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A46347 Hooinh egzainiomnh, or, A treatise of holy dedication both personal and domestick the latter of which is (in special) recommended to the citizens of London, upon their entring into their new habitations / by Tho. Jacomb ... Jacombe, Thomas, 1622-1687. 1668 (1668) Wing J118; ESTC R31675 234,541 539

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he is in himself Infinite incomprehensible the supream and absolute being holy wise gracious merciful unchangeable just righteous c. Will you not dedicate your selves to such a God What a base thing is sin what a vain thing is the world in comparison of this God What a shame is it that men should chuse rather to give up themselves to these than to the ever blessed God! Something we must dedicate our selves to doth any object so deserve our love delight service zeal as God doth And then look upon him in what he is to you your Creator the fountain of your beings your preserver your benefactor your Lord and Soveraign your Judge he in whose hands your * Dan. 5.23 life breath and all your concerns are he that protects you from all dangers supplies you in all wants supports you under all burdens directs you in all straights rewards you in all services will you not dedicate your selves to this God He that alone can make you happy or miserable he that alone can save or damn he that alone can give you satisfaction inward peace and joy will you not be his He that is your good God your friend that desires your well-fare will you not surrender up your selves to him I am not pleading with you for dedition but for dedication the * Damus amicis dedimus Hostibus Stephan Vrbem agrum aras focos seque uti dederent Plaut in Amphitr Such as yielded upon the prevailing strength of their Enemy vvere called Dedititii Quum ex dedititiis Delgis complures Caesarem secuti Caes Comm. former is proper for an enemy the latter for a friend O 't is mens ignorance of God that keeps them from dedicating themselves to him surely did they but know him he should have their All. 4. Self-dedication to God is the Creatures advancement it puts an honour and excellency upon a person self is advanced and dignified when 't is thus dedicated as there pass'd a glory upon the first fruits by their being dedicated to God And therefore the excellency of the Saints is set forth by this allusion to the first fruits Of his own will begat he us Jam. 1.18 with the word of truth that we should be a kind of first fruits of his Creatures Jer. 2.3 Israel was holiness unto the Lord the first fruits of his increase Rev. 14.4 These were redeemed from among men being the first fruits unto God I say one thing intended in these expressions is to hold forth the excellency of the people of God as they are dedicated to him Self-dedication will make you as first fruits it will put a glory and excellency upon you Psal 16.3 dedicated persons are the excellent in the earth Take the whole crop there was not much in it but the first fruits being set apart for God there was an excellency in them take mankind in the lump and mass there is no such great worth in it but take those few that are singled out of this mass and set apart for God O they are excellent persons The pride of man puts him upon the affectation of excellency and advancement would you from an holy pride be ambitious of true excellency and advancement be a people separated for God devoted to him no honour like to that 5. I will add but one Consideration more 't is this as grace so glory as Christianity here so felicity hereafter depend upon self-dedication Would you not be saved Do you not desire Heaven and blessedness Would you not be happy in the world to come Surely you would then pray take the right way and course in order to this what 's that Dedicate your selves to God no dedication no salvation self must be dedicated or self cannot be saved Non-dedication must needs end in destruction How can he expect that God will give himself in the beatifick vision to him who is not willing to give his self to God here in holy dedication Did ever any arrive at the sight of God who had not first devoted themselves to holiness without holiness no man shall see the Lord. Heb. 12.14 O what a comfortable plea is this for a dying man for Heaven Lord I am thine save me Psal 119.94 I have been a doer of thy will upon earth let me now enter into the Kingdom Matth. 7.21 I have withheld nothing from thee do not thou now withhold glory from me Psal 84.11 Thus much I have said to urge the Exhortation in general That I may yet further drive the nail to the very Head that this advice may be yet more piercing and effectual I shall go over the particular branches of self-dedication and enforce each of them upon you by those considerations which are respectively proper to them 1. First therefore Give your selves to God Self is a gift that is only fit for a God 't is indeed too little for him but 't is too much for any thing besides him 't is not good enough for God 't is too good for any thing else O whilest others give themselves to low vain undeserving evil objects let us give our selves to the Lord. I shall desire the Reader throughly to weigh a few motives to induce him unto this 1. Nothing more equitable than that the Creature should give himself to God The Apostle urges this very duty by this he calls it a reasonable service Rom. 12.1 the * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 word imports giving or dedicating to God see Luke 2.22 Now this self-presenting or self-giving to God 't is a thing that is most reasonable 't is that which is grounded upon the highest reason Reason it self will tell a man he ought to give himself to God this * Prov. 20.27 candle of the Lord gives a light clear enough to direct a creature to this I know depraved reason opposes it but rectifi'd reason furthers it Your reason will tell you that you are bound to give to every one what is his right and due this is one of the undoubted maximes and principles of reason In the case I am upon reason lays down the proposition Scripture-revelation sets in with it to make the assumption and then grace makes the conclusion and so the syllogism is framed betwixt them I must give to every one what is his due there 's reason my person my all is Gods due there 's partly reason and partly revelation therefore I will give my self to God there 's grace Let me speak a little to that foundation upon which the reasonableness of the duty in hand is built and that is whatever I am or have 't is all Gods due God hath a fuller better right to a man than he hath to himself he is Gods more than he is or can be his own in the fall of Adam we lost our right and title to God but he did not lose his right and title to us this is eternal alteration or any such thing If you ask
me whether House-dedication as so stated be a Jewish antiquated thing or whether it be not rather a moral duty and that all persons whatsoever are now under the obligation of it Honoured Citizens I hope no objections nor discouragements neither from without or from within shall ever be able to keep you off from a due performance of this blessed dutie of House-dedication You are now very busie in joyning house to house but not in the Prophets sense Isa 5.8 in the repairing of your breaches in the re-edifying of your wast and desolate Habitations which for some time have been forsaken and left like a wilderness and cut off through the fierce anger of the Lord Isa 27.10 Jer. 25.37 and herein I pray the God of Heaven to prosper you Now to present you with some thing that might be suitable and seasonable for this enterprise this is my principal aim and design As to the late terrible Fire the saddest Tragedy that Providence hath acted or permitted to be acted upon the Stage of the world in these latter Ages as to that Fire I say which in four days by four large swarths mowed down so many thousands of your dwellings this I meddle not with farther than as the matter insisted upon in this Treatise doth here and there lead me to it you have had the pious labours of several persons already upon that sad and dismal Argument to which I shall add nothing 'T is the bright side of the cloud that my eye is upon 't is the building not the burning of your Houses which I treat of and what is it in reference to this which I urge but that they may be consecrated and dedicated to God whenever they shall be built And under this Head I reduce all that I have to say and doth not the duty speak for it self Doth it not carry its own light and conviction along with it Doth not the late tremendous hand of God call upon you for this After such conflagrations will you not enter upon your Houses and live in them with a due sense of God When God hath been so contending with you shall things be just as they were before Shall not the voice of such a rod be heard in some notable reformation Hath God overthrown many of you as he overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah and ye were as brands pluckt out of the burning and will ye not yet return to the Lord Amos 4.11 Do ye not yet perceive that 't is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God Will you again provoke God to return with the same judgment I beseech you consider what God hath done what you have done what you are now to do and carry it so that breaches betwixt God and you may be healed that his anger the worst of Fires may be quenched that all differences may be comprimised that you may be secured from all evils and live in the enjoyment of all blessings And the most compendious way to this is first to dedicate your persons and then your houses to God O let God dwell where you dwell let God be entertained in your Habitations O keep up his worship promote his interest devote all to his service and glory live under a continual dependance upon him and an universal devotedness to him and let not sin find any harbour or have any reception in your Houses thus do and fear not all will be well be you faithful in your dedication and God will be faithful in his protection and benediction Persons and places dedicated are under a special providence God will not have them to be touched There are very many things which your present affairs and actings might lead me to speak to by way of advice You are much taken up with building O that spiritual building may not be neglected by you Pray mind the building of your Ark and do as Noah did Heb. 11.7 In such threatning times as these are it concerns every man to have his Ark ready made 't is better now to be without an house than without an Ark we have seen several deluges of judgments what will be next we know not Prov. 22.3 A prudent man foreseeth the evil and hideth himself but the simple pass on and are punished You are erecting fair and beautiful Houses but are you your selves the House Building Temple of God that he may dwell and inhabit in you Heb. 3.6 1 Pet. 2.5 1 Cor. 3.9 16. 2 Cor. 6.16 Eph. 2.22 You are building for Earth but what do you do for Heaven Do ye lay a good foundation against the time to come that ye may lay hold on eternal life as 't is 1 Tim. 6.19 Are you by a saving Faith built upon Christ that great and only foundation 1 Cor. 3.11 What assurance have ye of a building of God of an house not made with hands eternal in the Heavens 2 Cor. 5.1 Thus from your external and material buildings I might take occasion to suggest divers things which refer to inward spiritual and mystical Building for by this allusion the spirit of God in Scripture doth much delight to set forth the state and duty of Christians As also I might much enlarge in the exhorting of you to several duties upon another account suitable to your present posture and concern viz. That ye would for ever humble your selves under that mighty hand of God which hath been so severely lifted up against you that the late judicial amazing Providences of the most High may never be forgotten by you but that they may frequently be thought of and duly improved that you would take heed of security pride vanity of spirit in slighting what is past and in promising great things to your selves for the time to come so as not to say with them The bricks are fallen down but we will build with hewen stones the Sycomores are cut down but we will change them into Cedars Isa 9.10 That you would be sure in Building-work to take God along with you and to keep down all carnal confidence That place is remarkable Mal. 1.4 Whereas Edom saith O that this may never be the language of London We are impoverished but we will return and build the desolate places thus saith the Lord of Hosts they shall build but I will throw down and they shall call them The border of wickedness and the people against whom the Lord hath indignation for ever A terrible word this is the Lord grant you may never speak so sinfully against God and that he may never speak so terribly against you That you would enter into your New houses with New hearts that as your houses are like to be better than before so your hearts and lives may be better also that your old sins may never be admitted into your New habitations I say I might be verie large in the urging of these things upon you but I chuse only to name them some of them fall in under House-dedication to which I limit my self
dedication make it the term and object of your dedication instead of the dedicating of it to God you dedicate all to it Have you dedicated your selves to God To you that readily prostitute your selves to a course of sin to all vicious and unholy practices 1 King 21.20 you that sell your selves to wickedness Eph. 4.19 that give your selves over unto lasciviousness to work all uncleanness with greediness you that do in effect say to sin we are thine you that are drunkards swearers cursers Adulterers Sabbath-profaners c. Have you dedicated your selves to God To you who are immers'd in the world you that steep your selves in pleasures and sensual delights who mind nothing but eating drinking gaming c. and with-hold not your heart from any joy let it be what it will Eccles 2.10 you that mind earthly things Phil. 3.19 that let the fervor of your spirits the torrent of your desires the strength of your endeavours run out after riches profits honors preferments worldly accomodations you that instead of forsaking the world for God can forsake God for the world as Demas did 2 Tim. 4.10 you that place your happiness in these sublunary things Have you dedicated your selves to God To you who give up your selves to Satan may be you are not by the Church given up to Satan which is usually interpreted of excommunication 1 Cor. 5.5 1 Tim. 1. ult But which is much worse as the disease is worse than the remedy you give up your selves to him you readily obey this Prince of the power of the air Ephes 2.2 that ruleth in the chidren of disobedience 2 Tim. 2.26 you are taken captive by him at his will he bids you go and you go come and you come no sooner doth he tempt but you fall in with the temptation all the day long you are doing his work and promoting his interest in the world Have you dedicated your selves to God To you who go to the Church on the Lords day and attend upon the worship of God on the Lords day Non est vera Religio quae cum Templo relinquitur Lactant. and all the week after neglect God scarce a word of God unless it be in taking his name in vain scarce a secret prayer scarce the reading of one Chapter in the Bible all the week after Have you dedicated your selves to God Away away for shame do not pretend to this high and holy Dedication your case is so evident that you scarce are within the verge or compass of self-examination 't is notorious you have not dedicated your selves pray never pretend to it But there are others who are spun of a finer thread who bid fairer for Heaven they are free from those works of the flesh which are 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 manifest Gal. 5.19 and which proclaim to all the world Non-dedication they make a fair profession are unblamable in their conversation make Conscience of performing holy duties and many good things are done by them surely these have dedicated themselves to God O that it was so indeed O that all who carry it fairly in the sight of men were sincere in their self-dedication to God! But are there not thousands that come up to this and are professors and live under Church-priviledges and are well thought of by the people of God and yet for all this their dedication is not hearty and thorough and upon this defect they shall miscarry to all eternity How should this awaken all plausible out-side-Christians with the utmost diligence to search how things stand betwixt God and them as to this matter As to evidences for the help of such as shall desire to fall upon examination I shall not need to expatiate upon that Argument having shown what self-dedication is by that every man may know whether he be come up to it yea or no. Read over the particulars in which it lies and as you go along make such reflexions as these are O my soul tell me have I given my self to God Have I ever by a deed of gift signed and sealed made over my self to God Have I given him my heart my love joy delight desires ah and my life too Is my will melted into his will Is there an obediential submissive frame of spirit in me Am I upon serious deliberation come to an issue to resolve for God Is my resolution like the Laws of the Medes and Persians Esth 1.19 never to be altered Do I carry it as a person who is impropriated set apart for God and his service Have I entred into covenant with God and bound my self to the performance of all the conditions thereof Is the glory of God dear to me ●s this the great end of my life that the great God may be honoured by such a worm as I am O my soul farther I ask thee do I value God more than all and set an higher rate upon him than upon all the world besides Is his favour more to me than life do I dread his anger more than death Is this my greatest ambition to live in the fruition of God and in constant communion with him And for other things can I be content to have them or to want them as God shall see best Do I fear every sin be it never so little Do I baulk no duty be it never so hard Do I shun no cross be it never so heavy when God calls me to it Is it the will of God that hath the regency and superiority in me Will I suffer nothing to stand in competition with my Lord and Master Have I got victory over all my spiritual enemies Is sin mortified self dethroned the world laid low in my heart Can I be do suffer any thing for God and my dear Redeemer Do I like salvation in Gods way and upon his terms Do I cleave to God with full purpose of heart Do I love whatever I see of God and all that belong to God Have I been savingly convinced of the excellency of God and of his ways Have I made over my self to him personally considered to the Father to be commanded governed by him to the Son to be redeemed justified saved by him in the way of faith and obedience to the Holy Ghost to be renewed sanctified guided led acted by him I say thus deal with your souls upon these interrogatories and by the answer of Conscience you will be able to say something 1 Pet. 3.21 as to the thing enquired after whether you have indeed dedicated your selves to God I beg pardon that I pass over these things thus briefly and may be too I have not spoke so distinctly to them as I should have done as to the first I would fain shorten this works as much as I can and I shall have occasion more to enlarge in some other Heads as to the second the enquiring serious awakened Christian minds matter more than Method CHAP. 4. Personal Dedication pressed first
a little time be remembred no more A Pyramid will not be enough to perpetuate the memorials of this if we be left to our selves I therefore entreat and beseech you the Citizens of London to keep fresh in your memories the late terrible outgoings of Providence both against your selves in particular and against the City in general and in the day of your Praises and in the midst of all your rejoycings for present mercies O remember what is past How that should be remembred and how the remembrance of it is to be improved I cannot here insist upon I desire to shun prolixity and yet I am guilty of it 3dly In your initial Thanksgivings do this also Where God hath blessed you with considerable Estates see that you set something apart for charitable uses Let your Thanksgiving be Thanks-doing Do something towards the relief of them that are in want of them that were great Sufferers by the late Fire and towards others too who are great objects of Charity Hath God yet spared you an Estate O devote it to his glory and the good of his poor necessitous servants Liberality to such is an excellent concomitant to the duty of Praise and a very high Testimony of the reality of your Gratitude I leave this with you and for some reasons I will not further enlarge upon it So much for the enforcing of the First Branch of House-Dedication Secondly In the Dedication of your Houses to God I advise Fiducially commit them to God This implies 1. A casting-off of all Creature-props and dependancies for safety and Preservation 2. A flying to God for his Protection 3. A resting or relying upon God for this mercy Commit your Houses thus to God and if you would do it in a solemn explicit way when you enter into them and then keep the impression of this upon your Spirits all along it would be of great use to you The poor Heathens had their Tutelar Gods upon whom they rely'd for the keeping of their Houses These were the Lares Penates 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Domestick Gods of whom the Philologers write much The True God must be by you owned and rested upon for the preservation of your Houses Alas where can we be safe or our Houses be safe but under the shadow of the Almighty Psal 91.1 What can secure us but that providence that is always waking and watchful Psal 121.4 look to your persons what a world of accidents are you liable to each of which is enough to make a speedy dispatch of you When you are at home 't is but the breaking of a beam and you are gone when you walk in the Streets 't is but the falling of a Brick or a Tile or a wall or the breaking of a wheel when you are just by a loaden Cart or an hundred such Casualties and contingencies and there is an end put to your Life How many in this City every week are taken away by sad and sudden Accidents and indeed I wonder 't is not more We live inviron'd and surrounded by Deaths that may come upon us in ways that we never dreamt of Little did the Poet Aeschylus when he was sitting in his Yard think that there he should receive his mortal wound but so it was for as the story goes he sitting there with his Hat off an Engle hovering over his bald head and mistaking it for a stone let fall an Oyster hoping by the fall to break the shell which falling upon this poor man's head pierced his skull and so he dy'd And thus it happens in a thousand cases What need have we therefore to live in a constant dependance upon God for his Protection And so as to our Houses how many unseen dangers do hang over them if God do not keep them All your care preventions signifie nothing without this Set your Watches build in Brick look to your Fires and Lights this will not do your work without God's keeping Except the Lord build the House they labour in vain that build it Except the Lord keep the City the watchman waketh but in vain Psal 127.1 I would not take you off from the use of means for your safety but do not trust here 'T is God only that makes you to dwell in safety Psal 4.8 And therefore dedicate your Houses to God that is commit them to his vigilant and Holy Protection and then fear not I know upon what is past thousands in this City rise up in in the morning lie down at night full of Fears O that we could quiet our hearts by holy Trust what we put into the hands of God is above the reach of man He that hath the Protection of Heaven needs not fear the malice of Hell Saints may encourage themselves in the midst of all dangers and enemies whatsoever from the consideration of that tender and gracious Providence which is over them for the preserving of their Persons Estates Habitations and all that belongs to them Ps 121.3 4. He that keepeth thee will not slumber Behold he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep The Lord is thy keeper the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand The Sun shall not smite thee by day nor the Moon by night The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil he shall preserve thy Soul The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth and even for evermore Psal 145.20 The Lord preserveth all them that love him Isa 4.5 Vpon all the glory shall be a defence Job 1.10 Hast thou not made an hedge about him and about his House and about all that he hath on every side Prov. 12.7 The House of the Righteous shall stand Read Psalm 91. 'T is an excellent Psalm for the support of Faith as to Personal and House-preservation Now upon such encouragements as these be perswaded to commit your Selves and your All to God Put all into his Hands fiducially rest upon him and you engage him to take care of you and to secure you from all evil Prov. 29.25 Whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe Psal 17.7 Shew thy marvellous loving kindness O thou that savest by thy right hand them which put their trust in thee from those that rise up against them If the Promises of Protection and preservation be not literally accomplished as to the keeping off some particular evils they shall be made good some other way which will be better for you O therefore trust God and do not give way to Fear when you first enter upon your dwellings commit all to God and every morning every night renew this act of trust and it will be well You may be called the House-keepers but in truth God is the House-keeper both as to Provision and also as to Protection and they must needs be well kept if the Almighty God be the keeper of them Men and Devils can neither touch an bair of your Heads nor a tile of your Houses but
Family-worship is a duty incumbent upon every Master or Governour he is to take care of it to see that the blessed God in his House have that Religious respect and homage which is due unto him Indeed this is the main the first thing that he is to look after The Jews besides their Temple-worship had also their Family-worship which the Master of the House was to perform The Paschal-Lamb was to be eaten in every Family there was to be a Lamb for an House Exod. 12.3 this was Family-worship in part You read of David 2 Sam. 6.20 He returned to bless his Houshold Upon the bringing of the Ark into the Tabernacle O his heart was full of joy and this he had made great discoveries of before the people now he 'l go to his own Family and bless them and spiritually rejoyce with them in Prayer and Praise in the sense of this great mercy O that every day your Housholds might be blessed by you by the administration and performance of Worship and Duty in them I will not any longer insist upon Generals but presently come to those particular Family-duties which I would press upon you The first is Prayer Family-Prayer for I intend not to meddle with the other kinds of Prayer but only to limit my self to this Set up Prayer in your Houses let your Families be praying Families O if it was the Lords will that we might not have in all this City one Non-praying Family God will have his House to be an House of Prayer Mat. 21.13 My House shall be called the House of Prayer Isa 56.7 Even them will I bring to my holy Mountain and make them joyful in my House of Prayer u. Let it be so with you let your Houses be Houses of Prayer then they will resemble the House of God You must enter upon them by Prayer that I have spoke to but besides this there must be a constant course of Prayer maintained and carried on in them 'T is true we have not any positive or express Command in the Word in which this duty of Family-Prayer is in so many Letters and Syllables enjoined but we have enough in it to ground solid Inferences upon which are sufficient to evince and prove the duty Eph. 6.18 we are commanded to pray with all Prayer and Supplication i. e. with all kinds of Prayer Family-Prayer is one kind of Prayer and therefore we are bound to the performance of it The Prophet imprecates wrath upon the Families that do not call upon God Jer. 10.25 Therefore 't is a duty lying upon Families so to do for it can only be the omission of an unquestionable duty that exposes a person to wrath Many such things might be insisted upon but I shall wave them my business being rather to exhort than to argue That I may prevail with you to set up Prayer in your Houses consider the following Motives 1. This is that which the people of God have always done Where Grace hath been in the heart prayer hath been in the House as Personal Prayer so Family Prayer hath always accompany'd the work of regeneration The Scripture sets many examples before us for the proof of this Mention is often made of Abraham's calling upon God as Gen. 12.8 Gen. 13.4 Gen. 21.33 26.25 We may well suppose that this was done sometimes in conjunction with his family they being with him in his intinerant posture Esther the Queen fasted and pray'd with her Maidens Esth 4.16 Job that offered Sacrifice continually for his Children as 't is Job 1.5 doubtless he did not omit the offering of Sacrifices with his Children What was David's blessing of his Houshold mentioned but now but his praying and praising with his family 'T is said of Cornelius He feared God with all his House and he prayed to God alway Act. 10.2 The connexion seems chiefly to refer to family-prayer If these places of Scripture and examples be not so convincing and cogent as to the duty in hand and its inseparable conjunction with the truth of Grace then you may add what your observation and experience doth readily offer to you Look abroad a little into the world observe how it is with men upon Conversion As soon as ever God hath wrought a saving work in them Behold they pray Acts 9.11 and that in their Families too Before this work alas they pray'd not in their Houses from week to week from year to year but no sooner did God seise upon them in a saving manner but immediately they set up Prayer in their Houses Vniversal experience offers it self for the proof of this Well then let this quicken you to this practise Pray in your Families for if you be gracious renewed sanctified you will do thus this is to carry it as regenerate persons this will be a good evidence that you are really God's people whereas the neglect of this will be a sad evidence that you are none of them I will trust a godly man for Family-prayer He may indeed for sometime being under the power of some Temptation or having taken in some erronious principle omit this duty but if he be a truly godly man he will come to it again 2. Family-prayer hath much excellency in it Prayer in all the kinds of it is very excellent There 's Secret-prayer that 's excellent O for the Soul to be with God alone treating with him in private about its everlasting concernments spreading its more special and particular wants corruptions temptations burdens before him Gen. 32.24 Jacob-like wrestling with him for this and that blessing surely this is excellent There 's publick Prayer when the Saints go together in a * Coimus ad Deum quasi manu factâ precationibus ambiamus Haec vis Deo grata est Tertul. Apolog c. 39. body and offer an holy violence to the Kingdom of Heaven join all their force and strength together for the obtaining of mercy this is excellent Family-prayer comes betwixt these 't is private and yet in part 't is publick 't is publick and yet in part 't is private this is excellent too In respect of its general Nature 't is excellent for 't is Prayer and all Prayer hath excellency stampt upon it in respect of its usefulness benefits precious effects 't is excellent it procures mercies keeps off judgments sanctifies all enjoyments preserves an holy awe of God in the Soul puts a savour and rellish upon all comforts furthers Grace here Glory hereafter All this is done by Family-prayer duely performed is it not excellent will you live in your Houses without it will you lose so great a part of Religion and that too which is so much to your own advantage and to the advantage also of all that co-habit with you Fire is good you 'l have it Food is good you 'l have it Air is good you 'l have it Prayer is good too nay better than all these will you not have that also 3. There are proper