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A17705 The sermons of M. Iohn Caluin, vpon the Epistle of S. Paule too the Ephesians. Translated out of French into English by Arthur Golding; Sermons de Jean Calvin sur l'Épistre S. Paul apostre aux Éphésiens. English Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564.; Golding, Arthur, 1536-1606. 1577 (1577) STC 4448; ESTC S122384 680,244 732

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yit notwithstanding the passing of the red sea the issuing of the water out of the rocke the falling of the Manna downe from heauen the thicke cloud by day and the fiery pillar by night the abundaunt comming of the fleshe vntoo them and the horrible punishments that God layd vppon the rebells and vppon such as had giuen full scope too their owne lustes all this geere the people vnderstoode not Moyses telling them that they had neede too referre themselues too God that they might bee inlightened by his spirit sayeth I see that euen vnto this houre Gods gracious dooings haue bin buryed among you through your vnthankfulnesse but that is bycause men are blockish and doo neuer vnderstand aught that belongeth too their welfare till God haue wrought in them Therefore it standeth you on hand too rid your selues of all ouerweenyng and too craue vnderstanding at Gods hand acknowledging your selues too bee vnable too reache so hygh as too iudge ryghtly of Gods woorkes and too profite your selues by them vntill he haue gyuen you a heauenly syght in your myndes This is the summe of the thinges that wee haue too marke in this streyne Now hereupon it is easye too gather how the wretched world hath bin beguyled by the opinion of freewill which hath bin put into their heades For the Papistes will wel ynough graunt that without Gods grace we cannot walk as we ought to doo but yit they say therwithal that we may well further Gods grace by our owne freewill so they make a medly of thē togither Whē they mynd to defyne freewill they say it is a mingled thing so as wee haue reason and wit too chooze the good and too refuze the euill and that therwithall we haue also power and abilitie to performe and put in execution the thing that wee haue purposed But wee see after what manner S. Paule speaketh heere of mamies reason which they terme the Queene that ouerruleth and brydleth all our thoughtes and deedes He sheweth that shee is starke blynd vntill God haue renewed hir and not that he dooth but supply our wantes where any bee as though there were some peece of power in vs Had it bin so S. Paule would haue sayd that God furthereth our light or that he increaseth it or that he addeth too it whatsoeuer it hath neede of Howbeit he speaketh not so but he sayeth God giue you inlyghtened eyes shewing therby that it is a free gift not only that our Lord must bee fayne too beare with our infirmities and too put some further portion theruntooo but also that we being blynd can see nothing at all till he haue opened our eyes and that wee bee guyded and gouerned by the sayd manifestation of his holy spirit which wee haue touched heertoofore And now forasmuch as men runne alwayes flinging ouer the feeldes buzie their heades about many vnprofitable things S. Paule sheweth vs wherto we ought too apply all wholy both our vnderstāding wit namely about the seeking how too knowe what the hope of our calling is I haue told you alreadye that men are as yee would say borne to curiositie and that they roue raunge and frame many wicked gazes in their heades that is the cause why many men doo martir themselues out of measure euer lerning a●d neuer atteyning too the knowledg of the truth as sayeth S. Paule Therfore let vs mark well that all the trew knowledge which wee must seeke is too atteyne to the hope wheruntoo God hath called vs For the scripture serueth not too feede vs with vayne and superfluous thinges but too edifie vs too our welfare that is too wit to make vs perceyue Gods goodnesse that wee myght be ioyned vntoo him and he bee our trew happinesse And hereuppon wee may gather also that vntill such tyme as our Lord haue inlightened vs by his holy Spirit wee can find nother waye nor path too come neere the heauenly lyfe no nor so much as gesse what it meaneth Wherfore it is for our behoofe that our Lord should put vs in possession of our saluation by the power of his holy spirit I told you heertoofore how that fayth serueth too giue vs an enterance intoo the kingdome of heauen and intoo the heritage that is purchased for vs by our Lord Iesus Christ and that God must bee fayne too giue it vs by his holy spirit Then sith it is so let vs marke that wee haue neede not only too haue ●he Gospell preached vntoo vs but also that God bore our eares so as wee may hearken too the things that are conteyned in the same and he open our eyes too see the thinges that he sheweth vs and too be short that he may both begyn all and bring all too passe Howbeit for as much as men as I saide afore doo by their fond imaginations take more vpon them than they ought too doo and on the other syde despize Gods giftes S. Paule magnifyeth heere the hope whereof he had made mention before saying VVhat the richesse of the glorye of his heritage are among the Saintes No doubt but that when there 〈◊〉 any speaking of God and of our Lorde Iesus Christ wee will say ●●ey be high thinges howbeit that is but too exempt our selues from ●●em if wee coulde scape soo as wee coulde bee contented to knowe ●ightnought of the things that concerne our saluation Wee bee vn●aciable when any body feedes vs with vanities and leazings but if God call vs too his schoole wee shrinke backe as muche as wee can ●ossibly yea and wee set this afore vs as a shielde that wee bee rude ●nd that wee haue but a smal and ouer grosse vnderstanding that the secretes of Gods word are too deepe and incomprehensible for vs We haue skyl inough too say so and yit is al but hypocrisie and feynednesse And for proofe therof men wyl alwayes iudge after their owne liking so as if any thing be propounded to them frō out of Gods word Is it so say they And howe is that possible They reason they scan of it Beholde it is God that speaketh and yit wyll not they without gainsaying receiue the thinges that are shewed them in the name of god Wee see then that they doo but lye in saying that they bee dull and grosse witted for they thinke the cleane contrarye The starkest idiots say I and the veryest doltes of them al will styl bee wizer than god Ageine on the other syde what causeth the Gospel too bee despized but that a number of per● and fantastical felowes thinke it too bee but a simple doctrine and that it hath not finenesse and suttletie ynough for them So much the more neede therefore haue wee too bethinke vs of the thing that is shewed vs heere by S. Paule which is that the glorious heritage wheruntoo God hath called vs is an infi●ite riches For besydes that wee bee nothing else but myre and rottennesse s●●● shetteth vs out from all
would haue kept himself from dooing so vnlawfull and vtterly vnexcusable a deede And therfore let vs beware let vs I say beware that we suffer not our selues too bee blynded after that fashyon by Satan and so rocked aslepe as wee consider not what is told vs here namely that if wee haue receyued anie grace or gift at Gods hand wee must set more store by it and put it too such vse as God may bee glorifyed and his Church furthered by it or else wee shall haue a dreafull account too make for giuing cause so of offence too the weake And it had bin better that that filthie trash had bin consumed a hundred tymes with fyre than too haue bin so brought foorth in open place in the syght of all such as lye in wayt for vs a farre of For of a truthe wee knowe well ynough that there are manie which watch vs and seeke nothing but too spye some cause too speake euill of vs not only too mocke vs for our labour for wee bee woorthie of that but too blaspheme Gods name Therfore if a man haue ouershot himself once it is good that he should bee warned of it that he may take better heede hereafter and that wee knowing that God hath bound vs so deeply vntoo him by exalting vs and by dooing vs more honour than we deserue in voutsafing too haue vs too bee his people and too make vs glorie of the hauing of the pure doctrine of his Gospell we may profit our selues the better by it and bee afrayd least if wee chaunge after that sort and become so rechelesse as too fall too taking of leaue too doo what wee list God shewe vs that he is able too take away the things that hee hath giuen vs and too dispossesse vs of them when he listeth Now Saint Paule addeth heere the maner how God is so liberall vntoo vs in Iesus Christ and yit notwithstanding dealeth the gifts of his holie spirit too eche man by certayne meazure not to euery man alyke but as he him self thinketh good He sayeth that this was done by our Lord lesus Christs ascending vp intoo Heauen For then did hee obteyne souerein dominion and the father gaue him a name which is aboue all names that all knees should how before him as it is sayd in another place In deede our Lord Iesus Christ receyued al fulnesse of grace at his comming intoo the world accordingly as S. Iohn sayeth in his first Chapter that al of vs receiue of him to the end wee may haue our fill of the good things wherof wee were hungrie and emptie before That was the cause then why the spirit was giuen him without measure as it is sayd in the same text And the faythfull bycause they be members of the Church haue receyued therof and God hath giuen too euery man his portion and according too the mesure of his only sonne But as for him God hath not giuen him his spirit by measure And why For hee is the head and euerye man must take his lyuelines from thence and he therwithal haue all power ouer vs Wherfore let vs bee contented that euery of vs hath his portion that wee may walk in feare before God and therwithall let vs vnderstand that the perfectnesse is in Iesus Christ bycause Gods spirit resteth in him and bothe greate and smal must bee fayne too repayre too him with acknowledgment of their pouertie too obteyne there the things that they want and not be ashamed to receyue Christs Almesse as they that are destitute of all good things Furthermore although our Lord Iesus Christ shewed himself too bee the only sonne of God whyle he was conuersant in this world proued the same by his wonders miracles and gifts Yit notwithstanding whē he ascended intoo heauen he shewed himself too bee the verye partie in deede which had commission of God his father too deale vntoo vs all things that we haue neede of And that is the cause why it is sayd in the seuenth of Saint Iohn that the holie Ghoste was not yit giuen bycause Iesus Christ was not yit glorified It is very certeyn that our Lord wrought euen then by the power of his holie spirit For when Saint Peter confessed him too bee the sonne of the liuing God it was answered him Flesh and blud hath not reueled this thing vntoo thee but my heauenly father Too bee short wee knowe well that there is nothing but euill in vs and that the good which God giueth vs is by his holie spirit and that all things are committed too our Lord Iesus Christ and that it belongeth too him too deale foorth his doctrine vnto vs according as it is told vs that it is his office and that the father hath giuen him speciall commission too deale his gifts vntoo vs And in deede it is a cause also why the Prophet Esay sayth that Gods spirit rested vppon him namely too shewe that if wee bee separated from him wee must needs perish as it were through drought and emptinesse But howsoeuer the cace stand wee must alwayes come backe too his poynt that the holie Ghost was then powred out vppon all the faythfull when our Lord Iesus Christ was exalted as it is sayd in the other text So then let vs mark that when our Lord Iesus Christ left the world and was receyued vp intoo his heauenly glorie it was too the end that wee should thenfforth inioy his goods so much the better And that is also the cause why he sayd too his disciples it is erpedient for you that I go away for if I taried still with you the holie Ghost should not come It is trew that our Lord Iesus Christ could well haue giuen them his spirit whyle he was conuersant with them after a visible fashyon as well as he did when he was gone out of the world But we must not dispute of this matter after our own fancie we must vnderstand that our Lord Iesus was humbled for a time yea and vtterly emptyed as wee shall see more at length agein hereafter but yit was he receyued intoo his heauenly glory too the intent he should haue souerein dominion and bee so exalted as all creatures myght stoope too him Thus yee see how our Lord Iesus Christes will was to absent himselfe from vs in his body too the intent wee myght the better feele his presence through his dwelling in vs by his holy spirit And that is the thing which S. Paule treateth of as now when he sayeth that for the same cause it is sayd that he vvent vp and gaue his gifts too men after he had led away his enemies prisoners Now this text which is alledged out of the threescore and eyght Psalme sheweth that God is verily exalted in the person of our Lord Iesus christ In deede in that song Dauid preacheth aud singeth the praise of God bycause that beyng stablished King of Israell and bearing the figure
assuring our selues that if Gods sonne had not come downe vntoo vs there had bin no meane for vs too haue come vntoo God his father For besyds that wee bee plundged heere in myre and haue nothings in vs but vtter frayltie it is certeyne that we beare as good as a hell about vs bycause the diuell is not without cause called the prince of this world So then seeing wee bee vnder the tyrannie of Satan and of sinne how could wee mount vpward if Iesus Christ drew vs not But first it behoued Christ too come downe hither And therby are wee taught to woorship our Lord Iesus Christ alwayes in the person which he hath taken of the mediatour and wheras the vnbeleuers and vnholie folk take occasion too despyze him bycause he was crucifyed let vs honour him still as he deserueth For wheras his greatnesse and maiestie were after a sort darkened for a tyme that was too giue the greater beautie too his mercy and louing kindnesse which selfsame woord S. Paule vseth when he purposeth too expresse well what earnestnesse of mynd and care God had too raunsome vs from the dungeons of death And so yee see in effect what we haue too consider vppon the Apostles woords where he sayth that Iesus Christ was so abaced And wheras he addeth that he went vp aboue all the heauens I haue told you alredye in one woord that it is all one as if he ment too exempt him from the aray of creatures knowing that as now hee is not subiect too any chaunge And for the same cause is it sayd in the sixt too the Romans that he suffered once in dying for our sinnes but yit for all that dyed not for euer bycause he is entred into the lyfe of God that is to say he is made parttaker of the immortall glorie so as wee haue iust cause to cast downe our eyes And bycause wee conceyue not this so hygh souereintie which was giuen him let vs honour it seing that euen the Angels of heauen do beare vs companie therin For it is not for nought sayd in the Psalm that all the Angels of God worshipped him when he shewed him self too the world which text the Apostle also applyeth to his person in the first chapter too the Hebrews Herewithall let vs mark that although Iesus Christ be not shet vp in anie place certayne yit he ceasseth not too keepe still the trew nature of his bodie For the Papists haue imagined that although he bee in heauen yit he is euerywhere else as well as there yea and therwithall they haue their speculations too shewe how it is no inconuenience at all that God should haue his beeing aboue and therewithall also bee beneathe ●eere with vs And theruppon they imagin themselues too haue the bodie of Iesus Christ in Almbrye by reason whereof they beare it abrode in the streates and cause all men too woorship it and yit in the meane whyle men knowe it is but a morsell of bread Yis say they it is god But that is an vtter ad●ichilating of the trwe nature of our Lord Iesus christ In defence therof they alledge that if it had the propertie of a bodie it must needs bee in one place certeine But aboue the heaueus there is no place too speake after the maner of the philo●ophers it is sayd that Iesus Christ is there ergo say they his bodie hath not the properties of a bodie Yis and wee knowe that the Angels haue no bodies and yit are they not euerywhere for they be faine to go whether soeuer God appointeth them Now seeing that the Angels are not tyed too any place notwithstanding that their essence is not infinite but comprehended within a certeine measure though they haue no proportion of members why should not Iesus Christ bee aboue all the elements of this world yea and aboue all the heauens and yit not ceasse too bee very man Not that he can dye anie more or bee subiect too anie of our passions and infirmities as hee was heertoofore when he listed too bee conuersant in the world for as now he is quyte rid of all those things but that howsoeuer the cace stand he holdeth stil his trewe nature of man And although he bee aboue the heauens yit let vs assure our selues that that distance hindereth not his prese●tnesse with vs and in vs As how Wee must mark what hath bin touched afore It is sayd that he filleth all things yea but that is with the power of his spirit Yee see then that the filling wherof Saint Paule speaketh is that wee should haue our fill of the benefyts of our Lord Iesus Christ and that when wee bee graffed intoo his bodie and made one with him by beleef of the Gospell then may we assure our selues that he is the fountayne which neuer dryeth nor can neuer bee emptyed with drawing and that in him wee haue all varietie of good thinges and all perfection Now then if Saint Paule had ment as the papists haue forged and as is maynteyned now adayes of manie ignorant and wilfull persons namely that Iesus Christ filleth all things with his humane nature surely hee would not haue forgotten it but he letteth it alone as an absurditie Wherfore let vs mark well the the twoo sayings that are set downe heere that is too wit on the one syde that Iesus Christ is gone vp aboue all the heauens and yit notwithstanding that he ceasseth not too fyll all things It is sayd that he is gone vp aboue the heauens euen to the end that we should not be tyed too this world and too our fleshly fancies when we intend too resort too Iesus Christ but that wee should lift vp our mynds on hygh and seeke him there by fayth Insomuch that when the holie scripture sayeth that God is in heauen it intendeth not too assigne him some peculiar place The respect is farre differing and altoogither vnlyke betweene God in his spirituall essence and Iesus Christ in respect of the bodie and humane nature which he tooke of vs For when we speake of God we must alwayes lay this ground that he hath an infinite essence which filleth al things so that heauen is as his royal throne the earth is his footestoole Not that he hath any feete nor any seate to sit on but it serues to shewe that there is no distance so farre or wyde that can conteyne the maiestie of God which is infinite as I sayd That is a thing which wee must beare in mynd when God is spoken of vntoo vs And why then is it sayd that God is aboue al the heauens and why dooth Saint Paul speake after the same maner here of Iesus Christ It is bycause that wee bee dull and earthly that if God should not tell vs that he hath his temple palace in heauen we would tye him too euery pyller to euery stone too euery waterspring too euery tree too bee short too
Then dooth it follow that Christ intendeth too distribute his giftes by certeine measure And theruppon wee haue too conclude that he which presumeth of himself and surmizeth that he hath all that is requisite dooth foully deceyue himself twoo wayes For there is not that man which hath receyued such perfection but that he hath neede too profit still with his brethren That is one poynt Agein he that is the excellentest of all others is most bound too doo good with the things that God hath cōmitted to his charge or to his trust as a pa●●n On the contrary part the meaner and the ignorant sort must not enuye them that go before them in lerning and wisdome bycause it is Iesus Christes will too haue it so and so must it bee seeing he will haue his Church gouerned by the meanes of men Now then wee see wherat the Prophet amed namely that wee should so suffer our selues too bee filled with the spirituall giftes that belong too our saluation as none of vs refuze too bee taught by the meanes of men Let vs not belyke these fantasticall persons who would haue God too send them some reuelation from heauen and that they myght haue no neede of preaching or reading Let vs not bee caryed away with such foolish ouerweening but let all of vs both great and small submit our selues soberly too the order that our Lord Iesus Christ hath set which is that such as haue greate skill and are well seene in thee holy scriptures and haue the gift of teaching should streyne themselues too serue the whole Church as they bee bound too doo for too that end hath God aduaunced them aboue others And that the meaner sort and the ignorant bee not enuious for that they see not them selues too haue lyke portion but consider that it is ynough for them that God forgat them not but that the dealing of his gracious giftes after that maner was too their profit and saluation It was Gods will that all things should bee made common and that euery member of the bodie should haue his part of them at leastwyse so the order bee alwayes kept Now S. Paule in saying that our Lord Iesus Christ gaue Apostles and Prophets and Euangelistes and Shepherds and Teachers dooth vs to vnderstand that the preaching of the Gospell and the meeting of men toogither too heare the holy Scripture expounded is not a thing inuented by men but that God hath so ordeyned it and our Lord Iesus hath set it downe for a lawe and wee must keepe it without breaking of it For in good sooth were it not set downe by the souereine authoritie of the sonne of God men are so hygh mynded that many of them would shake of that yoke What haue I too doo would euery man say too bee taught by my fellowe Seeyng wee haue the holy Scripture among vs ought wee not too fetch thence whatsoeuer is meete for vs too know Why then should any one man bee preferred before the rest of the company Thus would there bee an horrible disorder in the Churche so as no man would submit himselfe too bee taught No man would bee a learner too haue a mayster or teacher ouer him vnlesse wee were fully perswaded and resolued that that order was not of mans deuyce but that it is a gouernment set downe for all the faythfull by the sonne of God who will haue them heard which haue the charge of teaching as men sent by him telling men that they despyze him and do him wrong and rebel ageinst him and his father if they receyue not his doctrine with all humblenesse and that whosoeuer will bee taken for a Christian must also bee a chyld of the Church And so yee see in effect what wee haue too remember when S. Paul imputeth the hauing of Prophets Teachers 〈◊〉 vntoo the person of Iesus Christ. Furthermore too the intent wee should bee the more gentle and tractable and make no sticking too receyue the doctrine that hath bin preched vntoo vs and to bee alwayes lerners in the scoole of our Lord Iesus Christ Saint Paule telleth vs also that when wee haue good and faythfullteachers and others that labour too shewe vs the way of saluation it is a signe that our Lord Ie●●s Christ hath not left vs nor forgotten vs but that he is present with vs ▪ 〈◊〉 watcheth for our saluation and welfare Therfore let vs not 〈…〉 men can put them selues foorth of their owne head for 〈…〉 too speake one woorde too the glorie of Iesus Christe except it 〈◊〉 gyuen hym from aboue and that the holie Ghoste gouerne his tung ▪ And in very deede it is for the same cause that it is sayd that the holie 〈◊〉 is a wisdome which passeth all wit of man and that the 〈◊〉 man vnderstandeth no whit of it but that God must bee fayne too reuele the things too vs which else are too hygh and hidden from vs Now then when wee see the holie scripture truely expounded and applyed ryghtly too our vse let vs assure our selues that Gods spirit giueth vs record that he abydeth among vs Wherfore let vs lerne to receyue so excellent a gift assuring our selues that it is the homage which our Lord Iesus demaundeth at our hands And that is a cause also why the Gospell is called the kingdome of heauen For wee beewray ryght well that wee take not God for our king nor are willing too honour our Lord Iesus Christ whē he is sent vnto vs if we suffer not our selues too bee gouerned by the meanes that he commaundeth and alloweth which is the preaching of the Gospell wheruntoo wee must yeeld such obedience as too receyue the doctrine of it without geynsaying so that he which hath the charge of teaching acquit him self faythfully and the residew bee not so hygh mynded as to say tush I may forbeare it well ynongh but receyue the things willingly which are spoken too them and suffer themselues too bee taught for feare least they should resist the sonne of God that wee may continew in them all the tyme of our lyfe as shall bee declared more at length agein anon Now besydes this Saint Paule by the diuersitie of the offices which he setteth downe expresseth yit better how greatly forecasting our Lord Iesus Christ hath shewed himself for the saluation of those that are his in that he hath left nothing behynd which was requisite conuenient too bring them too the heritage of saluation ▪ Wee must note here concerning these offices which S. Paul reherceth that some of thē serued but for a tyme as the office of Apostleship For they were not chozen of purpose too continew too the worlds end ●ut only too publish abrode the doctrine of the Gospell vntill it was receyued through the whole world I meane in all kingdomes and Countries though euery man shewed not himself obedient vntoo it Then was there that speciall reason why our Lord Iesus
seede wee bee accursed It is trew that Adam was created after the image of God but yit was that image defaced by sin so as wee bee not worthie too bee counted among Gods woorkes And the same horrible condemnation is pronounced wyth his owne mouth where he sayeth that it repenteth him that hee had made man as though he disclaymed vs all bycause wee doo but infect the earth and are not so woorthy too bee mustered in the aray of hys creatures as are the woormes lyce fleas dogflyes and all other vermin of the world That then is the benefyte which wee haue by Adam and as oft as it is sayd that wee be of his seede and of his fleshe it serueth too shew vs that there is nothing in vs but a gulf of cursednesse Now hereuppon if wee come too our Lord Iesus Christ wee bee restored agein and as the Scripture speaketh of it wee bee made new creatures in him Yee see then that it is by power of the spirit and not by order of nature nor by any common fashyon that wee bee of the bone and of the fleshe of our Lord Iesus Christ and the cause why wee bee members of his body is that God his father hath ordeyned and stablished him as our head Howbeeit as I sayd afore that is doone by a secret power which wee comprehend not but by fayth Then do both these things agree very well namely that Iesus Christ is of our bone and of our fleshe in respect that he hath taken our humane nature vpon him and clothed himself with it without the which wee should haue no alyance with him For if wee cannot atteyne too the Angels how shall wee atteyne too him that is the souerein head of them But wheras he is come in such wyze vntoo vs that he hath voutsafed to bee knit in the bond of brotherhood with vs that is doone specially when he woorketh so by the power of his holy spirit that he is our head and wee are gathered toogither in him and haue a heauenly state and wheras afore wee had nothing but of the earh and consequently had nothing in vs but corruption now wee bee lifted vp on hygh and are made the children of God by the grace that is spoken of heere wheras erst wee were heires of his wrath which wee hold from our father Adam when wee followe his nature bycause wee are all lost and peruerted in him Thus yee see in effect how the twoo things are too bee agreed wherin there seemed too bee some diuersitie And in deede if wee haue not that what would become of vs How miserable would our state bee I haue shewed alredye that if any man looke well what is in himselfe he shall fynd nothing there but matter too separate him from god Now then vntyll wee bee of the substance of our Lord Iesus Christ God must needes hate vs and abhorre vs and not knowe vs too bee of the number and company of his creatures Now remayneth too see how it commeth to passe that wee bee of the bones of Iesus Christ and of his flesh For he is in heauen and wee are heere beneath on earth Agein when wee bee begotten euery of vs is begotten after the order of nature he hath his father and his mother too come of and they bee of the same race that he is How then are wee of the bones of Iesus Christ It is not in respect of substance for if wee looke vppon our owne flesh nother the skin nor the bones nor the gristles that wee haue doo come of the body of our Lord Iesus Christ but it is in respect that the cursednesse which wee bring from our moothers womb and is spred ouer all Adams linage is taken away by the power of our Lord Iesus Christ and that therwithall he hath so sheaded foorth the grace of his holy spirit vppon vs that wee bee inlyghtened by it Therfore it is as a qualitie as men terme it not a substance Euery mā shal descend of such linage and God letteth the common order runne on styll which he appoynted at the beginning namely that men beget one another from issew too issew but in the meane whyle Iesus Christ renueth those whom God his father hath chozen and such as are the members of his owne body and riddeth them of the corruption which they had taken from Adam And afterward he giueth them such a power as euery of them feeleth by fayth that he is vnder the head that is set ouer vs and that wee bee gathered all toogither in him and his lyfe is giuen vntoo vs too the intent wee should no more liue too our selues nor too the world but rather 〈◊〉 he should liue in vs as Saint Paule sayeth of him Yee see then that Iesus Christ needeth not too come downe from heauen too make vs members of his body nor too diminish his owne flesh too make vs too growe out of him and too bee shaped of him For all is doone by the woonderfull power of his holy spirit Wee drawe no● any thing from the flesh nor from the body wherwith he once clothed himselfe for that is in heauen too the intent that wee should bee fashyoned lyke vntoo the glory that is now in him But yit for all that he woorketh in such wyse as wee haue all our strength continually of him And lyke as trees drawe both their flowers their leaues and their fruites from their roote and lyke as the body of man feeleth his strength too flowe downe from the head so do wee feele the vertew and force of the coniunction that is betweene vs and our Lord Iesus Christ and yit he continueth still in his full state al the whyle Nother doth that hinder vs too inioy the inestimable benefite that S. Paule magnifyeth so much in this text And therwithal let vs beare this poynt in mynd that it is much when wee bee inwardly stird vp to doo euery man his duetie for thereby wee tast the grace of God which concerneth the saluation of our soules The matter that is in hand heere is that men should liue freendly and agreeingly with their wyues And when a husband considereth the things that are spoken heere he ought too bee prouoked not only too discharge him selfe of the bond wherein he is bound too God and his wyfe but also too thinke thus with him selfe This is such a state that although it bee corruptible and serue but for this transitorie lyfe yit hath God set it afore vs as a lyuely image wherein I see that Iesus Christ is my head and that I belong too him and that not onely I am his but also he is myne so as his lyfe belongs too mee and too bee short I am as if I were a member of his body Seeing then that men in dooing their duetie towards their wyues and wyues also in obeying their husbandes may behold how they bee ioyned vntoo Christ and that they doo the things
he sheweth that we bee neuerthelesse sure of it for all that and that nothing but our owne vnthankfulnesse letteth vs too glory fu●ly in God and too say with full mouth that wee doubt not of our comming too the heauenly lyfe forasmuch as wee haue an earnest penny therof by the holy Ghoste and are so knyt too our Lord Iesus Christ that all the goodes which he hath doo belong vntoo vs and are made common to vs by fayth Therfore let vs mark well what is conteyned in these words of S. Paules He sayeth that the holy ghost is our earnest penny Seing it is so wee must needs be sure of our redemption wherof we shall haue the possession at the last day yea euen to the full that doth the thing of it s●lf shew sufficiently For we be but sillie wormes of the earth wee bee compassed aboute with rottennesse and corruption wee bee beset with so many miseries as is pitie to see the world rayleth vpon vs and mocketh vs and our simplicitie we bee fayne too indure hunger and thirst it seemeth often tymes that God hath forsaken vs and after a sort cut vs of yea and that he vou●safeth not too pitie vs as the most despyzed creatures of the worlde Lo at what poynt wee bee too outward appeerance And therefore it standeth vs on hand too haue a remedie too warrant our selues withall in the middes of so many perplexities and hartgriefes That is the cause why S. Paule sayeth purposely that the holy Ghost is our earnest penny Although then that the world haue the brydle looce to trample vs vnder his feete as they say although our Lord keepe vs occupyed with many temptations although he humble vs in such wyse as it may seeme that wee bee as sheepe appoynted too the slaughter so as death bee continually betweene our teeth yit are wee not vnpurueyed of good remedie For why Seyng that the holy Ghost reygneth in our hartes wee haue whereof too boast euen in the middes of all our temptations according as it is sayd in the viii too the Romanes that being once assured that God taketh vs for his children wee may not only call vppon him but also although wee bee afflicted and tormented yit wee ceasse not too bee alwayes fully and infallibly resolued that he is our father too leade vs too the glory of heauen for euen that also is 〈◊〉 meane whereby our hope is tryed Furthermore wee bee warned also too walk in pacience and that seing God hath giuen vs his holie spirit for an earnest pennye wee must not bee so hastie and impaciente as wee haue bin woont too bee For if God handle vs roughly by and by wee fall too grudging and are very loth too suffer any thing for wee see how tender and nyce we bee of nature But wee must indure paciently bycause God will not haue vs too come too his kingdome at one leape as they say but will haue vs too passe by this world through the midds of thornes and breers so as wee shall haue much a doo to get through and wee shal bee in greate distresse Seing that he will haue vs led such a way and yit notwitstanding giueth vs so good a remedie as ought to suffyze vs which is that he strengtheneth vs in inuincible constancie by his holie spirit let vs stand in a redinesse too fyght till the tyme of victorie bee fully come It is trew that our fayth doth euen now alredy get the vpper hand but wee receyue not yit the fruite● of it nother doo wee fully inioy it Therfore wee must determine with our selues too sygh and grone continually and yit therwithall too reioyce also For why too reioyce in our hartes and also too cry with S. Paule alas wretched wyght that I am who shal deliuer me from this prison of my bodie are things that may match verye well toogither Therfore let euery of vs moorne yea and bee greeued at the hart for that wee bee still so much giuen too our wicked lusts and too the number of vices that are in vs And yit notwithstanding let vs ceasse also ●oo say that wee thank God and too bee contented with his giuing of such portion v●to vs as ought too suffyze vs and too tary his leyzure till he accomplish and performe the thing that he hath begunne seing wee haue his holie spirit so dwelling in vs with a promis that wee shall neuer bee destitute of him vntoo the end Thus yee see how wee bee heere incoraged too take hart of grace and too walk in such constancie as all the miseries of the world may not stop vs of 〈◊〉 till wee bee ●●me to our races end And that is the cause why S. Paule speaketh purposely of redemption It is trew that wee bee redeemed by our Lord Iesus Christ and he is giuen vs for our redemption or raunsome as is sayd in another text yit notwithstanding wee haue not the effect and full fruition of it as yit Then is there a dubble redemption one which was accomplished in the person of our Lorde Iesus Christ and anoother which wee wayte for and which shal bee shewed vppon vs at his comming ageine According wheruntoo S. Paule sayth in the viii too the Romanes that although wee grone and bee hild downe in anguish yit wee must not bee dismayed at it nor think it straunge bycause all creatures sayth he doo beare vs companie yea and bee as a woman that trauelleth of child For wee see that all the world is subiect too corruption through the sin of Adam Seing then it is so let vs not quayle in our gronings but let vs so measure our affections as too hold vs contented in that we haue our redemption purchaced in the person of our Lord Iesus Christ and thereuppon trust that he will accomplishe the same thing in vs and in our persons which he hath brought vs in his owne The thing therefore that S. Paule ment too say is that Gods spirit is our earnest penny duryng the tyme that wee wayte too be taken out of this transitorie lyfe and too bee set free from all miseries specially from the bondage of sinne which is the heauyest burthen that can bee Untill such tyme then as wee bee deliuered from all those thinges wee must rest vppon this that Gods spirit dwelleth in vs. And as touching the redemption of purchace it may well bee taken for purchaced redemption for it is a very ryfe maner of speech lyke as when it is sayd the spirit of promis it is ment the spirit that assureth or warranteth al the promises The spirit of the feare of God bycause it is he that maketh vs obedient too his rightuousnesse So lykewise when he speaketh of the Redemption of purchace it may well bee sayd that it is the redemption which was purchaced for vs too shewe that if wee feele the effect of it in our selues so as wee be out of all doubt of the things
And for as much as wee doo not yit perceyue such fulnesse of Gods grace as were to be wished therfore S. Paule sendeth vs to the person of our Lord Iesus Christ. And surely if he had not added that God hath vttered his power in his only sonne after such maner as we haue herd it what a thing were it For we myght alledge in way of reply howso where are these riches of God For we be not only bereft of the goods of this world but also we be as a dry barrein grōud in respect of the grace of Gods holy spirit If there bee any portion of it in vs it is so smal as wee ought too bee ashamed of it and yit for all this wee bee moreouer plundged in our infirmities If yee speake of Gods power it ought too get the vpper hand of all sinne in vs But wee bee so weake that wee bee as good as beaten downe Agein it were meete that Gods image should shyne foorth in vs and wee beare such store of fylthinesse and such blemishes about vs as is pitie too see Wee should bee wholly consecrated too God but the worlde holdes vs backe and wee bee as it were snarled in it Loe how the faythfull myght bee abasshed when any talke were ministered concerning Gods grace if they stayed there and were not led foorth too Iesus Christ. Not without cause therfore doth S. Paule adde here that God did then vtter the excellencie of his power when he rayzed our Lord Iesus Christ from death And he speaketh purposely of his resurrection bycause that in his death wee see nothing but astonishment For there appeered nothing but weaknesse but by his vanquishing of death he shewed himself too bee the sonne of God yea and the Lord of glorie and lyfe who ●ad all power in himself And that also is the cause why S. Paule sayth that God did set him at his ryght hand For it had not bin ynough for Iesus Christ to haue bin rayzed agein except he had a continuall and abyding dominion Trew it is that euen in his only resurrection wee haue a record that he is the sonne of God but yit for all that wee must passe one step further namely that he had not a blast of power and away but that by his ryzing agein he atteined such superioritie that all the world is gouerned by him and he is now set downe at the right hand of God his father to maynteyne and preserue his seruantes that call vppon him and put them selues intoo his keeping and hath sufficient power to ouercome Satan and al the world and all our enemyes Now then wee see S. Paules meaning that forasmuch as wee myght bee cast downe and our fayth at least wyse sore shaken if wee should looke no further than too our selues therefore he setteth Iesus Christ before vs as the trew patterne wherin wee may see the thing that as yit is vnseene in our selues that is too wit Gods inestimable power which surmounteth the whole world For first he is rayzed from death and secondly he is set at the ryght hand of his father Now the speaking of Gods ryght hand is a resemblance taken of men It is certeyne that God hath nother ryght hande nor lefte for he is infinite and fylleth both heauen and earth and agein he hath no body but is a spirituall beyng Therefore wee must not imagin any place certeine when Gods ryght hande is spoken of And wehn as it is sayd that Iesus Christ sitteth there it is too shewe that he filleth all the world with his power Trew it is that as in respect of his manhood he is in heauen and it is one of the Articles of our fayth that he is ascended into heauen But yit notwithstanding although he bee absent from vs in his body and that there is a great distaunce betwixt vs it is no let but that he filleth all things with his holy spirit and dwelleth in vs himselfe and that wee bee nourished by his owne substaunce according to this saying that his flesh is our meate his blud our drinke Yee see then how that Gods right hand is not some certeyn place for Christ to sit in but the souereinty which he hath obteyned too gouerne the whole world And as I sayd afore it is a similitude borowed of men as when a prince maketh his vicegerent he setteth him at his right side as who should say Loe here the second person of my Realme whom I will haue men too obey God then in the person of our Lord Iesus Christ ment too shewe that he is our father Trew it is that the whole fulnesse of the Godhead is in Iesus Christ. Howbeit forasmuch as wee bee heauie and sothfull and vnable too atteyne too the maiestie of God therefore it is sayde that Iesus Christ hath obteyned all souereintie so as wee bee sure that he hath vs in his protection that being vnder his hand wee be safe and all the diuels of hell doo what they can cannot preuayle at al ageinst vs For who is it that hath al power It is euē our head Although thē that we which are his members be weak yit is there strength ynough in the head which is the chiefe part of the body And so ye see for what cause it is sayd that Iesus Christ is set at the right hand of God his father namely too shewe vs that wee neede not too seeke farre for his help seeing he gouerneth all things both aboue and beneath and wee ●ee committed too his charge here He sayeth that God hath vttered his high and infinite power in vs Howebeeit forasmuch as that suffizeth not by reason of the infirmities which wee feele for that there is so much amisse in vs still and wee bee not yit come too the full measure no nor too the hundreth part of it therefore too the intent we may bee the better assured of all the things that wee want wee must consider them in Iesus Christ Are wee then subiect yit still vntoo death Behold Iesus Christ is receyued vp intoo euerlasting life for the very cause why he became a mortall man as wee bee was that the life which he hath might belong vnto vs Doth sinne dwell still in vs Behold Iesus Christ hath no spot nor blemish in him Are wee weake He is the power of God his father and looke whatsoeuer he receyued in his manhod which he tooke of vs was for our sakes and too our behoofe Too bee short looke whatsoeuer wee want and whatsoeuer may comfort or quicken vs we shall fynd it in our Lord Iesus Christ bycause wee should not bee in care and perplexitie as though we were excluded from the benefites that S. Paule hath made mention of heretoofore Finally wee should neuer haue any settled trust except wee knew that the things which are wanting in our selues are in our head For the measure of Gods gracious giftes is very fimall yea euen in the
Iesus Christ calleth vs too him and telleth vs that the things which he hath receyued of God his father are common too vs and that although wee inioy them not as yit too the full yit wee cannot bee disappoynted of them Too bee short I told you also that our Lord Iesus Christ is set at the ryght hand of God his father too the ende that wee myght bee sure that all things are vnder his hand that he rules the whole world and that all good things are of him and he is able too disappoynt all anoyances insomuch that if we be vnder his protection wee may defye the diuell and all our enemyes And now too the intent wee should lerne too content our selues the better with Iesus Christ alone and not wander heere and there as we be woont too doo S. Paule addeth expresly that he vvas set aboue all myghtinesse souereintie principalitie and povver No dout but that he meaneth the Angells howbeit he hath vsed this maner of speeche to hold vs the better too our Lord Iesus Christ that no fancy myght turne vs from him as if he should say although God haue imparted some portion of his glorie dignitie and power among the Angells yit dooth it no whit diminish that which he hath giuen too Iesus Christ and therefore wee shall fynd in him all things that are needfull so as wee neede not too gad heere and there for them nother is it lawfull too ioyne any companion with him bycause all preeminence and whatsoeuer else may bee thought or deuyzed too bee moste noble and excellent is there that is too say in our Lord Iesus Christ and he only is too bee sought vntoo as Paule himselfe sayeth also in the first too the Colossians For it is not now alate that the world hath sought occasion too turne away from our Lord Iesus Christ vnder colour of seeking too the Angells of heauen Wee see how Gods creatures are alwayes drawen too some superstition and men make Idolls of them bycause God executeth his souereintie by the Angells and they be as it were his handes his officers and his instrumentes That is the cause why men think them selues too haue doone much in betaking themselues too S. Michaell or too S. Gabriell or too I wote not whom else For as I sayd it is not a vyce newly deuyzed the diuell who is the father and author of lying hath intangled men at all tymes with such fancies yea and euen the Christians haue folowed the example of the heathen mens doings in that behalfe For the heathen men haue alwayes surmized the Angells too bee as halfe goddes and thought too haue them as their mediators wherby too come vntoo God bycause they were not woorthie of themselues And euen after the same maner talk the Papistes at this day Now the selfsame abhominations began too be buylded vppon the earth euen in S. Paules tyme And for that cause he sheweth that it is not lawfull too match any thing with Iesus Christ but that although the Angells ●ee magnifyed and bee called vertewes powers Lordshippes and dominations and men giue them what other tytles they li●t yit must they stoope and bee inferiour too the head and the cheefe dignitie must bee reserued too Gods sonne bycause that all knees must bow before him not only of worldly creatures but also of heauenly Wee see then that the cause of S. Paules packing toogither of so manie woordes in this place too expresse the Angells withall is that wee should the better bee hilde too our Lord Iesus Christ and rest wholly vppon him without wandering one way or other vnder pretence that the Angells haue excellent and noble giftes And so wee see and may gather vpon this streyne that all the dotage of the popedomme in imagining of Patrons Aduocates and mediators vntoo God sprang vp euery whit of it of none other cause than for want of knowing of our Lord Iesus Christ and of the things giuen vntoo him by God his father For wee haue no mynd too repoze our selues vppon him except wee know too what ende he is come But the Papistes haue on the one syde imagined themselues too bee separated from our Lord Iesus Christ not knowing that he is become our brother too the end wee should repayre familiarly vntoo him and on the other syde they haue robbed him of his office which is allotted him in the holy scripture and made but a dead thing of it So much the more therefore behoueth it vs too marke wel these sayings that we be made al one gathered togither into one body with the Angells of heauen and with the holy fathers that lyued vnder the Lawe and that wee and all the Prophetes Apostles and Martirs must with one common accord glorify our commō head Iesus Christ and resort vntoo him and that he must bee set vp on hye for euery man too looke at and that wee must not wilfully put blyndfoldings before our eyes but take away all impediment that his glorye be not in any wyse dimmed The very meane then to ouercome all lets that Satan shall cast in our way too stop vs from comming too Iesus Christ is too consider that there is no dignitie or worthinesse in the whole world neyther aboue nor beneath which is not made too stope too the end wee should all of vs bee ioyned vntoo him with one accord Thus you see in effect what wee haue too gather vpon this text Trew it is that by those wordes wee be doone too vndestrand also that God distributeth offices among his Angels as pleaseth him so as one hath a greater charge than another Yit notwithstanding it is not in our power too knowe how the case standeth with them Let vs bee contented too knowe it according too the measure of our fayth and onely giue eare too Gods woord and in all sobernesse learne of him without giuing brydle too our owne fond curiositie as a number doo whom wee see disputing finely of the Angels as though euery of them would bee marshal of Gods house too place euery of the Angels according too his degree For there is not a more diuilish malapertnesse than too babble in that sort of Gods secrets further than God hath made vs priuie too them by his woord Therefore let vs hold our selues contented that the Angels how noble so euer they bee are ordeyned too be the ministers of our welfare by meanes of Iesus christ And whensoeuer wee intend too haue the familiaritie or acquintance and helpe of them Let vs not doo as the Papists doo which haue their peculiar prayers too make vnto them but let vs repayre too Iesus Christ for by that meanes shal all things become common betweene them and vs When hauing spoken of the Churche wee say I beleeue the communion of Saincts it is certeyne that the Angels are comprehended therin seeing that God imployeth them too doo vs seruice And why doth he so It is not for
was rent asunder and that in such wyse that wee may now enter familiarly intoo the Sanctuarie of God not of such a materiall Temple as was then but euen of heauen so as wee may preace intoo the presence of our God and resort vntoo him for refuge as if a child should cast himself into the lap of his father or mother for it is certain that God surmounteth all the fathers and mothers of the world in all kyndnesse and fauour Seeyng then that wee know that what cou●t wee more Woulde wee haue some better or excellenter thing than God Then must wee go seeke it in the bottom of hell For when wee haue made our vagaries as much as wee list wee shall alwayes fynde that there is nothing in any of all the creatures eyther aboue or beneath that is woorth a strawe in comparision of God as sayeth the Prophet Esay So then seeyng that God hath giuen himselfe vnto vs in the person of our Lord Iesus Christ and that the whole fulnesse of the Godhead dwelleth in that great Sanctuary which was figured by the visible Sanctuarie of the Lawe ought wee not too bee fully satisfyed when wee haue that and too rest our selues wholy thereuppon And although our wittes our affections bee fickle yit ought they too bee hild in awe as prisoners so as we may say Let vs cleaue let vs cleaue too our God according too this saying of Dauid behold all my felicitie and all my ioy is too be ioyned too my god Likewise he sayeth in another place he is the welspring of lyfe and lyght Agein wee haue s●ng this morning he is my portion I cannot haue a better lotte I must needes take all my delight in him Thus yee see what w● haue too remember in the first place Secondly let vs mark well the degrees that Saint Paule setteth downe here wherof the first is that we must haue fayth For although Iesus Christ haue opened the way and passage by his blud too make vs enterance vntoo God his father yit is not the gap opened for all men for the vnbeleuers cannot inioy that benefite whereof he is the kye Trew it is that the doore is neere hand and the opening therof is easye when we haue the kye that is to say if wee receyue the Gospell in trew obedience of fayth And soo yee se why Saint Paule telleth vs that it is not ynough for vs that Iesus Christ hath layd foorth the tresures of the infinite goodnesse mercie of God his father but that it standeth vs on hand on our syde to receyue the same by fayth Not that wee dan doo it of our owne power nor yit that wee can come vntoo Iesus Christ or bee partakers of the benefits which he offereth vs by the Gospel except wee haue fayth in him And from beleef we must procede too trust that is too say wee must bee fully perswaded that God will alwayes receyue vs and that wee shall fynd fauour at his hand and that although wee bee wretched sinners and vnwoorthie too liue vppon the earth yit neuerthelesse wee shall fynd him still fauorable too vs when wee come too heauen Lo how fayth is linked with trust And therof springeth this stoutnesse of mynd or boldnesse which is as it were the hyghest step soo that although wee must needs bee as it were dis●●ayed when wee consider what we bee of our selues yit we ceasse not to offer our selues vnto God with our heads vpryght And why so Bycause he looketh vppon vs in the person of his only sonne And therfore it is sayd that he is his welbeloued howbeeit not for himselfe onely ●ut also for our sakes that are members of his bodie Ye see then how we haue too gather vppon this text that by receyuing the doctrine of the Gospell with trew obedience of faith wee possesse our Lord Iesus Christ and by his meanes shal bee led vntoo God his father too come too the perfection of lyfe lyght and all goodnesse And by the way wee bee warned too go foreward in fayth till wee be throughly perswaded that in fyghting ageinst all the temptations that can assayle vs we shall get the vpper hand by the meanes of fayth and finally that wee may brag specially as S. Paule dooth in the eyght too the Romanes both ageinst lyfe and ageinst death and ageinst all powers both aboue beneath despyze all distresses knowing full well that nothing is able too disappoynt vs of the loue that Iesus Christ hath shewed vs and which God his father also hath vttered towardes vs in his person And theruppon also dooth it come that our prayers must bee grounded vppon full certeintie For as sayeth S. Iames he that th●nketh too obteyne any thing by doubting deceyueth himselfe Therefore wee must assure our selues by the promises of the Gospell that God is readye too receiue vs too mercy whensoeuer wee come vntoo him And thereby wee perceyue that S. Paule sayd not for naught that if wee haue fayth wee must not seeke any thing more than Iesus Christ but he must bee all our treasure bycause that in him wee haue all things that are requisite too our ioy and contentation Now let vs fall downe before the maiestie of our good God with acknowledgment of our sinnes praying him to make vs so too feele them as wee may myslyke them more and more and yit notwithstanding not ceasse too bee glad in that he hath shewed him self so pitifull towardes vs in the person of his only sonne that he hath voutsafed too drawe vs out of the gulfe of hell too giue vs enterance intoo his kingdome and also too graunt vs the grace too come theruntoo with trew fayth and too withdrawe our selues from all worldly intycementes which serue too turne vs away from him so as wee may forsake all vaynglory for as much as we be voyde of all goodnesse in our selues seeke all our wantes in him which is the trew fountayne of all goodnesse that can neuer be drawen dry That it may please him too graunt this grace not only too vs but also too all people c. The .xix. Sermon which is the fourth vppon the third Chapter 13. VVherfore I beseech yee faynt not for my trubbles vvhich I endure for your sake which is your glory 14. For the vvhich thing I bovv my knees too the father of our Lord Iesus Christ 15. Of vvhom all kinred is named in heauen and in earth 15. That according too the riches of his glory he graunt you too bee strengthened vvith povver by his spirit in the invvarde man. IT is a woonderfull thing that men hauing so many meanes too come vntoo God labour too go from him as much as is possible and euery strawe makes them too turne head and yit notwithstanding think themselues too haue a very reasonable excuce if they can say I was letted by this and that which shal bee nothing at all
The father of our Lorde Iesus Christ of whom all kinred is named in heauen and in earth Now hereby hee sheweth vs first of all how familiarly wee may go vntoo God as hath bin touched alredye And the last sunday this text was declared sufficiently where he shewed vs how we may come vnto god But there he did set fayth in the first place Seeing then that wee haue assurance that the gate is opened for vs wee may bee bolde too go in vntoo god And this fayth ingendereth trust in our hartes and trust giueth boldnesse These are the three steppes that Saint Paule did set downe there And heere he sheweth vs how wee obteyne that priuiledge that is too wit bycause God hath not only his heauenly Maiestie too bee worshipped of vs for although wee ought too honour him in that respect yit would it so astonishe vs as too make vs shun his presence as much as wee possibly could but also addeth the tytle of father and sayeth that he taketh vs for his children by meanes whereof wee hee no more afrayde of him but may come fa●●l●arly too him whensoeuer occasion serueth forasmuch as he hath his armes open too receyue vs This is an article well woorthy too bee mynded For if wee cannot call vppon God what will become of vs in what plyght shall wee bee It is sayd that all our welfare lyeth in hauing our recourse vntoo god Now if wee thinke that God wil heare vs when wee pray doubtingly and debatingly wee beguile our selues as sayeth S. Iames. Therfore wee must n●t bee as reedes that are shaken with euery wynde or lyke the waues of the sea But wee must bee well and throughly assured that God which calleth vs too him will not disappoynt vs Wherfore when wee pray vnto God it must be with trust that wee shall not loze our labour But how may we come by that For behold God hath 〈◊〉 incōprehensible 〈◊〉 what a distance is there betweene him vs Though we could 〈◊〉 aboue the cloudes yit could wee not come nygh God by reason of the infinite hyghnesse that is in him for the heauens comprehend it not Then should wee bee as folke forlorne and vainshed away if Iesus Christ were not there as a meane to make vs way And that is it which S. Paule meaneth heere when he sayeth that he prayeth too the father of our Lord Iesus Christ too the end wee might 〈◊〉 that he is not farre from vs if wee hold the way that he sheweth vs that is too wit if wee make Iesus Christ our aduocate to beare word for vs and speake as it were by his mouth For he is entred intoo the Sanctuary of the heauens too present himselfe there on our behalf that it might he all one as if he bare vs vppon his shoulders and bo●h wee and our prayers bee accepted and allowed of God and wee bee sure that they vanish not away intoo the ayre but that God 〈◊〉 them as well as if he were hard by vs according to his promise made in the Psalme which is that he wil be neere at hand to all such as call vpon him in truth Had this bin well considered the wretched world had not troubled it self so much in seeking too Hee Saints and She Saints too bee their patrons and aduocats As for example when the wretched Papists say that they must haue the Uirgin Mary S. Michaell for their intercessors and other Saints whom they haue deuyzed of their owne brayne ho say they wee bee not woorthy too come in Gods presence It is very trew but his vnworthinesse of ours ought also to make vs too seeke the remedye which God hath appoynted for vs that is wit too repayre too our Lord Iesus Christ who is the way that leadeth vs too his father according too this saying of his I am the way the truthe and the lyfe and whatsouer yee ask of Go● my father in my name shal be graunted you There our Lord Iesus promiseth that whatsoeuer we ask of God his father in his name shal bee doone vnto vs and therby he warranteth this doctrine Therfore let vs mark at a woord that in asmuch as our Lord Iesus offereth and putteth foorth himself too bee the way too lead vs vnto God his father wee must not go raunging vp and downe but if wee will needs seeke any other way wee shall but stray and neuer bee at any certeinetie to come vntoo god Furthermore too the intent wee may bee contented with Iesus Christ alone let vs beare well in mynd how he sayeth that all our requests shal be heard if they bee grounded vppon his 〈◊〉 Yee see then that the thing which Saint Paule ment too shewe 〈◊〉 first place is that as oft as wee pray vntoo God wee must assure 〈◊〉 selues that although wee bee vnworthy too come vntoo him yit notwithstanding he ceasseth not too accept vs and our prayers are a sacrifyze of good and acceptable sent vntoo him when we acknowledge him too bee the father of our Lord Iesus Christ. But yit must 〈◊〉 also adde that which the Gospell sheweth vs that is too wit that 〈◊〉 bee members of his only sonnes bodie For had wee no allyance 〈◊〉 Iesus Christ we should gayne nothing by knowing him too bee the sonne of god But forasmuch as wee bee made one with him and he boutsafeth too communicate all his goods vntoo vs therfore wee may well call God our father And for that cause also did he saye 〈…〉 disciples I go my way too my God and your God too my father and your father Thus much concerning the first poynt And heerewithall wee must marke well also how S. Paule addeth for a larger declaration that all kinred both in heauen and earth is named of him In saying so first he sheweth that the Iewes ought to be ioyned vnto the Gentyles and that for asmuch as the Trumpet of the Gospell is blowen Gods grace must bee preached abrode euery where that men of all Countries and Nations may call vppon God And therby also it is shewed vs that although wee come of the heathen which were erst cut of from the kingdome of God yit wee bee now made his household folke and registred among the Citizens of heauen and God auoweth vs too bee so And so yee see that by the father of our Lord Iesus Christ an also bycause Iesus Christ is made our head and hath receyued vs for his body yee see I say that all kinred is named of him bycause God voutsafeth too take vs too him yea euen vs poore wretched creatures which are not woorthie too bee of the number of the woormes of the earth yit notwithstanding he not only voutsafeth too admit vs intoo the companie of the Iewes which were a holy linage the chozen people of God and his owne inheritaunce but also hath taken vs intoo the fellowship of the Angels of heauen For
Saint Paule is not contented heere with setting downe a kinred among men too shew that he meane●t of the faythfull is matched with Abraham Dauid Peter and Paule but he sheweth that he is matched euen with the Angels of heauen too And soothly we may well haue that digniti●● seeing that Iesus Christ himselfe voutsafeth too bee our brother and hath knit himself to vs in the bond of brotherhood Thus yee see how wee should bee guyded in praying vntoo God that wee may coine vntoo him in feare and reuerence considering his maiestie which is infinite and more●uer not too bee abashed at it ne too turne away but vnderstand that inasmuch as God hath voutsafed too take vs for his children and our Lord Iesus Christ is ordeyned our mediator too the intent wee 〈◊〉 come vntoo him ▪ wee may come with full trust before 〈◊〉 of grace and not sticke too cal God our father with open mouth ●●cause he hath shewed that he taketh vs for his children and wee haue Iesus Christ for our brother by adoption and wee neede not too doubt but that all the Angels of heauen acknowledge and auow vs for their brethren when wee come too God so ioyned too our Lord Iesus Christ lyke as on the contrarie part also if we swerue from that marke wee must needes bee cast of and the Angels must beecome our enemyes and aduersaries and set themselues ageinst all the prayers that wee can make Now let vs fall downe before the maiestie of our good God with acknowledgment of our faultes praying him too voutsafe too reforme our lyfe in such wyse as wee may shewe by our deedes that wee haue not lost our tyme in going too his schoole and indeuer and inforce our selues too please him in all things and that forasmuch as wee bee not able too serue him alwayes in perfection he will voutsafe too beare with our infirmities to beare them vp in the meane whyle so as wee may not ceasse too resort still vntoo him seeing the neede and necessitie wherwith wee bee pinched And so let vs all say Almyghtie God heauenly father c. The .xx. Sermon which is the fifth vppon the third Chapter 14. For the vvhich thing I bovv my knees too the father of our Lord Iesus Christ 15. Of vvhom all kinred is named in heauen and in earth 16. That according too the riches of his glory he graunt you too bee strengthened vvith povver by his spirit in the invvard● man. 17. And that Christ may dvvell in your hartes by fayth 18. And that yee may bee rooted and grounded in Loue too the intent yee may comprehend vvith all the Sainctes vvhat the wydenesse and the length and the deepth and the heyght 19. And knovve the louingnesse of Christ vvhich passeth all knovvledge that yee may be filled vvith all fulnesse of God. WEe haue seene this morning by what enterance wee must offer our prayers vntoo God if we intend too be heard at his hand and too haue full assurance that our prayers shal bee well lyked namely that Iesus Christ bee our guyde and aduocate and make intercessiō for vs so as we speake not but as it were by his mouth Now he hath set it downe for a rule in praying vnto God that wee must call him father And how dare men bee so bolde or presumptuous as to call God their father Surely wee can alledge no ryght wherby too clayme any such dignitie For not euen the Angels haue it but by meanes of our Lord Iesus Christ. Then is it vnpossible for vs too pray too God as he commaundeth vs and after the manner which he teacheth vs in his woord except Iesus Christ bee our aduocate For on whether syde are the Angels akyn too vs shall the Uirgin Mary be found to bee our greate Aunt or Graundmother What are the Apostles Too bee short wee must resort too our Lord Iesus Christ too haue his spirituall kinred wherby God avoweth vs for his adopted children And when wee once haue that wee must no more doubt whether God will heare our prayers or no seeing wee come not to him vppon a foolish rashnesse by presuming vppon our owne naturall reason or selflyking but with obedience too his commaundement Agein wee haue his promis which can neuer deceyue vs Contrarywyse all they that thinke too obteyne fauour at Gods hand by any other meane doo but run astray and haue shet them selues out of the doore already And therfore there is now none excuce but that wee must simply hold the way which the Gospell sheweth vs to come vnto God by that is too wit in the name of our Lord Iesus Christ without adding of any other creature as we see doone by the whole world In deede they that pester vp a throng of patrons and aduocates as they terme them hope too bee well welcome vntoo god But by what warrant Who hath promised them that God will accept their deuotion and all that they offer vntoo him For it is not in vs too appoynt officers in heauen In a Court of Iustice of the world it myght well bee a matter of course as they terme it and it myght lie in the power of a Iudge too giue leaue too whom he listeth too pleade mens caces too the intent there myght be no confuzion But if wee will make aduocates at our owne pleasure and vppon our owne head in heauen it is all one as if wee would rob God of his authoritie and souereintie Yea and wee must bethink vs how S. Paule sayeth that all our prayers and supplications shall neuer be aught worth but vtterly vnprofitable and vayne if they be not conformable to Gods word so as we take our rule frō thence For how shall wee call vpon a God saieth he whom wee knowe not at all aduenture And how shall we knowe after what maner we should pray and what style and speeche wee should vse Wee must come too hearing not of the things that men shall bring vs of their owne brayne but of the things that God commaundeth vs So then wee must vse this modestie and sobrietie and not speake at randon when wee pray vntoo God but simply obey his word Yea and we know that prayer is the cheefe sacrifice that God requireth For whereas it is sayd that wee must worship the only one God it is not alonly with ceremonies as with kneeling downe before him In deede that is requisite for it is meete that wee should honour our God both with our body and with our mynd bycause they bee both his Howbeit in worshipping him wee must acknowledge truely that wee hold all good things of him and that doo wee in praying too him For wee come thither as poore soules vtterly destitute of all thinges that are meete for vs knowing that without him wee bee woorse than miserable It is sayde in the lawe that in offering sacrifyze too God men must not doo any thing at all of their owne
ende too drawe vs the more too the sayd affection of liuing toogither in concord and brotherly loue euen with such attonement as wee may bee brethren that is to say so knit toogither as the fingers of a hand for without that wee can neuer shewe that wee bee desyrous too atteyne too the kingdome of heauen That therfore is the thing which he ment by the twoo woords Bodie and Spirit Trew it is that when Gods spirit gouerneth vs he reformeth our affections in such wyse that our mynds are knit toogither But howsoeuer the cace stand Saint Paul ment too declare that all the whole bodie of the faythfull is but as one man For it is not for any man to put foorth himself there but wee must bee linked all toogither euery man in his office or calling Too be short we must be but all as one as shal be declared anone more at length Forasmuch then as there is none other too gouerne vs but Iesus Christ wee must needs bee made all as one man in him And soothly wee knowe that the thing which was sayd of Adam and Eue and of all maryed folks and their wyues must also bee accomplished in the Church which is that the Churche is bone of our Lord Iesus Christs bone and flesh of his flesh and soo there is a mariage betwixt them Now if we bee so knit all togither to the sonne of God it is reason also that we should agree amōg our selues that one vnion should extend through al the whole bodie for it is vnpossible that our Lord Iesus Christ should reigne ouer vs yit notwithstanding that wee should bee diuyded among our selues seing that he is but one Let that therfore serue for the first poynt Now Saint Paule too stirre vs vp the better heruntoo telleth vs that wee bee called vntoo an inheritance In saying so he sheweth that there is a much holyer attonement betweene vs than there is betweene the naturall brothers of this world For although they bee borne of one father and one moother so as they bee but one blud Yit notwithstanding eueryman shifts for himself anon after and the inheritance is parted among them so as the brethren seeme too be separated asunder and the naturall bond that was among them before too be half broken But wee haue an inheritance that cannot be broken A man cannot say I haue that which belongeth too mee I will get mee away and I will dwell alone by my self For what is our inheritance It is God himselfe And moreouer the heauenly lyfe which is purchaced for vs by our Lord Iesus Christ and wherintoo he himselfe is gone afore vs too gather vs thither too him Seeing then that wee bee all called too one selfsame inheritance if any of vs shrink asyde from his brethren it is all one as if he gaue ouer his part in the Kingdome of heauen But wee woulde abhorre such a blasphemie If a man should demaund of anie of vs whether he woulde renounce his part of paradyce it would make the heares too stand vp vppon his head I meane euen of them that haue no feare of God at al. No dout but there are some so wicked and monstrous beasts that they will flush out this blasphemie out of their mouth that they renounce theyr saluation But if yee ask it of a man that is well aduyzed hee will alwayes abhorre and detest it Yit notwithstanding in verye deede wee go about too shet our selues out of the gate and too barre our selues from comming in the kingdome of God and wee wype awaye the hope of it that is giuen vs by the Gospell when wee bee not knit toogither among our selues Were this througly printed in our harts surely there would bee another maner of freendship and brotherlinesse among vs than there is and men should see other maner of meekenesse meeldnesse and pacientnesse Now though wee haue hithertoo bin misaduyzed yit is it much better too take warning late than neuer Wherfore let vs lerne by this doctrine of Saint Paules that whensoeuer we bee prouoked too displeasure so as wee seeme too haue some cause too reiect one too leaue another and too separate our selues from him or hir we must vnderstand that we haue all one hope of the kingdome of heauen and that Iesus Christ who is our head calleth vs all vntoo him with this condition set afore vs without which wee cannot come at him which is that wee must shew truely and by our deeds that wee make account of all such as are partakers of the Gospell with vs as of our brethren and as though they were our owne flesh and blud and also that we bee so ioyned toogither as the fingers of one hand as I sayd afore And heeruppon S. Paule going foreward with the same doctrine sayth there is but one Lord. It is certeyne that heerby he meaneth one God who hath soueraigne dominion ouer vs and is our maister too keepe vs in vnitie bycause he cannot abyde that we shoul● bee at ods In the Twelfth Chapter of the first Epistle to the Corinthians S. Paule sayth that there is but one God too shewe the seruice which wee owe vnto God specially for graunting vs of his gifts wherwith too edifie his Churche But his attributing of souereyntie vntoo God in this Text is too do vs too wit that we cannot serue God vnlesse wee bee at vnitie among our selues And why For although a mortall man be variable and chaunge his mynd from morning too night yit will he not haue any discord in his house if there be any broyle or if there ryse any strife he cannot away with it And what shall God doo who is the God of peace as he nameth himself in the Scripture seeing he wil haue vs too gather toogither vnder him and telleth vs that he sitteth among vs and that wee bee his house Thinke wee that wee can wynd him intoo our troubles contentions skirmishings hurliburlies and heats with vs Then should he bee fayne too transfigure himself and to chaunge his nature But let vs not imagine that he will deny himself as S. Paule sayeth but he shal bee fayne too cut vs of as rotten members and too shewe that wee belong not vntoo him when he seeth that wee come nothing neere him And therfore let vs resort too the sayd souereintie and dominion which God hath ouer vs too the intent too alay all strifes and variances that Satan shal indeuer too rayze vp among vs For if Seruants although they be discontēted with another haue hartburning grudge or such other things among them selues doo neuerthelesse brydle them selues for loue of their mayster and agree agein among them selues what shal we do when as the cace concerneth the pleasing of our God So then S. Paule declareth in effect that when wee bee so wayward and can beare with nothing but will fall out for euery small and light occasion it is a token not onely that wee
to the ouerthrow of all our enemyes and to the brydling or rather too the fettering of them so as they cannot hurt vs doo what they can Therfore according too that which is conteyned here from out of the Psalme it is very requisite that he should be aboue too obteyne the vpper hand of our enemyes for else what would become of vs And in deede let vs consider what they myght bee able too doo hauing infinite hostes too ouerthrow our saluation continually withall For the diuell is not as a mortall man he hath such force as is terrible out of measure What myght he doo were it not that Iesus Christ filleth all things yea euen too shewe that he hath power both ouer Satan and ouer all his vpholders insomuch that practyze they prepare they and turmoyle they what they can ageinst the Churche yit shall they neuer bring their enterpryze too passe bycause Iesus Christ holdes them at the staues end as it were with his foote vpon their throte Yee see then the kingdome of our Lord Iesus Christ was giuen him with full warrant that wee shall euer bee defended by his strong and inuincible hand bycause he hath taken vs intoo his perfection euen he that is exalted aboue all the heauens And that also is the cause why Saint Paule sayeth expresly that all knees shall bowe before him as well of creatures in heauen as of creatures in earth yea and euen of creatures vnder the earth Now when wee heare that the Angelles stoope too our Lord Iesus Christ let vs vnderstand that he applyeth them too our seruice so as they bee our keepers and watch too defend vs ageinst Satan And seeing that that charge is committed too them by our Lord Iesus Christ who is their head wee ought too bee well assured of our saluation And so yee see how wee ought too put this text in vre Moreouer let vs walke so vnder the obedience of our Lord Iesus Christ as wee may feele that he fylleth vs in deede as I sayd afore bycause he is aboue all things through all things and in all things This was spoken of God his father howbeeit wee knowe that Iesus Christ is the meane whereby God dwelleth in vs Wherefore let vs bee his trew Temples and sith that he beeing the welspring of all purenesse voutsafeth vs the grace and priuiledge too dwell in vs let vs indeuer too keepe our selues holy vntoo him both in bodie and soule For if wee giue our selues too our owne vncleannesse it is all one as if wee went about too driue away the sonne of God who cannot bee intermedled with our corruptions and filthinesse Not that wee can bee cleere from all spot and blemish but that wee must not delyght in them but rather fyght ageinst them and labour more and more too fashyon our selues after the purenesse that is in our Lord Iesus Christ. And lyke as he sanctified himself in our behalf so also let vs bee holy namely by the grace and power of his holy spirit let the same holynesse be consecrated by the doctrine of the gospel as is sayd of it in another place Now then as touching this fylling yee see that in somuch as wee knowe that our Lord Iesus Christ holdeth the diuelles and all the despyzers of his maiestie fettered in subiection wee may assure our selues that he dwelleth verily in vs and that the same is peculiar too vs bycause he hath chozen vs for his Temples and intendeth too shew that the coniunction which he hath taken vppon him with mankynd is proper to vs in respect of the humane nature and also in respect of his spirit bycause he maketh it too take place in vs and not only that he is man styll as he was but that there is yit more that is too wit that wee be bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh not that we bee created of his substance but that by the power of his holy spirit he maketh the substance of his body and blud too flowe downe vntoo vs wherwith we be fylled insomuch that wee haue there not onely meate too eate but also drinke too drinke so as there is sufficient too content vs withall condicionally that wee consider the benefites wheruntoo he allureth vs and which he offereth vs and will haue vs too inioy so wee bee not letted by our owne vnbeleefe Now let vs fall downe before the Maiestie of our good God with acknowledgment of our faultes praying him too touche vs more too the quicke with a trew knowledge of our selues and of our wretchednesse that wee may bee so cast downe in our selues as wee may resort too him with all lowelinesse and confesse our selues too bee beholden too him for all good things and haue none other shooteanker than our Lord Iesus Christ sith it is he that wee bee called vntoo but that wee may bee so clothed with him as it may put away all our fleshly lustes and affections which hinder our vniting vntoo God and wee continue in the hope that is giuen vs vntill that beyng taken our of this world wee inioy the euerlasting rest that he hath purchaced for vs That it may please him too graunt this grace not onely too vs but also too all people and Nations of the earth c. The .xxv. Sermon which is the fifth vppon the fourth Chapter 11. And the very same hath giuen some Apostles and some Prophets and some Euangelistes and some Shepherdes and Teachers 12. For the reparation of the Sainctes too the vvoorke of administration and for the edifying of the body of Christ. WEe haue seene heertoofore how our Lord Iesus Christ hath not withdrawen his power farre from vs though he bee exalted aboue the heauens There is a greate distance betwixt him and vs as in respect of the absence of his body out of the world but yit doo wee finde him alwayes present by the power of his holy spirit and by that meanes dooth he fill all things And now S. Paule sheweth that this maner of filling is too the intent that euery faythful man should with al lowlinesse serue his owne turne with the giftes and grace which it hath pleased our Lord too bestowe vppon those whom he hath set in his Church too gouerne it and that on the other syde they that haue receyued the larger measure should not aduaunce themselues for all that nor drawe alone by themselues but indeuer too doo seruice too the common benefyte saluation and welfare of all Gods children The summe therfore of that which S. Paule was mynded too say is that Iesus Christ hauing all riches in him hath not delt therof vntoo euery of vs part and partlyke at leastwyse so as wee should all bee throughly perfect for he ment it not but that he hath distributed them by measure And in very deede the order which he hath set in his Church sheweth it For all are not Prophetes all are not Teachers all are not Euangelistes
Gospell were receyued with such reuerence and earnestnesse as it deserueth God also would bee more bountifull on his syde Wheras wee see now so fewe good Preachers yea that there step vp a sort of dirt-daubers woorse than naught and farre leauder than the Moonkes in the poppedome which are as redie to preache Mahomets Alcoran as Christes Gospell so they may keepe their liuings styll and when besydes those wee see also a sort of drunkardes that haue no more zeale than Swyne but are as mastiues that barke not ne neuer open their lipes but too confound lyght and darknesse toogither that all things myght be put out of order Let vs vnderstand that God executeth iust vengeance vppon the despyzing of his Gospell For let vs see a little what the humilitie and submission is which men yeeld vntoo God for all their hearing of the sound of this doctrine and for all his setting vp of the scepter of his Gospell to shew that he is mynded too reigne ouer vs Wee see that most men could fynd in their hartes to haue no religion at al. Agein they that make fayrest countenance would yit full fayne that the Gospell were styll but a shadowing place of Ceremonies And howsoeuer the world go they bee loth too beare anie yoke they cannot abyde too bee rebuked for their vyces but they would haue a beastly licenciousnesse condicionally that they myght doo what they list they would bee contented that the Gospell should bee preached as who should say they would graunt it vntoo Iesus Christ by composition and couenant But in the meane whyle all is but hipocrisie and they cannot so conceale their counterfetting but that the world dooth well see that they bee as shamelesse as harlots For doubtlesse a man shall find more religion and feare of God in the popedome than among those that are in the places where the Gospell is preached But the mischeef of all mischeeues is that a sort of these naughtipackes step vp intoo the chayre of truth of whom some are drunkardes some whoremongers and some blasphemers and too bee short there is such wickednesse among them as is horrible to see ▪ Sith wee knowe this let vs cast downe our eyes and condemne the vnthankfulnesse and rebelliousnesse that is in vs as the cause of all the disorder that wee see But howsoeuer the world go with vs yit if our Lord bee so benificiall too vs still as too haue his doctrine preached too vs therin wee haue a sure and infallible token that he is neere at hand with vs and that he seeketh our saluation by calling vs vnto him as though he spake with open mouth and that wee sawe him personally before vs Then can we not fayle nor bee deceyued in assuring our selues that Iesus Christ calleth vs too him and that he holdeth out his armes open too receyue vs as oft as the Gospell is preached vntoo vs And wee neede not too seeke reuelations from heauen nor too wander abroade for seeing that the woord is in our harte and mouth what would wee more Who shall flye vp aboue the cloudes Who shall go down into the deepes let vs assure our selues that God offereth himself vntoo vs in the person of his only sonne when he sendeth vs preachers and teachers And herwithall let vs still haue an eye too that which I sayd afore which is that they too whom God giueth most of his grace must consider that by that meanes they be the more bound to imploy them selues in the place that our Lord hath assigned them too and wheruntoo it is his pleasure too appropriate them He then that hath knowledge must not exalt himself for it but consider that he is a better too the whole bodie and theruppon examin well how he may serue too the glory of God with the things that he hath put him in trust withall and make the gift which he hath receyued profitable assuring him self that the vse therof is common too all men and that although God haue committed it too his custody and will haue him too bee the keeper of it yit must he not hold it as a treasure locked vp in a hutch but impart it abroade to such as want it and haue neede of it Herwithal also let vs keepe vs frō enuying of those whom it is Gods will to honour after that fashion that there bee no spytefulnesse in vs too say Why and is it meete that such a one should bee preferred before mee For in so dooing wee spyte god And therfore let euery of vs knowe his owne state and degree and not stand in contention with our God assuring our selues that the thyngs which he hath ordeyned in his Churhe are doone by vnreuocable iudgment Wherfore let vs abhorre these madbraynes that would take away the order which wee see too bee grounded vppon the authoritie of the sonne of god There are that thinke the preaching of the Gospell too bee a needelesse thing and that it serueth as it were but for little children and that they them selues haue the holy Ghoste at commaundement too reuele things too them from heauen euery minute of an houre But it is certeyne that the Diuell blyndeth them in that ouerweening and men knowe that he had wonne the goale if the meane of our saluation were abolished and taken away For lyke as S. Paule sayeth that the preaching of the Gospell must serue too make the Church perfect that wee may bee brought too the kingdome of heauen so on the contrary part when there is no more any doctrine or Shepherd the diuell must needes so ouermayster vs as wee shal bee scattered asunder and nothing shall remayne but ruine and destruction Seeing then that this order is not of men let vs learne too submit our selues vntoo it and let all of vs both great and small without geynsaying suffer God too guyde vs 〈◊〉 that meane seeing it hath pleased him too appoynt it Also wee see how Gods children are called the children of the Church And S. Paule sheweth that our Lord Iesus will reigne ouer vs with condition that his woord bee alwayes in mens mouthes He sayeth not that the Angels shall come to reuele vntoo vs the things that God will haue vs too knowe but he sayth that wee must vnderstand Gods will by their meanes which haue the charge and office too tell it vs For lyke as in the tyme of the Lawe it was sayd that the Priestes were Gods Angels and that men ought too inquyre at their mouth so now also God will not haue vs too flitter in the ayre after our owne fancies but too go too the fountayne which is open for vs when wee list too drinke If a man would go seeke the head and welspring of a fountayne I meane as it is hidden in the earth and would hold scorne too drinke vntill he had found it would not men take him for stark mad and besyde him self Yis that would they But
is sorie or greeued And why Wee bee not Gods children as he speaketh of it in the Epistle too the Romanes except his holy Ghoste dwell in vs For are wee woorthie by nature too bee mustered in such aray as too bee fellowes with the Angells wee I say which are but rottennesse and moreouer cursed in Adam and chyldren of wrath Howbeeit God by his holy spirit calleth vs too this inestimable honour and dignitie of beeing his children so as wee may call vpon him as our father and haue familiar resort vntoo him That therfore is doone by the holy Ghoste and for the same cause is he called the spirit of adoption For the inheritance of heauen belongeth not too vs but in respect that wee bee Gods children Wee bee not so of our selues and by nature as I told you and therfore it followeth that it commeth of Gods freebestowed goodnesse Now hee sealeth vp all this in our harts by his holy Ghoste and that is the cause why it is sayd that wee haue a mortall bodie The thing that is ment heerby is not only our feete hands skin bone and flesh but that there is a lump of corruption in vs by reason of the dwelling of sin in vs which bringeth nothing but death For haue wee liued any tyme wee go away intoo dust and cindre and there is not that man which seeth not himself alredye beeseeged with a hundred deaths considering the diseases and infirmities wheruntoo wee bee subiect Agein age makes vs to stoope so as we perceyue a long whyle aforehand how we be summoned too come too our graue Seeing then that wee perceyue such a number of deathes all at once toogither in our bodies and a much greate dungeon in our soules how should wee hope that God would take vs vp intoo his kingdome But Saint Paule sayth that the spirit is lyfe If there bee but one grayne or one spark of the spirit of our Lord Iesus Christ in vs let vs assure our selues that wee shal be parttakers of his glorie for it is sayd that he is raysed agein from the dead and hath gotten the vpper hand of it by his holy spirit After that maner are wee quickened with him wayting till wee bee deliuered from all the corruptible nature that compasseth vs about And now S. Paule sayeth that wee bee sealed by the holy Ghost as is sayd of it in the first chapter heertoofore and in other places besyde as in the second to the Corinthians And this similitude is very fit For although Gods promises ought to be of sufficient authority to haue ful credit with vs of thēselues yit notwithstanding such is our misbeeleef that wee cannot giue credit too them nor rest vppon them till they bee confirmed and warranted vntoo vs so as wee may say behold it is euen God himself that speaketh But what for that On the one syde we be forepossessed with distrust on the other syde we be alwayes doubtfull and misgiuing and cannot rest vpon the things that are told vs in Gods name By reason wherof his promises are alwayes vnauaylable vntill he print thē in our harts which thing he dooeth by his holie Ghost For as a peece of euidence is made authentical by setting too of the seale so God warranteth his promises of our saluation in our harts by signing and sealing of them there with his holy spirit That then is the cause why it is so often sayd that Gods spirit sealeth vp the inheritance of our saluation in our harts And for the same cause also is he named the earnest penny in another place For when a bargain is made although there bee no present payment seene yit if an earnest penny bee giuen the bargayne is concluded and the chapman cannot say afterward tush I repent mee of my bargayne and I will●forsake it nother can the other say I fynde my selfe deceyued and ouerseene and therfore I will rather keepe my wares styll but eche of them is bound the one too make the money and the other too deliuer his wares Euen so is it sayd that Gods spirit is the earnest penny of the lyfe of our soules And why For as I sayd God byndeth himself vntoo vs in respect of our infirmitie whertoo wee bee too much inclyned In deede it is not for that he oweth vs any thing but wee haue so much the more cause too magnifye his goodnesse in that he is so free harted as to bynd himselfe willingly vntoo vs wheras he oweth vs not any thing and vou●safeth too assure vs of it bycause he seeth vs so feeble and weake Lyke as when hee sweareth it is not for that he on his owne part needeth too adde any thing too his single woord for he himselfe is the truth and the thing that commeth of him must not bee doubted of It myght seeme therefore that the othe which he maketh is superfluous and that he dooth but abuse his owne name No but he dooeth it bycause he seeth vs weake and that wee haue neede too bee hild vp many wayes and specially bycause he seeth vs giuen too misbeliefe and therefore that he must bee fayne too remedie it So then whensoeuer God sweareth therin he stoopeth vntoo vs for pitie of our wretchednesse and the sealing and ratifying of his promyses in vs by his holy spirit is euen bycause it is impossible that wee of our selues should beleeue him and wee could not bee sure of the thinges that he promiseth vs to call vppon him and too ouercome all the temptations of the world vnlesse he vsed that meane And therefore wee haue so much the more neede too beare this text in mynd where S. Paule sayth that the holy Ghost sealeth in our hartes And hereupon wee may gather a good lesson to humble vs withal namely that wee shall neuer yeeld God the chiefe honour that he requyreth at our handes except he himself drawe vs too it and giue vs grace too discharge it whithall The thing that he requyreth aboue all other is that his woord haue all authoritie ouer vs and that wee yeeld it such reuerence as he may no sooner speake but wee shall by and by answer Amen that is too say as there may bee a ryght or full accord betwixt them That is the obedience of fayth which is the cheef sacrifyze that God requyreth But contrariwyse on our part there is nothing but replying ageinst Gods woord wee bee full of lustes and although wee seeme not too make vtter resistance ageinst him and too play the mad bedlems as many doo yit are wee giuen to a number of wicked imaginations as we see insomuch that some are as it were frantike specially when a man speakes too them of God for then will they haue their mouth open too spew out their blasphemies and too enter into disputation and debate shewing themselues vtterly vnwilling too receyue any good doctrine And othersome fall not intoo such furie and outrage but yit they let
birthryght nor yit by our owne purchace but by free gift The kingdome of God then is the heauenly lyfe and al our whole happinesse For out of God what can wee haue but all vnhappynesse Therefore if wee bee banished out of Gods kingdome we must needs be plundged in all miserie But it is expresly sayd too bee the kingdome of Christ and why Bycause it was purchaced vs by his blud and also bycause wee bee now restored agein too the state from whence wee were falne in our father Adam Agein wee knowe that the inheritance is giuen vs in our Lord Iesus Christ to the intent that we being his members and adopted of God by his meanes should also bee parttakers of that which is peculiar too him In the first too the Hebrewes he is called the heire of all things and is that too shell vs vtterly out No but bycause wee cannot otherwyse bee taken for Gods children but by being incorporated intoo the bodie of our Lord Iesus Christ to whom all belongeth Now then if wee should bee reiected of God if wee should bee cut of from all the benefytes which haue bin purchaced for vs by our Lord Iesus Christ that this should come to passe through our owne vnthankfulnesse Alas should wee not bee too too blockish Yea and for the better expressing thereof Saint Paule vseth the woord Heritage or Inheritance As if he should say if yee were heires of Gods kingdome from your moothers wombe consider how great a greef it ought too be vntoo you too bee set besyde it But now vnderstand you that the kingdome of God is communicated vntoo you by our Lord Iesus Christ bycause he hath purchaced it for you and made you his brethren and fellowes And vnderstand yee besides that it is bycause God hath adopted you freely and yit you haue it not by birthryght nother can yee say that it is your owne otherwyze than by free gift Now then seeing it is a state of inheritance will yee bee so leaud as to looze such a benefite when it is offered you Shall God inuyte you so graciously too his glory shall he offer you all the ioy and happynes of the kingdome of heauen shall he match you with his owne sonne and by that meane make you too possesse all the good things that you can wishe and shall all this be nothing woorth to you but that you will needes hold scorne of it and refuze it How can Satan so farre ouermayster you Wee see then how Saint Paule ment too waken vs heere earnestly by all meanes too the intent that if wee cannot bee drawen wholly vntoo God by loue at leastwyze yit threatening may doo vs some good and moue vs too yeeld that our desyres may by that meane be brydled and our lusts not ouerflow so outrageously but that sith God sheweth himself our Iudge wee may at leastwyze refrayne too resist him for that is all one as if wee would openly runne rushing ageinst him Seeing that he with his owne holy mouth hath auowed vs too bee banished from the kingdome of heauen if wee notwithstanding doo make none account of the thinges that he telleth vs what a dealing is that Furthermore whereas Saint Paule sayeth that nother whoremoongers nor cuetous men nor vncleane persons shall enter intoo the kingdome of God he meaneth not that all such as haue offended and doone amisse are reiected of god For who is he that can say he is cleere of all the vyces that are reherced heere But he meaneth the whoremoongers couetous persons and looce liuers that take pleasure in their lustes and are hardened in them and are so settled in the filthinesse of them as there is not any more feare of God in them too hold them backe Wee heare what he sayeth too the Corinthians where hauing made a greater beadroll of the same and other vyces and hauing first vttered the lyke sentence telling them that all such as are giuen too those vyces shall neuer come in the kingdome of God he sayeth and such haue you bin He sheweth that the faythfull also had bin steyned with the lyke corruptions But yee bee washed and made cleane sayeth he yee bee sanctifyed by Gods holy spirit and through the blud of our Lord Iesus christ As if he should say by nature yee were miserable and folke giuen too all leaudnesse The willingnesse and desyre that you haue now too serue God came not of your selues but of Gods drawing of you vntoo him that wheras you were erst as wyld beastes he hath brought you vntoo his obedience wheras yee were foule and vncleane he hath washed you with the blud of our Lord Iesus Christ and wheras you were vnholy he hath made you holy by his holy Ghost And therfore fall not too wallowing and plundging of your selues agein intoo vncleannesse Thus the trew meaning of those woordes is in effect that the wicked and such as lead an awlesse and lawlesse lyfe that is too say such as fyght not ageinst their lustes but delyght in naughtinesse shall neuer come in the kingdome of god For first of all if the faythfull bee not renewed at their birth by the spirit of God they bee steyned with the sinnes wheruntoo mankynd is subiect yea and wee see some that are wholy giuen vntoo them And albeit that our Lord haue wrought in vs by his holy spirit it dooth not therfore followe that wee bee so well reformed at the first day as there is no more euill in vs For wee must bee fayne too keepe continuall battell through repentance all our lyfe long And repentance should take no place if wee felt not sinne dwelling styll within vs Therfore it suffyzeth that it reigne not in vs as S. Paule exhorteth vs in the sixth too the Romanes There S. Paule telleth them too whom he speaketh that if they looke vppon their former life they must needes be ashamed bycause they were so strayed away that they had forgotten God and all vertew and honestie Yee cannot sayth he remember what yee were before yee were conuerted too the beleefe of the Gospell but yee must needes cast downe your eyes with great shame And yit notwithstanding he telleth them that sinne must not now reigne in our mortall bodyes although it dwell there still In deede it were too bee wished that there were no sinne dwelling in vs and that wee were all lyke the Angels of heauen But Saint Paule knowing well that wee cannot atteyne too that so long as wee dwell in this world and vntyll wee haue put off our corruption and bee dispatched of this transitorie lyfe wylleth vs yit at leastwize that sinne should not reigne in vs So then although wee bee steyned with many vyces yit let vs so fyght ageinst them that they may not become heynous crymes as though wee rebelled ageinst God but continew onely as infirmities so as wee beseeche God too forgiue vs them quite and cleane acknowledging that wee haue neede too obteyne mercy