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A27107 The practice of piety directing a Christian how to walk, that he may please God / amplified by the author Bayly, Lewis, d. 1631. 1695 (1695) Wing B1502; ESTC R29026 286,386 487

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day 5. Praying for rest and protection that night 6. Remembering the state of the Church the King and the Royal Posterity our Ministers and Magistrates and all our Brethren visited or persecuted 7. Lastly commending thy self and all thine to his gracious custody All which thou maist do in these or the like words A Prayer for the Evening O Most gracious God and loving Father who art about my bed and knowest my down-lying and mine up-rising and art near unto all that call upon thee in truth and sincerity I wretched sinner do beseech thee to look upon me with the eyes of thy mercy and not to behold me as I am in my self For then thou shalt see but an unclean and defiled creature conceived in sin and living in iniquity so that I am ashamed to lift up mine eyes to heaven knowing how grievously I have sinned against heaven and before thee For O Lord I have transgressed all thy Commandments and righteous Laws not only through negligence and infirmity but oftentimes through willful presumption contrary to my knowledge yea contrary to the motions of thy Holy spirit reclaiming me from them so that I have wounded my conscience and grieved thy Holy Spirit by whom thou hast sealed me to the day of redemption Thou hast consecrated my soul and body to be the temples of the Holy Ghost I wretched sinner have defiled both with all manner of pollution and uncleanness My eyes in taking pleasure to behold vanity mine ears in hearing impure and unchaste speeches my tongue in leasing and evil speaking my hands are so full of impurity that I am ashamed to lift them up unto thee and my feet have carried me after mine own ways my understanding and reasoning which are so quick in all earthly matters are only blind and stupid when I come to meditate or discourse of spiritual and heavenly things my memory which should be the treasury of all goodness is not so apt to remember any thing as those things which are vile and vain Yea Lord by woful experience I find that naturally all the imaginations of the thoughts of mine heart are only evil continually And these my sins are more in number than the hairs upon mine head and they have grown over me like a loathsom leprosie that from the Crown of my head to the sole of my feet there remains no part which they have not infected They make me seem vile in mine own eyes how much more abominable must I then appear in thy sight And the custom of sinning hath almost taken away the conscience of sin and pulled upon me such dullness of sense and hardness of heart that thy judgments denounced against my sins by the faithful Preachers of thy Word do not terrifie me to return unto thee by unfeigned repentance for them And if thou Lord shouldest but deal with me according to thy justice and my desert I should utterly be confounded and condemned But seeing that of thine infinite mercy thou hast spared me so long and still waitest for my repentance I humbly beseech thee for the bitter death and bloody passion sake which Jesus Christ hath suffered for me that thou wouldest pardon and forgive unto me all my sins and offences and open unto me that ever streaming fountain of the blood of Christ which thou hast promised to open under the New Testament to the penitent of the house of David that all my sins and uncleanness may be so bathed in his blood buried in his death and hid in his wounds that they may never be more seen to shame me in this life or to condemn me before thy Judgment-seat in the World which is to come And for as much O Lord as thou know'st that it is not in man to turn his own heart unless thou dost first give him grace to convert and seeing that it is as easie with thee to make me righteous and holy as to bid me to be such O my God give me grace to do what thou commandest and then command what thou wilt and thou shalt find me willing to do thy blessed will And to this end give unto me thine Holy Spirit which thou hast promised to give to the world's end unto all thine Elect people And let the same thy holy Spirit purge my heart heal my corruption sanctifie my nature and consecrate my soul and body that they may become the temples of the Holy Ghost to serve thee in righteousness and holiness all the days of my life that when by the direction and assistance of thy holy Spirit I shall finish my course in this short and transitory life I may chearfully leave this world and resign my soul into thy Fatherly hands in the assured confidence of enjoying everlasting life with thee in thine heavenly Kingdom which thou hast prepared for thine elect Saints who love the Lord Jesus and expect his appearing In the mean while O Father I beseech thee let thy holy Spirit work in me such a serious repentance as that I may with tears lament my sins past with grief of heart be humble for my sins present and with all mine endeavour resist the like filthy sins in time to come And let the same thy holy Spirit likewise keep me in the Vnity of thy Church lead me in the truth of thy Word and preserve me that I never swerve from the same to Popery nor any other errour or false worship And let thy Spirit open mine eyes more and more to see the wondrous things of thy Law and open my lips that my mouth may daily defend thy truth and set forth thy praise Increase in me those good gifts which of thy mercy thou hast already bestowed upon me and give unto me a patient spirit a chast heart a contented mind pure affections wise behaviour and all other graces which thou feest to be necessary for me to govern my heart in thy fear and to guide all my life in thy favour that whether I live or die I may live and die unto thee who art my God and my Redeemer And here O Lord according as I am bound I render unto thee from the Altar of my humblest heart all possible thanks for all those blessings and benefits which so graciously and plentuously thou hast bestowed upon my soul and body for this life and for that which is to come namely for mine Election Creation Redemption Vocation Justification Sanctification and Preservation from my child-hood until this present day and hour and for the firm hope which thou hast given me of my Glorification Likewise for my health wealth food raiment and prosperity and more especially for that thou hast defended me this day now past from all perils and dangers both of body and soul furnishing me with all necessary good things that I stand in need of And as thou hast ordained the day for
outward man doth decay so my inward man may more and more by thy grace and consolation increase and gather strength O Saviour put my Soul in a readiness that like a wise Virgin having the Wedding Garment of thy Righteousness and holiness she may be ready to meet thee at thy comming with Oyl in her Lamp Marry her unto thy self that she may be one with thee in everlasting love and fellowship O Lord reprove Satan and chase him away Deliver my soul from the power of the Dog Save me from the Lyon's mouth I thank thee O Lord for all thy blessings both spiritual and temporal bestowed upon me especially for my Redemption by the death of my Saviour Christ. I thank thee that thou hast protected me with thy holy Angels from my youth up until now Lord I beseech thee give them a charge to attend upon me till thou callest for my soul and then to carry her as they did the soul of Lazarus into thy Heavenly Kingdom And as the time of my departure shall approach nearer unto me so grant O Lord that my Soul may draw nearer unto thee and that I may joy fully commend my Soul into thy hands as into the hands of a loving Father and merciful Redeemer and at that instant O Lord graciously receive my Spirit All which that I may do assist me I beseech thee with thy Grace and let thy holy spirit continue with me unto the end and in the end for Jesus Christ his sake thy Son my Lord and only Saviour In whose Name I give thee the glory and beg these things at thy hand in that Prayer which Christ himself hath ●aught me saying Our Father which art in Heaven c. Meditations against Despair or doubting of God's Mercy IT is found by continual experience that near the time of Death when the Children of God are weakest then Satan makes the greatest flourish of his strength and assails them with his strongest temptations For he knoweth that either he must now or never prevail for if their souls once go to Heaven he shall never vex nor trouble them any more And therefore he will now bestir himself as much as he can and labour to set before their eyes all the gross sins which ever they committed and the Judgments of God which are due unto them thereby to drive them if he can unto despair which is a grievouser sin than all the sins hat they committed or he can accuse them of If Satan therefore trouble thy Conscience more towards thy death than in thy life 1. Confess thy sins unto God not only in general but also in particular 2. Make satisfaction unto those Men whom thou hast wronged if thou be●st able And if thou dost injuriously or fraudulently detain or keep in thy possession any Lands or Goods that of right do belong to any Widow or Fatherless Child presume not as thou tenderest thy Soul's health to look Christ the righteous Judge in the face unless thou dost first make a restitution thereof to the right owners for the Law of God under the penalty of his curse requireth thee to restore whatsoever was given thee to keep or which was committed to thy trust or whatsoever by robbery or violent oppression thou tookest from thy neighbour with a fifth part for amends added to the principal And unless that like Zaccheus thou dost make restit●tion of such Goods and Lands according to God's Law thou canst never truly repent and without true Repentance thou canst never be saved But though by the temptation of the Devil thou hast done wrong and injury yet if thou dost truly repent and make restitution to thy power the Lord hath promised to be merciful unto thee to hear the Prayers of his faithful Ministers for thee to forgive thee thy trespass and sin and to receive thy Soul in the Merits of Christ's Blood as a Lamb without blemish 3. Ask God for Christ his sake pardon and forgiveness And then these troubles of mind are no Discouragements but rather Comforts Exercises not Punishments They are assurances unto thee that thou art in the right way for the way to Heaven is by the gates of Hell that is by suffering pains in the body and such doubtings in the mind that thy estate in this life being every way made bitter the joys of eternal life may relish unto thee better and more sweet If Satan tell thee that thou hast no Faith because thou hast no feeling Meditate 1. That the truest Faith hath oftentimes the least feeling and greatest doubts but so long as thou hatest such doubtings they shall not be laid unto thy charge for they belong to the flesh from which thou art divorced When thy flesh shall perish thy weak inward man which hates them and loves the Lord Jesus shall be saved 2. That it is a better Faith to believe without feeling than with feeling The least Faith so much as a grain of Mustard-seed so much as is in an Infant baptized is enough to save the Soul which loveth Christ and believeth in him 3. That the Child of God which desireth to feel the assurance of God's favour shall have his desire when God shall see it to be for his good For God hath promised to give them the Water of Life who thirst for it we have an example in Mr. Glover the holy Martyr who could have no comfortable feeling till he came to the sight of the Stake and then cryed out and clapped his hands for joy to his Friends saying O Austin he is come he is come meaning the feeling joy of Faith and the Holy Ghost Tarry therefore the Lord's leisure be strong and he shall comfort thine heart If Satan shall aggravate unto thee the greatness the multitude and hainousness of thy sins meditate 1. That upon true Repentance it is as easie with God to forgive the greatest sin as the least and he is as willing to forgive many as to pardon one And his mercy shineth more in pardoning great sinners than small offenders as appears in the Examples of Manasses Magdalen Peter Paul c. And where sin most aboundeth there doth his Grace rejoyce to abound much more 2. That God did never forsake any man till a man did first forsake God as appears in the examples of Cain Saul Achitophel Ahazia Judas c. 3. That God calleth all even those sinners who were heavy laden with sin and that he did never deny his mercy to any sinner that asked his mercy with a penitent heart This the history of the Gospel witnesseth There came unto Christ all sorts of sick sinners the blind lame halt Lepers such as were sick of Palsies Dropsies Bloody-fluxes such as were Lunatick and possessed with unclean Spirits and Devils Yet of all these not one that came and asked his mercy and help went
cleans●th him from all his sins and either asswage his pain or else increase his patience to endure thy blessed will and pleasure And good Lord lay no more upon him than thou shalt enable him to bear Heave him up unto thy self with those sighs a●d groans which cannot be expressed Make him now to feel what is the hope of his Calling and what is the exceeding greatness of thy Mercy and Power towards them that believe in thee And in his weakness O Lord shew thou thy strength Defend him against the suggestions and temptations of Satan who as he hath all his life time will now in his weakness especially seek to assail him and to devour him O save his Soul and reprove Satan and command thy holy Angels to be about him to aid him and to chase away all evil and malignant Spirits far from him Make him more and more to loath this world and to desire to be loosed and to be with Christ. And when that good hour and time shall come wherein thou hast determined to call for him out of this present life give him grace peacefully and joyfully to yield up his soul into thy merciful hands and do thou receive her into thy mercy and let thy blessed Angels carry her into thy kingdom Make his last hour his best hour his last words his best words and his last thoughts his best thoughts And when the sight of his eyes is gone and his tongue shall fail to do its office grant O Lord that his Soul may with Stephen behold Jesus Christ in Heaven ready to receive him and that thy Spirit within him may make request for him with sighs which cannot be expressed Teach us in him to read and see our own end and mortality and therefore to be careful to prepare our selves for our last ends and put our selves in a readiness against the time that thou shalt call for us in the like manner Thus Lord we recommend this our dear Brother or Sister thy sick servant unto thy eternal Grace and Mercy in that Prayer which Christ our Saviour hath taught us saying Our Father which art in heaven c. Thy grace O Lord Jesus Christ thy love O heavenly Father thy comfort and consolation O holy Spirit be with us all and especially with this thy sick servant to the end and in the end Amen Let them read often unto the sick some special Chapters of the holy Scripture as The three first Chapters of the Book of Job The 14. and 19. Chapters of Job The 34. Chapter of Deuteronomy The two last Chapters of Joshua The 17. Chapter of the first of Kings The 2 4 and 12. Chapters of the Second of Kings The 38 40 and 65. Chapters of Isaiah The History of the Passion of Christ. The 8. Chapter of the Romans The 15. Chapter of the first Epistle to the Corinthians The fourth of the first Epistle to the Thessalonians The fifth Chapter of the second Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians The first and last Chapters of St. James The 11 and 12 to the Hebrews The first Epistle of Peter The three first and the three last Chapters of the Revelations or some of these And so exhorting the sick party to wait upon God by faith and patience till he send for him and praying the Lord to send them a joyful meeting in the Kingdom of Heaven and a blessed Resurrection at the last day they may depart at their pleasure in the Peace of God Consolations against impatience in sickness IF in thy sickness by extremity of pain thou be driven to impatience meditate 1. That thy sins have deserved the pains of hell therefore thou maist with greater patience endure these fatherly Corrections 2. That these are the scourges of thy heavenly Father and the rod is in his hand If thou didst suffer with reverence being a child the correction of thy earthly Parents how much rather should'st thou now subject thy self being the Child of God to ●he chastis●ment of thy heavenly Father seeing it is for thine eternal good 3. That Christ suffered in his soul and body far grievo ser pains for thee therefore thou must more willingly suffer his blessed pleasure for thine own good Therefore saith Peter Christ suffered for you leaving you an example that ye should follow hi● steps And Let us saith S. Pau● run with joy the race that is set before us looking unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith who for the joy that was set before him endured the Cross c. 4. That these afflictions which now you suffer are none other but such as are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world as witnesseth Peter Yea Job's afflictions were far more grievous There is not one of the Saints which now are at rest in heavenly joys but endured as much as you do before they went thither yea ●●ny of them willingly suffered all the torments that Tyrants could inflict upon them that they might come to those heavenly 〈◊〉 whereunto you are now called And you have a promise that the God of a●l grace after that you have suffered a while will make you perfect stablish strengthen and settle you And that God of his fidelity will not suffer you to be tempted above that you are able but will with the temptation also make a way to escape that ye may be able to bear it 5. That God hath determined the time when thy affliction shall end as well as the time when it began 38 years were appointed the sick man at Be●hesda's Pool Twelve Years to the Woman with the bloody Issue● Three months to Moses Ten days tribulation to the Angel of the Church of Smyrna Three days plague to David Yea the number of the godly man's tears are registred in God's book and the quantity kept in his bottle The time of our trouble saith Christ is but a Modicum God's Anger lasts but a moment saith David A little season saith the Lord and therefore calls all the time of our pain but the hour of sorrow Da●id for the swiftness thereof compares our present trouble to a Book and A●●anasius to a Shower Compare the longest misery that Man endures in this 〈◊〉 to the eternity of heavenly joys and they will appear to be nothing And as the sight of a Son safe born makes the M●ther forget all her former deadly pain so the sight of Christ in Heaven who was born for thee will make all these pangs of death to be quite forgotten as if they had never been like Stephen who as soon as he saw Christ forgat his own wounds with the horror of the grave and terror of the stones and sweetly yielded his soul into the hands of his Saviour Forget thine own pain think of Christ's wounds Be faithful unto the death and he will give thee the Crown of eternal life 6. That you are
Turning the curses which he deserved to crosses and fartherly corrections yea all things all calamities of this life Death it self yea his very sins unto his good 5. God gives him his Holy Spirit which 1. Sanctifieth him by Degrees throughout so that he doth more and more die to sin and live to righteousness 2. Assures him of his Adoption and that he is by Grace the Child of God 3. Encourageth him to come with boldness and confidence into the presence of God 4. Moveth him without fear to say unto him Abba Father 5. Poureth into his heart the gift of sanctified Prayer 6. Perswadeth him that both he and his Prayers are accepted and heard of God for Christ his Mediator's sake 7. Fills him with 1. Peace of Conscience 2. Joy in the holy Ghost in comparison whereof all earthly joys seem vile and vain unto him 6. He hath a recovery of his sovereignty over the creatures which he lost by Adam's fall and from thence free liberty of using all things which God hath not restrained so that he may use them with a good conscience For to all things in Heaven and Earth he hath a sure title in this life and he shall have the Plenary and peaceable possession of them in the life to come Hence it is that all Reprobates are but usurpers of all that they possess and have no place of their own but Hell 7. He hath the assurance of God's Fatherly care and protection day and night over him which care consists in three things 1. In providing all things necessary for his Soul and Body concerning this life and that which is to come so that he shall be sure ever either to have enough or patience to be content with that he hath 2. In that God gives his Holy Angels as Ministers a charge to attend upon him always for his good yea in danger to pitch their Tents about him for his safety where ever he be Yea GOD's Protection shall defend him as a cloud by day and as a pillar of fire by night and his providence shall hedge him from the power of the Devil 3. In that the eyes of the Lord are upon him and his ears continually open to see his state and to hear his complaint and in his good time to deliver him out of all his troubles Thus far of the blessed Estate of the Godly and Regenerate Man in this life Now of his blessed Estate in Death 2. Meditations of the blessed Estate of a Regenerate Man in his Death WHen GOD sends Death as his Messenger for the Regenerate Man he meets him half the way to Heaven for his conversation and affection is there before him Death is neither strange nor fearful unto him Not strange because he died daily not fearful because whilst he lived he was dead and his life was hid with God in Christ. To die unto him therefore is nothing else in effect but to rest from his labour in this world to go home to his Father's house unto the City of the living God the heavenly Jerusalem to an innumerable company of Angels to the general assembly and Church of the first-born to God the Judge of all and to the spirits of just Men made perfect and to Jesus the Mediator of the New Covenant Whilst his body is sick his mind is sound for God maketh all his bed in his sickness and strengtheneth him with Faith and Patience upon his bed of sorrow And when he begins to enter into the way of all the World he giveth like Jacob Moses and Joshua to his Children and Friends godly Exhortations and Counsels to serve the true God to worship him truly all the days of their life His blessed Soul breatheth nothing but blessings and such speeches as savour a sanctified spirit As his outward man decayeth so his inward man increaseth and waxeth stronger When the speech of his Tongue faltereth the sighs of his heart speak louder unto God when the sight of the eyes faileth the Holy Ghost illuminates him inwardly with abundance of spiritual light His Soul feareth not but is bold to go out of the Body and to dwell with her Lord. He sigheth out with Paul Cupio dissolvi I desire to to be dissolved and to be with Christ. And with David As the heart panteth after the water-brooks so panteth my Soul after thee O God My soul thirsteth for God for the living God when shall I come and appear before God He prayeth with the Saints How long O Lord which art holy and true Come Lord JESVS come quickly And when the appointed time of his dissolution is come knowing that he goeth to his Father and redeemer in the peace of a good Conscience and the assured perswasion of the forgiveness of all his sins in the blood of the Lamb he sings with blessed old Simeon his Nunc dimittis Lord now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace c. And surrenders up his Soul as it were with his own hands into the hands of his heavenly Father saying with David Into thy hands O Father I commend my Soul for thou hast redeemed me O Lord thou God of truth And saying with Stephen Lord Jesus receive my spirit He no sooner yields up his sacred Ghost but immediately the holy Angels who attended upon him from his Birth unto his Death carry and accompany his Soul into Heaven as they did the Soul of Lazarus into Abraham's bosom which is the Kingdom of Heaven whither only good Angels and good works do accompany the Soul the one to deliver their charge the other to receive their reward The Body in convenient time as the sanctified Temple of the Holy Ghost the Members of Christ nourished by his Body the price of the blood of the Son of God is by his fellow Brethren reverently laid to sleep in his grave as in the Bed of Christ in an assured hope to awake in the Resurrection of the Just at the last Day to be partaker with the Soul of life and glory everlasting And in this respect not only the Souls but the very Bodies of the Faithful also are termed blessed Thus far of the Blessedness of the Soul and Body of the regenerate Man in death Now let us see the Blessedness of his Soul and Body after death 3. Meditations of the Blessed Estate of the Regenerate Man after Death THis Estate hath Three Degrees 1. From the Day of Death to the Resurrection 2. From the Resurrection to the pronouncing of the Sentence 3. After the Sentence which lasts eternally As soon as ever the regenerate Man hath yielded up his Soul unto Christ the holy Angels take her into their Custody and
by a certain chain of God's providence disposing all things in number measure and weight All times are therefore measured by the Sabbath so that Time and the Sabbath can never be separated And the Angel swears that this measuring of time shall continue till that time shall be no more And as the Sabbath had its first institution in the first Book of the Scriptures so hath it its confirmation in the last and as this Book doth authorize this day so this day graceth the Book in that the matter thereof was revealed upon so holy a day the Lord's revelation upon the Lord's Day As well therefore may they pull the Sun Moon and Stars out of the Heavens as abolish the Holy Sabbath times meet-rod out of the Chruch seeing the Sabbath is ordained in the Church as well as the Sun and Moon in the Firmament for the distinction of times 8. Because that the whole Church by an Universal consent ever since the Apostles time have still held the Commandment of the Sabbath to be the moral and perpetual Law of God and the keeping of the Sabbath on the first day of the week to be the institution of Christ and his Apostles The Synod called Synodus Coloniensis saith that the Lord's-day hath been famous in the Church ever since the Apostles time Ignatius Bishop of Antioch living in St. John's time saith Let every one that loveth Christ keep holy the Lord's-day renowned by his Resurrection which is the Queen of days in which death is overcome and life is sprung up in Christ. Justin Martyr who lived not long after him sheweth how the Christians kept their Sabbath on the Lord's-day as we do Origen who lived about 1●0 years after Christ shews the reason why the Sabbath is translated to the Lord's-day Augustin saith That the Lord's-day was declared unto the Church by the Resurrection of the Lord upon that day Et ex illo e●●pit habere festivitatem suam and by Christ it was first ordained to be kept holy And in another place That the Apostles appointed the Lord's-day to be kept with all religious solemnity because that upon that day our Redeemer rose from the dead which also is therefore called the Lord's-day As therefore David said of the City of God so may I say of the Lord's-day Glorious things are spoken of the day of the Lord for it was the birth-day of the World the first day wherein all Creatures began to have being In it light was drawn out of darkness In it the Law was given on Mount Sinai In it the Lord rose from death to life In it the Saints came out of their graves assuring that on it Christians should rise to newness of life In it the Holy Ghost descended upon the Apostles And it is very probable that on the seventh day when the seven Trumpets have blown the cursed Jerich● of this World shall fall and our true Jesus shall give us the promised possession of the heavenly Canaan ●e that would see the uniform consent of Antiquiry and practice of the Primitive Church in this point let him read Eusebius ' s Ecclesiastical History Lib. 4 c 23 Tertullian lib. de Idololat●●a cap. 14. Chr●s Serm. 5. de resurrection Constitut. Apal l. cap. 37. C●●il in J●ham l. 12. c. ●8 Of this Ju●gment are all the found new Writers see ●ox on Rev. 1. 10. Bucer in Mat. 12. 1● Gualt in Malach. 3. h●m 23. ●ulk on the R●emish Testam Apoc. 1. 10. Chem. Exa●● Conc. T●●d par 4. de diebus festis Wolph Chron. lib. 2. cap. 1. Armin Thes in 4 praecept and innumerable others Learned Junius shall speak for all Qua●●brem c●●m dies ●●minicus c. Wherefore seeing the Lord's day is both the fast of Christ viz. his resurrection and often appearing to his Disciples upon that day by the example and institution of the Apostles and by the continual practice of the ancient Church and by the testimony of the Scripture observed and substituted into the place of the Jewish Sabbath Ineptè faciunt they do foolishly who say that the observation of the Lord's day is of Tradition and not from the Scripture that by this means they might establish the Traditions of Men. And again the cause of this change is the resurrection of Christ and the benefit of the restoring of the Church by Christ the remembrance of which benefit did succeed into the place of the memory of the creation Non humanâ traditione sed Christi ipsius observatione instituto Not by the tradition of Man but by the observation and appointment of Christ who both on the day of his resurrection and on every 8th day after unto his ascension into heaven did appear unto his Disciples and came into their assemblies 9. Because that the Lord himself expoundeth the end of the Sabbath to be a sign and document for ever betwixt him and his people that he is Jehovah by whom they are sanctified and therefore must only of them be worshiped and upon the pain of death chargeth his people for ever to keep this memorial unviolated But this end is moral and perpetual Therefore the Sabbath is moral and perpetual What God hath perpetually sanctified let no man ever presume to make common or prophane Upon this ground it is that the Commandment terms this day the Sabbath of the Lord thy God And God himself calls it his holy day And upon the same ground likewise the Old Testament consecrated all their Sabbaths and holy days to the worship and honour of God alone To dedicate therefore a Sabbath to the honour of any creature is gross Idolatry For the first Table makes it a part of God's Worship to have a Sabbath to his honour so doth Levit. 23. 3 37 38 c. and Ezek. 20. 20. Neh 9. 14. the Sabbath is put for the whole worship of God And our Saviour teacheth that We must Worship the Lord God only Mat. 4. 10. and therefore keep a Sabbath to the only honour of God The Holy Ghost notes it as one of Jeroboam's greatest sins that he ordained a Feast from the device of his own heart 1 Kings 12. 33. And God threatneth to visit Israel for keeping the days of Baalim That is of Lords as Papists do of Saints Hos. 2. 13. but saith that such forget him And so indeed none are less careful in keeping the Lord's Sabbath than they who are most superstitious observers of mens holy days The Church of Rome therefore commits gross Idolatry First in taking upon her to ordain Sabbaths which belongs only unto the Lord of the Sabbath to do Secondly in dedicating those holy days to the honour of Creatures which in effect is to make them sanctifying Gods Thirdly In tying to these days God's Worship Prayers Fasting and Merit Fourthly In exacting on these days of mens
thou hast and a supply of those which thou wantest But especially pray that thou maist have Grace to hear the word of God read and preached with profit and that thou maist receive the holy Sacrament with comfort if it be Communion day that God by his Holy Spirit would assist the Preacher to speak something that may kill thy sin and comfort thy soul which thou maist do in this or the like sort A morning Prayer for the Sabbath-day O Lord most high O God eternal all whose works are glorious and whose thoughts are very deep there can be no better thing than to praise thy Name and to declare thy loving kindness in the morning on thy holy and blessed Sabbath day For it is thy Will and Commandment that we should sancti●ie this day in thy service and praise and in the thankful remembrance as of the creation of the world by the power of thy Word so of the redemption of Mankind by the death of thy Son Thine O Lord I confess is greatness and power and glory and victory and praise for all that is in heaven and earth is thine Thine is the Kingdom O Lord and thou excellest as head over all Both riches and honour come of thee and thou reignest over all and in thine hand is power and strength and in thine hand it is to make great and to give grace unto all Now therefore O my God I praise thy glorious Name that whereas I a wretched sinner having so many ways provoked thy Majesty to anger and displeasure thou notwithstanding of thy favour and goodness passing by my prophaneness and infirmities hast vouchsafed to add this Sabbath again unto the number of my days And vouchsafe O heavenly Father for the merits of Jesus Christ thy Son whose glorious resurrection thy whole Church celebrateth this day to pardon and forgive me all my sins and misdeeds Especially O Lord cleanse my soul from those filthy sins with the blood of thy most pure and undefiled Lamb which taketh away the sins of the world And let thy Holy Spirit more and more subdue my corruptions that I may be renewed after thine own Image to serve thee in newness of life and holiness of conversation And as of thy mercy thou hast brought me to the beginning of this blessed day so I do beseech thee make it a day of Reconciliation betwixt my sinful Soul and thy Divine Majesty Give me grace to make it a day of Repentance unto thee that thy goodness may seal i● to be a day of pardon unto me and that I may remember that the keeping holy of this day is a Commandment which thine own finger hath written That on this day I might meditate on thy glorious works of our Creation and Redemption and learn how to know and to keep all the rest of thy holy Laws and Commandments And when anon I shall with the rest of the holy Assembly appear before thy Presence in thy House to offer unto thee our Morning Sacrifice of praise and Prayer and to hear what thy Spirit by the preaching of thy Word shall speak unto thy servant Oh let not my sins stand as a Cloud to stop my Prayers from ascending unto thee or to keep back thy grace from descending by thy Word into my heart I know O Lord and tremble to think that three parts of the good seed falls upon bad ground O let not my heart be like the high-way which through hardness and want of true understanding receives not the seed till the evil one cometh and catcheth it away nor like to the stony ground which heareth with joy for a time but falleth away as soon as persecution ariseth for the Gospel's sake nor like the thorny ground which by the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choaketh the Word which it heareth and makes it altogether unfruitful but th●t like unto the good ground I may hear thy Word with an honest and good heart understand it and keep it and bring forth fruit with patience in that measure that thy Wisdom shall think meet for thy glory and mine everlasting comfort Open likewise I beseech thee O Lord the door of utterance unto thy faithful servant whom thou hast sent unto us to open our Eyes that we may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto God that we may receive forgiveness of sins and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith in Christ. And give me grace to submit my self unto his Ministery as well when he terri●ieth me with judgments as when he comforteth me with thy Mercies And that I may have him in singular love for his works sake because he watcheth for my soul as he that must give an account for the same unto his Master And give me grace to behave my self in the holy Congregation with comeliness and reverence as in thy presence and in the sight of thy holy Angels Keep me from drowsiness and sleeping and from all wandring thoughts and worldly imaginations sanctifie my Memory that it may be apt to receive and firm to remember those good and profitable doctrines which shall be taught unto us out of thy Word And that through the assistance of thy holy Spirit I may put the same Lessons in practice for my direction in Prosperity for my consolation in Misery for the amendment of my Life and the glory of thy Name And that this day which godless and prophane Persons spend in their own Lusts and Pleasures I as one of thy obedient Servants may make my chief delight to consecrate to thy glory and honour not doing mine own ways nor seeking mine own will nor speaking a vain word but that ceasing from the works of sin as well as from the works of mine ordinary calling I may through thy blessing feel in my heart the beginning of that eternal Sabbath which in unspeakable joy and glory I shall celebrate with Saints and Angels to thy praise and worship in thy heavenly Kingdom for evermore All which I humbly crave at thy hands in the name and mediation of my Lord Jesus in that form of Prayer which he hath taught me Our Father which art in Heaven c. Having thus in private prepared thine own soul if thou has● the charge of a Family call all thy Houshold together read a Chapter and pray as in the week-days but remember so to dispatch these private preparations and duties as that thou and thy family may be in the Church before the beginning of Prayers Else your private exercises are rather an hindran●e than a preparation And as thou and thy Houshold do go in all reverence towards the Church let every one meditate thus with himself Things to be meditated as thou goest to the Church 1. That thou art going to the Court of the Lord and to speak with the great God by prayer and to hear his Majesty speak unto
fearful estate of those Pastors who minister unto them without Catechising 2. Of sincere Faith required to make a worthy Communicant Sincere Faith is not a bare knowledge of the Scriptures and first grounds of Religion for that Devils and Reprobate have in an excellent measure and do believe it and tremble but a true persuasion as of all those things whatsoever the Lord hath revealed in his Word so also a particural applications unto a man 's own soul of all the promises of mercy which God hath made in Christ to all believing sinners And consequently the Christ and all his merits do belong unto him as well as to any other For first if we have not the righteousness of Faith the Sacrament seals nothing unto us and every man in the Lord's Supper receiveth so much as he believeth Secondly because that without Faith we communicating on earth cannot apprehend Christ in Heaven For as he dwelleth in us by Faith so by faith we must likewise eat him Thirdly because that without faith we cannot be perswaded in our consciences that our receiving is acceptable unto God 3. Of unfeigned Repentance requisite a for true Communicant True Repentance is a holy change of the mind when upon the feeling sight of God's mercy and of a man 's own misery he turneth from all his known and secret sins to serve God in holiness and righteousness all the rest of his days For as he that is glutted with meat is not apt to eat bread so he that is stuffed with sins is not sit to receive Christ. And a conscience defiled with wilful filthiness makes the use of all holy things unholy unto us Our sacrificed spotless Passover cannot be eaten with the sowre leaven of malice and wickedness saith Paul 1 Cor. 5. 8. Neither can the old Bottles of our corrupt and impure Consciences retain the new Wine of Christ's precious Blood as our Saviour saith Mar. 2. 22. We must therefore truly repent if we will be worthy partakers 4. The duty to be performed in respect of our Neighbour is Charity Charity is a hearty forgiving of others who have offended us and after reconciliation an outward unfeigned testifying of the inward affections of our hearts by gestures words and deeds as oft as we meet and occasion is offered For first without love to our Neighbour no Sacrifice is acceptable unto God Secondly because one chief end wherefore the Lord's Supper was ordained is to confirm Christians love one towards another Thirdly no man can assure himself that his own sins are forgiven of God if his heart cannot yield to forgive the faults of men that have offended him Thus far of the first sort of Duties which we are to perform before we come to the Lord's Table called Preparation 2. Of the Second sort of Duties which a worthy Communicant is to perform at the receiving of the Lord's Supper called Meditation THis Exercise of spiritual Meditation consist in divers Points First when the Sermon is ended and the Banquet of the Lord's Supper begins to be celebrated meditate with thy self how thou art invited by Christ to be a Guest at his Holy Table and how lovingly he inviteth thee Ho every one that thirsteth come ye to the waters of life c. Come buy wine and milk without money and without price eat ye that which is good let your soul delight it self in fatness Take ye eat ye This is my body which was broken for you drink ye all of this for this is my blood which was shed for the remission of your sins What greater honour can be vouchsafed than to be admitted to sit at the Lord● own Table What better fare can be afforded than to feed on the Lord 's own Body and Blood If David thought it to be the greatest favour that he could shew unto good Barzillai for all the kindness that he shewed unto him in his Troubles to offer him that he should feed with him at his own Table in Jerusalem how much greater favour ought we to account it When Christ doth indeed feed us in the Church at his own Table and that with his own most holy Body and Blood Secondly As Abraham when he went up to the mount to sacrifice Isaac his Son left his Servants beneath in the Valley so when thou comest to the spiritual sacrifice of the Lord's Supper lay aside all earthly thoughts and cogitations that thou maiest wholly contemplate of Christ and offer up thy Soul unto him who sacrificed both his Soul and Body for thee Thirdly Meditate with thy self how precious and venerable is the Body and Blood of the Son of God who is the Ruler of Heaven and Earth the Lord at whose beck the Angels tremble and by whom both the quick and dead shall be judged at the last day and thou among the ●est And how that it is he who having been crucified for thy sins offereth now to be received by faith into thy s●ul On the other side consider how sinful a Creature thou art how altogether unworthy of so holy a Guest how ill deserving to taste of such sacred food having been conceived in filthiness and wallowing ever since in the mire of iniquity bearing the Name of a Christian but doing the works of the Devil adoring Christ with an Ave Rex in thy mouth but spitting Oaths in his face and crucifying him anew with thy graceless actions Fourthly Ponder then with what face darest thou offer to touch so holy a Body with such defiled hands or to drink such precious blood with so lewd and lying a mouth or to lodge so blessed a Guest in so uncle an a stable For if the Bethshemites were slain for but looking irreverently into the Ark of the old Testament what Judgment maist thou justly expect who with such impure Eyes and Heart art come to see and receive the Ark of the New Testament in which dwelleth all the fulness of the God-head bodily If Vzzah for but touching though not without zeal the Ark of the Covenant was stricken with sudden death what stroke of divine Judgment mayst thou not fear that so rudely with unclean hands dost presume to handle the Ark of the Eternal Testament wherein are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge If John Baptist the holiest man that was born of a Woman thought himself unworthy to bear his shooes O Lord how unworthy is such a Prophane Wretch as thou art to eat his holy Flesh and to drink his precious Blood If the blessed Apostle Saint Peter seeing but a glimpse of Christ's Almighty Power thought himself unworthy to stand in the same Boat with him how unworthy art thou to sit with Christ at the same Table where thou mayest behold the infiniteness of his Grace and Mercy displayed If the Centurion thought that the roof of his house was not worthy to harbour so Divine a Guest what room
the company of wick●ed Men and God taketh away merciful 〈◊〉 righteous men from the evil to come So 〈◊〉 dealt with Josiah I will gather thee to th● Fathers and thou shalt be put into thy gr●● in peace and thine eyes shall not see all the 〈◊〉 which I will bring upon this place And Go● hides them for a while in the grave untill 〈◊〉 indignation pass over So that as Paradise 〈◊〉 the Heaven of the soul's joy so the Gra●● may be term'd the Heaven of the bodies 〈◊〉 3. Whereas this wicked Body lives in a world of wickedness so that the poor Soul cannot look out at the Eye and not be infected nor hear by the Ear and not be distracted nor smell at the Nostrils and not be tainted nor taste with the Tongue and not be allured nor touch by the Hand and not be defiled and every sense upon every temptation is ready to betray the Soul by death the Soul shall be delivered from this Thraldom and this corruptible body shall put on incorruption and this mortal immortality 1 Cor. 15. 53. O blessed thrice blessed be that Death in the Lord which delivers us out of so evil a World and freeth us from such a body of bondage and corruption The third sort of Meditations are to consider what good Death will bring unto thee 1. DEATH bringeth the godly Man's Soul to enjoy an immediate Communion with the blessed Trinity in everlast●ng bliss and glory 2. It translates the Soul from the Mise●ies of this world the contagion of sin and ●●ciety of Sinners to the City of the living ●ed the Celestial Jerusalem and the com●any of innumerable Angels and to the assem●ly and congregation of the first-born which 〈◊〉 written in Heaven and to God the Judge 〈◊〉 all and to the Souls of just Men made per●ect and to Jesus the Mediator of the new ●ovenant 3. Death putteth the Soul into the aactual and full possession of all the inheritance and happiness which Christ hath either promised unto thee in his Word or purchased for thee by his blood This is the good and happiness whereunto a blessed death will bring thee And what truly Religious Christian that is young would not wish himself old that his appointed time might the sooner approach to enter into this celestial Paradise where thou maist exchange thy Brass for Gold thy Vanity for Felicity thy Vileness for Honour thy Bondage for Freedom thy Lease for an Inheritance and thy mortal State for an immortal Life He that doth not daily desire this blessedness above all things of all others he is less worthy to enjoy it If Cato Vticensis and Cleombrotus two Heathen-men reading Plato's Book o● the Immortality of the Soul did voluntarily the one break his Neck the other run upon his Sword that they might th● sooner as they thought have enjoyed those joys what a shame is it for Christian● knowing those things in a more excellent measure and manner out of God's ow● Book not to be willing to enter into these heavenly Joys especially when their Master calls for them thither If therefor● there be in thee any love of God or desir● of thine own happiness or salvation whe● the time of thy departing draweth near● that time I say and manner of Death which God in his unchangeable Counsel hath appointed and determined be●fore thou wast born yield and surrender up willingly and chearfully thy Soul into the merciful hands of Jesus Christ thy Saviour And to this end when the time is come as the Angel in the ●ight of Manoah and his Wife ascended from the Altar up to heaven in the flame of the sacrifice so endeavour thou that thy spirit in the sight of thy friends may from the altar of a contrite heart ascend up to Heaven in the sweet perfume of this or the like spiritual Sacrifice of Prayer A Prayer for a sick Man when he is told that he is not a Man for this World but must prepare himself to go unto God O Heavenly Father who art the Lord God of the spirits of all flesh and hast made us these souls and h●st appointed us the time as to come into this World so having finished our course to go out of the same the number of my days which thou hast determined are now expired and I am come to the utmost bounds which thou hast appointed beyond which I cannot pass I know O Lord that if thou enterest into judgment no flesh can be justified in thy sight And I O Lord of all others should appear most impure and unjust for I have not fought that good ●ight for the defence of thy Faith and Religion with that zeal and constancy that I should but for fear of displeasing the World I have given way unto sins and errours and for desire to please my flesh I have broken all thy Commandments in thought word and deed so that my sins have taken such hold on me that I am not able to look up and they are more in number than the hairs on my head If thou wilt straitly mark mine iniquities O Lord where shall I stand if thou weighest me in the balance I shall be found too light For I am void of all righteousness that might merit thy mercy and loaden with all iniquities that most justly deserve thy heaviest wrath Bu● O my Lord and my God for Jesus Christ thy Son's sake in whom only thou art well pleased with all penitent and believing sinners take pity and compassion upon me who am the chief of sinners Blot out all my sins out of thy remembrance and wash away all my transgressions out of thy sight with the precious blood of thy Son which I believe that he as an undefiled Lamb hath shed for the cleansing of my sins In this faith I lived in this faith I die believing that Jesus Christ died for my sins and rose again for my justification And seeing that he hath endured that Death and born the burthen of that Judgment which was due unto my sins O Father for his Death and Passion 's sake now that I am coming to appear before thy Judgment-seat acquit and deliver me from that fearful Judgment which my sins have justly deserved And perform unto me that gracious and comfortable Promise which thou hast made in thy Gospel That whosoever believeth in thee hath everlasting life and shall not come into Judgment but shall pass from death unto life Strengthen O Christ my Faith that I may put the whole confidence of my salvation in the merits of thy obedience and Blood Encrease O holy Spirit my patience lay no more upon me than I am able to bear and enable me to bear so much as shall stand with thy blessed will and pleasure O blessed Trinity in Unity my Creator Redeemer and Sanctifier vouchsafe that as my
now called to Repetitions in Christ's School to see how much Faith Patience and Godliness you have learned all this while and whether you can like Job receive at the hand of God some evil as well as you have hitherto received a great deal of good As therefore you have always prayed Thy will be done so be not now offended at this which is done by his holy will 7. That all things shall work together for the best to them that love God Insomuch that neither Death nor Life nor Angels nor Principalities nor Powers c. shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Jesus Christ our Lord. Assure your self that every pang is a prevention of the pains of hell every res●ite an earnest of Heavens rest and how many stripes do you esteem heaven worth As your life hath been a comfort to others so give your friends a Christian example to die and deceive the Devil as Job did It is but the ●●oss of Christ sent before to crucifie the love of the World in thee that thou m●●st go eternally to live with Christ who was crucified for thee As thou art therefore a true Christian take up like Simon of Cyr●n● with both thy arms his holy Cross carry it after him 〈◊〉 him thy pains will shortly pass thy joys shall never pass away Consolations against the fear of Death IF in the time of thy sickness thou findest thy self fearful to die meditate 1. That it argueth a dastardly mind to fear that which is nor For in the Church of Christ there is no death Isa. 25. 7 8. And whosoever liveth and believeth in Christ shall never die Job 11. 26. Let them fear death who live without Christ. Christians die not but when they please God they are like 〈◊〉 translated unto God Their pains are but Elijah's fiery chariot to carry them up to heaven or like Lazar●●'s sores sending them to Abraham's Bosom In a word if thou be one of them that like Lazarus lovest Jesus thy sickness is not unto the death but for the glory of God who of his love changeth thy living death to an everlasting life And if mans heathen men as Socrat●s C●●tiu● Seneca c. died willing●● when they might have lived in h●pe of the immortality of the soul wilt thou being trai●●d so lo●g in Ch●●st's Sch●ol and now c●ll●d to the Marriage Supper of the blessed L●●h Rev. 19 7. be one of those Guests th●● refuse to go to that joyful banquet God forbid 2 Remember that thy abode here is but the second degree of thy life for after thou hadst first lived nine Months in thy Mothers Womb thou wast of necessity driven thence to live here in a second degree of life And when that number of months which God hath determined for this life are expired thou must likewise leave this and pass to a third degree in the other world which never ends Which to them that live and die in the Lord surpasseth as far this kind of life as this doth that which one lives in his Mothers Womb. To this last and excellentest degree of life through this door passed Christ himself and all his Saints that were before thee and so shall all the rest after them and thee Why shouldst thou fear that which is common to all God's Elect Why should that be uncouth to thee which was so welcom to all them Fear not death for as it is the Exodus of a bad so it is the Genesis of a better World the end of a temporal but the beginning of an eternal life 3. Consider that there are but three things that can make death so fearful unto thee 1. The loss thou hast thereby 2. The pain that is therein 3. The terrible effects which follow after All these are but false ●res and causeless fears For the first if thou leavest here uncertain goods which Thieves may rob thou shalt find in heaven a true Treasure that can never be taken away these were but lent thee as a Steward upon accounts those shall be given thee as thy reward for ever If thou leaves● a lo●ing Wise thou shalt be married to Christ which is more lovely If thou leavest Children and Friends thou shalt there find all thy religious Ancestors and Children departed yea Christ and all his blessed Saints and Angels and as many of thy Children as be God's Children shall thither follow after thee Thou leavest an earthly p●ssession and a house of clay and thou shalt enjoy an heavenly inheritance and mansion of glory which is purchased prepared and reserved for thee What hast thou lost Nay is not death unto thee gain Go home go 〈◊〉 and we will follow after thee Secondly For the pain in death the fear of death more pains many than the very pa●gs of death for many a Christian dies without any great pangs or pains ●itch the 〈◊〉 of thy Hope on the firm ground of the Wo●d of God who hath promised in thy weakness to perfect his strength and not to suffer thee to be tempted above that thou art able to bear And Christ will shortly turn all thy temporal pains to his eternal joys Lastly As for the terrible effects which follow after death they belong not unto thee being a member of Christ for Christ by his death hath taken away the sting of death to the faithful so that now there is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus And Christ hath protested that he that believeth in him hath everlasting life and shall not come into condemnation but ha●● passed from death unto life Hereupon the holy Spirit from Heaven saith Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord and that from thenceforth they rest from their labours and their works do follow them In respect therefore of the faithful death is swallowed up in victory and his sting which is sin and the punishment thereof is taken away by Christ. Hence death is called in respect of our bodies a sleep and rest In respect of our Souls a going to our heavenly Father a departing in peace a removing from this body to go to the Lord a dissolving of soul and body to be with Christ. What shall I say Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his Saints These pains are but thy throes and travail to bring forth eternal life And who would not pass through Hell to go to Paradise much more through death There is nothing after death that thou needest fea● not thy sins● because Chr●st hath payed thy ransom not the Judge for h● is thy loving brother not the grave 〈◊〉 i● is the Lord's bed not he for thy Redeem●r keeps the keys not the Devil for God's holy Angels pitch their Tents about thee and will not leave thee till they bring thee to Heaven Thou wast never 〈◊〉 et●●nal life glorifie therefore ●●ist by a
him do what seemeth him good 1 Sam. 3. 18. The fifth is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 God 600 times used in the New Testament and of prophane Wri●ers commonly It is derived 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 because he runs thorow and compasseth all things or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which signifieth to burn and kindle for God is Light and the Author both of Heat Light and Life in all Creatures either immediately of himself or mediately by secondary causes This name i● used either improperly or properly Improperly when it is given either figuratively to Magistrates or falsely to Idols But when it is properly and absolutely taken it signifieth the Eternal Essence of God being above all things and through all things giving life and light to all creatures and preserving and governing them in their wonderful frame and order God seeth all in all places Let us therefore every where take heed what we do in his sight Thus far of the names which signifie God's Essence The name which signifieth the Persons in the Essence is chiefly one Elohim Elohim signifieth the mighty Judges it is a name of the plural number to express the Trinity of Persons in Vnity of Essence And to this purpose the holy Ghost beginneth the holy Bible with this plural Name of God joyned with a Verb of the singular number as Elohim Bara Dii creavit The mighty Gods or all the three Persons in the God-head created The Jews also note in the Verb 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Bara consisting of three Letters the mystery of the Trinity by 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Beth Ben the Son by 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Resh Ruach the Spirit by 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Aleph Ab the Father But this holy mystery is more clearly taught by Moses Gen. 3. 23 And Jehovah Elohim said Behold the Man is become as one of us And Gen. 19. 24. Jehovah rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrha b●imstone and fire from Jehovah out of Heaven that is God the Son from God the Father who hath committed all judgment unto the Son John 5. 22. See Psal. 33. 6. Isa. 6. 8 9 10. The singular number of Elohim is Eloah derived of Alah he swore because that in all weighty causes when necessity requireth an Oath to decide the Truth we are only to swear by the Name of God which is the great and righteous Judge of Heaven and Earth This Name Eloah is but seldom used as Hab. 3. 3. Job 4. 9. Job 12. 4. and 15. 8. 36. 2. Psal. 18. 32. Psal. 114. 7. Once it hath a Noun plural joyned to it Job 35. 10. None saith Where is Eloah Gosai the Almighty my Maker to note the mystery of the eternal Trinity Many times also Elohim the plural number is joyned with a Verb singular to express more emphatically this Mystery Gen. 35. 7. 2. Sam. 7. 23. Josh. 24. 19. Jer. 10. 10. Elohim is also sometime Tropically given to Magistrates because they are God's Vice-gerents as to Moses Exod. 7. 1. Jehovah said unto Moses I have made thee Elohim to Pharoah that is I have appointed thee an Ambassador to represent the person of the true three one God and to deliver his message and will unto Pharoah As oft therefore as we read or hear this name Elohim it should put us in mind to consider that in one divine Essence there are three distinct Persons and that God is Jehovah Elohim Now follow the Names which signifie God's Essential Works which are these five especially 1. EL which is as much as the strong God and reacheth us that God is not only most strong and fortitude it self in his own Essence but also that it is he that giveth all strength and power to all other Creatures Therefore Christ is called Isai. 9. 6. El Gibbor The strong most mighty God Let not God's Children fear the power of enemies for El our God is more strong than they 2. Shaddai That is Omnipotent By this Name God usually stiled himself to the Patriarchs I am El Shaddai the strong God Almighty Because he is perfectly able to defend his servants from all evil to bless them with all spiritual and temporal blessings and to perform all his promises which he hath made unto them for this life and that which is to come This name belongeth only to the Godhead and to no creature no not to the humanity of Christ. This may teach us with the Patriarchs to put our whole confidence in God and not to doubt of the true performance of his promises 3. Adon●i My Lord. This name as the Masorets note is found 134 times in the Old Testament Analogically it is given to Creatures but properly it belongeth to God alone It is used Malach. 1. 6. in the plural number to note the mystery of the holy Trinity If I be Adonim Lords where is my fear Adoni the singular Adonim the plural number This Name is given to Christ Dan 9. 16. Cause thy face to shine upon thy sanctuary that is desolate for Adoni the Lord Christ his sake The hearing of this Holy Mame may teach every Man to obey God's Commandments to fear him alone to suffer none besides him to reign in his Conscience to lay hold by a particular hand of faith upon his Word and Promise and to challenge God in Christ to be his God that he may say with Thomas Thou art my Lord and my God 4. Helion that is most high Psal. 9. 2. Psal 91. 9. and 92. 9. Dan. 4. 17 24 25 34. Act 7. 48. This Name Gabriel giveth unto God telling the virgin Mary that the child which should be born of her should be the Son of the most High Luke 1. 32. This teacheth that God in his Essence and glory exceedeth infinitely all creatures in Heaven and Earth Secondly that no Man should be proud of any earthly honour or greatness Thirdly if we desire true dignity to labour to have communion with God in grace and glory 5. Abba a Syriack Name signifying Father Rom. 8. 15. This is sometimes used Essentially as in the Lord's Prayer Secondly Personally as Mat. 11. 25. For God is Christ's Father by Nature and Christians by Adoption and Grace Christ is called the everlasting Father Isa. 9. 6. because he regenerates us under the New Testament God is also called the Father of lights Jam. 1. 17. because God dwelleth in inaccessible light 1 Tim. 6. 16. and is the Author not only of the Son 's light but also of all the light both of natural reason and supernatural grace Which lighteneth every Man that cometh into the World This name teacheth us that all the gifts which we receive from God proceed from his mere Fatherly Love Secondly that we should love him again as dear Children Thirdly That we may in all our needs and troubles be bold to call upon him as a Father for his help and succour Thus should we not hear
tecum what have we to do with thee ●O Son of the most high God but by virtue of this Communion the pe●itent So●l may boldly go and say unto Christ as Ruth unto Boaz Spread O Christ the wing of the garment of thy mercy over thine handmaid for thou art my kinsman This Communion God promised Abraham when he gave him himself for his great reward And Christ prayeth for his whole Church to obtain it This Communion Saint Paul expresseth in one word saying That God shall be all in all unto us Indeed God is now all in all unto us but by means and in a sm●ll measure● But in ●eaven God himself immediately in fulness of measure without all 〈◊〉 will be unto us all the good things 〈◊〉 sou● and bodies can with or desire He 〈◊〉 self will be salvation and joy to our souls life and health to our bodies beauty to our eyes musick to our ears honey to our mouths perfume to our nostrils meat to our bellies light to our understanding contentment to our wills and delight to our hearts And what can be lacking where God himself will be the soul of our souls Yea all the strength wit pleasures vertues colours beauties harmony and goodness that are in men beasts fishes fowls trees herbs and all creatures are nothing but sparkles of those things which are in infinite perfection in God And in him we shall enjoy them in a far more perfect and blessed manner He himself will then supply their use nay the best creatures which serve us now shall not have the honour to serve us then There will be no need of the Sun nor of the Moon to shine in that City for the glory of God doth light it No more will there be any need or use of any Creature when we shall enjoy the Creator himself When therefore we behold any thing that is excellent in any creatures let us say to our selves how much more excellent is he who gave them this excellency when we behold the wisdom of men who over-rule creatures stronger than themselves out-run the Sun and Moon in d●scourse prescribing many years before in what courses they shall be eclipsed let us say to our selves How admirable is the wisdom of God who made men so wise when we consider the strength of Whales and Elephants the tempest of Winds and terrour of Thunder let us say to our selves how strong how mighty how terrible is that God that makes these mighty and fearful Creatures when we taste things that are delicately sweet let us say to our selves O how sweet is that God from whom all these creatures have received their sweetness when we behold the admirable colours which are in Flowers and Birds and the lovely beauty of Women let us say how fair is that God that made these so fair And if our loving God hath thus provided us so many excellent delights for our passage through this B●chi● or valley of tears what are th●se p●easures which he hath prepared for us when we shall enter into the palace of our Master's j●y How shall our souls be there ra●●shed with the love of so lovely a God! So glorious is the object of heavenly Saints so amiable is the sight of our gracious Savi●ur 3. Of the Prerogatives which the Elect shall enjoy in heaven BY reason of this Communion wi●h God the Elect in heaven shall have four super excell●nt prerogatives 1. They shall have the ●●●gdom of Heaven for their inh●r●tance and they 〈◊〉 be free De●izons of the heavenl● Jerusalem S. Paul by being a free C●tizen of Rome escaped whipping but they who are once free Citizens of the heavenly Jerusalem shall ever be freed from the whips of eternal torments For this freedom was bought for us not with a great sum of money but with the precious blood of the Son of God 2. They shall be all Kings and Priests spiritual Kings to reign with CHRIST and to triumph over Satan the World and Reprobates and spiritual Priests to offer unto God the spiritual sacrifice of Praise and Thanksgiving for evermore And therefore they are said to wear both Crowns and Robes Oh what a comfort is this to poor Parents that have many Children if they breed them up in the fear of God and to be true Christians then are they Parents to so many Kings and Priests 3. Their bodies shall shine as the brightness of the Sun in the Firmament like the glorious body of Christ which shined brighter than the Sun at Noon when it appeared to Saint Paul A glimpse of which glorious brightness appeared in the bodies of M●ses and Elias trans●●ured with the Lord in the holy Mount Therefore saith the Apostle i● shall rise a glorious body yea a spiritual body not in substance but in quality preserved by spiritual means and h●ving as an Angel agility to ascend or descend O what an honour is it that our bodies falling more vile than a carrion should thus arise in glory like unto the body of the Son of God! 4. Lastly they together with all the holy Angels there keep without any labour to distract them a perpetual Sabbath to the glory honour and praise of the ever blessed Trinity for the creating redeeming and sanctifying of the Church And for his Power Wisdom Justice Mercy and Goodness in the Government of Heaven and Earth When thou hearest a sweet Consort of Musick meditate how happy thou shalt be when with the Choire of heavenly Angels and Saints thou shalt sing a part in that spiritual Hallelujah in that eternal blessed Sabbath where there shall be such variety of Pleasures and satiety of Joys as neither know tediousness in doing nor end in delighting 4. Of the Effects of these Prerogatives From these Prerogatives there will arise to the Elect in Heaven five notable Effects 1. THey shall know God with a perfect knowledge of far as Creatures can possibly comprehend the Creator For there we shall see the Word the Creator and in the Word all Creatures that ●by the Word were created so that we shall not need to learn of the thing● which were roade the knowledge of him by whom all things were made The excellentest Creatures in this life are but as a dark veil drawn betwixt God and us but when this veil shall be drawn aside then shall we see God face to face and know him as we are known We shall know the Power of the Father the Wisdom of the Son the Grace of the Holy Ghost and the indivisible Nature of the blessed Trinity And in him we shall know not only all our friends who died in the faith of Christ but also all the faithful that ever were or shall be For 1. Christ tells the Jews that they shall see Abraham Isaac and Jacob and all the Prophet● in the kingdom of God therefore we
shall know them 2. Adam in his Innocency knew Eve to be Bone of his Bone and Flesh of his Flesh as soon as he awaked much more then shall we know our Kindred when we shall awake perfected and glorified in the Resurrection 3. The Apostles knew Christ after his Resurrection and the Saints which rose with him and appeared in the holy City 4. Peter James and John knew Moses and Elias in the transfiguration how much more shall we know one another when we shall be all glorified 5. Dives knew L●zarus in Abraham's Bosom much more shall the Elect know one another in Heaven 6. Christ saith that the twelve Apostles shall sit upon twelve thrones to judge at that day the twelve Tribes therefore they shall be known and consequently the rest of the Saints 7. Saint Paul saith that at that day we shall know as we are known of God and Augustin out of this place comforteth a Widow assuring her that as in this life she saw her Husband with externa● eyes so in the life to come she should know his heart and what were all his thoughts and imaginations Then Husbands and Wives look to your actions and thoughts for all shall be made manifest one day See 1 Cor. 4. 5. 8. The faithful in the Old Testament are said to be gathered to their Fathers Therefore the knowledge of our Friends remains 9. Love never falleth away therefore knowledge the ground thereof remains in another life 10. Because the last day shall be a declaration of the just judgment of God when he shall reward every man according to his works and if every man's work be brought to light much more the worker And if wicked men shall account for every idle word much more shall the idle speakers themselves be known And if the Persons be not known in vain are the works made manifest Therefore saith the Apostle every man shall appear to account for the work that he hath done in his body c. See Wisdom ch 5. ver 1. Though the respect of diversities of degrees and callings in Magistracy Ministry and Oeconomy shall cease yea Christ shall then cease to rule as he is Mediator and rule all in all as he is God equal with the Father and the Holy Ghost The greatest knowledge that man can attain unto in this life comes as far short of the knowledge which we shall have in Heaven as the knowledge of a child that cannot yet speak plain comes of the knowledge of the greatest Philosopher in the World They who thirst after knowledge let them long to be Students of this V●iversity For all the light by which we know any thing in this World is nothing but the very shadow of God but when we shall know God in Heaven we shall in him know the manner of the work of the Creation the mysteries of the work of our Redemption yea so much knowledge as a Creature can possibly conceive and comprehend of the Creator and his work But whilst we are in this life we may say with Job How little a portion hear we of him And assure our selves with Syracides that There are hid yet greater things than these be and that we have s●e● but a few of God's works 2. They shall love God with as perfect and absolute a love as possibly a creature can do The manner of loving God is to love him for himself the measure is to love him without measure For in this life knowing God but in part we love him but in part but when the Elect in Heaven shall fully know God then they will perfectly love God And for the infinite causes of love which they shall know to be in him they shall be infinitely ravished with the love of him 3. They shall be filled with all manner of divine pleasures At thy right hand saith David there are pleasures for evermore yea They shall drink saith he out of the river of pleasures For as soon as the Soul is admitted into the actual fruition of the beatifical Essence of God she hath all the goodness beauty glory and perfection of all Creatures in all the World united together and at once presented unto her in the sight of God If any be in love there they shall enjoy that which is more amiable If any delight in fairness the fairest beauty is but a dusty shadow to that he that delights in pleasures shall there find infinite varieties without either interruption of grief or distraction of pain he that loveth Honour shall there enjoy it without the disgrace of cankered envy he that loveth treasure shall there possess it and never be beguiled of it There they shall have knowledge void of all ignorance health that no sickness shall impair and life that no death can determine In a word look how far this wide world surpasseth for light pleasures and comforts the dark and narrow womb wherein thou wast conceived a child so much doth the World to come exceed in joys solace and consolation this present World How happy then shall we be when this life is changed and we translated thither 4. They shall be replenished with an unspeakable joy In thy pres●nce saith David is the fulness of joy and this joy shall arise chiefly from the vision of God and partly from the sight of all the holy Angels and blessed Souls of just and perfect Men who are in bliss and glory with him But especially from the blissful sight of Jesus the Mediator of the New Testament our Emanuel God made Man His sight will be the chief cause of our bliss and joy If the Israelites in Jerusalem so shouted for joy that the earth rang again to see Solomon crowned how shall the Elect rejoyce in Heaven to see Christ the true Solomon adorned with glory If John Baptist at his presence did leap in his mothers womb for joy how shall we exult for joy when he will be not only with us but in us in heaven If the wise men rejoyced so greatly to find him a Babe lying in a manger how great shall the joy of the Elect be to see him sit as a King in his celestial Throne If Simeon was glad to see him an Infant in the Temple presented by the hands of the Priests how great shall our joy be to see him a King ruling all things at the right hand of his Father If Joseph and Mary were so joyful to find him in the midst of the Doctors in the Temple how glad shall our Souls be to see him sitting as Lord amongst Angels in Heaven This is that joy of our Master which as the Apostle saith the eye hath not seen the ear hath not heard nor the heart of man can conceive which because it cannot enter into us we shall enter into it 5. Lastly They shall enjoy this blissful and glorious
estate for evermore Therefore it is termed everlasting life and Christ saith that our joy no man shall take from us All other joys be they never so great have an end Ahasuerus's Feast lasted an hundred and eighty days but he and it and all his joys are gone For mortal man to be assumed to heavenly glory to be associated to Angels to be satiated with an delights and joys but for a time were much but to enjoy them for ever without intermission of end who can hear it and not admire it who can muse of it and not ●e amazed at it All the Saints of Christ as soon as they felt once but a true taste of these eternal joys counted all the riches and pleasures of this life to be but loss and dung in respect of that And therefore with uncessant prayers fastings alms-deeds tears faith and good life they laboured to ascertain themselves of this eternal life and for the love thereof they willingly either sold or parted with all their earthly goods and possessions Christ calleth all Christians Merchants Luke 19. and Eternal Life a precious Pearl which a wise Merchant will purchase tho' it cost him all that he hath Matth. 13. Alexander hearing the report of the great riches of the Eastern Country divided forthwith among his Captains and Soldiers all his Kingdom of Macedonia He phaestion asking him what he meant in so doing Alexander answered That he preferr'd the riches of India whereof he hoped shortly to be master before all that his Father Philip had left him in Macedonia And should not Christians then preferr the eternal riches of Heaven so greatly renowned which they shall enjoy ere long before the corruptible trash of the Earth which lasts but for a season Abraham and Sarah left their own Country and Possessions to look for a City whose builder and maker is God and therefore bought no Land but only a place of Burial David preferred one day in this place before a thousand elsewhere yea to be a door-keeper in the house of God rather than to dwell in the richest Tabernacles of wickedness Elias earnestly besought the Lord to receive his Soul into his Kingdom and went willingly tho in a fiery Chariot thither● St. Paul having once seen Heaven continually desired to be dissolved that he might be with Christ. St. Peter having espied but a glimpse of that eternal glory in the Mount wished ●hat he might dwell there all the days of his life saying Master it is good for us to be here How much better doth Peter now think it to be in Heaven it self Christ a little before his death prayeth his Father to receive him into that excellent Glory And the Apostle witnesseth that for the joy which was set before him he endured the Cross and despised the shame If a Man did but once see those joys if it were possible he would endure a hundred deaths to enjoy that happiness but one day Saint Augustine saith That he would be content to endure the torments of hell to gain this joy rather than to lose it Ignatius St. Paul's Scholar Being threatned as he was going to suffer with the cruelty of Torments answered with great courage of Faith Fire Gallows Beasts breaking of my bones quartering of my members crushing of my body all the torments of the devil together let them come upon me so I may enjoy my Lord Jesus and his Kingdom The same constancy shewed Polycarp who could not by any terrours of any kind of death be moved to deny Christ in the least measure With the like resolution answered Basil his persecutors when they would terrifie him with death I will never said he fear Death which can do no more than restore me to him that made me If Ruth left her own Country and followed Na●●i her Mother-in-law to go and dwell with her in the land of Canaan which was by a type of Heaven only upon the fame which she heard of the God of Israel though she had no promise of any portion therein how shouldst thou follow thy holy Mother the Chruch to go unto Christ into the heavenly Canaan wherein God hath given thee an eternal inheritance assured by an holy Covena●t made in the word of God signed with the Blood of his Son and sealed with his Spirit and Sacraments this shall be rhine eternal happiness in the Kingdom of Heaven where thy life shall be a communion with the blessed Trinity thy joy the presence of the Lamb thy exercise singing thy ditty hallelujah thy consorts Saints and Angels where youth fl●urisheth that never waxeth old beauty lasteth that never fadeth love aboundeth that never cooleth health continueth that never slacketh and ●ife remaineth that never endeth Meditations directing a Christian how to apply to himself without delay the aforesaid knowledge of God and himself THou seest therefore O Man how wretched and cursed thy state is by corruption of ●●ture without Christ insomuch that whereas the Scriptures do liken wicked men unto Lions Bears Bulls Horses Dogs and such like savage Creatures in their lives it is certain that the condition of an unregenerate man is in his Death more vile than a Dog or the filthiest Creature in the World For the Beast being made but for Man's use when he dieth endeth all his miseries with his death But Man endued with a reasonable and immortal soul made after God's image to serve God when he ends the miseries of this life must account for all his misdeeds and begin to endure these miseries that never shall know end No creature but man is liable to yield at his death an account for his life The brute creatures not having reason shall not be required to make any account for their deeds and good Angels tho' they have reason yet shall they yield no account because they have no sin And as for evil Angels they are without all hope already condemned so that they need not make any further accounts Man only in his death must be God's accountant for his life On the other side thou seest O Man how happy and blessed thy estate is being truly reconciled unto God in Christ in that through the restauration of God's Image and thy restitution into thy soveraignty over other creatures thou art in this life little inferiour to the Angels and shall be in the life to come equal to the Angels Yea in respect of thy Nature exalted by a personal Vnion to the Son of God and by him to the glory of the Trinity superior to the Angels a Fellow-Brother with Angels in spiritual Grace and everlasting Glory Thou hast seen how glorious and perfect God is and how that all thy chief bliss and happiness consisteth in having an eternal Communion with his Majesty Now therefore O impenitent sinner in the bowels of Christ Jesus I intreat thee nay I conjure thee as thou tenderest thy own salvation seriously
Vertues as to call drunken carousing drinking of healths spilling innocent blood Valour Gluttony Hospitality Covetousness Thriftiness Whoredom loving a Mistress Simony Gratuity Pride Gracefulness Dissembling Complement Children of Belial Good Fellows Wrath Hastiness Ribaldry Mirth So on the other side to call Sobriety in words and actions Hypocrisie Alms-deeds Vain-glory Devotion Superstition Zeal in Religion Puritanism Humility Crouching scruple of Conscience Preciseness c. And whilst thus we call evil good and good evil true Piety is much hindred in her progress And thus much of the first hindrance of Piety by mistaking the true sence of some special places of Scripture and grounds of Christian Religion The second hindrance of Piety 2. The evil example of great Persons The practice of whose prophane lives they preferr for their imitation before the Precepts of God's holy Word So that when they see the greatest Men in the State and many chief Gentlemen in their Country to make neither care nor Conscience to hear Sermons to receive the Communion nor to sanctifie the Lord's Sabbath c. but to be Swearers Adulterers Carousers Oppressors c. Then they think that the using of these holy Ordinances are not matters of so great moment for if they were such great and wise Men would not set so little by them Hereupon they think that Religion is not a matter of necessity And therefore where they should like Christians row against the stream of impiety towards Heaven they suffer themselves to be carried with the multitude down right into Hell thinking it impossi●le that God will suffer so many to be damned Whereas if the good of this world had not blinded the eyes of their minds the Holy Scriptures would teach them that Not many wise men after the flesh not many mighty not many noble are called c. but that for the most part the poor receive the Gospel and that few rich men shall be saved And that howsoever many are called yet the chosen are but few Neither did the multitude ever save any from damnation As God hath advanced men in greatness above others so doth God expect that they in Religion and Piety should go before others otherwise greatness abused in the time of their Stewardship shall turn to their greater condemnation in the day of their accounts At what time sinful great and mighty men as well as the poorest slaves and bond-men shall wish that the Rocks and Mountains may fall upon them and hide them from the presence of the Judge and from his just deserved wrath It will prove but a miserable solace to have a great company of great Men partakers with thee of thine eternal torments The multitude of sinners doth not extenuate but aggravate sin as in Sodom Better it is therefore with a few to be saved in the Ark than with the whole world to be drowned in the flood Walk with the few godly in the Scriptures narrow path to Heaven but crownd not with the godless multitude in the broad way to Hell Let not the examples of irreligious great men hinder thy repentance for their greatness cannot at that day exempt themselves from their own most grievous punishment The third hindrance of Piety 3. The long escape of diserved punishment in this life Because sentance saith Solomon is not speedily executed against an evil worker therefore the hearts of the children of men are fully set in them to do evil not knowing that the bou●tifulness of God leadeth them to repentance But when his patience is abused and man's sins are ripened his Justice will at once both begin and make an end of the sinner and he will recompence the slowness of his delay with the grievousness of his punishment Though they were suffered to run on the score all the days of their life yet they shall be sure to pay the utmost farthing at the day of their death And whilst they suppose themselves to be free from Judgment they are already smitten with the Heaviest of God's Judgments a heart that cannot repent The stone in the reins or bladder is a grievous pain that kills many a man's body but there is no disease to the stone in the heart whereof Nabal died and which killeth millions of Souls They refuse the trial of Christ and his Cross but they are stoned by Hell's Executioner to eternal death Because many Nobles and Gentlemen are not smitten with present judgment for their outrageous Swearing Adultery Drunkenness Oppression prophaning of the Sabbath and disgraceful neglect of God's Worship and Service they begin to doubt of Divine Providence and Justice Both which two Eyes they would as willingly put out in God as the Philistines bored out the eyes of Sampson It is greatly therefore to be feared lest they will provoke the Lord to cry out against them as Sampson against the Philistines By neglecting the Law and walking after their own hearts they put out as much as in them lieth the eyes of my Providence and Justice Lead me therefore to these chief Pillars whereupon the Realm standeth that I may pull the Realm upon their heads and be at once avenged on them for my two eyes Let not God's patience hinder thy repentance but because he is so patient therefore do thou the rather repent The fourth hindrance of Piety 4. The presumption of God's mercy For when Men are justly convinced of their sins forthwith they betake themselves to this Shield Christ is merciful so that every sinner makes Christ the Patron of his sin as though he had come into the world to bolster sin and not to destroy the works of the Devil Hereupon the carnal Christian presumeth that though he continueth a while longer in his sin God will not shorten his days But what is this but to be an implicite Atheist Doubting that either God seeth not his sins or if he doth that he is not just for if he believeth that God is just how can he think that God who for sin so severely punisheth others can love him who still loveth to continue in sin True it is Christ is merciful but to whom only to them that repent and turn from iniquity in Jacob. But if any man bless himself in his heart saying I shall have peace although I walk according to the stubbornness of mine own heart thus adding drunkenness to thirst the Lord will not be merciful unto him c. O mad Men who dare bless themselves when God pronounceth them accursed Look therefore how far thou art from finding repentance in thy self so far art thou from any assurance of finding mercy in Christ. Let therefore the wicked forsake his ways and the unrighteous his own imaginations and return unto the Lord and he will have mercy upon him and to our God for he is very ready to forgive Despair is nothing so dangerous as presumption For we read not in all
all talking about worldly things which hindereth the sanctifying of the Sabbath more than working seeing one may work alone but cannot talk but with others He that keeps the Sabbath only by resting from his ordinary work keeps it but as a Beast But rest on this day is so far commanded to Christians as it is an help to sanctification and labour so far forbidden as it is an impediment to the outward and inward worship of God If then those recreation's which are lawful at other times are on the Sabbath not allowed much more those that are altogether at all times unlawful Who without mourning can endure to see Christians keep the Lord's day as if they celebrated ● feast rather to Bacchus than to the honour of the Lord Jesus the Saviour and Redeemer of the world for having served God but an hour in outward shew they spend the rest of the Lord's day in sitting down to eat and drink and rising up to play First balasting their bellies with ea●ing and drinking and then feeding their lusts with playing and dancing Against which prophanations all holy Divines both old and new have in their times most bitterly inveighed Insomuch that Augustine affirmeth that it was better to plough than to dance on the Sabbath day Now in the Name of Almighty God who rested having created Heaven and Earth and of his eternal Son Jesus the Redeemer of his Church who shall shortly come on the dreadful day of D●om to judge all men according to the obedience which they have shewed to his commandments I require thee who readest these words as thou wilt answer before the face of Christ and all his holy Angels at that day that thou better weigh and consider whether Dancing Stage-playing Masking Carding Diceing Tabling Chess-playing Bowling Shooting Bear-baiting Carousing Tipling and such other fooleries of Robbin Hood Morice-dances Wakes and Ma●-games be Exercises that God will bless and allow on the Sabbath day And seeing that no action ought to be done that day but such as whereby we either bless God or look to receive a blessing from God how darest thou do those things on that blessed day on which thou darest not to pray to God to bestow a blessing on it to thy use Hear this and tremble at this O prophane youth of a prophane age O heart all frozen and void of the feeling of the grace of God! that having every day in six every hour in every day every minute in every hour so tasted the sweet mercy of thy God in Christ without which thou hadst perished every moment Yet canst not find in thy corrupt and irreligious heart to spend in thy Masters service that one day of the week which he hath reserved for his own praise and worship Let men in defence of their prophaneness object what they will and answer what the Devil puts in their mouths yet I would wish them to remember that seeing it is an ancient Tradition in the Church that the Lord's second coming shall be upon the Lord's day how little joy they should have to be overtaken in those carnal sports to please themselves when their Masters should find them in spiritual Exercises serving him The prophane Wretch would then wish rather to be taken kneeling at prayers in the Church than skipping like a Goat in a dance If this cannot move yet I would wish our impare gallants to remember that whilst they thus dance on the Lord's day contrary to the Lord's Commandment they do but dance about the pits brink and they know not which of them shall first fall therein Where to being once fallen without repentance no greatness can exempt them from the vengeance of that great God whose Commandment contrary to their knowledge and conscience they do thus presumptuously transgress If then God's Commandment cannot deterr thee nor God's Word advise thee I say no more but what St. John said before me He which is filthy let him be filthy still For the second 2. The consecration of the Sabbath's rest consists in performing three sorts of duties First before Secondly at Thirdly after the publick exercises of the Church The Duties to be performed before the publick exercises are 1. To give over working betimes on the Eve that thy body may be the more refreshed and thy mind the better ●itted to sanctifie the Sabbath on the next day For want of this preparation thy self and thy servants being tyred with labour and watching the night before are so heavy that when you should be serving God and hearing what his Spirit saith unto the Church for your Soul's instruction you cannot hold up your heads for sleeping to the dishonour of God the offence of the Church and the shame of your selves Therefore the Lord commands us not only to keep holy but also to remember afore-hand the Sabbath day to keep it holy by preparing our hearts and removing all business that might hinder us to consecrate it as a glorious day unto the Lord. Therefore whereas the Lord in the other Commandments doth but either bid or forbid he doth both in this Commandment and that with a special memorandum As if a Master should charge his servant to look well unto ten things of great trust but to have a more special care to remember one of those Ten for divers weighty reasons should not a faithful Servan● that loves his Master shew a more special care unto that thing above all other businesses Thus Moses taught the People o'er night to remember the Sabbath and it was a Holy custom among our forefathers when at the ringing to Prayer on the Eve before the Husbandman would give over his labour in the field and the T●adesman his work in the Shop and go to Evening Prayer in the Church to prepare their souls that their minds might more chearfully attend God's worship on the Sabbath day 2. To possess that night thy vessel in holiness and honour that thou maist present thy soul more purely in the sight of God the next morning 3. To rise up early in the morning on the Sabbath day Be careful therefore to rise sooner on this day than on other days by how much the service of God is to be preferred before all earthly businesses For there is no Master to serve so good as God and in the end no work shall be better rewarded than his service 4. When thou art up consider with thy self what an impure sinner thou art and into what an holy place thou goest to appear before the most holy God who seeth thy heart and hateth all impurity and hypocrisie Examine thy self therefore before thou goest to church what grievous sins thou hast committed the week past confess them unto God and earnestly pray for the pardon and forgiveness of them and so reconcile thy self with God in Christ. Renew thy vows to walk more conscionably and pray for an increase of those graces which
thee by his Word and to receive his blessing on thy soul and thy honest labour in the six days last past 2. Say with thy self by the way As the Hart brayeth for the rivers of water so panteth my soul after thee O God My soul thirstest for God even for the living God when shall I come and appear before the presence of God for a day in thy courts is better than a thousand other where I had rather be a door-keeper in the House of my God than to dwell in the Tabernacles of wickedness Therefore I will come into thy House in the multitude of thy mercies and in thy fear will I worship toward thine holy Temple 3. As thou enterest into the Church say How fearful is this place this is none other but the house of God this is the gate of Heaven Surely the Lord is in this place God is in this people indeed And prostrating with thy face downward being come to thy place say O Lord I have loved the habitation of thy house and the place where thy Honour dwelleth One thing therefore have I desired of thee that I will require even that I may dwell in thy house all the days of my life to behold thy beauty and to visit thy Temple Therefore will I offer in thy Tabernacle sacrifices of joy I will sing and praise of the Lord. Harken unto my voice O Lord when I cry have mercy also upon me and hear me Doubtless kindness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I shall remain a long season in the house of the Lord. And this is that preparation or looking to our feet whereto Solomon adviseth us before we enter into the House of God The second sort of Duties which are to be performed at the time of the holy Assembly WHen Prayers begin lay aside thine own private meditations and let thine heart joyn with the Minister and the whole Church as being one body of Christ and because that God is the God of order he will have all things to be done in the Church with one heart and accord and the exercises of the Church are common and publick It is therefore an ignorant pride for a man to think his own private prayers more effectual than the publick prayers of the whole Church Solomon therefore adviseth a man not to be rash to utter a thing in the Church before God Pray therefore when the Church prayeth si●g when they sing and in the action of kneeling standi●g sitting and such indifferent ceremonies for the avoiding of scandal the continuance of Charity and in testimony of thine obedience conform thy self to the manner of the Church wherein thou livest Whilest the Preacher is expounding and applying the Word of the Lord look upon him for it is a great help to stir up thine attention and to keep thee from wandering thoughts so the Eyes of all that were in the Synagogues are said to be fastened on Christ whilst he preached and that all the people hanged upon him when they heard him Remember that thou art there as one of Christ's Disciples to learn the knowledge of Salvation by the remission of sins through the tender mercy of God Luke 1. ver 77. Be not therefore in the School of Christ like an idle boy in a Grammar School that often heareth but never learneth his lesson and still goeth to School but pro●iteth nothing Thou hatest it in a child Christ detesteth it in thee To the end therefore that thou maist the better profit by hearing mark 1. The Coherence and Explication of the Text. 2. The chief Sum or Scope of the Holy Ghost in that Text. 3. The division or parts of the Text. 4. The doctrines and in every doctrine the proofs the reasons and the uses thereof A method of all others easiest for the people being accustomed thereto to help them to remember the Sermon and therefore much wished to be put in practice of all faithful Pastors who desire to edifie their people in the knowledge of God and his true Religion If the Preacher's method be too curious or confused then labour to remember 1. How many things he taught which thou knewest not before and be thankful 2. What sins he reproved whereof thy conscience tells thee that thou art guilty and therefore must be amended 3. What Vertues he exhorteth unto which are not so perfect in thee and therefore endeavour to practice them with more zeal and diligence But in hearing apply every speech as spoken to thy self rather by God than by Man and labour not so much to hear the words of the Preacher sounding in thine ear as to feel the opperation of the Spirit working in thy heart Therefore it is said so often Let him that hath an ear hear what the Spirit speaks to the Church And Did not our hearts burn within as whilst he opened unto us the Scriptures And thus to hear the Word hath a blessing promised thereto It is the acceptablest sacrificing of our selves unto God It is the surest note of Christ's Saints the truest mark of Christ's sheep the apparentest sign of God's Elect the very blood as it were which uniteth us to be the spiritual kindred brethren and sisters of the Son of God This is the best art of Memory for a good hearer When the Sermon is ended 1. Beware thou depart not like the nine lepers till that for thine instruction to saving health thou hast returned thanks and praise to God by an after-prayer and singing of a Psalm And when the blessing is pronounced stand up to receive thy part therein and hear it as if Christ himself whose Minister he is did pronounce the same unto thee for in this case it is true He that heareth you heareth me and the Sabbath-day is blessed because God hath appointed it to be the day wherein by the Mouth of his Ministers he will bless his people which hear his word and glorifie his Name For tho' the Sabbath-day in it self be no more blessed than the other six days yet because the Lord hath appointed it to holy uses above others it doth as far excel the other days of the week as the consecrated bread which we receive at the Lord's Table doth the common bread which we eat at our own Table 2. If it be a Communion-day draw near to the Lord's Table in the Wedding-Garment of a faithful and penitent heart to be partaker of so holy a banquet And when Baptism is to be administred stay and behold it with all reverent attention that so thou maist First shew thy reverence to God's Ordinance Secondly that thou maist the better consider thine own ingrafting into the visible body of Christ's Church and how thou performest the vows of the new Covenant Thirdly that thou maist repay thy debts in praying for the infant which
Not that Christ is brought down from Heaven to the Sacrament but that the holy Spirit by the Sacrament lifts up his mind unto Christ not by any local mutation but by a devout affection so that in the holy contemplation of Faith he is at that present with Christ and Christ with him And thus believing and meditating how Christ his Body was crucified and his precious blood shed for the remission of his sins and the reconciliation of his Soul unto God his Soul is hereby more effectually fed in the assurance of eternal Life than Bread and Wine can nourish his Body to this Temporal life There must be therefore of necessity in the Sacrament both the outward signs to be visibly seen with the eyes of the Body and the Body and Blood of Christ to be spiritually discerned with the Eye of Faith But the form how the Holy Ghost makes the Body of Christ being absent from us in place to be present with us by our union S. Paul terms a great mystery such as our understanding cannot worthily comprehend The Sacramental Bread and Wine therefore are not bare signifying signs but such as wherewith Christ doth indeed exhibite and give to every worthy Receiver not only his divine virtue and efficacy but also his very Body and Blood as verily as he gave to his Disciples the Holy Ghost by the sign of his sacred breath or health to the diseased by the Word of his mouth or touch of his hand or garment And the apprehension by faith is more forcible than the exquisitest comprehension of Sense or Reason To conclude this point this holy Sacrament is that blessed Bread which being eaten opened the eyes of the Emauites that they knew Christ. This is that Lordly Cup by which we are all made to drink into one Spirit This is that Rock flowing with honey that reviveth the fainting spirits of every true Jonathan that tasts it with the mouth of Faith This is that barley loaf which tumbling from above strikes down the tents of the Midianites of infernal darkness Elias's Angelical Cake and Water preserved him forty days in Horeb and Manna Angels food fed the Israelites forty years in the wilderness but this is that true Bread of life and heavenly Manna which if we shall duely eat will nourish our souls for ever unto life eternal How should then our Souls make unto Christ th●t request from a spiritual desire which the Capernaites did from a carnal motion Lord evermore give us this bread The fifth end of the Lords Supper 5. To be an assured pledge unto us of our Resurrection The Resurrection of a Christian is Twofold First the spiritual Resurrection of our Souls in this life from the death of sin called the first Resurrection because that by the Trumpet-voice of Christ in the preaching of the Gospel we are raised from the death of sin to the life of Grace Blessed and holy is he saith St. John who hath part in the first Resurrection for on such the second death hath no power The Lord's Supper is both a mean and a pledge unto us of this spiritual and first Resurrection He that eateth me even he shall live by me And then we are fit guests to sit at the table with Christ when like Lazarus we are raised from the death of sin to newness of life The truth of this first Resurrection will appear by the motion wherewith they are internally moved for if when thou art moved to the duties of Religion and practice of Piety thy heart answereth with Samuel Here I am speak Lord for thy servant heareth and with David O God my heart is ready And with Paul Lord what wilt thou have me to do Then surely thou art raised from the death of sin and hast thy part in the first Resurrection but if thou remainest ignorant of the true grounds of Religion and findest in thy self a kind of secret loathing of the exercises thereof and must be drawn as it were against thy will to do the works of Piety c. then surely thou hast but a name that thou livest but thou art dead as Christ told the Angel of the Church of Sardis and thy soul is but as salt to keep thy body from stinking 2. The corporal resurrection of our bodies at the last day which is called the second resurrection which freeth us from the first death He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood hath eterra● life and I ●id raise him up at the last day For this Sacrament signifieth and fealeth unto us that Christ died and rose again for us and that his flesh quickeneth and nourisheth us unto eternal life and that therefore our bodies shall surely be raised to eternal life at the last day For seeing our head is risen all the members of the body shall likewise surely rise again For how can those bodies which being th● weapons of righteousness Rom. 16. 13. Temples of the Holy Ghost 1 Cor. 6. 19 and members of Christ have been fed and nourished with the Body and Blood of the Lord of life but be raised up again at the last day And this is the cause that the bodies of the Saints being dead are so reverently buried and laid to sleep in the Lord. And their burial places are termed the beds and dormitories of the Saints The Reprobates shall arise at the last day but by the Almighty Power of Christ as he is Judge bringing them as malefactors out of the Gaol to receive their sentence and deserved execution but the Elect shall arise by virtue of Christ's Resurrection and of the Communion which they have with him as with their Head And his Resurrection is the cause and assurance of ours The Resurrection of Christ is a Christian 's particular faith the Resurrection of the dead is the Child of God's chiefest confidence Therefore Christians in the Primitive Church were wont to salute one another in the Morning with these Phrases The Lord is risen and the other would answer True the Lord is risen indeed The sixth end of the Lord's Supper 6. To seal unto us the assurance of everlasting Life Oh what more wished or loved than life Or what do all men naturally more either fear or abhor than death Yet is this first death nothing if it be compared with the second death neither is this Life any thing worth in comparison of the Life to come If therefore thou desirest to be assured of eternal life prepare thy self to be a worthy receiver of this blessed Sacrament For our Saviour assureth us That if any man eat of this bread he shall live for ever and the bread that I will give is my flesh which I will give for the life of the world He therefore who duly eateth of this holy Sacrament may truly say not only Credo vitam eternam I
believe life everlasting but also Edo vitam eternam I eat life everlasting And indeed this is the true Tree of life which God hath planted in the midst of the Paradise of the Church And whereof he hath promised to give every one that overcometh to eat And this Tree of life by infinite degrees excelleth the Tree of life that grew in the Paradise of Eden for that had his root in the Earth this from Heaven that gave bu● life to the Body this to the Soul that did but preserve the life of the living this restoreth life to the dead The leaves of this tree heal the nations of believers and it yields every month a new manner of fruit which nourisheth them to life everlasting Oh blessed are they who often eat of this Sacrament at least once every month taste anew of this renewing fruit which Christ hath prepared for us at his Table to heal our infirmities and to confirm our belief of life everlasting Of the seventh end of the Lord's-Supper 7. To bind all Christians as it were by an oath of fidelity to serve the one only true God and to admit no other propitiatony sacrifice for sins but that one real sacrifice which by his death Christ once offered and by which he finish●d the sacrifices of the Law and effected eternal Redemption and Righteousness for all believers And so to remain for ever a publick mark of profession to distinguish Christians from all Sects and false Religions And seeing that in the M●ss there is a strange Christ adored not he that was born of the Virgin Mary but one that is made of a Wafer Cake and that the offering up of this breaden god is thrust upon the Church as a Propitiatory S●crifice for the quick and the dead all true Christians upon the danger of wilful perjury before the Lord Chief Justice of heaven and earth are to detest the Mass as the Idol of Indignation which is most derogatory to the all-sufficient world-saving merits of Christ's Death and Passion For by receiving the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper we all swear that all real Sacrifices are ended by our Lord's death and that his body and blood once crucified and shed is the perpetual food and nourishment of our Souls 2. How to consider thine own unworthiness A Man shall best perceive his own unworthiness by examining his life according to the Ten Commandments of Almighty God Search therefore what duties thou hast omitted and what vices thou hast committed contrary to every one of the Commandments remembring that without repentance and God's mercy in Christ the Curse of God containing all the miseries of this life and everlasting torments in hell fire when this is ended is due to the breach of the least of God's Commandments And having taken a due survey both of thy sins and miseries retire to some secret place and there putting thy self in the sight of the Judge as a guilty malefactor standing at the Bar to receive his Sentence bowing thy knees to the earth smiting thy breast with thy fists and ●edewing thy cheeks with thy tears confess thy sins and humbly ask him mercy and forgiveness in these or the like words An humble confession of sins to be made unto God before the receiving of the holy Communion O God and heavenly Father when I consider the goodness which thou hast ever shewed unto me and the wickedness which I have committed against heaven and against thee I am ashamed of my self and confusion seems to cover my face as a veil for which of thy Commandments have I not transgressed O Lord I stand here guilty of the breach of all thy holy Laws For the love of my heart hath not so intirely cleaved unto thy * Majesty as to vain and earthly things I have not feared thy judgments to deterr me from sins nor trusted to thy promises to keep me from doubting of my temporal or from despairing of mine eternal state I have made the rule of thy divine worship to be what my mind thought fit not what thy Word prescribed finding my heart more prone to remember my blessed Saviour in a painted Picture of Man's device rather than to be behold him crucified in his Word and Sacraments after his own ordinance Where I should never use thy Name whereat all knees do bow but with religious reverence nor any part of thy worship without due preparation and zeal I have blasphemously abused thy holy Name to rash and customary oaths yea I have used oaths by thy sacred name as false covers of my filthy sins And I have been present at thy Service oft-times more for ceremony than conscience and to please Men more than to please thee my gracious God Where I should sanctifie thy Sabbath-day by being present at the publick exercises of the Church and by meditating privately on the word and works of God and by visiting the sick and relieving of my poor brethren alas I have thought those holy Exercises a burden because they hindred my vain sports yea I have spent many of thy Sabbaths in my own prophane Pleasures without being present at any part of thy divine worship Where I should have given all due reverence to my Natural Ecclesiastical and Politick Parents I have not shewed that measure of duty and affection to my Parents which their care and kindness hath deserved I have not had thy Ministers in such singular love for their works sake as I ought but I have taunted at their zeal and hated them because they reproved me justly And I have carried my self contemptuously against thy M●gistrates and Ministers though I knew that it is 〈◊〉 ordinance that I should be obedient unto them Where I should be sl●w to wrath and ready to forgive offences and not 〈◊〉 the Sun to go down upon my wrath but to 〈◊〉 good for evil loving my very enemies for thy sake I alas for one sorry word have burst out into open rage and harbouring thoughts of mischief in my heart I have preferred to feed on mine own malice rather than to eat of thy holy Supper Where I should keep my Mind from all filthy lusts and my Body from all uncleanness O Lord I have defiled both and made my Heart a Cage of all impure thoughts and my Mind a very st●e of the unclean Spirit Yea the remedy which thou Lord hast ordained for incontinency could not contain me within the bounds of Chastity for by doting on beauty whose grounds is but dust Satan hath bewitched my flesh to lust after strange flesh Where I should have lived in uprightness giv●ng every Man his due being contented with mine own Estate and living cons●ionably in my lawful Calling should be ready according to mine Ability to lend and give unto the Poor O Lord I have by oppression extortion bribes cavillation and other indirect dealings under
Ghost thou maist become one with Christ and Christ with thee and so maist feel thy Communion with Christ confirmed and increased daily more and more That as it is impossible to separate the Bread and Wine digested into the blood and substance of thy body so it may be more impossible to part Christ from thy Soul or thy Soul from Christ. Lastly As the Bread of the Sacrament though confected of many Grains yet makes but one Bread so must thou remember that though all the faithful are many yet are they all but one mystical Body whereof Christ is Head And therefore thou must love every Christian as thy self and a member of thy body Thus far of the duties to be done at the receiving of the holy Sacrament called Meditation 3. Of the duties which we are to perform after receiving of the holy Communion called Action or Practice THE duty which we are to perform after the receiving of the Lord's Supper is called Action or Practice without which all the rest will minister unto us no comfort The Action consists of Two sorts of duties First such as we are to perform in the Church or else after that we are gone home Those that we are to perform in the Church are either several from our own souls or else joyntly with the Congregation The several duties which thou must perform from thine own Soul are Three First Thou must be careful that forasmuch as Christ now dwelleth in thee therefore to entertain him in a clean heart and with pure affections for the most holy will be holy with the holy for if Joseph of Arimathea when he had begged of Pilate his dead body to bury it wrapped it in sweet odours and fine Linen and laid it in a new Tomb how much more shouldest thou lodge Christ in a new heart and perfume his Rooms with the odoriferous incense of Prayers and all pure affections If God required Moses to provide a Pot of pure gold to keep the Manna that fell in the Wilderness what a pure heart shouldst thou provide to receive this divine Manna that is come down from Heaven And as thou camest sorrowing like Joseph and Mary to seek Christ in the Temple so now having there found him in the midst of his Word and Sacraments be careful with joy to carry him home with thee as they did And if the man that found but his lost sheep rejoyced so much how canst thou having found the Saviour of the World but rejoyce much more Secondly Thou must offer the Sacrifice of a private thanksgiving unto God for this inestimable grace and mercy for as this action is common unto the whole Church so is it applied particularly to every one of the faithful in the Church and for this particular mercy every soul must joyfully offer up a particular Sacrifice of Thanksgiving For if the Wise Men rejoyced so much when they saw the Star which conducted them unto Christ and worshipped him so devoutly when he lay a Babe in the Manger and offered unto him their Gold Myrrhe and Frankincense how much more shouldest thou rejoyce now that thou hast both seen and received this Sacrament which guideth thy soul unto him where he sitteth at the right hand of his Father in glory And thither lifting up thy heart adore him and offer up unto him the gold of a pure Faith the Myrrhe of a mortified heart and this or the like sweet incense of Prayer and Thanksgiving A Prayer to be said after the receiving of the Communion WHAT shall I render unto thee O blessed Saviour for all these blessings which thou hast so graciously bestowed upon my Soul How can I sufficiently thank thee when I can scarce express them Where thou mightest have made me a Beast thou madest me a Man after thine own Image When by sin I had lost both thine Image and my self thou didst renew in me thine Image by thy Spirit and didst redeem my Soul by thy Blood again and now thou hast given unto me thy Seal and Pledge of my Redemtion nay thou hast given thy self unto me O blessed Redeemer Oh what an inestimable treasure of riches and overflowing Fountain of grace hath he got who hath gained thee No man ever touched thee by Faith but thou didst heal him by Grace for thou art the Author of Salvation the remedy of all evils the medicine of the sick the life of the quick and the resurrection of the dead Seemed it a small matter unto thee to appoint thy holy Angels to attend upon so vile a Creature as I am but that thou would'st enter thy self into my Soul there to preserve nourish and cherish me unto life everlasting If the carcase of the dead Prophet could revive a dead man that touched it how much more shall the living body of the Lord of all Prophets quicken the faithful in whose heart he dwelleth And if thou wilt raise my body at the last day out of the dust how much more wilt thou now revive my Soul which thou hast sanctified with thy Spirit and purified with thy blood O Lord what could I more desire or what couldest thou more bestow upon me than to give me thy body for meat thy blood for drink and to lay down thy Soul for the price of my Redemption Thou Lord enduredst the pain and I do reap the profit I received pardon and thou didst bear the punishment Thy tears were my bath thy wounds my weal and the injustice done to thee satisfied for the Judgment which was due to me Thus by thy birth thou art become my Brother by thy death my ransom by thy mercy my reward and by thy Sacrament my nourishment O divine ●ood by which the sons of men are transformed into the sons of God so that man's nature dieth and God's nature liveth and ruleth in us Indeed all Creatures wondred that the Creator would be inclosed nine Months in the Virgins Womb though her Womb being replenished with the Holy Ghost was more splendid than the Starry Firmament but that thou should'st thus humble thy self to dwell for ever in my heart which thou foundest more unclean than a Dunghill it is able to make all the Creatures in Heaven and Earth to stand amazed But seeing it is thy free Grace and meer pleasure thus to enter and to dwell in my heart I would to God that I had so pure a heart as my heart could wish to entertain thee And who is fit to entertain Christ or who though invited would not chuse with Mary rather to kneel at thy feet than presume to sit with thee at thy Table Though I want a pure heart for thee to dwell in yet weeping eyes shall never be wanting to wash thy blessed feet and to lament my filthy sins And albeit I cannot weep so many tears as may suffice to wash thy holy feet yet Lord it is sufficient that thou hast shed Blood enough to cleanse my sinful So●l And
the power of Satan and in the fire of Faith and perfume of Prayer ascend up with Angels victoriously into Heaven An Admonition to them who come to visit the sick THey who come to visit the sick must have a special care not to stand dumb and staring in the sick person's face to disquiet him nor yet to speak idly and to ask unprofitable questions as most do If they see therefore that the sick party is like to die let them not dissemble but lovingly and discreetly admonish him of his weakness and to prepare for eternal life One hour well spent when a man's life is almost out-spent may gain a man the assurance of eternal life Sooth him not with the vain hope of this life lest thou betray his Soul to eternal death Admonish him plainly of his estate and ask him briefly these or the like Questions Questions to be asked of a sick Man that is like to die DOst thou believe that Almighty God the Trinity of Persons in Unity of Essence hath by his Power made Heaven and Earth and all things therein and that he doth still by his Divine Providence govern the same So that nothing comes to pass in the world nor to thy self but what his divine hand and counsel had determined before to be done 2. Dost thou confess that thou hast transgressed and broken the holy Commandments of Almighty God in thought word and deed and hast deserved for breaking his holy Laws the Curse of God which containeth all the miseries of this life and everlasting torments in Hell fire when this life is ended if so be that God should deal with thee according to thy deserts 3. Art thou not sorry in thy heart that thou hast so broken his Laws and neglected his Service and Worship and so much followed the world and thine own vain pleasures And would'st thou not lead a holier life if thou wert to begin again 4. Dost thou not from thy heart desire to be reconciled unto God in Jesus Christ his blessed Son thy Mediator who is at the right hand of God in heaven now appearing for thee in the sight of God and making request unto him for thy Soul 5. Dost thou renounce all confidence in all other Mediators or Intercessors Saints or Angels believing that Jesus Christ the only Mediator of the New Testament is able perfectly to save them that come unto God by him seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them And wilt thou with David say unto Christ whom have I in heaven but thee And there is none upon earth that I desire besides thee 6. Dost thou confidently believe and hope to be saved by the only merits of that bloody death and passion which thy Saviour Jesus Christ hath suffered for thee not putting any hope of Salvation in thine own Merits nor in any other means or Creatures being assuredly perswaded that there is no salvation in any other and that there is none other name under Heaven whereby thou must be saved 7. Dost thou heartily forgive all wrongs and offences done or offered unto thee by any manner of Person whatsoever And dost thou as willingly from thy heart ask forgiveness of them whom thou hast grievously wronged in word or deed And dost thou cast out of thy heart all malice and hatred which thou hast born to any body that thou mayest appear before the Face o● Christ the Prince of Peace in perfect love and charity 8. Doth thy Conscience tell thee of any thing which thou hast wrongfully taken and dost still withhold from any widow or fatherless Children or from any other persons whomsoever Be assured that unless thou shalt restore like Zaccheus those goods and lands if thou be'st able thou canst not truly repent and without true Repentance thou canst not be saved nor look Christ in the face when thou shalt appear before his Judgment-seat 9. Dost thou firmly believe that thy body shall be raised up out of the Grave at the sound of the last Trumpet and that thy Body and Soul shall be united together again in the Resurrection Day to appear before the Lord Jesus Christ and thence to go with him into the Kingdom of Heaven to live in everlasting bliss and glory If the sick party shall answer to all these questions like a faithful Christian then let all who are present joyn together and pray for him in these or the like words A Prayer to be said for the sick by them who visit him O Merciful Father who art the Lord and giver of life and to whom belong the issues of Death we thy Children here assembled do acknowledge that in respect of our manifold sins we are not worthy to ask any blessing for our selves at thy hands much less to become suiters unto thy Majesty in the behalf of others yet because thou hast commanded us to pray one for another especially for the sick and hast promised that the Prayers of the righteous shall avail much with thee in obedience therefore to thy Commandment and confidence of thy gracious Promise we are bold to become humble Suiters to thy Divine Majesty in the behalf of this our dear Brother or Sister whom thou hast hast visited with the Chastisement of thine own fatherly hand We could gladly wish the Restitution of his health and a longer continuance of his life and Christian ●ellowship amongst us but forasmuch as it ●ppeareth as far as we can discern that ●hou hast appointed by this visitation to ●●ll for him out of this mortal life we sub●it our wills to thy blessed will and hum●ly intreat for Jesus Christ his sake and ●e merits of his bitter death and passion which he hath suffered for him that ●ou would'st pardon and forgive unto ●im all his sins as well that wherein he ●as conceived and born as also all the offen●es and transgressions which ever since to ●his day and hour he hath committed in ●hought word and deed against thy Divine ●ajesty Cast them behind thy back re●ive them as far from thy presence as the East ● from the West Blot them out of thy re●embrance lay them not to his charge ●ash them away with the Blood of Christ ●hat they may no more be seen and deli●er him from all the Judgments which are ●ue unto him for his sins that they may ●ever trouble his conscience nor rise in ●udgment against his Soul and impute un●o him the righteousness of Jesus Christ whereby he may appear righteous in thy ●●ght And in his extremity at this time we ●eseech the look down from heaven up●n him with those eyes of grace and com●assion wherewith thou art wont to look ●pon thy children in their affliction and misery Pity thy wounded Servant like ●he good Samaritan for here is a sick soul ●hat needeth the help of such a heaven●● Physician O Lord increase his Faith that he may believe that Christ died for him and that his blood
blessed ●eath Say cheerfully Come Lord Jesus 〈◊〉 thy Servant cometh unto thee I am willing Lord help my weakness Seven sanctified Thoughts and mournful Sighs of a sick Man ready to die NOW forasmuch as God of his infinite mercy doth so temper ou● pain and sickness that we are not always oppressed with extremity but gives us in the midst of our extremities some ●espite to ease and refresh our selves thou m●st have an esp●cial ca●e consid●ring how short a 〈◊〉 thou hast either for ever to lose or to obtain Heaven to make use of every breathing time which God doth afford th● and during that 〈…〉 time of ease 〈…〉 roweth with all his force to arrive at the wished Port and that the Traveller never resteth till he come to his Journeys end we fear to descry our Port and therefore would put back our Bark to be longer tossed in this continual tempest We weep to see our jorneys end and therefore desire our journey to be lengthened that we might be more tired with a foul and cumbersome way The Spiritual Sigh thereupon O Lord this life is but a troublesome pilgrimage few in days but full in evils and I am weary of it by reason of my sins Let me therefore O Lord intreat thy Majesty in this my bed of sickness as Elias did under the Juniper tree in his affliction It is now enough O Lord that I have lived so long in this vale of misery take my soul into thy merciful hands for I am no better than my Fathers The Second Thought THink with what a body of sin thou art loaden what great civil wars are contained in a little world the flesh fighting against the Spirit Passion against Reason Earth against Heaven and the World within thee bending it self for the World without thee and that but 〈◊〉 only means remains to end this conflict● death which in God's appointed time will separate thy spirit from thy flesh the pure and regenerate part of thy Soul from that part which is impure and unregenerated The spiritual Sigh upon the second Thought OWretched man that I am who shall deliver me from the body of this death O my sweet Saviour Jesus Christ thou hast redeemed me with thy precious blood And be cause thou hast delivered my soul from sin min● eyes from tears and my feet from falling I do here from the very bottom of my heart ascribe the whole praise and glory of my salvation to thy only grace and mercy saying with the holy Apostle Thanks be unto God which hath given me the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. The Third Thought THink how it behoves thee to be assured that thy soul is Christ's for death hath taken sufficient gages to assure himself of thy bod● in that all thy senses be all ready to die save only the sense of pain but sith the beginning of thy being began with p●in marvel the less it thy end conclude with dolours But if these temporal dolours which only afflict the body be so painful O Lord who can endure the devouring fire who can abide the everlasting burning The spiritual Sigh upon the third Thought O Lord Jesus Christ the Son of the living God who art the only Physician that ca●st ease my body from pain and restore my soul to life eternal put thy 〈◊〉 Cross and Death betwixt my 〈◊〉 and thy Judgments and let the merits of thy obedience stand betwixt thy Father's justice and my disobedience and from these bodily pains receive my Soul i●to thine everlasting peace for I cry unto thee with Stephen Lord Jesus receive my Spirit The Fourth Thought THink that the worst that Death can do is but to send thy Soul sooner than thy flesh would be willing to Christ and his heavenly Joys remember that that Christ is thy best hope ●he worst therefore of death is rather a help than a harm The spiritual Sigh upon the Fourth Thought O Lord Jesus Christ the Saviour of all them that put their trust in thee f●rsake ●or him that in misery fl●●●h unto thy grace● f●● succour and mercy Oh sound that sweet Voice in the ears of my Soul which thou spakest unto the penitent thief on the cross This day thou shalt be with me in Paradise For I O Lord do with the Apostle from my Soul speak unto thee I desire to be dissolved and to be with Christ. The Fifth Thought THi●k if thou fearest to die That in Mount S●on there is no Death for ●e that believeth in Christ shall never die And if thou desirest to live without 〈◊〉 the life eternal whereunto this 〈…〉 their miseries live with Christ in joys and thither shall all the godly which survive be gathered out of their troubles to enjoy with him eternal rest The Spiritual Sigh on the Fifth Thought O Lord thou seest the malice of Satan who not contenting himself like a roaring Lion all the days and nights of our life to seek our destruction shews himself busiest when thy Children are weakest and nearest to their end O Lord reprove him and preserve my Soul He seeks to terrifie me with death which my sins have deserved but let thy Holy Spirit com●ort my Soul with the assurance of eternal life which thy Blood hath purchased Asswage my pain increase my patience and if it be thy blessed will end my troubles for my Soul beseecheth thee with old blessed Simeon Lord now let me thy servant depart in peace according to thy word The Sixth Thought THink with thy self what a blessing God hath bestowed upon thee above many millions in the world that whereas they are either Pagans who worship not the true God or Idolaters who worship the true God falsly thou hast lived in a true Christian Church and hast grace to die in the true Christian Faith and to be buried in the Sepulchre of God's Servants who all wait for the hope of Israel and raising of their Bodies in the resurrection of the Just. The spiritual Sigh upon the sixth Thought O Lord Jesus Christ who art the Resurrection and the life in whom whosoever believeth shall live tho' he were dead I believe that whosover liveth and believeth in thee shall never die I know that I shall rise again in the Resurrection of the last day for I am sure that thou my Redeemer livest And tho' that after my death worms destroy this body yet I shall see thee my Lord and my God in this flesh Grant therefore O Christ for thy bitter death and passions sake that at that day I may be one of them to whom thou wilt pronounce that joyful sentence Come ye blessed of my Father inherit the Kingdom prepared for you before the foundation of the world The Seventh Thought THink with thy self how Christ endured for thee a cursed death and the wrath of God which was due unto thy sins and what
immediately carry her into Heaven and there present her before Christ where she is crowned with a Crown of Righteousness and Glory not which she hath deserved by her good works but which God hath promised of his free goodness to all those who of love have in this life unfeignedly served him and sought his glory Oh what joy will it be to thy Soul which was wont to see nothing but misery and sinners now to behold the face of the God of glory yea to see Christ welcoming thee as soon as thou art presented before him by the holy Angels with an Euge bone serve well done and welcome good and faithful servant c. enter into thy Master's joy And what joy will this be to behold thousand thousands of Cherubims Seraphims Angels Thrones Dominions Principalities Powers All the holy Patriarchs Priests Prophets Apostles Martyrs Confessors and all the Souls of thy Friends Parents Husbands Wives Children and the rest of God's Saints who departed before thee in the true Faith of Christ standing before God's Throne in bliss and glory If the Queen of Sheba beholding the glory and attendance given to Solomon as it were ravished therewith brake out and said Happy are thy men happy are these thy servants which stand ever before thee and hear thy wisdom How shall thy soul be ravished to see her self by grace admitted to stand with this glorious Company to behold the Blessed face of Christ and to hear all the Treasures of his Divine Wisdom How shalt thou rejoyce to see so many thousand thousands welcoming thee into their Heavenly Society for as they all rejoyced at thy Conversion so will they now be much more joyful to behold thy Coronation and to see thee receive thy Crown which was laid up for thee against thy coming For there the Crown of martyrdom shall be put on the head of a Martyr who for Christ's Gospel-sake endured Torments the Crown of Virginity on the head of a Virgin who subdued concupiscence the Crown of Piety and Chastity on the head of them who sincerely professed Christ and kept their wedlock-bed undefiled the Crown of good works on the good Alms-giver's head who liberally relieved the Poor the Crown of incorruptible glory on the head of those Pastors who by their preaching and good example have converted Souls from the corruption of sin to glorifie God in holiness of life Who can sufficiently express the rejoycing of this heavenly company to see thee thus crowned with glory arraied with the shining robe of righteousness and to behold the Palm of Victory put into thy hand Oh what gratulation will there be that thou hast escaped all the miseries of the World the snares of the Devil the pains of Hell and obtained with them thy eternal rest and happiness For there every one joyeth as much in another's happiness as in his own because he shall see him as much loved of God as himself Yea they have as many distinct joys as they have co-partners of their joy And in this joyful and blessed state the Soul resteth with Christ in Heaven till the Resurrection when as the number of her fellow servants and brethren be fulfilled which the Lord termeth but a little season The second degree of Man's Blessedness after Death is from the Resurrection to the pronouncing of the final Sentence For at the last day 1. The Elementary Heavens Earth and all things therein shall be dissolved and purified with Fire 2. At the sound of the last Trumpet or voice of Christ the Archangel the very same Bodies which the Elect had before though turned to Dust and Earth shall arise again And in the same instant every Man's Soul shall re-enter into his own Body by virtue of the resurrection of Christ their Head and be made alive and rise out of their Graves as if they did but awake out of their beds and howsoever Tyran's be mangled their Bodies in pieces or consumed them to ashes yet shall the Elect find it true at that day that not an hair of their head is perished 3. They shall come forth out of their Graves like so many Josephs out of Prison or Daniels out of the Lion's Den or Jonahs out of the Whale's Belly 4. All the Bodies of the Elect being thus made alive shall arise in that perfection of Nature whereunto they should have attained by their natural temperament if no impediment had hindred and in that vigour of age that a perfect Man is at about 33 years old each in their proper sex Whereunto Divines think the Apostle alludeth when he saith Till we all come unto a perfect man unto the measure of the age or stature of the fulness of Christ. Whatsoever imperfection was before in the Body as blindness lameness crookedness shall then be done away Jacob shall not halt nor Isaac be blind nor Leah bleer-ey'd nor Mephibosheth be lame for if David would not have the blind and lame to come into his House much less will Christ have blindness and lameness to dwell in his heavenly Habitation Christ made all the blind to see the dumb to speak the deaf to hear the lame to walk c. that came to him to seek his grace on Earth much more will he heal all their imperfections whom he will admit to his glory in Heaven Among those Tribes there is not one feeble but the lame man shall leap as an Hart and the dumb man's tongue shall sing And it is very probable that seeing God Created our first Parents not Infants or old Men but of a perfect age or stature the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or new Creation from Death shall every where be more perfect than the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or first frame of Man from which he fell into the state of the dead Neither is it like that infancy being imperfection and old age corruption can well stand with the state of a perfect glorified Body 5. The Bodies of the Elect being thus raised shall have four most excellent and supernatural qualities For 1. They shall be raised in Power whereby they shall for ever be freed from all wants and weaknesses and enabled to continue without the use of Meat Drink Sleep and other former helps 2. In Incorruption whereby they shall never be subject to any manner of Imperfections Blemish Sickness or Death 3. In Glory whereby their Bodies shall shine as bright as the Sun in the Firmament and which being made transparent their Souls shall shine through far more glorious than their Bodies Three glimpses of which Glory were seen First In Moses's Face Secondly In the Transfiguration Thirdly In Stephen's Countenance Three Instances and Assurances of the glorification of our Bodies at that glorious Day Then shall David lay aside his Shepherd's Weed and put on the Robe of the King's Son Jesus not Jonathan's Then