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A13678 The following of Christ translated out of Latin into Englishe, newlie corrected and amended. VVherento also is added the golden epistle of Sainct Bernarde. And nowe lastelie the rules of a Christian lyfe, made by Iohn Picus the elder earle of Mirandula.; Imitatio Christi. English. Cyprian, Saint, d. 304. [Swete and devoute sermon of mortalitie of man]. aut; Whitford, Richard, fl. 1495-1555?; Elyot, Thomas, Sir, 1490?-1546.; Bernard, of Clairvaux, Saint, 1090 or 91-1153. Epistola de perfectione vitae. English. aut; Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni, 1463-1494. Regulae duodecim portim excitantes portim dirigentes hominem in pugna spirituali. English.; Thomas, à Kempis, 1380-1471, attributed name. 1585 (1585) STC 23968; ESTC S103013 152,704 352

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by naturall reason and which men truelye illumined with grace beholde by heauenlye contemplation Beware therefore my sonne to treate curiously of suche thinges for they passe thy knowledge and endeuour thy selfe that thou mayest be worthy so be nūbred with the least Saint that shall come to heauē And if percase a man might knowe who were holyer or who should be taken greater in the kingdome of heauen what shoulde that knowledge auayle him but if he would therby the more meeke him selfe and the more ryse thereby into the laude and praysinge of my name truelie nothinge Therefore he is much more acceptable to God that thinketh on the greatnes of his sinnes and of the littlenes of his vertues and howe farre he is from the perfectiō of the least Saint that is in heauē then he that argueth of their greatnes or of their litlenes or blessednes of life forgettinge them selfe It is better also with deuout prayers with weepinges and teares meekelie to praye to Saintes and to call to them for helpe then vaynelie to searche for their perfection They be verie well contented with the ioye that they haue if men woulde refrayne themselues from suche vayne arguments They glorifie not them selues of their merites ne they ascribe no goodnes to themselues but they referre all goodnes to me for they knowe well that I of my infinite goodnes and charitie haue geuen all vnto them And they be so muche fulfilled with loue of the godhead and with ouerpassing ioye that no glorie maye want in them nor anye felicitie And the higher that they be in heauen the meeker be they in them selues and the more nighe and the more louing to me Therefore it is written in the Apocalips that Saintes in heauen layde their crownes before God and fell prostrate on their faces before the meeke lambe that is Iesu and they woorshipped him as their Lorde God that is and shalbe lyuing euermore without ending Amen Manye searche who is highest in heauen that knowe not whether they shall be worthy to be numbred with the least that shall come thither for it is a great thinge to be the least in heauen where all be great for all that shall come thither shall be called the sonnes of God and so shall they be in deede the lest there shall be counted for a thousande and a sinner of a hundred yere shall be set at naught VVhen the Apostles asked amōg them selues who shoulde be greatest in the kingdome of heauen they heard this answer of Christ but ye sayde he be conuerted from your sinne and be made meeke as litle children ye maye not enter into the kyngdome of heauen He therefore that meeketh him selfe as this litle childe he shalbe greatest in the kingdome of heauen VVoe then be to them that disdayne to meeke them selues with litle children for the meeke part of heauen will not suffer them to enter into it wo also be vnto the proude riche men that haue their cōsolation here for when the good poore men shall enter into the kingdome of God they shall stande weepinge and waylinge without Ioye ye then ye that be meeke and poore in spirite for yours is the kingdome of God so that ye walke and houlde your iorney assuredlye in the waye of truth That all our hope and trust is to be put in God onelye The 64. Chapter O Lorde what is the trust that I haue in this life or what is my moste solace of all thinges vnder heauen Is it not thou my Lorde God whose mercy is without measure where hath it beene well with me without thee or when hath it not beene well with me thou being present I had leuer be poore with thee then rich without thee I had leuer be with thee as a pilgrime in this world then without thee to be in heauen for where thou art ther is heauē and where thou art not there is both death and hell Thou arte to me all that I desire and therefore it behoueth me to sigh to thee to crie to thee hartily to praye to thee I haue nothinge to trust in that maye helpe me in my necessities but onelye thee for thou art my hope thou art my trust thou art my comforte and thou arte my moste faithfull helper in euerye neede Man seeketh that is his but thou seekest my health and profite and turnest all thinges into the best for me for if thou sende temptations and other aduersities thou ordeinest all to my profite for thou art wont by a thousande wayes to proue thy chosen people In whiche proufe thou art no lesse to be lauded and praysed than if thou haddest fulfilled thē with heauenlie comfortes In thee Lorde therefore I put my trust and in thee I beare patientlye all my aduersities for I finde nothinge without thee but vnstablenes and follie for I see well that the multitude of worldlye freendes profiteth not nor that stronge helpers nothinge maye auayle ne wise counsayler geue profitable counsayle ne cunninge of doctours gyue consolation ne ryches delyuer in tyme of neede ne secrete place any thinge defende yf thou Lorde doe not assist helpe comforte counsail informe and defend For all thinges that seeme to be ordeined to mans solace in this world if thou be absent be right nought worth nor maye not bring to man anye true felicitie for thou art the ende Lorde of all good thinges the highnes of lyfe and the profounde wisedome of all things that is in heauen and in earth VVherfore to trust in thee aboue all thinges is the greatest comfort to al thy seruauntes To thee therefore I lifte mine eyes and in thee onely I put my trust my Lorde my God the father of mercy blesse thou and halowe thou my soule with thy heauenlie blessinges that it may be thy dwelling place and the seate of thy eternall glorie so that nothinge be founde in me at any tyme that maye offende the eye of thy maiestie Beholde me Lorde after the greatnes of thy goodnes and of thy manyfolde mercies and graciouslye heare the prayer of me thy poorest seruaunt outlawed and farre exiled into the countrey of the shadowe of death defend and keepe me amonge the manyfolde perils and daungers of this corruptible lyfe and direct me through thy grace by the waye of peace into the countrey of euerlastinge clearnes without ending Amen Finis Hereafter foloweth the fourth Booke of the folowinge of Christe which treateth moste speciallye of the Sacrament of the aultare Prologue COme to me saith our Lorde all ye that labour and be charged and I shall geue vnto you refection And the breade that I shall geue vnto you shall be my flesh for the lyfe of the worlde Take it and eate it for it is my bodye that for you shall be geuen in sacrifice doe ye this in remembrance of me for who so eateth my fleshe and drinketh my bloud he shal dwell in me and I in him These wordes that I haue sayde to you be
spirite and lyfe VVith hovve great reuerence Christe is to be receaued The firste Chapter O My Lorde Iesu Christe eternall truth these wordes aforesayde be thy wordes albeit they were not sayde in one selfe time nor written in one selfe place And for that they be thy wordes I will thankefully and faithfullie accept them They be thy wordes and thou haste spoken them and they be now myne also for thou haste sayde them for my health I will gladlye receyue them of thy mouth to the end they maye be the better sowen and planted in mine heart Thy wordes of so great pietie full of sweetnes and loue greatly excite me But Lorde my sinnes feare me greatlie and my cōscience not pure to receaue so great a misterie draweth me sore abacke The sweetnes of thy wordes prouoketh me but the multitude of mine offēces charge me verie sore Thou commaundest that I shall come vnto thee faythfullie if I will haue part with thee receaue the nourishinge of immortalitie and couete to obteyne the glorie and life eternall Thou sayest Lorde come ye to me that laboure and be charged and I shall refreshe you O howe sweete and howe amyable a worde is it in the eare of a sinner that thou Lorde God wilt bidde me that am so poore and needie to the Communion of thy moste holie bodie But what am I Lorde that I dare presume to come to thee Loe heauē and earth may not comprehende thee and thou sayest come ye al to me VVhat meaneth this moste meeke worthynes and this louelie and frendly biddinge howe shall I dare come vnto thee which knowe not that I haue done any thinge wel Howe shall I bringe thee into mine house which so ofte haue offēded before thy face Angels and Archangels honor thee righteous men dreade thee And thou sayest yet Come ye all vnto me but that thou Lorde haddest sayde it who woulde beleue it to be true And but thou haste commaunded it who durst attempt to go vnto it Noe that iust man laboured an hundred yere to make the shippe to the end he might be saued with a fewe of his people Howe maye I prepare me then in an houre to receaue thee with due reuerence that art maker and Creatour of all the worlde Moyses thy seruant and great familier and speciall freende made the arke of timber not corruptible whiche he couered with right pure golde and put in it the tables of the lawe And I a corrupt creature how shall I so lightlie date receaue thee that art maker of the lawe geuer of grace and lyfe vnto all creatures The wise Salomon kinge of Israel edified a meruelous temple to the praysinge of thy name in the space of seuen yeres and by eight dayes halowed the feast of the dedication of the same he offred a thousande peacible hostes and put the arke of God in the place made readie for it with great melodie of clarions and trumpetres Howe dare I then that am moste poore amonge other creatures receaue thee into mine house who scarcelie haue well spent one houre of time or one halfe hower of my life O my good Lorde howe muche studied they to please thee and howe litle is it that I doe Howe litle time take I when I dispose me to be houseled seldome am I gathered together in thee and more seldome and I purged fro hauinge my mind ouermuch on worldlie thinges And certainly no vnprofitable thoughts ought to come into the holie presence of thy Godhead nor no creatures ought there to haue place for I shall not receaue an Angel but the Lorde of Angels into my heart Neuerthelesse there is great difference betwene the arke of God with his reliques and thy most pure precious bodie with his vertues which are mo then can be spoken and betwene the Sacrifice of the olde lawe that was but a figure of the newe lawe the true hoste of thy precious bodie whiche is the accomplishement of all the olde sacrifice VVhy then am I not more inflamed to come to thee why do I not prepare my selfe with greater diligēce to receaue this holie and blessed Sacramēt sith the holy auncient fathers the patriarches prophetes Kinges and Princes with all the people haue shewed so great affectiō towardes thy seruice in time passed The moste deuout blessed Kinge the Kynge Dauid went before the arke of God and honoured it with all his strength alwaye remembringe the great benefites before geuē vnto the fathers he made Organes of diuers maners also Psalmes which he ordeyned to be songe and he him selfe sang them with great gladnes and ofte times with his harpe he beinge fulfilled with the grace of the holie ghost taught the people of Israel to laude and prayse God with all their heart and dayly with their mouth to blesse him preache his goodnes And yf there were shewed then so great deuotion and remembraunce of laude and praysinge to God before the arke of the olde testament howe muche reuerence and deuotion ought we then nowe to haue in the presence of this holy Sacrament and in the receauinge of the moste excellent bodye of our Lorde Iesu Christe Many runue to diuers places to visite reliques of Saintes and meruayle greatlye when they heare of their blessed deedes they see great buyldinges of temples and beholde howe their bones and holie reliques be couered with silke and lapped in golde and loe thou my Lorde God thou arte present here with me vpon the Aultar the most holie Saint of Saintes maker of all thinges and Lorde of Angels Ofte times there is great curiositie and vanitie in the sight of suche thinges and litle fruite and amendemēt is had thereby and that speciallie where there is so light recourse and waueringe without anye contrition goinge before But thou my Lorde God my Lorde Iesus Christ god and man art here wholle present in the Sacrament of the Aultare where the fruit of euerlastinge health is had plenteoustie as ofte as thou art worthilie and deuoutlie receaued But if that shall be done fruitfullie there maye be no lightnes curiositie nor sensualitie but stedfast fayth deuoute hope and pure charitie O God inuisible maker of all the worlde howe maruaylous●ye doest thou with vs howe sweetelie and howe graciouslie disposest thou all thinges to thy chosen people to whom thou offerest thy selfe to be taken in this glorious Sacrameut Certainlie it surmounteth all vnderstandinge and it draweth the hartes and kindleth the affection of all deuout men The true faythfull people that dispose all their life to amendement receaue ofte times through this glorious Sacrament great grace and deuotion and great loue of vertue O meruaylous and secretlie hid is the grace of this Sacrament the which faythfull people of Christ doe onelie knowe for infidels and they that liue in sinne maye haue thereof no maner of experience In this Sacrament spirituall grace is geuen and the vertue that was lost in their soule is repayred and the
beautie that was deformed through sinne returneth agayne and the grace of this Sacrament sometime is so much that of the fulnes of deuotion that commeth thereby not onelie the minde but also the fee●le bodye recouer their former strength But verilye it is greatlie to be sorowed that we be so slowe and negligent and that we be stirred with no more affection to receyue Christ then we be for in him standeth all merite and hope of them that shall be saued He is our health and our redemption he is the comfortour of all that liue in this worlde and the eternall rest of all Saintes in heauen And it is also greatly to be sorowed that so many take so litle heede of this high misterie which gladdeth the heauen and preserueth all the world Alas the blindnes and hardnes of mans hart that taketh no greater heede to so noble a gifte but by the dayly vsing thereof is negligent and taketh litle heede thereto If this blessed Sacrament were ministred onelie in one place cōsecrate but by one priest in the world with how great desire thinkest thou the people would runne to that place and to that Priest that they myght see there these heauenlie misteries Nowe there be manye priestes and Christe is offred in many places that the grace and loue of God to man maye appeare so muche the more as the holie communion is spreade the more abrode throughout the worlde thankinges be to thee therefore my Lord Iesu that thou vouchsafe to refresh vs poore outlawes with thy precious blood and to stir vs with the wordes of thine owne mouth to receiue this holie misterie sayinge come ye all to me that labour and be charged and I shall refresh you That the great goodnes and charitie of God is geuen to man in this blessed Sacrament The second Chapter O My Lorde Iesu trustinge in thy great goodnes mercye I come to the as a sicke man to him that shall heale him and as he that is hungrye thirstie to the fountayne of life that is needie to the Kinge of heauen as a seruaunt to his Lord a creature to his creator and as a desolate persō to his meeke and blessed comfortour But howe is it that thou commest to me who am I that thou wilt geue thy selfe vnto me howe dare I a sinner appeare before thee and howe is it that thou wilt vouchsafe to come to so simple a creature Thou knowest thy seruant and seest well that he hath no goodnes of him se●●e whereby thou shouldest geue this grace vnto him I confesse therefore mine owne vnworthines and I knowledge thy goodnes I prayse thy pietie and yeelde thee thankings for thy great charitie Verily thou doest all this for thine owne goodnes not for my merites that thy goodnes may therby the more appeare thy charitie the more largelie be shewed and thy meekenes the more highlie be commēded Therefore because this pleaseth thee and thou hast cōmaunded that it shoulde thus be done thy goodnes also therein pleaseth me and woulde to God that mine iniquities resisted me not O my Lorde Iesu howe great reuerence and thankinges with perpetuall praysinges of thy name ought to be geuen thee for the receyuinge of thy holie bodie whose dignitie no man is able to expresse But what shall I thinke in this communion and in goeinge to my Lorde God whom I can not worship as I ought to doe and yet I desire to receyue him deuoutly But what may I think better or more healthfull to me then whollie to meeke my selfe before thee exaltinge thy infinite goodnes farre aboue me I laude thee my Lord God and shall exalt thee euerlastinglie I despise my selfe and submit me to thee and sorowe greatlie the deepenes of mine iniquitie Thou arte the Saint of all Saints and I am the filth of all sinners and yet thou enclinest thy selfe to me that am not worthye to looke towarde thee Thou commest to me thou wilt be with me thou biddest me to thy feast thou wilt geue me this heauenly meate and this Angelles foode to eate which is playnlye none other but thy selfe that art the liuely bread which descēdest from heauen and geuest lyfe to the worlde Beholde Lorde from whence all this loue proceedeth and howe great goodnes shineth vpon vs and howe great thankes prayses are due to thee therfore O howe helthful and howe profitable a counsayle was it whē thou ordeinedst this glorious Sacrament and how sweete and ioyous a feast was it when thou gauest thy selfe as meat to be eaten O Lorde howe meruailous is thy worke howe mightie is thy vertue and howe farre vnspeakable is thy trueth By thy worde all thinges were made and all thinges were done as thou hast commaunded It is a meruaylous thinge worthy to be beleeued and farre aboue the vnderstandinge of man that thou Lorde that art God and very man art wholly conteyned vnder a litle likenes of bread and wine and art eaten without consuminge of him that taketh thee and that thou that art Lorde of all thinges and that needest nothing in this world wouldest by this glorious Sacrament dwell in vs kepe thou mine heart my body immaculate that in a glad and a pure conscience I may ofte times celebrate thy misteries and receiue them to my euerlastinge health which thou haste ordeined most speciallye to thy honour perpetuall memory O my soule be thou mery and glad for so noble a gift and so singuler a cōfort left to thee in this vale of misery for as ofte as thou remembrest this mistery takest the body of Christe so ofte thou workest the worke of thy redemption and art made partaker of all the merites of Christ Truely the charitie of Christ is neuer minished the greatnes of his mercy is neuer consumed and therefore thou oughtest alwaye with a newe renewing of minde to dispose thee to it and with a well aduised and a deepe consideration to thinke on this great mysterie of health It shoulde seeme to thee as newe and as pleasaunt a ioy and comfort when thou singest masse or hearest it as if Christe the same daye first entred into the wombe of the virgin and were made man or if he the same daye suffered and dyed vppon the Crosse for the health of mankinde That it is very profitable ofte to be houseled The .3 Chapter LOrde I come to the to thēde that it maye be well with me through thy gifte and that I maye ioye at the holy feast that thou of thy great goodnes haste made redy for me In thee is all that I may or shoulde desire for thou art my health my redemption my hope my strength my honour and glorie Make me thy seruant this daye mery and glad in thee for I haue lifte my soule vnto thee nowe I desire deuoutlie and reuerentlie to receiue thee into mine house that I may deserue with zeale to be blessed of thee and to be accompanied amonge the children
lauded and glorified for euer Accept Lorde God my minde and the desires of the manifolde laudes and blessinges that by me are to thee due of right after the multitude of thy greatnes more then can be spoken And all these I yelde to thee and desire to yelde to thee euerye daye and euerye moment and with all my desire and affection meekelye exhort and praye all heauenlye spirites and all faythfull people to yelde with me thankinges and laudes to thee And I beseeche thee that all people tribes and touges maye magnifie thy holye and moste sweete name with great ioye and brenning deuotion and that all they that reuerentlie and deuoutlye minister this moste high Sacrament or with full faith receyue it maye thereby deserue to finde before thee thy grace and mercy and when they haue obteyned the deuotion that they desired and be spirituallye vnited to thee and be thereby well comforted and maruelouslye refreshed and be departed from thy heauenly table that they will haue me poore sinner in their remembraunce Amen That a man shall not be a curious searcher of this holye Sacrament but a meeke folovver of Christe subduinge alvvaye his reason to fayth The 18. Chapter THou must beware of a curious and an vnprofitable searching of this moste profounde Sacrament if thou wilt not be drowned in the great depth of doubtfulnes for he that is the searcher of Gods maiestie shall be anone thrust out of glorie God is of power to worke muche more then man may vnderstand neuerthelesse a meeke and an humble searchinge of the truth readie alwaye to be taught and to walke after the teachinges of holye fathers is sufferable Blessed is the simplicitie that leaueth the waye of harde questions and goeth in the playne and stedfast waye of the commaundementes of God Manye haue lost their deuotion because they woulde search higher thinges then perteineth to thē Faith and a good life is asked of thee and not the highnes of vnderstanding nor the depenes of the misteries of God If thou maye not vnderstād nor take such thinges as be with in thee howe maiest thou then comprehend those thinges that be aboue thee Submit thy selfe therefore meekelie to God and submit also thy reason to faith and the light of knowledge and true vnderstandinge shall be geuen vnto thee as it shalbe moste profitable and necessary for thee Some be greuously tempted of the fayth and of the Sacrament but that is not to be reputed to them but rather to the enemye therefore care not for him nor dispute not with thy thouhtes nor aunswere not to the doubtes that thine enemie shall laye vnto thee but beleue the wordes of God and beleue his Saintes Prophetes and the wicked enemye shall anone flee awaye fro thee And it is ofte times much profitable that the seruaunt of God shoulde feele and susteine suche doubtes for their more proufe and cōmonly the enemy tempteth not vnfaithfull people sinners whom he hath sure possessiō of but he tempteth vexeth in diuers maners the faithfull and veuout persons Go therefore with a pure and vndoubted faith and with an humble reuerence procede to this Sacrament and whatsoeuer thou canst not vnderstand commit it faithfullye to God for God will not deceaue thee but he shall be deceaued that trusteth ouermuch to him selfe God walketh with the simple persons he openeth him selfe and sheweth him selfe to meeke persons He geueth vnderstanding to them which are poore in spirite he openeth the wit to pure and cleane mindes and hideth his grace from curious men and proude men Mans reason is feeble and weake and anone maye be deceyued but faith is stable and true and can not be deceyued therefore all reason and all naturall workinge must folowe faith without further reasoning for faith and loue in this most holy and moste excellent Sacrament surmount and worke high in secrete maner aboue all reason O the eternal God and the Lorde of infinite power doth great thinges in heauen in earth that maye not be serched for if the workes of God were suche that they might be lightlye vnderstanded by mans reason they were not so marueylous and so inestimable as they be Here endeth the fourth booke of the folowinge of Christe the whiche fourth booke treateth moste principallye of the blessed Sacrament of the Aultar HERE BEGINNETH A GODLY Treatise and it is called a notable Lesson otherwise it is called the golden Epistle Iesu fili Dauid misereremei O matter Dei memento mei The exposition of the name of this lytle Booke A Right good and wholsome Lesson profitable vnto all Christians ascribed vnto S. Bernard and put among his workes I thinke by some vertuous man that woulde it shoulde thereby haue the more authoritie and the rather be reade and better be borne awaye for doubtlesse it is a good matter and edificatiue vnto all them that haue zeale and care vnto soule health and desire of saluation It is called in the Title Notabile documentum that is to saye A notable lesson And some do call it the golden Epistle It foloweth immediatlie after a litle worke called Formula honestae vitae the forme and maner of an honest life or of honest liuing IF you intend to please God and woulde obtaine grace to fulfill the same two thinges be vnto you very necessarye The first you must withdrawe your minde from all worldlie and transitorie thinges in such maner as though you cared not whether any such thinges were in this worlde or no. The seconde is that you geue and applye your selfe so whollie to God and haue your selfe in such a wayte that you neuer doe saye or thinke that you know suppose or beleue shoulde offende or displease God for by this meane you maye soonest and moste readily obtayne and winne his fauor and grace In all thinges esteeme and accōpt your selfe moste vile and moste simple and as verie naught in respect and regarde of vertue and thinke suppose and beleeue that all persons be good and better then you be for so shall you muche please our Lorde VVhatsoeuer you see or seeme to perceaue in anye person or yet heare of any christian take you none occasion therein but rather ascribe and applie you all vnto the best and thinke or suppose all is done or sayd for a good intent or purpose though it seeme contrarie for mans suspition and light iudgementes be soone and lightlie deceaued or begiled Despise no person willinglye nor euer speake euill of any person though it were neuer so true that you saye For it is not lawfull to shew in confession the vice or default of any person except you might not otherwise shewe and declare your owne offence Speake litle or nothing vnto your proper selfe laude or prayse though it were true and vnto your familier felowe or faythfull frende but studie to keepe secret and priuie your vertue rather then your vice yet were it a cruell deede for any persons to defame
it is often times muche profitable to vs for the more surer keeping of meekenes that other men knowe our defaultes and reproue vs of them VVhen a man meeketh him selfe for his offences he lightly pleaseth other and reconcileth himselfe to them whom he hath offended The meeke man almightie God defendeth and comforteth to him he inclineth him selfe and sendeth him great plentye of his grace To him also he sheweth his secrettes and louingly draweth him to him and after his oppressions he lifteth him vp to glorie The meeke man when he hath suffred confusion and reproufe is in good peace for he trusteth in God and not in the worlde Moreouer if thou wilt come to the highnes of perfection thinke not thy selfe to haue profited any thinge in vertue til thou canst feele meekely in thine heart that thou haste lesse meekenes and lesse vertue then any other hath Hovve good it is for a man to be peacefull The 3. Chapter FIrste put thy selfe in peace and then mayest thou the better pacifie other A peacefull man and a patient profiteth more to him selfe and other also then a man learned who is vnpeacefull A man that is passionate turneth often times good into euill lightlie beleeueth the worse part but a good peacefull man turneth all thinge to the best and hath suspition to no man But he that is not content is ofte troubled with manye suspitions and neither is he quiet him selfe nor yet suffreth he other to be quiet He speketh oftē times that he shoulde not speake and he omitteth to speake that were more expedient to be spoken He considereth greatlye what other be bounde to doe but to that where vnto he him selfe is bounden he is full negligent Haue therefore firste a zeale and a respect to thy selfe and to thine owne soule and then mayest thou the more righteously and with the more due order of charitie haue zeale vpon thy neighboures Thou arte anone ready to excuse thine owne defaultes but thou wilt not heare the excuses of thy brethrē Truely it were more charitable and more profitable to thee that thou shouldest accuse thy selfe and excuse thy brother for if thou wilt be borne beare other Behold how farre thou art yet from perfect meekenes and charitie which can not be angry with none but with them selues It is no great thinge to be well conuersant with good and tractable men for that naturallie pleaseth all people and euery man gladlie hath peace with them and moste loueth them that folowe their appetite but to liue peaceablie with euill men and with frowarde men that lacke good maners and be vntaught and that be also contrarious vnto vs is a great grace and a manlie deede and muche to be praysed for it can not be done but through great ghostlie strength Some persons can be quiet them selues and can also liue quietlie with other and some can neither be quiet them selues nor yet suffer other to be quiet They be greeuous to other but they be more greeuous to them selues Some can keepe them selues in good peace and can also bringe other to liue in peace and neuerthelesse all our peace while we be in this mortall lyfe standeth more in meeke sufferinge of troubles and of thinges that be contrarious vnto vs then in the not feelinge of them for no man may liue here without some trouble And therefore he that can best suffer shall haue moste peace and is verie true ouercome of him selfe is a Lord of the world a frende to Christe and the true inheritour of the kingdome of heauen Of a pure mind and a simple intent The .4 Chapter MAn is borne vp from earthlye thinges with two winges that is to saye with plainnes and cleannes plainnes is in the intent cleannes is in the loue The good true and playne intēt looketh toward God but the cleane loue taketh a saye and tasteth his sweetnes If thou be free from all inordinate loue there shall no good deede hinder thee but that thou shalt therewith increase in the way of perfection If thou intende well and seeke nothinge but God and the profite of thine owne soule of thy neighbours thou shalt haue great inward libertie of minde And if thy heart be strayte with God then euery creature shall be to thee a mirrour of life a booke of holie doctrine for there is no creature so litle nor so vile but that it sheweth and representeth the goodnes of God And if thou were inwardlie in thy soule pure and cleaue thou shouldest then without lettinge take all thinges to the best A cleane heart pearceth both heauē and hell Such as a man in his conscience inwardlye suche he sheweth to be by his outward conuersation If there be any true ioye in this worlde that hath a man of a cleane cōscience And if there be anye where tribulation or anguishe an euill conscience knoweth it best Also as yron put into the fire is clensed fro ruste and is made all cleane and pure right so a man turninge him selfe whollie to God is purged from all slouthfulnes sodenlie is chaunged into a new man VVhen a man beginneth to waxe dull slowe to ghostlie busines then a litle labour feareth him greatlie and then taketh he gladly outward comfortes of the worlde and of the fleshe but when he beginneth perfectlye to ouercome him selfe and to walke strōglye in the way of God then he regardeth the laboures but litle that he thought before to be right greeuous and as importable to hym Of the knovvinge of our selfe The .5 Chapter VVe may not trust muche in our selues nor in our owne wit for ofte times through our presumption we lacke grace and right litle light of true vnderstanding is in vs and that we haue many times we lose through our owne negligēce and yet doe we not see neither will we see howe blinde we are Ofte times we doe euill and in defence thereof we doe muche worse and sometime we be moued with passion and we weene it to be of a zeale to god VVe can anone reproue small defaults in our neighbours but our owne defaults that be muche greater we will not see VVe feele anone and ponder greatly what we suffer of other out what other suffer of vs we will not consider But he that woulde well and righteously iudge his owne defaults shuld not so rigorously iudge the defaults of his neighbours A man that is inwardlye turned to God taketh heede of him selfe before all other and he that can well take heede of him selfe can lightly be still of other mens deedes Thou shalt neuer be an inward man and a deuout folower of Christe onlesse thou canste keepe thy selfe from medling on other mens deedes canste specially take heede of thine owne If thou take heede wholy to God and to thy selfe the defaultes which thou seest in other shall litle moue thee VVhere art thou when thou art not present to thy selfe And when thou haste all runne about and much
let him be kinde and thankefull for such grace as he hath receaued patient when it is withdrawen and praye deuoutlie that it may shortlie come againe Let him be meeke and lowa in spirite that he lose it not agayne through his presumption and pride of hart Of the small number of the louers of the Crosse The .11 Chapter IEsus hath many louers of his kingdome of heauen but he hath fewe bearers of his crosse Manie desire his consolation but fewe desire his tribulation He findeth many felowes at eatinge and drinkinge but he findeth fewe that will be with him in his abstinēce and fastinge All men would ioye with Christ but fewe would any thinge suffer for Christe Many folowe him to the breakinge of his breade for their bodilye refection but few will folowe him to drinke a draught of the Chalice of his passion Manie maruayle and honour his miracles but fewe will folowe the shame of his crosse of his other vilanies Manie loue Iesu so longe as no aduersitie foloweth to them and can prayse him and blesse him when they receyue any benefit of him but if Iesu a litle withdraw him selfe from them and a litle forsake them anone they fall to some great grudginge or to ouergreat defection or into open desperation But they that loue Iesu purelie for him selfe and not for their owne profite and commoditie they blesse him as hartilie in temptation and tribulatiō and in all other aduersities as they doe in tyme of consolation And yf he neuer sent them consolation yet woulde they alway laude him and prayse him O how may the loue of Iesu doe to the helpe of a soule if it be pure and cleane not mixt with any inordinate lone to him selfe truelie nothing more May not they then that euer looke for worldlie comfortes and for worldlie consolations be called worldly inarchants and worldly louers rather then louers of God do they not openlye shewe by their dedes that they rather loue them selfe than God yes truelye O where maye be founde anye that will serue God freely and purelye without looking for some rewarde for it agayne And where may be founde any so spirituall that he is cleerelye deliuered and bereft from loue of him selfe and that is truely poore in spirite and is whollye auoyded from loue of creatures I trowe noue suche can be found but it be far hence and in far countryes If a man geue all his substaunce for God yet he is naught and if he doe great penaunce for his sinnes yet he is but litle and if he haue great cunning and knowledge yet he is far from vertue and if he haue greate vertue and brenninge deuotion yet much wanteth in him And that is specially one thing which is moste necessarye to him what is that that all thinges forsaken and him selfe also forsaken he go cleerely from him selfe and keepe nothinge to him selfe of anye priuate loue and whē he hath done all that he ought to doe that he feele in him selfe as he had nothinge done nor that he thinke it great that some other might thinke great but that he thinke him selfe truely as he is an vnprofitable feruant for the authour of truth our Sauiour Christe saith when ye haue done all that is commaunded you to doe yet saye that ye be but vnprofitable seruauntes Then he that can thus doe may well be called poore in spirite and naked of priuate loue and he may well say with the prophete Dauid I am vnited in God and am poore and meeke in heart There is none more riche none more free nor any of more power then he that can forsake him selfe and all passinge thinges and that truelye can holde him selfe to be lowest and vilest of all other Of the vvay of the Crosse and bovve profitable patience is in aduersitie The 12. Chapter THe wordes of our Sauiour ●e thought very harde and greeuous whē he saith thus Forsake your leife take the Crosse and folowe me But much more greeuous shall it be to heare these wordes at the last daye of iudgement Go ye from me ye cursed people into the fire that euer shall last But those that nowe gladlie heare and folowe the wordes of Christ whereby he counsaileth them to folowe him shall not then neede to dreade for hearinge those wordes of euerlastinge damnation The signe of the Crosse shall appere in heauē when our Lorde shall come to iudge the worlde and the seruantes of the Crosse who conformed them selues here in this life to Christe crucified on the Crosse shal go to Christe their Iudge with greate fayth and trust in him VVhy doest thou then dreade to take this Crosse sith it is the verye waye to the kingdome of heauen and none but that In the Crosse is health in the Crosse is life in the Crosse is defense from our enemies in the crosse is infusion of heauenlie sweetnes in the Crosse is the strength of minde the ioye of spirite the highnes of vertue and the full perfection of all holines and there is no health of soule nor hope of euerlasting life but through vertue of the crosse Take therefore the Crosse and folowe Iesus and thou shalt goe into the lyfe euerlastinge He hath gone before thee bearinge his Crosse and died for thee vpon the Crosse that thou shouldest in like wise beare with him the Crosse of penance and tribulation and that thou shouldest be readie likewise for his loue to suffer death if neede require as he hath done for thee If thou die with him thou shalt liue with him and if thou be felowe with him in paine thou shalt be with him in glorie Beholde then how in the Crosse standeth all howe in dyinge to the worlde lieth all our health that there is no other waye to true and inward peace but the waye of the Crosse and of deadlie mortifyinge of the bodie to the spirite So whether thou wilt and seeke what thou list and thou shalt neuer finde aboue thee nor beneath thee within thee nor without thee more high more excellent nor more sure waye to Christ then the waye of the holy crosse Dispose euery thinge after thy will and thou shalt neuer finde but that thou must of necessitie somewhat suffer eyther with thy will or against thy will and so shalt thou alwaye finde the Crosse for either thou shalt feele paine in thy bodie or in thy soule thou shalt haue trouble of spirit Thou shalt be sometime as thou were forsaken of God Sometime thou shalt be vexed with thy neighbour and that is yet more painefull thou shalt sometime be greeuous to thy selfe and thou shalt find no meane to be deliuered but that it behoueth thee to suffer til it shall please almightie god of his goodnes otherwise to dispose for thee for he will that thou shalt learne to suffer tribulation without cōsolatiō that thou mayest therby learne whollie to submit thy selfe to him and by tribulation to be made more meeke then thou were
my selfe but to thee VVoulde to God it might be worthilye and profitablye and to thy honoure Amen A prayer that the vvill of God be alvvaye fulfilled The 17. Chapter MOst benigne Lorde Iesu graunt me thy grace that it maye be alway with me and worke with me and perseuer with me vnto the end And that I may euer desire and wil that is most pleasaunt and acceptable to thee Thy will be my will and my will alwaye to folowe thy will best accord therewith Be there alwaye in me one will and one desire with thee and that I may haue no power to will or to not will but as thou wilt or wilt not And graunt me that I maye dye to all thinges that be in the world and for thee to loue to be despised and to be as a man vnknowen in this world Graunt me also aboue all thinges that can be desired that I may rest me in thee and fullye in thee pacifye my heart for thou Lord art the very true peace of heart and the perfect rest of bodye and soule and without thee all thinges be greeuous and vnquiet VVherefore in that peace that is in thee one high one blessed and one endlesse goodnes shall I alwaye rest me so may it be Amen That the verye true solace comfort is in god The .18 Chapter VVhat at soeuer I may desire or thinke to my cōfort I abide it not here but I trust to haue it hereafter for if I alone might haue all the solace and comfort of this worlde might vse the delites thereof after mine owne desire without sinne it is certaine that they might not long endure wherefore my soule may not fully be comforted nor perfectly refreshed but in God onely who is the comfort of the poore in spirite and the embracer of the meeke and lowly in heart Abide my soule abide the promise of god thou shalt haue aboundance of all goodnes in heauen If thou inordinatelye couete these goodnes present thou shalt lose the goodnes eternal Haue therfore goods present in vse and eternall in desire Thou mayest in no maner be satiate with temporal goodes for thou art not created so to vse thē as to rest thee in them for if thou alone haddest all the goodes that euer were created made thou mightest not theefore be happy and blessed but thy blessedfulnes and full felicitie standeth only in God that hath made all thinges of nought And that is not such felicitie as is commended of the foolishe louers of the worlde but such as good christen men women hope to haue in the blisse of heauen and as some ghostlye persons cleane and pure in heart sometime doe taste here in this present life whose conuersation is in heauen All worldly solace and all mans comfort is vaine and short but that comfort is blessed and soothfast that is perceaued by truth inwardly in the hart A deuout folower of God beareth alway about with him his comforter that is Iesu and sayeth thus vnto him My Lord Iesu I beseech thee that thou be with me in euery place and euerye time and that it be to me a special solace gladly for thy loue to want all mans solace And if thy solace want also that thy will and thy righteous prouing and assaying of me may be to me a singuler comfort and a high solace Thou shalt not alwaye be angrie with me neither shalt thou alwaye threate me So may it be Amen That all our study and busines of minde ought to be put in God The .19 Chapter My sonne saith our Lorde to his seruant suffer me to doe with thee what I will for I knowe what is best and most expedient for thee Thou workest in many thinges after thy kindlie reason and after as thy affection and thy worldlie pollicie stirreth thee and so thou mayest lightlie erre and be deceued O Lorde it is true all that thou sayest thy prouidēce is much more better for me then all that I can doe or say of my selfe VVherfore it may well be sayde and verified that he standeth very casuallye that setteth not his wholle trust in thee Therefore Lorde while my witte abideth stedfast stable doe with me in all thinges as it pleaseth thee for it may not be but well all that thou doest If thou wilt that I be in light be thou blessed and if thou wilt that I be in darkenes be thou also blessed If thou vouchsafe to comfort me be thou highly blessed And if thou wilt that I shall liue in trouble and without all cōfort be thou in likewise muche blessed My sonne so it behoueth to be with thee if thou wilt walke with me as readye must thou be to suffer as to ioye and as gladlie be needye and poore as wealthy and riche Lorde I will gladlie suffer for thee whatsoeuer thou wilt shall fal vpon me Indifferētly will I take of thy hande good and bad bitter and sweete gladnes and sorowe and for all thinges that shall befal vnto me hartily wil I thanke thee Keepe me Lorde from sinne and I shall neither dreade death nor hel Put not my name out of the booke of life and it shall not greeue me what trouble soeuer befal vpon me That all temporall miseries are gladly to be borne through the example of Christe The 20. Chapter My sonne sayth our Lorde I descended from heauen and for thy health haue I takē thy miseries not compelled therto of necessitie but of my charitie that thou shouldest learne to haue patiēce with me not to disdayne to beare the miseries wretchednes of this life as I haue done for thee for from the first houre of my birth vnto my death vpō the crosse I was neuer without some sorowe or paine I had great lacke of temporall thinges I heard great cōplaintes made on me I suffered beningely many shames rebukes for my benefites I receaued vnkindnes for my miracles blasphemies for my true doctrine many reproufes O Lorde forasmuche as thou wert founde patient in thy life fulfilling in that moste specially the will of thy father it is seeming that I moste wretched sinner beare me patiently after thy will in all thinges and as long as thou wilt that I for mine owne health beare the burden of this corruptible life for though this life be tedious and as an heauy burden to the soule yet neuerthelesse it is nowe through thy grace made very meritorious and by exāple of thee of thy holie saints it is now made to weak persons more sufferable cleere and also muche more comfortable then it was in the olde lawe when the gates of heauen were shet and the waye thitherwarde was darke and so fewe did couet to seeke it And yet they that were then righteous and were ordeined to be saued before thy blessed passion and death might neuer haue come thither O what thankes am I bounde therfore to yeelde to thee that so louingly haste vouchedsafe to
but for thine owne deedes thou must needly aunswere VVhy then doest thou medle where it needeth not I see and know euery man and euery thinge vnder the sunne I see and beholde and howe it is with euery person what he thinketh what he willeth and to what ende his worke draweth is open to me And therefore all thinges are to be referred to me Keepe thy selfe alwaye in good peace and suffer him that will alwayes searche another mans life be as busye as he will and in the ende shall fall vpon him as he hath done and sayde for he can not deceaue me whatsoeuer he be If thou admonishe anye person for his soule health looke thou do it not to get the thereby anye name or fame in the worlde nor to haue the familiaritie or pryuate loue of any person for suche thinges cause much vnquietnes of minde and will make thee also to lose the rewarde that thou shouldest haue of God and will bring greate darkenes into thy soule I woulde gladly speake to thee my wordes open to thee the secrete misteries of fraternall correction yf thou wouldest prepare thy soule ready against my cōminge and that thou wouldest open the mouth of thy hearte faithfullye to me Be thou prouident wake diligentlye in prayer humble thy selfe in euery thing and thou shalt finde great comfort in God and litle resistence in thy euen christen In vvhat thing the peace of heart and greatest profite of man standeth The 29. Chapter My sonne saith our Lord Iesu I sayd to my disciples thus My peace I leaue with you my peace I geue you not as the worlde geueth but much more then it maye geue All men desire peace but all men will not do that belongeth to peace My peace is with the meeke and milde in hart and thy peace shall be in much paciēce if thou wilt heare me and folowe my wordes thou shalt haue great plentie of peace O Lorde what shall I doe to come to that peace Thou shalt in all thy workes take good heede what thou doest and sayest and thou shalte set all thy whole intent to please me and nothing shalt thou couet or seeke without me and of other mens deedes thou shalt not iudge presumptuously nor thou shalt not medle with thinges that perteine not to thee if thou do thus it maye be that thou shalt litle or seldome be troubled but neuerthelesse to fele at no time any maner of trouble nor to suffer any heauines in body nor in soule is not the state of this lyfe but of the lyfe to come Thinke not therefore that thou haste found the true peace when thou feelest no greefe nor that all is well with thee when thou hast none aduersitie nor that all is perfect for that euery thing cōmeth after thy minde Nor yet that thou arte great in godds sight or specially beloued of him because thou hast great feruour in deuotion and great sweetnes in contemplation for a true louer of vertue is not knowen by all these thinges nor the true perfection of man standeth not in them VVherein then Lorde In offering of a man with all his hart wholly to God not seking him selfe nor his owne will neyther in greate thinges nor in small in tyme nor in eternitie but that he abide alwaye one and yeelde alwaye like thankes to God for things pleasant and displeasant waying them all in one like balance as in his loue Also if he be strong in God that when inwarde consolation is withdrawen he can yet stirre his harte to suffer more if God so will and yet iustifieth not him selfe nor prayseth him selfe therefore as holye and righteous then he walketh in the very true waye of peace and then he may well haue a sure and a perfect hope and trust that he shall see me face to face in euerlasting ioy and fruition in the kingdome of heauen And if he can come to a perfect and a full contempt and despisinge of him selfe then shall he haue full habundance of rest and peace in the ioye euerlastinge after the measure of his gifte Amen Of the libertie excellencie and vvorthinesse of a free mynde The .30 Chapter LOrde it is the worke of a perfect man not to sequester his minde from the beholding of heauenly thinges and among many cares to go as he were without care not in the maner of an ydle or of a desolate person but by the speciall prerogatiue of a free minde alwaye busy in goddes seruice not cleuinge by inordinate affection to any creature I beseeche thee therefore my Lord Iesu most meeke and mercifull that thou keepe me from the busines and cares of the worlde and that I be not ouermuch inquieted with the necessities of the bodilie kinde nor that I be not taken with the voluptuous pleasures of the worlde and the fleshe and that in likewise thou preserue me from all hinderance of the soule that I be not broken with ouermuch heauines sorow nor worldlye dreade And by these petitions I aske not onelie to be deliuered from such vanities as the world desireth but also from suche miseries as greeue the soule of me thy seruant with the common malediction of mankinde that is with corruption of the bodilie feelinge where with I am so greeued and letted that I maye not haue libertie of spirite to beholde thee when I would O Lorde God that art sweetnes vnspeakeable turne into bitternes to me all fleshlie delites which would drawe me from the loue of eternall thinges to the loue of a short and a vile delectable pleasure Let not the fleshe and bloude ouercome me nor the worlde with his short glory deceyue me nor the fiend with his thousand folde craftes supplant me but geue me ghostlie strength in resistinge patience in sufferinge and constancie in perseueringe Geue me also for all worldlie consolatiōs the most sweete consolations of the holy ghost and for al fleshly loue sende into my soule the loue of thy holy name Lo meat drinke cloathinge and all other necessaries for the body be painefull and troublesome to a feruent spirite which if it might woulde alwaye rest in God in ghostly thinges Graunt me therefore grace to vse such bodilye necessaries temperatlye and that I be not deceaued with ouermuch desire to them To forsake all thinges it is not lawfull for the bodilye kinde must be preserued but to seeke superfluous thinges more for pleasure then for necessitie thy holye lawe prohibiteth for so the fleshe woulde rebel against the spirite VVherfore Lord I beseech thee that thy hande of grace maye so gouerne and teache me that I exceede not by any maner of superfluitie Amen That priuate loue most letteth a man from God The .31 Chapter My sonne saith our Lorde it behoueth thee to geue all for all and nothing to keepe to thee of thine owne loue for the loue of thy selfe more hurteth thee then any other thing in this world After thy loue and after thine affection euery thinge
and whatsoeuer they finde in creatures they referre it all to the laude and praysing of the Creatoure for they see well that there is great difference betwixt the Creator and creature eternitie and time and betwixte the light made the light vnmade O euerlastinge light farre passinge all thinges that are made sende downe the beames of thy lightninges from aboue and purifye glad and clarifie in me al the inward parties of my heart Quicken my spirite with all the powers thereof that it may cleaue fast and be ioyned to thee in ioyfull gladnes of ghostlye rauishinges O when shall that blessed hour come that thou shalt visite me glad me with thy blessed presence so that thou be to me all in all As longe as that gifte is not geuen to me that thou be to me all in all there shall be no full ioye in me But alas for sorowe mine olde man that is my fleshly liking yet liueth in me and is not yet fully crucified nor perfectly deade in me for yet striueth the fleshe strongly against the spirit aud moueth great inward battayle against me and suffereth not the kyngdome of my soule to lyue in peace But thou good Lorde that hast the lordship ouer al the power of the Sea doest aswage the streames of his flowinges Aryse and helpe me breake downe the power of myne enemies which alwaye moue this battayle in me Shewe the greatnes of thy goodnes let the power of thy right hande be glorified in me for there is to me none other hope nor refuge but in thee onely my Lorde my God to whom be ioy honour and glorye euerlastingly Amen That there is no full suretie from temptation in this lyfe The 40. Chapter OVr Lorde sayeth to his seruaunt thus Thou shalte neuer be sure from temptation and tribulation in this lyfe And therefore armoure spiritual shal alway as long as thou liuest be necessarie for thee Thou art amōg thine enemies and shalt be troubled and vexed with them on euery side and but if thou vse in euery place the shielde of patience thou shalt not long keepe thee vnwounded And ouer that if thou set not thy hart stronglie in me with a readie will to suffer all thinges patientlie for me thou mayest not longe bear this ardoure nor come to the reward of blessed saints It behoueth thee therfore manly to passe ouer many thinges and to vse a stronge hande against all the obiections of the enemie To the ouercommer it promiseth Angels foode and to him that is ouercome is left much miserie If thou seeke rest in this lyfe howe then shalt thou come to the rest euerlastinge Set not thy selfe to haue rest here but to haue patience and seeke the true soothfast rest not in earth but in heauen not in man or anye creature but in God onelie where it is For the loue of God thou oughtest to suffer gladlie all thinges that is to saye all laboures sorowes temptations vexations anguishes needines sickenesse iniuries euill sayinges reprouinges oppressions confusions corrections and despisinges These helpe a man greatlie to vertues these proue the true knight of Christe and make redye for hym the heauenlie crowne and our Lorde shall yeelde him againe euerlastinge rewarde for this short laboure and infinite glorie for this transitorie confusion I ●owest thou that thou shalt haue alwaye spirituall cōfortes after thy will Naye naye my Saintes had them not out manye great griefes and diuers temptations and great desolations but they bare all with great patience and more trusted in me then in them selues for they knewe well that the passions of this worlde be not able of them selues to get the glorye that is ordeined for thē in the kingdome of heauē VVilt thou looke to haue anone that whiche others coulde not get but with great weepinges labours Abide paciently the comming of our Lorde doe manfully his bidding be cōforted in him mistrust him not nor go not backe from his seruice for paine nor for dread but lay forth thy body and soule constantlye to his honour in all good bodylye and ghostly laboures And he shal reward thee againe moste plenteouslye for thy good trauayle and shal be with thee and helpe thee in euery trouble that shal befall vnto thee So may it be Amen Against the vaine iudgementes of men The 41. Ch●pter My sonne fixe thy hart stedfastly in God and dreade not the iudgmētes of man where thine owne conscience withnesseth thee to be innocent and cleare It is right good and blessed sometime to suffer such sayinges and it shall not be greeuous to a meeke harte whiche trusteth more in God than in him selfe Many folke can saye many thinges and yet litle fayth is to be geuen to their sayinges to ple●●e all men it is not possible For though S. Paule laboured all that he might to haue pleased al people in God did to all men all that he coulde for their saluation yet neuerthelesse he coulde not let but that he was sometime iudged of other He did for the edifyinge and health of other as much as in him was but that he shoulde not sometime be iudged of other or not be despised of other he coulde not lette wherefore he committed all to God that knoweth all thinge and armed him selfe with patience and meeknes against all thinges that might be vntruelye spoken against him And neuerthelesse sometime he answered againe lest that by his silēce hurte or hinderance might haue growen to other VVhat art thou then that dreadest so sore a mortall man this daye he is and to morowe he appeareth not dread God and thou shalt not nede to dread man VVhat maye man do with thee in wordes or iniuries he hurteth him selfe more than thee and in the ende he shall not flee the iudgement of God whatsoeuer he be Haue alwaye God before the eye of thy soule and striue not agayne by multiplyinge of wordes And if thou seeme for a time to suffer cōfusion that thou hast not deserued disdayne thou not therefore nor through impatience minishe nor thy rewarde but rather lifte vp thy harte to God in heauen for he is able to deliuer thee from all confusion and wronges and to rewarde euery man after his desert and muche more then he can deserue Of a pure and a vvholle forsakinge of our selfe and our ovvne vvill that vve might get the freedome of spirite and folovve the vvill of God The .42 Chapter My sonne sayth our Lorde forsake thy selfe and thou shalt finde me Stād without election and without folowinge of thine owne wil also without al proprietie thou shalt much profite in grace and if thou whollie resigne thy selfe into my handes and take nothinge to thee againe thou shalt haue the more grace of me O Lorde howe ofte shall I resigne me vnto thee in what thinges shall I forsake my selfe Alwaye and in euery houre in great thinges and in small I except none for in all thinges I will finde
thereby in meekenes and vertue and that thou shouldest also prepare thee to be readye against another time for battels that are to come and the more surely to cleaue to God with all the desire and affection of thy hart and to studie with all thy power how thou mayest most purelie and moste deuoutlie serue him and take heede of this common prouerbe The fire doth oft burne but the flame doth not ascende without some smoke So likewise the desire of some men draweth to heauenlie thinges and yet they be not all free from the smoke of carnall affections and therfore they doe it not alwaye purelie for the honour and loue of God that they aske so desirouslie of him Suche ofte tymes is thy desire that thou shewest to be so importune for that desire is not cleane and perfect that is mixte with thine owne commoditie Aske therefore not that is delectable and profitable to thee but that is acceptable and honour to me for if thou do well and iudge aright thou shalt preferre my ordinaunce my will before all thy desires before all thinges that may be desired beside me I knowe well thy desire Thou wouldest nowe be in libertie of the glorie of the sonnes of God nowe the euerlastinge house the heauenlie countrey full of ioye and glory delighteth thee muche but that time cōmeth not yet for there is yet another time to come that is to saye a time of labour and of proufe Thou desirest to be fulfilled with the high goodnes in heauē but thou mayst not yet come therto I am the full rewarde of man abide me till I shall come and thou shalt haue me to thy rewarde Thou art yet to be proued here vpon earth and more throughlye to be assayed in many thinges some comfort shall be geuen to thee but the fulnes thereof shal not yet be graunted Be thou therefore comforted in me and be thou strong as well in doeing as in sufferinge thinges contrary to thy wil. It behoueth thee to be clothed in thy blood and to be chaunged into a newe man and thou must ofte times doe that thou wouldest not doe and that thou wouldest doe thou must forsake leaue vndone That shall please other shall goe well forwarde and that shall please thee shal haue no speede that other men saye shall be well heard and that thou shalt saye shall be set at nought Other shall aske and haue their askinge thou shalte aske and be denied Other shal be great and haue great lande and prayse of the people and of thee no worde shall be spoken To other this office or that shall be committed and thou shalte be iudged vnprofitable in euery thinge for these thinges and other lyke nature will murmure and grudge thou shalt haue a great battaile in thy selfe if thou beare them secrete in thy hart without complayning missaying Neuerthelesse in suche thinges and other like my faithfull seruauntes are wont to be proued howe they can denie them selues and howe they can in all thinges breake their owne wylles and there is nothinge that thou shalt neede so muche to ouercome thy selfe in as to learne to be contented not to be set anye price by in the worlde and to suffer suche thinges as be moste contrarye to thy will especiallye when suche thinges as in thy sight seeme vnprofitable be commaunded to be done But my sonne consider well the profite and fruite of all these laboures the shorte ende and the great rewarde and then thou shalt feele not greefe nor paine in all thy laboures but the most sweetest comfort of the holye ghost through thy good will and for that litle wil that thou forsakest here thou shalt alwaye haue thy will in heauen where thou shalt haue all that thou canst or mayest desire There shalte thou haue full possession of all goodnes without dread to lose it There thy will shall be euer one with my will and it shall couete no straunge nor priuate thinges There no man shall resiste thee no man shall complayne on thee no man shall let thee nor no man shall wythstande thee but all thinges that thou canst desyre shall be there present and shall fulfill all the powers of thy soule vnto the full There shall I yeelde glorye for reprofes and a palle of laude for thy heauines and for the lowest place here a seate in heauen for euer There shall appeare the fruite of obedience the labour of penaunce shall ioy and the humble subiection shall be crowned gloriously Bowe thee therefore meekelye nowe vnder euery mans hande and force litle who saith this or who commaundeth this to be done But with all thy studie take heede that whether thy prelate or thy felowe or anye other lower than thou aske any thing of thee or will any thing to be done by thee that thou take it alwaye to the best and with a glad will studie to fulfill it Let this man seeke this thing and another that and let this man ioy in this thing another in that whatsoeuer it be and let them be lauded and praysed a thousande times but ioye thou neither in this thinge nor in that but onelye in thine owne contempt and despising and in my will to be fulfilled and whether it be by life or death that I may alway be lauded and honoured in thee and by thee Amen Hovve a man that is desolate ought to offer hym selfe vvhollye to God The .55 Chapter LOrde holy father be thou blessed now and euer for as thou wilt so it is done and that thou doest is alwaye well let me thy poorest seruaunt and most vnworthy ioye in thee and not in my selfe nor in nothinge els beside the● for thou Lorde art my gladnes thou art my hope my crowne my ioye and all my honor VVhat hath thy seruant but that he hath of thee and that without his desert All things be thine and I am poore and haue bene in trouble in paine euer from my youth and my soule hath beene in great heauines with weeping and teares and sometime it hath bene troubled in it selfe through manifolde passions that come of the world and of the fleshe VVherefore Lorde I desire that I maye haue of thee the ioye of inwarde peace and I aske the rest of thy chosen children that be fedde and nourished of thee in the light of heauenly comforts but without thy helpe I can not come therto If thou Lorde geue peace or if thou geue inward ioye my soule shall be anone full of heauenlye melodie and be deuoute and feruent in thy laudes and praysings but if thou withdrawe thy selfe from me as thou haste sometime done then may not thy seruant runne the waye of thy commaundementes as he did first but then he is compelled to bowe his knees and knocke his brest for it is not with him as it was before when the lanterne of thy ghostlie presence shone vpon his heade and that he was defended vnder the shadowe of
much consolation and deuotion in prosperitie VVhy art thou so heauy for a litle worde sayde or done against thee yf it had bene more thou shouldest not haue bene moued therwith but let it nowe ouerpasse it is not the first and it shall not be the last if thou lyue longe Thou art manfull inough as long as no aduersitie falleth to thee and thou canst well giue counsaile and well canst thou comfort and strengthen other with thy wordes But when aduersitie knocketh at thy doore thou failest anone both of counsayle and strength Beholde well therefore thy great frayltie which thou hast daylie experience of in litle obiectes Neuerthelesse it is for thy ghostly health that suche thinges and other like be suffered to come vnto the Purpose thy selfe in thy harte to doe the best that lieth in thee and then when suche tribulations shall happen to fall vnto thee although it greeue thee yet let it not whollie ouerthrow thee nor let it not longe tarie with thee And at the least suffer it pacientlie although thou maye not suffer it gladlie Moreouer though thou be loth to heare suche thinges and that thou feele great indignation therat in thy hart yet thrust thy selfe downe lowe in thine owne sight and suffer no inordinate worde passe out of thy mouth whereby any other might be hurt and then all such indignation shall be anone assuaged soone appeased in thee And then also that which before was taken to so great heauines to thee shall anone be made sweete pleasaunt in thy sight For yet lyue I sayth our Lorde redie to helpe thee and to cōfort thee more then euer I did before if thou wilt whollye trust in me and deuoutly call for helpe to me Be quiet in hart prepare thy selfe yet to more sufferance For it is not all lost though thou feele thy selfe ofte troubled or greeuouslye tempted Thinke thou art a man and not God a fleshlye man and no Angell Howe mayest thou alwayes be in one state of vertue when that wanted to Angels in heauen and to the first man in Para dise the which stoode not longe I am he that rayse vp them that be sorowfull to health and comfort and those that knowe their owne vnstablenes I lifte them vp to be stabled in the sight of my Godhead for euer Lorde blessed be thy hol●e word It is more sweeter to my mouth then honye combe VVhat should I doe in all my troubles and heauines if thou diddest not sometime comfort me with thy wholsome and sweete wordes Therefore it shall not force what trouble or aduersitie I suffer here for thee so that I maye in the ende come to the porte of euerlasting health Geue me a good ende and a blessed passage out of this worlde haue minde on me my Lorde my God and direct me by a straite and redy waye into thy kingdome I beseech thee Amen That a man shall not searche the iudgementes of God The .63 Chapter My sonne beware to dispute of highe-matters of the secret iudgemēts of God why this man is so left forsaken of God and why this man is taken to so great grace why also one man is so much troubled and another so greatly aduaunced These thinges ouerpasse all mans knowledge for to serch gods iudgement no mans reason maye suffise nor yet this disputation Therfore when the ghostly enemy stirreth thee to such thinges or if any curious men aske of thee suche questions answer with the prophete Dauid and say thus Lord thou art righteous thy iudgemēts are true and be iustified in them selfe thy indgements are to be dread not to be discussed by mans wit for they be to mans wit incomprehensible Beware also that thou search not nor reason not of the merites of Saintes which of them was holyer then other or which of them is higher in heauen Suche questions ofte times nourishe great strifes and vnprofitable reasoninges and proceede of pride vaine-glory wherby enuy springeth and discētion that is to saye when one laboureth to prefer this Saint and another that And truely a desire to knowe such things rather displeaseth Saints then pleaseth them For I saith our Lord am not God of discention and strife but of vnitie and peace the which peace standeth rather in true meekenes than in exalting of them selues Some men be more stirred to loue this Saint or that and that with muche greater affection but truly that affection is oft time more rather a manly affectiō than a godlye Am not I he that haue made all Saints yes truelye and ouer that I haue giuen thē grace and I haue geuen them glorye I knowe all their merites I preuented them with the sweetnes of my blessinges I knewe my elect and chosen people before the worlde was made I haue chosen them from the worlde they haue not chosen me I called them by my grace I drewe them by my mercy I led them through temptations I sent them inwarde comfortes I gaue them perseueraunce I crowned their patience I knowe the first man and the laste I loue them all with an inestimable loue Thus I am to be praysed in all my Saintes and aboue all thinges to be blessed and honoured in all and in euery of them whom I haue so glorioussye magnifyed and predestinate without anye merites in them goeinge before Therefore he that despyseth the leaste of my Saintes doth no honour to the greatest for I haue made both the lesse and the more and he that disprayseth any of my Saintes he disprayseth me and other of my Saintes in the kingdome of heauen for they be all one faste vnited and knit together in one sure bonde of perfect charitie They feele all one thinge and they will all one thinge and they loue altogether all into one thinge and they loue me muche more then them selues or their own merites for they be rapt about themselues and be drawen from their owne loue and whollie be turned into my loue in the which they rest by eternal fruition There is nothinge that maye turne them from my loue nor that may thrust them downe out of their glorie for they be full of eternall trueth and burne inwarldlie in soule with fyre of euerlastinge charitie that neuer shall be quenched Let all them cease therefore that be carnall and beastly and that can not loue but priuate ioye to searche the state of my blessed Saintes in heauen for they put awaye and adde to their merites as they fauour and not after the pleasure of the eternall truth of God In many folkes is great ignoraunce but moste speciallie in them that haue so litle light of ghostlie vnderstanding that they can not loue any person with a cleane loue Many also be moued by a naturall affection or by a worldly frendship to loue this saint or that and as they imagine in earthly thinges so they imagine of heauenlye thinges but there is a distaunce incomparable betwixt thinges which imperfect men imagine
spiritual it is greeuous and tedious vnto me for as longe as I see not my Lorde openlie in his glorie I set it at naught al that I see and heare in this world Lord thou art my witnes that nothing may cōfort me nor any creature maye quiet me but thou my Lorde God whom I desire to see and beholde eternally but that is not possible for me to doe as longe as I shall be in this mortall life VVherefore it behoueth me to keepe my selfe in great patience and to submit my selfe to thee in euery thinge that I desire for thy holye Saintes that nowe ioy with thee abode in good fayth patience all whiles they liued here the comming of thy glory That they beleeued I beleeue that they hoped to haue I hope to haue and thither as they by thy grace be come I trust to come and till then I shall walke in faith take comfort of the examples of the sayde holy Saints I haue also holie bookes for my solace as a spirituall glasse to looke vpon aboue all these I haue for a singuler remedie thy holye bodye I perceue wel that two thinges be much necessarie vnto me in this worlde without which this miserable lyfe should be to me as importable for as long as I shall be in this body I cōfesse my selfe to haue neede of two things that is to say of meat light These two hast thou geuen vnto me that is to saye thy holy body to the refreshing of my bodye and soule and thou haste set thy word as a lanterne before my feete to shewe me the waye that I shall go VVithout these two I may not wel liue for the worde of God is the light of my soule and this Sacrament is the breade of my lyfe These two may also be called the two tables set here there in the spiritual treasure of holy Church The one is the table of the holy Aultar hauinge this holie bread that is the precious bodie of Christ The other is the table of the lawes of God conteining the holie doctrine of the lawe of God and instructing man in the right fayth and in the true beliefe leadinge him into the inwarde secrettes that be called Sancta Sanctorum where the inwarde secrettes of Scripture be hid and conteyned I yeelde thankinges to thee my Lorde Iesu the brightnes of the eternal light for this table of holie doctrine the which thou hast ministred to vs by thy seruauntes Prophetes Apostles and other doctours and thankings also be to thee the creator redeemer of mankinde that thou to shewe to all the worlde the greatnes of thy charitie preparedst a great supper in the which thou settest not forth the Lambe figured in the olde lawe but thy holy body and bloude to be eaten gladding thereby in that holy feast all faithful people and geuing them to drinke of thy chalice of health in the which be conteyned all the delightes of Paradise where Angels eate with vs with much more plenteous sweetenes O howe great and howe honourable is the office of Priestes to whom is geuē power to consecrate with the holye wordes of consecration the Lorde of all maiestie to blesse him with their lippes to holde him in their handes to receiue him into their mouthes and to minister him to other O howe cleane shoulde the handes be howe pure a mouth howe holye a bodye and howe vndefiled shoulde be the heart of a Priest to whom so ofte entreth the authour of al cleannes Truely there ought to procede from the mouth of a priest that so ofte receaueth the Sacrament of Christes bodie no worde but that is holy honest and profitable his eyes should be full simple and chaste that vse to behold the bodie of Christe his handes shoulde be full pure lifte vp into heauen which vse to touche the Creatour of heauen and earth and therefore it is speciallye sayde in the lawe to Priestes be ye holye for I your Lord God am holy O God almightie thy grace be with vs and helpe vs that haue receiued the office of priesthood that we may serue thee worthely and deuoutly in all puritie and in a good conscience And though we maye not liue in so great innocēcie as we ought to do yet geue vs grace at the least that we maye weepe and sorowe the euils that we haue done so that in spirituall meeknes and in full purpose of a good will we may serue thee hereafter Amen That he that shall be houseled ought to prepare hym selfe therto before vvith great diligence The .12 Chapter I Am the louer of al puritie and the liberall geuer of all holines I seeke a cleane heart there is my restinge place make ready for me a great chamber strawed that is thyne hart and I with my Disciples shall keepe mine Easter with thee If thou wilte that I shall come to thee and dwell with thee clense thee of all the olde filth of sinne and clense also the habitacle of thine heart and make it pleasaunt and fayre Exclude the worlde and all the clamorous noyse of sinne and sit solitarie as a sparowe in an house easinge and thinke vpon all thy offences with great bitternes of hart for a true louer will prepare to his beloued freende the best and the fayrest place that he can for in that is knowen the loue and affection of him that receyueth his freende But neuerthelesse I knowe that thou mayest not of thy selfe suffise to make this preparinge fullie as it ought to be in euerie point though thou went about it a wholle yere together and haddest none other thing in thy minde to thinke vpon but of my mercie and grace onely Thou art suffred to go vnto my table as if a poore man were called to the dinner of a riche man and he had none other thinge to geue him againe but onelie to humble him felfe and thanke him for it doe that in thee is with thy best diligēce and doe it not onelie of custome nor of necessitie onely for that thou art bounde to it but with dreade and reuerence and great affection take the bodie of thy beloued Lorde God that so louinglie vouchethsafe to come vnto thee I am he that hath called thee I haue commaunded that this thinge shoulde be done I shall supplie that wanteth in thee Come therfore and receaue me when I geue thee the grace of deuotion yeelde thankes to me therefore not for that thou art worthy to haue it but for that I haue shewed my mercy louinglye to thee And if thou haue not the grace of deuotion through receauinge of this Sacrament but that thou feelest thy selfe more drye and more vndeuout then thou were before yet cōtinue still in thy prayer wayle weepe and call for grace and ceasse not til thou mayest receaue some litle drop of this helthfull grace of deuotion Thou haste neede of me and not I of thee ne thou commest not to sanctifie
me but I come to sanctifie thee and to make thee better then thou were before Thou commest to be sanctified and be vnited vnto me and that thou mayest receaue a newe grace and be kindled a newe to amendement Do not forget this grace but alway with all thy diligence prepare thine heart and bringe thy beloued vnto thee and it behoueth thee not onelye to prepare thy selfe vnto deuotion before thou shalt be housled but also to keepe thy selfe therein diligentlye after the receauinge of the Sacrament And there is no lesse keeping requisite after then a deuout preparatiō is needefull before for a good keepinge after is the best preparation to receaue newe grace hereafter and a man shall be the more vndisposed thereto if he anone after he hath receaued the Sacrament geue him selfe to outward solace Beware of much speakinge abide in some secrete place and kepe thee with thy Lorde God for thou hast him that all the worlde may not take from thee I am he to whom thou must geue all so that fro henceforth thou liue not in thy selfe but onely in me That a deuout soule shoulde greatlye desire vvith all his heart to be vnited to Christe in this blessed Sacrament The .13 Chapter VVho shal graüt vnto me Lord that I maye finde thee onelie and opē all mine heart to thee and haue thee as mine heart desireth so that no man maye deceaue me nor any creature moue me nor drawe me backe but that thou onelie speake to me and I to thee as a louer is wont to speake to his beloued and a freende with his beloued freende That is it that I praye for that is it that I desire that I may be whollie vnited to thee and that I maye withdraw my hart fro all things create and through the holie cōmunion and ofte saying Masse to sauor and taste eternall thinges Ah Lorde God when shall I be all vnited to thee and whollie be molten into thy loue so that I wholly forget my selfe Be thou in me and I in thee and graunt that we maye so abide alwaye together in one Verilie thou art my beloued elect and chosen before all other in whom my soule coueteth to abide all dayes of his life Thou art the Lorde of peace in whom is the soueraine peace and true rest without whom is labour and sorowe and infinite miserye Verilie thou art the head God and thy counsayle is not with wicked people but with meeke men and simple in heart O howe secrete and howe benigne is thy holy spirite which to the intēt thou woldest shewe to thy chosen people thy swetnes haste vouchedsafe to refreshe them with the most swete bread that descēdeth from heauen Verilie there is none other nation so great that hath their goddes so nigh vnto them as thou Lorde God art to all thy faithfull people to whom for their daylie solace and to rayse their heartes into the loue of heauenly things thou geuest thy selfe as meat and drinke O what people be there that be so noble as the christien men are or what creature vnder heauen is so muche beloued as the deuout christien soule into whom God entreth and feedeth her with his owne glorious flesh and bloude O inestimable grace O meruaillous worthines O loue without measure singulerly shewed vnto man but what shall I yeelde againe to God for all this grace and high charitie Truelie there is nothing more acceptable to him then that I whollye geue mine heart and inwardly ioyne my selfe vnto him then shall all mine inward partes ioye in him when my soule is perfectlie vnited vnto him Then shall he say to me If thou wilte be with me I will be with thee And I shall answere to him againe and say Vouchesafe Lorde to abide with me and I will gladly abide with thee for that is all my desire that mine heart maye be fast knit vnto thee without departinge Amen Of the brenninge desire that some deuoute persons haue had to the body of Christe The 14. Chapter O Howe great multitude of sweetnes is it Lorde that thou hast hid for them that dreade thee But what is it thē for them that loue thee Verilie when I remember me of manye deuout persons that haue come to this holie Sacrament with so great feruoure of deuotiō I am then many times astonied and cōfounded in my selfe that I go vnto thy aultar and to the table of thy holy communion so coldely and with so litle feruour and that I abide still so drie and without any affection of hart and that I am not so whollie kindled before thee my Lorde God nor so stronglie drawen thereby in affection to thee as manie deuout persons haue beene the which of the great desire that they haue had to this holte communion and for a feeleable loue of hart that they haue had therto might not refrayne them from weping but effectuously with the mouth of their heart and bodie together opened their mouthes to thee Lorde that art the liuelie fountaine because they coulde not otherwise asswage ne tempt their hūger but that they tooke thy holie body which they did with great ioye and spirituall gredines Truelie the great brenninge s●ith of them is a probable argument of thy holy presence and they also knowe verily their Lorde in breaking of breade whose heartes so stronglye brenneth in them by the presence of their Lorde Iesu sacramentallye then walking with them But verily such affection and deuotion and so stronge feruour and loue be ofte time far from me Be thou there fore must swete and benigne Lorde Iesu mercifull and meeke vnto me and graunt me thy poore seruaunt that I maye feele sometime some litie part of the harty affection of thy loue in this holy Communion that my fayth maye the more recouer and amende mine hope through thy goodnes be the more perfect and my charitie being once perfectly kindled and hauing experience of the heauenlye Manna doe neuer fayle Thy mercy Lorde is stronge ynough to graunt to me this grace that I so muche desire and when the time of thy pleasure shall come beninglye to visite me with the spirit of a brenninge feruour to thee And though I doe not brenne in so great desire as suche speciall deuout persons haue done yet neuerthelesse I haue desired the grace to be inflamed with that brenninge desire praying and desiring that I maye be made partaker of all such thy feruent louers and to be numbred in their holy companye That the grace of deuotion is gotten thorough meekenes and for sakinge of our selfe The 15. Chapter IT behoueth thee abidinglie to seeke the grace of deuotion and without ceassing to aske it patientlie and faithfullie to abide it thankefullie to receaue it meekelie to keepe it studiouslie to worke with it and whollie to commit to God the time and maner of his heauenlte visitalion till his pleasure shall be to come vnto thee and principallie thou oughtest to meeke thee when thou feelest