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A16049 The Nevv Testament of Iesus Christ, translated faithfully into English, out of the authentical Latin, according to the best corrected copies of the same, diligently conferred vvith the Greeke and other editions in diuers languages; vvith arguments of bookes and chapters, annotations, and other necessarie helpes, for the better vnderstanding of the text, and specially for the discouerie of the corruptions of diuers late translations, and for cleering the controversies in religion, of these daies: in the English College of Rhemes; Bible. N.T. English. Douai. Martin, Gregory, d. 1582. 1582 (1582) STC 2884; ESTC S102491 1,123,479 852

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proper vice both of Iudaical and of Heretical false teachers to professe knowledge and great skill in the Lavv and Scriptures being in deede in the sight of the learned most ignorant of the vvord of God not knowing the very principles of diuinitie euen to the admiration truely of the learned that reade their bookes or heare them preach 9. The lavv not made to the iust By this place and the like the Libertines of our daies vvould discharge them selues vvhom they count iust from the obedience of lawes But the Apostles meaning is that the iust man doth vvel not as compelled by lavv or for feare of punishment due to the transgressors thereof but of grace mere loue tovvard God al goodnes most vvillingly though there were no law to commaund him 21. Deliuered to Satan Hymenaeus and Alexander are here excōmunicated for falling from their faith teaching heresie an example vnto Bishops to vse their spiritual power vpon such In the primitiue Church corporal affliction through the ministerie of Satan vvas ioyned to excommunication Vvhere we see also the diuels readines to inuade them that are cast out by excommunication from the fellowship of the faithful and the supereminent povver of Bishops in that case Vvhereof S. Hierom ep 1. ad Heliod c. 7 hath these memorable vvordes God forbid saith he I should speake sinistreusly of them vvho succeding the Apostles in degree make Christes body vvith their holy mouth by vvhom vve are made Christians vvho hauing the k●●is of heauen do after a sort iudge before the day of iudgement vvho in s●brietie and Chastitie haue the keeping of the spouse of Christ And a litle after They may deliuer me vp to Satan to the destruction of my flesh that the spirit may be saued in the day of our Lord Iesus And in the old Lavv vvhosoeuer vvas disobedient to the Priests was either cast out of the campe and so stoned of the people or laying dovvne his necke to the svvord expiated his offense by his bloud but novv the disobedient is cut of vvith the spiritual svvord or being cast out of the Church is torne by the furious mouth of Diuels So saith he Vvhich vvordes vvould God euery Christiā man vvould vveigh CHAP. II. By his Apostolike authoritie he appointeth publike praiers to be made for al mē vvithout exception 8 also men to pray in at places 9 and vvomen also in semely attire 11 to learne of men and not to be teachers in any vvise but to seeke saluation by that vvhich to them belongeth verse 1 I Desire therfore first of al things that ″ obsecrations praiers postulations thankesgeuings be made for al men ✝ verse 2 for kings and al that are in preeminence that vve may leade a quiet and a peaceable life in al pietie and chastitie ✝ verse 3 For this is good and acceptable before our Sauiour God ✝ verse 4 ″ vvho vvill al men to be saued and to come to the knovvledge of the truth ✝ verse 5 For there is one God ″ one also mediatour of God and men man Christ IESVS ✝ verse 6 vvho gaue him self a redemption for al vvhose testimonie in due times is cōfirmed ✝ verse 7 * vvherein I am appointed a preacher an Apostle I say the truth I lie not doctor of the Gentiles in faith and truth ✝ verse 8 I vvil therfore that men pray in euery place lifting vp pure handes vvithout anger and altercation ✝ verse 9 In like maner * vvomen also in comely attire vvith demurenesse and sobrietie adorning them selues not in plaited heare or gold or pretious stones or gorgeous apparel ✝ verse 10 but that vvhich becōmeth vvomen professing pietie by good vvorkes ✝ verse 11 Let a vvoman learne in silence vvith al subiection ✝ verse 12 But * to teach ″ I permit not vnto a vvoman not to haue dominion ouer the man but to be in silēce ✝ verse 13 For * Adam vvas formed first then Eue. ✝ verse 14 and Adam vvas not seduced but the vvoman being seduced vvas in preuarication ✝ verse 15 Yet she shal be saued by generation of children if they ' continue in faith loue and sanctification vvith sobrietie ANNOTATIONS CHAP. II. 1. Obsecrations This order of the Apostle S. Augustine ep 59 findeth to be fulfilled specially in the holy celebration of the Masse vvhich hath al these kindes expressed here in foure diuers vvordes pertaining to foure sortes of praiers the difference vvhereof he exactly seeketh out of the proper signification and difference of the Greeke vvordes And he teacheth vs that the first kind of praiers vvhich here be called obsecrations are those that the Priest saith before the consecration that the second called Praiers be al those vvhich are said in and after the Consecration about the Receiuing including specially the Pater noster vvherewith the vvhole Church saith he in maner endeth that part as S. Hierom also affirmeth that Christ taught his Apostles to vse the Pater noster in the Masse Sic docuit c. So taught he hit Apostles that daily in the Sacrifice of his body the faithful should be bold to say Pater noster c. Li. 3 cont Pelag. cap. 5. where he alludeth to the very vvordes novv vsed in the preface to the said Pater noster in the said Sacrifice audemus dicere Pater noster The third sort called here in the text Postulatiōs be those vvhich are vsed after the Cōmunion as it vver for dimissing of the people vvith benediction that is vvith the Bishops or Priests blessing Finally the last kinde vvhich is Thankes-giuings concludeth al vvhen the Priest and people giue thankes to God for so greate a mysterie then offered and receiued Thus the said holy father handleth this text ep 59 to Paulinus S. Epiphanius also insinuateth these vvordes of the Apostle to pertaine to the Liturgie or Masse vvhen he thus vvriteth to Iohn Bishop of Hierusalem Vvhen vve accomplish our praiers after the rite of the holy Mysteries vve pray both for al others and for thee also ●p 60 c. 2 ad Io. Hierosolym apud Hieronymum And most of the other fathers expoūd the foresaid vvordes of publike praiers made by the Priest vvhich are said in al Liturgies or Masses both Greeke and Latin for the good estate of al that be in high degnitie as kings and others See S. Chrys ho. 6. in 1 Tim. S. Ambr. in hunc lo● Prosper de vocat li. 1. c. 4. So exactly doth the practise of the Church agree vvith the Precepts of the Apostle and the Scriptures and so profoūdly do the holy fathers seeke out the proper sense of the Scriptures vvhich our Protestants do so prophanely popularely and lightly skimme ouer that they can neither see nor endure the truth 4 Vvho vvil al men The perishing or damnation of men must not be imputed to God vvho delighteth not in any
Propitiatorie and the Arke of the Testament Manna Aarons rodde and the golden altar Doth not the Sepulcher of our Lord seeme vnto thee more honorable Which as often as we enter into so often doe we see our Sauiour lie in the sindon and staying there a while we see the Angel againe sitte at his feete and at his head the napkin wrapped together The glorie of whose Sepulcher we know was long prophetied before Ioseph hewed it out by Esay saying And his rest shal be honour to witte because the place of our Lordes burial should be honoured of al men And at this present notwithstanding the Turkes dominion yet doe the Religious Christian Catholike men by Gods mighty prouidence keepe the holy Sepulcher which is within a goodly Church and Christians come out of al the world in Pilgrimage to it 19. Going then Commission to baptize and preache to al Nations geuen to the Apostles and grounded vpon Christes soueraine authority to whom was geuen al power in heauen and in earth 20. With you al daies Here Christ doth promise his concurrence with his Apostles and their successors as wel in preaching as ministring the Sacraments and his protection of the Church neuer to cease til the worlds end contrary to our Aduersaries saying that the Church hath failed many hundred yeres til Luther and Caluin ❧ THE ARGVMENT OF S. MARKES GOSPEL S Markes Gospel may be vvel diuided into foure partes The first part of the preparation that was made to the manifestation of Christ chap. 1. in the beginning The Second of his manifesting himselfe by Preaching and Miracles and that in Galilee the residue of the 1. chap. vnto the 10. chap. The third of his comming into Iurie tovvards his Passion chap. 10. The fourth of the Holy weeke of his Passion in Hierusalem chap. 11. to the end of the booke Of S. Marke and his conuersation with the tvvo Apostles S. Paul and S. Barnabee vve haue at large Act. 12 and 15. somevvhat also Col. 4. and 2. Tim. 4. and to Philémon Moreouer of his familiaritie vvith the Prince of the Apostles S. Peter vve haue 1 Pet. 5. For so it pleased our Lord that onely tvvo of the Euangelistes should be of his tvvelue Apostles to vvit S. Matthew and S. Iohn The other tvvo S. Marke and S. Luke he gaue vnto vs of the Disciples of his two most principal and most glorious Apostles S. Peter and S. Paul Whose Gospels therefore were of Antiquitie counted as the Gospels of S. Peter and S. Paul them selues Marke the disciple and interpreter of Peter saith S. Hierom according to that which he heard of Peters mouth wrote at Rome a briefe Gospel at the request of the Brethren about 10 or 12 yeres after our Lordes Ascension Which when Peter had heard he approued it and with his authoritie did publish it to the Church to be read as Clemens Alexandrinus writeth li. 6. hypotypos In the same place S. Hierom addeth hovv he vvent into Aegypt to preach and vvas the first Bishop of the cheefe Citie there named Alexandria and hovv Philo Iudaeus at the same time seeing and admiring the life and conuersation of the Christians there vnder S. Marke vvho vvere Monkes vvrote a booke thereof vvhich is extant to this day And not onely S. Hierom in Marco in Philone but also Eusebius Hist li. 2. ca. 15. 16. 17. Epiphanius Secta 29 Nazaraeorum li. 1. to 2. Cassianus de Instit Caenobiorum li. 2. c. 5. Sozomenus li. 1. c. 12. Nicephorus li. 2 c. 15. and diuerse others do make mention of the said Monkes out of the same Author Finally He died saith S. Hierom the 8 yere of Nero and was buried at Alexandria Anianus succeding in his place But from Alexandria he vvas translated to Venice Anno Dom. 830. It is also to be noted that in respect of S. Peter vvho sent S. Marke his scholer to Alexandria and made him the first Bishop there this See vvas esteemed next in dignitie to the See of Rome and the Bishop thereof vvas accounted the cheefe Metropolitane or Patriarch of the East and that by the first Councel of Nice Whereof see S. Leo ep 53. S. Gregorie li. 5. ep 60. li. 6. ep 37. THE HOLY GOSPEL OF IESVS CHRIST ACCORDING TO MARKE CHAP. I. Iohn the Eremite of vvhom the Prophets preaching penance and liuing him self accordingly baptizeth the people to prepare them to Christ 7 telling them that it is not his but Christs Baptisme in vvhich they shal receiue the Holy Ghost 9 IESVS there is manifested from heauen 12 and by and by he also goeth into the vvildernesse 14 Beginning in Galilee 16 after that he hath called foure Disciples 21 he preacheth first in Capharnaum confirming his doctrine vvith beneficial Miracles to the great admiration of al 35 then also but first retiring into the vvildernes in al the rest of Galilee vvith like miracles verse 1 THE beginning of the Gospel of IESVS CHRIST the sonne of God ✝ verse 2 As it is vvritten in ● Esay the Prophet ' Behold I send mine Angel before thy face vvho shal prepare thy vvay before thee ✝ verse 3 A voice of one crying in the desert Prepare ye the vvay of our Lord make straight his pathes ✝ verse 4 * Iohn vvas in the desert baptizing and preaching the baptisme of penance vnto remission of sinnes ✝ verse 5 And there vvent forth to him al the countrie of Ievvrie and al they of Hierusalem and vvere baptized of him in the riuer of Iordan ● confessing ● their sinnes ✝ verse 6 And Iohn vvas ● clothed vvith camels heare and a girdle of a skinne about his loines and he did eate locustes and vvild honie ✝ verse 7 And he preached saying There commeth a stronger then I after me vvhose latchet of his shoes I am not vvorthie stouping dovvne to vnloose ✝ verse 8 I haue baptized you ● vvith vvater but he shal baptize you vvith the holy Ghost ✝ verse 9 And it came to passe in those daies came IESVS from Nazareth of Galilee and vvas ″ baptized of Iohn in Iordan ✝ verse 10 And forth vvith comming vp out of the vvater he savv the heauens opened and ● the Spirit as a doue descending and remaining on him ✝ verse 11 And a voice vvas made from heauen Thou art my beloued sonne in thee I am vvel pleased ✝ verse 12 And forth vvith * the Spirit droue him out into ● the desert ✝ verse 13 And he vvas in the desert fourtie daies and fourtie nightes and vvas tempted of Satan and he vvas vvith beastes and the Angels ministred to him ✝ verse 14 And * after that Iohn vvas deliuered vp IESVS came into Galilee preaching the Gospel of the kingdom of God ✝ verse 15 and saying That the time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand be penitent and beleeue the Gospel ✝
and they receiue you eate such things as are set before you ✝ verse 9 and cure the sicke that are in it and say to them The kingdom of God is come nigh vpon you ⊢ ✝ verse 10 And into vvhatsoeuer citie you enter and they receiue you not going forth into the streates thereof say ✝ verse 11 The dust also of your citie that cleaueth to vs vve doe vvipe of against you yet this knovv ye that the kingdom of God is at hand ✝ verse 12 I say to you it shal be more tolerable for Sodom in that day then for that citie ✝ verse 13 Vvo to thee Corozáim vvo to thee Beth-saida for if in Tyre and Sidon had been vvrought the miracles that haue beene vvrought in you they had done penance sitting in sacke cloth and ashes long agoe ✝ verse 14 But it shal be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon in the iudgement then for you ✝ verse 15 And thou Capharnaum that art exalted vnto heauē thou shalt be thrust dovvne euen vnto hel ✝ verse 16 He that heareth you heareth me and he that despiseth you despiseth me And he that despiseth me despiseth him that sent me ✝ verse 17 And the Seuentie-tvvo returned vvith ioy saying Lord the Deuils also are subiect to vs in thy name ✝ verse 18 And he said to them I savv Satan as a lightening fal from heauen ✝ verse 19 Behold I haue giuen you povver to treade vpon serpents and scorpions and vpon al the povver of the enemie and nothing shal hurt you ✝ verse 20 But yet reioyce not in this that the spirits are subiect vnto you but reioyce not in this that your names are vvritten in heauen ⊢ ✝ verse 21 In that very houre he reioyced in spirit and said I confesse to thee O Father Lord of heauen and earth because thou hast hid these things from the vvise and prudent and hast reuealed them ″ to litle ones Yea Father for so hath it vvel pleased thee ✝ verse 22 Al things are deliuered to me of my father And no man knovveth vvho the Sonne is but the Father and vvho the Father is but the Sonne and to vvhom the Sonne vvil reueale ✝ verse 23 And turning to his Disciples he said Blessed are the eies that see the things that you see ✝ verse 24 For I say to you that many Prophets and Kings desired to see the things that you see and savv them not and to heare the things that you heare and heard them not ✝ verse 25 And behold a certaine lavvyer stoode vp tempting him and saying Maister by doing of vvhat thing shal I possesse life euerlasting ✝ verse 26 But he said to him In the lavv vvhat is vvritten hovv readest thou ✝ verse 27 He ansvvering said Thou shalt loue the Lord thy God vvith thy vvhole hart and vvith thy vvhole foule and vvith al thy strength and vvith al thy minde and thy neighbour as thy self ✝ verse 28 And he said to him Thou hast ansvvered right ″ this doe and thou shalt liue ✝ verse 29 But he desirous to iustifie him self said to IESVS And vvho is my neighbour ✝ verse 30 And IESVS taking it said A certaine man vvent dovvne from Hierusalem into Iericho and fel among theeues vvho also spoiled him and giuing him vvoundes vvent avvay leauing him ″ halfe-dead ✝ verse 31 And it chaunced that a certaine Priest vvent dovvne the same vvay and seeing him passed by ✝ verse 32 In like maner also a Leuite vvhen he vvas neere the place and savv him passed by ✝ verse 33 But a certaine Samaritane going his iourney came neere him and seeing him vvas moued vvith mercie ✝ verse 34 And going vnto him bound his vvoundes povvring in oile and vvine and setting him vpon his ovvne beast brought him into an inne and tooke care of him ✝ verse 35 And the next day he tooke forth tvvo pence and gaue to the host and said Haue care of him and vvhatsoeuer thou shalt supererogate I at my returne vvil repay thee ✝ verse 36 Vvhich of these three in thy opinion vvas neighbour to him that fel among theeues ✝ verse 37 But he said He that did mercie vpon him And IESVS said to him Goe and doe thou in like maner ⊢ ✝ verse 38 And it came to passe as they vvent and he entred into a certaine tovvne and a certaine vvoman named Martha receiued him into her house ✝ verse 39 and she had a sister called Marie vvho sitting also at our Lords feete heard his vvord ✝ verse 40 But Martha vvas busie about much seruice vvho stoode and said Lord hast thou no care that my sister hath left me alone to serue speake to her therfore that she help me ✝ verse 41 And our Lord ansvvering said to her Martha Martha thou art careful and art troubled about very many things ✝ verse 42 But one thing is necessarie ″ Marie hath chosen the best part vvhich shal not be taken avvay from her ⊢ ANNOTATIONS CHAP. X. 21. To litle ones By this place euery vulgar artificer may not presume that God hath reuealed al truth to him and therfore refuse to be taught of the learned for Christ did not aftervvard endevv fishers and vulgar men nor any other vvith the gifts of vvisdom and tonges vvithout their industrie study and teaching though at the beginning of great prouidence he did it that it might be cleere to the vvorld that al Nations vvere conuerted to him not by persuasion of cunning Orators or subtil Disputers but by the plaine force of his grace and truth vvhich S. Augustine counteth greater then al other miracles Further we are taught by this place that the poore humble obedient children of the Church knovv by their faith the high mysteries of Christes Diuinity and his presence in the B. Sacrament and such like rather then Arius Caluin and other like proud Scribes and Pharisees 28. This doe Not by faith only but by keeping Gods commaundements we obtaine life euerlasting not onely by beleeuing but by doing The heretikes say that it is impossible to keepe this commaundement of louing God with al our hart But the Scriptures giue vs examples of diuers that haue kept and fulfilled it as far as is requisite in this life 3. reg 14 8. ● Par. 15 15. Ps 118 10. Ecclci 47 9 10. 4 Reg. 20 3. 5. Luc. 1 5. And if it vvere impossible to keepe it and yet by Christ proposed for the meane to obtaine life euerlasting he had mocked this Lavvyer and others and not taught them 30. Halfe dead Here is signified man vvounded very sore in his vnderstanding and free-wil and al other povvers of soule and body by the sinne of Adam but yet that neither vnderstanding nor free-vvil nor the rest vvere extinguished in man or taken avvay The Priest and Leuite signifie the Lavv of Moyses this Samaritane is Christ the Priest of the nevve Testament the
is taken Act. 21 and from the Tribune Lysias deliuered to Felix the Gouernour Act. 23 and by him left to Festus Act. 24. he appealeth to Caesar Act. 25 and so is SENT TO ROME Act. 27 vvhere he arriueth Act. 28. Neronis Natiuit Ascen   2 58 25 At Rome he remaineth in free prison tvvo yere Act. 28. and then is deliuered 2 Tim. 4.       After his deliuerie he preached in sundrie countries of the vvest namely in Spaine Hiero. in Cataloge Epiph. Hares 27. Him self vvriteth that he purposed so to doe Ro. 15.       In his Epistle to the Philippians c. ● he minded to vis●e the Churches of Asia vvhich also he did Genebrard in Chron.       He vvriteth last of al his second Epistle to Timothee a litle before his death 2 Tim. 4. being novv the second time apprehended and in bandes at Rome Theodoret. 14 70 37 He vvas beheaded at Rome the same day that Peter vvas crucified S. Ambros ser 〈◊〉 68. S Maximus OF THE OTHER APOSTLES THE Actes of the rest of the tvvelue Apostles be not much vvritten of in this booke but as * other Eccles●●stical writers do te●tifie they preached specially in these nations as folovveth Andrevv in A●haia Iohn in Asia Philip in Pbrygia Iames in Ievvrie Bartholomevv in Scythia Thomas in India Matthevv in Aethiopia Simon in Persia Thadd●us in Mesopotamia the other Iames in Spaine Matthias in Palestine So distributing them selues through out the vvorld to gather one Catholike Church of al Nations according as Christ gaue them commission Mat. 28 19 and as it vvas prophecied of them before Psal 18. Their sound is gone forth into euery countrie and their wordes into the endes of the whole world But before they departed one from an other the time vvhereof is not certainely knovven * al Tvvelue assembling together ful of the Holy Ghost eche laying dovvne his sentence agreed vpon tvvelue principal articles of the Christian faith and appointed them for a rule to al beleeuers Vvhich is therfore called and is THE APOSTLES CREDE Not vvritten in paper as the Scripture but from the Apostles deliuered by tradition Ruff. Hiero. locis citatis Vvhich as of old Hiero. cont Lucifer so at this day al solemnely professe in their Baptisme either by them selues or by others and al that be of age and capacitie are bound to know and beleeue euery article of the ●ame Vvhich are these that folovv THE APOSTLES CREDE or SYMBOLVM APOSTOLORVM 1 I Beleeue in God the Father almightie creator of heauen and earth 2 And in IESVS CHRIST his only Sonne our Lord. 3 Vvho vvas conceiued by the Holy Ghost borne of the Virgin MARIE 4 Suffered vnder Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buried Descended into Hel. 5 The third day be rose againe from death 6 Ascended into heauen Sitteth at the right hād of God the Father almightie 7 From thence he shal come to iudge the quicke and the dead 8 I beleeue in the Holy Ghost 9 The holy Catholike Church the communion of saincts 10 Forgiuenesse of sinnes 11 Resurrection of the flesh 12 Life euerlasting Amen ❧ THE ARGVMENT OF THE EPISTLES IN GENERAL AFTER the Gospels vvhich is a storie of Christ himselfe and after the Actes of the Apostles Vvhich is a storie of Christes Church novv folovv the Epistles of the Apostles vvhich they vvrote of such matters as they had then occasion to vvrite of For being the founders and the Doctors of the Church they did in their time as the Doctors that succeeded them did after them vvho from the beginning vnto this day haue vvritten Epistles Bookes against heresies euer as they arose and of al other Ecclesiastical matters as they had occasion ministred vnto them Of vvhich their doing the Apostles first gaue here the ensample as also S. Luke in the Actes of the Apostles led the vvay to al the writers of the Ecclesiastical Historie after him For al though there be no comparison betvvene them for authoritie for asmuch as these are Cannonical Scripture and so are not any vvritings of their successors yet the occasions and matters as I haue said are like Most of these Epistles are S. Paules Epistles the rest are called * Catholicae Epistolae the Epistles Catholike For S. Paul vvriteth not any Epistle to al hovvbeit euery one of them is for al the Church but some to particular Churches of the Gentils as to the Romanes to the Corinthians to the Galatians to the Ephesians to the Philippians to the Colossians to the Thessalonians some to particular persons as to Timothee to Tite vvho vvere Bishops among the Gentiles to vvit of Ephesus and of Crete and to Philémon and then one to the Hebrevves vvho vvere the Ievves of Hierusalem and Iurie But the Epistles of the other Apostles that is of S. Iames S. Peter S. Iohn and S. Iude are not so intituled to any one Church or person except S. Iohns tvvo later short Epistles vvhich yet might not be separated from his first because they vvere al of one Author and therefore they are termed Catholike that is vniuersal For so vvriteth S. Iames To the tvvelue tribes that are in dispersion greeting and S. Peter in his first Epistle thus To the elect strāgers of the dispersion of Pontus Galatia Cappadocia Asia Bithynia in his second thus To them that haue obteined equal faith vvith vs. likevvise S. Iude To them that are in God the father beloued and in Iesus Christ preserued and called S. Iohns first is vvithout title Novv for the occasions of their vvriting vvhereby vve shal perceiue the matters or arguments that they handle it must be remembred as the Storie of that time in the Actes of the Apostles doth at large declare that the Church then beginning vvas planted by the Apostles not onely in the Ievves but also in the Gentiles yea and specially in the Gentiles Vvhich thing offended the Ievves many waies For they could not abide to see so much as their owne Countrie to receiue him for CHRIST vvhom they had reiected and crucified much lesse to see them preach him to the Gentiles also that offended euen those Ievves also that beleeued him to be Christ Hovvbeit such of them as vvere Catholikes and therefore not obstinat vvere satisfied vvhen they vnderstood by the Apostles that it vvas Gods pleasure as Act. 11. vve reade But others of the became heretikes preached to the Christian Gentiles that it vvas necessary for them to receiue also the Ievves religion Of such vve reade Act. 15. Vnles you be circumcised you can not be saued And as these did so preach against the truth so did the vnchristened Ievves not onely them selues persecute but also stirre vp the Idolatrous Gentiles euery vvhere to persecute the Christians by such obstinacie prouoking God to reprobate theire Nation vvhich yet they thought vnpossible to be done because they vvere the seede of Abraham and
he hath novv giuen and of the bloud vvhich he hath shed in illis praenuntiabarut occidendus in hoc annuntiatur occisus In them he vvas forshevved as to be killed in these he is shevved as killed And S. Gregorie Nazia●●●● saith oral in morbum that the Priest in this sacrifice immiscet se magnis Chrisi Passionibus S. Ambrose li. 1. Offic. c. 48. Offertur Christus in imagine quasi recipiens passionem Alexander the first ep 〈◊〉 Orthodox nu 4. 〈◊〉 1. Conc. Cuius corpus sanguis conficitur passio etiam celebratur S. Gregorie ho. 37 in Euang. So often as vve offer the host of his Passion so often vve removve his Passion And He suffeteth for vs againe in mysterie And Isychius li. 26. ● in Leuit. post m●d By the sacrifice of the onely-begotten many thinges are giuen vnto vs to vvitte the remission or pardoning of al mankinde and the singular introduction or bringing in of the mysteries of the nevv Testament And the said fathers and others by reason of the difference in the maner of Christes presence and oblation in respect of that on the Crosse called this the vnblouddy sacrifice as * Caluin him self confesseth but ansvvereth them in the pride of hereticall spirit vvith these vvordes Nihil moror quòd si● loquantur vttusti scriptores that is I passe not for it that the auncient vvriters do so speake calling the distinction of blouddy and vnblouddy sacrifice scholasticall and friuolous and diabolicum comment●●m a diuelish deuise Vvith such ignorant and blasphemous men vve haue to do that thinke they vnderstand the Scriptures better then all the fathers CHAP. X. Because in the yerely feast of Expiation vvas only a commoration of sinnes therfore in place of al those old sacrifices the Psalme telleth vs of the oblation of Christes body 10 vvhich he offered blouddily but once the Leuitical Priests offering so euery day because that once vvas sufficient for euer 15 in that it purchased as the prophet also vvitnesseth remission of sinnes 19 After al this he prosecuteth and exhorteth them vnto perseuirance partly vvith the opening of Heauen by our high-priest 26 partly vvith the terrour of damnation if they fall againe 32 bidding them remember hovv much they had suffered already and not lose their revvard verse 1 FOR the lavv hauing ″ a shadovv of good things to come not the very image of the things euery yere vvith the self same hostes which they offer incessantly can neuer make the commers thereto perfect ✝ verse 2 othervvise ″ they should haue ceased to be offered because the vvorshippers once cleansed should haue no conscience of sinne any longer ✝ verse 3 but in them there is made a cōmemotation of sinne euery yere ✝ verse 4 for it is ″ impossible that vvith the bloud of oxen and goates sinnes should be taken avvay ✝ verse 5 Therfore comming into the vvorld he saith ″ Host and oblation thou vvouldest not ″ but a body thou hast fitted to me ✝ verse 6 Holocaustes and for sinne did not please thee ✝ verse 7 Then said I Behold I come in the head of the booke it is vvritten of me That I may doe thy vvil ô God ✝ verse 8 Saying before Because hostes and oblations holocaustes for sinne thou vvouldest not ″ neither did they please thee vvhich are offered according to the lavv ✝ verse 9 then said I Behold I come that I may doe thy vvil ô God he taketh avvay the first that he may establish that that folovveth ✝ verse 10 In the vvhich vvil vve are sanctified by the oblation of the body of IESVS Christ once ✝ verse 11 And euery priest in deede is ready daily ministring and ″ often offering the same hostes vvhich can neuer take avvay sinnes ✝ verse 12 but this man offering one host for sinnes for euer * sitteth on the right hand of God ✝ verse 13 hence forth expecting vntil his enemies be put the footestoole of his feete ✝ verse 14 For by one oblation hath he consummated for euer them that are sanctified ✝ verse 15 And the holy Ghost also doth testifie to vs. For after that he said ✝ verse 16 And this is the Testament vvhich I vvil make to them after those daies saith our Lord giuing lavves in their hartes in their mindes vvil I superscribe them ✝ verse 17 and their sinnes and iniquities I vvil novv remēber no more ✝ verse 18 But vvhere there is remission of these ″ novv there is not an oblation for sinnes ✝ verse 19 Hauing therfore brethren confidence in the entring of he holies in the bloud of Christ ✝ verse 20 vvhich he hath dedicated to vs a nevv and liuing vvay by the vele that is his flesh ✝ verse 21 and a high priest ouer the house of God ✝ verse 22 let vs approche vvith a true hart in fulnesse of faith hauing our hartes sprinkled from euil consciencel and our body vvashed vvith cleane vvater ✝ verse 23 let vs hold the confession of our hope vndeclining for he is faithful that hath promised ✝ verse 24 and let vs consider one an other vnto the prouocation of charitie and of good vvorkes ✝ verse 25 not forsaking our assemblie as some are accustomed but comforting and so much the more as you see the day approching ✝ verse 26 * For ″ if vve sinne vvillingly after the knovvledge of the truth receiued novv there is not left an host for sinnes ✝ verse 27 but a certaine terrible expectation of iudgement and rage of fire vvhich shal consume the aduersaries ✝ verse 28 A man making the lavv of Moyses frustrate vvithout any mercie * dieth vnder tvvo or three vvitnesses ✝ verse 29 hovv much more thinke you doth he deserue vvorse punishements vvhich hath troden the sonne of God vnder foote and estemed ″ the bloud of the testament polluted vvherein he is sanctified and hath done contumelie to the spirit of grace ✝ verse 30 For vve knovv him that said Reuenge to me I vvil repay And againe That our Lord vvil iudge his people ✝ verse 31 ″ It is horrible to fal into the handes of the liuing God ✝ verse 32 But call to minde the old daies vvherein being illuminated you sustained a great fight of passions ✝ verse 33 and on the one part certes by reproches and tribulations made a spectacle and on the other part made companions of them that conuersed in such sort ✝ verse 34 For ″ you both had compassion on them that vvere in bondes and the spoile of your ovvne goodes you tooke ″ vvith ioy knovving that you haue a better and a permanent substāce ✝ verse 35 Do not therfore leese your confidence vvhich hath a great remuneration ✝ verse 36 For patience is necessarie for you that doing the vvil of God you may receiue the promise ✝ verse 37 For * yet a litle and a very litle
✝ verse 18 And an other Angel came forth from the altar vvhich had povver ouer the fite and he cried vvith a loud voice to him that had the sharpe sickle saying Thrust in thy sharpe sickle and gather the clusters of the vineyard of the earth because the grapes thereof be ripe ✝ verse 19 And the Angel thrust his sharpe sickle into the earth and gathered the vineyard of the earth cast it into the great presse of the vvrath of God ✝ verse 20 and the presse vvas troden vvithout the citie and bloud came forth out of the presse vp to the horse bridles for a thousand sixe hundred furlongs ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XIIII 13. From hence forth novv This being specially spoken of Martyrs as not onely S. Augustine seemeth to take it but the Caluinists them selues translating in domino for our Lords cause the Protestants haue no reason to vse the place against Purgatorie or praier for the departed seeing the Catholike Church and al her children confesse that al Martyrs are straight after their death in blisse and neede no praiers Vvhereof this is S. Augustines knovven sentence He doeth iniurie to the Martyr that praieth for the Martyr Ser. 17 de verb. Apost c. 1. and againe to this purpose he vvriteth thus most excellently tract 84 in Ioan. We keepe not a memorie of Martyrs at our Lords table as vve doe of other that rest in peace that is for the intent to pray for them but rather that they may pray for vs c. But if vve take the vvordes generally for al deceased in state of grace as it may be also then vve say that euen such though they be in Purgatorie and Gods chastisement in the next life and neede our praiers yet according to the foresaid vvordes of S. Augustine do rest in peace being discharged from the labours afflictions and persecutions of this vvorld and vvhich is more from the daily dangers of sinne and damnation and put into infallible securitie of eternal ioy vvith vnspeakable comfort of conscience and such in deede are more happie and blessed then any liuing vvho yet are vsually in the Scriptures called blessed euen in the middes of the tribulations of this life Vvhereby vve see that these vvordes from hence forth they shal rest from their labours may truely agree to them also that are in Purgatorie and so here is nothing proued against Purgatorie Lastly this aduerbe á modo in Latin as in the Greeke 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 doth not properly signifie from this present time forvvard as though the Apostle had said that after their death and so forvvard they are happie but it noteth and ioyneth the time past together vvith the time present in this sense that such as haue died since Christs Ascension vvhen he first entring into heauen opened it for others goe not to Limbus Patrum as they vvere vvont before Christs time but are in case to goe straight to blisse except the impediment be in them selues Therfore they are here called blessed that die novv in this state of grace of the nevv Testament in comparison of the old faithful and good persons CHAP. XV. 2 They that had novv ouercome the beast and his image and the number of his name do glorifie God 6 To seuen Angels hauing the seuen last plagues are giuen seuen cuppes full of the vvrath of God verse 1 AND I savv an other signe in heauen great and maruelous seuen Angels hauing the seuen last plagues Because in them the wrath of God is consummate ✝ verse 2 And I savv as it vvere a sea of glasse mingled vvith fire and them that ouercame the beast and his image and the number of his name standing vpon the sea of glasse hauing the harpes of God ✝ verse 3 and singing the song of Moyses the seruant of God and the song of the Lambe saying Great and maruelous are thy vvorkes Lord God omnipotent iust and true are thy vvaies King of the vvorldes ' ✝ verse 4 Vvho shal not feare thee o Lord and magnifie thy name because thou only art holy because al nations shal come adore in thy sight because thy iudgements be manifest ✝ verse 5 And after these things I looked and behold the temple of the tabernacle of testimonie was opened in heauen ✝ verse 6 and there issued forth the seuen Angels hauing the seuen plagues from the temple reuested vvith cleane and vvhite stone ' girded about the breastes vvith girdles of gold ✝ verse 7 And one of the foure beastes gaue to the seuen Angels seuen vials of gold ful of the vvrath of the God that liueth for euer and euer ✝ verse 8 And the temple vvas filled vvith smoke at the maiestie of God and at his povver and no man could enter into the temple til the seuen plagues of the seuen Angels vvere consummate CHAP. XVI Vpon the pouring out of the seuen cuppes of Gods vvrath on the land the sea the fountaines the seat of the beast Euphrâtes and the aire there arise sundrie plagues in the vvorld verse 1 AND I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seuen Angels Goe and poure out the seuen vials of the vvrath of God vpon the earth ✝ verse 2 And the first vvent and poured out his vial vpon the earth and there vvas made a cruel and very sore vvound vpon men that had the character of the beast and vpon them that adored the image thereof ✝ verse 3 And the second Angel poured out his vial vpon the sea and there vvas made bloud as it vvere of one dead and euery liuing soul died in the sea ✝ verse 4 And the third poured out his vial vpon the riuers the fountaines of vvaters and there vvas made bloud ✝ verse 5 And I heard the Angel of the vvaters saying Thou art iust ô Lord vvhich art and vvhich vvast the holy one because thou hast iudged these things ✝ verse 6 because they haue shed the bloud of the Sainctes and Prophets thou hast giuen them bloud to drinke for they are vvorthie ✝ verse 7 And I heard an other saying Yea Lord God omnipotent true and iust are thy iudgements ✝ verse 8 And the fourth Angel poured out his vial vpon the sunne and it vvas giuen vnto him to afflict men vvith heate and fire ✝ verse 9 and men boiled vvith great heate and blasphemed the name of God hauing povver ouer these plagues neither did they penance to giue him glorie ✝ verse 10 And the fift Angel poured out his vial vpon the seate of the beast and his kingdom vvas made darke and they together did eate their tonges for paine ✝ verse 11 they blasphemed the God of heauen because of their paines and vvoundes did not penance from their vvorkes ✝ verse 12 And the sixt Angel poured out his vial vpon that great riuer Euphr●tes and dried vp
came into the land of Israel ✝ verse 22 But hearing that Archelaus reigned in Ievvrie for Herod his father he feared to goe thither and being vvarned in sleepe retyred into the quarters of Galilee ✝ verse 23 And coming he dvvelt in a citie called Nazareth that it might be fulfilled vvhich vvas sayd by the Propheres That he shal be called a Nazarite ANNOTATIONS CHAP. II. 1. Behold Our Lordes apparition or Epiphanie to these Sages being Gentils their Pilgrimage to him and in them the first homage of Gentilitie done vnto him the twelfth day after his Natiuitie and therfore is Twelfth day highly celebrated in the Catholike Churche for ioy of the calling of vs Gentils His baptisme also and first miracle are celebrated on the same day 2. Starre Christs Natiuitie depended not vpon this starre as the Priscillianists falsely surmised but the starre vpon his Natiuitie for the seruice wherof it was created Grego Ho. 10. 2. Come to adore This coming so far of deuotion to visite and adore Christ in the place of his birth was proprely a Pilgrimage to his person and warranteth the faithful in the like kind of external worship done to holy persons places and things 4. Inquired of them The high Priests were rightly consulted in quaestion of their law and religion and be they neuer so il are often forced to say the truth by priuilege of their v●ction as here and after they did concerning the true Messias 11. Adored him This body saith S. Chrysostom the Sages adored in the cribbe Let vs at the least imitate them thou seest him not now in the cribbe but on the altar not a woman holding him but the Priest present and the Holy Ghost powred out aboundantly vpon the sacrifice Ho. 24. in 1. Cor. Ho. 7. in Mt. Ho. de sancto Philogonio 11. Treasures These treasures are as it were the first fruites of those riches and gifts which according to the Prophecies of Dauid and Esay Gentilitie should offer to Christ and his Churche and now haue offered specially from the time of Constantine the Great As also these three Sages being principal men of their Countrie represent the whole state of Princes kings and Emperours that were according to the said Prophecies to beleeue in Christ to humble them selues to his crosse to foster enriche adorne and defend his Church Wherevpon it is also a very conuenient and agreable tradition of antiquitie and a receiued opinion among the faithful * not lacking testimonies of ancient writers and much for the honour of our Sauiour that these three also were kings to Witte either according to the state of those Countries * where the Princes were Magi and * Magi the greatest about the Prince or as we read in the Scriptures of Melchisedec king of Salem and many other kings that dwelt within a small compasse or as * Iobes three freendes are called kings These are commonly called the three kings of Colen because their bodies are there translated thither from the East Countrie their names are said to haue been Gaspar Melchior Baltasar 11. Gifts These Sages were three and their gifts three and eche one offered euerie of the three to expresse our faith of the Trinitie The Gold to signifie that he was a King the frankincense that he was God the myrrhe that he was to be buried as man Aug. ser i. de Epiph. 15. Out of Aegypt This place of the Prophete and the like in the new Testament here applied to Christ wheras in the letter it might seeme otherwise reacheth vs how to interprete the old Testament and that the principal sense is of Christ and his Churche 16. Murdered By this example we learne how great credite we owe to the Churche in Canonizing Saints and celebrating their holy daies by whose only warrant without any word of Scripture these holy Innocents haue been honoured for Martyrs and their holy day kept euer since the Apostles time although they died not voluntarily nor al perhaps circuncised and some the children of Pagans Aug. ep ●● Orig. ho. 1. in diuersos CHAP. III. Iohn Baptist by his Eremites life by his preaching and baptisme calleth al vnto penance to prepare them to Christ 10. He preacheth to the Pharisees and Sadducees threatening to them vnles they truly doe penance reprobation here and damnation hereafter and so saluation sendeth them to Christ and his baptisme Which being far more excellent then Iohns yet Christ him self among those penitents vouchsafeth to come vnto Iohns baptisme where he hath testimonie from heauen also verse 1 AND in those dayes * cometh Iohn the Baptist preaching in the ″ desert of Ievvrie ✝ verse 2 saying ″ Doe penance for the Kingdom of heauen is at hand ✝ verse 3 For this is he that vvas spoken of by Esay the Prophet saying A voyce of one crying in the desert prepare ye the way of our Lord make straight his pathes ✝ verse 4 And the sayd Iohn had his garment of camels heare a girdle of a skinne about his loynes and his meate was locustes vvilde honie ✝ verse 5 Then vvent forth to him Hierusalem al Ievvrie and al the countrey about Iordan ✝ verse 6 vvere baptized of him in Iordan ″ confessing their sinnes ✝ verse 7 And seeing many of the Pharisees Sadducées coming to his baptisme he sayd to them Ye vipers brood vvho hath shevved you to flee from the vvrath to come ✝ verse 8 Yeld therfore ″ fruite vvorthie of penance ✝ verse 9 And delite not to say vvithin your selues vve haue Abraham to our father for I tel you that God is able of these stones to raise vp children to Abraham ✝ verse 10 For novv the ″ axe is put to the roote of the trees Euery tree therefore that doth not yeld good fruite shal be cut dovvne cast into the fyre ✝ verse 11 I in deede baptize you ″ in vvater vnto penance but he that shal come after me is stronger then I vvhose shoes I am not vvorthie to beare he shal baptize you in the Holy Ghost fire ✝ verse 12 Whose fanne is in his hand and he shal cleane purge his ″ floore and he vvil gather his vvheate into the barne but the chaffe he vvil burne vvith vnquencheable fire ✝ verse 13 Then cometh IESVS from Galilee to Iordan vnto Iohn to be baptized of him ✝ verse 14 But Iohn stayed him saying I ought to be baptized of thee and comest thou to me ✝ verse 15 And IESVS ansvvering sayd to him Suffer me for this time for so it becommeth vs to fulfil al iustice Then he suffered him ✝ verse 16 And IESVS being baptized forthvvith came out of the vvater and loe the heauens vvere ″ opened to him and he savv the Spirit of God descending as a doue coming vpon him ✝ verse 17 And behold a voyce from heauen saying This is
lame vvalke the lepers are made cleane the deafe heare the dead rise againe to the poore the Gospel is preached ✝ verse 6 and blessed is he that shal not be scandalized in me ✝ verse 7 And vvhen they vvent their vvay IESVS began to say to the multitudes of Iohn ″ What vvent you out ″ into the desert to see a reede shaken vvith the vvinde ✝ verse 8 But vvhat vvent you out to see a man clothed in soft garments Behold they that are clothed in soft garments are in Kinges houses ✝ verse 9 But vvhat vvent you out to see a Prophet yea I tel you and more then a Prophet ✝ verse 10 For this is he of vvhom it is vvritten Behold I send mine angel before thy face vvhich shal prepare thy vvay before thee ⊢ ✝ verse 11 Amen I say to you there hath not risen among the borne of vvomen a greater then Iohn the Baptist yet he that is the lesser in the kingdom of heauen is greater then he ✝ verse 12 And * from the dayes of Iohn the Baptist vntil novv the kingdom of heauen suffereth violence and the violent beare it avvay ✝ verse 13 For al the Prophets and the Lavv prophecied vnto Iohn ✝ verse 14 and if you vvil receiue it he is * ″ Elias that is for to come ✝ verse 15 He that hath eares to heare let him heare ✝ verse 16 And * vvherevnto shal I esteeme this generation to be like It is like to children sitting in the market-place vvhich crying to their companions ✝ verse 17 say we haue piped to you and you haue not daunced vve haue lamented and you haue not mourned ✝ verse 18 For * Iohn came neither ″ eating not drinking and they say He hath a diuel ✝ verse 19 The Sonne of man came eating and drinking and they say Behold a man that is a glotton and a vvinedrinker a frende of Publicans and sinners And vvisedom is iustified of her children ✝ verse 20 Then * began he to vpbraide the cities vvherein vvere done the most of his miracles for that they had not done penance ✝ verse 21 Wo be to thee Corozain vvo be to thee Beth-saida for if in Tyre Sidon had been vvrought the miracles that haue been vvrought in you they had done″ penance in hearecloth and ashes long agoe ✝ verse 22 But neuerthelesse I say to you it shal be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon in the day of iudgement then for you ✝ verse 23 And thou Capharnaum shalt thou be exalted vp to heauen thou shalt come dovvne euen vnto hel for if in Sodom had been vvrought the miracles that haue been wrought in thee perhaps it had remained vnto this day ✝ verse 24 But notvvithstanding I say to you that it shal be more tolerable for the land of Sodom in the day of iudgement then for thee ✝ verse 25 At that time IESVS ansvvered and said * I confesse to thee O Father lord of heauen and earth because thou hast hid these things from the vvise and prudent and hast reuealed thē to ″ litle ones ✝ verse 26 Yea Father for so hath it vvel pleased thee ✝ verse 27 Al things are deliuered me of my Father And no man knovveth the Sonne but the Father neither doth any knovv the Father but the Sonne and to vvhom it shal please the Sonne to reueale ✝ verse 28 Come ye to me al that labour and are burdened and I vvil refresh you ✝ verse 29 Take vp my yoke vpon you and learne of me because I am meeke and humble of hart and you shal finde rest to your soules ✝ verse 30 For my″ yoke is svveete and my burden light ⊢ ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XI 3. Art thou he Iohn him self doubted not for he baptized him and gaue great testimonie of him before Io. 1. But because his disciples knewe him not nor esteemed of him so much as of Iohn their owne Maister therfore did he send them vnto Christ that by occasion of Christes answer he might the better instruct them what he was and so make them Christes disciples proferring them to a better Maister 7. What went you out High commendation of Iohns holinesse as wel for his fasting rough attire solitary life and constancie as for the dignitie of his function 7. Into the desert The faythful people in al ages resorted of deuotion into wildernes to see men of special and rare holynes Prophets Eremites Anchorites c. to haue their prayers or ghostly counsel See S. Hierom de vitae Hilarionis 14. Elias As Elias shal be the messenger of Christes later coming so was Iohn his messenger and Praecursor at his former coming and therfore is he called Elias because of his like office and like spirit Luc. 1. Grego ho. 7. in Euang. 18. Eating and drinking The wicked quarrellers of the world misconstre easely al the actes and life of good men If they be great fasters and austere liuers they are blasphemed and counted hypocrites if they conuerse with other men in ordinary maner then they be counted dissolute 21. Penance in sackcloth By this sackcloth and ashes added here and in other places wee see euidently that Penance is not only leauing of former sinnes and chaunge or amendement of life past no nor bare sorowfulnes or recounting of our offenses already committed but requiteth punishement and chastisemēt of our persons by these and such other meanes as the Scriptures do els where set forth and therfore concerning the worde also it is rather to be called Penance as in our translation then as the Aduersaries of purpose auoyding the word Repentance or Amendement of life and that according to the very vsual signification of the * Greeke word in the most ancient Ecclesiastical Greeke writers who for Poenitentès which in the Primitiue Churche did publike penance say 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is Men that are doing penance And concerning that part of penance which is Cōfession the Ecclesiastical historie calleth it by the same Greeke word and the penitents comming to confession 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Sozom. li. 7 c. 16. Socrat. li. 5 c. 19. 25. Litle ones These litle ones doe not signifie here only the vnlearned as though Coblers and weauers and wemen and girles had this reuelation and therfore do vnderstand al Scriptures and are able to expound them but here are signified the humble whether they be learned or vnlearned as when he sayth Vnles you become as litle ones you shal not enter into the Kingdom of heauen And so also the greatest Doctors who as they were most learned so most humbled them selues to the iudgement of the Catholike Churche are these litle ones and Heretikes who although vnlearned yet vaunt their knowledge and their spirit of vnderstanding aboue al ancient fathers and the whole Churche can not be of these litle and humble ones 30. Yoke sweete What is this light burden and sweete yoke
✝ verse 9 And in vaine do they vvorshippe me teaching doctrines and ″ commaundements of men ✝ verse 10 And hauing called together the multitudes vnto him he said to them Heare ye and vnderstand ✝ verse 11 ″ Not that vvhich entreth into the mouth defileth a man but that vvhich procedeth out of the mouth that defileth a man ✝ verse 12 Then came his Disciples and said to him Doest thou knovv that the Pharisees vvhen they heard this vvord vvere scandalized ✝ verse 13 But he ansvvering sayd All planting vvhich my heauenly father hath not planted shal be rooted vp ✝ verse 14 Let them alone blinde they are guides of the blinde And if the blinde be guide to the blinde both fall into the ditch ✝ verse 15 And Peter ansvvering sayd to him Expound vs this parable ✝ verse 16 But he sayd Are you also as yet vvithout vnderstanding ✝ verse 17 Do you not vnderstand that al that entreth into the mouth goeth into the belly and is cast forth into the priuy ✝ verse 18 But the things that proceede out of the mouth come forth from the hart and those things ″ defile a man ✝ verse 19 For from the hart come forth euil cogitations murders aduoutries fornications thefts false testimonies blasphemies ✝ verse 20 These are the things that defile a man but to eate vvith vnvvashen hands doeth not defile a man ⊢ ✝ verse 21 And IESVS vvent forth from thence and retired into the quarters of Tyre and Sidon ✝ verse 22 And behold * a vvoman of Chanaan came forth out of those coastes and crying out sayd to him Haue mercie vpon me O lord the Sonne of Dauid my daughter is sore vexed of a Deuil ✝ verse 23 Who ansvvered her not a vvord And his Disciples came and besought him saying Dimisse her because she crieth out after vs ✝ verse 24 And he ansvvering said I vvas not sent but to the sheepe that are lost of the house of Israel ✝ verse 25 But she came and adored him saying Lord help me ✝ verse 26 Who ansvvering said It is not good to take the bread of the Children and to cast it to the dogges ✝ verse 27 But she said Yea lord for the vvhelpes also eate of the crummes that fal from the table of their maisters ✝ verse 28 Then IESVS ansvvering said to her O vvoman great is thy faith be it done to thee as thou vvilt and her daughter vvas made hole from that houre ⊢ ✝ verse 29 And vvhen IESVS vvas passed from thence he came beside the sea of Galilee and ascending into the mountaine sare there ✝ verse 30 And there came to him great multitudes hauing vvith them dumme persons blinde lame feeble and many others and they cast them dovvne at his feete and he cured them ✝ verse 31 so that the multitudes marueled seeing the dumme speake the lame vvalke the blinde see and they magnified the God of Israel ✝ verse 32 And * IESVS called together his Disciples and said I pitie the multitude because three dayes novv they continue vvith me and haue not vvhat to eate and dimisse them fasting I vvil not lest they fainte in the vvay ✝ verse 33 And the disciples say vnto him vvhence then may vve gette so many loaues in the desert as to fil so great a multitude ✝ verse 34 And IESVS sayd to them Hovv many loaues haue you but they sayd Seuen a fevv litle fishes ✝ verse 35 And he commaunded the multitude to sit dovvne vpon the ground ✝ verse 36 And taking the seuen loaues the fishes and geuing thankes he brake gaue to his disciples and the disciples gaue to the people ✝ verse 37 And they did al eate and had their fill And that vvhich vvas left of the fragments they tooke vp seuen baskets ful ✝ verse 38 And there vvere that did eate foure thousand men beside children vvomen ✝ verse 39 And hauing dimissed the multitude he vvent vp into a boate and came into the coastes of Magedan ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XV. 8. With their lippes This is to be vnderstood properly of such as haue euer God in their mouth the word of our Lord the Scriptures the Gospel but in their hart and al their life be in deede Godles It may be applied also to such as say their prayers without attention or eleuation of mind to God whether he vnderstand the prayers or no that saith them For many a poore Christian man that vnderstandeth not the wordes he speaketh hath his hart neerer heauen more seruor and deuotion more edification to him self more profite in spirit as the Apostle speaketh and lesse distractions then not only al Heretikes Which haue no true feeling of such things but then many learned Catholikes And therefore it is not to be vnderstood of praying in vnknowen tongues as Heretikes sometime expound it farre wide from the circumstance of the place and Christes intention speaking of the hypocritical Iewes 9. Commaundements of men Such only are here called traditions doctrines or commaundements of men which be either repugnant to Gods lawes as this of defrauding their parents vnder pretense of religion or which at the lest be friuolous vnprofitable and impertinent to pietle or true worshipe as that other sort of so often Washing hands and vessels without regard of inward puritie of hart and mind Let no man therefore be abused with the Protestants peruerse application of this place against the holy lawes canons and precepts of the Church and our spiritual Gouernours concerning fastes festiuities and other rules of discipline and due order in life and in the seruice of God For such are not repugnant but consonant to Gods word and al pietie and our Lord is truely honoured worshiped and serued both by the making and also by the obseruing of them * S. Paul gaue commaundements both by his epistles and by word of mouth euen in such matters wherein Christ had prescribed nothing at al and he chargeth the faithful to obserue the same The Apostles and Priests at Hierusalem made lawes and the Christians were bound to obey them The keeping of Sunday in steede of the Sabboth is the tradition of the Apostles and dare the Heretikes deny the due obsentation therof to be an acceptable worshipe of God They prescribed the Festes of Easter and whitsontide and other Solemnities of Christ and his Saincts which the Protestants them selues obserue They appointed the Lent and Imber fastes and other as wel to chastise the concupiscence of man as to serue and please God thereby as is plaine in the fasting of * Anna Tobie Iudith Esther who serued and pleased God thereby Therefore neither these nor other such Apostolike Ordinances nor any precepts of the holy Church or of our lawful Pastors are implied in these Pharisaical traditions here reprehended nor to be compted or called the doctrines and commaundements of men because they are not made by mere humane power
verse 16 * And passing by the sea of Galilee he savv Simon and Andrevv his brother casting nettes into the sea for they vvere fishers ✝ verse 17 and IESVS said to them Come after me and I vvil make you to become fishers of men ✝ verse 18 And immediatly leauing their nettes they folovved him ✝ verse 19 And being gone thence a litle further he savv Iames of Zebedee and Iohn his brother and them repairing their nettes in the sippe ✝ verse 20 and forthvvith he called them And leauing their father Zebedee in the shippe vvith his hired men they folovved him ✝ verse 21 And * they enter into Capharnaum and he forthvvith vpon the Sabboths going into the Synagogue taught them ✝ verse 22 And they vvere astonied at his doctrine for he vvas teaching them as hauing povver and not as the Scribes ✝ verse 23 And * there vvas in their Synagogue a man in an vncleane spirit and he cried out ✝ verse 24 saying what to vs and to thee IESVS of Nazareth art thou come to destroy vs I knovv vvho thou art the Sainct of God ✝ verse 25 And IESVS threatened him saying Hold thy peace and goe out of the man ✝ verse 26 And the vncleane spirit tearing him and crying out vvith a great voice vvent out of him ✝ verse 27 And they marueled al in so much that they questioned among them selues saying what thing is this vvhat is this nevv doctrine for vvith povver he commaundeth the vncleane spirits also and they obey him ✝ verse 28 And the bruite of him vvent forth in continent into al the countrie of Galilee ✝ verse 29 And immediatly * going forth out of the Synagogue they came into the house of Simon and Andrevv vvith Iames and Iohn ✝ verse 30 And Simons vviues mother lay in a fit of a feuer and forthvvith they tel him of her ✝ verse 31 And comming neere he lifted her vp taking her by the hand and incōtinent the ague left her and she ministred vnto them ✝ verse 32 And vvhen it vvas euening after sunne set they brought to him al that vvere il at ease and that had deuils ✝ verse 33 And al the citie vvas gathered together at the doore ✝ verse 34 And he cured many that vvere vexed vvith diuerse diseases and he cast out many deuils and he suffered not them to speake that they knevv him ✝ verse 35 And rising very early and going forth he vvent into a desert place and there he prayed ✝ verse 36 And Simon sought after him and they that vvere vvith him ✝ verse 37 And vvhen they had found him they said to him That al seeke for thee ✝ verse 38 And he saith to them Let vs goe into the next tovvnes and cities that I may preach there also for to this purpose am I come ✝ verse 39 And he vvas preaching in their Synagogs and in al Galilee and casting out deuils ✝ verse 40 And a * leper commeth to him beseeching him and kneeling dovvne saith to him If thou vvilt thou canst make me cleane ✝ verse 41 And IESVS hauing compassion on him stretched forth his hand and touching him he saith vnto him I vvil be thou made cleane ✝ verse 42 And vvhen he had spoken immediatly the leprosie departed from him and he vvas made cleane ✝ verse 43 And he threatened him and forthvvith cast him forth ✝ verse 44 and he saith to him See thou tel no body but goe shevv thy self to the high priest and offer for thy cleansing the things that * Moyses commaunded for a testimonie to them ✝ verse 45 But he being gone forth began to publish and to blase abrode the vvord so that novv he could not openly goe into the citie but vvas abrode in desert places and they came together vnto him from al sides ANNOTATIONS CHAP. I. 5. Confessing their sinnes A certaine confession of sinnes there was euen in that penance which Iohn preached and which was made before men were baptized Whereby it is cleere that Iohn made a preparation to the Sacrament of Penance which afterward was instituted by Christ as wel as he did by baptizing prepare the way to Christs baptisme 5. Their sinnes He doth not say that they confessed them selues to be sinners which may be done by a general confession but that they confessed their sinnes which is a particular confession 6. Clothed The Holy Ghost thought it worthy of speciall reporting how straitly this Prophete li●ed and how he abstained from delicate meates and apparel See M●t. c. 3. 8. With water Iohn with water only Christ with the Holy Ghost not only as the Heretikes hold that say water is not necessary but with water and the Holy Ghost as it is plaine Io. 3. vnles a man be borne againe of water and the Holy Ghost he shal not enter into the kingdom of heauen 9. Baptized of Iohn The humility of Christ not disdaining his seruants baptisme Which is an example for al faithful not to disdaine Christs Sacraments of any Priest be he neuer so simple being by the Catholike Church lawfully called Aug. li. 5 de bapt c. 9. 10. The Spirit Expresse mention of the B. Trinitie the Father speaketh from heauen the Holy Ghost appeareth in the likenesse of a doue the Sonne also is recommended vnto vs. Ambros li. 1 de Sacram. c. 5. 12. Desert Christ doing penance by long fasting solitarinesse and conuersing with wilde beastes gaue example and instruction to the Church for Lent fast and to holy Eremites of retiring them selues to the wildernesse and prayer 35. Desert place Christ vsed very often to retire into solitary places no doubt for our example to teach vs that such places are best for prayer and contemplation and that we should often retire our selues from worldly matters to solitary meditation of heauenly things CHAP. II. Against the Scribes and Pharisees he defendeth first his povver to remitte sinnes in earth 〈◊〉 and his eating vvith sinners as being the Physici●n of soules signified in those his miraculous cures vpon bodies 〈◊〉 then also he defendeth his Disciples not hauing as yet any fastes by him prescribed vnto them and plucking ●ares of corne vpon the Sabboth signifying vvithal that he vvil change their ceremonies verse 1 AND againe he entred into Capharnaum after some daies and it vvas heard that he vvas in the house ✝ verse 2 and many came together so that there vvas no place no not at the doore and he spake to them the vvord ✝ verse 3 And they came to him bringing one sicke of the palsey vvho vvas caried of foure ✝ verse 4 And vvhen they could not offer him vnto him for the multitude they ● vncouered the roofe vvhere he vvas and opening it they did let dovvne the couche vvherein the sicke of the palsey lay ✝ verse 5 And vvhen IESVS had seen their faith he saith to the ● sicke
to Gods commaundements be here condemned as al obseruations not edifying nor profitable to the fulfilling of Gods commaundements be vaine and superfluous as many obseruations of the Pharisees were then and the like traditions of Heretikes be now for howsoeuer they bragge of Scriptures al their maner of administration and ministerie is their owne tradition and inuention without al Scripture and warrant of Gods word But the traditions of the Apostles and Ancients and al the precepts of holy Church we are commaunded to keepe as things not prescribed by man but by the Holy Ghost Act. 15 ●● 41. 2 Thessal ● 61. 11. Gift To giue to the Church or Altar is not forbidden but the forsaking of a mans parents in their necessitie pretending or excusing the matter vpon his giuing that which should relieue them to God or to the Altar that is impious and vnnatural And these Pharisees teaching children so to neglect their duties to their parents did wickedly 15. Nothing entering into a man As these wordes of our Sauiour do not import that the Iewes then might haue eaten of those meates which God forbade them no more doe they now that we Christians may eate of meates which the Church forbiddeth vs. And yet both then and now al meates are cleane and nothing entering into a man defileth a man For neither they then nor we now absteine for that any meates are of their nature abominable or defile the eaters but they for signification we for obedience and chastisement of our bodies 33. Spitting Not only by Christs vvord and vvil but also by ceremonie and by application of external creatures vvhich be holy miracles are vvrought as by Christs spittle vvhich vvas not part of his person being a superfluity of his body but yet most holy Theophyl in 7 Marci 34 Ephphetha The Church doth most godly imitate and vse these very vvordes and ceremonies of our Sauiour in the Exorcismes before Baptisme to the healing of their soules that are to be baptized as Christ here healed the bodily infirmitie and the disease of the soule together Ambros li. 1 de Sacram. c 1. CHAP. VIII Of compassion he feedeth the people 4000 vvith seuen loaues 10 After al vvhich miracles as though they vvere yet vnsufficient to proue him to be Christ the obstinate Pharisees do require some miracle from heauen 13 Wherevpon forsaking them he vvarneth his Disciples to bevvare of the leauen of their doctrine neither to feare vvant of necessaries 22 He healeth a blind man by degrees and vvith ceremonies 27 Peter confesseth him though men al this vvhile had not learned so farre to be Christ 31 and by and by he reuealeth to them his passion 32 rebuking also Peter for dissuading it 34 and shewing that it is a thing vvherein al that vvil be saued namely in time of persecution must folovv him verse 1 IN those daies againe vvhen there vvas a great multitude and had not what to eate calling his Disciples together he saith to them ✝ verse 2 I haue compassion vpon the multitude because loe three daies they now endure vvith me neither haue vvhat to eate ✝ verse 3 and if I dimisse them fasting into their home they vvil faint in the vvay for some of them came farre of ✝ verse 4 And his Disciples ansvvered him Whence may a man fil them here vvith bread in the vvildernes ✝ verse 5 And he asked them Hovv many loaues haue ye Who said Seuen ✝ verse 6 And he commaunded the multitude to sit dovvne vpon the ground And taking the seuen loaues giuing thankes he brake and ″ gaue to his Disciples for to set before them and they did set them before the multitude ✝ verse 7 And they had a fevv litle fishes and ″ he blessed them and commaunded them to be set before them ✝ verse 8 And they did eate and vvere filled and they tooke vp that vvhich vvas left of the fragments seuen maundes ✝ verse 9 And they that had eaten vvere about foure thousand and he dimissed them ✝ verse 10 And * immediatly going vp into the boate vvith his Disciples he came into the quarters of Dalmanûtha ✝ verse 11 And the Pharisees vvent forth and began to question vvith him asking of him a signe from heauen tempting him ✝ verse 12 And groning in spirit he saith Why doth this generation aske a signe Amen I say to you If a signe shal be giuen to this generation ✝ verse 13 And leauing them he vvent vp againe into the boate and passed beyond the straite ✝ verse 14 And they forgot to take bread and they had but one loafe vvith them in the boate ✝ verse 15 And he commaunded them saying Looke vvel and bevvare of the leauen of the Pharisees and the leauen of Herod ✝ verse 16 And they reasoned among them selues saying Because vve haue not bread ✝ verse 17 Which IESVS knovving saith to them Why doe you reason because you haue not bread do you not yet knovv nor vnderstand yet haue ye your hart blinded ✝ verse 18 hauing eies see you not and hauing eares heare you not Neither do you remember ✝ verse 19 When * I brake fiue loaues among fiue thousand and hovv many baskets ful of fragmēts tooke you vp They say to him Tvvelue ✝ verse 20 * When also seuen loaues among foure thousand hovv many maundes of fragments tooke you vp And they say to him Seuen ✝ verse 21 And he said to them Hovv do you not yet vnderstand ✝ verse 22 And they come to Bethsaida and they bring to him one blinde and desired him that he vvould touche him ✝ verse 23 And taking the hand of the blinde he led him forth out of the tovvne and spitting into his eies imposing his hands he asked him if he savv any thing ✝ verse 24 And looking vp he said I see men as it vvere trees vvalking ✝ verse 25 After that againe he imposed his hands vpon his eies and be began to see and vvas restored so that he savv al things clerely ✝ verse 26 And he sent him into his house saying Goe into thy house and if thou enter in to the tovvne tel no body ✝ verse 27 And * IESVS vvent forth and his Disciples into the tovvnes of Caesarêa-Philippi and in the vvay he asked his Disciples saying to them Whom do men say that I am ✝ verse 28 Who ansvvered him saying Iohn the Baptist some Elias other some as it vvere one of the Prophets ✝ verse 29 Then he saith to them But vvhom do you say that I am Peter ansvvering said to him Thou art Christ ✝ verse 30 And he threatened them that they should not tel any man of him ✝ verse 31 And he began to teache them that the Sonne of man must suffer many things and be reiected of the Auncients and of the high Priestes and the Scribes and be killed and after three daies rise againe ✝ verse 32
Holy Ghost ruled the penne of holy vvriters that they might not erre yet did they vse humane meanes to search out and find the truth of the things they wrote of Euen so doe Councels and the President of them Gods vicar discusse and examine al causes by humane meanes the assistance of the Holy Ghost concurring and directing them into al truth according to Christes promise Io. 16 13 as in the very first Councel of the Apostles them selues at Hierusalem is manifest Act. 15 7 and 28. Againe here vve haue a familiar preface of the Author as to his frende or to euery godly Reader signified by Theophilus cōcerning the cause and purpose and maner of his vvriting and yet the very same is confessed Scripture vvith the vvhole booke folovving Maruel not then if the Author of the second booke of the Machabees * vse the like humane speaches both at the beginning and in the later end neither do thou therfore reiect the booke for no Scripture as our Heretikes doe or not thinke him a sacred vvriter 6. Iust before God Against the Heretikes of this time here it is euident that holy men be iust not only by the estimation of men but in deede and before God 6. In al the commaundements Three things to be noted directly against the Heretikes of our time first that good men doe keepe al Gods commaundements which they say are impossible to be kept Againe that men be iustified not by only imputation of Christes iustice nor by saith alone but by walking in the commaundements Againe that the keeping and doing of the commaundements is properly our iustification 6. Iustifications This word is so vsual in the Scriptures namely in the Psal 118 to signifie the commaundements of God because the keeping of them is iustification and the Greeke is alwaies so fully correspōdent to the same that the Heretikes in this place otherwise pretending to esteeme much of the Greeke blush not to say that they auoid this word of purpose against the iustification of the Papists And therfore one vseth Tullies word forsooth in Latin constituta and his scholers in their English Bibles say Ordinances 14. Ioy and exultation This was fulfilled not only when he was borne but now also through the whole Church for euer in ioyful celebrating of his Natiuitie 2● He departed In the old Law saith S. Hierom they that offered hostes for the people were not only not in their houses but were purified for the time being separated from their wiues and they dranke neither wine nor any strong drinke which are wont to prouoke concupiscence Much more the Priests of the new Law that must alwaies offer sacrifices must alwaies be free from matrimonie Li. 1 c. 19. adu louin and ep 50 c. 3. See S. Ambrose in 1 Tim. 3. And therfore if there were any religion in Caluins Communion they would at the least giue as much reuerence in this point as they in the old Law did to their sacrifices and to the loaues of proposition 1 Reg. 21. 28. Haileful of grace Holy Church and al true Christian men doe much and often vse these wordes brought from heauen by the Archangel as wel to the honour of Christ and our B. Ladie as also for that they were the wordes of the first glad tidings of Christs Incarnation and our Saluation by the same and be the very abridgement and summe of the whole Gospel In so much that the Greeke Church vsed it daily in the Masse 28. Ful of grace Note the excellent prerogatiues of our B. Lady and abhorre those Heretikes which make her no better then other vulgar women and therfore to take from her fulnes of grace they say here Haile freely beloued contrarie to al significations of the Greeke word which is at the lest endued with grace as S. Paul vseth it Ephes 1. by S. Chrysostoms interpretation or rather ful of grace as both * Greeke and Latin fathers haue alwaies here vnderstood it and the Latines also read it namely S. Ambrose thus wel 〈◊〉 she only called ful of grace vvho only obteined the grace vvhich no other vvoman deserued to be replenished with the author of grace And if they did as wel know the nature of these kind of Greeke wordes as they would seeme very skilful they might easily obserue that they signifie fulnes as when them selues translate the like word Luc. 1● 20 ful of sores Beza vlcerosus 14. I know not man These wordes declare saith S. Augustine that she had now vowed virginitie to God For otherwise neither would she say How shal this be done nor haue added because I know not man Yea if she had said only the first wordes How shal this be done It is euident that she would not haue asked such a question hovv a vvoman should beare a sonne promised her if she had married meaning to haue carnal copulation c. 4 de virgin As if he should say If she might haue knovven a man and so haue had a childe she vvould neuer haue asked How shal this be done but because that ordinarie way vvas excluded by her vow of virginitie therfor she asketh How And in asking How The plainly declareth that she might not haue a childe by knowing man because of her vow See S. Grego Nyssene de sancta Christi Natiuitate 36. Elisabeth thy Cosin By this that Elisabeth and our Lady were cosins the one of the tribe of Leui the other of Iuda is gathered that Christ came of both tribes Iuda and Leui of the kings and the priests him self both a king and a priest and the Anointed to vvit by grace spiritually as they vvere vvith oile materially and corporally August 2 de Consens Euang. c. 1. 42. Blessed art thou At the very hearing of our Ladies voice the infant and she vvere replenished vvith the Holy Ghost and she sang praises not only to Christ but for his sake to our B. Lady calling her blessed and her fruite blessed as the Church doeth also by her vvordes and example in the AVE MARIE 43. Mother of my Lord. Elizabeth being an exceding iust and blessed vvoman yet the vvorthines of Gods mother doth so far excel her and al other vvomen as the great light the litle starres Hiero. Praef. in Sophon 48. Shal call me blessed This Prophecie is fulfilled when the Church keepeth her Festiual daies and when the faithful in al generations say the AVE MARIE and other holy Antems of our Lady And therfore the Caluinistes are not among those generations which call our Lady blessed 63. Iohn is his name wee see that names are of signification and importance God him self changing or giuing names in both Testaments as Abraham Israel Peter and the principal of al others IESVS and here IOHN vvhich signifieth Gods grace or mercie or God vvil haue mercie For he vvas the Precursor and Prophet of the mercie
the chaffe he vvil burne vvith vnquencheable fire ✝ verse 18 Many other things also exhorting did he euangelize to the people ✝ verse 19 * And Herod the Tetrarch vvhen he vvas rebuked of him for Herodias his brothers ' vvife and for al the euils vvhich Herod did ✝ verse 20 ″ he added this also aboue al and shut vp Iohn into prison ✝ verse 21 * And it came to passe vvhen al the people vvas baptized IESVS also being baptized and praying heauen vvas opened ✝ verse 22 and the Holy Ghost descended in corporal shape as a doue vpon him and a voice from heauen vvas made Thou art my beloued sonne in thee I am vvel pleased ✝ verse 23 And IESVS him self was beginning to be about thirtie yeres old as it was thought the sonne of Ioseph vvho vvas ″ of Heli ✝ verse 24 vvho vvas of Matthat vvho vvas of Leui vvho vvas of Melchi vvho vvas of Ianné vvho vvas of Ioseph ✝ verse 25 vvho vvas of Matthathias vvho vvas of Amos vvho vvas of Naum vvho vvas of Hesli vvho vvas of Naggé ✝ verse 26 vvho vvas of Mahath vvho vvas of Matthathias vvho vvas of Semei vvho vvas of Ioseph vvho vvas of Iuda ✝ verse 27 vvho vvas of Iohanna vvho vvas of Resa vvho vvas of Zorobabel vvho vvas of Salathiel vvho vvas of Neri ✝ verse 28 vvho vvas of Melchi vvho vvas of Addi vvho vvas of Cosam vvho vvas of Elmadan vvho vvas of Her ✝ verse 29 vvho vvas of IesuS vvho vvas of Eliézer vvho vvas of Iorim vvho vvas of Matthat vvho vvas of Leui ✝ verse 30 vvho vvas of Simeon vvho vvas of Iudas vvho vvas of Ioseph vvho vvas of Iona vvho vvas of Eliacim ✝ verse 31 vvho vvas of Melcha vvho vvas of Menna vvho vvas of Matthatha vvho vvas of Nathan vvho vvas of Dauid ✝ verse 32 * vvho vvas of Iessé vvho vvas of Obed vvho vvas of Booz vvho vvas of Salmon vvho vvas of Naasson ✝ verse 33 vvho vvas of Aminadab vvho vvas of Aram vvho vvas of Efron vvho vvas of Phares vvho vvas of Iudas ✝ verse 34 vvho vvas of Iocob vvho vvas of Isaac vvho vvas of Abraham vvho vvas of Tharé vvho vvas of Nachor ✝ verse 35 vvho vvas of Sarug vvho vvas of Ragau vvho vvas of Phaleg vvho vvas of Heber vvho vvas of Salé ✝ verse 36 vvho vvas of Cainan vvho vvas of Arphaxad vvho vvas of Sem vvho vvas of Noë vvho vvas of Lamech ✝ verse 37 vvho vvas of Mathusalé vvho vvas of Henoch vvho vvas of Iared vvho vvas of Malaleel vvho vvas of Cainan ✝ verse 38 vvho vvas of Henos vvho vvas of Seth vvho vvas of Adam vvho vvas of God ANNOTATIONS CHAP. III. 20. He added this aboue al. The fault of Princes and other great men that can not only not abide to heare their faults but also punish by death or emprisonment such as reprehend them for the same specially if they warne them as Prophets and Priests doe from God is exceding great 23. Of Heli. Vvhereas in S. Matthevv Iacob is father to Ioseph and here Heli the case vvas thus Mathan named in S. Matthevv of his vvife called Escha begat Iacob and after his death Melchi named here in S. Luke of the same vvoman begat Heli so that Iacob and Heli vvere brethren of one mother This Heli therfore marrying and dying vvithout issue Iacob his brother according to the Lavv married his vvife and begat Ioseph and so raised vp seede to his brother Heli. whereby it came to passe that Iacob was the natural father of Ioseph which as S. Matthew saith begat him and Heli was his legal father according to the Law as S. Luke signifieth Euseb li. 1 Ec. Hist c. 7 Hiero. in 6. 1 Mat. Aug. li. 2 c. 2. 3 de cons Euang. CHAP. IIII. Christ going into the Desert to prepare him self before his manifestation ouercommeth the tentations of the Diuel 14 then beginning gloriously in Galilee 16 he sheweth to them of Nazareth his commission out of Esay the Prophet 23 insinuating by occasion the Ievves his countriemens reprobation 31 In Capharnaum his doctrine is admired 33 specially for his miracle in the Synagogue 38. from vvhich going to Peters house he shevveth there much more povver 42 Then retiring into the vvildernesse he preacheth aftervvard to the other cities of Galilee verse 1 AND IESVS ful of the Holy Ghost returned from Iordan and vvas driuen in the spirit into the desert ✝ verse 2 fourtie daies and vvas tempted of the deuil And he did eate nothing in those daies and vvhen they vvere ended he vvas an hungred ✝ verse 3 And the Deuil said to him If thou be the sonne of God say to this stone that it be made bread ✝ verse 4 And IESVS made ansvver vnto him It is vvritten That not in bread alone shal man liue but in euery vvord of God ✝ verse 5 And the Deuil brought him into an high mountaine and shevved him al the kingdoms of the vvhole vvorld in a moment of time ✝ verse 6 and he said to him To thee vvil I giue this vvhole povver and the glorie of them for to me they are deliuered and to vvhom I vvil I doe giue them ✝ verse 7 Thou therfore if thou vvilt adore before me they shal al be thine ✝ verse 8 And IESVS ansvvering said to him It is vvritten Thou shalt adore the Lord thy God and him only shalt thou serue ✝ verse 9 And he brought him into Hierusalem and set him vpon the pinnacle of the temple and he said to him If thou be the sonne of God cast thy self from hence dovvnevvard ✝ verse 10 For it is vvritten that He hath giuen his Angels charge of thee that they preserue thee ✝ verse 11 and that in their hands they shal beare thee vp lest perhaps thou knocke thy foote against a stone ✝ verse 12 And IESVS ansvvering said to him It is said Thou shal not tempt the Lord thy God ✝ verse 13 And al the tentation being ended the Deuil ″ departed from him vntil a time ✝ verse 14 * And IESVS returned in the force of the spirit into Galilee and the fame vvent forth through the vvhole countrie of him ✝ verse 15 And he taught in their synagogues and vvas magnified of al. ✝ verse 16 * And he came to Nazareth vvhere he vvas brought vp and he entred according to his custom on the Sabboth day into the synagogue and he rose vp to reade ✝ verse 17 And the booke of Esay the Prophet vvas deliuered vnto him And as he vnfolded the booke he found the place vvhere it vvas vvritten ✝ verse 18 The Spirit of the Lord vpon me for vvhich he anointed me to euangelize vnto the poore he sent me to heale the contrite of hart ✝ verse 19 to preach to the captiues remission and sight to the blinde to dimisse the bruised vnto remissiō to
* And it came to passe the day folovving vvhen they came dovvne from the mountaine there mette him a great multitude ✝ verse 38 And behold a man of the multitude cried out saying Maister I beseeche thee looke vpō my sonne because he is mine only one ✝ verse 39 and loe the spirit taketh him and he sodenly crieth and he dasheth him and teareth him that he fometh and vvith much a doe departeth renting him ✝ verse 40 And I desired thy disciples to cast him out and they could not ✝ verse 41 And IESVS ansvvering said O faithles and peruerse generation hovv long shal I be vvith you and suffer you bring hither thy sonne ✝ verse 42 And vvhen he came to him the deuil dashed and tore him And IESVS rebuked the vncleane spirit and healed the lad and rendred him to his father ✝ verse 43 And al vvere astonied at the might of God and al merueiling at al things that he did he said to his disciples ✝ verse 44 Lay you in your hartes these vvordes for it shal come to passe that the Sonne of man shal be deliuered into the hands of men ✝ verse 45 But they did not knovv this vvord and it vvas couered before them that they perceiued it not And they vvere afraid to aske him of this vvord ✝ verse 46 * And there entred a cogitation into them vvhich of them should be greater ✝ verse 47 But IESVS seeing the cogitations of their hart tooke a childe and set him by him ✝ verse 48 and said to them whosoeuer receiueth this childe in my name receiueth me and vvhosoeuer receiueth me receiueth him that sent me For he that is the lesser among you al he is the greater ✝ verse 49 * And Iohn ansvvering said Maister vve savv a certaine man casting out deuils in thy name and vve prohibited him because he folovveth not vvith vs. ✝ verse 50 And IESVS said to him Prohibit not for he that is not against you is for you ✝ verse 51 And it came to passe vvhiles the daies of his assumption vvere accōplishing and he fixed his face to goe into Hierusalem ✝ verse 52 And he sent messengers before his face and going they entred into a citie of the Samaritans to prepare for him ✝ verse 53 And they receiued him not because his ″ face vvas to goe to Hierusalem ✝ verse 54 And vvhen his disciples Iames and Iohn had seen it they said Lord vvilt thou vve say that fire come dovvne from heauen and consume them ' ✝ verse 55 And turning ″ he rebuked them saying You knovv not of vvhat spirit you are ✝ verse 56 The sonne of man came not to destroy soules but to saue And they vvent into an other tovvne ✝ verse 57 And it came to passe as they vvalked in the vvay a certaine man said to him * I vvil folovv thee vvhithersoeuer thou goest ✝ verse 58 IESVS said to him The foxes haue holes and the foules of the aire nestes but the sonne of man hath not vvhere to repose his head ✝ verse 59 But he said to an other Folovv me And he said Lord permit me first to goe and to burie my father ✝ verse 60 And IESVS said to him Let the dead burie their dead but goe thou set forth the kingdom of God ✝ verse 61 And an other said I vvil folovv thee Lord but permit me first to take my leaue of them that are at home ✝ verse 62 IESVS said to him ″ No man putting his hand to the plough and looking backe is apt for the kingdom of God ANNOTATIONS CHAP. IX 27. Til they see To the Apostles that had to preach the kingdom of God and to suffer so much miserie for the same in this vvorld he vvil shevv his glorie and giue them a tast of his owne ioyful state and of his Saincts in heauen calling thither Moyses and Elias that the Lavv and Prophets might be vvitnesses of the same See the annotation vpon S. Matthevv c. 17 2. 53. Face to goe to Hierusalem The Samaritans vvere Schismatikes from the Ievves and had a Schismatical temple in mount Garîzim of purpose to dravv men thither from Gods temple in Hierusalem vvhere only vvas the true and as it vvere the Catholike seruice and Sacrifice vnto God Therfore they did not gladly receiue our Sauiour because they perceiued he vvas going to Hierusalem 53. He rebuked them Not iustice nor al rigorous punishment of sinners is here forbidden not Elias fact reprehēded nor the Church or Christian Princes blamed for putting Heretikes to death but that none of these should be done for desire of our particular reuenge or vvithout discretion regard of their amendement and example to others Therfore S. Peter vsed his povver vpon Ananias and Sapphira vvhen he strooke them both dovvne to death for defrauding the Church 62. No man looking backe It is a dangerous temptation for a man that hath lost or left his goods for Christ to looke much backe at them and to remember vvith delight the pleasures and eases of this vvorld for it breedeth in him discontentment of the troubles and crosses that are incident to the state of such as fully folovv Christ In vvhich case a man should euer looke forvvard tovvards heauen and neuer backevvard to the vvorld CHAP. X. He sendeth yet 72 moe to preach to the Iewes with power also of miracles 13 crying w● to the cities impenitent 17 At their returne he agniseth the great power he gaue them but yet teacheth them not to be proud thereof 21 and praiseth God for his grace 23 his Church also for her happy state 2● To one of the Scribes he sheweth that the loue of God and of his neighbour wil bring him to life euerlasting 29 teaching him by the parable of the Samaritane to take euery one for his neighbour that needeth his charitie 38 To Martha he sheweth that Maries Contemplatius life is the better verse 1 AND after this our Lord designed also other seuentie tvvo and he sent them tvvo and tvvo before his face into euery citie and place vvhither him self vvould come ✝ verse 2 And he said to them The haruest truely is much but the vvorkemen fevv Desire therfore the lord of the haruest that he send vvorkemen into his haruest ✝ verse 3 Goe behold I send you as lambes among vvolues ✝ verse 4 Carie not purse not skrip nor shoes and salute no body by the vvay ✝ verse 5 Into vvhatsoeuer house you enter first say Peace to this house ✝ verse 6 and if the sonne of peace be there your peace shal rest vpon him but if not it shal returne to you ✝ verse 7 And in the same house tarie you eating and drinking such things as they haue * For the vvorkeman is vvorthie of his hire Remoue not from house to house ✝ verse 8 And into vvhat citie soeuer you enter
oile and vvine his Sacraments the host the priests his ministers Vvhereby is signified that the Lavv could not recouer the spiritual life of mankind from the death of sinne that is iustifie man but Christ onely vvho by his passion and the grace and vertue thereof ministred in and by his Sacraments iustifieth and increaseth the iustice of man healing and abling free-vvil to doe al good vvorkes 42. Marie the best part Tvvo notable exāples one of the life Actiue in Martha the other of the life Contēplatiue in Marie● representing vnto vs that in holy Church there should be alvvaies some to serue God in both these seueral sorts The life contēplatiue is here preferred before the actiue the Religious of both sexes are of that more excellent state and therfore our Protestants haue wholy abandoned them out of their common wealth which the true Church neuer wanted But to say truth they haue neither Martha nor Marie our Lord geue them grace to see their miserie If ours were not answerable to their profession or were degenerated why haue they no new ones if our Churches Votaries vowed vnlawful things Chastitie Pouertie Obedience Pilgrimage what other Votaries or lawful vowes haue they For to offer voluntarily by vow besides the keeping of Gods commaundements wherevnto we are bound by precept and promise in our Baptisme our soules bodies goods or any other acceptable thing to God is an acte of soueraine worship belonging to God onely and there was neuer true religion without such vowes and Votaries If there be none in their whole Church that professe contemplation or that vow any thing at al to God voluntarily neither in their bodies nor in their goods God and the world knovv they haue no Church nor religion at al. CHAP. XI He teacheth a forme of prayer ● and exhorteth to pray instantly 11 assuring that so God wil giue vs good things 14 The Iewes blaspheming his casting out of Diuels and asking for a miracle from heauen 17 he defendeth his doing 〈◊〉 foretelling also the Diuels expulsion by him out of the world that is the vocation of the Gentils 24 and his reentrie into their nation 27 with their reprobation though he be of their flesh 29 and also their final most worthy damnation 37 Againe to the Pharisees and Scribes he crieth wo as authors of the said ●●probation now at hand verse 1 AND it came to passe vvhen he vvas in a certaine place praying as he ceased one of his Disciples said to him Lord teach vs to pray as Iohn also taught his Disciples ✝ verse 2 And he said them * Vvhen you pray say FATHER sanctified be thy name Thy kingdom come ✝ verse 3 Our daily bread giue vs this day ✝ verse 4 and forgiue vs our sinnes for because our selues also doe forgiue euery one that is in debt to vs And lead vs not into temptation ✝ verse 5 And he said to them Vvhich of you shal haue a frende and shal goe to him at midnight and shal say to him Frende lend me three loaues ✝ verse 6 because a frende of mine is come out of his way to me and I haue not what to set before him ✝ verse 7 he from vvithin ansvvering saith Trouble me not novv the doore is shut and my children are vvith me in bed I can not rise and giue thee ✝ verse 8 And if he shal perseuêre knocking I say to you although he vvil not rise and giue him because he is his frende yet for his importunitie he vvil rise and giue him as many as he needeth ✝ verse 9 * And I say to you Aske and it shal be giuen you seeke and you shal finde knocke and it shal be opened to you ✝ verse 10 For euery one that asketh receiueth and he that seeketh findeth and to him that knocketh it shal be opened ✝ verse 11 And vvhich of you if he aske his father bread vvil he giue him a stone or a fish vvil he for a fish giue him a serpent ✝ verse 12 Or if he aske an egge vvil he reach him a scorpion ✝ verse 13 If you then being naught knovv hovv to giue good giftes to your children hovv much more vvil your father from heauen giue the good spirit to them that aske him ⊢ ✝ verse 14 * And he vvas casting out a deuil and that vvas dumme And vvhen he had cast out the deuil the dumme spake and the multitudes marueiled ✝ verse 15 * And certaine of them said In Beel-zebub the prince of Deuils he casteth out Deuils ✝ verse 16 And other tempting asked of him a signe from heauen ✝ verse 17 But he seeing their cogitations said to them Euery kingdom deuided against it self shal be made desolate and house vpon house shal fall ✝ verse 18 And if Satan also be deuided against him self hovv shal his kingdom stand because you say that in Beel-zebub I doe cast out Deuils ✝ verse 19 And if I in Beel-zebub cast out Deuils your children in vvhom doe they cast out therfore they shal be your iudges ✝ verse 20 But if I in the finger of God doe cast out Deuils surely the kingdom of God is come vpon you ✝ verse 21 Vvhen the strong armed keepeth his court those things are in peace that he possesseth ✝ verse 22 But if a stronger then he come vpon him and ouercome him he vvil take avvay his vvhole armour vvherein he trusted and vvil distribute his spoiles ✝ verse 23 He that is not vvith me is against me and he that gathereth not vvith me scattereth ✝ verse 24 Vvhen the vncleane spirit shal depart out of a man he vvandereth through places vvithout vvater seeking rest And not finding he saith I vvil returne into my house vvhence I departed ✝ verse 25 And vvhen he is come he findeth it svvept vvith a besome and trimmed ✝ verse 26 Then he goeth and taketh seuen other spirits vvorse then him self and entring in they dvvel there And the last of that man be made vvorse then the first ✝ verse 27 And came to passe vvhen he said these things a certaine vvoman lifting vp her voice out of the multitude said to him ″ Blessed is the vvombe that bare thee and the pappes that thou didst sucke ✝ verse 28 But he said Yea rather blessed are they that heare the vvord of God and keepe it ⊢ ✝ verse 29 And the multitudes running together he began to say * This generation is a vvicked generation it asketh a signe and a signe shal not be giuen it but ″ the signe of Ionas the Prophet ✝ verse 30 * For as Ionas vvas a signe to the Niniuites so shal the Sonne of man also be to this generation ✝ verse 31 * The Queene of the South shal rise in the iudgement vvith the men of this generation and shal condemne them because she came from the endes of the earth to heare the
vvisedom of Salomon and behold more then Salomon here ✝ verse 32 The men of Niniuee shal rise in the iudgement vvith this generation and shal condemne it * because they did penance at the preaching of Ionas and behold more then Ionas here ✝ verse 33 * No man lighteth a candel and putteth it in secrete neither vnder a bushel but vpon a candlesticke that they that goe in may see the light ✝ verse 34 * The candel of thy body is thine eie If thine eie be simple thy vvhole body shal be lightsome but if it be naught thy body also shal be darkesome ✝ verse 35 See therfore that the light vvhich is in thee be not darkenesse ✝ verse 36 If then thy vvhole body be lightsome hauing no part of darkenesse it shal be lightsome vvholy and as a bright candel it shal lighten thee ⊢ ✝ verse 37 And vvhen he vvas speaking a certaine Pharisee desired him that he vvould dine vvith him and he going in sate dovvne to eate ✝ verse 38 And the Pharisee began to thinke vvithin him self and to say Vvhy he vvas not vvashed before dinner ✝ verse 39 And our Lord said to him * Novv you Pharisees doe make cleane that on the out side of the cuppe and of the platter but that of yours vvhich is vvithin is ful of rapine and iniquitie ✝ verse 40 Fooles did not he that made that on the outside make that also that is on the inside ✝ verse 41 But yet that that remaineth ″ giue almes behold al things are cleane vnto you ✝ verse 42 But vvo to you Pharisees because you tithe minte and revve and euery herbe and passe ouer iudgement and the charitie of God but these things you ought to haue done and not to omit those ✝ verse 43 Vvo to you Pharisees because you loue the first chaires in the synagogs and salutations in the market-place ✝ verse 44 Vvo to you because you are as monuments that appeare not and men vvalking ouer are not vvare ✝ verse 45 And one of the Lavvyers ansvvering saith to him Maister in saying these things thou speakest to our reproche also ✝ verse 46 But he said ″ Vvo to you Lavvyers also because you lode men vvith burdens which they can not beare and your selues touch not the packes vvith one of your fingers ✝ verse 47 Wo to you that build the monumēts of the Prophets and your fathers did kil them ✝ verse 48 Surely you doe testifie that you consent to the vvorkes of your fathers because they in deede did kil them and you build their sepulchres ✝ verse 49 For this cause the vvisedō also of God said I vvil send to them Prophets and Apostles and of them they vvil kil and persecute ✝ verse 50 that the bloud of al the Prophets that vvas shed from the making of the vvorld may be required of this generation ✝ verse 51 * from the bloud of Abel vnto the * bloud of Zacharie that vvas slaine betvvene the altar and the temple Yea I say to you it shal be required of this generation ⊢ ✝ verse 52 Vho to you Lavvyers because you haue taken avvay the key of knovvledge your selues haue not entred and those that did enter you haue prohibited ✝ verse 53 And vvhen he said these things to them the Pharisees and the Lavvyers began vehemently to vrge him and to stoppe his mouth about many things ✝ verse 54 lying in waite for him seeking to catch some thing of his mouth that they might accuse him ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XI 27. Blessed is the vvombe Let vs also saith Venerable Bede lift vp our voice vvith the Catholike Church of vvhich this vvoman vvas a figure let vs lift vp our hartes among the people and say to our Sauiour Blessed be the vvombe that bare thee and the pappes vvhich thou didst sucke for blessed in deede is the mother vvhich bare the King that ruleth heauen and earth for euer 29. The signe of Ionas Of al miracles his Resurrection after he had been according to his body in the graue according to his soule in Hel three daies vvas the greatest and most conuinceth the incredulous Ievves and therfore a greater or more euident then that he saith he vvil not giue them 41. Giue almes The great force of almes is here and in diuers places of holy vvrite signified In one place they extinguish sinne in an other they redeeme sinnes in an other they deliuer from death in an other to them giuen or omitted our iudgement to heauen or hel is attributed and here they make cleane and satisfie for the Ievves former offenses for as S. Augustine saith c. 70 Enchiridij almes deedes profite not a man that hath a vvill to continevv in his sinnes but they are to be done for a propitiation to God of former offenses Novv hovv vvel the Protestants like this doctrine so euidently set forth in Scripture let the indifferent iudge and hovv vvel it agreeth vvith their onely faith 46. Wo to you Lavvyers These vvere Doctors of Moyses Lavv othervvise called Scribes Shal we therfore crie out against al Lavvyers novv or ought the name of Lavvyer be odious vvith vs because of these naughty Lavvyers among the Ievves much lesse ought the name of Priests to be odious as Heretikes would haue it because of the Ievves Priests that vvere so busy against our Sauiour CHAP. XII He prepareth his Disciples against persecutions to come vpon them at their publishing of his doctrine 13 With deuiding the brethrens inheritance he wil not medle but exhorteth them against auarice 22 and his Disciples by this occasion against solicitude so much as of necessaries 32 yea counseling them to geue al in almes 35 and to be ready at a knocke 41 namely admonishing Peter and other Prelats to see to their charge 49 and al not to looke but for persecution 54 The Iewes he reprehendeth for that they wil not see this time of grace 58 whereas it is so horrible to die without reconciliation verse 1 AND when great multitudes stoode about him so that they trode one an other he began to say to his Disciples Take good heede of the leauen of the Pharisees vvhich is hypocrisie ✝ verse 2 * For nothing is hid that shal not be reuealed nor secrete that shal not be knovven ✝ verse 3 For the things that you haue said in darknesse shal be said in the light and that vvhich you haue spoken into the eare in the chambers shal be preached in the house-toppes ✝ verse 4 And I say to you my frendes Be not afraid of them that kil the body and after this haue no more to doe ✝ verse 5 But I vvil shevv you vvhom ye shal feare feare him vvho after he hath killed hath povver to cast into hel yea I say to you feare him ✝ verse 6 Are not fiue sparovves sold for tvvo farthings
of you vpon the Sabboth loose his oxe or his asse from the manger and leadeth them to vvater ✝ verse 16 But ″ this daughter of Abraham vvhom Satan hath bound loe these eightene yeres ought not she to be loosed from this bond on the Sabboth day ✝ verse 17 And vvhen he said these things al his aduersaries vvere ashamed and al the people reioyced in al things that vvere gloriously done of him ⊢ ✝ verse 18 He said therfore * Vvherevnto is the kingdom of God like and vvherevnto shal I esteeme it like ✝ verse 19 It is like to a mustard seede vvhich a man tooke and cast into his garden and it grevv and became a great tree and the foules of the aire rested in the boughes thereof ✝ verse 20 And againe he said * Like to vvhat shal I esteeme the kingdom of God ✝ verse 21 It is like to leauen vvhich a vvoman tooke and hid in three measures of meale til the vvhole vvas leauened ✝ verse 22 And he vvent by cities and tovvnes teaching and making his iourney vnto Hierusalem ✝ verse 23 And a certaine man said to him Lord be they fevv that are saued * But he said to them ✝ verse 24 Striue to enter ″ by the narrovv gate because many I say to you ″ shal seeke to enter and shal not be able ✝ verse 25 But vvhen the good man of the house shal enter in and shut the doore and you shal begin to stand vvithout and knocke at the doore saying Lord open to vs and he ansvvering shal say to you I knovv you not vvhence you are ✝ verse 26 then you shal begin to say Vve did ″ eate before thee and drinke and in our streates didst thou teach ✝ verse 27 And he shal say to you I knovv you not vvhence you are depart from me al ye vvorkers of iniquite ✝ verse 28 There shal be vveeping and gnashing of teeth vvhen you shal see Abraham and Isaac and Iacob and al the Prophets in the kingdom of God and you to be thrust out ✝ verse 29 And there shal come from the East and the Vvest and the North and the South and shal sit dovvne in the kingdom of God ✝ verse 30 And behold they are last that shal be first and they be first that shal be last ✝ verse 31 The same day there came certaine of the Pharisees saying to him Depart and get the hence because Herod vvil kil thee ✝ verse 32 And he said to them Goe and tel that foxe Behold I cast out deuils and perfite cures this day and to morovv and the third day I am consummate ✝ verse 33 But yet I must vvalke this day and to morovv and the day folovving because it cannot be that a Prophet perish out of Hierusalem ✝ verse 34 * Hierusalem Hierusalem vvhich killest the Prophets and stonest them that are sent to thee hovv often vvould I gather thy childrē as the bird doth her brood vnder her vvings and thou vvouldest not ✝ verse 35 Behold your house shal be left desert to you And I say to you that you shal not see me til it come vvhen you shal say Blessed is he that commeth in the name of our Lord. ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XIII 2. These Galilaans It is Gods mercie that he straight punisheth not al offenders but some fevv for a vvarning to all as that for Schisme he striketh nor al such as haue forsaken the Church and the lavvful Priests as he did Coré and his complices that for spoile of Churches he reuengeth not al as he did Heliodorus and al that vow and reuoke their gifts to God as Ananias and Sapphîra Some few therfore for their iust deserts be so handled for example to prouoke al others guilty of the same crimes to doe penance Which if they doe not in this life they shal all assuredly perish in the next world Optatus li. 1 cont Parmen sub finem 16. This daughter we may see that many diseases which seeme natural doe procede of the Diuel by Gods permission either for sinne or for probation and both those kindes Christ specially cured for that no natural medicines could cure them and specially because he came to dissolue the workes of Satan both in body and soul 24. By the narrovv Our Lord is not contrarie to him self in that he ansvvereth the gate to be straite and fevv to be saued whereas els vvhere he said that many should come from the East and Vvest c. and ioy with Abraham in the kingdom of heauen Mat. 8. 11. For though they be few in respect of the vvicked of al sortes yet they be many in them selues and in the societie of Angels the vvheate cornes are scarse seen at the threshing vvhen they are medled with the chaffe but vvhen the il are remoued the vvhole barne of heauen shal be filled So saith S. Aug. Ser. 32 de verb. Do. 24. Shal seeke Many vvould be saued and looke to be saued but can not because they vvil not take paines to enter in at so straite a passage that is to say to fast much pray often doe great penance for their sinnes liue in holy Churches discipline abstaine from the pleasures of this world and suffer persecution and losse of their goods and liues for Christes sake 26. Eate before thee It is not ynough to feede vvith Christ in his Sacraments or to heare his vvord the Church to chalēge heauen thereby vnlesse vve liue in vnitie of the Catholike Church So S. Augustine applieth this against the Donatistes that had the very same seruice and Sacraments which the Catholike Church had but yet seuered them selues from other Christian countries by Schisme CHAP. XIIII By occasion of dining with a Pharisee 2 after that he hath againe confounded them for maligning him for his miraculous good doing on the Sabboth 7 he teacheth them humilitie seing their ambition 1● and in their workes to seeke retribution not of men in this worlde but of God in the world to come 16 foretelling also that the Iewes for their worldly excuses shal not tast of the Supper but the Gentils in their place 〈◊〉 Yea that so far must men be from al worldlines that they must earnestly bethinke them before they enter into his Church and be ready to forgot all 34 specially considering they must be the salt of others also verse 1 AND it came to passe vvhen IESVS entred into the house of a certaine Prince of the Pharisees vpon the Sabboth to eate bread and they vvatched him ✝ verse 2 And behold there vvas a certaine man before him that had the dropsie ✝ verse 3 And IESVS ansvvering spake to the Lavvyers and Pharisees saying Is it Lavvful to cure on the Sabboth ✝ verse 4 But they held their peace but he taking him healed him and sent him avvay ✝ verse 5 And ansvvering them he said Vvhich of you shal haue
done on the crosse as it is the self same thing that is offered in the Sacrament and on the crosse whereby you may see the peruersitie of the Protestants or their ignorance that thinke it therfore not to be Christs body because it is a memorie of his body or a figure of his body vpon the crosse nor to be a true sacrifice because it is a commemoratiue sacrifice for as the thing that more liuely neerely and truely resembleth or representeth is a better figure then that which shadoweth it a far of so this his body in the Sacramēt is more perfectly a figure of Christs body sacrifice then any other Christ him self the Sonne of God is a figure and character of his fathers person being yet of the self same substance and Christs body transfigured on the holy Mount was a figure and resemblance of his person glorified in heauen euen so is his body in the Sacrament to a faithful man that knovveth by his beleefe grounded on Christs owne vvord that in the one forme is his body in the other his bloud the most perfect representatiō of his death that can be As for the sacrifice it is no lesse a true Sacrifice because it is commemoratiue of Christs Passion then those of the old Testament vvere the lesse true because they vvere prefiguratiue for that is the condition annexed to al Sacrifice of euery Lavv to represent Christs Passion 20. The nevv Testament in my bloud Moyses tooke the bloud of the first sacrifice that vvas made after the geuing of the Lavv Exod. 24. and vvith bloud confirmed the couenant and compact betvvixt God and his people and so dedicated the old Testament vvhich vvithout bloud saith S Paul vvas not dedicated Moyses put that bloud also into a stāding peece and sprinkled al the people c. vvith the same said these formal vvordes This is the bloud of the couenant c. or as it is read in S. Paul of the Testament vvhich God hath deliuered vnto you Vnto al vvhich Christ in this action about the second part of this his sacrifice in euery of the Euangelists most cleerely alludeth expressing that the new Testament is begonne and dedicated in his bloud in the Chalice no lesse then the old vvas dedicated begonne and ratified in that bloud of calues conteined in the goblet of Moyses vvith vvhich his ovvne bloud he sprinkled invvardly his Apostles as the first fruits of the new Testament imitating the wordes of Moyses and saying This is the Chalice the new Testament c. which the other Euangelists spake more plainly This is my bloud of the new Testament By al which it is most certaine that Christes bloud in the Chalice is the bloud of Sacrifice and that in this sacrifice of the altar consisteth the external religion and proper seruice of the new Testamēt no lesse then the soueraine worship of God in the old Law did cōsist in the sacrifices of the same For though Christes sacrifice on the Crosse and his bloud shed for vs there bed the general price redemption and satisfaction for vs all and is the last and perfectest sealing or confirmation of the new law and Testament yet the seruice and Sacrifice which the people of the new Testament might resort vnto could not be that violent action of the Crosse but this on the Altar which by Christes owne appointment is and shal be the eternal office of the new Testament and the continual application of al the benefites of his Passion vnto vs. 20. Which shal be shed It is much to be obserued that the relatiue Vvhich in these vvordes is not gouerned or ruled as some vvould perhaps thinke of the novvne bloud but of the vvord chalice which is most plaine by the Greeke Which taketh away al cauillations and shifts from the Protestants both against the real presence and the true Sacrificing For it sheweth euidently that the bloud as the contents of the chalice or as in the chalice is shed for vs for so the Greeke readeth in the present tense and not onely as vpon the crosse And therfore as it foloweth thereof inuincibly that it is no bare figure but his bloud in deede so it ensueth necessarily● that it is a Sacrifice and propitiatorie because the chalice that is the Bloud contained in the same is shed for our sinnes For al that know the maner of the Scriptures speaches know also that this Bloud to be shed for sinne to be sacrificed for propitiation or for pardon of sinnes And this text proueth al this so plainely that Beza turneth him self roundly vpon the Holy Euangelist charging him with Soloecisme or false Greeke or els that the wordes which yet he cōfesseth to be in al copies Greeke and Latin are thrust into the text out of some other place vvhich he rather standeth vpon then that S. Luke should speake incongruously in so plaine a matter And therfore he saith plainely that it can not be truely said neither of the chalice it self nor of the contents thereof vvhich is in deede to giue the lie to the blessed Euangelist or to deny this to be Scripture So cleere is the Scripture for vs so miserable flights and shifts is falshod put vnto God be thanked 24. Contention The Apostles perceiuing Christs departure from them and his kingdom to be neere as infirme men and not yet endewed with the spirit of God began to haue emulation and cogitations of Superiority one ouer an other which our Maister represseth in them by exhortation to humility and by his owne example that being their Lord yet so lately serued them not forbidding Maioritie or Superioritie in them but pride tyranny and contempt of their inferiours 31. Simon Simon Lastly to put them out of doubt he calleth Peter twise by name and telling him the Diuels desire to sifte and trie them al to the vttermost as he did that night saith that he hath specially prayed for him to this end that his faith should neuer faile and that he being once conuerted should after that for euer confirme establish or vphold the rest in their faith which is to say that Peter is that man whom he would make Superiour ouer them and the whole Church Whereby we may learne that it was thought fit in the prouidence of God that he who should be the head of the Church should haue a special priuilege by Christes praier and promes neuer to faile in faith and that none other either Apostle Bishop or priest may chalenge any such singular or special prerogatiue either of his Office or person otherwise then ioyning in faith with Peter and by holding of him The danger saith S. Leo was common to al the Apostles but our Lord tooke special care of Peter that the state of al the rest might be more sure if the head were inuincible God so dispensing the aide of his grace that the assurance and strength which Christ gaue to
to release IESVS ✝ verse 21 But they cried againe saying Crucifie crucifie him ✝ verse 22 And he the third time said to them Vvhy vvhat euil hath this man done I finde no cause of death in him I vvil correct him therfore and let him goe ✝ verse 23 But they vvere instant vvith loude voices requiring that he might be crucified And their voices preuailed ✝ verse 24 And Pilate adiudged their petition to be done ✝ verse 25 And he released vnto them him that for murder and sedition had been cast into prison vvhom they demaunded but IESVS he deliuered to their pleasure ✝ verse 26 And vvhen they led him they tooke one Simon of Cyréne comming from the countrie and they laid the crosse vpon him to carie after IESVS ✝ verse 27 And there folovved him a great multitude of people and of vvomen vvhich bevvailed and lamented him ✝ verse 28 But IESVS turning to them said Daughters of Hierusalem vveepe not vpon me but vveepe vpon your selues and vpon your children ✝ verse 29 For behold the daies shal come vvherein they vvil say Blessed are the barren and the vvombes that haue not borne and the pappes that haue not giuen sucke ✝ verse 30 Then shal they begin to say to the mountaines Fal vpon vs and to the hilles Couer vs. ✝ verse 31 For if in the greene wood they doe these things in the drie vvhat shal be done ✝ verse 32 And there vvere led also other tvvo malefactours vvith him to be executed ✝ verse 33 And after they came to the place vvhich is called Caluarie there they crucified him and the theeues one on the right hand and the other on the left ✝ verse 34 And IESVS said Father forgiue them for they knovv not vvhat they doe But they deuiding his garments did cast lottes ✝ verse 35 And the people stood expecting ' and the princes vvith them derided him saying Others he hath saued let him saue him self if this be Christ the elect of God ✝ verse 36 And the souldiars also mocked him comming to him and offering him vinegre ✝ verse 37 saying If thou be the king of the Ievves saue thy self ✝ verse 38 And there vvas also a superscription vvritten ouer him in Greeke and Latine and Hebrevv letters THIS IS THE KING OF THE IEVVES ✝ verse 39 And one of those theeues that vvere hanged blasphemed him saying If thou be Christ saue thy self and vs. ✝ verse 40 But the other ansvvering rebuked him saying Neither doest thou feare God vvhere as thou art in the same damnation ✝ verse 41 And vve in deede iustly for vve receiue vvorthie of our doings but this man hath done no euil ✝ verse 42 And he said to IESVS Lord remember me vvhen thou shalt come into thy kingdom ✝ verse 43 And IESVS said to him Amen I say to thee this day thou shalt be vvith me ″ in paradise ✝ verse 44 And it vvas almost the sixt houre and there vvas made darkenesse vpon the vvhole earth vntil the ninthe houre ✝ verse 45 And the sunne vvas darkened and the veile of the temple vvas rent in the middes ✝ verse 46 And IESVS crying vvith a loude voice said Father into thy handes I commend my spirit And saying this he gaue vp the ghost ✝ verse 47 And the Centurion seeing that vvhich vvas done glorified God saying In deede this man vvas iust ✝ verse 48 And al the multitude of them that vvere present together at that sight and savv the things that vvere done returned knocking their breasts ✝ verse 49 And al his acquaintance stoode a far of and the vvomen that had folovved him from Galilee seeing these things ✝ verse 50 * And behold a man named Ioseph vvhich vvas a senatour a good man and a iust ✝ verse 51 he had not consented to their counseil and doings of Arimathaea a citie of Ievvrie vvho also him self expected the kingdom of God ✝ verse 52 This man came to Pilate and asked the body of IESVS ✝ verse 53 And taking it dovvne vvrapped it in sindon and laid him in a monument hevved of stone ″ vvherein neuer yet any man had been laid ✝ verse 54 And it vvas the day of Parasceue and the Sabboth drew neere ✝ verse 55 And the women that vvere come with him from Galilee folovving after ″ savv the monument and hovv his body vvas laid ✝ verse 59 And returning they prepared spices and ointments and on the Sabboth they rested according to the commaundement ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XXIII 34. Forgiue them A perfecte example of charitie in our Sauiour praying for his crucifiers vvhich the first martyr S. Steuen did folovv Act. 7 and the praiers of ●oth vvere heard Christs praier taking effecte in the Centurion and others Steuens in Paul 43. In Paradise Thou maist not herevpon differre thy conuersion or amendment presuming of grace at the last houre of thy life not looke to haue saluation by saith and confession of Christ vvithout good workes no● to goe straight to heauen vvithout satisfaction penance or punishment for thy former sinnes and life il spent nor chalenge securitie and certaine knovvledge of thy saluation for this good theeues case is not common but a rare example of mercie and prerogatiue but for the first point learne only not to despaire though thou hast been il to the last moment of thy life for the second that faith hope and charitie repentance and good vvil be sufficient and good vvorkes not required vvhere for vvant of time and opportunitie they cannot be had for the third that Christ gaue to this happy man for his ●elous confession of him and reprehending his fellovv not only remission of his sinnes but also by extraordinarie grace a pardon of al penance and satisfaction due either in this life or the next for the same euen as the holy Church by his examle and commission giueth pardons also to some of her zelous children of al punishment due for their offenses and such goe straight to heauen lastly that euery one hath not a reuelation of his saluation as this man had and therfore can not be so sure as he was ●3 Wherein neuer As in the wombe of MARIE none was conceiued before nor after him so in this monument none was laid before nor after him which prerogatiue no doubt was of Gods prouidence this Ioseph no lesse abstaining afterward to be buried in it then the other Ioseph from copulation with the mother of our Lord. S. Augustine ●● Saw the monument These good vvomen of great deuotion obserued the Sepulcher for the honour of the holy body Vvherevpon the deuotion of faithful folke vvatching and visiting on Good-Friday and Easter eue the sepulcher made in euery Church for memorie of our Lords burial is exceding good and godly specially the B. Sacrament for more signification sake being present in the same Sepulcher CHAP. XXIIII Deuout vvomen not finding his body in the Sepulcher 4 Angels tel
them that he is risen according to his ovvne prediction 9 yet the Apostles vvil not beleeue it 12 but neither Peter findeth his body there 13 He vvalketh vvith tvvo Disciples declaring al this vnto them out of the Scriptures and is knovven of them by breaking of bread 36 The same day he appeareth to the Eleuen and others being together ● felt of them and eateth vvith them finally teaching them out of the Scriptures not onely of his Passion and Resurrection 47 but also of his Catholike Church 49 he promiseth the Holy Ghost to confirme them 50 and so ascendeth into heauen verse 1 AND in the first of the Sabboth very early they came to the monument carying the spices vvhich they had prepared ✝ verse 2 And they found the stone rolled backe from the monument ✝ verse 3 And going in they found not the body of our Lord IESVS ✝ verse 4 And it came to passe as they vvere astonied in their minde at this behold tvvo men stoode beside them in glistering appareil ✝ verse 5 And vvhen they feared and cast dovvne their countenance tovvard the ground they said vnto them Vvhy seeke you the liuing vvith the dead ✝ verse 6 he is not here but is risen remember hovv he spake to you vvhen he yet vvas in Galilee ✝ verse 7 saying * That the Sonne of man must be deliuered into the handes of sinners and be crucified and the third day rise againe ✝ verse 8 And they remembred his vvordes ✝ verse 9 And going backe from the monument they told al these things to those eleuen and to al the rest ✝ verse 10 And it vvas Marie Magdalene and Ioane and Marie of Iames and the rest that vvere vvith them vvhich said these things to the Apostles ✝ verse 11 And these vvordes seemed before them as dotage and they did not beleeue them ✝ verse 12 But * Peter rising vp ranne to the monument and stouping dovvne he savv the linnen clothes lying alone and went avvay marueiling with him self at that which was done ✝ verse 13 * And behold tvvo of them vvent the same day into a tovvne vvhich vvas the space of sixtie furlonges from Hierusalem named Emmäùs ✝ verse 14 And they talked betvvixt them selues of al those things that had chaunced ✝ verse 15 And it came to passe vvhile they talked and reasoned vvith them selues IESVS also him self approching vvent vvith them ✝ verse 16 but their eies vvere held that they might not knovv him ✝ verse 17 And he said to them Vvhat are these communications that you conferre one vvith an other vvalking and are sad ✝ verse 18 And one vvhose name vvas Cleophas ansvvering said to him Art thou only a stranger in Hierusalem and hast not knovven the things that haue been done in it these daies ✝ verse 19 To vvhom he said Vvhat things And they said concerning IESVS of Nazareth vvho vvas a man a Prophet mightie in vvorke and vvorde before God and al the people ✝ verse 20 And hovv our cheefe Priestes and Princes deliuered him into condemnation of death and crucified him ✝ verse 21 but vve hoped that it vvas he that should redeeme Israel and novv besides al this to day is the third day since these things vvere done ✝ verse 22 But certaine vvomen also of ours made vs afraid vvho before it vvas light vvere at the monument ✝ verse 23 and not finding his body came saying that they savv a vision also of Angels vvho say that he is aliue ✝ verse 24 And certaine men of ours vvent to the monument and they found it so as the vvomen said but him they found not ✝ verse 25 And he said to them O folish and slovv of hart to beleeue in al things vvhich the Prophets haue spoken ✝ verse 26 Ought not Christ to haue suffred these things and so to enter into his glorie ✝ verse 27 And beginning from Moyses and al the Prophets he did interpret to them in al the scriptures the things that vvere concerning him ✝ verse 28 And they drevv nigh to the tovvne vvhither they vvent and he made semblaunce to goe further ✝ verse 29 And they forced him saying Tarie vvith vs because it is tovvard night and the day is novv farre spent And he vvent in vvith them ✝ verse 30 And it came to passe vvhiles he sate at the table vvith them he ″ tooke bread and blessed and brake and did reach to them ✝ verse 31 And their eies vvere opened and they knevv him and he vanished out of their sight ✝ verse 32 And they said one to the other Vvas not our hart burning in vs vvhiles he spake in the vvay and opened vnto vs the scriptures ✝ verse 33 And rising vp the same houre they vvent backe into Hierusalem and they found the eleuen gathered together and those that vvere vvith them ✝ verse 34 saying That our Lord is risen in deede and hath appeared to Simon ✝ verse 35 And they told the things that vvere done in the vvay and hovv they knevv him in the breaking of bread ⊢ ✝ verse 36 * And vvhiles they speake these things IESVS stoode in the middes of them and he saith to them Peace be to you it is I. feare not ✝ verse 37 But they being troubled and frighted imagined that they savv a spirit ✝ verse 38 And he said to them Vvhy are you troubled and cogitations arise into your harts ✝ verse 39 See my handes and feete that it is I my self handle and see for a spirit hath not flesh and bones as you see me to haue ✝ verse 40 And vvhen he had said this he shevved them his handes and feete ✝ verse 41 But they yet not beleeuing and marueiling for ioy he said Haue you here any thing to be eaten ✝ verse 42 But they offred him a peece of fish broiled and a honie combe ✝ verse 43 And vvhen he had eaten before them taking the remaines he gaue to them ✝ verse 44 And he said to them These are the vvordes vvhich I spake to you vvhen I vvas yet vvith you that al things must needes be fulfilled vvhich are vvritten in the lavv of Moyses and the Prophets and the Psalmes of me ✝ verse 45 Then he opened their vnderstanding that they might vnderstand the Scriptures ✝ verse 46 and he said to them That so it is vvritten and so it behoued Christ to suffer and to rise againe from the dead the third day ✝ verse 47 and ″ penance to be preached in his name and remission of sinnes vnto al nations ⊢ beginning from Hierusalem ✝ verse 48 And you are vvitnesses of these things ✝ verse 49 * And I send the promes of my Father vpon you but you tarie in the citie til you be endued vvith povver from high ✝ verse 50 And he brought them forth abrode into Bethánia and lifting vp his handes he blessed them ✝ verse 51 * And it came to passe
worne with old age he died the threescore and eighteth yere after the Passion of our Lord and was buried besides the same citie Whose excellencie the same holy Doctor thus breifly describeth li. 1. Aduers Iouinianum IOHN the Apostle one of our Lords Disciples vvho vvas the yongest among the Apostles and vvhom the faith of Christ found a virgin remained a virgin and therefore is move loued of our Lord and lieth vpon the breast of IESVS and that vvhich Peter durst not aske he desireth him to aske and after the resurrection vvhen Marie Magdalen had reported that our Lord vvas risen againe both of them ranne to the Sepulchre but he came thither first and vvhen they vvere in the ship and fished in the lake of Genezareth IESVS stood on the shore neither did the Apostles knovv vvhom they savv onely the virgin knovveth the virgin and saith to Peter It is our Lord. This Iohn vvas both an Apostle and Euangelist and Prophet an Apostle because he vvrote to the Churches as a Maister an Euangelist because he compiled a booke of the Gospel vvhich except Matthew none other of the tvvelue Apostles did a Prophet for he savv in the ile Patmos where he was banished by Domitian the Emperour for the testimonie of our Lord the Apocalypse conteining infinite mysteries of things to come Tertullian also reporteth that at Rome being cast into a barrel of hote boiling oile he came forth more pure and fresher or liuelier then he vvent in Yea and his Gospel it self much differeth from the rest Matthevv beginneth to vvrite as of a man Marke of the prophecie of Malachie and Esay Luke of the Priesthod of Zacharie the first hath the face of a man because of the genealogie the second the face of a lion for the voice of one crying in the desert the third the face of a calfe because of the Priesthod But Iohn as an Eagle flieth to the things on high mounteth to the Father him self saying In the beginning was the VVORD and the VVORD was with God and God was the VVORD Thus far S. Herome Vpon this Gospel there are the famous commentaries of S. Augustine called Tractatus in Euang. Ioan. to 9. and tvvelue bookes of S. Cyrils commentaries THE HOLY GOSPEL OF IESVS CHRIST ACCORDING TO IOHN CHAP. I. The preface of the Euangelist commending Christ as being God the Sonne incarnate to the Gentils and setting out the blindnes of the Ievves in not receiuing him 19 Then the testimonies of Iohn Baptist first to the solemne legacie of the Ievves 29 secondly vvhen he savv IESVS come to him 35 thirdly to his ovvne Disciples also putting them ouer from him self to IESVS Vvho made it plainer to them that he is Christ 40 and so began he also to haue Disciples verse 1 IN THE beginning ″ vvas the WORD and the WORD vvas ″ vvith God and ″ God vvas the WORD ✝ verse 2 This vvas in the beginning vvith God ✝ verse 3 Al things vvere made ″ by him and vvithout him vvas made nothing That vvhich vvas made ' ✝ verse 4 in him vvas life and the life vvas the light of men ✝ verse 5 and the light shineth in darkenesse and the darkenesse did not comprehend it ✝ verse 6 There vvas a man sent from God vvhose name vvas Iohn ✝ verse 7 This man came for testimonie to giue testimonie of the light that al might beleeue through him ✝ verse 8 He vvas not the light but to giue testimonie of the light ✝ verse 9 It vvas the true light vvhich lighteneth euery man that commeth into this vvorld ✝ verse 10 He vvas in the vvorld and the vvorld vvas made by him and the vvorld knevv him not ✝ verse 11 He came into his ovvne and his ovvne receiued him not ✝ verse 12 But as many as receiued him ″ he gaue them povver to be made the sonnes of God to those that beleeue in his name ✝ verse 13 Vvho not of bloud not of the vvil of flesh nor of the vvil of man but of God are borne ✝ verse 14 AND ″ THE VVORD VVAS MADE FLESH and dvvelt in vs and vve savv the glorie of him glorie as it vvere of the only-begotten of the Father ful of grace and veritie ⊢ ✝ verse 15 Iohn giueth testimonie of him and crieth saying This vvas he of vvhom I spake He that shal come after me is made before me because he vvas before me ✝ verse 16 And of his fulnes al vve haue receiued and grace for grace ✝ verse 17 For the lavv vvas giuen by Moyses grace and veritie vvas made by IESVS Christ ✝ verse 18 God ″ no man hath seen at any time the only begotten Sonne vvhich is in the bosome of the father he hath declared ✝ verse 19 And this is Iohns testimonie vvhen the Ievves sent from Hierusalem Priests and Leuites to him that they should aske him Vvho art thou ✝ verse 20 And he confessed and did not denie and he confessed That I am not CHRIST ✝ verse 21 And they asked him Vvhat then Art thou * Elias And he said I am not Art thou * the Prophet And he ansvvered No. ✝ verse 22 They said therefore vnto him Vvho art thou that vve may giue an ansvver to them that sent vs vvhat saiest thou of thy self ✝ verse 23 He said I am the voyce of one crying in the desert make straight the vvay of our Lord as Esaie the Prophet said ✝ verse 24 And they that vvere sent vvere of the Pharisees ✝ verse 25 And they asked him and said to him Vvhy then doest thou baptize if thou be not Christ nor Elias nor the Prophet ✝ verse 26 Iohn ansvvered them saying * I baptize in vvater but there hath stood in the middes of you vvhom you knovv not ✝ verse 27 The same is he that shal come after me that is made before me vvhose latcher of his shoe I am not worthie to vnloose ✝ verse 28 These things were done in Bethania beyond Iordan vvhere Iohn vvas baptizing ⊢ ✝ verse 29 The next day Iohn savv IESVS cōming to him and he saith Behold the lambe of God behold him that taketh avvay the sinne ' of the vvorld ✝ verse 30 This is he of vvhom I said After me there commeth a man vvhich is made before me because he vvas before me ✝ verse 31 And I knevv him not but that he may be manifested in Israel therefore came I baptizing in vvater ✝ verse 32 And Iohn gaue testimonie saying That I savv ″ the Spirit descending as a doue from heauen and he remained vpon him ✝ verse 33 And I knevv him not but he that sent me to baptize in vvater he said to me He vpō vvhom thou shalt see the Spirit descending and remaining vpon him he it is that baptizeth in the holy Ghost ✝ verse 34 And I savv and I gaue testimonie that this is the sonne
of the bridegrome This my ioy therfore is filled ✝ verse 30 He must increase and I diminishe ✝ verse 31 ″ He that cōmeth from aboue is aboue al. He that is of the earth of the earth he is and of the earth he speaketh He that commeth from heauen is aboue al. ✝ verse 32 And vvhat he hath seen and heard that he testifieth and his testimonie no man receiueth ✝ verse 33 He that hath receiued his testimonie hath signed that God is true ✝ verse 34 For he vvhom God hath sent speaketh the vvordes of God for God doth not giue the spirit by measure ✝ verse 35 The Father loueth the Sonne he hath giuen al things in his hand ✝ verse 36 He that beleeueth in the Sonne hath life euerlasting but he that is incredulous to the Sonne shal not see life but the vvrath of God remaineth vpon him ANNOTATIONS CHAP. III. 5. Born● againe of water As no man can enter into this world not haue his life an I being in the same except he be borne of his carnal parents no more can a mā enter into the life state of grace which is in Christ or attaine to life euerlasting vnles he be borne and baptized of water and the Holy Ghost whereby we see first this Sacrament to be called our regeneration or second birth in respect of our natural and carnal which was before Secondly that this Sacrament consisteth of an external element of water and internal vertue of the Holy Spirit wherein it excelleth Iohns Baptisme which had the external element but nor the spiritual grace thirdly that no man can enter into the kingdom of God not into the fellowship of Holy Church without it Whereby the * Pelagians and Caluinists be condemned that promisse life euerlasting to yong children that die without Baptisme and al other that thinke onely faith to serue or the external element of water superfluous or not necessarie our Sauiours wordes being plaine and general Though in this cafe God which hath not bound his grace in respect of his owne freedom to any Sacrament may and doth accept them as baptized which either are martyred before they could be baptized or els depart this life with vow and desire to haue that Sacrament but by some remedilesse necessirie could not obtaine it Lastly it is proued that this Sacrament giueth grace ex opere operato that is of the worke itself which al Protestants denie because it so breedeth our spiritual life in God as our carnal birth giueth the life of the world 18. It iudged already He that beleeueth in Christ with faith which worketh by charitie as the Apostle speaketh shal not be condemned at the later day nor at the houre of his death but the infidel be he Iew Pagan or Heretike is already if he die in his incredulitie by his owne profession and sentence condemned and shal not come to iudgement either particular or general to be discussed according to his workes of mercie done or omitted In which sense S. Paul faith that the obstinate Heretike is condemned by his owne iudgement preuenting in him self of his owne free wil the sentence both of Christ and of the Church 31. He that commeth from aboue As though he should say No maruel that men resort to Christ so fast and make lesse account of me for his baptisme and his preaching and his person are al from heauen immediatly He bringeth al from the very bosome mouth and substance of God his Father Whatsoeuer is in me is but a litle drop of his grace His spirit and graces are aboue al measures or mens gifts euen according to his Manhod and al power temporal and spiritual the kingdom and the Priesthod and al soueraintie in heauen and earth are bestowed vpon him as he is man also CHAP. IIII. Leauing Ievvrie because of the Pharisees in the vvay to Galilee he talketh vvith a Samaritane vvoman telling her that he vvil giue vvater of euerlasting life 16 shevving him self to knovv mens secretes 19 preferring the Ievves religion before the Samaritanes but ours the Christian Catholike religion before them both 25 and vttering vnto her that he is Christ 28 vvhich by her testimonie and his preaching very many Samaritanes do beleeue he in the meane time fore telling his Disciples of the haruest he vvil send them in to 45 The Galilaans also receiue him vvhere againe he vvorketh his second miracle verse 1 WHEN IESVS therfore vnderstoode that the Pharisees heard that IESVS maketh mo Disciples and baptizeth thē Iohn ✝ verse 2 hovvbeit IESVS did not baptize but his Disciples ✝ verse 3 he left Ievvrie and vvent againe into Galilee ✝ verse 4 and he had of necessitie to passe through Samaria ✝ verse 5 He commeth therfore into a citie of Samaria vvhich is called Sichar * beside the maner that Iacob gaue to Ioseph his sonne ✝ verse 6 And there vvas there the fountaine of Iacob IESVS therfore vvearied of his iourney sa●e so vpon the fountaine It vvas about the sixt houre ✝ verse 7 There commeth a vvoman of Samaria to dravv vvater IESVS saith to her Giue me to drinke ✝ verse 8 For his Disciples vvere gone into the citie to bie meates ✝ verse 9 Therfore that Samaritane vvoman saith to him Hovv doest thou being a Ievve aske of me to drinke vvhich am a Samaritane vvomā For the Ievves do not communicate vvith the Samaritanes ✝ verse 10 IESVS ansvvered and said to her If thou didst knovv the gift of God and vvho he is that saith vnto thee Giue me to drinke thou perhaps vvouldest haue asked of him and he vvould haue giuen thee liuing vvater ✝ verse 11 The vvoman saith to him Sir neither hast thou vvherein to dravv and the vvel is deepe vvhence hast thou the liuing vvater ✝ verse 12 art thou greater then our father Iacob vvho gaue vs the vvel and him self dranke of it and his children and his cattel ✝ verse 13 IESVS ansvvered and said to her Euery one that drinketh of this vvater shal thirst againe but he that shal drinke of the vvater that I vvil giue him shal not thirst for euer ✝ verse 14 but the vvater that I vvil giue him shal become in him a fountaine of vvater springing vp vnto life euerlasting ✝ verse 15 The vvoman saith to him Lord giue me this vvater that I may not thirst nor come hither to dravv ✝ verse 16 IESVS saith to her Goe call thy husband and come hither ✝ verse 17 The vvoman ansvvered and said I haue no husband IESVS saith to her Thou hast said vvel that I haue no husband ✝ verse 18 For thou hast had fiue husbands and he vvhom thou novv hast is not thy husband this thou hast said truely ✝ verse 19 The vvoman saith to him Lord I perceiue that thou art a Prophet ✝ verse 20 ″ Our father 's adored in this mountaine and you say * that at Hierusalem is
and al other particular pointes Which him self saith S. Augustine did not take order for that he might cōmit that to the Apostles by vvhom he vvas to dispose his Churches affaires though both he and the Apostles and the Fathers of the primitiue Church left vs example of receiuing vnder one kind Christ * at Emmaüs The Apostles Act. 2 42. The primitiue Church in giuing the bloud onely to children Cypr. li. de lapsis nu 10. in reseruing most commonly the body onely Tertul. li. 2 ad vxo nu 4. Cypr. li. de lapsis nu 10. in houseling the sicke therewith Euseb Ec. hist li. 6 c. 36. in the holy Eremites also that receiued and reserued it commonly and not the bloud in the wildernes Basil ep ad Caesariam Patritiam and in diuers other cases which were to long to rehearse Whereby the Church being warranted and in the ruling of such things fully taught by Gods spirit as wel for the reprouing of certaine heresies that Christ God and man vvas not vvhole and al in euery part of the Sacrament as specially for that the Christian people being novv enlarged and the communicants often so many at once that neither so much vvine could be conueniently consecrated nor vvithout manifold accidents of sheading or abusing be receiued vvhereof the Protestants haue no regard because it is but common vvine vvhich they occupie but the Church knovving it to be Christs ovvne bloud must haue al dreadful regard therfore I say she hath decreed and for some hundreth yeres put in vse that the Priest saying Masse should alvvaies both consecrate and also receiue both kindes because he must expresse liuely the Passion of Christ and the separation of his bloud from his body in the same and for to imitate the vvhole action and institution as vvel in sacrificing as receiuing as to vvhom properly it vvas said Do this for that vvas spoken onely to such as haue povver thereby to offer and consecrate But the Lay men and the Clergie also vvhen they do not execute or say Masse them selues should receiue in one kinde being thereby no lesse partakers of Christs vvhole person and grace then if they receiued both For as S. Paul saith He that eateth the hostes is partaker of the altar He that eateth saith he for though there vvere drink-offerings or libaments ioyned lightly to euery sacrifice yet it vvas ynough to eate onely of one kinde for to be partaker of the vvhole 62. If you shal see Our Sauiour seemeth to insinuate that such as beleeue not his wordes touching the holy Sacrament and thinke it impossible for him to giue his Body to be eaten in so many places at once being yet in earth should be much more scandalized and tempted after they saw or knew him to be ascended into heauen Vvhich is proued true in the Capharnaites of this time whose principal reason against Christs presence in the Sacrament is that he is ascended into heauen yea who are so bold as to expound this same sentence for them selues thus It is not this body or flesh which I wil giue you for that I wil carie with me to heauen Whereby if they meant onely that the condition and qualities of his body in heauen should be other then in the Sacrament it were tolerable for S. Augustine speaketh sometime in that sense but to deny the substance of the body to be the same that is wicked 63. The flesh profiteth nothing If this speach were spoken in the sense of the Sacramentaries it would take away Christs incarnation manhod and death no lesse then his corporal presence in the Sacrament for if his flesh were not profitable al these things were vaine Therfore CHRIST denieth not his owne flesh to be profitable but that their grosse and carnal conceiuing of his wordes of his flesh and of the maner of eating the same was vnprofitable Which is plaine by the sentence folowing where he warneth them that his wordes be spirit and life of high Mystical meaning and not vulgarly and grosly to be taken as they tooke them And it is the vse of the Scripture to call mans natural sense reason and carnal resisting or not reaching supernatural truthes flesh or bloud as Flesh and bloud reuealed not this to thee c Mat. 16. This carnalitie then of theirs stood in two points specially first that they imagined that he would kill him self and cut māgel his flesh into partes so giue it them raw or rost to be eaten among them Which could not be meant saith S. Augustine for that had conteined an heinous and barbarous facte and therfore they might and should haue bene assured that he would commaund no such thing but some other sweete sense to be of his hard mystical or figuratiue wordes and to be fulfilled in a Sacrament mysterie and a maruelous diuine sort otherwise then they could comprehend Secondly they did erre touching his flesh in that they tooke it to be the flesh of a mere man and of a dead man also when it should come to be eaten of which kind of flesh Christ here pronoūceth that it profiteth nothing Wherevpon S. Cyrist saith This body is not of Peter or Paul or any other like but of Christ IESVS who is the life it self and therfore this Body giueth life the very fulnes of the Diuinitie dvvelling in it And the holy Councel of Ephesus in the 11 Anathematisme expounded also by the said S. Cyril The Eucharist is not the body of any common person for the flesh of a common man could not quicken but of the VVORD it self But the Heretike Nestorius dissolueth the vertue of this Mysterie holding mans flesh onely to be in the Eucharist Thus there And S. Ignatius cited of Theodorete and many other Fathers haue the like Whereby we may see that it commeth of the Diuinitie and Spirit without which Christs flesh can not be that this Sacrament giueth life 64. That beleeue not It is lacke of faith you seee here that causeth men to spurne against this high truth of the Sacrament as also it may be learned here that it is the great and merciful gift of God that Catholike men do against their senses and carnal reasons beleeue and submit them selues to the humble acknowledging of this Mysterie lastly that it may wel by Christs insinuation of Iudas be gathered that he specially spurned against our Maisters speaches of the holy Sacrament 66. Went backe It can be no maruel to vs now that so many reuolt from the Church by offense or scandal vniustly taken at Christs body and bloud in the Sacrament seeing many of his Disciples that savv his vvonderful life doctrine and miracles forsooke Christ him self vpon the speach promes of the same Sacramēt for the mysterie of it is so supernatural and diuine in it self and withal so low base for our sakes by the shew of the formes of these terrene
case to be assured that Christs faith shal be preached and the Church spred through out al Nations the Holy Ghost concurring continually with the Apostles and their Successors for the same 11. Assumpted from you By this visible Ascending of Christ to heauen and like returne from thence to iudgement the Heretikes do incredulously argue him not to be in the Sacrament But let the faithful rather giue eare to S. Chrysostome saying thus O miracle he that sitteth vvith the Father in heauen aboue at the very same time is handled of men beneath Christ ascending to heauen both hath his flesh vvith him and left it vvith vs beneath Eliae● being taken vp left to his Disciple his cloke only but the Sonne of man ascending left his ovvne flesh to vs. Li. ● de Sacerd. Ho. 2 ad po Ant. in fine Ho. de diuit paup in fine 14. MARIE the mother of IESVS This is the last mention that is made in holy Scripture of our B Lady for though she were ful of al diuine wisedom and opened no doubt vnto the Euangelistes and other writers of holy Scriptures diuerse of Christs actions speaches and mysteries whereof she had both experimental and reuealed knowledge Yet for that she was a woman and the humblest creature liuing and the paterne of al order and obedience it pleased not God that there should be any further note of her life doings or death in the Scriptures She liued the rest of her time with the Christians as here she is peculiarly named and noted among them and specially with S. Iohn the Apostle * to whom our Lord recommended her Who prouided for her al necessaries her spouse Ioseph as it may be thought being deceased before The common opinion is that she liued 63 yeres in al. At the time of her death as S. Denys first after him S. Damascene de dormit Deiparae writeth al the Apostles then dispersed into diuers nations to preache the Gospel were miraculously brought together sauing S. Thomas who came the third day after to Hierusalem to honour her diuine departure and funeral as the said S. Denys witnesseth Who saith that him self S. Timothee and S. Hierotheus were present testifying also of his owne hearing that both before here death and after for three daies not onely the Apostles and other holy men present but the Angels also and Powers of heauen did sing most melodious Hymnes They buried her sacred body in Gethsémaui but for S. Thomas sake who desired to see and to reuerence it they opened the sepulcher the third day and finding it void of the holy body but excedingly fragrant they returned assuredly deeming that her body was assumpted into heauen as the Church of God holdeth being most agreable to the singular priuilege of the mother of God and therfore celebrateth most solemnely the day of her Assumption And that is consonant not onely to the said S. Denys and S. Damascene but to holy Athanasius also who auoucheth the same Serm. in Euang. de Deipara of which Assumption of her body S. Bernard also wrote fiue notable sermons extant in his workes But neither these holy fathers nor the Churches tradition and testimonie do beare any sway now a daies with the Protestants that haue abolished this her greatest feast of her Assumption who of reason should at the least celebrate it as the day of her death as they doe of other Saincts For though they beleeue not that her body is assumpted yet they wil not we trow deny that she is dead and her soule in glorie neither can they aske scriptures for that no more then they require for the deathes of Peter Paul Iohn and other vvhich be not mentioned in scriptures yet are still celebrated by the Protestants But concerning the B. Virgin MARIE they haue blotted out also both her Natiuitie and her Conception so as it may be thought the Diuel beareth a special malice to this woman whose seede brake his head For as for the other two daies of her Purification Aununciation they be not proper to our Lady but the one to Christs Conception the other to his Presentation so that she by this meanes shal haue no festiuitie at al. But contrariwise to consider how the auncient Church and fathers esteemed spake and wrote of this excellent vessel of grace may make vs detest these mens impietie that can not abide the praises of her whom al generations should call blessed and that esteeme her honours a derogatiō to her sonne Some of their speaches we wil set downe that al men may see that we neither praise her nor pray to her more amply then they did S. Athan●sius in the place alleaged after he had declared how al the Angelical spirits and euery order of them honoured and praised her with the AVE wherewith S. Gabriel saluted her We also saith he of al degrees vpon the earth ●xtol thee with loude voice saying Au● gratia plena c. Haile ful of grace our Lord is vvith thee pray for vs 〈◊〉 Maistresse and Lady and Queens and mother of God Most holy and auncient Ephrem also in a special oration made in praise of our Lady saith thus in diuerse places thereof Intemerata De●p●●● c. Mother of God vndifiled Queene of al the hope of them that despaire my lady most glorious higher them the heauenly spirit● more honorable then the Cherubins holier then the Seraphins and vvithout comparison more glorious thē the supernal hostes the hope of the fathers the glorie of the Prophets the praise of the Apostles And a litle after Virgo ante partum in partu post partum by thee vve are reconciled to Christ my God thy sonne thou art the helper of sinners thou the hauen for them that are tossed vvith stormes the solam of the vvorld the deliuerer of the emprisoned the helpe of orphans the redemption of captiues And afterward Vouchsafe me thy seruant to praise thee Haile lady MARIE ful of grace haile Virgin most blesed among vvomen And much more in that sense which were to long to repeate S. Cyril hath the like wonderful speaches of her honour hom 6. contra Naestorium Praise and glorie be to thee ● holy Trinitieito thee also be praise holy mother of God for thou art the pretious pearle of the vvorld thou the candel of vnquencheable light the crovvne of Virginitis the scepter of the Catholike faith By thee the Trinitie is glorified and adored in al the vvorld by thee heauen reioyceth Angels and Archangels are glad diuels are put to flight and man is called againe to heauen and euery creature that vvas held vvith the errour of Idols is turned to the knowledge of the truth by thee Churches are foūded through the world thee being their helper the Gentiles come to penance and much more which we omit Likewise the Greeke Liturgies or Masses of S. Iames S. Basil and
S. Chrysostom make most honorable mention of our B. Lady praying vnto her saluting her with the Angelical hymne Au● Maria and vsing these speaches Most holy vndefiled blessed aboue al our Queene our Lady the mother of God MARIE a virgin for ouer the sacred arke of Christs Incarnation broder then the heauens that didst beare they creatour holy mother of vnspeakable light vve magnifie thee vvith Angelical hymnes al things passe vnderstanding al things are glorious in thee ô mother of God by thee the mysterie before vnknovven to the Angels is made manifest and reuealed to them on the earth thou art more honorable then the Cheerubins and more glorious then the Seraphins to thee O ful of grace al creatures both men and Angels doe gratulate and reioyce glorie be to thee Which art a sanctified temple a spiritual paradise the glorie of virgins of vvhom God tooke flesh and made thy vvombe to be his throne c. And S. Augustine Serm. 18. de Sanctis ●o 10 or as some thinke S. Fulgentius O blessed MARIE who can be able vvorthily to praise or thanke thee receiue our praiers obtaine vs out requestes for thou art the special hope of sinners by thee vve hope for pardon of our sinnes in thee ô most blessed is the expectation of our revvards And then folow these wordes now vsed in the Churches seruice Sancta Maria suscurre miseris iuua pusillanimes refoue flebiles orapro populo interueni pro lero intercede pro deuoto foemineo sexu Sentiant omnes tuum inuamen quicunque celebrant tuam commemorationem Pray thou continually for the people of God vvhich didst diserue to beare the redeemer of the vvorld Who liueth and reigneth for euer S. Damascene also ser de dormitione Deiparae Let vs crie vvith Gabriel Aue gratia plena Haile ful of grace Haile sea of ioy that can not be emptied haile the onely case of greefes haile holy virgin by vvhom death vvas expelled and life brought in See S. Irenaeus li. 3 c. 33. and li. 5 circa medium S. Augustine de side Symbolo de agone Christiano Where they declare how both the sexes concurre to our saluation the man and the woman Christ and our Lady as Adam and Eue both were the cause of our fall though Adam for more then his wife and so Christ far more excellently and in an other sort then our Lady who though his mother yet is but his creature and handmaid him self being truely both God and man In al which places alleaged * many other like to these if it please the reader to see and read and make his owne eies witnesses he shal perceiue that there is much more said of her and to her then we haue here recited and that the very same or the like speaches and termes were vsed then that the Church vseth now in the honour and inuocation of the B. Virgin to the confusion of al those that wilfully wil not vnderstand in what sense al such speaches are applied vnto her to wit either because of her praier and intercession for vs. whereby she is our hope our refuge our aduocate c. or because she brought forth the author of our redemption and saluation whereby she is the mother of mercie and grace and life and whatsoeuer goodnes we receiue by Christ 15. Peter rising vp Peter in the meane time practised his Superioritie in the cōpanie or Church publishing an election to be made of one to supply Iudas roome Which Peter did not vpon commaundement of Christ written but by suggestion of Gods Spirit and by vnderstanding the Scriptures of the old Testament to that purpose the sense whereof Christ had opened to the Apostles before his departure though in more ful maner afterward at the sending of the Holy Ghost And this acte of Peter in prescribing to the Apostles and the rest this election and the maner thereof is so euident for his Supremacie that * the Aduersa●ies confesse here that he was Antistes the cheefe and Bishop of this whole College and companie 26. Loties When the euent or fall of the lot is not expected of Diuels nor of the starres nor of any force of fortune but looked and praied for to be directed by God and his holy Saincts then may lottes be vsed lawfully And sometimes to discerne betwixt two things mere indifferent they be necessarie as S. Augustine teacheth ●p 180 ad Honoratum CHAP. II. The Holy Ghost comming to the Faithful vpon vvhitsunday 5 Ievves in Hierusalem of al Nations do vv●nder to heare ●hem speaks al tongues 14 And Peter to the deriders declareth that it is not drunkennes but the Holy Ghost vvhich Ioel did prophecie of vvhich IESVS whom they crucified being now risen againe and ascended as he sheweth also out of the Scriptures hath powred ou● from heauen cōcluding therfore that he is CHRIST and they most horrible murderers 17 Whereat they being compuncte and submitting them selues he telleth them that they must be baptized and then they also shal receiue the same Holy Ghost as being promised to al the baptized 41 And so 3000 are baptized that very day 42 Whos 's godly exercises are here reported and also their liuing in state of perfection The Apostles worke many miracles and God daily increaseth the number of the Church verse 1 AND vvhen the daies of ″ Pentecost vvere accomplished they vvere al together in one place ✝ verse 2 and sodenly there vvas made a sound from heauen as of a vehemēt vvinde cōming it filled the whole house vvhere they vvere sitting ✝ verse 3 And there appeared to them parted tonges as it were * of fire and it sate vpon euery one of them ✝ verse 4 and they vvere ″ al replenished vvith the * HOLY GHOST and they began to speake vvith diuerse tonges according as the HOLY GHOST gaue them to speake ✝ verse 5 And there vvere dvvelling at Hierusalē Ievves deuout men of euery nation that is vnder heauen ✝ verse 6 And vvhen this voice vvas made the multitude came together and vvas astonied in minde because euery man heard them speake in his ovvne tongue ✝ verse 7 And they vvere al amased and marueled saying Are not lo al these that speake Galil●ans ✝ verse 8 and hovv haue vve heard ' eche man our ovvne tongue vvherein vve vvere borne ✝ verse 9 Parthians and Medians and Elamites and that inhabite Meso potámia Ievvrie and Cappadocia Pontus and Asia ✝ verse 10 Phrygia and Pamphilia Aegypt and the partes of Lybia that is about Cyrénee and strangers of Rome ✝ verse 11 Ievves also and Proselytes Cretensians and Arabians Vve haue heard ' them speake in our ovvne tonges the great vvorkes of God ⊢ ✝ verse 12 And they vvere al astonied and marueled saying one to an other Vvhat meaneth this ✝ verse 13 But others deriding said That these are ful
of nevv vvine ✝ verse 14 But Peter standing vvith the Eleuen lifted vp his voice and spake to them Ye men Ievves and al you that dvvel in Hierusalem be this knovven to you and vvith your eares receiue my vvordes ✝ verse 15 For these are not drunke as you suppose vvhereas it is the third houre of the day ✝ verse 16 But this is it that vvas said by the Prophet Ioël ✝ verse 17 And it shal be in the last daies saith our Lord of my Spirit I vvil povvre out vpon al flesh and your sonnes and your daughters shal prophecie and your yong men shal see visions and your auncients shal dreame dreames ✝ verse 18 And vpon my seruants truely and vpon my handmaides vvil I povvre out in those daies of my Spirit and they shal prophecie ✝ verse 19 and I vvil giue vvonders in the heauen aboue and signes in the earth beneath bloud and fire and vapour of smoke ✝ verse 20 The sunne shal be turned into darkenes and the moone into bloud before the great and manifest day of our Lord doth come ✝ verse 21 And it shal be euery one vvhosoeuer calleth vpon the name of our Lord shal be saued ⊢ ✝ verse 22 Ye men of Israël heare these vvordes IESVS of Nazareth a man approued of God among you by miracles and vvonders and signes vvhich God did by him in the middes of you as you knovv ✝ verse 23 this same ″ by the determinate counsel and prescience of God being deliuered you by the handes of vvicked men haue crucified and slaine ✝ verse 24 vvhom God hath raised vp ″ loosing the sorovves of hel according as it vvas impossible that he should be holden of it ✝ verse 25 For Dauid saith concerning him I foresavv the Lord in my sight alvvaies because he is at my right hand that I be not moued ✝ verse 26 For this my hart hath been glad and my tongue hath reioyced moreouer my flesh also shal rest in hope ✝ verse 27 Because thou vvilt not leaue ″ my soul in hel nor giue thy Holy one to see corruption ✝ verse 28 Thou hast made knovven to me the vvaies of life thou shalt make me ful of ioyfulnes vvith thy face ✝ verse 29 Ye men brethren let me boldly speake to you of the Patriarch Dauid that * he died and vvas buried and his sepulchre is vvith vs vntil this present day ✝ verse 30 Vvhereas therfore he vvas a Prophet and knevv that by an othe God had svvorne to him that of the fruite of his loynes there should sit vpon his seate ✝ verse 31 forseeing he spake of the resurrection of Christ for neither vvas he left in hel neither did his flesh see corruption ✝ verse 32 This IESVS hath God raised againe vvhereof al vve are vvitnesses ✝ verse 33 Being exalted therfore by the right hand of God and hauing receiued of his father the promisse of the holy Ghost he hath povvred out this vvhom ' you see and heare ✝ verse 34 For Dauid ascended not into heauen but he saith Our Lord hath said to my Lord sit on my right hand ✝ verse 35 vntil I make thine enemies the footestoole of thy feete ✝ verse 36 Therfore let al the house of Israël know most certainly that God hath made him both Lord and CHRIST this IESVS vvhom you haue crucified ✝ verse 37 And hearing these things they were compuncte in hart and said to Peter and to the rest of the Apostles Vvhat shal vve doe men brethren ✝ verse 38 But Peter said to them Doe penance and be euery one of you baptized in the name of IESVS CHRIST for remission of your sinnes and you shal receiue the gift of the holy Ghost ✝ verse 39 For to you is the promisse and to your children and to al that are farre of vvhomsoeuer the Lord our God shal call ✝ verse 40 Vvith very many other vvordes also did he testifie and exhorted them saying Saue your selues from this peruerse generation ✝ verse 41 They therfore that receiued his vvord vvere baptized and there vvere added in that day about three thousand soules ✝ verse 42 And they vvere perseuéring in the doctrine of the Apostles and in the communication of the breaking of bread and praiers ✝ verse 43 And feare came vpon euery soul many vvonders also and signes vvere done by the Apostles in Hierusalem and there vvas great feare in al. ✝ verse 44 Al they also that beleeued vvere together * and had ″ al things cōmon ✝ verse 45 Their possessions and substance they sold and deuided them to al according as euery one had neede ✝ verse 46 Daily also continuing vvith one accord in the temple and breaking bread from house to house they tooke their meate vvith ioy and simplicitie of hart ✝ verse 47 praising God and hauing grace vvith al the people And our Lord ″ increased them that should be saued daily together ANNOTATIONS CHAP. II. 1. The daies of Pentecost As Christ our Pasche for correspondence to the figure was offered at the Iewes great feast of Pasche so fifty daies after in Greeke Pentecost for accomplishing the like figure of the Law-giuing in Mount Sinal he sent downe the Holy Ghost iust on the day of their Pentecost which was alwaies on Sunday as appeareth Leuit. 23 15. Both which daies the Church keepeth yerely for memorie of Christs death and Resurrection and the sending downe of the Holy Ghost as they did the like for record of their deliuerie out of Aegypt and their Law giuing aforesaid the said Feastes with vs conteining besides the remembrance of benefites past great Sacraments also of the life to come Aug. ep 119 C. 16. 4. Al replenished Though the Apostles and the rest were baptized before and had thereby receiued the grace of the Holy Ghost to sanctification and remission of sinnes as for diuers other purposes also Yet as Christ * promised them they should be further indued with strength and vertue from aboue so here he fulfilleth his promes visibly powring downe the Holy Ghost vpon al the companie and vpon euery one of them thereby replenishing the Apostles specially with al truth wisedom and knowledge necessarie for the gouernement of the Church and giuing both to them and to al other present the grace and effect of the Sacrament of Confirmation accomplishing corroborating and strengthening them in their saith and the confession of the same And lastly for a visible token of Gods Spirit he endued them al with the gift of diuers strange tonges al I say there present as wel our Ladie as other holy women and brethren besides the Apostles though ● the Heretikes fondly argue for the desire they haue to dishonour Christs mother that neither she nor they were there present nor had the gift of tongues contrarie to the plaine text that saith They vvere al together to wit al the 120 mentioned
emulatiō * sold Ioseph into Aegypt and God vvas vvith him ✝ verse 10 and deliuered him out of al his tribulations and he * gaue him grace and vvisedom in the sight of Pharao the king of Aegypt and he appointed him Gouernour ouer Aegypt and ouer al his house ✝ verse 11 And there came famin vpon al Aegypt and Chanaan and great tribulation and our fathers found no victuals ✝ verse 12 But vvhen * Iacob had heard that there vvas corne in Aegypt he sent our fathers first ✝ verse 13 and at the * secōd time Ioseph vvas knovven of his brethren and his kinred vvas made knovven vnto Pharao ✝ verse 14 And Ioseph sending called thither Iacob his father and al his kinred in seuentie fiue soules ✝ verse 15 And * Iacob descended into Aegypt and * he died and our fathers ✝ verse 16 And they vvere translated into Sichem and vvere * laid in the sepulchre that Abraham * bought for a price of siluer of the sonnes of Hemor the sonne of Sichem ✝ verse 17 And vvhen the time drevv neere of the promisse vvhich God had promised to Abraham the people * increased and vvas multiplied in Aegypt ✝ verse 18 vntil an other king arose in Aegypt that knevv not Ioseph ✝ verse 19 This same circumuenting our stocke afflicted our fathers that they should expose their children to the end they might not be kept aliue ✝ verse 20 The same time vvas * Moyses borne and he vvas acceptable to God who was nourished three moneths in his fathers house ✝ verse 21 And vvhen he vvas exposed Pharaos daughter tooke him vp and nourished him for her ovvne sonne ✝ verse 22 And Moyses vvas instructed in al the vvisedom of the Aegyptians and he vvas mightie in his vvordes and vvorkes ✝ verse 23 And * vvhen he vvas fully of the age of fourtie yeres it came to his minde to visite his brethren the children of Israël ✝ verse 24 And vvhen he had seen one suffer vvrong he defended him and striking the Aegyptian he reuenged his quarel that susteined the vvrong ✝ verse 25 And he thought that his brethren did vnderstand that God by his hand vvould saue them but they vnderstood it not ✝ verse 26 And the day folovving * he appeared to them being at strife and he reconciled them vnto peace saying Men ye are brethren vvherfore hurt you one an other ✝ verse 27 But he that did the iniurie to his neighbour repelled him saying Vvho hath appointed thee prince and iudge ouer vs ✝ verse 28 Vvhat vvilt thou kil me as thou didst yesterday kil the Aegyptian ✝ verse 29 And Moyses fled vpon this vvord and he became a seiourner in the land of Madian vvhere he begat tvvo sonnes ✝ verse 30 And after fourtie yeres vvere expired there * appeared to him in the desert of mount Sina an Angel in the fire of the flame of a bush ✝ verse 31 And Moyses seeing it marueled at the vision And as he vvent neere to vevve it the voice of our Lord vvas made to him ✝ verse 32 I am the God of thy fathers the God of Abraham the God of Isaac and the God of Iacob And Moyses being made to tremble durst not vevve it ✝ verse 33 And our Lord said to him Loose of the shoe of thy feete for the place vvherein thou standest is ″ holy ground ✝ verse 34 Seeing I haue seen the affliction of my people vvhich is in Aegypt and I haue heard their groning and am descended to deliuer them And novv come and I vvil send thee into Aegypt ✝ verse 35 This Moyses vvhom they denied saying Vvho hath appointed the prince and Captaine him God sent prince redeemer vvith the hand of the Angel that appeared to him in the bush ✝ verse 36 He * brought them forth doing vvonders and signes in the land of Aegypt and in the redde sea and in the * desert fourtie yeres ✝ verse 37 This is that Moyses vvhich said to the children of Israël A prophet vvil God raise vp to you of your ovvne brethren at my self him you shal heare ✝ verse 38 This is he that * vvas in the assemblie in the vvildernesse vvith the Angel that spake to him in Mount-Sina and vvith our fathers vvho receiued the vvordes of life to giue vnto vs. ✝ verse 39 To vvhom our fathers vvould not be obedient but they repelled him and in their hartes turned avvay into Aegypt ✝ verse 40 saying to Aaron Make vs goddes that may goe before vs for this Moyses that brought vs out of the land of Aegypt vve knovv not vvhat is befallen to him ✝ verse 41 And they made a calfe in those daies and offered sacrifice to the Idol and reioyced in the vvorkes of their ovvne handes ✝ verse 42 And God turned and deliuered them vp to serue the host of heauen as it is vvritten in the booke of the Prophets Did you offer victims and hostes vnto me fourtie yeres in the desert O house of Israël ✝ verse 43 And you tooke vnto you the tabernacle of Moloch and the starre of your God Rempham figures vvhich you made to adore them And I vvil translate you beyond Babylon ✝ verse 44 The tabernacle of testimonie vvas among our fathers in the desert as God ordained speaking to Moyses that he should make it according to the forme vvhich he had seen ✝ verse 45 Vvhich our fathers * vvith Iesus receiuing brought it in also into the possession of the Gentiles vvhich God expelled from the face of our fathers till in the daies of Dauid ✝ verse 46 Vvho found grace before God and * desired that he might finde a tabernacle for the God of Iacob ✝ verse 47 And * Salomon built him a house ✝ verse 48 But the Highest dvvelleth ″ not in houses * made by hand as the prophet saith ✝ verse 49 Heauen is my seate and the earth the foote-stole of my feete Vvhat house vvil you build me saith our Lord or vvhat place is there of my resting ✝ verse 50 Hath not my hand made al these things ✝ verse 51 You stiffe-necked and of vncircumcised hartes and eares you alvvaies resist the holy Ghost as your fathers your selues also ✝ verse 52 Vvhich of the prophets did not your fathers persecute And they slevve them that foretold of the comming of the Iust one of vvhom novv ✝ verse 53 you haue been betraiers and murderers vvho receiued the Lavv by the disposition of Angels and haue not kept it ✝ verse 54 And hearing these things they vvere cut in their hartes and they gnashed vvith their teeth at him ✝ verse 55 But he being ful of the holy Ghost looking stedfastly vnto heauen savv the glorie of God and IESVS standing on the right hand of God ✝ verse 56 And he said Behold I see the heauens opened and the Sonne of
England is to the primitiue vse vvhich hath no such houres of night or day sauing a litle imitation of the old Mattins and Euensong and that in Schisme and Heresie and therfore not onely vnprofitable but also damnable ●5 Adored S. Chrysostom ho. 21 in Act. thinketh Peter refused this adoration of humilitie only because euery falling dovvne to the g●ound for vvorship sake is not Diuine vvorship or dew only to God the vvord of adoration and prostration being commonly vsed in the Scriptures tovvard men But S. Hierom adu Vigil c. 2 to ● rather thinketh that Cornelius by error of Gentility and of Peters person did go about to adore him vvith Diuine honour and therfore vvas lifted vp by the Apostle adding that he vvas but a man 40. Gaue him Christ did not vtter his Resurrection and other mysteries to al at once and immediatly to the vulgar but to a fevv chosen men that should be the gouernours of the rest instructing vs thereby to take our faith and al necessarie things of saluation at the hands of our Superiors 47. Baptized vvhich haue receiued Such may be the grace of God sometimes tovvard men and their charitie and contrition so great that they may haue remission iustification and sanctification before the external Sacrament of Baptisme Confirmation or Penance be receiued as vve see in this example vvhere at Peters preaching they al receiue the Holy Ghost before any Sacrament but in the same vve learne one necessarie lesson that such notvvithstanding must needes receiue the Sacraments appointed by Christ vvhich vvhosoeuer contemneth can neuer be iustified Aug. super Leuit. q. ●4 to 4. CHAP. XI The Christian Ievves reprehend the foresaid fact of Peter in baptizing the Gentils 4 But he alleaging his foresaid vvarrants and shevving plainly that it vvas of God 1● they like good Catholikes do yeld 19 By the foresaid persecution the Church is yet further dilated not only into al Ievvrie Galilee and Samaria but also into other Countries specially in Antiochia Syria the increase among the Greekes is 〈◊〉 first by the foresaid dispersed 23 then by Barnabas thirdly by him and Saul together so that there beginneth the name of Christians 27 vvith perfite vnity betvvene them and the Church that vvas before them a● Hierusalem verse 1 AND the Apostles and brethren that vvere in Ievvrie heard that the Gentiles also receiued the vvord of God ✝ verse 2 And vvhen Peter vvas come vp to Hierusalem they that vvere of the Circumcision reasoned against him saying ✝ verse 3 Vvhy didst thou enter in to men vncircumcised and didst eate vvith them ✝ verse 4 But Peter began and declared to them the order saying ✝ verse 5 * I was in the citie of Ioppé praying I savv in an excesse of minde a vision a certaine vessel descending as it vvere a great sheete with foure corners let dovvne from heauen and it came euen vnto me ✝ verse 6 Into vvhich I looking cōsidered and savv foure footed beastes of the earth and cattel and such as creepe and foules of the aire ✝ verse 7 And I heard also a voice saying to me Arise Peter kil and eate ✝ verse 8 And I said Not so Lord for common or vncleane thing neuer entred into my mouth ✝ verse 9 And a voice ansvvered the second time from heauen That vvhich God hath made cleane doe not thou call common ✝ verse 10 And this vvas done thrise and al vvere taken vp againe into heauen ✝ verse 11 And behold three men immediatly vvere come to the house vvherein I vvas sent to me from Caesaréa ✝ verse 12 And the spirit said to me that I should goe vvith them doubting nothing And there came vvith me these sixe brethren also and vve vvent in to the mans house ✝ verse 13 And he told vs hovv he had seen an Angel in his house standing and saying to him Send to Ioppé and cal hither Simon that is surnamed Peter ✝ verse 14 vvho shal speake to thee vvordes vvherein thou shalt be saued and al thy house ✝ verse 15 And vvhen I had begonne to speake the holy Ghost fel vpon them as vpō vs also in the beginning ✝ verse 16 And I remembred the vvord of our Lord according as he said Iohn in deede baptized vvith vvater but you shal be baptized vvith the holy Ghost ✝ verse 17 If therfore God hath giuen them the same grace as to vs also that beleeued in our Lord IESVS CHRIST vvho vvas I that might prohibite God ✝ verse 18 Hauing heard these things they held their peace and glorified God saying God then to the Gentiles also hath giuen repentance vnto life ✝ verse 19 * And they truely that had been dispersed by the tribulation that vvas made vnder Steuen vvalked through out vnto Phoenîce and Cypres Antioche speaking the vvord to none but to the Ievves only ✝ verse 20 But certaine of them vvere men of Cypres and Cyréne vvho vvhen they vvere entred into Antioche spake to the Greekes preaching our Lord IESVS ✝ verse 21 And the hand of our Lord vvas vvith them and a great number of beleeuers vvas conuerted to our Lord. ✝ verse 22 And the report came to the eares of the Church that vvas at Hierusalem touching these things and they sent * Barnabas as farre as Antioche ✝ verse 23 Vvho vvhen he vvas come and savv the grace of God reioyced and he exhorted al vvith purpose of hart to continevv in our Lord ✝ verse 24 because he vvas a good man and ful of the holy Ghost and faith And a great ″ multitude vvas added to our Lord. ✝ verse 25 And he vvent forth to * Tarsus to seeke Saul ✝ verse 26 vvhom vvhen he had found he brought him to Antioche And they cōuersed there in the church a vvhole yere and they taught a great multitude so that the disciples vvere at Antioche first named ″ CHRISTIANS ✝ verse 27 And in these daies there came Prophets from Hierusalem to Antioche ✝ verse 28 and one of them rising named Agabus did by the Spirit signifie a great famine that should be in the vvhole vvorld vvhich fel vnder Claudius ✝ verse 29 And the disciples according as eche man had purposed euery one to send for to serue the brethren that dvvelt in Ievvrie ✝ verse 30 vvhich also they did sending to the auncients by the handes of Barnabas and Saul ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XI 24. Multitude added As before c. 10 a fevv so novv great numbers of Gentiles are adioyned also to the visible Church consisting before only of the Ievves Vvhich Church hath beene euer since Christs Ascension notoriously seen and knovven their preaching open their Sacraments visible their discipline visible their Heades and Gouernours visible the prouision for their maintenance visible the persecution visible their dispersion visible the Heretikes that vvent out from them visible the ioyning either of men or Nations vnto them visible their peace and rest
their coastes ✝ verse 51 But they * shaking of the dust of their fecte against them came to Icónium ✝ verse 52 The disciples also vvere replenished vvith ioy and vvith the holy Ghost ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XIII 2. As they vvere ministring If vve should as our Aduersaries do boldly turne vvhat text vve list and flee from one language to an other for the aduantage of our cause vve might haue translated for ministring sacrificing for so * the Greeke doth signifie and so Erasmus translated yea vve might haue translated Saying Masse for so they did and the Greeke Fathers here of had their name Liturgie vvhich Erasmus translateth Masse saying Missa Chrysostomi But vve keepe our text as the translators of the Scriptures should do most religiously 2. Separate me Though Paul vvere taught by God him self and specially designed by Christ to be an Apostle and here chosen by the Holy Ghost together vvith Barnabas yet they vvere to be ordered consecrated and admitted by men Vvhich vvholy condemneth al these nevv rebellious disordered spirites that chalenge and vsurpe the office of preaching and other sacred actions from heauen vvithout the Churches admission 3. Fasting Hereof the Church of God vseth and prescribeth publike fastes at the foure soléue times of giuing holy Orders vvhich are our Imber daies as a necessarie preparatiue to so great a vvorke as S. Leo declareth by this place naming it also an Apostolical tradition See S. Leo Ser. 9 de ieiuni● 7 mensis Calixtus ep 1. to 1. Conc. Conc. Magunt c. 34. 35. to 3. And this fasting vvas not fasting from sinne nor moral or Christian temperance as the Protestants ridiculously affirme for such fasting they vvere bound euer to keepe but it vvas abstinence for a time from al meates or from some certaine kindes of meates vvhich vvas ioyned vvith praier and sacrifice and done specially at such seasons as the Church prescribed of al together as in Lent the Imber daies Friday Saturday and not vvhen euery man list as Aërius and such Heretikes did hold S. August har 53. 3. Imposing hands Because al blessings and consecrations vvere done in the Apostles time by the external ceremonie of imposition of hands diuers Sacraments vvere named of the same specially Confirmation as is noted before and holy Ordering or consecrating Bishops Priests and Deacons and Subdeacons as vve see here and els vvhere In vvhich though there vvere many holy vvordes and ceremonies and a very solemne action yet vvhatsoeuer is done in those Sacraments is altogether called Imposition of hands as vvhatsoeuer vvas done in the vvhole diuine mysterie of the B. Sacrament is named fraction of bread for the Apostles as S. Denys Eccl. bier c. 1 in fine vvriteth purposely kept close in their open speaches and vvritings vvhich might come to the hands or eares of Infidels the sacred vvordes and actions of the Sacraments And S. Ambrose saith in 1 Tim. c. 4. The imposition of the hand is mystical vvordes vvherevvith the elected is conformed and made apt to his function receiuing authoritie his conscience bearing vvitnes that he may be bold in our Lordes steed to offer sacrifice to God And S. Hierom The imposition of hand is the Ordering of Clerkes Which is done by praier of the voice and imposition of the hand And this is in some inferior orders also but Paul and Barnabas vvere ordered to a higher function then inferior Priests euen to be Bishops through out al Nations 4. Sent of the Holy Ghost Vvhosoeuer be sent by the Church are sent of the Holy Ghost though in such an extraordinarie sort it be not done Vvhereby vve see hovv far the Officers of our soules in the Church do passe the temporal Magistrates vvho though they be of Gods ordinance yet not of the Holy Ghosts special calling CHAP. XIIII Naxt in Iconi●● they preach vvhere many being conuerted of both sortes the obstinate Ievves raise persecution 6 Then in the tovvnes of Lyca●nīa vvhere the Heathen first seing that Paul had healed one borne lame are hardly persuaded but they are Gods 18 but aftervvard by the instigation of the malitious Ievves they stone Paul leauing him for dead 20 And so hauing done their circuite they returne the same vvay confirming the Christians and making Priests for euery Church 2● And being come home to Antioche in Syria they report al to the Church there verse 1 AND it came to passe at Iconium that they entred together into the synagogue of the Ievves and so spake that a very great multitude of Ievves and of the Greekes did beleeue ✝ verse 2 But the Ievves that vvere incredulous stirred vp and incensed the hartes of the Gentils to anger against the brethren ✝ verse 3 A long time therfore they abode dealing confidently in our Lord vvho gaue testimonie to the vvord of his grace graunting signes and vvonders to be done by their handes ✝ verse 4 And the multitude of the citie vvas deuided and certaine of them in deede vvere vvith the Ievves but certaine vvith the Apostles ✝ verse 5 And vvhen the Gentils and the Ievves vvith their princes had made an assault to vse them contumeliously and to stone them ✝ verse 6 vnderstanding it they fled to the cities of Lycaónia Lystra and Derbé and the vvhole countrie about and there they vvere euangelizing ✝ verse 7 And a certaine man at Lystra impotent of his feete sate there lame from his mothers vvombe that neuer had vvalked ✝ verse 8 This same heard Paul speaking Vvho looking vpon him and seeing that he had faith for to be saued ✝ verse 9 he said vvith a loud voice Stand vp right on thy feete And he leaped vvalked ✝ verse 10 And the multitudes vvhen they had seen vvhat Paul had done lifted vp their voice in the lycaónian tongue saying Gods made like to men are descended to vs. ✝ verse 11 And they called Barnabas Iupiter but Paul Mercurie because he vvas the cheefe speaker ✝ verse 12 The Priest also of Iupiter that vvas before the citie bringing oxen garlands before the gates vvould vvith the people ″ sacrifice ✝ verse 13 Vvhich thing vvhen the Apostles Barnabas Paul heard renting their coates they leaped forth into the multitudes crying ✝ verse 14 and saying Ye men vvhy doe you these things Vve also are mortal men like vnto you preaching to you for to conuert from these vaine things to the liuing God that made the heauen and the earth and the sea and al things that are in them ✝ verse 15 vvho in the generations past suffred al the Gentils to goe their ovvne vvaies ✝ verse 16 Hovvbeit he left not him self vvithout testimonie being beneficial from heauen giuing raines and fruiteful seasons filling our hartes vvith foode gladnes ✝ verse 17 And speaking these things they scarse appeased the multitudes from sacrificing to them ✝ verse 18 But there came in certaine Ievves from Antioche
that perish is folishnes but to them that are saued that is to vs it is the povver of God ✝ verse 19 For it is vvritten I vvil destroy the vvisedom of the vvise and the prudence of the prudent I vvil reiecte ✝ verse 20 Vvhere is the vvise vvhere is the Scribe vvhere is the disputer of this vvorld Hath not God made the vvisedom of this vvorld folish ✝ verse 21 For because in the vvisedom of God the vvorld did not by vvisedom knovv God it pleased God by the folishnes of the preaching to saue them that beleeue ✝ verse 22 For both the Ievves aske signes and the Greekes seeke vvisedom ✝ verse 23 but vve preach Christ crucified to the Ievves certes a scandal and to the Gentiles folishnes ✝ verse 24 but to the called Ievves Greekes Christ the povver of God and the vvisedom of God ✝ verse 25 For that vvhich is the folish of God is vviser then men and that vvhich is the infirme of God is stronger then men ✝ verse 26 For see your vocation brethren that not many vvise according to the flesh not many mightie not many noble ✝ verse 27 but the folish things of the vvorld hath God chosen that he may confound the vvise and the vveake things of the vvorld hath God chosen that he may confound the strong ✝ verse 28 and the base things of the vvorld and the contemptible hath God chosen and those things vvhich are not that he might destroy those things vvhich are ✝ verse 29 that no flesh may glorie in his sight ✝ verse 30 And of him you are in Christ IESVS ● vvho is made vnto vs vvisedom from God iustice sanctificatiō and redemption ✝ verse 31 that as it is vvritten He that doth glorie may glorie in our Lord. ⊢ ANNOTATIONS CHAP. I. 5. In al knovvledge Obserue that the Apostles neuer vvrote their letters but to such as vvere conuerted to Christes faith before for men can not lightly learne the Christian religion by reading Scriptures but by hearing and by the presence of their teachers which may instruct them at large and particularly of euery Article as clerely breefely by letters they could not doe Neither doth novv any man learne his faith first but by hearing of his parents and Maisters for if vve should vvhen vve come to yeres of discretion ●e set to picke our faith out of the Scriptures there vvould be a madde vvorke and many faithes among vs. 30. Who is made He meaneth not as our Aduersaries captiously take it that vve haue no iustice sapience nor sanctity of our ovvne other then Christes imputed to vs but the sense is that he is made the author giuer and meritorious cause of al these vertues in vs for so the Apostle interpreteth him self plainely in the 6 Chapter folovving vvhen he vvriteth thus You be vvashed you be iustified you be sanctified in the name of our Lord IESVS CHRIST and in the Spirit of our God CHAP. II. That his ovvne preaching among them vvas in humble maner in the sight of man 3 Hovvbeit it is most profound vvisedom as they should and vvould perceiue if they vvere not carnal vvhich is taught in the Church of Christ verse 1 AND I brethren vvhen I came to you I came not in loftinesse of speache or of vvisedom preaching to you the testimonie of Christ ✝ verse 2 For I iudged not my self to knovv any thing among you but IESVS Christ and him crucified ✝ verse 3 And * I vvas vvith you in infirmitie and feare and much trembling ✝ verse 4 and my speache and my preaching vvas not in the persuasible vvordes of humane vvisedom but in shevving of spirit and povver ✝ verse 5 that your faith might not be in the vvisedom of men but in the povver of God But vve speake vvisedom among the perfect ✝ verse 6 but the vvisedom not of this vvorld neither of the princes of this vvorld that come to naught ✝ verse 7 but vve speake the vvisedom of God in a mysterie which is hid vvhich God did predestinate before the worlds vnto our glorie ✝ verse 8 which none of the princes of this vvo●ld did knovv for if they had knovven they vvould neuer haue crucified the Lord of glorie ✝ verse 9 But as it is vvritten That vvhich eie hath not seen nor eare hath heard neither hath it ascended into the hart of mā vvhat things God hath prepared for them that loue him ✝ verse 10 but to vs God hath reuealed by his Spirit For the Spirit searcheth al things yea the profoundities of God ✝ verse 11 For vvhat man knovveth the things of a man but ● the spi●it of a man that is in him so the things also that are of God no man knovveth but the spirit of God ✝ verse 12 And vve haue receiued not the spirit of this vvorld but the spirit that is of God ● that vve may knovv the things that of God are giuen to vs. ✝ verse 13 vvhich also vve speake not in learned vvordes of humane vvisedom but in the doctrine of the Spirit comparing spiritual things to the spiritual ✝ verse 14 But ● the sensual man perceiueth not those things that are of the spirit of God for it is folishnes to him and he can not vnderstand because he is spiritually examined ✝ verse 15 But the spiritual man iudgeth al things and him self is iudged of no man ✝ verse 16 For * vvho hath knovven the sense of our Lord that may instructe him But vve haue the sense of Christ ANNOTATIONS CHAP. II. 11. But the spirit of man One man can not knovv an others cogitations naturally but God giueth to Prophets and other euen in this vvorld oftentimes by extraordinary grace to knovv mens secretes As he did to S. Peter to knovv the fraude of Ananias and Sapphira and to Eliseus his seruants bribery in his absence and vvhat vvas done in the king of Syria his chamber and as he giueth to al Angels and Saincts so far as is conuenient to our necessities and their heauenly glorie to vnderstand not onely our vocal praiers but our invvard repentance and desires 12. That vve may knovv The Protestants that chalenge a particular spirit reuealing to eche one his ovvne predestination iustification and saluation vvould dravv this text to that purpose Vvhich importeth nothing els as is plaine by the Apostles discourse but that the holy Ghost hath giuen to the Apostles by them to other Christian men to knovv Gods ineffable gifts bestovved vpon the beleeuers in this time of grace that is Christes Incarnation Passion presence in the Sacrament the incomprehensible ioyes of heauen vvhich Pagans Ievves and Heretikes deride 14. The sensual man The sensual man is he specially that measureth these heauenly mysteries by natural reason humane prudence external sense and vvorldly affection as the Ievv Pagane and Heretike doe and sometime both here and els vvhere the
through faith and that not of your selues for it is the gift of God ✝ verse 9 not of vvorkes that no man glorie ✝ verse 10 For vve are his vvorke created in Christ IESVS in good vvorkes vvhich God hath prepared that vve should vvalke in them ✝ verse 11 For the vvhich cause be mindeful that sometime you vvere Gentils in the flesh vvho vvere * called prepuce of that vvhich is called circumcision in the flesh made vvith hand ✝ verse 12 vvho vvere at that time vvithout Christ alienated from the conuersation of Israël and * strangers of the testaments hauing no hope of the promis and vvithout God in this vvorld ✝ verse 13 But novv in Christ IESVS you that sometime vvere farre of are made nigh in the bloud of Christ ✝ verse 14 For he is our peace vvho hath made both one and dissoluing the middle vvall of the partition the enmities in his flesh ✝ verse 15 euacuating the lavv of cōmaundements in decrees that he may create the tvvo in him self into one new man making peace ✝ verse 16 and may reconcile both in one body to God by the crosse killing the enmities in him self ✝ verse 17 And comming he euangelized peace to you that vvere farre of and peace to them that vvere nigh ✝ verse 18 For * by him vve haue accesse both in one Spirit to the Father ✝ verse 19 Novv then you are not strangers and forreiners but you are citizens of the sainctes and the domesticals of God ✝ verse 20 ″ built vpon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets IESVS Christ him self being the highest corner stone ✝ verse 21 in vvhom al building framed together grovveth into an holy temple in our Lord ✝ verse 22 in vvhom you also are built together into an habitation of God in the holy Ghost ⊢ ANNOTATIONS CHAP. II. ● By grace you are saued through faith Our first iustification is of Gods grace and not of our deseruings because none of al our actions that vvere before our iustification could merite or iustly procure the grace of iustification Againe he saith through faith for that faith is the beginning foundation and roote of al iustification and the first of al other vertues vvithout which it is impossible to please God 20. Built vpon the foundation Note against the Heretikes that thinke it dishonorable to Christ to attribute his titles or callings to mortal men that the faithful though builded first principally and properly vpon Christ yet are said here to be built also vpon the Apostles and Prophets Vvhy may not the Church then be builded vpon Peter CHAP. III. For vvitnessing the vocation of the Gentils as being the Apostle of the Gentils he is 〈◊〉 prison 1● Wherein the Gentils therfore haue cause to reioyce rather then to shrinke So he saith 14 and also praieth to God vvho is almightie to confirmed their invvard man though the outvvard be infirmed by persecutions verse 1 FOR this cause I Paul the prisoner of IESVS Christ for you Gentiles ✝ verse 2 if yet you haue heard the dispensation of the grace of God vvhich is giuen me tovvard you ✝ verse 3 because according to reuelation the sacrament vvas made knovven to me as I haue vvrittē before in breife ✝ verse 4 according as you reading may vnderstand my vvisedom in the mysterie of Christ ✝ verse 5 vvhich vnto other generations vvas not knovven to the sonnes of men as novv it is reuealed to his holy Apostles Prophets in the Spirit ✝ verse 6 The Gentils to be coheires concorporat and comparticipant of his promis in Christ IESVS by the Gospel ✝ verse 7 vvhereof I am made a minister according to the gift of the grace of God which is giuen me according to the operation of his povver ✝ verse 8 To me * the least of al the sainctes is giuen this grace among the Gentils to euangelize the vnsearcheable riches of Christ ✝ verse 9 and to illuminate al men vvhat is the dispensatiō of the sacrament hidden from vvorldes in God vvho created al things ✝ verse 10 that the manifold vvisedom of God may be notified to the Princes and Potestats in the celestials by the Church ✝ verse 11 according to the prefinitiō of worldes vvhich he made in Christ IESVS our Lord. ✝ verse 12 In vvhom vve haue affiance and accesse in confidence by the faith of him ✝ verse 13 For the vvhich cause I desire that you faint not in my tribulations for you vvhich is your glorie ✝ verse 14 For this cause I bovve my knees to the Father of our Lord IESVS Christ ✝ verse 15 of vvhom al paternitie in the heauens and in earth is named ✝ verse 16 that he giue you according to the riches of his glorie povver to be fortified by his Spirit in the inner man ✝ verse 17 Christ to dvvel by faith in your hartes rooted and founded in charitie ✝ verse 18 that you may be able to comprehend vvith al the sainctes vvhat is the bredth and length and height and depth ✝ verse 19 to knovv also the charitie of Christ surpassing knovvledge that you may be filled vnto al the fulnes of God ✝ verse 20 And * to him that is able to doe al things more aboundantly then vve desire or vnderstand according to the povver that vvorketh in vs ✝ verse 21 to him be glorie in the CHVRCH and in Christ IESVS vnto al generations vvorld vvithout end Amen CHAP. IIII. He exhorteth them to keepe the vnitie of the Church most 〈…〉 vvith al humilities bringing them many motiues therevnto 7 and 〈…〉 that 〈◊〉 the diuersitie it self of offices is not for diuision as being the gift of Christ him self 〈◊〉 to build vp the Church and to held al in the vnitie therof against the 〈…〉 of Heretikes that vnder Christ the head in the Church being the body euery member may prosper 17 Neither as touching life most vve 〈◊〉 like the Heathen but as it becommeth Christians laying of al our old corrupt maners and increasing daily in al goodnes verse 1 I Therfore prisoner in our Lord beseeche you that you vvalke vvorthy of the vocation in vvhich you are called ✝ verse 2 vvith al humilitie mildenes vvith patience supporting one an other in charitie ✝ verse 3 careful to keepe the vnitie of the spirit in the bond of peace ✝ verse 4 One body and one spirit as you are called in one hope of your vocation ✝ verse 5 One Lord ″ one faith one baptisme ✝ verse 6 * One God and Father of al vvhich is euer al and by al and in al vs. ⊢ ✝ verse 7 But * to euery one of vs is giuen grace according to the measure of the donation of Christ ✝ verse 8 For the vvhich he saith Ascēding on high he ledde captiuitie captiue he gaue giftes to men ✝ verse 9 And that he ascended
the dead that he may be in al things holding the primacie ✝ verse 19 because in him it hath vvel pleased al fulnes to inhabite ✝ verse 20 and by him to reconcile al things vnto him self pacifying by the bloud of his crosse vvhether the things in earth or the things that are in heauen ✝ verse 21 And you vvhereas you vvere sometime alienated and enemies in sense in euil vvorkes ✝ verse 22 yet novv he hath reconciled in the body of his flesh by death to present you holy immaculate and blameles before him ✝ verse 23 if yet ye cōtinue in the faith grounded and stable and vnmoueable from the hope of the Gospel vvhich you haue heard vvhich is preached among al creatures that are vnder heauen vvhereof I Paul am made a minister ✝ verse 24 Vvho novv reioyce in suffering for you and ● do accomplish those things that vvant of the passions of Christ in my flesh for his body vvhich is the CHVRCH ✝ verse 25 vvhereof I am made a minister according to the dispensation of Gods vvhich is giuen me tovvard you that I may fulfil the vvord of God ✝ verse 26 the mysterie that hath been hidden from vvorldes and generations but novv is manifested to his sainctes ✝ verse 27 to vvhō God vvould make knowen the riches of the glorie of this sacrament in the Gentiles vvhich is Christ in you the hope of glorie ✝ verse 28 vvhom vve preache admonishing euery man and teaching euery man in al vvisedom that vve may present euery man perfect in Christ IESVS ✝ verse 29 Vvherein also I labour striuing according to his operation vvhich he vvorketh in me in povver ANNOTATIONS CHAP. I. 24. D●●●●●plish that ●●●●teth As Christ the head and his body make one person mystical and one full Christ the Church being therfore his plenitude ful●es or complement Ephes 1 so the passions of his head and the afflictions of the body and members make one complete masse of passions Vvith such difference for al that betvvene the one sort and the other as the preeminence of the head and special●y such a head aboue the body requireth and giueth And not only these passions vvhich he suffered in him self vvhich vvere fully ended in his death and vverein them selues fully sufficient for the redemption of the vvorld remission of al sinnes but al those vvhich his body and members suffer are his also and of him they receiue the condition qualitie and force to be meritorious and satisfactorie For though there be no insufficiencie in the actions or passions of Christ the head yet his vvisedom vvil and iustice requireth and ordaineth * that his body and members should be f●llovves of his passions as they looke to be fellovves of his glorie that so suffering vvith him and by his example they may appl●e to them selues and others the general medicine of Christes merites and satisfactions as it is effectually and applied to vs by Sacraments sacrifice and other vvaies also 〈…〉 sor being no more iniurious to Christe● death then the other notvvithstanding the vaine clamours of the Protestants that vvould vnder pretence of Christes Passion take avvay the valure of al good deedes Herevpon it is plaine novv that this accomplishment of the vvants of Christes Passions vvhich the Apostle and other Saincts make vp in their flesh is not mean● but of the penal and satisfactorie vvorkes of Christ in his members euery good man adding continually and specially Martyrs somevvhat to accomplish the full measure thereof and these be the plenitude of his passions and satisfactions as the Church is the plenitude of his person therfore these also through the communion of Saincts and the societie that is not onely betvvene the head and the body but also betvvene one members and an other are not only satisfactorie and many vvaies profitable for the sufferers them selues but also for other their fellovv-members in Christ for though one member can not merite for an other properly yet may one beare the burden and discharge the debt of an other both by the lavv of God and nature and it vvas ridiculous Heresie of Vvicleffe to deny the same Yea as vve see here the passions of Saincts are alvvaies suffered for the common good of the vvhole body and sometimes vvithal by the sufferers special intention they are applicable to special persons one or many as here the Apostle ioyeth in his passions for the Collossians in an other place his afflictions be for the saluation of the Corinthians sometimes he vvisheth to be Anathe●●a that is according to Origens exposition i● li. 〈◊〉 ho. 10. 24. a sacrifice for the Ievves and he often speaketh of his death as of a libation host or offering as the fathers do of al Martyrs passions Al vvhich dedicated and sanctified in Christes bloud and sacrifice make the plenitude of his Passion and haue a forcible crie intercession and satisfaction for the Church and the particular necessities thereof In vvhich as some do abound in good vvorkes and satisfactions as S. Paul vvho reckeneth vp his afflictions and glorieth in them 2 Cor. 11 and Iob vvho auoucheth that his penalties farre surmounted his sinnes and our Ladie much more vvho neuer sinned and yet suffered so great dolours so others some do vvant and are to be holpen by the aboundance of their fellovv-members Vvhich entercourse of spiritual offices and the recompense of the vvants of one part by the store of the other is the ground of the old libels of Indulgence vvhereof is treated before our of S. Cyprian See the Annotations 2 Cor. 2. v. 10 and of al indulgences or pardons vvhich the Church daily dispenseth vvith great iustice and mercie by their hands in vvhom Christ hath put the vvord of our reconcilement to vvhom he hath committed the keies to keepe and vse his sheep● to seede his mysteries and al his goods to dispense his povver to binde and loose his commission to remine and reteine and the stevvardship of his familie to giue euery one their meate and sust●nance in due season CHAP. II. He is careful for them though he vvere neuer vvith them that they rest in the vvonderful vvisedom vvhich is in Christian religion and be not caried avvay either vvith Philosophie to 〈◊〉 Christ and to sacrifice to Angel●● or vvith Iudaisme to receive any 〈…〉 of Moyses lavv verse 1 FOR I vvil haue you knovv brethren vvhat maner of care I haue for you and for them that are at Laodicia and vvhosoeuer haue not seen my face in the flesh ✝ verse 2 that their hartes may be comforted instructed in charitie vnto al the riches of the fulnes of vnderstāding vnto the knovvledge of the mysterie of God the Father of Christ IESVS ✝ verse 3 in vvhom be al the treasures of vvisedom and knovvledge hidde ✝ verse 4 But this I say that no man deceiue you in loftines of vvordes ✝ verse 5 For although I
Christ in so easie and perfect penance and cleansing of sinnes as that first sacrament of generation did yeld vvhich applieth Christes death in such ample maner to the receiuer that it taketh avvay al paines due for sinnes before committed and therfore requireth no further penance aftervvard for the sinnes before committed al being vvashed away by the force of that Sacrament duely taken S. Augustine calleth the remission in Baptisme Magnam indulgentiam a great pardon Enchirid. c. 64. The Apostle therfore warneth them that if they fall from their faith and from Christes grace and lavv vvhich they once receiued in their Baptisme they may not looke to haue any more that first great and large remedie applied vnto them nor no man els that sinneth after Baptisme though the other penance vvhich is called the Second table after shipvvracke vvhich is a more paineful medicine for sinne then Baptisme requiring much fasting praying and other afflictions corporal is open not onely to other sinners but to al once baptized Heretikes or oppugners of the truth malitiously and of purpose or what way so euer during this life See S. Cypriah ep 52. S. Ambrose vpon this place S. Augustine cont ep Parm. li. 2. c. 13. and ep 50. S. Damascene li. 4. c. 10. 10. God is not vniust It is a vvorld to see vvhat vvringing vvrithing the Protestants make to shift them selues from the euidence of these vvordes vvhich make it most cleere to all not blinded in pride and contention that good vvorkes be moritorious and the very cause of saluation so far that God should be vniust if he rendered not heauen for the same Reuera grandis iniustitia Dei saith S. Hierom Si tantùm peocata puniret bona opera non susciperet That is In deede great vvere Gods iniustice ● if he vvould onely punish sinnes and vvould not receiue good vvorkes Li. 2. cont Iouin c. 2. CHAP. VII To proue the Priesthod of Christ incomparably to excel the priesthod of Aaron and therfore that Leuitical priesthod novv to cease and that lavv also vvith it he scanneth euery vvord of the verse alleaged out of the Psalme Our Lord hath svvorne thou art a Priest for euer according to the order of Melchisedec verse 1 FOR this ″ Melchisedec the king of Salem Priest of the God most high * vvho mette Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings and blessed him ✝ verse 2 to vvhom also Abrahā deuided tithes of al first in deede by interpretation the king of iustice then also king of Salem vvhich is to say king of peace ✝ verse 3 ″ vvithout father without mother vvithout genealogie hauing neither beginning of daies nor end of life but likened to the sonne of God continueth a priest for euer ✝ verse 4 And ″ behold hovv great this man is to vvhom also Abraham the Patriarke gaue ″ tithes of the principal things ✝ verse 5 And certes * they of the sonnes of Leui that take the priesthod haue commaundement to take tithes of the people according to the Lavv that is to say of their brethren albeit them selues also issued out of the loines of Abraham ✝ verse 6 but he vvhose generation is not numbered among them tooke tithes of Abraham and blessed him that had the promises ✝ verse 7 But vvithout al contradiction that vvhich is lesse ″ is blessed of the better ✝ verse 8 And here in deede men that die receiue tithes but there he hath vvitnes that he liueth ✝ verse 9 And that it may so be said by Abraham Leui also which receiued tithes vvas tithed ✝ verse 10 for as yet he vvas in his fathers loines vvhen Melchisedec mette him ✝ verse 11 If then consummation vvas by the Leuitical priesthod for vnder it the people receiued the Lavv ″ vvhat necessitie vvas there yet an other priest to rise according to the order of Melchisedec and not to be called according to the order of Aaron ✝ verse 12 For the priesthod being ″ translated it is necessarie that a translation of the Lavv also be made ✝ verse 13 For he on vvhom these things be said is of an other tribe of the vvhich none attended on the altar ✝ verse 14 For it is manifest that our Lord sprung of Iuda in the which tribe Moyses spake nothing of priestes ' ✝ verse 15 And yet it is much more euident if according to the similitude of Melchisedec there arise an other priest ✝ verse 16 which vvas not made according to the Lavv of the carnal commaundement but according to the povver of life indissoluble ✝ verse 17 For he vvitnesseth That thou art ″ a priest for euer according to the order of Melchisedec ✝ verse 18 Reprobation certes is made ″ of the former cōmaundement because of the vveakenesse and vnprofitablenesse thereof ✝ verse 19 For the Lavv brought nothing to perfection but an introduction of a better hope by the vvhich vve approche to God ✝ verse 20 And in as much as it is not vvithout an othe the other truely vvithout an othe vvere made priestes ✝ verse 21 but this ″ vvith an othe by him that said vnto him Our Lord hath svvorne and it shal not repent him thou art a priest for euer ✝ verse 22 by so much is IESVS made a suretie of a better testamēt ✝ verse 23 And the other in deede vvere made priestes ″ being many because that by death they vvere prohibited to continue ✝ verse 24 but this for that he continueth for euer hath an euerlasting priesthod ✝ verse 25 vvhereby he is able to saue also for euer going ' by him self to God alvvaies liuing to make intercession for vs. ✝ verse 26 For it vvas seemely that vve should haue such a high priest holy innocent impolluted separated from sinners and made higher then the heauens ✝ verse 27 vvhich hath not necessitie daily as the priestes first * for his ovvne sinnes to offer hostes then for the peoples for ″ this he did once in offering him self ⊢ ✝ verse 28 For the Lavv appointeth priestes them that haue infirmitie but the vvord of the othe vvhich is after the Lavv the Sonne for euer perfected ANNOTATIONS CHAP. VII 1. Melchisede● The excellencie of this person vvas so great that some of the antiquity tooke him to be an Angel and some the holy Ghost Vvhich opinion not onely the Hebrues that auouch him to be Sem the sonne of Noë but also the cheefe fathers of the Christians do condemne not doubting but he vvas a mere man and a Priest and a king vvhosoeuer he vvas for els he could not in office and order and sacrifice haue been so perfect a type and resemblance of our Sauiour as in this Chapter and other is shevved 3. Without father Not that he vvas vvithout father and mother saith S. Hierom ep 126 for Christ him self vvas not vvithout father according to his diuinity not vvithout mother in
And that to haue been the errour of the Hebrues you may read in S. Augustine li. 3. doct Christ c. 6. And this vve tel the Protestants is the onely purpose of the Apostle But they be so grosse or ignorant in the Scriptures and so malitiously set against Gods and the Churches truth that they peruersely and folishly turne the vvhole disputation against the sacrifice of the B. Masse and the Priests of the new Testament as though vve held that the sacrifice of the altar vvere the general redemption or redeeming sacrifice or that it had no relation to Christes death or that it vvere not the representation and most liuely resemblance of the same or vvere not instituted and done to apply in particular to the vse of the partakers that other general benefite of Christes one oblation vpon the Crosse Against the Ievves then onely S. Paul disputeth and against the false opinion they had of their Priests and sacrifices to vvhich they attributed al remission and redemption vvithout respect of Christes death 15. Of those preuarications The Protestants do vnlearnedly imagine that because al sinnes be remitted by the force of Christes passion that therfore there should be no other sacrifice after his death Vvhereas in deede they might as vvell say there ought neuer to haue been sacrifice appointed by God either in the lavv of Nature or of Moyses as al their argumēts made against the Sacrifice of the Church vpon the Apostles discourse proue as vvel or rather onely that there vvere no sacrifices of Aarons order or Leuitical lavv at all For against the Ievves false opinion concerning them doth he dispute and not a vvord touching the sacrifice of the Church vnto vvhich ●n al this discourse he neuer opposeth Christes sacrifice vpon the Crosse al Christian men vvel knovving that the host oblation of those tvvo though they differ in maner and external forme yet is in deede al one The Apostle then shevveth here plainely that al the sinnes that euer vvere remitted since the beginning of the vvorld vvere no othervvise forgiuen but by the force and in respect of Christes Passion Yet it folovveth not therevpon that the oblations of Abel Abraham Aaron c vvere no sacrifices as by the Heretikes foolish deduction it should do S. Paul not opposing Christes Passion to them for the intent to proue them to haue been no sacrifices but to proue that they vvere not absolute sacrifices nor the redeeming or consummating Sacrifice vvhich could not be many nor done by many Priests but by one and at one time by a more excellent Priest thē any of them or any other mere mortal man And that you may see the blasphemous pride and ignorance of Caluin and in him of al his fellovves read so many as may read Heretical bookes his commentarie vpon this place and there you shal see him gather vpon this that Christes death had force from the beginning vvas the remedie for al sinnes since the creation of the vvorld therfore there must be no mo● but that one sacrifice of Christes death Vvhich must needes by his deduction hold as it doth in deede no lesse against the old sacrifices then the nevv sacrifice of the Church and so take avvay al vvhich is against the Apostles meaning and al religion 20. This is the bloud Christes death vvas necessarie for the full confirmation ratification and accomplishement of the nevv Testament though it vvas begonne to be dedicated in the sacrifice of his last supper being also vvithin the compasse of his Passion Vvhich is euident by the vvordes prouounced by Christ ouer the holy chalice vvhich be correspondent to the vvordes that vvere spoken as the Apostle here declareth in the first sacrifice of the dedication of the old lavv hauing also expresse mention of remission of sinnes thereby as by the bloud of the nevv Testament Vvhereby it is plaine that the B. Chalice of the altar hath the very sacrificall bloud in it that vvas shed vpon the Crosse in by vvhich the nevv Testament vvhich is the lavv of spirit grace and remission vvas dedicated and doth consist And therfore it is also cleere that many diuine things vvhich to the Heretikes or ignorant may seeme to be spoken onely of Christes sacrifice vpon the Crosse be in deede verified fulfilled also in the sacrifice of the altar Vvhereof S. Paul for the causes aforesaid vvould not treate in plaine termes See Isychius li. 1 in Leuit. c. 4 paulo post initium applying al these things to the immolation of Christ also in the Sacrament 23. The examplers Al the offices places vessels and instruments of the old lavv vvere but figures and resemblances of the state and sacraments of the nevv Testament vvhich are here called celestials for that they are the liuely image of the heauenly state next ensuing vvhich be therfore specially dedicated and sanctified in Christes bloud sacrificed on the altar and sprinkled vpon the faithful as the old figures and people vvere cleansed by the bloud of beasts And therfore by a transition vsual in the holy Scriptures the Apostle sodenly passeth in the sentēce immediatly folovving and turneth his talke to Christes entrance into heauen the state vvhereof both by the Sacraments of the old lavv and also more specially by them of the nevv is prefigured 25. Offer him self often As Christ neuer died but once not neuer shal die againe so in that violent painful and blouddy sort he can neuer be offered againe neither needeth he so to be offered any more hauing by that one action of sacrifice vpon the Crosse made the full ransom redemption and remedie for the sinnes of the vvhole vvorld Neuerthelesse as Christ died and vvas offered after a sort in all the sacrifices of the Lavv and Nature since the beginning of the vvorld al vvhich vvere figures of this one oblation vpon the Crosse so is he much rather offered in the sacrifice of the altar of the nevv Testament incomparably more neerely diuinely and truely expressing his death his body broken his bloud shed then did any figure of the old lavv or other sacrifice that euer vvas as being in deede though in hidden sacramental and mysticall and vnblouddy maner the very self same B. body and bloud the self same host oblation and sacrifice that vvas doue vpon the Crosse And this truth is most euident by the very forme of vvordes vsed by our Sauiour in the institution and consecration of the holy Sacrament and by the profession of all the holy Doctors Our sacrifice saith S. Cyprian is correspondent to the Passion of Christ And The sacrifice that vve offer is the Passion of Christ ep 63. nu 4. nu 7. S. Augustine de f●d ad Pet. c. 19. In those carnal sacrifices vvas the prosiguring of the flesh of Christ vvhich he vvas to offer for sinnes and of the bloud vvhich he vvas to sheads but in this Sacrifice is the commemoration of the flesh of Christ vvhich
tvvo vvordes more then is in the Greeke which though it might be the sense of the place and S. Augustine so expoundeth it yet they should not make his exposition the text of holy Scripture specially vvhereas he only of al the auncient fathers as Beza confesseth so expoundeth it 33. Wrought iustice Men are not iust by beleefe onely as the Protestants affirme but by vvorking iustice And vve may note that in all this long commendation of faith in the fathers and holy persons their good vvorkes are also specially recounted as Rahabs harbouring the spies Abrahams offering his sonne vvhich their vvorkes S. Iames doth inculcate No●s making the Arke Gen. 6. Abels better oblation then Cains Gen. 4. Hebr. 11. v. 4. and so forth therfore S. Clement Alexandrinus saith that the said persons and others vvere lust by saith and obedience by faith and hospitality by faith and patience by faith and humility The Apostles purpose then is nothing els but to proue to the Hebrues vvho made so great account of their Patriarches and forefathers and their famous actes that all these glorious personages and their vvorkes vvere commendable and acceptable onely through the faith they had of Christ vvithout vvhich faith none of all their liues and vvorkes should haue profited them any vvhit the Gentiles doing many noble actes as Heretikes may also doe vvhich are of no estimatiō before God because they lacke faith And that is the scope of S. Paules Epistle to the Romanes and of al other passages vvhere he commendeth faith further prouing specially in this Epistle to the Hebrues that all their sacrifices vvere nothing els but figures and attestations of the Christian faith in Christ and his death Al vvhich high resolution conclusion against the Ievves and Gentiles that the Christian faith is the true faith religion the Heretikes of our time ignorantly and brutishly abuse against Christian vvorkes sacrifice and Sacraments vvhich the Apostle meant specially to commend and establish by his high commendation of the faith in Christ 40. Without vs should not The fathers before Christ could not be accomplished that is not admitted to the heauenly ioyes vision and fruition of God till the Apostles and other of the nevv lavv vvere associate to them and the vvay to euerlasting glorie opened by our Lordes death and Ascension Neither shal either they or vve be fully perfected in glorie both of body and soul till the general resurrection Gods prouidence being so that vve should not one be consummated vvithout an other all being of one faith and redeemed by one Lord Christ CHAP. XII By the foresaid examples he exhorteth them to patience 2 and by example of Christ him self crucified 5 and because this discipline it an argument that they be Gods children 9 vvith vvh●se rodde they should be much more content then vvish that of their carnal fathers and because it bringeth iustification 12 Exhorting them therfore to plucke vp their hartes and to take faster footing 18 considering that all bring novv so svveete and not terrible as in the old Testament their damnation if they refuse to heare vvil be so much the greater verse 1 AND therfore vve also hauing so great a cloud of vvitnesses put vpon vs * laying avvay al vveight and sinne that compasseth vs by patience let vs runne to the fight proposed vnto vs ✝ verse 2 looking on the author of faith and the consummator IESVS vvho ioy being proposed vnto him sustained the crosse contemning confusion and sitteth on the right hand of the seate of God ✝ verse 3 For thinke diligently vpon him vvhich sustained of sinners such contradiction against him self that you be not vvearied fainting in your mindes ✝ verse 4 For you haue not yet resisted vnto bloud repugning against sinne ✝ verse 5 and you haue forgotten the consolatiō vvhich speaketh to you as it vvere to children saying My sonne neglect not the discipline of our Lord neither ●e thou vvearied vvhiles thou art rebuked of him ✝ verse 6 For vvhom our Lord loueth he chasteneth and ● he scourgeth euery childe that he receiueth ✝ verse 7 Perseuêre ye in discipline As vnto children doth God offer him self to you for vvhat sonne is there vvhom the father doth not correct ✝ verse 8 But if you be vvithout discipline vvhereof al be made partakers then are you bastards not children ✝ verse 9 Moreouer the fathers in deede of our flesh vve had for instructors and vve did reuerence them shal vve not much more obey the Father of spirites liue ✝ verse 10 And they in deede for a time of fevv daies according to their vvil instructed vs but he to that vvhich is profitable in receiuing of his sanctification ✝ verse 11 And al discipline for the present certes seemeth not to be of ioy but of sorovv but aftervvard it vvil render to them that are exercised by it most peaceable fruite of iustice ✝ verse 12 For the vvhich cause stretch vp the slacked handes and the loose knees ✝ verse 13 and make straight steppes to your feete that no man halting erre but rather be healed ✝ verse 14 * Folovv peace vvith al men and holinesse vvithout vvhich no man shal see God ✝ verse 15 looking diligently lest any man be vvanting to the grace of God lest any roote of bitternes springing vp do hinder and by it many be polluted ✝ verse 16 Lest there be any fornicator or prophane person as Esau * vvho for one dish of meate sold his first-birth-rightes ✝ verse 17 For knovv ye that aftervvard also desiring to inherite the benediction he vvas reprobated * for ● he found not place of repētance although vvith teares he had sought it ✝ verse 18 For you are not come to * a palpable mount and an accessible'fire and vvhirlevvinde and darkenes and storme ✝ verse 19 and the soūd of trompet voice of vvordes vvhich they that heard excused them selues that the vvord might not be spokē to them ✝ verse 20 for they did not heare that which was said And if a beast shal touche the mount it shal be stoned ✝ verse 21 And so terrible vvas it vvhich vvas seen Moyses said I am frighted and tremble ✝ verse 22 But you are come to mount Sion and the citie of the liuing God heauenly Hierusalem and the assemblie of many thousand Angels ✝ verse 23 the Church of the first-borne vvhich are vvritten in the heauens and the iudge of all God and the spirites of the iust made perfect ✝ verse 24 and the mediator of the nevv Testament IESVS and the sprinkling of bloud speaking better then * Abel ✝ verse 25 See that you refuse him not speaking for if they escaped not refusing him that spake vpon the earth much more vve that turne avvay from him speaking to vs from heauen ✝ verse 26 Vvhose voice moued the earth then but novv he promiseth
Law But if thou iudge the Lavv thou art not a doer of the Lavv but a iudge ✝ verse 12 For there is one lavv-maker and iudge that can destroy and deliuer ✝ verse 13 But thou * vvhat art thou that iudgest thy neighbour Behold novv you that say To day or to morovv vve vvil goe into that citie and there certes vvil spend a yere and vvil traficke and make our gaine ✝ verse 14 vvho are ignorāt vvhat shal be on the morovv For vvhat is your life It is a vapour appearing for a litle vvhile and aftervvard it shal vanish avvay ✝ verse 15 for that you should say If our Lord vvil and If vve shal liue vve vvil doe this or that ✝ verse 16 But novv you reioyce in your arrogancies Al such reioycing is vvicked ✝ verse 17 To one therfore knovving to doe good and not doing it to him it is sinne ANNOTATION CHAP. IIII. 8. Purifie your hartes Man vve see here maketh him self cleane and purgeth his owne hart Vvhich derogateth nothing to the grace of God being the principal cause of the same Yet Protestants thinke vve derogate from Christs Passion vvhen vve attribute such effects to our owne vvorkes or to other secundarie helpes and causes CHAP. V. By the damnatiō to come vpon the vnmerciful riche he exhorteth the persecuted to patience and by their ovvne revvard and by examples 12 Not to svveare at all 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 talke talke ● In affliction to pray in prosperitie to sing in sicknes to call for the Priests and that they pray ouer them and anoile them vvith oile and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the sicke persons confesse their sinnes 19 Finally hovv meritorious it is to conuert the erring vnto the Catholike faith or the sinner to amendment of life verse 1 GOE to novv ye riche men vveepe hovvling in your miseries vvhich shal come to you ✝ verse 2 Your riches are corrupt and your garmentes are eaten of mothes ✝ verse 3 Your gold and siluer is rusted and their iust shal be for a testimonie to you and shal eate your flesh as fire You haue stored to your selues vvrath in the last daies ✝ verse 4 Behold ″ the hire of the vvorkemen that haue reaped your fields vvhich is defrauded of you crieth and their crie hath entred into the eares of the Lord of Sabboth ✝ verse 5 You haue made merie vpon the earth and in riotousnes you haue nourished your hartes in the day of slaughter ✝ verse 6 You haue presented and slaine the iust one and he resisted you not ✝ verse 7 Be patient therfore brethren vntil the comming of our Lord. Behold the husband man expecteth the pretious fruite of the earth patiently bearing til he receiue the timely and the latevvard ✝ verse 8 Be you also patient and confirme your hartes because the comming of our Lord vvil approche ' ✝ verse 9 Grudge not brethren one against an other that you be not iudged Behold the iudge standeth before the gate ✝ verse 10 Take an example brethren of labour and patience the prophetes vvhich spake in the name of our Lord. ✝ verse 11 Behold vve accoūt them blessed that haue suffered The sufferance of Iob you haue heard and the end of our Lord you haue seen because our Lord is merciful and pitieful ✝ verse 12 But before al things my brethren * ″ svveare not neither by heauen nor by earth nor other othe whatsoeuer But let your talke be yea yea no no that you fall not vnder iudgement ✝ verse 13 Is any of you in heauinesse let him pray Is he of a cheereful hart let him sing ✝ verse 14 Is any man sicke amōg you ″ let him bring in the priestes of the Churche and let them pray ouer him * ″ anoiling him vvith oile in the name of our Lord. ✝ verse 15 and ″ the praier of faith ″ shal saue the sicke and our Lord ″ shal lift him vp and if he be in sinnes ″ they shal be remitted him ✝ verse 16 ″ Confesse therfore your sinnes one to an other pray one for an other that you may be saued ⊢ for the continual praier of a iust man auaileth much ✝ verse 17 * Elias vvas a man like vnto vs passible and vvith praier ″ he praied that it might not raine vpon the earth and it rained not for three yeres and sixe monethes ✝ verse 18 And * he praied againe and the heauen gaue raine and the earth yelded her fruite ✝ verse 19 My brethren if any of you shal erre from the truth a man conuert him ✝ verse 20 he must know that he vvhich maketh a sinner to be conuerted from the errour of his vvay ″ shal saue his soule from death and couereth a multitude of sinnes ⊢ ANNOTATIONS CHAP. V. 4. The hire To vvithhold from the poore or labourer the hire or vvages that is due or promised to him for his seruice or vvorke done is a great iniquitie and one of those fiue sinnes vvhich in holy Vvrite be said to call for vengeance at Gods hand as vve see here They be called in the Catechisme Sinnes crying to heauen The other foure be Murder Gen. 18 v. 20. Vsurie Exod. 22. v. 27. The sinne against nature Gen. 18. v. 20. The oppression and vexation of vvidovves pupilles strangers and such like Ib. Exod. 3. v. 9. 12. Svveare not He forbiddeth not al othes as the Anabaptists falsely say for in iustice and iudgement vve may be by our lavvful Magistrate put to svveare and may lavvfully take an othe as also for the aduantaging of any necessarie truth vvhen time and place require but the custom of svvearing and al vaine light and vnnecessarie othes in our daily speache do displease God highly and are here forbidden by the Apostle as also by our Sauiour Mat. 5. 14. Let him bring in the Priests The Protestants for their special hatred of the holy order of Priesthod as els vvhere often so here they corrupt the text euidently translating Presbyteros elders As though the Apostle had meant men of age and not such as vvere by holy office Priests S. Chrysostom vvho knevv the sense and signification of the Greeke vvord according to the Ecclesiastical vse and the vvhole Churches iudgement better then any Protestant aliue taketh it plainely for Sacerdotes that is Priests li. 3 de Sacerdotio prope initium And if they confesse that it is a vvord of office vvith them also though they call them Elders and not Priests then vve demaund vvhether the Apostle meane here men of that function vvhich they in their nevv Churches call Elders If they say no as they must needes for Elders vvith their are not deputed specially to publike praying or administration of the Sacraments such as the Apostle here requireth to be sent for then they must needes graunt that their Elders ansvver not to the function of those vvhich in
Holy Ghost 15 Exhorting them to liue also accordingly in al holines 15 considering the holines of God the vprightnes of his iudgement the price of their redemption by Christ 22 and the vertue of the seede in them ●hich is grace regeneratiue in Baptisme foretold by the Prophet also verse 1 PETER an Apostle of IESVS Christ to the electe strangers of the dispersion of Pontus Galatia Cappadocia Asia and Bithynia ✝ verse 2 according to the prescience of God the Father into sanctification of the Spirit vnto the obedience and sprinkling of the bloud of IESVS Christ Grace to you and peace be multiplied ✝ verse 3 Blessed be God and the father of our Lord IESVS Christ vvho according to his great mercie hath regenerated vs vnto a liuely hope by the resurrection of IESVS Christ from the dead ✝ verse 4 vnto an inheritance incorruptible and incontaminate and that can not fade conserued in the heauens in you ✝ verse 5 vvho in the vertue of God are kept by faith vnto saluatiō ready to be reuealed in the last time ✝ verse 6 wherin you shal reioyce a litle novv if you must be made heauy in diuerse tentations ✝ verse 7 that the probation of your faith much more pretious then gold vvhich is proued by the fire may be found vnto praise and glorie and honour in the reuelatiō of IESVS Christ ⊢ ✝ verse 8 vvhom hauing not seen you loue in vvhom novv also not seing you beleeue and beleeuing you reioyce vvith ioy vnspeakable and glorified ✝ verse 9 receiuing the end of your faith the saluation of your soules ✝ verse 10 Of the vvhich saluation the Prophetes inquired searched vvhich prophecied of the grace to come in you ✝ verse 11 searching vnto vvhich or vvhat maner of time the Spirit of Christ in them did signifie foretelling those passions that are in Christ and the glories folovving ✝ verse 12 to vvhom it vvas reuealed that not to thē selues but to you they ministred those things vvhich novv are told you by them that haue euangelized to you the holy Ghost being sent from heauen on vvhom the Angels desire to looke ✝ verse 13 For the vvhich cause hauing the loines of your minde girded sober trust perfectly in that grace vvhich is offered you in the reuelation of IESVS Christ ✝ verse 14 as children of obedience not configurated to the former desires of your ignorance ✝ verse 15 but according to him that hath called you the Holy one be you also in al conuersation holy ✝ verse 16 because it is vvritten You shal be holy because I am holy ✝ verse 17 And if you inuocate the Father him vvhich * vvithout acception of persons iudgeth according to euery ones vvorke in feare conuerse ye the time of your peregrination ✝ verse 18 Knovving that * not vvith corruptible things gold or siluer you are redeemed from your vaine conuersation of your fathers tradition ✝ verse 19 but vvith the pretious bloud as it vvere of an immaculate and vnspotted lambe Christ ✝ verse 20 * foreknovven in deede before the constitution of the vvorld but manifested in the last times for you ✝ verse 21 vvhich by him are faithful in God vvho raised him from the dead and hath giuen him glorie that your faith and hope might be in God ✝ verse 22 Making your soules chaste in obedience of charitie in the sincere loue of the fraternitie from the hart loue ye one an other earnestly ✝ verse 23 borne againe not of corruptible seede but incorruptible by the vvord of God vvho liueth and remaineth for euer ✝ verse 24 For al flesh is as grasse and al the glorie thereof as the floure of grasse the grasse is vvithered and the floure thereof is fallen avvay ✝ verse 25 But the vvord of our Lord remaineth for euer and this is the vvord that is euangelized among you CHAP. II. Novv after their Baptisme vvhat must be their meate 4 and being come to Christ hovv happie they be abou● their incredulous brethren according to the Scriptures also 11 Wherevpon he beseecheth them to shine in good life among the Heathen so to procure their conuersion 13 to be obedient subiects to higher Povvers hovvsoeuer some misconster Christian libertie 14 and seruants to obey their Maisters 19 And so doing vvel though they suffer for it it is very meritorious 21 vvhereas Christ also not onely gaue them example 24 but also by his death hath made them able to liue iustly verse 1 LAYING avvay therfore al malice and al guile and simulations and enuies and al detractions ✝ verse 2 as infants euen novv borne reasonable milke vvithout guile desire ye that in it you may grovv vnto saluatiō ✝ verse 3 if yet you haue tasted that our Lord is svveete ✝ verse 4 Vnto vvhom approching a liuing stone of men in deede reprobated but of God elect and made honorable ✝ verse 5 be ye also your selues superedified as it vvere liuing stones spiritual houses ' a holy priesthod to offer ″ spiritual hostes acceptable to God by IESVS Christ ✝ verse 6 For the vvhich cause the Scripture conteineth Behold I put in Sion a principal corner stone elect pretious and he that shal beleeue in him shal not be confounded ✝ verse 7 To you therfore that beleeue honour but to them that beleeue not the stone vvhich the builders reiected the same is made into the head of the corner ✝ verse 8 and * a stone of offense and a rocke of scandal to them that stumble at the vvord neither doe beleeue wherin also they are put ' ✝ verse 9 But you are an * elect generation a kingly priesthod a holy nation a people of purchase that you may declare his vertues vvhich from darkenesse hath called you into his maruelous light ✝ verse 10 Vvhich sometime not a people but novv the people of God Vvhich not hauing obtained mercie but novv hauing obtained mercie ✝ verse 11 My deerest I beseche you as strangers pilgrimes * to refraine your selues from carnal desires which vvarre against the soule ✝ verse 12 hauing your conuersation good among the Gentiles that in that vvherein they misreport of you as of malefactors by the good vvorkes considering you * they may glorifie God in the day of visitation ✝ verse 13 * ″ Be subiect therfore to euery humane creature for God vvhether it be ″ to king as excelling ✝ verse 14 or to rulers as sent by him to the reuenge of malefactors but to the praise of the good ✝ verse 15 for so is the vvil of God that doing vvel you may make the ignorance of vnvvise men to be dumme ✝ verse 16 as free ″ not as hauing the freedom for a cloke of malice but as the seruants of God ✝ verse 17 Honour al men Loue the fraternitie Feare God Honour
during al eternitie 31. That is in Babylon The Protestants shevv them selues here as in al places vvhere any controuersie is or that maketh against them to be most vnhonest and partial handlers of Gods vvord The aūcient fathers namely S. Hierom in Catalogo de scriptoribus Ecclesiasticis verbo Marcus Eusebius li. 2 c. 14 hist Oecumenius vpon this place and many moe agree that Rome is meant by the vvord Babylon here also as in the 16 and 17 of the Apocalypse saying plainely that S. Peter vvrote this Epistle at Rome vvhich is called Babylon for the resemblance it had to Babylon that great citie in Chaldaea vvhere the Ievves vvere captiues for magnificence Monarchie resort and confusion of al peoples and tongues and for that it vvas before Christ and long after the seate of al Ethnike superstition idolatrie the slaughter house of the Apostles other Christian men the Heathen Emperours thē keeping their cheefe residēce there See S. Leo Ser. 1. in Nati Petri Pauli This being most plaine and cōsonant to that vvhich folovveth of S. Marke vvhom al the Ecclesiastical histories agree to haue been Peters scholer at Rome and that he there vvrote his Gospel yet our Aduersaries fearing hereby the sequele of Peters or the Popes supremacie at Rome deny that euer he vvas there or that this Epistle vvas vvritten there or that Babylon doth here signifie Rome but they say that Peter vvrote this Epistle at Babylon in haldaea though they neuer reade either in Scriptures or other holy or profane historie that this Apostle vvas euer in that tovvne but see their shameles partiality here Babylon say they is not taken for Rome because it vvould folovv that Peter vvas at Rome c. but in the Apocalypse vvhere al euil is spoken of Babylon there they vvill haue it signifie nothing els but Rome and the Romane Church also not as the fathers interprete it the temporal state of the Heathen Empire there So do they folovv in euery vvord no other thing but the aduantage of their ovvne heresie See the Annotation vpon the last of the Romans v. 16. and vpon the 17 of the Apocalypse v. 5. And as for their vvrangling vpon the supputation of the time of his going thither and the number of yeres that he vvas there the diuersitie that seemeth to be in the Ecclesiastical vvriters concerning the same read B. Fisher and other that substantially ansvver al such cauils And if such contentious reasoning might take place vve should hardly beleeue the principal things recorded either in Ecclesiastical histories or in the Scriptures them selues Concerning the time of Christs fleing into Aegypt of the comming of the Sages to adore him yea of the yeres of his age time of his death al aūcient vvriters do not agree and concerning the day of his last supper and institution of the holy Sacrament there is diuersitie of opinions Shal vve therfore inferre that he neuer died and that the other things neuer vvere Can the Heretikes accord al the histories that seeme euen in holy Scripture to haue contradiction Can they tel vs certainely vvhen Dauid first came to Saul and the like doubt they vvhether the vvorld vvas euer created because the count of the yeres is diuers Do they not beleeue that Paradise euer vvas because no man knovveth vvhere it is and such other like things infinite to rehearse Vvhich vvhen they vvere done vvere plaine and knovven things in the vvorld and novv for vs to call them to an account after so many yeres ages and vvorldes is but sophistication and plaine infidelitie And this sect of the Protestants standing onely vpon destruction and negatiues dealing vvith our religion euen as Iulian Porphyrie and Lucian did it is an easie thing for them to bestovv their time in picking of quarels THE SECOND EPISTLE OF PETER THE APOSTLE CHAP. I. Hovv much God hath done for them making them Christians 5 and that they againe must doe their part not hauing onely faith but al other vertues also and good vvorkes that so they may haue the m●re assurance to enter into the kingdom of heauen 13 And that he is so careful to admonish them knovving that his death is as hand knovving also most certainely the ●●●ming of Christ by the vvitnes of the Father him self as also by the Prophets Concerning vvhom he vvarneth them that they folovv not priuate spirites but the holy Ghost speaking nevv in the Church verse 1 SIMON PETER seruant and Apostle of IESVS Christ to them that haue obtained equal faith vvith vs in the iustice of our God and Sauiour IESVS Christ ✝ verse 2 Grace to you and peace be accomplished in the knovvledge of God and Christ IESVS our Lord ✝ verse 3 as al things of his diuine povver vvhich pertaine to life and godlines are giuen vs by the knovvledge of him vvhich hath called vs by his ovvne propre glorie and vertue by vvhom he hath giuen vs most great and pretious promises that by these you may be made partakers of the diuine nature fleeing the corruption of that concupiscence vvhich is in the vvorld ✝ verse 5 And you employing al care minister ye in your faith vertue and in vertue knovvledge ✝ verse 6 and in knovvledge abstinence and in abstinence patience and in patience pietie ✝ verse 7 and in pietie loue of the fraternitie and in the loue of the fraternitie charitie ✝ verse 8 For if these things be present vvith you abound they shal make you not vacant nor vvithout fruite in the knovvledge of our Lord IESVS Christ ✝ verse 9 For he that hath not these things ready is blinde and groping vvith his hād hauing forgotten the purging of his old sinnes ✝ verse 10 Vvherfore brethren labour the more that ● by good vvorkes you may make sure your vocation and election for doing these things you shal not sinne at any time ✝ verse 11 For so there shal be ministred to you aboundantly an entrance into the euerlasting kingdom of our Lord and Sauiour IESVS Christ ✝ verse 12 For the vvhich cause I wil begin to admonish you alvvaies of these things and you in deede knovving being confirmed in the present truth ✝ verse 13 But I thinke it meete as long as I am in this tabernacle to stirre you vp by admonition ✝ verse 14 being certaine that the laying avvay of my tabernacle is at hand according as our Lord IESVS Christ also signified to me ✝ verse 15 And I vvil doe my diligence you to haue often ● after my decease also that you may keepe a memorie of these things ✝ verse 16 For not hauing folovved vnlearned fables haue vve made the povver and ●presence ' of our Lord IESVS Christ knovven to you but made beholders of his greatenesse ✝ verse 17 For * he receiuing from God his father honour and glorie this maner of voice comming dovvne to him from the magnifical glorie This is
my beloued sonne in vvhom I haue pleased my self heare him ✝ verse 18 And this voice vve heard brought from heauen vvhen vve vvere vvith him in the holy mounte ✝ verse 19 And we haue the prophetical vvord more sure vvhich you doe vvel attending vnto as to a candel shining in a darke place vntil the day davvne and the day starre arise in your hartes ⊢ ✝ verse 20 vnderstanding this first that no prophecie of scripture is made by ● priuate interpretation ✝ verse 21 For * not by mans vvil vvas prophecie brought at any time but the holy men of God spake inspired vvith the holy Ghost ANNOTATIONS CHAP. I. 10. By good vvorkes Here vve see that Gods eternal predestination and election consisteth vvith good vvorkes yea that the certainty and effect thereof is procured by mans free vvill and good vvorkes and that our vvel doing is a meane for vs to attaine to the effect of Gods predestination that is to life euerlasting and therfore it is a desperate folly and a great signe of reprobate persons to say If I be predestinate doe vvhat I vvil I shal be saued Nay the Apostle saith If thou hope to be one of the predestinate for knovv it thou canst not do vvel that thou maist be the more assured to attaine to that thou hopest or make it sure by good vvorkes The Protestāts in such cases not much liking these vvordes by good vvorkes though the latin haue it vniuersally and some Greeke copies also as Beza confesseth leaue them out in their translations by their vvonted pollicie 15. After my decease also These vvordes though they may be easily altered by cōstruction into diuers senses not vntrue yet the correspondēce of the partes of the sentēce going before and folovving giue most plaine this meaning that as during his life he vvould not omit to put them in memorie of the things he taught them so after his death vvhich he knew should be shortly he vvould not faile to endeuour that they might be mindeful of the same Signifying that his care ouer them should not cease by death that by his intercession before God after his departure he vvould doe the same thing for them that he did before in his life by teaching and preaching This is the sense that the * Greeke Scholies speake of and this is most proper to the text and consonant to the old vse of this Apostle and other Apostolike Saincts and fathers of the primitiue Church S. Clement in his Epistle to S. Iames our Lordes brother vvitnesseth that S. Peter encouraging him to take after his decease the charge of the Apostolike Romane See promised that after his departure he vvould not cease to pray for him his flocke thereby to ease him of his Pastoral burden To. 1 Concil ep 1. S. Clem. in initio And S. Leo the Great one of his successors in the said See often attributeth the good administration and gouernement thereof to S. Peters praiers and assistance namely in these goodly vvorkes Ser 3 in anniuers 〈◊〉 assumpt ad Pontif. We are much bound saith he to giue thankes to our Lord and Redeemer Iesus Christ that hath giuen so great povver to him vvhom he made the Prince of the vvhole Church that if in our time also any thing be done vvel be rightly ordered by vs it is to be imputed to his vvorkes and his geuernement to vvhom it vvas said And thou being conuerted confirme thy brethren and to vvhom our Lord after his resurrection said thrise leede my sheepe Which novv also vvithout doubt the godly Pastor doth execute confirming vs vvith his exhortations and not ceasing to pray for vs that vve be euercome vvith no tentation c. Yea it vvas a common thing in the primitiue Church among the auncient Christians and alvvaies since among the faithful to make couenant in their life time that vvhether of them vvent to heauen before the other he should pray for his frende and fellovv yet aliue See the Ecclesiastical historie of the holy virgin and Martyr Potamiaena promising at the houre of her Martyrdom that after her death she vvould procure mercie of God to Basilides one of the souldiars that ledde her to execution and so she did Euseb li. 6. c. 4. Also S. Cyprian ep 57 in fine Let vs saith he pray mutually one for an other and vvhether of vs tvvo shal by Gods elemencie be first called for let his loue continue and his praier not cease for his brethren and sisters in the vvorld So said this holy Martyr at that time vvhen Christiās vvere so far from Caluinisme vvhich abhorreth the praiers of Saincts praying to them that to be sure they bargained before hād to haue the martyrs other Saincts to pray for them The same S. Cyprian also in his booke De disciplina habitu virginum in fine after a godly exhortation made to the holy Virgins or Nonnes in his time speaketh thus vnto them Tantum tunc mementote nostri cùm incipiet in vobis virginitas honorari that is Onely then haue vs in remembrance vvhen your virginitie shal begin to be honoured that is after their departure Vvhere he insinuateth the vse of the Catholike Church in keeping the festiual daies and other dueties tovvard the holy Virgins in heauen S. Hierom also in the same manner speaketh to Heliodorus saying that vvhen he is once in heauen then he vvil pray for him that exhorted and incited him to the blessed state of the Monastical life Ep. 1. c. 2. And so doth he speake to the vertuous matrone Paula after her death desiring her to pray for him in his old age affirming that she shal the more easily obtaine the neeres she is novv ioyned to Christ in heauen in Epitaph Paule in fine It vvere to long to report hovv S. Augustine desireth to be holpen by S. Cyprians praiers then and long before a Sainct in heauen to the vnderstanding of the truth concerning the peace and regiment of the Church li. 5 de Bapt. cont Donatistas c. 17. And in an other place the same holy Doctor alleageth the said S. Cyprian saying that great numbers of our parents brethren children frendes and other expect vs in great solicitude and carefulnes of our saluation being sure of their ovvne li. 1 de praedest Sanctorum c. 14. S. Gregorie Nazianzene in his orations of the praise of S. Cyprian in fine and of S. Basil also in fine declareth hovv they pray for the people vvhich tvvo Saincts he there inuocateth as al the auncient fathers did both generally al Saincts and as occasion serued particularly their special Patrones Among the rest see hovv holy Ephrem in orat de laud. S. Deipara praied to our B. Ladie vvith the same termes of Aduocatt Hope Reconciliatrix that the faithful yet vse and the Protestants can not abide S. Basil ho. de 40 Martyribus in fine S. Athanasius Ser. in Euang. de
conuersations and godlinesses ✝ verse 12 expecting and hasting vnto the cōming of the day of our Lord by vvhich the heauens burning shal be resolued and the elementes shal melt vvith the heate of fire ✝ verse 13 But vve expect * nevv heauens and a nevv earth according to his promises in vvhich iustice inhabiteth ✝ verse 14 For the vvhich cause my deerest expecting these things labour earnestly to be found immaculate and vnspotted to him in peace ✝ verse 15 and * the longanimitie of our Lord do ye account saluation as also our most deere brother Paul according to the vvisdom giuen him hath vvritten to you ✝ verse 16 as also in al epistles speaking in them of these things in the vvhich are ● certaine things hard to be vnderstoode vvhich the vnlearned and vnstable depraue as also the rest of the Scriptures to their ovvne perdition ✝ verse 17 You therfore brethrē foreknovving take heede lest ledde aside by the errour of the vnwise you fal away from your owne stedfastnes ✝ verse 18 but grovv in grace and in knovvledge of our Lord and sauiour IESVS Christ To him be glorie both novv and vnto the day of eternitie Amen ANNOTATIONS CHAP. III. 16. Certaine things hard This is a plaine text to conuince the Protestants vvho as al heretikes lightly doe and did from the beginning say the Scriptures be easie to vnderstand and therfore may be not onely read safely but also expounded boldly of al the people as vvel vnlearned as learned and consequently euery one by him self and his priuate spirit vvithout respect of the expositions of the learned fathers or expectation of the Churches their Pastors and Prelates iudgment may determine and make choise of such sense as him self liketh or thinketh agreable For this is partly their saying partly the necessarie sequele of their folish opinion vvhich admitteth nothing but the bare Scriptures And Luther said that the Scriptures vvere more plaine then al the fathers commentaries and so al to be superfluous but the Bible Pra●fat assert art damnat Against al vvhich Diuelish seditious arrogācie tending to make the people esteeme them selues learned or sufficient vvithout their Pastors and spiritual rulers helpe to guide them selues in al matters of doctrine doubtes in religion the holy Apostle here telleth and forevvarneth the faithful that the Scriptures be ful of difficultie specially S. Paules epistles of al other partes of holy vvrite and that ignorant men ●ad vnstable or phātastical fellovves puffed to fro vvith euery blast of doctrine and haeresie abuse peruert and misconster them to their ovvne damnation And S. Augustine saith that the special difficulty in S. Paules epistles vvhich ignorant and euil men do so peruert and vvhich S. Peter meaneth is his hard speache and much commendation of that faith vvhich he saith doth iustifie vvhich the ignorant euen from the Apostles time and much more novv haue and do so misconster as though he had meant that onely faith vvithout good vvorkes could iustifie or saue a man Against vvhich vvicked collection and abuse of S. Paules vvordes the said father faith al these Canonical or Catholike epistles vvere vvritten But the Haeretikes here to shift of the matter and to creepe out after their fashion ansvver that S. Peter saith not S. Paules epistles be hard but that many things in them are hard Vvhich may be to the Catholikes an example of their sophistical euasions from the euidence of Gods vvord As though it vvere not al one to say Such an author or vvriter is hard and There be many things in that vvriter hard to be vnderstood For vvhether it be that the argument and matter be high and past vulgar capacitie as that of praedestination reprobation vocation of the Gentiles and iustifying faith or vvhether his manner of stile and vvriting be obscure al proue that his epistles be hard and other Scriptures also because S. Peter here affirmeth that by reason of the difficulties in them vvhether in the style or in the depth of the matter the ignorant and vnstable such as Heretikes be do peruert his vvritings as also other Scriptures to their ovvne damnation Vvhereby it is plaine that it is a very dangerous thing for such as be ignorant or for vvilde vvitted fellovves to reade the Scriptures For such conditioned men be they that become Heretikes and through ignorance pride and priuate phantasie meeting vvith hard places of S. Paules epistles or other Scriptures breede Haeresies And that not onely the things treated of in the holy Scriptures but also that the very manner of vvriting and enditing thereof is high and hard and purposely by Gods prouidence appointed to be vvritten in such sort see S. Augustine li. 2 de doct Christ c. 6. and ep 119. S. Ambrose ep 44 in principio S. Hierom to Paulinus ep 103 c. 5. 6. 7. vvho also ep 65. c. 1. saith that in his old age vvhen he should rather haue taught then be taught he vvent as far as Alexandria onely to heare Didymus and to haue his helpe for the vnderstanding of the Scriptures and confesseth vvith great thankes to the said Didymus that he learned of him that vvhich before he knevve not Dauid saith Giue me vnderstanding and I vvil searche thy lavv The Eunuch in the Actes said Hovv can I vnderstand vvith out an interpreter The Apostles til Christ opened their sense to vnderstand the scriptures could not vnderstand them The holy Doctors by continual studie vvatching fasting and praying had much a doe to vnderstand them that great clerke S. Augustine cōfessing in the foresaid epistle 119. c. 21. that there vvere many moe things that he vnderstood not then that he vnderstood The Heretikes say the fathers did commonly erre and hovv could such great vvise learned men be deceiued in reading and expounding the Scriptures if they vvere not hard and if they vvere hard to them hovv are they easie to these nevv maisters the Haeretikes finally vvhy do they vvrite so many nevv glosses schol●es commentaries as a cart cannot carrie Vvhy do Luther Zuinglius Caluin and their Companions agree no better vpon the interpretation of the Scriptures if they be not hard vvhereat stumbled al the old heretikes the nevv Arîus Macedonius Vigilantius Nestorius Eutyches Berengarius Vvicleffe Protestants Puritanes Anabaptists and the rest but at the hardnes of the Scriptures They be hard then to vnderstand and Heretikes peruert them to their ovvne damnation THE ARGVMENT OF S. IOHNS THREE EPISTLES OF S. Iohn vvas said in the Argument before his Gospel Novv here folovv his three Epistles one to al Catholikes though some auncients do cal it Ad Parthos the other tvvo being very short vnto a certaine Ladie to one Gaius The effect of al is to vvitnes vnto them the certaintie of the Catholike faith and to exhort them to continue still in it also to loue the Catholike Church and so neither to become heretikes
shal goe out no more and I vvil vvrite vpon him the name of my God and the name of the citie of my God nevv Hierusalem vvhich descendeth out of heauen from my God and my nevv name ✝ verse 13 He that hath an eare let him heare vvhat the Spirit saith to the Churches ✝ verse 14 And to the Angel of the Church of Laodicia vvrite Thus saith Amen the faithful and true vvitnesse * vvhich is the beginning of the creature of God ✝ verse 15 I knovv thy vvorkes that thou art neither colde nor hote I vvould thou vvere colde or hote ✝ verse 16 But because thou art ″ lukevvarme and neither cold nor hote I vvil begin to vomite thee out of my mouth ✝ verse 17 Because thou saiest That I am riche and enriched and lacke nothing and knovvest not that thou art a miser and miserable and poore and blinde and naked ✝ verse 18 I counsel thee to bye of me gold fire-tried that thou maiest be made riche and maiest be clothed in vvhite garmentes that the confusion of thy nakednes appeare not and vvith eie salue anoint thine eies that thou maiest see ✝ verse 19 I * vvhom I loue do rebuke and chastise Be zelous therfore and doe penance ✝ verse 20 Behold I stand at the doore and knocke if any man shal heare my voice and open the gate I vvil enter in to him and vvil suppe vvith him and he vvith me ✝ verse 21 He that shal ouercome I vvil giue vnto him to sitte vvith me in my throne as I also haue ouercome and haue sitten vvith my father in his throne ✝ verse 22 He that hath an eare let him heare vvhat the Spirit saith to the Churches ANNOTATIONS CHAP. III 5. He that shal ouercome In al these speaches to diuers Bishops and their Churches he continually encourageth them to constancie in faith and good life by setting before their eies the revvard of the next life And yet the Caluinists vvould haue no man do good in respect of such revvard 9. Adore before thy feete You see this vvord of adoration is in Scriptures vsed for vvorship of creatures also and that to fall before the feete of holy men or Angels for duety and reuerence is not idolatrie except the proper honour due to God be giuen vnto them See the Annotations vpō the 19 22 Chapter concerning the Apostles prostration before the Angel And the Aduersaries euasion saying that the adoration vvas of God onely and that before the feete of the partie signifieth nothing els but in his presence is false and against the phrase of Scriptures as 4 Reg. 4. vvhere the Sunamite adored Elisaeus falling dovvne before his feete and 4 Reg. 2. the sonnes of the Prophets adored him in the same sort and here this adoration can not be meant but of the Bishop or Angel of Philadelphia because he promiseth this honour as a revvard and as an effecte of his loue tovvardes him saying And they shal knovv that I haue loued thee And that vvhich he saith in the 22 Chapter I fel dovvne to adore before the feete of the Angel the very same he expresseth thus in the 19 Chapters I fel before his feete to adore him making it al one to adore before his feete and to adore him 11. That no man take thy crovvn● That is his crovvne of euerlasting life and glorie if he perseuêre not to the end in faith good vvorkes othervvise an other shal enter into his place as Mathias did both to the dignitie of the Apostleship to the heauenly crovvne due for the vvel vsing and executing of the same function vvhich Iudas might and should haue had if he had perseuêred to the end and as the Gentiles came into the grace and place of the Ievves Other difficulties concerning this kinde of speache are resolued in Schoolemen and are not here to be stoode vpon 16. Lukevvarms Zeale and feruour is commendable specially in Gods cause and the Neuters that be neither hote nor cold are to Christ and his Church burdenous and lothsome as luke-vvarme vvater is to a mans stomake prouoking him to vomite and therfore he threateneth to void vp such Neuters out of his mouth CHAP. IIII. 1. A doore being open in heauen he savv one sitting in a throne 4 and round about him foure and tvventie seniors sitting 6 and the foure beastes here described 9 vvhich vvith the 24 seniors continually glorified him that sate in the throne verse 1 AFTER these thinges I looked and behold a doore open in heauen and the first voice which I heard vvas as it vvere of a trompet speaking vvith me saying Come vp hither and I vvil shevv thee the thinges vvhich must be done quickly after these ✝ verse 2 Immediatly I vvas in spirit and behold there vvas a seate sette in heauen and vpon the seate one sitting ✝ verse 3 And he that sate vvas like in sight to the Iasper stone and the Sardine and there vvas a raine-bovv round about the seate like to the sight of an Emeraud ✝ verse 4 And round about the seate foure and tvventie seates and vpon the thrones foure and twentie seniors sitting clothed about in vvhite garmentes and on their heades crovvnes of gold ✝ verse 5 And from the throne proceeded lightenings and voices and thunders and seuen lampes burning before the throne vvhich are the seuen Spirites of God ✝ verse 6 And in the sight of the seate as it vvere a sea of glasse like to crystall and in the middes of the seate and round about the seate foure beastes ful of eies before and behind ✝ verse 7 And the first beast like to a lion and the second beast like to a calfe and the third beast hauing the face as it vvere of a man and the fourth beast like to an egle flying ✝ verse 8 And the foure beastes euery one of them had sixe vvinges round about and vvithin they are ful of eies and they had no rest day and night saying ″ Holy Holy Holy Lord God omnipotent vvhich vvas and vvhich is and vvhich shal come ✝ verse 9 And vvhen those beastes gaue glorie and honour and benediction to him that sitteth vpon the throne that liueth for euer and euer ✝ verse 10 the foure and tvventie seniors fel dovvne before him that sitteth in the throne and adored him that liueth for euer and euer and cast their crownes before the throne saying ✝ verse 11 Thou art vvorthie O Lord our God to receiue glorie and honour and povver because thou hast created al thinges and for thy vvil they vvere and haue been created ANNOTATIONS CHAP. IIII. 8. Holy holy holy This vvord is thrise repeated here and Esa 6 and to the imitation therof in the seruice of the holy Church at Te Deum and at Masse specially in the Preface next before the great mysteries for the honour of the three persons in the B. Trinitie and that
euery one of them one and it vvas said to them that they should rest yet a litle time ″ til their fellovv-seruātes be complete and their brethren that are to be slaine euen as they ✝ verse 12 And I savv vvhen he had opened the sixt seale and behold there vvas made a great earth-quake and the sunne became blacke as it vvere sacke cloth of heare and the vvhole moone became as bloud ✝ verse 13 and the starres from heauen fel vpō the earth as the figge tree casteth her greene figges when it is shaken of a great vvinde ✝ verse 14 and heauen departed as a booke folded together and euery hil and ilandes vvere moued out of their places ✝ verse 15 And the kinges of the earth princes and tribunes and the riche and the strong and euery bond-man and free-man * hid them selues in the dennes and the rockes of mountaines ✝ verse 16 And they say to the mountaines and the rockes * Fall vpon vs and hide vs from the face of him that sitteth vpon the throne and from the wrath of the Lambe ✝ verse 17 because the great day of their wrath is come and vvho shal be able to stand ANNOTATIONS CHAP. VI. 9. Vnder the altar Christ as man no doubt is this altar vnder vvhich the soules of al Martyrs liue in heauen expecting their bodies as Christ their head hath his body there already And for correspondence to their place of state in heauen the Church saieth commonly their bodies also or relikes neere or vnder the altars vvhere our Sauiour body is offered in the holy Masse and hath a special prouiso that no altars be erected or consecrated vvithout some part of a Saincts body or relikes Con● Asrican can 50. Carthag 5. can 14. See S. Hierom cont vigilant c. 3. S. Augustine de ciuit li. 8. c. 27. S. Gregorie li. 5. ep 50. li. 1. ep 52. li. 2 ep 58. Vvher vnto the Prophet seemeth here to allude making their soules also to haue their being in heauen as it vvere vnder the altar But for this purpose note vvel the vvordes of S. Augustine or vvhat other auncient writer soeuer vvas the author thereof Ser. 11 de Sanctis Vnder the altar saith he of God I savv the soules of the slaine What is more reuerent or honorable then to rest vnder that altar on vvhich sacrifice is done to God and in vvhich our Lord is the Priest as it is vvritten Thou art a Priest according to the order of Melchisedec Rightly do the soules of the iust rest vnder the altar because vpon the altar our Lordes body is offered neither vvithout cause do the iust there call for reuenge of their bloud vvhere also the bloud of Christ is shed for sinners and many other goodly vvordes to that purpose This place also the vvicked heretike Vigilantius as S. Hierom vvriting against him vvitnesseth c. 2 abused to proue that the soules of Martyrs and other Saincts vvere included in some certaine place that they could not be present at their bodies and monuments vvhere Christian people vsed in the primitiue Church to pray vnto them as Catholike men doe yet nor be vvhere they list or vvhere men pray vnto them To vvhich the holy doctor ansvvereth at large that they be vvheresoeuer Christ is according to his humanitie for vnder that altar they be Part of his vvordes be these that you may see hovv this blessed father refuted in that Heretike the Caluinistes so long before they vvere borne Dcst thou saith he pres●●ribe savves to God Doest thou fe●ter the Apostles that they may be kept in prison til the day of iudgement and be kept from their Lord of vvhom it is vvritten They folovv the Lambe vvhither soeuer he goeth If the Lambe be in euery place then they that he vvith the Lambe must be euery vvhere And if the diuel and vvicked spirites gadding abrode in the vvorld vvith passing celeritie be present euery vvhere shal holy Martyrs after the sheading of their bloud be kept close vnder an altar that they can not sturre out from thence So ansvvereth this learned doctor Vvhich misliketh our Caluinistes so much that they charge him of great errour in that he saith Christ according to his humanitie is euery vvhere as though he vvere an Vbiquetarie Protestant Vvhere if they had any iudgement they might perceiue that he meaneth not that Christ or his Saincts should be personally present at once in euery place alike as God is but that their motion speede and agilitie to be vvhere they list is incomparable and that their povver and operation is accordingly vvhich they may learne to be the holy doctors meaning by the vvordes that folovv of the Diuel and his ministers vvhō he affirmeth to be euery vvhere no othervvise but by their exceding celeritie of being and vvorking mischeefe novv in one place novv in an other and that in a moment For though they be spirites yet are they not euery vvhere at once according to their essence And for our nevv Diuines it vvere a hard thing to determine hovv long Satan that told our Lord he had circuited the earth vvas in his iourney and in the particular consideration and tentation of Iob and hovv many men he assaulted in that his one circuite No no. such curious companions knovv nothing nor beleeue nothing but that they see vvith corporal eies and teach nothing but the vvay to infidelitie 10. And they cried S. Hierom also against the said Vigilantius reporteth that he vsed an argument against the praiers of Saincts out of this place for that these Martyrs cried for reuenge and could not obtaine But vve vvil report his vvordes that you may see how like one heretike is to an other these of our daies to those of old Thou saiest in thy booke saith S. Hierom c. 3. that vvhiles vve be aliue one of vs may pray for an other but after vve be dead no mans praier shal be heard for an other specially seing the Martyrs asking reuenge of their bloud could not obtaine So said the Heretike Against vvhich the holy Doctor maketh a long refu●ation prouing that they pray much more after they be in heauen then they did here in earth and that they shal be much sooner heard of God then vvhen they vvere in the vvorld But for the Heretikes argument framed out of these vvordes of the Apocalypse thus These Martyrs did not obtaine 〈◊〉 Saincts do not pray for vs it vvas so friuolous and the antecedent so manifestly false that he vouchsaued not to stand about it For it is plaine that the Martyrs here vvere heard and that their petition should be fulfilled in time appointed by God vvherevnto they did and do alvvaies conforme them selues for it vvas said vnto them That they should rest yet a litle time til c. And that Martyrs praiers be heard in this case our Sauiour testifieth Luc 18 saying And vvil not God reuenge
vvhere he is called the man of sinne Againe he must be one particular person not a nūber a succession or vvhole order of any degree of men because his proper name and the particular number and the characters thereof be though obscurely insinuated Vvhich reproueth the vvicked vanitie of Heretikes that vvould haue Christs ovvne Vicars the successors of his cheese Apostle yea the vvhole order of them for many ages together to be this Antichrist Vvho by his description here and in the said Epistle to the Thessalonians must be one special man and of a particular proper name as our Lord IESVS is And vvhosoeuer he be these Protestants vndoubtedly are his precursors for as they make his vvay by ridding avvay Christs images crosse and name so they excedingly promote the matter by taking avvay Christs cheefe minister that al may be plaine for Antichrist If the Pope had been Antichrist and had been reuealed novv a good many yeres sithence as these fellovves say he is to them then the number of this name vvould agree to him and the prophecie being novv fulfilled it vvould euidently appeare that he bare the name and number here noted for no doubt vvhen lie commeth this count of the letters or number of his name vvhich before is so hard to knovv wil be easie for he will set vp his name in euery place euē as we faithful men do novv aduance IESVS And vvhat name proper or appellatiue of al or any of the Popes do they finde to agree vvith this number notvvithstanding they boast that they haue found the vvhole order and euery of them these thousand yeres to be Antichrist and the rest before euen from S. Peter forevvorkers tovvard his kingdom 1● The number 666. Forasmuch as the auncient expositors and other do thinke for certaine knowledge thereof no mortal mā can haue vvithout an expresse reuelatiō that his name cōsisteth of so many such letters in Greeke as according to their maner of numbering by the Alphabete make 666 and forasmuch as the letters making that number may be found in diuers names both proper common as S. Irenaeus findeth them in Latinos and Teitan Hippolytus in 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Aretas in Lampetis some of this age in Ludérus vvhich vvas Luthers name in the Alman tōgue therfore vve see there can be no certaintie and euery one frameth and applieth the letters to his ovvne purpose and most absurd folly it is of the Heretikes to applie the vvord Latinos to the Pope neither the vvhole order in common nor euer any particular Pope being so called and S. Irenaeus the first that obserued it in that vvord applied it to the Empire and state of the Romane Emperour vvhich then vvas Heathen and not to the Pope of his daies or after him and yet preferred the vvord Teitan as more agreable vvith this admonition that it vvere a very perilous and presumptuous thing to define any certaintie before hand of that number and name And truely vvhatsoeuer the Protestants presume herein of the Pope vve may boldly discharge Luther of that dignitie He is vndoubtedly one of Antichrists precursors but not Antichrist him self CHAP. XIIII 2 Virgins follovv the Lambe vvhithersoeuer singing a nevv canticle 6. One Angel Euangelizeth the Gospel 8 an other Angel telleth the fall of Babylon 9 the third declareth their tormants that haue adored the beast Moreouer tvvo hauing sickles 15 one of them is commaunded to reape dovvne the corne 18 the other to gather the grapes as in vintage vvhich are troden in the lake of Gods vvrath verse 1 AND I looked behold a Lābe stoode vpon mount Sion and vvith him an hundred fourtie foure thousand hauing his name and the name of his Father vvritten in their foreheads ✝ verse 2 And I heard a voice from heauen as the voice of many vvaters and as the voice of great thunder and the voice vvhich I heard as of harpers harping on their harpes ✝ verse 3 And they sang as it vvere a nevv song before the seate and before the foure beastes and the seniors and no man could say ' the song but those hundred fourtie foure thousand that vvere bought from the earth ✝ verse 4 These are they vvhich were not defiled vvith vvomen For they are virgins These folovv the Lambe vvhithersoeuer he shal goe These vvere bought from among men the first fruites to God and the Lambe ✝ verse 5 and in their mouth there vvas found no lie for they are vvithout spot before the throne of God ⊢ ✝ verse 6 And I savv an other Angel flying through the middes of heauen hauing the eternal Gospel to euāgelize vnto them that sit vpon the earth and vpon euery nation and tribe tōge people ✝ verse 7 saying vvith a loud voice Feare our Lord and giue him honour because the houre of his iudgement is come and adore ye him * that made heauen and earth the sea and al things that are in them and the fountaines of vvaters ✝ verse 8 And an other Angel folovved saying * Fallen fallen is that great Babylon vvhich of the vvine of the vvrath of her fornication made al nations to drinke ✝ verse 9 And the third Angel folovved them saying vvith a loud voice If any man adore the beast and his image and receiue the character in his forehead or in his hand ✝ verse 10 he also shal drinke of the vvine of the vvrath of God vvhich is mingled vvith pure vvine in the cuppe of his vvrath and shal be tormented vvith fire brimstone in the sight of the holy Angels and before the sight of the Lambe ✝ verse 11 and the smoke of their tormentes shal ascend for euer euer neither haue they rest day and night vvhich haue adored the beast and his image and if any man take the character of his name ✝ verse 12 Here is the patience of sainctes vvhich keepe the commaundements of God and the faith of IESVS ✝ verse 13 And I heard a voice from heauen saying to me Vvrite Blessed are the dead which die in our Lord. ″ from hence forth novv saith the Spirit that they rest from their labours for their vvorkes folow them ✝ verse 14 And I savv and behold a vvhite cloude and vpon the cloude one sitting like to the Sonne of man hauing on his head a crovvne of gold and in his hand a sharpe sickle ✝ verse 15 And an other Angel came forth from the temple crying vvith a loud voice to him that sate vpon the cloude * Thrust in thy sickle and reape because the houre is come to reape for the haruest of the earth is drie ✝ verse 16 And he that sate vpon the cloude thrust his sickle into the earth and the earth vvas reaped ✝ verse 17 And an other Angel came forth from the temple vvhich is in heauē him self also hauing a sharpe sickle
Constantine reigned and yelded vp the citie to the Pope vvho holdeth not the kingdom or Empire ouet the vvorld as the Heathen did but the fatherhod and spiritual rule of the Church Hovvbeit the more probable sense is the other of the citie of the Diuel as the auth●r of the homi●ies vpon the Apocalypse in S. Augustine declareth CHAP. XVIII The fall of Babylon her iudgement plagues and reuenges for the vvhich 9 the kings 16 and marchants of the earth that sometime did cleaue vnto her shal mourns bitterly 20 but heauen and the Apostles and Prophets shal reioyce verse 1 AND after these things I savv an other Angel cōming dovvne from heauen hauing great povver the earth vvas illuminated of his glorie ✝ verse 2 And he cried out in force saying * Fallen fallen is Babylon the great and it is become the habitation of Deuils and the custodie of euery vncleane spirit and the custodie of euery vncleane and hateful bird ✝ verse 3 because al nations haue drunke of the vvine of the vvrath of her fornication and the kings of the earth haue fornicated vvith her and the marchantes of the earth vvere made riche by the vertue of her delicacies ✝ verse 4 And I heard an other voice from heauen saying Goe out from her my people that you be not partakers of her sinnes and receiue not of her plagues ✝ verse 5 Because her sinnes are come euen to heauen and God hath remembred her iniquities ✝ verse 6 Render to her as she also hath rendred to you double ye double according to her vvorkes In the cuppe vvherin she hath mingled mingle ye double vnto her ✝ verse 7 As much as she hath glorified her self hath been in delicacies so much giue her torment and mourning because she saith in her hart * I sit a queene Widow I am not and mourning I shal not see ✝ verse 8 Therfore in one day shal her plagues come death and mourning and famine and vvith fire she shal be burnt because God is strong that shal iudge her ✝ verse 9 And the kings of the earth vvhich haue fornicated vvith her haue liued in delicacies shal vveepe bevvaile them selues vpon her vvhen they shal see the smoke of her burning ✝ verse 10 standing farre of for the feare of her tormentes saying Vvo vvo that great citie Babylon that strong citie because in one houre is thy iudgement come ✝ verse 11 And the marchātes of the earth shall vveepe mourne vpon her because no man shal bye their merchandise any more ✝ verse 12 merchandise of gold and siluer and precious stone and of pearle and fine linnen and purple and silke scarlet and al Thyne vvood and al vessels of yuorie and al vessels of precious stone and of brasse and yron and marble ✝ verse 13 and cynamon and of odours and ointement and frankeincense and vvine and oile and floure vvheate and beastes sheepe and horses and chariotes slaues and soules of men ✝ verse 14 And the apples of the desire of thy soul are departed from thee al fat and goodly thinges are perished from thee and they shal no more finde them ✝ verse 15 The marchantes of these things vvhich are made riche shal stand farre from her for feare of her tormētes vveeping and mourning ✝ verse 16 saying Vvo wo that great citie vvhich vvas clothed vvith silke and purple and scarlet and vvas gilted vvith gold and pretious stone pearles ✝ verse 17 because in one houre are so great riches made desolate and euery gouernour and euery one that saileth into the lake and the shipmen and they that vvorke in the sea stoode a farre of ✝ verse 18 and cried seeing the place of her burning saying Vvhat other is like to this great citie ✝ verse 19 And they threvv dust vpon their heades and cried vveeping and mourning saying Vvo vvo that great citie in the vvhich al vvere made riche that had shippes in the sea of her prices because in one houre she is desolate ✝ verse 20 Reioyce ouer her heauen and ye holy Apostles and Prophetes because God hath iudged your iudgement of her ✝ verse 21 And one strong Angel tooke vp as it vvere a great milstone and threvv it into the sea saying * Vvith this violence shal Babylon that great citie be throwen and shal novv be found no more ✝ verse 22 And the voice of harpers of Musicians and of them that sing on shalme and trompet shal no more be heard in thee euery artificer of euery art shal be found no more in thee and the noise of the mill shal no more be heard in thee ✝ verse 23 and the light of the lampe shal no more shine in thee and the voice of the bridegrome and the bride shal no more be heard in thee because thy marchantes were the princes of the earth because al nations haue erred in thine inchauntments ✝ verse 24 And in her is found the bloud of the Prophets and Sainctes and of al that vvere slaine in the earth CHAP. XIX ● The Saincts glorifying God for the iudgement pronounced vpon the harl●t 7 the mariage of the Lambe is prepared 10 The Angel refuseth to be adored of S. Iohn 1● There appeareth one vvho is the word of God and the King of kings and Lord of lords sitting on a horse vvith a great armie and fighting against the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies 17 the ●irdes of the aire being in the meane time called to deuoure their flesh verse 1 AFTER theses things I heard as it vvere the voice of many multitudes in heauen saying Allelu-ia Praise and glorie and povver is to our God ✝ verse 2 because true iust are his iudgementes which hath iudged of the great harlot that hath corrupted the earth in her vvhoredom and hath reuenged the bloud of his seruants of her handes ✝ verse 3 And againe they said Allelu-ia And her smoke ascendeth for euer and euer ✝ verse 4 And the foure and tvventie seniors fel downe and the foure beastes adored God sitting vpon the throne saying ● ″ Amen Allelu-ia ✝ verse 5 And a voice came out from the throne saying Say praise to our God al ye his seruantes and you that feare him litle and great ✝ verse 6 And I heard as it vvere the voice of a great multitude and as the voice of many vvaters as the voice of great thunders saying Allelu-ia because our Lord God the omnipotent hath reigned ✝ verse 7 Let vs be glad and reioyce and giue glorie to him because the mariage of the Lambe is come and his vvife hath prepared her self ✝ verse 8 And it vvas giuen to her that she clothe her self vvith silke glittering and vvhite For the silke are ● the iustifications of Sainctes ✝ verse 9 And he said to me Vvrite * Blessed be they that are
the Diuels binding Yea it is to make Antichrist and the Diuel vveaker tovvard the day of iudgement then before and the truth better to be knovven and the faith more common the neerer vve come to the same iudgement vvhich is expresly * against the Gospel and this prophecie of S. Iohn Vve see that the sectes of Luther Caluin and other be more spred through the vvorld then they vvere euer before and consequently the Pope and his religion lessened and his povver of punishing or as they call it persecuting the said Sectaries through the multitude of his aduersaries diminished How then is the Pope Antichrist Whose force shal be greater at the later end of the vvorld then before or how can it be othervvise but these Sect●Maisters should be Antichrists neere precursors that make Christs cheefe Ministers the Churches cheefe gouelnours that haue been these thousand yeres and more to be Antichristes ● and them selues and their sectes to be true that come so neere the time of the Diuels loosing and seduction of the personal reigne of Antichrist 8. The campe of the Saincts S. Augustine in the said 20 booke de Clui● Dei cap. 11. It is not saith he to be taken that the persecutors shal gather to any place as though the campe of the saincts or the beloued citie should be but in one place vvhich in deede are no other thing but the Church of Christ spred through the vvhole vvorld And therfore vvheresoeuer the Church shal then be vvhich shal be in al Nations euen them for so much is insinuated by this latitude of the earth here specified there shal the tents of saincts be and the beloued citie of God and there shal she be besieged by al her enemies vvhich shal be in euery countrie vvhere she is in most cruel and forcible sort So vvriteth this profound holy Doctor Vvhereby vve see that as novv the particular Churches of England Scotland Flanders and such like be persecuted by their enemies in those countries so in the time of Antichrist the Churches of al Nations as of Italie Spaine France and al other vvhich novv be quiet shal be assaulted as novv the foresaid are and much more for that the general persecution of the vvhole shal be greater then the particular persecution of any Churches in the vvorld 9. There came dovvne a fire It is not meant of the fire of Hel saith S. Augustine ib. c. 12 into which the vvicked shal be cast after the resurrection of their bodies but of an extraordinarie helpe that God vvil send from heauen to giue succourse to the Saincts of the Church that then shal fight against the vvicked or the very feruent and burning zeale of religion and Gods honour vvhich God vvil kindle in the hartes of the faithful to be constant against al the forces of that great persecution 12. An other booke This is the booke of Gods knovvledge or predestination vvherein that vvhich before vvas hid to the vvorld shal be opened and vvherein the true record of euery mans vvorkes shal be conteined and they haue their iudgemēt diuersly according to their vvorkes and not according to faith only or lacke of faith only for al infidels as Turkes obstinate ●evves and Heretikes shal neuer come to that examination being othervvise condemned CHAP. XXI Heauen and earth being made nevv S. Iohn seeth the nevv citie Hierusalem prepared and adorned for the spouse of the Lambe 6 The iust are glorified 7 and the vvicked thrust into the poole of fire 12 The vvall and gates and foundations of the citie are described and measured 18 al vvhich are gold and crystal pretious stones and pearles verse 1 AND I savv a nevv heauen and a nevv earth for * the first heauen and the first earth vvas gone the sea novv is not ✝ verse 2 And I Iohn savv the holy citie Hierusalem nevv descending from heauen prepared of God as a bride adorned for her husband ✝ verse 3 And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying Behold the tabernacle of God vvith men and the vvil dvvel vvith them And they shal be his people and he God vvith them shal be their God ✝ verse 4 and * God shal vvipe avvay al teares from their eies and death shal be no more not mourning nor crying neither shal there be sorovv any more vvhich ' first thinges are gone ✝ verse 5 And he that sate in the throne said * Behold I make al thinges nevv ⊢ And he said to me Vvrite because these vvordes be most faithful and true ✝ verse 6 And he said to me It is done * I am Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end To him that thirsteth I vvil giue of the fountaine of the water of life gratis ✝ verse 7 He that shal ouercome shal possesse these thinges and I vvil be his God and he shal be my sonne ✝ verse 8 But to the feareful and incredulous and execrable and murderers and fornicators and sorcerers and Idolaters and al liers their part shal be in the poole burning vvith fire and brimstone vvhich is the second death ✝ verse 9 And there came one of the seuen Angels that had the vials ful of the seuen last plagues and spake vvith me saying Come I vvil shevv thee the bride the vvife of the Lambe ✝ verse 10 And he tooke me vp in spirit vnto a mountaine great and high and he shevved me the holy citie Hierusalem descending out of heauen from God ✝ verse 11 hauing the glorie of God and the light thereof like to a prerious stone as it vvere to the iaspetr stone euen as crystal ✝ verse 12 And it had a vvall great and high hauing tvvelue gates and in the gates tvvelue Angels names written thereon vvhich are the names of the tvvelue tribes of the children of Israël ✝ verse 13 On the East three gates and on the North three gates and on the South three gates and on the Vvest three gates ✝ verse 14 And the vvall of the citie hauing tvvelue foundations and in them tvvelue names of the tvvelue Apostles of the Lambe ✝ verse 15 And he that spake vvith me had a measure of a reede of gold to measure the citie and the gates thereof and the vvall ✝ verse 16 And the citie is situated quadrangle-vvise and the length thereof is as great as also the bredth and he measured the citie vvith the reede for tvvelue thousand furlonges the length and height and bredth thereof be equal ✝ verse 17 And he measured the vvall thereof of an hundred fourtie foure cubites the measure of a man vvhich is of an Angel ✝ verse 18 And the building of the vvall therof vvas of iasper stone but the citie it self ● pure gold like to pure glasse ✝ verse 19 And the foundations of the vvall of
of matters and disputation pag. 138. nu 3. p. 338. Al good Christians rest vpon their determinatiō p. 339. How the aunciēt fathers esteeme of general Councels p. 338. The decrees of Coūcels are diligently to be put in execution 336. and 339 marg Heretikes only blaspheme them and vvil not be tried by them pag. 336. nu 1. 338. 339. How later Councels alter the former p. 337. nu 13. 20. Heretical or Schismatical synodes p. 53. nu 20. 339. Counsels Euangelical Things not commaunded as necessarie but counseiled as the better p. 55. nu 14. 21. p. 296. nu 44. p. 440. tending to perfection followed by religious men p. 55. 114 m. See Vvorkes of supererogation Religious CROSSE The honour of the holy Crosse p. 273. 622. Called the signe of the sonne of man p. 69 m. The signe of the Crosse in blessing p. 213. 576. In Sacraments and other halovved creatures ibid Vvhy in our forehead 213. 712 marg 511 marg The Crucifixe or Roode with Marie and Iohn pa. 337. The vertue of the signe of the Crosse 112. nu 38. p. 577. The appearing thereof at the later day shal no lesse confound the Caluinistes then the Iewes pag. 69 marg D DAies distinction of daies 418. one day more sanctified then an other See Feastes and Festiuities The vveeke daies called feriae not by their prosane names 210. and 211 marg 701. Deacons The election of the 7 Deacons 304. 305. their office ibid. See Orders Deuotion vttered by external signes 23. marg 93 m. 198. 195. 219. nu 14. pag. 530. 652. 116. marg See Pilgrimage God is serued and adored in spirit notvvithstanding external deuotion 384 228. Deuotion falsely of the Protestants called superstition 343. marg 344. Deuotion tovvard Relikes and holy thinges a token of greater faith 23. marg 384. Holy vvomens deuotion 132. 162. Marie Magdelens deuotion 253. marg Zachaeus deuotion tovvard Christ 193. 195. Deuotion to see and to be neere to the B. Sacrament 195. Kneeling at Verbum caro factum est and Et homofactus est c. 216. 219. Doctors of the Church pag. 232. nu 34. Vve must haue regard to their doctrine pag. 636. marg 638. S. Augustines estimation of the holy Doctors pag. 638. nu 7. Their aureola or crovvne in heauen pag. 534. nu 1. pag. 665. The Heretikes contempt of them 490. See Heretikes Dulia See Adoration E ECclesiastical censures pag. 47. 433. nu 21. pag. 434. See Excommunication Ecclesiastical power and iurisdiction pag. 47. 222. 488. 493 marg See Bishop Clergie Elias yet aliue and shal be the precursor of Christs second cōming pag. 30. 50. 112. 719. Enoch also yet liueth 630. shal preache in Antichrists time vvith Elias 719. Eremites vvhy so called pag. 8. their profession and life ib commended by the example of Elias S. Iohn Baptist and Christ him self pag. 8. 112. 10. 30. 40. 90. 137 marg 200 marg Innumerable Eremites and Monkes in the primitiue Church pag. 40. See Monkes and Monastical life Excommunication a spiritual punishment pag. 434. nu 5. pag. 473. most terrible pag. 53. 247. nu 22. pag. 303. 434. 566. Vvhen and vvhere to be executed pa. 488. Excommunicate persons to be auoided pag. 435. 562. The Heretikes vse a certaine ridiculous excommunication pag. 247. Extreme vnction a Sacramēt 506. 652. The preparatiue to this Sacrament 101. marg F FAith See Iustification vvorkes Faith only doth not iustifie pag. 19. 25. nu 28. 54. marg 64. nu 11. 40. pag. 42 m 67. 74. nu 1. 42. pa. 67. 88. marg 118. and 119 marg 120 marg pag. 132. 138. nu 6. pag. 397. 504. 611. nu 9. pa. 633. 157 marg 178 ma. 230 marg 243. 663. 679. 681 marg 682. 703 marg 725. ma. 319 marg 341. marg 362. marg 158. 169. nu 28. pag. 263. 385. 388. nu 26. pag. 456. marg 457 marg 483. marg 517. and 524 marg 551 marg 564. marg S. Augustines vvhole booke de fide operibus against only faith 646. Only faith an old heresie pag. 314. nu 18. pag 379. 646. 654. S. Iames calleth such Heretikes vaine men and compareth thē to diuels 645. m. S. Paules doctrine cōcerning faith good vvorkes 378. He often ioyneth faith and charitie 587 marg 600 marg His vvordes of faith misconstrued by old Heretikes and nevv pag. 379. 389. 390. other Scriptures falsely alleaged for faith onely 100. 188 marg The Protestants special faith or vaine securitie of saluation pag. 403. 444. 445 marg p. 632. pag. 393. nu 24. p. 173 marg 663. 684. 410 marg 531. marg See Saluation The 7 Catholike Epistles vvritten against the heresie of only faith pag. 379. 640. 646. 674. Vvhy faith is so often named in the case of iustification 502. See Iustification In vvhat sense some fathers say Only faith pag. 646. Hovv it is said Beleeue only pag. 100. 161. marg Vvhat maner of faith doth iustifie pag. 334. marg 385. 393. 509. 632. nu 1. 6. pag. 646. nu 24. pag. 389 m. 502 m. Faith may be had and lost againe vvhich the Protestants deny 159. 410. marg 565. marg 606. ma. So may grace and charitie 702. The Apostles analogie or prescript rule of faith pag. 413. 612. To hold fast the first receiued saith of our Apostles and fathers p. 37. nu 25. p. 397. 423. nu 17. p 492. 496. nu 8. p. 584. 587. 591 to 678 m. 689. ma. and. nu 5. 10. 464 marg 489 m. 495 m. 502 m. 636 m. External profession of euery point article of faith p. 27. 28. nu 37. pa. 109. nu 35. 36. p. 176. 409. 630. nu 34. Neuters or indifferent men of no faith pa. 33. 706. One mans faith obtaineth for an other 22 marg 150. nu 20. The more deuotion the greater faith See Deuotion To beleeue vvithout sensible argumēt or reason is a more blessed thing 275 marg 382 marg Fastes or Fasting An acte of religion p. 135 marg 142. Meritorious pag. 43. 466. A worke of iustice p. 15 marg The force thereof 111 marg Prescript daies of fasting 43. 330. 507. Imber daies p. 25. nu 38. p. 154. nu 12. p. 330. Aërius the Heretike p. 330. Fasting from certaine kindes of meates p. 43. nu 11. 18. pag. 106. 135 marg 330. nu 3. p. 417. 418. 574. 575. 582. nu 23. S. Iohn Baptist and the Nazarates 135 marg Scriptures grosly abused by the protestants against the Churches fastes p. 43. 106. 417. 418. 441. 442. 540. 541. 573. m. 574. marg and nu 3. p. 575. 596. m. Heretical fasting p. 142. nu 37. pa. 541. 574. The Lent fast the origin thereof pag. 10. 90 nu 12. It is sinne not to fast the lent p. 10. It is an Apostolical tradition ibidem and 145 marg It is the imitation of our Sauiours fasting p. 10. By keeping thereof true Christians saith S. Aug. are knowen from infidels ibid. The Doctors sermons of Lent fast ib. Publike
is import the absence of his true body and substance Gen. 2 7 ⸬ Flesh and bloud signifie not here the substance of those things but the corrupt qualitie incident to them in this life by the fall of Adam b The Epistle vpō Al-soules day Ap. 8 2. 11 15. Os 13 14. Free vvil vvith grace Heret translation Fasting is meritorious The 8 part Of the contributions ⸬ That is Sūday Hiero. q. 4. Hedibiae So quickly did the Christians keepe Sunday holiday and assembled to Diuine Seruice on the same ⸬ The Heretikes other nevv fangled striue among them selues vvhether Pentecost signifie here the terme of fiftie daies or els the Ievves holy day so called But it cōmeth not to their mindes that it is most like to be the feast of whitsontide kept instituted euē thē by the Apostles as appeareth by the Fathers Se● S. Aug. ep 119 c. 15 16. Ambr. in c. 17. Luca. c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c See Ro. 16 16. c That is our Lord is come Hiero. ep 173. Therfore anathema to al that loue him not or beleue not Th●●phyla vpon this place c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 2. Cor. 11. 2. Gal. 2. 1. The Epistle for a Martyr that is a Bishop c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Al our afflictions be Christs afflictions for the coniunction betwene the head body Merite and satisfaction Vvorldly men feele not the comfort of afflicted Catholikes Intercessiō of Saincts or holy men for vs no derogation to Christ Hiero. cōt Vigil Publike praiers fastes Their glorie in heauen that conuert other The Protestants inconstancie in chāging their writings translations seruice bookes c. Eph. 4 3● The indeleble character of Baptisme Cōfirmatiō Holy Orders See Conc. Tarraco to ● Concil The Caluinistes vvil be subiect to no tribunal in earth for trial of their religiō Tyrannical dominiō is forbid in Prelates not Ecclesiastical Soueraintie for examination of faith or maners 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 1 Cor. 3 9. 1 Cor. 4 15. c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Though he did great Penance saith Theodorete yet he calleth this pardoning 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a grace because his sinne vvas greater then his penance The Apostle excommunicateth enioyneth penance and afterward pardoneth absolueth 1. Cor. ● 5. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Pardon or remission of penance enioyned Penance and satisfaction euidently proued against the Protestants Ioel. 2 12. Mt. 3. et 4 Act. 2 et 26. Zeale against the excommunicate The Apostle chalengeth their obediēce to his Ecclesiastical authoritie The authoritie of Indulgences vvhervpō it is groūded Mat. 18 18. Cypria ep 13. 14. 15. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 See Theodoret in hūe loc Vvhat is a pardon or indulgence Io. 8 11. Cypr. locis citatu Indulgences or pardons in the primitiue Church 2 Cor. 8. Col. 1 24. Al pardon and remission is in the vertue and name of Christ Heretical trāslation 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 1 Cor. 5 4. Io. 20 2● Al binding loosing must be vsed to the parties saluation Conc. Nic. can 12. The great penance of the primitiue Church Ancyran can 2 5. Vvhy more pardons and Indulgences now then in old time Mat. 11 18. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The Heretikes corrupting of the Scripture The Epistle vpon the 12 Sunday after Pe●tecost Exo. 34 33. 10. 4 24 The Apostles vvrote the Gospel in mens hartes much more then in paper Scripture written and Tradition vnwritten God grace free will both must cōcurre The letter killeth both Ievv and Heretike The preeminence of the new Testamēt Sacraments c. The heretikes more blinde in not seing the Church then the Iewes in not seing Christ Aug. in Psal 10. Con● ● True Christiā libertie ● Pet. 2 1● The Epistle for S. Athanasius Mai. Io. c aporiamur See S. Ambr. Theoph. Ps 115 10. b corrumpitur The English Bible 1577 doth falsely translate prepareth c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Heretikes corrupters of Gods word Catholike Doctors right handlers therof See Ir●● li. 1. c. 1. in 2 ad Rom. ● Tim. 2. Tribulations meritorious of glorie Aug. in ps 93. prope finem ⸬ This place proueth that the Saincts departed novv since Christ sleepe not til the day of iudgement and that they be not holden in any seueral place of rest from the fruition of God til the resurrection of their bodies but that they be present vvith God in their soules Ro. 14 10. Esa 43. 19. Apoc 21 5. c That is to say a sacrifice and an host for sinne See the last annot of this chapter The obiection against praiers for the dead ansvvered by S. Augustine Vvorkes meritorious and demeritorious Bishops and Priests vnder Christ ministers of our reconciliatiō Gods iustice wherewith he maketh vs iust c. Io. 3 7. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The Epistle vpon the first Sunday of Lent Es 49 8 The Epistle for many Martyrs ⸬ S. Augustine in ps 113 gathereth hereby that the Apostles did vovv pouertie ⸬ It is not lawful for Catholikes to marie vvith Heretikes or Infidels See S. Hierom. cont I●uinian li. 1. Conc. Laod. ● 10 31. Leu. 26 11. Es 52 11 Hier. 31 1. Gods Ministers are his coadiutors 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Gods grace forceth no mā against his vvil Voluntarie penance Not to communicate with Heretikes in any acte of religion Num 16 26. ⸬ Contrition or sorovvful lamenting of our oftenses is the cause of saluation Not onely faith then saueth as the Heretikes affirme Contr●tion for a mans sinne vvorketh saluatiō * To. 2. in assert art 6. ● Leone d●nuiat ⸬ The principal respecte next after God is to be had of our maisters in religion in al temporal and spiritual dueties The Epistle for S. Paulinus Iun. 2● Exo. 16 28. The Epistle vpon S. Lukes day Octob. 18. Ro. 12 17. Temporal benefites vpon spiritual persons One may satisfie and supererogate for an other c That is in this matter of almes Chrys Theophyl The Epistle for S. Laurence Aug. 10 Eccles 35 11. Ps 111 9 ⸬ The fruite of almes is the encrease of grace in al iustice and good workes to life euerlasting God giuing these things for revvard recompense of charitable workes which therfore be called the seed or meritorious cause of these spiritual fruites Procters for Catholike prisoners Cheereful giuing The greater almes the greater merite and revvard Almes redoūd to Gods honour c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ier. 9 23 Punishing of Heretikes Their pride The spiritual povver of Bishops against Heretikes Caluin vpon this place Heretical Cōsistories Ecclesiastical censures namely Excommunication whē where to be executed ⸬ The Apostles and their successors did despouse the people vvhom they conuerted to Christ in al puritie Chastitie of truth and vvholy vndefiled and void of errour and heresie Gen. 3 4 ⸬ The note of a false teacher to come ●hat is vvithout lavvful calling or
but in spirit I beheld the similitudes of the thinges folovving b The I GENERAL VISION of the 7 according to S. Ambrose ⸬ It seemeth not to be Christ him self but an Angel bearing Christes person vsing diuers speaches proper to Christ c podére Sap. 18 24. Esa 41 4. 44 6. ⸬ S. Irenaeus alluding to this saith The Church euery vvhere preacheth the truth and this is the seuenfold candlesticke bearing the light of Christ c. Li. 5. aduers●haer An admonition to the reader concerning the difficultie of this booke Numbers mystical The number of Seuen mystical specially in this booke Grace peace from God the holy Angels God and our Ladie saue vs and the like Hovv al Christians be both kings Priests Difference of holy daies and vvorkedaies Sunday made holiday by the Apostles the Churches authoritie Other feastes ordained by the Church As Saturday was in memorie of the creation so Sunday of Christs resurrection The Church vseth not the Heathenish names of daies but Dies Dominicus feriae Sabbatum God giueth greater grace at holy times of praier fasting Priestly garments The true religiō manifest as the light on a candlesticke Mat. 5. 15 Angels Protectors Bishops Priests are called Angels Malach. 2 7. ⸬ That vvhich before he vvilled him to vvrite to the church he now vvilleth to be vvritten to the Angels or Bishops of the same onely vvhere vve see it is al one to the Church and to the head or gouernour therof ⸬ By this vve see is plainely refuted that vvhich some Heretikes hold that a man once in grace or charitie can neuer fall from it Apoc. 1 17. ⸬ This Church representeth the state of them that are spoiled of their goodes emprisoned manifoldly afflicted for the catholike faith ⸬ The singular revvard of Martyrdom ⸬ The death of the body is the first death the death of the soule the secōd vvhich Martyrs are surest to escape of al men ⸬ The special residence of Satan is vvhere the faithful are persecuted for Christes truth vvhere not to deny the Cath. faith for feare is much here commended Nu. 24 14. 25 2. c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 calcul●̄ ⸬ None of these are any thing vvorth vvithout the other 3 Reg. 18. 1 Reg. 16. ⸬ Vvho 〈◊〉 nor here that good vvorkes deserue al utiō as il workes damnation and that it is not faith alone that God revvardeth but that faith vvhich vvorketh by charitie Ps 7 10 Ier. 11 20. ` depthes Ps 2 9. ⸬ This great priuilege of Sa●cts riseth of the povver and preeminence of Christ vvhich his father gaue him according to his humanitie and therfore to deny it to Saincts is to deny it to Christ him self Christs care of his Church Special vertues required in a Bishop Sinne is the cause that God taketh the Cath. faith from coūtries Zeale against Heretikes Nicolaites the first Heretikes so called as a paterne of Arians Lutherans and the like peculiar callings Balaam ouercomming Gods people by persuasion of lecherie and bellicheere vvas a type of Heretikes li. 4. Antiq c. 6. 2. Pet. 2 15. Iuda v. 11. Zeale against Heretikes 3 Reg. 18. Achab and Iezabel Free vvil God is not author of euil They that communicate vvith Heretikes shal be dāned vvith them 3 Reg. 19. v. 18. Ro. 11. Saincts also are Patrones not only Angels 1 Thes 5 2. 2 Pet. 3 10. Apo. 16 15. c Such as haue not cōmitted deadly sinne after baptisme ⸬ Note that there is in mā a vvorthinesse of the ioyes of heauen by holy life this is a cōmō speache in holy Scripture that man is worthy of God of heauē of saluatiō Esa 22 22. c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ecclesiastici 24 9. 14. Col. 1 15. Prou. 3 12. Heb. 12 6. ⸬ God first calleth vpō man and knocketh at the doore of his hart that is to say offereth his grace and it lieth in man to giue cōsent by free wil holpen also by his grace Doing vvel in respect of revvard Adoration of creatures called Dulia Perseuêrance in good continuing to the end Neuters of indifferents in religion The 2 part first the booke with 7 seales secōdly 7 Angels with trumpets THE 2 VISION In which is represented vnto vs the glorie and maiestie of God in heauen and the incessant honour praises of al Angels and Saincts assisting him Vvhich is resembled in the daily honour done to him by al orders and sortes of holy men in the Church militant also ⸬ These foure beastes and the like described Ezaech 1 by the iudgement of the holy Doctors signifie the 4 Euangelistes and in them al true preachers the man Mathevv the liō Marke the calle Luke the egle Iohn See the causes hereof in the Summe of the 4 Euangelist pag. 1. S. Gregoin 1. Ezech. Es 6 3. The Sanctus thrise repeated THE 3 VISION ⸬ S. Gregorie taketh it to be the booke of holy Scripture li. 4. Dialog c. 42. ⸬ He speaketh not of the damned in Hel of vvhom there could be no question but of the faithful in Abrahams bosome in Purgatorie c So did Iacob Gen. 49. call Christ for his kingly fortitude in subduing the vvorld vnto him Gen. 49 9. b The Epistle vpon al-Hallovves eue ⸬ So Christ is called for that he is the immaculate host or sacrifice for our sinnes ⸬ This maketh against the Caluinistes vvho are not cōtent to say that vve merite not but that Christ merited not for him self Calu. Philip 2. v. 9. 1 Pet. 2. ` kinges The Epistle in a votiue Masse of the holy Angels Dan. 7. 10. ` riches ⸬ Al the said creatures are bound to giue honour not onely to God but to Christ as man and our redeemer so they here doe Apoc. 4 11. The Saincts in heauen offer our praiers to God Spiritual kings and Priests Limbus Patrum and Purgatorie ⸬ This one stole signifieth the glorie or blisse of the soule onely but at the day of iudgement they shal haue it doubled by adding the glorie of their body also c The tribulation that shal fall in the time of Antichrist Os●e 10. Lu. 23 50. Consecration of altars vvith Sainct● relikes Saincts be present at their tombes and relikes The Caluinistes heresie concerning the Saincts consuted by S. Hierom long agoe Apoc. 14. They vnlearnedly accuse S. Hierom a● an Vbiquiste Hovv S. Hierō saith Christ his Saincts are euery vvhere Iob. 1. That Saincts pray for vs S. Hierom proueth against the Heretike Vigilantius Hovv Martyrs crie for reuenge b The Epistle vpon Al hallovves day ⸬ It is an allusion to the signe of the Crosse vvhich the faithful beare in their foreheads to shevv they be not ashamed of Christ S. August tract 43. in Io. c Of al the tribes put together so many 144000. He signifieth by these thousands and the multitude folowing al the elect but the elect of the Ievves to be in a certaine number the elect of
the Gentiles to be innumerable c The elect of the Gentiles ⸬ Boughes of the palme tree be tokens of triumph and victorie The Epistle for many Martyrs The glorie of Martyrs Esa 49 10. Es 25 8. Apo. 21 4. THE 4 VISION ⸬ The Priest standing at the altar praying offering for the people in the time of the high mysteries Christ him self also being present vpon the altar is a figure of this thing therevnto he alludeth c If this be S. Michael or any Angel and not Christ him self as some take it Angels offer vp the praiers of the faithful as the 24 Elders did chap. 5. for this vvvord Saincts is taken here for the holy persons on earth as often in the Scripture though it be not against the Scriptures that the inferior Sainct or Angel in heauē should offer their praiers to God by their superiors there But hereby vve cōclude against the Protestants that it derogateth not from Christ that Angels or Saincts offer our praiers to God as also it is plaine of Raphael Tob. 12 12. Most vnderstand al this of Heretikes ⸬ The fall of an Arch heretike as Arius Luther Caluin out of the Church of God Which haue the key of Hel to open bring forth al the old condemned heresies buried before in the depth c Innumerable pe●y heretikes folowing their Maisters after the opening the smoke of the bottomlesse pit Apoc. 6 16. The cheefe Maister of heretikes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 In English Destroier c Pagans Infidels and sinful impenitent Catholikes must be condemned also ⸬ This phrase being the like both in greeke and latin signifieth such sorowful penal repentance as causeth a man to forsake his former sinnes and depart from them 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 See the same phrase c. 2 21 22. Act. ● v. 22. Vvho are seduced by Heretikes The manifold hypocrisie of Heretikes Her●t translation CHRIST the valiant Angel is here described ` pillers ⸬ Many great mysteries and truthes are to be preserued in the Church vvhich for causes knovven to Gods prouidence are not to be vvritten in the booke of holy Scripture Dan. 12 7. c This vvas the maner of taking an othe by the true God as 〈◊〉 32. Ezec. 3 1 c By earnest studie and meditation ⸬ Svveete in the reading but in fulfilling somevvhat bitter because it cōmaūdeth workes of penance and suffering of tribulatiōs ⸬ Three yeres and a halfe vvhich is the time of Antichrists reigne and persecution ⸬ The great Antichrist c He meaneth Hierusalem named Sodom and Aegypt for the imitatiō of thē in wickednes So that we see his cheefe reigne shal be there though his tyrannie may extend to al places of the vvorld ⸬ The wicked reioyce vvhen holy men are executed by the tyrants of the vvorld because their life and doctrine are hurdenous vnto them ⸬ The kingdō of this world vsurped before by Satan Antichrist shal aftervvard be Christes for euer ⸬ To repay the hire or wages for so both the Greeke vvord and the latin signifie due to holy men proueth against the protestāts that they did truely merite the same in this life Enoch Elias yet aliue shal preach in the time of Antichrist THE 3 PART ⸬ This is properly principally spoken of the Church and by allusion of our B. Lady also The Dragons incredulous persecuting multitude and Antichrist the cheefe head thereof c The great Diuel Lucifer ⸬ The spirites that fall from their first state into Apostasie vvith him and by his meanes c The Diuels endeuour agaīst the Churches children and specially our B. Ladies onely sonne the head of the rest Ps 2 9. Apoc. 2 27. ⸬ Vvhen the Angels or vve haue the victorie vve must knovv it is by the bloud of Christ and so al is referred alvvaies to him ⸬ This often insinuatiō that Antichrists reigne shal be but three yeres a halfe Dan. 7 25. Apoc. 12 2. 3. in this chap. v. 6. c. 13 5. proueth that the heretikes be excedingly blinded vvith malice that hold the Pope to be Antichrist who hath ruled so many ages The Church shal flee as to a desert in Antichrists time but not decay or be vnknowen no not for so short a time S. Michael fighting vvith the dragon Antichrists attēpts to draw from the true faith ⸬ They that now folow the simplest grossest heretikes that euer were without seeing miracles vvould then much more folow this great seducer working miracles ⸬ No heretikes euer liker Antichrist thē these in our daies specially in blasphemies against Gods Church Sacraments Saincts ministers and al sacred thinges Apoc. 3. 5 Gen. 9 6 Mt. 26 52. ⸬ An other false prophet inferior to Antichrist shal vvorke vvonders also but al referred to the honour of his maister Antichrist So doth Caluin other Arch-heretikes peruert the world to the honour of Antichrist and so do their scholers also for the honour of them Many mysteries expounded Great persecution by Antichrist and his ministers Their blessednes that continue cōstant The honour of Christs image is for the honour of Christ Antichrists triple honour against the honour of Christ 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The Protestāts by abolishing of Christes image crosse and irreuerēce to the name IESVS make a ready vvay to the honour of Antichrist Io. 14 29. Antichrists name secrete Antichrist shal be one special man and of a peculiar name The Pope can not be Antichrist Al scaming of letters to expresse Antichrists name is vncertaine Irem li. 5 in fine The Epistle vpō S. Innocents day in Christmas ⸬ Christ and the same number of elect that were signed chap. 7. ` learne 〈◊〉 ⸬ One state of life more excellēt then an other and virgins for their puritie passing the rest alwaies accompanying Christ according to the Churches hymne out of this place Quecunque pergis virgines sequuntur c. c This the Church applieth to the holy Innocents that died first for Christ Ps 145. Act. 14. Esa 21. ⸬ The citie of the diuel which is the vniuersal societie of the wicked misbeleuers il liuers in the vvorld Ier. 51. Apo. 18. ⸬ The great damnatiō that shal folovv them that forsake Christ the Church worship Antichrist or his image ⸬ Faith is not ynough to saluatiō without fulfilling of Gods cōmaūdements b The Epistle in a daily Masse for the dead Ioel 3. Mat. 13. c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 lacū fat trough lake Beza Praying for the dead and vnto Saincts at the altar The place abused against Purgatorie ansvvered ` á modo ` 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Photius in Lexico THE 4 PART Of the 7 last plagues final damnatiō of the vvicked The tribulations about the day of iudgement c Baptisme ⸬ The song of Moyses and Christ is the new Testamēt and the old ` Saincts THE EIETH VISION linen 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ⸬
vvithal foretelleth that he must suffer in Hierusalem and that al must be ready to suffer vvith him 17   9   The Transfiguration         He casteth out the diuel vvhich his disciples could not cast out commending vnto them fasting and praier 17 9     He paieth the didrachmes for him and Poter after that Peter had found a stater in the fishes mouth 18 9 9   His disciples contending for Superioritie he teacheth humilitie 18 9     He threateneth the scandalizers of litle ones 18       He teacheth vs to forgiue our brother sinning against vs. 10 10 9 7 Leauing Galilee he goeth into Iurie and the Samaritanes vvil not receiue him     17   In that iourney he healeth the ten lepers       7 He teacheth in the Temple in the feast of Scenopégia that is of Tabernacles       8 He absolueth the vvoman taken in aduoutrie teacheth in the Temple and goeth out of their handes that vvould haue stoned him       9 He restoreth sight to him that vvas borne blinde       10 He reasoneth of the true Pastor and his sheepe     10   He sendeth the 70 disciples and they returne The parable of the Samaritane and the vvounded man Martha entertaineth Iesus     11   He teacheth the maner and force of praier and reprehendeth the preposterous cleannesse of the Pharisees     12   He teacheth not to feare them that kil the body onely to cast avvay the care of riches by the parable of him that thought his barnes to litle and that the faithful seruant vvil alwaies expect the comming of his lord and maister     13   He threateneth them vnles they doe penance shewing Gods patience by the fruitles figtree that vvas suffered to stand one yere more He healeth the crooked vvoman teacheth the vvay to heauen to be narrovv     14   He healeth him that had a dropsie on the Sabboth and teacheth them to renounce al things in comparison of him       10 In the feast of Dedication he goeth out of their handes that vvould haue stoned him     15   The parables of the lost sheepe of the grote and of the prodigal sonne     16   The parable of the vniust bailife 19 10 16   Of the indissolubilitie of matrimonie     16   The riche glutton and Lazarus     17   Vvo to scandalizers The force of faith euen to the mouing of trees vvith a vvord     18   Of the Pharisee and the Publicane that vvent to pray 19 10 16   He imposeth or laieth his handes vpon litle children and exhorteth a yong riche man to forsake al and become perfect 10       The parable of the vvorkemen hired into the vineyard       11 He raiseth Lazarus and the Iewes cōsult hovv to destroy him 10 10 19   He foretelleth his death and denieth the request of Zebedees tvvo sonnes asking the tvvo cheefe places about him     18   He healeth a blinde man before his entring into Iericho     19   Zachaeus the Publicane entertaineth Christ The parable of tho ten poundes deliuered to ten seruants 10   10   He healeth tvvo blinde men as he goeth out of Iericho 16 14 12   At a supper in Bethánia Marie povvred ointment vpon him 21 11 19 12 Riding vpon an asse he entreth gloriously into Hierusalem 21     12 He healeth the lame and the blinde and Gentiles desire to see him 21 11 19   He curseth the figtree and casteth the biers and sellers out of the Temple 21 11 19.20   To his enemies the Ievves he auoucheth his povver by Iohns Baptisme vvhich vvas of God and foretelleth their reprobation vvith the Gentils vocation in their place by parables as the parable of the tvvo sonnes the one promising to doe the other doing his fathers commaundement 21 12 20   The parable of the vineyard let out to husbandmen that killed both the seruants and the sonne sent to require fruite 22       The parable of the king that made a mariage for his sonne inuiting ghests to the feast and they vvould not come 22 12 20   He ansvvereth their question of paying tribute to Caesar and the Sadducees question of the Resurrection 22 12     He ansvvereth the Pharisees question of the greatest commaundement 22 12 20   He putteth them to silence vvith this question concerning CHRIST hovv he could be Dauids sonne 23 12 20   He biddeth them doe as the Scribes teach but not as they doe   12 12   He extolleth and preferreth the poore vvidovves offering 24 13 21   He foretelleth to some of his Disciples the destruction of the Temple and of Hierusalem and by that occasion vvhat things shal be before the consummation of the vvorld and Antichrist in the consummation and then incontinent Domesday vvarning vs to prepare our selues against his comming 25       By the parable of the ten Virgins the parable of the talents he shevveth hovv it shal be at Domesday vvith the Faithful that prepare and that prepare not them selues and vvithout parables that they vvhich doe not good vvorkes shal be damned 26 14 22   Iudas bargaineth vvith the Ievves to betray him and tvvo of his disciples prepare the Paschal lambe       13 At the supper he vvasheth his Apostles feete 26 14 22   He instituteth the Sacrifice of his body and bloud in the B. Sacrament 26 14 22 13 He foretelleth that one of the Tvvelue shal betray him appeasing their contention for the superioritie and that they shal al deny him       14 His sermon after supper       17 His prayer to his father 26.27 14.15 22.23 18.19 The storie of his Passion and burial from thursday at night til the next day at euentide 28 16 24 20 He riseth the third day   16   20 appeareth first to Marie Magdalene 28       Then to the other vvomen     24   Then to Peter ver 34. then to the tvvo disciples going into Emmaus ver 15.   16 24 10 Then to the disciples gathered together in a house at Hierusalem vvhen he entred the doores being shut and gaue them povver to remit and reteine sinnes       20 Then vpon Lovv-Sunday to the disciples likevvise gathered together and Thomas among them       21 Then at the sea of Tiberias to Peter the rest that were fishing vvhere he committeth his sheepe to Peter 18 16     Then to the disciples vpon a mount in Galilee giuing them commission to preache and baptize through out the vvhole vvorld     24   Then in Bethánia vvhere he promiseth to send the holy Ghost bidding them tarie in the meane time in Hierusalem   16 24   and so
blessing them Ascendeth into heauen ❧ THE ARGVMENT OF THE ACTES OF THE APOSTLES THE Gospel hauing shevved hovv the Ievves most impiously rèiected Christ as also Moyses and the Prophets had foretold of them and therefore deserued to be reiected themselues also of him novv folovveth this booke of the Actes of the Apostles vvritten by S. Luke in Rome the fourth y●r● of Nero An. Dom. 61 and shevveth hovv notvvithstanding their desertes Christ of his mercy as the Prophets also had foretold of him offered him selfe vnto that vnvvorthy people yea after that they had Crucified him sending vnto them his tvvelue Apostles to moue them to penance and so by Baptisme to make them of his Church and vvhiles al the Tvvelue vvere so occupied about the Ievves hovv of a persecuting Ievve he made an extraordinarie Apostle vvho vvas S. Paul and to auoide the scādal of the Ievves to vvhom onely him selfe likevvise for the same cause had preached sent him and not any of his Twelue by and by who were his knovven Apostles vnto the Gentiles vvho neuer afore had Heard of Christ and vvere vvorshippers of many Gods to moue them also for that likevvise the Prophets had foretold to faith and penance and so by Baptisme to make them of his Church and hovv the incredulous Ievves euery vvhere resisted the same Apostle and his preaching to the Gentiles persecuting him and seeking his death and neuer ceasing vntil he fel into the handes of the Gentils that so as not onely he euery vvhere but also the Prophets afore him and Christ had foretold the Gospel might be taken avvay from them and giuen to the Gentiles euen from Hierusalem vvhose reprobation also by name had been often foretold the headcitie of the Iewes vvhere it began translated to Rome the headcitie of the Gentiles Al this vvil be euident by the partes of the booke vvhich may be these sixe First hovv Christ Ascending in the sight of his Disciples promised vnto them the Holy ghost fortelling that of him they should receiue strength and so begin his Church in Hierusalem and from thence dilate it into al that Countrie that is into al Iurie yea and into Samaria also yea into al Nations of the Gentiles be they neuer so far of You shal receiue saith he the vertue of the Holy ghost cōming vpon you and you shal be witnesses vnto me in Hierusalem in al Iurie and Samaria and euen to the vtmost of the earth Chap. 1. Secondly the beginning of the Church in Hierusalem accordingly Chap. 2. Thirdly the propagation of it consequently into al Iurie and also to Samaria Chap. 8. Fourthly the propagation of it to the Gentiles also Chap. 10. Fifthly the taking of it avvay from the obstinate Ievves and geuing of it to the Gentiles by the ministerie of S. Paul and S. Barnabee Chap. 13. Sixthly of taking it avvay from Hierusalem it selfe the headcitie of the Ievves and sending it as it vvere to Rome the headcitie of the Gentiles and that in their persecuting of Paul so far * that he appealed to Caesar and so deliuering him after a sort vnto the Romanes as they bad * before deliuered to them also Christ him selfe vvhere as S. Peters first cōming thither vvas vpon an other occasion as shal be said anone Of vvhich Romanes and Gentiles therfore the same S. Paul being novv come to Rome the last Chap. of the Actes foretelleth the obstinat Ievves there saying Et ipsi audient You vvil not heare but they vvil heare that so the prediction of Christ aboue rehearsed might be fulfilled And euen to the vtmost of the earth And there doth S. Luke end the booke not caring to tel so much as the fulfilling of that vvhich our Lord had foretold Act. 27 24 to S. Paul Thou must appeare before Caesar because his purpose vvas no more but to shevv the nevv Hierusalem of the Christians vvhere Christ vvould place the cheefe seate of his Church as also in deede the Fathers and al other Catholikes haue in al ages looked thither vvhen they vvere in any great doubt no lesse then the Ievves to Hierusalem as they vvere appointed in the old Testament Deut. 17 8. And so this Booke doth shevv the true Church as plainely as the Gospel doth shevv the true Christ vnto al that do not vvilfully shut their ovvne ●ies to vvit this to be the true Church vvhich beginning visibly at Hierusalem vvas taken from the Ievves and translated to the Gentils and namely to Rome continuing visibly and visibly to continue hereafter also Vntil the fulnes of the Gentiles shal be come in that then also Al Israël may be saued and then is come the end of the vvorld For so did Christ most plainely foretel vs This Gospel of the Kingdom shal be preached in the vvhole world for a testimonie to al Nations and then shal come the consummation For the conuersion of vvhich Nations and accomplishing the fulnes of al Gentiles the foresaid Church Catholike being mindful of her office to be Christes witnes euen to the vtmost of the earth doth at this present as alvvaies send preachers to conuert and make them also Christians vvhereas the protestants and * al other Heretikes do nothing els but subuert such as before vvere Christians And this being the Summe and scope of this Booke thus to giue vs historically a iust sight of the fulfilling of the Prophets Christes prediction about the Church it is not to be marueiled at vvhy it telleth not of S. Peter cōming to Rome considering that his first cōming thither vvas not as S. Paules vvas by the Ievves deliuerie of him working so to their ovvne reprobatiō but vpō another occasion to vvit to confound Simon Magus Eus Hist li. 2. c. 12. 13. For vvho also seeth not that it maketh no mention of his préaching to any Gentiles at al those fevv onely Act. 10 excepted vvho vvere the first and therefore lest the Gentiles should seeme lesse cared for of God then the Ievves Peter being the Head of al vvas elected of God to incorporate them into the church as before he had done the Ievves God saith he among vs chose that by my mouth the Gentiles should heare the vvord of the Gospel and beleeue and S. Iames therevpon Simon hath told how God first visited to take of the Gentiles a people to his name But othervvise I say here is no mention of Peters preaching to any Gentiles no nor of the other eleuen Apostles Vvil any man therfore inferre that neither Peter nor the other Eleuen preached to any Nation or citie of the Gentiles No the meaning of the Holy ghost vvas not to vvrite al the Actes of al the Apostles no nor the preaching of Peter and his to the Gentiles but onely to the Ievves thereby to set out vnto the vvorld the great mercy of Christ tovvard those vnvvorthy Ievves and consequently their most vvorthy reprobation for cōtemning
S. Deipara in fine S. Hilarie in Psal 124. S. Chrysostom ho. 66 ad po Antiochenum in fine Theodorete de curat Grae●orum affectuum li. 8 in fine Finally al the fathers are ful of these things vvho better knevv the meaning of the Scripture and the sense of the Holy Ghost then these nevv interpreters doe 20. Priuate The Scriptures can not be rightly expounded of euery priuate spirit or phantasie of the vulgar reader but by the same spirit vvherevvith they vvere vvritten vvhich is resident in the Church CHAP. II. At not onely Prophets but also false-prophets vvere in the old Testament so novv likevvise there shal be Maisters of Heresie to the damnation of them selues and of their folovvers 4 And of their damnation he pronounceth by examples as he comforteth the vertuous Catholikes or true beleeuers vvith the example of Lot because of their railing at their Superiors and Prelates their blaspheming of Catholike doctrine their voluptuous liuing their lecherie their couetousnes their maner of seducing and the persons seduced 20 for vvhom it had been lesse damnable if they had neuer been Christians verse 1 BVT there vvere also false● prophets in the people as also in you there * shal be lying maisters vvhich shal bring in sectes of perdition denie him that hath bought them the Lord bringing vpon them selues speedie perdition ✝ verse 2 And many shal folovv their riotousnesses by vvhom the vvay of truth shal be blasphemed ✝ verse 3 and in auarice shal they vvith feined vvordes make merchandise of you vnto vvhom the iudgement novv long since ceaseth not and their perdition slumbereth not ✝ verse 4 For if God spared not Angels sinning but with the ropes of Hel being dravven dovvne into Hel deliuered them to be tormented that they should be reserued vnto iudgemēt ✝ verse 5 he spared not the original vvorld but * kept the eight Noë the preacher of iustice bringing in the deluge vpon the vvorld of the impious ✝ verse 6 And * bringing the cities of the Sodomites and of the Gomorrheites into ashes he damned them vvith subuersion putting an example of them that shal doe impiously ✝ verse 7 and * deliuered iust Lot oppressed by the iniurie and luxurious conuersation of the abominable men ✝ verse 8 for in sight and * hearing he vvas iust dvvelling vvith them vvho from day to day vexed the iust soule vvith vniust vvorkes ✝ verse 9 Our Lord knovveth to deliuer the godly from tentation but to reserue the vniust vnto the day of iudgement to be tormented ✝ verse 10 and especially them vvhich vvalke after the flesh in concupiscence of vncleannesse and cōtemne dominion bold self-pleasers they ● feare not to bring in sectes blaspheming ✝ verse 11 Vvhereas Angels being greater in strength and povver beare not the execrable iudgemēt against them ✝ verse 12 But these men as vnreasonable beastes naturally tending to the snare and into destruction in those things vvhich they know not blaspheming shal perish in their corruption ✝ verse 13 receiuing the revvard of iniustice esteeming for a pleasure the delightes of a day coinquinations and spottes flovving in delicacies in their feastings rioting vvith you ✝ verse 14 hauing eies ful of adulterie and incessant sinne alluring vnstable soules hauing their hart exercised vvith auarice the children of malediction ✝ verse 15 leauing the right vvay they haue erred hauing folovved the vvay of Balaam of Bosor vvhich loued the revvard of iniquitie ✝ verse 16 but * had a checke of his madnesse the dumme beast vnder the yoke speaking vvith mans voice prohibited the folishnes of the prophet ✝ verse 17 These are fountaines vvithout vvater and cloudes tossed vvith vvhirlevvindes to vvhom the mist of darkenesse is reserued ✝ verse 18 For speaking the proud things of vanitie they allure in the desires of fleshly riotousnes those that escape a litle vvhich conuerse in errour ✝ verse 19 promising them libertie vvhereas them selues are the slaues of corruption for * vvherevvith a man is ouercome of that he is the slaue also ✝ verse 20 For if fleeing from the coinquinations of the vvorld in the knovvledge of our Lord and Sauiour IESVS Christ they againe intangled vvith the same be ouercome * the later things are become vnto them vvorse then the former ✝ verse 21 For it vvas better for them not to knovv the vvay of iustice then after the knovvledge to turne backe from that holy cōmaundement vvhich vvas deliuered to them ✝ verse 22 For that of the true prouerbe is chaunced to them * The dogge returned to his vomite and The sovve vvashed into her vvallovving in the mire CHAP. III. Th●se 〈◊〉 Epistles ●e vvriteth to confirme them in the Apostles doctrine and vvarnet● them of scorners that shal come and denie Domesday 5 Whose vaine argument he ansvvereth and giueth the reason of Gods so long patience 10 exhorting to al holines of life in respect of that terrible day 16 Finally giuing vvarning of such as misinterprete S. Paules Epistles the other Scriptures and that vve must not for any thing fall from the true faith verse 1 THIS loe the second epistle I vvrite to you my deerest in vvhich I stirre vp by admonition your sincere minde ✝ verse 2 that you may be mindeful of those vvordes vvhich I told you before from the holy Prophetes and of your Apostles of the preceptes of our Lord and Sauiour ✝ verse 3 Knovving this first that * in the last daies shal come mockers in deceit vvalking according to their ovvne concupiscences ✝ verse 4 saying Vvhere is his promise or his cōming For verse 5 since the time that the fathers slept al things do so perseuêre from the beginning of creature for they are vvilfully ignorant of this that the heauens vvere before the earth out of vvater and through vvater consisting by the vvord of God ✝ verse 6 by the vvhich that vvorld then being ouerflovved vvith vvater perished ✝ verse 7 But the heauens vvhich novv are the earth are by the same word kept in store reserued to fire vnto the day of iudgemēt of the perdition of the impious men ✝ verse 8 But this one thing be not ignorāt of my deerest that * one day with our Lord is as a thousand yeres a thousand yeres as one day ✝ verse 9 Our Lord slacketh not his promis as some do esteeme it but he doth patiently for you * not vvilling that any perish but that al returne to penance ✝ verse 10 And * the day of our Lord shal come as a theefe in the vvhich the heauens shal passe vvith great violence but the elementes shal be resolued vvith heate and the earth and the vvorkes vvhich are in it shal be burnt ✝ verse 11 Therfore vvhereas al these thinges are to be dissolued vvhat maner of men ought you to be in holy
and is no doubt much more novv in al Haeretikes al being precursors of that great Antichrist vvhich shal come tovvards the later end 3. That dissolueth To dissolue loose or separate IESVS a sunder vvas proper to al those old Heretikes that taught either against his Diuinitie or Humanitie or the Vnitie of his person being of two natures as Cerinthus Ebion Nestorius Eutyches Manes or Manichaeus Cerdon Apelles Apollinaris and the like And this is one place by vvhich vve may see that the common Greeke copies be not euer authentical and that our old approued translation may not alvvaies be examined by the Greeke that novv is vvhich the Protestants onely folow but that it is to be presupposed vvhen our old Latin text differeth plainely from the Greeke that in old time either al or the more approued Greeke reading was othervvise and that often the said Greeke was corrupted then or since by Heretikes or otherwise For of the Greekes S. Irenaeus li. 3. c. 18 among the Latin fathers S. Augustine tract 6. in fine S. Leo ep 10. c. 5 and Venerable Bede did reade as we doe and this reading maketh more against the said Heretikes then that vvhich the common Greeke novv hath to vvit Euery spirit that confesseth not Christ to haue come in flesh is not of God vvhich is also in effect said before vers 2. And that therfore it vvas corrupted and altered by Heretikes see the vvordes of Socrates also a Greeke vvriter very agreable to this purpose Nestorius saith he being eloquent by nature vvhich is often in Heretikes accounted him self therfore learned disdained to study the old interpreters counting him self better then them all being ignorant that in S. Iohns Catholike epistle old Greeke copies had EVERY ONE THAT DISSOLVETH IESVS IS NOT OF GOD. So saith he adding moreouer that such as vvould separate the diuinitie from the dispensation of Christs humanitie tooke out of the old copies this sense for vvhich the old expositours noted that these which would loose IESVS had corrupted this Epistle See also the Tripartite li. 12. c. 4. 6. In this vve knovv This is the most sure general marke to knovv the true spirites and prophets from the false that those vvhich be of God wil heare and obey their Apostles and lavvful pastors succeding the Apostles and submit them selues to the Church of God the other that be not of God wil not heare either Apostle pastor or Church but be their ovvne iudges 17. That vve may haue confidence Confidence called in Latin Fiducia is neither alone with faith nor a persuasion infallible that maketh a man no lesse secure and certaine of his saluation then of the things that vve are bound to beleeue as the Protestants falsely teach but it is onely a hope wel corroborated confirmed and strengthened vpon the promises and grace of God and the parties merites And the vvordes both folowing going before proue also euidently against the Protestants that our confidence and hope in the day of iudgement dependeth not onely vpon our apprehension of Christs merites by faith or vpon his grace and mercie but also vpon our conformitie to Christ in this life in charitie and good vvorkes And that is the doctrine of S. Peter vvhen he said Labour that by good vvorkes you may make sure your vocation and election and S. Paules meaning vvhen he said I haue fought a good fight there is laid vp for me a crovvne of iustice vvhich our Lord vvil render to me in that day a iust iudge 18. Feare is not in charitie The Heretikes very falsly vnderstand this place so that Christian godly men ought to haue no doubt mistrust or feare of hel and damnation Vvhich is most euidently against the Scriptures commending euery where vnto vs the awe and feare of God and his iudgements Feare him saith our Sauiour Mat. 10 that can cast body and soul into hel And Psal 118. Pearse my flesh vvith thy feare Vvhich feare of Gods iudgements caused S. Paul al good men to chastise their bodies lest they should be reprobate and damned And the vvise man for this cause affirmeth him to be happie that is euer fearful And holy Iob faith I feared al my vvorkes And the Apostle Vvith feare and trembling vvorke your saluation Vvhich kinde of feare is euen in the iustest men and most ful of charitie consisting wel with the same vertue and is called Filialis is timer because it is such as the good childe ought to haue toward his father But there is a kinde of feare vvhich standeth not with charitie and is cleane against hope also that vvhich bringeth such perplexitie and auxietie of conscience that it induceth a man to mistrust or despaire of Gods mercies That seruile feare also vvhich maketh a man often to leaue sinning and to doe the external vvorkes of iustice not for any loue or delight he hath in God or his lawes but onely for feare of damnation though it be not il in it self but very profitable as that vvhich helpeth toward the loue of God yet it standeth not with charitie neither but is daily more and more lessened and at length quite driuen out by charitie Of these kinde of feares then the Apostle speaketh and as some expound of the feare of men also of vvhich our Sauiour saith Feare not them that kil the body CHAP. V. They that loue God must loue his natural sonne IESVS and his sonnes by adoption and keepe his commaundements vvhich to the regenerate are light 4 But not vnles they continue in the Catholike faith namely of this article that IESVS is the sonne of God and therfore able to giue vs life euerlasting 14 and al our petitions 16 and our praiers for al our brethren that sinne not vnto death dying in their mortal sinnes by impenitence Last of al he vvarneth them not to communicate vvith idols verse 1 WHOSOEVER beleeueth that IESVS is Christ is borne of God And euery one that loueth him vvhich begat loueth him also vvhich vvas borne of him ✝ verse 2 In this vve knovv that vve loue the children of God vvhen as vve loue God and keepe his commaundementes ✝ verse 3 For this is the charitie of God that vve keepe his commaundements * and ″ his commaundementes are not heauy ✝ verse 4 Because al that is borne of God ouercommeth the vvorld and this is the victorie vvhich ouercommeth the vvorld our faith ✝ verse 5 Vvho is he * that ouercōmeth the vvorld but he that beleeueth that IESVS is the sonne of God ✝ verse 6 This is he that came by vvater and bloud IESVS Christ not in vvater only but in vvater and bloud And it is the Spirit vvhich testifieth that Christ is the truth ✝ verse 7 For there be ″ three vvhich giue testimonie in heauen the Father the Vvord and the Holy Ghost and these three be one ✝ verse 8 And
there be three vvhich giue testimonie in earth the spirit vvater and bloud and these three be one ' ✝ verse 9 If vve receiue the testimonie of men the testimonie of God is greater because this is the testimonie of God vvhich is greater that he hath testified of his sonne ✝ verse 10 * He that beleeueth in the sonne of God hath the testimonie of God in him self ⊢ He that beleeueth not the Sōne maketh him a lier because he beleeueth not in the testimonie vvhich God hath testified of his sonne ✝ verse 11 And this is the testimonie that God hath giuen vs life euerlasting And this life is in his sonne ✝ verse 12 He that hath the Sonne hath life he that hath not the sonne of God hath not life ✝ verse 13 These thinges I vvrite to you that you may knovv that you haue eternal life which beleeue in the name of the sonne of God ✝ verse 14 And this is the confidence which vve haue toward him that * vvhat soeuer vve shal aske according to his vvill he heareth vs. ✝ verse 15 And vve knovv that he heareth vs vvhatsoeuer vve shal aske vve knovv that vve haue the petitions vvhich vve request of him ✝ verse 16 He that knoweth his brother to sinne a sinne not to death let him aske and life shal be giuen him sinning not to death There is ″ a sinne to death ″ for that I say not that any man aske ✝ verse 17 Al iniquitie is sinne And there is a sinne to death ' ✝ verse 18 Vve know that euery one vvhich is borne of God sinneth not but the generation of God preserueth him and the vvicked one toucheth him not ✝ verse 19 Vve knovv that vve are of God and the vvhole vvorld is set in vvickednesse ✝ verse 20 And vve knovve that the sonne of God commeth and he * hath giuen vs vnderstanding that vve may knovv the true God may be in his true sonne This is the true God life euerlasting ✝ verse 21 My litle children keepe your selues ″ from Idols Amen ANNOTATIONS CHAP. V. 5. His commaundements are not heauie Hovv can the Protestants say that Gods commaundements can not possibly be fulfilled or kept in this life seing the Apostle saith they be not heauie and Christ saith his yoke is svveete and his burden light See for the ful vnderstanding of this place S. Augustine de perfectione iustitia c. 10. The Heretikes in fauour of their foresaid errour rather translate His commaundements are not greuous then are not heauie 7. Three vvhich giue testimonie An expresse place for the distinction of three persons the vnitie of nature and essence in the B. Trinitie against the Arians and other like Heretikes vvho haue in diuers ages found them selues so pressed vvith these plaine Scriptures that they haue as it is thought altered and corrupted the text both in Greeke and Latin many vvaies euen as the Protestants handle those textes that make against them But because vve are not novv troubled vvith Arianisme so much as vvith Caluinisme vve neede not stand vpon the varietie of readings or expositions of this passage See S. Hierom in his epistle put before the 7 Canonical or Catholike Epistles 16. A sinne to death A sinne to death is an other thing then a mortal sinne for it is that mortal sinne onely vvhereof a man is neuer penitent before his death or in vvhich he continueth til death and dieth in it I affirme saith S. Augustine de correp grat c. 12 that a sinne to death is to leaue faith vvorking by charitie euen til death So likevvise in the vvordes before a sinne not to death is not that vvhich vve call a venial sinne but any that a man committeth and continueth not therin til death 16. For that I say not If the sinne to death vvhere of he speaketh be the sinne vvherein a man dieth vvithout repentance according to S. Augustines vvordes before rehearsed then the praier vvhich he speaketh of must needes be praier for the dead because he speaketh of praying or not praying for them that died in deadly sinne exhorting vs to pray and encouraging vs to doe it vvith confidence to be heard if vve pray for them that departed this life not in deadly sinne and contrarivvise in maner dissuading discouraging vs from praying for such as continued in vvickednes euen til their liues end And S. Augustine setteth dovvne the Churches practise agreable to the Apostles meaning li. 21 c. 24. de Ciuit. Dei if there be any saith he that persist til death in impenitence of hart doth the Church novv pray for them that is for the soules of them that so are departed So saith he And this is the cause that Concilium Bracharense primum sap 34 forbiddeth to pray for such as die in desperation or kil them selues and the reason vvhy the Church forbeareth to pray for Heretikes that die in their heresie or mainteine heresie vnto death and by their death And that the place is most properly or onely meant of praying for the departed this conuinceth that neither the Church nor any man is dehorted here from praying for any sinner yet liuing not for he remission of any sinne in this life al sinnes of vvhat sort soeuer being pardonable so long as the committers of them be in case and state to repent as they be so long as they be in this vvorld And vve see that the Church praieth and is often heard for Heretikes Ievves Turkes Apostataes and vvhat other infidels or il men soeuer during their liues And it is great blasphemie that the Caluinistes vtter vpon this place to vvit that Apostasie and certaine other sinnes of the reprobate can not be forgiuen at al in this life Vvhich they hold onely to auoid the sequele of praying for the dead vpon these vvordes of S. Iohn besides that they must take vpon them presumptuously to knovv and discerne of Gods secretes vvho be reprobate and vvho be not and according to that pray for some and not for othersome al vvhich is most vvicked and absurd presumption As for their allegation that S. Ieremie the Prophet vvas forbidden to pray for the Ievves and vvarned that he should not be heard Chap. 7. 11. 14 there is great difference first he had a reuelation by the vvordes of God that they vvould continue in their vvickednes as vve haue not of any certaine person vvhereof S. Iohn here speaketh secondly Ieremie vvas not forbidden to pray for the remission of their sinnes nor had denial to be heard therein for any mans particular case vvhereof the Apostle here speaketh but he vvas told that they should not escape the temporal punishment and affliction vvhich he had designed for them and that he vvould not heard him therein 21. From idols It is so knovven a treacherie of Heretikes to trāslate idola images as here and in a
may be broken and otherwise emploied 78. nu 10. pag. 92. nu 25. Sainctes know our doings hartes heare our praiers 64. 184. 186. m. 187. 428. 457. m. They are as Angels 198. They may be present with the liuing 49. 110. m. at their ovvne tōbes monumēts 711. Praying to Saincts that they pray for vs. 380 m. 186. 304. 471. 668 at large 679. 709. 711. 717. 309. m. They are our mediators an aduocates without any derogatiō to Christ 471. 568. 678. 679. 714 m. How Christ is our only Mediator and only Aduocate 568. 678. 679. The conclusion of al praiers is Per Christum Dominum nostrum 265 marg The Protestants arguments ansvvered 409. 607. 608. 611. nu 9. 568. 678. Vigilantius their father founder of this heresie refuted by S. Hierom 711. Hovv S. Hierom saith that Christ his Saincts are euery where ibidem Their Festiuities or holidaies 7. nu 16. 75. m. 507. at large 668. Their memories or commemorations in the sacrifice of the Masse 332. 454. 726. Canonizing of Saincts 7. Their miracles 33. nu 24. See Miracles Relikes The great honour of Saincts and that it is no derogation to Christs honour 55. nu 28. pag. 350. nu 16. pag. 553 marg 577. 601. 653. 703 marg 704. 714 marg 720 marg 742 marg They are patrones of men and countries 404. They are called sauiours redeemers c. vvithout derogation to Christ 569. 577. 653. 308 marg our hope 548 marg God and our Ladie saue vs the like speaches 337. 700. To beleeue in Saincts 409. nu 14. pag. 601. Saluation No man sure of his saluation but in hope 263. 394. 402. nu 16. pag. 403. 418. 433. 444. 493. 530. 393. marg See F. The Protestants special faith Satisfaction See Penance Satisfactorie vvorkes of one for an other 474. 485. 538. Satisfaction enioyned 143 m. Schisme Prefigured in the Ievves Schismatical temples 166. 227. 228. 448. in Ieroboams calues and altars 448. in Corè Darhan Abiron 482. 695. contrarie to the vnitie of the Church 456 501. nu 9. pag. 519. 520. detestable and sacrilegious 520. The beginning of al Schismes 426 marg In schisme no vvorke auailable to saluation 14. nu 24. pag. 180. 263. nu 4. pag. 457. num 1. See Church Schismatikes Schismatical seruice sermons to be auoided 94. 482. 590. 225 marg Specially the Communion 442. 447. 448. See Heretike and Heresie Scandal 112 marg 356. 386 marg Scripture Canonical and not Canonical discerned and iudged by the Church 499. 500. See pag. 2 after the preface S. Augustines sentences cited at large The Scripture and Church Whether is elder and of more authoritie 500. The Protestants deny many bookes of the Scripture because they are repugnant to their heresies See Heretikes They many vvaies corrupt the Scriptures See Heretikes Priuate Phantastical interpretatiō of Scriptures 669. 672. Al Heretikes and the Diuel him self alleage Scriptures but falsely p. 5. nu 25. p. 11. nu 6. p. 34. 145 m. 162. nu 20. p. 261. 402. 14. nu 35. 39. pa. 613. 645. 651. nu 12. p. 646. nu 21. p. 682. 711. 740. Vvomē great tatlers talkers of Scripture 568. Not the great talkers and hearers thereof but the doers are blessed 698 m. The Scripture is ful of profound senses 232. 508. hard to vnderstand 151 marg 311 marg 558. nu 6. pag. 613. nu 4. pag. 672. 673. 661. nu 19. p. 662 marg 740. S. Paules epistles hard about iustification by faith and therfore misconstrued of old and new heretikes 389. 646. 672. The Epistle to the Romanes hard concerning predestination 404 marg The difficultie of the Apocalypse 699. The Protestants count al Scriptures easie for euery mā to vnderstand by his priuate spirit therfore they reiect the Doctors expositiōs admit nothing but Scripture 672. Their folish distinction that S. Paules epistles are not hard but the matter he vvriteth of ibid. The self same scriptures alleaged by the old heretikes and the Protestants and answered by the fathers long agoe 444. nu 5. pag. 575. 646. 711. 712. The Scripture cōsisteth in the true sense therof which is only in the Cath. Church 477. nu 6. p. 669. nu 20. The bare letter killeth both Iew Heretike 477. They searche not the Scriptures deepely but superficially 232. Vvho be the litle ones that best vnderstand the Scriptures 30. nu 25. p. 169. nu 21. The auncient fathers humilitie in reading and expounding the Scriptures 67● 5●8 661. nu 19. pag. 699. Catholike Doctors only are right handlers of the Scriptures 590. The curse for adding and diminishing thereof and that it pertaineth to heretikes not to Catholike expositors 45. The interpretation of Scripture is called prophecie 413 marg when the same is according to the rule of faith ibid. Of the translating and reading the holy Scriptures in the vulgar tongue of the difficultie of them vvith what humilitie they ought to be read of many others pointes concerning the sacred Scriptures see the Preface to the reader The text corrupted by old heretikes 684. 687. Scriptures haue not only a literal sense but also a mystical and allegorical 7. nu 15. pag. 508. 607 marg 614 marg The Protestāts deride the mystical interpretations of the auncient Doctors 614 marg The people may not iudge of the sense of Scriptures or of their Pastors expositions 344. The comfort and profite of Christian Cathol men in reading and hearing the Scriptures 344. 419 marg 592. Vvhat they finde in searching the Scriptures 230. Not only Scriptures but tradition also 622. marg 559. 592. 279 marg 678 marg 717 marg The Apostles and Churches precepts 336 marg See Tradition The Churches order in reading the Scriptures in her diuine Seruice See CHVRCH Secte taken sometime in good part but novv in the euil 373. 362 marg Simonie vvhat and vvhy so called 314. Vvhat a heinous sinne ibid. nu 22. Sinne original actual 395. nu 14. 676. nu 7. Al conceiued and borne in original sinne Christ excepted and his B. mother 395. No man liueth vvithout sinne 676. nu 8. pag. 16. S. Augustine excepteth our B. Ladie ibidem Sinnes mortal and venial 14. 16. 385. 643. 676. Not God but the Diuel is author of sinne 36 m. See God Hovv the Diuel sinned from the beginning 682. Cōcupiscence cause of sinne 642 m. Al sinne procedeth of three special things mentioned by S. Iohn 677 marg The lavv did not cause sinne 395. 398 m. Mortal sinne excludeth grace and iustice 682. Venial sinnes consist vvith grace and true iustice 676. Examples of venial sinnes 676. How they are taken away without any Sacrament 258. they may be forgiuen after death 94. Al remission of sinnes is by the Passion of Christ 676. Many secundarie meanes instruments of remission by which the Passion of Christ is applied 676. Vvhat is meant by Sinnes couered and not imputed 392. Sinnes against the holy Ghost 33. nu 31. Sinnes crying
to heauen 651. No sinne but in this life it may be remitted the contrarie is the heresie of the Caluinists 686. See Penance They are worse in this point then the Nouatians 613. Vvhat is in S. Iohns Epistle a sinne to death 687. Three degrees of sinnes signified by the three dead that Christ raised to life 100. Sinne the cause of sicknes and other plagues 132. Spirit To adore and serue God in spirit 228. Boasting of the spirit 684. Not to credit euery spirit and hovv to trie them 552. The Church onely hath to discerne spirites 684. The testimonie of the Spirit in vs. 402. Superioritie and difference of degrees not forbidden 57 marg 165 marg Superstition not allowed in the Catholike Church 344. 539 marg The Protestants falsely call deuotion superstition 344. Supremacie of temporal Princes in matters Ecclesiastical See Princes T Tithes due to God and his Priests 615. Giuen by the inferior to the superior ibid. Paied in the Law of nature Moyses ib. How due to the Priests of Christes Church 616. Tongues Praiers in an vnknovven tōgue See Praiers The 14 chap. of the first to the Corinthians explicated concerning tongues 460. The Protestants vaine boasting of tongues 457 marg The three principal tongues in the title of the Crosse of Christ 271 marg The holy Scriptures most conueniently preserued in them ibid. Traditions not written 559. at large 413. 414. 476. 612. 653. 279 marg 353. 451. 454. 43. 106. 464 marg 695. 591 marg Apostolical traditions 413. 414. 451. 476. 559. 560. 612. 464 marg Particular traditiōs of the Apostles the Lent 12. 145 marg the administration of the B. Sacrament 451. 454. a commemoration inuocation of Saincts in the Masse ibid. praier for the dead ibid. and 560. mingling water with wine ibid. Baptizing of infantes 559. the Apostles Creede 560. See other particular traditions pag. 454. 559. Pater noster in the Masse 567. keeping of Sunday Easter Vvhit-sontide c. 43. 467 mar How to know Apostolical traditions 560. 559. Ignatius booke of the Apostles traditions ib. The fathers estimation of traditions 559. The Protestants hatred of the very name and suppressing the same in the text of holy Scripture 559. 560 marg They are called Depositum 414. 581 mar descending from the Apostles by Bishop and Bishop vnto the end 584. The Protestāts can shew no such Depositum 584. Heretikes conuicted by traditiō 5. 559. Iewish and heretical traditions 43. 106. Translation of the Bible into Greeke called Septuaginta 633. cited of the Euangelistes and authentical in the Greeke Church ibid. The authentical Latin translation 633. Beza preferreth it before al the rest See the preface Translatours of holy Scripture must be exacte and sincere 221. See the preface V VIrginitie better then Mariage more meritorious and grateful to God fitter for his seruice 4. 55. 440. 725 m. 356. The contrarie was Iouinians old condēned heresie 582. Virginitie coūseled not commaunded 55. 440. 438 marg See Mariage Professed virgins may not marie See Vovv The state of virgins passeth the rest 725 m. Visions recorded in the Scriptures 315. 318. 319. 368. 492. Visions haue no credite with Heretikes specially with the Protestants 319 marg 492. Some haue been rapt to see the state of the next life 491 marg Extreme vnction See Extreme Vovv an acte of soueraine worship 169. Neuer true religion without vowes and votaries ib. The Protestants haue abandoned al vowes and votaries ib. Vow of monastical and religious life 169. 304. Vow of Virginitie or chastitie lawful possible c. 55. 580. 581. 582. Yong vvomen may vovv Religion 581. Our B. Ladie vowed virginitie 138. The daughters of Philip the Deacon were vowed virgins 356. The Apostles vowed pouertie and professed the religious state of perfection pag. 55. nu 21. 27. Breache of vowes damnable 304. 439. 440. It is to breake their first faith 580. It is to goe after Satan 581. It is the highest kinde of Sacrilege 304. It is worse then aduoutrie 582. Vvhat virgins widovves the Apostle allovveth to marie 440. 581. Iouinian for persuading Nunnes to marie is called of S. Augustine a monster of S. Hierom he and his folovvers Christian Epicures 582. The Protestants call Iouinians heresie Gods word 582. Vvhat vovves are unlavvful and not to be kept 361. Vsurie not to be vsed among Christians 255. Spiritual vsurie in the better sense 74. nu 27. W VVidovvhod 579 at large This state more blessed then the state of matrimonie 439 m. Their cōtinual praier continencie 578 m. The example of holy Anne 141. 142. S. Ambrose and S. Augustine wrote whole bookes in cōmēdation of the state of widowhod 579. The Churches widowes called Diaconissae and their office 579. They must haue had but one husband ibid. The Caluinists most absurd expositiō of these wordes The husband of one wife 580. The Apostle forbiddeth not al yong widowes to vow 581. See Continencie The vvord of God is not only that vvhich is written in the Scriptures 548. See Gospel Tradition Vvorkes meritorious of life euerlasting 17. 177. 387. 430. 593. 594. 613. 703 mar No workes of them selues vvithout faith and the grace of God are meritorious 378. 594. Such are the workes that S. Paul excludeth from iustification 378. 387. 390. 411. 385. 499 marg Vve presume not vpon our owne workes or merites as of our selues but as of Gods grace 516 marg 594. The Protestants make no difference betwene Christian mens workes done in grace and the workes of Ievves Pagans 411. They are iniurious to Gods grace vvhich maketh vorkes meritorious 594. The Scriptures which they falsely alleage answered 189. 402. Vve are iustified by vvorkes also and not by faith only 16. 643. 645 and 646 at large 153 marg 678 marg 510 m. 538. m. See faith Good workes before faith though not meritorious yet are preparatiues to the first iustification 320. 389 m. That euery man shal be rewarded according to his vvorkes is a cōmon phrase in Scripture 47. 386 marg 387. 430. 656 marg 744 marg not according to faith only or lacke of faith 741. nu 12. Al good workes rewarded in heauen 630 marg 413. nu 1. pag. 587. 524 marg 543 marg 191 marg Heauen is due for them according to Gods iustice 593. 594. 613. 553 mar They giue great confidence before God 630. 627 marg Vvorkes may be done in respect of reward 16. nu 4. pag. 631. marg pa. 444. The three workes of iustice 14. 15. 16. Vvorkes of mercie how acceptable to God 663. 317. m. 341 marg See Almes Vvorkes of perfection or supererogation 444. 485. 168 m. See C. Euangelical Counsels Vvorkes satisfactorie 143 m. See faith Iustification Merite Revvard Heauen prepared for them only that deserue it by good workes 58. nu 23. pag. 73 marg Vvithout good vvorkes a man shal be demned 143 marg 153 marg 739 marg The booke of euery mans workes opened in the day of iudgement 741.