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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A07575 The helpe and grace of almighty god ...; Festial Mirk, John, fl. 1403? 1493 (1493) STC 17960; ESTC S100722 238,982 226

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nō ora●ē pro illo nisi vt pro diabolo ¶ If I wyst for trouth that my fader were dampned in to helle I wolde neuer pray for hym but as for the deuyl of hell for there is noo prayer of holy chirche that helpeth a dampned man thenne after thyse orysons the crosse is broughte forth to the whiche all cristē people shold worshyp this day in worship of hym that this daye deyed on the crosse And pray our lord to forgyue vs our trespace as Criste prayde to his fader of heuen to foryeue hem that dyde hym on the crosse ¶ Narracio ¶ There was a knight somtyme and that was a grete lorde and he hadde a worthy man vnto his sone And soo it happ●● that another knyght and his man fell atte debate and soo this knight ●lewe hym wherfore the fader off this man that was dede gadered a grete multytude of people and pursued that othere knyghte where someuer he wente to haue slayn hym nyghte and daye soo that he myght haue noo reste but euer he dyde flee for fere of his lyf ¶ Thenne it happed on a good friday this knyght sawe all cristen people go to the chirche And he bethoughte hym that Cryste deyed that daye on the crosse for all mankynde and put hym only on the mercy of almyghty god and wente to the chirche wyth other people to serue god and whan he was in the chirche anone this other knyghte hadde worde and come wyth moche peple in to the chirche and his swerde drawen in his honde for to sle hym and whan this other knighte sawe that and wiste well that had trespaced to hym fyll downe to the groūde wyth his armes sprad abrode as our lord Ihesu Crist spradde his armes on the crosse said ¶ For his loue that this daye spradde his armes on the Crosse and suffred passion and deyed for the and me and all mankynde haue thou mercy on me And forgyue me thy sones dethe ¶ Thenne this knyghte thought it hadde be to horrible a thinge to smyte hym ¶ whyle that he leye soo and cryed hym mercy soo me●ely and anone he put vp his swerde and said to him Now for his loue that this daye deyed on the crosse for the ●ne and all mankynde I foryeue the and to ve hym vp and kys●● hym and anone wente to doo worship to the Crosse knelyng And whan this knighte wolde haue kyssed the fete of the crosse the ymage loseth his armes fro the crosse And beclpped the knighte aboute the necke and kyssed hym and spake thus that all the people herde I foryeue the as thou hast foryeuen for the loue off me ¶ And thus all cristen people sholde doo thenne they shold haue mercy and grace of god and blisse euerlastinge Amen ¶ In die pa●he GOode frendis ye shall knowe well that this daye is called in many places goddis sondai ye knowe well that it is the maner in euery place of worship at this daye to do the fyre out of the alle and the blacke wynter brondis and all thing that is foule wyth smoke shall be doone awaye and there the fyre was shall bee gayly arayed wyth fayre floures and strewed wyth grene risshes all aboute shewyng a gret ensample to all crystē people ¶ Lyke as they make clene her houses to the syghte of the peple in the same wyse ye shold clense your soules d●yng awaye the fowle brennyng sinne of lechery put all thyse awaye and cast out all thy smoke dust and strewe in your soules floures of feyth charite and thus make youre soules 〈◊〉 to receyue your lord god at the fest of ester Deponentes omnē malicia● And put awaye all maly●e all sorowe for ryght as ye wyll suff●e no thinge in your house that stynketh and sauoureth euyll wherwyth ye may bee deceyued Ryght soo Cryst whan he cometh in to your hous of your soules and he fynde there ony stynke of wrathe enuy or ony other dedely synne ▪ hee wyll not abyde there But anone he goth his waye then cometh the fende in and bydeth there thenne may that soule be sory that is so forsakē of god and betaken to the fend thus it is w●th those that ben in wrathe and enuy or in ony dedely synne and wylle not forgyue to hem that hath trespassed to hem for noo prayer he shall noo forgyuenesse haue for our lorde saith thus Dimittite et dinuttemi● Forgyue ye ye shall haue forgyuenesse And therfore euery Crysten man and woman shold serche well her conscience and make hem able to receyue her sauyor Ihesu crist very god mā ¶ Narracio ¶ There was somtyme an holy bysshop that prayed ofte besely to god that he myght haue grace to see and knowe whiche were worthy to receyue that holy sacramente and come to goddis borde thenne on a tyme as he shold housel the people He sawe some come wyth her faces as rede as blode and blode droppe oute of her mouth●● And some her faces were as blacke as any pit●he and some were fayre and redde and lusty to be holde and some as brighte as ony snowe Thenne amonge all other he sawe two comyn wymmen came and their faces shone and bryght as the sonne than had the bysshop grete merueyll of that sight and p●eyed to god to gyue hym reuelacion to wy●e what all this betokened thēne ther came to hym an angel said those that haue blody faces and blode dropp●th out of her mouthis be enuyous peple and wrathfull and wyl not amēde hem therof and euer they been bacbytyng and slaundrynge her neyghbours And ben euer redy to swere othes therfore her mouthes shall drop blacke blode tyll they come to amendement And those that hauen blacke faces as pytche ben lecherous and wyll not leue her synne and ben grete· synners in many degrees and wyll not amende hem They that haue theyr faces whyte as ony snowe those be they that haue doon greate synne and ben shryuen therof And ben sory for her synnes for the weping of her eyen had wasshed her soules and made hem clene soo they ben in clene lyfe and truly labour for her lyuynge ¶ And those two comyn wymmen that shyne so bryght passyng al other they were gret synners and were sore aferde whan they came to chirche and toke a greate repentaunce in her hertes that they made a vow to god preyeng hym hertely to take noo vengeaunce on hem And they wolde forsake her synne and neuer doo amysse more wherfore god of his grete grac● and 〈…〉 ●o●g●●ue them her trespas and all her synnes and the sorowe of her hertes hath soo wasshen her soules that they shyne bryghter than all other and thenne the angell wen●● his waye and the bisshop kneled downe and thanked god for his reuelacion and therfore take ensample by thyse two comen wymmen and be sory for your sinnes and repente you in your hertes and purpose neuyr to
this present world Therfor he ordeyned this present feste to be halowed in the next thursdaye after the feste of the holy Trynyte for all crysten people that wyll be sauyd muste haue sad beleue in the holy sacramēt that is goddis owne body in fourme of brede made by the vertue of crystis wordes that the prest sayth by workyng of the holy ghoste ¶ Thenne for this holy pope thoughte to drawe people to more deuocion and better wyll to this holy sacrament and to doo seruyce this daye he graunteth to all that ben worthy that be they that be verey contryte and shreuen of her synnes be in the chirche at bothe euynsonges at matyns and at masse For eche a ● dayes of pardon and for eche hour off the day xl daies of pardō● for euery day of the vtas a C. dayes of pardō in remission of all her synnes for euermore enduryng thenne ye shall vnderstonde that Our lord Ihesu cryste on sherethursdaye at nyght whan he had souper and wyst well in the morowe● that he shold suffre his passion and dethe and passe oute of this worlde vnto his fadre in heuyn He ordeyned a perpetuall memory of his passion to abyde for euir with all cristen peple in erth He tooke brede and wine and made his owne flesshe and blode and gaue it to his disciples to ete and to drynke said Accipite et manducate hoc est corpus meum Take ye this and ete it for it is myn oune flesshe and blood And this he dyd for they sholde haue mynde of him so he yaue other prestys power to make his body of brede and wyne Thus euery preeste hath power to make the sacrament be he good or badde For the sacramente may no man amende nor payre but he that is a good man and a holy lyuer helpyth greatly them that he prayeth fore And he that doth the offyce of the preest worthely and trulye shal be gladde and ioyfull that euir he was borne Fo●●●re lorde hath yeuyn a preest a 〈…〉 power here in erthe that he gaue neuir to aungell in heuen that is to make his owne body in fourme of breed Therfor ye shal haue worshippe more in heuyn thanne any tong can tell or herte thynke And he that is an euyll lyuer and knoweth him selfe in dedely synne and presumeth to mynistre that worthy sacrament and wyl nat amende him he may be sure of perpetuel dampnacion with fendys of hel in euirlastinge peyne Thenne shall ye vnderstonde that he graunteth this sacrament to be vsed for euirmore in holy churche For foure causes that be nedefull to all cristen people The firste is for mannys grete helpynge The secounde for cristes passion myndynge The thridde for greate loue shewynge And the fourthe for grete mede getting Nota quod propter nouem raciones prodest homini audire missā secundū augustinum Saint Austyn sayth it profytteth greatly all cristen peple to here masse and in especial for ix causes ● sayth thus Quia illo die qua audieret missā necessaria cibaria cōcedūtur For that day that he heryth a masse he shall nat fayll of noo bodily fode nor no necessary thynge that shall be longynge to nor no lett shall haue in his iournaye where that he trauayleth The secounde is all venyall synnes shall be forgyue him and ydel wordes The thridde is that if aman dye it shal stonde for his housell The fourth he shall nat that day lose his sighte The fyfte all ydell othes that day shall be foryeuyn The vi that daye he shal 〈◊〉 no soden dethe The vii aslonge as he heryth the masse he shall nat w●● olde The viii all all his steppes towarde and from warde the churche h●● goode aungyll reknyth to his saluacion The nynthe all the while that he beholdeth the holy sacramente all wycked spirites flee from him and haue no power ouir him be he neuir so grete a synner This helpe and socour we haue of the holy goost and of the sacrament here in erthe and at oure laste ende al cristen people woll sende after the p●●este to cōme to him with goddes body ▪ and to resceyue it knowynge wel that he beleuyth stedfastly that it is the same flesshe and bloode that criste toke of oure lady saint mary and was born of her body very god man and after suffred passion and deth on the crosse for mankynde and leyde in tombe and rose from deth to lyue and now syttethe on his faders right hond in heuyn and shall cōme ayen at the daye of dome and deme the quycke and the dede euery man after his deseruynge So with this parfite beleue al cristen peple shal be armed and made stronge to wythstonde the fendes that wyll cōme and assayle at the departynge bitwene the body and the soull for thenne fendes cōme besily to bringe him out of the beleue Thenne shall the sacrament that a man hath resc●yued in his lyf make him mighty and stronge that he shall sette all the fendes at noughte and soo ouircōme th●ym A nother skyll that the sacramente is broughte to a man to aske mercy of criste and remission of his synnes hauynge full truste and byleue that criste is euir redy to forgyue al theym that wyl aske mercy with a meke herte as dauid sayth Cor contritum et humiliatum deus non despicies A contrite herte and a meke oure lorde shall neuir dispyse and that we may se by ensample whanne he hange vpon the crosse bitwene ii theuys that were men of cursed lyuynge And therfore they were ordeyned to be dede that one asked mercy with a meke hert and sayd in this wyse Domine duz veneris in regnū tuum memento mei Lorde quod he whanne thou cōmyste to thy kyngdome haue mynde of me anoon at his firste asking he gaue him mercy more ouir he sayd to him thus Hodie mecum eris in paradiso This day thou shalte be with me in paradise And that other theef wolde aske no mercy in noo wyse for pryde he had in his herte and therfore he was dampned to hell Thus oure lorde Iesu cryste shedde his blood on the crosse in helthe of all mankynde So in the masse he shewyth his blood in grete socoure helpe and saluacion to all mankynde and the same flesshe and blood is shewed euery day in the masse for we sholde beleue stedfastly theron And he that beleuyth nat theron verily that it is so shall nat be sauyd at the day of dome ¶ Narracio ¶ Therfore I tell you this ensample that is in the lyf of Odo the Busshop of Caunterbury this busshop had wythe him clerkes that bele●yd nat parfytely in the sacrament of the auter and sayd they coude nat beleue that the bodye and blood of crist myght be mynistred in the masse Thenne was this busshop sory and prayed to god besily for her amendement And so on a day whanne he was at the
whan saint wolstone visited his busshopriche the people brought a man bifore him that dyd his neyghboures moche disease wold neuyr be in peas praynge the busshop to chastice him whan the busshop hade prechyd to this man he was euir le●gre the worse Then the busshop and al the peple prayed to saint mathye to shewe some myracle by this mā what he was worthy to haue Then anoon in sighte of all the peple there came oute of the erthe ii fendes with brennynge hokes and plucked this quycke man doune to hell And whan he was gone the people were releuyd and had reste and peas euyr after Amen De annunciacione beate marie virginis gOode frendes suche a daye ye shall haue an highe and a solempne feste in holy churche thannūciacion of oure lady he that hath auowed or ioyned in penaunce must faste the euyn ¶ ye shall vnderstonde that it is called thannūciacion for this cause For the fad of heuyn sent his angel gabriel Missus est angelus gabriel a deo in ciuitatē cui nomen Nazaret In the cyte that was called Nazareth to oure lady that was newe weded by the byddynge of god and reuelacion of the holy ghooste to a man called Iosephe And as she was in her chambre in her praiers the angell gabriell come to her said Oure lorde is with the Then was she gretly astonyed of this gretynge For there was in the countre a man that coud moche wichcraft so with helpe of fendes he made hym self ly● an angel came to dyuerse maydens said he was sente from god to theym on his message so ofte tymes laye by hem dyde hem grete vylonye thenne whā our lady herde telle of that man she was a drad lest it had be he For she had spoke wyth noo angell before nor ther were no suche wordes ne suche gretinges made neuer none to her before Thenne gabriell the angell comforted her and saide ¶ Ne timeas maria inuenisti graciam apud dn̄m Drede not mary forsoth thou hast foūde grace at our lord For amonge al the wymen our lord hath chosen the for to be moder of his sone And hym thou shal cōceyue by feyth by loue of the holy goost wythout ony dede of mā that shal shadow the. quenche al flesshely lust tende the lyght of goostely loue that thou shalt cōceyue the sone of the hyghe god And thus thou shal be moder mayde so was neuer none before Thenne anone our lady herde thise wordes and anone therwyth come a spirituel swetenesse ioye in her herte that anone or ony erthely man cowde telle it so wyth al the reuerēce of mekenesse that she cowde She answerde thus ayen and sayde Ecce ancilla domini fiat michi secundum verbum tuum Lo here goddis own mayd redy to goddis wyl prayng it may be to me ryght as thou sayst Thus that blissed body cōceyued our lord Ihesu cryst in euerlastyng ioye to al the world Thus I ma eye lykē our lady to a precioꝰ stone called onyx it is as clere as ony cristall shal of kynde whan the sonne shyneth hote on hym he openeth and receyueth a droppe of the dewe of heuen in to hym and closed ayen tyl ix monethes after thenne it openeth and falleth out a stone of the same kinde and so closeth ayen as euer it was ▪ and neuer openeth after Thus our lady was as clene as ony cristal for the hote loue of the holy goost at the ix monethis ende she was delyuered of her sone our lord Ihesu criste and was after as clene mayden as she was to fore Thenne whan the angell had done h●s message he wente his waye to heuen ▪ And our lady wente to her cosyn elysabeth that was grete wyth ch●ld with Saynt Iohan baptist And when she come to Elysabeth she grete her m●kely And assone as our lady spake to Elysabeth the childe in elysabethis wōbe pleyde and made grete ioye For he sawe that our lord had take mankynde and was come to saue hem that was lorn Thenne our lady dwelled there wyth Elysabeth her cosyn tyll the tyme that saynt Iohan was borne and was mydwyfe to Elysabeth and toke saynt Iohan from therthe and ther she lerned all that her neded for to knowe ayenst the tyme that her sone shold be borne And was parfyte ynough therof Thenne mekely she toke her leue and wente home ayen to Nazareth Thenne thoughte Ioseph he wold go loke how his wyf dyde and wente towarde her And whan our Lady herde of his comynge she wente ayenst hym and grete hym full mekely But whā Ioseph sawe her grete wyth childe he merueyled gretely how that myght be For well he wyste it was not his for he had neuer part of her body in that degree For he knewe well that she had made a vowe before that she wold neuer haue parte of mannys body And thought how that he was made to wedde her by the byddynge of the holy gooste and grete myracle shewynge thought right in his herte he was not worthy to dwelle in her companye thoughte in his herte to haue gone home ayen and to leue her there Thenne come an angell to hym and sayd be not aferde to take mary thy wyf to thy kepyng for it is of the holy gooste that is quycke in her body For thou shalt be kepar and norissher to her child whā it is borne calle it Ihesus For he shall be sauyour to all the world Thenne ye shall vnderstonde that for iiii causes As saynt Ambrosius saith Oure lady was wedded to this olde man Ioseph The firste was yf she had conceyued wythout wedlocke the iewes wolde haue said that she had be an euyll woman of her body and soo haue stoned her to deth The second cause was for she was soo shame faste that and she had herde ony haue put ony defam to her she wold haue deyed for sorowe The thirde cause was for Ioseph sholde bere wytnesse of her maydenhode The fourth cause for Ioseph sholde helpe her at her byrthe and brynge her to Bethelem and after in to Egypte and so ayen in to her own countrey For thise four causes she was wedded to this olde man Ioseph and also to begyle the fende that he shold not knowe hym fro another childe Now haue ye herde of the Annunciaciō There be some people that aske a question why there stondeth a wyne potte wyth lilyes betwene our Lady and gabriell the angell at her salutacion This is the cause For our Lady at her salutacion conceyued by feyth ¶ Narracio ¶ It befell thus vpon a cristmas day that a Cristen man and a Iewe satte to gyder and spake of the Concepcion of our lady and as they were there stode a wyne pot to fore them with a lilie therin Thenne sayde the cristen man we byleue that our lady conceyued lyke as this lylye conceyued coloure of grene
and after brengeth forth a whyte floure wythout crafte of man or ony peyryng to the stalke Ryght so our lady conceyued of the holy gooste and after brought her sone our lord Ihesu Cryste wythoute ony wemme of her body That is flour and cheef of alle wymmen Thenne said the iewe whā I see a lylye sprynge oute of the dede stalke that standeth in this pot thenne wyl I byleue that thou sayst to be trewe And anon ther wyth sprange a whyte lyly oute of the dede stocke that stode in that same wyne pot And whā the iewe sawe that anone he felle doune to the grounde vpon his knees and sayd thus Lady now I see well that thou conceyued wyth the holy gost our lord Ihesu criste goddis sone of heuen And thou were clene mayden both before the birth and so anone he was cristened so after he was a full holy man And this is the cause wherfore that the pot wyth the lily is set betwene our lady the angel For ryght as the iew disputed wyth the Cristen man of the maner of the Concepcion So our lady disputed wyth the angell of the maner how she shold conceyue be both moder mayde or she consented therto Thenne ye that wyl faste the v. euens of our lady in the worship of the v. ioyes that she had of her sone The first whan she conceyued of the holy gooste and knewe that she was moder to goddis sone of heuen The ii was on cristmasse daye whan she was delyuered of her sone wythoute ony peyne of her body For as she conceyued wythout lust of her body also she was deliuered wythout peyne of her body The iii. ioye was on ester daye whan her sone rose from deth to life and come to her kyssed her and made her more ioyefull of his vprysing than she was sory off his deth The iiii ioye whan he styed vp to heu●n on holy thursday in the same flesshe and blode that he toke in her body The v. ioye was in her assumpciō whā she sawe her sone come wyth grete multitude of angelis and saintes to fette her to heuen to crowne her quene of heuen and emperes of helle and lady of the world and so al that ben in heuen shall do her reuerence and worshyp And al that ben in erthe shal doo her seruyce Thyse ben the v. ioyes that our lady had of her sone and ye shall vnderstonde that he that wyl grete our lady with v. Aues shal neuer come in to the peynes of helle ¶ Narracio ¶ we fynde wreten of an holy maydē that was denoute in our ladyes seruyce and euery daye greted her wyth v. ioyes Thenne it happed so on a daye that she fell seke felte her selfe well that she shold be dede and for fere she sighed wonder sore and made greate mone for by cause she wyft not wheder she shold goo after her deth Thenne come oure lady to her and said why arte thou so sory that hast made me so glad gretynge me wyth ioyes that I had of my sone therfor be not sory but knowe mell that thou shal go wyth me in to euerlastynge blysse and ioye wyth out ende Amen ¶ Narracio ¶ we fynde of saint Gylberte that on a tyme he was nye dede of the quyn●● and whan his throte was so grete and well nye dede that he myght not take breth our lady come to hym and sayd to hym Gylbert my seruaunt it were euyll do that thy throte shold suffre penaunce that hath soo oft tyme gladed me wyth ioyes and anone she toke her fayr pappe and mylked on his throte and wente her waye anone therwith he was hole and thanked our lady euer after De sancto Georgeo martire ●Ood frendes suche a daye ye shal haue saynt Georges daye The holy marter It is wreten in 〈◊〉 ●●fe that there was an horryble dragon besyde a cyte that was called C●●●e of the whiche dragon men of the Cite were sore aferde in so moche that by counseyll of the kynge euery daye thei gaue hym a childe and a shepe to ete For fere lest he wolde haue come in to the Cyte Thenne whan all the chyldren and the shepe were nye ete for by cause that the kyng hym self gaue thē the counseyll they constreyned hym that he had but a doughter to gyue her to the dragon Thenne the kynge for fere of the people wyth wepyng and grete sorowe makynge delyuered hem his childe and sente her forth to the place ●●ere as they were wont to set her own children and a shepe wyth her to abyde tyll the dragon come But than by the ordynaunce of god saynt George come tydyng that waye And whan he sawe this damoysell in her araye him thought she was a woman of greate byrth and asked her why she stode therre wyth the shepe in suche araye so mornynge Thenne answered she and said gentyll knyght well maye I morne make sorowe for I am a kynges doughter of this Cite and now I am sette here to be deuoured of a dragon that hath ete all the chyldren of this Cite be now dystroyed and nowe he muste haue me For my fader gaf hem counseyll therto and therfore gentyll knyght ryde hense faste and saue thy selfe leest the dragon sle bothe the and me Thenne sayd George damoysell that were grete shame and vylonye to me that am a knyghte well arayed And shold fle and thou a woman and sholdest abyde Thēne wyth that the dragon put oute his hede at an hole and spytted fyre proferd batayle to george he made a sygne of the crosse before hym and sett the spere in the reste and wyth grete myght bare downe the dragon to the grounde· And thenne he bad the damoysell bynde this dragon wyth her gyrdell about the necke And lede it wyth her in to the Cite and soo the dragon folowed after her as it hadde be a honde maide to bowe paciently· But whan the people of the Cyte sawe the dragon come they fledde for fere awaye Thenne George called the peple ayen and sayde to theym be not aferde For and ye wyll belyue in Criste and take cristēdom I wyll saue and sle this dragon and delyuer you of your enemye then were they so glad that anone xx thousand men wythoute wymen and children were cristened And the kynge the quene were first of all wyth al his housholde And thenne George slewe the dragon and bad the people tye oxen to hym and drawe it out of the Cite that the fauour of it dyde the peple no harme Thenne George bad the kynge edefye chirches in euery corner of his londe and be lusty to goddis seruyce and to honour and worship all the peple of holy chirche and euer haue cōpassyon and be sory for them that be pour or in ony dysease Thenne whan George had done thus and had torned al the londe to crysten feyth he herde of
goddis appostell poull wylle that al cristen peple shal take ensample of hym For he suffred moche trybulacion paciently that he reherceth in the pistell of this daye And sayd thus In laboribus plurimis Poull saith I haue be in many grete traueyles and often tymes in pryson sore bounden wyth cheynes of yron Quinque virgis cesus Fyue tymes beton wyth rodis scourgis on my bare body wyth paynemes Semel lapidatus And ones beten wyth stones and thre tymes in shyp brekyng ¶ Nocte ac die in profundum maris fui And I was in the grounde of the see a nyghte and a daye Sepe in periculis fluuium Many tymes in peryll of flodes Periculis latronum In peryll of theues and in perrell off bretherne that shewed true loue to me and were false and coūseyled other to dome dysease and troble In fame et siti In hongre and in thurste In ieiuniis multis In moche fastyng In multis vigiliis In longe wakynge In frigore In colde and in many other mischeues and peryll that were to longe to telle and all he suffred wyth good wyll euer thanked god of his swete sonde For wel he wyst that al thyse tribulaciōs disease was for sinne that he had do●● to fore to encrece his meryte ioye that shold come after wherfore al criste peple that wyl please god what maner disease or tribulaciō that come to hem be it s●kenes losse of catel or other goodes or deth of frendis take it pacietly mekely thinke it cometh for synne that thou hast do tofore or elles for grete increace of ioye blisse that thou shal haue after for it cometh of specyal grace there as god visiteth comyth there as god sendeth but there as he suffreth al their wyl is no good signe that he loueth therfore thanke god euer of his visitacion beseche hym euer of his mercy God knoweth our entēt therfore he foryeueth sone to al that asketh mercy wyth a meke herte Thus must a man suffre tribulaciō paciētly he must also do almes discretly whiche be figured by thy se lx dayes for lx is six ●ithes .x. so that by vi ye shal vnderstōde the vii werkes of mercy that comen out of the x. cōmaūdemētes the whiche ben thise to yeue mete drinke cloth herborow visite prysoners cōforte the sike blinde lame to berye them that ben ded thyse ben the vii werkes of mercy the whiche al cristen peple muste do the wyl be saued and haue mercy of god wherfor sexagesme begynneth this daye and endeth the wednesday in ester weke the whiche holy chirche speketh of thus Venite bendicti patris me● c. Come ye my faders blyssed children take the kyngdom of heuen that is ordeyned for you These same wordes god shal saye to you at the daye of dome to all that hath done almes dedes discretly And fulfylled the werkes off mercy yf they were of power that tho that ben not of power muste do they good wyl that shal fulfil the dede this must be doo discretely And how god teche this daye in the gospell by ensample and sayth thus Exiit qui seminat seminare se men suum ¶ A man went to sowe his sedes and as he sew some fell by the waye and fowles come and ete it and some fell emonge thornes and was lost and some fel in good erthe brought forth an C. folde encreace to this cryste sayth thus hym selfe Ego sum via veritas et vita ¶ I am the very ryght true lyffe and waye to heuen Thenne falleth his sede besyde the waye that yeueth not his almes for cristys sake dyscretly But for pryde pompe and vayn glory off the world and so leseth his mede and that I preue by ensample ¶ Narracio ¶ There was in Irlond a wonder riche man and dede moche almes in his lyfe in so moche that the peple wende he had be a saynt But whan he was dede he appered to one that he loued well in his lyf as black as ony pytche with an horryble stynke and sayd ye wene that I be a saynt but now I am suche as thou seest thenne sayd he where be thy almes dedes he sayd the wynde of vayn glory hath blowen theym away For he that dooth his almes for vayn glory of the world leseth his mede and the fēdes of the cyre destroyeth it Also he leseth his mede that yeueth his almes to suche as he knowe that ben in dedely synne And soo to mayntene theym in ther synne his s●de falleth amonge stones and weyeth d●ye And soo lesyth his mede his sede falleth amonge thornes that yeueth his good to riche people that hath noo nede therto and soo lesyth theyr mede But his sede falleth in goode erthe that yeueth his almes to good true people for they be goddis erthe ▪ and that sede shall yeue an hundred folde encreace in euerlastynge ioye and blisse and shall bee euerlastyng fode to them that don thus her almes dyscretly ye must also hate synne namely and flee it in al that ye may for he that hateth and fleeth synne loueth god and god loueth hym For god hateth synne in soo moche that he toke vengeaunce on all the worlde fo synne of lechery and in special for the synne ayenst kynde For whan god sawe this synne rennynge in alle the world soo vnworthely he said thus Me forthynketh that euer I made mā and said to noe ¶ Fac tibi archam Make the a shype of planed boordes as I shall teche the. and make chambres therin and take of al clene bestes the couple by hym self and mete and drinke wyth them ¶ Than made noe this shyp as god taughte hym square in the botom and iii C. cubytes of l●●ghthe and l. cubites in brede and xxx cubytes of heyght and this shepe was in makynge a C. yeres to shewe how merciable god is in taryeng to loke yf the people wold amende hem and how lothe he was to doo vengeaunce But the people was euer lenger the wors thenne by helpe of angelles all maner birdes and bestis were brought to noe And whan al were brought to the ship our lord bad noe and his wyfe and his iii. sones goo in to the ship by hem self And noes wyfe and her soones wyfes by hem self for the men sholde not comen wyth the wymmen so whan they were alle ynne god closed the dore to hem wythout forth Quadraginta diebus quadraginta noctibus aperti sunt celi ¶ Thenne it rayned xl dayes and xl nyghtes that the water bare the shype hygher than ony hyll by xl cubytes stode styll an C. dayes and xl And drowned all the worlde bothe people bestes saue those that were in the shype yet iosephus said in armany ther is an hylle and that is called Barus that was hygher than the water was and therfore dyuerse people haue opynyon there was moche peple
Crysten people that wyll calle hym And specyally in lernyng of the feyth but yet for mannys wyttes be dulle to lerne thēne they maye not se nor here ▪ but they be brought in by grete ensample But that people is not most comendable yf we may by ensample come the soner to the byleue in the fader and the sone and the holy ghoste thre persones and all one god take hede of this ensāple ▪ Of ▪ yse snowe and water howe y● thyse thre ben dyuerse eche in substaūce and yet is all but water ye may vnderstonde by the water the fader bi the yse the sone and by the snowe the holy ghoste water is an element that hathe grete myght and strenthe as the mayster Alisaunder sayth It is aboue heuen in the maner of yse side a castall and doth worship to heuen and anone it is vnder erthe And therthe is grounded vpon water And dauid saith in the psalter it is al about the worlde and in all thinge for in harde stones and yron somtyme is swete water for this water is soo full of myghte that is to vnderstonde the fader that his power is soo moche that he gouerneth al the worlde and knoweth all thynge all thynge is at his wylle and commaundement By the sone Ihesu crist ye shall vnderstonde yse that is water congeled harde and bretyll that is ihesu cryste very god and man that toke the substance and freilte of mankynd ¶ whan he was conceyued of the holy ghoste in the virgyn Mary and borne of her body god that suffred passion vndre ponce pylate done vpon the crosse deyed and was buryed and the thirde daye rose from deth to lif and after on holy thursday styed vp in to heuen and shall come ayen at the daye off dome and deme the quycke and the dede By the snowe ye shall vnderstonde the holy ghoste for ryght as snowe is but water and yse and lyghte in thayre but how noo man can telle So comyth the holy ghoste from the fader the sone Spiritus sanctus a patre et filio nō factus nec creatus nec genitus sed procedens But how it is for noo man to study for it excedith all mennys wytt to stody therupon but sadly byleue the fader is full god almyghty and of him come the sone full god and of hem bothe comyth the holy ghoste full god This trynyte was knowen in the fullyng of cryste as the gospell telleth· In baptismo cristi tota trnitas se manifestauit scilicet pater in voce filius in carne spiritus sanctus in colūba et totū celum apertum erat ¶ Thenne our lorde Ihesu cryste was baptised in the water of flom Iordan And all the people nye of the countree there aboute were baptysed there wyth hym and as they were in her prayers Et aperti sunt celi et spiritus sanctus descendit sicut colūba The holy goost come downe in liknesse of a whyte doue And lyghted on crystis hede Et vox de celo dicens Hic est filius meus dilectus in quo michi bene complacui And the fader spake in heuē and said Thou arte my welbeloued sone that pleaseth me well that was the holy trinyte that spake in his persone and the sone was bodely there in his persone Than Iohan baptist sayd to the peple Ecce agnus dei See the lambe of god And the holy goost was seen in his persone Sicut columbā descendentē ●s a 〈◊〉 done come downe and thise thre ben but one god in trinite wherfore it were full nedefull to all crysten people to praye besely soo that we maye haue grace to haue the parfight loue to byleue in the fader the sone and holy goost thre persones and one god in Trinyte ¶ Narracio ¶ we fynde that the moder of Saynt Edmunde of pountney as he stodyed of this holy trynyte she appered vnto him and leyed in his honde thre ringes eche with in other And in the first was wryten Pater The fader In the secound Filius The sone In the thirde Spiritus sanctus The holy gooste sayd My dere sone To suche fygures take hede and lerne what thou mayst And take good hede to this ensample For ryght as a rynge is rounde wythoute ony beginnyng and ending right soo ben thre persones in one god But for to stody how it myghte be it is but foly for it excedeth ony mannys wytt to muse ther vpon but sadly byleue ther vpon ¶ Narracio ¶ we rede of a clerke that was gretly lerned in dyuinyte the whiche stodyeth besely to haue broughte this in a boke why god wolde be byleued one god ● thre persones ● soo as he walked on a day stodyeng on this mater by the see sonde he was ware of a faire child sittyng on the see sonde had a lytyl shelle in his honde therwyth he toke water out of the see and cast it in to al●tyl pytte fast by Thenne sayd this mayster to this chyld Sone ●●at doost thou and he sayd Syre I am abowte to haue all this water y● is in the see in to this lytyll pytte Thēne said the mayster that shalt thou neuer doo it passeth ony mannys power Syre sayd he as soone shall I doo this as thou shall doo that thou arte aboute to doo And anone the child vanysshed awaye Thenne this mayster thought it was not goddis wyll lefte his stodyenge in that mater and thanked god hyghely By this ensample ye may see that it is not goddis wil that we shold muse in that mater But stedfastly belyue in the fader the sone and the holy ghoste Veni per fidem trinitatis Come by feyth and loue of this perfyght feyth of the trynite Veni per opera misericordie Come by the werkys of mercy doing Veni per opera iusticie Come to this belyue by doyng of werkis of rightwysnesse and thus ye shal come to this parfyte beleue fader sone holy ghoste Et tunc conoraberis corona glorie eterne ¶ And thenne thou shat be crowned wyth a crowne of euerlastynge Ioye and blisse to the whiche brynge vs to the holy Trinyte ¶ De corpore cristi GOod frendis ye shall vnderstonde that this daye is an hye And a solempne feste in holy chirche the feste of Corpus cristi it is the feste of oure lordis owne body the whiche is offred to the hye fa●er of heuen atte the auter in remyssion of oure synnes for all Crysten people that lyue here in parfyte lyf and charyte and grete socour and help in releuyng hem that ben in peynes of purgatory there abydyng the mercy of god ¶ ye shall vnderstonde that this feste was found by a pope that was called Vrban the v the whiche had grete grace and deuocion in the sacramente of the aulter consyderyng the grete mede helpe and socour to mannys soule And to the forderynge of lyuyng to all crysten people here in
that he sawe our lady was wyth elysabeth vnto the tyme that Iohan was borne and was mydwyf to elysabeth toke saynt iohan from the erthe and whan neyghbours herde that elysabeth had a sone they were full glad and come thyder as the maner was that tyme. to gyue the chyld a name called it zacary after the fader But elysabeth bad calle hym Iohn But for there was none of the kynne of that name they asked zacary by synes what the chyld shold hyght Thenne he wrote to them and bad calle hym Iohan. And therwyth god losed zacaryas tonge spake redely thanked god hyghly Thus was Iohā holy or he was borne And for he wold gyue euery man syghte of grace and of good liuing he gaue hem ensample for assone as he was of couenable age he wente in to deserte was there tyll our lord come to be cristened of hym Iohannes habuit vestimenta de pilis camelorum Iohan had his cloth made of the here of the camel and a gyrdel aboute him of the same skynne Esca autem eius erat locusta et mel siluestre Forsothe his mete was leues honysocles that hath a whyte floure that growethe in trees he ete al maner of wormes that were noryshed in that deserte amonge herbes and the wormes be as grete as a mannis fynger and sucked hony off floures that be called hanysocles tha● poure people gadren and fry he● oyle to her mete Also Iohan ete 〈◊〉 rounde leues that growen in trees in that deserte And whan they be bro●en bytwene a manni● hondis thei be swete as hony and he dranke water of the welle that was in the deserte there was Iohnes life in that deserte tyl that our lord was xxx wynter of age And thenne our lord and Iohan met at the water of flain Iordan And thenne iohan tolde the people of crist and said Ecce agnus dei See the lambe of god that I haue tolde you of that shall fulfyll you in the holy gost Thēne went Iohn in to the water there he baptysed crist and whan he was baptysed Ecce aperti sunt celi Heuen opened Et vidit spiritum dei descentē sicut columba And he sawe the holy goost come downe as a doue Et vox de celo dicens And a voys from heuen spake thus Ecce filius meus dilectus in quo michi bene complacui This is my welbeloued sone that pleseth me Here lerned iohan first to knowe thre persones in trynyte all this betokeneth two fyres The thirde fyre of bones betokeneth Iohnes marterdō for his bones were brent and how ye shall here ¶ we rede the kyng herode had a broder that highte Phylippe and he had a fair woman to his wyf and herode louyd her 〈◊〉 And helde her vndre his wyf where Ihon repreuyd him and sayd Non licet tibi habere vxorem fratris tui It is nat laufull to the to haue thy broders wyf And therfore he putt hym in pryson and ordeyned bitwene him his wyf how Iohn might be dede with oute troublyng of the people for the comen people loued Iohn well Thenne herode ordeyned to make a grete feste to all the states of the countre for they shulde holde with him if the peple had rysen And so whan the daye was com that the feste shulde be holde and al the people were seruyd at the mete herodes wyf as couenaunt was bitwene theim tho sent her doughter into the hall for to daunce and to tomble afore the gestes And that pleased her fader so well that he swore a grete othe and saide Pete a me quod vis dabo tibi Ask of me what thou wylt and I shal gyue it the. Thenne as her modre bad her saye she saide Caput Iohannis baptiste The hede of Iohn Baptyst Then herode fayned him wrothe and sory that he hadde made suche an othe But he was glad in his hert thenne sēt into pryson to smyte of Iohnes hede withoute any other dome and was brought to the damoysell Then the modre lete bury it in a pryuy place ferre from the body ¶ Thenne the next night after Iohnes disciples came and toke his body buryed it And there it laye tyll Iulyan the appostita the emperour come that waye Then he made take vp Iohnes bones to brenne them to wyndow theym in the wynde hopynge that he shuld neuer ryse ayen to lyf ¶ Thus ye may vnderstonde how holy that this man was Thenne an aungell come fro heuyn and tolde zacary of his conceyuig and was halowed in his moders wōbe and oure lady toke him from therth in his byrthe and an aungell brought his name fro heuyn and after he criste nyd oure lorde iesu criste this was an holy man ¶ ye shall vnderstonde tha● sainte Iohn the euangelyst dyed the same daye but holy churche maketh noo mencion therof For his day is holde in cristmas weke Then for these ii Iohns beholden the worthiest saintes in heuyn Thenne there were two scolars of dyuynite the one louyd Iohn Baptyst the other Iohn euāgelyst And on a day they purposed to dispute in this mater and the day was assigned but thenne the night bifore either Iohnes appered to their louers and bad theym leue ther disputacion for they were well accorded in heuyn and made no stryf And thenne on the morow bifore al the people either tolde his vision that were come to here theym dispute ¶ And thenne all the people thanked god almyghty and bothe saint Iohns of this faire miracle ¶ Alsoo there were two meselles that louyd wele thies two Iohnes And so as they were in cōmynge they spake of these two saintes whiche were the gretest in heuē And soo that one saide that the one was greter thanne that other and so they begannne to fyghte Thenne there come a voys fro heuen and sayd we fyghte not in heuen and therfore fighte not ye in erthe for vs. for we ben in peas and so be ye And therwyth they were bothe hole of their sykenesse and thanked god and bothe saynt Iohannis and afterwarde they were holy men ¶ And therfore lete vs worshyppe thyse holy sayntes· that they maye praye for vs that we may come to euerlastynge blisse ¶ Sctōrum Petri Pauli GOod frendes suche a daye ye shall haue the feste of saynt Peter and Poule and ye shall faste the euyn and on the morowe come vnto the chirche And worshyp god and praye to thyse two saintes that were holy appostles to praye for vs. Oure lord hath peter on the one syde poule on the other syde And he hath his woundes open and fresshe bledyng shewing to all maner of cristen people that he suffred those woundes for vs. that bee the v. welles of mercy that he suffred for vs. ¶ ye shall vnderstonde that thyse two appostles were first grete synners But for they left her synne and were sory
criste a greate fest nat in delicate metes and drynkes But in fedynge criste and all his company for he fedde all that wolde come for crystes sake for moche people sued Criste wher soeuir he wente Secute sunt cūturbe multe For dyuers causes manye folowed him Some to be heled of her sores and of diuerse sekenes And some to see myracles that criste dyd shewe Some to ete and to drynke with hym and some that were his ennemyes that were lerned in the lawe if they might haue taken him with any worde wherby they might haue accused him and some to be reformed in vertues to here his doctryne and techynge as the appostylles many other Vnde v●●●●s Morbus signa cibus blasphemia doctrina fuere Cause cur dominum turba secuta fuit ¶ And wahnne mathewe had fedde criste thus all that come wyth him criste made him oone of his descyciples and gaue him knowlegynge to preche the bileue and goddes worde so boldly euir after that he spared nother for loue ne for drede So this mathew thappostell come on a tyme into 〈◊〉 and prechyd that was called ●●dabar and there he founde moche people taughte by the fendes crafte in ●●gramā●y and taughte so many thynges so merueylous that it was grete wondre to here many mennys wyttes and all for the people sholde byleue in hem and do worshyp to theym Thenne mathewe delyuered their nygraman●y so that all the people knewe openly that it was the fendes crafte wherfore these people that byleuyd on this nygramancy made dragones by the fendes crafte to spytte fyre oute of their mouthes and brenne soo that the stynche of theym slewe moche people And they brought this dragon to haue deuoured saynte mathew And whanne mathew herde herof he made a crosse bifore hem and went ayenste theym and anon the dragones fell downe dede bifore hym Thenne saide mathew to the people If ye haue any might rayse them agayn to lyf but they hadde no power ¶ Thennne sayd mathewe if I were nat goddes seruaunte I wolde make were there two roches of stone on eyther syde that the werke myghte not vp Thenne saynt mychael apered to a man that hyght Haymo and badde hym goo and put awaye the roche and drede noo thyng Soo this man went thyder and set to his sholders and bad the roche goo vtter in the name of god and saint Mychaell and soo the hyllis wente vtter as moche as nedeth to the werke ¶ Narracio ¶ we rede also in the lyf of saynt Gregory how there was a grete multytude of people in rome And they sawe arrowes of fyre come 〈◊〉 of the ayre and slewe moche people Thenne saint Gregory prayed to god to ●ease that pestylence Thenne he sawe an angell stondynge vpon a castell walle wypyng his blody swerde But that angell he sayd was saint mychaell that was sente thyder to punysshe the people for synne thus mychaell was meruelous in myracles werkyng Also he was vyctoryous in fyghtyng For whan the cytezens of sepotine were oppressed wyth paynymes shold gyue hem batayle they prayed ofte to saint Mychaell of helpe Thenne the nyghte before as the batayle shold be mychaell appered to the bysshop and sayd to hym haue noo drede but goo to the batayle boldly and he wold helpe hym soo on the morowe whan the batayle shold be the hyl of garganꝰ was ouer couered wyth a grete myste and arrowes come oute of the myst fleenge off fyre and boltes of thonder And h●tre● moche people of the paynyme in soo moche that they slewe that nyght many And soo many were sleyne and they that were a lyue sawe the greate myracle of god and were crystened Saynte Iohn the euangeliste seyth in his apocalyps how mychaell and his angellis foughte wyth lucyfer in heuen that is called the dragon and his angellis and wyth helpe of god mychaell had the better and droue out the dragon and all his felisship in to the ayre betwene heuen and erthe and soo they be there yet as thicke as motes in the sonne And for cryst come to heuen in a blast of thonder And therfore yet whan they here thonder they fall downe to the erthe for fere and thenne they goo not vp ayen tyl they haue done sōme harme For thenne they make ●ates stryues and manslaughter and make grete wyndes bothe in londe and in water and doo moche harme and yet they wolde doo moche more than they doo nere saynt mychaell For al theyr sorowe is to see soules angellis in heuen in the place there they were in to fore Also there were other spyrites that stode not stedfaste towardes god But flaterynge the whiche saint mychaell droue out of heuen all in to an yle off of the see as ye shall here As saynte Brandon seyled in the see he come to an yle and sawe a tree that was right grete both in heyght and in brede that was wonder to telle on the which tree satte many byrdes thycker than the bowes And were as whyte as snowe Thenne he prayed to god to knowe what they were Thenne come one off them and satte on the sh●ppis ●●●de batered wyth his wynges ▪ and made a sowne lyke an organ ●●●me sayd brādon ▪ yf thou become lyke a messenger speke and telle what ye been Thenne he sayde we were angellis that stode not stedfast in the byleue as mychael was and therfore we were dreuen oute whan mychaell droue oute lucyfer his angellis But yet we haue euery day a remedy to worshyp god thenne was mychaell wonderful in appering merueylous in myracles doyng wherfore lete vs worshyp this holy angell that he may be our sheelde in fighting ayenst our goostly enemy the fende so that we may haue the victory of hym nowe and euer Amen ¶ De festo sancti Luce. ●Ood frendes suche a daye ye shall haue saynte Lukes daye the euangelyst· ye shall vnderstonde the cryste had four euangelistis that is marke mathew luke and Iohn-thyse wrote the gospell the gospell is noo more to saye but goddis worde Thise holy euangelistis wrote not oonly that god spake but also what he dyde what he suffred for mankynde for it shold be knowen to all mankynde for euer more to thynke on goddis worde and to doo therafter Thise foure be lykened to foure dyuerse beestes and soo they ben portured in foure partyes off the crosse on euery syde of cryste For marke a lyon for mathew a man for Luke an oxe and for Iohn an Egle. But lete noman suppose that they were suche beestes but lykened to suche beestes for dyuerse causes For by cause that Mathew wrote moste of cristis mā hede therfore he is likened to a mā and luke wrote moost of crystis sacrefyce and his deth ●herfore he is lykened to an oxe for an oxe was offred in sacrifice of the old law in tokenīg that cryste shold be offred for synne of the peple in