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A05789 A prymer in Englyshe with certeyn prayers [et] godly meditations, very necessary for all people that vnderstonde not the Latyne tongue. Cum priuilegio regali.; Book of hours (Salisbury). English Catholic Church.; Marshall, William, fl. 1535. aut; Joye, George, d. 1553. Ortulus anime. aut 1534 (1534) STC 15986; ESTC S105505 141,102 352

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How be it the maner of this remembraunce is very rare and out of vse although saynte Paule and saynte Peter make of●en mencyon of it And we haue chaunged it altogether in to an outwarde apperaunce and haue thought it suf●icient to beholde the story of the passion paynted vpon the walles But there are very fewe yea almoste none that call it to theyr remembrannce for th entent to knowe theyr synnes by it or to quyet theyr tremblynge consciences or to ordre and compare theyr lyfe to this ensample ¶ Thus endeth the meditacyon and frutefull remembraunce of Christes passion whiche passeth all other contemplations ¶ A fruetfull and a very Christen instruction for Chyldren ¶ In the mornyng at thy vp rysyng thou shalte make the 〈◊〉 of y● 〈…〉 say 〈◊〉 thus ¶ In to this daye do I entre all thynges to do In the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holy ghoste Then knele downe vpon thy knees or els stondynge saye this prayer folowynge WHit an humble a contrite hert with a soroufull and a repentyng spirite I sue vnto the most mercyful father besechyng the of mercy and forgyuenes of all myn offence that I haue this night cōmitted against thy goodnes slepyng or wakyng dremynge or drechynge by ony maner of vnclennes of body or of soule that I haue fallen in to by illusion of the dyuel or els by ony other occasion And I thanke the by thy deare sonne Iesus Christe that thou haste preserued me this nyghte from sodayne deathe and all other myschyef that ony persone man or woman hath ben stryken with all by thy permyssyon and sufferance knowyng of suerty that the selfe same had ligthned on my head also haddest not thou defended me and preserued me And nowe I beseche the blessed father that thou wylte 〈…〉 me thi● day 〈…〉 th● cōmaund 〈…〉 me grace to walke warely among●●t thynnumerable snares of my ghostly ennemy the dyuel and to be circumspect and prudent and diligently to consydre before hand what I shall speke and what I go about to do so that all my hoole lyfe thoughtes wordꝭ and werkes may so be ordred that in all myne interprises thyn honour laude and glory the edyfyinge of myn owne soule in vertue the ꝓfite of my Christē brother be only sought for and intended thrugh the helpe of Iesu Christe our lorde whiche lyueth and raygneth with the his father and your bothes holy spirite worlde without ende Amen ¶ The Pater noster OUr Father whiche art in Heuen halowed be thy name Let thy kingdom come Thy wyll be fulfylled as well in Earthe as it is in Heuen Gyue vs this daye our daylye breade And forgyue vs our trespaces as we forgyue theym that trespace agaynst vs. And lede vs not in to tēptation but del●uer vs from euil Amen 〈…〉 ¶ The Crede I Beleue in god the father almyghty maker of Heuen and Earthe And in Iesu Christe his onely sonne our lorde whiche was conceyued by the holy ghost and borne of marye the virgyne He suffred vnder pontius Pilate he was crucyfyed deade buryed He descēded to the helles and rose the thyrde daye from deathe He ascended to the Heuens and sytteth on the ryght hande of God the father almyghty And from thence shall he come to iudge the quycke deade I beleue in the holy ghost I beleue the holye chyrche euery where to be the company or the congregation of holy and faythfull men I beleue to haue forgyuenes of my synnes And that euery mā shal ryse agayn And I beleue to haue lyfe euerlastynge Amen ¶ The Grace or Blessynge of the table to be sayed of chyldren standynge before it thyr handes eleuated and ioyned to gyder sayenge thus deuoutlye and sadly THe tyes of all thynges loke vp and wayte vpon the o lorde and thou gyuest them meate in due tyme whē thou gyuest it them then they gather it when thou openest thy hande then are they well satysfyed Thou openest thy hand and replenysshest all thynges lyuynge with thy blessynge Our father c. O Lorde god our heuenly father blesse thou vs and these thy gyftes whiche we here receyue of thy blessynge and boūtuous goodnes thrughe thy sonne Iesus Chryste Amen ¶ After dyner LEt vs gyue thankes vnto the Lord for he is ryghte good his me● 〈…〉 layd forth for vs at all tymes It 〈…〉 gyueth meate vnto euery thyn● 〈…〉 He gyueth catel theyr foode 〈…〉 rauens byrdes that call 〈…〉 lyteth not in stronge 〈…〉 his pleasure 〈…〉 But he is well 〈…〉 truste in 〈…〉 we thanke the o lorde god our father by thy sonne Iesus Christe our lorde for all thy benefyties which lyuest and reignest from age to age worlde without ende Amen Our father whiche arte in heuen c. ¶ Here foloweth the Grace to be sayde before Souper CHriste which at his last souper gaue hym selfe vnto vs promising his body to be crucified his bloude to be shedde for our synnes blesse vs and our souper Amen Our father whiche art in heuen c. ¶ Here foloweth the Grace to be sayde after souper HOnour and prayse be vnto God the kynge euerlastynge immortall inuisible and wyse only for euer euer Amen Our father whiche art in heuen c. GOd almighty father of all mercy and god of all consolation gyue vs grace 〈…〉 to gyther in to the knowledge 〈…〉 thrugh Iesu Christe that we 〈…〉 mynde one mouth 〈…〉 our lorde Iesu Christe 〈…〉 c. 〈…〉 before dyner or 〈…〉 ¶ Grace to be sayde before Dyner or Supper indyfferently HE which of his inestimable goodnes fedeth euery creature hym we besech to make holsom and holy what so euer is or shall be set vpon the table Amen ¶ Grace to be sayde after Dyner or Supper indyfferently WE thanke the o Heuenlye Father which of thyne infinite power hast created all thynges whiche by thy vnsearcheable wysedom gouernest al thinges whiche of thy infinyte goodnes fedest and gyuest strenghte to all thynges Besechyng the to graunte to thy chyldren that they may ones drynke with the in thy kyngdome that swete wyne of immortalite the whiche to all them that truely and vnfaynedly loue the thou hast promysed and prepared in the merites of Iesus Christ. Amē ¶ Grace to be sayde before Dyner or Supper indyfferently BLessed be thou oh god whiche fedest vs from oure youthe whiche gyuest meate to euery creature Replenyshe our hertes we beseche the with quiet ●onscyence and heuenly felicite that we therwith endued maye aboside in all workes of mercy by the ayde of oure lorde Christe Iesu to whome and to the with the holy ghoste be glorye honour and rule for euer Amen ¶ Grace to be sayde after Dyner or Supper indyfferently GLory be to the o lorde glory be to the o holy glorye be to the o kynge For thou hast gyuen vs meate Replenishe vs we beseche the with ioye and gladnesse in the holye ghoste that we maye be founde acceptable in
the sone and to the holy ghost As it was in the begynnyng as it is now and euer shal be Amen ¶ Celi enarrant THe heuens declare the gloryous maieste of god what are his workes One daye folowynge another whettch cōtynually our thoughtes one nyght folowynge another encreaseth our knowlege These creatures haue neither speache nor wordes neyther is theyr voyces ony where herde And yet theyr poyntynge and shewynge hathe taught all the worlde theyr dūme speache hathe gone forthe in to all the costes of the worlde He hath fastened in them a tabernacle for the sonne and he cometh forth of his cloudes lyke a brydegrome ye lyke a freshe valyaunt knyght ●o make his course From the farthest este parte of the heuēs cometh he forth hauyng his recourse vnto the other extreme neither is there ony man that may hyde hym from his heate The lawe of God the lorde is perfecte refresshynge the soule the testimonye of the lorde is faythfull mynisirynge wysedome to the vnlearned The cōmaundementes of the lorde ar ryght makyng glad the herte Tho thynges which god cōmaundeth are playne and pure and they lyghtē the eyes The feare of the lorde is pure and holye abydyng for euer the pleasures of the lorde are true and ryght in euery par●e More worthy to be desyred then golde and precyous stones sweter thē the hony combe when it droppeth And thy seruaunt is taughte monisshed by theym that same obseruynge of them is a greate gyfte Who may attayne to the knowlege of his synfull nature pourge me fro my secrete synnes Ye and turne thou these greate synnes frō thy seruant lest they haue dominion ouer me and then shall I be pure from euery greate synne Let the speches of my mouth the thoughtes of my herte be pleasaunte and accepte vnto the lorde my defender and redemer Glory be to the father to the Sonne and to the holy Ghoste As it was in the beginnyng as it is now and euer shall be Amen ¶ Domini est terra THe Earthe is the lordes and all that is contayned therin the rounde worlde and all that inhabyte it For in the see hath he set hir foūdacions and hath buylde hir aboue the floodes Who shall clyme in to the hyll of the lorde or who shall abyde in his holy place An innocent in his deades and he that is pure in herte that hathe not extolled hym selfe proudely vnto vanite neyther hathe sworne for ony deceyte This man shall be fed with the blyssynge of the lorde and with the mercy of god his sauyour This is the nacion gyuen all vnto hym seketh him this is the very right Iacob selah O ye gates lyfte vp your selues ye gates euerlastyng be opened and this gloryouse kynge shall entre in Who is this kyng that is so glorious it is the myghty valyaunte lorde noble in power a lord excellent in strength to wage batayl O ye gates lyft vp your selues ye gates euerlastyng be ye opened and the gloryous kynge shall entre in Who is this kynge that is so gloryous● it is the lorde of hostes it is he that is this gloriouse kynge Selah Glorye be to the father to the sonne and to the holy ghost As it was in the begynnyng as it is now and euer shall be Amen ¶ The Antympe the iij. to the Romans All we are synners and haue neade of the glorye of god ¶ The versicle The fyrst to the ephesians In what thyng stondeth the glory of god The responsorye ¶ In the free forgeuenes of synnes of his cleare mercy onelye ¶ The pater noster OUr father whiche arte in heuen halowed be thy name let thy kyngedome come ouer vs. Thy wyll be fulfylled as well in earthe as it is in heuen Geue vs this daye our suffycyent fode And forgeue vs our trespasses as we forgeue them that trespasse agaynst vs. And lede vs not in to temptation But delyuer vs frome the euyll spyryte Amen ¶ Lede vs not lorde in to temptation But delyuer vs from the euyll spirite Amen ¶ The blyssyng Lorde we beseche the of thy blessyng R. Blessed ar they that suffre persecution for the ryghtewysnes of faythe for theyrs is the kyngdome of Heuen Amen ¶ The fyrste lesson Mat. x. LO I sende you forth as shepe among wolues se therfore ye be wyse as serpentes and innocent as doues beware of men for they shall delyuer you vp to the counsayles and shall scourge you in theyr synagoges and ye shall be brought to the heade rulers kynges for my sake in wytnes to them and to the gentyles but whē they put you vp take no thoughte what or how ye shall speake for it shall be gyuē you euen in the same houre what ye shall saye for it is not you the speake but the spirite of your father whiche speaketh in you And lord thou haue mercy on vs Responsorie Iohn̄ .xvj. These thynges haue I sayde vnto you because 〈…〉 to god The 〈…〉 shall they do vnto you because they haue not knowen the father nor yet me ¶ They shall excommunycate you ye the tyme shall come that who so euer kylleth you shal thinke that he doth hygh seruyce to god ¶ The blyssynge Lorde we beseche the of thy blessynge Blessed are the poore in spyryte for theyrs is the kyngedome of heuen Amen ¶ The seconde lesson Hebre. xij THe burden of synne cast awaye let vs runne with patience vnto the batayl that is set before vs lokynge vnto Iesus the auctor and fynysher of our faythe which for the ioye that was set before him abode the crosse and despysed the shame is set downe on the ryght hande of the throne of god Consydre therfore how that he endured suche speakynge agaynste hym of synners lest ye sholde be weryed faynte in your myndes for ye haue not yet resysted vnto bloudeshedynge stryuynge agaynst synne And ye haue forget the consolacyon whiche speaketh vnto you as vnto chyldren My sonne despyse not the chastenynge of the lorde neyther faynte when thou arte rebuked of hym for whome the Lorde loueth him he chasteneth ye and he scourgeth euery sonne that he receyueth But thou lorde haue mercy on vs. ¶ The Respont Hebrew the .xij Ye ye shall endure chastenyng god offereth hym selfe vnto you as vnto sonnes what sonne is that whom the father chastneth not ¶ The verse Yf ye be not vnder correction wherof all are pertakers than are ye bastardes and not sonnes What sonne is that whom the father chasteneth not The blyssynge ¶ Lorde we besche the of thy blyssynge Blyssed are all men that truste in the lord AMEN ¶ The thyrde lesson to the wyse man .v. IN the laste iudgemente when these vngodly shall beholde the ryghtwise men they shall be troubled with horryble feare and shall maruayle at theyr so soden helth vnlocked for waylyng for the sorowfull anguishe of theyr mynde sayeng within them selfe beynge heuy mornynge for the anguysshe of theyr mynde These are they
prayse and extoll hym for euer Ye aungelles of the lorde prayse the lorde ye heuens loue the lorde Ye waters all that are aboue heuen prayse the lorde all the powers of the lorde mought prayse the lorde The sonne the mone prayse ye the lorde starres of the yrmament loue ye the lorde The rayne and the due prayse ye the lorde all the wyndes of god prayse ye the lord Fyer and heat magnyfie ye the lorde wynter and somer loue ye the lorde Moystnes and ye hore frostes praise ye the lorde the frost and colde loue ye the lorde Yse and snow mought loue the lorde nightes and dayes prayse ye the lorde The lyghte and darknes moughte prayse the lorde lyghtenynges and cloudes loue ye the lorde The Earth mought prayse the lorde loue and extoll hym fo● euer Hylles and Mountaynes prayse ye the lorde all tha● sprynge●h vp on the Earthe loue ye the lorde Ye welles and sprynges prayse the lorde sees and floodes loue ye the lorde Whale fysshes and all tha● moueth in the waters prayse ye the lorde all byrdes of the ayre prayse the lorde All beastes bothe wylde and tame prayse the lorde ye chyldren of mē loue the lorde Israell praise thou the lorde loue him and extoll hym for euer Ye mynisters of the lorde prayse the lorde ye seruantes of the lorde loue the lorde ye sprytes and soules of ryghtewyse men loue the lorde ye holy and meake in herte prayse the lorde Anania Azaria Misaell prayse ye the lorde loue and extoll hym for euer O lorde thou art blyssed and praysed in the firmament of heuen thou art prayse worthy glorious and magnified in to worldes withoute ende ¶ Laudate dominum de celis PRayse the lorde ye heuenly myndes prayse ye hym all that are aboue Prayse hym all angelles prayse hym all his hoste rounde aboute hym Prayse hym sonne and mone prayse hym all bryght and shynyng starres Prayse him the most hyghest heuens and ye waters that are aboue the heuens Prayse ye the name of the lorde for he made and created all thynges with a worde And hath made them to stande faste in to the worlde of worldꝭ he hath gyuen them a lawe whiche they breake not Prayse the lorde all ceratures of the erthe dragons and all deape waters Fyer hayle snowe yse stormy wyndes doynge his cōmaundement Mountayns and all hyghe hylles fru●full trees and all cedre trees All wylde beastes and tame all thynges that crepe and fetherde foules Kynges of the earthe and all people prynces and all rulers of the Earthe Sengle men and maydens olde men and yonge prayse the name of the lorde for it is only hygh and spred ouer erthe heuēs He shall lyfte vp the power of his people it becōmeth his sayn●ꝭ ●o prayse hym wh●che haue profe●sed hym euen Israell his owne people whiche cōmeth vnto hym ¶ Canta●e domino Prayse ye the lorde SYnge ye to the lorde with a newe dy●ie his prayse shall be in the congregation of the sayntes Israell shall reioyse of his maker and the citezens of Syon of theyr kynge They shal praise his name with trompet synge ye vnto hym with taberat harpe For that lorde well pleased with his people shall exalte lowlyones with his helpe Sayntes shall reioyse euen from theyr hertes and the nobles shall triumphe in theyr couches The exaltyng of god is in their throtꝭ and in theyr handes a two egged swerde To take vengeaunce vpon the gentyles and to correct the people To bynde theyr kynges in chaynes and their most noblest rulers ī fet●ers of yerne To execute iudgemente amonge them as it is wryten this glorye shall be vnto all that are his sayntes Glorye be to the Father to the sonne and to the holy Ghoste As it was in the begynnyng as it is now and euer shall be Amen ¶ Lauda●e dūm PRayse hym that hathe his residence in his secrete holy place prayse hym that reygneth in y● firmamente the sea●e of his power Prayse hym for his strenghte prayse hym for almyghtynes Prayse hym with sounde of trompettes prayse hym with ●utes and harpes Prayse hym with tympany and taberat prayse hym with organs and pypes Praise him wi●h soft claricimbales praise hym wi●h loude clarycymbales What soeuer thyng is endued with breth● let it prayse the lorde Glorye be to the father to the sonne and to the holy ghost As it was at the c. The Antheme THe hyghest prayse greatest glorye that we maye gyue to god is to beleue his promyse to veryfye it with our faythe which faythe he doth geue vs also that we myghte beleue our synnes to be forgeuen in Christes bloude The Chapyter Ephys ij By grace are ye made safe thrugh faith that not of your selues for it is the gyft of god and cometh not of workes lest ony mā shold bost hym selfe of his owne dead Thankes be to god ¶ The hympne PRayse ye the Lorde omnypotente ▪ whiche thrughe his benygnyte his most dere sonne hath to vs sent to dye for our iniquite We were his cruell ennemyes abiecte for our transgression how be it in chryst fyr● we our yeis whiche is our satysfaction Glorye be to the trynyte the father sone and spryte lyuynge whiche are one god persones thre to whome be prayse with out endynge The versycle What and yf we here suffre with Chryst. Thanswer Then shall we be gloryfyed togyder with hym in heuen Romans in the .viij. chapytre ¶ Here foloweth the songe of Zachary the preste saynt Iohn̄ Baptystes father ¶ Benedictus PRaysed be the lorde god of Israell for he hathe gracyously vysited and redemed his people He hathe set vp our mightye helthe in the house of Dauid his seruaunte Accordyng to his promises by the mouthes of his holy prophetꝭ of a longe tyme past Promysynge that we sholde be preserued from oure enemyes and from the handes of all them that hate vs. That we wolde thus vse and declare his ryche mercy towarde our fathers remembrynge his holy promyses And also to performe his othe whiche he swore to Abraham oure father and promysed hym selfe to gyue it vs. So that without feare we delyuerd from the handes of our enemyes myghte serue and honour hym In holynes and ryghtwysnes before him al dayes of our lyfe And thou my chylde shalt be called the prophete of the moste hygheste for thou shalte go before the face of the lorde to prepare his wayes To gyue the knowlege of the sauyng helthe to his people through the forgyuenes of theyr synnes The whiche cometh through thaboudant mercy and goodnes of our god by the whiche he hathe thus gracyously loked vpon vs spryngyng from aboue To gyue lyght to them that haue sytte in derknes and in the shadowe of deathe to direct our fete in to the way of peace Glorye be to the Father to the sonne and to the holy Ghoste As it was in the begynnyng as it is now and euer shall be Amen ¶ The antheme HE that
neyther yet in my selfe not in my power lernynge scyence ryches wysdome or what thynge soeuer it be that I haue or possesse I put no confydence in any creature whether it be in Heuen or in Erthe But I put my sure trust in only in one God whiche can not be seen with mans iye whiche can not be comprehended with mans wytte whiche made Heuen and Erthe and alone ruleth all creatures To hym hooly I submytte any selfe nothyng fearyng nor regardyng the malyce of the deuyll and his felowes for my god is aboue thē all Neyter wolde I put the lesse confidence in god thoughe all men dyd forsake me and persecute me Neyther wyll I truste hym the lesse because I am wretched and poore because I am rude and vnlearned because I am despysed and lack possessyons Nother yet the lesse because I am a synner for this my fayth doth farre passe all thynges as it is necessary and oughte to do what so euer eyther be or be not bothe synnes and vertues and to be shorte al thynges So that she doth puerely and hooly fyxe her self in god only as the fyrste cōmaundement teacheth and compelleth me Neyther I desyre any signe to tempte hym I trust faythfully vnto hym although he differre and tary at his pleasure I wyll not set or prescrybe to hym any ende any tyme measure or reason but I cōmytte all to his wyll with a pure fayth and a stable for he is almyghty what can I lacke that he can not gyue and do vnto me For he is the maker of Heuē Erthe lord of al thyngꝭ what thynge can hyndre me or hurt me Howe may it be that al thingꝭ shal not turne to myn vse proffet when he to whome all these thyngꝭ are subyect and obedient fauoreth me and loueth me Nowe syth he is god he knoweth wherunto he hathe ordeyned me and how euery thynge shal be best for me and that whiche he knoweth he may do and seyng he is my father it is sure that he wyll see the best for me and that for the fatherly loue that he hath vnto me When I doubte not hereof and haue such trust in hym then no doubte I am his seruaūt his Sonne and his heyre for euer And euen as I beleue so shall it be vnto me ¶ The secounde parte of the belefe And in Iesu Chryste his only sonne our lorde which was cōceyued by the holy ghost Borne of Mary the virgyne suffred vndre Pontius Pilatus crucified deed buried descēded to hel the thyrde day rose agayne from death Ascended to heuen syttyth on the ryght hāde of god the father almyghty from thense he shall come to iudge quycke and deade ¶ That is I do not only beleue that Iesu Christe is the true only sonne of god by euerlastinge and godly nature and beynge from the begynnyng euer begoten but also that all thyngꝭ are subdued vndre hym and that he is my lorde and the lorde of al creatures made ruler of them beyng man whiche he hym selfe with the father in his diuinyte dyd make ¶ I beleue that nomā may beleue in god the father or may come vnto the father neyther by science and learnynge neyther by workes neyther by theyr owne reason and wytte or by what thyng so euer may be named in Heuen or Erth. But by this and in this Iesu Christe his only sonne that is to say by the fayth in the name and power of Iesu Christ. I beleue vnfaynedly and surely that he was conceyued for my profet by the holy ghoste without all mans carnall worke without a bodely father or mannes sede and that to puryfy and make spiritual my fynful flesshly vnclene and damnable conceptyon and all theyrs that beleue in hym moued to this mercy of his owne and fre wyll the wyll of the almyghty father ¶ I beleue that he was begotten of the virgyne Mary without the losse of her pure and incorrupte virginite so that accordynge to the prouidence of the mercyfull father he sholde blysse and clense the synnes and damnable byrth of all that beleue in hym that after it myght do no hurte ¶ I beleue that he suffred passion death for my synnes and all theyrs that beleue in hym and that he therby blyssed all passyons crosses deathes so that after they might not hurte but be both holsome and merytoryous ¶ I beleue that he was dede and buryed to mortyfy and bury my synne all synnes of them that beleue Fynally that all bodely death by his death was destroyed so that it is no power to hurte but is rather made holsome and profytable ¶ I beleue that he went downe to hell to subdue and make captyue to me and to al that beleue the deuyll with al his impery subtilete and malyce to delyuer me from hell wherunto I was condemned in my fyrste father Adam takynge awey all his power that he myght not hurte me But sholde rather as by occasion be proffytable vnto me ¶ I beleue that in the thyrde day he rose agayne from deth to brynge me all that beleue into a newe lyfe that by this dede he raysed me with hym in grace and spirit not to synne after but that I endowed with all kyndes of grace and vertue myght serue hym so fulfylle his cōmaundementes ¶ I beleue that he ascended into Heuen that he hath receyued of the Father rule and honour aboue al Aungellꝭ creatures And that he now sytteth on the ryght hād of the Father that is that he is kynge and lorde ouer all the goodes of his Father in Heuen Hel and Earth wherfore he may helpe me and them that beleue in all maner of aduersytes agaynst all our aduersaryes and enemyes ¶ I beleue that from thense he shall returne the laste day to iudge quycke whome he then shal fynde alyue and deade which before were buryed And that he shall cause al men aungelles good euyl to come before the seate of his iudgement whome they shall se bodely to delyuer me and all faythfull from bodely death from all euyll and synnes And to punyshe with eternall iudgement his enemyes and aduersaryes so that we shall be delyuered frō theyr power for euer ¶ The .iij. parte of the belefe I beleue in the holy ghoste the holy christen churche the communyon of sayntes the forgyuenesse of synne the rysynge of flesshe and euerlastynge lyfe Amen ¶ That is to say I do not only beleue that the holy ghost is very god with the father and the sonne But also that noman can come to the father by Christe by his lyfe passion death what so euer was spoken of Christ or opteyne any of these thynges without the worke of this spirite with the whiche spirite I desyre the father and the sonne to touche me all faythful to sturre me vp to call to drawe and by Christ in Christe to quycken me to make me holy spirituall
thy syghte and be not a shamed in the daye when thou shalt geue to euery man after his doynges Amen PRayse ye the lorde all gentyles magnyfye hym all nacyons For his mercye is spred ouer vs and the trouthe of the lorde stondeh for euer Glorye be to the father to the sonne and to the holy ghoste As it was in the begynnynge as it is now and euer shall be Amen ¶ When thou shalt go to bed saye thus I Laye me downe to rest In the name of the Father of the Sonne and of the holy Ghoste Amen Then saye these two prayers folowynge I Thanke the my heuenly father by thy most deare beloued sonne Iesu Christe that this daye of ●hy plentuouse ryche mercy thou haste thus preserued me I pray the forgiue me al my synnes which I haue this day vnryghtwysely cōmytted in dede worde and thought And that thou woldest vochsafe of thy gracious goodnes to kepe me this nyghte for I comytte my selfe bothe body and soule and all myne in to thy handes Thy holy aungell be with me leste my dedely aduersary haue entrese in to me Amen O ABOue all Blyssed and Almyghty Lorde God my God my Father I thy synfull creature and moste vnworthy childe prestrate in my herte before thyne hyghe maiestye aske the mercy and forgyuenes of all my synne and iniquite that I haue this daye cōmytted agaynste the yea euer sythe the tyme that I was conceiuyd in my mothers wombe vnto this presēt hour specyally in this c. And then cal to your mynd what offence ye haue cōmytted that day that cheyflyest grudgeth your conscience And I thanke the by thy deare sonne Iesus Christe that thou haste preserued me from all suche offences as I haue not fallen in and wherinto any other persone through his owne fault and thy sufferaunce hathe fallen In to the whiche I also without doubt shold haue fallen haddest not thou with thy grace preuented me saued me supported me and sustained me That I haue fallen many wayes my greate fault and blame it is wherof in moste humble wyse I aske mercy and forgyuenes of the. That thou haste preserued me thyne excedynge goodnes mercy and grace it is wherof with all my herte I thanke ye. And nowe I beseche the most mercyfull father that thou wylte no more be angry with me neyther hensforth forsake me but that thou wylt contynually assyste me fortifie me and strēgth me be my succoure and defence this nyght and allway to my lyues ende agaynst all synne and iniquite And that thou wylte also of thy abundaunt bountyfulnes refresshe my bryttle bodye with conuenyent reste this nyghte yf it be thy wyll so that I may the more redely freshly and promptly with all diligence serue the to morowe accordynge to the stare that thou haste set me in called me vnto so that all my lyfe may plese the and through thyn assistence be so ordred gouerned that after this vayn and transitory lyfe be ended I may finally come to the lyfe that shal last for euer where thou moste blessed father lyueste and rayneste with thy Sonne and the holy ghoste in to the worlde of worldes Amen Then as thou dydest in the mornyng say● the Pater noster 〈…〉 and the Crede ¶ Here foloweth the Matens O LORD open thou my lyppes and then shal my mouthe shewe forth thy prayse O god bende thy selfe in to my helpe lorde haste that to helpe me Glorye be to the father to the sonne and to the holy ghost As it was in the begynnynge as it now euer shal be Amen ¶ Prayse ye the lorde ¶ The Inuitatorie Mathei xj 〈…〉 all ye that labour and are laden and I shall refreshe you COme and let vs ioyfully geue thankes vnto the lorde let vs reioyse in god our sauyour let vs approche in to his presens with prayse and thankes geuyng and synge we vnto hym in the Psalmes ¶ Come vnto me all ye that lobour and are laden and I shall refreshe you For god is a greate lorde a grete kynge ouer all gods in whose handes are the hertes of all the creatures of the erth and the hyghe hylles are at his commaundement ¶ And I shall refreshe you The see is his for he hath made it and his handes haue fashoned the erathe also come therfore and let vs worshyp fall downe before the lorde whiche hathe made vs for he is our god and we are the flocke of his pasture and the shepe whome he dryueth ¶ Come vnto me all ye that labour and are laden and I shall refreshe you Now the gospell preched yf ye heare his voyce se that ye harden not your hertes as they dyd in the place of temptacyon in wyldernes bytterly murmurynge speakynge agaynste god where your fathers temp●ed me and prouoked me to angre ye althoughe they se my myracles ¶ And I shall refreshe you Forty yeres was I at debate chydynge with the generation wherfore I sayd euer theyr hertes are gone from me they know not my wayes to whome I swore in my greate angre that they sholde not entre in to the lande of my reste ¶ Come vnto me all ye that labour and are laden and I shall refreshe you Glory be to the father to the sonne and to the holy ghost As it was in the begynnynge as it is nowe euer shal be Amen The hympne PRaysed be god for his exceadynge fauour which hathe geuen vs his sone to be our sauyour We are synners vnryghtwyse folyshe flesshlye Christe is our mercy stole rightwysenes and wysdome verely We are vnclene holden vnder the daunger of deathe and synne Chryste is our holynes our lyfe our redemption and satysfaccion Glorye be to the o lorde borne of the indefyled virgyn glorye to the father and to the holy Ghoste our soules surgeon Amē ¶ Domine dominus noster LOrde ye our lorde how wonderfull reuerente cleare is thy name ouer al the earthe whiche haste lyfted vp thy hyghe magnificence aboue the heuens Ye and that by the mouthes of thy soukynge babes that connot yet speake hast thou set vp the prayse of thy myghte agaynste thy enemyes to confoūde thy aduersary that wyll auenge hym selfe I shall therfore loke vp wonder at thy heuens lo these ar the workes of thy fyngers the mone and starres thou haste set them so goodly But lo what thynge is man mortall that thou thus remēbrest him what is the sonne of Adam that thou regardest hym so greatly Thou haste made hym not moche inferior then Angelles with so greate dignite and glorye hast thou endued hym Thou haste made hym lorde of thy handy workes thou haste cast all thynges vnder his feate As flockes of shepe all herdes of neate and also the wylde beastes Foules of the ayer and fysshes of the see and what so euer swymmeth in the water Lorde ye our lorde how wonderful reuerent cleare is thy name ouer all therthe Glorye be to the father to
whome we had sumtyme in dirision and vnto lykelyhod of opprobrious laughter but we our selfe beynge then without our wyttes had wente that theyr lyfe had ben but madnes and so theyr ende to haue bene withoute honour But nowe se how they are counted amonge the childrē of god and theyr herytage is among the sayntes wherfore we our selfe then erred wente from the way of the trouthe and the lyght of ryghtwysnes dyd not shyne vpō vs and the sonne of ryght vnderstondyng spronge not vpon vs we were weryed tyerd in the way of wyckednes and predicion we walked hard and wery wayes for the way of the lorde we knowe not ¶ Respon of the wyse man the .vi. When ye were ministers of his kyngdome ye iudged not ryght ye kepte not the lawe of ryghtwysnes neyther ye walked after the wyll of god Ferfully and shortly shall he appere vnto you For ryght sharpe iudgemente shall be done vpon these that are in authorite ¶ The verse To the weake lytell ones is graūted mercy but the greate myghte ones shall suffre myghtye stronge tormentes Fearefullye and shortlye shal he appere vnto you For righsharpe iudgement shal be done vpon these that are in authoryte Glory be to the fatther to the Sonne and to the holy Ghoste For ryght sharpe iudgement shal be done vpon these that are in authoryte ¶ The songe of Austen and Ambrose WE prayse the o god we knowlege the to be the lorde All the Earthe mought worshyp the whiche art the father euerlastynge To the cry forth all aungelles the heuens and all the powers therin To the thus cryeth Cherubyn and Seraphyn contynually Holy art thou Holy art thou Holye art thou Thou arte the lorde God of hostes Heuen and Earthe are fulfylled with the glorye of thy maiestye The gloryouse companye of the Apostles prayse the. The godly felawship of martires praise ye. The holy cōgregation of faythful thrughout all the worlde magnyfy the. They knowlege the to be the Father of an infinite maiestye ●hey knowlege thy honorable and verye on●ly Sonne They knowlege thy holye Ghoste to be a counforter Thou art the kynge of glorye O Christe Thou art the euerlastyng son of the father Thou when thou sholdest take vpon the our nature to delyuer man dydest not abhorre the vyrgyns bodye Thou hast opened the kyngdome of heuen to the beleuers deathes dar●e ouercome Thou syttest on the ryghte hande of God in the glorye of the father Thou ar●e beleued to come oure Iudge Wherfore we pray the helpe thy seruantes whome thou haste redemed with thy prec●ous bloude Make them to be nombred with thy sayntes in ioye euerlastynge O lorde saue thy people and blysse thy herytage Gouerne and also lyfte theym vp for euer We prayse the euery daye And we worshyp thy name euer worlde withouten ende O lorde lette it be thy pleasure to kepe vs this day without synne O lorde haue mercy vpon vs haue mercy vpon vs. O lorde let thy mercye lyghten vpon vs euen as we trust in the. O lorde I trust in the let me neuer be confounded ¶ The versycle Christe is deade for our synnes Thaunswere And is rysen agayne for our ryghtwysnes ¶ To the Romans the .iiij. O God bende thy selfe vnto my helper Lorde haste the to helpe me Glorye be to the Father to the sonne and to the holy Ghoste As it was in the begynnyge as it is now and euer shall be Amen Prayse ye the lorde ¶ Dominus regnauit THe lorde is kyng his maiesty is gloryously deckte the lorde hath armed hym selfe with strenghte and hathe gyrte hym selfe myghtely He hathe surelye buylde and set faste the rounde worlde so that it shall not be moued Thy seate was p̄pared in ceason but thou thy selfe arte of euerlastynge The floodes are rysen O lorde thy floodes haue rored The floodes haue lyfted vp theyr stremes aboue the noyse of the greate stormy and troubled sees Meruelous is the lorde whiche hathe his resydence aboue Thy wordes are sure faythfull thy house is ryght fayre holy and godly the secrete holye place of the lorde shall stande in to full longe tymes Glorye be to the Father to the sonne and to the holy Ghoste As it was in the begynnyng as it is now and euer shall be Amen Iubilate Make ye melody vnto the lorde al that dwell vpon the Earthe worshyp ye the lorde gladlye come in to his presence ioyfully Knowlege ye the lorde that he is god he hathe made vs and not we our selues we ar his people and the flocke of his pasture Entre ye ī to his gatꝭ with thākes gyuīg and in to his fre purches with prayse syngynge magnifye hym and prayse his name For the lorde is ryghte gentle his mercy endureth in to euerlastyng and his faythfulnes in to all ages Glorye be to the Father to the sonne and to the holy Ghoste As it was in the begynnyng as it is now and euer shall be Amen God thou art my god erly do I syghe for the my flesshe desyreth the in this thyrsty and wyde wyldernes Here shall I beholde the as in thy secrete holy place that I might se thy power and thy gloriouse beauty For thy mercy is more desyrous then this same lyfe with my lyppes shall A praise ye. Thus shall I magnyfye the throughoute all my lyfe in the prayse of thy name shall I lyfte vp my handes Thou shalte satysfye my soule with fatte delicious meat wherupon my lyppes shall ioye and my mouthe shall prayse As sone as I shall remēbre my selfe vpon my bed I shall thynke vpon the euen in the watches of the nyght For thou verely art he that bryngeth me helpe and I beyng sure in the shadowe of thy wynges shall tryumphe ioyfully My soule cleued vnto the for thy ryghte hande susteyned me These men that seke my lyfe to spyll it shall go downe in to theyr graues Men shall driue them vpon the edge of their swerdes they shall be hewen and cut in to meat for foxes But the kynge shall reioyse in god and he shall glorye that swereth in hym when foule mouthes shall be stopped Glory be to the father to the Sonne and to the holy Ghoste As it was at the begynnyng as it is now and euer shall be Amen ¶ Deus misereatur GOd woughte fauour and haue mercy vpon vs he mought lyghten vs with his presence That thy waye myghte be knowen euery where in the earthe and thy sauyng helth also vnto all nacyons The people mought magnyfye the O God ye all people mought magnyfye the. The Earthe also moughte gyue agayne hir encrease and god whiche is our god mought do vs good God mought blysse vs and all that inhabyte the Earthe euen vnto the vttermoste partes therof mought feare hym Glory be to the father to the Sonne and to the holy Ghoste As it was in the begynnyng as it is now and euer shall be Amen ¶ The songe of the thre chyldren PRayse ye the Lorde all his workes
loude syghes that my bones cleued to my skynne I am lyke an destrege of the wyldernes made lyke an owle in an olde forlaten house I lye wakynge am left alone lyke the sparowe in the thacke Myne enemyes reuyled me all daye they that chide me vsed my name opprobriously I eate erthe in stede of brede lycken my teares in stede of drynke And all is for thy indignation and thy wrathe for when I was a lofte thou thruest me downe My dayes are vanysshed awaye lyke a shadowe I my selfe am whytherd lyke hay But thou Lorde syttest styll for euer thy memoriall endureth from age to age Thou shalt ryse and haue pyty on Syon for it is tyme for the to fauour it thy daye apoynted is now come For the stones of it please thy seruantes verely and they fauour her soyle Euen the hethen also shal worshyp the name of the lorde and all the kynges of therthe shall knowlege thy gloryous beauty The lorde verely shal buylde spō he shall be sene in his beautiful glory And he shall haue respect vnto the prayer of the poore forsaken his praier shall he not despyse This thyng shall be wryten for the worlde to come and for this cause the people whiche are yet vnmade shall praise the lorde For he shall loke forthe of his hyghe holye place the lorde shall beholde therthe euen from heuen To heare the syghes of them that are in bondes and to lose the chyldren iudged to death That they myghte preache the name of the lorde in Syon and his prayse in Ierusalem When the people and the kyngdomes shall be gathered together to worshyp the lorde He abated my courage in my iourney and hathe cut of my dayes I saye my god take me not away in the miooꝭ of my dayes for thy yeres endure throughout all ages In the begynnyng thou layedste the foundacyon of therthe and the heuens are thy handy worke They shal perysshe when thou shalt staude faste and all thyngꝭ shal wax olde lyke a garment thou shalt dresse them agayne lyke a garment they shall be chaūged But thou art euen thy very selfe and thy yeares shall neuer be ended The chyldren of thy seruantes shal dwell styll and theyr posterite shall lyue prosperously and blessedly in thy presence FRo my moste depest paynfull troubles called I vpon the lorde Lorde heare thou me and let thy cares be attente vnto my deape desyre If thou sholdest loke narowly vpon our wyckednesses o lorde lorde who might abyde the But there is mercy with the and therfore art thou worshypped I abyde the lorde my soule abydeth hym I tary lokyng vp alway for thy ꝓmyses My soule wayteth for the lorde as desyrously as do the watche men desyre the daye sprynge Let Israell wayte for the lorde for with the lorde is there mercy and plentuous redemption It is he that shall redeme Israell from all theyr wyckednesses Domine exau the .ij. psal C.xliij O Lorde heare my prayer lysten vnto my feruēt besechyng for thy trouthes sake graunt me for thy ryghtwysenes Haue thou not to do with thy seruant in iudgement for in thy presence no man lyuynge is reputed ryghtwyse A cruell enemy verely persecuted my soule he hath caste downe my lyfe in to therthe he hath set me in darknes lyke as men iudged to dethe My spirite is sore troubled within me and my herte wexeth colde in my brest But at last I remembred the dayes paste I consydered all thy workes and pondred in mynde the dedes of thy handes I stretched forth my handes vnto the my soule desyrously panted and breathed for the I gaped for the lyke thyrsty earthe Haste the to graunt me o lorde for my spirite faynteth hyde not thy face fro me on lesse I be lyke mē goyng downe in to theyr grakes Make me shortly to heare of thy mercyable goodnes for in the do I truste shewe me the way wherin I maye go for vnto the haue I lyfted vp my soule Delyuer me fro myne enemyes o lorde my god for vnder the do I hyde my selfe Teache me to do thy pleasures for thou art my god thy good spirite moughte lede me in to the ryght way For thy names sake lorde restore me for thy ryghtwysnes leade my soule out of this strayte anguyshe Ye and for thy mercyes sake all to destroye my enemyes and shake away all that trouble my soule for I am thy seruāt Glorye be to the Father to the sonne and to the holye Ghoste As it was in the beginnyng as it is now and euer shall be AMEN ¶ The commendacyons The argumente in to the C.xix psalme ¶ This psalme declareth in howe greate pryce and reuerence the sayntes or holye men haue the lawes of god how ernestly they are occupyed in them howe they sorowe to se them broken and sayde agaynst of the vngodly how they pray to be taught them of god and to be acqueynted and accustomed with them and to be short how they desyre those mē to be destroyed what so euer they be whiche breake and saye agaynste them ¶ Beati immaculati BLessed are they which lyue pure innocently euē them I meane which lyue after the lawe of the lorde Blessed are they whiche obserue his testimonies and serche theym with all theyr herte For they shal do no wyckednes that thus trede his wayes Thou hast cōmaunded that thy cōmaūdemētes sholde be kepte with earnest diligēce wolde god that my lyfe were so instructe that I might obserue thy ordinaunces Then sholde I not be disapoynted when I shall haue all thy cōmaūdemētes before myne eyes I shall magnifie the with a pure herte when I shall learne thy ryghtwise iudgemētes I shal obserue thy ordinaūces forsake me not at ony time How shold the yong mā amēde his liuyng he shal wel amende it in obseruyng thy pleasures with all my herte haue I sought the suffre me not to swarue frō thy cōmaundemētes In my herte haue I hyd thy wordes to th entēt I wolde not offend ye. Lord thou art praise worthy teache me thy ordinaūcꝭ with my lyppes shal I shewe forth all the pleasures of thy mouthe I shall reioyse of the way whiche thy testimonies teache as vpon al maner of rychesse Upon thy cōmaundemētes shal I set al my mynde shall set thy pathes before my eyes In thy ordinaūces shal I delight I shal not forget thy wordes Rewarde thy seruāt that I maye lyue obserue thy pleasures Uncouer my eyes that I maye perfitly se the meruelous thynges in thy lawe I am but a stranger in the earthe yet hyde not thy cōmaundemētes fro me My soule is broken with desyre to know at all tymes thy pleasures Thou shalt sharply rebuke the vngodly cursed are they the erre from thy cōmaūdemētes Take away fro me obprobry ignominy for I shal obsue thy testimonies Euen the chyef rulers sit speake against me but yet thy seruant is occupied euer in thy ordinaūces Also
contynually walkynge and goynge forthe in our iourney and encreasynge in vertue euen vnto our lyues ende as we sholde do And then lorde father that thou wolt wouchsaue for thy mercy and truthe sake to take vs out of this wretched worlde and gyue vs possessyon of that kyngdome that thou hast prepared for vs from the begynnynge of the worlde there to be sure and oute of doubte neuer to offende thy goodnes agayne but to reioyse in the laude prayse thy mercye together with all thyne holye aungelles and saintes in and by our swete sauiour Iesu Christe worlde without ende as thou haste ordayned vs to do wherfore lawde honour and glory power imperye and iubilacion be vnto the our aboue all blessed almyghty god Father and Sonne and holy ghoste thre parsons and one god in and by our swete sauyour Iesu Christe for euer and euer AMEN Here foloweth an effectuous prayer very nedefull in these laste and perylous dayes to be sayd with teares depe syghes from the botome of our herte the prayer of the prophet Esaye in the .lxiij. and .lxiiij. chapitours of his prophecyes for the restorynge of Chrystes poore chyrche scatered abrode with persecution forsaken and brente LOrde lo●e out from heu●●● behode from thy holy habitacion from the seate of thy glo●● where is thy strenghte where is thy so●te ple●tuouse pyty and the riche multitude of thy mercyes are al these hardened aganst me verely thou art our father Abrah●● now knoweth not vs neyther Israel knoweth vs but thou lorde thou art our father thou art our redemer thy name is from the begynnyng wherfor hast thou made vs o lorde to 〈◊〉 frō thy wayes hast thou hardened our hertꝭ least leaste we shulde feare the Turne that for thy promesse sake made to thy seruantes for the tribes of thy herytage for few of thy people enioyed the possession of theyr lande and that but a litell while our enemies vane spoiled thy holy place and troden it vnder theyr feate And we were regarded so vile as thought thou haddest neuer bē lorde ouer vs and as toughe thy gloriose name had neuer ben called vpon and shewd ouer vs I wolde thou woldest also breke heuēs and come downe on● that y● hylles myght melte awaye at the presens as in the brennynge of a consumynge fyer where euen waterboyleth out fyer that thy name might be knowē to thyne enemies these vngodly myght be shamed troubled at thy presens when thou wroughteste meruelous thyngꝭ for vs than we loked not for them Thou camest downe the hylles wasted away with trēblyng before thy face And frō the begynnyng herde they not nor ꝑceyued with their eares nether with any eye was ther sene any god besidꝭ the to haue wrought suche meruailes that to men which wayted not for ye. Sōtyme thou mettest with me●● whiche gladly dyd rightwisnes thought vpon that in thy wayes but now lo thou art angry bycause we are synners euer haue ben in synne although we were delyuered frō perils And al we are wrapped in fylthy vnclēnes ye all our rightwisnes is spo●ted lyke the clothes of a menstruous womā And all we are fallen away lyke leues And our iniqities haue caried vs away like a whirle wynde And there is none left that wyl cal or helpe in thy name no not one the wyll ryse vp holde the with prayer for thou hast hyd thy face frō vs. hast dried vs vp in the hande of our iniqite But now lorde thou art our father we are but clay thou art our potter all we are the workes of thy handes Be not angry lorde euer so sore remēbre not alwayes our wyckednes Lo beholde we beseche the all we are thy people the ●●tees of thy holy place are forsakē Syon is turned in to a deser●e Ierusalē is desolate the house of our holynes prayer of our glory in the which our fathers praysed ●he is turned in to an heape of fyre And al thinges wherin we delyte are turned in to wildernes Wylt thou not lorde be auenged of these thinges wylt thou holde thy peace scourge vs thus euer so greuously ¶ The songe of Anna Hescanas wyfe .j. regum .ij. wherin she prayseth god for that he gaue her a sone called Samuel after that she had ben longe bareyn MY hert is pleasauntly set at rest in the lord my strength to cōceyue is stered vp thorow my god Now may I speke frely to my ennemyes for I am made glad in my sauyour Ther is none so holy as is the lorde neyther is there any so myghty as is our God for thou arte he alone Boste not your selfe with many wordes soundyng so to your prayse speke no stoute no vayne wordes For the lord is god that knoweth all preparynge for hym selfe what he lusteth Stronge mens bowes he hath broken the weake are wel strengthened Men wel replenysshed are now famysshed y● hungry are wel satisfyed Whyles the bareyn is made full of chyldren the temyng woman can beare no frute It is the lorde y● sleeth reuyueth he bringeth men in to their graues reyseth them agayne The lorde empouereth and he maketh ryche he maketh men lowe lyfteth vp agayn He tereth vp the ●edy frō the dust ꝓmoteth the poore frō the dung To set hym vp with prynces holdyng his glorious seate regall gyuyng his pencioners theyr desyres For the threisholdes of the erth are that lordes he turneth the worlde vpō them His sayntes fete he wyl kepe the vngodly shal kepe sylēce in darknes for no man shall be stronge thrugh his owne myght His owne aduersaryes shall feare the lorde for he wyl thondre vpon them from heuen The ryghtwyse lorde shall be iudge thorghout all the erth he wyll gyue the empery to his kyngꝭ and wyll lyfte vp the power of his anoynted ¶ The prayer of the prophete Daniel for the re●●oryng of Christes chyrche vnder the fygure of Ierusalem the chyldren of Israel beynge in captiuite at the Babylonytes Daniel ●x HAue the lorde god whiche art greate and reuerently ●o be feared keapyng couenaunt and ●ercy with them that loue the and kepe thy cōmaundemētes We are sinners ye we haue cōmitted vngodlines and are rebell agaynst the declynyng from thy cōmaundemētes and pleasures for we haue not herde thy seruantes the prophetes which spoke in thy name to our kingꝭ to our princes to our fathers and to al the people of the lande Ryghtwysnes lorde is with the but confusion couer●h our faces as this day well declarethe Conuersion is fallen vpō the man of Iuda vpon thinhabyters of Ierusalem and vpon all Israell bothe farre and nyghe in all the landes in to the whiche thou calledste them for their offences cōmytted agaynste the lorde we dare not loke vpon the for shame neyther our kyngꝭ nor our prynces nor yet our fathers because they haue so ●ynned agaynst the. But with the lorde our god
myserye is before the what shalt thou do mercye truely thy worke canst thou do otherwyse then thy nature is And what is thy worke verely to take awaye mysery and to lyfte vp them y● are in wretched condicyon therfore haue mercy on me oh god God I saie whiche art mercye take awaye my misery take awaye my synnes for they are myne extreme miserye Lyfte vp me which am so miserable shew thy worke in me and exersyse thy power vpon me One depth requireth a nother the depthe of myserye requireth the depthe of mercye The depthe of synne axeth the depthe of grace fauoure Greater is the depthe of mercy then the depth of mserye Let therfore the one depth swalow vp the other Let the botomlesse depthe of mercye swalow vp the profounde depth of myserye ¶ Haue mercy on me oh god according to thy greate mercye Not after the mercye of men whiche is but small but after thyne owne mercy whiche is greate which is vnmesurable which is incōprehēsible which passeth all synnes without comparison Accordynge to that thy greate mercy with the whiche thou hast so loued the world that thou woldest geue thyne only sonne What mercye can be greater What loue can be more Who can despayre Who shulde not haue good confidence God was made mā and crucyfied for men Therfore haue mercye on me oh God accordynge to this thy greate mercye by the whiche thou hast geuen thy sonne for vs by whiche throughe hym thou haste taken awaye the synne of the worlde by whiche through his crosse thou haste lyghtened all men by whiche through hym thou hast redressed all thynges in heuen and erth Wash me oh lorde in his bloude lyghten me in his humilite redresse me in his resurreccion Haue mercye on me oh god not after thy smal mercy for that is but thy small mercy in comparison when thou helpest men of theyr bodely euylles but it is greate when thou forgeuest synnes and dost eleuate men by thy fauoure aboue the toppe of the erth Euen so Lorde haue mercye on me accordinge to this thy greate mercye that thou turne me vnto the. that thou put out my synnes that thou iustefie me by thy grace fauoure And accordinge to the multitude of thy compassions wype awaye myne iniquite ¶ Thy mercy lorde is the habundaunce of thy pytye by the whiche thou lokest gentely on the poore and wretched Thy compassions are the workes and processes of thy mercy Marie Magdalene came vnto thy fete good Iesu she wasshed thē with her teares wyped thē with her here thou for gauest her and sentest her awaye in peace this was Lorde one of thy compassions Petre denyed the and forsoke the with an othe thou lokedste vpō hym and he wepte bitterly thou forgaueste hym and madeste hym one of the chyef amonge thyne Apostles this was lorde a nother of thy copassions The these on the crosse was saued with one worde Paule in y● furious wodnes of his persecution was called and by by fulfylled with the holy ghoste these ar● lorde thy compassions The tyme shulde fayle me yf I sholde numbre all thy merciable copassions for loke how many ryghtwyse men there be so many ar thy godly compassions There is none that can glorye in hym selfe Let them all come that ar ryghtwyse other in erth or in heauen and let vs axe them before the whether they be saued by theyr owne power and vertue And surely all they wyll aunswere with one herte and one mouthe sayenge Not vnto vs Lorde not vnto vs but vnto thy name geue all the prayse for thy mercye and for thy truthes sake For they in theyr owne swerde possessed not the lande theyr owne arme or power saued the nor but thy right hande thyne arme the lyghtēing of thy coūtenaūce for thou delytedste in thē that is they are not saued for theyr owne deseruynges lest ony man shold boste him selfe but because it pleased the so to be whiche thynge the prophet doth also more expreslye witnesse of the when he sayth he saued me because he wolde haue me Sith therfore that thou art the same god with whō is no alteration or variablenesse neyther art thou chaūged vnto darknesse and we thy creatures as well as our fathers whiche were borne vnder cōcupiscence synners as well as we and syth there is but one mediator atonemente betwene god and man that is Christ Iesus which endureth for euer why doste thou not poure on thy plentuous compassyons vpon vs as well as thou didest vpon our fathers hast thou forgoten vs or are we only synners dyd not Christe dye for vs Are all thy mercies spen● and none lefte ¶ Lorde our god I desyre and hertely beseche the to put out myne iniquite accordyng vnto the multitude of thy compassions For many ye and infinite ar thy compassions that accordynge I saye to the multytude of thy cōpassions thou vouchsafe to quench my synne that as thou hast drawen and receyued īnumerable synners and haste made them ryghtuous euen so that thou wylte drawe and take me and make me ryghtwyse throughe thy grace and fauour therfore accordyng to the multitude of thy copassions wype away myne iniquite Clense and purifie myne herte that after all myne iniquitie is put out all my vnclennesse clensed it maye be as a clene table in the whiche the fynger of god may wryte the lawe of his loue and charite with the whiche can none iniquite continue Yet washe me more from myne iniquite and clense me from my synne ¶ I graunte and knowlege oh lorde thou hast ones put out myne iniquite thou hast put it out agayne and haste washed me a thousande tymes how be it yet washe me frō myne iniquite for I am fallen agayne Doste thou vse to spare a synfull man vntyll a certeyne numbre of his synne whiche when Peter enquyred how often shal my brother offende agaynst me and I shal forgeue hym whether seuen tymes thou answeredste I saye not seuen tymes but seuentye tymes seuen tymes takynge that certeyne nūbre for an infinite nūbre Sith then that a man must forgeue so oftē shalt thou in pardonyng forgeuenes be passed of a man is not God more then man is be not better then man ye rather God is the great lorde euery man lyuyng is nothinge but all vanite And only god is good and euery man a lyar hast thou not sayed In what houre so euer the synner doth repent I wyll not remēbre any of his iniquities Beholde I a synner do repēte morne for myne olde preuy sores festred within now ar they broken forth for myne owne folyshnesse I am depressed and sore broken I walke in continuall morninge I am feble and very weake I roored for the sorowe of myne herte Lorde all my desyres are before the and my sorowfull syghes ar not vnknowne vnto the. Myne herte trēbleth and pan●eth for sorow my strēgth fayleth me and euen the very syghte of
the meanynge of the two forsayd cōmaundementes herunto apperteyneth what so euer is cōmaunded vnto vs of worshyppynge god of hearyng goddes worde of good workes by whiche we may subdue the fleshe to the spyryte soo that all our lyfe and all our workes be goddes and not our owne ¶ The fulfyllynge of the fourth is with full obedyence and mekenes to submytte hym selfe to all offycers because it pleaseth god as wryteth Thapostle Peter without cōtradyction without compleynt and without any grudgynge herunto applye what so euer thynges are wryten in scrypture of obedyence humylyte subiectyon and reuerence ¶ The fulfyllynge of the fyueth is sufferaunce mekenes goodnes peace mercy an herte that is full puryfyed with loue and swetenes clene without hate wrathe and bytternes not to his frendꝭ only but also to his enemyes yea indyfferently to all men hyther conferre all the instructions of pacyence gentelnes peace and vnyte ¶ The fulfyllynge of the syxte is chastyte sobrenes shamefastnes not of dedes only but of wordꝭ maners yea of thoughtꝭ Besydes that attēperaunce of meate drynke slepe and what so euer doth helpe ch●stite hyther applye all places of holy scriature cōsernyng chastite fastynge sobryete attēperaunce praier watchyng laboures and in conclusyon all thynges that maynteyne chastite ¶ The fulfyllyng of the seuenth is pouerty of spirite kyndenes liberalyte spēdyng of our owne goodes to proffet our neyghbours to lyue without couetousnes and desyre of ryches here gather all that is wrytē of couetousnes of goodes iniustly goten possessed of vsury sotelty euyll deceypte of iniury and hurte done of lettynge thy neyghbours proffet or despysyng hym ¶ The fulfyllynge of the eyght is a peasyble and hole tonge which hurteth nomā but profyteth all men whiche setteth enemyes at one whiche excuseth defendeth them that be noted vicyous persones and synners Such symplicite and proffet is in speakynge herunto apperteyne al thyngꝭ which ar spoken of sylence and speakynge and what so euer toucheth the good name honour ryght causes and proffettes of thy neighbour ¶ The fulfyllyng of the last is the perfect and absolute purenes and despysyng in the harte of all temporall ryches pleasures which thyng shall be done perfectly in the lyfe to come In all these thynges seest thou non other thynge but to loue other that is loue god and thy neyghbour which loue seketh not dis owne profet but only those thynges whiche belonge to god and to his neyghbour which loue yeldeth and gyueth hym selfe pleynly to euery man grauntyng the ryght gladly in thyr necessyte the moderat vse of all his goodes and proffettes Now seyst thou that in all these tenne cōmaundementes in a good ordre and bryefly are cōteyned all kyndes of informations that are expedyent for mans lyfe which yf any man wyll do his diligence to kepe truely he shal neuer be ydle no not an houre but shall haue occasion to do good dedes so that truely he shall neuer haue nede to chose to hym other straung workes of mans inuētion neyther to be occupyed in suche thynges as in no place ar cōmaunded which be no thynge profyttable neyther to hym selfe nor to his neyghbour It is euident that in al these preceptes there is nothyng wryten which teacheth vs to serue our selues eyther to do leue or require of any man that whiche consernyth our owne proffet but only what we are bounde to do to other that is to say to god to our neyghbour So that euen blynde men may well perceyue that the fulfyllynge of the commaundementes stondeth in loue towardꝭ other not towardes our selfe For man of his owne nature seketh and auoydeth sufficiently that which is for or agaynste his proffet so that it nedeth not to moue hym to it but moch rather to brynge hym from it Therfore he lyueth beste whiche lyueth not to hym selfe And contrary he lyueth worste which lyueth to hym selfe This is theffect that the tenne cōmaundementes teache wherby it is manifest that there be but few that lyue well ye in that we are men none of vs lyueth well This knowē we must learne of whome to aske this excellent gyfte to lyue well so that we may fulfyll these cōmaundementes ¶ The Crede or Belefe THeffect of our Faythe stondeth in thre partes as in it are rehersed thre persones of the godly Trinite The fyrst is of the father The seconde of the Sonne The thyrde of the holy ghoste and to euery one of these persones is applyed his operation This is the chyef Article of the fayth on y● whiche all the other depende ¶ Here note two maner of beleues fyrst some there be whiche beleue that those thynges be true whiche are spoken of god euen as a man doth beleue those thynges to be true whiche he hereth of the Turke of the deuyll and of hell This faythe is rather a scyence or a vayne opynyon then a sure truste or belefe There is an other fayth towardes god that thou do not only beleue these thynges to be true whiche thou hearest of god but also trust to hym and betake and cōmyt thy selfe hooly vnto hym besydes that to haue a sure hope and confydence in hym with the maner of a certayn good presumptyon vpon hym that without doubte thou surely shalt opteyne and receyue of hym that which thou hardest spoken of hym and that with suche fayth and cōfydence as thou woldest gyue to no erthly mā Beyt in case that the Turke or any other mā be greatly praysed vnto the and that thou beleue faythfully that some man is dyscrete and worthy prayse yet for all that thou wyll not cōmytte thy selfe vnto hym puttynge all thy trust and confydence in hym But this faythe which boldely betaketh hym selfe to god both in ieopardy of lyfe and death knowlegynge that he is suche as he is spoken of maketh only a Christen obteyneth of god what so euer she desyreth neyther is there any false harte that receyueth this faythe for this is the quyck fayth whiche is requyred in the fyrst cōmaundement whiche sayeth thus I am thy god take no straūge goddes wherfore this In is not put in vayne but it is to be obserued with a notable sygnyfycatyon For we do not say I beleue to god the father or of god the father But I bleue in god the father in Iesu Christe and in the holy ghost wherfore this fayth ought to be had in none but in one god so that by this we cōfesse also the godhed of Chryste and of the holy ghost because we beleue none other wyse in the sonne the holy ghoste then we do in the father hym selfe For euen as we haue one fayth in all thre persones so all thre persones are only one god ¶ The fyrste parte of the Belefe I Beleue in God the father almyghty maker of Heuen and Erthe That is I forsake satan al Idolatry al charmes wytchecraftes and false hope I put my trust in noman of all the worlde