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A13630 The triall of truth Containing a plaine and short discovery of the chiefest pointes of the doctrine of the great Antichrist, and of his adherentes the false teachers and heretikes of these last times. Terry, John, 1555?-1625. 1600 (1600) STC 23913; ESTC S101270 292,240 350

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Marc. 1. 15. one is occasioned by the due consideration of our owne most manifold and greavous corruptions the other by the apprehension of the Lordes most singular and endles goodnes And therefore the scope of the whole Scripture tēding to teach repētāce faith tēdeth likewise to these two ends on the one side to display lay open the incomparable excellencies perfectiōs that be in God that by the beauty therof we may be most earnestly stirred vp to desire reconciliatiō fellowship with him to place our whole hope confidēce in him to ascribe vnto him al honour glory on the other side to discover the infirmities corruptions of man that therby he may be induced al selfe loue set aside to distrust deny renoūce himselfe to hāg down the head being cōfoūded in himselfe cast downe to the bottomles pitte of hell So the Prophet I say setting downe the mighty working of the gospell at the coming of the Messias testifieth that thereby the high lookes shall be humbled and the Isa 2. 17. 24. 23. loftines of man shall be abated and the Lord onely shall be exalted in that day yea that the Moone shal be abashed and the Sunne ashamed whē the Lord shal appeare that is that such things as in our selues seeme beautiful as the Sūne shal be covered with darknes dashed over as with a coa●e in respect of the brightnes of Gods most admirable goodnes shining in the face of the glorious Messias And wha● else also meaneth the Prophet ●zechiell in saying that when Ezech. 16. the Lord hath confirmed his everlasting Covenant with vs is pacified towards vs thē we shal remēber our waies be ashamed neuer open our mouthes any more in respect of our shame Wherefore if we will bee partakers of the fruite of the gospell we must be moued thereby to looke throughly into our own corruptiōs to cast down our eies as it were vpō our own fowle feete that so we may haue our part in that shāe which is the path way to worship honor We Eccl. 4. 21. must not be gazing vpon our peacockes tailes nor beholding the Sūne when he shineth nor the Moone walking in her Iob. 31. 26. brightnes that is we must not admire ourselues no not in respect of our tēporal or spiritual gifts lest our owne harts do flatter vs in secret so induce vs to kisse our own hāds Surely this is an iniquity to be cōdēned seing it is a denial Hab. 2. 4. of the Lord aboue For he that lifteth vp himselfe his hart is not vpright for the iust shal liue by faith which teacheth vs not to admire ourselues or to trust in our selues but to go out of our selues and to trust in God and to place our whole hope in the riches of his grace in the fulnes of his goodnes And in truth we can hardly detract to much from man in whose flesh dwelleth no good thing al the imaginatiōs Rom. 7 18. Gen. 6. 5. of whose hart are only evil cōtinually that so he may be brought to cast away al selfe loue pride cōfidence in himselfe take to himselfe his due deserved cōfu●ion and shame be vnfainedly hūbled as he ought to be As on the cōtrary side we cā as hardly ascribe to much to Gods goodnes or be overlavish in extolling the hight lēgth bredth depth of the loue of Christ that passeth knowledge that so the pledges of his endles favour may raise vs vp to a true liuely faith to giue him that glory that is due to him And why should mire that lieth in the streete be so gready to be seasōed with sugar spice a vile peece of a rotten post to be gilded over with fine gold why should wretched sinful man be desirous to enlarg his own estimatiō by advaūcing lifting vp himselfe prepare a way to a most dāgerous downfall So God be glorified we ought not greatly regard what becometh of vs seing all is due to him nothing to vs. And verely the most blessed servants saints of God being purged and clensed from all corruptions being admitted to the vision of God and to bebold not his hinder partes but even to see him face to face and so to behold his vnspeakable glory as farre forth as the creature is capable of the same albeit they are so highly advaūced yet they take their crownes from their owne heades and cast them downe before the throne saying Apoc. 4 10. 11. Thou art worthy O Lord to receaue honour glorie power for thou hast created all thinges for thy willes sake they were are created never ceasing day nor night to sing holy holy holy Lord God Apoc. 15. 4. almighty who shal not feare thee glorify thy name for thou only art holy Yea our most glorious Lord Saviour Christ Iesus himselfe who was annointed with the oile of gladnes aboue his fellowes and endued vvith the spirite vvith out measure vvho is advaunced to the right hand of GOD and hath all power in heaven and earth giuen vnto him is appointed iudge of quicke deade when he shall haue finished the worke of his Mediator-shippe and shall haue placed al the elect of God in the peaceable possessiō of that most glorious kingdome which he hath purchased for thē with his owne blood thē as he is man he shal deliver vp his kingdome to God be subiect to him that to this end that God may be all in all all glorie honour power 1. Co. 15. 28 praise being worthely ascribed only to him Whereby it is evident that God can never be sufficiently magnified in respect of his incomprehensible goodnes glory as on the contrary side man can never be sufficiently hūbled abased especially in comparison had vnto God And yet the members of the Church of Rome fearing belike that Gods great grace should be to highly magnified that to much should be yeelded therevnto being loath as it seemeth that man should take to himselfe that due deserued shāe that belōgeth vnto him wil haue neither Conc. Trid. sess 6. cap. 1. Can. 7. al our workes before our cōversatiō being dōe without faith to be condemned for sinne nor all our good workes after our Cap. ●… con 25. Cap. 2. can 4. conversion to be stained so much as with any ●ental sinne neither all our very sinnes to be damnable and mortall nor yet our conversion it selfe to be wrought only by the spirit of regeneration but also by the power of our owne free wil neither our salvation to be ascribed to the only death of our all sufficient Saviour but also to our owne merites and desertes The Prophet Cap. 11. can 32. Psal 115. 1. David was of another spi●…e Not vnto vs O Lorde saith he not vnto vs but vnto
be the kingdome of heaven the second hell where every apostata and infidell is tormented And as for any thirde place vvee are vtterly ignorant thereof neither doe vvee finde any such in holie scripture Div. 9. That our Saviours resurrection is as strong an argument against his bodilie presence in many places as in all BEllarmine vseth this argument of Christes rising and leauing He arose againe from ●he dead the sepulcher against the Vbiquitaries vvho affirme Christes body to be present in all places whereas it may as well bee vrged against him and his fellowes vvho teach that his body is in tenne thousande places at one time euen vvheresoeuer there is any 〈…〉 seeing that nature which may be in so many places at once may as well be truely in all places And if it cannot stande vvith the verity of CHRISTES bodie being a creature finite and limited to bee euery vvhere neither canne it stande vvith the trueth thereof to bee in many places at one time Div. 10. That Christ needeth not to descende bodily to vs seeing wee must ascend by faith vnto him that so we may be partakers of him and of his passion AS our Sauiour Christ vsed this argument of his ascension to He ascended into heauen Ioh. 6. 62. teach his disciples which murmured at his doctrine that it was not a grosse carnall and bodily eating of his flesh that he vrged as necessary to eternal life but a spiritual partaking therof by faith that at his ascensiō they should see that he would take away his flesh from them place it in heauen at the right hand of God and not leaue it here to be grosly devoured with their mouthes and swallowed downe into their stomakes euen so may wee now vse the selfe same argument against the church of Rome which teacheth the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist Christ hath by his ascension taken vp his flesh into heauen hath placed it at the right hand of God and therfore it is not to be sought for here on earth as if it might be either carnally touched with our hands or really receiued into our stomakes For so doth Austine and Athanasius vse this argument of Christes ascension When yee shall see the sonne of man saith Austine ascending thither where he was Aug. in Ioh. tract 27. also before then surely yee shall see that he giueth not forth his body after that manner as yee take it yea then shall yee perceiue that the grace of Christ is not consumed with morsels So Athanasius Therefore doth Athan. in illud Evangelii Quicunque dixeri● verbum in filium hominis our Saviour Christ mention his ascension into heauen to drawe from them their carnall cogitations and that they might learne that the flesh whereof hee spake was a celestiall foode from heaven a spirituall nourishmente vvhich hee himselfe giveth The vvhich argumente these learned fathers vvoulde neuer haue vsed if they had knowne or beleeued the doctrine of the church of Rome which teacheth that our Saviour hauing by his ascension taken away his bodily presence from vs yet continually causeth his body to be made of bread in the sacrament of his supper that so it may be carnally albeit invisibly received But this invisible presence they did not see nor beleeue and therefore they condemned all carnall eating with the mouth and allowed of the spirituall receaving thereof onely by faith By faith saith S. Ambrose Christ Amb. in Luc li. 6. ca. 8. de filia princ Synag resuscitata li. 10. cap. 24. de hora dominicae resurrectionis is touched by faith he is seene hee is not touched with our body nor seene with our eies And againe We touch not Christ by corporall handling but by faith therefore neither on the earth nor in the earth nor after the flesh ought we to seeke Christ if we will finde him I am the bread of life saith our Saviour Christ Ioh 6. 35. that came downe from heaven He that commeth to me shall never hunger and he that beleeveth in me not he that seeketh to eate my flesh and drinke my blood with his mouth shall never thirst So then to come to Christ by faith and to beleeue in him is so effectuall a manner of eating of his flesh that thereby it becommeth to the faithfull receiuer an incorruptible foode the vertue whereof is neuer consumed How saith Austine shall I possesse Aug. in Ioh. tract 50. 25. Christ being now absent how shall I sende vp my hande to heaven to take holde of him sitting there Sende vp thy faith and thou haste possessed him And againe Why preparest thou thy teeth and thy belly Beleeue and thou hast eaten He must flie on high saith Chrysostome that wil come Chrysost in 1. Cor. hom 24. to this body yea to heaven it selfe or rather aboue the heavens for where the body is there the Eagles be And this was the iudgement of the vvhole church in purer ages when at the receiuing of these holy mysteries the people were vvarned to lift vp their hearts and they Sursum corda were to answere we lift them vp vnto the Lord. Whereby they were admonished even at the receiuing of this holy sacrament not to seeke Christs body here below on earth vpon the Lordes table vnder the shewes of bread and wine but to lift vp their hearts to heauen to the Lord of life that so they might possesse him which is life it selfe Div. 11. That Christ being placed at the right hand of God is made Lorde of heaven and earth and protectour of his church and not any saint or saintes departed CHristes sitting at the right hand of God is the dignity and He sitteth at the right hand of God Ma● 28. 18. Phil. 2. 11. Act. 2. 36. Apo. 19. 16. authority whereunto he is advanced to be as it were Lord gouernour of heauen and earth as himselfe testifieth All power is giuen to me in heauen and in earth In respect whereof everie knee must bow to him and euery tongue cōfesse that Iesus is the Lord yea the Lord of Lords and king of kings Whereby it is evident that he is patron and protectour of his church to rule it by his spirit to direct it by his word to instruct it by his ministers to enrich it by his graces and in the end to giue it a full and final cōquest over all her enemies For it is he that ascending vp on high ledde captiuity captiue and gaue giftes vnto men and declared himselfe Lord of heauen it selfe by powring downe the heauenly treasures of his holy spirite in the shape of fiery tongues vppon his Apostles whereby they were not only endued with all celestiall Act. 2. 1. wisedome and with the knowledge of all tongues but also furnished with all other giftes meete for the discharge of so weighty an office Neither hath this great state of states dispossessed himselfe of the seate of
in respect of them for that their number is alwaies the greater ●as shee is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 holy in respect of the godly for that they are the better part Wherfore all vngodly and faithlesse dissembling hypocrites as they seeme onely to be holy and are not so they seeme also but are not in deed the true members of the holy catholike church For how can they haue the church to be their mother which are not begotten againe of the immortal seede of the word of God which liueth and lasteth for euer How can I say those bee members of the holy catholicke church and haue her for their mother vvho haue not God for their father who as they honour not God as a father neither endevour to resemble his image so he doth not acknowledge them for his sonnes nor accept them as inheritours of his heavenly kingdome And doth not our creede reach vs also that this holy catholike church of Christ is a commun●on of saintes who haue in this life remission of sinnes and shall attaine in the life to come to a glorious resurrection and to l●e everlasting But the wicked vngodly dissembling hypocrites the sonnes of the bond woman which are base-borne and bastarde brethren they haue no part nor portiō in these blessings of God with the sonnes Gal. 4. 30. of the free woman which are the elect chosen children of God and the true members of the holy catholicke church of Christ Wherefore the church of Rome greatly disgraceth this holy catholike church of Christ in that shee would allowe an interest in her to impu●e and vngodly dissembling hypocrites as on other respectes shee advaunceth her to high in assigning her that priviledge that shee cannot erre and graunting that ability vnto her children whereby they may perfectly fulfill the law of God Div. 4. That the church may erre in matters of faith THe Apostles prophets had their doctrine from God not onely mediately by instruction but also immediatly by revelation Holy but revelations are now ceased and the church hath her doctrine now mediatly onely by instruction out of the divine and sacred scriptures and therefore the church may erre albeit the Apostles and Prophets were free from errour For in learning out of the scriptures the dulnesse and blindnes of our capacity oftentimes misseth of the true sence and meaning thereof which is no impediment when as the spirite of God by revelation vseth not the blockishnesse of our vnderstanding to bring vs to the knovvledge of God but doth immediately by his power sh●dde it in our heartes or else teacheth vs by such as are instructed immediately 〈…〉 2. Div. 3. That every member of the church breaketh the law and doeth not perfectly fulfill the same NO man loveth the Lorde with all his heart power and strength so that all his ●ffections cogitations thoughts are only employed in the Lords service and in obedience to his commandementes and therefore no man perfectly fulfilleth the whole law For our loue doth so follow ou● knowledge that no man can perfectly loue God that perfectly knoweth not his loue and goodnes towardes vs but in this life wee knowe but in 〈◊〉 13. 9 parte vvee vnderstande but in parte wee see as through a glasse and in a darke speaking and so our loue also is but in parte it is no wise so perfect as it ought to be VVherefore that perfect loue beeing not in any which the lawe requireth that which wanteth thereof is sinne ●…p 29. and a breach of the lawe and commaundementes of God For to loue the Lorde withall our hearte soule and strength is not a point of perfection counselled onely in the gospell aboue the lawe but a necessary duety commaunded in the lavve and therefore our Saviour calleth it in sl●tte tearmes not onely a commaundement 〈◊〉 ●…2 38. but also the first of the commaundementes VVherefore all being guilty of the breach of this commaundement there is none that is able to fulfill the vvhole lawe much lesse to doe any worke of supererogation more then is commaunded in the law of God Many prowde debtours hauing not as yet wasted their whole stockes but beeing only declining and ready to fall conceaue so well of themselues and of their owne ability that when they looke but vpon the particular billes of their debt they conceaue some hope to recover and to bee able in time to discharge all but vvhen they cast them all togither and so take a viewe of the totall summe that appeareth by and by to bee so great that thereby they are cleane dismaide and discouraged and vtterly excluded from all hope But the pride of our Romish banke-ruptes is in a farre higher degree in that the summe of all the commandements contayning the summe of our vvhole debte bee it neuer so great and neuer so huge yet it doeth not mooue them to acknowledge their inhabilitie but they still imagine themselues to be able to fulfil the whole lavve and so to discharge their vvhole debte yea and more also vvith the surplussage vvhereof beeing due vnto them The meanest in the church of Rome are taught that they may fulfil al the commandementes whereas the very best in the church of Christ more or lesse faile in all vppon a reckoning and an accountes they thinke themselues able to helpe tovvardes the dischardge of the debtes of others also VVhereas in trueth if vvee vvoulde duely looke into the greatnesse of the duety that is required at our handes in any one of the commaundementes wee should perceiue the very debte of every one of these particular billes to amounte and grovve to so great a summe that as long as vvee liue heere in this life such is our spirituall penury and beggary vvee are neuer able to discharge the same 1. Cōmand For vvho is there euen amonge the most perfecte and iust that neuer preferreth profite or pleasure or the satisfying of one affection or other before iustice and righteousnesse and before his loue and obedience to God thereby placing them after a sort in Gods throne 2 who alvvaies so highly conceiveth of the incomprehensible maiesty of the almighty Iehovah as hee ought to doe and of his incomparable and vnmatchable glory that cannot be resembled by any similitude without great impeachment and derogation to the same 3 Who conceiveth so reverently of the infinite power of the most mighty creator of heaven earth that hee neuer taketh his glorious and dreadfull name in vaine but euer vseth it with such reverence and feare as is due vnto it 4 VVho sanctifieth on that manner the Sabaoth day that ceasing altogither from satisfying his owne vvill hee suffereth the Lord by his holy spirite and sacred vvorde vvholy to vvo●ke in himselfe and so employeth himselfe only in his service Yea who is it that keepeth a perpetuall Sabaoth vnto the LORDE 5 VVho is it that so honoureth his p●rentes and the rest of his
34. sepulchet might be knowne that so he might be worshipped even so that it 〈◊〉 the selfe-same spirite that hath stroven so earnestly to bl●ze ab●oade the incredible vvonders of the Romish Saintes that so the people might bee mooued to vvorshippe them and to place their hope and trust in them For the spirit of CHRIST as it proceedeth from him so it teacheth that doctrine which he taught and seeketh to glorifie him by setting Ioh. 16. 14. forth his greatnesse that so the faithfull might trust perfectly in his grace and rest themselues only vppon his sufficiencie and it teacheth the chiefest among the saintes to account it their greatest honour to honour their Lorde Christ and to giue testimony Apoc 19. 10. vnto him for to giue testimony to Christ is a sure note of the spirite of a true prophet that so they may bee honoured of him with a roome among the residue of his servauntes And verily if vvee will rightly worshippe the saintes vvee must learne by Aug in psa ●… their appointment not to vvorshippe them but to vvorshippe him that ma●e heauen and earth the sea and all that is therein Yea vvee m●st endevour to vvorshippe God as they haue giuen vs an example by follovving Apoc. 19. 10. ●2 9. Act. 10. 26. 14. 15. them in the steppes of their sounde and christian faith of their ho ly and godly life and this is the greatest honor that we can do vnto them which is most grateful and acceptable to them and most b●n●ficial vnto our selues And as for those strange legendary wonders let vs leaue them to him and his adherents who vvas to come vvith great signes and lying vvonders and to be discerned Mat. ●… 24. Chrys●… in Mat hom 49. Aug. de vni●…●…l ca. 16. in part by this meanes Neither neede vve being thus forewarned by Christ himselfe greatly be astonished and amazed thereat or esteeme better of many of them then Austine did of the Donatistes miracles the vvhich he esteemed to be either flat forgeries of seducing men or else delusions of lying spirits Div. 4. That we may not pray to the saintes departed nor seeke to them that by their mediation we may come vnto God and by their meanes obtaine our petitions VPon the question of faith in the saints dependeth the quest●ō I beleeue in God I beleeue the church of their invocatiō For if we must only beleeue in God then vve must also pray only only vnto him and if we cannot trust in the Saints not hope to be holpen by their means to what end should we make our praiers vnto them and seeke vnto them in our necessities How shall they call vpon him saith the Apostle in Rom. 10. 14. whom they haue not beleeued Surely that vvere to begge at a wrong do●… and as it vvere to seeke to sucke water out of a s●…nt Wherfore if vve vvill haue our praiers to take effect vve must make thē to him that is able to heare also to fulfil accōplish the same But God only is omnipotent filling al places vvith his maiesty povver searching the very secrets of our harts and reines and beholding euen with what affection we conceiue our supplicatiōs he also is only omnipotent able to accomplish our desires the which properties are so peculiar to God as he is God that no vvay they cā agree to any creature The saints are neither present in many places to heare al the praiers that are made vnto thē neither are they able to looke into the hart to see whether such praiers are made in hypocrisie or else with an holy godly sincerity If the soules of the departed could bee heere present in this world my godly Aug. de cura ●ro mort ca. 13. mother saith S. Austine would never leaue me but true it is that the Psalmist saith when my father my mother for sooke me c. But if our parents be not present vvith vs what are other that they should know our estate Thou art our father saith Esay for Abraham knoweth vs not and I s●aell h●th forgotten vs. Now if ●o great Patriarkes did not know the estate of their owne posterity How should others know and be helpers vnto theirs Wherefore we doe no wrong to the Aug. li. de pastore c. 8. holy mountaines that is to the saints when we say our helpe is not from the mountaines but frō the Lord that made heaven earth the mountaines themselues do teach the same will not only not be offended with thee for it but will loue thee for the same favour thee the more but if th●… pu● thy hope in them they will be sorry The truth is that the Lord cōmandeth vs in all our wantes and necessities to seeke vnto him who is our only saviour and deliverer the only fountaine and wel-spring of al good things Call vpon mee in the day of thy trouble and I will del●ver Psa 50. 15. thee and thou shalt glorifie me Come vnto me saith our Saviour all Mat 11. 28. yee that are laden and grievously oppressed and I will ease you The name of the Lord saith Salomon is an impregnable tower the righteous shall ●…e Pro. 18. 10. vnto it and shall be delivered He then that speaketh vnto God for succour getteth himselfe as it were into an invincible fort where he is sure to be free from all danger and he that maketh his suite vnto the Lord commeth not to a beggarly benefactor but vnto a rich and a bountiful Founder who is rich not to some but to all that call vpon him Neither needest thou doubt of his render affection towardes thee his goodnes is infinite and so is his compassion farre greater then the kindnesse of any father or mother or then is the compassion of any of the saints the more thou feelest thy selfe burdened with the weight of thy sins the readier is he to ease and refresh thee and the more vnworthy thou art in thine ovvne e●es the worthier thou art in his sight the more humbled thou art in thy selfe the nearer thou art to be exalted by him Come thy selfe vnto him take no associate but only a faithful a penitent heart and thou shalt alwaies haue free accesse Our Saviour Christ whē he would not heare his own disciples on the behoose of the womā of Canaan gaue audience vnto her at her own suite granted her her petition and request Tel me saith Chrysostome Chr●s hom 12. de Cana●…a entreating of this woman how durst thou come vnto Christ where as thou art a wicked sinfull wretch I know saith shee what to do Behold saith he the wisedome of this woman Shee praieth not Iames Ioh or Peter or any of the company of the rest of the Apostles shee seeketh no mediatour for her selfe but for all these taketh repentance for her associate in steed of a mediatour and goeth directly to
the supreme vn●…dgeable iudge of all flesh that he cānot erre lie or doe vniustly therefoe that he is not to be iudged of any neither may Iob. 9. 12. any man say to him what doest thou therefore in that the Bishope of Rome taketh vpon him not to erre in iudgmēt nor to be iudged of any he may iustly be charged for this cause to take vpō him ●o be as God And if in Ieromes and Prospers Iudgment the name Hier. ad Algas quae 11. Prosp de provid praedest c. 7. of blasphemy written in the forehead of the whore of Babylon be Romae aeternae eternall Rome for so the heathen cal Rome thinking that the Empire thereof shall continue for euer then much more this blasphemy is the prowde presumptuous entailing of Gods spiritual heavēly graces to that citty for euer in that they vant that their church is eternall and shal never faile that their Bishops faith is an immortall and immoueable ro●ke against the which hell gates shall neuer prevaile For what is this vaunt of the whore of Babylon I sit as a Queene and am no widdow shall see no Apo. 1● 7. mourning spirituall things in this revelation being signified vnder the names of earthly but as the Bish of Rome vanteth of himself The light of true doctrin shal neuer be remoued out of the cadlesticke of my church the lampe of my faith shall neuer goe out but my church shall be the mother of the faithful for euer and I their supreame governour king as being Christs great V●ca● general here in earth purgatory heaven as it is sufficiently to be seene by my glorious triple crowne And so as Adam fel by pride whē he wloud needs be as God knowing good evil Lucifer whē Gen. 3. 5. he was not cōtent with the dignity of an Angel but would needs aspire to the top of singularity euen so the Bish of Rome fell whē he would needs advance himselfe into Christs seat to be his Vicar Apo. 13. 11 generall Vniversall Bishop of the whole church when he would needs take two hornes to himselfe like the lambes lay claime to both swords when he was not content with the dignity of a star but would be as the sun of righteousnes himselfe frō whō not only al the chiefe starres in al Pastorall dignities but in kings thrones also yea in the very Empire it self should take their light receiue their authority from his supremacy We read in Moses Gen. 1. 16. that God made two great lights the sun to rule the day and the moone to governe the night that is if we wil beleeue a Bish of Rome the Pope the Emperour whose difference in degree dignity as some of their Parasites haue taught is so much as is the difference betweene the sun the moone Now when the Bish Apoc. 9 1. of Rome thus advanced himselfe in his pride then fel there from heavē a great star that is one who had the place of a great Bishop in the church of Christ whose predecessors had beene indeede most notable stars singular lights to Gods people and had had the keies of the kingdome heauē And he became Vicar generall to the prince of darknes had the key of the bottomles pit who with the grosse mists of his corrupt doctrine obscured the light of the glorious gospel of Christ brought in most palpable blindenes ignorance for the which cause also he is worthily noted by Apo. 16. 3. the name of a false Prophet even for that he forgeth falshoode and lies 7 Wherfore to conclude seeing all the markes of the great Antichrist of these last times do so apparātly agree to the B● of Rome we may be bold to avouch in these daies that which Bernard did Ber. ep 125. in his time that the beast to whom a mouth was given to speake blasphemies doth now possesse Peters chaire especially seing it was so foretold by the spirit of truth that the seate of the great Antichrist of the last times should be that city which in S. Iohns time raigned over the whole world that was the city of Rome the which is therefore Apo. 17. 18. called by the anciēt Fathers the westerne Babylō for that the whore of Babylon should sit there the which thing is so evident and vndeniable that our Rhemistes themselues subscribe therevnto vpon the same place of the Apocalipse therfore Rome not Ierusalem is the certaine 7 determined seat of the great Antithri●t As it may also not vnfitly be co●…ectured by the nūber of Antichrists name shadowed in the figures expressed by Lateinos which is a Apo. 13. 18. Ir. cont ●i 5. Romane or by Romijth or Italica Ecclesia in the accoūt of the Greek Hebrew letters that is the church of Rome For Antichrist shal not only invade the terrene state of the Empire of Rome as our Rhemists pretend but the church of Rome it selfe seating him selfe in the temple of God as God that is as Gods Lieftenant and pretending his authority he shall be a star fallen from that dignity wherin his predecessors were placed and that worthely as being notable stars lights in Christs Church● wherby it is evident that Antichrist shall in Rome possesse both Iurisdictions as vvell the Ecclesiasticall as the Civill the which being now long since performed by the Bish of Rome it is manifest that he is the very Antichrist 8 Wherfore by all these things which haue beene before delivered it is evident that a Papist as a Papist is a limbe of Antichrist● now a limbe of Antichrist cannot be a member of Christ and he that is not a member of Christ cannot be partaker of that salvatiō 1. Cor. 10. 21. 2. Coa 6. 14 that commeth by Christ therefore a Papist as a Papist cannot be saued Come you out therefore all from the kingdome of Antichrist who appertaine to the kingdome of Christ least if yee be partakers in their Idolatries and sinnes yee b●e partakers also in their plagues O seeke not any longer to shaddow him whom out Saviour hath revealed by the brightnes of his gospell nor to preserue him whom he hath already in part destroyed with the spirit of his mouth fight no more against Christ be not enemies any longer to your owne salvation refuse hence-forth to be leaguers and consederates with the whore of Babylon and returne withall speede to the spouse of Christ O pray for the peace of Ierusalem that yee may sucke comfort out of her breasts and be refreshed with her consolations And yee that are the Captaines and souldiers of the Lordes armies sight yee couragiously the Lordes battels and hate yee that purple-coloured harlot which hath her garments died with the blood of the saintes Hearken to that holy blood that crieth even to heauen for vengaunce and doe yee
in thy mouth and in thy heart that thou mayest doe it By which words we are to learne that God in his divine and heavenly wisedome hath not appointed either an Angel from heaven or a messenger from beyond the seas to bee the instruments wherby his wil may be related vnto vs but only his holy word sacred cōmandemēts In truth such is the pride curiosity superstition and rebellion of sottish sinfull man that he setteth light by the meanes appointed by God for his best instruction would needes haue one raised from the deade or an Angel from heaven to bring him tydings of the Lordes wil and to make relation thereof or else hee woulde receive it by tradition from his auncestors or by descent from his forefathers The rich glutton beeing in hell is saide to haue made his petition to Abraham being in heaven that he should cause one to come frō the deade to admonish his brethren whom he had lefte aliue behinde him least they also should come into the same place of tor ments Not that the damned spirits in hel are so charitably affected that they could wish others to be delivered from those miseries which they themselues endure wheras on the contrary side they are so envious and malitious that they envy at the happy estate of the blessed and would haue all entangled with them in the same curse But the purpose of the parable is to shew the vanity of such as are aliue who cōtent not themselues with the instructiō of the word but needs would be taught by a messenger from the dead Now what is Abrahams answere to this petition They haue saith he Moses and the Prophets that is the word of Luk 16. 29. God sett down in their writings let them beare them For howsoever many perswade themselues that they should verily beleeue and amend their liues if one should arise from the deade and admonish warne them of the great danger they are subiect vnto in respect of their sins yet it is a contrary resolution from the spirit of God by the mouth of Abraham If they wil not heare Moses the Prophets neither will they beleeve though one rose againe from the deade For if they will not be taught and reformed by such meanes as God in his d●vine wisedome hath thought to be best for their instruction reformation then surely al such meanes must needs be of lesse force and efficacy which blinde foolish man hath of himselfe imagined conceaved And therfore when the vaine people in the time of the Prophet Esay would needes be certified Esa 8. 19. of the Lords will by sorcerers coniurers by informatiōs from the deade What saith the Lord from the living to the deade Doe yee appeale from the censure of the eternall and everliving Lord vnto the sentence of such as are deade To the lawe to the testimony for if they vvhich pretend to certifie you of the vvill of the Lord speake not out of this vvorde it is because they haue no light in them And verely if we meane to consult with God and to haue an answere from him concerning his will wee must seeke for the same frō the divine Oracles of his sacred word if we be desirous Rom. 3. 2. Psal 119. to be partakers of the Lords counselles our counsellours must bee the Lords owne bookes For they are the Lords testimonies and after a sort his sworne witnesses to testify vnto vs all the truth nothing but the truth in all matters that concerne the glory of God the salvation of our owne soules They containe the full and whole wil and testament of our heavenly father the disposition of all such blessings as he bestoweth vpon his deare louing children the prescription of all such duties as he requireth at their hands And yet there haue bin still are many who had rather seeke for the manifestation of the will of God in the traditions of their auncestors in the examples of their forefathers then in the very will testament of God himselfe Our Fathers Ioh. 4. 10. saith the woman of Samari● worshipped in this mount but ye say tha● Ierusalem is the place where men ought to worshippe The Samaritane● had forsaked the most certaine infallible rule of the vvritten word pretended the example of their progenitors an olde tradition from their forefathers Our Fathers worshippe● in this mount But what replieth our blessed Saviour vnto this so plausible glorious an allegation yee worshippeyee wote not what vve Vers 22. know what we worshippe therfore salvatiō is from vs. So the Idolatrous Iewes The word say they that thou hast spoken to vs ●n Ier. 44. 16. the name of the Lord we will not heare it of thee but will doe whatsoever goeth out of our owne mouth as to burne incense to the Queene of heavē and to powre out our drinke-offrings to her as we haue done both we our fathers our kinges our princes in the cities of Iudah in the streetes of Ierusalem for then bad we plenty of victuals and vvere well and felte none evill So mightely doth crooked custome the example of carnal progenitors other carnal respects prevaile with carnal sensuall men but the spirituall man is taught by the spirit of truth to follow no such deceaveable guids We followed not saith S. Peter deceaueable fables whē we opened vnto you the power cōming of our 2. Pet. 1. 16. Lord Iesus Christ but with our eies we sawe his glory for be received of God the father honour glory when there came such a voice vnto him from the excellent glory This is my well beloued sonne in whom I am well pleased And this voice we heard when it came from heaven being vvith him in the holy mount We haue also a most sure word of the Prophets vnto the which yee doe well that yee take heede as vnto a light that shineth in a darke place Wherby we learne that the word of God delivered either by revelation from himselfe or else sett downe by the pennes of the Apostles and Prophets is a most sure vndeceavable testimony of the Lords wil wheras that which is delivered by tradition from hand to hande hath oftentimes a mixture of decea veable fables in steede of pure and sincere truth as the Iewish Thalmud and the popish Legende can testifie sufficiently And therefore for the safer custodie and preservation of the truth it Luk. 1. 4. pleased the spirite of GOD that the Gospell first preached by the mouth of the Apostles and Evangelistes should afterward be registred by their ovvne pennes and sette dovvne vnder their ovvne handes VVee haue not saith Irene by any other knowen those thinges that belong to our salvation but by those by whom Iren l. 3. c. 1 the Gospell came vnto vs the vvhich they at the first published by mouth and
workes but of his meere mercy grace and favour And so our Saviour himselfe teacheth vs in the parable of the husbandman that went and sent labourers into Math. 20. 1. his vineyard whereof some vvere hired at the beginning some at the middle and some at the end of the day and yet each of them receaued the same wages the same hire Vpon occasiō of which parable Saint Ambrose saith that such as were hired at the latter end Amb de vocat Gen● l 1. c. 5 of the day do represent vnto vs those which are called to the Lords service at the end and vpshotte of their liues whom he hath chosen without works and vpon whome he doth rather powre forth the riches of his grace then yeelde a rewarde vnto their labours that they also who haue laboured swette the whole day and continued their whole life in the service of God and yet receaue but their penny with the other may thereby vnderstand that they also rather receiue a gift of grace then wages o● h●r● due to their workes For there is but one wa● to li●e for all th●… are saued and therefore if any of the faithfull be saued by meere mer●y 〈…〉 without the merite of their owne workes then no d●ubt but all are saued after the same manner And verely it would goe verie harde even with the best if they should be put to w●…e the g●rlande of glory by the●… owne worthines before they should wea●e i● Loose it in deede we could easily and that in the s●…te of our greatest innocency and perfection but recover it againe we never could but onely by the meanes of our powerfull Redeemer VVhen Fabitu Maximus had wonne the city Tarentum which Cicero d● senec●…te Salinator before had lost being forced by the enemy to hide his head in the castle Salinator mette him and saide vnto him By my help● Fabi●… thou hast wonne Tarentum True quoth Fabius smiling For if thou hadst not lost it I could not haue recovered it and even so may it be replied to the proude and vaine glorious Papists that are not ashamed to boast that by the meanes and merite of their owne workes Christ hath restored to them againe the kingdome of he●ven that in verie deede vnlesse we by our own workes had lost the same he should haue had no neede to haue recovered it A certaine noble mans sonne as it is reported comming to his father for maintenance was sent by him to demise certaine landes to such whose estates were now expired who comming to the place appointed and sitting in court demised to each one his estate for a penny Now might these men iustly boast of the fruite of their penny or of the kindenes of that noble gentleman who lette them renewe their coppies for so small a sine Surely he h●d beene a verie vngratefull tenante that would haue done so and altogether vnworthy of so great a favour VVe had all in Adam forfeited our estates in the kingdome of heauen whatsoever the best of vs can giue towardes the renewing of the same it is but as a penny to a good coppy-hold Seeing then our most gratious God hath so tenderly loued vs that he hath giuen vs his onely begotten sonne who hath purchased it againe for vs by his owne death and so hath renewed againe our estates therein wilwilling vs that we should earnestly endeavour to shew our selues dutifull and thankefull vnto him that hath beene so mercifull and gracious to vs telling vs also againe and againe that this our labour shall not be in vaine in the LORD and that it shall not be lost which we employ in his service but that he will crown it with eternall glory shall we nowe ascribe this crowne of glorye to our simple endevours vvhich vve employ in his service or to his infinite and endles goodnes vvho hath purchased it for vs vvith his ovvne blood Verely he vvere too too vnthankfull a vvretch vvho vvoulde ascribe it to the merite of his owne vvorkes and not to the meere mercy of his gracious redeemer The Apostle Saint Paul who if any had to glorie in the merite of his owne vvorkes yet disclaymeth them all in the matter of salvation saying GOD forbid that I shoulde glorie in any thing saue in the crosse of ●ESUS CHRIST For hee Gal. 6. 14. knewe that GOD had made him vnto vs vvisedome righteousnes 1. Cor. 1. 30 sanctification and redemption that hee vvhich glorieth should glory in the LORD He knevve that there vvas no other fo●dation of his salvation to bee laide then Iesus CHRIST and him 1 Cor. 3. 11. crucified and that there vvas no other name giuen vnder heaven vvhereby vvee might bee saued but onely the name of our blessed Act. 4. 12. Saviour Not the name of our owne or other mens workes o● Masses Dirigesses Pardons or the like seeing if it might haue beene vvrought by any such meanes CHRIST had died in vaine he might then haue spared all his paines and avoided Gal. 2. 21. all those most grievous torments vvhich hee endured for mans redemption Especially if it be true vvich they teach that the good vvorkes of the regenerate if not in themselues yet in respect of the spirite vvhose fruites they are are of infinite price satisfactorie for sinne vvhich is infinitely heinous and aunsvvereable to the ioyes of the kingedome of heaven then it had beene sufficient for our Saviour CHRIST to haue bestovved his spirite vpon the faithfull by vvhose infinite purity their vvorkes being sanctified they might haue beene thus enabled to saue themselues and so his ovvne death had beene but superfluous for the vvorking out of mans salvation But if it bee a most heinous impietie to avouch Christes death to be superfluous and that he died in vaine then let vs all which looke for any benefite by his death ascribe the glorie of eternall life onely to him vvho is therefore called Ioh. 6 35. Apoc. 22. 2 1 Ioh. 5. 20. Col. 33. the bread of life the tree of life autor of life yea life it selfe for that our life resteth onely in him that is our onely iust title to eternall life Take hold then of CHRIST take hold of life reach forth thine hand to any other thing and thou reachest it to vanitie and takest holde as it vvere of thornes and of fire Looke not for life but vvhere it dwelleth Our life is hidde in CHRIST vvith GOD death reigneth in the vvhole vvorlde beside and leadeth every creature to the bondage of corruption If thou looke vp into heaven vvithout this reconciler there vvill appeare nothing but displeasure and vvrath if thou cast dovvne thine eyes vppon the earth there thou shalt see nothinge but fearefull confusion If thou call to Abraham hee knovveth thee not if to the wise virgines their oile is not sufficient for themselues and for thee also if to Saint Paule hee vvas not crucified for thee if to the most
it came to the full So that albeit the spouse of Christ remained a pure virgine whiles the Apostles Euseb l. 3. Cap 32. Niceph. l. 3. Cap 16. liued yet assoone as they were dead shee began to be corrupted and wicked erroures beganne then not onely to be sowen but also to take roote in the Lordes fielde The which erroures albeit they were sometimes withstoode and for a time repressed by the learned and religious fathers that liued in those dayes yet being countenanced out by the blinde zeale and superstitious deuotion of the multitude and by the cunning plots and pollicies of their autors and abettors at the length beganne to be receaued for catholike as it may in particular more evidently appeare by the historicall observation of the rising encreasing and growing to the full of that one presumptuous heresie of their Papal supremacy Whereas the strange and wonderfull prevailing of the gospell of Christ as at the first publishing thereof by the Apostles themselues even so at the renevvinge of the same in these last times albeit it vvas vvithstoode vvith all the learning of the greate Rabbyes and Doctors through out all nations and persecuted by the sword of such as were in authority and defamed also with all manner of shameful and ignominious reportes doth manifestly declare that it is the most powerfull doctrine of the almighty ●…b 4. ●4 ● Esd 4. 4● GOD and that strong and puissant trueth that must prevaile according as it vvas most liuely set foorth in the prophesie of Daniell by the little stone cut out vvithout handes vvhich ●…n 2. 34. brake that goodly and glorious image in pieces and became it selfe a great mountaine so that it filled the vvhole earth wherefore if quicke and speedy prevailing be an argument of the miraculous power of God giuing thereby testimony vnto the truth according vnto Augustines opinion and Bellarmines also then is the doctrine 〈◊〉 22. de 〈◊〉 dei c. 5. of such as embrace the gospell the very truth and the doctrine of Popery a fardell of lyes for that the one prevailed with speed and the other crept in by little and little Opposit 6. The powerfull trueth of the gospell breaketh of all familiar vse vvith the Devill and stoppeth the course of his Satanicall illusions vvhich haue great foorth in his kingdome of darkenesse hee being very familiar with his familiars IN the night Lyons Beares and other savage beastes with the venemous serpentes doe bestirre themselues seeking their pray but when the day appeareth they hide themselues in their dennes and holes and so man hath the safer passage to betake himselfe to his labour euen so in the night of ignoraunce and errour the roaring Lyon redde Dragon and subtile Serpent beareth the svvay and the spirites of darkenesse mightely bestirre themselues to establish and strengthen their kingdome of darkenesse but when the lighte of the gospell beginneth to breake foorth and the day-starre of righteousnesse once ariseth then the powers of the kingdome of darkenesse are shaken and the captaines thereof put to flight For Satan is no vvay able to vvithstande Christ Dagon cannot stand before the arke nor superstition endure the strength and power of true religion So that vvhere the trueth openeth her mouth and teacheth there the Devill is driuen out of the chaire and put to silence VVhen CHRIST sent foorth his seuenty disciples to preach the gospell vnto the Iewes hee testifieth of the effecte thereof saying Loe I savve Satan lik● Luk 10. 18. lightning fall downe from heaven So vvhen the Apostles vvent foorth to preach the gospell to euery creature the oracles of the Deuill vvere stroken dumbe and his common apparitions restrained and hee vvas bounde for a thousande yeares Likevvise Apoc 2. 1. vvhen Paule had preached two yeares at Ephesus the vvorde of Act. 19 19. GOD so mightely grewe and prevailed that many that vsed curious artes brought their bookes and burned them before all men After the same manner vvhen the gospell beganne to bee preached againe in these last daies the apparition of spirites hath ceased and the arte of coniuring hath decayed vvhich was so common in former ages vnder the popish kingdome that the bookes of that blacke science lay open in some libraries publikely to bee reade and the mysteries thereof vvere almost knowen and practised also of euery priest that was but meanely learned And vvhat ordinary apparitions of spirites then were vvhat familiarity with Robin-good-fellovve the Faires and the like all olde mens and womens tongues can yet testifie sufficiently VVhereby it is evident that it was the truth of God that was first taught by the Apostles amongst the Gentiles and nowe renewed againe in these last daies and that both Gentilisme and Papisme are the very proppes and pillars of the Devils kingdome and the professours thereof his great familiars and friendes Opposit 7. The faithfull haue their fierce and furious affections cooled and softned by the Lords most meeke spirit and milde word and of tygers beares wolues are turned into doues lambes and sheepe but the vnfaithfull delight in cruelty and blood WHē the Samaritans refused to entertaine Christ Iames Iohn said vnto him Lord wilt thou that we commaunde Luk. 9 54. fire to come downe frō heauen to consume them as did Elias but Iesus rebuked them saying yee know not of what spirite yee are for the son of man came not to destroy mens liues but to saue them And the wisedome that is from aboue euen frō the spirit of wisedome is first pure ●ac 3. 17. then peaceable gentle easie to bee entreated full of mercy c. yea so ful of mercy that it mooveth the righteous to shewe mercy to his verie Pro. 12. 10. beast whereas the very bowels of the wicked are cruell And therefore as Salomon discerned the true mother from the false for that she chose rather to loose her deare childe then that her childe should ● King 3. ●3 loose his life so may we discerne the church the true mother of the faithfull from the false church their cruell hard harted stepmother For in that the church of Rome when shee ruled the sworde among vs spared neither age sexe nor calling but brought al to the fire that defied her impieties yea many also that relented frō the truth cōsented with her in her Idolatries as it is to be seene in diverse places of the Actes and Monumentes of the church of England in that her associats yet for al this yea for all their deep dangerous conspiracies treasons so often attempted against our Prince country enioy both life liberty also amōg vs all that haue eies may easily discerne who resemble the savage and blood ●hirsty wolues who the milde meeke sheepe who the tigerlike hardhearted stepmother who the natural kinde mother of the faithfull who the cruell and mercilesse whoore of Babylon embrued with the blood of
superiors in the Lord that hee neuer so much as murmureth and ●…dgeth at their lawfull authority 6 7 8 9 Who is so far of from murder adultery thef●●nd from bearing false witnes that he neuer transgresseth in any of these not so much as by hatred carnall lusts covetous desires or lie● 10 Lastly who hath his whole heart so possessed with the loue of God and his neighbour that he neuer delighteth no not for a moment of time in any thought or desire cōtrary the evnto David a man after Gods owne heart who is said after a manner to haue fulfilled all his wil and whose posterity is commēded for walking in his steppes after that he had most highly magnifi●d the law of God as holy and righteous altogether and had testified th●t in keeping thereof there vvas great revvarde addeth immediatly but vvho can tell howe of te hee offendeth O clense ●…l 19. 12. thou me from my secret sinnes As if he had said I know that I even I my selfe not seldome but often offende against this righteous and perfect ●avv yea further I acknowledge my frailty to be so great that I am perswaded how that some times I commit also faults some or other which escape my knowledge and are secret from me Wherfore if we say we haue no sin we cannot but be charged ●oh 1 8. as transgressors of this law we deceaue our selues and the trueth is not in vs. For not only Saint Ambrose hath confessed of himselfe ●…b de sa●…mentis li ●…●ap 6. that he did sinne continually but the Apostle Saint Iames hath testified of all that in many thinges wee offende all not some of vs saith he but all of vs offende and that not in a fewe but in many 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 3. 2. thinges from the number of which offenders hee excepted not himselfe albeit he was had in great admiration even of the enemies of the christian faith for his most iust and vpright life nor any of the rest of his fellow Apostles Yea Adam himselfe before his fall being entrenched as it were within the fortification castle of his owne complete and perfect innocency the vvalles whereof being as walles of yron and the gates thereof as of pure brasse a may den-hold that was neuer taken neuer shaken by any shot neuer weakened by any battery having neuer sustained any manner of breach in any part or parcell thereof our greate grand-father Adam himselfe I say being here set vpon withstoode the assault a very shorte time but straite-waies yeelded suffering the same to be soone surprised and himselfe to be taken prisoner by the enemies force Nowe this holde of innocencie vvhich is restored vnto vs againe by our most powerfull redeemer and vvherein vvee the posterity of Adam are seated and placed is nothing so strong and sure in it selfe as it vvas at the first vvhen it vvas delivered vnto Adam The gates thereof are very vveake and the vvals thereof of small strength to keepe out the force and fury of the enemy For novv he entreth in at the gate of the eies by pride and covetousnesse of the tongue by lying and slaundring of the handes by bribing and stealing of the tast by gluttony drunkennesse and exces●e novve hee attempteth to take the same by carnall security and at another time by murmuring grudging and impatiencie hee putteth it still in daunger by idle vvordes vaine imaginations carnall lustes and earthly affections Many breaches are quickely made and the whole hold soone battered vnlesse it be continually succoured by the Lordes power and still rescued by his aide For how can the weake Lambe stande against the bloody wolfe or the silly sheepe against the roaring Lyo● No mervaile then that we be sometimes vvounded and sometimes forced to giue ground and be driuen from our place and standing in these our ghostly and spirituall skirmishes No mervaile though oftentimes we transgresse the most holy and righteous lawe of God and turne out of the direct way of his commandements VVell may it agree with the church triumphant in heauen resting in the place where righteousnesse dwelleth and enioying the security of the full conquest victory to be free from the danger of al wounds to attaine to the fulnesse of all righteousnes and to be most glorious without spot without wrinckle how beit surely the church militant remaining in this wicked and sinfull world where shee is still so fiercely assaulted is sure neuer long to escape without blowes neuer to be pure from all staines neuer to be free from all sinnes Now sinne being a transgression of the law and a breach 1 Ioh. 3. 4. of the commandement therefore there is none to be founde that perfectly keepeth the whole lavve and exactly fulfilleth all the commandementes Div. 6. That the spirite of God the spirite of truth is not alvvaies annexed to the outvvard face of the visible church and to such as haue the cheife roomes therein much lesse to any particular church as to the church of Rome or to any other .. BEFORE the ascension of our Saviour Christ it was true ●…olike that the Psalmist saith In Iurie GOD vvas knovven his name vvas greate in Israell hee had not dealt so vvith any 〈◊〉 75. 47. 20 other nation neither had the Heathen knovvledge of his lavves And therefore the Apostles vvere vvilled for a time not to 〈◊〉 10. 5. goe into the vvaie of the Gentiles nor to enter into the cities of the Samaritanes but to goe onely to the lost sheepe of the house 〈◊〉 15. 26. of Israell Yea it vvas tolde the vvoman of Canaan by our Saviour himselfe that it vvas not meete to take the childrens bread and to cast it vnto dogges VVhereby hee signifyed that the Israelites onely vvere receaued by GOD into the number of his elect and chosen children and that all other nations vvere as hogges and svvine vvallovving in the mire of ignorance and sinne and therefore most odious and abominable before GOD. But novv by the death of CHRIST 〈◊〉 2 14. 〈◊〉 28. 19. 〈◊〉 10 34. 〈◊〉 3. 28. 〈◊〉 ●… 10. 12 the partition vvalle is broken downe and the Apostles commission is enlarged to goe and teach all nations and to preach the gospell to every creature For there is novve no more respect of Iewe then of Grecian but all are one in Christ Iesus and Gods favor is so procured to all that as he is Lord of all so he is rich vnto all 〈…〉 23. that call vpon him And now is the houre come that the true worshippers worshippe not God in the mount of Samaria nor yet at Ierusalem but worshippe him euery where in spirite and truth For now the true service of God and the sincere faith of Christ is not tied to any one place or countrey but lieth open to all nations and the church of Christ is now catholike not annexed any more to any one people but dispersed abroad
to keepe the Lordes day holy vnto the Lord. Contrarily the church of Rome depriveth the people of the benefite of publike pra●er and of the worde of GOD by locking them vp from them in a strange tongue and so taketh avvay the meanes whereby that day should be sanctified and in steed thereof hath brought in such abuses as vvhereby it cannot be but greately prophamed For the practise of her greate Masters in former times hath beene to solemnize the greate feast of the Lordes Nativity vvith a LORD of misrule as if our Saviour had come in the flesh to deliver vs from obedience to all good lawes and to procure a dispensation for all disorder as also to celebrate that other greate feast of VVhitsuntide at vvhat time our LORD and Saviour CHRIST Iesus to make manifest his great power that hee had in heaven and earth sent downe in forme of cloven tongues his holy sp●rite vpon his Apostles with a freer vse of all such exercises as kindle the coales of vncleane lustes and blow the bellowes to al filthy communication which are things well-pleasing to the vncleane spirite but most offensiue to the holy Ghost and no way tending to the sanctification but rather to the prophanation of the Lords day VVhereas the purpose of the church of Christ in forbidding Marriages about the times of the three great solemnities of Christians was lest by the more free vse of these earthly pleasures and delightes which abound most commonly at marriage feastes the peoples mindes should bee somewhat hindered from the carefull preparation to receaue the holy sacrament which was most vsually celebrated at those times and from the thankefull commemoration of those great benefites which are then also especially to be most religiously remembred Moreouer whereas the Lord in this commaundement giveth a speciall charge to all his people that in no vvise they forget but carefully remember to obserue and keepe holy the Sabboth day by frequenting the publike assemblies and by ioyning vvith the congregation in praier and in hearing the word of God and in causing those of their families to do the like as also on the other sixe da●es to vvalke paine●ullie in their severall callings to his honour and the good of his people vvhat shall vvee thinke of the Monkes Eremites and An●chorists of the church of Rome which are had in so high reputation for their extraordinary and as it is thought Angelicall holines vvhich liue in the open and manifest breach of both the partes of this commaundement For they both forsake the publike assemblies contrarie to the Apostles 〈◊〉 10. 15. commandement on the Lords day and do not performe on the other sixe daies the painefull vvorke of any profitable calling to the Lords church and yet they are put in great hope by their holy mother the church of Rome that by omitting these so necessary dueties so straitly enioined by the Lord himselfe for the better perfourming of their ovvne vvill-vvorshippes they are in the readiest way to the greatest perfection CHAP. 9. 5 That the Pope cannot exempt the cleargy from secular iurisdiction nor licence any Princes subiectes to withdraw their loyalty obedience and to take armes against their soveraignes 6 That the Pope cannot make it lawfu●l much lesse meritorious to lay violent handes on the Lordes Annointed 7 That the Pope cannot authorise stewes and incestuous marriages disallowed by God 8 That the Pope cannot make good the sale of Masses and Pardons but that it shall be condemned for the●t before God 9 That the Pope cannot licence any to conceale the truth or to avouch any thing contrary thereto especially vvhen they are commanded by the Magistrate and that vpon their oath to open the same nor yet to breake faith and promise made no not to heretikes 10 That concupiscence entertained and liked for a while albeit it get not our full and setled consent is sinne COncerning the commaundementes of the second table which lay downe our duety tovvardes our neighbour and belong to the preservation of humane society the church of Rome is an o●…ender also against the same neither can she being charged therevvith iustly and truely pleade not guilty 5 For against the fift commandement shee offendeth by exempting ecclesiasticall persons from secular iurisdiction and by discharging as shee thinketh it expedient all manner of subiectes from their oath of obedience made vnto their naturall Princes and in exciting them also to take vp armes against them and so to stande out in open rebellion For this is not to honour the parentes of our countries Rom. 13. 1. and to yeeld subiection to higher powers albeit they be heathenish and persecuting Idolaters 6 See Cardinal de Como his letter to Will Parry Against the sixth commaundement she offendeth in teaching it to bee not onely commendable but also meritorious to murder even the Lordes Annointed the vvhich outragious villany many other murders also are like to follovve all true subiectes especially such as by speciall oath hand and promise of association are bound more precisely thereto being ready to adventure their liues and liuings for the avenging of the death of their leige and loving Soveraignes But this heard hearted steppe-dame little regardeth the liues of many beeing ready at all assayes to embrue her selfe over with blood so that shee may bring to passe her plots and purposes 7 〈◊〉 lu●…d tur●… est ●…dor ex ●…alibet Against the seventh shee offendeth in allowing or at the least in tolerating of open stewes for her great revennew shee receaveth by them and in dispensing with incestuous and vnlawfull marriages belike vpon the former respect 8 And albeit shee hath no colour nor shevve to allovve of theft done by violence yet shee her selfe vvaxeth vvonderfull rich by that vvhich is done by fraude and deceite in that she perswadeth the Laity to pay vvell for her Masses and Pardons thereby robbing them of their landes and goods for certainely this is no better then cunning cousonage yea then statte thefte before God If anie Priest saith Saint Augustine ●…e verb ●…ecun●… Math. 19 ●0 47. not contented vvith the wages which hee hath by the commaundement of Go● for his service at the altar doth play the merchaunt and set to sale his praiers and to readie to receiue the very vviddovves rewardes such an one is to bee accounted rather a merchandizer then a Clerke Neither may vvee alleadge No man can charge vs vvith invasion no man can accuse vs of violence as if oftentimes flattery did not gette a greater boo●y from vviddowes then force And it skilleth not before God vvhether by force or subtlety thou gettest the goods of others so thou enioy them by either 9 Novve hovve this painted Babylonish harlot vvhich boasteth 〈◊〉 tract 〈◊〉 con 1. ●…6 ●…se po●…s this ●…ee 〈◊〉 hearte 〈◊〉 suffi●… so much of fidelity and truth liketh in deede of true and faithfull dealing betweene man and man hovv farre shee is of from
the Gospell of Christ may be cōvicted in their own cōsciences brought to acknowledge and to bewaile their wretched estate and that other also seeing their fall may thereby bee made more watchfull and warie least they bee taken in the same trappe the which thing is so much the more carefully to bee obserued by vs all seeing wee bee fallen into those times wherin Christ and his Apostles haue plainely foretold vs that the danger wherevnto Math. 24 38 Luk. 17. 28. 2. Tim. 3. 4. 2. Pet. 2. 3. Apoc. 12. 4. al shal generally be subiect and particularly such as be of the Ministery is this even the loue of the earth that shall draw away the most part of men from the loue of heaven and shall make many of Demas his place and giftes to forsake Paule and to embrace this present world and with Iudas to sell Christ and that for a matter of no great gai●e The faithfull indeede are the right heires even of all the blessings of their heavenly father but yet so that they must not be their owne carvers but seeke for them by such meanes as hee hath ordained being resolved to be wholy at his dispositiō and to content themselues with such a portion as he best knoweth to be most meete for them And what neede haue they too greedily to seeke after the temporal and transitory goods of this world seeing their portion is fallen vnto them in a very good ground and they haue a very goodly heritage seeing God is their Father and Christ their brother and the holy Ghost their comforter and faith their freehold and truth their treasure and godlines their gaine and goodnes their goods and righteousnes their riches piet● their portion and the kingdome of God their ●…heritāce heaven the haven of their eternall rest blessednes and the gracious promises of the gospell written in their harts the authenticall evidences for their title and right vnto these and all other blessings of God But these things are sufficiently knowne vnto you therfore I cease any farther to trouble you most hartely beseeching the most blessed God so to water you al with the plētiful streames of his heavenly graces that when yee haue beene as good trees bearing much fruit in the dry wildernes of this barren world ye may be transplanted by his gracious hand and set in his celestial and heavenly paradise Your VVorships most assured in the Lord JOHN TERRY To the Christian Reader OF many stūbling blocks good Christian Reader that are cast in the way by the servants of Antichrist to keep the people that they do not so much as turne their eies to behold much lesse settle their affectiōs to embrace the glorious lighte of the gospell of Christ this is not the least that they are not ashamed to charge not only some principal and eminent persons but generally all the professours thereof with an huge sea of outragious sins and a great drought of godlines and vertue yea many points of the most holy doctrine it selfe they avouch to tende directly to the corruption of good maners in all states But to omit their particula● slāders raised vp against particular persons which haue bin fully answered by others our severe cēsors of Rhemes Rhem. in e. 7. Math. The professers of the gospel most vniustly charged by the adversary to bee sacrilegious prophan● incestuous men of in●…tiable si● beside many grievous crimes which they avouch to be cōmon with vs and al other heretickes charge vs particularly with sacriledge against God and the prophanation of all holy things and incestuous marriages and these with the other abominatiōs they would haue the world beleeue to be in so high a degree among vs as they are likely to be among all such as are men of insatiable sin Now if the pulling downe of Idols and the destroying of Idolatry the removing of the superstitious worship of creatures the restoring of the pure worship of one almighty and alsufficient God in spirit and truth according vnto the prescription of his owne most holy word be sacriledge the prophanation of all holy things and if the abolishing of the common stewes and the disanulling of the vow of single life which was indeed the cause of abominable pollutions and of vnnatural and monstrous murders and the restitution 1. Cor. 7. 3. of holy matrimony according vnto the direct cōmandement of God by the penne of the Apostle be incestuous pollutions and if these and the like make vs men of insatiable sin then we must be content to vndergoe this slander seeing herein we are made but conformable to our Master Ioh. 6. 48. Christ who was charged to haue beene in league with the Devil whereas his comming was to destroy the workes of Mat. 11. 19. the devil and to haue beene a friend to Publicanes sinners being in truth the greatest enemy to sin that ever was borne of flesh blood But what manner of men are these themselues which lay to our charge so grievous crimes yea what are their most holy and most godly Fathers the Sāctissimi pijssimi Lyr. in Mat. c. 16 Platina in Rom. c. 1. ●drian Papa In nomine domini incipit omne malum Bern. in Cant. serm 33. The most corrupt abominable liues of the chiefest enemies of the Gospel of Christ Popes vnto whose very becke they owe all obedience Is it not recorded by principal men among them that many of them haue beene apostataes from the faith and very monsters and mishapen creatures such as succeeded not Peter in feeding but Romulus in manquelling that they pretended the name of God and the service of Christ but vnder that name wrought all maner of mischiefe and did service vnto Antichrist Neither did this spirituall contagion stay in their greatest personages but spread it selfe abroad in al states and callings And no mervaile seeing the whole world doeth frame it selfe to the likenes and liking of such as be in greatest power authority especially where the vow of obedience without gaine-saying yea without inquiring whether it be lawfull or no is esteemed as one of the highest steppes to the greatest perfection Whereby it came to passe that Rome it selfe the chiefe city of this Empire became the mother of all abominations and grew to ●uch ripenes and perfection in sin that shee deserved the name of the westerne Babilon where the whore of whores evē the great Antichrist of these last times should sit who was to make drunke all the kings of the earth with the cup of his spiritual fornications adulteries Vnto the which place whosoeuer should haue his recourse first he should see and then he should be acquainted with and the thirde time hee himselfe should become a wicked person For there is liberty of all other thinges saue only of true pietie Romae omnia cum liceant non licet esse pium Māt and godlines So outragious and abominable
haue beene the e●ormities of prince people in this church of Rome that they haue poisoned after a sorte the very aire where they liued and haue caused those who in some respectes were their favorites friends thus to haue cast their own dunge in their owne faces and to haue dashed over their mishapen ●eatures with the blacke coale of euerlasting ●nfamy ●herefore small cause hath the viperous brood of this venimous generation thus to hisse against vs and to spet out their poison against our persons for albeit we bee not angels without spot yet we be not Englishmen J●alianate that is Devils incarnate much lesse against our most The holy doctrine of the gospell vniustly charged to be the seed of all wickednes and sinne Luk 10. 20. The certainty of faith the assuraunce of election no hinderer but a fu therer of p●ety godlines holy and pure doctrine as if that were the seede of all wickednes and sinne The certainty of our election to eternall life and the assurance that we are the childrē of God haue our na●nes written in heaven which is the most forcible inducement of all other to cause vs to reioice in the Lord and to walke as the children of God and to haue our cō●ersation in heauen they accuse to be the mother of pride pr●tumptiō and of carnal socurity and dissolutenes of life What is it credible that when J continually cal to my remembrance and set before mine eies that God to assure me that hee is my gracious God and louing father hath created mee and sustained me from my mothers wombe hath preserved me from these and these dangers and hath bestowed vpon me these these blessings hath made these these his creatures to serue to my vse that I might the better serue him yea and hath caused these mine affections to haue beene good and profitable vnto me is it credible I say that the assurance of this so great kindnes loue should breed in mine hart vnkindnes to God and the neglect of his honor of mine owne good Either is it credible that when I continually call to my remembrance set before mine eies that God to assure me of my reconciliation vnto himselfe and of my receiuing into his fauor hath reuealed vnto mee his sonne Iesus Christ the pledge of his loue and the meanes of my reconciliation hath opened vnto me his perfect obedience to the whole lawe not for himselfe but for my righteousnes and his invincible patience euen thē when he dranke so deeply of that so bitter cup of his painfull passion that it caused him to sweat water blood not for his owne but for my sins when I say this is revealed by Culpamea culpa mea culpa mea maxima God to be done for me by so worthy a person who according to his manhood receiued the spirit without measure and according vnto his godhead was infinite holines purity and pe●fection it selfe that so I might bee assured of so absolute a righteousnes and so full a satisfaction for all my sins as might stand before the most exact iustice of God is it credible I say that the assurance of so great kindnes loue should breed vnkindnes in mine hart and a carelesnes of embracing and holding fast so great mercy and of continuing in such loue Either is it credible that when I continually cal to my remembrance and set before mineeies that God to assure me of mine adoption into the place number of his children hath sealed me with the spirit of adoption and hath by him sanctified mine vnderstanding with the knowledge of his most exact iustice in punishing my sins with such severity vpon my surety that I might be assured of mine acquitting from the same and of his endlesse and vnspeakeable mercy in sparing not his own sonne to spare me and of his wisedome in making his iustice and mercy so to conspire togither for my fuller assurāce of my salvation wrought thereby when heereby also my iudgement and affections are so rectified and sanctified that I esteeme to know nothing but Jesus Christ and him crucified and account all other things as losses and dong that I might win Christ and be found in him and be made partaker of the fruit of his death and of the benefire of his resu●…ection is it credible I say that so great kindnes should breed vnkindnes in mine hart and cause mee to prophane and to treade vnder foote this holy blood and to bee grievousome to this so comfortable spirit Lastly is it credible that when I cal to my remembraunce and set before mine eies that God to certifie mee of his fauour and loue hath opened vnto mee in his worde that greate charter and graunt of remission of sinnes and of eternall life in Christ Iesus and for my further assuraunce thereof hath written his gracious promises as vndoubted evidences thereof in mine hart that I might no more doubt of my most assured obtaining of these so great giftes then I neede of the admitting and allowing of these evidences that hee hath given me to shew for the ●ame when I come to appeare before the throne of grace is it I say credible that this so great security for mine everlasting blessednes should with ●raw mine hart from the loue of my blessednes and cause me to wa●ke in cursed and damnable waies which tende to eternal miserie and woe Sure I am that the goodlier our temporal possessions are the better evidences we haue to shew for the same and the kinder our parents were that bestowed them vpon vs with charge not to passe them away in any case the more careful we shal be to keepe the same both for the loue of our most kinde parents and also for our owne welfare and good and shal the assurance of the most glorious inheritance of the kingdome of heaven given vnto me by mine heavenly father whose kindenes so much surpasseth the kindnes of any earthly parentes as God himselfe surpasseth man make me carelesse to keepe so goodly and glorious an inheritance to performe the wil and commandement of mine heavenly father VVhere Matth 6. 22. your treasure is saith our Saviour Christ there will your hart be also And therfore if this wil not moue me throughly to set mine hart and affections on heavenly things that I haue so good evidence for them that they are assuredly mine and that I shal vndoubtedly reape by them such an huge harvest of vnspeakable blisse what wil then moue perswade me therto yea if hereby I am allured drawen vnto sinne what is able to induce me to piety and godlines But this argument hath beene touched in the former is more fully handled in the latter part of this treatise therfore omitting now to wade further therin let vs come to examin whether that other maine point of the Gospel I meane Iustification by faith without works
each one the other therein then how much more ought they to doe it which are appointed to be publik officers for the same purpose How oug●t they especially most carefully to put in practise the exhortation of the prophet by calling continually vnto the people and saying Praise the Lord and call vpon his name and declare his workes among the people Sing vnto him sing praises vnto him and let your talking be of all his wondrous works Reioice in his holy name let the harts of them reioice that se●ke the Lord. Seeke the Lord and his strength se●ke his face continually Remember the ma●ve●lous works that he hath done the wonders and the iudgments of his mouth ●h yee seede of Abraham his servant ye ch●ldren of Iacob his chosen he is the Lord our God ● The 〈…〉 ●…ssistance accord●… to his own covenant And yet if all men faile in their duety the Lorde himselfe will not faile in that covenant which he h●th made with all his chosen wherein hee hath promised that hee himselfe will write his lawes in their heartes and plant them in their mindes and that he will doe the same so sufficiently that it shall not be a matter of absolute necessity for every one to exhort and to admonish his neighbor saying know the Lord for they shall all know me saith the Lord even Ier. 31 34. from the greatest vnto the least So and so beneficiall it is vnto all the Lords people to know the Lord and his gracious blessings to keepe a continuall remembrance of the same and therefore so and so many meanes hath the Lord appointed in his vnspeakeable wisedome and goodnesse for the stirring vp of every one of his faithful servants to the ready and careful performance of this so beneficiall and necessary a worke So and so carefull hath the Lord been that the people devoted vnto his service should want no meanes to strengthen further them in the holy exercise of sincere devotion Now let vs see how the church of Rome which boasteth so highly of her owne great devotions land of the huge multitude of all manner of good works which so and so abounde among her children religiously extolleth the Lords mercies what a carefull remembraunce shee keepeth of his goodnes seeing as it hath beene shewed that is the mother and the nurce of all sound and sincere devotion and the fountain welspring of all good workes The word of God in setting downe the great gracious blessings of God doth declare vnto vs these three pointes First the cause of them even his owne goodnesse and loue secondly the end which is the manifestation of his goodnes and loue thirdly the effect which is the working therby in the harts of his chosen of al inward graces outward dueties also both to God to our neighbour The grace goodnes loue and mercy of God is the full fountaine frō whence all his blessings doe issue flow The great blessed worke of mans redemption issueth from thence as our Saviour testifieth So God loved the world that he gaue his only begotten sonne that whosoever beleeveth in him should not perish but haue Ioh. 3. 16. life everlasting The great blessed worke of the creation and all the residue of his gracious blessings many of the particulars wherof are set down by the prophet Ps 136. come also from thence even because his mercy endu●eth for ever This mercy loue of God is not o●ly most ample large but also most free vndeserved For every good gift and every perfect giving commeth downe frō Iac. 1. 17. aboue frō the father of light we hold all that wee enioy from this grand vniversal l●ndlord therefore we must pay our whole rent to him performe only to his court our suit service we are endebted vnto him alone for the loane of al that we possesse therfore to him alone we must discharge all our debt His loue also is most free vndeserved he seeketh therin not to gain any thing to himselfe but only to do good to benefit other this doth farther set forth the greatnes of his loue so doth enlarge the bil of our debt Secōdly the end why God bestoweth his blessings is that they might be vnto vs most plaine demōstrations of his loue most certain testimonies of his goodnes Shew me saith St. Iams thy faith by thy works I wil shew thee my faith by my works Iac 2. 18. 1. Ioh. 3. 18. My childrē saith St. Iohn let vs not loue in word in tōgue but in work in truth That loue thē is in truth that is effectual in works and that faith is soūd right that sheweth it selfe in the fruits Wherfore god who would haue his chosē know be fully perswaded that he loveth thē in truth sheweth it forth to them by his most gracious and manifold blessings as by the effects fruits therof and this is also a great addition vnto his loue Thirdly the Lord maketh his loue manifested by his blessings the meanes to beget and to encrease faith loue repentance and the like in the hearts of his elect and chosen children he putteth them not out to vse nor taketh any encrease for them for his estate cannot be bettered nor his blessednes encreased the profite and encrease accrueth to vs and therefore by them we merite nothing at the hands of God nor make him thereby any way endebted to vs but wee our selues are more and more still in his debt for the free lone francke gift of all his blessings Now then to returne againe to the first point The loue of God is the ful fountaine of all manner of his blessings both bodyly and ghostly and he himselfe is not only the author but also the disposer and bestower of them all the blessings themselues and the meanes are of him and the working also of the one and the other Temporal meanes are in themselues nothing without the speciall power of God working in them by them Man liveth not by bread only but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God And life consiseth not in the great aboundance of all such thinges a● doe belong to the maintenance of life The horse is counted but a vaine thing to saue a man neither can he deliver any one by his much strength the watchman also waketh but in vaine vnlesse the Lord keepe the citty So spirituall meanes also are nothing without the effectuall power of the almighty working by them for that is the very soule and life of all He that planteth is nothing and hee that watereth is nothing but God that giveth the encrease Iohn the Baptist can baptise but with water Austine can but speake to our bodyly eares Christ baptiseth only with the holy Ghost and he that hath his chaire in heaven is he only that can teach the heart The water in baptisme can
holy pure perfect gratefull and acceptable to himselfe also for that it is his will vnto whō I am ten thousand times boūd to yeeld al dutiful submissiō obedience both in respect of his soveraigne auctority that he only hath to rule over my conscience soule also in regard of his infinite blessings which he of his owne vnspeakeable goodnes in Christ hath most freely fully bestowed vpon me And verely our obedience performed to the vvill of God in these respectes is a sweete incense and a most acceptable sacrifice to God wherwith we after a sort gratifie God and grieve the Devill are as an heaven to all holy Angels and a very hell vnto al vncleane spirits So like wise when we are tempted to any wicked worke wee must thus reason with ourselues and say this worke ought in no wise to be done by me no not the least desire to accomplish the same ought once to haue any entrance into my hart because it is contrary to the holy pure perfect will of God agreeable vnto the impure will of the Devill because it is most offensiue grievous to God most gratefull acceptable vnto the Devill because it is a great dishonour to him to whō all honour is double due both in respect of his soveraigne auctority over me and also in regard of his manifolde mercies collated vpon me and it is a great honour vnto that most cruell and infamous tyrant the Devill who presseth vpon me thereby to take me captive to the vtter destruction both of my body and soule We are debters as saith the Apostle yea very great debters as great as great may be but not to the flesh nor to our selues nor Rom. 8. 12. to the devil vnles it be that we owe to these al māner of evils miseries whatsoever but we are debtters to God that for the loue of a thousand talents for the gift of ten thousand more yet if we haue but a sincere desire to discharge this our debt our most gracious creditour will not onely straitwaies forgiue it all but also wil giue vnto vs ten thousand times more Yea the sincere desire of being obedient to the will of God vpon the former respects and the true care according as God hath enabled vs in some measure to discharge this our debt is a very great mercy a very gracious favour wherby we are more and more endebtted vnto him And verely this is al the discharge of our debt that hee requireth at our hands that we willingly gladly acknowledge him of whō we haue received all that we so highly esteeme of his giftes and presume of his good will that we are stil desirous to been debtted vnto him more more by al relligious hearing reading and meditating vpon his holy and sacred word by all servent and devout praier bee continually begging and craving for more and after a sort extorting it out of his handes For his desire is not to be benifited by vs but that we should still more and more bee benefited by him and hee vvould haue vs to acknowledge his loue and to grovve into a stedfast assurance therof that therby we might be more effectually stirred vp to reioyce in his goodnes to be thankful vnto him for his manifold mercies especially he would haue vs most midfully to record that vnmatchable blessing of our redemption wrought by Christ his inestimable loue made manifest therin that therby our hearts might be renewed our affections sāctified dying to our selues living to God employing our selues to every good worke And hereof it is that the spirit of God especially in the bookes of the new testament doth so often make mention of Christ and of our redemption wrought by him and of his great loue manifested therein as being the matter and subiect of those bookes a ●āst vvhereof I vvill giue vnto thee in some sentences of one of those bookes penned by Saint Iohn as they be pointed vnto by that learned preacher of the vvord Mr. Robert Rolloc in his commentaries vpon the same booke No man hath soone God at any time the onely begotten sonne of God vvho is in the bosome of the father hee hath revealed him Ioh 1. 18. The Philosophers in all ages haue most painfully searched after truth in their Physikes Ethikes Mathematikes and the rest But the knowledge of the Father in the Sonne doth only deserue the name of truth For to what purpose is it to comprehend in minde heaven and earth and all other thinges if a sinner doth not knowe God in Christ the redeemer That is vnlesse he feele God favourable vnto him and forgiving him all his sinnes in Christ which only doeth pacifie the troubled conscience hee can haue little true comfort in all his knovveledge of all other things be it never so great and smal courage to come vnto God and to rest in him and so to take hold of everlasting blessednes Therefore our Saviour himselfe after that he had said no man knoweth the father but the sonne and hee to whom the sonne hath revealed him Math. 11. 28. immediately addeth Come vnto mee all yee that are wearie and heavy laden and I will refresh you VVhereby hee signifieth that God being revealed in Christ there doeth follovve peace of conscience and vnspeakeable ioy in all those that doe cast their sinnes vpon him The nexte daie Iohn stoode and tvvo of his disciples and beholding Iesus vvalking hee saide beholde that lambe of GOD. Iohn 1. Chap. verse 36. As Iohn oftentimes gaue witnesse to Christ so it is no lesse necessarie at this time that the sacrifice and death of Christ be repeated and reiterated againe and againe For as the Iewes were ignoraunt that Christ the lambe of God shoulde bee offered vppe in sacrifice so vvee after a sort haue forgotten that hee hath beene sacrificed and hath already suffered for our sinnes For vvhat meane these sinnes which so every where abound adulteries murders rapines sacriledges even so many sinnes of all sortes vvhat say I doe they meane but that wee haue forgotten that our Saviour Christ hath suffered for vs● For ifit did come into our mindes that vvee vvere once boughte with so greate a price vvoulde vvee so sell our selues and become captiues to so manye sinnes If vvee did remember that vvee vvere washed with the most precious bloodof CHRIST vvoulde vvee againe so defile our selues vvith the filthy mire of this vncleane vvorlde After that Saint Peter had commended vnto the faithfull certaine necessary vertues 2. Peter 1. 9. Hee that hath not these saieth hee is bloude and seeth nothing a farre of but hath forgotten that hee vvas purged from his olde sinnes For let all bee sure of this that who edomes murders and the like to them that make profession of the faith of Christ are not therefore sinnes onely for that they are contrary to the lawe of God
but wash the body and the very word of the promise of it selfe without faith is but an ineffectuall and dead letter yea the bodily presence of Christes owne flesh profiteth nothing it is his spirit that quickneth that worketh faith and bringeth life And therefore when Rachell said vnto Iacob giue me children or else I d●e Iacob was angry with her and saide Gen. 30. 1. Am I ●… Gods steede who hath with holden frō thee the fruit of thy womb So when Naaman the Sirian was sent by his Master to the king of Israell to be cured of his leprosie Am I a God saith he to kill and 2. King 5. 7. giue life that he hath sent vnto me to cure a man of his lo profie So likewise in that lamentable siege and famme of Samaria when a woman cried to the king as he passed by Helpe my Lord O king the 2. Kin. 6. 26. To ascribe any blessing vnto the meanc is to place the meane● in the makers roome Rom. 11. 36. king answered how can I helpe seeing the Lord doth not succour vs either with the barne or with the winepresse If then our bodily blessings depend not vpon the meanes but are in the hands at the disposition of the author alone then much more our ghostly spirituall and if both bodily and ghostly then all and then is he to be sought vnto only for al and then is he to be served and honored only for all For seeing that of him and for him and by him are all things therfore the conclusion followeth necessarily to him be glory for ever and ever Amen And it is a duty belonging to vs all to fall downe before him that sitteth vpon the throne and to cast our crownes at his feete and to say Thou art worthy O Lorde to receiue Apoc. 4. 11. glory and honour and power for thou hast created all things for thy wils sake they vvere and are created For are there any among the vanities of the Gentiles that can giue raine Or can the heavens giue Ier. 14. 20. showers Art not thou the Lorde our God Therefore will wee waite vpon thee for thou hast made all these things The cause then that moveth the faithful to cleaue sincerely to The ascribing of all good thigs entirely to God is the cause of true piety and godlines as on the c●rt●ary side the ascribing of Gods gifts vnto creatures is the cause of Idolatry and falling away from God God and to continue sted fast in his feare is for that they beleeue that they do receiue all good things wholy and solely from him they seeing that of him they receiue their whole wages mainetenance therefore do giue themselues wholy to his service As on the contrary side the cause of Idolatry and falling away from God and maining mangling and corrupting his worship service is the ascribing to our selues or to other either wholy or in part the glory of many or of any of the Lords blessings This was the cause of Idolatry among the Gentiles of their honouring of themselues and of their Idols and of their vnthankfulnesse vnto the true God For as concerning the wise learned and politike amōg the heathē if they yeelded vnto God the glory of any blessings at all it was of such only as were t●mporall and transi●orie they were beholding vnto themselues only in their owne opinions for their temperance fortitude wisedome and all other vertues therfore they honoured themselues for these things and not the true and living God Hath any one saith Cicero ●… any Cie l. 3. de nat deorū time given thankes vnto God for that he was a good man Noe but for that he was rich honoured preserved therfore saith Det vitam det opes aequum mî animum ip se parabo Hora. ep 1. ad Lollium hee they cal Iupiter the best and the greatest not for that he maketh men iust sober and wise but for that he sendeth riches and safety So Horace Let Iupiter giue me life wealth and I vvill provide for my selfe a good minde Yea many of the greatest states among them did ascribe also to themselues their riches and honor to their owne wisedome pollecy power as it may appeare by the insolent harts proud proceedinges of the king of Isa 10. 13. Dan. 4. 27. Iob. 31. 27. Ashur Babilon by the like practise of many meaner men in the time of Iob. And as for the multitude they did generally ascribe al to chaunce fortune to destiny to the starres many also of the wisest greatest amongest them being not free from this errour in that they commonly called their wealth honour the goods of fortune had their temples erected both to fortune fate And as for those whome they worshipped for Gods both privately publikely they were either the first founders or the enlargers of their families cities kingdomes or the invētors or furtherers of some beneficial science arte as Ceres vvas worshipped for inventing or bettering the arte of manuring the ground Bacchus of the vine Pan of cattle Neptune of navigation Mars of warre Apollo of wisedome Esculapius of phisicke Iuppiter of governing of countries kingdomes All these and many other were worshipped by the Gentiles as Gods for that they were thought to be the inventors or furtherers of many beneficiall artes and the auctors or disposers of many blessinges and so the worshippe of the true God the onely auctor disposer of all good things was generally banished out of the great large countries kingdomes of the whole world shutte vp within the coastes borders of one smal meane people and namely he was excluded out of the Pantheon of Rome wherevnto were admitted the gods goddesses of all other kingdomes countries which the Romanes subdued made their tributaries for that he would bee worshipped alone as the one onely true God almighty alsufficient the only autor doer of al good things Neither was the true worshippe and service of God for anie long continuance kepte pure and vnpolluted among this one nation which he had chosen vnto himselfe to be his owne proper and peculiar people For they ascribed their wealth and abundance to Baalim to the host of heaven to themselues so fel frō God worshipped Baalim and burnt incense to the Queene Isa 48. 5. Ier. 44. 13. Hos 2. 8. 12. Hab. 1. 16. of heaven and did offer sacrifice vnto their owne nettes And they ascribed their preservation to Ashur Aegypt therfore sent their gifts to those places And they imputed their vertuous works in part to their own free will the benesit of eternall life vnto the merit of their owne works therfore did they boast of their own holines not only before mē but also before God they Luk. 18. 11. Rom. 9. 32. trusted