul and make a Sinner cry out O what shall I now do to be saved Were you never in all your Lives by the Death-bed of a careless negligent Sinner whose
If upon Examination of thy Heart thou dost not find it thus with thee why then consider though this frame of Soul be Characteristical of a true Christian yet you must consider also that the same Character of a Christian that is a cause of joy and rejoicing to some yea to a Man 's own self sometimes at another time may be a cause of fear and doubting to him not but that that which distinguisheth a true Christian from a Hypocrite is the same at one time that it is at another only we cannot see nor discover so clearly the State of our Souls towards God by it at one time as at another And this is the Reason why some are so lifted up with joy yea with holy longing of Soul in hopes of the Glory of God when others are cast down under fears and doubts as if they had no hopes of or at least no present Interest in or title unto any such thing But farther Art thou fearful O Christian of thy self because thou canst not feel this ardency of desires in thee after thy dissolution and the Glorious appearing of Jesus Christ so as to look and long for the coming of these things Why know O troubled Soul that every Character of a Christian is not discernable by all Christians at all times and in all conditions Thou mayest have that in thee which is the cause of these longing desires in others though at present it doth not work so strongly in thee that thou mayest sensibly feel the power of its operations thus drawing forth thy Heart and Affections in this ardent and vehement manner Grace though weak and in the seed hath a tendency in it and is making out after this holy longing and rejoicing of Soul in hopes of the Glory of God though there may be the intervention of some time before there be an attaining to it If there be the remainders of the Spirit of Bondage in thee to fear in this case Grace in thee is not come to that perfection that it is in others but yet it will be growing and encreasing in thee and as thy Grace grows stronger and stronger so will thy fears of Death and Judgment grow weaker and weaker Furthermore O troubled Soul though thou canst not feel thy Soul breathing forth it self in these holy longings desires after thy Dissolution the beholding of the face of God and the appearance of the Lord Jesus Christ yet dost thou believe that it will be incomparably better for thee to be with Christ than to abide here on Earth and therefore though Death be dreadful to think of in it self yet seeing it is the only passage through which God hath appointed our entrance into Heaven though thou canst not say that thou longest for it yet art thou willing to entertain it if God sends it and though the fears of Death sometimes discourage thee yet doth not thy belief of and hope in a future State of Happiness abate those fears considering the advantages that will follow it And though it be an amazing thing in thy thoughts to think of coming before the Great and Holy GOD yet except when Temptations make thee fear that God will condemn thee for thy Sins hadst thou not rather come to God by Death than not come to him at all the enjoyment of whom is thy Soul 's utmost Happiness And though the sight of Christ's coming in the Clouds at the Day of Judgment in the Glory of his Father and of the Holy Angels will be very terrible to behold and the thoughts thereof strike thee with fear and trembling when thou considerest thine own sinfulness and therefore canst not think of that Day with so strong a Faith and Consolation with such earnestness of desires and holy longing as some Christians do yet be not discouraged though thou dost not long for yet dost thou love the appearance of Jesus Canst thou say thou wouldst not take all the pleasures of this World for thy hopes of the happiness of this Day And couldst thou attain to that full assurance that some of God's People have thou wouldst then with earnestness of desire and holy longing of Soul cry out as the Church doth Come Lord Jesus come quickly Is it thus with thee O Soul why then be not troubled nay be comforted for that which at present is Faith Hope Desire and Love may in a little time be vehement longing and assurance yea the riches of the full assurance of Faith Rest not therefore in any weak desires but labour for this holy longing of Soul after God and the Eternal Enjoyment of him in Glory that in Life and Death your Soul may part and breath after immediate and everlasting Communion with him This is that frame of Soul that the People of God ought to labour after and which many have attained unto the earnestness and vehemency of whose desires have been so great that they have been as it were under sweet and delightful agonies of pain and their Souls even breaking with longings after the presence of God and Christ in Glory Examples of this Nature that might be instanced in are many I shall mention one of which I was an Eye and Ear Witness the Person was one of a middle rank and quality in the World but of great eminency in Grace and Holiness while living and full of Joy and Peace when dying It pleased God who appoints us the bounds and place of our Habitations to cast my lot into a Religious Family where this Godly Person lived whose Memory to me is and ever shall be very precious after I had been there some time it pleased God to lay this Person upon a sick bed which proved a death-bed whose Mouth was always full of Holy and Heavenly Discourse and as Death approached nearer and nearer those Heavenly Expressions were with greater earnestness and frequency repeated the last Day of whose Life as long as speech continued was spent in uttering continual expressions full of holy longings and desires after the enjoyment of God and Christ in Glory Methinks the sweetness of the Melody revives my Spirit still when I call to remembrance in my serious thoughts what I then heard and saw Oh with what Joy and Desight of Soul was the thoughts of Death entertained Surely nothing was or could possibly be more welcome to such a Soul except it were the immediate fruition of God in Heaven whose Soul in the delightful much longed for and panted-after Happiness in the enjoyment of God breathed forth continually such expressions as these for many hours together Come Lord Jesus when shall I come and appear before thee Oh Lord when Lord when Oh come Lord Jesus come quickly And thus this Holy Person died changing a frail mortal Life on Earth for an immortal Life in Heaven where to be and to be most happy is all one I could fill up many sheets with wonderful expressions of the loves longings pantings and breathings that I have read of Holy
in the same way Oh how unlike to Christians do they shew themselves who are so loath to die that they will not come but must be dragg'd to the Grave yea to the very thoughts of Death Oh how unsuitable is this Temper to those who desire that God's Wills may be done who profess themselves to be Strangers and Pilgrims here upon Earth and to look upon Heaven as their Country and their Fathers House The life of a Christian should be a life of Faith now the Excellency of the Life of Faith in a Believer with relation unto Death lies in this that it makes him not only submissive but chearfully to come to that to which another must be dragged by force I mean Death and the Grave To a Believer when his Faith is on the wing Life as St. Paul says of his is not dear and Death as he speaks of his is desired It was as hard to make St. Paul patient when he thought of living as to make another patient when he thinks of dying a most sweet and Blessed Frame of Spirit but where is it to be found now how rarely is it be to seen the most of Men shall I say nay the most of Professors and would to God there were not just cause to complain and say whom we hope are real Christians their Hearts and Affections are so much set upon the World even as if their Portion were not in Heaven but they themselves were among the Number of those whose Names are written in the Earth The Lord humble us that so much of this Evil frame of Spirit is to be seen in the best of God's Children as appears by their backwardness and unwillingness to die O Christians if Jesus Christ had gone as unwillingly to Suffer and to Die for us as we go to Pray to him and to hear from him not to say as unwillingly as we go to die that we may enjoy him what had become of our Salvation but blessed be God he did not And surely Christians if it was Christs desire to die for us as it was it should then be our longing to live with him though it be by Dying Oh what a strange unseemly and unbecoming thing is it for a Christian to hear his Saviour crying out I have a Baptism to be baptized withal though it was the Baptism of his bloody Death and Sufferings and oh how am I straitned till it be accomplished And that a Christian reflecting upon the thoughts of his own Death should say I have a Baptism to be baptized withal though not a Baptism of a bloody Death by the hands of Violence but the Baptism of an easie quiet and peaceable Death and how am I straitned and full of fears lest it should be accomplished Certainly Christians a willingness in Christ to die for us that we might live by him should cause in us a willingness to die that we might live with him Would to God O Christian Reader that what hath been said might be a means to work in my self and thee not only a readiness and fitness for Death though that is very good and that in which the safety of a Christian lies and happy are they that have gone so far for Heaven is sure to them whether they know it or not but Oh that we might go further that Grace might attain to a greater Perfection in us even that we might come to a Holy willingness and desire yea to a Holy-longing of Soul after Death This is that Holy covetousness of Soul that God allows of There are two things wherein a Christian cannot be too insatiable in his desires after them one is that he may Honour God the other is that he may enjoy God that he may honour God as much as he can while he is on Earth and that he may enjoy God as soon as it may be in Heaven this is the most commendable and desirable life and this will end in the most Happy and Comfortable Death Death did I say nay it is Life in Death it is Death swallowed up of Life even in a Life of unconceivable Glory and Happiness in the enjoyment of that God who is all Life all Love all Peace all Joy and all Happiness in the utmost and highest Perfection I am sensible I have made a Digression in this particular but the desire I had Christian Reader to stir up my own Soul and thine also unto a Duty so full of Sweetness and Delight hath put me upon it I now go on to what yet remains Having laid down some Consolations against the fear of Death in general I shall in the next place endeavour to propound some Considerations for the support of Christians under the loss of Friends and Relations in particular which unto many is a sore Trial and hard to be born for it is as common for Christians to exceed in their Grief for their dead Friends and Relations as it is to exceed in their Love and Delight in their living Friends and Relations and in both it is very hard for Christians to keep their Passions and Affections within due bounds The blessed Apostle therefore gives us Excellent Counsel how we should carry our selves under the enjoyment of Relations and outward Comforts whilst we have them and how we should bear up under the loss of them when God takes them away from us we have the Direction for both 1 Cor. 7.29 If we have Relations or Worldly Enjoyments why then saith he Rejoyce in them as if you rejoyced not If you want them or have lost them then says he weep for them as if you wept not and he lays down a very cogent reason for what he says for the time is short and the World is passing away and so are you and all your Relations and Comforts passing away with it As if the Apostle had said if God hath Blessed you with dear and sweet Relations with pleasant and delightful Comforts yet consider it is but a little time that you shall enjoy them they and you shall quickly part again therefore rejoyce in them as if you rejoyced not And if God hath seen good to take away those sweet Pledges of his Love and once the Objects of your Delight and Joy do not much Afflict your selves under the loss of them for it is but a little while that you shall continue here without them the time is short and the World is passing away and ere long it will not be yea you your selves are passing away with it yea before it also weep therefore as if you wept not these things are not your great Concerns your Happiness lies not in the Enjoyment of them nor your Misery in the loss of them but it lies in something higher and of greater Worth and Excellency even in God himself it 's the Enjoyment of him only that can make a Soul happy and the loss of him only that can make it miserable Therefore with a Holy Moderation and Indifferency of Affection carry
to the Soul 's everlasting Comfort and Consolation when Death shall bring it to appear before him Thirdly Would you be prepared for Death get sin pardoned and labour much after the Assurance of it Sin is the cause of death the means by which Death came into the World had there been no sinning there would have been no dying but sin coming into the World death came along with it Rom. 5.12 As by one Man sin entred into the World and death by sin and so death passed upon all Men for that all have sinned By sinning against God Man is come under a necessity of dying The wages of sin says the Apostle is Death nay sin is that which gives Death its sting so we read 1 Cor. 15. and 56. The sting of Death is sin This is it which gives Death its power and makes it so dreadful and because of Guilt lying on the Soul makes it unfit to die But now where the Soul is sprinkled with the Blood of Christ the Guilt of Sin taken away by an Act of Pardon and Forgiveness that Soul is prepared to receive and entertain Death whensoever it comes and though it make not that Death shall not be yet it makes that Death shall not hurt for Sin is pardoned Sin is that which makes the Soul cry out bitterly under the Apprehonsions of Death and of the Wrath of God Oh that I had never committed such and such Sins Why know O pardoned Sinner thou hast thy wish for God when he pardons Sin makes it to be as if it had never been committed Things forgotten are no more to us than as if they had never been Why now says God I will forgive their Iniquities and I will remember their Sins no more And doth God O fearful Soul make thy Sins to be as if they had never been by his pardoning Grace and Mercy and shall not thy former fears of Sin and of Death by Reason of Sin be now as if they had never been Thou need'st not fear O trembling Soul that thou shalt ever be questioned again for those Sins that God hath once forgiven thee God's Acts of Oblivion can never be repealed for the Gifts and Calling of God are without Repentance Guilt binds a Sinner over unto Punishment no wonder then that an unpardoned Sinner who is unfit to die is afraid of Death for whenever Death comes to such a Soul it comes with a deadly incurable Sting Death to an unpardoned Sinner is Death with a witness for it is Death and Hell in to the Bargain But now to a pardoned Sinner let Death come when and how it will he is prepared for it his Condition is safe he cannot be miserable Death may kill him but it cannot hurt him and therefore what need he fear it Now if you would know the Safety and Happiness of your Condition labour for an Assurance that your Sins are pardoned Your future Happiness depends upon the pardon of Sin but your present Comfort depends upon your Assurance that Sin is pardoned He whose Sins are pardoned dies safely but he who knows his Sins are pardoned dies comfortably Pardon of Sin frees from Condemnation but it is Assurance of Pardon that brings Peace and Comfort That Man is not so ready to die nor in such a prepared Frame of Soul for Death as he ought to be in who though his Sins are pardoned and thereby he hath a Right and Title unto Heaven yet walks in the dark and is at Vncertainties whether his Sins are pardoned or not for as our pardon of Sin is necessary to our dying happily so the Assurance of our Pardon is necessary to our dying comfortably Take a Man that is at a loss and under Doubts and Fears that his Sins are not pardoned if Death should come to him while he is under those Doubts and Fears with what difficulty would he make a shift to die How hardly would he be brought to it What Pretences and Excuses would he make Alas says he I know not where I am nor what Death will do with me and though I am so sick that I cannot live yet I am so afraid I dare not die for I know not whither I am going nor where my Dwelling shall be for ever whether in Heaven or in Hell O what shall I do therefore But now he whose Sins are not only pardoned but he walks daily under the comfortable Assurance thereof it being sealed and witnessed to him by the Spirit of God which Spirit as the Apostle saith witnesseth with our Spirits that we are the Children of God If Death comes to him he rejoiceth for saith he I know that if my earthly House of this Tabernacle be dissolved I have a Building of God an House not made with Hands eternal in the Heavens The Sum of all is this Pardon of Sin is very good for it is our Safety for they that are pardoned shall certainly be saved but to have Sin not only pardoned but to have the Assurance that it is pardoned this is much better For God to love us so as to pardon and accept us is the ground of our Hopes for Heaven hereafter But to have God manifest his Love and to assure us that he loves us is our Heaven on this side Heaven And the more we have of this Assurance the more joyfully and comfortably shall we be able to pass through a dying Hour Fourthly Would you be prepared for Death labour for Hearts and Affections crucified to the World and all things here below It is impossible we should ever be willing to leave the World when God calls us hence till we have first learned to use the World as if we used it not 1 Cor. 7. and 31. For if our Affections are set upon worldly Things and our hearts engaged in an eager prosecution of them it will be as Death to us before we die to think of parting with them and much more unwilling shall we be to take our everlasting Farewel of them when Death comes to us in good earnest This is commonly the Temper or rather the Distemper of most Men the Delights and Accommodations that God affords them for their more comfortable passage through this World and to encourage them with greater Chearfulness to serve him have got such an Interest in their Hearts and Affections that they prize and value them above measure The Love of the World and the things of the World is grown so prevalent with many that if they might have their Desires they would not care for nor trouble themselves with any other Heaven but would be content to live here always saying Let us build Tabernacles nay let us have a continuing City here But O Lord forgive them for they know not what they say They never experimentally tasted the Excellency and Sweetness of Heaven and heavenly Things and that is the Reason they are so in love with Earth and earthly Things Now what wonder is it that those who place their Happiness
Conscience was then awakened under Horrors and Desperation If you have not others have and what hath been their dying words Oh that God would pardon their sins that he would Sanctifie and Save their Souls that he would spare them a little space that he would grant them a little time longer that they might recover their Strength that they might Repent of their Sins and Reform their Lives or else that he would graciously manifest his Love and Favour to their Souls and receive them to his Mercy This is the Language these are the Thoughts and Cares of Men upon a Sick bed when they see death coming near them and staring them in their Faces And if this were thy Case and Condition O Sinner that thou didst now lie tumbling and tossing upon a Sick-bed yea upon a Death-bed would not these things be in thy mind would not the same Thoughts and Cares possess thy Soul and the same words and discourses fall from thy Mouth why let the same Care the same Thoughts the same words take up some part of every day and hour of this Life now for thou knowest not but that this moment thou art as near death as if thy Friends and Relations yea and thy Physicians also despaired of thy life and had given thee over for dead O if we could thus spend every day as if it were our last we should then hardly be brought to the doing of any thing but what we would be willing death should find us doing and how exceedingly would this further our Preparations for a dying hour Sixthly He that would be in a readiness for a dying hour must frequently meditate of his own death and of the death of Christ To Meditate of our own death will make us Studious to prepare for it and to Meditate of the death of Christ will Arm us against the Fears of our own Deaths He that by frequent Meditations of his own death and of the death of Christ hath made death familiar to his Soul is not only prepared for death but in a great measure also freed from the fears of death As to the considering of our own death the Scripture is often in calling upon us to lay the thoughts of it to our hearts Oh that my People were wise says God that they understood this that they would consider their latter end And though a Man lives many years and rejoyces in them all yet let him remember the days of darkness for they shall be many Eccle. 11.8 By days of darkness we are to understand death or the State of death during the abode of our Bodies in the dark Grave or in the darkness of the Grave He that frequently ponders of his ways will at length be brought to turn his feet unto God's Testimonies as David speaks of himself So he that often thinks upon death will by the serious thoughts of it be stirred up to make some timely preparation for it this being the end to which the Contemplations of death doth tend This is that Wisdom which Solomon tells us the Living gain by going often to the House of Mourning even so to lay to heart the thoughts of death so as to make preparation for it It is sad that the Goodness and Mercy of God should occasion our forgetfulness of him and of our selves and yet it is commonly so with us When God lays his Afflicting hand upon us especially under some smart stroke we are then brought to seek God as the Prophet speaks In their Affliction they will seek me early There is some tendency in Afflictions to make us mindful of God and of our own Interest and Concerns which is the design God aims at in Afflicting us But when God is pleased to open his hand towards us as the Psalmist speaks and fill us with his Blessings then we are very prone to forget both him and our selves we forget God because when we are full we are ready to deny God and say who is the Lord and we forget our selves because we return not that Duty and Obedience which such Goodness and Mercy should engage us to And because the Streams of Mercy now run pleasantly about us we consider not how many the days of darkness are that will overtake us shortly but put far from us the thoughts of death and the Grave and this is the Reason why when death comes it finds us so unready and unprepared and we so troubled and discomposed in our Spirits and under so many fears and doubts as to our Spiritual and Eternal concerns Frequently therefore O Christian make thy private Retirements Commune with thy self alone visit Death and the Grave in thy thoughts take a walk now and then in the Valley of the Shadow of Death suffer not thy thoughts to be estranged from such Meditations If thou findest thy self shy and unwilling to engage in such a work yet bring thy heart to it inure thy self to the thoughts of Death in general and of thine own death in particular And that thou mayest not be afraid of it to the Meditation of thine own death joyn the Consideration of the death of Christ who hath Conquered death took away its Sting By dying he slew death was the death of death as it was Prophesied of him in Hosea 13.14 O Death I will be thy Plagues O Grave I will be thy Victory He now that by Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is interested in his death may say when ever the time of his departure comes thanks be to God through Christ I am ready and prepared for it Muse therefore much upon the Death of Christ for herein lies thy support and comfort O Soul against thine own Death Seventhly He that would be prepared for death must labour for an assurance of a better life always living by Faith in the Contemplation of the Glory and Happiness of Heaven He that is assured of an Eternal Life in Heaven need not nay will not much fear a Temporal death here upon Earth Christians the time is coming when you and all things and persons in this World must take your leaves one of another and part for ever what then O Christian will bear up thy Spirit at such a time why nothing less than the sense and hopes of the love of God and of thy Interest in Christ some Evidences of a work of Grace upon thy Soul which is an earnest and foretaste of Heaven and Glory These are the only things that will bear up thy Soul in a dying hour When a Man hath attained to some well grounded Assurance of his Interest in God and Christ and thereby of his Right and Title unto Heaven then are things in a good posture with him and he in a readiness for Death and the Grave And how light will that Soul make of death that hath the assured hopes of Heaven and Glory to encourage him to go through it He that by Faith lives in the daily Contemplations of the Glory and Happiness of
Souls after the enjoyment of God and Christ both Martyrs and others O cryeth one the Love of Christ in my Heart casteth a mighty heat he knoweth that the desire I have to be with him paineth me I have sick Nights and frequent fits of Love Fevers for my well-beloved Nothing is so painful to me as the want of his presence but it is a sweet pain O that he would cool my Love-Fever for him with real enjoyment of him O Great King says one why standest thou aloof off why remainest thou among the Mountains O well-beloved why dost thou pain a poor Soul with delays A long time out of thy Glorious Presence is as two Deaths and as two Hells to me we must meet I must see him hungring and thirsting for Christ hath brought on me such a necessity of enjoying him that cost what it will I cannot but assure Christ to my Soul one smile of his Face to me is a Kingdom a sight of him is worth a World of Worlds Sweet Jesus crys one out wilt thou let me see Heaven to break my Heart and never give me leave to enjoy it O fairest where dwellest thou O never enough admired and adored Godhead how can Creatures of yesterday be able to enjoy thee O what pain crys one is it that Time and Sin should be as so many thousand Miles between a loved longed for Lord and a pining Love-sick Soul Hell and as I now think all the pains of it laid on me could not put me off from loving of him I would refuse says one no condition not Hell excepted reserving always God's hatred to buy the possession and enjoyment of Jesus Oh closed Doors and Vails Curtains and thick Clouds crys one that hold me in pain while I find the sweet burnings of his Love within me which many waters cannot quench O Death do thy utmost against us O Torments O Malice of Men and Devils bring Hell to help you in Tormenting the Followers of the Lamb we will defie you to make us too soon happy and to waft us too soon over the water to that Land where that Plant the Plant of Renown grows O cruel time that Torments us and suspends our dearest enjoyments that we wait for when we shall be bathed and steeped Soul and Body in the depth of this Love of Loves I half call says one his absence cruel and that Mask and Vail upon his Face a cruel covering that hideth such a fair fair Face from a sick Soul I dare not challenge himself but his absence is a Mountain of Iron upon my heavy Heart Oh when shall we meet What do we here but sin and suffer Oh when shall the Night be gone and the Shadows fly away and the morning of that long long Day without Cloud or Night dawn The Spirit and the Bride say come Oh when shall the Lamb's Wife be ready and the Bridegroom say I come also O Time be not so slow but run yea fly away swiftly O Sun move speedily and hasten our Banquet O Heavens cleave asunder that the bright Face and Head may set it self through the Clouds O that the Corn were ripe and this World prepared for his hook How long is it to the dawning of the Marriage day O sweet Lord Jesus take wide steps O my Lord come over the Mountains at one stride cut short Years and Months and Hours shovel time and days out of the way post post haste our desired hungred longed for Meeting love is sick to hear of till too Morrow fly O my beloved like a Roe or a young Heart upon the Mountains of Separation O that thou wouldst remove says one the covering and draw aside the Curtain of Time that thou wouldst rent the Heavens and come down O that the Shadows and Nights were gone that the Day would break and be that feedeth among the Lilies would cry and call to his Heavenly Trumpeters make ready and let us go down and fold together the four corners of the World and Marry the Bride the Lamb's Wife since he hath looked upon me my Heart is not my own But I shall not proceed farther herein though the Subject be exceeding delightful but notwithstanding what hath been said herein I am far from thinking that these holy pantings and longings of Soul are to be found in every Godly Man or that none are truly Godly but those that find and feel in themselves these pantings and longings of Soul after the enjoyment of God in this vehement and ardent manner no I dare not say so for I believe multitudes yea the generality of Believers through sloathfulness never attain to this high pitch of Grace and Assurance of the Divine Love and Favour who yet go to Heaven very safely but where there are any that do attain unto this plerophory or full assurance such Souls live as it were on the very Suburbs of Heaven it self And by this we may see what is the Duty of a Christian to labour after and what sweet peace joy and delight we all lose who do not come up to this frame and temper of Soul even such as passeth our understandings to conceive or our expressions to make known which made a Godly Man once cry out in a holy pang of love unto Jesus Christ If I can get no more O let me be pained to all Eternity with longing for him the joy of hungring for Christ should be my Heaven for evermore CHAP. V. Death terrible in its self It is a dreadful Enemy Wherein its Enmity doth consist This Enemy shall be destroyed though it be the last Enemy that shall be destroyed Christ by his Death hath overcome Death for Believers and how far he hath done it Of the fear of Death and the Causes thereof How the fears of Death may be Conquered and overcome It is very uncomely for Christians to be afraid of Death It is possible for Christians to live without the fear of Death How Christians may die with Courage and Joy THo' death as it brings Holy Souls to the Eternal Fruition of God is desirable yet considered in its self it is dreadful being accompanied with Diseases and Distempers the fore-runners of a Dissolution and Separation between Soul and Body causing all the Actions and Operations of Life to cease in which State the Body quickly turns to Corruption and Putrefaction and in time to common Earth Now though this be dreadful unto Nature yet is there more of Terror in death unto Impenitent sinners because to them it is not only a Gate to let them into the Grave but a Gate to let them into Hell the first death transmitting them unto the second death And yet how great is the folly of Men that they fear death for that which is least formidable in it but do not fear it for that which renders it justly terrible Could death do no more to us than what reacheth to pains and distempers on the outward Man and the dissolution and destruction of
the Body in the Grave it were then a tolerable evil but when we shall consider death as a punishment for sin as that which puts us into an unchangeable Estate this is that which makes it dreadful and terrible indeed While we are in this World which is the time of our preparation for an Eternal State of Strangers yea of Enemies we may become Friends but when death hath once seized upon us it is impossible our State should then be changed We cannot now say of the vilest Sinner in the World that there is no hope of him we must not write desperation upon the fore-head of the wickedst Man on Earth but if he dies in that State then he is lost and undone for ever for as the Tree falls so it lies as death leaves Men so Judgment will find them And this Judgment is such as is conclusive and never to be Repealed Hence it is therefore that take the most hardned Sinner one whom Custom in sinning hath made past feeling yet when he comes to die if Conscience be but awakened it is impossible for him to look death in the Face without great fears and horrours Nay it is a sight so amazing and confounding that were it not for the Righteousness of Christ and that Satisfaction he hath made unto the Justice of God by his death it were utterly impossible that any Believer should bear up under it but Blessed be God the Blood of Christ then speaks Peace and so Believers are not only supported but carried comfortably unto Heaven through the gloomy Valley of the Shadow of death Death being thus terrible now it must needs be looked upon as a dreadful Enemy unto Man An Enemy now is one that when he comes against us always comes Armed to do us a mischief such an Enemy now is death for ever since the Fall of Man death hath been Armed with a deadly Sting now this Sting of death whereby it becomes hurtful unto Man is sin so saith the Apostle The sting of death is sin Now this Sting reacheth not only to the Body but to the Soul also as to the Body it takes away all those Contentments and Comforts wherewith it was here Refreshed and Delighted Death rends the Husband from the Wife and the Wife from the Husband it divides Children from their Parents and Parents from their Children death spoils us of whatsoever is desirable in this life strips a Man of all and turns him naked out of the World But this is not all death not only bereaves us of all that is good here but it brings many Evils along with it Sickness pains on the Body Grief and Anguish upon the Mind and Spirit It is a terrible Enemy to wrastle and contend withal it will make a Man sweat and bleed no Man can Encounter with death but he shall feel great Anxiety and Vexation both of Body and Mind unless he have strength from above to enable him to go through the Contest Death in its own Nature is so furious an Enemy unto Sinners that it will not cease till it hath pulled the Body down into the Grave and dragg'd the Soul into the Presence of God and from his Tribunal into the Torments of Eternal Fire where the first death terminates in the second death and the Torments exceed not only all our Expressions but all our Apprehensions also where death that is now such a dreadful Enemy would there be counted an unspeakable Mercy for there they shall seek death but shall not be able to find it But more particularly the Enmity of death appears in these particulars First The Fears of death do much abate our desires after the Enjoyment of God in Heaven It is true every Believer is one that loves God above all and looks upon Heaven as that which shall be his dwelling place for ever and accordingly sincerely desires and longs after it and in his daily Conversation walks with his Face thitherwards but when he sees death stands in the way between him and Heaven and that there is no coming for him to that place of Bliss but he must pass through that dark Valley this puts him to a stand and makes his desires weak and low The best Christians I believe have sometimes felt such workings as these within their Souls for tho' the Regenerate part discovering it self in the work of Sanctified Affections would be soaring upwards towards God and Heaven in whose presence the Soul would fain be but seeing death standing in its way how are the desires of such a Holy Soul kept down by the fears of it and he turned back as one that was afraid to come into his Father's presence Where is the Christian the Eye of whose Faith is so steadily fixed upon Christ in Heaven whose Soul is sometimes ready to cry out I desire to be dissolved and to be with Christ which is far better yet withal when he sees the rude hand of death stretched out to undress him and that there is no coming unto Jesus Christ for him but by first suffering a Dissolution and laying down of his Earthly Tabernacle in the Grave though he would fain be with Christ that he might enjoy him whom his Soul loveth yet seeing this dismal Enemy death in the way doth not shrink back and cry out O I dare not venture O what a dreadful Enemy is this and what dreadful Enmity doth it put forth in the obstructing our desires though after God and Heaven causing us to run from God as it were at that time when we truly and dearly love him Happy Souls are they in whom Faith and Love work so powerfully as to conquer and overcome these fears Secondly If death as an enemy prevails so as to abate our desires after the Enjoyment of God in Heaven it will be apt to endanger our falling in love with this present World and so make us miserable by causing us to take up with the men of this World who have their Portion in this Life Take a Christian whose desires after Heaven are weak though true because blunted by the apprehensions of some frightful difficulties that must be gone through for the attaining of it how apt is such a one to be tempted to think that it is best for him to take up with those delightful pleasures that may be had here without such dangerous adventures but now if that which darkens the Blessed Vision of Heaven and our unspeakable Happiness in the fruition of God there and which also deadens our desires after this blessedness be once removed which usually is the dreadful apprehensions of death with what ease can such a Soul with a Holy Scorn and Contempt despise all the trifling Vanities of this World as things not worthy to be regarded Thirdly The Enmity of Death manifests it self in obstructing a Christians endeavours towards Heaven A discouraged disconsolate Soul moves but slowly be it towards Earth or Heaven Difficulties that should stir up greater diligence usually are great
Corruption and rottenness which their Bodies must turn to when they are dead But admit what thou sayest O Christian should be true that thy pains in dying should be great yet hast thou not sinned and thereby deserved that what thou fearest thou mayest feel let me tell thee There is not the most Righteous man on Earth but hath sinned and the least sin merits more pains than any man in the first death ever yet endured If therefore thy pains in dying should be great it is just with God what thou sufferest and it is of his mercy that thou sufferest no more for there is no comparison between thy pains and thy sins between what thou mayest suffer and what thou deservest to suffer let thy sickness be what it will and thy pains as great as well thou canst imagine they are no more nay they are not so much as thou hast deserved If God should deal with thee according to the demerit of thy sins it is not the most smart and severest pains of a Temporal death that are ended by dying but easeless and endless Torments in Hell to all Eternity that would be thy Portion Fear not therefore O living Christian complain not O dying Christian though thy pains in death should be great for it is but the punishment of thy sins nay let me say to thee O Christian be thankful and rejoyce for it is the last punishment thou shalt ever endure for thy sins either here or hereafter But further Is it the corruption and rottenness that thy body must be subject to in the Grave that terrifies and afrights thee Let me say this unto thee It is no very great matter what becomes of thy Body when it is once dead though it were burnt to Ashes at a Stake tho' it rot in the Fields as Dung upon the Ground tho' in the Bowels of the Earth it become a Feast for Worms and turn to corruption and rottenness this will then be of no more concern to thee than if it had with the greatest Cost and Charge been Embalmed and Buried by thy dearest Friends The State of death knows nor feels no difference between the one and the other And what if thy Body lies in the Grave for a while it will not there be miserable for it feels no pain but rests quietly in its Bed sweetly sleeping away time until the Morning of the Resurrection when thou shalt awake out of the Dust again and shalt die no more And in the mean time thy Soul if thou art a true Believer for unto such only there is Peace and Comfort in death upon its departure out of the Body is advanced unto unspeakable Happiness in Heaven among the Spirits of Just Men made perfect in the Eternal Enjoyment of the infinitely blessed God the Fountain of Light and Life where thou shalt have as much Delight and Satisfaction as thou canst possibly contain and more than now thou canst conceive And why then art thou so afrighted with the fears of Death when this is all the hurt it can do thee O but Death is that which will take me from all my Friends and Relations and deprive me of all that Comfort and Delight that here I enjoy in their sweet Society To this I Answer Suppose it be so that by Death thou art taken from a dear Yoke-fellow that is now the Delight of thine Eyes suppose thou losest all thy Friends and Kindred in the Flesh whom thou lovest even as thy own Soul not knowing certainly whether ever thou shalt see them or at least so as to know them any more again for ever If this be all thy trouble how easily can God make it up unto thee Alas when Death hath once opened thine Eyes and let thee see what blessed Society thou shalt enjoy in Heaven thou wilt not thou canst not be troubled for what thou hast left behind thee here when thou art come to the Heavenly Jerusalem the City of the Living God to an innumerable company of Angels to the General Assembly of the first born to God the Judge of all to the Spirits of Just men made perfect to Jesus the Mediator of the New Covenant and where the blood of Sprinkling speaks better things than the blood of Abel will it then grieve thee that thou hast left thy Friends and Relations on Earth Why this is the State thou expectest this is the Company thou hopest to enjoy hereafter why then let the believing joyful expectations of this Association bear up thy Soul under thy Fears by Death of losing thy Friends and Relations here But thou mayest say possibly they may want me when I am dead and gone though I want not them whilst I am with them I see their ●ants and take care to suppy them and when they are going into any evil or sinful way I Councel them I Reprove them and I pray for them and endeavour to instruct them in the fear of the Lord. But when I am gone I know not who will do any of these things for them and what then will become of them To this I Answer canst thou say in good earnest that this is thy strait that therefore thou desirest to live that thou mayest be a means if God saw it good to further and promote their Souls Happiness why then let me say this to thee is it not a time of health with thee now doth God lend thee the sweetness of such Relations and Friends shew that thou lovest them indeed by taking hold of the present opportunities thou now hast to Admonish to Reprove and to Correct so far as it is thy place Oh double and treble thy diligence in all Respects wherein thou mayest be advantageous to their Souls multiply thy Prayers and Tears thy Sighs and Groans unto God follow him Night and Day and give him no rest until thou hast some good ground to hope that God is not only thy God but the God of thy Friends and Relations also and when thou hast done thy utmost and God by Death calls thee away hence so that thou canst do no more quietly resign up thy Soul into his hands and commit them to the care and kindness of thy God who is the Great and Vniversal Father that takes care of all his Creatures but is by special Relation a Father to them that fear and serve him But may some poor Soul say when I come to die the change that I must pass through by death is so strange and so amazing that I know not how I shall be able to bear it death will both change my place and company here I converse with Friends and Relations and Acquaintance whom I well know because I have lived so long among them but when I go hence O what a strange place and company shall I then see such as I never saw in all my life full of dazling and astionishing Brightness and Glory the thoughts whereof may justly fill my Soul with fear and amazement To this I
fearest God thou needst not be so foolishly fond of this Life for what is there in it that should make thee coat upon it Is it not a Life full of cares and troubles Have not thy Sins made it so The Wise Man tells us that all that is in this Life that can be outwardly enjoyed is nothing but Vanity and vexation of Spirit Hast thou not by experience found it so Thou shouldst therefore with Holy Job bless God not only for giving of Life but for taking of it away also God gave it thee for a time and but for a short time too and if thou wert so wise as thou shouldst be thou oughtest to count it thy felicity that it is so short for it is a Life of sorrow and who will complain because his sorrows are so short It may be thou hast met with some pleasures here that gratifie thy sense but are they comparable to what thy Soul hath tasted in the enjoyment of God unto which God by Death is calling thee to the enjoyment of with himself in Heaven to all Eternity Darest thou say that Earth is like Heaven Is Christ in those dark and dim discoveries he makes of himself in the Gospel like to Christ in the full and open manifestations of himself in all his Glory in Heaven Canst thou say thy Soul is so like him in Wisdom Holiness Joy and Peace here as it will be above when it comes to be enrolled among the Spirits of just Men made perfect If thou wilt be in love with Life be in love with Eternal Life and henceforth fear not to die at God's call for the obedience that thou owest unto God binds thee and the gain that Death will bring should both invite and encourage thee Though Death ends this Life it begins another and though thou may'st rot under ground in one part of thee yet it is in thy vilest part thy Body and even that will spring up and flourish again shortly And in the mean time thy Soul thy better part shall live a more noble and excellent life Think well therefore of Death for as it ends thy Life so it ends thy Sin and thy sufferings also In these particular Instances O Christian thou feest how little cause there is for thee to be afraid of Death I shall now in the next place endeavour to discover how unfit and uncomely a thing it is for Christians to fear Death and for this consider First A Christians fearing of Death brings a reproach upon Religion as if there were not that in Christianity that could lift up a Soul above the fears of Death For a Papist that professeth no Man can in an ordinary way be assured that he shall go to Heaven when he dies to tremble at the thoughts of Death this is no great matter it is but to act according to what his Religion teacheth him but for one that professeth the knowledge and assurance of Salvation and a future happy State to stand amazed at death the way and passage through which God hath appointed we must enter into Heaven where this happiness is to be enjoyed shews if not a want of Faith yet at least a great weakness of Faith and gives occasion to those that speak evil of the good ways of God to reflect disgracefully upon Religion Secondly To live in fear of Death is that State of Bondage and Slavery which wicked Men are under and from which Jesus Christ came to deliver his People And therefore for a Believer to live dejectedly under the fears of Death is a very uncomely thing Indeed the fears of wicked Men are so great that they cannot think of Death without horrour and when they come to die they are compelled to it for of all things in the World they dread Death most and could they but be assured that they shall live here always they would desire no other Heaven Fearfulness and amazedness under the apprehensions of Death is the proper State of wicked Men that Slavery and Bondage unto which they are always subject for upon good grounds they can have no hopes in Death but are full of fearful expectations of Wrath and fiery Indignation that shall Torment them for ever But now for true Believers God hath made your state and condition very unlike unto theirs as to the issues of Death because you have good hopes of Eternal Life even in Death so says the Wise Man Prov. 14.32 The Righteous hath hope in his Death Now since there is so great an unlikeness between you and them both in Death and after Death let there not be a likeness between you and them as to your fears of Death let a Faelix tremble at the hearing of Death and Judgment but let not the Godly hang down their Heads but lift them up with joy and rejoicing because the day of their Redemption draweth nigh Thirdly Consider this to be afraid of Death is to fear that which is but the Shadow and semblance of Death For to speak strictly a state of Sin and separation of the Soul from God for Sin this is Death properly but the separation of the Soul from the Body only is but the Shadow of Death But O how seldom is it to see Men trembling because of a spiritual Death because they are dead in trespasses and sins though this be infinitely more dreadful than any temporal Death can be And therefore to shew how full of Woe and Misery this Death is it is called Damnation which is the extremity of all Misery This is that now to which this spiritual Death tends and in which it will terminate Hence therefore Wicked Men are said to be condemned already and the wrath of God abides upon them and that they shall have their Portion in that Lake which burns with Fire and Brimstone which is the second Death This shall as certainly be their Portion as if they were there already Therefore O Christian if thou wilt fear Death fear not that which is the shadow and the appearance of it but fear that which is Death indeed fear Sin that is the cause both of the first and of the second Death also for if thou art spiritually alive and raised from the Death of Sin as all true Believers are how uncomely a thing is it for thee to fear the Shadow the appearance of an evil which cannot hurt thee when thou art delivered from the evil it self Fourthly Consider for a Christian to fear that which is both common and certain is an uncomely and unsuitable thing Afflictions in general are the common lot of all God's People in this World but Death is that which is more common because it is that which befals all both good and bad from other outward Afflictions there is a possibility that some may be free or if they befal them they may be delivered from under them again but no Man can escape Death What Man is he that liveth saith the Psalmist and shall not see Death shall he
appointed in Christ Jesus but this measure or stature is not the same to every Christian some Christians have a longer term of Life than others some have more means and opportunities than others and some have greater Parts and Abilities than others Now God is not a severe Master expecting to reap where he hath not sown or to gather where he hath not strowed God doth not look for what he doth not give where he gives more he expects the more but where he gives less he expects the less Christians to whom God hath given great parts and Abilities with great means and opportunities of Grace even unto Old Age from such God expects much because he hath given much Ordinary degrees of Grace must not serve their turns but they must transcend others in Faith Love Humility and all other Graces contending for the attaining unto the State of the Resurrection from the dead But now for others whose parts have been low whose means and opportunities are small and their time in the World but short God doth not expect that the Beauty of their Grace should shine so Gloriously as others Say not therefore O doubting Christian that thou knowest not believest not lovest not delightest not in God to that degree that others do It may be thou dost not but if thy Knowledge Faith Love and Delight be not so great as others yet thy Grace may be as true and as real as any others In a Star there is as true light as in the Sun though there be more light in the Sun And thy Grace though little and weak is true Grace though it be not so much nor so strong as others Quiet thy self therefore O drooping Soul for such may be the weakness of thy parts such the smallness of the means of Grace that thou enjoyest and so few the Talents thou art intrusted withal that God expects not so much from thee as he doth from others And if the Great God will accept of yea Reward the little that thou hast why shouldest thou be troubled or disquieted God doth not despise the day of small things and why shouldest thou A little Grace yea the least of Grace is too good to be cast away Though thou couldest not be Saved without a strong Saviour and therefore Christ is said to travail in the greatness of his Strength mighty to Save yet a little Faith laying hold upon this strong Saviour will keep thee from perishing be not therefore discouraged O Christian fear not Death though thy Grace be weak and imperfect and so may not give thee that comfort in Death that thou expectest yet shall it as truly overcome Death through the strength of Christ as the strongest Grace and though Death kill thee yet it shall not hurt thee nay it shall make for thy Eternal Advantage for it shall be the ending of all thy Fears but the beginning of thy Eternal Joys and Rejoycings But may some poor Soul say I want the assurance of the Love and Favour of God and this makes me unwilling to die were I but assured my sins are pardoned and God reconciled to my Soul through Jesus Christ I could then chearfully submit my self to the stroke of Death but this is that which afrightens me I fear lest God is mine Enemy and then I am sure death cannot be my Friend and how then shall I dare to think of dying in this Condition To this I Answer art thou under some fears and apprehensions that God is not thy reconciled Father in Jesus Christ though I cannot blame thee that thou art fearful of dying under such apprehensions yet I must blame thee for thy former negligence that thou hast not made this sure to thy self in the time of thy health and strength Next to dying in a State of impenitency and the Horrors of Conscience under the fore tasts of Hell and Wrath dying under the apprehensions and fears of God's being our Enemy is the most dreadful condition that can be for though our future safety and happiness depends not upon our assurance that God is at peace with us yet our present Comfort doth and it is all one as to the present quietation and satisfaction of our Souls when we are a dying whether God be our Enemy or no if he will not smile upon us when our Souls are a departing but leave us in that hour as our last punnishment for some sin that he hath been provoked by to breath forth our Souls under the apprehensions of his Wrath and Displeasure Assurance of the Love and Favour of God to know that our sins are Pardoned and we accepted in the Beloved to know the joyful sound to have the light of God's Countenance lifted up upon our Souls when we are passing through the gloomy Valley of the shadow of Death For God not only to Love us but to tell us that he Loves us and to manifest it to us by shedding abroad his Love into our Hearts by the Holy Ghost so as to fill us with Joy and Peace by believing this is Life nay this loving kindness of God is better than Life it is the Suburbs of Heaven yea it is Heaven it self for it is as much of Heaven as we can desire or contain of Heaven whilst we are on this side Heaven On the contrary to be doubting of the Love and Favour of God to fear he is our Enemy that we are yet in our Sins liable unto the Wrath and Vengeance of God this is very sad and uncomfortable yea some resemblance of Hell it self especially if Conscience be awakned and these Apprehensions and Jealousies continue upon us under the approaches of Death this therefore must needs be very Afflictive to a poor doubting Soul But yet be not discouraged for it is the Condition of many of God's Children for a long time to remain doubtful both as to their present State in Grace and their future State of Glory There are Believers of divers growths in the Church of God Fathers Young-men Children and Babes And as it is in most Families in the World there are more Babes and Children than grown Men So is it in the Church of God there are more weak and doubting Christians than strong Men who are grown up unto a full Assurance But remember the Promise is made to the being of Faith not to the Knowledge and Evidence of it to Faith as it is a true Faith not to Faith as it is a strong Faith Heaven may be sure to those who yet in their own Apprehensions may not be assured of Heaven Live therefore by Faith O Christian when thou canst not live by Sence and Feeling and know that that God who hath given thee a true Judgment to value Jesus Christ and a Sanctified Will to choose him with ardent and strong Affections to Love him and desire him and supported thee under the fears of sin and guilt will come in with assurance also if he sees it good for thee And know also for thy
Resurrection where thou shalt be out of the reach of all Afflictions and Sorrows and where thou canst not be endangered by sin the Tempter or any of his Temptations And concerning the Resurrection of the Body it is not only one of the most Excellent Mysteries of the Christian Religion but it is also one of its Glorious Advantages It is that which the Heathens with all their deep Reasonings could never attain to the understanding of but though Humane Reason be blind and cannot find out this Glorious Mystery yet we who are Christians have the sure and certain Knowledge of it discovered to us by Divine Revelation and when Reason is once savingly enlightned from above O how the Justice and necessity of the future Resurrection of the Body is not only acknowledged but admired I confess when a Believer is cast upon his Death-bed and his Soul ready to take its leave of the Body in its passage unto Heaven it is no small cause of Joy and rejoycing to consider that as soon as it hath cast off its Earthly Tabernacle it shall be immediately admitted into the Glorious Presence of God himself where it shall view and contemplate his Face with infinite and unspeakable delight and satisfaction But yet that Holy Joy and that Heavenly Sweetness which sometimes is so Powerful that it Ravisheth the Soul of a Believer on a Death-bed whilst it Contemplates that Happiness to which it is going may be disturbed and imbittered by the Consideration of the poor Bodies being cast into the Earth there to become a Feast for Worms to feed upon But be not troubled at this O Believing Soul for this seeming Destruction of thy Body shall not be Eternal though it fall into the Grave by Death where it seems at present to be lost and forgotten yet shall it have a certain Resurrection and then the Ignominy and Disgrace under which it lay in the Grave shall appear not to have been so great as its Resurection out of it shall appear Glorious for it is sown in Corruption but it is raised in Incorruption it is Sown in dishonour but it is raised in Glory it is Sown in weakness it is raised in Power it is Sown a Natural Body it is raised a Spiritual Body in 1 Cor. 15.42 43. Fear not therefore O Believing Soul but commit thy Body with Confidence unto the Earth and let thy Heart rejoyce let thy Tongue be glad and let thy Flesh rest in the hopes of a blessed Resurrection for assure thy self thy Body shall not always lie rotting in the Grave neither shall in there see Corruption for ever but there shall come a time when God shall shew it the path of Life again when thy Soul shall descend from Heaven to assume its new raised body out of the Grave to become a most glorious Body even like unto the glorious Body of Jesus Christ being made more spiritual and so more suitable to the Nature and Operations of the Soul that it may become a fit Partner with it in the Blessedness and Happiness of Heaven for evermore Fourthly Consider the Familiarity that Believers have expressed towards Death Ordinarily indeed Men put death into such ugly shapes and represent it to themselves under such terrible and afrighting forms that they pass their lives under slavery and bondage through the fears of it all their days The visage of Death appears so grim and full of horrour to the minds of some that the serious forethoughts of it seem to them to be a tormenting them before their time O how vastly different are the thoughts of a wicked and a godly man concerning Death and the Grave the one looks upon death as full of Dread and Horrour the other looks upon it as a Messenger of Peace and Joy and how can it be otherwise For to the wicked it comes as a dreadful Enemy armed with the wrath of an angry God which burns to the lowest Hell But to the Godly it comes as a peaceable loving Friend sent with Tydings of Peace and Reconciliation from him who is the God of Peace and Love Natural fear of Death in a wicked Man is great but when natural fear is encreased by guilt lying upon the Conscience and staring a Sinner in the face Oh what dismal Horrour and Confusion must seize upon such a Soul under the Apprehensions of Death Well may such a one look upon the Grave as a Dungeon and Death as Hell it self an awakened Conscience representing to his view nothing but the Fiends and Furies of that Infernal Pit that wait to be the Executioners of the Wrath and Vengeance of the great God upon him in the Woes and Miseries of everlasting Burnings Who wonders therefore to hear such an one crying out upon a Death-bed with Horrour and Anguish of Soul Oh I am so sick I cannot live and yet I am so sinful I dare not die and yet die I must Oh would to God that the serious Thoughts of these things might be laid to heart by all profane Sinners What a happy means might it possibly be to prevent the Horrours and Consternation of Soul in many upon a Death-bed But if Sinners cannot bear the Thoughts of these things in their Minds now for fear of Distraction how will they bear the sight and presence of them then If the thinking and speaking of them now be dreadful the feeling of them will be far more tormenting But now a godly Man thinks and speaks of death after another manner for if he thinks and speaks of death as a godly Man may and ought to do he is so far from being terrified with the thoughts of it that he thinks of it comfortably speaks of it familiarly As it was wont to be the speech of a very Holy Person now with God who was pretty well stricken in years I hope it will not be long before I shall be in Heaven for few live above sixty or seventy years and I am now a good many above fifty certainly therefore it cannot be long before I shall die Thus this Holy Soul being desirous of death did use delightfully to reckon how little time there was to pass between it and Heaven and with a holy longing of Soul reaching after death as one that was troubled that it was so long a coming Thus certainly did holy Job look upon death not as an Enemy nor yet barely as a Stranger but as one of his Friends whom he was well acquainted with took a kind of Deligh and Contentment in it See with what an unusual but yet sweet and familiar manner he salutes and welcomes death and all its Retinue in Job 17.14 I have said to Corruption thou art my Father and to the Worm thou art my Mother and Sister The Holy Man makes no more of Death and the Grave than as if he were going to be embraced by a compassionate Father or a tender-hearted Mother or Sister whose Bowels were full of love and pity to him Thus St. Paul also
speaks of Death as that which he was daily familiar with being in Deaths often frequently thinking thereof for said he I die daily Thoughts of Death was that which he accustomed himself unto and that was one Cause why he was so willing to embrace it And thus it should be with all of us were our hearts rightly affected and we so familiarly acquainted with death as we ought Those of us who have the most lively Faith would not only not be afraid of death but we should even court it as that which is better than life But I would not here discourage any weak Believer for I dare not say that they are no true Believers who are not come up to this frame of Soul Though it is true Grace is the same in all Believers one Believer hath the same that another Believer hath yet all that are Believers do not attain to the same degrees of Grace There are some and it is their sin and ought to be their Humiliation that Death and they are little acquainted they seldom descend into the Grave by frequent Meditations of their Mortality they look not into the Pit out of which at first they were taken and into which they are shortly to return now their comfort in the thoughts of death is little if any at all because death and they are such Strangers to one another These may be true Believers but they are weak and faulty But now others there are who are so advanced in Grace above their Brethren that by a constant Familiarity with death are so composed in their Spirits that they fear it not nay they rejoice in the thoughts of it not because they think they shall not taste of death for they know that death will overtake them as well as others they are sensible that the time of their departure draws nearer and nearer daily These things they believe but they do not afflict themselves therewith so well are they acquainted with death both in the Nature and in the Effects of it And were they to die presently this would not much trouble them for they know the bitterness of death is past though death it self be not the Gall and the Wormwood is taken out Christ hath been there before them and therefore the sting of death which is sin is gone the dangers yea and the difficulties also in dying are removed out of the way This they believe and therefore they are not afraid though by death they descend through the Grave into Heaven for their Jesus their Saviour is there and they know that till they die where he is they cannot be wherefore they say though we die nay therefore will we die that we may see him Wouldst thou therefore O weak Believer attain unto this sweet frame of Spirit accustom thy self then to a holy familiarity with death conceive of it under the fairest and easiest Notions this is that the Spirit of God in Scripture delights in when it speaks of death with respect to the People of God it always makes use of the most comfortable Expressions to represent it to them by So sweetly is death enamell'd and so richly is it cloathed in the holy Language that it seems to have a kind of Lustre and Beauty upon it to draw the Hearts and Affections of Believers to be desirous of it Look a little therefore O Believer into the Sacred Oracles and see how the Spirit of God teacheth us to cloath Death with delightful Expressions sometimes it is called an undressing or uncloathing And what Man that hath worn a Suit of Cloaths till it is become filthy and nasty would not be glad to put off his old filthy Garments that he might put on Change of Raiment And why should not a Christian be willing to lay down the Earthly House of his Tabernacle though it be in the Dust of the Grave that he may be cloathed upon with his House which is from Heaven Sometimes Death is compared to Rest they shall rest in their Beds says the Prophet and Job speaking of the state of Man in death tells us there the weary are at rest Now when a Man hath wrought hard and taken great pains and labour all the Day how desirous is he to go to Bed and take his Rest And is not Death the same to thee O Christian Doth not the Spirit of God call it so Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord for they rest from their labours And surely there is no rest like to that rest that a Christian obtains after his spiritual labours and conflicts with Sin Satan the World and his own evil Heart when the Soul is set free from the Body and takes its flight at once from all these into the Bosom of God that place of Rest and Happiness which remains for the People of God As there is no Yoke like unto the Yoke of Christ when a Christian suffers for him for it is a Yoke lined with Love My Yoke says he is easie and my Burthen is light So there is no Rest and Happiness like that which is with Christ for the same Happiness that he enjoys his Children and Servants enjoy also Sometimes death is called a Sleep so says our Lord our Friend Lazarus sleepeth it is spoken of his death now who of us when the day is spent and the night hath overtaken us is afraid to go to bed and sleep And why then should a Christian when his Days are finished and the Night of Sickness is come upon him be afraid to fall asleep though he sleep the sleep of Death By such Considerations as these and the like that the Scripture holds forth to us Christians should endeavour to allay the bitterness beautifie the deformity blunt the edge and take out the sting of death that all hard thoughts of it might be buried and instead thereof there might grow up a sweet Familiarity and Acquaintance between them and death Oh how would this facilitate the work of dying and cause holy Souls to exult with joy and rejoicing when death is approaching towards them And here I cannot but make a little Digression to reason the Case with some weak Believers whose unwillingness to die is very great because their fears of death are so many But why should the fears of Death so amaze and terrifie thee O weak Believer Hast thou not the same Grace in thee with others Hast thou not the same Faith the same Hope the same Love acting and working in thee Dost thou not serve the same Lord Hast thou not the same God for thy Father the same Jesus for thy Saviour the same Spirit of Consolation for thy Comforter Art thou not going to the same Heaven nay art thou not going to the same Heaven in the same way that all the Patriarchs Prophets Apostles and Saints of God in all Ages have gone before thee Death was the Gate through which they all entred into Heaven and why then shouldst thou be so unwilling to go to Heaven
your loss in your Friends and Relations be what it will let your Condition be as bad as it can be yet is it better with you than it would be in Hell whither your sins deserve God should have sent you who hath only laid this gentle Affliction upon you under which you now groan Thirdly Consider your Friends and Relations that you grieve and mourn so for if they were good they are not lost they are but gone before taken from the evil to come Thy Friend or Relation whose loss thou bewailest was either God's Friend or not if he was God's Friend as well as thine why should not God have his Company rather than you and if God hath him thou canst not say he is lost no he is safe only he hath got the start of thee being got to Heaven before thee and surely if thou lovedst him as by thy mourning thou pretendest to do thou canst not grieve because he is Happy The World is not so pleasant a place neither have the Godly in any Age found it so that any of us should so eagerly desire it either for our selves or our Friends Happy are they that are got safe out of it into Glory If thy Friend for whom thou now grievest was bad thou shouldst have mourned for him whilst he was here on Earth when by thy mourning thou mightst have made him better then was the proper yea the only time for thy Prayers and Tears to have done him any good but now that he is gone though thou shouldst weep and mourn never so much it is altogether in vain and unprofitable But if thy Friend were a good Man to grieve for his departure seems to argue that we have but hard or doubtful and misgiving thoughts concerning him for how can we mourn for one that is Happy besides thy Friend is but taken from the Evil to come The Grave becomes a hiding-place for some and God sees it better for them that they should be under ground than above ground in such evil days that they may not behold the Evil that is like to come upon others so says the Prophet The Righteous are taken away from the evil to come and certainly it is far better for us to desire to go to them that we may partake of their Happiness than to wish that they should come to us to partake of our Miseries Fourthly Grieve not immoderately for thy dead Friends and Relations for there is hope of their Resurrection and Eternal Happiness It is for them to mourn without measure who mourn without hope which no Christian should do We are not to look upon the dead because at present they are turned to Corruption and Rottenness as a lost Generation of Men for Death hath not nor cannot Annihilliate and destroy them A Believer may say of his dead Friends and Relations what the Disciples said unto Christ when he told them Our Friend Lazarus sleepeth Lord say they if he sleep be shall do well John 11.12 the same may Believers say of their Friends and Relations that are asleep in their Graves they shall do well for they shall awake again so says the Church Isaiah 26.19 Awake and sing ye that dwell in the dust for thy dew is as the dew of Herbs and the Earth shall cast out the dead Now we do not use to weep and mourn for our Friends and Relations when they lie down at night to take a short sleep in their Beds because we know they use to awake and arise again in the morning And why then should we be grieved and troubled when they come to lie down in the dust and make their Beds for a while in the Grave sleeping away time by Death until the morning of the Resurrection when they shall as surely nay more surely awake and arise out of their Graves than they were certain in the morning of any day to awake and arise out of their Beds And therefore the Apostle brings it in as a Cordial for the support of Believers under the loss of their Friends and Relations by Death 1 Thessal 4.13 14. I would not have you to be ignorant Brethren concerning them which are asleep that ye sorrow not even as those that have no hope for if we believe that Jesus died and rose again even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him And so he goes on proving the Doctrine of the Resurrection and conludes with this so shall we be ever with the Lord wherefore says he Comfort one another with these words When Believers die tho' their Bodies seem to perish in the Earth yet even then is their very dust precious in his sight for he takes care of it and preserves it in the Grave and he will certainly raise it again at the last day unto a most Glorious State of Happiness and even then at that instant when their Souls leave their Bodies they ascend up into Heaven into the Presence and Enjoyment of God in Glory As our Saviour therefore said unto his Disciples when he was going away from them into Heaven in John 14.28 If ye loved me ye would rejoyce because I go unto my Father The same may dying Believers say unto their Friends and Relations that they leave behind them if ye loved us ye would rejoyce because we are going unto our God and Father weep not therefore for us but weep for your selves who are forbidden for a while to follow us unto that State of Blessedness which we are now a going to take Possession of for ever Now for a Conclusion of this Subject I have but one thing more to add which may be an Argument of great force and strength to prevail upon the Spirits of Christians not only to make them willing and contented to die but to stir up in them a Holy longing of Soul after Death and that is to consider the Saints great gain and advantage by dying Now here I shall not branch out this Head into several particulars relating to the Happiness of Believers in Heaven because I intend a particular Discourse of the Happiness thereof by it self all that I shall say now concerning the gain of Believers by Death shall be only in General And so let all such know that when they die they shall be perfectly freed from whatsoever is Evil and Afflictive and shall have a perfect Enjoyment of whatever is beneficial and good they shall be perfectly freed from whatsoever is Evil and Afflictive there shall then be no more sorrowing or weeping for Heaven whither Death brings all Believers is the place of the Joy of their Lord where Tears are wip'd away from all Eyes and Sorrow from all Hearts for thither the Ransom'd of the Lord are come with Songs upon their heads and obtain Joy and Gladness and sorrow and sighing shall flee away Isaiah 35 and the last Where they live without fear which here makes the lives of many burthensome unto them for all cause of fears
are there for ever abolished and taken away There are no Deformities upon the Body to render it Contemptible nor no Reproaches upon the Name to make it Scandalous there is no Sickness or Distempers upon the outward Man nor no Desertions or Darkness upon the inward Man there are no Temptations from Satan to vex the Soul nor no Weaknesses and Infirmities to annoy the Body there 's no more Death or dying but Life for evermore Mortality is now swallowed up of Life Corruption hath put on Incorruption and Mortality hath put on Immortality and Death and Hell are cast into the Lake of Fire and which is more than all this there that is in Heaven we shall no more sin nor offend God to all Eternity Earth and Hell are the places both of sin and Suffering but Heaven is a place of perfect Joy and perfect Holiness nothing enters in there that is either Afflictive Polluted or Defiled When Death parts Soul and Body for a time then Sin and the Soul part for ever Here we are continually sinning and offending of God and it is the constant grief of a Godly Man that he doth so here our Righteousnesses are no better than filthy rags and Grace it self hath its defects when we believe most strongly we must cry out Lord help our unbelief but now in Heaven there are none but the Spirits of Just Men made perfect In a word there is nothing there that may in the least be an Allay or Diminution unto the Happiness of that blessed State that is there enjoyed to Eternity But this is not all Death doth not only free Believers from all that is Evil and Afflictive but it brings them to the perfect Enjoyment of whatever is beneficial and good Death being the means and way by which they enter into Heaven where Blessedness and Happiness is to be enjoyed in such fulness of perfection as exceeds not only our Apprebensions but our Imaginations For there it is that the infinitely great and blessed God discovers himself in all his Glory to be enjoyed by the Saints as their Portion to Eternity There it is that they shall behold their once bleeding and dying but now Glorified Redeemer Cloathed in their own Nature who loved them and washed them from their sins in his own blood who was dead but is alive and now lives for ever more and because be lives they shall live also There they shall Enjoy that which was the great desire of the Apostle and theirs also to be with Christ which is best of all and how much blessedness is included in those few words to be with Christ the enjoyment of Heaven only where Christ is can make known to us There it is that Believers fully understand the meaning of that Article of our Christian Faith even the Communion of Saints here it was that they placed their Delight in the Saints the Excellent ones of the Earth and there their Delight shall be in great measure in the Saints some of the Excellent ones of Heaven There shall then be no mixture of sin and Corruption with our Graces which here is an Allay to the Lustre and Brightness of them but they shall Shine forth in their full Glory and Beauty Grace there shall be in its full Perfection nothing shall then be wanting in our Knowledge nor any thing imperfect in our Love our Obedience shall then flow from us with all readiness and chearfulness of Soul and our Joy and Delight in God shall not admit of the least Diminution or Disturbance to Eternity This O Soul is that in general which the Happiness of Heaven is made up of and to the Enjoyment of this Happiness without Interruption or Cessation for ever is that to which Death brings all Believers And surely if ever those words have any Truth in them they are here verified so that a Saint may truly say The lines are now fallen to me in a pleasant place I have a goodly Herit age O Blessed and Glorious State indeed who is there that knows and believes this infinite unconceivable Happiness that would not willingly die to enjoy it Unto which State of Blessedness God of his infinite Mercy bring us all to the Enjoyment of for the alone sake of Jesus Christ our only Saviour and Redeemer Amen FINIS