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A26458 Brief notes upon the whole book of Psalms put forth for the help of such who desire to exercise themselves in them and cannot understand without a guide : being a pithie and clear opening of the scope and meaning of the text to the capacitie of the weakest / by George Abbot. Abbot, George, 1604-1649. 1651 (1651) Wing A65; ESTC R10477 627,977 776

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attired onely at such times as thou appearest in the worlds eye as ordinarie women are but art ever so even within thy palace as well as without as is the Church not formally hypocritical and to the worlds view onely but really and sincerely gracious adorned by Christ with his own justifying righteousousness and sanctifying graces 14 That so thou maiest delight and please thy Lord and King when ever thou art presented to him in raiment worthy thy high linage and royal marriage and art accompanied to him with a gallant train of damosels fitting thy state and dignitie As shall the Catholick Church be by Christ his sanctifying spirit presented to himself in holiness and righteousness even all the blessed company of saints gathered from out the whole world to make up that blessed society and onely spouse of Christ. 15 Thou with thy troup of damosels shalt by Somons command and his servants ready attendance and obedience be ushered to his royal presence and pallace with infinit rejoycings and acclamations at that meeting and mutual imbracing As shall the Church and spouse of Christ made up of all the holy saints and sanctified ones be brought and presented by their holy calling in the ministry and by the ministers of the word unto Christ his grace and favour and by Angels into his everlasting glorie and presence in heaven to the infinit joy of Gods ministers and servants and with the acclamation of all those ministring spirits 16 By forsaking thy fathers house God himself will become a father to thee and will bless thee and make thee a happie mother of many hopefull children who shall command both Jews and Gentils As shall the Church of Christ by choosing him the second Adam for her Lord and husband and forsaking the first she shall thereby have God for her father and shall be blessed with a numerous off-spring all the world over all which spiritual progenie are a royal Generation children of the most high and put in Kingly office by him to command over all their earthly corruptions 17 And by so doing thou shalt lose no honour but through my blessing upon thee for it I will make the renown of this glorious act of thine to be famous and thou for it from age to age and thy memorie shall be precious and thy praises recorded in everlasting remembrance by the people of the Lord. As shall be the Church and spouse of Christ successively famous and honoured in all Generations for being his and her memorie happie and blessed from age to age after Generations of Gods people honorably memorizing them that went before with estimation and imitation to the worlds end The xlvi PSALM Ierusalem or the people of Israel being at present in some great strait or siedge by a powerful enemie and receiving deliverance The Author of this Psalm expresseth it in a high and hyperbolical strain thereby to incourage the faith of Gods people to a strong and extraordinarie belief in God for ever from their late eminent experience of his power and readiness to help them his favour towards them and presence with them which ought to establish and secure them for future A Psalm or song made and set to Alamoth an instrument or tune for the treble and committed to the family of the Korathites for them to sing 1 GOd is to us his people that depend upon him and trust in him both safetie from and power against our enemies he may be confided in to the uttermost peril for when we are nearest danger he is nearest to deliver 2 And therefore should there be never such revolutions in nature strange and terrible yet our faith in God shall keep us steadie yea though the center of the earth should shake and remove from its place and that by the violence of tempests the very mountains should be taken and hurled as a stone out of a sling from their place of residence far into the sea yet shall our faith establish our hearts in God his grace and protection how much more in the greatest tumults and commotions of civil affairs 3 Though storms both at land and sea should at once seem to overwhelm us and all the world and to dissolve the very course of nature it self the seas threatning an universal deluge by their tempestuous rising and fearful roaring and should even shake the very mountains with their violent and impetuous beating upon them yet in God shall our hearts hold up their heads 4 When the sea of troubles and combustions seem to overwhelm all the world besides and they be made to drink of most bitter and troubled waters even then shall the land of Jewry and especially the Citie of Jerusalem have peace and tranquillitie and drink their fill of the fresh and pleasant streams of Cedron for that it is Gods peculiar habitation and therefore hath it his peculiar protection and favour as shall have his holy and Catholick Church typified by his sanctuarie there the onely place of resort for all the Israel of God to worship him in 5 God in his worship and presence is there above all the world and therefore she shall be protected though the world be exposed she shall need to fear no danger for God shall both certainly and seasonably deliver her 6 The heathen people with great force and furie were inraged against us whole Kingdoms and conspiracies of the Gentil-nations were moved at us to seek our overthrow but the Lord Almighty took our parts and expressing his wrathful indignation by terrible thunder-claps from heaven against them dissipated and discomfited all their earthly power 7 Whatsoever armies are against us the powerful and great commander the Lord of hosts is with us the God of our father Jacob that mightily delivered him is on our side and in covenant with us to do the like for us Let us therefore be comforted in him 8 Consider well and thankfully remember the mighty mercies he hath shewn us in the powerful overthrows of our great and numerous enemies how for our sakes he hath wonderfully destroyed them more than once and nations more than one or two 9 He hath often times settled his people Israel in an universal peace spite of all the nations of the world their opposits whose forces he hath defeated and disabled their strength though great and as he hath done so his power and promises are still of force to do for his Church which he will preserve maugre her enemies and persecutors that infest her and will give her peace by their destruction and disablement as he hath done for us 10 Repose your hearts on God with inward content and securitie by a faithful expecting and apprehending of him for a God all-sufficient in your behalfs one that for your sakes will destroy the heathen and will honour his power and greatness upon the Gentils round about 11 Whatsoever armies are against us the powerful
joyfull praises of his coming from heaven to earth to redeem his Church Yea all that is within you praise his holy name for so great salvation wrought not onely by the power as all the rest were but also by the person of God himself whom you ought therefore with studied thankfulness and elaborate expressions of joy and honour entertain and usher into the world worthy his greatness and best expressing your high esteem of such unvaluable grace 7 8 9 These three last verses being the same in sence and almost in letter with the 11 12 13 being also the three last verses of the 96 Psalm see the Paraphrase upon them for the explanation of these Saving that those words in the eighth verse of this Psalm let the hills be joyfull together signifie that as all people are admitted into the same priviledge with the Jews by Christ so all places have the same fellowship in propriety and title to God and his worship as hath the hill of Sion once his peculiar Iohn 4.21 The xcix PSALM The Psalmist probably upon some deliverance magnifies the Lord in relation to his people the Iews and their happy condition above all people exciting them to praise God answerably to his mercies and righteousness even that God which hath ever been their God and done great things for them by his servants of old 1 THe Amighty God whose throne is in the heavens is pleased in behalf of his Church and chosen people to make it appear that he also hath dominion upon earth by their powerfull preservation and their enemies destruction therefore let the heathen people our neighbour nations that so malign us take it into serious consideration and tremble to think of provoking him by injuring his Church Let them rather and all the rest of the Gentiles with a reverentiall fear submit themselves to his regiment and be gathered into the number of his people worshipping him not after their own imaginations but in the manner and place that he hath appointed the Temple where onely he hath fixed his presence upon the mercy-seat between the Cherubims which condescention of the great God of heaven full of incomprehensible majesty and holiness to reside on earth ought to make even the whole creation sensible of it by way of Allegiance and subjection to him and honour of the place where and the people amongst whom he is pleased to erect his throne 2 Wonderfull great hath the power of God appeared in the preservation of his people and the defence of his holy Temple in the behalf whereof he hath mightily approved his wisdom and power infinitely to exceed all humane policy and strength of the great Sages and confederate forces of the world which sundry times he hath dissipated and strangely defeated 3 O therefore let thy people who have been so extraordinarily blessed by thee return answerable thanks unto thee and praise thee for those righteous and terrible judgements executed upon their enemies wherein thou hast manifested such Almighty power and gracious providence and hast thereby approved thy self a holy God faithfull of thy word and promise 4 And as well righteous as holy not exercising a Tyrannicall absolute Arbitrary power over the creature yea though thou canst yet thou wilt not but affectest to subject thy proceedings to the rules of righteousnese ordering thy power by thy justice and putting it forth by way of judgement which thou both justly and severely executest upon sinners and enemies to thee and thy people unto whom both by thy works and word president and precept thou holdest forth and recommendedst equity and righteousness for them to walk thereafter yea thou art not partiall to thine owne people the seed of Jacob no more than to the heathen but if they sin they smart for it in righteousness thou punishest them as well as others 5 Magnifie and praise O ye his people this your God the onely Lord come frequent his Temple the onely place on earth where he that sits in heaven is pleased to be present there bow down with adoration and reverence before him as at the foot-stool of the great and glorious Majesty of heaven worshipping him in spirit with holiness of heart abasing your selves and exalting the Lord who onely is holy and his worship holy all other Gods throughout the world being vain Idols and their worship sin and superstition 6 That God that hath made himself known to you as by eminent Miracles so by eminent Messengers such as the memory of them is famous and honourable amongst you how much more ought God to be so Moses and Aaron those chosen worthies that in the beginning were prime Rulers and Peers of his Church and Samuel an honourable Prophet in the after-ages of it what gracious answers did he vouchsafe to their prayers These holy men powerfull intercessours Types of the Messiah the great Mediatour of his Church how ever and anon were they heard when they prayed for the people and what salvation was vouchsafed still at their request 7 These Saints and servants of God had familiar communication with him as Moses and Aaron all the way in the wilderness they had God present with them ordering and advising their course in that great charge that lay upon them whose command and covenant they faithfully delivered over to the people and observed themselves 8 These holy men were beloved and honoured by the holy Lord God who for us his peoples sake put them into office made them intercessours yea effectuall prevailing-ones such as Christ shall be many a time passing by the sins of Israel for their sakes whom thou didst not nor wouldest not have punished but forgiven and forgotten too had not iterated provocations and back-slidings from thee and thy commandments to Idolatry and wil-worship forced thee to take vengeance and minded thee of the abuse of former long-suffering which then thou also reckonedst with them for when once thine anger did break forth 9 See the fifth verse of this Psalm onely the word holy-hill here instead of foot-stool there means the same thing viz. The Temple built upon his holy hill mount Sion The c. PSALM The Psalmist excites the Church and people of God among the Gentiles as well as Iews to praise the Lord and imbrace his salvation so freely bestowed upon them who are so dear to him whom therefore he would have turn proselites apace and lose no time but glorifie him both now and hereafter for his grace to his Church in all ages A Psalm penned to stir up the people to praise the Lord. O give thanks sing forth the praises of the Lord and of his great gracious salvation in Christ all ye people of the earth not Jews onely but Gentiles also every where where the glad tidings of it come to entertain it joyfully and praise him for it thankfully 2 Cast off all old superstitious and vain worship of
comparison for brotherly love is a celestial benefit how the spiritual dew is dispensed from God in heaven on those holy consecrated mountains Sion and Moriah where he vouchsafes his presence unto his people who resort thither to worship him and where they meet with soul-enriching graces and consolations othergets blessings than the dew of Hermon which makes them abound in faith and godliness to their own eternal as well as temporal felicitie such like is peace and love among the Israel and people of God it self is a special blessing from heaven and brings with it all manner of blessings from thence both temporal and spiritual if ever we mean to be rich and happie this is the way to live and love as sons of one father and mother God and the Church members of one body under one head the Messiah as all Israel shall be through love and obedience to David and his successours ruling in Sion as types of Christ. The cxxxiv. PSALM David being a man of fervour and affection in the service of God gives a watch-word to the watch-men of the Temple the Priests and Levites and in them to gospel-Ministers not regardlesly to passe over their duties but to be imployed for the whilst as Christ himself is for ever in praying for the people and Church of God and blessing both God and them and that in a proportionable zeal here to Christ and his saints in heaven in their respective imployments there See the title of the 120 Psalm 1 YOu that are by the special appointment and ordination of God chosen as Christ himself from among all your brethren and preferred to the honour of sanctuarie-administration continually in his presence consider the place you hold whom and what you personate even Jesus Christ in his Priestly office at the right hand of God who ever liveth to make intercession and offer thanks-givings for his Church to his father have that allwayes in your eie and be active suitably stand not idle in your offices nor keep not sleepie centry in the sanctuarie but as your turns come to watch do service there as well night as day rouse up your spirits call to mind the moral meaning of your imployments which is to improve your nearer interest in God by virtue of your offices for the good of his Church and people as Christ does in heaven continually through Christ presenting to God in the Churches behalf the spiritual sacrifices of praise and thanks-giving for his mercies vouchsafed together with prayers and supplications for the continuation and constant gracious dispensation of them still as there is need 2 I say again busie and lay out your selves in those sacred and religious imployments of praise and prayer neither idle nor nifle out your time and Turn in the sanctuarie nor yet with formalitie or hypocrisie do you do your service to him as bare pretenders but as holy and real performers clap your wings in your night-watches let your hearts be in heaven and your hands in token of the fervour of your spirits lifted up thitherwards and so bless the Lord not betwixt sleeping and waking but with the whole soul and bodie too considering he whom you worship is a spirit and his proper place of residence is above in the heavens whose service there for condiscention sake you personate in the sanctuarie here in types shadows wherein you must not stick but by them mount up higher even to him where he is in spirit and faith externally manifested by suitable comportment of bodily action and expression such as are significant and adorative commensurable to Gods glorie and greatness your own hearts puritie faith and fervour and the Divine condition of the Church-Triumphant in heaven 3 Your office is double faced upward and downward you are in Christs stead like Jacobs ladder on which and by which blessings are to ascend and descend for as you are the mouth of the Church and people of God to offer him their thanks and praises blessing him continually in their behalfs as Christ does the father for the elect so likewise are you to be the mouth of God down to his people to bless them from him which doubtless is as an honourable so a full imployment if you set your selves to do it as it ought to be done with that zeal and reverence the Church oweth to her head and with that delight and love the head hath in and to his bodie and fellow-members Pray therefore for and as presenting the person of Jesus Christ that effectual mediatour in his name also faithfully bless ye the Israel of God that do worship him in Sion his place of residence with the blessings of his special protection and salvation who is the onely true God and Allmighty master of heaven and earth The cxxxv PSALM The Psalmist quickens up the people of Israel in general the Priests and Levites more particularly but most especially the faithful of both sorts to magnifie and praise the Lord and this he doth by way of argument taken from the congruitie delectabilitie and dutie of it from such a people to such a God who as he is greatly to be preferred for his self-sake and the excellent power that is in him so for the effects of it towards them the grateful memorie whereof should ever be upheld for his glorie and his peoples faith sake All other Gods being but puppits he onely is God and onely to be blessed as such especially of them that are his onely people and Priests his Church preferred by him of all the world to that honour who therefore ought to honour him how and where he will be worshipped 1 O That all sorts of people would consider their dutie of praising God conscionably to discharge it in spirit and power to magnifie him for his greatness as Lord of and over all yea for his excellent attributes and properties not onely absolute but relative of grace and goodness and for his alonenes for as there is no God like him so there is no God but him O ye servants of the Lord chosen by him and set apart for that purpose what ever others do forget not you your duties not onely of your persons but of your places to praise the Lord worthily with hearts enlarged with the apprehensions of him and his manifold excellencies 2 I mean ye Priests and Levites principally be you especially conversant in this service of praising the Lord in his holy Temple where you are priviledged to administer like to the glorified saints in heaven that stand in his presence for ever more praising the Lord. Yea and all others also that are admitted to the participation of grace and that worship him in his ordinances though at greater distance whether Levites or people whose persons and praises faithfully tendered in spirit are yet really accepted and graciously regarded by the God of Israel whose presence is as well in the courts which also are sanctified as in
your thirst at the spring it self whose waters are purest and which never shall be dry A lesson which you shall be often taught by the holy Psalmist and the godly Paraphrast in this Book whereof I need not say a word being therein prevented by the Authour himself in his Epistle to the Reader who shall here find the sweet spices punned into a greater fragrancy by the Authours accommodating his stile to the most vulgar capacity for it was his aime to elevate affections which in Psalms and spirituall songs are the predominant part and therefore he wrote not so much to the eye as to the tast which pardon the solecisme is the best sence to read him with so carrying on the work in this Paraphrase as also in that of Iob as one that had not a mere notionall or carnall knowledge of spirituall things but that peculiar light which they have which are taught of God Without which even Schollars themselves do see the beauty of them but by candle-light and which that it may increase in you as the light of the Sun unto the perfect day shall be the Prayer of LONDON Iune 17. 1650. Your ever obliged Servant In the work of the Lord Iesus RICHARD VINES TO THE READER In way of ARGUMENT and APPLICATION ALL Scripture was written by the holy men of God as they were moved or inspired by the holy Ghost but this of the Psalms was not onely written by a holy man but by a holy man in holy frames who was not onely moved by the spirit to write them but was in the spirit when he penned them not so much acted by externall impulsion as inward affection warmth of zeal and sensible experience For the Psalms being to be a speciall part of the worship of God in all ages of the Church whereby God not onely speaks to us as in other Scripture but we to him in Prayer and praise the Arguments of almost all of them were therefore dictated by another spirit than other Scripture by the spirit of grace and operation not onely of illumination prophesie or inspiration to shew us how God is to be worshipped not onely by holy regenerate men such as were all the sacred pen-men but by the regenerate part of a regenerate man else Prayers nor praises neither come down from heaven nor go up to heaven It was not enough to be a Priest to offer Sacrifice but it must be done by a holy man with holy fire And therefore should we sing the Psalms of David in the spirit of David and read them as he writ them with frameable tempers to the matter treated Of all Scripture our meditation in the perusall of this Book of the Psalmes so full of practicall Gospel ought to be sweet and spirituall of which one rightly affirms Let all the rest of the Scripture be the body and this is the heart so full of heavenly affections Every Psalm whereof is a spirituall pang or fresh gail breathed by the holy Ghost on Davids heart and penned by him and the rest in instanti in heat of affection His writing is his feeling and so should be thy reading the musick of the Temple should make musick in the living Temples of the holy Ghost the sons of Sion therefore have I laboured not onely to render the proper but also the full extensive meanings of the Psalmists by congruous enlargements to move the affections as well as to inform the judgement That so Davids spirit in these Psalms may be transmigrated into the experienced Reader in proportionable power energie wherewith they were conceived digestedly put over by him to the Church whereof as of Christ he was a most lively type wading through so many dangers temptations ebbings flowings yea and sins too to create him to be a Looking-glass for the Church and Spouse of Christ who may be black yet comly and can never pass through any condition of sin or suffering where first he hath not led the way and shewen the issue whose varieties of providences states and tempers made him of such an evangelicall spirit in the time of the Law as that God stiles him a man after his own heart so that in him we see that neither great sins nor great afflictions can seperate us from the love and approbation of God though the one may cost us dear and the other may lay us low yet neither the one nor the other can build up such a partition wall but that the grapling irons of Faith Prayer and Repentance are able to demolish it and make way for us to the throne of grace whither if we can but come we shall be sure to speed for grace can deny grace to none that graciously ask it And therefore if ever we will gain that Encomium of being as he was after Gods own heart who ever loves a zealous penitent better than a luke-warm innocent it must be by improving all advantages to the encrease of Gospel-growth thus If at any time God in his wisdom let us fall or Satan by his subtility and strength give us a fall or we by our weakness catch a fall all which may be in one and the same sin then know that that sin is thine advantage or opportunity which thou art to improve to mount thee to a higher rise of Gospel-ground and step forward towards more grace by the fresh exercise or exercise of fresh faith and humiliation God being more pleased with us when we penitently and faithfully confess our sin wherein David was very ingenuous than displeased when we commit it For though we are not to sin that grace may abound yet when we have sinned it s both our wisdom and duty too to look that grace do abound and that we make a sanctified sin of it Acts of sinning in the regenerate contrary to Philosophy lessening the habits of sin And so if we fall into afflictions there is another opportunity for the promise is that all shall work for good and that going in and out we shall find pasture yea even a price in our hands which if improved by the exercise of seasonable and suitable graces will ready us in our Gospel-way better than any trade-wind or constant gail of providence can ever do Severall conditions make exceedingly for setting forth the Art of God in the second Creation as severall creatures do his skill in the first which variety in both makes us to abound not onely with necessaries but delights which Scripture calls things both new and old which no one condition unvaried can possibly render us capable of for it is said all things work together for good c. Alluding to the Art of the Apothecary in the mixing of various and diverse Simples no one whereof alone is able to work that effect that many joyntly can And when I speak of change of states I mean inward as well as outward for the soul would be as a cake unturned excellent in something and stark naught in othersome or
should not me if my life did not lie at stake but though their way to the Tabernacle lie through the dry and desart valley of Mulberry trees yet they can comfortably go it and undergo with holy resolution the hardship of it yea pass it with pleasure and esteem it a happiness they have the liberty to purchase such a benefit as the worship and spirituall enjoyment of God in his ordinances which yields them such refreshing of mind all the way they travell as that their very bodies fare the better and are refreshed therewith as it were with springs of water and showers of rain 7 Yea the nearer they draw to the end of their journey like the faithfull towards heaven instead of being more they are less faint and tired gathering strength every step they take by their near approaches to and the comfortable expectation of what all the way they hoped and travelled for even the glorious priviledge of appearing in the presence of God as the saints and angels do in heaven resident upon his holy hill mount Sion where the Ark the faithfull pledge of his presence is there to enjoy soul-ravishing communions gracious audience sweet and sensible supplies of spirit and consolation a very heaven upon earth for so it signifies 8 O God that hast an almighty power and that I am sure art the great commander in chief of heaven and earth and therefore canst restore me to this happiness and satisfie my longing which is infinitely enkeened by these considerations so that I beseech thee gratifie thy poor petitioner with a gracious answer that I may be no longer debarred and hear me a poor branch of the root of Jacob though sore against my will removed from the soil where thou hast appointed him to grow Lord re-plant me 9 Behold me O God an exile and afflicted man the emblem of thy militant Church whereof I am a member as well as a type whose defence and protection nevertheless thou art even of all the faithfull whereof I am one consider me also in an other capacity as the type of Christ anointed by thy special appointment to be King over thy people as he shall be over thy Church Let these considerations move thee to own pitie and restore me to my spiritual priviledges and comfortable exercise of thine ordinances in thy sanctuary 10 For for my part if I might have my choice I speak it unfainedly I had rather have one days comfortable enjoyment of thee in thy sanctuary and prize it higher than to live a thousand years in the very best condition this life can afford and be as I am debarred from thy worship so that I might but have the happiness to wait upon thee there I should think the meanest office in thy service even a porters place to be an honour and preferment far beyond the condition I am in whilest I am forced thus to inhabit among the prophane and Idolatrous heathen though in never so good esteem 11 And truly Lord I will not despair one day to have all that thou hast promised me and more than I desire though rather than none at all I should be glad of a little either time or place in thy sanctuary for I know thou art a God that wilt shine forth to the comfort and reviving of thine afflicted people who in the interim thou wilt protect I shall see better days and doubt not yet to be made happy by thy grace and favour and to be advanced to that glorious condition of being the Kingly type of Christ for had not I a special promise yet thy general promise would engage thee and encourage me to believe for certain it is that thou wilt be gracious and faithfull to give all needfull and requisit blessings and such Lord I desire to those that are thine as I am and walk thereafter in faithfull dependance and sincere obedience which I do 12 What ever my condition be though I am far from present possession of what thou hast promised or enjoyment of what I desire banished both out of the Church and kingdom of Israel yet I dare pronounce it of all faithfull ones that patiently wait and believingly depend upon thee that it shall go well with them one day and so it shall with me because of thine Almighty power which shall make good thy faithfulness The lxxxv PSALM Either at the end of the Babilonish captivitie or under Antiochus tyrannie was this Psalm composed minding God of his former pardoning and restoring-grace to his people to intreat the same again The Psalmist in the name of the Church promising himself a glorious deliverance proportionable in some degree and representative of that happie enfranchisment the Church shall have by the Messiah at his coming To the president of the Quire is this Psalm committed for his ordering of it to be sung by the Korathites 1 LOrd thou hast offered very great and gracious deliverances unto this nation thy people by re-estating it heretofore in a good condition after sad desolations and un-captivating Jacobs posteritie by an Almighty hand 2 Mercifully commiserating their sufferings and pardoning their iniquities because they were thy chosen Israel a people peculiarly belonging to thee though ill deserving from thee yet though their sins were then very great and provoking thou wast pleased after a while to put them out of thy sight and receive thy people again into thy favour we have not forgot it 3 As thou wast pleased grievously to afflict thy people so thou didst as graciously relieve and release them for what thy provoked anger took from them thy free-grace restored it again unto them and wouldest neither quite consume nor everlastingly embondage them but became as much theirs and for them as ever thou wast against them 4 Lord thine anger is again miserably broken out against us by reason of our sins we are fallen under heavy pressures we are now as void of all humane helps as then Thou onely heretofore wroughtest deliverance and so thou must still Turn us therefore we pray thee by unfained repentance and deliver us out of this miserable condition thou that hast been and we hope still wilt be a Saviour to us yea both turn us to thee and do thou also turn towards us the face and not the back-parts let the clouds of thine indignation be dispelled and the sun-shine of thy saving grace break forth upon us 5 Wilt thou do by us as thou never diddest with any before us wilt thou be unexorable and are our sins unpardonable more than theirs shall thine anger never cease and those heavy judgements thou hast laid upon us shall they never be taken off us but must they be an everlasting inderitance to us and our posterity after us God forbid 6 Thou hast raised thy people by thine Almighty power when they were as it were dead and buried and shall the name of Israel now die in us
Church which by a mightie and out-stretched arm thou hast bought and brought thither there to remain in perfect happiness with thee and under me for ever 2 The Lord Almighty who is able to bring to pass great things by weak means shall raise up glorious lights in Jerusalem and Jurie where thou first manifests thy self as Aopstles Evangelist c. that shall give light to them that sit in darkness the glad tidings of the Gospel which is the mightie power of God to salvation that rod of Moses to save Israel shall by these his emissareis be held forth and preached to the Gentiles people of all nations and languages whereby they that now are forreigners shall be brought within the pale and shall take laws from thee and be subjected to thee O blessed Saviour that art advanced in the humane nature wherein thou sufferedst in such power and glorie at the right hand of the most high God there by his appointment to sway the Scepter of thy Mediatorian Kingdom by the power whereof the preaching of the Gospel through the eternal spirit accompanying it shall maugre all opposition of Gentilism who now are thy professed enemies and then shall strongly oppose thy Kingdom prevail to set up thy throne in the hearts of thy chosen all the world over who shall every where make glorious profession of thy name and own thee for their Lord and King spite of all earthly opposing powers and contemners of a crucified Saviour who shall be no more able to hinder thy Church from flourishing than thee from rising out of the grave 3 Those that are given to thee of God the Father and redeemed by thee out of the world when thou shalt have offered thy self a propitiatorie and taken possession of thy Kingdom at his right hand through thy mission of the spirit thence and his mighty working by the word upon the hearts of those thy people they shall thick and three-fold be converted neither the pravitie of their natures nor their long accustomed Idolatries shall obstruct their ready and chearfull compliance with the Gospel but shall willingly imbrace the tender of grace and come under thy governance in the Church which shall then so multiply as to assemble and conveen in all places for the exercise of Christian religion as thy people the Jews do at the beautifull and holy Temple that type of Christ in which Christian Synagogues especially in the first breaking forth of the light of the Gospel as the morning sun upon the face of the earth shall be born unto thee out of the then pregnant productive womb thereof begotten by the holy Ghost in those thy first loves and nuptial imbraces of the Church thy Spouse immediately upon thine ascention and investiture into glory an off-spring spread far and wide upon the whole earth as innumerable as the dew drops which insensibly fall from the heavens as the spirit shall then invisibly upon their hearts at the preaching of the word 4 For the great God of heaven by his everlasting decree and immutable oath revealed for the consolation of his people and corroboration of their faith hath never to revoke it conferred upon thee their Mediatour and Saviour the honour and office of that everlasting Priest-hood not temporary as the Levitical but without change or succession pourtraied in Melchisedeck Yea to be a King and Priest in one person as he was and none else to typifie that glorious priviledge to belong to thee and none other who therefore at thy Fathers right hand for thy Church and people transacts a royal Priesthood of righteousnes and peace according to the office person and name of Melchisedeck King of Salem 5 The Lord the God and Father who onely hath the preheminencie of thee as thou hast under him of of all things else shall imploy his power for the advancement of thine honour and revenge of thy dishonour wrathfully destroying Kings Kingdoms that shall oppose themselves and hinder the coming of thy Kingdom in thy Churches growth and felicity in the time when he thinks fit to judge them for it 6 Thou who art paramount the onely He or the promised Messiah for the Churhes comfort shalt rule the world the Gentiles shall be under his Judicature he will preserve his people that are converted to him and profess his name every where among the heathen taking vengeance on their enemies whom he shall remarkably destroy as he was wont to do the enemies of Israel The earthly Potentates of the world shall find him to be above them if they bruise his heel afflict his people as they will in all places he will bruise their heads their greatness shall not priviledge them at all 7 If you will know the reason of this high preferment of Christ in our nature at Gods right hand and of the power and head-ship he hath there it is because he shall drink deep of the wrath of the Almighty streamed down upon him in the way thereunto and for the obtaining thereof by suffering a cursed death upon the Cross with bodily torments and unutterable soul-agonies the unavoidable means of effecting his Mediatour-ship and mans redemption therefore shall he upon that full and faithfull discharge of his office here upon earth ascend unto and sit for ever at the right hand of his Father which is in heaven to act there the glorified part thereof in full power● and absolute dominion over all there and here Angels and men Jews and Gentiles friends and foes The cxi PSALM The Psalmist first gives the word and then the example for praising the Lord which he tels us Gods works gives us cause enough to do if we consider them well especially to his Church supplying them in their need possessing them of the promised land fulfilling his promises of grace to them and for their sakes his judgements threatened upon their enemies for which he looks his commandements should be respected which are as binding to us as his covenant to him and through grace his covenant is as binding to him as they are to us Therefore he shews a man is never wise pretend what he will till he have gotten God upon this lock to be his by being Gods in faith and obedience And concludes as he begun with invitation to praise him 1 LEt all of us be diligent and cordial in praising the Lord. I will not be wanting on my part and in mine own example herein for he shall have the heartiest thanks that I can give him both in lesser meetings of entire Israelites that voluntarily and frequently assemble themselves to perform such holy exercises as also in those more solemn rare and mixed congregations that at times appointed assemble themselves at thy Sanctuarie 2 Greatly doth the Lord appear in his wonderous works of Creation Providence and Redemption his manifold attributes are made manifest therein yet not to all but onely to those that in love to God love to busie
prosperitie of it the Government and worship in it consists the happiness and tranquillitie of all Israel chiefly the Israel of God whose heaven upon earth Jerusalem is where they worship and serve the God of Israel seek his face and enjoy his presence therefore pray I for her prosperitie and well-fare that they may be blessed with her and by her who are interessed and concerned equally in her felicitie with my self I as the head and they as the bodie 9 It is the zeal I have to the Church and glorie of God that makes me pray thus and for which I will spend and be spent therefore will I lay out mine uttermost endeavours to compass the good and well-fare of Jerusalem that that singular happiness and priviledge of the sanctuarie and sanctuarie-worship of the Lord God of Israel who there is present with us his people and from thence hears our prayers and to which appertains so many excellent promises and by it to us redounds so many precious priviledges and benefits and where is performed the onely true honour and service to the onely true God in all the world Therefore for these reasons do I will I evermore pray and faithfully endeavour the good of this place and so let all others do that are good together with me as members of the Church bodie mystical typified in this resemblance The cxxiii PSALM The Church and people of Israel being at present either under Babylons captivitie or Antiochus his crueltie some Prophet or holy man of God bespake the Lord in this pathetical short psalm in her behalf uttering much of the spirit in few words for afflictions commonly swell the heart too big for the mouth which makes him here to pray rather by signs than words with his eies rather than his tongue yea with both he presseth hard upon God for free grace to shew them mercie in their unspeakable miserie professing their patient waiting till then See the title of the 120 Psalm 1 WHat the present distress and calamities of thy poor Church and people Israel are thou Lord knowest right well utterly helpless and hopeless forlorn and disconsolate none on earth favouring us shewing any mercie or compassion to us but exercise all manner of crueltie and scorn towards us yet Lord in thy Churches and mine own behalf I am an humble suitor to thee in the agonie of my heart who I dare not can not believe hast quite forgotten to be gracious though thou seemest so as things frame here below but O thou that inhabitest the heavens and hast thy reserves of good will and pleasure there known to thy self unknown to us but hoped in by us and power to bring them to pass though to us impossible as much above all sublunarie powers as heaven is above earth to thee there with groans and sighs lift we up our eyes speechless with grief for thee graciously to look down upon us here in this our calamitie 2 Look how bond-men and bond-women who by their condition are as we exposed to hard and uncourteous usage depend upon the free grace and beneficence of their masters and mistesses can chalenge nothing no wages nor reward but wait with patience till pitie and compassion move them to extend their hand of favour and good will to them so do we under this just deserved punishment of long and grievous thraldom by cruel task-masters humbly and patiently wait till thine own mercie move thee towards us a sinful undeserving people yet thy people and thou our God by grace and election which hold us in hope 3 Good Lord take our case into consideration and commiseration to pitie us at last and to shew mercie to us a people that are made the very scum and scorn of our proud imperious enemies who for thy sake whose name we bear and whose we are do Lord it over us with disdain which imbitters our sorrows and breaks our hearts 4 Yea Lord it is not to be spoken how afflictive the reprochful vilifications of our insolent enemies are to us who judging by events because of our calamities scoff and scorn us as a vain besotted people that believe in we know not what and worship we know not whom and boast themselves unmeasurably over us our God and religion to our unutterable grief because of their superioritie and present felicitie which puffs them up with pride and contempt even to blasphemie The cxxiv PSALM David mindes Israel in their prosperitie of their adversitie to make them mindful of God praiseful to God and evermore dependent on God as his Church and people ought ever to be in their transmutations of estates and fortunes See the title of the 120 Psalm the Authors name superadded here 1 2 3 NOw that the Lord hath been pleased to bring us to the happie condition we are in we should do well to look back we the Israel and and Church of God and consider from the beginning to this day ever since we were a people chosen of the Lord out of the world to name his name upon what a world of enemies we have had and perils we have waded through before and since we came into this land where we have been a continual eye-sore not onely to the natives remaining in it but to all the mightie nations and Gentile people bordering round about it who severally and joyntly by combination of great men and Potentates have sundry times and wayes subtilly projected and violently attempted our utter abolition which to speak humanely was inavoidable had not the Lord our good God miraculously from time to time delivered us from their furie and preserved us a people to this day maugre all they could do as he shall his Church spite of the wicked world its power and malice who else long ere this had been no people nor nation but destroyed again and again by those many mightie barbarous enemies of ours that on all hands from all quarters have assailed us with most mortal and bloudie purposes greedy to prey upon us and with that odds of strength that they were able to have devoured us and as it were swallowed us alive as easily as the great fish does the little ones or the savage and ravenous beast tears his prey in pieces if God had not over-powered them and been for us against them when we were altogether unable to make resistance which now we should do well to weigh seriously and in all humilitie to acknowledge thankfully to his praise and glorie 4 5 Yea to consider that when all mankind was as it were against us and we were like sheep in the midst of Wolves and Bears that with mightie power and rage have broken in upon us like an unresistable torrent able to over-run the whole land and destroy man woman and child as easily as the sea or some mightie river drowns the countrey when it breaketh the banks and with pride and confident disdain made
ones for ever in all ages to do them good protect and save them spite of all worldly power or malice Such a God is thy God O Israel whom thou worshippest in his sanctuary upon his holy hill Sion of which accordingly he will bless preserve as the type of his Church universal which as his shall be upheld by him who himself is everlasting whilest the world endures Therefore praise ye the Lord trust in him and in nothing else all ye that are now or shall hereafter be his people the true worshippers of the onely true God The cxlvii PSALM David exceedingly exciteth the people of God his Israel to be frequent and conversant in praising the Lord by sweet motives and powerfull arguments proper and common shewing sometimes his tender care in speciall over his Church then again illustrating him by his native excellencies also by his gracious just and different dispensations to good and bad all having relation to his people whom he again stirs up to the dutie of thanksgiving and praise by acts of powerfull providence above and below to beast and birds He further cautionizeth them not to be misled in judgement so as to think the favour of God or success from God is attainable by humane inducem●nes or probabilities no but by faith and holy fear which being the things that indear us to God he again incites gods people to praise him for the priviledge of such truths revealed and such graces exhibited whereby they are so blessed and prospered with peace and plentie by him who as Lord paramount commands the whole creation and is obeyed by it both in heaven and earth but he is Israels and Israel his after a more peculiar and excellent manner than any other nations or all the worlds besides for which he concludes they ought to praise him answerably 1 O Ye people of the Lord be much busied in praising him no greater testimonie of a good heart towards God than to be praisefully affected and disposed nothing we can do more profitable and available to our selves for it keeps the heart in a holy frame and tunableness in the exercise of faith and love to God-ward and gains upon him exceedingly who is much delighted with that kind of service and sacrifice to have the honour done him and homage paid him that 's due unto him from the creature specially his people that do it with faith and understanding it is a work well becoming these to magnifie the Lord both for what he is in himself considered and also to them in grace and gracious dispensations 2 Who indeed deserves praise but he That is all in all specially to his Church it is he that laieth the foundation of it in election and builds it progressively by faith and sanctification and finisheth his work of grace and his peoples happiness in glorification like as out of all the world Jerusalem is the chosen place of his worship and Israel a chosen people to worship him both which he of meer grace by an Almightie power doth bless and build up unto a flourishing state and condition and that notwithstanding their many enemies Yea he brings his people Israel out of their several mis-fortunes and dispersions to be the sole subjects of his Kingdom and to be united under me their head his substitute in a formed Church and Common-wealth thereby to live happilie and serve him acceptably as in like sort he shall call his chosen all the world over into one body his Church under one head Christ to serve and honour him and partake of his happiness It is he that doth both the one and the other 3 God many times is pleased to break and bruise his people with outward afflictions and inward depressions of mind and conscience by the weight of sins guilt or his dis-favour but it is but to find his grace and spirit work to shew his skill and to verifie his word who healeth them again with the balm of Gilead the light of his countenance ariseth upon such a soul after some conflict for God is tender over his people specially in distress and most specially in soul-agonies when they pant under a troublesom spirit he is the true Samaritan that poureth in wine and oyl and binds up the wound of his Church and chosen which the world without or trouble within hath made 4 He that can number the numberless stars from one end of the heavens to the other and knoweth them particularly and distinctly one by one as many as they are having indeed made them all and ordained each one its orb and office causing them to appear and act in their seasons orderly and successively without confusion notwithstanding their infinite number as also their variable manifold and inter-winding courses he as well knoweth the number of the stars on earth as in heaven his people wheresoever dispersed upon the face of the whole earth to gather them into his bodie as Israel into Canaan from their dispersions yea every particular person and member of his Church universal knows he to bring him in in his season age and generation and both where and how to imploy him in what station of the world and place in his Church for the service of him and it 5 For as the Lord is great in knowledge so also in power there can no bounds be set to either he is infinite in understanding past our capacitie a fit object of of our faith and subject of our praise in all his proceedings 6 As appears by the certain conclusions he brings out of uncertain providences how those that meekly and humbly undergo their time and portion of sufferings the share of all his servants wherein they seem to themselves and others to be forlorne and helpless he by an Almightie hand beyond imagination relieves and releaseth them makes them able with joy to over-top their sorrows how despicable soever they were in the eyes of the world whereas on the contrarie those that with worldly pomp and affluence are lifted up to do wickedly against him or his Church oppressing them or contemning him these as high as they are in power and pride and though they seem to the world and themselves in respect of their present condition to be as immoveable as a mountain God notwithstanding nay therefore ruinates them and lets the world see the difference of good and bad of them that fear him and also of them that fear him not 7 Consider the thank-worthy goodness of God to stir you up to zeal and gratitude when you praise him in Psalms and Hymns which neglect not to do even to do with all your might and the best of your skill both of voice and instrument and all too little to give God his due specially we his peculiar people cannot do too much in this way who by special priviledge are the onely people of all the world that worship the onely true God 8 For it is he
fore-fathers specially they that are in Covenant the faithfull seed of faithful Abraham Isaack and Israel a people that through grace are precious and nearly related to him not for any inherent natural excellencie or meritoriousness in them above the rest of the created world which far out-strips them in motives of that nature but because freely chosen especially if effectually called grace being the onely motive that made him difference them from and indear them above all the world for sons and servants redeemed out of the hands of all their enemies and exalted to participation of fellowship and glorie with Christ the head of his Church whom respectively Israel and I resemble Therefore as he hath thus exalted you above all so do you him with praise proportionable to his goodness so superlative and peculiar The cxlix PSALM David in these five last Psalms is treating upon several Theams to enlarge the praises of God in the hearts and mouths of men principally of his people and therefore he intermingles common and created with special and peculiar excellencies and benefits of which latter sort this Psalm consists viz. of Gods singular good will to his people and saints whom he stiles here and else where in divers Psalms by the name of Israel because Israel was or ought to be such not onely in outward election but inward vocation for such at least they figured and therefore are the terms promiscuously used And these he would first have lay a foundation of joy in believing and knowing their superlative happiness in their near relation to and interest in God and Gods in them and favour to them and then to make the result of that their joy excess of praise yea he would have them discern their condition as well glorious and honourable as beneficial and joy thereafter in absolute certaintie and tranquillitie of mind praise-fully and proportionably enlarged And concludes with a prophetical prayer of Israels happiness now under him as the saints shall have certain and triumphant felicitie by Christ in their enemies vanquishments both many and great to the utmost of what is promised and threatened respectively for which honour he would have them as to be sensible of it so to be praise-full for it 1 O Ye the people and chosen of the Lord out of all the earth be you conscionable and carefull to give God his praises which he deserves specially at your hands above all the world besides let not your praises that are heirs of grace and partakers of such preheminences be like the sons of nature the children of this world who inherit but the good things thereof raise up your hearts to a higher pin celebrate you his name after another sort as he is singular in goodness to you so be you in gratefulness to him yea let every special mercie which in special grace at any time he vouchsafesh unto you be solemnized afresh from time to time by thanks-giving with praiseful affections and united harmonie in Temple-musick at the solemn meetings of his people there to worship and honour him especially his saints 2 Well may Israel afford to sing special praise and new songs to the Lord whom he hath pecualiarly chosen out of all the world and so made them as it were a new people begotten again out of the lost-lump of mankind not onely by the power of creation as at first which in effect the fall dissolved but by the grace of adoption and covenant smitten freely with their fore-father and in him with them Let this prerogative royall exceedingly affect the whole Church and people of God thankfully and praisefully toward him and comfortably in themselves by the faithfull apprehension of so rich mercie vouchsafed them as to be not subjects at large as the whole earth is but even sons and servants chosen by him to be his to serve and worship him in Sion where and how he hath appointed out of all the world besides that follow their own inventions and condiscending himself to be theirs in grace protection and government so as to none else 3 Let them be so ravished with this peculiarity of the grace mercie and love of God unto them as to lay out themselves again upon God with the utmost of their strength skill and affection in his praises by all wayes and means as may best express them to his glorie and increase of their own grace and consolation 4 For though all mankind be degenerated by the fall so that he that made them hath no pleasure in them Yet hath it pleased him to elect a few out of many an Israel whom he hath made and as it were re-created to be his and to serve him and in these he takes contentment to do them good and to receive the returns thereof in praise and thanks-giving from them and to that very end will he shew himself powerful for them and gracious to them that meekly wait and faithfully depend upon him in delivering and exalting them after a wonderful sort to the admiration of all the earth that shall have them in singular esteem for a non-such for such a people serving such a God of salvation as is not in the world besides like as he shall crown his sanctified ones his faithfull spiritual Israel and their graces with the eternal salvation in heaven triumphant over all and out of all this worlds miseries to his unspeakable praise and the worlds wonder that here despise them as the Gentils did us till God wrought a change 5 Let the Lords people his holy ones which all Israel should be consider the glorious state and condition they are advanced into by being so even the sons of the most high heirs of heaven a glorie beyond all earthly preheminence or created excellencie whatsoever and in this let them comfort themselves both above all comforts and discomforts the world can afford or inflict and with joyful praises magnifie the Lord that hath done so great things for them and with sweet peace and tranquillitie of mind possess their souls to the un-utterable consolation thereof A type of which is that blessed condition God is investing his Church and people Israel into at present by and under me making them triumphantly glorious over all their enemies abroad with abundance of securitie and peace at home wherein they ought exceedingly to rejoyce and joyfully to praise the God of heaven that hath thus advanced them and altered their condition even as those glorified saints in heaven do and shall that there enjoy an absolute and everlasting rest 6 7 Let Israel observe the singular mercies to them surpassing all to all people and the mightie victories which God bestowes upon them over their enemies types of the saints adoption and the conquests they shall have over their corruptions and the Church her adversaries which by the power of his might shall be subdued thereby to fill their mouthes with proportionable praises to a God so great and graciously
his bow and made it readie 13 He hath also prepared for him the instruments of death he ordaineth his arrows against the persecutors 14 Behold he travelleth with iniquitie and hath conceived mischief and brought forth falshood 15 He made a pit and digged it and is fallen into the ditch which he made 16 His mischief shall return upon his own head and his violent dealing shall come upon his own pate 17 I will praise the Lord according to his righteousnes and will sing praise to the name of the Lord most high Psalm 8. To the chief musician upon Gittith A Psalm of David 1 O Lord our God how excellent is thy name in all the earth who hast set thy glory above the Heavens 2 Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine● enemies that thou mightest still th● enemie and the avenger 3 When I consider thy Heavens the work of thy fingers the Moon and the Starrs which thou hast ordained 4 What is man that thou art mindful of him and the son of man that thou visitest him 5 For thou hast made him a little lower than the Angels hast crowned him with glory and honour 6 Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands thou hast put all things under his feet 7 All sheep and Oxen yea and the beasts of the field 8 The fowl of the aire and the fish of the sea and whatsoever passeth through the paths of the sea 9 O Lord our Lord how excellent is thy name in all the earth Psalm 9. To the chief musici●n upon Muth-labben A Psalm of David 1 I will praise thee O Lord with my whole heart I will shew forth all thy marvellous works 2 I will be glad and rejoyce in thee I will sing praise to thy name O thou most high 3 When mine enemies are turned back they shall fall and perish at thy presence 4 For thou hast maintained my right and my cause thou ●atest in the throne judgeing right 5 Thou hast rebuked the heathen thou hast destroied the wicked thou hast put out their name for ever and ever 6 O thou enemy destructions are come to a perpetual end and thou hast destroied cities their memory is perished with them 7 But the Lord shall endure for ever he hath prepared his throne for judgement 8 And he shall judge the world in righteousnesse he shall minister judgement to the people in uprightness 9 The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed a refuge in times of trouble 10 And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee for thou Lord hast not forsaken them that seek thee 11 Sing praises to the Lord which dwelleth in Sion declare among the people his doings 12 When he maketh inquisition for blood he remembreth them he forgetteth not the cry of the humble 13 Have mercy upon me O Lord consider my trouble which I suffer of them that hate me thou that liftest me up from the gates of death 14 That I may shew forth all thy praise in the gates of the daughter of Sion I will rejoyce in thy salvation 15 The heathen are sunk down in the pit that they made in the net which they hid is their own foot taken 16 The Lord is known by the judgement which he executeth the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands Higgaion Selah 17 The wicked shall be turned into hell and all the nations that forget God 18 For the needy shall not always be forgotten the exspectation of the poor shall not perish for ever 19 Arise O Lord let not man prevail let the heathen be judged in thy sight 20 Put them in fear O Lord that the nations may know themselves to be but men Selah Psalm 10. 1 WHy standest thou afar of O Lord why hidest thou thy self in times of trouble 2 The wicked in his pride doth persecute the poor let them be taken in the devices that they have imagined 3 For the wicked boasteth of his hearts desire and blesseth the covetous whom the Lord abhorreth 4 The wicked through the pride of his countenance will not seek after God God is not in all his thoughts 5 His ways are always grievous thy judgements are far above out of his sight 6 He hath said in his heart I shall not be moved for I shall never be in adversity 7 His mouth is full of cursing and deceit and fraud under his tongue is mischief and vanitie 8 He sitteth in the lurking places of the villages in the secret places doth he murder the innocent his eyes are privily ●et against the poor 9 He lieth in wait secretly as a Lion in his den he lieth in wait to catch the poor he doth cat●h the poor when he draweth him into his net 10 He croucheth and humbleth himself that the poor may fall by his strong ones 11 He hath said in his heart God hath forgotten he hideth his face he will never see it 12 Arise O Lord O God lift up thine hand forget not the humble 13 Wherefore doth the wicked contemn God he hath said in his heart Thou wilt not require it 14 Thou hast seen it for tho● beholdest mischief and spite to require it with thy hand the poor committeth himself unto thee thou art the ●e●per of the fatherless 15 Break thou the arm of the wicked and the evil man seek out his wick●dness till thou find none 16 The Lord is King for ever and ever the heathen are perished out of his land 17 Lord thou hast heard the desire of the humble thou wilt prepare their heart thou wilt cause thine ear to hear 18 To judge the fatherless and the oppressed that the man of the earth may no more oppress Psalm xi To the chief musician A Psalm of David 1 IN the Lord put ● my trust how say ye to my soul flee as a bird to your mountain 2 For lo the wicked bend their bow they make ready their arrow upon the string that they may privily shoot at the upright in heart 3 If the foundations be destroyed what can the righteous do 4 The Lord is in his holy temple the Lords throne is in heaven his eyes behold his eye lids trie the children of men 5 The Lord trieth the righteous but the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hateth 6 Upon the wicked he shall rain snares fire and brimstone and an horrible tempest this shall be the portion of their cup. 7 For the righteous Lord loveth righteousnes his countenan●e doth behold the upright Psalm xii To the chief musician upon Sheminith A Psalm of David 1 HElp Lord for the godly man ceaseth for the faithful fail from among the children o● men 2 They speak vanitie every one with hi● neighbour with flattering lips and wit● a double heart 〈◊〉 they speak 3 The Lord shall cut off all flattering lips and
was wroth 8 There went up a smoak out of his nostrils and fire out of his mouth devoured coals were kindled by it 9 He bowed the heavens also came down and darkness was under his feet 10 And he rode upon a cherub and did flie yea he did flie upon the wings of the wind 11 He made darkness his secret place his pavilion ●round about him were dark watters and thick clouds of the skies 12 At the brightness that was before him his thick clouds passed hail-stones and coals of fire 13 The Lord also thundred in the heavens and the highest gave his voice hailstones coals of fire 14 Yea he sent out his arrows and scattered them and be shot out lightnings discomfited them 15 Then the chanels of waters were seen and the foundations of the world were discovered at thy rebuke O Lord at the blast of the breath of thy nostrils 16 He sent from above he took me he drew me out of many waters 17 He delivered me from my strong enemy and from them whi●h hated me for they were too strong for me 18 They prevented me in the day of my calamity but the Lord was my stay 19 He brought me forth also into a large place he delivered me because he delighted in me 20 The Lord rewarded me according to my righteousness according to the cleanness of my hand hath he recomp●nced me 21 For I have kept the wayes of the Lord and have not wickedly departed from my God 22 For all his judgements were before me and I did not put away his statutes from me 23 I was also upright before him and I kept my self from mine iniquity 24 Therefore hath the Lord recompensed me according to my righteousness according to the cleanness of my hands in his eye-sight 25 With the merciful thou wilt shew thy self merciful with an upright man thou wilt shew thy self upright 26 With the pure thou wilt shew thy self pure and with the froward thou wilt shew thy self froward 27 For thou wilt save the afflicted people but wilt bring down high looks 28 For thou wilt light my candle the Lord my God will enlighten my darkness 29 For by thee I have run through a troup● and by my God have I leaped over a wall 30 As for God his way is perfect the word of the Lord is tried he is a buckler to all those that trust in him 31 For who is God save the Lord or who is a rock save our God 32 It is God that girde●h me with strength and maketh my way perfect 33 He maketh my feet like hindes feet setteth me upon my high pla●es 34 He teacheth my hands to warre so that a bow of steel is broken by mine arms 35 Thou hast also given me the shield of thy salvation and thy right hand hath holden me up thy gentleness hath made me great 36 Thou hast enlarged my steps under me that my feet did not slip 37 I have pursued mine enemies and overtaken them n●ither did I turn again till they were consumed 38 I have wounded them that they were not able to rise they are fallen under my feet 39 For thou hast girded me with strength unto battel thou hast subdued under me those that rose up against me 40 Thou hast also given me the necks of mine enemies that I might destroy them that hate me 41 They cried but there was none to save them even unto the Lord but he answered them not 42 Then did I beat them small as the dust before the wind I did cast them out as the dirt in the streets 43 Thou hast delivered me from the strivings of the people and thou hast made me the head of the heathen a people whom I have not known shall serve me 44 As soon as they hear of me they shall obey me the strangers shall submit themselves unto me 45 The strangers shall fade away and be afraid out of their close places 46 The Lord liveth blessed be my rock and let the God of my salvation be exalted 47 It is God that avengeth me and subdueth the people under me 48 He delivereth me from mine enemies yea thou liftest me up above those that rise up against me thou hast delivered me from the violent man 49 Therefore will I give thanks unto thee O Lord among the heathen and sing p●ai●●●● unto thy name 50 Great deliverance giveth he to his King and sheweth mercy to his annointed to David and to his seed for evermore Psalm 19. To the chief musician A Psalm of David 1 THe heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament sheweth his handy work 2 Day unto day uttereth speech night unto night sheweth knowledg 3 There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard 4 Their line is gone out throughout all the earth and their words to the end of the world in them hath he set a Tabernacle for the sun 5 Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber and rejoyceth as a strong man to run a ●ace 6 His going forth is from the end of the Heaven and his circuit unto the ends of it and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof 7 The law of the Lord is perfect converting the soul the testimony of the Lord is sure making wise the simple 8 The statutes of the Lord are right rejoycing the heart the commandment of the Lord is pure enlightning the eyes 9 The fear of the Lord is clean enduring for ever the iudgements of the Lord are true and righteous altogether 10 More to be desired are they than gold yea than much fine gold sweeter also then honey and the honey-comb 11 Moreover by them is thy servant warned and in keeping of them there is great reward 12 Who can understand his errours cleanse thou me from secret faults 13 Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous s●●s let them not have dominion over me then shall I be upright and I shall be innocent from the great transgression 14 Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight O Lord my strength and my redeemer Psalm xx To the chief musician A Psalm of David 1 THe Lord bear thee in the day of trouble the name of the God of Jacob defend thee 2 Send thee help from the sanctuarie and strengthen thee out of Sion 3 Remember all thy offerings and accept thy burnt sacrifice Selah 4 Grant thee according to thine own heart and fulfil all thy counsel 5 We will rejoyce in thy salvation and in the name of our God we will set up our banners the Lord fulfil all thy petitions 6 Now know I that the Lord saveth his annointed he will hear him from his holy heaven with the saving strength of his ●ight hand 7 Some trust in chariots and some in horses but we will remember the name of the Lord our God 8 They
BRIEF NOTES Upon the whole Book of PSALMS Put forth for the help of such who desire to exercise themselves in them and cannot understand without a Guid. Being a pithie and clear opening of the Scope and Meaning of the Text to the capacitie of the Weakest By GEORGE ABBOT ACTS 18. vers 30 31. And Philip said unto the Eunuch Vnderstandest thou what thou Readest And he said How can I except some man should Guid me LONDON Printed by WILLIAM BENTLEY and are to be sold by Iohn Williams at the Crown and Francis Eglesfield at the Mary-gold in S. Pauls Church-yard Anno Dom. 1651. TO The truly Religious and Virtuous M ris JOAN PUREFOY Wife to the Honourable Colonell William Purefoy of Caldecote in Warwickshire Esquire a Member of this present PARLIAMENT THe Authours name bespeaks entertainment for this Book with those that knew him and the work it selfe with those that knew him not The return of it unto you whose interest and property therein is greater than can be derived by any dedication may peradventure at the first sight have the like operation upon you which those words of Jospeph's brethren had upon their father Jacob. Is not this thy sons Coat But upon further insight into and more inward acquaintance with it you shall find that he who took a great part of your heart with him out of this World Hath distilled into this work so much of those sweet spirits and graces which were fragrant in him while he lived as may represent and continew unto you the fruition of him in that which was his better part besides whom you had no other object of maternall affection and by whom there was left no other off-spring but the fruit of his studies and pen the more lively characters of his heart and spirit of which this is the last drawn forth unto the life immediately before his death left as a legacy to the people of God and as an account of his expence of that time which by reason of bodily infirmities could not be imployed in the service of the Common-wealth in Parliament whereof he was a Member There is not a line added to it by any other pencill neither did it need any thing but midwifery to bring it forth into the World and present it unto you as his or if you please as him The honour of which service pardon me if I claim as of a kind of right upon my acquaintance with his studies and his both frequent communications with me and obligations put upon me for the greater part of twenty years together in which he lived under my Ministery and in intimate correspondence with me whereby he put me into a greater debt to him than I can exonerate by this acknowledgment which indeed might lessen my testimonie by misprision of partiality had he not left a blessed memory behind him for my justification and incouragement If I should set forth his spirituall abilities to the life which I decline and rather chuse to point out the way and means of his improvement to so great a measure and maturity of them and thereby render the point at which he aimed attainable by others that shall transcribe his copy by shewing the line in which he moved to it The method or discipline which God used towards him at his first entrance into the school of Christ was not unlike to that of the Wilderness wherein through the frequent recesses of the spirit and Gods turning the dark side of the cloud towards him he was exercised with fresh agitations discomposures of spirit so as like massive bodies he could not settle upon his true center without previous trepidation whereupon he converted his studies and indeavours to the settlement of his spirituall estate and began to search the Scriptures for the treasure hidden in that field which together with his assiduity in hearing the word Preached his sucking the sweet out of such Books as had marrow and experience in them his constant trade with Heaven by Prayer his communication of experience and conversation with such as knew Jesus Christ brought him to such firmness of consistence in his own spirit as one that was the better rooted by former shakings to such fixedness in his principles as one that did not onely understand the truth of them but had tasted the goodness and felt the power of them to such riches of spirituall experiences as he became the resort of troubled consciences and a dexterous artist in swathing up tender and weak infants in grace and to such spiritualty of affection as in whom the primogeniall virtue and sence of Gods dispensations toward and impressions upon him in his conversion or as the Scripture speaks the love of his espousalls continued fresh and vigorous As for his proficiency and progress in the way of Christianity it was thus advanced in matter of knowledge or doctrine his chiefest inquiry upon any point was cui bono of what proper use and conducement it was unto practicall holiness or fruition of good c. Searching out the nutrimentall pith or marrow that was in it and not greatly ingaging his thoughts into opinions of contention or mere notion which had no kernell In duties altogether unsatisfied except he found the spirit acting and stirring in him or were particularly sensible of the absence withdrawments of it In company communicative and trading in the staple commodities of Heaven Especially upon the Sabbath-day wherein he used to sequester his thoughts and words to the proper work of that day and to divert common and obvious occurrences into matter of spirituall insinuation which day he also vindicated in his Book entituled Vindiciae Sabbati when that controversie was rife and hot and some began to lay open Gods inclosure into common fields and upon which day the Lord of the day honoured him in the defence of an unfortified House by a very few assistants against the furious assaults by fire and sword of a numerous and potent enemy The memory of which deliverance he kept alive in himself and exprest his sence thereof even in his last will and Testament the rather doubtless in respect that you his ever honoured Mother being imbarked in the same bottom with him at that time was supported with courage above your sex and with faith above present sence and so brought clear off that threatning storm by the good hand of the Lord your God unto whom as you have learned and do know it is all one to save by few as by many I shall say no more of him thereby to aggravate your loss which yet was not all yours for the Family the Town the Countrey were sensible of the influence of his exemplary holiness but shall pray for you a heart to make a gain of it by learning to walk with God without a crutch and in him onely to make out all deficiency and wants of secondary helps in whom every creature-comfort is virtually and eminently contained and so shall you quench
as a vessel unemptied taking taint by long standing in any one condition and therefore God hath ordered it that the soul as the Sea shall purge it sel● by its constant vicissitudes of ebbings and flowings whether the winds blow without or not But least Christians wonder at such fortunes as befall them God hath shewen us that we sail but the course of other men that went before us and have landed safely through many cross winds and high Seas in a happy issue or conclusion and David is the highest Sea-mark in all the Bible for men of shipwracked souls bodies states or names to cast their eye upon who ever lived that endured such and such variety of affliction for that he was to be the type as of the Crown so of the cross of Christ yea and of every Christian or the Church in generall And therefore what state soever thou beest in the Psalms are as an Apothecaries stop full of boxes and they are full of all manner of store for men in all tempers and distempers at all times and in all tunes to make use of especially when thou hast to do in a good cause against a wicked enemy Bodily weakness disabling me for other imploiments gave me opportunity to make thus much more progress in Scripture-paraphrase and though the Psalms which being so frequently used ought the better to be understood may primâ facie seem to need none yet they that look into them with inspection will find much more sence than lies above board besides that of coherence and connexion the hardest part of paraphrase which most Readers omit and most expositours neglect rendering though a true sence of the Text if disjoyned yet not carefully considering the scope of the contexture they give not the sence in its full propriety which is the endeavour of Thine in the work of the Lord. G. F. Advertisements premised WHerein the word Maschil is prefixed to a Psalm it imports it to be a Psalm of direction instruction or information in some sort or other Where the word Selah is affixed to any sentence or verse it is to be understood by way of Emphasis or as an Emphaticall close to the matter foregoing suitable to it by way of Exaggeration or Amplification for Impression sake And so in like sort the word Higgaion which signifies to muse or meditate is to be taken when and where it is affixed to a sentence as where Higgaion Selah concludes a verse The first PSALM The Contents The Prophet to induce to godliness and disswade from wickedness shews in this Psalm that the first of these does onely make men happie and blessed and the other doth certainly and eternally make men miserable 1 WOuldst thou be a blessed man mistake not then but know upon the word of a Prophet speaking from God that He and He onely is here and shall be for ever hereafter happie and blessed to wit with the favour of God true peace of conscience and joys of heaven the onely true happiness that maugre the opinion of the world to the contrarie shuts his ear to the sinful perswasions of wicked men not suffering himself to be seduced to lead their lives much less willingly and impudently gives himself over to a course of sinning and least of all with brazen face scorns and opposes the ways of God and them that walk them 2 But on the contrarie is ruled by the Word studying it and walking those ways which it prescribes and commands with as much pleasure and content of mind as wicked men take in sin keeping it in mind and memorie to order his ways according to it that in nothing nor at no time sin may mislead him 3 And God shall so bless this his holy care and industrie that his soul shall be plentifully fed from heaven with the never-failing influences of Grace and Consolation to the making him fruitful in every good work and work comfortable in every condition and inable him to hold forth a holy profession throughout prosperitie and adversitie to the end maugre the world and wicked men to the glorie of God and honour of Religion and his own great advantage too here as well as hereafter thereby procuring the blessing of God upon all he hath and doth 4 Whereas the wicked have no firm footing in any good condition for in the way they walk God will never bless them nor respect them but as they are nought so will he set them at nought and will make it appear he does so when he executes his displeasure upon them which shall part them from the prosperitie they enjoyed in this life with a fearful farewel never exspecting to see good day again 5 For the conscience of their wicked ways and the expectation of that just and fearful sentence Go ye cursed to be pronounced upon them shall make them hang the head in deep despair at the great Assize when as the godly shall be able to lift up their heads with joy nor shall such sinful wretches ever set foot within heavens threshold or have any fellowship or share there in the happiness of the saints 6 For however wicked men that know not things that differ think as well and better of themselves and their ways than of the godly and theirs Yet God knows the difference and shall one day make them to know it too when he comes to judge and reward every one according to his works then he will make it appear what notice he took of the godly and how he approved them the world contemned And the wicked they shall see and find for all their confidence and jolity where their way will end and to what a woful condition it will bring them at last Even to everlasting destruction Second PSALM David finding great opposition in his coming to the Kingdom both at home by the House of Saul and they that sided with them and also abroad by confederacy of neighbour-Princes and People He shews them both their folly and danger in so doing for that as a Prophet he does assure them that God hath designed him to rule both over Iews and Gentiles as a figure of Christs doing the like in his spiritual Kingdom all the world over and therefore exhorts them to desist and submit to the will of the Lord and not to their utter undoing put from them the Grace that is offered them in Christ whose type onely he was and of whose Kingdom he prophesies which would make them blessed for ever 1 HOw senselesly do the Gentile and Heathen nations amongst us and about us yea and so many that are of Israel too so violently oppose my Government and refuse their subjection to me which nevertheless shall be effected maugre all their rage and resistance for that herein I am to be a type of Christ the Son of God his universal Sovereignty over Jews and Gentiles which by the wicked of both sorts shall in like manner be opposed but in
tongue is made apt to utter them with a ready dexteritie 2 As God hath advanced thee O Solomon with honour to be King over Israel as Christ shall be over his Church so hath he beautified thee above the ordinarie ranck of men and adorned thee with excellent Divine wisdom and utterance worthie thy place of regiment like as he will do Christ the blessed King and bridegroom of his Church with all the excellent inward ornaments of grace and spirit wherein he shall exceed all and of which his excellencies he shall participate to all his people by his powerful and saving word of grace which is an infallible argument of the never failing love and favour God hath to thee and will ever bear thee the type as to Christ the antitype and the blessings that shall accompany it 3 Whensoever thou preparest for war prepare for victorie O thou that art mightily blessed and aided by the Almighty God of heaven and made the King of most renown and majestie in all the world as Christ shall be the most powerful and victorious Saviour of his Church and mightiest potentate to whom all power shall be given both in heaven and earth 4 And in the majestick power that God hath given thee prosperously proceed to aw and conquer all thine enemies not by falshood pride and injustice as do other Kings that move upon earthly principles but in Gods way by the exercise of his graces of faithfulness meekness and justice as shall do Christ by his Kingly office in behalf of his Church prevailing and conquering by the saving truth of his word patient long-suffering and righteous performing of his promises ruling and walking in this manner thou shalt be able to work wonders and shalt strike terrour into thine enemies and reverence into thy people as shall Christ into his 5 Those that shall oppose thy Sovereign rule and government will have but bad success for thou art as Christ shall be of power to quell them whereby whole nations of the Gentils shall be subdued to thy subjection and obedience as they shall to his 6 Thy dominion and sovereigntie O Solomon the type of Christ the son of God is not like meer earthly Kings that perish but it shall in him who is God and our Divine mediator be extended over all and to all eternity Thou hast right to rule for God himself hath given thee dominion over Jews and Gentils as he hath done to Christ over all the world a just and righteous government shalt thou the type execute in him the antitype who is the just and holy God not subject to the corruptions of earthly Princes 7 For he whom thou resemblest perfectly loves and obeys the holy and righteous will of God and as perfectly hateth both sin and sinners for which cause that he may be Gods high officer and King over his Church chosen peculiarly to that place and honour before all mankind and Gods own people too as David was before all Israel and both he and thou before the rest of your brethren therefore is he inabled and enriched from God whose son even by nature he is and whose love most especially he hath with the spirit of consolation and all his Divine graces in his humane nature even without measure whereof the adopted sons of God and fellow-members of Christ that are partakers with him of the Divine nature as he is with them of the humane do share but in measure short of him receiving grace for grace from him 8 All thy royall robes O Solomon are richly and odoriferously perfumed with the most costly aromatick spices when as thou shewest thy self to thy people from out thy stately palaces who at the sight and smell of thee are rejoyced and refreshed and reciprocally return their joyfull and loyal acclamations to thee again to thy great contentment as well as theirs Like as Christ shall come from heaven furnished in his humane nature with all excellent graces and perfections befitting his high office to the infinit joy of his people who enjoy the sweet and benefit thereof which they return again unto him in love honour and service to his good content 9 Thou art honoured with many wives and concubines of high birth even Kings daughters are in the number of them but especially and of most account with thee is Pharaohs daughter who is Queen above all the rest and more gloriously attired than any Like as Christ shall have the attendance and company of many noble and famous congregations that will profess him and worship him externally in his ordinances But his onely and principal spouse is the holy Catholick Church consisting principally of the elect Gentils whom he shall cloth like himself in his own righteousness and adorn her with the Divine nature and the graces of his spirit and prefer her to special favour here and glorie with him hereafter in heaven 10 O daughter of Aegypt whom God hath made so happie as to bring thee thence and to marrie thee to King Solomon the type of Christ be thou also the resemblance of his spouse the Church specially of the Gentils by hearkening unto and embracing the true and saving knowledge of the onely true God and be converted by it as she shall be and turn from the errours wherein thou wast bred and born inheriting them by education and birth-right as do even the elect of God their sinful and corrupt nature till they be married to Christ by a new nature and forsake all for him 11 So shall King Solomon far more entirely love thee and delight in thee thy beautie being much increased thereby and thou made glorious within as well as without who is thy Lord and husband and therefore one whom thou oughtest to obey and desire to please Like as shall the Church be infinitly pleasing to Christ when she hath given herself to him and is endowed with his graces whose Lord and husband he is and whom she ought to serve and honour 12 Nor shalt thou lose thereby but God will greatly increase thine honour and esteem far more than being the daughter of Pharaoah comes to for so shalt thou in conjugal participation gain the homage and subjection of great and rich nations the most mightie and powerful people of all the world shall be brought under and made glad of thy favour through the favour and blessing of God upon thee Like as it shall be with the Church which worships Christ in puritie and sinceritie she shall be so blessed by him as that no enemy shall stand before her but by the assistance of the power and grace of Christ her Lord and husband she shall be Ladie and Mistresse of the whole world sought unto of all nations for the knowledge of her saving truth and participation of her graces with the renouncing of their false confidences to share with her in Christ. 13 Thou the daughter of King Pharaoh art not gloriously
to offer them to me upon such humane and grosse principles as if the killing of cattell and shedding their bloud never discerning the Lords body were the thing I coveted were served by and took pleasure in no I hate such services and have no pleasure in such sacrifices it is not for want of such that I reprove thee I have had enow and too many of them 14 If you will serve me aright and sacrifice to give me content then offer other manner of sacrifices than these or these sacrifices after another manner I that am a spirit look for the service of your faith and affections let the ceremonies and sacrifices you perform be significant not shells without kernels when you pretend to thank me in peace-offerings c. Bring your hearts with you let your faith and affections be offered up unto me through the propitiatory mediatour in whom onely they are accepted in an humble gratulatory way for the good you acknowledge Remember its God you have to do with who looks for the service of the inward as well as the outward man have thy mind on high in the heavens where I am when thou worships me here below and therefore be sure with the spirit thou pour forth praise and thanks unto me for the goodness and benefits thou acknowledgest to have received from me when as thou offerest sacrifice 15 Its prayer and praise offered up in faith to me because of my grace and faithfulness to you that I set by it s that shall prevail with me not your empty ceremonies and sapless sacrifices If you be in trouble at any time let me then hear from you in that way and you shall be sure of a gracious answer from me because then and never till then I know I shall be sure to have a faithfull return made me of praise glory and thanks for the goodness I shew unto you 16 These are the men and this is that manner of service that God accepts of but to the carnall hypocrit or meer formall professor that is so busie in externall performances of legall rites commanded by God he would have such an one know that he had rather have his room than his company for all he does is but in abuse of God and his worship making shew of serving him and keeping covenant with him but without any truth or sincerity of heart whereby he adulterates Gods own ordinances and makes them utterly unpleasing to him though appointed by him but never intended they should be practised or preached by such men in such a manner 17 To bolster them up in their impieties taking liberty to sin because they conform to outward ceremoniall ordinances God would have such know that they neither glorifie him nor profit themselves that are carefull in outward duties and acts of Religion and careless of holiness in heart and conversation 18 Thou that art so full of seeming sanctity thinkest thou that God regards thy services if withall thy heart be full of hypocrisie and thy ways of unrighteousness breaking the morall law whilst thou makest conscience of the ceremoniall giving the reins to thy corrupt heart and hands to contrive and act all manner of impieties as theft adultery and joyning thy self with such companions 19 Taking liberty to lie and deceive and makest even a trade and common practise of it 20 Studiously back-biting and traducing others that mean thee no hurt nor never did thee any but ought to be loved of thee as brethren and of envy or emulation slandering those that are near and should be dear unto thee thine own very kindred and allies labouring their disparagement and disgrace 21 These things you know have been acted amongst you even by and amongst you that yet pretend to be a people in covenant with me and come and worship before me and sacrifice unto me and because I bear with you in these hypocriticall evil ways of yours and suffered my self to be thus mocked and abused by you you thought that I approved of you and your doings but you shall find that I set not so light by mine honour as you think for nor will not so easily put up with such abuses as you imagine there will come a time that I will make you smart for your base abuse of me and mine holy ordinances and you shall know that I am sensible of your ingratitude and so shall you be of my just indignation for these your sins which I have marked all along you shall find so much how that I le remember when you have forgotten them and mind you of them to your cost 22 For think you that I will be so severe against the sins of the rest of the world that in comparison of you have no knowledge of me nor have received no favours from me and that I will not be much more so towards you That I cannot pretend ignorance but sin against me either out of a stupid supine negligence and disrespect of me or out of a spirit of rebellion But consider it you had best how my name hath been prophaned amongst you and persist not to despise me in this sort and forget the duty and gratitude that you owe me who deserve better from you least that of all the world you smart most for it for as your sins are the greatest being against light and loving-kindness so without repentance shall your plagues be the sorest for as you are without excuse so shall you be without mercy no one not Moses nor any your forefathers upon whom you bear your selves no nor the Messiah himself shall open his mouth for you to save or deliver such an hypocriticall ill-deserving people 23 This is generally a nationall fault amongst you and will at last bring forth nationall judgements and common destruction upon you but yet as I have known and chosen you though ill deserving it to be my people of all the world so do I know and have chosen some from among you that bear me better respect than the rest And such an one who ever he be let not him fear to perish with the rest but be confident who ever he is that makes conscience to worship me in spirit as well as in form and when he sacrifices to me then with an humble faithfull and affectionate heart praiseth me for my benefits and favours vouchsafed that 's the man that mine eye is upon and upon the worship and service he performs to accept it for he alone worships me aright all else is lost labour and meer mockery The spirituall minded man and the reall sincere hearted Israelite who is as well conscionable and carefull of his life and conversation to walk uprightly with God and honestly with men as of the rites and formalities of the ceremoniall law and mine externall worship to do them this is the man that as he serves me acceptably so will I reward him bountifully he shall see with the eye of
amends at last and all that thou promisedst hast thou performed for thou hast by a strong hand invested us in a happie condition and possessed us of a fruitful land spite of all our enemies so shall thy Church have deliverances here but let not them never doubt of heaven hereafter 13 14 What I would have others do I hope I shall not fail for mine own part to practise I am resolved upon consideration of what I have recounted that thou hast done for us and I am sure wilt do for thy Church to give thee praise and thanks not onely inwardly in my heart but also outwardly in the eyes and for the example sake of all others according to thine appointment by solemn sacrifices and especially for my self who have been in not a few nor those no small troubles at what time I vowed them to thee and have tasted accordingly of not a few and those no small deliverances 15 What ever thou hast commanded to be offered thee I will do it to the full in the performance of my thanks and acknowledgement of thy mercies both for number and worth even the best I can get what charge soever I am at And that with a free heart 16 Thou hast set me up as a pillar and monument of thy unspeakable goodness to thy servants which I hope and do desire that all thy people in all ages of the World would take notice of and to that end I will leave it upon record even the wondrous mercies I have partaked of and miraculous preservation that I have had 17 How that I never in my need put up my prayer to him in fervour and faith but I had a return answerable and my prayer was turned to praise 18 I speak not this to embolden hypocrits as if they were so priviledged who are apt enough to pray in their need as well as the Godly but for the incouragement of the sincere and upright such as I bless God I am harbouring the love of no known sin in me I know how I should have sped if I had not as I have done but have had the deaf ear turned upon me and well I had deserved it as all hypocrits and carnal formal professers do 19 But assuredly the Lord from time to time hath heard me and answered me too very graciously yea he hath carefully had respect to me whensoever I poured out my heart before him in the anguish thereof in time of trouble 20 I bless the Lord he hath blessed me and not sent me away without mine errand when as I have come to him in prayer and supplication nor withheld his mercie from me in mine extremitie but hath effectually appeared for me and so he will for all that trust in him and seek to him as I have done The lxvii PSALM The Psalmist praies that God would in such a sort be good to Israel that the Gentils may note it and be won by it to imbrace his saving truth and serve him as well as they But for the full ●ffecting of their conversion he wishes heartily for the comming of Christ and his Kingdom and the happie dayes that shall be then all the World over To him that is most skilful upon the stringed instrument Neginoth to which this Psalm is chiefly set is it committed for his care and ordering it be sung and plaid 1 THe good Lord be merciful unto us in the pardon of our sins and graciously benevolent and propitious in multiplying blessings upon us and manifesting his favour to us so as it may be notorious in the eyes of the World Even so be it 2 That the whole earth that now wander out of the way may be brought to acknowledge thee for the only true God to worship thee aright when they perceive the mercies that we that do so do enjoy above all others may be brought to hearken enquire after the saving righteousness thou hast revealed to us whereof they are utterly ignorant 3 Lord let the Gentils as well as we have the knowledge and experience of thy rich mercie and saving goodness that they may praise thee for it yea spread and proclaim it to all the World that thou mayest every where have a people to magnifie thee for it upon the whole earth 4 When shall Christ come to proclaim the year of Jubile even life and salvation to the Gentils to their unspeakable joy and thy unspeakable praise and to take the Government into his hands which he shall sway with equitie and justice both to the good and to the bad Lord hasten it 5 Let the Gentils as well as we have the knowledge and experience of thy rich mercie and saving goodness that they may praise thee for it yea spread and proclaim it to all the World that thou mayest every where have a people to magnifie thee for it upon the whole earth 6 O that this time were now for when it is happie shall those dayes be when the Messiah shall come infinite of blessings of every sort temporal and spiritual will he bring with him The whole earth that is cursed by the fall shall by him be blessedly restored and made a Canaan fruitful to God and man and God who was become a stranger by it shall by and in him be as much and more his peoples in more near proprietie and relation than ever and bless them with better blessings through grace than ever they were and could be capable of other wayes 7 Then shall be a time of sweet harmonious interchangeable correspondencies betwixt heaven and earth God he shall pour out his spirit upon all flesh and spread his Gospel over the whole earth and accompany it with no small store of temporal mercies and his people shall from all the ends of the World be hereby gathered to him and give up themselves in faith and obedience to be his The lxviii PSALM David upon the great victories he had had over his enemies and the remove of the Ark to its setled abode in Ierusalem praies and prophesus the infelicitie of the adversaries of Gods Church and the prosp●ritie of the righteous whereof he advises them to be confident and therein to rejoyce for God in mercie will be mindful of the oppressed and injustice of the oppressors whereof they had had ample experience by marvellous deliverance out of Aegypt settlement in Canaan in the gaining whereof he gave them wonderful victories and as their case was prosp●rous then so he prefigures it shall be again now in his time both Church and Common-wealth shall flourish because of the favour of God to them and his protection over them for he is to be a resemblance of Christ after his ascension victor over all his enemies Having shewn the happie consequences of the Arks remove he amplifies the manner of its transportation from the house of Obed-Edom in what order and with what harmonie
most that labour to keep a good conscience and to walk uprightly and innocently both towards God and man but to little purpose if the cards play on this fashion 14 For as they see nothing but good so I nothing but evil all my life long from day to day and from weeks end to weeks end have I been harrowsed with one trouble and miserie in the neck of another and have had the rod never off my back who labour to please God and to do well whereas they that take no such thought but live as they list feel not the smart of any one twig 15 Thus have I been pressed upon by my corruptions and fleshly apprehensions as others are no doubt by theirs to give way to such thoughts yea and to break out through discontent into such speeches and to utter such things for irrefragable positions but I would not for a World I had done so O the sad consequences that would have followed thereupon what discouragement would thy people have taken upon it from mine example both at present and in future ages also should it have been upon record to my shame thy dishonour and a stumbling-stone to the Godly to the Worlds end 16 And I confess loth I was to let go my hold-fast of thee and to let my faith fail and therefore I sought by all means to give my self satisfaction and to quiet my doubts by debate of reason and to make it speak all it could for thee to justifie these thy dispensations thus to the good and bad but alas it would not do my reason was too weak for my affections my mind would not be satisfied with all the arguments I could bring by my natural discourse to think that such dispensations could possibly be of God or if they were how they could stand with thy truth on one side by reason of thy promises and with thy justice on the other side by reason of thy threatnings 17 Thus did I reason the matter with my self too and again all in vain lost my labour rested still unsatisfied till at last when I saw that then I resolved to take another course to make mine addresses to thee to be resolved in this great and difficult case of conscience touching the strangeness of thine administrations whereupon I used all holy means I prayed earnestly to thee in heaven prostrating my self before thee in thy tabernacle studied thy word and at last it pleased thee effectually to inspire me with a right understanding taughtest me to judge of occurrents by spiritual and divine principles then and never before could I apprehend to any purpose the end that thou wilt make with these kind of men how that then is time enough for the wicked to be miserable and for thee to punish which shall wofully certainly and eternally conclude this their temporarie happiness so much wondred at 18 And how ever they think they have firm footing and are greatly in favour with thee yet it s far otherwise they and we are much deceived for though thou raisest them high it is that they may have the greater fall their standings upon carnal and creature-confidences cannot hold long they will fail them when death comes they must part and then the everlasting perdition that in hell by thy just judgements they shall endure shall far surpass the moment of carnall contentment this life afforded them 19 O Lord what a sudden and sad change will there be when in the moment of dissolution their souls shall be overwhelmed and seized upon with the dreadful sense and apprehension of their eternal perdition how unspeakably shall they be confounded at it 20 When their sins are ripe and thou O Lord art disposed to take vengeance on them and execute judgement how shall all their phanatical imaginarie happiness of Worldly wealth and prosperitie be annihilated and vanish into forgetfulness and non entity as a dream when one awakes and how despicable shall this their so much Idolized honour and felicitie mistaken tokens of thy favour and themselves notwithstanding it be to thee then 21 Thus wast thou pleased to shew me with what a vain transitorie shadow I troubled my self and made the imaginarie felicitie of the wicked a real infelicitie unto me in disquieting my mind about it which when I saw it was no small trouble to me that I should commit such an errour 22 And be so bruitishly blockish in my foolish misapprehensions and sottish conceits of these prosperous conditions of wicked men and of thee because of them to my shame I now confess my sin folly before thee ●hat more like a beast than a man I have been thus sensually misled 23 But O the trial I have had of thy grace by this experiment insomuch as I can say it for the establishment and strengthening of the generation of the righteous whom by my foolishnes I had like to have offended and stumbled as much and more than the prosperitie of the wicked that truly God is good to Israel for for all my sinful censuring and misjudging thee being now by thine infinit mercie brought thus to my right wits I see I am and so are they alwayes under thy special care who by thy mightie power and secret grace hast upheld me from blaspheming and miscarrying under this temptation when my feet had well nigh slipt and of thine infinit goodness set me clear of it the worst of evils 24 I hope Lord through thy grace to take warning by it and no more to be ruled by my corrupt reason nay I am confident I shall do so by thy blessing thou wilt instruct me better for time to come than to let me fool it in this sort any more while I live I hope never to follow any other guide but thine nor to be wise with any other wisdom that now hath set me into the right way again so that I am well assured by this pledge thou wilt certainly conduct me through all the rest of my temptations and difficulties of this life that I am to undergo until thou hast safely landed me in heaven above all storms and tempests there to enjoy the sweet imbraces of thy favour in a glorified estate which shall put a happie period to all my troubles the whilest the prosperitie of the wicked that so much stumbled me I now see shall end in endless miserie 25 I have had enough of deviations from thee it hath cost me so dear and I see so much vanitie in every thing else as that I am resolved to stick to thee alone thou shalt be mine all in all thy word and spirit shall solely rule me thy providence shall satisfie me and thy self in the love and favour thou vouchsafest me shall be a portion sufficient for me Let whom will I for my part will no more either care for or set by creature-comforts or creature-confidence but mine heart shall be staid on thee fall back
away without any dispensation of his grace and compassion hath he conceived such displeasure against me as forever to shut the doore of mercy upon me yea shall he who is a God of bowels and those bowels full of earnings towards his people in distress shall he suffer himself to be inexorably transported with anger against me Surely it cannot be I thought so with my self 10 And replied to all these my expostulatory interrogations that it was my frailty and folly thus to question the nature and faithfulness of God and to live by sense more than by faith and suffer my self to be transported by affliction into doubts and discomforts and thereupon set my self to work in another way resolved to take out a new lesson and not onely by contemplation but by faith and application to recall to mind for the chearing of my heart and the stirring up my hope what powerfull grace and great deliverances the pledges of his future favours in like sort God hath heretofore wrought and exhibited in his peoples behalf when they were in extremity not suffering them to sink under them 11 I will effectually recollect and consider what God hath done of that kind heretofore yea how his peoples extremities were still his opportunities to give them wonderfull deliverance and gain himself glory and honour and so it shall be with me I doubt not 12 I will more advisedly than ever I have done consider of thine infinite power and support my self by it not onely as it appears in acts of providence of auncient and later dispensations which is admirable but in the creation also which thou deducedst out of nothing and so thou canst any raise me up though I were lower than I am I will no more uncomfortably muse of thee and thy doings and make a wrong use of them that because heretofore thou hast done thus and thus and dost not so now and therefore thou never wilt but that I shall surely sink and die in this distress no but I will both meditate and speak of them with chearfull apprehensions and comfortable conclusions to my self that because thus and thus it hath been with thy people and so and so thou hast done for them that these are pledges and assurances of thine unchangeable goodness and patterns of thy power and that therefore so it shall be and so thou wilt do for me also in like manner 13 O Lord much debate I have had and reasonings about thee and thy proceedings but thy ways and the reasons of them I find are too profound for me I confess my self too shallow to fathom thy dimensions it is not reason but prayer nor my wisdom but thine that must quiet my mind and inform me aright for how can I that am an earth-worm here below comprehend thy counsels and judgements that are transacted above in the heavens inaccessible as was thy sanctuary or holy of holies by thee who art an incomparable God indeed the onely God that doest whatsoever thou wilt both in heaven and earth and who hast in nothing manifested thy greatness more than in thy goodness to and powerfull preservation and deliverance of us thy people 14 For whom thou doest not exercise common and ordinary providences but doest wonders and workest miracles thy power hath gloriously appeared more than once by remarkable and astonishing atchivements in thy peoples behalf upon their enemies witness those mighty signs and wonders wherewith thou plaguest the Gentiles for their sakes sundry ways and at sundry times 15 With what power didst thou specially bring Israel out of Egypt thou sentest Jacob and his sons thither in time of famin to be preserved by Joseph whom thou there advancedst but when Joseph was forgotten his and his father Jacobs posterity ill intreated by cruell taskmasters there how with the lives of the Egyptians and the destruction of Egypt didst thou redeem and deliver thy people thence A mercy for ever to be recorded in the hearts of thy servants 16 When as the waters of the red sea were so sensible of thy divine presence and power O God that as if they had been afraid of thee and of harming thy people whom thou then conductedst they ran away and divided themselves hither and thither as it were to stand still and with admiration to look on that marvellous passage of thy people through them yea not onely the superficies of the water was thus moved but from the top to the very bottom was that great Abbiss removed at thy presence and made way for the seed of Jacob and Joseph to pass on dry land 17 What an amazement didst thou then put the Egyptians into on a sudden when as in the morning-watch thou lookedst into the host through the pillar of fire and cloud and didst arm the whole host of heaven against them tempestuously pouring forth rain and emptying the clouds upon them thundering also over their heads and flashing forth streams of lightning in their faces as if it had been a shour of darts or arrows sent from heaven to destroy them 18 It is not to be expressed the terrour and trouble of that day which made them say Let us flie for God fights for Israel against the Egyptians What fearfull thunder-claps were in the skies and flakes of fire with flashes of lightning that darkned the sun and made the whole heavens seem to be of a light fire the earth by its trembling and quaking seemed to think the day of judgement was at hand and that it was then to be consumed and return to its nonensity Every way and by every thing didst thou declare thy power to preserve thy people to deliver them with the destruction of their enemies the Egyptians whom thou troubledst thus from above and from beneath retarding their flight till the sea overwhelmed them 19 A memorable deliverance forever to be had in remembrance of thy people Israel whether in letter or in spirit the presence and power that there was manifested in their behalfs conducting them safe through a way of thine own miraculous making that never was gone before through the sea it self and after through Jordan in like sort when it quite overflowed his banks Submission and not disputation best becomes us mortalls in all conditions that know not the ways of Gods providence nor the reasons of them now no more than the Israelites knew then why he led them to the sea side to bring them into Canaan nor do we know how thou wilt bring us out of our distresses which thou bringest us into no more than they knew how thou wouldst deliver them in that their danger when unknown to them thou openedst the sea for their passage 20 And ledst them through it by the conduct of Moses and Aaron whom thou settest over them and appointedst to be unto them as shepherds to a flock with care and tenderness to lead them provide for them and transact betwixt thee and
Thy faithfulness whereupon the promise of mercie and grace is builded and whereby it shall be fulfilled it is engaged and ratified to thy son the Churches head in heaven on thy Churches behalf on earth therefore sure enough to be accomplished from first to last both here and hereafter as well in heaven as on earth nothing shall hinder 3 Even this mercie which thou hast declared and stipulated Covenant-wise and sworn it too the faster to bind thee and strengthen our faith to thy chosen servant even to David that Kingly type of Christ and head of thy people 4 That thou wilt establish the Kingdom and Church in David the type and his posteritie in successive generations and in Christ the antitype for ever and will make his throne glorious and his dominion to increase and enlarge it self to all nations and all generations Even so Amen 5 According to which Covenant for the fulfilling thereof in the preservation and deliverance of thy Church thou shalt manifest such power and do such wonders as shall affect the very Angels in heaven who shall in the sympathy and love they bear to thy people praise thee as if themselves shared in the benefit and in heaven magnifie thy faithfulness as well as we on earth for keeping promise and remembering thy Covenant to fulfil it 6 For as there is none that on earth ought to be adored and magnified but God so nor in heaven where he alone rules as well as here below the Angels are our fellow-creatures and subjects as much inferiour to him as we are to them Yea though they are not of humane race propagated as we are but by the immediate hand of God created as was Adam yet there is no more comparison betwixt them and him than betwixt us and him he alone is absolute and Almighty 7 As God is great yea the sole Monarch of heaven aswell as earth so is he there greatly had in reverence and so ought to be of those his holy Angels and glorified saints aswell as here of his people they therefore have the honour to be his servants in ordinarie domesticks in heaven with him that they may glorifie him sutably to their excellent natures and happie condition it is their dutie and his due 8 O God that hast the sole Empire in heaven and earth and the sovereign chief command of all creatures in both who therefore is of strength like unto thee nay of any strength at all but thee from whom all things are and thou onely eternally of thy self who then can match thee in power or in faithfulness which is equal to thy power and appears in all things wherein thy power appears be they acts of providence or created Beeings and where is it that thy power appears not on every side in heaven or earth before or behind on the right hand or on thy left and of like extent is thy truth thy promise being as large as thy power and thy goodness as large as both in thy Churches behalf for her preservation and accomplishment 9 10 What was it but thy power and faithfulness that when time was did dispose and rule the unruly waters of the red-sea for the preservation of thy Church then ready to be killed or drownd by it before and the Egyptians behind whom thou as it were at one blow cutst off and destroyest as one man at once and didst defeat those thine enemies because thy Churches and their great preparations and bloudy designs upon thy people by a mightie manifestation of power which thou shalt ever put forth in thy Churches behalf stilling the storms that every where in the world she shall meet with like a ship at sea and preserve her spite of all her enemies though never so proud and potent 11 How can it be otherwise for all is thine and at thy dispose heaven earth and all things in them both it is thou that hast given existence and Being to the whole world and all things in it both sea and land as many as they are 12 Thou hast created all things from one end of the heavens to the other from pole to pole thy Church every where from East to West for so it shall spread as Judea from mount Tabor in the West to mount Hermon in the East shall have cause of rejoycing in thy power and faithfulness manifested in her behalf and to praise thee for it 13 Thy strength and power when as thou pleasest to make use of it and put it forth either by means or miracles in an ordinarie or extraordinarie way it is unresistable and prevalent 14 As thou hast power worthie thy greatness to execute thy will withall so also justice judgement mercy and truth the beauty and establishment of thrones and dominions these are principally and originally in thee who governest and orders thy jurisdiction over the world respectively to good and bad by them dispensing to the unrighteous enemies of thy Church and thee justice and judgement and unto her even all thy holy ones thou wilt exhibit merciful providences and for her fulfil faithfully thy promises with the gracious manifestation of thy love and favour to her in all those thy dispensations 15 Blessed are thy people above all the world for they onely of all the world are acquainted with the inward sense and savorie tast of thy peculiar love and saving grace whispered into their consciences by the still voice and secret workings of the spirit to the ravishing their hearts with joy unspeakable and glorious as thine Israelites are inured to and cheared with the sound of the sacred trumpets of God in their solemn feasts and sacrifies Such shall comfortably run their race in the whole progress of their lives they shall walk in a steady course by a faithful dependancie upon thy faithful providence and in sweet interviews of thee and frequent feelings of thy favour 16 Such as these shall all their life long have cause of rejoycing in thy powerful dispensation of providences from time to time in their behalf and in thy keeping promise with them the experience and faith whereof shall lift up their heads above dangers and difficulties 17 For their glorying is in thee who though weak in themselves yet are as it were omnipotent by their interest in thee and relation to thee that art so by whose power and gracious favour we that are thy people Israel resemblancers of thy Church doubt not of a prosperous state both civil and sacred and to have the better of our enemies 18 For the great and faithful God is our defence protection his power and goodness shall preserve us as a shield the holy Lord that hath chosen Israel to be a holy people and that shall ever have on earth a holy Church is the Sovereign Lord and protector of us and it and so shall Christ his vicegerent be and David his 19 Thou Lord in
thine own appointed time didst make known thy mind by special revelation to thy holy prophet Samuel that thou hadst ordained one to be a singular type of Christ to give deliverance and yield protection to thy people against their enemies over whom thou wouldst make him victorious who should be chosen from amongst his brethren by thee above and before all others to be exalted from a mean condition to be King and ruler over them as Christ in our nature shall be exalted from the Cross to the Crown and Empire of his Church 20 I the Lord have by especial appointment set apart David he is the man and caused Samuel to go seek and find him out in the obscure condition place where he lived and from amongst all his brethren more likely men than He in Samuels own eyes to take and anoint him with oyl I bid him take with him for that purpose to that Kingly office and typical dignity over my people 21 I will set the Crown upon his head my power shall protect him and carrie him through all oppositions and maugre all his enemies he shall be King and the Kingdom established upon him by my might shall he overcome all his adversaries both before and after his inthronization 22 Enemies he shall have good store but they shall never have their will of him he shall make them tributarie but so shall not they him nor shall any wicked malicious opposer of his be able to suppress him but he shall prevail to be King and to flourish in his Kingdom spite of all gain-sayers 23 I will make it appear how much I love him by the great things I will do for him no enemy shall be able to stand before him all his foes secret and open that oppose or stand in the way of his advancement I will lay them low enough yea they that do but in their hearts malign him though they do not openly oppose him shall smart for it 24 But as for him I will make good all I have promised his sins and infirmities shall not hinder me for though I may punish them yet will I have a merciful respect and consideration of him from first to last shall my grace and truth be stedfast with him as it shall be with my Church to the end and by my might and power shall he and his Kingdom flourish with great glorie 25 And be extended far and near from the red-sea to the river Euphrates his dominion shall be enlarged without the limits of the land of Canaan very far several wayes 26 As a dear child and onely son as is the Messiah so shall he be unto me and as a tender Father so will I be to him and such shall he acknowledge me by the experience he shall have of my love and care and by the great deliverances and victories that I will give him and as to his onely God and Saviour shall he make his applications to me 27 As my son the Messiah is the first born of every creature and in all things hath the preheminence so shall my servant David that figures him be advanced to the honour of being the highest Prince on earth blessed and accepted by me far beyond them all 28 My mercy and truth shall be sure to keep touch with him I will never forget to be gracious though I may seem severe I will not fail of what I have promised him but as in grace I made my covenant so in mercie and faithfulness I will make it good nothing shall hinder 29 His posteritie shall continue and possess the throne till they transmit it to the Messiah in whom it shall be eternized and in those that shall be begotten to God by the sanctification of the spirit the blessed of-spring of Christ the son of David every of which shall reign as Kings both on earth and in heaven for evermore in grace and glorie 30 31 If his children and childrens children that succeed him in the throne rule not righteously nor order their conversation aright but sin against me and keep not my commandments 32 Then will I aswell as I loved their Father David and them for his sake be sure to let them know I am sensible of their sins by making them sensible of my corrections neither their impietie nor injustice shall go unpunished 33 34 Nevertheless I will not quite cast off the sinner for his sin because of David my servant but will remember my love to him and covenant with him so that I will pardon aswell as punish and be faithful aswell as just they shall not frustrate my covenant no not by their sins because it was of grace no more than shall mine elect regenerate people for my sons sake with whom I have covenanted and for whose sake I will perform it to his seed and mine adopted ones throughout all generations 35 I have once for all irrevocably bound my self by as deep an oath as I know how to take even by the most sacred attribute and propertie that is in all my divine nature that gives a verdure to all the rest mine Holiness which is indeed my whole self the greatest pledge I can lay to stake the resemblance whereof my sanctuarie you have amongst you that I will for no cause whatsoever falsifie with David nor fail of what I promised 36 That his seed Christ the son of David and the faithful that are begotten by the incorruptible seed of the word shall last as long as time lasteth He shall reign in and over his Church by special commission and favour as my vicegerent and fellow in Government as long as the sun abides in the firmament till all things be no more and he give up the Kingdom into the Fathers hands 37 Till then it shall be established even so long as Sun and Moon endures those never-failing witnesses of my grace and providence as a faithful creator to the children of men for all their iniquities notwithstanding which these have afforded their light and influence from the very beginning both to the just and unjust shall do to the end As the sins of the wicked because my grace super-abounded hath not annihilated these mercies of mankind so nor shall the sins of the Godly the sons of Christ the son of David make void my Covenant of grace peculiar to my son and his seed figured by David and his posteritie no not for ever 38 But Lord what consonancie is there betwixt this thy Covenant with David and the state of the Kingdom as now it stands instead of loving kindness establishment and mercie here is nothing but utter dereliction and rejection of his posteritie and people with abhorrencie How couldst thou well be angrier with the seed of thine anointed servant than thou art to whom for his sake thy covenant reacheth and is to be fulfilled 39 Truly Lord to the eye of sense
people have cause to remember and acknowledge and with joyfull hearts to praise thee for especially for that transcendent work of mercy in chosing us from out all the world to be thine which together with those concomitant powerfull dispensations and manifestations of thy self in our behalfes from time to time gives cause to me and them to triumph and glory in faith and hope 5 O Lord how unconceivable is thy power and wisdom in all thy decrees counsels and dispensations towards both thy Church and the enemies thereof in thy strange providences and marvellous judgements 6 Which yet are little taken notice of by most men so worldly minded and sensually disposed are people ordinarily that God is not in all their thoughts spending their time more like beasts than men of reason minding the creature more than the Creatour who is never so much as owned much less honoured by the earthly minded and wicked Athiesticall persons of the world in any thing he doth though never so remarkable 7 Neither the hazardous condition that they themselves are in in this their earthly felicity which they take to be a speciall note of Gods peculiar favour to them that they can sin and yet prosper when others that are holy and strict in their wayes are at an ebb-water in poverty and misery not considering that God gives wicked men their hearts desire here le ts them swim in plenty and pleasure for a while during a short life that they may compleat their sins to the sum totall and he his judgements even unto everlasting destruction in endless pains never to enter into his rest 8 They neither understand themselves nor thee O Lord God never imagining that thou rulest in the highest heavens and thence judgest of all men and their actions here below But whatever their vain thoughts are thou art the everlasting King of thy Church and people and the righteous judge of thine and their enemies and so they shall find thee to be to the worlds end 9 For as sure as Gods in heaven so sure shall the wicked of the earth however they prosper and whatever they may think of themselves compared with other men come to ruine and utter destruction for though they think God their friend yet doth he know and reckon them for his enemies and as such shall his proceedings be towards them for all evil doers though they be many and the godly few in all ages and places they shall be weeded out and consume away by the hand of God upon them they and their felicity shall part and be everlastingly seperated 10 But as despicable as the godly are in the eyes of worldlings they shall have their turn I and other thy faithfull servants shall see better dayes when they shall see worse principally in heaven that everlasting sabbatism when our turn comes to rise then they shall fall and there is no doubt but that day will come when we shall be made able by thee whose faithfulness is engaged for it to lift up our heads and enjoy those everlasting consolations hoped for and those divine honours of being Kings and Priests unto thee 11 The faithfull shall not fail of the grace promised them and the justice to be executed upon their enemies but they shall undoubtedly be both eye and ear-witnesses of the righteous judgements of God upon the wicked of the world that hate and persecute them 12 The righteous however they be decried and depressed by wicked worldlings yet shall God so bless them that they shall out-grow their miseries and over-top their enemies Gods Church and his people of whom it consists shall grow in grace untill they arrive in glory 13 Those that are Israelites indeed which by the spirit and faith are made members and have taken rooting in the family and Church of God shall thrive and come on prosperously in spirituall graces by use of holy means in frequenting his sanctuary and sanctifying his Sabbath to Gods glory their own assurance and unspeakable rejoycing They that are rooted here in grace shall grow up from grace to grace and be crowned at last with eternall life in the heavens 14 These trees and plants of Gods own planting by a divine supernaturall supply of spirituall sap and nourishment contrary to the course of nature the elder they grow the better they shall flourish and fructifie both on earth and to all eternity in heaven 15 Thus shall both the wicked perish and the godly flourish to shew that however by outward appearance of providences and weakness of faith the Lord seems oft-times to us to go against himself and break his word yet it s nothing so the Lord for all that is faithfull true of his promise a never failing refuge to every true believer and there is no such thing as our sinfull imagination and unbelief-fancy of him not the least u●righteousness in word or deed The xciii PSALM The Psalmist goes about to settle the faith of the Church in the Empire and omnipotency of the Lord her God together with his faithfull engagements the holy performances whereof she is bound to believe and relie upon for ever 1 THe Church and people of God ought to know and believe this for an infallible maxim in practicall as well as dogmaticall divinitie that The Lord reigneth He that is their God is God and King of all and over all the empire and regalitie of the whole world is his the resplendent majestie whereof appears in all created Beings in heaven and earth and in that power which he so effectually and dexterously manifests for his Churches preservation and their enemies confusion whereby the world also is centred so firm as upon a basis so that though it hang like a ball in the air yet it is as firm and immoveable as the fixed mountains 2 This dominion of thine O Lord glorious in its administrations of protection and government hath ever been never was there any vacation of it and as it hath been so it shall be from everlasting to everlasting as thou thy self art 3 As in nature thou Lord hast ordained in the waterie element thereof v●●y formidable and dreadfull agitations as in the tempestuous ragings of the sea the over-flowing of great waters making a hideous noise such storms and concussions are raised on land too even all the earth over against thy Church tossed as a ship at sea and boistrously handled by wicked and unreasonable men that rage against her readie to be swallowed up and devoured by them 4 But as high as these waves and tempests of danger and destruction to thy Church do mount yet is the Lord in heaven both higher and mightier than they be they never so terrible for noise and number he can allay and quiet them at his pleasure yea though the Church be as a boat in a storm at sea in the midst of gusts and surges God can preserve
it and will for as he raiseth sea-tempests and therefore can lay them so he by his providence and appointment sends land-storms therefore can order quit them in like sort 5 And as thou art powerfull so art thou faithfull we need no more doubt of the one than of the other what thou hast promised as thou hast power so likewise hast thou will to perform it Thy grace of protection is as certain and infallible as thy power is omnipotent The obediential faith of thy holy performance of all that thou hast promised becomes thy Church the house of the living God which O Lord ought to be fixed and established by it and in it for ever what ever befall her The xciv PSALM In some very heavie pressure that lay upon the people of God in generall by by the heathens or else upon the faithfull under the wicked Kings and Iudges of Israel this Psalm seems to be made wherein God is earnestly called upon to take off the yoke which lay so heavily upon them by the tyrannie and persecution of bloudie and 〈◊〉 hemous wretches whom be counsells to do better and from their abuse of Gods own clemencie to their own perdition shews the blessed estate of Gods own people because of Gods fatherly chastisements He acknowledgeth God for his sole support which is his comfort when he is at a loss and is confident God will not always suffer tyrants to sit in his seat and rule over his Church but that he will find a time to judge them and deliver her out of their hands 1 2 O Almightie and righteous Lord God who hast power and to whom of right it belongs to revenge the injuries oppressions of thy Church appear in her behalf so that both she and her oppressours may see thou doest so Let her proud insulting enemies feellingly find that thou that art judge of all the earth favourest her cause and doest her right upon them 3 4 Lord it is not without cause that we crie to thee for as our pressures have been very great so they have been very long The wicked have had a long reign and lorded it with a witness over the good and by reason of thy delay they glory in their doings as if either thou couldst not or wouldst not punish them And what they think they stick not to speak even blasphemies against thee and cruelties against us and the more wickedness they commit the more they give themselves content boasting one to another and vying one with another who can do most mischief thy impunitie being their immunitie 5 6 They make pot-sheards of thy people O Lord loading them with such merciless oppressions and afflictions even thine own chosen and peculiar heritage and that because they are so as they break their very hearts and leave them not the name or face of a people scarce upon earth destroying all before them mercilesly breaking all laws humane and divine respecting neither age nor sex pitying none in any kind or condition though never such objects of compassion 7 And so hardened are they in their wicked courses and so presumptious by thy forbearance that they are confident thou regardest not what they do to thy people nor never will call them to account for it making a very aw-word of the God of Jacob. 8 Be men of more understanding than to harbour such vain thoughts of so great a God ye that though ye be heads and chief among the vulgar yet are as void of understanding and true judgement as the common people themselves be not still so foolish to persist in wickedness provoking the Lord but consider that the end must needs be bad and that you will repent when it is too late 9 For weigh with your selves whether it be reasonable to think that you can either act such things or speak such words and God not see nor hear them that gives ears and eyes to all men living shall the authour of those senses be senseless 10 He that is Judge of all the earth and punisheth the very heathens for their exorbitancies and unjust oppressions among themselves shall not he much more be righteous to revenge the wrongs done to his own people and have you such mean thoughts of God as to judge him any thing less than omniscient think you to escape or deceive him that gives you your selves the knowledge you have and all men else 11 The Lord very well knows what vain and wicked thoughts men naturally have of him how they abuse his clemencie as if he neither saw heard regarded nor will judge them for their wickedness because he delays to do it 12 Therefore what ever the world think of the godly under afflictions yet blessed is the man that is so much favoured of God as to be chastised for his faults and admonished of his dutie to Gods commandments whilst he suffers others to run riot without check or control 13 That he may make him meet for the inheritance of the saints prepare him for heaven which shall be the end of his course which is accompanied with sorrows as hell shall be of the wicked when they are prepared for it by a consummation of the number and measure of their sins by their libertie of sinning 14 For whatever we through shortness of spirit and impatience under afflictions may think of God as if he had disregarded his people yet it s nothing so God may cast them into afflictions but not because he rejects them but because he loves them he will find a time to make it appear so that for all that nay that therefore he is their God and they his dearly beloved because he doth afflict them when as he saves them by it suffering others to go to hell for want of it 15 But how ever things seem to be topsi-turvie the wicked a top of the wheel and the good under it yet there is a time when the world shall be set right again each man shall be paid his wages God shall take the government into his hands whereas now the reins seem to be let loose and in righteousness judge the good and the bad which is the time that all upright-hearted sincere Godly-ones long for and in hope of it shall notwithstanding all obstructions follow it in the way of pietie 16 Who is there beside thee O Lord willing or able to deliver me from under this tyrannicall oppression of wicked workers surely none in all the world If thou doest not save me I perish 17 Yea hadst not thou when time was been a present help so near was I to destruction I had certainly died and been silent in the grave instead of being now speaking to thee and praising of thee 18 When I concluded with my self there was no way but death then of a sudden beyond expectation in so eminent a danger did thy mercie appear to
thou art bound no never to forget neither all nor any of them but to sum them up in thank-ful praises to his name 3 Who hath called thee to be faithfull and of his onely good grace hath freely in the merits of his son forgiven thee all thy sins justified thee from their guilt and pardoned their punishment so that from an heir of hell thou art translated to be an heir of heaven And hath also enabled thee by the spirit of regeneration to walk worthie so rich grace in mortifying thy lusts and raising thee to newness of life and conversation by his sanctifying quickening graces bestowed upon thee 4 Who to save thy life lost his own gave it a price for thee the virtue whereof hath influence every day and hour upon thee O my soul for every trespass thou committest dying virtually as oft as thou sinnest whereby thou art kept from perishing everlastingly as else thou hadst done and wouldst do continually and though the bodie wherein thou doest officiate do die a temporal death and lie down in the grave as all men must yet at that instant shalt thou be translated to live with him in Heaven that died for thee on earth instead of being sent to Hell according to thy demerits and at the resurrection shalt have a happie re-union with a glorified incorruptible bodie having honoured and enriched thee here with the first fruits of glorie pardoning protecting regenerating justifying graces more than I can enumerate because of his love and mercie to thee and for no cause else 5 Who feasts thee with Spiritual and Heavenly dainties suting thy tast and appetite answers all thy prayers touching requisit graces and comforts so that whensoever thy stock of either seems to be spent thy graces enfeebled and thy comforts exhausted then at thy request comes God with sweet and seasonable supplies and maketh them and so thee that wast a dying to live again vigorous and active like an eagle that by casting her beak and feathers and new-ones coming in their stead resumes her former agilitie and strength till then disabled so is thy regenerate part and sanctified habits by fresh auxiliaries and immediate breathings revived when at a loss 6 And not onely in spiritual soul-desertions but also in external bodily afflictions does the Lord appear seasonably for when I was oppressed and opened my case to God pleading mine innocencie and mine enemies injurie how did he judge my cause against them and upon them and so will he do for all his faithful upright innocent people in their wrongful pressures in a season most comfortable and profitable he will deliver them and judge their oppressours 7 Witness his wonderful works of old in the deliverance of Israel out of Egypt he did foretel to Moses what powerful and terrible judgements he would bring upon the Egyptians and how wonderfully in truth and righteousness he would enfranchise his people and what he said he did all he told to Moses by promise he made it good by experience in the sight of all the twelve tribes Israels posteritie he faild not in a tittle nor shall his Covenant of grace made with our redeemer Christ touching his redeemed 8 And as the Lord betwixt man and man is pitiful to the oppressed especially to his Church and terrible to their enemies So is he also betwixt himself and them a very graciously disposed God in respect of the sins and deserved punishments of his people as Israel well experimented all along the wilderness exceeding readie to shew mercie and to pardon sin and punishment when it is petitioned for not easily provoked nor apt to anger as they found and extream readie to grant forgiveness of one sin after another if the sinner pray it uprightly God will grant it willingly even the pardon of all our sins though both many and great as theirs were 9 And when he does visit our sins upon us for he will not alwayes bear with us so nor then will he be alwayes wroth against us punish us he may destroy us he never will no nor yet be alwayes angrie at us or frown upon us his face shall clear up and his favour shine forth after a while faithful prayer will scatter those clouds 10 We of all the World have cause to acknowledge him such an one he hath not done by us as we have deserved our experiences from time to time have made good all his gracious properties of grace long-suffering and plenteous mercie having ever been a God exceedingly bearing with us and forbearing of us though a provoking ungreatful people towards him 11 For the immensity of his mercie is superlative to any natural comparison no dimensions can proportion it the height of heaven above the earth does not resemble it to us such and beyond it is his mercie in preterition and pardon to his people that unfeinedly repent them of their sins and with full purpose of heart Covenant to fear and serve him 12 Consider the heavens either for height or wideness and which you think is the greater for the help of your faith conclude that so great and greater is the mercie of God towards such as turn to him and walk with him sincerely The East and West shall as soon come together as the sins of such shall be laid to their charge how grievous so ever they have been for at a greater distance and disproportion hath God sundred a penitent sinner and his sins even as far as infinite is from finite Christ himself who is God having taken them off of him upon himself 13 You that are earthly parents know what are the bowels of a father to a child when with tears and prayers it begs pardon for its offences such for such comparisons we are fain to use for the help of our natural apprehensions and far greater are the earnings of God and his compassions towards those that in the faith of his mercie repent of their transgressions beg pardon of their punishments and promise and perform upright obedience 14 For the Lord knoweth of what brickle matter we are made he remembers how transitorie our natures are so that should he deal with us after our sins and would punish us according to our provocations he would have no people left on earth to serve him or to carrie on the existence and being of a Church so that our frailtie moved him to mercie and not to do as sin would have him cut our short lives shorter 15 Man being no better than grass both sprung out of the earth hath a little time of Being alotted him here wherein he takes some contentment during part of that little in his youthful season as a flower that hath its moneth to spring flourish and decay in so at best is mans condition by course of nature but besides that naturally he is so frail and momentany he is subject to be cut off by infinite accidents that
flourishing of my Crown and Kingly office that my heart is so much fixed on as thereby to forget the Priestly office and worship which is to go hand in hand and by which and for which it must be that both I and my Kingdom must be preserved therefore though I have built me an house fit for me yet will I take no pleasure to dwell in it nor enjoy the benefits and conveniences of it 4 Nay I will not sleep in quiet nor take any comfortable rest with content of mind 5 But with a longing desire will watch at what time and by what way and means the season being now at hand God will reveal to me the place long ago forespoken of that he would choose to set his name pitch his Ark and build his temple there where he hath promised his constant abode his presence and residence for ever and from whence he will eminently yield protection and assistance to his people the seed of Jacob calling on him as he did whom he assisted mightily against his enemies and so will them from thence against theirs 6 Lo we have heard of the several transplantations and removes thine Ark hath made one while residing at Shiloh within the tribe of Ephraim another while after thou hadst miraculously rescued it from the Philistines in the house of Abinadab at Kiriath-jearim a place of plains and woods whereby the iniquitie of the times and obscuritie of the place it was disfrequented and scarce taken notice of to be there where yet David found it out and whence he with the approbation and applause of all Israel removed it to Jerusalem preordained and by thee revealed to him to be its place of residence where accordingly it now is to be frequented and thou to be worshipped in that solemn manner befitting the present State of thy Church 7 Whither we thy people generally and unanimously will resort with chearful obedience to thy holy sanctuarie and temple where thou that art in heaven art pleased by typical umbrages to vouchsafe thy real presence and residence and there we will worship thee as thou hast ordained and onely there henceforward as the Church shall for ever worship God in Christ onely accessible in his humane nature where is the fulness of the God-head bodily 8 And that prayer which hath been so often made by Moses in the itinerarie removes of thine Ark now do I prefer and do thou Lord fulfil as it were once for all now possess thy self of this holy mountain and take thou up thy rest and residence there where thou hast promised to dwell amongst thy people in a state triumphant such as both Christ and his Church shall have after their afflictions even on mount Sion in the Temple where thine Ark is at last scituate the sign as of thy presence so of thy powerful goodness in thy peoples preservation and their enemies confusion to remove no more neither thou nor it but there to abide a blessed God amongst a blessed people 9 Now Lord let thy Church flourish that hath been long under the wheel let it at last bear the character of thee the Almighty and merciful God in holiness and happiness both Priests and people let those in thine abundant faithfulness not onely ritually but really by the sanctifying graces of thy spirit be holy to the Lord as their office holds forth salvation so let them in life and conversation so walk before thee as that thou mayest bless and preserve them and thy worship and people by their means Let the time to come burie the memorie of thy Churches former infelicitie by a glorious resurrection of all things to the highest pitch of heavenly and spiritual lustre in temporal and typical resemblances to the ravishment of thy faithful servants and sanctified ones that have long looked for this triumphant condition of Christ in his Churches felicitie and the Temples glorie 10 Yea grant I pray thee my request put up in behalf as of thy service and servants the Temple and Kingdom in general so more particularly in mine own behalf in whom they are so eminently concerned and that for the sake and in the name of that typical mediatour and faithful servant of thine the blessed type of thy blessed son the Messiah David my father with whom thou plightest thy faith by promise and Covenant to be his God and the God of his seed after him to bless them and make them blessings to thy people Lord make me so happie whom thou hast by especial appointment ordained to be his immediate successour in this high dignitie and office of being King over Israel before whom I pray thee honour me with a gracious acceptance of my service in building thee an house by some extraordinarie token of favour and by effectual answering my prayer put up in their and mine own behalf at that thy Temple that they may see thou favourest me and for that cause may have me and my Government in honour and estimation as they had my fathers and be blessed as by him and his Government so by me and mine 11 Thy faithfulnes is my confidence comfort thou hast of thine own free grace ingaged thy word of truth that is as infallible thy self by a firm and lasting promise to David that lived and died in thy favour a lively type of the Mediatour Christ that thou wilt not do by him as by Saul let him be King for tearm of life onely but out of his own loins should proceed his successour whom thou wilt choose as thou didst David himself from among all his brethren to govern his people after him as is verified this day in me thine anointed 12 Nor hath thy favour to him determined in his immediate seed but is extended by thy gracious promise to a successive establishment of the throne of Israel in his seeds seed in case they walk worthy so rich mercie treading in the steps of their father David by keeping the Commandments of the Lord in faith and godliness without deviating or stepping aside to carnal confidence or will-worship even so long as it is to endure to Christs coming and in him to eternitie 13 14 For the Lord hath foretold the prosperous condition of his Church in the dayes of David and his seed how his Ark should then have rest his temple be built where he would reside among his people by special presence of goodness and faithfulness in Sion long defore designed for this honour but not revealed till David and to him it was made known that that was the very place where he would establish the Kingly and Priestly office of his beloved son the Messiah in their lively prefigurations whence he will by his anointed Kings and Priests rule and bless his people if they forfeit not so great blessedness as from heaven he shall his Church in and by Christs mediation the onely High-priest and Potentate ascended sitten down for ever
springing thereof 11 Thou crownest the earth with thy goodness and thy paths drop ●atness 12 They drop upon the pastures of the wilderness and the little hills rejoyce on every side 13 The pastures are clothed with flocks the valleys also are covered over with corn they shout for joy they also sung Psalm lxvi To the chief musician A song or Psalm 1 MAke a joyful noise unto God all ye lands 2 Sing forth the honour or his name make his praise glorious 3 Say unto God How t●rrible art thou in thy works through the greatness of thy power shall thine enemies submit themselves unto thee 4 All the earth shall worship thee shall sing unto thee they shall sing to thy name Selah 5 Come and see the works of God he is terrible in his doing toward the children of men 6 He turned the sea into drie land they went through the floud on foot there did we rejoyce in him 7 He ruleth by his power for ever his eyes behold the nations let not the rebellious exalt themselves Selah 8 O bless our God ye people and make the voice of his praise to be heard 9 Which holdeth our soul in life and suffereth not our feet to be moved 10 For thou O God hast reproved us thou hast tried us as silver is tried 11 Thou broughtest us into the net thou laidst affliction upon our loins 12 Thou hast caused men to ride over our heads we went through ●fire and through water● but thou broughtest us out into a wealthy place 13 I will go into thy house with burnt-offerings I will pay thee my vous 14 Which my lips have uttered and my mouth hath spoken when I was in trouble 15 I will offer unto thee burnt sacrifices of fatlings 〈…〉 inc●nse of rams I will offer bullocks wit● goats Selah 16 Come and hear all ye that fear God I will de●lare what he hath done for my soul. 17 I cried unto him with my mouth and he was extolled with my tongue 18 If I regard iniquitie in my heart the Lord will not hear me 19 But verily God hath heard me he hath attended to the voice of my prayer 20 Blessed be God which hath not turned away my prayer nor his mercie from me Psalm lxvii To the chief musician on Neginoth A psalm or song 1 GOd be merciful unto us and bless us and cause his face to shine upon us Selah 2 That thy way may be known upon earth thy saving health among all nations 3 Let the people praise thee O God let all the people praise thee 4 O let the nations be glad and sing for joy for thou shalt judge the people righteously and govern the nations upon earth Selah 5 Let the people praise thee O God let all the people praise thee 6 Then shall the earth yield her increase and God even our own God shall bless us 7 God shall bless us and all the ends of the earth shall fear him Psalm lxviii To the chief musician A psalm or song of David 1 LEt God arise let his enemies be scattered let them also that hate him slie before him 2 As smoke is driven away so drive them away as wax melteth before the fire so let the wicked perish at the presence of God 3 But let the righteous be glad let them rejoyce before God yea let them exceedingly rejoyce 4 Sing unto God sing praises to his name extol him that rideth upon the heavens by his name Iab and rejoyce before him 5 A father of the fatherless and a judge of the widows is God in his holy habitation 6 God setteth the solitarie in families he bringeth out those that are bound with chains but the rebellious dwell in a drie land 7 O God when thou wentest forth before thy people when thou didst march through the wilderness Selah 8 The earth shook the heavens also dropped at the presence of God even Sinai it self was moved at the presence of God the God of Israel 9 Thou O God didst send a plentiful rain whereby thou didst confirm thine inheritance when it was wearie 10 Thy congregation hath dwelt therein thou O God hast prepared of thy goodness for the poor 11 The Lord gave the word great was the company of those that published it 12 Kings of armies did flie apace and she that tarried at home divided the spoil 13 Though ye have lien among the pots yet shall ye be as the wings of a dove covered with silver and her feathers with yellow gold 14 When the Almightie scattered Kings in it it was white as snow in Salmon 15 The hill of God is as the hill of Bashan an high hill as the hill of Bashan 16 Why leap ye ye high hills this is the hill which God desireth to dwell in yea the Lord will dwell in it for ever 17 The chariots of God are twenty thousand even thousands of Angels the Lord is among them as in Sinai in the holy place 18 Thou hast ascended on high thou hast led captivitie captive thou hast received gifts for men yea for the rebellious also that the Lord God might dwell among them 19 Blessed be the Lord who dayly loadeth us with benefits even the God of our salvation Selah 20 He that is our God is the God of salvation and unto God the Lord belong the issues from death 21 But God shall wound the head of his enemies and the hairy scalp of such a one as goeth on still in his trespasses 22 The Lord said I will bring again from Bashan I will bring my people again from the depths of the sea 23 That thy foot may be dipped in the bloud of thine enemies and the tongue of thy dogs in the same 24 They have seen thy goings O God even the goings of my God my King in the sanctuary 25 The singers went before the players on instruments followed after amongst them were the damsels playing with timbrels 26 Bless ye God in the congregations even the Lord from the fountain of Israel 27 There is little Benjamin with their ruler the princes of Judah and their councel the princes of Zebulon and the princes of Naphtali 28 Thy God hath cōmanded thy strength strengthen O God that which thou hast wrought for us 29 Because of thy Temple at Jerusalem shall Kings bring presents unto thee 30 Rebuke the company of spear-men the multitude of the bulls with the calves of the people till every one submit himself with pieces of silver scatter thou the people that delight in war 31 Princes shall come out of Egypt Ethiopia shall soon stretch out her hands unto God 32 Sing unto God ye Kingdoms of the earth O sing praises unto the Lord. Selah 33 To him that rideth upon the heavens of heavens which were of old lo he doth send out his voice and that a mightie voice 34 Ascrib ye strength unto God his excellencie is over Israel and his
also out of the rock and caused waters to run down like rivers 17 And they sinned yet more against him by provoking the most high in the wilderness 18 And they tempted God in their hearts by asking meat for their lust 19 Yea they spake against God they said Can God furnish a table in the wilderness 20 Behold he sm●te the rock that the waters gushed out the streams over-flowed can he give bread also can he provide flesh for his people 21 Therefore the Lord heard this and was wroth so a fire was kindled against Jacob and anger also came up against Israel 22 Because they believed not in God and trusted not in his salvation 23 Though he had commanded the clouds from above and opened the doors of heaven 24 And had rained down Manna upon them to eat and had given them of the corn of heaven 25 Man did eat angels food he sent them meat to the full 26 He caused an East-wind to blow in the heavens and by his power he brought the South-wind 27 He rained flesh also upon them as dust and feathered fowls like the sand of the sea 28 And he let it fall in the middest of their camp r●und about their habitations 29 So they did eat and were well filled for he gave them their own desire 30 They were not estranged from their lust but whilest the meat was in their mouths 31 The wrath of God came upon them and slew the fattest of them and smote down the chosen men o● Israel 32 For all this they sinned st●ll and believed not for his wonderous works 33 Ther●fore their days did he consume in vanity and their years in trouble 34 When he slew them then they sought him and they returned and enquired early after God 35 And they remembred that God was their rock and the high God their redeemer 36 Nevertheless they did ●latter him with th●ir m●uth and they lyed unto him with their to ●gue● 37 For their heart was not right with him neither were they stedfast in his covenant 38 But he being full of compa●●ion forgave their iniquitie and destroyed them not yea many a time turned he his anger away and did not stir up all his wrath 39 For he remembered that they were but flesh a wind that passeth away and cometh not again 40 How oft did they provoke him in the wilderness and grieve him in the desert 41 Yea they turned back and tempted God and limited the holy one of Israel 42 They remembered not his hand nor the day when he delivered them from the enemy 43 How he had wrought his signs in Egypt and his wonders in the field of Zoan 44 And had turned their rivers into bloud and their flouds that they could not d●ink 45 He sent divers sorts of flies among them which devoured them and frogs which destroyed them 46 He gave also their increase unto the catterpiller and their labour unto the locust 47 He destroyed their vines with hail and their syromore trees with frost 48 He gave their cattel also to the hail and their flocks to hot thunderbolts 49 He cast upon them the fierceness of his anger wrath and indignation and trouble by sending evil angels among them 50 He made a way to his anger he spared not their soul from death but gave their life over to the pestilence 51 And smote all the first-born of Egypt the chief of their strength in the tabernacles of Ham. 52 But made his own people to go forth like sheep and guided them in the wilderness like a flock 53 And he led them on safely so that they feared not but the sea over-whelmed their enemies 54 And he brought them to the border of his sanctuary even to his mountain which his right hand had purchased 55 He c●st out the h●athen also be●ore them an● divided th●m a● inheritance by 〈◊〉 and made the tribes of Israel to dwel in their tents 56 Yet they tempted and provoked the most high God and kept not his testimonies 57 But turned back and delt unfaithfully like their fathers they were turned aside like a deceitful bowe 58 For they provoked him to anger with their high places and moved him to jealousie with their graven images 59 When God heard this he was wroth and greatly abhorred Israel 60 So that he forsook the tabernacle of Shiloh the tent which he placed among men 61 And delivered his strength into captivitie and his glorie into the enemies hand 62 He gave his people over also unto the sword and was wroth with his inheritance 63 The fire consumed their young men and their maidens were not given in marriage 64 Their priests fell by the sword and their widows made no lamentation 65 Then the Lord awaked as one out of sleep and like a mightie man that shouteth by reason of wine 66 And he smote his enemies in the hinder parts he put them to a perpetual reproch 67 Moreover he refused the Tabernacle of Joseph and chose not the tribe of Ephraim 68 But chose the tribe of Judah the mount Sion which he loved 69 And he built his sanctuarie like high palaces like the earth which he had established for ever 70 He chose David also his servant and took him from the sheep-folds 71 From following the ewes great with young he brought him to feed Jacob his people and Israel his inheritance 72 So he fed them according to the integritie of his heart and guided them by the skilfulness of his hands Psalm lxxix A Psalm of or for Asaph 1 O God the heathen are come into thine inheritance thy holy Temple have they defiled they have laid Jerusalem on heaps 2 The dead bodies of thy servants have they given to be meat unto the fowls of heaven the flesh of thy saints unto the beasts of the earth 3 Their bloud have they shed like water round about Jerusalem and there was none to burie them 4 We are become a reproch to our neighbours a scorn and a derision to them that are round about us 5 How long Lord wilt thou be angrie for ever shall thy jealousie burn like fire 6 Pour out thy wrath upon the heathen that have not known thee and upon the Kingdoms that have not called upon thy name 7 For they have devoured Jacob and laid wast his dwelling place 8 O remember not against us former iniquities let thy tender mercies speedily prevent us for we are brought very low 9 Help us O God of our salvation for the glorie of thy name and deliver us and purge away our sins for thy names sake 10 Wherefore should the heathen say where is their God let him be known among the heathen in our sight by the revenging of the bloud of his servants which is shed 11 Let the sighing of the prisoner come before thee according to the greatness of thy power preserve thou those that are appointed to
and I am withered like grass 12 But thou O Lord shalt endure for ever and thy remembrance unto all generations 13 Thou shalt arise and have mercie upon Sion for the time to favour her yea the set time is come 14 For thy servants take pleasure in her stones and favour the dust thereof 15 So the heathen shall fear the name of the Lord and all the Kings of the earth thy glorie 16 When the Lord shall build Sion he shall appear in his glorie 17 He shall regard the prayer of the destitute and not despise their prayer 18 This shall be written for the generation to come and the people which shall be created shall praise the Lord. 19 For he hath looked down from the height of his sanctuarie from heaven did the Lord behold the earth 20 To hear the groaning of the prisoner to loose those that are appointed to death 21 To declare the name of the Lord in Sion and his praise in Jerusalem 22 When the people are gathered together and the Kingdoms to serve the Lord. 23 He weakened my strength in the way he shortned my dayes 24 I said O my God take me not away in the midst of my daie 2 Bless the Lord O my soul and forget not all his benefits 3 Who forgiveth all thine iniquities who healeth all thy diseases 4 Who redeemeth thy life from destruction who crowneth thee with loving kindness and tender mercies 5 Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things so that thy youth is renewed as the Eagles 6 The Lord executeth righteousness and judgement for all that are oppressed 7 He made known his wayes unto Moses his acts unto the children of Israel 8 The Lord is merciful and gracious slow to anger and plenteous in mercy 9 He will not allwayes chide neither will he keep his anger for ever 10 He hath not dealt with us after our sins nor rewarded us according to our iniquities 11 For as the heaven is high above the earth so great is his mercie toward them that fear him 12 As far as the East is from the West so far hath he removeth our transgressions from us 13 Like as a father pitieth his children so the Lord pitieth them that fear him 14 For he knoweth our frame he remembreth that we are dust 15 As for man his dayes are as grass as a flower of the field so he flourisheth 16 For the wind passeth over it and it is gone and the place thereof shall know it no more 17 But the mercie of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him and his righteousness unto childrens children 18 To such as keep his Covenant and to those that remember his commandments to do them 19 The Lord hath prepared his throne in the heavens and his Kingdom ruleth over all 20 Bless the Lord ye his angels that excel in strength that do his commandments hearkening unto the voice of his word 21 Bless ye the Lord all ye his hosts ye ministers of his that do his pleasure 22 Bless the Lord all his works in all places of his dominion bless the Lord O my soul. Psalm civ 1 BLess the Lord O my soul O Lord my God thou art very great thou art clothed with honour and Majestie 2 Who coverest thy self with light as with a garment who stretchest out the heavens like a curtain 3 Who layeth the beams of his chambers in the waters who maketh the clouds his chariot who walketh upon the wings of the wind 4 Who maketh his angels spirits his ministers a flaming ●ire 5 Who laid the foundations of the earth that it should not be removed for ever 6 Thou coveredst it with the deep as with a garment the waters stood above the mountains 7 At thy rebuke they fled at the voice of thy thunder they hasted away 8 They go up by the mountains they go down by the valleys unto the place which thou hast founded for them 9 Thou hast set a bound that they may may not pass over that they turn not again to cover the earth 10 He sendeth the springs into the valleys which run among the hils 11 They give drink to every beast of the field the wild asses quench their thirst 12 By them shall the fowls of the heaven have their habitation which sing among the branches 13 He watereth the hils from his chambers the earth is satisfied with the fruit of his works 14 He causeth the grass to grow for the cattel and hearb for the service of man that he may bring forth food out of the earth 15 And wine that makes glad the heart of man and oyl to make his face to shine and bread which strengtheneth mans heart 16 The trees of the Lord are full of sap the Cedars of Lebanon which he hath planted 17 Where the birds make their nests as for the stork the fir-trees are her house 18 The high hils are a refuge for the wild Goats and the rocks for the conies 19 He appointeth the moon for seasons the sun knoweth his going down 20 Thou makest darkness and it is night wherein all the beasts of the forrest do creep forth 21 The young lions roar after their prey and seek their meat from God 22 The sun ariseth they gather themselves together and lay them down in their dens 23 Man goeth forth to his work and to his labour until the evening 24 O Lord how manifold are thy works in wisdom hast thou made them all the earth is full of thy riches 25 So is the great and wide sea wherein are things creeping innumerable both small and great 26 There go the ships there is that Leviathan whom thou hast made to play therein 27 These wait all upon thee that thou maist give them their meat in due season 28 That thou givest them they gather thou openest thine hand they are filled with good 29 Thou hidest thy face they are troubled thou takest away their breath they die and return to their dust 30 Thou sendest forth thy spirit they are created and thou renewest the face of the earth 31 The glorie of the Lord shall endure for ever the Lord shall rejoyce in his works 32 He looketh on the earth and it trembleth he toucheth the hills and they smoak 33 I will sing unto the Lord as long as I live I will sing praise unto my God while I have my being 34 My meditation of him shall be sweet I will be glad in the Lord. 35 Let the sinners be consumed out of the earth and let the wicked be no more bless thou the Lord O my soul. Praise ye the Lord. Psalm cv 1 O Give thanks unto the Lord call upon his name make known his deeds among the people 2 Sing unto him sing Psalms unto him talk ye of all his wonderous works 3 Glorie ye in his holy name let the heart of them rejoyce that ●ear the Lord. 4 Seek