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A48358 Holy characters containing a miscelany of theolocicall [sic] discovrses that is theology, positiue, scholasticall, polemicall, and morall built upon the foundation of scriptures, traditions, councils, fathers, divided into two books / written by George Leybvrn ... Leyburn, George, 1593-1677. 1662 (1662) Wing L1938; ESTC R18553 388,184 688

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lib. arb c. 2. vt primus parens inquit meliores gigneret quam ipse esset non erat aequitatis sed ex conuersione ad Deum vt vinceret quisque suppliciū quod origo eius ex auersione meruerat adiuuari oportebat it had been against reason and equity that Adam should beget children better then he had made himself by his fall so it were against Gods mercy to continue them in the calamities vnto which they were begot these being no defects of theirs personally By necessary consequence is euident Gods clemency and bountifullnes in laying his commandements vpon man (b) The Council of Trent sess 6. defines that God commands nothing that is impossible but by commanding warneth us to doe what we can and to ask of him what we cannot doe and so God assistes us to do what of our selues we cannot and S. Austin l. de gra lib. arb c. 16. teacheth that therefore God commandeth what we cannot do of our selues without his grace to the end we may know thereby what we ought to demand of him So that O lord giue requisits to do thy commandements and command vvhat thou vvilt was a prayer often vsed by S. Austin By commanding he admonisheth him as to free will to doe what he can of himself as to grace to aske of him what himself cannot doe and God most bountifully and sweetly doth operate in mans asking and cooperate in his doing graciously * S. Tho. 1. 2. q. 106. a. 2. ad 2. lex noua inquit iram non operatur quia quantum est ex se dat sufficiens auxilium ad non peccandum Et paulo antz si quis ait post acceptam gratiam noui Testamenti peccauerit eum maiore poena dignum esse tanquam maioribus beneficijs ingratum auxilio sibi dato non vtentem furnishing euery one with requisits for the execution of all things commanded furthermore God promiseth a reward of eternall life to such as shall faithfully execute his commands as it wee extorting from them the seruice and duty which the law of nature obligeth and the expectation of promised blessednes encourageth vnto so that the diuine lawes and ordinances are sweet and easy God only requiring from each man come to the vsing of reason what lyeth in his power or will fortifyed by grace to performe It is the denil that asketh of man hard things for example to hate God blaspheme his holy name decline his diuine worship dissobey parents wrong out neighbour detract from him wound his honour and reputation which are things very hard being contrary to the light of naturall reason but God requireth only to loue and serue him and our neighbour for him in which consists the fullnes of all his commandements and very easy being conforme to the dictates of naturall reason Whereby followeth that whensoeuer the deuills request is granted and Gods denyed it is not because Gods request is hard but because mans heart is hardened in obstinacy and pertinacy against the clear light of naturall reason and supernaturall inspitations Since the first age of Christianity for about 1500. Yeares till Luther and Caluins time no example of any author can be produced for hauing impugned a possible obseruation of diuine lawes and ordinances all writers vnanimously affirming * Aug. ser de tempore ait nec impessibile potuit Deus aliquid imper are qui iustus est nec damnaturus est hominem pro eo quod non potuit vitare quia pius est Vnde l. 1. retrac c. 10. ait omnes homines posse si velint implere precepta Dei sed praeparari voluntatem à Domino qui operando incipit cooperaendo perficit vt docet Aug. multis in locis quod misericordia Dei nos in omnibus praeueniat consentire autem vel dissentire propriae voluntatis est that as God who is good doth not dam any man for an offence he cannot auoide so being iust he doth not command things impossible and indeed to impute to God an impossibility in his commands is (c) S. Hieron Epis ad Damas writeth thus We detest the blasphemy of those vvich teach that things impossible are commanded or that all men cannot keep the commandements and S. Basil in Regul c. monach c. 33. affirm's that God who is both iust and mercifull would neuer command us any thing vnless he gaue power to doe it blasphemy and sacriledg deuesting God of his iustice besides it giues the lie to the holy Ghost who saith that the Priest Zacharia● and his wife Elizabeth were both iust before God and walked in all the commandements and iustifications of our lord without reproof CHAR. XX. OF PREDESTINATION OR ELECTION TO THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN THE CONTENTS Grace doth not proceed first from merits it is giuen Gratis and from thence is named Grace election or Predestination to diuine Grace comes not of him that willeth nor of him that runneth but of God that sheweth mercy Gods election or Predestination of man to the kingdom of Heauen supposeth fore knowledg of Good works through Grace Graetis giuen the glory of Heauen is a prize a just crown a reward ordain'd for those which employe faithfully their Talents of Grace which mercy bestow'd S. Paul found mercy after many euill works yet he had neuer found the kingdom of Heauen but for his many good works PRedestination or election to the kingdom of Heauen is a firme purpose or decree of Gods electiue will vnto glorifying such as shall depart out of this life in due conformity to his diuine laws and ordinantes although God as the vniuersall bountifull benefactor (a) The Prophet Isaias cap. 5. setting foorth generall mercy in the person of God faith What could I haue done any more to my vinegard that I haue not done vnto it vvhether haue I looked that it should bring forth grapes and it bringeth forth vvild grapes Where by the vinegard the barren people of Israël by the grapes good by wild grapes euill works are figuratiuely meant God signifying thereby that on his part he had furnisht the people of Israël with all requisits necessary to the exercising of good works who neuertheless on their parts brought forth euill works only and in the 62. chap. of the same Isaias God complaines of the Israelits saying I haue spread out myne hands all the day vnto a rebellious people that vvalketh ina vvay vvhich is not good after their ovvn imaginations doth furnish each reasonable creature with sufficient expedients to see his own infirmity to confess his imbecillity and to know to seek profitablely what vnprofitablely he knowes not namely a diuine cure for his miseries and this act of bountifullnes is properly named grace grace (b) The Apostle Rom. 11. affirmes that grace were not grace if procured by our works and indeed as S. Austin teacheth grace comes not of our merits but is giuen gratis and therefore is called grace so that
5. asserteth touching children that die immediatly after baptism notwithstanding they will receiue aduantages in order to their bodies in the day of generall resurrection But as to Onesiphorus Mr. White perhaps will answer that the Apostle supposeth him dead because in the same Chapter t is said Our lord giue mercy to the house of Onesiphorus Yet that form of speech doth not make him dead for the Apostle sayeth Rom. 10. salute them which are of Aristobulus his house and Mr. White cannot make it appeare by any orthodox writer that then Aristobulus was dead again the same Apostle 1. Cor. 10. writeth thus now brethren I beseech you ye know the house of Stephanus and Fortunatus be you obedient vnto such and yet it is certaine that Stephanus and Fortunatus were liuing at that time for the Apostle saith in the same Chapter I am glad of the coming or presence of Stephanus and Fortunatus Howeuer the Latine and Greek Martyrologes ought to carrie more weight with wise and iudicious men then Mr. Whites meer asserting the contrary But let his supposall be admitted gratis what doth he infer thence Mary that the soul of Onesiphorus bath not already found that mercy the Apōstle prayed our lord might grant vnto him because the Apostle praid that Onesiphorus might find it in illo die in that day In earnest a manifest weake inference in regard it relies on a false supposall as the former did viz. that of necessity by illo die thay day is meant the day of generall iudgment neither doth Mr. White produce any proofe besids his own bare assertion to shew that to be the Apostles meaning nor indeed can he produce any for both the words that day as likwise euen the words the day of our lord doe commonly signifie in scripture and namly 1. Cor. 5. 2. Cor. 1. Philip. 1. 1. Thes 2. as doe * Doctores Rhemenses in Annot a. super cap. 3. Epis 1. ad Cor. obserue Catholicke writers either the particular or generall iudgment And doubtless the mentioned Text of the Apostle is truly very fied in respect of particular judgment where vnto euery man is liable immediatly after his death because euery one shall be iudged in the generall iudgment according to the account he giues after his death at the particular tribunall of diuine Iustice and not only the fauour that a soul findeth in the generall iudgment but also the fauour that it finds at the particular iudgment is called in the scripture mercy both the one and the other being shown vpon the score of good works which proceed from the mercyfull grace of God through the merits of our lord Iesus-Christ Hereby plainly appeareth the vnquietness of Mr. Whits hawty spirite for as much as through a sacrilegious ambition he endeauours to wrest the Apostles words to ouerthrow the common practice of the whole Church of God Moreouer in persuance of his vnquiet ambition he passeth from this scripture-text vnto Church Lyturgies bearing himselfe confident to euidence thereby that the vnanimous consent of antiquitie witnes plainly on his side Let S. Iames be our first witness saith he in his lyturgy of the Hierosolymitan Church be mindfull lord God of the spirits and their bodyes whom we haue commemorated or not commemorated who were orthodox from the iust Abell to this present day Thou grant them there to rest in the region of the liuing in thy kingdom in the delights of paradise And to assure the reader that the Hierosolymitan Church which by origine is the Cheif in as much as she begun from the iust Abell could not exclude any he produceth S. Cyrills testimony for which he citeth his first catechesis next faith S. Cyril for the holy Fathers and Bishops departed and of all vniuersally who are dead from amongst vs. The second witness S. Basils Mass or lyturgy Bee mindfull also of all who haue slept in hope of resurrection vnto life euerlasting The third witnes S. Chrys Mass or lyturgy For the memory and remission of their sins who were the founders of this habitation worthy of eternall memory and all who haue slept in thy communion in the hope of resurrection and life eternall our orthodox Fathers and brethren The fourth witness S. Marks Mass or lyturgy Giue rest our lord our God to the souls of our Fathers and brethren who haue slept in the faith of Christ mindfull of our Ancestours from the begining of the world Fathers Patriarks Prophets Apostles Martyrs Confessors Bishops Saints and iust men all the souls of Those who departed in the faith of Christ and moreouer of those whose memory this day we celebrate and our holy Father Marke the Euangelist to the souls of all these giue rest our supream lord and God in thy holy Tabernacle c. and he concludes saith Mr. White to their souls grant rest and admit them to the kingdom of Heauen The fift witnes S. Greg. the great his lyturgy Remember also o lord thy seruants who haue gone before vs with the sign of faith and now rest in the sleep of peace To them our lord and all that rest in Christ wee beseech the grant a place of ease and light and peace From the witnesses set down Mr. White argueth thus So many Patriarchall Churches continually in their publick lyturgyes beseech God in generall tearmes to giue saluation to all the faithfull departed assigning them a place of ease light and peace and where none is excepted all are included and in our case eminent Saints particularly named we cannot therefore doubt but that prayer was anciently offered for the blessed that is to say we cannot doubt but that the ancient Churches offered prayers for such as departed in the faith of Christ that they might find mercy saluation place of ease light and peace euen after their souls were beatified these aduantages according to Mr. White being the motiues on which ancient Churches grounded their prayers suffrages and sacrifices which they offered for such as were already blessed that they might find mercy place of ease light and peace which implies manifest weakness for he contradicts himselfe since blessedness is a clear sight of God importing of necessity saluation mercy place of ease light and peace Wherfore it seems a strang thing that vpon such premises he should conclude with soe much confidence as if the point were euidently clear that the anciēt lyturgyes acknowleged prayers for the blessed as to procuring them mercy saluation place of ease light and peace besides it s not as to reason consonant that the said lyturgyes should require the prayers and sacrifices of the faithfull on earth for the aduantages of the blessed in Heauen since these (m) As to the Churches lyturgyes it is obseruable 1. That in Saint Iames lyturgy these words are set down Let vs celebrate the memory of the most holy immaculate most glorious Mother of God and euer Virgin Mary and of all the Saints that through their prayers vve may obtaine
did not adding next Cyrillus for the holy Fathers and Bishops departed and of all vniuersally which are dead from amongst vs. Where is obseruable Mr. Whites crafty dealing for in the fift catechesis of S. Cyril the words set down by him appeare not that catechesis containing only an explication of faith in order to its definition which is substance of things hoped for and a conuiction of things vnseen Howeuer the said words cited by him are extant in the first mystigogicall catechesis of S. Cyril who before he coms at those words set down by Mr. White to proue that the Hierosolymitan Church prayed for the blessed writeth thus when we offer this sacrifice afterward we make commemoration of those also who are dead afore first of the Patriarkes Prophetes Apostles Martyres that God by their prayers and intercessions may receiue our prayers But Mr. White leaueth out these words which sheweth his crafty and subtill dealing Again the words of S. Cyril that * Uerba subsequētia hac sunt maximū est animarum iuuamen pro quibus offertur obsecratio sancti illius tremendi quod in altari positum est sacrificii quod exemplo demonstrare volumus scio enim multos dicere quid iuuat animam in peccatis ex hoc mundo decedentem etiamsi in hoc sacrificio mentio fiat illius Ansi rex aliquis eos à quibus offensus est in exilium pepulerit postea vero illorum propinqui coronam aliquam conficientes pro his qui in supplicio sunt exulibus eidem regi offerrent nonne condonationem aliquam suppliciorum dederit ad eūdem medū nos pro defunctis precationes adhibemus follow the words set down by Mr. White doe preiudice his doctrine of the midle state of soules and therefore on purpose he omits those likwise The same crafty dealing he employes about S. Marks lyturgy that is of Alexandria for there he omits mentioning the precedent of which the subsequent words depend and ioynes words together which haue nothing of connexion For example the words Of our Fathers and bretheren who haue slept in the saith of Christ down to the words and moreouer of those whose memory this day we celebrate and our holy Father Marke who taught vs the way of saluation doe not containe a prayer for the Saints because the Euangelist saith expresly grant vnto them rest mindfull of the Saints that is mindfull of them through the intercession of the Saints but truly the subsequent words to wit To thesoules of all those giue rest haue no relation to the precedent commemoration Neither doe the particles of all those giue rest comprehend the Saints commemorated afore in regard that both afore and after those words is recited the angelicall salutation Aue Maria and after this is expressed in the lyturgy that the Deacon readeth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is the holy tables containing a Catalogue of all the faithfull departed afterward saith the lyturgy the Priest decently bows his body and prayeth vttering the words set downe viz To the souls of all those giue rest our supream lord that is to the souls of all those which be contained in the said Catalogue the names whereof the Deacon had read and whereas S. Marke concluds saying To their soules I say grant rest and admit them to the kingdom of Heauen that conclusion is only a repetition of the precedent prayer To the soules of all these giue rest our supream lord and God and consequently did not relate vnto the blessed Saints that had no need of such a prayer but to those named in the Deacons 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that receiued help After the like manner Mr. White dealeth in citing the Roman or S. Gregorie the greats lyturgy which is thus Remember alsoe O lord thy seruants N.N. that is such as I name or intend to pray for who haue gone before vs with the signe of faith and now rest in the sleep of peace After which words the Preist according to the rubricke there set down ioynes his hands together and prayes during a little while for the said N.N. which he nameth or intendeth to pray for * Innocentius Alexaner Sūmi Pontifices item Gabriel Albertus disertè docēt post verba illa dormiunt in somno pacis debere fieri memoriam specialē non vniuersalem vt perperam dicit Albius defunctorum parētum corū quibus missam specialster applicare voluerit sacerdos his potius credendum est quā Albio and afterward only it followeth To them O lord and all the rest in Christ we beseech thee grant a place of ease and light and peace whereby t is manifest that Mr. White weakly if not craftily goes about to proue from those words that S. Gregorie prayed for all who were baptized and departed in the communion of the Church And indeed soe it should follow that he prayed for the most blessed Virgin that is aboue intercession exceeding all the Angels in sanctity But t is great pity that the extream wantoness of Mr. Whits witt should so carry him away and soe harden his mouth and fortifie his stomack as to disgest a morsell of doctrine that by his own confession contradicts the generall practice of the whole Church Furthermore to cleare more amply all these and other obiections which sectaries commonly draw from vncertainties and intricacies of Church lyturgyes to preiudice Catholick verities there is nothing of absurdity or inconueniency if we answere them that the holy church represents therin the departure of Saints out of the world that is the exact time when their souls were remouing out of their bodyes for example in the Mass for the dead when t' is celebrated for such as died some hundred yeares afore the Church in that prayer of the offertory Our lord Iesus Christ deliuer the souls of all the faithfull departed from the paines of hell from the deep lake from the lions mouth let not bell swallow them vp represēts those souls vnto Christ as if euen then they were departing and considers them as if euen then they were in the agonie of death and therby noe lye is committed for a Priest celebrating the Mass of the fourth sunday in Aduent does truly say without lying Drop down yee Heauens from aboue and let the clouds raine the iust Send downe the lambe the ruler of the earth Because the Church therby only represents the humble supplications of the ancient Patriarks and Prophets for the accelerating of Christs preordained coming into the world as if they were present in that moment of time when those holy Fathers soe prayed And truly that glorious Emperour Charles the first by the aduice of his Ghostly Father commanded that his funerall should be celebrated and the office and the Mass likewise of the dead sung for him as if he had been dead indeed when he was aliue The premisses euidence enough the true sense and meaning of the Churches lyturgyes against all
bringes poor man into the pit of the deuil for they that will be rich saith the Apostle 1. Timot. 6. fall into temptation and snares and into many foolish and noisome lustes which drown them in perdition and destruction A ship that is fastened to the earth cannot sail to the hauen she tends to euen so a man whose affections are fixed on earthly riches cannot pass to Heauen which is his hauen in regard the ship of his soul stickes fast to the ground of worldly treasures howeuer riches in themselues are not euil as the poor labourer that spreads fatt dung abroad ouer all his feild renders it fruitfull vnto (d) According to the holy Scriptures Almes deeds deliuer from sin The holy Prophet Daniel counselled Nabuchodonosor to redeem his sinnes by giuing almes and to releiue the poore is a counsell Christ himselfe gaue saying Giue vnto the poore and thou ●halt haue a treasure in Heauen bringing forth much corne so the rich man that distribut's his riches to such as be in necessity prosits his soul vnto iustification of life but who is he that vses well his riches which he might abuse who is he that might doe euil with his gold and hath not don it might offend and hath not offended who is this blessed rich which is found without blemish and hath not gon after riches nor hoped in mony or treasures wherby so many are destroyed who is he for he is an example of glory and his goods be established in our lord and all the Church of Saints shall declare his almes Eccles 31. the blessed rich is he that maketh himselfe poore hauing great riches or he that of his little substance is not afraid to giue a little almes In the law of Moses the old Tobias was blessedly rich he gaue the first tenth part of all his goods to the Priests the sonns of Aron another tenth part he sold and euery yeare bestowed it in good vses at Ierusalem the third tenth part of his goods he destributed among them to whom it was meet he powred out great almes to his brethren and gaue his own bread to such as were hungry and his own clothes to those which were naked Tob. 10. likwise Zaccheus was blessed in riches that gaue halfe of his goods * Qui miseretur pauperi beatus erit beatus qui intelligi● super egenū pauperem id est qni prouidet egenis pauperibus to the poor because saluation came therby to his house Luk. 19. and that almes laid vp a good store for him selfe in regard it deliuered him from death and suffered him not to come into darknes In the law of grace the primitiue Christians were the blessed rich for many which were possessors of lands or houses sold them and brought the price and laid it down at the Apostles feet and it was distaibuted according to the necessity of each one respectiuely Act. 4. and down from the Apostles to the present times the Church hath produced numberless numbers of blessed rich in euery age respectiuely and our country of England makes a larg claim to the blessed rich as euidence the many beautifull Churches sumptious Monasteries goodly Colleges and famous hospitalls which the almes of its primitiue Catholick Christians haue erected in the honour of God his glorious Virgin mother and other blessed Saints But truly the modern haue much surpassed euen the primitiue Catholick Christians of this Iland for as much as they haue gladly born the yoke of persecution patiently endured the spoiling of their goods and willingly suffered banishment taking vp their Cross of tribulation after the example of their heauenly Master the son of God that desceuded from Heauen to exalt and render pouerty estimable beyond worldly treasures for coming into the world he made choice * Elegi te in camino paupertatis ait Propheta of a poor Virgin in the furnace of pouerty of whom he was made man and in lieu of a glorious pallace sutable to the king of glory at his first entrance into the world was lodged in a stable in room of rich mantles was wrapped in poor swadling cloathes In stead of a bed of state he was laid in a crath or manger and while he was conuersant on earth he had not wheron to rest his head besides at his departure out of this world he was stripped of all cloathes Wherfore t is a great abuse saith S. Bernard and manifest madnes if we shall * S. Bernardus magna abusio vt quis diues esse velit pro quo Deus pauper fier● voluit couet to be rich for whose sake the son of God made himselfe poor CHAR. XXXI OF VSVRY THE CONTENTS To lend vnto vsury is forbidden by the law of nature the written law of Moyses and the Euangelicall law of Christ The ancient Iewes by diuine dispensation lent vpon vsury to the Cananites to lend for a spirituall gain precisely implies nothing of vsury nor to exacte or receiue temporall gain either in regard of gain that ceaseth by or dammage that comes of loan precisely Those which lend money or other commodities that consume in vsing transfer the dominion thereof vnto the borrowers in consequence of which Mutuum loan differs from letting or setting to hite The condition of vsurers is miserable USury whichcomes of couetousnes taken in the proper sense implies lucre that is gain gotten exacted or coueted of the loan of money principally and precisely aboue the Capitall sum or of some other thing which through vsing consumes away namely oyle corne c. aboue the capitall stock Here the particle lucre denotates reall money or a vantage that carries the price or valeu of true money for he who lend's to an other man with intent onely to make him his friend or to keepe him from being his Enimy or lends meerly to preuent an vniust vexation does not commit vsury since he reaps thereby nothing of lucre that bears the price or valeu of money because the motiues of such loane be spirituall in consequence of which the lucre that comes of them must of necessity be * S. Math. c. 15. centuplum accipietis c. hic saccrtextus intelligitur de lucre spirituali spirituall also The particle principally makes the primary or principall intent and aime of receiuing encrease aboue the Capitall to be a requisit necessary to the guilt of vsury and indeed a secundary or less principall intention of gain has nothing of wickednes for exāple t' is lawfull to serue the Church or the chief Prelate of a Church with a secundary and less principall intent in order to the obtaining of a benefice for his seruice likewise t' is lawfull to celebrate or heare diuine seruice vnto receiuing daily distributions or to serue God in hope and in reguard secondarily of worldly rewards and enioyements * Psal 118. inclinaui cor meum ad faciendas iustificationes tuas propter vetributionē which is the doctrine of
in the water Wherfore the new Teachers of these dayes impiously assert that outward works as are the Sacraments exercise no efficiency in the production of sanctifying grace But this their hereticall assertion Luther tought l. de captiuit Babilon effectuall instruments therof by diuine dispensation As God did enable the earth in it's creation to bring forth corporall fruit's to the nourishment of the body so he did enable the Sacraments in their institution to bring forth spirituall fruits to the refection of the soul and indeed t' is mad ignorance or extream madness to thinke that God is sufficient to giue effectuall vertue * Chrys hom 24. in illud Jo. 3. nisi quis renatus fuerit Docet quod quemadmodum terra accepit à De● virtutem producendi fructus ita aqua in institutione baptismi accepit virtutem faciendi regenerationem spiritual●●● to vnliu'd seed vnto producing liuing bodyes in corporall generation and vnsufficient to infuse effectuall force into Sacraments vnto sanctifying soules in spirituall regeneration that is to say to exercise efficiency in the production of iustifying grace and truly when Christ instructed Nicodemus of the necessity of the Sacrament of Baptisme Io. 3. saying That except a man be borne again of water and the holy ghost he cannot enter into the kingdom of Heauen vndoubtedly he did attribute the same kinde of causality vnto water as vnto the holy Ghost which the particle and sheweth clearly since it joynes both causes together and though an instrument in working be subordinat to the principall cause in vertue wherof it worketh neuertheless there is but one kinde of causality in both Wherfore since reall causality or efficiency is of necessity due to the holy ghost the same with subordination is belonging to the outward element of water in Baptism wherby is conuincingly prou'd that Baptism is not and consequently * Si Sacramenta à Christo instituta essent 7. duntaxat symbola quaedam externa quibus salus per Christū accepta velut sigillis obsignetur cōfirmetur nō dixisset Christus Io. 3 ●isi quis renatus fuerit ex aqua Spirit● sancto N●c Apostolus dixisset mūdans cum lauacro aquae in verbo vita Eph. 5. nā istae particulae non nud●m sonāt obsignationem salutis acceptae sed causalitatem vnde S. Grego Niss Ora. Catech. c. 33. extremae inquit dementiae est ignorantiae animi tribuentis Deo tantam vim semini in generatione hominis existimare eum esse imbecillem vt hoc idem tribuatur aqua ad iustificandum suscipientem Baptismum other Sacraments neither a naked sign only to stir vp or excite to an act of faith or a meer signet to seale the diuine promises for the outward element of water is an effectuall instrumentall cause of inward sanctity Ex opere operato that is doth with it's own outward visible action enabled by diuine institution produce inward grace vnto sanctification of life in such as receiue the Sacrament of Baptism aright Besides if sacramentall water were but a meer sign of justifying grace Christ Io. 3. had spoken as improperly saying except that a man be born again of water c. as if a man should say to his freind that is a thirst except that you drinke of the Iuy bush you cannot quench your thirst for as sacramentall water according to the contrary opinion is a naked sign of grace onely so an Iuy bush is a naked or a sign only of wine or other drink ready for sale wherby is plainly euident that Sacraments euen as outward works do exercise efficiency in the production of sanctifying grace Yet as the water of the pool named in the holy scripture Probatica Piscina did not cure corporall diseases by an innate quality proper to the water it self but through the motion of an Angell that went down at a certaine season and stir'd it so the Sacraments doe not heale spirituall infirmities that is sins but by a speciall extraordinary vertue which they receiue from the holy ghost or Christ who to that purpose did institute all of them Christ the son of God is our great Physician and Apothecary also the catholick Church his shop the Sacraments placed therein the pots boxes vesells that containe and preserue the heauenly medicines which Christ brought with him into the world and the sundry sacramentall graces diuinely prepared vnto effectuall healing of all spirituall wounds are the said heauenly remedies wherfore it is a most extream advantage to be log'd in the bosom of the catholick Curch wherin be present soueraign remedies against all manner of spirituall discases no man how sick or wounded soeuer can despaire of his health while he continueth in the shop of the diuine Apothecary that is furnisht with medicines which cannot miss in the cure of any infirmity if applied aright thervnto As a tree planted by the water's side want's not corporall nourishment to preserue it aliue so such as abide in the catholick Church want not spirituall help 's wherby to nourish them vnto eternall life which be the Sacraments that Christ hath left to his Church as certaine preseruatiues against the poyson of sin CHAR. V. OF CHVRCH-CEREMONIES THE CONTENTS Publick Church-seruice requireth outward acts of Religion namely ceremonies holy ceremonies set forth the majesty of God stirr vp attention moue reuerence beget deuotion Ceremonies pertaining to the sacrifices of Mass Answer to an objection against Church-ceremonies drawn from Christs conference with the Samaritan womā Ioan. 4. The beginning of Schisms Hereticks and Schismaticks adore not in spirit and truth holy ceremonies warrantable without expresse authority of scripture CHurch-ceremonies are outward sensible Rites of christian religion yet are but the (a) An Ecclesiasticall ceremony is an outward secundary act of Religion that answer 's to the inward first act thereof which is to will or desire due exhibition of honour and worship vnto Gods and it comprehendes Sacraments sacrifice which is supream outward worship vnto professing Gods omnipotency Sacramental's namely Churches Altars Chalices Priestly ornaments bowing kneeling holy water the sign of the Cross c. secundary acts therof for the first is an insensible desire to aduance the worship due vnto God which Church ceremonies do execute only As ciuill ceremonies vsed in the consecration of temporall Princes they be inoyld inuested with royall robes presented with Scepters crowned with Diadems and beset round with armed guards doe demonstrate their eminent charge and dignity aboue the people which they rule ouer so Religious ceremonies employed in the exhibition of diuine worship doe set forth the majesty of God and his supreme dominion ouer all creatures besides they stir vp attention moue reuerence beget denotion and conduce vnto the vnderstanding of supernaturall mysteries which they imprint also in the memory of the faithfull As pictures so Church-ceremonies are the books of the vnlearned All the visible Rites employed in and about the sacrifice of the Mass tend
where God would not be adored by sacrifice this being confined to the Temple at Ierusalem Wherby followeth euidently that such as worship or adore God otherwise then he will himself be worshipped or adored doe not worship or adore him in verity or Truth Sithence God will be adored in one sole Church founded on the merits of Christ all Schismaticks and Hereticks that abandon the communion and vnity therof doe not adore God in verity vnto saluation howeuer they may flatter themselues with their mountaine of Garizim that is with their own fancied worship founded on the mountaine of pride wherfore to such worshippers may be said both according to reason and equity you adore what you know not for saluation is of one Church and such only doe pray worship and adore * Aug. in psal 130. ipse inquit in spiritu veritate orat qui in pace Ecclesiae orat in spirit and truth which pray worship and adore in peace and cōmunion of one catholick and apostolick Church wherunto is tyed and cōfined the sacrifice worship and seruice of the new law vnto iustification of life Again though sundry Church-ceremonies be neither commanded nor mentioned (g) The Council of Trent sess 21. c. 2. declares that God hath left power vnto the Church to ordaine and institute what she shall think expedient and conducing to the reuerence of the Sacraments and the aduantages of such as receiue them wherfore Church-gouernours are called dispensers of the mysteries of God 1. Cor. 4. in the holy scriptures farther then vnto an implicite faith neuertheless they are not to be condemned for many things appertaining vnto diuine worship doe not of necessity require an express ordinance Noah built an Altar to God on which he offered a sacrifice of euery clean beast all eit he had no * Noe non iussus altare construxit vt notat S. Ambrosius warrantable authority by speciall precept Abel in like manner vnbidden offered sacrifice that was * Respexit Deus ad Abel munera eius acceptable to the diuine Majesty According to the dictates of nature God is to be worshipped Priesthood to be instituted Hosts to be immolated ministers to be deputed for exhibition of diuine scruice and speciall ornaments are to be ordained and appointed as holy signes to distinguish them from the rest of the people moreouer works of speciall commande euen executed aright are not so pleasing in the sight of God as works * Vulgare apud Theologos est dictum Deus imperat minora de maioribus dat consilium counselled only if they be done according to the rule of a discreet zeale A good work that is done in and for as much as God doth counsell the doing therof is more laudable and noble then a commanded worke because of a greater alacrity and promptitude that is required to the performance of a good work vnbidden Christ * Hierom. l. 1. con Iouia ait Christum plus amare Virgines quia sponte tribuunt quod jis non fuit imperatum bears a more speciall affection to Virgins that doe consecrate vnto him their virginity without a speciall command and indeed it is a more noble action in a man to giue an almes which he is not obliged vnto then to giue it vpon the score of an obligation Furthermore Church-ceremonies ought not to be counted * Augus Epis 40. quaes 3. dicit non esse c●nsendū superstitiosum omne quod christiani cum infidelibus quomodocunque habent commun● superstitious though Pagans and other Infidells doe vse the same or the like vnto superstition for according to that argument christians should condemne vowed chastity because the Pagans had their vestall Virgins that did binde themselues by vow to a single chast life Christians should pull down Churches because Pagans built Churches christians should abolish sacrifice because Pagans offered sacrifice christians should despise all manner of prayers because Pagans vsed prayers christians should not reuerence honour and worship one true God because Pagans reuerenced honoured and worshipped many false Gods To conclude christians should not weare breeches because the Turks which be Infidells weare breeches howeuer truly according to Tertullian it is an * Pudeat inquit Tertullianus insulsos christianos quod ab Ethinicis Idolorū suorum solemni pompa religioso gestu officio superentur exceeding great shame vnto Christians to vse less solemn pompe less ceremony and less reuerence in the seruice of the true God then is vsed by the Heathens in the worship of Idols CHAR. VI. OF BAPTISM THE CONTENTS Baptism is the sole door that openeth a passage into the Church of God The kingdom of Heauen is for euer shut against the vnbaptized that is no man can come to the clear sight of God that is not washt sacramentally afore with naturall water vnder an express invocation of the blessed Trinity de facto or in desire The sanctity of holy faithfull parents cannot render their children that dye without Baptism Heirs of Heauen coheirs and brothers of Christ Through diuine mercy those which dye without Baptism and haue nothing of any other guilt are not punisht with sensible pain after their death they are banisht the court of Heauen onely S. Austins opinion as to this point cleard Baptism ministred aright imprinteth an indelible character or marke in the soul of the baptised Anabaptism confuted Ceremonies pertaining to sacramentall baptism set down and explicated BAptism is a Sacrament of new birth or regeneration vnto iustification of life through the washing of (a) Sensible naturall water is the proper remote matter of necessity requisit to the Sacrament of baptism and accordingly the Council of Lateran haith defin'd it out of the third Chapter of S. Iohn Except that a man be born again of vvater c. and from thence is named a Sacrament of regeneration which is conform to the doctrine deliuered by the Apostle ad Tit c. 3. where he calleth baptism the vvashing of a nevv birth and indeed washing is the immediate and water the remote matter onely so that neither yee hail or snow vnless they be made fluid and thereby proper to wash are a sufficient matter of baptism naturall water vnder an expresse invocation of (b) The true form of sacramentall baptism is I baptise thee in the name of the Father son and holy Ghost which is cut out of Christs own words Mat. 28. Where is required a distinct inuocation of all the three diuine persons Wherefore Pelagius the Pope dis 4. can multi de consecra reiectes baptism administred in the name of Christ only And S. Cyprian Epis 73. ad Jubaia affirmes that the Apostles neuer baptised de facto in the sole name of Christ howeuer he grant's that S. Peter and the other Apostles named Iesus-Christ in the conferring of baptism together with the other diuine persons For example saying J baptise thee in the name of the Father and Jesus-Christ his son
and the holy Ghost and this was done with intent to render the name of Christ more honourable but S. Cyprian denyes expresly that remission of sinnes can be procured without naming of the three diuine persons which is the opinion of S. Austin l. 1. de baptismo con donat the Holy Trinity As there is fecundi●y in carnall parents to beget carnall children so by diuine dispensation fecundity is giuen to elementary water in baptism to bring forth spirituall children and as no man comes into the world that is not born of carnall parents So no man enters into the kingdom of Heauen that is not born again by sacramentall washing of water vnto iustification whosoeuer will put himselfe in a capacity to obtaine celestiall enjoyments must put of the old and terrene man and put on the new and spirituall creature he must purge out the old leauen of originall sin and by christian circumcision cast of the sinfull body of the flesh Col. 2. which is inconsistent with heauenly endowments that is to say he must be buried with Christ by baptism Rom. 6. christian circumcision vnto remission of sms and newness of life consisting therin Wherefore since that all men by the law * Apostolus dicit omnes peccasse in Adamo primo nostro Parente esse conceptos in peccato of their conception or birth are liable to the guilt of sin that only baptism de facto in deed or in desire receiued can wash away it is most euident that baptism is a requisite absolutely necessary vnto saluation And so i is defined 10. 3. Except that a man be born again of water and of the holy Ghost he canot enter into the kingdom of God Where the definition extend's euen to (c) Ancient Councils namely Carthag and Mileuit conuince those of foolishness which teach that euen young children can haue full enjoyment of Heauenly blessednes without baptism and so it is defined in the Council of Trent sess 5. decret de pecta originali and this catholick assertion was counted so certain in S Austins dayes that he l. con Iulia. c. 10. and 12. writeth that Pelagius out of feare of his own damnation damned such as exclude vnbaptis'd children from eternall life Yet though the Pelagians denyed that children contracted originall sin and in consequence thereof that Baptism as to them was no requisit necessary vnto the washing away of originall guilt neuertheless they taught that children without baptism could not be made Heires of the kingdom of Heauen infants that dye in their infancy vnbaptized according to the Church-interpretation expressing the want therof to import the loss of Heauens blessedness so that it is extream blindnes to assert the reception of children into Heauen vnless baptism be applyed vnto them indeed or by some extraordinary means employed aboue the common and ordinary law of Christ who hath instituted no other ordinary remedy then * Ambro. l. 2. de Abra. cap. 11. post citata verba Domini 10. 3. it a subiungit vtique nullum excipit non infantem non aliqua praeuentum necessitate Itē Aug. Epis ad Optatum mortis inquit transmissae ab Adamo chyrographo nullus omnino antequā per baptismum liberetur non tenetur obnoxius sacramentall washing of water for the remission of originall sin as plainly shews the scripture-Testimony set down and the constant tradition and vniuersall practice of the catholick Church since the first age for 1662. years and truly children ought not to be exempted from a diuine law generally giuen with reference to all men joynt and seperat without warrantable authority of scripture (d) According to the ancient Fathers Orig. l. 5. in c. 6. ad Rom. S. Chrysostom hom ad Theoph. S. Austin l. 1. de Baptismo con dona the baptising of young children is an Apostolicall tradition in consequence of which it is no humane inuention introduced by Pope Higinus or Pope Syrisius as some sectaries vnaduisedly write and indeed it can lay claime to the best antiquity as plainly appeares by the Testimonies set down Besides Act. 16. Paul and Silas baptised the keeper of the prison and all his House and 1. Cor. 1. the family of Stephanus was baptised and euen young children are members of a family Church-tradition or speciall reuelation wherof not one example can be produced in all antiquity that euen such as are born of faithfull and godly parents can be made of Adams children Gods children and bee cleansed and purged of originall sin without the washing of water in the word (e) S. Paul Eph. 5. saith that Christ sanctifyed his Church cleansing it by the washing of water in the vvord of life Which sacred Text S. Chrys interpreting hom 20. ad Ephes asketh in what word and answeres to the question saying in the name of the Father the son and holy Ghost and S. Austin l. 6. con donat c. 25. affirmes that God is present with the Euangelicall words without which baptism has nothing of efficacy and l. 3. de baptismo explaining his meaning vnderstand's by Euangelicall words Christs own words set down in the Euangile of S. Mat. cap. 28. In the name of the Father the son and holy Ghost Whereby t' is euident that by the word required to the administring of baptism is not meant preaching vnto or instructing of those which receiue that Sacrament as some sectaries vnaduisedly expound that scripture-Text in opposition to the baptism of children that are not capable of instruction of life that is to say through the euangelicall inuocation of the most blessed Trinity Father son and holy Ghost and though Christ by his absolute power could haue instituted other remedies then the Sacrament of baptism to purge out the leauen of originall sin yet it is euident that his will was only to apply that and none other as the ordinary cure thereof Wherfore the faith and sanctity of faithfull and holy parents is not enough to sanctify their children vnto saluation without baptism hereunto being necessarily required iustifying grace through diuine faith the collation wherof is the prerogatiue of Christs merit 's The grace that does sanctify parents souls does not sanctify their childrens souls euery soul is sanctifyed by its own inherent sanctity and not by the sanctity of an other in the formall sense Parents can only through their sanctity dispose and prepare vnto spirituall sanctity for as much as they can procure for their children christian baptism wherof they be neither the formall nor efficient causes so the holy prayers of S. Steuen did dispose vnto the marueilous grace that sanctifyed S. Paul Act. but did not effect it notwithstanding in regard of this holy preparation practised by faithfull Parents the same S. Paul nameth their children holy 10. ad Cor. that is to say * Tertull. l. de monologia vocat liberos parentum fidelium sanctitati destinatos Et Hierom. Epis 153. ad Paulinum Christianae fidei candidatos as to
for a sinfull Brother and truly this kinde of forgiuing and loosing is common alike to all such as deuoutly and charitably recite that petition of our Lord's prayer Forgiue us our trespasses as we forgiue the trespasses against vs as witnesseth S. Augus trac 58. vpon S. Iohn and doubtless by the mentioned word 's of the Apostle viꝪt videlicet Ye ought rather to forgiue and comfort him and whome yee forgiue any thing c. is meant of this generall manner of forgiuing and loosing which is common alike to all the faithfull of the Church but to demonstrate that he himself laid claime to a higher and better kinde of forgiuing and loosing he professeth that he exercised his forgiueness and power of loosing in the person or room of Christ Wherby again appear's that the Apostle did not forgiue this adulterer the rest of the paine enioyned him in order to the rigour of Church-discipline only that is to the intent only that it should aduantage him in the ecclesiasticall Court but also in order to the diuine Court of Iustice that it might benefit him before God and this is so manifest a truth that no sectary can say the contrary without contradicting the Apostles own words viꝪt videlicet I forgaue it in the person of Christ that is in the room of Christ and as his Minister to whom Christ had committed his power of loosing and binding vpon earth and indeed S. Paul should haue extreamly preiudiced the said miserable adulterer which were great impiety to think if his forgiuenesse should haue had no weight * S. Cypria Epis 14. agens de relaxatione poenarum impositarum peccatoribus ait illam fieri per intercessionem martyrum vel aliorum fidelium quorum satisfactionibus suffragijs adiuuantur in delictis apud Dominum id est in foro Dei with the diuine Court and been of no value before God for according to that supposall he should haue pardoned a pain of this life in respect wherof the adulterer should haue suffered a far greater in the next because the punishment a man endureth vpon earth is a thousand times lesser then the torment 's of Purgatory and therby S. Paul would haue brought his penitent Corinthian out of the frying pan into the fyer That is out of the prison of the ecclesiasticall Court into the prison of the diuine Court Conformably vnto this catholick doctrine Bishops in the primitiue Church enjoyned sinners penances to satisfye God and to compence the iniury done to him through their sin 's (k) According to Tertullian l. ad martyres and S. Cyprian Epis sundry Christians that through frailty fell from the Church in tyme of grieuous persecution were wont to recur vnto the Martyrs and Confessours that their penances might be remitted vnto them and these ancient Fathers did not mean penances or pains enioynd and due only in the Churches Court but due also in the Court of God wherfore S. Cyprian Epis 14. faith expresly that they receiued help and deliuerance from their pains apud Dominum that is in the diuine Court in consequence whereof Indulgences remit penances or pains at the Tribunall of God as due there and not as due onely in order to the Churches Canons as wanton schollars of these dayes vnaduisedly teach for otherwise according to S. Thomas q. 25. a. 1. Indulgences would be more vnprofitable then profitable reseruing the penitent to more grieuous pains in Purgatory Besides according to the holy scriptures whatsoeuer priest 's shall binde on earth shall be bound in Heauen and whatsoeuer they shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heauen in consequence of which God has a Court in Heauen that remits the guilt and paine of sinne accordingly as they be remitted in the Churches Court and indeed if there were no remitting of pains in the Court of Heauen there would be no need at all of the Churches spirituall Treasure consisting of the aboundant satisfactions of Christ and the blessed Saincts and yet that there is this spirituall Treasure is an article of Christian faith for as such a Treasure could not be necessary vnto remission of pains in a ciuil Court so it could not be necessary vnto remission in an ecclesiasticall Court The ground on which the Digbean diuines build their opinion is a damned heresy namely that God does not forgiue us our sinnes as to the guilt thereof except her pardon the pain also as is plainely clear according to the definition of the Council of Trent sess 6. can 30. and this practice was both in order to such as had publickly sinned in reference to which canonicall pain 's were instituted only as also in order to such as had sinned in secret as doe demonstrate Burchard in the 13th book of decretalls and sundry others which haue made a full collection of the canonicall pains Furthermore no man can say without running into manifest errour that the Apostles forgiuenesse or indulgence in order to the penitent Corinthian was but an absolution of excommunication or of his sinne giuen in the Sacrament of penance for first a deliuerance from an ecclesiasticall censure of excommunication is neuer named by scriptures or Fathers a condonation forgiueness or indulgence Again by the Apostles words appeareth that he forgaue part only of the punishment enioyned which cannot be meant of an absolution either from excommunication or sin 's in the Sacrament of penance where there is no sharing out by partes Yet notwithstanding all this the vsage of indulgences was not neer so frequent in the primitiue times as in the subsequent ages because primary Christians carrying the fresh memory of their crucifyed Redeemer and thereby much enflamed with loue towards his sufferings allwayes bore about his dying mortification that his life also might be made manifest in their mortall flesh 2. Cor. 4. so that then there was strict discipline and great penances enioyned sinners For example rigorous fasting much praying and other painfull afflictions * In 1. Concil Nicae cui intersuerunt 318. Patres indicitur poena vndecim annorum Item in Concil Ancyrano iniungitur poena septenij ijs qui bis vel ter Idolis sacrificauerant Porro vulgatum est vnicuique peccato mort ali poenitentiam septem annorum iniungendam esse iuxta Canones pro quo tam en nullus Textus reperiri potest Et contrarium tenet S. Tho. in 4. l. sent dis 20. sanè Gratianus qui allegatur pro contraria sententia non dicit Ecclesiam septemnem poenitentiam in singula peccata statuisse sed tantum pro grauissimis iniungi solitam fuisse deinde dicit illam poenit entiam non taxatam fuisse pro foro interiori sed exteriori constat illos Canones ad forum exteriùs pertinere as by the ancientest Councils appeareth Neuerthelesse such was their feruour of spirit and extream zeale in complyance to Christ's sufferings that they fullfilled them willingly and chearfully few sought after pardons vnto
what the vniuersall Church practiseth constant and vniuersall practice that agreeth with so warrantable and euident testimonies as are set down Howeuer he produces but weake and incōsequent proof's for the establishing of his nouell doctrine for example from these words Maccab. For if he had not hoped that they which were slaine would rise again it had been superfluous and vain to pray for the dead he doth infer that the soul 's in Purgatory are not freed of their sufferings till the generall Resurrection and this inference he proueth only saying For if soul 's were released out of their pains through the prayers of the liuing before the Resurrection it would be extreame profit able to pray for the dead though no Resurrection should follow But where is the connection between the Scripture-Text and Mr. Whites inference shall it follow that good soul's must be imprisoned till the generall Resurrection because the noble and godly Iudas according to the profession of his Religion did belieue in the immortality of soul's and the Resurrection of their bodyes and indeed the true meaning of this scripture afore alledged according to all Orthodox writers is this viꝪt videlicet if Iudas Maccabaeus had belieued soul 's to be mortall and to die with their bodyes which consequently should neuer rise again it had been superfluous and vain to pray for them and therfore religiously thinking of the Resurrection and fearing that the souls of his souldiers that were slaine in battell might be punished in the next life in respect of some sinnes they had committed vpon earth he commanded that prayers and sacrifice should be offered for their deliuerance from sin that is to say from temporall punishment due to their sinnes whence doubtlesse no wise and indicious man can infer the imprisonment of soul 's in Purgatory till the generall Resurrection which would neuer haue happened if souls had been mortall and died together with their bodies After the same manner he abuseth the new Testament Let the new iustrument saith he keepe time and harmony with the old let S. Paul be heard preaching to the same effect 1. Cor. 15. what shall they doe which are (n) by baptism for he dead the Apostle may mean water of tribulation and persecution wherewith primitiue Christians seem'd as it were baptised again may vnderstand voluntary afflictions for example praying fasting giuing of Almes c. which the liuing offer to God for the comfort and benefit of the dead moreouer the Apostle may mean the baptising of such as defer'd their baptism till the hower of death which Custome was vsuall in the primitiue Church and the Apostles sense is then if souls be mortall and in consequence therof no resurrection of the dead those which are baptised dying that is at the hower of their death reapo nothing of aduantage by their baptism baptised for the dead if the dead doe not rise at all From this holy text he inferreth that no benefit is obtained by baptism for the dead before the Resurrection not by so doing can soul 's till then be released But in earnest this is a pitifull deduction like vnto this God is in Heauen therfore Mr. Thomas White is at Roterdam for indeed there is nothing of connection between the antecedent and consequence and Mr. Whit's inference for it does not follow that soul's obtain nothing of profit before the Resurrection because S. Paul saith What shall they doe which are baptised for the dead meaning thereby to what purpose shall Christians pray fast giue Almes or suffer tribulation for Christ's sake if the dead rise not again Besides if Mr. Whit's inference were warrantable and vnquestionable the Apostle himself is not as yet in a capacity to obtaine that eminent benefit of being deliuered before the Resurrection For in the same Chapter he addeth to the word 's set down Why are we Apostles in icopardy euery hower if the dead rise not at all what aduantageth it me to haue prayed fasted endnred great persecution if the dead be not raised vp let us eat and drink for to morrow wee shall die that is if there be no Resurrection after death why doe wee giue our selues to any thing el's saue to eating and drinking Wherfore S. Paul himself according to Mr. White is but in the way to his blessed crowne for if his soul were already translated into Heauen his sufferings would haue aduantaged euen though no Resurrection should follow But it seemeth a strange thing that Mr. White should presume to gather from the words set downe that good souls shall not be released of the paines which they sufferin Purgatory before the generall Resurrection the said words not carrying the least sound that way for they neither speake of pain 's in order to the next life nor of releasing souls out of Purgatory and indeed the Apostles sole intent in the Chapter alledged is to proue the Resurrection of the dead and to that purpose brings sundry argument's The first whereof is that Christ our head is raised vp and therfore we his members shall rise again in regard of the fast connection that is between the head and the members thereof And what Mr. White alledgeth for the imprisonment of souls to the day of Iudgment is a secondary argument which S. Paul vseth only as a confirmation of his first argument to demonstrate the Resurrection of bodyes signifying therby that he himselfe together with the rest of the Apostles and primitiue Christians of those day 's had suffered in vain afflictions and tribulations if sou'ls had been mortall and consequently neuer to rise again for t' is clear by the very forme of the Apostles speech that he supposed the false opinion that teacheth souls to be mortall whence of necessity would follow that there should be no Resurrection at all and truly if the Apostle had not made that supposall he would haue concluded nothing for supposing souls to be immortall good works of this life would haue much aduantaged him for the obtaining of Heauenly blessedness though no Resurrection at all had followed And the same supposall is made by the holy writer of the Macchabies signisying therby if the dead were not to rise again it would follow that soul 's were mortall in consequence of which all prayers offered for them would be in vain where is obseruable that the Iewish sectaryes to wit Sadducies held that the soul 's were mortall and consequently denied the Resurrection of Bodies other Iewes which belieued aright professed immortality together with the Resurrection there being in each soul an innate desire to resume the body wherof it was the true form once and as to reason it is most consonant that God who createth nothing in vain will not frustrate that desire hence it was that the ancient Iew 's spoak of the immortality of souls and the Resurrection of bodyes alike and our Sauiour Christ Math. 22. to proue to the Sadducies the Resurrection of bodies infer's it from the
re shall hind vppon earth shall be bound in Heauen which is meant of ecclesiasticall Censures the greatest of which is excommunication Again Act. 15. when the new christians referred their controuersie concerning circumcision and other ceremonies of the law of Moyses to the Apostles at Ierusalem sentence of iudgment was declared by one accord thus It seemed good to the holy Ghost and to vs to lay no more burthen vpon you then these necessary things c. Wherby it is cleare that the Apostles then the representatiue Church were inuested with authority to make ordinances (c) It appeares plainly by the sacred text Act. Jt seems good to the holy Ghost and to vs to lay no more burden vpon you then these that the Apostles had authority to commande and exact obedience to their ordinances For the particles it seems good to vs to lay no more burden Shew euidently that they were superiours inuested with authority to commande and exact obedience from the people who were bound to obey them But here is obseruable that as to the matter in debate mentioned in the Chapter set down viz. whether the conuerted Gentils were obliged to obserue the law of Moyses S. Peter in that Council cald to determine it was supream Iudge for t' is written that after much dispute Peter rose vp and as head of all spoke first and decided the controuersy in fauour of the said conuerted Gentils deliuering them from the bondage of the old law and all the multitude saith S. Hierom Tom. 2. Epis 89. Augus cap. 2. kept silence and into Peters sentence or definition the Apostles S. Iames and all the Priests past with one accorde and euer since the Popes of Rome as S. Peters lawfull successors haue had precedence and the deciding suffrage in all Councils which are of credit and authoritie in the Church of God and to oblige the faithfull in the obseruation of them for the words It seemed good to vs to lay no more burden vpon you doe signify the authority of superiours to commande inferiours and the obligation of inferiours to obey their superiours Thirdly that the Church is liuing visible and speaking which is the third propriety of this Iudg is clearly expressed Act. 20. take heed to your selues and the flock wherof the holy Ghost hath made you Bishops to rule the Church of god which he hath purchased with his own blood and Again Math. 5. (d) According to S. Aug. trac in 1. epis Ioan. those are blind which cannot fee so great a mountaine and shut their eyes against the clear light put on a candlestick which is the Church of God the Church is stiled a Citty that is set on a mountaine which cannot be bid but no man can conceiue how Bishops can gouerne a Church which they see not or how a Citty set on a high mountaine can lie hid Besids all the Church offices ioynt and seperate do declare it visible liuing ad speaking neither matters it that the Church is known by faith which is of things not seen for the Apostles when they conuersed with Christ vpon earth they both saw and belieued him to be Christ As the Apostles saw Christ to be aman and belieued him to be God soe wee doe see the Church to be a congregation of men outwardly professing the faith of Christ and doe belieue that it is directed by the infallible assistance of the holy Ghost and as it cannot be euinced that a man is inuisible because an inuisible soul gouerneth him soe neither can it be euinced that the Church is inuisible because the supernaturall gifts of the holy Ghost namly faith hope and charitie wherby the Church is gouerned and men made children therof be inuisible From the premises is euidently deducible (e) S. Austin li. 10. de doct christ disputing against such as pretended to the knowledge of holy scriptures by speciall reuelations dissuades euery man from so proud and dangerous a tentation as to presume that he is taught of God and not of men and this caueat he vrgeth by many examples that the priuate spirit which is to say the particular reuealing spirit wherby as many sectaries conceiue euery priuate belieuer is enabled to interpret scriptures and iudge all matters concerning faith and religion hath no good claime to the office of this suprem Iudge beeing neither seen nor heard to speak clearly nor known certainly to be infallible in what it reuealeth to each particular belieuer in priuat for it may prudently be doubted whether it be a good spirit or not since false ministers can transforme themselues into Apostles of Christ and Satan himselfe into an Angel of light 2. Cor. 11. in consequence of which no wise and iudicious man can rely his eternity on such a priuat reuealing spirit Again God according to his ordinary way doth not immediatly himselfe reueale verities of faith to euery one in particular or iudge himselfe between party and party from the begining of the creation down to these times his prouidence hath ordained men to declare his ordinances vnto men appointed men to teach men and constituted men suprem Iudges of men for the determining of all hard matters in debate concerning faith and religion In the law of nature Abraham was made Teacher of men I know speaking of Abraham that he will command his son and family after him that they keepe the way of our lord Gen. 18. In the written law Moyses was constituted to teach the people of God the diuine ordinances and to shew vnto them the way wherein they were to walke and the worke they were to doe Exod. 18. and Deut. 17. the Priests of the Leuits were deputed supreme Iudges of controuersies which might rise about religion also Malac. 2. it is written the Priests lips shall preserue knowledg and they shall seek the law from his mouth In our new law of grace the Apostles were sent into diuers parts of the world to preach christian religion Mar. vltime Act. 8. God appointed Saint Philip to teach the Eunuch of Ethiopia Act. 9. Christ sent Saul to be instructed of Ananias and Act. 10. Cornelius the Centurion was admonished by an Angel to repaire vnto Saint Peter that he might learn of him matters of c●ristian faith wherfore Saint Paul says Rom. 10. Faith is by heating and hearing by the word of God and how shall they heare without a preacher because ordinarily God teacheth men by men the verities of faith and Gal. 1. the same Apostle doubted not to prefer the doctrine he preached before the doctrine of an Angel from Heauen that should preach otherwise and truly if it were lawfull for euery man to follow and adhere to his own priuate spirit there would rise almost as many contrary religions as there are men liuing vpon the earth and consequently in room of that peace that Christ hath promised to the Church nothing but disorder and confusion would happen wherfore both in the old and new law this
carefully heauenly Angels endeauour to bring mortalls vnto eternall blessedness being they reioyce in the repentance of a sinner Wherefore Orig. hom 1. in Ezech. prayeth his Angel to receiue him conuerted from his former errour reioyce at the conuersion of a sinner Luc. 15. Besids according to the common vsage of the primatiue Church one beleeuing christian bargained with an other that he who went first to Heauen should pray for him that abided on earth Let vs saith S. Cyprian Epis 57. pray mutually one for an other and whether of vs two shall through the diuine mercy be first called for let his loue continue and his prayers not cease for his brethren and sisters in the world In like manner S. Hierome spoke to Heliodorus Epis 1. cap. 2. saying that when he is once in Heauen he will pray for him that exhorted and encouraged him to embrace a monasticall state of life Moreouer in the law of nature Abraham made intercession to an Angel for his sons Ioseph Ephraim and Manasse Gen. 48. the Angel which hath deliuered me from all euill bless these children And albeit it cannot be proued that in any time during the old Testament the people of God prayed directly to the holy Patriarkes and Prophets after their decease in regard then the Saints departed were not translated into Heauen and inuested with whi●e cloathes of glory their habitation being vnder the earth as in a prison 1. Petri 2. neuertheless they made intercession to God humbly asking of him mercy and grace through the merits of the said Patriarches and Prophets * Psal 131. memēto Domini Dauid omnis mansuetudinis eius propter Dauid seruum tuū non auertas faciem Christi tui Salomon asked of God meet helpe in regard of his Father Dauids great merits * Exod. recordare Domine Abraham Isaac Jacob scruorū tuum and Moyses in respect of the good workes of Abraham Isack and Israel the faithfull seruants of God Likewise the ancient Iews made intercession to God through the prayers of their progenitors departed And the holy Prophet Ieremy (k) Baruch cap. 3. prayeth thus O lord omnipotent God of Jsra Heare the prayer of the dead of Israel and though some sectaries count Baruch as apocryphall neuertheless the ancient Fathers and Councills haue ranked that book with diuine scripture both vnder the name of Ieremy Baruchs vncle and vnder the inscription of Baruch which is more proper Again the Councill of Laodicea in the last canon mentioneth Baruchs lamentations and Ieremyes Epistles Moreouer the Councils of Florence and Trent haue defined this catholick truth after his death praid much for the people of Israel 2. Mach. 75. Neither doth the Prophet Isaias preiudice this catholike truth saying cap. 63. Abraham knew vs not and Israel was ignorant of vs for he meant only that Abraham and Iacob did not acknowledge the Iews of those days for their children because of their greiuous sinns and iniquities as the ancient Fathers interpret that scripture Nor Ecclesiastes when hee saith the dead know noe more and haue reward noe more For his meaning is not to take all vnderstanding and knowledge from soules remoued out of their bodyes but to inculcate vnto vs that it is impossible after our departure out of this world to merit a reward the time of this life being a necessarie requisite there to according to Christs own testimony Io. 9. the night cometh when noe man can worke But now the ingagement mentioned in the character of Purgatory calleth for an answere vnto the Digbean White that hath studied diuinity 40. yeares who as to the contents of this character mainly resisteth the constant (l) Mr. White in the third account of the midle state of souls boldly asserts that though to pray for the blessed be against the common practice of the Church neuertheless he is not of so vveake a stomack as not to digest that morsell so that he maks not only the Church liable to errour as to manners and doctrines vniuersally receiued approued and practiced which is a manifest heresy but himselfe the Churches Reformer and vniuersall practice of the Catholick Church agreeing with so large and euident testimony of scriptures Councills and Fathers as are set down for example in the third accompt of his midle state of souls to proue that the ancient practice of the Church was to pray for the dead euen after their souls were beatified He alledged the 2. Epis and 1. cap. to Timothie where the Apostle thus prays for Onesiphorus Our lord grant him Onesiphorus to find mercy from our lord in that day by which words this knowing Master that hath studyed 40. years to build a Theology on Digbean peripateticks will of necessity proue that S. Paul prayed that Onefiphorus might find mercy after he was beatified Shall I deny saith he the Apostle prayed that Onesiphorus might find mercy euen after his soule was beatified the Text on all sides confessed for bids me what then will our aduersaries say this was not to pray for the blessed common sense permit's them not S. Paul did it But doubtless no knowing man in Theology or ecclesiasticall historie that is vnpartiall dare say for his credits sake that Mr. White doth clearly proue against the whole practice of the Church that the faithfull on earth must pray for the blessed because the Apostle prayed for Onesiphorus saying Our lord grant vnto him that he may find mercy of our lord in illo die in that day for Onesiphorus was not dead when S. Paul prayed that he might find mercy of our lord in illo die In consequence of which Mr. Whites inference from the words alledged carries no weight with it at all being grounded vpon a very false supposall Howeuer the good prayer of the Apostle was not in vain for according to the martyrologes both Latine and Greek Onesiphorus was honored afterward with a crown of martyrdom in Hellespont in consequence wherof doubtless he found mercy of our lord in that day that is in the day of particular iudgment after his death for it is the constant Tenet of the Catholick Church * Apoc. 14. Beati mortui qui in Domino moriuntur à modo iam dicit spiritus vt requiescant à laboribus suis Hic sacer textus ostēdit beatos morientes id est martyres aliosque fideles decedentes perfectè iustos sine omni macula reatu poenae id est obligatione ad poenam nō expectaturos vniuersale iudicium vt accipiāt beatitudinem ita explicat S. Aug. l. 20. de ciuit cap. 9. that martyrs by their death suffered for the confessing of Christs faith be perfectly purged of sin both in order to the guilt and paines therof and immediatly possess their glorious crowns which is the beatificall vision as S. Austin lib. de peccatorum meritis expresly teacheth saying he that prayeth for a martyr doth an iniury to a martyr The same doctrine the Councill of Trent ses
inquit haereses obortae sunt aut nata sūt schismata quam quod Sacerdoti Dei non obtemperatur nec vnus in Ecclesia ad tē pus Sacerdos Iudex vice Christi cogitatur teaching peruerse things to draw disciples after them wherby is euidenced that no priuat man is an infallible interpreter of holy scriptures neither can know certainly that scriptures are the word of God laying aside the Churches authority For example credence is not giuen to the canon or caralogue of scriptures because of scripture testimony which no where attestes that catalogue in so much that Luther and Caluin down from the begining of their defection to the departure out of the world contended about the number of canonicall scriptures and their adherents of these dayes respectiuely continue in the pursuance of the same dispute Moreouer there is greater reason that the christian faith should rely rather on the Church which * S. Cypri in trac de vnitate Ecclesiae adulterari inquit nō potest sponsae Christi incorrupta est pudicae is an infallible ground and piller of truth then of sole scriptures which are liable to mutations corruptions and false interpretations howeuer scriptures cōsidered in themselues precisely do chaleng equall authority with the Church the same diuine spirit that directeth the tongues of the supream pastours in speaking (o) God by his absolute and extrrordinary power can himselfe alone or by an Angel instruct men and reueale matters of faith and christian religion without the ministery of the Church And doubtless the Apostles had noe other master but God himselfe as to sundry mysteries of christian faith and Christ himselfe confesseth that S. Peter came to the knowledge of his diuine nature by reuelation from God the Father Caro Sanguic non reuelauit tibi sed Pater meus guided the pennes of the Apostles and Euangelists in writing and as the Church beareth witnesse of the scriptures infallible doctrine so the scriptures do witness the Churches infalible authority yet so as that faith in order to its acte of assent is resolued into the Church and not into the scriptures for noe man can prudently belieue any scripture to be the word of God if the Church that is the ground and piller of truth should not declare it for such howeuer Catholicks who doe infer the Churches infallibility from the testimony of scripture and the authority of scripture from the testimony of the Church are noe more guilty of committing (p) According to Euclide a mathematicall circle taken in the proper sense is the passing of one and the same line from and the repassing vnto the same point and by the same way a circle of errour then are Philosophers that assert mutuall causalities or doe argue from a cause its proper effect and from an effect its proper cause for example from the rising of the sun is proued the existence of the day and againe the existence of the day proueth the risiing of the sun wherin there is noe circle of errour which properly consisteth in the coming again of the same thing vnto the same thing from whence it came and by the same way it came but the way of one cause is not the way of an other cause nor the way of an effect is the way of the cause wherof it is the effect in like manner the way of the Church which is a cleare speaking Iudge is not the way of the scriptures which consiste in mute elements of characters and although we belieue that the Church is an infallible proposer of all matters pertaining to faith because of the scripture testimony neuertheless if the scriptures had borne noe witness therof there is euidence of credibility enough to induce vs prudently to belieue the Churches infallibility which euen before the writing of scriptures was beliued neither do we recur to scriptures to proue it (q) In disputs or conferences with such as deny holy scriptures motiues of credibility haue weight with them and that one which S. Austin vseth l. con Epis Faus cap. 4. seems of greattest moment Many things saith he keepe me fast in the bosom of the Catholick Church for example the vnanimous accord of people and nations authority confirmed by miracles .... by antiquity strengthned and the succession of Bishops dovvn from S. Peter the Apostle to vvhom our lord committed the feeding of his sheepe vnto the present Episcopacy but when we haue to doe with such as admit them and euen then we doe not alledge scriptures as the formall cause the Churches infallibility is known by for that is diuine reuelation but as witness of it only for we doe not belieue precisely that the Church is infallible because the scripturs do say it but in regard of many other motiues which do moue vs to giue our assent thereto neither was the church intended for the vse of the scriptures but scriptures for the vse of the Church besides no man without manifesting extream weakness can except against the mutuall testimony that Christ and S. Iohn Baptist gaue of one another or against the disciples of both who belieued their masters to be such as their masters reciprocally had declared theselues to bee The principall marks or tokens of the true Church * Quatuor illa signa dilucide constant ex sacra scriptura ex symbolis Apostolorum Nicae S. Athanasij expressè habentur in sym Constātinop cuius Patres voce apostolicam diuinitus addiderunt are foure set douwn in that Article of christian faith viz I belieue one holy catholick and apostolick Church Albeit that the true Church consisteth of many members yet it is but one body 1. Cor. 12. of Christ in vnity of faith and baptism One lord one faith one baptism Ep. 4. nor can Christ be an author of diuision that is a God of vnion Likwise it is holy for as much as it is the body of Christ that is the fountain of all holyness and enioyes a sacrifice and Sacraments which confer sanctity neither matters it that sundry members of his body are guilty of mortall transgressions For as such as profess any art are counted artificers though they doe not act according to the principalls or rules there-of so the said members in regard they put on Christ (r) According to S. Austin in psal 85. if all christians and true belieuers are baptized in Christ they haue put on Christ as the Apostle reacheth Gal. 3. and if they be made members of his body and say they are not holy they do an iniury to the head whose members are holy by Baptism and become the chosen people of God by faith are called holy although they doe not obserue the ordinances and lawes of either For example 1. Cor. 1. the Corinthians are said to be sanctified in Christ IESVS and holy neuertheless there were among them both the naturall and carnall men The true Church militant is (ſ) According to the Euangelist
S. Mat. cap. 24. the Church of God bears the name of the kingdom of Heauen And S. Hierom stileth the Church the arke of Noe that contained Leopards kids wolfes and lambs that is to say both good and wicked men dwel in the Church of God and though she is faid Eph. 4. to haue no spot or wrinckle yet that is meant in relation to faith and doctrine which are holy and without blame Howeuer S. Austin l. de perfec iustorum expounds the sacred Text set down also in order to the Church triumphant which is without spot or wrinckle the great house of God wherin are not only vessells of gold and siluer but also of wood and of earth and some for honour and some for dishonour 2. Tim. 2. howeuer no man is so irreuocably a vessell vnto dishonour but that he may be translated into a vessell vnto honour sanctified and meet for our lord IESVS if he will cast from him all his transgressions committed after baptism wherby he was incorporated into this great house which made him a vessell vnto dishonour The Church is called catholick that is vniuersall in as much as it sendeth forth the marueilous light of christian faith from the rising of the sun vnto the goeing douwn therof For Christ that redeemed vs to God by his bloud out of euery kindred and tongue and people and nation Apoc. 5. hath not confined the knowledg of his faith * Aug. ser 13. Ecclesia inquit à solis ortu vsque ad occasum vnius fidei splendore enititur within the bounds of one kingdome Moreouer the Church is rightly named catholick or vniuersall in respect of time that is to say of perpetuall succession of pastours and Teachers for the prouidence of God towards man of necessity preserueth the Church from perishing himselfe hauing prouidently instituted it as the common ordinary way to lead man vnto his kingdom Again its vniuersall because of the obligation euery man hath to embrace it that will aspire to eternall life As out of the arke of Noe there was no deliuerance from the generall deluge (t) According to S. Cyprian trac de vnit Eccle. whosoeuer hath not the Church for his Mother shall not haue God for his Father And according to S. Fulgentius who was contemporary with S. Austin l. de fide Such as are not incorporated into the Church how charitable soeuer they be cannot be saued and this Catholick assertion S. Austin professes likwise li. 4. de baptismo besids according to the holy scriptures no man that is not within the Churches bosome can obtaine heauenly benediction in consequence of which to rebell against or fall from her is execrable and damnable so out of the true Church there is no saluation and indeed the Church is the sole Mother that conceiueth bringeth forth and nourisheth children vnto heauenly blessednes Lastly the true Church is called apostolicall because it hath doth and shall preach in all times to the end of the world christian religion planted by the Apostles vpon whom as the foundation it was built Eph. 2. By the forementioned marks or tokens ioyntly the Church of Christ is shewed and distinguished from euery false congregation The Synagogue of Iews and Mahometans cannot challeng Apostolicall foundation where of Christ himselfe is the Chief corner stone nor catholick propagation from the rising of the sun to the goeing down therof for their religion is neither christian nor spread in all parts of the world and the false Churches of sectaries though they carry the name of christian neuertheless they haue nothing of vnity as to the faith of Christ nor of perpetuall succession as to pastours and Teachers down from the Apostles to these present times for they set vp a new mysticall body of Christ composed of reformed members saying that Christ in regard of sundry great scandalls and errours hath elected the old mysticall body wherof he was head afore that is the Roman Church which seemeth a strang thing because that Church according to their own confession was once in possession of the true faith and true religion * Ad Rom. 5. gratias ago Domino Deo quod fides vestra Romana annunciata Est in vniuerso mundo and the Apostle witnesseth as much writing to the Romans I thank my God through Iesus-Christ for you all because your faith Roman is published through out the whole world and no one expresse scripture testimony can be alledged to shew that the Roman Church hath deuiated from that true faith in consequence of which sectaries that will belieue nothing without express scripture ought not to belieue that the Roman Church is deuested of the true faith which it was once in possession of and therby deserted and truly it is not to reason credible that Christ after being marryed to the Roman Church for sundry ages should repudiate her especially hauing promised by the mouth of his holy Prophet that * Sponsabo te mihi in aeternum he will neuer chang the spouse of the new law saying I will espouse thee for euer it is not as to reason credible that Christ that cast out the bill of deuorce practized in the old law should be the first to bring it again into practice nor is it as to reason credible that the spouse which Christ chose without sport or wrinckle and put vnder the conduct of the holy Ghost should cast away her spousall innocence integrity and fidelity and turne to vncleaness fornication and idolatry Wherfore it is plainly euident that the Roman Church is not repudiated or deserted wherefore she and no other is the true Church of Christ that since the first age for 1660. yeares hath not deuiated from one holy catholick and Apostolick faith neither is * Apostolus scribens ad Rom. dicit fidem vestram meam sed fides S. Pau. erat vniuersalis catholica Roman Church and catholick or vniuersall Church less consistent together then christian Church and catholick Church or apostolicall and catholick Church for Christ was a singular person whence the word Christian is deriued and the Apostles were particular men whence the word Apostolicall comes and as the catholick Church is named christian because of Christ that is the supream inuisible head therof and as the catholick Church is called apostolicall in respect of the Apostles which were the foundation of it so the Catholick Church is called Roman from the Bishop of Rome that is the visible head therof subordinate to Christ * Concil Alexand loquens de Roma Eccl. sacer inquit vertex inquo omnis Ecclesia vertitur and indeed the Roman Church taken properly doth not signifie precisely and only that Church which is at Rome but cōprehendeth euery Church through out the whole world that professeth the same faith with it and acknowledgeth obedience to the same (u) According to S. Anaclete S. Anaclete S. Peters disciple and his third successor in the Pontificate