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A09339 A golden chaine: or The description of theologie containing the order of the causes of saluation and damnation, according to Gods word. A view whereof is to be seene in the table annexed. Hereunto is adioyned the order which M. Theodore Beza vsed in comforting afflicted consciences.; Selections Perkins, William, 1558-1602.; Bèze, Théodore de, 1519-1605. 1600 (1600) STC 19646; ESTC S114458 1,329,897 1,121

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and businesses among men to which they were by God appointed And the bodies of men which they assumed were no parts of their natures vnited to them as our bodies are to vs but rather they were as garments are to vs which they might put off and on at their pleasure If any shall aske whence they had these bodies the answer is that either they were created of nothing by the power of God or framed of some other matter subsisting before If againe it be asked what became of these bodies when they laid them downe because they vsed them but for a time the answer may be that if they were made of nothing they were againe resolued into nothing if made of other creatures that then they were resolued into the same bodies of which they were first made though indeede we can define nothing certenly in this point III. Angels are reasonable creatures of excellent knowledge and vnderstanding farre surpassing all men saue Christ. Their knowledge is threefold naturall reuealed experimentall Naturall which they receiued from God in the creation Reuealed which God makes manifest to them in processe of time whereas before they knew it not Thus God reuealed to Gabriel the mysterie of the 70. weekes Dan. 8 and 9. And in the Apocalyps many things are reuealed to the Angels that they might reueale thē to vs. Experimentall knowledge is that which they get by obseruing the dealings of God in the whole world but specially in the Church And thus Paul saith that to principalities and powers in heauenly places is knowne the manifolde wisedome of God by the Church IV. And as the knowledge so also the power of the good Angels is exceeding great They are able to doe more then all men can Therefore Paul calls them mightie Angels 2. Thess. 1.7 Yea their power is farre superiour to the power of the wicked angels who since the fall are vnder them and can not preuaile against them V. The place of the aboad of Angels is the highest heauen vnlesse they be sent thence by the Lord to doe some thing appointed by him This our Sa●iour Christ teacheth when he saith that the angels of litle ones doe alreadie behold the face of their father in heauen And the wicked angels before their fall were placed in heauen because they were cast thence VI. That there be certaine distinctions and diuersities of angels it is very likely because they are called thrones and principalities and powers Ch●rubim and Seraphim But what be the distinct degrees and orders of Angels and whether they are to be distinguished by their natures gifts or offices no man by scripture can determine VII The ministerie of angels to which the Lord hath set them apart is threefold and it respecteth either God himselfe or his church or his enemies The ministerie which they performe to God it first of al to adore praise and glorifie him continually Thus the Cherubims in Esaies vision crie one to another Holy holy holy is the Lord God of hosts the world is full of his glory And when they were to publish the birth of the Messias they begin on this maner Glory to God in the highest heauens peace on earth And Iohn in his vision heard the angels about the throne crying with a loud voice Worthy is the Lambe c. to receiue power riches and strength wisdome and honour and glory and praise And indeede the highest ende of the ministerie of Angels is the manifestatiō of the glory of God The second is to stand in Gods presence euermore readie to doe his commandements as Dauid saith Praise the Lord yee his Angels that excell in strength that doe his commandements in obeying the voice of his word And here is a good lesson for vs. Wee pray daily that we may doe the will of God as the Angels in heauen doe it let vs therefore be followers of the holy Angels in praising God and in doing his commandements as they doe The ministerie of Angels concerning the Church standes in this that they are ministering sprits for the good of them which shall be heires of saluation The good is threefold in this life in the ende of this life and in the last iudgemēt again the good which they procure to the people of god in this life is either in respect of body or soule In respect of the body in that they doe most carefully performe al maner of duties which do necessarily tend to preserue the temporall life of Gods children euen from the beginning of their daies to the ende Dauid saith that they pitch their tents about them that feare the Lord. When Agar was cast forth of Abrahams family and wandered in the wildernesse an angell comes vnto her and giues her counsell to returne to her mistresse and humble her selfe When Elias fled from Iesabel he was both comforted directed and fed by an angel And an angel bidds the same Elia● be of good courage and without feare to goe to King Achazias reproou● him Angels bring Lot and his family out of Sodom and Gomorrha before they burne the citties with fire and brimstone When Iacob feared his brother Esau hee sawe angels comming vnto him and he plainely acknowledgeth that they were sent to be his protectours his guides in his iourney Abraham beeing perswaded of the assistance of Gods angels in al his waies said to his seruant The Lord God of heauen who tooke me from my fathers house c. will send his angels before thee The wise men that came to see Christ are admonished by angels to returne another way and Ioseph by the directiō of an angel fled into Egypt that he might preserue Christ from the hands of the cruel tyrant The tents of the Israelites was garded by angels The three children are deliuered from the fierie furnace and Daniel out of the Lyons denne by angels When Christ was in heauinesse they ministred vnto him and comforted him and they brought Peter out of prison and set him at libertie Againe the angels procure good vnto the soules of the godly in that they are maintainers and furtherers of the true worshippe of God and of all good meanes whereby we attaine to saluation The lawe was deliuered in Mount Sina by angels and a great part of the Reuelation of Iohn They expound to Daniel the seuenty weekes They instruct the Apostles touching the returne of Christ to the last iudgement An angel forbids Iohn to worship him but to worship God the creatour of heauen and earth They fetch the Apostles out of prison and bidde them teach in the temple An angel bringes Philip to the Eunuch that he may expound the Scriptures to him Lastly they reueale the misteries and the will of God as to Abraham that he should not kill his sonne Isaac to Mary and Elizabeth the natiuity of Iohn Baptist of Christ our Sauiour and all this they
preserues men from falling into sinne as crosses desertions And these in number exceed the first as long as men liue in this world Before it can be declared what these desertions are this conclusion is to be laid down He which is once in the estate of grace shall be in the same for euer This appeareth in the 8. of the Rom. 30. where Paul sets downe the golden chaine of the causes of saluation that can neuer be broken so that he which is predestinate shall be called iustified glorified And a little after he saith Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods elect and Who shal seuer vs from the loue of Christ and I am perswaded that no creature shall be able to seuer vs frō the loue of Christ which he would not haue saide if men beeing in the estate of grace might fall quite frō grace And how should they which are iustified haue peace with God if they were not sure to perseuer righteous before God to the end And how shall it be said that hope maketh not ashamed because the loue of God wherewith Gods loues his elect is shed abroad in their hearts by the holy Ghost which is giuen them if any may vtterly fall from that loue How should the testimonie of the spirit which testifieth to the elect that they are the children of God be true and certen if it may be quite extinguished Lastly how shall that of Iohn be true They went out of vs becanse they were not of vs if they had beene of vs they should haue remained with vs if a man may wholly fall from Christ which hath once bin made a true mēber of him Our Sauiour Christ saith My sheep heare my voyce and I know them and they follow me and I giue life eternall to them and no man shall take them out of my hand or out of my fathers hand and whatsoeuer my father giueth me shall come vnto me and whosoeuer commeth to me I will not cast out And if any of the elect beeing effectually called might wholly fall from grace then there must be a second insition or ingrafting into the mysticall bodie of Christ and therefore a second Baptisme nay for euery fall a new infition and a new Baptisme which must in no wise be graunted wherefore they which are predestinate to be in the state of grace are also predestinate to perseuer in the same to the ende Hereupon it followeth that the desertions of Gods elect are first of all partiall that is such as wherein God doth not wholly forsake them but in some part Secondly temporarie that is for some space of time and neuer beyond the compasse of this present life For a moment saith the Lord in Esay in mine anger I hid my face from thee for a little season but with euerlasting mercie haue I had compassion on thee saith the Lord thy Redeemer And to this purpose Dauid well acquainted with this matter praieth forsake me not ouer long This sort of desertions though it be but for a time yet no part of a Christian mans life is free from them and very often taking deepe place in the heart of man they are of long continuance Dauid continued in this dangerous fall about the space of an whole yeare before he was recouered Luther confesseth of himselfe that after his conuersion he lay three yeares in desperation And common experience in such like cases can make record of longer time The manner God vseth in forsaking his owne seruants is of two sorts the first is by taking away one grace putting another in the roome the second by hiding his grace as it were in a corner of the heart God takes away his grace and puts another in the roome diuers waies I. First he bereaueth his owne children of outward prosperitie yea he will loade them with crosses and yet he will make a good supplie by giuing patience Dauid is driuen out of his kingdome by his owne sonne a heauy crosse yet the Lord ministreth an humble and patient spirit so as he was content to speake If the Lord thus say I haue no delight in thee behold here I am let him doe to me as seemeth good in his eyes So likewise Christian Martyrs are bereaued of all outward safetie and laid open to the violence and persecution of tyrants yet inwardly they are stablished by the power of the might of God when they are most weake they are most strong and when they are most foiled then they obtaine victorie II. Secondly the Lord cuts off the daies of this life and for recompence to his owne elect giues life eternall The righteous is taken away for the euill to come This is manifest in Iosias of whom it is said Behold I will gather thee to thy fathers and thou shalt be put in thy graue in peace and thine eyes shall not see all the euill which I will bring vpon this place III. Thirdly God takes away the feeling of his loue and the ioy of the holy Ghost for a season and then in the roome thereof he kindles an earnest desire and thirsting with grones and cryings vnto heauen to be in the former fauour of God againe This was Dauids case when he complained and saide My voice came to God when I cried my voice came to God and he heard me in the day of my trouble I sought the Lord my sore ranne and ceased not in the night my soule refused comfort I did thinke vpon God and was troubled I praied and my spirit was full of anguish Selah The like was the estate of the Church making her mone vnto God in Esay O Lord why hast thou made vs to erre from thy waies and hardened our hearts from thy feare Returne for thy seruants sake and for the tribes of thine inheritance IV. Fourthly God graunts his seruants the holy meanes of saluation namely preaching praier sacraments and holds backe the efficacie of his ●pirit for a time In this case they are like the corne field that is plowed sowed with good corne but yet for a time it neuer giues rooting beneath nor so much as a shew of any blade appeares aboue Thus the spouse of Christ whē shee comes into his wine-seller shee falls into a swowne so as shee must be staied with flaggons and comforted with apples because shee is sicke of loue V. Fiftly God giueth his children a strong affection to obey his will but he lets them faile in the act of obedience it selfe like as the prisoner who hath escaped the hand of his gayler hath an affection to runne a thousand miles euery houre but hauing happily his bolts on his legges he can not for his life but goe very softly gauling and cha●ing his flesh and with much griefe falling againe into the handes of his keeper This is it that Paul complaineth of when he saith I delight in the law of God concerning the inner man but I see
Lazarus that he may dippe the tip of his finger in water and coole my tongue And if thou be one which hast care to order thy selfe in speech silence according to gods word oh doe it more For what a shame is it that men with the same tongue wherewith they confesse the faith and religion of Christ should by vaine and vngodly speech vtterly denie the power thereof And for thy better helpe herein I haue penned these few lines following concerning the Gouernment of the tongue Vse them for thy benefit and finding profit thereby giue glorie to God M. D. XCII Decemb. 12. W. Perkins OF THE GOVERNEMENT OF THE TONGVE CHAP. I. Of the generall meanes of ruling the Tongue THE gouernement of the tongue is a vertue pertaining to the holy vsage of the tongue according to GODS word And for the well-ordering of it two things are requisite a pure heart and skill in the language of Canaan The pure heart is most necessary because it is the fountaine of speech and if the fountaine be defiled the streames that issue thence can not be cleane And because the heart of man by nature is a bottomlesse gulfe of iniquitie two things are to be knowne first how it must be made pure then how it is alwaies afterward to be kept pure The way to get a pure heart is this First thou must seriously examine thy life and thy conscience for all thy sinnes past then with a heauie and bleeding heart confesse them to God vtterly condemning thy selfe Thirdly with deepe sighes and groanes of spirit crie vnto heauen to God the father in the name of Christ for pardon I say for pardon of the same sinnes as it were for life and death and that day and night till the Lord send downe from heauen a sweete certificate into thy perplexed conscience by his holy spirit that all thy sinnes are done away Now at the same instant in which pardon shall be graunted God likewise will once againe stretch forth that mightie hand of his whereby he made thee when thou wast not to make thee a new creature to create a new heart in thee to renue a right spirit in thee and to stablish thee by his free spirit For whome he iustifieth them also at the same time he sanctifieth The purified heart appeareth by these signes I. If thou feele thy selfe to be displeased at thine owne infirmities and corruptions and to droope vnder them as men doe vnder bodily sicknesse II. If thou begin to hate and to flie thine owne personall sinnes III. If thou feele a griefe and sorrow after thou hast offended God IV. If thou heartily desire to abstaine from all manner of sinne V. If thou be carefull to auoide all occasions and entisements to euill VI. If thou trauell and doe thine endeauour in euery good thing VII If thou desire and pray to God to wash and rinse thine heart in the blood of Christ. When the heart is pure to keepe it so is the speciall worke of faith which purifieth the heart Faith purifieth the heart by a particular applying of Christ crucified with all his merits Elisha when he went vp and lay vpon the dead child and put his mouth on his mouth and his eyes vpon his eyes and his hands vpon his hands and stretched himselfe vpon him the flesh of the child waxed warme Afterward Elisha rose and spread himselfe vpon him the second time then the child neezed seuen times and opened his eies So must a man by faith euen spread himselfe vpon the crosse of Christ applying handes and feete to his pierced handes and feete his wretched heart to Christs bleeding heart and then he shall feele himselfe warmed by the heat of Gods spirit and sinne from day to day crucified with Christ his dead heart quickened reuiued And this applying which faith maketh is done by a kind of reasoning which faith maketh thus Hath god of his mercie giuen his own sonne to be my Sauiour to shed his blood for me and hath he of his mercie graunted vnto me the pardon of all my sinnes I will therfore endeauour to keepe my heart and my life vnblameable that I doe not offend him hereafter in word or deede as I haue done heretofore The language of Canaan is whereby a man endued with the spirit of adoption vnfainedly calleth vpon the name of God in Christ and so consequently doth as it were familiarly talke and speake with God This language must needes be learned that the tongue may be well gouerned For man must first be able to talke with God before he can be able wisely to talke with man For this cause when men are to haue communication one with another they are first of all to bee carefull that they often make their praiers to God that hee would guide and blesse them in their speeches as Dauid did Set a watch O Lord before my mouth and keepe the doore of my lippes And againe O Lord open thou my lippes and my mouth shall shewe forth thy praise Where we may see that the mouth is as it were locked vp from speaking any good thing vntill the Lord open it And Paul hauing the gift of ordering his tongue in wonderful measure yet desireth the Ephesians to pray for him that vtterance might be giuē him and good reason because God ruleth the tongue CHAP. II. Of the matter of our speech THe gouernment of the tongue containeth two partes holy speech and holy silence In holy speech must be cōsidered the matter of our speech and the manner The matter is commonly one of these three either God our neighbour or our selues As concerning God this caueat must be remembred that the honourable titles of his glorious Maiestie be neuer taken into our mouthes vnlesse it bee vpon a weightie and iust occasion so as wee may plainely see that glorie will redound to him thereby and for this cause the third commandement was giuen that men might not take vp the name of God in vaine that is rashly and lightly And therefore lamentable and fearefull is the practise euerie where For it is a common thing with men to beginne their speech and to place titles of Gods most high Maiestie in the fore-front almost of euery sentence by saying O Lord O God! O good God! O mercifull God! O Iesu O Christ c. If a mā be to say any thing he will not say Yea or Nay but O Lord yea or O Lord nay If a man be to reprooue his inferiour he will presently say O Lord haue mercy on vs what a slowbacke art thou what a lie is this c. An earthly Prince if hee should haue his name so tossed in our mouthes at euery worde would neuer beare it and how shall the euerliuing God suffer it nay how can hee suffer it I say no more but thou with thy selfe thinke how for in the third commandement the punishment is set down That he will
all things were cheape 20 That drinking and bezeling in the alehouse or tauerne is good felowship and shewes a good kind nature and maintaines neighbourhoode 21 That a man may sweare by the Masse because it is nothing now and by r Ladie because shee is gone out of the countrie 22 That euery man must be for himselfe and God for vs all 23 That a man may make of his owne whatsoeuer he can 24 That if a man remember to say his praiers in the morning though h● neuer vnderstand them he hath blessed himselfe for all the day following 25 That a man praieth when he saith the ten Command●ments 26 That a man eates his maker in the Sacrament 27 That if a man be no adulterer no thiefe nor murderer and doe no man harme he is a right honest man 28 That a man neede not haue any knowledge of Religion because he is not booke-learned 29 That one may haue a good meaning when he saith and doth that which is euill 30 That a man may goe to wizards called wisemen for counsell because God hath prouided a salue for euery sore 31 That ye are to be excused in all your doings because the best men are sinners 32 That ye haue so strong a faith in Christ that no euill companie can hurt you These and such like sayings what argue they but your grosse ignorance Now where ignorance raigneth there raignes sinne and where sinne raignes there the deuill rules and where he rules man are in a damnable case Ye will replie vnto me thus that ye are not so bad I would make you if neede be you can say the Creede the Lords prayer and the ten Commandements and therefore ye will be of Gods beleefe say all men what they will and you defie the deuill from yours hearts I answer againe that it is not sufficient to say all these without booke vnlesse ye can vnderstand the meaning of the words and be able to make a right vse of the Commandements of the Creede of the Lords prayer by applying them inwardly to your hearts and consciences and outwardly to your liues and conuersations This is the very point in which ye faile And for an helpe in this your ignorance to bring you to true knowledge vnfained faith and sound repentance here I haue set downe the principall point of Christian religion in sixe plaine and easie rules euen such as the simplest may easily learne and hereunto is adioyned an exposition of them word by word If ye doe want other good direction then vse this my labour for your instruction In reading of it first learne the sixe principles and when ye haue them without the booke and the meaning of them withall then learne the exposition also which beeing well conceiued and in some measure felt in the heart ye shall be able to profit by Sermons whereas now ye cannot and the ordinarie parts of the Catechisme namely the ten Commaundements the Creede the Lords prayer and the institution of the two Sacraments shall more easily be vnderstood Thine in Christ Iesus William Perkins The foundation of Christian religion gathered into sixe Principles The first Principle Question VVHat doest thou beleeue concerning God A. There is one God creator and gouernour of all things distinguished into the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost Prooues out of the word of God 1. There is a God For the invisible things of him that is his eternall power and Godhead are seene by the creation of the world beeing considered in his workes to the intent that they should be without excuse Neuerthelesse he left not himselfe without witnesse in that he did good and gaue vs raine from heauen and fruitful seasons filling our hearts with food and gladnes 2. This God one Concerning therefore meat sacrificed to idols we knowe that an idol is nothing in the worlde and that there is none other God but one 3. He is creatour of all things In the beginning God created the heauen and the earth Through faith wee vnderstand that the world was ordained by the word of God so that the things which we see are not made of things which did appeare 4. He is gouernour of all things The eies of the Lord in euery place behold the euill and the good Yea and all the haires of your head are numbred 5. Distinguished into the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost And Iesus when he was baptized came straight out of the water and loe the heauens were opened vnto him and Iohn sawe the spirit of God descending like a Doue and lighting vpon him And loe a voice came from heauen saying This is my beloued sonne in whome I am well pleased For there are three which beare record in heauen the Father the word and the holy Ghost and these three are one The second Principle Q. What dost thou beleeue cōcerning man cōcerning thine own selfe A. All men are wholly corrupted with sinne through Adams fall and so are become slaues of Sathan and guiltie of eternall damnation 1. All men are corrupted with sinne As it is written there is none righteous no not one 2. They are wholly corrupted Nowe the very God of peace sanctifie you throughout and I pray God that your whole spirit and soule and bodie may be kept blamelesse vnto the comming of our Lord Iesus Christ. This I say therefore and testifie in the Lord that ye henceforth walke not as other Gentiles walke in vanitie of their minde Hauing their cogitation darkened and beeing strangers from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them because of the hardnesse of their heart When the Lord sawe that the wickednesse of man was great in the earth and all the imaginations of the thoughts of his heart were onely euill continually 3. Through Adams fall Wherefore as by one man sinne entred into the worlde and death by sinne and so death went went ouer all men for so much as all men haue sinned 4. And so are become slaues of Sathan Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of the worlde and after the prince that ruleth in the aire euen the spirit that nowe worketh in the children of disobedience For as much then as the children were partakers of flesh and blood he also himselfe likewise tooke part with them that hee might destroy through death him that had the power of death that is the deuill In whome the God of this world hath blinded the mindes that is of Infidels that the light of the glorious Gospell of Christ which is the image of God should not shine vnto them 5. And guiltie of eternall damnation For as many as are of the workes of the Lawe are vnder the curse for it is written Cursed is euery man that continueth not in all things which are written in the booke of the Lawe to doe them Likewise then as by the offence of
you God is able of these stones to raise vp children to Abraham Philip. 3. 21. According to the working whereby he is able to subdue euen all things vnto himselfe Gods actuall power is that by which he causeth all things to be which he freely will Psal. 135. 6. All things which God will those he doth in heauen and in earth and in all depths CHAP. 5. Of Gods glorie and blessednesse OVt of the former attributes by which the true Iehouah is distinguished from a fained god and from idols arise the glorie of God and his blessednesse Gods glorie or maiestie is the infinite excellencie of his most simple and most holy diuine Nature Hebr. 1.3 Who beeing the brightnesse of his glorie and the ingraued forme of his person c. Dan. 3. Thou art onely God and glorious vpon the earth By this we see that God onely can know himselfe perfectly Ioh. 6.46 Not that any mā hath seene the Father saue he which is of God he hath seen the Father 1. Tim. 6. 16. Who onely hath immortalitie and dwelleth in the light that none can attaine vnto whom neuer man saw neither can see Exod. 33.18 Thou canst not see my face Notwithstanding there is a certaine manifestation of gods glorie partly more obscure partly more apparant The more obscure manifestation is the vision of Gods maiestie in this life by the eies of the mind through the help of things perceiued by the outward senses Esa. 6.1 I saw the Lord sitting vppon an high throne and lifted vp and the lower parts thereof filled the temple Exod. ●3 22 And while my glorie passeth by I will put thee in a cleft of the rocke and will couer thee with my hand whiles I passe by after I will take away mine hand and thou shalt see my backe parts but my face shall not be seene 1. Cor. 13. 12. Nowe we se as through a glasse darkely The more apparant manifestation of God is the contemplation of him in heauen face to face 1. Corinth 13. 12. But then shall we see face to face Dan. 7. 9 10. I beheld till the thrones were set vp and the ancient of daies did fit whose garment was white as snow c. Matth. 19.16 Gods blessednes is that by which God is in himselfe and of himselfe all sufficient Gen. 17.1 I am God all sufficient walke before me and be thou vpright Col. 2.2.9 For in him dwelleth all the fulnesse of the godhead bodily 1. Tim. 6.5 Which in due time he shall shew that is blessed and Prince onely c. CHAP. 5. Concerning the persons of the Godhead THe persons are they which subsisting in one Godhead are distinguished by incommunicable properties 1. Ioh. 5.7 There are three that beare record in heauen the Father the Word and the holy Ghost and these three are one Gen. 19.24 Then Iehouah raigned vpon Sodom and vpon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from Iehouah in heauen Ioh. 1.1 In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and that Word was God They therefore are coequall and are distinguished not by degree but by order The Constitution of a person is when as a personall proprietie or the proper manner of subsisting is adioyned to the Dietie or one diuine nature Distinction of persons is that which albeit euery person is one and the same perfect God yet the Father is not the Sonne or the holy Ghost but the Father alone and the holy Ghost is not the Father or the Sonne but the holy Ghost alone neither can they be deuided by reason of the infinitnesse of their most simple essence which is all one in number and the same in the Father the same in the Sonne and the same in the holy Ghost so that in these there is diuersitie of persons but vnitie in essence The communion of the persons or rather vnion is that by which each one is in the rest and with the rest by reason of the vnitie of the Godhead therfore euerie each one doth possesse loue and glorifie another and worke the same thing Ioh. 4.10 Beleeuest thou not that I am in the Father and the Father is in me the wordes that I spake vnto you I speake not of my selfe but the father that dwelleth in me he doth the workes Prov. 8.22 The Lord hath possessed me in the beginning of his way I was before the works of old And vers 20. Them was I with him as a nourisher and I was daily his delight reioicing alwaie before him Ioh. 1. 1. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and that Word was God and chap. 5.19 The Sonne can doe nothing of himselfe saue that he seeth the Father do for whatsoeuer things he doth the same doth the Sonne also There be three persons the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost Matth. 3.16.17 And Iesus when hee was baptized came straight out of the water and lo the heauens were opened vnto him and Iohn saw the Spirit of God descending like a doue and lighting vpon him and loe a voyce came from heauen saying This is my belooued sonne in whome I am well pleased The father is a person without beginning who from all eternitie begate the Sonne Heb. 1.3 Who being the brightnes of the glorie and the ingraued forme of his person Psal. 2.7 Thou art my Sonne this day haue I begotten thee In the generation of the Sonne these properties must be noted I. Hee that begetteth and he that is begotten are togither and not one before another in time II. He that begetteth doth communicate with him that is begotten not some one part but his whole essence III. The Father begot the Sonne not out of himselfe but within in himselfe The incommunicable propertie of the Father is to be vnbegotten to be a Father and to beget He is the beginning of actions because he beginneth euery action of himselfe effecting it by the Sonne and the holy Ghost 1. Cor. 8.6 Yet vnto vs there is but one God which is the Father of whome are all things and we in him and one Lord Iesus Christ by whome are all things and wee by him Rom. 11. ●6 For of him and through him and for him are all things The other two persons haue the Godhead or the whole diuine essence of the Father by communication namely the Sonne and the holy Ghost The Sonne is the second person begotten of the Father from all eternitie Heb. 1.5 For vnto which of the Angels said be at any time Thou art my Sonne this day begat I thee Col. 1.15 Who is the image of the inuisible God the first borne of euery creatur● Ioh. 1.14 And we saw the glory thereof as the glory of the only begotten sonne of the father Rom. 8.32 He who spared not his owne sonne For this cause he is said to be sent from the father Ioh. 8.42 I proceeded forth and came from God neither came I of my selfe but he sent me This sending taketh not
shall come as ye haue seene him goe into heauen Eph. 4.10 He ascended farre aboue all the heauens The end of Christs ascens●on was that he might prepare a place for the faithfull giue them the holy ghost and their eternall glorie Ioh. 14.2 In my fathers house are many mansions if it were not so I would haue told you I goe to prepare a place for you c. 16.7 If I goe not away the Comforter will not come vnto you but if I depart I will send him vnto you III. His sitting at the right hand of God the father which metaphorically signifieth that Christ hath in the highest heauens actually all glorie power dominion Heb. 1.3 By himselfe he hath purged our sinnes and sitteth at the right hand of the maiestie in the highest places Psal. 110.1 The Lord said to my Lord sit thou at my right hand till I make thine enimies thy footstoole 1. Cor. 15.25 Hee must raigne till he hath put all his enemies vnder his feete Act. 7.55 He being full of the holy Ghost looked stedfastly into heauen and sawe the glory of God and Iesus standing at the right hand of God Mark 20.22 His regall office hath two parts The first is his regiment of the kingdome of heauen part whereof is in heauen part vpon the earth namely the congregation of the faithfull In the gouernment of his Church hee exerciseth two prerogatiues royall The first is to make lawes Iames 4.12 There is one Lawgiuer which is able to saue and to destroy The second is to ordaine his ministers Eph. 4.11 He gaue some to be Apostles others Prophets others Evangelists some Pastours and teachers c. 1. Cor. 12.28 God hath ordained some in the Church as first Apostles secondly Prophets thirdly teachers then them that doe miracles after that the gifts of healing helpers gouernours diuersitie of tongues Christs gouernment of the Church is either his collection of it out of the world or conseruation being collected Eph. 4.12 Psal. 10. The second part of his Regall office is the destruction of the kingdome of darknes Col. 1.13 Who hath deliuered vs from the kingdome of darknes Psal. 2.9 Thou shalt crus● them with a scepter of yron and breake them in pieces like a potters vessell Luk. 19.27 Those mine enimies that would not that I should raigne ouer them bring hither and slay them before me The kingdome of darkenesse is the whole company of Christs enemies The prince of this kingdome and of all the members thereof is the diuell Eph. 2.2 Ye walked once according to the counsell of the world and after the prince that ruleth in the aire enen the prince that nowe worketh in the children of disobedience 2. Cor. 4.4 The God of this world hath blinded the eies of the infidels 2. Cor. 6.15 What concord hath Christ with Belial or what part hath the beleeuer with the infidel The members of this kingdome and subiects to Satan are his angels and vnbeleeuers among whome the principall members are Atheistes who say in their heart there is no God Psal. 14.1 And Magitians who bargaine with the diuell to accomplish their desires 1. Sam. 28.7 Psal. 58.5 Idolatours who either ador● false Gods or the true God in an idol 1. Cor. 10.7.20 Turkes and Iewes are of this bunch so are Heretiks who are such as erre with pertinacie in the foundation of religion 2. Tim. 2. 18. Apostates or reuolters from faith in Christ Iesus Heb. 6.6 False Christs who b●are men in hand they are true Christs Matth. 24.26 There were many such about the time of our Sauiour Christ his first comming as Iosephus witnesseth book 20. of Iewish antiquities the 11,12 14. chapters Lastly that Antichtist who as it is now apparant can be none other but the Pope of Rome 2. Thess. 2.3 Let no man deceiue you by any meanes for that day shall not come except there come a departing first and that that man of sinne bee disclosed euen the sonne of perdition which is an aduersarie and exalteth himselfe against all that is called God or that is worshipped so that he doth sit as God in the temple of God shewing himselfe that he is God Reuel 13.11 And I beheld another beast comming out of the earth which had two hornes like the Lambe but he spake like the dragon And he did all that the first beast could doe before him and he caused the earth and them that dwell threin to worship the beast whose deadly wound was healed There were then first Antichristes at Rome when the Bishops thereof would be entitled Vniuersall or supreame gouernours of the whole world but then were they complete when they togither with Ecclesiasticall censure vsurped ciuill authoritie After that Christ hath subdued all his enemies these two things shall ensue I. The surrendering ouer of his kingdome to God the Father as concerning the regiment for at that time shal cease both that ciuil regiment and spirituall policie consisting in word and spirit together II. The subiection of Christ onely in regard of his humanity the which then is when the Sonne of God shall most fully manifest his maiestie which before was obscured by the flesh as a vaile so that the same flesh remaining both glorious vnited to the Sonne of God may by infinite degrees appeare inferiour We may not therefore imagine that the subiection of Christ consisteth in diminishing the glorie of the humanitie but in manifesting most fully the maiestie of the Word CHAP. 19. CONCERNING THE OVTWARD MEANES of executing the decree of election and of the Decalogue AFter the foundation of Election which hath hitherto beene deliuered it followeth that we should intreat of the outward meanes of the same The meanes are Gods Couenant and the seale therof Gods couenant is his contract with man concerning life eternall vpon certaine conditions This couenant consisteth of two parts Gods promise to man Mans promise to God Gods promise to man is that whereby he bindeth himselfe to man to bee his God if he breake not the condition Mans promise to God is that whereby he voweth his allegiance vnto his Lo●d and to performe the condition betweene them Againe there are two kindes of this couenant The couenant of workes the couenant of grace Ierm 31 3●.42.43 Behold the daies come saith the Lord that I will make a now cou●nant with the house of Israel and with the house of Iudah not a●cording to the couenant I made with their fathers when I tocke them ●y the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt the which my couenant they brake al●hough I was an husband to them saith the Lord. But this shall be the couenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those daies saith the Lord I will put my law in their inward parts and write it in their hearts and will be their God and they shall be my people The couenant of works is Gods couenant made with condition of perfect obedience and
L Labour commanded 88 Labourers must be paid 74,91 Law of God morall 36 the Lawe can not be fulfilled in this life 160 vse of the Law 101 vse of it in the regenerate 102 Church Lawes by Christ. 33 Lawe 95 Lawyers sinne 91 Leagues which are lawfull 78 Leagues with infidels 79 Leagues with the godly 54 Lenitie in correction 72 Lending freely 94 Life vnoffensiue 81 vnordinate 88 long Life promised to children 67 Lordships distinguished 23 Lottes 56 Loue of God 39,41 markes of it 40 Loue of God in Christ. 113 Loue of the creature more then god 41 the Lords supper 111 Lower roome at table 87 Lying 54,96 Lucke good and bad 56 Lust of heart 82 Lutherans consubstantiation 112 M Madnes a punishment of sinne 23 Magistrates fathers 66 Magistrates winking at sinne 21 Magistrates to be obeyed 68 Magicke 49 Magitians 35,41,49 Magitians not to be sought vnto 51 Malice 95 Man and wife abusing their libertie 84 Mans creation with circumstances 12 13 created mutable 13 his fall 15 Man Gods image 45,56 pleasures with Men. 82 Manichees condemned 41 Mariage to be sanctified with praier 60 Mariage without parents consent 71 with infidels 46 Marie Christs mother continued a virgine 27 Marcion 41 Martyrdome 139 Marchandise solde to an idolatrous vse 46 Masse may not be heard 45 Mayming of the bodie 74 Meditation of the creation on the Sabbath 65 Meditation of Christs passion 31 Meditation in the promises of the Gospel 118 Meanes of Gods worship 52 Members of Christ. 116 Gods mercie aboue his iustice 44 Merit of congruitie 154 of condignitie 161 the Minde corrupted 17 MINISTERS fathers 66 Ministers sinnes 21 Ministers dutie 52 Mirth at meate 87 Miseries of our neighbour 77 Modestie 85 Monasticall vowes 47 Monkes 91 Monuments of idolatrie 46 Mortification 124 Mourning 80 Mother what 67 Mothers must nurse their owne children 72 Musicke lawfull 81 Musicke in Churches 47 Murder vnpardonable 75 N Naamans worship in the Temple of Rimmon 45 Name of God 54 good Name 99 Necromancie 50 Neglect of Gods seruice 48 Neighbours who and how to be loued 66,74 Non-residencie reprooued by scripture and councels 76,77 Notions of the minde 17 O Obedience to god how measured by him 48 Obedience to superiours 69 Obedience to the law 20 euangelicall Obedience 129 Occasiōs of strife how ministred 76 Offences against superiours 71 equalls 72 inferiours 72,77 Old men fathers 67 Operation of God 9 Oppression 89 Originall sinne 17 not taken away by baptisme 152 Outward actuall sinne 20 Originall sinne deserueth death 173 Othes 59 lawfull ibid. vnlawfull ibid. P Particular perswasion of saluation 119 Paines in childbirth 23 a Punishment for sinne 23 Parents how said to be holy 108 Parents prolong their childrens life 67 Patience in perils 39 Patience with preseruatiues 137 Peace of God 148 Perfection of sinne 21 Permission of euill 14 Periurie 5 Peoples dutie in Gods seruice 52 petition 60 Peters fall 22 Pirats 91 philosophie 81 phisicke 81 pictures 44 plague 81 plaies 85 Pledges to be restored 75,90 to be redeemed 93 strange Pleasures 82 pollution 197 pollution by night 84 the Pope Antichrist 35 Popish superstitions 47,58 popish fasting 48 popish traditions 48 power of the law 102 of Christs death 126 preaching of the Gospel an image of Christ. 45 it begetteth faith 33 praier 138 praiers of the faithful 139 to creatures 49 a meanes to sanctifie Gods creatures 60 praiers on particular occasions 60 praising of God in heauen 145 Predestination 10,167 it is both of the Elect and reprobate 149 immutable 150 not by foreseene workes in man 172 it may be knowne 177 what it is to the Papists 146 Predestination applied 176 preseruatiues against assaults of temptation 131 vocation 131 faith 132 sanctification 134 presumption 22,42 pride 42 promises of God and man 36 promises must be kept 94 pronenesse to diseases a punishment 22 pronouncing vniust sentence 96 propagation of sinne 17 profession of God commanded 39 138 processions 45 prognostications 56 prophesies 50 prophanations of sabbaths 64 punishments of sinne 22 punishments inflicted by superiours to be borne 69 punishments how to be inflicted 70 Q Quarrellings 74 R Railings forbidden 74 Raising of prises in wares 89 Remission of sinnes 122 reioycing at our neighbors good 77 Rebaptizing 110 Rebellion inward 20 Recreation 81 Relikes of idols vnlawfull 46 Reliefe of such as are godly 140 Remember what it signifieth 61 Representing of God in an image 44 Reprobates 165 how farre they may go in godlines 164 Reprobates may know the lord 165 haue temporary faith 165 a tast of the heauenly gifts ibid. outward holines ibid. their falling from God ibid. death 175 condemnation ibid. estate in hell 176 Reprobation 163 Reprobate sense 17 Reuerence to superiours with many branches 68 Reuenge 74 Restitution 89,94 Repentance 129 howe in Reprobates 165 howe in God 2 Resurrection 143 Reading sometimes begetteth faith 103 to rise early on the Sabbath 63 Rogues 91 Robberies ibid. the Romish Hierarchie 48 Rules for the communion of properties 7,26 Rules for vowes 52 Rules for equalitie in contracts 93 Rules for the interpretation of the decalogue 37 Rules for such as would be saued 103 S Sabellius condemned 41 Sabbath commanded in Paradice 63 Sabbath 61 how sanctified 63 how morall and ceremoniall 63,64 why changed 64 a Sabbath daies worke 62 preparation to the Sabbath 64 how prophaned 65 Sacraments 104 how necessarie 107 Sacrifice and Sacrament differ 107 Saluation 146,171 Saluation according to the Church of Rome 146 Saints not to be praied for 49 Samuel raised vp not true Samuel 50,51 Sanctuaries 76 to Sanctifie what 61 Sanctification of Gods creatures 60 Sanctification with the effects thereof 124 Satans shifts to cause infidelitie 132 Satan Gods ape 50 his Sacraments 50 Scandals 76 Scriptures only expoūded by Christ. 34 Serpents head bruised 171 Second causes are not frustrate by Gods decree 8 Securitie 20,42 Seruice of God in heauen 145 Sellers sinne 89 Seruants eie seruice 72 Shame of nakednes a punishment 22 Shooting 81 Signes in the sacraments 105 Sinne what 13 mortall Sinne. 160 why it raigneth in man 102 one Sinne forgiuen all forgiuen 134 Sinne corrupteth onely faculties 17 Sinnes of omission and commission 20 Sinne against the holy ghost 22,166 Sixe daies to worke 62 Single life 87 Sobrietie 86 Soule punished 23 Sorrow for sinne 136 Societie with infidels 46 Soules in heauen 142 Southsaying 50 christian Souldier 129 Spirit of slumber 18 Spirituall drunkennes ibid. Sports on the Sabbath 65 Starres what force they haue 57 Stealing 88 Step-parents to be honoured 66 Strangers not to be iniuried 78,80 the Sting of death 142 Subiect to satan 35 Subiection to Satan a punishment 23 Suretiship 94 Suites in law 47 Supremacie in the Pope a note of Antichrist 35 Superstition 56 Suspitions 96 Superiours dutie to inferiours 70 Superiours to be reuerenced 67 they must speake first 68 Subiects are freed from their allegiance to their prince by the Pope 72 Swearing any way 55 T
euen in the very heauens is turned vpside downe The fourth signe is the rending of the vaile of the temple from the top to the bottome The temple was deuided into two parts the one more inward into which no man might come but the high priest and that once a yeare and it was called the holy of holies the other was that where the people came and offered sacrifices vnto the Lord. Nowe that which parted the temple into these two parts was called the vaile at the time of Christs passion it was rent from the toppe to the very bottome This hath diuers vses I. The holy of holies signified the third heauen where God sheweth himselfe in glory and maiestie vnto his Saints and the rending of the vaile sigureth vnto vs that by the death of Christ heauen which was otherwise shut by our sinnes is now set open and a way made to enter thereto II. It signifieth that by the death of Christ we haue without impediment free accesse to come vnto God the father by earnest praier in the name of Christ which is a most vnspeakable benefit III. It signifieth that by Christs death an end is put to all ceremonies to ceremoniall worship and the sacrifices of the old testament and that therefore in the newe testament there remaineth one onely reall and outward sacrifice that is Christ crucified on the crosse and the whole seruice and worship of God for outward ceremonies most simple and plaine IV. The temple was the chiefe and one of the most principal prerogatiues that the Iewes had it was their glorie that they had such a place wherein they might worship and doe seruice to the true God and for the temples sake God often spared them and therefore Daniel praieth O Lord heare the praier of thy seruant and his supplication and cause thy face to shine vpon the sanctuarie that lieth wast for the Lords sake Yet for all this when they began to crucifie the Lord of life their prerogatiues helpes them not nay they are depriued thereof and God euen with his owne hand rendes the vaile of the temple in sunder signifying vnto them that if they forsake him he will also forsake them And so may we say of the church of England No doubt for the gospels sake we haue outward peace and safetie and many other blessings and are in account with other nations yet if we make no conscience to obey the word of God if we haue no loue of Christ and his members God wil at length remooue his candlesticke from vs and vtterly depriue vs of this ornament of the Gospell and make our land as odious vnto all the world as the land of the Iewes is at this day Let vs therfore with all care and diligence shewe forth our loue both to Christ himselfe and to his members and adorne the gospell which wee professe by bringing forth fruits worthy of it The fifth signe is the earthquake whereby hard rockes were clouen a sunder And it serues very fitly to signifie further vnto vs that the sinne of the Iewes in putting Christ to death was so heauie a burden that the earth could not beare it but trēbled thereat though the Iewes themselues made no bones of it And it is a thing to be wondred at that the earth doeth not often in these daies tremble and quake at the monstrous blasphemies and feareful othes by the wounds and blood and heart of Christ whereby his members are rent asunder and he traiterously crucified againe Secondly the earthquake shewes vnto vs the exceeding and wonderfull hardnes of the hearts of the Iewes and ours also they crucified Christ and were not touched with any remorse and wee can talke and heare of his death yea we can say hee was crucified for our sinnes and yet are we nothing affected therewith our hearts will not rende when as hard rockes cleaue asunder Thirdly the moouing of the ea●th and the rending of the rockes asunder may be a signe vnto vs of the vertue of the doctrine of the gospel of Christ which is nothing els but the publishing of the passion of his death which being preached shall shake heauen and earth sea and land It shall mooue the earthen hard and rockie hearts of men and raise vp of meere stones and rockes children vnto Abraham But the maine vse and ende of this point is to prooue that he that was crucified was the true Messias the sonne of God and therefore had the power of heauen and earth and could mooue all things at his pleasure The sixt signe of the power of Christ is that graues did open many bodies of the Saints which slept arose and came out of their graues after his resurrectiō and went into the holy citie and appeared vnto many The vse of this signe is this it signifies vnto vs that Christ by his death vpon the crosse did vanquish death in the graue and opened it● and thereby testified that hee was the resurrection and the life so that it shall not haue euerlasting dominion ouer vs but that he will raise vs vp from death to life and to euerlasting glorie The seuenth signe is the testimonie of the Centurion with his souldiours which stood by to see Christ executed S. Marke saith when he sawe that Christ thus crying gaue vp the ghost he said truely this was the sonne of God Thus wee see it is an easie matter for Christ to defend his owne cause let Iudas betray him Peter denie him and all the rest forsake him yet he can if it so please him make the Centurion that standeth by to see him executed to testify of his innocency But what was the occasion that mooued him to giue so worthie a testimonie S. Matthew saith it was feare and that feare was caused by hearing the loud crie of Christ and by seeing the earthquake things which were done And this must put vs in minde not to passe by Gods iudgements which daily fall out in the world but take knowledge of them and as it were to fixe both our eyes on them For they are notable meanes to strike and astonish the rebellious heart of man and to bring it in awe and subiection to God After that the two first captaines with their fifties commanding the Prophet Elias to come downe to king Achaziah were consumed with fire from heauen the king sent his third captain ouer fiftie with his fiftie to fetch him down but what doth he it is said he fell on his knee before Eliah and besought him saying O man of God I pray thee let my life and the liues of these fiftie seruants be pretious in thine eyes But what was the cause why he praied thus Surely he obserued what iudgements of God fell vpon his two former fellow captaines Behold saith he there came downe fire from heauen and deuoured the two former captaines with their fifties therefore let my life be pretious now in
intercession his satisfaction is applied to our persons and by consequent the defect of our workes is couered and remooued and they are approued of God the father In a vision Saint Iohn saw an angel standing before the altar with a golden censer full of sweete odours to offer vp with the praiers of the Saints vpon the same And this signifies that Christ presents our workes before the throne of God and by his intercession sanctifies them that they may be acceptable to God And therefore we must remember that when we doe any thing that is accepted of God it is not for our sakes but by reason of the value and vigour of Christ his merit Fourthly the intercession of Christ made in heauen breedeth and causeth in the hearts of men vpon earth that beleeue another intercession of the spirit as Paul saith He giueth vs his spirit which helpeth our infirmities and maketh request for vs with sighes which can not be expressed but he which searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the meaning of the spirit for he maketh request for the Saints according to the will of God Now the spirit is said to make request in that it stirres and mooues euery contrite heart to pray with sighes and grones vnspeakable to God for things needfull and this grace is a fruit deriued from the intercession of Christ in heauen by the operation of the spirit For as the Sunne though the bodie of it abide in the heauens yet the beames of it descend to vs that are on earth So the intercession of Christ made in heauen is tied as it were to his person alone yet the grones and desires of the touched heart as the beames thereof are here on earth among the faithfull And therefore if we desire to know whether Christ make intercession for vs or no we neede not to ascend vp into the heauens to learne the truth but we must descend into our owne hearts and looke whether Christ haue giuen vs his spirit which makes vs crie vnto God make request to him with grones sighes that can not be expressed and if we finde this in our hearts it is an euident and infallible signe that Christ continually makes intercession for vs in heauen He that would know whether the Sunne shine in the firmament must not clime vp into the cloudes to looke but search for the beames thereof vpon the earth which when he sees he may conclude that the sunne shines in the firmament And if we would know whether Christ in heauen makes intercession for vs let vs ransacke our owne consciences and there make search whether we feele the spirit of Christ crying in vs Abba Father As for those that neuer feele this worke of Gods spirit in them their case is miserable whatsoeuer they be For Christ as yet makes no intercession for them considering these two alwaies go togither his intercession in heauen and the worke of his spirit in the hearts of men moouing them to bewaile their owne sinnes with sighes and grones that cannot be expressed and to crie and to pray vnto God for grace and therfore all such whether they be yong or old that neuer could pray but mumble vp a few words for fashions sake can not assure themselues to haue any part in Christs intercession in heauen The duties to be learned hence are these First whereas Christ makes intercession for vs it teacheth all men to be most carefull to loue and like this blessed Mediatour and to be readie and willing to become his seruants and disciples and that not for forme and fashion sake onely but in all truth and sinceritie of heart For he ascended to heauen and there sits at the right hand of his father to make request for vs that we might be deliuered from hell and come to eternall life Wicked Haman procured letters from king Ahashuerosh for the destruction of all the Iewes men women and children in his dominions this done Hester the Queene makes request to the king that her people might be saued and the letters of Haman reuoked shee obtaines her request and freedome was giuen and contrarie letters of ioyfull deliuerance were sent in post hast to all prouinces where the Iewes were Whereupon arose a wonderfull ioy and gladnes among the Iewes and it is saide that thereupon many of the people of the land became Iewes Well now behold a greater matter among vs then this for there is the hand-writing of condemnation the law and therein the sentence of a double death of bodie and soule and Satan as wicked Haman accuseth vs and seekes by all meanes our condemnation but yet behold not any earthly Hester but Christ Iesus the sonne of God is come downe from heauen and hath taken away this hand-writing of condemnation and cancelled it vpon the crosse and is now ascended into heauen and there sits at the right hand of his father and makes request for vs and in him his father is well pleased and yeeldeth to his request in our behalfe Now then what must we doe in this case Surely looke as the Persians became Iewes when they heard of their safetie so we in life and conuersation must become Christians turne to Christ imbrace his doctrine and practise the same vnfainedly And we must not content our selues with a formall profession of religion but search our owne hearts and flie vnto Christ for the pardon of our sinnes and that earnestly as for life and death as the thiefe doth at the barre when the iudge is giuing sentence against him When we shall thus humble our selues then Christ Iesus that sit at the right hand of God will plead our cause and be our atturney vnto his father and his father againe will accept of his request in our behalfe Then shall we of Persians become Iewes and of the children of this world become the sonnes of God Secondly when we pray to God we must not doe as the blinde man doth as it were rush vpon God in praying to him without consideration had to the Mediatonr between vs and him but we alwaies must direct our prayers to God in the name of Christ for he is aduanced to power and glorie in heauen that he might be a fit patrone for vs who might preferre and present our praiers to God the father that thereby they might be accepted and we might obtaine our request So likewise we must giue thanks to God in the name of Christ for in him and for his sake God doth bestow on vs his blessings Thus much of Christs intercession the other benefit which concernes Christ kingly office is that he sits at the right hand of his father for the administration of that speciall kingdome which is committed to him I say speciall because he is our king not onely by the right creation gouerning all things created togither with the father and the holy Ghost but also more specially by the right of redemption in respect of another kingdome not
loue In these daies it is hard to finde these duties performed in any place For both practise and prouerb is commonly this Euery man for himselfe and God for vs all but it is a graceles saying and the contrarie must be practised of all that desire to be guided by the spirit The seuenth fruit is faith Faith or fidelitie standeth in these two duties One to make conscience of a lie and to speake euery thing whereof we speake as we thinke it is and not to speake one thing and thinke an other A rare thing it is to finde this vertue in the world now adaies who is he that maketh conscience of a lie and is not truth banished out of our coasts considering that for gaines and outward commodities men make no bones of glosing and dissembling but alas the practise is damnable and the contrarie is the fruit of the holy Ghost namely to speake the truth from the heart he that can doe this by the testimonie of God himselfe shall rest in the mountaine of his holines euen in the kingdome of heauen The second point wherein fidelitie consisteth is when a man hath made a promise that is lawfull and good to keepe and performe the same Some thinke it is a small matter to breake promise but indeede it is a fruit of the flesh and contrariwise a fruit of the spirit to performe a lawfull promise and a mans word should be as sure as an obligation and in conscience a man is bound to keepe promise so farre forth as he will to whome the promise is made Indeede if a man be released of his promise he is then free otherwise if we promise and doe not performe we doe not onely cracke our credit before men but also sinne before God The eight fruit of the spirit is meekenesse which is a notable grace of God when a man prouoked by iniuries doth neither intend nor enterprise the requitall of the same And it stands in three duties The first is to interpret the sayings and doings of other men in better part as much as possibly may be The second when men mistake and misconsture our sayings and doings if the matter be of smaller moment to be silent patient as Christ was when he was accused before the high priests Pharises this being withal remembred that if the matter be of weight and moment we may defend our selues by soft and mild answers The third is not to contend in word or deed with any man but when we are to deale with others to speake our minde and so an ende The last fruit of the spirit is temperance whereby a man bridleth his appetite or lust in meate drinke and apparell In bridling the lust these rules must be obserued I. Eating and drinking must be ioyned with continuall fasting after this manner We must not glut our selues but rather abstaine from that which nature desireth and as some vse to speake leaue our stomackes crauing II. A man must so eate and drinke as afterward he may the better be inabled for Gods worship Creatures are abused when they make vs vnfit to serue God The common fault is on the Sabbath day men so pamper themselues as that they are made vnfit both to heare and learne Gods word and fitte for nothing but to slumber and sleepe but following this rule of temperance these faults shall be amended III. This must be a caueat in our apparell that we be attired according to our callings in holy comelinesse The Lord hath threatned to visit all those that are cloathed in strange apparrell And holy comelinesse is this when the apparell is both for fashion and matter so made and worne that it may expresse shew forth the graces of God in the heart as sobrietie temperance grauitie c. and the beholder may take occasion by the apparell to acknowledge and commend these vertues But lamentable is the time looke on men and women in these daies and you may see and read their sinnes written in great letters on their apparell as intemperance pride and wantonnesse Euery day new fashions please the world but indeede that holy comelines which the holy Ghost doth commend to vs is the right fashion when all is done And these are the nine fruits of the spirit which we must put in practise in our liues and conuersations Fourthly if we beleeue in the holy Ghost and thereupon doe perswade our selues that he will dwell in vs we must daily labour as we are commaunded to keepe our vessells in holinesse and honour vnto the Lord and the reason is good If a man be to entertaine but an earthly prince or some man of state he would be sure to haue his house in a readines and all matters in order against his comming so as euery thing might be pleasing vnto so worthy a guest well now behold we put our confidence and affiance in the holy Ghost and doe beleeue that he wil come vnto vs and ●anctifie vs and lodge in our hearts He is higher then all states in the world whatsoeuer and therefore we must looke that our bodies and soules be kept in an honourable and holy manner so as they may be fit temples for him to dwell in S. Paul biddeth vs● not to grieue the holy spirit where the holy Ghost is compared to a guest and ou● bodies and soules vnto Innes and as men vse their guests friendly and courteously shewing vnto them all seruice and dutie so must we doe to Gods spirit which is come to dwell and abide in vs doing nothing in any case which may disquiet or molest him Now there is nothing so grieuous vnto him as our sinnes and therefore we must make conscience of all manner of sinne least by abusing of our selues we doe cause the holy Ghost as it were with greefe to depart from vs. When the arke of the couenant which was a signe of the presence of God was in the house of Obed Edom the text saith that the Lord blessed him and all his house but when the holy Ghost dwels in a mans heart there is more then the arke of the Lord present euen God himselfe and therfore may we looke for a greater blessing Now then shall we grieue the holy Ghost by sinning seeing we reape such benefit by his aboad It is said that our Sauiour Christ was angrie when he came into the temple at Ierusalem and saw the abuses therein Now shall he be angrie for the abuses that are done in a temple of stone and seeing the temples of our bodies which are not made of stone but are spirituall figured by that earthly temple seeing them I say abused by sinne will he not be much more angrie Yea we may assure our selues he can not abide that And therefore if we beleeue in the holy Ghost we must hereupon be mooued to keepe our bodies and soules pure and cleane And further to perswade vs hereunto we must remember this that when
the duties of religion Fifthly hence we haue the protection of Gods angels for they alwaies waite and attend on Christ and because we are made one with him they attend vpon vs also Lastly by reason of this vnion with Christ euery beleeuer commeth to haue interest to recouer his title in the creatures of God and to haue the holy and lawfull vse of them all For we must consider that although Adam created in the image of God was made lord ouer all things in heauen and earth yet when hee fel by eating the forbidden fruite he and in him all mankind lost the title and vse of them all Nowe therefore that a man may recouer his interest he must first of all be vnited and made one with Christ and then by Christ who is Lord and King ouer all shall hee recouer that title in the creatures of God which hee had by creation and be made lord ouer them againe But some will say if this bee so then a Christian man may haue and enioy all creatures at his pleasure and therefore the goods of other men Ans. The reason is not good for in this life we haue no more but right vnto the creature and right in it that is actuall possession is reserued for the life to come Therefore we must content our selues with our allowed portions giuen vnto vs by god by his grace vsing them in holy manner expecting by hope the full fruition of all things till after this life Againe if all title to the creatures be rocouered by Christ it may bee demanded whether infidels haue any interest to their goods or no Ans. Infidels before men are right lords of all their landes and possessions which they haue obtained by lawefull meanes and in the courts of men they are not to be depriued of them but before God they are but vsurpers because they holde them not in capite that is in Christ neither haue they any holy and right vse of them for to the vncleane all things are vncleane And they must first of all become members of Christ before they can hold and enioy● them aright and vse them with good conscience The duties which are to be learned of the doctrine of this vnion are manifolde And first of all we are taught to purge our hands and heartes of all our sinnes and especially to auoid all those sinnes whereby mens bodies are defiled as drunkennesse vncleannes fornication for they driue away the spirit of God from his own house and dissolue the bond of the coniunction between Christ vs. Secondly we must euerie one of vs which professe our selues to be members of Christ labour to become conformable vnto him in holinesse of life and to become newe creatures for this vnion requireth thus much Let a man take the grifts of a crabtree and set them into good stockes yet will they not change their sap but bring forth fruit according to their own nature euen sowre crabs but it must not be so with vs we are indeede wilde oliues the branches of wilde vines yet seeing we are perswaded that wee are grafted into Christ and made one with him we must lay aside our wilde and sowre nature and take vpon vs the nature of the true vine beare good fruite haue good iuyce in vs and render sweete wine Thirdly we are taught hence to bee plentifull in all good workes considering wee are ioyned to him that is the fountaine of grace And therefore Christ saith I am the true vine and my father is the husbād man euery braunch that beareth not fruite in me he taketh away euery one that beareth fruite he purgeth it that it may beare more fruite And the Prophet Esai compares the Church of God to a vineyard with a tower and a wine-presse in it And God himselfe comes often downe vnto it to see the fruits of the valley to see if the vine budde and the Pomegranets flourish And further we must bring forth fruite with patience For the Lord of this vineyarde comes with crosses and afflictions as with a pruning knife in his hand to pare and to dresse vs that we may be fit to bring forth fruite plentifull in duties of pietie to God and in duties of loue to all men yea to our enemies Christian men are trees of righteousnesse growing by the waters of the sanctuarie but what trees not like ours for they are rooted vpward in heauen in Christ and their graines and branches grow downward that they may beare fruit among men Hitherto we haue heard what the Church is nowe to beleeue the Church is nothing els but to beleeue that there is a companie of the predestinate made one in Christ and that withall we are in the number of them Before wee proceede any further three rules must be obserued touching the Church in generall The first that Christ alone is the head of the Catholike Church and that he neither hath nor can haue any creature in heauen or earth to be his fellowe herein For the Church is his bodie and none but hee can performe the dutie of an head vnto it which dutie standes in two things the first is to gouerne the Church by such power and authoritie whereby he can and doeth prescribe lawes properly binding the consciences of all his members the second is by grace to quicken and to put spirituall life into thē so as they shall be able to saie that they liue not but Christ in them As for the Supremacie of the sea of Rome whereby the Pope will needes stand ministeriall head to the Catholike Church it is a satanicall forgerie For the headship as I may tearme it of Christ is of that nature or qualitie that it can admitte no deputy Whether we respect the commanding or the quickening power of Christ before named Nay Christ needes no vicar or deputie for he is al sufficient in himselfe and alwaies present with his Church as he himselfe testifieth saying Where two or three are gathered together in my name there am I in the middest among them And whereas all commissions cease in the presence of him that giues the commission it is as much pride and arrogancie for the Pope to take vnto himselfe the title of the head and vniuersall Bishop of the Church as it is for a subiect to keepe himselfe in commission in the presence of his King The second rule is that there is no saluation out of the Church and that therefore euery one which is to be saued must become a member a citizen of the Catholike and Apostolike Church and such as remaine for euer out of the same perish eternally Therefore S. Iohn saith They went out of vs they were not of v●● for if they had beene of vs they would haue remained with vs but this commeth to passe that it might appeare that they are not all of vs. And againe that such as be holy are in the citie of
God but without that is forth of the Church are dogs en●hanters whoremongers adulterers c. And the Arke out of which all perished figured the Church out of which al are condemned And for this cause Saint Luke saith that the Lord added to the Church from day to day such as should be saued And the reason hereof is plaine for without Christ there is no saluation but out of the militant church there is no Christ nor faith in Christ and therefore no saluation Againe forth of the militant church there are no meanes of saluation no preaching of the word no inuocation of Gods name no Sacraments and therefore no saluation For this cause euery man must be admonished euermore to ioyne himselfe to some particular church beeing a sound member of the Catholike church The third rule is that the church which here we beleeue is onely one As Christ himselfe speaketh My doue is alone and my vndefiled is the onely daughter of her mother And as there is onely one God and one Redeemer one faith one baptisme and one way of saluation by Christ onely so there is but one church alone The Catholike church hath two parts the church Triumphant in heauen and the church Militant on earth The Triumphant church may thus be described It is a companie of the spirits of iust men triumphing ouer the flesh the deuill and the world praising God First I say it is a companie of the spirits of men as the holy Ghost expressely tearmeth it because the soules onely of the godly departed as of Abraham Isaac Iacob Dauid c. are as yet ascended into heauen and not their bodies Furthermore the properties of this companie are two The first is to make triumph ouer their spirituall enemies the flesh the deuill the world for the righteous man so long as he liues in this world is in continuall combate without truce with al the enemies of his saluation and by constant faith obtaining victorie in the ende of his life he is translated in glorious and triumphant maner into the kingdome of glorie This was signified to Iohn in a vision in which he saw an innumerable companie of all sorts of nations kinreds people and tongues stand before the Lambe clothed in long white robes with palmes in their handes in token that they had beene warriours but now by Christ haue gotten the victorie and are made conquerours Their second propertie is to praise and magnifie the name of God as it followeth in the former place saying Amen praise and glorie and wisdome and thankes honour power and might be vnto our God for euermore Hence it may be demanded whether Angels be of this Triumphant church or no Ans. The blessed Angels be in heauen in the presence of God the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost but they are not of the mysticall bodie of Christ because they are not vnder him as he is their redeemer considering they can not be redeemed which neuer fell and it can not be prooued that they now stand by the vertue of Christs redemption but they are vnder him as he is their Lord and King and by the power of Christ as he is God and their God are they confirmed And therfore as I take it we can not say that Angels are members of the mysticall bodie of Christ or of the triumphāt church though indeed they be of the cōpany of the blessed The church Militant may be thus described It is the companie of the elect or faithfull liuing vnder the crosse desiring to be remooued and to be with Christ. I say not that the Militant church is the whole bodie of the elect but onely that part thereof which liueth vpon earth and the infallible marke thereof is that faith in Christ which is taught and deliuered in the writings of the Prophets and Apostles and this faith againe may be discerned by two markes The first is that the members of this companie liue vnder the crosse and profit by it in all spirituall grace And therefore it is said that we must through many afflictions enter into the kingdome of heauen And our Sauiour Christ saith If any man will come after me let him denie himselfe and take vp his crosse euery day and follow me The second marke is a desire to depart hence and to be with Christ as Paul saith We loue rather to be remooued out of this bodie and to be with Christ. And againe I desire to be loosed and to be with Christ which is best of all Where yet we must remember that the members of Christ doe not desire death simply and absolutely but in two respects I. that they might leaue off to sinne and by sinning leaue to displease God II. That they might come to enioy happines in heauen and to be with Christ. Touching the generall estate of the Militant church two questions are to be considered The first how farre forth God is present with it assisting it by his grace Ans. God giues his spirit vnto it in such a measure that although the gates of hell can not preuaile against it yet neuerthelesse it remaines still subiect to errour both in doctrine and manners For that which is true in euery member of the church is also true in the whole but euery member of the Militant church is subiect to errour both in doctrine and manners because men in this life are but in part enlightened and sanctified and therefore still remaine subiect to blindnesse of minde and ignorance and to the rebellion of their wills and affections whereby it comes to passe that they may easily faile either in iudgement or in practise Againe that which may befall one or two particular churches may likewise befall all the particular churches vpon earth all beeing in one and the same condition but this may befall one or two particular churches to faile either in doctrine or manners The church of Ephesus failed in leauing her first loue whereupon Christ threatneth to remooue from her the candlesticke And the church of Galatia was remooued to an other Gospell from him that had called them in the grace of Christ now why may not the same things befall twentie yea an hundred churches which befell these twaine Lastly experience sheweth this to be true in that generall Councels haue erred The Councell of Nice beeing to reforme sundrie behauiours among the Bishops and Elders would with common consent haue forbidden marriage vnto them thinking it profitable to be so vnlesse Paphnutius had better informed them out of the Scriptures In the third Councell at Carthage certaine bookes Apocrypha as the booke of Syrach Tobie and the Macchabees are numbred in the Canon and yet were excluded by the Councell of Laodicea And the saying of a Diuine is receiued that former Councels are to be reformed and amended by the latter But Papists maintaining that the Church can not erre alleadge the promise of Christ Howbeit
owne children From Adoption proceede many other benefits First the elect child of God hereby is made a brother to Christ. Secondly he is a King and the kingdome of heauen is his inheritance Thirdly he is lord ouer all creatures saue Angels Fourthly the holy Angels minister vnto him for his good they guard him and watch about him Fifthly all things yea grieuous afflictions and sinne it selfe turne to his good though in his owne nature it be neuer so hurtfull and therefore death which is most terrible vnto him is no entrance into hell but a narrow gate to let him into euerlasting life Lastly beeing thus adopted he may looke for comfort at Gods hand answerable to the measure of his affliction as God hath promised XXX The inward assurance of Adoption is by two witnesses The first is our spirit that is an heart and conscience sanctified by the sprinkling of the blood of Christ. Now because it commeth to passe that the testimonie of our spirit is often feeble and weake God of his goodnes hath giuen his owne spirit to be a fellow witnesse with our spirit for the Elect haue in themselues the spirit of Iesus Christ testifying vnto them and perswading them that they are the adopted children of God For this cause the holy Ghost is called the spirit of adoption because it worketh in vs the assurance of our adoption and it is called a pawne or earnest For as in a bargaine when part of the price is payed in earnest then assurance is made that men will pay the whole so when the childe of God hath receiued thus much from the holy Ghost to be perswaded that he is adopted and chosen in Christ he may be in good hope and he is alreadie put in good assurance fully to enioy eternall life in the kingdome of heauen Indeede this testimonie is weake in most men and can scarce be perceiued because most Christians though they may be old in respect of yeares yet generally they are babes in Christ and not yet come to a perfect growth and may finde in themselues great strength of sinne and the graces of God to be in small measure in them And againe the children of God beeing most distressed as in time of triall and in the houre of death then the inward working of the holy Ghost is felt most euidently But a reprobate can not haue this testimonie at all though indeede a man flattereth himselfe and the deuill imitating the spirit of God doth vsually perswade carnall men and hypocrites that they shall be saued But that deuillish illusion and the testimonie of the Spirit may be discerned by 2. notes The I. is heartie feruent praier to God in the name of Christ. For the same spirit that testifieth to vs that we are the adopted children of God doth also make vs crie that is feruently with grones sighs filling heauen and earth pray to God Now this heartie feruent and loud crying in the eares of God can the deuill giue to no hypocrite for it is the speciall marke of the Spirit of God The other note is that they which haue the speciall testimonie from the spirit of God haue also in their hearts the same affections to God which children haue to their father namely loue feare reuerence obedience thankfulnes for they call not vpon God as vpon a terrible Iudge but they crie Abba that is father And these affections they haue not whome Satan illudeth with a phantasticall imagination of their saluation for it may be that through hypocrisie or through custome they may call God father but in truth they can not doe it XXXI The elect being thus assured of their adoption and iustification are indued with hope by which they looke patiently for the accomplishing of all good things which God hath begun in them And therefore they can vndergoe all crosses and afflictions with a quiet and contented minde because they know that the time will come when they shall haue full redemption from all euills This was the patience of Pauls hope when he saide that nothing in the world could seuer him from the loue of God in Christ. And like to this was the patience of Policarpe and of Ignatius who when he was condemned and iudged to be throwne to wild beasts and now heard the Lyons roring he boldly and yet patiently said I am the wheat of Christ I shall be ground with the teeth of wild beasts that I may be found good bread Also the same was the patience of the blessed Martyr S. Laurence who like a meeke lambe suffered himselfe to be tormented on a fierie gridyron and when he had bin pressed downe with fire pikes for a great space in the mightie spirit of God spake vnto the Emperour that caused him thus to be tormented on this wise This side is now rosted enough turne vp O tyrant great Assay whether rosted or rawe thou thinkest the better meate XXXII The third maine benefit is inward sanctification by which a Christian in his mind in his will and in his affections is freed from the bondage and tyrannie of sinne and satan and is by little and little inabled through the spirit of Christ to desire and approoue that which is good to walke in it And it hath two parts The first is mortification when the power of sinne is continually weakned consumed and diminished The second is viuification by which inherent righteousnes is really put into them and afterward is continually increased XXXIII This sanctification is wrought in all Christians after this manner After that they are ioyned to Christ and made mystically bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh Christ worketh in them effectually by his holy spirit and his workes are principally three First he causeth his own death to worke effectually the death of all sinne to kil the power of the flesh For it is as a corrasiue which beeing applied to the part affected eateth out the venome and corruption and so the death of Christ by faith applied fretteth out and consumeth the concupiscence the corruption of the whole man Secondly his buriall causeth the buriall of sinne as it were in a graue Thirdly his Resurrection sendeth a quickning power into them and serueth to make them rise out of their sinne in which they were dead and buried to worke righteousnes and to liue in holines of life Lazarus bodie lay foure daies and stanke in the graue yet Christ raised it and gaue him life again and made him do the same works that liuing men doe so also Christ dealeth with the soules of the faithfull they rot and stinke in their sinns and would perish in them if they were left alone but Christ putteth a heauenly life into them maketh them actiue and liu●ly to doe the will of God in the workes of Christianitie and in their works of their callings
followed of all though it may be the applying of it as Iob well perceiued is mixed with follie Here it may be alleadged that in the pangs of death men want their senses and conuenient vtterance and that therefore they are vnable to pray Ans. The very sighes sobbes and g●ones of a repentant and beleeuing heart are praiers before God euen as effectuall as if they were vttered by the best voice in the world Prayer stands in the affection of the heart the voice is but an outward messenger therof God looks not vpon the speach but vpon the heart Dauid saith God heares the desires of the poore againe that he will fulfill the desires of thē that feare him yea their very teares are loud and sounding praiers in his eares Againe faith may otherwise be expressed by the Last words which for the most part in thē that haue truly serued God are very excellent cōfortable and full of grace some choise examples whereof I will rehearse for instructions sake and for imitation The last wordes of Iacob were those whereby as a prophet he foretold blessings and curses vpon his children and the principall among the rest were these The scepter shall not depart from Iudah and the lawgiuer from betweene his feete till Shilo come and O Lord I haue waited for thy saluation The last words of Moses are his most excellent song set downe Deut. 32. and the last words of Dauid were these The spirit of the Lord spake by me and his word was in my tongue the God of Israel spake to me the strength of Israel said Beare rule ouer men c. The wordes of Zacharias the sonne of Iehoida when he was stoned were The Lord looke vpon it and require it The last words of our Sauiour Christ when he was dying vpon the crosse are most admirable and stored with abundance of spirituall grace 1. To his father he saith Father forgiue them they know not what they doe 2. to the thiefe Verily I say vnto thee this night shalt thou be with me in Paradise 3. to his mother Mother behold thy son to Iohn behold thy mother 4. and in his agonie My God my God why hast thou forsaken me 5. and earnestly desiring our saluation I thirst 6. and when he had made perfect satisfaction It is finished 7. and when bodie and soule were parting Father into thy hands I commend my spirit The last words of Steuen were 1. Behold I see the heauens open and the Sonne of man standing at the right hand of God 2. Lord Iesu receiue my spirit 3. Lord lay not this sin●e to their charge Of Polycarpe Thou art a true God without lying therefore in all things I praise thee and blesse thee and glorifie thee by the eternall God and high Priest Iesus Christ thine onely beloued sonne by whome and with whome to thee and the holy Spirit be all glorie now and for euer Of Ignatius I care not what kinde of death I die I am the bread of the Lord and must be ground with the teeth of lyons that I may be cleane bread for Christ who is the bread of life for me Of Ambrose I haue not so led my life amōg you as if I were ashamed to liue neither doe I feare death because we haue a good Lord. Of Augustine 1. He is no great mā that thinks it a great matter that trees and stones fall and mortall men die 2. Iust art thou O Lord and righteous is thy iudgement Of Bernard 1. An admonitiō to his brethren that they would ground the anchor of their faith and hope in the safe and sure port of Gods mercie 2. Because saith he as I suppose I can not leaue vnto you any choise example of religion I commend three things to be imitated of you which I remember that I haue obserued in the race which I haue runne as much as possibly I could 1. I gaue l●sse heede to mine owne sense and reason then to the sense and reason of other men 2. When I was hurt I sought not reuenge on him that did the hurt 3. I had care to giue offence to no man and if it fell out otherwise I tooke it away as I could Of Zuinglius when in the fielde he was wounded vnder the chinne with a speare O what happe is this goe to they may kill my bodie but my soule they cannot Of Oecolampadius 1. An exhortation to the ministers of the Church to maintaine the puritie of doctrine to shewe forth an example of honest and godly conuersation to bee constant and patient vnder the crosse 2. Of himselfe Whereas I am charged to bee a corrupter of the trueth I weigh it not now I am going to the tribunall of Christ and that with good conscience by the grace of god there it shall be manifest that I haue not seduced the Church Of this my saying and contestation I leaue you as witnesses and I confirme it with this my last breath 3. To his children loue God the father and turning himselfe to his kinsfolkes I haue bound you saith he with this contestation you which they heare and I haue desired shall doe your indeauour that these my childrē may be godly and peaceable and true 4. To his friend comming vnto him What shall I say vnto you Newes I shal be shortly with Christ my Lord. 5. being asked whether the light did not trouble him touching his breast there is light enough saith hee 6. he rehearsed the whole 51. psalme with deepe sighes from the bottome of his breast 7. a little after Saue me Lord Iesus Of Luther My heauenly father God and father of our Lord Iesus Christ and God of all comfort I giue thee thank●s that thou hast reuealed vnto me thy sonne Iesus Christ whome I haue beleeued whome I haue professed whome I haue loued whome I haue praised whome the Bishoppe of Rome and the whole companie of the wicked persecuteth and reuileth I praie thee my Lord Iesus Christ receiue my poore soule my heauenly father though I bee taken from this life and this bodie of mine is to he laid downe yet I knowe certainely that I shall remaine with thee for euer neither shall any be able to pull me out of thy hand Of Hooper O Lord Iesus sonne of Dauid haue mercie on me receiue my soule Of Annas Burgius Forsake me not O Lord least I forsake thee Of Melācthon If it be the will of God I am willing to die and I beseech him that he will graunt me a ioyfull departure Of Caluine 1. I held my tongue because thou Lord hast done it 2. I mourned as a doue 3. Lord thou grindest me to powder but 〈◊〉 sufficeth me because it is thine hand Of Peter Martyr that his bodie was weake but his mind was well that he acknowledged no life or saluation but onely in Christ who was giuen of the father to be a redeemer of mankind and
must be gathered to his fathers and put in his graue in peace that his eies may not not see all the euill which God would bring on this place Therefore the Saints departed see not the state of the Church on earth much lesse doe they know the thoughts and praiers of men This conclusion Augustine confirmeth at large III. Reason No creature Saint or Angel can be a mediatour for vs to God sauing Christ alone who is indeede the onely Aduocate of his church For in a true and sufficient Mediatour there must be three properties First of all the word of God must reueale and propound him vnto the Church that we may in conscience be ass●red that praying to him to God in his name we shall be heard Now there is no Scripture that mentioneth either Saints or Angels as mediatour in our behalfe saue Christ alone Secondly a mediatour must be perfectly iust so as no sinne be found in him at all 1. Ioh. 2.1 If any man ●inne we haue an aduocate with the father Iesus Christ the righ●eous Now the Saints in heauen howsoeuer they be fully sanctified by Christ yet in themselues they were conceiued and borne in sinne and therefore must needes eternally stand before God by the mediation and merit of an other Thirdly a mediatour must be a propitiatour that is bring something to God that may appease and satisfie the wrath and iustice of God for our sinnes therfore Iohn addeth and he is a propitiation for our sinnes But neither Saint nor Angel can satisfie for the least of our sinnes Christ onely is the propitiation for them all The virgin Marie and the rest of the Saints beeing sinners could not satisfie so much as for themselues IV. Reason The iudgement of the Church Augustine All Christian men commend each other in their prayers to God And who praies for all and for whom none praies he is that one and true mediatour And This saith thy Sauiour thou hast no whither to goe but to me thou hast no way to goe but by me Chrysostome Thou hast no neede of Patrons to God or much discourse that thou shouldest sooth others but though thou be alone and want a Patron and by thy selfe pray vnto God thou shalt obtaine thy desire And on the saying of Iohn If any sinne c. Thy praiers haue no effect vnlesse they be such as the Lord commends vnto thy father And Augustine on the same place hath these words He beeing such a man said not ye haue an Aduocate but if any sinne we haue he saide not ye haue neither saide he ye haue me Obiections of Papists I. Reu. 5.8,9 The foure and twentie Elders fall downe before the lambe hauing euery one harpes and golden vyals full of odours which are the praiers of the Saints Hence the Papists gather that the Saints in heauen receiue the praiers of men on earth and offer them vnto the Father Ans. There by praiers of the Saints are meant their owne praiers in which they sing praises to God and to the Lambe as the verses following plainely declare And these praiers are also presented vnto God onely from the hand of the Angel which is Christ himselfe II. Obiect Luk. 16.27 Diues in hell praieth for his brethren vpon earth much more doe the Saints in heauen pray for vs. Ans. Out of a parable nothing can be gathered but that which is agreeable to the intent and scope thereof for by the same reason it may as well be gathered that the soule of Di●es beeing in hell had a tongue Againe if it were true which they gather we may gather also that the wicked in hell haue compassion and loue to their brethren on earth and a zeale to Gods glorie all which are false III. Obiect The angels in heauen know euery mans estate they know when any sinner repenteth and reioyceth thereat pray for particular men therefore the Saints in heauen doe the like for they are equall to the good angels Luk. 20.36 Ans. The place in Luke is to be vnderstood of the estate of holy men at the day of the last iudgement as appeares Math. 22.30 where it is saide that the seruants of God in the resurrection are as the angels in heauen Secondly they are like the angels not in office and ministerie by which they are ministring spirits for the good of men but they are like them in glorie Secondly we di●●ent from the Papists because they are not content to say that the Saints departed pray for vs in particular but they adde further that they make intercession for vs by their merits in heauen New Iesuits denie this but let them here Lumbard I thinke saith he speaking of one that is but of meane goodnes that he as it were passing by the fire shall be saued by the merits and intercessions of the heauenly Church which doth alwaies make intercession for the faithfull by request and merit till Christ shall be compleate in his members And the Romane Catechisme saith as much Saints are so much the more to be worshipped and called vpon because they make praiers daily for the saluation of men and God for their merit and fauour bestowes many benefits vpon vs. We denie not that men vpon earth haue helpe and benefit by the faith and pietie which the Saints departed shewed when they were in this life For God shewes mercie on them that keepe his commandements to a thousand generations And Augustine saith it was good for the Iewes that they were loued of Moses whome God loued But we vtterly denie that we are helped by merits of Saints either liuing or departed For Saints in glorie haue receiued the full reward of all their merits if they could merit and therefore there is nothing further that they can merit The 16. point Of implicite or infolded faith Our consent We hold that there is a kind of implicite or vnexpressed faith yea that the faith of euery man in some part of his life as in the time of his first conuersion and in the time of fome grieuous temptation or distresse is implicite or infolded The Samaritans are saide to beleeue Ioh. 4. 14. be●ause they tooke Christ for the Messias and thereupon were content to learne and obey the glad tidings of saluation And in the same place v. 51 the Ruler with his familie is said to beleeue who did no m●●e but generally acknowledge that Christ was the Messias and yeelded himselfe to beleeue and obey his holy doctrine beeing mooued thereunto by a miracle wrought vpon his yong sonne And Rahab Heb. 11.13 is said to beleeue yea shee is commended for faith euen at the time when shee receiued the spies Now in the word of God we cannot finde that shee had any more but a confused generall or infolded faith wherby shee beleeued that the God of the Hebrewes was the true God and his word to be obeied And this faith as it seemes was wrought in her by the
his merits is a kind of apprehension And thus we see the kinds of implicite or infolded faith This doctrine is to be learned for two causes first of all it serues to rectifie the consciences of weake ones that they be not deceiued touching their estate For if we thinke that no faith can saue but a full perswa●ion such as the faith of Abraham was many truly bearing the name of Christ must be put out of the role of the children of God We are therefore to know that there is a growth in grace as in nature and there be differences and degrees of true faith and the least of them all is this Infolded faith This in effect is the doctrine of M. Caluin that when we begin by faith to know somewhat haue a desire to learne more this may be tearmed an vnexpressed faith Secondly this point of doctrine serues to rectifie and in part to expound sundrie Catechismes in that they seeme to propound faith vnto men at so high a reach as few can attaine vnto it defining it to be a certen and full perswasion of Gods loue and fauour in Christ whereas though euery faith be for his nature a certen perswasion yet onely the strong faith is the full perswasion Therefore faith is not onely in generall tearmes to be defined but also the degrees and measures thereof are to be expounded that weake ones to their comfort may be truly informed of their estate And though we teach there is a kinde of implicite faith which is the beginning of true and liuely faith yet none must hereupon take an occasion to content themselues therewith but labour to increase and goe on from faith to faith and so indeede will euery one doe that hath any beginnings of true faith be they neuer so little And he which thinks he hath a desire to beleeue and contents himselfe therewith hath indeede no true desire to beleeue The difference The pillars of the Romish Church laies downe this ground that faith in his owne nature is not a knowledge of things to be beleeued but a reuerent assent vnto them whether they be knowne or vnknowne Hereupon they build that if a man know some necessarie points of religion as the doctrine of the Godhead of the Trinitie of Christs incarnation and of our redemption c. it is needelesse to know the rest by a particular or distinct knowledge and it sufficeth to giue his consent to the Church and to beleeue as the pastours beleeue Behold a ruinous building vpon a rotten foundation for faith containes a knowledge of things to be beleeued and knowledge is of the nature of faith nothing is beleeued that is not knowne Isai 53.11 The knowledge of my righteous seruant shall iustifie many and Ioh. 17.2 This is eternall life to know the eternall God and whome thou hast sent Iesus Christ. In these places by knowledge is meant faith grounded vpon knowledge whereby we know and are assured that Christ and his benefits belong vnto vs. Secondly this kind of assent is the mother of ignorance For when men shall be taught that for sundrie points of religion they may beleeue as the Church beleeues that the studie of the Scriptures is not to be required of them yea that to their good they may be barred the reading of them so be it they know some principall things contained in the articles of faith that common beleeuers are not bound expressely to beleeue all the articles of the Apostles Creede that it sufficeth them to beleeue the articles by an implicite faith by beleeuing as the Church beleeueth fewe or none will haue care to profit in knowledge And yet Gods commaundement is that we should grow in knowledge and that his word should dwell plenteously in vs Col. 3.16 Againe the Papists say that the deuotion of the ignorant is often seruice better accepted then that which is done vpō knowledge Such say they as pray in latin pray with as great consolation of spirit with as little tediousnes with as great deuotion and affection and oftentimes more then the other and alwaies more then any scismaticke or hereticke in his owne language To conclude they teach that some articles of faith are beleeued generally of the whole Church onely by a simple or implicite faith which afterward by the Authoritie of a generall Counsell are propounded to be beleeued of the Church by expresse faith Roffensis against Luther giues an example of this when he confesseth that Purgatorie was litle known at the first but was made knowne partly by Scripture and partly by reuelation in processe of time This implicite faith touching articles of religion we reiect holding that all things concerning faith and manners necessarie to saluation are plainely expressed in Scripture and accordingly to be beleeued The 17. point Of Purgatorie Our consent We hold a Christian Purgatorie according as the word of God hath set downe the same vnto vs. And first of all by this Purgatorie we vnderstand the afflictions of Gods children here on earth Ier. 3. The people afflicted say thou hast sent a fire into our bones Psal. 65.12 We haue gone through water and fire Malach. 3.3 The children of Levi must be purified in a purging fire of affliction 1. Pet. 1.7 Afflictions are called the fi●rie triall whereby men are clensed from their corruptions as golde from the drosse by the fire Secondly the blood of Christ is a purgatorie of our sinnes 1. Ioh. 1.7 Christs blood purgeth vs from all our sinnes Heb. 9.14 It purgeth our consciences from dead workes And Christ baptizeth with the holy Ghost and with fire because our inward washing is by the blood of Christ and the holy Ghost is as fire to consume and abolish the inward corruption of nature To this effect saith Origen Without doubt we shall feele the vnquenchable fire vnles we shall now intreat the Lord to send downe from heauen a purgatorie fire vnto vs whereby worldly desires may he vtterly consumed in our mindes August Suppose the mercie of God is thy purgatorie The difference or dissent We differ from the Papists touching purgatorie in two things And first of all for the place They hold it to be a part of hell into which an entrance is made onely after this life we for our parts denie it as hauing no waraant in the word of God which mentioneth onely two places for men after this life heauen and hell with the two-fold condition thereof ioy and torment Luk. 16.25 26. Ioh. 3.36 Apoc. 22.14 15. and 21.7,8 Matth. 8.11 Nay we finde the contrarie Reu. 14.13 they that die in the Lord are saide to rest from their l●bours which can not be true if any of them goe to purgatorie And to cut off all cauills it is further said their workes that is the reward of their workes follow them euen at the heeles as an Acoluth or seruant doth his master Augustine saith well After this life there remaines no
Christ. 1. Cor. 3.1 II. Conclusion The first material beginnings of the conuersion of a sinner or the smallest measure of renewing grace haue the promises of this life and the life to come The exposition THE beginnings of conuersion must bee distinguished some are beginnings of preparations some beginnings of composition Beginnings of preparation are such as bring vnder tame and subdue the stubburnenesse of mans nature without making any change at all of this sort are the accusations of the conscience by the ministerie of the lawe feares and terrors arising thence cōpunction of heart which is the apprehension of gods anger against sin Now these and the like I exclude in the conclusion for though they goe before to prepare a sinner to his conuersion following● yet are they no graces of God but fruites of the law that is the ministerie of death of an accusing conscience Beginnings of composition I tearme all those inwarde motions and inclinations of Gods spirit that follow after the worke of the law vpon the conscience and rise vpon the meditation of the Gospel that promiseth righteousnes and life euerlasting by Christ out of which motions the conuersion of a sinner ariseth and of this it consisteth what these are it shall afterward appeare Againe grace must be distinguished it is twofold restraining grace or renuing grace Restraining grace I tearme certaine common giftes of God seruing onely to order and frame the outward conuersation of men to the lawe of God or seruing to berea●e men of excuse in the daie of iudgement By this kind of grace heathen men haue beene liberall iust sober valiant By it men liuing in the Church of God haue beene inlightened and hauing tasted of the good worde of God haue reioyced therein and for a time outwardly conformed themselues thereto renewing grace is not common to al men but proper to the elect and it is a gift of Gods spirit whereby the corruption of sinne is not onely restrained but also mortified and the decaied Image of God restored Now then the conclusion must onely be vnderstood of the second and not of the first for though a man haue neuer so much of this restraining grace yet vnlesse he haue the spirit of Christ to create faith in the heart and to sanctifie him he is as farre from saluation as any other Now then the sense and meaning of the conclusion is that the very least meanes of sauing grace and the very beginnings or seedes of regeneration doe declare and after a sort giue title to men of all the mercifull promises of God whether they concerne this life or the life to come and therefore are approoued of God if they be in trueth and accepted as greater measures of grace That which our Sauiour Christ saieth of the worke of miracles ●f you haue faith as a graine of Musterd seede ye shall say vnto this mountaine remooue hence to yonder place and it shall remooue must by the lawe of equall proportion be applyed to faith repentance the feare of God and all other graces if they bee truely wrought in the heart though they bee but as small as one little graine of musterd-seede they shall be sufficiently effectuall to bring forth good workes for which they were ordained The Prophet Esay 42.3 saith that Christ shall not quench the smoaking flaxe nor breake the bruised reede Let the comparison be marked fire in flaxe must be both little and weake in quantitie as a sparke or twaine that cannot cause a flame but onely a smoake specially in a matter ●o easie to burne Here then is signified that the gifts and graces of Gods spirit that are both for measure and strength as a sparke or twaine of fire shall not be neglected but rather accepted and cherished by Christ. When our Sauiour Christ heard the young man make a confession of a practise but of outward and ciuill righteousnes he looked vpon him and loued him and when he heard the Scribe to speake discreetely but one good speach that to lou● God with all his heart is aboue all sacrifices he said vnto him That he was not farre from the kingdome of heauen Therefore no doubt hee will loue with a more special loue and accept as the good subiects of his kingdome those that haue receiued a further mercie of God to be borne anew of water and of the spirit III. Conclusion A constant and earnest desire to be reconciled to God to beleeue and to repent if it be in a touched heart is in acceptation with God as reconciliation faith repentance it selfe The Exposition LVst or desire is twofold naturall and supernaturall Naturall is that whose beginning and obiect is in nature that is which ariseth of the naturall will of man and anecteth such things as are thought to be good according to the light of nature And this kind of desire hath his degrees yet so as they are all limited within the compasse of nature Some desire riches honours pleasures some learning and knowledge because it is the light and perfection of the minde some goe further and seeke after the vertues of iustice temperance liberalitie c. and thus many heathen men haue excelled Some againe desire true happinesse as Balaam did who wished to die the death of the righteous because it is the propertie of nature to seeke the preseruation of it selfe But here nature staies it selfe for where the minde reueales not the will affects not Supernaturall desires are such as both for their beginning and obiect are aboue nature for their beginning is from the holy Ghost and the obiect or matter about which they are conuersant are things diuine and spirituall which concerne the kingdome of heauen and of this kind are the desires of which I speake in this place Againe that we may not be deceiued in our desires but may the better discerne them from flittering fleeting motions I adde three restraints First of all the desire of reconciliation the desire to beleeue or the desire to repent c. must be constant and haue continuance otherwise it may iustly be suspected Secondly it must be earnest and serious though not alwaies yet at sometimes that we may be able to say with Dauid My soule desireth after thee O Lord as the thirstie lād And as the heart braieth after the riuers of water so panteth my soule after thee O God my soule thirsteth for God euen the liuing god Thirdly it must be in a touched heart for when a man is touched in conscience the heart is cast down and as much as it can it withdrawes it selfe from God For this cause if then there be any spirituall motions whereby the heart is lift vp vnto God they are without doubt from the spirit of God Thus then I auouch that the desire of reconciliation with God in Christ is reconciliation it selfe the desire to beleeue is faith indeede and the desire to repent repentance it selfe But marke how A desire to be reconciled is not
Act. 1. 13. a Ezech 16.6 When I passed by thee I saw thee polluted in thine owne blood and I said vnto thee when thou wast in thy blood thou shalt liue Esai 55.1 H● euery one that thirsteth come ye to the waters and ye that haue no siluer come buie and eate come● I say and buie wine and milke without siluer and without money Ioh. 1.12 As many as receiued him to them he gaue this priuiledge that they should become the sonnes of God namely to them which beleeued in his name b Rom. 7.7 I knew not sinne but by the Law for I had not knowne lust except the Law had said Thou shalt not lust c 1. Ioh. 2.27 But the annointing which ye receiued of him dwelleth in you and ye neede not that any man teach you but as the same annointing teacheth you of all things and is true and is not lying and as it is taught you ye shall abide in him d Act. 16.14 A certaine woman named Lydia a seller of purple of the citie of the T●yatirians a worshipper of God heard vs whose heart God opened that shee attended to the things that Paul spake Psal● 40. v. 6. Thou art not delighted with sacrifice and burnt offerings but mine eares hast thou opened Ioh. 6.44 No man can come vnto me except the Father which hath sent me draw him and I will raise him vp at the last day Esai 54.6 The Lord hath called thee beeing as a woman forsaken and as a young wife when thou wast refused saith the Lord. a 1. Cor. 15.18 If Christ be not raised they which are asleepe in Christ are perished Act. 7.60 When he had thus spoken he slept b 1. Cor. 15 3● O foole that which thou sowest is not quickned except it die c Reu. 21.27 There shal enter into it none vnclean thing neither whatsoeuer worketh abomination or lies but they which are written in the Lambs book of life Rom. 7.25 I my selfe in my mind serue the law of God but in my flesh the law of sinne d Luk. 23.42 He saide to Iesus Lord remember me when thou commest into thy kingdome 43. Then Iesus said to him This day shalt thou be with me in Paradise Reu. 14.13 Then I heard a voice from heauen saying vnto me Write Blessed are the dead which hereafter die in the Lord. Euen so saith the Spirit for they rest from their labours and their workes follow them a Matth. 24. 29. Immediately after the tribulation of those daies shall the Sunne be darkened and the Moone shall not giue her light the starres shall fall from heauen and the powers of heauen shall be shaken 30. And then shall appeare the signe of the Sonne of man in heauen and then shall all the kinreds of the earth mourne and they shal see the Son of man come in the cloudes of heauen with power and great glorie b Luk. 21. 26. Mens hearts shall faile them for feare and for looking after those things which shall come on the world 28. And when these things beginne to come to passe then looke vp and lift vp your heads for your redemption draweth neare 2. Tim. 4.8 Henceforth is laide vp for me the crowne of righteousnes which the Lord the righteous iudge shall give me at that day and not to me onely but vnto them also that loue his appearing a Matth. chap. 24. vers 31. And he shall sende his Angels with a great sound of a trumpet 1. Thess. chap. 4. vers 16. The Lord himselfe shall descend from heauen with a shout euen with the voice of the Archangel and with the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first b Matth. 24. 30. 1. Thess. 4. 17. Then shall we vvhich liue and remaine be caught vp vvith them also in the cloudes to meete the Lord in the ayre and so shall we euer be with the Lord. a 1. Cor. 15. 52. We shall not all sleepe but we shall be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet 43. b It is sowne in dishonour it is raised in honour it is sowne in weakenes it is raised in power 44. It is sowne a naturall bodie it is raised ● spirituall bodie c. a Ioh. 14. 23. If any man loue me he will keepe my word and my Father will loue him and we will come vnto him and dwell with him 1. Ioh. 4. 15. Whosoeuer confesseth that Iesus Christ is the Sonne of God God dwelleth in him and he in God Reuel 21.3 And I heard a voyce saying Behold the Tabernacle of God is with men and he will dwell with them and they shall be his people and God himselfe shall be their God with them 23. And that citie hath no neede of sunne or moone to shine in it for the glorie of God did light it and the Lambe is the light of it Reuel 22.2 In the middes of the streete of it and of either side of the riuer was the tree of life which bare twelue manner of fruits and gaue fruit euery moneth and the leaues of the tree serued to heale the nations with 5. And there shall be no night there and they neede no candle nor light of the sunne for the Lord giueth them light and they shall reigne for euermore 1. Cor. 15.45 Rom. 8.11 If the spirit of him that raised vp Iesus from the dead dwell in you he that raised vp Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortall bodies because that his spirit dwelleth in you Tit. 1.15 Act. 15.10 2. Tim. 4.3 1. Sam. ● 22.26 Psal. 2.12 Prov. 3.9,10 Luk. 2.25 a Socrat. hist. eccl l. 5. c. 10. b August de Temp. ser. 119. d Ambr. ser. 38. Heb. 6. ● 2●●● a ●u●f●n in expos Symb ●●erony ad ●am a Paci●n●s epi●t 1. ad Sym●ro ● Tim. 1.13 Hab. 1●1 ● Tim. 1.13 b Aug. se●m 119. de temp Ca●sian li. 6. de inc●r●t domini a Cyril Catec 1. Mystag Tertull. de resurrect Origen hom 5. in Num. Act. 8.38 H●b ●● ● 〈◊〉 ●1 〈…〉 Luk. 8.23 Act. 8.19 Math. 7.22 2. Cor. 13. ● 1 p●● 3.12 Gal. 5.6 Math. 7.7 Math. 16 16● Math. 8.10 and 16. ● Ioh. 4.33 ● 2 Rom. 10.10 ● Pet. 3.21 Heb. ● 4 ●ides est●o●a copulatiua Exod. 3● Exo. 3.6.14 1. Tim. 1.17 a Psal. 82.6 b Exod. 4.16 c ● Cor. 4.4 ● Cor. 8.4 ●o● 17.3 Mark 9.24 ●sal 42.12 2. Chr. 16.12 Rom. 10. ●● ● Tim. 1.12 ● Pet. 4.19 ● Chr. 34.27 ● Chr. 3● ● Chr. 20.20 Hebr. 5.7 Psal. ●● Dan. 6 2● Psal. 78 21,2● a Hebr. 1.3 Gal. 4.8 b Specie c Numero Math. 3. 16,17 a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 b 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The meaning Math. 23.9 a Heb. 12.9 b Luk. 3.38 c Esa. 9.6 d Esa. 53.10 e Esa. 8.18 Ier. 3.4,19 Matth. 6.4 Iob 17.14 Ioh. 8.44 Prov. 10.1 Math. 12.50 Mal. 1.6 Math. 5.45 Psal. 68.5 Iob 29 1● ●6 Math. 6.26 Heb. 12●● 2.
the eternall spirit offered himselfe without spot to God purge your conscience from dead workes to serue the liuing God Hence it is that Christ is saide to sanctifie himselfe as he is man Ioh. 17.19 For their sakes sanctifi● I my selfe Math. 23.17 As the altar the gift and the temple the gold Math. 23.17 Christ is the Priest as he is God and man Heb. 5.6 Thou art a Priest for euer after the order of Melchisedec 1. Tim. 2.5,6 One Mediatour betweene God and man the man Christ Iesus who gaue himselfe a ransome for all men to be a testimonie in due time III. God the fathers acceptation of that his sacrifice in which he was wel pleased For had it beene that God had not allowed of it Christs suffering had beene in vaine Matth. 3.17 This is my beloued Sonne in whome I am well pleased Eph. 5.1 Euen as Christ loued vs and gaue himselfe for vs to be an offering and a sacrifice of a sweete smelling sauour to God IV. Imputation of mans sinne to Christ whereby his Father accounted him as a transgressour hauing translated the burden of mans sinnes to his shoulders Esai 53. 4. He hath borne our infirmities and caried our sorrowes yet we did iudge him as plagued and smitten of God and humbled But he was wounded for our transgressions he was broken for our iniquities c. and v. 12. He was counted with the transgressours and he bare the sinnes of many 2. Cor. 5.21 He hath made him to be sinne for vs which knew no sinne that we should be made the righteousnes of God in him V. His wonderfull humiliation consisting of two parts I. In that he made himselfe of small or no reputation in respect of his Deitie Philip. 2.7,8 He made himselfe of no reputation c. he humbled himselfe and became obedient vnto the death euen the death of the crosse We may not thinke that this debasing of Christ came because his diuine nature was either wasted or weakened but because his Deitie did as it were lay aside and conceale his power and maiestie for a season And as Irenaeus saith The Word rested that the humane nature might be crucified and dead II. In that he became execrable which is by the law accursed for vs. Gal. 3.10 Cursed is euery one that remaineth not in all things written in the booke of the Law to doe them This accursednesse is either inward or outward Inward is the sense of Gods fearefull anger vpon the crosse Revel 19. 15. He it is that treadeth the winepresse of the fiercenes and wrath of Almightie God Esai 53.5 He is grieued for our transgressions the chastisment of our peace was vpon him and with his stripes we were healed This appeared by those droppes of bloode which issued from him by his cryings to his Father vpon the crosse and by sending of Angels to comfort him Hence was it that he so much feared death which many Martyrs entertained most willingly His outward accursednes standeth in three degrees I. Death vpon the crosse which was not imaginarie but true because blood and water issued frō his heart For seeing that water and blood gushed forth together it is very like the casket or coate which inuesteth the heart called Pericardion was pierced As Columbus obserueth in his Anatomie 7. booke Ioh. 19●4 His death was necessarie that he might confirme to vs the Testament or Couenant of grace promised for our sakes Heb. 19.15,16 For this cause is he the Mediator of the new Testament that through death c. they which were called might receiue the promise of eternall inheritance for where a testament is there must be the death of him that made the testament c. ver 17. II. Buriall to ratifie the certentie of his death III. Descension into hell which we must not vnderstand that he went locally into the place of the damned but that for the time of his abode in the graue he was vnder the ignominious dominion of death Act. 2.24 Whome God hath raised vp and loosed the sorrowes of death because it was vnpossible that he should be holden of it Ephes. 4.9 In that he ascended vvhat vvas it but that he also he descended first into the lowest part of the earth It was necessarie that Christ should be captiuated of death that he might abolish the sting that is the power thereof 1. Cor. 15. 55. O death where is thy sting O hell where is thy victorie Thus we haue heard of Christs maruelous passion whereby he hath abolished both the first and second death due vnto vs for our sinnes the which as we may further obserue is a perfect ransom for the sinnes of all and euery one of the Elect. 1. Tim. 2.6 Who gaue himself a ransome for all men For it was more that Christ the onely begotten Sonne of God yea God himselfe for a small while should beare the curse of the Law then if the whole world should haue suffered eternall punishment This also is worthie our meditation that then a man is wel grounded in the doctrine of Christs passion when his heart ceaseth to sinne is pricked with the griefe of those sinnes whereby as with speares he pierced the side of the immaculate lambe of God 1. Ioh. 3.6 Who so sinneth neither hath seene him nor knowne him Zach. 12.10 And they shall looke vpon him whome they haue pierced and they shall lament for him as one lamenteth for his onely sonne and be sorie for him as one is sorie for his first borne After Christs passion followeth the fulfilling of the Law by which he satisfied Gods iustice in fulfilling the whole Law Rom. 8. 3,4 God sent his owne Sonne that the righteousnes of the Law might be fulfilled by vs. He fulfilled the Law partly by the holines of his humane nature and partly by obedience in the works of the Law Rom. 8.2 The Law of the spirit of life which is in Christ Iesus hath freed me from the Law of sinne and of death Matth. 3. 15. It becommeth vs to fulsill all righteousnes c. Ioh. 17.19 Now succeedeth the second part of Christs priesthood namely intercession whereby Christ is an Aduocate and intreater of God the Father for the faithfull Rom. 8.34 Christ is at the right hand of God and maketh request for vs. Christs intercession is directed immediately to God the Father 1. Ioh. 2.1 If any man sinne we haue an Aduocate with the Father euen Iesus Christ the iust Now as the Father is first of the Trinitie in order so if he be appeased the Sonne and the holy Ghost are appeased also For there is one and the same agreement and will of all the persons of the Trinitie Christ maketh intercession according to both natures First according to his humanitie partly by appearing before his Father in heauen partly by desiring the saluation of the Elect. Hebr. 9.24 Christ is entred into very heauen to appeare now in the sight of God for vs. and chap. 7. 25.
day wherein my mother bare me be blessed v. 13. Cursed be the man that shewed my father saying a man child is born● vnto thee and comforted him v. 18. How is it that I came forth of the wombe to see labour sorrow that my daies should be consumed with shame II. Tempting of God when such as distrust or rather contemne him seeke signes of Gods trueth and power Matth. 4.7 Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God 1. Corinth 10.6 Neither let vs tempt God as they tempted him and were destroyed by serpents v. 10. Neither murmure ye as some of thē murmured and were destroyed of the destroyer III. Desperation Gen. 4. 13. Mine iniquity is greater then can be pardoned 1. Thes. 4. 13. Sorrow ye not as they which haue no hope IV. Doubtfulnes concerning the trueth of Gods benefits present or to come Psal. 116.11 I said in mine hast all men are lyers II. Confidence in creatures whether it be in their strength as Ierem. 17.5 Cursed is the man that hath his confidence in man and maketh flesh his arme but his heart slideth from the Lord. Or riches Matth. 6.24 Ye cannot serue God and riches Eph. 5.5 No coueto●s person which is an idolater hath inheritance in the kingdome of Christ and of God Or defenced places Iere. 49. 16. Thy feare the pride of thine heart hath deceiued thee that thou dwellest in the clefts of the Rocke and keepest the height of the hill though thou shouldest make thy nest as high as the Eagle I will bring thee downe from thence saith the Lord. Or pleasure and dainties to such their bellie is their God Phil. 3. 14. Or in physitians 2. Chron. 6. 12. And Asa in the nine and thirtieth yeare of his raigne was diseased in his feete and his disease was extreame yet he sought not the Lord in his disease but to the Physitians Briefly to this place principally may be adioyned that diuelish confidence which Magitians and all such as take aduise at them doe put in the diuell and his workes Leuit. 20. 6. If any turne after such as worke with spirits and after soothsayers to goe a whoring after them then will I set my face against that person and will cut him off from among this people III. The loue of the creature aboue the loue of God Math. 10.37 Hee that loueth father or mother more then me is not worthie of me and he that loueth sonne or daughter more then me is not worthy of me Iohn 12. 43. They loued the praise of man more then the praise of God To this belongeth selfe-loue 2. Tim. 3.2 IV. Hatred and contempt of God when man flieth from God and his wrath when he punisheth offences Rom. 8.7 The wisdome of the flesh is enmitie with God Rom. 1. 30. Haters of God doers of wrong V. Want of the feare of God Psal. 36.1 Wickednes saith to the wicked man euen in mine heart that there is no feare of God before their eyes VI. Feare of the creature more then the Creator Rev. 21.8 The fearefull and vnbeleeuing shall haue their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone Matth. 10.28 Feare not them which kill the bodie but feare him that can cast both bodie and soule into hell fire Ierem. 10.2 Be not afraid of the signes of heauen though the heathen be afraid of such VII Hardnes of heart or carnall seruice when a man neither acknowledging Gods iudgements nor his owne sinnes dreameth he is safe frō Gods vengeance and such perils as arise from sinne Rom. 2.5 Thou after thine hardnesse and heart that can not repent heapest to thy selfe wrath against the day of wrath Luk. 21.34 Take heede to your selues least at any time your hearts be oppressed with surfetting and drunkennes and cares of this life and least that day come on you as vnawares These all doe ioyntly ingender pride whereby man ascribeth all he hath that is good not to God but to his owne merit and industrie referring and disposing them wholly vnto his owne proper credit 1. Cor. 4.6 That ye might learne by vs that no man presume aboue that which is written that one swell not against another for any mans cause vers 7. For who separateth thee or what hast thou that thou hast not receiued if thou hast receiued it why reioycest thou as though thou hadst not receiued it Gen. 3.5 God doth know that when yee shall eate thereof your eyes shall be opened and ye shall be as Gods knowing good and euill The highest stayre of prides ladder is that fearefull presumption by which many clime rashly into Gods seate of maiestie as if they were gods Act. 12. 22 23. The people gaue a shout saying The voyce of God and not of man but immediately the Angel of the Lord smote him because he gaue not glorie vnto God so that he was eaten vp of wormes and gaue vp the ghost 2. Thess. 2.4 Which is an aduersarie and exalteth himselfe against all that is called God or that is worshipped so that he doth sit as God in the temple of God shewing himselfe that he is God CHAP. 21. Of the second Commandement HItherto haue we entreated of the first Commandement teaching vs to entertaine in our hearts and to make choice of one onely God The other three of the first Table concerne that holy profession which we must make towards the same God For first it is necessarie to make choyce of the true God Secondly to make profession of the same God In the profession of God we are to consider the parts thereof and the time appointed for this profession The parts are two The solemne worship of God and the glorifying of him The second Commandement describeth such holy and solemne worship as is due vnto God The words of the Commandement are these Thou shalt make thee no grauen image neither any similitude of things which are in heauen aboue neither that are in the earth beneath nor that are in the waters vnder the earth thou shalt not bow downe to them neither serue them for I am the Lord thy God a iealous God visiting the iniquitie of the fathers vpon the children vpon the third generation and vpon the fourth of them that hate me and shew mercie vnto thousands vpon them that loue me and keepe my Commandements The Resolution Thou shalt not make This is the first part of the commandement forbidding to make an idol Now an idol is not onely a certaine representation and image of some fained God but also of the true Iehouah The which may be prooued against the Papists by these arguments The first is Deut. 4.15 16. Take therfore good heede vnto your selues for yee saw no image in the day that the Lord spake vnto you in Horeb out of the middest of the fire that yee corrupt not your selues and make you a grauen image or representation of any figure whether it be the likenesse of male or female Out of the words vttered by
that it be sparingly and warily vsed is lawfull For if in serious affaires and matters of great importance it be lawfull in priuate to admit God as a Iudge why should he not as well be called to witnesse Againe the examples of holy men shew the practise of priuate othes as not vnlawfull Iacob and Laban confirmed their couenant one with an other by priuate oth the like did Booz in his contract with Ruth To this place may be added an asseueration the which albeit it be like an oth yet indeede is none and is nothing else but a constant assertion of our mind intersetting sometimes the name of a creature Such was Christs assertion Verely verely I say vnto you And Pauls I call God to record in my spirit Where is both an oth an asseueration 1. Cor. 15.31 By your reioycing which I haue in Iesus Christ I die daily 1. Sam. 20.3 Indeede as the Lord liueth and as my soule liueth there is but a step betweene me and death And surely in such a kind of asseueration there is great equitie for albeit it be vnlawfull to sweare by creatures least Gods honour and power should be attributed vnto them yet thus farre may we vse them in an oath as to make pledges and as it were cognisances of Gods glorie The performance of an oth is on this manner If the oth made be of a lawfull thing it must be performed be it of much difficultie great dammage and extorted by force of him that made it Psal. 15.4 He that sweareth to his owne hinderance and changeth not he shall dwell in Gods tabernacle Yet may the Magistrate as it shall seeme right and conuenient either annihilate or moderate such othes Contrarily if a man sweare to performe things vnlawfull and that by ignorāce error or infirmitie or any other way his oth is to be recalled For we may not adde sinne vnto sinne 1. Sam. 25.21 And Dauid said Indeede I haue kept all in vaine that this fellow had in the wildernes c. vers 22. So and more also doe God vnto the enemies of Dauid for surely I will not leaue of all that he hath by the dawning of the day any that pisseth against the wall vers 33. Dauid said Blessed be thy counsell and blessed be thou which hast kept me this day from comming to shedde blood and that mine hand hath not saued me 2. Sam. 19.23 Dauid promiseth that Shimei should not die but 1. King 2.8,9 Dauid saith to Salomon Though I sware so yet thou shalt not count him innocent but cause his hoare head to goe downe to the graue with blood V. Sanctification of Gods creatures and ordinances the which is a separation of them to an holy vse Thus ought we to sanctifie our meates and drinks the works of our calling and marriage The meanes of this sanctification are two Gods word and prayer 1. Tim. 4.4 All which God hath created is good and nothing must be reiected if it be receiued with thanksgiuing for it is sanctified by the word and prayer By the word we are instructed first whether God alloweth the vse of such things or not secondly we learne after what holy manner in what place at what time with what affection and to what end we must vse them Heb. 11.6 Without faith it is impossible to please God Psal. 119.24 Thy testimonies are my delight they are my counsellers Iosh. 22.19,29 1. Sam. 15.23 Prayer which sanctifieth is petition and thanksgiuing By petition we obtaine of Gods meiestie assistance by his grace to make an holy vse of his creatures and ordinances Col. 3. 17. Whatsoeuer ye shall doe in word or deede doe all in the name of the Lord Iesus giuing thanks to God euen the Father by him 1. Sam. 17.45 Then said Dauid to the Philistim Thou commest to me with a sword and with a speare and with a shield but I come to thee in the name of the Lord of hosts the God of the host of Israel whome thou hast railed vpon Mich. 4. 5. We must walke in the name of the Lord our God for euer and euer Here may we obserue prayer made vpon particular occasion 1. For a prosperous iourney Act. 21.5 When the daies were ended we departed and went our way and they all accompanied vs with their wiues and children euen out of the citie and we kneeling downe on the shore prayed c. 2. For a blessing vpon meats at the table Ioh. 6.11 Then Iesus tooke the bread and when he had giuen thankes he gaue it to his Disciples and the Disciples to them that were set downe and likewise of the fishes as much as they would Act. 27.35 He tooke bread and gaue thanks to God in presence of them all and brake it and began to eate 3. For issue in childbirth This did Anna 1. Sam. 1.14 And Zacharie Luk. 1.13 4. For good successe in busines Gen. 24. 12. Abrahams seruant praied Thanksgiuing is the magnifying of Gods name euen the Father through Christ for his grace ayde and blessing in the lawfull vse of the creatures Phil. 4.6 In all things let your requests be shewed vnto God in prayer and supplication and giuing of thanks 1● Thess. 5. 18. In all things giue thanks for this is the will of God in Christ towards you This we may read vsed 1. after meate Deut. 8.10 When thou hast eaten and filled thy selfe thou shalt blesse the Lord thy God for the good land which he hath giuen thee 2. After the losse of outward wealth Iob 1.21 And Iob saide Naked came I out of my mothers wombe and naked shall I returne againe the Lord hath giuen and the lord hath taken away blessed be the name of the Lord for euermore 3. For deliuerance out of seruitude Exod. 18. 10. Iethro said Blessed be the Lord who hath deliuered you out of the hands of the Egyptians and out of the hand of Pharaoh who also hath deliuered the people from vnder the hand of the Egyptians 4. For children Gen. 29.35 Shee conceiued againe and bare of sonne saying Now will I praise the Lord therefore shee called his name Iudah 5. For victorie 2. Sam. 22.1 And Dauid spake the words of this song vnto the Lord what time the Lord had deliuered him out of the hands of all his enemies and out of the hand of Saul and said The Lord is my rocke and my fortresse c. 6. For good successe in domesticall affaires Abrahams seruant Gen. 24.12 blessed the Lord of his master Abraham CHAP. 23. Of the fourth Commandement THe fourth Commandement concerneth the Sabboth namely that holy time consecrated to the worship and glorifying of God The words are these Remember the Sabboth to keepe it sixe daies shalt thou labour and doe ●ll thy worke but the seuenth day is the Sabboth of the Lord thy God in it thou shalt doe no manner of worke thou nor thy sonne nor thy daughter thy man seruant nor thy maid nor thy beast nor thy
straunger that is within thy gates For in sixe daies the Lord made the heauen and the earth the sea and all that in them is and rested the seauenth day therefore the Lord blessed the seauenth day and hallowed it The Resolution Remember This clause doth insinuate that in times past there was great neglect in the obseruation of the Sabboth and would that all degrees and conditions of men should prepare themselues to sanctifie the same especially those that be gouernours of families in corporations and cities to whome this commandement is directed To keepe it holy or to sanctifie it To sanctifie it is to seuer a thing from common vse and to consecrate the same to the seruice of God Here are described the two parts of this commandement the first where of is rest from labour the second sanctification of that rest Sixe daies These wordes containe a close answer to this obiection It is much to cease from our callings one whole day The answer together with a first reason to inforce the sanctification of the Sabbath is in these wordes which is taken from the greater to the lesse If I permit thee to follow thy calling sixe whole daies thou maist well and must leaue one onely to serue me But the first is true Therefore the second The first propositiō is wanting the second or assumption are these words Sixe daies c. The conclusion is the commandement it selfe Here may we see that God hath giuen vs free libertie to worke all the sixe daies The which freedome no man can annihilate Neuerthelesse vpon extraordinarie occasions the Church of God is permitted to separate one daie or more of the seuen as neede is either to fasting or for a solemne day of reioycing for some benefit receiued Ioel 2.15 The seuenth day The second reason of this commaundement taken from the ende thereof If the Sabbath were consecrated to God and his seruice we must that day abstain from our labours But it was consecrated to God and his seruice Therefore we must then abstaine from our labours The assumption is in these words the seuenth day c. where we must note that God alone hath this priuiledge to haue a Sabbath consecrated vnto him and therefore all holy daies dedicated to what soeuer either Angel or Saint are vnlawfull howsoeuer the Church of Rome haue imposed the obseruation of them vpon many people In it thou shalt doe This is the conclusion of the second reason illustrated by a distribution from the causes Thou thy sonne thy daughter thy seruant thy cattell thy stranger shall cease that day from your labours Any worke That is any ordinarie worke of your callings and such as may be done the day before or left well vndone till the day after Yet for all this we are not forbidden to performe such workes euen on this day as are both holy and of present necessitie Such are those works which doe vpon that day preserue and maintaine the seruice and glorie of God as I. a Sabbath daies iourney Act. 1.12 Which is now Hierusalem containing a Sabbath daies iourney II. The killing and dressing of sacrificed beasts in the time of the law Matth. 12.5 Haue ye not read in the law how that on the Sabbath daies the Priests in the Temple breake the Sabbath and are blamelesse III. Iourneys vnto the Prophets and places appointed vnto the worship of God 2. King 4.23 He said Why wilt thou goe to him this day it is neither new moone nor Sabbath day Psal. 84.7 They go from strength to strength till euery one appeare before God in Zion Such also are the works of mercie whereby the safetie of life or goods is procured as that which Paul did Act. 20. 9. As Paul was long preaching Eutychus ouercome with sleepe fell downe from the third loft and was taken vp dead but Paul went downe and laid himselfe vpon him and embraced him saying Trouble not your selues for his life is in him vers 12. And they brought the boy aliue and they were not a little comforted II. To helpe a beast out of a pit Luk. 14.5 Which of you shall haue an oxe or an asse fallen into a pit and will not straightway pull him out on the Sabbath day III. Prouision of meate and drinke Matth. 12.1 Iesus went through the corne on a Sabbath day and his Disciples were an hungred and began to plucke the eares of corne and to eate In prouision we must take heede that our cookes and houshold ●eruants breake not the Sabbath The reason of this is framed from the lesser to the greater out of that place 2. Sam. 25.15 Dauid longed and said Oh that one would giue me to drinke of the water of the well of Beth-lehem which is by the gate vers 16. Then the three mightie brake into the host of the Philistims and drew water out of the well of Beth-lehem that was by the gate and tooke and brought it to Dauid who would not drinke thereof but powred it for an offering vnto the Lord. vers 17. And said O Lord be it farre from me that I should doe ●his is not this the blood of the men that went in ieopardie of their liues therefore would he not drinke The reason standeth thus If Dauid would not haue his seruants aduenture their corporall liues for his prouision nor drinke the water when they had prouided it much lesse ought we for our meates to aduenture the liues of our seruants IV. Watering of cattell Math. 12.11 The Lord answered and said Thou hypocrite will not any of you on the Sabbath daies loose his oxe or asse out of the stable and bring him to the water Vpon the like present and holy necessitie Phisitians vpon the Sabbath day may take a iourney to visit the diseased Mariners their voyage Shepheards may tend their flocke and Midwiues may helpe women with childe Mark 2.27 The Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath Within thy gates This word gate signifieth by a figure iurisdiction and authoritie Math. 16.18 The gates of hell shall not ouercome it Let this be a looking glasse wherein all Inholders and intertainers of strangers may looke into themselues and behold what is their dutie For in sixe daies The third reason of this commaundement from the lik● example That which I did thou also must doe But I rested the seauenth day and hallowed it Therefore thou must doe the like God sanctified the Sabbath when he did consecrate it to his seruice men sanctifie it when they worship God in it In this place we are to confider the Sabbath how farre forth it is ceremoniall and how farre forth morall The Sabbath is ceremoniall in respect of the strict obseruation thereof which was a type of the internall sanctification of the people of God and that is as it were a continuall resting from the worke of sinne Exod. 31.1.3 Speake thou also vnto the children of Israel and say Notwithstanding keepe ye my sabbath for it is
In whome ye are also built togither to be the habitation of God by the spirit This albeit it be a most neere and reall vnion yet we must not thinke that it by touching mixture or as it were by souldring of one soule with another neither by a bare agreement of the soules among themselues but by the communion and operation of the same spirit which beeing by nature infinite is of sufficient abilitie to conioyne those things togither which are of themselues farre distant from each other the like we see in the soule of man which conioyneth the head with the foote Eph. 2.22 2. Pet. 1.4 Whereby most great and precious promises are giuen vnto vs that by them ye should be partakers of the godly nature in that ye flie the corruption which is in the world through lust Phil. 2.1 If there be any consolation in Christ if any comfort of loue if any fellowship of the spirit c. The things vnited In this vnion not our soule alone is vnited with Christs soule or our ●lesh with his flesh but the whole person of euery faithfull man is ●erely conioyned with the whol person of our Sauiour Christ God man The manner of their vnion is this A faithfull man first of all and immediatly is vnited to the flesh or humane nature of Christ afterward by reason of the humanitie to the Word it selfe or diuine nature For saluation and life dependeth on that fulnesse of the godhead which is in Christ yet it is not cōmunicated vnto vs but in the flesh and by the flesh of Christ. Ioh. 6 5● Except ye eate the flesh and drinke the blood of the Sonne of man ye haue no life in you 56. He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood dwelleth in me and I in him The bond of this vnion This vnion is made by the spirit of God applying Christ vnto vs and on our parts by faith receiuing Christ Iesus offered vnto vs. And for this cause is it tearmed a spirituall vnion Christ because he is the head of the faithfull is to be considered as a publike man sustaining the person of all the elect Hence is it that the faithfull are ●aid to be crucified with Christ and with him to die to be buried Rom. 6.4 5,6 to be quickened Eph. 2.5 to be raised vp and placed in heauen v. 6. Col. 3.1 the which is not onely in regard of the hope of the faithful but because they are accepted of God certainely to haue done all these things in Christ euen as in Adams first sinne all his posteritie afterward was tainted of sinne A member of Christ is diuersly distinguished and is so either before men or God Before mē they are the members of Christ who outwardly professing the faith are charitably reputed by the Church as true members But such deceiuing at length both themselues and the Church may be reprobates therefore in Gods presence they are no more true members then are the noxious humours in mans bodie or a woodden legge or other ioynt cunningly fastened to another part of the bodie Againe members before God they are such as either are decreed to be so or actually are so already Such as are decreed to be so are they who being elect from all eternitie are either as yet not borne or not called Ioh. 10. 16. Other sheepe haue I which are not of this fold them also must I bring Actuall members of Christ are either liuing or dying members An actuall liuing member of Christ is euery one elected which being engraffed by faith and the spirit into Christ doth feele and shewe forth the power of Christ in him An actuall dying or decaying member is euery one truely engraffed into Christ and yet hath no feeling of the power and efficacie of the quickening spirit in him He is like vnto a benummed legge without sense which indeede is a part of mans body and yet receiueth no nourishment such are those faithfull ones who for a time doe faint and are ouercome vnder the heauie burthē of tentations and their sinnes such are also those excommunicate persons who in regard of their engraffing are true members howesoeuer in regard of the externall communion with the Church and efficacie of the spirit they are not members till such time as they being touched with repentance doe begin as it were to liue againe God executeth this effectuall calling by certaine meanes The first is the sauing hearing of the word of God which is when the said word outwardly is preached to such an one as is both dead in his sinnes and doth not so much as dreame of his saluation And first of all the Law shewing a man his sinne and the punishment thereof which is eternall death afterward the Gospel shewing saluation by Christ Iesus to such as beleeue And inwardly the eyes of the minde are enlightened the heart and eares opened that he may see heare and vnderstand the preaching of the word of God The second is the mollifying of the heart the which must be bruised in pieces that it may be fit to receiue Gods sauing grace offered vnto it Ezech. 11. 19. I will giue them one heart and I will put a new spirit within their bowels And I will take the stonie heart out of their bodies and will giue them an heart of flesh There are for the brusing of this stonie heart foure principal hammers The first is the knowledge of the law of God The second is the knowledge of sinne both originall and actuall and what punishment is due vnto them The third is compunction or pricking of the heart namely a sense and feeling of the wrath of God for the same sinnes The fourth is an holy desperation of a mans owne power in the obtaining of eternall life Act. 2.37 When they heard these things they were pricked in heart and said vnto Peter and the rest of the Apostles Men and brethren what shall we doe 38. Peter said vnto them Repent and be baptized euery one of you in the name of Iesus into the remission of sinnes and ye shall receiue the gift of the holy Ghost Luk. 15.17 Then he came to himselfe and said How many hired seruants at my fathers haue bread ynough and I die for hunger 18. I will rise and goe to my father and say vnto him Father I haue sinned against heauen and before thee 19. And am no more worthie to be called thy sonne make me as one of thy hired seruants c. Matth. 15. 24. He answered and said I am not sent but to the lost sheepe of Israel The third is faith which is a miraculous and supernaturall facultie of the heart apprehending Christ Iesus being applied by the operation of the holy Ghost and receiuing him to it selfe Ioh. 1.1,2,6.35 Iesus said vnto them I am the bread of life he that commeth vnto me shall neuer hunger and he that beleeueth in me shall neuer thirst Rom. 9.30 What shall we
say then the Gentiles which followed not righteousnesse haue attained vnto righteousnesse euen the righteousnes which is of faith Christ is receiued when euery seuerall person doth particularly apply vnto himselfe Christ with his merits by an inward perswasiō of the heart which commeth none other way but by the effectuall certificate by the holy Ghost concerning the mercy of God in Christ Iesus 1. Cor. 2.12 Wee haue receiued not the spirit of the world but the spirit which is of GOD that we might knowe the things that are giuen to vs of GOD. Ezech. 12.10 I will poure the spirit of grace vpon the house of Dauid and vpon the inhabitants of Ierusalem and they shall looke vnto me whome they haue wounded Rom. 8.16 His spirit beareth witnesse to our spirit that we are the sonnes of God Eph. 1.13 In whom also ye haue trust after that ye heard the word of truth euen the Gospell of your saluation wherein also after that ye beleeued ye were sealed with the holy spirit of promise 2. Cor. 1.22 In the worke of faith there are foure degrees or motions of the heart linked and vnited togither and are worthy the consideration of euery Christian. The first is knowledge of the Gospell by the illumination of gods spirit Esay 53.11 By his knowledge shall my seruant iustifie many Ioh. 7.3 This is life eternall that they knowe thee to be the onely very God and whome thou hast sent Iesus Christ. To this in such as are truely humbled is annexed a serious meditation of the promises in the Gospell stirred vp by the sensible feeling of their owne beggerie And after the forsaid knowledge in all such as are enlightened commeth a generall faith whereby they subscribe to the trueth of the Gospell Heb. 4.2 Vnto vs was the Gospell preached as also vnto them but the word that they heard profited not them because it was not mixed with faith in those that heard it 1. Tim. 1.19 Hauing faith and a good conscience which some haue put away and as concerning the faith haue made shipwracke 1. Tim. 2.4 Who will that all men should bee saued and come vnto the knowledge of the trueth This knowledge if it be more full and perfect is called in Greeke 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is the full assurāce of vnderst●̄ding Col. 2.2 That their hearts might be comforted and they knit togither in loue and in all riches of the full assurance of vnderstanding to knowe the mysterie of God euen the father and of Christ. Rom. 14.14 I knowe and am perswaded through the Lord Iesus that there is nothing vncleane of it selfe Luk. 1.1 For as much as many haue taken in hand to set forth the storie of those things whereof we are fully perswaded 1. Thes. 1.5 Our gospell was vnto you not in word onely but also in power and in the holy Ghost and in much assurance The second is hope of pardon whereby a sinner albeit he yet feeleth not that his sinnes are certainly pardoned yet he be beleeueth that they are pardonable Luk. 15.18 I will goe vnto him father and say Father I haue sinned against he●uen and against thee and am no more worthie to be called thy sonne make me as one of thy hired seruants The third is an hungring and thirsting after that grace which is offered to him in Christ Iesus as a man hungreth and thirsteth after meate and drinke Ioh. 6.35 and 7.37 Reu. 21.6 And he said vnto me It is done I am A and Ω the beginning and the ende I will giue to him that is a thirst of the well of the water of life freely Matth. 5.6 Blessed are they which hunger and thirst after righteousnes for they shall be satisfied The fourth is the approching to the throne of Grace that there flying from the terror of the Law he may take hold of Christ and finde fauour with God Heb. 4.16 Let vs therefore goe boldly to the throne of grace that we may receiue mercie and finde grace to helpe in time of neede This approching hath two parts The first is an humble confession of our sinnes before God particularly if they be knowne sinnes and generally if vnknowne this done the Lord forthwith remitteth all our sinnes Psalm 32.5 I thought I will confesse against my selfe my wickednesse vnto the Lord and thou forgauest the punishment of my sinne Selah 2. Sam. 12. 13. Dauid said to Nathan I haue sinned against the Lord wherefore Nathan said to Dauid The Lord hath taken away thy sinne thou shalt not die Luk. 15.19 The secōd is the crauing pardon of some sinnes with vnspeakable sighes and in perseuerance Luk. 15.21 Act. 8.22 Repent of this wickednesse and pray God that if it be possible the thought of thine heart may be forgiuen thee Rom. 8. 26. The spirit helpeth our infirmities for we knowe not what to pray as we ought but the spirit it selfe maketh request for vs with sighes which cannot be expressed Hos. 14.2,3 O Israel returne vnto the Lord thy God for thou hast fallen by thine iniquitie Take vnto you wordes and turne to the Lord and say to him take away al iniquitie and receiue vs gratiously The fift arising of the former is an especiall perswasion imprinted in the heart by the holy Ghost whereby euery faithful man doth particularly apply vnto himselfe those promises which are made in the Gospell Matth. 9.2 They brought vnto him a man sicke of the palsie and when Iesus saw their faith he saide vnto the sicke of the palsie Sonne be of good comfort thy sinnes are forgiuen thee Mat. 15.28 O woman great is thy faith bee it vnto thee as thou desirest Gal. 2.20 I liue yet not I nowe but Christ liueth in me and in that I nowe liue in the flesh I liue by the faith of the sonne of God who hath loued me and giuen himselfe for me This perswasiō is ought to be in euery one euē before he haue any experiēce of Gods mercies Mat. 15.22 A womā a Canaanite came out of the same coasts and cried saying vnto him Haue mercie on me O Lord the sonne of Dauid my daughter is miserably vexed with a deuill c. 23,24,25,26,27 Ioh. 20.29 Iesus said vnto him Thomas because thou hast seene me thou beleeuest blessed are they which haue not seene and haue beleeued Hebr. 11. 1. Faith is the ground of things hoped for and the euidence of things which are not seene In philosophy wee first see a thing true by experience and afterward giue our assent vnto it as in naturall philosophy I am perswaded that such a water is hot because when I put mine hand into it I perceiue by experience an hot qualitie But in the practise of faith it is quite contrarie For first we must consent to the word of God resisting all doubt and diffidence and afterward will an experience and feeling of comfort followe 2. Chron. 20.20 Put your trust in the Lord your God and ye shall be assured beleeue his
light or small Gal. 5.9 A little leauen doth leauen the whole lumpe Rom. 6.23 For the wages of sinne is death but the gift of God is eternall life through Iesus Christ our Lord. II. To auoide all occasions of sinne To these rather agreeth the prouerbe vsed of the plague longè tardè citò that is aloofe slowly quickly 1. Thess. 5.22 Abstaine from all appearance of euill Iud. v. 23 And other saue with feare pulling them out of the fire and hate euen the garment spotted by the flesh III. To accustome thy selfe to subdue the lesser sinnes that at the last thou maist also ouercome the greater Rom. 13.4 IV. To apply thy selfe to thy appointed calling and alway to be busily occupied about something in the same V. To oppose the lawe the iudgements of god the last iudgement the glorious presence of God and such like against the rebellion and loosenesse of the flesh Prou. 28.14 Blessed is the man that feareth alway but he that hardeneth his heart shall fall into euil Gen. 39.9 There is no man greater in this house then I neither hath he kept any thing from me but onely thee because thou art his wife how then can I doe this great wickednesse and so sinne against God Here certaine remedies take place Against vniust anger or priuate desire of reuenge Here meditate I. Iniuries they happen vnto vs by the Lords appointment for our good 2. Sam. 16. to II. God of his great goodnes forgiueth vs far more sinnes then it is possible for vs to forgiue men III. It is the dutie of Christian loue to forgiue others IV. We must not desire to destroy them whom Christ hath redeemed by his pretious blood V. We our selues are in danger of the wrath of God if we suffer our wrath to burne against our brother Forgiue saith he and it shall be forgiuen VI. We know not the circumstances of the facts what the minde was and purpose of them against whome we swell Bridles or externall remedies are these I. In this we shall imitate the clemencie of the Lord who for a very great season doth often tollerate the wicked Learne of me for I am humble and meeke II. There must be a pausing and time of delay betwixt our anger and the execution of the same Athenodorus counselled Augustus that he beeing angrie should repeat all the letters of the Alphabet or A B C before he against another did either speake or doe any thing III. To depart out of those places where those are with whom we are angrie IV. To auoide contention both in worde and in deede Doe nothing through contention Remedies against those bad desires of riches and honour I. God doth euē in famine quicken and reuiue them which feare him Psal. 33.18 19. The eye of the Lord is vpon them that feare him to deliuer their soules from death and to preserue them from famine II. Godlines is great gaine if the minde of man can be therewith content 1. Tim. 6.6 III. We do wait looke for the resurrection of the bodie and eternall life therefore we should not take such carking care for this present mortal life IV. We are seruāts in our fathers house therefore looke what is conuenient for vs that will he louingly bestowe vpon vs. V. The palpable blindnes of an ambitious minde desireth to be set aloft that he may haue the greater downe-fall and he feareth to be humbled least he should not be exalted VI. Adam when he would needes be checke-mate with God did bring both himselfe and his posteritie headlong to destruction VII He is a very ambitious rob-God which desireth to take that commendation to himselfe which is appropriate onely to the Lord. Preseruatiues against the desires of the flesh I. He that will be Christs disciple must euery daie take vp his crosse Luk. 9.23 II. They which are according to the spirit sauour of such things as are according to the spirit Rom. 8.5 III. We ought to behaue ourselues as citizens of the kingdome of heauen Phil. 3.20 IV. We are the temple of god 1. Cor. 3.6 Our members they are the members of Christ. 1. Cor. 6.15 And we haue dwelling within vs the spirit of Christ which we should not grieue Eph. 4.30 Concerning this look more in the explication of the seuenth commandement In this tentation the fall is when a man beeing preuented falleth into some offence Gal. 6.1 Here Satan doth wonderfully aggrauate the offence committed and doth accuse and terrifie the offender with the iudgements of God Mat. 27.3 Then when Iudas which betraied him sawe that he was condemned he repented himselfe and brought again the thirtie pieces of siluer to the chiefe priests elders 4. saying I haue sinned betraying the innocent blood but they said What is that to vs see thou to it 5. And when he had cast downe the siluer pieces in the temple he departed and went and hanged himselfe The remedie is a renued repentance the beginning whereof is sorrowe in regard of God for the same sinne the fruits herof are especially seuen 2. Cor. 7.9 Nowe I reioice not that ye were sorrie but that ye sorrowed to repentance for ye sorrowed godly so that in nothing ye were hurt by vs. 10. For godly sorrowe causeth repentance vnto saluation not to be repented of but worldly sorrow causeth death 11. For behold this thing that ye haue beene godly sorrie what great care hath it wrought in you yea what clearing of your selues yea what indignation yea what feare yea how great desire yea what zeale yea what punishment in all things ye haue shewed your selues that ye are pure in this matter I. A desire of doing well II. An Apologie that is a confession of the sinne before God with a requiring of pardon for the offence Psal. 32.5 Then I acknowledged my sinne vnto thee neither hid I mine iniquitie for I thought I will confesse against my selfe my wickednesse vnto the Lord and thou forgauest the punishment of my sinne 2. Sam. 12. 13. Then Dauid said vnto Nathan I haue sinned against the Lord and Nathan said vnto Dauid The Lord also hath put away thy sinne thou shalt not die III. Indignation against a mans selfe for his offence IV. A feare not so much for the punishment as for offending the Lord. Psal. 130.3 If thou straightly markest iniquities O Lord who shall stand V. A desire to be fully renued and to be deliuered from sinne VI. A feruent zeale to loue God and to embrace and keepe all his commandements VII Reuenge whereby the flesh may be tamed and subdued least at any time afterward such offences be committed CHAP. 44. Of the patient bearing of the crosse THe patient bearing of the crosse teacheth how Christians should vndergoe the burden The crosse is a certaine measure of afflictions appointed by God to euery one of the faithfull Matth. 16.24 If any man will follow me let him forsake himselfe take vp his crosse and follow me Col. 1.24 Now
noise like to that of charriot wheeles suddenly passe away and the elements with the earth and all therein shall be dissolued with fire 2. Pet. 3. 12. L●●king for and h●●sting vnto the comming of the day of God by which the heauens beeing 〈◊〉 shall be dissolued and the elements shall melt with heate 13. 〈…〉 new heauens and a new earth according to his promise wherein d 〈…〉 ousness At the same time when as all these things shall come to passe 〈◊〉 sound of the last trumpet shall be heard sounded by the Archang●●● And Christ shall come suddenly in the cloudes with power and glorie and a great traine of Angels III. Now at the sound of the trumpet the Elect which were dead shal arise with their bodies and those very bodies which were turned to dust and one part rent from another shall by the omnipotent power of God be restored and the soules of them shall descend from heauen and be brought againe into those bodies As for them which then shall be aliue they shall be changed in the twinckling of an eye and this mutation shall be in stead of death And at that time the bodies shall receiue their full redemption and all the bodies of the Elect shall be made like the glorious bodie of Christ Iesus and therefore shall be spirituall immortall glorious and free from all infirmitie IV. Last of all when they are all conuented before the tribunall seate of Christ he will forthwith place the Elect seuered from the reprobate and taken vp into the aire at his right hand and to them being written in the booke of life will he pronounce this sentence Come ye blessed of my father possesse the kingdome prepared for you from the foundations of the world Matth. 25.33 He shall set the sheepe on his right hand and the goates on the left 1. Thess. 4. 17. Reu. 20. 12. whosoeuer was not found written in the booke of life was cast into the lake of fire CHAP. 50. Of the estate of the Elect after iudgement THe last iudgement beeing once finished the Elect shall enioy immediatly blessednes in the kingdome of heauen Blessednes is that whereby God himselfe is all in all his Elect. 1. Cor. 15. 28. When all things shall be subdued to him then shall the Sonne also himselfe be subiect vnto him that did subdue all things vnder him that God may be all in all And it is the reward of good workes not because workes can merit but by reason of Gods fauour who thus accepteth workes and that in respect of the merit of Christs righteousnes imputed to the Elect. Rom. 6.23 The wages of sinne is death but eternall life is the gift of God through Iesus Christ our Lord. 2. Tim. 4. 8. Reu. 22. 12. Behold I come shortly and my reward is with me to giue euery man according as his worke shall be Blessednesse hath two parts Eternall life and perfect glorie Eternall life is that fellowship with God whereby God himselfe is thorough the Lambe Christ life vnto the Elect. For in the kingdome of heauen the Elect shall not neede meat drinke sleepe aire heat cold phisicke apparell or the light of the Sunne and moone b but in place of all these shall they haue in them Gods spirit by which immediatly they shall be quickned for euer Perfect glorie is that wonderfull excellencie of the Elect wherby they shal be in a farre better estate then any heart can wish This glorie consisteth in three points I. In that they shall still behold the face of God which is his glory and maiestie Reuel 22.4 And they shall see his face and his name shall be in their forheads Psal. 17.15 I will behold thy face in righteousnes and when I awake I shall be satisfied with thine anger II. In that they shall be most like to Christ namely iust holy incorruptible glorious honorable excellent beautifull strong mightie and nimble 1. Ioh. 3.2 Dearely beloued now are we the sonnes of God but yet it doth not appeare what we shall be and we knowe that when he shall appeare we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is Phil. 3.21 Who shall change our vile bodie that it may be fashioned like vnto his glorious bodie according to the working whereby he is able euen to subdue all things to himselfe III. They shall inherit the kingdome of heauen yea the newe heauens and newe earth shal be their inheritance 1. Pet. 1.4 God hath begotten you to an inheritance immortall vndefiled and that fadeth not away reserued in heauen for you Mat. 25.34 Then shall the king say to them on his right hand Come ye blessed of my Father possesse a kingdome prepared for you before the foundations of the world were laid Reu. 5.10 Thou hast made vs vnto our God kings and priests and we shall raigne on the earth Reuel 21.7 Hee that ouercommeth shall inherite all things and I will be his God he shall be my sonne The fruit that commeth from both these parts of blessednes is of two sorts Eternall ioy and the perfect seruice of God Psal. 16.11 Thou wilt shewe me the path of life in thy presence is the fulnesse of ioy and at thy right hand there are pleasures for euermore Psal. 36.8 They shall be satisfied with the fatnes of thine house and thou shalt giue them drinke out of the riuer of thy pleasures 9. For with thee is the well of life and in thy light shall we see light The parts of Gods seruice are Praise and Thanksgiuing Reuel 21.3 And I heard a great voice out of heauen saying behold the Tabernacle of God is with men and he will dwell with them and they shall be his people and God himselfe shall be their God with them Chap. 5.12 Saying with a loud voice Worthy is the Lambe that was killed to receiue power and riches and wisdome and strength and honour and glory and praise c. 13. Chap. 11.17 The foure and twentie Elders which sate before God on their seates fell vpon their faces and worshipped God saying Wee giue thee thanks Lord God Almightie which art and Which wa st and Which art to come for thou hast receiued thy great might and hast obtained thy kingdome The manner of performing this seruice is to worship God by God himselfe immediately In heauen there shall neither be temple ceremonie nor Sacrament but all these wants shal God himselfe supply togither with the Lābe that is Christ. Reuel 21.22 I sawe no temple therein for the Lord God Almightie and the Lambe are the Temple of it This seruice shall be daily and without intermission Reuel 7.15 They are in the presence of the throne of God and serue him day and night in his temple A Corollarie or the last conclusion THus God in sauing the Elect doeth clearely set forth his iustice and mercy His iustice in that he punished the sinnes of the elect in his Sonnes owne person His
three They are all coequal and coeternall all most wise iust mercifull omnipotent by one and the same wisdome iustice mercie power And because they haue all one godhead therefore they are not onely one with another but also ech in other the Father in the Sonne and the Sonne in the Father and the holy Ghost in them both And we must not imagine that these three are one God as though the Father had one part of the Godhead the Sonne another part and the holy Ghost a third For that is most false because the infinite and the most simple godhead is not subiect to composition or diuision but euery person is whole god subsisting not in a part but in the whole godhead and the whole entire godhead is communicate● from the father to the sonne● from both father and sonne to the holy Ghost But some may yet say that this doctrine seemes to bee impossible because three creatures as for example Peter Paul Timothy beeing three persons and so remaining cannot haue one and the same nature that is the same body the same soule Answ. Three or moe men may haue the same nature in kind but the truth is they cannot possibly haue a nature which shal be one and the same in number in them all three For a man is a substance created and finite and the bodies of men are quantities and therefore diuisible and separable one from another Hereupon it comes that the persons of men are not only distinguished by proprieties but also diuided and sundered one from another And though Peter Paul Timothy haue all one common and vniuersall forme yet they three are not one man but three men Nowe it is otherwise with the diuine nature or godhead which is vncreated and infinite and therefore admits neither composition nor diuision but a distinction without any seperatiō so as the three persons subsisting in it shal not be three gods but one and the same God Yet further some wil obiect that it is truely said of the father that he is god but the same godhead is not in the sonne nor in the holy ghost for the sonne and the holy ghost haue their beginning from the father Ans. The sonne and the holy ghost haue not a beginning of their nature or of their godhead from the Father but of their person onely the person of the Sonne is from the Father and the person of the holy ghost is both from the father and from the Sonne but the godhead of all three persons is vncreate and vnbegotten and proceeding from none Yet some may say both the sonne and the holy ghost haue receiued from the Father al their attributes as wisdome knowledge power c. Nowe he that receiueth any thing from another is in that respect inferiour to him that giueth it and therefore the Sonne and the holy Ghost are not God as he is Ans. We must knowe that which the Sonne receiueth of the Father he receiueth it by nature and not by grace and he receiueth not a part but all that the father hath sauing the perso●all proprietie And the holy ghost receiueth from the Father and the Sonne by nature and not by grace and therefore though both the sonne and the holy Ghost receiue from the Father yet they are not inferiour to him but equall with him And thus much is both necessary and profitable to be learned of the vnion betweene the three persons in Trinitie whereby they beeing three haue all one and the same godhead The second point to be considered is that that though these three haue but one godhead and all make but one God yet they are distinguished one from another for the father is the father and not the sonne or the holy Ghost the sonne is the sonne and not the father nor the holy Ghost and the holy ghost is the holy ghost not the father nor the sonne This distinction of the persons is notably set forth vnto vs in the baptisme of our Sauiour Christ where it is said that vvhen Iesus was baptized he came out of the water there is the second person and the holy Ghost descended vpon him in the forme of a doue there is the third person and the father the first person pronounced from heauen that he was his onely beloued sonne in whome he was well pleased And wee must conceiue this distinction in such manner as though these three Father Sonne and holy Ghost were three names of one God For the three persons doe not in name or word but really in trueth distinctly subsist in the same diuine nature Neither must we imagine that the three persons are three formes or differences of one God as some hereticks haue dreamed who taught that the father alone is God and that he is called a father in one respect the sonne in another and the holy Ghost in a third For this were nothing els but to make the personall proprieties to be nothing but imaginarie accidents which indeede or at the least in mans conceit might come and goe and be either in the persons or forth of them For the personall r●lations though in minde they may be distinguished from the diuine essence yet indeede they are one with it But some will say if they make this distinction there is rather a quaternitie then a trinitie for the godhead is one the father an other the sonne a third and the holy Ghost a fourth Thus some heretikes haue obiected against the distinction of the trinitie but it is vntrue which they say For the godhead must not be seuered from the Father nor from the Sonne nor from the holy Ghost for the father is God or the whole godhead so also is the sonne and the holy Ghost and the godhead likewise is in euery one of these three persons and euery one of them subsisting in the godhead and the godhead must be conceiued to be in them all and not as a fourth thing out of them And therefore we must still m●intaine that these three persons are distinguished and not deuided as three men are deuided in beeing and substance for this diuision can not be in them because all three haue one dr●ine nature and one godhead This is the mysterie of all mysteries to be receiued of vs all namely the trinitie of the persons in the vnitie of the godhead This forme of doctrine must be retained and holden for these causes I. because by it we are able to distinguish this true God from all false gods and idols II. because among all other points of religion this is one of the chiefest beeing the very foundation thereof For it is not sufficient for vs to know God as we can conceiue of him in our owne imagination but we must know him as he hath reuealed himselfe in his word And it is not sufficient to saluation to beleeue in God confusedly but we must beleeue in one God distinct into three persons the Father the Sonne the holy
and made a shew of them openly and hath triumphed ouer them in the crosse he ouercame the deuill and all his angels by the power of his almightie father and by his owne power as he is God And euen so must Christian men labour to finde the same power in themselues of this almightie father by which Christ did triumph ouer Satan that by it they may tread him vnder their feete which men can neuer doe by any power in themselues Againe Christ praieth that that cup might passe from him and yet hee saith Not my will but thy will be fulfilled For it was necessary that Christ should suffer And this request was heard not because he was freed from death but because God his father Almightie gaue him power and strength in his manhood to beare the brunt of his indignation Nowe looke as this power was effectuall in Christ Iesus the head to make him able and sufficient to beare the pangs of hell so the same power of God is in some measure effectuall in al the members of Christ to make them both patient of sufficient strength to beare any affliction as Saint Paul saith beeing strengthened with all might through his glorious power vnto all patience and long suffering with ioifulnesse And this is a notable point which euery one ought to learne that whereas they confesse God to be their Almightie father they should herewithall labour to feele and haue experience in themselues that hee is almightie in the beginning and continuing of grace vnto them and in giuing them power and patience to suffer afflictions Further Christ Iesus when the worke of our redemption was accomplished was lifted vp into heauen and set at the right hand of God in heauenly places farre aboue all principalities and powers c. euen by the power of his father well as this power was made manifest in the head so must it bee in the members thereof Euery childe of God shall hereafter see and feele in himselfe the same power to translate him from this vale of misery in this life to the kingdome of heauen Wherefore to conclude we haue great cause to bee thankefull and to praise God for this priuiledge that hee sheweth his power in his childrē in regenerating thē in making them die vnto sin and to stand against the gates of hel and to suffer afflictions patiently as also that he translates them from death to life And euery one should shew his thankefulnesse in labouring to haue experience of this power in himselfe as Paul exhorteth vs in his Epistles to the Colossians and Ephesians yea read all his epistles and we shal find he mentioneth no point so often as this namely the mighty power of God manifested first in Christ and secondly in his members and he accounteth all things losse that he might knowe Christ and the vertue of his resurrection This point is the rather to be marked because his power in the matter of grace is not to be seene with eye and fewe there be in respect that haue felt the vertue thereof in themselues for the diuell doth mightily shewe his contrary power in the greatest part of the world in carrying them to sinne and wickednesse Secondly hence we learne that which Paul teacheth namely to knowe that all thinges worke togither for the best vnto them that loue God God is almightie and therefore able to doe whatsoeuer he will he is also a father and therefore is willing to doe that which is for our good But some will say we are subiect to many crosses yea to sinne what can our sinnes turne to our good Ans. If God almightie be thy father he will turne thine afflictions yea thy sinnes which by nature are euil beyond all expectation vnto thy saluation And thus much God will doe to all such as be obedient vnto him yet no man must hereupon presume to sinne Thirdly whereas we beleeue that God is a mightie father it serues to confirme gods children in the promises of mercy reuealed in his word The chiefest whereof is that if men will turne from their sinnes and beleeue in Christ they shall not perish but haue life euerlasting I knowe some men will make it an easie thing to beleeue especially those which neuer knewe what faith meant But such persons neede no meanes of confirmation of faith therefore let all those which haue tasted of the hardnes of attaining vnto it learne howe to establish their wauering hearts in the promises of God by the consideration of these two points God is a father and therefore he is willing he is also almightie and therefore he is able to performe his promises He that will bee truely resolued of Gods promises must haue both these setled in his heart and build on them as on two foundations It followeth Creatour of heauen earth We haue spoken of the title of the first person and of his attributes nowe we come to speake of his effect namely the creation but before we come to it we are to answer a certaine obiection which may be made At the first it may seeme strange to some that the worke of creation is ascribed to the first person in Trinitie the father whereas in the Scripture it is common to them all three equally And first that the father is Creatour it was neuer doubted as for the second person the Sonne that hee is Creatour it is euident All things are made by it that is by the Sonne who is the substantiall worde of the father and without it was made nothing that was made And againe it is saide that God by his sonne made the worlde As for the holy Ghost the worke of creation is also ascribed vnto him and therefore Moses saith The spirit mooued vpon the waters and Iob saieth His spirit hath garnished the heauens Howe then is this peculiar to the father beeing common to all the three persons in trinitie I answer The actions of God are twofold either inward or outward The inwarde actions are those which one person doth exercise towards another as the father doth beget the sonne and this is an inward action peculiar to the father and all inward actions are proper to the persons from whome they are So the Sonne doth receiue the Godhead by communication from the Father and the holy Ghost from them both and these are inward actions peculiar to these persons So likewise for the father to send his sonne it is an inward action proper to the father and cannot be communicated to the holy ghost and the sonne to bee sent by the father onely is a thing proper to the Sonne and not common to the father or to the holy Ghost Now outward actions are the actions of the persons in the Trinitie to the creatures as the worke of creation the worke of preseruation and of redemption These and all such actions are common to al the three persons the father createth the sonne createth and the holy
is a creatour of heauen and earth of both which wee will speake in order and first of the creation of heauen Heauen in Gods worde signifieth all that is aboue the earth for the ayre wherein we breath is called heauen And according to this acceptation of the word there are three heauens as Paul saith He was taken vp into the third heauen The first of these heauens is that space which is from the earth vpwarde vnto the firmament where the starrs are Thus the birds which flie in the aire betweene the earth and the starres are called the foules of the heauen and when God sent the flood to drowne the olde world Moses saith the windows of heauen were opened meaning that God powred downe raine from the cloudes aboundantly for the making of a flood to drowne the world The second heauen is that which containeth the Sunne the Moone and the starres so Moses saith that God in the beginning created the Sunne the Moone and the starrs and placed them in the firmament of heauen Besides these two heauens there is a third which is inuisible and yet it is the worke of Gods handes and it is that glorious place where Christ euen in his manhoode sitteth at the right hand of the father and whither the soules of the faithfull departed are carried and placed and in which at the ende of the world shall all the elect both in body and soule haue perfect ioy and blisse in the glorious sight and presence of God for euer But for the better conceiuing the trueth wee are to skanne and consider diligently three questions First whether this third heauen be a creature for many haue thought it was neuer created but was eternall with God himselfe but it is a grosse errour contrarie to Gods word For the Scripture saith Abraham looked for a cittie meaning the heauenly Ierusalem this third heauen hauing a foundation whose builder and maker is God Further if it be eternall it must either be Creator or a creature but it is no creator for then it should be God and therefore it must needs be a creature But some will say the Lord is eternall and this third heauen hath alwaies beene the place of the Lordes aboade and therefore it is also eternall Answer True it is indeede that God doth shewe his glorie and maiestie in the third heauen but yet that cannot possibly containe his Godhead as Salomon saith Beholde the heauens and the heauens of heauens are not able to containe thee Wherefore though God doth manifest his eternall glorie in this third heauen yet doth it not followe that therefore this place should bee eternall for hee needes no habitation to dwell in hee is euery where filling all things with his presence excluded from no place The second question is where this third heauen is A●●were There are some protestants say it is euery where and they holde this opinion to maintaine the reall presence of the Lordes bodie in or about the Sacrament But if it were euery where then hell should be in heauen which no man will say but heauen indeede is aboue these visible heauens which wee see with our eies so the Apostle saith Christ ascended on high farre aboue all heauens c. And againe it is said of Steuen that beeing full of the holy Ghost Hee looked vp steadfastly into the heauens and sawe them open and the sonne of man standing at the right hand of God Thirdly it may bee demaunded why God created this third heauen Answer God made it for this cause that there might bee a certaine place wherein he might make manifest his glorie and maiestie to his elect angels and men for the which cause it was created a thousand fold more glorious then the two former heauens are and in this respect it is called Paradise by reason of the ioy and pleasure arising from Gods glorious presence And our Sauiour Christ calleth it the house of God his father because into it must be gathered all gods children It is called the kingdome of heauen because God is the king thereof and ruleth there in perfect glorie True it is God hath his kingdome here on earth but he ruleth not so fully and gloriouslie here as he ●hall in heauen for this is the kingdome of grace but that is the kingdome of his glorie where he so raigneth that he will be all in all first in Christ then in the elect both angels and men Nowe followe the duties whereunto we are mooued principally in consideration of the making of the third heauen First if God created it especially for the manifestion of his glory vnto men that at the ende of this worlde by the fruition of Gods most glorious presence there they might haue perfect ioy and felicitie we haue occasion here to consider the wonderfull madnesse and forgetfulnesse that raigneth euery where among men which onely haue regard to the estate of this life and cast all their care on this worlde and neuer so much as once dreame of the ioyfull and blessed estate which is prepared for Gods children in the highest heauen If a man hauing two houses● one but a homely cottage and the other a princely pallace should leaue the better and take all the care and paines for the dressing vp of the first would not euery man say he were a madde man yes vndoubtedly And yet this is the spirituall madnesse that takes place euery where among men for God hath prepared for vs two houses one is this our bodie which we beare about vs which is an house of clay as Iob saith We dwell in houses of clay whose foundation is dust which shal be destroyed before the moth as Peter saith a tabernacle or tent which we must shortly take downe and wherein we abide but as pilgrimes and straungers Againe the same God of his wonderfull goodnesse hath prouided for vs a second house in the third heauen wherein wee must not abide for a time and so depart but for euermore enioy the blessed felicitie of his glorious presence For all this marke a spirituall phrensie possessing the mindes of men for they imploy all their care and industrie for the maintaining of this house of clay whose foundation is but dust but for the blessed estate of the second house which is prepared for them in the kingdom of heauen they haue little regard or care They will both runne and ride from place to place day and night both by sea and land but for what Is it for the preparing of a mansion place in the heauenly Ierusalem Nothing lesse for they will scarse goe forth of the doore to vse any meanes whereby they may come vnto it but all their studie is to patch vp the ruines and breaches of their earthly cabbine Now let all men iudge in their owne consciences whether as I haue said this be not more then senselesse madnesse Againe the bodie is but a tabernacle
this order touching man that what euill or defect soeuer he brought vpon himselfe he should deriue the same to euery one of his posteritie begotten of him and hereupon when any father begets his childe he is in the roome of Adam and conueies vnto it beside the nature of man the very guilt and corruption of nature Now for the preuenting of this euill in Christ God in great wisdome appointed that he should be conceiued by the holy Ghost without any manner of generation by man And by this meanes he takes substance from the Virgin without the guilt and corruption of the substance But it may further be obiected thus All that be in Adam haue sinned in him but Christ was in Adam as he is man therefore he sinned in him Ans. The proposition is false vnlesse it be expounded on this manner All that were in Adam haue sinned in him so be it they come of him by generation Paul saith not out of one man but by one man sinne entred into the world to shew that man propagates his corruption to no more then he begets Againe Christ is in Adam not simply as other men are but in some part namely in respect of substance which he took from him and not in respect of the propagation of the substance by ordinarie generation other men are both from Adam and by Adam but Christ is from him alone and not by him as a begetter or procreant cause The second part of sanctification is the infusion of all purenesse and holinesse into the manhoode of Christ so farre forth as was meete for the nature of a redeemer The duties to be learned hence are these First whereas Christ was sanctified in the wombe of the virgin Marie we likewise must labour to be sanctified in our selues following the commandement of God Be ye holy as I am holy S. Iohn saith that he which hath hope to be with Christ in glorie in heauen purifieth himselfe euen as he is pure no doubt setting before himselfe the example of Christ as a patterne to follow in all his waies And because our hearts are as it were seas of corruptions we must daily cleanse our selues of them by little little following the practise of the poore begger that is alwaies peecing and mending and day by day pulls away some ragges and puts better cloath in the roome And if we shall continually indeauour our selues to cast off the remnants of corruption that hang so fast on and make a supplie thereof by some new portions of Gods heauenly grace we shall be vessells of honour sanctified and meete for the Lord and prepared vnto euery good worke Christ could not haue beene a fit Sauiour for vs vnlesse he had first of all bin sanctified neither can we be fit members vnto him vnlesse we be purged of our sinnes and in some measure truly sanctified The comfort which Gods people may reape of the sanctification of Christs manhood is great For why was he sanctified Surely if we marke it well we shall finde it was for the good and benefit of his Elect. For Adam and Christ be two rootes as hath beene shewed Adam by creation first receiued Gods image and after lost the same for himselfe and his posteritie Now Christ to remooue the sinne of man is made the second Adam and the roote and very head of all the Elect. His manhood was filled with holinesse aboue measure that from thence as from a storehouse it might be deriued to all his members And therefore by his most holy conception our sinnefull birth and conception is sanctified and his holinesse serues as a couer to hide our manifolde corruptions from the eyes of God Yea it serues as a buckler to award the temptations of the deuill for when he shall say to our hearts on this manner no vncleane thing can enter into the kingdome of heauen but thou by reason of the remnants of originall sinne art vncleane therefore thou canst not enter into the kingdome of heauen we returne our answer saying that Christs righteousnesse is our righteousnesse seruing to make vs stand without blame or spot before God And as Iacob put on Esaus garments that he might get his fathers blessing so if by faith we doe put on the white garment of righteousnes of our elder brother Christ Iesus and present our selues in it vnto our heauenly father we shall obtaine his blessing which is eternall happines Now remaines the third and last part of the conception which is the Vnion of the godhead and the manhood cōcerning which many points are particularly to be handled The first is what kinde of Vnion this is Ans. In the Trinitie there be two sorts of vnions vnion in nature and vnion in person Vnion in nature is when two or moe things are ioyned and vnited into one nature as the Father the Sonne the holy Ghost beeing and remaining three distinct persons are one and the same in nature or Godhead Vnion in person is when two things are in that maner vnited that they make but one person or subsistance as a bodie created by God and a reasonable soule ioyned both togither make one particular man as Peter Paul Iohn c. And this second is the vnion whereof we intreat in this place by which the second person in Trinitie the sonne of God did vnite vnto himselfe the humane nature that is the bodie and soule of man so as the Godhead of the Sonne and the manhood concurring togither made but one person The second point is in what thing this vnion doth consist Answ. It consists in this that the second person the Sonne of God doth assume vnto it a manhood in such order that it beeing voide of all personall being in it selfe doth wholly and onely subsist in the same person As the plant called Missell or Misselto hauing no roote of his owne both growes and liues in the stocke or bodie of the Oke or some other tree so the humane nature hauing no proper substance is as it were ingrafted into the person of the sonne and is wholly supported and sustained by it so as it should not be at all if it were not sustained in that manner And for the better vnderstanding of this point we must consider that there be foure degrees of the presence of God in his creatures The first is his generall presence and it may be called the presence of his prouidence whereby he preserueth the substances of all creatures and giueth vnto them to liue mooue and haue beeing and this extendeth it selfe to all creatures good and bad The second degree is the presence of grace wherby he doth not onely preserue the substāces of all his creatures but also giueth grace vnto it this agreeth to the Church people of God vpon earth The third degree is the presence of glorie peculiar to the Saints and angels in heauen and this stands in three things for God not onely preserues their substances and giues
that beleeue in him to iudge our selues most vile and miserable sinners and to say of our selues with Paul that we are the chiefe of all sinners The second thing is that Christ was crucified naked because he was stripped of his garments by the souldiours when he was to be crucified The causes why he suffered naked are these First Adam by his fall brought vpon all mankind death both of bodie and soule and also the curses of God which befall man in this life among which this was one that the nakednesse of the bodie should be ignominious and hereupon when Adam had sinned and saw himselfe naked he fledde from the presence of God and hid himselfe euen for very shame Christ therefore was stripped of his garments and suffered naked that he might beare all the punishment and ignominie that was due vnto man for sinne Se●ondly this came to passe by the goodnesse of God that we might haue a remedie for our spirituall nakednesse which is when a man hath his sinnes lying open before Gods eyes and by reason thereof he himselfe lieth open to all Gods iudgements Hereof Christ speaketh to the Angel of the Church of Laodicea saying Thou saiest I am rich and encreased with goods and haue neede of nothing and knowest not how thou art wretched miserable blinde and naked So when the Israelites had committed idolatrie by the golden calfe Moses telleth them that they were naked not onely because they had spoiled themselues of their earings but especially because they were destitute of Gods fauour lay open naked to all his iudgements for that sinne And Salomon saith Where there is no vision there the people are made naked that is their sins lie open before God and by reason thereof they themselues are subiect to his wrath and indignation Now Christ was crucified naked that he might take away from vs this spirituall nakednesse and also giue vnto vs meete garments to cloath vs withall in the presence of God called white rayment as Christ saith I counsell thee to buie of me white rayment that thou maist be cloathed and that thy filthie nakednesse doe not appeare and Long white robes dipped in the bloode of the Lambe which serue to hide the nakednesse of our soules What these garments are the Apostle sheweth when he saith All that are baptized into Christ haue put on Christ. And Put on the new man which after God is created in righteousnes and true holinesse Our nakednesse maketh vs more vile in the sight of God then the most loathsome creature that is can be vnto vs vntill we haue put on the righteousnesse of Christ to couer the deformitie of our soules that we may appeare holy and without spot before God Thirdly Paul saith We know if our earthly house of this tabernacle be destroyed we haue a building giuen of God c. For therefore we sigh desiring to be cloathed with our house which is from heauen because if we be cloathed we shall not be found naked Where it is like that the Apostle alludeth to the nakednesse of Adam after his fall and therefore giueth vs another reason why Christ was crucified naked namely that after this life hee might cloath all his members with eternall glorie If this be so that a part of our reioycing stands in the glorious nakednes of Christ crucified there is no reason why we should be puffed vp with the vanitie of our apparell It should rather be an occasion to make vs ashamed then to make vs proude The theefe may as well bragge of the brand in his hand or of the fetters on his heeles as we may of our attire because it is but the couering of our shame and therefore should put vs in mind of our sinne and shamefull nekednesse The aboad of Christ vpon the crosse was about the space of sixe houres For the death of the crosse was no suddaine but a lingering death And in this space of time there fell out fiue notable euents The first that the souldiours hauing stripped Christ of his garments deuided them into foure parts and cast lottes for his coate because it was wouen without seame And by this appeares the great loue of Christ to man who was not only content to suffer but also to loose all that euer he had euen to the garments on his backe to redeeme vs teaching vs answerably that if it please god to call vs to any triall hereafter we must be content to part withall for his sake that we may winne him Againe in these souldiours we may behold a picture of this world when they had nayled Christ to the crosse they will not loose so much as his garments but they come and deuide them and cast lottes for them as for Christ himselfe the Sauiour and redeemer of mankinde they regard him not And thus fareth the world it is a hard to finde a man to accept of Christ because he is Christ his redeemer but when gaine comes by Christ then he is welcome Esau that esteemed nothing of his fathers blessing made great account of his brothers pottage The Gaderenes made more account of their swine then of Christ for when they heard that they were drowned they beseech him to depart out of their coasts Nay so bad is this age that such as will be taken to be the speciall members of Christ doe not onely with the souldiours strippe Christ of his garments but more then this they bereaue him of his natures and offices The church of Rome by their transubstantiation strippe him of his manhood and by making other priests after the same order with him which doe properly forgiue sinnes strippe him of his priesthood and of his kingly office by ioyning with him a Vicar on earth head of the Catholike church and that in his presence whereas all deputiships and commissions cease in the presence of the principall And when they haue done all this then they further load him with a number of beggarly ceremonies and so doe nothing else but make a feigned Christ in stead of the true and alone Messias The second euent was that Christ was mocked of all sorts of men First they set vp the cause written why he was crucified namely This is the King of the Iewes then the people that passed by reuiled him wagging their heads at him and said Thou that destroiest the temple and buildest it in three daies saue thy selfe c. Likewise the high Priest mocking him with the Scribes and Pharises the Elders said He saued others let him saue himselfe The same also did one of the theeues that was crucified with him cast in his teeth Behold here the wonderfull strange dealing of the Iewes they see an innocent man thus pitifully and grieuously racked and nayled on the crosse and his bloode distilling downe from hands and feete and yet are they without all pitie and compassion and doe make but a
bosome and became man and liued here many yeares in miserie and contempt and when no hearbe nor plaister could cure this our deadly wound or desperat sicknesse he was content to make a plaister with his owne blood the paine he tooke in making it caused him to sweate water and blood nay the making of it for vs cost him his life in that he was content by his owne death to free vs from death which if it be true as it is most true then wofull wretched is our case if we will still liue in sinne and will not vse meanes to lay this plaister vnto our hearts And after the plaister is applyed to the soule wee should do as a man that hath bin grieuously sick who when he is on the mending hand gets strength by little and little And so should we become newe creatures going on from grace to grace and shew the same by liuing godlily righteously and soberly that the worlde may see that we are cured of our spirituall disease O happie yea thrice happie are they that haue grace from god to doe this The second dutie concernes them which are repentant sinners Hath Christ giuen himselfe for thee and is thy conscience setled in this then thou must answerably beare this mind and if thy life would serue for the glory of God and the good of his Church thou wouldst then giue it most willingly if thou be called thereto Secondly if Christ for thy good hath giuen his life then thou must in like maner be content to die for thy brethren in Christ if neede be He● saith Saint Iohn laid downe his life for vs therefore we● ought to lay downe our liues for our brethren Thirdly if Christ was content to shedde his owne heart blood not for himselfe but for the sinnes of euerie one of vs then we must be thus affected that rather then by sinning wee would willingly offend God we should be content to haue our own blood shed yea if these two things were put to our choise either to doe that which might displease God or els to suffer death● wee must rather die then doe the same Of this minde haue beene all the Martyrs of God who rather then they would yeeld to Idolatrie were content to suffer most bitter torments and cruell death Yea euery good Christian is so affected that he had rather choose to die then to liue not mooued by impatience in respect of the mis●ries of this life but because hee would cease to offend so louing a father To sinne is meate and drinke to the worlde but to a touched and repentant heart there is no torment so grieuou● as this is to sinne against God if once he bee perswaded that Christ died for him Thus much for Christs death nowe followe those things which befell Christ when he was newely dead and they are two especially The first that his legges were not broken as the legges of the two theeues were Of the first S. Iohn r●ndreth a reason namely that the Scripture might be fulfilled which saith not a bone of him shal be broken which wordes were spoken by Moses of the paschall lambe and are here applied to Christ as beeing typically figured thereby And hence we obserue these two things First that Christ crucified is the true paschall lambe as S. Paul saith Christ our passeouer is sacrificed and S. Iohn saith Behold the lambe of God distinguishing him thereby from the typicall lambe In this that Christ crucified is the true paschall lambe the childe of God hath wonderfull matter of comfort The Israelites did eate the passeouer in Egypt sprinkled the blood of the lambe on the posts of their dores that when the angel of God came to destroy the first borne both of man and beast and saw the blood vpon their houses might passe ouer them that the plague should not be vpon them to destruction So likewise if thou dost feed on the lambe of God and by a liuely faith sprinkle the dore of thine heart with his bloode the iudgements of God in this life and the terrible curse of death with the fearefull sentence of condemnation at the day of iudgement and all punishments due vnto thy sinnes shall passe ouer thee and not so much as touch thee And whereas the legges of our Sauiour Christ were not broken by the souldiours who sought by all meanes possible to worke against him all the mischiefe they could we may note that the enemies of Christ and his Church let them intend to shew neuer so much malice against him they can not goe beyond that libertie which God giueth them they can doe no more for their liues then that which God willeth The Medes and Persians are called the Lords sanctified ones Cyrus is called the man of Gods counsell because whatsoeuer they intended against the people of God yet in all their proceedings they did nothing but that which God had determined before to be done And when Senacherib came against the Iewes as a wilde beast out of his denne the Lord telleth Hezekiah concerning Ashur that he will put his hooke in his nostrills and his bridle in his lippes and bring him backe againe the same way he came that is he will so rule him that he shall not doe the least hurt vnto the Iewes more then God will This is a matter of great comfort to Gods church oppressed with manifold enemies Papists Iewes Turks and all infidels malitiously bent against it for Christs sake For though they intend and practise mischiefe yet more then Gods will and counsell is they can not doe because he hath his ring in their nostrils and his bridle in their lippes to rule them as he listeth The second thing which fell out immediately vpon the death of Christ is that the souldiours pearced his side with a speare and thence issued water and blood The vse which ariseth of this point is two-fold first it serues to prooue that Christ died truly and not in shew or a fained death for there is about the heart a filme or skinne like vnto a purse wherein is contained cleare water to coole the heat of the heart and therefore when water and bloode issued out after piercing of the side it is very likely that that very skinne was pierced for els in reason we can not coniecture whence this water should come Saint Iohn an eye-witnes of this thing beeing about to prooue that Iesus the sonne of Marie was the true Messias bringeth in sixe witnesses three in heauen the Father the Word and the holy Ghost three in earth the Water the Spirit and the blood where no doubt he alludeth to the water and blood that issued out of the side of Christ by spirit we may vnderstand the efficacie and operation of Gods spirit making men to bring forth the fruits of the same as loue peace ioy c. And the second witnes namely water hath relation to the water that
it also an imperfit sacrifice because it is repeated and iterated for vpon this ground doth the author to the Hebrues prooue that the sacrifices of the old testament were imperfit because they were daily offered And whereas they say there be two kinds of sacrifices one bloody once onely offered vpon the crosse the other vnbloody which is daily offered I answer that this distinction hath no ground out of Gods word neither was it knowne to the holy Ghost who saith that without blood there is no remission of sinnes The third question is what is the fruit of this sacrifice Ans. The whole effect thereof is contained in these foure things I. the oblation of Christ purgeth the beleeuer from all his sinnes whether they be originall or actuall so it is said If we walke in the light we haue fellowship one with another and the blood of Iesus Christ his sonne purgeth vs from all sinne whether they be sinnes of omission in regard of our duties or of commission in doing euill II. the oblation serueth for the iustifying of a sinner before God as Paul saith We are iustified by his blood and are reconciled to God by his death This being here remembred that in the passion of Christ we include his legall obedience whereby he fulfilled the law for vs. III. the oblation of Christ serues to purge mens consciences from dead workes How much more then shall the blood of Christ which through the eternall spirit offered himselfe without spot to God purge your consciences from dead works to serue the liuing God IV. the oblation of Christ procures vs libertie to enter to heauen By the blood of Christ Iesus we may be bold to enter into the holy place by the new and liuing way which he hath prepared for vs through the vaile that is his flesh By our sinnes there is a partition wall made betweene God and vs but Christ by offering himselfe vpon the crosse hath beaten downe this wall opened heauen and as it were trained the way with his owne blood whereby we may enter into the kingdome of God and without the which we can not enter in at all The last questiō is how this sacrifice may be applied to vs. Ans. The meanes of applying this sacrifice be two I. the hand of God which offereth II. the hand of the beleeuer that receiueth the sacrifice offered The hand of God wherby he offereth vnto vs his benefit is the preaching of the word the administration of the Sacraments baptisme and the Lords supper and wheresoeuer these his holy ordinances are rightly administred and put in practise there the Lord puts forth his hand vnto vs and offereth most freely the vertue and benefit of the death of Christ. And then in the next place commeth the hand of the beleeuer which is faith in the heart which when God offereth doth apprehend and receiue the thing offered and make it ours The third thing to be spoken of is the altar whereon Christ offered himselfe The altar was not the crosse but rather the godhead of Christ. He was both the priest the sacrifice and the altar the sacrifice as he is man the priest as he is both God and man the altar as he is God The propertie of an altar is to sanctifie the sacrifice as Christ saith ye fooles and blind whether is greater the offering or the altar that sanctifieth the offering Now Christ as he is God sanctifieth himselfe as he was man and therefore saith he for their sakes sanctifie I my selfe by doing two things I. by setting apart the manhood to be a sacrifice vnto his father for our sinnes II. by giuing to this sacrifice merit or efficacie to deserue at Gods hands remission of our sinnes the manhood of Christ without the Godhead hath no vertue nor efficacie in it selfe to be a meritorious sacrifice and therefore the dignitie and excellencie which it hath is deriued thence As for the chalkie and stonie altars of the Church of Rome they are nothing els but the toyes of mans braine Christ himselfe is the onely reall altar of the new testament And in stead of altars which were vnder the law we haue now the Lords table wheron we celebrate the Sacrament of his bodie and blood to shew forth his death till he come The fourth point is concerning the time of Christs oblation which he himselfe calleth the acceptable yeare of the Lord alluding vnto an other yere vnder the law called the yeare of Iubile which was euery fiftie yeare among the Iewes in which at the sound of a trumpet all that had set or sold their possessions receiued them againe all that were bondmen were then set at libertie This Iubile was but a figure of that perfect deliuerance which was to be obtained by Christs passion which was not temporarie deliuerance for euery fiftie yeare but an eternall freedome from the bondage of sinne hell death and condemnation And the preaching of the word is the trumpet sounded which proclaimeth vnto vs freedome from the kingdome of darknes and inuites vs to come and dwell in perfect peace with Christ himselfe Well if the yeare of perpetuall Iubile be now come in what a wretched estate all our loose and blind people that esteeme nothing of that libertie which is offered to them but choose rather to liue in their sinnes and in bondage vnder Satan and condemnation then to be at freedome in Christ. Now follow the vses which are to be made of the sacrifice of Christ. The prophet Aggai saith that the second temple built by Zorubbabel was nothing in beautie vnto the first which was built by Salomon and the reason is plaine for as the Iewes write it wanted fiue things which the first tēple had I. the appearing of the presence of god at the mercie seat between the two Cherubims II. the Vrim and Thummim on the breast-plate of the high priest III. the inspiration of the holy Ghost vpon extraordinarie Prophets IIII. the Arke of the Couenant for that was lost in the captiuitie V. fire from heauen to burne the sacrifices Yet for all this the Prophet afterward saith The glorie of the last House shall be greater then the first Now it may be demanded how both these sayings can stand together Ans. We are to know that the second Temple was standing in the time when Christ was crucified for our ●innes and it was the sacrifice of Christ which gaue glorie and dignitie to the second temple though otherwise for building and outward ornaments it was farre inferiour to the first And by this we are taught that if we would bring glorie vnto our owne selues vnto our houses and kindred either before God or before men we must labour to be partakers of the sacrifice of Christ and the sprinkling of his blood to purge our hearts This is the thing that brings renowne both to place and person how base soeuer we be in the eyes
thy sight Thus laying to his owne heart and making vse of Gods iudgements he humbled himselfe and was spared with his fiftie And Habaccuk saith When I heard the voyce namely of Gods iudgements rottennes entred into my bones and I trembled in my selfe that I might be safe in the day of the Lord. Now what this feare of the Centurion was there is a further question and it is very like that it was but a sudden motion or a certaine preparatiue to better things For he was but an heathen man and had as yet no knowledge of Christ and whether he repented or not it is vncerten and we must not maruell at this for there are many suddaine motions in shew very good that vpon like occasions rise in the hearts of naturall men When God plagued the land of Egypt then Pharaoh sent for Moses and confessed that the Lord was righteous but he and his people were wicked and desired Moses to pray to God to take away the plague who did so but so soone as the hand of God was stayed he returned to his old rebellion againe And as a dogge that commeth out of the water shaketh his cares and yet returneth into it againe so is the manner of the world when crosses and calamities befall men as sicknesse losse of friends or goods then with Ahab they outwardly humble themselues and goe softly they vse to frequent the place where the word is preached and Gods name called vpon but alas common experience shewes that these things are but fittes arising of vncerten and flittering motions in the heart For so soone as the crosse is remooued they returne to their old by as againe and become as bad and as backeward as euer they were beeing like to the tree that lies in the water which for a while is greene but afterward withereth And therefore we for our parts when any good motions come into our hearts as the beginnings of further grace we I say must not quench them but cherish and preserue them remembring that the kingdome of heauen is like a graine of mustard seede which when it is sowne is the least of all seedes but afterward it groweth vp into a tree that the soules of the heauen may build their nests in it and like to this are the first motions of Gods spirit and therefore they must be cherished and maintained And thus much for the seuen signes of the power of Christs godhead Now followes the second part of the triumph of Christ which containeth signes of his victorie vpon the crosse notably expressed by Paul when he saith And putting out the hand writing of ordinances which was against vs which was contrarie to vs he euen tooke it out of the way and fastened it vpon the crosse and hath spoiled the principalities and powers and hath made a shew of them openly and hath triumphed openly in the same In which words he alludeth to the manner of heathen triumphs for it was the custome of the heathen princes when they had gotten the victorie ouer their enemies first to cause a pillar of stone or some great oke to be cut downe and set vp in the place of victorie vpon which either the names of the chiefe enemies were set or their heads were hanged or words were written in the pillar to testifie the victorie This beeing done there followed an open shew in which first the conquerour prepares for himselfe a chariot of victorie wherein he was himselfe to ride and then the chiefe of his enemies bound and pinioned were led openly after him Now on the same manner vpon the crosse there was a pitched field the Emperour on the one side was Christ his enemies on the other side were the world the flesh hell death damnation the deuill and all his angels all which banding themselues against him were all subdued by him vpon the same crosse and he himselfe gaue two signes of his triumph one was a monument of the victorie the other an open shew of his conquest Now the monument of Christs victorie was the crosse it selfe whereon he nailed the obligation or bill which was against vs whereby satan might haue accused and condemned vs before God For we must consider that God the father is as a creditour and we all debters vnto him he hath a bill of our hands which is the law in that it giueth testimonie against vs first by the legall washings which did shew and signifie that we were altogether defiled and vncleane secondly by the sacrifices that were daily offered for the propitiation for our sinnes Now Christ was our suretie and paid euery iotte of the debt which we should haue paide and requiring the acquittance taketh the ceremoniall law and the curse of the morall law and nailes them to the crosse Furthermore in the shew of conquest the chariot is the crosse likewise for it was not onely a monument of victorie but also a chariot of triumph And the captiues bound and pinioned which follow Christ are the principalities and powers that is the deuill and his angels hell death and condemnation all which are as it were taken prisoners their armour and weapons are taken frō them and they chained and bound each to other The meditation of this point serueth to admonish vs to abandon all manner of sinne and to make conscience of euery good dutie if we will aright professe the gospel of Christ for when we sinne we doe as it were pull Christ out of his chariot of triumph and vntie Sathans bonds giue him weapons and as much as we can make him valiant and strong againe Now for any man to make Sathan and sinne valiant and strong against himselfe whereas Christ hath weakned him and euen bruised his head is no better then to become an enemie to the crosse of Christ. Againe hereby we are taught to pray vnto God that our blinde eyes may be opened that we may discerne aright of the passion of Christ. It is a wonder to see howe men are carried away with a liking of vaine shewes games and enterludes how they spende euen whole daies in beholding them and their money also that they may come to the places where they are oh then how exceedingly ought our hearts to be rauished with this most admirable shew in which the sonne of God himselfe rides most gloriously in his chariot of triumph and leades his and our most cursed enemies captiue yea treades them vnder his foote This triumph is set forth vnto vs in the preaching of the Gospel and may be seene of vs all freely without money or money-worth What wretches then shall we be if we suffer our hearts to be filled with earthly delights and in the meane season haue little or no desire to behold with the eyes of our minde this goodly spectacle that is to be seene in the passion of Christ that serues to reuiue and refresh our soules to life eternall Thirdly if Christ when he was most weake and base
it containeth three points The first that Christ beeing now to ascend lifts vp his hands and blessed his disciples In the Scripture are mentioned diuers kinds of blessings The first when one man praieth to God for a blessing vpon an other and this blessing doe Kings and princes bestow vpon their subiects and parents on their children and for this cause children are well taught to aske their fathers and mothers blessing that they may pray to God to blesse them There is an other kinde of blessing when a man doth not onely pray for a blessing but also pronounceth it This did the priests in the old Testament and thus Melchisedeck when he met Abraham blessed him saying Blessed art thou Abraham of God the most high possessour of heauen earth And this was the ordinarie duty of the priests prescribed by God himselfe therefore the very forme of words which they vsed is set downe after this maner The Lord blesse thee and keepe thee the Lord make his face to shine vpon thee c. The third kind of blessing is when a man doth not onely pray to God pronounce blessing but by the spirit of prophecie doth foretell a particular blessing vpon any Thus Isaac blessed Iaacob and Esau particularly foretelling both their estates And Iaacob blessed the twelue Patriarks by the same spirit foretelling them what should befall them many hundred yeares after Now our Sauiour Christ did not blesse his disciples any of these three waies and therefore there remaineth a fourth kinde of blessing which he vsed that was after this manner Christ in blessing his disciples did not onely pronounce or foretell a blessing that should come to his disciples but did conferre giue the same vnto them For he is the fountaine and author of all blessings And therefore Paul saith that God the father hath blessed vs in all spiritual blessings in Christ. Hence we learne first that al those which denie themselues flie to Christ and put their affiance in him shall be freed from the curse of the law from the wrath of God due vnto them for their sinns whatsoeuer they are Secondly that the curses of men must not discourage vs from doing well For though men curse yet Christ blesseth and for this cause he saith Woe be vnto you when all men speake well of you as if he should say then you want the blessing of God And we must remember that when men shall curse vs for doing our dutie euen then the blessing of God shall be vpon vs the curse causeles shall not hurt And God saith to Abraham he will curse them that curs● him Thirdly we learne that no witchcraft nor sorcerie which often are done with cursing shall be able to hurt vs. For looke where Christ will blesse there all the deuills in hell can neuer fasten a curse This is found true by experiēce For when Balaam the wizzard should haue cursed the people of Israel had assaied to doe it many waies but could not at length he said there is no sorcerie against Iacob nor soothsaying against Israel This is a notable comfort to the people of God that witches and sorcerers doe what they can shall neuer be able to hurt them It may be that their badde practises may annoy mens bodies and goods yet the Lord will turne all to a blessing vpon his seruants either in this life or the life to come The second point is that Christ went apart from his disciples and ascended vpward toward heauen in their sight For the right vnderstanding of this sundrie speciall points must be obserued The first that the lifting vp of his bodie was principally by the mightie power of his godhead and partly by the supernaturall propertie of a glorified bodie which is to mooue as well vpward as downward without constraint or violence The second that Christ did goe from earth to heauen really and actually and not in appearance onely The third that he went visibly in the sight of his disciples The fourth that he went locally by chaunging his place and going from earth to heauen so as he is no more on earth bodily as we are now on earth It may be obiected that Christ made a promise that hee would bee with his Church to the ende of the world Answ. That promise is to be vnderstood of the presence of his spirit or godhead not of the presence of his manhood Againe it may further be alleadged that if the godhead be on earth then must the manhood be there also because they are both vnited together Answ. It is not true that of two things conioined where the one is there must the other be also For the sunne it selfe and the sunne-beames are both ioyned together yet they are not both in all places together For the bodie of the sunne is onely in the heauens but the sunne-beames are also vpon the earth The argument therefore followes not Christs manhood subsists in that person which is euery where ergo his manhood is euery where And the reason is because the Sonne of God subsists not onely in his diuine nature but also by it whereas he doth not subsist at all by the manhoode but onely in it for he subsisted before all eternitie when the manhood was not Nay rather because the manhood doth subsist by the person of the Sonne therefore the person extends it selfe further then the manhood which is assumed and sustained by it and hath his existing thence For that very thing whereby any other thing either essentially or accidentally is extends it selfe further then the thing whereby it is As the humane nature whereby Peter is a man extends it selfe further then to Peter namely to all other men and the whitenesse whereby the snow is white extends it selfe further then to that snow which a man holds in his hand The third point is that in the ascension a cloud tooke Christ from the fight of his disciples And whereas he caused a cloud to come betweene their sight and himselfe it signified vnto them that they must now be contented with that which they had seene and not seeke to know further what became of him afterward and the same thing is taught vnto vs also we must content our selues with that which God hath reuealed in his word and seeke no further specially in things which concerne God For the like ende in the giuing of the law in Sinai God appeared in a cloud and when he did manifest his glorie in the temple which Salomon made a thicke cloud filled the same The fourth point to be considered is concerning the witnesses of his ascension which were his owne disciples in the mount of Oliues at Bethanie and none but they Now it may be demanded why he would not haue all the whol natiō of the Iewes to see him ascend that so they might know that he was risen againe and beleeue in him
is his house of grace heauen is his house of glorie Nowe if thou wouldst bring thy child to a place in the house of glorie then thou art first of all to get him a place in the house of grace bringing him vp so in the feare of God that both in life and conuersation he may shew himselfe to be a member of the Church and then assure thy selfe that after this life he shall be remooued to the second house of God which is the house of glorie and there be freeman for euer in the kingdome of heauen And if thou shalt thus prouide for thy childe thou shalt not leaue him as an orphan when thou diest but he shall haue God for his father and Christ for his brother and the holy Ghost his comforter And therefore first of all and aboue all remember to make thy child a member of Gods Church Let the example of Dauid excite all parents hereunto I had rather saith he be a dore keeper in the hou●e of God then to dwell in the tabernacles of wickednesse For a day in thy courts is better then a thousand ●lse where Lastly hence we may finde remed●e against the tediousnes of sicknes and feare of death Thou which fearest death remember that Christ is gone to heuen to prepare a place for thy bodie where it must be glorified and liue for euer with the blessed Trinitie and all the Saints and angels though for a while it lie dead and rot in the graue Remember this also thou which continuest in any lingring sicknesse Christ Iesus hath prepared a place for thee wherein thou shalt rest in ioy and blisse without all paine or faintnes The fourth benefit is that Christ ascended vp to heauen to send the comforter vnto his Church This was a speciall ende of his ascension as appeares by Christs owne wordes It is saith he expedient that I goe away for if I goe not the Comforter will not come but if I depart I will sende him vnto you And againe I will pray vnto the Father and he shall giue you another comforter which shall abide with you for euer euen the spirit of trueth But some wil say howe can Christ send his spirit vnto his Church for the person sending and the person sent are vnequall whereas all three persons in trinitie are equall none greater or lesser then another none inferiour or superiour to other Ans. It is true indeede but we must knowe that the action of sending in the Trinitie makes not the persons vnequall but onely shewes a distinction and order among equalls The father sends the sonne the father and the sonne both send the Holy Ghost yet the father is not aboue the sonne neither the father or the sonne aboue the holy Ghost but all are equall in degree though in regarde of order one is before another and it standeth with reason For two men that are equall in degree may vpon mutuall consent one send another But it may be further demanded howe the holy Ghost can be sent which is euery where Ans. The Holy Ghost indeed is euery where therefore he is sent not so much in regard of the presence of his essence or substance as of his operation whereby he renueth guideth the members of Christ. Nowe then this beeing so here first we haue occasion to consider the miserie of the world When a man is troubled in his minde as no vngodly man but sometime he feeleth the terrour of conscience for his sinnes then hee labours to remooue it by merie company and pleasant bookes whereas Christ at his ascension sent his holy spirit to bee the comforter of his Church and therefore when wee are troubled in conscience for our sinnes we should not seeke ease by such slender meanes but rather seeke for the helpe and comfort of the holy ghost and labour to haue our sinnes washed away and our hearts purified and clensed by the bloode of Christ. As for wine and mirth and such like meanes of comfort neither at the day of death nor at the day of iudgement shall they stand vs in stead or bee able to comfort vs. Againe when crosses and calamities fall the counsell of the minister is not sought for but the helpe of such as are called cunning men and cunning women is that is of charmers inchanters and figure-casters a badde practise Christ at his ascension sent his holy spirit vnto his Church and people to be their guide and comforter in their calamities and miseries and therfore when any man is in distresse he should haue recourse to the right meanes of comfort namly the word and Sacraments and there he should find the assistance of the holy Ghost Thus the prophet Isai informeth the Iewes when they shall say vnto you inquire at them which haue a spirit of diuination and at the southsayers which whisper and murmure Should not a people inquire at their God from the liuing to the dead to the lawe and to the testimonie Rebecca when the two twinnes stroue in her wombe what did shee the text saith shee sent to aske the Lord. Yet commonly the men of these daies leaue God seeke to the instruments of the deuill To goe yet further god vseth for sundrie causes most of all to afflict his dearest children Iudgement saith Peter beginnes at Gods house S. Luke saith that a certaine woman was bound of Satan eighteene yeeres but what was shee a daughter of Abraham that is a child of God When the like condition shall befall any of vs let vs remember the ende why Christ ascended vp to heauen and pray vnto God that he will giue vs his spirit that thereby we may be eased and deliuered or else inabled to perseuere continue in patience and this is the true way and meanes to lighten ease the burden of all afflictions And for this cause Paul praieth that the Colossians might be strengthened with all might through his glorious power vnto all patience and long suffering with ioyfulnesse For to whomesoeuer God giueth grace to beleeue to them also he giues power to suffer affliction by the inward worke of his spirit Secondly if Christ haue sent vnto his church the holy spirit to be our comforter our dutie is to prepare our bodies and soules to bee fitte temples and houses for so worthie a guest If a man were certified that a prince would come to his house he would dresse it vp and haue all things in as good order as might bee and shall not wee much more endeauour to purifie and clense our soules and bodies from all sinne that they may be fitte temples for the entertainment of the Holy Ghost whome Christ Iesus hath sent to be our comforter The Shunamite was carefull to entertaine the man of God Elisha for shee said to her husband Let vs make him a little chamber I pray thee with walls and let vs set him there a bed and a stoole a table and
a candlesticke Nowe howe much more carefull ought we to be to entertaine God himselfe who is content to come and dwell with vs and therefore we must adorne our bodies and soules with grace that he may lodge and suppe and dine with vs as hee hath promised but on the contrarie if wee defile our bodies with sinne wee banish the Holy Ghost out of our hearts and inuite the deuill to come and dwell with vs. For the more a man defileth his bodie the fitter and cleaner it is for him And to cōclude this point let vs remēber that saying which is vsed of some that Christ when he went hence gaue vs his pawne namely his spirit to assure vs that he would come to vs againe and also hee tooke with him our pawne namely his flesh to assure vs further that we should ascend vp to him Thus much for the benefits of Christs ascension Nowe followe the duties whereunto we are mooued and they are two First we must be here admonished to renounce the vbiquitie and the errour of the reall and essentiall presence of the bodie of Christ in the Sacrament of the Lords supper as flatly oppugning this article of Christs ascensiō into heauen For it is flat against the nature of a true bodie to subsist in many places at once Secondly as the Apostles then did when they sawe Christ ascending vp into heauen so must wee doe also while hee was present with them they gaue him honour but when they saw him ascending they adored him with farre greater reuerence and so must we now for the same cause bowe the knees of our hearts vnto him Thus much of the second degree of the exaltation of Christ. Now followes the third in these words And sitteth at the right hand of God the father almightie In the handling whereof we are first to shewe the meaning of the wordes secondly the comforts and benefits that redound to Gods Church thirdly the duties that we are mooued vnto For the meaning of the words if we speak properly God hath neither right hand nor left neither can he be said to sit or stand for God is not a bodie but a spirit the words therefore containe a borrowed speech from earthly kings and potentates whose manner and custome hath beene to place such persons at their right handes whome they purposed to aduance to any speciall office or dignitie So King Salomon when his mother came to speake with him rose vp from his throne and met het caused a seate to be set at his owne right hand and set her vpon it in token no doubt of honour which he gaue vnto her To the same purpose Dauid saith Vpon thy right hand did stand the Queene in a vesture of gold And the sonnes of Zebedeus made suit to Christ that one of them might sit at his right hand and the other at his left in his kingdome Now their request was to haue the two speciall and principall dignities of his kingdome Thus we see it is manifest that the sitting at the right hand of an earthly prince signifieth aduancement into authoritie and honour and therfore the same phrase of speech applied to Christ signifieth two things First his full and manifest exaltation in dignitie honour and glorie and in this sense it is saide that to him is giuen a name that is aboue all names that at the name of Iesus euery knee shall bowe Secondly it signifieth his full and manifest exaltation into the authoritie and gouernment of his kingdome which spreadeth it selfe ouer heauen and earth So Dauid saith The Lord said vnto my Lord Sit thou at my right hand vntill I make thine enemies thy footstoole Which place beeing alleadged by S. Paul repeating the words but changing the phrase is thus set downe He shall raigne till he haue put all his enemies vnder his feete And to speake in briefe the scope of the wordes is to shewe that Christ God and man after his ascension is aduanced to such an estate in which he hath fulnesse of glorie power maiestie and authoritie in the presence of his father and all the Saints and holy angels Furthermore in the words three circumstances must be obserued The first is the place where Christ is thus aduanced noted in the former article he ascended into heauen and sits namely in heauen at the right hand of God The place then where Christ Iesus in both his natures as he is God and also man doth rule in full glorie power and maiestie is heauen it selfe To which effect Paul saith God raised Christ from the dead and put him at his right hand in the heauenly places And in the Epistle to the Hebrewes it is saide He sitteth at the right hand of the maiestie in highest places This ●oint well considered serues to discouer the ouersight of sundrie Diuines which hold and teach that to sit at the right hand of God is to be euery where in all places and not in heauen onely that they might hereby lay a foundation for the vbiquitie of Christs manhood which neuerthelesse the heauens must containe till the time that all things be restored The second circumstance is the time when Christ began to sit at the right hand of God the father which is to be gathered by the order of the articles For first Christ died and was buried then he rose againe and ascended into heauen and after his ascension he is said to sit at the right hand of his father This order is also noted vnto vs by S. Paul Who shall condemne saith he it is Christ which is dead yea or rather which is risen againe who is also at the right hand of God And S. Marke saith when Christ was risen againe he appeared to his disciples and after he had spoken vnto them he was receiued into heauen and sate at the right hand of God But it may be demanded how this can stand with truth that Christ should not begin to sit at the right hand of his father before the ascension considering he is one God with the father and therfore an absolute and soueraigne King from all eternitie Answ. As Christ is God or the Word of the father he is coequall and coeternall with him in the regiment of his kingdome and hath neither beginning middle or ending thereof yet as Christ is God incarnate and in one person God-man or Man-god he began after his ascention and not before to sit at the right hand of his father as S. Peter saith was made Lord partly because as he was God he did then manifest himselfe to be that which indeede he was before namely God and Lord of heauen and earth and partly because as he was man he receiued dominion or Lordship from the father which he had not before thereby was euen in his manhood exalted to be king of heauen and earth and in this sense Christ saith of himselfe All power
is giuen to me in heauen and earth The third circumstance is concerning the person at whose right hand Christ sits noted in the words of the article of God the father Almightie whereby is signified that he receiues all the honour power glorie of his kingdome from his father as he that is set at the right hand of a prince receiues the honour authoritie which he hath from the prince Nowe if it be alleadged that by this meanes Christ shall be inferiour to his father because he which receiueth honour of another is inferiour to him of whome he receiueth it the answer is that in Christ we must consider his person and his office in respect of his person as he is the eternall sonne of God he is equall to the father and is not here said to sit at his right hand yet in respect of the o●fice which he beares namely as he is mediatour and as he is man he is inferiour to the father and receiues his kingdome from him As he is God he is our king and head and hath no head more then the father as he is mediatour he is also our head yet so as hee is vnder the father as beeing his head And we must not thinke it strange that one and the same thing should bee both equall and inferiour to another diuers respects considered Nowe in that Christs placing at the right hand of his father argues inferioritie betweene the father him hence we learne that they are deceiued which from this article gather that in the glorification of Christ there is a transfusion of the proprieties of the godhead as omnipotencie omniscience omnipresence c. into his manhood For this is to abolish all inferioritie and to make an equalitie betweene the creature and the creatour And whereas againe the word Almightie is repeated it is done vpon special reason because Christs sitting at the right hand of God doth presuppose omnipotencie For in vaine were all power in heauen and earth giuen to him vnlesse he were omnipotent as the father to execute the same And therefore the song of the Elders was on this manner Worthie is the Lamb that was killed to receiue power and riches and wisdome and strength and honour and glory and praise The benefits which redound vnto vs by Christs sitting at the right hand of God are two one concernes his priesthood the other his kingly office The benefit rising from his priesthood is his Intercession for vs for this is one of the endes why Christ is now exalted in glorie and sits at the right hand of his father namely to make request in the behalfe of all that come vnto him as Paul saith Christ is risen againe and sitteth at the right hand of God and maketh request for vs. Nowe that we may rightly vnderstand what his intercession is wee are to consider these points First to whome it is made secondly in what manner thirdly whether it be made by Christ alone or no fourthly what be the fruits and benefits thereof fiftly the duties whereunto wee are mooued thereby For the first Intercession is to make suite request or intreaty in some ones behalfe to another and this is done by Christ for vs vnto God as Paul saith there is one God and one mediatour betweene God and man which is the man Christ Iesus Here at the verie first ariseth a difficultie for in euery intercession there be three parties the person offended the person offending the intercessour distinct from them both Now if Christ the sonne of God make intercession to God for man then hee maketh intercession to himselfe because he is true God which cannot be howe then shall Christ be mediatour Ans. This point hath so troubled the Church of Rome that for the resoluing of it they haue deuised an errour auouching that Christ is mediatour onely as he is man not as he is God which is vntrue For as both natures doe concurre in the worke of satisfaction so likewise they doe both concurre in the worke of intercession and therefore a more meete and conuenient answere is this Christ Iesus God-man in both natures is directly our mediatour to the first person the father as S. Iohn saith If any man sinne we haue an aduocate with the father Iesus Christ the iust And thus we haue three persons in the worke of intercession really distinguished The partie offended is God the Father the partie offending is man thirdly the intercessour distinct frō them both is Christ the secōd person in Trinitie For howsoeuer in Godhead he the Father be one yet in person they are really distinguished and hee is as it were in the middle betweene the father and vs for the father is God and not man wee that beleeue in Christ are men not God Christ himselfe both man and God It may be further replyed that this answere will not stand because not onely the father is offended but also the sonne and the holy Ghost and therefore there must be a mediatour to them also Answer The intercession of Christ is directed to the father the first person immediately nowe the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost haue all one indiuisible essence and by consequent one and the same will whereupon the father beeing appeased by Christs intercession the Sonne and the Holy Ghost are also appeased with him and in him Thus then intercession is made to the whole trinitie but yet immediately and directly to the first person and in him to the rest The second point to be considered is the maner of his intercession vnto his father We must not imagine that Christ nowe in heauen kneeles downe on his knees and vtters wordes and puts vp a supplication for all the faithfull to God the father for that is not beseeming the maiestie of him that sits at the right hand of God But the manner of his intercession is thus to be conceiued When one is to speake to an earthly prince in the behalfe of another first of al he must come into the presence of the king and secondly make his request and both these Christ performeth for vs vnto God For the first after his ascension he entred into heauen where he did present vnto his father first of all his owne person in two natures and secondly the inualuable merits of his death and passion in which he was well pleased And we must further vnderstand that as on the crosse he stood in our roome so in heauē he now appears as a publike person in our stead representing all the elect that shal beleeue in him as the holy Ghost saith Christ Iesus ascended vp into heauen to appeare in the sight of God for vs. And for the second Christ makes request for vs in that he willeth according to both his natures and desireth as he is man that the father would accept his satisfaction in the behalfe of al that are giuen vnto him And that he makes request on
fruit that the word of God bringeth forth in the liues of men shewes this to be most true The seauenth and last signe set downe by the Apostle Paul is that there shall be a calling of the Iewes before the Lord come to iudgement but of the time when this calling shall be of the manner how or the number of them that shall be called there is no mention made of in the word of God Now it is likely that this signe is yet to come These are the signes that goe before the comming of Christ all which are almost past and therefore the end can not be farre off Now follows the signe that is ioyned with the comming of Christ called the signe of the sonne of man What this signe is we finde not in the Scriptures Some thinke it to be the signe of the crosse but that is friuolous some the glorie and maiestie of Christ which shall be made manifest in his appearance which seemes to be otherwise by the very words of Christ. Then saith he shall appeare the signe of the sonne of man c. and then they shall see him come in the clouds of heauen with power and great glorie where he distinguisheth the one from the other But I rather coniecture it to be the burning of heauen and earth with fire at the very instant of Christs comming mentioned by Peter We must not here dispute whence this fire shall come or how it shall be kindled for that the word of God hath concealed and where God hath not a mouth to speake there we must not haue an eare to heare The vses to be made hereof are these When S. Peter had set downe the change that shall be at the comming of Christ and that heauen and earth must be purged with fire he makes this vse thereof Seeing all things must be dissolued what manner of men ought we to be in holy conuersation and godlines and the reason is good For if heauen and earth must be changed and purged at Christs comming then much more ought we to be chaunged and to put off the old man of sinne and to become newe creatures created after the image of God in righteousnesse and true holinesse If the bruit creatures must be renued by fire then much more are wee to labour that the heat of Gods spirit may burne vp sinne corruption in vs so change vs that we may be ready for him against his comming els heauen and earth it selfe shall stand in iudgement against vs to our condemnation Secondly the consideration of this that the world shall be consumed with fire teacheth vs moderation and sobrietie in the vse of Gods creatures as in costly buildings gorgeous attire and such like What madnes is this to bestow all that we haue on such things as at the day of iudgement shal be consumed with fire For looke whatsoeuer abuse shall come to Gods creatures by our follie the same shall then be abolished Thirdly we must consider that the cause why heauen and earth must be consumed with fire is mans sin by means wherof they are made subiect to vanity corruption Here then we haue iust occasion to acknowledge the greatnes wretchednes of our sinnes If any of vs had but seene the Iewes leprosie it would haue made vs to wonder for the contagion thereof did infect not onely the whole man but his garments also that were about him and sometime the walls of his house but howesoeuer wee cannot see that leprosie among vs yet we may see a worse For the leprosie of our sinnes doth not onely infect our garments and the things about vs with our bodies but euen the high heauens and the earth are stained with the contagion thereof and are made subiect to vanitie and corruption yea by sinne in vs the most glorious creatures in them as the Sunne Moone and starres are become subiect to vanitie Oh then howe wretched is the heart of man that makes no bones of sinne which is the most noisome thing in all the world the stinke whereof hath infected both heauen and earth If we could consider this wee would not be so slacke in humbling our selues for the same as we are We can not abide to looke on a poore lazar full of blanes and sores but if wee could see our sinns in their right colours they would make vs seeme vnto our selues tenne thousand times more ougly then any lazar man can be the contagion thereof is so great and noisome that the very heauens which are many thousand miles distant from vs are infected therewith Yet here we are to knowe that this fire shall not consume the substance of heauen and earth but onely change the qualitie abolish the corruption which our sinnes haue brought vpon them The fourth point to be considered is the manner of the last iudgement in which we may obeserue two things I. who shall be iudge II. the proceeding of this iudge The first is expressed in this article From thence he shall come to iudge He that is Christ Iesus the second person in Trinitie For the father hath committed all iudgement vnto him It is indeede an action common to all the three persons in trinitie but yet the execution thereof appertaines vnto the sonne The father indeed doth iudge the world but yet by the sonne But some may obiect that the Apostles shall sit on twelue thrones and iudge the twelue tribes of Israel And S. Paul saith The Saints shall iudge the world Howe then is this true that ●hrist is the onely iudge of the worlde Ans. The authoritie of iudgement and giuing sentence at the last day is proper to Christ alone and doth not belong either to the Apostles or to the Saints and they shall iudge at the last day onely as witnesses and approouers of Christs iudgement At the great day of assise beside the iudge the iustices on the bench are also in a manner iudges not that they giue sentence but because by their presence they approoue and witnesse the equitie of the sentence of the iudge so the definitiue sentence doth belong to Christ and the Apostles and Saints doe nothing but approoue● and beeing present giue assent to his righteous sentence The whole proceeding of the last iudgement may bee reduced to seuen points or heads The first is the comming of the iudge in the cloudes Here at the first may be demanded why Christ holdes the last iudgement rather on earth then in heauen Ans. He doth it for two causes One the creature to bee iudged hath sinned here vpon earth and hee proceedes after the manner of earthly iudges who holde their sessions and assises there where trespasses are commonly committed The second because the deuill his angels are to be iudged it is a part of their punishment to be cast out of heauen For no vnclean thing may come into this heauēly Ierusalē therfore they now remain in the lower parts of the world
Ghost is nothing els but the action or operation of God obiect out of the Scriptures to the contrarie I. God knoweth the sonne the holy Ghost knoweth not the sonne for none knoweth the sonne but the father ergo the holy Ghost is not God Ans. That place excludeth no person in Trinitie but onely creatures and false gods and the meaning is this None that is no creature or idol god knoweth the sonne of God but the father And the opposition is made to exclude creatures not to exclude the holy Ghost Againe they obiect that the holy Ghost maketh request for vs with grones and sighes that can not be vttered therefore say they the Holy ghost is not God but rather a gift of God For he that is true God can not pray grone or sigh Ans. Pauls meaning is thereby to signifie that the Holy Ghost causeth vs to make requests and stirreth vp our hearts to grone and sigh to God for he said before we haue receiued the spirit of adoption whereby we cry Abba father Yet further they obiect the words of the Angel Gabriel to the virgin Marie saying The vertue of the most high hath ouershadowed thee and hence they gather that if the holy Ghost be the vertue of God then he is not God indeede Ans. As Christ is called the Word of God not a worde made of letters or syllables but a substantial word that is beeing for euer of the same substance with the father so in this place the holy ghost is called the vertue of the most highest not because he is a created qualitie but because he is the substantiall vertue of the Father and the sonne and therefore God equall with them both Furthermore they alleadge that neither the scriptures nor the practise of the Primitiue Church doth warrant vs to pray to the holy Ghost Ans. It is not true For whēsoeuer we direct our praier to any of the three persons in him we pray to them all Besides we haue example of praier made to the holy Ghost in the word of God For Paul saith to the Corinthians The grace of our Lord Iesus the loue of god the father the fellowship of the holy ghost be with you all And the words are as if S. Paul had said thus O Father let thy loue O Sonne let thy grace O holy Ghost let thy fellowship bee with them all And therefore this first doctrine is true and as well to bee beleeued as any other that the Holy Ghost is God The second point is that the Holy Ghost is a distinct person from the father and the sonne Hereupon the articles touching the three persons are thus distinguished I beleeue in the father I beleeue in the sonne I beleeue in the holy Ghost This point also is consonant to the Scriptures which make the same distinction In the baptisme of Christ the father vttereth a voice from heauen saying This is my beloued Sonne in whome I am well pleased and not the sonne or the holy ghost Secondly the sonne stood in the water and was baptized by Iohn and not the father or the holy Ghost Thirdly the holy Ghost descended from heauen vpon Christ in the forme of a doue and not the father or the sonne but the holy Ghost alone Christ in his commission vnto his disciples saith Goe teach all nations baptizing them into the name of the father the sonne and the Holy Ghost Now if the Holy Ghost had beene the same person either with the father or with the sonne then it had bene sufficient to haue named the father and the sonne onely And the distinction of the third person from the rest may be conceiued by this that the Holy Ghost is the Holy Ghost and not the father or the sonne The third point to bee beleeued is that the holy Ghost proceedeth from the father and the sonne For a further proofe hereof consider these places Paul saith Ye are not in the flesh but in the spirit for the spirit of God dwelleth in you But if any man haue not the spirit of Christ hee is not his And againe Because ye are sonnes God hath sent forth the spirit of the sonne into your hearts where we may obserue that the holy Ghost is the spirit both of the father and of the sonne Now the holy Ghost is called the spirit of the father not only because he is sent of him but because hee proceedeth from the father as Christ saith to his disciples When the comforter will come whome I shall send vnto you from the father euen the spirit of trueth vvhich proceedeth of the father hee shall testifie of me And therefore likewise he is the spirit of the sonne not onely because he is sent of the sonne but also because hee proceedeth from him Againe in the Trinitie the person sending doth communicate his whole essence and substance to the person sent As the father sending the sonne doeth communicate his essence and substance to the sonne For sending doth presuppose a communication of essence Nowe the father and the sonne send the holy Ghost therefore both of them communicate their substance and essence vnto the same person Thirdly Christ saith The holy Ghost hath receiued of mine which he shall shewe vnto you namely knowledge and trueth to be reuealed vnto his Church Whence we may reason thus the person receiuing knowledge from another receiues essence also the holy Ghost receiues truth and knowledge from Christ to be reuealed vnto the Church and therefore first of all he hath receiued substance and essence from the sonne But some peraduenture will say where is it written in all the bible in expresse wordes that the holv Ghost proceedes from the sonne as he proceedes from the father Answer The scripture saith not so much in plaine tearmes yet we must know that that which is gathered forth thence by iust cōsequence is no lesse the truth of god then that which is expressed in words Hereupon all Churches saue those in Greece with one confent acknowledge the trueth of this point The fourth and last point is that the holy Ghost is equall to the father and the sonne And this we are taught to acknowledge in the Creede in that wee doe as well beleeue in the Holy Ghost as in the father and the sonne And though the holy Ghost be sent of the father and the sonne yet as I haue said before that argues no inequalitie for one equall may send another by consent but order onely whereby the Holy Ghost is last of all the three persons Againe in that the holy Ghost receiueth from the sonne it prooues no inferiority Because he receiues frō the sonne whatsoeuer he receiues by nature and not by grace And he receiues not a part but all that the sonne hath sauing the proprietie of his person Nowe followe the benefits which are giuen by the holy Ghost and they are of two sorts some are common to all
of God not only bridling sinne in vs but also mortifying and killing the same Indeed both of them are the good gifts of Gods spirit but yet the mortification of sinne is the chiefest being an effectuall signe of grace and proper to the elect The fifth grace and gift of the holy Ghost is to heare and receiue the word of God with ioy In the parable of the sower one kind of badde ground are they which when they haue heard receiue the worde with ioy And this is that which the authour of the Hebrues calls the the tasting of the good word of God and of the powers of the world to come We knowe that there is great difference betweene tasting of meate and eating of it They that sit down at the table do both tast and eate but they that dresse the meate do onely see and taste thereof so it is at the Lords table Many there be that haue this gift truely both to tast and eate of the bodie and blood of Christ offered in the word and Sacraments and some againe doe onely taste and feele the sweetnesse of them and reioice therein but yet are not indeede partakers thereof Nowe if this be so then all those which heare the word of God must take heede how they heare and labour to finde these two things in themselues by hearing I. that in heart and conscience they be throughly touched and humbled for their sinnes II. that they be certenly assured of the fauour and loue of God in Christ and that the sweete promises of the Gospel doe belong to them and in consideration hereof they must make conscience of all sinne both in thought worde and deed through the whole course of their liues And this kind of hearing bringeth that ioy which vanisheth not away Thus much of the benefits of the holy Ghost common to all men both good and badde nowe followe such as are proper to the elect all which may be reduced vnto one namely the inhabitation of the spirit whereby the elect are the temples of the holy Ghost who is said to dwell in men not in respect of substance for the whole nature of the holy Ghost cannot be comprised in the bodie or soule of man but in respect of a particular operation and this dwelling standes in two things The first that the holy Ghost doth abide in them not for a time onely but for euer for the word dwelling noteth perpetuitie Secondly that the holy Ghost hath the full disposition of the heart as whē a man commeth to dwell in an house whereof he is lord he hath libertie to gouerne it after his owne will Nowe this disposition of the hearts of the faithfull by the holy Ghost stands in fiue special and notable gifts euery one worthie our obseruation The first is a certen knowledge of a mans owne reconciliation to God in Christ. As it is said in Esai By his knowledge my righteous seruant shall iustifie many And Christ saith This is life eternall that they knowe thee to be the onely verie God and whome thou hast sent Iesus Christ. This knowledge is not generall for then the deuils might be saued but it is particular whereby a man knoweth God the father to be his father and Christ the redeemer to bee his redeemer and the holy Ghost to bee his sanctifier and comforter And it is a speciall worke of the holy Ghost as Paul saith The spirit of God beareth witnesse to our spirits that we are the children of God And we haue receiued the spirit which is of God that we might know the things that are giuen vnto vs of God The second gift is regeneration whereby a man of a limme of the deuill is made a member of Christ and of a child of Satan whome euery one of vs by nature doe as liuely resemble as any man doeth his owne parent is made the child of God Except a man saith our Sauiour Christ be borne againe by water and the spirit he cannot enter into the kingdome of heauen Iohn Baptist in saying that Christ baptized with the holy Ghost and fire compares the spirit of god to fire and water To fire for two causes I. as it is the nature of fire to warme the body that is benummed and frozen with colde so when a man is benummed and frozen in sinne yea when he is euen starke dead in sinne it is the property of the Holy Ghost to warme and quicken his heart and to reuiue him II. Fire doth purge and eate out the drosse from the good mettall now there is no drosse nor canker that hath so deepely eaten into any mettall as sinne into the nature of man and therefore the Holy Ghost is as fire to purge and eate out the hidden corruptions of sinne out of the rebellious heart of man Againe the holy Ghost is compared to cleare water for two causes I. man by nature is as drie wood without sappe and the property of the holy Ghost is as water to supple and to put sap of grace into the dead and rotten heart of man II. the propertie of water is to clense and purifie the filth of the bodie euen so the holy Ghost doth spiritually wash away our sinnes which are the filth of our nature and this is the second benefit of the Holy Ghost By this we are taught that he which would enter into the kingdome of God and haue the Holy Ghost to dwell in him must labour to feele the worke of regeneration by the same spirit and if a man would knowe whether hee haue this worke wrought in him or no let him marke what Saint Paul saith They that are of the spirit sauour the things that are of the spirit but they that liue after the flesh sauour the things of the flesh If therefore a man haue his heart continually affected with that which is truely good either more or lesse it is a certaine token that his wicked nature is changed and he regenerate but contrariwise if his heart be alwaies set on the pleasures of sinne and the things of this world hee may iustly suspect himselfe that he is not regenerated As for example if a man haue all his minde set vpon drinking and gulling in of wine and strong drink hauing little delight nor pleasure in any thing els it argues a carnall minde vnregenerate because it affects the things of the flesh and so of the rest And on the contrarie he that hath his minde affected with a desire to doe the will of God in practising the workes of charitie and religion he I say hath a spirituall and a renued heart and is regenerate by the holy Ghost The third worke of the holy Ghost is to gouerne the hearts of the elect this may be called spirituall regiment A man that dwelleth in a house of his owne orders and gouerns it according to his own will euen so the holy ghost gouerns all them in whome he dwelleth as Paul saith
we pollute our soules and bodies with any manner of sinne we make them euen stables and styes for our wretched enemie the deuill to harbour in For when Satan is once cast out if afterward we fall againe to our old sinnes loosenes of life and so defile our bodies they are then most cleane and neat for them to dwell in whereupon he will come and bring seuen other deuills worse then himselfe so a mans last end shall be worse then his beginning Now what a fearefull thing is this that the bodie which should be a temple for the holy Ghost by our sins should be made a stable for the deuil Furthermore S. Paul biddeth vs not to quench the spirit The graces of the holy spirit in this life are like sparkes of fire which may soone be quenched with a little water Now so oft as we sinne we cast water vpon the grace of God and as much as we can put out the same therefore it stands vs in hand to make conscience of euery thing wherein we may offend and displease God And we may assure our selues that so long as we liue and lie in our corruptions and sinnes the holy Ghost will neuer come and dwell with vs. He is a spirit most pure and chast and therefore must haue an vndefiled temple to dwell in Thus we haue heard what is to be beleeued concerning the Father Sonne and holy Ghost Now looke as we beleeue in God distinguished into three persons so we must remember that when we performe diuine worship to him we may distinguish the persons but we are not to seuer them when we pray to the Father we must not omit the Sonne or the holy Ghost but make our prayers to them all for as in nature they are one and in person not deuided but distinguished so in all worship we must neuer confound or seuer the persons but distinguish them and worship the Trinitie in vnitie and vnitie in trinitie one God in three persons and three persons in one God Hitherto we haue intreated of the first part of the Creede concerning God now followes the second part thereof concerning the Church and ●t was added to the former vpon speciall consideration For the right order of a confession did require that after the Trinitie the Church should be mentioned as the house after the owner the temple after God and the citie after the builder Againe the Creede is concluded with points of doctrine concerning the Church because whosoeuer is out of it is also forth of the number of gods children and he can not haue God for his father which hath not the Church for his mother Question is made what the words are which are to be supplied in this article the holy Catholike Church whether I beleeue or I beleeue in and ancient expositours haue sufficiently determined the matter One saith In these words in which is set forth our faith of the godhead it is saide In God the father in the Sonne and in the holy Ghost but in the rest where the speech is not of the Godhead but of creatures aud mysteries the preposition In is not added that it should be in the holy Church but that we should beleeue there is an holy Church not as God but as a companie gathered to God And men should beleeue that there is remission of sinnes not in the remission of sinnes and they should beleeue the resurrection of the bodie not in the resurrection of the bodie therefore by this preposition the Creatour is distinguished from the creatures and things pertaining to God from things pertaining to men Another vpon these words This is the worke of God that ye beleeue in him saith If ye beleeue in him ye beleeue him not if ye beleeue him ye beleeue in him for the deuills beleeued God but did not beleeue in him Againe of the Apostles we may say we beleeue Paul but we doe not beleeue in Paul we beleeue Peter but we beleeue not in Peter For his faith that beleeueth in him which iustifieth the vngodly is imputed to him for righteousnes What is it therefore to beleeue in him by beleeuing to loue and like and as it were to passe into him and to be incorporated into his members Now the reasons which some Papists bring to the contrarie to prooue that we may beleeue in the creatures in the church are of no moment First they alleadge the phrase of Scripture Exod. 14.31 They beleeued in God and in Moses 1. Sam. 27. 12. And Achis beleeued in Dauid 2. Chron. 20.20 Beleeue in the Prophets and prosper Ans. The Hebrewe phrase in which the seruile letter Beth is vsed must not bee translated with a preposition that ruleth an accusatiue or ablatiue case but with a datiue case on this manner Beleeue Moses Dauid the Prophets and it doth not impart any affiance in the creature but onely a giuing of credance by one man to another Secondly they alleadge that ancient fathers read the article on this manner I beleeue in the holy Catholike Church Answ. Indeede some haue done so but by this kind of speech they signified no more but thus much that they beleeued that there was a Catholike Church Thus hauing found what words are to be supplied let vs come to the meaning of the article And that we may proceede in order let vs first of all see what the Church is The Church is a peculiar companie of men predestinate to life euerlasting and made one in Christ. First I say it is a peculiar company of men for Saint Peter saith Ye are a chosen generation a royall priesthood an holy nation and a peculiar people He speakes indeede of the Church of God on earth but his saying may be also extended to the whole Church of God as well in heauen as in earth Nowe because there can be no companie vnlesse it haue a beginning and a cause whereby it is gathered therefore I adde further in the definition predestinate to life euerlasting Noting thereby the ground and cause of the Catholike Church namely Gods eternall predestination to life euerlasting and to this purpose our Sauiour Christ saith Feare not little flocke for it is your fathers will to giue you the kingdome signifying thereby that the first and principall cause of the Church is the good pleasure of God whereby he hath before all workes purposed to aduance his elect to eternall saluation Therefore one saith well onely the elect are the Church of God And further because no companie can continue and abide for euer vnlesse the members thereof be ioyned and coupled together by some bond therefore I adde in the last place made one with Christ. This vnion maketh the Church to be the Church and by it the members thereof whether they be in heauen or in earth are distinguished from all other companies whatsoeuer Now this coniunction betweene Christ and the Church is auouched by Saint Paul when
take to know the way and afterward to keepe and continue in it but behold the kingdome of heauen is the most glorious and royall pallace that euer was and God hath bestowed the same on his elect and he requires nothing at their handes but that they would turne their faces from this world and walke vnto it in the way which he hath chalked forth vnto them in his word Therefore if we would haue life euerlasting we must come forth of the broad way that leades to destruction and enter into the straight way that leades to eternall life Wee must acquaint our selues with the guides which are the Ministers of the word that will crie vnto vs Here is the way walke ye in it when we goe to the right hand or to the left Vocation iustification sanctification repentance new-●bedience are the markes of the way and we must passe by them all and thus our wearie soules weltring a while in this wretched world shall at length be receiued into eternall ioy and happinesse Touching the knowledge of particular election two speciall points are to be skanned I. whether a man may know his election II. how it may be knowne For the first Papists are of mind that no man can certenly know his owne election vnlesse he be certified thereof by some speciall reuelation from God but the thing is false and erroneous which they say When the disciples of our Sauiour Christ returned from preaching and shewed what wonders they had done and how deuills were subiect vnto them the text saith they reioyced greatly But Christ answered them againe saying In this reioyce not but rather reioyce that your names are written in heauen Whereby he signifies that men may attaine to a certen knowledge of their owne election For we can not neither doe we reioyce in things either vnknowne or vncerten Saint Peter saith Giue all diligence to make your election sure Now in vaine were it to vse diligence if the assurance of election could not be any waies compassed without an extraordinarie reuelation And Paul saith to the Corinthians Prooue your selues whether ye be in the faith or not Where he takes it for granted that he which hath faith may know that he hath faith and therefore may also know his election because sauing faith is an vnfallible marke of election The second point is how any man may come to know his owne election And there be two waies of knowing it The one is by ascending vp as it were into heauen there to search the counsel of God and afterward to come downe to our selues The second by descending into our owne hearts to goe vp from our selues as it were by Iacobs ladder to Gods eternall counsell The first way is dangerous and not to be attempted For the waies of God are vnsearchable and past finding out The second way alone is to be followed which teacheth vs by signes testimonies in our selues to gather what was the eternall counsell of God concerning our saluation And these testimonies are two the testimonie of Gods spirit and the testimonie of our spirits as Paul saith the spirit of God beareth witnesse togither with our spirits that we are the sonnes of God Touching the testimonie of Gods spirit two questions may be demaunded The first is by what meanes the spirit of God giueth a particular testimonie in a mans conscience of his adoption Ans. It is not done by any extraordinarie reuelation or enthusiasme that is an ordinarie reuelation without the word but by an application of the promises of the Gospel in the forme of a practicall syllogisme on this manner Whoso●uer beleeueth in Christ is chosen to life euerlasting This proposition is set downe in the word of God and it is further propounded opened and applied to all that be in the Church of God by the ministers of the Gospel set apart for this ende Now while the hearers of Gods word giue themselues to meditate and consider of the s●me promise comes the spirit of God and enlightens the eyes and opens the heart giues them power both to will to beleeue and to beleeue indeede so as a man shall with freedome of spirit make an assumption and say but I beleeue in Christ I renounce my selfe all my ioy and comfort is in him flesh and blood can not say this it is the operation of the holy Ghost And hence ariseth the blessed conclusion which is the testimonie of the spirit therefore I am the child of God The second question is how a man may discerne betweene the illusion of the deuill and the testimonie of the spirit For as there is a certen perswasion of Gods fouour from Gods spirit so there be sleights and frauds of the deuill whereby he flatters and soothes men in their sinnes and there is in all men naturall presumption in shew like faith indeede no faith And this counterfait mocke-faith is farre more common in the world then true faith is Take a view hereof in our ignorant and careles people aske any one of them whether he be certen of his saluation or no he will without bones making protest that he is fully perswaded and assured of his saluation in Christ that if there be but one man in a cuntrie to be saued it is he that he hath serued God alwaies and done no man hurt that he hath euermore beleeued and that he would not for all the world so much as doubt of his saluation These and such like presumptious conceits in blind and ignorant persons runne for currant faith in the world Now the true testimonie of the spirit is discerned from naturall presumption and all illusions of the deuill by two effects and fruits thereof noted by Paul in that he saith that the spirit makes vs crie Abba that is father The first is to pray so earnestly with groanes and sighes as though a man would euen fill heauen and earth with the crie not of his lippes but of his heart touched with sense and feeling of his manifold sinnes and off●nces And this indeede is a speciall and principall note of the spirit of adoption Now looke vpon the loose and carelesse man that thinkes himselfe so filled with the perswasion of the loue and fauour of God ye shall finde that he very seldome or neuer praies and when he doth it is nothing els but a mumbling ouer the Lords praier the Creede and the tenne Commandements for fashions sake Which argues plainely that the perswasion which he hath of Gods mercie is of the flesh and not of the spirit The second fruit is the affection of a dutifull child to God a most louing father and this affection makes a man stand in feare of the maiestie of God wheresoeuer he is and to make conscience of euery euill way Now those that are caried away with presumption so soone as any occasion is giuen they fall straight into sinne without mislike or stay as fire burnes with speede when drie wood is
He must not vtterly despaire but be resolued of this that though he want assurance nowe yet he may obtaine the same hereafter And such must he aduertised to heare the word of God preached and beeing outwardly of the Church to receiue the Sacraments When we haue care to come into the Lords vine-yarde and to conuerse about the wine-presse wee shall finde the sweete iuyce of heauenly grace pressed forth vnto vs plentifully by the word and sacraments to the comfort of our consciences concerning gods election This one mercy that God by these meanes in some part reueales his mercy is vnspeakeable When sickenesse or the day of death comes the dearest seruants of God it may bee must encounter with the temptations of the deuill and wrastle in conscience with the wrath and displeasure of God as for life and death and no man knowes howe terrible these things are but those which haue felt them Nowe when men walke thus through the valley of the shadowe of death vnlesse God should as it were open heauen and streame downe vnto vs in this world some lightsome beames of his loue in Christ by the operation of his spirit miserable were the case euen of the righteous Thus much of Election nowe followes Reprobation in handling whereof we are to obserue three things I. what it is II. howe God doth execute this decree III. how a man may iudge of the same For the first Reprobation is Gods decree in which because it so pleased him he hath purposed to refuse some men by meanes of Adams fall and their owne corruptions for the manifestation of his iustice First I say it is a decree and that is euident thus If there be an eternall decree of God whereby he chooseth some men then there must needes be another decree whereby he doth passe by others and refuse them For election alwaies implies a refusall Againe what God doth in time that he decreed to doe before time as the case falls out euen with men of mean wisdome who first of al intend with themselues the things to be done and after do them But god in time refuseth some men as the scripture testifieth and it appeareth to be true by the euent Therefore God before all worlde 's decreed the reiecting of some men Nowe in this decree foure points are to be considered The first is the matter or obiect thereof which is the thing decreed namely the reiection of some men in respect of mercie or the manifestation of his iustice vpon them This may seeme strange to mans reason● but here wee must with all submission strike our top-sailes for the worde of God saieth as much in plaine tearmes The Apostle Iude speaking of false Prophets saith that they were of olde ordained to this damnation And Paul saith in emphaticall tearmes that God makes vessells of wrath prepared to destruction and that some are reiected whome he opposeth to them which are elected to saluation The second point is the impulsiue cause that mooued God to set downe this decree concerning his creature that was nothing out of himselfe but his verie will and pleasure Hee hardened Pharaoh with finall hardenesse of heart because he would and therefore he deceed to doe so because he would And our Sauiour Christ saith I thanke thee O father Lord of heauen and earth because thou hast hid these things from the wise and men of vnderstanding and hast opened them vnto babes But vpon what cause did God so It followes in the next wordes It is so O father because thy good pleasure is such And if it be in the power and libertie of a man to kil an oxe or a sheepe for his vse to hunt kill the hare and partridge for his pleasure then much more without iniustice may it be in the will and libertie of the creator to refuse and forsake his creature of his glorie Nay it standes more with equitie a thousand folde that all the creatures in heauen and earth should ioyntly serue to set forth the glorie and maiestie of God the creator in their eternall destruction then the striking of a slie or the killing of a slea should serue for the dignitie of all men in the worlde For all this it is thought by verie many to be very hard to ascribe vnto God who is full of bountie and mercy such a decree and that vpon his very wil but let vs see their reasons First of all they say it is a point of crueltie for God to purpose to create a great part of the world to damnation in hell fire the answer is that by the vertue of this decree God cannot be said to create any man to damnation but to the manifestation of his iustice and glorie in his due and deserued damnation and the doing of this is absolute iustice Secondly it is alleadged that by this meanes God shall hate his owne creature and that before it is but it is an vntrueth Wee must distinguish betweene Gods purpose to hate and actuall hating Now indeede God before all worlds did purpose to hate some creatures and that iustly so farre forth as his hating of them will serue for the manifestation of his iustice but he neither hates them indeed nor loues them before they are and therefore actuall hatred comes not in till after the creation Whome God hath decreed to loue them when they are once created he beginnes to loue in Christ with actuall loue and whome hee hath decreed to hate them being once created he hates in Adam with actuall hatred Thirdly it is obiected that by this doctrine God shall be the author of sinne for he which ordaines to the ende ordaines to the meanes of the end but God ordaines men to the ende that is damnation therefore he ordaines them to the meanes thereof that is sinne Ans. The proposition beeing thus vnderstood he which ordaines a man to an ende in the same order and manner ordaines him to the meanes is false For one may be ordained to the end simply the ende beeing simply good and yet not be simply ordained to the meanes because they may be euill in themselues and onely good in part namely so far forth as they haue respect of goodnesse in the minde of the ordainer Secondly the assumption is false for the supreame ende of Gods counsell is not damnation but the declaration of his iustice in the iust destruction of the creature neither doth God decree mans damnation as it is damnation that is the ruine of man and the putting of him forth to perishment but as it is a reall execution of iustice Thirdly wee must make distinction betweene sinne it selfe and the permission thereof and betweene the decree of reiection and actual damnation nowe the permission of sinne and not sinne it selfe properly is the subordinate meanes of the decree of reiection For when God had decreed to passe by some men he withall decreed the permission of sinne to which permission men were
into one whole Mystical bodie Now that we may the better cōceiue the nature of it sundrie questions are to be mooued The first what kinde of coniunction this is Ans. In the scripture we meete with three kinde of coniunctions The first is coniunction in nature when sundrie things are coupled by one and the same nature As the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost being three distinct subsistances are all one and therefore ioyned in one godhead or diuine nature Nowe Christ and the beleeuer are not ioyned in nature for thē they twaine should haue one bodie and soule The second coniunction is in person when things in nature different so concurre togither that they make but one person as the bodie and soule make one man and the godhead of the sonne with his manhood make but one Christ in whome there is an vnion of distinct natures with vnity of person Nowe Christ and a Christian are not ioyned in person for Christ is one person Peter a second and Paul a third distinct from thē both so many men as there bee so many seuerall persons The third coniunction is in spirit and this is the coniunction meant in this place whereby Christ and his Church are ioyned togither for the verie same spirit of God that dwelleth in the manhood of Christ and filleth it with all graces aboue measure is deriued thence and dwelleth in all the true members of the Church and filleth them with the like graces in measure and therefore S. Iohn saith Hereby wee knowe that we dwell in him and he in vs because he hath giuen vs of his spirit Hence it followes that the bond of this coniunction is one and the same spirit descending from Christ the head to all his members creating also in them the instrument of faith whereby they apprehend Christ and make him their owne The second is what are the things vnited Ans. Not the bodie of the beleeuer to the bodie of Christ or the soule to his soule but the whole person of the man to the whole person of Christ yet in this order we are first of al immediately ioyned to the manhood of Christ by the manhood to the godhead The third question is what is the manner of this coniunction Answ. Wee must not thinke that Christ and his Church are ioyned by imagination as the minde of man and the thing whereof he thinkes or by consent of heart as one friende is ioyned with another and as the Iewes conuerted were all of one heart and soule or by any abode in one place or by touching as sea and lande are both ioyned togither and make one globe or by any composition or cōmixtion of substances as when many ingredients are put togither to make one medicine But this coniunction is altogither spirituall as the former Giuing was and incomprehensible to mans reason and therefore wee must rather labour to feele it by experience in the heart then to conceiue it in the braine Yet neuerthelesse it shall not be amisse to consider a resemblance of it in this comparison Suppose a man hauing the parts of his bodie disioyned farre asunder his head lying in Italy one arme in Germanie the other in Spaine and his leggs with vs in England suppose further all these parts or quarters haue all one soule extending it selfe vnto them all and quickening each of them seuerally as though they were neerely ioyned togither and though the parts be seuered many hundred miles asunder yet the distance of place doth not hinder the coniunction considering one and the same soule doth inlarge it selfe and giue life vnto them all In the same manner the head of the Mysticall bodie Christ our Sauiour is nowe in heauen and some of his members in heauen with him and some in earth and of these some in England some in Germanie some in Italy some in Spaine distant many thousand miles asunder and the spirit of God is as it were the soule of this bodie which giueth spirituall life to all the members distance of place doth not hinder this coniunction because the holy Ghost which linketh all the partes togither is infinite The benefits which we receiue by this Mysticall vnion are manifold For it is the ground of the conueiance of all grace The first is that by means hereof euery Christian as he is a Christian or a man regenerate hath his beginning and being in Christ howesoeuer as he is a man hee hath his beeing and subsisting in himselfe as Paul saith Ye are of God in Christ. And We are members of his bodie of his flesh and of his bones Howe will some say can this be After this manner The comparison is taken from our first parents Eue was made of a rib taken out of Adams side he beeing cast into a slumber this beeing done Adam awaked and said This nowe is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh Christ was nailed on the crosse and his most pretious blood was shed and out of it arise and spring all true Christians that is out of the merit of Christs death passion whereby they become newe creatures Secondly euery one that beleeueth in Christ by reason of this vnion hath an vnspeakable prerogatiue for hereby he is first vnited to Christ and by reason thereof is also ioyned to the whole trinitie the father the sonne and the holy Ghost and shall haue eternall fellowship with them Thirdly sundrie men specially Papists deride the doctrine of iustification by imputed righteousnes thinking it as absurde that a man should be iust by that righteousnesse which is inherent in the person of Christ as if we should say that one man may liue by the soule of another or be learned by the learning of another But here we may see that it hath sufficient foundation For there is a most neere and strait vnion betweene Christ and all that beleeue in him and in this vnion Christ with all his benefits according to the tenour of the couenant of grace is made ours really therfore we may stande iust before God by his righteousnesse it beeing indeede his because it is in him as in a subiect yet so as it is also ours because it is giuen vnto vs of God Nowe there is no such vnion betweene man and man and for that cause one man can not liue by the soule of another or be learned by the learning of another Fourthly frō this fountaine springes our sanctificatiō wherby we die to sin and are renued in righteousnes and holines Wormes flies that haue lien dead al winter if they be laid in the sunne in the spring time begin to reuiue by vertue thereof euen so whē we are vnited to Christ are as it were laid in the beames of this blessed sonne of righteousnes vertue is deriued thence which warmeth our benummed hearts dead in sinne and reuiueth vs to newnes of life whereby we begin to affect and like good things and put in practise all
the head to the foote and the throat also cut yet so as life is still remaining wee may better thinke their foule errours considered and their worship of God which is nothing els but a mixture of Iudaisme and Paganisme that it is a rotten and dead corpes voide of spirituall life And therefore we haue seuered our selues from the Church of Rome vpon iust cause neither are we schismaticks in so doing but they rather because the ground and the proper cause of the schisme is in them As for the ass●mbli●s of Anabaptists Libertines Antinomies Tritheits Arrians Samosate●●●ns they are no churches of God but conspiracies of mōstrous heretickes iud●●●lly condemned in the primitiue Church and againe by the malice of Satan ●●●ued and reuiued in this age The same we are to thinke and say of the Famili● of loue As for the Churches of Germanie commonly called the Churches of the Lutheranes they are to be reputed of vs as the true churches of God Though their Angustane Confession haue not satisfied the expectation of other Reformed Churches yet haue they all the same enemies in matter of religion doe alike confesse the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost and of the office of the Mediatour of faith and good workes of the Word the Church and the Magistrate are all of one iudgement They differ indeede from vs in the question of the sacrament but it is no sufficient cause to induce vs to holde them as no Church for that there is a true or reall receiuing of the bodie and blood of Christ in the Lords supper we al agree and we ioyntly confesse that Christ is there present so farre forth that he doth truely feede vs with his verie bodie and bloode to eternall life and all the controuersie lies in the manner of receiuing we contenting our selues with that spirituall receiuing which is by the hand of faith they adding thereto the corporall whereby they imagine thēselues to receiue Christ with the hand and mouth of the bodie And though to maintaine this their opinion they be constrained to turne the ascension of Christ into a disparition whereby his bodie beeing visible becomes inuisible yet in the maine points we agree that Christ ascended into heauen that he entred into his kingdome in our name and for vs that we are gouerned and preserued by his power and might and that whatsoeuer good thing we haue or doe proceedes wholly from the grace of his spirit Indeede the opinion of the Vbiquitie of the bodie of Christ reuiueth the condemned heresies of Eutiches and Nestorius and it ouerturneth by necessarie consequent most of the articles of faith but that was priuate to some men as Brentius and others and was not receiued of whole churches and whereas the men were godly learned and we are vncerten with what affection and how long they held this errour we rest our selues in condemning it leauing the persons to God Againe Popish Transustantiation and Lutherian Consubstantiation are both against the trueth of the manhood of Christ yet with great difference Transubstantiation is slatte against an article of faith for if Christs body be made of bread and his blood of wine which must needes bee if there be a conuersion of the one into the other then was not he conceiued and borne of the virgine Marie for it cannot both be made of bakers breade and of the substance of the virgin Againe it abolisheth the outward signe in the Lords supper as also the analogie betweene the signe and the thing signified and so ouerturnes the sacrament but Consubstantiation doth not so neither doeth it ouerturne the substance of any article of Religion but onely a maine point of Philosophie which is that A bodie doth occupie onely one place at once Furthermore the Churches of Helvetia and Savoie and the free citties of Fraunce and the lowe Countries and Scotland are to bee reuerenced as the true Churches of God as their confession make manifest And no lesse must we thinke of our owne Churches in England and Ireland For wee holde beleeue and maintaine and preach the true faith that is the ancient doctrine of saluation by Christ taught and published by the Prophets and Apostles as the booke of the articles of faith agreed vpon in open Parliament doe fully shewe and withall now we are and haue beene readie to testifie this our faith by venturing our liues euen in the cause of religion against forraigne power and especially the Spaniard and hereupon all the Churches in Europe giue vnto vs the hand of fellowship And whereas sundrie among vs that separate and indeede excommunicate themselues giue out that there is no Church in England no Ministers no Sacraments their peremptorie asseuerations wanting sufficient ground are but as paper-shot They alleadge that our assemblies are full of grieuous blottes and enormities Ans. The defects and corruptions of Churches must be distinguished and they bee either in doctrine or manners Againe corruptions in doctrine must further be distinguished some of them are errours indeede but beside the foundation and some errours directly against the foundation and these ouerturne all religion whereas the former doe not Nowe it can not be shewed that in our Churches is taught any one errour that raseth the foundation and consequently annihillateth the truth of Gods Church Indeed there is controuersie among vs touching the point of Ecclesiastical regiment but marke in what manner We all ioyntly agree in the substance of the regiment confessing freely that there must bee preaching of the word administration of the Sacraments according to the institution and the vse of the Power of the Keyes in admonitions suspensions excommunications the difference betweene vs is onely touching the persons and the manner of putting this gouernment in exequution and therfore men on both parts though both hold not the trueth in this point yet because both holde Christ the foundation they still remaine brethren and true members of Christ. As for corruptions in manners they make not a Church to be no church but a badde church When as the wicked Scribes and Pharises sitting in Moses chaire taught the things which he had written the people are commanded to heare them and to doe the things which they say not doing the things which they doe And whereas it is said that wee hold Christ in worde and denie him indeede that is answered thus deniall of Christ is double either in iudgement or in fact deniall in iudgement ioyned with obstinacie makes a Christian to be no christian deniall in fact the iudgement still remaining sound makes not a man to be no christian but a badde christian When the Iewes had crucified the Lord of life they still remained a Church if any vpon earth and notwithstanding this their fact the Apostles acknowledged that the couenāt the promises stil belonged vnto thē they neuer made any separation from their Synagogues till such time as they had bin sufficiently cōuicted by the Apostolicall
as it were swallowed vp with a sea of his loue and wholly rauished therewith for which cause as farre as creatures can they shall loue him againe Againe the loue of a thing is according to the knowledge thereof but in this life God is knowne of man onely in part and therefore is loued onely but in part but after this life when the Elect shall knowe God fully they shall loue him without measure in this respect loue hath a prerogatiue aboue faith or hope howesoeuer in some respects againe they goe beyond loue The fourth prerogatiue is that the Saints of God keepe a perpetuall Sabbath in heauen In this life it is kept but euery seuenth daie and when it is best of all sanctified it is done but in part but in heauen euery day is a Sabbath as the Lord saith by the Prophet Esay From moneth to moneth and from Sabbath to Sabbath all flesh shall come and worship before me therefore the life to come shall be spent in the perpetuall seruice of God Fifthly the bodies of the elect after this life in the kingdome of heauen shal be like the glorious bodie of Christ so Paul saith Christ Iesus our Lord shall chāge our vile bodies that they may be like his glorious bodie Now the resemblāce betweene Christs bodie and ours standeth in these things as Christs bodie is incorruptible so shall our bodies be void of all corruption as Christs bodie is immortal so ours in the kingdom of heauen shal neuer die as Christs bodie is spirituall so shall ours be made spirituall as the Apostle saith It is sowen a naturall bodie it is raised a spirituall bodie not because the bodie shall be changed into a spirit for it shall remaine the same in substance and that for euer but because it shall be preserued by a spirituall and diuine manner For in this life it is preserued by meate drinke cloathing sleepe physicke rest and diet but afterwarde without all these meanes the life of the bodie shall be continued and bodie and soule keepe togither by the immediate power of Gods spirit for euer and euer Thus the bodie of Christ is nowe preserued in heauen and so shall the bodies of all the elect be after the day of iudgement Furthermore as Christs bodie is nowe a shining bodie as doth appeare by his transfiguration in the mount so in all likelihood after the resurrection the bodies of the elect shall be shining and bright alwaies remaining the same for substance Lastly as Christs bodie after it rose againe from the graue had this propertie of agilitie beside swiftnes to passe from the earth to the third heauen beeing in distance many thousand miles frō vs and that without violence so shall the bodies of the Saints For beeing glorified they shall be able as well to ascend vpwarde as to goe downewarde and to mooue without violence and that very swiftly The sixth and last prerogatiue is an vnspeakable and eternall ioy ●● Dauid saith In thy presence is fulnesse of ioy at thy right hand there are p●●●ares for euermore It is said that when Salomon was crowned king the people reioiced exceedingly If there were such great ioy at his coronation whi●h was but an earthly prince what ioy then shall there be when the Elect shall see the true Salomon crowned with glorie in the kingdome of heauen It is said that the wise men which came from the East to worship Christ when they sawe the starre standing ouer the place where the babe was were exceedingly glad howe much more shall the elect reioice when they shall see Christ not lying in a manger but crowned with immortall glorie in the kingdome of heauen Wherefore this ioy of the elect after this life is most wonderfull and cannot be vttered The propertie of life eternall is to be an inheritance which God bestoweth on them which are made his sonnes in Christ who is the only begotten sonne of the father Hence it followes necessarily that in the Scriptures it is called a reward not because it is deserued by our workes as the Church of Rome erroniously teacheth but for two other causes First because life eternall is due to all that beleeue by vertue of Christs merit For his righteousnesse is made ours by imputation so con●equently the merit thereof is also ours and by it all personall merits in our selues vtterly excluded we deserue or merit eternall happines as a reward which neuerthelesse in respect of our selues is the free and meere gift of God The second is because there is a resemblance betweene eternall life and a reward For as a reward is giuen to a workeman after his worke is done so euerlasting life is giuen vnto men after the trauailes and miseries of this life are ended The degrees of life are three The first is in this life when men beeing iustified and sanctified haue peace with God Many imagine that there is no eternall life till after death but they are deceiued for it beginnes in this world as our Sauiour Christ testifieth saying Verily verily I say vnto you he that heareth my wordes and beleeueth him that sent me hath euerlasting life and shall not come into condemnation but hath passed from death to life This being so we are hence to learne a good lesson Considering we looke for life euerlasting after this life we must not deceiue our selues lingring and deferring the time till the last gaspe but we must lay the foundation of life eternall in our selues in this world and haue the earnest thereof laide vp in our hearts against the day of death But how is that done we must repent vs heartily of all our sinnes and seeke to be assured in conscience that God the father of Christ is our father God the sonne our redeemer and God the holy Ghost our comforter For as Christ saith this is life eternall to know thee the onely God and whome thou hast sent Iesus Christ. And we must goe further yet endeauouring to say with Paul that we liue not but that Christ liueth in vs which when we can say we haue in vs the very seede of eternall life The second degree is in the ende of this life when the bodie freed from all diseases paines and miseries is laid to rest in the earth and the soule is receiued into heauen The third is after the day of iudgement when bodie and soule reunited shall both be aduanced to eternall glorie Againe in this third degree of life there be in all likelihood sundrie degrees of glory Daniel speaking of the estate of the elect after this life saith They that be wise shall shine as the brightnesse of the firmament and they that turne many to righteousnes shall shine as the starres for euermore Now we know there is difference betweene the brightnesse of the firmament and the brightnesse of the starres Againe there be degrees of torments in hell as appeares by the saying
to passe Ans. As God determines what things shall come to passe so hee doeth with all determine the meanes whereby the same things are effected Before all worlds God decreed that men should liue vpon earth and he decreed likewise that meate drinke and cloathing should be vsed that life might be preserued Now prayer is one of the most excellent meanes whereby sundry things are brought to passe therefore Gods eternall counsell touching things to come doth not exclude praier and like meanes but rather include and implie the same The second question is what kind of actiō praier is Ans. It is no lip-labour it is the putting vp of a suite vnto God and this action is peculiar to the very heart of a man Rom. 8.26 The spirit makes request for vs. But how with grones in the heart Exod. ●4 15 The Lord saith to Moses Why criest thou yet there is no mention made that Moses spake any word at all the Lord no doubt accepted the inward mourning and desire of his heart for a crie Psal. 38.10 and 11.4 The third question is what is the forme or rule according to which wee are to pray Ans. It is the reuealed will and word of God A man in humbling his soule before God is not to pray as his affections carrie him and for what he list but all is to be done according to the expresse word So as those things which God hath commanded vs to aske we are to aske those things which he hath not commanded vs to aske we are in no wise to pray for 1. Iohn 5.14 This is the assurance which we haue of him that if wee aske any thing according to his will he heareth vs. This then is a speciall clause to be marked that men must pray in knowledge not in ignorance Here weigh the case of poore ignorant people they talke much of praying for themselues and others they imagine that they pray very deuoutly to God but alas they doe nothing lesse because they know not what to aske according to gods will They therfore must learn Gods word and pray according to the same els it will prooue in the end that all their praying was nothing but as mocking and flat dishonouring of God The fourth question is with what affection a man must praie Ans. Praier must proceede from a broken and contrite heart This is the sacrifice which God accepteth Psal. 51. 17. When Ahab abased himselfe though hee did ●● in hypocrisie yet God had some respect vnto it 1. King 21.29 saith the Lord to Eliah seest thou how Ahab is hūbled before me This contrition of heart stands in two things The first of them is a liuely feeling of our owne sinne miserie and wretched estate how that we are compassed about with innumerable enemies euen with the deuill and his angels and within abound euen with huge seas of wants and rebellious corruptions whereby we most grieuously displease God and are vile in our owne eyes Beeing therefore thus beset on euery side we are to be touched with the sense of this our great miserie And he that will pray aright must put on the person and the very affection of a poore wretched begger and certenly not beeing grieued with the rufull condition in which we are in our selues it is not possible for vs to pray effectually Psal. 130.1 Out of the deepest called vpon thee O Lord that is when I was in my greatest miserie and as it were not farre from the gulfes of hell then I cried to God Esay 26.16 Lord in trouble haue they visited thee they powred out a prayer when thy chastening was vpon them 1. Sam. 1.15 I am a woman saith Anna of an hard spirit that is a trouble soule and haue powred my soule before the Lord. Hence it appeareth that the ordinarie praiers of most men grieuously displease God seeing they are made for fashion onely without any sense and feeling of their miseries commonly men come with the Pharise in ostentation of their integritie and they take great paines with their lippes but their hearts wander from the Lord. The second thing required in a contrite heart is a longing desire and hungring after Gods graces and benefits whereof we stand in neede It is not sufficient for a man to buckle as it were and to goe crooked vnder his sinnes and miseries but also he must haue a desire to be eased of them and to be enriched with graces needfull Thus Hezekias the King and the Prophet Isaiah the sonne of Amos prayed against Senacharib and cried vnto heauen 2. Chr. 32.10 Where we may see what a marueilous desire they had to obtaine their request So also Rom. 8.16 The spirit maketh request with grones so great that they can not be vttered as they are felt Dauid Psal. ●43 6 saith that he desireth after the Lord as the thirstie land Now we know that the ground parched with heate opens it selfe in ri●ts and cranies and gapes towards heauen as though it would deuoure the clouds for want of moysture and thus must the heart be disposed to Gods grace till it obtaine it The people of Israel beeing in grieuous a●fliction how doe they pray They powre out their soules like water before the face of the Lord. Lament 2. 1● The fift question is in whose name prayer must be made Ans. It must not be made in the name of any creature but onely in the name and mediation of Christ. Ioh. 14.14 If yee aske any thing in my name I will doe it A man is not to present his prayers to God in any worthines of his owne merits For what is he to make the best of himselfe what can he make of himselfe by nature he is no better then the very firebrand of hell and of all Gods creatures on earth the most outragious rebell to God and therefore can not be heard for his owne sake As for Saints they can be no mediatours seeing euen they themselues in heauen are accepted of God not for themselues but onely for the blessed merits of Christ. If any man sinne saith Saint Iohn 1. epist. chap. 2.1 we h●●e an aduocate with the father Iesus Christ. But howe prooues he this It followes then And he is the reconciliation for our sinnes His reason stands thus hee which must be an advocate must first of al be a reconciliation for vs no saints can be a reconciliation for vs therefore no Saints can be aduocates Therefore in this place is manifest an other fault of ignorant people They crie often Lord helpe me Lord haue mercie vpon me But in whose name pray they poore soules like blind bayards they rush vpon the Lord they knowe no mediatour in whose name they should present their praiers to him Litle do they consider with themselues that God is as well a most terrible Iudge as a mercifull father The sixt question is Whether faith be requisite to praier or not Ans. Prayer is to be made with faith whereby a man must
the faithfull haue their whole estate before God reuealed vnto them according to the word the thing it selfe being otherwise secret and hidden 1. Cor. 2,9,10,12 Further the work of this spirit in the godly is twofold the one concernes God himselfe the other the things of God The worke of the spirit of reuelation which respects God himselfe is an acknowledgement of the Father or of Christ. Now to acknowledge God the Father is not onely to know and confesse that he is a father of the faithfull but also to be resolued in conscience that he is a father to me in particular Secondly that Christ is not onely in generall a Sauiour of the elect but that he is in speciall my Sauiour and redeemer The second worke of this spirit is an illumination of the eyes of the minde to see and know the things of God which he hath prepared for them that doe beleeue and they are two The first is life eternall which is described by fiue arguments 1. It is the Ephesian hope that is the thing hoped for in this life 2. It is the hope of the calling of God because in preaching of the Gospell it is offered and men are called to waite for the same 3. An inheritance properly to Christ because he is the naturall sonne of God and by him to all that shall beleeue 4. The excellencie because it is a rich and glorious inheritance 5. Lastly it is made proper to the Saints The second thing is the greatnes of the power of God whereby sinne is mortified the corrupt nature renued and mightily strengthened in temptations This power is set forth by two arguments The first is the subiect or persons in whome this power is made manifest In them that beleeue Because none can feele this but they which apprehend Christ by faith The second is the manner of manifesting this power in them which is according to the working of his mightie power which he shewed in Christ. And that was in three things First in putting all his enemies vnder his feete v. 2. Secondly in raising him from death Thirdly in placing him at his right hand Now therefore Paul praies that this wonderfull power of God which did shew forth it selfe in the head Christ might likewise shew it selfe in the members of Christ. First in treading Satan and sinne vnder their feete Rom. 16.10 Secondly in raising them from sinne as out of a graue to holines of life Thirdly in aduancing them in the time appointed to the kingdome of glorie in heauen Ephes. 3. 14. FOr this cause I bowe my knees vnto the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ. 15. Of whome is named the whole familie in heauen and earth 16. That he would grant you according to the riches of his glorie that ye● may be strengthened by his spirit in the inner man 17. That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith 18. That ye being rooted and grounded in loue may be able to comprehend with all Saints what is the breadth and length and depth and height 19. And know the loue of Christ which passeth knowledge that ye may be filled with all fulnesse of God 20. Vnto him therefore that is able to do● exceeding abundantly aboue all that we aske or thinke according to the power that worketh in vs 21. Be praise in the Church by Christ Iesus throughout all generations for euer Amen The Exposition THese wordes containe two parts a prayer and a thankesgiuing In the prayer these points are to be marked First the gesture I bow my knees wherby Paul signifies his humble submission to God in prayer Secondly to whome he praies To the Father who is described by two titles the first the father of our Lord Iesus Christ and that by nature as he is God and as he is man by personall vnion The other title Of whome the whole familie which is in heauen and earth is named In which words is set downe a description of the Church first it is a Familie because it is the companie of Gods elect children vnder the gouernment of one father 1. Tim. 3.15 It is called the house of God Eph. 2.19 They that beleeue are saide to be of the houshold of God secondly the parts of the Catholike Church are noted namely the Saints in heauen departed and Saints liuing on earth thirdly it is said to be named of the father of Christ because as the father of Christ is the father of this familie so also this familie is called by him Gen. 6.2 Dan. 9.80 Thirdly the matter of the prayer stands of foure most worthie points The first is strength to beare the crosse and to resist spirituall temptations v. 16. where the strength is set out by diuers arguments First that it is the meere gift of God that he would graunt you Secondly the cause of strength by his Spirit Thirdly the subiect or place where this strength must be in the inner man that is in the whole man so farre forth as he is renued by grace Eph. 6.14 The second is the dwelling of Christ in their hearts by faith Faith is when a man beeing seriously humbled for his sinnes is further in conscience perswaded and resolued of the pardon of them and of reconciliation to God Now where this perswasion is in deed there followes necessarily Christs dwelling in the heart which stands in two things the first is the ruling and ordering of the thoughts affections and desires of the heart according to his will as a master rules in his house the second is the continuance of his rule For he cannot be said to dwell in a place who rules in it but for a day The third is the knowledge and the acknowledgement of the infinit greatnes of Gods loue in Christ an effect of the former v. 18 19. the words are thus explaned Rooted and grounded Here the loue of God wherewith he loues the elect is as a roote and foundation of all Gods benefits election vocation iustification and glorification Men are rooted and grounded in loue when Gods spirit assures their hearts of Gods loue and doth giue them some inward sense and feeling of it For then they are as it were sensibly put into the roote and laid on the foundation With all Saints Paul desires this benefit not onely to the Ephesians but also to all the faithfull with them What is the length the bredth Here is a speech borrowed from the Geometricians and it signifies the absolute greatnes or infinitnes of Gods loue and that it is like a world which for length breadth height and depth is endlesse Here note the order or receiuing grace First Christ dwells in the heart by faith Secondly then comes a sense and feeling of Gods loue as it were by certaine drops thereof Thirdly after this ariseth a plentifull knowledge and apprehension of Gods loue and as it were the powring out of a sea into a mans heart that for greatnes hath neither bottome nor banke And know the loue of
elect For the better knowing of it there is to bee considered First what faith is Secondly how God doth worke it in the hearts of the elect Thirdly what degrees there be of faith Fourthly what are the fruits and benefits of faith IIII. Faith is a wonderfull grace of God by which the elect doe apprehend and apply Christ and all his benefits vnto themselues particularly Here first it is to be cōsidered that the very nature of faith stādeth in a certaine power of apprehending and applying Christ. This is declared by Paul whe he saith Ye are buried with him through baptisme by whome ye are also risen againe with him by the faith of the power of God who raised him from the dead Where it appeareth that faith is made a meanes to communicate Christ himselfe his death and buriall and so all other benefits to the beleeuer Againe to beleeue in Christ and to receiue or to lay hold on Christ are put one for another by Saint Iohn which declareth that there is a speciall applying of Christ euen as we see when a man hath any thing giuen him he reacheth out his hand and pulleth it to himselfe and so makes it his owne Moreouer faith is called the putting on of Christ which cannot be vnles Christs righteousnes be specially applyed to the heart as the garment to the backe when it is put on Lastly this may appeare in that faith is called the eating and drinking of Christ for there is no eating of meat that nourisheth but first it must be tasted and chewed in the mouth then it must be cōueyed into the stomack there digested lastly it must be applyed to the parts of the bodie that are to be nourished And Paul praieth for the Eph●sians that Christ may dwell in their hearts by faith which plainely importeth this apprehending and applying of Christ. I adde further that faith is a wonderfull grace of God which may appeare first in that Paul calleth it the faith of Gods power because the power of God is especially seene in the begetting of faith Secondly experience sheweth it to be a wonderfull gift of God when a man neither seeth nor feeleth his sinnes then to say hee beleeueth in Gods mercie it is an easie matter but when a man shall feele his heart pressed downe with the waight of his sinnes and the anger of God for them then to apply Gods free mercie to his own soule it is a most hard matter for then it is the propertie of the cursed nature of man to blaspheme God and to despaire of mercie Iudas who no doubt often preached mercy and redemption by Christ in the securitie of his heart when Gods hand was vpon him and the Lord made him see the vilenesse of his treacherie he could not comfort himselfe in Christ if one would haue giuen him ten thousand worlds but in an hellish horror of conscience hanged himselfe desperately which sheweth what a wonderfull hard thing it is at the same instant when a man is touched for his sinnes then to apply Gods mercie to himselfe Yet a true Christian by the power of faith can doe this as it may appeare in Dauid In the day of my trouble saith he I sought the Lord my sore ran and ceased not in the night my soule refused comfort I did thinke vpon God and was troubled I praied and my spirit was full of anguish and hee addeth the word Sebah a note very likelie of some wonderfull thing Againe he being almost in the gulfes of hell euen then cried to the Lord for helpe Iob saith If God should destroy him yet he would for all that beleeue in him still Vndoubtedly strange is the band of faith knitting Christ his members togither which the anguish of spirit cannot and the strokes of Gods hand doe not vnloose V. This apprehending of Christ is not done by any corporall touching of him but spiritually by assurāce which is whē the elect are perswaded in their hearts by the holy ghost of the forgiueuesse of their owne sinnes and of gods infinit mercie towards them in Iesus Christ. According to that of Paul Now we haue receiued not the spirit of the world but the spirit which is of God that wee might know the things which are giuen vs of God The things which the spirit of God maketh known to the faithfull particularly are their iustification adoption sanctification eternall life and thus when any are perswaded of these things concerning themselues they doe in their hearts distinctly apply and appropriate Christ and his benefits to themselues VI. The maner that God vseth in the begetting of faith is this First he prepareth the heart that it may be capable of faith Secondly he causeth faith by little and litle to spring and to breed in the heart The preparation of the heart is by humbling an softening of it to the doing of this there are foure things requisite The first of them is the knowledge of the word of God both of the lawe and of the gospel without the which there can be no faith according to that saying of Esaiah By his knowledge shall my righteous seruant iustifie many And that of Iohn This is eternall life that they know thee to be the onely very God and whome thou hast sent Iesus Christ. The onely ordinarie meanes to attaine faith by is the word preached which must be heard remembred practised and continually hid in the heart The least measure of knowledge without which a man cannot haue faith is the knowledge of Elements or the fundamentall doctrines of a Christian religion● A fundamentall doctrine is that which beeing obstinately denied all religion and all obtaining of saluation is ouerthrown This knowledge hath a generall faith going with it which is an assent of the heart to the known trueth of Gods word This faith when it is grown vp to some great measure it is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the full assurance of vnderstanding and it is to bee seene in the martyrs who maintained Gods trueth against the persecutions of the false Church vnto death VII Although both elect and reprobate may be enlightned to know the word of God yet the elect in this thing goe farre beyond all reprobates for it is specially said of them that God is their schoole-master that he sofeteneth their stony hearts and maketh them pliable that hee draweth them that hee openeth their senses hearts eares vnderstandings that the holy ghost is their annointmēt and their eie-salue to cleare the eies of their minde to conceiue the mysteries of Gods worde And the difference of illumination in them is threefolde I. First the knowledge which the reprobate hath concerning the kingdōe of heauen is only a generall and confused knowledge but the knowledge of the elect is pure certaine sure distinct and particular for it is ioyned with a feeling and inward experience of the thing
children And where the spirit of Christ dwelleth there must needes be faith for Christ dwelleth in the hearts of the faithful by faith Therfore as Rebecca when she felt the Twins striue in her womb though it pained her yet shee knew both that shee had conceiued and that the children were quick in her so they who haue these motions and holy affections in them before mentioned may assure themselues that the spirit of god dwelleth in them and consequently that they haue faith though a weake faith XIX Examples of this small faith are euident in the Apostles who though they beleeued that Christ was the Sauiour of the world yet they were ignorant of his death and resurrection which are the cheife meanes of saluation After his resurrection they were ignorant of his ascension of his spiritual kingdome for they dreamed of an earthly kingdome and at his death they all fled from him and Peter fearefully denied him They being in this estate are not said to haue no faith but to be of little faith Another example we haue in Dauid who hauing continued a long space in his two great sinnes adulterie and murther was admonished thereof by Nathan the prophet beeing admonished he confessed his sinnes and straightway Nathan declared vnto him frō the Lord the forgiuenes of them Yet afterward Dauid humbleth himselfe as it appeareth in the 51. Psalme and praieth most earnestly for the forgiuenes of those and all other his sinnes euen as though it had not bin true that they were forgiuen as Nathan told him the reason is howsoeuer they were remitted before God yet Dauid at his first repenting of them felt none assurance in his heart of the forgiuenes of them onely he had a perswasion that they might be pardoned And therefore he vehemently desired and praied to the Lord to remit them and to sanctifie him anew This then being the least measure of faith it must be remembred that he who hath not attained to it hath as yet no sauing faith at all XX. The greatest measure of faith is a full perswasion of the mercie of God For it is the strength and ripenes of faith Rom. 4.20.21 Abraham not weake in faith but being strengthened in the faith was fully perswaded that he who had promised was able to doe it This full assurance is when a man can say with Paul I am perswaded that neither life nor death nor Angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. And least any should thinke this saying is peculiar to Paul he testifieth of himselfe that for this cause he was receiued to mercie that he might be an example to them which after should beleeue in Christ to life eternall and the whole Church in the Cant● vseth the same in effect saying Loue is as strong as death iealousie is as cruel as the graue the coales thereof are fierie coales and a vehement flame Much water cannot quench loue neither can the flouds drown it if a man should giue all the substance of his house for loue they would contemne it XXI No Christian attaineth to this full assurance at the first but in some continuance of time after that for a long space he hath kept a good conscience before God and before men and hath had diuers experiences of Gods loue and fauour towards him in Christ. This Paul declareth to the Romanes in afflictions God sheds abroad his loue in their hearts by the holy Ghost which is giuen to them but how by degrees for from afflictions ariseth patience from patience commeth experience from experience hope and hope neuer maketh ashamed or disappointeth him of eternall life This is euident in Dauids practise Doubtles saith he kindnes and mercie shall follow me all the daies of my life and I shall liue a long season in the house of the Lord. Mark this his resolute perswasion and consider how he came vnto it namely by experience of Gods fauour at sundrie times and after sundrie manners For before he set downe this resolution he numbred vp diuerse benefits receiued of the Lord that he fedde him in greene pastures and led him by the refreshing waters of Gods word that he restoreth him and leadeth him in the paths of righteousnes that he strengtheneth him in great daungers euen of death and preserueth him that in despight of his enemies he enriched him with many benefits By meanes of all these mercies of God bestowed on him he came to be perswaded of the continuance of the fauour of God towardes him Againe Dauid saide before King Saul Let no mans heart faile because of Goliah Thy seruant will goe and fight with the Philistine And Saul said to Dauid Thou art not able to goe against this Philistine to fight with him for thou art but a boy and he is a man of warre from his youth Dauid answered that he was able to fight with and to slay the vncircumcised Philistine And the ground of his perswasion was taken from experience for thus he saide Thy seruant kept his fathers sheepe and there came a Lyon and likewise a Beare and tooke a sheepe out of the flocke and I went out after him and smote him and tooke it out of his mouth and when he arose against me I caught him by the beard and smote him and slew him So thy seruant slew both the Lyon and the Beare therefore this vncircumcised Philistine shal be as one of thē seeing he hath rayled on the hoast of the liuing God The like proceeding must be in matters concerning eternall life Little Dauid resembleth euery Christian Goliah and the armie of the Philistines resembleth Sathan and his power He therefore that will be resolued that he shall be able to ouercome the gates of hell and attaine to life euerlasting must long keepe watch and ward ouer his owne heart and he must fight against his owne rebellious flesh and crucifie it yea he must haue experiences of Gods power strengthening him in many temptations before he shall be fully assured of his attaining to the kingdome of heauen XXII Thus much concerning faith it selfe now follow the fruits and benefits of faith By meanes of this speciall faith the Elect are truly ioyned vnto Christ and haue an heauenly communion and fellowship with him and therefore doe in some measure inwardly feele his holy spirit moouing and stirring in them as Rebecca felt the Twins to stirre in her wombe Christ is as the head in the bodie euery beleeuer as a member of the same bodie now as the head giueth sense and motion to the members and the members feele themselues to haue sense and to mooue by meanes of the head so doth Christ Iesus reuiue and quicken euery true beleeuer and
perfumed with sweete odours before they can assend vp sweete and sauorie into the nosthrils of God And Paul said of himselfe he did that which he disliked not that hee was ouertaken with grosse sinns but because when he was to do his dutie the flesh hindred him that he could not do that which he did exactly soundly according to his wil desire euen as a man who hath a iourney to goe his mind is to dispatch it in all haste yet when he is in his trauell he goes but slowely by reason of a lamenesse in his ioynts III. The spirit on the contrary kindles in the heart good motions and desires and puts a man forward to good words and deedes as it was in Dauid I will praise the Lord saith he who hath giuen me counsell my reines also teach me in the night season IV. The spirit rebukes a man for his euil intents and desires represseth the force of thē as it were nips them in the head Thus Esay describeth the inward motions of the spirit And thine eares shall heare a word behind thee saying this is the way walke ye in it when thou turnest to the right hand when thou turnest to the left And Saint Iohn saith The spirit iudgeth the worlde of sinne This was in Dauid who when he did any euill his heart smote him 2. Sam. 24. 10. Out of this doctrine issueth a notable difference betwixt the wicked and the godly In the godly when they are tempted to sinne there is a fight betweene the heart and the heart that is betweene the heart and it selfe In the wicked also there is a fight when they are tempted to sinne but this fight is onely betweene the heart and the conscience The wicked man whatsoeuer he is hath some knowledge of good and euil and therefore when he is in doing any euil his conscience accuseth checketh and controuleth him and hee feeles it stirring in him as if it were some liuing thing that crauled in his body gnawed vpon his heart and therupon he is very often grieued for his sins yet for all that he liketh his sinnes very well and loueth them and could finde in his heart to continue in them for euer so that indeed when he sinneth hee hath in his heart a striuing and a conflict but that is onely betweene himselfe and his conscience But the godly haue an other kind of battel and conflict for not only their consciences pricke them and reproue them for sinne but also their hearts are so renewed that they rise in hatred and detestation of sinne when they are tempted to euill by their flesh and Satan they feele a lust and desire to doe that which is good LIV. The second temptation is a disquietnes in the heart of a Christian because he cannot according to his desire haue fellowship with Christ Iesus he is exercised in this temptation on this manner I. Christ lets him see his excellency and howe he is affected towards him II. Then the Christian considering this● desireth Christ his righteousnesse III. He delighteth himselfe in Christ and hath some enioying of his benefits IV. Then he comes into the assemblie of the Church as into Gods wine-seller that in the word and Sacraments he may feele a greater measure of the loue of Christ. V. But he falls loue-sicke that is hee becomes troubled in spirit because he cannot enioy the presence of Christ in the sayd manner as he would VI. In this his spiritual sicknes he feeles the power of Christ supporting him that the spirit be not quenched and he heares Christ as it were whispering in his heart as a man speakes to his friend when hee is comming towards him a farre off VII After this Christ comes neerer but the Christian can no otherwise enioy him then a man enioyes the company of his friend who is on the other side of a wall looking at him through the grate or latteise VIII Thē his eies are opened to see the causes why Christ so withdraws himselfe to be his owne securitie and negligence in seeking to Christ his slacknes in spirituall exercises as in prayer and thanksgiuing the deceitfulnes and malice of false teachers IX Then he comes to feele more liuely his fellowship with Christ. X. Lastly he prayeth that Christ would continue with him to the end LV. The third temptation is trouble of minde because there is no feeling of Christ at all who seemeth to be departed for a time The exercise of a Christian in this tentation is this 1 The poore soule lying as a man desolate in the night without comfort seekes for Christ by priuate praier and meditation but it will not preuaile 2 He vseth the helpe counsell and prayer of godly brethren yet Christ cannot be found 3 Then he seekes to godly ministers to receiue some comfort by them by their meanes he can feele none 4 After that all meanes haue bin thus vsed and none will preuaile then by Gods great mercie when he hath least hope he findes Christ and feeles him come againe 5 Presently his faith reuiueth and laieth fast hold on Christ. 6 And he hath as neere fellowship with Christ in his heart as before 7 Then comes againe the ioy of the holy Ghost and the peace of conscience as a sweete sleepe falls vpon him 8 Then his heart ariseth vp into heauen by holy affections and praiers which do as pillars of smoake mount vpward sweete as myrrhe and incense 6 Also he is rauished ther●●ith the meditation of the glorious estate of the kingdome of heauen 10 Hee labours to bring others to consider the glorie of Christ and his kingdome 11 After all this Christ reueales to his seruant what his blessed estate is both in this life and in the life to come more cleerely then euer before and makes him see those graces which he hath bestowed on him 12 Then the Christian praieth that Christ would breath on him by his holy spirit that he may bring forth the fruits of those graces which are in him 13 Lastly Christ granteth him this his request LVI The fourth temptation is securitie of heart rising of ouermuch delight in the pleasures of the worlde The exercise of a Christian in this temptation is this 1 He slumbers and is halfe asleepe in the pleasures of this world 2 Christ by his word and spirit labours to withdrawe him from his pleasures and to make him more hartily receiue his beloued 3 But he delayeth to doe it beeing loath to leaue his ●ase and sweete delights 4 Then Christ awakes him and stirres vp his heart by making him to see the vanitie of his pleasures 5 He then begins to be more earnestly affected towards Christ. 6 With sorrowe he sets his heart to haue fellowship with Christ after his old manner and this
beeing made they are no more one but twaine and the one hath nothing to doe with the other In this case though the flesh beget sin perish therefore yet the Christian man shal not incurre damnation for it To come more neere the matter you say the flesh begets in you wauerings doubtings and distrustings what then it t●oubleth you but feare not remember your estate you are diuourced from the flesh and you are new married vnto Christ if these sins be laid at your doore account them not as your children but renounce them as Bastards say with Paul I doubt indeede but I hate my doubtings and I am no cause of these but the flesh in me which shall perish when I shall be saued by Christ. Christian. This which you haue said doeth in part content mee one thing more I pray you shew me concerning this point namely how I may be able to ouercome these doubtings Minist For the suppressing of doubtings you are to vse three meditations The first that it is gods commandemēt that you should beleeue in Christ So S. Iohn saith This is his commandement that wee beleeue in the name of his Son Iesus Christ. Thou shalt not steale is Gods commandement and you are loath to breake it least you should displease God pull his curse vpon your head This also is Gods commandement thou shall beleeue in Christ and therefore you must take head of the breach of it least by doubting and wauering you bring the curse vpon you Secondly you must consider that the promises of saluation in Christ are g●neral or at the least indefinite excluding no particular man as in one for all may appeare God so loued the world that he gaue his only begoten sonne that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life Now then so often as you shall doubt of Gods mercie you exclude your own selfe from the promise of God wheras he excludeth you not And as when a prince giues a pardon to all theeues euery one can apply the same vnto himselfe though his name be not set downe in the pardon So the King of kings hath giuen a general pardon for free remission of sinnes to them that will receiue it Beleeue therefore that God is true in his promise doubt not of your owne saluation chalenge the pardon to your selfe Indeede your name is not set down or written in the promise of grace yet let not any illusion of Sathan or the consideration of your owne vnworthines exclude you from this free mercy of God which he also hath offred to you particularly first in Baptisme then after in the Lords supper and therfore you are not to wauer in the applying of it to your selfe Thirdly you are to consider that by doubting and despairing you offend God as much almost as by any other sin You do not aboue hope beleeue vnder hope 〈◊〉 you should do Secondly you rob God of his glorie in that you make his infinit mercy to be lesse then your sinns Thirdly you make him a lier who hath made such a promise vnto you And to these three meditations adde this practise When your heart is toyled with vnbeleefe and doubtings then in all hast draw your selfe into some secret place humble your selfe before God poure out your heart before him desire him of his endlesse mercie to worke faith and to suppresse your vnbeleefe and you shall see that the Lord ouer all is rich vnto all that call vpon his name Christian. The Lord reward you for your kindnes I will hereafter doe my endeuour to practise this your counsel Now I wil make bold to shew another that makes me to feare least I haue no faith And it is because I doe not feele the assurance of the forgiuenes of my sinnes Minister Faith standeth not in the feeling of Gods mercy but in the apprehending of it which apprehending may be when there is no feeling for faith is of inuisible things and when a man once commeth to enioy the thing beleeued then he ceaseth to beleeue And this appeareth in Iobs example when he saith Lo though he sley me yet will I trust in him and I will reprooue my waies in his sight he shall be my saluation also for the hypocrite shall not come before him he declareth his faith yet when he saith presently afterward Wherefore hidest thou thy face and takest me for thine enemie he declareth the want of that feeling which you speake of Christian. Yet euery true beleeuer feeles the assurance of faith otherwise Paul would not haue said Prooue your selues whether you are in the faith or not Minister Indeede sometimes he doth but at some other times he doth not as namely at that same time when God first calleth him and in the time of temptation Christian. What a case am I in then I neuer felt this assurance onely this I ●eele that I am a most rebellious wretch abounding euen with a whole sea of iniquities me thinks I am more vgly in the sight of God then any toad can be in my sight O then what shal I doe let me heare some word of comfort from thy mouth thou man of God Minister Tel me one thing plainly you say you feele no assurance of Gods mercie Christian. No indeede Minister But doe you desire with all your heart to feele it Christian. I doe indeede Minister Then doubt not you shall feele it Christian. O blessed be the Lord if this be true Minister Why it is most true For the man that would haue any grace of God tending to saluation if he doe truly desire it he shall haue it for so Christ hath promised I will giue to him that is a thirst of the well of the water of life freely Whereby I gather that if any want the water of life hauing an appetite after it he shall haue enough of it and therefore feare you not only vse the meanes which God hath appointed to attaine faith by as earnest praier reuerent hearing of Gods word receiuing of the Sacraments and then you shal see this thing verified in your selfe Christian. All this which you say I finde in my selfe by the mercie of God my heart longeth after that grace of God which I want I know I doe hunger after the kingdome of heauen and the righteousnesse thereof and further though I want the feeling of Gods mercie yet I can pray for it from the very roote of my heart Minister Be carefull to giue honour to God for that you haue receiued alreadie For these things are the motion● of the spirit of God dwelling in you And I am perswaded of this same thing that God which hath begun this good work in you will perfect the same vnto the daie of Iesus Christ. Christian. The third thing that troubles me is this I haue long prayed for many graces of God yet I haue not receiued them whereby it comes oft to my mind that God loues me
redemption you must waite for it till after this life you would bee kissed with the kisses of Christs mouth but here in this worlde you must bee content if you may with Marie Magdelen kisse his feete For the perfection of a Christian mans life standes in the feeling and confession of his imperfections And as Ambrose saith obedience due to God standes more in the affection then in the worke Christian. But why will God haue those whome hee hath sanctified labour still vnder their infirmities Minister The causes are diuers First hereby he teacheth his seruants to see in what great neede they stand of the righteousnes of Christ that they may more carefully seeke after it Secondly he subdueth the pride of mens heartes and humbleth them by counteruailing the graces which they haue receiued with the like measure of infirmities Thirdly by this meanes the godly are exercised in a continuall fight against sinne and are daily occupied in purifying themselues Christian. But to goe on forward in this matter there is another cause that makes me feare least I haue no true repentance Minister What is that Christian. I oftentimes find my selfe like a very timberlog voide of all grace and goodnes froward and rebellious to any good worke so that I● feare least Christ haue quite forsaken me Minist As it is in the strait seas the water ebs and flowes so is it in the godly in them as long as they liue in this worlde according to their owne feeling there is an accesse recesse of the spirit Otherwhiles they be troubled with deadnes and dulnes of heart as Dauid was who praied to the Lord to quicke● him according to his louing kindnes that he may keepe the testimonies of his mouth And in another place he saith that Gods promises quickened him Which could not be vnles he had beene troubled with great dulnes of heart Againe sometimes the spirit of God quite withdraweth is selfe to their feeling as it was in Dauid In the day of my trouble saith he I sought the Lord and my soule refused comfort I did think vpon god and was troubled I praied and my spirit was ful of anguish Againe Will the Lord absent himselfe for euer and will he shewe no more fauour hath God forgotten to be mercifull c. The Church in the Canticles complaineth of this In my bed I sought him by night whome my soule loued I sought him but I found him not And againe My wellbeloued put in his hand by the hole of the doore and my heart was affectioned towards him I rose vp to open to my welbeloued and my hands did drop down mirrhe my fingers pure mirrhe vpon the handles of the barre I opened to my welbeloued but my welbeloued was gone and past mine heart was gone when he did speake I ●ought him but I could not finde him I called but he answered me not Contrariwise God at some other times sheds abroad his loue most aboundantly in the hearts of the faithfull and Christ lieth betweene the breasts of his Church as a posie of myrrhe giuing a strong smell Christian. But how can he bee a Christian that feeles no grace nor goodnes in himselfe Minister The child which as yet can vse no reason is for all that a reasonable creature and the man in a swowne feeles no power of life and yet hee is not dead The Christian man hath many quames come ouer his heart and he fals into many a swown that none almost would looke for any more of the life of Christ in him yet for all that he may bee a true Christian. This was the state of Peter when he denied our Sauiour Christ with cursing and banning his faith onely fainted for a time it failed not Christian. I haue now opened vnto you the chiefe things that troubled me and your comfortable answers haue much refreshed my troubled minde The God of all mercie and consolation requite you accordingly Minister I haue spoken that which God out of his holy word hath opened vnto me if you find any helpe thereby giue God the praise therfore carrie this with you for euer that by many afflictions both in the bodie and the minde you must enter into the kingdome of heauen Raw flesh is noysome to the stomack is no good nourishment before it be ●odden and vnmortified men and womē be no creatures fit for God and therefore they are to be soaked and boyled in afflictions that the fulsomnes and rankenes of their corruption may be delayed and that they may haue in them some relish acceptable vnto God And to conclude for the auoiding of all these temptations vse this sweete praier following which that godly Saint Master Bradford made Oh Lord God and deere father what shall I say that feele all things to bee in manner with me as in the wicked Blind is my minde crooked is my will peruerse concupiscēce is in me as a spring of stinking puddle O how faint is faith in me how little is my loue to thee or thy people how great is my selfe loue how hard is my heart by reason whereof I am mooued to doubt of thy goodnesse towards me whether thou art my mercifull father and whether I be thy child or no indeed worthily might I doubt if that the hauing of these were the cause not the fruit rather of thy children The cause why thou art my father is thy merciful goodnes● grace trueth in Christ Iesus which cannot but remaine for euer In respect whereof thou hast borne me this good wil to bring me into thy Church by baptisme and to accept me into the number of thy children that I might be holy faithfull obedient and innocent and to call me diuers times by the ministerie of thy word into thy kingdome besides the innumerable other benefits alwaies hitherto powred vpon me All which thou hast done of this thy good will which thou of thine owne mercie barest to me in Christ before the world was made The which thing as thou requirest straightly that I should beleeue without doubting so wouldest thou that I in all my needs should come vnto thee as to a father make my mone without mistrust of beeing heard in thy good time as most shall make to my comfort Loe therefore to thee deare father I come through thy sonne our Lord our Mediatour and Aduocate Iesus Christ who sitteth on thy right hand making intercession for me I pray thee of thy great goodnes and mercie in Christ to be mercifull to me a sinner that I may indeed feele thy sweet mercie as thy child the time oh deare father I appoint not but I pray thee that I may with hope still expect and looke for thy helpe I hope that as for a little while thou hast left me so thou wilt come and visit me and that in thy great mercie whereof I haue great neede by reason of my great miserie Thou
our loue should be a signe of Gods dwelling in vs Ioh. God is loue and therefore he that dwelleth in loue dwelleth in God God in him Ch. God is loue we grant but how may we know that God is loue to vs Ioh. Hereby is that loue perfect i. fully made manifest in vs that we may haue boldnesse to stand before him without feare in the day of iudgement for euen as he is euen so are we in the world not in equalitie but in conformitie of holinesse As may appeare by the contrarie there is no feare in loue i. when a man is assured of Gods loue to him he doth not distrust nor seruilely feare him in respect of his sinnes but perfect loue casteth out feare for feare hath painfulnes checkings and torments of conscience and he that feareth is not perfect in loue Ch. What other signe is there that God is loue to vs Ioh. We loue him because he loued vs first as when a man warmes him the heat of his bodie is because the fire is first hote Ch. If this be so then they which loue not their brethren are loued of God in Christ seeing all generally say they loue God Ioh. If any man say I loue God and hate his brother he is a lyar for how can he that loueth not his brother whom he hath seene loue God whome he hath not seene And this commandement haue we of him that he that loueth God should loue his brother also CHAP. V. VVHosoeuer beleeueth that Iesus is that Christ true Messias is borne of God and euery one that loueth him which did beget i. God the father loueth him also which is begotten of him the child of God a true Christian Ch. This being manifest that they are hypocrites which say they loue god yet shew no loue to their brethren teach vs how we may know that we loue our brethren Ioh. In this we know that we loue the children of God when we loue God and keepe his commandements that is endeauour to keepe the beginning of the action beeing put for the whole For this is the loue of God the dutie of loue to God that we keepe his commandements Ch. But no man can keepe the Law Ioh. His commandements are not burdenous to them that are in Christ and are freed from the curse of the law which makes the law grieuous and are also guided by his holy spirit And this is apparant for all that is borne of God ouercommeth the world Sathan with all corruptions and workes of darknes Ch. By what meanes Ioh. And this is the victory which hath ouercome the world euen our faith which is the instrument and hand whereby we lay hold on him that he in vs and so we by him might ouercome the world Who is that ouercommeth this world but he which beleeueth that Iesus is that Sonne of God Ch. How may we be resolued that Iesus of Nazareth the sonne of Mary was the sonne of God and the Messias he came but basely into the world Ioh. This is that Iesus Christ which came by water sanctificatiō signified by the legal washings blood imputation of Christs righteousnes or the sprinkling of his bloode not by water onely but by water and blood because Christ worketh both iustification and sanctification togither and it is that spirit a mans owne conscience inwardly purified that beareth witnesse for that spirit is truth that is that the testimonie of the Spirit of adoption certifying vs that we are the sonnes of God is true For that I may speake yet more plainly there are three which beare record in heauen the Father the Word the Sonne and the holy Ghost and these three are one namely in testimonie And there are three which beare record in earth the Spirit and the water and blood and these three agree in one Ch. How shew you that these witnesses be authenticall and to be beleeued Ioh. If we receiue the witnes of men the witnes of God is greater for this is the witnes of God i. that was said to come from heauen which he testifieth of his Sonne Againe he that beleeueth in that Sonne of God hath the witnes in himselfe the peace of conscience which he may feele in himselfe And further he that beleeueth not God maketh him a lyar because he beleeued not the record that God witnessed of his Sonne Ch. What is the effect of that which these witnesses testifie Ioh. And this is that record to wit that God hath giuen vnto vs eternal life and this life is in his Sonne He which hath the Sonne hath life and he which hath not the sonne of God hath not life And to conclude these things haue I written vnto you that beleeue in the name of the sonne of God that ye may know that ye haue life eternal and that ye may beleeue i. increase in faith in the name of that sonne of God Ch. How can we haue life eternal now that are so miserable and so ful of wants Ioh. And this is that assurance that we haue in him that if we aske any thing according to his will he heareth vs. Ch. How may we know that God graunteth our prayers made according to his will Ioh. If we know that he heareth that is as it were to giue an eare to our prayers whatsoeuer we aske we know that we haue the petitions which we haue desired of him though the things which we asked be not giuen vs in that measure and manner and time in which we asked them Ch. Let vs heare an example of those things which God will graunt when we pray Ioh. If a man see his brother sinne a sinne that is not vnto death that is which may be pardoned let him aske pardon in his behalfe and he shall giue him life for them that sinne not vnto death there is a sinne vnto death after which necessarily damnation followeth as the sinne against the holy Ghost I say not that thou shouldest pray for it Ch. But is not euery sinne a sinne to death Ioh. All vnrighteousnes is sinne and therefore deserueth death but there is a sinne not vnto death namely that which is pardoned in Christ. Ch. We feare least we haue committed this sinne which is to death Ioh. We know that whosoeuer is borne of God sinneth not but he that is begotten of God keepeth himselfe and that wicked one Sathan toucheth him not i. doth him no violence or he can not giue him a deadly wound We know that we are of God and this whole world lieth in euill that is in seruitude vnder Sathan and sinne Ch. How shew you that we are of God Ioh. We know that the sonne of God is come and hath giuen vs a minde to know him that is true and we are in him that is true that is in his Sonne Iesus Christ this same is that
very God and that eternall life Ch. How may we keepe our selues in God and neuer commit the sinne to death Ioh. Little children keepe your selues from Images whether they be of false gods or of the true God PSALME XV. Iehoua Dauid O Iehoua who shall dwell as Pilgrimes dwell in tents in thy tabernacle the Church militant who shall rest in thy holy Mountaine the kingdome of heauen Ieho He that walketh perfectly that is he which leadeth the course of his life vprightly Dau. Who is the vpright man Ieho He that worketh righteousnes according to the commandements of the second table and speaketh the trueth in his heart as he thinketh his heart and tongue agreeing Dau. By what notes may this vpright man be knowe and who is he Ieho I. He that slandereth not with his tōgue II. nor doth hurt to his neighbour III. nor receiueth a false report against his neighbour IV. In whose eies a vile person an vngodly and vnrighteous man is contemned but he honoureth them that feare God V. He that hauing sworne to his owne hinderance changeth not VI. He that giueth not his money to vsurie VII neither taketh reward of the innocent Dau. Are these notes vnfallible Ieho He that doth these things shall neuer be mooued shall abide in Gods fauour for euer A BRIEFE DISCOVRSE TAKEN OVT OF THE writings of Hier. Zanchius Wherein the aforesaid case of Conscience is disputed and resolued Assertion I. Onely the elect and all of them not onely truely may bee but also are in that time which god hath appointed them in this life indeed assured of their Election to eternal life in Christ and this is done not one way but many waies WEe say that the Elect alone may bee and indeede are made sure of their election that so wee may exclude the reprobate hypocrites for considering they are not elected they can neuer be truely perswaded that they are elected I say truely because it may come to passe that many in their owne thinking shall be predestinate yet in trueth they are not perswaded so for they are deceiued We haue an example in temporarie Christians who thinke of thēselues that they beleeue in Christ but truely doe not beleeue for their faith is in hypocrisie and for a time onely Wherefore a true and certaine perswasion of election can neuer befall any of the reprobates because the true perswasion of heauenly matters commeth of the holy Ghost which neuer perswadeth any false matter Wherefore how can reprobates be perswaded that they are elected This cōsidered it is not amisse that we attribute this perswasion of which we now speake to the elect alone Wee adde further that all the elect not onely may bee but are indeed made sure of their Election which must bee demonstratiuely confirmed against Schoole-men and other our aduersaries Wee say this is done in the time appointed because the elect before they be called to Christ are neuer sure of their election nay they neuer thinke of it as appeareth in Paul before hee was called and in others Againe in like manner after they haue beene called yet not presently are made sure of their election but some sooner some later Lastly wee adde that this is done many waies what they are if not perfectly yet in part I will afterward shewe Nowe let vs come to the matter The Schoolemen demaund whether a man may be made sure of his Election And they determine that a man cannot except it be by diuine reuelation because Predestination is in God and not in vs. And no man knoweth the things of God but the spirit of God as no man knoweth the things of man but the spirit of man which is in him Againe who knoweth the minde of the Lord therefore say they some speciall reuelation is needfull if any desire to be certified either of his owne or of any other mans predestination their sayings are not simplie to be disliked but in that meaning in which they vnderstand them they are no waie to be approoued For they take a special reuelation to be this if God shall signifie and say expresly to any either by some Angel outwardly or by his spirit inwardly that he is predestinate to life after which sort they hold that Paul and a fewe other Saints had their predestination reuealed to them So they conclude that because euerie man hath not his election reuealed to him after this manner that all men cannot bee assured of their election But they are deceiued for God not onely by this one manner which they speake of doth reueale his will and his counsels but by many for God reuealeth things either by the inward inspiration of his spirit or outwardly by his word or both inwardly and outwardly by inward and outward effects By his spirit he did inspire his Prophets and open many things to come And Christ said to his Apostles as concerning the holy Ghost Hee shall lead you into all trueth By his word hee spake vnto the prophets and in like manner by his word he teacheth vs his will Also by diuers effects he declareth either his mercie or his iustice as it is knowne The same must bee thought of the reuealing of his election to wit that God reuealeth the same to the elect by the holy Ghost by the word and by the most certaine effects of predestination The first testimonie by which God assureth vs of our election is the inward testimonie of the spirit of which the Apostle saith The spirit of God testifieth vnto our spirits that we are the children of God Nowe what is it to be the sonne of God but first of all to be predestinated to be the child of God by adoption and then to be made actually the sonne of God by faith lastly by the same spirit also to be regenerate as Gods children are to put on the nature of the sonne of God or rather the son of God himselfe as the Apostle speaketh Therefore the holy Ghost whilest he inwardly beareth record vnto our spirits that is to our minds being inlightened by his light that we are the sons of God most plainely reuealeth that we were predestinate from all eternitie to adoption for men are not made the sonnes of God by faith nor regenerate to be the sons of God nor put on Christ except they be first of all predestinated to adoption And there can be nothing more certaine then this testimonie for who better knoweth the things o● god his counsels decrees then the spirit of God which searcheth all things yea the deepe things of god therefore he can most truly reueale vnto euery one of vs the certaintie of our election And he cannot deceiue vs in reuealing it for he is the spirit of trueth which can neither deceiue nor be deceiued If an angel from heauen should be sent to thee as he was sent to Marie and as he spake vnto the fathers should tel thee
not beseeming him a sinne of all other to be detested Reasons I. A blasphemer is viler then the rest of the creatures for they praise God in their kind and shew forth his power goodnesse and wisdome but he dishonoureth God in his wretched speech II. He is as the madde dogge that flieth in his masters face who keepeth him and giueth him bread III. Custome in blas●hemies sheweth a man to be the child of the deuill and no child of God as yet A father lying on his death bedde called the three children to him which he kept and told them that one only of them was his owne sonne and that the rest were onely brought vp by him therefore vnto him he gaue all his goods but which of these was his naturall sonne he would not in any wise declare When he was deade euery one of the three children pleaded that he was the sonne and therefore that the goods were his The matter beeing brought before a Iudge could not be ended but the Iudge was constrained to take this course he caused the dead corpes of the father to be set vp against a tree and commaunded the three sonnes to take bowes and arrowes and to shoote against their father and to see who could come neerest the heart The first and second did shoote at their father and did hi●●e him the third was angrie with both the other through naturall affection of a child to a father and refused to shoote This done the Iudge gaue sentence that the two first were no sonnes but the third onely and that he should haue the goods The like triall may be vsed to know who be Gods children Such persons with whome blaspheming is rife are very deuills incarnate and the children of the deuill who rende God in pieces and shoote him through with their darts as it is said of the Egyptian when he blasphemed that he smote or pierced through Gods Name Magistrates and rulers seuerally punish such as shall abuse their names and they doe it iustly how much more then should blasphemers of Gods name escape without great punishment Againe here we must be warned to take heede of that customable swearing and also of periurie It is a very straunge sinne for the periuried person doth not onely sinne himselfe but withall he endeauoureth to intangle God in the same sinne with himselfe Further take heede least thou dost either make or recite the iests which are contriued out of the phrases of Scripture which are very many and very vsually rehearsed in companie The oyle wherewith the tabernacle and the arke of the Testament and the Priests were annointed was holy and therefore no man might put it to any other vses as to annoint his owne flesh therewith or to make the like vnto it Pilate a poore Painym when he heard the name of the Sonne of God was afraid and we much more ought to tremble at the word of God not to make our selues merrie with it And therefore the scoffing of Iulian the Apostata is very fearefull who was wont to reach Christians boxes on the eare and withall bid them turne the other and obey their masters commandement Whosoeuer shall smite thee on the right cheeke turne to him the other also And he denied pay and like reward to his souldiers that were Christians because he said he would make them fit for the kingdome of heauen considering that Christ had said Blessed are the poore in spirit for theirs is the kingdome of heauen Here also men must learne to take heede of all maner of charmes and enchantments which commonly are nothing els but words of Scripture or such like vsed for the curing of paines and diseases both in men and beasts As for example the first words of S. Iohns Gospel In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God c. are vsed to be written in a paper and hung about mens necks to cure agues But the truth is such kind of practises are deuillish Patrons of charmes hold that in such words as are either diuine or barbarous is much efficacie But whence is this efficacie from God from men or from the deuill If it shall be saide from God we must know that the word vsed in holy manner is the instrument of God to conuey vnto vs spirituall blessings as faith regeneration repentance but it doth not serue to bring vnto vs corporall health Well then belike words take vertue from the speaker and are made powerfull by the strēgth of his imagination Indeed of this opinion are some Phisitians as Avicenna and Paracelsus who thinke that phantasie is like to the sunne which worketh on all things to which his beames doe come and the latter that by imagination miracles may be wrought But this opinion is fond and the reasons alledged for it are without weight For imaginations are no things but shadows of things And as an image of a man in a glasse hath no power in it but onely serues to resemble and represent the bodie of a man so it is with the phantasie and conceit of the mind and no otherwise And if imagination haue any force it is onely within the spirits and humours of a mans own bodie but to giue force to worke in the bodies of others it can not no more then the shadow of one bodie can ordinarily cure the bodie of another on which it lighteth Wherefore words vsed in the way of bodily cure be they in themselues neuer so good are no better then the deuills sacraments and when they are vsed of blinde people he it is that comming vnder hand worketh the cure and by turning himselfe into an angel of light deludes thē But it were better for a man to die a thousand times then to vse such remedies which in curing the bodie destroy the soule Lastly auoide all imprecations and cursings either against men or other creatures for God in iudgement to punish such cursed speaking often brings to passe such imprecations as may appeare in the Iewes who at the arraignment of Christ cried saying His blood be vpon vs and vpon our children which imprecation is verified vpon them till this day At Newburge in Germanie a certaine mother cursed her sonne saying Get thee away I would thou mightest neuer come againe aliue the very same day he went into the water and was drowned Againe a mother brought her child to the Vniuersitie of Wittenberge by reason he was possessed with an vncleane spirit beeing demaunded how it came to passe shee answered in the hearing of many that in her anger shee said The deuill take thee and thereupon presently the child was possessed And in our countrey men often wish the plague the poxe the pestilence to their children their seruants their cattell and often it falls out accordingly In the daies of king Edward certaine English souldiers as I am certenly informed by a witnesse then present being by a tempest cast vpon the sands on the
vnbeleefe presuming doubting c. As the man in the gospel saith Lord I beleeue helpe mine vnbeleefe By reason of this fight when vnbeleefe preuailes the very childe of God may fall into fits and pangs of despaire as Iob and Dauid in their temptations did For Dauid once considering the propseritie of the wicked brake out into this speech Certainly I haue clensed mine heart in vaine and washed mine hands in innocency Yea this despaire may be so extreame that it shall weaken the bodie and consume it more then any sicknesse No man is to thinke this strange in the child of God For though hee despaire of his election and saluation in Christ yet his desperation is neither totall nor finall It is not totall because he doth not dispaire with his whole heart faith euen at that instāt lusting against despaire It is not finall because he shall recouer before the last end of his life To proceede the combat in the will is this The will partly willeth partly nilleth that which is good at the same instant and so likewise it willeth and nilleth that which is euill because it is partly regenerate and partly vnregenerate The affections likewise which are placed in the will partly imbrace and partly eschew their obiects as loue partly loueth and partly doth not loue God and things to be loued feare is mixed and not pure as schoolemen haue dreamed but partly filial partly seruil causing the child of God to stand in awe of God not onely for his mercies but also for his iudgements punishments The will of a man regenerate is like him that hath one legge sound the other lame who in euery steppe which he makes doth not wholly halt or wholly goe vpright but partly goe vpright and partly halt Or like a man in a boate on the water who goeth vpward because he is carried vpward by the vessell and at the same time goes downeward because he walkes downeward in the same vessell at the same instant If any shall say that contraries can not be in the same subiect the answer is they can not if one of them be in his full strength in the highest degree but if the force of them both be delaied and weakned they may be ioyned together By reason of this combat when corruption preuailes against grace in the will and affections there ariseth in the godly a certaine deadnesse or hardnesse of heart which is nothing else but a want of sense or feeling Some may say that this is a fearefull iudgement but the answer is that there be two kindes of hardnesse of heart one which possesseth the heart and is neuer felt this is in them who haue their consciences seared with an hote yron who by reason of custome in sinne are p●st all feeling who likewise despise the meanes of softening their hearts And indeede this is a fearefull iudgement There is an other hardnesse of heart which is felt and this is not so daungerous as the former for as we feele our sicknesse by contrarie life and health so hardnesse of heart when it is felt argues quicknesse of grace and softnes of heart Of this Dauid often complained in the Psalmes of this the children of Israel speake when they say Why hast thou hardned our hearts from thy waies Thus much of the manner of the combat in particular before we proceede any further let vs marke the issue of it which is to preuaile against the flesh The spirit preuailes against the flesh at two times in the course of a mans life and at his ende but yet with some foiles receiued I say the spirit preuailes not in one instant but in the whole course of a mans life So S. Iohn saith He which is begotten of God sinneth not for he preserueth himselfe the grace of God in his heart ordinarily preuailing in him And Paul makes it the propertie of the regenerate man to walke according to the spirit which is not now and then to make a steppe forward but to keepe his ordinarie course in the way of godlinesse As in going from Barwicke to London it may be a man now and then will goe amisse but he speedily returnes to the way againe and his course generally shall be right Againe the spirit preuailes in the end of a mans life For then the flesh is vtterly abolished and sanctification accomplished because no vncleane thing can enter into the kingdome of heauen This further must be conceiued that when the spirit preuailes it is not without resistance and striuing as Paul testifieth I doe not the good which I would but the euill which I would not that doe I. Which place is not to be vnderstood onely of thoughts and inward motions as some would haue it nor of particular offences but of the generall practise of his dutie or calling through the whole course of his life And it is like the practise of a sicke man who hauing recouered of some grieuous disease walkes a turne or twaine about his chamber saying ah I would faine walke vp and downe but I can not meaning not that he can not walke at all but signifying that he can not walke as he would beeing soone wearied through faintnesse I added further that this preuailing is with foyles A foyle is when the flesh ●or the time vanquisheth and subdueth the spirit In this case the man regenerate is like a souldier that with a blow hath his brain-pan cracked so as he lies groueling astonished not able to fight or like him that hath a fit of the falling sicknesse who for a time lies like a dead man Hence the question may be mooued whether the flesh preuailing doth not extinguish the spirit and so cut off a man from Christ till such time as he be ingrafted againe The answer is this There be two sorts of Christians one who doth onely in shew name professe Christ and such an one is no otherwise a member of Christs mysticall bodie then a woodden legge set to the bodie is a member of the bodie The second is he that in name and deede is a liuely part member of Christ. If the first fall he can not be said to be cut off because he was neuer ingrafted If the second fall he may be and is cut off from Christ. But marke how he is not wholly cut off but in some part namely in respect of the inward fellowshippe and communion with Christ but not in respect of coniunction with him A mans arme taken with the dead palsie hangs by and receiues no heat life or sense from the rest of the members or from the head yet for all this it remaines still vnited and coupled to the bodie and may againe be recouered by plaisters and physicke so after a grieuous fall the child of God feeles no inward peace and comfort but is smitten in conscience with the trembling of a spirituall palsie for his offence and yet indeede still remaines before
God a member of Christ in respect of coniunction with him and shall be restored to his former estate after serious repentance And God permits these foiles for weightie causes first that men might be abashed and confounded in themselues with the consideration of their vile natures and learne not to swell with pride because of Gods grace Paul ●aith th●t after he had beene rapt into the third heauen the angel Satan was sent to bu●fet him and as we say to beate him blacke and blew that he might not be exalted out of measure The second that we may learne to denie our selues cle●ue vnto the Lord frō the bottom of our hearts Paul saith that he was sick to death that he might not trust in himselfe but in God who raiseth the dead Thus much of the manner of the combat now followes the cause of it The cause is the contrarietie that is betweene the flesh and the spirit As Paul saith The wisdome of the flesh is enmitie to God Hence we are taught that since the fall there is no free-will in man in spirituall matters concerning either the worship of God or life euerlasting For flesh is nothing else but our naturall disposition and man is nothing else but flesh by nature for the spirit comes afterward by grace and the flesh is flatte contrarie to the spirit which makes vs doe that which is pleasing vnto God Wherefore the will naturally is a flat bondslaue vnto sinne Againe hence we may learne that it is not an easie matter to practise religion which is to liue according to the spirit to which our naturall disposition is as contrarie as fire to water wherefore if we will obey God we must learne to force our natures to the duties of godlines yea euen sweate and take paines therein Lastly here we may learne the nature of sinne The spirit is not a substance but a qualitie and therefore the flesh which is nothing else but originall sinne and is contrarie to the spirit must also be a qualitie for such as the nature of one contrarie is such is the other There is in euery man the substance of bodie and soule this can not be sinne for then the spirit also should be the substance of man There is also in the substance the faculties of bodie and soule and they can not be sinne for then euery man should haue lost the faculties of his soule by Adams fall Lastly in the faculties there is a contagion or corruption which carieth them against the law and that is properly sinne and the flesh which is contrarie to the spirit The fourth point is touching the persons in whome this combate is Paul shewes who they are when he saith So that ye can not c. where it appeares that such as haue this combat in them must be as the Galatians men iustified and sanctified and yet not all such but onely they that be of yeares for the infants of the faithfull howsoeuer we must repute them to belong to the kingdome of heauen and therefore to be iustified and sanctified yet because they doe not commit actuall sinne they want this combat of the flesh and spirit which stands in action As for those which be vnregenerate they neuer felt this fight If any say that the worst man in the world when he is about to commit any sinne hath a strife and fight in him It is true indeede but that is an other kinde of combat which is betweene the conscience and the heart The conscience on the one part terrifying the man from sinne the will and the affections hailing and pulling him thereunto the will and the affections wishing and desiring that sinne were no sinne and Gods commandement abolished whereas contrariwise the conscience with a shrill voice proclaimes sinne to be sinne This fight was in Pilate who by the force of his conscience feared to condemne Christ and yet was willing and yeelded to condemne him that he might please the people Furthermore this combat is in the regenerate but during the time of this life For they which are perfectly sanctified feele no strife If any shall say that this combat was in Christ when he said Father if it be thy will let this cuppe passe from me yet not my will but thine be done Indeede here is a combat but of an other sort namely the fight of two diuerse desires the one was a desire to doe his fathers will in suffering the death of the crosse the other a naturall desire which was no sinne but a meere infirmitie of humane nature whereby he in his manhood desires as the manner of nature is to seeke the preseruation of it selfe to haue the cursed death of the cros●e remooued from him The fifth point is the effect of this combat which is to make the man regenerate that he can not doe the things which he would and this must be vnderstood in things both good and euill And first he can not doe the euill which he would for two causes First because he can not commit sinne at what time soeuer he would Saint Iohn saith He that is borne of God sinneth not neither can he sinne because he is borne of God that is he can not sinne at his pleasure or when he will Ioseph when he was assaulted by Putiphars wife to adulterie because the grace of God abounded in him whereby he answered her saying Shall I doe this and sinne against God he could not then sinne Lot because his righteous heart was grieued in seeing and hearing the abominations of Sodom could not then sinne as they of Sodom did Hence it appeares that such persons as liue in the daily practise of sinne against their own consciences though they be professours of the true religion of Christ haue no soundnes of grace in them Secondly the man regenerate can not sinne in what manner he would and there be two reasons thereof First he can not sinne with full consent of will or with all his heart because the will so farre forth as it is regenerate resisteth and and draweth backe yea euen then when a man is carried headlong by the passions of the flesh he feeles some contrarie motions of a regenerate conscience It is a rule that sinne doth not raigne in the regenerate For so much grace as is wrought in the minde will affections so much is abated proportionally of the strength of the flesh Wherefore when he commits any sinne he doth it partly willingly and partly against his will As the marriners in the tempest cast Ionas into the sea willingly for otherwise they had not done it and yet against their wills too which appeares because they praied and cast their goods out of the shippe and laboured in the rowing against the tempest and that very long before they cast him out And herein lies the difference betweene two men committing one and the same sinne the one of them beeing regenerate the other vnregenerate For the latter sinnes
conscience with other gifts of Gods spirit which are the earnest of their saluation The second degree is in this life when the bodie goes to the earth and the soule is carried by the Angels into heauen The third is in the ende of the world at the last iudgement when bodie and soule reunited doe ioyntly enter into eternall happines in heauen Now of these three degrees death it selfe being ioyned with the feare of God is the second which also containeth in it two worthie steppes to life The first is a freedome from all miseries which haue their ende in death For though men in this life are subiect to manifold daungers by sea and land as also to sundrie aches paines and diseases as feauers and consumptions c. yet when death comes there is an ende of all Againe so long as men liue in this world whatsoeuer they be they doe in some part lie in bondage vnder originall corruption and the re●nants thereof which are doubtings of Gods prouidence vnbeleefe pride of heart ignorance couetousnesse ambition enuie hatred lust and such like sinnes which bring forth fruits vnto death And to be in subiection to sinne on this manner is a miserie of all miseries Therefore Paul when he was tempted vnto sinne by his corruption calls the very temptation the buffets of Sathan and as it were a pricke or thorne wounding his flesh and paining him at the very heart Againe in another place wearied with his owne corruptions he complaines that he is sold vnder sinne and he cries out O miserable man that I am who shall deliuer me from this bodie of death Dauid saith that his eyes gushed out with riuers of teares when other men sinned against God how much more then was he grieued for the sinnes wherewith he himselfe was ouertaken in this life And indeede it is a very hell for a man that hath but a sparke of grace to be exercised turmoiled and tempted with the inborne corruptions and rebellions of his owne heart and if a man would deuise a torment for such as feare God and desire to walke in newnesse of life he can not deuise a greater then this For this cause blessed is the day of death which brings with it a freedome from all sinne whatsoeuer For when we die the corruption of nature is quite abolished and sanctification is accomplished Lastly it is a great miserie that the people of God are constrained in this world to liue and conuerse in the companie of the wicked as sheepe are mingled with goates which strike them annoy their pasture and muddie their water Hereupon Dauid cried out Woe is me that I r●maine in Meshech and dwell in the tents of Ke●ar When Elias saw that Ahab and Iesabel had planted idolatrie in Israel and that they sought his life also he went apart into the wildernes and desired to die But this miserie also is ended in the day of death in as much as death is as it were the hand of God to sort and single out those that be the seruants of God from all vngodly men in this most wretched world Furthermore this exceeding benefit comes by death that it doth not onely abolish the miseries which presently are vpon vs but also p●euent those which are to come The righteous saith the Prophet Esay perisheth and no man considereth it in his heart and mercifull men are taken away and no man vnderstandeth that the righteous is taken away for the euill to come Example of this we haue in Iosias Because saith the Lord thine heart did melt and thou hast humbled thy selfe before the Lord when thou heardest what I spake against this place c. behold therefore I will gather thee to thy fathers and thou shalt be put in thy graue in peace and thine eyes shall not see all the euill whi●h I will bring vpon this place And Paul saith that among the Corinthians some were asleepe that is dead that they might not be condemned with the world Thus much of freedome from miserie which is the first benefit that comes by death and the first steppe to life now followes the second which is that death giues an entrance to the soule that it may come into the presence of the euerliuing God of Christ and of all the Angels and Saints in heauen The worthines of this benefit makes the death of the righteous to be no death but rather a blessing to be wished of all men The consideration of this made Paul to say I desire to be dissolued but what is the cause of this desire that followes in the next wordes namely that by this dissolution he might come to be with Christ. When the Queene of Sheba saw all Salomons wisdome and the house that he had built and the meate of his table and the sitting of his seruants and the order of his ministers and their apparrell c. shee saide Happie are thy men happie are these thy seruants which stand euer before thee and heare thy wisdome much more then may we say that they are ten thousand folde happie which stand not in the presence of an earthly King but before the King of kings the Lord of heauen and earth and at his right hand inioy pleasures for euermore Moses hath beene renowmed in all ages for this that God vouchsafed him but so much fauour as to see his hinder parts at his request O then what happinesse is this to see the glorie and maiestie of God face to face and to haue eternall fellowship with God our father Christ our Redeemer and the holy Ghost our comforter and to liue with the blessed Saints and Angels in heauen for euer Thus now the third point is manifest namely in what respects death is more excellent then life It may be here the mind of man vnsatisfied will yet further replie and say that howsoeuer in death the soules of men enter into heauen yet their bodies though they haue bin tenderly kept for meate drink and apparrell and haue slept many a night in beddes of doune must lie in darke and loathsome graues and there be wasted and consumed by wormes Answ. All this is true indeede but all is nothing if so be it we will but consider aright of our graues as we ought We must not iudge of our graues as they appeare to the bodily eye but we must looke vpon them by the eie of faith and consider them as they are altered and changed by the death and buriall of Christ who hauing vanquished death vpon the crosse pursued him afterward to his own den and foyled him there and depriued him of his power And by this means Christ in his owne death hath buried our death and by the vertue of his buriall as sweete incense hath sweetned and perfumed our graues and made them of stinking and loathsome cabbines to become princely pallaces and beddes of most sweete and happie rest farre more excellent then beddes of doune And
For the life of a Christian is nothing else but a meditation of death A notable practise hereof we haue in the example of Ioseph of Arimathea who made his tombe in his life time in the midst of his garden no doubt for this ende to put himselfe in minde of death and that in the midst of his delight and pleasures Heathen Philosophers that neuer knew Christ had many excellent meditations of death though not comfortable in regard of life euerlasting Now we that haue knowne and beleeued in Christ must goe beyond them in this point considering with our selues such things as they neuer thought of namely the cause of death our sinne the remedie thereof the cursed death of Christ cursed I say in regard of the kind of death and punishment laid vpon him but blessed in regard of vs. Thirdly we must often meditate on the presence of death which we do when by Gods grace we make an account of euery present day as if it were the present day of our death and recken with our selues when we goe to bedde as though we should neuer rise againe and when we rise as though we should neuer lie downe againe This meditation of death is of speciall vse and brings forth many fruits in the life of man And first of all it serues to humble vs vnder the hand of God Example we haue of Abraham who said Behold I haue begunne now to speake to my Lord and I am but dust and ashes Marke here how the consideration of his mortalitie made him to abase and cast downe himselfe in the sight of God and thus if we could recken of euery day as of the last day it would straightway pull downe our peacocks feathers and make vs with Iob to abhorre our selues in dust and ashes Secondly this meditation is a meanes to further repentance When Ionas came to Ninive and cried Yet fourtie daies and Ninive shall be destroyed the whole citie repented in sack●loath and ashes When Elias came to Ahab and told him that the dogges should eate Iesabel by the wall of Iesreel and him also of Ahabs stocke that died in the citie c. it made him to humble himselfe so as the Lord saith to Elias Seest thou how Ahab is humbled before me Now if the remembrance of death was of such force in him that was but an hypocrite how excellent a meanes of grace will it be in them that truly repent Thirdly this meditation seemes to stirre vp contentation in euery estate and condition of life that shall befall vs. Righteous Iob in the very midst of his afflictions comforts himselfe with this consideration Naked saith he came I forth of my mothers wombe and naked shal I returne againe c. blessed be the name of the Lord. And surely the often meditation of this that a man of all his abundance can carrie nothing with him but either a coffin or a winding sheete or both should be a forcible means to represse the vnsatiable desire of riches and the loue of this world Thus we see what an effectuall meanes this meditation is to encrease and further the grace of God in the hearts of men Now I commend this first dutie to your Christian considerations desiring the practise of it in your liues which practise that it may take place two things must be performed First labour to plucke out of your hearts a wicked and erronious imagination wherby euery man naturally blesseth himselfe and thinkes highly of himselfe and though he had one foote in the graue yet he perswades himselfe that hee shall not die yet There is no man almost so olde but by the corruption of his heart he thinks that he shall liue one yeare longer Cruell and vnmercifull death makes league with no man yet the Prophet Esay saith that the wicked mā makes a league with death How can this be there is no league made indeed but onely in the wicked imagination of man who falsly thinkes that death will not come neare him though al the world should be destroyed See an example in the parable of the rich man that hauing stored vp aboundance of wealth for many yeres said vnto his own soule Soule thou hast much goods laid vp for many yeres liue at ease eat drink take thy pastime wheras his soule was fetched away presently And seeing this naturall corruption is in euerie mans heart we must daily fight against it and labour by all might and maine that it take no place in vs for so long as it shall preuaile we shall bee vtterly vnfit to make any preparation to death Wee ought rather to endeauour to attaine to the minde and meditation of S. Hierome who testifieth of himselfe on this manner Whether I wake or sleepe or whatsoeuer I doe me thinks I heare the sound of the trumpet Rise ye dead and come to iudgement The second thing which we are to practise that we may come to a serious meditation of our owne endes is to make praier vnto God that we might bee inabled to resolue our selues of death continually Thus Dauid praied Lord make me to know mine ende and the measure of my daies let me knowe howe long I haue to liue And Moses Lord teach me to number my daies that I may apply mine heart vnto wisdome I may bee said What neede men pray to God that they might be able to number their daies cannot they of themselues recken a fewe yeares and daies that are able by art to measure the globe of the earth and the spheres of heauen and the quantities of the starres with their longitudes latitudes altitudes motions and distances from the earth No verely For howsoeuer by a generall speculation we thinke something of our endes yet vnles the spirit of God be our schoolemaster to teach vs our dutie we shall neuer be able soundly to resolue our selues of the presence and speedines of death And therefore let vs pray with Dauid and Moses that God would inlighten our minds with knowledge and fil our hearts with his grace that we might rightly consider of death and esteeme of it euerie daie and houre as if it were the day and houre of death The second dutie in this generall preparation is that euery man must daily indeauour to take away from his owne death the power and strength therof And I pray you marke this point The Philistims sawe by experience that Sampson was of great strength and therefore they vsed meanes to knowe in what part of his bodie it laie and when they found it to bee in the haire of his head they ceased not vntill it was cutte off In like manner the time will come when we must encounter hand to hand with tyranous and cruell death the best therefore is before hand nowe while wee haue time to search where the strength of death lies which beeing once knowne we must with speede cutte off his Sampsons lockes and bereaue him of his power
disarme him make him altogither vnable to preuaile against vs. Now to finde out this matter we neede not to vse the counsell of any Delilah for wee haue the worde of God which teacheth vs plainly where the strength of death consists namely in our sinnes as Paul saith The sting of death is sinne Well then we knowing certainly that the power and force of euery mans particular death lies in his owne sinnes must spend our time and studie in vsing good meanes that our sinnes may be remooued and pardoned And therefore wee must daily inure our selues in the practise of two duties One is to humble our selues for all our sins past partly confessing them against our selues partly in prayer crying to heauen for the pardon of them The other is for time to come to turne vnto god and to carrie a purpose resolution and indeauour in al things to reforme both heart and life according to Gods worde These are the verie principall and proper duties whereby the strength of death is much rebated and he is made of a mightie and bloodie enemie so farre forth friendly and tractable that we may with comfort incounter with him and preuaile too Therefore I commend these duties to your Christian considerations and carefull practise desiring that ye would spend your daies euer hereafter in doing of them If a mā were to deale with a mightie dragon or serpent hand to hand in such wise as he must either kill or bee killed the best thing were to bereaue him of his sting or of that part of his bodie where his poyson lies nowe death it selfe is a serpent dragon or scorpion and sinne is the sting or poison whereby hee woundes and kills vs. Wherefore without any more delay see that yee pull out his sting the practise of the foresaid duties is as it were a fitte and worthie instrument to doe the deede Hast thou beene a person ignorant of Gods wil a contemner of his word and worship a blasphemer of his name a breaker of his sabbaths disobedient to parents and magistrates a murderer a fornicator a railer a slanderer a couetous person c. reforme these thy sinnes and all other like vnto them pull them out by the rootes from thy heart and cast them off So many sinnes as bee in thee so many stings of death bee also in thee to wound thy soule to eternall death Therefore let no one sinne remaine for which thou hast not humbled thy selfe and repented seriously When death hurts any man it takes the weapons whereby he is hurt from his owne hand It cannot doe vs the least hurt but by the force of our owne sinnes Wherefore I say again againe lay this point to your hearts spend our strength life and health that ye may before ye die abolish the strength of death A man may put a serpent in his bosome when the sting is out and wee may let death creepe into our bosoms and gripe vs with his legs and stab vs at the heart so long as he brings not his venime and poison with him And because the former duties are so necessarie as none can be more I wil vse some reasons yet further to enforce them Whatsoeuer a man would doe when he is dying the ●ame he ought to doe euerie daie while he is liuing now the most notorious and wicked person that euer was when hee is dying will praie and desire others to praie for him and promise amendement of life protesting that if he might liue he would becom a practitioner in al the good duties of faith repentance and reformation of life Oh therefore bee carefull to doe this euerie daie Againe the saying is true hee that would liue when hee is dead must die while he is aliue namely to his sinnes Wouldest thou then liue eternally sue to heauen for thy pardon and see that now in thy life time thou die to thine owne sinnes Lastly wicked Balaam would faine die the death of the righteous but alas it was to smal purpose for he would by no meanes liue the life of the righteous For his continuall purpose and meaning was to followe his old waies in sorceries and couetousnesse Nowe the life of a righteous man standes in the humbling of himselfe for his sinnes past and in a careful reformation of life to come Wouldest thou then die the death of the righteous then look vnto it that thy life be the life of the righteous if ye will needs liue the life of the vnrighteous yee must looke to die the death of the vnrighteous Remember this and content not your selues to heare the word but bee doers of it for ye learne no more indeede what measure of knowledge soeuer ye haue then ye practise The third dutie in our generall preparation is in this life to enter into the first degree of life eternall For as I haue said there bee three degrees of life euerlasting and the first of them is in this present life For he that would liue in eternall happinesse for euer must begin in this world to rise out of the graue of his owne sinnes in which by nature hee lies buried and liue in newnesse of life as it is said in the Reuelation Hee that will escape the second death must bee made partaker of the first resurrectiō And Paul saith to the Colossians that they were in this life deliuered from the power of darkenesse and translated into the kingdome of Christ. And Christ saith to the Church of the Iewes the kingdome of heauen is amongst you Nowe this first degree of life is when a man can say with Paul I liue not but Christ liues in me that is I finde partly by the testimonie of my sanctified conscience and partly by experience that Christ my redeemer by his spirit guideth and gouerneth my thoughts will affections● all the powers of body and soule according to the blessed direction of his holy will Now that we might be able to say this we must haue three gifts graces of God wherein especially this first degree of life consists The first is sauing knowledge whereb● we doe truely resolue our selues that God the father of Christ is our father● Christ his sonne our redeemer and the holy ghost our comforter That this knowledge is one part of life eternall it appeares by the saying of Christ in Iohn This is life eternall that is the beginning and entrance into life eternall to know thee the onely God and whome thou hast sent Iesus Christ. The second grace is peace of conscience which passeth al vnderstanding and therefore Paul saith that the kingdome of heauen is righteousnes peace of conscience and ioy in the holy Ghost The horror of a guiltie conscience is the beginning of death destruction therefore peace of conscience deriued from the death of Christ is life and happinesse The third is the regiment of the spirit whereby the heart and life of man is ordered according to the
beare them in their armes as nources do yong children and to be as a gard vnto them against the deuill and his angels And all this is verified specially in sicknes at which time the holy Angels are not onely present with such as feare God but readie also to receiue and to carrie their soules into heauen as appeares by the example of Lazarus And thus much of the first dutie which a sicke man is to performe vnto himselfe namely that he must by all meanes possible arme strengthen himselfe against the feare of death now followeth the second dutie which is concerning the bodie and that is that all sicke persons must be careful to preserue health and life till God doe wholly take it away For Paul saith None of vs liueth to himselfe neither doth any die to himselfe for whether we liue we liue vnto the Lord or whether we die we die vnto the Lord whether we liue therefore or die we are the Lords For this cause we may not doe with our liues as we will but we must reserue the whole disposition thereof vnto God for whose glorie we are to liue and die And this temporall life is a most pretious iewell and as the common saying is life is very sweete because it is giuen man for this ende that he might haue some space of time wherein he might vse all good meanes to attaine to life euerlasting Life is not bestowed on vs that we should spend our daies in our lusts and vaine pleasures but that we might haue libertie to come out of the kingdome of darknes into the kingdome of grace and from the bondage of sinne into the glorious libertie of the sonnes of God and in this respect speciall care must be had of preseruation of life till God doe call vs hence In the preseruing of life two things must be considered the meanes and the right vse of the meanes The means is good and wholsom physick which though it be despised of many as a thing vnprofitable and needles yet must it be esteemed as an ordinance and blessing of God This appeares because the spirit of God hath giuen approuation vnto it in the Scriptures When it was the good pleasure of God to restore life vnto king Ezekias a lump of drie figs by the prophets appointment was laid to his boile and he was healed Indeed this cure was in some sort miraculous because he was made whole in the space of two or three daies and the third day he went vp to the temple yet the bunch of figges was a naturall and ordinary medicine or plaister seruing to soften ripen tumours or swellings in the flesh And the Samaritane is commended for the binding vp and for the powring in of wine and oyle into the woundes of the man that lay wounded betweene Ierusalem and Ierico Now this dealing of his was a right practise of physicke for the wine serued to clense the wound and to ease the pain within the oyle serued to supple the flesh to asswage the pain without And the prophet Esai seemes to cōmend this physicke when he saith From the soole of the foote there is nothing whole therein but wounds and swellings sores full of corruption they haue not bin wrapped nor boūd vp nor mollified with oyle And whereas God did not command circumcision of children before the eight day he followed a rule of physicke obserued in all ages that the life of the child is very vncerten till the first seuen daies be expired as we may see by the example of the child which Dauid had by Bathsabe which died the seuenth day And vpon the very same ground heathen men vsed not to name their children before the eight day Thus then it is manifest that the vse of physicke is lawfull and commendable Furthermore that physicke may be well applied to the maintenance of health special care must be had to make choise of such physitiās as are known to be well learned and men of experience as also of good conscience good religion For as in other callings so in this also there be sundrie abuses which may indanger the liues and the health of men Some venter vpon the bare inspection of the vrine without further direction or knowledge of the estate of the sicke to prescribe and minister as shall seeme best vnto them But the learned in this facultie doe plainely auouch that this kind of dealing tendes rather to kill then to cure and that sundrie men are indeed killed thereby For iudgement by the vrine is most deceitfull the water of him that is sicke of a pestilent feauer euen vnto death lookes for substance and colour as the water of a whole man and so doth the water of them that are sicke of a quartane or of any other intermitting feauer specially if they haue vsed good diet from the beginning as also of them that haue the pleuresie or the inflammation of the lungs or the Squinancie oftentimes when they are neare death Now then considering the waters of such as are at the point of death appeares as the vrines of haile and sound men one and the same vrine may foresignifie both life and death and be a signe of diuers nay of contrarie diseases A thin crude and pale vrine in them that be in health is a token of want of digestion but in thē that are sicke of a sharpe or burning ague it betokens the frensie and is a certen signe of death Againe others there be that think it a small matter to make experiments of their deuised medicines vpon the bodies of their patients whereby the health which they hoped for is either much hindered or much decaied Thirdly there be others which minister no physicke at any time or vse phlebotomie without the direction of iudiciall Astrologie but if they shall follow this course alwaies they must needes kill many a man Put the case that a man full bodied is taken with a pleuresie the moone beeing in Leone what must be done The learned in this art say he must presently be let blood but by Astrologie a stay must be made till the moone be remooued frō Leo the house of the sun but by that time the impostume will be so much increased by the gathering togither of the humors that it can neither be dissolued nor ripened and by this meanes the sicke partie wanting helpe in time shall die either by inflammation or by the consumption of the lungs Againe when a man is sicke of the Squinancie or of the feauer called Synachus the moone then beeing in the malignant aspects with any of the infortunate planets as Astrologers vse to speak if letting of blood be deferred till the moone be freed from the foresaid aspects the partie dies in the meane season Therefore they are farre wide that minister purgations and let blood no otherwise then they are counselled by the constitution of the starres
when hee had confirmed this by testimonie of Scriptur● he added This is my faith in which I will die and God will destroy them that teach otherwise This done he shooke hands with all and said Farewell my brethren and deare friends It were easie to quote more examples but these few may be in stead of many and the summe of all that godly men speake is this Some inlightened with a propheticall spirit foretell things to come as the Patriarkes Iacob and Ioseph did and there haue bin some which by name haue testified who should verie shortly come after them and who should remaine aliue and what should be their condition some haue shewed a wonderfull memorie of things past as of their former life and of the benefits of God and no doubt it was giuen them to stirre vp holy affections and thanksgiuing to God some againe rightly iudging of the change of their present estate for a better doe reioyce exceedingly that they must be translated from earth to paradise as Babylas Martyr of Antioch when his head was to be chopped off Returne saith he O my soule vnto thy rest because the Lord hath blessed thee because thou hast deliuered my soule from death mine eies from teares and my foote from falling I shall walke before thee Iehoua in the land of the liuing And some others speake of the vanitie of this life of the imagination of the sorrowes of death of the beginnings of eternall life of the comfort of the holy Ghost which they feele of their departure vnto Christ. Quest. What must we thinke if in the time of death such speeches be wanting and in the stead thereof idle talke be vsed Ans. Wee must consider the kind of sicknes whereof men die whether it be more easie or violent for violent sicknes is vsually accompanied with frensies and with vnseemely motions and gestures which wee are to take in good part euen in this regard because we our selues may be in the like case Thus much of the first dutie which is to die in faith the second is to die in obedience otherwise our death cannot bee aceeptable to God because wee seeme to come vnto God of feare and constraint as slaues to a master not of loue as children to a father Nowe to die in obedience is when a man willing and readie and desirous to goe out of this worlde whensoeuer God shall call him and that without murmuring or repining at what time where and whē it shall please god Whether we liue or die saith Paul we do it not to our selues but vnto God and therefore mans dutie is to bee obedient to God in death as in life Christ is our example in this case who in his agonie praied Father let this cup passe from me yet with a submission not my will but thy will be done teaching vs in the very pangs of death to resigne our selues to the good pleasure of God When the prophet told king Ezechiah of death presently without all manner of grudging or repining he addressed himselfe to praier We are commanded to present our selues vnto God as free-will offerings without any limitation of time and therefore as well in death as in life I conclude then that we are to make as much conscience in performing obedience to God in suffering death as we do of any cōsciēce in the course of our liues The third dutie is to render vp our soules into the handes of God as the most faithfull keeper of all This is the last dutie of a Christian and it is prescribed vnto vs in the example of Christ vpon the crosse who in the very pangs of death when the dissolution of bodie and soule drew on said Father into thy hands I commend my spirit and so gaue vp the ghost The like was done by Steuen who when he was stoned to death said Lord Iesus receiue my spirit And Dauid in his life time being in danger of death vsed the very same words that Christ vttered Thus we see what be the duties which we are to performe in the very pāgs of death that we may come to eternall life Some man will happily say if this be all to die in faith and obedience and to surrender our soules into Gods hād we will not greatly care for any preparation before hand nor trouble our selues much about the right manner of dying well for we doubt not but that when death shall come we shall be able to perform all the former duties with ease Ans. Let no man deceiue himselfe by any false perswasion thinking with himselfe that the practise of the foresaid duties is a matter of ease for ordinarily they are not neither can they be performed in death vnles there bee much preparation in the life before Hee that will die in faith must first of all liue by faith and there is but one example in all the bible of a man dying in faith that liued without faith namely the theife vpon the crosse The seruants of God that are endued with great measure of grace doe very hardly beleeue in the time of affliction Indeede when Iob was afflicted he said Though the Lord kill me yet will I trust in him yet afterward his faith being ouercast with a cloud he saith that God was become his enemie and that he had set him as a marke to shoot at and sundry times his faith was oppressed with doubting and distrust How then shall they that neuer liued by faith nor inured themselues to beleeue bee able in the pang of death to rest vpon the mercie of God Againe hee that would die in obedience must first of all lead his life in obedience he that hath liued in disobedience can not willingly and in obedience appeare before the iudge when he is cited by death the sergeant of the Lord he dies indeede but that is vpon neces●itie because hee must yeelde to the order and course of nature as other creatures do Thirdly he that would surrender his soule into the hands of God must be resolued of two things the one is that God can the other is that God will receiue his soule into heauen and there preserue it till the last iudgement And none can be resolued of this except he haue the spirit of God to certifie his conscience that hee is redeemed iustified sanctified by Christ and shall be glorified He that is not thus perswaded dare not render vp and present his soule vnto God When Dauid said Lord into thy hands I commend my spirit what was the reason of this boldnesse in him surely nothing els but the perswasion of faith as the next words import for thou hast redeemed mee O Lord God of trueth And thus it is manifest that no man ordinarily can performe these duties dying that hath not performed them liuing This beeing so I doe againe renewe my former exhortation beseeching you that ye would practise the duties of preparatiō in the course of your liues leading
that Christ crucified is thine beeing really giuen thee of God the father euen as truly as houses and land are giuen of earthly fathers to their children this thou must firmely hold and beleeue and hence is it that the benefits of Christ are before God ours indeede for our iustification and saluation The third point in liuely knowledge is that by all the affections of our hearts we must be carried to Christ and as it were transformed into him Whereas he gaue himselfe wholly for vs we can doe no lesse then bestow our hearts vpon him We must therefore labour aboue all following the Martyr Ignatius who said that Christ his loue was crucified We must value him at so high a price that he must be vnto vs better then ten thousand worldes yea all things which we enioy must be but as drosse and dung vnto vs in respect of him Lastly all our ioy reioycing comfort and confidence must be placed in him And that thus much is requisite in knowledge it appeares by the common rule of expounding Scripture that words of knowledge implie affection And indeede it is but a knowledge swimming in the braine which doth not alter and dispose the affections and the whole man Thus much of our knowledge Now follows the second point how Christ is to be knowne He must not be knowne barely as God or as man or as a Iew borne in the tribe of Iudah or as a terrible and iust iudge but as he is our Redeemer and the very price of our redemption and in this respect he must be considered as the common Treasurie and storehouse of Gods Church as Paul testifieth when he saith In him are all the treasures of knowledge and wisdome hid and againe Blessed be God which hath blessed vs with all spirituall blessings in Christ. And S. Iohn saith that of his fulnesse we receiue grace for grace Here then let vs marke that all the blessings of God whether spirituall or temporall all I say without exception are conuaied vnto vs from the Father by Christ and so they must be receiued of vs and no otherwise That this point may be further cleared the benefits which we receiue from Christ are to be handled and the manner of knowing of them The benefits of Christ are three his Merit his Vertue his Example The merit of Christ is the value and price of his death and Passion whereby any man is perfectly reconciled to god This recōciliation hath two parts Remission of sinnes and acceptation to life euerlasting Remission of sinnes is the remoouing or the abolishing both of the guilt and punishment of mans sinnes By guilt I vnderstand a subiection or obligation to punishmēt according to the order of diuine iustice And the punishment of sinne is the malediction or curse of the whole lawe which is the suffering of the first and second death Acceptation to life euerlasting is a giuing of right and title to the kingdome of heauen and that for the merit of Christs obedience imputed Now this benefit of reconciliation must be knowne not by conceit and imagination nor by carnall presumption but by the inward testimonie of Gods spirit certifying our consciences thereof which for this cause is called the spirit of Reuelation And that we may attaine to infallible assurance of this benefit we must call to mind the promises of the gospel touching remission of sinnes and life euerlasting this beeing done we must further striue and indeauour by the assurance of Gods spirit to apply them to our selues and to beleeue that they belong vnto vs and we must also put our selues often to all the exercises of inuocatiō and true repentance For in and by our crying vnto heauen to God for recōciliation comes the assurance thereof as Scriptures and Christian experience makes manifest And if it so fall out that any man in temptation apprehend and feele nothing but the furious indignation and wrath of God against all reason and feeling he must hold to the merit of Christ and knowe a point of religion hard to be learned that God is a most louing father to thē that haue care to serue him euen at that instant when he shewes himselfe a most fierce and terrible enemie From the benefit of reconciliation proceede foure benefits First that excellent peace of God that passeth all vnderstanding which hath sixe parts The first is peace with God the blessed Trinitie Rom. 5.1 Being iustified we haue peace with God The second peace with the good angels Ioh. 1. 51. Ye shall see the Angels of God ascending and descending vpon the sonne of man And that Angels like armies of souldiers in campe about the seruants of God and as nources beare them in their armes that they bee neither hurt by the deuill and his angels nor by his instruments it proceedes of this that they beeing in Christ are partakers of his merits The third is peace with all such as feare God and beleeue in Christ. This Esai foretold when hee saide that the woolfe shall dwell with the lambe and the leopard with the kidde and the calfe and the lyon and a fatte beast togither and that a little child should lead them c. 11. v. 6. The fourth is peace with a mans owne selfe when the conscience washed in the blood of Christ ceaseth to accuse and terrifie and when the will affections and inclinations of the whole man are obedient to the mind enlightned by the spirit word of God Coloss. 3. Let the peace of God rule in your hearts The fifth is peace with enemies and that two waies First in that such as beleeue in Christ seeke to haue peace with all men hurting none but doing good to all secondly in that God restraines the malice of the enemies and inclines their hearts to be peaceable Thus God brought Daniel into loue and fauour with the chiefe of the Eunuches The last is peace with all creatures in heauen and earth in that they serue for mans saluation Psal. 91.13 Thou shalt walke vpon the lyon the Aspe the yong lyon the dragō shalt thou tread vnder foot Hos. 2.18 And in that day will I make a couenant for them with the beasts of the field and with the foules of heauen Now this benefit of peace is knowne partly by the testimonie of the spirit and partly by a daily experience thereof The second benefit is a recouerie of that right and title which man hath to all creatures in heauen and earth and all temporall blessings which right Adam lost to himselfe and euery one of his posteritie 1. Cor. 3.22 Whether it be the world or life or death whether they be things present or things to come all are yours Nowe the right way of knowing this one benefit is this When God vouchsafeth meate drinke apparell houses lands c. we must not barely cōsider them as blessings of God for that very heathen men which knowe not Christ can doe but we must
all places suffered this commandement to cease which the faithfull seruants of God would neuer haue done if they had beene perswaded that this law had bound conscience simply It is aunswered that this lawe ceased not because the giuing of offence vnto the Iewes ceased but because it ceased vniuersally yea but it could not haue ceased vniuersally if it had bound conscience specially considering it was propounded to the Church without any mention or limitation of time Thirdly Paul was present in this counsell and knew the intent of the law very well and therefore no doubt hee did not in any of his Epistles gaine-say the fame This beeing graunted it cannot bee that this lawe should bind conscience out of the case of offence For hee teacheth Corinthians that things offered to idols may be eaten so be it the weake brother be not offended Here it is answered that when Paul writ his first Epistle to the Corinthians this commandement of the Apostles touching things strangled blood was not come vnto them Wel to grant all this which can not be prooued let it be answered why Paul did not nowe deliuer it and why he deliuereth a doctrine cōtrarie to that which he had decreed at Ierusalem which was that the Gentiles should absolutely abstaine from things offered to idolls As for the testimonie of the fathers they are abused Indeed Tertullian saith plainly that Christians in his daies abstained from eating of blood and he perswades men to continue in so doing because he is of opinion beeing indeede farre decei●ued that this very lawe of the Apostles must last to the ende of the world which cōceit if the Papists hold not what mean they to build vpō him Origē saith that this law was very necessarie in his daies● and no maruell For by Idolithytes he vnderstandes not things that haue beene offered to idols and are afterward brought to priuat houses or to the market as other common meats but hee vnderstandes things that remaine consecrated to idols and are no where else vsed but in their temples which we graunt with him must for euer be auoided as meanes and instruments of Idolatrie Whereas the lawe of the Apostles speakes onely of the first kind As for things strangled and blood he takes them to be the deuils foode and for this cause hee approoues abstinence from them And whereas Augustine saith that it is a good thing to abstaine from things offered to idols though it be in necessitie hee must bee vnderstood of the first kind of Idolithytes which are yet remaining in the idol-temples still consecrated vnto them and not of the second of which the Apostles law as I haue said must be vnderstood Argum. 4. Ioh. 21. Christ saith to Peter 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 feed my sheep that is as the word importeth feed and rule my sheepe Ans. This feeding and ruling stands not in making newe lawes but in teaching and gouerning the Church of god according to the doctrine which they had receiued from Christ. And this action of feeding is ascribed to all Christians Reuel 3.27 Who cannot therevpon chalenge a power of making lawes to the conscience Argum. 5. Ioh. 20. As my father sent me so I send you but Christ was sent of his father not onely with power of preaching and ministring the Sacraments but also with authoritie of commanding and giuing iudgement Answ. If this kind of reasoning may stand all the Apostles shall be made redeemers for they were all sent as Christ was and hee was sent not onely to preach the redemption of mankind but also to effect and work the same If this be absurd then it is a flat abusing of Scripture to gather from this saying of Christ that the Apostles had power of binding conscience because he had so It is true indeede that there is a similitude or analogie betweene the calling of Christ and his Apostles but it wholly standes in these points Christ was ordained to his office before all worldes and so were the Apostles Christ was called of his father immediatly and so were they of Christ Christ was sent to the whole world and so were they Christ receiued all power in heauen and earth as beeing necessarie for a Mediatour and they receiued an extraordinarie authority from him with such a plentifull measure of the spirit as was necessarie for the Apostilicall function Lastly Christ was sent euen as he was man to bee a teacher of the Iewes and therefore hee is called the minister of circumcision Rom. 15.8 and so the Apostles are sent by him to teach the Gentiles Thus farre is the comparison to bee enlarged and no further And that no man might imagine that some part of this resemblance standes in a power of binding conscience Christ hath put a speciall exception when he saith Go teach all nations teaching them to obserue all things that I haue commanded you and not commandements of your owne Argum. 6. Rom. 13. Whosoeuer resisteth the power resisteth the ordinance of God and they that resist shall receiue to themselues iudgement and ye must be subiect not onely for wrath but also for conscience sake Ans. Magistracie indeede is an ordinance of God to which we owe subiection but how farre subiection is due there is the question For bodie and goods and outward conuersation I grant all but a subiection of conscience to mens laws I denie And between these two there is a great difference to be subiect to authoritie in conscience to be subiect to it for conscience as will be manifest if wee doe but consider the phrase of the Apostle the meaning whereof is● that wee must performe obedience not onely for anger that is for the auoiding of punishment but also for the auoiding of sinne and so by consequent for auoiding a breach in conscience Now this breach is not properly made because mans law is neglected but because Gods lawe is broken which ordaineth magistracie and withall bindes mens consciences to obey their lawefull commandements And the damnation that is due vnto men for resisting the ordinance of god comes not by the single breach of magistrats commandement but by a transgression of the lawe of God which appointeth magistrates and their authoritie To this answer Papists replie nothing that is of moment Therefore I proceed Argum. 7.1 Cor. 4. What will you that I come vnto you with a rod or in the spirit of meekenes Nowe this rod is a iudiciall power of punishing sinners Answ. For the regiment and protection of Gods Church there bee two rods mentioned in Scripture the rod of Christ and the Apostolicall rodde The rod of Christ is tearmed a rod of yron or the rod of his mouth and it signifies that absolute and soueraigne power which Christ hath ouer his creatures whereby he is able to conuert and saue them or to forsake and destroy them And it is a peculiar priuiledge of this rod to smite and wound the conscience The Apostolicall rod was a
shine Psal. 104.15 and God hath put into his creatures infinit varieties of colours sauours tasts and formes to this ende that men might take delight in them Hence it followes that Recreation is lawefull and a part of Christian libertie if it be wel vsed By recreation I vnderstand exercises sports seruing to refresh either the bodie or the minde and that they may be well vsed two rules especially must be remembred The first that lawfull recreation stands onely in the vse of things indifferent For if the things be commanded by god there is no sporting in them or if they bee forbidden there is no vsing of thē at all Vpon this ground sundrie kinds of recreation are to be neglected As I. the dauncing commonly vsed in these daies in which men and women yong men and maides all mixed togither daunce to the sound of the instrument or voice in time and measure with many wanton gestures and that in solemne meetings after great feasts This exercise cannot be numbred among things indifferent for experience sheweth that it hath beene vsually either a fruite or a follower of great wickednes as idolatrie fornication drunkennes●e hereupon one wel compared it to a circle whose center was the deuil Again if we must giue an acount of euery idle worde then also of euery idle gesture and pace and what account can bee giuen of these paces backward forward of caprings iumps gambols turnings with many other frisks of lightnes and vanitie more beseeming goates and apes of whome they are commonly vsed then men Whereas Salomon esteemed laughter as madnesse hee would no doubt haue condemned our common lasciuious dauncing much more for madnesse laughter beeing but the least part of it II. Dicing which is precisely the casting of a lotte not to be vsed at our pleasures but in matters of weight and importance And of this kinde are all gaines the ground whereof are not the sleight of mans witte but lotte alone III. Plaies and enterludes that stand in the representation of the vices and misdemeanour of the world For if it be not lawfull to name vices vnlesse it be in the way of dislike Eph. 5.3 much lesse is it warrantable to gesture and represent vice in the way of recreation and delite The second rule is that recreation must be sparing moderate and lawfull vse of things indifferent according to the rules following The spirituall vse is when we take occasion by the creatures to meditate and speake of heauenly things as vpon the sight of the vine and the branches thereof to consider the mysticall coniunction betweene Christ his church by the sight of the rainebow to thinke of the promise of God of not drowning the world by waters and by any thing that befalls to take occasion to consider in it the wisdome goodnes iustice mercie prouidence of God c. I adde further that things indifferent as bondage outward libertie riches pouertie single estate mariage meate drinke apparell buildings may be vsed freely because they are neither commāded by God nor forbidden in themselues considered they may be vsed or not vsed without breach of conscience The right manner of vsing them is to sanctifie them by the word praier 1. Tim. 4.3,4 and not onely some of them but the vse of them all Meat drink and marriage are thus to be sanctified as the place before noted declareth Paul sanctified his iourney on this manner Act. 21.5 And the Iewes were commanded to dedicate their houses at the first entrance Deut. 20.5 By this dedication we may well vnderstand not onely the letting of the house or the prouiding of a tenant but also the sanctifying of it by inuocation of Gods name that by his blessing the place with the roomes thereof might serue for their benefit and comfort And on this manner to blesse our dwelling places when we first enter into them is the best way that can be to preserue them from the casualties of fire within and lightning from heauen and from the annoyance and molestation of euill spirits and other iudgements of God Things indifferent are sanctified by Gods word because it shewes what things we may vse and what things we may not if we may vse them in what manner it is to be done And to this purpose the Scripture afford foure rules The first that all things must be done to Gods glorie 1. Cor. 10.31 Whether ye eat or drink or whatsoeuer ye doe doe all to the glorie of God And that this may be performed things indifferent must be vsed as signes tables in which we may shew forth the graces vertues that God hath wrought in the heart For example we must so make our apparel both for matter and fashion and so weare it that it may in some sort set forth to the beholder our modestie sobrietie frugalitie humilitie c. that hereby he may be occasioned to say behold a graue sober modest person and so of the rest And the common sinne of this time is that meate drinke apparell buildings are vsed as banners displaied to set forth to the world mans riot excesse and pride of heart The second We must suffer our selues lawfully to be limited and restrained in the ouermuch or ouercōmon vse of things indifferēt I say the ouercommō vse because it is not Gods will vtterly and absolutely to barre vs of the vse of such things Now the restrainers of our vse are two the first is the law of charitie For as charitie giues place to pietie so Christian libertie in the vse of outward things giues place to charitie And the law of charitie is that we should not vse things indifferent to the hurt or offence of our brother 1. Cor. 8.13 Quest. Whether may a man vse his libertie before such as are weake and not yet perswaded of their libertie Ans. Some are weake of simple ignorance or because they haue bin deceiued by the abuse of long custome and yet are willing to be reformed And before such we must abstaine least by example we draw them to sinne by giuing occasion to them of doing that whereof they doubt Againe some are weake vpon affected ignorance or of malice and in the presence of such we neede not abstaine Vpon this ground Paul who circumcised Timothie would not circumcise Titus The second restrainer is the wholesome lawes of men whether Ciuill or Ecclesiasticall For howsoeuer things indifferent after the law is once made of them remaine still indifferent in themselues yet obedience to the law is necessarie and that for conscience sake Act. 15.28 The third We must vse things indifferent so farre forth as they shal further vs in godlines For we ought to doe all things not onely to the edification of others but also of our own selues And therfore it is a flat abuse of Christiā libertie for men so to pamper their bodies with meate and drinke that thereby they disable themselues to heare Gods word to pray to
faith as he is of the articles of the creed I answer First they prooue thus much that we ought to be as certen of the one as of the other For looke what commandemēt we haue to beleeue the articles of our faith the like we haue inioyning vs to beleeue the pardon of our owne sinnes as I haue prooued Secondly these arguments prooue it to be the nature or essentiall propertie of faith as certainely to assure man of his saluation as it doeth assure him of the articles which he beleeueth And howesoeuer commonly men doe not beleeue their saluation as vnfallible as they doe their articles of faith yet some speciall men doe hauing Gods word applyed by the spirit as a sure ground of their faith whereby they beleeue their own saluation as they haue it for a ground of the articles of their faith Thus certainly was Abraham assured of his owne saluation as also the Prophets and Apostles and the martyrs of God in all ages whereupon without doubting they haue bin content to lay downe their liues for the name of Christ in whome they were assured to receiue eternall happines And there is no question but there be many now that by long and often experience of Gods mercy and by the inward certificate of the holy Ghost haue attained to full assurance of their saluation II. Exception Howesoeuer a man may be assured of his present estate yet no man is certaine of his perseuerance vnto the ende Ans. It is otherwise for in the sixt petition Lead vs-not into temptation wee pray that God would not suffer vs to be wholly ouercome of the deuill in any temptation and to this petition we haue a promise answerable 1. Cor. 10. That God with temptation will giue an issue and therefore howesoeuer the deuill may buffit molest and wound the seruants of God yet shall he neuer be able to ouercome them Againe he that is once a member of Christ can neuer be wholly cut off And if any by sinne were wholly seuered from Christ for a time in his recouerie he is to be baptised the second time for baptisme is the sacrament of initiation or ingrafting into Christ. By this reason we should as often be baptized as we fal into any sinne which is absurd Againe S. Iohn saith 1. Ioh. 2.19 They went out from vs but they were not of vs for if they had beene of vs they would haue continued with vs. Where he taketh it for graunted that such as be once in Christ shall neuer wholly be seuered or fall from him Though our communion with Christ may be lessened yet the vnion and the bond of coniunction is neuer dissolued III. Exception They say we are indeede to beleeue our saluation on Gods part but we must needs doubt in regard of our selues because the promises of remission of sinnes are giuen vpon condition of mans faith and repentance Now we cannot say they be assured that we haue true faith and repentance because we may lie in secret sinnes and so want that indeed which we suppose our selues to haue Ans. I say again he that doth truly repent and beleeue doth by Gods grace know that he doth repent and beleeue for els Paul would neuer haue said Prooue your selues whither you be in the faith or not and the same Apostle saith 2. Cor. 12. We haue not receiued the spirit of the world but the spirit which is of God that we might know the things which are giuen of God which things are not onely life euerlasting but iustification sanctification and such like And as for secret sinnes they cannot make our repentance voide for he that truly repenteth of his knowne sinnes repenteth also of such as be vnknowne and receiueth the pardon of them all God requireth not an expresse or speciall repentance of vnknowne sinnes but accepts it as sufficient if we repent of them generally as Dauid saith Psal. 19. Who knowes the errours of this life forgiue me my secret sinnes And whereas they adde that faith and repentance must be sufficient I answer that the sufficiencie of our faith and repentance stands in the truth and not in the measure or perfection thereof and the truth of both where they are is certenly discerned Reason VI. The iudgement of the auncient Church August Of an euill seruant thou art made a good child therefore presume not of thine owne doing but of the grace of Christ it is not arrogancie but faith to acknowledge what thou hast receiued is not pride but deuotion And Let no man aske an other man but returne to his owne heart if he finde charitie there he hath securitie for his passage from life to death Hilar. on Matth. 5. The kingdome of heauen which our Lord professed to be in himselfe his will is that it must be hoped for without any doubtfulnesse of vncertaine will Otherwise there is no iustification by faith if faith is selfe be made doubtfull Bernard in his epist. 107. Who is the iust man but he that beeing loued of God loues him againe which comes not to passe but by the spirit reuealing by Faith the eternall purpose of God of his saluation to come Which reuelation is nothing else but the infusion of spirituall grace by which when the deedes of the flesh are mortified the man is prepared to the kingdome of heauen Togither receiuing in one spirit that whereby he may presume that he is loued and also loue againe To conclude the Papists haue no great cause to dissent from vs in this point For they teach and professe that they doe by a speciall faith beleeue their owne saluation certenly and vnfallibly in respect of God that promiseth Now the thing which hindreth them is their owne in disposition and vnworthines as they say which keepes them from beeing certen otherwise then in a likely hope But this hindrance is easily remooued if men will iudge indifferently For first of all in regard of our selues and our disposition we can not be certen at all but must despaire of saluation euen to the very death We cannot be sufficiently disposed so long as we liue in this world but must alwaies say with Iacob I am lesse then all thy mercies Gen. 32. and with Dauid Enter not into iudgement with thy seruant O Lord for none liuing shall be iustified in thy sight and with the Centurion Lord I am not worthie that thou shouldest come vnder my roofe Matth. 8. Secondly God in making promise of saluation respects not mens worthines For he chose vs to life euerlasting when we were not he redeemed vs from death beeing enemies and intitles vs to the promise of saluation if we acknowledge our selues to be ●inners Matth. 9. if we labour and trauaile vnder the burden of them Matth. II. if we hunger and thirst after grace Ioh. 7.37 And these things we may certenly and sensibly perceiue in our selues and when we finde them in vs though our vnworthines be exceeding great it should not
the Encratitae Be mindfull be loued children not to bring images into the Church nor set them in the places where the Saints are buried but alwaies carie God in your hearts neither let them be suffered in any common house for it is not meete that a Christian should be occupied by the eyes but by the meditation of the minde Arguments of the Papists The reasons which they vse to defend their opinions are these I. In Salomons temple were erected Cherubins which were images of Angels on the Mercieseat where God was worshipped and thereby was resembled the maiestie of God therefore it is lawfull to make images to resemble God Answ. They were erected by● speciall commaundement from God who prescribed the very forme of them and the place where they must be set and thereby Moses had a warrant to make them otherwise he had sinned let them shew the like warrant for their images if they can Secondly the Che●ubins were placed in the holy of holies in the most inward place of the Temple and consequently were remooued from the sight of the people who onely heard of them and none but the high priest saw them and that but once a yeare And the Cherubins without the vayle though they were to be seene yet were they not to be worshipped Exod. 20.4 Therfore they serue nothing at all to iustifie the images of the church of Rome Obiect II. God appeared in the forme of a man to Abraham Gen. 18. 1 13. and to Daniel who saw the auncient of daies sitting on a throne Dan. 9. Now as God appeared so may he be resembled therefore say they it is lawfull to resemble God in the forme of a man or any like image in which he shewed himselfe to men Ans. In this reason the proposition is false for God may appeare in whatsoeuer forme it pleaseth his maiestie yet doth it not follow that man should therefore resemble God in those formes man hauing no libertie to resemble him in any forme at all vnlesse he be commaunded so to doe Againe when God appeared in the forme of a man that forme was a signe of Gods presence onely for the time when God appeared and no longer as the bread and wine in the Sacrament are signes of Christs bodie and blood not for euer but for the time of administration for afterward they become againe as common bread and wine And when the holy Ghost appeared in the likenes of a doue that likenes was a signe of his presence no longer then the holy Ghost so appeared And therfore he that would in these formes represent the Trinitie doth greatly dishonour God and doe that for which he hath no warrant Obiect III. Man is the image of God but it is lawfull to paint a man and therefore to make the image of God Ans. A very cauill for first a man cannot be painted as he is the image of God which stands in the spirituall gifts of righteousnes and true holines Againe the image of a man may be painted for ciuill or historicall vse but to paint any man for this end to represent God or in the way of religion that we may the better remember and worship God it is vnlawfull Other reasons which they vse are of small moment and therfore I omit them II. Differ They teach and maintaine that images of God and of Saints may be worshipped with religious worship specially the crucifix For Thomas of Watering saith Seeing the crosse doth represent Christ who died vpon a crosse and is to be worshipped with diuine honour it followeth that the crosse is to be worshipped so too We on the contrarie holde they may not Our principall ground is the second commaundement which containeth two parts the first forbiddeth the making of images to resemble the true God the second forbids the worshipping of them or God in them in these words Thou shalt not bow downe to them Now there can be no worship done to any thing lesse then the bending of the knee Againe the brasen serpent was a type or image of Christ crucified Ioh. 3.14 appointed by God himselfe yet when the people burned incense to it 2. King 18.4 Hezekias brake it in pieces and is therefore commended And when the deuill bad our Sauiour Christ but to bowe downe the knee vnto him and he would giue him the whole worlde Christ reiects his offer saying Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and him onely shalt thou serue Math. 4. 10. Againe it is lawefull for one man to worship another with ciuill worship but to worship man with religious honour is vnlawefull For all religious worship is prescribed in the first table and the honour due to man is onely prescribed in the second table and the first commandement thereof Honour thy father which honour is therefore ciuill and not religious Now the meanest man that can be is a more excellent image of God then all the images of God or of Saints that are deuised by men Augustine and long after him Gregorie in plaine tearmes denieth images to be adored The Papists defend their opinions by these reasons I. Psal. 99.5 Cast downe your selues before his footestoole Ans. The wordes are thus to be read Bowe at his footestoole that is at the Arke and Mercyseat for there he hath made a promise of his presence the words therefore say not bow to the Arke but to God at the Arke II. Obiect Exod. 3.5 God said to Moses Stand afar off and put off thy shoes for the place is holy Nowe if holy places must be reuerenced then much more holy images as the crosse of Christ and such like Ans. God commaunded the ceremony of putting off the shoes that he might thereby strike Moses with a religious reuerence not of the place but of his own maiestie whose presence made the place holy Let them shewe the like warrant for images III. Obiect It is lawefull to kneele downe to a chaire of estate in the absence of the king or Queene therefore much more to the images of God of Saints in heauen glorified beeing absent from vs. Answer To kneele to the chaire of estate is no more but a ciuil testimonie or signe of ciuill reuerence by which all good subiects when occasion is offered shewe their loyaltie and subiection to their lawfull princes And this kneeling beeing on this manner and to no other ende hath sufficient warrant in the worde of God But kneeling to the image of any Saint departed is religious and consequently more then ciuill worship as the Papists themselues confesse The argument then prooueth nothing vnlesse they wil keepe themselues to one and the same kind of worship III. Differ The Papists also teach that God may be lawfully worshipped in images in which he hath appeared vnto men as the Father in the image of an old man the sonne in the image of a man crucified and the holy Ghost in the likenes of a doue c. But we hold it vnlawefull to
said they speake contraries for quantitie by all learning is the essence of a bodie without which a bodie cannot be 4. In the Creede wee confesse that Christ is ascended into heauen and there after his ascension sits at the right hand of his father and that according to his manhood Hence I conclude that Christs bodie is not really and locally in the sacrament and in euery Host which the priest consecrateth This argument was good when Vigilius against Eutiches said When it the flesh was on earth it was not in heauen and because it is nowe in heauen it is not on earth and he addes afterward that this is the Catholike faith and confession And it was good when Fulgentius said According to his humane substance hee was absent from earth when he was in heauen and he left the earth when he ascended into heauen And The same inseparable Christ according to his whole manhood leauing the earth locally ascended into heauen and sits at the right hand and according to the same whole manhood he is to come to iudgement And it was good when Cyril said No man doubts but that when hee ascended into heauen though hee be alwaies present by the power of his spirit he was absent in respect of the presence of his flesh And it was good when Augustine said According to the flesh which the Word assumed he ascended into heauen he is not here there he sits at the right hād of the father and he is here according to the presence of his maiestie And Hee went as hee was man and he aboad as he was God he went by that whereby he was in one place he aboad by that whereby he was euery where 5. Againe in that we beleeue the Catholike church it followes that the Catholike church is inuisible because things seene are not beleeued And the answer commonly vsed that we beleeue the holinesse of the Church will not serue the turne For the wordes are plaine and in them we make confession that we beleeue not onely the holinesse of the Church but also the Church it selfe 6. Lastly the articles Remission of sinnes Resurrection of the bodie and Life euerlasting containe a confession of speciall faith For the meaning of them is thus much I beleeue the remission of mine own sins the resurrection of mine own body to life euerlasting that by the iudgement of learned antiquitie August saith If thou also beleeue that thou shalt rise again ascend into heauen because thou art sure of so great a patrone thou art certen of so great a gift And Make not Christ lesse who brings thee to the kingdōe of heauen for remission of sins Without this faith if any come to baptisme he shuts the gate of mercie against himselfe And Whosoeuer faithfully beleeueth holds this profession of his faith in which all his sins are forgiuē him let him prepare his wil to the will of god not feare his passage by death And The whole Sacrament of baptisme standes in this that we beleeue the resurrectiō of the body remission of sins to be giuen vs of God And He gaue these keies to the Church that whosoeuer in his church should not beleeue his sins to be forgiuen they should not be forgiuen vnto him and whosoeuer beleeued turned frō thē abiding in the lap of the said church at length shal be healed by faith amendment of life And That which thou hast heard to be fulfilled in the glorious resurrection of Christ beleeue that the very same shall bee fulfilled in thee in the last iudgement and the resurrection of thy flesh shall restore thee for all eternitie For vnlesse thou shalt beleeue that thou art to bee repaired by death thou canst not come to the reward of life eternall And in ancient time the article of the resurrection hath beene rehearsed on this manner The resurrection of this flesh and the last applyed vnto it To euerlasting life Hence then two maine opinions of the Church of Rome are quite ouerthrowen one that we cannot by speciall faith be certaine of the remission of our sinnes and the saluation of our soules the other that a man truly iustified may fall away and be damned Nowe this cannot bee if the practise of the auncient Church bee good which hath taught vs to beleeue euerlasting life ioyntly without remission of sinnes To come vnto the Decalogue first of all it is a rule in expounding the seuerall commandements that where any vice is forbidden there the contrarie vertue is commanded and all vertues of the same kinde with all their causes occasions furtherances This rule is graunted of all and hence it followes that counsels of perfection if they haue in them any furtherance of vertue are inioyned in and by the law and therefore prescribe no state of perfection beyond the scope of the lawe Secondly the commandement Thou shalt not make to thy selfe any grauen image c. hath two seuerall parts The first forbids the making of carued or graued images the second forbids the adoratiō of them Now the first part is notably expounded by Moses Deut. 4.16 Take good heed vnto your selues that ye corrupt not your selues and make you a grauen image or representation of any figure in the likenesse of male or female Marke the reason of this prohibition in the same place for saith he ye saw no image in the day the Lord spake vnto you in Horeb and v. 15. Yee heard the voice of the wordes but sawe no similitude saue a voice Nowe the reason beeing vnderstood of the image of God himselfe the prohibition must needes be so vnderstood Againe there is no question that God directs his commandement against a ●inne in speculation but against some common and wicked practise of the Iewes and that was to represent God himselfe in likenesses and bodily formes Esai 40. 1● And that was also the practise of the Gentiles that were farre more grosse in this kinde then the Iewes Rom. 1.23 This then is plaine to any indifferent man that the first part of the commandement forbiddes the making of grauen images or likenesses of the true Iehoua and thus the Romane Catechisme vnderstands t●● wordes As for the second part it must be vnderstood according to them eaning of the first and therefore it forbids vs to bow downe to any image of God Hence then it followes that to worship God or Saints in or at images and to worship images with religious worship is abominable idolatrie And common reason might teach vs thus much For they that adore and worship the true God in images doe binde the presence of God his operation grace and his hearing of vs to certen things places signes to which he hath not bound himselfe either by commandement or promise and that is otherwise to worship God and to seeke for his blessings then he hath commaunded himselfe to be worshipped or promised to heare vs. Vpon this ground
his woe A. It were so indeede if there were no meanes of deliuerance but GOD hath shewed his mercie in giuing a Sauiour to mankind Q. Howe is this Sauiour called A. Iesus Christ. Q. What is Iesus Christ A. The eternall sonne of God made man in all things euen in his infirmities like other men saue onely in sinne Q. Howe was he made man void of sinne A He was conceiued in the womb of a Virgine and sanctified by the holy Ghost at his conception Q. Why must our Sauiour be both God and man A He must be a man because man hath sinned and therfore a man must die for sinne to appease Gods wrath he must be God to sustaine and vphold the manhood to ouercome and vanquish death Q What be the offices of Christ to make him an al-sufficient Sauiour A He is a priest a prophet a King Q VVhy is he a priest A To worke the meanes of saluation in the behalfe of mankind Q Howe doth he worke the meanes of saluation A First by making satisfaction to his father for the sinne of man Secondly by making intercession Q How doth he make satisfaction A By two meanes and the first is by offering a sacrifice Q VVhat is this sacrifice A Christ himselfe as he is man consisting of body and soule Q VVhat is the Altar A Christ as he is God is the Altar on which he sacrificed himselfe Q VVho was the priest None but Christ and that as he is both God and man Q How oft did he sacrifice himselfe A Neuer but once Q VVhat death did he suffer when he sacrificed himselfe A A death vpon the crosse peculiar to him alone for besides the separation of bodie and soule he felt also the pang●s of hell in that the whole wrath of God due to the sinne of man was powred forth vpon him Q. What profit commeth by his Sacrifice A. Gods wrath is appeased by it Q. Could the suffering of Christ which was but for a short time counteruaile euerlasting damnation and so appease Gods wrath A. Yea for seeing Christ suffered God suffered though not in his godhead that is more thā if all men in the world had suffered for euer euer Q. Now tell me the other meanes of satisfaction A. It is the perfect fulfilling of the lawe Q. Howe did he fulfill the lawe A. By his perfect righteousnes which consisteth of two parts the first the integritie and purenesse of his humaine nature the other his obedience in performing all that the lawe required Q. You haue shewed how Christ doth make satisfaction tell mee likewise howe he doth make intercession A. He alone doth continually appeare before his father in heauen making the faithfull and all their praiers acceptable vnto him by applying of the merits of his owne perfect satisfaction to them Q. Why is Christ a prophet A. To reueale vnto his Church the waie and meanes of saluation this he doth outwardly by the ministerie of his word and inwardly by the teaching of his holy spirit Q. Why is he also a King A. That he might bountifully bestowe vpon vs and conuey vnto vs all the aforesaid meanes of saluation Q. How doth he shewe himselfe to be a King A. In that beeing dead and buried hee rose from the graue quickened his dead bodie ascended into heauen and nowe sitteth at the right hand of his father with full full power and glory in heauen Q. How else A. In that he doeth continually inspire and direct his seruants by the diuine power of his holy spirit according to his holy word Q. But to whome will this blessed King communicate all these meanes of saluation A. He offereth them to many and they are sufficient to saue all mankind but all shall not be saued thereby because by faith they will not receiue them The fourth principle expounded Q. What is faith A. Faith is a wonderfull grace of God by which a man doth apprehend and apply Christ and all his benefits vnto himselfe Q. Howe doth a man apply Christ vnto himselfe seeing we are on earth and Christ in heauen A. This applying is done by assurance when a man is verely perswaded by the holy spirit of Gods fauour towards himselfe particularly and of the forgiuenes of his owne sinnes Q. How doth God bring men truely to beleeue in Christ A. First he prepareth their hearts that they might bee capable of faith and then he worketh faith in them Q. Howe doth God prepare mens heartes A. By bruising them as if one would breake an hard stone to powder and this is done by hambling them Q. How doth God humble a man A. By working in him a sight of his sinnes and a sorrowe for them Q. How is this sight of sinne wrought A. By the morall lawe the summe whereof is the ten commandements Q. What sinnes may I finde in my selfe by them A. Ten. Q. What is the first A. To make something thy God which is not God by fearing it louing it so trusting in it more then in the true God Q. What is the second A. To worship false Gods or the true God in a false manner Q. What is the third A. To dishonour God in abusing his titles wordes and workes Q. What is the fourth A. To breake the Sabboth in doing the works of their calling and of the flesh and in leauing vndone the workes of the spirit Q. What be the sixe latter A. To doe any thing that may hinder thy neighbours dignitie life chastitie wealth good name though it be but in the secret thoughts and motions of the heart vnto which thou giuest no liking nor consent Q. What is sorrowe for sinne A. It is when a mans conscience is touched with a liuely feeling of Gods displeasure for any of these sinnes in such wise that hee vtterly despaires of saluation in regard of any thing in himselfe acknowledging that he hath deserued shame and confusion eternally Q. Howe doth God worke this sorrowe A. By the terrible curse of the Lawe Q. What is that A. He which breakes but one of the commandements of God though it be but once in all his life time and that onely in one thought is subiect to and in danger of eternall damnation thereby Q. When mens hearts are thus prepared howe doth God ingraft faith in them A. By working certaine inward motions in the heart which are the seedes of faith out of which it breedeth Q. What is the first of them A. When a man humbled vnder the burden of his sinnes doth acknoweledge and feele that he standes in great neede of Christ. Q. What is the second A. An hungring desire and a longing to be made partaker of Christ all his merits Q. What is the third A. A flying to the throne of
of this world but eternall and spirituall respecting the very conscience of man In the administration whereof he hath absolute power to commaund and forbidde to condemne and absolue and therefore hath the keyes of heauen and hell to open and shut which power no creature beside no not the angels in heauen can haue For the better vnderstanding of this which I say we are to consider first the dealing of Christ toward his owne Church secondly his dealing in respect of his enemies And his dealing toward his owne Church stands in foure things The first is the collecting or gathering of it and this is a speciall end of his sitting at the right hand of his father Christ said to his disciples I haue chosen you out of this world and the same may truly be saide of all the Elect that Christ in his good time will gather them all to himselfe that they may be a peculiar people to God And this action of his in collecting the Church is nothing els but a translation of those whome he hath ordained to life euerlasting out of the kingdome of darknes in which they haue serued sinne Satan into his own kingdom of grace that they may be ruled guided by him eternally And this he doth two waies first by the preaching of the word for it is a powerfull outward meanes whereby he singleth and forteth his owne seruants from the blind and wicked world as Paul saith He gaue some to be Apostles and some Prophets and some Euangelists and some pastours and teachers for the gath●ring togither of Saints And hence we learne two things The first that euery minister of Gods word and euery one that intendeth to take vpon him that calling must propound vnto himselfe principally this end to single out man from man and gather out of this world such as belong to the Church of Christ and as Ieremie saith to separate the pretious from the vile The second that all those which will be good hearers of Gods word must shew themselues so farre forth conformable vnto it that it may gather them out of the world and that it may worke a change in them and make them the seruants of Christ and if the preaching of the word doe not worke this good worke in our hearts then the ende will be a separation from the presence of God Christ when he came neere Ierusalem and considered their rebellion whereby they refused to be gathered vnto him wept ouer it and saide O Ierusalem Ierusalem thou which stonest the Prophets and killest them that are sent vnto thee How often would I haue gathered thy children togither as the henne gathereth her chickens vnder her wings and thou wouldest not And by this he teacheth that if the preaching of the word turne not vs to Christ it turnes to our destruction The other meanes of gathering the Church and that the more principall is the inward operation of the spirit whereby the minde is inlightened the heart is mollified and the whole man is conuerted to God And this ordinarily is ioyned with the ministerie or preaching of the word as appeares by the example of Lydia Saint Luke saith God opened her heart to be attentiue to the doctrine of the Apostle And by the example of Paul when Christ saith Saul Saul why persecutest thou me at this very speech he is conuerted and saide Who art thou Lord what wilt thou that I doe And this is manifest also by experience There is nothing in the world more contrarie to the nature of man then the preaching of the word for it is the wisdome of God to which the flesh is enimitie Here then it may be demanded how it can be in force to turne any man to God Ans. The word preached is the scepter of Christs kingdome which against the nature of man by the operation of the holy Ghost ioyned therewith doth bend and bow the heart will and affections of man to the will of Christ. The second worke of Christ is after the Church is gathered to guide it in the way to life euerlasting He is the shepheard of his Church which guideth his flocke in and out and therefore Paul saith They that are Christs are guided by his spirit And by Esai the Lord saith those his seruants which are turned from idolatrie he will guide in the way and their eares shall heare a voice behinde them saying This is the way walke in it when thou turnest to the right hand and to the left Which voice is nothing els but the voice of the holy Ghost in the mouth of the ministers directing them in the waies of God The children of Israel were trauelling from Egypt to the land of Canaan full fourtie yeares whereas they might haue gone the iourney in fourtie daies Their way was through the wildernes of Arabia their guides were a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night the manner of their iourney was this when the pillars mooued they mooued when the pillars stood still they stood still and so long as the pillars either mooued or stoode still they likewise mooued or stood still And by all this a further matter namely the regiment of Christ ouer his Church was signified Euery one of vs are as passengers trauailers not to any earthly Canaan but to the heauenly Ierusalem and in this iourney we are to passe through the wild and desert wildernes of this world our guide is Christ himselfe figured by the pillar of fire and the cloud because by his word and spirit he sheweth vs how farre we may goe in euery action and where we must stand and he goes before vs as our guide to life euerlasting The third worke of Christ is to exercise his Church vnto spirituall obedience by manifold troubles crosses temptations and afflictions in this world as earthly kings vse to traine and exercise their subiects When our Sauiour Christ was with his disciples in a shippe there arose a great tempest vpon the sea so as the shippe was almost couered with waues but he was asleepe and his disciples came awoke him saying Saue vs master we perish Behold here a liuely picture of the dealing of Christ with his seruants in this life His manner is to place them vpon the sea of this world and to raise vp against the● bleake stormes and flaes of contrarie windes by their enemies the flesh the deuill the world And further in the middest of all these dangers he for his owne part maketh as though he lay asleepe for a time that he may the better make triall of their patience faith and obedience And the endes for which he vseth this spirituall exercise are these The first to make all his subiects to humble themselues and as it were to goe crooked and buckle vnder their offences committed against his maiestie in times past Thus Iob after the Lord had long afflicted him and laid his hand sore vpon