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A07146 The reliques of Rome contayning all such matters of religion, as haue in times past bene brought into the Church by the Pope and his adherentes: faithfully gathered out of the moste faithful writers of chronicles and histories, and nowe newly both diligently corrected & greatly augmented, to the singuler profit of the readers, by Thomas Becon. 1563. Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1563 (1563) STC 1755; ESTC S101368 243,805 590

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prophecie of our Sauiour Christ shall for euer euer abide true Euery plāt that my heauenly father hath not plāted shall be plucked vp by the rootes Of the Massing Priest FOrasmuche as no man hath authoritie and power to consecrat make and offer the body and bloud of Christ as the Papistes teach but he onely whiche is a priest lawfully made and appointed no neither Aungels nor Archaungels neyther blessed Mary nor any Sainct in Heauen Pope Gaius the firste of that name ordayned that he whiche shoulde be a Massemonger or Godmaker that is to saye a prieste shoulde as it were by degrees ascende and come vp vnto the order of priesthoode Therefore he appoynted that suche one as woulde be a priest and saye Masse shoulde fyrst of all be a doorekeper secondelye a Reader thyrdelye an Exorciste or Coniurare fourthlye an Acholute a lyghter and carier of Candles fyftlye a Subdeacon sixtly a Deacon and seuēthly a priest Plat. Polid. c. Pope Calixte the fyrst appoynted y t y e aforesayd orders shuld be geuē foure times in the yeare y t is to say at y e Embring dayes whereas before they wer geuen only in y e moneth of December so y t whosoeuer wil be a Massing priest must diligently attend vpō those times Plat. Valent. Vannius Pope Boniface the fyrst made a decree y t no man shoulde be made a Massyng Prieste before he were thirtye yeres of age Grat. Dist. 78. Cap. Si quis triginta Pope Zacharius the fyrst notwithstāding fearyng that Ladye Masse would wante Chaplens and customers dispenseth wyth the former acte and graunted that a man might bee made a Massyng Prieste at the age of .xxv. yeares if necessitye so required Lib. Conc●l Pope Anicetus ordayned y t the Massing priest should weare no long haire nor bearde but y t he should haue Aures patentes and y t he shuld haue his crown shauen as rounde as a bowle Gratian. Dist. 23. Cap. Prohibere fratres Plat. Pope Leo the fyrst made a decree y t no man that is bonde should be admitted to be a Massemonger Dist. 54. Cap. Episcoporum Nullus Pope Bonifacius the fyrst commaunded y t no banckeroute or endebted person shuld be admitted vnto y e Clergye Plat. Lib. Concil Pope Calixt y e first appointed y t whosoeuer wil take vpon hym the order of a Massing priest must forsweare mariage leade a single lyfe Grat. Dist. 27. Ca. Presbyteres Nauclerus Pope Gregorye the fyrst made a decree y t none y t had bene twice maryed shuld be admitted to be a priest Dist. 33. Cap. Maritum duarum Pope Gelasius the fyrst ordained y t no dismembred person shuld be admitted vnto y e order of priesthode Grat. Dist. 55 Cap. Si euangelica Pope Clement the fyrst appoynted y t the priest after he had sayde Masse should continue fastyng by the space of three houres before he eyther eate or drinke Dist. 2. de consec De tribus Gradibus And Gratianus witnesseth that a priest also ought to come to Masse fasting De cons. Dist. 2 Can. Liquido Item Cap. Sacramenta altaris Of the dignitie and power of the Massing Priest and of the honour that is due vnto hym be he good or bad PRiestes are worthye to be honoured of all men for the dignitie whiche they haue of GOD. For God hath geuen them power to bynde and to loose as it is written Whatsoeuer ye shall bynde vpon earth shall also be bounde in heauen And whatsoeuer ye shall losen vppon earth shal bee losoned also in heauen For a priest after a certaine manner is lyke Mary the Virgine And thys is declared by three thinges Fyrst as the blessed Virgine dyd conceaue Iesus Christ by fyue woordes as is it mentioned in the Gospell of Luke Fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum So lykewyse the Prieste maketh the true bodye of Christ by these fyue woordes Hoc est enim corpus meum And as whole Christ immediatly after the consent of Mary was in her wombe so lykewyse immediatly after y e pronunciation of y e wordes of consecration the breade is transsubstātiated turned into y e true body of Christ. Secondly as the blessed Virgine after shee had broughte forth Christ dyd beare hym in her handes layde hym in y e maunger so likewyse y e priest after the consecration immediatly lyfteth vp the body of Christ and laieth him down again beareth him handleth him in his hands Thirdly as y e blessed Virgine was sāctifyed in y e wombe before she conceaued Christ so likewise y e priest receaueth orders is annoynted before he consecrateth For without taking orders he could consecrate nothing and therfore a lay-man although he be neuer so holy can do nothing in this matter although he should pronounce the wordes of consecration In consideration whereof we must know y t the dignitie of priests after a certayne manner doth farre excel the dignitie of Angels For power to make y e body of Christ is geuē to none of the Angells so that the baseste and moste inferioure prieste in the worlde can doe that whiche the greatest and highest Aungell in heauen can not do Therefore Barnarde sayeth O the worshipfull dignitye of priestes in whose handes the Sonne of God as in the Virgines wombe is incarnate Wherefore Austen sayeth that in the consecration of the holy hoste all the heauenly courte serueth hym that is to say the priest and the Lorde of heauen commeth downe vnto hym Ambrose therefore also sayth writing vpon Luke Doubte thou not but y t the Angels are there present when Christ is present vpon the altare so y t priests are to be honoured aboue all Kinges Princes Knyghtes and men of Nobilitie For a prieste is higher than Kynges more blessed and happye than Aungells beyng the maker of hys maker and therefore he is worthye to bee honoured c. Yea let it be graunted that the priest bee euill yet is he to be honoured for y e dignitye of priesthoode as it is declared in the decrees Priestes although they bee euill yet ought we to honoure them for the sacramentes sake 1. Quaest. 1. Sacramenta c. Sermones Discipuli in Sermon 28. De honore As there are nine quiers or orders of Angells in heauen so like wise ar there nyne dignities of priestes Fyrst Priestes are aboue all Kynges and Princes of the earth as God sayeth by Ieremye I haue set thee thys daye ouer Nations and Kingdomes And this to bee true appeareth thus The dignitye of the prieste is such and so great y t it lyeth in his power to consecrate and make Kinges but all the Kynges of the worlde are not able to make one Priest And for a profe thereof that priestes be greater and of farre more excellencye than Kinges are it is to be noted y t there is no Prince so greate whiche doth not bowe
Christ. And as immediatlye after the consent of Marye whole Christe was in her wombe so likewise out of hande after the wordes of consecration be pronounced by the priest the bread is turned into the substance of the very body of Christ secōdly as the blessed virgine after she had brought forth Christe bare hym in her handes and layde him in the cribe and tooke hym vp agayne so likewyse the priest after the consecration lifteth vp Christ and layeth him downe agayne and beareth hym vnto the sicke and handleth him with his handes Thirdly as the blessed virgine was sāctified in her wombe before she conceaued Christ as it is written The most high hath sāctified his tabernacle so in like manner the priest receaueth holye orders before he cōsecrateth for he could not consecrate excepte he were ordered And therefore a Laye man be he neuer so holye can do nothyng in thys matter althoughe he pronounceth the wordes of consecration Ninthly God hath honored the priestes aboue Aungels yea and somwhat also aboue the dignitie of blessed Mary the virgine First in the dignitie of keping For a priest is bound to kepe many soules as the Byshop is bounde to looke vpon al the diocesse and the Pope the whole worlde and the Curate hys parishe as Bernarde saith O how worthy kepers are they which so carefully watche that they may kepe the soules that are committed vnto them from euerlastyng death But an Aungell hath but one soule committed vnto hym for to kepe as Bernarde testifieth Great is the dignitie of soules that euery one of them euen from the very tyme of their birth shoulde haue an aungel appointed for to kepe them Secondly in taking and touchyng the body of Christ. The angels doe but see God as it is written Their aungels see the face of my Father whiche is in heauen But in this is the priest greater than the Aūgell for he doth but see God but the priest handleth hym yea and eateth him which was neuer giuē to any Aungell so to do but it sufficeth hym to beholde God Thirdly in consecratyng the bodye of Christe And in this point the priest doth not onely excell the Aungels but also after a certayne manner Marye the Mother of Christ so that the lessest priest on earth is able to do that whiche the greatest Aungell in Heauen can not doe Therfore saith Barnarde O the dignitie of priestes worthy to be had in great reuerence in whose handes as in the wombe of the Virgine the Sonne of God is incarnate Austen also saith In the consecration of the holye host the whole court of Heauen doth seruice to the priest yea and the Lorde of heauen commeth downe vnto him Likewyse saith Ambrose vpō Luke Doubt thou not but that Aungels are there presēt when Christ is present on the altare whē he is offered so y t Christ may well say to euery priest y t which is writtē in Esay What coulde I haue done more for thee haue not done it Furthermore we must know that euerye mā is boūd to honour priests seing y e god himself hath so many sundry waies garnished beautified thē with suche so great honour But contrary to this do all they that dishonour priestes and in this they greuouslye offende God as Henricus de vrimaria writing vpon the fourth commaundement saith Wo be vnto them and euerlasting damnation hangeth ouer their heades that do dishonour priestes speake euill of them diffame backbite them for they crucifie the Sonne of God againe For so often as thou backbitest or ●laundrest a religious person or priest so often dost thou put a crowne of thorne vpon Christes head For they are the head vpper parte of the Churche militante So often as thou doest any displeasure vnto them so often dost thou fasten Christ with nayles to the crosse So often as thou raylest vpon them so often dost thou spit Christ in the face And so often as thou dost euill entreat them and find faulte either in their speaking or doying so often dost y u thrust Christ vnto the hart with a speare God therfore willing to shewe howe greatly he detesteth that synne hath made it euident with that wonderful punishment and vnwonted paine whiche Dathan Abiron and Chore suffered whom the earth dyd swalowe vp quicke bycause they dyd mysuse the Priestes Of these thynges aforesayde it euidentlye appeareth y t priestes euen of dutye ought to bee honoured of all men In sermonibus discipuli Germ. iii. Dom. 14. Post. Festum Trinitatis O ye Priestes which are the buckelars and officers of y e true Salomon that is to saye of Iesus Christ and the chamberlaynes and dispensatoures or stewardes of the mysteryes of God Consider marke diligentlye in what degree and dignitye ye are set ouer all the goodes of the Lorde What could God doe more for the Priestes than to geue them power for to make hymselfe to handle hym to eate hym to geue him to other Therefore remēber your selues and consider well y e noble priuilege of your dignitye Althoughe glasse bee made of vyle matter and stuffe yet is it reproued founde to be more clere than golde and siluer so likewise euery priest be he neuer so great and greuous a sinner yet doth he farre excell al other creatures both Kinges and Princes is of greater dignitie than al y e creatures y t are Ye are sayeth S. Peter speakyng to priestes a chosen generation a royall priesthoode an holy nation a wonne people not only of a temporal election but also of an eternall predestination O the worshipful dignitie of priests if ye liue worthily and priestlike within whose handes as in the Virgines wombe the sonne of God is incarnate and made man O heauenly mysterye which y e father and y e sonne and y e holy ghoste doth so maruelouslye worke by you y t in one and in the same moment the same God whiche sitteth ruleth in heauen is a sacrifice in your hands The heauen wondreth at so noble a priuilege the earth marueleth man is greatly astonied hell quaketh for feare the deuell trembleth and shaketh all y t is on hym the Aungelike highnesse is in great admiration What then shall I priest geue agayne vnto the Lorde for all thinges that he hath geuen me As for an example He that hath made me hath geuen me power to make hym yea he that made me without me is made by the meanes of me c. Consider therefore O ye Priestes the maruelous dignitie of your excellencye that God hath not onely ordained you before al other people but he hath also made you passing all other creatures which he hath created vnto the prayse and glorye of his name c. Sauyng y e Aungels reuerence whose number is infinite I say playnly that ye are greater than Aungells and doe farre excell their dignitye largo modo loquendo For to whiche
Isidor Volat. Platina D. Barns Some make Pope Theodorus author of it which liued about the yere of our Lorde 613. Chron. Fasciculus Temporum Durandus Guilielmus Durandus sayeth y e Saincte Ambrose made the benediction or prayer wherewith the Paschall Taper is halowed on Easter euen He sayeth moreouēr that Augustinus and Petrus Diaconus the Monke made also other benedictions whiche are not in vse Rat. di offi Of Oyle and Creame and of the halowing of the same POpe Clement the fyrst brought fyrst of all the Oyle Creame into the Church In the yere of our Lord .92 Some attribute this ceremonye to Pope Siluester the fyrst In the yere c. 315. Chron. Lib. Concil Pope Fabian ordayned y t the Oyle and Creame which are vsed to be kept in the Chrismatorye for sundrye purposes and vses should be renued euery Maundye Thursdaye and y t the olde shuld be brent For saith he it is a new sacrament therefore must it alwaies be renued and the olde brent De conse Dist. 3. Cap. In literis Plat. Volat. Fascicu Temp. Polyd. Pope Siluester the fyrst gaue straight charge y t neither deacō nor priest shuld presume to halow Oyle and Creame but only the Byshop In the yeare c. 315. Lib Concil Pope Anastasius the fyrst commaunded that so soone as the Byshop hath halowed the Oyle and Creame either the Subdeacons or the Deacons with all expedition should carrye it vnto all the Churches thorowe out the diocesse that it may be in a readinesse agaynste Easter day In the yeare of our Lorde 404. Lib. Concil Chron. Of the Fire on Easter euen and of the Halowing therof POpe Zozimus ordayned not only y e Paschall Taper to be halowed on Easter euen but also that a Fire shoulde be made in euerye Churche on that day and halowed againe that the Paschal should be lightned with the flame of that Fyre and al other candles in the Churche In the yeare c. Chron. Germ. Of Halowing the Fonte on Easter euen POpe Pius the firste brought in the halowing of y e Fonte In the yere c. 147. Plat. Sabell Pope Leo Pope Damasus and S. Ambrose added the Exorcismes or coniurations and the benedictions or blessings with the other solemnities that be vsed at y e halowing of the Fonte as droppyng the candle into it the priestes breathing into it the deuiding and casting out of y e water c. Chron. Germ. Guil. Durand in Rat. di off Of halowing new Frutes POpe Eutichianus decreed that all new frutes but specially Beanes Grapes shuld be blessed cōsecrated and halowed vpon the altare In the yere c. 276. plat polid D. Bar●s Of Fasting SAint Peter the Apostle of Christ first Pope of Rome as the Papistes fayne where he lyued by the space of xxv yeares and reygned the great and high Byshop ordayned that both Aduent and Lent shoulde be solemnely deuoutly fasted of all christen people in the remembraunce of the first and seconde comming of our Lord Iesu. In the yeare of our Lord. 36. Ioā Laziar Chron. Angl. Durand Guilihelmus Durandus sayth that after the mind of S. Gregory de consecrat dist ● Lent is counted to begynne on the firste Sondaye in Lent and to ende easter euen whiche tyme sayth he containeth xlii dayes of the which take away the sixe Sondayes so there remayne onelye 36. dayes Therefore that the number of forty dayes whiche Christe fasted might be perfited the aforesayd Pope Gregory added and put to Lent foure dayes of the weeke that go before that is to saye Wednesday Thursdaye Frydaye and Saterdaye De consecra dist 5. Quadragesima Durand in Rat. di off Telesphorus as other affirme whiche I thinke to be more true appoynted firste of all Lent to be fasted before Easter And he moreouer added an other weeke to it whiche is commonlye called Quinquagesima This weeke he cōmaunded the priestes to fast more than the laytye bicause they whiche ought to be holier than the reaste shoulde in this ordinarye faste shewe more abstistinence than other In the yere of our Lord. 139. Lib. Concil Euseb. Sabell Polid. D. Barnes In a certain Sinode holdē at Nice it was ordained that the fasting of Lent which before endured from the sixt day of Ianuarye vnto the sixtenth daye of February should begyn and ende as it is now vsed Chron. Ranulphus Cest. Carcombertus king of Englande was the first that commaunded the inhabitantes of England to fast Lent about the yeare of oure Lorde 645. Sigeb in Chron. Pantal. Pope Gregory the second made a decree that christen men should fast also on the thursdayes in Lent which was neuer vsed afore and that there should be solemne massing also on those daies in Churches But Pope Melchiades ordayned that no man shoulde faste the Thursday no more than the Sonday For sayth he as the sonday was solēne bicause of the resurrection of the Lord so lykewise ought thursdaye to be bicause on that day Christ instituted his supper and ascended into heauen In the yeare of our Lord. 729. Sigebertus in Chron. Guil. Durand Pantal. Pope Siluester the firste ordayned that Wednesday Fryday and Saterday should be fasted euery weeke thorow out the yeare As for Sondayes thursdayes he woulde haue them be kept merely holy with double feast as they vse to say in holy kitchin For on the sondaye sayth he t●e Lorde Iesus rose vp from death to lyfe and on the Thursday he ascended into heauen he instituted the Sacrament of his body and made the holy creame In the yere of our Lord. 315. Bergom Pope Gregory the seuenth renewed the saterday fast and commaūded that there should be no fleshe eaten of Christians that daye In the yeare c. 1073. Plat. Volat. Nauclerus Ioannes Stella de consec dist 5. ca● Quia dies Sabathi Many attribute the Saterday fast to Pope Innocent the firste In the yeare c. 408. Grat. Sabel Fasci Temp. Pantal. And Pope Innocentes reason why men should fast the saterday is this First bicause on that daye Christ lay buried in the Sepulchre Secondely bicause his disciples for verye sorowe fasted that day Lib. Concil Chron. Chronicarum Alb. Crantzius Notwithstandynge Guilihelmus Durandus saith that Pope Innocent made a constitution y t the saterdaye in Lent should not be fasted bicause the Lorde rested in the sepulchre on the saterday ●or a token of the quietnesse and reast that we shall hereafter haue wherein ●● in the Festiualle on this manner Good frēdes this weeke ye shall haue Imber dayes that is Wednesday Friday and Saterday the which dayes Calixtus the Pope ordayned foure times in y e yeare to all that be of conuenable age to fast for certayne causes as ye shall heare Our olde fathers fasted foure times in the yeare agaynste foure high and solemne feastes and if we will shewe vs good
no meanes admit For sayth he as there ought to be no feast of y e Vnitie no more oughte there to be any feast of the Trinitie In the yeare c. 590. Guilielmus Durandus Pope Vrban the fourth ordained the feast of the Sacramente of the Altare otherwyse called The feaste of Corpus Christi with pardons and indulgences greate plentye to allure the foolyshe and simple people to commit spiritual whoredome with that Sacrament by adoryng and worshipping it as theyre God Maker and Sauioure and willed it to bee kepte holy the Thursdaye after Trinitie Sonday In the yeare c. 1254. Christianus Massaeus Ioan. Stella Polyd. Pantal. The beginning of thys feaste was thys In the countrey of the Leodicenses there was a certayne Recluse or Anckresse called Eua whiche of a vayne foolyshe and superstitious deuotion and loue towarde the Sacramente of the altare as they terme it procured thorowe earneste sute of Pope Vrban the fourthe that the Sacramente of the Altare commonly called Corpus Christi might also haue a feast and holy day being as wel worthye as the Gallowe tree or crosse y t Christ was hāged on which was alredy celebrated in the Church and y t the same feaste of Corpus Christi myghte with all solemnitye bee kepte holy thorowoute the whole worlde Pope Vrban being an holy and deuoute Father doubte ye not consideryng the greate deuotion earneste zeale and Godlye mynde of thys holy and religious woman accomplyshed fo●le graciouslye her tender requeste and dyd not onely ordayne that thys feast of Corpus Christi shuld be kept holy but he also graunted plenarye Indulgence and large pardon to so many as eyther do say or heare the seruice belonging to y t feast which Thomas Aquinas the Blacke fryer made Arnoldus Bostius Guili Durand Chron. Before that time there was no such feaste knowen in the church of Christ. But thys is moste certayne that thorowe thys feaste greate Idolatrye and muche spirituall whoredome is daylye cōmitted with the Masse bredde in all those places where the true doctryne of the sacrament is not knowen Pope Innocent y e thyrde sayth Theodorus Bibliander in the Councell Lateranense placed y e fond fansye of Monke Lanfranke concernyng Transubstantiation amonge the articles of the faith of the most high Trinitie In the yeare c. 1215. And bicause nothing should want to the worshippynge of the newe founde God of bread and wine and that the bishop of Rome myght haue his God Mazin as Aaron with the idolatrous Israelites had the goldē Calfe in the wildernesse Pope Vrban the fourthe ordayned the feast of Corpus Chr●sti with large pardons Concil sa● dom Of this feast we read in the English festiuall on this maner Good frendes ye shall vnderstand that this day is an highe and solemne feast in holy church and is the feast of Corpus Christi It is the feast of our Lordes owne body the whiche is offered to the highe father in heauen at the altare for the remission of our sinnes for all Christen people y t liue here in perfect loue and charitie for the great succour and helpe in releuing them that bene in paines of Purgatorye there abidyng the mercye of God Ye shall vnderstād that this feast was founde by a Pope that was called Vrban the whiche had great grace and deuotion in the holy Sacrament of the altar considering the great nede helpe and succour to mans soule and to the ●urdering of liuing to all Christen people here in this present worlde Therfore he did establishe and ordayne thys present feast to be halowed in the next thursday after the feast of the holy Trinitie For all christen people that will be saued must haue sad beliefe in the holy Sacrament whiche is Gods own body in fourme of breade made by the vertue of Christes wordes that the priest sayth and by working of the holy Ghoste Then for this holye Pope thought to drawe people to more deuotion and better wil to this holy Sacrament and to do the seruice this day he graunteth to all that be worhy that is to say that be very contrit cōfessed of their sinnes and be in the Church at both euēsongs at Mattens at masse for eche an hundred dayes of pardon for eche houre of the daye xl dayes of pardon euery day of the Vtas an hundred dayes of pardon in remission of al their sinnes for euermore enduring c In serm de corpore christi Pope Gregorye the ninth appoynted y e feast of y e Natiuity of S. Iohn Baptiste whiche we commonly call Mydsommerday to kept holy In the yeare c. 1225. Chron. Germ. Pope Siluester the firste at the desire of the Emperour Cōstātine instituted y e feast of Lāmasse called Ad vincula Sancti Petri. In the yeare c. 315. Grat. Polid. Pope Eusebius ordayned the feast of the Inuētion of the crosse In the yeare c. 309. Crat. Guil. Durandus Pope Honorius deuised the feaste of the Exaltatiō of the crosse In the yere of our Lord. 622. Plat. Pant. Some attribute these feastes to Pope Vrban the fourth ▪ Pol. Virgil. Pope Calixte the thirde inuented the feaste of the Transfiguration of oure Lord and commaunded that it should be celebrated and kepte holye with as large indulgences and pardons as the feaste of Corpus Christi In the yeare of oure Lorde 1455. Matth. Palmer Ioan. Stella Pantaleon This feast as the festiual reporteth is greatly priuileged in holy Churche in so much that orders be geuē this day thorow out all Christendome great pardons be graunted to this day in diuerses places as in Syon plenare remission and all is to the weale and cōforte of man and for a purueaunce to sanctifie his soule that in the last resurrection the said soule ioyned to the body may together be glorified and transfigured in clerenesse more brighter thā is the Sunne and so euer to endure Pope Leo the fourthe instituted the Feast of the Assumption of the blessed Uirgine Mary and commaunded that it shoulde in all places be kept hye and holy by the space of right dayes In the yeare ▪ c. 858. Lib. Concil Sigebert Ioan. Functius Pope Innocent the fourth ordayned y e Feast of the Natiuitie of Mary the Uirgine with the Octaues thereof In the yeare c. 1242. Volat. Sabel Pant. Pope Felix the thyrd appoynted the Feast of the Archaungel Michaell to be kept holy In the yere of our Lord. 486. Lib. Concil Chron. Pope Felix the thirde ordayned also the Feaste of the Dedicacion of the Temple commonly called Church holy day and cōmaunded y t euery Citie Town or village should yerely kepe for euer y ● day wheron y e Churche was halowed Volat. Plat. Polid. Albertus Krantzius Pope Boniface the fourth ordayned the Feast of all Saintes called All Halowes In the yeare of oure Lorde 606. Plat. Volat Polid. Pope Gregory the
of Aungels Martyrs virgins saints yea and of Christ and burnt them in the opē market made a law that whosoeuer resisted his procedinges in this behalfe he should suffer death In the yeare of our Lord. 784 Blondus Eutropius Platin. Matth. Palme●us c. Constantine the Emperour kept a coūcell at Constantinople in the which were present a greate number of godly Bishops and other learned men where it was lykewyse decreed that Images should be cast out of Churches and by no meanes be suffred in such places as christen men resorte vnto for to praye vnto their Lorde God In the yere c. 739 Sigesb P. Aemilus Pantal. The noble and Godly Emperours Valens and Theodosius made a law that no man shoulde make or cause to bee made any Image of oure Sauioure Christ neyther by paynting nor by grauyng nor yet by any other waye but that wheresoeuer any such Image shoulde bee found it shoulde vtterlye bee taken awaye and destroyed And whosoeuer woulde attempte to doe contrarye to thys theyr acte they appoynted certayne greuous punyshementes to be executed vpon the transgressoures and breakers thereof as a lawe grounded both vpon the worde of God and vppon the decrees and constitutions of the most worthy aunciente Emperours and reuerende byshops Petrus Crinitus Lib. 9. de honestae disciplina Sabanus King of y e Bulgarians made also the lyke lawe in hys Realme for y e abolyshmente of Images oute of the Churches In the yeare of our Lorde 765. Sabell Mass. Pantal. Philip y e Emperour likewise made a straight lawe for the abolishyng of Images In the yeare of our Lorde 730. Sabel Paulus Diaconus The noble Emperoure Adrian commaunded y t there shuld be no Images set vp in temples or Churches Ioan. Laziardus Calcobertus King of England destroyed in hys Realme when he receaued the faith of Christ all the Idolls poppettes Maumettes and Images that he founde or coulde come by In the yeare of oure Lord. 640. Ioan. Laziard ▪ Vincentius Pope Gregory the fyrst after that he was appoynted Byshop of Rome cōmaunded that all the Idolles and Images of the Heathen should vtterlye be defaced theyr heades cutte of and theyr other members in all poyntes mangled and disgraced and so in fine destroyed that no occasion of Idolatry mighte afterwarde be geuen In the yeare of our Lorde 590. Ioan. Laziard Chronica Pope Constantine the second whom the seditious tirannicall and superstitious papistes did afterward violently depose cruelly thrust into a monastery as into a vyle and stincking prison and most vnmercifully put oute hys eyes commaunded that no Christian shuld worship any Image eyther of God or of any Saint or inuocate or call vpon the Uirgine Marye or any other saint in heauen with their prayers but worship God in spirite and truth and call vpō his glorious name thorow Iesus Christ our alone Mediatour Aduocate and Intercessoure In the yere c. 769. Ioan. Laziard The Councel Agathense made a decree that there shoulde be no pictures in Churches and that no thyng should be painted on the walles of Churches that is honoured and worshipped In the yeare of oure Lorde 440. Libro Concil Durand The Councell Toletane the twelfth holden in Spayne made constitutions both agaynst Images and agaynst the worshippers of images In the yere c. 712. Chron. Concil The Councell Elibertine likewise holden in Spayne decreed that all pictures should be had out of churches and that nothyng that is honoured or worshipped shoulde be paynted on the church walles In the yeare c. 345. Isidorus Tom. 1. Concil The holy Byshop Epiphanius commyng into a churche to praye sawe a vayle there hāging wherin was paynted y e image of Christ or of some saint So sone as he saw it he cutte y e Image away and sayd that it is contrarye to the authoritye of the holy scriptures to haue the Image of any man in the Churche of Christ. In the yere of oure Lord. 565. S. Hieronymus Chron. Thys Epystle which the aforesaid holy and godly learned Byshop Epiphanius wrote of thys matter vnto Iohn Byshop of Ierusalem in the Greke toung and Sainte Hierome translated into Latyn and the words are these in Englishe WHen we went forth together vnto the holye place whiche is called Bethel y t we shuld make there a collectiō for the poore accordyng to the custome of Christs Church came vnto a village which is called Anablatha and as I passed by sawe there a candle burning I demaunded what place it was And when I had learned that it was a Churche I entred into it for to praye where I found a vayle hanging on the dore of the same church dyed paynted and hauing an Image as it were of Christ or of some saint For I do not well remember whose Image it was Therefore when I sawe thys in the church of Christ contrary to the authority of the scriptures that the Image of a man did hang there I cutte it away and gaue rather coūcell to the kepers of y e same place that thei shuld lappe and burye some poore dead man in it But they murmured at the matter and said If he wuld cutte it it wer conuenient that he shoulde geue an other vayle in the steade of the other Which thing whē I heard I promised y t I would geue thē one send it vnto them out of hand But while I sought to send a good vaile for y e other I haue made some delay in the matter For I thought I shuld haue had one sent vnto me frō Cyprus But now haue I sent such as I could gette and I pray thee y t thou wilt commaunde the priests of the same place to receaue the vayle of the bringer y t we haue sente to geue commaundement y t frō henceforth no such vayles be hanged vp in y e church of Christ as be contrary to our religion Here thys most Godly byshop with manyfest playne and euident wordes pronounceth and declareth that it is agaynst the holy scripture our religiō that the Image of Christ shuld be had in the temples of the Christians so far is it of that the Images of any saints ought to be placed in thē Hereof maye we easely gather that S Hierome also and all the other godly Byshoppes whiche were both before and in hys tyme dyd agree in thys poynte with Epiphanius that the Images of Christe and of the Saintes are by no meanes to bee suffered in the Churches of the Christians For in the tyme of Saint Hierome and certayn yeres after him we do not reade that any Byshop beeing of a sounde and perfect iudgement coulde euer abyde that images should be placed in the temples of such as professe Christ. The Godlye learned Byshop S. Athanasius proueth euidentlye agaynste all Imagemongers that men maye learne to knowe God better by liuyng creatures whether they be
reasonable or vnreasonable than by deade carued stockes and stones Athanasius aduersus gentes The great auncient clarke Lactantius sayth y t God can not be truly worshipped in that place wherin an image is ▪ Lib de orig Erroris 2. Cap. 19. Agayne he sayeth If your Saintes if the holy Mother of Christ be in heauen whye do ye not lyft vp your eyes vnto heauen c. Why doe ye rather loke vnto walles and vnto stockes thā vnto that place where ye beleue that thei are What meane the temples the tabernacles yea and to be short what meane those Images Lib. 2. Cap. 2. de orig ▪ erroris Saint Austen sayth that it is abhomination and playne sacrilege if any man set in the Churche an Image of God the father sittyng on hys seate Lib. De fide et symbalo Hereof doth it followe that the papists are abhominable and commit sacrilege For so doe they setforth the Image of God the father most blasphemously in all their popyshe Churches paynting hym with an olde wythered face wrinckled forehead hollowe eyes leane chekes sharp nose hāging down lippes enbowed chinne white bearde c and for very faynt feblenesse sitting in hys chayre lyke a symple selye syngle soule contrarye to the nature of God and the truth of hys holy worde which sayeth by the Psalmographe A man shall waxe olde lyke a garmente but thou art alwaies one thy yeares fayle not God himself saith by the prophet I am y e Lord and am not chaunged Agayne the prophet Esay sayeth To what thing wil ye make God like Or what Image will ye set vp vnto him Shall the Karuer make a karued Image And shal the Goldsmith couer him with Golde or cast him into a fornace of siluer plates c. Eusebius writeth y t the vse of Images came from the Heathen vnto vs. Eccle. Hist. Lib. 7. Cap. 14. And not without a cause For although in the olde Testament there were many holy Patriarches Iudges Kynges Priestes Prophetes Martyrs Matrones Wydowes and Uirgines whiche were noble and worthy myrroures of vertue Godlynesse most worthy to be had in remembraunce yet rede we not that there were any Images made of them or set in places where the people of God came together for to praye And y e Iewes at that tyme were the peculiar people of God They remembred the manifolde commaundementes of God concerning the not making not worshipping of Images therfore coulde they not abide Images neither priuatly nor publiquely Agayne in the Primatiue Churche no Images were suffered in Christen mens Temples and Oratories as we may see by the historye of Epiphanius whiche did not onely cutte the Image that hanged in the Church on peces but he also affirmed that it is contrary to the Christen religion to haue the Image of any man in the Churche of Christ. Erasmus Roterodamus a most diligent searcher of antiquities writeth that vnto the time of Saint Hierome there were men of an approued and sounde Religion whiche coulde not abyde any Images in the Churches neither painted nor grauen nor yet wouen no not somuche as the Image of Christe Eras. in catechesi Saint Hierome liued In the yeare of our Lorde 387. Cornelius Agrippa writte of Images on this maner The vngodlinesse and foolishenesse of the Egyptians concernynge Images was wonderfull And from them came the lyke fondenesse vnto all nations whiche corrupte vsage of Religion of the Heathen when they began to be conuerted vnto the fayth of Christe infected oure Religion also and brought in our Churche Idolles and Mahomettes with many pompouse barren Ceremonies of ●he whiche those auncient and true Christians knewe nothynge at all Hereof came it to passe that we brought into our temples the dumme Images of oure Saintes and set them on Godes altares with greate solemnitie honour and worship And where we thynke it an vnsemely thynge for man whiche is a true Image of God to come vp euen there place we dead Idolles and to them we make curtesye to them we gyue kysses to them we offer to them we gyue gyftes vppō them we hange precious iewelles to them wee applye miracles wee bye par●ons to them we go on pylgrimage to them we make vowes to them we gyue worshippe and doe all the honoure that can be deuised And yet can it not be expressed into howe greate superstition I wyll not saye Idolatrye the rude and vnlearned people doe fall thorough Images the Priestes winkyng at the matter forasmuche as here of they haue no small lucre and aduauntage And here they defend thēselues with the wordes of Gregory whiche sayth that images are the bookes of the rascal and common people for such to remembre thinges by and to reade in as haue no learnyng that when they see them they may be allured to remember and consider God But these be fonde fantasies of Gregory going about to excuse the matter although in deede that holye man alloweth ymages and not the worshypping of thē But the commaundement of God which plainly forbiddeth images is farre otherwise For it becommeth vs not to learne of the forbidden booke of Images but of the booke of God whiche is the boke of the Scriptures He therfore that desyreth to knowe God let him not seeke it of the Images of Painters and Keruers but as Iohn saith let him searche the Scriptures whiche beare witnesse of him And they that can not reade let them heare the worde of the Scripture For Faith as Saint Paule saith commeth by hearyng And Christ saith in Iohn My Sheepe heare my voyce Agayne if no man as Christ sayth can come to him excepte the Father draweth him and no man can come to the Father but by Christe alone why take we awaye the glory from God and geue it to Pictures Images as though they were able to bringe vs vnto the ryght knowledge of God c. Of Baptisme POpe Victor the fyrst commaūded that baptisme should be ministred to al men indifferently at Easter Notwithstandyng if any desyred necessitie so requiryng to be baptised at other tymes he ordayned that they myght lawfully be baptised in all places and at all tymes yea and that with any kynde of naturall water halowed or vnhalowed eyther by a Layman or by a Laywoman In the yeare of oure Lorde 198. Grat Fascic Temp. Lib. Concil Poli. D. Barnes Pope Gelasi●s ordayned that Baptisme shoulde be openlye ministred at Easter and at Witsontyde yea that freely In the yeare c. 494. Isidor Grat. Aboute that tyme also there was a Councell holden in Spayne where it was enacted that young infantes if nede were myght be baptised on the same day that they were borne Isidor in Concil Pantal. Pope Leo the seconde decreed that Baptisme myght be ministred euery day where as in the primatiue Church as it appeareth by
consecration should communicate together if they woulde not that they should be excommunicate For so sayth he did the Apostles appoint and the holy Church of Rome kepeth that order In the yeare of our Lorde 217. Grat. de consec dist 1. cap. Paracta Item Can. Omnes This aforesaide constitution is also ascribed to Pope Anacletus De consec dist 1. cap. Episcopus Lib. concil In the primatiue Church saith Durande all that were present at the celebration of masses that is to say at the ministratiō of the Lordes supper were wont euery day to communicate that is to receaue with the minister the Sacrament of the body bloud of Christ bicause all the Apostles did drynke of the cup accordyng to this saying of the Lord Drinke ye all of this c. Againe he sayth Uerely the priest himselfe nowe eateth all the partes of the Host. Notwithstanding in certaine Churches he taketh one parte and distributeth the other two partes to the ministers that is to saye to the Deacon and Subdeacon accordyng vnto that whereof S. Luke maketh mention that Iesus in Emaus tooke the bread and brake it vppon the table and also as some say he did eate before the two Disciples and what remayned he gaue it vnto them ▪ He also afterwarde did eate part of the broyled fish and of the honycombe and the residue he gaue to hys Disciples And therefore after that the Deacon and Subdeacon haue communicated the clerkes and religious persōs come also vnto the communion that they also may be partakers of the holy Communion Afterwarde the people also doth communicate bicause Christ did not only eate with his Apostles which were fewe in number but also when he shoulde ascende into heauen he did eate with a multitude of hys disciples And a little after he sayth The high Byshop the pope receaueth one part of the hoste and geueth an other parte thereof to the Deacon with a kisse an other portion to the Subdeacon without a kisse c. Of these thinges aforesayd may we euidently perceaue that in times paste before papacye bare rule in the church of Christ the celebration of the Lordes Supper was not a priuate repaste of one alone but a banket of many accordynge to thys sayinge of the Apostle my brethren when ye come together to eate the Lordes Supper tary one for an other Agayne All we are partakers of one breade Pope Gelasius the first commaūded that the communion shoulde be ministred in both kindes to them that come vnto the Lordes table and that if any were otherwise affected they shoulde be put awaye from the Lordes table For saith he the diuision of one and the same mystery can not be done with out great sacrilege In the yere c. 494 De cons. dist 1. cap. comperimus A councell holden at Constance did first of all by publique law forbid that the lay people should receaue y e Lordes supper vnder both kinds charging and commaunding that from thence forth the layty shoulde communicate onely vnder one kind when notwithstāding the commaundement of Christ is farre otherwise Drink ye al of this saith he And Sainct Marke sayth They all dranke of it Here is no exceptiō of the laytye The holy Apostle saint Paule also whensoeuer he maketh any mention of the Lordes supper ioyneth alwayes the bread and the cup together not diuiding the one from the other after the doctrine of the pope In y e yere c. 1417. Lib. Concil Gabr. Biel. c. The Author of the postcommunion is not knowen saith Durandus Notwithstanding Platina maketh Gregory y e first Author of it So likewise writeth Ioannes Stella and Iacobus phillippus Bergomensis Pope Leo y e first brought in Ite missa est and Benedicamus domino with Deo gratias for a final conclusion of the masse so that now euery man may go home as wise as they came In the yeare c. 444. Michael Bucchingerus It is to be noted saith Durand that y e masse is ended three maner of wayes Firste of all by Ite missa est and that is in solemne feastes when Te deum laudamus and Gloria in excelsis is songe And it is so much to say Be packing homewarde For the wholsome sacrifice for mankynd is sent or offered vnto God Or it sheweth to the people that the masse or the prayers are done Or the meaning of Ite missa est is this Go after christ and folow him for we may not abide in this worlde but by good workes we must make hast vnto the country of heauen whiche thynge we maye easelye do for the sacrifice is sente to appease God y e father by the power whereof the helles are broken and the gate of paradyse is open Ration di offi Secondly the Masse is ended by Benedicamus domino and y t is on workyng dayes and generallye when there are no songes of gladnesse songe before whereby the people shoulde be allured and stirred vp to geue god thankes Agayne the masse is concluded by Benedicamus domino on all fasting dayes and lowe feastes Rat. di offi Thirdly the masse is finished by Requiescant in pace and y t is when they sing masse of Requiem for the dead And then ye maye not aunswere Deo gratias but Amen that is to saye So be it For reast is wyshed vnto them c. Rat. di off The councel Aurelianense ordayned y t the people should not depart out of y e church after y e masse be done til they be blessed of the priest Hereof commeth it to passe y t the people on the solemne feasts be blessed with an empty cuppe after y t the prieste hath dronke all vp Lib. Concil Guili Durand Pope Alexander the fyrst made a decree that the people should be sprinckled with holy water after Masse bee done that they may sayth he thereby be made holy pure and cleane In the yeare of oure Lorde 119. Grati. Platina Sabellicus Of these things aforesayd most gentle Reader whiche I haue truly and faythfully alleged out of the popyshe Chronicle writers mayest thou euidently see y t the Romishe and popyshe masse is not so auncient of so greate antiquitye as the Romanistes and papistes bragge but rather that it is a late and yesterday inuention Agayne y t it was not instituted of Christ nor of hys Apostles but fyrst of all clouted together of certayne Popes euerye man bringing in hys patch and at the laste beautifying it with straunge feathers like vnto Esopes crowe More than a thousand yeare was thys monstrous masse in patching before it culd be brought vnto any perfection if that may receaue perfection that is most of all imperfecte Uppon this wicked superstitious and Idolatrous masse are all monasteries colleges chauntries free chappels fraternities and all the sectes of Antichrist y t pope founded and builded purgatorye also and y e whole
downe hys necke in confession to the Prieste and humble hymselfe before the priest as before God being in dede Goddes vicare Therefore God oute of hands exalted the Priestes aboue al men and aboue all creatures as a certaine Doctor sayth speakyng of Priestes Although by nature ye bee men yet in dignitye ye excell all men Agayne A Prieste is hygher than Kynges more blessed and happye than Aungells and the maker of hys maker Secondly God hath honoured them in temporall thinges For those thinges which God reserued vnto himself that is to say the tenthes y e offerings the fyrst frutes and the other Patrimonyes of Christe crucifyed he hath freely geuen to y e priests for the sustentation and mainteinaunce of their body that they being free from laboure when other mē must nedes worke for their liuing may y e more quietly serue God in spirituall thinges Thyrdly God hath honoured them in geuing them suche immunities priuileges liberties and fredomes that no earthlye Prince hath iurisdiction ouer them neither king neither Prince neither any other seculare mā no neither dare any man lay violente hande vpon them no not vppon the lessest of y e order For whosoeuer doth the contrary he is excommunicate with the greater excommunication eo facto both in heauen and in earth Uerely God doth so defend thē y t none dare trouble thē eyther in worde or in deede insomuche y t whatsoeuer displeasure is done vnto any of them he thynketh it to be done to hymselfe as the Lorde hymselfe sayeth by y e Prophete Zacharye He y e toucheth you toucheth the apple of myne eye Agayne in the Psalme he sayeth touch not myne annoynted so y t priests are not to bee molested so muche as with a worde but they ar to be honoured as the Lorde sayde to Moses and Aaron I wil blesse them y e blesse you and curse them that curse you In consideration wherof the priestes and mē of the church are priuileged insomuche that whosoeuer doe make or cause to bee made or to be kepte any statutes that bee agaynste the libertyes of the priestes and men of the Clergye they are strayght wayes excommunicate accursed Item no worldely Prince dare make exactions vppon the Clergye neyther dare any man aske any kynde of paymentes or take any thing of the Clergye For if he doe he is out of hande excommunicate neyther can he be absolued from the aforesayd excommunication excepte he make restitution at the full Fourthly God hath honored the priestes in that he hath committed vnto them the soules of the faythfull that is to say the holy Churche of the whiche Chrisostome saith The church is more honourable than heauen and the aungels all other creatures Christ hath loued the Churche more than himselfe for whose sake he came downe from heauen into this world and serued for it xxxiii yeares and at the laste suffred bitter death for it and doth nowe geue vnto it his body for meate his bloud for drinke and after this life he geueth himselfe vnto it for a rewarde Moreouer he hath committed thys welbeloued Churche to priestes with all the giftes that is to say the Sacramentes For the order of priesthood onely hath power to baptise except it be in necessitie at whiche tyme it is lawefull for euery man and woman to baptise Also he alone hath aucthoritie to minister the Sacrament of confirmation Item the priest alone hathe power to heare confession to geue absolution and to enioyne penaunce accordynge to this saying of Christ take the holy Ghost whose sinnes ye forgeue they are forgeuen them but whose synnes ye do retayne they are retayned Itē he alone hath power to minister the Sacramēt of extreme vnction c. In this incomprehensible dignitye God hath singularely honoured them aboue all other men Ye are that lyght of the worlde sayth he For as the worlde shoulde be nothynge without lyght euen so is the Churche nothyng without priestes Fiftly God hath honored thē in this that he hath streightly charged all men to be obedient vnto them as vnto him selfe of what condition or state so euer they be as he sayth He that heareth you heareth me and he that despiseth you despiseth me Whatsoeuer is not lawefull sayth Austen it is the shepheardes office to forbyd and the duty of the flock to heare and to obey Therfore all men muste obey the Priestes euen as Christ when they commaunde them to faste to kepe holy day c. Therfore the Lorde threatneth them that are disobedient and rebell agaynst the commaundement of Priestes saying he that is proude and will not obey the commaundement of the Priest let hym dye the death An example hereof haue we in Dathan Abiron and Chore whiche rebelled agaynste Moses and Aaron and therefore the earth opened and swalowed them vp quick Sixtly God hath honored them by giuyng them power to bynde and to loosen as it is written Whatsoeuer ye shall binde vpon the earth c. This power of binding and losoning is vnderstande one waye of excommunication whiche is the spirituall swearde and it is greatly to be feared An other way this power is to be vnderstand of the absolution of sinnes Therfore the Bishop whē he maketh priestes bloweth and breatheth vpon them saying Take the holy Ghost c. Seuenthly God hath honored them in that they are called aungels in the scriptures Therefore sayth Gregory All that are termed by the name of a priest are called Aungels But wherefore are they called aungels Verelye bicause they haue certayne properties with the angels First bicause it is the office of aungels to minister vnto God and vnto men as the Apostle saith All Aūgels are ministring spirits So likewise is it the dutye of priestes to serue God day night and to minister vnto men with the Sacramentes Secondly bicause an aungell is pure in lyfe so in lyke maner ought euery priest to be chast and pure in his life and conuersation For to liue chast is an aungelike life as Ambrose saith they that are not maried nor do mary are as aungels in earth Damascen sayth Abstinence from mariage is the folowyng of aungels Thyrdly it is the office of Aungels to enforme and instructe men by good inspiration So likewise is it the priestes duty to do by the word of god Fourthly it is y e duty of aungels to prayse god so likewise are the priestes bounde vnder payne of deadly synne to say eueryday theyr mattens prime and houres euen ●ong c. vnto the prayse of God Eyghtly God hath honored y e priests in this that they are in some poyntes like to the most blessed virgine Mary First as the most blessed virgin Mary did conceaue thorowe fyue wordes the true body of Christ Fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum so likewise the priest thorow fiue words Hoc est enim corpus meū maketh the body of
bonde of sinne that thei being resuscitate or raised vp in y e glorie of the resurrection maye liue among y e saintes and chosen people Thorowe Christ our Lord. So be it A shorter forme or manner of bidding the beades MAsters and frendes as for holy dayes and fasting dayes ye shal haue none thys weke but y t ye maye doe all manner of good workes y t shall bee to the honoure of God and y e profyt of your own soules And therefore after a laudable consuetude and a lawfull custome of our mother holy Churche ye shal knele down mouyng your heartes vnto almightye God and makyng your speciall prayers for the .iii. estates concernyng all Christen people that is to saye for the Spiritualtye the Temporaltie and y e soules being in the paynes of purgatorye Fyrst for our holy father the Pope with all hys Cardinalls for all Archebyshops and Byshops and in especiall for my Lorde Archbishop of Cantorburye your Metropolitane and also my Lorde Bishop of this diocesse N. and in generall for all persons vicares parishe priests hauing cure of mannes soule with the ministers of Christes church as wel religious as not religious Secondly ye shal pray for y e vnitie and peace of al Christen Realmes and specially for the noble Realme of England for our soueraigne Lord y e King for the Prince for my Ladye y e Kinges Mother with all their progenye and for al y e Lords of y e councel and al other of the nobilitie whiche dwell in the countreyes hauing protection and gouernaunce of y e same y t almightie God may sende them grace so to gouerne rule the lande y t it maye bee pleasing vnto almightye God wealth and profyte to the lande and saluation to their soules Also ye shall praye for all those that haue honoured the church wyth light Lampe Uestmente or Bell or with any ornamentes by the whiche the seruice of almightye God is the better maintayned and kepte Furthermore ye shall praye for all true trauailers tillers of the earth y t trulye and duelye done their dutye to God holye church as they be bounde to do Also ye shal pray for al manner of frutes y t be done vppon the grounde or shal be y t almightye God of hys greate pitye and mercye maye sende suche wederynges y t they maye come to the sustenaunce of man Ye shall praye also for al those y t be in debt or deadly sinne y t almightye GOD maye geue them grace to come oute thereof and the soner by our prayer Also ye shall praye for all those y t bee sicke or diseased eyther in bodye or in soule y ● almyghtye God maye sende them y e thing whiche is moste profitable aswel bodilye as ghostly Also ye shall praye for all pilgrimes and Palmers y t haue taken the waye to Rome to S. Iames or Ierusalem or to any other place y t almightye God maye geue them grace to go safe and come safe and geue vs grace to haue parte of their prayers and they parte of oures Also ye shal praye for y e holy Crosse y t is in the possession and hands of vnryghtful people y e almightye God may sende it into y e possession of Christen people when it pleaseth hym Furthermore I commit vnto your deuoute prayers all women y t be in our ladyes bondes y t almighty God may sende thē grace y e childe to receaue y e sacrament of baptisme and y e mother purification Also ye shall praye for the good man or woman y t thys daye geueth bread to make the holy lofe and for all those y t fyrste began it and them y e longest continue For these and for al true Christen people euery man and womā say a Pater noster an Aue. Deu● misereatur nostri c cum Gloria patri c. Thirdly ye shal pray for your frends soules as your fathers soule your mothers soule your brethrens soule your sisters soule your Godfathers soule your Godmothers soule for all those soules whose bones rest in this church or Churchyarde or in any other holye place for al y e soules being in paines of purgatorye but specially and aboue al for those soules whose names be accustomed to be rehearsed in y e beadrolle as I shall rehearse them vnto you by y e grace of God c. For these in speciall and for all other in generall that it is needefull to praye for for euery man and woman saie a Pater Noster and an Aue. De profūdis c cum Oremus Absolue quesumus c. The general sentence taken out of the Englyshe Festiuall GOod men and women I doe you to vnderstande y t we that haue cure of your soules bee commaunded of oure ordinaryes and by the constitutions lawes of holy church to shewe to you foure tymes in the yeare in eche quarter of y e yeare once when the people is moste plenarye in the church the articles of the sentence So y t not for our default no man nor woman fal therein And if any be therin fallen he may through the helpe of God almightye and al holy church with shrifte and penaunce makyng good for his sinne vprise and hym amende ▪ Wherefore I doe you to vnderstande y t cursing is such a vengeaunce takyng that it departeth a man from the blysse of heauen from housel shrifte and all the Sacramentes of holye Churche and betaketh hym to the deuill and to the paynes of hell wythoute ende but if he haue grace of hym to amende But therefore see y t no man nor woman saye that I curse them For it longeth not to me but to shewe the pointes and y e articles of the sentence of cursyng For I doe you wel to wite who so doth agaynste any of y e pointes y t I shall shewe you he is accursed in the deede doing of the Pope Archebyshop Byshop and of al holy Church And y t god almighty geue you grace to kepe you out of cursing listen and heare and I shal thorowe y e helpe of God the father almighty to you thē tell and shewe By the authoritye of God y e Sonne and the holy Ghost and hys glorious Mother and mayden oure Lady Saint Marye and the blessed Apostles Peter and Paule and all Apostles Martyrs Confessours and virgines and the halowes of God I denounce and shewe for accursed all thoe that fraūches of holye Churche breake or distrouble or beene agaynst the state of holy church or thereto assente wyth deede or councell And also all thoe that depriue holy Churche of any ryghte or make of holy churche any Laye fee y t is halowed or sanctified And all thoe y t withholde the rites of holy church y t is for to say offringes tithes rents or fredome of holye Churche let or distrouble or breake that is to saye if any man flee to the Churche or Churchyarde Who so
hys harte when al his bloud was agone shed for our sakes And so by sacrament of Christening he is ful made Christes childe and he receaueth there parte of the passion of Christ and part of all the Sacraments and prayers that beene done in holye churche Also he receaueth parte of all good deedes y t beene done among all Christen people And if he holde mekely the couenaunt y t he maketh there to god he may be sure for to haue a dwelling place for euer in y e blysse of heauē But what tyme y t he trespasseth so agaynst the law of God y t he falleth into curse by sinne or y t he is worthye to be cursed of holy church then he is departed from God and al good works till he come to amendment And he is than deliuered againe to y e fende of hel for to put him for his sinne into the payne of hell withouten ende but he hym amend therof be assoyled or he hence passe And therefore there is nothing in al this world y t a Christen mā or woman ought so griselich to dread as for to fall into sinne y t bringeth him into the sentence of curse the which departeth him from God y t is his father from holy church that is his mother Also as holy scripture or the lawe beareth witnesse Cursing is cleped the sweard of holy church For right as we seen y t the stroke of the sweard it sleaeth and departeth the life fro the body right so y e stroke of this ghostly sweard Cursing departeth and doth away our Lord God from man woman which is accursed the which Lord God is life of her soules withouten him all her workes bene dead euermore after but thei haue special grace of God for to amende hem here ere they passe oute of this world For as many Clerkes preuen at y e day of dumme would our lady S. Marye and S. Iohn Baptiste al saints y t bene in heauen knele down at once before y e blessed face of almightye God they shoullen not in y t time thorowe the prayer of them all deliuer the soule of man or woman y t dyeth in deadly sinne For trulich it were expresselich agaynste the holy Gospell where Christ sayth thus that he shall trulich geue to euery man and womā their ryghte there as he hath deserued here And if the day of dumme shall bee so harde to all thoe y t dyen in any deadly sinne by al reason ful myche harder shall it bee at y e tyme with all these y t be founden openly cursed of God and of holye Churche In thys perillous waye of dampnation beene all thylke men and women that I shall speake of And therefore I beseeche you and charge you for the loue of god almighty and for the saluation of your soules that ye vnderstand wel al these points And if any of you fele hym giltye in any of all y t he amende hym by sorow of hearte shrifte and penaunce and that betimes Fyrst and formest we denouncen accursed all that holy Churche falsely depriuen of any ryghte or profyt that it falleth to haue eyther by law written or elles by good custome whiche that hath bene holden and vsed of old time And in thys poynte fallen three manner of folke Fyrst all thoe y t stelen any Churchegoodes in what place so that they bee done to kepe or ells that stelen vnhalowed thyng oute of holye place or thynges that beene halowed oute of place vnhalowed And all thoe y t wittingly breaken or destroyen anye poynt of freedome that longeth to holy Churche And thys is not alonely vnderstande of the fredomes y t longen generally to all holy Churche but also of other speciall freedomes which y t some church hath more thā an other temporal or spiritual whether so it be The thyrd poynte is y t al thoe bene accursed that purchasen writtes or letters of any leude courte for to let the processe of the lawe of holy churche of causes y t longen skilfully vnto Christē courte the which shoulde not be demed by none other lawe All thoe also that breaken or distroublen the fraunches and the fredome of holy church And al y t bene agaynst the peace and y e ryghte state of holy church or therto assenten with worde dede or counsayle And al y t maliciouslye biriuen holy churche of her right or maken holy churche Lay-fee y t is halowed and blessed And all thoe that letten Archebyshop or Byshop or any other y t hath iurisdiction and power by the lawe of holy Church that they may not visite her sugettes or dare not vse her lawe for to amende the soules of hem y t they haue to kepe And all thoe that falsely fleen awaye from one place to an other that holye church may not chastyse them ne rule thē as she shuld Also god holy church accursen al thoe y t laye hand in malice on priest or clerke on man or woman learned or leude w tin church or churchyarde or man or woman of Religion but it be hemself defendaunt so y t they may not els saue hemself or els that it be in certaine pointes that the lawe geueth licence and all that therto procuren or mainteinen such dedes by coūsayle or strength Also all yilke bene accursed that drawen out any mā or woman in violence out of holy Church to haue succour and helpe or els out of any holy place that is halowed but and it be in certaine poyntes as the lawe geueth leaue or letten them to haue sustenaunce the while they bene there And also all thoe that for malice or wrath of person vicare or priest or of any other or for wrongfull couetise of himselfe withholden rightfull tythes offerings rentes or mortuaries frō her owne parishe Churche and by waye of couetyse falselyche agayne takynge to God the worsse and to himself the better or els turne him into an other vse than him oweth or done him in other place after their owne will so y t they be not done to the same place that they shoulde be or let by worde or by deede any man or woman for to do her good will and her deuotion to god and to holy church For all Christen mē womē ben hard bound vpō pain of deadly sin not onlich by the ordinaūce of mā but both in the olde lawe and also in the newe lawe for to paye truliche to God and holy church the tithe part of al maner encrease that they winnē trulich by the grace of god both with her trauel and also with her craftes what so they be truliche gotten Also the tith part of al manner fishes and foules beasts both wild tame And al maner of frutes that growen out of the earth Also all that wittingly or wilfully tithen falsly that is to say that geuē not to god and to holy church the tēth part