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A54655 A commentary, or, An exposition with notes on the five first chapters of the Revelation of Jesvs Christ by Charles Phelpes. Phelpes, Charles. 1678 (1678) Wing P1976; ESTC R20562 778,103 824

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all the honourable of the Earth Isay 2. 10. c. and ch 23. 8 9. and ch 13. 10 12. and ch 24. yet some of these may and will submit themselves to and worship Christ truly and so escape the Wrath to come Psal 22. 27. but such as abide in their opposition to him and minding earthly things shall wail for ever Isay 60. 12. Luke 21. 34 36. Isay 24. 17 18. 4. We have the breathing vote and desire of the Apostle and of all that are taught and led of God even so amen Rev. 22. 20. So the Holy Men of God formerly have desired O that the Salvation of Israel were come out of Zion Psal 14. 7. and 53. 6. Make haste my beloved c. Cant. 8. 14. Oh that thou wouldest rent the Heavens that thou wouldst come down c. Isay 64. 1. And in latter times they who had received the first-fruits of the Spirit did groan within themselves waiting for the adoption the redemption of their bodies and to that end they did look for the Saviour from Heaven the Lord Jesus Rom. 8. 23. with Phil. 3. 20 21. The Spirit and the Bride say come And let him that heareth say come even so come Lord Jesus Rev. 22. 17 20. The Gospel of Christ doth teach them who believe it to wait for God's Son from Heaven whom he raised from the dead 1 Thes 1. 10. to look for the blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ Tit. 2. 11 13. To be looking for and hasting unto the coming of the Day of God 2 Pet. 3. 11 14. and for this the Apostle here longs and breaths even so Amen These Words are true and faithful Rev. 21. 1 5. and ch 22. 6 7. Verse 8. I am Alpha and Omega the beginning and the ending saith the Lord which is and which was and which is to come the Almighty Here we have an account given us of the infinite excellency of the person speaking and his ability for accomplishing what is spoken of him v. 7. Why should it be thought a thing incredible that he should effect it We may first here enquire and consider who the person here speaking is Some understand it of the Father because this person is so described as he is v. 4. where doubtless he is intended because he is distinguished from the Spirit and from Jesus Christ as before is said But I conceive and judge that the person here speaking in this 8 th Verse is Jesus Christ 1. Because he is the person generally speaking in this Book by his Angel or Angels to whom it was given to that end to shew c. v. 1. Rev. 22. 16. 2. Because the first part of the description here to wit that he is Alpha and Omega is elsewhere given of him without Controversie in this Book So expressly v. 11 13. and ch 22. 12 13. Nor doth that hinder us to understand it of Christ because he is described as the Father is for he and the Father are one Joh. 10. 13. 1 Joh. 5. 7. 3. It appears also that this is spoken of and by Christ because it seems these 8 and 9 Verses refer to Verse 1. The eighth Verse declares to us to whom this Revelation was given to shew to his Servants to wit to Jesus Christ who here saith of himself I am Alpha and Omega c. And v. 9. shews unto us to whom he sent and signified it to wit unto his Servant John And so we shall look upon this Verse as containing the words of our Lord Jesus Christ in which he gives a description of himself unto us I am Alpha and Omega These two are the first and last Letters of the Greek Alphabet and signifie as here it followeth the beginning and the ending Or as in v. 11. the first and the last and both are used in ch 22. 13. I am Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end the first and the last Now from hence we may note in general 1. That God hath sanctified all Tongues for declaring to us the things of Christ and of God in him to the end that all Nations and Tongues might come unto the knowledge of the truth So after the Lord had given Authority and Commission to his Apostles to go into all the World and preach the Gospel to every Creature of all the Nations he did fit them thereto by pouring forth his Spirit upon them and thereby enabling them to speak with other Tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance Mark 16. 15 17. Acts 1. 8. and ch 2. 1 8 12. And the Angel had the everlasting Gospel to preach unto every Nation and Kindred and Tongue c. Rev. 14. 6. 2. In that he doth explicate and interpret these words saying I am Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end the first and the last So he shews that it is good for the Preachers of the Gospel to use great plainness of Speech that they may be understood 2 Cor. 3. 12. 1 Cor. 14. 1 13. so often-times Hebrew Words c. are interpreted So Emmanuel God with us Mat. 1. 23. Eli Eli Lamasabacthani that is to say My God My God why hast thou forsaken me Mat. 27. 46. Jesus for he shall save c. Mat. 1. 23. Messias which being interpreted is the Christ Joh. 1. 41. c. It is good to speak plainly to edification and exhortation and comfort and not to affect hard words or sayings or when there is need for the use of them to interpret them 1 Cor. 14. 27 28. I am Alpha and Omega the beginning and the ending End sometimes signifies dissolution or ceasing to be Luke 22. 37. and sometimes perfection or fulfilling 1 Tim. 1. 5. and in both senses it may be in various respects as to divers things applied unto our Lord Jesus He is the beginning and end of the first Creation He is the beginning of it He was in the beginning with God all things were made by him and without him was not any thing made that was made Joh. 1. 1 3. By him God made the Worlds Heb 1. 2. and ch 11. 3. By this Word of the LORD were the Heavens made yea God created all things by Jesus Christ Ps 33. 6. Eph. 3. 11. and by him all these things shall be dissolved 2 Pet. 3. 4 5 10 13. We have both put together as his work in Heb. 1. 10 12. And thou Lord in the beginning hast laid the Foundation of the Earth and the Heavens are the works of thine Hands They shall perish but thou remainest and they all shall wax old as doth a Garment and as a Vesture shalt thou fold them up and they shall be changed c. He is the Alpha and Omega the beginning and the ending or perfecter of the New Creation He is the beginning the first-born from the dead that in all things he might have the Preeminency for in him it hath pleased all the fulness of
the Apostles of the lamb have written by the commandment of of the Lord was spoken by the Holy Ghost and as he gave them utterance not only received they the substance of what they wrote from the spirit but the words also in which it is declared as the Apostle Paul saith We have received not the spirit of the World but the spirit which is of God that we might know the things which are freely given to us of God which things also we speak not in the Words which mans Wisdom teacheth but which the Holy Ghost teacheth comparing spiritual things with spiritual Acts. 2. 4. 1 Cor. 2. 12 13. Hence the Apostle Peter also saith The spirit of Christ which was in the holy prophets did testify before-hand the sufferings of Christ and the glory that should follow unto whom it was revealed that not unto themselves but unto us they did minister the things which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the Gospel unto you with the Holy Ghost sent down from Heaven c. 1 Pet. 1. 11 12. 1 Thes 4. 7 8. So unto all the Churches what John was commanded to write the holy spirit saith Rev. 2. 8 11. and v. 12 17. and v. 18 29 c. And when John saith I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me write blessed are the dead which dye in the Lord from henceforth It is then added yea saith the spirit Rev. 14. 13. 1 Cor. 14. 37. Therefore what the Apostles have written unto us is to be received by us as the word of God and scriptures of truth 1 Thes 2. 13. 3. In that it is thus expressed to us what the spirit saith not said simply so we learn from hence That what things soever were written aforetime in the holy scriptures they were written for our learning Rom. 15. 4. And in those scriptures the holy spirit still speaketh unto us and God by his spirit as it said he found him in Bethel and there he spake with us Hos 12. 4. so our Saviour saith to the Sadducees as touching the resurrection of the dead have ye not read that which was spoken to you by God Mat. 22. 31. These words were firstly and immediately spoken to Moses many hundred of years before and yet also as our Saviour saith spoken to them in his days and to us now so the Apostle citing a portion of scripture recorded by David thus speaketh wherefore as the holy ghost saith c. Heb. 3. 7 8. with Ps 95. 7 8. and speaking of God's having spoken to us in these last days by his son he expresseth it in one place in the present time and as his continued speaking to us by him See that ye refuse not him that speaketh for if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth much more shall not we escape if we refuse him that speaketh from Heaven Heb. 12. 25. with ch 1. 1 2. This might therefore engage us to glorify the word of the Lord which was written long since as much as if it were now and not before spoken to us from God Thus to all the Churches it is thus expressed what the spirit saith to wit continually 1 Tim. 4. 1. Luke 16. 29 31. 4. What the spirit saith unto the Churches And so 1. Not to the Angels of the Churches only Though the Epistles are first sent and expressly directed to them yet they are also written for and spoken unto the Churches and by the Angels to be communicated to them as we have said before and indeed all these Angels all gifts ministers c. are the Churches as the Apostle saith All things are yours whether Paul or Apollo or Cephas 1 Cor. 3. 21 23. Eph. 4. 8 12. Acts 20. 28. 1 Cor. 14. 12. 2. To the Churches Not to this only though sent expressly unto this and in this the temper of this Church is particularly declared yet also the spirit saith this to the Churches in general He saith not to the seven Churches as before but indefinitely to the Churches To signify that where any one is commended every Church should hear this that they might follow their steps Heb. 6. 10 12. And where any thing is reproved in any one it is for Instruction and admonition to others Heb. 3. and ch 4. 1 Cor. 10. 1 2 12. The same evils here reproved may be with any others also and where counsel is given unto any or encouragement set before any it should be minded and considered by the residue also Therefore what the spirit saith unto one he saith unto all the Churches 3. To the Churches all that is written in this Book is to the Churches to his servants compare ch 22. 6. with v. 16. Therefore they should not be afraid to read it see notes before on ch 1. v. 1. and 3. and 4. 2. We have a gracious promise and powerful encouragement proposed to and set before us in which let us consider 1. The subject of the blessedness therein assured 2. The promise it self and blessedness therein assured 1. The subject of the blessedness promised To him that overcometh Thus it is said to all the Churches and every such an one as overcometh is the subject of the blessedness and happiness assured and promised Now herein is signified to us 1. That Christs Churches are souldiers and have a warfare a good warfare to war 1 Tim. 1. 18. not only are the Angels amongst them so though they are to go before others but also the Churches and every particular hearty believer therein They are all souldiers of Jesus Christ And so 1. They have a captain over them a captain of this host of the Lord and that is Jesus Christ as when Joshua was by Jericho He beheld and there stood a Man over against him and Joshua said unto him art thou for us or for our adversaries and he said nay But as captain of the Lords host am I now come c. Josh 5. 13 15. God himself even the great God and our saviour Jesus Christ and the Father in him is their captain 2 Chron. 13. 12. he is the captain of their salvation who was made perfect thorow sufferings Heb. 2. 10. one who hath himself suffered one who bare our sins in his own body on the tree and was delivered to death for our offences and is raised again for our justification and hath overcome all our enemies Rev. 3. 21. and hath all power given unto him both in heaven and on earth Mat. 28. 18. Eph. 1 20 21 22 and is their head as he hath thus vanquished all our enemies and as he is thus impowered their captain Col. 1. 18. with Judg. 11. 6 11. and in his book are they inrolled Luke 10. 20. and by him are they led and preserved for he favours their righteous cause yet it is his Ps 74. 19 22. and 140. 12. and 23. 1 4. 2. They have a Banner displayed because of the truth to which the have run
make us set light by any present confession of the great ones of this World and preserve us from seeking after their approbation Rom. 2. 7. Mal. 3. 16 18. 1 Joh. 3. 1 3. and strengthen us to endure patiently whatever we may suffer for Christs sake and the Gospels To set our faces like a flint as knowing if we partake of the afflictions of the Gospel now and though our names be cast out as evil for the Son of Man's sake and we be made the filth of all things yet if we lose our lives for his sake we shall find them hereafter For the Son of Man shall come in the Glory of his Father with his Angels And then he will reward every Man according to his works Mat. 16. 25 27. and how might it engage us to mortify our members which are upon the earth Col. 3. 4 5. and to resist unto blood striving against sin Heb. 12. 4. 2 Tim. 2. ●1 Verse 6. He that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the Churches see the notes before on Chap. 2 Verse 7. Verse 7. And unto the Angel of the Church in Philadelphia write These things saith he that is holy he that is true he that hath the keys of David he that openeth and no Man shutteth and shutteth and no Man openeth After the commandment and direction given to John to write and unto whom see the notes before on ch 2. v. 1. Our Lord describes himself 1. By what he is These things saith he that is holy he that is true 2. By what he hath He that hath the key of David 3. By what he doth He that openeth and no Man shutteth and shutteth and no Man openeth 1. By what he is These things saith he that is holy he that is true And so 1. The holy one or He that is holy that is to say 1. He that is pure from all and all manner of uncleanness and pollution so holy is opposed to filthy Rev. 22. 11. and holiness is opposed to all filthiness of the flesh and Spirit to all uncleanness 2 Cor. 7. 1. 1 Thes 4. 7. So he was and is holy he was holy and clean in taking our nature upon him of which he partook by a wonderful work of new creation The Holy Ghost came upon the virgin and the power of the highest did over-shadow her therefore that holy thing that was born of her is called the Son of God Luke 1. 35. he was God's holy Child Acts 4. 27. Though he was born in the likeness of sinful flesh yet he knew no sin Rom. 8. 4. with 2 Cor. 5. 21. and he was holy in all his conversation in the World He did no sin neither was guile found in his mouth when he was reviled he reviled not again c. he loved righteousness and hated iniquity 1 Pet. 2. 19 22. Heb. 1. 9. he always did those things that pleased his Father Joh. 8. 29. 2. The holy one God's holy Child Jesus whom he anointed with the Holy Ghost and with power Acts 4. 27. with ch 10. 38. and who is consecrated unto God from common and profane uses God hath set apart for himself and for peculiar use and service this most excellent one that is holy Ps 4. 3. so holy and profane or common are opposed Ezek. 22. 26. and ch 44. 23. Heb. 10. 29. so he was chosen from among the people and set apart by his Father Ps 89. 19. And that 1. To work redemption for us and that by bearing our sins in his own body on the tree and suffering and dying for them which he hath done and he only none in Heaven or earth was able to do this work for us but himself and there was none else appointed to it but this was God's holy one who died for our sins according to the scriptures and rose again the third day according to the scriptures Ps 16. 10. Acts 4 27. and ch 3. 14. 2. To open our eyes the eyes of our understanding and to turn us from darkness to light c. To which end God hath anointed him with his holy Oyl Ps 89. 20. even with his holy Spirit Acts 10. 38. As he saith Behold my Servant whom I uphold mine elect in whom my Soul delighteth I have put my Spirit upon him he shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles and again I will give thee for a covenant of the people for a light of the Gentiles to open the blind eyes to bring forth the prisoners c. Isay 42. 1 16 8. Luke 3. 22. Acts 2. 23. The Spirit of the Lord was upon him because the Lord anointed him to preach the Gospel to the poor to heal the broken-hearted to preach deliverance to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind c. Luke 4. 18. and to be the give● of wisdome to the wise To be the Apostle of the believers profession to declare at first and continually unto them Gods name that the love wherewith he hath loved them may be in them c. Joh. 17. 26. Heb. 3. 1. 3. The holy one the High-priest The word of the oath which was since the law made the Son High-priest who is consecrated for evermore Heb. 7. 28. he hath offered up an acceptable sacrifice for us and now makes intercession for transgressours and everlives to make intercession for them that come to God by him Isay 53. 12. Heb. 7. 25. To take away the iniquities of their holy things and mediate the new Testament for them that the called may receive the promise of the eternal inheritance Exod. 28. 38. with 1 Pet. 2. 5. Heb. 9. 14 15. such an High priest became us who is holy harmeless undefiled separate from sinners and made higher than the Heavens c. Heb. 7. 25 26 28. 3. He that is Holy to wit in his work to sanctify and holify others As it is said sanctify your selves therefore and be ye holy for I am the Lord your God I am the Lord which sanctify you Lev. 20. 7 8. Indeed he doth Baptize them with the holy Spirit which are not eventually Baptized Mat. 3. 11 13. But especially he sanctifies himself for the sakes of believers that they also may be sanctified thorow the truth Joh. 17. 17 19. he gave himself for his Church that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word That he might present it to himself a glorious Church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that it should be holy and without blemish Eph. 5. 25 27. see more about the word holy in the notes on ch 4. v. 8. 2. He that is true that is the true and Faithful witness and that 1. In his cross and sufferings by way of propitiation He is the true witness of the love of the Father and of himself Joh. 3. 16 17. Rom. 5. 6 8. 1 Joh. 3. 16. and ch 4. 8 10. Mat. 12. 39. and of God's faithfulness in performing
5. an elder informed John who the palm-bearing Saints which were in heaven were chap. 7. 13 17. and when there were great voices in heaven then of the twenty-four elders only it is said they fell on their faces c. chap. 11. 15 16. which also may evince that by the elders we are to understand the spirits of just men made perfect who are present with the Lord and so in Heaven 3. And this will further appear by their sitting on their thrones by their raiment and crowns on their heads to which we shall speak particularly as we come at these things in order 3. And they appear by the title given to them to mean some that have rule over us though they are not alive in the body to wit the prophets in former times and the apostles of the lamb answerable whereto it is said At the gates of the holy Jerusalem were twelve Angels and names written thereon which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel And the wall of the city had twelve foundations and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the lamb Rev. 21. 12 14. and so by these twenty-four elders we may ●nderstand the Patriarchs including the holy prophets and the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ of whose words we should be always mindful as the Apostle Peter signifies saying I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance that ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets and of the commandment of us the Apostle of the Lord and Saviour 2 Pet. 3. 1 2. and so the fathers of the Church in former times are called elders after they were dead in these words By faith the elders obtained a good report Heb. 11. 2 c. and the apostles of Christ are called elders 1 Pet. 5. 1. 2 Joh. 1. 3 Joh. 1. and they are signified to be bishops Acts 1. 20. and both denote their ruling-power in the Church and so it may be said of both the prophets and apostles that they are under Christ the Masters of the congregations of the worshippers of the true God as the Preacher saith The words of the wise are as goads and as nails fastened by the masters of the assemblies which are given from one shepherd Eccles 12. 11. 1 Tim. 5. 17. they are instrumental fathers and so to be obeyed in the Lord so the Apostle Peter saith to the Jews Ye are the children of the prophets Acts 3. 25. Luke 16. 29 31. and the apostle Paul saith of himself and the same may be said of the residue of the Apostles in the like case Though ye have ten thousand instructors in Christ yet not many fathers for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the Gospel 1 Cor. 4. 15. and the patriarchs prophets and apostles are after their departure out of this world our Guides and Rulers by their good words and examples as the Apostle in imateth when he saith Remember them who have the rule over you or who are the guides of you but who are they it follows who have spoken to you the word of God whose faith follow and these whom he calls our Guides Rulers or Elders as the word also signifies are such of the Holy Prophets and Apostles principally as had died in the ●aith and being absent from the body were present with the Lord as appears also by what follows in our translations viz. considering the end out-going conclusion or consummation of their conversation c. Heb. 13. 7. which place being diligently minded gives great light to this and hugely helps us to understand who these elders are as we have said before to wi● the Prophets and Apostles who had lived and died in the faith so in this book the twelve Apostles who were all dead as is very probable John excepted before he received this Revelation are called stars Rev. 12. 1. and as the stars of heaven do rule on earth Gen. 1. 16 18. Psal 136. 9. so also the Prophets and Apostles as stars now they are in their spirits in heaven do by their light in their word and good conversation still guide rule over and govern us instrumentally and so much also we may understand by their seats or thrones Mat. 19. 28. and yet also these twenty-four elders may be as it were the Representative of all the saints and holy ones who had finished their course and kept and died in the faith and whose spirits were in Heaven as the Angel of every of the seven Churches in Asia is spoken to as representing the whole Church of which he was the Angel or Messenger Now these ●our and twenty elders are further described to us 1. By their posture sitting That is to say 1. As kings and as persons of rule and government as these are as before we have seen and as appears in that they in the new song do to the praise of the Lamb with thankfulness acknowledg Thou hast made us unto our God kings and priests chap. 5. 10. they are sitting on the four and twenty thrones spoken of in the beginning of the verse which are called their thrones chap. 11. 16. like to those spoken of in chap. 20. 4. where it is said I saw thrones and they s●te upon them and judgment was given unto them though not fully the same for that speaks of the thrones the children of the first resurrection shall sit upon when they shall be raised which yet none are And the glory of these elders here spoken of is in some part a fulfilling of that promised by our Lord Jesus unto his Apostles when he saith unto them ● appoint unto you a kingdom that ye may eat and drink at my table and sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel Luke 22. 28 30. and that they sit as those that have some ruling-power and kingly government appears also by their habit and crowns to which after and so these are more excellent than the sain's that are in the earth Psal 16. 2 3. they are Jerusalem above which is free and is the mother of us all Above the holy ones here below Gal. 4. 29. they are in a better state and condition as the Apostle signifies when he saith I have a desire to depa●t and to be with Christ which is far better Phil. 1. 23. Now they are absen● from the body they are present with the Lord 2 Cor. 5. 6 8. Indeed by faith the holy ones on earth are kings also as is said He hath loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood and hath made us kings and priests unto God and his father see notes before on chap. 1. ver 6. and chap. 5. 10 But faith is the evidence of things not seen Heb. 11. 1. they now walk by faith not by sight 2 Cor. 5. 6. but these elders have attained and are already perfect in their spirits and therein are actually and gloriously kings which the most
Psal 103. 17 18 19. 2. We have an account given us of what there w●s before the throne And there w●re seven lamps of fire burning b●fore the throne which are the seven spirits of God 1. What these lamps of fire are is here declared and explicated to us to wit the seven Spirits of God namely that one eternal spirit which proceedeth from the Father and the Son See the Notes before on Chap. 1. Vers 4. 2. Now these lamps are said to be seven 1. With allusion and respect to our types in former times as the Lord saith to Moses Thou shalt make the seven lamps c. Exod. 25. 37. and Chap. 37. 23. Numb 8. 2. 2. And with respect to the seven Churches which are called Candlesticks to enlighten them without which they cannot be of any use they cannot shine as lights in the world Rev. 1. 4. 12 13 20. and Chap. 2. 1. Phil. 2. 13 14 15 16. 3. Now these seven lamps are said to burn before the throne 1. With respect to him that sits upon the throne and so to signifie to us 1. That he dwelleth in the light that no man can approach unto 1 Tim. 6. 16. He is in the light 1 Jo●n 1. 4 5. And the light dwelleth with him Dan. 2. 22. And that his throne was like the fiery flame Dan. 7. 9. 2. To signifie to us that by those lamps he beholds all things these lamps which are the seven Spirits of God being his eyes see Rev. 5. 6. with Dan. 10. 6. The Lords throne is in heaven his eyes behold Psal 11. 4. even his holy and blessed Spirit Hence that question of the Psalmist Whither shall I go from thy spirit or whither shall I flee from thy presence If I ascend up into heaven thou art there if I make my bed in ●ell behold thou art there c. Psal 139. 1 7 14 The eyes of the Lord are in every place beholding the evil and the good Prov. 15. 3. To shew himself strong on the behalf of those whose hearts are perfect towards him and so they are here upon the living creatures ver 6. for good 2 Chron. 16. 9. Psal 34. 15. 1 Pet. 3. 12. yea and his eyes are upon the sinful ones also and he pondereth all their goings Prov. 5. 21. Amos 9. 8. his eyes are like a flame of fire or like lamps of fire Compare Rev. 1. 14. with Dan. 10. 6. And he searcheth the hearts and reins and will give to every one according as their works shall be See the Notes before on Chap. 1. Vers 14. and Chap. 2. Vers 18. and Vers 23 3. These seven Lamps bu●ning before the throne may denote to us the terribleness of his appearance and aspect Dan. 10. 6. Psal 66. 5 7. Thus it is said The ancient of days did sit whose garment was white as snow His throne was like the fi●ry flame and his wheels as burning fire a fiery stream issued and came forth from before him Dan. 7. 9 10. Heb. 12. 29. De●t 4. 24. 2. These seven Lamps which are the seven Spirits of God the eyes of the Lord may be said to burn before the throne with respect to those about the throne to signifie that his spirit remains amongst them whereby also the living creatures are full of eyes as vers 6. and vers 8. and Chap. 5 6. Hag. 2. 6 7. to enlighten them continually that in his light they may see light and may judg and discern all things Psal 36. 9. 1 Cor. 2. 15 16. his spirit doth enlighten the eyes of the understandings of them that dwell and have their conversation in Heaven his eyes preserve knowledg amongst them Prov. 22. 12. with 2 Cor. 4. 6. so as they are like the appearance of lamps Ezek. 1. 13. The Lord is their lamp and he will lighten their darkness 2 Sam. 22. 29. with Psal 18. 28. In and by this light they come to the view and ●ight of heavenly things Heb. 2. 9. with Jo● 12. 45. Heb. 12. 22 24. even by his word and spirit for the commandment is a lamp and the law light Prov. 6. 23. And oh how delightful and pleasant is this light to them truly this light is sweet Prov. 13. 9. Eccles 11. 9. 1 John 2. 20. And this he sends forth unto them to l●ad and guide them that they may walk with a right foot in the Gospel and not turn aside to the right hand or to the left Psal 43. 3. Prov. 4. 18 19. and to save them from all evil and enemies and from the fear of evil Psal 27. 1. and hereafter gloriously their righteousness shall go forth as brightness and their salvation as a lamp that burneth Isa 62. 1. And this might therefore engage such to see to it that they refuse not him that speaketh and revealeth such excellent things to them Heb. 12. 25 28 29. But as they are children of light and such as amongst whom his spirit remains that they walk as children of light even walk in the spirit that they may not fulfil the lusts of the flesh but be filled with the fruit of the spirit Eph. 5. 8. Gal. 5. 16 23 26. Ver. 6. And before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal And in the midst of the throne and round about the throne were four living creatures full of eyes before and behind In this verse the Apostle gives unto us a further discovery 1. Of what there was further before the throne in Heaven 2. Of what there was in the midst of and round about the throne 1. Of what he saw and there was further before the throne in Heaven And before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal What is this sea of glass or what is meant thereby is very difficult to conclude and there are almost as many minds as men speaking concerning it Some conceiving it to be the world some the Jewish N●tion some one thing and some another Therefore I might say as he did I was afraid and feared to shew you mine opinion Job 32. 6. But having I trust obtained some help of God I shall adventure to propound my thoughts also 1. I conceive then that by this sea of glass c. here spoken of may be meant Gods defence and salvation of his people the four living creatures after spoken of his invironing them about with his saving defence and protection from those who seek the destruction of them even their potent and spiritual enemies Thus Sea is used in Scripture for a great defence and safeguard Thus when the Lord speaks of the great strength and security of No he saith it was situate among the rivers and had the waters round about it whose rampart was the sea And hereby also her strength was infinite Nah. 3 8 9. So when he threatens to destroy Babylon he saith I will dry up her sea that great defence of hers Jer. 5● 36. And because Tyrus was situate in
see notes on vers 6. to wit before Jesus Christ before him they all fell down both the saints below and the saints above all to one Object none of them fell down one before another nor these below to those above or any of them but all before the Lamb. Now then we may from hence note for our usefulness 1. That the Lamb is indeed the Object of divine and religious worship 2. He is and ought therefore to be religiously worshipped 1. That the Lamb is indeed the Object of divine and religious worship for though he be very man Joh. 1. 29 30. yet he is not a meer man but Emmanuel God with us God-man God in our nature Matt. 1. 23. Isay 7. 14. And that he is truly and verily God also even God by nature and not by name or office only plainly appears 1. By many plain affirmations and expressions that declare him so to be As in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God Joh. 1. 1. Christ who is over all God blessed for ever Rom. 9. 5. God was manifest in the flesh 1 Tim. 3. 16. the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ Tit. 2. 13. unto the Son he saith Thy Throne O God is for ever and ever Psal 45. 6 7. with Heb. 1. 8 9. He is the true God and eternal life 1 Joh. 5. 20. the only God and Master the Lord of us Jesus Christ Jude 4. for so it is read in a Book I have without a comma between And he is called the only God not to deny the Fathers being God for he and the Father are one Joh. 10. 30. nor to exclude the Holy Spirit For there are three that bear record in Heaven the Father the Word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one 1 Joh. 5. 7. But to signifie that He with the Father and Holy Spirit are the only object of Religious worship 2. It appears the Lamb is God by nature also by the names or titles incommunicable Titles given to him so he is frequently called Jehovah as may be seen by comparing the Scriptures as O taste and see that Jehovah is good Psal 34. 8. with 1 Pet. 2. 3 4. Jehovah is gone up with the sound of a Trumpet Psal 47. 5. and 68. 18. with Ephes 4. 8-10 I saw Jehovah sitting upon a throne c. These things said Esaias when he saw Christs glory and spake of him Isa 6. 1-3 8-10 with John 12. 39-41 compare Isa 8. 13 14. with Rom. 9. 33. and 1 Pet. 2. 6 7. This is his name whereby he shall be called Jehovah our Righteousness Jer. 23. 5 6. with many other places and so or to such purpose he calls himself in this Book see notes before on chap 1. ver 8. so he is called the Lord God of Israel Luke 1. 16 17. with Mark 1. 2. and Luk. 7. 27. and Mal. 3. 1. The highest or most high a Title also given to the Father Luk. 1. 76. with ver 32. and Matth. 11. 10. The Lord God of the holy Prophets Revel 22. 6. with ver 16. and chap. 1. 1. 3. By the incommunicable Attributes given to him as to say Omniscience he knows all men John 2. 24. He knows what is in man the thoughts and hearts of men which only God by nature knows Joh. 2. 25. Mat. 9. 4 5. and 12. 25. with Amos 4. 13. and 1 King 8. 39. see the notes before on chap. 2. ver 23. he knows all things John 21. 17. There is no creature that is not manifest in his sight where he and every meer creature are opposed but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do to wit Jesus the Son of God Heb. 4. 13 14. Omnipotence he is the Almighty as himself saith of himself Revel 1. 8. The same power is ascribed and attributed to him by every creature as is to him that sits upon the throne Rev. 5. 13 14. But this will further appear in what follows Omnipresence he is every where present at the same time John 3. 13. Hence when he gave his Apostles commission to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature He then to encourage them saith Lo I am with you always even to the end of the world though these twelve might be at once in twelve or in several places and far distant one from another yet he assures them he would be and answerably was with every one of them how far soever they were from one another Matth. 28. 18-20 with Mark 16. 19 20. though he be in Heaven in his glorious body and the H●aven must receive him until the times of the restitution of all things c. Yet he assured his Disciples he would come unto them and to every one that hath his Commandments and keepeth them though they be dispersed over the face of the whole earth Act. 3. 21. with Joh. 14. 21 23. Act. 18. 10. Eternity his Throne is for ever and ever Heb. 1. 8. He was glorious with the Fathers own self before the world was He is before all things Jo● 17. 5. Col. 1. 15 17. Prov. 8. 23 30. He is eternal life Isay 9. 6. 1 Joh. 1. 1 2. and Chap. 5. 20. compare Isay 44. 6. with Joh. 1. 49. and Rev. 1. 8 11 17. and Chap. 2. 8. and 22. 13. Immutability the earth and Heavens shall perish but He shall endure yea all of them shall wax old like a Garment as a Vesture shall he change them and they shall be changed But he is the same unchangeably the same c. Psal 102. 25 27. with Heb. 1. 10 11. He is Jesus Christ the same yesterday and to day and for ever Heb. 13. 8. 4. It also evidently appears that the Lamb is God by nature also by his great and wonderful works and doings which no meer creature or created Being could possibly work and effect As to say 1. By his work of creation All things were made by him and without him was not any thing made that was made Joh. 1. 1 3. God created all things by Jesus Christ Eph. 3. 9. By him were all things created that are in Heaven and that are in earth visible and invisible whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers All things were created by him as the former of all and for him as the end of all Col. 1. 16. with Rom. 11. 36. and Rev. 4. 11. Of old he laid the foundation of the earth and the Heavens are the works of his h●nds Heb. ● 2 10 11. with Psal 102. 25 27. in which his Omnipotency is evidenced and declared for nothing is too hard for him that made the Heaven and the Earth by his great power c. Jer. 32. 17 27. 2. By his work of Redemption which work is ascribed frequently to Jehovah Isay 44. 22 24. and 47. 4. and Chap. 63. 16 c. no man could by any means redeem
have said both a glorious place and a glorious holy people As Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God saith Christ And I will write upon him the name of the City of my God new Jerusalem which cometh down out of Heaven from my God See the notes on Chap. 3. vers 12. So the Apostle John saith I John saw the holy City new Jerusalem coming down out of Heaven prepared as a Bride adorned for her husband And again he saith There came unto me one of the seven Angels and talked with me saying Come hither I will shew thee the Bride the Lambs wife And he carried me away in spirit to a great and high mountain and shewed me that great city the holy Jerusalem descending out of Heaven Rev. 21. 29 9 10. So here in this place as we have said before not only the four living Creatures but also the four and twenty Elders even the spirits of just men made perfect and which were in Heaven say We we who in our spirits are in Heaven shall reign on the earth see notes on Chap. 4. vers 4. Nor will it be any abatement or lessening of their glory so to do no more than it will be to the Lord Jesus who also shall descend or come down from Heaven as 1 Thes 4. 16. and they shall be with him and he with them as afterwards we shall shew Rev. 21. 1-3 Yea to signifie that their coming out of Heaven will be no abatement or diminution of their glory it is said by the Apostle John He shewed me that great City the holy Jerusalem coming down out of Heaven from God having the glory of God and her light was like unto a stone most precious even like a Jaspar-stone clear as crystal Rev. 21 10. 11-26 27. Over whom shall they so reign and that will be over the earth to wit over the Inhabitants thereof as it is said of the Lord Jesus with whom they shall so reign The Lord shall be King over all the earth Zach. 14. 9. with Psal 47. 2. So the word here translated ●on is elsewhere oft translated over as these few following instances of many do shew unto us viz. Mat. 25. 21 23. Rom. 9. 5. Eph. 4. 6. Rev. 2. 26. and Chap. 17. 18. and so looking on the word we may thus read this saying of these holy We shall reign over the earth to wit over the inhabitants thereof such as are saved from the perdition which will come upon the wicked and ungodly who remain enemies to and in rebellion against Jesus Christ 2 Pet. 3. 7. and are in mortal bodies so earth frequently signifies the inhabitants thereof or such as live and dwell upon the earth good and bad as The Lord reigneth let the earth e●j●yce let the multitude of the isles be glad thereof Psal 97. 1. Make a joyful noise unto the Lord all the earth Psal 98. 1. 4 5. Make a joyful noise unto the Lord all the earth serve the Lord with gladness Know ye that the Lord he is God it is he that made us and not we our selves we are his people c. Psal 100. 1-3 And in this expression Israel also the surviving of that nation may be included and contained Psal 96. 1-3-6 and so as I conceive these holy Ones shall reign ●ver all the inhabitants of the earth over the surviving Israelites and over the saved o● preserved Gentiles though the Gentiles wil● be much more the inferior subjects According to that Prophesie He shall subdue the people under us and the nations or Gentiles● under our feet Now there as is usual the people when distinguished from the Nations or Gentiles signifie the people of Israel Psal 2. 1. with Act. 4. 25-27 and Chap. 26. 17 23 c. Now saith that place He shall subdue or reduce into order or under order the people to wit the Tribes of Israel and those that are one with them under ●s and the Gentiles or Nations under our feet namely they shall be in a much lower place of subjection under us than the people even under our feet as our foot-stool as it were Psal 47. 3-6-8 And so we may say a little more particularly 1. They shall reign over the natural Israel The Angel saith prophetically of Jesus The Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his Father David and he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever And our Lord Jesus saith To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne Luk. 1. 32 33. with Rev. 3. 21. He will give unto every such an one such power and authority as he hath received of his Father Rev. 2. 26 27. Indeed Israel shall be next to the holy City the new Jerusalem or Tabernacle of God and the converted of the nations the strangers even such as convert to the Lord when Christ appears shall be joined to them and have inheritances with them Ezek. 47. 13-22 And these to wit the natural Israel and the converted Gentiles joined to them are called as I conceive the Camp of the Saints which will be next to and about the beloved City Rev. 20. 9. And these are the men especially and principally meant with whom and in the midst of whom the Tabernacle of God to wit the reigning Saints shall be for it appears that these Kings when they reign to wit the holy Jerusalem are called the Tabernacle of God in that it is said I John saw the holy City new Jerusalem coming down from God out of Heaven and I heard a great voice out of heaven saying Behold the Tabernacle of God is with men c. But who are these men especially with whom this Tabernacle shall be The Prophet informs us to wit the twelve Tribes of Israel I will place them saith the Lord ●o wi● Judah and Israel the two and the Ten Tribes and will set my sanctuary in the midst of them for evermore my tabernacle also shall be with them yea I will be their God and they shall be my people and the heathen shall know that I the Lord do sanctifie Israel when my sanctuary shall be in the midst of them for evermore Rev. 21. 2 3. with Ezek. 37. 11-16-22-26 27 28. yea it may seem that Israel will have some rule over the Nations also Isa 60. 5 10. and Chap. 61. 4 6. But yet still the Saints which shall reign with Christ will be uppermost the Kingdom and Dominion and greatness of the Kingdom under the whole Heaven shall be given to the people of the Saints of the most high whose Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom c. Dan. 7. 27. Thus our Lord saith unto his Disciples I appoint unto you a Kingdom as my father appointed unto me that ye may eat and drink at my table in my Kingdom and sit on Thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel Luk. 22. 28-30 Rev. 20. 4 6. with Dan. 7. 13-18 Psal 22. 28 29. and 122. 2.
created Ps 148. 2 5. And he created them by Jesus Christ by him he created all things Eph. 3. 9. And who is the true God 1. Joh. 5. 20. See the Notes before on v. 8. He is the Image of the invisible God the First-born of every Creature for by him were all things created that are in Heaven and that are in Earth visible and invisible whether Thrones or Dominions or Principalities or Powers All things were created by him and for him And he is before all things c. Col. 1. 15 17. with Joh. 1. 1 3. And also particularly the Angels are distinct from the third Person in the infinitely glorious Trinity who is frequently called the Spirit the holy Spirit and in this Book the seven Spirits See Notes before on ch 1. v. 4. I say these Angels are distinguished from the holy Spirit 1 Pet. 1. 12. And they are infinitely below and inferiour to him for by him they also were created By the Word of the Lord were the Heavens made and all the Host of them and so the Angels also by the Spirit of his Mouth Psal 33. 6. By his Spirit he hath garnished the Heavens to wit with these Angels c. as with precious stones Job 26. 13. with 2 Chron. 3. 6. and Rev. 21. 19. 3. And all the Angels were of God made good for God saw every thing that he had made and behold it was very good Gen. 1. 31. And in an high honourable and happy condition Psal 8. 4 6. So as then these Morning-stars sang together and all the Sons of God shouted for joy Job 38. 4 7. But all of them abode not in the truth but some of them sinned and fell from that good holy and glorious estate they were created in Joh. 8. 44. God spared not the Angels that sinned but cast them down to Hell and delivered them into Chains of Darkness to be reserved unto Judgment 2 Pet. 2. 4. The Angels which kept not their first Estate or Principality but left their own or proper Habitation he hath reserved in everlasting Chains under Darkness unto the judgment of the great Day Jude 6. with 1 Tim. 3. 6. And some of the Angels did stand and abide in that excellent state and condition in which they were at first created And of these latter we have here to speak and not of the former who have left and lost the purity and integrity of their Nature in which they were made of God And indeed the Angels that did abide in their holy and happy estate appear to be the Persons here intended By their disposition they are about the Throne in Heaven and about the living Creatures and Elders And by their saying with a loud voice Worthy is the Lamb that was slain c. And in that they are distinguished from every Creature under the Earth v. 12 13. And therefore of these excellent Angels we shall speak though some of the things spoken may be extended to the Angels that sinned also Nor shall we curiously enquire into or meddle with their orders or degrees though yet surely some of them are more excellent than other some as we have said See Notes on v. 2. but shall speak of those things that are more plain and more plainly revealed and declared concerning them As to say 1. These Angels which abode in the truth are signified to be Angels of Light in that the Apostle saith Satan himself is transformed into an Angel of Light intimating that there are such Angels and that Satan is none of them 2 Cor. 11. 13 15. And they are called Angels of Light to denote their brightness and the purity of their Nature and where they dwell to wit in the Light and to distinguish them from the fallen Angels which are Angels of Darkness and delivered into Chains of Darkness 2 Pet. 2. 4. Jude 6. 2. They are very frequently called the Angels of the Lord of God of Christ Gen. 32. 1. Luk. 12. 8 9. Mat. 13. 41. and in many other places to distinguish them from the Angels which kept not their first estate called the Devil and his Angels Mat. 25. 41. And the Dragon called the Devil and Satan and his Angels Rev. 12. 7 9. 3. They are called holy Angels and so are all these Angels we are speaking of Hence whereas sometimes it is said The Son of Man shall come in the glory of his Father with his Angels In other places it is said The Son of Man shall come in his glory and all the holy Angels with him Mat. 16. 27. with Mark 8. 38. and Luk. 9. 26. and Mat. 25. 31. to signifie they are sinless and pure from iniquity and devoted unto God and to distinguish them from the wicked one and his wicked Angels or Spirits 1 Joh. 2. 13 14. and ch 3. 12. Mat. 12. 45. Rev. 16. 13 14. 4. They are called elect Angels so the Apostle calls them when he saith to Timothy I charge thee before God and the Lord Jesus Christ and the Elect Angels 1 Tim. 5. 21. to denote their pretiousness and excellency 1 Pet. 2. 4 6. and to distinguish them from the Angels who left their proper habitation who are become reprobate because the Lord hath rejected them 2 Pet. 2. 4. with Jude 6. with Jer. 6. 30. 5. They are also said to be Angels in and of Heaven Mat. 24. 36. Mark 12. 25. and ch 13. 22. because they dwell there which was indeed the proper habitation of all the Angels at first but the sinning Angels kept it not Jude 6. but these Holy Ones kept it and Heaven is their dwelling place Rev. 12. 12. Hence also they are called the Heavenly Host Luke 2. 13. Dan. 4. 35. And they always behold the Face of Christs Father which is in Heaven Mat. 18. 10. and delight in Heaven and Heavenly things And in every respect they are called Angels in Heaven to distinguish them from the Infernal Ones who are cast down to Hell 2 Pet. 2. 4. 6. They are good Angels their goodness indeed extends not to the Lord Ps 16. 2 3. but they are good and loving to Mankind and especially to those of Mankind that believe So it is said Thou art good in my sight as an Angel of God 1 Sam. 29. 8. And they appear to be good and loving to Mankind in that when Christ the Saviour of the World was born they praised God and said Glory be to God in the highest on Earth Peace good-will towards Men Luke 9. 2 13 14. And there is joy in the presence of the Angels of God over one Sinner that repenteth Luke 15. 7 10. And they are and are signified to be good Angels to distinguish them from the evil one and his evil Angels who seek the ruine and everlasting destruction of men for Satan was a man-slayer from the beginning Ps 78. 49. Luke 7. 21. and ch 8. 2. Joh. 8. 44. 1 Joh. 3. 12 15. 7. And these good Angels are excellent Creatures
they do any thing or go any-where but what and where their Lord pleaseth it is good for us therefore to pray to God in the Name of Christ to send us them if it be good before him and by them to inform direct or preserve us c. Gen. 24. 40 42. So Manoah intreated the Lord and said O my Lord let the Man of God to wit the Angel which thou didst send come again to us and teach us c. And God hearkened to the voice of Manoah and the Angel of God came again to the Woman c. Judg. 13. 8 9. VVhen Peter was in Prison Prayer was made without ceasing of the Church unto God for him and in due season the Lord sent his Angel and delivered him out of the hand of Herod and from all the expectation of the People of the Jews Act. 12. 5 11. So our Saviour saith Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father and he will presently give me more than twelve Legions of Angels Mat. 26. 53. This course ●et us also take if we need their Ministry let us not pray to or religiously worship them for they are Servants Gods Ministers But let us pour out our hearts to him who is a refuge for us and unto whom all are Servants VVhen the Apostle John fell down to worship before the Feet of the Angel he said unto him See thou do it not for I am thy fellow-Servant He was a Servant and therefore not to be religiously worshipped Rev. 22. 8 9. 3. It may also inform us how we may have their Ministry for our good and that is by coming unto and abiding in Christ Jesus He that dwelleth in the secret of the most high in Christ the Mercy-seat shall lodge under the shadow of the Almighty under the wings of the ●●erubims of glory which do overshadow the Propitiatory or Mercy-seat Ps 91. 9. with Exod. 25. 20. Ps 80. 1. Heb. 9. 5. Because thou hast made the Lord my refuge the most high and not these high ones thine habitation There shall no evil befall thee nor any plague come nigh thy dwelling-place for he shall give his Angels a charge over thee to keep thee in all thy ways They shall bear thee up in their hands lest thou dash thy foot against a stone Ps 91. 9 12. And this leads to the next 2. And round about the living Creatures and the Elders The same also is said of all the Angels And all the Angels stood round about the Elders and the four living Creatures ch 7. 11. Now 1. Round about the living Creatures and Elders may signifie that the living Creatures and Elders are come unto the Angels the Elders are made perfect in spirit and present with the Lord and with the holy Angels 2 Cor. 5. 7 8. Phil. 1. 23. Heb. 12. 22 23. Rev. 18. 20. And the living Creatures by ●aith dwell and have their conversation in Heaven Rev. 12. 12. and ch 13. 6. Phil. 3. 20. They are come unto Mount Zion and unto the City of the living God the heavenly Jerusalem and to an in●●merable company of Ang●ls Heb. 12. 22. 2. Round about them may also denote that the Angels are ministring Spirits unto them and so sent forth and imployed by Christ Heb. 1. 14. for so much round about doth import when spoken of Persons as we have seen before and this will still more plainly appear if we consider that said of ●ll the Angels in ch 7. 11. to wit that they stand about not the Throne only but the Elders and living Creatures also and standing is frequently the posture of Ministers or Servants 1 King 10. 5. 2 Chron. 9. 4. Ps 135. 2. the Church of the living God is called to the f●llowship of Gods Son to a Partnership with him being married to him that is raised from the dead Rom. 7. 4. 1 Cor. 6. 17. 2 Cor. 11. 2. Rev. 19. 7 8. And herein in a general consideration pre●erred before the Angels though not simply or singly so The Church of the living God is preferred before Apostles Prophets c. as such and before Angels for they are Servants of the Church also as it is the Spouse of Christ Hence they are called Servants and all things are the Churches whether Paul or Apoll● or Cephas c. 1 Cor. 3. 21 23. with Rev. 19. 10. and ch 22. 9. 2 Cor. 4. 5. Ezra 7. 24. And so the Angels ministred unto Israel it may seem in the wilderness Ps 78. 25. 1 King 19. 5 7. Yea Are they not all ministring Spirits sent forth to minister for them who shall be Heirs of Salvation Heb. 1. 14. 3. Round about them may give us to understand that they make known to the Angels the things of Christ they are nearer to the Lamb and between them and the Lamb so it is said To the intent that now unto the Principal●ties and Powers in heavenly places might be known by the Church the manifold Wisdom of God Eph. 3. 10. To this end also it may seem the Angels frequent the Assemblies of Believers when they assemble together to Pray and Prophecy 1 Cor. 11. 10. And they desire to look into those things which are now reported to us by them that have Preached the Gospel to us with the Holy Ghost sent down from Heaven 1 Pet. 1. 11 12. 4. Round about them as a Camp to enclose them and camp about them And this is often signified to be their work and service as to the Saints here below especially in times of danger or fear The Angel of the Lord encampeth about them that fear him and delivereth them Ps 34. Title and ver 4 7. Gen. 32. 1 2. and they do sometimes deliver them from judgments Psal 91. 1 3 11. and from dangers and mischiefs which their Enemies intend them 2 King 6. 17. and many times out of danger Gen. 19. 15 16. Numb 20. 16. Dan. 3. 28. and ch 6. 22. Act. 5. 19. and ch 12. 7 11. And the consideration hereof may be useful to us 1. To engage us to fear and trust in the Lord as we have said before Ps 34. 7 8 10. and 91. 9 10 11. 2. It may strengthen his Saints against occasions of fainting and cause them to be quiet from fear of evil for the holy one of Israel will be as is good their defence this innumerable company of Angels are ministring Spirits sent forth and imployed for their good and these are more and more strong and powerful more wise and watchful than their Enemies how potent wise or vigilant soever they are As King Hezekiah said to Judah Be strong and couragious be not afraid nor dismayed for the King of Assyria nor for all the Multitude that is with him for there be more with us than with him with him is an Arm of Flesh but with us is the Lord our God to help us c. And he hath thousand thousands of these heavenly Spirits ministring unto him for the
inhabits Eternity As if he should say The consideration of this one thing doth hugely conduce to the Believers being preserved from the errour of these Scoffers For say they where is the promise of his coming He hath promised to dissolve all these things and to make all things new new Heavens and a new Earth wherein dwelleth Righteousness And this he hath promised long since to do in a little time Compare Hagg. 2. 6. with Hebr. 12. 26 28. But notwithstanding his promise all things continue as they were and therefore it is ridiculous to expect the accomplishment and performance of his promise But now the knowing and considering what a little time is with him that promised viz. that a thousand Years with him are as one Day with us and two thousand as two will greatly conduce to the preserving us from their mistakes and help us to know that though he be long-suffering yet the Day of the Lord will come and according to his promise he will make new Heavens and a new Earth 2 Pet. ● 8 10 13. So again the Prophet David some thousands of Years since thus prophesieth For yet a little while and the Wicked shall not be Yea thou shalt diligently consider his place and it shall not be But the meek shall inherit the Earth c. This promise of yet a little while is not yet fully performed though made so long time since as to us But alas it is but as three or four Days with the Lord Psal 37. 10 11. with Mat. 5. 5. See also Heb. 10. 37. How greatly have some learned Men lately mistaken about this Word shortly And how dangerous have been their mistake for from hence have proceeded such absurd mistakes as these That the Devil 's being bound that he should deceive the Nations no more spoken of in Revel 20. began in Constantine's time and then also was the first Resurrection And the thousand Years Reign of Christ and his Saints then also began which is nothing else as they dream but a time of Tranquillity and Halcyonian Days for serving God in this World which now is Whereas had they considered what shortly is with the Lord they would not h●ve begun so early with these things but have waited with Patience till the time come for the performance of these Prophecies See also Isay 54. 7. 8. 17. 2. Shortly as to the first of the things prophesied of and so of the following things successively like to that Gen. 41. 32. See further the Note on Verse 3. And he sent 1. This Revelation was given to Christ to shew unto his Servants but not immediately to be shewed by him to them but he doth it by his Angel So God in these last Days hath spoken to us by his Son but not all immediately by him but by the Holy Apostles also whom Christ sent into the World as the Father sent him into the World Joh. 17. 18 19. And yet by whomsoever he sends and speaks we do in receiving them receive him as he saith Verily Verily I say unto you He that receiveth whomsoever I send receiveth me And he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me Joh. 13. 20. 2 Cor. 5. 20. 1 Thes 4. 8. He sent His faithfulness is herein assured to us he did not hide God's Righteousness within his Heart but declared God's Faithfulness and his Salvation c. Psal 40. 9 10. He was faithful in that hard and difficult work to him that appointed him He was not rebellious neither turned away back Isay 50. 5. 9. And he is so and remains so for ever Heb. 3. 1 2 6. He is the faithful and true Witness Rev. 1. 5. and Chap. 3. 14. A merciful and faithful High-priest in things pertaining to God Heb. 2. 17 18. And signified it Viz. 1. Declared it and made it known as Agabus signified by the Spirit that there should be great Dearth c. Acts 11. 28. And as Christ signified what manner of Death he should dye Joh. 10. 33. He made this known which was formerly hid 2. Notified it and set a Mark or Sign upon it as it were to denote the great weightiness of the things herein contained that we might seriously consider and give more earnest heed unto them By his Angel Which doth not mean the Holy Ghost For 1. He is never so called elsewhere and why should any conceive he is here so called unless some evident reason could be given for it 2. Because this Angel of Christ would not be worshipped by the Apostle John Rev. 19. 10. with Chap. 22. 8 9. Whereas the Holy Spirit is one God with the Father and Son and so to be worshipped by us For there are three that bear Record in Heaven the Father the Word and the Holy Spirit and these three are one 1 Joh. 5. 7. And we are baptized in the Name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost whose name is but one Mat. 28. 19. compare Isay 6. 1 3. 10. with Acts 28. 25. But this Angel here spoken of was one of those glorious invisible Spirits who are usually called by this name either Gabriel who was sent to Zacharia to tell him that his Wife should bear a Son even the Baptist who was Christ's Messenger to prepare his way Luk. 1. 11. 19. And who also was sent from God to the Virgin Mary to acquaint her that she should conceive in her Womb and bring forth a Son even Jesus ver 26 29 36. And who was also sent to Daniel a Man greatly beloved of the Lord as also was John to whom this Book was sent and signified that Disciple whom Jesus loved Dan. 8. 16 17. and Chap. 9. 21. or some other or more of those Holy and Elect Angels for sometimes the Word is used collectively to wit Angel signifieth Angels Compare Psal 34. 7. with Heb. 1. 14 As Servant and Servants are used indifferently Compare Mat. 22. 3 8 9. with Luk. 14. 17 21 23. and Mat. 21. 34 36. with Mark 12. 2. 5. and so we may learn that Christ hath by Inheritance obtained a more excellent name than the Angels Heb. 1. 4 14. they are the Angels and Messengers of the Son of Man whom he hath power to send and employ as he pleases Mat. 24. 30 31. 2 Thes 1. 7. All the Angels of God are commanded to worship him as their Lord who is Lord of all Heb. 1. 6. And that may comfort his Servants and encourage them to follow him and not fear Psal 34. 7 8 10. with 1 Pet. 2 3 4. Vnto his Servant John Not unto all his Servants but unto his Servant that by him it might be made known to the residue and particularly unto his Servant John that beloved Disciple here called his Servant A Title that hath been given unto and taken and gloried in by Holy-men formerly 2 Sam. 7. 19 20 27. 2 Chron. 6. 19 21. Psal 116. 16. Mal. 4. 4. Phil. 1. 1. Tit. 1. 1. 2 Pet. 1. 1. Jam. 1. 1. Jude
perfect and clear light he that believeth on and followeth him shall not abide in darkness but shall have the light of life Joh. 8. 12. and ch 12. 46. God hath put his Spirit upon him that he might bring forth Judgment to the Gentiles Isay 1. 4. A Law hath now proceeded from him and he maketh his Judgment to rest for a light to the people Isay 51. 4. And they that look unto him and upon him as he is in the Gospel evidently set before our Eyes as one who hath been crucified for us and who is raised again and hath brought in Everlasting Righteousness shall be enlightened and their Faces shall not be ashamed Ps 34. 5 8. with 1 Pet. 2 3 4. They that seek him as the Wisdom of God and as the light the Fountain of it understand all things Prov. 28. 5. Ps 27. 1 4. Joh. 16. 13 14. He leadeth in the way of Righteousness in the midst of the paths of Judgment those that look unto and love him Prov. 8. 20. This is indeed the Teacher come from God to teach us God's Law and Judgments he hath the Vrim and Thummim and sendeth forth his light and truth in the Gospel to lead us and guide us Ps 43. 3. Joh. 3. 2. He giveth an unction from himself whereby we may know all things and we need not that any Man teach us save as that anointing teacheth us of all things and is truth and is no lye 1 Joh. 2. 20 24 27. Oh House of Jacob come ye and let us walk in the light of the Lord Isay 2. 5. Eph. 5. 8. We shall only add one thing more as to this matter the High-priest in former times had a Plate of pure Gold or an Holy Crown on which was engraven Holiness to the LORD or of the LORD and a blue Lace to be put upon the Mitre And it should be on his Fore-head that he might bear the Iniquity of the holy things which the Children of Israel should hallow in all their Holy Gifts that they might be accepted before the LORD Exod. 28. 36 38. and ch 39. 30. Lev. 8. 9. and ch 10. 17. Numb 18. 1 22 23. To figure out that Jesus Christ is made of God to the Believers as Wisdom and Righteousness so also Holiness c. 1 Cor. 1. 30. And he not only beareth and taketh away the Sin of the World in his daily mediation Joh. 1. 29. Heb. 9. 28. But he also taketh away the iniquity of their holy things that come unto God by him of their Prayers Praises Confessions works of Love and Mercy c. And he perfumeth them with the Incense and Odours of his Sacrifice once offe●ed that their Spiritual Sacrifices may be acceptable to God by him 1 Pet. 2. 5. Heb. 7. 24 25. Rev. 8. 3 4. there is not a just Man upon the Earth that doth good and sinneth not even while he is doing good Eccle. 7. 20. even when and while they would be and are doing good evil is present with them Rom. 7. 18 21. What unbelief distractions wandrings of the thoughts and desires Pride desires of Vain-glory c. are found with them in their spiritual Exercises they may in some measure know and be sensible of and groan under the burden of that examine themselves and search and try their hearts and ways in the light of the Lord. So that if their holy things were not cleansed by him and he did not continually take away the iniquities of their Spiritual Sacrifices and good deeds God might justly blot them out and throw the dung of them into their Faces Neh. 13. 14 22. Mal. 2. 3. All their Righteousnesses as they come from them are as filthy rags Isay 64. 4 6. When they are walking in the light as he is in the light and so have fellowship with him and one with another yet then they need cleansing and the Blood of Jesus Christ our Lord cleanseth them from all Sin 1 Joh. 1. 6. When they are going unto and making use of their Advocate for any Man that sinneth yet unless Jesus Christ the righteous were also the propitiation for their Sins even in their thus approaching to him their Prayers and Requests would not be heard and granted but turned away and rejected 1 Joh. 2. 1 2. Ps 66. 20 and 5. 7. But now Jesus Christ is a merciful and faithful High-priest in things pertaining to God to make reconciliation for the Sins of the People even for the Sins of his People also who have him as their Advocate He is their Peace who hath made peace for them ever living to make intercession for them and they are instructed in that respect to consider him as the High-priest of their Profession Heb. 2. 17 18. and ch 3. 1. And therefore do they triumph and this is that which lifteth up their Heads and Hearts that he who died yea rather is risen again is now on the right hand of God making intercession for them Hence that challenge Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's Elect It is God that justifieth who shall condemn c. Rom. 8. 33 34. Otherwise Satan would condemn them and his Condemnation would be of force against them Zech. 3. 1 5. And indeed the Sense and Conscience of their manifold Mixtures Defilements and Pollutions in all their holy things would even discourage them and hinder them from approaching into the presence of him who is an Holy Lord God and make them afraid of him had they not one one to appear as their Holiness who covereth and taketh away all their Iniquities and rendreth them and their holy things acceptable Hence saith the Apostle Seeing we have a great High-priest that is passed into the Heavens Jesus the Son of God let us hold fast our profession otherwise we might even let it go Let us therefore come boldly to the Throne of Grace that we may obtain Mercy and find Grace for seasonable help Heb. 4. 14 16. and ch 10. 19 22 23. Rom. 5. 8 19. Thus he is in the midst of his Candlesticks and Churches bearing and taking away the Pollutions and Iniquities found with them in all their Holy and Spiritual Sacrifices and Services that they may come with acceptance on God's Altar Ps 16. 4. Isay 56. 6 7. By him therefore as the High-priest of our Profession and as our Altar let us offer the Sacrifice of praise to God continually that is the fruit of our Lips confessing to his name and to do good and to communicate let us not forget for with such Sacrifices being offered by him God is well-pleased Heb. 13. 15 16. Hos 14. 1 2. And all this tendeth powerfully to abase us and humble us and hide Pride from us and is instructive to us and also is very comfortable to consider and proper to help us to lift up the hands that hang down and the feeble knees for though no Flesh should glory in his presence yet being of God in Christ and
that which is perfect is come that which is in part shall be done away 1 Cor. 13. 8 9 10. Then they shall not teach every Man his Neighbour and every Man his Brother saying know the Lord for all shall know him from the least to the greatest Jer. 31. 34. Heb. 8. 11. 5. Stars they are to acquaint us that now their work is to rule in and amongst the Churches so it is said God made two great lights the greater light to rule the Day and the lesser light to rule the Night and to rule over the Day and over the Night Gen. 1. 16 18. The Moon and the Stars to rule by Night Ps 136. 9. So should these Angels do and be such as should rule not as the Princes of the Gentiles do and lawfully may over their Subjects Mark 10. 42. not to have Dominion over the Faith of any or as Lords over the Flock of Christ 2 Cor. 1. 24. 1 Pet. 5. 1 3. but in speaking to them the word of God as his word with all Authority and therewith instructing admonishing reproving counselling c. And being Examples and Patterns unto others in Word and Conversation in Charity in Spirit in Faith in Purity Heb. 13. 7 17 24. 1 Tim. 3. 4 5 6. and ch 4. 10. and ch 5. 17. Mat. 24. 45. Tit. 2. 11 15. And so for order in and about Assemblies and Assemblings appointing Times Places c. 6. Stars God hath made use of to fight against his and his Peoples Enemies as it is said They fought from Heavens the Stars in their courses fought against Sisera Judg. 5. 20. So God makes use of these also having fitted and furnished them with gifts and skil to fight against Satan and his Instruments to which the Apostle exhorts Timothy saying fight the good fight of Faith 1 Tim. 6. 12. And the Apostle speaking of himself saith I have fought the good fight I have finished my course I have kept the Faith ● Tim. 4. 6 7. and the Weapons of their Warfare are not carnal but mighty thorow God to the pulling down strong-holds casting down Imaginations c. 2 Cor. 10. 4 5. Eph. 6. 10 11 12. 7. The Stars are not clean in the sight of God of the Holy Lord God Job 25. 5. So it may also be said of the Angels of the Churches and of the most pure of them while here In many things they offend all Jam. 3. 2. they are subject to like passions as others are as it is said of Elias and too often polluted therewith Jam. 5. 17. for there is not a just Man upon the Earth that doth good and sinneth not Eccles 7. 20. and therefore they are not to be worshipped or sacrificed unto as hath been said Acts 14. 15. but they need an High-priest aswel as any others and to come continually by the Laver unto the Altar Ps 2● 8. 8. They are called and compared to Stars to teach them that they should be Inhabiters of Heaven and mind heavenly things they are chosen of God to have and should have their Conversation in Heaven and so above others however in degree So they especially should dwell above in their Faith Hope Desires Delight Exercise Expectation that they may be Patterns and Examples unto others to be imitated by them as the Apostle saith Brethren be followers together of me and mark them which walk so as ye have us for an example for our Conversation is in Heaven from whence also we look for the Saviour the Lord Jesus Phil. 3. 17 20. So the Stars are called the Stars of Heaven Job 22. 12. Isay 13. 10. Nahum 3. 16. To the Stars are the twelve Apostles of the Lamb compared who had their dwelling on high Rev. 12. 1. and so should the Angels of the Churches have they should have their delight in and hold forth the Heavenly Word the Gospel with the Holy Ghost come down from Heaven 1 Pet. 1. 12. Heb. 12. 25. 9. Stars also they are called to signifie that God may be so provoked by their evils or by the Iniquities of others as to with-hold or with-draw the light from them and so render them unuseful and unprofitable to others So he threatneth as with respect to those natural lights The Stars of Heaven and the Constellations thereof shall not give their light And the Stars shall with-draw their shining Isay 13. 10. Joel 2. 10. So also from these Spiritual Stars he may take away his Holy Spirit and those gifts he hath been giving to them or their utterance in Testimony of displeasure to themselves or others unto whom they have formerly m●●●stred and held forth the light Ps 51. 11. Isay 5. 6. and ch 29. 10. Ezek. 3. 26. yea and it is possible that these Stars may by their Sin fall from and in God's Judgment be cast down from Heaven So we read in this Book that the Stars of Heaven fell unto the Earth Rev. 6. 13. and ch 8. 10. and ch 9. 1. and that the Dragon's Tail drew the third part of the Stars of Heaven and did cast them unto the Earth Rev. 12. 4. and this consideration might admonish them not to be high-minded but fear and others of their Brethren also to have their Conversation as becometh the Gospel of Christ Mica 2. 6. 10. They may also be called Stars to mind them of the Glory that shall be given unto and conferred upon them in their being faithful unto the death though yet this glory may be differently given to them for one Star differeth from another in glory so also it shall be in the Resurrection of the dead 1 Cor. 15. 41 But yet when the chief shepherd shall appear they shall all of them receive a Crown of life which ●adeth not away 1 Pet. 5. 5. Then they that be wise or teachers shall shine as the brightness of the firmament And they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever Dan. 12. 3. and the mindfulness hereof is propet and powerful to provoke them and prevail with them to be stedfast unmoveable always abounding in the work of the Lord forasmuch as they know their labour shall not be in vain in the Lord. In such like respects the Angels are called and compared to stars in this vision 2. What is imported to us in this that he hath them in his right hand 1. He who hath the seven Spirits of God hath these seven stars to fill enlighten fit and furnish them that they may be instruments of his praise and shine as light in the World Rev. 3. 1. To give wisdom and understanding unto them and pour out his spirit unto them that hereby they may be profitable unto others 1 Cor. 12. 1 7. Yea though they be dead and withered yet he hath the holy spirit in the immeasurable fulness thereof to dispense unto them and to revive and re-enlighten them as Rev. 3. 1 2. Or also if they sin against him he can take away or
things and do count them but dung that I may win Christ and be found in him Phil. 3. 4 9. and as is said of Ruth she loved her Mother-in-law and thus exprest it when she said to her Thy sister is gone back Return thou after her And Ruth said Intreat me not to leave thee for whither thou goest I will go and where thou lodgest I will lodg thy people shall be my people and thy God my God c. Ruth 1. 15 18. with ch 4. 15. and it also leads to follow Christ thorow afflictions trials reproaches persecutions c. and to endure any thing for the beloved Love is strong as death the coals thereof are coals of fire which hath a most vehement flame many waters cannot quench love neither can the floods drown it Cant. 8. 6 7. By the first love of Christ our love is made perfect that we may have boldness in the day of Judgment there is no fear in love but perfect love casteth out fear because fear hath torment he that feareth is not made perfect in love 1 Joh. 4. 16 17 19. the spirit of love is love is opposed unto the spirit of fear and cowardice 2 Tim. 1. 7 8. This is the first love which is usually very intense and hot in the days of mens first knowing believing in and being espoused unto Jesus Christ and God in him As the Lord saith I Remember thee the kindness of thy youth the love of thine espousals when thou wentest after me in the wilderness in a land that was not sown Israel was holiness unto the Lord c. Jer. 2. 1 5. and the Apostle declares how highly Christ was prized by the Galatians and how welcomely the Gospel and its declarers were received at the first when Christ crucified was evidently set forth before their eyes and the grace of God in him Ye received me saith the Apostle as an Angel of God even as Christ Jesus for I bear you record that if it had been possible you would have plucked out your own eyes and have given them to me Gal. 4. 13 15. with ch 3. 1 5. 57. so the Apostle speaking unto the Thessalonians sheweth what entrance the Gospel had among them how effectually it wrought producing the work of faith and labour of love and patience of hope and they became followers of the Lord having received the word in much affliction and yet with joy of the Holy Ghost and they turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God and to wait for his son from Heaven c. 1 Thes 1. and ch 2. 13. Thus also he saith to the Hebrews call to Remembrance the former days in which after ye were illuminated ye endured a great fight of afflictions partly whilest ye were made a gazing stock both by reproaches and afflictions and partly whilest ye became companions of them that were so used For ye had compassion on me in my bonds and took joyfully the spoiling of your goods knowing of your selves that ye have in Heaven a better and an enduring substance Heb. 10. 32 34. such-like ●fficacy the Gospel also had upon these Ephesians at the first and such ardent love they had to Christ therein preached among them so as they turned from Diana the former object of their love and worship unto Christ The name of the Lord Jesus was so magnified among them that many that beleeved came confessed shewed their deeds many also of them which used curious arts brought their books together and burned them before all men and they counted the price of them and found it fifty thousand pieces of ●ilver which are about six thousand two hundred and fifty pounds in our account as some judge so mightily grew the word of God and increased Acts 19. 17 20. Eph. 2. 2 7 11. This was their first love 4. Yea this love is also exercised and shewed forth in loving his Word and Gospel as is before intimated in which he and his love are set forth and discovered to us Ps 119. 47 48 97 98 113 127 128 140 163 167. as our Saviour saith He that hath my Commandments and keepeth them he it is that loveth me And again If any Man love me he will keep my word Joh. 14. 21 24. And hereby we do know we know love approve delight in him if we keep his Commandments He that saith I know him and keepeth not his Commandments is a liar and the truth is not in him but whoso keepeth his Word in him verily is the love of God perfected Hereby know we that we are in him 1 Joh. 2. 3 5 8. and ch 5. 2 3. And this love is also exercised and evidenced towards the Brother-hood so as to love them with a pure heart ●ervently 1 Pet. 1. 21 22. To delight in and have them as our Companions and to delight in the Fellowship and Societies of them as our Brethren Thus it is said of the Believers in former times They connued stedfastly in the Apostles Doctrine and Fellowship and all that believed were together c. Acts 2. 41 47. and ch 4. 23 24 32. Thus when the Apostle exhorts the Hebrews Let us consider one another to provoke to love and to good works not forsaking the assembling of our selves together To move them also hereto he saith Call to remembrance the former days in which ye were illuminated as signifying their first love was exercised in loving one another and in assembling themselves together And the Remembrance and Consideration thereof was proper and powerful to cause them to return thereto again Heb. 10. 23 25. with v. 32. Thus when the Gospel was first received by these Ephesians it produced in them love to all the Brethren See Eph. 1. 13 15. Col. 1 4. 1 Thes 2. 13. and ch 4. 9. And every one that loveth him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him If a man say I love God and hateth his Brother he is a liar for he that loveth not his Brother whom he hath seen how can he love God whom he hath not seen 1 Joh. 4. 19 21. and ch 5. 1. Yea this love is also exercised in loving and pittying all men in loving our Enemies blessing them that curse us doing good to them that hate us and praying for them that despitefully use us and therefore our Saviour exhorts and instructs them that hear unto these things Luke 6. 27 36. His love known and believed moves to seek the good of the Souls of all and to sound forth the word before them to hold forth the word of life in word and conversation Joh. 4. 28 29. Rom. 1. 8. Tit. 3. 3 5. with Acts 9. 20 22. and ch 2. 46 47. 1 Thes 1. 7 8. and ch 3. 12. Prov. 29. 10. Phil. 2. 12 16. Now this was the first love they had left that ●ervency and intensiveness of love to Christ and God in him his Cross Person Gospel and one to another and to
Ps 60. 4. and by which they have been prevailed with to give their names unto him and this banner is his love manifested in his precious sufferings and cross which he hath endured and overcome So the spouse saith His banner over me was love Cant. 2. 5. This covers their heads in the day of battle and this being known and believed by them makes them perfect in love to him to cleave unto him with full purpose and follow the lamb whithersoever he goeth Cant. 1. 2 4. and gives them boldness in every day of judgment and casteth out continually all fear out of them all fear that hath torment 1 Joh. 4. 16 19. and makes them valiant and victorious so as they are more then conquerours thorow him that loved them and gave himself for them Cant. 1. 2. and ch 8. 6 7 8. Rom. 8. 32 37 39. 3. They have somewhat to fight for not the World and the things thereof my Kingdom saith our Saviour is not of this World If my Kingdome were of this World then would my servants fight that I should not be delivered unto the Jews Joh. 18. 36. nor for indifferent things or lighter and circumstantial matters about the worship of God If any Man seem to be contentious about these things we have no such custom saith the apostle neither the Churches of God 1 Cor. 11. 2 16. and much less have they to fight and contend for mens traditions and ceremonies But that they have to contend earnestly for is the works of Christ as declared in his word and so his Gospel He that overcometh saith Christ and keepeth my works unto the end c. see Rev. 2. 26. The works he hath wrought and accomplished in his own personal body for us and the works which he is now doing from Heaven in the name of the Father and in the name of the fulness of the anointing of the holy spirit to us and in Heaven with the Father for us and the works hereafter as these are made known to us in the word of which he will work Faith These are to be kept and contended for by us and so the word of God and testimony of Jesus They are to contend earnestly for the faith of the common salvation which was once delivered to the saints Jude 3. And they should not give place by subjection no not for an hour that the truth of the Gospel may continue with them Gal. 2. 5. This is contained in that conversation which becometh the faith of the Gospel of Christ to stand fast in one spirit with one mind striving together for the Gospel and in nothing terrified by their adversaries Phil. 1. 27 28. To this the Apostle Paul exhorts Timothy saying fight the good fight of faith lay hold on eternal life c. 1 Tim. 6. 12 13 14. 2 Tim. 2. 2 3. and to encourage him thereto he propounds to and sets before him his own example that he might imitate him I have saith he fought the good fight I have finished my course I have kept the faith c. 2 Tim. 4. 5 6 7. 4. They have many enemies and adversaries to war with and fight against powerful enemies And they are 1. Sin in them with the affections and lusts thereof which do war against them and this enemy is next unto them as neer to them as their flesh and therefore it is called the flesh with the affections and lusts thereof which are said to be their members that are upon the earth Gal. 5. 24 26. Col. 3. 5. and this sin and these members of theirs these lusts are both hindering and letting them continually from what is good and prompting enticing and leading them to what is evil whenever they would do good evil is present with them and they find a law in their members warring against the law of their mind and bringing them into captivity to the law of sin which is in their members Rom. 7. 21 23. And the fleshly lusts thereof do war against the soul the good peace and prosperity thereof 1 Pet. 2. 11. these lusts war in their members and lead them to the acting and perpetrating that which is evil and provoking to God and hurtful unto others Jam. 4. 1. the Flesh lusteth continually against the spirit and these are contrary one to the other Gal. 5. 17. This sin and its deceitful lusts are striving against them to cause them to let go Christ's works and his first love and so to leave their first love to him and leading them to rejoyce in their own works or it is moving them to turn from the Gospel and not to abide in the belief thereof or in the confession of it and contending for it or not to have their conversation as becometh it but to do and fulfil the lusts of the Flesh Gal. 5. 16 17. And this sin hath so overspread and defiled the whole man that it is become filthy stinking and abominable Out of the heart of Men proceed evil thoughts murders adulteries blasphemies an evil eye covetousness pride foolishness c. Mark 7. 21 23. Gen. 6. 5. Jer. 17. 9. This is a most dangerous enemy and this Christs Churches and servants have to resist and strive against even unto blood Heb. 12. 4. To deny Tit. 2. 12. abstain from 1 Pet. 2. 11. to crucify Gal. 5. 24 26. To mortify and put to death continually Rom. 8. 13. Col. 3. 5 8. and because they are so polluted themselves herewith naturally therefore that they may come after Christ they must deny and wholly renounce themselves Mat. 16. 23. not lean to their own understanding Prov. 3. 5. but cease from their own wisdom Prov. 23. 4 5. not trust to their own hearts Prov. 28. 26. nor follow their own spirit for the spirit that dwelleth in them naturally lusteth to envy and unto all that is evil Ezek. 13. 3. with Jam. 4. 1 2 4 5. 2. They have the World also to war with and fight against even the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the pride of life which are not of the Father but are of the World 1 Joh. 2. 15 17. and so the men of the World Both as they are enticing them by their flatteries and perswasions and by promising to them or propounding before them the riches honour glory pomps and pleasures of this World to cause them to walk in the way with them and to run with them to the same excess of Riot whereto they run Prov. 1. 10 15. Ps 1. 1. 1 Pet. 4. 3 4. They have ungodliness and Worldly lusts to deny in others aswell as in themselves while they are in this present World Tit. 2. 11 12. and they have also the World to resist as they are endeavouring by their threats persecutions and cruelties to move them from the Faith and hope of the Gospel or from the confession thereof in word and conversation that they may not thereby be corrupted from the Gospel or turned aside to
20. 1 Thes 4. 16. and in him in our nature dwelleth the fulness of the Godhead and in him we are compleat Col. 2. 9 10. And herein we may see the preciousness of his blo●d and the compleat satisfaction he hath given to the Justice of God Phil. 2. 8 9 10. 2. In that Heaven is called Paradise a place of delight and pleasure of joy and gladness so we may learn That Christ is entred into the fulness of joy in our nature and it was the view and consideration hereof that strengthned him to suffer He for the joy set before him indured the cross despising the shame Heb. 12. 2. he that once met with much sorrow and sadness he that was a Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief whose heart was broken with reproach and who was full of heaviness Isay 53. 3 5. Ps 69. 20. is now entred into and filled with joy unspeakable joy inconceivable and full of glory Mat. 25. 21 23. He is entred into not into the holy places made with hands which are the figures of the true but into Heaven it self and is in the presence of God In whose presence is fulness of Joy and at whose right hand are pleasures for evermore Heb. 9. 24. with Ps 16. 11. and Acts 2. 28. 3. In that Heaven is called paradise as referring to and as the truth of Eden at first and he is called the tree of life of whom the first tree of life was a figure so we may take notice that there is a new creation of which Christ is the beginning Rev. 3. 14. and a more excellent one then that was at first Christ is that new thing which the Lord hath created in the earth Jer. 31. 22. the second Man and the last Adam And he is an infinitely more excellent one then the first which was the figure of him Rom. 5. 14. The first Man was of the earth earthy The second the Lord from heaven 1 Cor. 15. 47. The first natural the second spiritual The first was made a living soul the last is a quickening spirit to quicken dead souls and beget new creatures 2 Cor. 5. 17. 1 Cor. 15. 45 46. The first tree of life was earthy But now the Son of God is become the tree of life in the nature of Man in whom God hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in Heavenly things or places Eph. 1. 3. And instead of an earthly paradise there is now an Heavenly one which Christ hath prepared for us and into the enjoyment and possession whereof he as our fore-runner and in our nature is entred Joh. 14. 1 3 4. Heb. 6. 20. How excellent is thy loving-kindness O God! Ps 36. 7 9. 4. He that overcometh shall eat of the tree of life which is in the midst of the paradise of God and thereto enter into this Paradise assoon as ever he hath overcome Luke 23. 43. now they who with the heart believe are rejoycing with joy unspeakable and full of glory 1 Pet. 1. 8. But then not onely joy shall be in them but they shall enter into joy the joy of their Lord Mat. 25. 21 23. In spirit assoon as dissolved when they are absent from the body they shall be present with the Lord And in due season in Soul and body re-united Ps 36. 7 9. when they have overcome they shall go into paradise a more excellent one then the first into the Heavenly o●chard where there are many trees of the Lord trees of righteousness But Christ is the only tree of life and of this tree only they shall eat In the first Paradise there was no tree forbidden to be eaten of but one but in the second there is none allowed but one not the virgin Mary nor any Saint or Angel But Jesus Christ one who is the only true vine and tree of life And because he lives therefore they that eat of him shall live also Verse 8. And unto the Angel of the Church in Smyrna write These things saith the first and the last which was dead and is alive Here begins a second message sent to the second named Church ch 1. 12. and as in the first message or Epistle so in this also we have in this verse to consider 1. The person or persons for whom this message or Epistle is to be written and to whom to be sent unto the Angel of the Church in Smyrna write To which we shall speak nothing but desire the notes on v. 1. may be considered 2. The Person from whom it comes thus described to us These things saith the first and the last see notes on ch 1. v. 8. and v. 11. Which was dead and is alive To which we have spoken somewhat be fore see the notes on ch 1. v. 18. Onely here we may a little further note 1. He that was dead is a most excellent person the first and the la●t was dead so in ch 1. 11. he said I am Alpha and Omega the first and the last c. And saith John I turned to see the voice that spake with me and being turned I saw one like to the Son of Man v. 12 13. the first and the last became the son of Man and so humbled himself therein and further for us So again in ch 1. 17 18. it is said He said unto me I am the first and the last I am he that was dead God was made manifest in the Flesh 1 Tim. 3. 16. unto us a child is born unto us a Son is given And his name shall be called Wonderfull Counsellour the mighty God c. Isay 9. 6. The word that was in the beginning with God and that was God By whom all things were made and without him was nothing made that was made this word was made flesh Joh. 1. 1 3 14. And this most glorious one died for us he was put to death in the flesh 1 Pet. 3. 18. He being in the form of God thought it no robbery to be equal with God yet he emptied himself and took on him the form of a Servant and was made in the likeness of Men And being found in fashion as a Man He humbled himself and became obedient unto death the death of the Cross Phil. 2. 6 7 8. And this shews the admirably excellent loving-kindness of the Father to the World of Man-kind and his lothness with the destruction thereof In that he sent forth and so greatly abased such an infinitely glorio●s one that thorow him the World might be saved God so loved the World that he gave his only begotten Son Joh. 3. 16. And the like love of Jesus Christ is herein evidenced herein perceive we the love of God because he laid down his life for us 1 Joh. 3. 16. And herein his blood appears to be precious blood for it is the blood of God of Christ who is over all God blessed for ever Act. 20. 28. 1 Pet. 1. 19. with Rom. 9. 5. And herein we may see our redeemer
curse of the law Joh. 12. 27 31. Gal. 3. 13. and ch 4. 4 5. Rom. 8. 32. 4. Manna was a sweet and pleasant food to eat delightful to the taste the taste of it was like wafers made with honey Exod 16. 31. So is Jesus Christ become thorow his personal abasement and sufferings in the vertue whereof he is raised again he is infinitely sweeter than honey and the honey-comb As the Lord signifies when he in viteth every thirster to come unto him hearken diligently unto me saith he and eat ye that which is good and let your soul delight it self in fatness Isay 55. 1 3 5. I sate down saith the spouse under his shadow with great delight and his fruit was sweet to my taste Cant. 2. 3. Oh taste and see that the Lord is gracious He is so in himself whether men taste and perceive it or no but they prove him so to be whoso hear and learn of the Father as to come unto and eat him Ps 34. 8. with 1 Pet. 2. 3 4. Joh. 6. 56 57. 5. Manna came down with the dew of heaven Exod. 16. 13 14. when the dew fell upon the camp in the night the manna fell upon it Numb 11. 9. so Christ in and by his Gospel and spirit cometh down and so cometh down that a Man any man may eat thereof and not dye Deut. 32. 2 3. with Joh. 6. 33 50 63. and hence our Saviour said unto his disciples when he sent them forth to preach the Gospel he that heareth you heareth me And he that receiveth you receiveth me c. Luke 10. 16. Mat. 10. 40. Joh. 14. 21 23. Eph. 3. 17. 6. Manna was too much sleighted undervalued and loathed by them in process of time though at the first they admired thereat and said what is this Exod. 16. 15. yet afterward they murmured thereat and were discontented and said Our Soul is dried away there is nothing at all be sides this manna before our eyes Numb 11. 6. and ch 21. 5 And therefore the Lord was angry with them and sent fiery serpents amongst them Numb 21. 6. So Jesus Christ though he be a wonderful gift of Gods grace and an everlasting witness and commendation of God's love to us is yet rejected and despised of Men Isay 53. 2 4. he is disallowed indeed of Men 1 Pet. 2. 4. and of the builders also v. 7. and too much and too often by such as have formerly tasted his graciousness Gal. 4. 15. Rev. 2. 5. and ch 3. 3. whereby God is greatly provoked to anger And how shall they escape who neglect so great salvation Heb. 2. 1 3. But we shall adde no more hereto because these things are more fully spoken to and may be seen in Mr. Thomas Moore seniour his uncovering of mysterious deceits Page 115 117. 2. We come next to shew why Christ is here called hidden manna and that is 1. Because he is the mystery of that former Manna the secret thereof that was a type or figure of Jesus Christ as he is the secret of the Tabernacle and temple so it is here Ps 27. 4 5. and indeed Christ was the secret or hidden thing typed forth by the shadows of the law generally they had a shadow of good things to come but the body is of Christ Col. 2. 16 17. Heb. 10. 1. so here particularly the former manna typified or shadowed forth Jesus Christ as the bread of life Jo● 6. 32 35. and so Christ may be called the hidden Manna with reference to that manna in the Pot that was kept in the holiest Exod. 16. 33 34. Heb. 9. 4. which was a type of Christ who died for all yea rather is risen again and who is gone up into Heaven it self Acts 2. 30. 1 Pet. 3. 21. Luke 24. 51. with Mark 16. 16. 2. Hidden manna Christ may be called possibly to deno●e the excellency of this manna as those things which are most rich and excellent are called hidden things so we read of treasures hid in the sand Deut. 33. 19. and hid treasures Job 3. 21. Prov. 2. 4. so hidden wisdome is the most excellent wisdom 1 Cor. 2. 7. and the hidden Man the most excellent 1 Pet. 3. 4. So Jesus Christ is the Manna infinitely more excellent than the former Manna was As will appear if we consider 1. That was called Angels food as it is written Man did eat Angels food Ps 78. 25. But Christ is said to be and is the bread of God Joh. 6. 33. 2. That was typical bread But Christ is the truth thereof My Father saith he giveth you the true bread from Heaven Joh. 6. 32. and as far as the truth exceedeth the type and the substance the shadow so far doth Christ excel and go beyond that manna 3. That was dead bread If it were kept long it would putrify and corrupt as it is said some of them kept of it until the morning and it bred worms and stank Exod 16. 20. But Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and to day and for ever Heb. 13. 8. his blood is incorruptible blood 1 Pet. 1. 10. And he is raised again now no more to return to corruption Acts 13. 32 34. And is and abides for ever the true God and eternal life 1 Joh. 5. 20. and that manna was dead bread also in this respect it would not give life unto or quicken such as were dead But Christ is the bread of life for he cometh down from heaven and giveth life unto the world the dead World Joh. 6. 33 35. He causeth the dead to hear his voice and they that hear shall live Joh. 5. 24 25. he is the life Joh. 14. 6. 4. Though that came down from heaven yet it seems not from the highest Heaven but from the clouds as it is said He commanded the clouds from above and rained manna Ps 78. 24 25. and our Saviour saith Moses gave you not that bread from Heaven Joh. 6. 32. But Christ's Father giveth him who is the true bread from Heaven the highest Heaven and he came and cometh down therefrom Joh. 6. 32 33 38 42 50 51 58. 5. That would not preserve the eater from death but as our Saviour saith your Fathers did eat manna in the wilderness and are dead Joh. 6. 49 58. But Christ is the living bread that came down from Heaven If any Man eat of this Bread he shall live for ever whoso eateth his flesh and drinketh his blood hath eternal life and he wil raise him up at the last day he that eateth of this bread shall live Joh. 6. 50 51 53. 58 6. That manna was not prepared for all the World but for Israel and ●he mixed multitude that were with them in the wilderness Numb 11. 4 6. But Christ the bread of life is the Saviour of the World Joh. 4. 42. and the bread which he will give is his flesh which he hath given for the life of the World Joh. 6. 51. and he
string that they might privily shoot at the upright in Heart and were saying unto them If the Foundations be destroyed what can the righteous do The Lord say the upright is in his Holy Temple the Lords Throne is in Heaven his Eyes behold his Eye lids try the Children of Men Ps 11. 1 3 4. Jer. 18. 22 23. See the notes before on ch 1. v. 14. 2. All the Churches shall know that he searcheth the Reins and Hearts by the Judgments which he will execute on Seducers and Idolatrous-ones Now they shall know it in some measure The Lord is known by the Judgments he executeth the Wicked is insuared in the work of his own hands Ps 9. 6. His Judgments are as the light that goeth forth Hos 6. 5. And by his present Judgments he doth many times make himself known to be one that searcheth the Hearts and trieth the Reins in that he severely punisheth and testifies displeasure against such as appear outwardly to be right worshippers as Jezebel and her Paramours might do as it appeareth by this description he gives of himself and yet inwardly consult to cast him down from his excellency reject his sayings and worship some other God besides God in Christ or set up some stumbling-block of Iniquity before their Eyes or in their Hearts See Ezek. 13. 9 10. c. and ch 14. 3 8. to the end his people may not secretly pollute his name or confederate with such evil teachers or doers Ezek. 39. 6 7. nor listen to such false teachers Ezek. 14. 8 11. But wash their feet in the blood of the wicked Ps 58. 9 10. Acts 5. 1 14. and hereafter they shall fully know that he is he which searcheth the reins and hearts when the wicked shall be turned into Hell and all the nations that forget God Ps 9. 16 17. Then there will be the revelation of the righteous judgment of God he will then bring to light the hidden things of darkness and will make manifest the counsels of the heart Rom. 2. 5 6. 1 Cor. 4. 5. We have nextly to consider the impartiality of Christ in his retributions and rewards and I will give to every one of you according to his works Not only will I thus deal with Jezabel her companions and Children But I will give to every one of you according to your works as if Christ should say he will thus render unto every Man even according to his works The work of a Man will he render unto him and cause every Man to find according to his ways Job 34. 11. shall not he render to every Man according to his works Prov. 24. 12. Ezek. 7. 27. Ps 62. 12. Rom. 2. 6. But not only will he thus deal with every Man but also he will give to every one of and in his Churches according to their works 1. He will give to every one of the Angels of the Churches according to their works for all that is sent to the Churches is expressly directed to every Angel to be by him communicated to the Church Now he exactly takes notice of the works of those messengers of their doings who labour amongst and are over their Brethren in the Lord and he will render unto every one of them according thereto As the Apostle Paul saith of himself and his fellow-labourers We must all appear before the judgement-seat of Christ that every one may receive the things done in his Body according to that he hath done whether it be good or bad 2 Cor. 5. 10. 2. And he will give to every one of them according to their deeds for he is one who without respect of persons judgeth according to every Man's work 1 Pet. 1. 17. he will impartially render to every one of these also for he is no respecter of persons nor taker of rewards to blind his eyes withal And he will give to every one of both the Angels and Churches according to their works be they good or evil and not according to their Persons or professions he will bring every work into judgment with every secret thing whether it be good or bad Eccles 12. 14. and according thereto he will reward them in the day of judgment That is unto those who have received and held fast Christ's works which he wrought for them and in them and in a patient continuance in well-doing have been seeking Glory and Honour and immortality he will render eternal life But unto them who have been contentious and have not obeyed the truth but obeyed unrighteousness he will render in dignation and wrath Tribulation and anguish upon every Soul of Man that doeth evil for there is no respect of Persons with him Rom. 2. 6 7 8 11. But thus he will render to every Man according as their works shall be Rev. 22. 12. and not according to what they now are unless he continue the same When a righteous Man turneth away from his righteousness and commits iniquity shall he live all his righteousness that he hath done shall not be mentioned in his trespass that he hath trespassed and in his sin that he hath ●inned in them shall he dye And if the wicked will turn away from all his sins and do that which is lawful and right he shall surely live he sh●ll not dye All his transgressions that he hath committed they shall not be montioned unto him In his righteousness that he hath done he shall live Ezek. 18. 21 28. and ch 33. 12 19. Now from hence we may note for our instruction 1. That there shall be a resurrection of the dead both of the just and unjust for this necessarily precedes the eternal judgment in which he will reward all men according to their deeds so we have an account given first of the resurrection and then it is said they were judged every Man according to their works Rev. 20. 11 13. Heb. 6. 2. All that are in their graves shall hear the voice of the Son of Man and shall come forth they that have done good to the resurrection of life and they that have done evil unto the resurrection of damnation Joh. 5. 27. 28 29 Acts 24. 15 16. 1 Cor. 15. 21 22. 2. That Then Christ will be the Judge he is ord●ined to be the judg of quick and dead Acts 10. 42. Every knee shall bow to him and every tongue shall confess to God So that every one shall give an account of himself to God Rom. 14. 9 10 12. Mat 25. 30 31. and then he will bring every work into judgme●t Ecc●s 12. 14. 3. He even Christ will then render to every one according to his works as our Saviour saith The Son of Man shall come in the● Glory of his Father with his Angels And then he will reward every Man according to his works Mat. 16. 27. And he will judge them according to the ru●e of the glorious Gospel Rom. 2. 16. Mark 16. 16. 4. Then it shall most ●●●arly app●ar th●● he 〈◊〉 the
that serves him not Mat. 13. 43. Mal. 3. 17 18. 1 Joh. 3. 2. 4. What will he write the name of my God saith he namely it shall be then put gloriously upon them after some such manner as Jacob's was upon Joseph's Children as his and his Children though unspeakably more glorious see Gen. 48. 16. with v. 5. Mal. 3. 17 18. and so as it shall then plainly appear they are the Sons of God Now they are indeed the Sons of God by Faith in Christ Jesus But faith is the evidence of things not seen and therefore it doth not now appear no not to themselves fully what they shall be Gal. 3. 26. with Heb. 11. 1. 1 Joh. 3. 1 2. But then it shall appear and they shall be his Sons gloriously as it is said by God himself He that overcometh shall inherit all things and I will be his God and he shall be my Son Rev. 21. 7. They that shall be accounted worthy to obtain that World and the Resurrection from the dead neither marry nor are given in Marriage neither can they dye any more for they are equal to the Angels and are the Sons of God being the Children of the Resurrection Luke 20. 35 36. Rom. 1. 4. Yea he that is now feeble among them at that day shall be as David And the House of David shall be as God as the Angel of the Lord before them Zech. 12. 8. Isay 62. 2 3 4. And the name of the City of my God which is New Jerusalem which cometh down out of Heaven from my God This he will also write upon him that overcometh so as it shall be both perpetual and visible as is before said And the name of the City of my God New Jerusalem which may signifie unto us either a glorious place or a glorious people 1. A Glorious Place of which Jerusalem in former times the Old Jerusalem was the type That was a glorious place in former times the City of the great King the City of our God Ps 48. 1 2 8. Mat. 4. 5. which God did chuse 1 King 8. 16 44 48. and where he dwelt Ps 135. 21. So this saith Christ is the City of my God Heb. 12. 22. of which glorious things are spoken Ps 87. 3. This is that which he hath chosen and in which he will dwell as it is said The Lord hath chosen Zion he hath desired it for his Habitation This is my rest for ever here will I dwell for I have desired it Ps 132. 13 15. Ezek. 48. 35. Old Jerusalem was and was o●t called the Holy City Neh. 11. 1. Mat. 4. 5. with Luke 4. 9. So is this New Jerusalem it is called the Holy Jerusalem Rev. 21. 10. And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth neither worketh abomination or a lye Rev. 21. 27. Ps 101. 8. that former was a strong City as appears by its being an year and an half besieged before it was taken Jer. 52. 1 6. But this is much stronger In that day shall this Song be sung in the land of Judah we have a strong City Salvation will appoint Walls and Bulwarks Isay 26. 1. and ch 33. 20. That had a River Ps 46. 3. And so hath this a far more glorious one a pure River of Water of Life clear as Crystal Rev. 22. 1 2. This was a City compact together Ps 122. 2 3. so will this be Ps 1. 5. Yea this new one will be unspeakably inconceivably more excellent and glorious than that old typical one that was an earthly one but this the Heavenly Jerusalem Heb. 12. 22. that was forsaken and destroyed but this will be a continuing City a City which hath Foundations Heb. 11. 10. and ch 13. 14. But we may speak somewhat more to the excellency of this glorious place New Jerusalem afterwards 2. As City may signifie Persons or the Inhabitants of a City as it is said They shall call thee the City of the Lord the Zion of the holy one of Israel Isay 60. 14. And they shall call them the Holy People the redeemed of the Lord and thou shalt be called sought out a City not forsaken Isay 62. 12. And as the Lord saith to Jeremy I have made thee a defenced City Jer. 1. 18. So here especially and most directly and fully we may understand the New Jerusalem to mean And so the name of the New Jerusalem shall be put upon him that overcometh of Jerusalem which is above which is free Gal. 4. 29. Of the Heavenly Jerusalem Heb. 12. 22. And so they shall be of the Beloved City of the Inhabitants thereof a glorious people Isay 52. 1. So the Children of the Resurrection of the first Resurrection are called the Beloved City as distinguished from the Nations in the four quarters of the Earth and from the Camp of the Saints to wit Israel and those of the Nations converted to the Lord who are joyned unto them Rev. 20. 8 9. Then they shall be called and be holy all holy and righteous Isay 4. 3. The Lord reigning gloriously among them Isay 24. 23. and rejoycing in them Isay 65. 19. And then they shall be in a glorious state and condition for the Tabernacle of God will be with them and he will be with them and he will dwell with them and they shall be his people and God himself shall be with them their God and God shall wipe away all tears from their Eyes and there shall be no more death neither sorrow nor crying neither shall there be any more pain c. Rev. 21. 1 4 and ch 22. 3 4. See and consider Rev. 21. 10 21 22 26. And of this City of Christ's God New Jerusalem it is farther said which cometh down out of Heaven from my God In which is intimated to us 1. That this New Jerusalem is and shall be in Heaven all of them there is the Mother and there are and shall be the Children yea as New Jerusalem may signifie a glorious place or glorious Mansions so they are in Heaven as our Saviour saith In my Fathers House are many Mansions I go to prepare a place for you Joh. 14. 2 3. 2 Cor. 5. 1 4. And as it hath respect to persons so it is and shall be above as Gal. 4. 29. Above not only born from above as now Joh. 3. 3 7. nor only have they and shall have their conversation in Heaven as Col. 3. 1 2. Phil. 3. 20. but above in Heaven in their Spirits When they are absent from the Body they shall be present with the Lord 2 Cor. 5. 6 8. When they are dissolved they shall be with Christ which is far better than to be here Phil. 1. 21 23. The Spirits of just Men made perfect Heb. 12. 23. Isay 57. 1 2. And when the Lord himself shall descend from Heaven the dead shall be raised and the living changed and all made incorruptible and they shall be all caught up together in the
Clouds to meet the Lord in the Air 1 Cor. 15. 43 54. 1 Thes 4. 16 18. All this Generation of over●omers shall be above before they shall come down 2. This New Jerusalem shall come down from Christs God out of Heaven He saith not it is come down but cometh to denote the certainty thereof and the continually nearer approach of it As it is said of our Lord Jesus He cometh he cometh to judge the Earth Ps 96. 13. and 98. 9. The Lord cometh with ten thousand of his Saints Jude 14. Behold he cometh with Clouds Rev. 1. 7. that is he shall certainly come and that coming of his continually approacheth So it may be said of this New Jerusalem It cometh down out of Heaven c. And this is true 1. Of that glorious place so called for retaining these Blessed and Holy Inhabitants So John saith He carried me away in the Spirit to a great high Mountain and shewed me that great City the Holy Jerusalem descending out of Heaven from God Rev. 21. 2 10. And though the Old Jerusalem may be built again by Men in its old place for and by the camp of the Saints even Israel and those that shall be joyned unto them as it is said Behold the days come saith the Lord that the City shall be built to the Lord from the Tower of Hanancel unto the gate of the Corner and the measuring line shall yet go forth over against it upon the Hill Gareb and shall compass about to Goath and the whole Valley of the dead Bodies and of the Ashes and all the Fields unto the Brook of Kidron unto the Corner of the Horsegate towards the East shall be holy unto the Lord it shall not be plucked up nor thrown down any more for ever Which Prophesie was never yet fully accomplisht Jer. 31. 27 38 40. with Neh. 3. 1. and ch 2. 11 17. Zech. 14. 10. Isay 33. 20 21. with Mat. 24. 1 3. and Luke 21. 20. Zech. 12. 6. Yet I conceive the New Jerusalem this Holy City this Glorious Place and these Heavenly Mansions shall be prepared of God For we know saith the Apostle that if our earthly house of this Tabernacle were dissolved we have a building of God an house not made with hands eternal in the Heavens yea may some say This building is eternal in the Heavens and shall never come down But their mistake will appear if the next Verse be but read and they pluck not one Scripture from another as too many do for it follows immediately For in this we earnestly groan desiring to be clothed upon with our House which is from Heaven or out of Heaven The very same Phrase there is used as here Compare 2 Cor. 5. 1 2. with Rev. 3. 12. So it is said of Abraham By Faith he dwelt in Tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob the heirs with him of the same promise for he looked for a City which hath Foundations whose builder and maker is God Compare Heb. 11. 9 10. with Rev. 21. 13 14 19. and of those Patriarchs it is said again But now they desire even now at this present day they desire a better Country that is an Heavenly Wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God for he hath prepared for them a city Heb. 11. 16. with v. 13. and ch 13. 14. of this the Lord speaks by the Prophet Isay saying For behold I create new heavens a new earth and the former shall not be remembred nor come into mind But not only will he do so but he will also by his creative power make this new Jerusalem which is therefore called here by Christ the city of my God and this will be the praise of the whole earth and that in which they are especially called upon to rejoyce as it there follows But be you glad for ever in that which I create for behold I create Jerusalem a rejoycing and her people a joy Jerusalem is there distinguished from her people and ●ignifies that glorious place we have been speaking of Isay 65. 17 18. This shall come down out of Heaven See Mr. Joh. Horne in his Discourse concerning the New Heavens and Earth and New Jerusalem Pag. 45 47. And the glorious Inhabitants of this New Jerusalem even those which are written in the Lambs Book of Life Rev. 21. 27. shall come down out of Heaven The Lord my God shall come saith the Prophet and all the Saints with thee Zech. 14. 4 5. Jude 14. 15. They shall meet the Lord himself in the Air and come down with him and so shall be ever with him and shall reign with Christ on the Earth 1 Thes 4. 16 17. See Rev. 5. 8 10. Dan. 7. 27. They shall then inherit the Earth Mat. 5. 5. with Ps 37. 7 11. Judge the World 1 Cor. 6 1 2 3. Then the Saints of the most high shall take the Kingdom and possess the Kingdom for ever even for ever and ever Dan. 7. 18. And here we may see the fondness and foolishness of that saying and of those that use it in that sense What say they shall the Saints come down out of Heaven again Yes Christ the head of the Church shall do so and the Members also as is here said which cometh down out of Heaven from my God Rev. 21. 2 10. God shall send us Jesus Christ whom the Heavens must receive till the times of the restitution of all things and his Saints shall come and be with him Acts 3. 19. 21. with Joh. 17. 24. And yet God himself shall be with them gloriously for the name of this City shall be The Lord is there Rev. 21. 3. with Ezek. 48. 35. 2 Pet. 3. 12 13. Glorious things are spoken of thee O City of God Ps 87. 1 3. and 48. and 122. Then when he writes the name of the City of his God New Jerusalem upon him that overcometh he will make them of the Synagogue of Satan which say they are Jews and are not but do lye he will make them to come and worship before the Feet of every such an one and to know that he hath loved them See notes before on verse 9. And seeing we look for such excellent and glorious things how greatly doth it behove us to be diligent that we may be found of him in peace without spot and blameless 2 Pet. 3. 12 14. And to be of good courage and play the men for this City of our God as 2 Sam. 10. 12. fighting the good fight of Faith with the Spiritual Weapons of God's Warfare and laying hold on Eternal Life 1 Tim. 6. 12. And I will write upon him my new name either that new name given to him a name of perfect victory and conquest Ps 98. 1. or as his name is King of Kings Rev. 19. 16. so they shall be Kings of Kings of the Kings of the east even of Israel the natural Israel Rev. 16. 12. see notes on ch 2. 27 29 or his name
holy holy Holy they first of all acknowledg and confess him to be that is to say One that is infinitely pure in himself and of purer eyes than to behold sin with approbation as the Prophet signifies saying Art thou not from everlasting O Lord my God mine holy One Thou art of purer eyes than to behold evil and canst not look on iniquity Hab. 1. 12 13. there is none holy as the Lord 1 Sam. 2. 2. Jo● 4. 16 19. 1 Sam. 6. 20. he is holy essentially his essence is holiness Hence whereas it is said in one place The Lord God hath sworn by his holiness It is thus said in another The Lord God hath sworn by himself Compare Amos 4. 2. with chap. 6. 8. He is not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness neither shall evil dwell with him Psal 5. 4 6. Let no man then say when he is tempted I am tempted of God for God cannot be tempted with evil neither tempteth he any man Jam. 1. 13 17. he loveth righteousness and hateth iniquity sin is most abominable and hateful to his infinitely pure nature Jer. 44. 4. he will do no iniquity himself Zeph. 3. 5. Job 34. 17 19. nor can he like or approve it in others and he hath most clearly and comfortably manifested his infinite purity and holiness and hatred of and severity against sin in the cross of Christ in that he took such vengeance on it in his Son who was such a glorious and excellent one he caused his sword to awake against the man his fellow Zech. 13. 7. and who was so neerly related to him his only begotten Son He spared not his own his proper son but delivered him up for us all Rom. 8. 3 32. and who was also a most innocent one a lamb without blemish and without spot 1 Pet. 1. 19. one that knew no sin that did no sin neither was guile found in his mouth and yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him he put him to grief when but the guilt of our sins was imputed to him and this proceedeth from his holiness as is sign●fied in Christs expostulation with his father My God my God saith he why hast thou forsaken me why art thou so far from helping me and from the words of my r●aring O my God I cry in the day-time but thou hearest not and in the night-season and am not silent But thou art holy one of such pure eyes that thou canst not behold iniq●ity and such an hater of it that thou must punish it where-ever thou findest it O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel Psal 22. 1 2 3. Rom. 8. ● Isa 61. 1 2. Exod. 34. 7. 1. Then this shews unto us the great and dangerous error and evil of them that say God is the Author of sin and moves and enclines men thereunto when-as indeed sin proceeds not from him mens evils are none of his doings but whosoever committeth sin is of the Devil for the Devil sinneth from the beginning but for this purpose was the Son of God manifested that he might destroy the works of the Devil such as do not righteousness nor love their brethren are not therein of God bu● the children of their father the Devil Mica 2. 7. John 8. 44. 1 John 3. 8 10. little are they acquainted with the cross of Christ who reason with such unprofitable and wicked talk and monstrously are they mistaken of the holy One of Israel who attribute that to God which is the work of the Devil 2. That he is holy and none holy as the Lord this shews to us the reason why the living creatures cover their faces with two of their wings viz. because of his infinite purity and holiness before whom the Heavens are not pure the stars not clean and who chargeth his Angels with folly Job 15. 16. and chap. 25. 4 6. and chap. 4. 17 18. Hence even the Seraphims with two wings cover their face and with two their feet and they cry one unto another Holy holy holy is the Lord of Hosts c. Isa 6. 1 2 3. and the living creatures the Cherubims with two of their four wings cover their bodies Ezek. 1. 11 23. and the Prophet when he saw this holy One crys out Wo is me for I am undone because I am a man of unclean lips c. Isa 6. 5. and when Job's eye saw him he abhorred himself though there was none like him in the earth a perfect and an upright man c. And he repented in dust and ashes Job 42. 5 6. with chap. 1. 1 8. and chap. 2. 3. The consideration hereof may engage us to be holy in all manner of conversation as he is holy who hath called us 1 Pet. 1. 14 16. to come out from among men and to be separate and touch no unclean thing that he may receive us 2 Cor. 6. 14 17 18. Josh 24. 19 24. so the Lord in former times saith to his people Ye shall be holy for I the Lord your God am holy Lev. 19. 2 4. otherwise we cannot have fellowship with him now Psal 5. 4 5 6. nor see him hereafter with joy and comfort for without holiness no man shall see the Lord Heb. 12. 14. and in our hearts words and actions we should sanctify him Compare Isa 8. 13. with 1 Pet. 3. 15 16. Isa 5. 16. and chap. 29. 23. holiness becomes his house for ever Psal 93. 5. the living creatures then give glory unto him when they acknowledg him to be glorious in holiness Compare Exod. 15. 11. with Rev. 4. 9. 2. Holy He is in his work in sanctifying and holifying those that come unto God by him as he saith I am the Lord which sanctifie you and I the Lord which sanctifie you am holy Lev. 20. 7 8. and chap. 21. 8. Ezek. 37. 28. It is the work of the very God of peace to sanctifie the believers throughout in their whole spirit soul and body 1 Thes 5. 23 24. yea and he doth sanctifie them who rebel against him though they not yeilding up unto him are not eventually sanctified as he purges them that are not purged Ezek. 20. 12 13. with chap. 24. 13. And for the sake of believers Christ doth sanctifie himself that they also may be sanctified through the truth John 17. 19. Jude 1. And this also might engage us to be holy separated from sin and devoted unto God as it is said Sanctifie your selves therefore and be ye holy for I am the Lord your God I am the Lord which sanctifie you Lev. 20. 7 8. and chap. 11. 44 45. 3. Holy He is that is merciful and gracious and so in this respect he only is holy namely originally essentially and most perfectly so Rev. 15. 4. so Holy as it is render'd with us is merciful or bountiful or gracious Psal 145. 17. And thus many times the Holy One of Israel is said to be the Redeemer of Israel Isa 41. 14. and chap. 43. 3 14. and
it too highly and sometimes spake unadvisedly as Elihu saith unto him Thou saidst my righteousness is more than Gods Job 35. 2. But when he had a more open sight of the Almighty he crys out Behold I am vile what shall I answer thee I will lay mine hand upon my mouth once have I spoken but I will not answer yea twice but I will proceed no further Job 40. 3 4 5. with chap. 13. 18 22. and chap. 23. 2 5. And again he thus saith and confesseth I have uttered that I understood not things too wonderful for me which I knew not I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear but now mine eye seeth thee wherefore I abhor my self and repent in dust and ashes Chap. 42. 3 5 6. Thus also it was with the Prophet Isaiah when he had that vision vouchsafed to him In which he saw the Lord sitting upon a throne high and lifted up and his train filled the temple above it stood the Seraphims and one cried unto another Holy holy holy is the Lord of hosts then said he Wo is me for I am undone I am cut off because I am a man of unclean lips c. Isa 6. 1 2 3 4 5. see also Dan. 10. 5-8-15-17 Rev. 1. 13-17 and without doubt those which are in their spirits in Heaven and being absent from the body are present with the Lord they are more humble than we are who are on earth And did we more clearly behold his glory and glorious Majesty who sits upon the throne as it is discovered to us in the face of Christ in the Gospel 2 Cor. 4. 4-6 It would cause us to lye low before him and hide us in the dust for the glory of his Majesty and yet in the encouragement of his grace come by our High-priest with boldness to the throne of grace Isa 2. 10. Heb. 4. 14 16. And that any of us are proud and highly conceited of our selves and are lifting up our selves unduly in language apparel or demeanour of our selves is because of our foolishness and ignorance of God or because we do not behold in the glass of the Gospel the glory of the Lord 2 Cor. 3. 18. the proud person is a fool 1 Tim. 6. 4. Hos 4. 1-6 with chap. 5. 5. Oh then humble we our selves in the sight of the Lord and he will lift us up Jam. 4. 5-7-10 Act. 20. 19. Matth. 11. 28 29. Eph. 4. 2-4 Verse 11. Thou art worthy O Lord to receive glory and honour and power for thou hast created all things and for thy pleasure they are and were created These are the words of the twenty-four Elders to him that sate on the Throne in their humble prostration of themselves In which we have 1. Their Acknowledgment or Doxology 2. The Reason or Reasons thereof 1. Their Acknowledgment or Doxology Thou art worthy O Lord to receive glory and honour and power Where we may note in general That they prostrate themselves as is fore-declared in ver 10. when they speak to him that sits on the Throne and not when they speak of him simply so it is said chap. 5. 8 9. the four living creatures and four and twenty Elders fell down before the lamb saying Thou art worthy to take the book and to open the seals thereof They speak not of him simply but direct their speech unto him when they fall down Thou art worthy By way of highest merit and desert to have all divine and religious Worship and Adoration and thou only see the notes before on chap. 3. ver 4. which is not said to exclude Christ from being the object thereof also for he and the Father are one and the same blessing honour glory and power is ascribed unto the lamb as unto him that sits upon the throne by every creature whereto the four living creatures say Amen chap. 5. 13 14. But to exclude all merely created Beings whatsoever Thou art worthy who hast created all things as it presently follows he as distinguished from opposed to and infinitely preferred before all creatures or merely created beings whatsoever As the Psalmist saith I will call upon the Lord who is worthy to be praised 2 Sam. 22. 3 4. Psal 18. 3. He with exclusion of all others whatever even this one God the Father the Word and Holy Spirit 1 John 5. 7. with exclusion of all inferiour creatures as the Sun Moon Stars all the host of Heaven Deut. 4. 19. of all birds four-footed beasts creeping things c. Rom. 1. 23-26 of the likeness of any of these inferiour creatures or any else Deut. 4. 15-18 of man corruptible man Rom. 1. 23. of holy and good men even the most eminent of them Acts 10. 26. and chap. 14. 14 15. of the glorious Angels Judg. 13. 16. Col. 2. 18. Rev. 19. 10. and chap. 22. 8 9. He only is to be worshipped with divine Adoration as we have frequently had occasion to shew in the foregoing part of this Chapter Deut. 6. 13. and chap. 10. 20. with Matth. 4. 10. To receive glory and honour c. not as if he needed any thing Acts 17. 25. If thou be righteous what givest thou him or what receiveth he of thine hand Job 35. 7. But to receive that acknowledgment of praise and honour from all creatures which appertains to thee and is thy due whether it be given thee or no see the notes before on ver 9. of the living creatures it is said They give glory c. And here the Elders say Thou art worthy O Lord to receive or take it Indeed it is not meet for mere creatures to receive religious or divine worship though it should be given to them and the holy Ones both men and angels have disclaimed and refused it Act. 10. 25 26. and chap. 14. 14 15. Rev. 19. 10. And how deer did it cost Herod when he received it The people gave a shout saying It is the voice of a God and not of a man and immediately the angel of the Lord smote him because he gave not God the glory but received it to himself and he was eaten up of worms and gave up the ghost Act. 12. 22 23. Dan. 4. 30 31. Rev. 18. 7. And how sad and deplorable will be the end of that man of sin the Son of Perdition who sitteth in the Temple of God shewing himself that he is God The Lord will consume him with the spirit of his mouth and will destroy him with the brightness of his coming 2 Thes 2. 3 4-8 Ezek. 28. 2-8-10 But thou art worthy O Lord to receive it say the Elders we cannot speak too highly and honourably of him yea he is exalted above all blessing and praise Nehem. 9. 5. Psal 106. 1 2 3. Job 26. 14. Thou art worthy to receive glory and honour and power Unto the two former we have spoken before see the notes on ver 9. And power This is also ascribed to him that sits on the throne and
unto the lamb for ever and ever by every creature c. whereto the living creatures say Amen chap. 5. 12 13 14. and by all the Angels chap. 7. 11 12. He hath power to do what he pleaseth as it is said Whatsoever the Lord pleased that did he in Heaven and in the Earth in the Seas and in all deep places Psal 115. 3 4. and 135. 6. Matth. 6. 13. 1 Chron. 29. 11 12. He hath power to help and to cast down power to save and to destroy to give or to withhold 2 Chron. 25. 8. Jam. 4. 12. To do every thing that consists with his infinite holiness see notes before on ver 8. and no thought can be withholden from him Job 42. 2. and he can and doth uphold all things by the word of his power Hebr. 1. 3. Psal 75. 3. and 55. 22. But here especially as it may seem and as is before said Power answers to thanks in ver 9. and so power belongs to him also with him is mercy Psal 62. 11. He hath power to extend mercy to unworthy undeserving and ill-deserving ones as h● hath manifested in raising up such an Horn of salvation in the house of his servant David in preparing a body for Christ in the womb of the Virgin Luk. 1. 35. In being with him in trouble with him his hand hath been established his arm also hath strengthened him so as the enemy hath not exacted upon him nor the son of wickedness afflicted him Psal 89. 21-23 though Satan and his instruments thrust sore at him yet the Lord helped him the right hand of the Lord did valiantly the right hand of the Lord was exalted c. Psal 118. 10-13-16 and the working of the might of his power wrought in Christ when he raised him from the dead and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places far above all principality c. Eph. 1. 19 20 21. Psal 118. 16-18 Thorow whom his power is great for saying redeeming and forgiving any sinners though never so great that turn at his reproofs come at his calls and obey his counsels Numb 14. 17. Isa 50. 1 2 3. And on such-like accounts we have cause to give thanks unto him and sing of and praise his power Isa 45. 8-10 Psal 59. 16. and 150 1 2 3. 2. We have also to consider the Reason or Reasons of the Elders rendring praise glory and honour unto him For thou hast created all things c. This hath respect either unto the first and old Creation or also unto the new unto both which we may speak a little 1. As with respect to the first in which act of his Creation he gave a being to all creatures by his word which before had none Gen. 1. 1-21-27 He said Let there be light c. and it was so And in this work of Creation the three persons who are but one God 1 John 5. 7-9 did concur and co-operate To us there is but one God the Father of whom are all things and we in him 1 Cor. 8. 6. By Christ were all things created that are in Heaven and that are in Earth visible and invisible whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers all things were created by him and for him Col. 1. 16. All things were made by him and without him was not any thing made that was made John 1. 1 2 3. Ephes 3. 9. Heb. 1. 1 2 3. and ver 8 10. And all the Host of the Heavens to wit rhe Angels Sun Moon and Stars c. were made by the spirit of the mouth of the Lord Psal 33. 6. And Elihu saith The Spirit of God hath made me and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life Job 33. 4. and chap. 26. 13. Psal 104. 30. Isa 40. 13-18-26 And in this work of Creation appears his glory and honour his work herein is honourable and glorious Psal 111. 3. The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament sheweth his handy-work Psal 19. 1-6 Isa 40. 26. Herein appears and is manifested 1. His infinite power and that he can do all things Ab Lord God saith the Prophet Behold thou hast made the Heaven and the Earth by thy great power and stretched-out arm and there is nothing too hard for thee Jer. 32. 17-27 The Lord is the true God he is the living God and an everlasting King he hath made the earth by his power Jer. 10. 10-12 and chap. 51. 15. And therefore he can extend help to us in every case and condition Lift up your eyes on high and behold who hath created these things that bringeth out their host by number he calleth them all by names by the greatness of his might for that he is strong in power not one faileth Why sayest thou O Jacob and speakest O Israel my way is hid from the Lord and my judgment is passed over from my God Isa 40. 26 27 28. Job 38. and chap. 39. and chap. 40. and chap. 41. and chap. 42. 2-5 Psal 89. 8 9-11-13 2. And herein also appears his infinite wisdom and unsearchable understanding that he is mighty in wisdom Job 36. 5. O Lord how manifold are thy works in wisdom hast thou made them all Psal 104. 24. The Lord by wisdom hath founded the earth by understanding hath he establish'd the Heavens by his knowledg the depths are broken up c. Prov. 3. 19 20. He hath established the world by his wisdom and stretched out the Heavens by his discretion Jer. 10. 12. and chap. 51. 15. Psal 136. 5. And therefore also glory and honour appertain to him as the Apostle saith Now unto the King eternal or of ages or worlds the only wise God be honour and glory for ever and ever Amen 1 Tim. 1. 17. And thus we should also glorify him in trusting in him at all times and pouring out our hearts unto him as knowing and believing The creator of the ends of the earth fainteth not nor is weary there is no searching of his understanding Isa 40. 26 27 28-31 Jude 25. 3. And herein is also manifested his goodness and mercy that he is good to all and his tender mercies are over all his works Psal 145. 8 9. He by wisdom made the Heavens for his mercy endureth for ever and stretched out the earth above the waters for his mercy endureth for ever who made great lights for his mercy endureth for ever The Sun to rule by day for his mercy endureth for ever Psal 136. 1-4-9 The earth is full of his mercy and riches Psal 104. 24. and 119. 64 and 8. 1 2 4 5. and 89. 1-12 13. and 33. 5. yea indeed his Being and Godhead and all his glorious Attributes are manifested by the works of his Creation that all might glorify him The invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his eternal power and Godhead so that they are without excuse because
Chap. 14. 13 14-16 6. Seeing he took the Book in order to the opening it and did afterwards open it Chap. 6 c. So it shews unto us unto whom we should go that we may see and understand the contents of it namely unto this Lamb of God Indeed if the same had been said concerning this Book which the Voice said from Heaven Chap. 19. 4. viz. Seal up those things or as was said to Daniel Shut up the words and seal the Book And again The words are closed up and sealed Dan. 12. 4 9. then it had not been for us to have inquired into it As our Saviour said to his Apostles It is not for you to know the times or the seasons which the Father hath put in his own power Act. 1. 6 7. The secret things belong unto the LORD our God Deut. 29. 29. But the whole Book of the Revelation and that contain'd therein generally was given unto Christ to shew unto his Servants Rev. 1. 1. And this Book particularly was opened by Christ as afterwards followeth And those things that are revealed belong unto us and to our Children for ever Deut. 29. 29. Therefore let us come unto Christ the Light of the world that he may open our eyes that we may behold these wondrous things of his Law and not go to the worldly wise and prudent ones nor lean to our own understandings Matth. 11. 25-28 To him are we directed by God for upon him he hath put his Spirit that he may bring forth judgment to us Gentiles Isai 42. 1-6 7. And he calls upon us and invites us to come unto himself and there is that in him which may encourage us so to do for he is meek and lowly in heart and will not reject us or refuse to teach us because of our dulness and untractableness He will not strive nor cry nor cause his voice to be heard in the streets A bruised reed he will not break and smoaking flax he will not quench till he bring forth judgment unto victory Isa 42. 1-3 with Matth. 12. 19 20. and Chap. 11. 28 29. Vnto him the Lord GOD hath given the tongue of the Learned that he should speak a word in season to him that is weary Isa 50. 4 5. and he invites us to let him see our countenance and hear our voice Cant. 2. 14. John 14. 6 7. and Chap. 16. 23. Verse 8. And when he had taken the Book the four living Creatures and four and twenty Elders fell down before the Lamb having every one of them Harps and golden Vials full of Odours or Incense which are the Prayers of Saints In this Verse and the following Verse of this Chapter is declared to us that which ensued and followed upon the Lambs taking the Book among the Saints and Angels c. What Adoration praising and rejoycing there was amongst them And in this Verse particularly is declared to us 1. The humble Prostration and religious Adoration of the four living Creatures and the four and twent● Elders 2. What every one of these holy Ones had when they thus with all humility did prostrate themselves and worship 1. The humble Prostration and Religious Adoration of the four living Creatures and twenty four Elders And when he had taken the Book the four living Creatures and four and twenty Elders fell down before the Lamb. Where we have to consider for our usefulness 1. The time when they fell down and the occasion of their so doing When he had taken the Book 2. The Religious Action it self of the four living Creatures and four and twenty Elders They fell down 3. The Object of their Adoration Before the Lamb. 1. The time when they fell down and the occasion of their so doing And when he had taken the Book Wherein is intimated and signified to us 1. That this great Honour was given unto and glorious Action done by the Lamb in the view and sight of these holy Ones who were by faith or in their Spirits Inhabiters of Heaven or they were informed hereof and acquainted herewith in due season by the seven Spirits which the Lamb hath and which are sent forth into all the earth ver 6. And which are before his Throne Chap. 1. 4. and Chap. 4. 5. These holy Ones who are Inhabiters of Heaven are not in darkness but Children of the Light Eph. 5. 8. They are called out of darkness into his marvellous light 1 Pet. 2. 9. with Rev. 5. 8-10 They have an Vnction from the Holy One and they know all things 1 John 2. 20-27 And this Book in general was given to Jesus Christ to shew unto his Servants that are here below in mortal bodies Revel 1. 1. And much more are they acquainted with the Contents of it who are with the Lord and whose spirits are made perfect Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing but he revealeth his Secrets unto his Servants the Prophets and by them unto them that dwell on high Amos 3. 7. The Secret of the LORD is with them that fear him with the righteous and he will shew t●em his Covenant Psal 25. 14. Prov. 3. 32. Our Lord Jesus assured his Disciples That the Holy Spirit should teach them all things guide them into all truth and shew them things to co●● 〈…〉 6. and Chap. 16. 13-15 to wit in their keeping his commandments Jo● 14. 15 17 21 23 26. that he should take of his things and shew unto them even of those heavenly things also or things above which he is now doing and will do Jo● 16. 14 15. with chap. 3. 12. And these promises were not confined to the Apostles as may be seen in many places and passages of that discourse And the you there spoken of are not opposed to other hearty and unfeigned believers but to the world Joh. 14. 22 23. and chap. 16. 7 8 12 13 15. And though the Apostles were preferred herein yet wherein they were so it was for the especial good of the Churches 2 Cor. 4. 5 15. All things saith the Apostle are yours whether Paul or Apollo or Cep●as c. 1 Cor. 3. 21 23. Eph. 4. 8 11 13 14. unto the Believers it is given to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven Matt● 13. 11 12. Oh then Blessed are they and blessed are their eyes for they see Matth. 13. 16 18. And how might the consideration hereof provoke us to come unto and follow Christ For he that followeth him shall not abide in darkness but shall have the light of life Joh. 8. 12. and chap. 12. 44 46. And to be led by and filled with the Spirit for the Spirit searcheth all things yea the deep things of God And he that is spiritual judgeth or discerneth all things yet he himself is judged or discerned of no man 1 Cor. 2. 9 10 15 16. In that these holy ones fell down and sang as presently after follows when the Lamb had taken the Book and not when they had taken it
blood but as is here said By thy blood not by the blood of any of the offerings or sacrifices which were commanded in and offered by the Law It is true indeed under the Law the blood of their Sacrifices did make a typical atonement for them for all their sins Lev. 6. 30. and Chap. 16. 15-34 But truly and really it was not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats could take away sin either from before the presence of God or out of their consciences Wherefore when he cometh into the world he saith Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not but a body hast thou prepared me In burnt-offerings and sacrifices for sin thou hast had no pleasure then said I Lo I come in the volume of thy Book it is written of me to do thy will O God Heb. 10. 1-4-9 and Chap. 9. 9 13. No it 's by the blood of him whom they worship of him who is the true God and eternal life by which peace was made and redemption wrought for them Col. 1. 20. and hereby also they were bought unto God and washed from their sins and pollutions in their minds and consciences For if the blood of bulls and of goats and the ashes of en beifer sprinkling the unclean sanctifieth to the purifying of the flesh how much more shall the blood of Christ who thorow the eternal spirit offered himself without spot to God purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God Heb. 9. 13 14-22 and Chap. 10. 22. with Chap. 12. 24. Now here for our further usefulness we may enquire and consider 1. What is meant by and contained in this blood of Christ here spoken of by which they were redeemed unto God 2. How were these holy ones redeemed by it 1. To the first we may say that by the Blood of Christ we are to understand 1. The whole of his abasement and sufferings in that Body which the Father prepared for him and most directly his death or pouring out his soul unto death as here it is said Thou wast slain and hast redeemed us unto God by thy blood He even this glorious one took part with us of flesh and blood that he might die and thorow death destroy him that had the power of death that is the Devil Heb. 2. 14. Blood and death are words of a like signification in Scripture compare Psal 72. 14. with Psal 116. 15. Sometimes indeed his blood is distinguished from his flesh as in Joh. 6. 53-56 and in the Supper 1 Cor. 11. 2● 25. But here and elsewhere when it is mentioned alone it includes and contains all his Humiliation sufferings and death 1 Joh. 5. 6. and his blood is sometimes called the blood of his Cross because thereon he died and gave up the Ghost Col. 1. 20. and sometimes all his sufferings are supposed and contained in the word Cross because He humbled himself and became obedient unto death the death of the Cross Ephes 2. 13. with vers 15. Gal. 6. 14. 1 Cor. 1. 23. and Chop 2. 2. Phil. 2. 6 7 8. 2. And by his blood may also be meant the vertue and procurement thereof or what he hath thereby done and obtained into himself for us and is become So many times in Scripture that which is gotten procured or obtained by any thing is called by the name of that thing by which it was so gotten procured or obtained So a mans servant is called his money because he is obtained hired or bought with his money Exod. 21. 21. so that which is earned or gotten by work or labour is called by the name of labour or work Psal 127. 2. Isa 40. 10. and 49. 4. Jer. 4. 18. So the water which Davids three mighty men drew out of the Well of Bethlehem and brought unto David is called Blood because they gat it with blood as it were putting their lives into their hands for it as David saith Is not this the blood of the men that went in jeopardy of their lives 2 Sam. 23. 15-17 1 Chron. 11. 17-19 So that field is called the field of blood which was bought with blood or with the price of blood Mat. 27. 6-8 Act. 1. 19. see the fuller discovery pag. 112-114 And in this sense the Cross of Christ answers to the Gospel 1 Cor. 1. 17. with ver 18. For by the blood of his Cross he hath made peace Col. 1. 20. Obtained the forgiveness of our personal sins Ephes 1. 7. Col. 1. 14. received the spirit and all spiritual blessings Rev. 5. 6 12. Joh. 3. 35. with Chap. 10. 17 18. Confirmed a new Testament and everlasting Covenant of exceeding great and precious promises c. M●t. 26. 28. Heb. 10. 29. and 9. 12. and Chap. 13. 20. Phil. 2. 8 9. Eph. 4. 8-10 with Psal 68. 10 18. 2. How were these holy ones redeemed by his Blood To that we may say 1. As to Christs redeeming men in himself so he carried his blood in the vertue of it into Heaven and presented it unto the Father as a price of redemption Not by the blood of goats and calves but by or with his own blood be entred in 〈◊〉 having obtained eternal red●●ption Heb. 9. 12. with vers 7. And he thorow the eternal spirit offered himself in the vertue of his blood without spot or fault to God Heb. 9. 14. Every High-Priest is ordained to offer gifts and sacrifices wherefore it is of necessity that this man our great High-Priest have somewhat to offer And he hath given himself his own body which was delivered for our offence● and raised again for us an offering and a sacrifice to God as we have before said Heb. 8. 1-3 4. with Chap. 10. 10. Eph. 5. 2. 1 Tim. 2. 6. And so acceptable and well-pleasing was his gift and offering unto God that thereby he hath redeemed mankind from the curse of the Law drawn all men unto himself and God hath given him power over all fl●sh and committed all judgment and government unto him that all men should honour the son c. Gal. 3. 13. Joh. 12 31 32. and Chap. 17. 2. Psal 2. 6-8-9-12 Joh. 5. 22 23. 2. As to the redeeming men in their own persons unto God he is tendring his blood unto them as a price to out-bid all other things and buy them off from their vanities Idols and vain conversation and so his blood answers to money though yet it infinitely exceeds it 1 Pet. 1. 18. 19. He puts his blood in and by his Gospel and himself as a price into the hands of men to redeem them from their evil and sinful thoughts ways and companions that they might count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledg of Jesus and go on to count them but dung that they might win him and be found in him Phil. 3. 7-9 Prov. 17. 16. He by his spirit so glorifies himself and renders his blood so precious in his Gospel that men might look unto him and be
1 31. for he made all things for himself Prov. 16. 4. He heard in vision every creature so extraordinarily was he strengthned thereto But some may say how could this possibly be how could the Apostle John possibly hear every creature which is in Heaven c. Ans 1. That he did so it behoves us to believe because the truth thereof is assured to us by the Apostle yea by the holy spirit who is truth it self for he speaks and saith this also to the Churches 2. And why should it be thought a thing incredible that God should enable him in Spirit in Heaven ch 4. 1 2. 2 Cor. 12. 1 4. to hear every creature when the Devil a creature a fallen creature in a moment of time shewed unto our Lord Jesus all the Kingdoms of the World and all the glory thereof Mat. 4. 8. Luke 4. 5. or why more incredible or impossible then to hear that innumerable company of Angels or many other things which he heard not with his bodily ears but in Spirit in or after a visional manner Rev. 5. 11 12. and 7. 4 9 10 c. And herein we may have some glimpse of the excellent state and condition the Saints are now in who are absent from the body and present with the Lord even the Spirits of just men made perfect Heb. 12. 23. and what glory and excellency they shall arrive at when their bodies shall be raised and they shall compleatly and gloriously be Spiritual men then they shall be perfect as to attainment which none are while in mortal bodies Phil. 3. 11 12. Now the best see in part and know in part but when that which is perfect is come then that which is in part shall be done away 1 Cor. 13. 8 9 12. they shall then be equal to the Angels Luke 20 35 36. yea they shall be like to Christ so far as meer creatures are capable Now are we the Sons of God and it doth not yet appear what we shall be But we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is 1 Joh. 3. 1 2 3. 1 Cor. 15. 48 49. 2. We have a more particular account by way of enumeration what he means by or what is contained in and under every creature And that is 1. Which is in Heaven Here he begins first in this more particular account because it is the most excellent place and part of Gods Creation Heaven is Gods Throne and the Earth his Footstool Isay 66. 1. Acts 7. 48 49. And in Heaven are the glorious Spirits and Angels c. Now by every Creature which is in Heaven we may understand the Sun Moon Planets twelve Signs or Constellations and Stars 2 King 23. 5. these are often called the Host of Heaven Deut. 4. 19. and 17. 3. and here God placed them Gen. 1. 8. 14 15. 17. and herewith he hath garnished the Heavens Job 26. 13. and hereby he gives light to us that are upon the Earth Psal 19. 1 5 6. and the clouds of Heaven Matth. 24. 30. and 26. 64. in which the waters above the Heavens these inferiour ones are inclosed and contained Psal 148. 4. as it is said He bindeth up the waters in his thick clouds and the cloud is not rent under them Job 26. 8. from whence comes the rain when God commandeth which is frequently said to be rain from Heaven Job 36. 27 29. Judg. 5. 4. Psal 77. 17. Eccles 11. 3. Acts 14. 17. and from whence also descendeth the dew as Solomon saith The clouds drop down the dew Prov. 3. 20. which dew comes from Heaven hence 't is oft-times called the dew of Heaven Gen. 27. 28 39. Deut. 33. 28. Dan. 4. 15 23 25 33. Zech. 8. 12. the winds of Heaven Dan. 7. 2. and 8. 8. and 11. 4. Zech. 2. 6. Frost also comes from Heaven as the Lord saith Out of whose womb came the Ice and the hoary Frost of Heaven who hath gendred it Job 38. 29. as also Hail Rev. 16. 21. Snow Job 37. 6. Isay 55. 10. Thunder and Lightning 1 Sam. 2. 10. and ch 7. 10. out of the Throne which is in Heaven proceeded thundrings and lightnings Rev. 4. 5. And so we read often of the Fowls of Heaven as He maketh us wiser than the Fowls of Heaven Job 35. 11. and the Fowls of Heaven hath he given into thine hand Dan. 2. 38. and 4. 12 21. Rev. 19 17. Gen. 1. 20. so of some of them particularly it is said as the Stork in the Heaven Jer. 8. 7. and the Eagles of Heaven Lam. 4. 19. Fire also is oftentimes said to co●e down from Heaven 2 Kings 1. 10 12 14. with Luk. 9. 54. Job 1. 6. though yet it is also on the earth as also are many other things we have mentioned which are said to be of and from Heaven As he saith to the Snow Be thou on the Earth likewise to the small rain and to the great rain of his strength Job 37. 6. And the like we might say of other things fore-named 2. And on the Earth which is full of the goodness mercy and riches of the Lord Psal 33. 5. and 104. 24. and 119. 64. In which are Kings of the Earth and all people Princes and all Judges of the Earth both young Men and Maidens old Men and Children Psal 148. 11 12. and other Creatures as trees fruitful or fruit-bearing trees and others for mans use and service Gen. 1. 11 12. Deut. 20. 19 20. Psal 148. 7 9. grass herbs Gen. 1. 11 12 29. Psal 104. 14. Cattel and Beasts of the Earth and four footed Creatures Gen. 1. 24 25. Psal 148. 7 10. Job 35. 11. Isay 18. 6. Act. 10. 12. Rom. 1. 23. creeping things and flying fowls which have wings and yet remain tame on the Earth Psal 148. 7 10. Gen. 1. 24 25. Lev. 11. 21 29 41 42 44 46. Mountains and all Hills Psal 148. 7 9. Corn and Wine and Oyl Gen. 27. 28. Deut. 7. 13. Job 28. 5. Psal 104. 15. Pretious things of the Earth Deut. 33. 14 16. Dragons and all deeps c. Psal 148. 7 8. Gen. 3. 1. 3. And under the Earth We may read these two sentences to wit this and the following thus And under the Earth even such as are in the Sea As And is often explicative and many times rendred even in Scripture And so indeed the Sea is under or beneath the Earth and so by consequence the things that are therein as it is said In the Earth beneath or in the waters under the Earth Exod. 20. 4. Deut. 4. 18. and 5. 8. Hence also men are said to go down to the Sea because it is beneath or under the Earth Psal 107. 23. Isay 42. 10. Joh. 6. 16. and God hath stretched out the Earth above the Waters for his mercy endureth for ever Psal 136. 6. And what is also said before in verse 3. of this Chapter might confirm this sense for
then Prophesies shall fail and Tongues shall cease and knowledge shall vanish away 1 Cor. 13. 8. In former times the Candlestick was in the Sanctuary or holy place and not in the holiest there was none at all Heb. 9. 2 3. 1 Kings 8. 12. they shall then be lights in themselves and shall shine forth as the Sun in the Kingdom of their Father Who hath Ears to hear let him hear saith Mat. 13. 44. 4. They are compared to Candlesticks to teach us that it is possible they may be removed and put out of the place they are in for their evils even as it fared of old with our Types Jer. 52. 16 19. So Christ threatneth unto one of these Candlesticks Remember from whence thou art fallen and repent and do the first works or else I will come unto thee quickly and will remove thy Candlestick out of its place except thou repent Rev. 2. 5. Hereafter they shall be fixt as the Sun Mat. 13. 41 44. they shall be as Pillars in the House of God and shall go no more out Rev. 3. 12. But now it is possible the Candlesticks may be removed and it is very probable that some of these seven if not all are in a great measure so long since Behold Israel after the Flesh In such like respects they are called and compared to Candlesticks 3. In what respects are they said to be Golden Candlesticks 1. With allusion and respect to our Types in former times to whom there is frequent reference in this Book Their Candlesticks were formerly of Gold as may be seen Exod. 25. 31. 2 Chron. 4. 7. and ch 13. 11. 3. They are said to be golden as called after Christ who is that Gold tried in the Fire Rev. 3. 18. Job 22. 25. And they are enriched by him with the unsearchable Riches of Christ Eph. 3. 8. Riches of Mercy Rom. 10. 13. Riches of Understanding Col. 2. 2 3. Riches of Glory Rom. 9. 25. yea Christ is theirs and all things are theirs 1 Cor. 3. 21 23. Jam. 2. 5. 2 Cor. 6. 8 10. 3. As the consequent of the former they are called Golden because they are the most excellent Societies and are fitted to bear forth the most excellent light Exod. 31. 4. Numb 31. 22. Dan. 2. 38 39. Cant. 1. 8. and ch 5. 9. and ch 6. 1. 4. Golden to signifie they are fitted for and must abide the Fire of Tribulation Numb 31. 22. as the Lord saith I will bring the third part thorow the Fire and will refine them as Silver is refined and will try them as Gold is tried they shall call on my name and I will hear them I will say it is my People c. Zech. 13. 9. 1 Pet. 1. 7. So all these Churches were and should be in tribulation that they might be tried See notes on v. 9. and on ch 2. v. 10. c. 5. Golden Pleasant as Churches to the Eye of the Master of the House Cant. 1. 15. and ch 2. 13 14. and though there were faults in many of them yet still he is pleased to own them as and call them Golden Candlesticks Vers 13. And in the midst of the seven Candlesticks one like unto the Son of Man clothed with a garment down to the foot and girt about the Paps with a Golden girdle In these words we have some Account given unto us of what this Apostle farther saw in vision namely 1. The person whom he visionally saw one like unto the Son of Man 2. The place where he saw him In the midst of the seven Candlesticks 3. The clothing and habit in which he saw him clothed in a garment down to the foot and girt about the paps with a Golden girdle 1. The person whom he in vision saw one like unto the Son of Man He did not now see his person but onely the likeness and similitude of him or one like him Dan. 7. 13. and ch 10. 16. Appearing possibly by his Angel Rev. 22. 8 9 13 16. And yet to signify to us that the Son of man who is in his Personal body in Heaven Heb. 9. 24. in Paradise Rev. 2. 7. he is in the midst of the Candlesticks invisibly and Spiritually Now here consider we 1 Who is the Son of Man 2. Why is he called the Son of Man 1. Who is the Son of Man Joh. 12. 34. The Scripture helpeth us to understand who he is to wit Jesus Christ the anointed Saviour the only begotten Son of God So he speaking of himself calleth himself whom do Men say that I the Son of Man am Mat. 16. 13. so Luke 22. 48. Joh. 6. 53 56 57. And he is onely so called when one Individual person is spoken of indeed Ezekiel is often so called when spoken to and Daniel once But Christ is never so called when spoken to but always when spoken of and most frequently when he speaketh of himself 2. Why is he called the Son of Man Not because he is a mere Man for he calleth himself and saith of himself that he is Alpha and Omega The beginning and the ending The Lord which is and which was and which is to come the Almighty v. 8. And Alpha and Omega the first and the last v. 11. The Almighty is the Son of Man and his excellent one who is the Son of Man is Almighty The first and the last is the Son of Man who liveth and was dead c. and he who was dead and is alive is the first and the last Before him there was no God or nothing of God formed neither shall there be after him Rev. 1. 17 18. and ch 2. 8. with Isay 43. 10. and ch 44. 6. For this child is wonderful counsellor the mighty God the everlasting father c. Isay 9. 6. and the consideration hereof is very instructive and comfortable But he is called the son of Man 1. Because he who was and is over all God blessed for ever Amen Rom. 9. 5. partook of our nature and was also and is very Man The Word that was in the beginning with God and was and is God was made flesh Joh. 1. 1 3 14 1 Tim. 3. 16. he partook with us of flesh and blood Heb. 2. 14. he was truly a man Joh. 1. 29 30. Act. 2. 22. and is so now in Heaven Acts 7. 55 56. 1 Tim. 2 5. he is not a mere spirit but was raised in the body of his flesh which hath flesh and bones Luke 24. 37. and shall come again as the Son of Man in his own glory and in the Glory of his father with all his holy Angels Mat. 16. 27. Luke 9. 26. and ch 21. 27. 2. He is so called to signifie to us that he partook of the nature of Man of this kind or species of creatures and it was for the good and behoof of all Men that he partook of their nature He was not only the Son of Abraham and David to perform the promises made unto the
High-priests in former times to wit the Cloths of Service to do service in the Holy place and the Holy Garments for Aaron to minister in the Priests Office Exod. 39. 41. When the High-priest went into the Holy Place to make atonement by Blood-shedding he put on the Linnen-Garments and afterward he put them off and put on his Garments in which continually he ministred in the Priests Office Garments for beauty and glory Lev. 16. 4 23 24. Exod. 28. 1 3. Now to answer hereto In former times our High-priest might appear in Linnen because he had not actually made Peace and Atonement by his Blood but now he hath done it and is become glorious in his Apparel he hath now Garments for beauty and glory If it be said the Girdle in Daniel's Vision and this in John's is the same he was then girded with fine Gold of Vphaz Dan. 10. 5. And here he is girt with a golden Girdle and therefore also the Raiment is the same To this I only say here the Girdle doth signifie his Righteousness and Faithfulness and so it might denote to us that though he had not yet made the Atonement by his Blood yet he was righteous and faithful God's righteous Servant who would do it in due time But though he had the Girdle yet he might not be or appear glorious in his Apparel because the work was not finished though he was always faithful But now he hath finished the work the Father gave him to do in his own Personal Body he is glorified Joh. 17. 4 5. Isay 11. 5. 1 Pet. 1. 21. And so Aaron and his Sons had Garments holy Garments to Minister in for beauty and Glory that were beautiful fair and pleasant and glorious splendid rich and full of lustre Exod. 28. 1 3. So our high priest Jesus the Son of Man he is clothed with the Garments of beauty the beauty of holiness Ps 110. 3. Heb. 7. 26. and Glory the God of our fathers hath glorified his Son Jesus Acts 3. 13. I will saith he greatly rejoyce in the LORD my soul shall be joyful in my God for he hath clothed me with the Garments of Salvation he hath covered me with the Robe of righteousness as a Bridegroom decketh himself as a priest with ornaments And as a Bride adorneth her self with her Jewells Isay 61. 1 2 10 11. he is now become beautiful and glorious in his apparel as the Prophet signifieth when he Prophetically saith In that day seven Women shall take hold of one Man even of this one Man saying we will wear our own apparel only let us be called by thy name to take away our reproach We would be called Christians notwithstanding and not Heathens Pagans Infidels In that day shall the Branch of the Lord be beauty and Glory Compare Isay 4. 1 2. with Exod. 28. 2. Now then as the High-priest in former times did bear the names of the Children of Israel in two stones upon the shouldiers of his Ephod which Ephod was a part of his Raiment for a Memorial to or as some translations read it for a remembrance of the Children of Israel Exod. 28. 6 12. and ch 39. 6 7. so our High-priest who hath born our sins on his body on the tree now bears the names of them that so hear and learn of the Father as to come unto him upon his shouldiers before the Lord that they might always be had in remembrance before him he presents them in his raiment and Righteousness and so the memory and name of the just is Blessed but the name of the wicked shall Rot Prov. 10. 7. The righteous shall be in everlasting Remembrance Ps 112. 6. and he beareth their names upon his shoulders for a memorial to his Israel that they may Remember and rejoyce in this that their High-priest carrieth their names upon his shoulders and presents them in the body of his flesh thorow death holy unreprovable and unrebukeable in his sight they continuing in the Faith grounded and settled c. Col. 1. 22 23 he presents their names and persons for so names doe signifie even Persons Acts 1. 15. Rev. 3. 4. and renders them accepted in himself who is the beloved one Eph. 1. 6. Jude 24. that they may rejoyce with joy unspeakable and full of Glory in this that they who cannot present themselves in themselves nor appear immediately before God are presented notwithstanding by their great High-priest and upon his shoulders they are made the righteousness of God in him 2 Cor. 5. 21. they are in Christ Jesus and he of God is made unto them Righteousness 1 Cor. 1. 30. and he is entred not into the holy place made with hands which are the figures of the true but into Heaven it self now to appear in the presence of God for them for them especially who come unto God by him on their behalf and in their stead and representing their persons Heb 9. 24. and ch 8. 1 2. he is one who is Beautiful and glorious in his apparel in the eyes of the Lord And his Garments are of his own making as Mediatour as the Garments of Aaron were made by Moses the Mediatour of that Testament Exod 28. 1 2 3 39 40. and on the shoulders thereof he beareth them up and carrieth them and presents them before the Lord Deut. 32. 11 12. Isay 46 3 4. yea their names are graven in stones in precious stones Exod. 28. 9 11. to signify they shall be had in remembrance for ever before the Lord for so much the graving or engraving of them may signifie A perpetual presentation and memorial of them as when Job is declaring the root of the matter he not only desireth that what he spake were written nor onely that they were printed in a book but also that they were graven with an iron-Pen and laid in the rock forever Job 19. 23 24. So much is also intimated in what the Lord speakes to Zion when she said My LORD hath forgotten me Can saith he a Woman forget her sucking child that she should not have compassion on the son of her Womb yea they may forget yet will I not forget thee But what assurance doth he give her of this It followeth Behold I have graven thee upon the palmes of my hands thy walls are continually before me Isay 49. 14 16. To this it may seem the spouse referreth when she prayeth of and to her beloved Set me as a seal upon thine arme Cant. 8. 6. Engrave me upon thy shoulders Again in former times the typical High-priest did in the breast-plate of judgment bear the names of the Children of Israel upon his heart for a memorial before the Lord continually whose names were engraven in twelve stones and all upon his heart Exod. 28. 13. 29. and ch 39. 8. 14. To signifie his tender and cordial love and compassion to them So our merciful and gracious High-priest beareth the names of his Israel on his heart not upon some
familiar in Scripture so of the Paschal Lamb it is said It is the Lord 's passeover that is a Sign or commemoration thereof Exod. 12. 11 12. so when the Lord saith this is Jerusalem it is easy to understand this to be the meaning of that expression This is a sign or figure representing Jerusalem Ezek. 5. 1 6. with ch 4. 1 4. so again that Rock was Christ to wit Christ was the mystery or secret signified thereby 1 Cor. 10. 4. see also the notes on ch 5. v. 8. and is it not as easy to understand that saying in like manner This is my Body to wit the sign and commemoration thereof as the Apostle saith Do this in remembrance of me relating therein Christs words and as oft as ye eat this bread and drink this cup it is bread still after consecration ye shew forth the Lords death till he come 1 Cor. 11. 23 26 28. surely were these persons who otherwise construe it as desirous to seek after the truth as they are thirsty of innocent blood they would not be so ignorant as they are of the meaning of this and such-like symbolical sayings 2. He saith not The seven stars are the seven Angels though he calls them in the symbol seven starrs yet he names them not in opening the mystery seven Angels but the Angels and yet when he opens the mystery of the seven candlesticks he still calls them seven Churches surely to intimate that the Angels were not seven individual persons but indefinitely those that were Guides unto the seven Churches and went before them in the Word of the Lord. If any say it may be enough to conclude them to be but seven Individual Persons because they are called the seven Stars Rev. 1. 16 20. and ch 2. 1. and ch 3. v. 1. I answer 1. That might rather have sufficed as with respect to the seven Candlesticks to call them Churches because he had called them seven Churches before verse 4. and named them particularly verse 11. and yet here again he calls them seven Churches whereas he never calls the seven Stars seven Angels And besides 2. Though the several Epistles be directed to the several Angels and every particular Epistle to the Angel yet it appears there was more than one individual person intended thereby as to instance though that Epistle to the Church in Smyrna be directed to the Angel yet he saith to him Behold the Devil shall cast some of you into Prison that ye may be tried and ye shall have tribulation Rev. 2. 10. So to the the Angel of the Church in Thyatira he saith Vnto you I say and unto the rest c. And I will give to every one of you c. v 23 25. In both which it appears that more than one person is meant by the Angel But we may now enquire and consider for our further usefulness 1. What are these Angels here spoken of 2. Why are they called and compared unto Angels 1. What are these Angels here spoken And to that we say They are not those Glorious Spirits most frequently so called the Word Angel denotes not the nature but office of persons and it appears that by Angels here are not meant those glorious Spirits ministring Spirits because he fortifies some of these against and signifies they should suffer tribulation and be cast into Prison by the Devil c. And commends some for their patience in tribulation and r●proves some of these for evils sound with them ch 2. 1 5. and v. 8 10. Nor are they the Churches but distinguished from them nor are they false Teachers but they are the Messengers of the Churches sent for the good of them and such as went before them in the Word of the Lord their Bishops or Overseers So the Baptist is called a Messenger or Angel Mat. 11. 10. and the Priests in former times Mal. 2. 7. That which some say that by Angels cannot be meant Overseers because they are said to be the Angels of the Churches whereas they are not sent by them is of no great weight for of the Churches may mean not sent from them but for the good of them as the Angels of the little ones are not sent by them but imployed for the good of them Mat. 18. 10. 2. Why are they called and compared unto Angels In general as hath been said they are so called because they are sent for the benefit of them for the Word Angel is used generally for any Messenger Jam. 2. 25. and particularly to denote that these Bishops or Overseers are or should be as to their Office and fitness for it like in some respect to those invisible and Holy Spirits 1. Like them they are or should be furnished with Wisdom from above for the good of others 2 Sam. 14. 20. for he that sends a message by the hand of a Fool cutteth off the Feet and drinketh dammage Prov. 26. 6. 2. Because it is their Office to ascend upon the Son of Man to Heaven in their Prayers and in prayers to God for those over whom they are set yea and for the good of all Men 1 Tim. 2. 1 8. Gen. 28. 12. with Joh. 1. 51. And to descend upon him and bring down Messages from Heaven that they may be apt to teach others 3. Like the glorious Spirits they should have their conversation in Heaven be more abundantly sequestred from the things here below in their hearts and it behoves them especially not to intangle themselves with the affairs of this life Phil. 3. 17 20. 2 Tim. 2. 3 4. that they may mind things above and be like the Angels beholding the glory of the Lord and doing his Commandments hearkening unto the voice of his word Mat. 18. 10. 2 Cor. 3. 18. Ps 103. 20. AN EXPOSITION On the second CHAPTER OF THE REVELATION Chap. 2. Verse 1. Vnto the Angel of the Church of Ephesus write these things saith he that holdeth the seven Stars in his right hand who walks in the midst of the seven Golden Candlesticks HERE begins the account of the several Epistles or Messages which John is commanded to write and send to the several Churches before-named and though every particular Message directly and especially concerns that Angel and Church whereto it is expresly directed yet they are of usefulness and for instruction to all the Churches and to every one that hath an Ear and needful to be considered by them as afterwards will appear to which in due place In this first Verse we have to mind and consider 1. The Person or Persons for whom this Message or Epistle is to be written and to whom to be sent Vnto the Angel of the Church of Ephesus write 2. The person from whom it comes described to us These things saith he that holdeth the seven Stars in his right hand c. 1. The person or persons for whom this Message or Epistle is to be written and unto whom it is commanded to be sent Vnto the
and turn from all their wandrings and departures unto Christ again who is the Green Fir-tree from whom all good fruit is found and without whom we can do nothing Hos 14. 8. Joh. 15. 1 6. Rev. 3. 3. The word of the beginning of Christ is the Foundation of Repentance from dead works and of Faith and of all gracious and spiritual Works and Operations Heb. 6. 1 2. and ch 9. 14. 4. In that he adds And do the first works after the two former Branches of the Counsel so we may learn that we should not simply remember and repent but also bring forth Fruits meet for and answerable to such remembrance and repentance as the Baptist saith to the Pharisees and Sadducees Mat. 3. 7 8. So the Apostle shewed first to them of Damascus c. that they should repent and turn to God and do works meet for repentance Acts 26. 19 20. God is indeed first working in us both to will and to do of good pleasure But still somewhat is required of us as he is thus preventing us namely to do all things without murmurings and disputings Phil. 2. 13 15. Heb. 13. 20 22. Be we then doers of the word and not hearers only deceiving our own selves Jam. 1. 22 25. 2. We have next to speak unto a conditional threat denounced against them Wherein we have to consider 1. The Threat or Commination it self I will come unto thee quickly and will remove thy Candlestick out of his place 2. The condition Or else except thou repent 1. We have to take notice of and to consider the threat or commination it self In which also there is 1. That which preceeds and yet is in order to their Punishment I will come unto thee quickly 2. The Judgment it self directly threatned unto them And will remove thy Candlestick out of his place 1. That which precedes and yet is in order to their punishment I will come unto thee quickly I will come How so Is he not gone up into Heaven And must not the Heavens receive and contain him until the time of the Restitution of all things Acts 3. 21. yes surely But we may say 1. There are personal comings of his and they are two 1. His coming down from Heaven to be made and manifested in the Flesh and to be further abased for us that he might deliver us from that so great a Death as in which otherwise we must have perished for ever And that he might obtain for us Life and immortality so when the fulness of the time was come God sent forth his Son made of a Woman made under the Law that he might redeem them that were under the Law And he came down from Heaven not to do his own will but the will of him that sent him Gal. 4 4 5. Joh. 6. 40. So according to the end of his Father 's Mission he came into the World to be made Man wherefore when he cometh into the World he saith A Body hast thou prepared me Heb. 10. 5. And once in the end of the World he appeared to put away Sin by the Sacrifice of himself Heb. 9. 26. He was manifested to take away our Sins and make peace for us 1 Joh. 3. 5. Col. 1. 20. 1 Joh. 4. 9 10. And to that end he humbled himself and became obedient unto Death even the Death of the Cross Phil. 2. 6 8. aswell as also He came to preach peace in a frail and mortal body Luke 4. 18 43. And to seal to the truth of the Gospel by his Blood Joh. 18. 37. And as with respect to both ends he came to be a Saviour to save that which was lost Mat. 18. 11. Luke 18. 10. Joh. 12. 47. Luke 9. 54 56. 1 Tim. 1. 15. So and in this consideration he hath come once and shall come no more Joh. 16. 10 28. Rev. 1. 18. Rom. 6. 9 10. 1 Joh. 5. 20. and ch 4. 2 3. 2. And he shall come again and appear the second time in his own personal body not in abasement and weakness as formerly but in Glory in his own Glory and in the Glory of his Father with all his Holy Angels Mat. 16. 27. Joh. 14. 3. Heb. 9. 28. Luke 9. 26. He shall descend from Heaven with a shout with the Voice of the Arch-Angel and with the Trump of God 1 Thes 4. 16. But of neither of these two personal comings doth this place speak See the Notes before on Rev. 1. v. 7. 2. There are other comings of Christ spoken of in scripture which are not personal but invisible spiritual and providential comings of his that is to say 1. His comings in his mercies word and ordinances in his gracious visitations of mens hearts and spirits so before he took our nature upon him he was in the World and came unto his own in the ministery of of his Prophets Joh. 1. 10 11. Thus it is said Wherefore when I came was there no man when I called was there none to answer c. that is he came in his word and called and knocked that they might have opened and given entertainment to him Isay 50. 2. Rev. 3. 20. And the Lord saith In all places where I record my name I will come unto thee c. Exod. 20. 24. with Mat. 18. 20. And If any man love me he will keep my word and my Father will love him and we will come unto him and make our abode with him Joh. 14. 21 23. But of his thus coming he here speaks not neither see notes on Rev. 3. v. 20. 2. He is also said to come judicially to execute judgments now in this day either to take men away out of this World by death as our Saviour saith Be ye ready for the Son of Man cometh at an hour when ye think not Luke 12. 40. Mark 13. 35. or to execute and inflict some judgment here as Rev. 2. 16. and ch 3. 3. and ch 16. 15. or to take away and remove some mercies he hath been vouch-safing to any thus we are here to understand it So it is said The Lord cometh out of his place to punish Isay 26. 21. Mica 1. 3. So he that is in the Heavens in his personal body can come unto us in his providences and judgments when he pleaseth Quickly that is 1. Easily lightly without difficulty if men repent not Mark 9. 39. Jer. 31. 28. Prov. 1. 24 29. 2. Quickly without delay speedily so v. 16. he would hasten his word to perform it as Jer. 1. 12. 3. Quickly unexpectedly and unthought of and so he would come as a thief when they were not aware and take away his mercy from them Rev. 3. 3. and ch 16. 15. Now in that he thus threatens to come to this Angel and Church we may learn 1. That he on whom we call is one that is without partiality in his judgments he is such an one as without respect of persons judgeth according unto every man's work Jam. 3. 17.
9 24. Luke 8. 1 8 18. And this I judge to be the meaning of the expression also because this Book is to be shewed unto Christ's Servants they must be such first see the notes on Rev. 1. v. 1. and v. 4 and he is pronounced blessed and is so before also that hears and keeps c. Rev. 1. 3. They are called upon to see and hear these things that have eyes and ears as it is said The eyes of them that see shall not be dim and the ears of them that hear shall hearken Isay 32. 3. Dan. 2. 20 22. Ps 25. 14. their eyes and ears are blessed that do hear see the first things and they are in a capacity to hear the following and more difficult things Mat. 13. 16. Otherwise not as the Apostle saith to the Hebrews speaking of Christ's being an High-priest after the order of Melchisedeck of whom saith he We have many things to say and hard to be uttered seeing ye are dull of hearing to wit the first and more easy things as appears by what follows For when for the time ye ought to be teachers ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the Oracles of God And are become such as have need of milk and not of strong meat Heb. 5. 11 12. and so by him that hath an ear may be meant every one that hath received in believing the first things of the Gospel of Christ and so every particular member of the Churches for what is here spoken of the Churches as bodies or societies is of concernment and for instruction to every particular person that hath an ear to hear So whereas the Church of Ephesus is here charged to have left her first-love and threatned that if she remembers not from whence she is fallen and repents not c. He will remove her candlestick Though this be spoken to the Church directly yet the same charge and commination respects every particular person that is alike guilty and the same judgement or one of a like nature is to be feared if it be not timely prevented 2. We come in the next place to note some instructions briefly As to say 1. That the way for us to hear and understand these things here written to the Churches is to hear continually the word of Jesus even the word of the beginning of Christ which is the foundation of all gracious and spiritual operations and of all doctrines Joh. 5. 25. Heb. 6. 1 2. To him that hath shall be given and he shall have more abundantly Mat. 13. 12. 1 Joh. 2. 20 24 27. 2. Herein is supposed that such as have an ear may not hear attend unto and mind these things spoken to the Churches It is possible that they which have ears to hear may not hear they may not improve what they are furnished with Ezek. 12. 2. Jer. 5. 21. so much our Saviour signifies when he saith to his disciples Perceive ye not neither understand have ye your hearts yet hardned having eyes see ye not and having ears hear ye not And do ye not yet Remember Mark 8. 17 18. Where he both gives us to understand who they are that have ears to wit his disciples and also signifies that such may not hear they may pretend or suppose so much difficulty in the Book of this prophecy as not to mind or set their hearts to what is contained therein or upon other accounts may not make use of or improve that ear which they have received 1 Pet. 1. 22 23. 3. That it is the gracious mind of our Lord Jesus that every one that hath an ear should hear the things here written to the Churches that they should attentively hear and understand them as the Word hear when it 's mentioned alone doth frequently signify understand Mat. 13. 18. see notes on Rev. 1. v. 3. The things herein written are therefore sent and written not for the sakes of the Angels and Churches as congregated together only But it is the good will of Christ that every particular Man that hath an ear should hear them also and therefore any such may with encouragement hear that he may understand 4. It is of concernment and great usefulness to such an one to hear and consider what is here spoken Rev. 1. 3. 2. Consider we next the thing that every such an one is called upon to hear And that is what the spirit saith unto the Churches not to the World only All may hear that as before is said but unto the Churches What is that Surely we may say all spoken to them and so as with respect to what is said directly to this Church he is to hear all before spoken to wit the description Christ gives of himself v. 1. the commendable things found with this Angel and Church to receive the grace of God to imitate what is good v. 2 3 6. The evil found to avoid it or if polluted therewith to escape such pollution v. 4. the good counsel given to receive so far as appertains to us And the commination to stand in awe and not sin v. 5. and also the promise and encouragement annexed to these words in this verse and therefore though to the three former Churches he puts down the call or acclamation before the promises and encouragements as here and v. 11. and v. 17. yet to the four latter he places it last of all To shew all is to be heard by every one that hath an ear that is spoken to the Churches ●ee v. 29. and ch 3. 6 12 22 yea all is to be heard that is contained in this Book For the whole therein the spirit speaketh to the Churches as hath been before said And as may be seen Rev. 22. 6 16. Now here we may note for our instruction and usefulness 1. In that it is said before These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars to wit Christ v. 1 and here What the spirit saith so he signifieth to us that Christ who is in his personal body in heaven now speaks to us by the spirit according to his promise he hath sent him forth Joh. 15. 26 and 16. 7. and speaks to us by him as God spake by the holy spirit in former times so now Christ having received the immeasurable fulness thereof in the nature of Man hath shed him forth and speaks by him Acts 2. 33. This holy and eternal spirit rests on him and thereby he knoweth all things ye● the depths of God 1 Cor. 2. 10. and speaks to us the words of God Joh. 3. 34 35. Isay 11. 1 3. so also he speaks to all the seven Churches 2. In that Christ had said to John v. 1 write and here what the spirit saith so he gives us to understand That as in former times holy men of God spake as they were moved by the holy spirit Zech. 7. 12. Mark 12. 38. Acts 28. 25. 1 Pet. 1. 11. 2 Pet. 1. 20 21. so now what
already so he intimates to us that Satan and his Instruments more generally and more particularly false teachers would pluck away Christ's Gospel from us if possibly they could Mat. 13. 19. Luke 8. 12. Acts 13. 8 10. ●need therefore we have to take fast hold of Instruction and not let it go to keep it for it is our life and to hold it fast till he come that being faithful unto death we may in due season receive the Crown of Life Prov. 4. 13. and ch 7. 1 5. See the notes on Chap. 3. Verse 3. and Verse 11. Verse 26. And he that overcometh and keepeth my works unto the end to him will I give power over the Nations In this Verse and the two following we have great and gracious promises propounded to and set before this and the rest of the Churches and which every one that hath an Ear is called upon to hear Wherein consider we 1. The subject of that which is here and afterwards promised 2. That which is promised and assured unto every such an one 1. The subject of that which is here and afterwards promised And he that overcometh See the notes before on Verse 7. and on Chap. 3. Verse 5. And keepeth my words unto the end His Work is honourable and glorious and his Righteousness endureth for ever He hath made his wonderful works to be remembred Psal 111. 2 3 4. The works of Christ which are to be kept by us unto the end are 1. The works which he hath wrought and accomplished for us in his own personal body which the Father prepared for him his personal abasement and sufferings wherein he humbled himself and became obedient unto death the death of the cross Phil. 2. 6 8. of which he saith as to his suffering work on earth I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do Joh. 17. 4. and whereby he hath redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us Gal. 3. 13. purged away the guilt of our first sin and sinfulness from before the presence of God Heb. 1. 3. 1 Joh. 3. 5. Abolished and overcome that first death which was the wages of that first sin and sinfulness and delivered us in himself from it 1 Cor. 15. 57. 2 Tim. 1. 10. 2 Cor. 1. 10. and hath destroyed him that had the power of death that is the Devil For this purpose was the Son of God manifested that he might destroy the works of the Devil and he hath done the work which the Father sent him to do he hath bound the strong Man cast out the prince of this world Heb. 2. 14. 1 Joh. 3. 8. Joh. 12. 31. he hath taken out of the way all that was in it contrary to us Oh that Men would praise the Lord for his goodness and for his wonderful works to the Children of Men For he hath broken the gates of brass and cut the bars of iron in sunder Ps 107. 15 16. and he hath by his blood in the vertue whereof he is raised again obtained eternal redemption Heb. 9. 12. a restoration of our nature in his person into the image of God and so into perfect innocency integrity and immortality and into dominion over the works of God's hands and recovered our loss into himself having obtained for us the forgiveness of our personal sins Acts 13. 38 39. brought in everlasting righteousness Dan. 9. 24. Ps 98. 1 3 4. received the immeasurable fulness of the Spirit that he might bring forth judgment to us Gentiles Joh. 3. 24. Isay 42. 1. and ch 11. 1 3. and is possessed of eternal life in our nature for Man-kind 1 Joh. 5. 10 11. In him God hath blessed us with all Spiritual blessings in Heavenly things In whom it hath pleased the Father that all fulness should dwell Eph. 1. 3. Col. 1. 19. and ch 2. 6 10. These works which he hath wrought accomplished for us should always be kept in memory by us that we might be glad thorow his work and triumph in the works of his hands in which his loving-kindness is wonderfully manifested to us Ps 92. 1 4 5. and 40. 5 8. and 118. 22 25. 2. And the works which he is now doing both in Heaven with the Father for us in which he is the one and only mediatour between God and Men making intercession for transgressors 1 Tim. 2. 5. Isay 53. 12. and ever liveth to make intercession for them that come to God by him as their advocate Heb. 7. 24 25. and ch 9. 14 15. 1 Joh. 2. 1 2. And what he is doing from Heaven in the name of the Father and fulness of the anointing of the holy Spirit to us as a Testimony of God's goodness to all Men in their proper seasons and ages And as the Apostle of the Believers profession 1 Tim. 2. 6. Heb. 3. 1. 3. And what he will do hereafter viz. give rewards to his Servants the Prophets and to his Saints and them that fear his name small and great and destroy them that destroy and corrupt the earth Rev. 11. 17 18. Isay 45. 16 17. 23 25. These are to be held fast and kept in faith and hope and to be rejoyced in at all times by us And he that doth truth cometh to the light that his works may be made manifest that they are wrought in God Joh. 3. 21. Isay 26. 12. and these works of his are to be kept in our mouths and to be declared to others also that they knowing them may come unto him and put their trust under the shadow of his wings accoring to that Give thanks unto the Lord call upon his name make known his deeds among the people sing unto him sing Psalms unto him talk of all his wondrous works 1 Chron. 16. 8 9. Ps 105. 1 5. declare among the people his doings Ps 9. 11. and 77. 12. Isay 12. 14. And also by Christ's works are meant what he worketh and effecteth in us by his Gospel the work of Faith and labour of love and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ c. 1 Thes 1. 3 5 6. for the Gospel being heartily received worketh effectually in them that believe 1 Thes 2. 13. he it is that worketh all our works in us and perfects what concerns us even by his Gospel which is the power of God to salvation to every one that believeth Isay 26. 12. Ps 138. 8. with Rom. 1. 16. his works even these works of his also are to be held fast by us to the end until we come to lay down our lives Mat. 10. 22. that we may dye in the Faith Heb. 11. 13. Rev. 14. 13. Now herein is intimated and signified to us 1. That the works of Christ as declared in and effected by his Gospel may be kept by us unto the end notwithstanding all opposition whatsoever for he is faithful by whom we have been called to the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord 1 Cor. 1. 8 9. 1
to chuse the good and refuse the evil for of such is the Kingdome of Heaven as our Saviour saith Mat. 19. 13 14. Mark 10. 13 14. Luke 18. 15 16. Mat. 2. 16 18. with Jer. 31. 15 16 17. Gen. 17. 7 8 12 14. 2. We come next to consider and shew that it is possible that some Mens names may be blotted out of the Book of life And so indeed 1. Men's names may be blotted out of the general Book of life and are so if they continue in their ignorance of God or disobedience to his Gospel till the day of God's patience beat an end towards them So the Lord saith Whosoever hath sinned against me him will I blot out of my book Exod. 32. 33. And the Psalmist imprecates thus Let them be blotted out of the Book of the living and not be written with the righteous Ps 69. 28. For though he who descended into the lower parts of the earth who by the grace of God tasted death for every man be now ascended up on high and hath led captivity captive and received gifts for Men yea for the rebellious also that the Lord God might dwell among them yet he will wound the head of his enemies and the hairy scalp of such an one as goes on still in his trespasses Ps 68. 18 21. his Spirit will not always strive with Men nor will he still hold open the door but will rise up and shut it and then there will be no more opening Gen. 6. 3. Luke 13. 25 26. This may therefore admonish us all to strive to enter in at the strait gate to seek the Lord while he may be found and call upon him while he is ●igh Luke 13. 24. Isay 55. 6 7. 2 Cor. 6. 1 2. Heb. 3. 7 8. 2 Pet. 3. 15. Eccles 9. 10. 2. Yea mens names may be blotted out of the special Book of life and out of the Holy City and our Saviour saith If any man shall take away from the words of the Book of this Prophesie God shall take away his part out of the Book of Life and out of the Holy City and from the things which are written in this Book Rev. 22. 19. If a Man abide not in Christ he is cast forth as a Branch and is withered and Men gather them and cast them into the Fire and they are burned Joh. 15. 6. And it 's in this place supposed that if those who had defiled their Garments or if those who had not defiled them did not overcome to the end their names should be blotted out for this is the peculiar blessedness of him that overcometh that his name shall not be blotted out to which after O let none of us then speak peace to our selves in any evil way though our names are written in the Book of life for they that forsake the Fountain of living waters shall be written in the Earth though formerly they were written in Heaven Jer. 17. 13. Deut. 29. 18 20 Ezek. 13. 9 10. 3. But this is the blessedness of him that overcometh whether of him that hath not let slip how he received and heard and so hath not defiled his Garments And of him that hath done so and yet is seasonably recovered their names shall never be blotted out of the Book of life but all happiness is assured to them as may be seen in ch 2. 7 11 17 26. and ch 3. 12 2● and ch 21. 7. So far will he be from blotting out their names out of the Book of Life that he will hereafter gloriously write upon them the name of his God and the name of the City of his God new Jerusalem which cometh down out of Heaven from his God and his new name See notes after on Verse 12. How might the consideration hereof cause them to rejoyce because their names are written in Heaven Luke 10. 21. And still provoke them to fight the good fight of Faith to resist unto blood striving against sin Satan and the World and to that end to have and hold fast the Faith of our Lord Jesus Christ for whatsoever is born of God overcometh the World and this is the victory that overcometh the World even our Faith who is he that overcometh the World but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God 1 Tim. 6. 12. Heb. 12. 4. 1 Joh. 5. 4 5. Eph. 6. 10 12 18. considering also what follows viz. 3. But I will confess his name before my Father and before his Angels Now herein is signified to us 1. That he that doth not overcome to the end Christ will not confess his name but he will deny him hereafter that in this day either thorow fear or flattery turned aside from the Faith or profession thereof As our Saviour saith whosoever shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation of him also shall the Son of Man be ashamed when he cometh in the glory of his Father with his holy Angels Mark 8. 38. Luke 9. 22 26. whosoever shall deny him before Men him also will Christ deny before his Father which is in Heaven Mat. 10. 33. And before the Angels of God Luke 12. 9. he will deny them saying I know you not or I know not this or these Men or Man As Peter was said to deny his Master in saying I know him not compare Luke 22. 57. with ch 13. 24 28. this is a Faithful saying for if we be dead with him we shall also live with him But if we deny him he also will deny us 2 Tim. 2. 11 12. And Oh how s●d a thing will that be to be denied and disowned of the Lord of Glory in that day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God! Oh that it may be seriously and seasonably considered by us 2. But he will confess his name that overcometh whoever he be or whatever he hath been before his Father and before his Angels that is he will own them for his then manifestly he will publickly own them in that day Indeed now all his delight is in the Saints that are in the earth c. And he doth take up their names into his lips Ps 16. 3 4 he bears their names upon his heart and upon his arme and the●ein answers unto the highpriest's bearing the names of the Children of Israel in former times Exod. 28. But this is matter of faith to us But hereafter he will publickly and visibly own them and say they are mine and thus he will do before his Father and before his Angels Whosoever saith our Saviour shall confess me before Men him will I confess also before my Father which is in Heaven Mat. 10. 32. And before the Angels of God Luke 12. 8. H● will then say to every such an one Well done good and Faithful servant c. Mat. 25. 21. c. He will set them on his right hand Matth. 25. 31 33 34. And therefore how might the consideration hereof
obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need Heb. 10. 19 22. and ch 4. 14 16. By him they may come continually unto God Heb. 7. 24 25. and ch 13. 15 16. Joh. 14. 6. and where-ever they are none can shut this door or barre up his way no Man can do it Indeed by their iniquities they may provoke him to shut it up at and for some time as the Prophet saith Thou hast covered thy self with a cloud that our prayers should not enter Lam. 3. 8 40. 42. But no Man can shut the door Men may put his people into prison and make them fast therein with chains and bars But though their bodies cannot get out yet they may cry with their voice to him that hears the groaning of the prisoners Ps 102. 19 20. and 79. 11. and 142. 5 7. they may be banished from their habitations and native Countries but then their adversaries cannot stop or shut the passage to Heaven When David fled for ●ear of Saul to Achish or Abimelech King of Gath yet then he sought the Lord and he heard him and delivered him from all his fears Ps 34. title and v. 4 6. with 1 Sam. 21. 10 11. yea though they be in Hell as it were yet while it is called to day they may pour out their hearts to him as Jonah saith Out of the belly of Hell cried I and thou heardest my voice then he remembred God and his prayer came in unto him into his holy Temple Jonah 2. 2 7. Ps 116. 4 6. no Man can shut this door by all their laws ●dicts prisons banishments c. 4. He opens into the secrets and mysteries of his Kingdom opens Heaven and Heavenly things to them that turn from their iniquities as he saith to Nathanael Verily Verily I say unto you Hereafter ye shall see Heaven open and the Angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man Joh. 1. 51. The secret of the Lord is with the righteous Prov. 3. 22. he brings them into the chambers Cant. 1. 4. and c● 2. 14. and manifests himself to them and all things that he hath heard of his Father Joh. 14. 21 22. and ch 15. 15. and no Man can shut this door But they that follow on to know shall know the Lord whose going forth is prepared as the morning which all the Men of the World cannot possibly hinder Hos 6. 3. Acts 4. 11 13. To those that believe earthly things he will shew them heavenly things Jo● 3. 11. with v. 3. see the notes on ch 4. v. 1. 5. He opens doors of utterance when he sees good and keeps them open during his pleasure and none shutteth But to this we shall speak on v. 8. 6. Yea in due season he will open the gates of his peoples graves and bring them out Ezek. 37. 12 13. for he hath that key too see the notes on ch 1. v. 18 And will open the gates into the new Jerusalem for them into which they shall enter Ps 118. 20. Isay 26. 1 3. As he saith Blessed are they that d● his commandments that they may have right to the tree of life and may enter in thor●w the gates into the city Rev. 22. 14. Then indeed they shall have an abundant entrance into the everlasting Kingdom of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Joh. 14. 2 3. 2 Pet. 1. 10 11. and no Man shutteth against them that overcome none shall be able to hinder them or keep them from the reward of the inheritance Mat. 25. 21 23. And this con●ideration may be of usefulness to us 1. To shew unto us that seeing he hath the key and he openeth who died for us and is the true witness of his own and his Fathers love to us we are greatly beholden to him for by him and by him only we may have admission and entrance into God's house and Kingdome no Man cometh to the Father but by him Joh. 14. 6. Eph. 2. 13 18. And by him any Man may enter Joh. 10. 9. Prov. 9. ● 5. all the earth who are his by redemption are called upon to enter into his gates with thankesgiving and into his courts with praise to be thankful unto him and bless his name Ps ●5 1 3. and Ps 100. 1 4. 2. It may provoke and engage us to watch daily at his gates and ●●it at the posts of his doors that we may find wisdome and so ●●nd life and obtain ●avour of the Lord Prov. 8. 34. 35. Mat. 7. 7 8. 2. And shuteth and no Man openeth and this also he doth with the ●ey of David That is to say 1. He shutteth now when ●e pleases the door of the Tabernacle of David the door of God's Kingdom and no Man openeth some times he may and doth for trial shut for a little time that Men might be importunate knockers and during that time no Man can open But he will himself open to them that are importunate Luke 11. 5 13. and ch 18. 1 8. or for Mens transgressions and rebellions he may in part shut Lam. 3. 8 41 43. But when the day of grace is wholly ended and he hath done mediating or interceding for any when he hath finally shut the door with a firm purpose and resolution no more to open then there can be no admission As our Saviour saith When on●e the Master of the house is risen up and hath shut to the door and ye begin to stand without and to knock at the door saying Lord Lord open to us Then he shall answer and say I know you not whence you are There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth c. Luke 13. 25 28. There will be then a great gulf fixed so as there will be no passing from one place or state to anothe● no not for ever Luke 16. 24 26. If he make a change and shut up or gather together then who can turn him away Behold h● breaketh down and it cannot be built again he shuts upon a Man and there can b● no opening Job 11. 10. and ch 12. 14. 2. And hereafter also he shutteth and no man openeth as he will do against the foolish virgins who took their lamps and took no oyl in their vessels while they went to buy the bridegroom came and the door was shut And when they came saying Lord Lord open unto us h● answered and said unto them Verily I say unto you I know not whence you are Mat. 25. 2 12. and he will hereafter shut the door against all such as are and remain enemies of and disobedient to the Gospel so as they shall not be admitted into his Kingdome There shall in no wise enter into the new Jerusalem any thing that defileth neither whatsoever worketh abomination or a lye Rev. 21. 27. he that doth not overcome shall then be shut out even the fearful and unbelieving and the abominable and murderers and whoremongers and sorcerers and idolaters and all liers c. Rev. 21. 7 8
and talking with him as Daniel saith Chap. 9. 22. 3. Consider we what the voice said in these following Branches 1. Come up hither not only come hither as Chap. 17. 1. and Chap. 21. 9 but come up hither And yet it seems not to contain so much in it as is contained in the same phrase Chap. 11. 12 for that appears to have respect to the ascending of their bodies to whom it was spoken But come up ascend up namely in Spirit that may be where the body is not 1 Cor. 5. 3. Col. 2. 5. So it is elsewhere said after the voice thus spake to John come hither he carried me in Spirit for it is without an Article Rev. 17. 1 3. and Chap. 21. 9 10. And it is as if he should say not only stand up as being now awakened and excited by this Trumpet from those dead things here on earth and Christ shall give thee light as Eph. 5. 14. But ascend up from all things here below from all these seen things good and evil mount up in spirit like an Eagle to Heaven Isa 40. 31. Come up unto me as if Christ should say unto him and as the LORD spake unto Moses concerning himself and A●ron c. Exod. 24. 1. Mount up to the consideration and contemplation of things above So the believers are exhorted generally to do in an ordinary way Col. 3. 1 2 5. And though this voice spake to him and talked with him in and after an extraordinary way and manner yet there was an act of compliance required from the Apostle see Chap. 1. 12 as also was from Paul in order to his being converted though the Lord appeared to him and was converting him after an extraordinary manner yet not in an irresistible manner Hence he saith I was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision Implying he might possibly have so been Act. 26. 19. with Exod. 4. 1 14. and Jona 1. 1 3. So here the Lord did not carry him up without any compliance or obedience on the Apostle's part but he raised his spirit to go up as Ezra 1. 9. and then commanded him Come up hither And this was a great honour done unto and favour conferred upon his Servant John If it be a great favour to a man when an earthly Prince or great man shall say unto him come up hither and such an one shall have honour in the presence of others Prov. 25. 7 with Luk. 14. 10. O how much greater and higher an exaltation is it to a Servant of Christ when the King of Heaven the King of Glory shall single him out from and herein prefer him before the residue of his Brethren in saying unto him come up hither even unto Heaven Oh now such have great need to take heed they be not exalted above measure and to consider by grace they are saved as well as others And to beware they despise not such as are not favoured like them herein 2 Cor. 12. 7 9. It was an excellent thing found with John when he was thus exalted above his brethren yet he then saith I John who also am your brother c. See Notes on Chap. 1. vers 9. But how could the Apostle give obedience to the call and commandment of this voice How could he come up thither or ascend unto Heaven Surely not in any power strength or ability of his own or by any wisdom or skill of his But he that spake to and talked with him strengthned him Dan. 10. 19. See Vers 2. And there is a way by which he extraordinarily and we ordinarily may ascend though we have no power of our selves so to do nor can devise a way how we might come up for no man hath ascended up to Heaven in any wisdom or strength of his own as is implied Prov. 30. 4. Joh. 3. 13. yet we may mount up and ascend by the help of that ladder spoken of Gen. 28. 11 12. the foot whereof is set upon the earth and the top of it reacheth up to Heaven And this ladder in the truth of it is the Son of man who fell into the ground and died for our sins John 12. 24. He descended into the lower parts of the earth into great and wonderful abasement and sufferings He humbled himself and became obedient unto death the death of the Cross And He who descended is the same also who ascended far above all things that he might fill and fulfill all things Eph. 4. 8 10. Psal 68. 18. This is the ladder we are speaking of as our Saviour also signifies when he saith Hereafter ye shall see heaven opened and the Angels of God ascending and descending upon the son of man Joh. 1. 51. with Gen. 28. 11 12. He is the secret of the stairs Cant. 2. 14 upon which we may ascend into Heaven by faith and in spirit but we must always begin at the bottom which is upon the earth that we may so do and so go up gradually from one step to another we must begin at the humiliation sufferings and Cross of our blessed Redeemer we have liberty to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus by a new and living way which he hath consecrated for us thorow the veil that is to say his flesh Heb. 10. 19 20. Rom. 8. 34. 2. And I will shew thee things which must be hereafter This is that which the voice further spake unto him In which we may note 1. That our Lord Jesus Christ doth know things that shall come future things And this he must needs do for he knoweth all things John 21. 17. There is no creature that is not manifest in his sig●t but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do Heb. 4. 12 13. He is perfect in knowledg Compare Isa 42. 19. with Job 36. 4. Not only doth he know things that are things present as he also doth both the actions and thoughts of men the hearts of men which are deceitful above all things and the most secret thoughts and intents thereof and which is Gods peculiar to know 1 King 8. 39. with Matt. 9. 4. Mark 2. 6 8. Compare Jer. 17. 19. with Rev. 2. 23. For he is one with the Father over all God blessed for ever Joh. 10. 30. Rom. 9. 5. The consideration whereof might admonish us all to take heed and beware that we do not in our hearts hide and hold fast any iniquity or abomination whatsoever but cleanse our hands from sin and our hearts from double-mindedness Jam. 4. 8. If otherwise shall not he search it out For he knows the secrets of the hearts Psal 44. 18 22. But he also knows things which shall and must be hereafter before they come to pass So he knew before his hour came what things he should suffer and how he should be dealt withal and told his D●sciples before hand saying unto them Behold we go up to Jer●salem and the son of man shall be betrayed unto
the chief priests and unto the scribes and they shall condemn him to death And shall deliver him to the Gen●iles to mock and to scourge and to crucifie him and the third day he shall rise again which accordingly came to pass Matt. 17. 22 23. and chap. 20. 17 19. Joh. 18. 4. And he knew before of the destruction of Jerusalem and of the Temple and of the end of the world and did foretell and shew before-hand the signs that would preceed these things Matt. 24. 3 c. And he knew who it was that would betray him before he did it Joh. 6. 64. And he told his Disciples many things before they came to pass that when they did come to pass they might believe Joh. 14. 20. and chap. 13. 19. So elsewhere in this Book of the Revelation is signified to us that he doth know yea and reveal also things to come before they were fulfilled Chap. 1. 1. and chap. 22. 6 15 16. And though it be said Of that day and hour knoweth no man no not the Angels which are in heaven neither the s●n c. Mark 13. 32. Yet we may thus understand that saying either 1. That he did not know that hour before he had finished his suffering work and was risen and ascended into the Heavens At which time he received the promise of the Father even the holy Spirit which searcheth all things gloriously into the nature of man Act. 2. 33. Rev. 5. 6 7 8 9. Or 2. He did not know that day and hour then to ●eveal that was not the due season for making it known Like that saying The father loveth the son and sheweth him all things that himself doth and will shew him greater works namely to perform and accomplish them in their due time and proper season Joh. 5. 20. So this Book of the Revelation was given by God unto him to shew c. Rev. 1. 1. not to know for himself for he knew all things before as Peter confesses and Christ disproves it not nor reproves him for so saying Joh. 21. 17. But to reveal and make known unto his Servants by his Servant John But yet though he foreknows future things this foreknowledg of his necessitates not the coming to pass of what is sinfully evil And as one saith His fore-knowledg doth produce no absolute necessity Things are not therefore because they are foreknown but therefore they are fore-known because they shall come to pass If any thing should come to pass otherwise than it doth yet Gods knowledg could not be irritated thereby for then he did not know that it should come to pass as now it doth Because every knowledg of vision necessarily presupposeth its object God did know that Judas should betray Christ but Judas was not necessitated to be a Traitor by Gods knowledg If Judas had not betrayed Christ then God had not ●ore known that Judas should betray him Dr. Bramhall in his Defence of true liberty pag. 244 245. Though he knows what will come to pass yet somewhat that he so foreknows and foredeclares may not eventually come to pass Yea all so fore-known doth not 1 Sam. 23. 11 13. And though he foresees as to us and knows what will sinfully be acted and committed yet he doth not necessitate the coming to pass of it any way The just Lord will not do iniquity Zeph. 3. 5. He is not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness neither shall evil dwell with him Psal 5. 4. Jam. 1. 13 14 15. Yea our Lord Jesus is so far from necessitating men to what is sinful as that all such actions do grieve him at the heart He did indeed know and foretell that Judas one of the Twelve would betray him Joh. 6. 64 70 71. But he did not necessitate him any way so to do but that horrid fact of his was a great grief to our Lord Jesus Hence the Evangelist saith Jesus was troubled in spirit and not in his face or outward appearance only he did not feign himself to be grieved but was in wardly grieved grieved in soul and testified and said Verily one of you shall betray me Joh. 13. 21. Yea he is so far from necessitating men to evil as that he works powerfully and his grace brings salvation to all men to preserve them therefrom Hence we have such expostulations as these recorded O thou that art named the House of Jacob is the spirit of the Lord straitned Are these his doings Mic. 2. 1-7 O Ephraim what shall I do unto thee O Judah what shall I do unto thee Hos 6. 4. Thus saith the Lord what iniquity have your fathers found in me that they are gone far from me Have I been a wilderness unto Israel A land of darkness Jer. 2. 5 31. Judg I pray you betwixt me and my Vineyard what could have been done more to my Vineyard that I have not done in it Isa 5. 3 4. It is undoubtedly true notwithstanding his foreknowledg or any thoughts or apprehensions we poor shallow creatures have concerning it that the Lord God hath no pleasure none at all neither secret nor revealed in the death of the wicked but that he turn and live As he hath both said and sworn and given his son to be a witness of it Ezek. 18. 23 32. and Chap. 33. 11. God our Saviour would have all men to be saved and to come to the knowledg of the truth 1 Tim. 2. 4 6. Tit. 2. 11. 2 Pet. 3. 9 15. 1 Jo● 4. 14. And the consideration hereof that he knows all things even future things also is proper and powerful to engage and encourage his servants to hold fast profession the profession of their faith and hope without wavering Heb. 4. 13 14. with Chap. 10. 23 25. Jer. 11. 18. He knows what is in the darkness and what will come to pass And he can and will make all work together for good to them that love God who are the called according to purpose Rom. 8. 28 29. See Notes before on Chap. 2. ver 23. And not only he knows things to come as to us future things not only are they written before him but also he further here saith and assureth his servant John 2. I will shew thee things which must be hereafter Here he leaves out the words shortly and at hand which he had used in Chap. 1. vers 1. and vers 3. But that we here further take notice of is that Christ not only knows things which must be hereafter but also made them known as he saw good to his servants and here par●icularly the things contained in this Book to his beloved Disciple Surely the Lord God will do nothing but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the Prophets Amos 3. 7. And he doth fore-tell and fore-declare things to come before they come that men might not sacrifice to their own nets or burn incense to their own drags nor bow unto or worship any false or imaginary God any Image
Idol or vanity whatsoever but might know he is and there is none beside him that he is the true God and an everlasting King and who is perfect in knowledg and infinite in understanding To this purpose the Lord speaks in former times saying Let them bring forth and shew us what shall happen let them shew the former things what they be that we may consider them and know the latter end of them or declare to us things for to come Shew the things that are to come hereafter that we may know that ye are Gods Be●old ye are of nothing and your work of nought I have raised up one from the North c. Who hath declared from the beginning that we may know and before time that we may say he is righteous Behold my Servant whom I uphold mine Elect in whom my soul delighteth I have put my spirit upon him Isa 41. 22 26 29. and Chap. 42. 1. and Chap. 43. 9 12. and 44. 7. So again he speaks to the same purpose and ●aith I have declared the former things from the beginning and they went forth out of my mouth Because I knew that thou art obstinate c. I have even from the beginning declared it to thee before it came to pass I shewed it thee lest thou shouldst say mine Idol hath done them and my graven image and my molten image hath commanded them Isa 48. 3 6 8. In which he plainly signifies to us that his foresight of future things is so far from necessitating men to evil that he acquaints them with his foreknowledg to preserve them from Idolatry and to engage them to hearken unto and obey him And all other thoughts hereto concerning it are to be hated and abandoned by us Isa 48. 3 12. And as he revealed these things to John before they came to pass as a signal testimony of favour to him so by him they are revealed to us in love and for our good and profit that we might read and hear and keep the things written herein and so be blessed Chap. 1. 3. and foresee evils so as to hide our selves Prov. 22. 3. and Chap. 27. 12. Dan. 2. 19 22. Vers 2. And immediately I was in the spirit and behold a thron● was set in heaven and one sate upon it In this Verse we have to consider and speak unto 1. The account which the Apostle gives of the posture or condition he was in and immediately I was in the spirit 2. Of what was shewn unto him and he saw thorough the door vers 1. viz. 1. And behold a Throne was set in Heaven 2. And one sate upon the Throne 1. The account which he gives of the posture or condition he was in and immediately I was in the spirit He that said unto him Come up hither vers 1. did enable and capacitate him to give obedience thereto so when the Lord thus speaks to the Prophet Ezekiel saying Go get thee to them of the captivity unto thy people and speak unto them c. The Prophet then tells us how he was strengthened unto what was required of him as it follows Then the spirit took me up So the spirit lifted me up and took me away and I went in bitterness in the heat of my spirit but the hand of the Lord was strong upon me th●n I came to them of the captivity c. Ezek. 3. 11 12 14 15. And so more generally and ordinarily God doth enable and capacitate men and believers to what he requires of them his grace in due time doth bring salvation to all men Tit. 2. 11 12. Micah 2. 7. And he first works in men both to will and to do of good pleasure before he calls upon them to do all things without murmuring and disputing Phil. 2. 12 13 16. His word is with power And he doth accompany the Commandments he gives unto us with the light and influence of his blessed spirit Luk. 4. 32. 1 Thes 4. 1 2 8. And so he did here extraordinarily Dan. 10. 16 18 19. And immediately straightway or in an instant I was in the spirit not after an ordinary manner as all hearty believers may be said to be Rom. 8. 10. but after an extraordinary and visional manner he was in it in the spirit of Christ and so in Vision lifted up to or toward Heaven As the Prophet saith He put forth the form of an hand And the spirit lift me up between the earth and the heaven and brought me in the visi●ns of God c. Ezek. 8. 13. And again he saith Moreover the spirit lift me up Ezek. 11. 1. And afterward the spirit took me up and brought me in vision by the spirit of God c. vers 24. Or also I was in spirit to wit in his own as was noted on vers 1. of this Chapter and he might not know whether he was in the body or out of it as 2 Cor. 12. 2 3 4. Rev. 17. 1 2 3. See the Notes before on Chap. 1. ver 10. 2. We have an account given us of what was shewn unto him and he saw thorough the Door spoken of vers 1. viz. 1. And behold a Thro●e was set in Heaven Not now began so to be for it was from the beginning A glorious high Throne from the beginning is the place of our sanctuary Jer. 17. 12. Thou O Lord remainest for ever thy throne from generation to generation Lam. 5. 19. Psal 93. 2. And he that sits on it lives for ever and ever Rev. 4. 9 10. He sits King for ever Psal 29. 10. But it was now shewn unto the Apostle and he saw it in vision there set which was from everlasting So the Prophet Isaiah in vision saw the Lord sitting upon a throne Isa 6. 1. And the Prophet Ezekiel had such a like vision in some respects as the Apostle John here had as in the following part we shall have frequent occasion to note And he also saw the likeness of a Throne Ezek. 1. 26. The appearance of the likeness of a Throne Ezek. 10. 1. Which throne is a seat of judgment and herein God sits as we may shew afterwards And as the Psalmist saith Thou satest in the Throne judging right or in right●ousness Psal 9. 4. He is judg himself Psal 73. 7. And one that will do right Gen. 18. 25. Justice and judgment are the habitation or establishment of his Throne Psal 89. 14. And this throne is a throne of holiness and not of impurity or uncleanness Psal 47. 8. with which the throne of iniquity shall have no fellowship Psal 94. 20. Hence both in that Vision of Isaiah and in this of John the Seraphims there and the four living Creatures here cry concerning him that sits upon this Throne Holy holy holy c. Isa 6. 1 3. with Rev. 4. 8. And it is an high and glorious Throne one that is exalted above all other Thrones as the Prophet Isaiah saith I saw the Lord sitting upon a Throne
the sea also therefore it is said of and by the Prince thereof Thus saith the Lord God Because thine heart is lifted up and thou hast said I am God I sit in the seat of God in the midst or heart of the sea Ezek. 28. 2. Thus also when the Lord threatens to punish Egypt in order thereto he saith he will take away their rampart and defence The waters shall fail from the sea and the river shall be wasted and dried up and they shall turn the rivers far away and the brooks of defence shall be emptied and dried up Isa 19. 5 6. Thus here before the throne there was a sea of glass a blessed defence and protection a sea of salvation or for safety to his people in all times of trouble As it is said God is a refuge and strength a very present help in trouble therefore will we not fear though the earth be moved c. There is a river the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God the holy place of the tabernacle of the most high God is in the midst of her she shall not be moved c. Psal 46. 1 2 4 7 8. There now in a first fruits and hereafter gloriously the glorious Lord shall be to them that dwell on high who have their conver●ation in heaven a place of broad rivers and streams where shall go no gally with oars neither shall gallant ship pass thereby and so they shall be out of the reach of danger Isa 33. 14 16 21. with Job 11. 9. and Psal 104. 25. This sea shall be a wall unto them on the right hand and on the left a wall of safety and salvation so as none shall really harm them Exod. 14. 22 29 30. with Isa 26. 1. And this sea is said to be of glass like unto crystal or ice for that word signifies both to signifie that it is a smooth sea not like the troubled sea whose waters cast up mire and dirt Isa 57. 20. but a quiet still sere●e sea like ice and to give us to understand that such as attempt to harm them that dwell in heaven their foot shall slide in due time and they shall fall and be destroyed Deut. 32. 35. Psal 73. 18. This sea of glass will prove the ter●ible crystal unto them Ezek. 1. 22. Or more particularly By this sea of glass like unto crystal there may be respect and reference to the deliverance of Israel out of Egypt and from Pharoah and all his host God then saved them by the sea which was a wall of salvation to them Exod. 14. 29 30. And the waters thereof were then congealed like ice or crystal Exod. 15. 8. And this may further appear to us in what is again spoken of this sea Rev. 15. 2 3 I saw saith the Apostle a sea of glass mingled with fire and them that had gotten the victory over the beast c. stand on the sea of glass having the harps of God and so prepared to sing and then it follows And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God even that song which he and Israel sang when God by means of the sea had saved them and destroyed their enemies Compare and consider Rev. 15. 2 3. with Exod. 14. 29 30. and chap. 15. And indeed by that sea he secured his ancient people from the hurt of their enemies while they pursued them and before they were destroyed Exod. 14. 22-29 This in the truth of it is the sea of which that was a type And Gods Israel may even now sing by faith because of this sea of salvation according to what is said of some They shall lift up their voice they shall sing for the Majesty of the Lord they shall cry aloud from the sea Isa 24. 13 14. with Nah. 3. 8. and of whom he there speaks is very evident not of the Inhabitant of the earth for fear and the pit and the snare shall come upon him and he shall weep and cry bitterly but of the righteous who have their dwelling in heaven even in the secret of the most high who shall lodg under the shadow of the Almighty Isa 24. 10 12 14 16 17. 2. Or also By this sea of glass like unto crystal there is respect had to the sea the molten sea which was made by King Solomon and placed in the temple 1 King 7. 23. which temple was a figure of heaven as the Apostle gives us to understand Heb 9. 24. or to that more ancient one the Laver which Moses made by Gods appointment and placed in the tabernacle before the temple was built Exod. 30. 18. and the Molten sea is called a Laver as may be seen by comparing 1 King 7. 23. with ver 30. And the truth or antitype of this Laver or Sea may be the precious blood of Christ unto which also the hearty believers now come by faith as the Apostle saith Ye are come to Jesus the Mediator of the new testament or covenant and to the blood of sprinkling Heb. 12. 22 24 which blood of his is compared to a Laver as it is said He hath loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood Rev. 1. 5. and his blood is that fountain opened now in these last days in which he actually poured out his soul unto death and in which the Gospel is now preached according to the revelation of the mystery Zech. 13. 1. hereby this sea this red-sea may be meant which our Lord Jesus carried up into heaven as the former high-priests entred the typical holy places which were the figures of the true with the blood of others Lev. 16. 15. Heb. 9. 7 25. so our great High-priest Jesus the Son of God entred within the veil even into the holy heavens not with the blood of others not by the blood of goats and calves but by his own blood Heb. 9. 12 25. and this sea of his blood is said to be before the throne as speaking good things for men generally by it he is making intercession for the transgressors Isa 53. 12. and abiding in the virtue of it the one and only Mediator between God and men 1 Tim. 2. 5 6. and ever living to make intercession for them that come to God by him and is therefore able to save them to the uttermost Heb. 7. 25. with chap. 12. 24. and this blood as is said is signified to be in heaven For as in former times the High-priest brought the blood of the goat of the sin-offering within the veil and sprinkled it upon the mercy-seat and before the mercy-seat so our true High-priest is with his own blood entred into that within the veil even into heaven it self now to appear in the presence of Goe for us Compare Lev. 16. 15. with Heb. 6. 19 20. and chap. 9. 24 25. and chap. 12. 24. and hence such as are lovers of his cross and gloriers in it even in the blood of his cross are said to have their
which he saw the Lord sitting upon a throne and his train filled the temple above it stood the Seraphims each one ●ad six wings and as also appears by the words of those and these both saying Holy holy holy c. see Isa 6. 1 2 3. To that vision therefore we shall here have respect 1. With two they cover their faces and that signifies either 1. Their acknowledgment of Inferiority and subjection to him that sate on the throne Gen. 24. 65. 1 Cor. 11. 5 6 10. they were cloathed and covered with humility as is meet they should in his presence though the man should not be outwardly covered in congregations 1 Cor. 11. 4 5. yet all should acknowledg their infinite inferiority unto the holy God and humble themselves in his sight or before his face or presence as Jam. 4. 7 8 10. they should be in subjection unto him who is the Father of spirits Heb. 12. 10. He is their Lord and therefore he is to be worshipped and adored by them Psal 45. 11. and so in former times we read often of their falling upon their faces and falling to the ground when they worshipped the Lord Lev. 9. 24. Numb 16. 22 45. and chap. 20. 6. Judg. 13. 20. 1 King 18. 39. 2 Chron. 7. 3. Nehem. 8. 6. and so it is said of the twenty-four Elders they fall down before him that sate on the throne and and worship him c. see notes after on vers 10. and it is also said of all the angels that they fell before the throne on their faces and worshipped God c. Rev. 7. 11. and so here the four living creatures cover their faces with two of their wings as a woman covers her self with a veil before her husband for the Church is subordinate or subject unto Christ as the wife ought to be to her own husband in every thing Eph. 5. 24. 2. Or with two they covered their faces as a token of their sorrow and shame for their great vileness and sinfulness so formerly in deep mourning or in token of s●ame they covered themselves or their faces so David when he fled from Absolom wept and had his head covered 2 Sam. 15. 30. and when his Son Absolom was slain the King covered his face c. 2 Sam. 19. 2 4. Psal 69. 7. Jer. 51. 51. and so indeed the Church while on earth is a vile body Phil. 3. 21. and hath cause continually to bewail her vileness carnality inconformity to Christ and manifold evils she is guilty of and polluted with and even to be ashamed of her self and to acknowledg her blackness and deformity especially when she draws nigh to this holy one of Israel in whose sight the Heavens are not clean the stars are not pure Ezra 9. 6 7. Cant. 1. 5 6. Job 40. 4. and 42. 5 6. and chap. 15. 15 16. and chap. 25. 5 6. 2. With two they cover their feet or secret parts to denote their chastity and purity as opening the feet was a token of lightness and impurity as it is said of Jerusalem Thou hast opened thy feet to every one that passed by and multiplied thy whoredoms Ezek. 16. 25. And the daughters of Zion who walked with wa●ton eyes walking and mincing as they go and making a tinkling with their feet they had their tinkling ornaments about their feet which it seems they discovered to entice and allure others withal to the lust of uncleanness Isa 3. 16 18. But these living creatures covered their feet with twain of their wings that their nakedness might not be seen as Exod. 20. 26. and to signifie to us that holiness b●comes the house of the Lord for ever Psal 93. 5. they are chast in spirit to Christ not so adorning themselves before others as to gain their love the love of other societies or to draw and receive strangers into the bed of their love but seeking and delighting in Christ and in his love only not trimming their way to seek love or gadding about to change their way Jer. 2. 33 36. Ezek. 16. 31 34. and chap. 23. 40 42. H●s 8. 9. but resting in Christ as the object of their delightful love and well-pleasedness Psal 73. 25. Cant. 1. 7. and espousing others not to themselves but to the one husband who is their head and husband also that they might present them as a chast Virgin unto Christ 2 Cor. 11. 2 3. and so in their assemblings of themselves together to worship the Lord yea and in all their conversation they were holy in spirit and body avoiding all uncleanness or filthiness in look word gesture and action To this the grace of God doth instruct the believers Phil. 4. 8. Eph. 5. 1 3 6. 1 Tim. 4. 12. and chap. 5. 2 c. And this was the use of two of the living creatures wings who had but four with two they covered their bodies in which also might be included their faces and feet however at some times Ezek. 1. 6 11 23. 3. And with twain they did flee Isa 6. 2. to wit continually as afterwards here followeth they have no rest that is by the wings of faith and love 1. They flee upwards They mount up with wings as Eagles Isa 40. 31. they seek after those things that are above where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God and set their affections on things above and not on things on the earth Col. 3. 1 2. they soar aloft to the meditation contemplation and delightful affection of those things which are in Heaven for they have liberty to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus and are dwellers by faith in and inhabiters of Heaven Phil. 3. 21. Rev. 13. 6. 2. And these wings they have given them to flee from danger with and as the bird by wandring and the swallow by fleeing avoid evil and danger so these flee from the causeless curse Prov. 26. 2. they have these wings that they might flee away and be at rest that they might wander far off and hasten their● escape from the windy storm spoken of in ver 5. and from all that might be harmful to them Psal 55. 5 6 8. Jer. 48. 9. they flee unto him that sits on the throne to hide them Psal 143. 7 9. they flee for refuge to lay hold on the hope set before them on Christ their hope which they have as an Anchor of the soul both sure and stedfast Heb. 6. 18 19. with 1 Tim. 1. 1. and as in former times the Cherubims in the Tabernacle and Temple and the living creatures in Ezekiels visron did stretch their wings on high or upward so these living creatures do stretch out their hands and wings toward the mercy-●eat and so flee unto him that sits on the throne of grace to hide them Exod. 25. ●0 1 King 6. 27. Ezek. 1. 11. with Psal 88. 3 9. and 143. 3 9. 3. And with these wings they flee from evil teachers and strange voices as our Saviour
chap. 47. 4. and chap. 54. 5. which redemption of his was an act of his love and merciful kindness to them as it is said In his love and in his pity he redeemed them Isa 63. 9. yea and the Holy One of Israel was their Redeemer who hearkned not unto him but rebelled and vexed his holy spirit Isa 48. 17 19. with chap. 63. 9 10. And so in this notion and consideration the Covenant made with Abraham which is evident to be a Covenant of mercy and grace in which is included That Christ should redeem mankind from the curse of the Law and that in him who is the seed of Abraham there should be blessing for all the Nations and Families of the earth and the making of which Covenant was an act and high expression of love and mercy is called His holy covenant as it is said To perform the mercy promised to our forefathers and to remember his holy Covenant Gen. 22. 12 18. with Luke 1. 72. See Isa 49. 7. And here in this place it appears that in this word Holy is included merciful and gracious in that it is said ver 9. the living creatures in saying Holy give thanks to him that sits on the throne to signifie to us that in this acknowledgment they celebrate some grace and kindness of Gods towards them some goodness and mercy for we are very frequently exhorted to give thanks unto the Lord because he is good because his mercy endureth for ever as Psal 106. 1. and 107. 1. and 118. 1 29. and Psal 136. 1 3 26. so also we are called upon to give thanks to his holy name when ●avours and merciful loving kindnesses are mentioned and recounted 1 Chr. 16. 10 35. Psal 105. 3 10. and 145. 8 9 21. and David provokes and incites all that is within him to bless the Lords holy name who conferred benefits upon him forgave all his iniquities healed all his diseases redeemed his life from destruction and crowned him with loving-kindness and tender mercies c. Psal 103. 1 2 3 5. and the elect of God are instructed as ●oly ones to put on bowels of mercies kindness c. Col. 3. 1● and so indeed he that sits upon the throne is holy in this sense that is he is gracious and full of compassion slow to anger and of great mercy The Lord is good to all and his tender mercies are over all his works Psal 145. 8 17 21. Now this word is trebled or thrice the living creatures say Holy ●oly holy and that either 1. To signifie to us the three persons subsisting in the Godhead or in the Divine Essence to wit the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost which three have but one name into which we are baptized Mat. 28. 19. and they are one as the Apostle saith There are three which ●ear record in heaven the Father the Word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one one God 1 Joh. 5. 7. with ver 9. And from these three this Apostle John had been voting desiring and praying for grace and peace for the seven Churches see notes on chap. 1. ver 4 5 6. as Paul also had done 2 Cor. 13. 14. and these three persons which are one God are the only object of religious and divine worship and each of these three Persons is God the Father is God and he is oft called God the Father Gal. 1. 1 3. Eph. 6. 23. Phil. 2. 11. 1 Cor. 8 6 c. The Son or Word is God over all God blessed for ever Amen Joh. 1. 1 2 3. Rom. 9. 5. the true God and eternal life 1 Joh. 5. 20 the great God and our Saviour Tit. 2. 14. 1 Tim. 3. 16. 1 Joh. 3. 16. see notes on chap. 5. ver 8. The Holy Ghost is also God so An●nias in lying to the Holy Ghost lyed unto God Acts 5. 3. with ver 4. and whereas in one place it is said The Lord God of Israel spake by the mouth of his holy Prophets c. in another it is said Holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost compare Luke 1. 68 70. with 2 Pet. 1. 21. see 2 Sam. 23. 1 2 3. And the Prophet Ezekiel saith The Spirit entred into me and said When I speak with thee I will open thy mouth and thou shalt say unto them Thus saith the Lord God c. consider Ez●k 3. 24 27. and each of these persons is holy perfectly so The Father is Holy hence our Saviour calls him Holy Father Joh. 17. 11. The Son is holy the holy one 1 Joh. 2. 20. Gods Holy Child Acts 3. 14. and chap. 4. 27 30. and frequently the eternal Spirit is called the Holy Ghost or Spirit And that this word is trebled or here thrice used to signifie to us the three persons in the Godhead who are one and but one God appears by the like use of the word by the Seraphims in Isa 6. 2 3. they cryed one to another and said Holy holy holy is the Lord of hosts c. Now that hereby the infinitely glorious persons in the Godhead are meant appears by vers 8. also saith the Prophet I heard the voice of the Lord saying Whom shall I send And who will go for us to denote the plurality of persons and yet this further appears to intend the three persons in the Divine Essence by comparing this place with other Scriptures that it is spoken of the Father is generally granted that it is also spoken of the son is affirmed by the Evangelist John saying These things spake Esaias when ●e saw his glory and spake of him Joh. 12. 39 40 41. with Isa 6. 3 12. That it is also spoken of the Holy Ghost is signified to us by the Apostle Paul who saith Well spake the Holy Ghost by Esaias the Prophet c. Acts 28. 25 27. with Isa 6. 3 12. The knowledg of the Holies even of the Father Word and holy Spirit called before Wisdoms is understanding Prov. 9. 10. with ver 1. 2. And this expression may be thus trebled or thrice used to signifie to us that he that sits upon the throne is eternally and immutably Holy with reference to the last clause of this verse which was and is and is to come and in all Holy which was so in all time past one that was infinite in purity and a perfect and eternal hater of sin one that could never endure iniquity in any though never so excellent and glorious creatures or in never so good and happy a condition He spared not the Angels that sinned but cast them down to hell delivering them into chains of darkness to be reserved unto judgment 2 Pet. 2. 4. Jude 6. And spared not the old world but brought in the fl●ud upon the world of the ungodly and turning the Cities of Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes condem●ed them with an overthrow c. 2 Pet. 2. 5 6. And afterward destroyed them that believed not whom formerly he
the believers to do Rejoyce evermore pray without ceasing in every thing give thanks for saith he this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you 1 Thes 5. 16 18. And the believers should give thanks to his name not only for mercies and favours shewed and vouchsafed to themselves in particular but for any grace or mercy bestowed upon others of their brethren also who believe Ephes 1. 16. 1 Thes 1. 2. Col. 1. 10 12. yea and for Gods love and mercy to all men as the Apostle exhorts Timothy saying I exhort therefore that first of all supplications prayers intercessions and giving of thanks be made for all men for kings and all in authority c. 1 Tim. 2. 1-4-8 Vers 10. The four and twenty Elders fall or shall fall down before him that sate on the throne and worship him that liveth for ever and ever and cast their crowns before the throne saying This Verse refers as we see to vers 9. When those living creatures shall give glory honour and thanks to him that sate on the throne then the four and twenty Elders shall fall down before him also c. Now in this Verse is intimately signified to us in general 1. That the spirits of just men made perfect as the four and twenty Elders do signifie see the notes before on ver 4. do fall down and worship God though in spirit they are compleatly entred into rest yet they never cease from worshipping and adoring him that sits on the throne but this exercise of theirs remains for ever Chap. 5. 14. and Chap. 11. 16 17. and Chap. 7. 14 15. Jer. 32. 39 40. yea and when they are raised again in the first resurrection they shall be Priests of God and of Christ they shall then praise and glorifie him as the object of their adoration who liveth for ever and ever Chap. 20. 6. they shall be his Sons still and so shall honour him as their Father Chap. 21. 7. with Mal. 1. 6. as it is said There shall be no more curse but the throne of God and of the lamb shall be in it and his servants shall serve him and they shall see his face c. Chap. 22. 3 4. with Exod. 33. 20. Though then they shall be equal to the Angels yet they shall not be exempt from giving this Homage to the Supreme and Sovereign Lord of Heaven and Earth for the Seraphims as we have seen cry one to another Holy holy holy is the Lord of hosts c. Isa 6. 1-3 And it is said All the angels stood round about the throne and worshipped God saying Amen Blessing and glory and wisdom c. be unto our God for ever and ever Amen Chap. 7. 11 12. Dan. 7. 10. And the Prophet calls upon them to worship the Lord saying Bless the Lord ye his angels that excel in strength that do his Commandments hearkening unto the voice of his word Bless the Lord all ye his hosts ye ministers of his that do his pleasure Bless the Lord all ye his works in all places of his dominion Psal 103. 19 20 22. And if the inhabiters of Heaven do worship and adore him that sits upon the throne as we have seen they do then we may thereby discern the wickedness and wretchedness of their boasts of perfection as to attainment who cast off all fear of God and as they say are above all his ordinances and appointments and look on the adoration of the Lord God Almighty as a thing below and beneath them Alas this is far from perfection and herein they are most like the Devil and it proceeds from their great pride as it is said The wicked thorow the pride of his countenance will not seek after God God is not in all his thoughts Psal 10. 4. These are like unto those of whom Job speaks who say unto God Depart from us for we desire not the knowledg of thy ways what is the Almighty that we should serve him Job 21. 14 15. Exod. 5. 2. As this Verse relates unto ver 9. so we may learn from hence that there is a communion of Saints of the holy Ones above in their spirits and the Saints that are in the earth when those which are here below give glory honour and thanks to the Creator of all things then these which are in Heaven fall down and worship him also they are both but one family Eph. 3. 15. And those below are by faith come unto these above Heb. 12. 22-24 And when the one worship God the other also joyn with them therein as in our types when the priests burnt incense within in the temple of the Lord the whole multitude of the people were praying without Luk. 1. 9 10. and they both of them worship the same object of worship as evidently appears by comparing the two Verses they above do not worship one and those below another those below do not worship these above but they have all one Father and God Indeed those below have such mediums and ordinances and helps in government c. as these above need not and such bodily postures places c. But as to the things which are absolutely essential to the worship of God they have fellowship together Object But now some may and do object from the order of words in ver 9. and 10. against the interpretation given of the Elders and living creatures and say It appears that the living creatures are the most excellent because they always begin and are first and first mentioned in the worship of God as also chap. 5. 8 9. therefore they are more excellent than the Elders Answ 1. To this I say in general though I cannot give satisfaction to others nor answer all the Objections that may be made and urged against the sense foregiven yet it appears to me so evident that the Elders as the word imports are the most excellent and signifie the holy Prophets and Apostles and are the representative of that part of the Church above and the four living creatures do mean and signifie the younger and those alive in mortal bodies even the Church of Christ in the four quarters of the world generally considered that I shall not be readily waved from that interpretation given though I could not satisfactorily answer all mens Questions or Objections there-against 2. But more particularly we may say to this Objection 1. It is not true that the living creatures are always first named or placed in the worship of God for though here they are first mentioned and in chap. 5. 8 9. yet they are not so every-where nor is this order always observed for in chap. 19. 4. it is said And the twenty-four Elders and the four living creatures fell down and worshipped God that sate on the throne saying Amen Allelujah 2. Nor is it true that they are always the most excellent who are first mentioned in worshipping for both the living creatures and Elders are mentioned before the innumerable company
saved 1 Thess 4. 2 3. with Acts 26. 18. His will is evidenced in Christ to be good-will towards men Luke 2 10-14 Isa 49. 6. Luke 2. 30-32 Acts 13. 47. And that such as repent and believe the Gospel should have everlasting life This is the will of him that sent Christ that every one that seeth the son and believeth in him should have eternal life and he will raise him up at the last day to the glorious enjoyment thereof John 3. 15 16. and chap. 5. 24. and chap. 6. 40. And the good Lord whose will is good Rom. 12. 2. fill us with the knowledg of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding that we may walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing being fruitful in every good work and encreasing in the knowledg of God strengthened with all might according to his glorious power unto all patience and long-suffering c. Col. 1. 9 10 11. Ephes 5. 14-17 Rom. 12. 1 2. Matth. 12. 50. The End of the Fourth Chapter REVEL Chap. V. verse 1. Vers 1. And I saw in the right hand of him that sate on the Throne a Book written within and on the back-side sealed with seven Seals WE have in the former Chapter seen and according to my great weakness considered the Account which the Apostle John gives of the Heavenly Theatre in which is described to us the Imperial Session of him that sate and sits for ever upon the Throne or supream Seat of Government whose Kingdom Ruleth over all Persons and Things in Heaven and in Earth and under the Earth and whose Dominion is an everlasting Dominion and the Four and twenty Elders and the Four Living Creatures as the Representatives of the Church of the Living God in Heaven and in Earth in a general Consideration the whole Family of Christ Now in this Chapter the Apostle gives us an account of what he farther saw in Vision concerning a Sealed Book with the Opener and opening thereof in general with what followeth thereupon and which Book is particularly opened afterwards as is declared to us in Chap. 6 c. Now in this First Verse we have to consider 1. What the Apostle John farther saw A Book 2. Where he saw this Book In the right hand of him that sate upon the Throne 3. What he saw of or concerning this Book and that is 1. Somewhat of the Writing of it it was Written within and on the back-side 2. Somewhat of the Sealing of it Sealed with Seven Seals 1. What the Apostle farther saw And I saw a Book There is mention made of several Books in this Revelation of Jesus Christ All the things which Jesus Christ by his Angels sent and signified unto the Apostle John he was commanded to Write in a Book and send it unto the Seven Churches in Asia Chap. 1. 2. and Chap. 22. 7 9 10 18 19. So also herein there is mention made of the Book of Life Chap. 3. 5. and 20. 12 15. And of the Lambs Book of Life Chap. 13. 8. and 17. 8. and Chap. 21. 27. And of other Books distinct from the Books of Life Chap. 20. 12. But there are two Books spoken of and mentioned in this Revelation which may most fully and properly be called Books of Prophecy the one whereof is that here mentioned and the other is spoken of in Chap. 10. 2 8 9 10. And the Sum or Contents of these two Books is declared to us in this Book of the Revelation from this place to the end of it Now then it doth evidently appear that this Book spoken of in this place is not the Word of the beginning of Christ for that was not then Sealed but it had been before that time opened by the Holy Apostles they had Preached the Gospel according to the Revelation of the Mystery before this time Rom. 16. 25 26. Eph. 3. 3 4 9. Col. 1. 25 26. And the Apostle John particularly had born record of the Word of God and of the testimony of Jesus Christ before the things contained in this Book of the Revelation were sent and signified to him See the notes before on Chap. 1. v. 1. and v. 2. But this Book here mentioned doth in general contain in it the Mind Counsels and Purposes of God concerning future Things Actions and Events which should come to pass from and after that time unto the end of this World with the order of their fulfilling and accomplishment and something of the World to come What the Contents of this Book are is I conceive in general declared to us by the Holy Ghost viz. Chap. 4. 1. Things which must be hereafter as also plainly appears in the opening of the Seven Seals under the Seventh whereof the Seven Trumpets sound and when the last of the Seven sounded then great voices in Heaven say The Kingdoms of this World are become the Kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ and he shall Reign for ever and ever chap. 6. and chap. 8. 1 2 7 8 10 12 and chap. 9. 1 13. and chap. 11. 15 18. This Book then is a Book of his Mind Counsels and Purposes who sits upon the Supream Throne of Judgment concerning the things that must come to pass or be hereafter from that time with the order of them And this Book here spoken of is called 1. A Book simply whereas that which is mentioned in Chap. 10. 2 8 9 10. is called A little Book and thereby it appears that this Book is more large and comprehensive than that 2. This is said to be A Book sealed with seven Seals whereas that which is spoken of chap. 10. 2. Is An open Book To which afterwards Now some as Dr. H. Dr. L. look upon this Book as containing Gods Secret Counsels Purposes and Decrees concerning Jerusalem and the Jewish Nation directly ●and upon the matter wholly with the Judgments to be executed thereupon and the Destruction thereof Their great mistake wherein appears 1. By what We have formerly said and shewn viz. That Jerusalem was destroyed before the Apostle John had these Visions or the Contents of this Book in general sent and signified to him for the Martyr Antipas was slain as is acknowledged generally after the Destruction of Jerusalem and yet before John received these Visions and Revelations from the Lord. See the Notes before on chap. 2. verse 13. 2. And besides that our Lord Jesus had formerly plainly foretold his Disciples of and acquainted them with the Destruction of Jerusalem of the Temple City c. And declared to them very clearly and openly the Signs and Fore-runners thereof while he was with them upon the Earth He then told them there should not be left one Stone upon another which should not be thrown down And had fore-told them as the Forerunners thereof that his Disciples should hear of Wars and rumours of Wars but the end was not yet And that there should be Famines and Pestilence and Earth-quakes And ●oreshewed unto them one
4. 8. And all even the most excellent and strong Angels also are his servants Eccles 5. 8. See verse 11. 2. What he saw concerning this strong Angel And that is propounded to us 1. More generally Proclaiming with a loud voice Preaching or Proclaiming They are God's Heralds and Criers also the Heralds of this most glorious one who sits upon the supream Throne and he saw him proclaiming with a loud voice that all might hear and attend unto and consider what was thus proclaimed So many times in this Book we read of an Angel or Angels saying with a loud voice what they speak as Revel 8. 13. and chap. 14. 7 9 15 and chap. 18. 2. And therefore he might be a strong Angel that was now sent and imployed in this work that he might proclaim and sound forth this Proclamation with a loud and strong voice that all People might hear this and all the Inhabitants of the World yea all the Inhabiters of Heaven and Earth and under the Earth might give ear unto it He doth not speak with a low voice as those that have familiar Spirits do and Wizards that peep and mutter Isa 8 9. But he lifts up his Voice like a Trumpet and thereby as after followeth doth intimately proclaim the unworthiness of all Creatures comparatively and the high merit and worthiness of the Lamb He doth not proclaim his own goodness as most men will do Prov. 20. 6. but makes way for the glory and glorifying him whom God hath exalted and extolled and made very high and therefore he might well lift up his voice with strength lift it up and not be afraid considering also he had his Mission and Authority hereto from him that sits upon the Throne Isa 40. 6 9. 2. More particu●arly we have declared to us the subject-matter of this Angels Proclamation by way of challenge Who is worthy to open the Book and to loose the Seals thereof We have many other challenges or earnest questions and interrogations of somewhat alike nature recorded in Scripture As Who hath known the Mind of the Lord or who hath been his Counseller Or who hath first given to him and it shall be recompenced to him again Rom 11. 34 35. with Isa 40. 13 14. Who hath ascended up into Heaven or descended what is his name and what is his Sons name if thou canst tell Prov. 30. 4. Hast thou heard the Secret of God and do'st thou restrain Wisdom to thy self Job 15. 8. And who as I saith the Lord shall call and shall declare it and set it in order for me since I appointed the Ancient People and the things that are coming and shall come let them shew unto them Isa 44. 7. and chap. 45. 21. Who hath stood in the Counsel or Secret of the Lord and hath perceived and heard his word who hath marked his word Jer. 23. 18. And this Proclamation and Challenge we are speaking to is thus propounded to us Who is worthy to open the Book and to loose the Seals thereof That is to say Who of all created beings is worthy to undertake and perform this great work It is an universal challenge to all meer Creatures in Heaven and in Earth and under the Earth as appears verse 3. And this Angel might make such an universal challenge for he was sent so to do 1. Who is worthy by way of merit so to do amongst all Creatures in Heaven or Earth c. So worthy sometimes signifies in Scripture such an one as so is by way of desert or merit so it is said of him that liveth for ever and ever and unto him by the four and twenty elders Thou art worthy O Lord to receive glory c. chap. 4. 10 11. Thou doest highly and infinitely deserve it And to and of the Lamb it is truly acknowledged thou art worthy to take the Book and to open the Seals thereof and worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and riches c. chap. 5. 9 12. He hath merited this honour and glory by his precious Blood And in such a sense in some measure the workman is worthy of his meat or hire Matth. 10. 10. Luke 10. 7 1. Tim. 5. 18. See the notes before on chap. 3. v. 4. Now in this sense we may understand this question Who is worthy to open this Book to unfold this Book that is so closed up Who hath deserved such a wonderful honour at Gods hand Who hath done so much for God or laid such obligations upon him as to make him his Debtor Who hath first given to him and it shall be recompensed to him again Rom. 11. 35. Who hath prevented the Lord that he should thus repay him Job 41. 11. 2. Or Who is worthy to open the Book that is Who is able for this great work and business here propounded See the notes after on verse 3. Who is sufficient for this great thing as 2 Cor. 2. 16. Such-like challenges are given forth by God unto his Creatures to shew unto them their inability and unworthiness and unto man particularly That no flesh might glory in his presence 1 Cor. 1. 29. But that Pride might be hidden from them and that they might be broken off from their too high thoughts and conceits of themselves Job 38. and chap. 39. and chap. 40. 1-5 and v. 6-24 and chap. 41. with chap. 42. 1 4 5 6. And to shew us that he is God alone who sits upon the Throne and all other objects of mens religious Adorations are but dead or false Gods To this purpose he thus speaks Who hath directed the Spirit of the Lord or being his Counseller hath taught him With whom took he Counsel and who instructed him and taught him in the path of Judgment and taught him Knowledge and shewed to him the way of Vnderstanding c. Isa 40. 13 19 20. See also chap. 43. 9 10. and chap. 41. 21-24 and chap. 44. 6 8. Verse 3. And no man or not one in Heaven nor in Earth neither under the Earth was able to open the Book neither to look thereon This is the account given concerning the former Proclamation and Challenge to denote the general yea universal inability insufficiency and unworthiness of all created beings to this work and business here spoken of like that yea there is none that sheweth yea there is none that declareth Isa 41. 26. And again I beheld and there was no man even amongst them and there was no counsellor that when I asked of them could answer or return a word Isa 41. 28. The Lord our God put all to silence by this messenger of his as Jer. 8. 14. As appears by the account here given to us But here we might for our usefulness enquire and consider 1. Of whom is this account here given 2. What is the account that is given of them 1. Of whom is this account here given And that is of all Creatures as it doth plainly appear by the words
in this place and those that follow And no man or none or not one for the word man is not in the Text here nor in verse 4. and the same word here translated no man is elsewhere translated none as Matth. 19. 17. Luke 18. 19. And in many other places And so we shall look upon it and speak to it here still understanding the word none as referring to meer Creatures and not to him that sits upon the Throne nor unto the Lamb verse 5 7 8 9 12. And so we may say None in Heaven not one there not the elders nor any of them though one of them did acquaint the Apostle John with one that had prevailed to do it to wit the Lion of the tribe of Judah the Lamb verse 5. 6. Yet he himself could not do it nor any of the Spirits of just Men made perfect though they are perfect in Spirit and present with the Lord and in a far better condition than those Saints which are at home in the Body and absent from Christ 2 Cor. 5. 6 8. Phil. 1. 22 23. Yet they were not able nor any of them to open this Book c. Indeed they have greater knowledge and understanding than any of the Saints which are here below and the Elders knew more than the Apostle John as appers in v. 5 And again When one of the Elders answered saying unto John What are these which are arrayed in white Robes and whence came they And I said unto him Sir thou knowest And he said unto me These are they which came out of great Tribulation and have washed their Robes and made them White in the Blood of the Lamb c. chap. 7. 13. 17. But yet they know not the Mind and Counsels of the Lord originally or perfectly or until or farther than they are revealed to them None knows the Father save the Son and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him Matth. 11. 27. Luke 10 22. 1 Cor. 2. 11. Nor any of the glorious and holy Angels though they are excellent Creatures and such as have great knowledge and understanding Hence it is said As an Angel of God so is my Lord the King to discern good and bad and my Lord is Wise according to the Wisdom of an Angel of God to know all things that are in the Earth 2 Sam. 14. 17. and verse 27. See also chap. 19. 27. Yet though they excel other Creatures in Wisdom and Knowledge they could not loose the Seals of this Book nor look therein they know indeed many things which the Saints in the Earth are unacquainted with and such things as the Apostle John marvelled at When I saw the Woman saith he I wondred with great admiration And the Angel said unto me Wherefore didst thou marvel I will tell thee the mystery of the Woman c. Rev. 17. 1 6 7-8 And one of the Angels said to him Come hither I will shew thee the Bride the Lambs Wife And he carried me away in the Spirit to a great and high Mountain and shewed me that great City the Holy Jerusalem c. chap. 21. 9 10. But though they know much more than Men yet we may say of this Roll as our Saviour sometimes doth in another case Of this Book knows no man or none no not the Angels of Heaven Matth. 24. 36. In which saying also our Saviour implies the Angels to be the most knowing Creatures yea though there are degrees amongst the Holy Angels and some more strong and excellent than other some as we have said on verse 2. Yet none of them presumed to undertake this great work none pretended to open this Book That strong Angel● spoken of verse 2. who made this Proclamation durst not adventure to unfold this perfectly sealed Book But this is the return made and account given after the Proclamation was sounded forth with a loud voice in which also inclusively his own unworthiness and inability is shewn None in Heaven not one of the Holy Angels was able to open this Book no not this Proclaimer not this strong Herald He propounds a question he could make no return unto nor any Archangel nor Creature whatever And in this respect also it may be said His Angels he charged with folly Job 4. 18. Nor in or on earth none there neither could open this Book no Creatures inferior to men they are brute unreasonable Creatures 2 Pet. 2. 2. 12. Jude 10. with Acts 25. 27. Such as have no understanding Psal 32-9 Dan. 4. 32 34. nor any Man whatsoever though God teacheth them more than the Beasts of the Earth and maketh them Wiser than the Fowls of Heaven Job 35. 10 11. Yet none of them could unfold this Roll not the learned they could not read it because they were unlearned nor the most learned because it was sealed as Isa 29. 11 12. The wisest and deepest Philosophers could not look into this Book nor the learnedest among men the thoughts of the wise were vain as to this matter and their wisdom foolishness with God 1 Cor. 3. 18 20. Where is the Wise where is the Scribe where is the Disputer of this World Hath not God made foolish the Wisdom of this World 1 Cor. 1. 19 20. ● They know not the thoughts of the Lord neither understand they his counsel Micah 4. 12. Nor the Wise Men or Wizards nor the Astrologers Star-gazers or monthly Prognosticators their Wisdom and Knowledge may pervert them but not enlighten them into the Knowledge of the Contents of this Book Isa 47. 10-13-15 No nor the living Creatures nor any Saints on Earth were worthy or able to open this Book nor is it good for them to be curiously intrudeing into things that are not revealed or which they have not seen Psal 131. 1. Sam. 6. 19. Col. 2. 18 19. As our Saviour ●aith to his Apostles It is not for you to know the times or the seasons which the Father hath put in his own power Acts 1. 6 7. Secret things belong unto the Lord our God but those things which are revealed unto us c. Deut. 29. 29 Indeed at the opening of every of the four first Seals one of the four living Creatures in order say Come and see but it is the Lamb that opens them all and not the living Creatures nor any of them chap. 6. 1 3 5 7. This Wisdom was not found in the Land of the Living as Job 28. 13. Nor amongst the Holiest Saints nor amongst the most excellently gifted guides on earth none of the best skilled or profoundest Interpreters could open this Book under consideration nor could the most Eagled-eyed or quick-sighted seers see or look into or read this Book Neither under the Earth No Creature or Creatures there neither could open this Book or look therein under which expression the Sea and Creatures therein may be included and comprehended Indeed in ver 13. the Creatures under the Earth and such as are in the Sea are distinguished
the Apostle Heb. 7. 14. And indeed Christ is the He unto whom principally Jacob had respect when he prophetically saith Gen. 49. 8. Judah thou art he whom thy Brethren shall praise His Brethren to wit the Saints and holy Ones For whosoever shall do the will of Christ's Father which is in Heaven the same is his Brother c. Matth. 12. 50. Heb. 2. 11 12. Now these Brethren of his shall praise him He is the Praise the Subject-matter of the Praise of all his Saints even of the Children of Israel the Israel of God Psal 148. 14. Hence also that Exhortation Let the Children of Zion be joyful in their King let them praise his Name in the dance let them sing praises unto him c. Psal 149. 2 3. with Zech. 9. 9. and Matth. 21. 4 5. his Fathers Children bow down before him to wit as many as receive him even such as believe on his Name for all these are born of God who is his Father also and most fully As he saith I ascend to my Father and your Father to my God and to your God Joh. 1. 12 13. with Chap. 20. 17. 1. Joh. 3. 1. with Rev. 5. 8 9. like that Blessing wherewith Isaac blessed Jacob when he said Be Lord over thy Brethren and let thy Mothers Sons bow down to thee Gen. 27. 29. And he hath this Title given unto him by the Elder here to wit The Lion of the Tribe of Juda To shew that he was aimed at pointed unto by that Lyon whereto Judah is compared by Jacob in his Prophecy which had especial respect to the last days in which Christ who verily was fore-ordained before the foundation or dejection of the world was manifested 1 Pet. 1. 20. with Gen. 49. 1. For to him all the Prophets gave witness Act. 10. 43. And so we shall speak unto this Title given to Christ by this Elder as it hath reference to that Prophesie and no otherwise viz. in Gen. 49. 9. Judah is a Lyons whelp And this signifies to us 1. His stoutness As it is said the stout Lyons whelps Job 4. 11. And as it is said of valiant stout-hearted ones he that is valiant whose heart is as the heart of a Lion 2 Sam. 17. 10. so we may say concerning Jesus Christ he was one that was stout and bold indeed as a Lion Luke 9. 51. with Prov. 28. 1. He gave his back to the smiters and his cheeks to them that plucked off the hair he hid not his face from shame and spitting he set his face like a flint as knowing he should not be ashamed Isa 50. 5 6-9 And though he knew what great sorrows and sufferings he should endure for our sakes and sins and what mighty and numerous enemies he had to grapple withal yet he was not ●aunted nor discouraged but when his hour was even come he sa●●h to his Disciples Arise let us go hence to wit into the Garden where 〈…〉 ed as even saying by this action 〈◊〉 ●s ●ea● 〈…〉 who will contend with me Let us stand together Who is 〈◊〉 Adversary let him come near to me Behold the Lord GOD will help me who is he that shall condemn me John 14. 31 and chap. 18. 1-4 with Isai 50. 8-10 Psal 128. 6-13 14. So stout-hearted and Lion-like was he that he hardned himself against all he should meet with and endure The Cup which my Father hath given me to drink saith he shall I not drink it Joh. 18. 11. Heb. 10. 5-9 Isai 43. 1-3 2. A Lions whelp Compared hereto also to denote his great strength as well as courage As it is said A Lion which is strongest among beasts and turneth not away for any Prov. 30. 30. And as it is said of Saul and Jonathan they were stronger than Lions 2 Sam. 1. 23. so may we truly say of Christ He is one that is great in strength God herein laid help upon One that was Mighty Psal 89. 19. This Child hath been born for us is Wonderful Counsellour the mighty God Isai 9. 6. He came travelling in the greatness of his strength mighty to save us from the hand of our Enemies and from all that hated us Isai 63. 1 2. with Luke 1. 70 71. This is that horn of Salvation that mighty powerful Saviour which God hath raised up for us in the house of his Servant David Luke 1. 68 69. and Chap. 2. 40. This was he that was stronger than the strong man armed who hath come upon him and overcome him Luke 11. 20 21 22. 1 John 3. 5-8 3. A Lions whelp To tear and devour As it is said Like a Lion that is greedy of his prey and as it were a young Lion lurking in secret places Psal 17. 12. But to this we may speak more afterwards From the prey my Son thou art gone up This is also spoken of Judah the Son of Jacob in the Type and of Christ the Son of Jacob also in the truth who is principally the Lion of this Tribe Now herein is implied 1. That Jesus Christ came down to the Prey He came to take a spoil and to take a prey as Ezek. 38. 12 Namely He descended into the Battle like a Lion to lay hold on the prey as Isai 5. 29. to destroy all his and our Enemies as to their first work As it is said of Jacob He shall be as a Lion among the Beasts of the Forest as a young Lion among the flocks who treadeth down and teareth in pieces and none can deliver Mica 5. 8 9. So he came down from Heaven into the Battle 1 Sam. 26. 10. to prevail against his Enemies to devour the prey and divide the spoyl as Gen. 49. 27. For this purpose was the Son of God manifested that he might destroy the works of the Devil 1 John 3. 5-8 Luke 1. 69-74 Forasmuch as the Children were partakers of flesh and blood he also himself likewise took part of the same that through death that death which by the Grace of God he tasted for every man he might destroy him that had the power of death that is the Devil Heb. 2. 14. with ver 9. And he came down to save and deliver us who were become a prey to Satan He was made of a woman made under the Law to redeem them that were under the Law Gal. 4. 4 5. with Rom. 3. 19. He tasted death that through death he might also deliver them who through fear of death were all their life-time subject to bondage the bondage of the Devil Heb. 2. 9-15 He came down to rescue us out of the hands of the oppressor and to deliver us out of the power of all our Enemies Luke 1. 72 73 74. 2. And from the prey he is gone up He is gone up with ashout the LORD with the sound of a Trumpet sing praises to God sing praises sing praises unto our King sing praises Psal 47. 1. 5-6 He who descended into the lowest parts of the Earth is
is Lord of all Psal 8. 5-7 with Heb. 2. 7-9 Act. 10. 36. He hath wonderful lustre and splendor far above the brightness of the Sun at Mid-day Act. 22. 11. with Chap. 26. 13 14. Luke 9. 30 32. with Mark 9. 5 6. Rev. 1. 16. The Spirit of Glory rests upon him as here also followeth 1 Pet. 4 14. with Isai 11. 1-3 and 42. 1. 7-8 His rest is Glory Isai 11. 10. And to the obtaining of the Glory of our Lord Jesus Christ we are called by the Gospel 2 Thes 2. 14 And all this glory and infinitely more than we can conceive much more express hath he received and obtained by his precious blood as may be seen in this Verse He hath suffered and is perfectly glorious through his Sufferings John 13. 31 32. Luke 24. 26 Phil. 2. 8 9. Heb. 2. 10. 1 Pet. 1. 11. And in his Glory he shall appear and be manifested in due time Luke 9. 26. T●t 2. 13. And then they that look for him and in a patient continuance of well-doing having been seeking it shall behold his Glory and partake of it and appear with him in it John 17. 24. Rom 2. 7. Col. 3. 3 4. 1 John 3. 2 3. 3. Horns also signifie Government and Kingdoms as he shall give strength unto his King and exalt the Horn to wit the Kingdom of his Anointed 1 S●m 2. 10. And the ten Horns out of this Kingdom are ten Kings or Kingdoms that shall arise Dan. 7. 24. sealed also Rev. 17. 3 7 12 So Christ is the Kingdom and his Kingdom is exalted and shall so appear gloriously in due season On his head are many Crowns Rev. 19 12. He hath most perfect rule and government given unto him his Kingdom ruleth over all Psal 103. 19 The Father hath committed all judgment rule and government unto him John 5. 22 13. A King he is indeed higher than Agag and his Kingdom is exalted Num. 24. 7. He is King of Nations a great King over all the Earth Psal 47. 1 2-67 The LORD reigneth let the earth rejoyce let the mult tude of the Isles be glad thereof Psal 96. 1-10 and 97. 1. And he is King of Sain●s Rev. 15. 3. He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords Rev. 17. 14. and chap. 19. 16. By him Kings reign and Princes d●cree justice By him Princes rule and N●bl●s even all the Judges of the earth Prov. 8. 15 16. This is Gods King whom he hath set upon his holy Hill of Zion Psal 2. 6. And to a gracious end hath he committed all government to h●m that all men should hon●ur him John 5. 22 23. And in due s●ason the ●ord God shall give unto him gloriously the throne of h●s Fath●r David and he s●all reign over the House of Jacob for ever a●d of his Kingdom there shall be no end Isa 9. 6 7. Luke 1. 32-34 Jer. 33. 15-17 21. And he may be said to have seven Horns with respect to the seven Churches to wit all power or power in its perfect on to deliver and defend them from and to dispense to them and satisfie them with good all glory to con●er upon them and Kingdom to possess them of if they hold fast the confidence and the rejoycing of the hope firm to the end Heb. 3. 6. And seven Horns as they signifie all power which is in this place the direct meaning of them as it is said before with respect unto the seven Seals to wit to open them when none else could do it verse 2. 4. 2. And seven eyes which are the seven spirits of God sent forth into all the earth These also the Lamb which hath been slain hath namely Seven eyes to wit infinite Knowledge and Understanding Or he is perfect in Knowledge Jon 36-3 4. with Isa 42. 19. For eyes signifie understanding Eph. 1. 18. And great is our LORD who was crucified for us and of great power he hath seven Horns as we have seen also of his understanding there is no number or it is infinite Psal 147. 5. with Rev. 11. 8. Or Eyes signifie Knowledge Num. 5. 13. and chap. 16. 14. See the the notes before on chap. 4. ver 6. and ver 8. These seven eyes are upon this elect precious stone Zeoh 3. 8 9. and chap. 4. 10. with Isa 28. 16. and 1 Pet 2. 4. 6. So as he perfectly knows all things John 21. 15. All things above in Heaven he knows his Father perfectly As the Father knoweth me saith he even so know I the Father yea none else knows him originally fully and perfectly John 10. 15. Matth. 11. 27. Luke 10. 22. No man hath seen God at any time the onely begotten Son is in the bosom of the Father and he hath seen and knows him I know him saith Jesus and if I should say I know him not I shall be a liar c. John 1. 18. and chap. 8. 55. For he hath the seven Spirits of God as presently follows and the spirit searcheth all things even the depths of God 1 Cor. 2. 10. And as he hath all power to open the Seals so also he hath all knowledge and understanding to look into and read the Book of Gods Mind and Counsels which no Creature in Heaven or Earth or under the earth could do verse 2-4 5. And so he knows all the dwellers in and inhabiters of Heaven the holy and glorious Angels and he knows how to imploy them for they are all of them ministring spirits unto him Heb. 1. 6-14 And the Saints and holy ones of mankind and upon them his eyes are for good Job 36. 7. But what are these eyes of his here spoken of Unto him it may be said as Job sometimes doth Hast thou eyes of flesh or seest thou as man seeth Job 10. 4. No surely But we have here an explication given to us of these eyes viz. That they are the seven spirits of God See the notes before on chap. 1. verse 4. even that one eternal spirit that proceedeth from the Father John 15. 26. And hereby he knoweth all things 1 Cor. 2. 10. For God hath not given the spirit by measure unto him John 3. 34. He being by the right hand of God exalted hath received of the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit Acts 2. 33. And on him resteth the Spirit of the LORD the Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding the Spirit of Counsel and Might the Spirit of Knowledge and of the Fear of the LORD and he is quick of understanding Isa 11. 1-3 And of these seven Spirits it is said in this place They are sent forth into all the earth So as hereby he not onely knows all things that are above but all things below also They are sent forth by Christ as he saith I will send the Holy Spirit John 15. 26. and chap. 16. 1. And they are sent into all the Earth or World like that They are the eyes of the LORD which run to and fro● throw
sent his Apostles into all the world to preach the Gospel to every creature of all the nations to encourage them hereto He saith not to them All power is in the hands of God simply But all power is given unto me go ye therefore c. Matth. 28. 18 19. And tells his Disciples when the Holy Spirit came he should glorifie him for he should take of his things and shew unto them All things saith he that the Father hath are mine therefore said I he shall take not of the Fathers things as his simply but of mine and shall shew unto you John 16. 14 15. Matth. 11. 27 28 29. It is by him we may believe in God who hath ●raised him from the dead and given him glory that our faith and hope might be in God without which it could not have so been 1 Pet. 1. 20 21. It is by him we may come with boldness to the throne of God's grace and this may embolden us so to do that we have an advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the righteous and he is the propitiation for our sins c. Heb. 4. 14. 16. and chap. 10. 19-22 and chap. 13. 10-15 1 John 2. 1 2. And let us not think in our thus rejoycing and worshipping we rob him that sits on the throne of that honour that appertains to him for it is his own work and device to put all things into the hands of his Son for us he devised this device that his banished should not be expelled from him 2 Sam. 14. 14. All things are of God as with respect to this new Creation 2 Cor. 5. 14-18 He made a marriage for his Son and prepared and made ready all things in him for us Matth. 22. 2-4 This is the Lords doing to lay him the foundation of our faith and hope and to prepare him the rest for our weary spirits and the refreshing that we might keep Sabbath in him Psal 118. 22 23. with Isa 28. 12-16 Col. 1. 19. Job 33. 24. And it is his work to lift up Christ that we might look unto him and be saved Isa 42. 1 2 to glorifie his Son that we might run unto him because of the Lord his God Isa 55. 4 5. to draw to Christ and teach us him that we might so hear and learn of the Father as to come unto him John 6. 44 45. And he that believeth on Christ believeth not on him only nor ultimately but on him that sent him and he that seeth him seeth him that sent him John 12. 44 45. nay we are so far from robbing him of his honour in thus doing that if we do not so we then indeed rob him of it The father hath committed all judgment to the Son that all men should honour the Son as they should honour the Father he that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father that hath sent him Joh. 5. 22 23. They have not the love of God in them who receive him not that is come in his Fathers name Joh. 5. 42 43. and Chap. 8. 23 42. they truly serve him who ki●s the Son Psal 2. 10 12. They are the circumcision and right worshippers of God who rejoyce in Jesus Christ Phil. 3. 1 3. with Joh. 4. 22 24. It is in and thorow him the Father will be glorified as our Saviour saith whatsoever ye shall ask in my name that will I do that the Father may be glorified in the Son If ye shall ask any thing in my name I will do it Joh. 14. 13 14. And that is for the glory of God whereinsoever the Son of God is glorified Joh. 11. 4. 2. We have nextly to speak unto the Adoration it self of these holy ones The four living creatures and four and twenty Elders fell down That is to say hereby is signified to us 1. They did fall down to worship as frequently to such an end they did fall down this was their Religious Action As the worship to a false Object is intended by or joyned with this Act as it is said he maketh a god and worshippeth it he maketh it a graven Image and falleth down thereto Isay 44. 15 19. and Chap. 46. 6. Dan. 3. 5 10 15. So John saith of himself I fell down to worship before the feet of the Angel Rev. 19. 10. and Chap. 22. 8 9. And this gesture was also used in the worship of the true object of worship As Moses saith I fell down before the Lord and again Thus I fell down before the Lord forty days and forty nights as I fell down at the first c. Deut. 9. 18 25. And the four and twenty Elders fell down and worshipped him that liveth for ever and ever Rev. 5. 14. and Chap. 19. 4. And so we are here to understand it They fell down and worshipped the Lamb or they fell down to worship before the Lamb viz. with a divine and religious worship as will further appear in the later end of this verse And so we may learn from hence that not only the Saints on earth but the holy Ones in Heaven also are still worshippers and give Divine Adoration to the true object of worship as we have seen before see the notes on Chap. 4. vers 9 10. And possibly the four living creatures are here first named in this Adoration because the greater or first part of the things contained in the sealed Book were to be transacted on earth And so in Chap. 6. 1 8. the four living creatures are mentioned alone without the Elders As on some what a like account the twenty four Elders are mentioned alone when the voices were heard in Heaven and the Kingdoms of this world became Christs Rev. ●● 15 16. 2. That they fell down denotes also their great humility in their worship they did humbly prostrate themselves to intimate what an infinite distance there was between him whom they worshipped and themselves who were the worshippers and their inconceiveably great inferiority to him And so it may instruct us at all times to humble our selves in the presence of the Lord Jam. 4. 10. To worship and ●ow down and kneel before the Lord our Maker Psal 95. 1 6. So the holy Ones of God have worshipped him both with all humility of mind as the Apostle saith he did Act. 20. 19. And also with outward expressions of lowliness and Humility as in kneeling before him c. so did Solomon 1 Kings 8. 54. The Prophet Daniel that man greatly beloved of God Dan. 6. 10. The Apostle Peter Act. 9. 40. Paul Act. 20. 36. and Chap. 21. 5. Ephes 3. 14. yea and our Lord Jesus unto his Father Luk. 22. 41. And though we are not tyed up to this or that Gesture yet it is good and becoming us creatures at all times to worship him with Reverence and godly fear Isay 57. 15 16. Heb. 12. 28 29. Psal 89. 6 7. 3. The Object of their Religious worship before the Lamb who is described to us before
that for ever which are usually given as part of divine worship to the true and eternal God and to him only see Rom. 1. 25. and 11. 36. Gal. 1. 5. Phil. 4. 20. 1 Tim. 1. 17. Jude 25. Rev. 7. 12. And this rendring of praise honour and glory is given unto the true God by Jesus Christ Rom. 16. 27. Ephes 3. 21. And as it appears these ascribings of praise c. are given to Jesus Christ Heb. 13. 21. 1 Pet. 4. 11. and chap. 5. 10. 11. and without controversie they are given to him in several places peculiarly and very fully as Christ who is over all God blessed for ever Amen Rom. 9. 5. To him be glory for ever and ever Amen 2 Tim. 4. 18. with vers 1. 22. To him be glory both now and for ever Amen 2 Pet. 3. 18. To him be glory and dominion for ever and ever Amen Rev. 1. 6. and Chap. 5. 12-14 and Chap. 7. 10. By all which we may see that the Lamb is also God by nature and therefore to be worshipped with Divine and religious worship and adoration And I have the largelier insisted hereon because there are too many that endeavour to cast him down from his excellency and would perswade that Christ is only an excellent creature 2. We have in the next place to consider what these holy one had when they with all humility prostrated themselves before the Lamb viz. Having every one of them harps and golden Vials full of odours or ince●se which are the prayers of Saints Where we have to consider 1. What they had Having every one of them Harps and golden Vials full of odours or incense 2. An Explication given us of these Harps and golden Vials what they are viz. Which are the prayers of Saints 1. What these holy ones had in this Visional representation Having every one of them Harps and golden Vials full of odours or incense Having every one of them Harps Harps were Instruments of Musick invented by Juball who was the father of them Gen. 4. 21. and the Harp was used frequently for mirth joy and gladness Gen. 31. 27. Isa 5. 12. and 23. 16. Joh. 21. 12. Hence it is called the pleasant harp Psal 81. 2. And the joy of the Harp Isa 24. 8. Yea it appears that by Harp is meant joy and gladness in that it is opposed to mourning by Job who saith My Harp also is turned to mourning Job 30 31. And when they had cause and occasion of mourning they laid them by that being an unseasonable time to use them in As it is said By the rivers of Babylon we wept when we remembred Zio● we hanged our harps upon the willows in the midst thereof Psal 137. 1 2-4 with Prov. 25. 20. And with Harps when religiously used the people of God did with gladness and rejoicing celebrate the praises of the Lord. So David who was a cunning Player on it 1 Sam. 16. 16 23. resolves he would d● Psal 43. 4. and 57. 7 9. and 71. 22. and 108. 1-3 and 81. 2. and commends its use on the Sabbath-day to such an end Psal 92. 1-4 5. and provokes and excites others to praise the Lord with the Harp Psal 33. 2. and 98. 5. and 147. 7. and 150. 3. With these also the singers in former times were to praise the Lord and give thanks unto him 1 C●●on 25. 1-6 and particularly thus with them they praised the Lord For be is good for his mercy endureth for ever 2 Chron. 5. 12. Thus here it is said of these holy ones they bad Harps that is prayers as in the latter end of the verse or praises they did with joy celebrate the praises of the Lamb they did rejoice in the Lord and joy in the God of their salvation and sound forth with merry hearts and gladness the praises of the Lamb who was slain as it follows in ver 9. Now here we may learn 1. In that they thus prostrate themselves before the Lamb having Harps that Christ is Je●ovah the true God God by nature as we have seen in the former part of this verse and as appears in that it was Jehovah only whose praises the righteous in former times did celebrate and sound forth with Harps when they used them religiously Indeed the Heathen and false worshippers used them in praising their dead and false Gods Dan. 3. 5 7 10 15. but those that were upright would not join with them therein vers 17 18. 1 Chron. 13. 8. 2. We may here see the union and communion between the Holy ones in Heaven and the Saints on Earth they had every one of them Harps and they were as one in making one sound to be heard in praising and exalting not themselves or one another but in singing praises to their King with their Harps Psal 149. 1-3 2 Chron. 5. 12. Psal 133. these here below did not invocate and extol those above but they had all of them one object of praise to wit the Lamb and the twenty-four Elders had not the Harps and the four living Creatures the golden Vials but they had every one of both the E●ders and living Creatures Harps and golden Vials c. See the Notes before on on Rev 4. 10. 3. In that it is said They had Harps which are Prayers c. so we may understand they were not outward material Harps but such as were more excellent and the truth of those typical ones in former times they had a worldly sanctuary but we a spiritual and heavenly one Heb. 9. 1. with Chap. 8. 1 2. ●hey had an Altar High Priest Sacrifice c. but we have the truth of their types Heb. 13. 10. Je● 1. 17. their Harps indeed in former times were called Musical instruments of God 1 Chron. 16. 42. with ver 4 5. because by his appointment they were to worship him with them But ours are more excellent theirs were made by men of fi●r-trees 2 Sam. 6. 5. or Algum-tree 2 Chron. 9. 11. but these are made by the Spirit of God Eph●s 5. 18-10 Rom. 8. 26 27. and in a more excellent consideration are called Harps of God Rev. 15. 1 2. 4. We may here see who are the singers now not the Levites as in our types but the Saints as in the latter part of the verse Ephes 5. 18 19. Col. 3. 16. Cant. 2. 14. They that come to Christ whether Jews or Gentiles are a chosen g●neration a Royal Priesthood c. they are taken for Priests and Levites And in and with their giving thanks to him there is a voice of melody Isa 66. 20 21. Rev. 1. 5 6. 1 Pet. 2. 4. 9 10. But to this more on ver 9 10. And they had also golden Phials or cups a● some read it which are certain Vessels to contain liquor or any liquid thing in them so we read of a Phial or Box of Oyl in former times 1 Sam. 10. 1. with 2 King 9. 3. And in this Book we have
those that shall reign with him even all his Saints and holy Ones shall keep a perpetual Sabbath and sing forth Hallelujah's and it will then be their great delight to serve the Lord in his glorious Temple And this will be a righteous reign also there will then be no crying out nor complaining in the streets as too too often now there is but then a King shall reign in righteousness he hath prepared his throne for judgment and he shall judg the world in righteousness and minister judgment to the people in uprightness and Princes even these reigners with Christ shall rule in judgment Psal 144. 14 15. Isa 32. 1. with Psal 9. 7 8. and 67. 4. and 82. and 96. 11 13. and 98. 4 9. Micah 4. 1-5 Behold the days come saith the Lord that I will raise up unto David a righteous branch and a King shall reign and prosper and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth In his days Judah shall be saved and Israel shall dwell safely c. And then he will set up shepherds over them to wit Rulers and Kings these here spoken of which shall feed them and they shall fear no more c. Jer. 23. 4 5 6. The mountains shall bring peace to the people and the little hills by righteousness and the work of righteousness shall be peace and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever Psal 72. 1-3 4. Isa 32. 1 16. 17 18. 4. These Saints and holy Ones shall reign in wonderful glory lustre and splendor they shall then inherit the throne of glory 1 Sam. 2. 8. Psal 149. 5. The wise shall then inherit glory wisdom shall then give to their head an Ornament of grace and shall compass them with a Crown of glory Prov. 3. 35. and chap. 4. 7 9. Isa 24. 16 23. They are in this day called by the Gospel to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ 1 Thes 2 12. 2 Thes 2 13 14. 2 Pet. 1. 3. And it is assured to them that when Christ who is our life shall appear then shall also the Saints appear with him in glory Col. 3. 1-3 4. And in vision and as a confirmation of the truth hereof some to wit M●ses and Elias have appeared in glory and in such glory and brightness as at the beholding whereof the disciples werefore afraid and fell on their faces c. Matth. 17. 1-7 Mark 9. 2-6 with Luk 9. 29 31 32. and the Apostle John saith The angel carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain and shewed me to wit in vision that great city the holy Jerusalem descending out of Heaven from God having the glory of God and her light was like unto a stone most precious even like a jasparstone clear as crystal Rev. 21. 9 11. with chap. 4. 3 They that be wise shall then shine as the brightness of the firma●ent and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever Dan. 12. 3. yea then shall the righteous shine forth as the Sun in the Kingdom of their Father Matth. 13. 43. Jude 5. 31. They shall then be like to Christ when he shall appear for they shall see him as he is their vile body shall be changed and fashioned into the likeness of his glorious body and as they have born the image of the earthy so they shall also bear the image of the heavenly Phil. 3. 21. 1 Cor. 15. 48 49. 1 John 3. 1 2. Though now they lye among the pots as it were and are as the filth and off-scouring of all things yet they shall be as the wings of a Dove covered with silver and her feathers with yellow gold Psal 68. 13. And the hope of this glory which shall be partaken of by them is powerful to move and engage them to purifie themselves even as he is pure 1 John 3. 1-3 And to strengthen them to rejoyce inasmuch as they are made partakers of Christs sufferings and when they are reproached and defa●ed for the name of Christ for when his glory shall be revealed they also shall be glad with exceeding joy 1 Pet. 4. 12 14. Rom. 8. 17 18. For their light affliction which is but for a moment worketh for them a far more exceeding eternal weight of glory while they look not on the things that are seen but on the things that are not seen c. 2 Cor. 4. 16 18. Considering always there will be then degrees of glory And as one star differs from another in glory so also it will be in the resurrection from the dead Dan. 12. 3. Luk. 19. 15-19 1 Cor. 5. 41 42. 5. As to the duration of their Reign and Kingdom it shall be everlasting they shall reign for ever and ever Rev. 22. 5. The Saints of the most high shall take the Kingdom and possess the Kingdom for ever even for ever and ever Dan. 7. 18 27. But as to the Davidical Administration of it so it shall be a thousand years whether more strictly or largely taken I cannot determine as it is said They lived and reigned a thousand years And again They shall be Priests of God and of Christ and shall reign with him a thousand years Rev. 20. 1-3 4 6. 3. Where and over whom shall these holy ones so reign 1. Where shall they so reign and that is here expresly declared to us by these Saints viz. We shall reign on the earth Psal 25. 13. and 112. 2. So it is plainly said The Kingdom and dominion and greatness of the Kingdom not in but under the whole Heaven namely on earth shall be given to the people of the Saints of the most high Dan. 7. 27. and Chap. 2. 35. And this appears also in that it is said The Kings of the earth bring their glory and honour into the holy Jerusalem which therefore certainly will be on earth as after we may shew Rev. 21. 10-24-26 and they shall reign with Christ but he shall reign on the earth and govern the nations upon earth Psal 67. 4. For the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his Father David which was not in the Heavens but on earth Isa 9. 6 7. Luk. 1. 32. Act. 2. 30 31 34. And hereby also it appears the Saints shall reign on the earth because it is said When the thousand years of their reign are expired Satan shall be loosed out of his prison and shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth Gog and Magog to gather them together to battel the number of whom is as the sand of the sea and they went up on the breadth of the earth and compassed the beloved City to wit the children of the first Resurrection or the gloriously reigning Saints which very plainly shews they shall reign on the earth Rev. 20. 7 8 9. But now when with the Scripture we say they shall reign on the earth we intend not nor
earth and as is promised in Psal 37. the wicked shall be destroyed out of it which without doubt they have not been nor are to this day see to this purpose what is said in that Psalm we are still referring to Evil doers shall be cut off but those that wait upon the Lord shall inherit the earth for yet a little while and the wicked shall not be yea thou shalt diligently c●nsider his place and it shall not be But the meek shall inherit the earth and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace Such as be blessed of him shall inherit the earth and they that be cursed of him shall be cut off The seed of the wicked shall be cut off The righteous shall inherit the land and dwell therein for ever Wait upon the Lord and keep his way and he shall exa't thee to inherit the land or earth When the wicked are cut off thou shalt see it Psal 37. 9. 11-13 22 28 29 34. And as it hath been observed so it is observable the first time Hallelujah is mentioned in the Scriptures of the Prophets is when the Psalmist thus imprecates Let the sinners be consumed out of the earth and let the wicked be no more Hallelujah or praise ye the Lord Psal 104. 30-35 And this word is only used in this Book when the destruction of Mystery Babylon is spoken of and the Holy Ghost is speaking of the destruction of all the wicked and of the reign of Christ and glorious state of the Saints After these things saith the Apostle I heard a great voice of much people in Heaven saying Al●elujah salvation and glory and honour and power unto the Lord our God for true and righteous are his judgments for he hath judged the great Whore which did corrupt the earth with her fornication and hath avenged the blood of his servants at her hand And again they said Allelujah and her smoke rose up for ever and ever And the four and twenty Elders and the four living Creatures fell down and worshipped God that sate on the Throne saying Allelujah And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude and as the voice of many waters and as the voice of mighty thundrings saying Allelujah for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth c. Rev. 18. and Chap. 19. 1 2 3-6 8. 9 c. And to let us know that this abundance of peace and destruction of the wicked prophesied of by David in Psal 37 c. was not accomplished in his son Solomons days therefore also he speaks of it as future as his father David had done before him saying The upright shall dwell in the land or earth and the perfect shall remain in it but the wicked shall be cut off from the earth and the transgressors shall be pluckt up or rooted out of it And again The righteous shall never be removed But the wicked shall not inhabit the earth Prov. 2. 21 22. and Chap. 10. 30. see also Isa 65. 12-15 16 17. By all which it evidently appears that the meek and righteous ones have never yet inherited the earth as it 's prophesied they shall do nor shall they so do till this world be dissolved when will be the perdition of ungodly men 2 Pet. 3. 6 7. nor until God shall make new Heavens and a new Earth as we have many times before said And then indeed they shall be blessed and reign on the earth and inherit the earth and all things Psal 41. 1 2. see Rev. 21. 1-5-7 But this will also further appear in and be confirmed by what followeth to be yet considered by us But though these Saints and all that are Christs at his coming shall reign on and inherit the earth as we have said yet it appears they shall have the land of Canaan as their inheritance in some peculiar consideration Indeed God promised unto Abraham that he should be the heir of the world and this promise was made unto or respected not Abraham only but him and his seed and that not thorow the Law but through the righteousness of faith and it is of faith that it might be by grace to the end the promise might be sure to the whole seed not to that only which is of the Law but to that also which is of the faith of Abraham who is the father of us all Rom. 4. 9-13-16 But yet the land of Canaan was by promise and Covenant assured to him for a possession in some peculiar sense even to him and his seed I mean the land of Canaan when it is made new Rev. 21. 1 5. and when it shall be as in due season it shall be an Heavenly Country Heb. 11. 13-16 see Gen. 13. 14-17 and Chap. 17. 7 8. and Chap. 26. 3 4. and Chap. 28. 13 14. 1 Chron. 16. 15-19 Object If it be said This Covenant and Promise made to Abraham concerning the land of Canaan was fulfilled when God brought his seed by Joshua into it and then and afterwards setled them in it and therefore the accomplishment thereof is not still to be expected and waited for Answ To this Objection I shall say these things 1. No doubt in some first-fruits and in part that Covenant and promise was fulfilled and accomplished then as is signified to us in what is said to wit The Lord gave unto Israel all the land which he sware to give unto their fathers and they possessed it and dwelt therein and the Lord gave them rest round about according to all that be sware unto our fathers There failed not ought of any good thing which the Lord had spoken unto the house of Israel all came to pass Josh 21. 43 45. and Chap. 22. 4. 2. But yet i● doth appear that that Covenant is not compleatly fulfilled and accomplished if we consider these following particulars 1. The land of Canaan was not only promised to be given to the seed of Abraham but to himself also as the Lord said unto him I will establish my Covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee And I will give unto thee and to thy seed after thee the land wherein thou art a stranger all the land of Canaan Gen. 17. 7 8. and Chap. 13. 14-17 And the like also he promised unto Isaac and Jacob the heirs with him of the same promise to wit that he would give the land of Canaan unto them and to their seed Gen. 26. 3 4. and Chap. 28. 13 14. Heb. 11. 8 9. Psal 105. 8-12 But now none of these Patriarchs ever enjoyed this land which was so promised to them as Stephen saith concerning Abraham God gave him none in●eritance in it no not to set his foot on yet he promised that he would give it to him for a possession c. Act. 7. 5. yea concerning them all it is said By faith Abraham sojourned in the land of promise as in a strange country dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob the heirs with him of the
same promise And these all died in faith not receiving the promises but having seen them afar of they were perswaded of them c. Heb. 11. 8 9-13 14. 39 40. By which it doth plainly appear that that promise is not yet compleatly fulfilled 2. We have again apt occasion to use those words of the Apostle here which were lately referred to If Jesus to wit Joshua had given them rest namely in a full and compleat consideration he would not have spoken of another day There remaineth therefore even when the Apostle thus wrote a rest to the people of God Heb. 4. 7-9 with Josh 21 44. and 22. 4. And this Rest will not be compleatly and gloriously enjoyed by them until the Lord Jesus be revealed not in but from Heaven with his mighty Angels 2 Thes 1. 6 7 9. with Rev. 21. 5. the times of compleat rest and refreshing will come from the presence of the Lord when God shall send us Jesus and when the times of restitution of all things shall come to wit when God shall make new and renew all things Act. 3. 19 20. with Rom. 8. 17-23 3. The land of Canaan was by an everlasting Covenant assured to Abraham and his seed for an everlasting possession so God saith to Abraham I will give unto thee and to thy seed after thee the land wherein thou art a stranger all the land of Canaan for an everlasting possession c. Gen. 17. 7 8. To the same purpose also Jacob said unto Joseph God Almighty appeared unto me at Luz in the land of Canaan and blessed me and said unto me I will give this land to thy seed after thee for an everlasting possession Gen. 48. 3 4. Now surely we may say this promise is not yet fulfilled compleatly to the seed of Abraham Isaac and Jacob for Israel after the flesh enjoyed it but a little time the Ten Tribes were carried captive about seven hundred years after they were setled in Canaan by Joshua and are not returned from that Captivity unto this day and they were the greatest part of that Nation And the Prophet saith The people of thine holiness have possessed it but a little while Isa 63. 18. And Judah hath been ejected out of it about sixteen hundred years so that as yet neither Abraham Isaac and Jacob nor their seed have had it for an everlasting possession as was promised 2 Sam. 7. 10 11. 4. Yes it doth appear that that Covenant respected not their seed after the flesh only or fully but the spiritual seed of Abraham even all that are Christs who shall in due time have that Covenant fulfilled and performed to them and shall possess the land of Canaan when it is an heavenly Country Gen. 17. 7 8. with Rom. 4. 13 14 16. Gal. 3. 7-16 17-29 And in this heavenly Country they shall reign at Jerusalem the City of the great King even in the new Jerusalem which God will create So the Lord when he promiseth he will make new Heavens and a new Earth immediately saith But be you glad and rejoice for ever in that which I create for behold I create Jerusalem a rejoicing c. Isa 65. 17 18. And the Lords remembrancers are called upon and provoked not to keep silence and to give him no rest till he establish and till he make Jerusalem a praise in the earth Isa 62. 1 6 7. I mean the new Jerusalem the holy and heavenly City which God himself will create Indeed it doth appear that the old Jerusalem the former City that was so called will be built again by the natural Israel Jer. 30. 4-18 and Chap. 31. 38-40 but of this new Jerusalem of which we are speaking God himself will be the builder and maker Heb. 11. 9 10. for which Abraham Isaac and Jacob looked but never yet enjoyed it Heb. 11. 15 16. see the notes before on Chap. 3. vers 12. The Lord of hosts shall reign in mount Zion and in Jerusalem and before his Ancients gloriously Isa 24. 23. At that time namely when the Ten Tribes are returned they shall call Jerusalem the Throne of the Lord for he shall be there and there reign Jer. 3. 12-17 with Ezek. 48. 35. And to him that overcometh he will then grant to sit with him in his Throne Rev. 3. 21. Object If any should say The new and holy Jerusalem cannot mean a glorious place but a glorious people because it is called the Bride the Lambs wife Revel 21. 2 10 11. To that I say Answ 1. It doth indeed appear that thereby we are to understand a glorious and heavenly people to wit the children of the first Resurrection in that it is called the Bride c. Rev. 19. 7 8 9. But yet 2. It may signifie a glorious place also as in former times the old Jerusalem signified frequently both the City and Citizens thereof and sometimes the one and sometimes the other and not only it may so signifie but it doth appear to mean a glorious place also Because 1. It is distinguished from persons even from those that enter thereinto as it is said There shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth but they which are written in the Lambs book of life Rev. 21. 27. Even as in the Prophet the inhabitants of that Jerusalem the Lord God will make are distinguished from that glorious place where it is said But be you glad and rejoice for ever in that which I create For behold I create Jerusalem a rejoicing and her people a joy And I will rejoice in Jerusalem and joy in my people c. Isa 65. 18 19. with Rev. 21. 2-4 2. Nor doth Jerusalem's the new Jerusalem's being called the Bride the Lambs wife hinder but that it may also signifie a glorious place for a place may be said to be married to the Lord as it is said Thou shalt no more be termed forsaken neither shall thy land any more be termed desolate but thou shalt be called Hephzibah that is my delight is in her and thy land Beulah that is married for the Lord delighteth in thee and thy land shall be married to wit unto the Lord also compare Isa 62. 4 5. with Chap. 65. 18 19. So that in short the place where the Saints and holy ones shall reign will be on the earth the new earth in the land of Canaan that Heavenly Country at the new and holy Jerusalem Psal 48. and 87. 2 3. Object But some will be ready to object and say what must the Saints come out of Heaven and reign on the earth surely that will tend much to the abatement and lessening of their glory and happiness Answ To this objection we have spoken somewhat formerly see the notes on Chap. 3. vers 12. and therefore shall say the less to it here But it doth plainly appear that they shall come out of Heaven who shall reign on the earth so it is oft said of the new Jerusalem which signifies as we
is two Hosts Now in that he called them the Host of God he may hereby intimate to us the great number of them also for we have that phrase used concerning those that came to assist David At that time day by day there came to David to help him until it was a great Host like the Host of God the number whereof was about or above four hundred thousand Compare Gen. 32. 1 2. with 1 Chron. 12. 22 38. Now if that Host waiting upon and encamping about Jacob one Man was so great in number as four hundred thousand what an innumerable multitude is there of them all considering that there is also an innumerable company always about the Throne and that other Saints were not without their Guards Ps 34. 7. Nor Children Mat. 18. 10. So also it is said The Lord shineth forth from Mount Paran and he came with ten thousands of Saints or Holy On●s to wit Holy Angels for the Law was given by the disposition of them Compare Deut. 33. 2. with Acts 7. 53. Gal. 3. 19. Heb. 2. 2. To the same purpose also the Psalmist saith The Chariots of God are ten thousand even thousands of Angels Ps 68. 17. with 2 Kings 6. 17. And Daniel saith thousand thousands ministred unto him and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him Dan. 7. 10. So our Saviour saith to Peter Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father and he will presently give me more than twelve Legions of Angels A Roman Legion was six thousand and so twelve Legions were seventy two thousand and more Mat. 26. 53. There is a multitude of this Heavenly Host Luke 2. 10 13. an innumerable company of them Heb. 12. 22. ten thousands or many myriads of them Jude 14. with Mat. 16. 27. and ch 25. 31. 2 Thes 1. 7. 2. Yea it is signified to us that the number of the Heavenly Host as the Angels also are called Gen. 32. 1 2. Luke 2 13. is so great as none can number them but he that made them they know not their own number this is peculiar to God as the Lord signifies when he saith Lift up your Eyes on high and behold who hath created these things that bringeth out their Host by number He calleth them all by names by the greatness of his might for that he is strong in power not one faileth Isay 40. 26. The Host of Heaven cannot be numbred to wit by any ●ere Creature it is like to the Sand of the Sea Jer. 33. 22. with Hos 1. 10. Is there any number of his Armies Job 25. 3. with Gen. 32. 2. 2. Yea this also will further appear if we consider the wonderful height of the Heavens in which these Angels dwell Job 11. 8. and ch 22. 12. the Heavens for height is unsearchable Prov. 25 3. In the height whereof the greatness of them also is signified to us As the Heaven is high above the Earth so great is his mercy toward them that fear him The Heaven in some sort exceeds the Earth in greatness as Gods mercy doth our fear toward him to wit inconceivably as to us Psal 103. 11. Heaven is a measureless boundless place It is impossible to all Creatures to measure Heaven Jer. 31. 37. And if we suppose that that upper and most noble part of Gods Creation is garnished and replenished with these glorious Creatures as the lower part of his Creation is with Creatures suitable thereto He hath made of one blood all Nations of Men for to dwell on all the Face of the Earth and filled the Earth with other Creatures inferiour to Man for his use and service Gen. 1. Act. 17. 26. Jer. 27. 5. God himself formed the Earth and made it he hath established it he created it not in vain he formed it to be inhabited otherwise it had been made in vain Isay 45. 18. So also is the great and wide Sea full of Gods riches wherein are things creeping innumerable both small and great Beasts c. Ps 104. 24 25. So we may conceive of the Heavens that they are garnished Job 26. 13. and replenished with those glorious Inhabitants otherwise they had been also created in vain Isay 45. 18. Yea that part of the Heavens which is visible to us how full of Stars is it and appears it to be in a clear Night And there they are always Gen. 15. 5. And if some one Planet be as is conceived by some much bigger than the Earth how capacious yea inconceivably boundless must the whole Heaven be And how infinitely innumerable the Angels As is in this Verse also indefinitely intimated Yea if we also conceive how little room these Spirits or spiritual Beings take though yet they are finite because Creatures when a Legion six thousand was in one Man Mark 5. 9 15. Luke 8. ●0 I say these things considered and believed we may easily conceive and conclude that the number of these glorious Creatures is an innumerable Company But we shall look no further hereinto lest we should pry and intrude into things we have not seen Col. 2. 18. 3. Where this innumerable company of Angels was And that is Round about the Throne and the living Creatures and the Elders And so 1. Round about the Throne the supreme Throne of Judgment and Government See the Notes before on ch 4. v. 2. ● Round about it not upon it no there is but one upon it one in essence the one Almighty God the Father the Word and the holy Spirit and these three are one upon it See the Notes before on ch 4. v. 2. and v. 8. but the Angels all the Angels are about it As it is said all the Angels stood round about the Throne Rev. 7. 11. And so we may learn that neither they nor any of them are to be worshipped by us as God or with him not with divine or religious worship or as the ultimate object of worship Exod. 20. 3. Deut. 5. 7. He is so to be worshipped by us that sits upon the Throne which the Angels do not nor any of them So it is said when those living Creatures give glory and honour and thanks to him that sate on the Throne The four and twenty Elders fall down before him that sate on the Throne and worship him that liveth for ever and ever saying Thou art worthy O Lord to receive glory and honour and power for thou hast created all things c. Rev. 4. 9 11. See also ch 5. 13 14. and ch 7. 10. and ch 19. 4. And he only is thus to be worshipped Mat. 4. 10. for he only is God 1 Tim. 2. 5. Mark 12. 29. And not the Angels nor any of them no not the most excellent for they are Creatures and not any upon but all round about the Throne as is said we are admonished and warned not to worship them Col. 2. 18. And they have refused and forbad it who are good Angels Rev. 19. 10. and ch 22. 8 9.
Judg. 13. 16. And so have good Men also Act. 10. 25 26. and ch 14. 15. Indeed the Devil would have been worshipped even by the Son of God Mat. 4. 9. And of his Vicar the Man of Sin it is said He opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped so that he as God sitteth in the Temple of God shewing himself that he is God 2 Thes 2. 4. But good Men and Angels have disclaimed and denyed this honour He only is worthy of divine honour and worship who created all Angels and Creatures and for whose pleasure they are and were created Rev. 4. 10 11. And this glory he will not give to another Isay 42. 8. for before him there was no God formed neither shall there be after him there is no God besides him he knows not any Isay 43. 10 12. and ch 44. 8. and 45. 5. 6. 18. 21. 22. and 46. 9. J●el 2. 17. Hence the Angel that had the everlasting Gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the Earth and to every Nation and Kindred and Tongue and People said with a loud voice Fear God and give glory to him And worship him that made Heaven and Earth and the Sea c. Rev. 14. 6 7. 2. Round about the Throne not in the midst of it there only the Lamb that hath been slain is as the perpetual Sacrifice and alone Mediator Rev. 5. 6. and ch 7. 17. And as there is one God and there is none other but he Mark 12. 32 34. So there is one and but one Mediator between God and Men the Man Christ Jesus who gave himself a ransom for all 1 Tim. 2. 5 6. He is the only Mediator and not any Angel or Angels who are not in the midst of but round about the Throne We are not to come to God by them nor by any but one even by him who dyed for us yea rather is risen again c. No Man cometh to the Father but by him Joh. 14. 6. Heb. 7. 24 25. and ch 13. 15. And they who in a voluntary humility worship Angels hold not the Head Col. 2. 18 19. And much less should Men fall down before or come to God in their worshippings by their Images or supposed Images Likenesses or Pictures Isay 42. 8. A Formed God or Graven Image is profitable for nothing Isay 44. 10. And they even un-man and much more un-christian themselves who fall down before or worship Graven Images or the likeness of any thing in Heaven above c. Isay 44. 17 19. ch 46. 9. This is forbidden by and highly displeasing to God to make to our selves any Graven Image or any likeness of any thing that is in Heaven above or in the Earth beneath c. or to bow down to them or serve them Exod. 20. 4 5. Deut. 4. 15 19. and ch 5. 8 9. There is one Image which is the Image of the invisible God that ought to be worshipped even Jesus Christ who is the true God and eternal Life 2 Cor. 4. 4. Col. 1. 15. Heb. 1. 3. But all of Man's making are abominable to him Confounded be all they that serve Graven Images that boast themselves of Idols worship him all ye Gods or Angels Ps 97. 7. with Heb. 1. 6. Hos 14. 3. Rev. 21. 8. and 22. 15. and ch 14. 9 11. 3. Round about the Throne to denote they are to be and are worshippers themselves and therefore not the objects of religious worship as we have said Worship is an homage and service due to him on the Throne from all about him So it is said Let all that be round about him bring Presents unto him that ought to be feared Ps 76. 11. God is to be had in reverence of all them about him Ps 89. 7. And so of the Angels also and they do worship God Job 1. 6. And they are called upon so to do Ps 103. 20. and 148. 2 5. Rev. 7. 11. Nehem. 9. 6. with Luke 2. 13. And they are commanded to worship the first begotten the Son of God by Nature Heb. 1. 6. with Ps 97. 7. for by him and for him they were created also as hath been said before and as appears Col. 1. 15 16. Eph. 3. 9. 4. Round about the Throne denotes their happiness and honour If the Queen of Sheba said and said truly concerning Solomon's Servants and Ministers Happy are thy Men happy are these thy Servants which stand continually before thee and that hear thy wisdom 1 King 10. 5 8. How much rather may we conclude that these Servants of the God of Heaven are herein happy and honourable in that they stand round about his Throne and see him and are in his presence in whose presence is fulness of joy Rev. 7. 11. Luke 1. 19. with Mat. 5. 8. Luke 12. 8 9. Rev. 3. 5. and ch 14. 10. 5. Round about the Throne to look and pry into the Mercy-seat even Christ who is called the Propitiatory or Mercy-seat Rom. 3. 25. and who is the Propitiation for our sins and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole World 1 Joh. 2. 2. and ch 4. 10. Even as in our Types the Lord commanded Moses saying Thou shalt make one Cherub on the one end and the other Cherub on the other end Even of the Mercy-seat shall ye make the Cherubims on the two ends thereof And the Cherubims shall stretch forth their Wings on high covering the Mercy-seat with their Wings and their Faces shall look one towards another towards the Mercy-seat shall the Faces of the Cherubims be Exod. 25. 19 20. and 37. 7 9. So these Angels are round about the Throne and desire to look into the things of Christ which are now reported to us by them that have preached the Gospel to us with the Holy Ghost sent down from Heaven 1 Pet. 1. 11 12. 6. Round about the Throne possibly to signifie to us that thorow Christ they behold the Father Mat. 18. 10. He dwells in light inaccessible whom no Man hath seen nor can see 1 Tim. 6. 16. And so we may conceive of the Angels that they behold not the Divine Majesty immediately but thorow the Lamb who is between God and them they are about but the Lamb stands in the midst of the Throne this is the disposition And when they look towards him that sits upon the Throne they behold him thorow this most excellent One thorow this most glorious Image or express Character of God's Person as the Apostle calls him when he demonstrates his excellency above the Angels Heb. 1. 3 5 c. And indeed in many general expressions of our Saviour's it is signified to us that none hath known or seen God at any time to wit immediately but the only begotten who is in the Bosome of the Father In which sayings angels may be included also see Mat. 11. 27. Luke 10. 22. Joh. 1. 18. and ch 6. 46. and ch 14. 6 7. as
good of his Hence the P●ophet Elisha useth the same expression that King Hezekiah doth viz. there be more with us than with them as with respect to the Angels Compare 2 Chron. 32. 7 8. with 2 King 6. 14 16 17. Zech. 2. 5. with Ps 104. 4. these are God's Chariots his Chariots of Salvation some trust in Chariots in outward Chariots Ps 20. 7. Isay 31. 1. and they that have many of them are very formidable and dreadful to us as was Jabin unto the Children of Israel who had nine hundred Chariots of Iron Judg. 4. 3. But these Angels are God's Chariots wherewith he goes forth for the salvation of his People for salvation with his anointed Hab. 3. 8 13. and he hath not only nine hundred or nine thousand Chariots but the Chariots of the Lord are twice ten thousand even thousands of Angels Ps 68. 17. and one Angel hath more power and strength than all Jabin's Chariots 2 King 19. 35. with v. 23. With these he destroyed Jabin's General with his nine hundred Chariots They sought from Heaven and overcame them Judg. 5. 2● with Job 38. 7. He will come flying on these Horses of his Ps 18. 10. and riding on these Chariots of Cherubims for the good and protection of those whose hearts are perfect towards him 1 Chron. 28. 18. And therefore they should and may serve God without fear of their Enemies Deut. 33. 26 29. with Ps 68. 17 33 35. Verse 12. Saying with a loud voice worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honour and glory and blessing In this Verse we have a further account given to us of the voice of the innumerable company of Angels which the Apostle saith he heard v. 11. And this is propounded to us 1. More generally Saying with a loud or great voice 2. More particularly we have an account given us what they said with their loud voice Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honour and glory and blessing 1. More generally Saying with a loud or great voice 1. Saying to wit all of them There was but one imployed in v. 2. to make that Proclamation and he enough to silence and non-plus himself and all the Angels and all other Creatures But here all of them with one voice join together and all little or ●ew enough to celebrate his praises who is exalted above all blessing and praise N●●em 9. 5. So when one Angel said to the Shepherds Behold I bring you glad tidings of great joy which shall be to all People c. Suddenly there was with the Angel a Multitude of the Heavenly Host praising God and saying glory be to God in the highest on Earth peace c. Luk. 2. 10 13. All the Angels of God are to worship him Heb. 1. 6. 2. Saying with a-voice with an Articulate voice It is said of the four living Creatures and Elders they had every one of them Harps and golden Phialls c. and they sung a new Song saying thou art worthy c. But of the Angels only they said c. Though the Angels praise and glorifie him yet the Saints have greatest cause to sing forth the honour of his Name and make his praise glorious for he is their Brother their Husband and they his Spouse c. The Saints begin here in celebrating the praises of the Lamb and they only sing the new Song which these say or some part of it So when the Angels are called upon to praise the Lord Ps 148. 2 5. the Saints are exhorted to sing unto the Lord a new Song to praise his Name in the Dance to sing praises unto him with the Timbrel and Harp For the Lord taketh pleasure in his People c. Let the Saints sing aloud c. Ps 149. 1 2 3 5 6. 3. Saying with a loud or great voice One Angel can speak with a very loud voice that Angel that spake to Abraham out of Heaven that one Angel caused him to hear his voice on Earth which are at a very great distance one from another Gen. 22. 11 15. with Ps 103. 11. that one Angel in v. 2. of this Chapter proclaimed with a loud voice so as to cause all Creatures in Heaven and Earth and under the Earth to hear See also Rev. 19. 17 18. But what an exceeding loud voice must the voice of such an innumerable company of them conjoined be when all of them cry mightily as Rev. 18. 2. It must needs be a loud voice indeed And so 1. They said with a loud or great voice not with a low and little one as those Creatures do who peep and m●tter Isay 8. 19. they did not speak out of the Ground their speech was not low out of the Dust nor their voice as of those that have a familiar Spirit Isay 29. 4. but their voice was full of power and might as those that were directed and enabled by the Spirit of the Lord as Mica 3. 7 8. 2. With a loud voice denotes their unanimous joy and gladness and rejoycing in and being well-pleased with what they say when Men are sad and troubled either they cannot speak as Ps 77. 4. their words are swallowed up Job 6. 2 3. or the● speak with a low voice As it is said I will distress Ariel and there shall be heaviness and sorrow And thou shalt speak out of the Ground and thy speech shall be low out of the Dust and thy voice shall be as of one that hath a Familiar Spirit out of the Ground It seems then that those that have Familiar Spirits and Wizards c. are full of heaviness and sorrow Isay 29 2 4. But when they are merry and joyful they make a loud noise and speak with a loud voice usually Exod. 32. 17 18. Hence we have such exhortations Sing aloud unto God our strength make a joyful noise unto the God of Jacob Ps 81. 1. Make a joyful noise unto the Lord all the Earth make a loud noise and rejoice c. A loud noise is a joy●ul one Ps 98. 1 4. And if there was such joy in Heaven amongst these glorious Spirits in celebrating the praises of the Lamb who took not hold on the nature of Angels how much rather should we rejoice and render his praise glorious upon the loud Harp who took our nature upon him and was made sin for us and gave his flesh for the life of the World and rose again for our justification and who is entred into Heaven it self there to appear in the presence of God for us As here the living Creatures and Elders do in v. 8 10. And as it is said Let thy Saints shout for joy Ps 132. 9 16. And again Sing aloud unto God our strength make a joyful noise unto the God of Jacob Take a Psalm bring hither the Timbrel the pleasant Harp with the Psaltery c. Ps 81. 1 2. See
there we have only three places mentioned for it is said None in Heaven nor in Earth nor under the Earth In which last expression the Sea is also included All which do encline so to understand it which I have therefore mentioned But yet because as here rendred they are distinctly mentioned here and there may be a distinct consideration of these two and else where also though very rarely we have such a distribution-made As it seems there is in Psal 135. 6. Whatsoever the Lord pleased that did he in Heaven and in the Earth in the Seas and in all deep places Therefore I shall briefly speak to them distinctly And so And under the Earth to wit under the face or superficies of it and so distinguished from every Creature on the Earth And under the Earth there are Deeps or deep places Psal 95. 4. and 148. 8. Gold Silver Brass and all Metals and Minerals Job 28. 1 3 5. Stones and precious Stones Job 28. the pretious things and hidden treasures Deut. 33. 16. Job 3. 21. Prov. 2. 4. Roots of Trees Grass c. Job 14. 8. Dan. 4. 15 23. VVorms Mica 7. 17. Vapours Psal 148. 8. and 135. 6 7. Jer. 10. 13 and 51. 16. And those that are buried there-under c. 4. And such as are in the Sea That is also full of Gods riches as the Psalmist saith O Lord how manifold are thy works in wisdom hast thou made them all the Earth is full of thy riches so is this great and wide Sea wherein are things creeping innumerable both small and great Beasts Psal 104. 24 25. therein are Fishes in abundance Gen. 1. 26 28. Psal 8. 8. Job 12. 8. And of these some have Scales and Fins and they were legally clean and some had none and they were legally unclean Lev. 11. 9 12. Deut. 4. 19 10. and creeping things as before which sometimes enclude Fishes sometimes are distinct there-from Gen. 1. 20 21. with 1 King 4. 33. So we read of the Sea-Monsters Lam. 4. 3. and the Dragons in the Sea as Isay 27. 1. there go the Ships and there is that Leviathan whom God hath formed to play therein Psal 104. 26. Job 41. therein also are Fowls which with us are called Sea-birds and Sea-fowls and are mentioned with the Fishes Gen. 1. 20 21. So the waves of the Sea Exod. 15. 19. Job 9. 8. the ●and of the Sea Job 6. 3. and treasures hid therein And in the Sea are Pearls c. Deut. 33. 19. and whatsoever passeth through the paths of the Sea Psal ● 8. 3. The Apostle makes a general Repetition of what he had foresaid saying And all that are in them not some of the Creatures in Heaven on the Earth under the Earth and in the Sea or some of all sorts but all that are in them in which he speaks somewhat like to that Thou hast put all things in subjection under his feet for in that he put all in subjection under him be left nothing that is not put under him Heb. 2. 6 8. And this gives us occasion to propound and give Answer to a Question or two that might arise from that which is here said Namely Quest But are wicked Men and wicked Spirits included in the every Creature and all that are in them and do or shall they also say Blessing and Honour and Glory and Power unto him that sits on the Throne and to the Lamb c Answ 1. To the first part of this question we say surely they are encluded also in the every Creature here spoken of for the Apostle here speaks as generally and universally as may be in so few words And every Creature which is in Heaven and on the Earth and under the Earth and such as are in the Sea and all that are in them heard I saying c. And therefore as I judge wicked Spirits and wicked Men cannot reasonably be excluded 2. To the second question or second part of the question we may say certainly wicked Men and Spirits do not chearfully and heartily and so not acceptably say Blessing c. unto him that sits upon the Throne c. But yet the Devils though against their wills do obey and make some right acknowledgments of God and Christ The Devils believe there is one God and tremble Jam. 2. 19. The Dam●sel possessed with the Spirit of Divination said concerning Paul and his Companions These Men are the Servants of the most high God c. whereby it appears the Evil Spirit did know and intimately acknowledge that he was not but there was one that was the most high God above all evil Sprits whatever Acts 16. 16. though yet the Devil desires and seeks to be worshipped as God So the Devils cried out saying What have we to do with thee Jesus thou son of God Mat. 8. 29. And unclean Spirits when they saw Christ fell down before him and cried saying Thou art the Son of God Mark 3. 11 12. And the Legion of Devils or the Man possessed therewith fell down before Jesus and with a loud voice said What have I to do with thee Jesus thou Son of God most high I beseech thee torment me not Luke 8. 27 32. And the People were all amazed insomuch that they questioned among themselves saying what thing is this what new Doctrine is this for with authority commandeth he even the unclean Spirits and they obey him Mark 1. 24 27. And so we may say of wicked Men also for all are his Servants Ps 119. 91. They though not willingly and chearfully yet against their wills do after a sort not acceptably Heb. 12. 28. worship him Acts 17. 25. They profess to know God who in works deny him being abominable and disobedient and to every good work reprobate Tit. 1. 16. And in due season all shall render and ascribe Blessing and Honour c. unto him that sits upon the Throne and unto the Lamb So the Lord saith I have sworn by my self the word is gone out of my Mouth in Righteousness and shall not return that unto me every Knee shall bow every Tongue shall swear Isay 45. 23. with Rom. 14. 11 12. And because Christ Jesus humbled himself and became obedient unto death the death of the Cross therefore God also hath highly exalted him and given him a name above every name That in the name of Jesus every Knee should bow of things in Heaven and things on Earth and things under the Earth● and that every Tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father Phil. 28 11. All they that go down to the Dust shall bow before him Ps 22. 27 29. Prov. 16. 4. And indeed Wicked Spirits and Men may well be included and reckoned amongst such Creatures as are brute and have no understanding because they so degenerate from their Primitive Glory and Excellency and the latter will not be made clean and renewed So the Devil is called and compared
this is a title given to God the God Amen or the God of truth Isay 65. 16. for the word Amen signifies truth or faithfulness And so the four living Creatures do by their saying Amen as it were say this is a right and faithful saying and acknowledgment they signifie that that was true which was spoken by all Creatures in Heaven and Earth c. though they were mute and brute Creatures 2. Together with the former Amen signifies not only or simply a confirmation of the truth and faithfulness of that spoken but also sometimes an owning liking and approbation thereof as Rev. 7. 10 12. and 19. 4. And so very usually and frequently and so here with readiness and chearfulness the four living Creatures say Amen when the mute and brute Creatures celebrate the praises of God and Christ believing the Blessing and Honour and Glory c. belong to them and shall arrive at them in due season And so should we consent to and own and approve the truth by whomsoever it be spoken or declared Joh. 4. 17. Acts 17. 28. Phil. 1. 15 18. Tit. 1. 12 13. 3. Together with the former Amen at the close and conclusion of Prayers Praises c. is as much as a Prayer Vote or Desire that such or such a thing should be or come to pass so here when the living Creatures say Amen it is as much as to say they approve that which was spoken by every Creature ver 13. and it is their hearty desire and vote it should be accomplished or always done so usually the People answered Amen at the end of Prayers or Praises 1 Chron. 16. 36. Neh. 5. 13. and 8. 6. Psal 106. 48. So the Prophet David when he saith Blessed be the Lord God of Israel from everlasting to everlasting he presently adds Amen and Amen that is so let it be Psal 41. 13. and 72. 19. and 89. 53. so Amen is rendred with us so be it Jer. 11. 2 5. And the Prophet Jeremy saith to that which he desired but believed not Amen the Lord do so the Lord perform the words which thou hast prophesied c. chap. 28. 5 7. so our Saviour instructs his disciples in that Doctrine and Rule of right Prayer to say for thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory for ever Amen Matth. 6. 13. And so Amen is as much as an earnest Prayer Vote or Desire in the Epistles generally Rev. 1. 7. Now here in that the four Creatures say Amen to what every Creature said we may learn from hence 1. That the living Creatures also heard by Faith or by the word of faith what every Creature which is in Heaven c. said and so certainly we may see and hear in and by the Holy Scriptures with the Eyes and Ears of our Soul what we cannot with our bodily ones 2 Cor. 4. 18. and 5. 7. Heb. 2. 9. and 11. 27. So we may now and ought to hear Jesus Christ who is in Heaven and speaketh to us from thence Acts 3. 22 23. Heb. 12. 25. And when the Apostle propounds that question But I say have they not heard yes verily saith he But how proves he that surely by citing a Scripture referring unto the words or sound of the works of Gods Creation and Providence for it follows Their sound went into all the Earth and their words unto the ends of the World Rom. 10. 18. with Psal 19. 1 2 3 4. In that the four living Creatures now say Amen we may learn that they do occupy the place of the unlearned for so did such as said Amen as the Apostle signifieth when he saith How shall he that occupieth the place of the unlearned say Amen c. 1 Cor. 14. 16. this was usually their word the word of the People as distinguished from the Priests Neh. 8. 6. Deut. ●7 14 15 26. Prophet or Speaker Ps 106. 48. Neh. 5. 13. So all the Angels say Amen to the Doxology of the Palm-bearing multitude Rev. 7. 10 11 12. And the four and twenty Elders and four living Creatures unto that of the much People in Heaven which said Alleluja Rev. 19. 1 2 3 4. 1. Herein then we may see the great humility of the four living Creatures they do not disdain to hear joyn with and say Amen unto that which is good though it be uttered and spoken by such as are greatly below and very much inferiour to them It was great Humility in Apollos who was an eloquent Man mighty in the Scriptures to receive instruction and information from Aquila who was a Tent-maker and Priscilla his Wife Acts. 18. 24 25. But it seems to be greater in these four living Creatures to say Amen to what the mute and brute Creatures say however it is so to learn of such And yet we should not disdain to receive instruction from the lowest and meanest Creatures Isay 40. 26 28. Prov. 6. 6 8 11. and ch 30. 24 25 26 27 28. Jer. 8. 7 8 9. Psal 145. 15 16 18 20. Mat. 6. 26 31. 2. In that here every Creature which is in Heaven and in the Earth c. begins in rendring blessing and praise whereto the four living Creatures say Amen we may learn that they are not always the most excellent who begin in rendring his praise glorious who sitteth upon the Throne c. as also was noted before See the Notes on ch 4. ver 10. 2. We have also an account given us what was done by the four and twenty Elders And the four and twenty Elders fell down and worshipped him that liveth for ever and ever We have spoken before to all this latter part of the Verse unto the acts of their own VVorship and their expression of greater humility therein than in the acts of the four living Creatures As also to the description of the Object of their VVorship to wit Him that liveth for ever and ever See the Notes before on chap. 4. ver 9. and ver 10. Only here we may note that whereas by this Phrase Him that liveth for ever and ever he is intended who sitteth upon the throne as distinguished from the Lamb as our Mediator and High-Priest as chap. 4. 9 10. and chap. 10. 6. In this place it appears to be spoken of the Lamb also for in ver 13. every Creature was heard saying Blessing and honour and glory and power unto him that sitteth upon the Throne and unto the Lamb for ever and ever whereto the four living Creatures say Amen so be it And the four and twenty Elders fell down and worshipped him that liveth for ever and ever namely Him that sitteth upon the Throne and the Lamb also for surely he is included in this Description and intended hereby And indeed He liveth and was dead and behold he is alive for evermore Rev. 1. 18. Job 19. 25. Heb. 7. 8 16. 1 Pet. 1. 23. And He is therefore able to save to the uttermost all them that come unto God by him seeing he ever liveth to make intecession for them Heb. 7. 24 25 26 28. Jo● 14. 19. FINIS
cre●●es darkness he makes peace and creates evil He the Lord doth all these things Isa 45. 7. as he saith Shall there be evil in the city and the Lord hath not done it Amos 3. 6. Verily he is a God that judgeth in the earth Psal 58. 9 11. Amos 4. 6 12. though he tempteth no man to what is sinfully evil nor can he be tempted therewith He is not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness Jam. 1. 13 14. Psal 5. 4 6. yet he is the orderer of all afflictions and judgments not only of those which come more immediately from his own hand 1 Cor. 11. 29 32. but of such also as wherein Satan and evil men may be instruments so when by Gods permission Satan inflicted many evils upon Job and stirred up the Sabea●s and Caldeans to fall upon and take away his substance and slay his servants with the edg of the sword c. yet Job saith The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away blessed be the name of the Lord. And the Holy Ghost addeth In all this Job sinned not nor charged God foolishly Job 1. 12 22. And when again by Gods permission Satan smote Job with sore boils from the sole of his foot unto his crown he saith to his wife What shall we receive good at the band of God and shall we not receive evil unto which also is immediately subjoined In all this Job did not sin with his lips Job 2. 7 10. and chap. 10. 2 3. Isa 10. 5 6. 2 Cor. 12. 7. And therefore 2. All lightnings and thunderings all afflictions and evils of judgment and punishment proceeding out of the throne they are ordered to us in righteousness He sitteth in the throne judging in righteousness Psal 9. 4. In righteousness he doth judg and make war Rev. 19. 11. When clouds and darkness are round about him righteousness and judgment are the habitation or establishment of his throne Psal 97. 2. and 89. 14. He is excellent in judgment and in plenty of ju●tice Job 37. 23. Psal 7. 12. Hence it is said by the Angel of the waters Thou art righteo●s O Lord which art and wast and shalt be because thou hast judged thus And another Angel out of the altar said Even so Lord God Almighty true and righteous are thy judgments Rev. 16. 5 7. and chap. 19. 2. And this being considered may instruct us always to ascribe righteousness to our Maker Job 36. 3. as the Prophet doth when he had been severely judging his people O Lord righteousness belongeth unto thee but unto us confusion of faces c. Dan. 9. 7 14. and to the same purpose that good man speaketh saying Howbeit thou art just in all thou hast broug●t upon us for thou hast done right but we have done wickedly Neh. 9. 32 33. It 's not meet for us to endeavour to disannul his judgment or to condemn him that we may be righteous Job 40. 8. though indeed to the end we may ascribe righteousness to him it is needful we humble our souls and suffer pride to be hidden from us as it is said of the Princes of Israel and the King They ●umbled themselves and said The Lord is righteous 2 Chron. 12. 6 7. and the consideration hereof may also engage us to search and try our ways and turn unto him Lam. 3. 37 40. To judg our selves and take shame to our selves and to acknowledg we have righteously deserved whatsoever is inflicted on us or further threatned to us and if we would judg our selves we should not be further judged 1 Cor. 11. 31. and to turn from our iniquities that we may understand his truth Da● 9. 13 14. for that is his end in all the ordering of his judgments and cloudy and dark days unto us and therefore at such a time he exhorts to turn unto him with all the heart which we cannot do unless we turn from the things that are reproved and put away our abominations out of his sight Joel 2. 2 12 13. with Jer. 4. 1. and Acts 26. 18. and this being minded also would take us off from fretting our selves against instruments and help us to cease from anger and forsake wrath and not fret our selves in any wise to do evil Psal 37. 7 8. but in patience to possess our souls Thus it is recorded of David how that when he was in great affliction and S●imei helped forward his affliction greatly whereby some of Davids followers were so provoked to anger that they would have taken off his head this now quieted the heart of that holy man and kept him from fretting himself in any wise to do evil That this affliction was ordered to him by him that sits on the throne So let him curse saith he because the Lord hath said unto him Curse David c. 2 Sam. 16. 7 10 12. He was dumb and opened not his mouth because the Lord did it Psal 39. 9. and the consideration hereof also may provoke us to lift up our hearts with our hands to God in the heavens in a day of darkness and gloominess in a tempestuous day To whom should a people seek but to their God Lam. 3. 37 41. to which purpose is that exhortation Come let us return unto the Lord for he hath torn and ●e will heal he hath smitten and he will bind us up Hos 5. 14 15. and chap. 6. 1 2. Isa 8. 20. Thus it is good to demean our selves in every day of affliction and wrath though here directly he speaks of such judgments and testimonies of displeasure as come more immediately from him that sits on the throne Psal 97. 4 7. 3. They proceed out of the throne about which is the rain-bow Let that be remembred by us so as in all he will ever be mindful of his Covenant his Covenant of Mercy And so we may learn that the Lord is not only righteous in all his ways but also merciful and gracious in all his works Psal 145. 8 9 17. And is and will be nigh unto all them ●hat call upon him to all that call upon him in truth He will fulfil the des●re of them that fear him he also will hear their cry and will save them He will answer them in the secret place of thunder Psal 145. 18 19. with Psal 81. 7. He hath given his Son f●r a Covenant of the people to establish the earth and through him and for his sak● while it is called to day he is good to all loving to every man even in all the storms he is ordering even while they are joyned to all the living for the bow was a token of the Covenant between him and every living creature Gen. 9. 12 16. Jo● 33. 14. 30. And his mercy is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him and his righteo●sness upon childrens children to such as keep his Covenant and to those that remember his commandments to do them the Lord hath prepared his thron● in the Heavens
people righteously and govern the nations upon earth Selah Psal 67. 3 4 7. and 82. 5 8. And all the earth is called upon to make a joyful noise before the Lord for he not goeth or sitteth in Heaven but cometh to wit down from Heaven for he cometh to judg the earth he shall judg the world with righteousness and the people with his truth Psal 96. 11 13. and 98. 4 9. and 47. Behold the days come saith the Lord that I will raise up unto David a righteous branch and a King shall reign and prosper and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth In his days Judah the two Tribes shall be saved and Israel the ten Tribes who were then captives and so remain unto this day shall dwell safely And this is his name whereby he shall be called THE LORD OVR RIGHTEOVSNESS Jer. 23. 5 6. and Chap. 33. 14 15-17 The Lord my God shall come and all the Saints with thee And the Lord shall be King over all the earth In that day there shall be one Lord and his name one Zech. 14. 5-9 And therefore because he shall reign on the earth and they with him they also shall reign on the earth as is here with joy and rejoicing affirmed by these redeemed ones 2. And they shall reign one with another who are children of God If children then heirs heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ if so be they suffer that they may also be glorified together Rom. 8. 16 17. As they shall be gathered together unto him to Christ I mean so also one to another in a personal consideration and shall not be separated one from another any more 2 Thes 2. 1. now they are scattered one from another upon several accounts The wise and gracious sow●r soweth the good seed the children of the Kingdom over all his field of the world for the good of the world that by them Gods way might be known upon the earth and his saving health among all Nations Mat. 13. 24-38 with Psal 67. 1-3 And by their being thus disposed many of them never see the faces of one another in the flesh Col. 2. 1. sometimes they are scattered one from another by persecution so it is said There was a great persecution against the Church which was at Jerusalem and they were all scattered abroad throughout the regions of Judea c. Act. 8. 1 3 4. Many times the wolf cometh and scattereth the sheep one from another Joh. 10. 12. Sometimes and too often they are sundred one from another by contentions strifes and animosities It is the work of sin and satan to sow discord between brethren and to separate chief friends one from another Jam. 4. 1-5 Rev. 12. 10. so it is said of these two eminently holy ones Paul and Barnabas the contention was so sharp between them that they departed asunder one from the other Act. 15. 39. And so also they are removed one from another by death Isa 38. 11. but then compleatly and gloriously there will be the congregation of the righteous when they are raised and reign with Christ Psal 1. 5. The son of man shall send his Angels with a great sound of a trumpet and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds from one end of Heaven to the other Mat. 24. 31. And them that sleep in Jesus God will bring with him 1 Thes 4. 13 14. The dead shall not reign on earth before the living All these holy ones saith the Apostle having obtained a good report thorow faith received not the promise God having provided some better things for us that they without us should not be made perfect Heb. 11. 39 40. And they of Christs which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep for the Lord himself shall descend from Heaven with a shout with the voice of the Arch-angel and with the trump of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air And so shall we ever be with the Lord 1 Thes 4. 15-17 And that in this glorious reign one shall not be before or after another the Apostle signifieth when he saith I would to God ye did reign that we also might reign with you thereby giving us to understand that as they shall reign with Christ as is before said so also one with another 1 Cor. 4. 8. this honour shall all Christs Saints have together Psal 149. 4 5-9 2 Tim. 2. 11 12. Vse 1. Now from what is here said in vers 9 10. we may see what is the new song so oft spoken of in Scripture as Psal 33. 1-3 and 40. 1-3 and 96. 1. and 98. 1-4 9. and 149. Isa 42. 1-10 to wit it is that which contains the contents of the Testimony of Jesus as we have said to wit what he hath done for us sinful creatures of mankind what he is now doing and what he will do 2. Here we may also see who are the true singers of the new song such as lift up the Hor● that Horn of Salvation which God hath raised up in the house of his servant David this Horn is the praise of all these Saints 1 Chron. 25. 3-5 with Psal 148. 14. and Luk. 1. 69. And they first render glorious the sufferings of Christ and merrily and skilfully sing of and sound forth the preciousness of his blood saying Thou wast slain c. These are they who rightly sing and make melody with grace in their hearts unto the Lord even these redeemed ones Ephes 5. 18 19. Col. 3. 16. and these are called upon to give thanks unto and praise the Lord as it is said O give thanks unto the Lord for he is good for his mercy endureth for ever let the redeemed of the Lord say so whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy and gathered them out of the lands from the East and from the West and from the North and from the South even out of every kindred and tongue and people and nation Psal 107. 1-3 with Rev. 5. 9. and Chap. 14. 2 3. 4 5. 3. From this particular branch of the new song to wit We shall reign on the earth we may see That these redeemed ones having access into the grace of God rejoice in hope of the glory to be revealed Rom. 5. 2. and Chap. 12. 11. holding fast the beginning of the confidence they also hold fast the rejoicing of the hope and have that as an anchor of the soul both sure and stedfast c. Heb. 3. 6. with vers 14. and Chap. 6. 18-20 Psal 89. 15 16. 4. The consideration of the assurance of the faith and hope of these holy ones that they shall reign on the earth may preserve us from those scoffers who say where is the promise of his comeing and strengthen us notwithstanding their scoffs to
look for according to his promise new heavens and a new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness 2 Pet. 3. 3 4-14 Jude 17. 18. and may deliver us from them who say the Resurrection the first Resurrection is past already and that this glorious reign on earth is over and gone 2 Tim. 2. 16-18 and who call the glorious Reign of Christ and all his Saints on the earth together an Here●ie and those that believe it Hereticks when as the holy Scriptures as in part we have seen do plainly and plentifully assure us that this is a truth which they call Here●ie Yea and thus they call it though the first writers after Christ and his Apostles did also believe and confess this thousand years Reign as the Ecclesiastical History reports to wit Papias Justin Martyr Irenaeus c. Indeed the History in one place speaks thus of the first of these named to wit Papias and saith He was a man of small judgment c. namely when it tells us He did believe that Christ and his Saints should reign on the earth Eusebius in the third Book of his Ecclesiastical History Chap. 35. And yet in another place it give this account of him that P●pias was a man passing eloquent and expert in the Scriptures Euseb Book 3 d. Chap. 32. But how should they hear those ancient Fathers herein when they will not hear Christ and his Apostles But we shall add no more to this Verse Verse 11. And I beheld and I heard the voice of many Angels round about the Throne and the living Creatures and the Elders And the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands of thousands In this and the following Verse we have an account given us of another great and glorious Company who also with a loud voice do ●ound forth and celebrate the praises of the Lamb. To which more after God willing In this Verse we have to consider for our instruction and usefulness 1. The expecting posture of the Apostle And I beheld 2. What ensued thereupon And that is 1. More generally declared to us I heard a Voice 2. More particularly we have an account given unto us 1. Whose Voice he heard and that is the Voice of Angels 2. The number of them indefinitely intimated to wit many Angels and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands of thousands 3. Where this innumerable company of Angels was viz. Round about the Throne and the living Creatures and the Elders 1. We have I say in this Verse declared to us The expecting posture of the Apostle And I ●eheld or looked to wit with the Eyes of his Soul in some extraordinary and visional way And the like hereto is affirmed of many other holy Men and Prophets in the Scriptures and of himself in many other places of this Book See the Notes before on ch 4. v. 1. and on ch 5. v. 6. what he had seen was so sweet pleasant and delightful to him that he was still in a waiting posture and did behold and look fo● some further Revelations and Discoveries to be afforded to him Prov. 24. 13 14. 2. The Apostle doth give unto us an account what ensued thereupon or followed thereafter And that is 1. More generally declared to us namely saith he And I heard a Voice he looked unto Christ and was further enlightned and his Face was not ashamed as Psal 34. 5. Habbak 2. 1 2. They that wait for the Lord shall not be ashamed Isay 49. 23. Such a like account is often elsewhere given us in this Book and in many other places See Rev. 6. 1 3 5 7 c. But to this we shall not further here enlarge See the Notes before on ch 4. v. 1. 2. More particularly we have to mind and consider whose Voice he heard and that is Of Angels Of the Voice or what they said therewith we may speak something on v. 12. where we shall have more apt occasion so to do But here let us a little enquire and consider whose Voice he heard and that is here said to be Of Angels when that strong Angel spoken of v. 2. made proclamation with a loud voice saying Who is worthy to open the Book and to loose the Seals thereof then all were silent and none did or could return a word thereto there was then silence in Heaven amongst these inhabiters thereof as ch 8. 1. but now when that knot was untyed and difficulty removed and the Lamb had taken the Book in order to the opening of it and the redeemed ones unto God sang that new Song before spoken of v. 8 10. Now their Tongues were loosed when that glorious one had undertaken to loose the Book And the Apostle tells us here I heard the Voice of many Angels c. The word Angel is a Name not of Nature but of Office and therefore it is sometimes given to any Messenger indefinitely and many times in the three first Chapters of this Book of the Revelation to the Messengers Bishops or Over-seers of the seven Churches See the Notes before on ch 1. v. 20. But here we are to understand the word Angels to mean those Spirits or spiritual Beings so called As it is said He maketh his Angels Spirits Psal 104. 4. Heb. 1. 7. for they are distinguished from him that sits on the Throne and from the Lamb and from all the Saints and redeemed ones unto God and from every Creature spoken of and mentioned in v. 13. of this Chapter And so we may say a little particularly and distinctly 1. These Angels are Spirits or spiritual Beings Heb. 1. 7. And have not flesh and bones as Men and many other Creatures have As our Saviour saith A Spirit hath not flesh and bones c. Luk. 24. 39. Indeed Men have Spirits but they are not Spirits meerly as the Angels are Numb 16. 22. and ch 27. 16. And also the Angels were at first made in a glorious condition more glorious than Mankind was As the Psalmist intimates when he saith Thou madest Man a little lower than the Angels Ps 8. 4 5. 2. And the Angels are created Spirits As it is said He maketh his Angels Spirits Ps 104. 4. Heb. 1. 7. And so they are distinct from and infinitely inferiour to him that fits upon the Throne who hath created all things and for his pleasure they are and were created Rev. 4. 9 11. God indeed is a Spirit Joh. 4. 24. But not created He is from everlasting to everlasting God and is the Creator and Former of all things and so also the Creator of these Spirits we are speaking of Isay 40. 26. The Father of Spirits Heb. 12. 9. He created Heaven and the things that are therein to wit the Angels in Heaven Rev. 10. 5 6. with Mat. 24. 36. Upon this account the Psalmist thus speaks and saith Praise ye the Lord all his Angels Let them praise the Name of the Lord for he commanded and they were