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A26702 The best of remedies for the worst of maladies, or, Spiritual receipts and antidotes for the preservation of a plague-sick, sinfull soul wherein is shown, sin is the cause and repentance the cure of the pestilence / seasonably published by a lover of peace and truth ..., R.A. R. A. (Richard Alleine), 1611-1681. 1667 (1667) Wing A983; ESTC R10719 150,980 258

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that is holy be sanctified in righteousness Isa 5.16 Thus much for the fourth soveraign Receipt The Fifth Spiritual Receipt 5ly The next Spiritual Receipt and especial preservative against this Pestilential sickness which I shall recommend unto thee is this Have thy dwelling now in the secret place of the most high Psal 91.1 or as it is further exprest in the 9. ver of the same Psalm Make the Lord thy refuge even the most high thy habitation In Pestilential and contagious times and when the sickness comes near to our own houses most men and womens thoughss are busied about their habitations and dwellings where they shall remove and have their beings so as they think they may be most safe and secure from the stroke of Gods Visitation and therefore they will chuse especially such as are more able and wealthy the best country where is the best aire and most healthful soil and the best company and food and such other accommodations as may probably conduce to the keeping of themselves in a sound and healthful constitution In some cases such provisions as these may be necessary expedient and lawful And therefore it is upon my heart now to direct thee where thou mayst take up a most secure and safe habitation and that is in God in the secret place of the most high under the shadow of the Almighty and let me tell thee whoever thou art that seekest security and protection elsewhere and takest not up thy dwelling in God thou wilt be frustrated in thy expectation Shouldst thou hid thy self in the top of Carmel Amos 9.3 Or take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea Psal 139.9 even there his hand will find thee out and the stroke of his indignation will light upon thee The only way then to secure thy self is not to be flying from but to be flying unto God to be living and dwelling in God God as he is a secret place so he is a secure place Every man would be there especially in times of danger where he may be most secret and secure But what may we understand by making God our habitation or by dwelling in the secret place of the most high The words are very comprehensive and of a large extent but I shall reduce them under some following heads after I have toucht a little by way of explanation or opening of them By the secret place of the most high we may understand Heaven the seat and throne of God which the Scripture holds forth under these three denominations or expressions To wit His high place his holy place his secret place His high place Psal 93.4 The Lord on high is mightier then the noise of many waters Psal 97.9 Thou Lord art high above all the earth above all people Psal 99.2 The Lord is high above all Nations and his glory above the heavens Who is like unto the Lord our God who dwelleth on high Psal 113.5 heaven is a high place So it is his Holy place in Psal 46.4 they are joyned both together The River the streams whereof make glad the City of God is said to be the holy place of the tabernacles of the most high So in Isa 57.15 Thus saith the high and lofty one that inhabiteth eternity whose name is holy And mark what follows I dwell in the high and holy place with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit c. In Psal 68.5 A Father of the fatherless and a Judge of the widows is God in his holy babitation that is in heaven his holy habitation or the habitation of his holiness and of his glory as it is termed Isa 63.15 So here it is called his Secret place the secret place of the most high and heaven may very fitly be called Gods secret place as well as his high and holy place because God and Christ and the things of heaven and eternity they are secret hidden and mysterious things Great is the mystery of godliness 1 Tim. 3.16 So in Col. 1.26 The Apostle calls it The mystery hid from ages and generations but now saith he is made manifest to his Saints and the Saints themselves they have hut an imperfect sight of God We see but his back part Exod. 33.23 but as through a glass darkly We know but in part but when that which is perfect is come then that which is imperfect shall be done away 1 Cor. 13.9 10 12. Hence it is that God is said To dwell in that light which no man can approach unto whom no man hath seen or can see 2 Tim. 6.17 2. Jesus Christ may be said to be Gods Secret place 1. In that he is said as before To be the mystery which was kept secret since the world began Rom. 16.25 2. In respect of that incomprehensible union that is betwixt the Father and the Son Joh. 17.21 3. Because the declaration or revelation of the Father is from Christ who is in the bosome of the Father Joh. 1.18 and that 's a Secret place And the Apostle speaks of a life that is hid with God in Christ Col. 3.3 4. In respect of Christs eternity with the Father The Lord possessing him in the beginning of his way before his works of old Then was Christ by him as one brought up with him Prov. 8.22 30. 5. Christ himself is said to be A hidding place from the wind and a covert from the tempest Isa 32.2 3. The Church which was figured by the Tabernacle may be said to be Gods Secret place his dwelling place God hath desired it for his habitation This saith he is my rest for ever here will I dwell for I have desired it Psal 132.13 14. To which purpose is that in Psal 27.5 where we read of the secret of his tabernacle In the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me which hath reference to the Sanctuary or Ark the place of Gods abode or visible presence so to be hid in his pavilion the Prophet declares the assurance he had being shrouded under Gods protectio n hide me or keep me safe as in the most holy place of thy Sanctuary Where none might enter but the High Preist and that alone once every year and not without blood neither which he offered for htmself and for the errors of the people Heb. 9.7 And this is called Gods secret or hidden place Ezek. 7.22 As his Saints are called his hidden ones Psal 83.3 So Psal 31.20 Thou shalt hide them in the secret of thy presence or thou hidest them in the hiding place of thy presence where thou always looks unto them in secret favour which the world knoweth not of So then to dwell in the secret place of the most high is to dwell in God in Heaven in Christ in his Church to have a conversation with God in the heavens As the Apostle expresseth it Phil. 3.20 For our conversation is in Heaven To have our affections on things above Col. 3.2 to live a
can we see the mournful soul that is deeply afflicted for its sins under this sore visitation of the Lord Are not men and women as proud and vain and carnal and jovial now as before Is there any crying mightily unto God Any turning from their evil way or from the violence that is in their hands Do we see any loosing of the bands of wickedness undoing the heavy burdens the letting the oppressed go free and the breaking of every yoke And where are any bowels of compassions drawn out toward the poor and needy but in vain are all fastings and formal devotions if these things are neglected which are essential as to that acceptable fast which God hath chosen Isa 58.6 7. See then that ye be true mourners in Sion and let the sence of thine inquities work in thee a true contrition and brokenness of heart For the Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit Psal 38.18 This is the heart that he will heal Psal 147.3 The heart that he will bind up Isa 61.1 That Evangelical sacrifice which he will not despise Psal 51.17 Now to get thy heart melted into this mournful frame Take these helps 1. Be looking up unto Christ whom by thy sins thou hast peirced Zach. 12.10 2. Apply the New Covenant-promises for the taking away of the stony heart out of thy flesh and the Lords giving of thee an heart of flesh Ezek. 11.19 and 36.26 3. Get a sence of the unspeakable misery thou art lyable unto by reason of thy sins Rom. 6.23 whether it be Pride Oppression Idolatry Adultery Apostacy Cursing and Swearing or such other of those pestilential sins before mentioned or whether they be lies railings scoffings at Gods people rotten speeches bedlam passions goods ill-gotten time ill-spent prophanation of the Lords-day 4. Consider also that thy heart hath been the Fountain or rather the Sinck from whence hath issued many foul streams where all ill hath been forged all evil words and wicked thoughts ingendred then by the rule of proportion let thy heart be a fountain of sorrow for sin 5. Consider the heart of Christ he had not taken a heart of flesh but for sin which for thy sake was filled with that unexpressible sorrow and greif that if all the godly sorrow of all the righteous souls from the beginning of the world to the end thereof in heaven and in earth dead or alive were collected into one heart they could not countervail the depth of his anguish And shall his blessed soul fall asunder in his blessed breast assaulted with all the wrath of God and the most dreadful torments of Hell shall his soul be like a scorched hearth and so pressed with the flames of Gods revenging wrath which wrung from him those bloody drops and ruful crys My God my God why hast thou forsaken me And shall thy heart be as a stone within thy breast and never be moved Oh prodigious hardness and worse then heathenish ingratitude 6. Consider if thy heart be not wounded here in this world in some measure truly it shall hereafter be filled with such endless honour that it would grieve and break ten thousand hearts to imagine or think of it Is it not better then to mourn a little here in this life for sin then to have our hearts inlarged to endure to all eternity the extremity of the wrath of God in the unexpressible horrour of hell Is any man so sensless to think he shall go to heaven in a bed of down and never be touched for his sins When Hezekiah a man of a perfect heart complained and chattered like a Crane Isa 38.14 When David a man after Gods own heart roared all the day long Psal 32.3 When Job a perfect and a just man complained that the Arrows of the Almighty were within him and that the venome thereof did drink up his spirit Job 6.4 Nay when Christ himself that holy and just one that pure and immaculate Lamb did so cry our in the agony and bitterness of his spirit 7. Consider again that if thou getst this broken heart into thy breast thou shalt bring down the glorious Majesty of Heaven God Almighty with his Chair of State to sit in thy soul For he hath a twofold habitation to wit heaven and the humble heart Isa 57.15 8. Add hereunto the practise of the Saints of God They poured out tears as men do water out of Buckets 1 Sam. 7.6 Mary Magdalen washed Christs feet with her tears Luk. 7.14 The Publican strook on his breast with a sorrowful acknowledgment of his sins Luk. 18.13 And surely if thy hands and eyes and tongue and heart have been instruments of Gods dishonour then by the Rule of proportion thou shouldst have the works of thy hands instrumental demonstrations of repentance Thine eyes fountains of tears and thy tongue uttering and thy heart suffering greif And if for outward lolles and crosses thou canst weep tears as David for his Son Absalom and with what wringing of hands tearing of hair bitter crying do many express the inward and intollerable sorrow and greif of their hearts Then certainly the loss of Christ and of the favour of God which is infinitely better then Husband Wife Child or any the most desireable thing in the world how should this break thy heart and draw tears from thy soul Thus having got thy heart melted into this mournful frame out of a deep sence and apprehension of thine own sins Then Secondly Thou wilt come to mourn kindly upon the accompt of the common sins and abominations of the times As David in the 119. Psalm 136. vers Rivers of waters saith he run down mine eyes and why because they keep not thy law Or as others read it Mine eyes gush out with rivers of waters I weep and shed abundance of tears even for the wickeds sake whom I pity and especially for the law of God which greiveth me to the heart to see violated and broken So the Prophet Jeremy Oh that my head saith he were waters and mine eyes a fountain of tears that I might weep day and night for the slain of the Daughter of my people O that I had in the wilderness a lodging place of wayfaring men that I might leave my people and go from them Why what is the matter good Jeremy of this so sad and mournful a wish and that thou wouldst leave thy people and go from them Why there is cause and reason enough might he say They be all Adulterers an Assembly of treacherous men And they bend their tongues like their bow for lies but they are not valiant for the truth upon the earth for they proceed from evil to evil and they know not me saith the Lord Jer. 9.1 2 3. So deeply was the soul of this good Prophet of the Lord affected and afflicted upon the account of the publique National abominations and defilements In like manner it is said of
heart faileth but God is the strength of my heart and my portion for ever Psa 73.26 Then wilt thou not know nor desire nor love any creature but purely as subordinate to God If this were but setled in our hearts how would it ballast them and keep them steddy that they would not be tossed up and down with the various occurrences of this life neither lift up with Prosperity nor cast down with adversity for whether we have more of these things they make no considerable addition to us God is our happiness and not the creature or whether we have less of these things it is no diminution to our happiness we still have our portion We are but as a man that hath turned his estate into money though he hath not houses nor lands nor flocks nor herds yet he hath that which answers all things Eccles 10.19 So it is with one that hath God for his portion whose is the earth and the fulness thereof He can with Habakkuk rejoyce in God in the deprevation and absence of all other things Hab. 3.17 18. And say with Paul As sorrowful yet alway rejoycing as poor yet making many rich as having nothing yet possessing all things 2 Cor. 6.10 Give twenty pounds to a poor man and you make him take so much from him and you undoe him but it is nothing in a rich mans Purse that hath thousands coming in yearly Let an unbeleiver loose the World and he looseth all he complains with Laban that his gods are gone let him have these things in abundance and he is transported like Haman but these are small things with him whose portion is the Lord And therefore call nothing prosperity or pleasure but his love and nothing adversity or misery but his displeasure When any thing would seem lovely and desireable which is against him call it Dung And hear that man as Satan or the Serpent that would entise thee from him and count him but vanity a worm and dust that would affright thee from thy duty to him 3. Then mayst thou be said to dwell in God to have thy constant abode with him When thou shalt prize all opportunities of communion with God in his Ordinances as Prayer Reading and Hearing the Word of God So David As the Hart panteth after the water-brooks so panteth my soul after thee O God Psa 42.1 O God thou art my God early will I seek thee my soul thirsteth for thee my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land where no water is To see thy power and thy glory so as I have seen thee in the Sanctuary Psa 63.1 2. and 84.1 2. How amiable are thy Tabernacles O Lord of Hosts my soul longeth yea even fainteth for the Courts of the Lord my heart and my flesh cryeth out for the living God So Psal 122.1 I was glad when they said unto me let us go into the House of the Lord. This to do is our Duty and our Priviledge 1. It is our Duty and part of that homage which we owe to God as our Lord and Lawgiver by prayer to acknowledge our dependance on him Psal 65.2 and our subjection to him by sitting down at his feet to receive the Law from his mouth to take our instructions from him Deut. 33.3 2. It is our Priviledge which cost two of the greatest gifts which heaven could afford Eph. 2.17 the Son of God that we might have acceptance The Spirit of God that we might have assistance What greater priviledge are we capable of then at any time to go and reveal our cause to God and to pour out our complaints before him Jer. 20.12 To have leave to beg any thing of him Luk. 11.13 To ask Counsel of him Psal 119.24 There being in our communion with God a transfusion of spirits the Lord communicating his Spirit or Divine Nature to us therein 2 Cor. 3.18 Besides our own pressing necessities which should daily provoke us hereto And the oftner we come to God the more welcome shall we be Cant. 2.14 and the more boldness and liberty of access we shall have dis-use and in-frequency breeding a strangness betwixt God and the Soul and deading the heart to communion with him 2. A Mans House is the place of his safety security and strength We use to say a mans House is his Castle then we make God our habitation when we make him our refuge and our strength So did David I will love thee O Lord my strength The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer my God my strength in whom I will trust my buckler the horn of my salvation and my high tower Psal 18.2 God was his strength his defender in all adversities God was his rock where he fled for refuge when hunted and pursued by his enemies his fortress or strong hold wherein he was safely kept and preserved his sheild to overshadow and defend him The horn of his salvation that is the strength of his deliverance and the high tower or strong tower of his protection wherein to his righteous soul did run and was safe Prov. 18.10 In the 61. Psal 2. and 3. David prayeth That God would lead him to the rock that was higher then he For thou hast been a shelter for me saith he and a strong tower from the enemy So in the Psal 71.3 Be thou my strong habitation whereunto I may continually resort Be thou to me for a rock of habitation where I may continually fly unto in all my difficulties and distresses See also Psal 31.2 With what confidence in God was the Chuch carried forth upon this account God is our refuge and strength a very present help in trouble Therefore will not we fear though the earth he removed and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof Psal 46.1 2 3. By the changing of the earth and removing of mountains are often meant the alteration of States and Polities Hagg. 2.21 22. Jerem. 51.25 Rev. 6.14 By which we are given to understand That in the time of the greatest mutations and revolutions in time of the greatest toffings and tumblings turnings and over-turnings the Church would not be dismayed but confidently expect deliverance from God Well then if thou wilt make God thy habitation thy place of security and strength thy rock and thy fortress Thou wilt make him thy only rock thy only stay and trust thou wilt seek help and deliverance in all thy streights and trouble from him and from him only He only saith the Psalmist is my rock and my salvation he is my defence I shall not be moved And from hence it is that he encourages his soul To waite only upon God telling us that his expectation was from him Psal 62.6 7. Nor would he trust in his Bow nor on his Sword to save him Psal 44.6 Now then dost thou make God thy only rock thy only
therefore boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus a right and freedom to enter in with our persons hereafter and now by our Prayers let us draw neer with a true heart with full assurance of faith He hath given us two great friends of his for our Advocates the one at his own right hand in heaven moving and negotiating and always appearing for us the other seated in our breasts his holy spirit making intercession for us Yea the Fathers own heart is full of love brim full and running over and he loves to hear his children reason it out with him and he doth of set purpose delay to grant their requests sometimes because he loves to hear often from them to hear their voices and see their faces Cant. 2.14 to hear what they can say for themselves and so he dealt with the woman of Canaan in those several repulses he gave her Mat. 15.22 23. Acquaint thy self then with him and be at peace thereby good shall come unto thee Job 22.21 O the secret intimate and heavenly familiarity that is betwixt God and the gratious beleiving soul It is said of Moses that the Lord spake unto him face to face as a man speaketh unto his friend Exod. 33.11 That is plainly familiarly The like phrase is used of speaking mouth to mouth My servant Moses saith the Lord is not so who is faithful in all mine house With him will I speak mouth to mouth even apparently and not in dark speeches Numb 12.7 8. Well then if thou makest God thy habitation thou wilt not thou canst not be a stranger to God thou wilt have some intimacy with him some secret talk and communion with him thou wilt ever and anon be opening thy heart unto him and be pleading and expostulating the case with him Daniel could not be restrained from this though he knew the decree or writing was signed that whosoever should ask any petition of any God or Man for thirty days save of the King Darius he should be cast into the Den of Lyons But he goes into his House and kneels upon his knees three times a day and prayed and gave thanks before his God as he did aforetime Dan. 6.10 he would rather dye then omit his wonted Worship and that close intimate communion he had with the Lord in prayer And it must needs be so for howsoever natural men and worldlings out of their obnoxiousness and secret terror do slavishly retire and do not willingly neither dare they draw near to that God which to them is a consuming fire Heb. 12.29 Yet all these who have truly tasted how gracious the Lord is shall find their hearts out of a secret sence of Gods love unto them first kindly inflamed with infinite desire to live under the comfortable influence of his pleased countenance to enjoy his holy Majesty with constant peace and an humble spiritual access and acquaintance continually His spirit of Prayer infinite love yea all his loving kindness protections preservations bounty patience divine illuminations spiritual blessings exercise of repentance temptations and troubles from Satan pressures and oppressions from the world loss of inward peace faintness of faith want of spiritual strength assault of some special sin sweetness of meditation daily favours showred down without number and above measure the forethought of the great and last account motions of the blessed spirit spiritual desertion c. but above all the unutterable and inexpressible blessedness goodness and excellency of that highest Majesty it self are and should be quickening and powerful motives to drive us frequently and incessantly unto God Object But perhaps thou wilt say It is true the righteous may be thus familiar with him plead with him and not be cast in their suit But where are those righteous ones And who are they for it is not so with me God be merciful to me a greivous sinner I dare not be so bold with him Mine iniquity stops my mouth Answ I answer Every one that hath a share in yea a sincere desire after the righteousness of Christ is righteous before him and may in that righteousness plead and prevail and as a Prince have power with God For this is his own righteousness of his own contrivance and appointment The righteousness which is of God by faith Phil. 3.8 9. A righteousness spun and woven out of his own bowels and the obedience of his dear Son a better then ever came upon the back of Angels for which the personal and legal righteousness of a Paul of an Angel is to be abandoned Evangelical being far better then Angelical righteousness Thou canst not miss a blessing in his garments who is not ashamed to be called thine Elder Brother who came to change cloaths and places with thee and to take all upon himself that thou mightest escape The Father cannot but be well pleased with the smell of his Sons raiment and he sits too upon a Seat of Judgement and must do thee right and Justice it self which will not be twice paid is as much for thee as much thy freind as Mercy Rom. 3.26 He is just and yet nay therefore a justifier of him that beleiveth in Jesus So that if thou art not utterly shut up in unbeleif if there be but the least spark of true faith alive in thy heart thou mayst go boldly and plead and prosper Object 2. But I have nothing to say for my self my heart is dryed up like a Potsheard and withered like grass I have sin'd away all arguments and must never open my mouth any more before him Answ True not to boast but to plead thou mayst And hast thou nothing to offer not a sigh nor the groanings of thy soul Let the sighings of the Prisoner come before thee saith David Psal 79.11 And for the oppression of the poor and for the sighing of the needy now will I arise saith the Lord himself Psal 12.5 I will set him at safety from him that puffeth at him We own help from the spirit when we are enlarged He helps us even when we are straightned Likewise the spirit also helpeth our infirmities for we know not what we should pray for as we ought no not Paul and the Apostle but the spirit it self maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered Rom. 8.26 with unutterable straightnings Our enlargements may be but the flowings of the Gifts of the Spirit but our inward pinchings and coarctations may be the Intercession of the Spirit it self the more immediate operations of the Spirit And we forget that there is such a Prompter behind the Hangings such an Interpreter as his Title signifies as well as a Comforter Ille suggerit vobis omnia He shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance Joh. 14.26 such an Interpreter I say to make known the mind of God to us and ours to him and as he betrayes the secrets of God to the Saints so he rips up their hearts before God