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A08299 A pensiue soules delight. Or, The deuout mans helpe. Consisting of motiues, meditations and prayers, for all persons and purposes, vpon what occasion so euer, either priuate or publike. By Iohn Norden Norden, John, 1548-1625? 1615 (1615) STC 18628; ESTC S120793 141,675 410

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meane to obtaine saluation But how farre we wretched sinners heere gathered together are short of feeling our own wants of power to cast off our sinnes and how far from true sanctification thou knowest And therfore louing Father in Iesus Christ clense thou vs and wee shall bee cleane sanctifie vs and we shall be holy and though our imperfections be great though our faith be weak we shall be made perfect and our obedience confirmed by the sincerity of the obedience of Christ our Sauiour whose righteousnes and merits are made ours by thy fatherly and free imputation requiring of vs mortall men only to beleeue I beleeue Lord help mine vnbeliefe that I may lift vp a pure heart vnto thee begge faithfully of thee and receiue plentifully from thee all spirituall graces that I comming vnto this holy table hauing fully cast off the habite of sinne may be clothed with the sacred Robe of Christs Innocencie and be found among the rest of thy Saints hauing on that heauenly wedding garment that I be not taken from this holy Table thrust out with shame and horror into the place of weeping and gnashing of teeth Remember not our offences Lord burie them in the graue of euerlasting forgetfulnesse forget not whereof we are made and be not vnmindefull what an armie of spirituall enemies doe continually assayle vs and how in our most deuotest and most religious actions and exercises they are most busie to seduce and circumuent vs. Assist vs therefore Lord and be thou on our side grace vs now with thy blessed presence that we may heere offer vp vnto thee our soules and bodies a holy liuely and acceptable sacrifice and become worthie Receiuers of this holy Mysterie that as we eate of this Bread and drinke of this Cup we may truly find an effectual mortification of our sinning part and a liuely vi●ification and regeneration of our spirituall part and may be more and more changes in our liues that we may walk before thee and be vpright from hencefoorth all the dayes of our earthly pilgrimage and teach vs euer more and more to obey and loue him who so infinitly loued vs that he contented himselfe to giue his bodie to be crucified and his bloud to be shed for vs which great loue of his being heere represented vnto vs by these thy visible creatures of bread and wine giue vs truely and faithfully beleeuing hearts that we may worthily receiue them and rightly retaine the reuerend memorie of his death and be euer the better enabled to resist and abandon sinne and cleaue vnto righteousnes al the dayes of our liues that at his comming againe we may be raised and ascend with him as members sanctified and heires adopted into that inheritance which he purchased with his bloud in heauen Graciously grant this O Father for his sake that suffered that ignominious death and seale vp in our consciences by thy holy Spirit a full and liuely assurance that wee are truly ingrafted into him our head and in and by and with him shall liue eternally glorified in heauen Amen Lord increase our faith and prepare our hearts to a faithfull and reuerend receiuing of this holy Sacrament to our soules comfort A MOTIVE TO A Prayer to be said after the receiuing of the Lords Supper IT is a dangerous thing vpon the recouerie of health after sicknes to suffer a relapse and falling downe againe but much more dangerous to fall into new sinnes after repentance and reconciliation with God A man hauing polluted himselfe with pitch and being clensed is worthy to suffer shame if he wallow in it againe How much more shamefull is it for a man that hath vowed reformation of his corrupt life and to forsake his sins and hath thereupon receiued in token of forgiuenesse the seale of Gods promise the Sacrament of the bodie and bloud of Christ to binde him vpon paine of condemnation to new obedience if he wilfully fall backe againe Thou therefore whatsoeuer thou be that hast beene partaker of this holy and most sacred mysterie remember what thou hast done how thou hast eaten thy saluation or damnation for there is not a meane betweene this if therefore thou hauing beene a guest at this heauenly Feast feele in thy selfe a heart not so well formerly prepared as the holy Ghost commandeth retaining still the froth and filth of thy sinnes begin now to cast them off and put on instantly the wedding garment of true regeneration that thou mayest be found worthie to sit at this holy Table and to partake of the sauing food of thy soule by chewing the cudde of continuing repentance and newnesse of life heere that hereafter thou mayest enioy the fruits of thy new birth with Christ in heauen And for as much as no man hath power of himselfe to performe that obedience in the inner man which he may promise by outward words there is no surer or more preuailing meanes then prayer And therefore it behoueth thee to continue and end this heauenly exercise with hartie prayer to God in the same Christ that he would be pleased for that his Sons sake to accept thee into the inseperable societie of his Elect Saints And let not this desire be as a pusse of winde or as a flame suddenly quenched but let it be a daily exercise to meditate of this thy holy vnion with Christ that thy backe sliding to sinne heap not vp a more heauie weight of condemnation against thee in the time of thine account when it will be demanded how thou presumest to come to that holy Table without the habite of true faith and obedience it will not boote thee to say thou camest for feare of the law or for company with the congregation for who so commeth not for and apprehendeth not inward and spirituall comfort commeth vnworthily and he that falleth to his old sins againe hath eaten this Spirituall bread and drunke of that Spirituall rocke which is Christ to his owne damnation O Lord increase my faith A Prayer to be said after the receiuing of the holy Communion GReat good and most gracious Lord God the Author and finisher of our faith who of thy free fauour hast now vouchsafed me to be a guest at this thy heauenly banquet where I haue beene refreshed not so much with the visible creatures of bread and wine for the strengthening of my weake bodie which without thy corporall nutriment cannot long indure But with the heauenly Manna the food of the soules of thy Saints the blessed body and bloud of that immaculate Lambe who sealed our attonement with thee with his bloud vpon the ignominious and grieuous crosse and there cancelled the hand-writing which was against vs and of the bond-●●aues of Satan made vs the free men of the new Jerusalem and in our nature and for vs and in our behalfes triumphed ouer Satan Death and Hell and now Lord as it hath pleased thee to accept me into this holy communion and to make me partaker of that
their better part the soule should so little regard the meanes by whom they receiue it the Ministers of the word of Saluation the Gospell of Christ Many will protest they loue Christ and yet the contrary appeareth when they not only regard not but despise his Ministers whom hee hath sent as Embassadors of his will We beseech you brethren saith Saint Paul to the Thessalonians that yee haue the Ministers of God in singular loue for their workes sake We should loue all men and pray for all men how much more for them that leade vs to the well of life The same Saint Paul willeth the Ephesians not only to pray in an ordinarie maner but in the Spirit with perseuerance and watchfulnes euen for him that vtterance might be giuen vnto him and that he might open his mouth boldly to publish the secret of the Gospell And are we lesse bound to pray for them that haue the Spirituall charge ouer vs the care and cure of our soules that they may be able to deliuer the Word sincerely to open their mouths boldly to our edification and consolation in Christ And that they namely the Ministers may be deliuered from vnreasonable and euill men for we know that Christ Antichrist Truth and Falsehood Christ and Satan cannot stand together And he that preacheth the word truely is the means to bring men out of darknesse to light from sinne to sanctitie from Satan to Christ. And therefore Satan will euer oppose himselfe and instigate euill men to encounter scandalize and persecute such as are truest and most painefull labourers in Gods Spirituall haruest whereby it commeth to passe that the word of God is oftentimes hindered the Church of Christ diminished Ignorance increased Religion despised Vice aduanced Faith decreased Obedience to God neglected and Truth among men meerely abandoned and cōtemned And al this where Prophecying Preaching faile God giueth not to man a more speciall blessing in earth then the preaching of the word which is as the net to catch men there were three thousand men so catcht at the first preaching of Peter and by his continuance in that spirituall fishing there were caught fiue thousand persons out of the snare of Satan Let all men therefore loue pray for them that thus fish to saue the soules of mē that haue the ouersight and rule ouer them they are the watch men of Christ and whoso loues Christ the Master and Lord cannot but loue his Ministers and pray for them not only as brethren but as men appointed by Corist to direct them the way of saluation And let no man thinke it is not their duetie to pray for them because they are appointed and ought to pray for others and not others for them as some prophanely affirme It is a needfull and required duetie to pray one for another especially for the Ministers who are or ought to be as Gods mouth vnto vs to teach vs his will as Gods hand to support vs by spirituall counsell as Gods eye to obserue our wayes and as Gods Ministers to reproue vs of sinne and to pronounce pardon in Christ to the truely penitent Pray therefore for them that the gifts of the holy Ghost may abound in them that men seeing their good workes may glorifie God our their Father which is in heauē A Prayer to be said for the Ministers of Gods word GRacious and mercifull O Lord our God art thou in all thy wayes and workes towards men and in nothing more gracious then in thy word preached vnto vs whereby thou doest open and reueile vnto vs the mystery of our saluation according to thy good pleasure in Christ our Lord. Thou teachest vs heauenly wisedome in earth by thy holy Spirit giuen vnto men whom thou doest set apart to that holy function as men chosen to winne men to thee And for as much as neither thy beloued Saints Peter nor Iohn nor Paul could preach or prophecie before they were sent neither were they sent before they were sanctified Sanctifie and send foorth Lord worthy Labourers into thine haruest and sanctifie and blesse them whom thou hast sent with such spirituall gifts and graces as may enable them to be instant in season and out of season that they may winue many vnto thee Inlighten their hearts with the light of true knowledge Touch their tongues with the coale from thine Altar that their lips may preserue knowledge and in their hearts may bee true zeale that they may still call vpon thy children to walk in the light of thy truth And as thou diddest send downe vpon thine Apostles the holy Ghost in fiery tongues to teach thē so instill into the hearts of all thy Ministers Preachers of thy word the fire of true zeale a godly boldnes to speake thy truth without respect of persons not to flatter the wicked nor to spare the rebuking of sin and let them comfort the weake harted let thē be able to bring them that erre into the right way that they may conuert liue that they may beleeue liue for Faith cōmeth by hearing and hearing by the preaching of thy word Let therefore the beautiful fruit of thē plentifully appeare amongst vs that bring glad tidings of peace which thē the glad tidings of our saluation And let thē speak nothing but as thy word teacheth thē that they may be foūd good disposers of thy graces Let their conuersatiōs be vpright before thee let thē be as lights set on a hill that they may teach as well by the example of their owne liues as by preaching thy Word that thou in all things mayest be glorified through Iesus Christ to whom is praise and dominion for euer and euer Amen Lord increase our faith A MOTIVE TO A Prayer for the Church Uniuersall THe Church which S. Paul calleth the House of God 1. Tim. 3. 15. is the Congregation of the faithfull dispersed throughout the world and in regard of the vniuersalitie thereof is called the Church Catholike Of which Vniuersalitie are many and seuerall societies distinct by place vnited by faith And euery seuerall company professing one and the same truth confessing one and the same faith and holding one and the same forme of administration of the Sacramēts are one intire bodie which bodie is the vniuersall Church wherof Christ is the head one Spouse whereof Christ is the husband He hath begotten this dispersed congregation by vertue of his word and made them one by the vnity of his Spirit By which Spirit the Fathers belieued in Christ before the came in the flesh and were of the same mysticall bodie whereof we that beleeue his word being come are also members and whereof Christ Iesus hath bin is and shall be the euerlasting head The parable of the Sower which Christ propounded Matth. 13. 24. sheweth by the euill seede mixed with the good that this Church shall neuer be free from offences both in doctrine and manners vntill the day of the fina 〈…〉
and wayes are full of hidden dangers which without thy protection could not but haue faln vpō me so is not this place whereinto I am safely retired by thy prouidence free from perils and therefore as thou hast hitherunto kept me keepe me now in this place wherein if thou dwel not by thy power and louing fauor there cannot but abide Sathan sinne and vanities powerfull enemies and able to surprise the strongest naturall man Strengthen me Lord aboue nature and helpe the parts of most infirmitie that my soule body being strengthened I may be able to giue th●● the more sound prayses and haue spirituall power to resist whatsoeuer shall spiritually seeke to seduc● me and in thy prouidence preseru● me in body safe giue me whatsoeuer is needfull for me in this place and continue thy louing fauour towards me that all things at all times in all places may prosperously succeed vnto me depart not from me good Father but blesse me first that I may be euer blessed So shall all things goe well with me both going foorth and comming in and all things worke together for my continuall consolation wherefore giue me grace euer to loue thee in Christ mine euerlasting Redeemer Amen O Lord increase my faith A MOTIVE TO A Prayer to be said before a Sermon MAn by nature being a sincke of corruption and a gulfe of hidden hypocrisie his conscience naturally oppressed with a slauish feare lest his inward and secret euill thoughts should be reueiled and his hidden iniquities discouered as much as in him lyeth coueteth to shun the light of the word of God which comprehendeth both the killing Law and the sauing glad tidings of the Gospel by the one he is condemned and therefore hateth the sentence which pronounceth that whosoeuer sinneth shall die yet apprehendeth he not either the grieuousnesse of his sinnes nor the miserie of the Gospel which is the preaching of repentance and the forgiuenesse of sinnes but lying securely in his sinnes thinketh not of any account and therfore regardeth not much the word preached But whē shame or authoritie presseth the carnall man to heare the word he th●● heareth sinne reproued and the sinfull condemned which is so v●sau●ry vnto him as he wisheth himselfe out of the hearing Herod could not endure the preaching of Iohn Bapti●● reprouing him for his brothers wife be it the Law or the Gospel that such men heare it is as harsh vnto them as the words of Michaiah to Ahab yet we must vnderstand that though ma● deliuer the word it is not his but the word of God and therefore no man but such a one as is yet in the state of reprobation wil refuse to he are God who is mercifull and louing speake vnto him if it be but the threatning Law which teacheth what is sinne and what is the reward of sinne wherby being cast downe with sorrow that he hath committed things so contrary to the will of his Creator he may seeke atonement and reconciliation with his offended God by the Gospel the testimonie of his loue Are not my words saith God good vnto him that walkes vprightly Therefore none but the obstinately wicked will shun the word preached which aswell offereth remission of sinnes committed as it threatneth death to the impenitent The Scriptures in many places command vs to seeke the Lord which argueth that we by nature are strangers from God separated by sinne and to remaine so is the most miserable condition that can befall the sonnes of men And where is the Lord to be sought but in his word which is the life of the soule As the soule body are knit together and conserued by breath So are our soules connexed and conioyned vnto God by the word of truth preached by Gods minister apprehended by faith and practised in spirit and truth The naturall man couets and delights to refresh himselfe in his griefes and crosses by musicke by merry company and by reading prophane bookes or hearing pleasant conceited songs or comedies which doe not onely not comfort but rather increase their griefes Contrarily Dauid protested that hee sought and found the onely true comfort in the word of God So doe all that are truely qualified in the rules of right religion though worldlings account it a melancholike wearinesse to sit an hou●e to heare God speake vnto them But let them thinke that this wearinesse shall be a witnesse against them that they belong not to the Lord. Euery man desires to see his image in a glasse for two ends the one to see his feature the other to correct his deformities And Saint Iames compares the word of God to a glasse wherein are two sorts of Images discouered namely of Nature and Grace The first sheweth what we our selues are the second what we ought to seeke to be namely to be like vnto our head Christ Iesus in all sanctitie and holinesse in suffering patiently and obeying God truely This is by no other meanes learned but by the word of God preiched But some that haue made the least progresse in the loue to godlinesse of life thinke it sufficient to read the word of God or the workes of good and godly men at home an exercise not to bee in it selfe condemned but in respect of it to neglect the word preached is the contempt of Gods ordinance who hath in greatest fauour instituted his ministers to teach by the powerfull preaching of the word which worketh a more deepe impression in the heart of the hearer then of the reader For if wee consider the authoritie of the word preached it is from God the ministery from the mouth of man who is the mouth of God he therefore that neglects or contemnes the word preached neglectes the meanes of his saluation which is faith in Christ Iesus For faith commeth by hearing and hearing by the word of God preached It is not yet sufficient to heare the word but as Marie laid vp the word in her heart so must euery profitable hearer retaine the word in their mindes permit it to rule in their affections and to bring foorth the fruits thereof in their actions reioycing when they doe the commandements of God and grieuing when they transgresse the same And because there be many things that hinder the growing of this sauing seede and many grounds receiue it but onely one namely good ground can bring forth the fruit It behooueth to pray that our hearts may be made fit to heare our affections fit to loue and our whole man apt to cherish this seede by continuall holy practise Lord increase my faith A Prayer to be said before the hearing of a Sermon THou Lord hast commanded vs or rather louingly inuited vs to seeke thy face and yet thou art in the highest heauens among thine Angels Seraphims and Cherubims and wee dust and ashes are in the earth full of infirmities not able to looke vnto much lesse into the heauens to behold thee there no the very Angels hide
keepe vnlesse we lay it vp in our hearts for the enemie goeth about to steale it out of our hearts by many carnall delights and vanities It is the seed sowne to bring forth good fruit we must beware that we admit no tares cockle or darn●l to grow vp therewith sinne and iniquity let it fructifie in goodnesse and pray that the grace of God watering our hearts may keepe downe the weeds of sinne and fructifie the good fruits of righteousnes to make vs holy and of vpright conuersation before God and men God hath made a promise to the faithfully praying to send his holy Spirit to helpe our infirmities And to this end vse this Prayer following or some to the like purpose whensoeuer thou hearest the Word preached it shall much confirme thee in a godly desire to heare and practise and thou thereby shalt finde comfort in all thy wayes A Prayer to be said after the hearing of a Sermon MOst bountifull and most louing Lord God the giuer of all good things feeder releeuer preseruer of our soules and bodies I yeeld thee most humble and most hartie thankes for that thou at this time hast so louingly and Fatherly reuealed vnto vs thy will out of thy word and ha●● made our fainting soules partakers of that celestiall and blessed Manna thy sauing word Good Father as thou hast plentifully now fed vs with the milke of thy sacred word giue it Lord a relieuing and nourishing power to refresh and strengthen our soules to walke before thee in liuely and acceptable obedience and a sanctified conuersation Grant that the word now sowne in our eares may take deepe roote in our hearts and bring forth fruit manifold Let not the enuious man preuaile in casting in amongst thy good seed the cockle tares and weeds of sinne and iniquitie to the peruerting or preuenting of our new obedience Let not the thorny cares of this world trouble and choake nor the vanities of our corrupt mindes vinder the growth of this sauing seed in our hearts Let not the scorching Sun of ouer heaui● afflictions cause this fruit of saluation to wither but water it Lord with the continuall dew of thy holy Spirit as our vnfruitful and harren harts shall grow weak wanting this liuely foode supply it Lord from time to time by the preaching of thy word and giue vs diligent eares and obseruing hearts at all times and grant that wee bee not hearers only but doers of thy will And for that our hearts are hard to conceiue open our vnderstandings and for that our memories are short and vnable to retaine the sauing word giue vs hearts of continuall holy meditation that we may be euer chewing the cudde of that heauenly food and so digest the same that it may more more strengthen our faith vnto saluation And let the words O Lord which we haue now and formerly heard neuer returne in vaine but worke that holy effect for which thou hast appointed it namely the increase and confirmation of our faith in thee obedience repentance and newnes of life that we euer more and more hungring and thirsting for this sweete and sauing food may at length bee made able to liue in all holy and spotlesse conuersation before thee our heauenly Father and indeuour with all holy alacritie and ioyfulnes to take the aduantage of all oportunities to heare thee to speake vnto vs to follow and performe what thou commandest and to shun and with carefulnes to auoid what thou forbiddest Let nothing hinder vs Lord from a louing desire to repaire vnto thy house to refresh our soules with the bread of heauen and let vs not couet to bee seene of men onely hearers but found and allowed of thee doers of thy will Grant this Lord for thy Christs sake Amen Lord increase our faith A MOTIVE TO A Prayer to be said against malicious aduersaries FOr as much as the holy Ghost testifieth that our Sauiour Christ Iesus had his enemies he liuing in all holines integritie and innocencie should we mortall sinners corrupt and many wayes transgressing wretches thinke much to be hated maligned enuied and persecuted of men or doth any man thinke that if he do as his Master hath commanded hee shall not finde the same measure that his Master found who himselfe did what he would we should do and was only enuied for his well-doing Happie is that man that procureth enemies by his godly conuersation for it is certaine they that hate him for his sinceritie are not his but Gods enemies also But to draw men to hate vs for our vices their hatred is rather 〈◊〉 vertue commendable then a fault reproueable for it tendeth not vnto the hurt of our bodies but the reformation of our liues and as we shall begin to incline to godlines so will the hatred of the godly turn into loue And though Satan then step in to incoūter vs with his malignant ministers there is no cause to feare for thought thousands compasse vs about to deuour vs there shall be more with vs then with them fiue shal chase an hūdred and an hūdred put ten thousand to flight The Lord shall cause thine enemies that rise against thee to fall before thy face 〈◊〉 he made the enemies of Iacob to feare him for he feared God! God sometimes punisheth the enemies of his children by other meanes then by them to whom they are enemies as he gaue the enemies of Lot into Abrahams hands if we obey the Lord he will persecute them that couet to persecute vs though we be silent and desire no reuenge Vengeance is the Lords and he will reward There is no greater reuenge to be offered against an enemie then to leaue him to Gods reuenge and to liue in the presence of the enemy so as he can take no exceptions against our cōuer●ation vpright before God and men it breeds a terror in a tyra●nous aduersarie to see him whom he hateth to liue in the feare of God furious Saul was a●●aid of Dauid because he saw the Lord was with him If we could truely iudge of Gods purpose in sending vs enemies we should neuer be so disqui●ted at their practises against vs whether they threaten to kill vs as Saul did Dauid and the souldiers Paul and Iesabel ●liah or whether they vexe vs at the Law vniustly or slander vs maliciously or work any other mischiefe against vs treacherously if we feare God and rest vpon his prouidence he shall turne all their deuices to our good as he did the enuie of Ioseph● brethren Ioseph was condemned for an Adulterer Daniel for a Rebell Iob for an Hypocrite and Christ our Sauiour for a Malefactor And how did God worke for these Ioseph was freed and exalted Daniel cleared and iustified Iob restored approued though Christ were condemned for vs he was glorified and shall glorifie vs. Enemies are most necessarie euils as a man may terme them euill in themselues yet necessarie for vs we know that an
God must be conceiued of vs in our prayers as subsisting in the whole three persons the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost The vnitie in Trinitie and T●initie in vnitie is to be worshipped retaining in mind the distinction and order of all the three persons without seuering or sundring them for as they are conioyned in nature so are they to be conioyned in worship And therefore he that prayeth vnto God the Father for the forgiuenesse of his sinnes must aske it of him for the merits of the Sonne and by the assurance of the holy Ghost and he that prayeth for the remission of sinnes to God the Sonne must pray that he would procure the Father to graunt him pardon and to assure it by his Spirit He also that prayeth for the same to God the holy Ghost must pray that he would assure vnto him the remission of his sinnes from the Father for and by the merits of his Sonne Thus must we apprehend the Trinitie in our prayers so shall we auoide that idolatrous conceiuing of him imbraced of some who cannot pray vnlesse they haue the figure of a humane creature to represent vnto their bodily eyes the shape of God the Father in likenesse of an olde man and a crucifixe figuring Christ suffring on the Crosse and the holy Ghost by a Doue whose worship cannot bee reputed spirituall but carnall and their prayers not heauenly but prophane Prayer is a spirituall action proper onely to the children of God who are Saints by calling sanctified in Christ And they and none other truely call vpon the name of the Lord Iesus prophane persons pray not though they seeme to pray But most happie is that man that commeth vnto God Father Sonne and holy Ghost truely prepared and duely attentiue he may boldly aske and confidently assure himselfe to receiue grace for grace and all blessings spirituall without limitation and all benefits corporall needfull If our prayers bee made in vs by him who hath promised and hath power to giue what we aske shall wee thinke hee will faile to performe The hope of hypocrites in deed shall perish and their prayers vanish as the smoake because they wait vpon lying vanities and desire carnall pleasures and worldly profits But the Lord will surely fulfill the desires of them that feare him because their prayers tend to the setting foorth of Gods glory to the good of the Church to the remission of their owne sinnes and other mens to the obtaining of Gods graces to the increase of the vnderstanding of heauenly things that they may walke before God and be vpright that they may doe the workes and bring sorth the fruits of the spirit These are the prayers that are the PENSIVE SOVLES DELIGHT These are the prayers that wound the Serpent that please God bringing peace to the conscience afflicted But which is to bee lamented all men are dull by nature And the very elect sometimes weakely disposed to pray And therefore is euery godly man to vse all holy meanes to inkindle their hearts to the right performance of this heauenly dutie And nothing more preuaileth therein then Meditation whereunto wee are also very vnapt by nature and know not how nor vpon what ground to lay the foundation therof yet if we can truly frame our hearts to a holy Meditation wee shal find that it is the very key that openeth our dull hearts lockt vp vnder griefe vnder feare vnder trouble vnder persecutiō misery and sendeth forth by litle and litle the fire of true zeale which at length becommeth a great flame of preuailing prayers which thing they easily find that are conuersant in this sacred exercise of Meditation and Prayer who yet many times finde themselues most dull and most vnapt to pray hauing yet an inward desire thereunto which desire they cannot containe but labouring a while in silence speaking inwardly to God in sighes and groanes at length they speake effectually with their tongues Seeing therefore that all men need motiues to stirre them vp to prayer let euery man addresse himselfe to the word of God or peruse some godly worke of religious men And although vocally he cannot reade by reason of his naturall dulnes yet if his heart can be but conuersant and duely attend the sence as the eye obserues the letter his minde by little and little shall mount it selfe from earth to heauen fixed on the Trinitie whence shall arise such spirituall fruits of faith and feruencie of spirit as shall fill the soule with more sweet consolation byinkindled praier then the tongue can vtter And to this end gentle Reader according to the small measure of mine vnderstanding I haue prefixed before euery prayer a Motiue or Meditation touching the substance and matter of the Prayer following Thankesgiuing after Prayer The third and last duty in this holy exercise is Thankesgiuing which cannot but follow sanctified praiers that with such ioy in the holy Ghost as it cannot but break forth into most vnspeakeable inward thākfulnes to God who hath beene so graciously pleased not only to forgiue our sins but to helpe our infirmities by his holy spirit by whom wee haue had accesse vnto the throne of grace found such fauour with God in Christ as we haue obtained by the holy Ghost both the will and the power to pray Also we ought in all things to giue thankes to God for euery blessing and benefit wee receiue at his hands according to the counsell and precept of the Apostle who commands vs to giue thankes alwayes for all things vnto God euen the Father in the name of our Lord Iesus Christ Ephes. 5. 20. Thus much touching the admonition Great Britaines happines in regard of the free vse of the Gospell in respect of other Nations FInally I thinke it not impertinent altogether by way of comparison to consider of our happines in being partakers of the free vse of the Gospell in respect of the most vnhappie condition of many Nations and infinite people that either know not God at all or knowing him honour him not as God The Old and New Testaments haue beene freely opened vnto vs neere threescore yeares without Persecution and so it hath not been in any one Kingdom we reade of Some Kingdomes and Free States in their Iurisdictions haue and doe in a sort permit the Gospell but with the same tolerate contrary religions professions Where doth the freedome of the Gospell appeare as in Great Britaine In what Kingdome is it so publikely receiued so plentifully preached and so freely professed without danger or contradiction We haue heard and seene the troubles of the Netherlands and the Massacres of France and the persecutiōs in other territories for the profession of the Gospell and we all this while haue quietly enioyed that for the profession wherof many haue perished May wee not therefore truely say with Dauid The Lord hath not dealt so with euery Nation Queene ELIZABETH restored Religion almost smothered by Queen
most holy mystery by the outward receiuing of visible bread wine worke gracious Lord in me a true liuely and spiritual feeling of the grace which thou hast promised vnto all worthy Receiuers And for as much as our assurance dependeth vpon thy promise and thy promise confirmed vnto vs by a liuely faith and that faith is thine owne free gift also by the operation of thy holy Spirit worke in me Lord this faith that may confirme vnto mee the effect of thy promise the free forgiuenesse of my sinues newnes of life a holy and sanctified conuersation a right reuerend vse of all thy creatures a religious feare to offend thee and vnfained loue of thee in Christ that as I haue bin now a partaker of the outward elemēts I may also and absolutely partake of the inuisible grace that my soule may be liuely and continually fed with that heauenly bread which maketh our soules strong in and by him whose bodie and bloud I haue here sacramentally eaten drunke and thereby through faith am vnited euen of thy free mercie vnto and made one with thee in him in whom whosoeuer is truly ingrafted shall liue for euer in the glorious heauens with him as coheires of that endlesse Kingdome of glory which he purchased by his obedience to the death of the Crosse. Good father let the remembrance of that his death be so imprinted in my hart this day that I neuer forget it but couet to renue and continually retaine the remembrance thereof by often communicating at this holy Table which though it be as a snare vnto the vnworthy partakers it is a sure seale of saluation to the faithfull truly penitent And therefore good Father confirme my repentace renue mine obedience strengthen my faith Make me a liuely member of Christ that as I haue this day promised to become a new creature and thou hast renued againe to me thy promise of remission of my sins and of my reconciliation with thee through the bloud of the Lambe Let this holy and heauenly condition be truely performed in my behalfe for euer So shall I be assured that thou wilt neuer faile in thy sacred couenant of grace to me being euer the same yea and Amen Thou Lord knowest my strong corruptions and the feeblenesse of my naturall power to resist sinne and what strong and powerfull aduersaries there lie in wayte for my soule laying continuall snares to entangle mee anew to make if it were possible this my reuniting into thee in Christ of none effect and to seduce me again into the wayes of vngodlines But good Father preuent me with thy grace that as I haue promised this day to forsake sinne and cleaue vnto righteousnesse so I may performe and perseuere in a sanctified life vnto my liues end through Christour Lord. Lord increase and confirme my faith euermore A MOTIVE TO a Prayer to be sayd of a man in any kind of trouble ALthough the word of God do approue Afflictiō to be necessary for them that shall be saued yet is it otherwise thought and helde of the carnall man who can hardly beleeue that it is a token of the loue of God towards him hee rather perswades himselfe that when God sends him great increase of Cattell Corne Oyle Wine Health Worldly prosperitie and the pleasures of this life that then God loues him But how farre hee is deceiued the holy Ghost declareth by the Prophet Dauid who confessed that it was good for him that he was afflicted And Christ himselfe affirmeth that through many troubles his Saint● must enter into the kingdome of heauen Not by pleasures delites of the flesh and vanities of the mind If we did remember the sentence pronounced for Lazarus and against the Rich man and did duely consider it we could not but thinke prosperitie rather dangerous then delightfull and that a meane estate is more profitable then painefull Thou hast receiued thy pleasure saith Abraham but contrarily Lazarus indured paine Therefore art thou tormented and he is comforted No other reason is alleadged of either sentence yet neither of them is said to be punished or preserued for the ill or good that the one or other did Onely fulnesse and want plenty and penurie pleasure and paine are said to be the causes of either condition Not that the ones riches in themselues deserued damnation but the abuse or that the others pouertie deserued saluation but his patience which yet was not the cause but the effect of Gods election And the others abuse of the blessings of God an argument of his reprobatiō But God to preuent the grosse fruits of corruption in vs maketh our powers weake and our willes thereby the more conformable to his will As Physicke often preuenteth a disease that begins to seaze on the bodie and for the time is harsh lothsome bitter and much vnsauorie yet salutary in the end So is Affliction of whatsoeuer kinde medicinable to such as can brooke and digest it through faith patience and prayer and bringeth the affections into a sanctified temper That the vnholy humours of pride arrogancie auarice lust and other corporall and earthly vanities oppresse not the soule which is carried by the violence of superfluous vanities into many noysome desires and consequently into infinite hazards of making shipwracke of saluation Take it not therefore heauily whatsoeuer thou art that art visited with whatsoeuer crosse or triall although in it own nature it be euill being a punishment of sinne for he that made the bitter waters of Mara sweet and changed the nature thereof for his Israels sake hath changed the nature of the crosse to them that are his insomuch as they not onely find comfort in it But many sweet effects it bringeth foorth making them glorious in their basenesse rich in their pouertie strong in their weakenesse and liuely in their seeming death Moreouer it causeth vs to see how iust how prouident and how mercifull the Lord is how weake and miserable all mankind is And how fickle how inconstant and false the world is It beates downe the pride of nature and humbles vs that we are not so prone and apt to sinne as when wee haue prosperitie at will As our sins and transgressions are the fruits of our corruptions So are afflictions and crosses necessarie to mortifie them and to preuent their increase To speake of the kindes of trouble they are many yet may be reduced vnder these three heads pouertie sicknesse enemies vnder the first are comprehended the want of al necessaries vnder the second the griefes of body and mind and vnder the third whatsoeuer is aduersarie vnto vs. And therefore the prayer following is fit to be vsed in any of these that the Lord will be either pleased to remoue them to moderate their extremitie or to giue patience to vndergoe it A generall meditation or prayer in whatsoeuer trouble or crosse GRacious and most mercifull Lord God whose wisedome is past finding out and whose prouidence
he shal recouer and liue with them which kinde of comfort is rather iniurious then friendly for what if the partie thus idlely secured perish without repentance These kindes of comforters haue little cause to imagine they haue performed a Christian dutie in this their visitation of their sick friend whom they seemed to loue much bewailing his sicknes and yet content to send him away with the heauie burden of his sinnes A second Christian duty is to pray for the sicke either in priuate or in publike assemblies of and with such as are present with the sick person wherein also the sicke person may conioyne either in the whole prayer by an inward lifting vp of his repenting and faithful heart to God in a holy meditation of what they pray or to conclude with them all Amen The prayer of the faithfull auaileth much if it be feruent The Lord by this meanes will strengthen him vpon his bed raise him to health or translate him in his good time To visite the sicke is an action most acceptable to God Yee haue visited me saith Christ when I was sicke therefore c 〈…〉 yee blessed c. Them that comfort the afflicted God will comfort He is the Father of mercies and comforteth vs 〈◊〉 all our tribulations that we may be able to comfort them which are in any aff 〈…〉 by the comfort wherewith we our selues are comforted of God O Lord increase my faith A Prayer to be said for a sicke man or woman of his or her friendes that visite them O Most gracious Lord God who hast made all things preseruest euen the meanest of them by thy prouidence a sparrow lighteth not on the ground without thee Much lesse can any thing befall man but by thy will and determinate counsell So that we doe acknowledge that thou visitest this thy seruant here at this present languishing and that the present infirmity wherewith he is afflicted is of theesent to humble him for his sinnes Let it please thee O Lord to behold him in mercy and lay not vpon him too great a weight of thy dispeasure knowing that man in his greatest strength is weake how much more feeble being crushed as it were in ●eeces by the violence of thy visitation mitigate if it please thee the extremitie of his sicknesse and giue him patience to beare this thy light and louing correction And for that sinne is the cause of all troubles and tribulations Remoue Lord the guilt of all his offences through the merits of Iesus Christ and moderate his punishmēt though in iustice the most iust man is worthy of more stripes then he is able to beare yet thou refusest no truely repenting sinner bee his sins as re● as scarlet thou hast promised to make them as white as snow through the blood of Iesus Christ the sauing Lambe that taketh away the sinnes of the world Touch the hart of this thy seruant with a liuely feeling of his sinnes and a full assurance of thy mercy in forgiuing them That hee being really reunited vnto thee through an ●ufained faith in Christ may ●ouze vp his fainting soule vnto thee and by thee that howsoeuer his corporall weakenesse may argue the heauy displeasure towards him thy holy Spirit may yet work such peace in his conscienc through the assurance that his sins are freely forgiuen him that hee may take this thy visitation as a fatherly correction and louing chastisement for his former offences And that if thou be pleased to restore him to health it may worke in him a true renouation reformation of the rest of his life heare haue mercy vpon him O Lord haue mercy vpon him and according to the multitude of thy mercies doe away all his offences Looke fauourably vpon him cure him if it please thee restore him to health if it may stand with thy glory and his good But thou knowest Lord whether sickenesse or health bee most expedient for him whereof both he and wee are ignorant And therefore wee recommend him vnto thy fatherly disposition beseeching thee to confirme his hope assure him so of thy mercie that hee may imbrace life or death at thy pleasure and willingly to vndergoe this affliction knowing that all the tribulations which man can beare in this life are not worthy of the glory which thou hast prepared for them that loue thy second comming wh●● thou wilt giue to euery man according to his workes And therfore Lord turne his heart from the loue and vanities of this life vnto th● loue of the ioyes to come And 〈◊〉 him no longer set his heart and affections vpon this world or th● things in the world but onely and altogether vpon heauen and heauenly things That when the moment of time shall be wherein th●● shalt determine the separation 〈◊〉 his soule from the bodie let 〈◊〉 the common enemie of our salu●tion preuent him But let thy sanctifying spirit possesse all th● powers of his soule that with holy alacritie and cheerefulnesse he may commend his spirit into thy hands and be thou pleased to re●●iue him as one of thine adopted children into that celestial inheritance by the merits of Christ And in the meane time while hee shall rest here either in health or sickenesse be euer present with him for whose bodily recouery and hi● soules saluation O Lord hear● our prayers and let our cry come vnto thee Amen O Lord increase his and our faith for euermore A MOTIVE TO A Prayer before a man b●gin his Iourney HEe that well considereth the casualties of this life and hath but the least measure of vnderstanding and of the feare of God cannot attempt the least enterprise of the body but will forecast diuers dāgers incident in euery action much more taking a Iourney on horse or foot being subiect to so many misfortunes and crosses as he maketh steppes in his wayes It is not rare to heare of one breaking his legge another his arme a third bruzing his body a fourth comming to vntimely death by falling off or from his horse nay the slip of the foote hath many wayes occasioned death besides hazard of meeting with and suff●ring danger by the ministers of Sathan and by malignant men laying wait to doe mischiefe Our bodies being thu● daily and vniuersally beset with perill requireth watchfulnesse in our wayes and walkings But it is not in our power wisdome to preuent the least crosse much lesse able are we to defend our selues as of our selues frō the hidden and sudden misfortunes of this lifes casualties And therefore had we neede to leaue our owne selfe wisedome and prouidence though not our Christian care and betake v● to the holy protection of the Holy one of Israel who guided Iacob in his Iourney towards Laban and the seruant of Abraham iourneying for a wife for Isack But they prayed for good successe So must euery faithfull man if he hope of the like Otherwise as the Lyon mette the Prophet and s●ue him So can God rayse