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A30730 Sabbatikh ʻhmepa ʻhmepa ʻimepa, Septima dies, dies desiderabilis, sabbatum Jehovae the seventh-day-sabbath the desirable day, the closing completing day of that first created week, which was, is, and will be, the just measure of all succeeding weeks in their successive courses, both for working in the six foregoing days, and for rest in the seventh, which is the last day, by an unchangeable law of well-established order, both in the revealed word and in created nature. The second part / by Francis Bampfield. Bampfield, Francis, 1615 or 16-1683. 1677 (1677) Wing B628; ESTC R13923 284,270 156

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will remember unto them said Jehovah Aelohim speaking of his Covenanting Israel walking obediently the Covenant of Ancestors them whom I brought forth out of the Land of Egypt before the eyes of the Heathen to be unto them a God I Jehovah Thus did he often in that Book of Moses make over himself to his people in Christ such delight did he take in taking occasion to tell them that he was and would be a God unto them Was not here Covenanting Grace and Redeeming Love It was the faine that was made before with Jacob Isaac and Abraham as sometimes the order of words is In other places is mentioned from Abraham downwards to Isaac and Jacob But in one place of Moses's Book it is mentioned renewed and confirmed going upward from the people near a deliverance in Egypt to Jacob to Isaac to Abraham the Father of the Faithful Thus leading them to that former and more ancient Promise and Gospel-covenant of Grace in Christ Believers could say in the Psalmist's time that J. ●●lohim was their portion for ever Hath the LORD graciously promised that a chosen People shall be his people So they were of old in Moses's days If ye shall walk in my Stntutes thus spake he to them and keep my Commandments and do them then I will walk among you and will be to you a God and you shall be to me a People Jehovah hath avouched or hath caused to say or to promise by giving his and by taking thy Word thee to be unto him for a People of peculiar Treasure as be hath spoken unto thee and to keep all his Commandments For Jehovah ' s Portion is his people Jacob the Line of his Inheritance Ho hath divided and separated them unto himself as his allotted part and peculiar Possession Hath he promised Covenant teaching and Knowledge This also was a Covenant privilege of Old He taught them his name Jehovah and made himself known to them by that name in putting a Being into his Promises made to their Fathers for their deliverance and proclaimed this Name to Moses His people sate down at his feet receiving of his Words Thus were Christ's Disciples even then taught by him as their Master Thou saith he to his people then hast been made see to know that Jehovah he Aelohim none else besides him And thou shalt know and cause to return into thy heart that Jehovah he Aelohim in the heavens above and on the earth beneath none else This doth particularly relate to their being instructed to acknowledge Christ's Jehovahship In David's time the Secret of Jehovah was to them who feared him and his Covenant to make them for to know He revealed in the inner Man of Believers the hidden Mysteries of Wisdom Will he be merciful to the unrighteousness of his Covenant-people no more remembring their sins and their iniquities The same free Mercy and Grace was manifested under the former Dispensation Christ hath put it into the second Word or Command and proclaimed it as his Name when Moses went up into Mount Sinai as Jehovah had commanded him taking in his hand the two Tables of Stone Jehovah Jehovah God pitiful and gracious long suffering and much in Mercy and Truth keeping Mercy for thousands forgiving iniquity and trespass and sin Doth not the blessedness of man consist in this Whereupon Moses makes haste and bows himself and pleadeth this in Prayer Pardon thou O LORD our iniquity and our sin Was not this the meaning of the Sin Offerings and of the Trespass Offerings with the annexed promises of Pardon and of acceptation Did not the covering Merch seat which was altogether as broad as the Ark wherein were the two Tables preach this Did it not set out the merciful covering and propitiation of sins Was not this a precious Figure of Jesus Christ by and through whom received by and through Faith in him his peoples transgranssings of the Law of the ten Words are freely fully forgiven and wholly covered How full are the Books of Moses of the Psalms and of the Prophets of this comforting Doctrine So that all these Promises in the Covenant of Grace have been are and will be the same under both the Dispensations All the difference is that in the last days there will be a more clear discovery of this gracious Covenant A more glorious way of dispensing a more through inabling to the keeping of it For to this especially have the expressions of difference an eye and respect between the old and renewed Covenant Spoken of in Jeremiah and in the Epistle to the Hebrews compared There will be larger pouring out of the holy Spirit and blessing from the Father in the Name of the Son in those latter purer times that are near at hand So that this Covenant shall not be broken as it has been under former Dispensations of Grace but be better kept with more exactness and faithfulness with more intireness and continuedness in the fulness and perfection of it Halelujah I will confess Jehovah with all the heart Gracious He. He will Remember his Covenant for ever toward his people The secret of Jehovah to them who fearing him and his Covenant to make them for to know All the paths of Jehovah Mercy and Truth to them that keep his Covenant and Testimonies and that remember his precepts for to do them Have respect unto the Covenant For ever thou wilt keep for thy Saints thy excelling Ones thy Mercy and thy Covenant faithful to them The whole of the Christian Religion for Doctrines Graces Duties Priviledges and such like parts of that Religion is one and the same under both the Old and New Testament Is not the Word called the Word of Christ Is not Christ named the speaking-one both by Daniel and by the Author of the Epistle to the Hebrews Doth not Christ call himself the Word and the Word of God Is not He the sum and the subject matter of the whole Scriptures Is not he the Author of them Hath he not said of himself he is the one Doctor or Teacher of his Disciples Is he not the great Prophet Is he not the LORD God of the holy Prophets Did he not at Mount Sinai speak by his own voice from Heaven Was it not his forewithessing Spirit who from him spake in the Prophets of old declaring the sufferings that should befal Christ and the glory that was to follow as saith Peter in his first Epistle Was not that passage in the ninety and fifth Psalm To day if you will hear his voice applyed to the voice of Christ in what was written to the Hebrews Has not Christ himself declared that those who searched the Scriptures might find them testifying of him And what other Scriptures had they at that time but those of the Old Testament When he himself in the days of his flesh did exercise his publick Ministery preaching the glad tydings of Justice in the
so a rule unto us under the New And then let me be discharged from this Scholastick War Let this be one premise which is several times in short expressions here and there in this Treatise That it is a choice priviledge and a special liberty which Believers do enjoy under the New Testament Administration of Grace Christ profiteth them nothing by his coming in the Flesh born of the Virgin Mary to accomplish and to perfect the Types of old which did so set out his thus coming who keep themselves still under the former dispensation of Types Shadows and Figures We thankfully acknowledge to the Honour of our LORD that gracious administration especially now towards the latter-day glory of it that we are brought under which if compared with the former under the Old Testament as to the different manner of dispensing For otherwise we are to discover in it's place that the Christian Religion is one and the same for Doctrines Duties Gifts Graces Priviledges under both has excelling advantages such as these for the measures and for the degrees of them It has more lively efficaciousness more quick sensible Fellowship It has more clear convincing Light and more abounding spreading knowledge And blessed be Jehovah who is in this providential day clearing up and reviving some too long neglected Truths and Duties amongst some others this about the weekly Seventh day Sabbath It has more manifested Grace It has a more spiritual way of Worship It has a more excelling Holiness refined purity and shining Glory having through the Spirit who is the LORD more power to transform into this those who with unveiled Face do look into this Glass It has more enlarged liberty of heart in the way and service of the LORD It has more of self evidencingly revealed mysteries It has more Royal privileges set out therefore by a Kingdom of God and of Heaven And the things of it are called Heavenly things This is meant of a Church State here on Earth For above in the Heavenly glory there are no unfruitful ones no Tares no Scandals no Doers of Iniquity no bad Fish no foolish ones This New Testament Church State has the name of a Kingdom of Heaven as it doth much resemble that glorious Kingdom which is above in Heaven in its way of Government In its order of subjection in its sights of Faith in its enjoyments of Communion in its service of Delight and in its conformity of Holiness Here these are in growingness of measure There they are in fulness of Perfection This new Church State has much brought down from Heaven to it Such as are gracious visits from Jehovah-Aelohim in Father Son and Holy Spirit Angelical Ministry like-affectionedness of the perfectly sanctified spirits of just Men and Heavenly Messengers with the Everlasting Gospel This new Church State is drawn up to be much in the Spirit in Heaven above by joynt unions By mutual Fellowships and it doth believe and expect a new Heaven and a new Earth and a new City where they shall be all the Saints and Believers both of Old and New Testament together with one another and with the elect Angels and with their LORD to hidden Age ever as yet Thus it grows up into a Spiritual Kingdom How large and delightful a Field is here for Heavenly Meditation The manner of administring is not now by obscure Types and by darkish shadows as of old but without a veil and open faced yet Christ is the substance of both the Old and the New Testament the same promises and rewards of Life everlasting were in this Christ and purchased by him and there was one way and the same mean of receiving of this under both which was Faith in the Messiah The difference that is between the Old and the New doth discover it self in the Form of dispensation which had a diversity for the manner of it in the Old from the New But this made no real specifick difference or change in the essentials of the Christian Religion Under the Old Believers had an eye towards a Messiah who was then to come in the Flesh to be born of a Virgin and so they eyed the Pattern and Propheties and Promises looking for the coming Christ What were all the Figures and Types the Rites and Shadows but confirmers of their Faith in and encouragers of their hope of Christ's coming In the New we have it revealed that Christ is now actually already come to accomplish those Types and to perfect Salvation by his personal Sacrifice The Reader may therefore be well satisfied in this that our pleading of the cause of the weekly Seventh-day Sabbath as it hath no tendency in it self so no design in me To cast any back or to hold any under the Old Testament Administration as to the Types Shadows and Figures of it much less to draw off or to thrust back any from coming into and enjoying of New Testament priviledges I shall not say that it was the Objectors intended aim but it is evidently consequential from his manner of discourse that his Lines about this would secretly insinuate into the Reader of them as if the Assertors and Observers of the weekly Seventh day Sabbath did Apostatize into Judaic ceremonies I have here another opportunity to wipe off a slanderous charge which some have brought in against us as if we stood guilty according to those two Scriptures in the Margin of catching at the shadow and letting go the body Let it be granted that the Elements Rudiments or first beginnings mentioned in that place of the Epistle to the Galatians are the Mosaical Rites ceremonial Laws and shadows of a Christ who under that dispensation was then to come to be born of a Virgin but is now already come so born This then doth shew that the Apostle condemneth their superstitions observing or their keeping besides Right and Equity as that word which they tranflate ye observe doth signifie when taken in an ill sense Especially when it was with an opinion of acceptance and justification in the sight of God thereby such either un-Scriptural days as were never instituted by Jehovah Christ or Scriptural days in an un-Scriptural manner This were a foul matter of sinful Fact sharply to be reprehended As when either the right object a God in Christ is not worshipped or when for the matter of observing it is not New Testament Worship Or when for the Form of observing of Times and of Worship there was not an orderly address unto Jehovah Aelohim To the Father through the Son in the Holy Spirit in a word way not in a spiritual manner not from inward principles of new Nature of Faith of Love and of Obedience or when the ends of observing of Days and Times were not right ends when the Gospel designs of humbling emptying and abasing of Man and of exalting and glorifying of a God in Christ were not promoted thereby when there was a
make a full end of all those Old Testament Types and Figures becoming now the glorious Mediator of the New Testament which is established or legitimated in better Promises The holy Spirit hereby signifying this that the way of this Heavenly Sanctuary the Holy of Holies was not yet made manifest to be perfectly accomplished till Christ ascended there whereby there is evident proof made that the Aaronical Levitical Priesthood being a Type Figure Pattern and Shadow of this Coelestial super-Coelestial Priesthood of Christ did stil stand till then and was not to give way and place as a Type and Figure unto the Antype and Truth until this great High Priest Christ went into Heaven The Birth the Life the Passion the Death the Resurrection the Ascension of Christ have every one of them somewhat peculiar in them as to the Redeeming-work and must all of them be put together for the thorough completing of so good and so gracious so great and so glorious a Work But those who would make the Resurrection-day of Christ to speak that about a pretended change of the weekly Sabbath from the Seventh day to the first should consider that the perfect consummation of this Work in the Antitype was at Christ's ascending up into Glory Then did he Captive Captives unto himself which was done when he thus went up on high which was a part of Redeeming Work The effusion of his holy Spirit was one Fruit of Christ's Ascension thither Into Heaven he went in the name of his people for their good to take possession for them Now hereby was the Heavenly Holy of Holies opened Here did this high Priest intercede for those whom the Father gave unto him The Priests entring into the Holiest was a Type of this yet in some things there was a difference The Typical high Priest of old was to enter in there once every year But Christ entred into Anti-typical Heaven once for all The High Priest of old entred into the Type with the blood of Bulls and of Goats Christ entred into Heaven with his own blood The High Priest appeared of old before the Ark for the people a little while and then came away quickly agen But Christ for ever doth appear before God his Father having hereby obtained Eternal Redemption for those who are his What shall I more say about this To expound the whole of the Old Testament pattern as to the matters of worship and in all the other parts of that Administration and then to apply it in the new how exactly one doth correspond to the other were task enough for a long Life That the shadowy ceremonies and figuring Types of the Old Testament as such that is to say as shadowy ceremonies and figuring Types are done away and leave no obligation of duty upon Believers under this New Testament ministration to observe and perform the outward part of them I would thus demonstrate by Arguments drawn from those Propheties in the Old Testament which do foretel this The LORD Jesus Christ upon his coming in the flesh born of a Virgin was to cause the sacrifice and oblation to cease and thus he bespeaks his Father Sacrifice and Oblation thou wouldest not mine ears hast thou digged open burnt-offering and sin-offering thou askedst not Then said I lo I come in the Roll of the Book it is written of me My God I delight to do thy acceptable will and thy Law is within my Bowels Christ's Ear was digged open it was pierced and became listning to his Father's call and obedient to his Father's voice his Ears were bored by the Father whose servant for ever Christ was the Father fitted a Body to this beloved Son of his preparing and ordaining it to be an ordinary and expiatory sacrifice for the sins of the World it being impossible that ceremonial sacrifices should purge away sins which therefore were now refused as unprofitable and they received their perfection and accomplishment in Christ I argue further from those Scripture Names which are given unto those Rites and Ceremonies whereby their Nature is aptly expressed and significantly described sometimee they are set out by Types as they were under the old to which the Anti-types do directly answer in the New so that the old Types do give place and the new Anti-types do stand in their Room those Types being representing signs as of some spiritual thing signified then so also of some future thing come to pass now which being come to pass as it had a correspondency to the former so also did it do away the external part of that which had before adumbrated it They are in other places called shadows which are obscure representations of somewhat else that was the express form they were a picturing delineation and a well drawn Image of Heavenly things of future good things They were exemplars as so many Images representing of Christ and of his benefits They were a parable or collation an artificial prefiguring narration of somewhat else signified thereby a form of Ritual Worship which served for that time under that administration putting somewhat that was visible before the eyes which yet had a more inward mysterious meaning in it They were fleshy and flesh those external ceremonies and outward works were exercised about outward earthy crass infirm and fading things hence the Laws and commands about them are said to be fleshy precepts injoyning the offering up the flesh of bulls rams and goats they were fleshy rites and one of their signs that of Circumcision was a mark in the flesh The Reader should not here mistake me as if I were in this against all the outward part of Worship now under the New Testament whilst I declare the abolishing of those external sacrifices and outward Rites which were Typical and figuring of old A just respect of outward reverence is due unto Jehovah Aelohim where he doth manifest his gracious presence Here is a duty of veneration to be expressed by outward gesture Although the inward Worship be principally in several respects intended and required yet the outward and bodily part is not excluded but enjoyned also such as elevation of the Eye and palms of the Hands bowing kneeling and the like where meet circumstances of time and place and other parts of the case are fitted for it The LORD made the body of Man to be worshipped and glorified by as well as the Spirit and Soul and Believers have a promise and so are under expectation of having their bodies glorified as well as their spirits and souls in the World and Life to come and if they look for a glorifying reward they should perform a worshiping work though the inward worship be the life of the outward worship yet the outward must be expressive of the inward the one is not complete without the other Where there is only the outward worship without the inward there the worship doth
40. r. doth speak of f. by Faith in Grace p. 122. l. 41. strike out that f. to fame p. 123. l. 44. r. to fame f. order lines p. 125. l. 38. r. orderlyness f. not the law p. 126. l. 11. r. the law f. do these p. 126. l. 14. do not these f also it is p. 126. l. 16. r. was it f. this of p. 126. l. 28. r. this Duty of f. to the the p. 127. l. 9. r. to the. f. strenthen for p. 127. l. 13. r. strengthen them for f. bringing p. 127. l. 15. r. hindering f. Christ's p. 129. l. 19. r. Christ f. this of p. 127. l. 51. r. this law of f. and twentieth p. 128. l. 6. r. and two and twentieth f. or p. 128. l. 7. r. and. f. the thirty p. 128. l. 14. r. the end of the thirty f. Truth p. 128. l. 19. r. Truths f. words written p. 128. l. 51. r. words were written f. 5. 30. p. 130. l. 12. r. 5. 13. f. Mat. 23. p. 130. l. 17. r. Mat. 7. 23. f. obliged p. 130. l. 23. r judged f. Second he p. 130. l. 31. r. Second word he f. words p. 130. l. 33. r. word f. according to p. 130. l. 34. r. against f. continud p. 130. l. 45. r. continued f. there p. 130. l. 46. r. their f. and dangerous p. 130. l. 47. r. and how dangerous f. must an p. 130. l. 52. r. must be an f. heat p. 131. l. 30. r. heart f. Postery p. 131. l. 37. r. Posterity f. Judgement p. 131. l. 48. r. Judgements f. Novelties p. 132. l. 13. r. Notices f. observed p. 132. l. 20. r. obliterated f. Second p. 132. l. 26. r. sound f. men a p. 132. l. 33. r. men besides children but a great mixture also a. f. of Mount Sinai also doth shew p. 132. l. 40 41. r. of Mount Sinai also doth shew f. their p. 132. l. 49. r. there f. when p. 133. l. 23. r. whom f. and other the Kingdom p. 133. l. 23. r. and over the Kingdoms f. not Jerusalem p. 133. l. 28. r. not only Jerusalem f. to that p. 134. l. 53. r. so that f. word p. 135. l. 20. r. words f. and to preach p. 135. l. 24. r. when he came to preach f. creature p. 135. l. 32. r. creatures f. preaching and uniting to p. 135. l. 33. r. Preaching and Prophetying to f. Prophets of p. 136. l 4. r. Prophets under f. under the Apostles of p. 136. l. 6. of the Apostles under f. the Principle p. 136. l. 21. r. the Principal f. expressions p. 136. l. 43. r. impressions f. thus in to p. 137. l. 21. r. thus into f. not for p. 137. l. 22. r. not only for f. their Scriptural p. 137. l. 36. r. this Scriptural f. calenders p. 137. l. 40. r. contradicters f. Jehovah's time p. 139. l. 31. r. Jehoshuah's time f. Moah p. 139. l. 39. r. Noah f. because Israels p. 140. l. 11. r. because of Israels f. acknowledge p. 140. l. 43. r. acknowledgeth f. Permen p. 140. l. 46. r. Penman f. charge p. 140. l. 48. r. change f. the proof p. 142. l. 57. r. for the proof f. proomise p. 345. l. 21. r. Promise f. it s p. 145. l. 34. r. it f. threatning p. 146. l. 15. r. threatnings f. circumstance p. 148. l. 40. r. circumstances f. but are p. 148. 41. r. but what are A TRANSITION FROM THE FIRST to the SECOND PART IN this inquiringly-spirited Age wherein there are such high Pretendings and costly attempts and industrious diligences used to me●●orate Philosophy by experimental Disquisitions putting other kinds of Learning upon some natural Advance that Arts may be more artful and Sciences may be more Scientifick there is the louder Call given forth to the ingenious Professors of the Christian Religion to be upon a spiritual improve of those excelling Knowledges of this Art of Arts and Science of Sciences which has treasured up in it the most both mysterious secrets deep skills and useful discoveries Are other Talents traded withal and shall this be napkin'd up Give me a man who has attained to an eminent degree and is still continuedly reaching after and pressing towards larger measures of practical skilfulness how to live over believed Truths how to improve Scripture-Convictions how to fill up Christian Duties how to act sanctifying Graces how to mortifie Corruptions how to overcome Temptations how to exercise spiritual Senses how to bear crosses how to enjoy priviledges how to carry on and to order all the affairs of his particular lawful Calling in a Scripture-way for Kind for Principles for Rule and for Ends how to grow up into the later-day-Glory how to walk with God how to have distinct fellowship with the Father as the Father with his Son Jesus Christ the Mediator as such with the Holy Spirit as the Holy Spirit in their several Offices and Relations how to pass into such a mystical membership as may be an Heaven upon earth how to manifest and evidence an universal-growing holy-Conformity both in knowledg and in obedience to an whole Christ and to the whole Word of Christ in short how to be really a thorow Disciple of the LORD Jesus daily perfecting his Christianity bring me such a one and he shall be the wise man with me whilst the vain affecters of humane wisdom may not expect to be advanced to such a degree in this religious School of Christian Learning In the First Part of my endeavours to promote Scripture-knowledges I went over the Journal or Diary of the first created week so far as to the end of the sixth day culling out some few particular choice instances of Aelohims works in each of those six foregoing days of that week reducing them to their true proper pure primitive created nature or being according to Scripture-Revelation as an exemplary Specimen or proving tryal for the due advancement of Word-learning by the most approved and best-fitted means thereby to discover and to correct several errours in Paganish Philosophy to reprove and to reform the lazy negligence and superficial knowledg of some to quicken and excite the industry of others and to facilitate and direct their studying that they may no longer deter themselves from deeper researches into the incomparably best science by any appearing difficulties Having thus my self had a spiritual view of the created World through a Scripture-glass put it into the hands of the discerning Reader for him a while to delight his eye with the clear prospect of so beauteous an Object that might a while withdraw and feast my thoughts with sweet meditations upon Jehovah and upon his word and his works See and admire O my Soul what a glorious structure the wonder-working Creator hath set before thine eyes of Sense of Reason and of Faith If thou ascend into the higher Heaven there above the lower visible world maist thou take a pleasant view of Jehovah Christ in his human glorified
their pretended reason is frivolous lest the Heathen should think mistaking the phrase that Aelohim did work upon the Seventh-day-Sabbath Whereas he had finished the whole and every part of his creating work upon the several six foregoing days of this one week of the created world Only he did that on the Seventh-day which was proper Sabbath-Work As the making of the Seventh-day the resting from other Functions upon it to institute and observe Sabbath-duties employments and priviledges the blessing of it the sanctifying of it together with his preserving of the Creatures which he had made on the six foregoing days and with his and his Fathers providential working to the upholding of them in their Being Those who do call the First day the Seventh day and the Seventh day the sixth day making the First day to be both the First and the Seventh day and so do alter the names of the number of all the rest do invert the Order of nature in the First Creation For although in consistent quantity such as Extension of parts one beyond another there is not one second third fourth and so on or not one first and another last put into the nature of that created Being because these are not really in the confistent Nature thereof it being consistent altogether and so the first part may be the last part or the last part the first part according to mens common notion and reckoning and appointing of it to be so the LORD not having instituted herein any such Order of Numbring where we are to begin and how to go on and where to end yet in quantity successive as in duration and in time this is of a different consideration both in the nature of the thing and in Aelohims institution For this is really such in existence truly subsisting whether we imagine it or not neither is it left in our power to our disposal to put them into any other Order than the creating Messaiah hath so far as doth respect his established times and his instituted Seasons There is one day a second day a third day a fourth day a fifth day a sixth day and a seventh day in the several successive natures and durations of every one of them Here is part after part by temporary succession in a most direct line and in its proper Partitions and terminating points by an unchangeable Law and well-setled-order of the standing Creation The Work of the six foregoing Days Aelohim did rest from leaving man an example to follow him herein on the Seventh-day-Sabbath The Seventh-day is to be remitted unto Workers who laboured in their several lawful Functions on every day of the week before and therefore Aelohim blessed this Seventh-day because he himself rested on it and sanctified it unto Adam the Sabbath was made for Adam for all mankind in him He hath made he doth he will make it a blessed day in its weekly returns unto the due diligent observers thereof in obedience to his Command in obsequiousness to his Will in Conformity to his Example in Faith on his Truth Power and Promise For this Day hath he severed unto his own service along That Expression For-tomake or to-do doth not so appear to belong unto he had created as to relate unto he will sabbatize or ceasingly rest The preceding Hebrew accent doth somewhat teach this which doth often distinguish so that it signifies that Adam and his posterity ought to do this to observe the Seventh-day-Sabbath as holy and consecrated to Jehovah Aelohim it is their bounden duty to do the same The like phrase we find elsewhere in the Hebrew to make or to do the Day of Sabbath or the Sabbath Which is to observe to keep or to celebrate it The expression is full noting that that Instituted-Seventh-day-Sabbath-work may not be left undone for that time or put off to any other season either before or after Having thus somewhat explained and applyed the Expressions concerning the Weekly-seventh-day-Sabbath in its primitive Creation and unchanged Institution I am now to make a little way for the giving the Reader a more particular distinct full Account according to the Scriptures of Truth why I do judge that the Seventh-day which is the last day in every week in the weekly Returns of it is alone that particular peculiar day in every Week which is the Weekly Sabbath-day to be kept Holy unto Jehovah Aelohim in obedience to his command as such that is to say as the alone weekly Sabbath-day If any man hereafter will engage by Writing or Printing in this Controversie against me whereby to endeavour to build up if he could his first day on the ruines of the Seventh-day-Sabbath let him take notice and remember that I mention my Judgment on this as in other cases Subject-matter to be according to the Scriptures of Truth and that I expect both he and I should submit our Judgment and Practise unto the Autoritative decisive Judgment of the Spirit of Christ in the word of Truth Those that do resolve such cases of Conscience about Duty or Sin into other Authorities do judge but according to appearance That judgment which is righteous judgment is such as is according to the Scriptures Words of Rightness O how powerful are they As for other arguing it hath not that Efficacy of convincing Pauls way of reasoning was out of the Scriptures and his Method of proving was from the Scriptures and Apollos took the same course to convince the erroneous They are the Scriptures that we are to search which those of Berea did daily even when a Paul was the Speaker to them which did evidence them to be a good kind of Christians and Believers These Holy Scriptures are the Scriptures of Truth The Word of Christ is the Word of Truth It is The Truth If any bring a Doctrine or a Reproof or a Correction or an Instruction they should have whatsoever things were written aforetime to be written for these the whole Scripture must be shewn to be profitable for these it was given for such an end That the Man of God may be perfect throughly furnished unto all good Works We may not add unto the Word which Jehovah doth command us neither are we to diminish ought from it that we may keep his Commandments who is the God of his people which he doth command us These Holy Scriptures are they which are able to make us wise to Salvation Though eminent Apostles or an Angel from Heaven preach any other Gospel unto us than we have received we should carry our selves towards him as towards one excommunicate If any let him be what he will though he have never so great a name for Learning and for Religion do teach otherwise and come not up to wholesom Words the Words of our LORD Jesus Christ these are nourishing healthy food other words not agreeing with these are empty Chass and to the Doctrine which is according to right Worship we
should withdraw our selves from such It has been great encouragement and sweet satisfaction unto me for divers years that I have Christ and his Word his Will and his Law for me in this Holy Contest His ten Words or Commandments how perfect and complete how standing and unchangeable a Rule of life are they in all and every of the matters of Duty to be performed and of Sin to be avoided It was Jehovah Christ himself who by his Spirit from his Father wrote upon the two Tables the Words of the Covenant the ten Words or Precepts This Scripture more especially I undervalue not any of the rest though this have its signal remark cannot be broken This is a perfect Law These words Jehovah spake and he added no more Christ would not have us so much as think that he came to destroy to dissolve the Law he came not to dissolve but to fulfill He confirms it by an high Asseveration that till Heaven and Earth do pass one Jod or Chirek one either Consonant or Vowel or any thing else originally belonging thereunto shall in no wise pass from the Law till all be fulfilled Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least Commandments and such do the most of men compt the weekly Sabbath though misjudgingly and will teach men so he shall be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven but whosoever shall do and teach men the same shall be called Great in the Kingdom of Heaven This Law is established This Law or Testimony is sure or faithful or firm or constant it endures for ever it is standing-abiding continuing firm yet and perpetually This is the Rule of the New Creature by this must we walk This is to be bound up and sealed among Christs Disciples To the Law and to the Testimony must we refer all our Controversies in Religion for Determination and Resolution If any speak not according to this Word it is because No morning-light is as yet in them Here is the full comprehensive of what is our Duty to do Where or for what no Law is there is no Transgression or neither a Transgression Sin is not imputed where is no Law for Sin is a Transgression of the Law Then a Soul is guilty when it sinneth against any of the Commandments of Jehova in what ought not to be done and shall do against any of them This Law of the Ten words was put into the Ark and this alone and nothing else but this put there in which it was so closed as that it was not to be taken out or changed having a Crown of gold by Jehovah's own appointment put round about it This particular Law of the weekly-seventh day-Sabbath has a special mark of remembrance fixt unto it at the very entrance into it This must not be forgotten to be kept Holy and the Works of our particular Functions are expresly prohibited to be done on it This Seventh-day must be sanctified as the weekly Sabbath of Jehovah our God because all and every of those weighty Reasons which Jehovah Aelohim the Law-maker the Law-giver himself hath assigned and rendred and no Reasons can be so demonstrative and convincing as those which he doth give who is only wise from whence to inforce and perswade Obedience to his Command in observing of a Weekly-Sabbath-day Holy to him do properly belong and are applicable to the Seventh which is the last day in every Week in Order of time in the weekly returns of it As the weekly Sabbath-day and to no other day of the Week as such neither to the first second third fourth fifth or sixth day Six daies in the week we are to labour and the Seventh day in the same week is the Sabbath The Seventh-day the seventh-day has its peculiar Note of Honour put upon it There can be but one Seventh day in one Week in the weekly Order and Succession of the Seven days though each of the other foregoing six days in the week are one of seven or one of the seven daily parts of weekly time Every one of the other days of the week have another name as one the second the third the fourth the fifth the sixth Only the last day of the week is called the Seventh day and the Sabbath day Weeks will be to the worlds end concluded within the compass of Seven days One of Aelohims Reasons is because he rested upon the seventh day upon that and that only which is the last day in the week and upon no other day in the week as a weekly Sabbath-day This History of the Creation doth go this day over three times on or in the Seventh-day the Seventh-day the Seventh-day Aelohim rested and again a second time He rested Afterwards in Moses time a little before Christ's Proclaiming of the Law of the Ten words at Mount Sinai the Seventh-day and the rest or Sabbath on it are several times mentioned the Seventh-day the Seventh-day the Seventh-day and a fourth time the Seventh-day The Rest of the Holy Sabbath or a Resting of Holy Rest for Sabbath signifies a Rest a Sabbath the Sabbath the Sabbath the People rested on it At the Promulgation of this Law this same Reason is resumed again For in six days Jehovah made the Heavens and the Earth the Sea and all that in them is and rested the Seventh-day and therefore His people ought to rest on the same day as the Holy-Sabbath-day The Scriptures do carry this further along after the Promulgation of it Six days shall men work but on the Seventh-day the Seventh-day a Sabbath a Sabbath of rest a Sabbath-day the Sabbath the Sabbath Jehovab rested on this day and refreshed himself Six days thou shalt work but on the seventh-day thou shalt rest thou shalt rest Six days shall work be done but on the Seventh-day there shall be to you an Holy-day a Sabbath of rest to Jehovah the seventh-day is the Sabbath of rest the Sabbath the seventh day is the Sabbath to Jehovah Thus also in the After-Prophets in Jeremiah's days Bear no burden on the Sabbath-day the Sabbath-day the Sabbath-day the Sabbath-day sanctifie the Sabbath-day to do no Work therein The Sabbath-day the Sabbath-day Thus in Nehemiah's time that zealous Reformer would not suffer Ware or any Victuals to be brought to be sold on the Sabbath-day on the Sabbath-day on the Holy-day the Sabbath-day the Sabbath the Sabbath-day the Sabbath the Sabbath the Sabbath No burden shall be brought in on the Sabbath-day the Sabbath the Sabbath-day The New Testament also doth take special notice of this The Seventh-day has the name of Sabbath or of Rest given it there above three●●ore times They rested Christs followers were silent from the Works of their particular Functions the seventh-day The Seventh-day God did rest the seventh-day from all his Works None of all this is said of any other day of the week Particularly not of the first and therein the LORD Jesus
Fruit of Christs Mediating for them with his Father He their Saviour and their God and the God of their Past-Present-and After-Salvarions who would make of their Posterity a Glorious new Christian Church in the latter daies As for Redemption-work it doth confirm the Law of the Ten words in the Type And the antitype must answer to the Type The Israel of God were to do the Weekly-Seventh-day-Sabbath and to keep it Holy to Jehovah their Saviour and Redeemer and so are believers under the New-Testament-Dispensation the Saviour himself this Redeemer having so observed it all his life through in the daies of his Flesh here on Earth when Born of the Virgin Mary The Ark which was one of the principal of all the Holy things of God and for which the Tabernacle mainly was set up which did Sanctifie the place where it did Rest this Ark had nothing in it but the two Tables of the Covenant And this Ark was a Type of Christ who had this Law in his Heart And did in his own Person Confirm it to every Letter and part of it by his Doctrine and Practice when more Familiarly Conversant here amongst men It was Christ as Mediator who appeared as man unto Abraham Moses Zechariah and others under that former Administration These works of Redemption were in the Types then and as for the Actual Perfecting and Accomplishing of these in the Person of the Mediator himself when he took to his Godhead the seed of Abraham and was made of the seed of David according to the Flesh and was made of a Woman these works may be said to take their beginning as to this of perfecting and accomplishing them in the antitype upon Christs First thus manifesting of himself in the Flesh And they were further carried on by him in his Life so declared by his Father and attested by his Spirit His Life was a Continued fulfilling of Redeeming-types And as for his Death upon the Cross there just before his giving up the Spirit and commending it into the hands of his Father he himself said it is Finished or accomplished or perfected namely for so much and for fo far he having but a little before on the same day of his Death in his Prayer to his Father declared that he had finished the work which the Father gave him to do This work of Reconciliation and Redemption Thus accomplishing it and perfecting the Types by steps and degrees Some Remainders whereof are further Fulfilled at his 〈◊〉 Resurrection Which also it self was a great work Yet was not this all For these works of Reconciliation and of Redemption had yet a further filling up and a more through perfecting when Forty daies from his rising again he ascended up into Heaven Where he appeared as the great High-Priest of his Peoples Holy profession as the Antitype with Blood and with Incense in that Holy of Holies having his satisfaction and intercession Further in his Glorious Person Actually accepted by his Father which was Typified of Old by the High-Priests entering into the Holy of Holies once every year upon the Atonement day or day of Expiation of which the Author of the Epistle to the Hebrews gives an account of its being perfected and fulfilled in Christ To this Ascension of His into the Highest Heavens and his sitting there at the Right Hand of his Father where he appears for his People and intercedes on their behalf in a way suted to his Glorious Majesty in so raised an Exaltation to this doth belong his putting down of the Levitical Priesthood which was a shadow and Type and Figure of the Heavenly Priesthood of Christ and must now upon Christs Ascending and session give way and place to the Truth to the true antitype the High Priest being got into Heaven For whilst Christ was upon Earth the Levitical Priesthood continued at least as to some parts of their Office When the Reader puts all this together and sees how the Redemption-work was for so many years together before Christs Resurrection perfecting and accomplishing and finds Christ Travelling upon the day of his Rising with Two Disciples to Emmaus which was from Jerusalem about Sixty Furlongs which in Common Computation is about seven Miles and a half at least seven Miles too long a Journey for the weekly Sabbath day especially when it was a going off from a greater assembling at Jerusalem the Publick appointed place of worship and this about a private business to a little Village an Example not to be followed upon a pretended new Instituted weekly-Sabbath-day And withal the Reader observes that some part of Redeeming-work was actually compleated by Christ in a way of fulfilling of a Redeeming-Type which work was not done by him before either in his Birth or Life in his Death or Resurrection it will be time for him ponderingly to think on his waies and to turn his feet unto Jehovahs Testimonies to make hast and not to slacken to entertain his Commandments particularly this of the weekly-Seventh-day-Sabbath To set this right precept before him and no longer to put away this Institution of Aelohim from him Which is so full and plain and clear through the whole Scripture and no further to wander on misled by mens darkning-conjectures who would still keep up a day of their own setting up up the First day of the week which as to this of a weekly Sabbath-day is a Creationless and Scriptureless Restingless Blessingless and Sanctifyingless Nameless Thingless Commandless Promiseless and Threatless-day none of those being for it but all for the Seventh day The adversary being driven out of this hold seeks refuge for his First day Sabbath in some other Scriptures cited in the Margin which yet will not allow him Countenance and Warrant For say they the good Apostles met on the First day the day of Christs Resurrection which they then observed as the weekly-Sabbath-day in memory of his Resurrection and of his compleating the works of Redemption on that day Christ taught the two Disciples on that day of his Rising on the same day he appeared to the Disciples and instructed them and did eat with them thus assembled and Blessed them The next First day of the week he chose to appear to them again And those Apostles Christ did Commission as his principal Church Ministers to teach the Churches all his Doctrine and to deliver them all his Commands and orders and so to settle and guide the first Churches Which Apostles did actually separate and appoint the First day of the week for Holy Worship especially in Church-assemblies They themselves frequently meeting upon that day for that end and enjoyning the Churches of their Plantation so to do who obeyed them in this The First day is mentioned as the day of the Disciples assembling to break Bread which though they did it oft on other daies yet no day else was peculiarly appointed for
this place together at least as to the full possession of that Rest If it should be pleaded by the Objectors from one of the Verses compared with other Scriptures that sound Believers do actually injoy some beginning of it here this we are perswaded of and experienced Believers are supposed in Scripture to have already somewhat of it as well as to hope for more of it here and to believe and expect their full everlasting possession of it in the heavenly Glory at the last when they have here finished that Work which the LORD sent them into the World to do and this is their every days happiness more or less as they more or less act as Believers O how often may the Spirit of a Believer be in the Heavenly Rest in one Day He may get thither into this Rest in one Holy Thought and how many of such thoughts may his thoughts be who thus doth act Faith Hope and Love aright upon this Object A sound Believer should check himself under his divertisements from this Felicity Return O my Soul to thy-my-Rests My Rests are thy Rests thy Rests are my Rests Be friendly to me and to thy self Sit down and silently Rest in Jehovah Aelohim There is an abundant entrance subministred to thee to me so to do This Epistle in one passage of this cited place do prove that Jesus or Joshuah For Joshuah or Jehoshuang in the Syriack Language and also by the Greeks denoteth a Saviour had not then given them that Rest spoken of in that Psalm referred to because then the Psalmist would not afterward have spoken of another Day and therefore that Rest which Joshuah or Jesus or Jesus by Joshuah set them in was not this Rest it self but a Type of this heavenly rest to believers for many entred into Canaan who never entred into Heaven Joshua had not given them that rest which is here spoken of So that this cannot be understood of the rest of the first day of the week as the weekly Sabbath-day seeing the Objectors do affirm though groundlesly and but pretendedly that the Captain Jesus of whom Joshuah was someways a Type gave his Disciples this first day rest Heaven is in other Scriptures set out by the Name of God's Rest This was Typified by the Ark and by the Temple and by Canaan and is plain enough spoken of in this passage to the Hebrews God's rest is in the highest Heavens there is the dwelling place of his Rest There doth Christ sit in Glory at the right hand of his Father in full perfect happy Rest where sound Believers also shall rest in and with Him For a little after this passage we are told Christ's Rest is in the Heavens in the highest Heavens the Holy of Holies So elsewhere in the same Epistle We saith he have a great High Priest who is gone thorow into the Heavens Jesus the Son of God and therefore let us hold fast our Christian profession For Christ is not entred into the Sanctuary that is made with hands which is an Antitype of the true that is of the Heavenly Sanctuary which was Figured by the other but into Heaven it self now to appear before the face of God for us with full satisfaction made to the Justice of his Father by the Sacrifice of himself offered up to his Father and with prevailing Intercession for those whom the Father gave unto him So that as his rest is divers times mentioned in this Epistle so also is Heaven often expresly mentioned besides other words that do set it out and there is likewise the phrase of thus entring in several times spoken of All these in the same Epistle which was of old under the former ministration typified by the High Priests entring into the Holiest once every year For the High Priest also was in this a Type of Christ who is called the Apostle and the High Priest of their Profession who are partakers of the Heavenly calling So that all these expressions thus put together which we do meet withal in the same Epistle do best reconcile this sense to the whole of the Epistle besides and to other Scriptures which do treat of the same Subject-matter that the entring in the Ingress into this rest is the entring into the Heavenly rest above Some beginnings of which Heavenly rest Believers do enter into here in that holy Heavenly Fellowship which they have with Jehohah Aelohim in Father Son and Holy Spirit and with the living Members of Christ's mystical Body Jesus the fore-runner being already entred into the innermost of the veil for them the Believers hope has a way of entring in there after him We have Ordinances now dispensed with more clearness Spirituality and Heavenliness then Believers under the former Administration had though they also enjoyed the same for sum and for substance yet under Types Shadows and Figures And therefore they are called Heavenly things which the pattern of Old did more darkly resemble These are not forced sences and interpretations of my own but such as are Natural and Familiar Plain and Obvious and in the express Language and literal words of the same Epistle Before I quite dismiss this about the rest I am to write somewhat about the significancy of the word Sabbatism The Greek Noun is derived from a Verb which doth signific I Sabbatize or I rest The seventy two Greek Interpreters do use the Verb in one Scripture where it doth set out the rest of the Land every seventh year they use it also in another place where it is applyed to the Seventh-day-Sabbath that being the weekly Sabbatizing-day or resting-day The Greek Noun in the proper significancy of the Word is an actual or active resting or Cessation from work or labour or from motion about such work and labour as is rested from a Requietion or Requiescence from this This being used in the Greek of the New Testament but once the means to come to a right apprehension of the true signification and the proper meaning of it in this place will be to examine what the Original of this Greek Word is in that Language from whence it is borrowed in the Old Testament Hebrew and what that word in the Hebrew Original doth contain and express in it How that word is used in the Scriptures from whence this Greek Noun hath its Origination as also what there is in the Context of this place in this part of the Epistle to the Hebrews about this matter enquired after What there is in that Psalm referred to here in this Epistle that may bring some light to this matter And what there is in the Word of Christ about this Phrase of Sabbath-keeping or keeping a Sabbath as the Objector doth render it It is not here unworthy of our noting That the Greek Tongue in a multitude of Words has its Origination from the Hebrew Language Its Alphabet and Letters hath its
Jesus the Son of God in the fourteenth Verse Neither is the parallel between the Works of the Father and the Works of the Son as if they were such different Works of a different Nature and of different Time which was not the matter under debate in the third and fourth Chapters of this Epistle as men have divided them the which what was mentioned before doth also discover For what things soever the Father doth these also doth the Son likewise Nor is the parallel between one Day of the Week and another Day of the Week and the first Day of the Week in the weehly Revolution For the to day mentioned in the Psalm and the seventh Verse doth not point out the particular first Day of the Week as distinct from the others Days of the same Week As if the Exhortation did peculiarly properly and openly belong unto that but it takes in the whole of our Day and Time wherein the sound of Christ's Voice comes unto us speaking by his Spirit in his Word from his Father every Day of the Week as appears from the thirteenth Verse of the third Chapter So that those expressions in the seventh and eighth Verses of the fourth Chapter which do speak of a certain day and of another day do set out a large providential Day a long time after the Israelites entring into Canaan the Land of Rest The Rest spoken of in the Psalm could not refer to this or the weekly Sabbath from the Worlds Creation for these were before whereas the Psalmist doth speak of a Rest that was future and yet to come as to those who were then alive As likewise it was to the Author of this Epistle and to the Believers in his Day and Time It was remaining even then A Rest a Sabbatism which was not then by him and those to whom he wrote fully entred into possessed and injoyed Though Believers so far as they had their Citizenship their Burgeship in Heaven and in the Spirit did converse with the glorious Inhabitants of the New City of that Heavenly Jerusalem did pass into somewhat of it and had some views and foretasts some beginnings and first fruits of it So that the parallel here is between Rest and Rest For as Jehovab Aelobim the Creator having finished his Works of the six foregoing Days in the first Week of the Created World did Rest on the Seventh-day Sabbath and look as the Israclites did Rest in the Land of Canaan after their labour and travel when they had peaceable quiet possession of that Land So shall believers also when they have done their Generation-work and have finished the Work of their Day and Time in doing and in suffering the whole Will of our LORD have and injoyed a Rest a Sabbatism which will be fully compleated in that better Heavenly Country And so also is the parallel between entring or not entring into the typical Rest in the Land of Canaan and entring or not entring into that Rest which was typified thereby which was not a First-Day Rest as is pretended but the Heavenly Eternal Rest This parallel is held forth in the eleventh eighteenth and nineteenth Verses of the third Chapter and in the first third sixth tenth and eleventh Verses of the fourth Chapter And the parallel further holds between Believers and Unbelievers in the passage towards or entrance or not entrance into the Land of Canaan the Land of Canaan the Land of Typical Rest according as they were perswadable and obedient or not And Believers or Unbelievers since the time of that Psalm which I therefore mention because it is the Foundation of the Discourse in this place to the Hebrews and particularly at the time when the Author of this Epistle did write wherein all Ages since and those after us are also concerned For even these also according as they are found perswadable and obedient or not so shall they either enter into or come short of this typified promised Rest As it was in the Prophet David's time the offer of Grace as to the Promised Rest was made to the Israelites for this same Gospel was published unto them under that Ministration of Grace as unto us now under the present Dispensation of Grace in the second and third Verses of the fourth Chapter The Doctrine of Salvation by Faith in the Messiah being the Doctrine in David's time and in Moses Days and long enough before him and those of them who were believing obedient and perswadable in the sixth and seventh and eleventh Verses of that Psalm So that there was in part a fulfilling of this in David's time both as to the threatning part upon the unbelieving impenitent and disobedint dying away such and as to the promising part as to the believing repenting and obeying ones who died in the Faith And therefore it cannot be understood of the First Day of the Week in opposition to the weekly Seventh-day Sabbath as is pretended there being nothing at all of any such observation of the First Day in David's time And the same Gospel was published unto those in the time of the Author of this Epistle in the second Verse of the fourth Chapter even as unto the Israelites before and it had a further fulfilling than in that Authors time in the third Verse of the fourth Chapter and it still has and will have as the Exhortations do prevail in the first sixth seventh twelfth thirteenth fourteenth and fifteenth Verses of the third Chapter and the first third eleventh fourteenth and sixteenth Verses of the fourth Chapter The Works that Believers are said to Rest from in the tenth Verse of the fourth Chapter are according to Scripture-phrase and meaning elsewhere their labours Believers shall Rest from their labours from the labours of their particular Functions and Callings wherein they were exercised in their life time here and as for their labour in the LORD whilst they were here in which time they did abound in the Work of their LORD as also for their labour of Love in all their suffering as well as doing for Christ Believers will have satisfaction and complacency sweetness and delight in such works as these are though above in the heavenly Rest they will be wholly for ever free from sufferings as also from all corrupt mixtures and defectivenesses which were their sorrow grief and trouble here which they much laboured under where the Tempter shall no more assault them There is a Rest promised to Believers evidently and expresly in the first third and eleventh Verses of this fourth Chapter not now to mention other Verses in this passage of this Epistle which the Objector doth causlesly and groundlesly controvert And Rest is a cessation from such Labour and Work as into which that Labour and Rest doth pass which Rest in the better heavenly Country is so far from being unsuitable to the purpose of the Author of this Epistle that it is the main drift and scope of his arguing in the
old corrupt Principles the old crooked Rules the old selfish ends the old bad Frames the old uutoward Actings the erroneous mistakes the formality in Worship the old unscriptural Traditions the old Sins the old man's Conversion and such like These do pass away and all things contrary to these are become new A whole new man The Apostle speaks of what is peculiar to the New Creature in Christ as such For as for the old ceremonious Rites and their passing away even those that were not new Creatures but were carnal Professors of Christianity yet had these things passing away and they were put under a new Administation the new dispensation of Grace had Ordinances now in a more spiritual heavenly way and manner The passing away of old things here is of old things so far as they stand in opposition to the new Creature and unto that new life in and to Christ which now the converted person should live That as Christ so loved his people as to dye and rise again for them so should those in Christ thus evidence their Love to Christ by living no longer to themselves but unto him crucifying the old man mortifying the sins and lusts of that old man and vivifying or quickning the new man which was true in the Types and Figures before Christ was come born of the Virgin Mary and which is still true now after that Christ is come and ascended up into Glory But all this doth make nothing as to the passing away of the Law of the ten Words in all of them or in any one the least of them This is a distinct fort of Laws from the Typical Figuring Shadowy Institutions The Law of the ten Words as it always has been so is it now and still will be the Rule of the new Creature in Christ Jesus For what in one place is called the new Creatures Rule in another speaking to the same case is the keeping of the Commandments of God In Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth any thing nor Uncircumcision but a new Creature And as many as walk according to this Rule Peace be on them and Mercy and on the Israel of God The Israel of old had no saving benefit barely by the outward sign of Circumcision whereas God's Israel then who had the sign and the thing signified too they had the Mercy and Peace who were new Creatures united to the Messiah by Faith working by Love who had their hearts circumcised to love Jehovah their God who had sin subdued and lust mortified And the uncircumcision under the new Dispensation was not of any good avail without the new Birth without conjunction to and communion with it and if the Regenerate the new Born the new Created would evidence and approve themselves to be such and to be in Christ they must obey him and keep his Commandments But what is all this to any change of the weekly Sabbath from the Seventh to the First Day of the Week To pass from one sort of Laws into another sort of Laws from the Law of figuring Types to the Law of the ten Words and to infer the passing away of any one of the Laws of the ten Words from the passing of Types into the Antitypes and of signifying Figures into their signified things is a transition from one kind to another a way of sophistical arguing of fallacious disputing captiously to over-reach the ignorant too credudulous vulgar and to defraud them of their right to the Truth As for that part of the Objection which doth speak of new Heavens and of new Earth pretended to be completed and finished on the Day of Christ's Resurrection from whence to conclude the passing away of the Seventh-day Sabbath to make room for a First-Day-weekly Sabbath it is so scriptureless so natureless so reasonless an inference that it should have been more preconsidered by this Arguer whether it do conclude and prove any thing but this that the Adversaries would fain have something or other that might carry a little colour and some shew with it if they know what For let it be pondered upon search and examination that all those places of Scripture which do speak of the new Heavens and the new Earth do relate to a further time for their full accomplishment than precisely to the Day of Christ's Resurrection That Prophesie in Isaiah hath an eye to the more large and spreading conversions of the two and ten Tribes in the latter days yet to come How was this then fulfilled on Christ's Resurrection-Day who of them was then converted what eminent new Creatorship was there then brought forth which might put any such signal remark upon the First Day of the Week as from thence to become the new weekly Sabbath When the most of the Disciples themselves did scarce believe him to be raised till after that Day was over And two Disciples with whom he had walked some Miles that Day had little belief of his Resurrection and little knowledge of him till he disappeared from them How few in comparison were brought in unto Christ and made new Creatures in all Christ's life time at his Death and Resurrection and forty Days after that till after his Ascension and after the pourings out of the Holy Spirit That forementioned Prophesie doth foretel that Nations shall be brought under the Jews Dominions when those new Heavens and new Earth shall appear This was not at the time of Christ's Resurrection-day nor ever since and they were then and have been since for sixteen hundred years or more so far Ruling over the Nations that they have been a scattered despised broken people without so much as any Political Kingly Government amongst themselves It foretels that those of Judah and of Israel should be gathered out of all Quarters East West North and South This also is behind yet unfulfilled That Euphrates would be dry Was this on Christ's Resurrection Day Or has it been since Is not this also yet to come upon their return to their own Land in the latter Days Will not their grand Enemy the Turk be then overthrown who has so long wrongfully possessed their Inheritance which when it is will be so great a work for the inhabited Earth to take notice of where the ear-report shall come or the eye-witnessing be that it will obscure the memory of former Acts. Another Prophesie by Isaiah doth fortel that at that time of the new Heavens and the new Earth the ten Tribes of Israel as well as the other two of Judah and of Benjamin shall according as to an express promise return home to their own Country and Land For Sharon was in Gilead which belonged to Manasseh The Valley of Achor was a parcel of the Tract of Jericho in the Tribe of Judah There will then be a new face of things in their glorious and blessed Renovation when there will be divers things accomplished which are not as yet fulfilled As
may be seen in the next Scripture cited in the Margin which is a part of this same Prophesie For observe here the Jews shall then be restored when this will be performed Their Foes will be terrified upon the report of the Jews repair home which is not fully verified The Nations will do homage to the Jews upon their Conversion whereas hitherto they have been dispersed among and subdued by the Nations are objects either of scorn or pitty to all Mankind where ever they are a great overthrow will be given to their open Enemies which is yet to come The converted Jews will turn to Jehovah Christ and will constantly and continuedly serve him according to Gospel Institution particularly by observing the Seventh-day Sabbath in his Sabbath which expression is used elsewhere referring to the Seventh-day Sabbath When these things shall come to pass the LORD will make crooked things to be streightness before his people when that Law of his to which the Isles do expect shall be magnified and made honourable as the Giver of it also will be So great and so glorious things being to come so long after Isaiah's Prophesyings Such as whereof all the World could not have foretold these are confirmed and verified by the Testimony of the Father in his Son by his Spirit in his Word As for what is Prophesied of by Ezekiel concerning the new Temple or Church state where especial direction is given for the service of the Sabbath-day this doth confirm and establish the Seventh-day Sabbath to continue under New Testament times For it speaks of such a Day of Sabbath in the same Week as has six working Days going before it which is expresly according to the same Law proclaimed Mount Sinai as one of the ten Words That which is alledged out of Peter was a Prophesie long after Christ's Resurrection and Ascension a little before Peter's death and not long before the destruction of the Temple and of the Jews which had a quite contrary Face and Nature from the glorious Renovation foretold Those new Heavens and new Earth that were prophesied were at that time of Peter's writing the Epistle in the Promise unfulfilled such as were yet expected and look'd out after and the whole Discourse doth manifest that it was not then accomplished That day of the LORD the same LORDLY Day spoken of in the Revelvtion the great providential Day of his LORDLY Appearance was not then come it Peter's time The Heavens were not then passed away with a noise they were not then perished in flames by fire the Elements were not then burnt and loosed or dissolved and melted the Earth and the works that were therein were not then burnt up The Heavens which are now saith he speaking of those that were in his Day and Time and the Earth are by the same Word laid up as a Treasure and are kept unto fire against the day of Judgment and of the Destruction of ungodly men or of corrupt Worshippers These things saith he shall perish They had not then perished The day of the LORD shall come It was not then come but they were to look for and to hasten unto the coming of it We according to his promise expect new Heavens and a new Earth wherein dwelleth Righteousness We look for these things They were as yet but in the Promise They were under the Expectation of Believers They looked for them but they did not then see and enjoy them actually in their real Coming for they were not as yet come Thus also that Prophety by John in the Revelation when he had a Visional sight of a new Heaven and a new Earth upon the passing away of the first Heaven and the first Earth and when he saw the Holy City and the New Jerusalem and when a great Voice out of Heaven had told him that God would wipe off all tears from the eyes of his Covenant-people and that Death should be no more neither mourning nor crying nor any more trouble for the former things should pass away He that sat upon the Throne said Behold I make all things new Write for these things are true and faithful Is it not evident here that this Prophetie was many years after the Day of Christ's Resurrection And must not the Fulfilling be after the Prophetie Is there not enough in this very place to confute the Objector's Arguing Is the first Heaven and the first Earth yet passed away When ever was this fulfilled Is the new Heaven and the new Earth yet come Is the Holy City the New Jerusalem as yet come down from God out of Heaven Are there not tears found in the eyes of the LORD'S people to be wiped away Is there not death still Are these former things yet passed away Is not the LORD He who then foretold that he would make all things new John saw in a Vision and heard in a voice they would be so made but they were not actually so excellent on earth in John's Day and Time For there will be this new face of things in the Churches of Christ on earth This New Holy City Jerusalem is not said to go up to God into Heaven but it doth come down from God out of Heaven God will renew his Covenant with his people and he will Tabernacle with them God will put away Humane Ordinances Inventions Impositions and Traditions to set up his own Institutions all the Laws and Orders of his New House in their Purity and Power The Nations shall receive Light from this New Church so shiningly enlightned so clearly taught of him Church-Discipline shall be revived set up and exercised Distempers Diseases and Ulcers of Spirit of Soul and Body shall be healed and cured and removed by the Medicinal leaves of the Tree of Life All which do belong to a Church-State here on earth If other passages in this Book of the Revelation be collated it will appear that many things foretold to go before this are not yet fulfilled For there must be another manner of Conversion of the Tribes yet of all the Tribes which do include the Ten of Israel as well as the Two of Judah and Benjamin The twelve thousands of the several Tribes The New Church was to be erected after that the See of the Beast was overthrown The Returning Jews are called the Kings of the East There will be a laying dry the Waters of Euphrates as those of the Red Sea were of Old for Jehova's Redeemed ones to pass thorow The Turkish oppressing Tyrant will yet further destroy many of the Jews which grand Enemy shall at length be quite destroyed utterly ruined and his Power shall be broken to pieces The very place of this Conflicting Battel is particularly mentioned where his Overthrow shall be And there will yet be a glorious Christian Church of returning believing Jews erected
from whom other Nations shall receive a shining Light giving them Honour doing them Homage and bringing in their Glory to them whom the King of Saints so much will delight in as to dignifie them with the Glory of his presence compleating and perpetuating their Purity and Peace their Holiness and Happiness So that these are Works which were never yet so finished and which yet remain behind to be done That Prophesie in Jeremiah doth speak much the same thing For there is foretold the destruction of the Enemies of the Jews which will be in the last days the usual expression setting out the accomplishment of this glorious Mystery as other Scriptures do declare Then will Jehovah renew a Covenant with all the Families of Israel All with the ten as well as with the other two Tribes Here also is the place expressed from what part of the inhabited Earth their return should first be even from the North. The Call would be to the generality of that people to come unto Christ and so great a multitude would be converted to him as were not to be numbred by man Jehovah himself would be their Conductor and Leader in the way of their Return The LORD 's providential appearance would be so wonderful in this that the Nations afar off and remote in distance from them would upon report hereof brought unto them much praise Aelohim for his Grace and Favour towards his People The Lamention was foretold then would be great when Innocents were slain at Christ's Birth but for greater in the latter Days after that when the Israelites would repent and turn unto Christ then should they return home to their own Land to dwell in their Cities Their Enemies would be overthrown by a Woman these Converts should peaceably inhabite their Country and become very happy in being made a pure glorious Church The new or renewed Covenant would be firmly ratified and surely established with them Jerusalem would once again be rebuilt Have these gladtyyings yet had their through fulfilling are they not Works yet to be performed That other Scripture in the Epistle to the Hebrews has the same Import and Design as to the Covenant and the renewing of it Here is no determinate Day of Christ's Resurrection mentioned when this Promise was to have its exact precise fulfilling and if we would point any particular time more than other according to this kind of arguing it was rather the Fruit of Christ's Ascension if it relate to those times so near Christ when this High Priest entred into the Holy of Holies For this Chapter doth more particularly set out the High Priesthood of Christ entred into Heaven with Blood and with Incense satisfying and interceding there fitting at the Right hand of his Father Raigning having all Power sending Messengers to teach his People and so is more consummately a glorious Priest King and Prophet together actually bestowing upon Believers all those purchased covenanted Blessings for which he intercedes on their behalf as Pardon Peace Grace Mercy Reconciliation Assistance Acceptance and such like which he did for Believers before but in another way of dispensing For whilst he remained on Earth even after his Resurrection till he ascended into Heaven the Levitical Priesthood did continue So that the Honour is more in some respect put upon Christ's Ascension if we will date these new things about that time when Christ went up into the highest Heavens For then more especially was the new and living Way new made by Christ's entring into the Holy of Holies into the highest Heaven As to what doth relate to the New Testament Ministration as such more spiritually dispensed we have several times acknowledged that without making any change in the sum and substance of the Christian Religion in the Law of the ten Words The Author of the Epistle to the Hebrews doth set out the excellency of the New Testament above and beyond the Old as to the clearness and gloriousness of dispensing the same Truths and Things of God which were of old under a darker administration This new Covenant spoken of has had in all Ages since the writing of that Epistle some particular fulfillings when the Regenerating Spirit doth write the Holy Law of the ten Words on the two Tables of the Mind and Heart of any person and people especially if they be of the converted Hebrews who are more eminently concerned in this Promise the most of which is yet behind unaccomplished and waits for the larger conversions of that people in days yet to come For that is a prophetical Scripture yet taken out of that place in Jeremiah which has been spoken unto already and which is again mentioned towards the closing up of the New Testament Canon as reserved for one of the choicest Blessings of the last days The newest things then will be the last things called therefore the newest Times For the fulfilling of this the whole Creation doth groan and wait especially those who have the First Fruits of the Spirit they groan in themselves expecting the Adoption Redemption of their Body The rest of the Creation long to be delivered from the wrong that is done to them by fallen Devils and by sinful men They labour under their subordination to vanity their oppresling servitude their travelling pain their use and service being so quite perverted from what it was at their primitive make and they shall be freed when the New Created-State shall come For which Holy longers do expect and hope when Tzijon shall put on her Royal Ornaments when the new Heavens and the new Earth shall appear clothed with their new glorious Dress when the Elect have been all gathered in unto Christ when the Saints shall be possessed of the full and whole of their Heavenly Inheritance to which they are adopted of their glorious Liberty to which they are appointed from remaining indwelling Sin to a complete Holiness from persecutions temptations sorrows and other troubles to an uninterrupted peace and happy Sabbatism from their strange Country where they meet with such unkind usage to their purchased Home and prepared Palace in their new City when their Body shall be more perfectly Redeemed that it may be transformed into a likeness unto Christ's glorious Body together with their Spirit and Soul all together fully to injoy this God in Father Son and holy Spirit for ever to glorifie him in consort with the blessed Inhabitants of that Heavenly Country where they may have all their waitings for fulfilled all their Prayers answered all their longings satisfied all their capacities filled up with a suitable good Then shall groanings pass into shoutings and sighings into singings O for that day O who will give this O how could Hearts sick of Love for more of Christ in clearness of Vision and in fulness of injoying even leap out of the Body and forthwith give a spring into Glory O how
distinguish that which the Objector did tumble into a confused heap and then from thence he drew wrong inferences He should better have bethought himself that when he would speak of the nature and Essence of a thing as particularly of a Sign or Ceremony and doth so define it that according to his own philosophical way all definitions of any thing should be universal or universally agreeing to the thing defined where-ever it is found it must be universally affirmed of that thing where-ever it hath a Being Whereas it is discovered that there is a Sign of Sanctification which yet is not so in his sense There are some natural Signs of this of sanctified Seasons separate for holy Services The Heavenly Luminaries were are and will be such Signs There is a notifying testifying-certifying Sign of Sanctification Both these the Weekly Seventh-day Sabbath has been is and will be It doth bespeak Holiness in the Nature and Being in the Name and Thing of it to the due observers of it and therefore doth widely differ from that which is meerly Ceremonial And both these Signs are Signs to all mankind O how special a gift was this Law of the k Seventh day Sabbath A choice favour One of the precious Mercies as to the Law To have all holy Rest even here in and with the LORD For unto this doth it Call To lodge in the bosom and heart of the Messiah O how delightful O how good O how pleasant I now return unto a further passage in a former another from this last Objector The next Particular to be demonstrated is that the new Worship was Typically signified in the figuring Pattern of old So that neither doth this make any change at all upon the weekly Sabbath to make it pass from one day of the Week unto another from the seventh to the first For as for that Typical Figuring Worship which was a part of the Pattern under that Administration in Types Shadows Figures and Rites which was performed on the Seventh-day Sabbath that way of Worship by Sacrifices of Lambs by Meat and Drink offerings Incense and such like as to this part these were perfected and accomplished in and by Christ when born of the Virgin Mary when living dying rising ascending But the Seventh-day Sabbath stands firm as one of the ten Words which are another sort of Laws that do abide for ever This Epistle to the Hebrews doth expresly affirm that the Spiritual Heavenly things of this New Testament of Glory were in the Pattern under the Old The parts of Worship now were then only in a more shadowy figuring manner and therefore you may find the same things as well as words transferred out of the Old into the New Testament Only spiritualized in the new As Priest Propitiatory Altar Sacrifices Offerings Incense and many such like Had this Ingager on the side for the cause of the first Day given instances in any particulars of VVorship in the place where he speaks of new VVorship it might have been discovered that the same was in the Pattern of Old to which Types then the Antitypes now do directly exactly answer If a skilful experienced Believer would write an exact Commentary upon the first second third fourth fifth and sixteenth Chapters of Levitious not now to mention much more in that Book and in Exodus Numbers and Deuteronomy and take off the Veil from them and give forth the true intended spiritual significant meaning of them by a collating of other suitable Scriptures particularly in the New Testament Every spiritual Discerner may quickly see there was Gospel-worship even then only differently for the manner dispensed The Ceremonies of old were Types and Figures and Shadows instituted of Jehovah Aelohim for these ends amongst others to be signifying Seals of the assurance of Christ's coming in the fulness of time to accomplish them and of those good things which Believers had then have now and shall have in after time in and by him whether they were Administrators of holy Things or particular Saints or the Saints generally all of them These were of old Signs and Seals of Regeneration of Justification of Sanctification of Acceptaon of Salvation and of eternal Life they were shadows of good things to come which shadows did continue until the time of correction at the coming of Christ in the Flesh born of the Virgin Mary which Christ was the Body of these things themselves the express form the summary substance of them They were now to pass into the spiritual things signified as those Typical Figuring signifying sealing Ordinances and Institutions of the New Testament Dispensation of Grace Baptism and the Supper of the LORD do really to believing partakers of them represent glorious things and will do so till Christ come to make all things new The forementioned time of correction did then eminently begin when Christ first openly shewed himself to be the same Messiah the same God manifested in the flesh for he was born a Saviour Of whom all the Prophets had foretold And it had still a further progress as he passed further on in his life fulfilling all Righteous Observances as afterwards by his Death and Resurrection The thorough perfection of which time of correction was when he ascended up into the Heavens The Holy of Holies there So that if we speak of God thus manifested in the flesh thus was Redemption Work in the Antitype carried on the complete finishing thereof was upon Christ's going up to his Father from Earth to Heaven For then and not till then was the thorough completed consummation of the Old Testament Administration and then and not till then was the full perfect initiation of the New Testament Dispensation as the Author of this Epistle to the Hebrews doth expresly declare it If men will lay any more stress and weight in their arguing about this to any particular time and day then the very form and the true Existence and real Essence and the consummating Consecration of that Priesthood of Christ which did set an end to and did put down the Aaronical and Levitical Priesthood before which the whole of the Antitypical Work of Redemption so far as it did relate to the Priestly Office of Christ the Mediator between God and Man was not perfectly filled up This doth stand and consist in those things which do belong unto the Ascension of our LORD Jesus Christ into Glory For whilst Christ was on Earth there were other Priests which offered gifts according to the Law of the Pattern who did serve unto the Pattern and Shadow of Heavenly things of Heaven it self and so long Christ had not the former typical Priesthood so unchangeably unpassingly to any other passing into him as the Antitype so long as he remained on Earth he was not such an High Priest as the Author of this Epistle doth plainly word it into which Heaven Christ did therefore ascend to
spake all and every one of them in a singular emiment manner at the Mount Sinai he spake at other Seasons but this Law was spoken with more solemnity of proclaiming This is that Law which the Apostate Angels were and are trangressors of Satan is the Evil one he sets himself up as a God to be worshiped which is against the first and second he is a blaspheming spirit against the third Word He keeps not the Seventh-day Sabbath and tempts men to profane it against the fourth Words He has broken the Law of his Relation and tempts all both Superiors and Inferiors to break the established order according to the fifth Word Christ calls him a Murderer against the sixth Word An unclean spirit against the seventh Word He is a Thief a Robber a Stealer Robbs men of their holiness and happiness steals away the Word out of their hearts against the eighth Word He is a Lyar against the ninth Word A covetous craver of what is not his own And he sollicits men to covet what is their Neighbours against the tenth Word For this Decalogue is the Rule of Holiness and of Righteousness given to Angelical Natures who were summoned to appear at the solemn promulgation and proclaiming of this Law Even the Holy Spirits are doers of Jehovah's Commandments and they hearken unto the Voice of his Word And what is more yet this Law will be the perfect establish'd continud Law and Rule of Holiness and of Righteousness of the glorified ones for ever in Heaven How great therefore is there ignorance and how gross their mistake and dangerous their errour who daringly assert that this Law was temporay given only to one national people of Israel and some few more as if others were not under the obligation of it at least in part if not in whole Whereas it is a Kingly Law to which all mankind ought to be subject and conforming all being concern'd in this Law all being to be judged by this Law all sin and duty being to be measured by this Law There must an universal regard had to all and to every one of the Commands in the Decalogue both by Prince Minister and People There is a note of universality requiring Obedience to all these Commands and a word of singularity forbidding the breach and violation of any one of them Though Christ have Redeemed his people from the Curse of this Law yet not from the Rule of it the Redemption from the Curse of it doth still establish the Rule of it And as to this particular Law of the weekly Seventh-day Sabbath there was a mixed multitude of others with the Israelites at the very time of proclaiming it And the Stranger yea the very Cattel are expresly comprehended within the bounds and in the very Letter of this Word and natural Reason for the observation thereof And if men will still be so adventurous in this age of clear Light and of shining discovery as to go on to do the labour and work of their particular Functions and Imployments on the Seventh-day there is no Word of God that doth dispense with this neither can any word of man bear them out in it against a direct prohibition The ten words or the Law of the Decalogue being that perfect Image and exact Sampler according to which all Mankind in the loyns of Adam were at the first created in all Wisdom Holiness and Righteousness as their finite Capacities could take in and it being still the Rule and Direction for the renewing and restoring of Wisdom Holiness and Righteousness in any of the sons and daughters of men it is therefore in a proper sense the Law of Nature and it being so it hath some foundation in the Humane Nature and so doth respect all Mankind Jew and Gentile Male and Female no Sex nor Age no Language nor People excepted which Law when proclaimed at Mount Sinai universally concerned all the men and women that then were since have been now are and that shall be in the after Generations the Head and Representative of us all was under the Direction and Obligation of this Law and so are all the Posterity of Adam Sin was in the World from Adam even unto Moses and Death was reigning in the World from Adam even unto Moses and the Law was existing in the World from Adam even unto Moses when it was a new promulgated for where the Law is not in being sin is not reckoned Thus was the first Adam the representing Type of all Mankind who had this complete Law concreated with the Humane Nature This Decalogical Holiness and Righteousness though not the very natural Essence and real Substance of the Humane Nature nor necessarily flowing from the very principles of that Humane Nature yet was a concreated perfection in him and a connatural suitableness to him it was implanted in Adam's heat which Law and Obedience thereunto was the greatest part of his resembling the Image and likeness of his Creators and Makers it being after the same Pattern a Law commanding all Good and forbidding all Evil a Law of hidden ages without limitation of any time place or person serving all times all places all persons being an absolute full Directory both before and since the Fall whether this Law were given outwardly by the Creator to Adam by word and voice is not now the matter of inquiry Let it suffice that it was given to Adam which all his Postery should conform unto It was continued in the Church all along as a Rule of Life so it was to Noah one of the Fathers of the Gentile Nations who was a just man perfect in his Generations walking with Aelohim and finding Grace in the Eyes of Jehovah he was a Preacher of Righteousness a very Holy Righteous Man and an Obedient Believer The Anomous or lawless times of the later days are compared to Noah's days in that corrupt age Thus also to Abraham who was the Father of many Gentile-Nations of a multitude of them this Abraham had an express full Testimony from the LORD himself that he was such a one as obeyed the voice of Jehovah and kept his charge his commandments and Laws which three words are the same that are afterwards used by which to express the ten Commandments the Judgement and the Statutes which God gave by Moses Aelohim knew Abraham how that he would command his sons and his house after him and they should keep the way of Jehovah to do Justice and Judgement Thus also to Moses and to those of his time before the promulgation of this Law of the ten Words at Mount Sinai Jehovah Aelohim by Moses rebuked those who contrary to their LORD's commandment went out to seek food on the Seventh-day Sabbath and he expresseth himself thus in his convincing reproof How long will ye refuse to keep my commandments and laws the same words again implying that that rebellious disobedient people did continue on to be transgressors
of this holy Law of the ten Words particularly to be breakers of that Law of the Seventh-day Sabbath so that these Laws were well known to the Church and people of God by a long continued handing of them down by Posterity from Age to Age though practical Anomy or lawlessness had too much crept in and corrupted them of that Generation who neglected and broke them especially whilst bond-slaves in Egypt Afterwards when this Law was proclaimed and commanded at Mount Horeb where was a great mixture a miscellaneous multitude of Israelites and Gentiles who were present at that Mount and the stranger is expresly named in the very Letter of the Fourth Word or Command so that he also was under the obligation to yield obedience unto the Law of the Seventh day Sabbath The mind of man having by sin covered over with thick darkness ignorance errour and long di●use evil inclinations to Vice having much depraved and blinded the Understanding The LORD in words of his own mouth proclaimed this Law that it might be a manifest Testimony to mankind that natural Notions and Novelties of the Law concerning the difference between Good and Evil Duty and Sin were divinely ingrafted into the Nature of Mankind and were consentaneous unto this Eternal Rule of Holiness and of Righteousness which is in Aelohim He instaurs and restores the intire knowledge of his Will in his Law by this solemn promulgation that those old Letters of it which were much worn and defaced in the decayed Monuments of corrupt hearts might be more deeply ingraven and more plainly read again that what men had observed he by his own speaking Voice and writing Finger might rightly explain thus interposing his own Royal Authority to beget an inward testimony in their own consciences for the justness and equity of his holy righteous Law that all Mankind might be convinced of their sin and misery and might thereby be awakened to make out after a remedy otherwise they would be left altogether without excuse Upon the second of the Trumpets at Mount Sinai all Mankind was bound to make diligent inquiry after that which the LORD who is the King of Nations there spake so that they are all under his Law and are all bound thereunto being all concerned to take notice of the promulgation thereof by Royal Proclamation though more especially given forth at that place of Sinai It is not unworthy of serious consideration what a tonourous loud voice that was which not only all the Israelites did hear who yet were about six hundred thousand men a multitude that took up a great space of ground when Aelohim spake all the Words of the Decalogue This voice was also accompanied with a sound of Trumpets so exceeding loud as that the Lord could make all Mankind then alive to hear it such a sound shall go forth in the last day Besides all this what tempests were there at that solemnity what smoke what fire yea what thunderings and what an Earth-quake Such as might shake all the Inhabitants of the Earth at once and make them take notice of it For not only did Mount Sinai or Horeb quake greatly but that expression of Mount Sinai also doth shew that other parts of the Earth were shaken too The Earth was then shaken as the Earth shall be shaken at Christ's coming in the later days when all Nations shall be shaken or moved or made to tremble all and every one of them so shaken as the Heavens then will all of them at once All the Earth is bid to rejoyce at Jehovah's reigning which is described by his solemn giving of the Law which the Church is to rejoyce at and this is applyed unto Christ all the inhabited World was then enlightned all the Earth saw and trembled he then and their declared himself to be LORD of the whole Earth in giving forth this Kingly Law Thus this glorious Law-giver himself descended from Heaven with a shout his Charriot being twice ten thousand thousands of Angels the LORD being with them at Sinai in the Sanctuary and when he ascended to on high he led captive a Captivity he had taken Gifts unto Adam observe so is the Original word or in Adam which Paul doth explain to be men all Adam's posterity particularly from that time and also the rebellious to dwell with that God This Law universally concerneth all for in Christ all are one and whoever they were of the Heathen Nations that came into the Church of God in that day and were obedient unto all the Laws of Jehovah they had a part with Israel in all the holy things of God the Strangers themselves were under a Promise of having an allotted Inheritance in the Holy Land together with the Tribes of Israel There were the same privileges to the Obedient to the Stranger as to the Home-born The same judgments executed upon Transgressors of the Law of the Ten Words were he the one or the other All Nations under Heaven heard report of Israel and of the LORD 's appearing for them and giving them his holy Law Let the Reader further observe how it was afterwards when Solomon built the Temple at his dedicating of it he put the Stranger into his Prayer as well as the Israelite And this wise just Judge especially whilst his heart was right with the LORD judged according to this Law of the ten Words and the judicials annexed thereunto Solomon had his Dominion from Sea to Sea and from the River unto the ends of the Land they that dwelt in dry places kneeled before him and his Enemies licked the dust The Kings of Tharshish and of the Isles rendred an oblation the Kings of Sheba and Seba offered a present and all Kings bowed down to him all Nations served him he reigned over all Kingdoms who were someways under his subjection being herein a Type of Christ so that Solomon was a kind of Universal Monarch upon Earth ruling and governing by Jehovah's Laws Consider what the Office and Work of the Prophets was after Solomon's time even to preach Commentaries and Sermons upon this Law of the ten Words directing transgressors unto the Messiah to procure pardon and reconciliation And these Prophets especially some of them had not only the Israel of God put into their Embasse and Commission but also the Gentile Nations and Kingdoms and People let Jeremiah be one eminent instance of this when the LORD did set over the Nations and other the Kingdom according unto that Word which he brought or sent to them from Jehovah and according as they yielded obedience or not unto this Law of Jehovah so they were either built and planted or plucked up and broken down spoiled and destroyed All those Nations unto whom Jehovah sent Jeremiah with a word of Prophety were many not Jerusalem and Judah the Kings thereof the Princes thereof but also Pharaoh King of Egypt and his Servants and his Princes and
both these he asserts to be an universal day contrary to Scripture and Nature he saith a little after that Sun setting was in some places on the fourth day before Sun-rising and therefore it may be inferred according to this concession that it was night in some places when it was day in other places in other places it was Sun-rising before it was Sun-setting he who would make it otherwise in respect of the wide earth must take this Authors bare words for it without any proof our weeks and the days thereof here in England are as the first week and the days thereof were at the first creation of this part of the earth unless he can evidence that it was since that brought hither from some other part of the earth and if he could do that yet it would make nothing for the proving of his main general assertion whilst the main of the present inhabited earth doth stand firmly in the same place where it was at the first before it was inhabited There is one part of his objection which doth expect to have somewhat replyed to it wherein he thus argueth and reasoneth our Sunday sabbath saith he is the very same day of the week which was anciently observed by Jews and Gentiles for the solemn day of their solemn weekly worship beginning at the light part or morning of the day before Israels coming out of Aegypt and after that by the Gentiles and since Christs time by Gentil pagans and by Gentil-Christians thus far he the proof whereof he referreth us to some humane Authorities having quite contrary humane histories which do relate a different practice some whereof I am upon this occasion even necessitated to point unto for it is Scriptural Authority and Law and created nature and order which we resort unto for the proof of our position and therefore the Reader is here desired to bear a little herewith seeing I am even driven into it so many several Treatises having been sent and brought unto me which some are under a temptation to misjudge to be unanswerable unless somewhat be said and written to stop the mouths of such gain-sayers The Pagan Sun worshippers kept Sunday as this and other days of the week have their heathenish names still kept up besides the word and contrary to it the Jews kept Saturday for the Heathen charged the Jews that they worshipped Saturn for their God so doth one Historian record because they kept the seventh day which the Pagans had consecrated to Saturn Another called the Rest or quietness or leasure time of the Sabbaths Saturnin chairs or chairs of Saturn and therefore the Christians Sunday Sabbath is not the same day of the week observed by the Jews the Pagans did draw the Ionic or Asiatic Jews into their Civil Courts on the seventh day which the Jews complained of to him that was the Superior Power in Civil Government A learned Lexicographer makes Sunday the first and Saturday the seventh day of the week among Pagans The Warring Pagans both before Christs being born of a Virgin and also since did purposely assault the Jews in fight on the seventh-day The Pagans did scoff at the Jews Sabbath of which we have an account given in Scriptures and humane histories do also speak and write the same when the Christians complyed with the corrupt practice of the Pagans the Pagans charged the Christians that they were worshippers of the Sun because they kept and observed the first day of the week their Sunday The Christians do generally call the first-day of the week the Sunday and their Sabbath-day as this objector doth whereas Saturday has the name of Sabbath in all their Law Books in the English Ancient Records This objector doth confess that their Sunday-sabbath could not be the Jews Saturday-sabbath so that if there were no change of the day of the week from the seventh the last to the first in Moses's time which this Author calleth the seventh day all his building is upon the sand and doth totter and fall Another great Antiquary doth reckon the seven days of the week according to their course and order Sunday the first and so onwards Saturnday the seventh as most Christians now do the most Ancient Germans being Pagans as having appropriated their first day of the week to the particular adoration of the Sun whereof that day doth yet in our English Tongue retain the name of Sunday the next day was Monday appropriated to the Moon as the second great luminary the third day was Tuesday from Tuisco the reputed god among the Ancient German Pagans the Conductor of the Teutonic people at the confusion of Babel This objector doth confess that Adam knew from the standard of Gods working the six foregoing days and resting the seventh what was a day a week and the boundary thereof that in the state of iunocency the seventh day was Sacred and that this seventh day Sabbath was sanctified by God and celebrated by our first parents in Paradise and that never was the week counted to be more or less than seven days with any people Therefore I infer from hence that Adam kept the weekly seventh-day in order of time from the creation As the weekly Sabbath-day in imitation of the Creators Rest and Adam lived nine hundred and thirty years which observation he left upon record for after-ages the holy Spirit calleth the seventh day the Sabbath day after Christs Ascension into Heaven Many of the Authorities from humane Histories which this objector doth quote do militate for the LORDS seventh day against the Sunday Sabbath of this Author An Ancient Historian of our own witnesseth that the Rest on the seventh day was wont always to be celebrated who is there saith another that doth not honor that sacred day returning each Septenary of seven days neither is there any City of the Greeks saith a third or of the Barbarians nor any nation to whom the custom of the seventh day in which we Rest hath not come The first Fathers saith a fourth being taught of God kept the seventh day holy to God a fifth speaking of the seventh day affirmeth it to have been Venerable and Sacred in all ages among all Nations I might add a sixth seventh eighth and many more one calleth the Dominical day the eight from the Creation Another doth give it the name of the first after the Sabbath a third doth describe it by the beginning of days which a fourth doth call the first day of the week a fifth doth style it in a Sermon of his the first day of the week a sixth nameth it the eighth day which is also it self the first a perfect week In the second Century Christians on the first day of the week worshipping towards the East while they prayed fell into a suspicion of worshipping the Sun Another affirms that God rested when he had finished the former creation and therefore the men of that
others those full Treasuries of useful Arts and Sciences of all wisdom and knowledge that were in Christ and in his word and warns them of the Danger of that vain affectation of human wisdom which would seduce and carry them away for a prey though the Philosophick World were very fond of this and cryed it up much and had given it a great Name of Honour yet it was that which was but a Falsly-called-Science and which would turn them away from the Faith Nor yet do men therefore greatly Err because they know not the Innate or acquired Powers of mens own Rational Intellect and will How many Millions have been seduced by the Aristotelian way of self ratiocination which not only misled some in his time but has also misguided such multitudes of men of Choice Wits and of pregnant parts for so many Ages since Let Pauls Judgment according to the word be hearkened to in this case the Animal-man the Souly-man the Victuoso-man that hath no other Light than what is now Corruptedly natural no higher Reason than what is meerly humane no better wisdom than what is attained in Schools of Philosophy This man Comprehends not the things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishness unto him and he cannot understand them because they are Spiritually judged The true Critical-distinguishing-differencing-discerning of these is from a Spiritual principle in a Regenerate new Heart in one that has the mind of Christ in his word Self idolizing has brought in Idolatrous Worship when men think themselves to be wiser than God and they will be making to themselves and for others new and after-kinds and Forms of worship and of service according to their own understanding shaped with their Art and dressed with their skill Wrong conceiving that Aelohim was and would be altogether like themselves They confide in their own forming though it be but a teacher of lying a brutish folly an instruction of vanities It is the Powerfulness of God to throw down this worldly wisdom and humane eloquence and Reputationed-reasonings and high imaginations and will-worshippings that do so lift themselves up against the Knowledge of God and to lead Captive every thought to the Obedience of Christ We should cease from hearkening to such Institutions of Learning as would cause us to err from the true words of Scripture-knowledge Errour also doth not arise from hence that men do not know Natural experiments and fleshly sensations The Epicurean Religion is a doctrine of falshoods and of Errours Solomon in his Book called Ecclesiastes doth treat of this Subject-matter at large about natural History and experimental Philosophy openly acknowledging to the Church his Errour and folly his sin and madness in not improving of that wisdom which Aelohim gave him in answer to his choice and request in a word-way but giving himself over to the studie of Philosophy to try whether he could find out some exacter knowledge in this kind of Learning and whether it were not a necessary adapted meanes for the attaining of the chiefest God as the great end of Rational Creatures and therefore towards the close he adviseth his Son to take heed of Philosophick Sophies no end of making many Books of such humane Learning and much studious reading of them would but weary him and waste his time and therefore it would be true wisdom in him to keep close to word-revelations and to seek saving enlightning there for this was all Adam whilst Adam reteined his integrity till he sought many humanely invented Arts and Sciences besides that which Aelohim had put into Created Nature and Revealed word The sum and the argument the Subject and the matter the drift and the Design the Scope and the End of this Book is to set out the vanity and unsuccesfulness of Philosophick Learning and opinions about the cheifest good of man discovering and confuting their mistakes by an induction of particulars in the way of their own Logical Method Detecting the fallaciousness of their arguing and the carnality of their principles and the corruptness of their Tenets shewing that mans happiness is found in the saving knowledge sound Faith holy Fear and perfecting Obedience of and to Jehovah Aelohim and his will revealed in his word and not in the mishapen-monstrous-fancyed felicities of Ethnick Philosophers nor in a skilfulness in their Arts and Sciences whether more speculative metaphysical ones to gratify the unmortified voluptuousness of a wanton intellect or more practical ones suited to an animal appetite a sensitive itch and a sensual life immersed in fleshly disquisitions and in carnal delight Solomon had been long Conversant in Paganish knowledges and doth now manifest the vainness of its vanity introducing the several Sects pleading and disputing for their way and party And then answering their Arguments and bewraying the Captious deceitfulness of them So that it would much improve usefull learning to point out exactly and particularly through this Book when it is that an Ethnick Philosopher doth Logically Syllogize and Rhetorically perswade For what is the Logicians Major is the Rhetoricians Proposition what is the Philosophers Minor is the Orators Assumption and what is the Sophisters Conclusion is the Perswaders Complexion or Inference and when it is that a Theological Christian Preacher doth Spiritually confute and convincingly disswade self evidencingly prove and demonstratively argue I therefore propound this Disquisition to the Studious and ingenious as a further augment of profitable Learning When men do ask Counsel of unscriptural Philosophy it is a Spirit of Whoredome that causeth them to err Sensuality bringeth forth errour Inordinate love after creature-knowledges and enjoyments seduceth them from the faith Wizardly-Philosophy was Balaams Errour and too many are still wandering in that by-way of his That is the best Religion with the most that is accommodated to their peace and plenty which will cloath their backs and fill their bellies which will take them off from self-denyal and from cross-bearing and although divers are not so drencht in sottishness and sensualities but are sober Scholars and chast Students yet the unscriptural way they take in their researches into natural Histories and experimental Philosophy will never so attain its useful end for the true advance of profitable Learning till more studied in the Book of Scriptures and suiting all experiments unto this word-knowledge Neither yet do men therefore Err because they know not the unscriptural Impulses of speculative Enthusiasts Here the Platonists did err by conceiving of strange Ideas of things and then nursing up their monstrous bratts It is one choice part of experimental Christianity and which needs much of spiritual discerning to know what manner of Spirit we are of Even a James and a John two of Christs eminent Disciples were rebuked by Christ for that they did not discriminate wisely in this matter Their revengeful Spirit at that time would have commanded fire from Heaven to consume the unkind Samaritans they must have it come down at their
word and for this they pretend and plead the example and Spirit of Elias as if their case and Spirit had been of the same kind when it was hellish Fire of their own kindling and of the Devils blowing up which they should rather have endeavoured to quench and to put out We must not beleive every Spirit but ought to try the Spirits whether they are of God The Spirit of others and our own Spirit that we may know the Spirit of truth according to Christ and his word and may difference it from the Spirit of Errour which is against Christ and his word There was a time when persecuting Saul verily thought with himself that he ought to do many contrary things to the Name of Jesus of Nazareth which when he was preaching Paul he discerned were his great Errour and his gross Sin and he openly condemns himself for and doth write his confession and retractation The Spirit who is the truth and the word which is the truth do go together Once more men do not therefore er● because they know not the doubtful Questionings of unsettled Sceptick's and of Cosmical Suspecters The Doctrine of Probabilities So the word signifies in that place to the Colossians cited in the margin is a misleading Doctrine It would beguil men by doubtful disputations and by deceitful conclusions with such cunning perswasions as do carry a fair shew such as Logicians and Rhetoricians Philosophers and Orators do usually bring under the shadowie colour of probable Reasons and likely Arguments to make nothing of all things and any thing of every thing by their sophistical Quidlibets and Fallacious Quodlibets But Sound serious well discerning right Judging beleivers should not suffer themselves thus to be imposed upon and deluded A thorow wholesome Scripture-knowledge is one approved remedy against Heart-doubtings either to prevent them or to cure them This would bring in sound Truth upon and leave them with a renewed Heart with a no-doubt there of them God cannot lye at any time though men do so too often He is true Whilst men are so overcome of doubtings and waverings not in the way which is sometimes the case of sound Beleivers but about the way how can they go on with such conviction and comfort with such sweetness and satisfaction Let not the Reader misjudge this a Diversion and that too long a one also For besides that it contains a direct answer to the Objection which did call for it so doth it fully promote the grand designe of this Treatise All unscriptural Antiscriptural waies methods arguings and endeavourings to turn any from the Errour of their way to the Truth is no adapted means for the attaining of this end And therefore in the Demonstrating proofs that I have brought for the confirming and establishing of the Seventh day the last day of the Week to be still the weekly Sabbath they are such as are carried through the whole Scripture and have their Foundation in pure primitive created Nature I do not send and refer them to humane Authorities and Histories and Traditions as this Objector doth The Scripture-way is the only convincing converting way Other Mediums by self-excogitated and man-invented Artifices are like to leave Erring men but the more profound Atheists the more learned Infidels and the more subtil Hereticks Though arguments as to men may be drawn from their own Concessions assertions histories and other Authorities of mens sayings writings and printings which was somewhat of the way that Paul sometimes took with Ethnicks and Philosophers whereby to stop their Mouths and to convince them from thence As Christ also will one day by the same Medium condemn many from their own acknowledged principles not improved yet this will not convincingly convert a plain sound believer having Spiritual discerning in the truths and things of the Spirit of God and being well acquainted with the Scriptures is far better secured against dangerous damnable Errours than the most learned of vain affecters of humane wisdom The only summary of all sound truth for the confuting and condemning of all Errour is to be searched after in the Scriptures of truth where the Restauration Proficiency and advancement of all useful learning is When can a serious inquiring Spirit come to any firm settlement and sound satisfaction if he were to refer all to the extrascriptural Judgment and Histories of Churches Heresies and Schisms profanenesses and disorders quickly crept in into particular Churches that were of Apostolical plantation As Pauls Epistles to them do evidently declare And since that one particular Church doth sometimes contradict another particular Church in their confessions of Faith and the contention is so hot and so high as that they withdraw from one another and will not have mutual Communion with each other As for the universal Church how shall a particular beleiver be well groundedly ascertained what is the concurrent Judgement of the Universal Church How fruitless and vain have their attempts hitherto been who have endeavoured by conference and Writing and Cost and Labour and Pains and Travel to be Church-Reconciliators Church-peace-makers They dyed away and never lived to see their designe accomplished Still there are differences and divisions kept up amongst the Churches one great cause whereof has been that the Attempters and promoters of Church-union and peace have been setting up some confession of Faith and Articles of Religion of humane Composure which they would have all to joyn in and subscribe to Which course will never be able to accomplish that designe The whole Scripture of Truth is the one and the only rule of this Suppose yet further that I knew that the Concurrent Judgment of all the Churches of Christ all the inhabited Earth over were of one mind and of one way in some things yet neither could this alone or mainly secure me from fears of Erring For the whole Church has erred and may actually err Under the Old Testament the LORD himself appointed a special Sacrifice for Atonement and reconciliation in this particular Case when the whole Congregation or Church of Israel did err through ignorance in omitting some commanded duty or in Committing some forbidden Sin And that they actually did thus ignorantly err for some hundreds of years together we have it recorded in the word Thus under the New Testament in Christs time the Church of the Jews which at that season was the only Church of God generally those of them that were in Judea and the scattered of the tribes in other parts did greatly Err about Christs Reign on Earth whom they concluded would be as a Temporal Prince to come with outward pomp and power for the raising of Israel to high promotion in the world and to restore again the Kingdom to Israel And this Corrupt leaven still sowred and swelled their Spirits even after that some of them became Disciples of Christ who still were stiff to this wrong Tenet and the good Apostles themselves did long mistake about