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A14653 The doctrine of the Sabbath Wherein the first institution of the vveekly Sabbath, with the time thereof, the nature of the law binding man to keep it, the true ground, and necessity of the first institution, and of the observation of it, on the severall day in the Old Testament, and also of the moving of it to the first day under the Gospel, are laid open and proved out of the Holy Scriptures. Also besides the speciall dueties necessarily required for the due sanctification thereof, those two profitable points are proved by demonstrations out of Gods Word. First, that the Lord Christ God and man, is the Lord of the Sabbath, on whom the Sabbath was first founded...2. That the faithfull under the Gospell are as necessarily bound to keep the weekly Sabbath of the Lords day... Deliverd in divers sermons by George Walker B. of Divinity and pastor of St. Iohn Evangelists Church in London. Walker, George, 1581?-1651. 1638 (1638) STC 24957; ESTC S103296 151,861 168

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of them My reasons are First because creating of naturall holynesse in any thing is a worke of creation But God rested from all works of creation on the seventh day and from making any thing which belonged to the naturall being of any creature or to the natural frame and perfection of it witnesse the wordes of my text and the wordes of the Lord him selfe Exod. 20.13 Secondly the Scriptures which are the onely rule of faith and so all Doctrines of this kind do never mention any naturall holynesse in any creature which God made in the whole created frame of heaven and earth all though God did create man perfect in his kinde even in his own image Yet I doe not read that this image comprehended any more in it but naturall gifts and endowments onely as light of understanding libertye of will most free to good onely and well ordered affections all upright also a comely frame and excellent temperatur of the body fitt to be the seat subject instrument of a liveing reasonable naturall soule and spirit and to rule over all other creatures Salomon the wise preacher describeing the image and excellent frame wherein God created man makes no mention of any holynesse but onely of naturall uprightnesse God saith he made man upright We never read of holynesse naturall to any but onely to God Thirdly true holynesse is a gift of supernaturall grace given onely in Christ and proceeding f●om the holy Ghost shed on men through Christ and dwelling in them as the immortall seed of God It belongs not to the naturall image of God wherein the first earthly Adam was created but to the spirituall and heavenly image of the second Adam Christ who is a quickening spirit the Lord from heaven heavenly whose image no man can bear but in the state of regeneration when he is borne of the spirit and begotten of God to a lively hope to the inheritance incorruptible and undefiled which fadeth not a way as I have largly here to fore proved by divers Scriptures which appose the image of true holynesse and undefyled righteousnesse which men have in Christ to the image of the first Adam but that upright image wherein he was first made and that corrupt image where in to he was transformed by his fall as appeares most plainely 1. Cor 15.45.49 Eph. 4.23.24 The thing which deceives many learned men and carries them to thinke that holinesse was apart of mans naturall image in which he was created is this First they take it for granted that all vprightnesse purity of man in heart soule life and conversation by which he is conformable to the law of nature and to Gods will revealed and his commandements given to him is true holinesse and is so called in Scripture Secondly they reade that Adam was made by God vpright and had that purity vprightnesse which made him conformable to Gods law and revealed will and this was Gods image in him herevpon they conclude that Adam was created in true holinesse To this I haue heretofore vpon another textfully answered by laying downe a plaine distinction gathered from Gods word and daily experience and by applying it to this purpose For I haue distingu●shed purity and uprightnesse by which man is conformable to the revealed will and law of God into two sorts First there is a created naturall purity vprightnesse founded upon naturall principles which God gaue to man in his fi●st creation by he which was conformable to Gods revealed will to the law of his nature in the state of innocency but this vprightnesse having no other roote or foundation but mans mutable nature and frame was also mutable and was quickly defaced and corrupted by the subtilty of the tempter and mans fall Secondly there is a renewed or new created uprightnesse and purity of man in his heart and soule life and conversation which is found onely in Gods elect faithfull regenerat Children by which they are here in some measure made conformable to the law and will of God this although it is much ecclipsed and obscured by the remainders of naturall corruption which still dwell in Gods Saints in this fraile life and mortall body and doth not shine forth in the true brightnesse of it yet it proceeds from an eternall fountaine the pure waters whereof spring vp unto life eternall and cannot be defiled but remaine pure though they passe through the dead sea of Sodom the filthy lake of mans naturall corruptions which dwell still in this body of death this pure fountaine is the spirit of regeneration which God sheds through Christ on the elect as our Saviour himselfe teacheth Joh. 14.4 8.38.39 And because this spirit even the holy Ghost which daily renues them being shed on them in there new birth Tit. 3.5.6 doth dwell in them as the mortall seed of God abides with them for ever Joh. 14 16. and is stronger then the spirit of malice the Devill which overthrew our first parents and ever since rules in all worldly men 1 Iob. 4.4 Therefore it is true puritie and vprightnesse which cannot faile nor deceive us as Adams did and this is that which the Apostle cals the new man and the righteousnesse and holinesse of truth Ephess 4.24 in the same sence that spirituall supernaturall and heavenly graces are called the true riches that is the riches durable and incorruptible which will neverly vnto vs nor by failing deceive vs Luk. 16. As for the created purity and vprightnesse by which the first Adam was conformable to the law it is never in all the Scriptures called by the name of holinesse neither is it or any morall virtue in any vnregenerate man any true holinesse because it proceeds not from the holy Ghost who dwels in the regenerate and works all true holinesse in in them I wish that all the learned would seriously weigh this truth embrace it with their hearts and beare it continualy in their minds and memories For this will at one blow raze to the very foundation all pelagian Popish Armian Hoeresies concerning the power of mans fre● will the efficacy and merit of mans naturall workes don before regeneration and the falling away of men regenerate and justified from the grace of God and from justifying faith and true holinesse also concerning vniversall grace given to all men by which they haue it in their owne power to be saved And if it would please the Lord to open the hearts of our people r●ghtlie conceive this difference betweene the image of the first and second Adam and betweene the created naturall vprightnesse of Adam and the spirituall vprightnesse and infused holinesse wherein the second Adam was conceived and framed by the holy Ghost This would ravish their hearts and fill them with admiration of the singular loue of God to his elect in Christ and of the singular excellencie of the grace holinesse and of those high prerogatives which the regenerate
all our owne ordinarie and common workes and labours Fourthlie they who are more spirituall and haue haue liuely hope of Heaven and haue the spirit shed on them more abundantlie they are more bound by Gods law to sequester themselves and withdraw their mindes from worldlie cares and more to minde heavenlie things as at all other times so on the Lords holie daie which is consecrated to heavenly spirituall and religious worship and seruice of God is a pledg to them of eternall rest with Christ in heaven For to whome God hath given more of them shall more bee required Now it is most plainly testified in the Scriptures That Christians vnder the Gospell are more spirituall and haue the spirit more abundantly shed on them through Christ then the Fathers had Act. 2.17 Tit. 3.6 The Ministery of the new Testament is the ministery of the spirit not of the letter 2 Cor. 3.6 And we haue now more evidence more assurance of the blessed hope reserued in heaven for vs. Colos. 1.5 There is Christ our life and Treasure Colos. 3 1.2 And there our hearts ought to be and not on earthly things We must now be ready if Christ call vs to sell all and to giue to the poore that we may haue treasure in heaven Therefore we are bound by the law especially on the Lords day our weekly holy day to be more sequestered from the world and to rest wholy from all cares and labours about earthly things that we may be wholy deuoted to heavenly things and to divine meditations Lastly though Auncient Fathers and Doctours of the Church did much condemne in their writings the observation of the Sabbath after the manner of the later Iewes to weet in idlenesse and from resting from all worldly affaires that they might spend the day in vaine sports and delights and in wanton leaping and dauncing which in the graue judgment of these learned Fathers Was worse and more prophane then plowing and digging and working in woll Yet notwithstanding they doe generally commend the Lords day as a day of rest to all Gods people from all rurall workes and worldly affaires that they may be at leasure to exercise themselues in holy duties and be wholy devoted to the worshipp of God And hereupon it is that the learned of these later times especially the builders of Gods Church in this land do most frequently in respect of this rest and cessarion from al seculiar affaires call the Lords day the Sabbath of Christians as appeares in the first part of the Homily of the time and place of prayer and do affirme that as the Fathers in the old Testament were bound to rest one the seventh day from all manner of worke Soe also are Christians bound on the Lords day to rest and that by the law of God CHAP. 20 THE second position which I haue propounded before which now Comes to be proved is That Gods law rightly understood doth in respect of this duty of rest from all worldly affaires as strictly bind us under the Gospell on the Lords day as it bound the fathers on the Sabbath of the seventh day in the old Testament Here some will perhaps imagine that I goe about to laye an heavy yoke of Jewish legall bondage upon Christians contrary to Christian liberty by which Christ hath made us free But if they remember and beare in minde what I haue before proued to weet That the fathers from the beginning had no such burden imposed on them as is commonly conceived and that the Scrip●ures are alleaged to proue that they might not kindle a fire nor dresse meate nor goe out of their place on the Sabbath day and that it was death to gather sticks on that day in case of necessity are much mistaken They shall be forced to confesse that I take away the heavy yoke which many lay upon the Fathers in the old Testament ra●hen then lay any yoke upon Christians in the obseruation of the Sabbath Yea that I require and urge no more then that which all the learned of best note in all ages haue ever since the time of the Apostles and by tradition from them commended to the Churches of Christ which also the lawes Canons and Doctrine of the Church of England generally receiued and established doe impose on us the light burden and easie yoke of Christ. It is true that the Scribes and Pharises those great corrupters of the law and blinde Hypocrites as our Saviour cals them did lay an heavy yoke on the people of their time by their false glosses and corrupt traditions as in diuers other points so in the obseruation of the Sabbath They held it unlawfull in case of necessity to pull an eare of corne or any fruite from a tree on the Sabbath day and blamed Christs Disciples for doing so when they were hungry and had no other meanes to keepe themselues from fainting They accused our Saviour Christ for working a glorious miracle and doing a worke of great charity on the Sabbath when by his word he healed some that were sick of great infirmities and sent them away bearing their beds on their backes in open sight of all which tended much to the honour of God and made the people glorifie Christ and his Gospell But our Saviour reproues them for this strictnesse and convinceth them of errour by diuers argument● First by Scripture which saith that God will haue mercy rather then sacrifice that is God is serued more acceptably with workes of mercy which are morall duties then sacrifices which are but a seruice ceremonial he delights more in works of mercy charity then in them as at all times so when they are done to his glory on the Sab day So that if it was a breach and prophanation of the Sab to do any worke of mercie in it then it must needs be much more a prophanation to labour worke about sacrifices in killing beasts dressing washing their flesh making fires to burne them on the Altar which were not so pleasing to God as works of mercy But the Pharisees allowed approued such works of sacrificing durst not condemn thē And th●●for our Saviour concludes that they ought not to condemne his mercifull works of healing the sick on the Sab day shewes that by censuring his doings for prophanation they did much more censure the forenamed actions of their Priests even the dressing burning sacrifices mat Secondly our Saviour proues that by Gods owne law they were allowed to circumcise children on the Sab day whensoever it happened to fall out on the eight daie after the birth of children and to the Child circumcised they applied healing medicin●s and therfore they groslie erred in accusing him for healing on the Sabbath which was a thing pleasing to God and was a lesse labour then Circumcision Iohn 7.22 Thirdlie he convinceth them of grosse hypocrisie and blindnesse in that they imposed heavie burdens upon
and faithfull receive and enjoy through him which indeed soe farre exceed all that belonged to man in the state of innocency as Christ the second Adam in his humanity exceeded the first Adam and immutable grace exceeds mutable nature and as eternall fruition of God in heavenly grace excels the fruition of fading pleasures in an earthly paradise CHAP. 6 Secondly Gods sanctifying of the seventh day was not the creation or infusing of any spirituall or supernaturall holinesse into it by which it did excell all other dayes of the weeke For first all spirituall and supernaturall holinesse is created infused by the holy Ghost only into reasonable creatures Angels and men and cannot be in any thing void of reason vnderstanding free will and affections Although things without life and creatures void of reason are called holy by way of relation because they are dedicated to an holie use Yet nothing is called holie by holinesse of qualification that is by holinesse inherent heavenlie grace qualitie and perfection but onelie man and the holie Angels who are partakers of the holie Ghost and haue him dwelling working in them For this holinesse is unstained puritie and vnspotted vprightnesse which possesseth and informeth the vnderstanding will desires affections and inclinations of resonable creatures makes them conformable to Gods revealed will and the rule of his law S●e that to imagine holines infused into any time place or any other thing which hath not reason vnderstanding and will is a mere dreame dotage and superstition Times and places as holy daies and holie temples are holie in Scripture not for any holines inherent in them which they communicate to Gods people but because these daies and places are dedicated to holie use and in them God is pleased by his spirit working with his word and ordinances to beg it increase and stirre vp holy aff●ctions in men and to come and enable them to performe holie actions according to Gods will Secondlie all true infused inherent holinesse created and wrought by the holie Ghost springs from an eternall fountaine and is founded vpon a sure rock which can never bee removed but standeth firme for ever Where Gods spirit once informeth or taketh possession and worketh true holinesse ther he abides for ever Ioh. 14.16 The Devill and all the powers of darknesse cannot prevaile nor dispossesse him for he is greater then they all 1. Ioh. 4.4 Soe that if God had sanctified the seventh day by infusing holinesse and conforming it with the holy Ghost it could never haue beene profaned polluted and defiled by men neither could there haue beene any chaunge of it from the holy Sabbath to a common and ordinary day of the weeke as now wee see by Christs resurrection It should haue continued Gods holy weekly Sabbath for ever even as men once truly regenerate and sanctified by the holy Ghost are by that spirit sealed vnto the day of full redemption Ephess 4.30 CHAP. 7. THE affirmatiue positions wherein J will shew how God sanctified the seventh day are three First God did on that day reveale himselfe to man a most pure and holy God more then in all the six daies of the creation For in creating all things of nothing he shewed his power And omnipotencie in making al things good and perfect in there kind And in setting the heavens and the earth and all creatures in such an excellent comelie order hee shewed his wisdome and goodnesse And in making man vpright in his owne image giving him dominion over all living creatures to order them according to his will and to the law written in mans heart he declared his righteousnes But on the seventh day by promising Christ a perfect redeemer and Sauiour he manifested and revealed his most perfect purity holinesse diverse waies First by his suffering of man to liue in his sight and to approach to his presence when he was corrupted by his fall and become filthy and abominable and in the strictnesse and rigor of justice worthy to be destroyed with eternall death God did plainly shew that he is a God infinitly holie and cannot receive the least spot and staine of mans corruption approaching to his presence but appeares most pure and glorious and shines forth bejond all measure by making an holy vse of mans vncleannesse and ordering and disposing it to the more full manifestation and communication of his glorie goodnesse to his elect in Christ For as the purity of gold doth more appeare by abiding most pure and perfect in the midst of consuming fire and a furnace of fire full of uncleane ashes and after the touching of things most vncleane Soe Gods perfect purity and holinesse appeares most infinit and vnspotted in that he suffers vncleane man made filthy and abominable by sinne to live in his sight and presence doth order dispose his uncleannesse to an holy end doth meddle with it touch it yet is no whit diminished or obscured therby but made more bright and resplendent in the eyes of the world Secondly God by his promising of Christ to become mā in mans nature to make a ful perfect satisfaction to justice for mans sin did shew his infinit purity holy hatred of sin more then by any worke of creation In that rather then mās sin filthines should not be punished to the full his justice fully satitisfied he would giue his own Son a person of infinit value to bear the cur●e sufferedthe whole punishment of sin in mans nature and so to make full satisfaction for it Thirdly the revealing of Christ and promising of him to be a second Adam who is the Lord from heaven heavenly and a quickening spirit through whom he doth richlie shed his spirit on Adam and all his elect seed in their generation which holy spirit doth dwell in their frail earthly sinfull bodies as in a Tabernacle temple all the time of this fraile life is not stained nor defiled with their corruptions but doth abide most pure and holy and doth overcome mortifie and kill by a long and lingring death the old man of sinne in them and workes in them that spirituall purity and holinesse which though it be not like a grain of mustard seed yet cannot bee destroied or defiled but increaseth more and more and prevaileth against all powers of darknesse this doth aboue all shew the infinit puritie and holinesse of God and of his spirit And therfore J conclude that God by promising and revealing Christ on the seventh daie did then first shew himselfe infinitly pure and did manifest vnspotted holinesse more then in all the six daies of the creation and this is the first point of his sanctifying of the daie to bee an holie Sabbath of rest vntill the full exhibition of Christ a perfect actuall redeemer on the day of his resurrection CHAP. 8. SEcondly God on the seventh daie did though Christ promised ●●ed the holie Ghost
on our first parents begittēth of his immortal thē seed sanctifie them and worke faith and all saving graces in them so that they bele●ved the promise and found rest in Christ. And so this was the daie wherein God did first make man actuall partaker of his spirit and did make in him true holinesse and conforme him to the Image of Christ This appeares by three things First by Adams words chapt 3.20 where not withstanding Gods passing of the sentence of bodilie death against him and of his returning to dust in the grave in the words next before yet ●e by faith laies hold on one eternall life in Christ the promised seed and being strengthened with might by the spirit in the inner man doth call his wife Chavah which signifieth life because by Christ promised to be come her seed shee sh●uld bee the mother of all liuing and not onely all his naturall seed should by Christ haue naturall life for a time and being on earth continued vnto them but also after death his wife and al their elect seed should haue life eternall in him This is a strong argument of a lively faith and of the quickening spirit given to Adam vpon the verie daie of the promise which was the seventh day Secondly that our first parents had the holy spirit given them on that daie by faith were instituted made partakers of the righteousnes of Christ the coats of skins doe shew which God fitted to them put vpon them For undoubtedly these skins of cleane beasts which God taught and commanded them to kill and offer in sacrifice as tipes figures and pledges of their redemption by the death and sacrifice of of Christ and these coats made of the skins of beasts sacrificed and put upon our first parents by God himself did plainly forshew the covering and clothing of all the faithfull with the Robes of Christ satisfaction and righ●iousnesse were a token and pledge to them that they were justified by faith in Christ to come and cloathed with the garments of salvation For all Gods works are perfect he gives to no men by his own hand immediatly the outward pledg seale without the inward grace Thirdly Adams teaching of his sonnes Caine and Abell to sacrifice and to bring offerings first fruits to God which were tipes of Christ and of Gods rest in his mediation and fulls satisfaction and that at the end of daies that is the seventh which is the last of the week Gods holy weekly Sabbath these J say doe testifie Adams faith in the promise his holy obedience to Gods commandment of keeping holy the seuēth day and his holy care to teach his Children holy obedience also Now this being manifest that of the seventh day God did first sanctifie man by his holy spirit and did bring in holinesse into the world among men we must needs acknowledg this a second point of Gods sanctifying that day and making it fit to bee his holy weekely Sabbath and the day of his holy worship CHAP. 9. THirdly the Lord God for a memoriall of these supernaturall heavenly things first revealed done on the seventh day and for a pledg to man of the eternall rest in heaven did also by his word and commandment appoint every seventh day to be vnto man a day of rest from his owne works which concerne this worldly life and to be kept an holy Sabbath to the Lord his God and this is the third point of Gods sanctifying the seventh day and setting it apart for holy and heavenlie vse and for holy worshippe service and religious duties which tend to begit and increase holinesse in men and so to bring them to see and enjoy God in the eternall rest of glorie This point because it is of greatest weight and moment comprehends in it many of those things which are necessary to be laid open made knowne for the distinct and profittable understanding of the Lords holy weekly Sabbath the right obseruation thereof together with the duties which belong thereunto are therein required Therefore I will doe my best endeavour to handle this point more fully to laie open distinctly the speciall things therein contained and that in this method order First I will proue this maine point to weet That Gods blessing and sanctifying of the seventh day did include the giving of a law commandement for the keeping of an holy weekly Sabbath Gods giving of this commandement was a maine speciall part of his sanctifying of it Secondly I will enquire search out the nature of that law commandement how farre in what manner it bindes Adam and all his posteritie Thirdlie because everie law which God gives to man doth impose a dutie upon man and bindes man to the performance of it therefore the uerie words of the text binds me to handlle at large mans dutie which this commandement of God this word by which hee did blesse and sanctifie the seventh day doth impose upon Adam all his posteritie even their sanctifying keeping holy the Sabbath day For the proofe of the maine point we haue three notable argumēts First we haue the plaine testimony of God himselfe Exod. 16.28 where he cals this his blessing sanctifying of the seventh day by the maine of a commandement law tels the Isralites that they not keeping of an holy rest but going out togather Manna on the seventh day did refuse to keepe his commandements and lawes that is his commandements and lawes which he had given from the beginning in his blessing and the sanctifying of the seventh day For of other speciall lawes and commandements given beefore that time concerning the Sabbath there is no mention at all in Scripture neither did God giue any besides that from the beginning untill hee spake unto them afterward from mount Sinah and in the fourth Commandement called upon them to remember the Law of old giuen for keeping holy the Sabbath and renewed it againe to them Secondly In all the Law of God and in all the Scriptures wee never read of any thing truly hallowed sanctified and set apart for holy vse but by speciall Commandement of God and by the direction of his word the first thing which is said to bee sanctified after the seventh daie is the first borne of Israell Exod 13.2 and this was by Gods speciall commandement and therefore hee saith that he hallowed them On that day which he smote the first borne of Egypt Num. 3.13 The next sanctified mentioned in Scripture is that of the people of Israell when they were to come into the sight and presence of Gods Majestie at mount Sina Exod. 19.10 and that was by Gods direction and commandement as is there testified in expresse words The third sanctification mentioned in the Scriptures is that of the Sanctuary and the Altar and all the holy Uessels and implements therof And Aaron and his sonnes the
exercises as tend to make men meet to be partakers thereof Now the first day of the weeke the Lords day is the day wherein God first created the light of the visible world even the fiery heavens which shine forth ever since and give light to the inferiour world soe it is testified Gen. 1.3 And on this day Christ the Lord the sun of righteousnesse did rise up and did bring to light immortallity eternall life and became the great and glorious light of the world Therefore this day is the fittest and most worthy to bee the holie weeklie Sabbath and to be spent in meditation upon seeking for the inheritance of the Saints in light Fourthly that day which hath not only the same grounds and reasons in it upon which God first founded the Sabbath and sanctified the seventh day but also divers additions of the same kinde which make the grounds and reasons more forcible and excellent This is most fit and worhy to be the holy weekly Sabbath and such is the first day of the weeke and hath beene ever since it became the Lords day by the Lord Christ his resurrection For proofe whereof consider the grounds and reasons upon which God sanctified the seventh day 1. Gods ending or perfecting his created worke 2. Gods resting from that worke 3. Gods blessing of the seventh day by revealing on it the greatest blessing farre aboue any given in the creation These are the groundes here laid downe in my text which are rehearsed againe by God in the fourth commandement of the law And another reason drawne from the end and use of the Sabbath is also added Exod. 31.13 Ezech 20.12 to weet that the Sabbath might be a signe and token from God that hee is their God who doth sanctifie them that is by giving his Holy spirit with all saving graces in this life vnto them in Christ doth fit them for the fruition sight of his glory in the eternall rest in Heaven so makes the weekly Sabbath a pledge of the eternall Sabbath in the world to come also Now the godly learned heretofore who had no thought of founding the Sabbath on Christ promised on the seventh day of the world they do understand Gods ending of his worke to be either the finishing of the creation on the seventh day by adding some perfection or natural blessing to the creatures more then he had given on the sixt daies Or else that God had already ended perfected his worke before the seuenth day for this cause blessed sanctified the seventh day for a memoriall of the creation of the world and all things therein made perfect and compleat so appearing on that day And by Gods resting on the seventh day from all his worke which he created made they understand nothing else but Gods rest of mere cessation because this was the day wherein God hauing finished his worke made all things good had no occasion to worke any more by way of creation but rested from making more kindes of creatures Therefore God commanded man to rest after his example every seventh day and to keep it for a weekly Sabbath And by Gods blessing of the seventh day they doe understand Gods sanctifying of it to be a signe pledge of the eternall rest These being the grounds reasons in the opinion of the learned vpon which God sanctified the seuenth daie are in a more excellent measure to be found in the first day of the week on which day the Lord Christ rose from death· For first the Lord Christ on that day who is the Lord of the sabbath ended a greater worke then the creation even the great worke of redemption which on that daie he did perfect and finish by the last highest act of it even his resurrection in which he got the victorie triumphed ouer death the last enimie ouer him who had the power of death that is the Devill and did shew to the world that he had fully paid the ransome price of mans redemption satisfied justice wrought fulfilled all righteousnesse sufficient to justifie all that beleeve in him to settle them in Gods favour for ever So that here is a better ending finishing of a better work then that of the creation was which did perfect the mutable worke of creation so here is a b●tter ground of sanctifying the day in which it came to passe as dive●s learned writers haue rightly observed Secondly on this day the Lord Christ entered into a better rest then any from the creation can be he rested from all his laboures paines sufferings all workes which Gods infinite justice required for mans redemption by way of satisfaction Heb. 4.10 And he tooke possession of eternall rest for himselfe as the head and for his body the whole Church for every elect member thereof So that this resting is a more farre excellent ground reason of the sanctifying of this day to be the weekely Sabbath Yea though I do by Gods perfecting of his worke vnderstand his perfecting of the worke which was marred defaced by mans fal even the worke of creation his making of it more perfect and compleat by his promising of Christ and by Christs undertaking beginning his actuall Mediation first bringing in of supernaturall perfection And by Gods resting I vnderstand his resting so fully wholy in Christs mediation in his satisfaction undertaken for the repairing perfecting of the world which man by his fall had brought under vanity corruption that he put from him all thoughts purposes of going about any new worke of creation for the repairing therof and so is said to rest as I haue befor fully proved Yet I must confesse that on the Lords day which is the first of the weeke in which Christ did rise from death God did more fully excellently perfect all his worke brought in a rest which doth so farre excell that perfecting of his worke resting from creation on the first seventh day as the actuall performance of a promise giuing and fulfilling of a good thing promised vndertaken begun doth excell the promise the undertaking beginning of it And therefore J will bee bold vpon these grounds premises to conclude with the best learned both of the Auncient fathers and moderne Divines That there is more conveniency and fitnesse in the Lords day the first day of the week to be the Lords holy weekly Sabbath now under the Gospell And there are more excellent grounds and sure reasons for the sanctifying of it then any which are named or can be found in the seventh daie which was the Sabbath of the old Testament yea this day by meanes of Christs resurrection to glory in it is the surest pledge and token which outwardly can be given to Gods Church and people that God who raised him up is by him fully appeased satisfied and reconciled to his
Sina both by word of mouth in the audience of all Israel and also in Tables of stone written with his owne finger Iustine Martyr Tertullian Irenaeus and others of the Auncient seeme to have given the occasion of this opinion where they make it a question whether Adam Abel Noah Abraham Melchizedeck or any of the holy Fathers kept the seventh day for an holy Sabbath and affirme that Abraham beleeved and was justified and called the friend of God without circumcision or observation of Sabbath For from their words which are but doubtfull some late writers both Papists and Protestants doe goe about to prove that the Sabbath was not instituted by God untill the giving of the Law by Moses on Mount Sina And although the words of this Text written by Moses doe here plainely affirme the contrarie and tell us that on the seventh day God ended his worke rested and sanctified the seventh day Yet thus they wrangle and wrest the Text by a Childish forged sense and meaning First they grant the first words that on the seventh day God ended his worke and rested But they deny that he blessed and sanctified the Sabbath on the same day they say that here by way of Anticipation Moses mentions the blessing and sanctifying of the Sabbath not as a thing at this time done but as a thing which was first done in the giving of the Law on Mount Sina many ages after and that upon this ground which is here mentioned to witt his ending of his worke and resting on the first seventh day of the World And here Moses his purpose was to shew not the time but the equitie of the institution not the beginning but the ground of that Sabbath The paraphrase of the Text in their sense was thus And on the seventh day God ended his worke and rested and upon this ground he many ages after at Mount Sina instituted the seventh day to be kept by Jsrael for an holy Sabbath of rest But though some men of learning and divers out of effected errour and mal●ce stand for this opinion yet indeed there is no ground for it in the Scriptures but many plaine proofes to the contrarie First this Text ●f we take the words as they runne shewes most manifestly that on the seventh day even th● next after the six dayes of the Crea●ion God ended or perfected his worke and on that day he rest●d and also blessed and sanct●fied it to be his Sabbath Secondly there is no c●l●ur of reason for any man to thinke that God sh●uld lay the ground and foundation of the Sabbath on the first seventh day of the World and suffer it t● lye voide and of no use and never goe about to build on it till so many ages after God cannot endure to doe any thing in vaine nor to suffer any thing to lye void to be of no use which of it selfe is very useful Surely as he loved chos al the holy Fathers from the begining promisd to them the eternal rest of heaven wich they loked for and sought in t●e everlasting Citie which hath sure foundations and in the Countrie above in the World to come So he kept not back from them the outward sign● seal● pledg therof his holy Sabbath wich was both a motive to make them bend t●eir whol cours towards that rest a meanes to further them in their way jorney to it also Thirdly the Lords owne words which he spake from Mount Sina in the commaundement of the Sabbath are most cleare and doe shew that God blessed and sanctified the Sabbath in the beginning on the first seventh day wherein he ended his wo●k and rested For he doth not say I the Lord rested on the seventh day from works of creation and therefore I now blesse and sanctifie every seventh day of every weeke hereafter But the Lord rested the seventh day wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath and sanctified it that is then of old in the beginning when he rested he blessed and sanctified it Fourthly the Sabbath-day was kept and observed by the Israelites a moneth before they came to Mount Sina Exo. 16.25.26 And Moses and the people knew that the seventh day after that God began to raine Manna from Heaven for to be their bread was the Lords Sabbath as his words doe plainely shew and that the Lord before that time hath by his word appointed it to be the rest of the holie Sabbath Ve●s 23. And the words of the Lord to Moses when some of the people went out on the seventh day to gather Manna doe plainly shew that God had before that time given them Commaundements and Lawes concerning the rest of the seventh day For in the 28. Verse he saith How long will ye refuse to keep my Commaundements and Lawes Intimating that their going out on the seventh day was a refusing to k●ep his Lawes which of old he had given and before this had revealed to them For otherwise they could not be said to transgresse Lawes cannot be refused to be kept before they be given Wherefore it is a vaine praetence and shift which some use to decline this Argument viz. that the ceasing ●f the Manna on the seventh day and Moses his admonishing of the people to rest that day was but a praeludium of the fourth Commandement and a preparation to Gods promulgation of it For the words of the Text shew most plainely that the intermission of Manna was an evidence of the Sabbath already sanctified by the Commaundement of God the resting of the Jsraelites was observing and obeying of the Law already given the going out of some to gather Manna on the seventh day was refusing to keep Gods Law given in the first institution Now for Justine Martyr Tertullian Jraeneus their words doe not prove any thing for the maintaining of this opinion Tertullian denyes onely the perpetuall moralitie of the Law concerning the Iewish Sabbath and calls into question not the institution of it in the beginning but the observation of it by the first Fathers and Patriarches Iustine Martyr and J●aeneus say that Abraham was justified without circumcision and observation of Sabbaths that is of the Ceremoniall Sabbaths commaunded by God in the Ceremoniall Lawes given by Moses not without observation of the weekly Sabbath as the word Zabbaton of the plurall number which they use doeth clearely declare That the weekly Sabba●h was instituted from the beginning the best learned of the Fathers affirme as Origen Hi●rome Austine and others And although the Scriptures which briefly runne over the lives and acts of the Fathers make no expresse mention of their observation of the weekely Sabbath Yet we have divers places which minister very probable Arguments for this purpose In Genesis cap. 4.3 It is said that at the end of dayes Caine brought his offering to the Lord that is on the Sabbath which was the end of the weeke and the last of the dayes The
weekly Sabbath is founded which is briefely comprehended in these 3 particulars 1. Gods perfecting of the wo●k cr●ated 2. Gods ●est on the seventh day 3. Gods blessing of it Out of which particulars as I haue laid them open this Doctrine doth arise CHAP. 3. THat the first institutiō of the Sabbath on the seventh day of the first week of the world was grounded vpon Christ and occationed by the promise of him to be mans mediatour and the worlds redeemer And the true proper grounds of the sanctification of the weekly Sabbath vpon which it stands perpetually to the worlds end and to the eternall rest in heaven are Gods perfecting of the created world by bringing in redemption by Christ Gods rest delight and pleasure in Christs mediation and Gods blessing the seventh day with a blessing farre a boue the blessings all of other daies even the giving of Christ a perfect Saviour for mankinde This point is most plaine and manifest by that whih I haue before delivered But yet for the better setling of our Judgments and confirming of our hearts in the knowledge and beleefe of this truth Jt will not be amisse to add further proofes and reasons grounded on the sacred Scriptures First that which is the ground of Gods sanctifying the seventh day aboue all the other six dayes of the weeke must needes be somthing which came to passe one that day which farre excelled the workes created on the six dayes For the holy Scriptures and the common practise of all nations do concure in this that all holy daies whether weekly monthly or yearely are obserued and were first instituted in memory of some notable and extraordinary thing which on those dayes of the weeke moneth and yeare happened came to passe witnesse ●he passover Pentecost the feast Purim and dedication the feast of Christ nativity resurrection ascension our fif●h of November a●d many others But there can be nothing imagined greater then the works of creatiō which were all finished on the six daies but only the promise relation of Christ the redeemer the work of Redemption by him the eternall Sonne of God on that day openly undertaken and begune as I haue before proved First for Gods ceasing from his workes of creation and his bare rest from them it being a doing of nothing not making of good things cannot in any case be esteemed better then the workes of the six dayes wherin God created all things good and perfect with naturall perfection For doing of good is better in the judgment of all reasonable men then doing of nothing Secondly for Gods perfecting of the creation by bringing man and woman the last and chiefest of his creatures into being that wa● on the sixt day and his making of every creature compleat and perfect in his kinde that was done on the severall dayes in which they were severally created they cannot be any ground of sanctifying the seventh day but rather of the six daies of the weeke Wherefore it remaines that Christ promised ● perfect redemptiō on the seventh day of the world begin̄ing actually to mediate for man to cōmunicate his spirit supernaturall grace faith to our first parents is the ground of the institution of the we●kly Sabbath on that day· Secondly a supernaturall effect cannot proceed from a naturall cause a spirituall building cannot be surely setled on a naturall ground and foundation If the effect be supernaturall the cause must be such and if the bu●lding be spirituall the found●tion alsoe must be spirituall on which it is setled Now the sanctification of the Sabbath as it is Gods worke in the first institution it is a seperating of a day from naturall to heavenly spirituall and supernaturall vse and to workes which tend to such an end as cannot be obtained by creation but onely by the mediation of Christ and sanctification of the Sabbath as it is a worke and duty which God requires of a man is wholy exercised about things which concerne Christ which haue relation to him and which none can rightly performe without the communion of the spirit of Christ and the sauing guifts and graces of God in Christ. The Hebrew word Kad●sh signifies onely such workes in all the Scriptures wheresoever it is vsed never any thing is said to be holy or sanct●fying but in for and by Christ wherefore that ground of the Sabbath must needes be something in Christ or indeed Christ himselfe on the seventh day first promised and revealed a perfect and alsufficient Redemer and mediatour to gather all things to God Thirdly that which hath no proper or principall end or vse but such as presupposeth Christ and his mediation and is subordinate to him promised and to the revelation of redemption by him must needes be grounded on Christ and receive the first institution and Originall from the promise of him or him promised This is a certaine truth which with no culour of reason can be denied For God doth nothing in vayne he makes althings for there proper end vse and brings nothing into being before hee hath a proper end vse ready before hand for which it may serve Now the proper principall end vse of the Sabbath for which the Lord is said in the Scriptures to institute give it to his people is such as presupposeth Christ and his actuall mediation and is subordinate to the promise of redemtion by him First God himselfe testifieth both in the Law Exod. 31 13. also in the Prophets Ezech. 20.12 that he gaue his Sabbath to his people for this end and vse Tha● it might be a perpetuall signe betweene him and them to confirme them in this knowledge beleefe That he is their God who doth sanctifie them Secondly another maine vse for which God instituted the Sabbath is that it might be a signe and pledge to his people of the eternall rest or Sabbathisme which remaines for them in heaven and vntill they come to that rest they are bound to keepe a weekly holy Sabbath to put them in hope of that eternall rest soe much may be gathered from the Apostles words Heb. 4.3.9 Thirdly the Sabbath is for that end and use that by keeping it holy by sanctifying our selvs to the Lord and delighting our selvs in him and in his holy worshippe wee might grow up in holinesse without which none can come to see and enjoy God and soe might draw still more neere to God till we be fully fitted to see and enjoy him in glory and to come to his eternall rest in Heaven Now all these principall endes and vses of the Sabbath doe presuppose the promise of Christ and his mediation For first in him alone as he is our mediatour God becomes our God who doth sanct●fie us and without Gods shedding of the holy Ghost on us through Christ we can never be truly sanctified as appeares Rom. 8.9 Tit. 3.6 1 Cor. 1.30 And
in Christ we are called to be Saints and sanctified 1 Cor. 1.2 Secondly there is no thought or hope of eternall rest in heaven but in and by Christ hee brings us into that and by going before us makes way for us Heb. 6.20 9 24. Jt is that which never entered into the heart of man his reason conceives it not till God doth reveale it by his spirit given though Christ 1 Cor. 2.9.10 Thirdly no man can haue accesse vnto God but in Christ there is no approach to the throne of grace but in him Heb. 4.16 It is Christ alone who for his peoples sake sanctified himselfe that they also might be sanct●fied Ioh. 17.19 And there is no growing up in grace holinesse but in him and by vnion and communion in one body with him as our head Eph. 13·16 vpon these infalible premises it followes necessarily that the proper end and use of the Sabbath presupposing Christ the first institution thereof must needes be grounded on Christ also Fourthly if Christ as he is the Sonne of man vnited in one person vnto God and so our mediatour be the Lord of the Sabbath so that the alteration and chaunge of it from one of the seven dayes to another is onely in his power and depends wholy on some chaunge in him then the institution of it is grounded one the promise of him and upon his mediation Now the Antecedent is manifest by our Sauiours owne words Mat. 12.9 where hee calls himselfe Lord of the Sabbath day And by his resurrection and becomming the head stone of the corner the Sabbath is chaunged from the day of him promised vnto the day of the full exhibition of him aperfect actuall redeemer in his resurrection as David foretold Psal. 118. And the practise of the Apostles in all Churches of Christian Gentiles doth aboundantly declare Act. 20.7 and 1 Cor. 16.2 wherefore undoubtedly Christ promised was the first ground of the institution of the Sabbath as our Saviour in that place of the Gospel Mat. 12.9 affirmes it was made for man that is not only for mens use but also for him the son of man upon the promise undertaking of him to become man the seed of the women for mans redemption for destroying the workes of the Divill VSE This Doctrine thus fully proved confirmed is a Doctrine of speciall use to worke in the hearts of all true Christians who have all their hope confidence in Christ an high holy reverence esteeme of the Lords holy weekly Sabbath to provoke stirre them up to a carefull conscionable diligent observation thereof in all their generations for the promoting propagating of pietye for the increase of devotion and advauncement of Religion in all succeding ages If the observation of the weekly Sabbath were but a dictate of nature written in mans heart in the creation then were the chiefe end and ayme of it no more but an earthly felicitye and the fruition of a naturall life in an earthly paradise It should be no better then one of the duties which belong to the old couvenant of life justification by mans owne works which is abolished and made void by mans fall And It is wholy frustrated of the proper end use of it which was justification life by workes of a mans own doing And so being not a part of the wisedome which is from above it should be of lesse esteme and of common and ordinary account with holy Christian Saintes Or if the Sabbath were a legall rite and ceremoniall ordinance onely such as were sacrifices burnt offerings circumcision and legall purifications which were shadowes of things to come then should it be abolished by the full exhibition of Christ and the observation thereof among Chistians of the beleeveing Gentiles were no better then setting up of abominations which make desolate by cutting men of from Christ. But here we are taught better things concerning the Lords holy weekely Sabbath to weet that it is an holy Heavenly Euangelicall ordinance wholy grounded upon Christ and depending onely upon him first instituted upō the promised Christ limitted to the seventh day of the weeke in which he was promised to be mans redeemer did undertake in some measure begin actually to mediate and to intercede for man with God and commaunded to be kept onely on that seventh day during the tyme of the old Testament while Christ was onely promised the fathers sought salvation in him to come And now ever since the full exhibition of Christ a perfect redeemer in his resurrection necessarily imposed on all Christians and limitted by virtue of the first institution and foundation of it upon Christ to that day even the first day of the weeke which is the greatest day of Christ appearing in the nature of man on earth that is the day of his resurrection to glory and immortalitie and the day of his complete victory and triumph in his owne person over sin death the Devill all the powers of darknesse So that though the particular dayes of the weekely Sabbath that is the seventh of the weeke in the old Testament and the first in the new and under the Gospell may truly be called temporarye and caeremoniall because they have their set tymes and seasons the one the tyme and season onely under Christ promised the other the tyme and season under Christ fully exhibited that is the whole tyme of grace under the Gospell vntill we come both in soules and bodyes to the etternall Sabbath and rest in heaven when Christ Mediatour haveing destroyed all enimyes and delivered up the Kingdome to God his father God shal be all in all Yet they are such ceremonies as are holy in their seasons not by signification and consecration to holy and supernaturall use only as legall shadowes were but also materially and in respect of the very duties which are performed in observation of them yea and effectively because the due observations of them properly tends to begitt and increase true holynesse in Gods people Besides if we consider the observation of a weekely Sabbath simply in it self without limitation to a particular day so it is a perpetuall ordinaunce of God which bindes all mankind to the end of the world And there is none of all Adams posteritye but by Gods first institution he is bound to keep the holy weekely Sabbath upon that very day of the weeke which by the word of God and the ground of the institution appeares to be most seasonable in the age and the state of the Church under which thy live and have their being on earth Now these things being soe how it is possible that any true syncere Christian who as by one spirit and by a true lively faith soe also in his whole heart and in all holy affections is vnited vnto Christ and hath all his h●pe confidence in him as in his only Redeemer Lord Saviou● should not
haue the we●kely Sabbath in most high esteeme which was first grounded vpon Christ promised came in upon the seventh day of the world ●ogether with the word of promise and the glad tidings of the worlds redemp●ion by Christ ●nd with the perpe●u●ll commandements of repenting and beleeving in Christ which are the great commandements of the Gospell which Holy and blessed Sabbath hath still continued and gone a long with Christ pr●mised on the seventh day during the time of the old Testament and si●ce the full exhibition of Christ in his resurrection hath advanced forward together with Christs vnto the fi●st day of the weeke in wh●ch day he perfected mans redemption triumphed over death rose vp and was advanced to glory immortallity Surely they who professe loue to Christ and profane the weekely Sabbath they are no better then painted Hipocrties yea rather they are to bee numbred among those bold audacious and scandalous sinners who presume to pull a sunder those whome God hath inseperably joyned together that is the sabbath and Christ the Lord of the sabbath who while they professe Christ in word doe indeed deny the power of true Chr●stian godlinesse and do what in them lieth to turne the publick worship of God into sacrilegious profanation and soe to provoke the eyes of his glory Thus much for the second maine thing her● offered in this text that is the ground of the holy weekly Sabbath CHAP. 4. THE third maine thing which here offers it selfe and which I haue propounded to be handled more largly as comprehending in it divers speciall points of great weight and moment as the Sanctifying of the sevēth day ● as Gods blessing of it so far as blessing sign●fi●s Go●s setting of it apart to be kept observed for a bl●ssed memoriall of the promise of Christ as it is apart of the fi●st institution of the sabbath F●r Gods blessing of a day or any other thing d●th signifie 1. His giving of some notable benefit on that day or to the thing blessed 2. his setting of it apart to a blessed end vse in the former sence it belongs to the ground of the Sabbath and so I haue spoken of it before Jn the later sence it belongs to Gods act of Institution and as in effect the same with sanctifying of the seventh day onely this I conceiue to be the difference that Gods sanctifying of a thing is his seperating of it by his word and commandement to a supernaturall and extraordinary vse either profittable or unprofittable to it selfe as h●s seperating of things to be his instruments of just vengance for the destruction of his enemies and seperating men to some holy offce for a time as Saul to Prophesie E●●e● sonnes to bee Priests and Iudas to bee an Apostle by which office they received no true blessing but it turned to their greater curse at last But Gods blessing of a day or any other thing is his setting of it apart for a bl●ssed vse and his pronouncing and demanding it by his holy p●werfull word to be a blessed daie or blessed thing and to serve for holie blessed vse and so blessing is that speciall sanctifying which is seperating of things to a blessed use and come here to bee handled vnder Gods sanct●fyng of the ●eventh day For Gods sanctifying i● this place is a blessed sanctifying of the daie to a blessed vse and the word blessed is put before to make us clearlie see and vnderstand soe much I will therefore insist only upon sanctifying which comprehends blessing in it and will first open and exp●und the word and so proceed to points of Doctrine The Hebrew word Kadash is never vsed in any other sence in all the Scriptures but onelie to signifie seperating of things from their ordinarie and naturall vse to some vse more then naturall or aboue nature the fitting preparing of them for that use as for example compining of nations in an holie league against Babell or other wicked state to execute on them Gods just reuenge Jer. 6.4 12.3 22.7 51.27.18 and seperating some cities for refuge Iosh. 20.7 whensoever this word is attributed to God in all the Scripture it signifies ei●her Gods seperating things or times for holy vse by his word and commandement or by some h●linesse shewed or some extraordinarie holie word done in them as Exod. 9.44 2. Cron. 7.20 or else Gods infusing of his holie spirit and of spirituall and supernaturall gr●ces gifts of hol●nesse into men by wh●ch they are seperated from carnall men and prepared for Heavenlie glory as Exod. 31.13 Levit. 20.8 Ezec. 2.12 Ier. 1.5 where God is said to sanctifie his people and to make t●em holy that so they may be fitt to come nerer to him And frequently in the new Testament the Greek word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is used in this sense as Eph. 5.26 Heb. 2.11 Here the word signifies not sanctifieing by infusing holinesse and making holy but Gods consecrateing that is seperating the seventh day to an holy heavenly spirituall and supernaturall use by h●● word and commaundement or by some holy worke done first in it or some holinesse first revealed upon it For this was the day in which God by his gracious promise of Christ and by the new covenant of life made with mankind in him did communicate his spirit to our first parents and wrought in them faith and all holy graces needful to salvation and so of Ishah a woman who brought wo to man made our first mother Chavah that is the mother of life in Christ to all liueing This day God here upon commaunded to be sanctified of men and kept holy by holy exercises which tend to the honour praise and to the solemne commemoration and memoriall of Christ promised and of his own rest in Christs mediation and this day he appointed to man to be a signe and pledge of the aeternall Sabbath in heaven after the end of the world which in six dayes he created Here therefore we see wherein especially Gods sanctifieing of the seventh day to be an holy Sabbath of rest did consist Which that it may yet appeare more fully and distinctly in all the particulars J will reduce the summe of all into a few positions some negative and some affirmative which being by evident testimonies of Scripture and by good arguments grounded on the word of God proved and confirmed The trueth will be so cleare and manifest that the simple shal be able to understand the true sanctification both of the seventh day which was the old Sabbath of the old Testament and also of the Lords day the Christian Sabbath of the new Testament under the gospell CHAP. 5. FIrst we must not in any case imagine That Gods sanctifieing of the seventh day was the creating or in●useing of any naturall holynesse in to it by which it was distinguished from other dayes of the weeke and made more excellent then any
this law to be naturally writen in mans heart doe much differ are diuided into two opinions The one sort holds the law to be wholy naturall and perpetuallie morall both in respect of the rest and sanctification also in respect of the particular day of the weeke even the Seventh from the beginnning of the creation Thus doe Iuda●zing Christians hold who professe Christian religion but reject the sanctification of the Lords day and embrace and cleave to the Iewes Sabbath The other sort do hold that there is a three fould vse of the Sabbath day 1. Religious and holy which is the exercise of holy religious duties 2. Politicall or civill which is rest from worldlie weariesom labour of man and beast 3. Ceremoniall or sacramentall which is a signification and shadowing of spirituall rest in Christ. That in the two first respects the Law is naturall ●mortall and perpetuall and that nature requires that a seventh day of everie weeke should bee for rest and refreshing and for holy exercises of religion they all affirme And because the seuenth and last daie of the weeke was the daie wherein God rested hauing in the sixt dayes before perfected all the workes of the creatiō therf●● they hold that for the signifying sh●dowing forth of spirituall rest in Christ the seventh day was the fittest of all Gods people were by Gods Law bound to observe it for their Sabbath vntill Christ had fully finished the worke of redemption then rested from it as God did from the worke of creation And that ever since the resurection the signe and ceremony of Christs rest being fulfilled The Sabbath is to be kept by the same law of nature and commandement of God on the Lords day the first day of the weeke which is one in seventh vntill the eternall Sabbath and rest in heaven unto which Christ will bring all his elect at last This is the Doctrine of many of the best learned heretofore in our Church and divers godly divines do rest in this opinion which for the maine matter substance of it is pious godly approved by Aquinas the great Scooleman The second opinion is that the law of the Sabbath was not naturall wr●tten in mans heart neither did binde man to observe an holy rest the seventh day of every weeke onelie on the seventh day in which God rested but that it was a possitiue law given by God commanding more then the light of nature did clearly distinctly shew to man or bare naturall instinct move him unto and that it was like the law by which God forbad man to eate of the tree of knowledge which his own naturall appetite did leade him to eate of being good for food to the eye appetite pleasant and desirable But God restrained him from it not but instinct of nature or law written in his heart but by his owne voluntary commandement to shew his authority over man to teach man obedience to make man know that he might as justlie haue restrained him from all or the most part of either fruites that the use of the creatures the power which he gaue to man over them was his free gift therfor man ought to loue serve him his creatour as for his whole being so also for the use benifit of all other crea●urs And soe like wise they hold that by nature all dayes are alike in themselvs mā by the light of nature can disc●rne no difference in thē b●t yet God to make man mindfull of his creation of God his creatour did by his word everlasting commandement given to man seperat one day fot the vses before named 1. For holy use even performance of religious duties only 2. For civill use to weet rest from hard labour 3. For ceremoniall to signifie the rest of Christ after the work of redemption finished to admonish man of rest from sinfull works to be a token of eternall rest in heauē though any one day in the week is of it self naturally as fit as another that it is no matter what day be kept so that one in sevē be for these uses set apart yet because God rested on the seventh day from his work of creation therfor in the old Testament he would haue that last day of seven to be the Sabbath untill the comming of Christ intēding that when the greater work of mans redemption was perfected by Christ then the day of his resurrection in which he rested from that worke even the Lords day should be the Sabbath of Gods people to the end of the world And so this law commandement though it be not naturall yet it is morall a perpe●uall and vnchangable rule of Gods canstant will of mans duty in this particular which is the main substance of it viz that man do keep one day in seven of every week for a Sabbath of rest ' though●ut all ages of the world that it is chaungable onely in the circumstance of the day that onely thus far 1. That while the work of creation was that work vvhich had the preheminence in the eyes of the vvorld the Sabbath vvas to be kept necessarily one the last of the seven in vvhich God did rest from that vvork so this lavv did binde men 2. That after Christ had finished his vvorke of redemption ●ested the seventh day in the graue on the first day vvas risen entered into his rest the vvorke vvhich novv hath the preheminence vnder the Gospel is redemption perfected by Christs resurrection the day of his resurr●ction rest should bee the holy Sabbath to all christian people wherby they should be admonished of the eternall rest in heaven wherin they should be holy devoted to such duties as tend to bring thē on to the fruition of rest with Christ in glory The third opinion is that the law of the Sabbath is not naturall nor perpetually morall at all but only civill ceremoniall some who are of this opinion doe hold that it was giuen of God in the beginning to be obserued only untill the comming of Christ partly in memory of the creation vntill the greater worke of redemtion should come in partly to signifie things to come by C●rist of true rest to bee found in him that now it is vtterly abolish●d together with all the festival Sabbaths of the Iewes Others of them hold that because there was great equity in this law also seting apart of one day in the week for religious exercises is a thing uery profittable usefull for the propogation of religion and for the upholding of order in Gods C●urch therfor the lavv in respect of the particular day is abolish●d for that vvas ceremoniall but the equity of the observation of on in seven still rem●ines And therfore all Christians in imitation of the Ap●stles ought to keep one in seven especially the Lords day
earth beneath and all creatures in them serving daily for mans naturall good welbeing even every day equallie did put man continually in mind of his duty to weet that he was to loue and serue the Lord with all his heart soule and strength at all times for this is the righteousnesse of a mans owne workes and of his owne person which God required of man in the first covenant in the state of innocency even his constant obedience to the vvhole and law and revealed will of God all his dayes withou● one dayes intermission Therefore the Sabbath which requires service of God and worship loue of him as mercifull a Redeemer and that upon one day of the weeke more then all the rest vvas not knowne nor commanded nor observed by nature in the state of innocency Fourthly the lavv of nature written in mans heart requires no particular duty but such as his owne naturall reason and vvill did direct lead him vnto in the creation and vvhich belonged to him in the state of innocency But the lavv of the Sabbath from the first institution commands and requires such things ●nd such vvorkes and duties as did not concerne man in the state of innocency As 1 Rest of man and beast from their vvearisome labour for their refreshing upon one day in seven This man had no need of neither vvas their any need of such rest because the toile and labour of man and beast came in after the fall vvhen God cursed the earth for mans sinne Secondly it requires in generall sanctification of the seventh day by holy and religious exercises and in particular by sacrificing to God by prayer and supplication and by meditating on heavenly things and on eternall rest and by studying all holy duties vvhich might fit men for the sight and fruition of God in heavenly glory All which vvhat soever other holy Sabbath duties and vvorks are mentioned in the word of God do belong to man only since the promise of Christ the blessed seed And in the state of innocency man had no occasion of any such duties he had no need of sacrificing vntill Christ his ransome and sacrifice for sinne vvas promised he neither could have any thought ar meditations of glory in Heauen or studies to fit and sanctifie himselfe for the fruition thereof untill Christ the onlie vvay to eternall rest glory vvas promised vvhat use had he of prayers and supplcations to God for any good thing needful vvhen he lacked nothing or for deliverance from evill vvhen as yet noe evill vvas knovvne in the vvorld What occcasion could he haue to praise God either for Christ before he did so much as dreame of Christ or had any thought of him at all As for naturall guifts and blessings he vvas by them admonished and provoked every day alike to loue serve honour and praise God vvherefore seeing the vvorkes and duties of the Sabbath are holy and tend onely or chiefly to the supernaturall and heavenl● life and to the eternall rest which Christ hath purchased in heauen for man vndoubtedly the lavv of the Sabbath vvhich expresly commands such workes and duties everie seuenth day is a positiue supernaturall and divine law not any dictate of nature imprinted in mans heart in the creation Fiftly every law of nature is common to all man kinde and is written as well in the hearts of heathen as of Christians so that the conscience of men whoe never heard of God or of his word is a monitor to admonish them of the duty which that law requires and an accuser if they transgresse that law and men haue no more need to be put in mind of those duties then of any other which the law of nature requires But the law of the Sabbath hath no footsteppe of impression in the hearts of barbarous heathen nations It is quite forgoten among them and onely Gods people who have his written law and word continually read and preached do keepe the Sabbath And God in giving it to Israell in written tables in repeating it often afterwardes still calls upon them to remember it thereby shewing that it is not as the law of nature printed in mans heart but is a law giuen by word and writing and from thence learned and therefore easilie and quickly forgotten Sixthly If it were a naturall law founded upon the creation and binding man to keepe a weekelie holy day in thankfulnesse for his creation and for the creatures made for his vse then it should in all reason binde man to keepe Holy the six dayes in vvhich God Created all things and especiallie the sixth daie wherein God made man himselfe and gaue him rule and dominion over all creatures For holy celebrations are kept weekely or yearely one the dayes in which the blessing and benefits solemnized and celebrated were first bestovved one men Therefore it is not a naturall law grounded on the creation Lastly Christ came not to chaunge the law of nature nor to take away any part of the obedience therof but to establish and fulfill it in every jot and title as he himselfe testifieth Mat. 5.17.18 And yet the law of the Sabbath soe farre as it requires keeping holy the seventh day as the fathers were bound in the old Testament is changed by Christ and by his resurrection in which hee finished the worke of redemption and was exhibited a perfect redeemer And the observation of the seventh and last day of the weeke is abolished And the first day of the weeke even the day of Christs resurrection is sanct●fied and substituted in the place of it and so was obserued by the Apostles after them by all true Christian Churches for the Lords day and for the Queene and ch●efe Princesse of all daies as the blessed Martyr Ignatius cals it Epist. ad magnesi●s pag. 31. Therefore it is not a law of nature printed e●grauen in mans heart J could alleadge more reasons but J hold this perfect number of seven sufficient for this present purpose J will therefore proceed to the next thing which is the discovery of the seuerall kindes of lawes which God hath given to men the briefe discription of every kind particularly by which J shall come to demonstrate what kind this of the Sabbath is CHAP. 11. THE Lawes of God which he hath given to men are of two sorts either lawes printed in mans heart which we cal lawes of nature Or else Positiue lawes which God hath commanded in his word over and above or besides the lawes of na●ure Th● Law of nature is that will of God which hee as Lord and creatour hath imprinted in mans heart in the creation even that naturall disposition which God gaue to man when he made him in his owne Image by which he doth informe man in the knowledge and moue him to the practise of all duties which belong to him and which he requirs of him for naturall wellbeing continuance in that life good
observation and service as is of use onely in and under Christ and mainly tends to lead men to salvation in him Sixtly if we consider the necessity of resting one whole day in every weeke from all our worldly affaires First that with one consent the Church and congregation of Gods people may all generally meet together in their set places of holie assemblies to heare and learne the Doctrine of saluation and word of life and to honour God with publick holy worship and service and with joynt prayers to call upon him in the name and mediation of Christ for all blessings Secondly that every man may instruct his family in private also at home and by constant exercising of them a whole day together in religious duties every weeke may make them to grow and increase in grace and religion and in knowledge and skill to order and direct all their weeke dayes labours to Gods glory their owne salvation and the comfort and profit of their Christian Brethren Without which religious observation once every weeke at the least especially upon the particular day of the week which God hath blessed with the most memorable work belonging to mans redemption it is not possible for people to be well ordered in a Christian Church nor Gods holy worship to bee either generally known or publickly practised nor the vulgar sorts of Christians to bee brought to the knowledge and profession and practise of true religion neceessary to salvation These things I say considered we must necessarily grant that the law of the Sabbath is an Evangellicall universall and perpetuall law such as the commandements of beleeving in Christ repenting from dead workes reforming of our lives worshipping and invocating of God in the name mediation of Christ and by the motion direction of his holy spirit all which Commandements binde all Gods people of all churches and ages from the first day wherein Christ was promised in one measure or other So that without obedience in some degree vnto these Evangellicall lawes it is not possible for any man to be and to continue a true child of God and to attaine salvation in and by Christ. And this law thus farre and in these respects cōsidered can no more be abrogated and abolished then Gods covenant of Redemption of salvation made with mankinde in Christ. But all mankinde even every one who seekes salvation in Christ is at all times in all ages bound to obserue this law of sanctifying a seventh day in every weeke and of resting from all worldly affaires that they may serve and vvorship and seeke God in Christ. Lastly if we consider the Lords Sabbath as it is a significatiue éven a signe to us of the eternall Sabbath in Heaven and as it is in respect of the particular day of the weeke and some ceremoniall worship used in it chaungable and mutable according to the chaunges and motions of Christ the foundation and Lord of it and according to the seuerall estates of Gods Church and Gods seuerall dispensations of the misteries of salvation and severall waies of reuealing Christ in the old Testamēt and before and after the comming of Christ in the flesh We must of necessity confesse that the law of the Sabbath is in these respects a Ceremoniall law commanding things which are temporary and mutable and fitted for some times and seasons onely First as it commanded the seventh day of the week to be kept holy as the most holy day because therein Christ was promised to be the redeemer of the world and God rested in his creation and perfected the creation by bringing in redemption which was the greatest blessing of the old Testament And as it required hallowing of the day by sacrifices and other outward service and worship which were tipes and figures of Christ to come and by preaching and rehearsing the promises of Christ out of the lavv and Prophets beleeving in the Saviour in heaven Soe it was a ceremoniall and temporary lavv and did stand in force and binde all Gods people to the obseruation of the last day of the weeke all the time of the old Testament vntill Christ vvas fully exhibited a perfect Redeemer in his resurrection And it vvas not in the povver of the Church to chaunge the Sabbath to any other day of the weeke that power rested in Christ the foundation and Lord of the sabbath It also bound the faithfull of these times to the ceremoniall ●●nctification and to that tipicall seruice vnhich looked towardes Christ to come as well as to the seventh day onely and no other during ●hat nonnage of of the Church Secondly as the law of the Sabbath which requires that day to bee kept for an Holy rest in which God hath revealed the greatest blessing so hath blessed it aboue all other dayes of the weeke doth now ever since the perfecting of the worke of redemption in Christs resurrrection binde all Gods people to keepe for their Sabbath the first day of the weeke which by Christs victory over death obtained fully in that very day became the most blessed day aboue the seventh day and all other daies of the weeke And as under the name of hallowing keeping holy the Lords Sabbath it enioines such worship as God requires of his Church in her full age more perfect estate to weet spiritual sacrifices of praise thanksgiving preaching teaching faith in Christ crucified fully exhibited aperfect redeemer praying vnto God in the name mediation of Christ seeking accesse vnto the father in him by one spirit And as this law imposeth this holy weekly Sabbath to be a pledg to the faithfull of that Sabbathisme of eternall rest in heaven which remaineth for the people of Gods as the Apostle testifieth Heb. 4.9 So this law is like the commandements of Baptisme the Lords supper It is ceremoniall commanding such duties to be performed such a day to be obserued as are fitted to the time season of the Gospel yet it is so ceremoniall as that it is also perpetuall binding all Christians during the season time of the Church during the time in the new Testament under the Gospel that is perpetually to the end of the world vntill we come to the eternall rest in heaven And as there shal be no chaunges in Christ nor of the state of the Church vntill Christ shall come in glory to receive us into that eternall rest So there shal be no chaunge of the Sabbath to any other day of the weeke neither hath the Church or any other whatsoever any power to alter either the day or the sanctification obseruation of it no more then to bring in such an other Chaunge in Christ and such an alteration of the estate of the Church as that was from Christ promised and obscurely revealed in the old testament to Christ fully exhibited CHAP. 12. NOW hauing discouered the severall kindes of lawes and commandements which God hath giuen to
men and having shewed what kinde of law this is which God hath giuen for the observation of the weekly Sabbath and how and in what manner it bindes the sonnes of Adam in all ages some in one kinde and some in another and Adam and all his posterity in some respects There remaines yet for all that hath beene said before one speciall point to be more fully proved That is concerning the Chaunge of the Sabbath from the seventh to the first day what ground and warrant we haue for it and how the law of God by which God set apart the seventh day in the first institution and still in the fourth Cōmandement and other repetitions of that law by Moses mentions on the seventh day for the weekly Sabbath can bind us Christ ans to keep holy the Lords day or warrant us to make it our Sabbath For the more full manifestation and proofe of this point and satisfiing of all doubts I will by the light of Gods sacred word and by the helpes which I shall finde in the writings and sayings of the best learned both ancient and moderne Christian divines do my best endeavour to shew and proue that the Lords day which is the first of the weeke and the day of Christs resurrection the fittest day of all the seven to be the holy weekly Sabbath of Christians That God before and in the first giving of the law of the Sabbath did intend and foresee the chaunge the grounds of the chaunge of it to the first day that God by Christ hath chaunged it And that the law of the Sabbath in the maine duties which it requires is more fully and in a better and more excellent manner obeyed by Christians in there observation of the Lords day and keeping it for the holy rest then it was by the fathers of the Old Testament in their keeping of the seventh and last day of the vveeke for their holy rest and vveekly Sabbath First to proue the conveniencie fitnesse of the Lords day to be the Sabbath under the Gospell aboue all other daies we haue diuers arguments The first I frame thus That day which is the first of dayes the first fruits of time especially of the time of grace is the fittest to be the Lords holy day aboue all other daies of the weeke in under the time of grace The Lord himselfe teacheth this for a plaine truth requiring the fruits of all things for an holy offering to himselfe under the law from the beginning when he taught Adam Adam did teach his sonnes Caine Abell to bring sacrifices of firstlings first fruits for offerings to him Gen. 4. Now the Lords day which is the first day of the week is the first of all daies in the world In it God began the creation the highest heavens which is the place of blessednes the heavenly host also the common masse matter of the whole visible inferior world the chiefest most gracious element the light that is the fiery heavens with the first beginning of the creation this day began so it is the first fruites of all times created although in the creatiō during the state of innocency the first fruites were no more holy thē the rest of the lump or masse sanctifying of things to holy use came in by Christ with the first promise of him the first time of Christ revealed being the seventh day was to be the holy Sabbath all the time in which Christ was onely promised not given Yet now seeing by the resurrection of Christ in which Christ wa● exhibited a perfect redeemer and became the first fruites of them that sleep The first day of the weeke and of the world which was onely the first fruits of time before is by Gods providence become the first day firist frvites of the time of grace vnder Christ a perfect redeemer Therfore the first day which is now the first fruites of time both in the crea●ion and under pefect redemption which doth perfect and sanctifie the creation is now the fittest of all the dayes of the weeke to be the Lords holy Sabbath And it is against all reason for any to think any other day so fit to bee offered vp for the first fruites of every weeke and of our times to God as this day which is the day of the Lord Christ who is the true first fruites of all creatures and doth sanctifie the whole masse and lumpe of mankinde and all other creatures which are gathered vnto God in him In which day Christ arose from death and became the first frutes of them that sleepe that by the virtue of his resurrection hee might sanctifie the very grave to them that sleep in him might raise them up as to grace in this life soe alsoe to glory at the last day in the generall resurrection Secondly that day wherein the place of eternall rest and of the everlasting Sabbath which after this vvorld ended remaines for the people of God was created and brought into being and vvherein eternall rest was purchased and the way opened into that rest must needes in the judgment of reasonable men be the fittest day for the weekly Sabbath which is to all gods people a sure signe and pledge of eternall rest and of their everlasting Sabbath in heauen which weekly Sabbath is to be kept holy and sanctified by mediations on Heaven and Heavenly rest by such Holy exercises of religion as doe fit and prepare vs for the life of glory in Heaven Now the first daie of the weeke is the day wherin God created the place of eternall rest euen the highest Heavens which are from eternity decreed and ordained to bee the place in vvhich his elect shall keepe rheir eternall Sabbath after this life In this day also Christ arose from death perfected redemption and rested from that vvorke by vvhich he procured eternall life and Heavenly glory for God people upon this day hee opened the way to the Holie of Holies and made his first enterance both in his owne flesh also for all his members into that life eternall and that rest which they with him shall enjoy in the Heavenlie mansions Therefore vndoubtedlie this day of all the daies of the weeke most fit and and worthy to be kept an holy Sabbath of rest and to be sanctified with mediations on heaven and heavenly glory and with other exercises of religion which fit men for eternall rest in heaven Thirdly that day wherein God first created the light of this inferior visible world and wherein the light of the visible heavens did shine forth when it is once blessed with the rising up of a greater and more glorious light even the Sun of righteousnesse It is of all daies become the fittest most vvorthy to be the Lords holy weekly Sabbath which is to be hallowed by meditating vpon the inheritance of the Saints in light and by such holy
people and is the Lord who doth sanctifie them will bring them to glory And thus I passe from the conveniency and fitnes of the Lords day which is the first of the weeke to shew the chaunge of the Sabbath unto that day both in Gods intention and purpose from the beginning also actually in the fulnesse of time by the glorious resurrection of the Lord Christ vp on that day Where by Gods assistance J shall make it appeare That this chaunge of the Sabbath to the Lords day is no humane invention or Eccesiasticall tradition but a thing which God the lawgiuer did purpose and intend from all eternity and foretold by the Prophets and by divers signs foreshewed of old and in fulnesse of time did by his Sonne Christ the Lord of the Sabbath command and actually bring to passe First Saint Augustine and divers other learned men haue heretofore obserued That God by some notable things which he in his wisdome made to concurre in the first day of the ceration did plainly foreshew in the beginning before the seventh day was sanctified or the law of the Sabbath given that it was his purpose and will and he in his eternall counsell had determined to advance in fulnesse of time that day aboue all other daies of the weeke to the honour of the holy weekly sabbath to a day of meditation on the eternall rest in heaven and a pledge to his people of the euerlasting sabbathisme which there remaines for them and the first fruites of their time offered vnto God in Christ and sanctified in him Those notable things are the three things before named 1. That God made that day the first fruites of all time 2. Created in it the place of eternall rest the highest Heaven in which the blessed saints shal injoy their blessed Sabbath whereof the weekly Sabbath is a signe and pledge to them in this life 3. In it he created the light of this visible world which things concurring in one and the same day God in his wisedome soe ordering it who doth nothing in vaine but every thing for some wise purpose and being good reasons to prove and grounds to make that day the fittest to be sanctified in Christ made the Ch●istian Sabbath as J haue before noted the learned from thence do gather and not without good reason That from the beginning God intended for this day the Honour of his weeklie Sabbath in the time of the glorious Gospel Secondly diuers of the Auncients haue observed That God raineing Manna first from Heaven to Israell on the first day of the weeke in the wildernesse as we read Exod. 16. did therefore foreshew that this was the day which he had appointed to be the day of the Lord Christ even the day wherein he who is the Heavenly Manna and bread of life should be given from Heaven in his incarnation and the day in which he should come out of the furnace of fiery afflictions and made a strong bread nourishment by his resurrection able to feed our soules spiritually to life eternal And from hence they inferr with the approbation of diuers graue Divines and schoolemen of later times that God did of old intend and purpose to make this day in the times of the Gospel after Christ fully exhibited and giuen unto us to be the bread of life heavenly Mann● his Holy weekly Sabbath and day of spirituall provision wherein Christians should make their weekly provision of spirituall food and heauenly Manna to feed their soules Thirdly diuers of the Auncient fathers haue observed and diuers both Schoolemen and godly learned writers of the reformed Church therein conse●t with them That the Lord did of old by his spirit-speaking in the Prophets fortell the chaunge of the Holy Sabbath from the seventh to the first day of the weeke the Lords day and day of Christs resurrection The blessed M●rtyr Jgnatius who lived and was growne in the knowledge of Christianity in the time of the Apostles and before the death of St. Iohn the Evangelilist as hee himselfe testifies doth in his Epistle to the M●gnesians not onely affirme that the Lords day is the Queene and supreme Lady of all dayes but also endeavours to proue that God from the daies of old had ordained it to be the true Christian Sabbath and did foreshew so much by the wordes of the Prophet David in the title of the sixth Psalme wherein it is called a Psalme unto the eighth day that is in honour of the Lords day which as it is the first of the weeke counting from the creation everie weeke severallie by it selfe and the seventh if we begin our account with the next day after the Lords day as the Iews did with the next after their Sabbath So if we reckon forward from the beginning of the creation into an other weeke it is the eight day And also learned Augustine and others of the fathers as also diuers late writers do in this point concurre with him and affirme that God moving Dauid to make such Honorable mention of the eighth daie did foreshew his purpose and will to chaunge that day by Christs resurrection in to his Holy Sabbath Some also from Gods institutiō of circumcision one the eighth day after the birth of the child which was to be circumcised do gather that the eight day after the birth of the world to weet the Lords day was befor ordained of God to be not only the day of Christs resurrection victorie over sin death by which sin should be cut of destroyed but also the Christian sabbath and so both a speciall day of Circumcising their hearts to the Lord in the state of grace and also a pledge of the fulnesse of mortification and sanctification in the day of the last resurrection of enterance into the eternall Sabbath in heauen For this purpose also Saint Austen many other learned men in all ages since even to this day doe alledge the plaine words of David Psal. 118.24 where hauing Prophetically fortold the glorious resurrection of Christ. Thow after that the Iewes had crucified put him to death hee should rise up to be the head corner stone even the rock foundation of the Church for so our Sauiour Mat. 21.42 the Apostle Act. 4.11 do expound Davids words he immediatly affirmes that this is the day which the Lord hath made we will rejoyce and be glad in it That this is the day of the Lord Christ as St. Iohn cals it Revel 1.10 which the Lord hath made That is in his degree hath already appointed to be his holy day we that is in the time of the Gospell when this stone is become the head of the corner will rejoyce be glad in it that is rejoyce befor the Lord with all joy serve him be glad in him with Sabbatical holy solemnity if we consider wel the matter and substance of the 92. Psalme which is
particular day it selfe and the rest tyed to it was a tipe and figure of the death of Christ and of his rest in the grave and of the rest and ease which Christ by his death should bring to all Gods people from the burden of legall rites and from the guilt of sinne and horrour of conscience which as an heavy load did presse them downe and from the masse of corruption like a weight hanging fast one them all which Christ abolished by his death and redemption and so put an end to the Sabbath as it was tied to the last day of the weeke This being commonly held for a certaine truth by the learned Fathers and writers of all ages after them untill this day proues so farre as their authority and reason will reach that though the keeping holy of a weekly Sabbath is a perpetuall day to which all Gods people are boūd in all ages yet the particular day was mutable and another speciall day was to be appointed and consecrated by him who is the Lord of the sabbath wherin an holy rest fitter for the time and state of the new Church must be kept with better service and solemnity Instead of bodily sacrifices there must be offering up of spirituall sacrifices of praises praiers alms works of piety charity for-slaughtering of beasts ther must mortifying of corruption by holy contrition and killing of all brutish lusts and carnall pleasures and delights by seperating our selues and sequestring our mindes from them Instead of darke shaddowes of the law and obscure promises of Christ to come there must be the light of the Gospel shining in the Church preaching of Christ crucified and raised up and set at Gods right hand and there must be seeking of Gods face in his name and mediation and of accesse vnto God in him by one spirit Now what day can any man conceive in any reason so fit as the Lords day the first of the week wherin we christians keep our weekly sabbath This undoubtedly is the most fit and convenient of all daies as I haue largely before proued Yea that this vndoubtedly is the onely particular day which Gods law bindes us to keepe holy all the time of the Gospell even untill we come to the eternall rest in heaven I will as briefly as I can proue and demonstrate in the last place and so conclude this point of sanctifycation of the Sabbath as it is the worke of God the lawgiver and is distinguished from mans duty and worke of sanctification CHAP. 13. THE First which is the maine foundamentall argument is drawn from the foundation upon which God hath from the beginning builded and surely setled the weekly Sabbath It is a thing most certaine and undeniable that whatsoever things are inseperably joyned cleaue fast together they stand move together the one cannot moue to any place but the other of necessity must moue with it Whatsoever is firmly s●tled on a rock and inseperably fastened to it founded on it must needes moue with the rock and cannot moue to any place but where the rock is moved upon which ground I argue thus That which is from the beginning founded upon Christ and so surely setled and firmly builded vp●n him by God the founder of al things that cannot be seperated it must needs moue and chaunge the place with Christ and cannot be moved nor chaunge and remove to any place but onely to that which Christ is removed The weekly Sabbath from the first institution is founded by God firmly builded and sure setled upon Christ the redeemer and is in seperably joyned to him There●ore it cannot move nor chaunge the place nor be remoued from the seventh day to any other day of the weeke vnlesse Christ the Redeemer change his day and moue together with it and if he doth chaunge his solemne day it must needes be chaunged and removed with him to the same day The proposition is undeniable the assumption also J haue fully proved before in the laying open the grounds of the Sabbath and therefore the conclusion is a most manifest truth That whensoever Christ chaungeth his day and chooseth another the Sabbath must needes bee chaunged to the same day Which conclusion fully proved I lay it down for a good ground and argue thus upon it That day which Christ leaveth and passeth from it vnto another which he chooseth for his speciall and particuler day From that day the Sabbath also is chaunged and moved and the other day which Christ hath chosen becoms also immediatly the particular day of the holy weekly Sabbath Now the seventh day which was the speciall day of Christ in the old Testament because on it Christ was promised a Redeemer of the world and did first undertake openly and actually to mediate for man is now ceased to be Christs peculier day he hath left it hath chosen the first day and made that his speciall and peculiar day aboue all other daies of the weeke when in it he got the victory ouer death and by his resurrection entered into his glory and eternall rest and of a redeemer in promise became a redeemer indeed fully perfected mans redemption Therefore ever since hath the weekely Sabbath beene removed to the first day and that is the peculiar day of the weekely Sabbath Secondly that God did from the beginning purpose in himselfe and by many evidences did declare his intent to chaunge the Sabbath from the seventh to the first day also in the first institution of the Sabbath and in the giuing of his law for the keeping of it did intend to bind us under the Gospel to the keeping of our weekly Sabbath on the first day of the weeke as he bound the fathers to the seventh day in the Old Testament J proue from the determinate counsell and forknowledge of God concerning the chaunges which he foreknew and determined to bring to passe in the foundation groundes and prerogatiues of the Sabbath from the seventh to the first day of the week It is a thing which all men who haue any true knowledge of God must needes know and acknowledge for an undoubted truth that God whose wisedome is infinit and his wife providence ordereth and disposeth all things doth never any thing in vaine he never laies the foundation in any place but there also he intends the building he never brings in the proper causes any where or in any time but then and there he intends to bring in to produce the proper effects of them and whatsoever commandement God giues to men to performe some speciall duty upon some speciall grounds and for some singular causes occasions reasons by that commandement he binds them to performe the duty whensoever and whersoever he shewes the grounds and reasons to them and giues and offers the causes and occasions So that if it be made to appeare unto us that now under the Gospel God had according to his owne
inheritance of the Saints in light as the Scriptures testifie 1 Cor. 15.20 Coloss. 1.12 Vpon these premises before proved at large and here againe pressed home to the purpose The conclusion followeth necessarily That it was the purpose intent and will of God to make the first day of the weeke the Lords day and the Christian Sabbath and in the first institution of the Sabbath and by his first law of the Sabbath which in the maine substance of it is perpetuall to binde all his people in the time of his glorious Gospell to observe that day onely for their holy weekly Sabbath vntill they come to that wherof the Sabbath is a liuely pledge even the eternall rest of glory in Heaven Thirdly whatsoever tends most to the perfect fullfilling of any speciall law and commandement of God given to men and is manifestlie made known to man to be most agreeable to Gods will revealed in that law and to the endes and uses which God openly pretendeth therein that man is chiefly bound to do by that law and commandement This is a most certaine and undoubted truth For Gods generall commandement is that we loue him with all our heart and worship and serve him with all our soule and all our strength Deut. 6 5. Mat. 22.37 Now the will of God revealed in this first institution and sanctifying of the sabbath and in the fourth Commandement of the law is often repeated urged by Moses the Prophets is more perfectly fulfilled in the right sanctification of the Lords day vnder the Gospell then it was in the observatiō of the sevēth the sabbath of the old Testament whatsoever necessary duty God in the law of the sabbath requireth of mā from the beginning Or whatsoever end and use he openly pretendeth his law of the keeping of the holy sabbath that is more fully obtained effected and brought to passe by an holy sanctification of the Lords day and by keeping it an holy Sabbath to the Lord now vnder the Gospell Therefore by the law of the sabbath given at the first and by the fourth commandement it is repeated and explaned Christians are bound to to keepe the Lords day which is the first of the weeke for their weekly S●bbath If any man doth make doubt of the assumption in this Syllogisme It is easily proved by a particular enumeration both of the particular substanciall and necessary duties which Gods word requires in the Sabbath and also of the ends and uses for which God requires an holy sabbath to be kept every seventh day The First maine dutie from which the seventh day requirs the name of Sabbath is rest and cessation from all worldly labours pleasures and delight wherein man is to withdraw his mind from worldly cares and secular affaires which concern this fraile earthly life and is to giue rest and refreshing to his owne body and to the bodies of his children servants straungers and toyling cattell as appeares Exod. 20.10 Isa 58.13 And the proper end and use of this rest is First to admonish man that he must not place nor seeke felicity in this world nor since his fall and breaking of the Covenant of workes by his disobedience hope for any happinesse or felicity either here or else where to be purchased by his owne workes of righteousnesse which he either is or was able in the first creation to performe in his owne person Secondly to shew that Gods just wrath appeased by C●rist and the sting of death and the curse and bitternesse of mans sorrowes and toilsome laboures which God imposed on him for his transgression is taken away and God will not haue his people to torment their bodies which continuall toile and painfull labour but to ease and refresh themselves with a weekly rest Thirdly to make men take notice that God hath a provident and fatherly care of his creatures both men and beasts hates all mercilesse cruelty oppression of their very bodies and will haue them so refreshed eased that they may last the longer and goe cheerfully through their weeklie labours Fourthly to shew that in Christ vpon whom the Sabbath is founded there is spirituall rest and ease and refreshing of the soul from the heavie burden of sinne and the miser●es of sinne to be found of all them who being heavy laden do flee to him and in him place their hope and confidence Fif●ly to put in mind of Gods resting in Christs mediation from the worke of creation and that he hath wholy given over all purposes and thoughts of repairing the world and restoring man fallen and corrupted by any worke of creation and hath set his mind on another kind of worke even the work of redemption by Christ and the new creation of heavenly spirituall and supernaturall graces and perfections in men by his holy spirit Sixthly to be a signe and memoriall of Christ his full perfecting of the worke of mans redemption and of his perfect satisfaction made to the justice of God for fraile sinfull men Lastly to be a token and pledge of the eternall rest in heaven and of the Sabbathisme which after the labours and troubles of this life the elect and faithfull people of God shall enjoy for ever in the world to come Now there is no day in all the weeke in which this first maine dutie of the Sabbath can be well be performed for the ends and uses as on the Lords day which is the Christian Sabbath The seventh day never yeelded halfe so much light helps to Gods people in the old Testament for these purposes as the Lords day doth to us vnder the Gospell For the Lords day in which Christ arose from death and entered into his glorie and perfected the worke of Redemption It discovers Christ the maine foundation of all rest even of the Sabbath it selfe more plainly unto us and in it being bewtified and adorned with so manie blessings and prerogatives which Gods word gives to it wee may as in a cleare glasse see and behold Christ with open face we see in his resurrection Gods justice fully satisfied his wrath appeased redemption fully perfected Gods resting in Christ mediation eternall rest purchased by Christ for us and gained to himselfe heaven opened unto us sin death and hell already ouercome and conquered And therfore there is no day by many degrees soe fit as this day of Christs resurrection to make us rest comfortably in our bodies and minds from worldly cares and bodilie l●boures and in our soules and consciences from the burden of sinne and the guilt thereof No daie or time can so plainly shew vnto us that our fellicity is not in this world nor to be obtained and purchased by the righteousnesse of our owne workes This sets before us Christ raised for our justification This shews Gods aboundant mercy and compassion ●o us and that hee hates all cruelties and oppressions And this is a speciall meanes to bring us to the assurance
of the blessed hope and eternall rest reserved in Heaven for vs. And therfore the first maine duty with all the partes thereof and the speciall endes and uses of it are more fully performed and obtained in the observation of the Lords day for the Holy weekly Sabbath then they possibly can be now by vs or could be of old on the sabbath of the seventh day by the fathers in the old Testament The second maine duty of the Sabbath is sanctifying and keeping of it holy to the Lord which comprehends in it many speciall and particular duties 1. Setting of their affections even their joy and delight wholy vpon God and heavenly things 2. Honouring worshipping of God in their hearts with holy thoughts and meditations by their lipps with holy prayers praises and thanksgiuing in their outward actiōs by preaching hearing reading repeating of Gods word and solemne commemoration of his promises mercies and blessings in the word and sacraments 3. Teaching and learning all holy duties which tend to bring vs nearer to God in Christ. 4. Offering spirituall sacrifices to God of sweet sauour such as are almesdeedes works of mercy and charity wherby others may be made to tast of Gods goodnesse and stirred up to laud and praise his name All these are comprehended vnder the maine duty of sanctifying the holy Sabbath which the Lord commands expresly in the law and they are commended to vs by the Prophet Isa. 56.4 58.13 And the proper end and use of this duty and all the partes thereof is First to make vs set our affections on things which are aboue and not on things below and to stirre us up to seeke eternall life and heavenly happinesse in Christ onely and in him crucified and raised up Secondly to continue and increase in fraile men the knowledge and memory of Christ and of the way to eternall life and blessednesse in him which without keeping holy of a weekly Sabbath would faile cease among the sonnes of men Thirdly to begit and increase true grace and holinesse in men by exercising holy duties of religion and so to bring them by justification adoption to the right of inheritance in Heaven and by sanctification to fit them for the possession of it Now the observation of the Lords day in which Christ arose is such as may far more powerfully effectually moue men to the performance of these duties lead men more directly to the proper end and use of them then the old Sabbath of the the seventh day either now can or of old could do when it was most in force For it had no other light or life in it but onely from obscure promises and darke shaddowes through which Christ was seene as things farre off are seene and in the starre light nights But the Lords day the first day of the weeke hath light and life from the sun of righteousnesse Christ who in it rose up and to be the light of life to all nations hath brought life immortallity to light by the Gospell and discovered to us the kindnesse and loue of God the riches of his goodnesse in giving grace and shedding his spirit on us abundantly here and so fit us for glorie hereafter And therefore this day must needes be of great force and power farre ab●ve the seventh day to make men set their affections on God and heavenly things especially upon the inheritance incorruptible and undefiled which fadeth not away reserved in heaven for us unto which God hath begotten us by the resurrection of Christ from the dead 1. Pet. 1.3 It is also powerfull and excellent to incite and stirr us up to honour God in our hearts by the due consideration of his goodnesse and mercie Also it much furthereth us to proclaime the high praises of our God and kinge and to make prayers and supplications to him Besides to make us helpfull unto others in seeking after their salvation And thus we may see what are Sabbath duties even the workes of piety mercy charitie c. pleasing to God and by which others may be brought to joyne with us in lauding and praising God and we our selves fitted for glorie Vpon ●hese points so fullie proved The conclusion followes necessarilie that the law by which God first instituted the Sabbath on the first s●venth day of the world doth binde us under the Gospel to keepe the Lords day for our weeklie Sabbath Fourthly that day which God hath made most Honourable and hath given it a most Honourable name and title aboue all the daies of the week to that he hath given the prerogatiue to be the weekly Sabbath hath made it his day of Holie rest For it is a property of the sabbath to be the Lords Holy and Honourable day as the Evangellicall Prophet Isaiah shews Jsa 58.13 making of it Hono●able is making of it the Sabbath Now the first day of the weeke is the day which God hath Honoured aboue all daies by the glorious victorie of Christ ouer death and over all enemies and powers of darknesse and to it he hath given the most Honourable name and title For the holy evangelist and divine Apostle S. Iohn who was the intimate beloved and bosome Disciple of the Lord and did best know his minde cals it the Lords day Revel 1.10 that is the day which the Lord hath made the day of great joy gladnes to his people as David foretold Psa. 118. which day the Lord Christ hath appropriated to himselfe his honour Honoured with his own name as he is the Lord God one Iehovah with the father For the Greeke word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Lord is in respect of the roote from whence it is deriued the same in signification with Gods proper name Iehovah and most commonly in the new Testament is used to expresse that sacred name Therefore it is now under the Gospell made by God himselfe the weekly Sabbath The Fifth argument is grounded upon the wordes of our Saviour Math. 12.8 Mark 2 27·28 Where he saith that the Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath Therefore he even as he is the sonne of man or God made man is the Lord of the sabbath The first clause to weet the sabbath was made for man notes out vnto us two things 1. That the Sabbath was first instituted for man even by reason of the sonne of God promised to become man and so he is the foundation of it 2. That it was made for man that is for the man Christ and for the benefit of all mankinde in him for his honour and the advancement of his kingdome among men and for the good of men both naturall and civill in respect of weekly rest and refreshing also spirituall as knowledge instruction growth in grace holinesse The second clause not man for the Sabbath shews that the Sabbath is not one of those things which man was made to obserue
in the creatione neither is the law of it written in mans heart in the the creation it was the fall of man and his corruption which caused his to stand in need of a weekly rest and of holy Sabbath exercises to worke good in him and to bring him neerer to God And being made for mans use he may in case of necessity dispence with outward obseruations of the Sabbath the same must giue place to works of necessity which cannot be omitted either without losse of life or some certaine losse or mischiefe The third clause Therefore is the sonne of man Lord also of the sabbath doth giue us to understand that the use of the Sabbath was founded on Christ promised to be Lord of the sabbath and was in under him made man and necessary for the profit of man corrupted not for man in innocency Therfore C●rist the son of man is Lord of the Sabbath that is he hath th● true proper right and propriety in it for to make it serve for his use being the Lord possessor of it and he hath authority and power ouer it so that it is at his command either to be or not to be in vse either the seventh day or upon some other day of the weeke Now we never read that Christ exercised any Lordship ouer the Sabbath as hee is the son of man either to command it or to chaunge it but only in thes● two respects First that he brought it first into the world by undertaking to be the seed of the woman the sonne of man so it was setled on the seventh day in which he was promised during the time of the old Testament while he was a redeemer pr●mised Secondly that he by his resurrection in which he perfected redemption did consecrate the first day and made it the most honourable day fit to be the Sabbath of the new Testament and also gaue commandement to his Apostles so to ordaine in all Churches Besides this Lordship and power of Christ as sonne of man ouer the Sabbath we cannot conceiue or imagine any other Therefore undoubtedly he hath chaunged it to the first day of the weeke and as Lord of it hath given commandement for this chaunge and alteration The sixth Arg. is drawne from Gods sanctifying of the Lords daie by his sonne Christ more fully and excellently then he did the seventh day in the first institution of the Sabbath For seeing the making of the seventh day to be the Holie Sabbath is the sanctifying of it as the words of my text shew and also the words of the law Exod. 20.13 It must needes hereupon be granted that what day God by his Son Christ hath in all respects more fullie and excellentlie sanctified then the seventh day was sanctified when God made it the Sabbath That daie God by Christ hath made his Holie Sabbath and so it is worthie to bee esteemed and soe is to be observed in the new Testament But now it is most certaine and manifest That the Lord God by his son Christ hath in all respects more fullie and excellentlie sanctified the first daie of the weeke in which Christ arose from death as appeares by diuers things which I haue formerlie touched First he in that daie more abundantlie revealed his holines to the world in that he declared Christ our Redeemer and the head of the whole bodie the Church To be the Sonne of God with power according to the spirit of Holinesse by the resurrection from the dead Rom. 1.3 Secondlie he then opened as it were the flood-gates of Heaven that Holinesse might be more abundantly with his spirit powred out upon all flesh when Christ was raised up and exalted by Gods right hand that he might shed his spirit on all sorts of people of all nations as wee read Act. 2.33 Yea in that in the feast of Pentecost which was the first day of the weeke and the 49. day after Christs resurrection the Holie Ghost was sent downe vpon the Apostles to sanctifie them and to lead them into all truth and to giue them the guifts of tongues to preach the Gospell unto all nations which they presently did and the same day converted 3000. soules herein he both shewed his Holinesse more abundantly then before Thirdly It is piously held by manie Divines that among other things which after his resurrection Christ spake to his Disciples concerning the Kingdome of God that is the Church under the Gospell this was one namely of the keeping of the Holy Sabbath and holie assemblies or gathering of the saints togither vpon the first day of the weeke For immediatly after the Apostles observed that day and all churches in all ages since haue followed their example Therefore it is God who by his Sonne Christ hath made this first day that is the Lords day the weekly Sabbath of Christians J might here adde for further proofe of this truth an observation of diuers godly and learned writers to weet that our Saviour sanctified the first day of the weeke more then any other day by his promise and example in that he did most commonly appeare to the Disciples after his resurrection and came amongst them when they were assembled together on that day and taught and instructed them and breathed on them so we reade Luk. 24.13.36 Ioh. 20.19.26 Seventhly That which the Apostle taught by word and writing and ordained in all Churches of Christian Gentiles and confirmed by their constant practise is undoubtedly a Commandement which they received from the Lord Christ so it appeares Act. 15.28 where they professe that what they prescribed to the Chirstiā Churches was the dictate and sentence first of the holy Ghost and then of them joyntlie And our Saviour tells us that the Holie Ghost leads men into all trueth by speaking his word onely to them and calling it to their remembrance Ioh. 16.13.14 therefore it was Christ his word and ordinance St. Paul also professeth that he deliuered unto them such traditions as be received from the Lord 1 Cor. 11.23 And againe he saith 1 Cor. 14.37 Jf any man thinke himselfe to be a Prophet or spirituall let him know that the things which J write unto you are the Commandements of the Lord. Now it is manifest in the Gospel and in the writings of the new Testament that it was a constant practise of the Apostles to keep their assemblies with one accord on the first day of the weeke so we read Ioh. 20.19.29 Act. 2.1.2 and in those their assemblies the Lord Christ presented himselfe to them bodily and by the visible appearance and powerfull operation of his spirit Also Act. 20.8 St Paul on that day kept an holie assembly at Troas and there he preached and administered the sacrament of the Lords supper and performed Holie exercises of the Christian Sabbath And the same Apostle gaue a precept and commandement to the Corinthians even the same which he there saith hee had ordained in the
them a token and pledge of some great blessing and future good promised that God will haue them to keepe saf● and to hold fast vntill they receive the blessing and come to the full possession of it This is manifest by the tipes and sacraments of the law which could not bee a bolished nor without sinne purposely neglected vntill Christ was fully exhibited of whom they were signes and pledges and he was the body and substance And we finde by daily experience that the loosing or casting away of the pledg is the forfetting or forgoing of a mans right whereof it is a pledge If we will receiue the blessing we must do the condition of it Now the observing of a weekly Sabbath is not onely a signe of eternall rest in heaven but also a token and pledge if it given in the beginning togither with the first promise of Christ and conveighed ouer from the fathers to us setled on the day wherin Christ arose from death and perfected mans redemption That it is a pledg of the Sabbathisme which remaines for the people of God the Apostles words imply Heb. 4.9 And the best learned haue ever held it to be our pledge of eternall rest in Heaven As Aust●n Tom. 4. Quaest. 162. and lib. contra Adimantum cap. 13. divers others Therfore the holy weekly Sabbath upon the Lords day must be observed by all Gods people the law of the Sabbath binds them therunto perpetually to the end of the world to the day of resurrection to glory And thus I haue finished the Doctrine of the sanctification of the Sabbath as it is the proper act of God even his seperaing of the seventh day to be an holy rest by his word commandement CHAP. 14 THE thing which now followeth next in order is mans sanctifying the weekly Sabbath keeping of a seventh day holy to the Lord which God hath imposed on him for a necessary holy duty when by his word cōmādement he blessed sanctified it as here we read in the words of my text For Gods sanctifying of daies times places is not any infusing of his holy spirit into them as he doth into his saints even holy Angels men but this giving of a law commandement to mē to obserue keep them after an holy manner to use imploy them to holy heavenly supernaturall use even to divine worship exercises of piety religion as I haue before proued plainly And in that Gods sanctified the seventh day that is gaue a law in the beginning to man to keep observe it for an holy Sabbath as my text shews Therfore it is a necessary duty imposed by God upon man so to observe keep an holy sabbath every seventh day or a sevēth day in every week that duty of mans sanctification keeping holy the Lords sabbath comes now in order to be handled which is here necessarily implied included in the worde of my text In the opening handling wherof I purpose to proceed in this method order First I will shew that this duty of sanctifiing an holy Sabbath to the Lord is imposed by this act of God on all mankinde the children of men are bound unto it from the seventh day of the world after the first beginning of the creation untill that last day of the generall resurrection judgment in which they shal be called to an account reckoning of all things which they haue done in this life Secondly I will shew how farre upon what termes conditions men are bound to this duty by Gods law given for that purpose in his act of sanct●fying the Sabbath Thirdly I will shew more speciall the speciall workes wherein the sanctification and observation of the weekly Sabbath consisteth The duties are of three sorts 1. Some are common to all Gods people in all ages from the beginning and all states and conditions of the C●urch both in the old and new Testament Some are proper to the fathers of the old Testament while the Sabbath was limitted to the last day of the weeke and grounded upon Christ promised onely 3. Some are proper to the Church and people of God vnder the Gospell in the new Testament when the Sabbath is ch●unged to the fi●st day of the week even the Lords day builded upon the finishing of mans redemption and Christ fully exhibited and Gods resting in Christs satisfaction consummated which is a more excellent ground Of all these in order The ●●rst point concern●ng the obligation of all mankinde to the keeping of an holy weekly S●bbath from the first seventh day of the world vnto the last resurrection when the elect and faithfull shall both in their soules and bodies enter into the eternall rest in Heaven may be proued by divers Arguments My first Argument is drawne from the law by which God here in my text did first bind man to this duty thus J briefly frame it That duty which God hath enjoyned by a commandement given to our first parents without limitation exception or exemptiō of any that he hath imposed by his commandement upon Adam and all his seed and posterity in his loynes and they are all bound unto it to the worlds end The sanctifying of a seventh in every weeke and keeping it an Holy Sabbath is a duty injoyned by a Commandement which God gaue to Adam without limitation or exemption of any of his seed and posterity Therefore it is a duty imposed by God upon all mankinde and they are bound unto it in all ages vntill the end of the world The first proposition cannot with any colour of reason be denied if any shall object that God gaue to Adam upon the promise of Christ a law of sacrificing cleane beasts and offering first fruites which bound him and his seed in his loynes and yet they are not bound by it in all ages but onely untill the comming of Christ and his offering of himselfe a sacrifice which is the substance of all sacrifices and after that men are boūd no longer to that duty I answer that though the last of sacrifices of other service worship which were types shaddows was given to Adam upon the first promise without expresse limitation and reached to his seed in his loynes and as Caine Abell so Noah Abraham and all the patriarches people of God were bound to that dutie vntill Christ yet there was a limitation in the things commanded which being types and shaddowes onely of Christ promised were of no use but onely while Christ was yet expected and not actually offered up a sacrifice of perfect attonement and Gods people had neede of such types and figures to lead them to Christ. Therefore this Objection doth not touch nor infring this proposition which speakes of a law of a duty whi●h is of use to all mankinde in all their generations The assumption also is manifest For here we
benefit nor any witnesse of the covenant or signe wherby to challenge the blessing Now the holie weeklie Sabbath is ordained of God and given in Adam to all mankinde to be a signe and pledge to them of spirituall and eternall rest in Christ which they shall never fullie obtaine vntill the last resurection in the end of the world For the full rest Sabbatisme whereof the Sabbath is a pledge doth till then still remaine for them Heb. 4.9 and they shall not enter into the full possession of it untill the last resurrection And Gods giving of himselfe unto his people to bee their God which doth sanctifie them whereof the Sabbath is a signe token and pledge vnto them as he himselfe testifieth Exod. 31. 13. is not fully manifested nor perfected untill they bee fully sanctified both in soules and bodies at the last day and made fit to see and enjoy God to rest with him in glorie for ever It is true which the auncient fathers haue observed and taught that the old Sabbath as it was limited to the the seventh daie of the week was a signe of the spiritual rest of the faithfull from their own sinfull works and of their steadfast rest upon Christ by faith when they are regenerate and renued by the holie Ghost which is shed on them abundantlie through Iesus Christ vnder the Gospel Tit. 3.5.6 and therefore that old Sabbath of the seventh daie of the weeke is so farre fulfilled in Christ and hath the accomplishment in him But because the fulnesse of eternall rest wherof the weeklie Sabbath absolutelie considered is the signe and pledge shall not be obtained vntill the last resurrection of the just when by virtue of Christs resurrection their bodies shal be raised out of the dust and be made like the glorious body of Christ which they still exspect in hope Therefore the keeping of a weeklie Sabbath as a pledge of that perfect eternall rest still belongs to all Gods people and they are bound to keepe it on that day of the week in which Christ arose which day by his resurrection is made a sure pledge that they shal be raised vp in the perfect image and similitude of his resurrection Fifthly that which is ordained by him and given to men to fit them for eternall rest in heaven to be a speciall means to conduct lead them in the right way therunto and which of it selfe is very good profittable and excellent for that purpose That Gods word and will and every mans reason guided by the word bindes him to obserue keepe and to hold himselfe constantlie and perpetually vnto it vntill he comes to the end of his race even the eternall rest in Heaven This is a truth vndoubt●dly For the Scriptures command us to runne our race vnto the end and to omit no meanes which may helpe to eternall life and experience teacheth us that the neglect of the ready way and meanes of gaining the pledge is the way to loose it Now the keeping of an holy weeklie Sabbath after the best and strictest manner by resting from all worldly businesse so farre as our weaknesse and necessitie will suffer and devoting our selves to Gods holy mediate worship as prayer reading hearing of Gods word both in priuate and publick assemblies and to serious meditations of heavenlie things is in it selfe one of the most powerfull meanes to beg it and increase faith and all holy saving graces in us and God hath ordained it for to conduct and lead men on in the right and readie way to etenall rest in heaven Therefore Gods word will revealed everie mans own reason guided by the word binds all men to it in all ages vntill they come to eternall rest in heavē CHAP. 15. THE First point being thus proued The second thing before propounded followes that is to shew how farr and upon what termes and conditions the sonnes of Adam are bound to the duty of keeping a weekly Sabbath by Gods commandement giuen in the sanctifying of the seventh day here recorded in my text where God is said to sanctifie the seventh day that is by giving man a law to keepe it holy First for such sons of Adam as are borne and liue in the Church of God haue the means to know Gods word to obey his law There is no questiō to be made it is cleare that they are bound to know to keep this cōmandement of God and to seperate one day in every weeke even that which God hath blessed aboue all the rest to devote it to holy heavenly exercises ceasing from all worldly cares labours delights and so to keep it an holy Sabath First as they are Gods creatures God hath thus far declared his mind will that men in immitation of him their God who rested on the seuenth day also for the refreshing of themselves their children servants cattell in their bodies should rest from worldly labours for the comfort of our soules should spend it in holy spirituall exercises in the worship of him their maker and preserver even the generall law of nature bindes them to this duty Secondly as God hath revealed himselfe a Redeemer Saviour of mankind by promising giving Christ So they are much more bound to keep all his commandements to the utmost of their power especially this of the Sabbath which God ordained to be a memoriall of redemption and eternall rest to be found only in Christ promised on the sevēth day and in fulnesse of time given and exhibited Jf they beleeve that Christ is their redeemer and that they are bought with the price of his blood and are no more their own but his who hath bought them this binds them to glorifie God with their soules and bodies also which are Gods 1 Cor. 6.20 And this they cannot do except some time be set apart at least one day in everie week to celebrate in holy assemblies the gracious goodnesse bounty loue of God to them in Christ to sanctifie and fit themselves for him in all their weekly works and for the intending and seeking of him in all the labours of their hands Thus much the Lord shews in his law giuen expounded by Moses Deut. 5.15 Where he tells Israell that he gaue his commandement to them of keeping holy his Sabbath for this end that they might remember their slavery in Egypt their deliverance by his mighty hand stretched out arme Vpon which words wee must necessarily inferre that if God bound them by his commandement vrging them and pressing often to keep the Sabbath day for a memoriall of their deliuerance from temporall tipical bondage thankfulnes to him for it then much more were they all Gods people still are bound to keep holy the Sabbath day in thankfulnes for a memoriall of spirituall deliverance from sin death and Hel and that on the day of the Lord Christ wherin
sanctified the first borne to himselfe Exod. 13. From whence we conclude that Gods blessing of a day aboue other daies with greatest blessings is a good ground for the keeping of it for his holy Sabbath and so also is Gods sāctifying of it by more speciall holines Thirdly it is manifest that all extraordinary and yearlie Sabbaths which God commanded Israell to keepe holy such as the first and seventh dai●s of the feasts of the Passover Pentecost of Tabernacles were al enjoyned to be k●pt observed in memory of greater blessings given on those daies and of Gods sanctifying them by more full revelation of his holines And therefore much more is the observation of the continuall weekly Sabbath grounded upon greater blessings given holines fully revealed on that day of the week which is to be observed for the Sabbath in whatsoever age time or state of the Church men do live they are bound by the first institution of the Sabbath and by the first law which God then gaue for the keeping of it as to obserue an holy weekly sabbath so to obserue on that verie daie of the weeke which God hath at that time and in that age revealed and declared to be the day which he hath blessed and sanctified aboue all others daies of the weeke As for example while Christ was promised a redeemer of the world and was not yet given the day of the promise wherin he was first promised and did undertake and begin to mediate for man was the most blessed day which God had sanctified and blessed with the promise which was the greatest blessing revealed and made knowne in the Old Testament But when an other day of the weeke comes to be blessed with a greater blessing even the giving of Christ and the full exhibition of him a perfect redeemer then is that the day which God hath sanctified aboue all daies then the law the words of the first institutiōs bind mē to keep that for the holy Sabbath And thus you see the generall duties which God requires of all men in generall which are necessary to the being of the Sabbath and with out which there can be no right obseruation of a weekly sabbath holy to the Lord. CHAP. 17. THE second sort of duties now follow to weet those which were proper to the people of God in the old Testament vnto which the Fathers were specially bound befor the cōming of Christ while he was yet only promised not given a perfect Redeemer They also though they consist in many particulars Yet may be reduced to three chiefe heads First to rest and cessation Secondly to sanctification Thirdly to obseruation of the seventh and last day of the weeke for their holy weekly Sabbath First concerning rest from all worldly affaires and cessation from bodily exercises such as delight and refresh the outward man onely and are directed to no other end there are different opinions among the learned Some hold that the fathers vnder the law were bound more strictly to rest from bodily exercises and worldly affaires on their Sabbath then Christians are on the Lords day under the Gospel Jnsomuch that the strict bond of rest vnto which the law tyed them was an heavy yoke and apart of the bondage vnder which they groaned Others are of opinion that their rest being no more but from worldly affaires bodily exercises seruing only for bodily delight worldly profit was the very same vnto which all Gods people were bound in all ages and are still under the Gospel There are reasons brought on both sides but all Scriptures and reasons being well weighed I doubt not but they may bee brought to agree in one truth If only one thing wherin both sides agre and which both mistake be remoued namely a conceipt which both haue of a more strict and religious exaction of rest and cessation then indeede was required in the Sabbath of the Old Testament They who hold the first opinion bring many testimonies of Scripture which seeme to impose such a strict rest cessation on the fathers and the Isralites vnder the law as is by common experience found to be an heavy burden hard to be borne and even intollerable As for example Exod. 9.16.23 Where Moses speakes thus unto Israell This is that which the Lord hath said To Morrow is the rest of the holy sabbath vnto the Lord bake that which yee will bake to day and seeth that yee will seeth and that which remaineth over lay vp for you to be kept untill the morning Hence they conclude that the fathers were restrained frō baking or seething any meate on the Sabbath day Also verse 29. Wher Moses saith Let no mā go forth of his place but every mā abide in his place on the seventh day Hence they inferre That the fathers might not walke abroad on their Sabbath Likewise from the words of the law Exod. 20.10 Jn it thou shalt not do any worke they gather that the Isralites might upon no worldly occasion do any worke on the Sabbath day not so much as make a plaister or medicine for a sick and wounded man And so the learned Doctours of the Iewes vnderstodd the law and observed it as they shewed by their reproving of Christ for healing a diseased person by a word onely and no other labour Also Exod. 31.14.15 35.23 all kinde of worke is forbideen under paine of death Whosoever doth any worke therein shal be put to death saith the Lord. Yea he forbids to kindle a fire through their habitations on the sabbath day Num. 15.35 The man that was found gathering stickes in the wildernesse on the sabbath day was by Gods appointment stoned to death by the Congregation Neh 13 17. Jt was called profaning of the Sabbath when men sould any wares or vitails and when straungers of other nations brought in wares and fish on the Sabbath day to be sold. Also Amos 8.5 They whose mindes were so set on the worldly affaires that they longed till the sabbath was past and had their minde on selling corne and wheate The Lord sweares by the excellency of Iacob that hee will not forgit to reveng their doings From these scriptures divers both of the Auncients and later diuines haue concluded that the law of the Sabbath in respect of rest and cessation which is exacted in the old Testament with such rigour and upon such grievous penalties was an heavy and intollerable burden and therefore is abolished by Christ in respect of that totall cessation and strict rest Others on the contrary doe hold that as Christians haue more clear evidence hope of eternall rest in heaven and the spirit which makes the more spirituall shed on them more abundantly through Christ soe they ought to be more restrained from loue of the world from care of earthly things And therefore by the law of the Sabbath are bound rather more strictly then the fathers in the old Testament
weeke an holie Sabbath to the Lord. But that indeed it came in after mans fall together with the promise of Christ and therefore is more fitly called a law of grace and a Positiue Evangellicall law requiring duties of obedience to God which chiefly and especiallie tend to begit grace and increase holinesse in men Yet it is not simply Positiue nor soe Evangellicallie morall but that it may in some sence and respect bee called naturall also For first it requires some duties of obedience which in their owne nature are Good and profittable though the law giuer had not by expresse commandement revealed his will that they should be done such is the giuing no wof rest int●rmission of bodilie labour and toile to our bodies and to the bodies of our servants and labouring cattell one whole day in everie weeke ouer and besides that which they haue in the time of sleepe in the darknesse dead of the night This is according to naturall reason and common equitie Secondly it commands some duties of Gods Worship and service which man by the law of nature was bound to performe in his innocency and which are naturally morall as lauding and praising God and giuing to him all honour and reverence in the most solemne and pu●lick manner Thirdly it commands such holy spirituall works of grace such duties of sanctification as in thei● own nature worke to the sanctifying of men more more to make them capable of eternall rest in heaven of the full fruition of God As for example Meeting upon a set daie in everie week in holy assemblies for to heare read Gods word publick instructions exhortations mutuall provocations to piety sanctity Christian charity Fourthly the patticular day of the week which the law commands to be kept for an holy Sabbath is separated upon such a just ground reason in the first institution of the Sabbath and blessed by God with such a blessing aboue other daies of the week that whosoever knows the law true intent meaning of it rightlie unde●stands the ground of the Sabbath mentioned in the law he must by the light both of nature grace he forced to confesse acknowledge the particular day which the law commands to bee kept an holie Sabbath both in the old new testament For the law doth not command one day in seven to be an holy rest simply merely for the pleasure of the lawgiuer because he would haue it soe for no other reason but for very good reason upon a ground because he dignified the day of the Sabbath blessed it aboue all other daies with a singular blessing our owne reason doth tell us that the particular day of the weeke which hath in it the true reasons the honour blessing of the sabbath it ought by the law to be obserued for the holy sabbath none other while it retaines that honour blessing hath the true reasons properly annexed to it Now it it most manifest to all who read the Scriptures are well exercised in Gods word law That as the seventh last day of the weeke was blessed honoured adorned by God with the greatest blessing which God gaue to the world in the old Testament to weet the promise of Christ the Redeemer of the world Gods entring into the Couenant of grace of eternall life salvavation with man also Gods perfecting of the whole worke of creation by revealing giving in promise the worke of Redemption his resting in Christs mediation on that day vndertaken begun And therefor every reasonable man must by his own reason be induced lead to acknowledg that day the fittest most worthy of all daies in the week to be the holy Sabbath to be spent in thankfull commemoration of Gods free loue bountie to mankinde During the whole time of the old Testament before the comming of Christ. So likewise God hauing now under the Gospel transferred this honour to the first day of the week that is become a blessed day aboue all other daies being blessed of God with a blessing farr more excellent then that of the seventh day to weet the actuall performance of the promise by giving exhibiting Christ a perfect actuall redeemer in his resurrection without which resurrection all our preaching of Christ all our faith in Gods promises would prove vaine as the Apostle proueth 1 Cor. 15. Therfore every man must out of common reason equity conclude that together with the ground reason of the Sabbath which God hath now removed from the seventh to the first day he hath also remoued the honour festiuall solemnity of the Sabbath Also his first law which enjoyneth man to keep that day for the holy Sabbath which God hath blessed with the grea●est blessing doth bind all Christians to obserue the Lords day for their weekly Sabb●th under the Gospel And in a word that it were a thing most vnequall unjust if a man or any Church should goe about to set up for the weekely Sabbath any other day which God hath not dignified honoured with so great a blessing Now upon these pr●missed reasons I hope it appeares manifestly First that though the Commandement of the weekly Sabbath is no dict●te of nature but a positiue Evangellicall law yet it doth by common naturall reason as well as by the light of grace direct every reasonable man to the partilar day of the weekly Sabbath as to the seventh day in the old Testament so to the first in the new Testament And no resonable man can deny it to be the most equall which this law binds men unto but vpon the true grounds of the Sab well weighed considered must be forced to confesse that as the seventh day was most worthy of the honour of the Sabbath had it before Christs full exhibition in his resurrection so ever since the Lords day the first of the week is become the true Sab of Christians none hath power to giue that honour to any other day Secondly it is here manifest that though Christ the sonne of God made also the son of man mans redeemer is the Lord of the Sab the determination of the particular day of the week depends on him and none other haue the honour pror●g●tiue to appoint the particular day but he only Yet we must not conceiue that Christ by his bare will sets downe the particular day that the day is to be obserued only because of his bare will commandement that any other is as fit worthy as the seventh the first if he would be pleased at any time to comm●nd the same But we are to hold th●● Christ is the Lord of the Sabbath hath the determinatiō of the particular day depends on him the Redeemer onely because the ho●y Sabbath is founded and builded upon him and in him alone
heart and soule is required in vsing the publick holie ordinances of God and in approaching neare to him to worship him in his holy place his owns house As wee reade Leviticus 20.7 1 Peter 1.15.16 The holinesse that becomes Gods house is not vanishing showes and shaddowes which passe awaie in the doing and vsing of them as bowing cringing and such gestures but a spirituall and eternall holinesse which lasts for ever and can never bee defaced nor perish as David shewes Psal. 93.5 It is better then thousands of Rammes Mich. It is putting on of Humility Mercy meeknesse and all other affections and departing from all iniquity 2 Tim. 2.19 It is the Jmage of Christ in the new creature which is created after God in righteousnesse and holinesse that is which cannot lye nor deceiue by faiding but lasts for ever Ephes. 4.24 Thirdly to call to mind those Scripturs which require holy preparation as Eccle. 5.1 which shewes Gods anger against such as come to his house without due furniture and a wedding garment as Mat. 22.12 Fourthly to meditate on that whereof the Sabbath is a signe and pledge vnto us even our Resurrection to eternall life and to the eternall Rest of glory in heaven in the sight and fruition of God whom none can see without holinesse Thi● is most powerfull to stirre up spirituall affection and to quicken grace in our hearts The third meanes is earnest prayer to God for his spirit and increase of his spirituall grace in our hearts that is of great force if it be importunate Luk. 11.13 18.1 and fervent Iam. 5.16 And therefor when the Lords day begineth in the evening or day going of the Satturday we must make speciall prayers for this purpose as also in the morning when we awake and see the light of the Lords holy day Jn the next place after we are thus prepared wee must set our selves wholy to the performance of the duties of holinesse which are required for the sanctification of an holy Sabbath to the Lord which are either publick or private The first publick duty is diligent assembling of our selues with the congregation of Gods people in the house of God the place of publick assemblies This is so necessary that without it there can be no solemne service nor publick worship of God performed by us This the Lord requires in the law where he joynes these two together as in seperable companions even holy convocations and keeping of a Sabbath Ex. 12.16 These our Saviour Christ did frequent though Lord of the Sabbath as well as the fathers did under the law as appears Mark. 1.27 And so did his Apostles on the new Sabbath the Lords day 1 Cor 16.1.2 The second publick duty in the publick worship of God is Praier lauding and Praising him and offering vp sacrifices of thankfulnesse and the first fruites a●d calues of our lippes in a solemne orderly and decent manner and order This the holy men of God carefully performed in the House of God on their Sabbath in the old Testament as David shewes Psal. 5.7 42.4 And this our Saviour commandes to us for an holy duty in Gods house where hee cals the house of God the house of prayer Mat. 21.13 that not only to the Jews but also to al beleeving nations as the Prophets words by him cited do shew Isa. 56 7. This the godly at Philippi where they had no Synagogue nor Church performed in a publick assembly by a Riuers side Act. 16.13 This was practised by the first Christians at Iudaea Act. 2.46.47 and this the Apostle injoynes Heb 13.15 This David foretold Psal. 118.24 In a word all Scriptures which teach us to call upon God to pray to confesse our sinnes to humble our selves before God to worshippe him and to giue thankes and do commend these for holy duties they doe much more teach vs to performe them on the Lords day in our holy assemblies The third sort of publicke duties are the holy ordinances of God which tend properly to beget and increase holinesse and to teach Christians Gods holy worship and feare to weet the publick reading and and expounded of the word of God and preaching and Catechising on the Mininisters part and on the peoples part reverent attention hearing of the word of God This was a constant practise from the daies of old which the Fathers obserued soe long as the Church of the Jewes and first temple was standing As appeares Ast. 13.15 cap. 15.21.27 Also by our Saviours practise preaching in the Sinagogues every sabbath day Luk. 4.16 Mar. 1.31 And this the Apostles practised in holie assemblies which they appointed to be kept on the Lords day and this they commanded to be performed by all the Christian Churches as appeares Act. 11.25 20 7. 1 Cor. 16.1 14.23.26 Colos. 4.14 1 Thes. 5.27 Fourthly besides preaching reading and expounding of the holy Scripturs ther is also the administration of the Sacraments as of Baptisme and the Lords Supper the later of which especially is an holy sab daies ordinance of Christ first instituted in the assembly of his Apostles not to be administred and receiued ordinarily but in Sab assēblies and publick meeting of the Church comming together on the Lords day as we gather from Act. 20.7 1 Cor. 11.20.33 And that publick Baptisme is most fit to bee administered on the Lords day in the publicke assembly these reasons sh●w 1. Because it is joyned with preaching Mathew 28.16 Secondly because it is the receiuing of the Baptized into the true Visible Church Thirdly in publick it may bee better perfomed by the joynt prayers of the whole Congregation· Fourthly it may much profit the whole publick congregation of Gods people by putting them in minde of the covenant made in Baptisme The fifth sort of publick Sabbath duties are workes of mercy charity which are fruites of faith working by loue Unto which duties the publick Ministers soe often occasion is offered are to excite up the people and they ought to offer freelie and to make collections for the poore Saints This St. Paul taught 1 Cor. 16. 1 2 and this was in times and ages next after the Apostles practised and performed as Iustin Martyr testifies Apolog. 2 pag. 77. Sixthly publick censures of the Church and actions of correction are most fitly performed in publick assemblies of the whole Church on the Lords day such as open rebuke of scandalous sinners before all the people that others may feare Excommunication and casting out excluding from outward communion obstinate and refractary offenders as hereticks adulterers incestuous persons such like Receiving into the Church of God such as were cast out upon their humble confession and publick repentance openly before the whole Church These are not to be done in corners but in the face of the Church as St. Paul ordained by commandement from the Lord by direction from the spirit of God 1 Tim. 5 20 1 Cor. 5.4