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A15422 Synopsis papismi, that is, A generall viewe of papistry wherein the whole mysterie of iniquitie, and summe of antichristian doctrine is set downe, which is maintained this day by the Synagogue of Rome, against the Church of Christ, together with an antithesis of the true Christian faith, and an antidotum or counterpoyson out of the Scriptures, against the whore of Babylons filthy cuppe of abominations: deuided into three bookes or centuries, that is, so many hundreds of popish heresies and errors. Collected by Andrew Willet Bachelor of Diuinity. Willet, Andrew, 1562-1621. 1592 (1592) STC 25696; ESTC S119956 618,512 654

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notwithstanding for popish inuocation of Angels for the Angel here cōmendeth not the prayers of the Saints by his merit but by the much incense giuen vnto him to ad to the prayers of the Saints to make them acceptable which is the sweete smell and sauour of the precious d●ath and merites of Christ. Fulk in hunc locum Augustine indeede sometime ascribeth such an office vnto the Angelles to carry vp our prayers to Heauen as their charge is to carry vp our soules not as mediatours or intercessors but as the Lords messengers and agents here vpon earth to reporte vnto him our affaires dicuntur Angeli preces nostras vota Deo offerre non vt deum doceant qui omnia antequam fiant nouit sed vt super his dei voluntatem consulant The Angelles are said to offer vp our prayers and vowes vnto God not to informe or instruct the Lord but onely to consult and know his pleasure tom 9. de dilection Cap. 3. in Psalm 74. for the Angels haue two offices the one to execute the commaundement of God in the world and to attend vpon him to receiue their charge Math. 18.10 the other to returne vnto God as faithfull messengers the successe of their busines in the worlde Zechar. 1.10 Now whether the Angelles be appointed of God to report vnto him our sayings and doings as other affaires of our life the scripture no where euidently sheweth Neither if it were graunted would it any thing helpe their popish inuocation of Angelles Rhemist alleadge Tob. 12.12 to proue the offering of our prayers by Angelles Answer It is neither canonicall Scripture nor agreeable vnto it Fulk annot Coloss. 2. sect 3. The Protestants THe scripture alwayes maketh Christ our onely Mediator neither Angelles nor Saints by whome our prayers and all other spirituall sacrifices are offered vnto God Fulk ibid. 1 Hebrew 13.15 Let vs by him offer the sacrifice of praise alwayes to God 1. Peter 2.5 You are an holy priesthoode to offer vp spirituall sacrifices acceptable to God by Iesus Christ. Ergo Christ Iesus is our onely Mediator Secondly Galatian 3.19 The Lawe was ordayned by Angelles in the hand of a Mediator Ergo the Angelles are one office and the Mediator another Augustine sayeth Quòd non aliquem ex Angelis dicit Mediatorem sed ipsum Dominum nostrum Iesum Christum habes alio loco vnus inquit Deus vnus mediator Dei hominum homo Christus Iesus That the Apostle calleth not any of the Angels but only Iesus Christ our Lord Mediator we haue in another place There is one God saith he and one Mediator of God and man the Man Iesus Christ. AN APPENDIX OR THIRD PART of this question whether Angelles or Saints know our heartes The Papists THe Angelles and other Celestiall spirites doe knowe our heartes and inwarde repentance And betweene the Angelles and the blessed soules of Saintes there is no difference in this case the one being as highly exalted and neere God as the other in whome and by whome only they see and know our affaires Luke 15.10 There is ioy in heauen in the presence of the Angelles ouer one sinner that repenteth Ergo they know our repentaunce Rhemist Lu. 15. Sect. 2. Ans. 1 Our heartes and inward repentance are not knowen to the Angelles but by the fruites and true effectes thereof 2 Although the elect after the resurrection shal be like in glorie to the Angelles yet it followeth not that they shall be like in all thinges much lesse that their soules now in heauen be in all thinges like vnto the Angelles whose presence and Ministerie God vseth in the preseruation of his chosen 3 That all thinges done in the worlde may be seene in God as in a glasse is but a prophane speculation and the deuise of an ydle braine Fulk ibid. Argum. 2 Abraham had knowledge of things in earth which were not in his time as that they had Moyses and the Prophetes bookes which hee neuer sawe Luk. 16. ver 29. Rhemist Answere First In this narration many thinges are spoken parabolically out of the which we must not ground any doctrine not taught els where in scripture for you may aswell say that soules haue fingers and tounges and that elementall water wil quench hell fire as that Abraham knew what books were written after his death Secondly Albeit that the doctrine of the Church comprehended in the scriptures might be reuealed to Abraham after his death yet it followeth not that he knew all thinges as you affirme the saintes doe by beholding the Maiestie of God Fulk annot ibid. The saintes therefore in heauen knowe so much as the Lord thinketh good to reueale vnto them they knowe not all things The Protestants WE deny not but that as Prophetes and holy men in this life may knowe many secret thinges reuealed vnto them by the spirit of God as Peter found out the secret fraude of Ananias Sapphirae Eliseus being absent found out Gehezi his corruption yea hee could tell what was doone in the King of Syria his chamber so the Lord may reueale vnto the saintes in heauen at his pleasure some thinges done vpon earth But that they receiued any such gift of God to know all thinges done vpon earth it is a great vntrueth and cleane contrary to the scriptures 1. Salomon sayeth in his prayer vnto God Heare thou in heauen in thy dwelling place and giue vnto euery man according to his wayes as thou knowest his heart for thou onely knowest the hearts of all the children of men 1. King 8.39 Out of this place we thus reason he only knoweth the heart that is the Iudge of all men and a rewarder of them according to their wayes But the Lord onely is iudge Ergo. Againe the wordes themselues be plaine that God onely knoweth the heart so that what knowledge of secrets the Saintes haue it is by reuelation not by searching the heart Againe S. Paul saith No man knoweth the thinges of man saue the spirit of man which is in him so the thinges of God knoweth no man but the spirite of God 1. Corinth 1.11 the Rhemist aunswer that no man knoweth the secrets of the heart naturally but by extraordinary gift he may as the Prophets did Ans. No man euer had or can haue a generall gift to know the heart but when God seeth it good to reueale it for otherwise the comparison holdeth not The spirit of God onely knoweth the things of God which also is giuen to men to know but not by receiuing any gift to search and looke into the nature and heart as it were of God for then should they knowe all the secrets of God which neuer any did but onely by reuelation of the spirite which openeth Gods secrets vnto them so farre as it is conuenient and needfull Euen after the same manner the spirite of God may reueale the secrets of the heart of man not by giuing them a generall gift
shrines and the like yea aboue his owne breaden God so doth the Pope for he rideth vpon mens shoulders when his breaden God is caried vpon an hackney he exalteth his throne aboue the altar the Crosse is caried on the right hand of Emperours swordes and scepters but is layd vnder his feete In the yeare of Iubile he beateth vpon the gates of Paradise with a golden hammer Fulk annot 2. Thesse 2.10 so then howsoeuer like an hypocrite he seeme to adore his breaden God yet indeede dooth hee magnifie himselfe aboue it Bellarmine hath no other shiftes to foyst off our arguments but these hee sayth this Mauzzim is like enough to be the diuell himselfe whom Antichrist shall worship but he careth neither for siluer or golde or else it is himselfe And how I pray you can a man worship himselfe or else saith hee it is some strong castle where he shall lay his siluer and golde or else you know not what Bellarmin 14. 2 That Antichrist shall not abolish Idoles of siluer and golde but rather commaund the people to worship them as the Pope now doth it is playne Apocalyps 9.20 The Rhemists obiect that hee speaketh here agaynst the heathen Idols which is here called the worship of diuels Answere First in this place Iohn speaketh of the ende of the worlde in the opening of the seuenth seale and the Idols of the heathē were abolished long agoe Neither is there any knowen nation in the worlde that hath worshipped Idols of golde siluer brasse stone or wood but the papists for these many yeares Secondly all worshippers of Images doe worship diuels for Idolatrie is a seruice inuented by the diuell Fulk annot Apoc. 9. sect 4. The Protestants THat Antichrist shall not in outward shew be an open enemie to Christ but secretly and closely and vnder pretence of religion take away all religion thus we make it playne 1 These places alleadged before doe prooue it Iohn 1.2.18 the Antichrist and the Antichristes shall bee enimies all alike but the Antichrstes in Saint Iohns time were couert enemies Ergo so shall the great Antichrist 2. Saint Paul calleth it the mystery of iniquitie 2. Thess. 2.7 and he shal come in all deceiueablenesse of vnrighteousnesse vers 10. and God shall send them strong delusion to beleeue lies vers 11. All this prooueth that Antichrist shal worke closely cunningly mystically by deceiuing by delusion not by open enimitie and prophanenes or by violence and tyrannie onely as the papists imagine 3 Antichrist shall be the greatest enemie to Christ and his kingdome that euer was in the worlde But hee is a greater enemie that pretendeth friendship and yet is a foe that vnder the name of Christ persecuteth the Christian fayth then he that openly destroyeth it making no shewe of Religion as Dauid complayneth Psalm 41.9 Yea my familiar friend whom I trusted which did eate of my bread hath lift vp his heele against me This was accomplished in Iudas who betrayed Christ with a kisse who was the greatest enemie of Christ sinning against his owne knowledge and conscience Euen so they now a dayes are the greatest enemies that Christ and the Church hath that betray Christ with a kisse which name themselues the Church of God and yet make hauock of the Church 4. Lastly Augustine sayth as much that Antichrist shall come with deceiueable doctrine and shew of righteousnes Quid expa●escimus in Antichristo nisi quia nomen suum honoraturus est Domini contempturus Quid aliud facit qui dicit ego iustifico Quid aliud est dei ignorare iustitiam suam velle constituere quam dicere ego iustifico ego sanctifico What other thing doe wee feare in Antichrist but that hee shall honour his owne name and contemne Christs What else doth he which sayth I doe iustifie I make holie What is this but to destroy the righteousnesse of God and to bring in his owne Marke nowe I pray you if all this bee not true of the Pope of Rome for hee taketh vpon him to iustifie to sanctifie to dispense with mens sins for an hundred yea a thousand yeeres to ridde soules out of Purgatorie nay to commaund Angels to carrie their soules to heauen that die in their Pilgrimage to Rome as Pope Clement the sixt did what is this else but to saie Ego iustifico sanctifico I iustifie I sanctifie and who I pray you doth so if Augustine may be iudge but Antichrist but thus the Pope doth Ergo he is Antichrist THE SEVENTH PART CONCERNING the miracles of Antichrist The Papists ANtichrist they say shall be a Magitian and worke straunge signes and error 63 wonders by the power of the diuell and these three miracles by name shall bee wrought by him Hee shall cause fire to come from heauen and make the Image of the beast to speake and thirdly hee shall faine himselfe dead and rise agayne Bellarm. cap. 15. 1. He shall by the helpe of the diuell cause fire to come downe from heauen as it is Apocal. 13.13 Answere First it is a great question whether the diuell haue any such power to bring downe fire from heauen for the Iesuite himselfe remembreth the storie 1. King 18. How Baal his priests would haue fetched down fire from heauen but they could not onely Elias did it and he that will doe the like must haue Elias his spirite as Christ sayth Luke 9.55 2. It is very grosse to vnderstand this literally for the whole chapter is mysticall of the Beast with seuen heads of another beast with two hornes and all the rest But three waies Antichrist may fitly bee sayde to bring fire from heauen First by fire the holy Ghost may be vnderstoode as Matth. 3. and Act. 2. The spirite appeared in fierie tongues so Antichrist and his ministers make men beleeue that they doe conferre the holy Ghost as in consecration in absolution of sinners and such like Secondly the Popes thunderbolts of excommunication are resembled to fier whereby he hath made the whole world afrayde in times past as though he could cause the heauens to fall vpon men yea to make the matter more likely the Pope vseth burning Tapers in excommunicating men which with violence are throwen downe as though GOD himselfe did rayne fire from heauen vpon them And this is the terrible manner of their excommunication there are three candles burning set vp and then they begin to accurse them whom they excommunicate bodie and soule to the diuell and let vs say they quench their soules in hell fire if they be dead as this candle is put out and with that they put out one of the candles If they be aliue let vs pray that their eyes may be put out as this candle is and so the second candle goeth out and that all their sences may fayle them as this candle looseth his light and so the third candle goeth out Beholde here is the fire which the Pope and his popelings doe bring
lawfull for any to inuent allegories of scripture as it seemeth good to them selues THE SECOND PART OF THE SIXTH QVEtion to whom the chief authoritie to expound Scripture is committed The Papistes error 9 IT was decreed in the Councell of Trent that scripture should be expoūded as the Church expoundeth it and according to the common and consonant cōsent of the fathers Sect. 4. The Rhemistes say that the sense of the scriptures must be learned of the fathers and pastors of the Church Praefat. Sect. 18. If the fathers agree not the matter is referred to a generall Councell if there it be not determined we must haue recourse to the Pope and his Cardinals The Iesuite dare not referre the matter to the Pope alone to expound scripture but ioyneth the Colledge of Cardinals with him Bellarm. lib. 3. de script cap. 3. 1 They obiect that place Deut. 17.9 where the people are commaunded to resorte vnto the Priest or Iudge in doubtfull matters Ergo there ought to be a chief and supreme iudge in Ecclesiasticall matters Bellarm. We aunswere First here the ciuill Magistrate and the Iudge are ioyned together as ver 12. Wherefore if they will gather hereby that the Pope must be supreme Iudge in all Ecclesiasticall matters then the Emperour ought to be as well in ciuill Secōdly the text saith they shal come to the Priests ver 9. assigning many not to one onely Priest Thirdly they must iudge according to the law v. 11. not as they list thē selues Fourthly here is no mentiō made of doubts in interpreting scripture but of controuersies that may fall out betweene man and man either Ecclesiasticall to be decided by the Priest or ciuill by the Magistrate Fiftly we graunt that in euery country there ought be a supreme and high seate of iudgement for determining of controuersiall matters betweene men but it foloweth not that there should be a supreme iudge ouer the whole Church especially in such matters as this concerning the sense of the scriptures which i● not commited to the iudgement of men neither is any such controuersie named in that palce ver 8. 2 Ecclesiastes 12.11 The wisemā cōpareth the wordes of the wise to nayles which are fastned geuen by one pastor Ergo the Pope is supreme iudge We aunswere the wise men are here vnderstood to be the Pastors and Ministers of Gods word but this one pastor signifieth neither the high Priest in the old law nor the Pope in the new but Iesus Christ the high shepheard for our soules What great boldnesse is this to attribute that to the Pope which is onely proper to Christ 3 They also picke out some places in the new Testament as Math. 16.19 to thee will I geue the keyes of the kingdome of heauen Christ saith so to Peter Ergo the Pope hath authoritie to expound scripture We aunswere First by the keyes here is meant commission to preach the Gospell not onely to expound doubtes Secōdly they were geuen to all the Apostles not to Peter onely Math. 28. v. 18.19 Thirdly the Pope is not successor of Peter no more then any other godly Bishop nor so much vnlesse he folow Peters steps So they abuse that place Math. 18.17 he that will not heare the Church c. Ergo the Bishops and chief pastors must expound the doubt in scriptures Aunswere First our Sauiour speaketh here of the discipline of the Church of correctiōs and admonitions not of interpreting scripture which dependeth not vpō the will fantacie of Pope Cardinals or Popish Councels but must be tryed by the scriptures them selues Secondly we must geue eare to the Church but with a double condition we must be sure it is the Church of God secōdly we must not heare them cōtrary to the scriptures but so long as they do teach the doctrine of Christ. The Protestants WE haue a more compendious way to come to the vnderstanding of the scripture It were to lōg whē we doubt of any place to stay till we haue the generall consent of the pastors of the Church or to expect a generall Councell or go vp to Rome And it were to much to trouble the Popes grauitie with euery questiō The Lord hath shewed vs a more easie and ready way see that we neede not ascend to heauen or cōpasse the earth or passe the Alpes but the word of God is amongest vs the scriptures them selues and the spirite of God opening our harts do teach vs how to vnderstand them the interpretation of Scripture is not assigned to any succession of pastors or tryed to any place or persons Our arguments folow some few of them 1 That onely hath power to geue the sense of Scripture which doth beget vs faith the spirite onely by the Scriptures begetteth faith Rom. 10.17 faith commeth of hearing the word Ergo the spirit of God is the onely interpreter of scripture The proposition also is cleare for seeing the Scripture is the true sense and meaning therof if any should geue the sense of the scripture but that which worketh faith then vpon him should our faith be grounded If the Pope therefore geue the sense of Scripture and our faith ariseth of the Scripture vnderstood then our faith is builded vpon the Popes sense argum Whitach 2. 9. 2 The Scriptures cā not be interpreted but by the same spirit wherewith they were writtē but that spirite is found no where but in the Scriptures Ergo. The first part the Papistes them selues graunt the second is thus proued the spirite of the Apostles is not geuen by secret inspiration that sauoureth of Anabaptisme where is it thē to be found whether is it like that S. Peters spirite should be found in the Popes chaire or in his Epistles or if they haue S. Peters spirite where is S. Paules found but in his writings Yet it is all one spirite appeareth not els where but in the Scriptures where euery man may finde it as wel as the Pope the spirituall man iudgeth all things 1. Cor. 2.15 you haue an oyntment from him that is holy and you haue knowen all things and ver 27. you need not that any mā teach you By these places it is euident that euery faithfull man by the spirite of God may vnderstand the scriptures 3 The doctrine of the Church must be examined by the Scriptures Ergo the scriptures are not to stand to the iudgement of the Church The former part is proued by the example of the Berrheans Act. 17.11 If they did well in examining Paules doctrine much more may the decrees of the Pope Church Coūcels be examined by the scriptures But they knew not whether Paule was an Apostle or not therefore they might examine his doctrine saith the Iesuite Answere it is no matter for the person of Paule they examined his doctrine which dependeth not vpon the person Secondly they could not be ignoraunt of his Apostleship who was famous throughout the Churches Thirdly they doubted onely whether Paul was an
Church Actes 15. when they came to Ierusalem they were receiued of the Church Philip. 3.6 Paule persecuted the Church how could the church be persecuted how could it receiue the Apostles if it were not visible Bellarmin cap. 12. We answere what goodly reasons here be a particular church such as was at Ierusalem may be seene Ergo the catholike and vniuersall Secondly a particular church may be sometime visible Ergo alwayes Thirdly the church is visible vnto the faithfull as in time of persecution for to Paule it was not knowen when he persecuted it but onely to the brethren Ergo it is visible to the world For these three points they must proue that the catholike church not a particular is visible that the Church is not sometime but alway visible yea and to the world or else they say nothing for shame masters make better arguments 3 He hath set his tabernacle in the sunne Psal. 19. The Church is as a Citie vpon an hill Math. 5. Ergo it is alwayes visible Bellarmin ibid. Rhemist Math. 5. Sect. 3. We answere First the Apostles them selues euen at this time when Christ spake these wordes vnto them were not so in sole or in monte in the sunne or vpon the hill that they were seene of the world nay they were not seene nor acknowledged of the Scribes and Pharisies in Iewrie the Church is seene of the faithfull it is visible to them that search for her out of the Scriptures they that cā see the mountaine shal see the Citie the mountaine is Christ the Citie is the Church No marueile if the Church be not alwayes visible to the world for they see not neither do they know Christ. Secondly the church is said to be on a hill because the truth seeketh no corners heretikes and false t●achers flye into the desert and into secret places Math. 24. ver 26. But the truth is not ashamed the Apostles confessed Christ euē before Kings and Princes Marke 13.19 so Augustine expoundeth it Cont. Faustum lib. 13. cap. 13. The Protestantes COncerning the catholike church we hold that because it is an article of our faith it is alwayes vnto the world inuisible and not to be espyed but by the eyes of faith Fulk Math. 5. Sect. 5. Concerning particular churches if by visible they vnderstand that which may be seene so we graunt they are alwayes visible Fulk Act. 11. v. 24. If for that which is actually visible we say it is not so alwayes visible to the world nay it may sometimes be so hid and secret that the members know not one another Fulk in Math. 5. Sect. 3. 1 To the Hebrues it is thus written cap. 13. v. 18.23.24 you are not come to the moūtaine which might be touched but to the Citie of the liuing God the celestiall Ierusalem c. Ergo the church is inuisible and here opposed to the visible hill of Sinay Bellarmine answereth that this is vnderstood of the triumphant church in heauen not of the militant vpon earth To this we make answere the Apostle vnderstandeth the whole vniuersall church in heauen and earth which both make but one familie Ephe. 3.15 for here he nameth not onely the spirites of iust men which are in heauen but the faithfull vpon earth whose names are written in heauen the congregatiō saith he of the first borne the wordes are 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a gathering together collection or cōgregation which must needes be vnderstood of men vpon earth Againe saith he ye are come not ye shall come they had now left the smoking mountaine Sinay and were come to Sion the church vnder the Gospell Wherefore this is a most firme and inuincible argument the catholike church is the vniuersall number of Gods chosen in heauen and in earth Ergo inuisible 2 We will giue an instance In the dayes of Elias the church was not visible for he camplaineth and saith that he was onely left alone 1. King 19.10 Ergo the church is not alway visible The Rhemistes answere First at that time the church was visible in Iudaea the souldiers were numbred to 1000. thousand 2. Chron. 17. We aunswere againe First belike they haue taken a more exact account of them then the Lord him selfe for he saith he had reserued 7000 1. King 19.18 that had not bowed their knees to Baall they say there were ten hūdred thousand Againe Elias if he had knowen such a number could not haue bene left so comfortlesse as in grief of hart to desire to dye But be it graunted that the church was visible in Iudaea at this time though it were not so to Elias yet where was that visible church in the dayes of Achaz and Manasseh when Iudaea fell also to Idolatrie Thirdly to beleeue that there is an holy catholike church is an article of our faith Ergo it is inuisible Bellarmin answereth First the holinesse of the church is inuisible We reply so the church is partly visible partly inuisible by his confession First why thē do ye define the catholike church to be a visible cōgregatiō if it be not wholly altogether visible they know that difinitio must cōuenire definito the definitiō must agree wholly to that which is defined but now it is not for they say the catholike holy church is partly visible as it is a church partly inuisible as it is holy Secondly do we not say in the Creede Credo Catholicam as well as Credo Sanctam I beleeue a catholike church as well as I beleeue the holy church then it is also inuisible as it is catholike because this also is part of the article see I pray you what shifting is here Secondly he answereth that some thing is seene in the church some thing beleeued for we see that visible companie of men which make the church but whether that companie be the true church we do not see it but beleeue it We reply againe First the Iesuite hath not yet proued that some thing is seene in the church some thing beleeued but one thing is seene namely the congregation as they are men another thing is beleeued that they are the church the sight and beliefe now by his owne confession are not both in the church Secondly we denie that the vniuersall cōpanie of the catholike church which is the number of the predestinate can be seene therefore all is beleeued and nothing seene Thirdly he saith that by faith we know which is the true church Ergo by faith we know which are the members of the church Ergo by faith the mēbers do know them selues to be of the Church therefore faith is requisite in the true members of the church thē vnfaithfull men can not be true members of the church which point the Iesuite strongly before maintained against vs. Mendacem oportet esse memorem a lyar had need haue a good memorie lest he tell contrarie tales and so hath the Iesuite here for before he denied
power for he was not quickned or restored to life by his humane soule but by his diuine power his soule was ioyned againe to his bodie Augustine also giueth another reason why he cannot be said to be quickned or made aliue in spirit that is in his soule for then he must haue died before in soule But Mors animae peccatum est à quo ille immunis fuit But the death of the soule is sinne from the which Christ was free 2 The Apostle speaketh onely of those which were incredulous and disobedient not of the faithfull such as the Patriarkes were and Prophets Yea sayth Bellarm. they might be vnbeleeuers at the first but after repented before they dyed Ans. Then the Apostles comparison could not hold if any were saued without the Arke for as then eight persons onely were saued all without the Arke perished so now without baptisme and faith of the Church for by baptisme he vnderstandeth not the washing of water but the inward grace of the spirit none can be saued If then any were saued out of the Arke there may now also be saluation out of the Church Augustine also sayth Ii modò qui non crediderunt Euangelio illis intelligantur esse similes qui tunc non crediderunt cum fabricaretur arca They which now beleeue not the Gospell are like to them which beleeued not then while the Arke was in making And they which doe now beleeue and are baptized are like to those which then were saued in the Arke Augustine thinketh therefore that they were incredulous persons and vtterly perished both bodie and soule And so is our opinion 3 The text saith not he went and deliuered but went and preached for Augustine calleth it an absurd thing to thinke that the Gospell was preached to them that were dead which in their life time were incredulous for if the Gospell bee preached in Hell sayth he it would followe that it is not necessarie it should be preached here in the world if men when they are dead may heare it and be conuerted And againe it would ensue sayth he that there should bee a Church in hell for where the word is preached there is a Church Wherefore he concludeth that it must needes be vnderstood of Noah his preaching in the spirit and power of Christ Arcae fabricatio praedicatio quaedam fuit The building of the Arke was a kinde of preaching Epistol 99. So also he expoundeth that 1. Pet. 4.6 The Gospell was preached to the dead Ex circumstantia loci apparet eum intelligere eos qui nunc mortui sunt sed olim in vita Euangelium audiuerunt Commentar in epistol ad Roman 4 The text is not that were in prison but doth better beare this sense that are So the Apostles meaning is this that they which were incredulous and disobedient in time past when Noah in the spirit of Christ or Christ by his spirit in Noah preached to the world were then destroyed in the flood now for their increduliti● are punished in the prison of hell The Protestants THat the holy Patriarkes Fathers and Prophets dyed in the same faith before the comming of Christ which all true Christians doe now hold and were presently receiued into the ioyes of heauen and not kept in any infernall place or dungeon of darknes thus it is proued 1 They had all faith and beleeued in Christ yea the same faith that is now preached as it is defined by the Apostle Heb. 11.1 They also by this faith obtained remission of sinnes Rom. 4.7 Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiuen as it is alleadged out of the Psalme Ergo they were blessed but out of the kingdome of God there was no blessednesse to be found therefore they also went to heauen 2 If the heauens were not opened before Christs ascension as the Rhemists affirme then none went to heauen before Christ ascended But that is false Henoch and Elias by their owne confession were taken vp into Paradise so was the soule of the theefe vpon the Crosse. But Paradise is heauen yea the third and the highest heauen as S. Paul calleth it 2. Corinth 12.4 And so Augustine expoundeth that place Voluit Deus Apostolo demonstrare vitam in qua post hanc vitam viuendum est in aeternū The Lord would shew vnto the Apostle that life wherein after this life we shall liue and remaine for euer De Gene. lib. 12.28 These three therefore went to Paradise which is no infernall or place of darknesse but a Celestiall habitation of ioy light and felicitie They were not then in Limbo Patrum in the dungeon of the Fathers Wherefore we conclude there was accesse to heauen before the ascension of Christ. 3 The Fathers and Patriarkes before Christs comming were in Abrahams bosome but that was no infernall place or prison such as they imagine Limbus Patrum to be Augustine proueth that it could not be membrum or pars inferorum a member or part of Hell or any infernall place as the Iesuits hold First the text saith there is magnum chaos a great gulfe a great distance betweene Luk. 16.26 and vers 23. The rich man sawe Abraham a farre off wherefore it is not like that both those places should be infernall Secondly Abrahams bosome was quietis habitatio faelicitatis sinus a place of rest and blisse but so is not any infernall place where there is horror and darknesse Thirdly the place where the rich man was is called Hell or infernall there is no such thing sayd of Lazarus that he was in any lower place but aboue in some high and farre distant place for the rich man is sayd to lift vp his eyes Augustine then concludeth Ne ipsos quidem inferos vspiam scripturarum locis in bono appellatos reperire potui Epistol 99. I doe not finde that this word infernall is taken any where in the scriptures in the good part And therefore the bosome of Abraham being a place of rest sayth he cannot be any infernall place AN APPENDIX OR APPERTINANCE OF THIS question concerning the apparition of Samuel The Papists THey hold opinion that it was the very soule of Samuel that appeared at the error 10 witches house at Endor vnto Saul and vse it as an argument to proue that the soules of the Patriarkes were not in heauen but in some infernall place before Christs comming because Samuel ascended out of the earth Bellarm. De Christ. anim lib. 411. Argum. 1. Because he that appeared to Saul is called Samuel in the text Augustine answereth that the Images of things are called by the names of the things themselues as Genes 41. Pharao sayd he sawe eares of corne and fat and leane kine in his dreame when they were but the images of such things So the diuell because he appeared in the shape of Samuel Samuel himselfe is sayd to be seene Ad Simplicianum lib. 2. quaest 3. Argum. 2. Ecclesiastic 46 It is set downe as a commendation of Samuel
that he prophecied being dead Ergo it was Samuel indeed Bellarm. De Purgat lib. 2. cap. 6. Augustine answereth that this booke was not receiued into the Canon of the scriptures It is not Canonicall De cura pro mortuis cap. 15. Arg. 3. He telleth Saul things to come as how the next day he should be ouercome and slaine But the diuell knoweth not things to come Bellar. ibid. Augustine answereth Facile est non incongruum It is an easie matter with God and not vnlikely that some things should be reuealed to euill spirits for the greater punishment of the wicked for otherwise we might maruaile Quomodo daemones agnouerint Christum quem Iudaei non agnoscebant How the diuels knewe Christ whom the Iewes did not acknowledge Ad Simplician lib. 2. quaest 3. The Protestants THat it was not the soule of Samuel which appeared who was now at rest but the diuell in the likenes of Samuel who also can transforme himselfe into an Angel of light Augustine proueth by these foure arguments Argum. 1. Because the Witch or Pythonist vsed enchantments vnto the which the soule of so holy a prophet was not subiect Daemoniacis incantationibus vti videtur De mirabilib scriptur 2. cap. 11. Bellarmine answereth that Samuel preuented her enchantment and came vp voluntarily Ans. The text is contrarie vers 11. for the woman first asketh Saul whom she should bring vp that is by her charmes and incantations and he sayd bring me vp Samuel Argum. 2. Quomodo Saul c. How could Saul obtaine to heare a Prophet speake from the dead whom God vouchsafed not to answere by Prophets aliue The text is that God gaue him no answere neither by Prophets nor by dreames therefore I haue called for thee vers 15. Ergo it was not Samuel for then God should haue giuen him answere by Prophets Argum. 3. If it had been Samuel he would not haue told a lye vnto Saul saying to morowe thou shalt be with me Magno quippe interuallo separari bonos à malis legimus for we reade that the good are separated from the bad by a great distance after this life as it appeareth in the storie of Diues and Lazarus August ad Simplician ibid. Bellarm. He sayth as much as you shall be dead noting the generall condition not the particular state of the dead Ans. This phrase in scripture importeth and implieth also the particular state of those that are departed as 2. Sam. 12.23 Dauid saith of his child I shall goe to him he shal not come to me And Luk. 23.43 Christ saith This day shalt thou be with me in Paradise In both places it signifieth to be in rest and ioye in the same place where they are with whom they are sayd they shal be Ergo it must be so taken here Argum. 4. If it had been Samuel Vtique vir iustus non permisisset se adorari The iust man would not haue suffered himselfe to be adored and worshipped as the diuell doth take it at Saules hands to be worshipped of him For the text sayth he enclined his face toward the ground and bowed himselfe or worshipped August quaest ex veteri testam 27. THE SECOND QVESTION CONCERNING Purgatorie THe question hath three parts first whether there be any Purgatorie for soules to be purged cleansed in after this life Secondly of other circumstances and matters that doe belong thereunto Thirdly of praier for the dead THE FIRST PART WHETHER THERE BE any Purgatorie after this life The Papists THere is they say a certaine infernall place in the earth called Purgatorie in the which as in a prison house the soules which were not fully purged in this life are there cleansed and purged by fire before they can be receiued into heauen Bellarm. de Purgator lib. 1.1 lib. 2.6 Rhemist Matth. 12. sect 6. Argum. 1. Zachar. 9.11 Thou hast loosed thy prisoners out of the pit where was no water Psalm 66.12 We went through fire and water These and such like places the Iesuite vnderstandeth of Purgatorie Lib. 1. de Purgator cap. 3. Ans. First the Iesuite brought this place before to proue that there was Limbus Patrum and now he maketh it serue for Purgatorie thus they can make the scripture to speake what they list themselues But Purgatorie and Limbus Patrum are two diuers yea and contrary things for the Limbus was onely for those that liued before Christ Purgatorie began since the Limbus was voyde of payne and punishment so is not Purgatorie wherefore if the Lake or pit in Zacharie signifie Purgatorie it maketh nothing for Limbus and if it serue for Limbus then they misse of a place for Purgatorie But indeede it signifieth no such thing but is taken onely in that place for the affliction and miserie of this life as we shewed out of Augustine And so doth he also expound such and the like places out of the Psalmes as Psalm 86.13 Thou hast deliuered my soule from the lowest graue Quid sayth he est lacus infimus nisi profundissima miseria qua non sit profundior What els sayth he is the lowest pit or graue but the lowest degree of miserie then the which there can be no greater Argum. 2. Luk. 8.55 Her spirit came againe and she arose Christ raised the rulers daughter to life This euidently sheweth that there is a third place beside Heauen and Hell for the soules that are there cannot returne againe Rhemist Ans. Surely a goodly argument the spirits of Lazarus and of the Maide returned Ergo there is a third place and why may you not thinke that their soules were whereas the soules of other righteous are And why may not the Lord bring at his pleasure if it pleaseth him the soules at rest into their bodies againe Fulk 8. sect 5. Argum. 3. Of all other they most insult and beare themselues bolde vpon that place of Saint Paul 1. Corinth 3. which being rightly vnderstood doth not helpe them anything at al vers 13. The fire shal trie euery mans worke vers 15. if any mans worke burne he shall suffer losse but he shall be safe himselfe yet as it were through the fire Bellarm. Rhemist by fire here vnderstand the flames of Purgatorie by wood stubble strawe veniall sinnes which must be purged by that fire Rhemist 1. Cor. 3. sect 3. Ans. First by the precious matter here as of gold siluer are not the workes of charitie vnderstood but the preaching of sound doctrine by straw and stubble and wood and other combustible matter the affectation of eloquence and corrupt teaching of the truth yet holding the foundation not veniall sinnes as the Rhemists affirme and this Bellarmine also granteth Secondly fire is here taken allegorically as the rest of the words are of gold siluer stubble neither can it be taken for their Purgatorie fire because it trieth the workes onely not the persons and all must be tried by this fire as well those that build gold and siluer as the
be adored And thus it is lawfull profitable and expedient for the Church to Canonize Saints Bellarm. cap. 7. Argum. 1. The Patriarkes and Prophets were Canonized for Saints in the old law Heb. 11. So Act. 7. Stephen other were Canonized therfore it is credible that the Lord would haue the same order still continued in his Church Bellarm. cap. 7. Ans. First neither in the old nor the new lawe were any set vp to be Saints with intent to be worshipped called vpon temples to be consecrated in their names but onely the scripture giueth testimonie of them as of holy and faithfull men and so may we also honour the blessed Martyrs whom the cruell Emperours of Rome and since them the Popes of Rome haue sent through fire and other torments to heauen Secondly when they haue as good testimonie for their Saints as we haue for the holy Patriarkes and Prophets they may be bold to pronounce them to be holy blessed Thirdly your argument followeth not vnles you will say that the Church may doe all things now which the Prophets and Apostles did then They may as well make scripture and more Canonicall bookes by the same reason as make and Canonize new Saints The Protestants THat none of the Saints are to be adored or worshipped their images or reliques or praiers to be made vnto them or any such honor to be giuen them it shall afterward appeare more at large And therefore they ought not to be Canonized to any such end or purpose We also grant that the number of Gods Saints and elect is encreased daylie and we are sure in generall as the scripture testifieth that the death of his Saints is precious in the sight of God Psal. 116.15 And that all are blessed that dye in the Lord But particularly we are not able certainly to determine of any the matter is to be left wholly vnto God and we in the meane time to hope the best Argum. 1 If the Church hath authoritie to Canonize Saints determine of the election or saluation of men then may we as well iudge of the condemnation of those that are lost for if it be knowen to the Church who are Saints in heauen they also may as wel define who are damned in hell But this none can doe nay it were great rashnes and want of charity for any so to take vpon them S. Paul saith Why condemnest thou another mans seruant hee standeth or falleth to his owne master Rom. 14.4 No man can iudge whether the seruant stand or fall but his Master Ergo if the Church presume to determine of the election or damnation of those that are departed she is nowe a Mistres and Lady rather of the Saintes then they Lords or patrones to her as the Papistes holde they are Argum. 2 Iudge not saith S. Paul 1. Corinth 4.5 before the time vntill the Lord come The iudgement then of men who are saued and who are condemned is reserued for the comming of Christ Therefore it is great presumption for men to preuent the time and to take vpon them to bee Iudges in Gods place Againe our Sauiour Christ saith that To sit at his right hand or left in his kingdome was not his to giue meaning as he was man but it shal be giuen to them for whome it is prepared of my Father Math. 20.23 How then is it in the power of any sinfull man to giue vnto any a seat either at the right hand or left hand of Christ in the kingdome of God Argument Gualter Bruti Fox page 487. Augustine also consenteth Non separatio iam cuique tuta est illius erit separatio qui non nouit errare Nos in hac vita difficile est vt nos ipsos nouerimus quantò minùs debemus de quoquā praeproperam ferre sententiam It is not safe for men now to make separation of the good and bad it belongeth to him that can not erre We in this life do hardly know our selues howe much lesse ought we to iudge rashly of others exposit in Psalm 139. Here are two reasons giuen why it is not lawfull for men to iudge of the election or reprobation of men first their iudgement is subiect to error and therefore the matter must be referred to God who erreth not Secondly we can not iudge our selues much lesse can we iudge of others Ergo no man liuing ought or is able to define either who are Saints in heauen or who are damned in Hell AN APPENDIX OR THIRD PART of other circumstances which belong to the Canonizing of Saints The Papists THey say that it doth appertaine onely to the Pope to Canonize a Saint for error 24 the whole Church and that none ought to be acknowledged for Saints but they that are so Canonized by him And that herein the Pope is of so infallible a iudgement that he can not erre in Canonizing of Saints because that ordinarily none are Canonized by the Pope for saintes which haue not beene knowne to worke miracles Bellarm. lib. 1. cap. 8.9 10. The Protestants FIrst if saintes were to be registred and Canonized as they say yet it should not belong to the Pope but to the whole Church Argum. 1 The Pope hath no authoritie ouer the whole Church no nor yet in any other Bishoppes dioces no more then they haue in his Let him be content with his owne dioces and it were to be wished that he could rule that well the whole world is too large a prouince for him 2 The whole Church hath power to excommunicate and deliuer vp to sathan 1. Corinth 5. 4. and to cut off the prophane and wicked from the Church of God as heathen and publicanes Math. 18.17 Ergo to iudge who are members of the Church and saintes of God is a matter which appertaineth to the whole Church 3 Before Anno. 800. in the time of Carolus magnus there was no saint publiquely Canonized by the pope as Bellarm. confesseth but the truth is this custome of Canonizing saints beganne not till more then 1000. yeare after Christ til Alexander the 3. his time and Gregorie the 7. I pray you then were there no saints before if there were who canonized them Secondly So much as is to be knowne of saints and holy men euery Christian is to acknowledge without any publike decree or determination of the Pope or any other for the word of God giueth rules whereby we may discern the righteous from the vnrighteous Christ speaking of false prophets sayeth By their fruites ye shall know them Math. 7.16 And againe he fayth thus to his Apostles By this shal men know that you are my disciples if you loue one another Iohn 13.35 By these rules it is easie for euery Christian to iudge who for the present time are the true disciples of Christ who otherwise Thirdly it is a most impudent and shameles saying that the Pope can not erre in canonizing of Saintes 1 Miracles are no sufficient proofe of a saint for
the doctrine deliuered in scriptures we doe not refuse though we be not bound to beleeue any mans report of such miracles but onely the writings of the Apostles and Euangelists so we affirme that there is no such necessitie of miracles as in times past neither that we are to be pressed to shewe miracles seeing we professe the ancient Apostolike faith which hath been alreadie confirmed by the miraculous workes of our Sauiour Christ and his Apostles Wherefore we condemne the fabulous histories and reports of popish Saints whose liues are fuller of miracles if we wil beleeue them then were the liues of Christ and his Apostles Nay there is nothing almost done in their seruice but by a miracle Christs bodie present in the Masse by a miracle Diuels chased away with holy water Saints know their thoughts heare their prayers are present here and there their bodies many yeeres kept from corruption and all by miracles I conclude this poynt with Augustine Aut non sunt vera quae dicuntur aut si haereticorum aliqua mira facta sunt magis cauere debemus Either they are not true miracles which they boast of or if they be we must beware and take heed of them the more The Papists error 35 SEcondly they doe as much maintaine their fabulous visions and apparitions as lying miracles as how Christ came in a pilgrims weede to Gregories table of hospitalitie Rhemist Hebr. 13.2 Peter beleeued the vision and apparition shewed to Cornelius at his report before it was written Ergo we ought to beleeue visions not written in scripture Rhemist Act. 10. sect 3. The Protestants FIrst that of our Sauiour Christs appearing is an hereticall fable and impugneth the article of our faith concerning Christs ascension into heauen and there remaining till his second comming Secondly Peter was not bound to beleeue Cornelius vision till he had been by vision admonished himselfe the Apostles which were then endued with the gift of discerning spirits could better iudge of true visions then any man now can yet we refuse not to giue credite to visions when they are as crediblie reported vnto vs as this was to Peter but no vision nor miracle nor angel from heauen shall drawe vs away from the doctrine of the scriptures to beleeue errors Lastly we denye not but that they may haue visions but such as one Vincentius bragged of that wrote against Augustine concerning the originall of the soule He sayd that another Vincentius who had been a captaine or chiefe Donatist appeared vnto him in vision and bad him write those bookes to whom Augustine thus answereth Ille qui se transfigurat in angelum lucis in eo tibi est transfiguratus quem tu fuisse veluti angelum lucis credidisti He that can transfigure himselfe into an angel of light did transfigure himself into the shape of that man whom thou esteemedst as an angell of light Such apparitions they may haue and yet no great cause to boast of them The Papists THirdly they say that the power of working miracles was in the Apostles actually error 36 and that they properly did giue health and other things by their miraculous gift though they receiued the force and vertue of God And therefore they finde fault with vs because we giue this note A miracle done by Christ by the hands of the Apostles First Peter sayth That which we haue giue we to thee Act. 3.6 Secondly we must not thinke that they had no more power then as dead instruments in the workmans hand Rhemist in hunc locum The Protestants WE both agree that the power of working miracles was giuen of God but herein we differ they think that this power was inherent in the Apostles and that hauing once receiued this power of God they could execute it themselues like as a man hauing the power of sense and mouing by nature moueth and seeth when he list himselfe But we hold against the Pelagians Gratiam dei ad singulos actus dari that the grace of God is daylie infused and we haue need of it for euery act it is not sufficient once generally to haue receiued it So then the Apostles were but the instruments of Christs working he is better sayd in them and by them to worke miracles then they in and by him Neither doth it followe that they are dead instruments for the horse I trowe that draweth in the plough is no dead instrument yet he hath neede for euery boute and turning to haue a driuer and a guide truely we are as vnfit for the Lords yoke by nature as the horse is for the plough and therefore haue need of the Lords continuall direction The Apostles then gaue that they had not as owners but as the Lords agents and instruments of his working Augustine thus writeth Maiora quam ipse fecit dicit eos facturos sed in eis vel per eos se faciente He saith they shall doe greater workes then he that is himselfe working in them or by them Ergo Christ wrought miracles by the hands of the Apostles they were his liuely instruments in working The Papists error 37 FOurthly they doe greatly triumph and reioyce for the miracles which are wrought by the vertue of holy reliques First the woman was healed by touching the hemme of Christs garment Ergo vertue in holy reliques Rhemist Secondly napkins that had touched S. Paules bodie wrought miracles by the vertue giuen vnto them Ergo reliques may Act. 19. vers 12. Rhemist The Protestants Ans. TO the first first the vertue was not in the hemme of Christs garment but he sayth it proceeded from himselfe Luk. 8.46 Secondly it was her faith that healed her for many that thronged Christ touched his garments but receiued no benefite neither was there any vertue in his garments when the souldiers parted them amongst them Thirdly if it pleased the Lord to vse some externall signes as of oyle clay spittle in healing of men yet haue we no warrant that he will doe the like by touching of reliques To the second first the napkins brought from Paul had no such vertue in them for the text is plaine that they were wrought by the hands of Paul Secondly not all that touched them were presently healed Thirdly they were but as signes and tokens to the diseased that the Apostle when it pleased God might dispense miracles euen when he was absent Lastly if they haue to this day miracles wrought by the reliques monuments of Saints I feare me nay I dare say they are no better then the Donatists miracles were either figmenta mendacium hominum vel portenta fallacium spirituum either the glosings and fables of lying men or the strange workings of deceiuing spirits THE FIFTH QVESTION CONCERNING Images and of the signe of the Crosse. THe first part concerning Images is subdeuided into certaine other articles and poynts First of the difference of Idols and Images Secondly whether it be lawfull to haue Images Thirdly if it
festiuities of her Conception and Assumption be not kept she should haue none at all and so be thought worthie of lesse remembrance then any other Saint Galat. 4. sect 5. Rhemist The Protestants 1. WE doe not celebrate any festiuall daies in the honour of creatures neither of the Virgine Mary nor any other Saint but only to the honor of God and therefore the feasts of the Annuntiation and Purification may much better be receiued because they belong and are referred vnto Christ then the other festiuities of the assumption and conception of Mary the institution whereof was most superstitious the one for the fayned assumption of her bodie which your owne writers are vncertaine of the other to maintaine the heresie of the Franciscanes that she was conceiued and borne without sinne As for the memorie of the Virgine Mary it may better be kept then by such festiuities as our Sauiour Christ taught to keepe the remēbrance of Mary Magdalene by preaching the Gospell Math. 26.13 Fulk annot Act. 1.7 And if they only are Catholike generations that call her blessed in keeping these festiuities in her memoriall then there were no Catholike generations for many hundred yeeres after and so do you condemne the age of the Apostles for neither then nor many yeres after were these superstitious festiuities heard of But Mary saith in her song From henceforth euen from this time forward shall all generations call me blessed so that if her blessednesse had consisted in the memorie of those daies they should immediatly haue been kept especially the day of her natiuitie Fulk Galath 4. sect 5. 2. We doe allow all praise giuen vnto the Virgine without the dishonour of God and her Sonne and Sauiour Christ we doe acknowledge the honour that God vouchsafed her not to be a meritorious or principall efficient cause of our redemption but onely an holy vessell and instrumentall cause of the conception and birth of Christ by whose only merite and worthines our redemption is perfited as by a proper and principall and onely meritorious efficient cause thereof And therefore those are blasphemous titles which are giuen vnto her to call her the ladder of Heauen and gate of Paradise and such like and so in a manner to make her our redeemer Augustine saith She was more happie in that she conceiued the faith of Christ then in conceiuing the flesh of Christ. If then these titles be vnmeet for her in respect that she receiued the faith of Christ which is common to al the children of God then are they more vnfit in that she conceiued the flesh of Christ. 3. It is great presumption to thinke that the Virgine Mary may command her sonne in heauen seeing she had no authoritie to command him vpon earth in any thing pertaining to his office Ioh. 2.4 And now likewise that carnall respect of children to their parents ceaseth in the kingdome of God As for that superioritie higher kind of honour which she hath aboue al the Saints beside we finde no warrant out of scripture She is respected now in heauen not as she bare the flesh of Christ but as she liued by faith in Christ she also reioyced in God her Sauiour The scripture therefore maketh one condition and estate of all that shall be saued and sayth generally of all of others as well as the Virgine Christs mother That they shall be as the angels in heauen Matth. 22.30 Yea our Sauiour sheweth that Whosoeuer doth the wil of God is his sister brother and mother Math. 12.50 By the which we learne that other the faithfull seruants of GOD may by their faith in Christ be as well accepted of God as if they had borne Christ in the flesh Where then is that high dignitie which she hath as the mother of Christ aboue all Saints Augustine saith Tu concinis sine fine choris coniuncta Angelis Archangelis sociata Thou O Virgine doest reioyce being ioyned vnto the heauenly quire being associated to Angels and Archangels He maketh her not Ladie or Queene of heauen but onely a fellow companion of the Saints and Angels AN APPENDIX OR FIFT PART OF THE MErites of the Virgine and of the Aue Maria. The Papists 1. THey doe teach and hold that she onely amongst all women deserued to error 84 beare the redeemer of the world and so by her merites obtained that fauour to be the mother of Christ. Argum. The Angel saluteth her calleth her Full of grace which sheweth the prerogatiue that she had aboue other women and the worthines that was in her Rhemist Luk. 1. sect 12.15 The Protestants Ans. 1. Wee acknowledge that herein she was blessed aboue all other women in that she was chosen to be the mother of our Sauiour and that she was endued fully with the graces of the holy Ghost but those graces she had not of her selfe but of the free gift of God without her merites 2. The word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifieth freely beloued not full of grace as it is likewise taken Ephes. 1.6 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 He hath made vs accepted in his beloued Sonne 3. She her selfe confesseth her selfe in her song to bee of a lowe degree poore in spirit and hungrie whom God in mercie looked vpon Luk. 1.50 whereas God sent away the proud and rich as the proud Pharisie that thought himselfe rich of good workes obtained nothing of God Luk. 18. Wherefore if she had stood vpon her owne deserts she had made her selfe rich not poore neither should she haue magnified the mercie of God but his iustice for when a reward is giuen according to desert it is of his iustice and not mercie Augustine thus commenteth vpon the words of her song Magnificet animae mea Dominum recordetur quomodo nullis suis praecedentibus meritis sed sola dei bonitate sit ab iniquitate saluata Let my soule praise the Lord and remember how that not by any merites going before but through the only gracious goodnes of God it is deliuered from sinne Ergo Mary not saued by her merites nor consequently the mother of Christ by her merites but onely by the meere fauour of God The Papists 2. THey much commend the often vsing of the Aue Mary which is done say error 85 they to the honour of Christ and our Ladie Argum. They be the very summe and abridgement of the whole Gospell and therefore to be vsed Rhemist Luk. 1. sect 11. The Protestants 1. You do shamefully abuse those words in making a praier of them which was but a forme of salutation vsed by the Angel neither can you say them in that sense they were vttered in by the Angel Also you offend in the vaine repetition of them vpon your beades as the heathen did Math. 6.7 and in committing idolatrie in the inuocating of the Virgine and praying vnto her in these words who is a creature and not a God to be called vpon 2. What mysterie soeuer be contained
chapter of Iohn cannot be so vnderstoode as they expound it First Christ speaketh not onely of the sacramentall eating of his flesh and drinking of his blood but generally of the spirituall participation by fayth whether in the sacrament or without which is wrought in vs by the holy Ghost 1. If it be vnderstoode of the sacrament then it will follow that no man can be saued vnlesse he doe receiue the sacrament for Christ saith vers 53. Except you eate my flesh and drink my blood you cannot haue life in you This I am sure they will hardly grant that the Eucharist also should bee necessarie as they make Baptisme to saluation 2. If Christ hath relation to the sacrament then must it of necessitie bee ministred in both kindes for in euery place he ioyneth both these together the eating of his flesh and drinking of his blood Augustine also thus writeth vpon these wordes Hoc est manducare illam escam illum bibere potum in Christo manere illum manentemin se habere This it is to eate that flesh and to drinke that drinke to abide in Christ and to haue him abiding in vs but this may be done without the sacrament Ergo it is not necessary to vnderstand it of the sacrament Secondly though we should graunt that this whole treatise Iohn 6. may fitlie be referred to the sacrament yet the wordes must be taken figuratiuelie for the spirituall eating and drinking of Christ in the sacrament and not otherwise 1 Vers. 35. Christ so expoundeth his owne words I am the bread of life he that commeth to me shall not hunger and he that beleeueth in me shall not thirst To eate then and to drinke Christ is to beleeue in him 2 Christ vnderstandeth another manner of eating of his flesh then the Capernaites did But they imagined that Christ would giue his very flesh and blood to bee eaten And therefore they went away offended and sayd This is an hard saying vers 60. Therefore Christ to correct their erronious conceit sayth vnto them that his words were spirite and life that is spiritually to be vnderstoode verse 63. So Augustine interpreteth those wordes of Christ as if he had sayd Spiritualiter intelligite quod locutus sum You must vnderstand spiritually that which I haue sayd You shall not eate this body which you see nor drinke that blood which shall be shed for you Sacramentum vobis aliquod commendaui spiritualiter intellectum viuisicabit vos I haue commended a certaine mystery and sacrament vnto you which being spiritually vnderstood shall quicken you The Papists ARgum. 3. Christ in the institution of this sacrament sayd vnto his Apostles after hee had giuen thanks and blessed Hoc est corpus meum This is my bodie that is that which is contayned in this bread or vnder the formes of this bread is my very body Bellarm. cap. 9. So that these wordes must needes be taken properly not to bee a trope or figure 1 It is not the manner of the scriptures to set down flatte precepts and commaundements and directorie rules in obscure termes or figuratiue speeches but plainely and euidently therefore it is not like that Christ being now to prescribe vnto his Apostles the perpetuall lawe and forme of this sacrament would speake obscurely 2 Though he spake by parables and signes to the Pharisies yet there was no cause why he should so doe none being present but his Apostles Bellarmin ibid. Ans. 1. It is very well that you will now though I thinke vnawares grant vnto vs that the precepts and rules in scripture are set downe simply and playnely wherefore the scriptures cannot bee so hard and obscure as you would beare vs in hand they are for if the precepts and rules of fayth be euidently in scripture expressed as you seeme to confesse what reason haue you to keepe back the people from the reading of scripture 2 It is false that the scriptures vse no figures nor tropes in the declaration of the lawes and sacraments of the Church for sayth not Saint Paul speaking of the sacraments of the Iewes Petra erat Christus the rock was Christ 1. Cor. 10.4 that is signified Christ Likewise in the 17. vers We that are many are one bread that is our spirituall vnitie and coniunction is represented in that we are partakers of one bread 3 Sometimes our Sauiour would speake darkely being alone with his Apostles thereby to stirre them vp more diligently to attend vnto his wordes as when he biddeth them beware of the leauen of the Pharisies Mark 8.15 Yet this speech of our Sauiour Christ vttered in the hearing of his Apostles This is my bodie was neither so darke nor obscure that the Apostles neede much bee troubled about the vnderstanding Nay many things being spoken in borrowed and metaphoricall wordes are vttered with greater grace and carrie a fuller sense When Christ sayd I am the doore Iohn 10.9 I am the vine Iohn 15.1 he spake by figure as he doth here for neither was he a vine or a doore as the bread was not his bodie Yet which of the Apostles was there that vnderstoode him not when he called himselfe a vine and a doore Neither could they doubt of our Sauiour Christs meaning here Contra. Now on the other side we will make it playne that these words of Christ are spoken tropically 1 Where Christ sayth according to Saint Luke This cuppe is the new Testament in my blood Luk. 22.23 we must needes admitte a double trope or figure for first the cuppe is taken for that which was contayned in the cuppe Secondly the wine in the cuppe was not the newe Testament but a signe of the new Testament If then in one parte of the sacrament hee spake by a figure why not also in the other when he sayth This is my bodie that is a liuely signe and seale thereof 2 It is no vnusuall phrase in the scripture to say this is that is signifieth as Genes 17.10 Circumcision is called the couenant it selfe where it was a signe onely of it And Exod. 12.11 the Lambe is called the Lords passeouer which it betokened onely In the same sense Christ sayth This is my bodie that is exhibiteth and representeth vnto you my bodie Augustine so expoundeth these wordes Non dubitauit Dominus dicere Hoc est corpus meum cum daret signum corpus sui Christ doubted not to say This is my bodie when hee gaue a signe and sacrament of his bodie The Protestants THat Christ is present with all his benefites in the sacrament wee doe willingly graunt neither doe we thinke that the elements of bread and wine are bare and naked signes of the bodie and blood of Christ but Christ is verily by them exhibited vnto vs and spiritually by fayth we are truely made partakers of his precious bodie blood not that Christ descendeth from heauen to vs but we ascend by faith and in spirit vnto him yea we confesse
whose merites and praiers namely of the Saints grant we may be defended Thus the merites and praiers of Christ are excluded 4. We beseech thee saith the Priest to receiue this oblation which we beseech thee in all things to make blessed Heere the Priest is made a mediator betweene Christ and his Father desiring God to sanctifie the body blood of his sonne 5. Who the next day afore he suffered But the Scripture saith The same night For this is my body Heere they haue put in enim of their owne and left out quod pro vobis datur Such is their boldenes that they are not ashamed to change the words of our Sauiour Christ. 6. He saith further The holy bread of eternall life which vouchsafe thou with a pleasant countenaunce to beholde The bread of eternall life is Christ himselfe if this be he how dare ye presume to offer him vp to his Father 7. As thou didst vouchsafe to accept the righteous giftes of Abel and the sacrifice of Abraham Heere the sacrifice of Christ is compared to the sacrifice of beastes and the Priest seemeth to attribute as much efficacie to the one as to the other 8. And the holy sacrifice which thy high Priest Melchisedech did offer vnto thee This is a plaine vntruth and a flat lie as we haue shewed alredy that Melchisedech sacrificed bread and wine 9. Command thou these to be brought by the hands of thy holy Angell vnto the high altar in heauen What an absurd thing is this that he should desire that to be carried into heauen which he eateth and deuoureth And if this be the body of Christ what need the help of an Angell to carry it vp to heauen is not Christ able to lift vp his own body or what need that to be conueied to heauen which was neuer from thence 10. As many of vs as shall receiue thy Sonnes body and blood And yet for the most part none receiue but the Priest and when the people doe communicate the wine they haue not how then can he say As many 11. Remember O Lord the soules of thy seruants which rest in the sleepe of peace and graunt them a place of refreshing and rest Heere is an other error contrary to the Scriptures in praying for the dead and the praier also is contrary to it selfe for first he saith they rest in peace and yet afterward praieth for their refreshing 12. Vouchsafe to giue some portion with thy Saints And why doth he not rather pray to be admitted to the fellowship of Christ 13. Deliuer vs by the blessed intercession of the Virgine What then is become of Christs mediation and intercession 14. Let this mingling together of the body and blood of our Lord Iesus Christ be vnto me saluation of minde and body Then is not Christs blood shed vpon the Crosse the full sufficient and perfect saluation of mankinde if there be an other saluation beside 15. Grant me so worthily to take this holy body and blood that I may merite to receiue forgiuenes of sinnes O sinfull man how canst thou merite that which is Christs onely gift 16. Let the priest bow himselfe to the host saying I worship thee I glorifie thee I praise thee What monstrous Idolatry is this thus to worship a piece of bread 17. Let this communion purge vs from sinne If they meane the principall purging of our sinne so doth Christ onely purge vs Heb. 1.3 If they vnderstand the instrumental meanes of our purgation so are we purged and iustified onely by faith Rom. 3.28 18. Respect not my sinnes but the faith of thy Church By this reason one may be profited by an others faith which is contrary to the Scriptures the Iust shal liue by faith his owne and not an others 19. Let vs worship the signe of the Crosse What I pray you wil not these Idolaters worship 20. Let this sacrifice which J haue offered auaile to obtaine remission of sinnes If the Masse be auaileable for this end wherefore then died Christ Thus we see with how many and what great and horrible blasphemies this popish nay rather diuelish canon of the Masse is stuffed indeede it is an epitome and abridgement of Papistrie the marrow sinewes and bones of their idolatrous profession yea the very darling of the popish Church it is the very proper badge and marke of a papist He that hateth the Masse hateth the whore of Babylon he that loueth the Masse cannot loue the truth If then I should be demaunded at once which of all popish blasphemies and heresies I thinke most abominable contrary to the faith and to be abhorred of all good christians though I know that there are many of this kinde yet I would redily answere the Masse the inuention whereof I am wel assured cannot be ascribed but to the deuil himselfe the author of all lies and blasphemies I conclude therefore with that saying of Gregorie as he said concerning the word Antichristus so may I in as good sense of this word Missa as it is now vnderstoode of Papists Si spectes quantitatem vocis duae sunt syllabae si pondus iniquitatis est vniuersa pernicies If you marke the quantitie of the word it standeth but of two syllables but if we respect the waight of iniquitie it containeth all impietie and vngodlines Soli Deo immortali Patri Filio cum Spiritu sancto sit honor et imperium sempiternum THE THIRD BOOKE OR CENTVRIE CONTAINING A THIRD HVNDRED OF POPISH ERRORS AND HERESIES ABOVT the controuersies of the fiue Popish Sacraments and of the benefites of our redemption and concerning the person of Christ CONSISTING OF SEVEN SEVERAL CONTROVERSIES THE 14 15.16 17 18 19 20. in number Jmprinted at London by Thomas Orwin for Thomas Man 1592. To the right honorable Sir Robert Cicil Knight one of her Maiesties most honorable priuie Councell BOth that general loue right honorable which the Church of God doth beare to your worthie and honorable Father for his sincere and sound affection to religion and the dutifull reuerence which our vniuersitie of Cambridge and generally the whole company of Students doth owe vnto him as their singular good Patrone haue moued and caused me at this time to cōmend this last part of this worke to your Honor his sonne of whose loue also vnto the Gospell following your Fathers steppes we are all perswaded and conceiue no lesse hope of your honourable fauour to learning I haue as your Honor seeth vndertaken an hard peece of worke and thrust my shoulders vnder an heauy burthen for in this worke I haue taken vpon me to discouer and lay open all popish Heresies and Errors to portraite and decipher the whole body of papistrie to spread abroad the whore of Babylons skirtes that her filthines may appeare to vncouer her whorish face which masked vnder the visour of the Church and religion for we may say to them as Leo Bishop of Rome did sometime to certaine Heretikes Ecclesiae
of his abasing and humiliation Fulke annot in hunc locum as S. Paul saith That he made himselfe of no reputation and tooke vpon him the forme of a seruant Philip. 2.7 The Protestants THat Christ our Sauiour by the vertue of his death did ouercome hel and the deuill we doe verily beleeue which may be called a discent into hell that he also suffered the torments of hell vpon the crosse and so descended into hell for vs to abide that bitter paine which we had deserued to suffer eternally we doe also holde and teach for what rather may be called hell then the anguish of soule which he suffered when he being God yet complained that he was forsaken of God Furthermore if descending into hell be taken according to the Hebrew phrase For entring into the state of the dead so we also graunt that Christ descended into hell Fulk Act. 2. sect 11. But for the descending of Christ into hell after your sense to deliuer the Patriarkes from thence when you can proue it out of Scripture we will yeelde vnto you 1. The soule of Christ which he committed into his Fathers hands was in Paradise where he promised the theefe should be with him Luke 22.43 How then could his soule be three daies in hell as you affirme from the time of his death to his resurrection Fulke Luke 11. sect 4. Bellarm. answereth that it was not impossible that the soule of Christ should be in two places at once cap. 15. which is an answere not worthy to be answered for who hath taught them so boldly to builde their phantasies vpon Gods power hauing no warrant not assurance of his wil May not the Vbiquitaries by the same reason proue the omnipresence of Christs humanity because he is able to make his soule and body to be in many places at once as well as in two and so consequently by his power which is infinite as well in all places as in many 2. We beleeue that the Patriarkes and godly Fathers were in heauen or Paradise as well before the resurrection of Christ as after for in as much as they were iustified by faith in his blood they receiued the same crowne and reward of righteousnes that we doe being iustified by the same meanes This we haue proued more at large controu 9. quest 1. Wherefore seeing there were none in hell which they call Limbus Patrum to be deliuered there was no such cause why Christ should descend into hell Therefore he descended not to deliuer the Patriarkes that remained in darkenes 3. They agree not among thēselues about this article of Christs descension to deliuer the Patriarkes Andradius saith it cānot be proued out of Scripture but Bellarmine and our Rhemists doe bring their best arguments for it out of Scripture they alleadge also diuers causes of his descension the Romane Catechisme rendreth two reasons one to set the Patriarkes at liberty the other to manifest the power and vertue of his death in hell but that S. Paul saith was sufficiently manifested and made knowne vpon the crosse Colos. 2.15 Thomas Aquinas beside these addeth a third that as Christ died for vs to free vs from death so it was conuenient that he should descend into hell to deliuer vs from the descension into hell as though Christ by his death did not fully deliuer vs from eternall damnation Some other holde that Christ went thither to suffer the torments of hell that he might fully pay our raunsome by suffering the whole punishmēt due vnto mankinde but this is a very grosse and erronious opinion for Christ suffered fully in body and soule vpon the Crosse when he cried Consummatum est It is finished that is he had fully appeased the wrath of God by his sufferings Augustine saith plainely that he knew not what good Christ wrought for the iust soules that were in the bosome of Abraham when he descended into hell a quib eum secundum beatificā praesentiam diuinitatis nunquam video recessisse From whom I finde hee was neuer absent or withdrew himselfe by the blessed presence of his diuine power Ergo in his iudgement Christ descended not to deliuer the Patriarkes And concerning the soule of Christ he writeth flatly Si mortuo corpore anima latronis ad Paradisum mox vocatur quempiam adhuc tam impium credimus qui dicere audeat quoniam anima Saluatoris nostri triduo illo corpor●ae mortis apud inferos custodiae mancipetur If the soule of the theefe straightway being gone from the body was called vp to heauen is there any man so wicked to say that the soule of our Sauiour was kept three daies in the prison of hel By his sentence then the soule of Christ passed straight to heauen and descended not to hell AN APPENDIX CONCERNING the place of Hell The Papists THe place where damned spirites are tormented they say is about the center of the earth the lowest of all places and nothing lower then it Bellarm. de error 102 Christi anima lib. 4. cap. 10. Their Limbus Patrum the place of darkenes where the Fathers were before Christ is say they in the highest parte and as it were the brimme of hel Rhemist Luke 1● 22 Betweene these two places there is a great gulfe or space and there is Purgatory Rhemist Luk. 16. sect 8. Wherefore they conclude veros inferos esse loca subterranea That the subterrestriall and infernall places doe properly make hell Bellarm. cap. 8. And so hell should be properly a place of punishmēt because of the farre distance from heauen whereas not so much the distance of place as the absence of Gods spirite and losse of his fauour maketh it a place of horror and miserie Argum. 1. Math. 12.40 As Ionas was three daies and three nights in the belly of the Whale so the sonne of man must be in the hart of the earth but the graue is not in the hart but the brimme of the earth Ergo we must needes vnderstand Hell which is in the midst of the earth Bellarm. cap. 12. Ans. 1. This place cannot otherwise be applied then to signifie the burial of Christ and his abode in the graue and his rising againe the third day of his soule it cannot properly be meant for Christ saith he will giue them the signe of Ionas in himselfe but a signe is conspicuous visible and apparent how could then the descending of his soule be a signe vnto them which they knew not neither could see But the laying of his body into the graue and the remaining there to the third day they were all eye witnesses of Also there is great affinity betweene the two Greeke words 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a signe which is there vsed Math. 12.40 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which signifieth sepulchrum a graue the one word being fitly deriued of the other what better 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 then could he giue them then 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 his owne graue or Sepulchre Secondly to