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A30510 The memorable works of a son of thunder and consolation namely that true prophet and faithful servant of God and sufferer for the testimony of Jesus, Edward Burroughs, who dyed a prisoner for the word of God in the city of London, the fourteenth of the twelfth moneth, 1662. Burrough, Edward, 1634-1662.; Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669. 1672 (1672) Wing B5980; ESTC R31282 1,280,745 962

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then they forgot God and regarded not to perform their Engagements neither to God nor his People for which cause the Lord cut them off in his sore displeasure and brought an utter Desolation upon them according to the words of his Servants and this Prophet of God lived to see their Desolation come which was sad to behold and his Prophesies were fulfilled in his own dayes And he also warned the present Rulers of this Nation to take heed of walking in the Steps of them that are gone before and for these things and for the publishing of the Truth of God and for bearing his Testimony with boldness against all Oppression and Cruelty he was hated of the men of this Generation but chiefly by some of the Rulers of the City of London He sealed his Testimony with his life in Bonds and so they have wilfully brought innocent Blood upon themselves and heavy will it lie upon them in the day of Account which greatly hastens wherein the Lord God will make inquisition for the Blood of the Innocent and reward every man according to his Deeds then will his Blood be upon you as the Blood of a thousand men and how will you bear your Sentence from the Lord of Hosts because you will be found guilty of the Blood of his Prophets Messengers and Servants which he sent unto you in love to your Souls to fore-warn you of the Evil which greatly hastens to come upon you Yet notwithstanding you have done all these things and the cry of Innocent Blood hath been heard so loud amongst you yet have you hardened your Hearts and go on in stiff-neckedness and persist in your Cruelty towards the Servants of the Lord that are left behind and are found casting them into Prison Oh wo is me for you where will a place be found for you in the day of the Lord or what Covering will you hide your selves under Or how will you appear before the Righteous God of Heaven and Earth Have you no consideration in you of your latter end Or else do you believe that the Lord sees not your Cruelty towards his People that you will not answer his requirings which is to do Justly and love Mercy and walk Humbly with the Lord and to do unto all men as you would they should do unto you surely if the consideration of these things were in your hearts or if you had any regard to keep your Consciences clear in the sight of God herein you could never do as you have done Wherefore consider these things and lay them to heart and repent speedily lest you sin your day away and place of repentance there cannot be found For this I tell you plainly that it is in vain for you to strive against the Lord or to seek to stop or hinder his Work which he hath begun for he will be too strong for you and he will make you bow and bend to his own Name and Power whether you will or no. And though he bear with you long and suffer you long yet his Long-suffering will come to an end and though you should be permitted to fulfill your envious Wills and lustfull Desires so far as to Banish or Kill or Destroy us from off the Earth yea all of us who are now in being which I do not believe ever shall be yet would God raise up another People by the same Power and Spirit in and by which we stand which should be a Terror unto you and should possess God's Everlasting Kingdom which is not of this World over your heads And in the time of his outward weakness he was heard to say That though this Body of Clay must return to the Dust yet I have this Testimony that I have served God in my Generation and that Spirit which hath lived and acted and ruled in me shall yet break forth in thousands and my faith is That it shall be even so for we have found him a true Prophet amongst us and to the Nations And this also near his departure he was heard to desire of the Lord That if it were possible to forgive Brown c. And so let all Friends be encouraged to wait upon the Lord in the feeling of the same Spirit that was in him which we know is the Saints Comforter that thereby you may be carried through all Tribulations and Persecutions with chearfulness that in the end you may all receive the Crown of Everlasting Righteousness with him and the rest of the Saints of the most High God and holy Prophets and Apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ. And so the Lord God Almighty of Heaven and Earth be with you all and keep you all in faithfulness unto the end Amen And this is my Testimony for that Man of God who hath been a Blessing to the Lord in his Generation and also to this Nation And in this I have eased my Spirit and am clear in my Conscience in the Sight of God having done that which was my duty to do Josiah Coale A Testimony of George Fox Concerning Edward Burroughs HIS Name is Chronicled in the Lamb's Book of Life a Righteous Plant Pure Chaste Clean Who can tax him for Oppressing them or Burdening them or being Chargeable to them Who through the Suffering hath finished his Course and Testimony who is now crowned with the Crown of Life and Reigns with the Lord Christ forever and ever And in his Ministry in his Life-time he went through Sufferings by bad spirits who never turn'd his Back on the Truth nor his Back from any out of the Truth A Valiant Warrior more then a Conqueror who hath got the Crown through Death and Sufferings who is dead but yet liveth amongst us and amongst us is alive George Fox A Warning from the Lord To the Inhabitants of Underbarrow and so to all the Inhabitants in ENGLAND Where it shall meet with them who holds up the false Teachers and false Worship and who beat stock stone and persecute and hale out of their Assemblies those who are sent by the Lord to speak his Word freely With an Exhortation that they haste to meet the Lord by true repentance by putting off the works of darkness lest the Lord cut them assunder by his Sword which is already drawn and put into the hands of his Servants Also a word to my Brethren and Companions in tribulation in the Kingdom and Patience of Jesus Christ who are by the World scornfully called Quakers With the manner of my passage through the dark World wherein the simple ones may see the deceits of the man of sin in his actings like the true Spirit to warn all to follow the true Light within which leads unto God and to beware of the Voice Lo here and Lo there TO all you the Inhabitants of Underbarrow profane ones and Professors you my Neighbours and Country men according to the flesh but Strangers as in the spirit to you all who are in the customary formal traditional Worship of
now I am but praised praised be the Lord for evermore who hath separated me from the World and worldly glories and hath made me a partaker of his Love in whom my Soul hath fall satisfaction joy and content Thus have I travelled through the World even unto the end and am now come to the beginning of that which never shall have end which the dark mind of man knows not E. B. I Am a Prisoner for the Truth sake and for Declaring to man of his Wickedness and of his Transgression of the spiritual Law of God which is spiritual and for writing of a Letter which was written from God to shew to man of his wicked ways and how he stood in the presence of God as by the spiritual Light of God which shines in the hearts of his servants was discovered and made manifest unto me for who Speaks Writes or Declares from the Light of God which doth discover all the dark paths of fallen man and all his spiritual Wickedness Speaks Writes and Declares not as from man whose light is only natural and carnal which is darkness in the pure Light which is eternal but as from God whose Light is spiritual and doth make manifest the secret Whoredom of fallen man and from this Light did the Prophets and Ministers of God who were sent by him to reprove Sin and Transgression Speak Write and Declare and in this Light did the true Prophets Ieremiah and Hosea discover Israel to be adulterous and in the presence of God to be guilty of Whoredom from whose presence they declared And all now who are sent of God to reprove for Sin and Iniquity declares from the same Light of God and by the same Spirit which Ieremiah and Hosea did For the pure Light of God is but one from generation to generation in all generation which discovers Sin and Iniquity the same Light now as in the time of the Prophets and Apostles and from this Light which is not carnal but eternal did all the holy men of God Write and Declare And all who are sent of God now witnesses the same Light and Speaks from the same Light now as they did then for who cannot witness this Light are no Ministers of God neither ever were sent of God to Declare the Truth from God but are Deceivers and blind Guids and spea●● from the natural and carnal light the imagined and supposed light which hath not seen the living spiritual God for Declaring by Writing to a man that he is guilty of all manner of wickedness naming pride drunkenness and whoredom I am imprisoned I wrote not as from man whose light is only natural and carnal and doth only make manifest carnal Transgressions of a carnal Law but as from the eternal and spiritual light which doth make manifest spiritual Transgressions of a spiritual Law And in this Light is he to whom I wrote guilty of all manner of Wickedness Now this which I declared from God who is spiritual is above the reach and comprehension of the carnal and earthly Law for by the natural light through the earthly Law is no natural man able to judge of that which is spoken or declared from that which is eternal and spiritual for darkness cannot comprehend the light which light all the Servants and Ministers of God are guided by to Act Speak or Write and therefore do I deny to have this Cause put into the Judgement of carnal Lawyers who judges by the natural light through the earthly and carnal Law yet willing I am before any Authority to Answer for my self that whereof I am Accused but to the Judgement of earthly Magistrates I do not stand but to the Judgement of the Living and Eternal Judge who Judges not according to the sight of the eyes and hearing of the ears but who judges with Equity and Righteousness thus rather I chose to suffer imprisonment in the Body yet free as to God in the Truth waiting to be Redeemed not by the earthly Powers through the earthly Law but by him who is Eternal whose Law is Eternal who orders all things by his mighty Power to which Power I give up my self to be kept in it and ordered by it continually Here I have given to all People the ground of my Imprisoment in the particular of it though I might in few words have declared the thing for between the feed of the Woman and the Seed of the Serpent is Enmity put and he in whom the Seed of the Serpent is Ruling seeks the destruction of him in whom the Seed of the Woman is Raised And here is the Ground of all the Saints Imprisonment now as ever was the envy of the Devil working in Fallen man against the living Truth of God where it is made manifest By one who is a Labourer in the Vineyard who is not known to the World though named of the World EDWARD BURROUGH THE Walls of Jericho Razed down to the GROUND OR An Answer to a Lying Book called The Quaking Principles dashed in pieces Wherein one called Henoch Howet which goes under the name of an Anabaptist doth falsely accuse and maliciously belye us his seven Principles which he calls ours I shall lay down and what we own is vindicated and what he hath belyed the Truth in is turned upon his own head NOw is the time wherein the Lord God of Heaven and Earth is setting up a Kingdom and exalting his Name in the Earth and is exalting his own Son upon the holy Hill of Sion and is discovering the Mother of Harlots who hath made all Nations drunk with her Fornication and Iezabel shall be cast into a Bed of Torment and the fire of the Lord God is come down from Heaven and is kindled in the Earth to burn up and destroy and to consume to ashes even all those that have worshipped the Beast and hath his Image and the false Prophets that have deceived the Nations and they both shall be taken alive and cast into the pit for the Lord is grieved and wearied with this adulterous and viperous Generation who are offering up that which stinks in his nostrils and strange fire and are professing him and his Resurrection who crucifie him and put him to open shame and they deny the end of his coming and are offering in Cains nature while they slay the Just and are in the gainsaying of Corah who perished in it and so shall all those that gainsay the Lord in his Way and now the Lord of Heaven and Earth is proclaming War with the Dragon and his Angels and they shall be cast out and whosoever doth resist him in his way shall be broken to pieces as a Potters vessel and thou Henoch Howet who would limit the holy One of Israel and bind him up in thy carnal reason and stint him in his Way and Form up things in thy imagination from the Scripture and walks by Tradition thou art accusing us among the Papist but let it stand for
stands in time and in the airy Philosophy and imagination and thy great words etetnity and eternities shall stand thee in no stead for that which is Eternal was before thou wast and shall be when thou art brought down to the pit with all thy imaginations And so that thou mightst not glory any more in thy shame I have answered thy Queries and for the simple ones sake that they might not be stumbled by thy stumbling queries who dwell● not in the Light EDWARD BURROUGH An Answer to a Book called Choice Experiences Given forth by I. Turner Also the Copy of a Letter sent to the Assembly of those that are called Anabaptists in Newcastle I Have met with a Book called Choice experiences given forth by one J. Turner who by Iohn Spilsbery in his Epistle is called a Daughter of Syon and her self declareth in the 109. pag. of her Book of being brought out of Babylon into Syon but all along through her Book he● language is one and the same before her comming out of Babylon and in Syon as she saith her language is the language of Babylon wholly and she is yet a servant in bondage in Babylon unto the Mistress of Witchcraft and never came to witnes● freedom in Syon for I know her voyce it s the language of her City where she now dwells which is in confusion in Babylon And whereas she declares of some particulars which she calls Dec●its whereby she was deceived in the 109. pag. in that which she calls the fifth note of experience concerning notions and pretended spiritualities in which Satan transforms hi●self into an Angel of light and how the Lord was pleased to recover her out of deceit I answer It is plain to the spiritual man which discerns of truth and deceit that she is yet deceived and unrecovered out of deceit and here I charge her that she belyes the Lord for he hath not recovered her out of deceit for she hath resisted him in that work as is made appear in her Book and she is now in notion and not in power and in pretended spiritualities and not really in the Spirit and Satan is now transformed in her into an Angel of light by which she is deceived and whereas she talkes of her choice experien●es death yet raigns in her and is no whit subdued I speak as in the presence of the Lord who am moved to lay open her deceit to the simple who doth blaspheme the God of Heaven in his Saints in calling Truth error and calling that deceit which by the Spirit of the Lord I own to be truth and calls those corrupt Principles which were owned by the Servants of the Lord in former Generations and which are owned now by them which witness the same Spirit which Spirit of Christ she makes appear she knows not who hath denied him and salvation by him within Whereas she speaks of Satan envying her happiness and waits his opportunity to catch her as a Fish in the Water covering his book with a baite of Mystery and spirituality I answer She is yet in the power of Satan he hath already catched her with his covered hook which is covered with a very fair out side a fair Form of Truth a likeness of it with the likeness of a Church and of a Baptism and of a Fellowship c. is she beguiled already and is unhappy through the opportunities which the Devil hath waited over her for she it under the curse lying in the fall and enmity And whereas she speaks Of having escaped him in his former appearances as a Devil yet now transforms himself as an Angel of light I answer She hath not escaped him as a Devil and here she is a Lyar for his appearance is in her in lying and in speaking evil of those things she knows not and he is transformed in her as an Angel of light but she knows it not but lyes in darkness in the mystery of iniquity in notion and the pretence of spirituality And she saith Those that are so deceived are the fittest Agents to promote his Kingdom I answer Here it is made manifest she who is deceived by the Devil doth much promote his Kingdom by strengthening the hands of evil doers who through her writing hardens their hearts against the truth Whereas she speaks Of Satans drawing persons by corrupt principles which they would have trembled at the thought of before they had such principles I answer This is her own condition she is drawn by Satan to follow corrup● principles which if she did see she would tremble at the sight of them And she saith God was not onely pleased to keep her from such things but to discover the way by which persons are brought to such things I answer Here again I charge her that s●e belies the Lord which is Blasphemy for he hath not kept her from corrupt Principles he would but she hath resisted him and the discovery from God to her will be plagues and wo for death and darkness raigns which makes manifest themselves in her which is her discovery She speaks of avoiding those ways and forewarning others to avoid them likewise I answer She hath not avoyded the wayes of darkness but hath chosen them and hath avoyded the way of truth as is made manifest who hath denied salvation by Christ within and as she hath avoyded the way of truth her self so she casts a stumbling-block in the way of the simple to avoyed it likewise Whereas she speaks of discovering Satan under these vails and saith by barkening to the voyce of the Tempter she was deceived and beguiled by him in some particular things I answer Satan is not yet discovered to her but lyes under his vayle in Flesh deceiving her and by her bearkening to the voyce of the Tempter she is now deceived by him not in few things but in many I speak it as in the presence of the Lord who shall judge of her and me And she speaks of ever being humbled in the presence of God for it I answer When the dreadfull God shews his presence she cannot stand but shall be confounded who doth here speak to the dishonour of his Name True humility she knows not for the man of sin is exalted in her above all that is called God And whereas she speaks of beginning to be somewhat confused in her judgement and she speaks of not being swallowed up with confusion I answer She is in confusion and hath never been out of it as to every single eye may appear she is not only somewhat in confusion but is rowled and swallowed up in it and it is long since it began in her Whereas she speaks of being weak in Principles I answer It it true the Principle which is of God is and hath been weak in her for it is over-powred by the Principle of Deceit which is not weak but strong and which rules and Guides her in her own will Whereas she speaks of being with a
Members of one Head and mind always the Testimony of Truth its self and walk therein and you cannot stumble Have not respect to Persons but to the Truth only for Persons may change but the Truth abides for ever So let not an evil Eye look at Evil when it comes to pass to take occasion thereby against the Truth for then you stumble and fall but I say again have respect only to the pure Testimony of Truth which is sure and cannot err nor alter though man may change and err and that is the Testimony which is held forth for Salvation evon the Testimony of God with whom there is no shaddow of turning Therefore all take heed unto your selves that you give not nor receive any offence against the Lord and against your own souls but know the Seed of God in which stands the Election where the Covenant of God is sure and unalterable and a Birth you must all know to be brought forth in you which must inherit and that is it which is born of the Spirit which doth obtain the Promise it is not that birth which is of the Flesh which works by willing and running and thinking that obtains not the Promise of God neither is Salvation shewed unto it but in Patience and in Long-suffering is the Victory received over all the Powers of Darkness which make war against the Kingdom of God So all Friends dwell in that which lets you see before the World was and that stops and limits all Strife in the mind and gives you victory over it and none must glory in the Flesh for that glory must be confounded but let him that glories glory in the Lord in the Spirit and not in the Flesh And take heed that none of you abuse your liberty which is in Christ Jesus neither turn it into fleshly Bondage and thereby the Just comes to suffer and the fleshly part comes to rule above the Seed of God but dwell in the Cross which suppresseth every high Thought and whatsoever is against God in the first motion and thereby you will be preserved from the Enemy which watcheth for Evil against you and seeks occasion against the Way of the Lord but mind that which keeps you pure for it is the pure in Heart that sees God and it is him that is of clean Hands and of a pure Heart that inherits God's holy Mountain And as concerning all your Afflictions and Sufferings and Tryals and Persecutions and whatsoever is laid upon you by the Lord or by Men I say bear all things patiently and endure all things in Long-suffering these things are but for a moment and they are not worthy to be compared with the Price of God's Inheritance and if you dwell in the Counsel of the Lord all these things will be turned unto your good in all Tryals and Sufferings the Lord's Arm will be revealed and these things must come to pass that Truth may appear in its beauty in Victory over all that which doth oppose it and vengance is the Lord's and he will repay for he doth enquire after our Blood though no man lay it to heart or consider the cause or unjust Sufferings of the Innocent who are become a Prey to the Ungodly and unjust Men till God arise to plead our Cause And all Afflictions and Sufferings are but for to try and prove they are not to confound or destroy the Lord's People and therefore in patience they must be born and the Life of God felt which gives Dominion over all these things And receiving all things as from the Hand of the Lord then in all things your Peace will remain and God's Testimony will witness Peace and acceptance with God And of all Injustice and Abuses and Cruelty acted upon you by any at any time keep account of it and draw it up in short and plain words the occasion and manner of it and at every Quarter Sessions let a true Declaration of all unjust Sufferings be presented in prudency and singleness of heart to the Justices or Grand-Jury by such as are wise and faithful and appeal to the Witness of God in them in such Causes that that of God in all Men may witness for us Let this be done as cause is seen at every Sessions in the Wisdom and Authority of God that in all things Justice and true Judgment may be sought after and in Patience waited for till the Lord alone our King and Judge and Law-giver comes to reign over all his Enemies when all that now suffer for him shall reign with him A Servant to the Churches of Christ E. B. To the Elect and Chosen Seed of God in London TO the Elect and Chosen Seed of God most dear and precious who are redeemed to God and joyned in Covenant with him and have tasted and felt and heard of the Love and Peace of the Father and to all the Faithfull and Called of God who are Partakers of the Power and Presence of an Endless Life in particular unto you the Flock of God in and about London who fear the Lord and wait upon him and over whom he is the chief Shepherd The Salutation in the Father's Love by me a Brother and Companion unto all the Children of Sion and chiefly unto you a Friend in Heart and nothing more desiring for you then your encrease in God and that Grace Peace Love and Fellowship from the infinite Father of Heaven and Earth may be largely encreased and aboundantly multiplied amongst you and in all your hearts that you may shine forth in the Beauty of the Lord and the Garment of Righteousness and Truth may be spread over you all and that the Spirit of Holiness may rest upon you that the fruit thereof may greatly abound in you and spring forth from you whereby the Father who hath begotten you may be glorified through the Nation and among his Saints through the World and my Soul wisheth that the Fear of the Lord be amongst you and his terror upon all your Enemies Amen DEarly Beloved and much desired after in the Lord the Spirit of the Father in upon me to put you in remembrance of these things of the greatest price which belong unto your Peace which have been hid from you in the time of Darkness but now are reveal'd unto you whereof your Eyes have seen your Ears have heard your Hands have handled and your Hearts have perceived and now be not unmindful thereof but take heed unto the precious Treasure of Life Eternal which the Father hath given unto you I mean the Knowledge of himself who is manifest to dwell in you and to walk in you and to lead you and to guide in all his Wayes of Peace and Truth and this is that Treasure more desirable and of greater price then the Glory of the whole Earth yea it is Peace to the soul and Gladness to the heart and Refreshment to the life to feel and witness the Teaching of the Spirit of the Father
of Calvin or Form of Prayer as these have now the Common-Prayer and both the one and the other have cast off the POPES Form and brought in their own get into a Form of words a For● of worship without either Life or Power The PAPISTS in some things that they begin to do will say In the Name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Ghost And the Protestants or them who call themselves of the reformed Church that are come off from the Papists some of them when they go about to do a thing will say Our help is in the Name of the Lord which made Heaven and Earth Here both the one and the other have a Form of words but out of the Name the one as well as the other out of the Life out of the Power and Authority of our Lord Iesus Christ. Therefore what they do how can it be done in his Name which themselves are out of Though they may be in the words and do a thing in the words But that is not a doing it in the Name for to do things in so many words in their own Time and Will that which themselves have brought in is one thing But to do it in the Name Power and Authority of the Lord Iesus Christ is another for words is not the Name nor the Power and the Kingdom stands in the Power not in words Therefore all people see what you do that it be done in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ the true Light of the World who lighteth every man that cometh into the World in his Light in his Power then that will bring you to cease from your own words and following your own ways doing it in his Power in his Strength out of your own words your own ways and your own wills in his Name For what hath form or words either one or the other hitherto produced or brought forth without Life or Power Hath your long Profession and Forms of the words brought any of you yet into the possession of the things Or will it ever do If not What serves it to Who hath required it to have it done And is it not his right alone who is to be worshipped to direct himself how he will be worshipped Or is not all other service and worship in the will And so Will-worship that is not of his own direction or appointment And the Scripture saith John chapter 4. as you may read God is a Spirit and he will be worshipped in the Spirit and in the Truth Mark that He who is a Spirit will be worshipped in the Spirit and in the Truth that which the Devil abode not in for into a Form of words Drunkards Swearers Lyars Prophane Persons unrighteous which are shut out of the Kingdom may get into words in such a worship out of the Spirit but that is not the worship which God requires And is it not equal that he alone direct how he will be worshipped that is to be worshipped And thou art so to perform thy service towards him that of him it may be accepted and so it is rightly done when done as he hath appointed it as he hath directed And Obedience is more than Sacrifice whom thou art to obey if thou wilt do him service who is worshipped or served in the Spirit and in the Truth whose Will then comes to be done and not thine who will be so worshipped and so served But otherwise is it not thine own will and not his that is done Therefore whosoever will come to worship the KING the LORD of HOSTS must come to worship him in his own way not in their ways to bow down to his Light to bow down to the measure of his Spirit in them for the Manifestation of the Spirit is given to every one to profit withal Otherwise will not People Teachers and Professors be always in the profitless condition Ever learning and never come to the knowledge of the Truth E. B. TO THE BELOVED and CHOSEN of GOD in the Seed Elected Particularly in LONDON And elsewhere who have seen the day of Christ and received the Message of Peace and Reconciliation in these last Dayes of his Glorious Appearance THe dear salutation of my life salutes you all in the most pure and dearest love with which I am beloved of the Father and with which also at this present my Heart is filled and issueth forth towards you and the whole Body of the elected Ones and the remembrance of you in the Lord is very precious unto me as I see and behold and have fellowship with you in the Immortal Life which the Father hath begotten in you and in me and in which my knowledge is of you and my unity with you and therein only is the remembrance of my dearest love unto you and in which I hope I am also known and remembred of you even in the spiritual Relation and Heirship of Immortality being fellow Citizens of the heavenly Ierusalem and Children of her conception and bringing forth Now my dearest Friends seeing you have believed in the Light and Life of men even in him that was and is and is to come and have also tasted of that all Fulness that is in him you have a Witness in your selves even of the Spirit of the Father which is greater then all and you need no other Testimony but that of the Spirit That the Lord is good and full of Grace Truth Mercy Peace and Joy even the Fountain and Treasure of all Vertue and Blessedness in this present time and hereafter I say If you have tasted and felt of Immortal Life and if the Fountain hath been opened in you and you have seen his Glory and received of his Treasure then the Evidence dwells in you of eternal blessedness and no man needs to teach you of these things nor to say unto you know the Lord if you dwell in him and go no more forth yet bear with me a little that I may speak and be refreshed not to diminish from what Testimony you have in you but the rather to add towards it for my witness is not another but the same which ye enjoy which is faithful and true and this I say Oh how great how mighty and powerful is the Lord our God everlasting and infinite he is that eternal Spirit that filleth all the Creator and beeing of all things that are the life and vertue in all and the invisible Substance greater then all he is in himself the imme●●rable and infinite Fulness the Fountain of Life of Mercy and Righteousness and Peace and of all Vertue and of every good Thing who can declare his beginning or end he is without Time Place or thing yet gives beeing to all and is present in all yet not known saving of himself and by his own Spirit yet he effecteth all things and worketh whatsoever he will who can utter his wonderous Works Who can number his Mercies Who can account his Infiniteness who can
but that over all you will be preserved in faith and victory I am now according to the Will of the Father in Ireland it is some weeks since I arived at Cork City in much peace and safety with my dear Companions it having been long upon my spirit to visit the Seed of God in this Nation even of love have I felt it in me and not of constraint but of a willing mind and free spirit and not of force and after the time of patience and waiting for many dayes to see my way clear for it the Lord hath ordered it and brought it to pass acceptable unto me and many here and this is the time which this visitation must be effected for till now my way was not clear and but that this Journey hath laid upon me I should have rejoyced to have been present among you either in testimony by suffering or otherwise but this is the will of God and it is in my heart to pass through this Nation and to visit the Seed of God by the Love and Word of the Father as he gives of his Life and Strength and opens the way before me I perceive in this Land Friends are generally well and truth grows in victory and dominion and the Lord is adding to the numberless number of them that must stand on Mount Zion and through the rage of men and above it all the little Flock is preserved in its beauty and the Seed sown in weakness and afflictions is received and quickned in much power which is my joy About Bristol I continued about two moneths in much precious service for the Lord and truth had good authority over all great acceptation in the hearts of many and some convinced and others edified and confirmed as many can witness in the spirit and until after the time of the F●ir I was not clear of that City but imediately after I was free and my way made very convenient and clear to this place and the hand of providence ordered all things very well on that behalf as I do hope in the continuance of the power and presence of the Lord with me through this work and in his power I am committed even to do or suffer all things for his Name sake and that by vertue of his own life that dwells in me And the Lord preserve all the Brethren like-minded that the work of the Lord may be fulfilled and finished by us Amen County of Cork the 21th of the 6th Moneth 1660. E. B. A PRESENTATION of Wholsome Informations unto the King of England c. Being a Defence Pleaded and also appealed unto Him even to the Testimony of the Spirit of God in His own Conscience In Answer to a certain Accusation charged before Him in a Printed Book called The thrice happy Welcome of King Charles the Second by one George Willington of Bristol City against Us whom in derision the Accuser calls Quakers And also herein are laid down divers Considerations in Answer to a Petition directed to the King by the same Author in the Book aforesaid concerning Church-Government and concerning the making and sending forth Ministers and concerning the True Prophets and True Ministers and the False and how they are distinguished in their Call Maintenance and Fractises and that none ought to suffer death of Body or be killed or spoiled in Person or Estate though they may err in their mindes in the knowledge and Judgment of spiritual things All which is soberly presented to the King and His Council for Them to consider The Epistle to the King and his Council KNow ye That it is Righteousness Iustice Mercy and Truth and the fear of the Lord God it is the doing hereof and the walking herein in which you onely may be truly honourable I say if you do these things if you fear the God of Heaven and depart from all Iniquity and if you be doers of Iustice and Mercy and if ye break the yoke of cruel Oppressions and let the oppressed go free then are you worthy to be honoured both in the sight of God and men if so be that you are possessed with the nature I mean with Righteousness Iustice Mercy and Truth then you deserve the name but not otherwise for if Unrighteousness Injustice and Falshood dwell with you and be brought forth by you then are you not honourable to God neither can his servant in feignedness and flattery give the name unto you but and if I should give flattering titles unto you I should provoke the Lord to wrath against me though yet I gained your favour but I have rather chosen to speak the truth from my heart in Righteousness and to be well-pleasing unto the God of Heaven then with flattering Lips and a deceitfull Tongue be a man-pleaser while I grieve the Spirit of the Lord and the chief desire of my heart is to keep my conscience clear in all things though I should gain the displeasure of you and the most eminent accounted of men And if you shall say who art thou I must answer That I am a Servant of the great God of Heaven and Earth him I fear and before his presence I tremble I fear not him that can but kill the Body I flatter not any by feigned words for I regard not the love or hatred of this World I have not learned to practise a flattering tongue nor can I use it towards you or any upon the Earth but words of truth and righteousness are my delight and the dialect of my native Countrey and the characters thereof are not in the eloquency of words of mans wisdom but to demonstrate by the Spirit of the Lord in plainness and soberness with more respect to please the Lord then to please men Thus am I known among my Familiars and thus I desire only to be known unto you not in words only but in substance not in flattery but in an upright heart And this my present occasion thus to write unto you is even in as much as we have been accused even to the King by one George Willington of the City of Bristoll in a Book of his directed to the King even therefore is it that I have taken in hand to answer and publish a defence against his Charge with some sober Considerations chiefly laid down and directed even to the King that he may consider them and my hopes are that he and you of his Council will read and consider the Defence as well as the Charge against us assuredly knowing that it is good reason and equity for you so to do and may prove also of good consequence to you so to do for if the King should receive mis-informations and thereupon proceed in Iudgement Oh what pits and snares of danger did he run himself into even to destroy himself Now to the intent that he and you may be better informed in some particulars concerning us about which we are charged and accused and that you might know the truth and
the King 's own former Promises 4. All these things considered and rightly understood by the King and his Council it will appear unto them in good Reason 1. That our Meetings are just and lawful in themselves because they are for the Worship of the Lord God and to wait upon him 2. They are according to the Example of the Apostles because the Scriptures prove the like Meetings 3. And they are not contrary to his own Promises and Tolleration that he gave for Six Moneths after his coming in because he said We should not suffer for our Religion if we lived Peaceably and we were not disturbed by Authority from him that we know of in our Meetings till this Occasion 4. It will appear That we ought in Justice Equity to have our lawful Meetings Protected and Preserved by the King's Authority and not prohibited because we are not guilty of that which occasioned this present Restraint but what we have suffered in this Case it hath been upon Suspition and without any just Cause on our part And for these Ends and Causes I plead on the behalf of the Innocent that we may enjoy peaceably our Meetings for the Exercise of God's Worship and not be prohibited in the King's Dominions under his Authority 5. But and if we are persecuted and imprisoned and made to suffer for this Cause of Meeting together to Worship God and Wait upon him in Conscience and Duty towards him and for following the Scriptures Example as the Saints of old as afore-mentioned we must only commit our Cause to the God of Heaven and in Patience suffer under whatsoever is unequally inflicted upon us for this matter if men shew the height of Oppression towards us and we must put on the Spirit of Long-suffering and Forbearance and leave Vengeance to the Lord who will in his season redress our Cause if that we are Persecuted for meeting together and for Worshipping of the Lord according as his Spirit perswades our Consciences and such our Sufferings are not for Evil-doing nor as Transgressors against God nor the King but as Servants of God we suffer and fot holding the Testimony of JESUS and a Good Conscience And thus I have brought the state of our Case as concerning our Meetings unto the Kings Knowledge and must leave it to his serious View and Happy will he be if he hath regard to the Afflicted but if he stop his Ear from the Cry of the Poor and suffer them to be destroy'd who shall plead for him or excuse him in the Day of the Lord when He comes to Iudgment to reward every man according to his Deeds CHAP. III. The Case Stated and Pleaded concerning Tythes as paid among the Jews and also among the Christians and the Cause why we Refuse to pay them at this day 1. WE do acknowledge That Tythes as instituted given and received in the Law of Moses amongst the Iews and according to the Commandment of God were of Heavenly Ordination and were for that Holy Use and End of maintaining the Levitical Priesthood and the Poor the Widdows and the Strangers in Israel and we know that whilst that Levitical Priesthood of Signs and Types and Figures was yet unfinished and unfulfilled by Christ Jesus the Everlasting Priest that Law that gave and received Tythes was in force and it was sinful against God and contrary to his Law in any of Israel to with-hold their Tythes and not to pay them and such as did robbed God and the Poor and the Prophet complained against them for then the Ordination of Tythes was of God and the Practice and End of them was good and blessed But that Law and Priesthood that gave and received them is finished and ended with all the Types and Shadows of the first Covenant Heb. 7. 12. and Christ Jesus the everlasting Priest of God is come in whom is ended the first Priesthood that took Tythes and that Law that gave them and he hath put an end to Tythes Temples Priests-Office under the Law among the Iews and all 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Types and Figures and First Covenant and is an High-Priest forever and the Everlasting Substance of all Shadows pertaining to the first Covenant and hath finished them and ended them even that Law and Ordinance that gave and received Tythes and that Priesthood to whom Tythes pertained so that though it was Unlawful in the first Covenant to with-hold the payment of Tythes yet that Covenant being ended and that Law and Priesthood and another Covenant and Priesthood established to whom the Law of God allows not the Tythes of mens Estates it seems now to be unlawful to pay receive or demand Tythes and for good Conscience sake we cannot do it 2. We cannot now pay Tythes according to the first Covenant nor uphold any part of the first Priesthood that stood in Types and Shadows nor submit to that Law by any Obedience to it which once gave and received Tythes seeing Jesus Christ is come in the Flesh who hath ended all that Covenant with every thing that pertaineth thereunto and we believe in Jesus Christ as the Everlasting Substance and receive the Law by which we walk in all things unto him and not from Abraham nor Moses For he is with us that is greater then they whose Law and Example we must follow in the Administration of the Gospel and not the Law and Example of Abraham and Moses in the First Covenant who did but Prophesie of Christ and did not witness him fully come but dyed in the Faith Now if we should pay Tythes according to the First Covenant and so uphold any part of that Priesthood which took Tythes which was but a Type of Christ the Everlasting PRIEST then we should deny Jesus Christ to be come in the Flesh and turn back again to the Law and to the Iews Ordinances and prove our selves Unbelievers and Antichristian for he that denies Christ to be come in the Flesh is an Antichrist 1 Iohn 4. 3. and we may as well turn back to Circumcision Sacrifices and Burnt-Offerings as to pay Tythes being all pertaining to the First Covenant and Priesthood which whomsoever doth uphold denieth Jesus Christ to be come in the Flesh and so are of Antichrist But we believe Christ is come and we have received him as the End and Finishing of the first Priesthood and we believe in him as the Everlasting Substance who hath put an end to Tythes Temples Burnt-Offerings c. and we confess unto him as our Judge and Law-giver and have renounced all Shaddows pertaining to the first Covenant whereof one was Tythes and for Conscience sake and that we may continue in the Faith of Christ the Substance and not deny him therefore it is that we refuse and cannot pay Tythes for we are Christians and Believers and not Iews nor Children of the first Covenant 3. And there is no Example by any of the Apostles or Saints in all the New Testament That ever any of the
of Conscience and their Hearts will be dis-engaged in Love and Affection to you-wards and this will be infallibly the Effect of Persecution for Conscience sake as King Charles the first saith in his Meditations A charitable Connivance and Christian Toleration often dissipates their Strength when rougher Opposition fortifies and puts the Dispised and Oppressed Party into such combinations as may most enable them to get a full revenge on those they count their persecutors c. 10. Consider if ye force Worship and Religion and cause men to conform against their Judgments how dangerous is this to destroy mens souls and to lead 〈◊〉 even to destruction For seeing ye affirm not the Infallibility of your Worship and Religion and yet will impose them and so engage mens Souls in depandancy for Salvation upon things and wayes uncertain and which GOD giveth not the Faith to believe in I say how dangerous is this to ruin souls for in no way can the soul be secure but in the faith which God works in the heart in the Obedience of Infallible TRUTH So ye 〈◊〉 mens souls upon a Rock and it is unreasonable as before mentioned that men should be forced into the profession and Practice of uncertain and fallible Religion and that they should be forced by you into that which may be evil for which not you altogether but themselves must bear the punishment in the Day of the Lord and except ye could affirm and prove the infallibility of your Church which is impossible there is no Equity nor Right Reason for it That you should impose upon others any more than others should impose upon you For as King Charles the First said in his Meditation He desired not any should be further Subjects unto him then he and all of them might be subject unto God c. 11. Consider if ye allow not liberty of Conscience but persecute about the same ye walk in the way and after the example of some of the Heathen Rulers and of the false Christians and shews that ye allow of the cruel persecutions by the Church of Rome and ye follow their example who persecute unto death such as they call Hereticks and if ye do persecute for matters of Conscience then ye allow the very deeds of the Heathens who persecuted the Christians for their Religion sake and ye justifie Papists in persecuting the Protestants and ye plainly demonstrate unto all the World by your works and fruits that ye are of Antichrist if ye impose on mens Consciences by force in the matters of Religion and persecute good Conscience about the same for it was the Antichrist and the Beast that first forced all to worship and violently engaged all into a conformity and killed and persecuted all that would not worship according to the Image Rev. 13. as ye may read And it was not Christs way nor the practice of any of his primitive Churches to impose and force on the persons and Consciences of men concerning their Church and Religion to cause all into a conformity thereunto and destroy and persecute all that would not This was not the way of Christ and his Apostles in their daies but they left Religion free and said they were not lords over mens faith nor lords over Gods Heritage neither did impose upon any in doubtful cases of conscience much lesse compel against mens Conciences for the Apostle left the practice of doubtful things as every one was perswaded in his own mind to do or not to do without imposing by force or directions of persecution about the same Therefore if ye do not allow free liberty of Conscience ye are out of the Doctrine Example of Christ and his Apostles and follows the way and example of Antichrist Heathen Rulers and cruel Papists to your great dishonour 12. Consider if ye allow not liberty of Conscience in the exercise of Religion but impose and persecute about the same It must inavoidably tend to destroy and expel Trading Husbandry and Merchandize in these Kingdoms for a great part of Trading and Husbandry depends upon such kind of persons whose principles are for toleration in Religion and hates persecution and violence in that case this ye will find true on examination and if liberty of Conscience be not allowed such will be exposed to great afflictions some to imprisonment and some to poverty and some to flee into other Countries to the destruction of their Callings and Trading and the hands and industriousnes of such people will be weakned in these Kingdoms if they cannot enjoy their just liberty in temporal spiritual cases and the effects thereof will work wofully in this very respect even to dis-enable both the hearts and hands of Husbandmen and Trades and expose these Nations to want and poverty and to enrich their enemies 13. Consider If Liberty of Conscience be deny'd and Persecution be introduc'd about the same all these and many more woful Consequences and Effects will follow infallibly to the ruin of these Kingdoms even Wars and Bloodsheds and Discontents and Murmurings and all evil things will be the Product of the aforesaid Cause viz. Of denying Liberty of Conscience in Religious Matters for in a word it will tend to and may effect the Overthrow of you and Ruin your Government and Authority for the great and mighty God of Heaven and Earth will be provoked against you and his Wrath will go out like a Devouring Flame upon you if that ye limit the Holy One and will not suffer him to exercise his proper Right in being King in mens Consciences to exercise them in all the Wayes of his Worship and Matters of his Kingdom but do oppress impose and persecute about the same this I say will infallibly work the Kingdoms ruin and expose you and your Government to the Indignation of the Holy Lord God who is tender of his Honour and will not give it to another and he loveth and effecteth the Cause of such whose Consciences are truly tender towards him and though ye persecute such and seek to destroy them and for a time exercise great Afflictio and ●●●ressions upon them for the matters of their Conscience yet the God of Heaven will appear for such in his season and deliver them and avenge their ●ersecu●ors And therefore all ye Rulers consider and lay these things to heart lest ye provoke the Lord against you by destroying the People whom he regards and that not for evil doing but for the Ca●es of Conscience and because they cannot relinquish their profession and principles of their Religion and how and conform in things against their Light and Knowledge 14. Consider If ye allow not Liberty of Conscience what exceeding danger 〈◊〉 run your selves into even to destroy just men and righteous as Hereticks and erroneous and may promote Hereticks as Church-members both which are great Abominations in the Sight of God and this Danger ye bring upon your selves for ye are not infallible Judges who are Hereticks and
cry up as Oracles of God I answer The most high God judge between thee and us whose wrath is kindled against thee thou enemy of righteousness and Child of wrath thou hast belyed the Lord of Heaven and Earth for to this he moved thee not for he moves none to utter lyes and slanders as thou hast done but the spirit of enmity and of the Devil hath moved thee and to the Truth thou bears no witness but against the Truth and against the Innocent and charges us with fleshly mindedness and spiritual pride O thou Lyar and false Accuser the Lord who takes our part against thee will plead with thee and render upon thy head according to thy deeds prove what thou speaks that we are fleshly minded and spiritually proud or else let thy mouth be stopped and shame cover thee forever Sorceries and witchcraft and drawing from the simplicity of the Gospel we do deny but the plain single Truth we do declare by which the eye of the blind is opened in many to see your deceits who call your selves Churches and Preachers of the Gospel which is not the Gospel that the Apostles preached but an adding your own Imaginations upon their words who witnessed the Gospel and it shall stand for thy own condition thou art in the sorcery and witchraft who draws people to observe an outward visible thing from the Light of Christ within them which leades to the simplicity of the Gospel which is inward and not outward and thou art in thy fleshly and corrupt thoughts crying up the Ordinances and Oracles of God which are but carnal and beggerly rudiments of the world which passeth away and here thou art seen and made manifest in the Light of Christ to be a Hypocrite who falsely accuses others of that which thou art guilty of thy self the same Gospel as ever was do we declare and not another which we received not from man neither was taught it by man and as the Oracles of God it shall stand forever for a witness against thee and all the world who doth not believe for even the Father beares witness of us and therefore our witness is true and the righteous God will plead with thee thou Lyar and false Accuser and here be a witness against thy self that the Lord moved thee not but the Devil acting in thy own imaginations and in the vanity of thy own mind and in thy one fleshly and corrupt thoughts And whereas thou sayest to us thou directs thy speech from the Lord Thus saith the Lord to thee O Quaker thou art fleshly minded I answer It is not the voyce of the Lord to us that speaks in thee but the voyce of the Devil and the Serpent which speaks from thee fleshly minded we are not but are redeemed out of it and our mindes are changed and are Spiritual and 't is the Spirit of the living God seals unto us and witnesses in us and here thou art of thy Father the old Dragon and Accuser of the Brethren but it is God that justifies and who art thou that condemns and this thy speech is seen and comprehended which thou hast directed to us and it is judged by the Spirit of true judgment to be a false Accusation and a Lye and not the Word of the Lord and into the Lake amongst the false Prophets thou art to be turned who useth thy tougue when the Lord never spake to thee And thou sayest we look upon the Iustitution of Christ Supper with a fleshly and carnal eye because we say that the bread and wine which Christ commanded his Disciples to eat and to drink is carnal I Answer The bread and wine is visible and carnal and fleshly and not Spiritual nor Eternal and in the eternal Light by the Spiritual eye of God opened in us we see them and do own that it was a command of Christ to stand for its time and no more but a carnal figure of a spiritual thing and the spiritual thing being the Substance bearing witness the figure is denied and declared against and thou and thy Generation who art acting in those things by tradition tying and limitting God to a visible thing that without it no salvation art in the sorcery and witchraft and an enemy to the substance for Christ never since he was sacrificed brake of the Bread or drank of the Cup with his Disciples but new in his Fathers kingdom and thou who art in the ●arnal figure acting those things without the injoyment of Christ art sensual and by the Light of Christ art to be condemned and judged with the world who art without God and without the injoyment of Christ in the beggerly rudiments of the world Thou sayst O fleshly minded men whom the god of this world hath blinded because you believe not and thou sayst thus saith the Lord and speaks the Prophet Malachic words To which I answer this again I do deny the god of the world is cast out and the eye is opened through judgments and our fleshly minds are judged and in the Name of Jesus we do believe and our belief in him hath purified our hearts to the praise of the Living God who hath wrought all our works in us and fo● us do I speak without boasting and here again I charge it upon thee that thou art a slanderer and a false accuser and let shame cover thee who professes thy self to be a Teacher of others who thy self is not taught of the Lord but steals Malachis words and speaks them to us in thine own imaginations and calls it the word of the Lord the Lord is against thee thou false Prophet who prophesies lyes in his Name and that which thou speaks to us is thy own condition and that which shall come upon thine own head for a child of disobedience thou art and thy eye is blinded by the god of this world And whereas thou sayest we are spiritually proud that give forth our selves to be some great ones and we say we are Apostles and are not but are found Lyars proud Pharisees Hypocrites that say we are Iust Holy Humble and the poor sinful Publicans are more justified then we I answer proud we are not our God shall judge between thee and us in this thing for we have nothing but what we have freely received from him and that we give forth our selves to be great ones here thou art a Lyer and a false Accuser again this we have said and do yet again declare that we were moved of the Lord of Heaven and Earth to come to declare his mind and his Truth in this City but this is no boasting and by that same spirit which was in the Apostles were we moved and are guided and by no other but who hath found us Lyers since we came I challenge you and all thy Sect to prove one lye that we have uttered or else let shame cover thee and let thy mouth be stopped and let thy own heart condemn thee to be
shall the Saints possess and the Gentiles shall be driven out of it according as Iohn said who wrote the last of any of the Apostles and gave ful● testimony of these things which I have declared ●f viz. of an Apostacy and reign of the Beast and false Prophet and a Subversion from the Wayes of God and this hath been and is come to pass Also ●e prophesied of the gaining of the holy City in again to the Saints and of a restoration wherein new Ierusalem should be made manifest from Heaven and sho●●d again be adorned as a Bride for her Husband and the Saints should inhabit it and the Tabernacle of God should be with men upon Earth and the Lord would dwell for ●●er with his People and this day is approaching nigh at the doo● for the Fig-tree hath blossomed and we know it is near at hand the Summer wherein the Glory of the Lord shall be revealed unto all Nations and they shall 〈◊〉 that he is the Lord God Almighty that will take Vengeance upon the great Wh●●e who hath made all drunk with the Wine of her Fornication And now after the long night of Apostacy and Darkness which hath been vp●● the face of the Earth is the Lord appearing and his Day dawning and his Lig●● breaking forth as the Glory of the Morning and the Kingdom of God is revealed and his Dominion is setting up after the long reign of the Beast who ha●… had his Power and his Seat and his great Authority from the Dragon after wh●… the whole World hath wandred and him hath worshiped who hath been saying w●… is like unto the Beast who is able to make war with him His mouth for many Generations hath been opened in blasphemy against God and his Name and he 〈◊〉 made war with the Saints and his power hath overcome them Mark overco● them and then himself hath reigned and the reign of Christ for many years 〈◊〉 not been known but over Kindreds Tongues and Nations hath the Beast had po●er and over them hath reigned for many Ages and all that dwell upon the F●… have worshipped him whose Names are not written in the Book of Life 〈◊〉 Earth hath been caused and them that dwell therein to worship the Beast and 〈◊〉 his Wonders he deceiveth them that dwell on Earth and as many as would 〈◊〉 worship the Beast and his Image the Beast hath had power that they should be●…led and many hath he killed who would not worship him and are persented and both Small and Great Rich and Poor Free and Bond have rec●…ed the Mark of the Beast and the number of his Name which is the number 〈◊〉 a man he that reads let him understand these things have come to pass 〈◊〉 been fulfilled since the Apostles dayes in this night wherein no man could wor● which Christ said would come but now the forty and two Monthes which ti●… the Beast and his Image was to continue and so long was his Power to remain 〈◊〉 make war and to overcome the Saints I say the time is well nigh expired and finished and the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb is risen to make war against the Beast and his Image who hath reigned over the Kingdoms of the World and the Judgment of the great W●… cometh who hath sitten upon the Beast and drunk the Blood of the Saints 〈◊〉 with whom the Kings of the Earth since the dayes of the Apostles have com●…ted Fornication and all the Inhabiters of the Earth have been made drunk 〈◊〉 the Wine of her Fornication and all the Merchants of the Earth have been ma●e rich through the aboundance of her delicacies and she hath sat upon the scar●… coloured Beast and her Cup in her hand hath been full of abominations and 〈◊〉 ness of her fornication and her name is Mistery Babylon the Mother of Harl●… and all the Kings of the Earth have given their power unto the Beast and commited Fornication with the great Whore and she hath sat upon people multitudes 〈◊〉 nations and tongues since the Apostles days and even some who have hated t●e Whore and fulfilled the Will of God and made the Whore naked yet they gi●… their power also to the Beast until the Word of God be fulfilled Consider these things you that have an ear to hear but now the mighty Day 〈◊〉 the Lord and the Judgment of the Whore is approaching wherein she shal be rewarded according to her Works and doubble shall be given into 〈◊〉 Cup and as she hath loved blood so shall blood be given her to drink and the Merchants of the Earth shall lament her whom they have waxed rich by who 〈◊〉 glorified her self and lived deliciouslly and hath said in her heart I sit as a Queen and am no Widow and shall not see sorrow but now the one day is dawning wherein her Plagues shall come death and mourning and famine and she shall be utterly burned with fire for strong is the Lord that is risen to judge her and the Kings and Merchants and all the Inhabiters of the Earth shall lament her and cry Alas alas and now are they beginning for the hour is come that her judgement cometh and all her Merchants who have trafficked with the Souls of men shall partake of her Plagues who have partaked of her sins and lived deliciously with her and the fruits that her Soul lusteth after shall depart from her and all things that are dainty and goodly shall depart from her and she shall find them no more at all when her judgement cometh and in an hour all her riches are come to nought and all her Merchants at Land and Sea shall lament her even her that hath ruled over Nations and sat as a Queen for many Generations ever since the dayes of the Apostles until this day yea all that have wandred after her even the whole World shall lament and bemoan her and such as have served her and made Slaves of the Souls of men by Merchandize and Traffick shall bewail her and their gain shall cease for ever for in one hour shall she be made desolate and her glory shall fade and her beauty shall wither and the Beast that hath carried her shall utterly faint and the false Prophet that hath wrought Miracles in their sight and deceived the Nations shall be cast into a bed of torment with her and the Beast and the false Prophet shall be taken and cast alive into the Lake of Fire to be tormented for ever day and night World without end and the Whore in whom hath been found the Blood of the Prophets and of the Saints and of all that were slain upon the Earth and the Beast who hath caused all that dwell on the Earth to worship him and his Image for many Ages and the false Prophet who hath deceived the whole world and many Nations and made them subject unto the power of the Beast by his Miracles which he hath wrought in the
the true God that made Heaven ●nd Earth in the Spirit and in the Truth he hath placed his Name amongst us ●nd made his everlasting Covenant with us and established it that it cannot be ●oved he hath given us his Spirit and poured it upon us and we are taught of him according to his promise and are established in his holy Mountain where ●one can make us afraid for he hath armed us with his power and strength to defend us from all our enemies that we should bear witness of his Name in all the world and declare unto all Nations of his power and Dominion of his Salvation and Redemption that is in Him and in his Son of which we are made ●artakers and witnesses and by him have we received the heirship of the everlasting inheritance and we are of God and he that is of God heareth us whom the Father hath chosen and redeemed out of kindreds tongues and peoples to stand before the Throne of God and the Lamb and we have sought and do finde a City whose builder and maker is God and we are known to the Lord God Almighty and approved in his sight Our light is the light of the Lamb and our government the government of Jesus and our Law the Law of the most high and our Way is the way of peace and truth he that can receive it let him This is the Testimony which the Spirit of the everlasting Father witnesseth in us and witnesseth of us unto the whole world CHAP. I. Concerning the true God this Testimony I give to all People upon the Earth THe true God he is a Spirit and is infinite eternall and everlasting the Creator of all things and the life and being of all things and the power by which all things stand all Creatures have a being in him and by him and without him no creature is or doth move upon the face of the earth this is he whom we worship and fear and doth obey and he brings to pass by his counsel whatsoever he will and nothing can prevent the purpose of his mind but his counfel stands for ever and he is the righteous Judge of all things and before him must all mankinde come to Judgement and the living and the dead by him must be judged he is a rewarder of every one according to their deeds whether they be good or whether they be evil His Greatness Power Majesty and Dominion is over all and beyond all ruling above all in the power of his own will and who may say what doth he his eye seeth all and his presence filleth all and no creature can be hid from his sight he is near at hand and afar off he searcheth mans heart and and tryeth the reins and shews unto man his own thoughts he justifieth the righteous and condemneth the wicked he is light it self and in him is no darkness at all This is the true God whom we worship and this Testimony I give of him unto all people upon the face of the whole Earth CHAP. II. Concerning the Son of God this Testimony I give unto all the World THE Son of God who is called Christ the Prince of Peace and Righteousness he is one with the Father in power and dominion and was with him before the world was and by him the Father created all things and without hi● was not any thing made that was made he is Heir of all things and is the Pri●●● of the Kingdom of Righteousness of Peace and Truth and he is the Word a●● Power by which all things doth consist and is the Salvation of mankind and th● very life of the World he inherits life and immortality and is the Redeemer Saviour Deliverer and Restorer of the Children of men he is the very Wisdom and Po●er of the Creator and the Father doth nothing without the Son and by him an● through him the Father brings all things to pass by him the Father will judge the whole Earth and all the Children of Adam therein and this Christ Jesus the Son of God is the Life and Light of the world and hath enlightened all mankind every 〈◊〉 that cometh into the world is lighted by him with the true light of life or cond●●nation and what the Son doth the Father doth also and he is at his right 〈◊〉 exalted and is the very express Image of the Father and is the Fathers gift i●●● the world and is given to all mankind that they may have life by him and all 〈◊〉 receives him hath life and salvation but many receives him not and they 〈◊〉 receive him not perish even because they do not receive him whom the Father 〈◊〉 given into the world for he is the arm alone of Gods salvation and he is the ●●●der of his people CHAP. III. Concerning the Spirit of God this Testimony I give unto the whole World THe SPIRIT is with the Father and with the Son and its present eve●● where and filleth all places and is for ever and ever and trieth all thin●● and revealeth the things of the Father and of the Son unto all that doth belie●● in the Son and makes manifest and searcheth into the deep things of God 〈◊〉 it witnesseth the Salvation of the Just and the condemnation of the Unjust it is not absent from any place nor contained in any one place the Father and the Son works all things through it and brings all things in Heaven and Earth to pass by it and it works in the Hearts of the Children of men and in every one it witnesseth of the Father and of the Son to the Justness Greatness Righteousness and to the power of the Eternal Creator that made all things by the Son through his Eternal Spirit which is one with the Father and with the Son and is the Worker of their will and mind in all things it worketh in the Wicked to reprove them and to witness against them and that God is angry with them 〈◊〉 sheweth and it worketh in the Righteous and witnesseth the Love and Mercy and Peace of the Father unto them He that can receive it let him this is the Testimony of the Spirit of God and it leadeth into all Truth and out of all Evil all that are guided by it and it is given to be the Guide and Rule of Life to the Children of God CHAP. IV. Concerning Man and all Mankind this Testimony I give unto all Nations and People MAN was created and brought forth in the Image of God and was without sin or evil brought forth to do the will of him that created him and was Lord over all Creatures to use them to the glory of the Creator and all Creatures were to serve him but man transgresseth against his Maker and offended him and dishonoured him and became degenerate and grieved his Maker continually and was drove out from the Presence of the Lord and he is now a Child of Disobedience and of Wrath and an Enemy in his mind
is contained in the Old and New Testament of the Scriptures which Oath he is bound to perform before the Lord and unto all men Now it remains to be tried and proved what the Christian Religion is and who they are in these Nations that are of the true reformed Protestant Christian Religion in the purity thereof as it is contained in the Scriptures seeing there are abundance of Sects and diversity of Judgements and many Assemblies and Gatherings of people who are divers in their Wayes in their Practices and in their Form of Religion in these Nations which do all profess the Scriptures and that their Form of Religion is according to the Scriptures but this cannot be but it will be manifest otherwise for the Scriptures which were given forth by the one Spirit of God bears not witness of many true Ways or unto many true Religions but unto one Truth and unto one true Religion and is the Declaration of one way of Life and Salvation by one Jesus Christ and there is no other Name under Heaven given for Salvation And they that believe in him and receive him those are they onely that are of the true Religion who are guided by the Spirit and changed thereby from Death to Life and such have unity with the Father and with the Son and one with another and are not of this World but Heirs of the Kingdom of God and these may own and claim a Title to be defended and preserved in their exercise and Practice of Religion Therefore come all sorts of People and let us try and prove who it is that is of the true Religion and who it is that he is bound to maintain and uphold by his Oath Come I say all Sects and sorts of people and appear to Trial Dare you joyn issue with me in this matter to try your Profession and Practise o● Religion whether it be according to the Scriptures in the purity thereof yea or nay for the Lord hath put it into my Heart to lay you all to the Line of true Judgement and to prove you whether you must be upholden and maintained in your Religion yea or nay Come claim your Priviledge if your Profession and Practice in Religion be according to the Scriptures then you may own your right and the benefit of the Protectors Oath but if your Profession and Practice in Religion be otherwise and not according to the Scriptures then you must stand back and defend your selves if you can for the Protector is not bound to maintain and uphold you in your Practice of Religion And with this Argument I shall try you all Whatsoever is professed and practised for Religion for which there is neither command nor president in Scripture is not aecording to the Scripture let this fall where it may this is Truth and therefore all people come to tryal and receive your judgement by this rule And first the true Religion is a walking with God in purity and holiness a performing of good to him and not doing any evil a belief in Christ and receiving of him and a living in him and through the operation of his Spirit to be changed into his Image and the Body of Sin and Death put off and a living to God in all things and not a living to this vain World in any thing but in all things to be guided by the Spirit of Christ This in short is a description of the true Religion and they that are of this Religion shall be saved in the Day of the Lord and in Equity and Righteousness should be protected according to the Oath before-mentioned or else the Oath is not performed in justice but rather broken through transgression And first of all as concerning that profession and practice in Religion which is most general in these Nations I mean such as sprinkle Infants and are sprinkled being Infants professing it to be the Baptism into the Faith of Christ and that it is a seal of the new Covenant and of remission of sins and that thereby people are made capable of union with Christ and that it is a sign of regeneration c. This is practised and professed by many for Religion but this Practice and Doctrine is not according to the Scripture therefore all ye through all these Nations that are made Christians and own your Title in Christianity and a right to fellowship with Christ and that ye are joyned to the Church and become Members of Christ because you were sprinkled when you were Infants and all ye that preach this for Doctrine and practise it for Religion you are not of the true Christian Religion in the Purity thereof as it is contain'd in the Scriptures this I do affirm Therefore stand you by for what you practise and profess there is neither Command nor President in Scripture if you could shew any you are now called and a Necessity is put upon you to make use of your Knowledge if you would be protected in this Common-Wealth in your Practice of Religion Likewise you sing and give to sing David's Psalms in Rhyme and Meeter professing it is to the Glory and Honour of God ye practise this as an Ordinance of God as a part of his Worship and as a part of your Religion but this Practice and Profession also is manifest not to be according to Scriptures because it was never commanded neither is there any President for this Practice in the Scriptures in Gospel Times therefore in this part of your Religion you cannot justly own to be pro tected and maintained because the Protector 's Oath reacheth not to uphold and maintain any such Practices in Religion which are not according to the Scriptures Likewise all ye that meet together to exercise your Religion and to worship God in Temples made with hands set a part by you for that Practice professing them to be Churches of Christ this is not according but contrary to the Scriptures which say God dwells not in Temples made with hands neither did the Saints of old constantly practice any such thing But they were the Persecutors that met in Temples made with hands who cast out and haled the Apostles out of such Temples so that in this Practice you cannot justly own to be protected as not being a Practice in Religion according to Scriptures Likewise All ye whose Ministers preach for Hire and have Hire for preaching so much a Year and so much a Sermon at a Town or a Parish in a settled Place and who take Tythes and compel People to pay Tythes by a Law such are not the Ministers of Christ and ye that uphold such for Ministers of Christ are false in Judgment and blind in Understanding and are not of that Christian Religion which is according to Scriptures in the Purity thereof neither Ministers nor People for the Ministers of Christ never acted any such thing they were the false Prophets and false Apostles that preached for Hire and for Gifts and Rewards neither did
his sight And 1 Pet. 1. 25. The Apostle exhorted the Christians to be holy in all manner of Conversation And Phil. 3. 20. the Christians witnessed That their conversations were in Heaven Now herein doth the fall of Christians appear in respect of their Life and Conversation and walking for the Christians in the Apostles dayes were of a holy Life and exhorted all thereunto but the Christians now both Teachers and People are degenerate in their conversation and live in all Unrighteousness as I have said And the Conversation of Christians now being compared with what the Christians Conversation was then it is altogether contrary and sheweth That though you have the Name of Chris●… ye are not Followers of Christ nor led by his Spirit but by the spirit of Antichrist Oh how wofully are you fallen you Christians from the Life of Christ having a Name to live but are dead The Lord God is coming against you to break you to pieces for you have poluted his Name in that you profess to be his People in words but in works do deny him Oh! Remember remember from whence you are fallen and return lest the Anger of God consume you from off the Earth for your conversations greatly dishonour the true God Oh what Gluttonny and Drunkenness is amongst Christians What Pride and Vain-glory What Cruelty Envy and Murde● one against another what Whoredoms and Fornication what Cozening what Cheating How doth all Wickedness abound amongst you in your lives and conversations Let the Lord be Witness and your own consciences be Witnesses against you for your Abominations they that were true Christians who followed Christ lived not in but were redeem'd from such Transgressions but you live in them and act in them wherefore be ye Witnesses against your selves that ye are fallen and digressed from the true Christian Estate Again Herein will you Christians appear to be degenerated from 〈◊〉 Christianity in respect of your Ministry for the Ministers of Christ in the beginning of Christianity they were made Ministers by the Gift of th● Holy Spirit which was given to them for they were commanded to wait at Ierusalem for the Promise of the Father and they were not to go forth till they had received Power from God by the Gift of his holy Spirit and when that was come they should be Witnesses and Ministers of Christ Acts 1. 4 8. And as they were waiting with one accord in one place the Holy Ghost fell amongst them an filled them and then they began to speak as the Spirit gave them utterance and they went up and down and testified to the World of what they had heard and seen Acts 2. 4. Now this was the Call of Christian Ministers and this 〈◊〉 the Authority by which they went forth into the World to wit The Spirit of God poured upon them and by Authority of this only they went up and do●… the World and declared what they had handled seen and tasted of the Word of Life 1 Iohn 1. And as every man had received the Gift so they might minister the same one to another 1 Pet. 4. 10. And this was the Practice of the Christian Ministers in the beginning of Christianity concerning their C●● to the Ministry But how are the Christians here degenerated from what the Apostles were in for by another way then this are your Ministers made not by the Gift of the Holy Ghost received from God neither do the Christians now wait for such a thing to go forth by Authority and Power thereof but they are made Ministers by Natural Learning and Education at Schools having Authority by man and are approved of man and not of God And a man knoweth which of his children he will make a Minister when they are Infants and thereupon puts him to Schools to learn Arts and Knowledge of Earthly things for so long time till he hath gain'd so much Knowledge and Craft to be approved of such and such men and as is his Knowledge and Oportunity serves withal having a great Place provided where there is great store of Maintenance such a man becomes a Minister and a Preacher to others having never received nor thought to receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost neither having heard seen tasted nor handled any thing of the Word of Life from God in his own particular neither hath he received the Gift of Christ to be made a Minister by This sheweth greatly your Degeneration from the true Christian Spirit none then Ministers among Christians but them who had received the gift by the Holy Ghost and power from on high but now Ministers are made and approved and sent forth amongst Christians because of natural learning and education without receiving the Gift of the holy Spirit And the Ministers of Christ then spoke as the Spirit gave them utterance but now Ministers study for what they speak and read old Authors to gather forth Matter to preach to the people Then the Christian Ministers heard and tasted and handled of the Word of Life in themselves but now the Ministers have their Knowledge from Books and what they have heard and read without them Oh! How great is your Apostacy ye Christians and in respect of your Ministry how greatly are you degenerated from the Ministry which the Christians once had Behold and consider this all ye Christians upon Earth Your Ministry is proved not to agree but rather to be contrary to that Ministry which was amongst Christians in the purity of Christianity as here by is manifest and you are fallen from the Ministry made by the Gift of the holy Ghost to a Ministry made by natural Learning Consider all ye Christians how great is this Fall Again In respect of the Maintenance of your Ministry your Degeneration doth appear for the Ministers of Christ amongst Christians as they were called by the Spirit so they were maintained in the Work of their Ministry by the 〈◊〉 Gift of the people who received their Ministry and they were to give freely and minister freely as they had received freely Mat. 10. 8. 2 Cor. 11. 7. The Apostle preached the Gospel of God freely and would not make it chargeable to any 1 Cor. 9. 18. And the Ministers of Christ among Christians at that day went through the World and preached freely the things that they had received from God and they sought no mans Money nor Gold nor App●●el Acts 20. 33. And saith the Apostle 2 Cor. 12. 14. I seek not yours but 〈◊〉 and that was their end altogether to bring people to God by their Ministry only Christ did allow Luke 6. 4. Into whatsoever House they entred that was worthy 〈◊〉 might there abide eating and drinking such things as were set before them And it ●…s the Apostles practice sometimes to reap carnal things where they had sown Spiritual things and it was a small matter that they did so Yet by a free Gift they desir'd to reap it and not by Force and Violence did they
no end and people shall be brought into that and they shall go forth no more for who come to this Time is no longer and the Kingdom and Government is delivered to the Father and he is become all in all And all that ever come to know these things must first come to the Light of the Lamb in them with which every man is lightned that cometh into the World And all that ever know these things must first be brought to the Principle of God in them which they have transgressed against And all that own the Light of Christ and walk in it shall come to know these things which to know and be in them is eternal Life Therefore all ye Christians come to the Light which Christ hath lightned you withal and that will let you see the Government of Satan and of sin and death which has been ruling in you and the Light will teach you to war against it till it be subdued the Light will discover unto you that nature in which the kingdom of Satan bears rule it will let you see the Devil who is the Prince of darkness who is the Adversary of God who is out of the Truth and he has drawn all people out of the Truth but if you love the Light of Christ in you it will teach you to war against him and against all that that is out of the Truth for all that is of Satans Kingdom that is out of the Truth and must be destroy'd by the coming of the Kingdom of Christ whose coming is in the Light which Christ hath enlightned every man withal who comes to destroy the Devil and his kingdom and all his works So to the Light must all minds be turned which will reveal the kingdom of the Man of Sin and consume it The Appearance of Christ is Light and Christ is the Light of Israel which is as a Fire to consume all fruitless Trees which cumber the ground which the Lord will consume by the brightness of his coming And now is the Man of Sin reveal'd even in the hearts of Christians so call'd and he hath long shew'd himself to be God but now the Lord will bring him down For Antichrist has rul'd for many Ages and the Lord of Life has been crucified in spiritual Sodom but Sodom shall be consumed by Fire and the Lord will avenge himself of all his Enemies and all People and Nations shal know that there is a God who executes Justice and true Judgment who is a God near at hand to reward his People with Everlasting Life and to give unto his Enemies Judgment and Condemnation Written by a Friend to the Creation a Servant of the Lord E. B. A DECLARATION To all the WORLD Of our Faith And what we believe who are called QUAKERS And this is written that all People upon Earth may know by whom and how we are saved and hope for Eternal Life and what we believe concerning God Christ and the Spirit and of the things that are Eternal appertaining to all Mankind to know and believe Concerning God Christ and the Spirit thus we believe FIRST That there is only one true God who is a Spirit and his Presence filleth Heaven and Earth and he is Eternal and Everlasting the Creator and Preserver of all things that Heaven and Earth and all things therein by him were framed and brought forth and all things ●…in unto this day by his Power and whatsoever he willeth in Heaven and Earth he ●●ings to pass by his Word and Power And we believe That this God only is and ought to be feared loved obeyed and worshipned by all Creatures and no other thing besides 〈◊〉 in Heaven and Earth A●… we believe That his Worship and Obedience and Fear and Love is to be given in Spirit even in what his own Spirit moveth and leadeth his People unto And we believe His true Worship required and accepted of him 〈◊〉 not by the Tradition of men in outward Observances or Set-dayes o● Places but he is worshipped only in Spirit ●…d Tr●th without respect of Time ●…ces or things and that none can worship ●●m in Righteousness but his ●…n who are born of his Spirit and are led and guided thereby And we believe That this God hath given his Son Christ J●… 〈◊〉 ●●e World a free Gift unto the whole World and that every 〈◊〉 that co●…eth into the World is lighted by him that every man mi●… 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 sayed And we believe That he is given into the World and no Nation 〈◊〉 or P●ople excepted but unto all Mankind is he given of God and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 them and every man through the World that believeth in him and receiveth Christ who is the Wisdom and Power of the Father shall be saved with eternal ' Salvation and every one that believeth not in him shall be damned and shall possess everlasting Misery And we believe That Salvation Iustification and Sanctification are only in him and wrought by him and no other for there is no other Name given under Heaven but h●m alone by which Salvation is And we believe All that receive him and believe in him are recon●…d to God and are made alive to God to live to him in all things an● do receive the Forgiveness of Sins and are set free from all Unrighteousness and from the Body of Sin and Death and have the Witness of the Spirit in them and the Spirit of the Father they have received and it witnesseth in them of the Father and of the Son and of the things that belong unto their Peace and it is the Earnest of the Inheritance and the Seal of the Promise of Eternal Life and by it are the deep things of God revealed to Mankind and by it the Father and the Son dwells in the Saints and by it have they Fellowship one with mother and the Father Son and Spirit are one And this we faithfully believe Again concerning Christ we believe That he is one with the Father and was with him before the World was and what the Father worketh 〈◊〉 is by the Son for he is the Arm of God's Salv●…ion and the very Power and Wisdom of the Creator and was is and is to come without Beginning or End And we believe That all the Prophets gave Testimony of him and that he was made manifest in Iudea and Ierusalem and did the Work of the Father and was persecuted of the Iews and was crucified by his Enemies and that he was buried and rose again according to the Scriptures And we believe He is now ascended on High and exalted at the Right-hand of the Father for evermore and that he is glorified with the same Glory that the had before the World was and that even the same that came down fro●… Heaven is ascended up to Heaven and the same that descended is he that ascended And we believe Even that he that was dead is alive and lives for evermore and that he cometh and shall come
God 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈…〉 of him who is now appeared in Power and great Glory to gather his People to Himself This is to go ab●… among all people w●o ar● worshipping in Temp●… made with hands ●nd who are under this Ministry and are of 〈◊〉 Church aforementioned that they may come to consider and see the Er●… of their Way of th●… Worship and of their Mi●… And this is a Visitation from the Lord unto them all by a Friend 〈◊〉 all your Souls E. B. Some False Principles And ERRORS DISCOVERED And REFUTED 〈…〉 Answer to a Catechism-Book which is said to contain The Principles of Religion put forth by a nameless Author But is supposed to be the work of one Samuel Eaton a professed Minister of the Gospel among the Sect of the Independants in Ch●shire But upon true Examination he is found to be teaching the Traditions of Men for the Commandments of Christ and his Principles are proved to be not according but contrary to the SPIRIT of GOD and the Scriptures To the READER THE Reason and Cause of this being sent abroad is for the better Information of all but more particularly for the good of that Assembly to whom Samuel Eaton is Minister and Pastor that they may know the Truth from Error and the Way of Righteousness from all false Wayes and may turn fr●● Idol-Shepherds that destroy the Vine-yard and tread it down and may 〈◊〉 to Christ and receive him who is the chief Shepherd to feed his Flock with the Bread of Eternal Life And the Reason why these False Principles are charged upon Samuel Eaton is this It being doubtful to some who was the Author of that Catechism wherein these Principles and Doctrines were held forth John Gredley and Anne Sheeld by name were with the said Samuel Eaton and asked him If he owned that Book the Catechism and he said He would maintain all in it That 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Answer THE Wayes of the Lord are Equal and Just but the wayes of the Sons of Adam are altogether corrupted and different and contrary to the Wayes of Salvation And the Wisdom that is of this World is Foolishness with God and its End is Destruction to its self and to all that walk therein And what is Man that he shall prescribe a Way to his Maker● and who is it that will be more wise then God to ●et him a Way how he must ●…ch his People Therefore in-vain have men laboured and have reaped to ●…selves nothing but Wind and Confusion And in va●● have they sown 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to reap after them whose Fruit hath been Emptiness and not filled the Hand of the Gatherer And in particular this Book with which I am now ●…ing is the Fruit of an empty Tree which cannot satisfie the hungry 〈◊〉 nor comfort the weary Seeker for the Satisfaction and Comfort of the ●…ing hungry Soul dependeth only upon the Lord and upon the Bread of ●●fe that commeth down from God and the soul that ea●● thereof is ●…ed and comforted forever and hungereth no more nor thirsteth any sl●… but the Fountain is in him and the Well springeth up unto Eternal Life 〈◊〉 goes no more forth And if so be that all herein were true and sou●… Do●… and were learned so as to express it over again in words this might be 〈…〉 the soul still remaining in Anguish and under Sin and Death though 〈◊〉 in the Knowledge that is from below and yet in a farther Ignorance of God for the wisdom of this World knows not God neither can it teach not receive the knowledge of the things that pertain unto Life Eternal but to the S●…e and to Fools doth the Lord teach and reveal the Knowledge of his Kingdom and it is not received from Books nor the Teachings and Tradition of 〈◊〉 〈…〉 by the Manifestation of the eternal Spirit which doth lead into all Truth ●…eveals the Mysteries of Salvation The first thing that I take notice of is this thou sayst God is a Spirit 〈◊〉 he is one in Beeing and is to be distinguished into three Persons and the Father 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Holy Ghost are Personal Relations and if one be a Person such are the other c. Answ. The Father Son and Spirit is one this we believe and know according to the Scriptures but as for thy word Person that is car●… 〈◊〉 ●oo low a word to denominate God by who is Infinite for God and the Spirit hath no Person nor cannot truly be distinguished into Persons for a person has relation to Place Time and Change and is not in all places at all ti●es at ●…e and the Scriptures know no such distinction for God is a Spirit and hath no relation to one Time Place or Alteration more then another but filleth Heaven and Earth and his Presence is in all and over all who is ble●… forever and is infinite and without Person or confined Beeing and the S●…pture no where in true Translation doth denominate God Christ and the Spirit by Persons and Personal Beeings nor doth distinguish them into ●…ee Persons for Persons are related to carnal as I have said and Persons is ●oo low to denominate God and Christ and the Spirit by So thy Principles are unsound and not agreeing to the Spirit of God and the Scriptures and therefore not to be believed nor received Whereas thou sayst That the one standing Rule according to which God is to b●●…ht worshipped and served is the holy Scriptures in which God hath revealed himself in all things which he would have believed and do●e c. Answ. It is the Spirit of God that gave forth the Scriptures which Spirit was and is within the Saints that leadeth into all Truth and teacheth to k●… all things and that Spirit of God only is the standing Rule to walk in and to walk by it was the Rule to Abel Enoch Abraham and the rest of the ●…ly Fathers that lived before any Scripture was written and it was the Ru●… to the Prophets to Christ and to the holy Apostles they all followed the Spirit and walked in it and spake and wrought and acted as the Spirit of God within them moved them and led them it was not the Scriptures but the Spirit that gave forth the Scriptures that was the standing unchang●…le un-erring Rule of worshipping serving and obeying the Lord God and that same Spirit is the standing Rule to us also For the Apostle commandeth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is the Spirit and that which we are to walk in is our Rule And as many 〈◊〉 the Sons of God are led by the Spirit of God and then the Spirit is their 〈◊〉 and that guides the Feet in the Way of Peace And in the Spirit is God ●…pped For they that worship him must worship him in the Spirit and in the ●… and such he seeketh to worship him For it is in the Hearts of his People 〈◊〉 within them that God revealeth himself by his Spirit For it is the Spirit 〈…〉 the thing ●f
from his devouring Lips And as for any other thing in his Paper it is not worth answering to nor worth minding but his wickedness will turn upon his own head and he shall bear the burthen of his own words onely he queries whether this be not the Pestilence that walks in Darkness And the Flouds that the Dragon hath cast out of his Mouth to drown the Woman Is not this the mark of the Beast who opened his Mouth in Blasphemy And are not these the Unclean Spirits that came out of the Mouth of the Dragon and out of the Mouth of the false Prophet Answ. Now the Pestilence that walks in Darkness is the Plague that is out of the Light Sin and Death and Misery which smites the Ungodly and he sees it not And the Floods which the Dragon cast out is the Floods of Persecution and Cruelty viz. The imprisoning until death and spoiling peoples Goods for Tythes and Money as the Priests have done And the Dragon gave power to the Beast that compell'd all to worship and that carried the Whore the false church and the true Church has bin fled into the Wilderness for many Generations and the false church the Whore has sate as a Queen and given her cup to drink the false church of Rome and the false church of the Protestants all which are of the Whore these have all been carried by the Beast which the Dragon gave his power to and they have all persecuted the Woman the true Church the Mark of the Beast he compell'd people to receive compell'd them to worship and they open their mouthes in Blasphemy that deny Christ and deny the Light and that say they are Iews and are not this is Error and Blasphemy which the Beast opens his mouth in against the Saints and against them that dwell in Heaven and the unclean spirits are the spirits of Devils that are out of the Truth and these the Dragon casts our in Slanders and Reproaches and Lyes such as this Author has done and of that Generation is he Christ said False Prophets should come and Iohn saw in his dayes they were come and he saw the world gone after them of that Generation are you and now the Lord is gathering people from you again and Babylon must fall and all her Merchants howl and weep and these things have been which the Scripture speaks of the Woman is now coming out of the Wilderness again and the Whore must be rewarded and sorrow is coming upon her as she has done unto the Saints so shall the Saints do unto her And in the Conclusion he saith Worthy Sir to this Member of Parliament it will be your Honour to stand in the Gap to stop the violence of this Hellish Torrent that is so high that it sounds from Dan to Beersheba and threatens Iudgment to our Israel c. Answ. Here is the Conclusion of thy matter which is the sum of it a running to the Powers of the Earth for help what have you Ministers lost the Lord to be your strength that you must flee for help to men to defend you from the Spirit of God in his People Must they make Laws to establish you and set you up Is not this the Whore that road upon the Beast and that the Beast carries Is not here a Description of her out of the mouth of this Author Is he crying to you to persecute the Innocent It is true the Seed of God is risen the Elect Seed that is able to make War against the Beast and against the false Prophets even with the Word of the Lord and is he offended that Truth is risen so high and would he have some Fire and Faggot again in Smithfield and some Persecution and Banishment acted upon the People of God Is this the standing in the Gap and stopping Violence or would he have it done this way Yea Judgments indeed are threatned to your Generation for if God will not destroy you soon enough you will destroy your selves and your own Iniquity will be upon you and the wickedness of the Wicked shall slay him But my Counsel is not only to that particular Member but to the whole Body of them That they be wise and take heed what they do for the Eye of the Lord is over you and his Hand can dash you in pieces and if you be Oppressors of the People of God and will not relieve the Oppressed the Innocent and break the Bonds of Oppression the Lord will break you in pieces for this is the Rock that hath broken all before you Persecuting people for Conscience sake and if you go in this way your Destruction shall be the most lamentable of any that was ever yet before you Do you not yet see the Wickedness of this Generation will you yet contend for them Surely you might learn Wisdom even by their Folly and if you do not shut your eyes there needs no more discovery then their own present wayes and works Wherefore consider the Day of God's Visitation is upon you make good use of your time lest the Lord breaks you down and never build you up and let the Spirit of the Lord have its Liberty and limit it not for if you do you shall never prosper nor never be made a Blessing unto the people under your Charge Remember you are warned by a Lover of your Souls ANd Friends Great Things hath the Lord done in these Nations in your dayes and that by the Face of your Authority and there has a Spirit stirred in some of you and in the Army which the Lord hath appear'd with and yet the Work of the Lord is not finished but greater things then these hath the Lord to accomplish amongst us and in this Nation and these things that have come to pass have been but as the preparing of the way for the bringing about of greater things It is true many Mountains have been removed and some Oppressions taken off and excellent things have bin promised and doubtless by some of you really intended but alas the Work hath long remain'd unfinished and many of your best Friends are almost weary with waiting to receive the end of their Hopes and Desires and many are even fainting concerning the Good Old Cause though of late it hath seem'd to be revived by you yet it goes but easily forwards and even so little is its growth since your late Meeting that many are thinking themselves to be in a deceiv'd condition by you Why They see that wicked Clergy's Interest more prospering then the just Freedom of the People And this I say unto you in the Name of the Lord That while that Interest of this false Priesthood I mean is so much favoured and defended you can never prosper nor the Nations be ever happy under you for it is one of the greatest Oppressions this day in the Nation the maintaining and upholding of this Ministry by Tythes and other unrighteous Wages and the
lay it upon you as being the present Authority that have Power to do it That you speedily order the removing of this Oppression of forced Maintenance to Ministers out of the Nation and that no man henceforth be compelled or forced to maintain Ministers and Ministry by Tythes or Money or otherwise but that every man be left free to give what and how much as he pleaseth to what Minister as he will only if any do hire a Minister and promise so much then it is Equity that he that is hired have the benefit of the Law to receive what he is promised by force if he cannot freely But let not any people be forced by your Law to hire Ministers neither one sort to maintain another peoples Minister but let every sort of people live under what Ministry and hear whom they please and also maintain their own Ministers that labour for them and this is reasonable and would content all the Faithful People for it is wholy unequal that any people should be forced and compelled to mantain another peoples Minister which doth no work for them and it is also wholy inconsistent with the good Government of a Common-wealth and absolute contrary to Christian-Liberty and is a very Chain of Antichrist upon the good People and the main Cause of Heart-burnings and Strifes and Envyings among Subjects and one of the chief Props of Deceivers and false Ministers that covet to run after great Benefices and care not for Souls and also the God of Heaven is vexed with this Abomination and it is certain that you and these Nations shall never be established in true and perfect Peace and Unity while this Oppression remaineth nor till that in all things Conscience be let free to the Exercise of the Spirit of God Wherefore I am come to your door on the behalf of the Lord all his People and I cry ten thousand with me in Spirit of the free People of your Nation Let this Unreasonable Oppressive and Antichristian Practice of forcing Maintenance to Ministers be speedily removed out of our Land and let the Persons Estates and Conscionces of your faithful Friends be freed from this cruel Burden that they have long born by your and their very Enemies And also I lay it upon you that you clear and free your selves in all things from the false Church and be not Servants to her drink not her Cup of Fornications neither in any thing carry the Whore and hereby should that long born and heavy Yoak of Antichrist be removed that hath laid upon the good People's Persons Estates and Consciences and false Ministers that run for Hire and not to win Souls who are Oppressors should hereby be limitted and the Faithful Ministers of Christ who are sent of him would be the more encouraged to minister freely who have received freely and this would be the way to bring Blessings and Peace amongst us and to rejoyce the Hearts of the Righteous and to stop the spirit of Oppression and hereby you would be made Honourable and the Lord himself glorified and his People a free People So that for these Causes it is upon me to demand it of you that you remove the Oppression aforesaid of forcing Maintenance for Ministers and leave every sort of people free to maintain their own Ministers as the Lord shall lead them For this was the Way in the true Churches The Ministers ' of Christ did eat of the Milk of the Flock which they kept and of the Fruit of the Vineyard which they 〈◊〉 planted Freely given them and they reaped carnal things where they sowed Spiritual yet as a Free Gift unto them and not by Force nor as a Debt for this way of forcing Maintenance was never in beeing among the true Churches but is of the false Church both in its Original and in its standing to this day and out of her Cup who hath made Nations drunk hath our Nation drunk this Abomin●tion and Oppression and it is the remainder and one of the strongest parts of the Whore of Rome yet left in England and it is full time to be removed clean away from us and if you do it then shall we have cause to believe that you intend well to the Nations and our long decayed Hopes concerning you will be again revived and our Faith will be encreased that you will yet suffer Righteousness and Mercy to flourish if you take off every Oppression and make the People free but if you do it not but will be the Imposers of Unrighteous things upon the People under you and will carry the Whore and yet drink her Cup and compel others to drink it Then the Lord will break you to pieces and bring Freedom to this Nation some other way and you and they and the Beast and the Whore and your Oppressious shall all fall together and sink as a Stone into the Sea and your Remembrance shall be blotted out and perpetually perish and these are the Words of the Lord God unto you wherefore that you may live in true Honour and not Perish in perpetual Shame and that the Lord may bless you and not make you a Curse and that the Lord's People may pray for you and not against you I say consider in the Fear of God and with a willing Mind grant this my Desire and in so doing you fulfil the Will of the Lord and thereby be established over all your Enemies Many things more on the Lord's behalf I have to demand of you but this for present from a Lover of Righteousness and a Friend to this Nation London the 12th of the 7th Moneth 1659. Edward Burroughs A MESSAGE TO THE Present Rulers OF ENGLAND VVhether Committy of Safety so called Council of Officers or Others whatsoever Delivered unto them by an Ambassadour from the only right Heir of the Government whose Right alone it is to Rule And by special Authority and Commission from him this is sent unto them that they may hear and fear and learn Wisdom and may deliver up the proper Right of the only King unto him that they may be blessed but on the contrary dependeth their DESTRUCTION THese things were upon me to deliver even by Speech and word of Mouth to the present Men in Power that they might be warned lest they Perish But no way being made for me so to do I have written what was upon me even as short as possibly I could and in as little compass as might be having hinted at things which might more largely been spoken to And I order this to be Printed and given to their particular hands with speed FRIENDS MY Master is a High and Mighty and Powerful Prince and very Honourable and Fear Reverence Respect and Subjection belongs to him alone from you and all Mankind he is Wise and Understanding and of great Strength and his Dominion is from Everlasting to Everlasting and he can do whatsoever he will in Heaven and Earth for he rules with his
the many horrid and hideous Errors which for some years past have abounded amongst us against the Authority of Scriptures the Deity of Christ the holy Ghost Trinity of Persons Immortallity of Souls Doctrines of Repentance Humiliation Sanctification Resurrection from the Dead the Eternal recompence of Heaven and Hell yea divers Sects encreasing every day in numbers power and malice and under the name of Quakers Ranters Seekers c. opp●gning the received Doctrine and unquestionable interest of Christ Iesus amongst us Answ. That many horrid Errors have abounded amongst you that is very true as in many particulars might be instanced But why do you maliciously charge the Quakers with opposing the Interest of Christ Jesus The Lord shall judge you in his Day when he makes it appear to all the World that those whom you charge with the contrary are the very Friends of Christ's Interest and have been patient Sufferrers for his Name sake under the wickedness of your Generation and as for the Ranters Seekers and others whom you have reckoned up together with the Quakers it is well known that we are in opposition in spirit unto all these and have given large testimony in the Fear of God against them though it is certain that there is many as upright and sincere men towards God among these Sects you have mentioned as any of your Congregations and though in some things they are condemnable yet in some things they are as justifiable as you are before the Lord And what the Seekers Ranters Familists and the rest mentioned by you do hold as in these things you have charged them with I will leave that for I am not now pleading their cause but the Cause of God and his People whom you in scorn call Quakers and though you have joyned them in Accusation with others yet I must separate them from others in my Answer and must tell you in the fear of the Lord that you have belyed them and falsly accused them out of your malicious hearts for they do not deny the Authority of the Scriptures but gives that authority to them which the Spirit of God that gave them forth hath formerly given neither do they deny the Deity of Christ but do say In him dwelleth the fulness of the Godhead neither do they deny the holy Spirit nor the Father Son and Spirit but say there are three and these three are one but as for your Trinity of Persons that is language beside the the Scriptures and we do affirm the Soul is Immortal and as for the Doctrines of Repentance Humiliation Sanctification Resurrection from the Dead the eternal Recompence of Heaven and Hell these Doctrines are publickly held forth by them in words and also in practice more then by your selves therefore with what face you could charge them with the denial of these things it is almost wonderfull and there are thousands of your Congregations that are and have been sometimes hearing in your City that shall bear witness against your Accusations and give Evidence that they have heard them whom you call Quakers give faithfull witness of and for all these things which you charge them with denial of Do you think that your Congregations are all so blind as to receive for truth what you have herein spoken nay I must tell you some of them are offended with you because hereof First in that you have reckoned the Quakers with Ranters and others between whom there is absolute opposition and not agreement neither in Doctrine nor Practice Secondly That you should charge the Quakers with such things as they are altogether clear of and known to be so by many but this is that your folly and weakness might appear and as you speak of encreasing every day in number power and malice some part of this is true for the Lord doth encrease his People daily in number and power by his Spirit but not in Malice and that is your torment the encrease of the Quakers which as they have begun to encrease so the Lord will continue them and you nor mortal men shall not be able to hinder neither the Magistrates Persecution nor the Ministers Instigation thereunto though you have joyned hand in hand against them for the Lord is with his People and his Authority and Power is thei● Defence and they are not in empty Forms as you say but in the Power of Godliness and as for your Ordinances and Ministry of which you speak something I have said to it already and more I shall say to it hereafter Your third Evidence is The odious Scandals of those that profess themselves to be the People of God as their self-seeking their unparallell'd breach of all civil and sacred Oathes whereby the Mouth of Iniquity is opened and the reverence of Religion abated so that to us say you there appears no visible way of repairing the credit of strict profession but by a severe punishment of Professors c. Answ. It is true many that do profess themselves the people of God but are not but by their lives and practices gives odious Scandals and are Self-seeking as you say but upon whom the guilt of this may be truly charged that remains to be sought out doubtless it lies as near your doors as any others for is not your pride and oppression by taking Tythes suing people at Law for Wages and casting them in Prison because for good Conscience sake they cannot pay you your seeking for your gain from your Quarter and your taking great sums of Money and preaching for hire taking so much yearly are not these odious scandals and very self-seeking practices which you are guilty of while you pretend publick good as for Breaches of Oaths and Covenants I wish you to search your own hearts for that Iniquity doth lie as near your Generation as any others witness that you and your Brethren have from time to time engaged to such and such things As first Did not you engage for the Government to be without King and House of Lords And did not you then cry up the Protector contrary to your Engagements and now cry up another And thus it is very evident that the guilt of breach of Oathes and Covenants lies near unto your selves which indeed opens the Mouth of Iniquity for the very Cavaliers and Prelates say you were once strict in your Way but now you have struck hands with them and are now your selves doing that which you cried out against in them And thousands in this Nation is abated in their affections from your Church and Ministry as knowing them to be upon a false Foundation and to be of Babylon and not of the Heavenly Ierusalem And what do you mean by severe punishment of Professors Do you mean to set up Ecclesiastical Laws again and that all must be forced to your Church Way and Religion Is it in your hearts to drive the Nation by force and if they will not to punish them with Fire and Fagot and Prisons If
and outward Laws neither would we have you force your Religion Ministry and Church upon us by such means but we will leave the effect of all thing to the Spirit of God and come out when you will in such a way as this and this would satisfie thousands and let Meekness and the Fear of God be amongst you and this is the way to exalt Religion and we would think it a happiness more then otherwise to be joyned in sober debate and dispute against you that you and we in your Religion Church and Ministry and in ours also might be tried according to the Scriptures that all may be satisfied who are doubtful and may hear you Principles and our Principles discussed in the presence of the People who may judge by the Light and Witness in their own Consciences for to that in all we do appeal and in such a proceeding come forth when you will lay down your Carnal Weapons and take the Weapons of of the Spirit and come to the trial for the Day of the Lord is approaching upon all the World E. B. The FOURTH General Epistle To all the SAINTS Being a Visitation of the Fathers Love unto the whole Flock of Cod who are called and gathered into the spiritual Kingdom of Righteousness and Peace To be read in all the Assemblies of them that meet together to worship the Father in the Spirit and Truth in the silence of all Flesh. Dearly Beloved WHom the Father hath called and chosen into the Election of Eternal Salvation and who have handled and tasted and felt of the Judgments and Mercies of the Lord and amongst whom the God of Heaven and Earth hath appeared in his Spirit and in his Power which 〈◊〉 gotten you into the Heirship of the heavenly Kingdom Oh Friends our Kingdom and Victory is not of this World nor earthly but from above and spiritual wherein we have Peace and Comfort endless and everlasting which the World knows not of I say unto you all that know these things Live in the Peace and Victory and Kingdom which is invisible and mind the things as your greatest Treasure that pertain to that Kingdom even the weighty matters of it which a● eternal and infinite and that every one of you may feel and enjoy a Portion in that Kingdom Oh! it is precious for a people to be Subjects of the heavenly Kingdom and for a man to have an assurance of Life and Peace in God and to be an Heir of that Kingdom that fadeth not away and to have his name written in the Record of Life and blessed is every one whose Hope and Confidence and Peace and Assurance is in the living God and whose Soul resteth under the Government of the Almighty and who knows him to be Judge King and Lawgiver in all things and this is the Kingdom that is heavenly and is altogether blessed for Peace and Truth and Righteousness and all Vertue is enjoyed in it for evermore Now Friends you must all be subjected in all things under the Power of the Lord God and unto his will and he must work in you to will and to do for in this is true Rest and Peace unto the Soul where the Will of the Father is done and suffered in all things and not the Will of man which worketh sorrow to the Creature and not peace in the obedience to it and where it rules and that must be subjected in you even in every Word Work and Motion unto the eternal Power that you may die and Christ may live and in this you will have union and fellowship in spirit with the Lord God and he alone will be your trust and confidence and your glory if he live in you and walk in you and then you are his People and he is your God And Friends are to mind this even Peace and Union and Fellowship with the Lord and the comfort of his Presence which is the onely happiness of the Creature even the enjoyment of him that is invisible who is God infinite over all to whom mortal eye cannot approach neither can the mortal mind him apprehend but in his own Life manifested in mortal Flesh and by the measure of his own Spirit that dwells in us is he seen felt preceived and enjoyed of us so mind the Immortal Life begotten of the Father in you that that may live in you even the Heir of God which is his Image and likeness for in that alone is Covenant with God made and kept and in it is the Fathers presence enjoyed and he Worshipped without respect of time place or visible thing and if that live in you then yo● in that will live unto God in all that which is answerable unto him and your words and works will be accepted of him and well-pleasing to him even because it is him that worketh in you to will and to do all good things and he alone exalted in you and you subjected and the Maker is become the Husband and you married unto him and he lives in Power and Rule and Command and you liv● In subjecti●● unto him and in fulfilling his Will in what he guideth in by his Holy Spiri● And this life is very precious Oh Friends live in it and dwell in it always and then your Joy and Peace will be with you over all this World and you will be Comforted whe● Fear and Terrour comes upon all men for the Lord God whom we serve ●nd worship in the Spirit will cause his Enemies to know his Power and that he doth and can do whatsoever he will and will smite his Enemies and wound them in their Consciences for all Power Dominion and Authority is with him he is mighty to save and mighty to destroy and his Reward is to every one according to their deeds and this is the God whom we fear and worship and all Flesh must bow before him when he shews his presence though men 〈◊〉 high and lifted up and go on in Rebellion against him without fear yet th● hand of the Lord will be upon the● and he shall smite them with the ●od of his mouth Wherefore all Friends have respect unto the Lord in your 〈◊〉 in all things that you do and in all things that cometh to pass for that is ●●●●●ed in a people and they shall prosper their Souls shall be nourished and their lives refreshed with the Mercies of the Lord even all they that do wai● upon the Lord and have respect unto him and his Eternal Power which doth and suffereth all things that be In which Power you must dwell and walk and feel it in your hearts and it will be your Armour and Defence in all things and it will carry you through all that which worketh contrary And it is very pretious to be Armed with the Armour of God in the Day of Temptations and Tryals that you may not be overcome of the wicked nor spoiled of the Heavenly Inheritance Oh Frinds put on strength that you
the unity of Saints a departing and absenting from such an one and a depriving of him of the peace and comfort joy and felicity of the Assembly of God's People and Servants a turnning from such in Converse and Fellowship and a separating from them and judging them by the Spirit of Christ Jesus and this is rejecting an Heretick and delivering him to Satan according to 1 Cor. 5. 4 5 6. When the Church The Saints were met together with the Spirit of God and the Power of the Lord Iesus Christ such a one as had erred from the Truth and sinned against it and was truely an Heretick should be delivered unto Satan for the destruction of the Flesh that the Spirit might be saved Delivering unto Satan what is that but to let him be cast out into the wicked World reputing him as such an one and that he partake not of the sweet heavenly and blessed Union and Fellowship of Saints in their Assemblios and converse with the God of Heaven in his Spirit and Life not to be numbred among the righteous nor a partaker with them in the holy Union of the Elect to pass judgment upon him eternally in the estate he is now in having both erred from the Truth and rejected and despised the reproofs and Admonitions of the Church of Christ and as such to give him up to Satan to give him up to that Spirit that hath led him aside from the Truth and hardned his heart against it to deliver him up to it seeing he refuseth to be reclaimed from it and hath chosen to follow it rather then the Truth let him be left unto delivered up unto that Spirit even unto Satan in the wicked World let him be cast out thither among the unclean and not reckoned among the record and line of the faithful People and separated from and cast out so as he expresseth it vers 11. If any man that is called a Brother be a Fornicator or Covetous a Railer a Drunkard c. with such a one not to accompany no not to eat and this is to deliver a Heritick to Satan for the destruction of the Flesh and is the proper punishment of Heresies and Hereticks according to the Apostles Advice and Precept but not to kill or punish the persons of men by corporal Afflictions and Penalties on the Bodies and Estates for their Error sake this the Apostle gave no Commission for but that such as erred from the Truth and walked contrary in Principle or Practice should be rejected and delivered up unto Satan in the way and manner before declared Again in Matth. 18. 16 17 18. it is signified by Jesus Christ to the self-same purpose in these words If thy Brother trespass go and tell him alone if he repent forgive him if not take one or two or more with thee and tell him again if 〈◊〉 still neglect to hear tell it to the Church but if he neglect to hear the Church let such a one be unto thee as hath offended and rejected Reproof and Admonition again and again as an Heathen man and Publican In which words of Christ is truely signified the right and proper way of proceeding towards Hereticks and Offenders even that they be first again and again admonished and reproved and if they resist the same then to be cast out separated from and not enjoy the union and comfort of the Saints amongst them but as an Heathen man and Publican but here is not a word signified of laying corporal Punishments Burning or Banishing persons for their Errors sake and though they may offend no proceedings of this kind are authorised by Jesus Christ or his Apostles in their day but in another way and manner as I have shewed is the proper way ordained of God to deal with Hereticks according to the Testimony of holy Scriptures signified by Christ and his Apostles in the Primitive Churches 9. This is Punishment according to the nature of the Offence for as the Offence is Spiritual erring in the mind from the Truth and a going astray from the Spirit of Christ in a man 's own particular so the Punishment is answerable thereunto even to be separated from the Truth and not to enjoy the Vertue Peace and Comfort of it nor to be partakers thereof amongst the faithfull People And this is truly according to the Iustice of God whose Wayes are just and equal altogether and hath appointed just Rewards for Transgressors according to the nature and merit of the Fact and Deed that is evil and 't is righteous and just that men that sin against their own Souls should be deprived of the Peace and Comfort thereof that all that do depart from the Truth once known and sin against the knowledge thereof ●hould be no more a partaker of the Vertue and Felicity of the same and that they who offend the Lord's People and revolt from the union thereof should be cast out from them rejected of them and not enjoy the Blessings and Peace with them even that all they that will not hear the Repooofs of the Spirit of God nor be drawn with the gentle movings thereof should be judged and condemned with the same and not inherit the Assurance of the Saints And this is God's Iustice That all that love Evil and walk in Iniquity and despise the Lord should be cast out into the sinfull World to have their Portion with the Ungodly and all the Workers of Iniquity and this is just Punishment according to the nature of the Offence of Error aad Heresie for in my Iudgment and I have the Spirit of just Iudgment in this Case it is great Punishment and sufficient for a man that hath once tasted of the Vertue of God's Presence among his People to be cast out from the Feeling and Enjoyment of that Life Vertue and Assembly where it is enjoyed this is Punishment and a Wound to the Soul and Conscience for a Person that hath been turned from Iniquity and witnessed the Peace of Christ in the Church to be left in Iniquity and to witness the Wrath and Anger of God daily smiting him in his spirit and upon his heart this is indeed great Punishment And to have the holy Spirit of Christ in his People now to judge and condemn him whom sometimes it hath comforted and refreshed and to be dis-united and separated from that Spirit and Power amongst the Saints which once gave Life and Joy amongst them This man thus judged and condemned by and thus separated and dis-united from the Spirit and Power of Christ and his People is punished and afflicted sufficiently for his Error and Heresie even in his Conscience Soul and Spirit he is wounded grieved pierced vexed and punished though yet his outward-man and his person be not corporally afflicted by Punishments but he is afflicted within he is dealt withal by the Anger of God in his Conscience he is separated into Darkness and from the Light and Glory of God in the Assemblies
given to all others believe Not so some say They believe he died for all others they say They believe contrary to that And thus the one Faith which the Apostles had the Christians of this Generation have lost and they have lost the one Head Christ and have many Heads every Sect hath their Head Many Heads among the Protestants many Heads among the Papists but thus it was not in the beginning of Christianity therefore you Christians are subverted from the true Life of Christ. The Christians then were of one Faith but now of many The Christians then had one Head Christ but now the Christians so call'd have many Heads The Christians then could lay down their lives one for another and were written in the Hearts of one another by the Spirit of the Living God but the Christians now are in Envy one towards another and in Strife one with another the Great Men do oppress the Poor and they go to Law one with another for Earthly things and one Stealing from another and one Hanging another and Murdering one another and making Slaves one of another and Robbing one another and seeking utterly to destroy one another and yet such have the Name of Christians amongst whom all this is acted But consider How woful is your Fall and how wicked is your Degeneration from the Life of God and from the true Christian Life and Unity which was amongst them in their Beginning Then they were of one Heart and of one Way but now divided and in Strife and Contention about Religion and the Worship of God and also about Earthly things for which they destroy one another and seek so to do Then they could lay down their lives one for another but now they are taking the life one from another through wickedness a woful Apostacy and great night of darkness is upon you then none among them had lack of any thing nor none destroy'd through wasting any thing upon their Lusts but now Thousands perish for want while others have too much and are destroying it upon their Lusts Then had the Christians one Head Christ but now the Beast reigns that hath many Heads Then they were of one Faith but now the Christians profess many Faiths Then the Christians handled saw heard and felt of the Word of Life in them and they had Fellowship with the Father and with the Son but now Thousands of Thousands of Christians are without the sence and feeling and knowledge of the Word of Life in them and walk in Darkness and in Ignorance and have no Fellowship with the Father nor with the Son Behold behold ye Christians how ye are fallen and how great is your Fall A Mourning and Lamentation may be taken up for you The Garment of Righteousness is rent from you and the Beauty of the Son of God appears not upon you Alas alas What doth it advantage you to have the Name of Christians seeing you are thus wofully degenerate from that Love Unity and Life in the Fellowship of God which was among the Apostles who were the first Christians and from whom ye derived the Name but are without the Life as hereby is manifest to the World Again Herein doth the Apostacy of the Christians appear in respect of Holiness and Purity of Life for The Christians were of a holy Life and Conversation the Apostle said 1 Thes. 4. 7. God hath not called them unto Uncleanness but unto Holiness And as you may read Tit. 2. The aged Man were to be Sober Grave Temperate Sound in the Faith in Charity in Patience and the aged Women likewise their Behaviour was to be as became Holiness and the young Women were to be Discreet and Chaste and young Men were to be Sober minded and Servants were to be Obedient to their Masters and to shew good Fidelity For saith the Apostle unto the Christians The Grace of God had appeared teaching them to live Soberly Righteously and Godly in this present World for that end was Christ given that he might redeem them from all Iniquity and purifie unto himself a peculiar People zealous of Good Works Now here in short is a true Description of the true Christian Life and Conversation which was exhorted to and no doubt but practiced by the Christians in the dayes when Christ was manifest amongst them but from this Practice are the Christians degenerated For How are the aged Men and Women now given to Covetousness and Earthly-mindedness and are Peevish and Perverse and Immoderate and in the Works that are Evil shewing that they are not in the Apostles Doctrine and not in the Christian Life but to it are become dead bringing forth Fruits contrary to the Fruits that the aged Men and Women brought forth in the beginning of Christianity shewing they are not of a holy Life and Conversation as the Christians were and ought to be And also how are the young Men and the young Women degenerated from the true Christian Life and now are given to Wantonness and Pleasures of the World and the Lusts which are evil following Vanity and Pride and Vain-Glory And Masters and Servants being corrupt in their places serving themselves one of another and making a Prey one upon another And thus all sorts of Christians are fallen from the Christian Life and Holy Conversation and shew that they own not the Grace of God which hath appeared to all men to be their Teacher as the true Christians once did For it is manifest That the Christians now so called have not deny'd all Ungodliness and Worldly Lusts neither do live Soberly Righteously and Godly in this present World as the Christians did but on the contrary How are ye Christians fallen from the pure and Holy Life abounding in Wickedness and in all Ungodliness How doth Pride abound among Christians How doth Lying Swearing Drunkenness and Whoredom and all the works of the Flesh abound Dissimulation Back-biting Envy Wrath and all that ever can be called Evil is abounding amongst ye Christians so called This shews that your Apostacy is great from that Life and Conversation which the Apostles and Churches of Christians were in who had denied all Ungodliness and worldly Lusts but generally ye live in all Ungodliness and worldly Lust judge ye of this Backsliding into which ye are faln they were taught to live soberly righteously and godly in this present World but ye live unrighteously and ungodly and out of the Fear of God and the Grace of God is not your Teacher as it was theirs Also you may read how much the Apostles exhorted the Christians to a holy Life and Conversation the Apostle said 1 Cor. 3. 17. The Temple of God is holy which Temple ye are speaking to the Christians And he said Eph. 1. 4. They were chosen in Christ that they should be Holy and without Blame before him in Love And Col. 1. 22. They that had been sometimes Enemies to God in their minds were reconciled to present them Holy and Unbl●meable in