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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A20547 A plaine and familiar exposition of the eleuenth and twelfth chapters of the Prouerbes of Salomon Dod, John, 1549?-1645.; Cleaver, Robert, 1561 or 2-ca. 1625. aut 1607 (1607) STC 6957; ESTC S109740 155,503 198

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his purse and the other in his conscience He would haue commerce and traffique to proceede from loue to be exercised in loue and more to increase loue and this course is altogether contrarie to loue and a meanes to ingender vnkindnes and hatred Hee requireth that iustice and equitie should moderate these affaites and that no man should oppresse or 1. Thes 4. 6. defraude his brother in any matter but here is filthie lucre most respected and followed and our brethren wronged and beguiled Thirdly this sinne is so much the more lothed of God by how much it is better liked of them that practise it Their closenes and cunning in acting of it doth for a time augment their wealth and not impaire their credit and therfore they count their course lawfull and themselues happie for such prosperous successe because man findeth no fault with them they thinke that God findeth no falsehood in them and seeing yet they haue no punishment inflicted vpon them they dreame also that no wickednesse is committed by them For so the Prophet complaineth Hee is a Hos 12. 7. 8. Merchant the ballances of deceit are in his hand hee loueth to oppresse And Ephraim said notwithstanding I am rich I haue found me out riches in all my labours they shall finde no iniquitie in me that were wickednesse Vse 1 Admonition not onely to forbeare all fraudulent and wrongfull dealing but with hatred to detest it and with horror to flie farre from it That which is hurtfull to our brother is hatefull to God and therefore can neuer bee helpefull to vs. If he iudge it vnrighteous we shall finde it vnprofitable if it be damnable in his sight and therefore his soule doth hate it it will at last bee in our sense and our soule shall rue it It may bring monie and wealth and raise vp mens state and familie but it will draw downe iudgements vpon familie state and wealth and monie and make all to be execrable For that which is spoken in another case is also verified in this Bring not abomination into thine house lest thou bee Deut. 7. 26. accursed like it but vtterly abhorre it and count it most abominable for it is accursed As the gold and siluer and other costly matter whereof the idols were made and wherewith they were adorned was execrable in respect of impietie so is this trade of getting and riches so gotten in regard of iniquitie And therefore both are very offensiue to the Lord both are pestilent to mens families both are perilous to their state both are pernicious to their soules For a cursed possession may make the person accursed and bring the whole house to desolation Which should perswade men not onely to make stay of getting goods vniustly but to make no stay of ridding their hands iustly thereof For as they sinne grieuouslie which indirectly receiue that which is none of their owne so doe they also that retaine it and restore it not to the right owner And therefore in Micah it is set as a note of sinners and such as are obstinately sinfull and which conceiue of God as a patron of their sinfulnesse that vpon admonition giuen vnto them from the Lord would not reforme their falsehood Are yet the treasures of wickednesse in the house of the wicked and Micah 6. 10. the scant measure that is abominable Shall I iustifie the wicked ballances and the deceitfull weights Reproofe and terror of gamesters and those that make Dice Cardes and Boules with such like instruments of iniury to be the measures of their trade and the meanes of their maintenance Thereby are they made as odious to God as infestuous to men and as great aduersaries to equitie as they which by false weights doe wrong their chapmen They being ashamed to appeare in their practise doe secretly defraud men like theeues that filch in a corner but these impudently glorying in their sinfulnesse doe openlie professe their purpose like robbers that commaund mens purses by the hie way side They take the way to bring some part of their neighbours goods to their hands by receiuing much for a little but these striue to draw euery part to themselues by getting all for nothing And for this cause whatsoeuer successe they haue howsoeuer the world goeth with them they speed vnhappily If they winne other mens mony they lose their blessednes and Gods gratious fauour If they lose their owne monie they get a curse and Gods grieuous displeasure Doct. 2 But a true weight c. The Lord doth not onely respect the pietie which is vsed in his owne worship but the truth and iustice that is performed to men When the Lord himselfe is asked what manner of men should dwell in his tabernacle and rest in his holy mountaine that is which should haue a good estate here and an habitation for euermore in heauen he describeth them by their innocent and harmelesse behauiour towards their brethren Hee that walketh vprightly and Psalm 15. 2. worketh righteouslie and speaketh the trueth in his heart Hee certenlie regardeth that worke which hee so largely rewardeth with such wages and hee is well pleased with that person in this life whom he will receiue to life euerlasting and equall it is with him that they which conuerse with earthly people in righteousnesse should also continue with heauenlie saints in glory Reasons First they doe seruice herein to God himselfe for in conscience of his will and obedience to his word they giue themselues to this vprightenesse Secondly it is his owne worke and proceedeth from himselfe for all righteousnesse is the grace and fruite of his holie spirit As flesh and bloud with nature and reason did neuer yet beget any sound pietie and religion so it neither will nor euer can direct any mans heart to true iustice and righteousnes Thirdlie trueth both in word and deed is a part of his glorious image whereby his people are confirmed and made like vnto him and therefore he cannot but take delight in that which is so agreeable with his owne nature and a liuely representation of himselfe Vse Consolation to them that doe constantly and conscionablie addict themselues to the exercise of equitie None hath truely learned this but such as haue been apprentices in heauen whom the Lord hath informed in the mysterie of this trade Ob. But manie others gaine more monie and thriue faster and grow greater then they doe Sol. But they gaine more comfort and thriue better and grow happier then all others doe For howsoeuer it fareth with their state for quantitie of earthly possessions it cannot but goe well with their soules for plentie of heauenlie graces and though paraduenture they haue presently but little substance in their houses yet there remaineth from them an ample treasure in the heauens and that which is best for thē is most firmely assured to them which is Gods euerlasting loue and fauour Albeit therfore thy vocation bee meane and of no great
can take any delight in them further than hee looketh to the end and is refreshed with comfortable effects in the way Thirdly no man can desire the holy knowledge of God with truth and feruencie vnlesse he haue had some taste of the fruit of it and he that hath tasted of the fruit hath profited by the means and he that hath profited by the meanes will loue them euer afterwards They that finde the comfort of life haue formerly felt the benefit of food and they that are desirous to continue their life are not vnwilling to receiue their foode and they that hunger after foode for the continuance of life haue also an appetite to it in regard of the relish Vse 1 Refutation of their boastings that goe before all in speaking of their desire and forwardnes to please God and be saued and come behinde euery one in shewing any good notes of it They make their mouthes and not their hearts the principall seate of their loue and likewise their words and not their deedes their onely arguments doe proue that they doe loue It is very burdenous for them to liue constantly vnder a faithfull Ministerie Euerie godly sermon is tedious vnto them for length if it bee not ended within the houre for the manner if it sauour not of humane wit and eloquence for the matter if it be wholesome and liuely and come home to the rebuking of any sinne which they are not minded to forsake And yet they would haue vs all to know that none are better friends than they to knowledge And yet they must giue vs leaue againe to tell them that euery friend of knowledge is better affected than they are to instruction Consolation to them that thinke it no paines to be painfull in labouring for the bread of life They feele not they say the loue of the word of God the desire of faith and care of repentance c. But from whence proceedeth that is it not hence that they are greedie and couetous of getting abundance of loue and desire and therefore they thinke that which they haue to bee nothing in comparison of that which they would haue But these men must be well confuted their troubles their attention their meditations their paines their reading their questions their conference their ioy in Christian companie their diligence in all good exercises with willingnes doth manifestly shew the error of their doubts and feares But may not an hypocrite do all these things and yet haue no touch in him But may an hypocrite doe all these things in good earnest with resistance of hypocrisie May an hypocrite continue an hypocrite and yet bewaile his want of sinceritie in the presence of God alone with promise and purpose to performe euery seruice more sincerely if possibly by any meanes he may be able It was an argument wherewith Dauid confirmed his owne heart in assurance that he truly loued the Lord and vnfainedly sought his owne saluation because he loued the law of the Lord meditated in his word and kept his precepts And Iob taketh it for a sure effect of his vprightnes that he had not departed from the commandements of Gods lips but esteemed the words of his mouth more than his appointed foode Doct. Is brutish c. They that will not be schooled of God to learne Christian knowledge are no better than if they had no manner of knowledge They are not all children that hate this kinde of correction they are not all naturals they are not all idiots but they are all starke fooles Then many haue been fooles and yet learned Philosophers and many haue been fooles and yet deep Politicians and many haue bin fooles and yet euery way worldly wise men This doth God charge vpon the multitude the greater number of a whole people They are a nation voide of Deut. 32. 28. 29. counsell neither is there any vnderstanding in them Oh that they were wise then they would vnderstand this they would consider their latter end Yea the wittiest of them are so reputed in the prophecie of Ieremy My people is foolish they haue not knowne me Ierem. 4. 22. they are foolish children and haue none vnderstanding they are wise to doe euill but to doe well they haue no knowledge Reasons 1 First their carnall wisedome is altogether vnsufficient to make them seruiceable to God or any thing which they doe to be acceptable vnto him and it standeth them in no steed for their credit For those which bee vile in his eyes shall in time be base in the sight of men and the punishment of their follie in the end shall make it appeare they were fooles all the time before Of this point speaketh the Prophet The wise men are ashamed they are afraide and taken loe they haue reiected the word of the Lord and what wisedome is in them Ierem. 8. 9. Secondly their carnall wisedome can neither preserue them from death nor prepare them to die blessedly It cannot stay their life from going neither can it stop the curse from comming Thirdly it cannot deliuer them from damnation in the world to come but rather increase the grieuousnes of their punishment It hath kept possession against this holy vnderstanding it hath made them vncapable of all good instructions it hath made them impatient of any rebuke it hath held them in ignorance and disobedience al their life and see what their ignorance will bring them vnto after their death The Lord Iesus shall shew himselfe from heauen with his mightie Angels in flaming fire rendring 2. Thess 1. 8. vengeance to them that know not God and which obey not the Gospell of our Lord Iesus Christ Now lay all these things together and see wherein any man is bettered by any knowledge or wisedome which is ioyned with contempt of grace Doth hee thinke to please God the better the more is he offended Doth he hope to winne credit by it it will bring him to shame Would he haue it to keepe him from troubles it will draw him into them His death is made the more vncomfortable and bitter and his destruction following much more horrible and fearfull Vse Admonition to take heed that we conforme not our opinions to the iudgement of the world for that is directly contrarie to the testimonie of God Carnall reason and sturdie affections and vnbrideled tongues say that they are fooles which will digest reproofes and checks and suffer themselues to be censured but the heauenly wisedome and diuine trueth the sacred scriptures say that they are wise which hearken to the rebukes of Gods holy word and fooles as bad as beasts that despise them Ob. But men will laugh at our simplicitie if wee sit downe by such indignities Resp But God will laugh at our miseries if we quarrell with admonitions and counsels when hee vouchsafeth them vnto Prou. 1. 26. vs. Verse 2. A good man getteth fauour of the Lord but a man of wicked imaginations will he condemne A
sinnes that they haue committed the multitude of seruices which they haue neglected the hypocrisie infidelity vnchearefulnesse and other imperfections that haue stained their best words and actions and these will helpe to hold downe their hearts in humilitie and take away all matter of glorying For the best in the world shall haue cause to blush and hang downe their heads if they make comparison betweene that they are and that which they ought to be Though thy knowledge bee great yet how much art thou ignorant of that thou mightest haue knowne if thou hadst been as diligent to seeke it as God was to offer it vnto thee Though thou haue faith and loue and repentance and by vertue thereof doest shew forth the fruites of the spirit in holie obedience yet how small time hast thou spent how softlie hast thou trauailed and how little ground hast thou gotten in this way that leadeth to eternall life But in the course of sinfulnes diddest thou not begin the race soone and runne swiftly and come backe againe slowlie Thirdly it will much diminish a selfe-liking and too great opinion of our owne excellencie if wee turne our eyes without enuie to the excellent graces of knowledge and discretion of zeale and moderation and of all other amiable gifts of our brethren wherein they goe beyond vs. And this is the receipt which the holie ghost prescribeth to the Philippians against this verie maladie Let nothing saith he bee done in contention or vaine glory but in meekenes of Phil. 2. 3. 4. mind let euery one esteeme others better then himselfe Looke not euery man on his owne things but euery man also on the things of other men Lastlie consider the hand which ministreth euery good thing that we enioy whether it bee gift of nature or of grace or of outward possession whether it concerne the bodie or the minde the state or the dignitie All is of God all is from God and all is for God and therefore let all the glorie be giuen to God What hast thou saith S. Paul that thou hast not receiued If thou hast receiued it why gloriest thou as though thou haddest not receiued it 1. Cor. 4. 7. It becommeth not a beggar that liues of the almes basket to bragge of his meate nor insolentlie to compare with him or his that relieueth him in his miserable necessitie Doct. 2 But with the lowlie Euerie humble man is also indued with wisedome Lowlie and wise bee so farre conuertible as that the one can neuer be affirmed of any without the other the habit of humilitie doth inferre the possession of wisedome and the want of either doth euict the priuation of both Reasons First the fountaine from whence lowlinesse floweth doth alwaies in the same current send forth the streames of wisedome The Lord Iesus doth neuer deriue to any the power and ability of subduing his heart but he giueth him also sound knowledge how to obtaine it and holie vnderstanding how to vse it Secondly God himselfe is the instructour of all humble persons and frameth their hearts to be teachable that they shall not faile to learne of him and therefore must needs receiue wisedome from him This is agreeable to the promise which hee maketh Psalm 25. 9. Them that bee meeke will he guide in iudgement and teach the humble his way He giueth grace and guidance with his precepts for minde and heart for knowledge and affection for will and conscionable practise Thirdly the happinesse which they procure to themselues doth giue a cleere testimonie of their wisedome They enioy the fauour of God and the friendship of Gods people In their hearts they haue peace ouer their affections they haue power They are alwaies in the way of preferment either to come to honour in a great place or for honour to come to them in a meane place For euerie state they are fitted whiles they are to be tried with aduersitie they can beare it without impatiencie when they shall be called to prosperitie they can vse it without insolencie as long Psalm 37. 11. as they continue in this world they are rightfull possessours of the earth as soone as they depart to an other world they shall be glorious inhabitants of heauen In which respects the spirit of God saith that it is better to be of an humble mind with the lowlie then to deuide the spoiles with the proud Prou. 16. 19. The meanest and most afflicted vnderling that is humble and meeke is in farre better case then the mightest and most puissant conquerour that is proude and haughtie Vse Reproofe of such as deride their simplicitie for vndergoing so manie molestations and charge them with follie for not facing out matters with an impudent countenance and condemne them of madnesse because they seeke not pompe and earthlie excellencie But it is not because the humble want wisedome but because wisedome seemeth foolishnesse to fooles and such as are destitute of vnderstanding They looke vpon their troubles but feele not their comforts they see their persecutions but foresee not their deliuerance they behold their present condition in afflictions but discerne not of their happines to come in glorie Instruction to make most account of their counsels and companie seeing they are best of all stored with wisedome and knowledge None are so well able to giue aduice as they for though others may haue more countenance and greatnesse yet they attaine not to so much counsell and goodnes None are so readie to giue aduice as they for they doe it most willingly and cheerefullie with all mildnesse and kindenes None are so much blessed in the aduice which they giue as they For their prayers are forcible with God and Gods presence is effectuall with them for assistance in such acceptable seruices Verse 3. The vprightnesse of the iust shall guide them but the frowardnesse of the transgressours shall destroy them BY vprightnesse is not meant an extrauagant well meaning without further rule or warrant as though good intents were competent guides of our waies to saluation but the sinceritie of an heart faithfullie though not perfectlie willing to beleeue and obey that which it knoweth and resolutelie though not absolutelie desirous to know that which God shall reueile vnto it Now this is said to guide righteous men that is shall procure good direction from the Lord both for his seruice and their owne happines and make them tractable to follow the same Contrarie to this is the condition of the wicked who are not ledde with vprightnesse but carried with peruersenesse and therfore misled by the same to their vndoing For thus standeth the opposition the vprightnesse of the iust shall guide them in the way and so preserue them but the frowardnes of the wicked will keepe them from the way and so destroy them Doct. 1 The vprightnesse Euery one that is truely godlie hath a faithfull guide and counsellour in his owne breast A sound heart is the sterne of the soule and a