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A35949 A brief exposition of the evangel of Jesus Christ according to Matthew by David Dickson ... Dickson, David, 1583?-1663. 1651 (1651) Wing D1400; ESTC R13881 307,666 370

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the Kingdome of Heaven ●hich is above and they who do not prepare themselves ●o not watch for his coming shall be excluded from Christ ● his coming From this Parable in so far as it tendeth ●●●o this scope Learn 1. Christ and his Church may well be compared to the Bridegroom and the Bride and the spiri●all communion between them to Marriage mutually pro●ised in espousals in this life and to be solemnized and complea●ed at the coming of our Lord. 2. As in the Parable ●o in the visible Church all do professe themselves devoted ●nto Jesus Christ the Bridegroom and to be desirous of communion with him in Heaven and possibly may attain to a ●amelesse conversation and appear Virgine-like all waiting for the coming of our Lord in their own and others estimation 3. As among the Virgines in the Parable so in the visible Church all are not wise Christians but some wise and really such as they professe themselves to be others are counterfeit Christians and foolish 4. As among the Vir●ines in the Parable so in the visible Church onely these are wise who with the outward Lamps of open profession labour to be furnished inwardly with the saving graces of the holy Spirit namely Faith working by love and repentance mortifying their sinfull lusts that in newnesse of life they may glorifie God But whoso are destitute of inward grace in their heart they are foolish for the Lamps of their outward profession without oyle do serve to no purpose when matters come to a triall 5. As in the Parable the Bridegroom cometh when they are not aware So will Christ come unto Judgment in a day and hour that men know not 6. As in the Parable the wise are admitted and the foolish excluded So they who are inwardly renewed and indued with the saving graces of the holy Spirit shall be taken up to heaven and they who are destitute of the oyle of the holy Spirit void of true faith and of the renewing vertue of Gods Grace shall be excluded 7. As in the parable the wise could not help the foolish nor the foolish hurt the wise So the society of the hypocrites with the godly in the visible church shall not be prejudiciall to the sound christians in the day of Gods judgment not yet the society of the godly avail the hypocrites among whom they have lived but every man shall be judged according to that which is within him 8. As in the parable the self-conceit of the Virgins ver 11 12. helped not them so the opinion which unrenewed persons within the visible church have of their interest in Christ their vain confidence and foolish hopes grounded upon the outward profession and their formal practises of externall duties will not avail them before the Lord at that day 9. To be watchfull now and to examine well our own case and to see that we be sure of the inward anointing of the holy Spirit whereby we are made indeed holy is the only way to be certain of our salvation when Christ cometh to judgement for this use Christ commandeth us to make of the parable saying Watch therfore Ver. 14. For the Kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country who called his own servants and delivered unto them his goods 15. And unto one he gave five talents to another two and to another one to every man according to his seuerall ability and straitway took his journ●y 16. Th●● he that had received the five talents 〈◊〉 and traded with the same and made them other 〈◊〉 ●●lents 17. And likewise he that had received two he also gained other two 18. But he that had received one went and digged in the earth and hid his lords mony 19. After a long time the Lord of those servants cometh and reckoneth with them 20. And so he that had received five talents came and brought other five talents saying Lord thou delivered ●● unto me five talents behold I have gained besides them five talents more 21. His lord said unto him Well done thou good and ●●full servant thou hast been faithfull over a few things I will make thee ruler over many things enter thou into the joy of thy Lord. 22. He also that had received two talents came and said Lord thou deliveredst me two talents behold I have gained two other talents beside them 23. His lord said unto him Well done good and faithful servant thou hast been faithful over a few things I wil make thee ruler over many things enter thou into the joy of thy Lord. 24. Then he which had received the one talent came and said Lord I knew thee that thou art an hard man reaping where thou hast not sowen and gathering where thou hast not stra●ed 25. And I was afraid and went and hid thy talent in the earth 〈◊〉 there thou hast that is thine 26. His Lord answered and said unto him thou wicked and slothful servant thou knewest that I reap where I sowed not and gather where I have not strawed 27. Thou oughtest therefore to have put my mony to the exchangers and then at my coming I should have received mine own with usury 28. Take therefore the talent from him and give it unto him which hath ten talents 29. For unto every one that hath shal be given and he shal have abundance bu● from him that hath not shal be taken away even that which he hath 30. And cast ye the unprofitable servant into utter darknes there shal be weeping and gnashing of teeth Another parable tending to put all men on work and in speciall the Ministers of the Gospel for setting forth the glory of Christ and of his Kingdome among men according to every man's ability and calling under the similitude of a master giving to his servants mony to trade withall for his use Doct. 1. As the man in the parable travelling into a far country disposed of his affaires and ordered all matters till his return So hath our Lord Jesus given exact order in his Word to all men and specially to his Ministers how his house shall be governed and how every man should serve him till his second coming again 2. As the master in the parable giveth not the same number of talents to each servant So the Lord So the Lord giveth not a like measure of gifts to every one but to some more to some lesse as his heavenly Wisdom thinketh expedient 3. As in the parable some made use of their talents some not So in the visible church some imploy the gifts they have according to their calling to the edifying of others and promoving of the Kingdome of Christ othersome do misregard the Kingdome of Christ and care not how it go with Christs matters if their own particular go right and therefore they make no conscience to promove Christs Kingdome in their vocation as their duty set down in his word doth require 4. As the master in the parable reckoned with his servants
lie for money vers 16. Christ meeteth with his disciples and authorizeth them to teach and baptize all Nations Ver. 1. IN the end of the Sabbath as it began to dawn towards the first day of the week came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre OUr Lord having satisfied Justice for us to the full in his obedience unto the death could not be holden by death but as the Son of God in Power behoved to rise again according to the prediction of the Scriptures that he might give Righteousnesse and Resurrection unto eternall Life to all his Redeemed Ones who do flie unto him for refuge In these two women who are made the first witnesses of his resurrection learn 1. The Power of Love and Faith in that soul which hath found peace of conscience through Christ will not suffer the Believer to be unmindfull of him as appeareth in Mary Magdalene and that other Mary They must know what is become of him They come to see the Sepulchre the third day after his Buriall 2. As any are before others in love to Christ so are they in account in Gods books for this is the third time that Mary Magdalene is honourably made mention of for her love to our Lord. 3. It is wisdome to moderate the expressions of Love and Zeal so as commanded duties be nor neglected for These holy women do observe the Sabbath and come not forth till it he ended Ver. 2. And behold there was a great earthquake for the Angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone from the door and sat upon it In the manner of the Lord's Resurrection learn 1. That as our Lords Death was shamefull in suffering the punishment due to our sins so his Resurrection for our Justification was wonderfully glorious for as Heaven sent forth an Angel for his service now so the Earth trembled when he stirred to arise out of it There was a great earthquake and an Angel descended from Heaven 2. Christ will make use of his creatures so as he seeth most fit for his own Glory for some base rascal● shall crucifie him honourable Joseph of Arimathea shall bury him an Angel shall roll the stone from the tombe 3. Albeit all the Angels be at our Lords call yet he will make use onely of one or two in a service when one or two ●● sufficient for his purpose as here one spoken of is abundant to roll away the stone and to be Porter to him at his going out of the Sepulchre one is sufficient to affray and boast all the Priests guard set about the Sepulchre for this one Angel when he had rolled away the stone sat upon it as a Commander Ver. 3. His countenance was like lightning and his raiment white as snow 4. And for fear of him the keepers did shake and became as dead men In the description of the Angel learn 1. That Angels take upon them bodily shapes when their commission to speak to men and to be seen of men requireth so as here this Angels countenance and his garments are observed 2. Great must be the Majesty of our Lord Jesus when his servants countenance is like lightning and his garment white as snow 3. The plots of Christ's adversaries are turned about as engines of war against themselves for these keepers are sent forth to keep Christ within the tombe and now they are made nill they will they witnesses of his resurrection 4. Such as are most stout against Christ shall be most afraid and astonished when he sheweth his Glory for The keepers now do shake and become as dead men Ver. 5. And the Angel answered and said unto the women Fear not ye for I know that ye seek Iesus which was crucified 6. He is not here for he is risen as he said come see the place where the Lord lay The Angel speaketh comfortably to these two women and sheweth them that Christ is risen and commandeth them to carry the news unto the Apostles Doct. 1. By the same means the Lord can terrifie his adversaries and comfort his people those he suffereth to lie still in their terrour these he comforteth Fear not ye saith the Angel unto the women as much as these keepers may look for wrath but Fear not ye 2. Such as are seeking after Jesus may take comfort whatsoever come for upon this ground the Angel saith Fear not I know ye are seeking Iesus 3. We have no reason to be ashamed of Christs crosse when the Angels avow Christ crucified to be the Lord. 4. If God should use Kings and Emperours to be Preachers of Christs crosse and resurrection it should be no disparagement to their high place for this message is worthy of such an Angel as this ●o be messenger and even the Angels do not so much honour the message as they are honoured by it and who is he who thinketh himselfe too good to be a Preacher of the Gospel 5. Christs body after his resurrection retaineth the naturall properties of a body it is in one place and not in another the Scripture knoweth no ubiquity of his body for He is not here saith the Angel he is risen 6. No rest for our faith save in our Lords word if it be once received then other things serve to confirm faith for first He is risen as he said saith the Angel and then biddeth them Come see where the Lord lay 7. It is a sufficient argument to prove that Christs body is not present in a place if sense perceive it not present for the Angel proveth that Christ is not in the Sepulchre by this reason Come see the place where the Lord lay he is not here Ver. 7 And go quickly and tell his Disciples that he is risen from the dead and behold he goeth before you into Galilee there shall ye see him lo I have told you The Angel sendeth away these women to carry joyfull tidings to the scattered Apostles Doc. 1. Albeit women be debarred from the ordinary office of preaching the Gospel yet it may serve them sufficiently for incouragement to believe in Jesus that beside other extraordinary passages of Christ's respect unto them their Sex is honoured with the carrying of the first tidings of the resurrection Go tell his Disciples that he is risen from the dead saith the Angel to the women 2. What concerneth Gods glory and others comfort in the day of griefe should be diligently gone about without delay Go quickly 3. Christ is that good Shepherd who gathereth his people unto him after that the storm of persecution hath scattered them and driven them from him for here he sendeth his Angel to his feeble Disciples to conveen them unto him in Galilee 4. The Lord pitieth the infirmity of his people and appointeth their Assemblies where they may be most secure and safe as here he trusteth his Disciples not at Jerusalem at the first but in their own Countrey Galilee 5. The Lords
to be a branch of poor Ruth a Gentile as well as of rich Booz of unlearned persons as well as learned of ignoble and mean persons as wel as Kings yea and of persons blotted with notorious faults as Rachab and Tamar no lesse then of holy Patriarchs and Prophets such as Abraham and Isaac 5. As he hath separated our nature in his own person from all the pollution of his Ancestors here recorded so he can sanctifie our persons and nature how polluted soever our persons have been 6. By summing up the generations from Abraham unto Christ in thrice fourteen he teacheth us that notwithstanding so many notable changes were made in that people especially about the period of each fourteen Generations yet was the promise of the Messias coming and the lineall descent of the blessed seed still keeped on foot till our Lord was born and by this same means he giveth us to understand that in the greatest commotions of kingdomes or commonwealths no promise made to the Church shall be shaken Verse 18. Now the birth of Iesus Christ was on this wise when as his Mother Mary was espoused to Ioseph before they came together she was found with child of the holy Ghost In the second part of the chapter we have five evidences of Christs wonderfull incarnation The first is the Virgin Mary is found with child of the HOLY GHOST wherein these truths offer themselves 1. Albeit Christ as God be eternall and hath no mother yet as he is a man he hath Mary his Mother in her virginity For before they came together she was found with child of the HOLY GHOST 2. This wonderfull conception was no lesse true and reall then any ordinary concep●ion could be for by ordinary evidence She is found with childe which was observed by those that did not know that it was of the holy Ghost till afterward 3. We should neither speak nor think of this holy conception without the remembrance of the wonderfull operation of the Holy Spirit for to preveen all unworthy and unbeseeming thoughts of this transcendent mystery no sooner doth the Evangelist make mention of the Virgins being with Child but immediately he subjoyneth of the Holy Ghost To teach us to beware to think any thoughts of this great mystery of Godlinesse the incarnation of the Son of God except by the conduct of the Holy Ghost who must form right thoughts of Christ in our hearts and lead us along through this following history in all saving truth 4. The LORD hath a care of the same and estimation of those in whom he mindes to honour himself for it is provided by God so that the Virgin Mary being with child of the promised Messia shal be espoused to her husband Joseph that no exception could be taken against her by such as did not beleeve the mystery Vers. 19. Then Ioseph her husband being a just man and not willing to make her a publick example was minded to put her away privily The second evidence is Josephs perplexity who being certain of the reall conception of the Virgin and uncertain of the holy Manner of it either because he was not informed by the Virgin how the matter was or because if he was informed he did not fully beleeve he is put to a perplexed deliberation what to do There was on the one hand such evidence of purity and holinesse in the carriage of the blessed Virgin that Joseph could not find a reason in Justice to make her a publick Example and for this part of his resolution he is commended as a just Man On the other hand there was such certainty of her being with child and that the child was not his that he minded to put her away privily Doct. 1. GOD by perplexities can prepare the hearts of his own for a clearer satisfaction in matters of highest concernment for this exercise of Joseph is made a Harbinger to the revelation and satisfaction which afterward he received 2. Our LORDS sufferings began very early even ere he was born when the Virgin Mother cometh under suspicion for his incarnation and cometh under this hazard to be put away privily for his cause 3. No wonder CHRIST have hard entertainment in the world before he be known when even his own according to election do refuse him till he manifest himself to them For Joseph is about to reject the Mother and the child before he knew the mystery Ver. 20. But while he thought on these things behold the Angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream saying Ioseph thou son of David fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife for that which is conceived in her is of the holy Ghost The third evidence is the Testimony of the Angel revealing the truth to Joseph Doct. 1. No lesse then divine revelation can satisfie a soul in matters concerning Christ Joseph must be taught from Heaven before he be clear about the incarnation of the Son of GOD 2. The Lord can turn the doubts and fears and perplexities of his own into an advantage unto themselves and others also and into a clearer manifestation of his own glory for now the incarnation of the Son of God is more clear to Joseph and to the church that the Lord did reserve the revelation thereof to himselfe then if Joseph had never made question about it 3. The Lord useth to shew himselfe in a necessary nick of time while the Virgin is in hazard to suffer and Joseph about to put her away mean while the Lord interposeth himself● for while he thought of these things the Angel appeared The Angel calling Joseph Son of David doth oblige Joseph to serve the chiefe of all the sons of David the renowned branch and true root also of the house of David for whose cause the posterity of David was kept undestroyed when other families were confounded Then he dischargeth Josephs suspicion which he had of Mary assuring him that that which is conceived of her is of the holy Ghost and this he sayeth not to seclude the operation of the Father and the son whose work is alwayes one with the work of the Holy-Spirit by whom the Father and the Son do work whatsoever they work among the creatures being all three one God as undivided in essence so inseparable in operation But this work is attributed to the holy Ghost to seclude the ordinary way of generation of man and to assure us of the sanctification of the substance of the Virgin assumed by Christ and of the freedom of Christ humane n●●ure both from originall sin and also from all possibility o●●sinning by reason of the personall union of the humane nature with the Divine made by the Holy Ghost 4. As Christ is the Son of David by lineall descent through Mary his Mother so also by law through Joseph his supposed father and father in law who was descended from David for the Angel calleth Joseph Thou Son of David 5. The Lord in due time cleareth
the Inward baptism of the spirit I have need saith John to be baptized of thee 4. When Christs excellency and his low dismission of himselfe are compared it is a wonderfull thing to the beholder therefore saieth John by way of wondring Comest thou to me Vers. 15. And Iesus answering said unto him suffer it to be so now for thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteousness Then he suffered him Christ will have John to consider the time of his Lords humiliation and what belonged to them both in regard of their office Doct. 1. Some things were necessary to be done by Christ in the time of his humiliation which otherwise was unbeseeming the dignity of his person Therefore saith Christ suffer it be so now 2. It is a thing both right and comely for each man to do what his calling requireth for It becometh us to fulfill all righteousness saith Christ. 3. When the Lord maketh his will clear unto us we should renounce our wil and follow his whatsoever blind zeal or carnal humility shall speak to the contrary for when John was informed of Christs mind then he suffered him Verse 16. And Iesus when he was baptized went up straightway out of the water and lo the heavens were opened unto him and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting upon him As Baptism was the figure of death unto Christ so his speedy coming upon dry land did fitly foreshadow that he could not be holden long of death Therefore it is marked That straight way he went up out of the water Now after his Baptism three wonders do appear The first a vision of the opening of the Heavens towards Christ and to him to shew that as he came down from Heaven so he should return unto it and that Heaven closed against us is made open through him unto these for whom he presented himself upon Baptism The next wonder is The Spirit of God descended like a dove and lighted unto him by this visible sign of his presence shewing that Christ is that meek and gentle One that innocent and harmlesse One that most loving and lovely dove in whom the Holy Spirit hath his constant residence in and through whom alone we are to receive of the gifts of the Spirit and out of his fulness grace for grace of this wonder it is said that he meaning John Baptist saw this to wit in a more speciall manner then the rest of the multitude for this was the sign promised unto John Iohn 1 31 32 33. whereby he should be certified of the person of the true Messiah Ver. 17. And lo a voyce from heaven saying This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased Now followeth the third wonder unto the observation wherof we are stirred up by a new Lo or Behold for we are dull to conceive heavenly things 2. Beause we cannot conceive what the Lord doth except he declare his mind by his word A voyce speaketh from Heaven 3. Of this man now baptized and demonstrated by the glory of the opened Heaven shining on him and by the residence of the holy Ghost upon him in the similitude of a dove the Father saith This is my Son to wit my Son properly so called my native and only begotten Son by eternall Generation This is he who from all eternity was with God the Father and was God John 1. 1. and who Heb. 1 2 3. is called The brightness of the Fathers glory and the expresse image of his person 4. The Father testifieth of this person that he is his beloved Son beloved in a singular way as his Native Son Beloved for himselfe and for his proper worth being God and Man in one person 5. God loveth Christ and is well pleased with him as he standeth in our room for as he stood now in his office of the Mediator and surety for us offering himself for us unto death in Baptism the Father was well pleased and satisfied with him as with a perfect ransome for our redemption beside or above which he craved no more but rested so fully contented with the Son and with all these in whose name he did offer himself that he made open proclamation of it from Heaven saying This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased The demonstrative particle in the originall twice repeated importeth as much as he is that Son that beloved One by way of Excellency to wit that Son spoken of in Paradise shadowed forth in the sacrifices and other figures of the Law prophesied of by the Prophets and declared by them to be Iehovah our righteousness and waited for by all the Faithfull before his coming as the consolation of Israel namely the consolation of such as were baptized by John for salvation in him and thus we have the glorious mystery of the Trinity most clearly revealed for the eternall Father the first Person by a voyce from heaven speaketh of his eternall Son now incarnate the second Person and the Spirit of God the third Person proceeding from the Father and the Son descendeth in the similitude of a Dove all three thus distinguished remaining One infinite and undivided God blessed for ever Amen By this also we have the covenant of Redemption laid open to us for The Son incarnate offereth here himself Redeemer and suerty for the Elect to be baptized unto death The Father accepteth the offer and declareth himself well pleased in him and so it resteth that wee being unable to pay our debts by our selves or to do any thing of ourselves which may please God or profit our souls betake our selves unto Christ who is surety for all those who come unto him CHAP. IIII. Our Lord prepares himself for his publick Ministry by a conflict with Satan to vers 12. Then returning unto Galilee he taketh up his dwelling at Capernaum and preacheth the Gospel vers 17. calleth four Apostles vers 23. and manifesteth his power in the miraculous manner of relieving all sort of miserable persons Vers. 1. THen was Iesus led up of the spirit into the wildernesse to be tempted of the divel AFter that our Lord is baptized and publickly installed in his office he is moved by the spirit to enter the lifts with Satan and his temptations Doct 1. The experience of temptations is a fit preparation for a profitable discharge of the holy Ministry for this exercise was a sitting of Christ unto his office 2. All men are subject to temptations and no man needeth to be discouraged for them for even Christ our Lord was tempted and that to the end he might conquer Satan who had overcome us and might give us also the victory over him and comfort in all our temptations while wee behold the power of holinesse in him who neither had sin in him nor could be drawn by temptation unto sin 3. Whatsoever exercise we go about especially where hazard and danger appeareth we should be sure to have warrant for our ingaging
for even Christ went not into the wildernesse to be tempted but as he was led of the holy spirit dy●ing unto him what belonged unto his calling Ver. 2. And when he had fasted forty dayes and forty nights he was afterwards an hungred In every part of our Lords humiliation he lets out some spark of his God-head that when he is seen to be Man he may be known to be God also he will fast and uphold himself without meat or drink forty dayes and forty nights not only to fulfill what the type of Moses and Elias their fasting did foreshadow of him but also as the Son of God to shew forth his divine power able to sustain the humane nature under every burthen which the Father should lay upon it 2. Whatsoever power it pleased our Lord to put forth in his humane nature yet did he not abolish the verity thereof but did keep unto it all the naturall properties and in the time of his humiliation did subject it also to all common and sinlesse humane infirmities Therefore having so miraculously sustained himself so long a time He afterwards was an hungred Vers. 3. And when the tempter came to him be said If thou be the Son of God command that these stones be made bread The temptations and assaults of Satan are three The first to provide for his bodily wants by an unlawfull mean for to work a miracle at Satans direction was not a lawfull mean of providing food to himself Doct. 1. No wonder men find themselves daily solicited by Satan unto sin For Satans stile from his continuall practice is the Tempter and it is his trade to tempt 2. It is possible that such as God doth love dearly may be troubled with bodily apparitions of Satan for the Tempter is permitted to appear to Christ himself and to speak to him 3. It is no wonder to find Satan calling in question the Adoption or Regeneration of any of Gods children for he dare call in question the Son-ship of the Son of God notwithstanding that within few dayes before this the Father and the Holy Spirit from heaven had born witnesse in open sight and audience unto it If thou be the Son of GOD saith he 4. Satan sits his temptations unto mens present case and condition for Christ being hungry is tempted to provide bread in a way which the tempter doth prescribe 5. In tempting Satan pretends to be careful of helping the tempted party to a better condition for here he will seem desirous both to have bread provided for Christ in his need and also to see him made manifest to be the Son of God by such a miracle for he saith If thou be the Son of God command these stones to be made bread 6. Satans temptations are moe then once a number linked together for here he tempts first to misbeleeve the word of God lately spoken of him then to suspect and doubt of his Fathers provident care over him Thirdly to provide for himself by indirect means Fourthly to abuse his power of working miracles in taking directions from Satan and committing such like other sins Ver. 4. But he answered and said It is written Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God Our Lord answereth this temptation by Scripture Doct. 1. Satans temptations must not be neglected but carefully answered and that by Scripture as the only mean to overcome him for It is written saith Christ. 2. Howsoever God hath appointed means of entertaining mens life yet the power of sustaining life is not in the means but in Gods powerfull word or commanded blessing conveyed by means or without means as he pleaseth for Man lives not by bread only but by every word that cometh out of his mouth 3. Seeing means of life albeit we had them cannot avail us except God give his blessing we should attempt nothing about them without Gods warrant for else we do offend God and provoke him to withdraw his blessing this is the reason why Christ rejecteth the temptation by this Scripture saying Man liveth not by bread c. Ver. 5. Then the divel taketh him up into the holy city and setteth him on a pinacle of the temple 6. And saith unto him If thou be the Son of God cast thy selfe down for it is written He shall give his angels charge concerning thee and in their hands they shall bear thee up least at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone The first temptation being rejected by Scripture Satan maketh a new assault and pretendeth Scripture in his second temptation Doct. 1. Albeit Satan get the foil yet he will set on again 2. God may give Satan so far power over the body of one whom he loveth dearly as to carry it out of one place to another for Satan is permitted to transport Christs body from the wilderness to the city and to lift it up upon a pinacle of the Temple 3. Satans power in this kind is limited so as he cannot hurt nor molest further then he is limited He may lift up Christs body on a pinacle of the Temple but he hath no power to cast him down 4. Where the ordinances of God are and where he promiseth his Presence that Place and that Society is to be accounted holy albeit many of the People in that Place and Society be defiled Jerusalem though defiled now exceedingly yet retaineth the name of the holy city 5. Satan will readily presse the same point by sundry means and crave unreasonable proofs of a mans adoption one after another for the second time he saith If thou be the Son of God 6. As Satan tempteth at one time to use unlawfull means to preserve life so at another time he will tempt a man to neglect means of preserving life at one time he will tempt us to distrust Gods care of our preservation at another time to presume upon Gods care without a warrant yea sometime he will tempt a man to put hand in his own life and will colour it with some pretence for Cast thy selfe down c saith he 7. Satan can transforme himselfe into an Angel of light and pretend Scripture for his temptation It is written saith he 8. When Satan citeth Scriptures he wrests the meaning or hides the word which might shew the meaning for Psalm 92.11 12. It is said The Lord shall keep thee in all thy wayes that is in thy warrantable walking Satan keeps up these words Ver. 7. Iesus said unto him It is written again Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God Christ answereth the second temptation by Scripture also Doct. 1. We must not esteem the lesse of Scripture albeit Satan and his instruments do abuse it but with the same weapons must we fight against Satan still and oppose a clear place of Scripture unto such places as the Tempter blowes mist upon for It is written again saith our Lord. 2. We should not desire God to give
gotten and because their manner of preaching and holy conversation should direct men how to exercise their faith on Jesus Christ and how to draw vertue from him for their consolation and sanctification therefore it is said Ye are the light of the world 2. Except God erect a ministry among men and indue his servants with gifts and graces and make them faithfull to doe their duty the world shall lie in the darknesse of ignorance and error of sin and misery going on to perdition and except Ministers endeavour to have the World illuminate by holding forth the true knowledg of Christ they cannot be free of the worlds perishing nor answerable to this their duty for to them it is said Ye are the light of the world 3. He tels them of the dignity of their calling and duty therein by another similitude teaching us that as a city set on a hill cannot be hid being set there to the intent it might be seen afar off so Ministers of the Gospel for the eminency of their calling and the necessity of their duty cannot be nor may be hid but must shew forth that light to the world and they cannot choose but have their doctrine and diligence in their calling their manner of life and conversation and whole carriage better and worse laid open to the view and observation of all men for they are compared here to a city set on a hill which cannot be hid Vers. 15. Neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel but on a candlestick and it giveth light unto all that are in the house By another similitude he presseth the Apostles and in them all his Ministers to propagate the Gospel Doct. 1. As men do not light a candle that they may make it uselesse by hiding it under a covert but use to hold it forth that all the house may see it and have the benefit of the light thereof So God doth not give unto any man a gift to understand the mysteries of the gospel and to utter the same with a calling so high and honourable as to preach his name that they should keep close their gift within their brest or within their own doores but that they should communicate their gifts in an orderly way to all the church or House of God and therefore as they would be answerable to Gods designe they must study to illuminate the World and the church by holding forth of the Doct●ine of Christ for if Men do not light a candle but that it may give light to the whole house far lesse must they think that God doth light a candle but for the use of his House Vers. 16. Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorifie your Father which is in heaven From the former Doctrine of the duties of the Apostles our LORD draweth an exhortation to them and all Ministers of the Gospel according to the rule Mark 13.37 What I say unto you I say unto all whom you represent teaching that what light of Knowledge or Faith in God or Love to God or to men they have they should bring it forth for the benefit of men in their Doctrine and life by the faithfull discharge of their Ministry and holy conversation therefore saith he Let your light shine c. 2. They should so wisely and sincerely behave themselves in all things that they may be approven to the consciences of all men for it is said Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works that is may perceive may be convinced and forced to acknowledge that ye so teach and so do as the Lords faithfull servants and children should do 3. By the holy conversation of Christians God shall be glorified known beleeved in loved and praised Therefore it is said that men may glorifie your heavenly Father 4. Christians by their holy life shall be justified of men as the true children of God for saith Christ So do that men may glorifie your Father which is in Heaven 5. A good work is onely that which is done 1. By a child of God 2. In obedience to God his Fathers command 3. For the good of men and 4. For the glory of God For it is said Let your light shine that your Father may be glorified by men who see your good works or profitable and commendable works Vers. 17. Think not that I am come to destroy the Law or the Prophets I am not come to destroy but to fulfill Here our Lord vindicateth himself from the calumny of Antinomianism or opposing the Law and the Prophets Doct. 1. No wonder the sincere Preachers of the gospel be slandered as if they were adversaries to the Law for even Christ himself was traduced in his time as guilty of this fault as he sheweth in his Apologie saying Think not that I am come to destroy the Law or the Prophets The ground of the mistake was because our Lord set at nought the glosses which the corrupt Doctors of the time did put upon the Scripture and taught men the way of justification by grace without the works of the Law therefore men traduced him as an enemy to the Law and to the Prophets for clearing himself he bringeth five reasons The first is I am so far from intention to destroy the Law and Prophets that by the contrary I intend to fulfill them saith he therefore the calumny uttered or conceived of me as if I intended the contrary is false Doct. 2 Christ is a true friend to the Law his doctrine and the course prescribed by him to his Church by all means doth procure the obedience of the Law and the fulfilling of the prophesies for he saith I am not come to destroy them but to fulfill them Now Christ is said to be come to fulfill the Law and Prophets because what they prophesied of him he doth accomplish what they aimed at he hath brought and is in bringing to passe what way of righteousness and salvation they set down he doth make good for what is in the Law and Prophets to be fulfilled by predictions of what Christ should do and suffer set down partly in plain partly in figurative types and ceremonies or commands of holy Duties backed by Promises to the Obedient and Threatnings against the disobedient with their examples all these Christ came to fulfill most exactly first by accomplishing in his own person all predictions of his perfect obedience even unto the death whether set down in plain termes or foresignified of him under types and figures of the ceremonial Law next by using all means that men should give obedience to the morall Law and by blessing effectually these means and making men really to give obedience to the Law And thirdly by making good all the promises to his subjects and executing all his threatnings against his enemies and so he saith justly I came not to destroy but to fulfil the Law and Prophets Ver. 18. For
and in publick collecting of almes the world must needs be open 6. Alms given in a right manner that is in obedience to God and in love of the poor is a secret work for the main substance of it is only seen of God therefore it is said That thy almes may be in secret 7. What good work wee take least notice of what wee make least esteem of and do carry most quietly between God and us of that doth God take special notice for of such a work it is said the Father seeth in secret 8. Whatsoever good work is done of secret intention to obey and glorifie God shall be made open by him in due time to our praise and shall be rewarded in open to our profit for beside the sweet testimony of the conscience following it it is promised Thy Father himself shall reward thee openly Ver. 5. And when thou prayest thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets that they may be seen of men Verily I say unto you they have their reward The next Doctrine concerns the right manner of prayer Doct. 1. In prayer all hypocriticall oftentation must be eschewed such as the Pharisees used who in the congregation and in the Street carried themselves so as they might be taken notice of and accounted to be devout men for it is reproved here They love to pray standing that they may be seen of men 2. Persons who are vain glorious in their prayers have no profit of their prayers save the wind of some witlesse mens approbations for They have their reward 3. Howsoever men may think it hard that prayers for this fault should be lost yet so it shall be found for Christ saith Verily I say unto you they have their reward Vers. 6. But thou when thou prayest enter into thy close● and when thou hast thus thy door pray to thy Father which is in secret and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly Christ doth not forbid publick praying before others in the Congregation nor in a Familie for this is a part of Gods due worship and of our confessing of his name neither doth he retrinch all our secret prayers to a chamber but the meaning is that we should in all our prayers be far from ostentation Doct. 1. In prayer we should regard only Gods eye and seek only his approbation and beside all our praying with or before others we should pray also when no man knoweth of it and whensoever we pray whether in private or publick we should be as far from vain oftentation as if we were in a private chamber alone with doors shut for this is it that he saith When thou prayest shut thy door c. 2. Our prayer must be from the inward of our spirit directed with confidence to the invisible God for Pray saith he to thy Father 3. In prayer God doth take notice specially of the uprightnesse of the heart and of that which is hid from men for he saith Thy Father seeth in secret 4. The sincere and secret prayer is followed with an evident blessing in the answer for He shall reward thee openly saith Christ. 5. The rewards of God must needs be full of Grace when he promiseth to reward praying and begging both in this world and at the day of judgment saying of secret prayer Thy Father shall reward thee openly Verse 7. But when you pray use not vain repetitions as the heathen do for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking 8. Be ye not therfore like unto them for your Father knoweth what thing ye have need of before ye ask him The second fault in prayer is idle multiplying of words which is discharged for three reasons which are so many doctrines 1. Idle multiplying of words is the sin of the heathen who are destitute of the saving knowledge of God for Christ saith Use not vain repetitions as the heathen do Idle repititions of words presupposeth and proceedeth from ● base misconception of God as if he could be moved by multitude of words as men are moved for They think saith he to be heard by their much speaking but do ye not so The third reason is Because Christs Disciples when in obedience of Gods command they come to worship God and to edifie themselves in prayer need neither to inform God what they would have for He knoweth saith Christ what things you have need of before you ask nor need they to move or perswade God for He is your Father saith he and therefore we should not nor need not use vain repetitions mean time let us remember that when the Saints insist in prayer affectionately avowing the truth and mercy of God and striving to strengthen their own faith in prayer that is not a vain repetition or that much speaking which is here forbidden Ver. 9. After this manner therfore pray ye Our Father which art in Heaven Hallowed be thy name For helping of this and other faults about prayer our Lord giveth us the example of a formed Prayer which is ready and fit to be made use of expresly as a Prayer whensoever we should joyn in one body with all true Christians militant in the World in all common and necessary desires which also is to be made use of as a Pattern and Platform for imitation when we are to pray for any one or more things more particularly concerning our self or any part of the militant Church Now as this Prayer is a Pattern for any desires more special then these which are here exprest we are taught hereby 1. To pray only for things allowed and promised in Gods word for such are all things in the Pattern 2. To pray to God only who only hears at all times for We must pray to our heavenly Father only 3. To pray in a known language according as Christ did deliver this form of prayer to his Disciples 4. To pray without vain repetition or idle multiplying of words for this prayer is given for example of such a prayer as hath no vain repetition 5. To pray with more respect to Gods glory then to our own particular good for the order of prayer teacheth so much 6. To pray with a hearty and spirituall disposition in fear and reverence towards God as being above us in Heaven there to receive hear and answer our prayers from the holy sanctuary of Christs body through which vail we get accesse unto the fulnesse of the God-head which dwelleth in Christ who is in Heaven and without whom we cannot find God reconciled 7. To pray with love toward God and confidence in him as in our Father in Christ for Christ giveth warrant to call God Father 8. To pray with affection and love to all Saints militant on earth as children of the same heavenly Father theirs and ours Father to the weak no lesse then to the stronger for Christ will have us
Scriptures is first to make men disciples to Christ and then righteous in their conversation for This is the law and the prophets Ver. 13. Enter ye in at the strait gate for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction and many there be which go in thereat 14. Because strait is the gate and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life and few there be that find it The fourth head of doctrine concerning the difficulty of the way to heaven Doct. 1. Every man is travelling in the course of his life either unto life or to destruction there is not a third way beside the strait and wide gate 2. The gate which leadeth unto life is strait and the way narrow and full of difficulties to our corrupt nature but the way which leadeth unto destruction is broad and the gate wide without impediments a way not crossing mens corrupt lusts 3. Because of the easiness of the way to hell many go in thereat nothing fearing the issue but for the difficulty of the way to heaven few do find it few do walk in it 4. Christs Disciples having this straight-way revealed to them in the word should chuse rather to go along to life then go with the multitude unto destruction for Enter in at the straight gate saith our Lord for wide is the other Ver. 15. Beware of false prophets which come to you in sheeps clothing but inwardly they are ravening wolves 16. Ye shall know them by their fruits Do men gather grapes of thornes or figs of thistles The fifth head concerning false Prophets or false Teachers which either preach false doctrine or true doctrine in a corrupt manner and for wrong ends by whom the Lords people are in no small danger to be led away from the power of godlinesse unto the dead course of a powerlesse formality 2 Tim. 3.5 Of such Christ bids us beware saying Beware of false Prophets the reasons are three which yeeld so many doctrines The 1. They will ●ain themselves to be true Christians that they might find room amongst the sheep of Christ Therefore beware of them for They come to you saith he in sheeps cloathing 2. Inwardly and in effect such Teachers are not for saving but for destroying of soules for Inwardly they are ravening wolves 3. They cannot so lurk but ye may discern them by their false doctrine or corrupt handling of the truth or by their gracelesse conversation and their earthly wayes and ends Ye shall know them by their fruits saith he Therefore beware of them Ver. 17. Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evill fruit 18. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit 19. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewen down and cast into the fire 20. Wherfore by their fruits ye shall know them He cleareth and confirmeth this third reason by a similitude from trees teaching us that as men gather not good fruits from Thorn and Thistles but good trees bear good fruit and cannot bear ill fruit as their kindly and ordinary birth and ill trees bear ill fruit and cannot bear good fruit as their kindly birth so true and false Teachers are to be known by their fruits Doct. 1. The Lord sealeth the honesty of faithful Teachers with a holy life and doth plague false Teachers with the out-breaking of their rottennesse 2 As destruction abideth the tree that beareth not good fruit and much more that which beareth ill fruit so destruction abideth the false Teacher for Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewen down Ver. 21. Not every one that saith unto me Lord Lord shall enter into the Kingdom of heaven but he that doth the will of my Father which is in heaven The sixth and last head of Christs Sermon concerning the necessity of beleeving and obeying of his doctrine and putting it uprightly in practise which our Lord doth presse by three reasons The first is Not every one that esteemeth himself to be Christs servant and doth confesse him to be his Lord shall be saved but the man onely who putteth in practice Gods will Therefore it is necessary that faith and obedience of Christs doctrine be carefully practised Doct. 1. A man may professe himself a Christian and seem to be zealous in avowing Christ to be his Lord and yet be disobedient to the doctrine For Christs word doth import this that some may call him Lord Lord who do not his Fathers will 2. Professors of christianity without the practice of sound faith and repentance shall be excluded out of heaven for the sentence is cleer Not every one that saith to me Lord Lord shall enter into the Kingdome of heaven 3. Such as study to obey Gods will revealed in the Gospel that is to beleeve in the Son of God and to testifie their faith by a holy conversation shal be surely saved for He that doth the will of my Father which is in heaven shall enter into the Kingdome of heaven now the will of God revealed in the word is that he whom the law condemneth should flee to Christ Jesus by faith and study to bring forth the fruits of newnesse of life Ver. 22. Many wil say to me in that day Lord Lord have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name have cast out divels and in thy name done many wonderfull work 23. And then wil I profess unto them I never knew you depart from me ye that work iniquity The second reason to this meaning Many conceive now that this plea of being Prophets and workers of miracles in my Name will be sufficient for their salvation in the day of judgment who then at that day will finde themselves disappointed of their hopes because they have not been workers of righteousnesse therefore reall obedience of my Doctrine is necessary Doctr. 1. There is a day of judgment appointed for all men when Christ shall sit as Judge for it is said Many shall come to me at that day and I shall say i.e. Give the Sentence 2. Many doe build hopes of heaven upon great gifts and imployments in the Ministry given to them with some successe who shall be rejected of Christ for Many will say to mee Have I not prophesied unto whom I will say Depart from me 3. All men had need to beware lest they deceive themselves in the matter of their own salvation when they hear that Preachers and Prophets and workers of miracles deceive themselves and may be destitute of saving faith and sound repentance which they do preach to others for it is said Many will say to me in that day We have prophesied 4. Such as Christ shall reject at the last day were never endued with saving grace or accounted by him for true B●leevers for Christ saith I will professe to them I never knew you that is I never approved you for any of my true
the comparison importeth 2. Somtime the people are more in number and more willing to hear then there are able willing Ministers to teach and Then is the harvest plenteous and the labourers few 3. The true Disciples of Christ should carefully observe this and lay it to heart therefore is it that Christ layeth this case before his Disciples 4. True Labourers and faithful Preachers are Gods special gift to a land worthy to be sought from God by prayer therfore saith he Pray the Lord to send labourers 5. God himself must fit men for the work of the Ministry and must thrust them forth and give them their commission for no man can further the harvest who is not sent the fore saith he Pray that he would send forth c. CHAP. X In this Chapter is contained the first commission given by Christ to the Apostles to go preach wherein he doth guard them against all difficulties in their Ministerie and in speciall against povertie and persecution Ver. 1. ANd when he had called unto him his twelve Disciples he gave them power against unclean spirits to cast them out and to heale all manner of sickness and all manner of disease HEre Christ calleth and furnished his Apostles Doct. 1. Christ doth not admit every man unto the work of the Ministry but chuseth out and calleth whom he will as here he calleth unto him twelve and no other 2. Christ will have such as shall preach the Gospel to be Disciples ere they be Ministers trained and prepared a while in his company ere they be put in publick charge for here He called unto him his twelve Disciples 3. He fits whom he sends with all gifts and abilities necessary for the discharge of their Office as here he gave them power against unclean spirits c. 4. Our Lord Jesus is very God having divine power in himself which he will put forth by what instruments he pleaseth as here He giveth power to his Apostles to work miracles in his name and authority Ver. 2. Now the names of the twelve Apostles are these The first Simon who is called Peter and Andrew his brother Iames the son of Zebedee and Iohn his brother 3. Phillip and Bartholomew Thomas and Matthew the Publican Iames the son of Alpheus and Lebbeus whose surname was Thaddeus 4. Simon the Canaanite and Iudas Iscariot who also betrayed him In the names of the Apostles we learn 1. That there must be an order among the Ministers of the Gospel albeit without stately subjection of all to any one there may be a priority of order which nature requires without supremacy of Jurisdiction yea there may be priority of order without a superiority of degree in Office let be without superiority of jurisdiction for here there is a first without naming a second The first Simon who is called Peter who in the meetings of the Apostles might for orders cause speak in the name of the rest as elder then the rest or as Moderator but had no Lordship nor superiority of office over the rest for this he disclaims 1 Peter 5.4 Next we observe That albeit for a mans own salvation his conversion and sanctification be necessary yet want of true grace and sanctification doth not disan●●● the office of a man outwardly called nor hinder the lawsuinesse of his Ministry for Iudas Iscariot is here called and authorized to preach the Gospel as Peter was and is sent out in a common commission with the rest for it is said He calleth the twelve and giveth them power or whom Judas is named for one Ver. 5. These twelve Iesus sent forth and commanded them saying Go not into the way of the Gentiles and into any City of the Samaritans enter yee not 6. But go ye rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel 7. And as ye go Preach saying The Kingdome of heaven is at hand In the direction learn 1. That it was necessary that the Jewes should have the first offer of the Gospel being the visible Kirk for the time the people first and before all other in covenant with God therefore in this first commission the Apostles are commanded to keep within the Iews bounds and not go to the Gentiles as yet nor unto the Samaritans which were composed of the off-spring of the mixt multitude of Pagans who after the cativity of the ten tribes were planted in their room for Go not in the way of the Gentiles but rather to the lost sheep of Israel saith Christ. 2. The office of Ministers is to bring home unto the true shepherd Christ Jesus lost sheep going astray from Christ Therfore saith he Go to the lost sheep 3. The consideration of the danger of peoples souls ready to perish must stir up the Ministers to faithfulnesse in their charge Therefore he calleth his people Lost sheep 4. The mean appointed by Christ for salvation of souls is preaching how foolish soever it may seem to the world for Go saith Christ and preach 5. The sum of John Baptists preaching Mat. 3.2 and of Christs Mat. 4.17 and here of the Apostles is all one to wit The Kingdome of heaven is at hand 6. By the preaching of Christ his Ministers the kingdome of heaven is brought neer hand to men for righteousnesse and peace and joy in the holy Ghost is offered unto every soule who in the sense of need shall embrace Christ Preach saith he the Kingdome of heaven is at hand Ver. 8. Heal the sick cleanse the Lepers raise the dead cast out divels freely yee have received freely give It is worthy observation that the Lord for confirmation of mens faith hath given power to the first Preachers of his Doctrine to deliver men from miseries both of soul and body from sicknesse and divels that in all time coming the power of his Gospel might be beleeved for Heal the sick saith he Cleanse the Lepers Cast out divels 2. To shew the freedome and rich grace of the Gospel whereby whatsoever belongeth to righteousness and salvation is bestowed upon the unworthy without money and without price he gave the first Preachers of his grace a command to take no reward for their miraculous cures saying Freely have you received freely give Vers. 9. Provide neither gold nor silver nor brasse in your purses 10. Nor scrip for your journey neither two coats nor yet shooes nor yet staves for the workman is worthy of his meat In this temporary commandement to the Apostles in their first commission our Lord teacheth 1. That such as have a calling to preach need not be solicitous for their living and that they should not aime at the conquest of money or meanes unto themselves but to bring in souls to God Therefore saith he Provide neither gold nor silver c. 2. Christ esteemeth and declareth the Preachers of the Gospel worthy of their sustenance and their Hearers to be obliged in equity to sustaine them saying The work man is worthy of his meat 3. When
he would curse them and make them unable to bear fruit afterwards such like flowers may seem pleasant but have no solidity as from the intention of this miracle I grant that allusions may be made unto this tree and similitudes may be drawn from it no lesse then from any other thing but the scope which our Lord declareth afterward is that onely whereupon we must with warrant build namely He will shew his Almighty Power in blasting of so strong a tree with a word of his mouth so that the Disciples do wonder to see the miracle vers 20. Whereupon our Lord doth teach them that whensoever they should have this word for their warrant whether extraordinarily inspired for the doing of any miraculous work in his name or ordinarily propounded in the common doctrine of the Church for a warrant to pray for and expect anything if they should act their faith and not give wayto doubting then they should be able to do greater miracles then the blasting of the fig-tree was even the greatest which they could imagine so that if the Spirit of the Lord gave a word for removing of a mountain for examples cause how impossible soever it might seem yet should it come to passe if they did put forth their Faith to act about it and so also whatsoever the Word of the Lord did warrant them to pray for and to expect of him they should obtain it if they did pray in faith for it and was not this lesson worth all the figs which either this fig-tree or any other tree could bear Doct. 1. Our Lord was never so hungry for meat and drink but he could forbear it til a fit time and make it his meat and drink to be doing good and fulfilling the Fathers will for he loveth to edifie and feed his Disciples here more then to feed his naturall hunger 2. Albeit our Lord did never harme to any man by any of his miracles yet had he power to curse and miraculously to destroy as well as to save if he had pleased to put forth his power in justice for the fig-tree was not able to stand when he did curse it 3. He trained his Disciples by his own example unto all duties which he put them unto and here he traineth them unto the exercise of the gift of miracles 4. The gift of miracles was never to be exercised in particular but upon a good ground of Faith that is upon a warrant given from Christs Spirit for doing that work in particular and it was necessary for him who had the gift and the warrant for doing of a miracle to strengthen his Faith on the warrant or else to misse of his intent as in Peters sinking did appear Therfore saith he If ye have faith and doubt not 5. The Lord requireth Faith in prayer for obtaining promised mercies or else if we come short to blame our misbelief Therefore saith he Whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer believing ye shall receive it Ver. 23. And when he was come into the Temple the chiefe Priests and Elders of the people came unto him as he was teaching and said By what authority dost thou these things and who gave thee this authority Here is another conflict Teaching us 1. That when Christ's adversaries can say nothing against his doctrine and are convinced by his miracles of his Comission from God yea of his God-head yet do they quarrell with him about his calling saying By what authority dost thou c. It is no strange thing if his adversaries deal so with his servants 2. This holdeth sure in the generall That no man should take this honour unto him to be a Preacher of Gods truth without warrant and authority for so importeth the question By what authority dost thou these things Ver. 24. And Iesus answered and said unto them I also ask you one thing which if ye tell me I in likewise will tell you by what authority I do these things 25. The baptism of Iohn whence was it from heaven or of men and they reasoned with themselves saying If we shall say From heaven he will say unto us Why did ye not believe him 26. But if we shall say Of men we fear the people for all hold Iohn as a Prophet Christ propoundeth another question to his adversaries Doct. 1. When cavillers come to tempt us to take advantage of our speeches we ought to be circumspect that neither the truth be damnified by us nor our adversaries get advantage against us Therefore here Christ asketh a question in stead of giving an answer 2. The Lord ●●n catch the crafty in their craftinesse and can decipher 〈◊〉 ●olly of them who seek to cloak wickednesse under colours for this question both answered the former and convinced the adversaries of wilfull wickednesse For they knew John's calling and doctrine to be divine and that John bare witnesse unto Christ and so they behoved to know Christ to be the Messiah therefore pertinently doth he ask Iohn's baptisme whence was it 3. Callings unto the holy Ministery must either be from God and so they are lawfull or from men only and so they are unlawfull They must either be from heaven or of men 4 The Sacraments and all religious Service and Worship must have the same authority with the doctrine to wit Divine for the question is moved about John's Baptism in stead of John's Doctrine or John's Commission or Calling 5. Men of corrupt minds do seek not the verity but the victory in dispute they do not look what is true or false right or wrong but what is most for their own corrupt ends and purpose as the reasoning of these men doth shew for the verity which they knew of John they will not confesse for shame nor dare they flatly deny it for fear the people should fall on them 6. Whosoever confesse a doctrine to be from Heaven and yet do not believe it are inexcusable and condemned by their own conscience for say they If we say from Heaven he will say Why did ye not believe him Ver. 27. And they answered Iesus and said We cannot tell And he said unto them Neither tell I you by what authority I do these things Christ hath the victory here Doct. 1. The Lords enemies at last are confounded and put to silence for We cannot tell say they 2. One sin insnareth and draweth a man into another sin for they refuse to tell the truth and in refusing they fall in a lie saying We cannot tell 3. Such as captivate the knowledge they have and make no use of it are justly deprived of what further kowledge they pretend to seek for Neither will I tell you is Christs last answer to such Ver. 28. But what think you A certain man had two sons and he came to the first and said Son go work to day in my vineyard 29. He answered and said I will not but afterward he repented and went 30. And he came to the second and said
more comfortable conditions because now the dimnesse of the shadow is removed the yoke of the ceremonies is broken and the substance of the covenant is more clearly seen and this is imported in the word of new Covenant for the word in the original which signifieth Testament signifieth also Covenant and is indifferently used for either for the Testament and Covenant is much of the same articles to and with the same persons 15. The Sacrament of the Lords Supper is a seal of ●he new covenant of Righteousnesse● and eternal life by faith in Jesus Christ the Redeemer this is imported in the words This cup is my bloud of the new covenant that is It is the seal of the new covenant wherby I make you sure ●ight unto my bloud shed for remission of sins 16. By the new covenant of righteousness and life through faith in Christ sealed in the Sacrament the believe● getteth right unto the covenant of redemption made between God and Christ to the behove of the redeemed this is imported in the words of Testament or covenant of bloud shed to satisfie the Father for many for the remis●ion of sins Ver. 29. But I say unto you I wil not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new with you in my Fathers kingdom That our Lord may put upon his disciples the impressio● of his death shortly to follow and so both ●ngraft the doctrine of the Sacrament more deeply in them and prepare them the better for his death he sheweth them that this was the last draught of wine he was to take in a Sacramental way with them and that the time was coming when he and his discipl●s should in Heaven together he partakers of the joy and comfort signified by this Sacramental wine which he calleth The drinking of it new or in the newnesse of the Spirit and not in the oldnesse of the letter for the extern●l Sacrament and Sacramental Elements are at the last to be abolished as old But ●he joy and Life and Honour signified by the Sacramental Participation of them shal never be abolished shal never wax old but shall be fresh and new for ever Doc. 1. Our Lord beside all other relations which he hath to the Sacrament as the Institutor thereof the End therof the Thing signified therby the Minister in the first celebration thereof is also ● Fellow-bangu●ter and communi●●● with us in his own ●ay for he did drink of the Sacramental wine as it signified communion of life and joy with us in Heaven I wil not drink henceforth of the fruit of the Vine until I drink it new with you c. 2. Whatsoever change it put upon the wine in the Sacrament by instituting that it should signifie and seal up spiritual life and joy yet alter the sanctifying of it and in the time of drinking of it by the communic●nts it ●emaineth Wine in the own natural properties without being 〈◊〉 ●tia● for I wil not saith he drink of the fruit of the Vine henceforth 3. The drinking of the Sacramental wine is a sign and pledge of our spirituall and new communion in life and joy in the Kingdome of Heaven for Christ expoundeth it saying Untill the Day that I shal drink it new with you in the Kingdom of my Father 4. Christ will not be content to be without his disciples in Heaven for I wil drink it new with you in the kingdom of my Father saith he Ver. 30. And when they had sung an hymn they went out into the mount of Olives This is the close of the whole action Doc. 1. It is fit that God be glorified in the Assembly of the church by singing of Psalms and in particular when the Sacrament of the Lords Supper is celebrate for They did sing a hymn 2. How sad hours soever the Lord send unto us it is our part alwayes to sing his praises for the disciples albeit they all knew that our Lord was presently to suffer yet They did sing unto God an hymn Ver. 31. Then saith Iesus unto them All ye shal be offended because of me this night for it is written I wil smite the shepherd and the sheep of the flock shal be scattered abroad 32. But after I am risen again I will go before you into Galilee Christ foretelleth his disciples of their stumbling at his sufferings and denying of him that night according as was foretold Zach. 13.7 and that he would rise again from death and would gather them unto him and meet them in Galilee whether they were to fly yea and that he should be there before them Doc. 1. The afflictions for the Gospel may be such as the stoutest disciples may stumble at them and fall at a time for All ye shal be offended because of me saith he 2. The visibility of the church is not such but that possibly open profession of the Gospel and open communion of Saints may be interrupted by persecution for it is written I wil smite the Shepherd and the Sheep of the flock shal be scattered abroad 3. Christ shall be victorious over the power of persecuters and after a scattering he will gather unto himself again the upright in heart He giveth ground to us for so much saying After I am risen again I wil go before you into Galilee Ver. 33. Peter answered and said unto him Though all men shall be offended because of thee yet will I never be offended 34. Iesus said unto him Verily I say unto thee that this night before the cock crow thou shalt deny me thrice 35. Peter said unto him Though I should dy with thee yet wil I not deny thee likewise also said all the disciples Honest Peter cannot believe such weakness at least in him self and therfore albeit forwarned the second time he speaketh stou●ly and so do the rest of the disciples also Doct. 1. Unexpert christians can hardly believe themselves to be so weak and sinful as the Lordsword sheweth them to be but so much the more as they have an honest purpose to stand they have fleshly confidence in their own strength and do assure themselves that they shal stand in all assays howsoever others fal beside them Therfore is it that Peter saith Though all men should be offended yet not I although I should dy I wil not deny thee and so also do the rest say 2. He that trusteth most to his own strength is nearest unto the most fearful fal Therfore it is said to Peter Ere the cock crow thou shalt deny me thrice Ver. 36. Then cometh Iesus with them unto a place called Gethsemane and saith unto the disciples Sit ye here while I go and pray yonder Our Lordslast sufferings may be for memories cause distinguished by the places wherin He suffered First In the Garden on moun● Olives to ver 57. and next in C●iphas hall to the end of this chapter Our Lord taketh his eleven trusty Disciples with him into the Garden
their robbery were not free of mocking the innocent Son of God for one of them did cast the same scoffe in his teeth also Doct. 1. It is no wonder to see the innocency of Christ mocked by rascals for our Lord did suffer cruell mocking by a condemned robber 2. Straits and torments will not tame a reprobate even in the threshold of hell he will blaspheme God without a cause offered as here is to be seen Ver. 45. Now from the sixth hour there was darknesse over all the land unto the ninth hour In the midst of this infirmity of the humane Nature Christ lets forth the Glory of his God-head in shewing himselfe Lord of Heaven and Earth as by other evidences remarked by the rest of the Evangelists so by darkning the whole land at the Noon-tide of the Day for the space of three Houres and drawing as it were the curtain of darknesse over his naked Body while he hung upon the crosse and thus not suffering the creatures to shew their glory where their Maker is suffering the extremity of Shame Doct. Our Lord did not empty himselfe in the dayes of his humiliation but so as he did ever let some spark of his Glory appear to such as believed in him whereby they might discern the Divine Majesty of his Person even in his lowest condition Ver. 46. And about the ninth hour Iesus cried with a loud voice saying Eli Eli lama-sabachthani that is to say My God my God why hast thou forsaken me Our Lord a little before his Death being now under the full weight and burden of the curse due to our sins and finding all sensible consolation from Heaven and Earth withdrawn from his humane Spirit breaketh forth into this heavy representation of his case in the words of Psalm 22. wherein this agony was foretold By which speech we understand that howsoever the humane Nature of the Mediatour kept constantly the same room in Gods estimation and love and could no more be loosed from the incomprehensible-fervent love of God then the Personall Union of the Divine and humane Nature could be dissolved yet was it necessary that it should suffer the punishment of our sins and feel the effects of the wrath and curse of God due to us for sin in as high a degree and measure as should be equivalent to our perpetuall destruction and be found satisfactory to Divine Justice for us and therefore albeit it was impossible that the humane nature could be deserted in regard of Gods love or of sustaining strength or in regard of inherent Holinesse or any other thing else necessarily joyned with the stability of the Hypostaticall Union yet in regard of sensible consolation it was not onely possible but also necessary that for a time it should be deserted and should taste of horrible bitternesse and accompanying such a desertion and this sort of torment and anguish of Spirit could as well consist with the personall Union as the Pain and Torment of Body could consist with it yea as the Personall Union gave way to his death and remained fast till the time of the seperation of His Soul and body so did it also give way to the temporall affliction of his humane Spirit and to this desertion in regard of Felt comfort and yet remained constantly fixed and unmoveable notwithstanding and if any should doubt how Christ his perswasion of the union of the two Natures and of the necessity and profitablenesse of his sufferings could stand with this expression let us consider that no perswasion of whatsoever truth can make holy Nature senslesse of what is destructive of it nor hinder it to expresse how it is naturally affected and what it naturally feeleth and as perswasion of the necessity and profitableness of the searing of a bleeding wound with a hot iron cannot hinder nature to be sensible of the pain or to crie out in the sense thereof so no knowledge or perswasion of the Personall Union of the two Natures in Christ or certainty of the necessity and profitablenesse of his sufferings could reasonably hinder such an expression as this wherein perswasion of love and union with God crieth My God my God and holy nature filled with the sense of wrath due to our sins and destitute of all comfortable feeling of Gods presence for the time crieth forth Why hast thou forsaken me not by way of quarelling but by way of admiring the terriblenesse and abhorring the bitternesse of Divine Wrath now felt to be far surpassing all humane apprehension which could precede the feeling of it Doct. 1. Christ our surety beside all the sufferings which he suffered in his body did suffer also sorrow grief anguish torment and desertion in regard of comfort in his soul for this and other expressions prove so much 2. Our sins deserved that we should have been utterly forsaken of God and it behoved our Redeemer to taste a little of the hell of being forsaken ere we could be redeemed 3. Heavinesse of spirit sense of wrath appearance of being forsaken and want of fel consolation may consist with the Love of God toward a mants person yea and with a mans adoption unto the state of a child of God for here is consisteth with the personall union of the Man-hood of Christ with the Divine Nature 4. Whensoever naturall sense doth misse the consolations of God faith must gripe more straitly unto God as Christ his faith doth here crying My God my God when sense seeth nothing but forsaking Ver. 47. Some of them that stood there when they heard that said This man calleth for Elias This his speech unto God some of the beholders did mock and say of him as much as if he had left God and prayed to Elias Doct. 1. No wonder the griefs and troubles of the souls of Gods children be ridiculous to the World for even the deep anguish of Christ and his prayer to the Father were mocked by some as here we see 2. In common reason it is a just reproach for any man to call upon any other except God only for even profane sinners here do make it a matter of mocking to pray to Elias supposing that Christ had done so This man calleth for Elias say they Ver. 48. And straightway one of them ran and took a spunge and filled it with vineger and put it on a reed and gave him to drink Here in his thirst as was before signified Psal. 69. vineger is given him to drink Doct. No consolation no not so much as a drink of water was yeilded unto our Lord till he paied all our debt but only what could be devised to augment his grief as here They gave him vineger to drink Ver. 49. The rest said Let be let us see whether Elias will come to save him They had wrested his Prayer before as if he had prayed not to God but to Elias now they mock also the falsly supposed Prayer to Elias in this speech importing that there was no help