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A05817 The practise of pietie directing a Christian how to walke that he may please God. Bayly, Lewis, d. 1631.; Elstracke, Renold, fl. 1590-1630. 1613 (1613) STC 1602; ESTC S1173 279,570 1,072

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all euill malignant Spirits farre from him Make him more and more to loath this world and to desire to be loosed and to be with Christ. And when that good houre and time shall come wherein thou hast determined to call for him out of this present life giue him grace peaceably and ioyfully to yeeld vp his Soule into thy mercifull hands and doe thou receiue her into thy mercy and let thy blessed Angels carry her into thy Kingdome Make his last houre his best houre his last words his best words and his last thoughts his best thoughts And when the sight of his eyes are gone and his tongue shall faile to doe his office graunt O Lord that his Soule may with Stephen behold Iesus Christ in Heauen ready to receiue him and that thy Spirit within him may make requests for him with sighes which cannot be expressed Teach vs in him to reade and see our owne end and mortalitie and therefore to be carefull to prepare our selues for our last ends and put our selues in a readidinesse against the time that thou shalt call for vs in the like manner Thus Lord wee recommend this our deare Brother or Sister thy sicke Seruant vnto thy eternall grace and mercie in that Prayer vvhich Christ our Sauiour hath taught vnto vs. Our Father which art in Heauen c. Thy Grace O Lord Iesus Christ thy loue O heauenly Father thy comfort and consolation O holy Spirit be with vs all and especially with this thy sicke seruant to the end and in the end Amen Let them reade often vnto the sicke some speciall Chapters of the holy Scriptures as The three first Chapters of the Booke of Iob. The 34. Chapter of Deutronomie The two last Chapters of Ioshua The 17. Chapter of the first of Kings The 2.4 and 13. Chapters of the second of Kings The 14. and 19. Chapters of Iob. The 38.40 and 65. Chapters of Isay. The Historie of the Passion of Christ. The 8. Chapter to the Romanes The 15. Chapter of the first Epistle to the Corinthians The 4. of the first Epistle to the Thessalonians The 5. Chapter of the second Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians The first and last Chapters of S. Iames. The 11. and 12. to the Hebrewes The first Epistle of Peter The three first and the three last Chapters of the Reuelation or some of these And so exhorting the sicke partie to waite vpon God by faith and patience till he send for him and praying the Lord to send them a ioyfull meeting in the Kingdome of Heauen and a blessed Resurrection at the last day they may depart at their pleasure in the peace of God Consolations against Impatiencie in sicknesse IF in thy sicknesse by extremitie of paine thou be driuen to Impatiencie meditate 1 That thy sinnes haue deserued the paines of Hell therefore thou maist vvith greater patience endure these fatherly corrections 2 That these are the scourges of thy Heauenly Father and the rod in his hand If thou diddest suffer with reuerence being a child the correction of thy earthly Parents how much rather shouldest thou now subiect thy selfe being the child of God to the chastisements of thy heauenly Father seeing it is for thine eternall good 3 That Christ suffered in his Soule and body farre grieuouser paines for thee therefore thou must more vvillingly suffer his blessed pleasure for thine owne good Therefore saith Peter Christ suffered for you leauing you an example that ye should follow his steps And Let vs saith Saint Paul runne with ioy the race that is set before vs looking vnto Iesus the author and finisher of our Faith who for the ioy that was set before him endured the Crosse c. 4 That these afflictions which now you suffer are none other but such which are accomplished in your Brethren that are in the world as witnesseth Peter Yea Iobs afflictions were farre more grieuous There is not one of the Saints vvhich now are at rest in heauenly ioyes but endured as much as you doe before they went thither yea many of them willingly suffered all the torments that Tyrants could inflict vpon them that they might come to those Heauenly ioyes whereunto you are now called And you haue a promise that the God of all grace after that you haue suffered a while will make you perfect stablish strengthen and settle you And that God of his fidelitie will not suffer you to be tempted aboue that you are able but will with the temptation also make a way to escape that yee may be able to beare it 5 That God hath determined the time when thy affliction shall end as vvell as the time when it beganne Thirty eight yeeres were appointed to the sicke man at Bethesda's Poole Twelue yeeres to the Woman with the bloudy Issue Three Moneths to Moses Tenne dayes tribulation to the Angell of the Church of Smyrna Three dayes plague to Dauid Yea the number of the godly mans teares are registred in Gods Booke and the quantitie kept in his bottle The time of our troubles saith Christ is but a modicum Gods Anger lasts but a Moment saith Dauid A little season saith the Lord and therefore cals all the time of our paine but the houre of sorrow Dauid for the swiftnesse thereof compares our present trouble to a Brooke And Athanasius to a Shower Compare the longest misery that man endures in this life to the eternitie of heauenly Ioyes and they vvill appeare to be nothing And as the sight of a Sonne safe borne makes the Mother forget all her former deadly paine so the sight of Christ in Heauen vvho was borne for thee will make all these pangs of death to be quite forgotten as if they had neuer been like Stephen who as soone as hee saw Christ forgat his owne woundes with the horrour of the Graue and terrour of the stones and sweetly yeelded his Soule into the hands of his Sauiour Forget thine owne paine thinke of Christs wounds Be faithfull vnto the death and hee will giue thee the Crowne of eternall life 6 That you are now called to Repetitions in Christs Schoole to see how much Faith Patience and godlinesse you haue learned all this while and whether you can like Iob receiue at the hand of God some euill as vvell as you haue hitherto receiued a great deale of good as therefore you haue alwayes prayed Thy Will be done so be not now offended at this which is done by his holy will 7 That all things shall worke together for the best to them that loue God insomuch that neyther death nor life nor Angels nor Principalities nor Powers c. shall be able to separate vs from the loue of God which is in Iesus Christ our Lord. Assure your selfe that euery pang is a preuention of the paines of Hell euery respite an earnest of
earth he hath a sure title in this life and he shall haue the plenary and peaceable possession of them in the life to come Hence it is that all Reprobates are but vsurpers of all that they possesse and haue no place of their owne but Hell 7 He hath the assurance of Gods Fatherly care and protection day and night ouer him which care consisteth in three things 1 In prouiding all things necessary for his soule and body concerning this life and that which is to come so that he shal be sure euer either to haue enough or patience to be content with that he hath 2 In that God giues his holy Angels as his ministers a charge to attend vpon him alwaies for his good yea in danger to pitch their tents about him for his safty where euer hee be Yea Gods protection shall defend him as a cloud by day and as a pillar of fire by night and his prouidence shall hedge him frō the power of the Deuill 3 In that the eyes of the Lord are vpon him and his eares continually open to see his state and to heare his complaint and in his good time to deliuer him out of all his troubles Thus farre of the blessed estate of the godly and Regenerated man in this life Now of his blessed estate in death 2 Meditations of the blessed estate of a regenerate man in his death WHen GOD sends death as his messenger for the regenerated man hee meetes him halfe the way to heauen for his conuersation and affection is there before him Death is neyther strange nor fearefull vnto him not strange because he dyed daily not fearefull because vvhilest hee liued hee vvas dead and his life vvas hid with Christ in God To dye vnto him therefore is nothing else in effect but to rest from his labour in this world to goe home to his fathers house vnto the citie of the liuing God the heauenly Ierusalem to an innumerable company of Angels to the generall assembly and Church of the first borne to God the Iudge of all and to the Spirits of iust men made perfect and to Iesus the Mediator of the new Testament Whilest his Body is sicke his Minde is sound for God maketh all his bed in his sicknesse and strengtheneth him with faith and patience vpon his bed of sorrow and when hee begins to enter into the way of all the world hee giueth like Iacob Moses and Ioshua to his Children and friends godly exhortations and counsailes to serue the true GOD to worship him truely all the dayes of their life His blessed soule breatheth nothing but blessings and such speeches as sauours a sanctified spirit As his outward man decayeth so his inward man increaseth and vvaxeth stronger When the speech of his tongue faultreth the sighes of his heart speaketh louder vnto GOD when the sight of the Eyes faileth the Holy Ghost illuminates him inwardly vvith aboundance of spiritual light His soule feareth not but is bold to goe out of the body and to dwell with her Lord. Hee sigheth out with Paul cupio dissolui I desire to be dissolued and to be with Christ. And with Dauid As the Hart panteth after the water-brookes so panteth my soule after thee O God My Soule thristeth for God for the liuing God when shall I come and appeare before God Hee prayeth vvith the Saints How long O Lord which art holy and true Come Lord Iesus come quickely And vvhen the appointed time of his dissolution is come knowing that hee goeth to his Father and Redeemer in the peace of a good Conscience and the assured perswasion of the forgiuenesse of all his sinnes in the bloud of the Lambe hee sings with blessed old Simeon his Nunc dimittis Lord now lettest thou thy Seruant depart in peace c. And surrenders vp his Soule as it were with his owne hands into the hands of his heauenly Father saying vvith Dauid Into thy hands O Father I commend my Soule for thou hast redeemed me O Lord thou God of truth And saying with Stephen Lord Iesu receiue my spirit Hee no sooner yeelds vp his sacred Ghost but immediately the holy Angels who attended vpon him from his birth vnto his death carry and accompany his Soule into Heauen as they did the Soule of Lazarus into Abrahams bosome which is the Kingdome of Heauen whither onely good Angels and good workes doe accompany the Soule the one to deliuer their charge the other to receiue their reward The Body in conuenient time as the sanctified Temple of the holy Ghost the members of Christ nourished by his Body the price of the bloud of the Sonne of God is by his fellow-brethren reuerently laid to sleepe in his graue as in the bed of Christ in an assured hope to awake in the resurrection of the iust at the last day to be pertaker vvith the Soule of life and glory euerlasting And in this respect not onely the Soules but the very Bodies of the faithfull also are termed blessed Thus farre the blessednesse of the soule and body of the regenerated man in death Now let vs see the blessednesse of his soule and body after death 3 Meditations of the blessed estate of the regenerated man after death THis state hath three degrees 1 From the day of Death to the Resurrection 2 From the Resurrection to the pronouncing of the Sentence 3 After the Sentence which lasts eternally As soone as euer the regenerated man hath yeelded vp his Soule vnto Christ the holy Angels take her into their custodie and immediately carry her into Heauen and there presents her before Christ where shee is crowned with a Crowne of righteousnesse and glory not which she hath deserued by her good workes but vvhich God hath promised of his free goodnesse to all those vvho of loue haue in this life vnfainedly serued him and sought his glory Oh! what ioy vvill it be to thy Soule vvhich vvas vvont to see but miserie and sinners now to behold the face of the God of Glory yea to see Christ vvell comming thee as soone as thou art presented before him by the holy Angels vvith an Euge bone serue Well done and well-come good and faithfull seruant c. enter into thy masters ioy And vvhat ioy vvill this be to behold thousand thousands of Cherubims Seraphims Angels Thrones Dominions Principalities Powers All the holy Patriarkes Priests Prophets Apostles Martyrs Professors and all the Soules of thy Friends Parents Husbands Wiues Children and the rest of Gods Saints who departed before thee in the true Faith of Christ standing before Gods Throne in blisse and glory If the Queene of Sheba beholding the glory and attendance giuen to Salomon as it were rauished therwith brake out and said Happy are thy men happy are
many yeers as the world did weekes of yeeres vnto that time and so many weekes of yeeres as the world had lasted Iubilies Daniels 70. weekes of yeeres contained 490. single yeeres the World before that time 490. weekes or Sabbaths of yeeres Daniels period 70. weekes the worlds 70. Iubilies So that to comfort the Church for their 70. yeeres captiuity which they had now according to Ieremies Prophesie endured in Babylon Gabriel tels Daniel that at the ende of 70. weekes or Sabbaths of yeeres that is 70. times seuen yeeres or 490. yeeres their eternall redemption from hell should be effected by the death of Christ as sure as they were now redeemed from the Captiuitie of Babilon This period of Daniel containing 70. Sabbaths or 10. Iubilies of yeeres beganne at the first libertie granted the Iewes by Cyrus in the first yeere of his raigne ouer the Babilonians mentioned Hezr 1.1 and ends iustly at the time that Christ dyed vpon the Crosse. From the death of Christ or the last ende of Daniels weekes to the 71. yeere of Christ the world is measured by seauen seales or seauen Sabbaths of yeeres making one compleate Iubilie From the end of those 7. seales the World is measured to her end by 7 Trumpets each containing 245. yeeres as some coniecture about 440. yeeres hence the truth vvill appeare Enoch the seauenth from Adam hauing liued so many yeeres as there are dayes in the yeere 365. vvas translated of God in a Sabbaticall yeere Moses the seauenth from Abraham as an other En●ch is buried of God but borne in a Sabbaticall yeere of the world 2373. and in the 777. yeere since the Floud after Broughtons Computation is saued as a new Noah in a Reede Arke and liueth a Builder of the Church so long as Noah was building the arke 120. yeeres The promise was made to Abraham in a Sabbaticall yeere being the 2023. of the World The sixt yeere of Iosua being the 2500. yeere from the Creation of the world wherein the Land was possessed diuided among the Children of Israel was a Sabbaticall yeere and the 50. Iubilie from the Creation of the world At this yeere Moses beginnes his Iubilie by vvhich as with a chaine of 30. linckes he tyeth the parting of Canaans possession to the Israelites by Ioshua to the opening of the Kingdome of Heauen to all beleeuers by Iesus And so carryeth the Church of the Iewes by a ioyfull streame of Iubilies from the Type to the substance from Canaan to Heauen from Ioshua to Iesus for Christ at the end of Moses 30. Iubilies and the beginning of the 30. yeere of his age at his Baptisme openeth heauen and giues the clearest vision of the blessed Trinitie that was seene since the world began And by the siluer Trumpet of his Gospell proclaimes according to the Prophesie of Isay eternall redemption to all that repent and beleeue in him And the yeere of our Sauiour Christs birth being the 3948. of the World vvas at the ende of a Sabbaticall yeere and the 524. Septenarie of the World Moses maketh the common age of all men to be tenne times seauen Psal. 90. euery seauenth yeere commonly produceth some notable change or accident in mans life And no wonder for as Hypocrates affirmeth that a child in his mothers wombe on the seauenth day of his conception hath all his members finished and from that day groweth to the perfection of birth which is alwayes eyther the ninth or seauenth moneth At seauen yeeres old the childe casts his teeth and receiues new And euery seauenth yeere after there is some alteration or change in mans life especially at nine times seauen the Clymactericke yeere which by experience is found to haue been fatall to many of those learned men who haue beene the chiefest lights of the world And if they escaped that yeere yet most of them haue departed this life in a septenary yeere Lamech dyed in the yeere of his life 777. Methusalem the longest liuer of the sonnes of men died when hee began to enter his 900. and 70. yeere Abraham dyed when hee had liued 25. times 7. yeeres Iacob when hee had liued 21. times 7. yeeres Dauid after hee had liued tenne times 7. yeeres So did Galen so did Petrarch who as Bodin noteth dyed on the same day of the yeere that hee vvas borne so did the Maiden-Queene Elizabeth of blessed and neuer dying memorie vvho came into this world the Eue of the Natiuitie of the blessed Virgin Mary and went out of this world on the Eue of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary Hypocrates dyed in his 15. septenarie Hierome and Isocrates in their 13. Plinie Bartolus and Caesar in their 8. septenarie And Iohannes de temporibus vvho liued 361. yeeres dyed in the 53. septenary of his life The like might be obserued of innumerable others And indeed the whole life of a man is measured by the Sabbath for how many yeeres soeuer a man liueth here yet his life is but a life of 7. dayes multiplied so that in the number of 7. there is a mysticall perfection which our vnderstanding cannot attaine vnto All which diuine disposition of admirable things so oft by seauens call vpon vs to a continuall meditation of the blessed seauenth day Sabbath in knowing and worshipping GOD in this life that so from Sabbath to Sabbath wee may be translated to the eternall glorious Sabbath of rest and blisse in the life to come By the consideration wherof any man that looketh into the holy Historie may easily perceiue that the whole course of the world is drawne and guided by a certaine chaine of Gods prouidence disposing all things in number measure and waight All times are therefore measured by the Sabbath so that time and the Sabbath can neuer be separated And the Angell sweares that this measuring of time shall continue till that Time shall be no more And as the Sabbath had his first institution in the first Booke of the Scriptures so hath it its confirmation in the last and as this Booke doth authorise this day so this day graceth the Booke in that the matter thereof was reuealed vpon so holy a day the Lords reuelation vpon the Lords day As well therefore may they pull the Sunne Moone and Stars out of the heauens as abolish the holy Sabbath times meterod out of the Church seeing the Sabbath is ordained in the Church as well as the Sunne and Moone in the Firmament for the distinction of times 8 Because that the whole Church by an vniuersall consent euer since the Apostles time haue still held the commandement of the Sabbath to be the morall and perpetuall Law of God and the keeping of the Sabbath on the first day of the weeke to be the institution of Christ and his Apostles The Synode called Synodus Coloniensis saith that the Lords day hath beene famous
then to dance vpon the Sabbath day Now in the name of Almighty God who rested hauing created Heauen and Earth and of his eternall Sonne Iesus the Redeemer of his Church who shall shortly come on the dreadfull day of doome to iudge all men according to the obedience which they haue shewed to his commandements I require thee who readest these words as thou wilt answere before the face of Christ and all his holy Angels at that day that thou better weigh and consider whether dauncing stage-playing masking carding dicing tabling chesse-playing bowling shooting Beare-baiting carowsing tippling and such other fooleries of Robbin-Hood Morrice-daunces Wakes and May-games be exercises that GOD will blesse and allowe on the Sabbath day And seeing that no action ought to bee done that day but such as whereby we either blesse God or looke to receiue a blessing from God how darest thou doe those things on that blessed day on which thou darest not to pray to God to bestow a blessing on it to thy vse Heare this and tremble at this O prophane youth of a prophane age O heart all frozen and voide of the feeling of the grace of God! that hauing euery day in sixe euery houre in euery day euery minute in euery houre so tasted the sweet mercy of thy God in Christ vvithout which thou haddest perished euery moment Yet canst not finde in thy corrupt and irreligious heart to spend in thy Masters seruice that one day of the weeke which he hath reserued for his owne praise and worship Let men in defence of their prophanenesse obiect what they will and answere what the Diuell puts in their mouthes yet I would wish them to remember that seeing it is an ancient Tradition in the Church that the Lords second comming shall be vpon the Lords day how little ioy they should haue to be ouertaken in those carnall sports to please themselues when their Master should finde them in spirituall exercises seruing him The prophanest wretch would then wish rather to be taken kneeling at prayers in the Church then skipping like a Goate in a daunce If this cannot moue yet I would wish our impure gallants to remember that whilest they thus daunce on the Lords day contrary to the Lords commandement they doe but daunce about the pits brinke and they know not which of them shall first fall therein Whereinto being once fallen without repentance no greatnesse can exempt them from the vengeance of that great GOD whose commandement contrary to their knowledge and conscience they doe thus presumptuously transgresse If then Gods commandement cannot deterre thee nor Gods word aduise thee I say no more but what Saint Iohn said before me he which is filthy let him be filthy still For the second 2 The consecration of the Sabbaths rest consists in performing three sorts of duties First before Secondly at Thirdly after the publike exercises of the Church The duties to be performed before the publike exercises are 1 To giue ouer working betimes on the Eue that thy body may bee the more refreshed and thy minde the better fitted to sanctifie the Sabbath on the next day For want of this preparation thy selfe and thy seruants being tyred with labour and watching the night before are so heauy that when you should be seruing God and hearing what his spirit saith vnto the Church for your soules instruction you cannot holde vp your heads for sleeping to the dishonour of God the offence of the church and the shame of your selues therfore the Lord commands vs not only to keepe holy but also to remember afore-hand the Sabbath day to keepe it holy by preparing our harts remouing all busines that might hinder vs to consecrate it as a glorious day vnto the Lord. Therefore vvhereas the Lord in the other Commandements doth but eyther bid or forbid hee doth both in this commandement and that with a speciall memorandum As if a Master should charge his Seruant to looke well vnto tenne things of great trust but to haue a more speciall care to remember one of those ten for diuers vvaightie reasons should not a faithfull Seruant that loues his Maste● shew a more speciall care vnto that thing abou● all other businesse Thus Moses taught the people ouer-night to remember the Sabbath and it vvas a holy custome among our fore fathers when at the ringing to Prayer on the Eue before the Husbandman would giue ouer his labour in the field and the Tradesman his worke in the Shoppe and goe to Euening Prayer in the Church to prepare their soules that their minds might more cheerefully attend Gods worship on the Sabbath day 2 To possess● that night thy vessell in holinesse and honour that thou maist present thy Soule more purely in the sight of GOD the next morning 3 To rise vp earely in the morning on the Sabbath day Be carefull therefore to rise sooner on this day then on other dayes by how much the seruice of GOD is to be preferred before all earthly businesses For there is no Master to serue so good as God and in the end no worke shall be better rewarded then his seruice 4 When thou art vp consider with thy selfe what an impure sinner thou art and into what an holy place thou goest to appeare before the most holy GOD vvho seeth thy heart and hateth all impuritie and hypocrisie Examine thy selfe therefore before thou goest to Church what grieuous sinnes thou hast committed the weeke past confesse them vnto God and earnestly pray for the pardon and forgiuenesse of them And so reconcile thy selfe with God in Christ Renew thy vowes to vvalke more conscionably and pray for an increase of those graces which thou hast and a supply of those which thou wantest But especially pray that thou maist haue Grace to heare the Word of God read and preached vvith profit and that thou maist receiue the holy Sacrament vvith comfort If it be a Communion day that God by his holy Spirit vvould assist the Preacher to speake something that may ●ill thy sinne and comfort thy soule which thou maist doe in this or the like sort A Morning Prayer for the Sabbath day O Lord most high O God eternall all whose Workes are glorious and whose Thoughts are very deepe there can be no better thing then to praise thy Name and to declare thy louing kindnesse in the morning on thy holy and blessed Sabbath day For it is thy will and commandement that wee should sanctifie this day in thy seruice and prayse and in the thankefull remembrance as of the creation of the World by the power of thy Word so of the redemption of mankind by the death of thy Sonne Thine O Lord I confesse is greatnesse and power and glory and victory and praise for all that is in heauen and earth is thine Thine is thy Kingdome O Lord and thou excellest as head ouer all both riches and honour come of thee
that without faith wee cannot be perswaded in our consciences that our receiuing is acceptable vnto God 3 Of vnfained repentance requisite for a true Communicant True Repentance is a holy change of the minde when vpon the feeling sight of Gods mercy and of a mans owne misery hee turneth from all his known and secret sinnes to serue God in holinesse and righteousnesse all the rest of his daies For as he that is glutted with meat is not apt to eat bread so hee that is stuffed with sinnes is not fit to receiue Christ. And a conscience defiled with wilfull filthinesse makes the vse of all holy things vnholy vnto vs. Our sacrificed spotlesse Passeouer cannot bee eaten with the sowre leauen of malice and wickednes saith Paul 1 Cor. 5.8 Neither can the olde bottles of our corrupt and impure consciences retaine the new wine of Christs precious bloud as our Sauiour saith Mar. 2.22 Wee must therefore truely repent if we will bee worthy partakers 2 The duties to be performed in respect of our neighbour is Charity Charity is a hearty forgiuing of others who haue offended vs and after reconciliation an outward vnfained testifying of the inward affections of our hearts by gestures words and deeds as oft as we meete and occasion is offred For first without loue to our neighbour no sacrifice is acceptable vnto GOD. Secondly because one chiefe end wherefore the Lords Supper was ordained is to confirme Christians loue one towards an other Thirdly no man can assure himselfe that his owne sinnes are forgiuen of God if his heart cannot yeelde to forgiue the faults of men that haue offended him Thus farre of the first sort of duties which we are to performe before wee come to the Lords Table called Preparation 2 Of the second sort of duties which a worthy Communicant is to performe at the receiuing of the Lords Supper called Meditation THis exercise of spirituall Meditation consists in diuers points First when the Sermon is ended and the banquet of the Lords Supper begins to be celebrated meditate with thy selfe how thou art inuited by Christ to be a guest at his holy table and how louingly he inuiteth thee Hoe euery one that thirsteth come yee to the waters of life c. Come buy wine and milke without money and without price eate yee that which is good let your soule delight it selfe in fatnesse Take ye eate ye This is my body which was broken for you drinke yee all of this for this is my blood which was shed for the remission of your sinnes What greater honor can be vouchsafed then to be admitted to sit at the Lords own Table What better fare can be affoorded then to feede of the Lords owne body and bloud If Dauid thought it to be the greatest fauour that he could shew vnto good Barzalla● for all the kindenesse that hee shewed vnto him in his troubles to offer him That he should feed with him at his owne Table in Ierusalem how much greater fauour ought we to account it when Christ doth indeede feede vs in the Church at his owne Table and that with his owne most holy body and bloud Secondly as Abraham vvhen hee vvent ●p to thy Mount to sacrifice Isaak his Sonne left his Seruants beneath in the Valley so vvhen thou commest to the Spirituall Sacrifice of the Lords Supper lay aside all earthly thoughts and cogitations that thou maist wholy contemplate of Christ and offer vp thy Soule vnto him vvho sacrificed both his Soule and Body for thee Thirdly meditate vvith thy selfe how precious and venerable is the Body and Bloud of the Sonne of God vvho is the Ruler of Heauen and Earth the Lord at vvhose becke the Angels tremble and by whom both the quicke and dead shall be iudged at the last day and thou among the rest And how that it is hee who hauing beene crucified for thy sinnes offereth now to be receiued by faith into thy soule On the other side consider how sinfull a Creature thou art how altogether vnworthy of so holy a Guest how ill deseruing to taste of such sacred foode hauing beene conceiued in filthinesse and wallowing euer since in the mire of Iniquitie bearing the Name of a Christian but doing the Workes of the Diuell adoring CHRIST with an Aue Rex in thy mouth but spitting Oathes in his face and crucifying him anew vvith thy gracelesse actions Fourthly ponder then with what face darest thou offer to touch so holy a body with such defiled hands or to drinke such precious blood with so lewde and lying a mouth or to lodge so blessed a guest in so vncleane a stable For if the Bethshemites vvere slaine for but looking irreuerently into the Arke of the olde Testament what Iudgement mayest thou iustly expect who with such i●●ure eies and heart art come to see and receiue the Arke of the New Testament in which dwelleth all the fulnesse of the God-head bodily If Vzza for but touching though not without zeale the Arke of the Couenant was stricken with sudden death What stroake of diuine Iudgement maiest thou not feare that so rudely with vncleane hands doest presume to handle the Arke of the eternall Testament wherein is hid all the treasures of wisdome and knowledge If Iohn Baptist the holiest man that was borne of a woman thought himselfe vnworthy to beare his shooes O Lord how vnworthy is such a prophane wretch as thou art to eate his holy flesh and to drinke his precious bloud If the blessed Apostle S. Peter seeing but a glympse of Christs Almightie Power thought himselfe vnworthy to stand in the same B●ate with him how vnworthy art thou to sit with Christ at the same Table where thou maist behold the infinitenesse of his Grace and Mercy displayed If the Centurion thought that the roofe of his house was not vvorthy to harbour so diuine a Guest what roome can there be fit vnder thy ribs for Christs holinesse to dwell in If the bloud-issued sicke woman feared to touch the Hemme of his Garment how shouldest thou tremble to eate his flesh and to drinke his all-healing bloud Yet if thou commest humbly in Faith Repentance and Charitie abhorring thy sins past and purposing vnfainedly to amend thy life henceforth let not thy former sinnes affright thee for they shall be neuer laid vnto thy charge and this Sacrament shall seale vnto thy Soule that all thy sinnes and the Iudgements due vnto them are fully pardoned and cleane washed away by the bloud of Christ. For this Sacrament vvas not ordained for them who are perfect but to helpe penitent sinners vnto perfection Christ came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance And he saith that the whole neede not the Physitian but they that are sicke Those hath Christ called and when they came them hath hee euer helped Witnesse the whole Gospell which testifieth that not one sinner
temptation is ready to betray the soule By death the soule shall be deliuered from this thraldome and this corruptible body shall put on incorruption and this mortall immortality 1 Cor. 15.53 Oh blessed thrice blessed be that death in the Lord which deliuers vs out of so euill a world and freeth vs from such a body of bondage and corruption The 3. sort of Meditations to consider what good death will bring vnto thee 1 DEath bringeth the godly mans soule to enioy an immediate communion with the blessed Trinitie in euerlasting blisse and glorie 2 It translates his soule from the miseries of this world the contagion of sinne and society of sinners to the Citie of the liuing God the celestiall Hierusalem and to the company of innumerable Angels And to the assembly and congregation of the first borne which are written in Heauen and to God the Iudge of all and to the soules of iust men made perfect and to Iesus the Mediatour of the new Couenant 3 Death putteth the soule into the actuall and full possession of all the inheritance and happinesse which Christ hath either promised vnto thee in his word or purchased for thee by his bloud This is the good and happinesse whereunto a blessed death will bring thee And what truly religious Christian that is young would not wish himselfe olde that his appointed time might the sooner approach to enter into this celestiall Paradise where thou maiest exchange thy brasse for gold thy vanity for felicity thy vilenesse for honour thy bondage for freedome thy lease for an inheritance and thy mortall stat● for an immortall life Hee that doth not daily desire this blessednesse aboue all things of all others he is lesse worthy to enioy it If Cato Vticensis and Cleombrotus two heathen men reading Platoes booke of the Immortality of the soule did voluntarily the one breake his necke the other runne vpon his sword that they might the sooner as they thought haue enioyed those ioyes What a shame is it for Christians knowing those things in a more excellent measure and manner out of Gods owne booke not to bee willing to enter into these heauenly ioyes especially when their Master cals for them thither If therefore there be in thee any loue of God or desire of thine owne happinesse or saluation when the time of thy departing draweth neere that time I say and manner of death which GOD in his vnchangeable counsell hath appointed and determined before thou wast borne yeeld and surrender vp willingly and cheerefully thy soule into the mercifull hand of Iesus Christ thy Sauiour And to this ende when thine end is come as the Angell in the sight of Manoah and his wife ascended from the Altar vp to heauen in the flame of the sacrifice so endeauour thou that thy Soule in the sight of thy friends may from the Altar of a contrite heart ascend vp to heauen in the sweete perfume of this or the like spirituall sacrifice of Praier A Prayer for a sicke man when he is tolde that he is not a man for this world but must prepare himselfe to goe vnto GOD. O Heauenly Father who art the Lord God of the spirits of all flesh and hast made vs these soules and hast appointed vs the time as to come into this world so hauing finished our course to goe out of the same The number of my daies vvhich thou hast determined are now expired and I am come to that vtmost bound which thou hast appointed beyond which I cannot passe I know O Lord that if thou entrest into iudgement no flesh can bee iustifyed in thy sight And I O Lord of all others should appeare most impure and vniust for I haue not fought that good fight for the defence of thy faith and religion with that zeal and constancy that I should but for feare of displeasing the world I haue giuen ●ay vnto sinnes and errours and for desire to please my flesh I haue broken all thy commandements in thought word and deede so that my sinnes haue taken such hold on me that I am not able to looke vp and they are moe in number then the haires of my head If thou wilt straightly marke mine iniquiti●s O Lord where shall I stand If thou waighest me in the ballance I shall be found too light For I am voide of all righteousnesse that might merit thy mercy and loaden with all iniquities that most iustly deserue thy heauiest wrath But O my Lord and my GOD for Iesus Christ thy Sonnes sake in whom only thou art wel pleased with all penitent and beleeuing sinners take pitty and compassion vpon mee who am the chiefe of sinners blot out all my sinnes out of thy remembrance and wash away all my transgressions out of thy sight with the pretious bloud of thy Sonne which I beleeue that he as an vndefiled Lambe hath shed for the clensing of my sinnes In this faith I liued in this faith I die beleeuing that Iesus Christ died for my sinnes and rose againe for my iustification And seeing that he hath endured that death and borne the burthen of that Iudgement which was due vnto my sinnes O Father for his death and passions sake now that I am comming to appeare before thy Iudgement seat acquite and deliuer me from that fearfull Iudgement which my sinnes haue iustly deserued And performe with me that gracious and comfortable promise which thou hast made in thy Gospell That whosoeuer beleeueth in thee hath euerlasting life and shall not come into Iudgement but shall passe from death vnto life Strengthen O CHRIST my faith that I may put the whole confidence of my saluation in the merits of thy obedience and blood Encrease O holy Spirit my patience lay no more vpon me then I am able to beare and enable mee to beare so much as shall stand with thy blessed will and pleasure O blessed Trinity in vnity my Creator Redeemer and Sanctifier vouchsafe that as my outward man doth decay so my inward man may more more by thy grace and consolation encrease and gather strength O Sauiour put my soule in a readinesse that like a wise Virgin hauing the wedding Garment of thy righteousnesse and holinesse shee may be ready to meete thee at thy comming with oyle in her lampe Marrie her vnto thy selfe that shee may bee one with thee in euerlasting loue and fellowship O Lord reproue Sathan and chase him away Deliuer my soule from the power of the dogge Saue me from the Lions mouth I thanke thee O Lord for all thy blessings both spirituall and temporall bestowed vpon me especially for my Redemption by the death of my Sauiour Christ. I thanke thee that thou hast protected me with thy holy Angel● from my youth vp vntil now Lord I beseech thee giue them a charge to attend
heauens Rest and how many stripes doe you esteeme Heauen worth As your life hath beene a comfort to others so giue your Friends a Christian example to dye and deceiue the Diuell as Iob did It is but the Crosse of Christ sent before to crucifie the loue of this vvorld in thee that thou maist goe eternally to liue with Christ who was crucified for thee As thou art therefore a true Christian take vp like Simon of Cyrene with both thy armes his holy Crosse carry it after him vnto him thy paines will shortly passe thy ioyes shall neuer passe away Consolations against the feare of Death IF in the time of thy sickenesse thou findest thy selfe fearefull to dye meditate 1 That it argueth a dastardly minde to feare that which is not For in the church of Christ there is no Death Isay 25.7.8 And Whosoeuer liueth and beleeueth in Christ shall neuer dye Iohn 11.26 Let them feare death vvho liue vvithout Christ Christians dye not but when they please GOD they are like Enoch translated vnto GOD Their paines are but Eliahs fiery Charriot to carry them vp to heauen or like Lazarus sores sending them to Abrahams bosome In a word if thou be one of them that like Lazarus louest Iesus thy sicknesse is not vnto thee death but for the glory of God who of his loue changeth thy liuing death to an euerlasting life And if many Heathen men as Socrates Curtius Seneca c. dyed willingly when they might haue liued in hope of the immortalitie of the Soule vvilt thou being trayned so long in Christs Schoole and now called to the Marriage Supper of the blessed Lambe Apoc. 10.7 be one of those Guests that refuse to goe to that Ioyfull Banquet God forbid 2 Remember that thy aboade here is but the second degree of thy life for after thou hadst first liued nine moneths in thy Mothers wombe thou wast of necessitie driuen thence to liue here in a second degree of life And when that number of moneths which GOD hath determined for this life are expired thou must likewise leaue this and and passe to a third degree in the other World vvhich neuer ends Which to them that liue and die in the Lord surpasseth as farre this kinde of life as this doth that which one liues in his mothers wombe To this last and excellentest degree of life through this doore passed Christ himselfe and all his Saints that were before thee and so shall all the rest after them and thee Why shouldest thou feare that vvhich is common to all Gods Elect Why should that be vncouth to thee vvhich was so welcome to all them Feare not death for it is the Exodus of a bad but the Genesis of a better World the end of a temporall but the beginning of an eternall life 3 Consider that there are but three things that can make death so fearefull vnto thee first the losse thou hast thereby secondly the paine that is therein Thirdly the terrible effects which followes after All these are but false fires and causlesse feares For the first if thou leauest here vncertaine goods which theeues may rob thou shalt finde in heauen a true treasure that can neuer be taken away these were but lent thee as a Steward vpon accounts those shall be giuen thee as thy reward for euer If thou leauest a louing Wife thou shalt be marryed to Christ which is more louely If thou leauest Children and Friends thou shalt there find all thy religiously Ancestors and children departed yea Christ and all his blessed Saints and Angels and as many of thy Children as be Gods children shal thither follow after thee Thou leauest an earthly possession a house of clay and thou shalt enioy an Heauenly inheritance and Mansion of Glory vvhich is purchased prepared and reserued for thee What hast thou lost Nay is not death vnto thee gaine goe home goe home and wee will follow after thee Secondly for the paine in Death the feare of Death more pain●s many then the very pangs of death for many a Christian dyes without any great pang or paines Pitch the Anchor of thy hope on the firme grou●● of the Word of God vvho hath promised in thy weaknesse to perfect his strength and not to suffer thee to be tempted aboue that thou art able to beare And Christ will shortly turne all thy temp●rall paines to his eternall ioyes Lastly as for the terrible effects which follow after death they belong not vnto thee being a Member of Christ for Christ by his death hath taken away the sting of death to the faithfull so that now there is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Iesus And Christ hath protested that he that beleeueth in him hath euerlasting life and shall not come into condemnation but hath passed from death vnto life Hereupon the holy Spirit from Heauen saith Blessed are the dead which dye in the Lord and that from thenceforth they rest from their labours and their workes doe follow them In respect therfore of the faithfull death is swallowed vp into victorie and his sting which is sinne and the punishment thereof is taken away by Christ. Hence death is called in respect of our bodies a sleepe and rest In respect of our soules a going to our heauenly Father a departing in peace a remouing from this body to goe to the Lord a dissolution of soule and body to be with Christ. What shall I say Precious in the sig●●t of the Lord is the death of his Saints These paines are but thy throwes and trauell to bring foorth Eternall Life And who would not passe through Hell to goe to Paradise much more through death There is nothing after death that thou needest feare not thy sinnes because Christ hath paid thy ransome not the Iudge for hee is thy louing Brother not the Graue for it is the Lords Bed not Hell for thy Redeemer keeps the Keyes not the Diuell for Gods holy Angels pitch their Tents about thee and will not leaue thee till they bring thee to Heauen Thou wast neuer neerer Eternall life glorifie therefore Christ by a blessed death Say chearfully Come Lord Iesu for thy Seruant commeth vnto thee I am willing Lord helpe my weakenesse Seauen sanctified thoughts and mournefull sighes of a sicke man ready to die NOW for as much as God of his infinite mercy doth so temper our paine and sickenesse that we are not alwaies oppressed with extremitie but giues vs in the midst of our extremities some respite to ease and refresh our selues thou must haue an especiall care considering how short a time thou hast eyther for euer to lose or to obtaine Heauen to make vse of euery breathing-time which God doth afford thee and during that little time of ease to gather strength against the fits of greater anguish Therefore in these times of relaxation ease vse some of these short
the Plurall number to expresse the Trinitie of Persons in Vnitie of Essence And to this purpose the holy Ghost beginneth the holy Bible with this plurall name of God ioyned with a Verbe of the singular number as Elohim barae Dij creauit The mightie Gods or all the three Persons in the God-head created The Iewes also note in the Verbe 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 bara consisting of three Letters the Mysterie of the Trinitie By 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ben the Son by 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Resh Ruah the Spirit by 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Aleph Ab the Father But this holy Mysterie is more clearely taught by Moses Gen. 3.22 And Iehouah Elohim said Behold the man is become as One of 〈◊〉 And Gen. 19.24 Iehouah rayned vpon Sodome and vpon Gomorha brimstone and fire from Iehouah out of Heauen that is God the Sonne from God the Father who hath committed all iudgement vnto the Son Iohn 5.22 See Psal. 33.6 Isa. 63.9.10 The Singular number of Elohim is Eloah deriued of Alah he swore because that in all waightie causes when necessitie requireth an oath to decide the truth we are onely to sweare by the Name of God which is the great and righteous Iudge of Heauen and Earth This Name Eloah is but seldome vsed as Abac. 3.3 Iob. 4.9 Iob. 12.4 and Psal. 18.32 Psal. 114.7 Once it hath a Noune plurall ioyned to it Iob. 35.10 None saith where is Eloah Gosai the Almightie my Makers to note the Mysterie of the eternall Trinitie Many times also Elohim the plurall number is ioyned with a verb plurall to expresse more emphatically this mysterie as Gen. 35.7 2 Sam. 7.23 I●sh 24.19 Ier. 10.10 Elohim is also sometime Tropically giuen to Magistrates because they are Gods Vicegerents as to Moses Exod. 7.1 Iehouah said vnto Moses I haue made thee Elohim to Pharaoh that is I haue appointed thee an Embassadour to represent the Person of the true Three-one GOD and to deliuer his message and will vnto Pharaoh As oft therefore as we read or heare this name Elohim it should put vs in minde to consider that in one diuine Essence there are three distinct Persons and that God is Iehouah Elohim Now followes the names which signifie Gods essentiall workes which are these fiue especially 1 EL which is as much as the strong God and teacheth vs that God is not only most strong and fortitude it selfe in his owne essence but also that it is hee that giueth all strength and power to all other creatures Therefore Christ is called Isay 9.6 El Gibbor the strong most mightie God Let not Gods children feare the power of enemies for El our God is more strong then they 2 Schaddai That is Omnipotent By this name God vsually stiled himselfe to the Patriarches I am El Schaddai the strong God almighty Because he is perfectlie able to defend his seruants from all euill to blesse them with all spirituall and temporall blessings and to performe all his promises which hee hath made vnto them for this life and that which is to come This name belongeth onely to the God-head and to no creature no not to the humanity of Christ. This may teach vs with the Patriarches to put our whole confidence in God and not to doubt of the true performance of his promises 3 Adonai My Lord. This name as the Massorets note is found 134 times in the old Testament Analogically it is giuen to cretures but properly it belongeth to God alone It is vsed Malachy 1.6 in the plurall number to note the mystery of the holy Trinity If I be Adonim Lords where is my feare Ani the singular Adonim the plurall number This name is giuen to Chirst Dan. 9.17 Cause thy face to shine vpon thy sanctuary that is desolate for ADONAI the Lord Christ his sake The hearing of this holy name may teach euery man to obey Gods Commandements to feare him alone to suffer none besides him to raigne in his conscience to lay hold by a perticular hand of faith vpon his word and promise and to chalenge God in Christ to be his God that he may say with Thomas Thou art my Lord and my God 4 Is Helion that is most High Psal. 9.2 Psal. 91 9. Psal. 92.9 Dan. 4 Acts 7.48 This name Gabriel giueth vnto God telling the Virgin Mary that the childe which should bee borne of her should bee the sonne of the most High Luk. 1.32 This teacheth that God in his essence and glory exceedeth infinitly all creatures in heauen and earth Secondly that no man should be proud of any earthly honour or greatnesse Thirdly if wee desire true dignity to labour to haue communion with God in grace and glory 5 Abba a Syriake name signifying Father Rom. 8.15 This is sometimes vsed essentially as in the Lords praier Secondly personally as Matth. 11.25 For God is Christs father by nature Christians by adoption and grace Christ is called the euerlasting Father Isay 9.6 because hee regenerates vs vnder the New Testament God is also called the Father of light Iames 1.17 because God dwelleth in inaccessible light 1. Tim. 6.16 and is the author not onely of the Sunnes light but also of all the light both of naturall reason and supernaturall grace Which lighteth euery man that commeth into the world This name teacheth vs that all the giftes which we receiue from God proceede from his meere fatherly loue Secondly that we should loue him againe as deere children Thirdly that we may in all our needes and troubles be bold to call vpon him as a Father for his helpe and succour Thus should wee not heare of the sacred names of God but we should thereby be put in minde of his goodnesse vnto vs and of our duties vnto him And then should wee finde how comfortable a thing it is to doe euery thing in the name of God A phrase vsuall in euery mans tongue but the true comfort thereof through ignorance knowne to few mens hearts It is a great wisdome and an vnspeakeable matter for the strengthning of a Christians faith to know how in the mediation of Christ to inuocate God by such a name as whereby hee hath manifested himselfe to bee most willing and best able to help and succour him in his present neede or aduersitie The ardent desire of knowing God is the surest testimony of our loue to God and of Gods fauour to vs. Because he hath set his loue vpon me therefore will I deliuer him I will set him on high because hee hath knowne my name hee shall call vpon me and I will answere him c. and it is a great strengthning of faith with vnderstanding to beginne euery action in the name of God Thus farre of the nominall Attributes The reall Attributes are of two sorts either absolute or relatiue The absolute Attributes are such which cannot in any
hatred c. Or by an Analogia as when he is named a Lion a rocke a tower a Buckler c. Whose signification euery commentary will expresse Of all these Attributes wee must hold these generall Rules 1 NO Attributes can sufficiently expresse the Essence of GOD because it is infinite and ineffable Whatsoeuer therefore is spoken of God is not God but serueth rather to helpe our weake vnderstanding to conceiue in our reason and to vtter in our speech the Maiestie of his Diuine Nature so farre as hee hath vouchsafed to reueale himselfe vnto vs in his Word 2 All the Attributes of God belong to euery of the three Persons as well as to the Essence it selfe with the limitation of a Personall proprietie as the Mercy of the Father is Mercy begetting the Mercy of the Sonne is Mercy begotten the Mercy of the Holy Ghost is Mercy proceeding and so of the rest 3 The Essentiall Attributes of God differ not from his Essence Because they are so in the Essence that they are the very Essence it selfe In God therefore there is nothing which is not eyther his Essence or a Person 4 The Essentiall Attributes of GOD differ not Essentially nor really one from another because whatsoeuer is in God is one most simple Essence and one admits no diuision but onely in our reason and vnderstanding which being not able to know earthly things by one simple Act without the help of many distinct acts must of necessitie haue the helpe of many distinct Acts to know the incomprehensible GOD. Therefore to speake properly there are not in God many Attributes but one onely which is nothing else but the Diuine Essence it selfe by vvhat Attribute soeuer you call it But in respect of our reason they are said to be so many different Attributes for our Vnderstanding conceiues by the name of Mercy a thing differing from that which is called Iustice. The Essentiall Attributes of God are not therefore really inseparable 5 The Essentiall Attributes of GOD are not parts or qualities of the diuine Essence nor Accidents in the Essence as in a Subiect but the very whole and entire Essence of God So that euery such Attribute is not aliud aliud another and another thing but one and the same thing There are therefore no Quantities in God by which hee may be said to be so much and so much nor Qualities by which he may be said to be such and such but whatsoeuer God is hee is such and the same by his Essence By his Essence hee is wise and therefore Wisedome it selfe by his Essence hee is God and therefore Goodnesse it selfe by his Essence hee is mercifull and therefore Mercy it selfe by his Essence hee is iust and therefore Iustice it selfe c. In a word GOD is great without Quantitie good true and iust without Qualitie mercifull without passion an Act without motion euery-where present without site without time the first and the last the Lord of all Creatures from whom all receiue themselues and all the good they haue yet neyther needeth nor receiueth hee any encrease of goodnes or happinesse from any other This is the plaine description of God so farre as hee hath reuealed himselfe to vs in his Word This Doctrine of all others euery true Practitioner of Pietie must competently know and necessarily beleeue for foure speciall vses 1 That wee may discerne our true and onely God from all false Gods and Idols for this description of God is properly knowne onely to his Church in whom he hath thus graciously manifested himselfe 2 To possesse our hearts with a greater awe of his Maiestie whilest we admire him for his simplenesse and infinitenesse adore him for his vnmeasurablenesse vnchangeablenesse and eternitie seeke wisedome from his vnderstanding and knowledge submit our selues to his blessed will and pleasure loue him for his loue mercy goodnesse and patience trust to his Word because of his truth feare him for his power Iustice and anger reuerence him for his holinesse and praise him for his blessednesse and to depend all our life on him who is the onely author of our life beeing and all the good things which wee haue 3 To stirre vs vp to imitate the Diuine Spirit in his holy Attributes and to beare in some measure the Image of his Wisedome Loue Goodnes Iustice Mercy Truth Patience Zeale and Anger against sinne that we may be wise louing iust mercifull true patient and zealous as our God is 4 Lastly that wee may in our Prayers and Meditations conceiue aright of his diuine Maiestie and not according to those grosse and blasphemous imaginations which naturally arise in mens braines as when they conceiue GOD to be like an old man sitting in a chaire and the blessed Trinitie to be like that tripartitae Idoll which Papists haue painted in their Church-windowes When therefore thou art to pray vnto God let thine heart speake vnto him as to that eternall infinite almightie holy wise iust mercifull Spirit and most perfect indiuisible Essence of three ssuerall Persons Father Sonne and holy Ghost who being present in all places ruleth Heauen and Earth vnderstandeth all mens harts knoweth all mens miseries and is onely able to bestow on vs all graces which we want and to deliuer all penitent sinners who with faithfull harts seeke for Christs sake his help out of all their afflictions and troubles whatsoeuer The ignorance of this true knowledge of GOD makes many to make an Idoll of the true God and is the onely cause why so many doe professe all other parts of Gods worship and religion with so much irreuerence and hypocrisie whereas if they did truely know GOD they durst not but come to his holy Seruice and comming serue him with feare and reuerence for so farre doth a man feare God as he knoweth him and then doth a man truely know God when hee ioynes practise to speculation And that is First when a man doth so acknowledge and celebrate Gods Maiestie as hee hath reuealed himselfe in his word Secondly when from the true and liuely sense of Gods Attributes there is bred in a mans heart a loue awe and confidence in God for saith God himselfe If I be a Father where is my honour If I be a Lord where is my feare O taste and see that the Lord ●s good saith Dauid Hee that hath not by experience tasted his goodnes knowes not how good hee is Hee saith Iohn that saith he knoweth God and keepeth not his Commandements is a lyer and the truth is not in him So farre therefore as wee imitate God in his Goodnesse Loue Iustice Mercy Patience and other Attributes so farre doe vvee know him Thirdly when with inward groanes and the serious desires of our hearts wee long to attaine to the perfect and plenarie knowledge of his Maiestie
lacking where GOD himselfe will be the soule of our soules Yea all the strength wit pleasures vertues colours beauties harmony goodnesse that are in men beasts fishes fowles trees hearbes and all creatures are nothing but sparkles of those things which are in infinite perfection in GOD. And in him we shall enioy them in a farre more perfect and blessed manner Hee himselfe will then supply ●hei● vse nay the best creatures vvhich serue vs now shall not haue the honour to serue vs then There will be no neede of the Sunne nor of the Moone to shine in that Citie for the glory of God doth light it No more will there be any neede or vse of any creature when we shall enioy the Creator himselfe When therefore wee behold any thing that is excellent in any Creatures let vs say to our selues how much more excellent is hee vvho gaue them this excellencie When wee behold the wisedome of men who ouer-rule creatures stronger then themselues out-runne the Sunne and Moone in discourse prescribing many yeeres before in what courses they shall be eclipsed let vs say to our selues how admirable is the wisedome of GOD who made men so wise When we consider the strength of Whales and Elephants the tempests of Windes terror of Thunder let vs say to our selues how strong how mighty how terrible is that GOD that makes these mighty fearefull Creatures When wee taste things that are delicately sweete let vs say to our selues oh how sweete is that GOD from vvhom all these Creatures haue receiued this sweetnesse When we behold the admirable colours which are in Flowers and Birds and the louely beauty of Women let vs say how faire is that GOD that made these so faire And if our louing GOD hath thus prouided vs so many excellent delights for our passage through this Bochim or valley of teares what are those pleasures which he hath prepared for vs when wee shall enter into the pallace of our Masters ioy How shall our Soules be there rauished with the loue of so louely a GOD So glorious is the obiect of heauenly Saints So amiable is the sight of our gratious Sauiour 3 Of the Prerogatiues which the Elect shall enioy in Heauen BY reason of this communion with GOD the elect in Heauen shall haue foure super-excellent prerogatiues 1 They shall haue the Kingdome of heauen for their inheritance and they shall be free Denizons of the heauenly Ierusalem S. Paul by being a free citizen of Rome escaped whipping but they who are once free Citizens of the heauenly Ierusalem shall euer be freed from the whips of eternall torments For this freedome vvas bought for vs not with a great summe of money but with the precious bloud of the Sonne of God 2 They shall be all Kings and Priests Spirituall Kings to raigne vvith Christ and to triumph ouer Sathan the World and Reprobates and spirituall Priests to offer vnto God the spirituall Sacrifice of Praise and Thankesgiuing for euermore And therefore they are said to vveare both Crownes and Roabes Oh what a comfort is this to poore Parents that haue many Children If they breede them vp in the feare of God to be true Christians then are they Parents to so many Kings and Priests 3 Their bodies shall shine as the brightnesse of the Sun in the Firmament like the glorious Body of CHRIST which shined brighter then the Sunne at noone when it appeared to Paul A glimpse of which glorious brightnesse appeared in the bodies of Moses and Elias transfigured with our Lord in the holy Mount Therefore saith the Apostle it shall rise a glorious body yea a spirituall body not in substance but in qualitie preserued by spirituall meanes and hauing as an Angell agilitie to ascend or descend Oh vvhat an honour is it that our bodies falling more vile then a carrion should thus arise in glory like vnto the body of the Sonne of God! 4 Lastly they together with all the holy Angels there keepe without any labour to distract them a perpetuall Sabbath to the glory honour and praise of the aye-blessed Trinitie for the creating redeeming and and sanctifying of the church and for his power wisedome iustice mercy and goodnes in the gouernment of Heauen and Earth When thou hearest a sweet Consort of Musicke meditate how happy thou shalt be when vvith the Quire of heauenly Angels and Saints thou shalt sing a part in that spirituall Alleluiah on that eternall blessed Sabbath where there shall be such varietie of pleasures and satietie of ioyes as neuer know tediousnesse in doing nor end in delighting 4 Of the effects of those prerogatiues From these prerogatiues there will arise to the Elect in heauen fiue notable effects 1 THey shall know GOD vvith a perfect knowledge so farre as Creatures can possibly comprehend the Creator For there wee shall see the Word the Creatour and in the Word all creatures that by the Word were created so that wee shall not neede to learne of the things which were made the knowledge of him by whom all things were made The excellentest creatures in this life are but as a darke vaile drawne betwixt GOD and vs but when this vaile shall be drawne aside then shall we see GOD face to face and know him as wee are knowne We shall know the power of the Father the wisdome of the Sonne the grace of the holy Ghost and the indiuisible nature of the blessed Trinity And in him we shall know not onely all our friends who dyed in the faith of Christ but also all the faithfull that euer were or shall be For 1 Chirst tels the Iewes that they shall see Abraham Isaac and Iacob and all the Prophets in the kingdome of God therefore wee shall know them 2 Adam in his innocency knew Eue to be bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh assoone as he awaked Much more then shall we know our kindred when we shall awake perfected and glorified in the resurrection 3 The Apostles knew Christ after his resurrection and the Saints which rose with him and appeared in the holy City 4 Peter Iames and Iohn knew Moses and Elias in the transfiguration how much more shall wee know one an other when wee shall be all glorified 5 Diues knew Lazarus in Abrahams bosome much more shall the Elect know one another in heauen 6 Christ saith that the twelue Apostles shall sit vpon twelue thrones to iudge at that day the 12. Tribes therfore they shal be known and consequently the rest of the Saints 7 Paul saith that at that day we shall know as wee are knowne of God and Augustine out of this place comforteth a Widow assuring her that as in this life shee saw her husband with externall eyes so in the life to come shee should know his heart and what
were all his thoughts and imaginations Then husbands and wiues looke to your actions and thoughts For all shall be made manifest one day See 1. Cor. 4.5 8 The faithfull in the old Testament are said to be gathered to their Fathers therefore the knowledge of our friends remaines 9 Loue neuer falleth away therefore knowledge the ground thereof remaines in another life 10 Because the last day shall be a declaration of the iust iudgement of God when he shall reward euery man acording to his workes and if euery mans work be brought to light much more the worker And if wicked men shall account for euery idle word much more shall the idle speakers themselues bee knowne And if the persons be not knowne in vaine are the workes made manifest Therefore saith the Apostle Euery man shall appeare to account for the worke that hee hath done in his body c. See Wisdome Chapter 5.1 Though the respect of diuersities of degrees and callings in Magistracy Ministry and Oeconomy shall cease yea Christ shall then cease to rule as he is Mediator and rule all in all as hee is God equall with the Father and the holy Ghost The greatest knowledge that men can attaine vnto in this life comes as farre short of the knowledge which wee shall haue in heauen as the knowledge of a childe that cannot yet speake plaine is to the knoweldge of the greatest Philosopher in the World They who thirst for knowledge let them long to be students of this Vniuersity For all the light by which wee know any thing in this world is nothing but the very shadow of God but when we shall know GOD in heauen wee shall in him know the manner of the worke of the creation the mysteries of the worke of our Redemption yea so much knowledge as a Creature can possibly conceiue and comprehend of the Creator and his works But whilest wee are in this life wee may say with Iob. How little a portion heare wee of him And assure our selues with Syracides that There are hid yet greater things then these be and that wee haue seene but a few of Gods works 2 They shall loue God with as perfect and absolute loue as possibly a creature can doe The manner of louing God is to loue him for himselfe the measure is to loue him without measure For in this life knowing God but in part we loue him but in part but when the Elect in heauen shall fully know God then they will perfectly loue God And for the infinite causes of loue which thy shall know to be in him they shall be infinitly rauish't with the loue of him 3 They shall be filled with all manner of diuine pleasures At thy right hand saith Dauid there are pleasures for euermore Yea they shall drinke saith he out of the riuer of pleasures For assoone as the soule is admitted into the actuall fruition of the beatificall presence of God shee hath all the goodnesse beauty glory and perfection of all creatures in all the world vnited together and at once presented vnto her in the sight of God If any be in loue there they shall enioy that which is more amiable if any delight in fairenesse the fairest beauty is but a dusty shadow to that he that delights in Pleasures shall there finde infinite varieties without either interruption of griefe or distraction of paine Hee that loueth honour shal there enioy it without the disgrace of cankred enuy he that loueth treasure shall there possesse it and neuer be beguiled of it There they shal haue knowledge void of all ignorance health that no sickenes shall impaire and life that no death can determine In a word looke how farre this wide world surpasseth for light pleasures comfort the darke and narrow womb wherin thou wast conceiued a childe so much doth the world to come exceede in ioyes solace consolation this present world Now happy then shall wee be when this life is chāged we thither translated 4 They shal be replenished with an vnspeakeable ioy In thy presence saith Dauid is the fulnesse of ioy And this ioy shall arise chiefly from the vision of God and partly from the sight of all the holy Angels and blessed soules of iust and perfect men who are in blisse and glory with him But especially from the blissefull sight of Iesus the Mediator of the New Testament our Emmanuel God made man His sight will be the chiefe cause of our blisse and ioy If the Israelites in Ierusalem so showted for ioy that the earth rang againe to see Salomon crowned how shall the Elect reioice in heauen to see Christ the true Salomon adorned with glory If Iohn Baptist at his presence did leape in his mothers wombe for ioy how shall wee exult for ioy when he will be not onely with vs but in vs in heauen If the wise men reioyced so greatly to finde him a Babe lying in a manger how great shall the ioy of the Elect bee to see him sit as as King in his celestiall throne If Simeon was so glad to see him an Infant in the Temple presented by the hands of the Priest how great shall our ioy be to see him a King ruling all things at the right hand of his Father If Ioseph and Mary were so ioyfull to finde him in the middest of the Doctors in the Temple how glad shal our soules be to see him sitting as Lord among Angels in heauen This is that ioy of our Master which as the Apostle saith the eye hath not seene the eare hath not heard nor the heart of man can conceiue which because it cannot enter into vs vvee shall enter it 5 Lastly they shall enioy this blissefull and glorious estate for euermore Therefore it is tearmed euerlasting life and Christ saith that our ioy shall no man take from vs. All other ioyes be they neuer so great haue an end Assuerus Feast lasted an hundred and eightie dayes but hee and it and all his ioyes are gone For mortall man to be assumed to heauenly glory to be associated to Angels to be satiated with all delights and ioyes but for a time were much but to enioy them for euer without intermission of end who can heare it and not admire it who can muse of it and not be amazed at it All the Saints of Christ as soone as they felt once but a true taste of these eternall ioyes counted all the riches and pleasures of this life to be but losse and dung in respect of that And therefore with vncessant prayers fasting almes-deedes teares faith and good life they laboured to acertaine themselues of this eternall life and for the loue thereof they willingly eyther solde or parted with all their earthly goods and possessions Christ calleth all Christians Merchants Luke 19. and eternall life a precious pearle
which a wise Merchant will purchase though it cost him all that hee hath Mat. 13. Alexander hearing the report of the great riches of the Eastern country diuided forth-with among his Captaines and Souldiers all his Kingdome of Macedonia Hephoestion asking him what hee meant in so doing Alexander answered that he preferred the riches of India whereof hee hoped shortly to be Master before all that his Father Philip left him in Macedonia And should not Christians then preferre the eternall riches of Heauen so greatly renowned vvhich they shall enioy ere long before the corruptible trash of the earth which last but for a season Abraham and Sarah left their owne Country and possessions to looke for a Citie whose builder and maker is God and therefore bought no land but onely a place of buriall Dauid preferreth one day in this place before a thousand else-where yea to be a doore-keeper in the house of God rather then to dwell in the richest tabernacles of wickednesse Elias earnestly besought the Lord to receiue his soule into his Kingdome and went willingly though in a fiery Chariot thither Paul hauing once seene heauen continually desired to be dissolued that hee might be with Christ. Peter hauing spyed but a glimpse of that eternall glory in the Mount wished that hee might dwell there all the dayes of his life saying Master it is good for vs to be here How much better doth Peter now thinke it to be in heauen it selfe Christ a little before his death prayeth his Father to receiue him into that excellent glory And the Apostle witnesseth that for the ioy which was set before him he endured the Crosse and despised the shame If a man did but once see those ioyes if it were possible hee would endure an hundred deaths to enioy that happinesse but one day S. Augustine saith that he would be content to endure the torments of hell to gaine this ioy rather then to lose it Ignatius Paules Scholler being threatned as hee vvas going to suffer vvith the crueltie of torments answered with great courage of Faith Fire Gallowes Beasts breaking of my bones quartering of my members crushing of my body all the torments of the Diuell together let them come vpon me so I may enioy my Lord Iesus and his Kingdome The like constancie shewed Polycarpe who could not by any terrors of any kinde of death be moued to deny Christ in the least measure With the like resolution answered Basil his persecutors when they would terrifie him with death I will neuer said hee feare death which can doe no more then restore mee to him that made me If Ruth left her owne country and followed Naomi her Mother in Law to goe and dwell with her in the Land of Canaan which was but a type of heauen onely vpon the fame which she heard of the God of Israell though shee had no promise of any portion therein how shouldest thou follow thy holy mother the Church to go vnto Christ into the heauenly Canaan wherin God hath giuen thee an eternall inheritance assured by an holy Couenant made in the words of God signed with the bloud of his Sonne and sealed with his Spirit and Sacraments This shall be thine eternall happinesse in the Kingdome of heauen where thy life shall be a communion with the blessed Trinitie thy ioy the presence of the Lambe thy exercise singing thy ditty Alleluiah thy consorts Saints and Angels where youth flourisheth that neuer waxeth olde Beautie lasteth that neuer fadeth loue aboundeth that neuer cooleth health continueth that neuer slaketh and life remaineth that neuer endeth Meditations directing a Christian how to apply to himselfe without delay the fore-said knowledge of GOD and himselfe THou seest therefore O man how wretched and cursed thy state is by corruption of nature without Christ insomuch that whereas the Scriptures doe liken wicked men vnto Lyons Beares Buls Horses Dogges and such like sauage Creatures in their liues it is certaine that the condition of an vnregenerated man is in his death more vile then a Dogge or the filthiest Creature in the world for the Beast being made but for mans vse when hee dyeth endeth all his miseries with his death But man endued with a reasonable and an immortall Soule made after Gods Image to serue God when hee ends the miseries of this life must account for all his misdeedes and begin to endure those miseries that neuer shall know end No creature but man is liable to yeeld at his death an account for his life The bruite Creatures not hauing reason shall not be required to make any account for their deedes and good Angels though they haue reason yet shall they yeeld no account because they haue no sinne And as for euill Angels they are without all hope already condemned so that they neede not make any further accounts Man onely in his death must be Gods accountant for his life On the other side thou seest O Man how happy and blessed thy estate is being truely reconciled vnto GOD in Christ in that through the restauration of Gods Image and thy restitution into thy soueraigntie ouer other Creatures thou art in this life little inferiour to the Angels and shalt be in the life to come equall to the Angels yea in respect of thy Nature exalted by a personall vnion to the Sonne of God and by him to the glory of the Trinitie superiour to the Angels a Fellow-Brother with Angels in spirituall grace and euerlasting glory Thou hast seene how glorious and perfect GOD is and how that all thy chiefe blisse and happinesse consisteth in hauing an eternall communion with his Maiestie Now therefore O impenitent Sinner in the bowels of Christ Iesus I entreat thee nay I coniure thee as thou tenderest thy owne saluation seriously to consider with mee how false how vaine how vile are those things which still retaine and chaine thee in this wretched and cursed estate wherein thou liuest and doe hinder thee from the fauour of God and the hope of eternall life and happinesse Meditations on the hinderances which keepe backe a sinner from rhe practise of Pietie THose Hinderances are chiefely seauen I. An ignorant mistaking of the true meaning of certaine places of the holy Scripture and some other chiefe grounds of Christian Religion The Scriptures mistaken are these 1 Ezek. 33.14.16 At what time soeuer a sinner repenteth him of his sinne I will blot out all c. Hence the carnall Christian gathereth That he may repent when hee will It is true Whensoeuer a sinner doth repent GOD will forgiue but the text saith not that a sinner may repent whensoeuer he will but when GOD will giue him grace Many saith the Scripture when they would haue repented were reiected and could not repent though they sought it carefully with teares What comfort yeelds this Text to thee who hast not repented nor knowest whether thou shalt
and the Lord will be with the good 10 Lastly make not an occupation of any recreation The longest vse of pleasure is but short but the paines of pleasure abused are eternall Vse therefore lawfull recreation so farre forth as it makes thee the fitter in body and minde to doe more chearefully the seruice of God and the duties of thy calling Thy worke is great thy time is but short And hee who will recompence euery man according to his workes standeth at the doore Thinke how much worke is behinde how slow thou hast vvrought in the time which is past and what a reckoning thou shouldest make if thy Master should call thee this day to thine accounts Be therefore carefull hence-forth to make the most aduantage of thy short time that remaines as a man vvould of an olde Lease that were neere expiring and when thou disposest to recreate thy selfe remember how small a time is allotted for thy life and that therefore much of that is not to be consumed in idlenesse sports playes and toyish vanities seeing the whole is but a short while though it be all spent in doing the best good that thou canst for a man was not created for sports playes and recreation but zealously to serue GOD in Religion and conscionably to serue his neighbour in his vocation and by both to acertaine himselfe of eternall saluation Esteeme therefore the losse of time one of the greatest losses Redeeme it carefully to spend it wisely that when that time commeth that thou maiest be no longer a steward on earth thy Master may welcome thee with an Euge bone serue and giue thee a better in Heauen where thou shalt ioyfully enioy thy Masters ioyes for euermore Meditations for the Euening At Euening when thou preparest thy selfe to take thy rest meditate on these few points 1 THat seeing thy daies are numbred there is one more of thy number spent and thou art now the neerer to thy ende by a day 2 Sit downe a while before thou goest to bed and consider with thy selfe what memorable thing thou hast seene heard or read that day more then thou sawest heardest or knewest before and make thy best vse of them but especially call to minde what sinne thou hast committed that day against GOD or Man and what good thou hast omitted and humble thy selfe for both If thou findest that thou hast done any goodnesse acknowledge it to be Gods grace and giue him the glory and count that day lost wherein thou hast not done some good 3 If by frailty or strong temptation thou shalt perceiue that thou hast committed any grieuous sinne or fault presume not to sleepe till thou haue vpon thy knees made a perticular reconciliation with God in Christ for the same both by confessing the fault and by feruent praying for the pardon of the same Thus making thy score euen with Christ euery night thou shalt haue the lesse to account for when thou art to make thy finall reckoning before his Maiesty in the Iudgement day 4 If thou haue fallen out with any in the day let not the Sunne goe downe on thine anger that night If thy conscience tels thee that thou hast wronged him acknowledge thine offence and entreate him to forgiue thee If hee haue wronged thee offer him reconciliation and if hee will not be reconciled yet do thou from thy heart forgiue him Matth. 5.23 But in any case presume not to be thine owne reuenger For in so doing thou doest God a double iniury First in offering to take his sword of Iustice out of his hand as though he were not iust hauing reserued the execution of vengeance to himselfe Secondly in vsurping authority ouer his seruant without referring the cause to his hearing and censure being his and thy Master Besides thou art too partiall to be a Reuenger For if thou be to execute reuenge on thy selfe thou wilt doe it too lightly if on thy enemy too heauily It belongeth therefore to God to reuenge to thee to forgiue And in testimony that thou hast freely forgiuen him pray vnto God for the forgiuenesse of his fault and the amendment of his life and the next time that occasion is offered and it lyes in thy power doe him good and reioyce in doing it for hee that doth good to his enemies shewes himselfe the childe of GOD and his reward is with GOD his Father 5 Vse not sleepe as a meanes to satiate the foggy lithernesse of thy flesh but as a medicine to refresh thy tyred senses and members Sufficient sleepe quickeneth the minde and reuiueth the body but immoderate sleepe dulleth the one and fatneth the other 6 Remember that many goe to bed and neuer rise againe till they be wakened and raised vp by the fearefull sound of the last trumpet But he that sleepeth and wakeneth with praier sleepeth and wakeneth with Christ. If therefore thou desirest to sleepe securely and safely yeeld vp thy selfe into the hands of God whilest thou art waking and so goe to bed with a reuerence of Gods maiesty and consideration of thine owne misery which thou maiest imprint in thy heart in some measure by these meanes and the like meditations Read a Chapter in the same order as was prescribed in the morning and when thou hast done kneele downe on both thy knees at thy bed side or some other conuenient place in thy Chamber and lifting vp thy heart thine eyes and hands to thy heauenly Father in the name and mediation of his holy Sonne IESVS pray vnto him if thou haue the gift of praier 1 Confessing thy sinnes especially those which thou hast committed that day 2 Caruing most earnestly for Christ his sake pardon and forgiuenesse for them 3 Requesting the assistance of his holy spirit for amendment of life 4 In giuing thankes for benefits receiued especially for thy preseruation that day 5 Praying for rest and protection that night 6 Remembring the state of the Church the King and the Royall Posterity our Ministers and Magistrates and all our brethren visited or persecuted 7 Lastly commending thy selfe and all thine to his gracious custody All which thou maiest do in these or the like words A praier for the Euening O Most gracious God and louing Father who art about my bed and knowest my down lying and mine vprising and art neere vnto all that call vpon thee in truth and sincerity I wetched sinner doe beseech thee to looke vpon me with the eies of thy mercy and not to behold mee as I am in my selfe For then thou shalt see but an vncleane and defiled creature conceiued in sinne and liuing in iniquity so that I am ashamed to lift vp mine eies to heauen knowing how grieuously I haue sinned against heauen and before thee For O Lord I haue transgressed al thy commandements and righteous lawes not onely through negligence and infirmity but oftentimes through wilfull
presumption contrary to my knowledge yea contrary to the motions of thy holy spirit reclaiming me from them so that I haue wounded my conscience and grieued thy holy spirit by whom thou hast sealed mee to the day of redemption Thou hast consecrated my soule and body to be the temples of the holy Ghost I wretched sinner haue defiled both vvith all manner of pollution and vncleannesse My eyes in taking pleasure to behold vanitie mine eares in hearing impure and vnchaste speeches my tongue in leasing and euill speaking my hands are so ful of impuritie that I am ashamed to lift them vp vnto thee and my feet haue carried mee after mine owne wayes my vnderstanding and reasoning which are so quicke in all earthly matters are only blinde and stupide when I come to meditate or discourse of spirituall and heauenly things my memory which should be the treasurie of all goodnesse is not so apt to remember any thing as those things vvhich are vile and vaine Yea Lord by wofull experience I finde that naturally all the imaginations of the thoughts of mine heart are only euill continually And these my sinnes are more in number then the haires which grow vpon mine head and they haue growne ouer me like a loathsome leprie that from the crowne of my head to the sole of my feet there remaines no part vvhich they haue not infected They make mee seeme vile in mine owne eyes how much more abhominable must I then appeare in thy sight And the custome of sinning hath almost taken away the conscience of sinne pulled vpon me such dulnesse of sense and hardnesse of hart that thy iudgements denounced against my sinnes by the faithfull Preachers of thy Word doe not terrifie me to returne vnto thee by vnfained repentance for them And if thou Lord shouldst but deale with me according to thy iustice and my desert I should vtterly be confounded and condemned But seeing that of thine infinite mercie thou hast spared mee so long and still waitest for my repentance I humbly beseech thee for the bitter death and bloudy Passion● sake which Iesus Christ hath suffered for mee that thou wouldest pardon and forgiue vnto mee all my sinnes and offences and open vnto mee that euer-streaming fountaine of the bloud of Christ which thou hast promised to open vnder the New Testament to the penitent of the house of Dauid that all my sinnes and vncleannesse may be so bathed in his bloud buried in his death and hid in his wounds that they neuer be more seene to shame me in this life or to condemne mee before thy Iudgement-seate in the world which is to come And forasmuch O Lord as thou knowest that it is not in man to turne his owne heart vnlesse thou doest first giue him grace to conuert And seeing that it is as easie with thee to make me righteous and holy as to bid mee to be such O my God giue mee grace to doe what thou commandest and then command what thou wilt and thou shalt finde me willing to doe thy blessed will And to this end giue vnto me thine holy spirit which thou hast promise● to giue to the worlds end vnto all thine elect people And let the same thy holy spirit purge my heart heale my corruption sanctifie my nature and consecrate my soule and body that they may become the Temples of the holy Ghost to serue thee in righteousnesse and holinesse all the dayes of my life That when by the direction assistance of thy holy spirit I shall finish my course in this short and transitory life I may cheerefully leaue this world and resigne my Soule into thy Fatherly hands in the assured confidence of enioying euerlasting life with thee in thine Heauenly Kingdome which thou hast prepared for thine elect Saints who loue the Lord Iesus and expect his appearing In the meane while O Father I beseech thee let thy holy spirit worke in mee such a serious repentance as that I may with teares lament my sinnes past vvith griefe of heart be humbled for my sinnes present and vvith all mine endeuour resist the like filthy sinnes in time to come And let the same thy holy spirit likewise keepe mee in the vnitie of thy Church Leade mee in the truth of thy Word and preserue me that I neuer swarue from the same to Poperie nor any other error or false worship And let thy Spirit open mine eyes more and more to see the wondrous things of thy Law and open my lips that my mouth may daily defend thy Truth and set forth thy Praise Increase in me those good gifts which of thy me●cy thou hast already bestowed vpon mee and giue vnto mee a patient spirit a chaste heart a contented minde pure affections wife behauiour and all other graces which thou seest to be necessary for me to gouerne my heart in thy feare and to guide all my life in thy fauour that whether I liue or dye I may liue and dye vnto thee who art my God and my Redeemer And here O Lord according as I am bound I render vnto thee from the Altar of my humblest heart all possible thankes for all those blessings and benefits which so graciously plentifully thou hast bestowed vpon my soule and body for this life and for that which is to come namely for mine Election Creation Redemption Vocation Iustification Sanctification and Preseruation from my childe-hoode vntill this present day and houre and for the firme hope which thou hast giuen me of my Glorification Likewise for my health wealth food raiment and prosperitie and more especially for that thou hast defended mee this day now past from all perils and dangers both of body and soule furnishing mee with all necessary good things that I stand in neede of And as thou hast ordained the day for man to trauaile in and the night for him to take his rest so I beseech thee sanctifie vnto mee this nights rest and sleepe that I may enioy the same as thy sweet blessing and benefit That so this dull and wearied body of mine being refreshed with moderate sleepe and rest I may be the better enabled to vvalke before thee doing all such good workes as thou hast appointed when it shall please thee by thy diuine power to waken mee the next morning And whilest I sleepe doe thou O Lord who art the keeper of Israel that neuer slumbrest nor sleepest watch ouer mee in thy holy prouidence to protect mee from all danger so that neyther the euill Angels of Sathan nor any wicked enemy may haue any power to doe me any harme or euill And to this end giue a charge vnto thy holy Angels that they at thine appointment may pitch their tents round about me for my defence and safetie as thou hast promised that they should doe about them that feare thy Name And knowing that
and thou raignest ouer all and in thine hand is power and strength and in thine hand it is to make great and to giue grace vnto all Now therefore O my God I praise thy glorious Name that whereas I a wretched sinner hauing so many vvayes prouoked thy Maiesty to anger and displeasure thou notwithstanding of thy fauour and goodnes passing by my prophanenesse and infirmities hast vouchsafed to adde this Sabbath againe vnto the number of my dayes And vouchsafe O heauenly Father for the merits of Iesus Christ thy Sonne whose glorious Resurrection thy whole Church celebrateth this day to pardon and forgiue mee all my sins and misdeeds Especially O Lord clense my soule from those filthy sinnes with the bloud of thy most pure and vndefiled Lambe which taketh away the sinnes of the world And let thy holy Spirit more and more subdue my corruptions that I may be renewed after thine owne Image to serue thee in newnesse of life and holinesse of conuersation And as of thy mercy thou hast brought me to the beginning of this blessed day so I beseech thee make it a day of Reconciliation betwixt my sinfull soule and thy Diuine Maiestie Giue mee grace to make it a day of Repentance vnto thee that thy goodnesse may seale it to be a day of pardon vnto me and that I may remember that the keeping holy of this day is a Commandement which thine owne finger hath vvritten That on this day I might meditate on thy glorious workes of our Creation and Redemption and learne how to know and to keepe all the rest of thy holy Lawes and Commandements And when anon I shall with the rest of the holy Assembly appeare before thy presence in thy house to offer vnto thee our morning sacrifice of praise and Prayer and to heare what thy Spirit by the preaching of thy Word shall speake vnto thy Seruant Oh let not my sinnes stand as a Cloud to stoppe my Prayers from ascending vnto thee or to keepe backe thy Grace from descending by thy Word into my heart I know O Lord and tremble to thinke that three parts of the good Seede falles vpon bad ground O let not my heart be like the High-way which through hardnesse and want of true vnderstanding receiues not the Seede till the euill one commeth and catcheth it away nor like to the stony ground which hearing with ioy for a time falleth away as soone as persecution ariseth for thy Gospels sake nor like to the thorny ground which by the cares of this world and the deceitfulnesse of riches choaketh the Word which it heareth and makes it altogether vnfruitfull but that like vnto the good ground I may heare thy Word with an honest and good heart vnderstand it and keepe it and bring forth fruit with patience in that measure that thy Wisedome shall thinke meete for thy glory and mine euerlasting comfort Open likewise I beseech thee O Lord the doore of vtterance vnto thy faithfull Seruant whom thou hast sent vnto vs to open our eyes that wee may turne from darkenesse to light and from the power of Sathan vnto God that wee may receiue forgiuenesse of sinnes and inheritance among them which are sanctified by Faith in Christ. And giue me grace to submit my selfe vnto his Ministerie as well when hee terrifieth mee with iudgements as when hee comforteth mee with thy Mercies And that I may haue him in singular loue for his workes sake because hee watcheth for my soule as he that must giue an account for the same vnto his Master And giue mee grace to behaue my selfe in the holy Congregation with comelinesse and reuerence as in thy presence and in the sight of thy holy Angels Keepe mee from drowsinesse and sleeping and from all vvandering thoughts and worldly imaginations sanctifie my Memorie that it may be apt to receiue and firme to remember those good and profitable doctrines which shall be taught vnto vs out of thy Word And that through the assistance of thy holy spirit I may put the same lessons in practise for my direction in prosperity for my consolation in misery for the amendment of my life and the glory of thy Name And that this day which godlesse and prophane persons spend in there owne lusts and pleasures I as one of thy obedient seruants may make my chiefe delight to consecrate it to thy glory and honour not doing mine owne waies nor seeking mine owne will nor speaking a vaine word but that ceasing from the workes of sinne as well as from the workes of mine ordinary calling I may through thy blessing feele in my heart the beginning of that eternall Sabbath which in vnspeakeable ioy and glory I shall celebrate with thy Saints and Angels to thy praise and worshippe in thy heauenly kingdome for euermore All which I humbly craue at thy hands in the name and mediation of my Lord Iesus in that forme of prayer which he hath taught me Our Father which art in Heauen c. Hauing thus in priuate prepared thine owne soule if thou hast the charge of a Family call all thy houshold together reade a Chapter and pray as in the weeke dayes but remember so to dispatch these priuate preparations and duties as that thou and thy family may be in the Church before the beginning of praiers Else your priuate exercises are rather an hinderance then a preparation And as thou and thy houshold doe goe in all reuerence towards the Church let euery one meditate thus with himselfe Things to be Meditated as thou goest to the Church 1 THat thou art going to the Court of the Lord and to speake with the great GOD by Praier and to heare his Maiesty speake vnto thee by his Word and to receiue his blessing on thy soule and thy honest labour in the sixe daies last past 2 Say with thy selfe by the way As the Heart braieth for the Riuers of water so panteth my soule after thee O God My soule thirsteth for God euen for the liuing God When shall I come and appeare before the presence of God For a day in thy Courts is better then a thousand other where I had rather be a doore-keeper in the House of my God then to dwell in the Tabernacles of wickednesse Therefore I will come into thy House in the multitude of thy mercies and in thy feare will I worship toward thine holy Temple 3 As thou entrest into the Church say How fearefull is this place this is 〈◊〉 other but the house of GOD this is the gate of Heauen Surely the Lord is in this place God is in this people indeed and prostrating with thy face downeward being come to thy place say O Lord I haue loued the habitation of thy house the place where thy honor dwelleth One thing therefore haue I desired of thee that I will require euen that I may dwell in thy house al the daies
right vnto eternall life when this is ended And counteth all the good or ill that is done vnto vs as done vnto his owne person Secondly their floweth from Christs nature into our nature vnited to him the liuely spirit and breath of grace which renueth vs to a spirituall life and so sanctifieth our mindes wils and affections that wee dayly growe more and more conformable to the Image of Christ. Thirdly hee bestoweth vpon them all sauing graces necessary to attaine eternall life as the sense of Gods loue the assurance of our election with regeneration iustification and grace to doe good workes till we come to liue with him in his heauenly kingdome This should teach all true Christians to keepe themselues as the vndefiled members of Christs holy body and to beware of all vncleanenesse and filthynesse knowing that they liue in Christ or rather that Christ liueth in them From this vnion with Christ sealed vnto vs by the Lords Supper Saint Paul draweth arguments to withdraw the Corinthians from the pollution both of Idolatry 1 Cor. 10.16 and Adultery 1 Cor. 16.15.16 c. Lastly from the former Communion twixt Christ and Christians there flowes an other communion twixt Christians among themselues Which is also liuely represented by the Sacrament of the Lords Supper in that the whole Church being many doe all communicate of one bread in that holy action We being many are one bread and one body for wee are all partakers of that one bread that as the bread which we eate in the Sacrament is but one though it be confected of many graines so all the faithfull though they be many yet are they but one mysticall body vnder one head which is Christ. Our Sauiour praied 5. times in that prayer which hee made after his last Supper that his Disciples might bee one to teach vs at once how much this vnity pleaseth him This vnion betwixt the faithfull is so ample that no distance of place can part it so strong that death cannot dissolue it so durable that time cannot weare it out so effectual that it breeds a feruent loue betwixt those who neuer saw one anothers face And this coniunction of Soules is termed the Communion of Saints which Christs effecteth by 7. speciall meanes First by gouerning them all by one and the same holy Spirit Secondly by enduing them all with one and the same faith Thirdly by shedding abroad his owne loue into all their hearts Fiftly by regenerating them all by one and the same Baptisme Sixtly by nourishing them all with one and the same spirituall foode Seauenthly by being one quickning Head of that one Body of his Church vvhich hee reconciled to GOD in the body of his flesh Hence it vvas that the multitude of Beleeuers in the Primitiue Church 〈◊〉 of one heart and of one soule in truth affection and compassion And this should teach Christ 〈◊〉 to loue one another seeing they are all members of the same holy and mysticall body vvhereof Christ is He●d And therefore they should haue all a Christian Sympathie and fellow-feeling to reioyce one in anothers ioy to condole one in anothers griefe to beare vvith one anothers infirmitie and mutually to relieue one anothers wants Of the fourth end of the Lords Supper 4 To feede the Soules of the faithfull in the assured hope of life euerlasting for this Sacrament is a Signe and pledge vnto as many as shall receiue the same according to Christs Institution that hee vvill according to his promise by the vertue of his crucified body and bloud as verily feede our soules to lie eternall as our bodies are by Bread and Wine nourished to this temporall life And to this end Christ in the action of the Sacrament really giueth his very body and bloud to euery faithfull Receiuer Therefore the Sacrament is called the Communion of the Body and Bloud of the Lord. And communication is not of things absent but present neyther were it the Lords Supper if the Lords Body and Bloud vvere not there Christ is verily present in the Sacrament by a double vnion vvhereof the first is spirituall twixt Christ and the worthy Receiuer the second is Sacramentall twixt the body and bloud of Christ and the outward Signes in the Sacrament The former is wrought by meanes that the same holy Spirit dwelling in Christ and in the Faithfull incorporateth the Faithfull as Members vnto Christ their Head and so makes them one vvith Christ and pertakers of all the Graces Life Holinesse and eternall Glory vvhich is in him as sure and as verily as they heare the wordes of the promise and are partakers of the outward Signes of the holy Sacrament Hence it is that the vvill of Christ is a true Christians vvill and the Christians life is Christ vvho liueth in him Gal. 2.20 If you looke to the things that are vnited this Vnion is essentiall If to the Truth of this Vnion it is reall If to the manner how it is wrought it is spirituall It is not our Faith that makes the Body and Bloud of Christ to be present but the Spirit of Christ dwelling in him and vs. Our Faith doth but receiue and apply vnto our Soules those heauenly graces which are offered in the Sacrament The other being the Sacramentall Vnion is not a Phisicall or locall but a spirituall coniunction of the earthly Signes vvhich are Bread and Wine vvith the heauenly Graces which are the Body and Bloud of Christ in the act of receiuing as if by a mutuall relation they vvere but one and the same thing Hence it is that in the same instant of time that the worthy Receiuer eateth vvith his mouth the Bread and Wine of the Lord hee eateth also vvith the mouth of his Faith the very Body and Bloud of Christ. Not that Christ is brought downe from Heauen to the Sacrament but that the holy Spirit by the Sacrament lifts vp his minde vnto Christ not by any locall mutation but by a deuout affection so that in the holy contemplation of Faith hee is at that present with Christ and Christ with him And thus beleeuing and meditating how Christ his Body vvas crucified and his precious Bloud shed for the remission of his sinnes and the reconciliation of his Soule vnto GOD his Soule is hereby more effectually fed in the assurance of eternall Life then Bread and Wine can nourish his body to this temporall life There must be therefore of necessitie in the sacrament both the outward signes to be visibly seene with the eyes of the body and the Body and Bloud of Christ to be spiritually discerned with the Eye of Faith But the forme how the Holy Ghost makes the Body of Christ being absent from vs in place to be present vvith vs by our vnion S. Paul tearmes A great Mysterie such as our vnderstanding cannot worthily comprehend The Sacramentall Bread and
oath of fidelity to serue the one onely true God and to admit no other propitiatory sacrifice for sinnes but that one reall sacrifice which by his death Christ once offered and by which he finished the sacrifice of the Law and effected eternall redemption and righteousnesse for all beleeuers And so to remaine for euer a publike marke of profession to distinguish Christians from all sects and false religions And seeing that in the Masse there is a strange Christ adored not hee that was borne of the Vigin Marie but one that is made of a wafer Cake and that the offering vp of this breaden-god is thrust vpon the Church as a propitiatorie sacrifice for the Quicke and the dead all true Christians vpon the danger of wilfull periury before the Lord chiefe-Iustice of heauen and earth are to detest the Masse as that Idoll of indignation which is most derogatory to the all-sufficient World-sauing-merits of Christs death and passion For by receiuing the Sacrament of the Lords Supper we al sweare that all reall sacrifices are ended by our Lords death and that his body and bloud once crucified and shed is the perpetuall food and nourishment of our Soules 2. How to consider thine owne vnworthinesse A Man shall best perceiue his owne vnworthinesse by examining his life according to the tenne Commandements of Almighty GOD. Search therefore what duties thou hast omitted and what vices thou hast committed contrary to euery one of the Commandements remembring that without repentance and Gods mercy in Christ the Curse of God containing all the miseries of this life and euerlasting torments in Hel fire when this is ended is due to the breach of the least of Gods commandements And hauing taken a due surueigh both of thy sins miseries retire to some secret place and there putting thy selfe in the sight of the Iudge as a guilty malefactor standing at the Barre to receiue his sentence bowing thy knees to the earth smiting thy breast with thy fists and bedewing thy cheekes with thy teares confesse thy sins and humbly aske him mercie and forgiuenesse in these or the like wordes An humble Confession of sins to be made vnto God before the receiuing of the holy Communion O GOD and heauenly Father when I consider the goodnesse which thou hast euer shewed vnto me and the wickednesse which I haue committed against heauen and against thee I am ashamed of my selfe and confusion seemes to couer my face as a vaile for which of thy commandements haue I not transgressed Oh Lord I stand heere guilty of the breach of all thy holy Lawes For the loue of my heart hath not so entirely cleaued vnto thy Maiesty as to vaine and earthly things I haue not feared thy iudgements to deterre me from sinnes nor trusted to thy promises to keepe from doubting of my temporall or from despairing of mine eternall state I haue made the rule of thy diuine worship to be what my minde thought fit not what thy word prescribed finding my heart more proane to remember my blessed Sauiour in a painted picture of mans deuise rather then to behold him crucified in his Word and Sacraments after his owne ordinance Where I should neuer vse thy name whereat all knees doe bow but with religious reuerence nor any part of thy worship without due preparation and zeale I haue blasphemously abused thy holy name to rash and customary oathes yea I haue vsed oathes by thy sacred name as false couers of my filthy sinnes And I haue been present at thy seruice oft times more for ceremony then conscience and to please men more then to please thee my gracious GOD. Where I should sanctifie thy Sabath day by being present at the publike exercises of the Church and by meditating priuately on the word and workes of GOD and by visiting the sicke and relieuing of my poore brethren Alas I haue thought those holy Exercises a burden because they hindred my vaine sports yea I haue spent many of thy Sabbaths in my owne prophane pleasures without being present at any part of thy diuine worship Where I should haue giuen all due reuerence to my Naturall Ecclesiasticall and Politique Parents I haue not shewed that measure of duetie and affection to my Parents which their care and kindnesse hath deserued I haue not had thy Ministers in such singular loue for their workes sake as I ought but I haue taunted at their zeale and hated them because they reproued mee iustly And I haue carryed my selfe contemptuously against my Magistrates Ministers though I knew that it is thine ordinance that I should be obedient vnto them Where I should be slow to wrath and ready to forgiue offences and not suffered the Sunne to goe downe vpon my wrath but to doe good for euill louing my very enemies for thy sake I alas for one sory word haue burst out into open rage harbouring thoughts of mischiefe in my heart I haue preferred to feede on mine owne malice rather then to eate of thy holy Supper Where I should keepe my minde from all filthy lusts and my body from all vncleannesse O Lord I haue defiled both and made my heart a Cage of all impure thoughts and my minde a very Stie of the vncleane Spirit Yea the remedie which thou Lord hast ordained for continencie could not containe me vvithin the bounds of Chastitie for by doating on beautie whose ground is but dust Sathan hath bewitched my flesh to lust after strange flesh Where I should haue liued in vprightnesse giuing euery man his due being contented vvith mine owne estate and liuing conscionably in my lawfull calling should be ready according to mine abilitie to lend and giue vnto the poore ô Lord I haue by oppression extortion Bribes cauilation and other indirect dealings vnder pretence of my Calling and Office robbed and purloyned from my fellow Christians yea I haue deceiued and suffered Christ where I vvas trusted many a time in his poore members to stand hungry cold naked at my dore and hungry cold and naked to goe away succourlesse as hee came and when the leanenesse of his cheekes pleaded pitty the hardnes of my hart would shew no compassion Where I should haue made conscience to speake the truth in simplicitie vvithout any falshood prudently iudging aright and charitably construing all things in the best part and should haue defended the good name and credit of my neighbour alas vile wretch that I am I haue belyed and slaundered my fellow-Brother and as soone as I heard an ill report I made my tongue the instrument of the Diuell to blazon that abroad vnto others before I knew the truth of it my selfe I was so farre from speaking a good word in defence of his good name that it tickled my heart in secret to heare one that I
Practise without vvhich all the rest will minister vnto vs no comfort This Action consists of two sorts of duties first such as wee are to performe in the Church or else after that we are gone home Those that we are to performe in the Church are either seuerall from our owne soules or else ioyntly vvith the Congregation The seuerall duties which thou must performe from thine owne Soule are three first thou must be carefull that forasmuch as Christ now dwelleth in thee therefore to entertaine him in a cleane heart and with pure affections for the most holy will be holy with the holy for if Ioseph of Arimathia when hee had begged of Pilate his dead body to burie it vvrapped it in sweete odours and fine linnen and laid it in a new Tombe how much more shouldest thou lodge Christ in a new heart and perfume his roomes vvith the odoriferous Incense of Prayers and all pure affections If God required Moses to prouide a pot of pure gold to keepe the Manna that fell in the Wildernesse what a pure heart shouldest thou prouide to retaine this diuine Manna that is come downe from Heauen And as thou camest sorrowing like Ioseph and Mary to seeke Christ in the Temple so now hauing there found him in the middest of his Word and Sacraments be carefull with ioy to carry him home with thee as they did And if the man that found but his lost Sheepe reioyced so much how canst thou hauing found the Sauiour of the World but reioyce much more Secondly thou must offer the Sacrifice of a priuate thankes-giuing vnto God for this inestimable grace and mercy for as this action is common vnto the whole Church so is it applyed particularly to euery one of the faithfull in the Church and for this particular mercy euery Soule must ioyfully offer vp a particular Sacrifice of Thankes-giuing For if the Wise-men reioyced so much when they saw the Star which conducted them vnto Christ and worshipped him so deuoutly vvhen hee lay a Babe in the Manger and offered vnto him their Gold Myrrhe and Frankinsence how much more shouldest thou reioyce now that thou hast both seene and receiued this Sacrament vvhich guideth thy Soule vnto him where hee sitteth at the right hand of his father in glory And thither lifting vp thy heart adore him and offer vp vnto him the Gold of a pure Faith the Myrrhe of a mortified heart and this or the like sweete Incense of Prayer and Thankes-giuing A Prayer to be said after the receiuing of the Communion WHat shall I render vnto thee O blessed Sauiour for all these blessings which thou hast so graciously bestowed vpon my Soule how can I sufficiently thanke thee vvhen I can scarse expresse them Where thou mightest haue made mee a Beast thou madest mee a man after thine owne Image When by sinne I had lost both thine Image and my selfe thou didst renew in mee thine Image by thy Spirit and diddest redeeme my Soule by thy bloud againe and now thou hast giuen vnto mee thy Seale and pledge of my Redemption nay thou hast giuen thy selfe vnto mee O blessed Redeemer Oh what an inestimable treasure of riches and ouer-flowing Fountaine of grace hath hee got vvho hath gained thee No man euer touched thee by Faith but thou didst heale him by Grace for thou art the Author of Saluation the remedy of all euils the medicine of the sicke the life of the quicke and the resurrection of the dead Seemed it a small matter vnto thee to appoint thy holy Angels to attend vpon so vile a Creature as I am but that thou wouldest enter thy selfe into my Soule there to preserue nourish and cherish mee vnto life euerlasting If the carkeis of the dead Prophet could reuiue a dead man that touched it how much more shall the liuing body of the Lord of all Prophets quicken the faithfull in vvhose heart he dwelleth And if thou wilt raise my body at the last day out of the dust how much more vvilt thou now reuiue my Soule vvhich thou hast sanctified with thy Spirit and purified with thy bloud Oh Lord what could I more desire or what couldest thou more bestow vpon mee then to giue me thy body for meate thy bloud for drinke and to lay downe thy Soule for the price of my Redemption Thou Lord enduredst the paine and I doe reape the profit I receiued Pardon and thou diddest beare the punishment Thy teares vvere my bathe thy wounds my weale and the iniustice done to thee satisfied for the Iudgement which vvas due to mee Thus by thy birth thou art become my Brother by thy death my ransome by thy mercy my reward and by thy Sacrament my nourishment O diuine foode by which the sonnes of men are transformed into the sonnes of God so that mans nature dyeth and Gods nature liueth and ruleth in vs. Indeede all Creatures vvondered that the Creator would be enclosed nine moneths in the Virgins wombe though her wombe being replenished vvith the Holy Ghost vvas more splendide then the starry Firmament But that thou shouldest thus humble thy selfe to dwell for euer in my heart which thou foundst more vncleane then a dung-hill It is able to make all the Creatures in heauen and earth to stand amazed But seeing it is thy free grace and meere pleasure thus to enter and to dwell in my heart I vvould to GOD that I had so pure a heart as my heart could wish to entertaine thee And who is fit to entertaine Christ or who though inuited would not choose vvith Mary rather to kneele at thy feete then presume to sit with thee at the Table Though I want a pure heart for thee to dwell in yet weeping eyes shall neuer be vvanting to vvash thy blessed feete and to lament my filthy sinnes And albeit I cannot weepe so many teares as may suffice to wash thy holy feete yet Lord it is sufficient that thou hast shed bloud enough to clense my sinfull Soule And I am fully O Lord assured that all the daintie fare wherewith the disdainfull Pharisie entertained thee at his Table did not so much please thee as those teares which penitent Mary poured vnder the table I would therefore wish vvith Ieremie that my head were a fountaine of teares that seeing I can by no meanes yeeld sufficient thankes for thy loue to mee yet I might by continuall teares testifie my loue vnto thee And though no man is vvorthy of so infinite a grace yet this is my comfort that he is worthy whom thou in fauour accountest worthy And seeing that now of thy meere grace thou hast counted mee among others thy chosen worthy of this vnspeakeable fauor sealed by thy Sacrament the assurance of thy loue and the forgiuenes of my sins O Lord confirme thy fauour vnto thy Seruant and say of mee as Isaac did of Iacob I haue blessed him therefore hee shall be blessed And that I may say vnto thee
the poole of Bethesda streaming with fiue bloudy wounds not of a troubling Angell but of the Angell of Gods presence troubled with the wrath due to thy sinnes who descended into hell to restore thee to sauing health and heauen Returne not now with the Dogge to thine owne vomit nor like the washed sow to wallow againe in the mire of thy former sinnes and vncleannesse lest being intangled and ouercome againe with the filthinesse of sinne which now thou hast escaped thy latter ende prooue worse then thy first beginning Twice therefore doth our Sauiour Christ giue the same cautionary warning to healed sinners First to the man cured of his 38 yeeres disease Behold thou art made whole sinne no more lest a worse thing fall vnto thee Secondly to the woman taken in adultery Neither doe I condemne thee Goe thy way and sinne no more Teaching vs how dangerous a thing it is to relapse and fall againe into the former excesse of riot Take heede therefore vnto thy wayes and pray for grace that thou maiest apply thy heart vnto wisdome during that small number of dayes which yet remaine behinde And for thy present mercy and health imitate the thankefull Leaper and returne vnto God this or the like thanksgiuing A thankesgiuing to be said of one that is recouered from sickenesse O Gracious and mercifull Father who art the Lord of health and sickenesse of life and of death who killest and makest aliue who bringest downe to the graue and raisest vp againe who art the onely preseruer of all those that trust in thee I thy poore and vnworthy seruant hauing now by experience of my painefull sicknesse felt the gieuousnesse of misery due vnto sinne and the greatnesse of thy mercy in forgiuing sinners and perceiuing with what a fatherly compassiion thou hast heard my prayers and restored me to my health and strength againe doe heere vpon the bended knees of my heart returne with the thankefull Leaper to acknowledge thee alone to bee the God of my health and saluation and to giue thee the praise and glory for my strength and deliuerance out of that grieuous disease and malady and for thus turning my mourning into mirth my sickenesse into health and my death into life My sinnes deserued punishments and thou hast corrected me but hast not giuen me ouer vnto death I looked from the day to the night when thou wouldest make an end of me I did chatter like a Crane or a Swallow I mourned as a Doue when the bitternesse of sickenesse oppressed me I lifted vp mine eies vnto thee O Lord and thou didst comfort me for thou didst cast all my sinnes behinde thy backe and didst deliuer my soule from the pit of corruption and when I found no helpe in my selfe nor in any other creature saying I am depriued of the residue of my yeeres I shall see man no more among the inhabitants of the world then didst thou restore mee to health againe and gauest life vnto mee I found thee O Lord ready to saue me And now Lord I confesse that I can neuer yeelde vnto thee such a measure of thanks as thou hast for this benefit deserued at my hands And seeing that I can neuer bee able to repay thy goodnes with acceptable work● Oh that I could with Mary Magdalen testifie the ●oue and thankfulnes of my heart with abounding teares Oh what shall I be able to render vnto thee O Lord for al these benefits which thou hast bestowed vpon my soule Surely as in my sickenesse when I had nothing else to giue vnto thee I offered Christ and his merits vnto thee as a ransome for my sins so being now restored by thy grace vnto my health and strength and hauing no better thing to giue behold O Lord I doe heere offer vp my selfe vnto thee beseeching thee so to assist mee with thy holy spirit that the remainder of my life may wholly be spent in setting foorth thy praise and glory O Lord forgiue mee my former follies and vnthankefulnesse that I was not more careful to loue thee according to thy goodnesse nor to serue thee according to thy will nor to obey thee according to thy commandements nor to thanke thee according to thy benefits And seeing thou knowest that of my selfe I am not sufficient so much as to thinke a good thought much lesse to doe that which is good and acceptable in thy sight assist mee with thy grace and holy spirit that I may in my prosperity as deuoutely spend my health in thy seruice as I was eranest in my sickenesse to beg it at thy hands And suffer mee neuer to forget eyther this thy mercy in restoring mee to my health or those vowes and promises which I haue made vnto thee in my sickenesse With my new health renew in me O Lord a right spirit which may free mee from the slauery of sinne and establish my heart in the seruice of grace Worke in mee a greater detestation of all sinnes which were the causes of thy anger and my sicknesse and increase my faith in Jesus Christ who is the author of my health and saluation Let thy good spirit leade me in the way that I should walke and teach me to deny all vngodlines and worldly lusts to liue soberly righteously and godly in this world that others by my example may thinke better of thy truth And sith this time which I haue yet to liue is but a little respite and small remnant of daies which cannot long continue teach me O my God so to number my daies that I may apply my heart to that spiritual wisdome which directeth to saluation And to this end make me more zealous then I haue beene in religion more deuout in praier more feruent in spirit more carefull to heare and profit by the preaching of thy Gospell more helpefull to my poore brethren more watchfull ouer my waies more faithfull in my calling and euery way more aboundant in all good workes Let me in the ioyfull time of prosperity feare the euill day of affliction in the time of health thinke of sicknesse in the time of sickenesse make my selfe ready for death and when death approcheth prepare my selfe for iudgement Let my whole life be an expressing thankfulnesse vnto thee for thy grace and mercy And therefore O Lord I do here from the very bottome of my heart together with the thousand thousands of Angels the foure beasts and twenty foure Elders and al the creatures in Heauen and on the Earth acknowledge to be due vnto thee O Father which sitteth vpon the throne and to the Lambe thy Sonne who sitteth at thy right hand and to the holy spirit which proceedeth from both the holy Trinitie of persons in vnity of substance all praise honour glory and power from this time forth and for euermore Amen Meditations for one that is like to die IF thy sickenesse be like to encrease vnto death
him briefly these or the like questions Questions to be asked of a sicke man that is like to die DOest thou beleeue that Almighty God the Trinity of Persons in vnity of Essence hath by his power made heauen and earth and all things therein and that he doth still by his diuine prouidence gouerne the same So that nothing comes to passe in the world nor to thy selfe but what his diuine hand and counsell had determined before to be done Doest thou confesse that thou hast transgressed and broken the holy commandements of Almighty God in thought word and deede and hast deserued for breaking his holy lawes the Curse of God which containeth all the miseries of this life and euerlasting torments in Hell fire when this life is ended if so be that GOD should deale with thee according to thy deserts 3 Art thou not sorry in thy heart that thou hast so broken his Lawes and neglected his seruice and worship and so much followed the world and thine owne vaine pleasures And wouldest thou not leade a holier life if thou wert to begin againe 4 Doest thou not from thy heart desire to be reconciled vnto GOD in Iesus Christ his blessed sonne thy Mediator who is at the right hand of God in heauen now appearing for thee in the sight of God and making request vnto him for thy Soule 5 Doest thou renounce all confidence in all other Mediators or Intercessors Saints or Angels beleeuing that Iesus Christ the only Mediator of the new Testament is able perfectly to saue them that come vnto God by him seeing he euer liueth to make intercession for them And wilt thou with Dauid say vnto Christ Whom haue I in heauen but thee And there is none vpon earth that I desire besides thee 6 Doest thou confidently beleeue and hope to be saued by the onely merits of that bloody death and passion which thy Sauiour Iesus Christ hath suffered for thee not putting any hope of saluation in thine owne merits nor in any other meanes or creatures being assuredly perswaded that there is not saluation in any other And that there is none other name vnder heauen whereby thou must be saued 7 Doest thou heartily forgiue all vvrongs and offences done or offered vnto thee by any manner of person whatsoeuer And doest thou as willingly from thy heart aske forgiuenesse of them whom thou hast grieuously wronged in word or deede And dost thou cast out of thy heart all malice and hatred which thou hast borne to any body that thou maist appeare before the face of Christ the Prince of Peace in perfect loue and charitie 8 Doth thy Conscience tell thee of any thing which thou hast wrongfully taken and dost still with-hold from any Widow or fatherlesse children or from any other person whomsoeuer Be assured that vnlesse thou shalt restore like Zacheus those goods and Land if thou be able thou canst not truely repent and without true repentance thou canst not be saued nor looke CHRIST in the face when thou shalt appeare before his Iudgement-seate 9 Doest thou firmely beleeue that thy body shall be raised vp out of the Graue at the sound of the last Trumpet And that thy body and soule shall be vnited together againe in the Resurrection day to appeare before the Lord Iesus Christ and thence to goe vvith him into the Kingdome of Heauen to liue in euerlasting blisse and glory If the sicke party shall answere to all these questions like a faithfull Christian then let all who are present ioyne together and pray for him in these or the like words A Prayer to be said for the sicke by them who visite him O Mercifull Father who art the Lord and giuer of life and to whom belongs the issues of death we thy children here assembled doe acknowledge that in respect of our manifolde sinnes vvee are not worthy to aske any blessing for our selues at thy hands much lesse to become suiters to thy Maiestie in the behalfe of others yet because thou hast commanded vs to pray one for another especially for the sicke and hast promised that the prayers of the righteous shall auaile much with thee In the Obedience therefore of thy Commandement and confidence of thy gracious promise we are bold to become humble suiters vnto thy diuine Maiestie in the behalfe of this our deere Brother or Sister vvhom thou hast visited vvith the chastisement of thine owne fatherly hand Wee could gladly wish the restitution of his health and a longer continuance of his life and Christian Fellowship amongst vs but for as much as it appeareth as farre as wee can discerne that thou hast appointed by this visitation to call for him out of this mortall life wee submit our wils to thy blessed will and humbly entreate for Iesus Christ his sake and the merits of his bitter death and Passion which hee hath suffered for him that thou wouldst pardon and forgiue vnto him all his sinnes as vvell that wherein he was conceiued and borne as also all the offences and transgressions which euer since to this day and houre hee hath committed in thought word and deede against thy diuine Maiestie Cast them behinde thy back remoue them as farre from thy presence as the East is from the West Blot them out of thy remembrance lay them not to his charge vvash them away vvith the bloud of Christ that they may no more be seene and deliuer him from all the Iudgements which are due vnto him for his sinnes that they may neuer trouble his conscience nor rise in iudgement against his Soule and impute vnto him the righteousnesse of Iesus Christ wherby hee may appeare righteous in thy sight And in his extremitie at this time vvee beseech thee looke downe from heauen vpon him with those Eyes of Grace and compassion wherewith thou art vvont to looke vpon thy Children in their affliction and miserie Pittie thy wounded seruant like the good Samaritane for here is a sicke Soule that needeth the helpe of such a heauenly Physitian O Lord encrease his Faith that hee may beleeue that Christ dyed for him and that his bloud cleanseth him from all his sinnes and eyther asswage his paine or else encrease his patience to endure thy blessed vvill and pleasure And good Lord lay no more vpon him then thou shalt enable him to beare Heaue him vp vnto thy selfe with those sighes and groanes vvhich cannot be expressed Make him now to feele vvhat is the hope of his Calling and vvhat is the exceeding greatnesse of thy Mercy and power towards them that beleeue in thee And in his weakenesse O Lord shew thou thy strength Defend him against the suggestions and temptations of Sathan who as hee hath all his life time will now in his weakenesse especially seeke to assaile him and to deuoure him Oh saue his soule and reproue Satan command thy holy Angels to be about him to aide him to chase away
thoughts and sighes The first thought SEeing euery man enters into this life in Teares passeth it in sweate and ends it in sorrow ah what is there in it that a man should desire to liue any longer to it oh what a folly is it that vvhen the Mariner roweth with all his force to arriue at the wished Port and that the Traueller neuer testeth till hee come to his iourneyes end wee feare to discrie our Port and therefore would put backe our Barke to be longer tossed in this continual Tempest we weepe to see our iourneyes end and therefore desire our iourney to be lengthened that vvee might be more tyred with a foule and cumbersome way The spirituall sigh thereupon O Lord this life is but a troublesome Pilgrimage few in dayes but full in euils and I am weary of it by reason of my sinnes Let me therefore O Lord entreate thy Maiestie in this my bed of sickenesse as Elias did vnder the Iuniper tree in his affliction It is now enough O Lord that I haue liued so long in this vale of miserie take my f●ule into thy mercifull hands for I am no better then my Fathers The second thought THinke with what a body of sinne thou art loaden vvhat great ciuill warres are contayned in a little world the flesh fighting against the spirit Passion against Reason Earth against Heauen and the world within thee ●anding it selfe for the world without thee and that but one onely meane remaines to end this conflict Death which in Gods appoynted time will seperate thy Spirit from thy flesh the pure and regenerate part of thy soule from that part which is impure and vnregenerated The spirituall sigh vpon the second thought O Wretched man that I am who shall deliuer me from the body of this death O my sweete Sauiour Iesus Christ thou hast redeemed me with thy precious bloud And because thou hast deliuered my soule from sinne mine eyes from teares and my feete from falling I doe here from the very bottome of my heart ascribe the vvhole praise and glory of my Saluation to thy onely grace and mercy saying vvith the holy Apostle Thankes be vnto GOD which hath giuen mee the victorie through our Lord Iesus Christ. The third thought THinke how it behooues thee to be assured that thy soule is Christs for death hath taken sufficient gages to assure himselfe of thy body in that all thy senses beginne already to dye saue onely the sense of paine but sith the beginning of thy being beganne with paine meruaile the lesse if thy end conclude with dolours But if these temporall dolours which onely afflict the body be so painefull O Lord who can endure the deuouring fire who can abide the euerlasting burning The spirituall sigh vpon the third thought O Lord Iesus Christ the Sonne of the liuing GOD vvho art the onely Physitian that canst ease my body from paine and restore my Soule to life eternall put thy Passion Crosse and death betwixt my Soule and thy Iudgement and let the merits of thy Obedience stand betwixt thy Fathers Iustice and my disobedience and from these bodily paines receiue my soule into thine euerlasting peace for I cry vnto thee with Stephen Lord Iesu receiue my spirit The fourth thought THinke that the worst that death can doe is but to send thy soule sooner then thy flesh would be willing to Christ and his heauenly ioyes Remember that that worst is thy best hope The worst therefore of death is rather a helpe then a harme The spirituall sigh vpon the fourth thought O Lord Iesus Christ the Sauiour of all them that put their trust in thee forsake not him that in misery flieth vnto thy grace for succour and mercy Oh sound that sweet voyce in the eares of my soule which thou spokest vnto the penitent theefe on the Crosse this day thou shalt be with mee in Paradise For I O Lord doe with the Apostle from my soule speake vnto thee I desire to be dissolued and to bee with Christ. The fifth thought THink if thou fearest to dye that in Mount Sion there is no death for he that beleeueth in Christ shall neuer die And if thou desirest to liue without doubt the life eternall whereunto this death is but a passage surpasseth all There doe all the faithfull departed hauing ended their miseries liue with Christ in ioyes and thither shall all the godly which suruiue be gathered out of their troubles to enioy with him eternall rest The spirituall sigh on the fift thought O Lord thou seest the malice of Satan who not contenting himselfe 〈…〉 all the da●es and nights of our life to seek our destruction shewes himselfe most b●siest when thy children are weakest and neerest to their end O Lord reprooue him and prese●ue my Soule Hee seekes to terrifie me with death which my sins haue deserued but let thy holy spirit comfort my soule with the assurance of eternall life which thy blood hath purchased Asswage my pain encrease my patience and if it be thy blessed will end my troubles for my soule beseecheth thee with olde blessed Simeon L●rd now let me thy seruant depart in peace according to thy word The sixth thought THink with thy selfe what a blessing God hath bestowed vpon thee aboue many millions of the world that whereas they are either Pagans who worship not the true GOD or Idolaters who worship the true GOD falsely Thou hast liued in a true Christian Church and hast grace to dye in the true Christian faith and to be buried in the sepulchres of Gods seruants who all waite for the hope of Israel the raising of their bodies in the resurrection of the iust The spirituall sigh vpon the sixt thought O Lord Iesus Christ who art the resurrection and the life in whom whosoeuer beleeueth shall liue though hee were dead I beleeue that whosoeuer liueth and beleeueth in thee shall neuer dye I know that I shall rise againe in the resurrection at the last day for I am sure that thou my Redeemer liuest And though that after my death wormes destroy this body yet I shall see thee my Lord and my God in this flesh Grant therefore O CHRIST for thy bitter death and passions sake that at that day I may bee one of them to whom thou wilt pronounce that ioyfull sentence Come yee blessed of my Father inherit the Kingdome prepared for you before the foundation of the world The seauenth thought THinke with thy selfe how Christ endured for thee a cursed death and the wrath of God which was due vnto thy sinnes and what terrible paines and cruell torments the Apostles and Martyrs haue voluntarily suffered for the defence of Christs faith when they might haue liued by dissembling or denying him how much more willing shouldest thou be to depart in the faith of Christ hauing lesse paines to torment thee
rebuke me of sinne yet euery regenerated Christian can say of himselfe which of you can rebuke mee of being an Adulterer whoremonger swearer drunkard theefe vsurer oppressor proud malicious couetous profaner of the holy Saboth a Lyer a neglecter of Gods publike Seruice and such like grosse sinnes else hee is no true Christian. When a man casts off the conscience of being ruled by Gods Law then GOD giues him ouer to be led by his owne lusts the surest signe of a reprobate sense Thus the Law vvhich since the Fall no man by his owne naturall abilitie can fulfill is fulfilled in truth of euery regenerated Christian through the gratious assistance of Christs holy Spirit And this Spirit GOD will giue to euery Christian that will pray for it and incline his heart to keepe his Lawes V. When the vnregenerated man heares that GOD delighteth more in the inward minde then in the outward man Then he faineth vvith himselfe that all outward reuerence and profession is but eyther superstitious or superfluous Hence it is that hee seldome kneeleth in the Church that hee puts on his hat at singing of Psalmes and the publike Prayers vvhich the profane varlet would not offer to doe in the presence of a Prince or a Noble-man And so that hee keepe his minde vnto GOD hee thinkes hee may fashion himselfe in other things to the World Hee diuides his thoughts and giues so much to GOD and so much to his owne lusts yea hee will deuide with GOD the Sabboth and vvill giue him almost the one halfe and spend the other wholy in his owne pleasures But know ô carnall man that Almightie GOD will not be serued by halfes because hee hath created and redeemed the whole man And as GOD detests the seruice of the outward man without the inward heart as Hypocrisie so hee counts the inward seruice without all externall reuerence to be meere profanenesse hee requireth both in his worship In prayer fore bowe thy knees in witnesse of thy humiliation lift vp thine eyes and thy hands in testimonie of thy confidence hang down thy head smite thy breasts in token of thy contrition but especially call vpon God with a sincere heart serue him holy serue him wholy serue him onely for GOD and the Prince of this world are two contrary Masters and therefore no man can possibly serue both VI. The vnregenerated Christian holdes the hearing of the Gospell preached to be but an indifferent matter which he may vse or not vse at his pleasure but whosoeuer thou art that will be assured in thy heart that thou art one of Christs elect sheepe thou must make a speciall care and conscience if possibly thou canst to heare Gods word preached For first the preaching of the Gospell is the chiefe ordinary meanes which GOD hath appointed to conuert the soules of all that hee hath predestinated to be saued therefore it is called the power of God vnto saluation to euery one that beleeueth And where this diuine ordinance is not the people perish and whosoeuer shall refuse it it shall be more tollerable for the Land of S●dome and Gomorrha in the day of Iudgement then for those people Secondly the preaching of the Gospel is the standard or ensigne of Christ to which all Souldiers and elect people must assemble themselues When this Ensigne is displayed as vpon the Lords day hee is none of Christs people that flockes not vnto it neyther shall any drop of the raine of his Grace light on their soules Thirdly it is the ordinary meanes by which the holy Ghost begetteth Faith in our hearts without which wee cannot please God If the hearing of Christs voyce be the chiefe marke of Christs elect sheepe and of the Bridegroomes friend then must it be a fearefull marke of a reprobate Goate eyther to neglect or contemne to heare the preaching of the Gospell Let no man thinke this position foolish for by this foolishnesse of preaching it pleaseth GOD to saue them which beleeue Their state is therefore fearefull who liue in peace vvithout caring for the preaching of the Gospell Can men looke for Gods Mercy and despise his meanes He saith Christ of the Preachers of his Gospell that despiseth you despiseth mee Hee that is of God heareth Gods words yee therefore heare them not because ye are not of God Had not the Israelites heard Phineas message they had neuer wept Had not the Baptist preached the Iewes had neuer mourned Had not they who crucified Christ heard Peters Sermon their hearts had neuer beene pricked Had not the Nineuites heard Ionas preaching they had neuer repented and if thou wilt not heare and repent thou shalt neuer be saued VII The opinion that the Sacraments are but bare signes seales of Gods promise and grace vnto vs doth not a little hinder Pietie whereas indeede they are seales as well of our Seruice and obedience vnto GOD which seruice if wee performe not vnto him the Sacraments seale no grace vnto vs. But if wee receiue them vpon the resolution to be his faithfull and penitent Seruants then the Sacraments doe not onely signifie and ●ffer but also seale and exhibite indeede the inward spirituall grace vvhich they outwardly promise and repr●sent And to this ende Baptisme is called the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost and the Lords Supper The communion of the body and bloud of Christ. Were this truth beleeued the holy Sacrament of the Lords Supper would be oftner and with greater reuerence receiued VIII The last and not the least blocke whereat Pietie stumbleth in the course of Religion is by adorning vices with the names of Vertues as to call drunken carowsing drinking of health spilling innocent bloud valor Gluttonie hospitalitie Couet●ousnesse thriftinesse Whoredome louing a Mistresse Symonie gratu●●● Pride gracefulnesse dissembling complement children of Belial good-fellowes Wrath hastinesse ribauldry mirth So on the other side to call Sobrietie in words and actions Hypocrisie Almes-deedes vaine-glory Deuotion Superstition Zeale in Religion Puritanisme Humilitie crouching scruple of Conscience precisenesse c. and whilest thus wee call euill good and good euill true Pietie is much hindered in her progresse And thus much of the first hinderance of Pietie by mistaking the true sense of some speciall places of Scripture and grounds of Christian Religion The second hinderance of Pietie 2 The euill example of great persons The practise of of whose prophane liues they preferre for their imitation before the precepts of Gods holy word So that when they see the greatest mē in the state many chiefe Gentlemen in their Countrey to make neither care nor conscience to heare Sermons to receiue the Communion nor to sanctifie the Lords Sabbaths c. But to be swearers adulterers carowsers oppressours c. Then they thinke that the vsing of these holy ordinances are
not matters of so great moment for if they were such great and wise men would not set so little by them Heereupon they thinke that Religion is not a matter of necessity And therefore where they should like Christians rowe against the streame of impiety towards heauen they suffer themselues to be carried with the multitude downe right to Hell thinking it impossible that God will suffer so many to be damned Whereas if the God of this world had not blinded the eies of their minds the holy Scriptures would teach them that Not many wise men after the flesh not many mighty not many noble are called c. but that for the most part the poore receiue the Gospell and that fewe rich men shall be saued And That howsoeuer many are called yet the chosen are but few Neither did the multitude euer saue any from damnation As God hath aduanced men in greatnesse aboue others so doth God expect that they in religion and piety should goe before others otherwise greatnesse abused in the time of their stewardship shal turn to their greater condemnation in the day of their accounts At what time sinfull great and mighty men aswell as the poorest slaues and bondmen shall wish that the rockes and mountaines shall fal vpon them and hide them from the presence of the Iudge and from his iust deserued wrath It will prooue but a miserable solace to haue a great company of great men partakers with thee of thine eternall torments The multitude of sinners doth not extenuate but aggrauate sinne as in Sodome Better it is therefore with a few to be saued in the Arke then with the whole world to be drowned in the floud Walke with the few goodly in the Scriptures narrow path to heauen but crowde not with the godlesse multitude in the broad way to hell Let not the examples of irreligious great men hinder thy repentance for their greatnesse cannot at that day exempt themselues from their owne most grieuous punishments The third hinderance of Pietie 3 The long escaping of deserued punishment in this life Because sentence saith Salomon is not speedily executed against an euill worker therefore the hearts of the children of men are fully set in them to doe euill not knowing that the bountifulnesse of God leadeth them to repentance But when his patience is abused and mans sinnes are ripened his Iustice will at once both beginne and make an ende of the sinner and hee will recompence the slownesse of his delay with the grieuousnesse of his punishment Though they were suffered to runne on the score all the daies of their life yet they shall be sure to pay the vtmost farthing at the day of their death And whilest they suppose themselues to be free from iudgement they are already smitten with the heauiest of Gods Iugdements a heart that cannot repent The stone in the r●ines or bladder is a greeuous paine that kils many a mans body but there is no disease to the stone in the heart whereof Nabal dyed and killeth millions of Soules They refuse the triall of Christ and his Crosse but they are stoned by hels executioner to eternall death Because many Nobles and Gentlemen are not smitten with present Iudgements for their outragious Swearing Adultery drunkennesse oppression prophanesse of the Sabbath and disgraceful neglect of Gods worship and seruice they beginne to doubt of diuine prouidence and i●stice Both which two eyes they would as willingly put out in God as the Philistims boared out the eyes of Sampson It is greatly therefore to be feared lest they will prouoke the Lord to cry out against them as Sampson against the Philistimes By neglecting the Law and walking after their owne hearts they put out as much as in them lieth the eies of my Prouidence and iustice Leade me therefore to those chiefe pillars vvhereupon the Realme standeth that I may pull the Realme vpon their heads and be at once auenged of them for my two eies Let not Gods patience hinder thy repentance but because he is so patient therfore doe thou the rather repent The fourth hinderance of Pietie 4 The presumption of Gods mercy For when men are iustly conuinced of their sinnes forthwith they betake themselues to this shield Christ is mercifull so that euery sinner makes Christ the Patrone of his sinne as though hee had come into the world to bolster sinne and not to destroy the workes of the Diuel Herevpon the carnall Christian presumeth that though hee continueth a while longer in his sinne God will not shorten his daies But what is this but to be an Implicite Atheist Doubting that either GOD seeth not his sinnes or if he doth that he is not Iust. For if hee beleeueth that God is iust how can he thinke that God who for sinne so seuerely punisheth others can loue him who still loueth to continue in sinne True it is Christ is mercifull But to whom onely to them that repent and turne from iniquity in Iacob But if any man blesse himselfe in his heart saying I shall haue peace although I walke according to the stubbornnesse of mine owne heart thus adding drunkennesse to thirst The Lord will not be mercifull to him c. O madde men who dare blesse themselues when God pronounceth them accursed Looke therefore how farre thou art from finding repentance in thy self so farre art thou from any assurance of finding mercy in Christ. Let therefore the wicked forsake his waies and the vnrighteous his owne imaginations and returne vnto the Lord and hee will haue mercy vpon him and to our God for hee is very ready to forgiue Despaire is nothing so dangerous as presumption For we reade not in al the Scriptures of aboue three or foure whom roaring Despaire ouerthrew But secure Presumption hath sent millions to perdition without any noise As therefore the Damsels of Israel sang in their daunces Saul hath kild his thousands and Dauid his tenne thousands so may I say that despaire of Gods mercy hath damned thousands but the presumption of Gods mercy hath damned tenne thousands and sent them quicke to hell where now they remaine in eternall torments without all helpe of ease or hope of redemption God spared the thiefe but not his fellow God spared one that no man might despaire God spared but one that no man should presume Ioyfull assurance to a sinner that repents no comfort to him that remaines impenitent God is infinite in mercy but to them onely who turne from their sinnes to serue him in holinesse without which no man shall see the Lord. Heb. 12.14 To keepe thee therefore from the hinderance of presumption remember that as Christ is a Sauiour so Moses is an accuser Liue therefore as though there were no Gospel die as though there were no law Passe thy life as though thou wert vnder the conduct
Sabbath vvhich wee call the Lords day and which he himselfe ordained according to Christs commandement in the same Churches of Galatia and Corinth kept himselfe in other Churches but he speakes of the Iewish daies and times and yeeres and the keeping of the Sabbath on the seauenth day from the Creation which he tearmeth shadowes of things to come abolished now by Christ the body and in the Law are called sabbaths but distinguished from the morall Sabbaths 2 That of Paul to the Colossians let no man therfore condemne you in meate or drinke or in respect of an Holy-day or of the new moone or of the Sabbath dayes But here the Apostle meaneth the Iewish ceremoniall Sabbaths not the Christian Lords day as before 3 That of the same Apostle to the Romanes This man esteemeth one day aboue another day and another counteth euery day alike c. But Saint Paul makes no such account For the question there is not betweene Iew Gentiles but betweene the stronger and weaker Christian The stronger esteemed one day aboue another as appeares in that there vvas a day both commanded and receiued in the Church euery where knowne and honoured by the name of the Lords day And therefore Paul saith here that hee that obserued this day obserued it vnto the Lord. The obseruation whereof because of the change of the Iewish seuenth day some weake Christians as many now a dayes thought not so necessary so that if men because the Iewish day is abrogated will not honour and keepe holy the Lords day but count it like other dayes it is an argument saith the Apostle of their weaknesse whose infirmitie must be borne till they haue time to be further instructed and perswaded Other obiections are friuolous and not worth the answering The true manner of keeping holy the Lords day NOW the sanctifying of the Sabbath consists in two things First In resting from all seruile and common businesse pertaining to our naturall life Secondly In consecrating that rest wholy to the seruice of God and the vse of those holy meanes which belong to our spirituall life For the first 1 The seruile and common workes from which wee are to cease are generally all ciuill workes from the least to the greatest More particularly First from all the workes of our calling though it were reaping in the time of haruest Secondly from carrying burthens as Carryers doe or riding abroad for profit or for pleasure GOD hath commanded that the beasts should rest on the Sabbath day because all occasion of trauailing or labouring vvith them should be cut off from man GOD giues them that day a rest and he that without necessitie depriues them of their rest on the Lords day the groanes of the poore tyred beasts shall in the day of the Lord rise vp in Iudgement against him Likewise such as spend the greatest part of this day in trimming painting and pampering of themselues like Iezabels doing the Diuels worke vpon Gods day Thirdly from keeping of Fayres ●r Markets which for the most part God punisheth with pestilence fire and strange flouds Fourthly from studying any books or science but the holy Scriptures Diuinity For our studie must be to bee rauished in spirit vpon the Lords day In a word Thou must on that day cease in thy calling to doe thy worke that the Lord by his calling may doe his worke in thee For whatsoeuer is gotten by common working on this day shall neuer be blessed of the Lord but it will prooue like Achans golde which being got contrary to the Lords commandement brought the fire of Gods curse vpon all the rest which hee had lawfully gotten And if Christ scourged them out as theeues who bought and sold in his Temple which was but a ceremony shortly to be abrogated is it to bee thought that hee will euer suffer those to escape vnpunished who contrary to his commandement buy and sell on the Sabbath day which is his perpetuall law Christ calleth such sacrilegious Theeues and as well may they steale the Communion C●p from the Lords Table as steale from GOD the chiefest part of the Lords day to consume it in their owne lasts Such shall one day finde the Iudgements of God heauier then the opinions of men Fiftly from all recreations and sports which at other times are lawfull for if lawfull workes be forbidden on this day much more lawfull sports which do more steale away our affections from the contemplation of heauenly things then any bodily worke or labour Neither can there bee vnto a man that delighteth in the Lord any greater del●ght or recreation then the sanctifying of the Lords day For can there be any greater ioy for a person condemned then to come to his Prince his house to haue his pardon sealed For one that is deadly sicke to come to a Phisitian that can cure him Or for a Prodigall childe that fed on the huskes of Swine to bee admitted to eate the bread of life at his Fathers Table Or for him who feares for sinne the tydings of death to come to heare from God the assurance of eternall life If thou wilt allow thy selfe or thy seruant recreation allow it in the sixe daies which are thine not on the Lords day which is neither thine nor theirs No bodily receation therefore is to bee vsed on this day but so farre as it may helpe the soule to doe more cheerefully the seruice of the Lord. Sixtly from grosse feeding liberall drinking of wine or strong drinke which may make vs either drowsi● or vnapt to serue GOD with our hearts and mindes Seuenthly from all talking about wordly things which hindreth the sanctifying of the Sabbath more then working seeing one may worke alone but cannot talke but with others He that keepes the Sabbath onely by resting from his ordinary worke keepes it but as a beast But rest on this day is so farre commanded to Christians as it is an helpe to sanctification and labour so farre forbidden as it is an impediment to the outward and inward worship of GOD. If then those recreations which are lawfull at other times are on the Sabbath not allowed much more those that are altogether at all times vnlawfull Who without mourning can endure to see how in most places Christians keepe the Lords day as if they celebrated a feast rather to Bacchus then to the honour of the Lord Iesus the Sauiour and Redeemer of the world For hauing serued God but an houre in outward shew they spend the rest of the Lords day in sitting downe to eate and drinke and rising vp to play First balasting their bellies with eating and drinking and then feeding their lusts with playing and dancing Against which prophanation all holy Diuines both old and new haue in their times most bitterly inueighed Insomuch that August affirmeth that it was better to plough