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A12473 Essex doue, presenting the vvorld vvith a fevv of her oliue branches: or, A taste of the workes of that reuerend, faithfull, iudicious, learned, and holy minister of the Word, Mr. Iohn Smith, late preacher of the Word at Clauering in Essex Deliuered in three seuerall treatises, viz. 1 His grounds of religion. 2 An exposition on the Lords Prayer. 3 A treatise of repentance. Smith, John, 1563-1616.; Hart, John, D.D. 1629 (1629) STC 22798; ESTC S117569 350,088 544

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wring them off hurts himselfe more then the Irons doe Luke 21. 19. Q. What is the fourth point of godlinesse A. Wee must be diligent in commending our whole estate by earnest prayer vnto God For therein we doe the Lord this honour that we acknowledge our whole welfare to depend on him and it is he alone that blesseth all things that wee take in hand And therefore we must neuer begin any thing without prayer Wee must not eate vnlesse wee first pray God to blesse that we eate Wee must not giue vnlesse wee pray God to blesse that wee giue 1. Thessalonians 5. 17. Q. What is the Reason A. There is a double vse of the good things of God A lawfull vse An holy vse Q. What be they A. As when a man eateth or refresheth himselfe or sleepeth moderately when he vttereth his Comodities at a reasonable rate then he doth these things lawfully But when he sanctifieth and performeth all these things with holy prayer vnto God Then he vseth them not onely lawfully but holily too So that by this meanes our thoughts are holy and our workes holy our recreations holy yea and our sleepe is holy to the Lord 1. Sam. 3. 5. Q. What thinke you then of giuing thankes before meate A. It is a holy vse sanctified by the example of Christ and much commended by the Scriptures our Sauiour Christ looked to heauen and blessed the loaues and fishes Math. 13. 19. So did Paul Acts 27. 35. And wee reade of the people in the 1. Sam. 9. 13. That they would not eate of the Sacrifice till Samuel had blessed it And therefore their boldnesse is great that dare vse the creatures of God with greater boldnesse then Paul or Samuel yea and the Sonne of God himselfe would vse them Q. Is it not good to haue certaine sette times of Prayer in our houses A. It is very needfull the rather thereby to draw our selues into Gods presence and to bring our selues in remembrance of this great dutie that lyes vpon vs as Daniel 6. 10. Q. What are the fittest times to set apart for Prayer A. The Morning and the Euening In the morning we must pray that the Lord will leade vs throughout the day That hee will shrowd vs and shadow vs vnder the wings of his grace and be with vs in euery thing we take in hand And this may be termed the morning Sacrifice of a Christian Psal. 5. 3. At night againe we must reckon with the Lord for the sinnes of the day that we lye not downe in Gods displeasure but hauing reconciled and as it were made euen for our faults wee may sleepe in the lappe and bosome of the loue of God And this may be termed The euening Sacrifice of a Christian Psal. 141. 2. Q. How is this further declared A. As Noahs Doue hauing wandred all day abroad yet returned in the Euening to the Arke So we hauing toyled and laboured all day in the world yet at night we must bee carefull to returne and take vp our rest as it were with God Q. Are wee to rest our selues in this thing A. Wee must not thinke our selues discharged when these sett times of prayer be performed but many times in the day we must lift vp our hearts to God in the heate of all our businesse bethinke vs of the Lord who alone can prosper and blesse that which we haue in hand Q. What is the fift Point of godlinesse A. Wee must lift vp our hearts with great thankfulnesse vnto God for all his blessings and benefites that are vpon vs. For therefore Moses declareth in the first of Genesis how God made the Heauen and the Earth the Sunne and the Moone and all things here below To shew that if we haue any comfort in any thing in this world God the Creatour is to be blessed and thanked for it 1. Thess 5. 18. Q. Is it enough to thanke God for his mercies A. Surely no but as we are thankfull for his blessings so we must be thankfull for his iudgements too and therefore we must blesse God as well for our pouerty as we doe for our plenty as well for our weakenesse as we doe for our strength as well when we lose our comforts as when we haue them Iob 1. 21. Q. What is the Reason that so few are thankefull for their troubles A. Because men are not able to looke through the present euills that are vpon them into the speciall fauour and loue of God who by this meanes compasseth and procureth their greater good And therefore men thinke it an vnreasonable thing that they should thanke God for the losse of their wealth of their peace of their libertie and the like because they see not into that good which the Lord by this meanes will bring vpon them Rom. 5. 4. Q. How may we prouoke our selues to thankefulnesse A. First if we keepe a faithfull Register of the blessings of God and engraue them as it were vpon the gates of the soule that wee may behold in one sight and in one view all the rich blessings of God that are vpon vs Psalme 103 1. 2. c. Secondly if we consider how vnworthy we are of the least of those blessings which we inioy For we are not worthy the earth should beare vs the heauens should couer vs the Sunne should shine vpon vs. And therefore it is the Lords exceeding fauour that we are blessed in any measure and regarded of him 2. Sam. 7. 18. Thirdly if we consider our preferment in many of our blessings aboue other men and how they are thankfuller for halfe our happinesse then we are for the whole Math. 13. 17. Fourthly if wee consider how the number of Gods blessings groweth daily towards vs. So that if wee had cause to thanke God yesterday we haue greater cause to thanke him to day And if we haue cause to thanke him this yeare wee shall haue greater to thanke him the next yeare the Lords mercy still more and more increasing on vs Ezek. 36. 11. Q. What is the last Point of Godlinesse A. The sanctifying of the Sabboth which is one of the chiefest duties of a Christian as being the very sinnewe and the life of all the rest For though a man be neuer so sicke and diseased yet so long as he lyes at Physicke and vseth good meanes of health there is some hope he may doe well but when he lets his disease runne and will not come vnder the Physitians hands then his case is desperate wee haue little hope that hee will euer mend Euen so though a man be neuer so sicke and diseased in his soule yet so long as he hath care to sanctifie the Sabboth to partake in the holy Prayers and the Ministry of the Church there is some hope that in time these good things may worke vpon him But if he will not come to ioyne in these exercises of the Church if he haue no care to heare to
Q. What doe wee here pray for A. That God would make an end of this wicked world and hasten to Iudgement to the vtter confounding of the wicked and the more full and perfect Saluation of those that belong vnto him Qu. Why are wee to pray for the day of Iudgement A. Chiefely for this end that the name of God may be no more dishonoured in the world but the kingdome of sinne and Sathan may haue an end Q. Doe all wish for the day of Iudgement A. No many had rather it would neuer come For O! if God should come to Iudgement what should become of a number in the world they should cry to the hills couer vs and to the mountaines fall vpon vs. And therefore though they say Thy kingdome come yet they would be glad in their hearts that Gods kingdome might neuer come Q. What is the second thing wee pray for A. Secondly wee pray for the day of our owne death for no other end but that wee may make an end of sinning and displeasing of God For seeing how prone wee are to euill and how the number of our sinnes increaseth euery day like old trees that gather mosse This must make vs weary of the world and so to sigh and groane in our selues desiring to bee dissolued and to be with Christ. Q. May a man then pray for his owne death A. A man may not pray for it of impatience as a number doe who bee running out of the world so soone as they feele the crosse But onely in the desire to be disburdened of the body of sinne and to serue God in the holy heauens with greater freedome and libertie of spirit then here they can doe Q. What are the Euills that wee pray against A. First wee pray that whereas wee haue kept open house for sinne and Satan these many yeares they may no longer ouercome vs and preuaile against vs. Secondly wee pray against all the letts and hinderances of Gods kingdome both at home and abroad as the Turkes and the Pope Thirdly wee pray against the loue of this world that wee may not dote vpon it desiring to prolong our dayes in it but that wee may be alwayes ready to depart in peace and to haste hence to our heauenly home Q. What doe wee pray for in the third Petition A. That wee may doe Gods will in Earth readily and willingly as the Angels doe in Heauen Q. How doth this Petition depend vpon the other A. Before wee prayed that God would rule vs and now wee pray that God would giue vs sort and plyable hearts that wee may yeeld our selues to be ruled by him Q. What is the will of God A. The will of God is that which is reuealed in his Word and may bee considered in three things First it is Gods will wee should leaue our sinnes before they leaue vs. Secondly it is Gods will wee should lead a Christian and a godly life 1. Thess. 4. 3. Thirdly it is Gods will wee should beare quietly and contentedly whatsoeuer it shall please him in his wisedome to lay vpon vs. So that wee pray that Gods will may be done A nobis both of vs De nobis nostris and of vs and ours Qu. What are the good things wee pray for A. Wee pray that wee may leaue our sinnes that wee may leaue our swearing because it is Gods will wee should not sweare our coueting because it is Gods will wee should not couet Qu. What is the second thing A. Wee pray that wee may liue righteously and holily in the world that wee may loue our brethren because it is Gods will wee should loue them that wee may make conscience of all our wayes because it is Gods will wee should make conscience of them Q. What gather wee of this A. That they which pray that they may doe Gods will and yet haue no care to doe it They that pray against sinne and yet hugge it and keepe it warme in their bosomes doe but mocke God in their prayers Q. What is the third thing wee pray for A. That wee may humble our selues with patience and contentment to those seuerall troubles and tryalls which the Lord shall bring vpon vs. Q. What learne we by this A. That their sinne is great who pray euery day that Gods will may be done on them And yet when it is done fret and fume and rage against it and had rather a great deale their owne wills were done then the Lords Q. How must wee doe the will of God A. As the blessed Saints and Angells in Heauen doe it though not in the same measure yet in the same manner Q. How doe the Angells doe it A. First they doe it willingly and chearefully and therefore they are described to bee winged to shew that they flie about it Secondly they doe it faithfully and not by halfes Thirdly they doe it constantly as well at one time as at another Qu. What then doe wee pray for in this later part of the Petition A. First wee pray that wee may cheerefully obey God like Christ that said it was meate and drinke to him to doe his Fathers will Secondly Wee pray that wee may not doe Gods will by halfes but faithfully obey God in euery dutie required of vs. Thirdly wee pray that wee may be constant in this course not to serue God by moodes and fits but at all times and in all companies as well in one state as in another Q. Wee cannot possibly doe the will of God so perfectly as the Angels doe it A. Indeed we cannot so long as wee dwell in these weake houses of clay Yet wee must still aspire to a better life desiring in a greater measure to serue God Q. What gather wee of this A. A cleere difference between the godly and the wicked For the wicked euer thinke they haue religion and good liues enough though they haue neuer so little But the godly neuer satisfie themselues in it but still desire to walke more obediently faithfully and vprightly with God Qu. What doe wee aske in the fourth Petition A. All things needfull for this life Q Why doe wee pray for the things of this life first A. First to the end that being dispatched of our worldly eares and hauing things necessarie aforehand wee might with more libertie seeke after those things which concerne the soule Secondly that finding the Lord easie to yeeld in these things of lesse good wee might bee the more imboldened to sollicite him for the greater For hee that will not trust the Lord for his meat and drinke will not trust him for the sauing of his soule And hee that thinkes the Lord will stand with him for a peece of bread will easily thinke that God will stand with him for eternall life Q What is meant by Bread in this place A. Not onely bread but whatsoeuer is as needfull and as comfortable as bread as health and strength to worke in our Callings houses to
Q What other proofe is there A. Children that are elected to Saluation are holy before Baptisme 1 Cor. 7. 14. they are within the Couenant Gen. 17. 7. the kingdome of heauen belongs vnto them Mark 10. 14. And therefore vndoubtedly they may be saued Qu. How then doth our Sauiour say Iohn 3. 5. Except a man bee borne of Water and the Spirit hee cannot enter into the kingdome of God A. Wee are to marke the person to whom hee speakes it to Nicodemus who might haue beene baptised if hee would So that our Sauiours speech reacheth no further but to those who may haue Baptisme and will not For if none absolutely might bee saued without Baptisme how could the Theefe bee saued who was conuerted vpon the Crosse Luk. 2. 3. Q. Is it lawfull for a priuate person to Baptise A. No For this is to corrupt the holy Seales For none may meddle in the holy things but they that are warranted thereunto by the Lord But priuate persons men or women haue no warrant from the Lord to Baptise and therefore they may not presume to intermeddle in it Heb. 5. 4. Q. What other Reason is there A. Baptisme is a part of the publike Ministry of the Church Math. 28. 19. But priuate persons and chiefly women may not intermeddle in the Churches Ministry And therefore they may not take vpon them to Baptise 1. Tim 2. 11. 12. Q. Yea but there is a case of necessitie in it A. There is no necessitie to breake the Law of God if we may haue the Sacraments according to the Lords institution we are to accept them with Thankfulnesse if wee cannot wee must not thinke it lawfull to come by them wee care not how Q. Zipporah in case of necessitie did Circumcise her childe A. The reason doth not hold For the Sacraments of the New Testament are tyed to the Ministry And therefore none but the Ministers may intermeddle in them But the Sacraments of the Old Testament were not tyed to the Priesthood as appeareth for that Christ and his Apostles caused kill the Passeouer who were not of the Tribe of Leui Luk. 22. 19 Also in that Ioshua did circumcise Iosh. 5. 3. Q. What is the other Sacrament A. The Sacrament of the Lords Supper Q. Why is the Lords Supper needfull after wee be Baptised A. Because by Baptisme wee doe enter into the household of God and by the Lords Supper wee are fed and nourished in the same So that Baptisme is the Seale of our entrance into Christ and the Lords Supper giues vs our further growth and continuance in him 1. Cor. 12. 13. Q. How is this further declared A. By a similitude For as a Master makes prouision for his Family that they may be the more able to goe through with their worke So the Lord hath appointed this Sacrament for the strengthening of his people that they may bee the better able to hold out in the holy labours and duties required at their hands Q. What learne wee by this A. That they who come seldome to the Sacrament must needs bee very faint and weake in the spirit As a man feeles his strength through long fasting to abate so that he is not able to walke with any cheerefulnesse and comfort in his calling Q. What is the outward signe in the Lords Supper A. Bread and Wine and the Sacramentall Rites that bee vsed about them Q. What doth the Bread signifie A. It signifies the Body of Christ. Q. What resemblance is there betweene the Bread and Christs Body A. First as the body cannot liue without bread no more can our soules liue without Christ. And therefore wee must labour for Christ as wee doe for bread Iohn 6. 51. Secondly as bread strengthens the body makes it the more able and fit to worke so that the eye sees the cleerer the hand mooues the quicker the foot sets the faster for it So Christ receiued by faith strengtheneth the Soule and makes it mighty through God to performe the duties of obedience required of it Phil. 4. 13. Q. What Bread did Christ vse in the Sacrament A. Ordinarie and common Bread such as was vsually at that time eaten with their meates Qu. Why did Christ vse common Bread A. First left men if the food had beene finer should haue left the care of feeding their soules and fallen to filling their bellies Secondly that as Naman learned because the Waters of Iordan were not better then the Waters of Damascus Therefore it was not the water of Iordan but the God of Israell that cleansed his leprosie So because this Bread is but ordinant and common bread wee may therefore know that it is not the bread but Christ signified by the bread that sanctifieth the receiuer Q. Why did Christ take the Bread A. Christ by taking the Bread from the Table shewed that hee would separate it to another vse So that where before it serued but to strengthen the body now it should serue to the strengthening of our Faith Q. How did Christ blesse the Bread A. As the Lord blessed the Seuenth day by appointing that day to an holy vse So Christ blessed the Bread by making 〈◊〉 holy Signe and a Sacrament of himselfe Qu. What doth the breaking of the Bread signifie A. The breaking and 〈◊〉 of Christs body vpon the Crosse. For as it is not the whole loa●e but the breed broken that feeds vs So it is not the life of Christ but the death of Christ not Christ walking and working Miracles but Christ Crucified 〈◊〉 and torne with the Nayles and Speare that brings sound peace and comfort to the heart Q. What are wee bidden to take inn this Sacrament A. Two things Bread to the feeding of our bodies and Christ himselfe to the feeding of our soules For as the Bread is offered to our bodies So Christ himselfe is offered to our faith Qu. What learne wee by this A. That hee which comes to this Sacrament must bring two hands with him An hand of the body to receiue the Bread and an hand of Faith to receiue Christ Iohn 1. 12. Qu. Doe not all receiue Christ that come to the Sacraments A. No For then euery one should bee the better for it whereas now many through their owne default are not the better but the worse after God iustly reuenging their irreuerence and contempt 1. Cor. 11. 17. Qu. Who bee they that take no good by this Sacrament A. First they that want Faith which is declared by their euill life For they wanting the hand of Faith must needs defeate themselues of the whole fruite of the Sacrament which is receiued by Faith Secondly such of the godly as doe not quicken and stirre vp their Faith by priuate prayer and meditation when they come to receiue For as a man that hath his arme benummed or asleepe is not able to reach out his hand to receiue the Bagg of gold that is offered him So if our faith bee dead and cold
first we pray here that we may glorifie the Name of God any way whatsoeuer that hee may haue some glory by vs which must bee three wayes 1 In our hearts 2 With our mouthes 3 In our liues For the former of these see 1 Pet. 3. 15. saith hee But sanctifie the Lord in your hearts for the second we haue Rom. 15. 6. where the Apostle exhorts them with one mind and one mouth to praise God for the other see 1 Cor. 6. vlt. saith hee For yee are bought with a price therefore glorifie God in your body and in your spirit which are Gods First Wee must inwardly acknowledge that all things come from God That we neither haue or can receiue any thing but at the hands of God wee must therefore loue and feare Him trust in Him praise Him and submit our wils to his will and thus we pray that we may glorifie God in our hearts when we acknowledge all the power in the world to be nothing to his all the wisedome and loue in the world to be nothing to his wisedome and loue when we doe labour aboue all things to keepe the Lord to be our friend not regarding whosoeuer be displeased with vs whosoeuer be against vs whosoeuer rageth and stormeth when we see God accepteth of our zeale and Piety towards him which if we pray for truely then are we sure to glorifie God in our hearts Secondly We glorifie God with our mouthes both by speaking reuerently of the Name of God and by confessing the Lords wisedome goodnesse and Iustice in all his workes for although the Shepheards were abashed to find Christ in a manger the King of Kings in so poore an estate yet they returned to their Flockes and Folds and praysed God So must we doe whensoeuer wee haue heard of Gods goodnesse or tasted of his mercy we must returne home to our houses as the shepheards did to the fields acknowledging the Lords kindnesse and mercy in it Yea what euer chance though it bee losse and correction yet wee must say as Job did in the midst of his troubles The Lord hath giuen and the Lord hath taken away blessed be the Name of the Lord. So then this is that we pray for that of all other things we may giue glory vnto God according to that admonition of the Angell Reuel 14. 7. Feare God and giue glory to him for the houre of his Iudgement is come and worship him And againe Reuel 19. 7. Let vs be glad and reioyce and giue glory to him for the marriage of the Lambe is come So that whatsoeuer is laid vpon vs what change of estate soeuer the Lord sends we must giue the glory to God and confesse with our mouthes that he is worthy of all honour Thirdly We must glorifie God in our liues that we may so liue as the Lord may haue glory and honour by vs and no disgrace for our good life is an honour to the Lord as Christ himselfe saith Math. 5. 16. Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good workes and glorifie your Father which is in heauen c. So 1 Pet. 2. 12. the Apostle saith And haue your conuersation honest among the Gentiles that they which speake euill of you as of euill doers may by your good workes which they shall see glorifie God So must we pray that we doe not disgrace the Lord by our sinnes but liue so as the Lord may be honoured by vs. It is for this purpose a good meditation which one of the Fathers hath God saith he thus speaks vnto a sinner O man if thou hast no care of thine own credit safety yet haue a care of mine Thinke man that I am dishonoured by thy sinne for if any disgrace or shame thereby rest vpon thy selfe much more vpon me whom thou oughtest to regard but if thou couldest so put it ouer with iollity and carelesnesse yet is God disgraced by it therfore O man thogh thou neglect thy selfe tender my glory deface not my honour Thus it is cleere as our good life honours God so our ill life dishonours him as Rom. 2. 24. saith the Apostle For the Name of God is blaspemed amongst the Gentiles through you O then let vs all take heed of this that we tender the glory of God let vs pray that wee may so liue in this world conuerse here amongst men that the Lord may be honoured by vs and not dishonoured by our grosse and presumptuous sinnes For our helpe herein There be three things which may quicken vs to this duty and care First to consider That all the creatures doe glorifie God in their kinde as the Psalmist speakes The Heauens declare the glory of God c. So in the Reuelation it is written of all Creatures That all they which are in heauen and in earth c. And the foure beasts said Amen when glory was giuen to the Lord. Therefore now seeing that all Creatures not onely most noble as Angels and Spirits but the very lowest and meanest yea the insensible Creatures giue glory to God in their kind oh how great shall our sinnes be and how much our wickednesse aggrauated if we doe not care to bring glory vnto him O with what gladnesse should wee perswade one another to this dutie that seeing there is no creature but in his kinde doth in some measure set out the glory of God how often should man much more meditate then and practise the same Secondly to consider That if we glorifie God he will glorifie vs we cannot be so ready to set out the Lords Name and praises but he is more quicke to requite and exalt vs as it is written 1 Sam. 2. 30. For them that honour me I will honour c. They who despise me shal be despised Vnto which we may vse the words of our Sauiour in that solemne prayer John 17. 4 5. where he thus amongst other arguments prayes for glory I haue glorified thee on earth I haue finished the worke which thou gauest me to doe and now glorifie thou me O Father with thine owne selfe with the glory that I had with thee before the world was So that when we haue glorified God in the time of this life then may we assuredly expect that the Lord will glorifie vs at the day of death but if wee haue no care to glorifie him in this world how can we be perswaded that he will glorifie vs after our departure hence Thirdly to consider That God will seuerely punish the contempt of his glory for there is nothing in this world that he doth more tender then his glory For which he commanded his people thus Thou shalt not giue my glory to another Yea see for neglect of this duty how seuerely he punished his people whose carkasses all perished in the wildernesse because they did not ascribe and giue glory to the Lord. Yea the
troubled thoughts for the things of this life Wherefore our Lord hauing a regard to this our weaknesse would first ridde vs of the care of these earthly things that we might with the more care and attention apply our selues to heauenly Reason 2 A second Reason is That by experience of the smaller things we might climbe vp to the hope of greater For at first men be not easily perswaded of the Remission of sinnes and high Mysteries of eternall happinesse but must be brought to it by steppes and degrees Therefore our Sauiour worketh vpon vs in this place with a secret wisedome that by finding God to be good vnto vs in food and rayment the things of this life we might learne to rest and relie vpon him for a better life to come for it is a sure thing that he who will not trust vnto God for meat and drinke and such like will not trust him for the saluation of his soule and hee that thinkes that GOD will stand with him for a piece of Bread will neuer beleeue that God will giue him pardon of his sinnes and heauenly glory Christ therefore would haue vs begin at the smaller that finding the Lord fauourable and friendly in these lesser things wee may be drawen to conceiue that he will be as graciously inclined in greater matters As a man that would try a vessell first he puts water into it and such meane liquor And then if it hold water well he is the more bold to trust it with Wine or Rosasolis and the like So when we finde God to be good vnto vs in the meaner things of this life this makes vs the more bold to relye and rest vpon him for greater things belonging to eternall saluation Now to come to the Petition it selfe therein are diuers particulars to be considered 1 What it is that we pray for Bread 2 Of whom we aske it Of God Lord doe thou giue it meaning if God doe not giue it we shall neuer haue it 3 By what right Of Free-gift we doe not deserue it but pray doe thou giue it vs good Lord. 4 What quantity of Bread wee pray for Daily Bread onely so much as is sufficient to sustain vs for a day 5 Whose Bread we pray for Our owne not bread of others 6 For whom we aske For our selues and others 7 For how long time Onely for a day Giue vs this day our daily Bread Concerning the first thing we aske Bread herein we are to consider 1 The Extent of the Tearme 2 The Limitation of it First for the Extension of the Tearme by Bread our Sauiour Christ doth not meane that God should giue vs bare bread and nothing else But by Bread he meanes all things else as needfull to mans life as Bread is so that whatsoeuer is comfortable and helpefull to the life of man is here couered vnder the name of Bread as wee see 2 Sam. 9. 7. Dauid said to Mephibosheth and thou shalt eate bread continually at my Table Thereby meaning all things concurring to the comforts of this life So Isa. 4. 1. We will eat our owne bread and weare our owne garments c. That is liue of our owne prouision get all things needfull for this life So that by Bread heere as in many places of Scripture our Sauiour Christ meanes all manner of comforts of this life For wee know that many haue bread yet if they haue not other good blessings of God houses and harbour fire and water sleepe health and rest they may for all that perish therefore when we pray for bread we pray that the Lord will giue vs whatsoeuer is needfull to sustaine our weake and fraile life in this world And for the Limitation we know that bread is a necessary and a needfull thing It is not a friuolous thing of superfluity that we may well want but a most necessary thing wherein our Sauiour Christ hath heere so bounded our desires to guide them to needfull things onely Bread or that which is as needfull as Bread so that if we once goe beyond the compasse and reach of bread If wee desire a thing that is not needfull a superfluous thing to nourish vanity and pride then we may not expect that the Lord will giue vs that thing which we pray for because being not Bread it is out of the compasse of the Lords grant of which the Lord compla●nes Psal. 78. 18. of his people And they tempted God in their heart by requiring meat for their lustes So Jam. 4. 3. He tels vs why Christians aske and haue not Yee ask and haue not because ye aske amisse to spend vpon your lusts c so that our Sauiour Christ by limiting vs to Bread alone teacheth vs to aske only things needfull at the hand of God Obiect But why doth the Lord heere mention Bread onely and nothing but Bread Ans. I answer this is to teach vs that if God giue vs nothing but Bread onely yet wee must be contented If God giue more we must be more thankefull but if the Lord abridge our dyet and bring it to bread onely that is to so much as will ma●ntaine life and soule together as we say yet we must be contented because wee haue as much as we pray for So Ia●kobs practise and prayer was Gen. 28. 20. And will giue mee bread to eate and cloathes to put on as the Apostle wils vs 1 Tim. 6. 8. When we haue food and raim●●t let vs therewith be contented all ioyning here with Christs precept for our direction Secondly We aske it of God Lord doe thou giue vs our Bread where in we are to take notice of two things 1 Of our dutie that we seeke for Bread no where but at the hands of God 2 Of our weakenesse and frailty that haue nothing of our selues but what God giues vs. Concerning the first wee haue many examples in Scripture to teach vs to lift vp our eyes and hearts to heauen in prayer looking for nothing else-where that belongs to the comforts of this life For saith Dauid Psal. 136. 25. It is he which giueth food to all flesh So Psal. 145. 15. The eyes of all waite vpon thee and thou giuest them meat in due season Thus all good things are to be sought for from God What a wretchednesse is then amongst men of this world and grieuous sinne when they haue any sicknesse lamenesse strange diseases or vnlookt for accidents they doe not seeke God for their daily Bread or mitigation of those things by prayer or humbling themselues before God but runne to Soreerers and Witches and vnlawfull meanes as though the Diuell were more mercifull then God or Hell more ready to afford them comfort then Heauen O the end of such is fearefull as that of Saul whom the Lord is said to haue killed because he asked counsell at a familiar spirit Some other examples there be to this purpose but I passe them But the
herbes meet for them by whom it is dressed receiueth blessing from God If a man haue found out an excellent plaister which will cure his sore if he pluck it away and doe not let it lye when he is on the mending hand but expose it to the aire Hee may relapse into a worser condition or kill himselfe So when a man hath got some profite by the vse of good meanes if he doe not then keepe to them but grow loose and idle hee may fall into as bad estate as before he knew of any cure or much worse Trees that grow by the sent of water if the water be drawne from them they cannot thriue thriuingly as before so take away the constant vse of good meanes from a Christian and you take away his life hee cannot thriue or grow Meanes to grow in grace 4 Fourthly Wee must so vse all the meanes as we must be carefull and indeauour to bee bettered by them and not onely grow but grow to a taste of perfection by the vse of them as neere as may bee According to the Apostles Exhortation 2. Cor. 6. 1. Wee then as workers together with him beseech you also that you receiue not the grace of God in vaine Therefore wee must doe as wise merchants who when they haue made a venture at Sea cast vp their bookes and looke into their accounts to see what they haue gained So Christians who beare a part in the house of God and traffique against sinne with his graces must cast vp their accounts looke into their bookes see what they haue gotten or gained what graces bee the stronger and what graces the more weakened in their hearts Lastly it may be obiected is there now remaining any thing else to be said in this Treatise of Repentance I answer for my selfe nothing else I haue to deliuer vnto you concerning this Treatise onely to intreate you that as one hauing passed alongst a goodly pleasant long valley where he hath seene on both sides great store of delightfull Woods Townes Castles Riuers c. when he is readie to leaue that plaine turnes about to view the place once more and make impression thereof in his memorie so that you hauing passed along and heard so many excellent points in this doctrine of Repentance would turne about againe once more to view them all ere wee leaue them First you haue heard of the Necessitie of Repentance that wee cannot be saued without it Secondly The order of it with other Graces Repentance being first seene in the life of a Christian. Thirdly The Nature of Repentance in which was foure things First that it is a changing and turning Secondly a turning in all and euery faculty of the soule Thirdly a turning from all sin● Fourthly a turning from all sinne vnto God Fourthly The Causes of Repentance were three 1. God the Efficient Cause 2. The preaching of the Law and Gospell the Instrumentall Cause 3. The helping Causes the Mercies of God his Iudgements and our owne considerations Fiftly The Time of Repentance was twofold Generall and Particular in the Generall two Rules 1. That we must repent in this life 2. That we must repent as soon as we can 2. In the speciall time of Repentance were fiue Particulars 1. When we haue fallen into any new sinne 2. When the iudgements of God are threatned against vs 3. When there is an offer of spirituall meanes of grace 4. When we are to vndertake any great worke 2. To renew our repentance euery morning and eueuing Sixtly The parts of Repentance in which foure things was obserued 1. Examination 2. Humiliation 3. Deprecation 4. Resolution for the time to come Seuenthly The Impediments of Repentance were two First in Iudgement Secondly in Affection In Iudgement foure wayes First either to thinke our selues not sicke of sinne or secondly sicke not so sicke as indeed we be Thirdly if sicke yet that we may recouer without repentance or fourthly if Repentance must needs be yet that it needes not to be so full and strict as Preachers tell vs. Secondly Impediments in our affections were first the loue of the world Secondly the loue of pleasures Thirdly the loue of our owne ease Fourthly the loue of our sinnes Fiftly the desire to keepe credit with the world Then we came to The Cases of Repentance fiue in number First the case of Relapse Secondly the Case of Iteration Thirdly the Case of Restitution Fourthly the Case of Teares Fiftly the Case of Comfort in death Ninthly The Contraries to Repentance First Impenitencie Secondly vnsound Repentance Lastly the Increase of Repentance in two things First that Repentance can neuer bee but imperfect in this life Secondly wherein it failes Thus haue I according to that abilitie God gaue indeuoured to cast the seed of God into your hearts now your wisedome ●●st b●… to water it when you are at home in your houses that as my paines hath beene to preach it vnto you so yours may be to remember and make a right vse thereof and so I end beseeching God that the memorie of these things may remaine with you till your dying day That as euery day you sinne so euery day you may so renew your Repentance as Peter speakes Act. 3. 19. That your sinnes may bee blotted out when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord. FINIS God Godhead Word of God Scriptures Saluation Fall Sinne. Our sinfull state Sorrow for Sinne. Saluation second thing Christ. Faith Fruites of Faith Iustification Adoption Fruites of Adoption Sanctification Fruites of Sanctification Godlinesse Sinne. Darling sinne Killing of sinne Loue of God Feare of God Spirituall vnderstanding Wisedome Obedience Ordering of our life Sobrietie In Dyet In Apparell In Labours In worke In Sorrowes In our Mirth To men Righteousnesse In our Assections Anger In Words In our Deeds Loue to their Persons Soules In drawing them to Christ. ●o incourage ●hem Admonition We must loue them in their goods Vsurie Couetousnesse Godlinesse Second poi●● Godlinesse Trusting in God Thirdly Humbling Affliction Fourthly Prayer Fiftly Thankes-giuing Sabboth Wiues Parents Children Masters Seruants Officers Subiects Pastors People Helpes to a Holy life 1 Diligence 2 Graces nourished 3 To watch our Life 4 Daily Triall 5 Scriptures reading How to reade with profite 6 Marking Particulars 7 Meditation on good things 8. Affliction Sanctified 9 Remembrance of vowes and Couenants 10 Communion of Saints 11 Withstanding Lettes 12 Daily Practise Daily Practise how Daily Armour ●ay spending Lords day Weeke day The Creede Faith God the Father A mighty Creatour of Heauen and Earth And in Iesus Christ. Onely Sonne Our Lord. Conceiued by the Holy Ghost Borne of the Virgin Mary Hee suffered Vnder Pontius Pilate Was Crucified Dead And Buried Third day Hee rose againe from the Dead Hee ascended into Heauen And sits at the right hand of God The Iudgement day I beleeue inthe Holy Ghost The Church Communion of Saints The forgiuenesse of sinnes The
ESSEX DOVE PRESENTING THE VVORLD WITH A FEVV OF HER OLIVE BRANCHES OR A taste of the Workes of that Reuerend Faithfull Iudicious Learned and holy Minister of the Word Mr. IOHN SMITH late Preacher of the Word at Clauering in ESSEX Deliuered in three seuerall Treatises viz. 1 His Grounds of Religion 2 An Exposition on the Lords Prayer 3 A Treatise of Repentance VPRIGHTNESSE hath BOLDNESSE 1 TIM 3. 16. And without Controuersie great is the Mystery of godlinesse God manifested in the Flesh Iustified in the Spirit seene of Angels Preached vnto the Gentiles beleeued on in the World receiued vp into Glory LONDON Printed by A. I. for George Edwardes and are to be sold at his house in the Old Baily in Greene Arbor at the figne of the Angell 1629. TO THE RIGHT HONOVRABLE THOMAS Lord COVENTRY of ALESBOROVGH Lord KEEPER of the Great Seale of England and one of his Maiesties most honourable Priuy Councell c. And to his Right Honourable and Noble Lady ELIZABETH c. Lady COVENTRY all happinesse Right Honourable AS there is nothing which doth more beautifie and adorne this great admirable frame of Heauen and Earth then the wonderfull variety of those rarities created in and about the same in so many subiiects of diuers kinds of things whereof they subsist So amongst those varieties nothing is so wonderfull as the seuerall gifts proceeding from that All-quickening Spirit of God which as at first It moued vpon the waters cherishing vpholding and quickning that rude vndigested great formelesse lumpe vntill by Diuine power it had animated that and all things therein contained setting them in their most beautifull formes breathing as naturall life in man so at length a more abounding spirituall life which should vent and diffuse it selfe in so many thousand seuerall gifts and excellencies as in a maner there are seuerall Christians especially in the Ministers of the Word whose lippes as they preserue knowledge so haue they their seuerall abilities some to cast downe raise vp intreat perswade conuince instruct threaten insinuate reforme illustrate explaine open divide and conueigh truthes to the seuerall capacities of their hearers In which the Author of this Booke a man well known to your Honours being so excellently sometime adorned with a compound of these and many moe gifts in most whereof hee excelled that the memory of so pious painfull and learned a man of God might not be forgotten I aduentured to shrowd this booke vnder your Honours wings of protection to receiue some lustre and countenance by your fauour clearing the obscurity thereof in place of the curious hand of the most worthy Author now dead who as he was and his Name and Fame I hope yet is and euer will be precious in your sight So I hope the Relation hee sometime had with some of yours and estimation from you would purchase me easily a pardon for this intruding boldnesse whereby I haue assayed to declare my selfe euer Your Honours in all humble duty bound I. HART To the Reader I Know not what Apologie to make for my selfe that now in the copious multiplicity of Treatises of this nature I should yet thrust forth more as though I could be a poore meanes to bring vnto thee any new matter which by some former Worthy had not beene said before And surely this had almost discouraged me vntill I called to mind the speech and counsell of a Right Reuerend Father of the Church yet aliue which was That if a thousand seuerall men had all written on these seuerall subiects yet he could wish them all Printed For said he though all doe agree in the maine yet should we see a different carriage of elegancy and variety of the same spirit in the diuers distributions amplifications and prosecutions of the same subiect Whereby at least this profit would come that the soule might now and then be rauished in the admiration of the rarities of that Wonder-working-spirit which so diffuseth it selfe in choyce of excellent abilities all exquisite and diuers among such multitudes of seuerall men This with the delight I tooke in reading trimming and writing them out with very much adoe together with the desire I had to doe some poore seruice to the Church and perpetuate the memory of the All-deseruing most worthy and learned Author sometime my deare friend imboldened mee to venter them vnto thy view at the request of his somtime deare Wife and Executrix I beseech thee therefore fauourably to censure what is done accepting the same in good part from him who chused rather to present thee with a few Crummes which fell from this Holy mans Preaching then altogether bury in silence with him his Words and Workes True it is he wrote an infinite intricate exceeding small abreuiated hand out of all hope and possibility to be read a fault yet incident to too many good Preachers whereby they robbe Posterity of their Labours by reason whereof these three Treatises mangled as they are were with much adoe by a painfull Writer and other helpes fetcht as it were out of the fire and so brought to this imperfect perfection The former two by him were neuer intended for the publike view onely that of Repentance with his owne Epistle he had appointed for the Presse at our earnest intreaty but left it vnfinished to his mind Therefore if therein thou findest any thing pleasing for thy good and so canst measure Exvngue Leonem iudge if the Eccho of his voyce the traces of his foot-steps be such in scattered vnperfect Notes what were those sweet and Excellent Straines of Learning and Piety wherewith he was most Plentifully indowed and wherewith this Booke had beene more abundantly stored if his exact curious hand had limned it out for this vse Much more I might say of him but why should I seeing it were but to extenuate the worth of such a shining and a burning Lampe by labouring to expresse that which was vnexpressable and which my ignorance was neuer able to reach or search into Onely my request vnto thee now is to forgiue my weakenesse and those mangling mistakings which by my ignorance and want of iudgement to dispos● aright are found therein assuring thy selfe I meant well though I could not reach the Altitude of the Author as I wished nor amplifie his breuities as not daring to meddle with Apelles vnfinished Picture which great fauour shall bind me yet further to ayme at thy good remaining in the meane time Thy seruant in Christ Iesus I. HART An Alphabeticall Table to this worthy Worke Wherein we would intreat the Reader to take notice of this one thing to wit that this Booke is diuided into three seuerall Treatises and therefore the Table is made accordingly as for instance where you see T. 1. that stands for Treatise 1. T. 2. that stands for Treatise 2. T. 3. for Treatise 3. And P. stands for the Page of that first second or third Treatise A. ADoption How wee are adopted Treatise 1. Page 19.
worke and rage a long while after So it must be with our thoughts though we haue layed aside our worldly labour earthly desires lusts and such like yet some waues are working still some thoughts cares and cogitations are about vs till wee prepare our selues otherwise So that there must be a a settling of our affections to prayer before hand These be the reasons why it pleased our Lord to vse a Preface to this prayer to teach vs how to prepare our selues to pray before we set about it For as in a Clocke though there be many wheeles yet the motions and agitations of all depend vpon the great wheele So it is in all worldly businesse all these lesser wheeles of our affaires and cares of this world must depend vpon this greater wheele of Prayer Thus our heart being settled and prepared to pray it carries all the rest of the thoughts with it Againe In this Preface we are taught three things 1 To whom we must pray 2 With what affection we must pray 3 What be the duties required of them that pray First we must pray to God onely For Christ he directeth vs to pray vnto our heauenly Father Thus we must pray vnto none but Him seeing by Christs owne Rule we are directed vnto God onely as in the whole Scriptures is euident Phil. 4. 6. In all things let your requests be shewen to God in Prayer c. So Iam. 1. 5. If any of you lacke wisedome let him aske it of God Saint Paul shewes the ground of this Rom. 10. 14. But how shall they call on him in whom they haue not beleeued Now by the Rules of Christian faith we are bound to beleeue in none but in God onely so our prayers to be directed onely vnto him Of which there be two Reasons why the Lord will haue prayers directed onely to himselfe First That a man might haue an immediate dependance vpon God and not depend vpon any creature or any power of Angels but vpon God onely being carried by immediate relation vnto God as our Sauiour teaches So Saint Augustine shewes There is no intermediate nature betwixt God and man and so concludes that we haue but one God Almighty to pray to Secondly GOD would haue all prayer directed vnto him That hee onely might bee knowne to bee the fountaine of goodnesse and the spring of all good things For howsoeuer by his seruants and other meanes other blessings and benefits are conueyed vnto vs vs yet in prayer the Lord will haue vs goe vnto him as acknowledging him to be the Fountaine and all oother meanes to issue from him For howsoeuer the Lord affoord meanes which must be vsed yet must God blesse the worke or it will turne to nothing Saint Paul sayes 1 Cor. 3. I haue planted Apollo watered but God must giue the increase Very Philosophers can say Secunda causa non operatur nisi in virtute primae Second causes worke not but by vertue of the first moouer as wee see in a Clocke if a man will watch the first motion and bring it into order there is no doing with the Leades or lesser wheeles but he must goe vnto the great wheele to deale with it to order all the rest So because God is the great Wheele of this world vpon whose motion all others doe depend sensible and insensible earthly and heauenly If in our first labour wee make our stay vpon God there will quickely be a stay in any of the creatures that be out of order And so because all efficacy and workings in all effects is from the Lord and all instruments and meanes can worke no further then it shall please him to worke by them our Sauiour would haue vs likewise to goe onely vnto the Lord himselfe who is the principall agent and workeman for our good Use. Now if all prayer by the rule of Christ be to be directed vnto God alone Then it is vtterly vnlawfull to pray to Saints Angels or any other Creature Power c. but to God onely Yet here the Papists confute themselues saying In effect they come before God for all the meanes as they vse as they say doe depend vpon God Bellarmine in the name of all the rest vndertakes to cleare this That they doe neither pray to Angels or Saints for any thing as the giuers and authors of any thing but that they should pray for vs. But we see the words of Christ are directly against it for he sayes plainly when ye pray pray in this manner Sic Orate c. so pray c. not in the Popish manner thus Christ not onely prescribes a rule but also sets downe a speciall direction vnto whom we must pray as well as in what order and with what affection And for this are all the holy Fathers The second thing is With what affection we must pray which may be seene by the two attributes giuen to God First that he is here called Our Father Secondly that he is said to be In heauen Now in that he is called Our Father this may teach vs two things First That we must pray in faith that is with an assured trust and confidence that wee shall be heard for if God be our Father we need neuer doubt but we shall finde louing and fatherly affection in him for there is no father so ready to heare the requests of his children as the Lord is to heare vs in all our desires So he sayes 2 Cor. 6. vlt. I will not onely saith God take the title vpon me and appellation of a Father but I will be a Father you shall find in me all the affections of a Father yea and that more plentifully then any father can haue As the Lord will heare vs so vpon this ground we must pray vnto him in faith that is with a full assurance that we shal be heard when we pray Thus we haue it Iam. 1. 6. If any man aske in faith he shall receiue And Christ himselfe saith Marke 11. 24. Whatsoeuer ye aske in prayer beleeue and yee shall obtaine it Obiect But now here ariseth an obiection how can we aske and pray in faith that is with a sound comfort and assurance that we shall be heard seeing many times the Lord giues not to his dearest children that which they pray for Ans. I answer as Augustine saith Non audit Dominus ad voluntatem nostram c. God doth not alwayes heare according to our will but in that he knowes to be best and meetest for vs. As when a Chirurgion layes a Corrasiue or a burning Iron to a soare the Patient feeling it to smart cryes out and would haue it remoued the Chirurgion heares him but lets it tarry and the Patient lye still He heares him to his health and recouery So saith another Mothers rubbe their children there for their health although they rore and cry againe yet for all
that they do not spare them and why it is for their health c. So must we thinke and conceiue that when God doth not heare or grant our requests he heares so farre as it is for our good though he doe not heare vs to our wils For it is a dangerous thing to bee heard according to our desire Because thus Christ heard the Diuell when he suffered him to enter into the heard of swine or we may say thus This is not the greatest mercy to be heard according to our will but this to be heard for our profit when God giues vs that onely which is best for vs. Secondly That we must pray in loue For Christ instructing vs to say Our Father would teach vs loue and charity that is not onely to pray for our selues but also in the behalfe of our brethren for this is a duty requisite in our prayers to take in the whole Communion of the body of Christ that euery one may haue a part in our prayer So holy men of God haue done before vs Dauid saith Pray for the peace of Ierusalem Peace be within thy walls and prosperity within thy Pallaces He prayes God to heare the prayers which he made speaking and praying and confessing his sins and the sins of his people Whereupon an Angell came flying vnto him Pray one for another in the time of trouble Thus by the rule of Christ we must not onely pray for our selues in faith but for our brethren also in loue and compassion and fellow feeling of the wants needs one of another When many ships Trade and Traffiicke vpon the sea some goe for one thing and some for another some goe to one place and some to another and yet all tends to the good of the Countrey So it is in the prayers of the Saints some pray for one thing some for another some for grace some for remission of sinnes some for peace of conscience some for temporall blessings and yet all in the end for the good of the Church I should now come to speake of the Duties of them that pray but first I must a little enlarge my selfe in the former of Faith and Loue which should haue beene touched before Faith being a maine pillar and foundation whereupon this building of prayer consists yea such a one as I may truely affirme Sine qua non Ere I goe further I will shew two grounds of Faith 1 A perswasion of the power of God that he can 2 A perswasion of Gods willingnesse that hee will helpe vs. For if we doubt either of his power that he cannot or his will that he will not helpe vs though he be able We can neuer pray in Faith that is with vndoubted assurance that God will heare vs. And because the greatest questiō is of the will of God for not many especially amongst Christians I suppose doubt of the power of God Christ first resolues and settles vs in that point and shewes that God is Our Father and because he is our Father we shall be sure to find a most fatherly affection in him that no father shall be so ready to heare the requests of his children as the Lord will be to heare vs in all things we pray for So that this is one ground of our Faith not to thinke we come vnto God as vnto a stranger that doth not respect or regard vs in our needs but we come to him as to a Father and one that doth loue vs tenders vs and will be as ready to releeue vs as the dearest friend we haue in this world So Dauid saith Psal 103. 13. As a father pittieth his children c. And Malach. 3. 17. I will spare them as a man spareth his owne sonne that serueth him The prodigall sonne when he had slipt away from his father and naughtily spent all he had he had no hope to returne with any comfort but this Ibo ad Patrem c. I will goe to my Father c. Howsoeuer I haue been a bad and a lewd child yet I thanke God I haue a good Father to goe to This now is our very case Alas wee haue runne away from God as farre as euer did the Prodigall sonne from his father we haue spent all we haue nothing left by our bad husbandry onely wee haue this hope and comfort remaining that still we haue a good Father to goe to God is our Father who will heare vs receiue vs releeue vs and this as I said is the ground of a Christian man that he may pray in faith which thing holy men in their prayers haue much regarded Isa. 63. 16. Though Abraham be ignorant of vs doubtlesse thou art our Father c. and chap. 64. 8. But now O Lord thou art our Father wee are clay c. worke of thy hands Yea our Sauiour Christ himselfe in this very Preface of Prayer argues from the very disposition and nature of an earthly Father Matth. 7. 9. For what man is there if his sonne aske bread will hee giue him a stone c. from whence his inference is If yee then being euill can giue good things to your children who aske c. how much more will your Father which is in Heauen giue his holy Spirit vnto those who aske it So that this needs must be a goodly comfort vnto a poore Christian to consider of because it is our Father not a stranger our good Father our louing and compassionate Father that deales with vs so that wee shall easily find him inclined to goodnesse and mercy towards vs. Many places of Scripture doe inlarge this and all to strengthen our faith and make vs come the readier vnto God Psal. 27. 10. Though my father and my mother should for sake me yet the Lord will gather me vp c. Isa. 49. 15. Can a woman forget her child and not haue compassion vpon the sonne of her wombe Yea they may c. Where the Lord himselfe shewes and sayes that hee will not forget vs so that knowing this loue care and tendernesse of the Lord that he hath this fatherly affection in him we may well thinke the Lord will be most ready to heare and helpe vs in all that we pray for Alas they that be not thus perswaded that God hath such a heart bosome and bowels of loue open vnto vs that he hath a fatherly care and compassion towards vs he I say that hath not this sweet and comfortable apprehension of God that knowes not God to be a Father to him must needes make faint and cold prayers vnto God But whosoeuer shall be perswaded in his soule that the Lord is become a Father vnto him accepteth of him as his son what is it but that such a man may hope for at the hands of God which as I said is the first ground of our Faith viz. A perswasion that God will heare vs when we pray vnto him
The other ground of Faith is A perswasion of the power of God for if he be willing to helpe and yet not able as wanting power what are wee the better but remaine euen weake people such as Isaiah speakes of Chap. 3. 7. In that day he shal sweare saying I cannot be an helper for there is no bread in mine house And it makes vs vncomfortable in that we goe about but Christ sheweth that all power abideth in God and all things are subiect vnto him whether in Heauen or in Earth or vnder the Earth yea he rules and gouernes all and is able to supply whatsoeuer man stands in need of As may be seene Psal. 50. throughout and Psal. 115. 3. But our God is in heauen he doth whatsoeuer he will and Deut. 33. 26. There is none like God O righteous people which rideth vpon the Heauens for thy helpe and on the Cloudes in his glory c. So that in truth all that he doth is to shew forth his goodnesse and power in helping vs. Of which he hath giuen sufficient testimony in Scriptures that he both can and will supply our wants in whatsoeuer we stand in need of Indeed earthly fathers they may be willing to helpe their children but they are not alwayes able as we may read 2 King 9. 14. When the little child cryed out to his father My head my head he could doe no more then command one to carry him vnto his mother and so the child died but the Prophet came and by the power of God restored him So in all things else the power of God as it is manifest in things aboue our reach so it is extended euen in this world when it pleaseth him to fulfill all things that men can desire And therefore wee see the leper cryed out Matth. 8. 2. Master if thou wilt thou canst make me cleane So Dauid Psal. 8. attributeth all things to the power of God Yea Christ himselfe confesseth this in his prayer when he saith Matth. 14. 36. Father Omnia tibi possibilia all things are possible to thee So that these be the two pillars of faith to aide and giue wings to our prayers A perswasion both of the will and power of God to helpe vs thus haue we done with that first affection we must pray with in Faith The second affection we must pray withall is loue for Christ teaches vs to say Our Father and not my Father Giue vs not me teaching thereby that wee must not pray for our selues onely but for others also We must take in the whole body of Saints all that loue God all that thinke God their Father yea all the world that are the children of God So Dauid Psal. 122. 6. saith Pray for the peace of Ierusalem and Jam. 5. 6 Pray one for another c. So that Christians must not onely pray in faith but in loue and that for the communion of the whole body of Christ whereof he himselfe is a member for as the sicke man in the Gospell when he could not come vnto Christ Marke 2. 3. vpon his owne legges though his faith was great and that hee beleeued Christ could heale him was borne vpon the shoulders of foure men who let him downe at the house top and brought him to the presence of Christ So must we doe by our brethren howeuer they can pray in faith themselues yet must wee pray in loue for them If this course were kept amongst vs that we did thus pray one for another O what a comfort would this be to afflicted and distressed soules to think that whensoeuer they went about to pray vnto GOD there were many thousand hands and hearts lifted vp to God in their behalfe I am perswaded it would much animate euery Christian to goe forward in this Christian duty thus you may see how efficacious this affection of loue is but hereby is not meant euery sudden wish for the good of some particular persons or priuate respect of friends riuals allyes acquaintance or such like wherein we may exercise our selues but the generall care of the Church of God and loue to our brethren as hauing feeling of our fellow members The third affection that we must pray with is feare and that for especiall reasons First Because it is our Father that we haue to deale with Secondly Because hee is in Heauen the place vnto which all Maiestie reuerence and glory is due Now we know that all reuerence is due to our earthly fathers yea when they are sharpest vnto vs as Hebr. 12. 9. We haue had the fathers of our bodies which corrected vs and we gaue them reuerence c. So then if our earthly fathers must haue reuerence much more our heauenly Father most highly aduanced in dignity and power aboue this world Wherefore this is a caution for vs Eccles. 5. 1. To take heed what we vtter before God For He is in the Heauens And in another place Wee must looke to our feet when we enter into Gods house For God is not onely a Father but such a Father that wee haue to deale withall in Prayer one so eminent and so high lifted vp that he is as high as heauen therefore we must labour as much as may be to be abashed and fall downe before him So Abraham Gen. 18. 2. Bowed himselfe to the ground So Jacob humbled himselfe Gen. 32. 10. To this purpose Rudinius in his History vpon Gen. 24. saith thus If Rebekah rode vpon the Camels amongst the seruants but when she came into the presence of Isaac shee lighted downe from the Camels So must we doe howsoeuer in the world we beare vp our heads aboue our brethren and are bold and carelesse when we are to deale with men yet when wee once come into the Lords presence and are to deale with the Lord of heauen and of earth wee must all come downe from our Camels be as humble lowly and base in our owne eyes as possible we may If a man would conueigh water from a Fountaine if hee lay his Leades too high that is be not deiected in spirit stoope in humility be not low in the Lords sight he shall be defeated of all the blessings and comforts that he lookes for so that it must be our care to come into the Lords presence with all reuerence Feare and Humiliation But here the Papists doe so dazzle mens eyes with the greatnesse of God that they run beyond the marke On the other side saying that sinfull men must not bee so bold to approach and come to Gods presence but they must send a farre off and send in others to bee sutors and mediators for them But our Sauiour Christ shewes vs that all this high Maiestie of God must not driue or chase vs from his presence but it must onely qualifie vs in our comming vnto God that we doe not rudely and bluntly rush in before him but that we
and too heauy for them to beare so the best is but a yoake and many times a heauy yoake too but in the sweet Kingdome of Christ there shall bee nothing offensiue to vs as it is saide of the Angels at that day And they shall gather out of his Kingdome all things that offend saith our Sauiour So it is said There shall bee no more sorrow Bees wee know bee driuen from their Combes and Honey with a little smoake euen so the vexations puthers and smoakes which wee finde on these earthly kingdomes should make vs all long for that happy Kingdome of Christ wherein there shall bee nothing to annoy vs. Thirdly Because earthly Kingdomes they yeeld vs peace and tranquillity but for a time onely for either they end or we end and so all comes to nothing But our happinesse in Christs Kingdome shall be for euer and euer for when we haue liued a hundred thousand thousand yeeres in the full inioyment of it wee haue more and more and more ages without end to possesse it therefore Heb. 12. 28. it is called a kingdome which cannot be shaken good reason then haue wee whose eyes he hath opened to behold this kingdome to pray especially and groane for it Now there be two wayes whereby the kingdome of God may come vnto vs. 1 Generally at the day of Iudgement 2 Particularly at the day of our owne death We pray for both these First that God would bee pleased to sold vp the times make an end of this world hasten the great comming of his deare Sonne Thus the Saints cry vnder the Altar How long Lord Holy and true dost thou not auenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth We know this kingdome of Christ cannot come but first there must bee a dissolution of this world when all the glory thereof must turne to nothing as Peter speakes The Earth and all the workes thereof shall be burnt vp God forbid therefore that the world or any thing in it should make vs loath to come to Heauen rather let vs be contented to suffer the losse of all so we come thither to enioy this happy and blessed kingdome of the Lord Iesus for which we are commanded to pray Which as we pray for so must we be carefull to fit and prepare our selues for it that when it commeth it may come to our comfort we all pray Thy Kingdome come But know O man if thou hast not fitted and prepared thy selfe for it if thou dost liue in thy sinnes if thou hast had no care nor regard of reconciling thy selfe to Christ for thy saluation if thou hast not beene throughly washed ouer and ouer in the blood of the Lambe Oh whensoeuer this kingdome comes I foretell thee in the Name of the Lord it will come to thy cost to thy ruine and vtter desolation in the day of Christ. Therefore consider of this all yee that liue in known sinnes without repentance yea pray I say that the Kingdome of God may come and oh what haue you to doe with the day of the Lord This comming shall be sorrow woe confusion darknesse nay Blackenesse of darknesse and tempest vnto you for euer and reiection from the presence of CHRIST but if you would haue comfort of CHRISTS comming liue well and be prepared for it with the Wise Uirgins hauing Oyle in your Lampes and your Loynes girded Secondly wee pray that though this generall comming be deferred yet that by death as by a close doore we may be let in into this kingdome So that whereas the men of this world desire nothing more then to liue still here hang as it were vpon the pleasures of this life sauour nothing but of earth and earthly contentments the true mortified Christian professeth another thing he desireth to leaue all and goe home to Christ as soone as may be So Iob If a man dye shall he liue againe All the dayes of my appointed time will I waite till my changing shall come c. and Paul Philip. 1. 23. professes I desire to bee loosed and to bee with Christ which is best of all It is true indeed that no man may desire the day of death out of discontentment with life because of the trouble and crosses of this world It was Jonas fault to doe so yet in two respects one may pray for death yea his owne death First That we may make an end of sinning and offending GOD that whereas hee euery day breakes out in the dishonouring of GOD which vexes and grieues him hee may pray the Lord to shorten these dayes of sinne with abatement of our dayes so finishing our offences as Saint Paul does O wretched man that I am who shall deliuer mee from the body of this death Secondly That wee may enioy the blessed fruition of the presence of God as his holy Angels doe Moses you know desired but to see the backe parts of God on the holy mountaine for hee could not see his face and liue If Moses so desired to see but a glimpse of his glory as it were through a creuice or a chinke how much more excellent will be the shining of his face in full glory therefore because euery day wee liue in this world wee lose a day in Heauen as detained from him who is our true life indeed wee may therefore pray that as soone as may be wee may finish vp our course in this world and cry to be away to goe home to the house of our Father to the possession of a better life the Kingdome of Glory and happinesse prepared for vs for which wee are taught to pray Thy Kingdome come 3. PETITION Thy will be done euen in Earth as it is in Heauen WEe haue heard before that in the first Petition we pray for the glory of God and in the second for the means of his glory that is that the kingdome of God may come into our hearts and rule vs by his Spirit Now in this third Petition we pray that we may be contented to submit vnto it and be alwayes ready to doe the Lords will and not our owne So that whereas in the former Petition we prayed for the inward gouernment of God the worke of grace holy motions striuings in our selues that the Lord would do his part now we pray that we may be willing to doe our part not resist this inward gouernment of God bee ready euer to yeeld obedience vnto it All the Question as one sayes very well betwixt God and vs is whose will shall be done Gods will should but man is vnwilling to haue it so but aspires to haue his own will for the rule of his actions this is that which breeds all the quarrell betwixt God and vs Now our Sauiour Christ he teaches vs in this Petition to giue all the Souerainty to God to take his part against our selues praying to doe his will whatsoeuer may befall vs in this world Thus haue we
vp his hands and eyes vnto heauen intreating that God will may be done and yet haue no care to doe it being vnwilling to repent of sinnes and to lay hold on the promises of Christ to which purpose it was a waighty speech of a learned man Wee may as well spit vpon CHRIST buffet Him beate Him with roddes bow before Him with cursed mocking say Hayle King of the Iewes c. as kneele in His Church in our Pew and say Thy will bee done and yet neuer haue any care to doe it but grieue God with our sinnes adde wickednesse to wickednesse day by day neuer thinking of reconciling our selues and examining our hearts and consciences toreformation and newnesse of life The third generall part of this Petition is In what manner wee must doe the will of God You see wee pray that we may doe it in Earth as they doe it in Heauen that is as the Angels and blessed Spirits doe it which are in the presence of GOD and the reason of this is because as we haue heard before in all duties the manner of a thing in regard of gratefull acceptation is as much as the thing it selfe As if one build a man a house yet if he doe not build it to the minde of the owner if it bee too high or too low too wide flat or such like he thinkes all his charges lost So if one plough a field what is all his labour and paines if it be not to the will of his Master So in holy duties howsoeuer we doe the will of God yet if wee doe it not in such and such manner as God prescribeth he will not accept it Yea Schoolemen say that the ground of this is because The manner of the thing is as well commanded as the thing it selfe So Jeremy Cursed be he who doth the worke of the Lord negligently Though it be the worke of God yet cursed is hee yea so much the more if hee doe it negligently not in such sort as he should It is said of Noah to his praise that hee not onely did all things but also in the very same sort and manner as the Lord had commanded Moses was commanded to doe all things according to the patterne shewed him in the Mount this is that we pray for in the last clause of this Petition In which two things are especially to be considered 1 Why the Lord fetcheth vs a Patterne from Heauen and not rather from good men in this world 2 How and in what manner the Angels doe the will of God Concerning the first There are fowre speciall Reasons of it why the Lord fetches vs a Patterne from heauen rather then from Earth First Because a rare example doth most moue vs. Few examples in this world be rare and those few that be are so darkned and clouded with contrary examples that they hardly moue vs. To this effect Dauid saith The Lord looked from Heauen and saw that none did good no not one So Isa. 64. 6 7. the Prophet brings in the people confessing Wee haue all been as an vncleane thing and our Righteousnesse is as filthy cloutes c. And hee concludes for there is none that stirreth vp himselfe to call vpon thee Yea also of this Saint Paul complaines affirmatiuely Philip. 2. 2. For all seeke their owne and not that which is Iesus Christs So because there is such a rarity of good examples in this world therefore our Sauiour Christ sends vs as farre as Heauen to take our example from thence as Marriners on the Sea who are alwayes guided by the Starres because they want in the Sea firme markes to direct them home to their owne Countrey So must we doe because we want firme and sure examples in this world to raise vp our thoughts by into heauen and mount vs beyond the clouds we must take our patterne from those blessed Spirits and powers that continually doe serue in the presence of God The second is because those fewe examples that are in the world be not pure and perfect but haue their defects Saint Paul as I haue said likeneth the examples of holy men to the cloud that led the people out of Egypt which had two parts one bright another darke somewhat to be followed somewhat to be declined Now because the corruption of our nature is such that wee are more prone to imitate euill then good to follow Dauid in his sinnes rather then in his teares to follow Peter in deniall of Christ rather then in his repentance therefore to helpe this our Sauiour Christ directs vs to the example of holy Angels which be pure and perfect Thirdly Because these earthly examples be but of men terrestriall like vnto our selues But Angels be the most noble spirits of God the glory and beauty of all creatures so that the direction is forcible If Angels eleuated and lifted vp to such a high degree be alwayes ready and willing to doe the will of God then much more we that be men much meaner and lower then they be Saint Paul tels vs that God when he bringeth his first begotten Sonne into the world he saith Let all the Angels of God worship him why giues hee such a charge vnto Angels was there any doubt but that the Angels were ready to stoupe and doe seruice to the Sonne of God The answer must be that it was especially to raise vp men to doe the like that if the most noble spirits of God fall and sinke downe at the feet of Christ then much more we that be but dust and ashes wormes-meat and wretched men must be still ready to fall before him and to doe him seruice Thus our blessed Sauiour in this place shewes how prompt and ready the holy Angels bee to doe the will of God and therefore doth the more incite and stirre vs vp to bee like them Fourthly That we may make our conuersation heauenly while we be vpon earth That though our bodies bee here vpon ground yet that we might conuerse aboue the Starres amongst Angels and Archangels and all the blessed spirits continually attending to doe Gods will According as Saint Paul speakes Phil. 3. 20 But our conuersation is in heauen from whence also we looke for a Sauiour euen the Lord Iesus Christ c. And of men thus eleuated he sayes Ephes. 2. 19. Now therefore wee are no more strangers and forraigners but Citizens with the Saints and of the houshold of God Thus as I say though we liue vpon earth yet in affection we must labour to be ioyned to this heauenly troope of Caelestiall and blessed Spirits which attend to doe the will of God The next thing to be considered is How the Angels doe the will of God and in what manner for seeing Christ hath set them for our example it is good for vs to know what altitude and height wee must aspire to and ayme at though we be not able to
now to bee done they would not for a world doe them What would Dauid haue giuen after his Repentance for his Adulterie and murder that hee had neuer committed the same yea any thing What would not Peter haue giuen that hee had neuer denyed his Master which made him shed so many teares It is true when sinne is once committed all the powers in Heauen and Earth cannot vndoe it againe Onely Repentance doth as much as may bee to make sin no sinne in effect Secondly It makes a Change in regard of sinnes that are to come They would not doe any thing willingly that would offend God or to grieue the holy Spirit So wee see in Iob 40. 5. Once saith hee I haue spoken but I will speake no more yea twice but I will proceed no further and 1. Pet. 4. 3. saith hee It is sufficient that we haue spent the time past after the lusts of the flesh and Paul Rom. 7. sayes The good that I would doe that I doe not and the euill I would not doe that doe I. As if he would say I would not grieue the spirit I would not offend God for a world but my corruptions carry mee so vnto it that I cannot choose Therefore if there bee a willingnesse to sinne there is no true repentance So likewise it makes a Change in the Affections First whereas formerly sinne was our ioy and delight Now wee sorrow for it and it is grieuous vnto vs. Secondly whereas before wee committed sinne with boldnesse now wee are ashamed of it Thirdly whereas before we loued it now wee hate it So that it is cleere that there is a change made in the affections thereby first to instance whereas at first wee tooke delight and ioyed to sinne now such doe sorrow mourne and lament for it as Ierem 31. it is said I haue surely heard Ephraim lamenting thou hast chastised mee and I was chastised And Psal. 6. Dauid confesses that hee did water his couch with teares Chrysostome on this place sayes well If so great a King did lament and weepe for his sinnes so great a Prophet and so holy a man did shed teares and that not for an houre but for a long time not for a night but many nights not a drop or two but he did water his bed with them how much more ought wee to grieue and lament and shed teares for our sinnes that are a great many more For the next whereas before wee committed sinne with boldnesse wee now become ashamed of it and therefore if wee can sinne and not be ashamed of it but beare it out with boldnesse of face it is a signe our repentance is not true By the contrarie if when we haue committed sinne wee are abashed and ashamed to looke any body in the face so that wee could bee contented to liue in a Caue or a dungeon or some such secret place after the fact it is a good signe saying The time hath beene when I was so brutish and s●…esse that I cou'd haue beene contented to haue committed sinne in the sight of the Sunne with boldnesse but now I shame to thinke of it if it bee thus with vs it is a signe of true repentance As Ieremie in the person of the faithfull sayes Ierem. 3. 25. I lye downe in confusion and wee couer our selues with shame So the Publican was ashamed and durst not lift vp his eyes to heauen but hee smote himselfe vpon the brest and said The Lord bee mercifull to mee a sinner And lastly whereas before wee tooke delight in sinne now wee hate detest and abhorre it whereas our delight was in the wayes of vanitie and that the pleasures of sinne haue beene meate and drinke to vs wee now begin to hate the delights of this life euen as Ammon 2. Sam. 13. 13. after hee had by inordinate loue desired his sister Thamar did hate her after so much the more So must wee deale with our best beloued sins hate them as much or more as euer wee formerly loued them And therefore if so bee wee see in vs renewed and changed affections from that wee were from euill to good this is a signe of true Repentance when such a change and alteration is wrought in our Inward Man Now 〈◊〉 Repentance makes a change in the Inward man so doth it in the Outward also in our Actions not onely renewing our heart but our whole life that wheras in the best part thereof wee haue done seruice vnto sinne it maketh vs now doe seruice vnto Christ yea that wee neuer thought to doe as in the Parable of the two sonnes the one said hee would not goe yet after repentance hee went and did cleane contrary So in the historie of Mary Magdalen O Lord how were all her actions changed when shee was changed by repentance shee that was woont to sit in glorie at sumptuous Feasts and banquees leaues all now to sit downe at Iesus feete vpon the ground Shee that was woo●t to clip and kisse her louers with ●●●ton imbraces left all to kisse the feet of her Sauiour shee that had curled her haire and had dressed it with Pearle and costlinesse for wicked and intis●…g purposes let it now hang loosely about her face and head to be a towell to wipe the feete of Iesus she that had wandring eyes and thought vpon nothing but smiles and pleasure maketh them now a fountaine of teares to wash her Sauiours feet Her eares which were open to heare nothing but musicke and filthy talke now are ready to heare Christ speaking vnto her her feete which formerly carried her into vaine companie are now the instruments to bring her into the house of God and that tongue which before spake filthily idly and loosely is now imployed in the praises of God and so forth for all her gesture and apparell c. O! what an alteration was here what a change did Repentance worke through soule and bodie in the inward outward man And thus must it worke vpon vs all or else wee come not neere the nature of true Repentance For true Repentance worketh vpon sinners in the same manner The hands now take vp a Bible and with as great delight reade the word of God as they before followed their sports the feete that carried the body to houses of iniquitie are now as ready to carry them to the house of Christ the Eares that were woont to hearken to lasciuious talke and bee taken with amorous loue-songs are now attentiue to Sermons and the word of God The eyes that were rouling about to meet with temptations are now fixed on a Preacher and haue a couenant made with them In a word the heart and affection that was fraughted with sinfull and idle fancies and motions are now full of holy meditations and busied with diuine exercises The third thing in the Nature of true Repentance is that wee must not onely bee changed in part
these are in a man nor in a mans will vntill God worke and fulfill them by his mightie power For first a man hath not eyes to see the good things of God Deut. 29. 3. saith hee Yet the Lord hath not giuen you a heare to perceiue and eyes to see and eares to heare vnto this day Secondly man hath neither desire nor appetite till God worke it in him as it is Phil. 2. 13. For it is God which worketh in you both the will and the deed or to will and to doe of his good pleasure Thirdly though wee had eyes to see good things and will to delight in them yet haue wee no strength and power to performe them vntill God will as Iohn 15. 5. For without mee you can doe nothing So then this is the doctrine of Repentance that if God worke not in a man these motions by his power there is no repentance Nay we see God onely workes man vnto repentance by the power of his Spirit and Grace so that hee is the first Cause of Repentance Of which let this be The Vse Vse 1 That because the Efficient cause of Repentance is God onely wee must say as St. Iames saith If any man lacke wisdome let him aske of God that giueth vnto all men liberally c. So let vs say of Repentance if any man lacke repentance let him aske it of God and hee will giue it him It is said of the Rocke Psal. 78. 20. Behold hee smote the Rocke that the waters gushed out and the streames ouerflowed c. Euen so let vs pray God by the power of his Spirit and grace to smite so hard vpon our rockie hearts that by and by may gush out from vs floods of repentant teares Vse 2 Secondly let vs learne to take God at his offer or else at another time wee may goe without it and hauing it let vs stirre vp our selues to be thankfull to God for it Cause of Repentance 2 The Second Cause of Repentance is called The Instrumentall Cause and that is the preaching of the Word as it is Luk. 24. 27. saith hee And that Repentance and remission of sinnes should bee preached in his Name amongst all Nations so that preaching is the Instrumentall cause thereof for though God giue Repentance it being wrought by him in vs yet hee doth it by meanes wee must not thinke that God will open the Cloudes and come downe from heauen and poure Repentance into our hearts or drop it in vs but hee hath ordained that wee shall get it by the preaching of the Word for thereby wee are made partakers of the graces of his holy Spirit Now consider there are two things to effect this The Preaching of the Law and the preaching of the Gospell the first that a man may see his sinne and the fearefull estate hee is in by the same The second that he may finde there is a remedie and that it is not in himselfe The Law prepares a man for Repentance shewes him all his sinnes and his damnable estate before yea it terrifies the conscience euen to the very flinging of him downe to hell and though this be not an infallible signe of grace to be thus terrified and restrained yet it is the occasion of it because it helpes to prepare vs and make vs willing to lay hold of Repentance as God workes in vs. As a man that makes choice of a tree to build with first he cuts it downe with his axe ere hee lay it flat vpon the ground and when he hath done so then hee applyes his line and tooles vnto lopping the boughes and so hewes it and squares it to make it the fitter for his worke Euen so doth the Lord first hee beates a man flat downe with the sentence of the Law and horrour of his sinne and then hee lifts him vp and restores him with the promises of the Gospell And whereas many thinke that it is a strange worke of God to deale thus with a man and that when God doth deale thus that man is in a wofull and lamentable estate the truth is that then the Law from God is a fitting and working a man to bee fit for eternall life and thus though the Law cannot bring a man to Repentance yet it is a meanes of preparation And then after this commeth the Gospell as a powerfull instrument and workes Faith and other Graces in vs by a diuine assistance The vse is Vse Because then the preaching of the Word is thus a powerfull cause of Repentance that wee make much of it and imbrace it esteeming it a pretious Iewell of Gods Treasurie yea and to seeke and hunger for it by all meanes If a man were grieuously sicke vpon his bed and that it were told him that in such a ground such a herbe did grow which applyed would quickly ridde him of all his paine and griefe if hee had any meanes to come by it sure hee would creepe thither vpon his hands and his feet to haue it no paines would bee irkesome vnto him so hee might recouer his health againe euen so when a man is deadly sicke of sinne as wee should all bee and it shall bee told him that in the preaching of the Gospell there is such a herbe of Grace the Flower of Repentance that will cure him of his sinne and restore him to the life of glorie I hope no man is so desperate and carelesse that will neglect the hearing of it Now what shall wee doe in this case but as it were to creepe on our hands and knees that is to vse all meanes to attaine the same and bee partakers of the benefites of the Gospell that wee may bee saued O! shall wee bee more carefull in such a case of our bodyes then of our soules Now besides these two Causes that may bring vs vnto Repentance there bee other three causes which are called Cause adiuvantes Helping or furthering causes because though they doe not worke Repentance in themselues yet they doe exercise a man to the helping and furthering of this worke in him I declare it by a similitude when one would saw a Tree three things are requisite vnto this worke First there must bee a saw which is the Instrument Secondly there must bee one to pull and mooue the saw to apply it to the Tree which is the Efficient cause Thirdly there must bee a certaine oylie and liquide matter to make the Saw runne which is Causa adiuvans the Helping cause which smoothes the Saw and makes it runne with case So it is in this great worke of Repentance the Saw or Instrument to worke is the preaching of the Gospell which doth sawe and worke vpon the conscience as the Instrument of God and God himselfe is the effectuall puller or workeman to worke Repentance in vs. So that Now the Helping Causes are especially three 1. The Mercie of God 2. The Iudgements of God 3. Our owne Considerations Helping
speakes pitifully and begges for his life He cannot misse to speed at Gods hand as Daniel did Dan. 9. 20. euen so if a sinner can pierce the heauens with his cryes and solicite God earnestly no question he shall at length heare the voice of Christ say vnto him by his Spirit Goe in peace thy sinnes are forgiuen thee The Fourth and last point in the Practise of Repentance is Resolution to walke with God in newnesse of life as Dauid did Psal. 119. I haue sworne and will performe to keepe thy righteous law and Psal. 39. 1. I said I will take heede to my wayes that I offend not with my tongue And againe Psal. 119. I considered my wayes and turned my feet vnto thy Testimonies I made haste and delayed not the time is now not deferring till hereafter now wee must resolue to leaue our sinnes to walke with God with newnesse of life and with all watchfulnesse ouer our owne hearts then vnto resolution wee must ioyne a holy constant indeauour vsing all good meanes and remoouing the lets and hinderances which stop and hinder our repentance which is now the next thing wee are to speake of LECT VII VII THE IMPEDIMENTS of Repentance Io● 15. 31. Let not him that is deceiued trust in vanitie for vanitie shall be his recompence THe Spirit of God by Salomon hath iustly taxed all things vnder the Sun to be vanitie and vexation of Spirit so may I iustly now being to speake of the impediments of Repentance censure all these lets and hinderances which detaine men from this so necessarie Grace vnder the Name of vanitie whatsoeuer they bee and vanitie shall be their recompence Wee spake the last day of the Practise of Repentance wherein must bee foure things First a man must search out his sinnes by the bright candle of the word of God Secondly when he hath found out his sinnes then he must bee sorry for them Thirdly Then hee must pray to God in Christ Iesus to forgiue them Fourthly Then he must resolue against them that is renounce and remoue them as farre as may be Which practise of repentance must be not only once in an age or a mans life but as our sinnes be dayly so our repentance must be euery day performed so long as wee liue in this life Now in the next place we are to speake of the Impediments of repentance and those deceits which hinder men and women from this dutie Generall or vniuersall motion as Schoolemen say is caused two wayes First Either Agendo by enforcing vp that which wee meane to mooue as when a man flings a stone with his hand Or Remouendo prohibens quod impedit or remoouing of that which hinders the motion as when a stone lieth vpon a shelfe when one pulles this away then by and by downe falls the stone of his owne accord and yet hee who pulled away the shelfe caused that motion of the stone But how Not Agendo by flinging of the stone downe but by Remouendo prohibens remoouing of that which hindered the motion of it Now as it is in vniuersall motions so also it is in speciall motions of the mind for they be caused first either directly by an immediat impression made vpon the mind as when a man is directly inuited to goodnesse or vertue Secondly or by remoouing the impediments which hinder vs from it O● the first I haue spoken in the practise of repentance formerly It shall not therefore be amisse now to speake of the impediments in the next place wherein two things are required of euery one 1. Christian wisedome to finde out the let 2. Christian care to remooue it First there must be Christian wisedome to finde our thelets for in euerie man there is son especiall barre or let which if he can finde out or light vpon there is the wisedome to be wise to finde out these pressing downe weights as the Apostle calls them They who haue water running home in pipes and conduits to their houses as soone as they want that which they see their neighbors haue at their doores close by them by and by they search into the causes and run to the conduit or the pipes to see wherethey be stop● or what is the defect Euen so must euerie man do when he findes that the grace of Repentance flowes into other mens hearts and hath no recourse or accesse into his soule by and by sit downe and search himselfe what the cause should be where the rub lies which detaines the grace of Repentance from him seeing they that liue it may be in the same house sit at the same table lie in the same bed they can be penitent for their sinnes sorrie that they haue offended God and so complaine in bitternesse of soule for their sinnes but hee that had the same meanes the same occasions more sinnes to be humbled for more time to repent and more motiues to draw him to the dutie is not yet moued with the same melted with griefe nor come neere this dutie of contrition Thus as I said euery man must looke to himselfe what that is which hinders his repentance We see when Christ cast out the diuel Mat. 17. 19. his disciples came vnto him saying Why could not wee cast him out So when we see others in the course of their life and midst of their sinnes brought vnto repentance mourning weeping for sinnes whereby they haue offended God let vs looke into our selues and enquire at our own hearts why we doe not repent why we cannot do as other good people doe We haue the same meanes the same preaching the same exhortations yea the same iudgements the same punishments the same afflictions But 〈◊〉 Where shall we find that man or that woman who are thus carefull to search into themselues There is not one of a hundred but they lie still in their sinnes without repentance and few or none desires to search into the cause what it is which hinders their repentance making them vnapt to so good a duty Wee see in experience let one come to light a candle if it will not presently take fire wee imagine and runne by and by to consider what should be the reason of it and wee iudge that the wicke is wet or something is am●●le O how wise men can bee for the things of this life and are carelesse for those things which concerne eternall happinesse W●… to know then that the Impediments of Repentance be of two sorts 1. Some bee in the Iudgement 2. Some bee in the Affections Euen as when a man is sicke and will not take the good physick which would cure him the defect is either in his Iudgement or in his Affections In his Iudgement because either hee doth not feele himselfe to bee sicke though hee be ill hee hath no apprehension thereof or if her 〈◊〉 yet hee doth not take it to be dangerous or deadly or though hee thinke it
dangerous yet he thinkes hee may renoue it without Physicke or if he must haue physicke yet he needs not such physicke or in such qualitie as is there prescribed Yet there may be for all this a storme in his Affections though the Iudgement doe come on to yeeld for either a man may be so busie in the world that hee cannot attend it or spare time for it or hee is so tender that he cannot abide the least thing which may offend him or thinke physicke to bee bitter as many doe Yea a number will choose to die rather then meddle with it Now these be the reasons partly in iudgement and partly in the Affections why such sicke patients will not admit of that physicke which might doe them good As the case is in bodily sicknesse so is it with those who are spiritually sicke with sinne Repentance is that physicke which God hath appointed for the healing of them and curing of their soules which potion sinfull men refuse to take the causes being as I haue shewed partly in the Iudgement and partly in the affections Impediment 1 In the Iudgement there be foure impediments of Repentance First because men doe not know or finde themselues to bee sicke of sinne nor would haue others to thinke them sicke they presume therefore that all is well with them for they know neither disease nor infirmitie and so because they liue as others liue and doe as others doe they thinke Repentance needlesse and feeling no sick esse they neuer thinke of Physicke This kinde of deceite is reprooued Iob 15. 31. Let not him that is deceiued trust in vanitie for vanitie shall be his recompence So wee see Mal. 3. 7. when God bade the people returne from their sinnes vnto him they answered stubbornly Wherein shall wee returne So doe the wicked men of this world answer God wherein haue wee offended wherefore should I repent This is the first Impediment in iudgement when men doe not finde themselues sicke in sinne Impediment 2 The second is When men know themselues to bee sicke of sinne but doe not thinke their sinnes to bee deadly They thinke indeed they haue some frailties some imperfections some pettie sins some small sins but in accusing themselues they can say as the Pharisee Luke 18. I thanke God I am no Adulterer Extortioner c. And so they thinke themselues in no danger As a man that in the eagernesse of fighting receueth a small wound with a sword and neuer lookes after it or thinkes it worth the curing so men in the affaires of the world adding sin to sin neuer looke after them as needing Repentance because they suppose them slight and small c. Impediment 3 The third Impediment is That though they take themselues to bee sinners and their sinnes to be deadly yet they thinke that God is mercifull a grateous God and they may bee saued without Repentance But Deut. 29. The Lord thunders against such and plainely assures such presumptuous persons that his wrath shall smoake against such and he would not be mercifull vnto them but all the curses written in that Book should come vpon them yea this is that which Iohn Baptist exprobrateth the Iews for Math. 3. 9. And thinke not to say with your selues wee haue Abraham for our Father for verily I say vnto you that God is able euen of these stones to raise vp children vnto Abraham Impediment 4 The Fourth is That though wee thinke Repentance is needfull yet wee need not say some so strict a kinde of Repentance as the Scripture speakes of If a man can say Lord forgiue mee wee are all sinners and such like it is sufficient it will serue the turne well enough Pharoah thought Repentance was needfull but it was a slight one hee did not thinke so strict a one needfull as was prescribed So Saul thought Repentance needfull when Samuel came and told him what hee had done Yet saith hee Honour mee before the People hee cared not whether he had any honour before God or not so the people might honour him These be the foure Impediments in the Iudgement which hinder and keepe backe Repentance either that wee doe not finde our selues to bee sinners or though wee be sinners yet not so great sinners to require Repentance or though wee be sinners yet God is mercifull and can saue vs without our Repentance Or though wee must repent yet that there is no need of so strict a Repentance Now as there be these impediments in the Iudgement so there be also in the Affections diuers letts for although a man findes himselfe to be a sinner against God and his owne conscience and that there is no way of Reconciliation to come out of his sinne but by Repentance Yet he still findes impediments in his Affections to detaine and hold him from this so necessarie dutie The Impediments in the Affections Impediment in the Affections 1 Are first The loue of the world when men are so carried away with the loue thereof that they cannot attend vnto Repentance so taken vp with the cares of life and the hopes of pleasures prosite preferment and such like that they can neither come to this account reckoning of the soule with Repentance nor dare aduenture vpon it for feare of losing the benefites of a present life Such was the case of those who were inuited to Christs Banquet Math. 22. 5. Such also is our case wee are all so intentiue to these worldly affaires our Farmes our wiues our oxe● c. that we cannot come vnto Repentance which is the Banquet of our soules to attaine saluation Impediment 2 The next is The loue of our Pleasure that is men cannot abide the sober and sad things that belong to Repentance they must be merry they must haue their delights pastimes and deuices as Esay 22. 13. The Lord complaines that when he called to sorrow and mourning behold ioy and gladnesse killing of oxen eating of flesh and drinking of wine Thus pleasure is great a let Impediment 3 The third is The loue of our own Ease for men cannot endure to take any paines in prayer holy duties thing appertaining to the sauing of their soules they had rather lye warme in their soft beds then rise to religious exercises then goe to heauen in Elias fiery chariot It is said Math. 2. That when Christ was borne all Israell was troubled and why they thought Christ could not come into his kingdome without a great deale of trouble and it might be cost many of their liues so doe many now adayes shunne religion for their owne ease It is said Psal They despised the pleasant land and why did they despise it for it was a pleasant land indeed and a good land yea such a place as they could haue beene contented to haue inioyed it but because it asked of them so much paine trouble and in their sight hazard to goe to it
parts of his repentance hee may fall to be a Papist againe So Pharoah did in some manner repent him of his sinne yet because hee failed in the due practise and performance of the dutie his heart being corrupted hee remained obstinate So the Lord complaines of the people in the Prophesies of Esay and Ieremie 3. 3. Thou hadst a whoores forehead thou refusedst to bee ashamed So that because of vnsound repentance a man may easily fall into the same sinnes againe Iudas saw his sinnes and confessed them but because he did not pray vnto God to forgiue them nor resolue against them he fell away Wee see in experience if a man haue a Fellon or a soare vpon his hand or a byle about him if hee doe not draw out the corruption the better but suffer it to rankle or swell againe hauing stopt it too soone it will breake out againe and put him to further trouble and paine Euen so it is in the nature of Repentance a number there be who haue not searcht their hearts to the quicke or suffered them to bleed out all the corruption And so hauing dealt partially and vnsoundly in their repentance they finde it a matter of great difficultie to haue the heart perfectly sound this is the first part of the Answer Obiect Yea But if a man haue soundly repented him of his sinnes whether is it possible for that man to fall againe Answ. To this I answer There is a Generall and there is a Particular Repentance Generall repentance is at a mans first conuersion then he repents of all his sinnes Particular repentance is when a man repents of some one particular sinne which is committed after Now a man may repent generally for all his sinnes and yet hee may easily also fall into particular sinnes againe for euery thing so workes as they say in Philosophie according to the propertie of his owne nature And so Generall repentance can but worke a generall dislike of sinne Now therefore a man may mislike sinne in generall and yet fall into particular sinnes of which he hath so generally repented Quest. 3 I but if a man doe repent him of Particular sinnes whether may hee fall into them againe or not Answ. To this I answer that if a man doe Repent truely of particular sinnes such is the grace of God that hee doth not easily fall into them againe and when he doth it is seldome or very rare and is much different from his former falls First not easily for the bitternesse and tartnesse thereof is such that it leaues such an impression behinde it as they tremble to fall into the like sin againe Wee reade Exod. 13. 17. 18. that when God lead the children of Israel out of Aegypt he did not leade them the readiest and neerest way but hee led them through the wildernesse a dangerous and fearfull way full of fierie Serpents and why ●o 〈◊〉 That they might be affraid to returne to Aegypt And euen so doth he deale by his seruants when hee brings them out of the bondage and thraldome of sinne hee leades them a tedious and painfull way by many teares by many sorrows yea the feare of Death and Hell and all this that they may be affraid to returne againe vnto Aegypt to their former lusts and sins againe By which meanes a number of Gods people and seruants haue beene preserued from their sinnes and haue repented Answ. 2 Secondly I say Though a man fall into the same sins after Repentance yet hee very seldome so falleth There be some who thinke that if one haue truly repented of a particular sinne he neuer falleth into it againe but I dare not say so For a man who repents him of the sinne of hastinesse and rash anger and particularly of scolding and rash speeches may fall againe into the same sinne that he hath repented but this I say if a man hath truly repented him of a sinne hee shall very seldome fall into it nor shall euer so often offend in that kinde As wee see in a man that hath beene sicke of an Ague and is recouered againe almost well yet hee may haue some fitts and grudgings of it though not so often or extreame as before hee had Euen so though wee haue repented wee may haue some falls and grudgings but not so often nor in those extreames as formerly Answ. 3 Thirdly though men doe fall into the same sinne againe that they haue repented of Yet they fall not so euidently towards damnation but with apparant difference from the former For first all the falls of those that haue truely repented Bee but particular falls they bee not fallings away from all the graces of God from all the loue of goodnesse from all the conscience of duty but onely from some particulars The wicked of the world when they fall into sinne doe not stay themselues in some one particular sinne but let all goe at randome and make a conscience of nothing But the people of God though they faile in some one dutie yet they liu● sincerely and carefully in all the rest as Reuel 2. The Churches are commended for many things though discommended in some things As Asa in Scripture 1. King 15. 14. But the high places were not taken away neuerthelesse Asa his heart was perfect with the Lord all his dayes So Dauid though a sinner in some things excuseth himselfe Psal. 18. 21. For I haue kept the wayes of the Lord and haue not wickedly departed from my God Yea it is further said of Dauid that hee was a man after Gods owne heart and kept all the commandements of God sauing in the matter of Vriah so howsoeuer the godly Fall they fall not from all the duties of Religion grace and goodnesse but hold themselues to prayer and other holy duties As a man in the climbing of a ladder though his foote slip yet if hee hold surely by his hands hee will not let his hold goe so it is with the people of God though their feet slip through frailtie and weaknesse yet they hold fast by the hands and will not let goe their hold of Heauen which they haue by faith in God Againe If they fall they fall with strife and resistance there is a kinde of loathing and reluctation in their falls The motions of the spirit seeke to hinder the workes of the flesh as Gal. 5. 17. For the flesh lusteth against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh so that you cannot doe those things which yee would Thus though a man doe fall after Repentance yet there is euer ioyn'd with it a certaine vnwillingnesse to fall and follow the motions of the flesh as a man that is loath to doe that which hee is drawne and forced to doe as St. Paul sayes of himselfe Rom 7. 15. For that which I doe I allow not for what I would that doe I not but what I hate that
it come We reade that when the people of God were to celebrate the Passeouer Exod. 12. 11. the text saith And thus yee shall eate it with your loines girded your shoes on your feet and your staffe in your hand and yee shall eate it in haste c. And why was this that the people might be ready to passe our of Aegypt whensoeuer God should call them vnto it Euen so must euery man prepare himselfe for death get his staffe into his hand haue his loines girded his shoes vpon his feet that he may bee ready to depart out of this world when God shall appoint him but such is our corruption that a number haue a care onely to liue in iollity neglecting altogether preparation for the day of death how to lay themselues downe in rest and peace of conscience at that time Now there be Three reasons that may mooue a man to prepare himselfe for the day of death Reason 1 First because of the vncertainty of Death Vncertaine I say both in regard of time place manner for though we all know that we must die that no man can escape or auoide it yet are these other circumstances of our death onely known vnto God Wherefore because nothing more certaine then that wee must die and nothing so vncertaine as Time Place and Manner it stands vs in hand alwayes to bee prepared for it doing and ordering of our affaires betimes as good old Isaac said in this case to his sonne Esau Gen. 27. 1. 2. Behold now I am old and know not the day of my Death come therefore dresse me venison c. That my soule may blesse thee before I dye Euen so must wee doe order all matters wisely exhort one another dailly whilest it is called to day doe what good wee can repent vs of our sins delay no good wee are able to doe to our selues or others saying to friends children and acquaintance ô my time is vncertaine therefore remember this and this doe this and this c. Thus must wee prepare for death there is none amongst vs I know but if hee had an intent to build a house would surely make preparation for it before hand as Timber bricke morter tyles with other necessaries So seeing wee are to make sure for our selues an eternall house not made with hands ler vs bee carefull to furnish our selues to fit our selues for it by earnest prayer faith patience obedience c. because as I said we are vncertaine of the time whether to day or to morrow young or old this yeare or the next whether in the day or the night whether in the house or the field whether amongst our friends or enemies whether of a lingring or a sudden a milde or a torturing disease by land or water by sword or famine or pestilence all is I say vncertaine therefore wee must prepare for death in regard of the certaine vncertaintie thereof Reason 2 A second Reason to mooue vs to this preparation is because wee can die but once and that which can but once bee done had need to bee well done So the Author to the Hebrews saith Heb. 9. 27. It is appointed for men once to die and after that commeth iudgement So because wee can die but once we should be very carefull to doe it wel seeing if it be ●ll done it can neuer be mended againe In all other things if a man doe amisse at first hee may repaire it afterwards but onely in this matter of death there is no amendment no redemption afterwards If a man shoote an arrow at a marke if in the first aime you tell him what his fault was that hee is ouer or vnder or wide he may mend it the next time or the next after that but in death it is not so once amisse and euer vndone therefore be carefull to die well seeing it is but once to bee done Reason 3 The third Reason is The remedilesse state after Death for looke how death leaues a man so shall iudgement find him As long as a man is aliue here vpon earth there is hope that he may bee conuerted repent of his sins and be brought before the throne of Grace but if a man bee once dead and laied in the dust then he can neuer attaine to repentance for his sins Faith in the promises nor vnto one sanctified Grace of Gods Spirit though he would giue a thousand worlds if he had them therefore euery mans wisedome must be to prepare for death before it come according to that counsell of Eccles. 9. 10. Whatsoeuer thine hand findeth to doe doe it with all thy might for there is neither worke nor deuice nor wisedome in the graue whither thou goest Now this Preparation to Death stands in fiue Dutyes First A man of vnderstanding must furnish himselfe with those graces and duties that bee most needfull at the day of death He must labour for Faith and Patience and Obedience with other holy graces of God for he cannot then spare any grace but these three a man shall find more especiall need of when he comes to die Therfore as Noah made an Arke to saue himselfe and his houshold from the flood before it came so must euery man before death come labour to saue and secure himselfe that he may haue a place of shelter in the day of death Wherefore if a man would die well he must first come to liue well for questionlesse as a man liues so is he likely to die If a man look vpon a tree when it is a felling he may giue a shrewd ghesse where it will fall for looke where the greatest burden of boughes hang or grow that way commonly the tree will fall and euen so looke which way a mans thoughts affections carry him in the course of his life the very same inclination will sway him at the houre of his death Therefore a man must prepare to furnish himselfe with abundance of holy graces that they may ouersway him in his loosing from earth to heauen when hee dies Referring all vnto God and his good will and pleasure with holy Dauid saying I held my peace and said nothing because thou O Lord hast done it Secondly A man must that would die well arme himselfe against the feare of death for a man cannot die well if he be affraid to die therefore he must be armed against it If any aske how must we be armed against the feare of death I answer Answ. First By perswading himselfe that it is Gods appointment that hee shall die yea that the very time and manner of our death is appointed by him yea every fit pang and trouble at the time of death all particulars are appointed as Christ shewes Math. 10. 30. But the very haires of your head are all numbred Secondly wee must arme our selues against the feare of death by considering the comfortable state which followeth after Death For
But when God had denyed him this request and told him he must die in the wildernesse hee went as willingly vnto the place of his death as wee doe to a feast or banquet So old Simeon when he had once gotten Christ into his armes became most willing to die Luke 2. singing that Song Now Lord let thou thy seruant depart in peace for mine eyes haue seen thy saluation this is the first thing in this holy disposition to be willing to die Wherefore it is a lamentable case that a number professing Christianitie should so hang vpon the world at that time like naturall men mentioned Psal. 17 14. Which haue their portion in this life whose bellie thou fillest with thy hid treasure c. It is wonderfull that worldlings doe thus but that Christians should doe so who haue layed vp their hope in God the comforts of saluation in Christ and expect this as thechiefest happinesse it is a wofull thing The good people Numb 13. when they saw the clusters of grapes which were brought vpon a barre betweene two men they made hast towards the land of promise and incouraged one another to rise vp and enter euen so when God hath giuen vs some first fruites of the Spirit some taste of the ioyes of the life to come some little grapes of our heauenly countrey what should we doe but make haste and dispatch speedily to enter into the full possession of the same Secondly One must then let all goe and apply himselfe wholly to the saluation of his soule So wee see the good theefe did when hee came to die all his care was for the saluation of his soule though hee hung in paine and torment yet hee prayes to Christ not for reliefe from death or to ease his paine but onely that Christ would remember him when hee came into his kingdome Euen so must wee doe when we come to die wee must not looke after our paines nor after our ease or worldly accounts but that our soules may bee saued how wee may stand before God with an vpright conscience If a mans house be on fire and hee cannot in this danger saue all his goods hee will yet apply himselfe to saue his best things carry out his jewells plate and money with some of his best houshold stuffe that if any perish the worst may burne first Thus must a man doe at the day of death when hee sees that he cannot saue all because he must lose his soule or his goods the best way then is to let all goe and wholly to apply ones selfe to saue his soule at the day of death Thirdly One must labour to die in faith as hee hath liued therein as Heb. 11. 13. It is said of the Fathers all these died in faith They died not all in their beds nor of a lingring sicknesse nor amongst their friends for some were sawen asunder some stoned but all died in faith And our Sauiour Christ wee know when hee came to die and his very greatest extremities of death vpon him on the very agonie of death hee did wholly rest vpon God crying out My God my God so must wee doe in the greatest paines and calamities of death yea in torments wholly cast ourselues vpon Gods loue and fauour as our surest hold wee should shut vp our eyes and cast our selues on his mercie with full perswasion that though wee shall dwell in the dens of death for a little while yet one day he will raise vs vp and make vs partakers of Heauen where wee shall haue the comfortable presence of God and his holy Angels and blessed Saints for euer It is obserued that when a man is in danger of drowning looke what they haue in their hands they hold fast and neuer part with it no not when life leaues them so must a Christian soule doe in the time of death cast vp his armes and lay hold vpon Christ neuer part with him no not when the last breath leaues him The Faith a Christian must die in consists in three things First He must die in the faith of his owne Reconciliation with God that God is at peace with him and become his good Father by the meanes of Iesus Christ and therefore boldly to go vnto God as vnto our Father knowing that no childe can be so welcome to his father as we shall be vnto the Lord our God which is the comfort that the Church hath left vnto her by Christ Ioh. 20. 17. Goe vnto my brethren and say vnto them I ascend vnto my Father and your Father and vnto my God and your God As if hee should say Let it be your comfort that God is your Father heauen is your home he is not a stranger vnto you but your God is more compassionate then any earthly father can be This way onely the Prodigall sonne took for mercie when his case was desperate Luk. 15. 18. For hee thus disputed with himselfe whatsoeuer I haue beene or wheresoeuer I haue liued it is no matter yet because he is my Father I will goe home and craue pardon in hope of mercie So must a man thus by the meanes of faith say I will goe to God as to my Father Though I walke in the midst of the valley of the shadow of death yet will I feare none euill for my Father will haue a care of me in all estates I am his this man may depart with comfort and finde ioy and peace accompany his passage Secondly A man must die in the faith of his owne happie and comfortable estate after death that being a true penitent death shall be nothing else but a doore to let him into euerlasting life So that as Christs death Luk. 9. 31. is tearmed Transitus a departing a passage onely a passing from one place to another so death is but a departing a passing from earth to heauen from sinfull men to be with God Saints and Angels and with the spirits of iust men come to perfection from things transitorie to things euerlasting To this effect Iob speakes Iob. 14. 14. If a man die shall hee liue againe and all the dayes of my appointed time will I waite vntill my change come So Paul Philip. 1. 23. I desire to bee dissolued and to bee with Christ. Againe For wee know that if our earthly house of this Tabernacle bee dissolued wee haue a building of God an house not made with hands which is eternall in the heauens Whereby is signified the state of eternall glorie and life euerlasting and therefore as old Iacob reuiued when hee saw the Chariots and horses come which should carry him into Aegypt so because death is the fierie chariot of Almightie God whereby all his children and chosen are carried home vnto eternall life let vs comfortably lay hold vpon faith when wee see the chariots of Almighty God stand ready at our doores and reioyce
there a slip and so set it into the ground Euen so must a Christian doe because his soule is the garden of Gods graces therefore whatsoeuer grace of God hee heares of to be amongst others by and by hee must labour to get it home vnto himselfe therefore it is great corruption for men to get some one grace of God and neglect the rest to get a little knowledge zeale deuotion c. and yet neuer labour for a good conscience sobrietie patience faith loue c. letting these things passe vnrespected and vnregarded A Christian must bee like a little childe who euery yeare growes somewhat and addes to his stature and growth in all proportion of parts not growing in one member and declining in another so must Christians doe indeuour to thriue in all graces Secondly Wee must grow vp in the measure of Graces as the Apostle exhorts 1. Thess. 4. 1. 10. Furthermore then wee beseech you Brethren and exhort you by the Lord Iesus that as yee haue receiued of vs how yee ought to walke and to please God so yee would abound more and more So 2. Pet. 3. 18. But grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ. Therefore if wee beleeue let vs beleeue more if loue indeuour we for more if patient let Patience haue its perfect worke as S. Iames speakes that we may be entire and want nothing Wee reade Math. 13. 31. The graces of God are compared to a little seed not to a little stone because though a seed be little yet it is of such a thriuing nature that it will not alwayes be little but grow and increase to his limited stature and greatnesse So the thing is cleere a Christian must increase as well in the Measure as number of Graces bee like the thriuing seed not like to a little stone that growes no bigger which shewes their fearefull estate who grow not in the measure of their graces Thirdly In the vse of them for one may haue good Graces and yet neuer put them to any imployment like vnto that vnthriftie seruant Luk. 19. 20. who tyed vp his Talent in a napkin and like that lame man by the Poole of Bethesda Iohn 5. 7. who though he had legs yet had no vse of them vntill Christ restored them so we may haue some graces of God and no right vse of them if we be not carefull to rub them vp and set them a work wherfore the Church prayes Cant. 4. 16. Awake ô North and come thou South blow vpon my garden that the spices thereof may flow out let my beloued come into his garden and eat his pleasant fruits So Psal. 119. 34. Dauid prayes Giue mee vnderstanding and I shall keepe thy law yea I shall obserue it with my whole heart Therfore as Mary not onely brought a Boxe of oyntment to Christ so that all the house was filled with the smell thereof euen so must we not onely bring our Boxes of ointments of graces vnto Christ but effuse and poure them out that God may smell the sauour and others may receiue good by them If a man had a thousand Tunne of wine in a Cellar which he had no vse of but were kept closely there what were any man the better for it but if hee would make a large Cisterne and turne out a Conduite cocke into the streete that euery one who passeth by might drinke therof then would they commend his bountie and be thankfull vnto him So when wee haue good graces of God which wee keepe to our selues not being profitable vnto any it is matter of rebuke and reproch vntill wee let the cocke runne to water and refresh others One thing more is to be considered for conclusion of all which is How a Christian may grow in Grace For it may be many a one would bee willing to grow in Grace if they knew how being ready to thinke or say with the Iewes vnto Christ Iohn 6. 28. What shall we doe that wee might worke the worke of God So may yee say to mee you talke of excellent duties but how shall wee performe them To which I answer there bee foure things to be performed of euery one that would grow in Grace First In the vse of them to bee carefull that they may thriue and grow as the Apostle prescribes 1. Pet. 2. 2. As new borne babes desire the sincere milke of the word that you may grow thereby Meanes to grow in grace If one sow good seeds in his garden and neuer water or weed them or set vp stickes by them for their support and leading vpwards all his labour will be in vaine So if one doe not nourish the good seeds of Gods graces sowed in his heart and soule if hee doe not water weed them and set vp supporters vnto them a thousand to one that they will neuer thriue nor grow to any purpose Therefore we must doe as the Iuie doth because the stalke thereof is weake the string not being able to support it to grow vp straight therefore it catcheth hold with his keyes and clawes vpon euery post and tree that it may climbe vp by So because commonly wee all creepe vpon the ground and be not able to lift vp our soules vnto Heauen by our owne strength let vs lay hold of the holy things of God the promises of the Gospell and the merits of Christ neuer leauing nor giuing them ouer vntill they haue lifted vs vp vnto heauen Meanes to grow in grace 2 Secondly Wee must vse all the ordinarie meanes besides extraordinarie graces and prayer for if we vse some and neglect the rest no maruell though God denie his blessing to the rest as if one vse Prayer and yet will not come to the preaching of the Word or if hee heare the Word and neglect the ●…aments this man may misse of his aime and comfort as the Disciples Math. 17. 20. vsed some meanes but because they failed in other some in the matter of faith therefore they wanted a blessing on their worke for that time It must therefore bee our care and wisedome to vse all the meanes which God hath appointed as we know by experience goe to a Doctor for a paine in the head he prescribes you foure things for the remedie of which if you take but two and neglect the other two no good can be done for when you returne to the Doctor and tell him that you haue onely taken two of the foure things prescribed no maruell may hee say you are not cured who haue neglected the halfe of the meanes appointed for your cure So it is when men will not betyed vnto all the meanes which God hath appointed Meanes to grow in grace 3 Thirdly Wee must vse all the meanes constantly which may stand vs chiefly in stead as it is Heb. 6. 7. For the earth which drinketh in the rain that commeth often vpon it and bringeth forth
Resurrection of the Body Life Euerlasting Prayer Our Father Which art in Heauen Hallowed be thy Name Thy kingdome come Thy will be done c. Giue vs this day our daily bread Forgiue vs our sinnes And lead vs not into temptation For thine is the kingdome c. Sacraments Baptisme The Lords Supper 1 Prayer what it is 1 Sam. 1. 13. Psal. 20. 4. Ephes. 5. 19. Hos. 7. 14. 1 Kings 8. 39. Gen. 13. 11. Fowles Abrahams seruants Gen. 22. 5. Psal. 5. 3. Psal. 25. 1. Damasc. lib. 3. Cap. 24. Fiery Chariot 3 Psal. 10. 7. Psal. 27. 4. Matth. 20. 10. Exod. 17. 4. 2 Chron. 20. 12. Iam. 1. 5. Ground Many hands 2 General point in prayer Iohn 5. 11. Obiections against Prayer answered Malac. 3. 6. 1 Obiection answered Sunne eyes shut Dionis cap. 3. de Diuis Nominibus Sicut si quis slans c. 2 Obiection answered 2 King 20. 5. Act. 27. 31. Reasons why we must pray Psal. 50. 15. Luke 22. 46. Iam. 5. 13. Augustine 2 Reason why we must pray Marke 11. 24. 1 Iohn 5. 14. Iohn 4. 11. Deepe well August Ascendit Precatio discendit misericordia Gregor Oratio in terra o pater in Coelo c. Chrysost. Hom. 53. ad P. idem Feeding fountaine 3 Reason why we should pray Psal. 14 4. Isa. 46. 7. Temple robbery Child weake 4 Reason why we must pray Iam. 4. 2. Gen. 24. 12. and 26. Seed sowne 1 Reason why Christ giues a direction to pray Luke 11. 1. Hosh. 14 3. Gen 47. 12. Iosephs Piety 2 Reason why Christ giues a direction to pray Rom. 8. 26. Cyprian Isa. 58 3. 1 Chron. 15. 13. 3 Reason why Christ giues a direction 10 pray 1 Iohn 14 Woman of Tekoah 2 Sam. 14. 19. Cyprian 2 Maine Branch Note Psal. 10. 17. Psal. 108. 10. Speech to a King Seamooued A Clo●… 〈◊〉 Phil. 4. 6. Iam. 1. 5. Rom. 10. 14. 1 Reason why Prayer must be directed to God onely August lib. de vera Religione cap. 55. 2 Reason why Prayer must be to God onely 1 Cor. 3. A Clocke 1 Lib. de Inuocatione Sanctorum 1. 20. August lib. 114. Enchirid. Maledictus c. Chrysost. Hom. 9. Quand● orat quis c. 1 Affection wee must pray in 2 Cor. 6. vlt. Iam. 1. 6. Marke 11. 24. Augustine A Corrasiue Mothers diligence and loue 2 Affection we must pray in Psal. 122. 6. Dan. 9. 20. Iam. 5. 16. Ships trading Two grounds of Faith Psal. 103. 13. Malach. 3. 17. Isa. 63. 16. and chap. 64. 8. Matth. 7. 9. Psal. 27. 10. Isa. 49. 15. 2 Ground of Faith Isa. 3. 7. Psal. 50. Psal. 115. 3. Deut. 33. 26. 2 King 9. 14. Matth. 8. 2. Psal. 8. Matth. 14. 36. Psal. 122. 6. Iam. 5. 6. Sicke man Marke 2. 3. 3 Affection to pray with Heb. 12. 9. Eccles. 5. 1. Gen. 18. 2. Gen. 32. 10. Rudinius in Gen. 24. Rebekah Water conueighed Matth. 3. 14. Iohn 13. 8. 4 Affection of Prayer Elias Ionathans Arrowes 1 Dutie of them that pray Acts 5. 4. Hos. 1. 10. 2 Duty Mal. 2. 10. 1 Iohn 3. 1. 3 Duty 1 Pet 1. 17. Ierem. 3. 5. Meaning 1 Thing prayed for the glory of God Rom 9. 3. Exod. 32. 32. 1 Kings 19. 14. Isa 37. 34. Matth. 4. 10. Gen. 4. 7. Exod. 3. 7. 2 The discouery of our corruption Gen. 11. 4. Dan. 4. 30. Hagg. 1. 3. 2 Sam. 7. 2. 1 Grace we pray for 1 Pet. 3. 15. Rom. 15. 6. 1 Cor. 6. vlt. 1 In our hearts 2 With our mouthes Luke 2. 20. Shepheards Iob 1. vlt. Reuel 14. 7. Reuel 19. 7. 3 In our liues Matth. 5. 16. Rom. 2. 24. 3 Things to quicken our care of Gods glory 1 Psal. 19. 1. Reuel 5. 13. and 14. 1 Sam. 2. 30. Iohn 17. 4 5. Num. 20. 12. 2 Part of this Petition Psal. 96. 7 8. Ierem. 13. 16. Iob 1. 5. Gen. 18. 19. Iob. 12. 2● Isa. 66. 5. Iohn 9. 24. 1 Sense of the Petition Ephes 2. 2. 2 Cor. 4. 4. Gen. 1. 15. Light House Sea-gaining 2 Thing obserued 1 For others Mat. 20. 31. Amalecke 2 Impediments in our selues Iohn 12. 42 43. Palsie man 3 Thing praid for in this Petition Definition of the Kingdome of grace Luke 19. 14. Esau. Gen. 27. 38. Rom. 7. 22 23. Sicke man Godly Differences and excellency of Christs Kingdome of grace before all others Isa. 32. 1 2. A further scope of the Petition 1 Tim. 2 1. Matth. 9. 38. Exod. 5. 7. Pharaob Pro. 29. 18. Isaac Gen. 22. 7. Colos. 3. 15. Psal. 48 vlt. Zeph. 3. 15. Blindman Deut. 28. 28. 2 Chron. 12. 8. Ambrose o quam multos habent Dominos c. Psal. 116. Psal. 37. vlt. Hosh. 2. 7. A Tenant Cit●e 2 Thing we pray for is for the kingdome of glory Cant. 2. 16. Reuel 22. 20. Rom. 8. 22. Impertinent Dan. 4. 8. Rom. 13. 1. Lame man A Coach Reasons why we pray especially for the kingdome of Glory Matth. 19. 28. Iuke 22. 50. Matth. 13. 4● Reuel 21. 4. Bees Hebr. 12. 28. 1 Thing we pray for Reuel 6. 10. 2 Pet. 3. 10. Iob 14. 14. Phil. 1. 23. Respects to pray for death 1 1 Whose will must be done Psal. 49. 8. Psal. 143. 10. 1 Pet. 4. 〈◊〉 Crooked stick Will of God opposed by three other wills 1 Ephes. 4. 25. Act. 5. 3. Hebr. 12. 16. Iohn 8. 44. 2 Ephes. 2. 3. Ierem. 44. 16. Iohn 5. 40. Acts 27. 12. Marriners Acts 4. 19. 2 Thing what will of God must be done Deut. 12. vlt. Psal. 119. 105. Marriners Pole-starre Iohn 5. 39. Iosh. 1. 8. Statute booke Ezek. 33. 11. 2 Pet. 3. 9. Bleeding wounds 2 1 Iohn 5. 23. Shipwracke Luke 22. 42. 3 General thing in the Petition House Field Ploughed Modus rei cadi● subpraecepto Heb. 8. 5. Psal. 14. 12. Isa. 64. 6 7. Philip. 2. 2. Marriners Heb. 1. 6. Phil. 3. 20. Ephes. 2. 19. How the Angels doe Gods will Psal. 103. 20. Psal. 119. 56. 2 Sam. 3. Ezek. 9 7. Dan. 8. 16. Luke 5. 5. Iohn 2. 7. Psal. 18. 44. Iohn 4. 34. Gen. 21. 12. Psal. 119. 16. Psal. 4. 7. Ezek. 3. 14. Dan. 9. 21. Deut. 6. Psal. 119. 4. Sound Violl Psal. 119. 33 Psal. 44. 18. Luke 1. 75. Retayners Is●l 18. 22. Psal. 119. 6. 1 To order ou● care Matth 6. 33. Luke 10. 42. Abrahams seruant 2 To moderate our care Water to a Mill. Why we pray for daily bread before remission of sinnes Iohn 4. 10. Vessell tryed 2 Sam. 9 〈◊〉 Isa. 4. 1. Psal. 78. 18. Iam. 4. 3. Gen. 28. 20. 2 Tim. 6. 8. Psal. 136. 2● Psal. 145. 15. 1 Chron. 10. 13. Riuers Sea running See for this August S●rm 43 D● plenitudine Dei Isa 3. 1. Gen. 32. 10. 2 Sam. 7. 8. Rom. 6. 23. Gen. 28. 20. Prou. 30. 8. Shippes Low Meddowes ouerflowen Esa● Isa. 5. 3. Habak 2. 5. ●… Couetous man Mico Indenting Psal. 128. 2. 2 Thess. 3. 12. Matth. 4. Stones Isa. 11. 7.